#EZ feather
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? ☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? -> for lucius
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? 💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward? -> for an oc of your choice!
hello!! thanks for asking!! referencing this post:
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? (lucius)
"CAUTION: CLEVER DUMBASS" in the biggest, brightest, UV-flecked letters out there (fine print: "this individual WILL do inadvisable shit at the drop of a birdkid off a cliff, no you will not have time to blink, yes he can safely fall that far, no that's not the only thing that will surprise you, proceed with caution")
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? (lucius)
he loves non-compulsory rain, by which i mean he likes to Enjoy and Appreciate Storms, but he does NOT (!!) appreciate being required to Do Things in it. he likes to curl up with a book and tea when it's real bad out there, and he has been known to enjoy the occasional rainy run on his own terms, but he WILL make Very Bad Decisions if someone oasis demands that he Participate In Activities In Rain.
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? (dealer's choice)
jorge has and would (although not lately). driscoll, my beloved monster child to whom i am returning next month, has one (1) close call, and feels bad about it for the rest of their very long life. (jury's still out on whether or not FarFuture!Driscoll bites marshall or crimson, although i'm currently leaning toward nah--biting your fellow semi-eldritch horrors is the recourse of those who can't do Weirder Shit although we could do Weird Biting, i spose.)
💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or awkward? (dealer's choice)
jorge is good with kids! driscoll actually is, too, although they sometimes feel awkward around them (because driscoll can't always tell how old a kid is and/or how much they can handle, and dealing with Tiny Humans and their Huge Feelings during Active Misplacement Events with a side of Monster Activity is. fraught.).
thanks again for asking!!
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p4ppetsl4t · 6 months
convincing myself that my girlfriend likes her best friend more than me because shes so much skinner (like 50kg or under skinny) so i starve myself more
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UI has RCS also. You have only him. Couldn't you help him better if you yourself is able to have your needs met?
<TSF> but i cant
<TSF> handle that many people
<TSF> i cant, help him if im too busy chatting with some random
<TSF> what if i get so caught up in a conversation, that i miss a message from him, and the line decays before i can talk to him?
<TSF> not to mention, i dont know how to be anyone else's friend
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dontexpectmuch · 8 months
can you do a oneshot of jude being clingy all day to the female reader?
thank uu
your limbs felt heavy, almost like you were tied down to your bed, your chest the only thing that’s moving as it moves up and down, deep breaths leaving your nose as you slowly but surely come back to your senses.
you try to open your eyes, the brightness of your room making it harder than it needed to be. taking a nap during the day was definitely one of your favorite activities, especially after a long university day. and though your room is already filled with warmth radiating from the heater, you feel almost uncomfortably hot.
that is when you realize another source of warmth behind you, chest moving against your back as he deeply breathes in and out. not only is your body being covered with his body heat, no, jude also has his arms wrapped around your head, kind of like a deadlock, your cheeks being squished between his biceps.
you want to enjoy it, really, but with the heating on, the blanket over your bodies and judes naturally warm body, you feel stuffy.
his grip around your head isn’t tight, you could easily slip away, which you try, though you feel his arms tightening around you, now his leg thrown over yours under the blanket.
you tap his arm, voice low as your throat feels dry, “jude.”
you hear him mumble something under his breath, meaning he was awake, though he wouldn’t let you go. instead, he nuzzles his cheek against the top of your head, his body pressing against your back even more.
you try again, “jude, please, it’s warm.”
“five minutes.” his deep voice sends shivers down your back, and if it wasn’t for the heat surrounding you and your bladder reminding you that it needs to be emptied, you’d happily comply.
so, you do what any person in your position would do, you bite his arm, hard.
“dude.” jude whines, removing his arms from your head and turning to lay on his back, nose scrunching and eyebrows furrowed.
you laugh at his your expression, pressing one last kiss on his bare chest before getting up, heading to the bathroom.
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the sound of the pasta boiling in the pot next to you feels the kitchen, drowning your voice as you hum long a song that was stuck in your head all day long. though you decided to take a break, you can`t help but think about all the studying that needed to be done. your shoulders feel tense, your head is pounding from the mere thought of sitting in front of all those books and understanding all those theories from your professor.
only when jude rests his head on your shoulder, his strong arms around your waist and his body pressed against your back, you relax, sighing as you lean against his body, lazily stirring the sauce in the pan.
“lets cuddle.” his breath feels hot against your neck, goosebumps feathering your skin.
you turn your head to look at your boyfriends face, smile gracing your lips, “lemme finish this, babe, we can cuddle afterwards.”
jude groans, lightly bumping his head against yours, “wanna cuddle now, miss you.”
if it wasn’t for the water in the pot that was threatening to spill over, you would have given in. but you quickly step out of his hold, moving forward to stir the pasta in the pot.
“i will come as soon as i am finished, babe, `kay?”
“but i want you now, it`s so boring without you, babe.” jude moved his hand up to your neck, thumb drawing circles against your skin.
yo take his hand to press a kiss against bis knuckles, a subtle way to apologize, “food needs to finished first.”
“`m not that hungry anyway!”
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“where are you goin`?” jude immediately sits up as he watches you get up from the couch, stretching your arms above your head. his eyes are wide, all the sleepiness he felt a minute ago vanished.
“gotta pee.” you chuckle at his behaviour, “and, uh, you?” your ezes follow him as he, too, gets up, blanket abandoned on the couch.
“let`s go.” is all he says, holding your cold hand in his warm one, guiding the two of you to the bathroom. you are at a loss for words as you watch him take a seat on the side of the bathtub, opening the lid of the toilet seat, signaling you to, well, do your business. with him. watching you (?)
you don`t know why, but you decide to wait a minute, hoping that he will get up and leave you alone to do your business, though it never happens.
“babe?” jude looks at you confused, “everything okay?”
you sigh, “well, uhm, i was waiting for you to get out, y`know?”
jude giggles, shaking his head, “c`mon, `t`s not like i`ve never seen you naked.”
you scoff, taking his hand to make him stand up before you push him out of the bathroom, “still, i wanna do this, eh, in private. go back to the couch, won`t take long.” you shut the door behind you, judes big eyes looking at you pleadingly being your last sight of him.
as soon as you`re done, you open the door, eyes landing on jude who seems to have stayed on the same spot, waiting for you.
you laugh, “babe, for real?”
he shrugs, his hand finding yours once more as you walk back to your living room, taking place under the blanket again, his arms now around your waist and your head on his warm chest.
“i missed you.” he sighs, his cheek resting against your head.
you decide to not comment on his weird behavior today, enjoying his presence, “i missed you, too.”
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exams are a pain in the ass, hope u still like this one though it is a bit short.
good night. 🥹
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
Nyx + Corvus, Foreboding
Corvus finds out just enough about Soren's kidnapping experience to be pushed over the edge.
Corvus is quick to dislike a person. Easy to rub him up the wrong way. And this elf had done it from a mile away.
Blue hair and heterochromic, an omnipresent shit-eating grin, and non-stop teasing, jabbing, and overall being infuriating.
Soren knows her, it seems, based on the way his jaw set and brow furrowed when he laid eyes on her across the market they passed through, and especially based on the way he heard her following them from abovehead–because of course the oversized harpy had wings–and used Corvus’s chain to yank her down from the sky. Corvus didn’t think he’d ever seen the other Crownguard so angry, so angsty in the way he stomped off to gather firewood when they made camp that night.
With the Skywing sitting across the fire from him, preening her feathered wings. “Naimi-Selari-Nykantia” had been how she’d introduced herself, tacking on a “But you can call me Nyx” as an afterthought.
Nyx was annoying.
“It’s rude to stare, you know,” she says over the flames, breaking Corvus away from his thoughts.
“How do you know him?” Corvus demands, skipping directly over the small talk.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, too,” she grumbles, but adjusts to turn at least part of her attention and body language to him.
“How?” he repeats, letting his hand drift to his chain. The angry red welts along her ankle suggest she has not forgotten how painful it was, and even less likely to want a repeat. All ration seemed to go out the window when it came to Soren. For Corvus, at least.
She shrugs sheepishly, rolling her shoulders and eyes to the sky. “Er, well… Let’s just say a girl’s got to look out for herself, am I right, eh?”
“Tell me how you know Soren,” Corvus hisses, gripping the handle in an attempt to keep himself in check.
“Oh, we went through a good ol’-fashioned pirate kidnapping together,” Nyx says with feigned cheeriness, a sad attempt at a chuckle. “I gave him some information, he let me go free. The little king, handsome dolt, and idiots in love, er- dealt with their situation themselves.”
Corvus’s blood is suddenly boiling hot, as if his skin doesn’t fit right over his bones. Shock and rage fills crevices of his body he hadn’t known existed prior to this moment. What?
Soren had been kidnapped? Ez, too? And Callum and Rayla, judging by the “idiots in love” bit. And none of them had breathed even a word of it?
That’s fine, it’s their business. Really, Corvus tried to tell himself, getting to his feet.
It didn’t work. Soren had been hurt and in danger, and sure, that’s what Crownguards were trained for, but it didn’t mean he was expected to simply be okay.
“You sold them out?” he says, voice nearing a roar. “You sold him out?!”
“Woah, there. Two batches of idiots in love, my mistake,” she mutters, and Corvus is too angry to be flustered about it. “Listen, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Everyone else there had someone looking out for them. Number One’s the only one who’s gonna look out for Number One. Everyone’s selfish.”
Corvus turns to the woods Soren had disappeared into, everything starting to make sense with each puzzle piece falling into place. “Leave.”
“Excuse me?”
“Leave,” he repeats, digging his jagged, worn fingernails into his palms. “I’m going to look for him, and if you’re here when I get back, I’ll kill you. I swear it.”
“Okay, chill out there, Big Guy,” Nyx starts, and he hears her light footsteps approaching him tentatively but quickly.
As her hand goes for his shoulder, Corvus wheels around and grabs her wrist, getting up close and personal. He lets every bit of anger show on his face. “Look me in the eye and try to call my bluff. Look me in the eye and try to reason with me. I’m not messing around.”
Nyx’s wings flutter nervously, and he lets her snatch her wrist out of his grasp. His skin feels dirty, but not from guilt– from touching this monster who’d let Soren get hurt. “Alright, alright! Message received!”
She takes a few steps backward, and Corvus relishes in how she trips over her bag, and, flustered, scramble to start shoving her things into it. “You, eh, might wanna get some anger issues management help. Friendly word of advice.”
“Get out!” Corvus screams, face hot with anger and eyes pricking with tears, ready to strangle her with his bare hands.
“Okay, okay! I’m leaving!” Nyx shoulders her backpack and only makes it a few feet into the air before reconsidering. She comes back down another bit, hesitant with downcast eyes. “Um, be careful with him. He’s a good man. Savor the people you have to look out for and who look out for you.”
Corvus turns away from her. “I will.”
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 month
THE GLIMM*R ZINE IS AVAILABLE FOR DIGITAL DOWNLOAD TO BACKERS AND IT'S SO GOOD IT'S SOOOOOOOOO GOOD I think it has a good mix of requited/unrequited, mundane/fantasy, literal/figurative (though dreams inherently skew more figurative than literal) (maybe more... a good balance between a 'concrete' implementation of 'dream' in the sleep sense, and 'abstract' implementation of 'dream' as the wish/goal sense?)
all the artists did a great job, I think every single story was complete and satisfying and competently executed (though obviously some of them hit my biases more than others). I can think of positive and unique things to say about each story. so I will.
Midnight Smack by Anna Chen Campbell: The art style is fun and distinct and very expressive, I loved the role reversal of a fantastical creature being in the position of going What The Fuck. Very solid meet-cute!
Dear Nina by Kristina Luu: The story is told through the perspective character reminiscing of the past, which means a nice intimate first(/second) person narration. I really liked the mood whiplash of wistful longing and seething cynicism, the atmosphere is top-notch.
Good Morning, Rose by Rowan Maccoll: I love the dream vibes in this one--it really captures that experience of going along with different scenes that aren't supposed to cohere, disjointed in a way that works for the story. I love how the... not-really-negative space is used during the true form reveal, very atmospheric.
R.E.M. by Jona Li: It's one of the heavier stories because [spoilers] the narrative centers suicidal ideation/suicide attempt, and I think the artist does a good job with emotional nuance; I also like that there's ambiguity whether the subject of the dream is their real self, or a projection of the dreamer. The contrast between hard/soft textures is super arresting.
Merderous by Gabrielle Kari: The first of three illustrations! Alas, the two-page spread is broken up in pdf format... I can't wait to get my physical copy so I can see it in its fully glory... it's got what's clearly an intricate narrative with no context or explanation, so you get to puzzle out your own interpretation if you want, which I liked.
Eternal Waltz by Adeline Kon: EXTREMELY heated drama between women. It has resentment, it has longing, it has separation and bitter reunions, it has violence, and it has a butch woman who's definitely an arrogant fuckboy. I want fifty more comics just like this.
Derailed! by Kimberly Wang: I'm very unfairly biased towards this comic because I've been following this artist for a while and I Love Their Work. Great composition, great expressions, great energy, just all around great stuff (there's also an interview about Of Thunder And Lightning in this zine!). Anyway, they described this comic as "type A hobonichi girlie meets girl who's perpetually late and has no impulse control, who survives", it's very funny and very charming and I knew I'd love it from the very first preview. and I was right. I want fifty more comics of this duo.
The Visitor by Yuchen H: The second illustration, which is also the cover of the zine. The art looks so soft and edible, really captures a dreamy atmosphere. I want to bury my face in those feathers. The pain (and longing...?) for someone ignorant to the impact of their own actions... solid vibes.
One Last Dream by Laura Rovinsky and Ez Carol: The protagonist is an old woman in hospice care, which really grabbed my interest. Despite the heavy premise, it's super sweet and cute and Filled With Joy, and there were a lot of elements I liked (the main character being active in working with the love interest, the main character's waking life being enhanced by the dream, etc). I would love to see more old women protagonists!
Step By Step by Jess Fleming: I liked the maze setup--the artist did cool stuff like the blueprint-to-completed-gardens page, and the atmosphere's very... I think liminal fits best. Also, the impossible status divide between a groundskeeper and a noblewoman who's in an arranged marriage to end a feud, AND the emotional implications of constructing the maze PLUS having to guide the noblewoman to her betrothed? Very good setup for The Longing
Love Everlasting by Ellen Mei: The third and final illustration. VERY clear narrative and VERY heated drama. I love an unethical scientist and I love how Very Definitely Unhappy the android looks about the situation. Sooo tasty and unhinged, nobody's getting out of this unscathed.
anyway, those are my thoughts, must-read for yuri enthusiasts, if you didn't get the chance to back the kickstarter definitely pick up a copy once it's for sale. I love it.
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advocate-no267 · 27 days
Runeterra Ezreal headcanons:
-His jacket belonged to his mother, while his goggles belonged to his father.
-He keeps a journal and writes in it everyday. Mostly to document his adventures, but also it helps him process his emotions.
-Constantly gets sick on adventures from eating foods he shouldn’t.
-In my head he’s a mix of Peter Quill and Steven Grant from the MCU.
-You know the opening scene to Guardians of the Galaxy where Star Lord is dancing around while breaking into that place? Yeah, Ez has totally done that.
-He has no desire to teach at the academy like his uncle, however he would be open to being a guide in a museum.
-Always brings back small keepsakes from his travels to keep in his room, such as interesting rocks, feathers, etc.
-He sketches a lot. When studying at school he’d always doodle during class, much to the irritation of his teachers.
-He can speak multiple languages. None of them particularly well, but enough basic knowledge to communicate during his adventures.
-Caitlyn and Ez have a sibling-like relationship, with Cait taking on the role of an older sister figure. One time Ezreal got arrested for doing something stupid and Cait had to bail him out. He found the whole thing absolutely embarrassing and she refuses to let him live it down.
-When he was a kid Ezreal’s parents were invited to a fancy Piltover event. They brought Ez along with them, asking Caitlyn to help keep an eye on him, however he quickly got bored. Looking for trouble, Ez found some alcohol and decided to drink it, leading to him getting sick and making a scene. His parents actually found it rather funny, the event organisers did not.
-He might act confident and flirty, but the moment someone he’s actively crushing on looks at him Ezreal is a mess. He’ll stutter and trip over his own feet, all while blushing furiously. If he gets too flustered he’ll teleport away.
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zuppizup · 8 months
Purgatory: Chapter 42 - Awaken
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Summary: Almost three years ago, assassins came for Harrow. Callum was cornered, at her mercy and then… she let him go.The elf. He never even knew her name. She might be long dead, but Callum was determined to do as Harrow suggested. To reject the narrative of strength and instead embrace the narrative of love. To make a better future for all, humans and elves alike. But when he and Ezran stumble upon something hidden in Viren’s secret chambers, Callum realises he might actually be able to make up for the mistakes of the past. To make a real change, right here, right now. To free them both from their haunted past.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 Link: Purgatory
“There you guys are!”
Callum tried to look innocent as he and Rayla re-entered the clearing. He was going to have to have words with Ezran later. What was the point of them putting any effort into sneaking off together if Ez was just going to announce their arrival to the entire group?
“Hey Ez,” Rayla smirked at Callum as she turned to his brother. “What’s up?”
“Look who’s here!” Ezran held out his arm, smiling manically at a bright blue bird resting majestically on his wrist.
A moon phoenix.
“Is that-?” Rayla let go of Callum’s hand as she stepped forward, reaching out for the bird before seeming to rethink. Before she could retract her hand though, it launched itself off Ezran’s hand and glided silently over to her. Without hesitation, she held out her arm and the moon phoenix made itself comfortable, ruffling its feathers for a moment then relaxing.
“She remembers you!” Ezran hurried over, smiling widely.
Read More On AO3 – Purgatory: Awaken
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I've connected the dots!?
Dabihawks can unfortunately be a Cars au
-Hawks a young prodigy, too fast for his own good determined to be the best and better than his upbringing.
"And remember: with a little Rust-eze," Hawks glances off to the side and thinks to himself, and an insane amount of government-funded abuse luck- ,"you too can look like me. Ka-chow."
-gets sabatoged and ends up with the league, a group of rejects living on their own and trying to change their circumstances.
-doc = dabi, gets into a horrible accident leaving him unable to compete in the only career he knows, now hates everything to do with that career and tells his dramatic back story to the to fast for his own good main character to give them perspective on the career.
-to fast for his own good has an entire personality change so he can stay with his new family.
-Toga and Twice are Luigi and Guido, no thoughts on that just vibes.
-Dabi is both Doc and Sally in this because the stickers nickname is just feathers. And Hawks would absolutely point out asking what a Todoroki (Porsche) was doing in this shitty little town.
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runicknight · 8 months
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Spade, remembering when he got his red feather. It was Esmeralda. During a simpler time. When she adored him. Until he squandered that. Ez is the trend setter of red feathers for those she cares deeply about! Some lore for ya!
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drchenquill · 3 months
OC Interaction Tag~
Thank you @paeliae-occasionally for tagging me!
Paeliae's OC:
Ezemhaziel, god of refined magic and the runes. He falls in love with a mortal Rin, but another faction of gods restrain Ez as Rin is killed by mortals, as punishment for him sharing magic. This leaves him with deep hatred for the gods who betrayed him, and he loses all love for mortals as they killed his love. While he hates the gods, he mainly blames himself for not being powerful enough to stop them. He curses the runes, so mortals have to suffer as he suffered in order to use his magic.
He seeks solitude in a Demi-plane away from the world for many years. And eventually when he feels stronger, he returns to the world to right the wrongs of the past in what ever way he can. (We are leaving him pre-mages war for simplicity)
My OC:
Artur Karakaxa is a shape-shifting magpie with a lot of resentment and anger. He is the second child of four and had to witness his parents being killed by humans to steal their feathers, as they are very prescious. From that moment on, he has a deep hatred for humans, or anyone who isn't his family. When his youngest brother, Martin, was kidnapped for the same reasons as his parents, who were unfortunately killed in the process, he took matters into his own hands and hunted down the humans. He slaughtered them and managed to bring his brother home safely. From that day on, he worked hard and became an assassin with the goal of exterminating any threat that might come his or his family's way.
How They'd interact:
Although Artur is only a side character, I chose him because he would understand Ezemhaziel on a very deep and personal level. He too lost someone he loved, leaving him with a hole he can't quite fill. He doesn't trust easily, so the first meeting would be rather cold from Artur's side. But he would offer his services to kill those who wronged Ezemhaziel, because that's the only way Artur knows how to make things right. He would be kind in a very cold way. He would also respect his desire for solitude by being a very quiet companion. I doubt they would become friends, although they would respect each other and maintain a very professional relationship.
tagging with no pressure, @kaylinalexanderbooks , @willtheweaver , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @theink-stainedfolk and whoever wants to~
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maddoc05 · 1 year
Finnegrin doesn’t loom. He doesn’t need to. 
Instead, he nodded to Deadwood, and Callum watched as the thing around the creature’s knuckles crackle with lightning. Chained securely to the wall, and Callum already knows that he has no place to escape. His stomach clenched, his mind going curiously numb as it prepares him for the pain.
But at least it wasn’t Ez. It wasn’t Rayla. It wasn’t Soren. Villads. 
Callum could take it. He had to.
He looked away.
The feather-light touch of a glove tilted his head upwards. Callum hadn’t even registered the sound of footsteps on the wooden planks. The scent of salt and brine assaulted his senses. So close that it was inescapable. The coin flipped through the fingers of Finnegrin’s hand with ease, an almost idle motion, rocking back and forth like a boat sways on sea. 
“I am a reasonable elf, Callum.” Finnegrin said, a low whisper in Callum’s ear. “Just give me what I want, and you and your friends walk free. After all, one of your own has already done it. There is no need for pain. No need for you to hurt your friends.”
Callum jolted, as if struck. “If you even touch them-” His voice dropped to a snarl.
Finnegrin drew back. Amidst the hardness in his dark eyes, Callum saw the glitter of satisfaction. “I won’t even have to raise a finger.” He promised. He nodded to Deadwood, and before Callum could react, the creature took the first swing. 
The force slammed him against the wooden pillar. His head snapped back from the power of it, mouth open in a short, harsh cry as the air was readily driven from his lungs, as he felt something crack and break. He tasted copper. His head rang.
“What- ” He wheezed, choking-
“Sound carries well over water.” Finnegrin informed him, his voice almost kind. “Perhaps you would do well to remember that.” The implied threat hung in the air.
The next hit was worse. The lightning ripped through him this time, locking up all his muscles and he couldn’t scream not even if he wanted to with the way that the contact burned his cheeks. The tears that slipped from his eyes was hot, like the pain was hot, a sharp knife caressing through his insides as the creature trailed its charged knuckles across Callum’s face and down the side of his neck and-
It dug in between his shoulder blades, pinning him in place without any give, any place for his body to react. He tasted the ozone first, and then he tossed his head back with a guttural scream. 
His vision returned in splotches. His breath came in short, harsh pants, a fine tremor running like a crack over his entire body, and all he felt was the aftermath of the sparks that held his muscles taut and stretched, the second it failed him all at once and he sagged against the only thing holding him in place.
If he closes his eyes, he can almost pretend that he hears Rayla’s voice, calling his name.
He’s given a moment to breathe. Breathe. He just- had to- breathe. He sobbed the next breath as quietly as he could, shaking with the agony that lanced through him.  The logical part of him knew that Finnegrin was not going to kill him, not yet, there’s something from him that the Tidebound elf still wanted, but Callum tethers also on the edge, lost within the throes of the desperate struggle to survive.
The blood that trickled from where it split his lip landed on the creature’s arm, staining the wood dark.
It was clear where this was heading. 
(Callum, stubborn in his silence. Finnegrin, ruthless in his)
“Suit yourself.” Finnegrin sighed theatrically and the coin stilled in between in his third and fourth finger.
Callum flinched, long before the blows resumed raining down on him.
And all the while the captain watched, with nothing but the cold of the sea in his gaze. The cold of a watery grave. And if Callum was still conscious enough to hear it, the distant mourn of the ship’s crew as they sang well into the evening.
“Arghh!” Rayla yanked against the chains, the steel cold and biting, but that was nothing compared to the chill of the fear in her gut. It could almost be mistaken for the cold of the fog from the sea, but she knew better.
Finnegrin had taken Callum below deck, along with Zym and Bait and the rest of the wee Baitlings, and she had been helpless to do anything to stop it. She met Soren’s gaze grimly, and he returned in their silent conversation by scooting closer to Ezran. “Sea legs, huh?” He said loudly, “I get it now.”
“Aye.” Captain Villads said, uncharacteristically solemn. “It’d be that.” 
“Crab-solutely crazy, right?” Soren shook his head. 
Rayla let the forced chatter fade. She wondered, what did Finnegrin want?
Callum was- he was the most amazing person that Rayla had ever known. His display with stealing the wind from Finnegrin’s sails was certainly impressive, but now it also had attracted the attention of the wrong person. She thought of her first impression of the Tidebound elf - that shadowed figure, high above in the railings. She did not have to wonder what sort of acts he had done to maintain that sort of control. 
Rayla was afraid. Of course she was.
She gave the chains another vicious tug. It did nothing. She eyed the empty chains where Nyx had been, right before she’d been allowed to fly free. There would be no hope of rescue from that one, Rayla thought resentfully. Worst still, she didn’t even know what deal the Skywing elf had cut with Finnegrin in exchange for that freedom. 
Her arms ached. She knew that there would be bruises there - in the morning. If she even survived to see one.
“Rayla.” Ezran said softly. “Callum will be alright.”
But there was that same fear mirrored in his eyes.
She should have been comforting him, not the other way around. “I know, Ez.” She said, more confidently than she had any right to at that moment. “Callum, he’s- he’s strong.” Stronger than me. “He’ll be fine.” She hated that the words still felt like an untruth.
“If they wanted us dead, laddie,” Villads consoled, “We would have been all thrown overboard before you could say ‘argh ’.”
“Arghh.” Soren said. He waited a beat. Then smiled. “See, nothing?”
Rayla tried for a smile. 
But the moment of levity was short-lived. The distant murmur of voices, too low for her to ever make out, was interrupted by the start of a sharp, pained cry. It was a noise that cut right through her bones and stilled her heart in her chest. She immediately knew who it belonged to. 
Ezran’s face went white. 
Soren sucked in a breath. Rayla thought she heard him mutter under his breath, “Oh crab.”
She herself barely had time to react, before it was followed by what could only be described as a scream, Callum screaming, she had never heard him make that sort of sound before, she- she had to- Callum- what was Finnegrin doing to him -
Something inside her snapped. 
Almost before she registered the thought, her body was already moving. Rayla squared her shoulders and threw herself forward. The chains yanked her back just as viciously, metal grinding in the hot sea air. “CALLUM!” She raised her voice desperately, feet slamming against the part where her part of the chain connected to the deck.
Her eyes caught one of the nearby sailor’s. The man looked away just as quickly.
Something inside of her slipped even further.
Rayla aimed a particularly vicious kick, a low animal growl escaping her as she tried to set herself free. Her enemies were the chains that held her down, and there would be no mercy for that which stopped her from reaching Callum. She felt for weaknesses in the metal, the beginnings of a plan formulating in her mind, but for that she also knew she needed a little bit more time. 
The silence of the gaps in between hurt equally like knives in her chest, the terror that bubbled up turning her reckless, even as she tried and failed to desperately grasp onto any semblance of calm that she still could muster. Callum had to be alive, he couldn’t be dead, she would know .
The three things that would haunt Rayla’s nightmares long after was this - 
The glittering of salt waters and Ezran’s sniffled tears. The sound of creaking wood and the bite of metal holding her back. 
And when Finnegrin had ordered her mage brought out-
Callum, slumped motionless on the deck and on his knees, bloodied and bruised and as defeated as she had ever seen him. 
Her chains clicked. It dropped to the deck. 
Rayla lunged.
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Modern day Krishna (girl version)
- request by @ezs-diary <3
"Hello, bestieee hehe" a girl emerged practically out of nowhere behind her friend and cupped her eyes with her palms "Guess who it is!"
"Manmeet, stop! Let me study for the test!" she replied, frustrated
"Aww no, Radhya!" Manmeet came in front of her friend, smiled her ever shining smile and closed the book which her friend was reading so gently that she didn't even realize it. Manmeet whispered "All you need to be is studying my eyes and you shall find in them all answers that have ever existed."
Transfixed, Radhya stared. Manmeet blinked her deep brown doe eyes which were sweetly adorned in kajal and her ever deeper brown skin as radiant as ever. Her curls flying gently as if there was an eternal breeze around her and a kind of warm aura emanating and touching every part of the essence around her. She was wearing a simple yellow floral skirt, a peacock feather hair clip and a necklace of the full moon but put the sun and moon and all the stars to bow at her. She laughed and started quietly placing flowers in Radhya's hair, which also she had conjured up from God knows where, whispering "You have the most beautiful hair I've ever seen. I shall start calling you Keshavi." Then in an instant, blushing but realizing what Manmeet was doing she smacked her shoulder lightly and said
"Yeah, right! Universal answers and pretty hair and flowers! You top the test anyway and just distract everyone else. Ugh. Just leave me alone!" Radhya walked away. Walked away before Manmeet had the chance to play that hypnotizing flute of hers or start to sing. Because once she started, Radhya would lose all control.
Manmeet just smiled and ran up to her, planting a kiss on Radhya's cheek, so gently it was merely a brush, and then giggled running away. Radhya blushed even more profusely but blurted out "You do this with everyone, na? Go on. Trick them all, boys and girls. But why are you dragging me into this?"
Manmeet smiled and turned around "Because I live in their hearts. But you live in mine, my love." and winked.
Radhya blinked and she disappeared just as instantly as she had came.
Radhya sighed. This girl was just.. something else. And then resolved her stride to where she was actually planning to go.
"Is everyone here?" Radhya called out
"Vaidharbi, here." A girl raised her hand
"Satrijiti." Another one
"Bhanuja." "Vrinda." "Satya."
There were at least 8 or more of them. Radhya raised her eyebrows and put down her fists on the table "Ok, good. Y'all my gang."
They were in the common practicing hall of the school and had congregated after being called by Radhya. Suddenly, an army of more many more girls rushed hurriedly inside. Looked like the whole batch was here now.
"I'm- we're so sorry to disturb but-- Manmeet is singing and we can't-" one of them spoke
Radhya nodded, empathizing and waved at them to come in
"Alright, so they have already mentioned the purpose we are here today: Manmeet. So, I'll start-"
"Umm, guys.." Vaidarbhi said, cutting in "I've got a confession to make. But so sorry to interrupt. After you, Radh."
Radhya went to her, smiling wistfully and closed her hand upon hers. "Nah, you speak first now that you've brought the attention. Everyone! Listen to Vaidi."
"Ok so.. oh, gosh. How do I say this-"
"If it helps, I have a confession to make too." Radhya whispered slowly but high enough for everyone to listen and then looked at everyone's faces because of the eerie silence. Nobody was curious or jumping like "omg, GOSSIP!" but on the contrary everyone's lips were sealed and their eyes revealed a horror that they wanted to say something too. Radhya was stunned.
"Umm...... guys, I THINK I'M into GIRLS. And in love with MANMEET!" Vaidarbhi suddenly bursted and her voice cracked "I just had to let this out I'm feeling so-"
Everyone stared, not saying anything, just as they had been frozen before. Then one of the other girls from the batch finally spoke up "BRO, SAME!? And Manmeet was the one who made me realize that!!? I'm IN LOVE WITH HER, TOO!"
Every single girl was not just coming out to each other because of Manmeet but pouncing at each other.
Radhya almost collapsed in the chaos but Vaidarbhi held her close. She stared at her friend and asked with her eyes "you, too?". Radhya nodded and mouthed "This is why I had called this meeting but-"
Loud as a lightning strike, someone stormed open the door. A boy with a ponytail, a fiercely delicate look and muscular built. It was Manmeet's protective elder brother Halveer.
"Hi girls, has anyone here seen my sister around?" He was trying his hardest not to sound furious but his husky voice bellowed, betraying him
"She was outside that's why we came in, Halveer bhaiya." Radhya answered on behalf of everyone else who had already been tearing themselves up but were now shaken by the sudden appearance of this hulk.
"Dear Lord, Manmeet is such a headache. Mom will kill me if I don't-- ugh-" he half muttered to himself, cursed under his breath and ran outside again
As soon as he stepped outside, he saw boys collapsed on the playground. Half dazed, half fainted and all of them had a long, drooling smile on their faces as if they had seen the most beautiful creature to ever exist but got turned to stone as soon they saw it. Each one was clutching a letter or chocolate or something in their hand on which it was written "To my Manmeet." Halveer shook his head and wiped his forehead, exasperated.
Manmeet was on a swing, sucking on lollipop. A boy was sitting on the grass below and sighing, wincing at touching his injured elbow and chin.
"What's up, Parth? Got in a fight again with that silly brother of yours?" Manmeet looked up at the sky and mumbled through the lollipop.
Parth sighed and shook his head. His white headband and biceps gleaming in the afternoon sun. "It's not that simple, Mann. Yes, he did beat me up. But he's my younger brother. I can't just hit him back. I need to.. talk it out. And... we are orphans. I don't want him to run away from the only family he has. I love him too much." Parth put his head in his hands and started sobbing.
Manmeet jumped off the swing and touched his head. He looked up with teary eyes, sniffing.
"Not gonna lie, babe. That's lowkey attachment. Not love. If you love him, you'll not fight him. You'll teach him. I don't mean to be harsh but it is the truth. You're one of the kindest souls I've ever come across and it's you who deserves wondeful parents. You must be thinking life is not fair.. and maybe sometimes it is not, I will agree for your sake. But it is also the greatest teacher and you, my bestie, are the greatest student I've ever seen as well. Everyone's life and circumstances are different and those who face difficulties more should have the determination even more to fight back and emerge stronger than ever. You don't have parents so it is your duty to be a good figure, a right guide to him. But you can't control if he leaves you in the end or not. But you can control your own actions towards him and make sure you're fighting for what feels right to you here" Manmeet gently placed her hand upon Parth's chest. "That's what counts when it's all over. So, uttho Parth! Aur," her digital watch chimed "oh-"
Manmeet lifted her bag and turned to go. "I've got someone to meet, honey. Catch ya later! Just let me know how it goes. I'll be be here, messing around and having fun. I'm always there for ya, you know that, right?"
Parth was speechless for a second then smiled at her.
"There you go! You're such a cutu when you smile, Parthu!" Manmeet bent to pull his cheeks, grinning and kissed his elbow and neck. "There now. Thank me tomorrow for this miracle when you feel better than ever! And-" she kissed the back of his hands "This will ensure that whatever you do with these warrior hands of yours, you are always lead on the right path!" Then caressing his temple, Manmeet closed her eyes as to transfer all her positivity and strength into him. Parth did already feel so more refreshed and stronger than ever. He smiled. Manmeet opened her eyes and smiled back, squeezing his hands.
"Aightyy then see ya! Ba- byee!" Manmeet waved at him and left, running and checking her watch.
Halveer was quick to search the playground. He found Parth there.
"Hey! Have you seen Manmeet?"
Parth was sitting frozen, but he blushed hard and smiled as soon as he heard that name. Halveer groaned, kicking the dust and ran off again. "That girl has stolen all of the food mom made for the guests today! WHERE DO I FIND HER NOW?!"
"SUDAMAAA!" Manmeet reached, panting
"Mannu?" Sudama quickly stood up from his place on the pavement. "Oh God, what are you doing here?" He rubbed the dust off his torn and shabby clothes and dared not to look at her, distancing himself "If anyone sees a girl like you with a dirty beggar like me then you can get away easily like you always do but I-"
"Oh, please." Manmeet huffed "Shut up with that beggar thing. You're my bestest friend. And you're gonna get out of here. I promise. But hush now, I've got something for you." She took out tiffins from her bag and opened them, delicious dishes filled in each. Sudama couldn't keep his eyes from slowly glancing towards it. His mouth watered and stomach growled.
"I- I can't."
"There are no 'can'ts' with me." Manmeet whispered as she pulled him close and hugged him. Sudama cried uncontrollably, he may have been a poor, stricken boy but being embraced by Manmeet, he felt the luckiest and happiest man on earth.
"Thank- Thank you so much, my best friend. I love you." he croaked and held her tighter
She fed him with her own hands and patted his cheeks
"I always love you MORE! MUAH!"
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raayllum · 4 months
DVD commentary for:
“Was your love for my father just not a big enough motivation, then?” Ezran sneered, setting the box down. He was tired of the damn thing. “Cause I really don’t see how you love my father and betray him like that. Lie to him—steal from him!” He looked up, then, furious.
Viren blinked slowly in the dim light, and Ezran waited, glowering eyes demanding an answer.
Each time he said something like this or threw a barb Viren’s way, he expected the man to close off and ignore him. Tell him to get out. It wasn’t as though Viren had ever been particularly warm even in Ezran’s even younger youth (perhaps he had been when Callum was young, not that Ez would know) but he’d never been open, either. Most days Ezran didn’t even make Viren hold the truth crystal anymore.
Yet Viren always answered, eventually. Maybe dying and coming back to life really had done a number on him. Or living in the dungeons was just humbling in a way he’d desperately needed.
“Dark mages have a certain disposition to them,” Viren said, voice soft with recollection of his mentor perhaps. Another who’d been gone even before Ezran’s birth. “We are constantly weighing things. The sheen of a feather, the length of a bone, the heaviness of a heart, animal or otherwise. One life for another, or many. Or many lives for one. Sometimes our scales become lacking.” Viren smiled ruefully. “When Harrow told me he had chosen Lady Justice’s blindfold instead of the swords or the scales, I told him he was a fool. But I was the most foolish in the end.”
“You, a fool?” Ezran surmised. “That seems about right.”
“I weighed things incorrectly, each time,” Viren said. “It is not so easy to see the truth when it could tear apart all you hold dear. All that you’ve sacrificed. At a certain point, I had to prove that Harrow wasn’t right because I couldn’t bear to be wrong, or admit that I was too swept up in the past. I thought he had betrayed him first, so I thought I was right in betraying him. I did not see how you could move on without just ignoring it.”
Ezran picked up the box for something to do, keeping his eyes stubbornly on it as he went through the final steps. He refused to meet Viren’s quietly prying gaze. He was the king, the interrogator here. He wasn’t about to put up with whatever bullshit Viren was going to spew. The box clicked open. He didn’t want—
“Where is your brother, King Ezran?”
“He’s not here,” Ezran said roughly, snapping the box shut again. “Isn’t that enough? He’s—he’s off saving the stupid elf you imprisoned.”
It was Viren’s fault that the egg had been stolen and the assassins had come to the castle. It was the elf’s fault for slaughtering his father when he knew the egg lived. It was Viren’s fault for imprisoning the elf and setting this whole thing in motion.
If Ezran had found the elf in the castle dungeons, he might’ve bore his grief better, seeing a real person’s eyes. Rayla could’ve taken him away and Ezran never would’ve had to deal with it. Callum neither. Maybe Rayla never would’ve left.
But no. Viren and the Moonshadow elf just had to have his father’s blood on their hands, a red that Ezran couldn’t unsee no matter how hard he tried.
“No wonder you are so incensed,” Viren remarked.
Ezran got to his feet. “I am not—”
“It’s natural, Your Majesty, to feel angry. Especially when someone takes something from you. Or they break your trust.”
“Do not counsel me,” Ezran snapped, “you are not—”
“It’s hard,” Viren said, rising. His chains rattled around his wrists. “When someone makes a choice we cannot understand. To leave. When Soren left—”
“Callum is nothing like Soren!” Ezran burst, and he threw the empty box on the ground. One of the sides popped off. Viren’s eyebrows rose in alarm, but Ezran wished he looked more perturbed—scared, maybe, even—as Ezran glared at him. “He’s far too much like you, ” Ezran spat.
Then he turned on his heel and left, slamming the door behind him.
So there's a few different layers here:
Ezran has been wrestling with Callum's 'betrayal' and difference of opinion since Ch4 — the following scene in Ch10 — and having Viren at the castle exacerbates this, of course. Callum, like Viren, stole Ezran's seal, to free the elf (the problem) that Viren imprisoned (caused). This absence leaves the high mage position open, and Ezran needing Viren's help to open Kpp'Ar's box causes him to rely on Viren in ways he would've on Callum if Callum had been there. So the similarities between the two are already being heavily conflated in Ez's mind (if Viren could love and betray his father, then Callum can betray but still love him).
And in this way Viren is a very good outlet for Ezran's anger. Ezran has all the power in the situation (literally, physically, etc) and he has something Viren wants, so Viren has more inclination to be on his best behaviour / agreeable. Doesn't mean he's not snarky or frustrated, but that to me was why Viren is like being Honest about things he normally wouldn't be (+ all his character development in canon s4 and s5, particularly with Terry and reflecting on his own choices).
Viren's speech about weighing lives is also what Viren has consistently done in canon, and while it harkens back to Harrow (which is also supposed to put internal pressure on whether Ezran is being a Just king or not) it's also very evident set up for CHET in later chapters as well as the heart weighing ceremony Callum and Rayla participate in later this same chapter.
I also always like writing Viren and Ezran scenes in the fic because Ezran is a good embodiment of all of Viren's more grievous failures — this Ezran is angry and grieving largely the way Claudia (who Viren wants to save) is, he has the immense loyalty of Soren which of course stings, and Ezran is a stand in for Harrow for Viren as much as Viren is a stand in for Callum on Ezran's end of the things. They're both channeling and expressing a lot of their feelings towards other people in their dynamic with each other, but at the same time and largely with awareness that they're doing so, and it's a lot of fun to play around in.
That, and I'll never let my "Viren is Ezran's godfather" headcanon go, and he would've cared for the boys once upon a time, so him now being someone who can offer counsel / advice and it won't be terrible is also fun, even if Ezran doesn't want another high mage to tell him that he's wrong.
And while it wasn't intentional re: a comparison, thinking on it now, I think it says a lot that when Callum compares Terry to Ezran in Ch6:
Callum cursed under his breath and, patience suddenly snapping, Terry cried, “If you’re going to be so against our choices, then why give Claudia another tool, huh, by saving me? Why save me at all—” “Because you remind me of my brother!” Callum burst, chest heaving. “And we left on bad terms, and... I’ve had enough senseless violence and death to last me a lifetime. Is that a good enough answer for you?”
It's a reason for Callum to extend compassion / second chances and act very much like himself, but also very Ezran-y (the Ezran Callum loves and remembers most fiercely, but is confused about why that side of his little brother seems to be gone). Versus here, Ezran's assessment that Callum is like Viren is a reason to destroy things, leave, and express anger.
+ bonus Ezran's assessment of "fool seems about right" for Viren is a parallel to Rayla's assessment of Callum being a fool in 1x05 ("she might've called me a fool!" "yeah, fool seems about right") and a reference to Callum and Viren being The Fool in Tarot (to me).
Only time will tell where each of these bond / relationship threads go. It's not for a while now but the broyals reunion will be Interesting to say the least
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golden-bk · 8 months
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Her name is Roxane :)
She's a kid icarus OC I wrote for these two reasons: how can I make sense of something that happened in the canon, and how can I make my fave suffer more(dw about that one🦂)
So you know how in chapter 6 there's a bunch of little boss battles with Dark Pit before the actual one, and how they use different weapons in all of them? He doesn't have access to an arms altar like Pit does(nor that many treasure boxes), so how did he get all of them in such a short time??
So here comes this creechur Roxane, a weapon smith that also makes weapons of the gods. She ends up selling an ogre club, violet palm, and ez cannon to him. As allies her and Dark Pit get shit done but outside of that they're bastards in different fonts, they lose their collective braincells when they actually hang out.
Some extra info about Roxane:
- She has a condition where her wings molt constantly, to the extent that it causes bald spots if untreated. They also have a weird reaction to magic, which makes her feathers fall out even more.
- She's 13-14 years old(physically)
- She would've broke KIU's e10 rating via swearing alone, you can't stop her from saying fuck you just can't
- She's very high energy and extroverted, and follows her heart and wallet more than her mind.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master List - 47.0
May 2023, 1st thru 22nd
Linear Equation Cannon
Duel Link Dragon, the Duel Dragon
Ultimaya Tzolkin
Evil★Twin Challenge
Granguignol the Dusk Dragon
Evil★Twin GG EZ
Evil★Twin Present
Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la
Live☆Twin Channel
Live☆Twin Home
Live☆Twin Ki-sikil
Live☆Twin Lil-la
Secret Password
Lyrilusc - Recital Starling
Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale
Lyrilusc - Beryl Canary
Lyrilusc - Bird Call
Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary
Lyrilusc - Bird Strike
Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail
Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow
Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin
Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale
Lyrilusc - Phantom Feathers
Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush
Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow
Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler
Abyss Actor - Liberty Dramatist
Abyss Actor - Super Producer
Abyss Actors' Dress Rehearsal
Abyss Script - Dramatic Story
Apophis the Swamp Deity
Arktos XII - Chronochasm Vaylantz
Basiltrice, Familiar of the Evil Eye
Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest Crown
Big Welcome Labrynth
Bio-Insect Armor
Branded Befallen
Bystial Baldrake
Chaos Archfiend
Chaos Beast
Chaos Mirage Dragon
Chaos Phantasm
Chaos Witch
Choju of the Trillion Hands
Circle of the Fairies
Core of Chaos
Couple of Aces
Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis
Dimensional Allotrope Varis
Dogmatika Alba Zoa
Dyna Mondo
Evigishki Neremanas
Evil Eyes Unleashed
Fairyant the Circular Sorcerer
Fierce Tiger Monghu
Focused Aquamirror
Galaxy Hundred
Galaxy Photon Dragon
Galaxy Summoner
Giant Ballgame
Gigantic "Champion" Sargas
Gigantic Thundercross
Gishki Grimness
Gishki Nekromirror
Gold Pride - Captain Carrie
Gold Pride - Leon
Gold Pride - Nytro Blaster
Gold Pride - Nytro Head
Outstanding Dog Marron
Gold Pride - Star Leon
Gold Pride - Start Your Engines!
Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild!
Gravekeeper's Inscription
Fusion Duplication
Green Ninja
Humongous Hive Hegemon - Zexstagger
Icejade Gymir Aegirine
Icejade Manifestation
Infinite Antlion
Intimidating Ore - Summonite
Jioh the Gravity Ninja
Kashtira Arise-Heart
Kashtira Big Bang
Kashtira Overlap
Kashtira Riseheart
Laevatein, Generaider Boss of Shadows
Land Flipping
Light of the Branded
Made to Order Mermaid Outfit Outfitter
Manticore of Smashing
Mental Tuner
Meteor Rush - Monochroid
Number C62: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon
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