maidofmetal · 7 months
i have made so many calls today trying to get a referral to a gastroenterologist and to get on pain medications that won’t burn a gotdamn hole in my tummy n everytime i call nothing gets done nothing gets solved and i’m nauseas as fuck i’m pretty sure iv had gastrointestinal bleeding for at least 1-2 months i am tired and in pain i have been on n off sobbing all day long while trying to go about my day n not feel fucking miserable about my body n mental health n my life n nobody is fuckkng making this any easier for me i’m so frustrated and tired and going fucking insane
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autumnalal · 5 days
im becoming more unapologetic and feisty and im so here for it
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its-ticsticstics · 1 year
this misinfo around tourettes and tic disorders is something i've dealt with for YEARS.
i've had people with autism who've self diagnosed (please NEVER NEVER EVER self-dx tics) their stims as tics and once they've learnt the difference, they never speak of it again.
which is fine and it happens but.
tics aren't just some random attribute that you can attribute to yourself because you watched a tiktok or googled some tourettes websites.
thats not how neurological disorders work. tics are a symptom and could be KILLING you, if it NOT a tic disorder or tourettes. tics and tourettes are NEVER caused by autism or adhd, or ocd.
you're fundamentally misunderstanding a disorder that affects my EVERY DAY LIFE and using that label as your own when you don't need it.
if you're ticcing- see a neurologist and don't pretend you now anything about tics, tic disorders, or tourettes until you do. because otherwise you're actively harming the rest of us with your misinformation.
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aj-lenoire · 2 years
no yeah percy with a gun still has me in a chokehold ://
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azucar-skull · 6 months
I just heard of something called cpunk and I think I've found my people
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stars-and-branches · 1 month
Going to bed when you have chronic pain
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majaurukalo · 4 months
And since today I’m on a confessional spree apparently…
I think that disabled/chronically ill children and teenagers should be allowed to feel angry, sad, frustrated, furious and whatever other negative feeling they have towards their disability/chronic illness.
This life sucks, okay? Especially for a child/teenage.
It sucks for adults too and they also have the right to feel all those feelings but children and teenagers have it rougher because they don’t have the maturity yet to understand certain nuances, to find resources that can help them mentally and physically. Their worlds are much smaller and also they have less freedom because they depend on their parents and other adults who might or might not be great supporters (and usually they aren’t).
Also, younger years are the years when you usually want to do a lot of things physically, go on adventures, travel, do tons of shit with your friends and if your body can’t do that, if you find yourself limited by your disability/illness that can totally fuck you up mentally, crash your self-esteem, your sense of worth, your dreams.
I notice this difference in me. As a disabled child/teen I didn’t know how to cope with my disability, I didn’t know where to look for other disabled people (I didn’t even want to). Now I’m still disabled as I was back then but I feel pretty fine with it, I accepted it, and I understand my worth, I found my community, I took this as my identity and know how to help others.
So, don’t shush kids when they feel like crying for their situation or when they want to scream and break things.
I would be told to stop crying because there’s no point.
Well, there is. You need to let go those feelings. You need to let them free. Otherwise you’re just going to bottle it up and in the end you’ll blow off, and it’ll be worse.
Respect kids’ need to feel awful. It’s not for the sake of drama, it’s real. And it hurts.
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analee-rose-valentine · 5 months
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🎀 Welcome to my girlblog 💕
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💌 Name: Analee Rose Valentine
♥️ Nicknames: Roach/ Roachi
🥀 Age: 24
💋 Gender: agender/ genderqueer hyper femme
💕 Pronouns: she/ they
🎀 More about me: writer, fashionista, artist, future model/ actor/ singer, and current YouTuber and girlblogger 🎀
🍓 I’m engaged to my wonderful fiancé and so I might post a lot of my overly romantic ramblings obsessing over him 💕
💕I love positivity and women supporting women
💋In my glow up era
❤️‍🩹 Recovery is a relief and a choice worth making
💕 My YouTube:
♥️ Likes:
💕 dolls
💕 pink
💕 fashion
💕 vintage things (clothes, antiques, etc)
💕 creating art
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Stay safe and take care of urself ily xx 💋
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My Tagging System… eh kinda
#analee rose Valentine - posts that I either make originally, relate to personally, or have added thoughts on when reblogging
#mine - my original posts
#roachi rambles - is my off topic rambling and 2 cents where I wasn’t asked for them
#🛍️ - stuff that I personally want to find for my wardrobe
#💕 - inspires me in some way
#watchlist - self explanatory
Various girly tags and glow up self care tags are also used and self explanatory.
My old vent blog has moved.
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mechabass · 2 months
I wish people who claim that "anti intellectualism" is The Thing that is Bad about us would take a moment to consider if that's a good conclusion to come to that explains world problems and "zoomer brain rot" alike, and if they're truly as impressive as they think they are, like, at all
Tumblr users who post about anti intellectualism are welcome to discuss the matter with me but I know they'd rather just write a wordy clap back and block me and pat themselves on the back for it
Maybe it's just because every "pro intellectual" user ive seen or interacted with was an annoying mf and very obviously had the same degree of social media brain rot as the people they complain about being "whats wrong w society". Not to mention how much these people love to make irrelevant and illogical defenses to being called out for ableism. I don't know how to tell you that having personal struggles with privilege and disability doesn't preclude you from spreading your internalized ableism to other people on the Internet no matter how matter-of-fact and objective you want to sound when you do it
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danepopfrippery · 8 months
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siriliumischium · 2 days
I got so mad in my dream last night I became lucid and decided to tear through the walls and dream fabric between me and the hippopotamus which I then tore asunder, limb from limb, with my bare hands and lucid strength.
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princesssarcastia · 2 months
omggg these all sound so interesting???? I'd love to hear about "take that promised reconciliation" and "it’s my ot3 and i’ll write it if i want to" please!!!!!
that promised reconciliation: the next step in the sprawling top gun au i'm concocting. it's about what comes right after the mission. maverick and rooster may, possibly, have just started world war three, but that's not their problem right now. their problem right now is that iceman is still dead. and for the first time in fifteen years, bradley wants to go home about it. only, they need permission to do that, first, what with the WWIII of it all.
There’s sympathy creasing every inch of Admiral Bates’ face, eyes nakedly kind in a way Bradley never sees in men who reach his rank.  Not even Uncle Ice. But it’s not Bates they’re here to convince.  It’s Admiral Simpson, who looks deeply, deeply uncomfortable, like he’s never seen a man like Maverick beg before.  Bradley has.  He has, and he can feel his temper rising the longer Simpson draws this out, the longer he lets Mav hope running his mouth a little more will help.   It makes Bradley’s cheeks flush a hot, embarrassing red.  It makes him want to be the kind of stupid he’s never, ever been with a superior officer who wasn’t Captain Mitchell.  
it's my ot3 and i'll write it if i want to: still enchanted by the bare hints of an ot3 we got in stranger things. I'll die on the hill of nancy/steve/jonathan. i'll die here! so i started playing around with an alternate season 4 where jonathan's character doesn't get sniped, and neither does mike wheelers, and it all works out a little kinder. have a snippet from an alternate season 4 about it:
Jonathan gets on that plane.  He brings a shit ton of weed with him, but he gets on that fucking plane. It takes a full week of his mom and will nudging and badgering and pushing and shoving and eventually delivering him directly to the flight attendants at the gate and standing there to make sure he doesn’t leave before it takes off. (Joyce Byers is intimately familiar with the look in Jonathan's eyes.  And it sucks that every time she’s reached for a life raft out of the undertow, tried to want something more for herself, it’s been taken away.  But she’s working so hard to keep trying, to find different life rafts, because it’s worth it.  Because she deserves to be happy.  And because her beautiful, lonely sons need that kind of example in their lives. So Joyce sees the dead look in Jonathan’s eyes (and smells the weed, my god Joyce knows what weed smells like, okay, she can tell her son has been high at breakfast more often than not the last few months).  She’s not going to accept treading water as good enough for her boy, and she won’t let him accept it either. ) (Will thinks his brother is happier when he’s around Nancy; he thinks at least one of them should get to date the Wheeler they’re in love with, and it’s definitely not going to be him.) So.  Jonathan gets on a plane.  Mike gets off a plane.
ask meme: send me a title from my wip list and I'll tell you a little bit about it
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heartoferebor · 10 months
On a scale from 1 to 'has been listening to Violent Ceasefire from the MGS4 OST on a loop for the last hour and sobbing haltlessly whilst baking gingerbread' how well did you cope with that cutscene at the end of MGS4 ACT III?
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thedrotter · 5 months
today my computer has felt in a pranksty mood ! it felt funny and goofy and decided to not let me save anything and when i tried to open my file it said it was corrupted or didnt exist...☺️☺️ hours... of work...☺️☺️ and just a few days ago it deleted multiple hours of work on another file ! ☺️☺️
dear computer🩷 i will put you in the microwave throw you at a wall and crush you
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multimayhem · 7 months
Hearing a teacher describe how you’re feeling, belittling it, then when you defend the feeling of indescribable rage that’s boiling in your skin, she tells you that it’s “not school appropriate”.
Yeah, well, she caused this. All of the teachers trying to pick apart my disability, trying to fix me, trying to take my walker away. That’s why I’m angry.
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
I wish people could feel the telepathic vibes I'm sending them sometimes but it's probably for the best cus some of my coworkers would definitely be dead
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