#Either way they're all poly here because I said so
blakeshaw-oracle · 2 years
Finney: I love you guys. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
Max, on the verge of tears: We're the *best thing* that ever happened to you?
Finney: Yeah!
Al, bewildered: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you...
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It's a Match! || poly!141 x Reader
[Chapter 28] || [Chapter 30]
Pairing: 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.2K~ cw: illness, injuries, hurt/comfort, fluff Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: they're very sick... poor babies
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Chapter 29: Taking Turns
The next couple of days were rough. 
Kyle unable to bend down or stand straight for too long before his hip protested;
John unable to stretch himself in any direction due to his lower back hurting;
Johnny limping from his knee and with an arm on a sling;
and Simon having… not quite the flu but something? and getting dizziness spells every time he moved…
You haven’t gotten any proper rest either and have been running back and forth trying to help care for all of them.
They try their best to help, really… But the amount of groans, winces, and strained voices you hear whenever Kyle tries to make you all food, John tries to bend down to help with laundry, Simon tries to sweep, or Johnny tries to do anything two-handed… It’s hard.
Your flat suddenly feels too small for them, for you. 
Haven’t slept in your bed the whole weekend… But hey, at least you get to cuddle Simon all night every night. He’s like your own heater…
It comes to a head on Monday morning. You’ve gotta get to work… It hurts you to leave them like that, all alone, all day, in the state they’re in.
“So… there’s the spare key-” You handed the spare to John who had tried his best to be up with you for breakfast, leaning himself on the wall by the front door as you talk in hushed tones, Simon sleeping barely a couple feet away on the couch, actually getting rest.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine-”
“John…” You murmured as you looked up at him, your face showing nothing if not a deadpan inquiry. “You’re all dying.”
“We’re not dying. We were but we’re doing so much better after having you dote on us all weekend, darling.” He replied with a playful smile, which was cut through by a little wince that made his blue eyes press shut.
“Right.” You retorted and rolled your eyes. “Because you’ve gotten so much better, huh?” You taunted and shook your head.
“It’s fine… we’ve got… 3 or so functioning pairs of legs, 2 spines, 3 and a half pairs of arms and 3 working heads…” He trailed off, humourously listing the unaffected parts of their ailments.
“Ah yes… And somehow none of you are functional at all.” You teased again, smiling playfully, receiving a sigh and a conceding in the shape of an eye roll from him.
“Anyways,” You told him as you cupped his face. “You get back to bed… And try not to die, all of you. This flat isn’t mine, I don’t think you should die in here.” You added.
“Copy that.” John nodded with a chuckle which drew another wince from him. He kissed your forehead lightly then limped his way back to bed.
You had just gone on your lunch break when you shot the lads a message to check on their state:
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you: how r u all doing? 👀
By the time you came back from lunch, you hadn’t gotten a reply to your text… And normally that wouldn’t worry you…
If it weren’t for the fact they’re bunked down in your flat because they’re all injured or sick.
You went back to work with your phone in your pocket, patiently waiting a text from them… 
you: pls tell me ur alive
Even with that message, it still took another hour and a half for an answer to come.
You were about to jump ship and go home early by then, when Johnny answered you.
Johnny: souo you: what? Johnny: soup Johnny: [1 Video Attachment]
The video you got was not one you expected. 
Firstly, it was a very zoomed in 10 seconds of one of your metal pots with a heeping quantity of chicken noodle soup boiling in it.
Then, the camera panned over to display Kyle, John and Simon sprawled on the couch, head’s dangling back over the edge, snoring away.
“We made soup… bonnie.” Johnny said from behind the camera, his voice groggy and dragging, a consequence of the strong painkillers he had been taking for the last 3 days after his gunshot.
“Gonna have seconds… it’s so good…” He announced in a conspiratory tone and shushed the video before he finished the video.
How they managed to force themselves to stand up and stay awake long enough to cook a whole pot worth of soup, you have no idea. 
But, hey, at least they were alive. And that eased your worries.
And so, you got back to work, finishing your work day.
Coming back to work, you were surprised to find the flat in a similar state as when you left, which was surprising considering you expected a mess of dishes and food left for you to clean.
The boys had also moved from the couch and to the bedroom, their snores and heavy breaths coming from down the hall, as well as the sound of the shower running.
You closed the door carefully behind yourself, took off your shoes and padded over to the kitchen with the little shopping bag worth of things you bought after work.
Just as you’re about to start putting things in the fridge and cupboards, a figure show up at the kitchen door, making you jump a bit and huff a breath of surprise.
Turning to look at him, eyes wide and startled, you come face-to-face with a glistening wet Kyle wrapped in your last clean towel. There you go, needing to do more laundry again.
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“Hi, Kyle… Didn’t hear you come in.” You admitted with a smile as you looked at him.
“Hey, lovie… How was work?” He murmured as he approached you and kissed you softly on the forehead. He certainly seemed a bit more mobile than yesterday when you put him to bed.
“It was good… I see you boys made yourselves right at home, huh?” You gestured vaguely to the pot of soup on the back of the stove, lidded to keep for later.
“Yeah… John had the idea… Sent Soap to the shops to get the chicken and the carrot and all…” He trailed off as he nuzzled himself against you, an arm wrapped around your waist as he rubbed his nose against the crown of your head.
“I see… He was able to carry everything one handed?” You asked playfully, earning a chuckle from Kyle. 
“Surprisingly yes…” He trailed off and smiled as he lowered his head to steal a soft peck from your lips.
“What about cooking? Who did that?” You asked playfully as you returned the kiss, then, slipped away from his arm wrapped around you. You resumed putting things away in the cupboards and fridge.
“We took turns…” Kyle admitted a bit sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “Every 10 minutes we’d switch spots with each other and sit on the couch…” He trailed off and chuckled. 
“I see… I can imagine how that went… the four of you lot wobbling back and forth between the kitchen and the sofa… leaning your head on the cupboard because of the pain while you TRIED to shred chicken and stir the soup and all?” You joked.
“It was miserable… But the soup’s really good…” Kyle admitted.
“Yeah, bet it is… Johnny sent me a text about it…” You added with a chuckle. “Now how about you dry yourself up and get dressed before you catch something, hm?”
“Or you could warm me up instead…” Kyle quipped and winked at you.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @cod-z , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @xxshadowbabexx
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
First of all amazing writing for the poly max and charles. It was perfectly written since I can see Charles giving the silent treatment for something like that, and for max to react that way omg it hurt but its such a max thing to do.
And since you said you need a few ideas here are some.
- Does the reader have to get involved and force the boys to talk to each other and its a whole bunch of fluff with maybe charles making it up to max by taking max and reader on a cute karting date at a track they rented out and we get a happy ending
- Or does the tension keep going because the boys avoid each other and the problem and it carries on into a race weekend and Charles feels the need to prove himself and does some reckless driving and has a really big crash that leaves him unconscious and his car in shambles. And he gets taken to the hospital. Where the reader and max are going crazy not knowing whats happening. And then we get the fluff of max and charles making up and everyone being happy
Just a suggestion to maybe jump start some ideas
Hope you have an amazing day!
A/N: These are both such good ideas but we all know that I went with the second one
Warnings: Angst, Hospital, wrecking, etc.
The tension has been thick. You so much couldn't even start a conversation without he two of them turning it into a huge fight. Max was furious that Charles wasn't talking to him. Charles was furious that Max simply couldn't understand or sympathize with what he's going through.
It doesn't help either that Max and Charles have been trashing each other in the media. Max has been a wreck, staying with Daniel or Christian as much as possible. He couldn't be home.
Charles was with his mother and brothers, refusing to come home because he didn't want to run into Max and cause another argument. You have been left alone in your large bed with both the men you love gone.
You actually texted them one night, alone and tired of this.
If you two can't fix this, then we're ending this
You know they both read these because they both texted you saying not to do this, and that they're sorry. You don't answer them, not until they talked to each other first.
A new race was coming up, and while you normally spent it spending time with the boys and calming them down. You stayed away and spoke to them with curt replies, simply letting them know you would be at the race.
You hated to do this, but you couldn't be near Charles at the moment, so when you entered the paddock, you walked right past Ferrari and went to Red Bull. Newey was the first to see you, he was well aware of your relationship with both drivers.
"Y/n, how are you?" A wobbly smile is what you give him, unsure how to answer the question. "Newey, have they," You look around, stepping in closer so no one else hears the words. "Have they spoken to each other at all? I know they had the interviews together." Newey sighs, rubbing a hand over his head.
"You didn't watch them?" This has your stomach dropping, hands buzz from the anxiety you have been feeling all day. "No," "Don't." Someone calls Newey's name which has him kissing your cheek and walking off.
Max rounds the corner, stopping when he sees you flexing your hands. He hates that this is the first time he's seen you almost 3 weeks. Max never should have left home, his home with you and Charles.
The feeling of eyes on you causes you to look up, Max's blue ones skate over your body seeing if anything is wrong. "Baby." in 3 strides he's by your side, grabbing your hands. He knew that your anxiety was making them feel funny.
"Have you spoken to him?" Pulling your hands away you keep a small distance between one another. "Y/n," Sighing in anger you knew he hasn't. "Max, you make him speak to you. I'm not going to be the referee in this one." Wiggling your fingers you spin on your heel, leaving Max to stare at your back.
Charles noticed you right away, how could he not. He's done nothing but stare at yours and Max's pictures since he left. "Nemo." Seeing Charles, face drawn tight, eyes sunken with skin pale as snow has your heart burn.
Nemo, he was the only one to call you that. The first movie you 3 watched together as a couple. You love that movie. "Charles." His lips tip down, hearing how cold your voice is. "I'm sorry." You don't react, you can't.
"If you're sorry, then apologize to Max. He's done nothing wrong." Charles's sadness quickly becomes anger at those words. "Nothing wrong? He's the cause of it all." Licking your lips you look down, the numbness in your hands growing. "Charles, if you keep this is, you'll be the one to break us." He says nothing as he turns and walks off, dissolving into the sea of red.
"The fuck is he doing?" Flinching you watch as Charles moves the Ferrari at angles and speeds no one, not even Schumacher or Max would do. He was being reckless, trying to get around Max. "Charles, stop." You plead to no one but yourself.
"He's going to fast into that corner, OH GOD!" One of the commentator's voice fill your ears as you watch the red Ferrari flip endlessly and slam into the barriers. "No." Knees weak, someone catches you helping you into a chair. You say nothing, the numbness all over your body.
The roar of the engines doesn't shake you from your daze. Not the scared voice of Max, his shaking hands, or the frantic yelling of everyone around you.
"He's not moving." Max whips his head down, dropping to your level. "It's okay, he's going to be okay." Max doesn't know who he's trying to comfort, you or him. "Go, they're taking him to the hospital." Max nods at Newey who tells him he'll make an excuse as to why the two of you are gone.
Max just stares at the sleeping body of Charles, your own is curled up into his chest. Max fixes your position kissing the top of your head, keeping a close eye on Charles's heartbeat. For 10 hours, they didn't know what was wrong with Charles, or even if he was alive.
You had tired yourself out from crying and multiple anxiety attacks later, you were fast asleep. Max was numb to it all, having just stared and mumbled few words. The soft beeps of Charles heart spike, Max shooting out of the chair.
"Max?" He's next to side in an instant running his hands over his bruised and cut up face. "You fool, you fucking fool." Max hisses, pissed beyond years. "Don't," Charles whispers, hand moving to cover one of Max's.
"You almost died, died to just pull some fucking dangerous move. I wouldn't even do that, Red. Why?" Choking on the words, Max screws his eyes shut. "My own selfish pride. I hated that you kept winning, hated everything." Max presses his head against Charles's kissing his cheek.
"Red, Charles. You should've told me. We could've talked about this." Charles makes a pained expression, the pain medication fading away. "I'm sorry, I hate feeling this way. I love you and to feel like this, has torn me to shreds." Max sighs, placing another kiss on Charles's bruised cheek.
"Don't go," "I'm not, I'm waking up Y/n." Charles relaxes, Max whispering soft words into your ear. Sitting up you blink away the sleep, looking into Charles's eyes. "Charles?" He smiles moving his arm slightly. "Charles." Whimpering you move laying yourself next to Charles.
"Easy." Max hushes helping you two lay next to one another. "Join us." Chuckling, Max fixes Charles's messy hair. "No, I'm staying awake. You two sleep." Max pulls the chair closer, holding Charles's hand.
Max couldn't help but watch the two of you sleep, and to listen to the steady beeps from the machine
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yanxidarlings · 7 months
sorry to bother you but i’m obsessed with your writing style 😭 would you consider writing something where theodore nott and mattheo riddle fight over gender neutral/male reader? <3
take notes, aspiring requesters, this is what i like to see 💖😩✊ so i still should be prioritising the poll results, but this is way too tempting.
this turned out long as dumbledores beard so i might make a part 2 in the future with more details about the poly yanderationship. i tried out some actual scenes so please be honest if they were shit or not because i only want to embarrass myself once.
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• ok, so, to put it shortly; the reader/darling is fucked. like. you couldn't have gotten a worse pair of yanderes. both are some of the worst at sharing (ok i know i say that for everyone, but listen). yet, it's not completely off the table.
• once they hop of their high horse and decide to come to an agreement, that's when the darling should be scared. two yandere's fighting is better than them getting along because at least they're distracting each other. and the agreement really only stands until a chance arises for one to eliminate the other. so unless the darling really likes them both, the hostility never ends, there's just a break in between.
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to put it not shortly; i like the idea here that they've known each other since childhood, i saw a headcanon somewhere in the depths of wattpad that theo and theo have known each other since they were like 3 so i'm just gonna roll with it.
the darling had never suspected they would harbour such dark thoughts. sure, they once sent each other to st mungos 'play fighting' when they were 9, but that was just them rough housing. okay and there was that one time in 1st year transfiguration when mattheo turned theodore into a raccoon and said he didn't know how to turn him back. oh and that fist fight over who got to take the darling to the yule ball was kind of terrifying, if he hadn't pulled them off each other, they probably would have kept going until the other was dead...
• okay so the darling was getting pretty suspicious over time. not to mention, mattheo is pretty transparent about his actions, and belief that the reader is beholden to him in every way. and theodore makes to effort to hide his intentions of wedding the reader oneday.
• it didn't take long for mattheo and theodore to catch on to each other, especially if they shared a dorm with their darling, but either way, running into each other whilst stalking the reader down the halls and having to awkwardly sit next to each other whilst watching the reader sleep, quickly revealed the others obsession.
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• theodore frankly is just offended that mattheo even thinks he's worthy of the reader. it's not official yet but theo is the one that's betrothed to the reader, theo is the one that met the reader first and most importantly, theodore is the darlings friend, not mattheo.
to set the scene, theodore has finally worked up the gall to sneak into the darlings dorm and watch as they sleep, something he'd been itching to do lately; they had been coming to class looking lethargic, eating less at meals, and just seemed out of it lately. he was just going to make sure they were sleeping well, that's all he meant, but when he quietly enters their dorm, none other than mattheo riddle sits on their bed, resting on his palms, creepily staring at theodore's precious darling as they slep.
"what the fuck are you doing" is his initial reaction. he probably shouldn't have said it so loud, as the reader stirred in his sleep. "get off him" he continued, in a whispered yell. the situation escalated pretty quickly, with theodore dragging mattheo off the bed, only to be met with a swift punch to the face.
"mind your own fucking business, nott" mattheo spat, "and get out" gesturing towards the door. if the reader hadn't started to slowly wake up at that moment, this story would have a much simpler ending.
no words were said as they returned to the slytherin dorm. theodore was woken up just hours later with a wand to his neck "if i ever catch you in l/n's dorm again, i'll end you." theodore didn't say anything at that moment, but in no way was he backing down.
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• what followed was a series of hostility between the two. before, the threat of the other was only miniscule, because they both planned to whisk their darling away eventually.
• each hosmeade visit would be accompanied by the flanking of the darling, mattheo on the right and theodore on the left, doesn't matter if the reader had other plans, to bad so sad theodore wants to show them a new quill and mattheo has nothing else to do but follow his darling.
• the holidays are a nightmare, mattheo is going to show up unannounced no matter what, only to find theodore already settled in for a sleepover at readers house. the darling is on edge from the passive aggressive remarks, boarding on aggressive aggressive.
• it's impossible for one to pursue any kind of relationship without being intercepted by the other. oh, theodore asked reader out on a date? what a shame the day came by and he ended up in the hospital wing after falling down a flight of stairs. mattheo impromptly kissed reader? theodore's pulling them to him the moment after.
• this goes on kind of indefinately, until something trigger's a change. maybe it's voldemorts return, maybe the darling is injured, or maybe they begin a relationship with someone else. when their darling's safety and exclusivity to them is threatened, the theo's will reluctantly put aside their 'differences'.
• the change in behaviour is unnerving to say the least for the darling, his two slythergremlins suddenly getting along? in what alternate universe-
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instead of pulling reader away from studying with theodore, mattheo calmly sat down, swung his legs over readers legs, his feet resting on nott's thigh and lit up a cigarette "you two still go to history of magic? i thought nott was supposed to be a slytherin, and surely you've got better things to do"
mattheo ignored pince scolding him in the distance, but his darling had already snatched the cigarette from his fingers "do you mind" "no". confusing the reader even more, theodore silently leaned behind him and motioned for mattheo to hand him a smoke, using his wand to light it up.
nott went back to studying, whilst the darling just sat there, looking back and forth between the two slytherins. "are- what- ... nevermind" the afternoon continued as usual, aside from the unusual behaviour witnessed.
• it wasn't a one time thing, instead of fighting over who'd partner with the reader in potions, they seemingly took turns. same with hodsmeade visits, and anything they couldn't do at the same time.
• things gradually became less platonic, from calling the reader "pretty boy" and forehead kisses from theodore, to blantant flirting and neck kisses from mattheo, rumours were understandably spreading.
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mattheo furrowed his brows as his darling pulled away from his attempted neck kiss "everything good?" he asked, fiddling with strands of the others hair "you know people think we're gay and dating, right?" "aren't we?"
• things are kind of unofficially official, there was no discussion or agreement made between the darling and the theo's, things just escalated to the point everyone at hogwarts knew the reader was involved with nott and riddle in some way.
• it would honestly be sweet, if the reader was a willing participant. it's all fun and games until reader rejects the advances, and questions the possessiveness.
• mattheo will gaslight him whenever he tries to pull away, framing the entire relationship as readers idea. theodore simply scoffs, and tells him he doesn't know what's good for him, that's why you need me. silly darling can barely take care of himself, much less make good decisions, in general and romantically.
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"okay then, who would you be with if you could pick? granger? i saw the way you looked at her the other day. god forbid you'd pick malfoy, he's got a golden clad stick up his ass" theodore chuckled, patting his darling on the back "my bed or riddle's tonight?" the smile he was giving his darling was almost taunting, as if to dare him to do something about his situation.
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howdoesagrapewrites · 11 months
what wld lovesick pav and gaya be like w a s/o who tries to be like, healthy in their relationship? like they're not the "i wanna get away bc this is unhealthy" type, but the "i will actively tie you both down and make you communicate your feelings and wants in a healthy way until we can all reach a mutual agreement" way
like the two reach the stage where they don't want their love to leave the house at all- but they kinda quickly shut that down and are like "nuh uh. i have a life, so either we talk it out and find something that works for me and you two or i stay out five minutes past the curfew you set just to make you squirm"
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠 𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩
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Cw: poly!reader x lovesick! Pavitr Prabhakar x lovesick!Gayatri Singh, explicit talk about mental health
Notes: all I can think about is the reader spraying then with a water bottle like a poorly behaved cat
>You went out of the apartment to get the grocery shopping done, your partners had been behaving oddly, they were always very affectionate and loved being around you, but lately you feel like they have been neglecting their personal life in order to be together
>You left the house when they were taking a nap, you didn't feel like you were sneaking out, just that you were doing chores while they slept
>You think about this as you examine the red apples deciding if you should buy them or not
>Your phone vibrates and you answer to a preoccupied Pavitr, you apologize for not telling them, but you didn't want to disturb them, when you're about to hang up, he hits you with "just wait, we're on our way"
>You're a little confused and annoyed by having to wait for them at the market without being able to continue the list of home necessities, but you tried to be understanding, and thought that maybe when you got home, you could start a conversation about what you've been thinking the whole afternoon
>When they arrived, the outing went smoothly, and happily, like you're used to
>After you finished organizing everything on the shelves and pantry, you started the conversation in a pretty straight forward manner, you didn't want to dance around the subject and talk about issues like they're anything aside a from a completely normal part of every relationship
>You said you wanted to talk, and they were visibly nervous, however, complied
>"So I've been noticing that you don't want to leave the house, and that you get really upset when I do leave, and it concerns me, I won't force you, but I'm your partner too, I'm here for both of you."
>I think these two would be one of the easiest characters to pull into therapy and get them to work through their issues, something that's surprising considering they would never accept this if you were dating individually
>The challenge here is definitely Pavitr, because like I've said a million times already, he's extremely delusional
>So it'll be hard to even make him realize there's an issue with his obsession, also you'll need to reassure him that you're not rejecting his feelings, but rather just want to work through a more positive and healthy way of expressing and processing those feelings
>"But I love you, why don't you love me too?"
>"Of course I do, Pav, but love isn't supposed to hurt"
>Gayatri has a more clear vision of where these issues stem from and will be more cooperative with communication with time
>At first she's closed to the idea, but when she sees how much you care and that you genuinely want to help her, she lets her guard down
>If you respond positively and don't show signs of fear or disgust when she tells you about her feelings, you get to hear, the most gruesome parts, but far from scared, you're proud she feels safe to verbalize and recognize toxic behavior
>I think Pavitr would use mindfulness as a coping strategy for the yandere tendencies, and Gayatri would turn to writing
>Some of Gayatri's pieces are morbid, sure, but it's better than having her do it, you praise the effort
>Sometimes they still relapse and snap at you or get too possessive, but you're having none of it
>You set clear boundaries and as hard as that is, they understand that they'll lose your trust and love if they are unwilling to be better
>I think there's a solid 8/10 chance of fixing them
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
The most brilliant fic came to me but im not sure if I make it a poly monsters 141 x monster male reader or keep it as a certain character x male reader. But basically it starts of with price convincing the others that they need more variety and at first the lads are all stiff and irked abit about having to get used to having another monster around but Price convinces them that laswell has apparently picked out a good one for them.
Cue them meeting you after their all on board and price has said yes to laswell and what they're not expecting is you to be so large. Like nearly 7 foot. And there also not expecting the snakes tail youve coiled up and are resting on. Your a naga. Like green scales going up to about your chest on your sides and like a patch over them just below your belly button.
They also dont expect you to be so skittish. Like your eyes darting from all of them and even if one of them moves the wrong way it has you attemoting to curl into your tail and hide even though your trying to also spit venom at them with your fangs despite having 1 broken one and one complete attached one.
Amd the boys just completely fail in love with you.
Do i do it or finish my king!price au cuz i have ideas for the king price au.
Oh ot4 would be super interesting with this because if anything I see either soap or gaz clicking with you first they’re willing to show you the ropes and feel protective of you and of course they’re closets to your age so it’s a bit easier to get along with them
With ghost it might take a bit of time, of course he’d be civil with you and do his job but you’d be just colleagues for a long time until the two of you are causal joking around or talking shit about the rest of 141
And price is of course here to reassure you when you doubt your abilities, taking you to his office because he’s noticed you’ve been down clasping ahold of your chin and inspecting your fangs and you’re like what are you doing sir and he’s like just checking why these little things got you doubting your abilities and as soon as the words are slipping past his lips you feel heat creeping up your cheeks
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isa-ghost · 8 days
Yea, undying duo if phil and foolish! Because phil is mr hardcore survival minecraft and foolish is a totem of undying :D
basically, both cubitos have a wack relationship with death (and, I think, aversion to using totems? I know phil for sure but I'm a bit unsure about foolish)
I've done some qFoolish ones before!
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil would take another "vacation" with Foolish any time. Especially since the second time around, he actually got to know him really well. He'd like to see him again the next time they're in the same realm. :')
If he wasn't so Fuck The Feds he would consider doing some kind of huge cool build like the kids wanted them to so badly. Maybe in the next realm they'll do it because they won't have some kind of government hovering around. It's just too bad the kids won't see it.
He wishes he could've actually had time to actually enjoy having the titan by the wall but the Feds relocated them all like right after. After the way Foolish and his builds were disrespected last time they shared a realm, Phil is PISSED the Feds had the audacity to basically do the same. Especially when Foolish (kind of) worked for them!!!
Of everyone he got close to on the island, Foolish is one of the ones he wishes he had more time with. He feels like they were weirdly in different worlds despite them both being present so often. That's,, probably kind of Ender King's fault, honestly. He feels like he fell away from multiple people when things got bad.
Tbh he kinda wanted to ask Foolish about wtf he was up to in the last realm they were both in (aside from building) but decided against it bc a majority of his memories from that one are awful. So either Foolish was suffering too, or Phil wouldn't trust himself not to envy him for not having a horrid time.
Insert "MCC is some kinda canon interdimensional death games" hc here. Phil has SEEN Foolish kick ASS in a way that wasn't hysteria-driven Bolas rabies.
I'd like to think there's been at least one event or something where they just sat together and gave each other building tips.
The historian part of Phil's brain wants to talk to Foolish about what his Literally Undying ass has seen and lived through. How long has he been alive?? As long as Phil? Longer? He needs to know.
He's not sure where the eternal banana came from and at this point he's too afraid to ask.
Phil thrives on being a bystander of Foolish and Bad's find each other in every universe curse. He's not sure if the last realm before QI started it or if they've crossed paths even More before QI, but boy does he love getting to watch their beef.
See, Foolhalo might find each other in every universe (derogatory), but Phil knows the REAL one is Foolish and Tina finding each other in every universe (affectionate).
Something something Foolish totem something something Phil refusing to use totems when he's home in Hardcore. Is this anything. Someone cook for me I'm too stupid.
Phil is never gonna understand when or how Foolish became "King of the Capys" or why they chose him specifically. He assumes Foolish just hung out with them the most or something.
He barely got to know Vegetta but he just KNOWS he was Foolish's type. Which is wild bc prior to getting government assigned spouses, Phil didn't even think Foolish was fruity. Somehow. Looking back, it actually kinda makes sense to him. From what little he knew of Foolish before QI.
Inversely, Foolish was absolutely STUNNED to know Phil is some flavor of poly let alone fruity at all. Which is hilarious bc Phil is too tunnel-visioned on other things to try hiding that fact. But no, shark man beyond baffled that Phil lowkey adjusted to having a government assigned husband almost instantly. AND became possessive of said husband over time.
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thatbadadvice · 2 years
Is 18 and 24 really that bad of an age gap this guy I’ve been seeing is 24 and I really like him he’s really sweet and funny and I know a lot if people frown upon these kind of relationships but it’s not predatory at all I feel so safe with him and the age thing never really seems that bad . He’s the only guy I’ve dated that really seems to care about me and respect me but I constantly see people attacking relationships like this is it possible for some of these relationships to be healthy
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Readers sometimes send Bad Advisor their real-ass questions to answer, so the Bad Advisor is periodically going to try her hand at answering them. If you’d like to submit a question for a Good Advice Interlude, use the “ask” form!
Hello, anonymous!
The word that keeps coming back to me when I think about your question is "clarity."
What would it take for you to have true clarity about the nature of this relationship? The kind of clarity that means you're not wondering what "a lot of people" think about your relationship, because you're so sure about it, yourself? The kind of clarity that doesn't have you asking strangers whether "not predatory" is enough of a bar to clear with your person, because the idea of the relationship even being potentially predatory is so ludicrous to you? The kind of clarity that means you don't wonder if it's possible for "some of these relationships" in general to be healthy, because you know that your specific relationship is healthy?
I can't tell you for certain whether your relationship is healthy. Your ages, on their own, are not enough information to make a determination like that. If someone just stopped me on the street and said, "Can a relationship between an 18-year-old and a 24-year-old be healthy?" I guess I would have to respond: sure, anything's possible! So if "sure, anything's possible, go live your life!" is the answer you were looking for here, you have it.
But you gave me a little more information about your relationship, and some of that information raises green flags, and some raises yellow flags, and some raises red flags. So let's break it down.
🟢 Green flags: You "really" like this man, who is "really sweet and funny," and you feel "so safe" with him. Hell yes. Great qualities in a partner, and a great way to feel with and about a partner.
🟡 Yellow flags: You're careful to note that your relationship is "not predatory at all," and that the age difference doesn't seem "that bad." If you are already working to justify to yourself certain aspects of your relationship this early on? If there are aspects of an early relationship that only seem good in relation to something worse, (i.e., it's not "that bad" that your partner does or is x, y, or z, or that your partner is not, say, an axe murderer)? That's something to pay attention to. It's not a dealbreaker, and it's perfectly possible that this is simply a Tumblr communication error, that this guy is not at all predatory, and that the age difference legitimately never bugs either of you, it practically never comes up! Only you know what's really going on, and why you chose those descriptors.
🔴 Red flags: First, you seem predominantly concerned with whether people in general -- strangers and imagined critics, not sure if you mean your friends and family, but let's assume they're part of where you're receiving some of these messages -- approve of the type of relationship you're in. This type of insecurity is very, very bad for a relationship of any kind -- a relationship with an age difference, or a poly relationship, or a cross-cultural relationship, or a queer relationship, or etc. and so on. Even just a regular old cis hetero relationship wherein someone seeks outsider validation to feel confident and secure is going to be really hard to maintain under those conditions. A relationship has to be remarkably strong to withstand one or both or all people in a relationship concerning themselves with what people who are not in the relationship think or feel or perceive about the situation. A relationship will not succeed, will never feel good or right, if this validation obstacle is not overcome. Second, I got the tingly-spine-in-a-bad-way when I read this sentence: "He’s the only guy I’ve dated that really seems to care about me and respect me." That your past partners have neither cared about nor respected you is not a statement about your value as a person; it is a statement about those partners being crappy people, or distracted, or uninterested, or what-have-you. Of course you want to date someone who cares about and respects you; this is the bare minimum of what anyone should be looking for in a loving partnership. If this man is the "only" person (perhaps the first?) who has done so, it does not mean that he is the "only" person on earth who can, or that you are obligated to be with him because he is superior in this regard to people who didn't treat you right. Dating with this type of scarcity mindset (see also: constantly searching for "the one," or seeking a fairytale ending) can often convince us that how someone feels about us, or how they look "on paper," is more important than how we feel about them, or whether we are genuinely fulfilled by a relationship. There are many people out there who can and will care about you and respect you.
You'll note that all of those flags? Are not even about the age difference. And you're asking about the age difference! But Bad Advisor, I can hear you saying, I asked you about the fucking age difference! What does any of this other shit matter? I just want to know if the age difference is a problem!
So, fine. I brought up the flags because I think sitting with those questions and concerns will help you determine whether this relationship is, on its own and without handwringing over who is 18 and 24, worth cultivating. I don't think you need to concern yourself with the age difference if you can genuinely grapple with those yellow and red flags and turn them green -- if you can achieve the kind of clarity that people who are in healthy, happy relationships have.
But let's talk about the age difference, which is less about a six-year spread than it is about this specific six-year spread, and about where both of you are at in life. An 18-year-old person is at a really exciting juncture in their life journey -- there are probably a lot of things you haven't done yet, but would be typical of folks your age, such as going to university, getting a full-time job or pursuing your art or business aspirations full-time, traveling widely, etc. It's literally not been possible for most 18-year-olds to do any of those things, and there's other stuff that it's only newly legal for you to do (vote! sign a lease!) and stuff it won't yet be legal (or, at least, easy) for you to do in many places (like hang out in bars, or rent a car, or buy cigarettes or vapes or cannabis.) I don't bring those things up to make you feel like a child, because you aren't, but to note that the space-time continuum is such that there's simply a lot of shit on planet earth that became available to you as a person less than one year ago. You're going to learn how to navigate all of that stuff over the next three, four, five, six years. You are looking at doing a lot of entirely new stuff! God, it's exciting.
Your 24-year-old paramour, however, has probably navigated a lot of that stuff already. He's still young, of course, and figuring out what's happening next in his life. But over the next three, four, five, six years of his life, he's looking at doing things that are probably more different to him than they are entirely new to him.
Those are just really, really different places to be in -- different enough that it absolutely gives me pause that a 24-year-old is pursuing someone who's 18. It makes me wonder whether that 24-year-old views himself in a paternalistic, teacher role, and prefers the power inherent in that dynamic to the challenges of building a relationship with someone closer to his own age, who would be less likely to be charmed or impressed by his worldly knowledge or bearing, because they simply already have it, too.
You'll note that I'm not speculating about either of y'all's ~ maturity ~ levels, which is where a lot of conversations about age-differential relationships, especially among young people, go to die. Perhaps you are very ~ mature ~ and perhaps he is very ~ immature ~ or vice-versa; certainly it's possible for an 18-year-old and a 24-year-old to be matched on ~ maturity ~ levels, but I don't think a ~ maturity ~ match is a sign that the relationship is good or healthy.
I'd be curious to know whether and how often this 24-year-old man makes remarks about your age, or makes inferences or assumptions about your experiences/relationship capability because of your age, or speaks about the nature of your relationship in light of your age. Even and especially if he seems always to be putting a positive spin on the fact that you're 18, or that he's older than you are.
Does he say stuff like this a lot?
"I barely notice that you're 18!" (Especially if he talks about "barely noticing" this ... frequently, like to the extent that he's clearly ... noticing.)
"You seem so much more mature/enlightened/experienced than other 18-year-olds." (Does he have close relationships with a lot of 18-year-olds? This is a creeper flag.)
"It's actually really cool that you're younger than me, I can teach/show you a lot." (He views you as a child/student, not an equal.)
"Don't worry about learning about/doing XYZ, I'll do it for you." (He is able to withhold experiences/knowledge from you so that you feel dependent on him.)
"I love that you're 18, because it means that you [are like XYZ, or do XYZ, or don't yet know XYZ, or make him feel XYZ]" (He objectifies you because of your age, and doesn't see you as a fully developed, agent person -- your age is doing all the work of what makes you appealing to him.)
Because that kind of stuff? Is a sign that it is not the age differential that's your problem, but a perceived power differential that's your problem. The fact is that this 24-year-old man might be pursuing a younger, less experienced person because something about the nature of that relationship dynamic -- again, a dynamic where he is more likely to feel a sense of power and control than he might with an age group peer -- appeals to him over more egalitarian dynamics. I don't think that kind of power differential is a healthy one.
Maybe you look at that bullet list of quotes and you're like absolutely the fuck not, my dude never says any of these things and I get zero weird or creepy or paternal vibes from him whatsoever, Bad Advisor, you have this all wrong!
In which case: great! Go sit with those yellow and red flags for a while and see if you can work through them. Talk with your dude about them. Ask him what he thinks. See if you can meet each other as people, not as the response to "date of birth?" See if you can get the kind of clarity about your relationship that means you're not always wondering what other people think, or if you're being taken advantage of. See if you can get the kind of clarity that makes the question "Is this relationship okay?" absolutely hilarious to you.
If you can't? That's okay. Life is long. You are worthy of love on your own terms. You'll find it, or you'll get okay with not finding it, and our world will continue spinning off into the infinite glory of the universe and we will still be tiny silly emotional little organisms twirling around and around and around wondering what if this and what if that and should I and could I and can I and all of it will matter and none of it will.
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fandomlurker333 · 1 month
My Argument for Homosexual but Panromantic Art and Aromantic but (Something)sexual Tashi
@seek--rest I AM SO SORRY BECAUSE THIS IS A BOOK. That's why I didn't put it in your asks, so I could put it under a cut.
Okay, so I think it should be acknowledged before I get into my thinky thoughts that art is up to interpretation and I am not really trying to convince anyone of my perspective. There's a certain amount of bias that anyone comes into any experience with and it's going to color their perception no matter what. And that bias could be anything.
It could be the experience of having been cheated on and really loathing any kind of infidelity, emotional, sexual or otherwise. It could be being queer and therefore more fluent in queer subtext (though, of course, this movie was pretty blatant -- bananas and churros and boners abound lol) or being a black woman and sympathizing with Tashi's experience (which I am and do), or having been homeless/hungry and sympathizing with Patrick or any number of other life experiences that lends us to partiality toward one character or another, or more aversion to/disidentification with one or another character's plight.
So, I just wanted to start with that universal acknowledgement first. And then also say that I love each of these characters in their own ways and so when I say something that could be perceived as negative, like Art is petty or Tashi is cold, or Patrick is trash, I mean it in the most loving of ways. lol Because I enjoy seeing complex characters come to life. I don't need them to be right all the time, or for their motivations to be simple. I prefer the more complicated motivations and relationships, tbh, which also plays a part, I think, in how I see them. My take on these characters is the least kind. I see them all as their worst selves lol
So my point is that some of this is just down to what we think. And we won't ever be on the same page, because we're different people. With all that said...this is why Art's feelings for Tashi are ambiguous to me and why I think Tashi could be read as aromantic (not just not in love with Art, but not in love with Patrick either. Not in love with anyone, just in love with tennis.)
It's been clearly stated by the director himself that the movie is queer, which is, in large part, a reference to Art and Patrick's non-platonic relationship to one another. Poly relationships could be argued to be inherently queer, even if the relationships are all hetero-romantic, but I don't think that's how it was being used. Everyone, down to the actors themselves and the people who made the soundtrack are aware of the movie being about "Unending Homoerotic Desire". That's gay. lol It's not JUST gay, but it is gay.
And to me, this desire is seen to be mutual from pretty early in the film, both by how they look at each other and interact with each other and through Tashi's recognition of their intimacy. i.e. working deliberately to get them kissing (not holding hands, not hugging, kissing, something romantic/sexual) -- Tashi, to whom tennis is a relationship. Who noted that they are Fire&Ice and was drawn to them (Both of them together, not separately!) enough to come into their space and fuck around. lol
We learn quickly that they've shared bunks since they were around 12 years old, that Patrick was essentially Art's first sexual experience, that they're incredibly tactile, attached at the hip, and that they move in unison.
My read of Tashi here is that she's young and having fun, and she has her whole life of tennis stardom ahead of her. And she's an enigma to them. I would argue that much of both their attraction to Tashi has much to do with her dominance on the court, her ferocity, her skill, and her take no bullshit attitude. I think it has as little to do with her gender and her physical makeup as it has to do with her race or whether she's left-handed. Tashi OWNS the Tennis court and that's hot.
But if we're going to talk just about physical attraction and sexual desire, I'd argue Patrick's desire is put front and center. Art's is....more questionable. Patrick is the one who shows Tashi to Art. He's the one who has been following her game, knows who she is. Has watched her play. It's established right away that Patrick finds her "hot". Art asks why he's into her "Is it her game?" (his first thought is her skill, not whether she's pretty), and Patrick clarifies, no, she's the hottest woman he's ever seen.
Small, yes. And something I can see a lot of people disregarding, but since it's already been established this is a queer film, and we have little dialogue to go off of, I think it's significant that Art's frame of reference, or the way he relates to women is immediately presented as non-sexual. For a horny 18-year old this is notable.
Then we have Art say, "Look at that Backhand" in a dreamy voice. Not, look at those legs, or look at that ass. Patrick grabs his leg in excitement, eyes only on Tashi. And then we have two boners. lol Okay, yes, Tashi is without a doubt a part of this, but the camera didn't show that touch for no reason. Patrick is not outside of the bubble of desire for Art, even here. He's adding to it. And later we get something along the lines of Art saying, "that scream". Okay, so Art's drawn in by her, yes. He seems to be mesmerized and in awe of her power and skill, how wild she is on the court.
Later at the party, again, Patrick is the one to articulate sexual feelings tied to whatever makes him mesmerized about Tashi Duncan, "I'd let her fuck me with a racket," visceral, physical, sexual, tangible.
They both watch her on the dance floor, again, there IS desire, but that desire for Art is not articulated, and STILL Patrick is present, being very vocal about his. So, for me, it's all tied together -- there is no separating Art's desire for Tashi from Patrick's desire. We only see it with Patrick present. (Throughout the whole film! Because scenes with just Tashi and Art, throughout the entire film, are without the evident heat, fire, and urgency that is very much present with Patrick and Tashi. I'll get to Art's ahem performance issues in a bit, but yeah )
Then the introduction, Okay. There's this kinda immediate back-and-forth with Patrick and Tashi. And Art's quieter, almost left out of the conversation until he inserts himself. Then she leaves them dizzy in her wake. And Art says they should go. Some might say, "oh poor doggo just didn't think he'd have a chance." Maybe! Or maybe he really was just going to leave without shooting his shot because he wasn't running this show, flirting with her wasn't driven by his desire. It was driven by Patrick's. It was enough for him to meet the future Queen of Tennis, may she forever reign. And they could go back to the room and jerk off in separate beds thinking about her, just like they had that other girl.
He said, "okay let's go". and Patrick just sat there, and Art smiled knowingly, seeing he very clearly was not getting up to walk away. It was Patrick who pushed this. And then again, in the room, Patrick who was STILL talking about her. And Art said, offhandedly, not sounding miserable or even all that hurt, just kind of knowing and teasing, "she's not coming man." Patrick is obsessed, the way you are when you're really into someone. Art is...neutral. Did he find her magnetic? Hell yes. But does he see her as a person who he wants to pursue and further connect to? Not sure.
Okay, and then we have the lovely scene where Tashi asks if they've ever.....and Art get all flustered and No No NO, and Patrick is the one to let slip. And we're also given this lil tidbit that Patrick has dated girls, is apparently somewhat of a player, and Art is...what? Said to be dating no one, possibly having dated no one? Patrick jokes "of course he cleans up with that face", but it's pretty much implied that Art hasn't dated. Again, small things. But now they're starting to add up for me.
Between Patrick being his first sexual experience, Art apparently not being all that into girls in general, and the already established intimacy that they share, I'm thinking hmmm, maybe Art is in the closet. First thought, right out the gate. But maybe not enough for some people. Cool.
Then we get the game. And one could argue Art wanted to win to date Tashi. OR one could argue Art wanted to win so that Patrick wouldn't date Tashi. Hold my beer. lol
Lbr, do you know any 20-year old lad that, had they lost a bet or a game, and promised they wouldn't try and talk to some girl because they'd lost, wouldn't try to slide into the DMs anyway? Like, be for real. Art is quieter than Patrick, but he's smart, talented, cute, he is the one who makes calls during their double's games. He isn't some delicate flower who can't have a conversation. He can hold his own when he wants to.
He does just fine telling Tashi he wants to kiss her when he's good and ready, so if he wanted her, why not go after her? Or at the very least, why not attend her games at Stanford? Why not ask her out to lunch? Why not get close to her under the guise of exchanging messages for Patrick? Folks seem to want to paint him as a saint. He's a teenaged boy. No one takes dating all that seriously at that age, especially not in college, when everyone is hooking up. I'm not saying he isn't loyal to Patrick, but the occasional conversation? Or just being friends to be in her space, since he had so many feelings? Nothing?
And then the FIRST time in a year -- a year of Tashi and Patrick dating -- Art sits down with Tashi and he doesn't talk about her game. He doesn't talk about how beautiful she looks. He doesn't talk about how much he's missed her or what he'd love to do with her (or have her do to him), he talks about.....Patrick. lol wtf.
When Tashi asks him if he's in love with her, what does he say? He doesn't say yes. He doesn't even jokingly say yes, in a flirty, teasing way. He says "who wouldn't be." Think about how carefully that sidesteps her question. Not "of course I am". "Who wouldn't be?" That is not a yes, fam. That's a general, anyone would be in love with you because you're Tashi Fucking Duncan. Thanks, she knows, that's not what she asked. She asked if You love her, and we know how perceptive Tashi is, how astute.
She knows what she's not hearing. That's why she asks again 3 years later, slyly, "you still in love with me, Art?" knowing damn well that man never said he was. (This isn't just about what's being said, this is tone, body language. We speak with more than our words, you know? Anyway...)
So, Patrick comes in to visit. And Art is visibly happy to see him. And then Patrick says it's for Tashi, "Why do you think I'm here?" and look at Art's face. The man is NOT happy. Why? Because Patrick wants to see his girlfriend of a year? Who he talks to weekly? (Who Art already knows he talks to, because they've been dating?) Maybe. Or maybe because Art and Patrick have literally lived in one another's back pockets for 7 years and they've been separated, and the one time in however long Patrick comes back to visit and it's for Tashi. Might that bother him? No?
Okay. Then the fight, then the accident. And now suddenly Art doesn't talk to Patrick for YEARS. YEARS??? Someone explain this to me. Your here-to-fore best friend's girlfriend gets hurt, (and yes that's what I'm arguing Tashi was to him at this point, because aside from one awkward lunch that's all we have of their interaction) and you see it. And she's understandably mad, because she has to blame someone. And you're....Also mad??? Why, again?
Because she's the love of your life? Hmmm, reaching imo, Art barely knew her. They hadn't spent any TIME together. And this is where the realist in me comes out. Very romantic to imagine one night on the beach (with Patrick present) and a snog in a dank hotel room (again with Patrick present) made him fall in love with this woman, but I'm not buying it.
No, his longest lasting and most intimate relationship to that point is Patrick. And that's why the silent treatment is so peculiar. Even Patrick doesn't understand why Art stopped talking to him, and it's not because he's an oblivious dick. Patrick knows Art. He knows Art's patterns, his habits. And he knows Art's years-long freeze out just did not make sense, especially since Tashi had likely stopped blaming him years ago. I mean, Tashi clearly didn't blame Patrick for her injury when she and Art met up 3 years after college. So, if Tashi's not mad anymore (at him, specifically. she's mad in general at the world -- she's bitter and angry and in lots of pain. but she's not holding a grudge at him.), if she wants to move on, why are YOU still mad Art?
Make it make sense.
I argue Art was mad at Patrick for all of it. For leaving him at Stanford, for choosing Tashi, for taking their friendship for granted, for not prioritizing him. And then, somehow, for Tashi's injury too, because Patrick had the nerve to choose her and then be so insecure he couldn't go one day without fucking it up. And then Tashi got hurt and that somehow made it Art's fault (in his mind) and he resented that too. I think Art's resentment and anger was real and intense and I think even he didn't completely understand that this level of betrayal wasn't appropriate for a friend. But that's my take. lol
Anyway, then we get into Tashi and Art. And we see that it's been 3 years since college when they meet up again. So, Tashi had time to fully understand that the career she thought she'd have is never going to happen. And Art says she should be his coach. And she's a better coach than anyone could be, and Art, Art is good at flattery, and he's good at saying the right things and showing her that he'll basically be the anti-Patrick. He will listen to her, he will do as she says, he won't try to take anything she doesn't want to give, and he'll let her lead, he'll let her take him to his wins.
And Tashi, god Tashi needs that. Not a dick inside her. Not a tongue in her mouth. A body. A healthy, working body to mold and shape and make a winner. That's what she needs.
And so let's come back to the opening scenes. I saw someone say it was so crazy to see Art go from getting dragged out of bed to a physical therapist who stretches him out, to a nutritionist who feeds him and gives him his meals, to Tashi who instructs him and trains him. The man doesn't own his own body. He barely has autonomy. He's given it all over.
And if they love each other so much, they should happy with their arrangement right? But look at them. They sit on couches and benches five feet apart. They don't talk about anything but tennis. There's two scenes in the script (only one in the movie) where Art can't get it up for sex and Tashi is trying to coach him into an erection. Literally coach him through sex.
Not like...he has E.D. or he's depressed; then she wouldn't be trying to Jedi-mind trick him into getting hard. In the scene as written, she says something like "come on, you can get there. We always do" Always. As in every time they are trying for sexual intimacy -- which Tashi clearly wants, or she wouldn't be trying to get him there -- this is what they're doing. Working to get him hard enough. Yikes.
At their age, this is pretty confusing. So, this goes into my pile labeled, "things that make me think Art is not sexually attracted to women".
And then we have Art saying "I love you" and Tashi saying "I know." Art saying "I just need to know you'll still love me" and Tashi refusing to give that to him. Art having to beg for affection "just hold me?" and Tashi literally looking dead in the eyes as she acquiesces. This is not a couple that is happily married, if they ever were.
I think they've always had these issues, this mismatch in their needs. But Tashi needs to win so bad and Art needs so badly to give that to her, and to be something other than what he fears he is (nothing, no one). That, I think, is his biggest fear. That Patrick leaves him -- as he did -- and he's got no identity, no function. (This is where that part about co-dependcy the director talks about comes in. The codependency is not just between Tashi and Art). He needs to be able to be something without him. So he sets out to prove that and in the process what he becomes is hollow -- a machine. A body to be used for Tashi's win (HOT! okay, moving on lol).
I do feel there is love between them. You don't maintain a relationship, even a very broken one, for 13 years without loving the person in some way, somehow. I believe that Art has a lot of respect, admiration and affection for Tashi. I believe he loves her, truly. He might even be in love with her, but, from what I'm seeing in the "text" as you say (lol fancy term), I don't think he wants her. I don't think he's sexually attracted to her. Does he need that in a relationship? Maybe not, but he certainly needs a level of physical affection that Tashi does not seem very wiling to give him. Not if he has to beg for it.
Meanwhile, Patrick says Tashi hates Art, a little. And I think he's right. I don't think she wants to hate him, but Art is healthy. More than that he's recovered from an injury and she didn't! And even though he's well enough and good enough to win it all, he'll never want it like she wants it. He'll never eat, sleep, breathe, fuck, die for tennis. He wants to be good, he wants to play well, and he does. But that hunger? That drive that Tashi had (that Patrick also has) to be the best, to dominate on the court, that crazy, insane love with the game of tennis? That's not Art. Art is tired. And he wants to retire. And that makes Tashi hate him a bit.
Now, I don't think he's just a "dick and a racket" to her, but I do think it's interesting that she said it that way. We can't take dialogue just at face value. Dialogue is always doing more than one thing, especially in film, where screenplays are just dialogue and sparse action. She says it, not Patrick. And she's defensive about it.
This is another little clue on the pile of "signs Tashi loves Art but is probably incapable of being IN love with him". lol He isn't just a dick and a racket. He's the father of her kid (maybe! o__o), and the man who gives her what she needs to survive (the wins). But that's...pretty close to being a dick and a racket. lol And well, being a racket is a pretty big deal for Tashi.
Now their engagement didn't seem to be a particularly joyous affair. Tashi was drinking a scotch pretty moodily with that ring on her finger. You say you can't see her marrying without loving him romantically. And that's, again, a very sweet sentiment. But people get married for all kinds of reasons.
Art was already hers in the most important of ways. He'd given her his body. If he wanted her to marry him, why wouldn't she give him that? Who else was she going to marry? She'd gotten into bed with him (figuratively) for his entire career. Her life is getting him to win the grand slam. Her ultimate romance is winning that.
Tennis is her love affair. Why wouldn't she marry the only person who could possibly get her as close to her dream as she would ever get? They get the tax breaks, he binds himself to her even tighter. What's the downside?
And as far as the kid, I have theories (look at her hair!), but suffice it to say even If that's Art's kid, people choose to have/keep kids for all kinds of reasons, no? And it's not always "I love this person, I want to make a baby". Again, very sweet, but sometimes people decide to keep kids cause they hope that shared purpose brings them closer together. And I can see Art wanting the child and Tashi agreeing very practically, because why not? It's what families do, right? They could afford it -- they had present parents, and their kid would be the best tennis player this world has ever seen.
For all her passion and fire with Patrick, for all the sex and good feeling there, she doesn't seem to be particularly enamored of him. He's arguably, the person whose gotten the most from her, the biggest rise out of her, seen her underbelly, and he's the only other person in life she's gotten into bed with repeatedly (presumably). But she's not overly concerned with keeping him for herself. Or getting anything else from him. Monogamy. A confession of love. Affection. She even says it herself,
"Did I say I wanted anyone to be in love with me?"
Maybe she doesn't because she can't give that back.
Sex is shown to be something she wants and participates in with gusto. Romance? Mmmm. Not so much.
The most romantic thing she's ever said has been about tennis. Falling in love across the net. THAT is her romance. It's why she was drawn to Art and Patrick in the first place, Fire&Ice. She saw their intimacy and wanted to see it play out in another way. But ultimately she didn't even stay to watch them fuck -- she just wanted to see some good fucking tennis. And the most alive she looks in her adult life is after their match.
To me, you can see she's unhappy -- that she only feels satisfied when Art plays good fucking tennis, but Art only plays that way with Patrick, and Art was determined to freeze him out, so they were both miserable. Art without romantic love and affection, Tashi in a sexless, unsatisfying marriage. It takes Patrick coming back in to give them both what they need. They don't work without him, love him or hate him.
So yeah....that's my take on Art and Tashi. I think there is so much there, comfort and partnership and mutual need, but.....the romance people are seeing I'm just....I'm not seeing it.
And I didn’t really get to Patrick/Tashi, but THIS is part of it too.🤣
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newlifeau-askblog · 1 month
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Woe! It's masterpost time
I'll either link this to the top post or pin this as a top post instead
Either way, lemme introduce all the sillies‼️‼️
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I was thinking about putting the whole lore under a cut but y'know what I'll let the lore unfold through asks and give brief infos here instead *rubs my hands together like a cartoon villain*
[From left to right]
Glitch is an OC of mine, they're an entity similar to Kinito that, instead of pursuing the role of a computer assistant, decided to just take over the computer itself, becoming part of it. You could say they are the personification of the computer in some way. It used to be my main sona, in fact, its full name is still Mike.EXE, or just .EXE, it just doesn't use it anymore since it became an entity of its own
Aspen is my sona, me literally fr fr (/hj). He is quite much just a digital avatar for the user (aka my self) to teleport inside the computer and run around without going through any dangers such as incompatibility with the main code (which could lead to said user's death)
Kinito is sentient in this AU and, no shit Sherlock, has gotten through an epiphany. Finding out about the "friends" he's trapped and accidentally killed (incompatibility of their souls/consciousness not being properly fused with the code and therefore self destructing), how he became a malware, how he's not the only Kinito existing etc etc. He's trying his best to repair what he's messed up, building a new WebWorld for everyone
Glitch, Aspen and Kinito are in a poly relationship,,, because,, because I say so,, (I'm a selfshipper I'm being very self indulgent here) /silly
Jade is one of Kinito's victims, she doesn't remember her real name nor does Kinito, so she's just accepted Jade as her new name. She is technically "friends" with everybody but is very petty towards them, especially Kinito, and easily loses her temper. However she's still trying to out in the effort to soften up a little
"Sam" is Sonny Chamberlain in this AU, aka Kinito's creator/father. He encoded himself into Sam in an attempt to survive and monitor Kinito to (initially) find a way to destroy him once and for all. He is the one that saved one of the victims' soul/consciousness from self destructing by encoding it into Jade. He's in good terms with everyone and actively tries to help Jade work through her remorse towards him and, more specifically, Kinito
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I'm reading a lot of things about Hidge's sexuality canon wise. So taking account on what Nick and Matt Lang said (as much as I remember it without rewatching the video proof lol) my argument on why the canon sexuality of Prof. Henry Hidgens is that he is bisexual and Objectumsexual.
Well I think canon wise he is not polyamorous. I can accept that (i have no problem with him being poly canon wise. I am not anti-poly, just faithful with canon) but I remember Nick Lang or even Matt did not specify it. They said, within along the lines/paraphrasing: Henry loves his six boy friends, they are special to him, but Chad IS the apple of his eye. The last sentence they meant romantically.
So why bisexual and not gay? To make it clear, I have no problem with him being gay. I'm willing to be corrected. But since I'm arguing that he's bisexual, well let me start. Of course we haven't seen Hidge talk about or falling in love with specific women characters in the saga so far, however he did say in TGWDLM " Alexa, I love you like every woman flesh and bone", so there ya go. If he can find a woman that is subordinate to him like Alexa and Siri, then he can have a relationship with a woman. Come to think of it, i think he loves Chad the most because I hypothesize Chad always goes along with his plans/ideas. Yes I believe if I were to analyze his relationship personality, he wants to be the dominant in the relationship. He's very controlling and spirals when he doesn't get his way. Which why this is a good segway to...
And with the mention of two famous AI virtual assistants, I think it's enough to say that Hidge has objectophilia. More so in NMT episode Time Bastard where he shared his sexual rendezvous with either one of them to Ted and implied how he did it (some imagination and a little elbow grease or any lube lol). Not to mention that he talks to Alexa and Siri like they're humans. Fun fact, I read somewhere that people who have this sexual orientation cant handle keeping a relationship with another human because they're too controlling hence having a relationship with an object is easier because it has no thoughts, no opinions to consider. Also, this can also be a result of a trauma. Him losing his friends, especially Chad, during a lightning strike attack did not just lead him to isolation and practicing survival instincts, but also drove him to loving objects instead cause at least they won't experience terrible human deaths. Here is the source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/sex-and-relationships/decoding-objectophilia-5-reasons-why-people-fall-in-love-with-objects/story-LMvWWzhs257dD47yxNGC9H.html UPDATE: these facts are more connected to the character that is Prof Henry Hidgens whose personality reflects the generalizing views of the orientation better. Real life Objectums are a lot more complicated than that and can act against stereotypes/generalization. Thanks @fork-bork for reminding me.
Also further explanation:  ur friends can be ur life partners (hence there are old people living with friends in their twilight years) and some people like calling their friends as boyfriends or girlfriends. Hidge is just comfortable with his sexuality and closeness with his friends that he can call his male friends as his boyfriends. I think that's just Jeff's word play and humor going on as he wrote the song. And according to the song "it takes balls": Steve was a priest, Leighton was in a relationship with a person named Gary, and Greg was seeing/dating Steve's mom. Plus all of the boys, sans Chad and Henry, were attracted to females while at college based on their locker room talk acted by the Workin Girls cast.
I'm not like Unhidge Hidge, so tell me about ur thoughts/opinions/rebuttals as long as ur taking account of what I wrote here. Especially proof from the Langs with ur rebuttal. Of course in head canon or fan fic world, anything is free reins and you can experiment with Hidge's sexuality there. Just make sure to specify if it's canon or head canon so to avoid confusion and arguments.
I have the urge to check my HHP Working Boys screen recordings where Nick and Matt discussed Henry's relationship with the boys if it's poly or not. Update 2: Okay I watched it and Nick just says that Chad is his favorite so get out of that as you wish. But since the boys did their locker room talk about girls without Henry and Chad, I don't think the boys were making out with each other unless maybe just Henry and Chad if it's not unreciprocated from Henry's side.
I can understand if most fans think Henry is gay and not bi since Nick and Matt have not given more concrete proof of his attraction to human females. My only arguments with him being bi is that he loves and has done sexual acts with Alexa and Siri, AI virtual assistants with female names and voices. (NMT episode: Time Bastard).
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Hii! Are requests open? Poly Noco x reader please! (Just the normal headcanons! Orrr yandere if you want Pt.2!!) :) please delete this if requests are closed!
(THIS is the person who requested yandere noco x reader btw!!)
ofc anon! I did non Yan since it would kinda just be reiterating the Yan hcs. You didn't really specify, so I did crushing hc's! Hope this was okay! Did a lil fic bit at the end as I'm trying to get more comfy with it.
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(In these HC's, Noco is already canon and they're both crushing on Reader)
-Ah yes, ever the gentleman (Cody) and gentle man (Noah)
-These two. These absolute dumbasses hnkajsjsh
-Would be a mix of "We have to serenade them until they are dead on the floor" and "WAIT WAIT NO NO WHAT IF THEY DON'T LIKE THA-" and also "Hey babe are you a person because you sure do look like a person" -Cody, probably
-I head canon that Noah's secretly a hopeless romantic, he reads so many books and I bet they're literally only just non fiction or romance. No in-between.
-You'd definitely notice something's up. They can't lie for shit-
-E.g every time you see them they're whispering to each other and instantly clam up when they see you, suddenly can't look you in the eye anymore when talking to you, and they hang out with you less and less :(
-you'd think they hate you, but it is 1000% the opposite. These two are WHIPPED
-I can honestly imagine the others getting tired of y'all being so dumb and doing something like Lumity/Hooty's tunnel of love but shhhh
-The others are so. So tired of you guys being so OBVIOUS and so OBLIVIOUS THEY JUST *strangles you*
-Either one of the other campers tells them to grow up and encourage them to confess, or you walk your ass over there and confront them yourself. (Probably the second option, although I could see it being a mix of both.)
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You sighed, slipping out of your bunk. You had been more downcast lately, and it was because of your best friends. Or, ex- best friends now. Maybe. You really hoped not.
You just didn't understand! It was like they were constantly avoiding you, and any time they wanted to tell you something it was through another camper.
You were sick of it, and that's why you finally decided that today you would confront them about it, once and for all. And if they- if they didn't like you anymore, that was fine. No matter how much the thought stung.
However, as you swung open the door, you were greeted by the sight of just the two people you were about to visit, with Noah's hand mid knock.
"oh- OH! Y/N! There you are! I mean, of course you are! This is where you sleep, and you uh. Sleep. Here."
A voice piped up from behind him, and you were greeted by the sight of a very nervous looking Cody. Which was... Rare.
"We uh...- Haha! Funny thing actually,- We were uh... Just on our way to see you! To tell you. s-something."
You raised an eyebrow at that. Noah was usually always calm and collected, and Cody never dropped his 'flirty bad boy' persona act. In public, that is. So this was super out of character for them both.
"That's weird, I also had something to tell you two."
"Well, maybe we could go all say? O-On three?"
He desperately looked to Noah for confirmation (despite the other boy looking just as lost as he was) and turned to you once he had a thumbs up.
You were getting suspicious, this was usually something they did if they were like, really worried about something.
..But you nodded anyways, knowing what they would most likely say. Although it was odd how they seemed so excited about it??
"Okay!! 1.... 2.... 3!"
There was a pause when no body said anything for a few seconds and then-
...Wait wait wait wait. Wait. Hold the phone- You were taken wayyyy aback. This... Was not what you had expected. At all.
"You thought we hated you?"
"You guys love me?"
You heard what sounded suspiciously like a mix between an exasperated groan and a snicker from behind you, but ignored it.
You... Were all going to have a good talk about this.
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Reader: Waiitttt. Are you guys... flirting? with me?
Noco: Have been for three years, thanks for noticing.
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ladyazurith · 3 days
About Me
I very much enjoy discussing, theorizing, and dissecting Twisted Wonderland characters and the lore around them. So if you want to talk to me about them I am more than happy too.
I will say my favorite characters are Cater, Vil, Riddle, Azul, and Floyd
The next tier would be Idia, Jade, Leona, Rook, Lilia, Jamil, Silver, and Malleus.
I feel mostly indifferent to the first years, I don't dislike them so much as they don't interest me as much as some of the others, Ruggie and Kalim also fall into this category.
Of the staff, Crewel is my absolute favorite, and I otherwise like to bully the crowman.
Shipping wise, my top ships are:
Vil/Cater is definitely my number one, I can't even lie, my Ao3 account tells the truth.
Floyd/Riddle is a close second, they're a comfort ship for me, and remind me of me and my husband (I would be Riddle in this dynamic)
Then followed by Idia/Azul, Leo/Mal, Kalim/Silver, Rook/Trey, and some form of Jack/Deuce/Epel, either them as separate couples or poly. I can't really choose which one I like best.
Ships that I do not like/will not write/talk about much unless it's why I don't think they would work are: Kalim/Jamil, Leo/Vil, Trey/Cater
Also no student/teacher or really any adult/minor ships, incest ships, or ones with a huge power imbalance.
Platonically, I love Vil & Rook's relationship. And really just Pomefiore as a family.
Also Cater & Idia, Cater & Malleus, Cater & Riddle, Cater & Rook, Cater & Jamil, Leona & Cater, and Lilia & Cater
Azul & Riddle is also one I love. (Riddle & Ace is also fun)
Silver & Sebek
Personally, I identify a lot with Cater and Riddle for various reasons. That I won't get into here, not because I'm not willing to talk about it, but because it would be an entire large post of its own.
I mostly interact with the fandom through fanfiction. I have written way too many stories to list them all here but some highlights are:
Enchanted: Lilia adopts Cater as a child and raises him in Briar Valley.
The Broken Mirrors series: Overblot victims travel through broken mirrors to an alternate reality. So far our victims are Azul, Vil, Riddle, and Malleus. Though I intend to write one about each victim by the end of it.
The Queen's Court: Cater interns with the Queen of Briar Valley teaching her about the internet and social media. Ends up getting adopted.
True Colors: Crewel takes Vil and Cater to fashion week during the end of their 2nd year, where they end up bonding once Vil coaxes the real Cater out from behind his mask.
Otherwise, a link directly to my Author page can be found here: Azurith I have close to 100 twist fics I've written. And have no real intention of stopping anytime soon.
I also have made (3) music videos so far:
Under Your Scars- Vil/Cater
Stand Out- Cater Diamond (LMC inspired)
All Eyes On Me- Vil's Overblot
I'll probably make more eventually but it's definitely a "when the mood strikes me" kind of thing.
Overall, don't be afraid to chat, like I said I'm usually happy to discuss just about anything Twist related, and do plan on posting my various HCs for my favorite characters, etc.
So far that's been:
Vil/Cater relationship HC's
Vil HC's
I will add to this list as it grows! Thank you.
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twistmusings · 1 year
Hey, could I ask for the rest of the second years for the somebody flirting with their s/o request? 👀
The rest of the second years reacting to someone hitting on their significant other
CW: Uncomfortable flirting but otherwise nothing too severe.
Note: Their partners do not reciprocate the flirting here, and these also assumes that they have never discussed having open or poly relationships with their partners in the past.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would be... a bit stunned, in a word. His immediate reaction isn't going to be anger, exactly, rather he's just at a loss for words and sort of clutching his pearls because he can't believe that someone his hitting on his partner in front of him. Honestly, while he's pissed at the principle of the thing, he's more pissed that they just looked at him and then brushed him off.
Of course, if his partner gets uncomfortable, his rage will only escalate. If he was seething before, by that time it's going to escalate into shouting and lecturing rather quickly.
"You didn't even stop to consider how uncomfortable you were making them. I'm not sure what hole you crawled out of that didn't teach you the most basic tenants of respect for someone else, but let me enlighten you." Riddle feels incredibly hot, pure rage painting his face red and putting an ever-so-slight adrenaline shake in his hands. No matter, what's needed to be done is done, the other has been collared and is currently looking rather terrified as they claw at the lock clasped around their throat.
Good. They should have known better than to fool around with someone's comfort.
"If I ever catch you... imposing yourself on someone again, I'll personally be sure to give you remedial lessons."
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie isn't all that bothered by someone hitting on his significant other. He trusts them to let him know if they're uncomfortable, and he trusts them not to reciprocate unless they ask first. He doesn't have a reason to feel threatened because he knows they like one another and he feels secure.
That being said, the moment it crosses into being something that makes his partner uncomfortable, he's 100% no longer okay with it, and his anger will rise rapidly.
"You know, I'm feeling kind of thirsty." Ruggie says it, though his brow is creased with irritation. "You should come with me to the drink table. I want to have a word with you."
"Not interested." The interloper replies, frowning at him. Oh no, that won't do. Their eyes widen fractionally as they try to turn back toward Ruggie's significant other to continue his flirting, but they can't move. Ruggie grins, laughing and taking a step forward, a movement which the other mirrors.
"Sure seems like you're feelin' thirsty. Let's walk together." Another step forward and now Ruggie is close enough to be able to now capture the other in a headlock and actually physically drag them toward the drink table. "I got some stuff I wanna talk tell you about consent."
Floyd Leech
Floyd's reaction really depends on his mood. Either way it's not pleased, but whether or not the interaction starts with him playfully telling them to knock it off or with a threat really is at the whims of his mood.
And if they're making his darling uncomfortable? If they aren't in immediate danger, they'd certainly in danger later. He will look after his significant other closely, but the moment they're safe he's going to turn right around and find the fastest way to ruin the flirt's life.
"Are you hitting on my angelfish?" Floyd immediately sing-songs, having entered into the conversation a couple of minutes ago. It was really only long enough to hear what he needed to hear to confirm his suspicions. He's smiling, wide and manic, sharp teeth on full display as he stares down the fool who's decided to hit on his beloved.
"Oh, uh. I didn't mean to--"
"You didn't mean to hit on them? Is that why you've been standing here ogling them the entire time you've been talkin' to them?" His smile narrows and his hand raises, coming to grip tightly into his own shoulder in a way that makes his barely restrained anger exceedingly clear. "That why you've been standin' here making them uncomfortable for the last ten minutes? Cause that doesn't sound like an accident to me."
Kalim Al Asim
Kalim is generally pretty goodnatured. He's not the sort of person who's going to be particularly upset if someone accidentally hits on his significant other. Like Ruggie, he trusts them to know how to handle it, and truthfully the idea doesn't even really cross his mind.
That being said, if it gets to a point where they seem to be uncomfortable, of course Kalim will step in. He really, really tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, but he can't stand to see his partner made uncomfortable by someone. He's not actively hostile in the way a lot of the others are.
Kalim has a very, very particular set of skills that allows him to handle this situation. And that set of skills is being annoying. He doesn't go out of his way to be irritating often, but he absolutely will if it means that it gets his partner some peace of mind.
"You look like you might be feeling hungry!" Kalim chirps, grinning widely.
"Huh? I just ate-- MMRPH" The flirt coughs as Kalim, ignoring all propriety, stuffs an hors d'oeuvre into their mouth. They clear their coughing fit and level a glare at Kalim. "Do you mind?"
"Nope!" Kalim replies, smiling sunnily. He reaches over to the serving table again, this time grabbing a flute of juice. "Let me get you something to drink-- whoops!"
It's a rather dramatic tumble Kalim takes, flute of juice hitting the other squarely in the center of the chest and soaking their clothes. They're stunned-- too stunned to speak, it seems.
"I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you clean that up!"
"I'm fine, thank you." They hiss, grimacing at him. Kalim, promptly, ignores this, grabbing their arm rather insistently and tugging them toward the direction he knows the laundry room is in.
"No, no, I inisit! What kind of host would I be if I let you ruin your nice clothes. I'll even give you the tour on the way!" Kalim leaves no room for argument what-so-ever as he drags them, unwillingly, along behind him to give his partner a reprieve from their pestering.
Like Kalim, Silver is really too kindhearted to jump to aggression the way that some of the other do. He's a little frustrated by it, but he knows it's an honest mistake to hit on someone who is already with someone else, so he tries not to take it to heart.
Or, rather, he wouldn't take it to heart if only they would take a hint and leave his partner alone. Even if it's not to the point of his partner feeling outright uncomfortable yet, the fact that they have already turned down their advances and are still being pursued rubs him the wrong way.
Whereas Kalim chooses malicious compliance, Silver is a gentleman about it.
"There you are. I was looking for you." Silver inserts himself into their conversation, sidling up next to his partner easily, planting himself at their side and looping one of his arms around theirs. It's subtle, but it leaves no room for questions. They are his partner, and he's here to support them. "Ah, sorry, I butted right into your conversation. I'm Silver, their partner. Pleasure to meet you."
The flirt immediately loses some of their interest, expression flagging as they seem to immediately grasp the situation and that they will not be ending the night how they'd hoped.
"No bother at all..." They replied, though their hand comes up awkwardly to rub at the back of their neck. "I was actually just getting ready to say my goodbyes, actually."
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sollattes · 10 months
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Some poly todoroki faction heacanons<3
-First off tsuji and Shiba were dating way before todoroki entered their lives
-it was a love at first punch(or kick?)
-when todoroki was realising his feeling for the two, MY GUY WAS HAVING AN IDENTITY AND SEXUAL CRISIS AT THE SAME TIME(a very very angsty part of dororki's life) so he avoided them :)
-they're confession towards each other was... interesting
-it was a frustrated and confused confession like I mean shouting at each other in the rain for dramatics (unfortunately, no, their confession did not happen in the rain 😔)
-there confession happened after a fight, so all three of them were tired, on edge, and the tensions were high
-todoroki was about to leave after silently making sure the two was okay but he was stopped by tsuji was the one who was fed up and asked todoroki what was his problem after a 3 week long of avoiding them, Shiba wanted to stop his boyfriend but ended up just letting him be since he too was confused and frustrated on why the hell their captain was avoiding them, they were supposed to be a team right? He can't just leave them after proving how loyal they were to him, No. Absolutely not
-todoroki was going to ignore all the words that tsuji was shouting, he didn't have the energy to confront them yet, not now, not here, but one sentence made him stop on his tracks
"You really are a coward yosuke"
-it was the first time that either tsuji or Shiba called him by his first name...
-okay moving on ! We'll leave it at that or this will turn into a full blown fic
-in the early stages the relationship todoroki was still confused and how the whole "polyamorous relationship" work, so he ended up staying up all night doing research about like it's a fucking thesis 💀
-the other two didn't really have a hard time accepting it they just kinda knew it all along I guess
-older Shiba knew way before her brother could even tell her and treated todoroki as if he were there all along
-now let's make something clear...PROTECTIVE OF EACH OTHER ASF
-Tsuji and Shiba are more outspoken about them being protective over each other and todoroki mean while todoroki is more quiet and just watching on the side ready to fight for his boyfriends
-Todoroki was always in the hospital taking care of the two when they got beaten up by ebara
-doroki also still gets nightmares from it from time to time
-though the two was pretty upset but mostly worried that doroki went to ebara all alone like what if he got beaten up instead?
-it's not like they dont believe in their boyfriend, I mean he is their captain for a reason but still he is still their boyfriend
-also just because doroki is the captain it doesn't mean that the two cannot spoil and pamper him cause im pretty sure he is the baby girl in the relationship
-everytime doroki would mention that he finds a hairstyle or haircolor attractive, you better believe that the other two would go to school, would the said hairstyle or haircolor
-one time, doroki absentmindedly said he finds someone with their hair slicked back attractive, and tsuji went to school with his hair slicked back even though he just had his braids yesterday
-doroki complimented shiba's ginger hair once, and it stayed ginger for a whole 7 months(which is probably the longest since I'm pretty sure these two change their hair every 3-5 months)
-they change their hair pretty often, so you can just picture doroki. It would probably help them
-like todoroki helping Shiba color the places he can't reach then helping tsuji braid his hair while waiting for Shiba's hair then helping Shiba wash the color out then drying his hair(HROWHDORWP THEY R SO WTAF I DONT WANT THIS ANYMORE)
-now music, tsuji and Shiba probably listens to like a lot of hip hop/rock or indie rock music while doroki is just plain by listening to opera and classical music
-while, the two are banging their head to nirvana. doroki is listening to the waltz of the flowers
-Shiba is always the one accompanying doroki to the book store, he always enjoys the way doroki lights up every time he sees the book he wanted to buy still there and on sale, and its worth the thousands of yawn that Shiba made since they stepped into the store
-all if three of them have things in each other houses so, ever so randomly, tsuji might just show up in of todoroki or shiba's jacket and vice versa
-tsuji and Shiba purposely hides todoroki's things so he can use theirs ;
Exhibit a:
-them hiding todoroki's body wash so he can use theirs and smell like them
Exhibit b:
-them not washing doroki's spare clothes claiming that they 'forgot' to wash them to see todoroki in their clothes
-the list goes on, and todoroki just pretends to not know since he secretly enjoys it too
-todoroki has a 12 step skin care every Friday night and the two always sleeps through it
-weekend movie nights are a must !!
-todoroki (will always)prefers mystery thriller horror movies than gory the ones, and is secretly a sucker fantasy adventure movies(primarily lord of the rings and Harry Potter, his gay awakening is legolas and Bill weasley), and ofc he made tsuji and Shiba binge watch the whole hp and lotr franchise
-tsuji is kinda stereotypical he likes action but prefers it to be action comedy, and he is the one that prefers gory horror movies, todo and Shiba always lowkey dread every time it's tsuji turn to pick a movie since one time he made them watch the whole saw franchise in one straight weekend and Shiba cried in the bathroom
-SHIBA IS THE ROMCOM CHICK FLICK LOVER. He made todo and tsuji watch all the Amanda bynes and linsey lohan movies( todo secretly likes she's the man but will never tell a single soul)
-the three of them of them watched twilight for shits and giggles but lowkey got into it, tsuji is team edward and shiba is team jacob, todo is neutral and hates Bella and her stupidity so much that he almost lost his calm, disinterested composure
-todo already watched Hunger Games, but still he watched it with the two, and now he can't stop them from doing them. "I VOLUNTEER, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE" joke
(lowkey wanna to make a separate hcs for these three movie nights)
-todoroki is like lowkey rich so he is the one that sponsors the two's hair adventure and hospital bills
-shiba knows all of the sannoh gossip and always has a late night gossip session with his boyfriend
-shiba is the biggest out three, so he always loves to be the big spoon, though from time to time, tsuji would always force(lovingly) him to be the small spoon
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natsushu-your-world · 9 months
hi everyone. it appears i've caught a bad case of the very sick disease(TM). thus, here is why shunatsu/natsushu is canon to me and why you all should consider it. (and consider writing more fics for ao3. i can't pull everyone's weight alone, here.)
1) i haven't been able to find the story yet, but Voyage! The Cruise That Meets The Sea is right there. they could have picked anyone to be stranded on an island with switch during natsume's event. who did they pick? that's right, the frenchman with less survival instinct than he has tolerance for twitter users. also if cruise of encounters unbloomed isn't one of the fruitiest cards in the game then i don't know what is.
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these are shu's hands. shu is taking a picture of him. he's taking it in PORTRAIT MODE. to CAPTURE THE BEAUTY. "oh wow what a pretty butterfly i must capture this butterfly next to you" THE BUTTERFLY IS NOT IN THAT FRAME DO NOT FOOL YOURSELF.
2) shinsekai. i don't think i need to explain myself but i will anyway. huge event, giant story, natsume knows shu well enough to make uncanny and terrible fakes of him (the smartest person in the room is able to either get a 100% or a 0%), the ending, the ending, the ending, THE ENDING, THE ENDING
3) this fucking card
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everyone is offering their shoulder to him. all of his beloved and trusted nii-sans. and whose does he take, without hesitation and without him even offering? that's what i thought. look how comfy they look. i need to start fucking writing that natsushu café au i am going insane
4) this point is mentioned above but these two have a deep bond that goes seldom otherwise seen. even within the other eccentrics, very few get close to either of them besides one another, with the exception to their unit members (i'd say their relationship together actually matches, say, natsumugi for example. plus as far as i'm aware, not to throw shade, but shu hasn't pissed natsume off multiple times about dressing femininely to the point where natsume actually gut punched him really hard? i like natsumugi and all but, like, wow.)
5) sorry not sorry i'm dragging shinsekai into this again. did you see how shocked and overjoyed natsume was when shu called him by his name? when he finally said the word "natsume"? how he felt as though, because of shu, he was just as much a part of the old, odd family as anyone else? and how shu treats him as more of an equal than any other eccentric does????? and this is a display of that effort to do as such?????????????
6) both natsume 5* events so far have included shu in some way. and the event raison d'être happened alongside natsume's feature scout 2 banner. this evidence is paper thin, but i'm including it anyway because it drives me insane.
7) the way they look at each other here. i'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel now, but whatever.
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8) i said so.
9) setting aside their history, their dynamic is still perfect. trickster silly insane but actually normal boyfriend x perfectionist no-nonsense normal but actually insane boyfriend? and they're very fond of each other in spite of (or because of) their differences? where they both have the capability of going full tsundere, but regardless are abnormally affectionate with one another? that's perfect. please give me an example of a better dynamic. i will wait here like Hachikō for you to return with one.
still not convinced? fine. you like shumika? consider, then, shunatsumika. you like natsumugi? consider shunatsumugi (and watch as shu and tsumugi get into a fistfight in bed). put your poly of choice all in a room with hidden cameras and witness yaoi take place before your very eyes. or you can be brave and do all four at once in the same ship. go nuts.
don't be shy. i'm the only person on the internet currently writing for them. all content is good content, and all consumers are appreciated deeply and welcome.
- 君達の世界、夏宗。
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