whumporama · 2 days
Two characters who were in an awful situation together, and worked together to get out. But Character A realized at one point that the only way out would be to go alone, and betray B.
They do, even if they feel awful about it. But they had no choice. They didn't.
Years later, they still think about it. They think B is dead, they have to be. There was no way out of that. But they still remember. Remember B being the only comfort in that place, remember the moments shared, taking care of each other's wounds. They remember the shock in B's eyes as A betrayed them, the quick realization after, and the panic.
God, that panic.
But they're gone now, A did what they had to do.
Until one day, a Villain shows up. They're dark, broken, awful. Have no sympathy and seem cruel. When A sees their face for the first time, they realize who it is. They scarred and changed, but there is no mistaken it.
This is B.
A doesn't have much time to wonder how B survived, what they've been through, and how they made it out, because B is here, and they're coming for A.
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whump-galaxy · 3 days
A brainwashed friend trying to get help for an ex-teammate, but their programming still won’t let anyone get near the wounded teammate.
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mayapapaya33 · 13 hours
In light of Asmodeus' sudden but inevitable betrayal at the end of Downfall, does that do anything to reframe the supposed betrayal of the other betrayer gods in episode one? The ones who never showed up to the mission in the first place. There were 2 other betrayer gods who were supposed to join this mission, why did they back out at the last minute? Is it just because betrayal is in their nature, like Asmodeus said, and to get them all in one place is like herding cats, haha. Or is there a deeper reason?
This mission is super fucking important, their lives are on the line, you'd think they could pull it together for 5 minutes (30 years) if the price is nonexistence. Granted, I do know people who can't pull it together even when their lives are actually on the line in real life, so that is very realistic, but still. What if the two that didn't show up refused to go along with Asmodeus' plan? Could he have killed their mortal avatars or sealed them in necklaces like the Knowing Mistress? Is that insane? Sure, they're monsters, but they are still family. I don't see the betrayer gods all agreeing to kill the prime deities just like that.
Speaking of which, do we think he was fully intending to go through with it? Or do we think it was part of a larger plot to get them to do what he wants by holding a gun to their heads so they can all be "one happy family" again once they fall in line. Maybe just kill one to prove he's serious, idk. This fucked up family drama has my brain turned into a pretzel.
(The word betray/betrayer/betrayal has ceased to hold any meaning after typing this all out lol).
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sher-ee · 2 months
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kevanship · 4 months
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a-b-riddle · 9 days
cw: mentions of torture. Hurt/comfort. Wound aftercare. A lil bit of Kate Laswell OOC behavior. I don’t hate her I promise. It’s just for the plot of how out of character these men are acting.
I love the “reader is believed to be a traitor, but isn’t trope”. But what if there was a bit of a twist?
Price doesn’t wait for Laswell. When he hears that one of his own has been taken in for treason, he makes a fucking bee line to your cell with the rest of the 141 in tow.
They had been out on a mission when the news dropped about their favorite comms girl had betrayed them.
The couldn’t believe it.
They didn’t.
Which was why Price had laid his hands on a woman for the first time. Grabbing Kate by her shirt, demanding to know where the fuck the Shadows had kept you. The most heinous thing you did on the job is read those spicy little porn books that the boys loved teasing you about. But giving off classified information you didn’t even have access to? Price didn’t hold back as he called Kate every name in the book for her stupidity in trusting fucking Shepherd of all leads. Price telling himself this would he would never trust Kate again in allowing this to happen.
Which was why Kyle cool, calm and collected had acted brash and held a gun to the MP who was taking too long to hand over the keys to unlock your cuffs that kept you dangling from the ceiling. When John was still riding the adrenaline high from dealing with Kate, Kyle had taken the initiative to handle the situation. He knew you wouldn’t be the one to get the justice you deserve. Kyle was determined to everything in his power to do just that.
Which was why Simon had carried your broken body out of the room and into his own barracks. Laying you gently on the bed. Slipping out on going to the med bay, not trusting anyone else on this damn base to take care of what belongs to them. Offering you words of comfort as you cried in his arms. “Shhhh. It’s okay. We’ve got you. Not letting them take you from me again, Lovie. You’re okay. You’re okay.”
Which is why Johnny had gently cleaned your wounds. Resting on his knees as he took care of the deep cuts on your feet and the slash on the back of your ankle. A punishment for trying to run away. A sliced ACL to ensure you wouldn’t try it again. Johnny had kept his anger at bay while taking care of you. Eventually getting your physical wounds managed before working on the rest. Johnny who crawls into the bed with you. Holding you close and letting you cry into his chest as he he rubs your back.
They couldn’t believe their comms operator would be capable of betraying them. Even if you did, they would get their pound of flesh a different way.
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
Betrayal Liners
"After everything, how could you turn your back on me like this?"
"You've made a fool of me for the last time."
"It turns out the villain in my story was my closest friend."
"You wore your lies like a second skin; I just never saw it until now."
"This betrayal cuts deeper than any knife ever could."
"You were the one person I never thought I'd have to guard my heart from."
"I guess every smile you gave me was just a prelude to this stab in the back."
"How long have you been pretending? How long have I been blind?"
"You didn't just break my trust; you shattered my whole world."
"The mask has finally fallen, and I see you for what you truly are."
"I thought we were in this together, but you were just using me."
"You threw away everything we had for a fleeting moment of gain."
"I'll never understand how you could betray me when I only ever had your back."
"Your betrayal is a poison I drank willingly, blinded by love."
"I was just another step on your path to power, wasn't I?"
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scipunk · 6 months
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wanderlust-writer13 · 8 months
Luke’s betrayal in the pjo show with the fireworks as lighting was bone chilling and so so sick I loved it
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deityofhearts · 2 months
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was no one going to tell me that ladybugs can be PINK????
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sequs-art-box · 1 month
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Sadness needs a hug too 💙❤️
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irradiatedwarlock · 3 months
The Kiss of Judas by Jakob Smits, 1906
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That manipulative gremlin!
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whump-galaxy · 3 days
do you have any ideas for a whumpee and whumper who love each other, even with all of the hurt? (not to make it sound like it’s a good thing either)
Sure! I’m not sure if you’re specifically looking for romantic or platonic, so each can be used either way.
-There’s the obvious with mind control, an unwilling whumper hurting their best friend.
-in a similar vein, there’s monster transformations, like a werewolf-side that makes them “lose themselves” and attack out of fear or hunger.
-Then there’s traitor/assassin/etc. falling in love with their quarry.
-then there’s Stockholm syndrome
That’s just a few scenarios, but for actual prompts:
-The two getting into life or death battles regularly, somewhat for the hell of it, and somewhat to see if the other will actually finish them off this time.
-Matching scars.
-Underhanded comments at each other that only the two would understand.
-Trying to keep each other safe even when they want to tear each other apart.
-Only having each other for a long time, so they become so dependent on each other, yet disdainful of everything the other does.
-Not wanting to let the other “win”. Always having to fight over the last word.
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automeris-io-moth · 2 months
Short #5
"Shush, you're okay," Villain soothed, a warm hand running through Hero's hair, mask long ago discarded on the floor, filthy with blood and dirt. 
Hero disagreed, grunting as a half-thought response, still navigating on the frontier of consciousness. Trying, and failing, to slap the other’s hand away. 
“They did quite a number on you, no one would believe they’re supposed to be your friends.” Villain whispered the last part, a hand reaching for Hero’s belt, taking their weapons out, and throwing them to the side. Hero’s hand could only twitch “One can only wonder what would have happened to you if I hadn’t asked for you unharmed.” 
Carefully, Villain brushed a single tear going down Hero’s cheek. They hadn’t noticed they shed it. 
“There’s no need to cry, with me you’re safe.” 
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calaveracarnival · 2 months
i want to kill every person you've ever chosen over me and then kill myself in front of you
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pitchcanker · 11 months
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