#Blocks Pain Pathways
letorip · 14 days
kiss with a fist [iii]
"your slaps don't stick, your kicks don't hit, so we remain the same"
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: you can't help but feel like maybe you and tara are more than frenemies, and it culminates in a night where you finally share some truths with each other.
warnings: a somewhat traumatic dream sequence lmao, mentions of sex, kissing (almost), curse words, blood
word count: 5.8k
A/N: hope y'all like this one because i definitely liked writing it. definitely a whole lot more kissing than fisting.... wait a minute....
it's 5 am, my ass is grass. anyways, part 4 relatively soon because woo wee theres still so much to explore in this story i legitimately cant believe my idiot self said it'd be done in 2 parts originally
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"(Y/n)," a voice calls to you, sing-song and sweet as your eyes fade to darkness. It's a gentle woman's whisper, but it manages to hit you like a truck, pulling you down from wherever you came from, and plopping you wherever you've arrived. Or, rather, wherever you've always been. "(Y/n), look, darlin'."
A gust of wind gently strokes over the plane of your cheek, and when you open your eyes, all you can see is rye. On one end, it reaches out towards a sharp cliff, overlooking a lake, with nothing but rocks and the water below. On the other, it runs far up the plains of land in front of you, stopping in front of the white house you know all too well, with its rickety porch and broken tire swing.
You take a few steps forward, as if ready to run right inside, and then before you know it, you're running. Like the world is about to end, like the house is burning down, like you'll never see the place ever again. Foot after foot, you dash towards it, hearing Alisha's piano flit through the front window for the first time in years, and the smell of a pie right along with it. "(Y/n)!" the voice calls again. "Dinner time, kid!"—
But your foot catches on a root, just like it did in your memory, and in an instant, you've fallen down into the rye, with a painful thud, right on your face. You let out a grunt, feeling the dirt on your new, white shirt. The one your mother never let you wear when you were playing outside.
And when you right yourself again, sitting up out of the field, the house isn't any closer than it was before. It sits, perfectly far away, only all that stuff is gone now, and the house looks about as dark as it did the day of Mitchie's funeral.
"(Y/n)!" an excited voice calls from behind you. "Wanna play tag?"
"(Y/n)'s too old for that, Mitchie," another voice chides, and you whip around like Calvin would actually be there to chide him like that. Like he used to. But he isn't. All you can see is the rye. It stands in thick stalks, reaching up to your knees in lush groupings, tall and abundant, strong and growing.
Another voice. "Read me a story?" It's soft and it's a little girl's and it's far away, and you get to your feet and spin in a circle, waiting for her to appear. It seemed to reverberate through your ears, washing through the pathways of your brain before seeping into your heart. It fills it up, and before you know it, you can feel yourself hastily searching for her.
"'Randa?" you called into the open field. "Miranda? You there?" but she continues on like she didn't hear you.
"Would you read me a story? Please?"
"I will Miranda, but where are you?" you called back, raising a hand to shield your eyes from the barrel of the hot sun.
"I'm gone, (Y/n). You're supposed to be gone too," she says back, with a sweet giggle. "Why aren't you gone with us?"
"I—" you stammer, whipping your head around the field in search of your siblings. "I don't—"
"Do you really think that's fair, (Y/n)?" Calvin asks.
"Why aren't you here, (Y/n)?" Miranda asks again, this time her voice wavering like she was about to cry. "Why aren't you in the rye with us?" Your hands came up to your head, trying to squeeze your eyes shut and block out the noises, but they seemed to reverberate into your skull.
"Mitchie was your fault, you know," Peter chides. "We would've never let that—"
"—Why did you get to stay, (Y/n)?" Came Tomas' voice. "We're supposed to be cursed, and you're supposed to be cursed too." He was always the quiet one, but now his voice had a sharp edge to it. One of jealousy. One of anger.
"Why didn't you catch me?" Mitchie asked. "If you just would've caught me..."
"Come play piano with me, I'll teach you," said Alisha, in her light, airy laugh.
"Why did it get to be you?" snarled Calvin. "And why are you getting closer to Tara? You want to curse her, too?"
"Stop—" you stammered, squeezing your eyes shut tighter.
"Wanna play hopscotch?" said Mitchie.
"Do you miss us, (Y/n)?" Alisha said, in between tears.
"Yes, of course— I—" you tried, but now the voices were filling up your head, threatening to spill over and knocking you to the ground. You curled up into a ball as your brain filled up. Words piling up on top of words, piling up on top of words, about to split you open. "STOP!" you yelled.
And everything went silent. When you opened your eyes, you found yourself still in the field, but your siblings' voices had gone entirely. Now it was just you, in the field, alone with the rustling of the wind and the rye, as it grazed gently against your legs. You hadn't remembered standing up, but you were now.
In a flash, you could see a shape, running through the rye in a line that was very visible from where you were. You recognised the dark hair, and the yellow jacket he always wore. With the realisation came the looming dread, and you realised with very little time left what this exactly was a memory of.
You took off running, faster than you had to the house, faster than you had ever run, and faster than you had run then, chasing after him as he took off towards the cliff-end of your rye field. "Mitchie!" you yelled, trying to be louder than the buzzing cicadas, but it seemed the moment you yelled, the cicadas got even louder. He was too short to see over the stalks, but you could see him go, running in odd shapes as he got nearer and nearer to the cliffs edge.
"Catch me if you can, (Y/n)!" he called back with a gleeful laugh.
"(Y/n), grab your brother," called your mother. She didn't seem too worried, and she hadn't been, then. No one had been, until it was too late.
"Mitchie! Stop!" you cried out, feeling tears already beginning to fall down your cheeks. "Mitchie!" you tried again.
"Come on, you've gotta be faster than that if you're gonna be it!” Mitchie called back. "Catch me! Get me! C'mon! I'm gonna make it hard for you to win, Duck."
"MITCHIE! PLEASE!" you screamed, but all he did was giggle. “STOP! DON’T GO!” But the moment you reached the end of the rye, he was gone over the edge, just he had been when you were 13, and there was an arm shaking you awake.
"Oh my god, you're about the least peaceful sleeper I've literally ever seen," Tara laughed, grinning at you from over her textbook. She had it pulled into her lap from her side of the table and titled against the table edge, and spread out in front of you were her papers galore, with notes scribbled all over them in preparation for her upcoming exam.
Mindy sat next to her, playing a stupid game on her phone, while Ethan was also studying in his own textbook. He had stopped trying to avoid you as much, as had Chad. You and Tara "dating" seemed to offend them less and less the longer it went on.
"Uh," you mumbled, still feeling a little bit disoriented from the dream. It was like a dose of adrenaline had been shot directly into your heart, and you struggled to adjust to the calm, peaceful library that actually was around you. "Shut up," you grumbled, but not like you were actually upset by her teasing.
Tara watched you with her eyebrows raised. "You look tired."
You sat up in your chair, running a hand through your hair. There was a small layer of sweat on your forehead. "Aren't you never supposed to say that to someone? Pretty sure that's how you get someone at the bar to throw their drink in your face."
"It is," Ethan nodded. "I made that mistake once. I was trying to be sweet."
"Good thing I'm not seducing you, then," Tara shrugged. "You've seen me puke everywhere. Pretty sure that ruined my chances right-out, and yet you love me anyways."
You grinned, leaning back to stretch out your arms. It was meant to be a gentle teasing from Tara, but you had only gotten better and better at deflecting the longer you were around her. "You'd be surprised, actually. That was super pretty. That was the prettiest you've ever been." Mindy snorted next to Tara.
Tara glared at you, unappreciatively. "And you're pretty when you do not speak."
"I'm pretty all the time, Tara," you mockingly shook your head. "And you think I'm joking. Find yourself a girl who looks nice covered in sweat, with her hair going everywhere, and puking in the toilet. That's my girlfriend."
"You're such a dick," Tara scoffed, but you could tell part of her was stifling a laugh. It was funny to her too, and you both had laughed at it together for days, afterwards.
If anything, it had gotten easier and easier, to act like the both of you were actually dating. You weren't too sure why, maybe Tara had become less annoying, or you had become less annoyed by her, but you had definitely at least become a better actor. That's what it was, after all. "Oh, also," she continued.
"Someone tried to call your phone, while you were sleeping. I think it was your dad."
You frowned. "You didn't pick up, right?"
"No," Tara said, shaking her head. Then she paused. She dropped her voice to speak just to you, guarding the conversation from Mindy and Ethan. "Do you and him not get along?"
You shrugged. "Eh. He was probably just checking in. We have a fine relationship." It wasn't true but it was an easy lie, that rolled off the tongue like nothing. He had already called twice, that day, and you knew why.
"Seriously, though," she said with a frown, looking up from her book. "You look fucking horrifying—"
"—Thanks," you said, flatly.
"—I mean, even more than normal, it's crazy—"
"—Thanks," you repeated.
"—Have you not been sleeping, or something?"
You shrugged. "I mean, I'm an architecture major, and it's midterms... so not really."
"What?" you asked, propping your head up on your arm. "What's the 'hm' for?"
She shrugged, trying to turn back to her textbook. "Hm, nothing."
You furrowed your eyebrows down at her. "Well, obviously the 'hm' was something, Tara." Mindy shot you a look again.
"Or it was just a hm."
“Would you two shush,” she said to you, rolling her eyes. “You bicker like an old married couple.” But you both ignored her.
"It's never just a 'hm.'"
"I say hm all the time. It's literally just a hm."
"No, it means you've got something to say but don't want to say it."
She frowned at the accusation but was obviously even more displeased that you were correct. "I was gonna suggest we go to the OBK party tonight, but maybe you should just go home and sleep. I was trying to be nice.”
You shrugged. "I won't be doing either, actually." Tonight was not the night for parties. You were somewhat grateful, that you had a legitimate excuse to busy your time, or else you would've spent even longer thinking about the dream. "I have to do homework. My final is due tomorrow."
Tara furrowed her eyebrows at you. "Wait, but I thought classes ended today."
You shook your head. "Nope. I've still got some stuff do."
"Oh," Tara frowned.
"Not all of us can have easy majors," you teased, trying to lighten the mood away from what was clearly concern.
"Hey! You chose the stupid thing," Tara shot back. "Not my fault I chose something fun." She stood up, gathering her things into a neat stack. The time was nearing for her midterm exam, and you stood up with her, grabbing her textbook to be helpful.
"Thanks," she said, then she wandered over and held out her hand. You grabbed it in yours, lacing your fingers together, just like you had practiced together.
The library was a tall building on the far side of campus from where you lived. It was a trek and a half to get there, which is partially why you had been a little annoyed, when Tara said she needed to go there. It ended up being the perfect place to fall asleep in, with the quiet signs and only a few murmurs now and again, and though it had been a less than peaceful dream, it was more than you had been getting for the past few days.
"I don't see why you can't just go without me," you shrugged, adjusting her book in your hands. "Just tell Sam I'll meet you there. Besides, Chad and Mindy are going to the same party, right?"
"Yeah, but I what if they realise you're not actually there and mention it to Sam, or something? And, I'd have to go there alone, since Chad and Mindy are going early."
"They are?"
"Yeah. Helping with set up. Mindy literally just mentioned that. Shows how much you listen to her.” She shook her head in a mocking disappointment in you.
“I was asleep, jerk.”
“I know,” she said, grinning.
You looked down to her, where she walked next to you, gently swinging your joint hands back and forth. "It's not a far walk to OBK. You could probably make it there in five minutes. It's well-lit, and—"
Tara frowned, shaking her head adamantly. "Not alone. Not without you, no way. Sam would want to see you at the door to pick me up. She'd probably hate the idea of it."
"Fair enough," you shrugged. "Find a movie at home tonight, then. Relax, or something. I'd kill to be done with this stupid project."
"What are you even making?" Tara groaned, breaking your hands to shove hers into her pockets. Actually, it was your jacket, and therefore technically your pockets too, but she had taken a liking to it, after your date. You had been less than pleased, when she asked to borrow it, considering how much the jacket meant to you, but she insisted it was assisting her to keep up the act. You figured you could part with it, at least for a little while.
"Architecture," you said with a thick layer of sarcasm. Tara rolled her eyes at you. She nudged you, and you couldn't help but laugh as her elbow pointed into your side.
"Oh, you think you're funny, huh?"
"I'm hilarious."
"You wish..." she scoffed, shaking her head.
It was a beautiful day in autumn, and the weather was soon to leave the sigh of brown leaves and rainy days and move into whispery winds and icy pavement. You didn't mind winter, but you didn't like the chills, even though it was undoubtedly what gave summer's warmth a certain sweetness. Still, nothing burned like the cold.
You walked her all the way to the door of the exam hall, stopping out front to hand her the textbook you had been carrying. You went to speak, but the moment you tried to open your mouth, your phone started ringing. You grabbed it from your pocket, sighing and declining the call, while Tara stared at you.
"Is that your dad, again?"
"No," you said. "Telemarketer."
"Right..." she said, frowning. "You're a terrible liar."
"Am I?" you challenged. You were, it was true.
"Why don't you want to talk to him?"
“I just don’t.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m asking why, (Y/n).”
"Why don't you leave it alone?" you shot, in frustration. You could see Tara's eyes narrow at your tone, and you felt a bit bad. There was the occasional reflex still, to bite each other's heads off. You weren't sure what it was about her, but something about Tara Carpenter always seemed to rile you up inside, and do the same for her with you.
"Sorry," you said, looking down at your shoes. "I just don't want to talk about it."
"That doesn't mean you have to be an asshole," Tara glared.
"Right... I'm... sorry."
Tara sighed. "I guess I'll see you next week?" She asked.
You nodded. "There'll be plenty of time after this, I just need to get this thing done."
"Okay," she nodded, failing to hide her excitement. Tara seemed to really love parties, the more and more she went to, and you were somewhat glad you could help her find something she enjoyed. It was nice to see, not that you'd ever say that to her. Doing that would absolutely result in her teasing you again, or something even more annoying.
"Good luck on your test," you said.
"Good luck on your project, babe," she said, drawing the name out.
“Now who’s hilarious,” you said with an eye roll. Tara winked at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
It seemed you were having no good luck on it whatsoever, actually. Laid out in front of you was all of your materials, in a messy pile of cut-out pieces and foam boards that were there, sure, but not likely to just jump together and put itself together on its own.
The clock had already ticked away to 12:33 in the morning, and your design was barely finalised to where you could get to work and finish quickly. All of the other students had left at a much more reasonable hour, and it left you standing at your table alone, quietly working to classical music in the empty modelling lab.
At this rate, you could be here for another two or three hours, and the project was due at eight. You were sluggish, slowly working through the plans you had set out days ago and working through the kinks.
Every few minutes, when you stopped for even a second, the dream seemed to rush back to the forefront of your brain. Your mother had been the one to call, that evening while you were eating a poor excuse of a dinner, and you had declined that call just like you had declined all the rest.
You were hunched over your work, probably unhealthily so, with your face buried in your iPad, hastily throwing out sketches of the various shapes. You were settling on a design that would have to do, heading for the woodcutter, when you heard a noise.
It resembled a door shutting, and you froze right where you were. "Greg?" you called out. There was no one else in the building except for you and Greg, at his usual security post, and you waited with bated breath for him to return your call.
But there was no response, and all you could hear was the sounds of classical music gently floating in the background. Usually, it set you at ease while you worked through whatever you were doing in the lab, but now all it did was raise your heart rate to match the increasing tempo. It was completely dark, except for the overhead light above you, which illuminated the table you were working at and a few of the stainless steel cabinets that held tools and supplies.
Then, off to the side, you heard a rolling. An odd, wooden rolling, slowly drifting towards you. On the ground was a pencil, gently pushed towards you, playfully rolling as if perfectly in front of your toes. You hopped to your feet. "Hello?" you called, squinting in the dim light, in case anyone else was there. "Is anyone there?" you called out again. "Greg?"
Now you could really feel the thumping of your heart. The modelling lab had always been creepy late at night, but this was a new level of unease. It was as if someone was watching you, playing with their food, and you swallowed down the lump in your throat. "Is someone there?" you said to the rest of the room.
"Hey!" said a voice, and you jumped what felt like five feet into the air.
"Fuck!" you shouted, spinning around and seeing Tara behind you. She jumped at your reaction, raising her hands up. In one of them was a tray with two coffees on it. “You scared me!”
"Woah, woah, are you okay?" she asked, face etched with concern. She walked towards you slowly, and you put your hands on the edge of the table, trying to calm yourself.
"Don't just sneak up on me like that, dude," you glared at her.
"I literally didn't, I fucking announced myself, loud as can be," Tara said, rolling her eyes at you. Then, it melded into concern. "How long have you been here?" she asked, looking around the place and its emptiness.
"Since I left you at your test," you shrugged. "How'd it go by the way?" Tara's eyebrows furrowed, ignoring your question instead for one of her own.
"Did you at least eat dinner, or something?"
"Yeah," you nodded.
“Yeah…,” you trailed off, turning back to your work. “How did you know where I was?"
“I asked Chad. He’s still a little snippy with me about, well, thinking we're together. Tried to tell me that if anyone would know, it would be me, and I said, yeah, that’s true, but it’s only been three months, now.”
“Well,” you said, gesturing around to the lab. “This is the modelling lab.” You were a bit of a nerd about the whole place, showing it off like it was your cool superhero lair.
“I know,” Tara mocked. “I saw it on the giant sign above the front door.”
“Ha ha. Does Sam know that you’re here?” You asked, grabbing your pen and resuming your work while you continued to talk to Tara. She plopped herself down on the edge of the table, letting her feet swing.
She looked a bit sheepish at the question. “Uh… no.”
“You know she’ll kill me like she did that one time, if you’re not home when she wakes up,” you frowned, wandering over to the supplies and grabbing out a box cutter to help trim the pieces you needed.
Tara nodded. “I know. But I snuck out, so I’ll sneak back in.”
You turned back around to reply, maybe say something stupid, but you had to stop yourself from laughing, when you saw her legs hanging off the counter and not reaching the ground.
“What?” Tara asked, furrowing her eyebrows. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” you said, shaking your head and returning to the table. “…Dwarf.”
“Hey!” she said, smacking you on the arm. “I brought you coffee, don’t make me take it back.”
“That’s true,” you frowned, weighing your options. “Guess I can’t make fun of you; you brought me caffeine.”
“That’s more like it."
You worked in silence for a few minutes, feeling Tara watch your every movement. It was harder to work, under her scrutiny, but you were grateful that she was there. It wasn’t lonely in there, any more. A few months ago, you would’ve hated her guts for sitting around while you attempted to work. But not with Tara anymore. Not on that day.
“This might be an all-nighter,” you warned, sending her a small smile as you sliced a piece of foam in half and went to work to attach it to your board.
“Fine with me,” Tara shrugged. She just continued to watch you, in a calm silence. “Actually, I have beef with you,” she hummed.
You laughed, looking up while you secured the base with glue. “Why’s that, Tara?”
“You got that song, stuck in my head.”
“Which one?” You asked.
“The one you sang for me. I found it online.”
“Which one?” you teased, smiling again. Your face was tired and the smile certainly didn’t help, but you couldn’t help the newfound peace washing over you again. You had completely forgotten the weird happening from earlier.
“You know, don’t play dumb.”
“No,” you shook your head. “I really don’t know.”
“You literally do,” Tara scoffed.
“Sing a little bit. Refresh my memory.”
“Nuh uh,” she said, crossing her arms. “This is a trap.”
“It isn’t,” you insisted, sticking your pinky out to her. “Swear.”
She wrapped it in her own, rolling her eyes. She definitely knew it was, but she obliged anyway. “If you need a friend, don’t look to a strangerrr. You know in the end,” her voice broke on the low note like yours did, and you laughed while heat rose to her cheeks. “I’ll always be thereeee.”
“And when you’re in doubt,” you sang back to her, in between laughs. “And when you’re in dangerrr.” You both were tone deaf and the rendition was awful, but the mood in the lab was getting lighter and lighter the longer you were together.
“Take a look all around,” Tara sang, coming back in. “And I’ll be there.”
It was impossible not to laugh at how bad it was on both sides, and you grinned at her toothily, before turning back to your work. “Thank you for reminding me.”
“You’re welcome, idiot,” she teased, nudging you in the side again.
You went back to working on your model, finishing the first floor in about an hour. You and Tara occasionally talked now and again, but mostly she just watched you while you worked. “Why are you doing this all tonight?” she asked.
“Uh…” you stuttered. “I didn’t have time the past couple weeks…cause of… well, you.”
She shot up to her feet, mouth dropping open. “Why the hell didn’t you say no to me?! I didn’t know you had all this to do.”
You shrugged. “I never mentioned it. Plus, you were having fun. I’m glad someone was enjoying themselves.”
“Oh…” she said, and it sounded small.
“What?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“It’s fine, Tar. Seriously.” She blinked at you.
“Tar?” she asked, looking amused.
You looked up from your work, feeling the change in the atmosphere. “What?”
“I don’t know, you’ve just never used the nickname for me, before.”
“Yeah, I guess not. Is it weird?”
“Well… no. I kind of like it.”
“Okay,” she agreed, nodding a little. “My mom was the one who gave me the nickname Tar. Haven’t spoken to her in a little while, though.”
“Do you still miss her?” you asked, glueing your second story onto the base successfully.
“Sometimes…” she trailed off, staring out at the pitch black night through the window that hung over your workspace. "She calls me once in a while."
"Do you answer?" you asked.
"No," she admitted. "It's usually about Woodsboro. I gave up on her a few months ago, but she still calls sometimes about the town."
"You never talk about it..." you comment, trailing off with a hand on the back of your neck. "You don't have to, if you don't want to." You leaned back against the table with a curiosity, watching her face move as she struggled to answer.
"Well... it's cause I don't want to that I don't talk about it. You know how people say that shit about manifesting happiness?" you nodded, knowing what she was talking about. "Well, I keep saying I'm fine, and I'm moving on, but it just keeps following me everywhere. It's like this chronic cough I can't shake. This constant thing. No matter how much I run, it's always there. People don't see me as anything but one of the survivors."
You swallowed, feeling her words hit you. "I know what you mean." Tara's eyes snapped down to yours, but when you didn't volunteer more information, she sighed.
You frowned, turning yourself back to your work and hunching over, so she wouldn’t see the heat rising to your cheeks. “I, uh… I listened to that song you said you liked, too.”
“You did?” she asked, lighting up at the mention of it.
“Yeah… added it to my playlist… so…”
“So…” Tara laughed, amused by your awkwardness. It was somehow less awkward when you hated each other. The fact you could tolerate each other now was unusual but not unpleasant, and you still found yourself grappling with how pretty Tara’s eyes looked in lamplight. "If I get a nickname, you absolutely have to have one too."
You scoffed. "That's not at all what that means."
"You had to have had one at some point."
"No, I haven't had one," you said.
"Liar!" Tara said with a giggle, pointing at you with her finger. "You're so bad at lying it's remarkable. Now spill. What is it?"
"I'm not lying!" you insisted, but now you were laughing and it was even less convincing.
"C'mon, promise I won't say it in public— unless it's really bad."
You stared at her for a moment, when she clasped her hands together in a begging plea.
"No," you shook your head.
"Fine," you sighed. "My family, they used to call me Duck."
"Duck?" She asked, leaning back to look at you as if the nickname would re-contextualise your entire appearance. "Where'd that come from?"
"It's dumb. I used to wear this yellow raincoat when it was storming outside and these orange booties, so my little brother Mitchie saw me, when he was like five or six, and said I was a Duck. And so I was Duck."
She smiled at you, genuinely pleased with the explanation. "That's adorable. Where is Mitchie, tonight?"
You opened your mouth but shut it. Then, you opened it again. "Probably watching cartoons, or something. Back in Nebraska." (A/N: my ass genuinely did not know that was a U.S. state until right now)
You couldn't tell her that today was the day he had died, several years ago. That a year or two before that had happened, Calvin had gone, and a few months before that, Tomas and Alisha had passed too. That Peter had gotten sick, or that Miranda had gone missing before any of that mess had happened. That you were the only one left.
It was a bad lie, and probably one you would regret later, but it was one you ushered past, and Tara didn't seem to pick up on. From one cursed person to another, you figured it was probably best that you keep your own curse to yourself. It's part of what had made you hate Tara so much at first. She walked around knowing her days were likely numbered, so carefree and careless. And then there was you, you who was so careful in order to keep living.
But you couldn't resent her for that. It had melted away with seeing the Tara underneath. The real, beautiful Tara underneath.
"Duck is good, though. I'll bring it out when I want to embarrass you," Tara smiled, inching closer on the table.
"Yeah?" you grinned back at her, standing up to gently tap against the glue. It was set, and your model was finally finished at 4:42 in the morning. Tara leaned close, watching the glue with her own eyes, cheek almost up against yours in curiosity.
You finished the thing, looking over at her and her large, warm brown eyes, staring at the model you had made with so much curiosity and genuine interest. Tara hadn't lifted a finger to help, but you couldn't help but feel like it was partially hers.
You went to pull back but found your face turning towards hers, looking at each other for a long moment. Your eyes lingered on the slope of her nose, down to the curvature of her soft lips, turned up in the corners like Tara always did when she smiled. They looked so soft, and before you knew what was happening, you could feel Tara's hands coming up to the sides of your face, thumbs gently stroking against the skin there.
You couldn't breathe, feeling the warmth of the pads of her fingers on your face and the faint brush of her breath upon your nose. "Tara," you whispered. The pull was magnetic, and just as you were about to say to hell with it all, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket, and you both leapt apart from each other.
You wandered a few feet away, trying to seem busy while she answered it. You could feel Tara watching you while she spoke on the phone, so you did your best to hide the blush that was certainly spread wide across your cheeks.
This was the very girl you had spent the past several months hating. You suddenly felt dizzy, like the world would slip out from under your feet. Tara, the very same annoying girl who had pestered with you and bickered with you. The one who had so much more to her that what you had ever thought possible. The one who drew you in. The one in search of a hook up, for which you were only the decoy. You cleared your throat, whipping around when you heard Tara say "What?!"
"What's wrong?" you asked. "What's going on?"
She crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at you like she was about to cry. "They're questioning Sam again. They think Ghostface is back."
DUN DUN DUNNNNNN anyways my ass is going to bed now. also i do not recommend anyone lie to someone they're interested in about who they are, ESPECIALLY an attempted murder victim
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Taking a Chance
I want more TaliaxDanny stuff so how about this AU. Its mostly HEAVILY hinted though.
[Side note: Danny is in his 20s, maybe mid 20s btw, also enjoy my actual writing style, haven't done this in a while besides some small snippets I write]
Talia discovers the future plans Ra's has for her baby, her heir, her child. She is hurt and enraged because "How dare he! How dare he raise my son to be a sacrificial lamb just to extend his own life!" And the fact he had no plans to truly step down from being the Demon Head. (Basically the timeline where Ra's planned to overtake Damain's body)
Talia stared, her green eyes almost glowing toward the sleeping form of her son on her bed. Her eyes roamed his tiny face, the way he lightly dozed the day away unknowingly of the danger that had set in stone for him. Yes, being not just her son but the son of the Bat and the grandson of the Demon Head he was always going to be in danger but never had she really thought the danger would come from the very person who just declared him his heir. At least not in the way its been presented.
Talia had just discovered the fate her father, Ra's al Ghul, the same man that had held Damian not even a day ago and spoke of the future he could see Damian bring to the League once he was of age and would lead it, had actually planned for her son.
He planned on using her son, raising him to be the perfect heir.... to... to...
Use him as a vessel in the end.
He planned to leave his old decaying body, a body that was beginning to no longer respond to the Lazarus Pits as of late, and basically jump ship to a younger and better body...
The body of her son. The son she created and craved to have and raise. The son she made with her beloved's blood running in his veins.
Despite how enraged she is' Talia knows she can't confront her father. He would kill her... no he would torture her by hurting her baby to the point death would be a mercy if she tried. She also knows she can't go running to Bruce, she had burned the bridge to him ages ago when she refused to leave her father and his teachings and knows he would rip Damian away from her should she tell him what she did. He would, under the guise of protecting their child gain sole custody from Talia, set up next to nothing visitation rights for her to follow. He would say it would be to protect Damian from Ra's but Talia knows Bruce, knows he would use it as a half-excuse just to keep her away... but Talia wants to be in her child's life. Wants to raise him. Wants to be his mother, despite knowing next to nothing on how to be an actual normal mother, she wanted to try. She needed to try.
Running away was also out of the question, especially since Damian had been declared her father 'heir'. He would hunt them down and there was no where in this world she could hide that her father could not find them...
Talia barely gives any warning when she flings the knife behind her. She waited for only a second, either to hear the ting of metal being blocked or the sound of it burying itself onto the wooden door she knew was in its pathway.
Instead she heard neither of those things and instead heard the ticking of a grandfather clock and a deep chuckle.
"As expected from the daughter of the Demon. Sharp and deadly with no hesitation in sight."
"Who are you." It was not a question but a demand. She slowly turned her head and was meet with an odd sight that even the daughter of the Demon has never seen before.
"At most.. an ally to have. At worst, merely a passing stranger with an offer."
The ticking never stopped.
Everything else outside the room though did.
Danny stared, his currently green eyes burning even more brightly than they normally do. Many emotions passed through them, anger, frustration, pain, sadness, regret, heartbreak, and hopelessness to name a few.
He stared at the tiny sleeping face within the healing pod in front of him and closed his eyes as memories of spending time with the one sleeping filled his mind.
"My King." A voice began, Danny's sharp pointed ears twitch for a moment and he turned his head slightly but it was all the speaker needed to know that they had his attention even if he didn't give them his full attention.
"I bring the updated reports from Chief Frostbite you requested." The young yeti ghost said, this had Danny finally turning around and looking upwards and towards the young yeti, who was smaller than Frostbite but none the less bigger than Danny. Danny held his hand out and took the stack of papers in their hands.
Once the papers were in his hands he gave a curt wave of his fingers as if to say 'go on' without actually saying the words and turned his attention to the words on the papers. The young yeti, Icewinds took the signal and began.
"Princess Danielle's core has remained the same since the last check up. No major sign of deteriorating or destabilizing... However that also means there have been no signs of improvement or healing as well..." Icewinds stopped for a moment, allowing their King to register the words being spoken "We will continue to monitor her as best as we can but... My King..."
Icewinds took a deep breath and delivered the news everyone already knew "Without a female donor to complete her Ecto-DNA, should the Princess suffers from another Fading even a minor one, I fear it might be too much for her core and with her current body form it will not be able to withstand the stress... I'm truly sorry My King."
The room fell silent, the only real sounds being the monitors in the room and sound of rustling papers in Danny's hands, who was staring blankly at the words written on them but not really taking them in.
After a moment, Icewinds shifting uncomfortably for a second, Danny spoke his voice raw but strong and firm "I understand. Please inform Frostbite I am... grateful for his, yours, and everyone's continued support and everything everyone's has done to help her... If you do not mind Icewinds, I would... Like to be alone for a while and think... For a moment."
"O-Of course My King." And with that Icewinds left the room, Danny barely taking not of the door closing and his enhanced hearing picking up the hushed soft words being spoken to the Knights that stood outside the room of Danny's request of being left alone for a while.
Once the talking outside the room faded, Danny tilted his body and head back on the chair he had been sitting in for the last few days and allowed the papers he had his hands to fall out and onto the floor. Danny took in a shaky breath and closed his burning eyes as he tried to keep his core emotions in control, knowing if he lost control the Realms would echo him and would panic or worry his people.
And he couldn't deal with that. Not now.
"Clockwork, whatever timeline you are trying to set in motion, I hope it pans out soon." Danny rasped out as he tried his best to keep himself from falling apart. Losing Danielle, losing the girl that was his clone, his mirror, but also was like a sister... daughter sometimes would break him, harshly and deeply.
He knew his advisor and resident Timekeeper had something in the works, the way the aging spirit had looked at him before he left was telling when the news of Danielle's suffering from another Fading attack and Frostbite having to perform a Core Transform nearly last second, which in turn turned her into a baby from how close she was to fully Fading, had been delivered to Danny and the others.
But despite knowing Clockwork had a plan, Danny knew that smile he had before he had left. It had been Clockwork's 'Have hope, but even I am unsure.' smile, a rare one the Timekeeper would wear when even he didn't know which way the pendulum of chance would swing first.
So he did the only thing he could do for now, and that was to remain in the room with Danielle, keep her stabilized as best as he could with his own ectoplasim flowing, and wait to see if whatever Clockwork had planned would work out.
Waiting, even with all he's done in his life from becoming a Halfa, to defending his home and haunt, from fighting off insane Fruitloops to dismantling government bigots until there was nothing left of them, all the way to fighting a tyrannicidal Ghost King to the point Danny had won the crown by Trail by Combat thus taking up the mantle of Ghost King of the Infinite Realms since his seventeenth birthday and bringing the Infinite Realms into a new age of healing the broken crumbling lands and ruling over all justly but firmly, waiting was all he could do for Danielle.
And the waiting. The stress. Was agonizing.
Because what they needed was...
Was a miracle if Danny was to be honest. They needed a female, a donor in all sense of the words, to complete Danielle's incomplete Ecto-DNA, because of course that damned Fruitloop tried skipping steps in creating a clone of Danny and it was no wonder he had failed so many times with only Danielle the most stable of them all and given the fact she still wasn't was damning, but they couldn't just have any female donate their DNA to her.
No the DNA needed the donor to at least be limenal, thus turning the DNA into Ecto-DNA because Danielle was created to be a halfa... The only problem was that the person in question needed to be Jazz level of limenal Ecto-DNA as well.
Meaning that despite both Sam and Val offering their Ecto-DNA from the years of being exposed to the Realms and Ectoplasim theirs wasn't enough to work with Danielle's. Jazz's Ecto-DNA was off the table seeing as she was his sister and mixing it with Danielle's would just lead to problems.
No they needed someone who was born near or in ectoplasm, breathed it, ate or at least filtered it, grew with it for years like Jazz and Danny did, basically the person in question just needed one odd day of dying and returning to life at the same time to becoming a halfa levels of limenal. Only those high levels could complete and combined with Danielle's.
Which given the fact only Jazz had those levels, finding someone near those levels was like looking for needle in space, because forget the haystack.
"....You've returned." Was the only words Danny said when his ears caught the sound of a ticking clock suddenly in the room, his anxiety raising as both dread and a tiny slimmer of hope both slowly climb up in his emotions, knowing whatever answer Clockwork would give him would outweigh the other.
"On time, as always My King." His cryptic Timekeeper responded "I bring... a chance."
Those words were enough to snap Danny out of his chair, he quickly looked towards where Clockwork's voice had been coming from and floated. His eyes burning with determination for a moment before he caught sight of movement behind Clockwork.
Behind the ever changing being stood a breathtaking woman. Tall and proud from the way she held herself, she looked a few years older than him but Danny could sense she was far older her soul not really matching her body. She was lovely to look at no doubt but deadly, very deadly and that was something else Danny could sense after all he was the Ghost King.
And she wasn't alone for in her arms was a baby, roughly the same age that Danielle had been de-aged to as well.
Danny blinked at them when he noticed something.
She was limenal.
Very limenal. Even more limenal than Jazz.
In fact both of them were.
"I would like you to meet Lady Talia al Ghul and her son Damian, My King." Clockwork said as he gave a tiny bow towards the woman who stepped forward, a frown on her face she took in Danny's features and her eyes darting towards Danielle's healing pod for a moment, Danny could see she was tensed and a little weary from no doubt everything so far.
".... Welcome Lady Talia to the Infinite Realms. I am King Phantom." Danny greeted, his many years of training with other royalties coming forward as second nature now, he wasn't some normal teen from the middle of the Mid-West after all. "Has Clockwork told you the reasoning as to why you have been... chosen?"
He honestly would put it past Clockwork to be cryptic about the reasoning, but he hoped he hadn't because Danny really didn't want to explain the importance of it all and why they needed to hurry. And judging by the roll of his eyes Clockwork knew what Danny had been meaning as well.
"Yes King Phantom" Talia spoke, her voice rich and silky that sent a tiny shiver up Danny's spine from the sound "You need my DNA to help heal your clone. Should it be successful however it will change her from being merely a clone to instead into becoming yours and mine daughter."
"Correct." Was Danny's response, short and to the point. He needed her answer now if they wanted to save even a fragment of Danielle's core.
The room fell silent again, each them of taking a moment to think.
But eventually Talia spoke. Her voice steady and strong.
"I will offer my aid to you and yours... But only if you swear to both me and my son that we will be given sanctuary from my father and any who dares harm us for the blood that runs in our veins."
Danny only had one answer to that as his eyes caught hers.
Because despite being the Ghost King Phantom nowadays. He had once been Danny Phantom whose core started as a protector spirit and could sense the honestly of needing safety in her words.
Clockwork watched and smiled at the two adults in the room as they continued to stare at each other.
He knew he had been cutting it close, waiting for Talia to be at the ends of ropes and needing a chance to finally leave her deadly and abusive father without the toxic strings attached her ex would tie around her under the guise of safety for their son.
Turning his attention away from the two as they began to speak terms, Clockwork cast his gaze towards an window in the room and stared out of it, smile still on his face as glimpses of the rare future he saw slowly rose up more frequently.
Danny and Talia slowly and surely working together to raise not just Danielle, or rather Ellie as they renamed her since she was no longer a clone of Danny, but also Damian together. Passing them off as twins to those outside the Realms or Amity Park.
Talia learning to release the toxic love she had towards Bruce Wayne, and understand if someone truly loved you for you, they would demand sudden change from the only way of life one knows. That since she was no longer the thumb of her father she could finally be free to be herself.
Danny learning that despite being crowned so early in his life, that the weight of the crown didn't need to be carried alone. Sure he had his friends and family but Danny needed someone, someone who understood the weight of the feeling of needing to wear it head held high. And who better to help teach that than the woman who had to carry the name Daughter of the Demon Head herself.
The two growing closer and closer. Until fondness changed and shifted into more. As they raised the two infants with laughter and joy and love.
Ellie getting a kiss from Talia on the forehead when she had a nightmare and seeked her mother out for comfort. Toddler Damian riding Cujo around the castle as he copied Fright Knight after watching him ride off, Danny floating right by him making sure he didn't fall off. Ellie learning how to fight not just from her mother but from her idol Pandora. Damian learning to identify the stars and their names from the man he saw, and later wished was, his father. Ellie and Damian building pillow forts in the library and reading all manners of stories to each other. Danny and Talia holding their tiny hands as they took them to their first day of school within Amity Park their joyful laughter bringing soft smiles on their parents faces.
Danny holding a crying Talia as she explained the things she had been taught and forced to learn by the orders of her father in the dead of night. Doing his best to calm her down as he had been taught by Jazz ages ago.
Talia standing tall and firm when the Observants tried to undermined a order, no a law Danny had set in motion that had upset the eyeballs badly. How she gathered evidence of their attempts to go against it and how they were nothing but traitors towards their King and couldn't weasel themselves out of it this time.
Clockwork smiled warmly when he caught sight of one more glimpse of this future timeline.
Talia dressed beautifully, a crown made of stars and black jewels on her head. Her son dancing with her as firm as he could but his little tongue peeking out of his mouth as he concentrated on his steps and was dressed like a tiny prince complete with a tiny crown of stars on his head as well, Talia's face held a tiny smile of love watching him try his hardest to dance correctly with her. Joyful squeals of laughter rang out as King Phantom twirled with Ellie, who was dressed like a true princess, in his arms.
Around them in the ballroom the citizens of Realms laughed, joyfully danced, sang, ate, or merely watched. For the first time in many, many years the Realms felt... Complete. Whole. Happy.
A true wonderful afterlife that all could enjoy.
He knew waiting the last second was a long shot, for a chance that almost wasn't, but the future he saw was well worth it.
A good future. A balanced one. A happy afterlife one.
Now, all he had to do was wait for the seeds of this future to bloom.
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“Meant for him” // Stalker!Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader [ONE SHOT]
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WARNINGS: MDNI! heavy noncon to dubcon, canon typical incest, creepy behavior, jealousy, dark!aemond, possessiveness, p in v sex, breeding kink, knife kink, pain kink, dacryphilia(?), violence, + not proofread!
block the tag #MAE:DARK!CONTENT to avoid seeing dark content from me.
You wished you hadn't ventured out alone at this ungodly hour, the keep was deadly silent except your footsteps, you got lost, having not been here for a while and now you were just walking around trying to remember the pathways until you felt someone grab you from behind, slapping a hand over your mouth so you don't scream and dragging you to a more secluded area.
You struggled in the man's tight grip, writhing and kicking, but he remained firm and kept dragging you until he shoved you roughly against the wall, your head making hard contact with the brick wall, causing pain to shoot up your skull, making you close your eyes and wince.
You finally opened them to see the familiar head of platinum-blonde and a violet eye, you frowned, it was your uncle, Aemond.
“Fucking cunt, playing hard to get.” he sneers at you, you felt panic rise in your veins.
Aemond has been after you for many years, from the moment you were born to now, he was ever the dutiful son in everyone's eyes, but to you, he was a force not to be reckoned with.
What started off as curiosity to see his niece at a young age, manifested into pure obsession and twisted love for you, As a child, he had asked his mother to betroth you to him, your age gap wasn't that big, only being two years younger.
Alicent was reluctant at first, because she knew you were a bastard but saw this as an opportunity to make amends, but rhaenyra refused, saying that you were too young, being only seven, and Aemond just nine.
Aemond was frustrated, you were his birthright, you'll be betrothed to him in the future anyway so why not just do it now? He liked you very much, he followed you in secret, when he wasn't studying or training with his brother, he would be stalking you.
He would collect things you left behind to keep as some kind of twisted souvenirs.
And then came the driftmark incident, you weren't involved in any of it, sleeping soundly but you were woken up, being a child, you were terrified when you entered the chamber to find Aemond's face all bloodied up, his face being stitched by the maester, and then you turned your head to the side to find your brothers bloody too, not as much as Aemond, but you rushed over to them.
After they had explained what happened, you felt angry, he insulted your brothers? You also felt bad for him because he lost his eye but it angered you more to see your brothers hurt, you shared the same womb after all.
In that time, Aemond proposed for you to be betrothed to him once again, saying how Lucerys has a debt to pay, but he's willing to move on if your hand is promised to him, and Viserys also thought it was a good idea, but you blatantly refused, in front of everyone.
And then Alicent went crazy, coming towards Lucerys with a knife but your mother had stopped her in time, the situation terrified you, and she slashed your mothers arm when pulling away, and reading the room, Aemond stepped in bitterly, saying it was a fair exchange to de-escalate the situation. Even though he knew deep down that it was never fair.
And that's when his liking for you took a turn, you dared reject him in front of everyone, he never forget about it.
Over the years Alicent has sent few ravens, proposing the same thing over and over again, but you refused when your mother had bought them up, saying you won't be marrying someone that dared to insult your family's honour.
Aemond knew you would say no, but he still asked his mother regardless, Alicent knew her son was going mad and was about to tip over the edge, and she wouldn't know how to deal with that.
Just then, Vaemond bought a petition to question Lucerys' succession to driftmark, and your family returned to the keep, Aemond's mind was racing with your thoughts, he wondered how you looked now, he knew you would've grown into a beautiful woman.
And so when he spotted you with your brothers through his periphery, he was excited and it made him defeat cole in the training, earning applause, before he addressed your brothers, “Nephews, have you come to train?” he asked before focused his attention on them, they were speechless.
“Niece,” he began and you looked at him with a frown, he took in your appearance before a smile grew on his face, “You've grown.” he stated and you never wanted to punch him so bad, that was until you were interrupted by the entrance of Vaemond.
The court had ended with Lucerys being reaffirmed as the heir to driftmark and with Vaemond's head on the floor, cut cleanly by your step father, daemon. You admired him a lot.
Alicent once again proposed your betrothal in private to your mother, as much as your mother loved the idea, she was planning on betrothing you to Cregan stark, and so alicent nodded sadly.
And the dinner? It was a mess.
Everything was fine until Viserys left the room, and the pig arrived, Luke let out mocking laughs looking at Aemond, and so he slammed his fist on the table before picking up the wine glass and toasting to your brothers, he was already pissed off from the news his mother delivered to him before dinner begun and now this ticked him off even further.
'Strong boys.' he had called them, which pissed both Jace and Luke off, and so it ended in such mess, being sent to your chambers by your mother.
You went out for a walk when everyone was asleep, not being able to stand the suffocation in your chambers, you didn't realise then that it would be such a big mistake.
“U-uncle please-” you begged in his grip, his hand shot out to grab your neck, cutting off your air supply which had you choking, clawing at his hands to make him let go of you, kicking your feet.
He pushed you further against the wall before pressing his forehead against yours, “How many years will you have me toiling after you? I fucking wanted you. Yet you refused me. Each and every fucking time.” he grip on your throat tightened, making you see stars and you struggled in his grip.
“You are to be betrothed to Cregan Stark? Do you think he'll marry you if I ruined you?” those words made your eyes widen, surely he isn't suggesting that.
“N-no-” you croak, his hand leaves your throat and you gasp for air, breathing heavily, and then he presses his dagger to your throat, not cutting you but enough to have to stop moving.
He undoes his breeches, pulling out his semi hard cock and giving it a few pumps, you dared not to move because if you did, the dagger would pierce through your skin and you would bleed out.
He began to hike your skirt up gathering them in one place before he pressed himself against you, you sobbed when you felt his cock rubbing against your cunt, he slammed his lips against you in a rough kiss, you didn't kiss him back, just cried. He licked your tears away before pulling back with a smirk. You looked at him with teary eyes.
His free hand cupped your cunt before he rubbed small circles on your clit, you gasp as he presses meanly against the flesh.
Unsatisfied with the position, Aemond throws you onto the ground, you make sure to land on your back and avoid getting your head hurt again, but your back burns with pain at the impact, causing you to wince. Aemond straddles you, skirt gathered in your lap as you cry out, he slaps your face before shutting you up with a hand over your mouth.
“Do you know how much I wanted you? How much I pined after you? You rejected me. I still haven't forgotten.” he spits on your face.
He moves himself down and spreads your legs wide, you try to push him away with your free hands but you fail, he lines up his cock against your entrance before prodding at the opening with it, “A-aemond— uncle, please stop” you say weakly.
He kisses trails kisses up for your neck, before finding your sensitive spot and sucking in the skin there, causing you to whine, he pulls away before grabbing his dagger once again and ripping the bodice of your dress, causing your breasts so spill out of their confines. You gasp when you feel the dagger poke at the flesh, he presses hard for it just sting but not pierce the skin.
He lets go of the dagger before grabbing both your tits and squeezing them roughly before his mouth descends to take one in his mouth, he licks the nipple before sucking on it, your hand flies up to his hair, gripping it tightly, not knowing whether you want to push him away or hold him tight against you.
He leaves your breast with a pop, hearing you gasp, he sat back, admiring how your cunt looks, all wet and dripping, “You're dripping way too much for someone showing such resistance.” he comments before he pokes at your hole his tip, causing you to clench around nothing.
He knows you wouldn't be able to take him, and that he should prepare you first, but he couldn't hold himself back, and without a warning, he shoves himself entirely inside of you, causing you to scream before it gets cut off by him slamming his lips against yours.
The pain was unbearable, he was too big, and you were a maiden too, it was burning and aching so much, but for some reason you liked the burn, the stretch, you thought you were going insane.
He had the basic courtesy of letting you adjust to him, albeit for a moment before he pulled back and started thrusting wildly into your cunt, causing your body to jolt up against the stone floor.
He spread your legs wider, holding them apart from beneath your knees, and you held on to his shoulder for support and threw your head back, feeling pleasure creeping up your spine.
“U-uncle p-please.” you begged, you had no idea what you were begging for anyone, you didn't want to lose yourself and so you tried pushing him away but he didn't budge, and so your hands fell limply to your side as you let him have his way with you.
His good eye was wild, pupil almost engulfing the violet of his eyes, he watched as your breasts bounced up and down as he continued to thrust into your core, before he grabbed them meanly and pinched both your nipples, twisting them causing you gasp in pain.
One hand left your breast to grab the dagger on the floor next to you before he bought it up to your face, tracing it on the side of your cheek, you flinched when you felt the sharp material press against your face, it trailed down to your neck and he light put pressure there, causing the blood to come up to the surface of the skin but not entirely piercing it.
You felt your arousal dripping onto the stones below at that, you felt embarassed, that your body was liking it, he sat back on his haunches and rammed his cock in and out, watching the blood of your maidenhead coat his cock, causing him to let out a small gasp.
He bought your hips onto his lap, the new angle hitting the rough patch inside of you, causing you to mewl, you gripped his arms which held you up by the waist, nails biting into the leather material. “F-fuck, look at your cunt. Gripping me tightly.” he said between heavy breathes, groaning as he felt each and every ridge of your wet heat, making you clench around him.
“Oh gods, you were meant for me.” he breathes
His hand gripped your cheek tightly, parting your lip before he leant down and kissed you, tears flowing freely from your eyes as he licked them and kissed them away. “Shhh, take it like the good girl you are.” he coos in your ears and you just close your eyes.
And then felt the band in your stomach begin to tighten, you knew what this meant, and aemond was able to tell too, by the way your cunt was clenching tightly around him, his hand moved to your bud and rubbed small but fast circles, and you shook your head, “N-no!” you moaned, refusing to let yourself peak but it is violently ripped through when he pressed meanly down onto your clit, cause the band to snap, mouth parted in a silent moan, eyes clenched close.
Your cunt pulsed around him, making him groan at the sensation, he kissed you once again, lips moving against yours in a passionate manner, tongue swiping against your bottom for entrance to which you grant him, too lost in the high.
You were breathing heavily when you felt his thrusts become sloppy, and the way he was groaning, “I'm gonna cum inside of you alright? breed you, watch you swell with my heirs.” he babbles, and you gulp, “beg for it.” he suddenly says and you look at him wide eyed, another orgasm rapidly approaching you.
“P-please aemond—” you groan, feeling his hit the rough patch again, “Please what?” he asks, trying to contain himself from spilling already, “P-please cum inside me- need you.” you beg humiliated and just then your second orgasm hits you hard, causing you to moan loudly.
“F-fuck, I'm gonna make you a mother, you would love that right? and finally I'd be able to marry you, watch your carry my children, you're going to give me so many understand?” he rambles on before he reaches his peak, coming inside you with a satisfied moan, he rides his orgasm out before he pulls out, watching his spend leak out of you.
You thought with a heavy heart on how he ruined you, no man would want you now.
The next morning, your betrothal plan to cregan was called off on your wish, you asked your mother to get you married to Aemond, he has officially ruined you and damned you to himself, and you were only afraid that if he didn't get what he wanted this time, he would go further and kill your any man you get betrothed to.
And so you quickly accepted your fate.
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Hellos. Could do something where the reader is azriel mate and they are kidnapped. She sacrifices her wings to save his life. And mention how az is angry that it happened and whatever u think will look good. Thank you.
👀👀👀👀 I, uh, may have a thing for shattering my own heart only to pick up the pieces. So yes. Yes, I can. Hopefully, you enjoy it, and I did it justice, dearest!
Beauty in Pain
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Azriel x Illyrian reader
Warnings - not over descriptive mentions of torture and dismemberment, Azriel goes feral, depression, the usual unedited by an outside source.
Word count -2030
You were better trained than this. 
That reminder was echoing inside your mind like a war drum, beating senselessly into your thoughts as you were dragged down the barely lit pathway under the temple. You knew no one was coming. Faebane had blocked the mating bond, blocked your ability to call Rhys or Feyre. You'd be lucky if they found you, alive or dead.
It had started a routine mission. Head to the war camps, ask the leader for reports, speak with the females, head home to your mate.
Your mate. The one you prayed had felt the bond grow cold despite the many promises to never shut each other out. The one who'd slaughter every single male involved in this when he found out where you were, who had you, and what they planned to do or will have done.
You didn't fight as they laid you face down on the concrete block in the room. They had planned this, planned how long to keep you on a specific dose of faebane, no food, and no water. Planned the beatings used to weaken you on a cycle. You felt it and flinched as two sets of hands roughly grabbed your left wing. 
You were prepared to be clipped as a form of torture for the information they wanted. You knew it was coming. But as blinding pain left you with no choice but to scream out for your mate, for your brother, for Rhysand, you knew the plan was worse than you had imagined.
But you did not yield. You bared the pain, allowing it to try and break you until the world grew cold and dark.
Azriel was pacing Rhysand's office. He had not slept in the 7 long days you had been overdue for, at the very least, a check in, after the missive Rhys and Cassian had received.
They have not started training the females. I will be home or rewrite soon. I promise. The three Illyrian males had trusted you to handle it. They had trusted you would be safe, unharmed, respected. 
And despite every alarm ringing in his heart, mind, and soul, Azriel had not gone to you right away. 
Rhysand's eyes glazed over, his face dropping slowly as he received whatever message he was receiving. He came back to them slowly, moving without speaking as he started grabbing weapons and tossing them to Azriel and Cassian. 
The High Lord's voice was dealthy calm as he finally spoke. "A set of wings, freshly removed, was just found outside of my mother's cabin. There's no signs of (y/n) anywhere in any of the camps the twins searched. The only thing reported to them was in the northernmost camp."
Rhysand breathed deeply. "A female was carried through the camp, unconscious with her head and body covered. That same night the camp heard screams from midnight until early into the morning."
Cassian's breath caught in his throat before he immediately grabbed Rhysand's arm. "Take me there, now." 
"How long ago," Azriel's voice had gone cold and detached. "How long ago did that happen? How long has she been sitting Mother knows where with untreated wounds or dead?"
Rhysand refused to look at Azriel, reaching to grab his brother's hand, before finally whispering. "4 days."
The rescue had turned into a bloodbath. There was zero question as a panicked shadows all but dragged the three of them to an abandoned temple.
It reeked of her blood, her sweat, her tears. 
It held an almost haunting aura as if the terror and pain of her screams had scarred the ancient stone, marking it to forever echo her agony to anyone walking inside.
Azriel didn't want to ask questions. He didn't want prisoners. He wanted payment in blood. 
He had cut through every single male that appeared in their path before Rhysand and Cassian even had a chance to interfere on his way to the dungeons his shadows were pleading with him to get to quickly. 
And now one last male stood between him and the cell she laid unconscious in. "Move or be moved," Rhysand told him coolly. "I would not push your luck." 
The male stared at a blood soaked Azriel. His shadows were curling over his shoulders like snakes waiting to strike. His wings flared wide in dominance and anger. His 7 siphons glowing. 
The young male moved, allowing Rhysand to grab him and winnow him away to the Prison before Azriel could beat him to death as well. Cassian moved quickly to the door, opening it with the key they had found, before entering the small cell containing his sister.
The anguished sob that left Cassian was the only confirmation Azriel needed. "Y/n," he heard Cassian tapping your body. "Come on, sis. Wake up."
Dying. Azriel's shadows confirmed. Infections. We cannot safely winnow her. Rhys is bringing a healing team. Need more space. 
Azriel moved into the cell, holding the scream in his throat as he was overwhelmed with the urge to run to you. Cassian had you cradled into his chest, rocking you back and forth before looking up at Azriel, eyes rimmed with tears. "We need to get her somewhere that Madja can use to work on her. Rhys is bringing her and a team of healers here." Azriel held his arms out, a silent demand in the movement. 
Cassian only nodded. Standing and carefully transferring your beaten and bleeding body into Azriel's arms, following him out of the room.
3 long weeks of silence had passed in the House of Wind. 
No one had gone to Azriel's room.
No one had spoken to him without the male lashing out.
There was nothing they could do to comfort him but allow him to be with you.
When you first got home, while you were lying unconscious with Madja, Helion, and Lucien looking after you, Rhys had managed to get out of the male Azriel allowed to live one very simple thing. 
You let them torture you, let them completely take your wings, to force you to look into death's eyes, and you had allowed them to do it to protect Azriel. You had refused to give them his schedule to visit the camps. You refused to tell them when he'd be there alone again. You refused to tell them which pathway he flew in using or where he'd shadow-walk himself to first.
You had lost your wings to protect him. Your husband, your mate.
Azriel had lost it then, guilt eating away at him, and began beating the male to death with his bare fists as Cassian and Rhysand just watched. They knew what was echoing in his mind. She will live, Madja had said, but she will never be the same. Her wings can't be reattached or saved, no one has the ability to give her back what was taken.
You hadn't spoken to Azriel, Rhys, or Cassian when you finally woke up. You only sat in your window, staring at the sky. 
The one you'd never feel going through your hair again. The one you'd never touch again. The one you'd never taste again.
It was funny, you thought to yourself, to have been protected and trained to ensure this never happened, only for the moment it did to come 500 long years later. 
It had been a full week later when Azriel cornered you in the shower and just held your naked body for you two to speak. Another week passed before you allowed him to kiss you and hold you without him having to force the contact. You had yet to show interest in leaving the bedroom the two of you shared. 
You felt familiar scarred hands on your bare shoulders, wrapping around to your collarbones before running up the front of your neck and tilting your head back. "Dinner alone tonight or dinner with our family?" His voice was scratched from the crying you two had been doing. His eyes were swollen and red. "I already know the answer, I just need to verbally hear it."
"I wish to be alone." He nodded. Taking the cue and leaving you to your window as he sat back on the couch, head falling into his hands, as he began to cry again.
You watched his shoulders shaking, listened to his almost silenced sniffling. You knew things had forever changed in your relationship. 
There would be no more missions for you.
No more trips with Amren away from him.
No more walking Velaris alone.
There would be no more date nights spent flying.
No more jumping from high places together, allowing yourselves to fall until the last possible second, only to spread those precious wings.
There'd be no more wing play late into the early mornings, edging each other with small touches in certain places until you were both begging for relief.
But you knew deep down, more than anything, there would be a new Azriel. One that would have one more thing to hold against himself. One that would have one more moment of his life to look back on and use as an argument for how he wasn't enough.
And you couldn't have that. You would not stand for it.
You couldn't have the broken male you had spent time healing with, growing with, and struggling with. You could not have the one who blamed himself for every little thing again.
You stood on slightly unstable feet, and walked to your closet, a shadow trailing you. Rhys had immediately replaced your clothing, ensuring you would not have to go through ordering it yourself, and had the twins place the new materials into your closet. A simple black dress was what you picked. It would stop right above your knees, hug your torso beautifully. You closed the closet door, calling for Rhys silently in your mind and jumping as his hands appeared behind you. "I need help." You whispered. 
His eyes searched yours before nodding and helping you change into the dress. Allowing you to use him to balance. A kiss was placed on the back of your head as he laced it up. Gentle, but full of emotion. And he winnowed away. 
You left the closet, walking to Azriel on the couch slowly with a pair of his trousers and a black button-up shirt in hand. "I changed my mind. I'm craving that cake, the almond one with the vanilla frosting."
Azriel scoffed lightly. "I am not leaving you to go get cake. I will ask Rhysand-"
"I need you to fly me there, Az. I want to go get the cake, eat it at the Cafe with coffee, and then I want you to take me for a walk on the Sindra. And maybe go to that book store. The used book one."
He was silent before looking at you. His hazel eyes were full of question. "Y/n-"
"If my mate will not take me, I will ask my brother. I want cake, and I want my husband to take me to get it."
"I don't think you understand how heartbreaking not being able to truly fly is going to be, my heart."
You only repeated yourself, voice smaller this time. "If my mate will not take me, I will ask my brother. I want cake." You paused, eyes welling with tears. "I deserve cake and coffee. If I want cake and coffee for dinner, I expect my mate, the male who married me and bound himself to me, to take me."
Azriel nodded. Grabbing the clothing from you and he changed in silence. He stood on the balcony waiting as you took calming breaths and walked outside for the first time in many weeks.
"I am not responsible for the setback in your mental health after this." 
"No, but you are monetarily responsible for my cake and purchases. Let's go." He took you in his arms, holding you close to his chest and took off hard. 
And in that moment, you both knew something new had begun. You were laughing as he concentrated way more than usual to fly. You were smiling at how this allowed you to feel his body heat, to hear his heartbeat, to touch his face. 
You were laughing at how he began genuinely laughing at you. Not understanding where the sudden joy filling the bond and over flowing it like a faucet set to run for too long came from.
It wasn't until he paused in the sky, hovering so he could look down at your smiling face did you both realize something.
Losing your wings was just the beginning. 
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macgyvermedical · 24 days
I encountered a drug called "Dextromethorphan" when looking up things that react with grapefruits for a fic. I found out it's been banned in Sweden since the 90s, so I couldn't use it for this specific story, but if you've got any interesting history I'd be happy so know!
Are you ready for this? Like. Ask yourself. Are you really ready for this?
In 1954, a researcher with the US Public Health Service received $282,215 (1954 dollars) from the US Navy, ostensibly to find a non-addictive alternative to an opiate drug called codeine (used for pain and and as a cough suppressant).
So the researcher found a bunch of people who had substance abuse disorder and tested 800 substances on them, trying to find ones that couldn't cause physical or psychological dependence, even on people who were prone to that sort of thing.
(Now, you might be asking if this experiment was ethical. The USPHS was concurrently doing the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study, so while I couldn't find any concrete answer, imma guess no.)
Out of these 800 tested substances, we use 3 today: propoxyphene (used as a painkiller), diphenoxylate (used as a diarrhea medication), and dextromethophan (a cough suppressant (and, as of 2022, part of a fast-acting antidepressant)).
Importantly, it was later noted that all of these are addictive substances and today most of them require a prescription. Though depending on where you are in the world, you might just have to be over 21 and show an ID.
You might think this sounds like a pretty standard story.
You would be wrong.
Because while the US Navy was the one handing the money to the USPHS, the US Navy had come by it via the Central Intelligence Agency.
Yes. The good ol' CIA.
So what stake did the CIA have in a non-addictive codeine replacement? Nothing, it turns out. That's just what they'd told the US Navy. What they really wanted was an incapacitant- a drug that causes incapacitation like unconsciousness or continuous hallucinations- without killing. Incapacitants are also useful for discrediting prominent political figures by making them look like they have severe mental health concerns, which was another reason the CIA wanted them.
This was part of a project called MKPILOT.
And wouldn't you like to know which of the three listed above they liked the most? Dextromethorphan. Because at high doses it causes severe- and incapacitating- hallucinations (this is also why it is banned in Sweden).
The problem with it is that it requires really, really high doses (about 3 grams, which would have to be packaged in some other substrate)- this would make it difficult to slip into a drink or food.
(It should be noted that around the same time, the US Army was doing research into a much more usable incapacitant called 3-Quinuclidinyl Benzilate which required as little as 150mg of the substance to be useful- it was featured in a MacGyver episode and I did a nice little review of it here. While I have no sources that say the CIA was directly involved in funding this, based on their extensive funding of similar DoD projects at the time, they probably did.)
But you wanted to know about how grapefruit interacts with dextromethorphan:
A substance in grapefruit (along with seville oranges, limes, pomelos, and possibly pomegranates) blocks the pathway by which many drugs are metabolized in the liver. This causes the levels of drug in the body to be much higher than expected. In the case of dextromethorphan in particular, it can mean that the drug stays in the body a lot longer- up to 24 hours instead of the usual 3-4 hours. It can also make side effects and toxic effects significantly worse, leading to hallucinations and sedation, even at low doses normally used for coughing.
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nightbunnysong · 28 days
Strategies for enhancing collagen synthesis
A biochemical perspective
Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of skin, bones, cartilage, and connective tissues. Its production naturally declines with age, leading to wrinkles, joint pain, and other signs of aging. This article explores specific, scientifically-backed methods to boost collagen production, with a particular focus on the biochemical processes involved.
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1. Bone broth
Bone broth is a direct dietary source of collagen. This nutrient-dense liquid, derived from simmering animal bones and connective tissues, is rich in collagen, gelatin, amino acids (such as glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline), and minerals. When ingested, collagen from bone broth is broken down into its constituent amino acids, which serve as building blocks for collagen synthesis in the body.
Biochemical mechanism
The collagen in bone broth is primarily composed of type I, II, and III collagen. Upon ingestion, it undergoes enzymatic hydrolysis in the stomach and intestines, producing peptides that are absorbed into the bloodstream. These peptides, especially glycine and proline, are crucial for collagen synthesis. Glycine provides the basic structural unit, while proline and hydroxyproline confer stability to the collagen triple helix by facilitating hydrogen bonding.
Scientific support
Research suggests that consuming bone broth can increase the levels of collagen-derived peptides in the bloodstream, which may be utilized by fibroblasts in the skin and other tissues to enhance collagen synthesis. A study published in Nutrients found that participants who consumed collagen peptides from bone broth showed improvements in skin elasticity and hydration, indicative of enhanced collagen production.
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2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays a critical role in collagen synthesis as a cofactor for the enzymes prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase. These enzymes are responsible for stabilizing the collagen molecule by hydroxylating proline and lysine residues, which are essential for the formation of stable collagen fibrils.
Biochemical mechanism
Vitamin C donates electrons to the iron-containing active sites of prolyl and lysyl hydroxylase enzymes, converting Fe3+ back to Fe2+ and thereby maintaining enzyme activity. This hydroxylation process enhances the thermal stability of the collagen triple helix and is essential for the secretion of mature collagen from fibroblasts.
Scientific support
Studies have demonstrated that vitamin C supplementation can significantly increase collagen production. For example, a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that daily supplementation with vitamin C led to higher levels of procollagen mRNA in the skin, indicative of upregulated collagen synthesis.
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3. Jumping rope
Exercise, particularly high-impact activities like jumping rope, has been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis in connective tissues. The mechanical loading experienced during jumping rope promotes the production of type I collagen in tendons and type II collagen in cartilage.
Biochemical mechanism
The mechanical stress from jumping rope induces microtrauma in collagen fibers, which stimulates fibroblasts and chondrocytes to upregulate collagen synthesis. This process is mediated by the mechanotransduction pathway, where mechanical forces are converted into biochemical signals, leading to the activation of signaling molecules such as integrins and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). These signals enhance the transcription of collagen genes (COL1A1, COL2A1) and increase the production of growth factors like TGF-β (transforming growth factor-beta), which further stimulates collagen synthesis.
Scientific support
Research in sports medicine indicates that regular mechanical loading, such as through jumping rope, leads to adaptive remodeling of collagenous tissues. A study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that athletes who engaged in high-impact exercise had significantly higher collagen content in their tendons compared to those who did not.
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4. Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Nettle is an herb rich in silicon, sulfur, and other minerals essential for collagen synthesis. This plant is traditionally used in infusions and teas to improve the health of skin, nails, and hair, indirectly contributing to collagen production.
Biochemical mechanism
The silicon present in nettle plays a key role in cross-linking collagen, enhancing the strength and stability of collagen fibers. Sulfur is involved in protein synthesis, including key enzymes in collagen production. Nettle is also rich in antioxidants that protect collagen from oxidative damage.
Scientific support
Studies suggest that supplementation with nettle can improve collagen quality. A study published in The Journal of Herbal Medicine found that using nettle-based supplements led to increased collagen synthesis and improved skin elasticity.
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5. Green tea
Green tea is rich in catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has potent antioxidant properties. These compounds not only protect existing collagen from oxidative damage but may also stimulate the production of new collagen.
Biochemical mechanism
EGCG in green tea inhibits the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that degrade collagen in the skin. Additionally, EGCG has been shown to upregulate the expression of collagen genes and enhance the proliferation of fibroblasts.
Scientific support
A study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry demonstrated that green tea catechins can prevent collagen degradation and stimulate new collagen production in the skin, particularly in response to UV exposure. This makes green tea an excellent natural choice for promoting collagen health.
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dark-mnjiro · 11 months
[the devil is] in the mirror :: sano shinichiro
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author’s note: kinktober 2023 week three is finally here. I apologize for the wait as I got a little under the weather and then did something to my neck that made it nearly impossible to write for a couple days because I could hardly turn my neck one direction.
content warnings: sano shinichiro x afab!reader, noncon, dubcon, dark content, mirror maze/mirror sex, hair pulling, choking, explicit sexual content, explicit language, yandere!shin, stalking, dacryphillia, semi/public sex, stalking, degradation, forceful/rough sex, doggystyle, manhandling, implied kidnapping, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, this was heavily inspired by the mirror maze scene in Haunting Adeline
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Panting, your sense of direction was skewed as you looked around. Surrounded by mirrors, only your terrified expression greeted you. You cursed yourself for coming to this haunted attraction and walking through the mirror maze. But your friends had assured you everything would be fine. They would be at your side no matter what. 
You should’ve known he would be here. 
His boots thumped against the floor, seemingly closer to you as your heart jumped into your chest. Your head darted in any direction, but you were only greeted by your reflection. Where was he?
It had started innocently enough. He had repaired your car after an accident and weekly you would see him at the counter, make your weekly payment, and get your updates, before leaving. 
But soon, the seemingly innocent mechanic took on another personality. 
Once you had paid off the repairs and returned your car, he still found reasons to call your phone, claiming it was “just standard policy”. But the daily calls grew too much and you began ignoring them. 
Until one day, he called and was standing outside of your home with what seemed to be your sweater. 
“You forgot this,” he had said. 
How had he even found your address? Why didn’t he leave a voicemail? You took back your sweater, thanking him but quickly shut and locked the door. 
He had remained outside for an hour longer after the interaction. 
The volume of calls increased to the point you had placed complaints with law enforcement. They claimed they would “speak” with him but it seemed, nothing was done. 
He would continue to show up at your address, but smart enough to remain on the public sidewalk so that you couldn’t make a valid complaint. You blocked his number, the mechanic’s number, and just declined any unknown callers that came through. You believed you had some control over the situation, which is why your friends had insisted you go out with them…
You would be safe with them.
“Fuck,” you hissed before your eyes darting from mirror to mirror. 
“Come out come out,” you heard his voice. “Wherever you are~”
The sing-song tone of his voice made nausea bubble in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to snap back but worried that if you did that he would find you easier. You swallowed thickly before putting up your hands to help you distinguish which mirrors were real and where the pathway was. 
“Just a bit more,” you told yourself.
“I see you.”
You froze in place. Terror filled your eyes as you looked around. You couldn’t see him, just hear him. How could he possibly see you and you could not?
“Leave me alone!”
A hand moved to move your hair causing you to whip around and check behind you. No one was there. Tears brimmed at the corners of your eyes. This was becoming torture. Why wouldn’t he leave you alone?
“Stop it! I’m not interested! Just leave me alone!” you shouted. 
A hand shot out in the darkness, gripping your throat before throwing you back against one of the mirrored walls. A yelp of pain moved past your lips while you struggled. A low chuckle hits your ears. You felt fear filling your body as your gaze met his. 
His cold, dark eyes remained fixated on your face. You managed to push yourself up against the mirror as far as you could just to get even the smallest distance between you and Shinichiro. His hand left your throat before his hands were placed on either side of your head and used his arms to cage you in. 
“You can’t keep ignoring me forever.”
His voice was sickly sweet. 
It made you want to vomit. 
You looked away, shutting your eyes tightly together. 
“Let me go.”
Shinichiro tilted his head.
“Let me go.”
Your voice was louder this time. This game had to stop. 
“You’re scaring me… let me go.”
Shinichiro chuckled before leaning in close to your face. “Open those pretty eyes,” he cooed. 
Shaking your head, you tightly kept your eyes shut. 
His hand shot out, encircling your throat. A strangled noise moved past your lips before your eyes shot open. The tears at the corner of your eyes slipped down your face. His eyes darkened as he leaned in with a smirk tugging on his lips. His tongue parted his lips before running the tip of it along the tearstains.
You felt your entire body shudder. “Stop…”
His free hand moved to undo your jeans before pushing them forcefully off of your hips. His grip around your neck tightened as a gasp fell from your lips and the feeling of his hand pushing into your underwear. A calloused finger pressed against your clit.
His dark eyes darted up to meet your tearful gaze.
“That’s right… Keep those pretty eyes on me.”
You tried to speak, tried to scream, but the grip on your neck would only allow you to cough and struggle. His pace against the bundle of nerves quickened and you swore your knees were beginning to give out. 
“You’re wet…” he hissed into your ear. 
Disgust filled your gut at your body’s betrayal.
“You want this…”
His fingers pressed harder against your clit forcing you to gasp. “Oh yes you do,” he whispered before forcing two digits into you. You cried out as the pace was unrelenting. “You’re soaking my hand…”
Panting, you brought up your hands and attempted to shove him off of you. His grip only tightened, causing your hands to shoot back to your neck, trying to loosen his grasp. 
Shinichiro tilted his head. “Y-you what?”
He was mocking you now.
Letting go of your neck, air fills your lungs. But the freedom was short-lived as Shinichiro flipped you around to face the mirrored wall. He pushed your face against it as his hand went up into your hair, gripping the tresses tightly. You cried out in pain as he tugged your head back. 
“You’re mine,” he said gently before planting a kiss against your temple. 
His free hand tugged down your underwear to your knees before you heard the metal of his belt undo and his jeans fall to his ankles. He used his hips to keep you caged against the wall as you felt the tip of his cock press against your core. 
“Let me go!”
Shinichiro tutted you as he managed to push the tip into you. “Scream much louder and everyone in the maze will see what a dirty girl you are…” he cooed. 
A cold fear infiltrated your senses at the thought of someone… anyone, catching you like this. How would you even begin to explain? Tears worked their way into your eyes again as the embarrassment washed over your body. Why wouldn’t this stop?
“You’re so pretty when you cry…”
You cried out again as his full length was forced into you. He leaned his head against your shoulder, groaning as he pulled nearly out before slamming back into you. 
“Better keep your voice down,” he teased as the playful cries of children with their parents were heard in the distance.
You bit down on your lip to try and silence your cries as the pace of his cock quickened. Cursing yourself, you hated your body in that instance as a jolt of pleasure electrified your body as the tip of his cock kissed your cervix.
“That’s it,” he teased before offering you a smack on your bare ass. “You’re clenching around me, sweet girl…”
Your eyes opened just enough to scowl at him over your shoulder. “I-I fucking hate you!”
Shinichiro merely moaned in response before smirking at you. “I love your filthy mouth,” he merely teased. “You’re about to cum. You love it when I do this…” His grip on your hair tightened before jerking your head back again. His pace was becoming erratic. “You’re about to cum… panting like a dog.”
He was right.
You couldn’t catch your breath as you tried to fight off your body’s natural response but with each thrust, you were losing the battle. 
“Cum for me…”
His voice sent shivers down your spine as you couldn’t stop yourself. Pleasure washed over your body before panting… you braced yourself against the mirror before catching Shinichiro’s dark gaze from behind you. 
His grunts were louder as he worked you through your orgasm. Your eyes narrowed, glaring at him. Hating him. It only seemed to fuel him more. 
“Ready for me?” He teased into your ear before leaning down and biting your neck. 
“Fuck you.”
He let go of your hair but used the leverage of his hand on the back of your head to push you further against the mirror to keep you from struggling too much. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, indicating he was near his limit. He groaned your name before offering you a couple of rough thrusts and releasing inside of you. 
Your body shuddered again, not prepared to feel this full. And just as quickly as it happened, it was over. He pulled out, letting you go… he adjusted his pants as you slid to the floor… 
Shinichiro leered over you, taking in the mess he had made of you. Another smirk tugged on his lips before your eyes caught a glimpse of his cock hardening again. 
Fear filled your eyes as you tried to muster enough energy to get away before he grabbed you by the hair again. Yelping, you scratched at his arm, praying he would release you. 
“On second thought,” he commented, yanking you up to your knees. “Perhaps… I’m not done with you yet…”
“N-not here. Please.”
The idea of the incoming children being traumatized by this image only made you feel nauseous. They were growing closer, the giggles becoming louder. 
“Oh no,” Shinichiro tutted before jerking you up again. “Not here…”
You managed to steady yourself on your feet and scrambled to adjust your clothes to appear somewhat decent. “You’re a fucking lunatic…”
He leaned into your ear. “Let’s go home,” he whispered. “I want to watch those pretty eyes cry when you choke on my cock.”
His hand encircled around your upper arm as he tugged you through the rest of the maze as if he had memorized the layout.
“My friends-!”
“Oh no,” he said before pointing to your group of friends lost in conversation, giggling and seemingly flirting with a couple of men. “I’ve already rid ourselves of those distractions.”
“You’re friends… aren’t they?”
“All mine now.”
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 6 months
Imagine meeting retired!Price on a group trip to Japan.
Inspired by my own upcoming trip.
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At first you don’t know you’re part of the same group. For all you know and care, you’re simply two strangers seated next to each other on the plane to Osaka.
Few words are shared between you during the flight. However, it’s anything but awkward because the tall stranger with enchanting blue eyes shows himself quite the gentleman minutes after your shallow acquaintance.
John stands up from his seat as soon as you point out yours is by the window and blocks the pathway with his imposing frame. “Sorry,” you mumble while trying to settle in as fast as you can, self-conscious about the others waiting to get to their seat.
“Take your time, miss. I’ll wait.” There’s a silent warning in his words to the others behind him, daring them to defy him or show annoyance.
“Want me to pop that in the cubbie?” he asks when he sees you struggle with where to put your jacket.
“No. Thank you, I mean, but-“
He extends a hand, which oddly reminds you of a bear’s paw. “Don’t be silly.”
His fingers briefly brush yours when you hand him your jacket. Perhaps to calm you, to assure you he really doesn’t mind. Perhaps it’s just an accidental touch.
John’s travel outfit of choice is a pair of baggy cargo pants, army green jacket, and grey teddy fabric hoodie.
John reads most of the flight away, oblivious to how his glasses make you feel. Like, seriously, how do they make him even more distractingly handsome than he already is?!
As the hours pass by, slipping into the night, you decide to try and catch some shut eye. The stranger next to you has already accomplished your ultimate goal, slouched a little in his seat and vast asleep. He’s pulled his hood up, face half-hidden by the fabric, and crossed his arms. Such a lucky bastard.
He doesn’t mind you lean on him after falling asleep yourself after the necessary struggles. In fact, unbeknownst to you, John manoeuvred your head to rest on his shoulder. He even considered draping his jacket over you, strangely affected by the way he briefly saw you shiver.
When one of the flight attendants kindly wakes John up for breakfast, it takes every ounce of self-control to not let instinct take over and kiss you on the temple to wake you up. However, where he manages to restrain himself, he looses control otherwise.
One hand on your arm, he tries to wake you. “Sweetheart, wake up. Breakfast’s ready.”
You only curl up more into him, clutching his arm like your favourite stuffed animal. So he uses a little force and gently shakes you. “C’mon, darling. Ya need to eat.”
It shouldn’t affect him this much. You shouldn’t have this effect on him. Yet, there’s a prideful warmth in his chest when your drowsy eyes fall on him, delighted he’s the first thing you see as you regain consciousness. But the tender sentiment mingles with the inklings of lust he hasn’t been able to shake off, manifest in the painful hardness in his pants. Fortunately, the blanket in his lap hides it well.
It’s only at Kansai Airport you each discover the other’s identity.
“Wait, you’re part of the group?” Gobsmacked, you gawk at him. The last thing you had expected was to be ‘stuck’ with the stranger for the coming two weeks. Such a cruel fate.
“So it seems,” the man mumbles before he takes your hand, raises it to his lips, and kisses your knuckles. “John Price, miss. At your service.”
Naturally assumes the role of your guardian. Of course he allows you your freedom to go and do your own thing. After all, he’s only a travel companion, a vague acquaintance, to you. Someone you only see when the whole group is together. And despite his natural confidence, John isn’t so sure you’d want him with you.
But the uncertainty proves unnecessary soon.
You go from holding his arm to holding his hand fairly quickly, standing closer to him every day. What also helps the growing craving for his presence is how he always sits next to you on the Shinkansen. During the journey, you share the food you bought before boarding (which you later buy together for a planned lunch on the train). Or you go over the photos you made or hidden gems you found in absence of the other.
Or you sit in silence, leaning on each other while reading.
You two more often than not go off by yourselves. The first few days you share stories over group dinner, but soon go adventuring together.
When you do, of course there are compromises when it comes to what to do and see. Fortunately, John is willing to pop into every Pokémon Center you come across. He knows nothing about the franchise, but your enthusiasm and the nostalgia you harbour for it melts his heart. And despite forgetting the creature’s names as soon as you mention them, he makes a mental note you seem to have a special affinity for something called an ‘Eevee’, an ‘Arcanine’, and two wolves. One carries a sword around, firmly wedged between its maws (Zacian). The other is decked out in shields (Zamazenta).
John finds it adorable how you snuggle with an Eevee plushie at one of the big Pokémon centers. However, he’s seen how much you’ve bought already. “That still gonna fit in your suitcase, sweetheart?”
“Surely with a bit of rearranging it will.”
He sighs, not believing what he’s about to do. Damn those feelings he can’t seem to suppress despite his best efforts. “I’ll pay. And if it doesn’t fit, there’ll be plenty space in my suitcase.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes,” he answers matter of fact, already counting the yen in his wallet. “How much is it?”
In return for his many kindnesses, you accompany him on the hunt for as many Eki stamps as possible. Whereas you expected a bit of a wild goose chase, John has actually meticulously planned out a route so you don’t haphazardly go to and fro across the country.
He insists on paying for any food and drink on the way. After all, he’s the one low-key dragging you along so he might as well make it beneficial to you.
Little does he know you don’t mind.
That his company is plenty reason to go with him.
John is a foodie and loves exploring the Japanese food scene with you. Bakeries, cafés, sushi restaurants, food stalls. You name it, he’s in.
Loves buying a bunch of food you can try in the privacy of either of your hotel rooms. He’ll brew a cup of tea to have with it and if the food doesn’t make too much of a mess, you snuggle up on the bed to enjoy it while watching a show or movie on Netflix (either on his laptop or your tablet).
Loves the occasional midnight ramen moment with you.
Though he mostly loves the mornings after your visits, which has ended yet again by sleeping in each other’s beds or futons (depending on where you’re staying). Every time the both of you tell yourselves you’ll leave, go back to your own room to hit the hay.
But what better way to wake up than in sturdy warm arms?
Have someone snuggled up to you instead of opening your eyes to an empty space?
Seems those Liverpool nights have finally come to an end.
Although John’s a bit hesitant, you manage to convince him to start an Instagram together to document the trip. It doesn’t take long for people to start commenting on the photos of you two together or react to John’s captions on the photos he posts of you. And those are a lot in comparison to those you post of him.
You make such a cute couple!
Are you two together?
Relationship goals!
Ugh, would love me a man like that.
But there are also the negative comments, which mostly concerns the age gap between you two. He deletes them as soon as he can, but you know he’s read them and that simple repeated act has made them eat away at him. It’s hard, dealing with online hate, and John honestly wonders how you do it. You’re flattered he gets angry, furious even, on your behalf when there’s any negativity aimed at you. However, you know it’s pointless, spending energy on the opinion of others. So whenever he’s on the verge of going ballistic, you put your hand on his arm and pluck his phone out of his bear paw. “Let’s put that away for now, hm?”
Words can’t describe how grateful John is whenever you do that. But they can explain his growing affection for you.
Perhaps, at long last, he’s falling in love.
One night, at about two in the morning, he shows up at the door of your hotel room. Your drowsiness fades into concern when you notice his sickly complexion, it’s paleness highlighted by the shimmer of sweat coating his skin. “Thank God you’re still alive.”
“John, you alright?” The dullness in his otherwise sparkling blue eyes is haunting, more worrisome as the dusk makes them look emptier.
“You can rely on me, okay?” His voice cracks. “That’s an order.”
“So don’t go bloody wandering off by yourself. We’re a team. One unit.”
“Okay,” you repeat. “Come inside.”
He doesn’t budge as you lightly tug his arm. “It’s safe.”
He lets you lead him to the bed, where you plop him down. Judging by how light he feels, easy to guide, you can tell he’s not here entirely. “Stay here tonight.”
“I have to save him.”
“Soap. I- I have… have… had… couldn’t. I couldn’t fucking save him.”
“John, I’m sure you did what you could.” In spite of not knowing what he’s on about, you wrap him in your arms to console him. His fingers dig painfully into your skin, clinging to you for dear life. “I’m a failure. We should’ve made it out alive. The whole unit. Not just-“
“Shh, you did what you could.”
“I- I should’ve- What if I can’t do the same for you?”
“It’s alright. I’m here, alive. As are you.”
“Yeah… alive.” His breathing starts to even out. “With me. Together.”
You manoeuvre yourself beneath the sheets, careful to not escape his touch and thus take away his comfort. After a bit of a hassle, you end up with John snuggled up to you and your fingers in his hair. Finally you feel him relax and settle. Into the bed, your embrace.
Your presence.
His anchor.
Come morning, the tables have turned and now it’s you snuggled up to him and his warm sturdy arms wrapped around your body.
Neither of you thinks it strange. After all, you’ve grown accustomed to each other’s company. So it’s nothing but natural to feel his fingers caress your cheek. Perhaps to wake you, perhaps a gesture of tender admiration. Whatever the case, it’s a nice way to wake up.
“Hey,” John murmurs.
“Hey,” you repeat, equally as drowsy. “Sleep well?”
He rests his forehead against yours. “Thanks to you.”
“You snore, though.”
“Do I?”
“Like a grizzly bear.”
“Well, you ain’t wrong. Then again, I’m your beartleman.”
You groan. “No puns this early, please.”
“Sorry.” Tracing your features, he gathers the courage to start the conversation he loathes having. He is a capable man, a leader, level-headed and determined.
Most of the time.
Because he also knows he’s damaged goods. The fact he’s here in bed with you tells him he wasn’t lucid dreaming or, rather, hallucinating. He showed up at your door.
Holding out his broken pieces to you, wilfully ignorant of the fact you don’t know how to put them together.
“Y/N, about last night…”
“John, don’t apologise. It’s alright.”
“I was a bit much, wasn’t I?” He remarks, trying to play it off.
“Do you get those types of attacks often?”
“Not a lot. Thought I was over them, but apparently not.”
“Were you in the army?”
“I was. SAS. Captain Price.” A dark chuckle leaves his lips, full of the stories he won’t tell. Not yet. “Once upon a time.”
“Got dismissed?”
“Of my own volition. Officially I’m retired, earlier than I thought or would’ve liked.“
“But there are only so many ghosts a man can allow himself to be haunted by. So much he can bear before he goes insane.”
But fortunately you are here now, to dispel the worst of his ghosts.
And he’ll dispel the yokai hiding around you.
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117luv · 9 months
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synopsis: jungwon and ni-ki met each other at a summer camp and found out they were fraternal twins. this leads to events where the two ex-lovers, heeseung and yn, are reunited after 14 years by their children.
genre: exes to lovers, smau, fluff
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, poor attempts in humor, grammatical errors, marriage, pregnancy, parenthood, miscommunication
taglist: CLOSED!
a/n: 2024 is here and i cant believe how time flies so fast. also cant believe i didnt follow my sched for finishing the smau before 2023 ends but writers block and finals slowed me badly but im back and this time around, i will be finishing the smau this month. although im not to sure about the bonus chapters but will try to make one, ne ways i love every single one of you and i hope this year brings you all the best.
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Heeseung had been preparing the proposal for months. He wanted everything to be perfect and prepared everything, from the ring to the location. He felt a rush of nervousness as he prepared the remaining things. He is remarrying the woman he loved for many years, and this time they can be together without any hindrance. He wanted the memories made with her to be nothing but full of happiness.
The boys were in charge of making sure that their mom arrived at the venue without raising any suspicion. They asked their mom to drop them off at a place where they would meet their friends, which was a lie to get her to the location. The boys alerted their dad in regards to their upcoming arrival. The moment they arrived at the venue, they made their mom walk with them until she reached a pathway.
"Follow the flowers," written on the sign in front of her, left her confused looking at her sons, but they persuaded her to just follow the sign. She was hesitant at first, but eventually followed through. As she reached the end, classical music started playing in the background. Heeseung was holding a bouquet of flowers as she walked towards him. "What is this all for?" she asked while he gave her the flowers. "My way of showing you the love that you deserve after all these years," he said as he started to kneel in front of her. "I know our time together in the beginning was rough. It has been nothing but pain and sadness after those events, but I know that was the only way at that time for the boys. But this time around, I wanted to be with you for a lifetime, and I will do everything to keep you and the boys by my side. Yn, will you marry me?" while pulling a ring box in his pocket. She quickly hugged him and uttered multiple "yes" as she grabbed his face to kiss him. He was startled for a moment, but he returned the kiss. She couldn't ask for more, and she wishes to stay like this for a long time.
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After almost a year of preparation, the wedding day is finally approaching. It was a day before the wedding, and everyone was preparing for the big day. Everyone is excited, but much more so for the bride and groom. She had invited her father and brother to the wedding, while her father was hesitant to join due to their past. She wanted him to be the one to walk her down the aisle, and he was happy to do so. Sunghoon volunteered to be the ring bearer, despite her thinking he was joking at first.
The big day had come, and everyone was busy preparing for it. As she finished up her touch-ups, she walked to the door where her dad and brother were waiting. Her father saw her in the dress and couldn't help but tear up while complimenting her. Sunghoon hugged her as he wished for her to finally have the life she deserved after all these years. Now, it's time to walk down the aisle and finally meet the groom. As she walked alongside her father, Heeseung couldn't control his tears as he watched her father pass her to him. The ceremony went by, and they kissed. It was a day to cherish for years to come, and they finally got their well-deserved happiness.
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taglist [CLOSED] : @yangwaa @emikisses @yohanabanana @arizejkt19 @skuwu-blog @beatr2x @svarcq @softiehee @enhastolemyheart @deobitifull @emxshu @bucketofhiros @lost-leopard-beanie @soobin-my-beloved @azurez @flwrshee @beomgyusonlywife @lalalalawon @yanagisprettygf @astrae4 @myjaeyunn @sesame-street-lol @yumilovesloona @omgjwon @yoonjunshi @wannatinyus @yeahhemmings- @coupscheri @neozon3nha @mevalemadrws @wonyoungsvirus @ilvsoup @dneltrise @chirokookie @noascats @sxftiell @onionzzzs @nokacchan @i-yeseo @02zluvbot @iamliacamila @en-happiness @nicholasluvbot @ilovewonyo @ddazed-lhs @enhaz1 @tobiosbbyghorl @youmenotyummy @minhoie @beoms-sugar
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Jay’s Powers- ‘Pain Inhibitors’
Submission for @sharksandjays’ s creative challenge .
My headcanon is that Jay has the ability to manipulate the electrical transmission of pain through his brain and direct it to another region of his brain. This means that even if his body is physically damaged he can supress feelings of pain and continue fighting until it is convenient to heal the damage. He started practicing the ability when he was imprisoned on Nadakhan’s ship (vengstone didn’t stop him from using these powers as it is an internal ability).  This ability grows stronger through the seasons but Jay uses it sparingly.
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The process would theoretically look something like this:
Normal pain feedback loop:
Injury/damage site >  electrical signal stimulated > signal travels to spinal cord> signal travels to brain to process> brain initiates response
Interrupted pain feedback loop:  
Injury/damage site >  electrical signal stimulated > signal travels to spinal cord> Jay redirects it to another part of the brain > different sensation is processed> response other than pain is generated
This ability is hard to perform, as Jay tends to panic, especially in a battle and regulating the flow of electricity to block his pain receptors takes lots of concentration. Redirecting the electricity to a different pathway also causes side effects such as increased stress levels and mood swings. When he does manage to inhibit the pain of his injuries, he just stands there like  :) im good, while sporting a massive cut or a broken arm. This particular power gets on Zane’s nerves however, as he *insists* that it is dangerous to alter his brain and body functions stating that >: <  pain receptors exist for a reason, Jay.
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jjzzhyunie · 1 day
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pairing: haechan x fem!oc
title: chapter #1 ‘me and the devil’
prologue: “Do you even know what you're doing? You don't even know how to use it correctly.”
summary: Parents murdered by vampires, Yoo-jin Seo seeks revenge on Donghyuck by hunting him down.
genre: thriller drama, vampires, modern au, vampire hunter x vampire, plot twists, enemies to lovers trope.
note: this is a series.
©️ everything belongs to @jjzzhyunie 2024
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In the tapestry of time, death spins a web of tales, each moment woven with care into memories to recall. Yet Yoojin eyes afire, holds fate in trembling palms, against the hourglass' constant sand.
As Yoojin walks through the forest woods, the memories of her parents' funeral seep in, wearing a tradional korean attire in all black comes back to her. The solemn procession, the sounds of wailing, and the sight of her parents' pictures being lowered down with the coffin to the ground.
This all flickers like a tape in her mind, Yoojin pushes onwards despite all of this. Determination was a weak word for what she is feeling. The pain on that day was a fresh wound, still bleeding.
'I'll catch him.' Yoojin tells herself, like a mantra that strengthens her doubts. She will catch him.
She contiues down her search in the unknown secluded area, parts of the forest were barely lit by the sun and Yoojin can't help feeling a sense of uneasiness. The trees seem to loom over her, their shadows dancing eerily in the dim moonlight. Every rustle of leaves makes her jump, every snapped twig sounding like a potential threat. But Yoojin pushes through the fear.
Looking for any signs of life but her own, Yoojin was unsuccusful at it. Though her body was nothing but left weak. Hunger, a constant companion on the journey with her, it's presence felt in every pang of emptiness. But grief and anger, stronger than any hunger that consumes her, leaves no room for respite.
A relentless restlessness grips at her soul, as the darkness of mourning and rage take take their tol. Each step, each breath, a struggle against the troubling tide of pain, fueling her ceaseless pursuit.
Going up somewhere the soil sinks under her boots, four men start to spot Yoojin and their presence immediately setting off warn signals in her body, even before her mind had fully registered the danger. The two men behind let out a whistle of some kind, which made Yoojin's arms stand up with hair.
Their smirks were a big gateaway that they cannot be trusted, with their rifles in their hands casually held. "You look lost," was the smooth reply from one man. He looks to be older, mid forties and the leader of his three friends behind him.
Yoojin was ready to reply to them instantly. "I'm heading somewhere," she said cooly.
They looked at each other, their expressions sly as they exhanged looks. "Well, we wouldn't want a beautiful young miss like you getting lost all alone in the forest. Especially with vampires lurking around lately." One of them said.
"Maybe we can help you out?" The man in front of Yoojin said, his tone drippng with insincerity.
She grits her teeth together, her body tensing as she prepeared to defend herself in neccessary when the men took few steps forward to where Yoojin stands. She keeps her vague answers sharp.
"I appreciate the offer, but i can manage on my own." Yoojin replies with her gaze sweeping over the group, sizing them up nearly.
Yoojin quickly went past them around and starts to walk the front path to leave them, but one spoke behind Yoojin and the men hurdle to follow Yoojin anyways, despite her protest from earlier.
"Now now, lets not be hasty. We're just trying to protect you from the vampires that can be around." The sinister tone was a camouflage by the fake-pretend chivalry.
Yoojin could see right past it with her uncomfortable intuition.
Before she could react, the two leap to the front and block the path, their large bodies looming in the narrow pathway. In blink of an eye, she was suddenly pressed up against them, her rifle falling to the ground with a loud thud. And soon enough, before she knew it Yoojin felt a rough hand grab her arm and push her down. Face hitting the rough ground betwen soil and auburn dry leaves. Pinned up behind four men.
Men's laughter rang out, a cruel sound that sent chills down her spine. Yoojin struggles to get out, any sort of movement was impossible under the weight of four men. It became tiring, a tug of war rather to escape this clinch.
Yoojin grows numb real quick, despair clawing at her as the men overshadow behind. The sounds of clothes become a scary alert to her. Yoojin's eyes widen and she panics once more.
"Now isn't the time to be screaming," He laughs. "No one can hear you anyways. We're deep in the forest."
The three men that watched everything unfold suddenly turn towards the sound of a twig snapping. The three rifles turned towards the trees and steep flooring. The man pinning her down looks up too.
"Go check it out you three," their leader said nonchalantly but fimrly too. They can only glance back at him, the tension was papable in their hesition to walk up to where the sound came.
Then without a humanly possible warning, a flashing scene through the trees from above landing on one of the men with a deadly precision. There was a brief moment of shock.
"It's a vampire!"
Chaos erupts when the two remaining men saw how their friend was dismembered and killed with a single slash, the sounds of rifles being fired sets Yoojin's adrenaline on fire.
But it was too late, the figure had moved way before the human eye could counter.
The vampire dispatched the two men next, his movements like lightning came to life. Only one remaining was the leader and it wasnt long until the man moved off Yoojin to grab his rifle to deal with the vampire. He raised it up to fire at the shadow-figure only to be met with a deserved fate.
Yoojin took the advantagr to crawl closer the familar weight of her own rifle in arms. With a determined cry she rose to her two own feet, spinning around and firing both the man and unknown vampire.
He fell to the ground and mortally wounded, but the vampire was merely scratched and its eyes ablazed by the challenge.
In quick movements it lungs to Yoojin. She leapts back, her own rifle clutched title to her hands. Yoojin knew she had to run away, she did not stand a chance against this vampire.
She ran for it. Yoojin darted through the forest, her feet pounding against the ground as she ducked under low hanging branches and leapt over a fallen logs. It was as if the trees themselves were closing in on her, their trunks forming a disoreinting maze that all looked the same.
Each step forward felt like a step eeper into a nightmare, as if she was trapped in a cycle of endless chase.
Yoojin stumps her foot over a rock, tripping on the ground front face. As Yoojin stumbles and fell, her eyes catching sight of the abandoned hospital in the area. Its crumbling walls cast long shadows across the floor. Before she could even process the situation, the vampire leaned down his hand grasping her arms.
But just as he moved closer, a voice cut through the stillness breaking the tension. As Yoojin looked up, she saw Donghyuck standing there. His eyes fixed on the other vampire, his stance was tense and intimdating.
The guy looks so familar, then it all clogged Yoojin's mind. That was him. The night of her parents death, he was the last one Yoojin saw before disappering in the night.
The tone in his voice was like a challenge between sarcasm and unbothered. "What are you doing in my territory?" he echoed, his gaze narrowing studying the other vampire. He looks newly turned and batshit-crazy to Donghyuck.
His words were met with defiance, the other vampire refused to answer or move out of the area which Donghyuck has claimed since last night.
Yoojin watched in silence, her gaze flickering between the two vampires with uncertain fear and fasincation. She had never seen such an interaction, and she wasnt sure what is going to happen. What will this mean for her?
The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as Donghyuck's rolled up his sleeves, his body language was a clear gateway to how threatening he became. Before Yoojin could even react, he took a decisive step forward, his gaze locking onto the other vampire. In the moment, the vampire's face shifted to Donghyuck, dropping Yoo-jin carelessly to the ground.
"I am going to count to three, and you better run off."
For a brief moment, the vampire hesitated, as if hoping for some sort of reprieve. But Donghyuck's tone was clear, his expression firm. Before the vampire could fully proces the situation, Donghyuck's voice rang out.
Suddenly the latter ran off, he took the cue and left for Donghyuck's final number. Yoojin’s body became tense, a sense of familiar danger alerts her to run for it. She grabbed her rifle and took off running. As if her life depends on it.
Donghyuck’s eyes on her as Yoojin fled suddenly. But she didn’t dare to pause to look back at the killer of her parents.
Unfortunately, her escape was cut short when she trips up over a patch of loose soil on the edge of a steep slope.
She stumbles, losing her balance and then she starts to roll down the hill, tumbling recklessly down like a sack of potatoes.
As Yoojin lands front face to the bottom, at the base of the hill. She groans, her body aching from the rough fall and landing. She felta wave of embarssment wash over her.
Suddenly, Donghyuck's voice rang out above, and she looked up to see him standing at the top of the hill. "What an idiot," he muttered, his tone laced with annoyance, as he begins to go down the slope to get to her.
She could feel her cheeks burn with anger and shame. The humilation was enough to sent her to her early grave. Her legs felt like jelly amongst the many bruises from the fall.
Donghyuck approached her, his expression unreadable. Under his gaze was this human girl, who strangely looks at him as if she's already known him. Hated him.
But he can't seem to remember her.
Yoojin found herself in a situation sooner than she expected. She takes a small peak and saw that Donghyuck is armed with a knife, not only that, but his foot on top of her rifle when she reached for it. She was once again, weaponless.
"It's you." Yoojin said with an itch to now seek her revenge.
Donghyuck tilts his head slightly at the sound of how hateful she sounds to him, as if she already knows him. He turns to look down at the girl properly with his eyes.
"Do i know you?" He asks smoothly with an undertone sarcasm in it.
"No but i know you." Her reply begins. "You killed my parents!" Yoojin starts while turning her lips to a thin unwelcoming line. Fists clenched together.
Donghyuck's mouth twitchs slightly at the accusation. He narrows his eyes at the human girl, Yoojin was slowly getting up from the ground. Dusting off any bits of dirt remaining to the clothes.
"Killed your parents? I don't ever remember laying a finger on them, darling." Donghyuck casually said, uncared for the situation of the loss. It's more like he's certain that the accusation is wrong.
Yoojin never expected such belief that seems so real, but she saw Donghyuck that night. She remembers a face like his anywhere. "Liar, i saw you that night and i'm going to kill you."
Yoojin's hand reached out a knife to slash forward to the vampire's shoulder blade. It never crossed Yoojin's mind there would be a power difference, even though thats the most basic knowledge out there. Vampires are much superior in terms of hunting. But she didn't care for her safety. She was driven by grief and revenge more than the fear of dying.
Donghyuck was amused more than surprised by the attack. An attempt, he would call it rather. He easily pushed back Yoojin and twists her around until a single push to her back makes her fall over a large tree to the front. Completely he parried a knife, not even using his vampire genetics. More just his heightened survival.
"Do you even know what you're doing? You don't even know how to use it correctly." He said with his head tilted with arms crossed over his chest.
Was he seriously just correcting Yoojin on how to land a slash on him? She felt insulted. Belitted.
Which only caused her grief and anger to mix together, close to exploding like an erupted volcano. Yoojin turned back and lung her hand forward, the knife creating this whoosh sound in the air. Donghyuck takes simple steps back to avoid being slashed by a basic knife, a kitchen knife it looks to be.
She then ends up being tripped up, again, for what felt like a hundreth time falling over on the ground. Donghyuck saw how she was so easily tripped by his feet. Yoojin's defence was down, she's not rationally thinking. Donghyuck made sure to put a stop to her mindless swinging with a knife.
It looked like child-play to him.
Yoojin lets out a small eugh when she lands on the ground with her head slightly bumped. The rifle was somewhere on the ground between the auburn leaves, and her knife laid next to her face. Her blurry vision grew to normal, Yoojin saw Donghyuck standing above her in front.
She flashed him a glare, her hair completely roughed up with leaves in them from the fall. "What do you want?" Yoojin throws because Donghyuck was just staring at her, not impressed.
An eyebrow was raised on his face when he saw that glare on her face. He sighs tiredly.
"Get up," Donghyuck says simply looking around the area, his voice smooth yet demanding. He doesn't make any move to remove his foot from the ground, he just waits for her to get up from the pathetic ground.
Looming over her, he did see a few things in the dim light outside on her face. Donghyuck saw the minor cuts and scratches on her face, indicating it from the falls. Maybe even struggle against the troublesome people earlier.
She grunts when leisurely going up on her feet, Yoojin blows some of her messy hair away in a huff, like a small child does. Yoojin made sure there was a good enough distance between the vampire and her eyes ocasionally observe the surroudings.
"What do you want?" She asked again. "Going to kill me like you killed my parents, huh?" Yoojin slowly brought up with an intent to provoke malicous to him.
Yoojin saw Donghyuck let out an exasperted sigh, the patience starting to wear thin. He rolls his eyes slightly and crosses his arms. "I already told you, i didn't kill them." He repeats sounding frustrated.
But when he saw her eyes constantly looking down towards the rifle, he simply reached for the weapon and shown it to her. He held the rifle with his two hands. "Looking for this?" he mocks, tapping the rifle on the ground.
Yoojin tried to hold the urge to just, try and stab him again. But she failed because the next thing that happened was Donghyuck quickly dodging a knife in the air that Yoojin reached for nearby before. He gave a disappoited eye roll.
The next thing she knew, she was held in a tight grip. Wrist held by a very strong hand forcing her to drop the knife and Donghyuck wasn't being so, tolerant anymore.
His grip was pretty tight but not enough to snap a bone yet. It is strong enough to keep the girl from not atacking him every five seconds like a maniac.
His expression is unreadable as he looks down at her widen eyes full of fear, his dark eyes piercing into them. The amusement from earlier is gone and now he was simply serious on the matter.
"I'm going to let go of your wrist now, and if you try anything i'm going to break it. Got it?" Donghyuck threatens sternly. But he saw Yoojin's non verbal reply as a sign that she understood it.
Yoojin was tempted but she didn't act on it this time. In fact she stood still and slowly takes back her wrist released from his hand. Donghyuck trails off next.
"See? I'm trying to be Mr nice guy, i don't usually do that." He points out sarcastically at the sudden quiet girl, but all he got was a glare. And as if she wants to just run away. Far away from him.
He sighs again. "Look, you're hurt and you must be lost. I have enough space for you to camp in my home."
"How do i know you won't kill me?" She shot at Donghyuck, defensively holding suspicion.
He gave her a look, as if thats the most obvious thing in the world. Donghyuck matter of factly points out. "Because if i wanted you dead, you'd already be dead."
She scoffs but Donghyuck already started to make his way back up, he assumed the girl will follow. She has nowhere else to go and her chances being safe from other vampires are high with him.
"Didn't realise vampires have sense of hospitality." She sarcastically shouts but eventually Yoojin weighs the pros and cons. Ultimately she starts to slowly tag behind Donghyuck.
Maybe she can always get back at him. But not right now.
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
So he did it?
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Y/N returns home after a difficult visit to the healer, burdened by the news of how magical force fields had impacted her pregnancy and her diminished chances of conceiving again. Eris greets her with concern and support, creating a moment of quiet solace as she prepares to confront the heavy truths ahead. Chapter Warnings: Themes of pregnancy loss, medical distress, and emotional strain.
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
Y/N walked into the healer’s cottage, a place that had become all too familiar over the past six months. The air was filled with the scent of herbs and the soft hum of conversation, but today it felt heavier, more foreboding. Her steps were slow, deliberate, each one echoing her uncertainty and the weight of what she might learn.
Sera, the healer, greeted her with a warm smile, though her eyes held a hint of worry. "Y/N, it's good to see you. Come in and sit down."
Y/N nodded, her hands clasped tightly in her lap as she sat in the worn leather chair. "Thank you, Sera."
Sera took her seat opposite Y/N, her expression serious. "I have the results from the tests we ran. Are you ready to discuss them?"
Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself. "Yes, I am."
Sera, sensing her distress, leaned forward and took Y/N’s hand in her own. "Y/N, I want to explain to you exactly how magic force fields can affect a pregnancy. It’s important that you understand what happened."
Y/N nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Please, I need to know."
Sera sighed softly, gathering her thoughts. "Magic force fields, especially those as powerful as the one that affected you, can create immense pressure on the body. When a force field is unleashed, it sends out a wave of energy that can disrupt the natural balance of the body’s systems."
Y/N listened intently, her mind racing as she tried to absorb the information.
"The force field acts almost like a shockwave," Sera continued, her voice gentle but firm. "It pushes against everything in its path, creating ripples of energy that can interfere with the delicate processes occurring within the body. In your case, it disrupted the natural flow of magic and life energy necessary to sustain a pregnancy."
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. "But how did it cause the miscarriage?"
Sera’s grip on her hand tightened, a reassuring presence. "The force field essentially created a barrier, blocking the essential energies that nourish and protect the developing baby. It’s as if the connection between you and the baby was severed, and without that vital link, the pregnancy could not continue."
Y/N’s breath hitched, the pain in her chest almost unbearable. She had always known the power of magic, but she had never imagined it could cause such devastation.
"And the potential for future pregnancies?" she asked, her voice trembling.
Sera took a deep breath, her expression one of deep compassion. "The force field’s energy was so intense that it may have left lingering damage. Your body needs time to heal, and even then, there’s a chance that the disruption could have lasting effects. The pathways that carry life energy might have been weakened, making it more difficult for you to sustain another pregnancy."
Tears finally spilled down Y/N’s cheeks, her heart breaking at the thought. "So, I might not be able to have another child?"
Sera shook her head slightly. "It’s not certain, Y/N. There’s always hope, and the body can sometimes heal in ways we don’t expect. But it’s important to be prepared for all possibilities."
Y/N nodded, her mind a whirlwind of emotions—anger, fear, and a deep sorrow. She felt an intense need to protect her family, to find a way to overcome this new challenge.
"Thank you, Sera," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I needed to know."
Sera squeezed her hand, her eyes filled with empathy. "You’re strong, Y/N. You’ve been through so much, and you have a loving family to support you."
Y/N’s heart ached as she walked back from the healer’s cottage, the weight of the day's revelations pressing heavily upon her. The news from Sera had been a devastating blow, confirming her fears and uncovering new ones. The magic force fields that had inadvertently caused her miscarriage were something she had never expected to be the consequence of her brother's protective instincts.
The memory of that fateful day came rushing back. Rhysand and the inner circle had arrived with their characteristic urgency and magic. The force field Rhysand had created was meant to shield them from threats, but its intense power had unknowingly disrupted her fragile pregnancy. She had seen the concern on Rhysand's face, the determination in his eyes to keep them all safe. Yet, she had been caught in the crossfire of his protection.
The realization that Rhysand's actions, while intended for their safety, had led to such suffering gnawed at her. She was painfully aware that he didn’t even know she was alive. His protective measures had been taken under the assumption that she was dead, a cruel twist of fate that had caused him to inadvertently harm her.
Y/N’s emotions swirled—sadness, anger, and a profound sense of betrayal. Her brother, who had always been her rock, had unknowingly caused the loss of her child. The knowledge that he was unaware of her survival only added to her torment. She had always cherished the bond they shared, a connection forged through countless shared experiences and mutual protection. The irony was bitter; the one person she had counted on to shield her was the cause of her grief.
As she approached her home, the sounds of life within seemed distant and muted. She had to navigate this heartache alone, at least until she found the strength to tell Eris the truth. How could she break the news to her mate that Rhysand's protective magic, a force she had always revered, had caused their loss? And how could she explain that her brother, whom she loved dearly, was unaware of her survival and the unintended consequences of his actions?
Her hand trembled as she reached for the door handle, the familiar warmth of her home offering a semblance of comfort amidst the storm of her thoughts. She had to keep moving forward, to protect her family, and to find a way to heal from this profound wound.
With a deep breath, Y/N pushed the door open and stepped inside. The soft sounds of Eris and Finna greeted her, a reminder of the life she was determined to safeguard. She would find a way to face this challenge, to heal, and to ensure that their future was not marred by the shadow of this painful revelation.
As Y/N stepped into the warm embrace of their home, she was immediately greeted by the familiar, soothing presence of Eris. He looked up from where he was sitting at the dining table, a stack of papers spread out before him. His gaze softened upon seeing her, a welcoming smile forming on his lips.
“Welcome home, love,” Eris said, his voice rich with affection and concern. He stood up, crossing the room to meet her. His eyes searched her face, instantly picking up on the strain and worry that clouded her expression. “How did it go at the healer’s?” he asked gently, reaching out to take her hand in his.
Y/N tried to muster a reassuring smile, but the weight of the day’s revelations hung heavily on her. “It went…,” she began, her voice faltering slightly as she struggled to find the right words. The room felt suddenly small, the walls closing in with the enormity of what she had learned.
Eris’s brow furrowed with concern as he studied her more closely. “You don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready,” he said softly, his thumb brushing gently over her knuckles. “But I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart aching with the burden of the truth she carried. “It’s just…,” she started again, her voice barely above a whisper. “There’s something I need to tell you, but it’s… it’s complicated.”
Eris’s expression turned serious, his grip on her hand firm yet tender. “We can talk about it when you’re ready,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers. “For now, let’s just be here together.”
With a nod, Y/N allowed herself to be guided to a nearby chair. As she sat down, Eris moved to prepare a cup of tea, his movements calm and deliberate, as if to offer her a moment of peace amid the storm of emotions. The warmth of the tea was a small comfort, and she appreciated the silent support he provided, even as she struggled with the weight of her own thoughts.
The reality of the situation was beginning to settle in, and Y/N knew that, despite the comfort of Eris’s presence, she would need to find the right moment to share the painful truth about Rhysand’s involvement and the impact of the force fields. For now, she was grateful for the quiet, steady support of her mate, knowing that together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 5 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 10: MacGyver
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Summary: Wanda and Monica hurry to Rome to save the team from San Castillo's catacombs while you anxiously wait for news about Wanda and your newfound family.
Warnings: Mentions of injury, asthma, anxiety
Word Count: 8k
A/N: The latest chapter of Guardian Angel is the longest yet. Thanks to everyone who's reading! I'm excited about where the story is headed, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Guardian Angel Masterlist 
Tony slowly opened his eyes, but all he could see was darkness. The faceplate of his Iron Man helmet slid open, and he heard the dripping sound of condensation. The only indication that he was still alive.
Steve stirred next, feeling the damp air and touching the hard stone floor. He started crawling on all fours and ripped off his oxygen mask, coughing as small pebbles from the drop scraped against his skin.
“Buck, come on. There you go.” Steve tapped his friend's cheek as he started to come around. “Wow,” Barnes gasped as he looked back up at the height of the drop.
Yelena crawled towards Natasha, her face and arms stained with dirt and blood. Despite the pain in her wrist, she began moving the small pile of rubble that had buried her older sister's lower body.
“Are you okay, sestra?” Her voice was muffled under the oxygen mask, but she managed to ask.
Nat slowly sat up and let out a hiss as the pain in her right leg began to hit her. Looking down, she noticed a gash spanning the length of her lower leg, visible through her suit. Although the cut wasn't deep, it was enough to cause her discomfort.
All around them, there was an eerie silence that sent shivers down their spines. The darkness was so thick they could barely see anything beyond a few feet.
Carol quickly sprang into action, helping Peter and Kate to their feet, while Sam and Clint sputtered and coughed as they crawled out from behind a chunk of stone slab covered in a cracked fresco painting that had fallen along with them. The sound of the debris crashing against each other had been deafening, and it had taken them a few moments to get their bearings.
Thor was the last to appear, tossing rubble and rocks aside like Legos. His strength and determination were evident as he worked to clear the wreckage.
“Is everyone alright?” Steve asked the team.
A smattering of grunts and mumbles floated out of the team in response. Everyone was nursing a modicum of injuries, but somehow, all were alive.
"FRIDAY, can you give me an IR scan of the space?" Tony's voice echoed through the underground catacombs.
FRIDAY's response was unexpected. "This is not part of the previously mapped subterranean pathway, boss."
Tony's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean? Are there any air currents?"
"This catacomb is not accessible to the general public. Therefore, no air currents were constructed at this depth," FRIDAY replied.
Steve had a sudden realization, "How much oxygen is left in the masks?"
"Undeterminable, Captain,” FRIDAY said.
Panic set in as the realization hit them - they were running out of oxygen. "Maria, can you hear me?" Nat urgently called out through her comms, hoping for a response. But all she got was static. "Is comms working for anyone?" she asked, looking around for a glimmer of hope, but no one could get through. 
Not waiting for further instruction, Carol swiftly flew up the shaft. The team could hear the distant sound of energy blasts as scattered debris and water droplets fell from above. She returned shortly after, displaying an air of calm anxiety similar to Natasha's.
"We fell at least one hundred feet," Carol reported, removing her oxygen mask. "The top of the shaft narrows, and the passage is blocked by rubble from the fall."
Thor looked around in frustration, "This is ridiculous," he lamented. "I'm getting us the hell out of here," he declared as he started to spin Mjölnir.
But Bruce quickly stopped him. "No, don't you remember what Friday said before the fall?" he said, grabbing Thor's forearm. A core reactor holds the tunnel together. We have no idea what is behind the energy surges. Introducing thunder into the mix could collapse the entire catacomb."
Thor's face contorted in exasperation, "So what do we do now?" he asked, the tension rising.
“How far out are we?" Wanda inquired.
The low and gentle hum emanating from the Quinjet reverberated through the atmosphere as it soared through the endless expanse of the bright blue sky.
"Just a few minutes. Their trackers are still active, but I can't say how long they'll stay online," Monica replied, glancing down at the GPS display.
Wanda wasn't sure what to say. This was the first time she and Monica had been alone together since the events in Westview. Despite the hug they had shared on the loading dock, Wanda wasn't sure where they stood. However, she couldn't bear to dwell on what they might find when they arrived in Rome. She needed a distraction.
"So... how have you been since, well, since..." Wanda began.
"Since you trapped Westview, New Jersey in an idyllic suburban illusion of your grief and turned me into a photon," Monica finished for her, raising an eyebrow.
Wanda buried her face in her hands, feeling embarrassed. "In a manner of speaking, yes," she mumbled.
"I've been okay. After the Hex was dismantled, Fury sent for me. I was recruited into S.A.B.E.R. I've been shuttling back and forth between Earth and the space station for the last year," Monica explained.
Wanda nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions as she absorbed Monica's words. After a moment, she turned to face her. "Listen, I-"
"You don't need to say anything, Wanda. You already apologized, and I meant what I said that day. I understood how you felt, and given the circumstances and your powers, I would have tried to bring my mom back, too," Monica said, her voice filled with empathy.
Wanda nodded in recognition and gratitude, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.
"Now, I have a question for you," Monica said. "What's the deal with you and Y/N?"
"Our meeting was pure luck, and now... now I can't imagine my life without Y/N. Losing Vis was a turning point in my life. The world around me crumbled, leaving me and my boys vulnerable and exposed. But I had to be strong and protect them, even if it meant building a fortress around my heart. But Y/N, she shattered the fortress the moment our eyes met. It's weird; sometimes it feels like Vision sent Y/N to me, you know? Like she's my guardian angel."
"That's amazing, Wanda. I'm so happy for you,” Monica declared.
"Approaching target landing zone. Cloaking technology initiated," FRIDAY announced.
Darcy seemed to have an unmatched familiarity with the Overwatch system—she navigated through it with precision and ease, almost as if she had designed and constructed it. You couldn't help but notice how meticulously she calibrated her equipment, making every adjustment with utmost care and attention to detail.
“What kind of data were you seeing before the fall?” Darcy asked.
“Mostly thermostats,” Maria said. “A core reactor holds together the stabilization of the tunnel structure.” 
At this point, they could have been speaking a foreign language. You were having difficulty washing off the shock of the last few hours. You were also worried about Wanda putting herself in danger to rescue everyone.
“Why were they all on this mission, anyway?” Darcy continued. “Jack Sparrow doesn't usually push all his Poker chips into the middle of the table for surveillance.” 
Maria pulled up the mission file on the screen, "In the city of Rome, there are more than sixty catacombs composed of miles of underground tunnels in which thousands of tombs are found. Currently, only 5 of them are open to the public. For the last month, we have received some unusual readings from the Catacombs of San Callisto. It spans five floors and more than 12 miles in length,”  Maria continued. “Despite our best intelligence, we were unsure about what we were walking into because it wasn't publicly accessible. Fury wanted us to be prepared for any contingency."
Darcy caught sight of your zoned-out expression. “Hey, Y/N, you okay over there?” 
“Yeah, I just,” you trailed off. “I mean, I make candy for a living. The most dangerous thing I encounter in my day is Harper forgetting to turn off the stove,” you said, starting to get worked up.”
“Y/N,” Maria said, seeing your anxiety rising. 
“I just watched the Avengers fall to God knows where, and my girlfriend just left to try and rescue them with her magical powers…. What the hell is my life?” 
“Y/N, it’s going to be okay,” Maria repeated as she and Darcy approached you.
“How can you possibly know that? This is fucking terrifying!” You shouted. “What if we never see any of them again?”
As you were spiraling into a state of panic, Darcy's hand came down hard and made contact with your cheek, jolting you back into the present moment.
“You were spiraling,” Darcy said, patting you on the back with a smile. “All good now.”
Y/N," Maria said as she placed her hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eyes while you rubbed your cheek. "Everything will be alright. Their trackers are still sending signals, and I just received an update on everyone's vital signs. They're in distress, but they're still stable. Wanda and Monica will find them.”
After a deep breath, you said, "I'm sorry, Maria. I don't know how you guys do this every day,” wiping your hand across your face. “With Natasha down there, I don't know how you're holding it together." 
“I’ve been doing this for a long time, and if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that Nat doesn’t give up. If anything, this entire ordeal has pissed her off, and she’s even more of a fighter when she’s angry,” Maria said.
You glanced at your watch. "Shoot,” you sighed. It's almost 3 p.m. I have to go pick up Billy and Tommy from school. Please call me as soon as you know anything.” 
As you arrived at the boys' school, a sense of nervousness washed over you. You had only met Billy and Tommy once before, and you weren't quite sure what to say to them. You remembered Wanda’s request not to go into detail about the reason for her unplanned departure, so you were hesitant about how to approach the conversation.
Within just a few minutes of your arrival, the sixth-grade class began to come out of the building. It didn't take long for you to spot the twins, carrying their backpacks and books, scanning their surroundings for you.
You called out, "Boys, over here!" Billy and Tommy ran towards you.
“Hi, Y/N, how come you’re picking us up today?” Tommy asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Yeah, where’s our mom?” Billy added, looking a bit confused.
“Your mom had to go on a last-minute mission with the rest of the team,” you said, trying not to go into too much detail. “So, she asked me to look after you boys until she gets back. Is that okay with you?”
Billy and Tommy looked at each other, seemingly communicating a message without words, and then turned back to you with a nod. You couldn't help but wonder if they had some secret twin language that only they knew. Either way, you were relieved they seemed alright with you taking care of them. 
It felt odd stepping foot in Wanda’s home without her. It was your first time there, and the absence of her presence made the atmosphere feel eerie. However, you took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling, reminding yourself to focus on Billy and Tommy.
Once settled, you asked, “Okay, so what do you guys usually do first when you get home from school?” 
Tommy and Billy stood in the kitchen, looking up at you with hopeful eyes. "Well," Tommy began tentatively, "Mom usually lets us play video games after school."
Billy nodded eagerly, adding, "And then we have ice cream. It's our favorite snack."
You couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. "I see," you said, playing along with their little routine. "And after video games and ice cream, you'll probably get started on your homework, right?"
At this, Tommy's face fell. "We don't have any homework," he admitted sheepishly.
You chuckled, leaning back against the counter. "Listen, boys," you said, adopting a more earnest tone. I know we don't know each other very well yet, and you're probably thinking this is a free-for-all. But you should know I invented the 'I don't have any homework' line," you said, placing your hand on your chest. "I was a kid once, too, you know."
“It was worth a shot,” Billy said. 
Why don't you two bring your homework out here, and I’ll fix us a snack in the meantime?” You suggested. 
“Okay,” they said in unison before clambering down the hall. 
You shook your head at their cheekiness and set about preparing a snack. You sliced up some crisp apples, added a dollop of creamy peanut butter, and poured some refreshing lemonade.
After spending some time helping the boys with their homework, which turned out to be more challenging than you remembered, you decided to tidy up around the house. As you walked into the living room, your attention was immediately drawn to the family photo on the wall. Vision stood tall and robust, with Wanda's arm around him, while Billy and Tommy grinned from ear to ear. The image was a gentle reminder of her life before you. Rather than jealousy, you felt a deep empathy and sorrow for all the hardships and heartbreaks she had endured.
You couldn't help but wonder if Wanda was okay right now. If they were all okay.
As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, a soft glow began to spread across the ancient cobblestones of the Appian Way. The air was still and quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the distant chirping of birds. The surrounding landscape was bathed in a golden light, casting long shadows stretching across the fields and trees. Amidst this stillness, the Quinjet lay concealed in a nearby field. Wanda and Monica walked down the cobblestone path and made their way through the Arch of Dursus, their footsteps echoing in the quietness of the night. The entrance of the San Callisto catacombs suddenly materialized, rising from the ground like an ominous apparition.
The iron gate had been meticulously re-welded shut—Tony’s standard attempt at not drawing suspicion after they entered. Wanda’s hand began to swirl in red. 
“I got it,” Monica said, breaking the lock with electrifying blue energy. 
The two women donned oxygen masks and walked down the stone stairs into the catacombs, their communications and body cameras crackling to life. 
As they descended the steps, their feet moved steadily, one after the other. The count of each step eluded them as they were fully immersed in descending. As they reached the end of the stairs, the first of the tombs revealed itself, emerging from the darkness before them. 
Do you feel anything?” Monica asked, “Anyone?” 
Wanda shook her head, “Not yet.”
“We’re looking at 90 acres of catacombs to search, ladies,” Maria said over the comms.
“So, you know, it may take a minute,” Darcy added. 
Yelena frustratingly turned to Tony, "Can't you fly us out of here? I thought Iron Man could do anything?"
Tony snapped, "Oh gee, I hadn't thought of that blondie. Thank God you finally mentioned it after five hours!"
Natasha intervened, "Take it down a notch, Tony."
Tony sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Don't you think if I could have flown us out of here, I would have done it by now? The energy surges compromised the calibration of the thrusters. FRIDAY is down, too.”
Sam nodded in agreement, "Same here. It's a complete multisystem failure."
Suddenly, Kate's voice echoed off the stone, "Help!!"
Peter dropped from the wall onto the floor, webbing still hanging loosely from the rocks. "I couldn't find any other openings."
Bucky added with a hint of sarcasm, "Terrific. Well, Steve, we died once; looks like it's going to stick this time," he lamented, as he pulled a small flask from inside his leather jacket and removed his oxygen mask.
“Bucky, stop,” Steve sighed.
Clint chimed in, "Hey, give me some of that," as he took a swig out of the flask. 
The archer passed the flask to Thor, who reluctantly sipped,” Your human alcohol is so weak.” 
Natasha stood and hobbled over to Bruce, the cut on her leg now causing her more significant discomfort. 
“Do you want me to look at your leg?” Bruce cautiously asked.
“No,” Nat said, ripping off her oxygen mask. “I want you to get your green ass off that rock and go MacGyver something with Stark to get us the fuck out of here!”
“What’s a MacGyver?” Peter asked.
“It's not a what, it's a who,” Kate responded. 
“I've never heard of him,” Peter continued. 
“MacGyver is amazing!" exclaimed Kate, her excitement bubbling over. "He’s a super resourceful secret agent who uses his vast scientific knowledge to escape dangerous situations. He uses everyday items like matchsticks, paper clips, and rubber bands to complete his missions.”
Nat's voice echoed through the cramped quarters as she shouted, "Knock it off!" The two young Avengers quieted down immediately, their eyes fixed on her. 
Steve took a deep breath and scanned the room, his eyes settling on each of his teammates in turn. "Look," he said, getting everyone's attention. "We don't know how long Wanda and Maria will take to find us, but we must assume they're close. That means we need to stay calm and do everything we can to conserve oxygen in this tiny space and our masks. We don't know what will happen next, but we're in this together, and we're going to make it through."
It had been an hour since the boys had gone to bed. Now that you were finally alone with your thoughts, you couldn't hold back the tears. Your mind was consumed with worry and fear, and you had not received any updates from Maria and Darcy. The silence was deafening, and the longer it persisted, the more scared and anxious you became.
You gazed at your phone, considering calling them, but decided against it. Instead, you wiped your eyes and scrolled through your camera roll, looking at pictures of you and Wanda that reminded youof your favorite memories together.
You suddenly felt like someone was watching you. You looked up and saw Billy poking his head around the corner.
"Hey, Billy. You okay?" you asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Are you?" the young boy asked in return, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your thoughts are really loud."
It took you a moment to realize what he meant, but then it hit you. Of course, like his mom, Billy could hear other people's thoughts. You wondered how often he had to deal with that and how overwhelming it must be.
"I'm sorry, Billy," you said, trying to keep your thoughts in check. "I didn't mean to be so loud."
"It's okay," he said with a shrug as he joined you on the couch. "I'm used to it.”
You sat in silence for a few moments, unsure of what to say next. Then, you remembered why you were there in the first place.
"I'm just excited for your mom to come home," you said, trying to inject some positivity into the conversation.
"Same," he said, his face lighting up a little. He scooted closer to you on the couch. It was a small gesture, but it made you feel like maybe you were doing something right.
"You and Tommy love your mom a lot, don't you?" you asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah, she's amazing. She's always there for us," he explained with a smile.
"I can tell," you said, pulling a soft blanket off the back of the couch and placing it over Billy. "She talks about you and Tommy all the time. She's so proud of both of you."
"Really? What does she say?" Billy asked curiously, his eyes widening with interest.
"Well," you began, "she says you're both brilliant, funny, and sweet young men. She admires your sense of humor and your kindness towards others. Tommy is a great athlete, and you like to draw. She thinks you're a very talented artist."
"Mom told you that?" he said, surprised. "I didn't know she talked about us so much."
"Yes, she does. She loves you two very much," you replied, smiling at him warmly.
You followed Billy’s eyes as he stared at the family photograph you admired earlier. "I miss Dad," he said. "Tommy does, too."
"I know you do," you replied. “I’m sorry.” 
"We were happy in Westview," Billy said, fidgeting with his hands just like Wanda. "Then, one day, we woke up, and Dad was gone and Mom said we had to go."
"That must have been difficult," you said softly.
"Yeah, at first it was tough," Billy continued, "but then we came here. Mom got Uncle Tony to build us this cool house, and we have a lot of fun.”
You couldn't help but smile as he talked about Wanda. "Your mom is the coolest person I know," you said, and Billy beamed with pride.
"You miss her too, don't you?" he asked, and you felt a pang of longing in your heart.
"You're good, kid," you said with a smirk as you ruffled his hair. "Yes, I miss your mom very much."
“She talks about you too, you know,” Billy mentioned.
Your surprise showed on your face. "Really?" you asked.
"Yeah," he said matter-of-factly. "She says you make her happy, and you make the best chocolate in the world."
You giggled at the compliment, but then you noticed the time. It was almost 2 a.m. "I think we both could use some shut-eye, Billy. We want to be well-rested when your mom gets home."
"Okay," he agreed, climbing off the couch.
But before he left, you had an idea. "Hey, what do you say you and I and Tommy make brownies tomorrow as a treat for everyone when they get home?"
Billy's eyes lit up. "That would be awesome!"
"I think so, too," you said with a smile. "Okay, now, bedtime. Off you go."
Unexpectedly, the young boy hugged you goodnight, and you felt a warmth in your heart. "Thank you, Y/N. Goodnight," he said.
"Goodnight, Billy," you said.
Meanwhile, half a world away, Wanda and Monica ventured through the dark and musty catacombs. The eerie silence was only broken by the echo of their footsteps. They had been walking for hours with no sign of anyone. Suddenly, Maria's voice broke through their comms, sending chills down their spine.
“Our last point of contact was down this secondary tunnel just ahead,” she said.
Wanda's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the area. "Watch your step," she warned. "If this is near where they dropped, we're on unstable ground."
As they continued, the walls around them became adorned with ancient symbols and paintings, marking Papal tombs. But their peaceful exploration was abruptly interrupted when Monica came to a sudden halt. "Stop," she said, sensing a change in the electromagnetic spectrum. 
Wanda spun around to face her. "What is it?" She asked, her anxiety rising.
Before Monica could answer, the ground began to shake violently, throwing both women to the ground.
As the ceiling crumbled, debris rained down onthe two women. Acting quickly, Wanda summoned her powers to redirect the falling fragments away from them.
“Are you two okay?” Maria asked nervously.
“Yeah, we're okay,” Wanda said as she helped Monica to her feet. “What was that?” 
Take a look around," Darcy pointed out. "Do you see those fissures along the walls? Someone is utilizing the catacombs as a natural storage space for geothermal energy. But there is something wrong with the core reactor. It's causing the structure to become destabilized.
Monica's voice trailed off as she tried to put her thoughts into words. "So, in other words, we're..." she hesitated, unsure.
Darcy picked up on Monica's hesitation and completed her thought. "Walking on eggshells. You need to find them, and soon.”
Clint, feeling a tad bit drunk from sipping from Bucky’s flask for the last few hours, began singing to himself, “Nobody knows the troubles I've seen.” 
“No, we need to find some physical conductor for the thrusters! We can't use Thor or Danvers down here,” Bruce exasperated.
Clint, not paying attention to the conversation, continued his solo performance, “Nobody knows my sorrows.” 
Tony suggested, “We could use Barnes’s arm,” side-eying the super soldier sitting against the wall. 
Bruce momentarily thought about it and responded, “That could work. We could use the vibranium and cybernetic implant to hot wire the thrusters”.
“Nobody knows the troubles I've seen,” Clint shamelessly continued. 
Bucky, who had been quietly listening, pulled down his oxygen mask so that only his eyes were visible and said, “Come try to take it; I dare you.”
“No one at all!” Clint finally finished singing. Natasha gently coaxed her best friend back into a sitting position beside her and Carol.
Nearby, Yelena, Peter, and Kate sat on the ground. Kate’s head rested in Yelena’s lap, doing her best to clean the cut on the young archer’s forehead. 
"Ouch!" exclaimed Kate, her voice muffled by the oxygen mask.
Yelena had attended to Nat's leg gash and now turned to the cut on Kate's forehead. She took out a disinfectant wipe from her vest pocket and dabbed the wound gently.
“Stop moving, and it won't hurt so much, Kate Bishop,” Yelena said, trying to hold her still. 
Suddenly, the sound of Peter wheezing broke the blonde's concentration away from Kate's forehead.
"Woah, are you okay, spider?" Her voice was filled with concern as the boy tore off his oxygen mask.
Peter gasped between every word and said, "I don't know, I can't,” he sputtered. “Catch my breath."
Kate sat up nervously, "Hey, what's happening? Where is your inhaler, Peter?"
Peter's voice strained, and his breaths became shorter as he said, "On the jet."
Bruce took charge of the situation, moving Peter into a sitting position against the wall. He placed an ear to his chest and frowned at the raspy, short breaths.
"Peter, look at me," Bruce said gently as he held the boy's face. "Are you certain that you don't have a rescue inhaler with you?"
He shook his head, his eyes filled with fear as each breath became more labored.
Tony quickly turned to Steve and said, "Help me out of the suit."
Steve was confused and asked, "What?"
"FRIDAY is down. I need you to get it off me, do it!" Tony's voice exclaimed anxiously.
Steve found the central seam of the Iron Man suit and tried to pull the chest plate apart, but it wouldn't budge.
"Buck, Thor, help me!" Steve shouted.
The sound of Peter's shallow breaths was drowned out by the metal bending as Bucky and Thor worked to free Tony from his suit.
"It's going to be okay, Peter. Stay with us," Sam said, as he and Carol did their best to keep him calm.
Peter's vision began to blur as his breathing was reduced to a squeak.
"Shit!" Bruce exclaimed, realizing the gravity of the situation.
Tony quickly stepped out of the broken pieces of his suit just as Peter was about to lose consciousness. He reached into his pants pocket, pulling out a rescue inhaler. He shook it several times before removing the cap as Nat lowered Peter’s head into her lap. Tony tilted the puffer slightly, angling it down his throat as he gave two puffs into his mouth. 
"Slowly breathe in, kid," Tony instructed. "One, two, three, four, five."
Tony administered two more puffs of the inhaler before Bruce listened to Peter's chest and confirmed his breathing had improved.
"Thank you, Mr. Stark," Peter whispered as his lungs began to open up. "Where did you get that inhaler?"
From Aunt Mae. It was one of her conditions for you to join the team. I always have it on me," Tony explained.
"You broke your suit," Peter realized.
"It's an easy fix, kid. You're not," Tony smirked.
Peter continued to use the inhaler as Tony kissed his forehead and walked away, his hands trembling.
Kate and Yelena comforted Peter while Bruce examined him.
"You're okay, Peter," Bruce said. "Continue using the inhaler, and when you feel up to it, put your oxygen mask back on." He picked up Peter’s mask, but his eyes widened with anxiety. The gauge was empty, and the light had turned red.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked.
"The mask is out of oxygen," Bruce whispered.
"I'll give you mine," Carol offered, taking off her mask and giving it to Peter.
"Thanks, Carol," Peter said as he continued to use the inhaler.
Steve pulled Bruce to one side. “Be honest with me, Bruce. How much time do we have left?”
"It's hard to say. With Peter's preexisting medical condition, he may have been using more oxygen than the rest of us. I'll check the other masks, but with so many people in this small space—”
“Bruce,” Steve said solemnly. 
“An hour. Maybe,” Banner conceded.
Instantly, an avalanche of disordered thoughts rushed into Wanda's mind, emanating from Peter. The intensity of his anxiety was so profound that Wanda had to cling to the wall of the tunnel to steady herself. Overwhelmed with relief and anguish, she burst into tears. It was as if Peter's distress was contagious, and his emotions threatened to engulf Wanda's consciousness. His mind was a chaotic maze of thoughts, all leading to the same inescapable conclusion: they were all going to die.
Monica's voice interrupted her thoughts, "Wanda, what is it?"
Wanda had to grab the side of the wall for support. "Peter. I can feel him; he's close."
It was as if Peter’s thoughts broke the dam, and one by one, the desperation and fear of her teammates came through. But soon, it was replaced with something else entirely: acceptance. They seemed resigned to their fate, and Wanda couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.
“This way,” Wanda said as the two women doubled back. 
A dark tunnel forced the two women to duck as they crawled through it. As they forced their way through the ancient passage, they were relieved when it opened into a larger space—rubble scattered everywhere and the feeling of uneven ground underneath their feet. 
Maria's voice echoed through the comms, "What do see?" 
Monica took a deep breath and replied, "It's much cooler in here." The air around them was refreshing, starkly contrasting the humid air in the rest of the catacomb.
Wanda knelt and placed her hand on the ground, feeling the dampness seeping through her fingers. "The ground is damp, too," she added.
Darcy's ears perked up at their report, and her eyes widened. “This is it! If the water sinks into the ground, it's coming out somewhere.” 
Monica took notice of the uneven gravel. “Don’t move,” she said as she phased through the ground, leaving Wanda alone with the team’s thoughts in her head. 
Bruce, true to his word, carefully examined all the oxygen in the ten remaining masks. Unfortunately, five more had depleted, leaving the group with only five masks to share. They sat in a circle and passed the masks around, agreeing on five-minute turns, but the adults made sure Yelena, Kate, and Peter had the masks on for a bit longer without saying anything.
As they breathed heavily and coughed occasionally, it became apparent that the air was running out. Suddenly, a low rumbling sound made everyone scramble to the walls. Yelena instinctively reached out for Natasha, who was struggling to stand on what was now most likely an infected cut in her leg.
"Cover your head!" Steve shouted, not sure if it was another energy surge or if the catacombs were finally caving in.
Suddenly, Monica dropped through the stone ceiling and landed on Carol, causing her to grunt in pain. Monica quickly stood up, dusting herself off and helping Carol to her feet. 
Kate screamed in relief, "Oh my God, it's Monica!!" and hugged her. Yelena tried to pry Kate off Monica while everyone else watched in surprise.
"You found us," Carol said, hugging her next.
"Actually, Wanda found you,” Monica said as she held Carol. “She heard Peter's thoughts," turning to the young Avenger.
"Thank you for having asthma, you wonderful little arachnid!" Clint said, kissing Peter on the cheek.
"Umm, you're welcome," Peter replied.
"Wanda is here?" Steve asked.
"I knew she could do it," Natasha said under her breath, recalling the day Wanda returned to the compound.
"Wanda," Monica said, pressing her comms closer to her ear. "You were right, they're down here."
"Are they alright?" Wanda asked, her voice a mix of anxiety and relief.
"More or less," Monica responded, looking around at the sweaty, exhausted, and dirt-covered group. "When I give the word, you do your thing."
"Got it," Wanda replied.
"Everyone move away from the center," she instructed. 
After ensuring that everyone was safe, she issued the command, "Alright, Wanda. Now.”
The redhead stood still, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Her hands and eyes began to emit a bright red glow, almost like they were on fire. As she closed her eyes, your words echoed in her mind.
“The magic that courses through you is the true measure of who you are, Wanda. Don't let a single mistake define you or your legacy."
She focused her energy and channeled her magic to lift the endless amount of heavy rubble that blocked the narrow shaft. As she lifted the debris, the sound of rocks and debris tumbling down from above echoed through the small space. The team looked up as they saw a faint ray of light piercing through the small opening over a hundred feet above them. 
Wanda's heart pounded as she floated down, eager to reunite with her family. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Natasha enveloped her in a warm embrace. "No arm tied behind your back anymore," she whispered, her words full of relief. 
Tears filled Wanda's eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed with emotion. Then, Tony stepped forward and hugged her tightly. "I can't even tell you how happy I am to see you, Red," he said, his voice filled with genuine joy.
"Same here, Tony," Wanda replied, a smile spreading across her face.
But their reunion was cut short by Maria's voice crackling over the comms. "You can all exchange pleasantries on the way home; time to rejoin the above-ground dwellers," she said briskly.
Wanda quickly wiped away her tears and, with a wave of her hand, conjured a ladder leading out of the shaft. 
After Wanda and Monica checked the stability of the ladder, Bucky, Clint, Sam, Thor, and Carol led the way up. Monica offered her assistance to anyone who needed it. 
"Does anyone need a lift?" Monica asked, glancing around at the group.
Tony immediately pointed to Peter, who quickly protested, "What? No, not necessary, Mr. Stark. I'm fine."
However, Tony was quick to dismiss Peter's objections. "Nice try, kid. Your asthma almost killed you. Let the Photon carry you. That's an order," he said, picking up the broken chest plate of his suit and ascending the ladder.
Peter reluctantly acquiesced. "Fine," he grumbled, "but no one tells MJ.”
Monica picked Peter up bridal-style and flew up the shaft, ensuring that he made it to the top safely.
Natasha leaned on Yelena and Kate for support as she hobbled toward the ladder.
"May I offer you a lift?" Wanda asked with a smirk, knowing that Nat would be hesitant to accept help from anyone.
"Do I look like Peter?" Nat replied sarcastically, trying to shrug off the offer.
Wanda's smirk turned into a concerned expression as she noticed the pain she was in. "No, but your leg looks pretty bad, and I have someone on the line who wants to speak with you," she explained, handing Nat her comms earpiece.
Nat begrudgingly grabbed it, knowing precisely who would be on the other end. She put it on and said, "Hi, Maria.”
Maria's voice echoed through the earpiece. "Natalia Alianovna Romanoff! I can see your leg on their body cameras. Let Wanda help you, or I swear to God, you are sleeping on the couch until it heals," she shouted in a stern tone. 
Natasha let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that Maria was right. She reluctantly handed her earpiece back to Wanda and nodded in agreement.
"Have a nice conversation, did you?" Wanda teased, noticing the annoyed expression on Natasha's face.
"Shut up, and get me out of here," the Black Widow grumbled.
"Good choice," the redhead said with a smile as she used her magic to lift Natasha out of the shaft. She then turned her attention to Yelena and Kate and gestured for them to follow. "After you."
The last one to leave, Steve smiled broadly at Wanda, his dirt and blood-covered face unable to conceal his immense pride in her.
“Are you going to give me some big hero speech, Cap?” Wanda asked, half-joking.
"Maybe later," Steve replied with a sigh. "But for now, all I want to do is this." He wrapped his arms around Wanda, pulling her close. "Welcome back, Wanda," he said, his voice filled with warmth.
Night had descended upon Rome by the time the team finally boarded the Quinjet. Monica took control of the jet and put it on autopilot, allowing her and Wanda to attend to everyone's injuries. The mood was somber as they tended to the team.
"No more underground missions!" Sam declared loudly, wincing in pain as Wanda wrapped his shoulder. "I mean it. If we need to go underground, Fury can send in the incredible shrinking Scott or use Red Wing. I was chasing ghosts down there, and we still don't know what the hell was going on."
Monica tried to reassure him. "You were probably just hallucinating from a lack of oxygen," she said.
Ha! Probably!" Sam responded, his tone skeptical. "See, that's not exactly comforting. Steve, I need you to make sure this is included in the mission report. We can't afford to overlook any potential threats."
Looking around at the team, Steve agreed with Sam. "I think we could all use some rest first though," he suggested. "We can reconvene in the morning and go over everything in more detail.”
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing on the coffee table. You had decided to sleep on the couch after Billy went back to bed, in case either of the boys woke up again. As you picked up the phone and saw Maria's name on the screen, your heart skipped a beat.
Anxious and nervous, you answered the call, "Maria? Have you heard anything?”
Maria's response brought tears to your eyes, "They're all safe. A bit bruised and battered, but alive. ETA is about 2 hours."
Relieved and grateful, you could feel a weight lifted off your chest. "Oh, thank God… and Wanda?"
"She was amazing, Y/N. You would’ve been so proud," Maria's voice was filled with admiration.
You couldn't help the tears that fell down your cheeks. You asked, "So, what happens now?" while looking around the corner to make sure Billy and Tommy were still asleep.
"Well, they'll have a short debrief when they get back and presumably a visit to the med bay. But I know Wanda will want to see you and the boys ASAP," Maria explained.
You nodded, even though she couldn't see you, "Okay," you said while running your hand through your hair and looking at the clock. "We'll be there."
"Good, see you in a bit, Y/N," Maria said.
"Bye, Maria," you replied before hanging up the phone. 
As you were putting the couch back together, Billy and Tommy, still in their pajamas, walked into the kitchen. You greeted them with a warm smile and said, "Good morning, boys! I have some good news for you - your mom is on her way home."
Tommy's face lit up with delight as he exclaimed, "Yes!"
Billy looked at you with curiosity and asked, "When will she be here?"
You checked your watch and replied, "In a couple of hours. I was thinking we could all meet her at the compound. What do you think?"
Both boys nodded eagerly, thrilled at the prospect of seeing their mother again.
Then, you added, "Cool! So, I was thinking, would you like to help me make some brownies to bring as a welcome-home treat for everyone? It's a very special recipe from The Candy Bar."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for their response. The boys looked at each other, then back at you, with wide grins on their faces. "Yes, please!" they exclaimed in unison.
As you stepped into the kitchen, you were struck by the state-of-the-art sound system that Tony had built into the house. You paired your phone with it and turned on your “Baking playlist” to set the mood for your baking session. Billy and Tommy sat at the kitchen island, eagerly awaiting their tasks. You laid out all the ingredients for your fudgy chocolate brownies on the sleek granite countertop, admiring how they gleamed under the overhead lights.
“Okay,” you said, clapping your hands together. “Tommy, you mix the dry ingredients, and Billy, you mix the wet ingredients.”
You couldn't help but grin as the boys rolled up their sleeves and got to work, their eyes fixed on the recipe book as they measured each ingredient with utmost care.
While the brownies were baking to perfection, you whipped up a decadent chocolate frosting that would add an extra layer of sweetness to the treat. The smooth, velvety texture of the frosting was the perfect complement to the chewy, chocolatey goodness of the brownies.
Once you finished frosting the brownies and placing them in the refrigerator, you checked the clock and said, "Okay, why don't you guys get showered and dressed? You want to look your best for your mom."
In perfect unison, they responded, "Okay." That's when Tommy suddenly zipped away and returned in a split second, ready to go. 
"Whoa! That was fast," you said, impressed.
"I know, right? I have super speed, just like our Uncle Pietro!" Tommy proudly announced.
"Ah, your mom has told me a bit about him," you replied, nodding in understanding.
"Well, that's why I'm so awesome at sports!" Tommy exclaimed with a huge grin.
"Actually, that's not true," Billy interjected. "Mom doesn't want him to use his powers while playing."
"Ugh, don't listen to him. Sometimes I use them when she isn't looking," Tommy said, a mischievous look creeping across his face.
"What?! I'm going to tell Mom!" Billy shouted, looking outraged.
"You will not!" Tommy said, pushing his brother playfully.
"Hey, hey, hey!" You stepped between them, breaking up their squabble. "Billy, you can go get ready, and Tommy, how about you help me pack the brownies?"
"Fine," Billy grumbled.
"Okay," Tommy said with a nod.
As you entered the compound, you were informed that the team had already finished their debriefing and were receiving post-mission examinations and oxygen treatments in the med bay, as per Fury's orders. You and the boys patiently waited outside the medical facility, observing as doctors and nurses went in and out.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally caught a glimpse of Wanda. The sight of her filled you with joy, and you couldn't help but smile. Wanda was scanning the room before her eyes landed on you and the boys. The twins' excitement was palpable as they ran towards Wanda with unbridled enthusiasm.
Wanda hugged Billy and Tommy tightly, kissing the tops of their heads. You hung back, holding the Tupperware full of brownies, not wanting to impose on their family reunion. 
“I missed you boys so much!” Wanda said, kneeling to hug them.
“We missed you too,” Tommy replied.
“Yeah,” Billy agreed, “but we had a great time with Y/N. She's so much fun, and we made brownies for everyone, see?” pointing back at you. 
Wanda glanced back at you, and her eyes lit up with joy upon seeing you standing there. “Hello, my love. I missed you too," she said, pulling you into a warm embrace, and giving you a soft kiss on the lips, which made you blush.
“You brought everyone home,” you said, repeating the words you spoke to her before she left. “I knew you could do it,” you said, as you both tried to hold back tears in the middle of the med bay. 
Lost in the moment, Tony's voice brought you back to reality. "Aww! Look at the lovebirds," he exclaimed. You saw Stark walking towards you, holding Pepper’s and Morgan’s hands. He looked a bit worse for wear than the last time you saw him, with a limp, butterfly stitches above his eyebrow, and a cut on his cheek.
You hugged all three of them. "Mmmm, what do we have here?" Tony asked. "Very nice! I don't remember you making brownies for me when I came home from a mission,” turning to his wife.
Pepper shot back, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little busy running your entire company. If you want brownies, make them yourself."
Natasha appeared next, being pushed in a wheelchair by Maria, followed by Yelena and Kate. Natasha's lower right leg was heavily bandaged, "Oh, Nat, are you okay?" you asked.
"I'm fine," she said, reassuringly smiling as you leaned down to embrace her. "This is all just precautionary."
Maria chimed in, "Right, that’s why Dr. Cho also gave us precautionary antibiotics," doing air quotes, and you couldn't help but laugh at her comment.
"My sister has always been stubborn," Yelena said as she and Kate joined the group. The blonde adjusted the brace on her wrist before hugging you and grabbing two brownies.
"Yeah, you should have seen her down there," Kate added. "It was like the Black Widow on steroids," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around you.
"What was that, Bishop?" Nat asked, giving Kate a suspicious look.
"Nothing," Kate responded nervously. "Would you like a brownie?"
"Mmhm, that's what I thought you said," Nat smirked as she took the brownie.
You joined the team for dinner but retired early to your room, wanting to give the group some space to decompress after a traumatic mission. While resting on your bed, a knock on your door caught your attention, and Wanda poked her head inside. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. Were you sleeping?” she asked.
“No, just resting my eyes,” you replied as you sat up with a yawn. 
Wanda joined you on the bed, giggling. “Yeah, that's how I usually feel at the end of the day with the boys, too.”
You wrapped your arms around her and kissed her cheek. “The boys were great. It was nice to spend more time with them.”
“They feel the same way, love. To quote them, Y/N is super cool,” Wanda smirked.
“Super cool. I should put that on my business card,” you joked.
“Seriously, Y/N. Thank you. I know two 11-year-old boys are a handful, and I put you in a challenging position, but it means so much to me that I can trust you.”
As soon as the word "trust" was uttered, memories of your parents' dubious actions over the remains of Sokovia and your conversation with Tony flooded your mind. The weight of the past seemed to take its toll on you, and your anxiety was on full display, which the redhead must have picked up on.
Wanda glanced at you with concern etched on her face. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice laced with tenderness and care.
You tried your best to put on a reassuring smile and push the nagging thoughts out of your mind. "I am now that you're home," you replied softly.
Taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @bibliophilicbi @darkstar225
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schizoidvision · 7 months
Depression vs Schizoid: Spotting the Key Differences
Understanding the nuanced differences between depression and schizoid personality disorder sheds light on the complex nature of mental health disorders. Both conditions affect individuals' emotional experiences, relationships, and self-perception, yet they originate from and impact lives in distinct ways. This exploration delves into their origins, emotional experiences, self-esteem issues, and relationship with anhedonia, providing a clearer picture of their unique characteristics.
1. Difference in Origin:
- Depression is often tied to losses, whether real, imagined, or symbolic, leading to an intense mourning process and sometimes pathological mourning.
- Schizoid personality disorder stems from early childhood attachment difficulties, resulting in protective defenses aiming to preemptively defend against loss through deeper withdrawal from relationships.
2. Self-Other Perception:
- Depressed individuals may desire intimacy but are blocked by negative self-views and emotional turmoil, often yearning for connections they feel are unattainable.
- Schizoids may lack a conscious desire for intimacy, with defenses leading them to withdraw to maintain autonomy and avoid emotional engulfment, often substituting real connections with fantasy.
3. Difference in Emotional Experience:
- Depression involves deep emotional suffering, inward aggression, and unresolved negative feelings towards others, contributing to self-punishment, guilt, and existential despair.
- Schizoid individuals exhibit a limited range of emotions, preferring solitude and defending against existential pain through intellectualization or fantasy, avoiding the deep-seated guilt and anger typical of depression.
4. Low Self-Esteem and Worthlessness:
- Depression leads to internalizing feelings of worthlessness, becoming a core part of self-identity, often managed through self-criticism.
- Schizoids protect their self-esteem by disconnecting from the need for external validation, maintaining self-sufficiency and avoiding situations that might challenge their self-worth.
5. Relationship with Anhedonia:
- Depressive anhedonia is linked to feelings of worthlessness and loss, making desired life aspects and joy seem unattainable.
- Schizoid anhedonia stems from a protective withdrawal and a devaluation of the physical world, contributing to apathy and a decreased motivation for engagement in pleasurable activities.
Depression and schizoid personality disorder, while sharing some superficial similarities, diverge significantly in their origins, emotional experiences, and approaches to self-esteem and anhedonia. Depression's roots in loss and mourning contrast with schizoid's early emotional detachment, shaping distinct pathways in their emotional worlds, perceptions of self and others, and engagement with life's pleasures. Understanding these differences is crucial for appropriate recognition and treatment, highlighting the importance of tailored therapeutic approaches to meet the unique needs of individuals with these conditions. It is also possible for a person to experience both of these conditions which can add complexity when making a diagnosis.
Video From My YouTube Channel: Depression vs Schizoid: Spotting the Differences
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water-to-drink · 2 years
Be a Gladiolus in a Field of Belladonnas pt2
(Summary): After narrowly escaping your execution you and one of your accomplices are on the run but you bump into the archons, each getting more difficult than the last
Part 1 Next Part
(Characters): Lumine, Paimon, Venti, Zhongli, Xiao, Ganyu, & Ei
(Warnings): Cannon typical violence and the normal imposter au type stuff, some cursing, not proof read
(A/n): Sorry this took a bit longer than expected, this is my first time writing multiple fight scenes and I hope it’s not too awkward to read. And this takes place after Lumine traveled to all 7 nations
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You don’t know how long you’ve been in this dingy cell, no windows to let the sunlight in. The only indication of time is the rotation of guards. You tried to ask why you’re in the dungeon but they don’t acknowledge you and at worst they sneer and curse at you
The moisture and mold in the cell makes breathing difficult. You got a nasty cough which makes breathing even more difficult and sometimes painful. It doesn’t help that you get scraps of food whenever the guards feel like it
With nothing to occupy your time, you keep replaying that scene in your head
“Seize that imposter!!!” Your Doppelgänger’s voice rang through the silence the both of you were in
Sounds of the festivities quickly died down and looks of confusion were exchanged. It was until people realized what or more specifically who they were pointing at the knights were quick to detain you
You struggled against their grip and begged to know what you did wrong, your pleads only fell on deaf ears as you were dragged away from the festival
You turned your head and the last thing you see is Lumine with a devastated look on her face
“Get up, you’re getting out today.” One of the guards said, bringing you back to your situation
When the words were fully processed you were filled with joy, thinking that it was a mistake. You weren’t bothered by them putting chains on your hands and feet
You wished you stayed in that cell
You were paraded around the streets of Mondstadt be leered at and ridiculed. People threw rotten food at you and some even threw rocks. You just wanted it to end
As the guards dragged you, you caught sight of the “Creator” with a sword in their hand, but the thing that sent a shiver down your spine was the look of twisted glee on their face
They smiled at you, at your current misery and death you were marching towards. They wanted you take your life with their own hands
Fear struck you, evident in your attempt to struggle out of the restraints. In your terror induced panic you missed a few bottle of colored liquid thrown at your feet. Colored smoke explodes from the bottle, completely covering your surroundings
A figure obscured by the smoke quickly incapacitate the guards that were escorting you and quickly turned towards you
“Hold still.” They cautioned
Your limbs got hit with a cold breeze, you looked down and saw ice form on the chains that bind your hands and feet
“Don’t move just yet.” The same husky voice urged
You saw the blade of a sword get swung down on you and cut the chains
The figure withdrew with no further words said, still trying comprehend what just happened you felt a hand grab onto your hand and drag you away from the smoke
Once you and your mysterious stranger were out of the colored smoke you got a good glance to see Lumine dragging you through the forest right outside of Mondstadt city
“Lumine?! What are you doing?”
“I’m getting you out here Your Grace, don’t worry!”
Lumine used the commotion to your and her advantage, taking you through the common travel pathways without worry that a knight would stop you
You made it all the way to Windwail Highland, the sight of Dawn Winery reminded you of Diluc and his hospitality. You wonder how this situation effected him, does he think of you the same or does he think of you as an imposter?
Well that thought would have to wait due to a wall of wind blocked your path
“Shit!” Lumine muttered under her breath
“I didn’t want it come to this, but if you hand over the impostor I can explain your actions as a misunderstanding.”
Lumine summoned her sword and pushed you behind her. You saw Venti in his archon form and his usual cheery face long gone and replaced by a look of sorrow
“I hate that it has to come to this.” Venti uttered as he summoned his bow and began shooting at you
Lumine pushed you out of the way, dodging the arrows
“Your Grace, go hide while I handle this.” Lumine told you
Not wasting a moment to hesitation you took off with the floating companion following close behind
Arrows infused with anemo were shot at you but Lumine blocked the shots with her sword
“You’re going to have to get through me first, before you get to them!” Lumine shouted
“Lumine, listen to yourself! You’re risking everything you’ve gained just for some imposter!”
Venti sent a strong wind current that blasts Lumine towards a tree
After a moment of disorientation, the traveler regained her senses and spots you and Paimon out in the open
“Your Grace? Why are you still here?!”
“There’s a wall trapping us here!”
Venti turned turned his attention towards you in the wind barrier. Once he saw you a look of loathing showed on his face. He drew back his bow and the arrows started to glow with the anemo energy being infused into them
A feeling of helplessness filled the traveler, the same helplessness she experienced when the unknown god took her brother. She can’t let it happen to you, the guiding light that lead her to each corner of this world, the light that made her stronger, the light that help her find her brother. She can’t let anything happen to you!
“Take this!” Lumine yelled as she sent a fire tornado towards Venti
The archon tried to fly away from the attack but inadvertently got one of his wings set on fire
Using the newfound distraction Lumine grabbed you and Paimon and started to run, using anemo to propel you into Liyue
The sky quickly darkens as you three kept running through Stone Gate. Small droplets of water soon turned into a heavy downpour, however despite the current weather you kept pushing until a geo pillar separated you from the blonde. She extended her hand towards you and sent a large gush of wind towards you, pushing you out of the way of Xiao’s plunged attack
Upon realizing that both Zhongli and Xiao are after your head, you started to run away from where the two Adepti were
An arrow hits the ground in front of you stopping you in your tracks
“Take one more step and I’ll make sure not to miss your head.” The qilin Adeptus instructed
The outlander ran towards you and shielded you with her body
“I expected way better from you, traveler.” Zhongli, clad his archon robes expressed his disappointment
“Zhongli, we can talk about this!” You tried to reason
“Don’t talk to him as if you were acquainted, you filthy imposter!” Xiao spat
“I’m willing to come to a compromise Traveler, you hand over the fugitive and you’ll go unharmed.” Zhongli offered
“I rather die than kneel to a fake!”
“So be it…”
Polearms imbued with geo energy rose from the ground heading towards Lumine, she jumped out of their way
“Disappear!” Xiao yelled as he jumped high into the air and began his plunge
Lumine stomped her foot down on the ground making several geo constructs rise from the ground effectively blocking the attack
Cyro infused arrows nearly hit the outlander, only grazing the hitting the ground near her feet, freezing her in place
With the Lumine stuck, Xiao and Ganyu prepared to finish her off. Both aiming for the head
“Thunder Clap!!!”
Immediately after her cry a large bolt of lightning came down and struck the three of them. The mighty Adepti on ground with the traveler still standing
She turned her head towards you to see if the bolt hit you, you only look a little frazzled but you noticed that Lumine is looking like she’s on the verge of collapse
While looking at her you notice Zhongli lifting his polearm to strike the traveler. You ran and pushed her out of the way
Despite the fatigue weighing down her limps she pushed you further away from the geo archon
It looked to be a bad move
Zhongli watched as you scurried away from him, he wasn’t even attempting to get close to you he just stood there. It wasn’t until he summoned his shield and crossed his arms was when you realized what was going on
“This is ORDER!”
As his voice rang out the giant meteor began to fall down, you felt as time slowed down. Seeing the horrified expressions that graced both Lumine and Paimon’s faces made you want to be anywhere but Liyue. Somewhere far from Liyue, where Zhongli can’t get to you or Lumine and Paimon
The meteor grew closer and seeing no other way to get out of its path you brace for impact but it never came, you opened your eyes to see that you’re in Inazuma, specifically Chinju Forest
The blonde and her companion soon followed suit and took in their surroundings
“Phew, Paimon thought that we were done for back there, thankfully we appeared here.” The fairy said breathing a sigh of relief
“Did you do this?” Lumine asked
“I don’t know, I thought you did it. The only thing I did was just wish that we were somewhere far from Liyue.” You admitted
“I’m only able to do that whenever you’re using me as a vessel.”
“Really, I thought everyone could use them, but we need to plan our next move.”
“Wise, I just need to rest for a bit.” The traveler said as she sat against a rock
Getting a better look at her condition you can really see how much damage the Adepti did to her, you wonder why she’s putting her life on the line for yours. You’re grateful that she’s going through all of this just to save you, but you can’t help but feel guilty putting her through all of this maybe you should turn yourself in to spare her anymore suf-
“I know what you’re thinking about, stop it.” Lumine’s voice cut through your thoughts. “I’m not going to let them take you, as your first vessel it’s my duty to protect you so don’t think like that.” Lumine said
“Yeah! Just because everyone sees you as an imposter doesn’t mean they’ll still think that once we expose that phony!” Paimon chimed in
“Thanks you two, it’s just that it’s a lot for someone to take in.” You spoke. “But I have to ask, how do you know that I’m this Creator-person and not someone who looks like them?”
“When I first saw you I felt that divine presence I only feel when we travel together. I never got it with that double, though your aura is faint I can still tell it’s the same.” Lumine confided
“I still can’t help but wonder how my doppelganger was able to convince the archons, but that question can wait for another time. I feel our best bet is to get out of Inazuma and possibly go to Sumeru, since Nahida doesn’t pose much of a threat to us since she was just taken out of confinement.”
“Whoa, that’s super smart thinking, (y/n)!” Paimon cheered
“Thanks, I mainly don’t want to run into Ei.” You admitted. “Let me try to concentrate and teleport us.”
“You do that, I’ll keep watch and make sure no one comes near you!” Lumine said while throwing a thumbs up
You began to focus all of your energy, but your mind was jumbled with numerous thoughts. The moment you pushed a thought out another one or more popped up in its place. You wish you learned mindfulness instead of dicking around
“Uh (y/n), your hair is standing up.” The fairy pointed out
This caused Lumine to turn around and push you and Paimon out of the way of a lightning strike
The bolt caused smoke to fill the forest and you caught a glimpse of a figure walking through the smoke
“The Creator’s will is eternal and anyone who dares to go against that is an enemy of eternity…” The voice spoke as they walked out of the smoke, revealing themselves to be the Raiden Shogun. “And enemies of eternity will face my might.”
You and Lumine quickly got back on your feet
“Traveler, though I’m grateful for all that you’ve done. I won’t hesitate
Lumine summoned her sword and prepared to fight
“If that how it’s going to be, then fine.” Ei proclaimed. “Shine Down!”
Bolts of electro race towards the traveler, the traveler brought her hand down and constructed a geo formation to take the bolts
The archon ran towards Lumine and the two exchanged blows
“It’s pointless to protect this imposter!” Ei said as Lumine blocked a strike from her
A knee to the stomach knocked the wind out of the blonde girl making her fall to the ground clutching her abdomen
The Shogun turned her attention on you and charged towards you. Desperately you tried to dodge the attacks, even using the iron cuffs still on your wrists to deflect the plows aimed at your head. Eventually you slipped on one of the slippery rocks in the stream and fell luckily missing a swing that surely would have taken your head clean off
“Your Grace, cover!” You heard Lumine grunt out
Following her command you rolled away from Ei and hid behind a tree the adrenaline pumping through your veins you didn’t even notice the gash you got from one of the rocks’ jagged edges
The hit of dendro briefly daze Ei enough for her to not notice a dendro core appear and hit her from behind
Using the new distraction Lumine blasted an attack of pyro toward the disoriented woman, setting her alight
Anger took over the Shogun after she smothered out the flames, she sent a bolt of lightning to hit Lumine. The blonde girl was knocked off her feet and body was thrown against a tree. Ei stalks towards the blonde charging her polearm with electro energy, you noticed Lumine was out cold and was going to die it you didn’t do anything
Out of the corner of your eye something simmered, you got up and ran towards the scene and blocked the Shogun’s path
“Wait! Wait! Wait! Ei look!”
You frantically pointed at your forearm that has gold running down
“Golden blood! That’s proof that I’m the Creator, isn’t it?!”
A look of horror could be seen in the archon’s eyes and you thought you were safe until electro infused into her polearm
“I don’t think she’s convinced…” Paimon said as she clutched your uninjured arm
“Torn to oblivion…” Ei’s voice shook as lifted up her sword and began to swing it down
Before the sword could reach you, a portal opened up beneath your feet and sallowed you and the traveler
As you fell into a sea of darkness and stars the last thing you see is the mortified look on the Shogun’s face
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jesssssssssica · 1 year
a hundred and one bulldogs lh44
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roscoe hamilton hates the word ‘later’. especially today. especially when he really wants a walk. he’s sick and tired of the word later due to the constant push back of the walk he was promised FOUR HOURS AGO. just the thought of the word later makes feel pain.
lewis sits at his desk, busily typing away at the computer that rested on the table, roscoe laying lazily on his bed, head resting on his paws bored out of his mind, watching the dogs that walk past him, wishing he was on a walk like them. 
he studies the different girl dogs that walk past, trying to find a pretty thing to look at. he sees a fluffy pomeranian whose head is held high as she trots around. roscoe shakes his head ‘too cocky’ he thinks before turning back out to face the window spotting a tall saluki bouncing around with her owner whom also seems to bounce from foot to foot, headphones on her head ‘too loud’. 
he continues looking at the people and pets that pass his sulking self, feeling even worse as the minutes pass, that is until he sees her. a bulldog who looks practically perfect and who is not too cocky of themselves yet manages to hold themselves highly.
never has roscoe manage to feel this many butterflies float around his belly and the fact that he has to suffer through this without meeting the dog that stole his heart makes him feel as if he has reached rock bottom. but then he sees her owner, just as beautiful as it’s pet and just as perfect for lewis as her pup is for him. double win. roscoe wasn’t an idiot, he knew that the hamilton house would never be complete without someone that lewis could kiss and love (that was actually human as well!) and it didn’t help that lewis was getting older, meaning that his hopes for settling down was getting sooner and sooner. this woman was the one, roscoe could feel it in his heart.
he looks at the clock ‘4:45′ it reads, ‘gosh darn it’.
15 minutes till what was originally meant to just be a walk that he had been dreaming about since he woke up but would now be possibly the start of a new beginning. never has he been so grateful for the word ‘later’...
having enough of constantly watching the ticking of the clock, roscoe rises from his bed and towards the clock that had been left to be put up and gently paws at the hands, moving it slowly so it reads ‘5:30′ instead.
he trots back a bit, to admire his paws work and then begins to bark, trying to grab the attention of lewis. lewis turns around, looking at his pup, who’s frowning and whining, head down and body facing the clock.
“5:30 already? well c’mon boy, i did promise you a walk after all.” he gets up, stretching his legs and going towards the coat rack that held his coat and roscoe’s harness and leash, which lewis slides on him quickly, causing him to barely have time to put on his own coat due to roscoe dashing outside, happy to finally be able to walk and meet the dog that has made him so infatuated.
they cross the street entering the park, a flock of pigeons blocking the pathway ahead causing roscoe to run forward slightly, causing them to fly away. they then walk across the bridge past the pomeranian roscoe saw earlier and its owner, who’s too busy taking pictures of the scenery then focusing on her dog.
roscoe looks everywhere, scared that he missed them or maybe missed them and yet there they are, there she is. it’s as if fate had finally aligned with the stars, he had somehow managed to pull this off perfectly, well at least the timing, the rest of his plan had yet to happen.
‘she looks so beautiful’ roscoe thinks, unable to get her beauty out of his head, when he’s suddenly remembers the key part of his plan; lewis. without lewis, they’ll be stuck with just the two of them and whilst that’s nice, it’ll get boring one day. roscoe looks up at his owner, whom is seemingly in his own world, occasionally looking down at roscoe and then looking back up at the world. they sit down at the bench, lewis taking off his cap and placing it on the bench, causing roscoe to jump up and grab it.
“roscoe you silly pup, give it back.” lewis laughs, grabbing the attention of y/n and y/d/n’s attention, watching lewis and roscoe fool around, causing the latter to silently cheer at the fact that his plan was working!
that is until they get up to leave of course.
“c’mon roscoe let’s go now.”
no way. he wasn’t giving up so easily, especially not when destiny was so close, so he starts sprinting, rushing to catch up with them and it works. lewis bumps into y/n, causing them to grab onto each other to help stop themselves from falling over.
“oh!” “oh!” they both say, gasping in shock of the event, making them unaware of roscoe circling their legs with his leash.
y/d/n spots what distress he’s putting their owners in and tugs on y/n’s coat to try and help the situation and yet manages to make the situation worse, tugging so hard that it sends them going into the pond, y/n on top of lewis.
“oh” lewis groans out.
“oh, my pants and oh my blazer! good heavens!”
y/n stands up, beyond angry at the predicament she’s managed to find herself in and goes to grab y/d/n wanting to just get where she wanted to go originally, home. 
lewis stands up quickly after she does and pleads “i’m so sorry, i really am. i promise i will help you, i swear this is really out of character for him.” 
roscoe turns to look at y/d/n, wanting to apologise for what he’s done and yet y/d/n turns away from him in disgust.
y/n scoffs and replies “haven’t you done enough? just go away!”, she then walks back and adds on a “please?” 
lewis stands there shocked and then does the first thing he can think of, pulling out a handkerchief he had lying around in his pocket and handing it to y/n “take mine!”
y/n looks at the wet handkerchief in his hand and can’t help but laugh, a sound that would forever remember, laughing until her knees become weak and tears build up in her eyes. lewis at first looks confused until he does a double-take of his handkerchief, also lightening up and joining y/n in her fits of giggles, both of them forgetting about how cold and wet they had gotten after the unfortunate incident at the park and only being able to see the tears in their eyes from their laughter and the stranger that sat across from them.
they pause after a long moment of laughter before looking into each other’s eyes, faces wearing a look of adoration and love.
what a peculiar day at the park.
who knew that two dogs, one just trying to enjoy a nice walk in the park and the other one desperate for a walk, would be the cause of a new beginning.  a beginning to a love that would last centuries and would be sought out by the people that walked past them in the street and watched their love-stricken souls hold each other, two pups trailing behind them also looking at each other as if they were the only people dogs in the world.
a love admired by all.
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