#Depth Psychology
shisasan · 5 months
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Hymn to the Rose by John Duncan, 1907.
But why is this beautiful company worshipping the Rose? The Rose (exquisite and fragrant as actuality but also symbolic) has been associated with many female deities through history. From the followers of the Egyptian goddess Isis to those of the Greek Aphrodite, the Rose became eventually identified with holy Mary and her higher spiritual essence. To follow the Rose, a mystical calling, is to believe in a psychological and spiritual development transcending earthly bounds, to allow an inner unfolding that makes one complete, a unique individual yet in connection with the whole.
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scarefox · 16 days
Really not a fan of the "we trigger you and pretend as if you are refusing to cooperate and you have 0 progress in the past 5 weeks, this is a waste of time" kind of therapy approach.... I know they do that intentionally to shake you awake and highlight your soft spots or old wounds. But it does feel shit af. And I am never 100% sure if they maybe actually mean it for real.
They suggested today that I have to talk to my father about all the stuff I hide from him. Which is: failed uni in the last bit, me being in therapy, me going in personal insolvency and me being queer. If I don't clear that up I will never be able to improve my anxiety disorder.... I resisted to that. He's a narcissist and helicopter dad. Me not telling this is giving me more peace. Sure it's stressing me but that's the lighter way than detonating multiple bombs that don't just hit me when they go off (him being pissed forever at me and my mom). Maybe I will tell him some day but not now and I will keep the lie about me finishing uni, at least that way he stopped pestering me about work. They also made it sound like I betray my father and he doesn't deserve that. I guess they tried to piss me off so that I show emotions that I swallow, but all it did was making me insecure and feeling like shit.
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theneptunianmind · 2 months
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Erich Neumann - Depth Psychology and a New Ethic - Harper Torchbooks - 1973 (cover deisgn by Russ Patrick)
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bmtalbott · 7 months
The word panic comes from Pan. He went about whistling or playing his pipe and frightening the shepherds. The shepherd's fear is like the stampede of the herds.
Occasionally a herd begins to stampede for no obvious reason, it is as if they were suddenly frightened by something. That happens to us also; at certain moments in the midst of real nature one is suddenly seized with terror without knowing why. Sometimes it is a particularly lonely and uncanny spot, but at other times one cannot say what it is, a kind of animal fear seizes one.
“It is the great god Pan that causes the panic terror. Then that nature demon became a great philosophical god on account of the transformation in the meaning of the name.
The Greek word pas means all, the whole, and pan, the neuter, means the universe; and that meaning became attached to the god as the universal nature spirit.”
- Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Pages 580-581
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theshadowworker · 5 days
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is
to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being
- Carl Jung
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thejungianaion · 2 months
Here is an amazing collection of rare interviews with Carl Jung, restored visual-audio and colored by me.
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medicinanocturna · 2 years
Understanding the 4th house: natal and synastry
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The 4th house is not easy to comprehend, and often not enough attention is paid to its interpretation. Reducing its meaning to “home, safety and one parent” completely discredits its merit in the entire picture, and leaves a vast area of ​​the natal chart almost opaque.
What is the 4th house indeed? And why is it so important to understand it when reading a chart, including the synastry?
The 4th house is the lowest point in the chart. Midnight.
The place where the border between the light and darkness lies. It is the point of the deepest foundations of one’s psychic universe. In fact, this is the place where psychotherapists and psychologists try to get, but most often they cannot, and end up in the 1st house. And this is a place where no one will consciously let another person in.
The 4th house represents not only the feeling of the inmost security, it contains all the data about a particular structure pattern inside of one’s psychic on which their universe is built. This is the basis of the spine, which runs through the entire chart up to the 10th house. The 4th house is the place where your inner voice lives. Looking at the sign and the planets in the 4th house, we can understand exactly how this voice of intuition sounds, what is your connection with it, and what it takes for you to hear this voice. 
The 4th house reflects the imprints that we received as a result of our after-birth condition and that have become the cornerstones of our sense of trust (or mistrust) to life. This is inevitably something upon which the huge part of our personality and all relationships are built. 
For some people, personal security is inherently linked with beauty and harmony (Venus/ Taurus/ Libra in the 4th house). For others, security means transformation and the ability to get to the depths (Scorpio/Pluto). Sometimes the security goes only with the sense of independence and freedom (Aquarius/ Uranus). Not rarely will the 4th house qualities remain a mystery for the person themselves until some good work is done on it. And it is almost impossible to work on the 4th house directly. 
The 4th house is the same area where we are entering during deep transpersonal experiences. In my work with plant medicine, in particular Ayahuasca, I was convinced more than once that all that is happening during the ceremony encompasses the 4th house domain, which is the reason why this work can be so disturbing but is unprecedentedly effective. Getting in touch with the material of their own 4th house, a person will not only experience fear, but the whole intensity of realising their own internal structure (or the absence of it), its flaws and disruptions, as well as its strengths and flawlessness. This contributes to the process which in psychotherapy is called "the integration of the personality”, or the return to the wholeness. Of course, all the houses of the natal chart are involved into this dynamics, but the footing lies precisely in the 4th house.
The same as a talented actor would have a strong 1st house, the good psychotherapist usually has an emphasised 4th house.
With all that in mind, the importance of this area in the synastry can’t be overlooked.
To begin with, it is hardly possible to imagine an intimate situation between the two where the 4th house would remain “switched off". The 8th house is invariably considered the house of sex, but never it is the only house involved at the moment of physical intercourse. The turning on of the 4th house occurs in all the transformational experiences including physical intimacy. Our openness to receive sexual pleasure and the ability to merge with another person are totally linked with our deepest security (the 4th house), which in many ways is unconscious for us ourselves. In addition, any sensual pleasure involves egoism, but NOT the egoism of the 1st house, or the 5th house, it is the egoism that is so elemental and even primitive that it is totally beyond our control. The 4th house egoism is almost animalistic.
The 4th house cannot be ignored when looking at the synastry of the two people whose relationships are meant to be long term. Not only it brings some structure into the relationships, but also reveals if these relations can endure time. The 4th house provides the basis and cements the connection.
Aspects to the 4th house that arise between the two may reveal the potential for the deepest healing (and deepest wounds as well) that one person can bring to another. This is the place where it is possible to get to the inner altar of another soul, to the sphere that the person who owns the 4th house does not know consciously themselves but feels its power in most life-changing events. 
It is especially favourable if the Venus and/or the Moon fall into the synastry 4th house. This can be an opportunity for a planet person to illuminate the 4th house person’s deepest fears with love and care, thus repeating the experience of unity with one of the parents, but in a more conscious form.
If we consider the 5th house to be the continuation, the body of the 4th, or the zone of “its possession”, then we see that, in fact, our personal creativity, our romantic preferences and our games (both in the childhood and and in the adulthood) are completely saturated with the material of the 4th house, i.e. our emotional imprints and our connection with the subconscious.
Drop me a line if you want a personal look at your chart ...
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mysoulsecrets-blog · 1 year
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Narcissist play nice when it's convenient, Someone who runs hot and cold acting like your best friend one day and ignoring you the next, but we as injf's are looking for consistency,
The relationship between a narcissist and an empath is one sided as Empaths are attuned to others’ emotions and are sensitive to feelings of other people. We tend to prioritize the needs of others ahead of our own and give without being asked. We feel deeply and feel good about helping others so much so that we absorb others’ emotions. Empaths tend to be overflowing with compassion for other people.Given our great amount of compassion, we as empath are prone to absorbing the emotions and energy of others. When we meet a narcissist, the energy we sense triggers something in us that ignites our need to comfort the narcissist, it’s likely that we empaths have formed a trauma bond with the narcissist, which can be hard to break out of or even recognize. the narcissists will discard the empath instantaneously—adding insult to injury for us empaths. The narcissist will be quick to find another victim so they can continue to get their narcissistic supply.
Because Everything for them is surface depth.
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The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed.
Terence McKenna, Source Unlisted.
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shisasan · 3 months
A romantic, tender soul intoxicatingly drawn to the depth of shadows with a hidden taste for wicked and perversion. Who else feels this to their bones?
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
"Everybody acts out a myth, but very few people know what their myth is."
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Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology.
Born: 26 July 1875, Kesswil, Switzerland
Died: 6 June 1961, Küsnacht, Switzerland
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booksandwitchery · 1 year
Not long ago, if someone said I'd be ordering a Tarot deck this year...
...I would laugh in their face because I am a die-hard, science-loving skeptic incapable of blind belief in the supernatural. But my tarot card deck should be coming in the mail today and I'm f***ing stoked, even though I don't think the cards are going to cause anything mystical to happen.
For anyone who is familiar with my posts, it should be no surprise that I've encountered a lot of information about Jungian psychology, specifically the concept of universal human archetypes and the effort to balance the conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. In Anthony Alvarado's DIY Magic, which I posted about last year, a whole chapter is dedicated to tarot even though the author himself admits that magical experiences are merely "subconscious structures of our own making." He assures his readers these experiences are not "any less powerful or capricious" despite having been created by our own minds. Excuse me, but I think that is f***ing beautiful. WHAT.
Alvarado says tarot cards are effective because of their human universality: "Anyone can do it; you don't need special powers. . .the tarot deck works because it is filled with ancient archetypal symbols. That they are archetypal simply means that they represent basic fears, hopes, dreams and desires that are present in everybody's life."
I've been chewing on this idea for a while now, including how it pertains to modern archetypal polytheism (deities as aspects of our own self) and secular witchcraft in general. My greatest "aha" moment was when I connected this idea of tarot cards to the first principle of Atheopaganism: "I understand that the metaphorical is not the literal.. . . we do not automatically accept our subjective experiences as having objective reality. Does that mean, then, that the meaning derived from such experiences is necessarily invalid? No, it does not." - Mark Green
In other words, though our experiences using tarot decks are subjective and do not involve the supernatural, the meanings we derive from these readings are valid. We created the meaning, as opposed to the meaning being paranormally inherent in the experience.
So, my fellow humans--if I talk about tarot in my posts (as I am likely to do now that I've learned that magic is, in a sense, actually f***ing real) I am using it in this domain of thought. I am not using the cards to predict my future; I do not think that any supernatural entities are in control of the cards (though if you do, that's fine too and I respect your beliefs) because as Carl Jung once said, "It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves."
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csmsdust · 2 years
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The process of imagination
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therhetoricofmagic · 1 year
Chiron in the 8th House: Delving into Deep Wounds and Creating Transformative Healing
Astrology can be one of the most effective tools for self-discovery and introspection, providing insights into our personalities, life paths, and the challenges we may face along the way. One celestial body that carries profound significance in astrological interpretations is Chiron, often referred to as the “wounded healer.” When Chiron is placed in the 8th House of a natal chart, its presence…
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