#Country Rap Pack
highandhighercompany · 5 months
🔥 Want 30 UNRELEASED BEATS By Billboard Charting, Country Rap Super Producer Jon Conner Plus Features By HAYSTAK, LENNY COOPER, PETER KEYS & MORE? 🔥
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capnrichie · 5 months
🔥 Want 30 UNRELEASED BEATS By Billboard Charting, Country Rap Super Producer Jon Conner Plus Features By HAYSTAK, LENNY COOPER, PETER KEYS & MORE? 🔥
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highnhigherpromo · 5 months
Want 30 UNRELEASED BEATS By Billboard Charting, Country Rap Super Producer Jon Conner Plus Features By HAYSTAK, LENNY COOPER, PETER KEYS & MORE?
With the rise of country rap, we had to do something different for you that hasn’t been done before!
It’s called the “COUNTRY RAP PACK” and it’s something you definitely want to add to your arsenal.
Here’s what you’re getting when you secure your pack today..
✅ 30 UNRELEASED Beat by Jon Conner
✅ Haystak Feature
✅ Lenny Cooper Feature
✅ Peter Keys of Lynyrd Skynyrd musician Feature
✅ BB Swing Feature
✅ 3 more hooks
Imagine what you can do with that country sound mixed with phat 808s plus bangin drums.
⏳ This offer expires Jan. 14th at midnight!
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moongreenlight · 7 months
Ptolemaea P. 1- Huntsman!Ghost x Runaway Princess!Reader
CW: BRIEF mentions of animal death, description of gore and violence, noncon implied. No smut yet.
Your kingdom was once powerful, revered by others for its political prowess and strong army, but it does not have the sway it once did. Hordes of wealth dwindled into something unrecognizable. Subjects growing poorer and more restless with only wormy apples and stinking meat and moth-eaten fabrics to barter at the market. War raging to the East, word of civil unrest in the West. Your father was left with few other options than to auction off what little possessions of worth he had left.
He was given four daughters, you, the youngest and the last to be married off. Sold like swine to the highest bidder with no consideration for character or condition.
All your other sisters went gracefully save for a few tearful goodbyes in the privacy of their quarters. Bowed heads pushed together, shaking hands clutching and grabbing at others for stability. Weeping softly for the loss of company, for the fate that awaited them, for the mystery of when you’d be reunited. Four, then three, then two, now one.
You’d been trussed up in your best dresses and jewelry. Made a spectacle of for a few days as suitors came and went from the great hall. Slobbering their way through promises of riches or alliance or armies in an attempt to win your father’s favor.
Their eyes were wild and hungry when they threw spare glances at you. Lecherous smiles showed sharp, clenched teeth. And each offer of an extra five men to an army or hundred gold pieces more than the last brought you closer to being shoved to their chests. A twine-wrapped packet of mutton scraps tossed to a pack of starving dogs.
It was a heavy feeling, sinking ever deeper as each new suitor strutted down the long walk toward you. Peacocking and vying for favor. You imagined it felt like watching the executioner approach the stand while you waited with your head laid on the chopping block.
You’d read your sister’s letters after they left. Poured over every word and learned of their new realities. Their dogs and horses slaughtered, gowns burned, all former possessions seized and thrown to the river to be replaced with tokens of their new kingdoms. Branded over their old marks like cattle in a trade. You noticed that as the weeks and months drew by, the letters became more and more censored. Stopped detailing the further horrors and discomforts they faced at the hands of their husband and opted to regale you with detailed descriptions of their gardens or their plans for children.
The same wretched sickness you felt when you read the letters ate its way into your belly as you watched the funeral procession of suitors and remembered the way your sisters’ neat, loopy writing slowly turned into something rushed and sloppy. You imagined the way it would happen to you.
Perfect cursive lettering that had been learned to you for years by a sour schoolmarm that rapped your knuckles with a ruler when you dawdled during your lessons shoved from your mind to make room for brainwashing. You sat on your hands and dug your nails into your palms until they bent backward to keep your attention away from the scream packing itself into your chest.
You were promised to a king from the South. Some larger country near the capitol that wielded far more power than your kingdom, even at its pinnacle. The new king brought to you from across the channel because of his surliness. You’d heard stories of him whispered among the maids. He was cruel and choleric by all accounts. Not to mention fat and old and ugly and impatient to produce an heir. Made it all but impossible for him to find a bride.
He brought lavish gifts with him to sway the vote. Chestfuls of diamonds and precious stones and gold that his men laid at your father’s feet. Thick furs, expensive perfumes, and silks in colors you’d only ever heard of for your mother. A new dress in his kingdom’s colors for you.
You were escorted from the room by your father’s guard when he began negotiating a deal with the new king. You’d tried to sink your slippers into the stone, tried to kick and scream your desperation for your father to reconsider. But you were thrown from the room. Dragged out under the armpits by knights whose armor shone so brightly you were able to see your teary, crumpled form on the floor reflected in their chest plates before the heavy door was snapped shut on your nose.
You heard your maids and the castle guards whispering after the new king left. Saw your mother gracefully swipe away a single tear after dinner when she kissed you goodnight. The new king’s guard would be by early the next morning to snatch you up. The narrative you knew to be true only confirmed further by gossip. Two or three days of showboating, a decision made, negotiations, and then the next sunrise another sister is plucked up.
So you waited until darkness was cast over the castle. Until you were certain your maids and the guards at your door had gone to their own quarters for a few hours rest. You made your escape barefoot and in your thin nightdress. Stole one of your mother’s new fur cloaks to help protect yourself from the bitter cold that had settled over the land. Padded down the winding halls and staircases until you were able to slip through the grand double doors of the front. Evaded the indolent guards that were no doubt sneaking a smoke or a nap in the garden and moved quickly down the path to the stables. Tacked your horse with a knight’s saddle and took off into the night.
It took no more than four hours for the castle to know of your absence. Your maid had gone to wake you up in the wee hours of the morning, pack a bag before you were picked up by your new husband, and all but flew to your father’s quarters to alert him of your empty bed. It wasn’t half six before both your father’s and the new king’s men were set out on the land in search of you. Horses and hounds kicking frost off the lawn as the sun rose.
You managed three days without capture. Traveled through the skirts of the forest. Slept for a few hours at a time huddled close to the belly of your horse wrapped in your fur cloak. Ventured into small villages and cities to see if you couldn’t convince a vendor to spare you a cup of soup or a stale loaf of bread. Heard snippets of the news of the nearest kingdom who’d lost their last princess and tucked your chin close to your chest on your ride out.
The deep woods were unforgiving. Thin, winding paths that connected kingdoms littered with wolves and marauders and hunters. It was safer to stick to the edges where trees were younger and light could still filter in. Moving West as long as you could with no real plan as to what the permanence of your situation could look like. Maybe find a city far enough away from your kingdom to settle. It was a half-cooked idea from the beginning, you knew that. Born out of fear and anxiety and bull-headedness. Freedom without direction was better than being forced into the arms of a man that would sooner cage you like an animal than see you leave.
So you followed the wood and the few slow-flowing creeks that were not dammed by slush or ice. Kept your head on a swivel and your guard up. Anyone you ran into was presumed foe, so you set a punishing pace to minimize the chance of an encounter.
It was an act of desperation when your father called on a huntsman. Needy for the power trade tied to the contract of your marriage and looking to stop the simmering of his people under him from boiling over. His guards had returned in couples every few hours to give him bad news. They’d sent ravens to ally cities asking them to look for you and still they’ve come up empty.
Ghost refused to meet with your father or the new king directly. Sent a tawny hawk with a scroll tied to its leg that detailed the conditions of his employment. Your father promised anything for the return of his youngest princess. The new king offered obscene riches and painted whores. And privately, in a post script penned in tiny font on the back of the scroll, he promised an opportunity for Ghost to lay with you after you’d produced an heir.
Ghost sent his hawk back a few hours later. His letter was short, only responding to your father like he couldn’t be arsed with the superficial promises of the new king. He requests ten gold pieces, some of your perfume, and a cutting of fabric from one of your dirtied gowns.
It’s the eve of your fourth day out before you run into trouble. Great plumes of thick black smoke alert you to either a brush fire or a village close off your side and it drives you further into the forest. You move slowly through the dusk, even slower as the light stops being able to filter through the dense leaves and branches. The ground is lost to darkness, and you’d already made the mistake of trying to stumble your way over the uneven terrain barefoot, so you opt to stay on your horse’s back until you find a clearing to settle in.
In the blanketed silence of the wood, it was easy to remember how alone you were. How defenseless. You cursed yourself every night for not swiping a kitchen knife or a hunting blade so that you had some security. Not that either would have done you much good, but it would have served to give you some peace of mind.
You were torn from your thoughts when you heard heavy footfalls in a thicket a few yards in front of you. Snapping of felled branches, two low voices carried to you on a breath of wind. You stopped your horse and tried to lay down close to its back, tuck your head in behind its big neck. You held your breath as the voices grew closer, tried to will your shivering muscles to still. But your horse is a massive beast; stark white and practically spotlighted by the faint light of the moon. It did nothing to hide you.
You weren’t sure if the men were poachers or thieves or member’s of the guard patrolling the area for you. It really didn’t matter because everything happened so fast. There was the distinctive thwack of an arrow burying itself in the tree just next to you. Bark exploded out like a bomb, grazing your cheek and spooking your horse. Somewhere in the chaos of the shouting of the men, and the hurried sounds of boots trampling crisp leaves and your lame sounding yelp of surprise, you were thrown from your horse. Sent crashing to the ground and landing so hard on your back that it knocked the wind out of you and left your vision spotted.
You would have cried out if you had any air left in your lungs. Your chest was burning. Legs weak and awkward from hours on hours of riding. All you could do was scramble back. Bury your fingers deep as you could into the semi-frozen earth and try to drag yourself away. Gasping for air, blinking away the flashes and pops of darkness that camouflaged your assailants.
You hit something hard, knocked your head on it in your rush and nearly went unconscious. It made your ears ring, adding yet another layer of distortion to your senses. A tree, probably. Or a boulder. You recoiled, pulling your knees to your chest and trying to make yourself small under the mass. Tried to make out where the footsteps and the muffled shouting were coming from. Your shaking hands felt clumsily along the ground, looking for anything you could use to defend yourself. A rock, a stick, a hard clump of mud.
There was a flurry of movement from a few yards in front of you, specifics of limbs or bodies lost to the inky darkness. And then your hands found something large and warm. Disturbingly so. Maybe a rodent or a stray animal caught in the crossfire. It takes two hands to lift the thing. You bring it closer to see if swinging the carcass of what could have been a hefty pest would provide you any defense.
Not an opossum or a raccoon struck down by an arrow. Not quite. It’s the head of a man. His face stuck eternally in a look of putrid shock. Mouth gaped wide, eyes bugging out, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. He’s got a decent stump of what used to be his neck. Hot blood trailed down your wrists and arms and dripped onto your nightdress.
Someone was screaming. A tortured, twisted sound coming more and more clearly to you as you caught your bearings. The kind of mangled cry that tore its way up out of someone’s throat so ferociously that you were sure you could feel it in your own chest as well. The kind of scream that left your tongue bitter and filmed with iron.
You’re not sure where it’s coming from, but it’s loud. Almost deafeningly so. You wish it would stop. Wish whoever was making such a spectacle would realize the severity of the situation and pull themselves together for a moment so you could think. Maybe you’d find them and work together to get out of this mess. Get away from the forest and find your horse and get back on your path.
You think that maybe it’s the head still clutched in your hands. You remember a cook telling you stories when you were young about how the chickens from the farmers used to be able to run around for nearly eight minutes after they’d been decapitated. You wondered if their heads still squawked after they were severed. You wondered if humans operated the same way. If this poor man’s body was stumbling around meters away in search of his head.
A big hand clamps over your jaw. Forced your mouth shut with such punch that your teeth clack together. You taste blood and you’re not sure if you’ve taken off the tip of your tongue. The screaming stops. It takes you a long moment to piece the situation together. Sat there huddled in on yourself, still gripping at the head and letting the thick blood dripping from its- his- neck sludge down your shins and pool at your feet.
You almost forget about the hand shutting your maw in your daze. Muzzling you with the bitter taste of iron and leather and the vice grip of a bear trap. You’d almost returned to your mind. Remembered that this was not a friendly situation and the body attached to the hand was likely not of pure intention. But you were jerked up by the scruff of your neck. Another strong hand fisting a good portion of the hair at your nape in the process. It lifted you clear off the ground, left your feet dangling inches above the earth. Shocked you enough to get you to let the head tumble out of your hands and back to the ground from where it had come.
You tried to cry out, but your voice was shot. Shredded by the dryness of your throat or the screaming or pure exhaustion. You clawed at the hands, but they were wrapped in thick leather gloves that branched up the arms of your captor. Tried to kick out, but they were wearing thick armor that deflected the force of your blow straight back up into your leg.
You yowled as best you could from under the thick covering. Clawed and grabbed at the air feebly until you were shook by the neck like a rag-doll.
“You’ll quiet or I’ll cut out your tongue and quiet you myself.”
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Ghost x City Girl Reader
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No pair of people hated each other more than you and Ghost. To him, you were just another loud-mouthed, obnoxious, and immature little princess needing to be humbled. To you, he was just a boring, broody asshole hellbent on not liking you. Things between you two couldn't be any worse. And then, tonight happens…
NSFW 18+ Eventual Smut, Porn with Plot, Romance, Drama, Clubbing, Dirty Dancing, Mentions of Alcohol, Slight Slow Burn, Hatemance, Jealousy, Bickering, Teasing, Flirting, Reader is a mean girl, Ghost is an asshole, but the chemistry's there, Slowly gets steamier as it goes, slight hints of Reader x Gaz, 'cause why not
Word Count: 4.2k
Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
A/N: Finally finished this (was super nervous to post this for some reason)! This was inspired after binge-watching a shit ton of Bad Girl's Club on Tubi. I just know Ghost and a City Girl wouldn't get along at first, but I love dynamics that look like they wouldn't work. Part two is where the smut is, but I like build-up and stuff, so I turned a one-shot smut piece into a two-parter. I hope you enjoy ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू)
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"Ayy~" You rest your hands on your knees in a joyous fashion, readying yourself to start shaking your ass. "Let's get it bitch!"
Music blared on the club speakers, the crowd growing hyped as the sounds of Pink Panties from Baby Keem serenaded the drunken patrons all looking to have a good night.
That third daiquiri had caught up to you, your mind buzzing and your heart racing. The swell of the crowd dancing around you puts you in a euphoric trance. All you can comprehend is the warmth in the air, the taste of alcohol behind your teeth, and the way the beat makes your skin vibrate as you dance.
Your face expresses every bit of the drunken euphoria you were feeling, letting it bring your hands seductively down your body, pulling in any who dare come, if they're brave enough.
You and the rest of 141 came just at the perfect time; the club was just starting to get busy but it hadn't yet grown too packed. Chatter and laughter picked up and the music got better the more you drank. The vibe was just right…
Across from the dance floor, at the corner of the bar where he'd been standing all night, Ghost watches you dance, unamused, with dark eyes leering at you from afar.
He observes the way your hips sway to the music like it were his own, private video. All night he's been watching you, his gaze lingering just a little longer each time; though, it hadn't been any less unwelcoming.
If he watched any longer he might just excuse himself, so that he may relieve the tension that's built between you. Deep down he knew you knew that too. It's thus created a notable, stormy cloud over his head all night, one you undoubtedly took joy in seeing.
Your eyes play with him across the sea of dancing heads between you, taunting him, teasing him, and letting him know just how much better than him you thought you were. The same eyes he's grown accustomed to for a long time now.
Codename: Spice. He couldn't think of a more fitting name for such a hot-headed woman, seeing as "Bitch" wasn't acceptable. You joined the team maybe a year or so ago. Much too long for Ghost to have counted.
When Laswell initially brought you in, the entire Task Force was in an UPROAR. You'd been a well-decorated soldier, to say the least, however, what merits and awards you held almost paled in comparison to the rap sheet of complaints and discrepancies you possessed.
Fighting. Disobedience. Disorderly Conduct. Fraternization. Etcetera. Etcetera.
And as if that weren't enough, you were a complete and utter bitch as well. Especially to Ghost, who you've singled out in particular. If defending your country was your day job, then being the thorn in Ghost's side had become your newest evening hobby.
Any chance you had, you were picking on the man. Your comments teetered back and forth between being harsh and petty, and once you knew he didn't like you, you just doubled down on the behavior. And it didn't matter what approach the man took to this; he could ignore you, or he could get loud, but nothing deterred you.
It wasn't often that someone got under Ghost's skin; he always did model himself on control and discipline. With all the horrible people he's managed to meet in his lifetime (and not even being in his mid 30's yet either), naturally, it would take a lot to truly irritate the man. And by no means were you the worse person he's ever interacted with before either.
But you've always been more akin to that of a tick; any time you got a chance to get under his skin, you dug in, and you dug deep.
Ghost would applaud you for how intensive you were with your pettiness. Nearly as cold, ruthless, and calculated with that as you were with your enemies on the field. God forbid someone actually steps up to you, less they suffer a broken nose or a black eye. You were Queen B and you wanted everyone to know it.
Ghost, however, was less than interested in feeding into your silly little ego.
Even now, your eyes haven't left Ghost's since you started dancing again, time moving at a snail's pace in your gazes. Knowing that the sight of you pisses him off.
Right then, as you danced, some poor woman made an attempt at courting him as he sat alone, brooding to himself. You never were one to diss a girl's taste, you guess. Not out loud, at least.
This woman, wearing her ill-fitted skirt and tacky make-up, had been getting sloppy drunk with her friends in a corner for the last hour, eyeing Ghost from across the bar just as long. At some point, she thought it'd be a wise time to swoop in and make her move.
Ghost notices this because he's now felt a stranger's hand touch his arm. Had he not looked first to see who it was, he would have been seconds away from instinctually sending his elbow back to flex their hand from him, which would have definitely connected with the woman's face.
The woman practically jolts once she sees she's startled him, however, she attempts to cover it with a laugh. "Hi," she greets.
"Can I help you?" Ghost asks, though he couldn't sound any less interested.
"I was just over there with my friends and-"
"You should get back to them."
A state of shock whiplashes on her face before she huffs and stomps back over to her friends. Ghost didn't even watch as she left; he had more pressing matters to attend to.
You smirk at Ghost, seeing this from where you dance. The man makes it so easy to push his buttons, just look at him. He doesn't even look like he wants to be here tonight, more dressed like he was about to rob a bank than go out drinking with his mates.
Frankly, you're shocked he even showed up. Clubs seemed like the last place you'd catch him, and you were right. However, Gaz and Soap giving the lieutenant a hard time as of late finally pushed him into coming out with everyone. And of course, it had to be on the night you got to choose the spot too. You'd been sick of dive bars and small get-togethers, however, so you chose a club in a heartbeat, naysayers be damned.
"Hey Kyle~" You wave for Gaz, catching his eye in the crowd. He and Soap had both been drinking just as much as you since arriving, getting dragged off by every single woman within a five-foot radius of them.
You lost Soap fifteen minutes ago, and here Gaz was now, having been able to finally rid himself of his unwanted groupies. Good thing too; you need someone to dance on, and you wanted to give your lieutenant a show.
Gaz has already grooved his way over to you the second your eyes invited him over. Lord knows he's wanted a piece since you arrived, though you saved the real promiscuity for men outside your workplace; less messy that way. You'll gladly have them chase you though.
Once in reach, you bring your arms to his shoulders and wrap them loosely around his neck, smelling the Gin and Tonic on his breath and the citrus scent of his cologne, though it's since been mixed with an array of other colognes and perfumes. His hands find your sides, settling into your hips, with drunken smiles growing between you the more comfortable you grew.
What were once innocent brushes of the legs and hip twirling, soon devolves into something a little less PG. Before long you've both found your rhythm, swaying your hips along to the music and moving together as one unit.
You whip your body around, grinding your ass against Gaz, pressing yourself back roughly against him. You make sure he can hear you laugh at him after you've heard the little gasp he let out too. However, you can play with more than one person at a time, and the Sergeant hadn't been the only one you were playing with at the moment.
The whole time, you've kept your eyes locked on the lieutenant's from across the floor, a devilish smile forming. Had Soap not bumped into Ghost suddenly, who's to say how long Ghost would have spent watching you, his bourbon held sternly in his gloved hand.
"Ghost!" Soap bellows out, cheeks a rosy pink from his drink, and lips painted in a large grin. The man had certainly been attempting to give you a run for your money in terms of enjoying himself tonight. The smeared lipstick stains near the base of his neck only said as much. Both men and women tonight had been swooning over his accent and muscles since he stepped foot in the building. Ghost had already written the man off for the night altogether.
"Still standin' 'ere all by yer lonesome, L.T.?"
"Been the best seat in the house," Ghost says dryly.
Soap follows Ghost's gaze, until he's found you on the dance floor with your eyes closed and your head cocked back, Gaz's head buried in the crook of your neck. Immediately, he knows what's going on, having seen this before.
"Tsk. Tsk. What a she-devil," Soap shakes his head. "Poor lad."
"Should know better by now," Ghost comments. "Girls like that love bein' teases."
Oh, Soap knows already; he learned that the hard way the last time you all went out drinking and you sent him home with the deepest set of blue balls he's ever felt in his life. "Aye," he sighs.
"I've no idea what you lot see in 'er," Ghost says.
"Eh, she's not so bad once you get to know her," Soap shrugs. "You two are a lot more alike than you think."
"I doubt that," Ghost turned back around at the bar, settling in his seat and placing his drink back on the counter. Soap had been ready to join him, however, some tiny woman that's been attached to his hip all night returned (who also conveniently wore the same shade of lipstick as what was smeared on his neck), pulling his attention away. Before long, the lieutenant was alone once more.
You two are a lot more alike than you think.
Now that's a joke. Ghost can't imagine you've gone through even half of what he's been through. Still, it wasn't like you two have ever actually sat down and talked to one another before. It seems nigh impossible to.
Though it wasn't for a lack of trying on your end.
The presence of another human at Ghost's side brings his eyes drearily over, until they've begrudgingly fallen onto you. It seems you grew bored of dancing, and now decided to take your teasing to the source itself.
"Enjoy the show?" you ask him teasingly, knowing you'll most likely not receive a reply, which you don't. Ghost doesn't even fully face you, keeping his eyes pointed ahead of himself at the bar. He hadn't been looking to talk, and it's not like his reply would change anything you had to say. You did invite yourself over.
"You know, Manchester," You lean against the bar, looking up at the man, just close enough to hear him over the club music and smell the cologne and cigarette smoke on him. "Instead of starin' like a creep, why don't you actually take that stick out your ass and come dance."
Now you're just taking the piss. Ghost finally gives you a look, though he wishes he hadn't. Up close, he's seeing this skimpy little, lowcut tight dress you've got on, with your fishnet stockings and heels. The black choker around your neck was simple, and just begging for someone to tug it off you, and the lipgloss you wore looked like it tasted sweet on your tongue.
Years of training and experience are everything it takes to keep his eyes from dropping any lower than your collarbone. Just in his peripherals, Ghost can see how bouncy and voluptuous they sat in your dress.
You got this cocky look on your face now. "I'll dance with you."
Ghost scoffs. "Not a chance."
"Aw, I get it," you say sarcastically. "I wouldn't want to embarrass myself out there either."
"This place can only handle so much of that with you already out there."
This conversation felt as old as time between you two. If it wasn't you being catty and mean, then it was Ghost being aloof and guarded. While you knew he had been implying your little performance on the dance floor earlier, you were as quick with your tongue as your lieutenant.
And you can't lie, you'd been itching for some good banter all night. You'll take it from anyone, even from the likes of Ghost.
"Please," you laugh. "As if your big ass could actually move out there. I bet you can't even do the two-step."
"I'm sure you'd wanna know," Ghost says.
You reach over, and by your own boundless curiosity, take his drink, inviting yourself to a sip. The bourbon burns your throat as you swallow, your nose scrunching. You smile as you see Ghost's gaze razor focus on your lips pressing to the cool glass of his drink, taking a small sip and letting your tongue chase its remnants over your bottom lip. It's just the way he does so, so unabashedly, that you can't help but giggle at.
"I already know everything I need to, honey."
Ghost turns his body to fully face you now, his massive height over you only now becoming apparent by the shadow it casts. It's intimidated most of the women at the club tonight, whenever Ghost wouldn't just do it himself. No such thing went on with you, however.
He's been sitting here by himself all night, and as much as he could list a plethora of others he'd prefer to be standing here with at the moment, he had you. If you'd use him for your own uncaring amusement, then he'll do the same, since you want to bring that side out of him so badly.
"And what's that?" he asks.
"That you're boring as fuck and have a stick up your ass," you say bluntly. Of course, Ghost didn't expect any less from you. You do this sober, just with less pep to your speech, unlike now. "Though I'm sure you're already aware of that."
"How original," Ghost says dryly. "It take you long to think that one up?"
"I only tell it like I see it."
"Wha' then," Ghost's gaze turns stone cold, doing all it can not to give you a way in. "Gaz wasn't enough? Now you've come to make yourself easy pickin's for the next sorry lad lookin' for an easy lay?"
"Ooo, feisty." You lean in now, resting your hand on the bar counter so you could prop yourself up, giving yourself what little height you can against your unmoving opponent.
"I wouldn't fuck you if you paid me," you say.
"I wouldn't fuck you for charity."
"I wouldn't fuck you if my life depended on it," you shoot back. "As if you could even handle me, Manchester."
"What's there to handle?" he taunts. "You're nothin' but talk. You bark like a bitch and puff your chest, but it's all show. Just a way to make yourself feel big. No surprise you make yourself the local slag; any lad with some sense surely wouldn't bother."
Oh, that comment strikes a nerve; you feel your eyebrow twitch and your blood begin to simmer the second he closes his stupid, British mouth.
"Who're you callin' a bitch and a slag?" You step up now like there's a problem now. "How about you come back with some new material when you can actually talk to me without that little safety blanket on your face, Manchester. It's easy to talk shit when you've got something to hide behind. And you call me unoriginal."
You take his drink and pour it out on the counter now, watching it spill over the surface and drip onto the floor. When you meet his gaze again, if looks could kill, you'd both be dead. You just wasted a good cup of fucking bourbon.
"Do somethin' about it," you taunt him.
He steps forward, and for a small second, you think the man might actually do something. However, it had merely been an intimidation tactic, a warning. He stops just a few inches shy of you, keeping his strong arms crossed over his chest.
Ghost would love to, oh, believe him. It's taking all of him not to say something really foul to you and truly ruin the whole night for everyone. And you don't stop at the drink either.
You step even closer now, keeping your head cocked back and your eyes on him. You're close enough now to feel the body heat bouncing off from him, vibrating the more irritated he grew.
"Do something," you say again. "You just gonna let some slag pour your drink out like that?"
You raise your hand up as though you're about to smack him, and that's what finally gets him to move. Ghost catches your tiny wrist in his hand, his grip tight as he holds you there.
"What the fuck-" You grimace at first, your fight-or-flight instincts telling you to try and tug your hand out of his grip and use your other to sock him straight. However, something differently entirely occurs in you suddenly.
You take a moment to really feel his hand on your wrist, how the slightest adjustment of his thumb made a chill trickle up your arm, and that he was the closest he's ever stood next to you outside of work. The man might irritate you, and he was an asshole, but Goddamn did he have an inviting pair of hands and some magnetic eyes on him. Eyes that seemed just as curious to outline all the makings of your figure.
You kind of liked it.
He must like it too, judging from how he hasn't made any attempts at letting go. But there had been a million different things running through his mind right now, all of which made him question himself.
He thought about all the ways he could overpower you right now; you gab on like you're big, and there were so many times he's just wanted to remind you of your size. Small enough to be bound and at his mercy if he so pleased. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but the thought sounded intriguing.
Your arm settles in his strong grip, your eyelids lowering as you look his masked face up and down, trying to observe his dark eyes in the dim lights. They look to you, trying to guess your next move, though even you couldn't be sure.
You take your other hand and you place it on his chest, just to see if you can. All this time you've known him, you've never actually done so before. You feel your fingers rest against him, and even beneath the fabric of his hoodie, you feel his heart racing.
The club music finally dies down, preparing to switch to its next song. With maybe just a few inches of space between you, it feels as though it's only the two of you in this entire room at this moment.
But just then, you're interrupted. Soap wasn't too far away and must have started picking up on the vibe's shifting, because he couldn't cut between the two of you fast enough.
"Alright," he steps between you two, a drunken smile still on his face. "That'll do you two."
His presence does little to take your eyes off each other, merely looking through the Sergeant, still trying to see if either one of you would say something else. As expected, it's you who does first.
"We were just about to dance," you look over at Ghost with a playful smile. "Isn't that right, Manchester?"
Ghost looks down at you. He almost wants to say no. However, he found himself curious suddenly to see where you might take things. He hadn't felt quite done with you yet, himself.
"That's right."
Soap looks flabbergasted by this. "Yer gonna dance, L.T.?"
"We'll try not to make too much of a scene," you tease.
You take hold of Ghost's hand, feeling his grip tense in your grasp, as you pulled him out onto the dance floor. Woman by Doja Cat just started and you were ready to rock this man's world.
Even with everything going on around, heads turn as you both pass by, noticing the tall, masked figure making his way onto the dance floor with this overly enthusiastic party girl who looks nothing like his type.
You find a spot just on the edge of the crowd, where the lights were low and your team could not see you. Once there, you watch Ghost stand awkwardly, waiting for you to start moving first. It's not like you needed him to do much anyway.
You ease into your dance, beginning with light footwork and hip twirling, letting the music guide its rhythm through your legs. Ghost did an odd shuffle to start, not doing much beyond moving his feet. Once he grew more comfortable, however, you learned that he could in fact do the two-step... If you sucked all the atmosphere out of it at least.
The music picks up, and you bring your hands up to his muscular shoulders, gently resting them there similarly to how you did with Gaz earlier. Only unlike the Sergeant, Ghost seemed reluctant to fully give in to your charms. He wouldn't even bring himself to touch you, just letting you use him like a pole.
You bring your head in close, shouting over the music so that he can hear you, "You're an asshole, you know."
Ghost rolls his eyes. "You're a bitch."
Growing impatient, you boldly take his hands and place them on your hips for him, feeling your skin tingle as his fingers settle against your hipbones. The hesitancy subsides once you start guiding him along with you slowly, easing him into the high tempo of the music.
"And proud of it."
You turn around and press yourself to the lieutenant, feeling your ass brush against his jeans and the grunt that leaves his chest. All he's left with now is the smell of the shampoo you'd used in your hair and the shape of your bottom against his groin. You tell him, "I'm not here to impress you."
He leans in, until you've felt his masked lips brush against the shell of your ear. His voice all but rumbles through you, "And I'm not here to entertain you."
"Aren't you?" You bend over, bringing your hands to your ankles and seductively sliding them back up your legs, and making sure each time you made your ass shake that he could feel it even through his jeans. You'd give anything to see his face right now. "Say what you want," you tease. "I don't give a fuck."
This time he doesn't shy away from letting his hands slide alongside you, stopping just at your waist so that you can still move yourself freely against him. "Yeah, you do," he all but says in a seductive growl. "Why else are we here now?"
You tilt your head back and look up to find Ghost's eyes leering down at you, half-lidded. You watch him slowly start to lose himself, his mind chasing after that brief feeling of arousal you shot through him each time you pressed yourself to him.
"I don't know," you take hold of Ghost's hands again, only this time when you rest them back at your hips, you keep your hands there, holding them. "But it takes two to dance, Manchester."
"Let's dance then."
Once the words subsided, and the club music drowned out any and everything else on the dance floor, the only thing that could be felt was the ecstasy of Ghost's body pressed so close to yours. His large hands explore your small form smoothly, letting you slide your own hands up his arms, feeling his warmth of him. He molds into your movements easily, eyes never leaving yours, with battered breaths shared between you.
Your hands stretch above your head as your bottom hugs your black little dress tightly. The fabric stretches each time you drop your ass to give it another spin, lights bouncing off you both in a mesh of glittery purples and dark blues.
Every time they do you've felt you've seen a new side of Ghost. A side of him that felt hungry for something no good for him. Though he would be in good company; there wasn't a good man left in him to spare if you kept on him like you have been all night, both in body and tongue.
Had the song not come to an end, who's to say what parts of him you would have ground on next, or what parts of your body his hands would find themselves rhythmically groping.
You turn to the lieutenant, out of breath as he is. Of course, you had been moving your body much more than he. You suppose he can save that energy for later.
"You've got any smokes on you?" you ask him, though you both know where questions like that'll get you.
"Left 'em in my car."
"Why don't you give me one?"
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Part Two
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yeoandmoon · 1 year
i found the cure to growing older (and you're the only place that feels like home) ( hongjoong x fem!reader )
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you're destined to follow park seonghwa. that's how it's been your whole life, and you'd prefer to keep it that way - thank you very much. it doesn't really come as a surprise to anyone when you follow him across the country to seoul to join the lucrative music industry, but perhaps the real surprise comes in the form of seonghwa's 5'8, pink-haired leader - kim hongjoong - and the late night studio visits that he's prone to.
smut, idolverse, producer!reader, friends with benefits, childhood bestie!seonghwa, a lot of music references (both joong and reader are little music snobs), implied seongjoong x reader (if u squint), studio sex, come eating, fingering, clit play, praise kink, bratty hongjoong, marking kink, implied dacryaphilia, wc is 3.1k
note: :) hiiiiiiiii (louder than anyone else) it has been a while! ngl here - this might be a little rusty! but i hope you all still enjoy it :) title is from i slept with someone in fall out boy, and all i got was this stupid song written about me by fall out boy! (ps. shoutout to the girl at blenz who watched me down a peppermint matcha and then go crazy writing the second part of this)
You owed a lot to Park Seonghwa.
You owed him far more than the cheap soju and street side corn dogs you bought him on nights out, despite listening to him whine that he had the idol money and could easily buy for both of you.
Seonghwa had gotten you the job at KQ Entertainment after a drunken night of you musing to him that no one in all of Seoul was hiring musicians, and you were about ready to pack up and move back with your grandma (who had been, in fact, right about moving to the big city) in the countryside. He helped you settle in the small studio full of instruments and sheet music, and he spent time with you around his busy schedules & hectic idol life.
(“It’s like you’re deliberately trying to keep me by your side, Hwa.”
“I did promise your grandmother I’d make sure Seoul didn’t chew you up and spit you back out, didn’t I?”)
He pushed you hard on quiet days, and would sit on the dingy little loveseat on the far side of your studio while he filled you in on random idol drama and rumors that filled the music show halls. Seonghwa would sometimes patiently watch you record instrumentals for songs, and go through demos the company would send you. He’d laugh at the jokes you’d crack about the bad demos, and sometimes you two would produce silly little raps & songs for the demos - seeing if you could somehow save the tone deaf beats & loud guitars that filled the GarageBand app.
Those were the days you longed for; the days you missed with your sweet best friend.
You understood the high school days once filled with old Fall Out Boy songs and pepero sticks were long gone, but you still tried to cling to the remnants that remained in your life.
Perhaps then, it would only make sense that Seonghwa would be the one to introduce you to Hongjoong - KQ’s Golden Boy and his closest friend within the idol world. In Seonghwa’s mind, this was a logical friendship. You two were ‘similar’ and ‘weirdly into music’, Seonghwa would tell you while on early morning coffee runs. He would grin at you when you raised an eyebrow at him.
“‘Weirdly into music?’ You’re the one with your face plastered onto subway cars, Mister Global Idol.”
(The small quips didn’t stop Seonghwa’s mission, though.
“I want you to meet someone.” He had told you, stalking into your cluttered studio one day.
A familiar figure followed Seonghwa through the door, his small stature dwarfed by your best friend. Kim Hongjoong was a colourful man. His hair was a vibrant blue, and his nails were painted a hot pink. He wore a backwards dad hat with the picture of a pastel coloured bass on it and a corny saying that you couldn’t quite catch before he looked up at you with bright eyes.
“So, you’re the one who produced the One Direction and Fix On remix?”)
After all, Seonghwa knew you better than anyone else. He knew all your deep secrets, and happy moments; he knew the things that made you tick and the things that brought you joy. So - maybe that was why you didn’t find yourself surprised when, none other than Seonghwa’s pick himself, Kim Hongjoong showed up outside your studio at 3 in the morning a mere few nights after being introduced; maybe that’s why it didn’t entirely baffle you when he placed a pile of cds ranging from newly released hip hop to eighties new wave, & everything in between, and asked your opinion on each and every cd in the pile. You soon found yourself arguing over the cultural shift you felt ‘Jolene’ brought, and cackling over Hongjoong’s Matty Healy impressions. 
Maybe that was why you weren’t surprised when he reached over and kissed you hard while a Shinee song played from your old MacBook and drowned out the soft moans that soon filled the small studio space.
Perhaps it was the late nights that followed the ‘Shinee Incident’; or, perhaps it was the fact you were both workaholics. You knew you should talk to Hongjoong outside of the oasis you felt you two had built yourselves within the rooms of KQ Entertainment, but sometimes you found the quietness of your late night rendezvous and stolen daytime kisses in the empty practice rooms was easier than the loud bustle of the Seoul streets and the distractions that came with Hongjoong leading a loud group of 20-something year old men.
You could also think of a hundred more reasons why you and Hongjoong kept meeting like this, but you were also content with just ignoring it and accepting whatever was going on until it was over.
[ from: hongjoong :) ] are you around??? [ from: hongjoong :) ] i can hear you playing with the piano. lol
Just like clockwork, you thought when your phone lit up. 
The bright little clock on your phone reads 03:19, and the piano you were working on was nearly finished. You were tired and craving your own bed; your ass hurt from the hard bench you had been sitting on for hours at that point. Despite that, you still found yourself reaching for your phone.
[ to: hongjoong :) ] yea im next door [ to: hongjoong :) ] :-)
Maybe you were craving something else too; maybe part of you was desperate for human affection, and you knew Hongjoong could give you that.
[ from: hongjoong :) ] :-)
(One could only take so much of the vibrator tucked away in their nightstand, of course.)
There was a shuffling in the hallway before the outline of Hongjoong appeared in the stained glass of the instrumental studio’s door. You watched the doorknob slowly turn before Hongjoong peeked his head into the room, a dark green beanie covering his faded pink hair. He smiled, and you swore his eyes always brightened at the sight of you.
“Hi.” You say, wincing at the exhaustion evident in your voice.
Hongjoong stepped into the studio, his eyes glancing around at the array of instruments surrounding you both before stopping back to where you sat on the piano stool.
“Hi.” He echos, stepping further into the room.
He’s wearing a tan hoodie that has little purple butterflies flying up the sleeve - and for a brief moment - you think it’s so sweet and so Hongjoong that you almost don’t want him to take it off. Then, he takes another step towards you and you see how his eyes darken as they take in the way your own hoodie is falling off your shoulder, exposing the lace black camisole and deep purple bra strap underneath. Something in his look stirs you, and you feel your cheeks begin to heat up as you look at the man in front of you.
“How’s the comeback going?” Your words crack, and you know your cheeks must be burning.
“It’s good,” Hongjoong says, his tone confident while he keeps his eyes on you, and pulls the hoodie over his head. A dark brown t-shirt is revealed, stretching across his chest and riding up enough to reveal to you the boxer band peeking from under his jeans. He throws the hoodie in the general direction of your computer chair and a smile plays at his lips, “Hwa and I are recording part of the rap tomorrow.”
He takes a step forward as he speaks, and you can hear the way his own words crack as he speaks so casually about your shared friend.
You know he needs this as much as you do - if the thick bulge in his jeans says anything about Hongjoong’s current state of mind.
You force yourself to pull away from blatantly checking him out and look up at him, “Did you happen to get that song I sent you?”
Hongjoong takes another step forward. “The Counting Crows one?”
“‘A Long December,’” you move to get up from the piano bench.
Hongjoong is suddenly on you with a sense of urgency, and the small talk portion of your evening is abruptly finished. “Don’t get up,” he tells you, pushing you back onto the bench. 
You see then how affected he really is; his pupils half blown, and his cheeks beginning to match the peach in his hair. “Cute.” The compliment falls from your lips before you can stop yourself, and your hand comes up to cup his cheek.
It delights you the way Hongjoong’s cheek burn at the simple word, and he moves to his knees in front of you, “‘Want you to stay there for me, yeah?” One of his hands moves to rest against your hand on his cheek.
You swallow and nod, not taking your eyes off the man who had managed to pry your legs apart, and was getting comfortable on the floor between them. You’re suddenly aware of your body’s reaction to Hongjoong - how sticky your panties were becoming & how heated your body was beginning to get.
Despite how common this occurrence was becoming, you never seemed to get used to how overwhelming his presence was; how much Hongjoong overtook your senses in every way possible. His hands moved to your waist, and he glances at you again before moving to the waistband of your leggings. His fingers gently slip under the waistband, and he nods to you - a request to move forward.
His fingertips are cool against your skin. They feel nice, you think as you nod to him.
Like most things with Hongjoong, he begins to move with urgency after he receives your consent. He leans up to pull you into a heated kiss as he tugs at your leggings and panties, urging you to shimmy out of them so he can get his hands on your thick thighs and the soaked core that’s between them.
Once exposed to him, one of his hands is immediately between your legs - his thumb pressing into your clit while two of his fingers gently run through your folds, gathering the wetness that lays there and sending your brain into a frenzy of Kim Hongjoong. 
You moan into the kiss, and your hands move up to tangle in his hair and pull him closer to you in an attempt to deepen the kiss. He smiles into it, and you just know that if you weren’t too busy kissing the smile away, it would be that impish, cocky smirk he gets every time he succeeds and wins; it’s the same smile he holds every time Ateez wins a music show, and it's the same smile he holds every time he makes you cum. One of his fingers gently breaches your sopping entrance, and you let out another moan against his lips.
“That feel good, love?” Hongjoong laughs against your lips before stealing another kiss.
Before you have a chance to answer, Hongjoong knocks your legs further apart and presses his thumb harder into your clit. His finger pushes into you and all you can do is swear, “Fuck! Hongjoong!”
Hongjoong releases another breathy laugh from his spot below you before pressing kisses down your neck. You feel his other hand begin to crawl up your tummy from its spot on your waist before stopping just as his fingertips hit the wire of your bra - it rests on your soft skin, and he hums against your skin before softly biting down. The sudden sting makes you gasp and your hand in his hair tightens on the strands you were holding, making Hongjoong hiss against you.
“Take it off.” He tells you, his hand coming up over the bra and tugging at the top of the cup to free your tit. His voice is lined with a growl, and his hand on your thigh tightens.
You know there’s bruises forming under Hongjoong’s fingers - adding to the collection of bruises he’s already left along your neck, tummy and anywhere else Hongjoong could possibly mark you. The possibility of them excites you; fills you with a pleasure, and rush of arousal.
His fingers immediately pinch at your nipple and you bite back a particularly loud whine, your hips bucking up against Hongjoong’s fingers. You begin to peel the hoodie off, letting it fall to the floor in front of the piano, while Hongjoong wastes no time to move his hand from your chest and tug the camisole over your head. It quickly joins the hoodie on the floor, and you’re left in only a lacy black bralette for Hongjoong’s hungry eyes.
“Take your shirt off.” You say, locking eyes with him and reaching for the brown fabric, “I wanna see you too.”
The light blush returns to Hongjoong’s cheeks, and you feel a sense of accomplishment rush through your veins. He leans back onto his legs and looks up at you - in the low & warm LED pink lights of your studio, Hongjoong looks pretty. His eyes are dark, and his hair is tousled from your pulling & tugging on it.
“Okay, love,” Hongjoong replies, “just gotta clean up first.”
There’s a small smile playing at Hongjoong’s lips as he moves his hand from your core, and keeps his eyes on you as he brings his hand to his mouth. His eyes flutter shut as he begins to lick his fingers clean, and all you can do is watch in pure pleasure as he licks your juices off his hand. He lets out a small moan, and your eyes widen as another rush of arousal surges through your body.
You tighten your thighs and try - & fail - to conceal the whimper that falls from your lips, and Hongjoong tilts his head in faux confusion. He moves his hand from his mouth, “What’s the matter, sweetie? I just wanted to taste you.”
You’re utterly, and completely, speechless and all Hongjoong can do is giggle from his spot below you. 
He leans up to kiss you again, with his (now “clean”) hand coming up and cupping the back of your neck to pull you closer. You kiss him back and part of you revels in the faint taste of yourself on his tongue. Your hands move to the bottom hem of his shirt, and you break the kiss to pull Hongjoong’s shirt over his head.
It’s added to the ever-growing pile of clothes that are gathering at the bottom of the piano.
“You’re gorgeous.” You say, and you can’t help as your eyes rake down Hongjoong’s newly exposed body and the piercing that glints in the light on his left nipple.
Hongjoong’s eyes flash, and his other hand tightens on your thigh again, “Do ya’ think flattery will get you somewhere, sweetie?”
You play along with Hongjoong’s games. You pretend you don’t see the way he gets flustered & bothered when you compliment him, and he pretends not to notice that you like making him feel like that. You couldn’t deny the absolute rush it gave you every time he whined your name at the smallest praise.
You take a deep breath before nodding, “Will you let me cum?” You ask, giving him a pout.
Hongjoong’s cocky smirk is back, and your hands grip the edge of the bench. They’ve become so tight against the wood that you’re sure your knuckles are white; it was your turn to become flustered. Your mind was beginning to fray at the edges with every second that passes of Hongjoong’s intense stare and the way his hands slowly began to move up your thighs again. 
He pushes your thighs apart again, and promptly takes his spot back between your legs. He gives you a cheeky smile while you gasp at the cold air against your soaking core; before he pushes you back against the piano and pushes his two fingers back into your hole, chuckling when you let out a cry of his name. The piano keys sound out throughout the room, but Hongjoong ignores it as he drives his fingers harder into you.
If Hongjoong wasn’t so determined to fuck you stupid, perhaps you’d think he was trying to see what notes he could produce every time your back bounces against the keys. Perhaps, just maybe - you’d even suggest turning the microphone on, and recording the notes and moans that’d be produced.
You open your mouth to say something - possibly to beg, possibly to cry for Hongjoong but all thoughts are abandoned when Hongjoong leans forward and takes your clit in his mouth. He sucks on the little nub and you swear your brain goes blank.
You cry out in pleasure, and your hands go down to find purchase in Hongjoong’s hair. He groans against you, one of his hands coming up to hold you waist as you gently rock your hips up against his face.
“Joong…” You plea, “Hongjoong, I’m so close. You feel so good, Joong.”
He adds another finger into you, heightening your pleasure and beginning to scissor them to stretch you out as you gasp, “You’re gonna take my cock after this, right sweetie?”
You nod. It’s all you can really bring yourself to do - although you know you’d do anything for Hongjoong at this moment. You’d probably allow Seonghwa to see you like this, if he wanted you to.
Hell, you’d allow Seonghwa to join in, if Hongjoong asked you too right now. 
“Hongjoong, please…”
Hongjoong kisses your cheek, and you flutter your eyes open to find him level with you, “Go on, love. Let it out for me.”
The simple words were all it took for you to come. The overwhelming euphoria of Kim Hongjoong took over your psyche, and you cried his name as you gripped his arms. 
You ride out your orgasm while you chant Hongjoong’s name, and he kisses your cheek & jaw. He now stands over you, his hand gently running through your hair as you slowly recover, resting your head on his tummy and reveling in the feeling of his hand in your hair.
It takes a moment to look up at Hongjoong. You’re still panting, and you feel tears on your cheeks begin to settle. He smiles sweetly at you, before leaning down to kiss you - softer than any other point during the night.
“Do you want to keep going?” Hongjoong asks, his hand coming to rest on the back of your neck.
You begin to pull away as your hands come up to undo his belt, “I gotta keep my word, don’t I?” You bite your lip to stop the smile beginning to grow on your face.
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chrollohearttags · 10 months
favorite song • e. jaeger
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“I’m on the stage right now, singing your favorite song. I look in the crowd and you’re nowhere to be found as they sing along.”
synopsis: influencer (y/n) forms a close friendship with the infamous rapper, EJ after working together and Eren wishes it could be more. Too bad someone else is in the way..
content warning and themes: angsty vibes, early stages of their relationship, mentions of abuse and cheating, mentions of alcohol, light mentions of sex, kissing, comfort at the end because I truly love them. (also, a couple spoilers for the next reverb chapters)
📝: y’all know these two are just very special to me 😩🤞🏾 like I’m so hopelessly in love with a relationship that doesn’t exist and I couldn’t stop thinking about that Toosii song (legit had it on repeat as I wrote this)
Atlanta, Georgia. One of the most infamous cities in the country and a staple in the music industry. From the illustrious strip clubs where the rappers came to play and the countless, legendary musicians to be birthed from the famed A-Town..it was iconic. It was also one of EJ the Don’s favorite places to perform. The crowd’s energy was always top tier, the fans were live and he always enjoyed himself.
“Thank you, Atlanta! You know I fucking love you guys and I appreciate all the love you show me…” nearing the conclusion of his two hour set, the artist began to give him obligatory speech, thanking all of his loyal supporters and everyone who turned out tonight. From the insane songs that triggered two huge mosh pits to the slower joints that had brought forth the baddest bitches in the crowd..serenaded underneath dimmed lights as he strummed the guitar and sang to them. It was an entire vibe and like all of his shows, he never wanted it to end. But alas, it was getting later into the night and he was becoming jaded. However, he couldn’t leave his loyal fans without something special!
“This next song…this next song is one that’s very near to my heart..just like the person I wrote it for. They can’t be here tonight but I hope wherever they are..they hear it.”
upon taking a seat on his stool, a stage hand came out and handed Eren his electric guitar..a jet black Fender with chrome and red accents and hand painted roses; named Carla after his mom who gifted it to him on his twenty first birthday. It’s the most precious thing he’s ever received and now he was about, he was about to play a ballad to the most precious person in his life right now. Propping the instrument up on his knee, he’d take the pick that was pursed between his lips and begin to strum slowly..tattooed digits tapping at the E Minor and D strings, creating a soft yet high pitched tune. It was something that he didn’t normally do during his performances but there was a first time for everything. As he began to sing, accompanied by the instrumentals and backtracks, sounding out across the packed arena, he began to croon out the words to a track he titled ‘Everything’, in which he pours out his heart, how that person meant everything to him and everything that he loved about them. It was so beautiful, authentic and yet…maintained bits of signature rap style. The crowd was cheering; ladies fawning from the front row, men nodding their head and everyone was enjoying themselves. The one person he needed there however…was nowhere to be found. The person who inspired it and who burst into tears when he first played it. That person…was you. His precious (y/n). A girl adorned by many and the object of desire for for thousands of men. Captivating the world with your flawless pole skills and ethereal beauty. A one of a kind woman, as rare and priceless as any jewel. You were truly his everything.
but sadly, it could only be confessed in the form of this song, as he was certain you were somewhere in the arms of another guy. Laid up in bed, carrying on a loveless relationship with someone who didn’t see your worth. He hated it. He hated that he couldn’t be the one holding you right now and making all those doubts and insecurities disappear…he even recalled the last time he spoke to you. A little over three weeks ago…as he sat begging and pleading for you to be with him instead.
“I don’t get it, (y/n). Why the fuck do you even stick around? It doesn’t make sense..”
“I wish I could tell you why…but I can’t. I guess I’m just scared.”
“Scared of what?! Because if he’s putting his hands on you, I’ll splatter his brains as soon as he comes through that door.”
it was a conversation you’d never expect to have but an inevitable one nonetheless. It was going to come to this eventually…after all, you were sitting at the kitchen counter of your high rise condo, sobbing your eyes out and picking up pieces of shattered glass from a broken vase, slammed to the ground by your no good, sorry ass, abusive, cheater of a boyfriend. Why a woman as beautiful as you would ever think to stick around and put up with such bullshit, was beyond anyone. Including the man standing in front of you. The one who would wipe tears from that pretty face all the time..who had watched you cry as he held you.
“Look, (y/n). I can’t tell you what to do but I’ll be damned if I sit here and let you get treated like this. You deserve better than whatever the fuck he’s doing. Why won’t you just leave?!”
something far easier said than done..truth was, being in a relationship with a high powered executive while trying to make it up the ladder in the entertainment industry was not for the weak. And trying to break away was a whole lot harder!..the repercussions you could face; not only would he have you blackballed from every event or potential job you’d ever think to have but he’d have everyone turning on you. It’d be career suicide! Howvever, Eren didn’t care. He didn’t give a damn what that piece of shit thought he was capable of…he only cared about your well-being and watching you cover up your sadness with sips of liquor was driving him insane. He loved you and wanted to protect you with his life. He wanted to wake up every day next to you, smiling as he saw you in your most pure form; no makeup and all that natural beauty and make love to you every single night. He wanted to be the one who’s name you cried out as you clawed his back and begged him to go deeper. He couldn’t stand this..stepping closer, Eren cupped the sides of your face, tilting it upward so that you could see him. See him in all the vulnerability he had to offer.
“Listen..I just want you to be happy. Fuck all that other noise. Just leave with me and we’ll figure i—“
“Stop it, Eren, I can’t put you in this mess. He’ll ruin everything you worked hard for and that’s not fair. I’m not worth it!”
hearing those words nearly shattered his heart into a million pieces. Never had he felt the way he had about anyone in his young twenty five years the way he did about you. No one made his heart flutter and his soul feel complete the way you did and he couldn’t let you think anything less of yourself than what you were..
“..baby, don’t you realize I’m already in? I’m not going anywhere, even if you push me away right now. You mean more to me than any of this. I don’t care if I ever touch a Grammy, an awards show or any of that shit. You’re all I want. Please..”
and in that moment, you could do nothing more than helplessly fall into his arms. Stuffing your tear ridden face into the comfort of his chest and that black tee he was sporting and as always, he was right there to hold you close and coddle you in his grasp.
so as he strummed those notes, singing out with all that he harbored..lights from illuminated cell phones swaying back and forth..
“And if you let me, I’ll be your everything..”
he hoped that somewhere, somehow..you could hear it. Not just with your ears but your heart and truly feel the message. That it would motivate you to finally go where you belonged. With him.
“Can you hear me, (y/n)? Are you listening…because I’m playing this song just for you. For us..I’ll always be with you no matter what.”
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leechs · 10 months
the state of florida...people wake up on the couch in their double wide mobile home and immediately slam into their early 2000s red toyota corolla with expired tag and drive 2 miles in 30 minutes of traffic to work construction for a company with a negative 1.0 rating with the better business bureau...they slam energy drinks on the roof of some rich old dudes house then 3 beers on their lunch break until its time to go back to the trailer park and listen to a combination of country rap hits while smoking through 2 packs of newport 100s...dinner is a fifth of tequila and a chicken sub from publix and afterwards theyre too drunk to have sex with their live in girlfriend so she throws an ashtray at their head and they pass out on the couch again...anything that forces deviation from this life plan is a federal offense and in the minds of people who have fully surrendured to the floridian mindset heralds instant violent death...they say alligators are baited into rage by sudden movement; f you move too quickly around a floridian theyll reach for a shotgun and shoot you in accordance with florida statute 776.013
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clarasunflowers · 10 months
i spend a lot of time sitting on our porch, and have come to notice three distinct people who walk by. one is “the milkman.” every day he walks ~3 miles to/from the store. his shoes are falling apart. the next is a homeless couple, always covered in dirt, always carrying a tattered blanket. none of them wave back but i don’t stop trying. last week we set up a little table in town, “for community outreach.” she prints a sign with a qr code leading to a paypal account. we offer little things and encourage donations. a cute elderly couple has me paint their faces with matching designs. they smile and she whispers to him. they donate $300.
we go home and regroup. we know where the couple camps and we know where the milkman lives. we buy brand new trainers, size 14. i know this size because his sandal fell off once. i picked it up and handed it to him. i load up my old ipod with country, classic rock, a little tame metal, and some popular rap. we stuff a charger/headphones into the shoe box and leave them on the milkman’s porch. i add a note, “happy trails!”
we peek at the couples campsite, just a tent, and gather what we need. the entire area is cleaned. we visit a harm reduction centre and pick up some free safe injection kits. we also pick up pairs of sweats, jumpers, new sleeping bags, handheld battery operated fans, packs of socks and batteries, hand wipes, a hairbrush/hairties, canned food, toothbrushes/paste, two backpacks and some flannels from the army surplus store, and a led solar camping lantern. we add in a business card for the harm reduction centre with a note on the back, “free laundry, showers, and more.”
too weird? i ask. i’ll leave a note, she says. “stay safe, neighbors” it reads. no indication it was from us, but today, i got three smiles and waves returned.
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broken-mandolin0357 · 21 days
BTS and their Indian! S/O
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BTS - 방탄소년단
✣ They happen to have a Indian S/O and so they finally experience some Indian shenanigans || Crack, Headcanons, Fluff|| boyfriend! bts x reader| Fem!Reader|
✣ this is my first post, hope you all enjoy it! This is no insult to anyone in particular, all is in good hearted manner, apologies for any mistakes, tell me if there is anything offensive, I will remove it, but this is not meant to marginalize anyone, just something I wanted to write out. Not to offend anyone or put hate on anyone or anything. Also Hindu! Reader.
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Kim Seokjin - 김석진
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☍ Seokjin with an Indian! S/O is a match made in heaven; you both come from big and divine cultures where you have a lot of amazing food and very pretty people! Seokjin is going to be so happy seeing his Indian! S/O, who is not afraid to show off their culture too other people.
☍ If there is one thing Seokjin loves about India, it's India's food, doesn't matter if it's street food or high class restaurant food, he enjoys street food more often though, enjoying Pani-puri, dahi puri, chaat, dabeli, vada pav, pav bhaji, omelets, etc. Does not care what it is, he is not afraid to try new things!
☍ He wants to see you in all the ethnic dresses of India!!! And now he realizes, how many sarees an Indian woman can have, some of which dates back to eight generations and how expensive they actually are, gets mental break down seeing how many sarees and clothing you have.
☍ Also he no longer does any maths, he asks you to do it and you do in your mind wayyy quickly than anyone else, cause you know Indian's love for maths and anger reach everybody...
☍ He was so shocked to see how less of meat consumption there is in India, literally all the food is vegetarian and so amazing! He packs up bags of foods from family events, weddings, hotels, restaurants and what not to bring to the members so they could try it....
☍ Literally always the victim of aunties bullying how call him, "Gorahae...." and maybe "girlish" always having emotional damage form your family, but all the aunties also fawn over him, feeding him, caring for him oh so gently, while treating you like shit....
☍ He also just I N H A L E S Indian sweets or pani puri, does not matter, he also loves the soda sold on streets, like the tingly feeling on his tongue...He sees how underdeveloped the country is but how caring, traditional, respectful and beautiful it is, nothing like how the Western movies perceive it to be!!!!
☍ Also, you know how women make their husbands pick out of so many beautiful choodees, some made of glass, some of china, some of metal, yeah he wants to buy all, not for you sometimes though, no for himself so he looks pretty just like you!
☍ Oh! He sees how often Indians wear gold, like pure gold is worn by children, who have no sense of money and just put it in their mouths, but every single person he sees has at-least something made of gold on them, might be fake but the amount of gold there is, it's scares him....
☍ Please take him to a mela (Indian amusement parks) he is going to be so happy, it's like seeing a child who has never been to an amusement park, you both will definitely go on the dragon swing ride or something like that.
☍ He will be smug and then you both will be screaming your heads off, because he is scary and when it ends he is rapping about you scaring him and forcing him to go there while his legs are shaking....
☍ Loves to watch romantic Bollywood movies, he claims that he is the embodiment of 'the flirty hero' in the Bollywood movie, so sweet and caring, loves to help you cook and respectful of all the elders and everyone, even if he doesn't know them!!!
☍ He finds the similarities between your cultures to be very nice, how you both are very caring of your elders, the amazing food, and the importance of education, divine cultures and so much more!!!
☍ He is definitely gonna rap at someone for playing Holi wrongly, and then someone will put permanent colour in his face, the silver one which is very hard to get out, so put on oil all over him and if it doesn’t work, well I guess more shower time with you, no?
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Min Yoongi - 민윤기
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✥ Yoongi, first and foremost love your culture, how it is very similar to his, how developed it is in many aspects as compared to many other countries in matter of behavior, culture, mannerism, festivals, relationships and much more.
✥ Yoongi very much loves Hindi songs, he finds them to be very catchy and amazing! He sees so many Indian singers and finds all their voices so unique and pretty.
✥ He also learnt about that one musician whose singing could make it rain or blow off a candle, he also started learning Indian classical music just so he could sing for you and ARMYs better!
✥ He finds Indian movies amazing as well, how musical they are, how many good points they serve and their story lines as of whole, he has watched so many with you.
✥ He has maybe learnt Indian curse words and would often angrily scream them at the boys whenever he gets mad and it scares them because it's like a different language to them and they feel he will curse them in some or the other way...
✥ He loves to see you dressed up in a traditional outfit with some jewelry, he doesn't care if it's a event or not, he loves to see you in in, reminds him of his own roots and reminds him how your country is important in your upbringing.
✥ Yoongi also loves Indian food, might be a tad bit too flavourful for him at times, but still enjoys it very much! He especially the non-vegetarian options of foods, reminds him of home with the spiciness and flavours, also treat him to momos, he's going to be so happy, mainly because you would remind him how his mother called him a boiled dumpling. <33333
✥ Take him to clothing markets of India, they remind him of the similar looking ones in Korea, except the ones in India are way crowded making him a bit scared but it's fine, he enjoys seeing so many clothing shops, food shops, jewellery shops, and you bargaining with the shop owner and buying things for 100 which were originally being sold for 700...
✥ One guilty pleasure of his is sneaking into the kitchen at night and making himself a packet of maggi and eating fridge cold rasgullas, he likes the chewy feeling when they're cold as compared to when they're at room temperature....He doesn't know why...
✥ He likes studying about India's past, he especially loves the superstitions because everything has some logic behind it for people following it, he also developed the habit of flipping flippers if he sees them upside-down.
✥ One more thing is take him to prepare for a wedding in your family, he sees how everyone no matter if you know them or not, if they're relatives, they all visit and help, women in the decorations and getting the bride and groom ready while the men do in the food, photography and others, everyone is needed to help and he has much more than happy to help your family.
✥ He always participates in prayers at Diwali, though gets a bit scared of blowing fircrackers, he refuses to ignite them in the beginning, but after a little bit of convincing, he agrees only if you go with him!
✥ Oh! Your cousins tie him rakhi, btw. Rakhi is a festival celebrated on love between brothers and sisters, does not matter if they're sibling or cousins, its where sisters tie rakhi on their brother's wrist and then brothers give them gifts in return, he gives every-single future sister-in-law and brother-in-law an envelope filled of 2000 ruppees ...Guess it's good being rich...
✥Oh, you know Yoongi will definitely say he is not going to play Holi and then will throw water balloons, use pichkari to spray water on you and put both pink and silver permanent colour on you and your teeth, luckily you’re prepared for his betrayal since the morning, so you lathered yourself in oil, and if you didn’t, well good luck….
✥ Also, he is gonna make so many rang-golis with you and others, he isn’t sure how to pick up the powdered colour and what to do if a colour is finished, but he’s got the most amazing spirit, and please teach him how to colour like he’s a kid, it’s gonna be so fun!!
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Jung Hoseok - 정호석
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♮ One word, he loves to see classical dances of India, there are so many classical dances of India and each require a set of knowledge of music and rhythm which can easily be learnt by anyone, he has tried to learn a dance and convinced boys to try out Kathhak and Bharatnatyam it ends up with them bruising their feet as you and the instructor laugh and have fun watching them.
♮ He also likes to watch South Indian movies with their amazing dance and songs also he is in love with KGF series and Pushpa, also RRR. He really likes songs of Indian movies though, he sees how they're perfect for dancing to and he practices Hindi songs with you.
♮ Also, him giving you the confidence to wear a traditional outfit in front of him or at an event to show how pretty you are... It's one thing because why not, you slay every Indian traditional outfit you wear! People are honestly so sensitive and so when he tries on a outfit, he makes sure you're in the pic with him to show that he's not a rude tourist and that it was your idea and so antis get no thought to hate on him and they go back to insulting how he has a lover....!! He'll save you from hate, no worried.
♮ Also, take him to eat food at chowpatis, especially baraf ka gola (ice stick) basically, shaved ice which is shaped and dipped into flavours and yogurts. I personally think he’d enjoy momos and dahi puri. Also maybe shikanji. He likes the sodas.....find them fun but also scary cause he fast he has to drink after the man places the powder in..
♮ He likes watching Indian movies, he finds them interesting and enjoys the songs in between them, he likes the storyline and the difference between a Korean drama and your movies. He will learn the dance for fun and practice and he will sing the songs too!!
♮ He loves to play Holi, but please put oil on his skin and hair because keep in mind, you will be putting permanent colour on him, also even if it’s not permanent, the colour does stain and he dyes his hair regularly, so it might be better for him to have darker hair.
♮ He likes Anupama btw, he loves to watch Indian serials, where there is drama between the mother-in-law, sister-in-law and female lead! He will then spread this to the boys and then whenever you’re watching the tv, when it’s the time for the show to come on the channel, they’re all pushing you out the frame to watch it and the tea is always hot and spicy to hear out!
♮ Jhope will be loved by your families, he is loved by the aunties, the uncles, the dadas, the dadis, the fufajis, the mausajis, the mausis, the mamas, the mamijis, the buas, basically everyone and you get the point, even the toughest nuts of the family like him!
♮ Your family will be a bit doubtful because well you’re Indian he’s Korean, so what if something goes wrong, they don’t want you to be in pain, but maybe let them chill out with Hobi for a bit and they’ll be asking to ask for a faster wedding date. Also, question by your parents, they asked me to ask you, Ahem! “WHEN ARE YOU GIVING US GRANDKIDS?!” Thank you!
♮ Whenever there is an event and there is music, he’s the first to dance at the event and he makes everyone feel confident enough to go crazy and he invited everyone to dance, teach him the dholak dance between the women of the family, you know the ones where you repeat the same steps while going around in a circle but it’s very fun? Yeah, those ones, he’s very good at them as you’ve seen!
♮ Every single cousin and sibling wants to tie a rakhi to him, especially your sisters are excited because he’s their future jiju after all~~ Okay and he gives everyone a handmade gift with some money, like he makes cards, gets dresses, and makes them a lot of bracelets! He makes the rakhi you tie on your brothers himself as well!
♮ Whenever you take him to a mela, prepare to be tired out because in his opinion, it’s so fun! He goes on E V E R Y  S I N G L E ride, He cannot handle himself and he pays for everyone! He buys every lady in the family the nice cheap jewellery which is sold in the fair, he buys you some as well until you stop him..
♮ He will always go with you and the elder people of the family to check your cousin or siblings or whoevers arranged fiancée or lover it. He wants to make sure your cousins and family is in good hands.
♮ His sister will absolutely be decorated by your family, she’s so fricking pretty and when she wears a lehenga, it may seem a bit too heavy on her, but she feels beautiful and she looks so pretty like her brother as well!!! She’s prettier than you as well!!!
♮ Hobi and the boys will join you for an Indian movie night, he and the boys will sing their hearts out whenever the music comes on and you and Hobi will dance together. And then he and boys will learn the whole choreography and dance it and maybe cope some of them steps for their next music video.
♮ Also, he looks SO HANDSOME in a kurta, please, do not try to convince me otherwise, you and him will wear matching clothes!!! He will also try to match accessories and then the boys will match as well and now you’re all matching!!!!
♮ He will always have fun during Diwali, he will learn about why cow dung is so important and reason behind everything you do during your festivals and then he will join you as well!! All the ladies will also gossip with him!! Some things he finds a bit weird, but pretty open to cultures...
♮ Is shocked how many ARMYs are there in India, and how less he hears from them when SO many things are also done here. He is happy to meet them and promises Indian ARMYs for a concert in India!
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Kim Namjoon - 김남준
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✤ Now, if there is one thing we all know is that Namjoon always loves to learn things. And he is the most invested in your culture! He finds the story so interesting and he is always ready to listen to something you say and he asks ‘What’s the reason behind it?’, even if it didn’t exist in India…
✤ Namjoon is also very much interested in Indian classical music and classical dances, especially KathaKali and Kathak, he is so intrigued to see how a person can produce such facial expression with such a strong eye movements and how it’s so interesting!!  Also how a drama can be shown through dance, he finds it very sweet and amazing!!
✤ Namjoon LOVES Indian curries, now he is surprised at how less of meat consumption there is of meat and even if somebody eats meat, Pork or Beef is off-grounds, mainly cause Pig is considered a impure animal and it’s meat is taboo and cows give us milk and it is our god’s favourite animal and it’s considered a family member and so eating it’s meat is said to be wrong...
✤ Look at me and tell me he won’t look handsome in a kurta…… I DARE YOU. He looks so pretty!!! He looks so pretty and his smile and his body and his thighs and and- Okay, sorry for the break-down, but let’s be honest here! He is looking phenomenal! Of-course your sisters will tease you, but it’s all in good fun, he looks like a prince, not our fault!
✤ Namjoon is always the one whom your family loves a lot, he’s THE standard of the cousin, all your cousins including you are being compared to him, and it only affects your cousins though, because you know GOD IS FAIR. They come to you asking how you got such a boyfriend and you explain how he doesn’t know how to drive or cook and they try to laugh it off but realize how they’re still gonna be compared to him….
✤ Namjoon is always so eager to learn and he will sit down with your grandparents who are watching those mythological shows, and then he will ask you to translate or explain it to him and if you don’t, he will ask your grandparents and then you will translate whatever they explain to him and he’s so excited to bond with them, your grandparents will love him so much!! I just know it deep in my veins!
✤ Namjoon very much likes Indian treats, especially sweets, more specifically rasmalai, or mango-rasmalai, he loves it, so delicate and sweet, and sugary and pillowy!! He is very generous at times, but he definitely doesn’t share it! Maybe after a lot of convincing by either the boys or you, he will give you a few bites…
✤ You know one thing, he is obsessed with Laila-Majnu love story, it is very similar to Romeo and Juliet, and he tries to understand everything, how Laila was a noble and Majnu was a commoner and thus they couldn’t be together and how when one of them was hurt the other would also sustain the injury because of how strong their love was. Also how even after Laila’s marriage and execution of Majnu they managed to be together in after life, he loves it, he cried a bit ngl….
✤ Namjoon is much obsessed with Diwali, he is surprised how easily Indians handle cow dung, he could never…But he finds everything to be very fascinating and fun, he definitely spends time with the kids who can’t handle sitting still while their parents do the rituals...Then you and him will burn crackers for as long as you all can!! Of-course you have to stop him and the kids, cause they don’t realize they’re using crackers meant for the next day and you have to tell them to stop otherwise there won’t be any crackers left to burn the next day
✤ Namjoon likes celebrating Holi as well, finds it to be fun and nice and gets to eat good food and spend time with you and family….Especially when the playful people of the family life his shirt to put permanent colour and find his abs and stop and freeze in the moment….
✤ Ooh, he will watch ‘bhabhiji ghar par hai’ maybe?? Idk…I’m not sure, but I do get the vibes that he will enjoy it, despite it being kind of stupid, but then again he will also enjoy some Hindi literature and devolve himself in it for a while!!
✤ Namjoon also very much enjoys the celebration of a wedding, especially how a family is heavily involved in everything related to the wedding, the designs, the venue, the outfits, the dances, haldi, the theme, the food, the video, the photos and everything else, he is always ready to involve himself and maybe the boys will help around as well, though they may be a bit ignored for they’re foreigners, but they’re happy to help around wherever they can!! But I guess we try to put our differences aside, but Indians have TOO MANY RELATIVES and so no everybody knows them, so introduce the boys as your friends and Namjoon as your fiancée and then get roasted a bit and asked whens your wedding date…
✤ OMG! HE IS SO SURPRISED AT HOW MANY BTS FANS OR K-POP FANS IN GENERAL ARE THERE IN INDIA?! He is always ready to put on concerts for his fans, and after the interview with Sakshma Srivastav, he wanted to meet more fans and he did and he is surprised at how many people are excited to see them, he's happy for such a new found group of people he didn't knew existed, but he likes it either wayyy!!
✤ Oh, please if there's a wedding or something where you're putting on mahendi/henna on your hands, please put some on his hands too!! His hands look very pretty and he likes the time to be spoiled like a the pretty baby he is..He finds the smell to be very 'naturey', you don't know what it means and neither do i...
✤ He will invite your cousins, friends or siblings to his studio so they could ask if he did good on his songs, only you're very favorite people come and yes they all agree with the tunes that they're nice...gorahae boi...
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Park Jimin - 박지민
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✿ Mr. Park Jimin is probably obsessed with rom coms from your country and also the amazing songs and soap dramas, he will sit with you before you go to bed and he will ramble about how tulsi got another husband after just divorcing her ex-husband and how turns out tulsi’s first child belongs to her second husband??? Yeah, no I don’t understand either, but my mom does this…Anyone else? Anyways, yeah, you go to sleep thinking how hot and steaming the spicy gossip tea is…it’s all fictional…
✿ Jimin would always be happy to go out with you and eat at chowpatis, he is always hoping you don’t have to cook and he goes there with the boys often to the point where when he enters the chowpati with you, the shopkeepers greet him saying “Gora ladke, heyyyyy!!!” While waving their hands and some usual customers remember him as well, cause well he's sorta famous and he comes very often, the food is good and cheap…not his fault, nice experience and these things are something he only gets to experience and you get to see his mocha cheeks, win win!!! Of-course be careful about food bacteria..
✿ Jimin is very much in love with colouring rangolis, if you know how to, please make one for him and if you don’t…cry…then try your best to make one, then once you’re back is hurting and you’re tired, he will kiss you sit down like a princess getting ready to be kind and start colouring prettily, you teach him if you know how to, if you don’t...Kind of sad, but it’s fun trying new things out for both of you!!!
✿ Oh don’t ask why, but I think he will like anklets, on himself and on you, cause it is a social construct and yeah, eh will put them on in the house and walk around, his anklets jingling as he moves his feet or when he’s on a dance practice, he anklets jingling, the boys teasing him as he dances and then they all get distracted and now you have seven boys stealing payals from you if you have some, if you don’t they’re gonna order online or ask your parents for some…please restock, they’re gonna break…
✿ You know, I heard some someone that Mochi is Korea’s rasgullas and rasgullas are Indian mochis, and this haven’t left my head, so our mochi boi likes the pearly, pillowy sweet rasgullas as he squeezes the sugar syrup out to make sure nothing drips out and then he will feed some to you, it’s a sweet moments for you both!!
✿ He will dress you up and himself up for Diwali and Navratri and do graba with you, teach him some steps, he will dance and join you and if you go to those huge places where people learn how to dance for days and then one the final days they have colour coded dresses and then winners and all that things are done, he will come with you there and ready to dance and spend a night in ethnic outfits!!
✿ He is very much ready for Holi, he is gonna fight with colours, completely wet, with water balloons, permanent pink and silver colour, with huge water-guns, and buckets filled with colours and water in it, get ready, he is not gonna go down without a fight…
✿ He is ready to fight anyone who says Indian does not have good Ethnic outfits, he’s ready to fight and he will do so while wearing a sari/lahenga/kurti, just to show he a man can look pretty in it as well...It popped in my head, forgive me…
✿ He adores shopping with you, especially for jewellery, he is gonna be beside you while you bargain or someone else whom you brought with you bargains and get the thing for price three times less than it was originally for!! He is gonna try on things and you tell him which looks the prettiest on him, they will surely look good on you as well, you’re a couple after all!! And then once home, you will wear it and send photos and when he comes home, he will wear the jewellery and then you will have a mini photoshoot!
✿ He is gonna dance the kathak, teach some steps or look up on youtube, please, he will find ghungroo online, buy them and wear ghungroo and maybe he will whine because the thread is too tight and it hurts (like I used to..), but you explain it needs to be tight as to make sure it doesn’t open…you know he will fall if it does happen…and he tries to understand but I guess it doesn’t work, he still will tie them a bit loosely, also he gets to learn that Bharatnatyam and Kathak both have different types of ghungroo
✿ When you introduce him to your family, they will poke his cheeks and call him cute and sweet, your cousins will like him, and the ladies are FAN of him, like how could they not be?? Then men are a bit skeptic, but they get over it mainly cause he’s nice and like a fairy roaming around..
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kim taehyung - 김태형
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▨ Okay first, let's get the obvious out of the way, he's just as crazy as a Desi family, he's gonna fit right in, perfect boy! He's already loved by family, more than you or anyone else cause look at his achievements and look at you, reading this! Of-course he's your family's favourite!
▨ He loves to go out in chowpattis to eat, sometimes when he doesn't want to eat rotis, he will idk, go find some random cow or dog and give it to them cause he saw some old lady do it...I used to do that to escape yelling from my parents, but yeah, it's what he does. But he loves your cooking, worry not!!
▨ If you call him a Korean nickname "Jagi", he will call you a Desi nickname "Jaanu", it's no-negotiable, you can't be saying anything, unless you want him to call you something, then he will.
▨ You and him will be watching Indian soap dramas, especially "bhabji ghar pe hai?!", it's his fav genre, comedy and idiocy, if you can put on some subtitles, do that. He would love to watch movies as well, he finds them amazing, kind of upset, he can't understand hindi because when you both watch comedy he sometimes doesn't understand and you have to explain it and it ruins the fun?
▨ He wants his hands done first for henna, because he loves it, and he is obsessed with it as well!! He also helps you around if your feet and hands both have mehendi/henna on it, he will help you around unless he is also occupied, one of the boys will, and if they are occupied, then who knows who will help?
▨ He looks SO GODDAMN HANDSOME IN A KURTA!! I once saw a edited photo of it, and he looked like a goddess!! You both can match in Kurta and lehenga or saree or something and you both can be attractive and steal attention at family event's.
▨ Oh, the parent's wishes on having grand-kids will increase twice-fold cause well he wants kids, your parents show him photos he shows his photos, they fan-girls and now they're constantly thinking what your child will look like..
▨ Loves to dance with you on Indian songs, loves Bollywood films and songs and dances with you and watches a lot of films with you when he gets the time! Sometimes Tannie is also dancing and watching with you, if you have a dog, good and even great if your dog and Yeontan got close, you're a cute family!!
▨ Loves to fire crackers on Diwali, honestly always waiting for the day to end so he can get started on playing crackers at night, one the forth day when he sees and learns the uses of cow dung, he is a teensy bit grossed out, but will stay open-minded, though will stay away from it like I used to, unless they ask him to help and he doesn't want to feel bad and the boys laugh until they also get roped in it then they all wash their hands like three to four times just in case cause in the end it is still poop, no matter how useful, but find it a bit fascinating how useful it actually is.
▨ Will loved by cousins and kids of the family and others in general due to how playful he is, when he gets the time, he will helping cooking and even wake up early and bath so he can help the grandparents in bathing gods, dress them up, put the cool sunglasses on them, etc. I used to do it as a child where I would wake up early to bath so I can help bath god's idol we have, you all have that??
▨ Language barrier, but you're the translator, they don't understand songs or anything, but they're happy for the fame he receives, you and him will definitely go famous for being sch a gorgeous couple, an Indian and a Korean!? DAMN! Anyways, you're all gorgeous, Indian or not!
▨ He is another one who is shocked about the insane amount of ARMYs in India, he never knew there were so many ARMYs in Asian countries other than Korea, Japan, China, etc. But he's happy and is also keen on performing for Indian ARMYs when he can!
▨ Loves to colour in rangolis, finds it a bit hard to stay within the lines, but always happy to colour, make a separate rangoli for him,he will happily colour in it when he can. Also, loves the amazing gifts he gets sometimes from your family members as a honorary future family-in-law member, so he also gets gifts for everyone.
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Jeon Jungkook/Jeongguk - 전정국
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☁ Now, another cutie who loves to go to chowpati. Anyways, it's easy convenient, etc. He enjoys Indian food a lot, it reminds me of the video where they first ate paneer. He has loved to try some dishes made from paneer after that, the sodas sold on streets, the food, maybe his stomach will handle it, maybe not! But, he is definitely happy with all the food
☁ He is also loved by your mama, he's so cute, so respectful and so caring. And he's good at everything and he helps her cook, plays with the little kids (if you have some) in your family, with the help of you being the translator, he sits and watches TV shows or helps fix things or simply sits like a pretty boy on the side.
☁ He will absolutely dance with you on Hindi songs when he can, maybe with Hoseok, the maknae line when he can. It's so fun, making them dance on the most random songs.
☁ He loves to spend time colouring in rangolis, it's fun, he is great it for some reason and after one or two lessons, he's also able to make rangolis, using the dot pattern though. Would love to help you make some if you want, always searching up ideas for you and him to do when he's bored.
☁ Sits with your grandparents with you as a translator to listen to stories from their childhood, he likes it and finds it fascinating and it makes him curious to see what types of stories people of other cultures grew up with, it's pretty fun for you and a good bonding time!
☁ Makes his angry face every time he something good and you get confused if he actually likes it or something for a moment, it's funny, cause it confuses everyone who doesn't know that the angry face means the food i good!
☁ Whenever there is a wedding in your family, he will be the one to help the dancers in the family teach others and you both will absolutely have a dance together, he will be pretty and will capture everyone’s attention and then he will award himself with a good amount of food from the wedding!!
☁ Loves to burst crackers on diwali, and eating the many types of sweets, he doesn't know one culture can have THIS many sweets, absolutely devours them and they finish pretty quickly, sometimes brings some Korean sweets for your family too! He loves some exchange of cultures!!
☁ Oh my god the sight of his tattooed forearms in the rolled sleeves of kurta, my god!! He looks so hot and he eats everyone up at the event! Slaying bitches and Saving bitches, truly, he's made for some hot Indian films!!
☁ Your parents might get him a ring or a pair of earrings of pure-gold and diamonds or maybe his birthstone instead of diamond after he's been welcomed in the family as your unofficial husband and he looks pretty in them, I can imagine.
☁ Called you "jigar ka tukda" once and laughed himself to half-death when you told him it meant or translated somewhat to "piece of your chest" or "piece of your liver", but he calls you "babu" or "jaanu", it's cringe, but he pulls it off as always, so?
☁ APPALLED AT HOW MANY ARMYS ARE IN INDIA and how come he's never met them or gotten into any contact with them, sorta upset, and will demand that there be a few affordable concerts in India, he's trying!!
☁ Would love to go around with you, loves pani-puri, the culture, and jewellery and overall such a loving cutie!! Whenever he visits, he brings gifts for some close family members and the kids, whatever they would like, just remember to tell him not to mention chicken or anything if you're veg.
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© writing belongs to broken-mandolin0357, Aurelia, Moon, Cerine, Kiara. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for ready and if you like this check out my blog!
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anitalenia · 1 year
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━━━ .°˖✧ opposites attract ⋆˙⊹
꒰ঌ definition ໒꒱ 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠, 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑓𝑠, 𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚. one of my favs.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ below you will find sub genres under this category, as well as some useful pairings for this trope. for educational writing purposes <3
note: several of these can also be used in other tropes as well, just depends on how you write it and interpret it.
╰₊✧ ゚OTHER LINKS . ྀི ⊹ masterlist | romance tropes | taglist | prompt list | symbol packs | dividers page
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꒰ঌ group one ໒꒱
tall x short | sunshine x grumpy | golden retriever boyfriend x black cat girlfriend | nice x mean | introvert x extrovert | werewolf x vampire | hunter x creature | flirty x shy | aggressive x passive | brooding x gentle
꒰ঌ group two ໒꒱
funny x serious | death x life | god x worshipper | sun x moon | water x fire | cold x hot | angel x demon | holy x sin | heaven x hell | succubus x priest | ‘ugly’ man x pretty girl (jessica rabbit x roger rabbit) | yin x yang
꒰ঌ group three ໒꒱
all work x all play | dark defender x light liege | masc girl x fem boy | magical being x average human | clumsy x graceful | energetic x savvy/chill | sensitive x guard dog | smart x dummy | needing to be saved x always saving
꒰ঌ group four ໒꒱
tiny girl x huge guy | tomboy x girly girl | uptight x wild | gossiper x unbothered | summer x winter | jock x bookworm | goth x nerdy boy | smart ass x peace maker | confrontational x pacifist | family-oriented x no family
꒰ঌ group five ໒꒱
black x white | troubled x innocent | rich x poor | polite x hotheaded | ditzy x cool and calm | shoot first ask questions later x ask questions first shoot if necessary | focuses on small details x looks at the bigger picture
꒰ঌ group six ໒꒱
foodie x health enthusiast | bimbo x manly man (im talking flannels, beards, cabins, ykyk) | materialistic x doesn’t even own a pen | untrusting of people x overly trusting of people | negative x positive | starts fights x has to finish them
꒰ঌ group seven ໒꒱
love kids x hates them | loves pets x hates pets | pervert (flirty af) x naive | always making a move x oblivious to the moves | fuckboy x virgin | messy x ocd | anxious x unbothered | emotionally unavailable x overly affectionate
꒰ঌ group eight ໒꒱
always needs attention x gamer | romantic x can barely say I love you | home food x fast food | vegetarian x basically a carnivore | long hair x short hair | does all the work x pillow princess | loves dressing up x wears pajamas everywhere
꒰ঌ group nine ໒꒱
reckless and adventurous x terrified of any new experience | always getting injured x doctor | partier x homebody | smoker x drinker | hippie x white collar | saves money x spends every paycheck | makes plans and prepares for every scenario x goes with the flow ‘whatever happens happens’
꒰ঌ group ten ໒꒱
minimalistic x bohemian | dips fries in ketchup x drenches fries in ketchup | loves to dance x what’s a rhythm? | life of the party x hates attention | toilet paper facing you x toilet paper facing away from you
꒰ঌ group eleven ໒꒱
breaks a kitkat x bites into it like a madman | reecies x reesuhs | criminal x cop | butterflies x moths | shoplifts every time they go to a store x has never committed a crime | sneakerhead x heels | lipgloss x matte
꒰ঌ group twelve ໒꒱
team captain america x team ironman | mcdonalds x burger king | country music x rap music | early bird x sleeps in late | morning person x night person | sunset x sunrise | alfredo x spaghetti | shrimp x lobster | pepsi x coke
꒰ঌ group thirteen ໒꒱
wolf boy x bunny girl | thunderstorm x blizzard | stars x cloud | hello kitty x kuromi | atheist x bible thumper | loves laughing x barely smiles | round x thin | always takes pictures x hates having their picture taken
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will update when I think of new ones. hope this helps if you’re not sure what story to tell but you want something new <3
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thesunhatesme · 4 months
The ghouls music taste - HC
I think Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss, Lana Del Rey and David Bowie is pack favorites, like that’s what they’re gonna play on full volume in the car
Rain is definitely an alternative rock girlie, he loves Muse and you can’t change my mind on that. His favorite Muse song is definitely micro cuts or spiral static. He just loves all their guitar sounding vocals, those old emo vibes songs and basically everything about them. His favorite album is probably Origin of symmetry and Showbiz. And he likes MCR and Suizid, cus like, he’s emo
He’s a Mike’s dead fan by heart, he knows every single word of every single song, like hell blast Bite down on full volume and scream the lyrics, it just makes him feel better. And he’s Aether’s Rob zombie friend (every Alice cooper fan needs a rob zombie fan and the other way around) And he’s a sabaton fan cus he’s a little nerdy about history.
Swiss’s motto is: “the older, the better” and: “anything after 1999 sucks” He likes the old country rock like, Eagles. He also likes Santana, like c’mon, Santana is a guitar genius. There’s always some chill music coming from his room. Oh, and he listens to Paleface Swiss unironically (even though they are a new band)
He’s a bit like Swiss but he’s not against new music (most of the time) but the song James Dean by Eagles always hits hard. He listens to the strokes and thin lizzy in the green house, but if he’s not with his plants he likes to listen to techno metal, or any type if metal, really, his favorite song is Undead by Hypnosaur.
Dad music. Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, and his alltime favorite Meatloaf. He vibes with almost everything tho, hell vibe with Rains high pitched emo screaming, Dews angsty rap/rock but especially Rob zombie, Swiss’s old country rock, Mountains techno metal and chill oldies, and on like so. He doesn’t listen to music that much but if the others are playing music he won’t ask them to turn it down, he’ll vibe with them
Phantom’s favorite song will always be Bat out of hell by Meatloaf. He also likes Muse, but not like Rain, he likes their new stuff better like Simulation theory and the 2:nd law, he’s emo but not that emo. He definitely likes Nickleback, Yungblud, Bring me the horizon and Bad religion. His favorite songs are Anesthesia by Bad religion and Fire escape by Call me karizma. He has a kinda love/hate relationship with Map of the problematique by Muse because he listened to it religiously when he was summoned and now he can’t help but cry when he hears it.
Elton John, Dire states and Greta van fleet. She loves crocodile rock by Elton John and it always makes her laugh when she watches him perform it on The muppet show. But like Aether she’ll vibe with pretty much anything
Cirrus likes the vibe of kinda dark doom metal/rock. She loves bands like The ocean and Soen and their song Hollowed. She’s a sabaton fan because they are super cool too and she’ll occasionally enjoy some good old Rammstein or The cure
She likes a lot of different music, and if you put her playlist on shuffle, someone will end up with a whiplash injury. She’s a Louis Tomlinson fan, her favorite song is Angels fly and she loves five finger death punch. She’s Phantom’s Machine Gun Kelly friend (every Yungblud fan needs to have a MGK friend) chances are high that you’ll find her with Phantom jaming out to bodybag or acting like that by MGK and Yungblud
He is definitely a måneskin fan and his rats are named after them. I think he likes old bands like whitesnake and Lynyrd Skynyrd but his altime favorite song will forever be Brother Louie by Modern talking
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neonacity · 2 years
Summary: You’re a forensic psychiatrist assigned to one of the country’s high-profile criminals. You want to unravel him, but he’s set on catching you in his web instead.
Warnings [PLEASE READ]: crimes, blood, weapons, toxic dynamics, psychological themes, personality disorder, mental health disorder, dissociative identity disorder, death, smut, semi-public sex, unprotected sex [wrap it, IRL please], sub-Haechan, dom-Haechan, switch!reader, slight breeding kink?, overtimulation, slight sub-space. Reader is torn but consents to everything. Please, please, please, do not interact if you are a minor.
Disclaimer: This work is not meant to romanticize any personality disorders or toxic dynamics. This is a work of fiction and I am not implying any likeness between the characterization here of the characters to their real life counterparts. I reserve the rights to all my work and I do not post anywhere else other than tumblr.
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“Is the doctor in?”
The soft rap on your door made you look up from the open cardboard box in front of you. Almost instantly, your lips curved into a small smile as your eyes landed on the man currently leaning against the threshold, his arms crossed over his chest. You have no idea how long he had been standing there, but Jungwoo finally gave a soft sigh and let himself in your small office once he finally got your attention.
“I’m pretty booked for the day, but for you I can make some time,” you lightly teased as you waited for him to join you over at your almost empty table. For the past hour, you’ve been hyper-focused on stripping your small office clean of all traces of you. Jungwoo’s eyes roamed around your almost empty space now, his silence loaded.
"So… this is it, huh? A good couple years of your life packed in a single cardboard box?" Your best friend asked lightly as he nodded towards your things. He sounded casual, but you could still make out the tinge of sadness in his tone. You shot him an understanding glance as you lowered a framed photo—an image of you and him—on your pile of belongings.
"Well, I do have half a dozen boxes just filled with documents waiting for me outside, but yeah you're right. These are basically all my valuables."
He fixed an unreadable look on you but didn't say anything else. You can't really blame him for feeling a little out of it, to be honest. After weeks of obsessing over a case, your decision to let go of it AND resign from your post at the police department seemed like a punch out of nowhere. You know Jungwoo is not particularly against the move, but you also doubt he was expecting you to entirely step off. He’s never asked you the whys behind all of it since you told him that you’re leaving, and for that, you’re incredibly thankful.
"So, can I know now if something happened? Now that you are officially leaving?"
Well… Until now.
Your hand froze in the middle of trying to fix your piled books almost immediately. You didn't need to look up to know that your best friend was staring at you—and you did not dare meet his eyes out of fear of him seeing through your front. With a soft clearing of your throat, you closed the lid of your box and started fumbling for a tape to seal it. 
"Didn't you want me to stop?"
"That's not answering the question and you know it."
You were trying your best to keep any emotion from giving you away, but you still couldn't help the slight tremble of your hands as you tried not to drop what you were holding. As much as you hated it, the question was enough to trigger memories that were still so vivid you could almost taste them in your tongue.
His blood red hair.
Hot breath fanning your skin.
Long, graceful fingers… Buried in the deepest parts of you.
"Nothing happened." Your voice sounded stiff and painfully unnatural when you answered. To your ears, it seemed like you were convincing yourself—and you have no doubt Jungwoo heard the same. The way he looked at you almost made you want to curl up on yourself, and you coped by avoiding his probing gaze.
"I just realized you were right," you continued before he could even have a chance to say something again. "It wasn't healthy for me anymore so I decided to just step back a little bit."
"To be honest, I don't think it was just his case. My job… It can get too much and I've been working non-stop for years. I figured it was time for me to take a quick break. Just unload things and have a clean slate."
Oh, darling. You weren't tired. You are scared.
"Besides, his case is done. I've done my part and I didn’t need to be unnecessarily involved with him anymore."
Scared of him.
"So I'm letting go. It's the best decision for me."
…And of yourself.
The tearing sound of the packaging tape as you sealed your box shut silenced the unwelcome voice in your head. The truth is that you've been fighting so hard to keep yourself together ever since what happened in the interview room. The incident confirmed something that you’ve always known all along but tried desperately to deny. That boy is after you, and you need to run as far away from him as possible before it’s too late.
"What's your plan now? Where are you going?"
Jungwoo's change of topic restarted your breath and brought you back to the room. You shrugged and gave him a small smile.
"I don't know. The plan is to not have a plan. I will probably leave the city for a bit. Vacation somewhere and stay there for a few months."
"So… that means I won't be seeing you for a while… right?"
The hesitance in his tone made you momentarily pause. Before now, he’s never really opened the topic of goodbyes. Not that you couldn’t blame him when you couldn’t do the same, but you both know it’s something the two of you would have to talk about before you left. You may have only known Jungwoo for a few years, but he is closest to what you have as a family. As hard as it is, deciding to leave this place also means giving up your connection with him, albeit temporarily. 
"I will be back. Of course, you'll see me again. I can't shake you off just as much as you can't get rid of me,” you said now as you reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. He didn’t look the least bit convinced, but smiled anyway. Slowly, he wound his fingers with yours and pulled you into a hug. You laughed with him as he rocked the two of you slightly in place.
"I guess I'll have to give you your 'I have to go and find myself again' moment then. As long as you promise you'll be back."
He didn't see it, but your smile froze and wavered at the edges with what he said. At the back of your head, the same voice you’ve been trying to push back nagged and jeered at you again.
Find herself again? Oh, darling...
She’s leaving to escape from it. 
Your arms held on tighter around Jungwoo for a moment before you forced yourself to let him go.
"I promise. I’ll be back before you even know it."
******* Thud. 
Dark brown eyes stared blankly at the black rubber stress ball as it bounced between the wall and into the ready palm of its thrower. Donghyuck caught it in his hand effortlessly, having already perfectly calculated his throw. The chill of the rough cement was sharp against his back, but his mind was not at all in the small four corners of his jail cell. He threw the ball again, harder this time, and the impact it made against the wall made a louder bang that reminded him of the day that changed his life forever.
'They' were only sixteen years old. 
It happened one snowy day, while he was on duty as a proxy cleaner for one of the most expensive hotels in town. Back then, he and Haechan survived by jumping from one job to the next, switching between each other depending on whatever front was required of them. More social set-ups would have Haechan take over because he is a better speaker, but situations that are more labor-intensive have him, Donghyuck, taking control. 
That night, it was him on the ‘spotlight,’ because Haechan couldn’t care less to spend hours scrubbing the floor clean. It was a slow shift, and he remembers mindlessly doing his job on autopilot as he whiled away the remaining hours in his duty. The front desk was still open for the evening, so when he looked up to see a black-clad figure step into the lobby, he didn’t think too much about it at first. However, he was curious enough to watch the new guest as they crossed the entrance, their black hooded coat sweeping the floor as their boots silently led them to the middle of the hall. It was only for a split second when he saw something silver glimmer under the stranger’s jacket... before the floor he was standing on shook as a loud explosion tore the room in half. 
The initial impact was strong enough to throw him on the ground. He remembers the shrill ringing in his ears as he tried to pick himself up from the floor and the painful cries of the wrecked bodies that unfortunately got the brunt of the explosion. It was a horrific scene—with the smell of burning flesh and cement raining down on him—but he had half the mind to drag himself away from the thick of the billowing smoke despite the splitting pain on his side. One of his ears have turned temporarily deaf and his had started to water from the stinging fumes billowing in the air. 
"There's a bomber on the loose! Someone call the pol—"
A sickening thud cut off the breath of one of the moving survivors just a few feet away from him. Looking up in horror at the direction of the sound, Donghyuck watched as a silhouette stepped out from the settling smoke and rubble, their leather gloved hand still holding up their smoking gun. The person was the same hooded stranger he was watching earlier, but now they had their face covered in what looked like a black ski mask. Momentarily, his eyes zoned in on the small chip at the underside of the stranger’s face cover—a damage probably caused by the explosion—but his attention was ultimately distracted when he started feeling Haechan panic in his head. Gritting his teeth, he tried his best to push him back before the boy could even take over.
Donghyuck, what's happening there?
He ignored him, his eyes set instead on the figure in front. The person was still looking at the now dead body a little ways from him, gun still up in the air. There was something unnatural about the way the attacker stood—unmoving, as if they were a soulless statue. Donghyuck sat there, petrified, afraid to move out of fear of catching the gunman’s attention.
Shut the fuck up. If you want to survive, keep your mouth shut.
The exchange happened in his head, but it almost seemed like he said it out loud with the way the black figure turned towards him. Donghyuck felt his blood freeze in his veins the moment their eyes met. With sickening slowness, he watched as the stranger moved their arm and pointed the nose of their gun right at his head. He raised his hands shakily in response, his heart beating hard against his throat. He didn’t dare breathe and he waited painfully as seconds passed in silence, one heavier and more frightening than the last.
This is it. 
One click. And then he's done for.
"Stop it. That's enough!"
He froze the same time the other did when he heard a new voice. Frowning in confusion, he watched as the person slightly looked back towards the settling smoke behind them. He could barely see through the mess himself, but he kept his breath bated as he watched things unfold.
"We have to kill him. He saw us," a lower voice answered the first. Donghyuck's eyes widened, this time for an entirely different reason. Realization slowly sank on him like the sharp shrapnels of debris cutting up his knee and palms.
This person… 
They're not alone.
"No! You've caused enough damage already. We need to go—"
"Or else what?"
"Or else I'll shoot you myself."
The silence that followed was like a death sentence. It seemed like everyone and everything came to a standstill, him included as he stayed unmoving on his spot. Inside of his head, Haechan was also quiet, though he couldn't care less about the boy at the moment as they both watched the scene play out in front of them. For a while, nobody moved or said anything, until finally, the masked figure slowly turned their attention towards him again.
"Let him go."
"Just do it. We need to get out of here before the police comes."
One second. Two. Death for them is still a trigger away. 
Three seconds. Four. Finally—
Donghyuck closed his eyes and waited for the splitting pain from the bullet cracking his skull open. However, he was soon opening them again when he heard soft laughter come from somewhere. He watched, stupefied, as the  person lowered their gun to their side with an amused tilt of their head. 
"Empty barrel. Lucky you."
It felt like his heart stopped and restarted again repeatedly in the next few seconds that followed. The person in front of him gave him one last assessing look before sheathing their gun back to their waist holster and pulling a new one. Instead of pointing it at him though, they stepped back and turned to leave.
"Looks like you live today, kid."
That was the last he could remember before the black-clad stranger disappeared again in the smoke.
That, and a fiery glimpse of red.
"You do know that whatever happens to your case, you'll end up dead, won't you?"
Donghyuck barely moved his eyes towards the sniveling guard peering at him now from between the thick bars of his cell. He was so caught up in his head that he didn't realize he wasn't alone, but he honestly couldn't care even as the man openly snarled at him from the safety of the hall. It doesn't come as a surprise for him that most of the prison staff hated him, knowing what he has done and the kind of plea his case was bargaining on.
"You think so?" He asked calmly back with only the slightest tilt of his head. The evident lack of concern in him only made the guard bristle more.
"I don't care what those stupid doctors and lawyers say. We know you're faking it. Even if they throw you in a psychiatric ward, someone there is already waiting to put a knife in your neck. You'll be dead meat in no time."
He listened to him quietly, expression never changing. The man is right. Never did he think there is a good end for him regardless of whether he gets thrown in jail or in a mental ward. But then again… who said he was planning to stay on either one?
Slowly, the corner of his lips tipped into a smile. He threw the ball one last time against the wall and caught it cleanly in his palm.
"Oh, I'm sure someone will end up dead soon…"
"But it's not going to be me."
******* The cacaphony of noises seemed like something straight from a nightmare. If he didn’t know better, Haechan would have thought he was dreaming as screams and the sizzling sound of melting metal filled the once dead silence of the prison. Instead, he calmly opened his eyes and sat up on his bed just as another resounding explosion shook the walls of the building. Beyond his bars, his guard on duty stumbled backwards, hands shaking as he raised his armalite towards the hallway. His face was streaked with fear, the opposite of the amused and knowing smile that crossed his.
Finally. It’s happening.  
“Who the fuck—”
The poor man didn’t even get the chance to finish as a small silver cylinder came rolling between his feet from out of nowhere. Seeing it, Haechan quickly slid off from his bed and went to the other side of his room where he flipped back a small table to duck behind it. He took cover just in time as another explosion shook the ground, this time just outside of his cell. It wasn’t as loud as the previous one, but what it lacked in impact was compensated by the piercing screams of the guard now writhing on the floor. Peering through the smoke, he tightened his hold over the fistful of his shirt that he had clamped over his nose and mouth to keep the sharp fumes from getting to his system. It was the same smoke that wrapped him six years ago, a signature attack move that only one person, other than him, can pull off. 
Smoke bomb. And…
“Acid. Don’t worry, you’ll have at least three more minutes before you die.”
As if the scene was the exact repeat of that night at the hotel, Haechan felt himself freeze at the sound of the same cold voice that he heard back then. Unlike before when he was gripped by fear, however, his heart started drumming harder in his chest instead. Even with the heavy smoke still clinging in the air, he stood up from his hiding place to come face to face with the silhouette that had haunted his dreams for years. He watched, entranced, as long fingers slowly pried off their black mask, revealing a face that made his blood burn hot in his veins.
“Hello, kid. Long time no see.”
Blood red lips slowly smiled at him, beautiful and sinister at the same time.
******* Some would call it obsession.
He calls it loyalty. Maybe even love.
What do you do when you meet someone exactly just like you after a life of isolation? When you are given the window to find your pair after years of suffering alone, you don’t let that chance go. No… You kick that window open, maybe break it down, even by force.
That is exactly the route he took the night that he met her. Ironically, the day he thought he would die was the same one where he felt the most alive. He wasn’t only given the chance to continue living when she decided to spare his life, she gave him a new purpose, too. He knew it the moment he saw her speaking to herself, her voice changing in pitches and tone as she stood there alone in the middle of the carnage she caused. She was exactly just like him… Maybe even worse. 
To give her credit, she was a true master of her craft. It took him months to find out clues of who she could be—and even until now, he doubts he would have tracked her down if her mask didn’t accidentally tear that night. In a way, she dug her own grave when it came to him. When she decided not to kill him, she also gave him an invite to tear that proverbial window open and turn it into a fucking door. 
In the years that followed, he made sure to keep tabs on her. She provided a certain kind of twisted assurance that he is not alone in his madness, that there is someone probably more fucked up than him in this world. She became his heroin, and oh did he make sure he got his fix. It started with him doing everything he could to know more about her, until he decided it wasn’t enough and he needed to get close to her. Gradually he resorted to following her around, close enough to stave off his hunger but still far to keep himself at a safe distance. It was also during this time when he found out that he had an innate skill of being someone’s shadow, a talent that lets him get into someone’s head if he really wanted to probe.
For years he was alright with the way their lives were entangled. Yes, he craved for her, but he also enjoyed the anonymity that his cover provided as he continued worshipping her from a distance. He was satisfied with what he had, that is, until the time came when she suddenly decided she wanted out. 
When he first realized that she stopped, it was like his life had gone entirely dark again. She was his lifeline so it entirely threw him off orbit when the woman he came to know started slipping from between his fingers. It scared him to think that she was turning her back on their shared madness, that she’s cutting the cord that connected him to her. When you’re like him who started to love someone for their fire, you would do anything just to keep those flames burning.
And so he burned. He wanted her to see the beauty of her madness, so he made a decision that was in all ways mad but made the most sense to him. He took on the mantle she left, copying everything she used to do from what he had learned as her shadow. It didn’t matter to him if she decided to stop, he would make sure that he continues until she would have no other choice but to see marks of her everywhere she looks. So for years that’s what he did, hoping his next crime would make her come back to the life meant for her. He orchestrated discord after discord, ripping cities apart and leaving wreckage in his wake. He didn’t have any rhyme or reason for his plans, all except for the goal of getting her back.
That went on for years and years. Every new crime he committed was worse than the last as his desperation and longing for her grew. Ironically, she found herself a job in the police department, which should have played in his favor because it means the world she is now living in is not entirely detached from his. He laid all the right traps for her, but not one of them caught her attention.
And then, the realization finally hit him. 
She’s not coming back not because she doesn’t see them. 
It’s because she had learned to forget.
He didn’t think it possible at first. He didn’t know how she did it, because despite the torture he had to live with, it never crossed his mind to suppress any side of him. He may be a broken man, yes, but that brokenness is also what made him survive. The thought of her banishing her other half when she could be so much more powerful was his last straw. Bitterly, it sank to him how he would never be able to catch her, unless he changes his course. It was a dangerous option, but one he was willing to put his bets on. 
If he can’t run after her, then he’ll make her come to him instead. 
All of his carefully laid out plans brought him now to this moment, standing face to face with the woman he’d spent years trying to catch. The pair of eyes that stared back at him now were sharp and calculating, a far cry from the gaze of the girl who wanted to try and ‘fix’ him. The person in front of him now reeked of coldness and ruthlessness, a force willing to burn anything on her path should she want to. 
“Well? Are you just going to stand there and stare at me like a fool? Isn’t this what you wanted, Donghyuck? To tease me out?” she was the first one who broke the silence as he stayed petrified on his spot. Even the sound of her voice alone made his stomach twist in knots. 
“Circe,” he answered in a whisper, his gaze unwavering on her. “That’s what I’ve always called you in my head.” 
Her brow lifted curiously at his reply.
“The goddess of poisons and transformations. I don’t think The Apothecarist fits you. The name is too rough. Ugly.”
The way her lips quirked made a thrill run deep into his bones. As someone who had always been on the other side of power, it is an indescribable feeling to finally stare someone down of the same footing. His blood thrummed heavily in his veins as she slightly leaned her head to side to size him up. When she stepped over the now melted bars of his jail and started stalking towards him, ne watched her breathlessly as if he was afraid that she would disappear again.
“You… You’re not Donghyuck, aren’t you?” her eyes, shining with dark amusement, danced across his features as she stopped just inches away from him. His breath tickled her skin, eyes dropping towards her lips painted in the same blood red he’d always loved on her. “It was never him who was after me… It was you all along...”
For the first time, Haechan finally allowed himself to smile. Of course, she would know. He could fool the world about how much of an innocent victim he is, except for her. Donghyuck had always been the stronger and violent one, but he is still the core. The madness was born from him. The madness is and will always be him.
“I had to do something. I was getting tired running after you so much,” he said, his voice soft and almost longing. Now that he can drop the act, it was like every single emotion he had for her was magnified. There was excitement. Surrender. Love.
As if she read what’s on his head, her lips curved more into a slow, knowing smirk. Haechan tried to keep himself from melting as he watched her slowly lift her hands and start to graze her fingers down his chest. She knew exactly her effect on him, knew exactly how her presence alone can slowly undo him by the seams. 
“You were very persistent. She worked so hard on keeping me suppressed for years, but you knew the right buttons to push. All those years of study and training to tie me down, gone because of you. It’s… evil. You ripped her safety from her.”
Haechan knew he should feel a strain of guilt, but he couldn’t, not with the way she was pinning him with her gaze. Everything about her screams power and control, and it took him everything not to melt to his knees and kiss the ground she’s standing on. His body was already on fire and she had barely even touched him. 
“Where is she now?” he managed to ask despite the growing heat consuming his veins slowly like poison. She chuckled in answer as her nails started to graze the waistband of his pants. In that moment, Haechan became even more painfully aware of how tight he felt in them, his hardness already straining under the fabric. He felt almost pathetic at how his body reacted just by being close to her. 
“Sleeping. She was able to erase me from her memory so she could lock me up somewhere. Unfortunately for her, forgetting about me doesn’t mean cutting off my existence.” She sighed softly as a wistful but satiated expression danced across her face. “I guess in a way… I have you to thank for releasing me again. Sparing your life a few years ago wasn’t such a bad idea after all.”
Haechan tried to swallow back the taste of bitter guilt that stained his tongue. He was hyperaware of the way her fingers moved lower and lower, and he flinched when her knuckles finally grazed the curve of his still clothed cock. His reaction earned a laugh from her as he tried to hold back the yearning moan wanting to escape his throat. 
“She’s… She’s still there, right? You won’t chase her away?”
At first he didn’t think she heard his question as she forewent giving an answer to finally pulling the fabric separating her hand from his waiting dick. Effortlessly, his length sprung free in her hand, hard and hot against her ice cold palm. The contrast of their body temperature made him hiss, but she paid him no mind as she quickly wrapped his fingers around him and gave his cock a squeeze. She then started running his thumb in gentle circles around the head of his dick, a satisfied smile twisting her lips as more pre-cum started leaking from him. Haechan cursed and stumbled a little backwards at the overload of emotions, the back of his head pressing against the wall while he tried his best not fall to his knees.
“How rude. I’m about to beat your meat and you’re here asking for another woman… I thought you wanted me. Or is it Donghyuck who wants her?”
She phrased it as a question, but the dancing amusement in her eyes when he met her gaze told him she had seen through him from the start. Haechan felt Donghyuck stir inside of him, but he tried to push him back by grabbing her hips and digging his nails on her as a distraction.
“We want all of you.”
The satisfied hum she gave was like music to his ears. Slowly, she started grinding against him, his now stiff cock pressed against her stomach as she used his arousal to smoothly work his length with her fingers. She alternated between pumping and twisting his cock, stopping every now and then to cup his balls now heavy with his arousal. He was on the verge of begging to let him feel her when all of a sudden, she guided one of his hands to the zip on the back of her protective suit. Taking that as a clear invite, Haechan quickly pulled it down and started pushing her clothes off with his trembling hands. She laughed at his desperation, but managed to gracefully step out of them without almost missing a beat from pumping his cock.
“Your clothes. Off,” she ordered as she momentarily let him go. Quickly, he scrambled out of his uniform while she worked on undoing the last of her undergarments. By the time Haechan grabbed pulled her hips in again, her hands were once more wrapped around his cock. 
The feel of their bare skin pressing against each other made them both break off into moans. He closed his eyes from bliss, but soon enough he was cursing as she felt a different kind of warmth wrap around his tip. Looking down, his eyes widened as he watched her start to use his cock to play with her clit, his head slipping between her folds shallowly again and again. She was teasing him... using him for her own pleasure like it was the only thing he deserved. Painfully, he dug his teeth against his lower lip just to keep himself from grabbing her right then and there and burying the rest of him inside of her to the hilt.
Her soft laughter as she watched his torture barely pierced through the growing haziness of his mind.  
“You’re so pathetic. You want to fuck me so bad even with people dying around you?”
Her words barely made sense to him, but he somehow managed to open his eyes again before he finally snapped. Unwittingly, his gaze landed on a mass on the floor outside of his cell, the dead carcass of the guard with half his body melted off by the acid. It was a gruesome sight but instead of flinching back in discomfort like how he would usually do, Haechan felt himself stiffen instead. He took the image in... 
Until finally, he snapped.   
He didn’t know what got into him, but in that moment, the combined smell of smoke, acid, and death dissolved the remaining rational thoughts in his head. It was sick how his body reacted to the carnage around him, but he didn’t dare question it anymore as he fully allowed his instincts to take over. As if a switch was flipped inside of him, he suddenly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to his bed without warning, before pushing her roughly towards the thin mattress. The suddenness of his actions obviously shocked her too, because it took a second before she tried to pick herself up again. She had barely only managed to prop herself up when he circled one of his hands around her ankles and dragged her unceremoniously on top of the bed until she was bent on all fours. The next sound that tore the room were their collective gasps as he unceremoniously buried his cock inside of her, filling her to the hilt. 
“W-Wait. Haechan—”
“Fuck... Fuck.”
Her words barely pierced through the bliss that washed over him as her velvety walls swallowed the rest of him. Eyes rolling to the back of his head, he moved to hunch over her form until he was almost draped over her back. His body loomed over her smaller frame and his fingers desperately tried to find something to anchor on by grabbing her hips. Slowly but deliberately, he grinded himself deeper inside of her, not stopping until he was sure she could almost taste his cock in her stomach.
“You’re so fucking tight for me,” he growled through gritted teeth. She made a sound torn between a yearning moan and a sob as he slowly but deliberately pulled himself back, the veins of his cock running through her walls. 
"Don't move yet. I'm—"
Her voice cut off into a half scream when he all of a sudden slammed himself inside of her again. The force of his thrust almost made her collapse, but Haechan wrapped one of his arms around her waist to keep her steady. Grunting, he pressed his lips against her shoulder as he pulled back again before burying the rest of him inside of her. His balls slapped against her ass, adding to the sickening sounds now filling the room. 
"Noona. You feel so good. I can't help myself."
Maybe it's the way he started letting his primal instincts take control, or the way his voice sounded low but whiny in her ear, but he felt her walls squeeze around him tighter for a good few seconds. She clamped so tightly around him that he actually had to stop thrusting for a moment, his body almost shutting down from the pleasure that almost made him nut inside of her. She can act all she wanted, but he knew she was enjoying this just as much as he does. Slowly, he tried changing his pace into deeper strokes to make himself last. Her body reacted to it almost immediately and she reached back to try and push him back slightly.
"Too deep—stop. You’ll make cum."
A low growl came from him as her words went straight to his dick. Instead of stopping, Haechan maneuvered himself on top of her and pushed her down until her legs gave way and she was pressed flat on her stomach against the mattress. Barely missing a beat, he lifted himself up again and planted both his feet on the sides of her hips before plunging deep inside of her again and again and again. The new angle let him reach new parts of her that made the two of them curse at the same time. 
"Take it. Just take it," he growled as he grabbed her hips to give himself more leverage. He was beyond saving at this point, his primal instincts taking over as he pummeled her again and again from above like an animal. In that moment, all his desires were concentrated on only one thing. To finally claim her once and for all. 
Haechan was so lost on the power that he had over her that he barely noticed when she slowly lowered her hand that had been trying push him back. Looking down on the smooth skin of her back, his relief was shattered when a choke of pain was all of a sudden torn from his lips. Just when he thought she couldn’t get any tighter, her walls started squeezing him so tightly it almost was impossible for him to pull back again without being in pain. He whimpered as his thrusts started losing pace from the rhythmic clamping of her walls. 
“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to fuck me.” 
Her voice was taunting, and he didn’t dare answer back as he finally realized the gravity of the situation. He was never in control. He could only take what he wants from her if she lets him do so. 
"I-I want to cum, noona.” 
Her low laughter made goosebumps erupt all over his body. 
“You can’t until I say so.” 
He choked back a pitying groan as he pressed his body closer against her. Unable to help himself, he settled in making shallow, aborted thrusts just to keep himself from filling her up with his seed. Below him, her walls also started fluttering around him more uncontrollably, a sign that she was also on the verge of her own release.
"B-But I'm so close. Noona—"
"I don't fucking care. You think you could just get whatever you want from me? You’re not allowed to cum until I’m done."
A shuddering gasp left him at the order. At this point, he was almost mad with need, but there was also a part of him that wanted to see her come undone first. Wincing from how heavy his balls had gotten, he tried to slam harder inside of her again and again. He was in pain, but the sounds she started to make was enough to stave off his desperation for his release.  
“There. Right there. Deeper. Harder.” 
Her coaxing made a string of curses spill from his lips as he did exactly what she said. When a louder whine left her after a particularly deep stroke, Haechan knew that he finally found her sweet spot.
"Is this it, noona? You’ve gotten so much tighter. You're near. I know it," he said, whispered against her shoulder as she shuddered under his weight. When her hips slightly lifted to start matching his pace, he took it as his chance to slip his fingers down and draw circles around her clit. It wasn’t long until finally, she buried her face entirely on the mattress to try and suppress her screams. She barely succeeded when her body finally locked around his cock as her orgasm hit.
“H-Haechan. Haechan—!”
He kissed her temple and let his hot breath wash over her cheeks as he whispered sweetly to her ear. 
"Noona, I love you."
It took a while before her body finally stopped convulsing around him. Through her high, his hips didn’t stop moving at all, stroking her insides to prolong her pleasure for as long as she could hold on to it. By the time he felt her body relax around him, he was already half mad from desperation for his own release. She noticed, because he was almost sure he heard her give a soft chuckle beneath him even in her exhaustion.
"Noona, please—"
"Do you want to cum, baby?"
The term of endearment almost made him collapse and lose his last strand of control. Nodding wordlessly, another whimper left him as he felt the knot on his tighten. 
"Please, please, please let me cum."
"Where do you want to finish?"
"Mm… Do you think you deserve it?"
"Yes. Shit. Yes."
A pause. 
"Then cum. Fill me up."
The sound that was ripped out of him was almost inhuman. Eyes squeezing shut, his body stiffened on top of her before he convulsed as he started emptying his balls straight to her womb. He pinned her down with his body weight, not caring for a moment about anything else other than flooding her to the brim. The way he throbbed inside of her must have set her off again, because not long after he was finishing, her walls started fluttering around him again. By the time the two of them have gotten off their high, they were both exhausted and shivering from the after shocks of their climax. Tiredly, Haechan pressed another  kiss at the corner of her lips as his vision started to blur. 
Exhaustion started taking over him, fast and swift. He was on the verge of blacking out when he realized what was happening, the all too familiar darkness taking over him just as he heard his voice.
Play time's over.
My turn.
******* It felt like waking up in an entirely different reality altogether.
The last memory you could remember was of you, sitting in front of the small vanity in your room. You were cleaning up the polaroids that you've pasted there, when out of nowhere your reflection caught your attention. You weren’t sure what it is that made you stop and stare, but for a split second, you thought you almost didn’t recognize the girl looking back at you. The pale yellowish light of the lamp on your bedside table didn’t really do any favors to your already tired features and you sighed before slightly shaking your head and tearing your gaze away from your reflection. Of course you were just imagining things. Gathering the photos in your hands, you then pushed back from your seat and stood up from the table. 
You were just about to step away when something from your peripheral vision caught your attention. A chill ran down your spine as you slowly turned your head back from where you were standing. You knew it before your gaze even clashed with your reflection again, but it still didn’t keep your heart from dropping when your eyes landed on the perfect image you... 
Still sitting in front of the vanity, with blood red lips tipped into a smile. The girl in the mirror bared her teeth into a full on smirk. 
And then everything faded to black. 
You now stirred in the same dark void you were cast into as your consciousness slowly caught up with you. You have no idea where you are, but you are vaguely aware of muted sounds and smells that seem to be hovering around you. You frowned and tried to reach your hand in the darkness, only for your fingers to close around air. 
Oh hello there. I wasn’t expecting you to be waking up so soon. Are you here to join the fun? 
You stilled at the sound of the voice that punctured the silence surrounding you. It was a woman, and it sounded close enough that you thought you actually felt it come from all around you. Confused, you turned your head from side to side to try and see who it belongs to. 
Who are you...?
A soft chuckle came on, and then the woman was speaking again, this time closer to where you are. You were starting to panic, especially since you still couldn’t see anything at all. You know that voice... You’ve heard it before.   
Oh? Are we still playing this game? 
Her lilting, almost taunting tone finally made you flinch. As if her voice alone unlocked something inside of you, memories started creeping in like poison to your veins. 
No. No, this can’t be. You’re...
Back. I am back. Did you miss me, darling?
A sense of overwhelming fear washed over you, reducing you into a shaking mess. You tried to wrap your arms around yourself, only for you to realize that you have no body at all. You were... nothing. Just a part of the darkness that you’ve been trying to grab on.
What have you done to me? 
Nothing yet. I’m just taking over for a while. You’ll let me right? After all, you’ve been hogging the spotlight to yourself for ages. 
You’re not real. You’re not real. 
Aww, you're hurting my feelings.
I've banished you. You can't be here!
Silence dropped around you, heavy and suffocating. You could hear your heart drumming against your chest, like a bird trying to escape its cage. When she finally spoke again, you felt fear wrap around you, invisible but strong. 
You can’t run away from me forever, and you know that. If you want to kill me, you’ll have to kill yourself first. You and I, we are the same... No matter how hard you try to suppress me. 
No… Please. Please, go away.
I am not going anywhere.
Let me go, let me wake up.
I don't think that's what you want right now.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Your eyes shot open the same time your chest swelled from the sudden breath that filled your lungs. As if a dial was turned, the muted sounds you could hear earlier from far away came into focus all at once—that, and a weight in your chest you still couldn’t understand. It took you a moment, but your vision finally focused in front of you even in the midst of your confusion. The moment you realized what you were looking at, your heart sank again to the pits of your stomach. 
Donghyuck's smirk widened just as he buried his fingers deep in your cunt.
"Finally. I've been waiting for you."
******* You were convinced you've finally gone insane. 
Your body writhed from the combined shock and pleasure as everything crashed on you all at once. It felt like there were two separate halves of you at the moment—your mind that was recoiling from confusion over what was happening, and your body which seemed to be caught and locked under the delicious runs of pleasure coursing through it in waves. Reaching out, your hands automatically closed around Donghyuck's wrist as he continued fucking you with his fingers. You have no idea how long he’d been at it, but all of a sudden, you were painfully hyper aware of the mess now coating the insides of your thighs and staining the bed under you. The smell of sweat, smoke, and sex filled the air, and there was also a feeling of tightness in your stomach that you know could only mean one thing. 
You're seconds away from cumming, and no, this isn't going to be the first time you’re doing it tonight.
Your moans came in broken gasps and whines as your lower body twitched under his hold. He wasn't grabbing you into submission or forcing you down, and yet you felt weak under him, unable to push him away. Over you, his gaze pinned you on the spot as he peered at you from between the deep red locks that have fallen over his forehead. He was beautiful and terrifying, the exact personification of her worst nightmare and her sweetest dream come to life.
His lips curved gently into a smile before he leaned over to run his nose down the arch of your jaw. The gentleness of his gesture threw you off, causing your fingers to tighten around his wrist that was still snapping in and out of you. 
“Please what? Do you want me to stop?”  
Instead of giving him an answer, you felt your walls tighten around his fingers in response. You were absolutely broken, your mind wanting one thing while your body begged for another. Donghyuck must have sensed your dilemma because he paused momentarily to scissor his long fingers inside of you, before pushing back and digging them against the spongy spot that always made your toes curl. You screamed in response, spots of white blooming from behind your closed eyelids. 
"Come on. I'm doing you a favor. Haechan couldn't be bothered to do this earlier."
Your mind numbed at his words. Haechan? What does he mean by that? You and him... Did you two just...
"I'm cumming.” Whatever thoughts were swirling in your head disappeared as your lips formed the words before you could even realize what they mean. You barely even had the chance to brace yourself as your body suddenly locked around him, squeezing around his fingers that continued to stroke your walls. Waves and waves of pleasure like you’ve never tasted before made you tremble, unbound and raw. At the back of your pleasure-muddled mind, you knew your undoing was also your surrender—a fact that he also knows as you felt him smile against your skin as he helped you ride your high. Every now and then he would nip at your jaw in satisfaction and whisper something against your skin you couldn’t even catch anymore. It felt like every cell of your being was burning, and you were being torn apart and put together again and again under his mercy.
That lasted for a moment, until your body seemed to have finally reached its limit and started softening around him. The pleasure left you shivering though and your eyes fluttered close as your chest heaved to catch your breath. You were still trying to wrap your head around what happened, when all of a sudden, you felt him pull his fingers out of you. The sudden loss of fullness made you wince, but you were soon moving on from it, with what he did next. Without warning, he lifted your legs up and hooked his arms under them until your lower back lifted at an angle from the mattress. That immediately made your eyes open as you realized what he was about to do.
"W-wait. What are you—"
Donghyuck answered by propping himself up on one hand for balance and grabbing his cock to guide to your folds. He didn’t bury himself in you, but he pushed just enough for you to feel the tip of his cock prodding your entrance.
"Say no if you don't want this. Again, just say it and I'll stop."
A shiver ran down your spine at his gravelly tone. He was running his tip against your slippery folds in slow circles, but he didn't push any deeper just as he promised. You know he wanted nothing more than to sink himself in you from the way he trembled, but he braced himself, waiting for your answer. He was giving you a choice… A chance to escape. 
Except you don't want to.
No. You want this. Just as much as he does. 
"Last chance. At the count of three."
Your body stiffened as you felt him slip an inch into your wetness. Your hold on his stomach remained, but you did nothing else to push him back.
"Two," a few more inches in made the two of you break off into moans in unison. He was shaking on top of you harder now from the strain and you reacted by finally moving your hands to circle on his neck instead. Your silent reaction was his last straw and he gave a low growl before he finally let go.
He sheathed himself inside of you completely and deeply, like a puzzle finally fitting in.
"Fuck. That's my fucking good girl."
The sound that you made was unlike anything you’ve ever heard yourself make before. The moment he filled you to the brim, your legs locked around his waist, heels digging against his back to push him deeper inside of you. Everything was happening too fast, but all you could think of was the delicious burn of him splitting you and the way his cock perfectly kissed the deepest part of you. He perfectly fit inside of you, that you did not only feel full. 
You felt complete, finally. 
"Please. Donghyuck."
His name leaving you made him freeze on top of you. You were about to beg him to start moving, when all of a sudden, he grabbed both your arms and pinned them painfully to your sides. Shocked, you watched as he reared back, his eyes wild with a fire that made your breath caught in your throat. The way he looked at you made the knot in your stomach curl tighter, the hunger there making you want to flee and carve him into your bones at the same time. 
"Say it again. My name."
You took a shaky breath but didn't look away. You met his fire with yours, finally eye to eye with each other.
“Scream it.” 
“Donghyuck! Please, fuck me!”
Your next breath was cut off into a scream as he suddenly pulled himself from you completely before cramming his cock inside you in one motion. As if he'd finally lost all sense and reason himself, he let his full weight drop on you before he started pistoning his hips in and out of your cunt. He was entirely squeezing you with his body weight, your face pressed to the side as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.  You could feel teeth and tongue against your skin and nails biting against your soft flesh. All the while, his lips pressed kissed against you, broken only by the whispered words you could only catch here and there in your own state of pleasure.
"Tight. So tight."
"Pussy made for me."
"Fucking mine."
It didn't surprise you at all when your body finally exploded again into another orgasm. Toes curling, your limbs stiffened and locked under him as you once again went under the waves of pleasure that made you vision go white. You were shaking, crying, maybe even begging as your walls locked around him painfully again and again like a vice. Donghyuck cursed on top of you as you convulsed around him without missing a beat in his thrusts. You were clamping around him so hard that he winced just from trying to fuck through your walls, but he pushed through, splitting you again and again.
You didn't know how long you were stuck in that moment of bliss. You were floating, falling, the rest of your senses numbed from overload of stimuli. You were cocooned in that sweet state for what felt like an eternity, until finally, your consciousness was forcefully snapped back when you felt a dull pang of pain in your shoulder. Something was digging against your neck—the hard press of fingers and nails around the column of your throat.
"One more. Just give me one more."
The words traveled slowly in your fuzzy head, but a growing sense of panic started creeping on you as you realized what it means. Like a lens brought back to focus, your vision focused again on Donghyuck's face hovering over you. He was panting and his eyes were clouded and dark. One look at him and you know exactly what he wanted, which caused you to whimper and slightly wriggle under him.
"N-No… I can't anymore…" you said weakly as you tried to move your arms and push him away. Your head was swimming from the lack of air, but he let go of your throat just in time before you dipped into unconsciousness again. Instead, he moved his hold to pin you down by your hip bones, the new angle giving him the leverage to pummel you in faster thrusts. His pace was desperate. Bordering on mad. You knew from the way his cock dug and twitched against your womb that he was near—and that he is planning to take you with him again as he comes undone.
"Stop lying. Your pussy's squeezing me like it's begging for my cum."
As if your body had a mind of his own, your walls did clamp tighter around him in reaction to his words. You sobbed and gasped the same time he cursed under his breath, your vision spinning as your stomach painfully started tightening again. In the midst of it, you felt him drop one of your legs so he could reach out for your clit. You screamed, your eyes squeezing shut again as you felt your body start to convulse for the third time that night. You were spiraling once more, teetering on the verge of another undoing that you barely noticed his lips finally ghosting over yours as if to swallow your cries.
"I want you to cum while I fill you up."
"You’ll let me, right? Pump you full until you break?"
“When I get you pregnant, you won’t be able to run away from me anymore.”
You didn’t get the chance to answer as your vision unfocused at the force of the pleasure that hit you. For the third time that night, your walls locked around him and you were falling... falling until you crashed and splintered into a million pieces. You could feel nothing and everything, especially the warmth that filled and drowned your every crevice. He wasn’t too far behind you, it seems, his cock thrumming against your walls as he made a few more thrusts until he was stilling on top of you. Donghyuck moaned in your ear as your pleasure melted with each other, making two halves finally become one.
You felt something inside of you break, freeing you finally. By the time you collapsed, you felt lips gently ghost over your exposed breasts, collarbones, and finally the corner of your mouth.
"Mine. Finally."
Your lips parted wordlessly as the last of your energy left your body. Vision still hazy, you watched as he slightly leaned back to look at your face. His eyes were probing, slowly running through your features as if he was wanting to forever burn this image of you in his mind. You didn't flinch, knowing that whatever you do, you can never escape him anymore.
He was right. You are his now.
You always have been.
"Do you still want to run away from me?" He asked all of sudden, his voice surprisingly soft. It took you a beat to answer, which gave him the chance to drop his fingers to your lips. The tips of them grazed them gently, teasing them open to give him a reply.
"Will you let me go?"
A shadow of something passed his eyes at your words. As you watched him quietly, you also felt a shift in your consciousness that felt oddly familiar. It was a sense of surrender, an acceptance of a side of you that you've struggled against since you first met him.
"No. I can't."
"Because you're mine. Even if you try to deny it, we're both sides of the same coin. You belong to me and you know it."
Yes... You do. You've always known since the moment you first met him. You were scared, because you knew deep inside that he would be your undoing.
"Haechan wants her… Not me."
His hand lifted from your lips and moved to cradle your cheek. The heat of his palm clashed against the deathly cold of your skin as he ran his thumb over the dried tear tracks there. Ironically, his softness hurt you more than his roughness did.
"You and her are the same. Just like me and Haechan are one person. You can't just see that yet, because you refuse to accept her."
You closed your eyes, unable to fight back anymore. Tears welled up again behind them, but he reached out to catch them before they even fell. You were still scared, probably the most terrified you've ever been in your life... But you also didn't feel like running anymore.
"What am I going to do now…" your words oddly didn't feel like a question when you let yourself speak one last time. Your consciousness started blurring at the edges, before you could even come up with an answer.
He was the one who gave it to you.
"Just go to sleep…" Donghyuck said as he wrapped his hand around yours.
"And when you wake up, everything will be so much better," Haechan added, sealing his promise by pressing his lips against yours.
And so, you slept.
A/N: So... yeah. Finally coming out of hiding just to publish this. It is almost 5AM and I still am not satisfied of this version, but I’m also just DONE because I’ve been working on this for weeks. Why is smut so hard to write like ???? Anyway, this is the end of Haechan’s short story so for those who were still waiting for this, enjoy. 
Taglist:   @negincho, @jhornytrash, @aaasteroidsky, @huangberryyy, @marijmin, @ashkuuuu , @lostlovesoul11 , @johnniverse , @traint0tokyo , @lilyinthewinter , @byunniebaekhyunnie , @ellatizw , @bettyschwallocksyee , @stopeatread , @jacetheworld​, @glitching-wren,   @tyongf-sunflower99, @chelzinha26, @vaerinri, @minshookie29, @grandmasterslickfox, @coconuttiez8d, @haechanalpha,  @markleemelonn, @kpopgirl124127, @txoru​, @kacyyz​, @matchahyuck​, 
Untaggable for some reason: @sirnuttcracker,  @hyukiebb, @kpopstanforlifeuwu
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soojinieshifts · 11 hours
K-pop Diaries
Request made by @ellis-realityshifting
Mini series I might do where I talk about what things are like as an idol from my experience. Please remember that just because this was my experience this does NOT mean that things are the same for every reality /your dr.
Honestly training depends on the company you are in since each company does it differently but from my experience some companies allow you to stay in school while training and if you debut as a minor while others will want you to drop out due to the amount of time you are expected to commit as a trainee, and other times it is your choice. I’ve scripted certain things so being a trainee under really shitty companies wasn’t as bad but it still wasn’t good.
You have to audition to become a trainee and the audition process is different for locals and foreigners. I don’t know exactly what the audition process for locals are like but if your a foreigner the company will hold global auditions in your country and from there things will be determined. And then from there it’s really a waiting game til you get a callback and then you are expected to come to Korea for another udition in front of more staff (idk what to call this part😭). If you pass the audition in Korea then from there you are expected to start as a trainee but you will often need consent from a parent if you audition as a minor.
While being a trainee you are trained in rap, dance, and vocals and there are monthly evaluations. Most companies have a separate building for trainees separate from idols, you are also provided with dorms but so,e companies let their trainees stay at their house if local. Do keep in mind the group that you train with does not always mean you will debut with that group, and if the company feels like it they can remove you from the lineup of a potential group, disband this group and train them with other people or for a different group, or someone could leave the company as a whole therefore changing the whole lineup of your alleged group.
Sometimes you will be in the company years before they debut you, you will be there for a few months, or if they feel like you won’t be a good fit for their image/group then you will be kicked out of the company. If you have a scandal depending on the company you are under will determine whether they keep you or not (it also helps with what you script). Companies often kick trainees out when they feel they don’t know what to do with them or feel as though they don’t have enough talent to their own standards but again this depends on what company you are under. They can also force you on diets if they feel necessary however I scripted diets are not forced on idols or trainees especially the diet packs, ice only diets, and there are many more. I 100% think these should be scripted out but it’s honestly your choice.
Things I recommend you script: trainee edition
- Trainees get breaks during the day
- Foreign trainees and Korean trainees are treated equally
- trainees are allowed to use their phones during breaks
- You pass every evaluation
- if you choose to script a scandal please script you don’t get kicked out (unless it’s part of your dr)
- Trainees debt does not exist (Any debt really😭)
- You aren’t forced on diets (script these out as a whole honestly…..)
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sparkypantaloons · 9 months
Pocket Square
Dick helps Jason get ready for his first gala.
When Alfred sends Dick up to check on Jason, it’s all Dick can do not to snap at the older man. Agreeing to be here was one thing, but playing babysitter had never been part of the deal.
“Master Bruce is already at the Museum.” Alfred calls up the stairs after him. “We need to be on our way in fifteen minutes.”
“Alright!” He calls back, dragging his feet to the East Wing. He doesn’t quite manage to keep the bite out of his voice.
It’s the annual Wayne Memorial Fundraiser. An obscenely ostentatious party at the Gotham Natural History Museum. Every year Bruce pours who knows how much money into hosting, and every year, everyone from celebrities, to politicians, to Royalty, stump up for a ticket. Their money goes towards everyone in Gotham who has lost a family member to crime that year, and the rich and fabulous get photoed at the event of the season for their trouble.
Bruce says he hates it as much as Dick does, but clearly not enough to keep hosting the damn thing. This year the theme is 1920s, all Great Gatsby opulence, and totally ignoring the greatest economic downturn to ever hit the country that same decade.
Dick is dressed in a tailcoat. The soot-black jacket cut short at the front, tapering off at the back down towards his knees. Beneath is a white waistcoat, over white shirt and a white bow-tie for good measure. He feels like he’s going to dinner on the Titanic; impending sense of dread and all. But while he’s never been one for all the pomp, circumstance and nonsense that comes with the Wayne lifestyle, even he can admit to feeling pretty sharp in a tailored suit.
Jason’s room is down the same corridor Dick’s old room used to be, and the dull clench Dick feels in his stomach, is the same one he had last time he was down here. Packing his bags to leave… Not that things are as bad these days, as they had been then. But the Manor is hardly, Dick’s favourite hangout spot at the moment. He’ll be glad to get out of here.
He raps on Jason’s door with his knuckle, frowns at the light scuff in his otherwise brilliantly polished shoes. Wonders if he can get away with using his pocket square to buff it out. Jason distracts him before he can get to it.
“I’m not coming!” The twelve year old shouts from behind the old wooden door.
Dick scoffs. “Yeah right, kid. If I have to go, you have to go.” He pauses for a response. “Alfred says we’ve gotta be in the car in ten minutes.”
“I don’t care.” Jason yells back. “I’m not going to the stupid party.”
Dick rolls his eyes. “Yes, you are.”
“No. I’m not.”
Dick did not sign up for this. He might be trying to be more civil with Bruce these days and maybe he was a bit harsh towards Jason when the kid arrived, but he sure as hell isn’t interested in dealing with temper tantrums. It’s way above his pay grade, and his emotional investment if he’s honest. “Whatever, dude.” He says nonchalantly. “Ten minutes! Well, eight now.”
“I said—” There’s a sudden whoosh, as Jason positively rips his door open. “I’m not going!” He stares up at Dick glaring, cheeks flushed and eyes red. He’s dressed in his pyjamas, his hair sticking out all over the place.
“Have you been crying?” Dick asks, incredulously. A little meanly, actually. Smart move, Grayson. So much for that Rob— Nightwing empathy. He slides his foot forward just in time to stop Jason slamming the door in his face. “Sorry.” He adds, more sincere this time. “Are you okay?”
“Like you care.” Jason snaps, savagely. He’s trying to force the door shut in Dick’s face, but Dick doesn’t budge. “Just fuck off,” He growls, giving up. “I’m not coming.” He abandons the door and flops over onto his bed.
Dick stands a little awkwardly in the doorway. Considers his next move. He doesn’t have much interest in this kid if he’s honest. No more than any other child he might meet in the course of his day, at least. He doesn’t wish him ill and yeah, it’s a shame the kid is upset for whatever reason, but it’s not… it’s not his problem. And part of him, the part he’s been trying to tame these last few months, is more than a little pissed off that Bruce isn’t here to deal with this himself. Bruce is the one who adopted the kid. He’s about ready to turn on his heel and head back down to Alfred. Let the older man deal with whatever pre-teen-temper-tantrum this is. But then he hears what is undeniably a choked-off sob from the bed.
“You uh… you wanna talk about it?” Dick asks, hands in his pockets as he slowly heads to the bed.
“Nope.” Jason pops the p. Doesn’t look up from where he’s face-planted on the covers.
“You sure? Maybe I can help.”
Jason snorts at that. “Like you give a shit.”
Dick can’t really argue with that, he’s never been a very good liar. Instead he says “Maybe not, but it’s gotta be better than,” he gestures vaguely at Jason’s back. “All this.”
Jason turns his head to look at where Dick is now standing at the end of the bed. “I’m not going.” He says again. He sounds utterly miserable.
“You have to.” Dick shrugs.
“Because Bruce said so.”
“Since when do you do what Bruce says?”
The comment hits a little too close to home and for a moment Dick’s temper flares.
Jason must see it cross his face. “Sorry.” He says quickly, and he looks genuinely sorry. “I just…” he sits up on the edge of the bed, wrings his hands. “Sorry.”
Dick sighs. “It’s okay.” He says. Even though it doesn’t feel it. “But we really have to go. Alfred will kill us if we’re late.
Jason bites his lip at that, looks like he might start crying again. “Dick, I— I can’t...” He says quietly, eyes on his hands.
“Why not?”
Jason looks Dick up and down, gestures. “Look at you.” He says. “And Bruce too, will look so, so smart and— and—” he screws his eyes shut, “and I’m just going to look like some Crime Alley kid he dragged off the street. Some fucking charity case and he said Michelle Obama is going to be there, Dick and I can’t even get my shirt to button up.”
“Your shirt?” Dick asks, because that’s a lot of information and he needs to work up to the big stuff. “Why can’t you button up your shirt?”
“Because they’re not buttons!” Jason wails, miserably. “They’re these funny little metal things and I’m just too stupid and too poor to—”
“Hey.” Dick says firmly, placing his hands on Jason’s shoulders. “Hey, enough of that.” He waits as Jason takes some calming breaths. “You’re not stupid. And you’re not too poor either. You’re Bruce Wayne’s kid now. That makes you richer than Michelle Obama.”
Jason doesn’t say anything to that, just sniffles.
“Let’s take a look at this shirt.” Dick suggests, stepping back from the twelve year old. “Where is it?”
Jason shuffles over to the closet and passes Dick the shirt. Then he rummages in his pyjama pocket. Pulls out a handful of little silver studs.
“He couldn’t have just got you a regular shirt?” Dick mutters.
“I wanted to be like him.” Jason says, so quietly Dick almost doesn’t catch it. The sentiment is painfully familiar.
“Why didn’t you ask Alfred to help you?”
“Alfred cooks all of my meals and helps me with my homework, and cleans my room and helps me if I’m injured on patrol. I can’t ask him to help me get dressed as well.” Jason says miserably.
Dick frowns at the shirt in his hand, creased from lying in a pile on the floor. He lets out a sigh. “I’ll help you.” He says, shaking out the shirt. “You’re not stupid, Jason. Bruce is stupid. He forgets not everyone grew up in Downton Abbey.”
For the briefest of moments, Jason looks hopeful. Then it descends into confusion. “What’s Downton Abbey?”
Dick helps Jason with his suit. He’s not surprised the kid was stressed. The stud buttons are fiddly little beasts, and it takes more than a few attempts at each one before the shirt is properly done up. It has double cuffs too and Jason had never even heard of cufflinks.
The twelve year old’s mood slowly improves as he puts on each part of the suit, and by the time Dick is showing him how to do his bow tie, he’s almost grinning.
“Okay,” Dick says, manoeuvring Jason in front of the mirror. “Step one. This end longer than the other.” And he adjusts the tie slightly around Jason’s neck. “This loops over here, then pull this across. Loop that side back over the top and— pull it through… et voila!”
Jason beams at Dick’s reflection, his eyes are wide. “Thanks.” He says, slightly breathlessly. He turns slightly, to look at himself over his shoulder. “I… I look like Bruce.” He says, puffing his chest slightly.
Dick can’t help but laugh at that. He remembers doing exactly the same thing before his first gala. For all that Batman was impressive, there was something about just Bruce that was special too. In a suit he looked somewhere between James Bond and the President and a school Principal. Someone who was smart and important and capable. Who always seemed calm and and in control, when so much of Dick’s life had been chaos after his parents died. In the early days, it was what used to make Dick feel safe. Before he knew the truth about presidents and Bond and Bruce. Unreliable, controlling and secretive.
Jason will learn for himself one day, Dick thinks, a little grimly. Though maybe it won’t be so bad for him, if Dick is there to ease him through—
The thought catches Dick off guard and he shakes his head a little.
“One last touch.” He says, to Jason. “We really need to brush your hair.” And he ruffles Jason’s curls with his hand.
Fifteen minutes later, they’re stood in front of Bruce’s 1920s vintage Rolls Royce. Alfred’s irritation at their tardiness seemingly alleviated by the skip in Jason’s step. He insists on snapping a photo of the two of them.
“Can I have a copy?” Jason asks, before Alfred has even lowered the camera. “I mean um…” He looks up at Dick. “If that’s okay with you?”
The question takes Dick by surprise, the answer even more so. “Of course.” He says to Jason, putting an arm around the younger boy’s shoulder. “Alfred, I’ll have a copy too.”
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ebwritess · 12 days
Meg x Roman.
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AN: The two hottest people on the planet. Enjoy.
Wrestling and rap have always gone hand in hand. Rappers have been quoted loving wrestling since they were kids, wrestlers use hip hop music as their entrance music and have for decades.
When Wale started Walemania, it was a small group of black wrestling fans who enjoyed the crossover of hip hop and sports entertainment, throwing a party during the weekend of Wrestlemania. Now, years later, the top stars were being booked to perform for wrestling fans and wrestlers on the biggest weekend of the year.
Wrestlemania was in Las Vegas this year, and Wale knew he had to pull out the big guns. He and Megan Thee Stallion had met years ago, collabed on a song together, and stayed in touch via social media throughout the years. The D.C rapper knew she would be the perfect performer to hype the crowd, impress the men and turn up the girls.
Megan had never been booked for anything like it. She'd done bars, concert venues, award shows but a wrestling show? Her manager explained it wasn't just a wrestling show. The show encouraged black fans to connect with each other and black wrestlers while celebrating the culture. She already knew she was loved in that community -- from The Rock saying he wanted to be her pet, to linking with Bianca Belair at Lollapalooza, she knew it wouldn't be an issue connecting with the fans, it would just be different.
The Houston rapper was seated backstage, in the makeshift dressing room they provided her. Her best friend Kellon was to her right, placing the finishing touches on her bouncy jet black curls. Her best friend was to her left, pouring the three of them double Dusse shots to the brim of the shot glasses. Meg leaned forward into the mirror, lining her lips as she placed the final touches on her makeup, tossed the shot back, threw a quick prayer up and made her way out to the Vegas crowd.
The fans were packed shoulder to shoulder, weed smoke replaced the oxygen in the room, and wrestlers scattered the stage on either side of Megan with their favorite bottles in the air. She brought Bianca, Jade and Trinity in close to dance with her as she performed Savage (remix of course, duh, they all loved Beyonce), posing for professional photos simultaneously. The crowd was doing exactly what they always did -- bouncing, twerking, recording, drinking-- and she was having a time.
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After her third song, she paused to take a sip of water, glancing to her left to retrieve a towel. As she reached for the fabric, brown eyes locked with brown eyes, except that set of eyes was about five inches higher than hers. His shoulders were broad, his hair was pulled back into a tight bun, he.... well, he was definitely a wrestler. And fuck, was he fine. The rapper's eyes darted back out to the crowd so she could finish her set, but she now had a new set of nerves wash over her now that someone who looked like him was watching her.
Wale brought her, her team and her best friends back to the main VIP room where all their wrestlers, their spouses and families gathered once she wrapped up her set. She was introduced to Bianca's husband, Jade's husband and finally, Trinity's husband, brother in law(s), cousin.... cousin? That was her cousin? "Wait.. so all y'all wrestle? The whole family?" Her country accent drawled, looking from Trinity to the rest of family, blatantly avoiding eye contact with the man from left stage until he spoke up for himself.
"We like to keep it all in the family." He answered briefly, deep voice rattling her stomach and low eyes not breaking eye contact for a few extra moments. It was obvious he'd been drinking-- they'd all had-- but the way his words slightly slurred made it more obvious to her.
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You didn't have to know Megan personally to know she was a confident woman, especially when it came to men. Attractive men, ugly men, short men, tall men, poor men, rich men-- it never mattered. She could have any man in the palm of her hand like jelly. Her eyes darted up to his, looking at the older man through thick false lashes as she nodded understandingly, glancing from him to his band of cousins briefly. "I can tell. All y'all look just alike. You the oldest though, I can tell by the grays in ya' beard." The flirty comment and smile was brought to you by the Dusse in her system, and the champagne that bubbled in the half filled flute in her left hand.
His expression morphed into that one of slight shock, playfully of course, to match the tone of their banter. "Oh yeah? The 'Just for Men' must ain't settle all the way yet then. Joe." His large right hand crossed the very minimal space in between them to meet her manicured right one, shaking it firmly, both of their touches lingering a little extra before both hands moved to their sides. The bodies around them continued to mingle, Megan's body had to focus on not showing it's attraction to him. But what woman wouldn't be? She was tall, but he towered over here. Broad shoulders, perfectly chiseled body, which she could tell was an accurate assumption through that tight black hoodie. And the way his deep voice and slight country accent commanded attention? Bitch, she was about to be a puddle. "Megan."
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