#Custom Made Gloves
surkhab7 · 4 months
Driver Gloves S7-01-204 Surkhab7
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Driver Gloves
Art No: S7-01-204
Custom Made Products Manufacturer Surkhab7
For inquiry Email Or Whatsapp
+92 301 6165522
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tornado1992 · 2 months
Sonic and the little yellow wrist comm he never takes off.
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Can’t blame him though, through that wrist comm he has this view!
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otaku553 · 7 months
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More king sabo au :) thinking about the changes to the sabo koala relationship…
So plot-wise, this is after the second reverie that Sabo ever attends, at the age of 22. This is also the reverie where a lot of shit goes down— the five elders kill king cobra, Vivi and Wapol go into hiding with Morgans, and the Revolutionary Army invades and successfully declares war on the Celestial Dragons, and retrieves Kuma.
In this AU, Sabo manages to befriend Vivi by talking about Luffy, and finds a way to hide and watch the confrontation between Cobra and the five elders + Imu, the way that Wapol did. But perhaps not quite as thoroughly, so he’s seen, and forced to hide, and cannot return to Goa. Unfortunately Cobra is not saved, as Sabo isn’t strong enough without his years of training as a Rev to even attempt to save Cobra. But Sabo manages to hitch a ride to Kamabakka with the Revs, most likely as a stowaway, and reveals to them as soon as they land about what he saw. Dragon agrees that it’s unsafe for him to return to Goa, and lets him stay with the Revs for the time being as he figures out what to do next.
Now during this time, Koala, soon to be promoted to Chief of Staff, meets him. But she is also incredibly angry at him, and takes it out through “friendly spars” that Sabo agrees to because he wants to get stronger. It’s through these spars that he eventually returns to being able to wield a pipe with proficiency, but the first few really are just him getting absolutely destroyed by Koala.
This all comes to a head at some point when Sabo asks why Koala always beats him down so thoroughly— so angrily— when they spar, and they end up getting into an argument over ideology during a spar. Koala asks, what reason does she have to not be angry at him? He, who became king to a country under some misguided notion that he could help people, who has been king for 5 years and yet has not been able to make any substantial changes to Goa that would help the people. What has Sabo achieved, beyond becoming one of the people that the Revolution seeks to overthrow? Did he have slaves at the castle? Did he ever try to free them?
The problem is that Sabo could have become a Revolutionary much much sooner. He could have asked, and the Revolutionary Army would have sent a small team or something to extract him—he was a strong child and he is still pretty strong, and his heart’s in the right place. But at some point Sabo fell into so many logical fallacies, that he was weak, that he was trapped, that even if he ran he would never escape his noble upbringing, that eventually he believed that the only way he could be useful was as an informant, and in the meantime, clung to and maybe even enjoyed the luxuries he could have as a young noble in Goa.
This verbal (and physical) beatdown from Koala is what eventually gets him to ask Dragon if he can become a Revolutionary. Dragon says that the Revolution has always had its arms open for him.
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no-one-fights-alone · 4 months
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plumbobzplayplace · 1 year
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wowie i'm not dead!
for all your toony sims, it's the toony set! some simple rubberhose-style eyes in a rainbow of colors, some betty boop-style lipstick, and some classic cartoon gloves!
you can download each of these here! (sfs) a more clear picture of the eyes and lips below the cut!
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faededaway · 9 months
Natsuo and Fuyumi Todoroki x reader
ATTENTION: it's polygamy. It truly is a Natsuo and Fuyumi's girlfriend type'a thing. (No description of reader besides use of the word girlfriend) about 2k words.
[more thoughts on this ship]
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Natsuo has a hard time dating people. After reaching a certain point he always pulls back. He always makes sure to do it as early as possible. He was going to do the same with you. He told himself he would let you go before seeing you in his jacket felt more natural than wearing it himself, before waking up without you felt like a nightmare, before he starts thinking of what you'd like to eat for dinner when he's cooking, before he aligns his holidays with yours, before-
Before it was too late.
But, it was too late. You were in the shower when he did it. You made a remark about the water being cold enough to make you cry. He didn't say anything until you got out. He'd packed your stuff and laid out an outfit for you.
“Maybe you find me too cold, too.”
You'd laughed and told him, “Natsu! Of course I don't! I was talking about the water. My fingers hurt from the cold.”
“Don't they hurt when you hold mine?”
There'd been a lot of back and forth. You'd spent weeks trying to convince the love of your life that you didn't mean anything metaphorical. You were being literal. You recalled every hug, every hand held, every bed shared, every time you touched, every time you bared yourself to him. None of it made any difference as he wasn't leaving because of you. He was leaving because of himself.
Last time you'd spoken, you had begged him to give you a reason for why he left. You'd begged him to meet you one more time. He'd stayed quite on the other side of the call. You'd said, “you know? I, I do find you very, very, cold, Natsuo. C-cold enough to make me cry for the rest of my life.” The crack in your voice was reflected in the crack in his heart. He vouched to never date again.
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Then you met Fuyumi. Fuyumi.
Everything about her appealed to you. Her smile, her voice, her glasses, her hair, her hobbies, even her gait. The more you learned about her, the more you liked her.
Fuyumi. Fuyumi who fills every corner of her life with warmth.
You didn't realize her relation to Natsuo until you saw him in her house.
You had just showered after spending the night with Fuyumi. She was making tea in the kitchen. It was your small routine.
If she spent the night at yours, you made the tea. If you spent the night at hers, she made the tea. The other person would shower and make their way to the kitchen. Then you'd embrace each other with soft smiles and softer kisses.
“Your tea always tastes better than mine! Tell me your secrets!”, you peppered her neck with kisses to hear her giggle, your real source of warmth through the cold.
“I can say the same about yours. You make it just how I need it”, she turned to wrap her arms around your neck and kiss your temple.
You closed your eyes to savor the short moment you had before you'd separate for work.
“Sorry, it took me a while. The water was so cold, I almost cried.”
A shattering noise from the adjacent living room made Fuyumi jump in shock.
You turned around to see him, of all people, with a half cracked frozen mug, sitting on the couch you and Fuyumi first made love on.
“Natsuo! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Don't touch the broken pieces. I'm bringing a dustpan,” Fuyumi left your arms to help your ex-boyfriend fix his mess.
Natsuo. The reason you cried for six months straight.
Natsuo. The reason you walked on eggshells around every person you knew for fear of upsetting them enough to leave you.
Natsuo. Your first love who carved out a whole chunk of your personality and threw it away while throwing away 2 years of your life.
You were one more thought away from dropping to your knees when Fuyumi said something worse, “love, meet Natsuo, my brother. He said he made too much food so he brought some over to share with us.”
Natsuo. Fuyumi's brother.
Sirens blared in your head, a thousand exclamation marks were drawn all italicized. For the first time, something she did took warmth away from your life.
It did make some things fall in place. Like, why you liked her so much from the get-go. She looks like him. Laughs like him. Or maybe he laughs like her. Same laugh, they have the same laugh. They smell similar. Same detergent, you assume. Her hands hold yours the way his did. They listen to the same obscure vinyl record, only Fuyumi plays it on a record while Natsuo played it on his walkman. There were a thousand other things you could list. Like that time you got a dirty look from a restaurant owner that Fuyumi said was a family friend. It didn't make sense then but ah, I did go there with Natsuo.
For the second time, the love of my life would leave me because I said something about a stupid cold shower.
You laughed. An honest, amused laugh until there were tears in your eyes and said, “Fuyumi, I know your brother as well as I know you.”
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Natsuo had forgotten your voice in the 2 years you spent apart. But he'd never forget your face. His first thought upon seeing you was did she do this for revenge?
But then, your voice cracked the way it did when you last spoke to him. And he knew, life was being cruel to him and you and Fuyumi once more time.
He cursed himself internally for thinking you would stoop this low for revenge. He, more than anyone else, should know how he contributed to this. In the two years you dated, he never once introduced you to any family member. He told himself you were temporary. And you, you never had an interest in celebrities to look up 'Endeavor's family members'.
But Fuyumi loves you enough to talk about you at family dinners. I think you will like her. She's very sweet and pretty. She gave me a vinyl record of her favorite song. I just think, whatever we have, I want it to last. I really want you to meet her so she knows how serious I am about her.
“You-, you do?”, Fuyumi's voice was faint. The stillness of the room was the only reason it was audible.
You looked like you wanted to cease existing.
Natsuo got up from his seat. Two of the women he loved, loves, were going to fall apart because of him.
“I, it's fine! We were young and it was a long-”
A sob left your chest. Fuyumi was by your side in an instant, holding your falling body.
Natsuo sat back down and held his chest while you cried in Fuyumi's arms.
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Everyone had called their work and asked for a day off. Natsuo had called and asked his friend to take notes for him.
You were all seated around the kotatsu. Natsuo had served the food he brought over. Fuyumi's tea was served on the side.
You picked at your plate and nibbled occasionally. You were seated next to Fuyumi. Your left hand held onto her sweater.
The Todorokis exchanged glances. While Natsuo didn't introduce you to the family, he did tell his sister about his last girlfriend (aka, the reason he stopped eating for 2 weeks straight).
Fuyumi knew Natsuo's girlfriend. He had confided in her during your breakup. She knew how he broke your heart and knew why he did it. Their father left different wounds on each of them, some of them hurt others in these ways. But she didn't want to hurt you or lose you.
She took a deep breath and asked a brave question, “what if you dated?”.
“I don't want you to leave me!”, your hand clutching her sweater tightened.
“I know. I know, honey. I am-, I'm not leaving you,” she squeezed your left hand to reassure you.
Natsuo, who understood her question, choked on his meal.
His sister was proposing something blasphemous. He had to brush out the thought as soon as possible. No.
That's all he had to say. But the thought of feeling you and holding you in his arms again, and to have you hold onto him like you're holding Fuyumi held him back.
“Yes.” He said before he could convince himself otherwise.
You jerked your head towards him. His sister hummed in thought. You glanced between the siblings to try and understand what they were thinking.
Natsuo moved to sit by your right side and Fuyumi drew in a breath again.
The two of them held a hand of yours before Fuyumi spelled it out for you, “darling, I understand that finding out your first love and your current girlfriend are siblings isn't easy for you to take. But I think there's an easy solution here. I love you so much. And I know how much Natsuo loved you, how much he still loves you. I know how loving be would be to you, how much better he would be today. I'd love to see you be loved like that. Will you let us both love on you?”
“I, I don't get-”
“Date us both. Go out with both of us. Love her and let me love you, again”, Natsuo simplified the thought for you.
You gaped at the two of them while trying to form coherent responses. You couldn't wrap your head around it. What part of it was easy? What part of it made sense? Dating two siblings at the same time, one being your ex, made no sense.
“Let me kiss you. Just once. If that doesn't help you, we can forget this whole thing. And I'll leave you alone”, Natsuo suggested.
Hearing him say ‘I will leave you alone’ hurt more than you expected it to. Do you still have feelings for him?
You looked back at Fuyumi to see how she felt about his suggestion. She wore an encouraging. To help you, she held your chin and kissed you.
When you separated to take a breath, she turned your chin towards your ex.
He gave you a second to hesitate before leaning in.
His lips still felt the same. He cupped your face with both his hands and kissed you like he was making up for the two years he spent apart from you. You let go of your girlfriend's sweater and brought your hands over to his chest.
You liked it. You liked it a lot. You missed him. You wanted him. Tears spilled from your face and you choked on a sob.
Natsuo pulled away immediately.
“But, what will, ah, how, people, and uh, people, and your mom and my mom, and others, and you're siblings. And I don't-”, you had so many worries. All of them spilled over in an incoherent mess. Your chest heaved. Your body shook.
Your two loves steadied you in their arms. One kissed your head while the other kissed your hand.
“We can explain. I am sure your friends will understand. It may be harder to explain to our families but we can work on that slowly,” Fuyumi held your face in her chest and consoled you.
“You don't have to think of everything now or today. Just focus on us now,” Natsuo rubbed your head.
The two of them were truly like your rocks. Having both of them here made you think how could I not want this?
And that's how you became Fuyumi and Natsuo's girlfriend.
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violant-apologia · 9 months
guilt, desire, hate
guilt — What is your OC guilty about? Even though she wasn't his real daughter, and even though she tried her very hardest to exploit him, the thing the Apologist feels the most guilty for is the sacrifice of his Nearly-Daughter for St Cerise's candle during Seeking. Blood may not be blood, but blood is blood.
He's managed to put right a lot of things he did during that year, but not everything. She still haunts him; when he ventures into the Cave of the Nadir, he often sees her face, forgetting her demise – and then is crushed when he leaves, and remembers.
desire — What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? The Apologist is so open about his desire to return to the Surface. It's like, half of everyone's desires, down here; what need is there to hide it? A lot of his poetry concerns this pining, too.
But... it may have morphed a little. Since seeing the night sky through Watchful gains and his glimpses of the Loom, his desire is now the slightly more general "to see the stars again" – whether that's on the Surface or in the Wilderness.
hate — What does your OC hate? This is kinda difficult, actually. There's a lot of things the Apologist very strongly dislikes – the Liberation, Hell, the Discordance, Mr Iron – but none so passionately or so personally that I'd say he hates them.
wait i tell a lie
The Apologist HATES the Royal Bethlehem, so much that I did an item representing it a while ago:
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He REALLY didn't enjoy the Red-and-Gold Gala (but i did! go play the bloody wallpaper, it slaps)
ask game here!
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systembroadcasting · 1 year
so about my tf2 oc the beast tamer. bonus soldiers cause he's my special little guy
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analyzingadventure · 2 years
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Yeah, the question here boils down to
Was Aru/Mummy’s ability exclusive to them due to their part-human origin, or have other Digimon of those two species inherited the same ability down from them?
Gabumon wearing the pelt of a Garurumon implies the idea that, at some point, this Digimon was slightly more naked, but after a Gabumon obtained the pelt of a Garurumon, Gabumon wearing that became The Default, and now all other Gabumon and even Gabumon subspecies all wear pelts. Almost like the species’ base data was updated at some point, and was changed from like, version 1.0 to 2.0 or something.
So, was Arukenimon’s and Mummymon’s shapeshifting ability exclusive to them, or was it permanently added into the skillsets of those two species after them?
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smute · 1 year
the smell of my panini grill still reminds me of that terrible barista job at the airport 😮‍💨 its been eight years
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surkhab7 · 4 months
Mechanic GLOVES S7-01-02 Surkhab7
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Mechanic GLOVES
Art No: S7-01-02
Custom Made Products Manufacturer By Surkhab7
For inquiry Email Or Whatsapp
+92 301 6165522
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bunnis-monsters · 2 months
Hi there I hope your doing alright and i hope all your haters stub their pinkie toe for the rest of the year!
Can i get a high elf a real sophisticated kinda snobby man being obsessed over his fem human readers soft frame in a sort of primal way?
Sexy time with the fancy man please!
A/N: I really liked this concept, maybe I’ll do a part 2 if peope want it!
It wasn’t often that people like him entered your bakery.
Elves in the area were known for being pretty snobby, refusing food touched by human hands even if they were starving.
So to say that you were surprised when a noble elf walked into your bakery and stood in front of your counter was an understatement.
“H-hello, how can I help you? All of the baked goods here are freshly made with ingredients sourced f-“
He cut you off his a wave of his hand, staring at you for a moment before speaking.
“… I’ll take all of it.”
You were so confused… an elf of his status was biting into one of your pastries, staring at you as he sat at one of the small tables in your bakery. It was an unusual sight… and it was scaring off your regulars.
This happened weekly for a few months. The elf would walk in, but all of your goods, the eat a few before leaving.
It made you a lot of money and helped you gain notoriety within wealthy human circles, but it still unnerved you.
What reason did he have for being there? As a child, you had always been warned to not mingle with elves too much.
They lived much longer lives, so they didn’t see human life as something that should be cherished since humans died within a century of being born.
But… you didn’t think this elf was out to harm you. He payed for your goods like any other customer would and never bothered you besides staring… so what was the harm in letting this continue?
Well you would find out one evening when he arrived later than usual, his eyes scanning your form in an almost hungry way.
You were just about to close up shop, but let him in hoping to sell your remaining pastries. Once he was inside, you switched over the open sign to close.
It seemed to please him that he had some sort of special privilege, allowed to stay when others wouldn’t be able to.
“Good evening, my dear. Usually I would be buying your lovely pastries… but I’m here for… something different today.”
Before you could ask what he wanted, the elf was already walking behind the counter and getting in your personal space. He removed the glove from his hand, gently caressing your chubby cheek.
“I’ve never felt the urge to… touch a human woman before. But… you certainly have brought out a different side of me.”
His touch was gentle, as if he were caressing the face of a goddess he had come to worship. You could feel your cheeks getting warm from the praise, not sued to being ass as something tantalizing and tempting to someone as beautiful as him.
“Y-your words are very kind, sir… b-but my shop is closing soon,” you answered shyly, looking away from his intense gaze.
“Oh, my little cherub… shh, this shop of yours is open just for me, is it not? You could have locked the doors and shooed me away, yet I am here.”
Before you could process it, you were being lifted up onto the counter, your dress slid up by his lithe hands so he could gaze at your plump thighs.
“So soft, gods what a beauty…”
It was kind of cute, the way his elf ears twitched as he looked at your body in awe, as if he had never seen a woman like you before.
His cheeks were red, his eyes hazy as he growled lowly before leaning forward to inhale your scent. His body shook with need, and with a strength you didn’t think the lithe man had, he pinned you down and rutted against you.
You could feel his hard cock pushing into your clothes pussy, as if trying to fuck you through you panties. His need for you was primal, animalistic, he was almost drooling.
Before he could rip off your underwear and take you there, he bit down on his lip, his fingertips nearly bruising your hips as he tried to calm himself.
“My apologies, love… it’s just so hard to… control myself when I’m around you…”
He kissed along your neck, biting down on a sensitive spot, causing you to whine out in surprise.
“Shh, my darling… come. Let us retire to my home. We have… much to discuss.”
Part 2?
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @buckoothecow @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila
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carrysports · 1 year
Wholesale Custom Boxing gloves Equipment Manufacturers suppliers Exporter.
#Carry Sports is the one most Popular company in the world. Carry Sports Provide wholesale Custom boxing gloves & equipment on customer (contract base) Demand. We can provide you all service Machine made with inject made padding and Specially Hand made cowhide leather with handmade padding. Any body have interested for good services they can contact with our company we provide you our 100% services..
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road tripping with the jjk men
Satoru Gojo is a passenger princess. His bag is full of snacks, with extras in the glove compartment just in case. He sings along with you to 2000s pop and falls asleep with his mouth open, snoring in a seat that’s pushed all the way back to make room for his long-ass legs.
Suguru Geto drives and asks you to put on the custom playlist he’s made for the trip. He sings along to every song, windows down, and needs you to lean over and tie up his hair when it gets messy from the wind. He claims he can drive for hours without getting tired, but gets the strongest energy drink he can find when you stop for gas.
Kento Nanami downloads a bunch of podcasts for the trip, but you both get bored after an hour and you queue up his emo kid playlist from 2008. You both sing at the top of your lungs, and he keeps one hand on your thigh for the rest of the drive, smiling at you as he squints over his green-tinted sunglasses.
Hiromi Higuruma is locked in. His GPS is set, gas tank is full, tires all topped off with air. You don’t have to think about anything except getting comfy in the passenger seat. Listens to audiobooks. When you get bored, you tease him with dirty talk until he’s flustered and threatening to pull over, but you know he loves it.
Choso Kamo convinces you to let him drive after the first few hours because he feels bad making you do it all. He wants to fight anyone who dares to honk at you. If it starts raining, he’s white-knuckling the steering wheel and going 20mph under the speed limit. Honestly you’re not even sure how he has a license…
Toji Fushiguro smokes out the window and asks for road head fifteen minutes into the trip. You roll your eyes and don’t oblige, but you do let him reach over and feel you up as he steers with one hand. He lets you pick the music but asks for gas money. Definitely speeds, but you feel very safe when he drives.
Yuji would love stopping at every weird roadside attraction. World’s biggest ball of yarn? He’s there taking selfies and buying you a souvenir.
Megumi seems like he’d drive, but he actually prefers when you take the wheel so he can hold your hand and DJ.
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barberyknits · 2 years
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sqvishii · 5 months
My personal headcanon is that the way Fae asks for their lover's hand in marriage is by weaving them a flower ring and proposing to them, they either cast a spell to not wilt or to change the flower ring regularly
So imagine the shock when you jokingly proposing to any of the diansomia boys with a flower ring
(This applies to qny of them, but i had silver in mind)
(Also just dumping my tjoughts here)
fuck ir this is so cutr im doing all of them
• sebek zigvolt
both of you were walking in the garden, while he was talking about how great malleus is, you busied yourself with a flower ring
it was a bit simple to make, you wondered if your half fae boyfriend would like your little creation
while he was still talking, you went in front of him and presented him the ring, making him stop for a moment.
his reaction was priceless, just a blank stare with blown eyes once he realized what it was LMAOOO 😭
"sebek what."
turns out you didn't know a thing about fae stuff and all that, he calmed down and accepted the ring
.. silver saw him staring at the wall blankly with tears running down his eyes before looking out the window, revealing you messing around with ace
he was a bit sulky once he found out you didn't know a thing about fae culture and actually thought you were proposing 😭🙏
keeps the ring on, you can see his flustered face whenever he walks around and lilia is teasing him about it
• silver vanrouge
as usual, silver was asleep in the garden. typical
while bored out of your mind, you decided to make a flower ring for your sleepy boyfriend so you can surprise it with him once he wakes up.
with your fingers delicately working on the flower and stickig it onto the ring, you felt silver wrapping his arms around you
his head resting on your shoulders as he asked what you were doing while he was still half asleep, his eyes widened a bit once seeing the object in your hands as you showed it to him.
"[name], are you sure you want to marry me? im not an ideal husband, but i can try to provide and such. if we were to have kids then-"
"silver wtf are you on about."
oh. yeah, you didn't know anything about fae customs.
he was taught about fae culture from lilia lolz, he embarrassingly hid his face from you as you put the ring on his gloved hand.
he wears it daily and often asks lilia to cast a spell on it whenever he sees it withering.
• lilia vanrouge
while you were out somewhere, probably at sams shop, you saw a pretty looking flower ring.
thinking of lilia and how he would rather enjoy the small gift you bought for him, you purchased the said items alongside a few more.
walking back to the campus, you could only be fnaf jumpscared by lilia who popped up in front of you, upside down, like a bat.
recovering from your surprise, you quickly boop him on his nose, makig him laugh before standing up like an actual human being.
sitting down on the ground, you showed him everything you purchased. from antiques to books.
once you showed him the flower ring, his smile turned into a straight line as he stared at you.
it wouldn't be long until he smiled sadly, knowing you didn't know a thing that you just did.
"are you trying to propose? haha, in fae culture, we usually propose through flower rings."
"oh.. then, consider this as my promise to marry you!"
.. just like meleanor.
he could only laugh as he puts it on, did the shine in his eyes get larger?
he wears it wherever he goes, he hopes the day of your actual proposal is soon.
• malleus draconia
you were staying in your dorm before you heard the knock, like, the knock. your boyfriend is here to take you out on a nightly stroll!!
grabbing your jacket, knowing it's a rather chilly night, you noticed the flower ring your made yesterday for him. bringing it with you, you opened the doors and saw him patiently waiting.
holding your hand in his, the moon shining its light down on the pavement the both of you stepped on, the both of you either talked or kept on walking in comfortable silence.
the next moment you brought on a new topic, you pulled out the ring, making him stop taking a few steps forward as he stood there in shock.
it wouldnt be long until fireflies decorated the area near you two, giving it a melodramatic scene as you stood there, utterly confused.
"i accept, man of child."
"malleus what do you mean 😦"
turns out you knew nothing, not even a shred of fae culture.
the fireflies would be gone and it would start raining LMAOOO
he thought you were serious, well, you were; about the whole ring thing, but he didn't think that,,,, ☹
very well then, he shall be content with the trinkets he has now.
having the ring on him, he gets all giddy now whenever he looks at it and never takes it off.
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