#Does Running Increase Your Height
candy69gurl · 2 months
can you do hybrid! Wolf toji claiming you during his rut?
Hybrid! Wolf toji x f!reader
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Warnings- 18+, dark, slight non/con (Toji does not intend to harm you), size kink (both are adults), cave sex, multiple orgasms, nipple biting & play, fingering (Toji has black big nails), raw sex (cumming inside many times), breeding, pussy eating
wc - 2.6k
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As you traverse through the dense woods, you find yourself getting increasingly disoriented, unsure of which way leads back to civilization. The sun's rays barely penetrating the thick canopy above, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. You begin to worry, knowing that spending the night here could lead to dangerous consequences.
Suddenly, your senses pick up on the sound of rustling leaves nearby. You freeze, trying to discern whether it is an animal or something more sinister.
A figure emerges from behind a tree, and you gasp involuntarily. It is a creature of height 6'1ft, he appears as a magnificent wolf-human hybrid. He is slender but muscular and athletic, and his wolfish aura makes him look intimidating. As he closes on your position you notice his ears flattened on his head and his tail is pointed upright, his body has chiseled muscles and trademark scars, his green sword-like eyes looking through your soul. His mouth bore fang-like teeth that you swear are more vicious than natural canine teeth of humans.
His eyes lock onto yours, a mixture of hunger and desire burning within their depths.
"Hello, human," he growls softly, his voice tinged with an animalistic quality. "Lost, are we? Well, I don't normally go for humans, but you seem intriguing enough."
As you stand frozen in fear and confusion, Toji takes a step closer, his form shifting slightly, the wolf aspects becoming more pronounced. His eyes gleam with lust, and you can faintly smell his pheromones in the air – a testament to his overwhelming need to mate. "Ah finally," he says, taking another step toward you. "It's just my rut, and I need a mate to breed with. Normally, I wouldn't ask a human, but I cannot wait anymore."
His voice is calm, almost soothing despite the terrifying situation. Your heart races as you contemplate your options, but you realize that running might only agitate him further. Nonetheless your legs unconsciously start to move. There is only one way to get out of this- by running.
"So," he continues, his back facing you but when he turns to you, he sees you running, " What's a prey if they don't try running".
With a grin spreading across his face, Toji starts running after you, muscles rippling as he leaps after you. His movements are fluid and quick, darting through the trees with ease. You feel your adrenaline surge, pushing your speed to its limit as you navigate the unfamiliar terrain. However, he seems to know these woods intimately, and your panic increases as you realize you're unable to shake him off.
"Caught you little bunny" he exclaims, grabbing your neck. Despite his triumphant words, there's a hint of concern in his eyes. He pauses, contemplating his next move. "Running isn't going to solve anything, and believe me, you don't want to get hurt.. Or do you?"
"P-please let me go.. I have to get back home."
Toji weighs your plea, his gaze lingering on you thoughtfully. His need for release is urgent, but he doesn't wish to harm you unnecessarily. "I can let you go, but I'm afraid you won't find your way back alone." His voice holds a note of genuine concern, his eyes softening momentarily.
Then, his expression shifts, the wolfish hunger returning. "But," he adds, "If you agree to stay and help alleviate my… condition, I promise to guide you safely back to where you belong. You won't regret it, trust me." He leans close, his breath warm against your ear as he whispers, "I'll make sure you enjoy it too."
You stand there, contemplating your options. The thought of being alone in these woods, possibly lost for another night, is daunting. On the other hand, submitting to Toji's demands is equally terrifying, but there's a strange allure to it as well. His promise of safety and pleasure seems almost too good to be true.
As you weigh the pros and cons, Toji watches you intently, his eyes never leaving yours. He can sense your hesitation, and it fuels his desire even more. "I understand if you're scared," he says softly, reaching out to gently cup your cheek. "But I promise, I won't hurt you. I just need someone to share this with, and you seem like the perfect one."
His touch is warm and comforting, despite the situation. You can't help but feel a strange sense of comfort in his presence, as if he truly means what he says. "So, what do you say?" he asks, his voice low and seductive. "Will you help me, and let me help you in return?"
"O-only if you promise to be gentle..", you reply, your voice shaking from his intimidating aura.
Toji's eyes crinkle at the corners, a rare smile gracing his features. "Gentle it is," he assures you, his grip on your cheek gentle but firm. "I can't promise but I will try since you are my first human mate.. Come, let's find a suitable spot. We don't want to draw attention, do we?" His voice is smooth, radiating confidence and control. You hesitate, but there's a sense of safety in his presence that you can't deny.
With a deep breath, you take his hand, allowing him to lead you deeper into the woods. The fear is still there, but it's tempered by a growing curiosity. You're stepping into unknown territory, but for some reason, you don't feel threatened. Instead, there's a strange excitement coursing through you, making your heart beat faster.
As you follow Toji deeper into the woods, you begin to notice subtle changes in the landscape. Brambles part before you, revealing a hidden trail leading to a small clearing. In the center of the clearing lies a cave, half-hidden by the surrounding foliage. This is where Toji leads you, guiding you inside with a gentle push.
The cave is surprisingly cozy, lit by the dim light seeping through the entrance. There's a palpable sense of warmth and security, and you can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. Toji observes your reaction, a satisfied smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"This is my den," he explains, gesturing around. "Now, shall we proceed?" He tilts his head, his eyes holding a mix of anticipation and expectation. You can tell that his rut is still strong, but he's patiently waiting for your lead.
Your nod sends a wave of excitement through Toji, his eyes glinting with eagerness.. He quickly steps closer, nearly ripping your pants and panties off. He hovers over you, his eyes locked on yours as he positions himself between your thighs.
Surprised by his sudden movement, you struggle in his grip, "W-wait you need to loosen me up"
Toji pauses, confusion clouding his features for a brief moment. "Loosen you up?" he repeats, his voice heavy with confusion. Then, understanding dawns on his face, and he chuckles softly. "Tsk, I can wait no more but fine since you beg me so obediently", moving between your legs. He gently parts you with his fingers, feeling your dampness.
"You're already prepared," he murmurs, a note of approval in his voice.
"Ah~", your back arches at his finger movements, your back hitting the ground of the cave.
At your response, Toji's eyes darken with lust. He thrusts his fingers into you roughly. You arch your back,
"Are ya loose yet?" His eyes remain locked on yours, his expression a mix of impatience and excitement.
"n-no not yet.. a-ah", your voice cracks up in pleasure.
Toji's eyes narrow, his brows furrowing in concentration. He inserts a third finger, thrusting harder this time, stretching you wider. You cry out, a mixture of pleasure and pain washing over you as you near your edge.
"Humans are so responsive..." he mutters, his voice thick with desire as he continues to fuck you with his fingers. His eyes never leave yours, the intensity between you and him building, is only heightened by the dim light of the cave.
Finally, after several more thrusts, you reach your orgasm and he withdraws his fingers, a satisfied smirk gracing his lips. "Ready?" He asks, his gaze locked on your face, waiting for your answer.
"mghh.. n-not now.. I need sometime.. I am sensitive right now", you protest.
Toji's eyes squint in annoyance "Shut up, I have been patient enough. I can't wait any longer."
With that, he positions himself between your legs again .With a sudden powerful surge, Toji thrusts into you, his giant cock stretching your poor hole wide. You gasp, your nails digging into the cave floor as you struggle to adjust to the intense sensation.
"Please.. A-ah .. be gentle"
"Shush..I am trying .. You humans are so fragile.. But", he grunts in pleasure, "ya feel so good. I never thought humans feel this good"
Though he is trying to be gentle, but your insides feel so good that he can't help but move relentlessly, his hips pumping in a primal rhythm. Each thrust sends shockwaves of pleasure and pain through you, your body responding to his dominance.
Despite your initial protest, you can't help but moan loudly, writhing beneath him. His roughness sets you ablaze, and you find yourself meeting his thrusts eagerly. His scent, his strength - everything about this experience overwhelms you. Your body cries out for release, and you know you won't last long.
"That's it, take it!" Toji growls, his eyes locked on yours. His primal nature is on full display, and it's intoxicating.
Your toes curl up as Toji's thrusts intensify, his eyes widening at your reaction. "Fuck, you're tight," he groans, his voice thick with lust. "You feel incredible." His pace quickens, his hips slamming into you with brutal efficiency. You cry out, the cave echoing with your sounds of pleasure and pain.
His rut is nearing its peak, his body trembling with suppressed energy. With one last powerful lunge, he buries himself deep within you, filling you with his seed. "Take it all," he rasps, his breath hot against your neck.
In that moment, you surrender to the sensations, your own climax washing over you. Together, you collapse onto the cave floor, feeling spent but incredibly fulfilled. Your legs wrap around him instinctively, holding him close.
As he recovers, Toji nuzzles your neck, his breathing ragged. "I hope I was gentle enough," he murmurs, his voice filled with satisfaction.
"No .. you are so mean..", you reply panting.
Toji laughs, his chest rumbling against your throat. "Mean? Maybe, but effective, wouldn't you agree?" He teases, his grip on you tightening. "Besides, don't lie, you enjoyed it too."
He's right, you did enjoy it - despite the roughness. The intensity of the encounter left you shaken yet exhilarated. He turns you on your stomach "don't think it's over yet.. It's just a starting"
"w-what?", your pupil dilates at the though.
Toji pushes you on your stomach and he enters from behind. You moan, feeling him stretch you once again. With a smirk, he begins to thrust relentlessly, his body slamming against yours. His large hands grip your sides, holding you steady as he takes you from behind.
"We are going to do it whole night" he growls, each word punctuated by his thrusts.
You cry out, your body responding eagerly to his advances. You can't deny the pleasure surging through you. His dominance excites you, the raw intensity of his actions sending you spiraling towards another climax.
"God, you're so good," he praises, his voice thick with lust. "I could spend hours with you, sweet human."
"P-please can't no more", you plead.
Toji stills, pulling his cock out, your body shaking from oversensitiveness. "Already?" then he thrusts into you again. "I know you can handle this."
You cry out, feeling him entering you again.
Time skips, and you and he are still at it, you don't know what time it is, you don't know how many orgasms coursed through you.. The only thing you know is the pleasure you are getting from this.
Toji's eyes shine with lust, his hands firmly grasping your hips as he bounces you on his lap. Your hair falls in disarray around your face, your skin flushed from exertion. Each thrust elicits a soft moan from you, your body responding to his every command.
"Feel good?" he asks, his voice low and sultry. His eyes hold a mixture of satisfaction and hunger, his gaze never leaving your face. You nod, breathless, your nails scratching lightly at his shoulders.
"Good," he growls, increasing his pace. "I knew you'd love this." His hips buck, driving into you harder, faster. You cry out, your body reacting to his every touch.
"p-please play with my nipples too.. mhmm", your face flush with shame as you beg him to pleasure you. Unknowingly removing your hands remove your top and push up your bra, revealing your breasts with stiffening nipples.
Toji's eyes light up at your request, his hands immediately moving to your breasts. He pinches your nipples gently, then harder, eliciting a mix of pleasure and pain from you. You cry out, your body arching in response.
"You like that?" he asks, his voice thick with lust. "Is this what you wanted?"
You nod, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps. He leans to catch one of your bouncing tits in his mouth, licking and sucking. His fangs brush your nipples, nibbling on them gently
"f-fuck .. dont bite them.. ahhh."
Toji pulls back, releasing your nipple with a wet pop. He looks at you, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips. "My apologies," he says, feigning innocence. "It seemed to please you though."
He resumes his thrusts, his movements fierce and unrestrained. His hands pinch and twist your nipples, his tongue lashing over them in turn. Each touch sends waves of pleasure-pain coursing through you, your body responding eagerly.
"I'm close," you whisper, your voice hoarse.
"Not yet," he growls, his eyes darkening. "I'm not done with you."
His words send a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you, pushing you closer to the edge. You cry out, your body writhing beneath him as he plays with your nipples, fucking you relentlessly.
"R-really can't anymore.. please let me .. let me cum", you beg him, tears falling from your cheeks.
Toji's eyes meet your teary eyes, his breath ragged.
"Don't cry little human", he licks your cheek wiping off your tears. "Then cum," he growls, his voice rough with pleasure. "Let go."
With a final, hard thrust, he drives into you, the motion perfectly synchronized with your climax. You cry out, your body shaking as you crest over the edge. He follows suit, his cock pulsing within you as he finds his own release. He growls which sounds more like a howl, as he fills your womb with his thick seed.
Exhausted, you slump against him, your breathing ragged. He holds you close, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
Soon you pass out. Toji catches you easily, his grip firm yet tender. "Awww. I wanted more though," he whispers, his voice softening, "but fine.. I have had enough fun.. I will help ya return tomorrow"
He gazes at your sleeping form, a hint of tenderness in his eyes. Despite his rough exterior, he cares for you. He wraps his big arms around you covering your fragile body, ensuring you stay warm throughout the night.
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You awaken slowly, feeling warm, wet warmth between your legs. Your eyes flutter open, landing on Toji's face, his eyes gleaming with desire as he licks your cunt. The sight is both erotic and overwhelming.
"Morning," he greets, his voice thick with lust. "How are you feeling?"
You swallow hard, your heart racing. "W-what are you doing?"
"What does it look like?" he responds, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Cleaning you up after last night's fun."
You blush, your body reacting to his touch whether you want it to or not. Your eyes squeeze shut as he licks and kisses your most intimate places.
"Mmm, you taste delicious," he murmurs, his voice vibrating against your skin. "Like sweet honey."
"H-hey you said.. you will help me return back home.."
Toji raises his head, his eyes locked on yours. "Go home?" he repeats, surprise clear in his voice. "Oh yes.. But I want to fuck you before I leave you alone for good"
Your skin is already sensitive from his licks and touches, your body ready for more. You bite your lower lip before nodding.
He grins, his eyes filled with lust. "What we waiting for then?" He quickly moves, positioning himself between your legs.
He chuckles as your walls devour his huge girth. "I love how good your taking me.. Fuck.. I'll always find you during my rut, my little bunny."
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3K notes · View notes
kquil · 3 months
CHPT. SUM. : sirius and remus are both very stubborn and need you to help them make amends, thankfully james is there
REQUEST. : could i request a hurt/comfort blurb with poly!marauders in the heroes in tattoos series where r is having really bad cramps and they comfort her- maybe when they're busy with clients and she doesn't want to disturb them but they notice? - requested by an anon (i had to make some tweaks, i hope you don't mind, my darling)
TAGS. : modern au, muggle au, tattoo artist!sirius black ; tattoo artist!james potter ; piercer!remus lupin ; hurt/comfort ; fluff ; mvp james ; james becomes a menace though so is he really the mvp? ; wolfstar fluff ; making up ; reader is also an mvp ; accidents happen ; period things~ ; remus is on the brink ; somebody save this man! ; no! somebody save reader from this man! ; assumes that reader does not take medication to regulate her periods ; assumes that reader wears sanitary pads for her periods
LENGTH : 4.3k
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“Sirius…” Remus sighs as he sits across from you and the man in question. 
“If you have a problem, I hope you know that I don’t care,” you feel the tattooist smirk against your temple as he presses another searing kiss into your skin. The tension from the room hasn’t fully dissipated yet, however, most of the fiction was swept aside leaving the air clear enough for a more civil conversation. 
With Sirius’ insistence, you were left no choice but to sit in his lap as Remus sits across from you. This left James to sit all on his lonesome, occupying the grandfather chair to your left as a warm smile reveals his asymmetrical dimple, directed solely at you. 
Remus groans in frustration and stands to his full height in order to pull his sleeveless sweater off. Sirius peppers light kisses along the column of your neck but it isn’t quite enough to distract you from the image of Remus undoing the top buttons of his button-up shirt nor the way he rolls up the sleeves to his elbows - a weak attempt at trying to cool down from the heat of the previous encounter. 
You’re tempted to look down once again but are too embarrassed to do so; the images that pervade your mind are too inappropriate and they taint the gentle and kind image you have of Remus… Although, maybe that isn’t too bad. A gentle giant masking an indelicate second face was quite attractive in your eyes. Maybe he’ll finally suit the rouge-ish image that comes to mind when you take in his many tattoos, which were often suppressed by his soft, dark academia-inspired fashion. 
Massaging away some of the tension in his taut wrists, his large and veiny hands on full display, Remus sits back down with a frown, “This is a fucking mess—”
“—you’re a fucking mess,” Sirius shoots back, a mischievous hint in his tone as the heat in your cheeks continue to increase until you’re positive you have steam steadily rising out of your ears. 
“This is serious, Sirius,” Remus calls his name almost mockingly and the icy stare Sirius sends him in return is so icy you feel the chill run down your spine without having to look. 
“Oh, I am serious, don’t you know who I am?” before the tension could rise to dangerous levels again, you launch yourself off of Sirius’ lap, willing the butterflies from your stomach away and suppressing all imagery of the affection Sirius was just drowning you. It was his attempt at distracting you from the tense situation but you’re fed up of it now. It also breaks your heart seeing them like this when you know their true affections for one another.  
“That’s enough!” you stand as strong as the finality ringing in your statement, “you two need to make up!” Remus and Sirius face the point of your accusing finger with disgruntled expressions, “I thought you two loved each other,” your disappointed tone makes their shoulders sag in shame and their eyes avoid one another’s. 
“Dove, please—”
“—Listen…” the careful intonation in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed and wills them to hear you out with care, lips sealed shut, “you were both right — you both had good reason to act the way you did and I can’t blame either of you for wanting to steer things into a certain direction but I’m also to blame for this, okay? I was horrible at communicating my true emotions and that led to a lot of unnecessary heartache on both sides,” with a deep breath, you establish your resolve, “can’t we all just make up and move forward together?” everyone in the room knows that when you said ‘we’, what you really meant was just Remus and Sirius. 
James has been an absolute angel throughout all of this, collateral damage to their bickering and unloving behaviour towards each other; stuck between a rock and a hard place. You only have sympathy for him being caught up in the middle of it all.  
“Dove, it’s not—”
You swiftly interrupt, “I love all of you,” your confession makes them all stutter and flush pink in the cheeks. It’s an image that makes you smile warmly just before insecurity creeps over and your smile turns shy, “don’t… don’t you love me too?…” it was now clear in their actions that they reciprocated your romantic affections and so you weren’t wrong to assume that they wanted you to take part in their relationship…right?
The drawn out silence that followed was too much for you to bear. Even after taking some of the blame off their shoulders and confessing your love, they were still too stubborn to admit their wrongs and make up. Huffing, you make your disappointment and frustrations known with a deep frown, thoroughly concealing your heartache from their silence .
“We just need—” Sirius finally begins, stubborn as ever, only to be glared at harshly by both, Remus and James. This was not the right time for excuses. You had just worded your true feelings for them and they needed to reciprocate in kind. But those words were hard to come by, the timing for a confession also wasn’t ideal for the moment. Then again, when would it ever be. They’ve all just proven how incompetent they were at emotions despite being in such a loving relationship, and yet, you were still willing to accept and be with them romantically. The words they have for you reached beyond that of just love; they were also grateful, astonished and embarrassed for their incompetence. 
“I love you too, angel, so so much,” James finally speaks up, eyes bright and his smile warm with his adoration of you. He ignores the high tension in the room, eyes fixed solely on you as he glowed like the summer sun but he doesn’t reach out for you in any way, he simply sits and admires. Admires how beautiful you look, admires how strong you are, admires how loving and sweet you remain despite all the trouble and anguish they’ve put you through.  
You feel the world disappear around you and narrow your focus onto the only person you were grateful for in the room at that moment. Year heart pounds with warmth and devotion and all you want to do is be close to him. Helping yourself into James’ lap, you smile up at the bewildered look on this handsome face, “Oh James, you’re my only saving grace,”
James smiles at your words as his arms wrap around your waist, securing you in place, “yeah?” his voice is a faint whisper and airy with his adoration for you. 
“Yeah,” reaching up, your arms wrap around his neck and pull him close so you can press your face under his chin. Behind you, you feel the baffled attention of Sirius and Remus, “how about I feed you some lunch again? Like we always used to do?”
Without waiting for an answer, you lean over to swipe up one of your lunch containers and proceed to feed him, completely ignoring the grumbling and whining emitting from Sirius and Remus. 
“I like your thinking, angel,” James giggles adorably and happily accepts your affections as the two of you silently agree to ignore the other two until they make up. In the mean time, you’ll enjoy each other’s company in your own little bubble of love. 
“How does it taste?” you ask sweetly, blatantly ignoring Remus and Sirius, sitting side-ways on James’ lap but keeping your full attention on him. 
“Delicious! More than delicious!” James exaggerates and basks in the bell-like giggles he draws from you, he doesn’t want the sound to ever stop, “You’re always such a great cook, angel!”
“I made it all with love, just for you, Jamie~”
He hums low and appreciative, “I’m so fucking lucky, aren’t I?” 
As you continue to feed him, James takes the opportunity to look over your shoulder and smirk at the miserable faces of his two lovers. They know they deserved this unfair treatment. They also know that, to remedy it, all they have to do is abandon their pride and apologise, which is always worth it when your love is on the line — it should be easy for them. All things considered, this was just light punishment.
Faced with only one solution, Remus and Sirius turn to each other. Sirius still grumbles under his breath as Remus sighs. The brunette accepts that it was entirely his fault for pushing Sirius to suppress his natural way of loving just for his own personal fear that things would turn out horribly, otherwise. And judging from the way Sirius avoids his eyes and continues to whine, Remus knows it’s up to him to make amends. 
‘But it’s not so bad’, Remus smiles to himself; seeing one of his beloved partners grumpy and stubborn was oddly charming. And now that most of the conflict has dissolved, Remus had no other reason to hold back an apology other than for his own personal pride. 
Making his way over, Remus kneels down beside his grumbling lover and whispers his name affectionately, “Sirius,” Remus waits, patient and unhurried, until his beloved in question finally looks at him. As soon as they meet eyes, Remus is left thinking the same devoted thought he’s always had when drowning in his boyfriend’s diamond-grey eyes, ‘how did I get so lucky?’ which is then quickly followed by a guilty, ‘why did I ever let it get this far?’
“I’m sorry,” the piercer doesn’t wait for a response and, almost desperately, leans up to capture Sirius’ lips. The kiss is filled with emotions, a mix of sincerity, love and forgiveness. The sentiments were so keen they almost smother the murmured, unspoken words on Sirius’ tongue, “what was that, love?” Remus asks against his lover’s lips, unable to pull away fully. He missed this…
“I’m sorry too…”
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It was a unanimous decision to have you spend the night at the boys’ shared flat. They’ve been kept away from you for too long and tonight they wanted to make up for lost time. High on emotions and desperately missing their presence in your life too, you agree as long as you dropped by your place first for a change of clothes. But not before having Remus and Sirius apologise to James for their neglect of him. 
“You know, we really are so happy to have you in our lives, dollface,” Sirius utters, leaving feathery kisses on your lips as he pushes the door to their flat open whilst carrying your duffle bag for you. He was kind enough to take you to and from your flat on his motorcycle just for the quick collection of your night time essentials. 
“I’m happy you’re in my life too, Siri,” the situation has finally dawned on you but you still can’t believe the events that have lead you to this very moment. 
“Stop hogging her, Padfoot!” James whines, sweeping you off your feet and hurrying to the living room with you in his arms. Once there, he sits you on his lap triumphantly, “Aha! You’re finally mine!” he cheers and attacks your neck with a flourish of kisses, tickling you and infecting the air with your melodic giggles. 
“Now you’re hogging her Prongs, stop being a hypocrite!” Sirius pants lightly after rushing to the scene from the hallway, a grin plastered on his lips despite his accusing words. 
From the kitchen, Remus smiles to himself at the sounds of merriment in the air and continues to cook dinner. 
This is how it should be…
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Remus wanted to sort the conflict with Sirius out more, so he insisted that you spend the night in James’ bed which you happily agree shyly, James grinning widely at your side. All three of you agree as Sirius whines and makes adorable grabbing motions at you but it’s no use as Remus keeps the tattooist pressed tightly against his side, dragging him off and trapping him in his room for the night. The sight made you giggle but it was a brief reprieve from the anxious nerves that soon had you avoiding James’ eyes. 
“You’re so cute,” James whispers affectionately at your shy behaviour, resisting the urge to kiss you as he leads you to his room and gestures to his en suite, “you can change in there, beautiful, I can change out here and brush my teeth at the kitchen sink instead,” 
With a small smile, you move past him with your duffle, eager to get ready for bed but squeal in surprise when you feel a teasing pinch at your ass. An explosion of heat blooms across your cheeks when you glance over your shoulder and observe James’ sly wink and devious smirk directed at you. 
“Angel with a cutest ass, aren’t I a lucky bastard?” he chuckles and presses a devoted, almost possessive, kiss onto your lips, “I never did say thank you for making those two apologise to me,” he purrs and nips at your bottom lip, “you make me feel seen…god, I love you so much,” you squeak into the fierce kiss that follows, almost losing yourself in the embrace but pry yourself away with a squeal when his hands travel too low and squeeze greedily at your ass. 
You rush into the bathroom with butterflies in your stomach as James licks his lips and laughs merrily. He’s come to love teasing you and you didn’t know whether to argue or welcome it with open arms. Shaking the thoughts out of your head, you move on to change into your pyjamas - an oversized shirt and shorts - before proceeding with your night time skincare routine. For a moment, you contemplated taking a shower but rule against it, not wanting to prolong your night time routine. No more than fifteen minutes later, you were out of the en suite bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for bed but giggle at the sight of James already tucked under the covers. He looks so cosy and innocent, it almost makes you forget about his devious behaviour earlier on. 
“All ready?” James asks with his usual boyish grin and sits up, allowing the covers to drop from his chest, at which point you quickly realise that James is a liar. He didn’t need to change into anything! All he did was take off his shirt and he was all set for bed! “I changed into comfier pyjama pants, though,” he argues lightly as you slip into the right side of the bed. 
“That’s just half changing!” your retort has him laughing aloud, your flustered state beyond amusing and incredibly adorable in his eyes.
“Am I making you shy, princess?~”
“Oh yes I am~”
“Go to sleep, James,”
“Not without a goodnight kiss from my angel,” he leans over you with his naked chest on full display and you stutter in embarrassment, “don’t be shy, come and give me a fat smooch~” he puckers his lips above you and awaits your compliance with closed eyes. 
“I’m a very patient man, darling, I can do this all night long,”
“No you’re not,”
“Yes I am,”
“You’re not,”
“I am,”
He finally peaks an eye open. Then slowly opens both eyes as he un-puckers his lips to smirk down at you, caged in between his muscular arms as he props himself up with his elbows, “You just like staring at my beautifully muscular chest don’t you?” you watch as his ego inflates to dangerous levels right in front of you, “My tattoos turn you on too, angel?~”
“Oh for goodness sake!” you finally relent and lean upwards, your smile matching his own when you finally capture his lips in his much desired, goodnight kiss. With one arm holding himself up, James uses his spare hand to hold your face in place, prolonging the kiss. You have no choice but to accept his needy demands as your hand searches his bedside table for his lamp switch. 
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Morning comes with you groaning in discomfort as a syrupy wetness coats your inner thighs and painful pangs make you want to curl up into a ball. Your bleary morning fog makes the situation difficult to decipher but the realisation soon comes crashing down like a landslide and you lift the covers with a scream, the scent of iron becoming more potent. Beside you, James jumps awake, fully alert as his worried, hazel eyes scan you, trying to discern what may be the problem. 
“What’s wrong, angel?” he asks, voice deep and groggy with sleep but dripping in concern.
“James, I’m so sorry,” you sob into your hands  and curl up into yourself, hiding your face away from him. 
“What do you mean?” he reaches forward, inching closer to you in the process and quickly realising what’s wrong when he feels an unusual wetness seep through his thin pyjama pants, “oh angel, don’t be upset, it’s okay,” he coos, gently prying your hands away from your face so he can kiss your forehead tenderly, “it’s normal. Are you okay?” he asks softly, looking over you without an ounce of judgement or anger on his face, only concern and soft, kind, heart-fluttering love in his eyes. 
“Th-the blood—”
“I don’t care about the blood,” he insists gently, “I just want to make sure that you’re okay,” you remain silent from the embarrassment but he’s understanding, “do you want me to get you some painkillers?”
As soon as you give an affirming nod, he’s out of bed and hurrying down the hall. It doesn’t take very long for him to come back to you, a glass of water in one hand and a pack of painkillers in the other. 
“Thank you,” you finally utter with a small smile, still upset at having ruined the sheets but so incredibly grateful for his tolerance. Patiently, he waits for you to take your dosage before he’s sweeping you up in his arms and carrying you into his en suite. 
“Get cleaned up, angel,” he voices into you hair before placing you back on your feet, “I’ll change the sheets in the mean time,” he leaves you with a kiss before you could utter another word of apology. He wasn’t going to take it, he made that very clear, because it wasn’t your fault. And it was nothing a little oxi stain remover couldn’t fix. 
The start to the day wasn’t ideal but James, Remus and Sirius made one of the most agonising and frustrating times of the month for you much more enjoyable. James woke his two lovers up while you were showering in his bathroom, thanking your lucky stars that you bought a spare change of clothes just in case you wanted to shower, and they all made the effort of getting you comfortable. 
James changed his bedsheets and laid a dark coloured towel down for you to lay on top of just to catch any more potential leakage. He made sure you didn’t see his bloodied sheets again too so that you wouldn’t continue feeling guilty and happily took care of the stains away from your line of sight. Sirius worked on breakfast as Remus made you some tea and a hot water bottle and, before James steps out of the flat to buy you period pads, you hear Remus call out helpfully, “look for the long, heavy flow pads and make sure to get the ones with wings,” their thoughtfulness makes you smile. 
“How did you know to get these ones?” you ask when James comes back, panting as he hands you the pack of pads through the door of his en suite. 
“Remus told me, and I heard girls experience heavier flows on the first few days,” his answer draws out a proud smile. You have no doubt you’d be well taken care of in this relationship, though it does make you bashful. 
“Thank you, James,” 
For breakfast Sirius cooked you french toast with strawberries and honey, apparently it was the only good thing he could cook. Remus balanced the sweetness of the meal out with some eggs and toast, while James brought over the tea and hot water bottle Remus had also prepared. Breakfast was pleasant but they boys were insistent that you stay in James’ bed and call if you needed anything. As much as they wanted to spend the full day right by your side, they were preparing to make the announcement of returning their business into full operations and were still taking calls and responding to client emails at home. You didn’t argue, you knew the shop was important to them so you didn’t want to be a burden. 
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The day drags by and you know they’ve made it clear that you could freely call out to them whenever but the hours drag by and they haven’t heard a single peep. They didn’t mean to lose their full attention in their work; it’s been so long since they were last filled with the motivation to keep up with their business that emails and paperwork on equipment orders had piled up significantly so they were swamped. Thankfully they were finally inspired enough that the work didn’t feel laborious. Unfortunately, that meant seeing them in their element though James’ open doorway and shying away from redirecting their attention back to you. 
It wasn’t until you willed yourself to walk to their kitchen that you finally caught their attention. All phone calls, email responses and paperwork filing was stopped as soon as you stepped into their line of sight when your craving for a snack became too much. They had gone for a quick shop to buy you an array of snacks from sweet to savoury that morning and had left the bag on their kitchen counter. You were just reaching for the bag when Remus caught your wrist and swept you up into his arms in order to carry you back into James’ bed. 
All three of them felt incredibly guilty for having neglected you, unintentional or not, they even neglected themselves in the process by prioritising their work and forgetting about lunch. In Remus’ head, everything circled back to the night before as a chain of linked events. As you laid in bed, curled up and nibbling on a chocolate bar, you watch and listen as Remus scolds the two about how, if the outburst didn’t happen, they wouldn’t have asked you to stay the night, you wouldn’t have agreed and you wouldn’t have had to suffer from their incompetent care. Remus was being too hard on himself, which reflected directly onto Sirius and James.
“This is why I said we needed to be careful and. To. Be. Patient,” Remus snarls under his breath, almost growling at Sirius and James who stand at the foot of the bed. James nods with a disappointed sigh as Sirius crosses his arms and huffs in defiance. They’re developing a bad habit of speaking about you when you’re still in the same room but, at least, it means their thoughts are open to you.
“I didn’t see you complain when you watched James and I practically devouring her sweet little mouth yesterday,” Sirius’ challenging comment makes the tips of James’s ears turn visibly pink as an embarrassing heat climbs up your neck to bloom across the apples of your cheeks. Interestingly, James can barks and bites to his heart’s content with you but if anybody else brings it up, it seems that bashfulness isn’t far behind. 
Remus shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose, “don’t start now, Sirius—”  
“—I-I don’t mind, we’re all learning to love together and I know how important the tattoo parlour is to all of you so I really don’t mind…” you interrupt their bickering with flushed cheeks and shy eyes, unprepared for the reaction you would receive. 
Remus snaps his full attention towards you in that moment. Your words were innocent and you look the picture of virtue, shy and sweet as you peer up at them with glittering doe eyes and a small smile. Remus doesn’t think anybody else could be more beautiful than you right now. You appreciate his passions, you support it even, you’re understanding, you’re kind, you’re loving, you’re sweet and you’re so incredibly lovable, he wants to keep you away from the rest of the world forever, selfishly keeping you for himself. He wonders if you know how much of a tease you’ve been to him this whole, working him up over and over and over again until he finally snaps.  
Morals and patience be damned — he can’t resist you anymore. 
Remus’ face carries an unreadable expression as he gives a slow exhale and strides over to you. Sirius and James watch from where they stood, unmoving but with sly smiles on their lips — they know you’re the perfect image of Remus’ weaknesses bundled into one being and they both knew this was coming. It was about time… they applaud him though, he has more patience than them — but he had more desires too. 
It all happens too fast for you to register but Remus was quickly looming over you, propped up by a hand on the bed as his other gripped at your chin. His eyes were piercing and held such promise within them, un-breaking and passionate, that you couldn’t look away. 
“Don’t tempt me, beautiful girl,” his voice lowers several octaves and is underpinned by a hypnotising vibration that corrupts your limbs with minor tremors and a ferocious heat. Shamelessly, he captures your lips in a soft and tender kiss, an antithesis to the dark gleam in his feral eyes, “I’m not above making a mess in the bedroom,” you gasp at the implication and, for a moment, your cramps become pleasantly arousing. Again, Remus can’t help but hold your lips hostage in an increasingly impassioned embrace. He greedily eats up your pretty moans, the muffled sounds going straight to his groin and making his smart trousers uncomfortably tight — a prickling warning to his precarious conduct, “so be a good girl and sit pretty until after you get over this, okay?” he utters roughly against your lips. 
He’ll wait just a little bit longer…it’ll be worth it.
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A/N : goodness me, this was so much harder to write than previous chapters, i kept changing so many things but i think i'm satisfied with the final product, i hope you darlings do too~ the next chapter will be a pretty big one i think, so i won't be posting it for a while, however, i may post short additional imagines/scenarios for this series that don't necessarily follow the chronological order just to satiate some of you XD anywho~ i hope you darlings enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one
TAGLIST : @susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-rou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g
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slushycoookie · 4 months
Can't Sleep
Relationship: Miguel O'Hara x AFAB! Reader
Word Count: 1,643
Content: Smut (forreal this time), vaginal fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, Minors DNI!
Summary: You can't sleep and are a little horny. So you decide to bother your husband.
A/N: Took me a bit to write this one. Only because I wasn't sure how to end it lol
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You couldn't sleep.
Your eyes landed on the clock for the fifth time tonight. The time never changed. It was half past 11 on a Friday night and your husband wasn't home.
Hands felt his side of the bed in longing. He was working late tonight. There were things he had to finish up. He said five hours ago. Now, you were restless and perhaps a little horny. It was your own fault. Your mind started to race as you imagined Miguel coming home to you. Wanting to release the stress Spider Society gave him. So he towered over you in bed, having his way with you by covering you with kisses and rough touches. Hearing you whine as his touch was driving you crazy. Feeling his hardened cock against your thigh. He was as desperate as you by grinding on you.
You sat up, throwing the sheets away. Your body was getting warm at your rampant thoughts. No point in sleeping now. You checked the time once more, only a minute going by. Miguel would still be up, right? The man you loved was a major workaholic. You wanted to make sure he didn't overwork himself.
That's what your goal was when you put on your pajama bottoms. Shoving your feet into your pair of Spider-Man slippers and donning a simple gray jacket. You went into the bedside drawer and pulled out the watch Miguel gave you. He said it was for emergencies, but you and him knew you were going to use it for more than that.
You portaled right outside his lab, tiptoeing through the dark to see your partner on the platform. He was watching all of the monitors in total concentration. Still alert and wide awake.
“It's late.” His voice boomed through the room. You could never not be amazed at his enhanced senses. “Why are you still here?”
Before you could speak to let him know it was you, Miguel's eye cut over and an instant shift. His face softened, delighted to see you. The look caused your heart to flip. He lowered the platform, striding over to embrace you. His musk filled your nostrils, not helping your increased arousal at all.
Miguel pulled away, gesturing towards your outfit, “What's this?”. You probably should've worn something sexier.
“I couldn't sleep. So I got up and wanted to see you.” You said while holding his hand.
He glanced down at your slippers and sucked his teeth, “Did you have to wear those?”
“Yes.” You rolled your feet in the comfortable footwear.
You did your questioning like every good partner does. Asked him how work was, if he ate dinner, and whatever errands needed to be done tomorrow. Before you did what you really wanted to do.
You were high up on the platform so you were used to heights. While Miguel finished up reports as he promised you he was almost done, you hugged him from behind. You held back in smirking at the way his back muscles tensed up. Your hands flat against his abdomen.
“What are you doing?”
“Hugging you.” You rubbed your chin against his back. “Is it distracting you?”
You waited for Miguel to resume his duties before running your hands along his stomach. Feeling his abs made you roll your eyes back. Your hands caressed him as if trying to put his muscles to memory. One thing you knew about your husband was his erogenous zones. He loved being touched on his neck, his lower back, and around his navel. So you circled the latter slowly. Nail dragging against his suit with ease.
He let out a low sigh, his movements faltering when he swiped a monitor away. You wanted to go lower. Feel him getting hard at your little touches. You held back, planting a gentle kiss on his back. You stopped circling his navel before maneuvering to the side. You ignored the eye glance he gave you as you were in front of him now, taking an interest in his work.
“All of these reports have to be signed off?”
Your body formed goosebumps when Miguel's hand landed on your hip, the other signing off the digital documents. “Yes. My least favorite part of the job. It's so tedious.”
You hummed at the valid annoyance he gave you, backing up a little against his chest. His arousal pressed against your back. He wasn't fully hard yet but it was working.
“Do you…want me to help?” Your head tilted back to gaze at him. His reddish-brown eyes stood out from the dim light. “It's just making a signature, right?”
Miguel cleared his throat, “It's more than that. You have to read the report first to make sure it's viable and-” He stopped when your ass shifted against him, still gazing at him with wide eyes. The grip on your waist tightened. You got him right where you want him.
“And? What else?” You asked, a glint of curiosity in your voice.
He pursed his lips, “Never mind that. What are you doing now?”
“Nothing.” You batted your eyelashes. “I wanna help you finish your work faster.”
“Sure…” His tone tinted with annoyance, but his lips formed a smirk. “Since when did you care about my reports?”
“Since forever.” You shrugged it off, begging him to have you help. He obliged, allowing you to place the reports in a folder he created when he was finished. And you did. Being a good partner who’s supportive. Who occasionally rubs their ass against his cock.
He got a little rub each time you put a report in the folder. A tiny one, enough to make him pause. While his hand was still on your hip. Each time you rolled your bottom against him, the hand squeezed your flesh. He didn’t permit you to stop either. So you kept going.
The reports were soon ignored. Heavy breaths filled the room as Miguel was rolling his hips against yours. Creating a perfect rhythm as he humped against you. He bent you over against the console. You looked back to watch his face lower at seeing your bodies flush against each other. He was so attractive like that.
To your surprise, Miguel grabbed the nape of your neck, pushing you down as he rutted against you. “Help me with reports, my ass. I know what you really wanted…” You hummed at his hand squeezing your plump cheeks.
“A-And? What did I really want?”
To answer your question, he pulled off your pj bottoms, throwing them and those slippers he hated away. Your underwear was with it, leaving you bare from the waist down. His large fingers dipped down, slicking himself with your arousal. The hand gripping your neck slid down your back, under your shirt. Stroking your back as he played with your sex. Pumping two fingers in and out of you.
“Jesus…” He grunted, “All of this for me?”
You arched your back, reveling in his rough fingers handling you like it was nothing. His thumb brushed against your clit occasionally, not giving you enough stimulation you needed.
“Miguel…stop playing…”
“Shh, mi amor. Esto es reembolso para ti jugando conmigo (This is payback for you messing with me).”
You whined at the mercy of your partner and his teasing touches. You should've said you wanted to fuck outright. But he was being nice, giving more attention to your sensitive bud. His slick fingers glide along you with ease. The hand that was on your back went around to grope your breast. Pinching your nipple as he kept rubbing you. You were so close, on the brink of climaxing. But he stopped, earning a cry from you.
“No! Why did you-?”
A sharp thrust inside made you gasp. Large hands landed on your hips to pull you even closer to his body. Miguel's hard chest pressed against your back, his face buried in your head.
“Fuck.” He groaned as if he was experiencing you for the first time. Your mouth gaped as he pulled out completely before slamming himself back in. His large thighs hitting your ass repeatedly with each thrust.
This is what you wanted. What you imagined all night. To have your husband fuck you silly.
Grunts and moans filled the lab. You only hoped that no one was in HQ, or you and he would be in a rude awakening tomorrow. Miguel was a force to be reckoned with. Each powerful thrust makes you submit to him more and more. He knew what to do as he reached around to play with your clit after each thrust.
“Yeah…just like that…” You whimpered, feeling your impending release rising. You couldn't move as he had you trapped with his large body. Causing you to submit to him.
“Come on, nena. Let go for me.” Miguel grunted in your ear, not stopping his touches. Your eyes rolled back, back arched as you squeezed around his cock without warning.
Miguel stuttered, feeling your walls contort to him, not expecting you to climax so quickly. But he wasn't far behind, pounding into you to provide himself some relief. Your name came out of his lips strained as his seed filled you up inside. Tiny thrusts into you to make sure you got it all. His face nuzzled into your neck as he held you, soft kisses on your nape.
The two of you caught your breath in silence. Only the hum from his workstation filling your ears.
“Let's go home.” Another kiss to your head as he started handing you your clothes. He helped you put on your underwear and bottoms as you stumbled to his side.
“Are you sure? I thought you had more work to do.”
Miguel shook his head, pulling you to him as he created a portal back to your place. “I'll finish it later.”
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deadghosy · 4 months
prompt: your best friend John Doe hacked you into a universe where hell is much different in your mind
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“OOF-” you said as you press the buttons on your ps5. A portal opens as blocky person with yellow skin exits out of the portal looking at you. “JD!” You said with a “:P” face. “noob…you get to get out the house more…” John Doe said with a static voice as he picked up your bloxy body and thrown you into a portal as you kept smiling
“:) yay I’m falling.” You said out loud as you felt yourself fall in the air. You fell but landed on your feet like always. You look around to see that it smell like must, ass, and most importantly fire. You walked around just smiling as demons and sinners looked as if you were some weirdo…..
You came across the hotel and applied for a job to be the schedule manager. You got a red outfit to match vaggie and Charlie as you grab a flat board and started to write who gets to do what.
Noob! Reader is the type to pull out a cannon out of fucking no where and fuck someone’s life up🦆(a/n: pinkie pie type shit)
I can see Alastor watching you do a r6 dance as he just looked at you weirdly with a strained smile. You literally said out loud “/E DANCE!” And started to dance 😭
Lucifer got scared because he accidentally let you dove off a roof…but you respawned with a blue force field around you making Lucifer think you were an angel.
You love the egg boiz as they love you too! You do color sheets with them as Pentious brings you guys some cookies like a mom💗
You had onetime pulled a chainsaw out because husk said he needed to get a haircut on his fur. You literally pullled it out of no while husk jolted looking at your crazed face as you reved it up.
“You said you needed a hair cut!!” “I SAID HAIR CUT! NOT END MY LIFE YOU FUCKER!” Husk yells back as you chase him smiling like “:D” with the chainsaw. It was giving scooby doo as you kept chasing him.
Lucifer would be weirded out with Noob as noob just sticks their tongue out like the :P face while Lucifer pokes you curious about your game like box body.
I imagine noob! Reader showing Charlie a picture of bacon hair boy who is doing orange justice in the back. “Oh is that your friend?” Charlie says with a nervous smile at how your friend’s hair literally looks like bacon or is. You nodded excitedly as you wave your phone happily at bacon hair boy.
You blasted “it’s raining tacos” outside of the Vee’s tower when learning your friends had opps in there. So you wanted to annoy them.
This lasted for 2 days until vaggie had found you and took you home as you screamed out the song LOUD AND PROUD
I can imagine Lucifer making you a duck hat that says “don’t duck with me!” It’s so cute 🦆
I headcannon noob!reader to be the most dangerous being in hell as they literally been to every other gun and fighting game of the roblox universe.
You know those badass Roblox games with those cool combat moves? That’s what you use. 🤨
You grabbed a sinner’s face and run dragging their body in the ground with a smile. You lifted your arm and swing them around as they flew to who knows where as the crew behind you had an either shocked or entertained face.
One time Charlie and you were shopping in a mall and you peaked over the boarder to keep people from falling. “I wonder if I can die from this height.” “NOOB NO-” that’s when you had to get a kid leash on you anytime you go out with the staff.
It was a nice day as Angel was throwing knives to increase his skills. You walked by him curiously grabbing two knives and throwing them at the same time. Making it hit the bullseye as Angel looked at you shock.
“Whoa kid, how did you learn to do that?” Angel asked pulling out the knives you made in the bullseye. “I was murder once!” You said with a happy smile as you walked away. Angel dust has the most confused face ever(picture below)
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I headcannon noob!reader to be like Kirby. So like noob pulls out a knife to be murder, and then they could pull out a gun as Sheriff✨🦆
“Pew pew pew” you said as you stood on the balcony of the hotel as you shot at random sinners. Alastor appeared behind you confused but laughs at the misery of the sinner running when a missed shot almost killed them.
One time Angel gave you a Tommy gun not suspecting you know how to use it….you literally started to blast sinners away-
yeah Angel never gave you his Tommy gun ever again.
As you stayed in hell, you didn’t know that you would be spied on by the angels as Adam laughs at how chaotic and naive you are.
You’re so use to bullshit in Roblox you just stand there like “🧍🏾” as shit goes on. Literally when Charlie was panicking when the extermination was due in 6 months
During a uno game you ate a card as husk was trying to win but forfeited in anger as you screamed out uno. Leaving the missing card out of your mouth….it got quiet so quick as husk chased after you.
Niffty finds you amazing as you both have crazed tendencies. You both literally cause made chaos around places 🤭
The overlords are confused when they see Lucifer bring you to a meeting for once. You just sat there eating a taco. “Ello.” You said waving your blocky arm at them.
When watching the horror movies with the crew, you don’t react at all with Alastor as you been in lots of horror games with that one guy named Guest…you miss home and him.
I headcannon that you once accidentally summoned John Doe because you sneezed and he literally stood there as you hugged him. The rest of the crew was confused thinking he was your brother.
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blue-sadie · 10 months
"My body wants you as badly as my heart does" with Tsutey x reader please 😘
My Heart, My Soul
Tsutey x Pregnant Human Reader
Summary: ever since the announcement your treated like a fragile peace of glass that can break with a single tap
Warning: insecure reader, pregnant sex, riding
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Yn/3rd person pov
Mo'at thought it was miracle but also a disgrace "the baby is healthy" she said as her hands ghosted over my small bulging stomach.
I looked to the side seeing tsutey eye her movements as if she was a threat "eywa has blessed you both" she murmured standing up and looking at tsutey as if they were having an unspoken conversation.
He shook his head disapprovingly and she just walked out "what was that about tsutey" I asked worryingly as I sat up and pulled down my shirt.
He sighed loudly and pulled me into him "she's just wondering if this is still the best for us my love" we slowly started to walk back to the lab so I can take off my mask.
Some of the other na'vis watched and whispered as we walked by as tsutey loomed over me like a protective shield making sure I wouldn't stumble and fall.
His protectiveness increased by like 100 since I announced my pregnancy to him he treats me like a glass object that is so fragile and would break at the slightest touch.
He's even stopped having sex with me and with my hormones and insecurities it's starting to get to me, we continued walking into we reached my room and closed the door.
I carefully removed my mask and took a few deep breaths before speaking "do you love me anymore" I could already feel the tears prick my eyes and run down my cheeks before I could stop them.
I didn’t even have to look at him to know he was already looking at me in confusion "what do you mean my love" he asked and squated to my height beside me.
When I didn't look at him he carefully moved one of his hands to lightly guide my face to look at his, his eyes softening as he sees my tears.
"You don't t-touch me a-and it feels like y-you don't love m-me" I hiccup and my hands started to shake he grinned at my foolishness and peck my lips lovingly.
"My love my body wants you as much as my heart does but I do not want to hurt you or the baby" he cooed as his hands gently ghosted off of my baby bump.
I started to cry happy tears as I giggled wiping my tears away "im sorry if I made you doubt my love for you" Tsu'tey murmured as he stood up and slowly started to usher me to bed.
He sat on the edge of the bed his body barely fitting on it he wrapped his arms around me bringing me into his chest.
He whispered sweet things to me and talked about his up coming hunt I slowly sat up as an idea popped into my head "tsu can I try something please" I asked quietly.
He stared at me and noded slowly his eyes watching my movements as I climbed off the bed and slowly shimied off my pants and underwear off.
"Baby-" I interrupted him "Tsu'tey please I need you" I pleaded as I crawled to him pawing at his thighs "please tsu" I murmured.
He groaned slightly rubbing his face roughly and nodded forcefully "ok my love just please do not hurt yourself" he said and moved his loincloth aside.
I carefully climbed onto his lap and sunk back onto his cock groaning out "are you ok my love" he asked worriedly I sighed out and nodded eagerly.
"I'm ok" I whispered and slowly started to move up and down careful not to hurt me or the baby my hands grazing his chest my nails slightly digging into his skin, I closed my eyes tightly throwing my head back.
"M-my love" Tsu'tey groaned his hands gripping my hips tightly my moans were loud and shakey as I started going a little bit faster I opened my eyes to gaze at his lustfilled expression.
"My body yearns for you my love" he murmured his hands ghosting up and down my sides almost guiding me up and down on his cock.
My heart flattened at his words and my stomach tightened as my climax started to near "f-fuck tsu" I whined my eyes rolling back as his cock started to pulse.
"My love please cum for me" he breathed out as he pulled me into a deep kiss my hands moving to cup his face.
"T-tsu'tey" I cried out as I cam clenching around him "my love" he groaned gritting his teeth as he threw his head back.
His cum shooting inside me "fuck" I curesed we both panted and he just started to chuckle "what" I asked looking at him weirdly.
"Nothing my love it's just I can't but fall in love with you all over again"
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lovelyhan · 1 year
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— bad habits ⟢
pairing: joshua x reader
summary: it’s common practice to not sleep around with your ex months after you broke up. too bad you and joshua are terrible at doing things by the book. 
word count: 1.3k words
tags: exes with benefits, pining, mild angst, smut
warnings: graphic sexual content (minors dni!!)
notes: this is shorter than my usual work, bc i really just wanted to get shua out of my system..... smut tags are under the cut!
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smut tags: car sex, fingering, protected sex, praise kink, soft dom joshua
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It's Friday night when you tell Seungkwan that you're going out for a quick grocery run. When he asks if you're going alone, you don't really see any benefit in skirting around the truth.
"They're just errands," you say when you catch him glaring daggers at you from his comfortable nest on the couch. "I had my car fixed the other day, remember? He just happened to be in the area and offered to give me a ride to and from the supermarket."
Your best friend-slash-roommate scoffs. "When has it ever been just errands when you're left alone with him for more than five minutes?"
You love Seungkwan—really, you do. But there's something about his too-appraising stare and too-critical words that makes you want to do the things you aren't supposed to even more.
Then, you remember you're not that petulant. Of course you aren't constantly keeping in touch with your ex-boyfriend for the sole reason of going against what Seungkwan tells you. If that were the case, things would be much, much easier.
But life doesn't always turn up daisies, things don't always go as planned, and part of you doesn't always think it's a bad thing to fuck Joshua Hong in the backseat of his SUV.
"Jisoo," you whisper, a name he only ever lets those closest to his heart address him with. Half a year later, it seems that you're still on the list. "More, please."
You're perched on his lap, thighs splayed wide right atop his own as he loosens you up with lithe fingers. You can't see the way Joshua smirks, but you can feel how his lips twitch against the column of your throat, pressing a featherlight kiss across your fever-pitched skin.
"Always so good for me," he murmurs, thumbing at your clit in a way that has you squirming in his grasp. "You're so worked up today, baby. Have you been thinking of this? Of me?"
"Yes—" you gasp when he curls his digits inside you, the pads of his fingers grazing a spongy patch of flesh that makes sparks of electricity crackle beneath your skin.
Joshua catches on to your reaction quickly, letting out a soft chuckle before he increases the intensity of his thrusts. You feel like you should be ashamed of how your pussy squelches with each pass of his long fingers, but instead, you cant your hips in time with the rhythm he's set. Your head has soared right into the clouds, as you sigh out breathless whispers of please, so close, more, more, more—
Then, you topple over the edge—free-falling from the height of release because, just as good as you are to Joshua, he's just as good to you.
Never one to tease too much; always giving you the satisfaction that you constantly crave without expecting anything in return.
A hint of rationality prickles the back of your mind—saying that perhaps the reason you keep coming back for more is because Joshua is all too willing to give it to you. But the thought is lost in the tidal wave of your orgasm, washed away at sea before you can even spot it from the shore.
Your body tingles with oversensitivity, yet the spot where Joshua is holding you steady by the hips burns with need. Your clothes suddenly feel ten times more stifling, and you gaze down at Joshua like you want him to leave no inch of skin untouched.
But even in the midst of post-orgasmic bliss, you're not foolish enough to think this is more than just a quick fuck to him.
Joshua maneuvers you onto your back, laying you down on the leather seats as gently as he always does. Your heart aches at the way he looks at you—soft, with a hint of reverence that has no place in the setting you're currently in—and you forcefully tamp down the visceral emotions threatening to spill out of your chest.
You don't know when he even undid his jeans, but Joshua is already slipping on a rubber when you snap out of it—sighing as he glides the head of his cock along your glistening slit. You have half the mind to remind him that he doesn't need to use condoms, but you know he's doing this for a different purpose entirely.
A boundary. A tangible reminder that you and him only belong to each other in this moment, and nowhere else.
"So beautiful," he sighs once he slips himself inside you—pressing your knees to your chest before surging ever-so forward. "So perfect."
Sometimes, you wish he was as into degrading you as he is with praising you. If everything that came out of Joshua's mouth during sex was filthier than what you could take, it might've been easier to walk away from such a fucked up arrangement.
But all that spills from his lips and into your ears are honeyed words that make you forget every reason why you shouldn't be tangled up in the first place.
You're afraid that you'll never get tired of how he deliciously bucks his hips into yours—spreading your cunt open with each inch of his perfect cock. It doesn't help that he's such a talker. Each unforgiving thrust, he times with the sweetest of words. Taking me so well. Baby, you're just made for me, aren't you?
From the start, it was already a losing battle, and you'll gladly give Joshua all the spoils.
There's always something calculated in how Joshua pulls you apart every time. He never comes first—always wanting to feel your pussy squeeze the release out of him in the riptide of your orgasm.
It's no different now, when he reaches between your two slotted bodies—already cramped in the limited space of his car—and rubs your oversensitive clit in quick, precise circles. Your teeth catch on the curve of his shoulder, right over his shirt, to muffle the moan he inevitably rips out of you.
"Good fucking girl," he half-moans, half-growls before his vigorous thrusts come to a halt.
You try to ignore the sinking sensation that comes with feeling Joshua fill up the condom with white-hot release. You try not to remind yourself of the strict boundary he's maintained.
Most importantly, you avoid thinking about why he hasn't once tried to kiss you since you started fucking around all those months ago.
By the time you're both sated and dressed, the supermarket was already closed, and Joshua makes an off-hand comment about your misplaced priorities. You laugh with him for the sake of laughing with him, but deep down, you can't help but agree.
He drops you off in front of your apartment, smiling like he didn't just wreck you in more ways than one. You roll your eyes, pointing out that his ride reeks of sex, and that he should air it out before giving anyone else a ride.
"Then let's just take it somewhere else next time," he says so casually, you nearly trip on your own feet on the way out.
The two of you exchange goodbyes like two, well-meaning friends before he pulls up the window of the passenger seat and speeds away. You wonder if Joshua's heart twists the same way as yours.
Seungkwan is still awake when you make it back home—munching on a bag of baby carrots with a whole lecture about making better life decisions locked and loaded. But he never gets to present it when you collapse right next to him on the sofa, sobbing into his arms just like the day you broke up with Joshua.
He sighs, putting his food away before offering solace that you probably, definitely don't deserve.
But you have a bad habit of taking everything that's freely given to you, and you don't think you'll stop anytime soon.
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vidding · 9 months
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The Best Vidding Safe Haven?
Forgive the "read bait" meme above but if you are reading these words right now that means it worked. If you are a vidding fan then it was worth it. Vidders.net was born July 19, 2010. It is a Vidder-friendly AO3 Embed Certified Vid hosting & streaming site with over 18K vids. Its growth benefited from You Tube's increased use of content ID and the closing of Imeem. It was mentioned in the "Vidding: A History" book by Francesca Coppa. Its members (most who host some great vids there) include:
Laura Shapiro
Clucking Bells
kiki miserychic
bop radar
Loki (secretlytodream)
Absolute Destiny
SD Wolfpup
Such Heights
Just to name a few. You may not recognize these names but if you do you know these vidders literally made a name for themselves with the quality of their work during that time. At least in my opinion. The site is a time capsule of awesome vids even if some of the vidders listed are no longer active. Additionally, it hosts vids no longer available on You Tube like "Boom Boom Ba" by Charmax (a classic Xena vid). And yet it can still host new content without the issues faced on some other vid hosting options.
How much does it cost to host and stream all those vids? Well, that is one of the reasons for this post. The assumption I'm making is that if there is a Vidding "community" it's more likely than not that members of it would see a post like this and/or share it with fellow members of the community. Is it worth it to keep a site like this around? It's mostly been a solo operation for these past 13 years but now I am starting to wonder after such a long time.
I'll spare you the obligation of filling out a poll or survey. I'll make it simple. We have a Patreon account at patreon.com/vidding. If you don't feel it's worth keeping up. Nothing to do. Thank you for reading this far. If you feel there is some value based on what was mentioned earlier, then a minimum level of support at the Patreon is $1 a month. You'll not only be supporting the Vidders.net but other projects like the recent purchase of the Vidding.com domain name and more. The OTW October fundraiser drive begins in October and is on track to raise about 250k. Rasing even 1 percent of that amount would be more than adequate. After all Vids on AO3 make up less than 1 percent of the content on there anyway. I've been told by a fellow fan that I should keep it running but if it's not even supported by a community, it's a personal expense at my expense I am on the hook for. Again, there is no survey or poll to take but if you have questions that may help you determine your willingness to support just contact me. If you find value in preserving the site just visit Patreon.com/vidding or get your questions answered. This form of funding is more sustainable than occasional stop and start donation efforts we've done in the past. If you prefer another form of funding let us know.
I will check in by the end of October to see where things are. I am not going to do anything drastic. It's just that it's been 13 years and I started to wonder especially with my current financial situation but didn't want to do anything without communicating the situation. The site costs about $720 a year to run. At about $60 a month to run so it should be doable.
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Boom Boom Ba by Charmax
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The YouTube Vid Purge of 2021
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decolonize-the-left · 11 months
I hate democrats with all my very heart but I can't in good faith advise to vote 3rd party in these hell years when they would see every trans person hang and be off hormones. When the transphobia is not at its height (Eg, like. a few years ago) I would 100% agree with you, but the stakes are too high. If the states falls to transphobia, even more countries will follow it. I think it's harmful to consider not voting D this upcoming election. Once they got off tihs current bend, I could get behind where you are coming from.
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"this is helpful and not lacking critical analysis at all"
"if the states fall to transphobia"
Where have you been?
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GA & VA are blue states this year btw. It's gotten worse since May and and April, too. The mid terms didn't save anyone.
Also if you, the person reading this, have considered voting 3rd party pls know it's not nearly as unpopular or as unlikely of a win as Democrats want you to think it is.
People would vote for a good 3rd party candidate, actually.
Dems convincing you its a long shot is absolutely a self-preserving psyop hoping to convince you otherwise. Its a half-assed theory that blatantly denies what we learned from 2016 and can still see in polls.
And that's 3rd party candidates stand a shot of they can get in the primaries for the general election. People want progressives. People were pissed and turned to voting for Trump when Sanders fell out- not Clinton.
They need and want another option and it's not a long shot or unlikely. They just need to make it to the primaries.
Enter Cornel West
Cornel West is not running as a Democrat and thus does not need to battle Biden for a spot on the general ballot in November of 2024....
✨ Which gives you and all your friends plenty of time to learn about him ✨
So here are some of his policies and also his campaign site
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I'm a decolonial anarchist that hates the state and sees voting as nothing as upholding the state. I make no room for Democrats because Democrats lack the ambition to challenge anything about it.
But unless Cornel West drops out or ends up being some awful closeted abused... Im going to vote for him.
A lot of his politics and campaign goals align with my politics. I wouldn't feel like I was settling if I voted for him.
And a lot of this stuff isn't unreasonable or unrealistic either. Like I just made a post about how the NDAA budget proposal for 2024 is being increased with enough money to solve clean water, homelessness, and implement free college tuition for the whole USA. And Republicans are fighting for more.
And that's just the budget for two years, it'll probably be increased by another hundred billion in a couple years. Nobody blinks when the military budget is swelling like that.
But we should when we can be using that kind of money to solve real problems that real people are having and face and would change lives literally overnight. They just throw that money at the military where most of us never see it again.
But this stuff can be real.
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593 notes · View notes
ramp-it-up · 2 years
Doctor and Mr. Cavill
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Veterinarian!Reader
Word Count: 5.9K 😓.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. SMUT, Explicit description of graphic sex. Read at your own risk. Dog in distress. Angst, pining, flirting, nerd activities, Marvel vs. DC, brat behavior, dirty talk, size kink, oral sex, raw p in v (wrap before you tap) pulling out, cum play. Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N: This is in response to an ask from @notmyfault404 about Kal’s favorite Veterinarian, nerd activities and Henry. This story sucked me in. Let me know if you liked it!
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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The film production came to town at the end of summer, buying the now defunct airport for a production studio and moving scores of staff into town. The uptick in your business was the first indication that your life was going to change. 
The production meant two years of publicity and economic prosperity for your town. It was exciting. And the fact that Henry Cavill was the lead in the production was no small news item. 
Sightings at the grocery store, on the running trails, at GNC were all everyone could talk about, but you didn’t have time for all that. You had a business to run.
You got busier, with production increasing the population of the town by over 200 people. Including the talent, Everyone was buzzing with the fact that Henry rented a house out on State Route 60, not too far from your own. 
You weren’t that pressed. Sure, he was fine as hell, but he was probably a jackass and you would probably never run into him.
You were so wrong.
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One blustery late fall day, an American Akita was brought into your office by a bystander who found him caught in a bush along a greenway, dirty and covered with brambles.
He was muddy, overexposed and shaky. He was agitated and growling at everyone, until you came near. You gave him a firm command.
He obeyed immediately and whined, still stressed, but calmer now. You approached him and kneeled, holding out your hand and taking his paw when he offered. You smiled, and he panted in return.
“It’s okay, buddy. Let me help you.”
20 minutes later, you had him on the table in one of your examination rooms
“Now keep still. I know it’s uncomfortable right now, but I’ve got to get you unmatted and then I’ll get you some nice soothing salve for those scratches.”
The dog whined, but stopped fidgeting and stood still, as if he understood what you’d said. 
“Good boy!”
The huge animal panted at you and looked as if he smiled, but then whined again as you started detangling and brushing again. 
Regina, your nurse, came in and microchipped him, and then turned to you with her mouth wide open when she saw what came back. 
“You’ll never believe who this dog’s owner is…”
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After you found out about Kal’s parentage, you fed and watered him, cleaned and groomed him, attended to his coat and his scratches and were playing with him when Henry arrived at your office.
“Did you run away Kal? Is he a good dad?” 
You leaned over to him conspiratorially.
“I bet he’s not.”
You tutted as you worked on the last bit of matting, soothing hums falling from your lips as you applied the ointment to the lesions on his skin.
“I would take you to my house in a minute, he doesn't deserve you, does he?” 
You were concentrating on medicating his leg when you heard a response.
“You’re quite right.”
You looked up at Kal when you heard a deep British voice rumble through you. You slowly turned around and were met with the most beautiful imperfect blue eyes you’d ever seen.
“I don’t deserve him.”
You drew yourself up to your full height, which didn’t stop Henry Cavill from towering over you. Damn. 
He seemed huge, tall and burly, hair hidden under a baseball cap, but escaping out of the back into thick curls at his nape. His face was flushed, and his eyes held a look of worry and embarrassment, but held your gaze.
You felt like you were in one of those old romcoms, where the room was spinning around you. You had the urge to dive into his eyes.
“Mr. Cavill? I’m Dr. Y/LN.” 
Henry’s smile widened and he extended his hand. You looked at it as if it were a fish. You were flustered. He was even more beautiful in person.
You reached for his hand and then stopped, awkwardly.
“Gloves,” came your reply as you held up your hands.
Henry dropped his own hand, as awkwardly as you. Your stomach tumbled.
“I’m Henry. Cavill.”
“Yes,” was all you could say. You knew who he was.
“Mr. Cavill. Kal is fine, but he was exposed to the elements for quite a while.”
Henry had a stricken look on his face.
“Believe me, Dr. Y/LN. I have been distressed with worry for about 14 hours now. Kal and I went running yesterday evening and he saw and chased a squirrel. He wouldn’t respond and I couldn’t find him. I feared the worst all night…”
Henry paused, trying to compose himself. You saw his emotion and you heard his voice crack and you softened, all over. You should really stop staring. 
“That is unfortunate, but luckily someone found him and brought him in…” 
You found yourself suddenly at a loss for words. 
Henry smiled, a genuine, shy smile. 
“And it seems you are taking expert care of him.”
Kal whined and you tore your eyes away from his owner.
“Hey buddy. Yeah. I’m almost done, just gotta get this paw...”
You smiled at Kal and turned to Kal to continue your work, smiling at Henry over your shoulder.
Henry watched you with his dog and his heart melted. You were gentle, kind, and caring. And that voice. Your sultry tones were soothing, not just to Kal. You were calming Henry’s nerves.
Henry didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t you. 
Somehow he was expecting a veterinarian to be someone not quite so lovely. His heart was already racing, but when he saw you he swore that it skipped a beat. 
Henry was transfixed with you, his eyes searching for a glimpse of your body beneath your white coat. He ascertained generous curves and found himself quite pleased. 
As you turned around and caught him staring, he remembered Kal.   
“Mr. Cavill!”
Henry startled and turned red as a bashful smile graced his handsome face.
He seemed flustered and awkward, but he was also a highly trained actor. You resisted any benevolent thoughts as you handed him a couple of tubes of salve and reminded him of the routines to make sure that Kal healed properly.
“Thank you Dr. Y/LN. Thank you for taking care of Kal …”
“No need for thanks. It’s what we do here.”
Henry graced you with that beautiful smile and you wanted to melt, but you stayed strong.
You two stared at one another until Kal whined. You released him from the grooming lead and Henry prompted him to jump down from the table. 
You watched, your heart warming to the sight of Henry practically rolling on the floor with his pup. You could watch the scene forever, but you had work to do.
“Mr. Cavill.”
Those bewitching blues looked up at you. You held in a gasp as Henry sat on one knee at your feet with Kal. It was quite unnerving for some reason. You cleared your throat.
“I have another patient I need to see in this room.”
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Henry was deep in thought after you kicked him out of your office. He couldn’t get you out of his head. He walked slowly to his car with Kal, almost turning around and back into your office when his phone buzzed. It was his agent.
Thoughts of you were pushed aside as he answered the phone.
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Two weeks later, you entered your exam room looking down at the patient chart with no other warning than a smirking Regina who handed the clipboard to you.
You were greeted by a big handsome brute.
And his dog.
You were assaulted by licks and jumps when you got near him.
“Down, boy, sorry, Doc. Kal! That’s no way to behave.”
Henry took Kal’s collar in hand to get him off of you, but he was ignored while you laughed and hugged the dog. Soon, he obeyed Henry and sat down on the table, smiling at you and thumping his huge tail.
Speaking of huge, you noticed Henry’s hands. They were large, with thick fingers and pronounced veins which extended down his thick forearms. His muscles were flexing from the effort to restrain Kal, but Henry’s face was serene. 
And staring directly at you.
You cleared your throat.
“What are we here for this time?”
Your saucy raised eyebrow did things to Henry, he decided. He’d been thinking about you ever since that first time and he was intrigued by you.
“Our visit today is two-fold. Kal needs his yearly shots. We’re in the states for the next few months filming and you took such good care of him last time… well, I’d like you to be his veterinarian while we’re here.”
You grinned at Henry, and he paused, blinking at you as if in shock. He wanted to make you smile forever. You cocked your head at him. 
“And two?”
Henry was outright flustered. You chuckled.
“What’s the second reason that you’re here?”
“Yes! Right! I want to thank you for taking care of Kal. How about I take you to lunch as a way to express my gratitude?”
You frowned and Henry’s stomach dropped as you appeared to have eaten something sour. He knew he shouldn’t have tried it.
“I’m trying to think of a reason not to…” 
You looked up at him with those big doe eyes and Henry turned to mush. Then he recovered and smiled, giving his best rake performance.
“Well, if you’re thinking anything about Dr/Patient ethics, I’m not your patient. Kal is.” 
Henry hadn’t had to pursue like this in quite a while. It was refreshing.
You finally smiled as you prepared to counter his argument.
“But in a veterinary practice, an animal’s owner is a client.”
“Dr. Y/LN, it’s just lunch. Nothing more.”
“Really. It’s just a thank you. No funny business.” 
Henry held his hands up so as to indicate he wouldn’t touch you. Why were you disappointed?
You avoided Henry’s eyes as you opened the door and called for Regina to set up the shots. Henry took the chance to subtly check you out again, making sure to have his eyes elsewhere when you turned back around.
“When did you want to go out to lunch, Mr. Cavill?”
Henry shook his head and chuckled.
“Henry. Call me Henry. Dr. Y/LN.”
He waited for you to offer your first name to him, although he could read it on the diploma on the wall. When you just smiled, he just shook his head again.
“I was thinking today.”
“I– I – ummmmm…”
“Your nurse, Regina is it? Regina told me you hadn’t eaten yet.”
Henry raised his eyebrow and looked at his watch. You couldn't help but notice the veins in his arm.
“It is 1:28 pm and you haven’t had anything to eat today except coffee.” He looked at you as if you were in trouble, but that would have been too familiar. Henry was quite displeased that you weren’t caring for yourself, but he didn’t dare say it. He hardly knew you. This wild urge to take care of you was unexpected.
“Regina cleared your afternoon.”
“Did she now?”
You went to the door and called for her. Regina appeared as if she were close by, with the shots prepared on a tray.
“Here are Kal’s shots, Doc. And I’ve rescheduled your appointments for your lunch date.”
You scowled at her and she smiled brightly as she pushed you back into the room by the tray. You would take care of her later.
You turned around and went to wash your hands and put on your gloves. You sighed and decided to go with the flow.
“How about Dave and Buster’s?”
Henry looked nonplussed.
“Do Buster and David serve good healthful food?”
“No,” you grinned.
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An hour and a half later, after dropping Kal at Henry’s place and a lunch of ribs, wings, and nachos, you and Henry were having the time of your life playing giant electronic Connect Four. When you beat him the third time, he pulled you away and started browsing the games. 
The darkness of the arcade, and the fact that it was 3 pm on a Tuesday, made it easy for Henry to not be recognized. His ball cap was quite the disguise.
“Rampage!” Henry yelled like a kid. “No wayyyy! I used to love this. One of Midway’s best games.”
You gaped at him.
“Oh Come on. I’m a massive nerd. I love stuff like this. We have to play!”
You just laughed.
“A man after my own heart! I’ll play you, but we have to scope out the other games. You have to have a plan for your game play.”
Henry stopped when you said he was after your heart. He knew it was a figure of speech, but he decided it was not an untruth. He cleared his throat.
“Right. Seems you’re a bit of a nerd yourself, Dr. Y/LN.”
You grinned.
“You should see my comic book collection.”
Henry’s heart surged, that was so fucking sexy. You out of your doctor’s coat was also damned attractive, and he was about to say so when he saw his face on an arcade game. 
You two stood in front of Injustice, a game that had many of the DC Superheroes and Villains illustrated on it. You and Henry stared at each other.
“I dare you.”
Henry never backed down from a dare.
“Challenge accepted, Doctor.”
It was on.
It was basically dinner time when Henry dropped you back at the office, but you weren’t mad. You shivered at the cold and pulled your jacket around yourself. Henry wanted to pull you into his arms for warmth, but this wasn’t that kind of date.
You smiled that smile at him.
“That was a great lunch, but you lied.”
Henry looked so cute with the frown on his face.
“That was funny business. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. I had a ball.”
Henry was relieved and followed you as you turned and went to your car.
“I’m very glad. You ate something and had some fun. Splendid.”
You were trapped between Henry and your car as he beamed down at you. This feeling could not be denied, you realized with dismay. But you were going to try with all your might. Henry was only temporary. He was probably just searching for comfort near set. You needed to guard your heart.
“Well, have a good evening, Henry.”
You reached for your door handle. Henry backed up to let you open it.
You got into the driver’s seat.
“Perhaps we can do this again sometime, Doctor.”
You just smiled at him and said, “Good night, Mr. Cavill.”
Then you closed your door, started the car, and pulling away, Henry realized that he didn’t get your number as he’d planned.
“Call me Henry!” 
He shouted at your taillights.
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This was getting inconvenient.
A week after your lunch, you’d taken to having nightly dreams of Henry, and it just wouldn’t do. You woke up in the middle of the night with your clit pounding and you’d worn out the batteries of your wand, knowing it would be a poor substitute for the man from Jersey.
You had to get Henry Cavill out of your head. Work. That was the answer.
You walked past Regina’s desk around 11:30 and didn’t realize she wore that smirk until you turned the doorknob to the examination room.
You cursed under your breath as you opened the door to Kal’s bark.
Henry stopped mid-pace when you did so. His eyes looked a little wild, just like the first time you’d met, but there was a difference now.
The difference was that Henry was distracted by need, not worry. He’d thought about you every waking moment, and woke up with a stiff reminder of his dreams every morning. He needed more of you, or to be in detox.
“Mr. Cavill.” 
Henry's jaw clenched at your continued insistence at the formality. Your core clenched in turn. You were in danger. You moved to pet Kal, seeking him to be your protector.
“Dr. Y/LN.”
Henry’s deep voice was gravelly and you tried not to gravitate nearer to him.
“We’re here today because it is a bit of an emergency. I’m headed to Britain for a couple of weeks this weekend, and I need boarding for Kal. Beginning Friday? Regina said that you had facilities?”
You really needed to talk to your meddling nurse. But you looked down at Kal who started to lick your face. You could not say no. You went over to your computer.
“I’ll check the boarding schedule. I’m sure we have room…” 
You opened your laptop and pulled up the schedule. Then you frowned, your eyes flicked over to Henry, then back at the screen.
You looked so adorable as you bit your lip. Then you huffed, seemingly miffed at what you saw.
What Henry saw was a little bit of the brat. And that made his cock a little stiff so that he had to shift his stance. That’s it, he decided. He needed to tame you.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Cavill. It seems we are booked up this weekend, but we will have an opening on the following Monday…”
“Please, call me Henry.” 
He was begging now. 
You took him in as your nipples got hard. His beauty was no question, his eyes, his hair. It was left out today, the curls unruly as he swiped his hand through them, thinking.
“Well, I… I’ll have to find another arrangement. My flight is commercial and leaves early Saturday morning, else I would take him with.”
Henry looked at you with sad eyes and so did Kal. 
“Could you recommend?”
Yours was the best facility within 50 miles. You sighed and couldn’t believe what you were about to say. 
“I can keep him at my home Mr… Henry. Just for the weekend. I have lots of land off of Route 60.” 
Henry’s eyebrow raised when you mentioned where you lived. He lived on Route 60. You continued.
“Kal will have lots of room. And I’ll bring him with me to work on Monday…”
Henry moved into your space impetuously. You stood your ground, however.
You stared up at him, unconsciously biting your lip. The energy between you intensified. It seemed natural to go on tiptoe and reach up to brush the hair that fell into his eyes.
But you didn’t.
“Well, Kal is such a handsome boy, how could I say no to him?”
You looked into Kal’s eyes and petted him. The loving way you looked at his dog made Henry a little bit jealous. He surprised himself.
“Can I have…”
Henry’s voice was now impossibly a bit deeper, and needy. You sighed, and Henry wanted to claim those lips. He thought that outrageous, but this attraction between you was undeniable. 
“...Your number and address. I can bring him to your place Friday evening. My flight leaves at 5 am to New York Saturday for my long business layover. Then the red eye that evening to London. I wouldn’t want to wake you up in the middle of the night…”
Henry was thinking just the opposite as he smiled down at you. He’d love to wake you up. And you were thinking the same thing.
Your first instinct was to tell him that he could bring Kal by the office and you would take him home with you, boundaries. But you were exhausted of running from this feeling. Henry gazed at you hopefully and it was your turn to be flustered.
You held out your hand, palm up.
Henry, non-plussed, took your hand awkwardly and grinned, thrilled at the chance to touch you. You laughed, a melody to his ears, as you shook your head and said,
“Give me your phone, Henry”
Henry blushed at your gentle command, released your hand, and pulled out his phone while shaking his head at himself. His grin was the greatest thing ever, and the curls falling forward into his face were a distraction.
He handed his phone to you and you took it, concentrating as you entered your information, feeling his eyes on you. When you gave it back, he looked at your number and address like it was a newfound treasure.
“Thank you. I can’t tell you what this means to me… to us. Isn’t that right, Kal.”
You both looked over to Kal, who barked. 
“What time should I bring him by?”
You looked up and thought. You were so damn cute to Henry.
“Well, we close early on Fridays. 2 pm. You could bring him by 3?”
Henry thought for a moment. 
He was looking at your lips.
“We’ll see you then. Doctor.”
The title was beginning to feel like an endearment. You didn’t wipe the smile off your face for the rest of the day, despite Regina’s side eyes.
You don’t know why you were nervous. It was a simple thing really. Just Superman dropping off his dog at your house. No biggie.
You heard Henry’s car on your gravel driveway and went out on your porch
Henry marveled at your place. He got out of the car looking around appreciatively as he got Kal and his gear out of the SUV. You led him to the fence line behind the house. 
“You can take him off the leash. Back here he has room to run free.”
Henry did so and Kal immediately took off and galavanted around your animals there. He was cozying up to one of your rescued alpacas as you and Henry watched.
“This place is… there are no words.”
You flushed.
“It’s my childhood home. My dad was the town vet before me, and I think he loved animals more than I do. I grew up thinking he was Dr. Doolittle.”
You became wistful with memories. Then you looked at Henry, bowling him over. His heart was taken in that moment.
“I wanted to be just like him, even when he told me to get out of this town. But I would never leave. He was my hero, a single dad, saving animals. He was my why.”
“Wow. Thank you for sharing.”
You’d never heard Henry’s voice that low. You gave him a small smile.
“He passed away two years ago while I was still in vet school. It was hard.”
“I’m so sorry for your loss.”
Henry wanted to take you into his arms.
“Thank you.” 
You straightened your spine.
“I’m sure you’re very busy, with the trip and all..”
Henry smiled at you.
“Would you believe that I’m practically ready to go? Fully packed and all.I’m going to grab an early dinner and head to bed.”
You looked at your watch. It was 3:45.
“Can I make you some tea?”
Henry gave you that beautiful grin.
“I’d like nothing more.”
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In your kitchen, Henry soon got up from his seat at your kitchen island to help you make proper British tea.
You were laughing and talking as he teased you for being American. It all felt so natural.
“Where are your teaspoons? See, this is what I mean….”
Henry was standing behind you, not looking for spoons at all, but looking at that ass in your casual at-home leggings. Good god you were hot. You shook your head and turned around quickly to find him facing you.
“They’re right- oh!”
You were deliciously in Henry’s space and as you looked up at him something happened and he leaned down to kiss you. It was a quick press of the lips but it previewed so much more.
“I- I’m sorry. That was way too forward-“
Henry was cut off by you jumping up into his arms and wrapping your legs around him as you kissed him back. His surprise turned to passion as he grunted in his throat as he claimed your mouth. 
He turned you around and sat your bottom on the island, slotting his hips between your legs, his hands on your sides. The kiss was a feral expression of pent up need that was only interrupted by the whistle of the kettle.
You stopped and laughed, and Henry pulled away to take care of the pot. When he turned back around, you were down from the island and all business again. The mood was lost.
You served the tea as if nothing had happened. 
The silence between you two as you drank was big, but thoughtful, not awkward at all. Henry was smirking down into his cup, replaying the kiss in his mind. It was more than he could ever ask for. You, however, were thinking quite the opposite.
You turned to him after you finished your tea and asked, “Want to see my comic book collection?”
10 minutes later, you were upstairs in the comic book room, amid boxes and boxes of classic comic books, the collection started by your father. There were books in every conceivable surface, so you were setting in a bean bag chair while Henry kneeled and flipped through a box of Wolverine comics. 
“Holy hell! You have the Wolverine Top Secret #50! Do you know how much this is worth?!?”
Henry was impressed, and so were you.
“Not really. But I’m intrigued that you are so into a Marvel book, i would think you would be strictly a DC alcolyte, Man of Steel—“
You gasped. 
“Holy shit! I have Superman in my comic book room.”
Henry raised his eyebrow.
“Do you want Superman in your…. nevermind...”
You gaped at him, mouth hinged open at his saucy comment, and Henry was scared that you would kick him out. But you started rolling on the floor laughing instead.
“You’re such a dork, oh my god. ‘Do you want Superman in your…’ hahahaha… that’s what she said… hahahaha…”
Henry laughed too, coming over to tickle you to extend your laughter. It was musical. You two horse played until you weren’t playing any more. You lay beneath Henry, flushed and out of breath and never more beautiful, your shirt halfway up your torso and comic books strewn around you.
He had to kiss you again.
Soon, his mouth strayed from yours to your neck, sloppily marking you up and getting you wet as he rutted against your center. His jeans and your leggings were the only barrier to you full out fucking.
His hand reached under your shirt and you pushed him away, panting as you tried to get your bearings.
Henry was wild, hair in his eyes as he nodded. 
“You’re right. Too far. Too much.”
He leaned back on his knees and your eyes raked from his thick thighs to the bulge in his pants to his dilated eyes.
You stood up, still silent and so did Henry, following you out as you straightened your clothes and your hair. You were wrapped in the last string of decorum in you.
Henry ran his hand in his own hair, looking to the side and catching sight of your bedroom. Then he watched your bottom sway in front of him.
“Just want to bite that ass.”
You heard his lewd comment and wheeled around on him on the landing of the stairs.
“What are you doing? What do you want? A fuck buddy while you’re here? Because…”
“Do shut up, Doctor..”
Henry took your head in his hands and leaned in for a kiss, pausing momentarily to look into your eyes. Then Henry destroyed that string of decorum with his kiss.
Somehow, you wound up on your bed, heavy petting like two teenagers, Henry’s hand up your shirt, teasing your nipples.
When he reached for your pants and slipped his thick fingers into your panties and felt your slick, he cursed.
“Fuck, I don’t have any condoms.”
When you arched and moaned when he breached you, and he felt your tight cunt, he licked his lips.
“No matter, won’t be necessary, just let me eat you out. Take all that off.”
You obeyed, buoyed on a cloud of lust.
Henry gazed at you for a minute, and then you reached for his zipper. He let you pull him toward you and start to work it open.
“Ah ah ah. I'm far too hard for that. Let me.” 
Henry carefully removed his pants around his massive, hard cock, which made his dark blue boxer briefs even darker at his wet tip. You licked your lips and palmed him over his underwear while looking up at him with those eyes. He knew what you were asking.
“Hmmmmm. I’m going to have to say …no.” 
You pouted as Henry chuckled and flipped you over, pulling your hips up so you were on your knees before him. You watched over your shoulder as Henry leaned down to kiss, and then in fact bite, each of your cheeks, rubbing to soothe the sting.
“Oh. If I had more time…”
Henry shook his head and then descended to the valley between, licking a large, rude stripe up the length of you.
“Yes. My dreams, Doctor. This is better than my dreams. Taste like heaven.” 
Then he went to town, feasting on you and moaning, rubbing his nose and chin into your folds, sucking your clit, and causing you to grab his head as you came all over his beautiful face.
When you opened your eyes you were on your back, Henry above you, one hand parting your lips again, and another wrapped around the biggest uncut cock you’d ever seen. You gasped when he inserted a finger into you, not realizing how big his hand really was. It made sense now.
“So gorgeous. But, it seems I’m far too big for you. I fear I’d tear you apart.”
You arched, which elicited a moan. 
“It’s amazing what a body can do. Why don’t we try, and you could always pull out…”
Henry grunted, climbing up between your legs, led by his dick.
“I’ve decided that’s not a good idea. I’ll just use my hand to finish.”
His smirk said he was teasing, but you were mad. Your pussy clenched, seeking fulfillment, as Henry jacked his cock above it, angry red tip projected now and leaking precum on his fingers.
You whined and writhed beneath him.
“Henry... you can’t do that to me…”
Henry nodded his head, eyes ablaze.
“Yes. It would hurt you too much.”
He was stroking faster now, jaw clenching with restraint.
“No. You can’t show me that magnificent cock and not give it to me.”
Henry groaned and leaned down to kiss you, continuing stroking with his hand. His tip was at your entrance, driving you mad.
“Give it to me…Henry…”
“Such a brat.”
Henry bit your ear and you arched your back as he shoved the tip in. Just the tip.
“I’m giving you what you want, Doctor…”
His voice was controlled in your ear, but you felt his cock jumping inside you.
“God you feel so….. I need to go travel this silken canal.  But you’re so, so tight…”
You rotated and locked your ankles on his back, making him stop and rest his forehead on yours. You both looked down to where you were connected.
“Stretch me out.”
Your plaintive whisper caused his reserve to snap. 
“Unnnngh. I’m not strong enough to tame you tonight. I want this.” 
Henry started moving, gliding slowly inside you, fucking you open like you’d never been before.
“Hunh, Hunh, Hunh, Hunh…”
You moaned with every inch, the pain a delicious nirvana. You bit Henry’s shoulder until he was fully seated inside.
Henry looked you in your eyes and then closed his and shook his head, as if trying to snap out of a trance.
“You are exquisite, you know that?”
He’s never seen a more beautiful sight than your face when you were full of him. When you shook your head no to his question, Henry started moving.
“We’ll, I'm going to teach you…”
Your fingernails dug into his forearms as he delivered the long strokes which served to short circuit your brain. Sparks were shooting off inside you with every pull and drag of his thick cock along your walls.
When you started moaning with pleasure was when Henry reared up on his knees, pulling your bottom up to rest on his thighs. He held your waist as he pumped inside you, not able to tear his eyes away from his cock destroying you. 
The image of a naked Henry just outright fucking you, along with the heavenly way he was delivering the dick made you start cuming. Him just looking at your clit made it start pulsing. Did he really have x-ray vision?
Henry’s mouth hung open at the way your pussy started creaming around him and when he glanced up at your face, well, it was all over for him.
“Cum with me!” he commanded.
When you screamed is when Henry pulled out, pumping his creamy cum all over your torso. The velocity of his spend, the way it sprayed all over your body and reached your open mouth, extended your orgasm and you howled, literally howled.
You licked your lips, tasting him and hummed as your body vibrated down from the clouds. You felt Henry lay down beside you and start drawing his cum around your areola. Your clit jerked your entire body and Henry raised his eyebrow.
“I’m sorry that was so…”
“Amazing, perfect?”
“…Rushed, but next time, I promise you an entire night of delights.”
You shivered at the promise and bit your lip.
“It’s time to get cleaned up.” 
Henry was admiring his handiwork all over your body. You felt his cock thicken against your thigh. You couldn’t believe it.
“You need the shower?”
“Later. Now. I’m going to tidy you up a bit.”
And Henry’s lips claimed your breast, along with the rest of your body marked by him.
At midnight, after some more fun in bed and the shower and takeout and more fun and another shower, you grabbed Henry’s sweatshirt and pulled it over your head. The sight of you engulfed in it, and knowing you were naked beneath made Henry want to cancel his flight. 
“Can I borrow this?”
Henry chuckled, “Borrow. Right.” Henry grabbed your neck and brought you in for a forehead kiss.
“Let’s trade. A sweatshirt for…”
He held up your still wet panties pulled out of his pocket. You gasped.
“No deal!”
Henry held it above your head as you tried in vain to jump and retrieve your underwear. You knocked him off balance into the couch and somehow wound up straddling his crotch.
Henry grabbed your ass as he felt the heat radiating off you.
“I can’t get enough, and now I have to leave…” 
His petulant pout was everything. So you kissed it.
“I’ve reconsidered, your sweatshirt smells like you. When I wake up wet from dreams of you, I want to be enveloped in your scent.”
You were trying very hard to be still, but you felt the bulge in Henry’s jeans get bigger. He brought your panties to his nose.
“My thoughts exactly.”
You started moving on Henry’s lap, your warm wetness seeping through the stiff material to his stiff dick.
“Give me one more thing before you leave.”
Henry’s eyes were dilated, lust blown and beautiful.
“Your cum down my throat.”
“Christ, Doctor…”
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prettieinpink · 7 months
do you have a diet guideline and exercise routine? i'm having trouble figuring out what exactly i should be eating aside from people's vague "fiber and vegetables or whatever". And finding an exercise routine that works and i can actually make myself stick with and keep myself motivated with. Any tips/advice? thanks!
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Determine how many calories you need daily. Your daily caloric intake depends on your age, sex, weight, height, and activity level. Some online calculators can help you with like this. However, if you’re calculating it, make sure to consider your activity levels.
Then, determine how much of what nutrients you need. If you’re lacking in one, you may want to increase the intake of that nutrient. Or, if you think you eat too much of it, you may decrease this. 
The best way to find out what nutrients you need is by a calculator. However, the best form of action is to ask your GP what they advise you. Here are the formulas;
Calculate your protein intake 10-30% of total calories (for adults)
Amount of fats - 20-35% of total calories (for adults)
Consumption of carbohydrates 45-65% of total calories
Recommended water intake 1 kcal = 1 mL
Number of grams of fibre Fiber = (kcal/1000) × 14
Limit processed foods, sodium, sugars and saturated fats as much as you can. While it is okay to eat them in moderation, they shouldn’t be a part of your daily diet.
To create healthy meals that are suited to you, consider your daily lifestyle and what times you feel hungry the most. While I cannot speak for your needs, this is typically what your meals should look like.
BREAKFAST - Breakfast should not be anything processed or fatty. It is the meal you break your 8-hour fast with, and it is the energy you use for the rest of the day. 
The most ideal breakfast is one that is protein-rich, as it can help you be more productive throughout the day. 
LUNCH - A lean, light but colourful meal is best suited for lunch. This shouldn’t be too filling, but enough so it can sustain your hunger until dinner. 
Lunch should be a meal that has lots of veggies or fruits that can energise you as well. 
DINNER - I don’t want to sound forceful, but dinner should be your healthiest meal. This is the energy that your body uses to recover and heal from the day you’ve just had. 
It should be balanced with complex carbs, vegetables and proteins. However, for dinner, it is advised that you either eat early or eat small. 
SNACKS - Light snacks that are filling. Avoid snacks in which you mindlessly eat them, those are the type of snacks which are most likely not good for you and you’ll end up overeating. Fruits are the best choice here. 
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This is a diagram I use often to measure how much food I need to eat without weighing them or counting calories. To be precise;
Vegetables or/and fruit should be ½ of your plate
Proteins should be ¼ of your plate
Grains/Carbs should be ¼ of your plate. 
Adjust this to your liking, but I thought it would help you. 
This is a process that does not happen overnight, even if you want to start running kilometres a day if you’re living a sedentary life currently, that is not possible. 
Start by finding small intervals in your day to exercise, experimenting around and documenting how each one makes you feel. For now, just try to figure out what you like and form the consistency, 
Then, once you get the hang of exercising regularly, you get to make your own rules. For example, your rest days, how many minutes or hours, what you do that day etc. 
Exercise is just another way to fuel your body, and you only know your body and what feels good for it. So I cannot provide any further advice than this. Make sure to start slowly though. 
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To Whisper Your name pt.2
Perhaps he’s a lonely man. Maybe the years of being nothing but a soldier had gotten to him. Before his family sold him off to the Romans, he’d dreamt of a life of peace. A family to hold him close, to appreciate him as a person and not a workforce. When he was “relieved from their custody”, as his handler told him, those dreams cracked. He knew what the Romans were like. Barbaric, ruthless, unrelenting. Any chance of him remaining as he was before them was slim to none. 
His village hadn’t been one to praise Gods, the concept foreign to him. When he was introduced to the concept of the Roman gods, he felt conflicted. These powerful beings were known to help the mortals. They brought great harvest, fertility to trying couples, success to a hunt. If you were Roman. That’s why they are Roman gods. A foreigner like him, an illegitimate Roman, was sure to be ignored. He prayed nightly to let him go, to allow his dream to occur. 
Gods, please. I have no one. Please give me someone.
He spent the remaining years of his childhood in an army preparation program. His life was owed to the Roman empire and was expected to pay such. They trained him to be like them. A beast among men. The last 3 years of his childhood, he shot up. Physically and in skill. He went from the average height of a woman to taller than any of the soldiers had ever seen. Northern genes, they’d say.
Once he had gotten to Rome, he soon realized that in order to make his way through life, he’d need to learn their game. When in Rome, literally. Being kind got him nowhere. Being soft was not a luxury he could afford. He became a hardened version of himself. Him from before was still in there, somewhere. In order to make it, he had to adapt. And adapt he did.
They all feared him. A quick learner, able to practically know where each of the enemy’s hits would land, blood thirsty. He never truly enjoyed the violence, learned behavior I suppose. The dream still lingered. There would be nights where he’d sit beneath the moon and tell her of his thoughts. A wish of a wife and children running around. He’d run and take them to the North, never letting their fingers touch the blood soaked empire of Rome. She never responded, but imagining someone heard was what kept him going.
The woman in the square itched at his mind in a way he couldn’t explain. She looked unhuman. Too sweet to be of the people, too much of a glow surrounding her to be real. He knew there was something calling them together. Her face filled his head as a room does water during a flood. They spoke for maybe 2 minutes, why was she soaking his mind like the warm water of a bath? He needed to see her as one needs to breathe.
His night was filled with thought. She called to him, sirens put to shame. His mind, a forest to a fire, burning all possibility of sleep. He often went without, but this time it seemed as if it didn’t even affect him. Thoughts of her were too enticing for sleep.
Attending his day duties faster than before, he went to the square at midday in search of her. Any hint of her presence was gone and the tick in his chest increased with every step. Surely she wasn’t stupid enough to not come, was she? No, no she wasn’t. Her light blue palla hung from her like the stars in the sky. She sat among flowers in the village square’s garden, gently caressing the petals. Purples, pinks, and yellow’s all bring out the color of her dress as if they breathe life into it. His breath stopped for a moment once he caught sight of her. Had she looked as if she hung the sun before now? She had to. 
To him, she was the color around them. Who was she? Romans don’t believe in love at first sight. It was a child’s concept. Well he isn’t Roman and he’s certainly no child. He straightens before approaching quietly, as to not disturb her peaceful look. The women among them looked to her in pity. A beautiful young woman being watched intently by the scariest soldier they’d ever seen was for concern. They could only see his eyes. If they had seen in his mind they’d be writing songs of color and wonder. 
He clears his throat, gaining her attention. Her eyes shoot up to him, taking a deep breath in. There he was. He was so much bigger from this angle. His hands are clasped in front of him and he bows his head, attempting to make himself appear kinder. Oh how he thought of those eyes. Have you thought of him?
Perhaps you were his moon.
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simp999 · 4 months
A New Home Ch. 27
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.1k
A/N: Sorry for taking so long chat I had to walk my fish
A/N 2: (Checks watch) uh. Damn sorry ya'll. Don't expect too much out of me but I think my life should be a lil less hectic perchance. We'll see ww
Back to the Start! Previous Next
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One by one, over the course of a few hours, you each put the blindfold on and attempted to hit your teammates. The difficulty increased as you went on, from standing still to slowly moving, to running. By the end of the training session, you had multiple teammates whizzing past each other in different directions getting splatted.
As the four of you sat near or against the wall to catch your breath, you congratulated them on their improvement.
"I can't really put into words how impressed I am, nor will I admit I'm a poet at all. But I will say this; what you guys showed me today was something I never thought was possible when I got here," You spot Leo's smile grow wider, glad to be getting praised for his efforts, then you lazily point at him, "Hey, that doesn't mean that you can slack off now, you dork. Don't forget that there's going to be loud music, bombs, people cheering, ink being thrown around, not to mention communication between teammates that'll make this 100x harder."
You take another glance at each of your teammates. - No. - Your family members.
"...But I can promise that this will be worth it. Every time we train, great progress is shown."
...You sure are good with compliment sandwiches, huh?
You can't promise that you'll win against team Emperor, but you're sure that every minute you spend training will prove helpful on the battlefield.
You're all exhausted from training and just on time. The next big match is going to begin in roughly a half hour. The battle between Team Monarch and Team Yellow-Green. The manga had skipped how much time was spent between important matches on the smaller, less important matches. You allow your family to relax however they so desire while you wait for the match to begin. Leo playing games on his phone, Milo stretching, and Tasha cleaning her weapon.
Soon, it's time to make your way over to Sturgeon Shipyard, biting your inner cheek as you realize how packed the seats are. What you weren't expecting, though, was for a path to seemingly be made as you walked through. You tried to avoid the many pairs of eyes on you. It almost felt like back when you first got here and rose the ranks, but the gazes were much more uncomfortable back then. The whispers paired with them used to be much more curious and sometimes rude. You almost cringed remembering those salty players you had to drown out with your headphones what feels like forever ago. But now; you take a quick look around you, - they almost seem to be staring in awe.
You glance back at your team. You wouldn't say you're standing tall, maybe a more introverted kind of confidence if that makes sense. You're still not a fan of being the center of attention. But looking back at your team- your family- a lot sure has changed.
Once you begin to settle down in your seats, doing your best to take up the least amount of room possible, you catch the way the sea of cehalopods appear to disperse yet again. This time much more obviously. From your position, it isn't too difficult to see who it was, easily spotting purple tentacles above the crowd as the tallest of the group makes his way closer.
Aloha's quick to tug you into a hug before you can sit down, dabbing Leo up before taking a seat behind you. You don't remember them being here to watch this match last time, which is odd to you. Skull's got a lollipop in hand, sitting behind Milo after being instructed by Army to do so. He does so without questioning, as airheaded as ever- but Army has a reason, given the heights of the two inklings. Army takes a seat behind Leo, and Mask - you.
You would have jumped if you hadn't noticed Aloha slowly get closer to you ear, attempting to surprise you.
"Sooo~, how's the training goin'?"
You're about to answer, but the immediate terrified look Leo shoots his way almost makes you snicker.
"Hey, it's not that bad. C'mon now."
Leo once again turns towards Aloha and dramatically grabs his hand with both of his,
"Save us, dude!"
You let out a chuckle at the scene.
"Leo, chill."
His hands shoot up in the air, and his voice cracks as he tries to make his point.
"You blindfolded us!"
"Which isn't that bad!"
He faces Aloha again,
"You have no idea how much pain I'm in."
You gently nudge his side as another chuckle escapes you, shaking your head.
Leo dramatically points to where you gently nudged him,
"See?! Abuse!!!"
Aloha's forced into a fit of giggles as he watched the scene play out before him.
"Oh, can it, dork."
"I think I deserve some sort of reciprocation!"
You sigh and roll your eyes. You rest your chin in your palm. This was most definitely his plan all along.
Aloha leans down once again, this time whispering to Leo. Obviously, you could still hear him;
"Don't worry bro, I'll set something up for you."
You've got no idea what that means, but they dab eachother up again. Whatever makes Leo happy, you suppose.
The match is about to begin, and you hear Goggles blabbing away to his team a few feet in front of you. You ignore it as you pull out a pencil, along with your old manual. You're nearing the end of the pages, and it has clearly done its time by now. But this match is crucial to be taking notes of since you'll get to see a new emotion in Emperor- frustration. As long as it goes as planned, of course. You analyze the stage, zeroing in on the exact spot that Emperor will step foot in yellow-green ink.
Once it begins, a smile filled with pride makes its way across your face. Rider obviously had many, many plans for this battle. It was almost comforting seeing the wide grin he wore all along the match, even when he did lose. He was having fun. It seems you're not the only one who's changed lots since the beginning of the manga. He was so organized right out of the gate, and only once did he falter, and only a little at that. Which lead you to assume his only goal the whole time wasn't to win, because he knew he couldn't- his end goal was to only force Emperor to feel the frustration of stepping in his ink.
Maybe, just maybe, you think: Rider truly did stand a chance at winning against Emperor if he so chose to have that as his end goal. How does that saying go? Shoot for the moon, land among the stars?
Next part
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months
Computer q. For otherwise identical monitors, is a 4000:1 contrast ratio noticeably better from 1000:1? I don't mean for fancy art but like if I'm watching a movie, could I see the difference in a dark scene? I looked into oled's, but those are expensive and I think the way I use my stuff would cause burn in.
I hope you don't mind, but I got carried away and answered pretty much every computer monitor question anyone has ever had. And since this turned into a whole thing, I thought I'd share it for everyone to benefit.
For a computer monitor I would say the most important aspect is actually the viewing angle. This is how far off-axis you can look at the monitor before the image degrades.
We sit very close to our displays and at that distance, even a change in height in your chair can affect the image. Move a little bit left or right and a cheap display could completely wash out and look terrible. And if you get a display that is 27" or above, even if you sit dead center, the edges of the screen will appear dark and washed out with a bad viewing angle.
The two best display technologies to get a good viewing angle are IPS (in-plane switching) and OLED. If you are interested in a display without these technologies, be sure it has a decent viewing angle. You can read more about viewing angles here and here.
IPS has very little concern for burn-in, but it is still a concern with OLED. In recent years OLED has greatly improved and image retention and burn-in can be avoided with regular maintenance. Displays will have pixel shift features and noise modes that work out all the pixels evenly. You can run these features every once in a while to prevent burn-in. You can also play special anti-burn-in videos on YouTube (full screen) to exercise the pixels to uniformity.
So if you don't mind the hassle, you can manage an OLED with low risk.
That said, OLED was almost exclusively for TVs and has only recently been introduced for computer displays. The current options are quite large and fairly expensive, as you alluded to. So if you are trying to stay within a budget, it might be best to seek out an IPS display.
Another consideration is resolution. Everyone is obsessed with everything being 4K now. But I think increasing the resolution brings diminishing returns with regard to increased detail you can actually notice. So if you don't mind going with a 1440p monitor (about 2.5K), you can save some money on resolution and get higher quality in more noticeable areas. Personally, I feel 1440p gives you a nice, noticeable bump in detail over 1080p. Whereas going from 1440p to 4K (2160p) is less noticeable unless you have very good vision.
Another benefit to 1440p is that video games are much easier to run on high quality settings with a reasonable GPU. And you can use technologies like super sampling (Nvidia calls this DLSS) to increase the detail you may lose from not going 4K.
The only concern I'd have with not going 4K is if you edit 4K video. It will be difficult to do a pixel level analysis of your footage otherwise. But other than that, you can still watch 4K content on a 1440p monitor and because it is being downsampled, you will still notice a nice bump in detail.
So if you don't have a reason to get a 4K display, I think 1440p is worth considering.
The next concern would be color. Or color gamut. This is how many colors the display can accurately reproduce. If you don't do any art or video color grading, you'll at least want something that does 95 to 100% of sRGB. That is the color space the entire internet uses. And if you are going to be watching HDR movies, you might want a display with a decent percentage of the P3 color space as well. Doesn't need to be 100%, but the higher the better. And for those who do art, a good percentage of Adobe RGB is recommended.
Also, many manufacturers offer displays that come pre-calibrated from the factory. If color accuracy is important, I would seek out one of these displays with a Delta E rating of 3 or less (lower is better).
A newer factor in displays is peak brightness. This is measured in "nits." In standard dynamic range (SDR), video only needed to reach 100 nits. Most HDR content is mastered to reach 1000 nits. In the future, that number will be 4000. And if micro LED technology ever becomes affordable, we may go up to 10,000 nits. But almost everything is around 1000 at the moment, so that is a good number to shoot for.
HOWEVER, because HDR is tone mapped (the brightness of your display is factored in and the content is adjusted accordingly), you can still get some benefits of HDR, even if you cannot do the full 1000 nits.
All monitors can do 100 nits for SDR content. But with more things being displayed in HDR, having more nits will give you a better experience. This does not mean your display will blind you. Usually bright stuff only takes up a small portion of the screen. But having more nits allows highlights to really pop and feel immersive. A lightsaber might actually feel hot and dangerous on a bright enough screen.
Computer displays are often rated as HDR400 or HDR600 or HDR1000 based on their nits. The HDR400 isn't great for HDR content. If you can do 600 or above within your budget, you'll get a better experience. If you are going to watch movies, this may be a feature you prioritize.
I know you mentioned contrast ratio, but I'm afraid that is a little complicated to answer. It can depend on other aspects of the monitor and the viewing environment. So I'll try to give you the info you need to figure out if the display you select will suit your needs.
Manufacturers can use tricks to fudge their contrast ratio in product descriptions, so it is best to go to an independent review website like RTINGS to see what they measured. (They do good TV and monitor reviews too.) You'll see that OLED displays are said to have "infinite" contrast ratio, due to being able to turn off pixels completely. Which means it is probably time to move to a new metric because that gives very little info on the dynamic range of the display (the difference between the darkest and brightest thing it can show).
You definitely want a decent contrast ratio for your display, but this can be subjective. If you have a nice bright screen, your brain may feel the contrast is fantastic, even if the actual darkest black point of the monitor isn't great. If something is really bright, then dark things will *seem* darker by comparison. And if you are viewing in a dark environment, the contrast will look even better. So this is where seeking out a professional reviewer's experience of the monitor can be helpful. One monitor's 4000:1 ratio might be a different experience than another with the same measurement.
Because TVs are generally larger and can have more backlighting zones, they can get decent black levels without OLED. But smaller computer displays have more difficulty in reasonable price ranges. So manage your black level expectations if you go with an affordable IPS display. They can get bright, but they aren't great at blacks like OLED. I'm afraid that is just a limitation of the tech. In fact, getting a brighter display might be preferable to a better contrast ratio. And it will be easier to see if you are in a bright environment.
Most IPS displays are going to be between 1000:1 and 5000:1 and while it does make a difference, if you sit it next to an old plasma or an OLED, you're going to be disappointed. So I would not make contrast ratio a super high priority with IPS, because non-OLED computer displays just aren't going to give you inky blacks. I would say 2000:1 or better is going to give you a decent experience. But, again, I would seek out reviews rather than trust the official product specs when it comes to the quality of the blacks.
And one final consideration you may want to factor in is the refresh rate. This is mostly for gaming. Most displays will give you at least 60 Hz or 60 "refreshes" per second. Gamers tend to like 120 Hz or higher. This won't affect movie watching very much as nearly everything except Gemini Man is 24 fps.
TLDR overview...
Get an IPS or OLED display for a good viewing angle. I personally feel this is the most important feature.
Choose a resolution. 1440p can allow you to increase quality in other areas to maximize your budget. Only get 4K if you have a legit reason or you have fighter pilot vision.
Color gamut or number of colors. Try to get 100% of sRGB for web content, 90% or above of Adobe RGB for art/photography, and 90% or above of P3 for HDR movies and video editing.
If color accuracy is important, look for pre-calibrated displays that have a Delta E of 3 or less. (Lower is better)
HDR brightness. If you want to experience good HDR, you'll want the brightest screen possible (measured in nits). HDR600 or HDR1000 are great. If you don't care about HDR, then don't worry about the rating.
Contrast ratio and black levels. It's going to be meh on pretty much anything but OLED. 2000:1 or better is a good goal to shoot for, but be sure to check independent reviews for the subjective experience of the black levels. Dark viewing environments help too.
Refresh rate. 60 Hz is fine for most things. Gamers prefer 120 Hz or faster. And if you are a competitive gamer, you may want to seek out more info on "variable refresh rate" and "pixel response time."
Pick the variables above that seem most important to you and then seek out a display that does those things decently within your budget.
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songofthesibyl · 2 months
The Rite of Spring
A Tamlin POV of his first Calan Mai as High Lord. Note that while there is nothing explicit, this does focus on the darker aspects of Calan Mai.
He had felt it increasing, for weeks. In a land, a Court, of ever-increase, it had seemed impossible. Instead of movement, everything was always in a sort of stasis, blossoms opening in suspended animation. When he had become High Lord, everything had been waning in the world, and there was a break, a tear in the fabric of the Court, he had run through in a kind of madness—he hardly remembered those first few weeks, but for the blood and dirt under his nails, in his mouth. He had not even known what he had hurt, who he had killed, after Rhys’ father. All the blood, all the skin, all the smoke, melded together, as all of his forms melded together into one Beast. His honed strength over the years rising above, a mighty oak. And his powerful jaws—he could bite through anything, tear through anything. His entire Court he had torn through.
     You have to start slow, he had said. Worship them. Gentle caresses. And your tongue…
     His new form was not meant for that. Violent, jerky movements, stomping across the earth, digging in with claws while the thorns bit back. Retracted, then sank in again.
     The blood dripping from his mouth. He had torn out his throat. Then the smoke in his nose, dulling his senses. And a wild running through the wood. He had not thought he would do this. He had not thought he would ever have to do this. And the world had been waning, and so he had thought he could rest, and the height of it at Solstice, the great suspension low in the sky, but it was not the hibernation of animals—like the bat. As soon as it stopped it began—the rising, and the ever-increase, and he had felt it ever since, his temperature rising, and his heart beginning to race. Subtly at first, and unnoticeable in its increase, like the sun, but then in dramatic bursts, a palpitation. He had not noticed when a week passed, or a month. And he had observed Nynsar, and knew there were only six weeks left. And the increase got faster and faster, the suspended animation a sudden rush of blossoms, of rising stalks and unfurling petals, that he had thought he understood, but nothing like the thorns that had pierced his body and dragged him down and his heartbeat the pounding of his paws on the dirt, and breaking it up as he was dragged under. When he became a part of it forever. As it sucked the blood from him, that he could taste as he ran his tongue over his teeth, and the canines retracting, then lengthening, then retracting again.
     Slow at first, he had said. And then you go faster.
     Now his heart raced, and it was the height—the suspension again, but it was the quickening too, the ever-increasing, over and over. He had not been told it would be like this. No one had told him. Everyone’s couplings added to the increase, the energy multiplying, but he had not felt it before. He had stayed far away from the cave. He could hear the screams, he could hear her screams, he could not do it. He had stayed far away, in his bedroom, hands over his ears, and only the drums rattling the foundations beneath him. But he was not connected. It was all so far away then.
     And now it was here. He looked out wildly, only a loincloth covering him, that he had insisted on, though there had been giggles, and Ianthe tut-tutting him. She had been so good in these first few months of his reign. He trusted her. But everything was starting to become shapeless, and vague. They had not said it started days before. They had not said it would be slow, and then fast, and that before he knew it, it would be here.
     “Milady…he keeps shaking.”
     Two priestesses held their brushes, in suspended animation, as the paint, slick and slimy and blue-black, was drying, caking like mud in matted fur. Smudging as the sweat poured from his body, as if willing the paint away, as if rejecting it, rejecting this.
     “Tamlin,” Ianthe said, sighing. “We have been preparing for this day for weeks. Every step. It is…overwhelming, this magic. The magic that ties you to this land. I know you have struggled to adjust. My offer is still open…”
     That she could be his first. So he would know.
     “No…” He shook his head. “We’re…friends.”
     “Which is exactly why I offer.”
     She nodded in acquiescence. “Very well.”
     “He won’t stay still…”
     “It is but one night. You do this for your land. Your people. Your magic binds you to this land…”
     She kept on sermonizing. He had heard this many times. From her, in books. He knew everything about it that she might know. And more, that she would never understand.
     “As High Lord, it is your obligation…”
     Yes, he was bound to the land. As High Lord. Bound. They held him, their hands were on him, the brush against his skin. His eyes blazed. He had to hold in himself, who wanted to defend. He was predator, and prey.
     Blue-black swirls on his skin.
     “The land will wither….”
     Every bit of energy to hold them in, his claws, and his fangs, and the fur to cover himself. He strained with the effort. And they kept coming at him, dabbing his forehead, around his eyes, using magic, soothing. Brushing over his skin like a glaze over a stuck pig.
     “You won’t even be aware, mostly. You will enter the cave with your chosen—“
     He suddenly became aware of himself. “My chosen?”
     She pressed her lips together.
     “The Maiden. She has chosen the regeneration, the abundance of the land, too. As I said, I am perfectly willing—“
     “I said no.”
     “Do not feel guilty. It is sweet of you to care. But this is the way it is, in every Court. Night as well…”
     He glared at her, but she avoided his gaze.
     “It is the way it has always been. The way it will always be.”
     Until there was a head rolling on the ground, and brains leaking out of skulls, and blood in his mouth. Until there was a tearing in him, until he scattered in every direction, until the Cauldron broke in pieces, until the very foundations of the earth were torn asunder, and the seas flooded in.
     They dabbed at his sweat, and reapplied. Ianthe sighed again.
     And suddenly he became very still. He was naked, and crouched on the dirt, and his eyes were closed. And they all left him alone. And then her robe over him.
     And Ianthe sighed again, with contentment this time, with relief. And he felt a coolness. And his skin was suddenly very far away from him. It was not his at all.
     “You are a good male. You will be a good High Lord. You care for your people.”
     “In doing this you will reassure them, you will feed them, you will guarantee their livelihoods for the year to come.”
     “You show how you care for them.”
     “It is a good thing you are doing.”
     “And at the Tithe at the beginning of the year, they will return it to you. They will give thanks. It will be an exchange. You and your people.”
     And the screaming. And how good it had felt, and how good he had made her feel.
     It’s so easy to make you blush. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s all natural.
     “And it won’t hurt her?”
     She demurred. “It won’t be her completely. And it won’t be you.”
     “You said I would be aware. I read—“
     “Yes. To an extent. That’s how it takes your preference into account. To make sure it is as successful—as fruitful—as possible.
     “Will I…impregnate her?”
     “You impregnate the land, Tamlin. Remember? This is a magical act. This sacrifice. On both your parts. It regenerates the land.”
     The priestesses wiped their own brows, standing back. He felt it drying. Someone’s skin, somewhere.
     “Thank you,” she said. “That will be all.”
     They curtsied to her, and left. She moved closer to him.
     “Magnificent. You will make a fine Hunter.”
     I don’t want you throwing your life away at those camps. You were meant for so much more.
     “I…of course, cannot fully understand, I admit that. I’m sure it must feel…scary. But once you do it, that will be it for the year. You have felt it increasing, haven’t you?”
     “…Yes.” He could not deny it.
     “Over time, you will have control. It will not seem so daunting.”
     Over years. Decades. Centuries. More. He could get used to anything, he was sure.
     “I promise you, Tamlin. It will get easier. And then, you can rest. The ease of summer…but this is the Spring Court. The energies—even if they are in every Court. They are never as heightened as in their home.”
     She had arranged everything for him. He hadn’t known what to do. But there it was, outside, as the sun dipped below, and the fire spread, and his Court caught. He could smell it. The burning. She had shown him the preparations. He trusted her. He did. The pelt on the ground, and hawthorn branches and the oak, and the ivy. And feasting, and where they would line up on either side, waiting, watching, smelling, knowing the time. When it happened.
     You won’t even know, she had said, in reassurance. It won’t be you walking into the cave. And you’ll be deep inside. They won’t be able to see. But they’ll know. And once it’s done, they can…add to the Rite. Strengthen it. And you can rest.
     Ianthe stayed with him until the paint dried. And then left the room, waiting while he dressed himself. He couldn’t bear to look at his skin. At his hands, and what they would do.
     My sweet boy.
     You know I can’t just stay here, writing poems and playing the fiddle.
     It was his punishment. He understood. An eternity of this, until they came for him. Until the end of time. He strapped on his bandolier. The last piece of himself remaining. And the reminder of why he was here, forever attached to him.
     He set out, as he had that night. His heart began to slow. And he realized—it was not the height of life. Of fertility. He was dying. The drumbeats were his heart, straining against it, feeling it, resisting it. But he had long known he was only a killer. It had been revealed that night. And the wings burning.
     No escape now.
     An eternity of this.
     The drums pounded in his head. Underneath his feet. It was the breaking up of the earth. It was the violence. He was its violence, incarnate. He understood that now.
     They looked to him, and he looked back, the lights and sounds blurring. Ianthe sermonizing. One of them was the Maiden. And he would sink his claws in her, and it would all start over again.
     But there was no stopping it now. The drums led him on, they beckoned, they commanded. Luring him, he realized.
     As if in a trap. As if he were Hunter—and hunted.
     His heart struggled fiercely. He was a deer, shot with an arrow. Struggling to get up on thin legs. Wobbly, straining, crying out helplessly. Until the struggle finally stopped. It was here, white, its antlers forever growing, piercing him, digging in, there was no escape.
     It had felt good, when they had praised his fighting skills. How obedient, and hard-working he was at the camps. Humble. None of the airs of being a High Lord’s son. Not like his brothers. He had embraced it. Being one of them. It wasn’t the life he would have chosen. But he could live with it. And they laughed around the campfire, and he would make a good warrior some day. Ianthe’s father had been one of his training officers. Had marveled at his skill with the blades.
     He had been instructed in everything to do.
     And he took the knife, and easily slit the animal’s throat, as its antlers gored him. And he realized it was him who was bleeding, who was dying. The drums were far in the distance. He clutched at himself, but it was not his hand. This one was covered in paint, and it held a knife, while he was on knobby knees, shaking. Everything blurred. He could not feel the drumbeats against the earth anymore. He could not breathe. He fell to the earth, crouching in the dirt, as his heart slowed, and the sound of it got fainter in his ears. Until he could hear nothing, and see nothing, anymore. And he realized he was dead.
       When he woke up, he was still hard.
     Everything was sore, and his head ached, and heart raced, and his skin was covered in sweat. He had nothing on, he realized, and sat up, holding out his hands. The paint had smeared—he looked down at himself—it was smeared everywhere. Everything was swirling, his heart pounded—he got up, falling to the floor immediately in a heap of disconnected limbs, a baby calf. And threw up on the floor.
     He felt an overwhelming sense of shame, and fear. At his hardness, at the paint smeared, at the vomit on the floor. At what his hands had done. At his nakedness. At everyone seeing what he was. He couldn’t imagine ever showing himself to his Court again.
     But they would come for him, and they could not see him like this. He breathed in, and out. The magic, he realized, was still there. He still felt it inside him. He smacked his lips, and sucked on his tongue. His mouth was dry. He shivered for a moment. There were flashes, of blood running down a neck, the sensation of his fangs extending. A heartbeat that was not his own.
     And screaming.
     He wondered what had happened to the Maiden. If he had killed her. He was so strong.
     There was a moment of panic, and his heart raced anew. He had killed once that night. He knew. There was blood under his fingernails. He didn’t recognize the taste in his mouth.
     He forced himself up, finally seeing the fresh set of clothes laid out for him. He rolled his eyes. A white blouse, and green pants. Dressy, and casual, and festive. A sign that the day would be gentler now. Young females would collect dew upon the sun’s wakening, and weave flower crowns. Feast on honeycomb and lemon cakes. Drink strawberry wine. Have picnics on the grass. Celebrate everything that was Spring. When the girls grew up, they would be lining up at the cave too. He couldn’t picture who he had chosen—no. Not him. He stood still for a moment, leaning against the chest of drawers, trying to concentrate—but whenever he did, the effort made him nauseous again. He could feel him fighting against himself. And he let go, everything turning hazy again.
     He realized he really didn’t want to remember.
     It was a defeat, to cede that night to whatever had taken hold of him, to accept that it had. But it was all he could do. He covered the vomit with the blouse, and noticed in the bathroom that a bath had been drawn for him, kept heated. Ianthe knew he would want to be alone for a bit.
     It still bothered him somewhat that he didn’t remember getting back. All the things he could have done along the way. He wondered if Ianthe had helped him back, if he had been too out of it.
     He walked to the windows, the sunlight struggling to get in, and opened a curtain to allow in only a sliver. It was brilliantly sunny, and warm. He could feel the joy, and ease of his people across the rolling landscapes, and meadows, and glens. He could feel it in himself, too, as much as he hated to admit it. The sun shone too brightly in his eyes, and he hated it for imposing itself so boldly on his vision, exposing his nakedness, when he longed to remain hidden. But there was no denying what he was. And he could not help but feel relief at the caress of the warmth against his skin, entering through his hand as he placed it against the window.
     The bath.
     He remembered, letting go of the curtain, and went into the bathroom, closing the door and sliding into the tub. The warmth of the water enveloped him, and he let out a sigh of relief, his muscles loosening, melting. It was medicinal—he could smell the herbs—rosemary, lemon balm and mint, lavender and cedar. Rose petals floated on top, swimming around him.
     He dipped his head underneath, wondering for a moment how long he could stay under—how long it would take for it all to stop. But some instinct—his own buoyancy—drew him back up. When his head emerged, he noticed the bath water—it had turned black, the blue tones almost completely obscured. He stood up, and looked at his body, his hair sticking to his neck and chest—all the paint was gone. He stepped out—not a speck of paint was on him. The healing, purifying magic of the bath had done its work. The night had been washed from him. He shook the water from his hair, and dried his body, and put on his usual tunic and pants. He fumbled around for his bandolier, momentarily panicking until he found it again and put it on. No knives, though.
     He looked around the room. The paint remained on the floor, his bed. It could never be removed completely, the stain from him. But it was over, and he felt the relief anew as he left his room. The pull of the earth had lessened somewhat. It would soon ease into the slow days of summer. But there would never be a longer time until he would have to endure another night like Fire Night, than today. And he stepped more lightly—almost with a sort of happiness, or whatever approaching it he imagined he could feel now—into the halls, down to the dining room. Ianthe was waiting, standing as he entered. And the shame was oily-slick on the back of his neck again, as if that was the one place the bath didn’t reach. He rubbed it with his hand, hailing her with a grunt.
     “Tamlin,” she said warmly, smiling.
     “I hope you haven’t been waiting too long. I know you have to return to the Temple.” He realized he was avoiding her eyes.
     “Not at all. I’m here for you.”
     “It’s almost noon, though.”
     “You had a long night. Sit. Eat something.”
     He was hungry. He looked down at the feast laid out before him—breads and cakes, eggs and bacon, berries with cream, fresh greens—disinterestedly, though, and only nibbled on some dandelion salad as she spoke.
     “How are you feeling?”
     “The bath you drew for me was nice. Thank you.”
     “Of course.”
     “My room—“
     “It will be taken care of, Tamlin. Don’t worry. We are all here for you.”
     “What about…” He hesitated. “The female…” He couldn’t finish the sentence.
     “She is back home. We will honor her at the Temple later today.”
      “Is she…”
     “She had no complaints.” She grinned. The look he gave her made her stifle it, though,  and she cleared her throat. “You were good to her. She told me you asked if she was alright after. If it hurt. I thought that was very sweet.”
     “I…I don’t remember saying that. I thought I was…it wasn’t me.”
     “As I said, there is some awareness. In time, you may be able to retain more.”
     He didn’t think he’d want to. The lightness of a moment ago began to fade in her presence. He was sinking down again.
     “I don’t remember getting back here.”
     “You walked. You wouldn’t let anyone help you.”
     He had been naked when he woke up. He shivered. All the warmth had left him.
      “Here.” She got up, and poured him a cup of tea. It seemed so fragile in his hand. He couldn’t imagine that he hadn’t hurt the female. He didn’t even think about what she had done to him, where she had touched. The paint was smeared everywhere. But his body wasn’t his own. Not anymore. He had to remember that.
     “Tamlin,” she repeated gently, and he looked at her. “You have done your duty. Now you can spend the day relaxing, knowing your people will be fed for another year.”
     And it would be returned in the Tithe. It was an exchange, you see. A give and take. You and the land. Your people and you.
     She had no complaints.
     “Over time,” she went on. “You will find your mate. I am sure of it. Your perfect match. Your equal in every way.”
      He grabbed a honey cake, biting into it, letting the sweetness fill his mouth before he swallowed it.
     “…And then you won’t have to worry about who the Maiden will be. It will be your mate. Just as it was with your father.”
     “Yes,” he said, staring blankly at the abundance of food laid out before them. “Just like my father.”
@tamlinweek 2024 Day Four: Calan Mai
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asoiafsworld · 1 year
tw; dom!abby, sub!reader, abby has a real dick, breeding, size kink, daddy kink, mentions of somnophilia
there's loud moans and pathetic whines that you can hear from yourself. you're on your knees with your ass up in the air and your head is hanging low on your pillow, crying out as you try to stiffle your moans. when you turn your head and look at your girlfriend with teary eyes, you already know that you will not walk for the rest of the week.
abby is relentless in her pace, holding your hips so tightly that it will surely bruise. she looks so attractive when she curses under her breathe every thrust inside you, how her eyes want to close themselves so badly and let the feeling of your tight, wet heat wash over her but she can't. she keeps staring down at where her dick disappears inside of you, staring at it as if she's hypnotized. from this angle, she looks even bigger than she usually does.
it's what first attracted you to abby, if you're honest. the way she so naturally towered over you with her above average height, the way her broadness makes her look so intimidating and fuck, her muscles. you had never seen a woman so strong, physically and mentally and every fibre of your being was attracted to her the minute you met her. the way she automatically takes on a caring and protective nature around you only made your feelings for her increase because you know that whenever she kills an infected or a human to keep you safe, you could not be with anyone else more capable of taking care of you. she makes you feel like you are the center of her world, the most important person to her and she certainly knows how to make you feel that way with her dick too.
and because abby is abby, her dick is just as big as she is, in every aspect. it's long and it's thick, so much so that it still takes so much preparing for you to take it. but when she's sufficiently made you cum and opened you up with her fingers and pushes inside of you... it's like going to heaven, over and over again. sometimes, it feels like she consumes you whole with the way she clings onto you when she fucks you, like you will run away from her cock any minute. you have wondered more than once on what would happen if you did, if she would throw you back on the bed and make you take her cock. embarrassingly, you feel yourself clench at the thought and feel your wetness trickly out of you and down along abby's cock. you feel a sharp pinch at your hip and let yourself relax again, your mind feeling dizzy as she picks up her pace once more. you're crying and whining and moaning for her, like a desperate whore that can't do anything but let herself be split open by her girlfirend's monster cock.
you know that she's close, so close to giving you the final thing you want from her. she's given you her wonderfully big dick already but her cum filling you up is what you really need. you want her to breed you, want her to spill inside you and make your legs shake and cum just from the feeling of her cum flooding you. sometimes you wonder if you're insane for feeling like this.
"fuck, babygirl, gonna cum, gonna cum all inside you and paint your pretty walls with my cum. my good girl, doing so well for daddy. you don't wanna disappoint daddy, do you?" you shake your head vehemently at her question, your lower lip being bitten by your teeth and your thighs shake as you feel so close to your release. you feel one of abby's hands leave your hip and startle when you feel her fingers on your clit, rubbing furiously at it. she looks like she's mocking you and she probably is.
"then cum for daddy, my baby. let me breed you full like you want it." you let out a small scream as you convulse around her dick and at that moment, you feel hot cum shoot out of her dick and right into you. the feeling of this hot substance inside you makes your thighs trembly heavily and you moan out into your pillow as abby slowly fucks her cock inside you, spreading her cum on your walls. your eyes close from exhaustion and you lay your head on your pillow like you wanted to the whole time. abby leans down to your ear and whispers;
"go to sleep, baby. i'll fuck another load of cum into you in your sleep."
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byunpum · 1 year
The new member | Part 4
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Pair: Miles Quaritch (baby blue boii) x Human reader
tw: Smut, Teasing, jealousy, mmmm I don't know...maybe a little bit of miles being soft.
POV: Y/N is sent from Earth to Pandora to be part of a particular group of people…
p.s. This story is created after the ship altercation. Neteyam never dies, the sullys are able to run away, but spider decides to go with his "father" to the base. All recoms are still alive.
Note: This is half of what I had written. If I put it all here. Literally the reading would end in another part and that's it. So I decided to make the parts a little longer, and split them up.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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You knew that inviting him into your room was the wrong thing to do, you had only been on base for two weeks and you had hooked up with your team leader, but no one, absolutely no one could judge the two of you, there was chemistry between you guys, the attraction was there and you could feel it. So when you invited him into your room, Quaritch didn't refuse. First of all you attracted enough interest to him and secondly why not?
So here you were, fucking him like a bitch in heat. His cock barely fit in your pussy, but it was just enough to give you both pleasure. Your pussy moved up and down his length, while Quaritch's hands squeezed the sides of your hips. Causing bruises, the man was trying not to be too hard on you. You were so small compared to him, and you still wanted to take him completely. Your breasts were bouncing, your mouth was open and your eyes were half closed, it was all a show he wanted to treasure. "Does it feel good honey?" asks Quaritch lifting his hips to keep up with your hips.
Every time he lifted his hips your whole body followed him up and down, and you swear he was getting deeper and deeper inside you. "Y-yes" you cry out softly, trying to stifle your screams. " Ohh baby, don't hold back…I want everyone to hear how good my cock is filling you" Quaritch moves his hand to the bulge that was forming in your lower abdomen. "Look at that…watch it come out" Quaritch pulls his cock out of your pussy, and slowly pushes it back in. Causing you to lean forward, and placing your hands on his stomach. "And how then… it goes in" hearing his comment, you bite your lower lip. " You fill me up so good" you cry out, increasing the speed of your thrusts. The sensation you felt was one of burning and pleasure, his cock was already touching you in the necessary places.
Quaritch's head falls back, enjoying the staxis that the sensation of his cock in your hot walls was giving him. You felt so good. He could feel you were reaching your limit, He could feel the contractions your pussy was making around his cock, and how your movements were getting out of control. "I'm… ahhh" you cry out, as you try to find a coherent rhythm. Quaritch can notice your movements, and lifts up a little on his shoulders taking your hips. Mutilating your movements, as he began to thrust into you at full speed. "There….right there" you drool, as you look him in the eyes, reaching your height. Quaritch is staring at you, with a cheeky grin as you watch your orgasm make you shudder and scream. "Like this sweetheart… take it fully. You look so beautiful."
He doesn't stop the thrusts until he sees you collapse on his chest. "mmm it feels so good" you cry out a little, as you feel Quaritch's cock continue to enter you gently. " I know honey…I know" you can see him take a little air from his oxygen mask. He looked so good, he was naked right below you, and only had his mask on so he could breathe every now and then. " If you want…" you settle a little on his cock, it's still hard inside you. " You can finish inside me" you whimper a little, moving a little. Quaritch bites his lower lip, you could notice a little blush on his cheeks. " Honey… I want to come in your pretty mouth" Quaritch says, lifting you up with ease. Causing a scream from you, as you felt the empty sensation inside you. sliding you down, Quaritch took his cock in his hands and started pumping it. Your mouth was open waiting for his discharge, your hands were placed on both thighs. As you caressed his skin with your hands. Quaritch doesn't take long to feel the nub in his stomach, he was very stimulated. "Open your mouth" Quaritch moans as his movements become sloppy. You place one of your hands on his cock, helping him pump it, giving several licks to the swollen tip. " You are so cute" you say, as you look up at him between your eyelashes. "Y-you think so?" says Quaritch in a breathy voice. You look up at him, as you go up a little and give him a wet kiss on his lower stomach, then go down and continue working with your hands. The man was all flushed, as his chest heaved up and down.
After some pumps, Quaritch's discharge falls on your face, with your mouth open you receive it all. "You're such a good girl" Quaritch laughs, as he watches you swallow what could enter your mouth, and how you clean with your fingers what fell in other parts. "come here…" Quaritch grabs your arm, and pulls you to his chest. You settle there, staying quietly for a while. Quaritch gives you a few kisses on the crown of your head, enjoying the smell of your hair. "Mmm, I love your smell" he says, as he traces circles on your back. "I like yours too" you kiss him, on his chest.
"Do you want to take a shower?" asks Quaritch. "Aren't they closed at this hour?" you look up. Quaritch gives you a look, getting up and dragging you with him. Taking you bridal style. "What are you doing?" you laugh. "Let's get cleaned up" Quaritch kisses you on the lips, you place your hands around his neck to pull him closer to you. Pulling away from him, you take the mask and place it on his nose. "We have to get the clothes on and then we're going over there" you say, as you watch Miles take a breath of air. "You win… but you have to let me clean you completely."
After taking a shower together, you both say your goodbyes and return to your rooms. Quaritch gives you several kisses on your fingers, as you giggle. "Are you sure you're okay… you're not in pain" he is giving you soft kisses. "I'm fine, a little sore…but it's worth it" you copy his movements, and kiss his hands as well. This gesture was so new to him, that he stood still watching your lips kissing the knuckles of his hand. "Perfect… because tomorrow I'll stop by your room" you laugh at his comment, as you let go of his hand and walk into your room. "Get some rest" Quaritch says, as he watches you close the door. He stands there thinking for a bit, analyzing what just happened. Shit… you had caught him. He doesn't remember the old Quaritch, ever feeling this way in his life. He couldn't recognize any feelings in his memory.
The next morning…
Early in the morning you had woken up, it was around 5:00 am, although you could hear the voices of some of your co-workers. You had woken up to make your report. It was actually the first one you had ever done and you had a lot to say.
"Dr. Williams… what I am going to tell you is something that I know you are not going to like. At the base they are hiding things. I know they are working behind our backs, their workers don't know how to hide it well. We have visited several tunnels, and laboratories. But this place is huge. They are doing things that are illegal and that are very risky for the planet. I will try to give you more information, but it will take time. This is Y/N."
You finish the recording and close the computer. You were going to leave to go to breakfast, you weren't going to lie. You felt a little pain in your legs, but you could handle it. When you come out of your room, you meet the entire squadron. All the members look at you with a suspicious smile, you knew you hadn't controlled your screaming the night before. "Wow… I guess you're hungry" says lyle, laughing a little at you. " Yes, I am very very hungry" you say somewhat annoyed, and walk out of the room into the hallways. Everyone was silent as they watched you walk away. Quaritch came out of his room, his plan was to go get you up and then go with his squad. But noticing that his whole squad was there, he changed his plan and headed in their direction. "Is something wrong?" he was curious, because they were all looking at the exit.
"No, nothing…just that your girlfriend is upset" says z-dog with a bit of sarcasm. "Upset? What did you guys do to her now?" Quaritch looks at his team. Mansk raises his arm and points at lyle. "He was the one who talked" mansk says blaming his friend. "Hey!!!!!" lyle looks at him and punches him. " Lyle leave her alone" Quaritch says as he starts walking to the dining area. The team headed to the dining area, trying to catch up to the colonel. When they arrived, everyone grabbed their breakfasts and sat down. You had gone ahead, and you were already eating. It wasn't the best breakfast, but it worked.
Everyone sat down and started eating. Even though they wanted to tease you, they kept talking about their stuff. Miles sees how you only have a few things on your plate. "That's what you're going to eat?" asks Quaritch, he was sitting next to you. "mmm yeah, I'm not really hungry" you give him a small smile. Quaritch takes an apple and puts it on your plant. "Eat this… even if it's just a bite" he says, as he fixes a piece of your hair. His ears were down, and his tail was wagging softly. He looked very calm. His behavior was very different than usual. This made everyone look at each other strangely. "You can't even feed yourself well" z-dog says laughing sarcastically, you look at her and squeeze Quaritch's arm a little. "Thank you" you say, looking at him and resting your face on his shoulder. Before anyone said anything, you feel someone sit down next to you.
"Hi!!!" says spider, holding an apple in his hand. "Hi!!!" you greet the boy, giving him a hug. Spider hugged you back. Quaritch pats spider's hair, making the boy groan. "I want to show you something" says spider, moving closer to you " But it's something secret" says spider in a low voice, close to your ear. "ok" you copy his movement. You are look at each other for a moment and laugh again. After breakfast, everyone goes to their different assigned areas. Quaritch didn't have anything assigned to him that day so he decided to accompany you and spider. This made sure you wouldn't get hurt again, he knew spider liked to do risky things. You two were in front walking and he was in the back chasing you. Every once in a while you would glance back to make sure he was following you. "And where are we going spider?" asks Quaritch. "It's something Y/N will be interested in, for his investigations" says spider, he was holding your hand guiding you. Quaritch got a little nervous, he knew that General Ardmore had hidden several things so that the PPA would not close the base. Although he didn't know much, he knew it was something they shouldn't investigate. The closer they got, the more nervous he became.
He thought that maybe spider was going to take you to the ikran area, he knew he liked to take care of them, and maybe he wanted you to meet them. But he became more concerned when instead of taking the right path, he turned left. He swallowed hard and saw how they were approaching a bodega. In the distance he could hear animal noises, like moaning. "Spider…what's that?" you ask, the anguish in your voice worried Quaritch. Spider stopped, and looked at Y/N. He just took her hand and led her towards the noise. When they arrived, they could see how many animals were imprisoned. The cages were small, it was hot, and they could tell they were not being fed well.
"This is what I wanted to show you" spider looked at you, he had a sad look on his face. You were in a state of shook. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. These animals were in inhumane conditions, in fact these animals were not supposed to be locked up. The RDA did not have the permission to keep the animals on the base. The image was so disgusting that even Quaritch himself was shocked. He had no idea of all this. He could see how all this was affecting you, and he reached behind your back and put a hand out to hold you down. "Let go of me!!!" you yell at him. This surprised Quaritch, he didn't know why you were rationing like this. "You knew about all this…and you didn't tell me anything!!!?" you are confronting him. "Wait…. I don't know what's going on here" Quaritch tries to defend himself. "Y/n" spider calls out to you, trying to get your attention. You both know you're upset.
"He…doesn't know anything. Nobody knows anything" spider speaks. You are still upset, you didn't believe much of what spider was telling you, so you decide to walk away and grab your communicator to call your PPA team. "Team 975…. I found something" you speak into the communicator. "Yes, Y/N I hear you" speaks a man over the comm. "I found something that will interest you, I'm sending you the location" you look at the communicator and work quickly to send all the information. Quaritch is watching you, he can see how tense, how sad this is making you. He was getting closer to you, until he saw how you looked up and looked at him with teary eyes.
"Who's coming here?" asks spider. You knew the boy wasn't to blame, you were grateful to him. "The investigation team is on their way. They will take care of everything" you approached spider and gave him a hug. You knew the boy was affected by this as much as you were. After all, he grew up on this planet, and seeing what was happening affected him. After a while, the entire investigation team was in the area. Including Quaritch's squadron and General Ardmore. The PPA team was interviewing General Ardmore, she looked uncomfortable and you knew that damn woman was lying. They were dealing with the animals and taking evidence. While you were right next to Quaritch, you hadn't talked to him the whole time they were there, but you knew he was there.
His tail was giving you gentle strokes on your back. And you knew he was giving glances at your figure from time to time. "This is so over the top, they're animals…please" says z-dog. You try not to lose your patience you knew she was saying these comments to irritate you. You take a deep breath and continue to watch the PPA team at work. "What are they going to be? Are they going to close RDA?" the woman says, looking at you. "Do you have a problem? Because since you've been here all you've done is annoy the hell out of me," you shout. Z-dog walks closer to you. "Yes…I do" the woman is getting closer to you. The team members become alert, Quaritch steps in front of you. "Okay, ladies…that's enough. That's an order," Quaritch says. "Tell that to her…she looks like your damn jealous wife" you spit. Z-dog tries to lunge at you, but lyle stops her. "hey calm down" the man holds her friend. While Quaritch grabs you by the shoulders and drags you with him into the halls.
When you were far enough away, the man kneels down to make you look at him. "What's wrong with you? You're not like that" says Quaritch, he holds your face with his big hands. "She's got me tired… and I'm not here to put up with her comments" he sees how you're turning red. He's studying you, hell…even annoying you looked pretty. "Z-dog has always been like that" Quaritch says, letting go of your face to caress your shoulders, then reaching for your hands. "He likes you!!!" you speak. Quaritch's ears perk up and he looks at Y/N curiously. " Yeah, don't look at me like you don't know. They all know…and she's like this, because she heard how your nice big cock was filling me up last night" you spit. Ok, it's settled…you were stressed and very very upset.
Miles laughs, it was weird to see you that upset, it was the first time I had ever seen you like that. "Well…that's something new" he says, with a smile on his lips. "What?" you ask. "That you're talking dirty like that…I like it" Quaritch grabs your waist and pulls you closer. " I promise you I had nothing to do with all this… And yes, I know z-dog likes me but that's her problem" Quaritch takes your jaw in his hands to make you look him in the eyes. "I know…" you speak, leaning in to give him a kiss on the tip of his nose. "It's not just that that worries me" You say, lowering your gaze. "Hey… tell me what's going on?" Quaritch asks. "You guys are part of the experiments the RDA is doing" you comment, causing Quaritch to tense up.
The "I know I can change him" squad: @mechformers @cullenswife @littlethief78 @nieshiren @parasiiite @bxnnywriting @shelbythequeen @sassvy-blog-blog @shaylang21 @perfectgradient99 @jinx14 @elvyshiarieko @littlethingsinlife @ilovedoms @the-hufflebird-girl @ronia-entries @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @mechformers @perfectgradient99 @mad-simp420 @quaritchlvr @kittycow8875 @mjnij @ladylovegood-69 @dilfs-bitch @witchywannabe3263 @fanboyluvr @stickyfictioninwriting
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