#But seriously. I need an episode on that eye. Maybe have them be put into a situation where they can't brush it off when asked
meganechan05 · 1 year
Rita's Right Eye
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I'm glad it's back, but I noticed there's some discussion on JP Toku Twitter about Rita's heterochromia after reading the production blog on the official Toei site.
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"Rita's one eye has been exposed for the first time since episode 5!"
Now the term used isn't "オッドアイ" (Odd Eye) which fans have usually used aka a term used for heterochromia. Instead the blog used "隻眼" (sekigan: one eye).
Now usually the term "one eye" more often than not refers to being unable to use one eye and relying on the other. The unusable one is often covered, closed, and/or has a scar. Sometimes having a glass eye or empty socket.
But considering the fact that King-Ohger has been going more along the anime route and taking references from various popular franchises, they could be using the second meaning for the one eye in entertainment:
Hidden Abilities
I only say this because of how Rita's eyes are always revealed.
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If Rita truly can't see out of their right eye, why uncover it before transforming? Why have such a huge reveal even when no one can see it but the enemies they will slay? And why is it always when they're about to seriously fight the Bugnarok Army mostly by themselves? If it's unusable, why bother?
Even if we now know why Rita was chosen to be King and the trauma behind it, we still don't know anything about that eye and what production is hinting at. And I kinda look forward to the episode where they will push it aside in front of the team and have it explained later on. Even having it covered as a kid which raises more questions than answers.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Torn III
Kewis x Child!Reader
Summary: You're still sick
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Mommy doesn't get you dressed properly the next day.
She lets you stay in your pyjamas because you're sick. She's sick too but not as sick as you.
Mom, of course, still has her hurt knee but she's the only one not sick in the entire house.
Your head pounds and your nose remains stuffy even as you play with your dinosaur toys, making them attack each other because they're in a war and that's what things do in a war. They fight.
"Open," Mommy says and you firmly clamp your teeth together," Chook, I'm not joking. Open."
She's got a syringe full of medicine in her hands and you refuse to open your mouth.
You've never had good tasting medicine before and you refuse to believe that Mommy's gone out and bought some.
You keep your mouth shut.
"Chook," She says sternly," This will make you feel better."
You sniff, wiping your nose on your shirt and shake your head. You know if you talk, Mommy's going to dose you up so you settle on just glaring, puffing out your cheeks to show her that you're wise to her tricks.
"Chook," She says again," We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way, you're taking your medicine."
"Chook," Mom says from the sofa," Come here."
Warily, you skirt around Mommy and run over to Mom, who lifts you up to sit next to her. Immediately, she attacks your sides with tickles and you can't keep your mouth closed anymore, opening it to let out peals of giggles.
Mommy squirts the medicine down your throat and Mom's ticklish hands disappear.
You glare, eyebrows drawing together in outrage. "That was mean!" You say," You cheated!"
Mommy laughs, ruffling your hair. "It was sneaky," She says," Not cheating. You'll feel better soon."
You huff but know she's right, shuffling off the sofa to return to your toys.
Helen joins you, curling up next to your side. Her ear flicks a few times as you continue your dino war. You have to blow your nose a few times because it gets clogged but Mommy is right because the churning of your stomach settles and your head no longer feels like it does when you bang it on a wall by accident.
"What do you want to watch?" Sam asks, channel surfing as she keeps one eye on you playing with Helen.
Kristie sighs. She doesn't look as bad as you did but it's still clear she's sick. She's got a bit of a fever and the end of her nose is all red. "Something that requires me to not think," She groans, massaging her temples to stem off the headache. She's only recently taken her own painkillers so she has a bit of wait until they kick in.
"So trash reality tv?" Sam teases and Kristie whacks her with a pillow.
You're playing nicely on the rug with Helen and your dinosaurs despite how ill you are.
Maybe eating all that dirt gave you a stronger immune system than Kristie thought.
"There's Love Island," Sam offers and you whip your head around.
"No!" You say," That's mine and Auntie Millie's show! You can't watch it! It'll spoil it!"
You sound adamant and Kristie manages to get out a laugh that could have been a cough.
"It's not a new episode, Chook," Sam assures you with her own laugh," It's last season. It's not going to spoil anything."
Your brow furrows for a moment before you're up on your feet. You've got two dinosaurs clutched in your hands as you wiggle yourself between your mothers.
They're sitting close enough that their legs are touching so you make sure to force them apart so you can be comfortable.
"Last season was okay," You tell Kristie very seriously," I will watch with you so you know what's going to happen. Mom, you need to put on Love Island."
Sam keeps laughing. "Oh? I need to, do I Chook?"
"Yes. That's what I just said. You need to, Mom."
With the other options being Deal or No Deal and Flog It, Sam's pretty sure that Love Island was truly her only option and changes the channel.
Clearly, the medicine has perked you up a bit because Kristie doesn't get a moment of respite the entire episode as you narrate what's going on during every single little moment.
Somehow, you manage to put yourself to sleep during it until you're lying draped over Sam and Kristie's laps.
"And we just let Millie watch this show with her?" Kristie asks, dumbstruck and Sam chuckles nervously.
"I didn't think she actually absorbed this much of it," Sam replies," It's like she studied it or something."
You shift a little in your sleep, death gripping your plastic dinosaurs so hard that Kristie can't pry them from your hands.
"Well," Kristie says," At least she's taking her nap without arguing."
"You mean, at least you can take your nap without her interrupting," Sam teases and Kristie rolls her eyes.
She lifts your limp body easily into her arms as she stands up. "Well, just for that. I don't think you can join us for naptime."
"Hey...Kristie! Kristie, wait! I'm sorry! Wait for me!"
Kristie doesn't wait for Sam though as she makes her way to their bedroom.
She settles you in the very middle of the bed but slipping in next to you.
You wiggle a little bit as Kristie tugs you closer, laying a protective hand over your belly just as Sam hobbles in, taking her own place in bed on your other side.
Helen joins in too, leaping up onto the bed and curling herself up around your feet.
"You have to get her to take medicine when we wake up," Kristie says, already half asleep.
"No fair! She's wise to my tricks now!"
"Not my problem, Sam."
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cinnbar-bun · 9 months
Watching Reality TV With You (Various One Piece Characters x Reader)
Characters: Zoro, Sanji, Trafalgar Law, Luffy, Perona + Mihawk, Nami, Kizaru/Borsalino, Eustass Kidd
A/n: Sorry I’m a huge fan of Real Housewives so take these silly headcanons!!!
Note: GN reader, the relationships with the character(s) and reader can be seen as platonic/romantic depending on what you prefer :) Mihawk + Perona’s relationship to each other is also not stated just for your personal preference. These are all just very silly things, don’t take this too seriously since it’s crack!
“The hell? Why are you watching this crap? It’s not even real!”
He just sighs and grumbles about how this is dumb the whoooooole time.
Tends to sharpen his swords or try and nap while it’s on.
Until lowkey he starts peeking a bit like ‘did she just say that?’
Suddenly has opinions on it and tries to deny he’s interested but his eyes are GLUED once they start arguing and the suspenseful music is playing.
“Well, if I was her, I think I’d just kick them. Or maybe cut their car in half.”
Opposite of Zoro. The man is probably a bigger fan than you and most likely is reading the gossip online.
It’s your weekly night hangout where he brings snacks and cozy blankets for you two to sit and enjoy while watching.
Gasps audibly and loudly.
He’s both the best and worst to talk about this with because he respects all women and he forgives them for everything, so they all get passes from him.
“Yes she may have talked badly about [name] and stole [name]’s house and maybe crashed a car. But we all do that. We need to show forgiveness. She’s having a tough time- her dress came in the wrong color.”
Like Zoro, he’s very disturbed by the very prospect of reality tv.
But he’ll try. Let it be known he’s trying.
He doesn’t get interested in it but he does try to follow along so he can discuss it with you.
Not gonna lie though he’s the guy who’s focusing on their plastic surgery or illnesses.
Will literally pause the show just to examine what they may/may not have done and if the surgeon botched it up.
Imma just manifest this, he’s prolly a Terry Dubrow stan.
“Who’s your favorite Housewife so far?” “Terry.” “But… Terry isn’t-“ “It’s Terry.”
Unironically would drop a horrible quote from whichever show you’ve been watching and he’d say it so seriously that everyone’s jaw will drop and it takes him a sec for him to realize what he said.
Imma keep this short for you- he ain’t looking.
He ain’t caring.
No thoughts.
He only cares when there’s a party and food is being served.
“Woooooah! Look at all that food!!!”
Doesn’t even recognize who is who and will just mindlessly wait for food to come on screen.
Perona + Mihawk
I’m putting this as a two for one they’re my everything <3
You and Perona are the ones who watch it lots. Perona does complain about how much they argue but she loooooves looking at the houses and clothes of the women. Makes comments about wanting to fly first class or visit the beautiful places they go to.
Mihawk is reading.
Perona is biased as hell and only defends the people that are wearing cute clothes. Otherwise? Shit list.
“Ugh! What is that dress?! It’s so hideous!” “Is that all you’re focusing on?” “I agree with (Y/n), Perona, she just had gotten into some relationship troubles with [name], so I think [name] is wrong.”
You and Perona are gasping and shocked that Mihawk 1) talked and 2) had an opinion on this???
Turns out the man had been listening the whole time (he’s quite the multitasker).
If Perona is the most biased viewer, Mihawk tries to remain objective and impartial. He's always listing out the nuances of a conversation.
“I think [name] is just jealous.” “Well, if we remember in season 4, episode 14-“
He’s a smart ass sometimes, but it’s okay, he’s our smart ass.
Perona is always enthusiastic about marathoning the shows again and watching it. She tends to do dress up requirements for watching it.
I’d hesitate to call Nami a “fan” of reality shows.
She’s aware of them, yes. Does she particularly care for it? Nah, not really.
They’re more background noise and eye candy for her.
She just likes putting them on and glancing every once in a while to gaze at the beautiful houses and trips.
“Oh that’s so expensive… imagine what you could do with all that!”
Sometimes has a fun game for herself to estimate the cost of an outfit, accessory, or house. It’s scary how accurate and detailed she can get with it.
Tends to mostly focus on fashion and get new ideas to steal- I mean, incorporate.
Doesn’t have strong opinions on the cast, but she isn’t too crazy about the louder members.
He’s heard of it, he thinks.
And, well, since you’re so into them, he’ll give it a watch.
“Oh my, these ladies are incredibly wealthy and beautiful.”
He’s not even ogling them he’s just amazed at the way they dress, behave, and/or decorate their spaces. It’s almost like being starstruck???
The guy who will pause the tv at certain scenes to point at random decorations or outfits and be like “darling, would you like that?”
He does get sad when they start to fight.
“Aw… I was just liking the party… why are they arguing now?”
His favorite cast member is your favorite one <3 he’s just a cheerleader like that, dear.
He could listen to you talk about it for hours if you wanted, and he’d be amazed by your knowledge.
“You know, if you’d like for me to have you be on a show like this, I could probably pull some strings!”
1000000x worse than Zoro
I cannot recommend putting it on in front of him.
“The hell is this shit?! Turn it off!”
You refuse and now he’s stuck watching grown women argue over dumb things (in his mind).
Complains the ENTIIIIRRRRE time. Nonstop commenting and complaining.
Okay but he’s hooked after a bit, the drama is just too good.
But now he’s WORSE cuz he’s got OPINIONS and THEYRE ALL SHITTY!
This man is an instigator. I swear to god he’s just saying shit just to rile you up and be contrarian.
He's stanning the biggest menaces on the show.
You two will probably get into (very silly) arguments about some of the situations and people.
And unlike say, Sanji, who tries to defend a person, Eustass will just say you’re wrong and then add something unhinged to it.
“Naw you just don’t get it. If I was her, personally, I think I’d just burn their mansion down and then slash their tires.”
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featherandferns · 1 year
angel (fic)
jj maybank x fem!shy!kook!reader | technically the sequel for fascinating new thing, but can be read as a stand-alone too
content warning: pure filth, to be honest; sex (f and m self-pleasure; protected, p in v)
word count: 3k
blurb: jj knows there's something hidden beneath all the layers of quiet and meek; he just has to coax it out of you.
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Nobody expected JJ Maybank to end-up having a thing for you, including JJ himself. He couldn’t explain how it happened, or when exactly, but it went from him being somewhat wary of you to completely desperate to have your gaze on him. It seemed that one day you just had him: hook, line and sinker. JJ had sort of accepted that he didn’t have a chance, especially with a certain ginger haired boy lingering in the background. He’d admire from afar and settle for friendship if that’s all you could offer him. But then you kissed him, and everything seemed to fall into place. JJ was allowed privy to your thoughts and the different facets of yourself: watching you song write and waking you from a nightmare and indulging in the late-night baking. He liked every part of it. Everything that was you.
Well, almost everything.
“You can’t seriously enjoy this crap?”
“Be quiet, please,” you mumble.
JJ rolls his eyes. He has one arm under his head, propping it up so he can see the screen of your laptop, and the other on your stomach, resting atop your tee shirt. He’s spooning you, cosy under the sheets of your bed.
It’s the second time he’s been in your bedroom. It’s a nice room; perfectly encapsulates you. Vinyl records and CDs and a million and one potted plants and succulents. Fairly lights draped above your bed and around a pinboard of pictures and keepsakes, shining a delicate golden hue on your belongings. An acoustic guitar rests against the wall by your bedroom door. It’s wide open right now. No need to have it shut; your parents aren’t home.
Looking back to the screen, JJ tries and fails to hold in a sigh.
“Can you be quiet, please?” you repeat.
“Who is that? The guy?”
“George the third.”
“The third? Is that the one that murdered all his wives?”
“JJ, I can’t hear it,” you complain quietly.
“Sorry,” he mumbles. He barely pays attention to the drama on the screen, too busy foraging through his brains for the history of English royals. “Is he though?”
You sigh, annoyed. “No. That’s Henry the Eighth. And he didn’t murder all of them. Just two.”
“Oh, well, that’s okay then,” JJ sarcastically replies.
For some reason, he feels as though you’ve rolled your eyes. He attempts to watch the show that you’ve become obsessed with lately. The characters don’t talk like normal people. Everything is so flowery and over-the-top that he hardly understands what they’re talking about. It’s boring and dull and overdramatic. He lets his mind wander.
“Just a quick question.”
“Yes?” you sigh, patience clearly dwindling.
“Is George the Third the one that got really fat?”
“No, that’s George the fourth,” you say.
“Which one’s George the third then?”
“George the third is the one that was ruler when America won its independence. I mean, do you listen to anything in history?” you chuckle. JJ feels the muscles in your belly tighten and loosen as you do.
“Sometimes,” he shrugs. “When it’s interesting. Like, I don’t get how all of this—”
“Shush! I can’t hear what they’re saying!” you snap.
JJ can’t help but snigger. He likes when you lose your temper with him; let the good-girl side of you slip for a moment to put him in his place.
He nuzzles his face into your hair. It smells like cedarwood and salt water. Maybe he’ll just have a nap. You’re not coming away from the show anytime soon – not until the episode’s done, anyway. JJ closes his eyes and vaguely tunes into the droning of dialogue. Lady this and sire that. He’s just about to properly drift off (maybe it’s been five minutes or so) when he’s woken by the feel of you pushing back against his groin. His hold tightens on your stomach and he reluctantly inches his body away slightly.
“Baby don’t do that,” he mumbles sleepily into your hair.
“Do what?” you reply, absentmindedly.
You’re still watching the Goddamn show. He’s not sure if you’re playing dumb or not.
Then, you do it again.
JJ inhales sharply. “Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Rubbing up on me like that,” he tells you, half-laughing. “S’not fair.”
“Sorry,” you mumble.
He opens his eyes and looks down at the laptop screen. The moment he makes out what’s happening in the show, it clicks. Oh.
Smirking, JJ can’t keep from taking the piss.
“You didn’t tell me that you’re into regency era porn.”
“Shut up,” you reply all too quickly.
“Is it like all royal era stuff or just Henry the third things?”
“George the third!”
“Tomata-tomato,” JJ mutters. Quiet. Then: “Does it have to be in a bathtub or…”
“JJ!” you whine, embarrassed. He laughs into your hair. “Stop it!”
“Alright, alright! I’m just messing around,” he sniggers.
You don’t reply, don’t even seem to be listening to him, with your eyes shamelessly fixated on the screen. JJ starts to watch too, half-curious as to what has you so entranced.
The lighting is dark. Who JJ has finally come to grasp as king George the third is fucking his wife in the bath. She’s riding him, grinding down on him, still in her dress. The music swells with sharp, dramatic violins. This time, when you push back reflexively against JJ, he doesn’t complain. Instead, he uses his hand that’s placed on your stomach to keep you there. He’s only half ashamed to admit that he’s turned on by the regency-era-sex-scene from your corny, cheesy TV show.
Half hard, he rubs against you, sighing into your hair as he does. You don’t shake him off. Instead, you push back against him.
And then, the scene stops. It’s daylight. Cutting to a scene in a conservatory.
JJ shifts his hand so it’s under your tee shirt, moving to stroke at the skin. He feels your stomach constrict underneath his touch, as if you’re holding your breath, and then relax. He places a kiss to your neck, then another, and begins to work on a hickey. You let out a shaking breath, eyes only half-focused on the show, now. One of your hands comes down to lay atop of his, though not in discouragement. JJ can’t help but rut against you again. In the haze of kissing at your throat, he finds himself wishing a silent prayer that you won’t pull away this time.
He doesn’t mind waiting. Really, he doesn’t. He’d probably wait forever for you (if he really had to). He knows how nervous you get; knows all of this is new to you. Understands. Doesn’t want you to feel pressured. But, God, JJ would be lying if he said that he didn’t want to fuck you. That he didn’t jack off almost every night to the thought of it. That seeing you, drenched head to toe, stood in nothing but a bikini after surfing didn’t have him shifting in his seat. That having you pressing up against him like you had been tonight didn’t make his mind shoot off to the darkest, dirtiest places. So, yes, he’ll stop if you ask, but he’s praying, borderline close to begging, that you don’t.
Your fingers loop into his hair, pulling him off your neck. He shifts enough back so you can turn your head, meeting his eyes. Your breathing heavier than usual, lips wet as if you’ve been licking at them. Your eyes are dancing over his face, back to his eyes, glancing at his lips. JJ’s hand on your stomach continues scratching softly at your skin. He gently rubs himself against you. Please.
“I’ve never done this before,” you whisper. There’s a tinge of nerves to your voice.
JJ nods. Swallows. “I know.”
“But…I want to,” you quietly say. A smile teasing at the corner of your lips as you nod. “If you do, that is.”
JJ leans down so his forehead bumps against yours. He exhales a chuckle against your lips. “It’s all I’ve been able to think about since the hammock.”
You giggle, perhaps a little stunned at the confession, and then your lips are on his.
JJ’s rolling onto his back, sighing into the kiss, pulling you atop of him. His hand that was under his head now reaches out to close the laptop, shoving it to the foot of the bed (hopefully where it won’t fall off). Then he’s kissing you with newfound hunger. Tongue slipping into your mouth lewdly, brushing against yours, swallowing your sighs and breaths. Whenever you break apart, it’s for less than a moment. Your hands have come up to cradle his face, fingers splayed across his cheek and jaw. One of his resides on your waist, squeezing at the skin, and his other has fallen onto your bare thigh; the pyjama shorts you’re wearing having ridden up.
When you lean back against him, rolling down on his crotch, JJ groans against your lips. The gasp you let out is small, startled, as you feel him, hard against you.
“We don’t have to,” JJ reminds you, though the id in him is crying out yes, we do. Please.
You shake your head, hands still on his face. “I want to.”
Thank fucking God.
As the two of begin to kiss again, JJ lets his hand creep up your stomach. His fingers gently trace up the soft skin. He feels the ripples of your breaths as he goes; they’re uneven. Bringing his hand up to your chest, cupping at the bare skin, you sigh against him. He begins to tenderly palm at your breast, running a finger back and forth over your nipple, grinning to himself as he feels it harden at his touch.
You’re grinding back on him now, making him uncomfortably hard under his boxers, sensitive as he rubs against the fabric. JJ opens his eyes to look up at you, your kiss naturally breaking as you begin to breath more and more heavy. Frowns as he sees you dig your teeth into your lower lip. He lifts his hand from off your thigh to bring his thumb to your lips, tugging it free.
“I wanna hear you,” JJ mumbles, tone only slightly demanding.
You open your eyes. They’re angel-like; innocent and shining under the fairy-light glow. Then, you do something that has him twitching, horny past the point of no return. You take his thumb into your mouth and suckle at his finger. JJ groans at the sight. Jesus Christ. Something in you seems to shine through and take control. You don’t say anything as you hold his hand in both of yours, guiding his thumb out your mouth only to begin sucking on his pointer finger. Your eyes slip shut as you do, as if you’re getting off on doing so, and you sigh out a quiet moan. JJ feels himself begin to smirk, taken aback somewhat. Okay…
Pulling his finger from out of your mouth tentatively, he lets his thumb pinch at your chin. The dampness of your spit streaks onto your skin, if only slightly. JJ suddenly knows what his new favourite thought of you is. Your chest is rising and falling, lips parted, cheeks warm as if there’s a part of you longing to be embarrassed. But you’re not. Not shying away from him, at least. JJ’s hands find the hem of your shirt and coax it over your head. As he goes, he guides you to lie down on your back – head at the foot of the bed – and crawls on top of you. One of your feet hesitantly rubs at the back of his calve. Then your fingers are tugging at the bottom of his top and he leans back to take it off. Easing back down to kiss at your chest, he can’t help but sigh against the sensitive skin.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
Your nails dig into the skin of his back. You don’t reply, but he feels as though you’re shaking your head. Glancing up, he frowns.
“You are,” he repeats.
“Can you not say things like that to me right now…” you mumble, retreating back into yourself.
JJ sighs, somewhat disappointed.
“Sorry,” you add. It makes JJ chuckle, his breath fanning against your chest.
“You don’t gotta be sorry, baby,” he replies, moving to kiss at one of your nipples. One of your hands creeps up to his face, fingers slipping into his hair. A small gasping exhale at the sensation. “Just wish you saw yourself the way I see you, sometimes.”
You’re sighing at the attention he’s giving your body. His hand comes up to grope at your neglected breast. More gasps, more breaths. You’re still so quiet. JJ knows it’s in there, could see it trying to break out when you were sucking on his fingers, he just has to coax it out of you.
Leaning back (a string of spit following), JJ sits back on his haunches and takes you in. Wonders what to do with you, as if you’re fully at his mercy. You’re looking at him, watching him. Laid out on your back, near bare and gorgeous, breathing heavy. You're half covering your chest, not used to being so exposed before someone.
Maybe he’ll just fuck you now. JJ's barely holding it together as it is. No, you’ll be too tight if he does. He has to remind himself that this is new to you. He wants it to be worth it. Wants it to be perfect. Not only that, but he also wants you to appreciate yourself and your body the way he does. Words clearly aren’t gonna cut it; you go squeamish at the faintest of compliments. But maybe…
JJ feels the shadow of a smirk grow on his face with an idea. Makes your lips twitch with a frown, as if confused where his mind might be. The he’s reaching for your spare hand that’s found purchase in the bed sheets. Taking it by the wrist, he guides it over your body, down to your shorts. Your eyes dart up from following it, meeting his eyes. Your lips move as if to say something, but you don’t. So quiet.
“I got an idea,” JJ tells you. He’s so hard it hurts, but he can’t pass up on this opportunity.
Your gaze doesn’t break apart from JJ’s as you let him guide your hand with his under the hem of your shorts. He manoeuvres your fingers easily (you pliant like a doll) and slides it through your folds. You’re soaking. The feel of it makes you gasp. Leaning down, using his other arm to prop himself above you, he guides your conjoined touch back and forth, skimming over your clit. The brief, fleeting touch makes you moan.
JJ smirks. There it is.
“Feel good, huh?” he breaths against your ear, teasingly. You don’t reply but he feels your hand gain more control, working to finger yourself. JJ chuckles. “Knew you were dirty underneath all the good-girl shit you put on.”
It seems that whatever strap was holding you together has snapped. Your honeyed voice is crying out, in moans and whines. Eyes shut, head tilted back, and JJ basks in the sight of you. He gradually lets his hand leave yours, slipping out of your shorts, and watches as you continue getting yourself off underneath your shorts. Chews on the inside of his cheek as he does, bucking against your leg desperately. He can’t help but pull himself out of his boxers, jacking off at the sight. At your sweet, hopeless sounds. Your spare hand is coming to his throat, pulling at his jaw, guiding his lips to yours in a lustful, messy kiss. You’re moaning into his mouth, gasping, voice high and desperate.
“Good girl,” JJ croons. It spurs you on. He’s smirking again, gasping through his own pleasure. Fuck. You’re perfect. How are you so Goddamn perfect?
“You close, baby? You gonna come?”
Your reply comes in a stammered, broken gasp. Yes.
JJ forces his hand from himself, quickly moving to grab at your wrist, pulling your fingers away. They’re drenched. You whine at the loss of contact, so close to the edge it seems, and he chuckles darkly against your jawline.
“Not yet,” he simply says.
As JJ moves to take off your shorts, shucking off his boxers in this process, he catches a glimpse of your hand moving back up your body. His eyes flick up just in time to see you slip your used fingers into your mouth, sucking them clean. Fuck. How JJ doesn’t come on the spot is beyond him. You open your eyes, catching his gaze, and meekly pull them from your mouth. Before you can form the inevitable apology you’re bound to give, JJ’s darting down to capture your mouth in a kiss. Then, he’s climbing atop of you, rubbing at your entrance. Has the both of you gasping against one another.
“Wait,” you mumble, pulling back. “We need a condom.”
“Shit, yeah,” JJ pants. He’d forgotten about that. You point vaguely to your bedside table.
“There should be one in there. Somewhere.”
JJ chuckles slightly and nods, leaning back to riffle through. He can’t help but notice the vibrator, making a mental note of that for another day. Finding one, he’s coming back to you, sliding it on, desperate to be inside of you.
Pressing his forehead against yours, he keeps his eyes on you.
“Tell me if you need me to stop, okay?”
“I will,” you quietly reply, a hand coming up to cup at his jaw.
JJ nods and begins to slide in. His eyes reflexively shut; he can’t help it. It feels fucking amazing. Sex with feelings is better than any kegger hook-up he’s ever had.
But you’re tight, too tight, and it’s like your body is trying to push him out. Opening his eyes, he looks down to see your face twisted in pain, lips pursed and eyes squeezed shut.
“Hey, hey,” he mumbles, thumbing at your cheek. You force your eyes open, gazing up at him. “You gotta relax, alright? Just breath out for me.”
You take a moment then do as he asks. He feels your body soften. Nudging a bit further in, you actively try not to go tight again.
“It’s just me,” he reminds you. “You’re doing so good, alright?”
To keep you lax, he rubs gently at your clit. Eventually, your body opens up to him. Once JJ’s eased all the way in, you’re squeezing him like a vice.
“You can move, JayJ,” you say, almost anxious that he isn’t.
JJ laughs a little. He won’t last a second if he moves right now. Closing his eyes, composing himself, he replies, “I really can’t. Gimme a second.”
Soon enough, the two of you sink into a rhythm. JJ places a hand one side of your head, another on your hip, angling you up slightly. Your back begins to arch and you’re moaning again, and JJ decides that it’s the best sound he’s ever heard. Prettier than when you sing. The sounds echoing off the bedroom walls are filthy enough to make Satan himself blush.
"Fuck baby. Feel so fucking good."
Groaning against your shoulder, moaning into your ear, JJ feels his resolve begin to break. He’s close. The way your body is reacting to him has him thinking you are too. His hand leaves your hip to rub at your clit. Quick, firm circles. You start to gasp, high pitched and euphoric, and JJ know he can’t last much longer. It’s too good.
The moment you finish, JJ lets go. The two of you come almost together, riding it out, clinging to each other as if you’ll float away if not. JJ eventually let’s himself collapse on top of you, breathing shallow and frantic. You’re still clenching around him, body dealing with the aftershocks.
JJ’s not sure how he’s supposed to go about the rest of his life knowing what it’s like to have you in bed. How he’s meant to get anything done with the memory of how you sound, gasping out his name. The picture stained in his mind of you sucking your fingers clean.
He presses a kiss to your damp neck, then another and another until he somehow finds your mouth. You sigh as you kiss him back, a hand coming to cradle at his face yet again. He pulls back, opens his eyes into yours, and you give him the sweetest smile he’s ever seen. Bashful and blissed out and beautiful.
“I love you,” you tell him, still a little breathless.
JJ smiles back. Heart stammers.
You wanted him. You picked him.
Kissing you once more, tender and fleeting, JJ sighs. “I love you too.”
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chaotic-orphan · 28 days
Delirious Villain x Hero Caretaker (5)
Read part one here // Continued from here
Heed the TW (and mind yourselves please <3):
TW: emotional abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, vomiting, forced vomiting, violence, elements of psychosis, psychosis episode-like symptoms, vulnerable whumpee, intimate whumper, older brother whumper, young sibling whumpee, gaslighting, manipulation, sick whump, sickness whump, illness whump, reuniting with whumper, PTSD, facing whumper who gave PTSD, bad family relationships,
Villain eyed Superhero wearily. Despite all their training, all their progress, Superhero had a height and weight advantage over Villain. His broad shoulders stood proud, supporting his stupid head, with his smirk that made Villain’s stomach crawl. They needed to get out of here, to get help.
They wouldn’t make it to the door in the condition they were in, so that was out of the question. His eyes flicked to the couch where he was asleep not a few minutes ago, which felt like a lifetime now. He couldn’t see his phone. He needed to call Hero, but maybe it was tangled in the blankets?
“I can see the cogs turning, Vil,” Superhero said with a happy sigh. “If you’re hoping that your precious Hero comes to save you in time, don’t. They’re too busy saving someone worth saving.”
“Shut up!” Villain growled, pushing at Superhero’s chest with their free hand. “Get off of me!”
Superhero chuckled, tsking and shaking his head at Villain’s outburst. Villain’s heart didn’t forget to beat after that, the guilt at his Brother’s disappointment didn’t still affect him. It didn’t.
“Where are your manners, Vil? Jeez, does Hero just let you run wild? That must be so annoying for them.”
“Hero loves me.”
Superhero leaned in, dark eyes glittering with malice. “Oh yeah? Then why aren’t they here looking after you?”
Villain’s face scrunched up. “Because you sent them away!”
“Or are they just so tired with you that they had to get out of the house for a while. It seems like the latter to me. God, I remember how annoying you were. Nobody, not even Hero has enough patience to handle you.”
“Hero loves me,” Villain said again, this time a little quieter.
“No. They don’t. They probably just feel sorry for you and how pathetic you are. Like a wounded baby bird whose wings are too weak to make it fly.”
“My life doesn’t concern you anymore! You don’t have to interact with me on a daily basis! Please let me go. Please, Brother, please.”
Superhero pressed a finger to his lips. “Shush. No begging yet, Vil. It’s unbecoming.”
Without warning, Superhero yanked Villain off the wall and was about to throw him to the floor when the pair froze. Villain’s ringtone played mutely from the bedroom. Villain’s eyes widened.
Superhero recovered quicker than Villain, a cruel grin on his face as he started dragging Villain towards the bedroom. He got a hand on the back of Villain’s neck and shoved him down so Villain had to walk awkwardly bent over. Superhero opened the door to the bedroom and saw the phone lighting up on the bed.
He threw Villain to the ground beside the bed, laughing as Villain stumbled before he hit the floor with a groan, grabbing Villain’s phone off the bed.
“Aww, Vil. It’s Hero. Probably calling you to tell you that they’re leaving you.”
“Shut up,” Villain hissed, rubbing their hip that took the brunt of the impact.
Superhero turned Villain’s phone to Villain so they could see the picture of Hero laughing, ice-cream in hand, a dollop of mint chocolate chip on the tip of their nose.
“Cute,” Superhero said with a scoff, then put his finger in his mouth and mimed vomiting. Superhero waited for Hero to hang up before scrolling through Villain’s phone. Superhero raised their brows, glancing at Villain over the phone. “You seriously don’t have a passcode or something?”
“Don’t need it.”
Superhero scoffed, turning his attention back to the phone. Villain moved to get to their feet when Superhero’s stare snapped to them. “Don’t move or I’ll kill Hero.”
That froze Villain in their movements, their heart hitching at Superhero’s easy threat. Superhero didn’t seem too bothered by it and soon his face split into a wide smile.
“Aww, look Vil. Hero text: Superhero,” Superhero paused, grinning down at Villain pointing to himself. “That’s me.” Then went back to reading. “Superhero said that he was short staffed, and sent me to West-point so I will be home later than usual. Sorry for leaving you again, there’s soup in the freezer if you feel up to it. I love you. xx.”
Villain tightened their hands into fists by their sides, clenching their jaw against every word that Superhero read. Hero was going to be home later than normal? West-point, that was at least an hour by metro from here and who knows when they’d get home… especially because—
Villain raised their gaze to Superhero who was grinning above them. “You weren’t short-staffed, were you?”
“Of course not,” Superhero said with a smirk. “I just had to get Hero away from you for a while. Hell, even Other Hero and Sidekick should’ve gone to central hospital but I asked for them to be transferred to West-point so we could have some long overdue family time.”
Superhero tapped on Villain’s phone a little longer and grinned after locking the screen, pocketing the phone in his back-pocket. “Just in case you get any ideas.”
Villain glared at him from the ground, a sudden overwhelming helplessness returning to him that he hadn’t felt since he was a kid. Since he moved out of his family home. Now it came back with a viciousness that threatened to drown him and left him clawing against it just to keep his head above the water and his breathing even.
“Now,” Superhero said, inspecting Villain with his piercing gaze. “What to do with you.”
“Just leave,” Villain tried. “Please. I don’t— I’m not apart of your life anymore. You don’t— you don’t have to do this.”
“Vil, Vil, Vil,” Superhero sighed walking towards Villain. “Family doesn’t quit on each other. They never give up on you. I know I don’t have to try and fix you, the truth is I never did. I just wanted what was best for you.”
“Yeah right! You just wanted what was best for you! Can’t have your little brother embarrass you in public!”
Superhero, to Villain’s surprise, softened at that. Villain didn’t trust it for a second.
“You’re right,” Superhero said with a breath. “I was so worried about what kind of shame or embarrassment you would bring on me. I didn’t want people associating failure with us.”
Superhero crouched in front of Villain, tilting his head to the side. A strange smile on his lips, that Villain couldn’t quite discern. It looked whimsical and yet sad, wait— was that a genuine smile? No. It couldn’t be.
“It’s because I saw our potential, Villain,” Superhero said with a scoff. “Y’know, it’s stupid, but when I worked so hard to be Superhero, to become the best and bring prestige to our family name… well, I pushed you hard too because I always imagined that it would be something that we’d do together. Something we’d achieve together. The best brother Superhero duo in history.”
Villain’s heart cracked a little, a swarm of guilt spilling out like a leak in a dam, constricting his chest. Villain longed to reach out, to close the distance between them to apologise for not being able to live up to Superhero’s expectations.
To tell him that Villain tried. He really fucking tried, but Superhero was always stronger, faster, better than he was and he couldn’t be the same.
He didn’t though. He tightened his hands into fists and stared at Superhero who looked six feet deep in fond memories and regrets.
“I’m sorry, Vil.”
It felt as if time stopped. As if the Earth stopped turning, and the world stood frozen. The moment right before a car crash, or something inevitable happening; the cusp that hides between moments like a trapdoor spider, waiting until you lowered your guard before attacking and killing you.
Villain’s voice was a whisper: “what?”
Superhero swallowed, forcing himself to meet Villain’s gaze. “I’m sorry, Villain.”
There was no joke or humour in Superhero’s face as he said that, again. Apologised? Again! But— but— Villain’s brain was fried from their flu because this must be another trick? Another hallucination. Superhero being sorry for something? Feeling remorse?
“I’m sorry about what happened on the outside, how people perceived us, what you said and did outside the house that I didn’t even think about how it all must’ve effected you. I’m sorry that I wasted all that time trying to correct your behaviour outside the house when really,” Superhero’s hand shot out like a viper to grab Villain by the throat, slamming him back against the wall. “Really I should’ve focused more on your manners and knowing your fucking place.”
Superhero stood, bringing Villain with him and threw him across the room. Villain tried to catch themselves before their face hit the wall by throwing their hands out, but they landed awkwardly on their wrist and the pain ricocheted down their arm. Villain hissed, retracting their arm but they didn’t have time to react before a hand was in their hair and bashing their skull against the wall.
Once. Twice. Three times.
Villain went dumb from the impact, their brain struggling to comprehend what was happening, but the pain. They felt the pain spread like wildfire through their skull.
The hand in their hair tightened and Villain cried out as they were dragged across the bedroom, back towards the kitchen. They tried to gain purchase on the ground with their knees, but Superhero was moving too fast for them to keep up.
Superhero paused two feet from the doorway. Villain didn’t know why, they just slumped to the ground like a dog in shade during a heatwave. They just needed to catch their breath. Or pass out. Either was a good option.
Superhero didn’t seem to think so. He lifted his hand suddenly, dragging Villain’s head up to look Villain in the eye. Villain hissed, hands clawing at the strong grip on his hair. Superhero grabbed Villain by the throat, slamming his head back into the wall.
Villain groaned at the impact, moving his hands to try and dislodge Superhero’s hand from his throat. “God. You really are pathetic, aren’t you? Did I not teach you anything?”
Superhero stepped back, dropping all contact from Villain who struggled not to slump down the wall to the floor.
Superhero took two steps back, running a hand down his face, pinning Villain to the wall with a harsh glare. Villain’s entire body was trembling at them, struggling to keep themselves up in case they needed to bolt. But Superhero’s eyes caught every tremor, every flinch or wince.
“You’re still fucking ruining everything. It’s all you ever do, isn’t it?”
“Fuck off.”
“You really don’t know, do you? You make people weak, Villain.” Villain froze at the emotion colouring Superhero’s voice. “You make people weak, because they feel like they need to look after you, or take care of you. For fuck’s sake, you can barely stand by your-fucking-self! You needed Hero to take days off of work to mind you while you were sick, like some fucking child! Do you know how embarrassing that is!”
“My life doesn’t concern you anymore,” Villain spat, tears pinpricking their eyes.
Superhero scoffed. “Doesn’t concern me?”
Superhero studied Villain’s face, the wince after Superhero spoke. Then recognition flashed on his face, putting two and two together.
“You didn’t tell Hero that we’re related,” Superhero said, tilting his head to the side, a smile gracing his lips at Villain’s silence. “Oh that is… that is hilarious. The person you love the most? You’re keeping secrets from them?”
“We are not related,” Villain said, their voice coming out stronger than they felt in that moment. “You are nothing to me. I left you and Mom, and Dad. I left. I made a life for myself, a life where I’m loved by somebody. Why can’t you be happy for me?”
“What, you think Hero actually loves you?”
Villain flinched at the words. “Oh you do, don’t you?” Superhero cooed, walking towards Villain again and grabbing their face in his hands. “Oh. You poor fucking idiot. You have no idea how much Hero hates you, do you?”
Villain’s eyes glistened with tears. Superhero slammed Villain’s head back into the wall.
“Do you?”
“Just leave… leave me alone,” Villain begged, tears finally spilling over his eyes. “Please.”
Villain’s hand reached up and curled his fingers around Superhero’s wrist, weakly tugging at it.
“I can make them love you again,” Superhero whispered. “I know how. I can make you worth something in their eyes, isn’t that what you want?”
Villain sniffled, nodding. Superhero cooed, brushing the sweaty hair back from Villain’s face. “I know. I know you’re scared, but big bro’s here now, hmmm? Come on.”
Superhero pulled Villain away from the wall gently, taking Villain’s wrist in his hand. “Come on.”
“Where are we—” Villain asked, their voice hitching, wiping away their tears with the sleeve of their shirt. “Where’re we going?”
Villain’s mind only registered they were walking towards the bathroom when Superhero opened the door. Then they started pulling against Superhero’s hold.
“No! No, no, no, no, no!” Villain cried, going limp and yanking backwards. Superhero dropped Villain, cursing at them for the sudden weight. Villain took the opportunity to roll onto their stomach, pushing themselves to their hands and knees and rushing forwards. They threw themselves to their feet, stumbling slightly, almost rolling on their ankles but they were standing. They bolted for the door to the bedroom, slamming their shoulder into the doorframe as they propelled themselves out and towards the front door.
A hand caught the back of their shirt and Villain cried out. They were yanked backwards, their head slamming off the doorframe to the bedroom. Villain fell like a sack of bricks and Superhero let them.
Villain blinked up bleary-eyed at the ceiling, the world swimming in a whirlwind of colour. Two Superhero’s appeared above Villain, shaking their heads, as if they were disappointed parents looking down on an unruly child.
“Look at what you did,” Superhero said, the words coming in and out of focus like pulses. He leaned down, crouched above Villain. Then a hand passed over his face and Villain’s head whipped to the side. They whimpered. “Ah. There you are,” Superhero said, only one of him now. “Still with me, Vil.”
Another slap and Villain whimpered, weakly pushing their hand against Superhero’s. Superhero easily batted it away, opting to instead pinch Villain’s cheeks between their thumb and forefinger and dig their fingers in until Villain’s mouth formed an O and they cried out.
“Listen runt, I didn’t want to hurt you! Don’t you see? I’m trying to help you. You’ve clearly let yourself go since the last time I saw you, and nobody, not even Saint Hero will love you if you’re fat and disgusting. You want to be worth Hero’s love, don’t you?”
Tears welled behind Villain’s eyes and they tried to turn their head away, not wanting to face Superhero and the truth in his words. Superhero didn’t even let Villain flinch in any direction before his grip tightened.
“Don’t you want to be someone worthy of love?” Superhero asked, his voice imperceptibly soft. Villain let out a pathetic yes, their voice muffled by Superhero’s hold on their face. Superhero’s features smoothed out and he nodded sympathetically. “I know. Come on, let’s get you up. I’m just trying to help you be worthy of Hero.”
Superhero helped Villain to sit up, openly crying now. Superhero nodded his head compassionately. “I know. I know. Shh. It’s okay. Big bro’s here now. He’s going to make everything better. Ssh. Don’t worry. Come on, runt.”
Superhero helped the wailing Villain to their feet, guiding them towards the bathroom again. Villain, resigned, followed along because they didn’t want to get hit again. They didn’t want to try and fight back and get beaten again. They didn’t want to be ugly for Hero, they wanted to be worthy of them. Hero was brilliant, perfect, why would they settle for anything less than that? God, Superhero was right.
Superhero gently pushes Villain to their knees, and tells them to: “open up.”
Villain felt the familiar fear creep back up their spine, making their hair stand on end. They shook their head, making to stand up but Superhero kept a hand on Villain’s shoulder, keeping them in place.
“Come on. You said you wanted to be worthy of Hero, right?”
Villain deflated. A part of them wanted to be perfect, to listen to Superhero and just give in, save themselves the pain. The other part was screaming at them, telling them they were worth more than this. That they hated this, and that Hero loved them no matter what. Strangely the voice telling them to fight sounded an awful lot like Hero’s.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to do anything. I’ll do it all, remember?” Superhero coaxed, his fingers tracing Villain’s jaw and resting at their bottom lip. “Come on, Villain.”
Villain didn’t protest, but they didn’t fight Superhero either, so when his fingers pushed past Villain’s lips, Villain didn’t move. Only when they went far, hitting Villain’s gag reflex did Villain start fighting him.
They shot up from their knees on instinct, but Superhero’s hold kept them down, his other hand going to the back or Villain’s hair and pulling it, yanking their head back so he could shove his fingers down further.
Villain whined, shaking their head. They didn’t want this, they didn’t want this! Villain felt bile climbing his throat and he jerked forward, but Superhero didn’t move his fingers and they hit the back of Villain’s tongue. Villain felt the warmth climbing his throat, gripping the toilet seat and ready to vomit.
Superhero pulled his fingers out at the last second, and Villain heaved. It was only bile that came out, green-hued see through slime, because Villain hadn’t eaten in days.
Superhero clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Hmm. That won’t do. We’ll go again.”
Before Villain could protest, Superhero’s fingers were in his mouth again, unmerciful as they shot to the back of Villain’s throat. Villain grabbed Superhero’s wrist, pulling his fingers out. “Don’t fight me, Vil. We agreed.”
Superhero’s fingers hit Villain’s throat again, and they felt the muscles in their neck contracting as another wave of nausea hit them. Panicking and wanting Superhero to just let them go, Villain clamped their jaw around Superhero’s hand.
Superhero yelped, then roared and yanked their hand out of Villain’s jaw. “I’m—” Villain gasped, but Superhero cut them off with a punch to the face. Villain’s head veered down, hitting off the edge of the ceramic toilet bowl with a dull thump.
A hand in their hair and their head was wrenched back. Superhero’s fist flashed in the corner of their eye, and struck the same place in their jaw, keeping them straight.
“I thought we agreed that I—” punch. “Know” punch. “Better.” A sharp slap deafened Villain as Superhero released them again, their head snapping to the side. “I don’t want to hurt you, but you force me to, Vil. I hate to see you like this, but as your older brother I’ll do what I have to do, to make you a better person.”
A sharp kick to the stomach, once, twice, three times and Villain lurched forward, crying out and swallowing hard to keep the rush of liquid crawling like a tidal wave up their throat. Superhero grabbed Villain by the throat. Leaning his face in closer to them.
“Come on, Vil,” Superhero said sweetly. “You want to look your best for Hero, don't you? You want to deserve them, right?”
“Pl—please,” Villain stammered, choking on Superhero’s tight grip. “Just lemme— go.”
“Stop fighting me, runt, I'm just trying to look out for you.”
Superhero pinched Villain’s jaw between his thumb and index finger, his nails digging into their cheeks, drawing blood, and forcing their mouth open. His fingers found the back of Villain’s throat, pressing down on Villain’s gag reflex.
Villain felt the muscles in his throat tighten, the bile burning acidic up their throat and they lunged forward, Superhero withdrew his hand from Villain’s mouth, but kept pinching their cheeks so Villain couldn’t swallow. Only when he was satisfied that Villain was about to hurl did he let go, grinning down as Villain spewed into the toilet.
A lot more than last time, their stomach ached as they vomited. A momentary pause and then another bout reared its head and tears streamed down their face, sobbing as they let the feeling run its course out of them.
Superhero patted Villain’s hair like a dog. “Good, see. You did so good.”
“What are you doing?”
Villain froze at the voice. Superhero’s hand stopped rubbing Villain’s hair, but he didn’t remove it from Villain’s head. Hero rushed in, going to Villain’s side and get grabbing their face in their hands, thumbing away the tears.
“Villain, shhh. Shhh, it’s okay.” Hero cooed. Villain sobbed against Hero’s hands, the gentle touches. They weren’t worthy of this kindness. They didn’t deserve Hero’s caring love. This was pity. They pitied Villain, that’s why they looked so caring in that moment. Not out of love. Why was Villain so weak to melt at the kindness, they should be worthy of them! Hero shouldn’t have to see Villain like this. “I’m here now. It’s okay.”
Hero glanced back at Superhero, eyes narrowed into a glare. “What are you doing here?!”
“I knew you would be away for a while today, Hero. And I knew you would be worried sick about your ill partner so I thought I would come and look after them for you.”
Hero’s eyes found Villain’s, searching, scanning for any sign that Superhero was lying. Villain was skittish and heaving, not meeting Hero’s eyes. There was something wrong, was it just vomiting? Being sick? No, this was different. Villain was incoherent and violent last time, now they were just… subdued and lifeless and terrified.
“You stepped over the line, Superhero,” Hero said firmly, eyes burning down at their lover. “Please wait in the living room while I help them to bed.”
Superhero’s eyes met Villain’s over Hero’s shoulder, a sadistic smile on his lips. He brought a finger to his lips and pointed down at Hero. Then drew a line across his throat and mimicked Hero being killed.
“Of course, Hero,” Superhero said easily, while Villain’s trembles intensified. Hero waited until Superhero had walked out the door before looking back at Villain.
“Vil, oh my god, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I should have never left you.”
They’re just saying that because you’re weak, Villain thought.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t ask Superhero to come. I didn’t know they would do something as crazy as this!”
They’re tired of you. They don’t love you, if they did they would have never left. You’re exhausting, you wear people out.
“Come on, Vil. Talk to me.” Hero said, leaning forward and pressing their forehead against Villain’s. Villain could feel Hero’s warm breath fanning against their face. They weren’t even worthy of this. “Shhh. Vil, it’s okay. I’m here now and I’m not leaving.”
When Hero wrapped their arms around Villain, Villain couldn’t hold it together anymore and they broke down into sobs that wracked their entire body. Their fingers turned to claws in Hero’s shirt, bunching it and holding on and not wanting to let go.
They were weak, they were so weak that they made the people they loved weak for them. It bled through from Villain into them, and now they were breaking Hero’s heart. They didn’t deserve Hero’s heart. They didn’t deserve any of this comfort and warmth and love.
Hero held them tightly and kissed their hair and cheek and anything their lips could reach, whispering reassurances and telling them that they loved them.
When Villain’s sobs had calmed down to mere whimpers and sniffles, Hero moved them, putting one hand under their legs and the other under their shoulders and lifted them like they were a baby. Villain curled into Hero’s embrace, a deep red blush filling their face with warmth.
Hero shouldn’t have to do this, to be the strong one. Villain was the strong one! God what happened to them?! Why couldn’t they just be perfect for Hero?
Hero put them into bed, lying beside them under the covers. They tilted Villain’s head down to lie on top of Hero’s chest, hearing their heartbeat. They were a tangle of limbs.
“What about,” Villain sniffed, “Superhero?”
Hero’s eyes darkened. “Let him wait. You’re my priority, Villain. You always will be. Never forget that.”
Villain sniffed, fresh tears streaming down their cheeks. “I love you Hero.” They said even though it broke their heart to say that. Weak! So weak!
“I love you more than you’ll ever know,” Hero whispered into Villain’s hair, kissing the top of their head.
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andi-kook · 4 months
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SUMMARY: A series of drabbles featuring you, a twenty-five year-old high school Literature teacher living on the same floor as Jeon Jungkook, a thirty-one year-old single dad and filmmaker living with his eleven-year-old daughter Yuki, and your encounters that leads the both of you to be hopelessly captivated with each other. Based on Niki’s Take A Chance With Me.
DRABBLE 01: A panicked Jeon Jungkook knocks on your door for help.
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
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GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Single Dad AU, Age Gap AU
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WARNINGS: Suitable for all ages. No specific warnings for this drabble. Dad!Jungkook, maybe? Oh, and talks of menstrual period and allusion to complicated family relationships. Not proofread!
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Your peaceful Sunday afternoon consisting of catching up on the episodes of your comfort series while eating your comfort food with a bottle of cola on the side is interrupted by a set of knocks on your door. Your eyebrows meet in confusion, not expecting anyone to come over nor did you have any deliveries. And even if you are expecting someone, they would have to use the intercom before the security lets them in. So, while you’re walking down to answer the door, you can only deduce that whoever is knocking on your door must be a neighbor. Your theory is proven correct when you open the door, and you see Jeon Jungkook – or should you say Mr. Jeon Jungkook – standing on the other side with an apologetic smile plastered on his lips and his eyes wide and panicked.
“Y/N, hi, I’m so sorry for bothering you. I just really need your help,” Jungkook states immediately, rubbing his palms against his loose black pants.
“It’s okay, Mr. Jeon. What is it?” You ask politely, placing your hand on the door.
“It’s Yuki. She’s-She’s calling for you. I think she’s gotten her period and is terrified,” Jungkook explains, biting his lower lip as his chest rises and falls heavily. He’s clearly concerned and worried.
You perk up, recognizing the seriousness of the situation. “Okay. Yeah, that can be terrifying. I have some pads she can use – they serve the same purpose regardless of age, don’t worry. I’ll just grab them and meet you at your apartment?”
A look of relief washes over his face. “Thank you, Y/N, seriously. This means a lot.”
“It’s no problem, Mr. Jeon,” You reply.
You make your way to your room and grab the unopened napkin from your shelf before making your way to the Jeons’ apartment three units across from yours. You knock, as a sign of respect, and Jungkook immediately answers the door and leads you to the bathroom. Your apartment’s floorplan is slightly different, you notice. His is clearly more spacious than your studio-type.
“She doesn’t want me anywhere near her, but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I’ll be right down the hall,” Jungkook tells you softly to which you nod.
You wait until Jungkook is at the end of the hall before you softly knock on the door. “Yuki? Hi, it’s Y/N from Apartment 609. Your dad says you called for me. Is everything okay?”
You hear sniffing on the other side and your heart breaks just a little. Children crying are always a weakness of yours. “Y-Y/N? Is that really you?”
“Yes, Yuki, it’s really me. Can you tell me if you’re okay?”
“No, I’m not,” Yuki replies honestly. “I-I don’t know what to do!” She begins to cry again.
From your peripheral vision, you see Jungkook about to walk but you put up your hand to stop him, shaking your head. “It’s okay, Yuki. I was like that too when I first got my period. I was clueless on what to do.”
“I-I’m scared.”
You nod even though she doesn’t see you. “It’s alright to be scared of something you haven’t experienced or seen before, Yuki. If you let me, I can help you be a little less scared of it.”
It’s quiet for a moment then you hear the soft click of the door unlocking. The door opens slightly, and you take this as a sign to slip inside, seeing the dark-haired eleven-year-old sitting on the toilet with her face buried in her hands. When she hears you close the door, she looks up at you, eyes red and swollen, cheeks stained with tears. Her shiny black hair is all over her face and she’s still wearing her matching blue pajamas with little various kinds of shark printed on them.
You smile as you lower yourself in front of her to meet her eye-level, placing the napkin on the sink. “Hi, Yuki.”
She sniffs but politely returns the greeting. “Hello Y/N.”
“It’s scary, isn’t it? Waking up and seeing all this blood?” You ask and she nods. You hum. “Has your teacher or parents talked to you about getting your menstruation during puberty?”
“Yeah, my Science teacher, Ms. Cho, gave a lecture about it last semester,” Yuki answers, eyes similar to that of her father’s lowering as she fiddles with her fingers. “Mom and dad never really did.”
You nod in understanding. “I see. I learned about it through my teacher too.”
Her eyes shoot up to meet yours again, wide and filled with validation. Your heart breaks again. “Really?”
“Yeah. My mom passed away when I was young, so she never got the chance to teach me about periods and napkins and all that stuff. My dad – he was working so he wasn’t able to teach me about it too.”
It’s a watered-down version of your childhood, but you’re not about to trauma dump to an eleven-year-old.
“Can we clean you up? I’ll teach you everything I know about dealing with this every month,” You say, sucking your teeth. Yuki nods. “Okay. Do you wanna take a shower so you can get cleaned up? I’ll be outside with your clothes and towel once you’re finished.”
“Okay. Thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem, Yuki. I’m glad to be of help.”
You leave the bathroom to give Yuki privacy and spot her father leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. When he hears the door close, his head shoots up at your direction.
“Everything is fine, Mr. Jeon. She just got shaken up, but she’s already taking a shower. Can you prepare her clothes and her towel?” You ask, placing your hands on your hips.
“Yeah, her room is the one on your right,” Jungkook says as he points at it. “You can come inside if you want.”
So you do, looking at the ocean-themed room from the blue walls, the shark-printed bed sheets, whale-printed curtains, the sphere lamp covered in different marine animal stickers.
“She’s currently in her marine phase though it’s gotten a bit longer than I anticipated so maybe it’s not a phase after all,” Jungkook shares as he grabs clothes from his daughter’s cabinet then takes the towel hanging on it.
You nod, completely getting it. “I’ve had my phases too. Some I never really grew out of.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Jungkook asks, sending you a smile.
You can’t help but return it, albeit a teasing one. “It’s a secret, Mr. Jeon.”
He laughs a little, nodding as he grabs a pair of clean underwear from Yuki’s drawer. “Alright. I respect that.”
Once Yuki finished showering, you hand her the towel to dry and cover herself before you enter and tell her some tips on how to handle her menstruation, demonstrating how napkins work and telling her when to change it so she won’t get any sort of rashes. You also tell her about cravings and mood swings. Once she’s all done, you and Yuki step out of the bathroom, her hiding behind you and only peeking through your arm to look at her father who has lowered himself on the door, an encouraging smile on his face.
“Go on, Yuki. There is nothing to be ashamed of towards your dad,” You tell her gently. “But if you’re not ready, it’s okay too. I’m sure your dad will understand.”
Yuki contemplates before ultimately deciding on running towards her father who greets her with his arm wide open. You watch as Jungkook embraces Yuki warmly, eyes closing and pressing kisses on her cheek. Yuki buries her face on the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not mad. I understand. I’m just happy you’re okay now,” Jungkook soothes, rubbing Yuki’s back in circles.
At that moment, you feel a tug in your heart. You’ve never really looked at Jeon Jungkook before – your paths didn’t really cross despite living on the same floor. You would only get a chance to talk to Yuki when the two of you would be walking up the hill to your apartment building after school ended. Maybe it was because you were a homebody who spent your free time in the comfort of your home. But now that you had gotten the chance to really see him – you couldn’t deny that he was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen.
You quickly shut down this thought. He’s a married man for crying out loud – it’s not right for you to be thinking about him in any way.
“Did you say thank you to Y/N?” Jungkook asks Yuki.
“She already did, and really, it’s not a problem. Glad I could be of help,” You say with a smile. “Anyway, I guess I’ll be on my way. I still have some papers to grade.”
“I’ll walk you back,” Jungkook offers.
You shake your head. “No, it’s okay, Mr. Jeon.”
“No, please, let me. It’s the least I can do for your help, for now, at least,” He insists. “I prepared your favorite snack in the kitchen, Yuki. I’ll just walk Y/N back to her apartment then I’ll join you, okay?” He tells his daughter, kissing the top of her head.
“Yes dad,” Yuki answers with a nod.
She gives you a hug on your way out.
“There’s really no need for you to walk me back, Mr. Jeon,” You say as you scratch the top of your head awkwardly.
“We are walking now so too late,” He quips, a lopsided smile forming on his lips. You only now see his piercing. Damn. “I’m serious though. This won’t just be the last thank you you’ll receive from me. You helped us out so much. You deserve better than a walk.”
“It’s really okay. I’m just happy that Yuki is fine,” You say as you reach your apartment. “Here I am. Thank you for walking me back, Mr. Jeon.”
“Thank you for everything, Y/N. If there is anything you need – anything – I’m just at 613, okay? Please don’t hesitate to knock on our door.”
You smile, nodding. “See you around, Mr. Jeon.”
“See you, Y/N, and if you’re comfortable with it, please just call me Jungkook.”
“Okay,” You say. “See you around, Jungkook.”
His smile widens – or at least in your mind it does. “Great. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Y/N.”
When you walk back inside your apartment, you press your back against the door, heart beating faster than normal. Why do you get the feeling that you’ll be seeing more of the Jeons? And why does it make your heart race?
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ANDI: I need this while working on something as dark as Dead Kids so I won’t be too burnt out when writing it. I hope you guys liked it and let me know what you think! 🦉
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Congratulations on getting 300 followers! Feel free to ignore this request if you'd like, but can you do prompt #7 with Jamil, Ace, and Trey?
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7. Wearing a maid outfit during a culture fair
Thank you <3 And there is no way I am ignoring this one when you picked maybe the best possible line up for it.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, mild cringe, a bit... suggestive and light spoilers for the white rabbit event in Trey's part (i.e. Yuu references the event costumes) Check out the rest of the event requests here.
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"Welcome back master!" You cheerfully give the greeting Ortho had helped you practice and immediately wish for death as soon as you see just who the customer you gave it to is. Jamil stares at you, really stares at you, eyes shot wide cognitive thought completely evaporated from his brain.
"Do- have you-" He coughs, fighting off the urge to hide in his hood. "Have you been greeting everyone like that?"
"Um yes, Ortho said it was the appropriate way to greet customers at a maid cafe." Not that this was a maid cafe exactly, it was a booth handing out bottled water to attendees of the NRC culture fair the school nurse had insisted on setting up. You were supposed to be wearing a dorm uniform to really sell that school pride, but Ramshackle doesn't have one so you had jokingly offered to wear a maid outfit, something Ortho apparently decided was brilliant and convinced Vil to let you borrow one from the film club. You weren't sure why you agreed to this but hey, at least it was cute. Jamil certainly doesn't seem to disagree.
"Well you should stop, it's extremely undignified." That's what he says, but it's missing the usual edge his critiques usually have. If you didn't know any better, you would think that he's embarrassed, which gives you a brilliant idea.
"Maaaaaster," you make sure to whine out the title with a big pout as you move directly into his personal space keeping just enough distance between you two to be tempting, delighting in how his throat twitches at the title "I'm working really hard to make you happy y'know? It's really rude to say that's 'undignified.'" You stay like that for a brief moment, gears in Jamil's mind whirring so fast they might as well be letting off steam. Finally, the breath he's been trying to catch finally goes down taking him with it.
"JAMIL!" He huffs at your concern from his new home on the pavement in annoyance.
"Seriously, it's rude to tease."
"Oh come on what even is the point of this?" In today's episode of Night Raven Comedy, Ace is shouting in disappointment at his reflection in Yuu's bedroom mirror while they and Deuce stand hands folded in disappointment just behind him.
"Really I don't get why you are so surprised." Says Deuce. 'Wasn't this entire thing your idea?"
"What's that got to do with it?" He snaps, face softening slightly when he looks at you but returning to annoyance when Deuce starts to smirk at him. "Don't tell me you're actually excited about dressing like this?" Deuce shrugs.
"I mean don't get me wrong it is embarrassing, but honestly seeing you dressed up like this makes it worth it." The grin on Deuce's face is outright evil, and you silently sigh, searching around your room for Grim's ribbon. About a month ago, Crewel had announced that your class would need to put together a booth for the school culture fair and asked for suggestions. Someone had complained it would be useless to try and compete with the other classes without a gimmick and Ace, for some reason, had suggested maid outfits. You weren't sure what surprised you more, that suggestion or that everyone had agreed with it.
"Why did you suggest a maid cafe if you didn't want to dress up like a maid?" You ask, already annoyed and adding ibuprofen to your mental list of things to make sure to bring with you when the three of you are finally ready to leave. He mutters an answer and you sigh. "Speak up I can't hear you."
"Yeah Ace," laughs Deuce, dodging a pillow Ace throws at his head "why did you suggest it?"
"Because I wanted to see you dressed like one." He mutters, pouting while Deuce laughs before turning on you. "And don't act like you didn't go along with it! Why did you vote for it?"
"Because I wanted to see you in a maid outfit too."
Oh, judging by the judgment Deuce is passing on both of you and Ace's shock you said that out loud, didn't you...
Breathe in breathe out. Busy your hands by adjusting your glasses and fix your smile in place and take another deep breath before you speak and focus on the eyes.
"That's an interesting outfit you have on Prefect." Trey says, and you sigh in relief. Finally someone normal.
"Thanks! I was worried it would be a bit too much." Realistically speaking you know it is, seriously maid outfits are already cute enough, adding bunny ears, ribbons, and a frilly tail just makes it lethal. Cater almost made you late with how many pictures he insisted on taking before you managed to escape.
"Well I don't know about that, it's certainly extremely cute though." Trey crosses his arms and tries to avoid gripping his bicep too hard. The way you light up at his praise doesn't help. "Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh Deuce's mom gave it to me when we visited Clock Town." Your nod causes the bunny ears to bounce and someone takes in a sharp breath. "Riddle said it would be helpful if Deuce could wear his costume for your booth about the Queen of Hearts, but he didn't want to dress up alone so I volunteered to help."
"Is Deuce wearing a... similar costume?" It could be just you, but Trey sounds like he's feeling a bit sick.
"Well kind of? He isn't a maid bunny. But speaking of Deuce I should really get back! Wouldn't want Riddle to get angry." You are clearly waiting for him to say something, but Trey doesn't trust himself to speak. "Trey?" You reach up towards his forehead forcing him to get a really good look at the entire costume as you try checking his temperature and frown in distress. "Oh you're practically burning up, let me walk you to the hospital wing I don't think Riddle will mind if-"
"You should be a bit more careful." Trey catches your hand as you go to take it away from his forehead, keeping you close to him yellow eyes daring you to step in just a bit further. "You aren't from around here, but surely even you know how deep a rabbit hole can go, right Prefect?"
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Please anything spicy with Dewther I BEG
Jealousy. (No CW) Aether/Dewdrop
Tags: Trans!Dewdrop, semi-publix sex, make-up sex, pussy/cunt/clit/t-dick & tits/breasts used, light-hearted argument
Characters: Aether, Dewdrop
(Divider by @ wrathofrats ! Dew is grumpy when he's not fucked in a while I'm just saying)
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"I don't understand why you're so mad at me right now." Aether put his hands out, confused as he watched his tiny mate shove past him with a bundle of cords for his amplifier.
"Hm, shame." Dewdrop simply shrugged, closing the velcro over the bundle to keep it snug. "Maybe you should go find that guy and go jerk him off like you kept promising all night. Maybe that'll clear your confusion."
The quintessence ghoul simply blinked, running through his mind of this supposed human he kept flirting with. The moment Aether realized, he scoffed, going behind Dew and gently touching his waist. "Seriously? That was just part of the whole shtick! You know I wasn't actually being serious, right?"
"Well how would I know?!" The fire ghoul turned around, smoke slowly leaving his mask, but Aether not missing the misty eyes in the far reflection. "Obviously you can do it for others but Lilith forbid you even try to touch me anymore!"
Aether whined, now fully holding Dewdrop's waist and not letting him walk past. "Oh, firefly... I'm sorry, I really am!" He moved a hand to gently directs Dew's chin up to face him. "I didn't mean to make you upset, I honestly didn't... How can I make it up to you, my love?"
A small step forward pressed Dew's chest just a bit above Aether's belly button. "Just... Will you please touch me? I honestly feel like you've been avoiding me, like you don't want anything to do with me. But you're always so excited to do gestures towards everyone else in the pack and crowd."
"I understand, I'm sorry for making you feel that's way." Aether bonked their helmets together. "I can do that, love. If I ever start making you feel like that again, would you be okay telling me?"
"Yeah..." Dew slowly pushed his hand down to gently cup Aether's crotch.
"You want it now?"
Oh, how could Aether say no to that? A long exhale left him as Dew squeezed his cock, fingers dragging over the outline of his slowly growing chub. Taking his mate's hand and moving it under his mask for a quick kiss, Aether led them off the stage, explaining to a stage hand that he and Dew needed to have a moment. The hand simply nodded, assuming Dew having an episode which wasn't too uncommon but still a strange assumption. Regardless.
The two wormed their way into the green room, Aether locking the door before pulling off his mask, face paint smeared and most of it gone from sweat. Dew followed suit, adding an extra to pull his tight bun out with a relaxed sigh. Dew didn't bother waiting, pulling down his balaclava, standing on his tiptoes to bring Aether to his level and smash their lips together. The bigger ghoul reached down, lifting Dew into his arms, legs wrapped around his hips but ass being groped.
Aether pulled back, smile wide. "How in the world could I ignore such a beautiful thing laid out in front of me?"
"Gotta get you glasses, babe." An exhale and Dew was right back on, his eagerness and want showing.
Stepping back, Aether sat Dew on the vanity nearby, the lights giving a small halo to Dew's form. His lips moved down, sucking and biting on his mate's neck, hands undoing each false button and zipper on the uniform until only a pair of boxers stood between him and Dew. He moved back after a long drag of his tongue, shucking off his own shirt and pulling down both his pants and underwear, semi-chub lifted by the band of his boxers beneath his balls.
"Fuck, darling..." Aether's hand moved to run down his mate's thigh then right between his legs to admire the amount of sweat and slick drenching Dewdrop's underwear. "Love when you're drenched."
"Even when I'm stinky?" Dewdrop teased, sticking out his forked tongue with a laugh.
"Oh, most definitely when you're stinky!"
Little laughter rang out again, Dew bringing him back for more kisses. Aether took the initiative to pull down Dew's final piece of clothes, kissing down Dew's chest, stomach, right on his abdomen, before gripping his thighs to spread open. His sweaty dessert laid waiting for him, blonde curls freshly shaved but still showing signs of growing back. Aether couldn't help but whine, seeing Dew had even prepped a bit ago just for him.
"My poor love."
His tongue delved in, drawing an immediate gasp from the other. Aether purred, lapping at Dew's t-dick, nuzzling his nose into his pubes with a groan. Aether has always had a thing for Dew immediately post-show, how his scent mixed in so much, but specifically his cunt drawing in more and amplifying arousal when it made itself know. His lips hollowed around the sensitive bundle, sucking his clit with ease, fingers digging into the flesh nearby.
He could hear Dew's breaths; How they hitched as Aether's tongue would glide over his tip, when his fingers pulled back his hood to his t-dick and blew against the exposed flesh.
"You're so fucking handsome." Aether gasped, fingers slowly sliding to jerk off the other. "Love everything about you. From your head to your toes, you're just made so perfect... Wonderful, for me."
Head pushing in, Dew let out a louder cry as Aether's tongue shoved into his wet cunt. Aether's eyes fluttered back as Dew gripped onto his mohawk, absentmindedly bucking his hips in the quint's face. There was a quick readjustment of Dew's angle, more laid on his back against the mirror so Aether could devour him much more easily. Bringing his hand down, Aether began to rub against his now fully hard length, inhaling sharply and giving his own moan.
Dew's legs trembled, tilting his head back and eyes squeezed shut. It was so... So long since Aether touched him. He decided to ignore the fact it had only been four days. But it was still too long to him. Dewdrop's body seemed to agree, setting him off fast and squirting on Aether's face—Watching him frantically lick more and swallow what's given to the best of his ability. Aether moved back up to Dew's clit, giving another few hard sucks before sitting up, smashing his face against Dew so he could taste himself.
Legs pulling Aether close, Dew sobbed as he finally felt Aether's cock touch his thigh. "Mnph—" He pulled back from the kiss. "Fuck me, please, please fuck me."
"Shh, I am. I promise I am." Aether reassured. "Just want to keep loving you."
Dew arched forwards as his breasts were grabbed, fingers symmetrically rolling the hard bud between them. Aether tugged one, chuckling as Dew whined in response, looking up with wet eyes. His hips rocked forwards, cock pressing everywhere but where Dewdrop wanted, watching Aether hunch over to take one of his tits into his mouth. They were small enough to completely be sucked in, tongue circling the hard bud and biting ever so gently. Fangs grazed before pulling back, giving the same treatment to the neglected breast.
"Aeth," Dew huffed, dragging his words. "Please! Please I'll let you suck me to bed, I'm about to fucking go insane of you don't raw me right now."
Aether hummed, pushing himself up but continuing to lick at the bud. "Promise?"
"Yes, you asshole! I promise! Now put you're dick in me or I swear below I'm going to jump on you!"
"So impatient!" Aether teased, giving a small bite but standing up, stroking his length again and watching pearly white pre slowly drip out.
Adjusting to get comfortable but still provide access, Dewdrop kept his legs opened as Aether pushed his head in which immediately drew out a heavy moan. He continued pushing in, purring as he watched his cock disappear into the fire ghoul's soaking cunt. He moved himself as close as possible before giving a little hump, completely bottomed out in Dew's pussy. He gave a moment to adjust, watching Dewdrop squirm and face get flushed down to his chest.
With a nod, and hands gripping Aether's forearms that rest next to his torso, Aether began to thrust. Each movement brought a new, yet welcomingly familiar, moan from the smaller body. His cunt practically sucking Aether in and refusing to let go, urging him to thrust back in to the heat. The fire ghoul keened and tilted his head back, Aether's eyes watching the body in front of him.
He was beautiful. Neck exposed to allow his full submission, Dew's mouth lax and bottom lip swollen just a bit with a single line of drool going down his cheek. His small chest bouncing with each hard thrust into him, eyes closed and just giving the most sinful—yet holy— noises Aether oh, so adored. How could he be such a fool to deny this incubus in front of him?
Aether moved his hands down to grab Dewdrop's waist, a newfound roughness being slammed in, shaking the vanity enough for the lights to flicker. His cock continued shoving in, Aether angling himself to find the spot Dew simply melted at, whispering success as just a small change upwards gave him that reward. Tail flicking erratically, Dew felt his toes curl as his abdomen kept twisting from all the pressure and pleasure he was feeling. He could feel the quint's knot slowly swelling each time it pushed forwards in, eventually getting to the point of dragging Dew when Aether would pull back.
"Fuck—" Aether let out his own moan, laying his forehead against Dewdrop's. "Can I knot you?"
He simply received frantic nods, Dew's arms going around his neck and legs tighter on his hips. Aether let out a low growl, pushing his muzzle against Dew's bond to nip at it again, licking and sucking. One hand dug into Dew's back, the other in the wood vanity, letting his instincts take over as he rapidly rammed into his mate.
Their moans and breathing mixed, Dew getting more high pitch before outright screaming Aether's name as he came again, pussy clenching and throbbing around Aether. Not too far, Aether's knot locked in, humping like a pathetic dog until he released, letting out a dragged groan as he could feel himself fill his mate. A string of curses left his lips, now holding Dew as tight as possible, continuing to rock his hips as he kept pouring in. Dew pawed at Aethers back, laying his head on Aether's neck despite the uncomfortable position.
Coming down slowly from the high and laying still for a while, Aether took the initiative once again to pull back, cupping Dew's cheeks. "There we go... How are you feeling? Good?"
"Good..." Dew whispered back, letting the rhythmist caress his flushed cheeks. "So good..."
"I'm glad."
A soft kiss pressed between them again, Dew albeit more lazy then Aether. They stayed stood before Aether sat fully up, admiring the sight before reaching to his pants pocket to pull out his phone. Dew grumbled, embarrassment flooding his system as he flicked off Aether's camera once it came into view. He took a picture before a small video, showing his knot still deep in.
He cooed, finished the video and placing his phone back. "This is green room number... What? Twenty three?"
"Much higher." Dew stuck his tongue out, letting Aether pull him up and hold, waddling to the couch and sitting down, Dew relaxing in the new hold.
Claws carefully went down Dew's exposed back, lightly picking at small bumps but ultimately just rubbing. Dew snuggled himself close, tail going around his mate's arm.
"I'm not actually mad at you, I hope you know..." He whispered.
"Oh, I know sweetie. But still, I don't want you to feel like I'm neglecting you. Does that make sense?" Aether tilted his head, ear flapping with added curiosity.
A simple nod. "Yeah, yeah, you and your logic..."
A kiss was pressed to the fire ghoul's forehead, drawing out a purr of contentment. "Can I still suck your tits to bed?"
Dew rolled his eyes, nodding but he couldn't help but laugh as Aether pumped his hand in the air for a 'victory.'
"You're ridiculous!"
"You love mee!"
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artyandink · 2 months
amoralism | ten
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SUMMARY: You and Dean Winchester are the top agents from Major Crimes. You’re also assigned as partners on the same case- a crime syndicate is running loose and buying out most of downtown New York. He hates you cause you hate him. You hate him cause you think he got in his position with his daddy’s influence. But this case is personal to one of you more than the other- and you may be getting too personal for comfort.
TW: Agent Dean Winchester (yes, he’s a warning in itself), mention of murder, murder, Knights of Hell but they’re just murderous humans, description of injuries, use of firearms, a mole in the FBI, Azazel, Asmodeus, crime syndicates, (slightly), pressure, it’s a Kevin and Jo episode guys
Song Inspo: Bones by Imagine Dragons
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The dimly lit operations room was filled with the hum of computer monitors and the soft clatter of keyboard strokes. Kevin and Jo, both were hunched over a desk, their eyes glued to the footage playing on the screen in front of them. The grainy video showed the supposed death of Cain, a case that had puzzled them for days.
Kevin paused the video, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes. "Something about this just doesn't add up," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. "We've watched this footage a dozen times, and it still feels off."
Jo nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Yeah, I know what you mean. There’s something... staged about it. But I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
Kevin replayed the segment where Cain was supposedly killed, focusing on the details. "Look at the way he falls. It's too clean. No struggle, no desperation. It's almost like he knew what was coming."
Jo leaned closer, scrutinizing the screen. "You’re right. And check out the angle of the camera. It’s positioned perfectly to capture the whole scene. Almost like it was set up deliberately."
Kevin's fingers flew across the keyboard, enhancing the footage and zooming in on Cain's face. "See that? He’s looking right at the camera. That’s not a look of fear; it’s... calculated."
Jo's eyes widened. "He’s playing to the audience. He wanted us to see this."
Kevin nodded, a sense of excitement building in his chest. "Exactly. But why? What’s his endgame?"
Jo frowned, leaning back in her chair. "Maybe he wanted us to think he was dead. Take the heat off him, so he could operate from the shadows."
Kevin paused the footage at the moment of Cain's supposed death. "That would explain a lot. But it also means we’ve been chasing a ghost. Cain's out there somewhere, and we’ve got no idea what he’s planning."
Jo ran a hand through her hair, her mind racing. "We need to look at this from a different angle. If Cain wanted us to think he was dead, he must have a reason. Something big."
Kevin started pulling up files on Cain, scanning through his known associates and recent activities. "Cain's always been a step ahead. If he's faked his death, he’s probably planning something major. We need to figure out what that is before it’s too late."
Jo nodded, determination hardening her features. "Right. But first, we need to confirm our theory. Let’s see if there’s any evidence that supports the idea that Cain is still alive."
Kevin brought up a series of reports, focusing on unusual activities that could be linked to Cain. "Look at this. A string of unexplained deaths in the last month. All of them have Cain’s signature—decapitation with a single clean cut."
Jo’s eyes widened. "That’s his calling card. He’s definitely still active. We need to alert the higher-ups."
Kevin hesitated, a frown crossing his face. "Wait. If we go straight to them without solid proof, they might not take us seriously. We need more than just a hunch."
Jo nodded, her jaw set. "You’re right. We need to gather enough evidence to make our case airtight. Let’s start with the footage. There’s got to be something we missed."
Kevin replayed the footage, slowing it down frame by frame. "Look here," he said, pointing to a shadow in the background. "There’s someone else in the room. They’re just out of sight, but you can see their reflection in the window."
Jo squinted at the screen, her heart racing. "That’s it. Cain had an accomplice. Someone who helped him stage his death."
Kevin enhanced the image, revealing the faint outline of a figure. "If we can identify this person, we might be able to track them down and get to Cain."
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The sun was just beginning to set as Kevin and Jo arrived at the scene of the latest decapitation. The crime scene was an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, eerily quiet and shrouded in shadows. They parked their car a safe distance away and approached on foot, their flashlights cutting through the growing darkness.
Kevin’s heart raced as they reached the entrance. He glanced at Jo, who nodded in silent agreement. They needed to be cautious; if Cain was on a revenge mission, there was no telling what they might find.
They slipped inside the warehouse, the scent of decay and stale air assaulting their senses. The beam of Kevin’s flashlight fell on the chalk outline of a body and a pool of dried blood. He knelt down, inspecting the scene with a critical eye.
“Looks like the usual M.O.,” Kevin murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “Clean cut, no signs of a struggle.”
Jo scanned the area, her flashlight revealing the remnants of a violent encounter. “Yeah, but something feels different. This doesn’t seem random. Cain’s targeting someone specific.”
Kevin stood up, dusting off his hands. “Let’s look around. Maybe we can find something that ties this to Cain.”
They moved methodically through the warehouse, searching for clues. It wasn’t long before Jo’s flashlight caught something glinting in the shadows. She moved closer, crouching down to inspect it.
“Kevin, over here,” she called softly.
Kevin joined her, and together they examined the object. It was a medallion, intricately carved with symbols that Kevin recognized immediately.
“This is a syndicate insignia,” he said, his eyes widening. “Whoever this was, they were part of the syndicate.”
Jo’s eyes narrowed in thought. “So Cain’s not just killing randomly. He’s targeting members of the syndicate. But why?”
Kevin turned the medallion over in his hands, his mind racing. “Revenge. Cain’s on a revenge mission.”
Jo frowned. “Revenge for what?”
Kevin’s face grew grim as he pieced it together. ��For the death of his wife, Collette, and his brother Abel.”
Jo’s eyes widened in realization. “Of course. Cain’s been harboring a grudge for centuries. The syndicate must have been involved in their deaths.”
Kevin nodded. “It makes sense. Cain’s always been driven by a sense of justice, twisted as it may be. If the syndicate had a hand in Collette’s and Abel’s deaths, he’d stop at nothing to make them pay.”
Jo stood up, her expression determined. “We need to find out more about this victim. If we can identify them, we might be able to connect the dots and figure out who Cain’s next target will be.”
Kevin agreed, pocketing the medallion. They continued their search, hoping to uncover more clues that would shed light on the identity of the latest victim. As they moved deeper into the warehouse, Kevin’s flashlight caught a glimpse of a piece of paper pinned to the wall.
“Jo, over here,” he called, moving towards the paper.
Jo joined him, and they examined the paper together. It was a list of names, each one crossed out except for the last two. Kevin recognized a few of the names immediately—prominent members of the syndicate who had been killed in recent weeks.
“This is a hit list,” Jo said, her voice barely above a whisper. “These are Cain’s targets.”
Kevin nodded, his heart pounding. “And it looks like he’s almost done. We need to warn the remaining targets before it’s too late.”
Jo took out her phone, quickly dialing the number of their superior. “We need to get this information to Sam and the others. They need to know what we’ve found.”
Kevin scanned the list, noting the names and locations of the remaining targets. He quickly pulled out his phone, dialling Sam.
He answered on the second ring. ‘Hey, Kevin. What’s up?’
Kevin took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Sam, we’ve got a situation. It’s about Cain."
There was a pause on the other end before Sam’s voice came through, cautious and curious. ‘Cain? I thought he was dead.’
"Yeah, that’s what we all thought," Kevin replied, glancing at Jo for support. "But we’ve got evidence that he’s still alive. And it’s worse than we expected—he’s on a revenge mission."
‘Revenge?’ Sam’s tone shifted, growing more serious. ‘For what?’
Kevin explained quickly, summarizing the events of the past few hours. "We’ve been investigating a series of decapitations, and we found out that all the victims were part of the syndicate. Cain’s been targeting them because he believes they were involved in the deaths of his wife, Collette, and his brother, Abel."
There was another pause as Sam processed the information. ‘That explains a lot. But if Cain’s alive and out for revenge, that means we’re dealing with a Knight of Hell who’s hell-bent on destruction.’
"Exactly," Kevin said. "We’ve already secured the remaining targets on his hit list, but we need to find Cain and stop him before he kills anyone else."
Jo stepped closer to Kevin, speaking up. "Sam, we’ve got a lead on his location. An abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of town. We’re gearing up to head there now."
Sam’s voice was firm, filled with determination. ‘I’m on my way. Don’t do anything until I get there. We need to handle this carefully.’
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The evening sky was a wash of fading orange and deepening purple, casting long shadows that seemed to pulse with the tension of the impending confrontation. Sam led the charge, his expression grim and focused.
And hoping his hair wouldn’t fall in his face.
The intel Kevin and Jo had uncovered suggested that this dilapidated farmhouse was Cain’s hideout. After weeks of relentless investigation and countless dead ends, they were finally closing in on the man responsible for a series of brutal murders, each victim a former member of a notorious criminal syndicate. Cain’s revenge was nearly complete, and they knew they were running out of time.
Sam motioned for silence as they approached the front door, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Kevin and Jo flanked him, their weapons drawn and ready. The tension was palpable, each agent acutely aware of the stakes.
Sam took a deep breath, then kicked the door open, the sound echoing through the empty farmhouse. They moved in swiftly, clearing rooms with practiced efficiency. The air was thick with dust and the lingering scent of decay. As they reached the living room, they found Cain seated calmly in an old armchair, a faint smile playing on his lips.
“Looks like you found me,” Cain said, his voice low and steady. “But you’re too late.”
Sam stepped forward, his gun trained on Cain. “Where are the others?”
Cain shook his head, his smile widening. “They’re gone. All of them. My revenge is complete.”
Kevin felt a chill run down his spine. They had been too late. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. Jo’s eyes were locked onto Cain, her expression a mix of anger and frustration.
“What do you mean, ‘they’re gone’?” Jo demanded, her voice tight with barely restrained fury.
Cain leaned back in his chair, his eyes cold and calculating. “I’ve taken care of everyone responsible for Collette’s death and my brother Abel’s betrayal. Every single one of them.”
Sam tightened his grip on his weapon. “This ends now, Cain. You’re coming with us.”
Cain’s smile faded, replaced by a look of somber resolve. “You think I’m the biggest threat you’re facing? You’re wrong. There’s someone within your own ranks, someone who’s been working against you all along.”
Kevin and Jo exchanged a confused glance. Sam’s eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. “What are you talking about?”
“There’s a mole in your organization,” Cain said, his voice carrying a weight of certainty. “Someone who’s been feeding information to the syndicate, undermining your every move.”
Jo’s eyes widened in shock. “A mole? Who?”
Cain shrugged, his expression inscrutable. “I don’t know their identity. But I do know they’re close. Closer than you think.”
Kevin felt a knot of dread tighten in his stomach. A mole within the FBI could explain the many setbacks they had faced during the investigation. But who could it be?
Sam took a step closer to Cain, his voice a low growl. “Why should we believe you?”
Cain met Sam’s gaze, unflinching. “Because I have no reason to lie. My revenge is complete. I have nothing left to lose.”
The silence that followed was heavy with tension. Sam exchanged a look with Kevin and Jo, then holstered his weapon. “We’re taking you in, Cain. You’ll have plenty of time to tell us everything you know.”
Cain didn’t resist as Sam and Jo cuffed him, his expression one of resignation. Kevin’s mind was racing, trying to process the implications of what Cain had revealed. If there truly was a mole within the FBI, they needed to find them before more lives were put at risk.
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Back at the FBI headquarters, the atmosphere was charged with a mixture of frustration and determination. Cain was secured in an interrogation room, under constant watch. Sam, Kevin, and Jo convened in a conference room, the gravity of their situation weighing heavily on them.
Sam paced the length of the room, his mind clearly racing. “If Cain’s telling the truth, we have a serious problem. A mole within our ranks could explain why this investigation has been so difficult.”
Kevin nodded, his fingers tapping nervously on the table. “We need to re-examine everyone. Look at their access, their movements, any anomalies in their behavior.”
Jo leaned forward, her eyes sharp with focus. “We’ve already ruled out the usual suspects. We need to think outside the box. Consider people we haven’t scrutinized as closely.”
Sam stopped pacing and turned to face them. “We’ll need to do this quietly. If the mole realizes we’re onto them, they could cause even more damage. Let’s start with access logs and communication records. Anyone who’s had unusual access to sensitive information.”
Kevin pulled out his laptop, quickly accessing the FBI’s internal database. Jo began sifting through recent case files, looking for any discrepancies or unusual patterns.
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Kevin and Jo sat across from each other in the dimly lit interrogation room, the sterile walls echoing with their frustration. The clock on the wall ticked mercilessly, reminding them of how little time they had left to uncover the mole within the FBI.
Kevin sighed, rubbing his eyes. “We’ve gone through the files a hundred times, Jo. There has to be something we’re missing.”
Jo leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling as if the answer might be written there. “I know, Kevin. But everyone we’ve investigated so far checks out. There’s no indication of anyone working against us.”
Kevin flipped through a thick stack of personnel files, each one meticulously marked with notes and red flags. “Let’s go over the interviews again. Maybe we missed a detail.”
Jo pulled out a notebook, the pages filled with hastily scribbled observations. “We’ve already ruled out Sam, Benny, Cas, Meg, and Ruby. They’ve all got alibis and their stories check out.”
Kevin nodded, his mind racing. “But what if the mole is someone we haven’t even considered? Someone under the radar?”
Jo tapped her pen against the table, deep in thought. “Like who? We’ve gone through everyone in our immediate circle.”
Kevin stood up, pacing the room. “Maybe it’s someone who’s not directly involved with us but has access to sensitive information. A support staff member, a janitor, someone who blends in.”
Jo’s eyes widened with realization. “You might be onto something. We need to broaden our scope. Look at everyone who’s had access to classified information, even if they’re not directly involved in our operations.”
Kevin nodded, feeling a spark of hope. “Let’s start with the cleaning crew. They’re here late at night when no one else is around. It’s possible someone could have overheard something or found a way to access our files.”
Jo jotted down a list of names. “Alright, let’s split up and start interviewing them. We need to be thorough.”
They moved with renewed determination, ready to uncover the truth.
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The break room was quiet, the usual hum of chatter replaced by the soft buzz of the vending machine. Kevin and Jo sat at a small table, reviewing the cleaning crew’s schedules and backgrounds.
Kevin sipped his coffee, his eyes scanning the list. “So far, everyone we’ve talked to seems clean. No suspicious behavior, no access to restricted areas. Cleaning crew was a bust.”
Jo nodded, tapping her fingers on the table. “But we need to keep digging. There has to be a connection we’re not seeing.”
Kevin set down his coffee, leaning forward. “Let’s think about motive. Why would someone want to betray us? Money? Blackmail? Ideological reasons?”
Jo frowned, her brow furrowing. “It could be any of those. Or something we haven’t even considered. We need to think outside the box.”
Kevin’s eyes lit up with an idea. “What if it’s not about the usual reasons? What if it’s personal? Someone with a grudge against one of us?”
Jo looked thoughtful. “It’s possible. But who would have a personal vendetta against us?”
Kevin pulled out a piece of paper, jotting down names and potential motives. “Let’s make a list of anyone who’s had conflicts with our team in the past. Even minor disagreements could be a clue.”
Jo grabbed a pen, joining him in the brainstorming session. “Alright, let’s start with recent cases. Anyone we’ve crossed paths with who might hold a grudge.”
They worked in silence, their minds racing as they compiled the list. It was a long shot, but it was the best lead they had.
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The FBI archives were a labyrinth of files and documents, stretching back decades. Kevin and Jo had spent hours sifting through the records, their eyes tired and their bodies aching from the constant strain.
Kevin pulled out another box of files, setting it on the table with a heavy thud. “There has to be something in here. Some connection we’ve overlooked.”
Jo flipped through a stack of papers, her fingers smudged with ink. “We’ve reviewed all the recent cases. Maybe we need to look further back. See if there’s a pattern.”
Kevin nodded, opening the box and pulling out a file. “Let’s start with cases that involved multiple agents. Larger operations where more people were involved.”
They worked in silence, the only sounds the rustling of papers and the occasional murmur of realization. Hours passed as they delved deeper into the archives, their frustration mounting with each dead end.
Jo suddenly looked up, her eyes wide. “Kevin, look at this.”
Kevin leaned over, peering at the file in her hands. It was an old case, one that had involved a large-scale operation against a powerful criminal syndicate. Several agents had been involved, including some who were still with the Bureau.
“This operation was a mess,” Jo said, pointing to the notes in the margin. “Several agents were compromised, and there were allegations of a mole even back then.”
Kevin’s mind raced. “But they never found the mole. What if it’s the same person, still operating within the Bureau?”
Jo nodded, her excitement growing. “It’s possible. We need to cross-reference these agents with the ones currently on our list.”
They worked quickly, their energy renewed by the potential breakthrough. If they could find a connection, they might finally be able to unmask the mole.
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The surveillance room was filled with monitors, each displaying different angles of the FBI headquarters. Kevin and Jo watched the screens intently, their eyes scanning for any sign of suspicious activity.
Kevin pointed to one of the screens. “There. That’s Agent Harris. He’s been acting strange lately, always staying late and avoiding eye contact.”
Jo nodded, making a note. “And there’s Agent Parker. She’s been spending a lot of time in the restricted areas, even when she’s not on duty.”
They continued to watch, their suspicions growing with each observation. They had compiled a list of agents who had been involved in the old operation and were now focusing their surveillance on them.
Kevin glanced at Jo, his expression serious. “We need to be careful. If the mole realizes we’re onto them, they might make a move.”
Jo nodded, her eyes never leaving the screens. “We’ll keep watching. Sooner or later, they’ll slip up.”
Hours passed, the tension in the room growing with each passing minute. They monitored every movement, every interaction, hoping for a clue that would lead them to the mole.
Suddenly, Jo’s eyes widened. “Kevin, look at this.”
Kevin leaned forward, his heart pounding. One of the agents on their list was meeting with a known associate of the syndicate— Azazel, no less, their conversation hushed and secretive.
“No way.” She whispered, grabbing her phone and rushing to make a call while Kevin stared wide eyed at the screen.
“That’s it,” Kevin whispered. “We’ve got our mole.”
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You felt numb. You felt… you didn’t know how to feel. In fact, your feet were barely carrying you towards the interrogation room, where you met Sam. He gave you a small nod, reassuring in hopes to calm the rising of bile, venom and blind fury that rose in your gut, threatening to boil over, but you shoved it down for the sake of it.
“He’s in there.” Sam nodded through the door, but stopped you before you could go in full guns blazing, pulling you in for a brief hug, his chin on your head. “Keep your cool, ok?”
“I will.” You assured quietly, and made your way in, your blood turning to ice.
There he was, at the interrogation table, cuffed to the desk. Smirk playing at his pouty lips, sandy hair slightly tousled from not having come quietly, red flannel and knowing look on his face. Green eyes following your every move, every slope of your body as you walked, tongue now tracing his upper teeth.
Dean Winchester. Dean was the mole in the FBI.
“Took you long enough, sweetheart.” He chuckled in a gravelly voice, which you ignored, taking the case file from Kevin with a small nod that said ‘well done’ to him and Jo. They’d been working the case while you were out playing a part in some badly written romance movie.
You cleared your throat, looking him in the eye. “So. It’s you. Why didn’t I see what you were doing?”
“I don’t think you were ever that perceptive, eh?” He grinned at you, clasping his hands together. “Ain’t no game that’s worth it if you ain’t the winner, am I right? But I played you good.”
“You sure did.” You replied, being cold about it the best you could. Your arms folded, jaw set and staring him dead in the eye. “But why did you do it?”
He laughed, throwing his head back before he looked back to you with a smirk. He cracked his Cheshire grin and gave you his best cocky-ass smile, one that made him look like the Devil. But there was only one thing worse than the Devil and that was the Devil in lion's clothing. “Because it’s fun.”
“You had sex with me because it was fun?” You frowned, folding your arms. “You wanted to get me this big win, is that what you wanted? Is this your idea of a big win?”
Dean smirked, leaning forward. “It’s my big win, darlin’. I said I’d get you a win, never said who’s.” Then he chuckled. “My patience’s worn thin. Adiós, sweet thing.”
His cuffs dropped from his hands, a Bobby pin clattering to the floor as the officers yelled out in surprise. Before they could react, they were knocked out with a clean few punches, and Dean had tackled you to the floor, the impact of your head hitting stone making your vision go blurry and the corners of it black.
You felt his lips on yours, further kissing what felt like the life out of you before he pulled back, hearing his footsteps disappear into the hallway along with hells and grunts that followed.
Your vision turning black.
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@demonxangelomegaverse @deanwinchestersgirl87 @capailluiscedove @i723l-interrupted2323 @niyomiii
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@darichvep @idk-usernme @supernaturalmarvel3000 @ega2025 @deanbrainrotwritings
@targaryenluvs @bucky-hydra-hoe-barnes @leigh70 @aintnowayboi @ripoffsteveharrington
@gleefulleve @sacrosankta
@riteofpassage77 @eevvvaa @thedevilortheangel @thorsballhair @barbienotdoll
@4e1h3r @wolfieblue03 @kianaleani @vicky199625 @sassyslut2003
@didisull @miwp @lastcallatrockysbar @rizlowwritessortof
@zepskies @angelbabyyy99
@yourgoldengirls @deansobsessedgirl @mrsjenniferwinchester
@aylacavebear @lailawinchesterr @brightlilith @arcanaa @hobby27
@lyarr24 @ximm19 @deanbrainrotwritings
@a-girl-who-loves-disney @jeneelsworld @deans-spinster-witch @deanspinsterwitchs-readinglist @kayleighwinchester
@k-slla @muhahaha303 @suckitands33
@katherineeekai @freefallthoughts @angzls @deans-baby-momma @syrma-sensei
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Overreaction - An AvM Fic
[This was done with the full intention of stopping the villainization of the GC in relation to the recent episode!]
The applause began to gradually subside, the audience thanking the incredible show that was put on for them and saying goodbye to the sticks on the stage.
That is, with the exception of one.
A little after the curtains closed as they had initially opened, the four friends got together and dug through the rubble in the center of the stage, pulling out an unconscious Green.
Bringing him back from the stage they sat him down in a seat as they settled in for the tiring day.
Nothing went as planned, but that doesn't mean they didn't have fun. Even Second Coming had fun, and they usually bother with a lot of noise, especially when it's time to sleep.
They talked for a few minutes until Green began to regain consciousness, Blue had placed a bag of ice on his head knowing that it might be hurting. Green opened his eyes looking around to see the others, talking friendly as if nothing had happened.
"Green! You're awake, thank goodness." Blue celebrated by placing a hand on his relieved chest, he knew his friend would be fine but he still worried.
"F-fine?? Today was a disaster!!" Green raised his voice, feeling pain and squeezing the ice bag lightly.
"Green, look on the bright side, everyone loved the show!" Red extended his arms while Yellow removed his bow tie, trying not to be hit by the younger's arms.
"Yeah, a show I didn't plan!!" He crosses his arms frustrated looking to the side.
"Well, we did what we could, we stole the show back from those silverfish and it was actually fun!"
"Fun? FUN??" Green stood up, his tone becoming more serious and loud, "this has nothing to do with fun, everything was supposed to be perfect!! that square rat ruined my show that I worked for MONTHS to give the most perfect performance ever!!" Red shrank into their seat, feeling smaller compared to Green who was raising his voice more and more.
"Green, I know this was important to you, but we had fun, we asked you to join us and you didn't want to!" Blue takes Green by the shoulder asking for his attention.
"And also, one of the things about working on a stick is, in unplanned situations, improvise!" Yellow continues, placing a hand on Red's calming them, "and that's what we did, the silverfish were attacking you and we made a distraction for them to change their focus, and it worked!" Green looks at her in surprise, his frustrated expression changing to a sad one.
"Green..." Second, who had been silent for a while, takes a step forward, "We only accepted this because we wanted to make you happy, but especially because we wanted to have fun with you." They break into a smile, brushing Green's cheek with their thumb.
"Yeah, man. So what if it didn't go as expected? The important thing is to have fun!" Blue strokes Green's back gently, making him even more silent.
Green was so obsessed with perfection that he didn't think much about how his friends felt about everything. They saved him from the silverfish, they saved the show, everyone loved what they did, maybe he should just rest, it was all making his head hurt more and more.
"I... My head hurts..." Blue laughs putting his arm around him. Green felt his eyes watering, upon noticing this Second just hugged him.
"I'm sorry it seemed like we didn't take this seriously." They say with a smile, "But sometimes you don't need to make everything perfect either, no one will judge you for making mistakes." This makes Green look at them, wiping away his tears as he hugs his friend back.
"Sorry for being a pain in the ass..."
"You weren't, you just have to see things on the positive side."
This makes Green smile lightly, Red also hugs him, placing his arms around his neck.
"But seriously, my head hurts, I just want to sleep for now..." the others laugh and start to come out from behind the stage.
"In fact, if you want, I can ask the silverfish to apologize!" Red states with his arms behind his back but Green just waves it off.
"Nha, it doesn't matter." he says in a slight inconsistent tone rolling his eyes, he was still mad at the mob, but at the moment he only thought about one thing, sleep.
In the end, none of them were really to blame, and Green could never resent his dear friends, after all, without them he would never have escaped the silverfish. 
It's not like they were the ones who brought the mob to the stage, they were probably just curious about the music and wanted to participate, like them when they discovered the note blocks for the first time. 
So as much as he still doesn't like the mob, he couldn't blame the little creature for being curious and wanting to have fun, and honestly, what a talented opponent, Green hasn't seen such a talented mob since the music universe, which reminds him.
"Oh damn it! Purple and MT!!" he facepalms, remembering that their friend was watching the whole thing, "I don't know what they thought of the show!!" Blue holds back his laughter, patting Green on the shoulder.
"Okay, MT seems to have just been shocked by the power of the staff, and he probably regrets giving it to us..." Yellow replies, lowering her head in embarrassment. 
Red and Second laugh while Green blushes in embarrassment.
"Green!" Purple's voice echoed from across the room, "Ah, I'm glad you're okay!" They smiled seeing them, MT was right behind him with a worried look.
"You children should be more careful the next time you use the staff, I almost had a heart attack!" he clutches the suit close to his chest.
"Ha, I should have seen what happened months ago-" Red covers Blue's mouth before she can say anything else, looking at MT with a nervous expression.
"Okay, just don't cause the end of the world because of that one thing." He sighs in relief, sliding his hand across his forehead to the back of his neck.
"I'm sorry the show wasn't what you expected." Purple holds Green's hand gently between theirs, Green could only laugh nervously.
"It's ok, at least I tried..." he looks to the side, still visibly upset, "but who knows? Maybe next time it won't be a disaster?" he laughs and Purple smiles.
"That's great, but let me tell you, it was really fun to watch you fight that silverfish! Especially when you did that little dance!" They laugh and Green blushes embarrassed, they didn't expect them to focus on that dance.
"Anyway, I had fun, even if it wasn't perfect." Their smile calmed his anxiety, and looking at the others he could see that indeed his reaction, though justified, was unnecessary.
After saying goodbye and going their separate ways, Green was taken back to their house and threw himself on their couch, Blue sat next to him while Second took a blanket to cover him.
Slowly as the others gathered around him, he fell asleep with his head lying in Blue's lap, smiling knowing that his friends would always be there for him, even when he made mistakes.
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deathsbestgirl · 4 months
So Never Again. Just saw this post and the way she looks up at him there is on a level with Mulder’s famous Fallen Angel eyes and his reaction to her? He doesn't melt? He chooses violence and being a dick? Please tell me why.
i LOVE this question because it is so easy to see it from scully's perspective. it's her episode. but you really have to think about mulder's perspective.
for mulder, this seems out of nowhere, and in his mind she was extremely inattentive with his informant on a case he's taking seriously. he doesn't understand what she's really asking or what the problem is, and a big part of that is she doesn't exactly either. it's almost like she's blaming him for the stand still in her life, but at the same time wants to be seen & appreciated (in a way that she understands, can feel, can see). and i don't think she could have figured it out the way she needed to with mulder. she needed the safety of talking to a stranger, someone inconsequential to her life. (like there's no way she could have that "other fathers" conversation with him lol) so ed jerse is the one to give her that. (she does with ed what she can't yet do with mulder. something neither of them are ready for and she isn't brave enough to do yet. and like. idk i just think she needed this! regardless of mulder lol)
like: "this isn't about you. or maybe it is, indirectly. i don't know." the one thing she got right is "i don't know" lol so of course mulder is confused!!
if you place leonard betts first, she's contemplating what she's leaving behind. has she had any impact working on the x files? on mulder? who is going to remember her? what evidence of her life will be left? in that office...it looks like she's had very little effect. (but i do not subscribe to this one.)
if never again is first, which i like better lollll (it makes more sense to me. i understand why people like lb first, it's more clear cut. it puts a reason behind her behavior. but i just don't think it quite fits. scully literally doesn't know what's wrong. if she was already worried about cancer, i think it would come across differently. but she's frustrated & confused and she wants for something she can't admit, express, pinpoint, articulate? idk what word i'm looking for lol) scully's just hit that point in her pattern again, her cycle...it took her four years, and after some rough cases (paper hearts – she couldn't help mulder despite how she tried, el mundo gira – a dead end. and idk, so many of their cases. and she's always wrong, he always does the crazy thing, he's always hurt)...well anyway, at the end he's still asking "all because i didn't get you a desk?" he still isn't quite understanding, until she says it's her life and he almost says "yes but it's become mine." he doesn't say it, they sit in silence, and in leonard betts, he tells her she did a good job & should be proud. all his little jokes like he's trying to make her laugh, to get back to their usual banter. because he wants to make her smile. so he understood at least a little by leonard betts. but they also come to a silent understanding. i just love the way kae talks about it. and i think the end is kind of the explanation for the beginning. the end is the real answer to the whole episode, and what it took to get there...and this post here, kae just understands him and talks about him in a way that i feel. it's exactly what i see in a way i could never articulate. (and she does my favorite thing!!! connects different moments. the characterization is so good.) and she has such a special insight to both of them, different patterns, but to me two sides of the same coin.
and so, either way, at the beginning of never again, he's completely thrown because he doesn't know. this is when their bad verbal communication and personal issues/insecurities/fears take hold. they're both so good at taking too much responsibility.
we're seeing into scully's mind a bit, but we aren't really seeing into his. but he's afraid, he doesn't want her to leave (something he's feared for a long time), he thinks space is the answer to whatever's going on. but he's also kinda needy and he can't just say that. so he calls her and they misunderstand each other again and she makes a date. he isn't trying to be an ass but he's scared & defensive, and he gets like that when she makes him nervous. like whenever she believes (beyond the sea, revelations, all souls, en ami). it feels like that to me. he's afraid, but this time he thinks he's the problem, their work is the problem. and he kinda said the worst thing he could say to her at that moment. "you were just assigned" — he has no idea how she understood that, how it hurts her. (and she's not thinking about how he means it, what he thinks/feels/fears.) and really, it's because she sucks at just saying the thing as much as he does. it takes them a long time to work out their direct communication. their unspoken communication, the way they work on their cases doesn't translate to their personal relationship. as intimate as their partnership is, working through their own issues takes time and it's those things that hinder them moving forward for so long. ya know?
i think @randomfoggytiger talks about it beautifully here — in depth essay on never again. here they touch on mulder's fear/walls & scully's insecurities/needs. it's a journey!! which they talk about here. and i forget what this one was (lol) but i'm sure i saved it for a reason: a little master post. i love the way foggy breaks things down, especially visually. it's something i could never do.
i also reblogged some other never again posts. not completely on topic but it's all connected!! (you can definitely go through my never again tag to see more probably too!)
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essycogany · 2 months
The Apology - Sonic Prime Alternate Ending
Just a heads up, this story is different from what happened in the last episode. Characters know things they didn’t before, the Chaos Council are not present, and stuff like that. Enjoy!
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Sonic landed on his stomach, coughing as he tried to regain his sense of awareness. He seriously needed a 12 hour nap after this. Maybe more, depending on how things go. He was in Nine’s now polished lab after a huge fight between them ended. Shaking his head, Sonic stared up at a hammock that wasn’t originally there, being held up by fresh and healthy palm trees. It swayed back and forth by an unexpected breeze from a hole in the shield that protected the shatterspace. Crystals collided together in a storm of destruction. Which also caused parts of the shield to break. Perhaps The Grim was starting to decay now that Nine was losing control of his powers. Sonic was too brain dead to tell.
Standing up, Nine was already on edge and no amount of sanity was left in his brain. The little fox snarled at the hedgehog. Ready to pounce like a wild beast, charging at its opponent. But an instantaneous thud distracted him, causing him to flench. The uninvited guest charged at Nine defensively. They didn’t touch him, but made sure he didn’t attack Sonic. Shadow came into view from behind the group. His hands were already curved into fists. “Sonic, quit stalling. We don't have time for this. We have to take him down,” he demanded. Sonic stood up quickly but didn’t leave his post. “I can reason with him, okay? Just trust me.”
“Didn’t you already try that? And failed,” Rebel asked in annoyance. Her ears flattened as she slapped her face in frustration. “That’s it, the kid’s gone insane,” Knucks stated bluntly, holding onto Rebel’s arm to comfort her.
Nine’s eyes and ears twitched in fear and his head jolted every time someone spoke. His lips dried and his heart rate increased, but his smile was cunning. He slowly approached Sonic with a freshly baked condescending comment ready for him. “As usual, Sonic The Hedgehog only cares about himself and what he wants.” Nine sounded as if he regained his confidence, but Sonic wasn’t fooled. He knew Nine well enough to understand he was still hurt. He hardly heeded his comment. Not because he didn’t deserve it, but because it wasn’t true. He walked forward with his ears down and put a hand to his chest. “Nine, I’m sorry I hurt you. I really am. But there’s people out there…” He pondered his words. “A you out there with a Sonic who’s failed to keep him safe.” Sonic struggled to not sound emotional but the lump in his throat wasn’t getting the message. Nine scoffed. “How many times do I have to embed into that stupid head of yours that I am not Ta-!”
“You’re right,” Sonic admitted. “You’re not him and you never will be. You are your own person and I shouldn’t take that away from you.” Nine chuckled awkwardly and tramped backwards. “What was with this guy? His stubbornness could've been admirable if it wasn’t at my expense.” Nine thought as his mechanical tails shifted. Was he starting to believe him?
Sonic realized Nine's attitude lightened up, but braced himself for his next words. “You said I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to be the hero, am I right?” He looked at Nine for confirmation and he didn’t move an inch. He only gave an agitated grumble under his breath.
“Well, I can’t live with myself now because I still haven’t fixed the mistake I caused. My home is still gone and my friends…m-my friends…” Sonic stuttered. Then pulled his face away from everyone, staring at the now bigger crack in the shield. His eyes marginally felt wet. Shadow noticed this and unclenched his fist. “Sonic, you don’t have to…”
“They’re the reason I’m still fighting. If I couldn’t protect them before, maybe I wasn't the hero they deserved.” Sonic put a hand to his eyes as his face fell. He let out a breathless laugh, forcefully keeping himself together.
“That’s an understatement,” Nine spat out with a snicker. He didn’t exactly know why he said that. Nine didn’t even know if he felt bad or not, but immediately regretted his reply once Sonic’s body aggressively tensed up. The crystals started hitting the shield severely, helping the intense ambience of the room increase.
Sonic quickly wiped his eyes and marched towards Nine assertively. “But I’m not stopping until I’m able to see them again.” Sonic glared at Nine and the others joined him, walking behind him despite little room being left in the area. Shadow stood next to Sonic. “And we’ll do everything in our power to ensure he does.” Sonic gave Shadow an addled look. He stared back and uncharacteristically softened his expression. It wasn’t quite a smile, but close to one. Nine’s eyes fired up and his mechanical tails bolted out from behind him. His hair spreaded out as if lightning struck it.“Y-You’re crazy. You seriously think a stupid disquisition is going to make things better?”
“A dis-wha?”
Nine turned to Shadow with a humorous grin. “Sad that this is the one you got stuck with, isn’t it?” Shadow rolled his eyes while folding his arms like a disappointed dad. Sonic retorted with his arms raised in vexation. “The point is yes, I’m the reason all of this is happening. But Nine you have the ability to bring our worlds back together.”
“You see what he’s doing?! He’s manipulating me into bringing his home back! Without thinking about the consequences or what could happen to us in the process.” Nine’s turbulent eyes couldn’t believe what was happening. Suddenly Thorn jumped in front of Sonic, feeling offended on his behalf. Her hammer was up and ready to strike at any given moment. Sonic just needed to say the word, and she’d defend him. “All we know is he’s at least trying to bring back a world where all of us are connected. That is what you’re doing, right Sonic?” Thorn turned to him. Sonic gave her a sad smile and nodded slowly. She nodded back and loosened the grip on her hammer. Sonic mouthed a thank you for keeping her temper in check.
“So that’s it? You’re willing to give up your own existence for some stranger because he told you to?! Are you kidding me?!”
Knucks came in front, hitting his mitts together every few seconds.“If it means we don’t have to constantly fight the Chaos Bozos to get our homes back, sure. I’m willin’ to trade.”
“Unlike you…” Rebel said with authority. “Sonic has done more than enough to save each of us. We should return the favor.”
Sonic’s eyes widened. “Really? All of you are willing to…” He trailed off.
Gnarly stood behind everyone else and nervously scratched his hat. “Are you guys sure we shouldn’t vote on this?” The other scavengers growled at him.
“This might be our only option,” Thorn sighed. Then she inadvertently held Sonic’s hand. “You might think you’re not the hero your friends deserve, but I definitely believe if they were here, they’d be just as proud as we are. And angry at you for giving yourself a hard time,” she added while tightening her grip to admonish Sonic. The rest of the shatterverse crew nodded in agreement and their stances grew less rigid. Sonic smiled at them sweetly. These guys may not be his original friends, and it might’ve taken him forever to realize that, but he still felt their spirits within his new ones.
“Idiots! All of you!” Nine lashed out, gritting his teeth. His fangs stuck out in front of his lips and he bit them with every word he was ready to unleash. “And Sonic, you might as well accept the fact that you lost because…”
Sonic gritted his own teeth and pressed his own words furiously towards Nine. “I’m not finished!” Shadow for once was proud of Sonic and slightly smiled in approval. It’s about time he silenced this crazy fox. Knucks on the other hand, tilted his head to the side. “Are you sure about this, kid? Because he seems pretty finished,” he warned, trying to calm Sonic down. Luckily, his temper fell and he let out a heavy exhale.
“Friends don’t force each other to stay with them forever. That’s not how friends work. Neither of us gets to choose our futures. I’m sorry I didn’t explain that to you sooner.” Nine backed up again. This hedgehog is full of surprises. He could admit that. “I also appreciate how you wanted to create a place for the two of us, but Shadow and I can’t be stuck here forever. The longer we’re trapped is the longer he’s not home and I’m not with Tails and the others.”
Tails. Sonic must’ve really cared about the kit. Tails might appear to be nothing like Nine, but he felt a familiarity to the name whenever it was called. It was the same feeling he felt on his first meeting with Sonic. Then he swallowed it down. Sonic was still wrong. Though Nine didn’t know why this time. He turned his head from Sonic, but couldn’t break their gaze simultaneously. Sonic stared into Nine's sad blue eyes. He wasn’t looking at Nine with anger but leniency. A few minutes passed and the audience behind Sonic grew impatient and muttered bitterly to themselves. “Look outside Nine and tell me your actions are any better than mine. If you can do that, I’ll back off.” Nine laughed, but for seemingly no reason in particular. “We’d be doomed.” Sails huffed and kicked a rock on the ground with a pouted lip.
Nine’s ears twitched again and he almost retorted. Until he saw the cracks of the broken shield tearing apart like glass. Then he noticed a bit of light from the prism growing darker. He turned back to Sonic. From Nine’s perspective his face was full of anger, pain, exhaustion, and determination. The dude was so stubborn. So annoyingly stubborn. He’s putting everything on Nine’s shoulders and it wasn’t fair. The fox had nowhere to run. No one else to blame. Sonic already admitted his faults as if it was the most unpretentious confession in the world. Nothing. That’s what was going to be left of his own shatterspace. Nine took a breath, walked towards his computer, and began to type.
Surprise! A Sonic Prime alternate ending! I wanted to make a short rewrite of the apology and address things I felt needed to be addressed. Why did I leave on a cliffhanger? Because I wanted others to have their own conclusions. While I do like the idea of Nine not quite “becoming good” but just gaining a respect for Sonic, you can interpret however you want. Thanks for reading!
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I think some people are annoyed that we can’t be friends with whatever characters we want but I really like it esp for the housewardens. It shows us that everyone’s different and maybe some people need more time to trust others or maybe they don’t want to open up in the first place. It says a lot about how diverse and strong Twst’s characters are.
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Oooh that’s a very good point you brought up! ^^ Even within just the dorm leaders themselves, there’s a wide range of relationships and relationship evolutions that we’ve witnessed (in regards to them and Yuu):
Riddle doesn’t particularly respect Yuu at the start; while he’s not overtly super ruse, he still views them as a troublemaker no different than his freshmen. Post chapter 1, we can see that Riddle has warmed up considerably and seems to consider Yuu a friend that helps to keep an eye on Ace and Deuce when they’re not at Heartslabyul. He does cute little things for Yuu, like fixing their necktie for them, routinely thanks them for favors, and offers to help them or show them around. Most notably, Riddle is one of the dorm leaders that is most open about what he is doing to try and reconcile with his childhood trauma (which he communicates to us in the start of episode 4).
Leona is consistently abrasive towards Yuu from the very beginning to the current state of the main story. Their first encounter involves Leona about to fight Yuu for stepping on his tail, and throughout the second episode, he just continues picking on Yuu and their friends, whether in games or in actual battle. He still seems very closed off and reluctant to help Yuu later on (unless it also personally benefits him, like in the case of episode 3), and isn’t interested in becoming friends (Leona still looks very annoyed when Grim calls out to him in episode 5).
Azul doesn’t think of Yuu as anything special; while still professional, he initially sees them as another sucker to bait into a deal and take advantage of to acquire more assets for himself. According to Azul, Yuu doesn’t have any traits or skills worth taking—they’re unremarkable in every way to him. However, following episode 3, Azul is more willing to lend them a helping hand and to hear them out when they’re in need of help, most notably when the Scarabia mobs are chasing Yuu and Grim. Like Leona, Azul has his own reasons for wanting to assist, but at least he’s now taking Yuu’s word a little more seriously instead of taking them for another fool. Something else that’s interesting is that Azul’s business mindset still overrides his social interactions in the main story; he doesn’t give Yuu or anyone else overtly special treatment just because they’re on better terms or because Yuu literally saved his life.
Kalim is always pretty friendly and welcoming to Yuu, the same as he is with any other student or faculty member. Jamil, on the other hand, saw Yuu similarly to how Azul did: as some tool he could use to get his way. After the events of episode 4, Jamil no longer treats Yuu like someone he can weaponize to achieve his own goals, but treats them like how he treats everyone else with that stoic, diligent facade he always puts up. If I had to describe this, it’s like… Yuu was at a negative before, and now they’re on relatively neutral grounds? Or maybe Jamil feels that Yuu is a kindred spirit, considering they both need to constantly babysit dummies—
Vil is the dorm leader that is most consistently polite to Yuu, both before and after his Overblot. He acknowledges Yuu as his equal and thinks that they can play an important supportive role in the VDC group as their manager. Vil is very strict, but he isn’t unfair and he doesn’t chide Yuu for things out of their control or things they had no direct involvement in (ie Vil didn’t use his UM on Yuu because they didn’t eat the cake or pie that Trey made for them). After the OB, Vil is extremely apologetic to Yuu and even funnels his winnings to help renovate Ramshackle Dorm.
Idia doesn’t have a lot of time to engage with Yuu, but since he dislikes socializing, he, by extension, also dislikes Yuu and closes himself off from them. However, by the end of episode 6, Idia is making a genuine effort to reach out to others and hang out with them! He’s playing video games over at Ramshackle Dorm with Yuu and co~
Malleus’s episode hasn’t been released yet, but we’ve slowly been watching his and Yuu’s friendship come together over the course of the main story. Yuu’s the one person he’s met in his life that isn’t afraid of him and treats him like an equal (albeit in part due to Yuu’s ignorance about who he actually is), and we see just how much Malleus has come to cherish their company in the night. When he reveals his true identity to Yuu at the end of episode 5, then episode 6 skips addressing how their relationship has changed as a result of that discovery. 7 will likely pick up where this plot point left off, and I’m sure that many TWST fans are chomping at the bit to see how Malleus and Yuu’s dynamic will continue to develop.
In the end, it doesn’t feel like we’re super close to most of them (maybe varying degrees of “acquaintance” at most?), but it really helps in making Twisted Wonderland feel fleshed out! Different people, different personalities, different circumstances, different levels of comfort in opening up to and befriending others... The TWST cast is just really diverse!
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dust-in-her-face · 3 months
So this is where Gideon’s wife comes in, right? And whoever is trying to clean house is someone who gave access to this unpublished paper that the guys in the basement were working on, right? Someone higher up in the ranks who’s trying to cover their ass now. They’re working on all fronts too—using Fucking Brian to rattle Emily, using Tyler to put them on little side quests…it’s all smoke and mirrors. But it’s someone big and I’m leaning towards someone within their own ranks—whether they’re within the FBI or the Justice Department or further, we’ll see.
I can’t help but think about The Florida School for Boys and that popular unsolved mystery Lake City Quiet Pills while I’m watching this season. I’m most likely wrong but I can’t help but think of those two cases.
Also, I want to know the significance of the song choice. Maybe Rossi just likes old blue eyes? Watching Rossi having a nightmare about Emily like that and listening to her talk about “how she wants to go out”…mean. So, so mean, but damn that was beautifully done.
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It’s never fun to see Rossi breaking apart though. He cannot lose Emily—or anyone else—but particularly Emily. They seemed to have created this close relationship that I really, really appreciate because those two have been riding at dawn for each other from the beginning. Damaged and Demonology are some of my favorite episodes for precisely this reason.
Aaand thank god for whoever blessed us with Tara Lewis. I adore her, I do. She is a calming presence in any space she inhabits.
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Her and Garcia are the team’s safe haven. Protect them and give them love.
Speaking of hot women with a Latina last name…Luke…sir, just..sigh. Don’t make me grab a stick.
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Oh! And of course Emily laughs when she finds out she inadvertently dosed JJ.
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sidenote: did Elizabeth Prentiss really name her child Emily Elizabeth Prentiss? Seriously, what goes through people’s minds when they name their children that way? Like shit.
But like protect this team at all costs especially Papa Pasta and Little Ravioli. We need them.
For funsies: glad to see JJ is doing better but also she needed that edible, okay? Aaaand adoring Garcia’s eyeshadow this episode. I want. So much. Look how it matches her puff ball keychain!
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glitcheslikeslego · 3 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 25)
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Chapter 25 : Sleep Powder
Sleep Powder is a non-damaging Grass-Type move that has a chance to send the opponent to sleep.
“Maybe it’s good I don’t have a phone…” You mutter to yourself as you look at the crowd of passed out customers, surrounded by spilled drinks. “It’s like the Grimace Shake all over again.”
You cautiously walked over the people, trying not to kick any of them by accident. 
“Sleep Bug! Download from the nap store today!”
“That’s gonna get obnoxious really fast…” You grumble as you finally make it to the other side of the cae to hang up your apron. You put your name tag away in the pocket before leaving the cafe entirely.
You kind of remembered the route from your workplace to MK’s and after taking a few turns in which you hoped was the right direction, you smile upon seeing the outside of Pigsy’s noodles. You also spotted MK outside, and your smile faded to a concerned cringe as you looked at him.
He was wearing a fuzzy green robe and had incredibly messy hair. He was pushing a shopping cart covered in coloured lights, and Pigsy was asleep inside the cart. You could hear him muttering, but couldn’t make out what he was saying. The closer you walked, you could make out him speaking in a tone similar to Pigsy’s before falling to his knees and dramatically sobbing.
“Uhh, MK? Are you good?” You speak up with trepidation, and MK he turned to you, eyes bloodshot and had bags under them that would make Gucci jealous. 
“You’re okay!” Mk exclaimed happily and he hugged you tight, making you grunt in surprise and slight pain.
“MK, too tight!” You said, patting his shoulder.
He stepped back from the hug with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, I’m just so glad that I’m not the only one awake anymore! It’s been so quiet.”
You pat his head as his eye slightly twitches. “That sucks. Listen, everyone’s asleep, the entire city.”
MK gasped. “Wait, really?”
“Sleep Bug! Download it from the nap store today!”
You sighed in agitation. “And I think I have an idea as to why.”
MK blinked, looked down at his own phone, before looking back at you and throwing it to the ground, smashing it to pieces.
You shrieked. “MK! What was that for!?”
“If that’s the case, then I know exactly what we need to do! Let’s go!” MK grabs your wrist, but you make a fist with your hand and bonk him on the head, making him pause.
“Before you go into the ‘hero stuff’, maybe get changed first?”
As MK ran to get dressed upstairs, you successfully stop Pigsy’s cart from rolling off and put it in a safe place, hoping that this would prevent him from getting seriously injured later in this episode.
MK had gotten changed in record speed and hadn’t even bothered with letting you get in a word before he transformed his staff into a super awesome hoverbike and pulled you on before flying off to–.
“To the Cloud!” He cheered as the wind whipped in your ears. 
The flight to the Cloud was quick, and ended with you and MK miraculously landing in front of the doors to the Cloud, completely unharmed from the crash. The bike seemed to also survive for a second before crumbling into many mechanical parts and transforming back into the staff.
Your heart was beating in your chest as you stared up at the imposing door, the paintings of the two guardians felt like they were staring into your soul. This was your first adventure with only MK, something you from Season 1 would have never thought of doing.
“No guards, hmm… something is definitely up.” MK declared as he leaned on the door.
“MK, wait–!” You reached out for him, but you were too late to stop him from falling through the door and into the Cloud. You ran in after him and bent down. “MK, are you alright?”
MK was face first on the floor, groaning. You went to help him up, but he was surprisingly heavy for someone his size. Thankfully, he recovered quickly and helped himself up. 
“This is the worst day of my life…” He groaned, but his disgruntlement was replaced with awe as he looked at the interior of the Cloud. “Woah…”
You stood next to him with a similar look, the Cloud had rows upon rows of books, all filled with knowledge that any person would love to consume. It was much more grand than the show could show.
“Wow…” You whispered as you two began walking down the biggest, middle aisle to find where the bug was.
"Where are you little bug? We're gonna find you!" MK yelled as he ran from one place to the next, leaving a mess behind.
"MK! Wait up!"
He faltered for a second, letting you catch up to him. The bug was on top of a holographic circuit looking thing, looking like it was charging.
"Found you, bug! Thanks for making it easy for me." MK pulled his staff out of his ear. "Time to bring my friends back."
"Well, well, well."
MK's staff flew out of his hands, and you jumped, turning to face the person speaking to you... more like the spider that was speaking to you. You glared at the demon and Mk stayed still, looking at him in surprise. 
"The one and only Monkie Kid." He put the cube he was holding onto into his pocket, and his goggles disappeared. "You two should be asleep."
MK gasped, and his staff fell end first on his head. "Another person! Wait, one of Spider Queen's goons."
"What do you mean we should be asleep?" You ask, deciding to stand in front of MK if he wasn’t going to be doing anything.
"Uh, because of my sleep bug game that sent the entire city to sleep?" The spider scoffed with a raised brow.
"That was on purpose?" Mk responded in shock.
The spider smirked at my response. "Exactly. Now, did I need to put the entire city to sleep just to incapacitate the Guardians here? Perhaps not, but in for a penny in for a pound either way. You don't have the mental dexterity to debug my game. You're just a motherboard with a decent GPU and no Central Processing Unit."
The techy spider boasted, and MK just smiled dumbly. "Uh... GP wha...?"
You just stood there, his techie jargon going in one ear and out the other.
The spider's smirk formed into a frown. "A Graphics Processing Unit, it means you look good and are well animated, but you don't have any brains."
"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but are we gonna fight or what?" 
"No, I'm a big fan of outsourcing." With an outstretched hand, the spider used a green hologram keypad to control the Cloud, making everything glow red.
You and MK looked around worriedly. "While I'd love to hang around and chat, I have other things to attend to, and you're about to be eviscerated by the ancient Guardians of Knowledge, so I guess we're both pretty busy. Okay bye!"
He disappeared into the shadows above, and MK called out for him. "Get back here!"
The lights then turned on properly, and me and MK both turned to face the Guardians of Knowledge, who were two hulking figures that were several feet taller than both of you.
"Only those marked in the great ledger of knowledge and time shall be deemed worthy to enter this Temple of Wisdom and live." The two guardians spoke at the same time and raised their weapons.
Quickly, MK grabbed you and used his staff to escape, only to be stopped by the blue one, who was simply holding out his hand. He managed to flip out of his grasp and land before the entrance. 
"You are not on the ledger, you are not worthy."
"But can I add my name to the ledger?" MK asked, their weapons stopped just before they hit my attack and MK took that as his cue to continue. "Uh, like, can I sign up, is that a thing?"
"Of course!" The red guardian responded, the two smiling happily at you two. 
"Knowledge is for everyone." The blue one added on. 
Together, the two picked us up and took us to an office with a giant desk with a fancy looking computer. You sat next to him boredly as he filled out his name. He sat filling out his name for five whole minutes before his ID could get printed out.
"That's a real mouthful." The green one said.
"Yeah, no wonder I go by MK, right?" 
The printer took a while, but MK finally got his ID, and you were back on your way to stop the bug.There was a lot of running and being transported through portals, but you eventually made it to the circuit the bug was in.
“Lemme try.” You said, rolling up your sleeves. It took a while, considering that the demon was right and you had no idea how hacking or computers actually work, but after pressing some random buttons, the bug was safely deleted, and you and MK returned to Megapolis.
You and MK arrived at Pigsy’s as fast as possible, seeing Mei and Tang trying to help a confused Pigsy out of the shopping cart.
“You guys are okay!” MK exclaimed, happily hugging them.
“What happened?” Mei asked.
“It was one of Spider Queen’s goons, he sent the entire city to sleep. I don’t know why, but I think Spider Queen is planning something big.” You explain, recalling the cube that Syntax was holding that would be used in the mech making soup thing.
“Strange…” Tang hummed thoughtfully, wondering just what they were planning on doing.
MK shrugged. “That’s a problem for another day, for now, I’m just glad that the Sleep Bug is off the app store for good.”
Everyone nodded in agreement as you thought worriedly about what would come next.
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hazbinsponsoredbyvee · 2 months
I mean I understand why Radioapple is popular. The Enemies to Lovers trope is like one of the hottest tropes there is, and while Alastor and Vox were technically enemies everyone could tell Alastor didn't take their rivalry very seriously, likely because he didn't view Vox as an actual threat, but Vox was very quick to instigate and was easily shut down by Alastor which is also why Radiosilence is very popular, people love the one-sided thing between them and the bits of past lore we were given. But with Lucifer it's easy to see there's actual angry tension between the two, it's not a one-sided rivalry, Lucifer pisses Al off just as Al pisses Lucifer off so them and their dynamic fit the actual Enemies part perfectly and from there it's much easier to make scenarios in which they would become lovers. Hate sex being very popular because they have a lot of hate for each other, and if they were to have sex it would end in a lot of blood and tears and most likely a very torn up room. That's just my take on it. Tbh the only Radioapple I like is the Berryverse Radioapple which was a thing before the first season, it's kind of an AU where Alastor is a way better version of Al and is Angel's pimp and Lucifer is Vox because he sells Apple mac products.
As someone whose lifeblood is enemies to lovers, I totally get that. And when I first saw that people shipped radioapple my first thought was 'Oh yeah, that makes sense - enemies to lovers. Probably if I look at it close enough, I'll start shipping it too, cause I can never help myself with that trope.'
But then I did start to look at it closer, and I just... don't see any romantic or sexual tension between them. It seems a very superficial enmity because it's just the two most prideful beings being jealous of each other with no real heart behind it. No hate to them as enemies, cause enemies doesn't need to be a complicated thing, I just don't see enough there for anything to develop out of it. Maybe if Alastor wasn't aroace, but as it is, I think it would have to be very special circumstances for him to be interested in anyone like that.
As for radiostatic, I respectfully disagree about Alastor not taking their rivalry seriously. I think he just does a much better job of hiding it. This can even be seen in the (admittedly non-canon) comics, where Vox tries to get a rise out of Alastor, he rolls his eyes and walks away, but the second he's out of earshot starts grumbling and even swearing.
In the show itself, I went in knowing nothing, and in the first episode when Alastor and Vaggie were making the commercial, I was immediately convinced that he had been hurt by/had a grudge against someone in the television industry. Then, when he came out of his tailor's shop (which he knew was right across from Vox's shop, and why did he have to repair a coat that already had so many tears in it?), he stops to pose, cracks an eye open, and then gets all irritated when he gets no reaction. And then what does he do? Immediately goes on air to antagonize Vox right back. (I also saw a post talking about how he references the first part of the song, that Vox wasn't even on air for, implying that he also spies on Vox, but that's shaky evidence, I feel like.)
And the end of that episode really sealed it for me, with him waiting in the shadows, then picking up the watch and powering it on just to taunt Vox. Cause yeah, my first watch of Stayed Gone, I got the same impression that Alastor didn't take the rivalry seriously, but then here he was, going out of his way get a rise out of Vox. It suddenly showed that whatever was between them was very personal, and fuck, the only trope I like more than enemies to lovers is friends to enemies to lovers.
Well, sorry for this soapbox. I'm a big proponent of ship and let ship, so this is in no way trying to put down anyone who views these characters differently, I'm just sharing my opinion!
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