#Curse of the Mystic Sword
adelheidvonschicksal · 9 months
Fem Reader who possesses the Curse technique ability of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (This power comes from the Fate series)? Bonus, if she’s like sweet and gentle to everyone, but in battle, she’s cold, merciless, and swift? HCs with the JJK men, like Gojo, Itadori, Megumi, Sukuna?
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Most characters think you can stand with them. The big dogs of the big dogs. As a student, they'd bet 100% that you'd go for Special Grade given the proper training. As an adult, you’re probably already one, if not a very strong first grade.
Sukuna has strong interest in your technique.
He sees someone with the ability to kill anything regardless of the power difference. He automatically wants to see it in action and the potential damage it can cause. If possible, he’d even like to claim the skill for himself (think of his interest in the Executioner’s sword).
Your technique causes you to be high on his list of most potential, second only to Megumi. The only thing that stops you from being first on his list is that you still need awareness on how to kill your target or get around their technique to be able to touch your target. If Sukuna touches someone, chances are he’s going to kill them anyway.
Either way, he wants to keep you alive for now if only to see if that sweet nature of yours (the one holding you back) will win out over the cold, calculated, barbarian he knows is inside you when you fight. It’s a form of entertainment while he’s under lock and key in Itadori’s body.
If things had been different, he might've been willing to keep you as a servant ALA Uraume.
Satoru thinks the world of you.
He has you right up there next to Yuuta and Geto in terms of skills and personal importance. He didn’t really expect after his birth, when the Jujutsu world spun and more powerful curses appeared, that it would also be accompanied by the revival of a technique once thought extinct.
Satoru likes to be paired with you to figure out how your powers work and to see you in action. A part of him would like to fight you and to test your skill out against infinity, but your curse technique has an added sure kill effect so that’s a bit out of the question.
You remind him a lot of himself. He definitely smiles when that good girl nature disappears and he can confirm for a fact, that you're crazy (affectionately).
Satoru likes to pick on you and constantly tries to rope you into his schemes and games, bringing you to his side when it comes to rewriting the jujutsu society. He likes to speak in terms of “our” “us” “we” when it comes to the two of you. Due to your potential to be a special grade, the fact that both your techniques revolve around your eyes, and the simple fact that you might be the only one who can grow to understand both the rush and excitement of power while being able to circumvent the loneliness that comes with it.
You’re also so genuinely kind to him, and he thinks that you earnestly care about him and want to be around him. You’re not the only one who is like this to him but it’s more special when it’s you.
Megumi is a bit annoyed by you, not because of anything you’ve done wrong, but mostly because that sweet nature of yours causes you to overly worry for him, like a mom, and vice versa.
Like Itadori, you’re a good person so he worries about you when it comes to interacting with others. He’s worried someone might take advantage of that gentleness of yours. However, he’s aware well enough that you can take care of yourself in a fight.
He isn’t really scared of your power. It reminds him of Nanami, after all. What he is scared of is your worry and fretting and scolding. Megumi absolutely refuses to tell you when someone or rather something gives him a hospital visit because of it, constantly reminding the others not to tell you when it happens for his own peace.
In battle, he relies on you much more than you rely on him, instantly feeling more relaxed and confident about hard missions when you’re there.
He gets embarrassed when you remind him that you rely on him, too, that the thing that helps you see is his planning and observation of the enemy, that’s better than your own.
Ironically and hypocritically, he finds you too self-sacrificing for your own good when you get out of control. At the end of the day, you’re more important than him.
Itadori thinks you’re scary since you first met under less-than-ideal conditions.
When you meet again at school, he’s shocked that it’s you. He straight up asks if you have a twin, a scarier really strong twin. He’s a bit more respectful when he figures out that you’re that scary twin.
You're easily one of his favorite people because of how nice you are. You're usually willing to go out with him when the others bail out. He often forgets how crazy you get otherwise.
Itadori really values your opinions when it comes to fighting and techniques. He confides in you often until he can rectify the fact he has to kill to survive, including humans. Itadori wonders how you compartmentalize everything, but between your sweet personality and the brutal one, but he’s too scared to learn your answer.
Despite this, Itadori still doesn't entirely understand your technique even when you explain it to him multiple times. He just knows it's kinda badass. You slice and things die, almost always.
(You're still working on figuring out how to explain it to him in a way he'd understand.)
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xaytheloser · 3 months
Sleep, Sweet Child..
characters: Dark Choco Cookie, Mystic Flour Cookie warnings: brainwashing, kidnapping (essentially), mystic flour's weird ideology ig, my shit writing
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when he awoke, everything was white.. the air was thick, filled with some sort of.. dust..? no, not dust... flour. no buildings, no other cookies, no one. Dark Choco was alone. or so he thought.. .... "welcome, sweet child..." "...!" "you are tense... I see..." a feminine voice echoed, it seemed to be coming from all directions.. it was so loud.. "do not worry, all of your pain and anger shall be over soon enough.." "ugh.. what are you talking about..? where am I- AGH!!" Dark Choco's head felt a spitting pain.. it felt like thousands of needles were being jammed into his skull. "AGH!! STOP...! N-NO MORE!!" "now now, it will be over soon enough.." numbing pain washed over him.. all the memories he had.. they felt like they were burning away.. he tried to hold on to his now slipping memories, the cursed strawberry jam sword, the cookies of darkness.. Dark Cacao Cookie, his.... his.. who was Dark Cacao Cookie again.......? ........... Dark Choco felt numb, no more pain.. it wasn't even an uncomfortable numbing sensation... it felt.. warm.. he felt so tired... his knees gave out as he fell onto them.. he felt someone gently place their hand on his cheek.. lifting his head up oh so gently... his eyes met with the grey ones of the beast.. "there, isn't that better....? no more painful memories.. now just a blank canvas for me to paint on.." his throat was numb.. he couldn't speak.. "do not fear child, I, the Master of The Ivory Pagoda, shall care for you... you shall know the beauty of futility.." Dark Choco's eyelids began to droop, his body felt so heavy.. yet he felt so warm... "now sleep, dear child...." he couldn't help but listen... her voice was.. so soothing.. his eyes shut, and his whole world went black..
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evenmoreofadisaster · 7 months
As promised I’ve written One and Two being protective siblings since we passed the prelims. Read below 🖤
Consciousness pulls to the forefront of One’s mind. The slider snaps awake to the quietness of his brother’s lab. He blinks once. Twice, before registering the fact that he had passed out. 
One sits up attentively from where he was sleeping against Two’s desk. “Oh, crap,” he hisses. “How long was I out?”
He’s trapped under a soft purple blanket that had been tossed lazily across his previously relaxed shoulders. One’s limbs fight for freedom, flailing around, eager to detangle from the cozy blanket, which he has no memory of cuddling up with. Finally free from his bounds, One climbs to his feet, clutching Two’s blanket in his hands. “Hey, if you were trying to get me to sleep, it didn’t work.”
One frowns. Now that he’s more awake, he realizes that it’s dead silent. Not even the sound of light tinkering reaches his tympanum to put him at ease. The slider spins around, hoping that maybe Two had just fallen asleep as well, but no. His chair is empty. 
Dread seeps into his chest and his heart rate hammers as his eyes dart around the lab. 
Where is my brother?
One curses himself mentally and searches the rest of the house. Every room he passes leaves him feeling more and more anxious. The last time he left Two unsupervised, it didn’t end so well for his brother. One’s spent every day since then trying to prevent another accident from taking place and risking Two’s life. He was lucky that he only lost an arm that day.
Every room, he ends up back-tracking and walking through the hallway empty handed. He’s not here. He’s not here. He’s not—
It hits him suddenly, like a wave crashing into a mountain of rocks, and he stops. A fuzzy memory resurfaces. Before he nodded off, Two had been talking about needing to stock up on scraps for future projects. One curses again, silently, in case Huginn and Muninn were perched somewhere nearby and heard him. It’s not unlike them to tattle to Dad whenever he misbehaves. This, especially, Draxum can’t find out about. 
There is only one place Two goes to to find junk for his toys. That’s on the surface. The one place that’s more dangerous than their own home. 
One rushes to his dad’s lab, thankful that his pops is out running errands, which makes stealing the blue mystic sword much easier. He’s only used it a couple of times before, under Draxum’s surveillance… but he can’t wait for his dad to come home and show him the right way to swing. 
He pauses, then slowly reaches for it. When his fingers brush the handle, he almost flinches away, but remembers that Two is up there alone. He picks the weapon off its display and draws a breath, concentrating. In a quick sweep, he makes a portal just big enough for him to squeeze through. It’s not perfect, he thinks to himself, but it’ll do.
One loops the weapon through the sash along his waist and steps through. 
Repo’s scrapyard is just a few miles from the closest portal into the Hidden City. Two took the opportunity to slip away while Number One slept, figuring it would be a quick trip. After several days of sleeplessness, Two was sure One would not be awake for a while yet. By the time he noticed, Two will have returned with a wagon full of scraps. 
The sky is dark and the moon shines bright. Two pulls his wagon through a narrow alley and takes the route he’s less likely to run into humans, the route he always takes to get to the scrapyard. The paved path takes Two through the woods that are behind the junkyard. It’s usually quiet, which Two appreciates. One accompanies him on most of his trips, unless Two manages to sneak out while his brother is occupied with training or asleep, like today, for example.
He’s almost there. Just a few more steps, until he reaches the torn back fence that gives him full access to the human’s metal scraps. 
Something rustles far off to Two’s right, making him stop abruptly and swivel his head in that direction. An unsettling chill runs up his spine; the only weapon Two has is the brand new mechanical arm attached to his left shoulder, but even that is still in its early stages of development. He hasn’t had the chance to test out the new upgrades… 
Two hesitates, but continues forward slowly, trying not to make any sudden moves too quickly. He takes a step and hears a growl coming from the same place, and that makes him freeze. He turns his head and stares into the darkness, where he finds two glowing orbs staring right back at him. The animal snarls, baring its sharp, hungry teeth. It inches forward, its crazy eyes glued on him as if he were its prey. 
Two’s blood turns ice cold. His whole body tenses, prepared to fight. He’s certainly trapped, he can feel it even without looking. A fight would put him behind schedule, especially with untested weaponry and the months he’s spent out of practice. Two glances to the fence, thinking maybe he can make it if he runs. That was his first mistake. 
The animal attacks while he’s distracted. The next thing he sees is the animal’s teeth gnashing into his face. Two throws his new arm out in defense, hoping to fire a blast, but the machine's transformation stalls. Two curses sharply. The animal’s jaws lock tightly around his metallic wrist. It tugs and thrashes, jerking Two forwards with too much strength. He stumbles. The arm creaks and cracks and Two can feel the wires in his shoulder start to tear. Panic screams at him in spite of him and Two aims a fierce kick at the mutt. That was his second mistake. It pulls and Two loses his balance. He falls back and the animal rips the mechanical arm off with one violent jerk. Pain explodes in his shoulder, but he doesn’t even get the chance to cry out before the canine pins him to the ground with its claws. 
Something hard pierces his shell, probably a rock. The dull tip digs uncomfortably into his shell’s soft tissue, making him squirm and kick. The animal snarls in his face. Two flashes his teeth in a threatening hiss. But that’s all he can do. The thing is much bigger than he had anticipated, almost twice his size. 
A flash of blue blinds him and the next sound he hears is a sharp whine when Number One tackles the beast to the side. All at once the pressure lifts. Two sits up and scrambles back, his whole shoulder throbbing. 
He stares as One fights off the creature, apprehension stirring deep in his stomach when its teeth sink into One’s forearm and draws blood. It starts to pull him, like it had with Two, but One is much harder to throw around. He wrestles it to the ground, shoving its head into the ground until it’s forced to still. Two sees One lift his sword back and hears him swiftly bring it down through the animal’s neck. 
Silence hushes through the alley as the rabid canine draws its last breath, and One gets to his feet and steps back. He doesn’t move after that. 
Two stares at his back with wide eyes, silent, until One finally turns around. 
“You okay?”
Two frowns. One’s stare is vacant. He’s been seeing that a lot lately. 
“Are you?” He counters with a raised eyebrow. 
One’s eyes trail to his bleeding arm, but he just shakes off the injury as if he’s had worse. “What, this? This’s like a papercut.”
”Scoff. It certainly is not.”
He watches One cautiously as he comes over and kneels in front of him. He places his hand over Two’s and gently moves it so he can assess the damage to the stump at his shoulder. 
“You snuck out on me,” he says after a while. 
Two turns his head away dismissively. “I needed my supplies. You needed to sleep,” he huffs. 
“No, I needed to make sure you didn’t run off and get your fake arm torn off,” One retorts.
Two narrows his eyes and shrugs him off.
Number One rises and picks Two up by the back of his shirt. “C’mon, let’s get that shoulder cleaned up, okay?”
“I didn’t get what I came here for,” Two protests, but One is already waving the sword around, making a portal home. The blood-stained ōdachi falls at his side, then One faces Two and stretches out his injured hand that Two notices is shaking. 
“I’ll come back with you tomorrow,” he promises. Two bites back an argument and swallows it thickly. There’s a slight lump in his throat that makes him avert his gaze.
He hates to admit it… but if he had One to tag along as usual, this entire debacle, most likely, would not have happened. But now he’s lost a prototype prosthetic without even reaching the gates of his destination. If there had been people around, the commotion he stumbled into could have gotten him into much more trouble than he’d been equipped to handle. The whole thing was just another disaster. All of this he knows just as well as One, which is why he complies, taking his brother’s hand and follows him home. 
Two sits on the floor of the lab while One starts to assemble the tools needed to put his arm back in place. The softshell scowls when he sees Number One’s blood seep through the poorly wrapped bandages around his arm.
“Did you even clean it?” Two asks with a hint of distaste.
“I can do that later,” One crouches beside him and lays the tools out onto the floor. “So, what first?”
Two narrows his eyes. “No, you won’t.”
One lifts his gaze and holds Two’s stare. Two doesn’t look away. He raises an eyebrow. “You won’t.” 
“If you don’t tell me which thingy-majig does what I’m going to start guessing.”
Two’s eyes widen. “Do not do that, you’re going to mess it up!” One’s hand drifts towards the screwdriver and Two just about loses his mind. “Not that one!” he barks. One stops and gives Two a smug look which he meets with a glare. He huffs, then sighs and starts to explain the process of attachment, making sure One follows his directions to the letter. 
It takes much longer than Two would like, but finally, they reattach the mechanical arm and he can move it freely again. 
One leans back. “There, done.”
Two flexes his fingers and rolls his shoulder. It could do with a few tweaks, but it’s good for now. He looks at One again as he gathers the tools and puts them away. The previously white bandages are now a much darker red. 
After a moment, Two stands and approaches One. “Give me your arm.”
Two stops and scowls. “Your arm. Let me see it.”
“I told you I was gonna—”
“Let me see it.”
One shifts, but stretches out his arm. Two grabs his wrist and unwraps the bandage around his forearm. Two’s nose scrunches up at the sticky mess under the wrap. One pulls back. “Don’t worry about it, I can take care of it.”
“I let you fix my arm,” Two retorts. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t really have a choice.” “Neither do you.” Two turns around before One can protest and takes out the medical kit in the back of his lab. He gets One to sit then sits in front of him just close enough that he doesn’t have to reach to clean One’s wound. 
Two drenches a cloth with alcohol and wipes away the blood staining One’s scales. Aside from a few grimaces and quiet hisses, One doesn’t complain any more. Neither of them say anything for a while, until Two cleans up enough red to be able to see the full size of the bite. 
“You need stitches. And something to ensure you haven’t contracted a virus.”
“You think so, doc?”
Two glares at him and One closes his mouth, which is usually impossible for him to accomplish. But Two’s been noticing that a lot as well. A lot of things have started to change recently and Two’s not sure he likes it. 
After a few beats of silence, Two retrieves a needle and wire. “I can sedate you, if you’d like.”
“Nah, I’m okay. I should stay awake in case you forget what Dad taught us.”
“I don’t need your help,” Two remarks sourly, then starts stitching. 
“Are you mad?”
The question takes Two off guard. He pauses, sensing One’s frown, but continues to poke the needle through. He doesn’t know the answer to that, so he doesn’t say anything. 
“You’re mad,” One states. “Why? Because I saved you?”
Two feels the corner of his mouth twitch. “That wasn’t supposed to happen,” he mutters. 
“What, that dog thing showing up and attacking you?”
Two doesn’t answer that either, though his jaw tightens around an argument. He doesn’t want to fight right now. He hears One huff quietly. He doesn’t say anything else. Two continues to stitch him up in silence. When he’s finished, he wraps Number One’s arm with a fresh set of bandages. While Two puts away the medical supplies, One cradles his arm close to his chest. 
“Don’t tell Dad about this or we’ll both get in trouble,” he murmurs while rubbing his wrist. 
Two zips up the kit then lifts his head to look directly at One. 
“I would never.”
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brunchable · 2 months
Untamed Chaos [Request] || Doctor Strange x Scarlet Witch!reader.
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Genre: Oneshot, Light-hearted romance, Teacher/Student Words: 5.4K The Request: a fanfic where the reader is Scarlet Witch and she is very insecure and afraid of her powers and Stephen Strange helps her control her powers. A/N: First request in such a long time. I mayhaps liked this idea a bit too much I got carried away but I hope it can make someone's day. Thank you to the GIF creator. For @honeymoon-salvatore
You've always been afraid of your powers. They are immense, unpredictable, and often seem to have a will of their own. It wasn't until the incident in your hometown that you truly understood the magnitude of your abilities. 
You had only meant to defend yourself, but in the blink of an eye, the entire street had been engulfed in a swirling vortex of energy, leaving destruction in its wake. The fear and confusion in the eyes of those around you still haunt your dreams.
Since then, you've kept your distance from people, isolating yourself to prevent any further harm. Your powers feel like a ticking time bomb, always on the verge of exploding. 
You can't control them, not fully, and the unpredictability is what scares you the most. One moment, you could be sitting peacefully, and the next, you could be unintentionally causing objects to levitate or shatter around you.
You've tried to manage them on your own, practicing in secret, but the progress has been slow and often discouraging. Each failed attempt chips away at your confidence, leaving you feeling more vulnerable and isolated. The frustration builds within you, feeding into the fear, creating a vicious cycle that's hard to break.
You often find yourself alone, both physically and emotionally. The isolation is a double-edged sword; it keeps others safe from your powers, but it also leaves you without support, without someone to reassure you that you're not a monster. You yearn for connection, for someone to understand your struggle, but the risk of hurting someone is too great. The potential destruction you could cause keeps you at a distance, even from those you care about the most.
In moments of despair, you imagine a life where your powers are not a curse but a gift, where you can use them without fear. But those are just dreams, far removed from your current reality. Every day is a battle against yourself, against the fear that one wrong move could lead to disaster. You live with the constant reminder that you are different, that you are dangerous, and that there might never be a place for you in the world as you are.
Despite the fear and the isolation, there's a flicker of hope within you. A hope that maybe, just maybe, someone out there can help you. Someone who understands what it's like to wield such power and can guide you in controlling it. This hope leads you to the doors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, but standing there, you hesitate. Your hand hovers over the grand door, and a wave of shame washes over you. What if Doctor Strange sees you as a lost cause? What if he thinks you're too dangerous to be helped?
× × × × 
As you approach the grand doors, your heart races with anticipation. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself before knocking firmly. The sound echoes in the silence, and the massive doors creak open seemingly on their own, revealing the grand entrance hall bathed in dim, mystical light.
At the top of the sweeping staircase, Stephen stands tall, his presence commanding and imposing. His cape flows dramatically behind him, catching the light in a way that makes it seem almost alive.
“Ah, I’ve been expecting you,” he says with a knowing smile.
“Expecting me?” you ask, chuckling sheepishly. You can’t shake the feeling of shame that lingers, making you want to shrink away.
“Yes. I could sense your presence,” he replies, descending the stairs. “And besides, you’re not exactly subtle.”
You manage a small, nervous laugh, looking down at your feet. “I actually came to ask for your help, Doctor Strange. My powers… they’re out of control. I-I don’t know how to handle them.”
“Hmm.” Stephen nods, his expression turning serious but not unkind. “Come with me. Let’s see what we can do.”
As he turns to lead you deeper into the Sanctum, you can't help but blurt out, “Are we starting already?”
Stephen glances back at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “No, we're going to have a tea party first. What do you think?”
You roll your eyes but feel a bit of the tension ease away. “Very funny.”
“I thought so,” he replies with a smirk, leading you to the doors that lead to Kamar-Taj.
The morning air at Kamar-Taj is crisp and fresh, the early sunlight casting a warm glow over the ancient courtyard. Birds chirp in the distance as you and Stephen stand in the center of the tranquil space.
“First things first,” he says, “Do you know the true nature of your powers?”
You nod, feeling a familiar weight settle on your shoulders. “I know. But I don’t know how to control them. It’s like trying to tame a storm.”
He nods, seeming to have expected that answer. “Your powers are unlike any other. They’re rooted in something very ancient and very potent—chaos magic.”
“How do I control something that’s inherently chaotic?” You sigh, looking down at your hands, a flicker of crimson energy dancing across your fingertips. 
“By understanding it, accepting it, and learning to channel it. It’s not about suppressing your emotions, but rather, learning to use them to your advantage.” Stephen steps closer, his voice gentle but firm.
“That’s easier said than done.” You scoff, frustration coloring your voice.
Stephen raises an eyebrow. “Is it? Or are you just making excuses?”
You glare at him, but there is no malice in your eyes. “You’re really good at this comforting thing, aren’t you?”
"I try," he says with a smirk, “Look Y/N you came here asking for my help. I know the media doesn’t really paint you. . . gracefully. So, from now on try not to let your self-doubt eat you up.”
You look down. Even though that was a hard pill to swallow, he was right.
“Come with me.” He leads you to a secluded area of the courtyard, where ancient runes are etched into the stone floor. 
“This area should have ample space to practice powerful magic. It will be a safe place for you to practice control.”
You nod, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. 
“First, we’ll start with some basic exercises. Focus on your breathing, and let your mind clear. Feel the energy within you, but don’t try to control it yet—just observe.” Stephen begins to demonstrate, weaving his hands through the air, creating intricate patterns of golden light. 
You close your eyes, following his instructions. You can feel the familiar hum of your powers beneath your skin, a constant presence that you're trying to grow accustomed to. Slowly, you begin to breathe in rhythm with the energy, letting it flow through you without trying to shape it.
“Good, you learn quickly.” Stephen’s voice breaks through your concentration. “Now, open your eyes and focus on a single point in front of you. Imagine your energy flowing towards that point, like a stream of water.”
You do as he says, but suddenly, a surge of power rushes through you, causing your body to twitch while you attempt to contain it. Your eyes snap open in panic. Your powers spiral out of control. Crimson energy begins to swirl around you, leaves and dust spiraling  around leaving you at its center. The ground trembles, and a strong wind whips through the trees around you.
"Dammit!" you shout, sinking to your knees as you try to contain the chaos. "I can’t do this, Doctor. It’s too much."
Before you can even process what's happening, Stephen is already moving, his hands weaving complex patterns in the air. Golden bands of light appear, encircling the wild energy and containing it. Sweat beads on his forehead from the effort, but his eyes remain focused and determined.
“Stay with me, Y/N,” he calls out, his voice straining as he tries to contain your powers. “You can do this. Focus on my voice.”
You try to calm your racing heart, taking deep breaths as you attempt to regain control. The golden bands tighten around the chaotic energy, slowly but surely bringing it under control. 
Finally, the room falls silent, the wild energy dissipating into the air. Stephen kneels beside you, his hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he says softly. “It’s okay to struggle. You’re learning, and that takes time.”
You look up at him, your eyes glistening, “What if I hurt someone? What if I hurt you in the process?”
“You won’t,” he assures you, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Relax, it’s okay. You’re safe.”
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. “I’m sorry, Stephen. It just… it just got away from me.”
He smiles reassuringly. “It’s all part of the process. Let’s try again.”
You picture the crimson energy within you, flowing outwards in a controlled stream. To your surprise, the energy responds, a thin tendril of red mist extending from your hand and touching the ground where you’re looking.
“Excellent. Now, try to maintain that flow, but gradually increase the intensity.” Stephen smiles, clearly pleased with your progress.
You concentrate, feeling the energy surge within you. The tendril of light thickens, glowing brighter as more power flows through it. You can feel the wildness of the chaos magic, but it no longer feels overwhelming—it’s like riding a powerful wave, guiding it with subtle movements.
“Remember, your emotions are your fuel,” Stephen reminds you. “Channel your focus, your determination, and your control into the magic.”
You nod, feeling a growing confidence. The energy flows more smoothly now, the thread of light dancing in intricate patterns at your command. It’s exhilarating, feeling the power within you and knowing that you’re in control.
“Alright,” Stephen says, taking a step back, his expression serious. “Now, let’s test your control under pressure. I’ll create some moving targets, and I want you to hit them with precise bursts of energy.”
He raises his hands, and several glowing orbs appear, floating in a precise formation. They begin to move, weaving through the air in unpredictable patterns. “Focus, Y/N. Use your emotions to guide your power.”
You take a deep breath, focusing on the first target. You extend your hand, and a tendril of crimson light shoots out, striking the orb dead center. It shatters in a burst of golden sparks.
Stephen nods approvingly. “Good. Now, try the next one.”
You move to the second target, feeling a surge of confidence. This time, you channel a stronger burst of energy, the crimson light brighter and more intense. The orb explodes, scattering shards of light in all directions.
As you continue, the targets move faster, their patterns more erratic. You struggle to keep up, the energy within you becoming harder to control. Sweat beads on your forehead, and your breath comes in shallow gasps.
“Stay focused,” Stephen encourages.
But the pressure mounts, and the chaos magic within you begins to surge again. One of the targets moves unexpectedly close to Stephen, and in a moment of panic, you release a powerful burst of energy.
The crimson tendril lashes out, striking Stephen’s arm before you can stop it. He stumbles back, a pained expression crossing his face as blood begins to seep from a cut on his arm.
“Oh my god, Stephen!” you cry out his name accidentally, rushing to his side. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to—”
“Don't. It was an accident.” He grits his teeth, his hand applying pressure to the wound.
You remained quiet, even though guilt is a close friend of yours, it still felt corrosive. 
× × ×
The morning training session had taken a turn you hadn’t anticipated. Now, sitting in the quiet, dimly lit infirmary at Kamar-Taj, the reality of your lack of control weighs heavily on you. Stephen sits on a low bench, his shirt discarded to reveal a nasty gash on his arm, inflicted by your uncontrolled magic. 
His Cloak of Levitation hovers nearby, holding the first aid kit with its hem, seeming to watch over him protectively.
“Let’s get this cleaned up,” Stephen says, his voice smooth despite the pain. He gestures to the hovering Cloak, which gently extends the first aid kit towards you. “Can you take the antiseptic and bandages?”
You quickly reach for the items, your hands shaking slightly. “I’m so sorry.”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” he interrupts gently, a small smile playing on his lips despite the grimace of pain.
“Let me help.” You kneel beside him, the sight of the deep cut making your stomach churn. The Cloak hovers closer, as if wanting to assist but unsure how. Stephen takes the antiseptic from you, but you gently place your hand over his. 
He nods, relinquishing the bottle. 
You pour the antiseptic onto a cloth and carefully dab it on the wound. Stephen hisses, his muscles tensing under your touch. His skin is warm, the contours of his body highlighted in the soft light of the infirmary. You try to focus on the task at hand, but it’s hard not to notice how close you are, how vulnerable he seems.
“Sorry,” you whisper, your voice trembling.
He reaches out with his uninjured hand, gently tilting your chin up so you meet his eyes. “Y/N, it was an accident. I know you wouldn't mean to hurt me.”
You nod, feeling a bit more at ease with his reassurance. Carefully, you finish cleaning the wound and reach for the bandages. The Cloak, as if sensing your need, floats closer, offering the bandages to you from its folds.
As you wrap the bandage around his arm, you can’t help but ask, “Does it hurt a lot?”
“I’ve had worse. Much worse.”
You can’t help but smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. “Well, you’re lucky I didn’t turn you into a frog or something.”
Stephen laughs, the sound filling the small infirmary. “I think I'd rather handle a few cuts and bruises. But I appreciate the concern.”
“There. All done.” You finish wrapping the bandage and tie it off, your fingers lingering on his skin for a moment longer than necessary. 
Stephen flexes his arm slightly, testing the bandage, “Now I have a new scar to show off. Women dig scars, right?”
“Well, it certainly adds to your mystique.” You laugh, the sound a bit shaky but genuine. 
He chuckles, standing up and pulling you to your feet with his good arm, “Go get some rest and clear your mind. Don't wallow too much on this. Really, I'm fine.”
× × × × 
The days turn into weeks. You find yourself growing more confident in your abilities, but there are still moments where the fear and frustration overwhelm you. Stephen’s consistent support and guidance have been invaluable, and you've begun to see glimpses of what your powers could be if fully controlled. However, the road to mastery is far from smooth.
One afternoon, while practicing a particularly challenging spell, your powers spiral out of control. The room around you blurs as a surge of energy erupts from within, sending you flying across the room. You crash into a stone wall with a sickening thud, the impact knocking the wind out of you. Pain radiates from your shoulder as you realize it’s dislocated. Before you can even catch your breath, you hear a creaking sound above you and look up to see a massive pillar beginning to topple over.
Panic courses through you, but before you can react, a burst of golden light encases the pillar, stopping it mid-fall. You turn to see Stephen, his hands outstretched and eyes glowing with a focused intensity as he uses his magic to stabilize the structure.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice steady despite the obvious strain.
You nod, still dazed from the impact. “I... I think so,” you stammer, though the pain in your shoulder is excruciating.
He waves his hands, and the pillar rights itself, settling back into place with a groan of stone against stone. Only then does he turn his full attention to you, his expression softening as he kneels beside you.
“You scared the hell out of me,” he admits, “Let me see your shoulder.”
You wince as he gently examines it. “I think it’s dislocated,” you say through gritted teeth.
Stephen nods, his expression serious. “We need to fix this. It’s going to hurt, but I’ll make it as quick as possible.”
You brace yourself, biting your lip as he carefully but firmly maneuvers your shoulder back into place. A sharp, intense pain shoots through you, and you can’t help but cry out. But just as quickly as the pain flares, it begins to subside as Stephen’s magic soothes the injured area.
"Better?" he asks, his voice gentle.
You nod, tears of pain and relief streaming down your face. "Thank you," you whisper, leaning against him for support.
Stephen clenched his jaw when he suddenly felt his heart racing. He wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “You’re incredibly brave, you know that?”
You manage a small, shaky laugh. “I don’t feel very brave.”
He pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, his expression earnest. “You are. You’re facing your fears and pushing through the pain. That takes real courage.”
“I couldn’t do this without you, Stephen.” Tears well up in your eyes again, this time from gratitude and the overwhelming emotion of the moment, “Thank you.”
He smiles softly, brushing a tear from your cheek. “You’re not alone. We’ll get you there.”
After that grueling session, you collapse onto a sofa in the library, exhausted. It was worth every sweat though as you felt being more in control compared to when you first set foot in the Sanctum. 
“Here, this will help,” Stephen joins you, handing you a cup of tea and sitting down beside you.
You take a sip, the warmth of the tea soothing your frayed nerves. “Thanks,” you murmur, glancing at him. “For everything.”
He smiles, his gaze warm. “It’s my pleasure.”
A comfortable silence settles between you, the flickering firelight casting soft shadows around the room. The warmth from the fire is a stark contrast to the chill in the air outside, and you pull a blanket tighter around yourself as you sip the tea Stephen prepared. The aroma of the tea mingles with the scent of old books and the faint trace of incense, creating an atmosphere that feels both intimate and soothing.
You find yourself drawn to Stephen, not just because of his wisdom and strength, but because of the kindness and patience he shows you every day. His presence has become a source of comfort, a steady anchor in the tumultuous sea of your emotions and powers. Yet, as the days pass, you've also become acutely aware of the growing attraction you have for him. Maybe because you never knew about this side of Stephen.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, admiring the way the firelight dances across his features, casting shadows that highlight the sharp angles of his face. There's a certain grace to the way he moves, even in the simplest of actions like turning the pages of a book or adjusting his cloak. You wonder if he's aware of how often your eyes linger on him, how your heart races whenever he looks at you with those piercing blue eyes.
Stephen breaks the silence, his voice low and gentle. “You've been making remarkable progress. You should be proud of yourself.”
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. “I couldn't have done it without you,” you admit, your gaze meeting his. “You've been my rock through all of this.”
He chuckles softly, the sound sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. “I'm just doing what any decent teacher would do.”
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “It's more than that. You've been patient and understanding, even when I wanted to give up.”
Stephen's eyes soften, and he reaches out, placing a hand over yours. The touch is light, but it sends a jolt of electricity through you. 
“You have an incredible strength within you,” he says quietly. “Sometimes it just takes someone else to help you see it.”
Your breath catches in your throat, the intensity of his gaze making it hard to look away. You can feel the tension building between you, a magnetic pull that draws you closer. The room feels smaller, the air charged with unspoken emotions.
"Stephen," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper, "I... I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done."
He smiles, a tender expression that makes your heart skip a beat. "You don't need to thank me," he replies. "Seeing you grow and gain confidence is thanks enough."
The fire crackles, filling the silence that stretches between you. You can feel your pulse quicken, your mind racing with thoughts and emotions. You want to tell him how much he means to you, how his presence has become a source of light in your life. But the words stick in your throat, your nerves getting the better of you.
As if sensing your hesitation, Stephen moves closer, his hand still resting on yours. "It's okay," he murmurs. "You don't have to say anything."
You weren’t sure if you were hallucinating, but you felt him drawing closer to you, his breath heavy and hot. The space between you seemed to shrink with each passing second, your heart pounding louder in your ears. His eyes, intense and unwavering, locked onto yours, creating a magnetic pull that you couldn't resist.
Your mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions—anticipation, fear, desire—all blending into a heady mix that left you breathless. His presence was overwhelming, his scent intoxicating, and you felt an inexplicable connection that seemed to transcend the physical space.
Stephen’s hand brushed against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. His touch was both gentle and commanding, grounding you in the moment. You could see the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes, mirroring your own. Despite the chaos surrounding you, this moment felt strangely right.
He leaned in, his lips just inches from yours, his breath warm against your skin. You could feel the tension building, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this suspended moment of longing and vulnerability.
Just as his lips were about to meet yours, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room. You both jumped apart, hearts racing, as Wong entered, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Wong said, raising an eyebrow. “But there’s an urgent matter that requires your attention, Strange.”
Stephen cleared his throat, taking a step back and running a hand through his hair, trying to regain his composure. “Of course, Wong. I’ll be right there.”
Wong nodded, glancing between the two of you with a knowing smile before leaving the room.
You exchanged a look with Stephen, the moment between you lingering in the air. He gave you a small, apologetic smile. 
“We’ll continue this later,” he promised, his voice soft and filled with a mix of regret and hope.
You nodded, your heart still pounding. “I’ll hold you to that.”
As Stephen turned to follow Wong, you couldn’t help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The connection you felt with him was undeniable, and despite the interruption, you knew that this was just the beginning of something deeper and more profound.
The door closed behind Stephen and Wong, and the room was left in a charged silence. You could still feel the lingering warmth of his presence, the ghost of his touch on your skin. Your mind replayed the moment over and over, heart racing of anticipation.
You sighed and turned towards the window, trying to steady your breath as you watched the city lights twinkle below. The weight of what had just happened, what almost happened, settled over you like a warm blanket. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.
A few moments later, you decided to distract yourself by focusing on your training. You knew Stephen would handle whatever urgent matter Wong had brought to his attention, but you needed to regain your composure. The Sanctum's library was quiet and filled with ancient texts and artifacts, a perfect place to lose yourself in study.
You selected a tome on elemental magic, hoping the intricate spells would keep your mind occupied. As you read, the words began to blur, your thoughts drifting back to Stephen. His intense gaze, the way his touch had sent shivers down your spine, and the unspoken promise in his eyes.
Suddenly, a soft knock on the door brought you back to reality. You looked up to see Stephen standing there, his expression a mix of determination and something else—something softer.
“Hey,” he said, stepping into the room. “Sorry about earlier. Wong has impeccable timing, as usual.”
You chuckled, setting the book aside. “It's okay. I understand. Is everything alright?”
He nodded, taking a seat beside you. “Yes, just some minor mystical disturbance. Nothing we couldn't handle.”
A comfortable silence settled between you again, but this time it was tinged with a palpable tension. You could feel the unresolved moment hanging in the air, drawing you closer together. Stephen reached out, taking your hand in his. His touch was warm, reassuring.
“I meant what I said,” he began softly, his eyes locking onto yours. “About continuing this later. I don't want to rush things, but I also don't want to ignore what's happening between us.”
Your heart skipped a beat, his words sending a rush of warmth through you. “I feel the same way, Stephen. It’s actually, kind of. . . really hard to ignore. . .”
Stephen stood and offered you his hand. “Come with me. There's something I want to show you.”
Curious, you took his hand and followed him through the winding corridors of the Sanctum. He led you to a secluded terrace, the city spread out below like a sea of stars. The cool night air was refreshing, and the view was breathtaking.
“This is my favorite spot,” he said, leaning against the railing. “It's where I come to think, to clear my mind.”
You joined him, the two of you standing side by side, looking out over the city. “It's beautiful,” you whispered.
He turned to you, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. “You make it even more beautiful,” he said softly.
Before you can respond, he leans in, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. The world around you seems to vanish as his lips move against yours, firm yet tender, igniting a fire within you. You respond eagerly, your hands sliding up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer.
The kiss deepens, growing more urgent and intense. Stephen's arms wrap around your waist, drawing you flush against him, his body warm and solid against yours. You can feel the heat radiating off him, mingling with the crackling energy of your powers, which glow softly around you both, bathing you in a crimson light.
His lips part slightly, and you take the opportunity to explore his mouth with your tongue, eliciting a low groan from him that sends a shiver down your spine. Stephen's hands roam your back, his touch firm and possessive, as if he never wants to let you go. Every touch, every movement sends waves of desire coursing through you.
You press closer, the feeling of his body against yours heightening your senses. His hand slides up to the back of your neck, his fingers threading through your hair, pulling you even deeper into the kiss. The intensity builds, and you feel as though you might melt from the heat of it all.
Breaking the kiss for a moment, Stephen's lips trail down your jawline, planting soft, lingering kisses along the way. You tilt your head back, giving him better access, and he takes full advantage, his mouth finding the sensitive spot just below your ear. His warm breath against your skin sends a thrill through you, and you can't help but moan softly
“Stephen,” you whisper, your voice breathless and filled with longing.
He pulls back slightly, his eyes dark with desire as he gazes at you. “Y/N, I need you,” he says, his voice rough with emotion.
Without another word, you pull him back to you, your lips crashing together in a passionate kiss. You pour all your pent-up emotions into it, the fear, the longing, the love. When you kiss Stephen, the energy around you seems to respond to your emotions, wrapping around the two of you in a protective cocoon of light. His hands grip your waist, and you feel the familiar surge of your powers, the crimson The light shimmers and sparkles, creating a captivating dance of colors that is reflecting the intensity of your connection.
Breathless and flushed, you finally pull away, resting your forehead against his. His eyes, dark and filled with emotion, hold your gaze, and you see your reflection in them, your powers glowing softly around you both.
“I'm so happy you came to me,” Stephen whispers, his voice low and sincere, “And now that I have you, I never want to let you go.”
You smile, feeling a warm sense of certainty. “You don't have to, l'm yours.”
He kisses you again, this time with a gentleness that speaks volumes. It's a promise of unwavering support and love. The crimson energy around you pulses gently, a testament to your newfound control and the harmony between your powers and your emotions.
As you stand there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, you realize that this is just the beginning. With Stephen’s guidance and your own growing confidence, you’re ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. 
The night air is cool, but the warmth between you keeps the chill at bay. You lean into Stephen, your heart steady and sure. With him by your side, you know you can handle anything the future holds.
Stephen pulls back slightly, a mischievous glint in his eye. “You know,” he says with a smirk, “if you wanted to spend more time together, you could have just asked instead of throwing books around.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Oh, so now my out-of-control powers are just an excuse to see you more?”
He raises an eyebrow, still smirking. “I wouldn't put it past you.”
“Well, maybe next time I'll aim for the kitchen. Then at least we can have snacks while we train.” You roll your eyes playfully. 
Stephen chuckles, pulling you closer. “Deal. But only if you promise to keep the chaos to a minimum.”
“I'll try,” you say, grinning. “But no promises.”
He smiles, his eyes softening. “That's good enough for me.”
Together, you step back into the Sanctum, ready to embrace the future and the challenges it brings, knowing that with each other, you are unstoppable. 
As you walk through the grand halls, Stephen's hand remains firmly in yours, a silent promise of support and partnership.
“So,” Stephen begins, glancing sideways at you with a sly smile, “what's the next item on our agenda? More power control exercises or should we finally tackle the mystery of the enchanted teapot?”
You laugh, the sound echoing softly in the spacious hallway. “I think the teapot can wait. Besides, I’m pretty sure it's been spying on us for weeks.”
“That would explain a lot. It's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.” Stephen chuckles.
You squeeze his hand, feeling a sense of normalcy and contentment that you haven’t felt in a long time. “You know, this whole training thing isn’t so bad when you have good company.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Good company, huh? I suppose I should take that as a compliment.”
“Don’t let it go to your head, Doctor,” you tease, nudging him playfully with your shoulder. “But seriously, thank you. For everything.”
Stephen stops walking and turns to face you, his expression sincere. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m just glad I could help. You’ve shown incredible strength and courage, Y/N. And I’m honored to be part of your journey.”
A warmth spreads through you at his words, and you lean in to kiss him softly. “Well, you’re stuck with me now, Sorcerer Supreme. Hope you’re ready for that.”
He grins, a boyish charm lighting up his features. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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sapphicbookclub · 2 years
Sapphic Books List: Bodyguards
What’s better than women protecting other women? Explore the lives of body guards, knights, and guns for hire!
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The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner
These Feathered Flames by Alexandra Overy
Alpennia series by Heather Rose Jones (Daughter of Mystery, The Mystic Marriage, Mother of Souls, Floodtide)
The Queen’s Curse by Natasja Hellenthal
Sword of the Guardian by Merry Shannon
Elemental Attraction by K. Aten
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Science fiction:
Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir (Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, Nona the Ninth)
Godfall series by Barbara Ann Wright (Paladins of the Storm Lord, Widows of the Sun-Moon, Children of the Healer, Inheritors of Chaos)
House of Fate by Barbara Ann Wright
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Break in the Storm by Sherryl D. Hancock
Securing Ava by Anne Shade
The Bodyguard Affair by Anna Stone & Hildred Billings
Protecting the Lady by Amanda Radley
Guarded Desires by Anna Stone
Honor series by Radclyffe (10+ book series)
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anthurak · 4 months
Funny little thought/headcanon I had while looking at Yugioh card archetypes, specifically the various ones that have spun off of Yugi’s iconic monsters, ie; Dark Magician, Gaia the Fierce Knight, Buster Blader, etc.
In terms of in-universe card-lore, I feel like many of Yugi’s monsters read like this oldschool fantasy adventurer party who banded together to go on a series of epic quests together.
You’ve got Dark Magician, the wise and powerful wizard who brings the group together.
Gaia the Fierce Knight is a knight who joins the party, and later tames a powerful dragon to be his new steed in Curse of Dragon.
Kuriboh is a little fiendish spirit who is probably Dark Magician’s familiar and becomes the party’s mascot.
Summoned Skull is a powerful fiend whom the party forges an unlikely alliance with.
Buster Blader, an up and coming dragon-slayer who joins the party.
Dark Magician Girl, the Dark Magician’s young protégé.
Really, I think it’s easy to picture basically ALL of Yugi’s monsters as being part-or-full-time members or affiliated allies of this hypothetical band of adventurers: Mystical Elf could be an elven priestess who joins the party, Celtic Guardian could be Mystical Elf’s bodyguard, Feral Imp and Horn Imp are a pair of petty demons who get bound to the service of Dark Magician or Summoned Skull, Silver Fang is a wolf the party adopts, the list goes on.
And all the individual archetypes that have spun off of each of Yugi’s monsters represent each of these adventurers going their separate ways to have their own big solo quests and stories after the party disbanded (ie; when the DM anime ended).
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Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl clearly continue to have their own long string of adventures.
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Possibly with DMG eventually forming her own band of fellow magical girls.
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Buster Blader became The Destruction Swordsman, adopted Buster Whelp and had… that whole adventure.
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With Gaia, for a while I’ve had a theory/headcanon that the numerous ‘Gaia Knights’ aren’t actually all the same guy, but rather various members of an ORDER of Knights founded by the original Gaia. With each Gaia Knight representing either a rank, position or notable member of the order. With Gaia himself forming the order after leaving the party. He also apparently took Catapult Turtle with him.
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Heck, Summoned Skull being retroactively classified as part of the Archfiend archetype could be read in-lore as Summoned Skull becoming an Archfiend after or even as a result of their time with the party.
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Gazelle and Berfomet go off to form the Chimera series and also join the Phantom Beasts.
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Celtic Guardian takes up a second sword and becomes Celtic Guard of Noble Arms.
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The three Face-Card Knights (or the ‘Poker Knights’ as I prefer to call them) probably form their own order of knights with Joker’s Knight and Imperial Bower and eventually become the Arcana Joker trio (with Queen’s Knight/Arcana Triumph Joker clearly having inherited some power from Slifer/Osiris, given her effect).
And the list goes on.
Oh, and the Magical Citadel of Endymion probably factors in here somewhere, given the existence of the ‘Skilled Magician’ monsters. Not to mention Yugi’s use of Breaker the Magical Warrior.
And I dunno, I think it’s really fun to think of the ‘in-universe’ card lore in this way, as well as tie together all of Yugi’s monsters in a cool way. Heck you can reimagine much of Duelist Kingdom, Battle City and the other arcs of DM into more classical fantasy adventures.
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writers-potion · 6 months
Do you have any tips on how to name a story/book? Bc I’m really struggling to come up with something good
Book Title Ideas!!
Fantasy Book Titles
"The Chronicles of Eldoria"
"Realm of the Shadow King"
"Echoes of the Lost Kingdom"
"The Crystal Throne"
"Legends of the Eternal Dragon"
"The Hitman's Apprentice"
"Sorcery of the Silver Moon"
"Beyond the Enchanted Forest"
"Tales of the Arcane Isles"
"The Last Guardian of Light"
"Crown of the Winter Realm"
"The Fireborn Chronicles"
"Winds of the Wandering Mage"
"Secrets of the Starlit Citadel"
"The Frost Queen's Curse"
"Whispers from the Ancient Tome"
"Sword of the Celestial Knight"
"The Phoenix's Prophecy"
"Echoes of Eternity"
"The Shadow's Embrace"
Romance Book Titles
"Swiping Right"
"Romantic Vibes Only"
"Coffee Shop Confessions"
"The Social Media Sweetheart"
"Chasing Sunsets"
"Love Notes and Lattes"
"Lost in Translation"
"The Dating App Dilemma"
"Love in the Fast Lane"
"City Lights and Romance"
"Instant Chemistry"
"The Modern Love Story"
"Love in the Clouds"
"Swipe Left for Heartache"
"Heartstrings and Harmony"
Mystery Novel Titles
"The Enigma of Midnight Manor"
"Murder on the Moors"
"Whispers in the Shadows"
"The Secret of Willow Creek"
"Death at Darkwater Bay"
"The Puzzle of the Poisoned Pen"
"Ghosts of Greyhill Mansion"
"Vanishing at Verona Villa"
"The Mystery of Moonstone Manor"
"Murder in the Misty Woods"
"The Case of the Crimson Cipher"
"The Secret of Sapphire Springs"
"The Silent Suspect"
"Echoes of the Old Mill"
"A Lethal Legacy"
"The Mystery of Midnight Hollow"
"Murder Among the Magnolias"
"The Cryptic Conundrum"
"The Haunting of Hawthorn House"
"Deadly Deception in Dahlia Valley"
YA Novel Titles
"The Echoes Between Us"
"Invisible Constellations"
"Catching Shadows"
"Threads of Serendipity"
"Bloom and Blossom"
"Growing Pains and Paper Planes"
"Dandelions in the Wind"
"Whispers in the Quiet Hours"
"Crossroads of Everlasting Echoes"
"Forgotten Names"
"The Color of Tomorrow"
"Redefining Normal"
"Footprints in the Sand"
"The Art of Glowing Up"
Paranormal Book Titles
"Mystic Bonds"
"Wolfblood Chronicles"
"Twilight's Enchantment"
"Soulbound Serenade"
"Nightfall Destiny"
"Nightshade Kisses"
"The Crimson Courtship"
"Bloodbound: A Tale of Moonlit Passion"
"Witchcraft and Whispers"
"Enchantress' Embrace"
"Heartbeat Hex"
"Welcome to the Coven of Desire"
"A Moonlit Affair"
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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kayann9 · 6 months
Hope is a dangerous game
Thank you so much to anyone who read the last one shot! I really appreciate anyone who took the time to read, like or re-blog!
This is mainly from Gale's P.O.V just before Shadow-cursed Lands and his confession. Nothing explicit; just fluff. Tav (f -Serena) X Gale. 1057 words and I do not own anything other than Serena :)
Gods she was beautiful.
Gale’s brain let the thought roam free, the urge he’d had to reign it in when the dark magic coursing through his veins heaved had vanished. He watched her train with abandon and revelled in the fact he could glance in her direction without the guilt and concern that doing so would end their lives.
He had noted that beauty when she’d dragged him out of the portal.
The type of grace that elves possessed was a magic unto itself, but she was spectacular. The others had made the same eyes at her that he had; his incessant babbling about his life in Waterdeep and tales of misbegotten adventures as a youth had been his weapons in the war for her attention.
“Your flank. It’s always the flank!” Karlach’s voice boomed as it broke his silent reverie. “You know, I will always watch your back Ren but sooner or later you’re going to feel the point of a sword there.”
“I’m left-handed! It’s hard.”
Serena was left-handed. Of course, she was. Gale had spent his time studying her since he’d decided he’d have to keep away from her, since the night of magic happened, and he’d seen that thought whirring in her brain. He’d worked out that she liked the outdoors, that she enjoyed the sound of water, she was better at cards than she told anyone – often faking poor hands and bluffs - and that when she was happy, genuinely so, she smiled with her whole face. This was one of those times and far from the usually clench of agony in his chest, it was just his heartbeat throbbing away at the sight of the brightness in her eyes.
It was a different kind of feeling.
There was no anxiety around her. There were no knots in his stomach when he looked at her; just the feeling of warmth. The feeling of not wanting to wait until she spoke to him or looked at him again. He didn’t question that she was fond of him, whilst their relationship had not been spoken out loud, their glances and touches were the most intimate he’d ever felt.
He was falling in love with her.
He was in love with her.
And wasn’t that the cruellest joke of them all.
His Mother would have been thrilled if he’d spoken to her and told her of Serena; intelligent, brave, beautiful, good. She’d been no fan of his special relationship with Mystra; no fan of his designs of wanting more than mortality. This, this she would have been ecstatic about.
And he wouldn’t ever be able to tell her.
Because it wouldn’t be anything more than a blip in time; maybe a moment before his destruction. His Mother would never know about how he’d met someone who made his heart sing; who laughed at his stories, genuinely and with heart; who made fun out of him with a soft glance.
He supposed the real question was would he even be able to tell Serena?
Would it be fair?
One part of him screamed to do it; to take her away to a secluded spot, show her the heavens and then some, tell her how if it were the real world and if he were at home, in his cluttered tower, he would’ve taken all the time in the world to do this right. He’d have taken her out, showed her any realm she wished to see, taken her to any place she had wished to visit.
Then there was the other part. The part that couldn’t forget the orb despite its silence. The part that reminded him how selfish that would be when he knew what the outcome was: oblivion.
And that was if she was even receptive to the whole idea. It hadn’t been lost on him that they were from different worlds; hers filled with blood and steel, his filled with mysticism and power. It was possible he’d read the whole thing wrong. That her glances were that of sympathy and pity not wanting and compassion.
He groaned and pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes.
It was all so complex.
It was all so human.
“You look a million miles away.” He startled as she sat beside him. “I’m tired of my flank being told off so I am having a break.”
Sweat beaded along her brow, her skin flushed with the heat. She glowed. “Just lost in thought. Your flank looked good to me.” As the words left his mouth, his brain caught up.
“I am very glad to have you watching my flank.” Her shoulder knocked into his, that familiar teasing tone had been slowly creeping back since Elminster’s visit. “Maybe you should go and spar with her, I can watch your flank too.”
He didn’t flush, for that he was grateful.
“I’m not sure sword fighting is my forte. A wise man knows him limitations and using an executioner’s axe is most definitely mine, especially if you want me to keep my hands. Very difficult to cast the array of spells at my arsenal without them.”
“I am almost positive they have much better uses than simply casting spells.”
Gale’s heart stuttered. This was definitely a flirtation. It was one of her more obvious ones. While he had tormented himself about all the outcomes, the more impulsive part of him couldn’t help but lean into her: messy hair sitting on her damp skin, rosy glow of her face in the evening light.
“Oh, really?”
Serena was so fast that he barely had chance to register, entwining her fingers in his. “Oh, most definitely.” Her voice lowered to a whisper and he couldn’t help but glance around the wide space, checking to make sure he had not actually succumbed to death, and this was some sordid fantasy he’d spent weeks pushing away.
Her breath tickled his cheek, her lips close to his ear.
“You… are also an excellent cook.” The giggle brought him back to reality and before he could register his disappointment, she planted the lightest kiss on his cheek before dancing away.
His skin tingled with the faintest ghost of her lips.
His soul tingled with faintest glimmer of hope.
For the first time, in what felt like an eternity, the tiniest gleam of a new voice in his head whispered: maybe she will find another way.
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sapphirestones09 · 2 months
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AAAAAAA FINALLY! I'm done playing @oneknightstand-if. As part of the celebration, here is Rosie's colored sketch (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Lol, this looks like an anime title card And thus! The Stats!
Blobbed: Yep (We are what now?)
Bold : 205 (Is this high lol?) Sweet : 46 Sassy : 159 Optimist : 76
Health : 85 Mark Status : Healed Merlin Healing : 2 Merlin Forced Healing : 0
Caution : 9 Will : 7 Cloudcuckoolanderness : 42 (Not enough, we gotta go full cray cray) Silent : 7 Curse Level : 4 Fear Level : 6 Corruption : -5 (Is this low enough?) Mute : false Mindcontrol : false
Downtime : Had Breakfast | Snarfed Sweets | Shower Accident |
Route : Went into Store & Fought | (What I gotta use the hunting knives as soon as possible in some way right?)
New Inventory : Hairdryer | Sweets | Shower Mat | Everclear Alcohol (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov!) They Know : false | It Sees : Masked | You Replied False Some stats are missing when I scroll from the past posts in the forum. Such as Crazy Theory, Crazy Theory Level, Pottymouth, Serenades, Interpretative Dance, and a deep dive into the Adrian and Merlin's relationship stats (I WANT TO SEE HOW MANY TIMES I FLIRTED GODAMMIT!). I wonder if I can access it (╥ω╥) About Rosie!
You are currently known as Rosaline (Rosie) Bane a seemingly normal female wildlife biologist. You have red eyes, very long flowing icy blond hair, and a short and petite figure clad in a red cape with an amaranth face mask. People tend to take particular notice of your hair. At first glance, people tend to find you not very intimidating.
You excel at sword fighting, gardening, and having a magnetic personality. Meanwhile, you've got a weakness for prescription medications and enclosed spaces, as well as having anger management issues.
You have an ear piercing. You also have a couple of scars along your neck and wrist.
A tragic accident that claimed your whole family lies in your past and the fate of your future remains murky with the apocalypse ever looming in the background. At least no one has suspected that you are actually a serial killer.
Your final words were "And now for a final word from our sponsor—"
Note! I didnt know I could play something as chaotic and as fun as this game provided me. Its super fun and enjoyable and yet amidst the chaos I loved the characters that was shown and grown to get attached to them to a degree. Both Merlin and Adrian are mysterious and enigmatic in their own ways that makes me look forward to the story and how it progresses towards their character. Also seeing Adrian being exasperated over Cloudcuckolander MC's antics tickles my funny bones more than I can admit. I admit I was reluctant to get into the game seeing as its such a huge one, but after playing all I can say is MOAR! I NEED MOAARRRR! AND PLEASE AUTHOR TELL ME HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE STAT CHECK FOR MOONWALKING ON THE FENCING ROUTE! I NEED TO MOONWALK! I NEED THESE PEOPLE TO CLAP FOR ME! And please can we apologize to Adrian for punching him? (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ I know in the grand scheme of things, Adrian forgives us already but we still wanna apologize (ಡ‸ಡ) And oh boy, I think Im gonna draw lots and lots of fanarts now... Skill Stats!
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Personality Stats!
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Can we still claim to be a newbie after Merlin's extensive lore dump on us? Relationship Stats!
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Your ultimate weapon is unknown.
You are currently armed with... nothing, at least as far as you know.
Cold Steel SRK survival knife
You also have on hand...
E-phone 7XL
several small bottles of prescription medications
photo of your family
Killer McKiller Face's favorite stuffed animal (Rip our micro pig (ಥ﹏ಥ))
well-worn Bible (To ward off evil of course!)
mystical Magic 8-Ball (Another holy item! I sure hope it does not contain anything otherworldly that will potentially endanger us and others ha.ha.ha (→_→)
small herb garden of eclectic plants including a mutant Venus Flytrap (The only queen Rosie will ever potentially bow to!)
collection of various survival & hunting knives
small bag of iridescent pearls
bottle of 95% alcohol Everclear (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝)
slightly squished pastry (I KNOW MY PRIORITIES! AND ITS SWEETS!)
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Fae — Yandere!Malleus x reader
Small idea for spooky season!
You heard of the mystical powers fae had — from being harmless tricksters to ones that could steal your life away (if not literally then symbolically) just by knowing your name. Yet, nothing could have prepared you for what was to come.
Being a magic user was already troubling for your parents, ones who were against the public opinion that using magic was a harmless thing. Perhaps it was the rumors of what fae could do or the incident your father had in the woods that made your family so against magic.
"If I hadn't run them out, I might've been burned alive," your father said in a somber tone one night on the front porch. He was drinking a cup of warm tea while looking off into the woods just outside of your home. You lived close to Briar Valley, a reason why fae sightings weren't unheard of. "Those fire fae were close, took one of my friends and I have no idea what happened to them," your father then turned to you. "Don't go into the woods by yourself, no matter how bright the day is, it'll be pitch black in there. Most of all, don't mess with magic."
However, your non-magical parents didn't expect you to suddenly wake up one day and shoot a book off of your shelf with a flick of a wrist. You thought it was by coincidence, but weird things happened more and more around you. Soon enough, you found out you used magic, and you were given the opportunity to study at the prestigious Night Raven College. Your parents wanted you to go to Royal Sword Academy, but it was too competitive that year, and you hated the uniforms.
Everything at NRC went as you thought it would, with most classes being pretty standard for what you thought a magic school would be like. During the dorm assigning ceremony you looked at your fellow first years and thought how cool it was that you were using magic. Sure, your parents were stressed when you left home to the far off Isle of Sages, but it was so exciting to you! Finally, you got to see other magic users, people from all over the world outside of your little village by the woods!
You liked potionology a lot, especially when you got to get hands-on with the ingredients. Unsurpisingly, you were sorted into Pomefiore. While you couldn't stand your fellow classmate Vil for his strict nature, you still liked studying with him. However, you also had a thing for the architecture in the school — the old castle-like structure of the school was fascinating. You admired every small gargoyle and grotesques that greeted you from the edges of the building. That was where you first met him. It was in the beginning of your third year at the school.
"That's not a gargoyle," a voice startled both you and your friend.
"For magic's sake can you not sneak up like tha—!" your friend groaned but came to a halt when they turned around and met the emerald gaze of the person speaking to you two. "M-Malleus?"
You whipped your head around. You shared the same history class, but barely talked to him unless it was for a group project. He was extremely hard to talk to, but you always tried to warm up to him when you could. The only thing you knew about this student was that he was extremely strong, a crown prince, and that he was always excluded from parties for some reason. He was much scarier close-up, but what could he do, curse you? There was nothing you did to cause that, so there was no need to be afraid.
"Hey, how are you doing?" you smiled at him and your friend looked at you in shock.
"H-hey, that's the Malleus you idiot!" your friend whispered to you, pulling your arm so you got closer. "He could get angry with someone like us treating him like a normal student!"
"He is a student here, I don't see why we can't get close?" you shrugged. While your friend looked at you like you lost your mind, Malleus smiled a little to himself. A human? Let alone one that wasn't scared of him? How interesting.
"If you would like, I can give a better explanation of why it's a grotesque?" he offered, placing a hand on your shoulder. Your friend jumped back, perhaps he was really scared of Malleus because he soon left you two.
"Sorry about that, he's a bit jumpy," you frowned. I'll have to tell him it's not that bad later, you thought to yourself.
"No worries, I'm used to it," Malleus looked down at the stone floor, a sad look on his face. It hurt you a little too to hear that from him, it must've been lonely if everyone treated him that way.
"Hey don't say that, you shouldn't get used to it, it's not healthy at all," you grabbed his hand, something that caused him to look at you with a shocked expression. You could've sworn he blushed. "Do you come up here often? I like spending rainy days studying up here listening to the showers," you pointed at one of the towers. Malleus smiled at you, a smile that made your heart skip a beat.
"Not really, I go to the tower opposite of it actually," he replied. The two of you would begin to spend more and more time together, talking about the grotesques or the classes you two took together. He invited you over to Diasomnia while you snuck him into Pomefiore. Other students began to take note of your closeness to the crown prince himself. However, no one was brave enough to warn you about his growing obsession over you, nor the threats to your freedom that came with spending more and more time with the fae. You should've listened to your father, stayed away from Diasomnia altogether.
"Malleus, have you seen my album? The one I got over last winter break?" you asked, he shook his head.
"Maybe you left it back home during the summer? Forgot to pack it?"
"Oh, maybe," you muttered. This wasn't the first time something went missing from your room. You swore your roommate wasn't capable of stealing anything, they were too nice for that. Vil even said that it was weird stuff was going missing when you asked him about it. Little did you know the culprit was right in front of you this entire time. Lilia noted this growing obsession too, but what could he do? It was the first time Malleus ever felt so attached to anyone, let alone someone that was as great as you. All Lilia could do was support him by pretending he didn't notice, though Lilia did give you a little warning.
"I hope Malleus has a nickname for you?" he joked while playing a rhythm game with you.
"Huh? Why would he have that?" you laughed. Lilia just smiled at you, hitting a perfect combo by the end of the song.
"Just in case. Fae's and names don't go together."
Time passed and things started to get worse and worse. By the next month when Malleus was a third year and so were you, your friends started to avoid you and people began to part from your direction. It was as if the only person with you was Malleus, almost like everything you did revolved around him.
"Do you want to study with me tonight, y/n?" Malleus asked after the history lesson.
"Sure, why not?" you said, not thinking too much about your answer. But it was weird, you swore that you told yourself you were going to study with your roommate instead. Wait, did you?
"Y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the winter break with me, I'll be traveling back to Briar Valley," he suggested a week after that incident.
"Of course!" you smiled, but then immediately you felt like something was wrong. No, when was the last time you went back home? You went back last summer, but during the small holidays when you usually went back home or stayed in the dorm you suddenly spent more time at Briar Valley than anywhere else. Did you agree as quickly as you did now? It was weird, something wasn't clicking. It was like whatever he said you agreed. You even agreed to turn down a person that you had a crush on during second year, something you cried about for weeks. That was when you started to suspect something was weird.
"Wait, I have a question," you stopped the fae.
"What is it?" he asked with a small smile, the one that made your heart skip. But this time, your heart skipped a beat as his eyes seemed to be colder than usual.
"You said you were a fae, right?" you asked. He nodded, which prompted you to ask the next question. "...Are you using my name on purpose?"
He was still smiling, but you could tell in his eyes the smile wasn't sincere, almost mocking, like a plan was going in the right direction. Turning to you, he pulled you a little closer.
"What do you mean by that, child of man? Do you really believe everything about fae in the books?" he asked, it sounded like he was mocking you. It was different from his usual kind voice.
"No, but, but my parents did warn me about one thing," you said slowly, trying to pull away from his grip. "Never tell a fae your name," you repeated what your father told you before sending you off to NRC.
Malleus didn't say anything.
"You started to use magic on me since I told you about my name and after I said I wanted to be closer with you, right? Look, I know you care about me and our friendship, but I don't think this is the right way," you tried to steady your voice, it was scarier than you thought. There was a building pressure, likely Malleus's doing.
"...Not bad, your father's words hold true," Malleus replied. You sighed, knowing that you two were likely going to have to part ways because of this. But Malleus was thinking otherwise.
"i don't want to end this though, I just adore you so much," he added on, his voice was smooth but you knew that he was likely angry you saw through his magic.
"I can't go on like this, knowing you're trying to keep me as your friend or whatever by using magic!" you felt anger boil over. You lost so many friends while being with him.
"How do you plan to stop it though? It's not like you can change the situation, I know your name," he said nonchalantly. "I could make it so much worse, but that would be no fun, I still want you to be you."
You knew that deep down too, he was much stronger than you both in magic and in general power. He was a crown prince, you were just a regular human living in a small village. Your father likely already had a bad reputation with the fae living right in the woods next door because he escaped from their wrath without being burnt for something.
"I will give you a chance however, to have something outside of the life I want us to have, the one that I think would be the best for you in all honesty," Malleus broke you away from your thoughts. "There's a book in the library here at the school, one that was written by the fae to break any spells. Find it, break the spell I have, then you can go as you wish," he explained. You knew what book he was talking about, but no one knew where it was, not even the ghosts living in the library. "If not, then we will pretend this never happened."
There was no chance for you to fight against the fae by brute strength, and while you knew this was an unfair fight, you had to try. You didn't want to have your life determined by a fae prince.
"Fine, by the next moon?" you asked. He nodded.
"You know that's usually what I place as the deadline," he smiled. You didn't smile back, you glared at him.
"Very well, I wish you luck, y/n."
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dgrailwar · 2 months
Round 13, Day 6 - Typhon's Defeat, The End of a Curse [LONG]
While morale had started high, things seemed to be going south. No matter what they threw at the giant, nothing seemed to be working. It wasn't as if the Servants didn't have help. The Mystic Eyes of the Gorgon only seemed to slow Typhon down slightly, and any monsters or summoned soldiers by Echidna and Gunner respectively were being smashed much faster than expected.
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But that was the might of this giant… Typhon, after all, was a nigh-invincible dragon that thrived in the darkness and within the Earth and yet could rend the heaven's asunder and destroy the hopes and dreams of the faithful- and the curse of the Pretender was filling in any conceptual gaps that it would normally have.
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"We're barely scratching this thing!"
The Ruler's eyes narrowed as the Alter-Ego complained, before her expression grew resolute.
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"…Alter-Ego, can you get me up there?"
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"Huh? I mean, probably, but…"
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"Please. I have a plan to give us the upper hand, but you'll have to trust me."
The Alter-Ego frowned, before nodding. She took her rival into her arms, gently. The Alter-Ego's grasp was loose, the Ruler having to hold on tightly to compensate for the weaker hand grip of the Alter-Ego, but it was enough. With dazzling speed, Meltryllis darted forward, her movements like water as she slipped and danced past wave after wave of energy emitted from their behemoth of an opponent.
Quietly, in the Alter-Ego's arms, the Ruler chanted.
"The heavens declare the victory of God… The skies proclaim the work of His hands… Day after day they pour forth speech… Night after night they reveal knowledge…"
The Alter-Ego jumped upwards, and the Ruler let go, clinging onto the grand form of Typhon.
The Ruler stabbed her sword into the pulsating core.
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The sword she had never swung once- she had used only her banner leading up to this point. For once her sword was drawn... that signaled the beginning of her end... her second Noble Phantasm.
Her body was tiny against the body of the dragon, truly minuscule, but the way mana was gathering around her, she was like a bright torch within the darkness. She continued to pray, as she gathered more and more magical energy into her being, preparing herself.
"My heart burns inside with the flames of devotion. This is where I meet my end. My destiny now runs it course. My life's dream has reached its conclusion."
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"I devote the only thing left to protect His way. O' Lord, with these flames of purity, take everything along with my body…--"
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"…La Pucelle…!"
There was a massive explosion of flame. A gout of brilliant fire that burned like the sun, enveloping the massive dragon as it roared- but ever-louder was the proud shout of the Ruler, a bellow of a woman determined to put everything she had into even rendering the god-killer able to be 'killed'. Wars were not won without losses- victories not without sacrifices- that was the unjust nature of this world as it currently stood.
However-- Jeanne d'Arc was no stranger to death, nor sacrifice. So to burn for a future that humanity believed in, even if couldn't see it herself, she would immolate herself a thousand times over!
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There was a pause, as the flame died down. A fragile form weakly began to fall to the ground, as the giant began to shudder and creak, limbs adjusting as it returned to life. However, it's hide had been horrible shattered, and blood oozed and sloughed out from where the Ruler had triggered her Noble Phantasm.
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"Miss Ruler...! No... no... It didn't work…?!"
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"No… Ruler did it! It's vulnerable! Any conceptual defenses it may have had… her flames burned them away! To burn away a divine layer of protection granted by Gaia herself to one of her children… what an immensely powerful Noble Phantasm!"
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"Well, now that we're sure it can die, that just means we can't let this chance go to waste! It's readying another attack, heads up!"
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"…Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah…"
The MoonCancer whispered, before beginning to run forward. Typhon reared his heads back, three heads each preparing a powerful blast of mana that could end everything. She leaped into the air, her form glowing as another shape began to expand out of her. A massive god, with the head of an elephant and four mighty arms-- the great form of Ganesha-- manifested around her, translucent and bright. It headbutted the godkilling dragon, before each of the four arms clamped on tightly.
The smug, excited voice of the MoonCancer holding the divine title of 'Ganesha' echoed through the chamber, laughing heartily.
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"Nice try, you knockoff Maldragora! But you're not the only one who can get big! Behold my improvised Noble Phantasm, Ganesha Impact: Pilot Mode! The immense weight-- I mean pressure-- of this super god is something even you can't fight against!"
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Red and black streaks of lightning began to form around Typhon, as the divine manifestation held tightly.
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"Oh, what now? You're about to use your super move? As if I'd let you finish your inputs! Besides, this is my chance to show off a new skill-- see, someone told me a real hero kills with their eyes!"
The massive ephemeral Ganesha's eyes flashed as two massive jets of light burned outward, the dragon letting out an echoing roar. Then, while two arms held the wings of the gargantuan dragon, two more arms reeled upwards and smashed downward, crashing into two of Typhon's heads. The possessed godkiller let out a terrifying growl, wing-jets flaring with crackling energy before a massive explosion rocketed outwards, the Ganesha effigy shattering like glass as the MoonCancer went flying backwards, slamming into the wall with a heavy thud before falling to the ground, the magical energy around her fading.
Seeing the massive god vanish, the Gunner instantly snapped into action, pointing at the wounded dragon.
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"Pseudo-Noble Phantasm, activate! Strange God: Arahabaki! Suppressive fire, Kiheitai! We're going all out! You hear me?!"
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You could see the Spirit Origin of the Gunner-class Servant crumbling under the weight of the Noble Phantasm he was using. A deluge of gunfire rained upwards at the massive dragon. Such beasts were far before his time- he was a man of the future, and Typhon was a thing of the past. So, to have the glory of being part of the team to lay such an entity low… there was no fate more interesting for Takasugi Shinsaku!
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"Fire! Fire! Fire! Don't let up! We can't let up! Not even for a second!"
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The assistance of the Ancient God and the Mother of Monster's spawn was appreciated as well, though he pushed his thoughts on how to recreate such immense divine power down. Being surrounded by the superweapons of Greece was distracting, but he had a job to do.
Another streak of dark lightning roiled, scraping across the ground as it sent his men scattering. He watched, gritting his teeth before the lightning surged through him, the massive arms of his mechanical marvel thrown upwards in an attempt to defend, as he and his machine were consumed in a blast- the Gunner's body crashing to the ground.
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"Forget about someone, Typhon? Waltz… étoile!"
Like hail raining relentlessly from the heavens, the Alter-Ego struck. Her bladed legs cleaved into one of the eyes of the massive divine beast, as it roared and swung at her with an all-encompassing hand. Her movements were beautifully swift, as she leapt from one head to another, driving her spiked knees in whenever she had the chance, carving blood out from the dragon like sap from a tree.
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Like a swan, she flew through the air-- however, the dragon swiftly adapted-- the dancer getting caught by the jaws of the beast.
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However, rather than a yell of agony, one could hear the Alter-Ego cackling with smug glee, as the dragon's attention was firmly affixed on her.
"You... idiot..."
The Alter-Ego whispered, teeth digging into her body.
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"Now… do it… now!"
She screamed, a signal far too unsubtle for her tastes, but she was in a position where being picky wasn't an option.
The dragon's attention was yanked away from the fluttering white of the Alter-Ego's attire, but it was a moment too late. Two forms stood a distance away, their bodies glowing with pure, intense prana.
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"The legend hidden in the mountain of the Messiah… The despair seen by those without a god…"
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"I will guide people's dreams and people's wishes… Let's bring them all to the sea of the distant stars…"
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"For these are the flames of purification…!"
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"Some day, we will finally reach that place…"
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"…Pale… Blue… Dot…!"
Like a rushing shadow, the Avenger appeared before the dragon, and began to ensnare Typhon's soul.
Like a burning star, the Voyager manifested before the dragon, and began to unburden Typhon's soul.
However, the two Noble Phantasms did not exist in a contradictory state, but simultaneously. A Noble Phantasm that would entrap the dark curse, and finally put the grand monster at peace.
Their Noble Phantasms collided with the massive form of Typhon, the power of two mighty Heroic Spirits, who both hinged their lives on hope. They had no tricks, no gods of fate to assist their wills-- they simply had their ambition… and their hope. And with a great scream from both of them, that would turn the vocal chords of an ordinary human to a bloody pulp, they pushed all the mana that they had within their forms.
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Finally, in a moment that could only be described as a 'man-made miracle', the dragon let out one final roar as it faded away into the massive torrent of mana.
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redesigningxmen · 6 months
Welcome to Limbo! Our group chose Illyana Rasputina, the marvelous Magik for this round! Introduced as the younger sister of Colossus, Magik joined the 80s New Mutants team as a young teen and has since flourished into an A-Lister in her own right. She's been a member of the Phoenix Five, Cyclops' renegade X-Men squad, the Krakoan New Mutants, and the 2022 X-Men team.
She has several inspiration points for artists and redesigners to pull from. She's most well-known for her all-black 2012 look but has also sported demonic and fantasy influences as someone connected to the hellish Limbo and her malevolent alter ego, the Darkchylde.
See what our enthusiastic and talented team of artists did this round, and make sure to follow them on social media for more fantastic art!
(The handles presented after artists names are their Twitter handles, but many use the same name on other platforms!)
Léa Dupic | @/kimodraw
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"I went full speed ahead into medieval land and dressed Illyana in a full metal shiny armour, putting emphasis on her sword bearing arm with a biiiig spiky shoulder pad. Gave her a punk lesbian haircut while keeping her iconic bangs, because I think she should be allowed to be more of a punk lesbian. And I couldn't resist adding a touch of demon form with the horns. She's gloomy she's menacing she's spiky and shiny she's the girl of my dreams."
Giovanni Saroldi | @/RaulGiova 
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"Just like matter, let’s give ‘Yana three states! Solid, liquid, gas? Kinda, not quite! From angelic to demonic, with her main form being the in-between totality of herself, where she can draw whichever power she needs.
It’s geometric, it’s chic, it’s retro-futuristic Terry Moore with the Horns of Galaxy The Prettiest Star meets Ludmilla from Bartok mid-transformation."
John Caden | @/johncaden64 
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"I've always felt the Bachalo design was great, but could get very male-gazey.  I tried to make it more comfortable, while also keeping the same goth feel.  I do feel she needs to just go all-in goth, so let's shave her head, get some thick black mascara and commit to the bit! "
John Marsh | @/pastelrake
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"What if Illyana had been a Russian figure skater?"
Joe Pryde | @/joeprydecosplay
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"My inspiration for this design came from the idea of “what if Magik was an elder emo” complete with Kristen Stewart fem mullet, high waist buckled tights, and sleeveless crop top hoodie. I also wanted to pay homage to previous designs."
Haydn | @/ThatsSoHaydn 
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"I had but one simple thought: What if the Soul Sword was a rapier? And thus fencing Magik was born. I wanted the geometric shapes of the dark bodysuit to contrast with the curves of the golden armor, whilst still adding a little magic and mystery with her cloak and mask. "
Dale Yaddow | @/DaleYaddow
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Version 1 "The Savage Magik". Having been stripped of her magical knowledge, Illyana Rasputin hunts down various enchanted artifacts to replace what she's lost. Becoming desperate she seems to be willing to steal and sometimes kill to get these talismans. Among these are the Soul Dagger of Pixie, the medallion of Daimon Hellstrom, Holy bands from "Heven" and a cursed skull from an alternate version of Lockheed.
Version 2 "Mistress Magik" This is an older more seductive Magik that's been corrupted by the influence of Selene and embraced her sensuality, opening up a whole new avenue of mystical arts that she hadn't dared explore before. She now uses her SoulSword to capture the essences of her foes and much like Selene feeds on them keeping her young and vital.
Version 3 "Magik, Queen of Hell" Many questioned the logic of Magik giving Limbo to Madelyne Prior but the end game has been revealed. Illyana allowed Madelyne to tether her magic to Limbo, knowing eventually "Maddie" would get greedy and begin bringing more power to that dimension. With a carefully hidden clause in the Limbo transference spell Magik takes back Limbo and all the power within it and successfully overthrows all the Hell Lords, unifying the many dreaded dimensions under one fearsome rule, hers.
Anthony Ruiz | @/thwwipstickers
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"Almost as soon as Magik was decided on for this design challenges I had two ideas strike me simultaneously ... The first of those ideas was the image of Illyana as a 90's Riot(ish) on the cover of a Magazine. I wanted to give her an edgy grungy vibe but still pay homage to her Demonic nature.
Shortly after Finishing my first Design I just knew I had to make my second idea come to life.
What if Illyana was an Anime Mech Pilot and Wore a Plugsuit... thats it... thats the idea. I really wanted to strike the Balance between Anime Plugsuit but still being noticeably Magik and X-men.
I kept the Bright yellow Color scheme with hints of black and red and chose to interpret her Armored arm into a Mechanized oversize cybernetic arm that helps fuel her Plasma Powered Soul sword that springs forth from her Gauntlet."
Isaiah Cox | @/isaiahbeenlost
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"When designing my Magik look, I wanted to expand on ideas I had when drawing her a couple years ago by keeping her look sleek, yet scary stylish! So, I referenced a lot of Castlevania and Yoshiaki Kawajiri designs to get that cool anime look for her down! I plucked some fashion inspirations for the costume from places like: Mugler, Alexander McQueen, LaQuan Smith, JRPG rogues and medieval accessories! And for her new soul sword, I decided to give her an Odachi because since she already lived her Cloud Strife fantasy starting from the Bendis-era, I thought it was time for her to live her Sephiroth moment with this giant Japanese sword!"
David J Hughes | @/0ddeity
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"I think with Magik I started out pretty traditional for her. Then I got to thinking our Russian Queen deserves a Mugler-esque fit. I wanted to go down the knight or warrior route, but then I thought ‘What If’ this was an AU Illyana raised by Patch and she got all of Logan’s training rather than Kitty and Jubilee, or, alongside them. So, bham, Oni-demon menpo mask and samurai elements on top of the Mugler flair."
Fleshmonk | @/fleshmonk
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"Went through a bunch of design iterations, but settled on this cool plasticky vinyl plugsuit like version of Magik. I gave her a bob to mature her a bit and to move her towards a new silhouette."
Joshua Bruckner | @/joshingtonbear
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"I took a bit from Magik's more armored designs, which I've always liked the most, and her goth jock aesthetic, and blended them. I rejected the Bachalo booty shorts in favor of a skirt, which gives her a bit of a 'cheerleader from hell' look."
Seye Sanyaolu | @/seye_art
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"My intention for this redesign was Magik in a very dystopian future and so I imagined a 3/4 darkchylde Illyana that is in control of her self and powers (although almost lost it). In this future, most of the X-Men are gone and Illyana keeps a worn and frayed X-jacket on for the nostalgia :’)"
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 3 months
I saw couple of people say storm bringer sensed "Mystic Flour Cookie" within dark cacao sword, but after watching the story, it's more sense she was referring the two dragons she cursed to fight one another lol.
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marronje · 10 days
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FINALLY, 13 hours and I'm doooone... The process was tough but the result is pretty satisfying. As I always say (I don't), if ya can't come up with a fan oc, you can insert some canon characters into your story instead 👌
And while I can share my lore... (some text and more pics below, text is google translated but I tried to edit this into something decent haha)
The story centers on one of the outstanding feudal families (the European influence in this setting is more pronounced).
Lore (raw, very raw): an alternative Russian Empire of the 18th-19th centuries, where the aristocracy seized power due to outstanding magical abilities.
The magic of the Ilyinsky family is one of the most unsettling in this regard, to the point of other families barely having any interaction with them. Since ancient times, there has been a traditional ritual in Ilyinka - each family in service must give the Ilyinskys one deceased person once every 100 years for eternal service in the estate (in fact, it only lasts until the death of the owner, so when the head of the family dies, an urgent cleaning and replacement of personnel is carried out in the estate).
Seeing a long-dead relative in the costume of a maid or a footman is not at all surprising for the locals. The magic of the aristocrat who rules here allows to 'revive' a voluntarily given body — it will behave plausibly and even retain parts of the personality of the deceased. You can recognize such a puppet by a faded eye — necessarily the left one. Each member of the Ilyinsky family also has this feature.
An example of such a connection are my main characters — Katie (the left one, some old peice if ya wanna see more of her) and 'Mistress' Ilyinsky (the tired gorgeous woman, a recent art yeah).
The old reference pic is so ya can understand the general aesthetics of the universe
Wearing black clothes is a sign of noble origin or service to a noble family btw
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Reference pic yeah (Himiko looks pretty proud of herself and Ochaco is kinda judging us all, I like it :3)
Now to what Himiko does here – she is in the service of this family, but the case is unusual — often outsiders are not taken into service, but this exception was unexpected and pleasant. The foreigner who's died as a result of a mystical incident retained most of her character and magical powers and it let her save the connection with her cursed weapon — Ochako.
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'Satellite' is a magical contract of the infamous Japanese Toga clan, from whose grip Himiko tried to escape by illegally making a deal with the soul of the deceased daughter of the Uraraka clan. The contract works on the principle of being a sacrifice — the weapon helps to quench the insatiable thirst for blood of the carrier, while receiving a semblance of a corporeal form (and imperceptibly shifting the master's moral orientation). If initially Himiko thirsted for blood out of pure lust for murder, now it has become a reflection of her love for the world and people in such a... particularly twisted manner.
With Himiko practically dead, the connection begins to fail, and she stays with the Ilyinskys not only out of lack of choice, but also out of a need to receive valuable help from the hands of unfriendly (or not) Russians.
Role in the plot — minor character-element of chaos.
Tarot card — Two of Pentacles, Page of Swords.
Ah, and a more lore-fitting version (the mask and the eye are IMPORTANT)
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mochiimadness · 1 year
Hey, I dunno if your still taking requests but I have one!
What about s/o having hair like Entrapta's from She-Ra? I would love to see how they would react to their s/o with that!
Hello, I'm sorry for the long wait! I'm finally getting around to answering old requests, before opening new ones.
I haven't seen She-Ra, but I did look Entrapta up, so I hope I haven't gotten anything wrong!
Neon Leon
Leo is both insanely fascinated over your hair-
But also, very very terrified at first.
Remember when Leo wore that blond wig that ended up being completely and utterly evil??
Leo does.
Leo has flashbacks of this when he first sees you using your hair to grab a mug off the counter that was just out of hands reach.
May or may not have screamed.
"S/o, I don't mean to freak you out but- YOUR HAIR IS CURSED!"
"What- wait no it's just-"
"Don't worry- I got this!" he says, as he whips out his sword
Cue panicked screaming from everyone in the room as Leo attempts to 'save' you
He really thought you were in danger okay-
After managing to convince Leo to not chop off your hair,
You have to explain to him that your hair isn't actually cursed by some weird dude looking to steal stuff
"I was born like this, I can just make my hair move and stuff."
Cue Leo's suspicious squinting.
He does believe you! He just cant help peaking around corners detective style to spy on your hair at first.
Once he gets use to it tho, he's got to admit, having hair you can use to grab things jussst barely out of reach is amazing!
His jaw drops when he realizes you can fight using your hair too-
Your hair wraps around a rather slippery warthog mutant and launches him several feet away
Leo is staring in shock and possible fear
They'd been trying to get a hold on that mutant for ages, and you just managed to grab him no problem???
And launch him like a soft ball???????
Mad respect
Enchanted/cursed hair or not, Leo's just glad it's not using you for evil!
Plus, you seem to be having fun, so he's cool with it now.
Don Tron
Donnie's insanely curious about your hair
Absolutely runs some tests and experiments (with your permission ofc)
He's seen you lift mugs and smaller objects-
But what's the weight limit???
Is it like a muscle that can be trained to lift more over time????
Is it possibly sentient?!
You let him come up with new theories
But as soon as the conspiracy board and red strings come out,
You're lifting him with your hair and carrying him away for a break.
He loves when you help him out in the lab
Using your hair to grab and hold tools or parts
It's similar to using his spider arms, but 10x better since it's his s/o helping him.
Your hair also inspires him to make a different version of his spider arm battle shell-
This one using a more fluid movement to match your hair!
He lowkey looks like Doc Oc...
Villains do their best to avoid you both
Having one person who can grab and yeet them away was bad enough-
But now there's two??????
They are sprinting as fast as they can
Not fast enough though!
You're able to use your hair to grab and swing from walls, catching up to villains with ease
Donnie's impressed, you didn't even need a tracking device!
You two also found out another trick you could do,
You're able to use your hair as a extra set of arms- so you both came to a realization
You could use your hair to hold more controllers.
You two need an extra player???
Bam, you're holding two more controllers
Donnie cackles manically every time you two score extra points using this method
Is it technically cheating????
You can't deny it takes a lot of skill and practice to do though, so who cares?
Not you and Donnie, that's who!
Mystic Mike
:0 !!!
Your hair can move?!?!
Please please show him what you can do!
Absolutely loves seeing all your tricks
From lifting a mug, to scaling a building-
He thinks you and your hair are awesome!!
One day, he's literally in the middle of talking to you when he interrupts his own sentence in a huge realization-
"So then I chased them down on the shells hogs and- WAIT WAIT HOLD THE PHONE-"
"You can use your hair to paint!!!!"
Cue both of you jumping up and sprinting to his room
You can, in fact, use your hair to paint!
Whether it be using your actual hair as a paintbrush,
Or holding multiple brushes and items at once!
It makes art time ten times more efficient- but also extremely chaotic
Sure, now you both have easy access to art materials, but now your hair can literally spin everything
The guys entered the living room one day and saw it absolutely covered in buckets of paint
You are now banned from holding stain causing items in the common areas and Donnie's lab.
When you two go fight together
Mikey quickly learns that you can use your hair to help climb and scale buildings
Which leads to you crawling upside down on a ceiling at full speed, with Mikey floating beside you, at enemies
There are high pitched shrieks whenever you join the battle
You may or may not be a local cryptid now.
"S/O, they're calling you a spider mutant!"
Big Red
Like Leo,
Raph also thinks your hair is alive
Though, he's more concerned than fearful
If your hair is alive, then should he ask it if he can pat your head??
You reassure him that your hair is not alive or sentient
He's still wary about it though
Definitely gives it suspicious looks when you're not looking just to test it
When you catch onto this though, you start moving your hair 'without your knowledge' just to play around
Raph shrieks
"I KNEW IT!!!"
You'll have to explain that you were just pranking him lmao
He does realize that your hair isn't alive eventually though.
Is genuinely impressed by what your hair can do
Especially when he realizes you can lift heavier objects too
If you're able to lift him with your hair, he'll scream
Definitely has a fanboy moment
"WHAT!? How is it so strong?!?"
Even if you can't lift him with your hair,
He's still impressed!
Throughout the day, you'll use your hair to grab things that are out of reach and hand it to him
Usually it's subconscious,
Like when he just barely got into a comfy spot after a long patrol and realizes his phone is just out of reach
You grab it and hand it to him offhandedly
Or when he's sleeping and the blanket slips off, you'll reach around to pull it back up and make sure he's covered
He appreciates these little gestures so much
Absolutely warms his heart and makes him a little misty eyed.
During battle,
He sees you literally form a fist shape with your hair and deck a rather aggressive yokai right in the face,
Sending them flying down the street
Raph will stop and stare in awe
"Woah!! S/O that's amazing!"
He's so proud of you
Then he realizes the hidden city police are making their way towards the two of you
Cue both of you hauling it towards the nearest portal
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Hey everyone, I'm going through my old requests and writing them. I can't promise I'll get to all of them, but I'll do my best when I have time!
Sorry for the huge wait, life got crazy
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Character Peek
Vessel of the Light Force
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Since there has been a lot of time going into the main character art posts, I've decided to do these to at least get some consistent posting in the meantime! :) Closeups and more details under "read more." Click them for better quality!
Her Radiance, Princess Zelda. This is the princess seen in the stained glass windows of Minish Cap, paired with the Hero of Men seen in the prologue. Along with being a princess, she takes on a priestess sort of role in her Hyrule (which is young, and although prosperous is very set back in terms of development thanks to the Era of Chaos). She is the daughter of King Gustaf. Her mother was from the Wind Tribe; Zelda originally had her red hair, but it was turned golden by absorbing the Light Force. Her birthday is April 28th.
Amidst the Era of Chaos, when Demise's armies resurfaced in vengeance for their fallen monster, she was overheard pleading for guidance by the Picori on the other side of a hidden, mystical door. They revealed themselves to her (it was believed that they were creations of Hylia in her era, so they believed a descendant could see them - and she could)! They pledged to help the people of Hyrule in their darkest hour, and Zelda has been an ambassador to them ever since. She is close friends with some of the Minish who have decided to stay.
With her help, the descended Minish crafted the Picori Blade with the inspiration of the ancient Goddess Sword, intended to vanquish the evil in the same way. They sought a hero to wield both it and the Light Force, a pure embodiment of their realm's energy. Zelda was chosen to protect it after the war's end, as her divine blood made her capable of doing so. Her absorbing the Light Force is actually what made Hylia's bloodline (her reincarnations) from then on capable of wielding her ethereal power even without the use of a relic.
She will not appear as often as her counterparts, but she plays a vital role in understanding the history of early Hyrule and the legacy of the Picori Blade. (For example, fashions! The wing accessories in her hair are meant to resemble lesser versions of Hylia's wings, and her casual clothes ended up inspiring the dresses of other toon counterparts).
Closeups + Alts:
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AU Info:
In Another Life follows a fued of the Goddesses. Tired of the cycle caused by Demise's Curse, the three come to an agreement: they will break the boundaries of space and time and allow the fued to be settled by their Champions. If one seeking destruction, chosen by Din, holds victory, then the world will be erased and built again without the demon's influence. If the heroes blessed by Farore and the princess blessed by Nayru succeed in returning their foe to their seal, then the world will live on. Farore hopes too to end the cycle, but Nayru believes it not to be her place.
The eternal bond between Hylia and her chosen hero will be tested as Hyrule's branches in history reach out to them through broken mirrors. They have found each other in every lifetime - but will their unbreakable connection be enough to save existence itself?
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