#Enemy to lovers is the best trope
qlossytbh · 6 months
im so FUCKING stupid and i accidentally forgot to add tags and i deleted the anon request this fic was inspired from so i will paste it here
“Could you please write one about having a team night round Rossi's but you and Spencer had had an argument before so it was tense between the pair of you so you try and flirt with one of the out of town agents to try and get his attention?”
𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧- 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐮!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 you and Spencer don’t usually get along due to your constant fights to prove who was better. But when the two of you are paired on a case together, hidden feelings start to arise towards the surface.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 enemies to lovers type beat (?), academic rivals (?), fem!reader, typical criminal minds content, jealous spence, mentions of a guy that gets a little too handsy
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 4.6k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 i get a little carried away with request oops. i don’t think this is exactly what you were asking for but
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It had come to no one's attention that you and Spencer were fighting— again..
The BAU team was currently hunting down a murderer that was attacking teenagers at a local campus in the city of Chicago, and all that Reid seemed to be doing these past few days was getting on your nerves.
Wether it was searching the crime scene, analyzing the possible behavioral patterns of the UnSub, or setting down a profile, you and Reid could not stop bickering, driven solely off the desperation of beating each other with whoever could piss the other off more.
You thought Spencer had this aggravatingly, annoying need to prove he was always so much smarter than everyone else, using his wide variety of big intellectual words just to show off.
He, on the other hand, truly couldn't stand how you'd always butt into every conversation you deemed necessary attempting to seem smarter just to get yourself on top of a case. Your ego had been Spencer's main problem across these past few months, but it was slowly driving him off the wall and he found that with each passing day, he was finding it harder to work with you.
The initial conflict seemed irrelevant right now— something about Spencer purposely embarrassing you in front of the the team back when you had just started out in the BAU. Even if it was unintentional, the anger stuck.
You had been so embarrassed, feeling your insides pool with irritation as you questioned why he felt the necessity to correct you so publicly— in front of people you still didn't know.
With time, it slowly morphed into a constant competition to prove who was smarter, quicker on their feet, more widely intellectual than the other, always finding ways to one up each other in conversations— anything.
You were smart and you couldn’t blame him for seeing you as a competition the second you stepped foot into the BAU.
The rest of the team was growing sick of the two of you always whining and bickering. It could be the smallest, stupidest fights— or something so weighty, the two of you wouldn’t speak for days.
However, the two of you got into a fight yesterday when landing in Chicago.
It had been stupid
It started when you "accidentally" slammed the taxi door in his face, genuinely not realizing he was getting out of the cab on the same side you were, even though a side of you thought he deserved much more than a slammed door to the face.
Later on in the day a heavier argument spewed, given since he accused you of being ‘unprofessional’, which had incredibly pissed you off. It was the one thing that truly got to you, and Spencer knew this.
Since then, none of you had spoken to each other and the rest of the team could practically feel the tension. Hotch rounded the table, pressing his hands together.
"So, let's lay it all out," Hotch announced. "Who's starting?”
You and Spencer both volunteered simultaneously. You shot a glare in his direction, which he easily disregarded as he stood from his seat at the table
"So far, we know were looking for a male between the age of 20-25," You cross your arms across your chest and look over at the board with a huff, accepting your defeat.
Your eyes scanned through the evidence and pictures at hand. While Spencer continued his analysis, hands shoved deep into his pockets, you squinted at the words scribbled onto the case file. "The killer seems to have a target preference given how all four victims have been female college students between the ages of 18-24"
"So, do we know which kind of killer were dealing with here?" Morgan asked, flipping through the case files.
"If I'm not mistaken, the last victim presented a alteration in the Unsub’s M.O in comparison to what we've been observing so far, which could ultimately mean we could be dealing with a disorganized offender acting out on—" He stated, turning towards the board, but when your eye caught a part of information in the file, you were quick to interrupt.
"Actually, you are mistaken," You reached over, grabbing the file in front of you in one swift movement and flipped the page as you stood to your feet. Spencer froze and turned towards you.
"Excuse me?" He inquired, clearly unamused at your antics. You briefly looked up at him, only sparing him a brief glance.
"You're wrong. The Unsub isn't disorganized," You jutted your chin towards the board. "We're actually dealing with an organized offender."
Morgan glanced over at JJ, quietly cursing to himself knowing that this was probably payback and not heading in any favorable direction.
"Sure, this specific victim wasn't as calculated and precise as the other," You started. "Up until now, the Unsub seemed to be killing all of these girls with long, tedious methods, such as torturing them, which clearly shows us he feels no remorse and actually finds pleassure out of killing them. Organized crimes are premeditated and carefully planned, so that would explain why we found little to no evidence at the scene yesterday and organized criminals, according to the classification scheme, can tell right from wrong—"
"—But our buddy here doesn't care," Morgan finished off, looking up at you. With a nod, you continued
"Precisely. The pattern of our victims also leads us to believe that he's seeaking some sort of revenge on the girls, since they're all from the same background." You pointed to a few post-it notes on the board. "Right here it says that all four girls belonged to the same frat house on campus—"
"Yet our recent victim did not," Spencer butted in with a shurg, facing you smugly. With an unamused glance, you took two warning steps towards him, maintaining your composure.
"Well, Dr. Reid, if you read the autopsy report you'd see that the newest victim died from a blunt force to the head," Annoyed was an understatement as to what you were feeling towards him at that precise moment. Your eyes narrowed while you managed to keep on the most innocent smile you could. "That means that the attack was out of some unplanned rage, which caused him to lashout and therefore break his regime."
You took one more step towards Reid, suddenly dangerously close to him. Intimidating people wasn’t something that came hard, much less with Spencer.
Something inside you fed off that vast satisfaction that arose when he'd get activated with you. Seeing his breaths go shallow, his whole posture to stiffen along with the habitual furrow in his brows felt like your daily dosis of serotonin.
"If you payed more attention to these case files, you'd also see that the newest victims was our previous victims best friend, so there still is a connection just not the one you've been blindly looking for.”
With that you slapped the files into his chest and stepped back, referring back over to the board.
Spencer gapped at you, opening his mouth before clamping it shut immediately. He fumbled, grappling at the papers on his chest and looking down at them in embarrassment. You felt yourself smile with satisfaction at how his movements became sloppy. "I— I would've said that if you let me finish my analysis and let me actually read these papers."
"Or you can just admit you're slow—"
"So!" JJ butted in, quickly cutting off whatever fight was about to implode in-front of them. "We’re looking for someone connected throughout the campus that would somehow want some sort of revenge on these girls? Correct?"
"Yes." You and Spencer stated simultaneously. You bit back a comment, swiping your tongue against your lower lip, annoyance filling every single nerve in your body while he let out a noise similar to a scoff.
"Here's the plan then," Hotch said, ignoring the two of you. "Prentiss and I will give the Chicago police force the profile. Morgan and JJ, deal with collecting possible witnesses; anyone at that campus who knows anything that may deem useful."
You stood, glancing over at Spencer. When he met your eyes you quickly looked away, crossing your arms over your chest defensively.
"Reid, Y/L/N," Hotch said, finally acknowledging the two of you with a steady gaze. "You two will assigned search the crime scene to see if any evidence was left behind—just protocol checking, but we need to be sure nothing was left unseen."
You opened and closed your mouth, intending to protest about the pairing but deciding strongly otherwise.
With the intention to remain professional you nodded in agreement. As hard as you found to do so, you waited patiently for the other members of the team to draining the room until only you, Morgan, JJ, Spencer were left collecting the remaining of your things.
As Morgan was grabbing a few of his things with JJ patiently waiting by his side, you walked up to her with a devious smile. "Hey Jayj, wanna change partners?"
"I am right here." Spencer answered.
"I dont care," You shot back, causing him to angrily shove more of his files into his satchel. You turned back to Morgan, practically ready to get onto your knees and beg him for sympathy. "Please Morgan, trade with me— I'm begging you."
"We don’t get to choose who we get paired with,” He started, looking down at you unamused. Your face fell, deadpanning at your friend.
“If you're going to complain about being paired with Reid none of us wanna hear it," Morgan groaned, dragging a hand across his face. You opened your mouth to protest, but he rudely cut you off by pointing an accusitory finger at you. "The two of you have been yapping at eachother faces since we got here."
"We have not!" You both shouted in unison. You angrily turning around to face Spencer, warning him with a glare. “Stop that!"
"It's always something with the two of you," JJ shook her head in disappointment. "You're lucky you two are the smartest members on the team cause we would've had you seperated months ago,"
JJ finished grabbing her things and glared at the two of you. Morgan grabbed his things as well, before turning to you. "Either you sort out all of this sexual tension you've got going on or you keep your mouths shut and get along!"
"What!?" You gaped, taking aback by Morgan's accusations. "Thats not—We dont—"
You fumbled with your words as your cheeks grew hot. You stammered, trying to hit back with something, but inevitably found your mind blank. You huffed, snatching your bag and rushing towards the exit of the conference room "I hate you."
"No you don't princess." Morgan stated as you walked past him and shoved his arm.
"And you boy genius," Morgan said looking at Spencer and tossed her bag across her shoulder. "That goes for you too, either get laid, or shut up."
With that, they left the room leaving a sputtering and angry Spencer struggling to regain his composure after the absurdity that had left his collegues mouth. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair and grabbed his final things, leaving the room in a frenzy.
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You pulled the cars ignition once you pulled the car into the Campus buildings entrance. You put the car in park as you umblucked your seatbelt, which Spencer started doing not long after you had, following your suit. The ride had been completely silent, none of you wanted to speak to eachother, worrying that if you did another argument would start.
All he did during the ride was read some of the case files while you intently focused on the road. Your hands gripped tightly at the steering wheel and every once and a while you'd sneak small glances at him— not because you cared or anything, you just wanted to see how much more information he was getting ahead of you with.
The building was secluded off to the public and the entrance was swarmed with countless police officers and agents. As you climbed out of the car, you pulled your glasses onto the top of your head and slammed the door in one swift motion. By the time you got to Spencers side of the door, he was still inside slowly collecting his things, which pissed you off. You waited impatiently for him to climb out with a huff.
For what seemed to feel like forever, he finally opened the car door and started to climb out as you waited impatienly. "You look like you're doing that on purpose."
"Getting out of the car? Yeah, I am actually" He stated, finally stepping out. A snide remark came up your throat but wasn't able to leave your mouth given how Spencer towered over you once he strightened himself out.
He unintentionally stepped way too close for your personal preference, but your boundaries melted somewhere in your consciousness.
You craned your head back just slightly, allowing yourself to look into his eyes. Spencer swallowed thickly, suddenly painfully aware of how close the two of you were. An unfamiliar voice reeled the two of you back to reality. "Dr. Y/L/N?"
You practically jumped, swallowing down the urge to yelp. You stepped away from Spencer, blinking rapidly as you cleared your throat. "Uh yes!—“
"Thats, uhm, me—“ You slipped your glasses off and put them into your bag anxiously. "Dr. Y/L/N."
You turned to the Agent in front of you, who held his hand out with an irksomely pearly white smile. You gazed at the man, and you had to admit he was easy on the eyes— a little too stereotypically attractive for your taste.
"I'm Agent Mirthwood, head of the Chicago police department, Aaron Hotchner specified you'd be here to help with the case," You took his hand and shook it. "Wasnt expecting a doll like you."
Spencer didnt miss the way his eyes raked across your body, taking in every part of you with careful detail. You were wearing a silk black button up, along with a blazer that matched the skirt that hugged your skin tightly. Spencer would have to be blind to ignore how every piece of clothing you had on hugged every inch of your curves perfectly, so obviously, whoever this guy was, he was going to be staring.
How couldnt he?
You laughed nervously and Spencer, despite his profiler background, couldn't tell if it was becasue you were uncomfrotable or flattered. Either possibilities made his skin crawl.
"Charming," You noted, not really wanting to give him any more material to chew at. "So, mind leading the way?"
"Not at all." He grinned, placing his hand on your lower back and guiding you towards the building. Spencer followed behind pathetically, feeling his hands clench and his jaw tighten while he watched the guys hand linger where they didn't belong.
Once inside the building, you and Spencer looked around your surroundings, checking over a few areas of the marked numbers and rerunning the supposed series of events in your heads. "This is where the first victim tried escaping,"
You and Spencer simultaneously looked over to the glass window that had been merely cracked. "Can't believe how a murder took place and the campus director didn't even close the place down for more than five days."
"Agent Mirthwood, you said that the floor above us was where Anya Colins was murdered, correct?" You asked, looking over towards the locker. Spencer stood beside you with his hands shoved into his pocket.
"Over in classroom seven, yes” He responded. His eyes flickered towards the pop of your hip. “Call me Ben,"
You looked over your shoulder momentarily, shooting him a polite smile. Spencer bored his eyes into the side of the agents face, slyly enough so that he wouldn’t notice.
"Could it be possible that we take a look across the flooring, you know, check inside any of the clases for some clues we may have missed?" You said, lifting your chin and facing Agent Mirthwood. He smiled bumptiously at you.
"Why I'd be delighted to accompany you and help you look out for whatever it is you're looking for—"
"Actually," Spencer butted in, somewhat protectively if you let yourself assume— given how the tone of his voice had grown territorial. "Hotchner specifically implied we stick together as the pair we were assigned, and we usually work best when just the two of our heads are looking around."
You furrowed your brows, looking up at Spencer with confusion. His tone alarmed you momentarily, and at first you wanted to grow defensive because who was he to boss you around?
You took in the familiar line-out of his clenched jaw and how his shoulders broadened ever so slightly. You noticed he had chosen to stand between you and Agent Mirthwood, and suddenly it dawned you and hit you harder than a ton of bricks.
Spencer Reid was jealous.
Despite the weird feeling nagging at your chest, you couldn't contain how a smug smile began to appear onto your face. Somehow this newfound information cave you a newfound cockiness— you finally found something you knew had the upper hand on.
"Actually Ben," You dodged Spencer, making a B-line for the broad man you had only recently met. You tried looking as innocent as you possibly could, the look you always used to get men right into the corner you needed them in. "I'd actually love having your company. I'm gonna need someone watching over me up there."
Spencer froze, looking back and forth as the darkness in this guys eyes only increased and suddenly— he panicked. Spencer was panicking because he genuinely thought you were going to leave with Agent Mirthwood and he wouldn't be able to watch over you or him, or anything you did with him—
Then he saw it. The way you turned, shooting him a challenging glare over your shoulder towards him.
"You wouldn't mind, would you Dr. Reid?"
“I—“ His fists tightened as he stared at you, stunned. Something underneath his gaze was warning you that you were pushing him close to his limits and you loved it.
“One of the victims was attacked up there and then dragged herself all the way down here,” You watched the agent explain broadly.
“That must’ve been horrible,” You added an almost feather like gasp to your words. He knew damn well that you knew what this officer was saying was nothing but false due to how the crime scene was framed.
“Yeah,” Ben took a step closer to you and Spencer couldn't even stop himself when he pried through, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him territorially.
“Bosses order. The rest of you keep looking around to see if anything looks out of place."
Spencer dragged you all the way up the stairs and into the empty hallway on the second floor. You struggled to keep up, complaining pretty vocally that your heels were screwing up your rhythm, especially in comparison to his long and hurried strides. You finally dug the palm of your foot into the ground and yanked your arm away.
"What the hell is your deal!?" You clamored, knowing you had him cornered. He turned, pushing his lips into a straight line and looking at you in complete silence.
“My deal!?" He shot back suddenly, gesturing towards you in an exasperated motion. “You barely know the man and you're willing to walk somewhere with him alone..!”
You scoffed. "Oh please, like coming up here with you is any better."
"You don't run the risk of getting potentially murdered by me." He said, trying to prove his point.
"You sure about that?"
Spencer looked at you and something shifted behind his eyes. Your face was furrowed with nothing but pure anger as you huffed widely. Spencer opened his mouth and closed it once again, hesitating whether to say what he was about to.
"You're being unprofessional." He blankly stated. Your mouth fell agape.
There was that fucking word again— You felt about ready to murder him. There was adrenaline coursing through every nerve of your body at this point.
“What did you say?” You almost whispered.
“I said you’re being unprofessional.” He stated nonchalantly. You gaped at him before tightening your fist and resisting the urge to punch the crap out of that smug look.
“I’m unprofessional?!”
“That’s because you’re making it hard for me to work with you!”
He rolled your eyes at you and became indignant.
“Stop doing that!” You barked.
“Im not doing anything,”
“You keep treating me like im stupid,” You pointed a finger at him. “Stop acting like you’re so much better than me when you are not.”
Spencer clamped his mouth shut, seeing you blaze with anger. “Ben would be a way better company than you,”
“Why do you keep saying his name like that?”
You huffed. “Like what?”
“Like—“ Spencer stopped, sucking in a sudden breath as if he hasn’t been breathing since he walked up here with you. “Never mind,”
You scoffed. “No come on,”
You took a dangerous step towards Spencer, now only a few inches away from his face. “Say it,”
“Because I think Ben, pissed you off the most when he had his hands on my—“
Spencer quickly grabbed your face in between both his hands and slammed his mouth onto yours. You inhaled visiously through your nose as you melted immediately under his touch.
Everything froze right then and there as he pulled away quicker than he had leaned in. Your face still remained cupped gently in his hands while your grip was tight on both his wrists as you stared at him, mouth low in shock. A shaky breath left his mouth, and fear was pooling around in his eyes.
You could feel your own chest heaving as you looked back and forth at his eyes, still not grasping what had just happened between the two of you. Spencer towered over your small frame, holding you as if you were the most fragile thing in the room. It felt like there was a rope pulling between the two of you and it was right about to break. His thumb grazed your bottom lip and you could practically hear the chord snap.
All the anger drained your body instantly as you caught yourself pulling him onto your mouth with just as much desperation as he had previously done. Your movements were hurried and frantic, as if both of you were scared that at any point this new found standing point would stop disappear and distance would be put between the two of you. The last thing you wanted was for his body to be any farther away from you than it currently was, and not understanding why you suddenly felt that way, angered you even more.
His mouth hungrily moved against yours as his grip on your face tightened. Your hands snaked their way into the back of his soft curls and pulled at them roughly, emitting a groan from his mouth onto yours.
Out of all the times you'd provoked a groan from Spencer Reid, this had been your all time favorite.
In frantic movements, Spencer pushed you against the nearest wall, hearing a rough thud come from behind you but never once disconnecting your lips from his. His hips pushed against your in one rash motion, causing you to whimper softly against his lips, which reached the deepest parts of him
His hands traveled anywhere and everywhere you'd let them. They ran down your waist and stopped at your hips giving them a rough squeeze which only caused you to squirm once again and pull at his hair ever rougher.
Everything was messy and hurried but so unexplainably wonderful.
"Tell me to stop and I will," He muttered over your lips.
"Don't—“ You warned, panting desperately for him to grab you in ways you could have only dreamt about. You needed to feel his hands rake across your body as if he owed it. “Please, don’t”
Spencer’s heart shuddered as he could visibly hear the desperation in your voice. How you were practically begging for this just as much as he had been. How you melted under his touch so effortlessly.
Before Spencer could move any further, a voice cut the two of you off. “Hey, guys!”
You pushed Spencer off yourself with a little more urgency than you had initially intended. You ran your hands through your hair frantically and pushed your skirt down, which had accidentally— not so accidentally— been pushed up. Spencer on the other hand, settled with a simple, subtle gesture of grazing the corner of his lip to remove some of the nude pink lipstick that had smudge a bit onto his face.
He cleared his voice before turning to whoever had called out, but before he could say anything you quickly interjected. “Morgan? JJ? What are you doing here?”
Spencer could’ve allowed himself to smile at the sound of the quiver in your voice and how your body was still distraught by the adrenaline.
Morgan eyed the two of you and it didn’t take any time at all for him to realize what had happened. The shuffled hair, the puffy lips along with all the wrinkled clothes. Not to mention how both of your chests heaved heavily.
“We have an advance on the case but it seems like you two are busy with something…” JJ stated, looking over at Morgan from the side of his eye.
“Or someone,” He added. You tried to find some sort of defense in your favor but came up with none. You didn’t want to even look Spencer in the eye, so you quickly turned and headed for the staircase, when you approached Morgan, he whistled lowly.
“Someone got a piece of genius boy and enjoyed it—“ You smacked the back of his head.
“Hey!” He groaned, looking back at you while you strutted down the stairs, barely being able to keep your balance steady.
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i am planing on doing a spicy part two😝
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heavenlyraindrops · 5 months
Academic Rivals to Lovers prompts
Constantly fighting each other for the top spot on leaderboards
entering the same academic competitions
heated arguments during class debates full of tension
Fighting over the same book that they need in the library
fighting over the same secluded spot to relax/ study in
studying in the library reading until super late, they’re the only people left, seated deliberately far away from each other as they lose track of time. And then they get locked in cause the librarian/ caretaker locked up the place for the night forgetting to check if there was anyone left inside.
when the bickering and fighting in classes get so bad that the teacher yells at them and makes them clean out the classroom together after class as punishment
secretly admiring each other for their intelligence/ grades
forced to tutor someone together by the teacher
A is lacking a subject B is good at, teacher makes B tutor A (or vice versa)
glaring at each other or bumping into each other on purpose in the hallways
Ends up joining the same club, too passionate about it to leave
alternatively, they’re both on the debate team and get in heated arguments during practice
forced to take the same route back home after school
stuck on a group project together and end up carrying the team
alternatively, fighting for leadership/ control within the group
alternatively (again), paired together (instead of a group) and fighting with each other over details and nitpicking each other’s work
forced to sit next to each other in class/ be lab partners for the rest of the term
forced to correct/ grade/ review or look at each other’s work
taking a class test next to each other, A is struggling with a question, B surprisingly helps them
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pendarling · 2 years
٭⊹¤.•⨳•.*☆✬٭⊹¤.•⨳•.*☆✬ 𝙎𝙢𝙪𝙩 𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘿𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙨 ✬☆*.•⨳•.¤⊹٭
Kissing them so hard that it leaves their knees weak and their body is pressed up against them as their lover struggles to keep their lips on at all times.
One character giving the cold shoulder and the other smirking at them because they know they’re doing this for attention.
“I love it when you act all controlling like that knowing damn well I can leave you shaking under me.”
Character B telling Character A how badly they want to press their face into their pillow and make them scream as the other is trying to work.
Eye-fucking them all day, making Character A nervous and a blushing mess who can’t properly function.
“I haven’t even touched you yet, why are you falling apart so easily?”
Hungerily ripping apart their clothes and biting their neck and thighs as soon as they’re alone.
Purposely turning them on and edging them but never letting them get too stimulated. Watching them desperately trying to hold themselves together for the rest of the day.
Both characters trying to make each other moan and the first one to do it must carry out a favour.
Turning them from a haughty prick to a clingy mess who keeps grinding onto them for more.
Crying from too much pleasure and the other wiping their tears away. “Aww is baby crying? There there, that feels good doesn’t it?”
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
52,54,32, and 37 on the prompt list with melissa schemmenti pls😩🙏🏼
Mommy Knows Best ~Dark!Mommy!Melissa Schemmenti xFem CollegeStudent!Reader
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Summary— Reader has been best friends with Melissa’s daughter, Abigail Schemmenti, and she has always butted head with Melissa… One fateful holiday break changes it all. Anon Response— Hi hi anon!! Thank you for the request! Absolutely. This went a little dark, but also a good amount of smut. Hope you Enjoy! ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#52. “Fuck… Mommy! … Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?”
#54. “You can call me Mommy/Daddy if you want too…”
#32. Enemies to lovers troupe
#37. Best Friend’s Mom Troupe
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, heavy smut, dark fic, fingering, strap-on riding, age gap (all legal), enemies to lovers, best friends mom, degradation, praise, smutty smut, mommy kink, degradation kink, praise kink, overstimulation, overstimulation kink, teasing, taunting, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Hey An’ you gonna keep that door open, right Abigail??” Your best friend’s mother shouted from the kitchen.
You rolled your eyes lightly at Melissa’s, as she insisted you call her, comment, as Abi, your bff, yelled back at her mother.
“Ughhhh Mooooooom, I’m not in high school anymore!!” Abigail yelled from her bedroom on the ground floor, “And I’m not even gay!!!”
“Doesn’t matta’!!! I am your mother, Abigail Ruth Schemmenti, and you will leave that door open!!” Melissa’s thick accent boomed through the house.
Now it was Abigail’s turn to roll her eyes, as you looked at her in apology for what she had to deal with.
“Fineeeee!!” Your best friend shrieked back, leaving the door to her bedroom ajar, before turning her attention back to you.
“It’s not like I would do anything anyway…” you grumbled in annoyance, from the edge of Abi’s childhood bed, “I don’t like you like that…”
Abigail came to sit on the edge next to, leaving against the headboard as she rolled her eyes once more.
“I know, my mom, she’s just… ughhhhh!!” Abigail groaned, squeezing her fists together dramatically in the air.
“Yea…” you chuckled, “At least you don’t have to see her much anymore… well except holidays and breaks…” you comforted her.
Abigail sighed.
“That’s true… Anyways, to you…” she said, quickly changing the topic to something more upbeat and less tension filled,
“You still banging that hot redhead…?” Abigail said in a low tone, while wiggling her eyebrows.
You looked away in awkwardness, clearly not wanting to discuss that subject. You and Abi had been friends since middle school, so she knew your cues. And Abigail immediately understood that she had touched upon a sore subject.
“No, it’s fine… It just… didn’t work out…” you muttered.
“Hey, it’s okay…” Abi comforted you, coming forward to grab your left hand on the bed, but you pulled away, so she retracted, leaning back against the headboard.
You finally looked over to your bff after a moment in sadness and embarrassment.
“Don’t be. You’re my best friend. When you’re ready to talk about it, I know you will…” She reassured you.
You gulped and then nodded. Abigail then met your gaze with a mischievous smirk, before proceeding to throw a pillow at you. The fluffy square hit you right in the face, making you yelp and look at your bff in mock shock.
“Hey!!” You exclaimed, then throwing it back, but missing terribly.
Abigail was laughing, and soon you were as well. Her laugh was always so infectious. Your best friend always knew how to make you feel better. After you had both caught your breath, you spoke,
“So, how’s college for you?” You asked.
While you she chosen to stay in Phili for college, Abigail had gone to Chicago. It was the ultimate betrayal against her mother, and you knew that Abigail needed an out. You always looked forward to holidays and breaks, because that meant that you would get to see your best friend again.
“Don’t tell my mom… but it’s so freakin’ nice…” Abigail sighed with a little giggle, leaning in close so that only you would catch her confession, “And… I met a guy…”
Your eyes widened and you smiled wide. Your eyes lit up, you were truly excited for your best friend. You smacked your best friend’s foot playfully.
“Alright!! Let’s go, Abi!!!” You exclaimed in a low whisper.
Abigail went a little red and giggled even more. She was about to delve into more detail about this new mystery man, before Melissa came into the doorway of Abigail’s room.
“Abigail, Momma needs some mozz and a couple other things for her lasagna tonight… Run to the Italian bistro that Uncle Joe runs and pick some up fresh for me?” Melissa spoke leaning against the doorframe, asking it like a question, when it really was an order.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Abigail couldn’t say no to her mother, especially in person. Abigail immediately agreed, and Melissa was quick to flash a fake smile and hand her daughter a list of a dozen things that would take Abi at least and an hour and a half to acquire.
“I’ll go with…” you mumbled, as Abigail got ready to leave.
Standing up and grabbing your coat from the nearby chair, you went to walk past Melissa and follow Abigail, but Melissa grabbed your arm, halting you in place.
“Stay.” She purred, flashing another one of those sickening smiles.
Your stomache flipped upside down, and your eyes widened. Abigail was at the other end of the hall, towards the living room, grabbing her keys and turning back towards you.
“You coming?” Your best friend asked.
You gulped, looking from your bff to Melissa, then back to Abigail.
“I… Actually I think I’ll stay… Help M-Melissa with all the cooking…” you stammered.
Abigail looked at your quizzically, but Melissa was swift to turn on her heels, now facing her daughter.
“No worries right, you can handle it alone, can’t you Abigail…?” Melissa cooed, batting her eyelashes at her impressionable daughter.
Abigail stammered a yes before promptly leaving out the front door. You gulped and just stood there, a little awkward. Melissa after a second then turned back to you.
“Why don’t you help me in the kitchen, hmmm babe…?” Melissa cooed sweetly.
Shivers went through your spine and the lump in your throat became apparent at the pet name, and you just stared at the woman, frozen in the moment. Then linking her arm in yours, Melissa guided you to kitchen before you could even respond.
She let you go at the kitchen island, leaving you there as her hips swayed to the liquor cabinet. She reached up and opened the cabinet, then twisted her gaze to you, a certain glimmer in her eye.
“You drink, ‘Hun…?” Melissa coyly asked, “I assume you do by the way my liquor cabinet was always raided, and Abi is such a good girl, she would never drink unless influenced by someone like you…”
Your mouth stood open as you stood frozen once more at the kitchen island counter. Melissa chuckled, pulling you back into reality and registering the dig that your best friend’s mom had just made to you. You gritted your teeth and stared daggers into the woman as her back was turned to as while she got two classes and some red wine.
She came to the other side of the counter, popping the wine cork and beginning to pour two glasses. Your heart was racing and you were fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
“I only drink on occasion…” you grumbled, answering Melissa’s question, “And you’d be surprised at what Abi does…”
Melissa flashed you a wicked smile and cocked her eyebrow, handing you the glass filled with the alcohol. You immediately took a sip or three to try and calm your nerves.
“Oh is that so…?” She hummed, coming around the island, wine glass in hand, and linking her free arm in yours once more,
“Why don’t you tell me all about that, and maybe I won’t bust you for being a minor consuming alcohol…” Melissa teased, as she guided you into the living room.
“S-she’s my best friend… I’m no snitch…” you breathed out, your heart pounding in your ears.
Melissa chuckled and guided you to the two person love seat in the living room, sitting down next to you, and taking a sip of her own wine. You followed suit, sipping more of the red, liquid courage. It tasted sweet and expensive.
“Touché… I knew there was something about you…” she purred.
Melissa held her glass with her left hand and placed her right on your left, exposed thigh. Your eyes widened and you looked at her hand. Sparks of electricity rushed through your entire body, all ending up in the same place, your throbbing core. You gulped, turning you attention to your glass and taking some more sips of alcohol.
“Back there I heard something about a certain redhead… Why don’t you tell me about that…?” Melissa hummed, that wicked smirk back on her face, with a tilt to her head.
Her fingers started to caress your thigh, and you weren’t sure whether you deeply regretted or thanked god that you had decided to wear a skirt today.
“I… I was seeing her… but… she cheated on me…” you stammered, looking at your wine glass as your swirled the red liquid in the glass.
“Poor Cucciolina…” Melissa purred, with an edge to her tone,
Her fingers worked their way further up your thigh, you felt your pussy clench around nothing. You felt the woman’s lips graze against your ear, making your breath hitch.
“I would never do that to you…” Melissa purred in the shell of your ear.
Your stomache was bursting with feelings, twists and butterflies and knots and rocks. Your lips parted as you let out an obviously desperate whimper. Melissa chuckled darkly in your ear. Then you felt her warm mouth on your neck. Your neck immediately craned back for her access, and you let out breathy groan as she sank her teeth into your skin.
At this point you knew you regretted nothing, the pleasure and intensity was all worth it. You knew it was probably wrong, that this was your best friend’s mom. And this woman drove you crazy… you hated how she treated your best friend. She was certainly never mom of the year.
But as her mouth wandered down your neck, you knew you needed more. Sucking, and licking, and biting, and marking all along your exposed, goose bumped skin, all logic and ideas of right and wrong were thrown out the window.
Melissa, it seemed, had already placed her glass aside on the side table, and as she sucked a bruise along your neck line, her hands followed your arms and proceeded to take the glass away from you. She pulled away momentarily, making you whimper and and try to lean into her touch, but Melissa was quick to put you back in your place.
“You take what you are given… Understand…?” Melissa purred warily, the hand on your thigh tightening and threatening to leave a mark.
You sucked in a breath, straightening your back as you swiftly nodded. The woman then eased her grip to your thigh and brought your glass up to your lips, pressing and tilting it into your mouth.
“Good. Now drink up…” She breathed out, smirking as you immediately complied.
You gulped the rest of the sweet yet tangy liquid down. Melissa then set the glass aside. As some of the excess wine dribbled down your chin and neck, Melissa leaned forward, her tongue expertly licking up all the dribbled wine from your exposed skin. Your pupils darkened and blew out at the sight, your heart faltering at how hot your best friend’s mom looked while licking up the red liquid from your skin. You shivered once more at the thought of how good her tongue would feel in other places…
Melissa read your reaction like a children’s picture book. She drank in your blown out pupils, erratic breathing, goosebumps, and much more to come… Her fingers now dipped into your inner thighs, her access stunted by your closed legs. They stopped moving, teasing, and it made you want to scream. Scream at the woman to keep going. Scream at her that she was insane. Scream that this was wrong. Scream and beg her to not stop. Scream out in many expletives how much her teasing was driving you crazy. But all that came out was a pathetic whimper.
“Awwwww… Are you conflicted, ‘hun…?” Melissa mockingly cooed, her voice dripping with taunts and lust, “Can’t decided whether you want me to hate you or fuck you…?” Her voice purred darkly and lustfully.
Jolts of pleasure and electricity erupted through your core at the woman’s tone, brashness, pet name, and use of an expletive. You bit your lip as you let out a breathy gasp. The combination of the alcohol and her teasing was making you dizzy.
You wanted… you didn’t know what… actually you did. But it was too difficult to admit it to yourself. For years, you had stuffed all your feelings down, you had reverted to others to fulfill your desires. All because it was too hard to accept your desires for your best friend’s mom.
Your desires for the redheaded woman. The desire to have an older, more experienced partner. Your want to be dominated and controlled by the woman that drove you crazy. Your want to throw logic and your best friend aside and kiss her. The woman who was overbearing and controlling to your best friend. The woman who you’d imagined late at night many times when your fingers worked skillfully in between your legs.
As if Melissa knew the exact thoughts racing through your mind, she interrupted,
“You know what I think…?” Melissa cooed wickedly, pushing your legs open slowly just enough to fit her hand in between your plush thighs,
You watched her fingers attentively, as your heart pounded in your head and beads of sweat ran down your face. Melissa proceeded to lick the bead of sweat off of your face and neck.
“I think that you try so desperately hard to hate me… I think you don’t like me because of Abigail… You think I’m a bad mother.” Melissa purred, as her fingers circled patterns deeper into your inner thigh going under your skirt,
Her other hand had put the empty wine glass aside, and was now tugging at your flimsy shirt. She tugged the sleeves down with ease, and cupped your bare breasts. Your eyes fluttered shut as you let out a breathy whimper, internally praising whatever higher power that you had decided to go braless that day.
“I think you project all of this for Abigail and for your own sanity… Because it’s easier to accept than the truth… The truth that keeps you up at night. I keep you up at night…” the older woman continued to lustfully cooe,
But your eyes shot open, your hips jolted forward, and you let out a pathetic mewl, as two of her digits finally ran up and down your clothed core, while simultaneously taking your left nipple in her mouth and twisting your bus with her teeth.
“AhhHhHhh—” you choked out in a mewl, desperate and quickly meeting Melissa’s gaze as she drank you in with a wicked smirk.
If she didn’t have you attention before, she definitely had it now…
“And the truth while you can’t stand the fact of it… is that you can’t help how your body reacts to me… craves me… needs me…” Melissa darkly chuckled, her tone low and seductive by the end.
Your head was swimming and you don’t even remember when it started, but your hips were grinding against the ghost of the woman’s fingers. You let out a shuttering breath, whimpering and moaning as the redhead’s mouth started to mark up and tease your breasts. Her dark, lust glistening eyes met your desperate gaze.
“Say it, Cucciolina… Tell me I’m right. You know I am…” Melissa breathed out, while switching from one tit to the other.
“You—You’re right…” you stammered, panting, completely out of breath.
Melissa seemed to like that, because you quickly felt her two digits back on your core, sneaking around your panties, to find your semi-wet pussy.
“Mmmmm… you aren’t dripping… I’ll fix that.” She lustfully purred, growling the last part in her seductive, low tone.
Her fingers swiftly plunging into your core, your body immediately spasmed, her walls fluttering and clenching around her digits. Your hips stuttered to keep pace with her delicious assault against your cunt.
“Holy Fuck… Mommy!!…” you shrieked, your whole body exploding with pleasure as her fingers curled deep inside you over and over again.
Your eyes widened and your face went beet red at your words. Your hands were gripping the couch tight, so tight your knuckles were white. But that wasn’t your current concern…
“Oh my, I’m so s-sorry, it it just… slipped out…?” You stuttered, not able to meet the woman’s gaze in embarrassment.
But Melissa only smirked even more. Her thrusts and curls of her digits inside your pussy only intensified, fucking you faster and deeper. You groaned, really loud, as her fingers filled, stretched, and scissored your pussy.
“No apologies… you look real pretty, accepting who you really are…” Melissa cooed wickedly, “Look at me.”
Your eyes went wide and you turned your head back to the older woman. Her tongue was swirling around your right bud, and it made you cry out in pleasure once more. This only spurred the redhead on even more.
“Say my name, baby…” she commanded wickedly.
The squelching of her fingers knuckle deep in your pussy, combined with your sinful noises made the room reek of sex and lust. When you didn’t respond, a third digit slipped inside you, the older woman’s pace never faltering one bit.
“Oh Shit MOMMY!!!” You shrieked, her fingers stretching you out even further and your hands only tightening their grip on her couch.
Melissa hummed in delight, her other hand now replacing her mouth at your tits, while her mouth went to assault your pressure point. Your hips jerked up to grind against her hand, desperately seeking friction against your clit. Babbles and string of whimpers erupted from your throat, your mind now fully gone.
“So needy…” the older woman chuckled, continuing all her administrations with lust and intention, “You can call me Mommy if you want too…”
Her words sparked even more intense pleasure throughout your entire body, and you felt your hands start to wander, but your resisted the urge, part of you not being able to understand how this could have switched on such a dime. Part of you still hated her. So your hands stayed off of the woman. But your hips and the rest of your figure told a whole different story… and your moans and whimpers was all the confirmation that Melissa needed.
“Such a slutty girl for mommy, aren’t ya’…?” Melissa cooed lustfully.
The older woman pumped her digits into you with skill, precision, and speed. She watched you with intent gaze, seeing exactly what curl and thrust pattern made you moan and jolt and scream. Melissa was a quick learner, and the closer she pushed you to the edge, the better she learned the pleasures of your body.
“Oh baby… Are you gonna cum…? Need to cum for mommy so bad…?” Melissa taunted you with a dark chuckle.
Your eyes were screwed tight shut as you nodded vigorously. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as your orgasm crashed over you. Your hips stuttered in their rhythm of grinding into the redheads hand, but Melissa kept up her pace of fucking you through your climax. Even after you came down, the older woman didn’t stop. You squirmed in oversensitive pleasure as she didn’t relent.
“M-mommyyy please…!!” You whimpered, thrashing against her in the amount of intense pleasure you felt as she drove you to your next impending climax.
“Poor little slut… Can’t get enough of mommy…??” Melissa jeered lustfully.
Your hips stuttered as they rutted against her hand. The sounds of your pussy squelching rang in your head, pushing you only further to the edge. You felt like you were being suffocated, but in a deliciously dizzy way. Your mouth was open, your tongue out as you gasped for breaths in between each precise thrust of her digits.
Right as you were approaching your second orgasm however, Melissa pulled out of you. Your eyes flew wide open and your jaw dropped, followed by a desperate whimper. The older woman’s eyes sparkled and she had a wicked grin plastered on her face.
“Hush, baby.” Melissa purred, grabbing you and pulling you into her lap.
You gasped as you felt something in between her legs. You immediately began grinding down on her bulge, your breaths turning ragged and your hands on her shoulders for support.
“Mommy wants your next high to by on my cock…” Melissa hummed with a dark edge to her tone.
You looked up from your administrations and gulped. You nodded vigorously.
“Please” you whispered, “need it… need it so bad mommy…” while grinding roughly against the woman’s lap.
Melissa chuckled and had you undress all the way as well as helping her, so that in a couple minutes, you were back in her lap, naked and ready for mommy’s cock. Your hands came to the woman’s tits and chest, playing with her as she lined you up with her plastic dick.
With a low groan, you began to sink down onto the woman, all the way to the hilt of the strap. You let out a sinful whimper, feeling full but still unsatisfied. Melissa’s hands held your hips in a firm grip, and her back arched into your touch. She tantalizingly wiggled her hips below you, making the strap-on move slightly inside you. Another desperate whimper and then groan left your lips.
“What’s to stop mommy from just having you cockwarm my dick…?” Melissa cooed wickedly.
You quickly met the older woman’s merciless gaze, desperation and begging all over your face.
“No no mommy please…!! Need it, need it so bad… mmm give it to me mommy uhhhhhh…!!” You cried out, your grip on the redhead’s shoulder and chest tightening.
In response, Melissa rolled your and her hips together, pushing her dick up and into you in one fluid motion, before pulling it partially out as her hips came back down. Your mouth opened in a silent plea, as your body convulsed in pleasure, the ridges of the toy overstimulating your tight cunt.
“Like that, pretty whore…? What mommy to give you slow, hard thrusts until you’re destroyed…?” Melissa taunted you darkly and full of lustful intent.
Melissa then continued these extremely slow yet brutal thrusts, pumping the toy in and out of your aching pussy. You wanted to cry. You wanted to cum. Every thrust was just not enough stimulation for you to cum, the woman knew exactly what she was doing. You tried to beg, babbles of pleading erupting from your lips already after the second thrust and every one after that, begging her to go faster, to fuck you rough. But Melissa didn’t listen.
“You need to learn that we do things mommy’s way, little slut… If you’re good, I’ll let you cum… eventually…” Melissa reassured you, after the eleventh tortuously slow pump in and out of your cunt.
You’d lost any and all composure. All your babbling was incoherent now, and you had tears streaming down your face. But anytime Melissa asked you if it was too much or if you wanted to stop, you begged her to keep going, pleaded with the woman to not let you off easy. Melissa’s face washed over with pride every time you cried to her that you wanted desperately for her to continue.
“What do you want, baby…? You want mommy to make you cum right…?” Melissa wickedly purred into your ear, while continuing to fuck you dumb at a brutally slow pace.
You nodded lazily, too cock drunk to say anything but slurred words.
“Pleaseeeeeee mmmommmyy…” you whined.
“Cum for mommy, honey, I know you want to… know you need it…” Melissa purred lustfully.
With one finally thrust into your sobbing pussy, the tight coil wrapped around your entire body suddenly snapped. The most intense waves of euphoria you’d ever experienced crashed over you, and you rocked back and forth in Melissa’s lap, as the woman guided you to ride her dick faster as you came.
“That’s it, such a pretty whore for mommy…” the older woman breathed out.
After a few minutes, you’d fallen limp in the woman’s lap, her cock still buried deep inside you. Melissa chuckled at how you put up a whiny fight as she took you off her cock. You didn’t like the sudden emptiness she now left you with, you wanted to feel her all over you again. Wanted to feel full and owned again.
But Melissa stood up, walking into the kitchen to clean her strap-on, and when she eventually called you into the kitchen, she promptly cleaned you up, before going back to her cooking and acting as if nothing had happened.
Melissa Schemmenti Masterlist
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“i didn’t think we would ever be friends” yes percy say it louder for the people in the back this is an enemies to lovers arc not an enemies to friends to lovers arc
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ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
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Chapter 2: Reluctant Allies
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Pairing: Gojo x fem! reader
Warnings: language, domestic violence, thank y'all for sharing your experience with me, it helped me so much understanding childhood trauma and made me transform it into this fic <3
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„I heard about your failures, (y/n).”
Your mouth reacts faster than your mind.
“Maybe I’d do better if you get me away from that ass school”, you mutter more to yourself than your father.
A brutal slap sends you straight back to reality and your heart into your throat. Fuck, you’re not talking to Gojo Satoru here, your time at Jujutsu High didn’t do you any favour apparently. The man in front of you wearing that dark blue kimono is none other than your father. Or better said, the man who is responsible for your lousy existence on this planet.
Being a father is a wide stretch for that monster.
“Watch how you talk to me, (y/n). I sent you to Jujutsu High in order to become better than that Gojo brat, so that you bring honor to the Zenin clan. But all you accomplished this far is a grade 2”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
The stinging smell of sake sticks to his presence like glue and makes your guts turn almost instantly. When will this madness finally stop? What on earth are you supposed to do when Gojo Satoru is the honoured one? You studied the way he fights over and over, tried to gain as much information as possible regarding his abilities. But still…
“The only way to get better than him is to kill him”, you press out.
“Maybe you’re simply not strong enough, (y/n). I told you right from the start you can’t surpass me, even though you’re older than me-”
“I’m your twin sister, you fucking fool”, you spit at the other man who emerges from the shadows like the frightful little monster he is.
Since the day you were born, you held a strong dislike for Naoya and how he was worshipped in contrast to the way they treated you. The genius, the youngest, the most promising of Nabito’s children who left you standing in the rain, who forced you into Jujutsu High. If there’s a reason apart from the fact that you are a Zenin for your miserable life, it’s him.
Him, who’s now standing in front of you like a statue with a shit-eating grin plastered on his usual so cold features.
“And still, you are the weakest out of this whole clan. I could wipe you from the surface of earth without even blinking, so watch how you talk to me, brat.”
You know all too well that his words aren’t true. No, you trained your ass off these last months, surpassed your classmates by miles. The teachers at Jujutsu High told you over and over how special you are, that you are stronger than any jujutsu sorcerer these last decades. If it wasn’t for him…
Fucking Gojo Satoru. If they wouldn’t constantly compare you to him, they’d begin to see how well you do, that you are just as capable as Naoya is. But instead, they forced a task on you you’ll never be able to achieve. How on earth are you supposed to be better than the honoured one? You clench your hands into fists so tight that blood spills and lift yourself off the ground, cheek hurting like hell. No, no matter how unimaginable the task is, you have to do it, you have to prove them wrong. Even if it means that you need to beat him, even if it means you are forced to spend even more time with that douchebag.
You will beat Gojo Satoru, no matter what it costs. 
“Just watch me surpass you then, Naoya.”
“I can’t wait to see you try, loser.”
-back at Jujutsu High-
“Wait a minute, what the fuck is he doing here?”
All you wanted to do was going to the training field and running your heart out when Masamichi Yaga stopped you mid-way. Your heart is still pounding roughly against your ribcage in sheer anger, cheek hurting like hell from the well-timed slap your father gave you earlier this day. And now there’s him, Gojo Satoru, sitting on a chair with his long legs stretched out onto the table in front of him and Geto rolling his eyes.
Well, seeing that dumb smirk on that idiot’s face definitely makes you wish to be back at the Zenin’s estate though.
“Would you sit down before causing a scene, (y/n)?”, your teacher mutters while squeezing the bridge of his nose in sheer annoyance.
You snort to yourself while crossing the room, carefully avoiding those devilish blue orbs like a plague on the way to the free seat next to Geto. To be honest, you never allowed yourself a feeling similar to affection when it came to your comrades. No matter how many times Yu brought you sweets, no matter how often Geto trained with you. The second a spark of feelings other than disinterest and anger ascends, you do anything in your power to trample it to death. No, in your world, there is no place for stupid things like that.
Not even Geto’s charming smile can change this.
“I’m sat. Now tell me why that douchebag is breathing the same air as me.”
“Douchebag? I hope you’re not talking about me, disgusting (y/n).”
Gojo’s sing-sang voice stings in your ear, annoys you straight to your already troubled core. God, how are you supposed to avoid him when you get forced together by that cursed school every single time? You have already seen him twice this week, way too much for even a month.
“Why can’t you just shut up once, Gojo scum?”
“You calling me a scum when your family is out there murdering? Look at your pathetic self, (y/n). Your cheek wasn’t bruised when I saw you yesterday. What happened, huh? Daddy must have been pretty upset with your dumbass as it seems. I know you went on a little family trip this morning, looks like it was definitely worth it. Send your father my kindest regards.”
Something inside you snaps. Before Geto is able to get a hold of your trembling body, you get off your chair and yank Gojo’s puny figure towards the ground, eyes locked with his dirty gaze. Oh, that asshole knows exactly what buttons he has to press in order to send you over the edge, he knows exactly that your family will always be your weak spot.
And Gojo Satoru definitely has no problem with using that knowledge to destroy you from the inside out.
“Do you really think you can hurt me with your words? Don’t you think I’m used to hearing stuff like this after years of living with that family?”, you suddenly press out.
For a split second, Satoru’s eyes widen in surprise. That look on your face, it reminds him of the day when he met you, when you heard your nanny’s voice shouting after you. A spark of…
Pain. Despair. Anger.
 It wasn’t a secret to anyone how badly members of the Zenin clan were treated by their own family. Fuck, after all he always witnessed those fresh bruises decorating your body when you came back from a trip home. How many times Geto told him to not talk about your family, to not stress you any further when you returned from your family. It was in his nature to make fun of you. You’re a Zenin, right? The worst enemy of the Gojo clan, right?
But for the first time since his childhood, a gleam of sorrow sparks up his usual so cold heart when it comes to you. He really feels…sorry.
Until your eyes get as cold as before. Until his mind snaps back to reality with a shake of his head, back into the word where you pin him against the ground, ready to beat the shit out of him.
“Cry about it.”
The words escape his lips automatically, trained on mocking you at any given opportunity since he was a child.
Without saying another word, you lift yourself off the ground and press him down with your foot one last time before Geto finally gets a hold of you and drags you backwards. Oh, you are so used to his cruel words that they don’t even hurt you anymore. No, instead a numb feeling takes over your chest, drags the wave of emotions that ran over you away. You rip your gaze away from him and return to your seat, wordlessly staring at the teacher in front of you.
“So, what’s the point of this pity party?”, you question.
“I have a mission for you.”
“A mission for me?”, you repeat in sheer disbelief.
Oh, this feeling crawling up your spine makes your guts turn. Normally, getting called in like this and being assigned with an important mission is the best that can happen. After all, a lot of these missions lead to you ranking up to a grade 2. But being in the same room as him…
Your eyes drift over Gojo ever so slightly, catching the way he already stares at you with wiggling eyebrows.
“A mission for all of you”, the man standing in front of you clarifies.
Fuck. You don’t even care about the way he explains the mission, how Geto scolds Gojo for not listening and making dumb jokes. No, all you can do is stare at him in sheer horror. Him, the honoured one sitting only one seat away from you. All this time you were forced into going on missions with others, but luckily it was never him. Somehow you always managed to stay with Yu or Geto. Fuck, why not Nanami? You were supposed to stay away from him, to get better than him. But instead you’ll have to work with him by your side? Him, Gojo Satoru?
“Ain’t no way I’m going with that white ferret by my side.”
You’re already jumping out of your seat, ready to leave the room without looking back. Fuck that mission, fuck the potential of getting better. Nothing is worth spending one or even more days together with that douchebag.
“Even if it means getting ranked as grade 1 if you’re successful?”
Wait…what? Your ears perk up, eyes darting towards the tall man standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. Is he serious about that? Getting ranked as a grade 1 would surely benefit you in your goal, especially since Naoya and your father are special grade 1 sorcerers… You’ve been here for a few weeks, already ranked up to a grade 2. It would bring honor to your family if you achieved getting ranked up just below the special grade so rapidly.
And this would mean you’re finally gaining a tiny bit of freedom, a tiny bit of the appreciation you fucking deserve.
“Come on, (y/n). I will keep an eye on him. We’ll get it done together.”
There it is again, the oh so charismatic smile of the black-haired man next to you. Is this really worth it? Your mind wanders back and forth, head almost exploding underneath the pressure. If you decline an important mission like this, your father will beat the shit out of you. But on the other hand, he’ll punish you as well as soon as he finds out that you purposely spend time with Gojo Satoru. Still…
Your nails dig into your thighs, head lowered. This is the best chance you get in order to become a special grade and beat that douchebag sooner or later.
“Only under one condition.”
All pairs of eyes are set on you as thick silence hangs in the room. You raise your head again proudly, the deadly gleam in your eyes making even Gojo stop in his tracks.
“What is it?”
“Don’t you dare to talk to me, let alone get in my way, Gojo scum”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Oh dear Zenin brat”, the white-haired boy sighs, casually lying back in his chair.
“Don’t you dare to cry for my help, then.”
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Tags: @whereismysane @risuola @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @livmarauder @sapphireandange @madaqueue @chilichopsticks @sugurulefttesticle @boba-is-a-soup @jennapancake @kentocalls @mrshlf @byakuya61085
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teazingsassy · 1 year
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it was supposed to be you and me
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ashertickler · 20 days
aaron and smartass.
enemies to lovers.
i'm talking office tensions, forced proximity, interpersonal standoffs, and miscommunication
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Moon in the Day has super angst, murdery, tragic enemies to lovers.
Sh**ting Stars has has bickering, spiteful, ridiculous enemies to lovers.
Alchemy of Souls has bickering, murdery, asshole enemies to lovers.
Doom at Your Service has supernatural, competitive, sacrificial enemies to lovers...
They are like vintages of fine wine, all delicious, but different notes of flavour.
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shoukohime · 3 months
I love the romantic tension between best friends turned enemies
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oscarloscarr · 3 months
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On this day in history, Spike introduced himself to Buffy, arranged a date, and was so excited to see her that he showed up early.
Thus began the best enemies-to-lovers story of all time.
Happy 26 years of School Hard, and of Spike stealing our (and eventually Buffy's) hearts.
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bubblewhale · 7 months
Me from when i was watching jjk s1, oh boy i was not ready to be right about this
(the references were referencing)
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besttropeveershowdown · 11 months
The Best Trope Ever Showdown: Round 1, Side A
Enemies to Lovers
Enemies turn into lovers (no TVTropes page submitted)
It’s the best way to develop a relationship between two characters
Accidental Parental Figure
One (usually adult) character meets a younger character and ends up looking after them. The younger character also usually comes to the older one when they need comfort. (No TVTropes page submitted)
Because its both hilarious and heart warming. Cause like, no matter what the older one's personality is, if they have a ounce of responsability, they will try to keep the younger one in control, or at least clean their messes. I personaly prefere when the older one is a man (in his 30's moslty) and a teenage girl because it gets really chaotic.
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heavenlyraindrops · 7 months
Change With the Seasons| Stardew Valley| Sebastian x Reader
Chapter Summary:
After befriending Abigail, she invites you to hang out with her friends at the Stardrop Saloon. You agree, deciding that socializing would be a good idea.
You did not expect Sebastian to be there.
Chapter Two: the Stardrop Saloon.
Here is the Masterlist. This is also available on Quotev and AO3. I’d appreciate it if you guys could follow me on there!
You were browsing in Pierre’s store when you had first met Abigail. The purple hair interested you enough to consider her worthy of conversation, and upon speaking to her you realized that the impression that the purple hair had given you did not disappoint.
“Right… I heard someone new had moved into the old farm.” She tilted her head, tapping a painted nail against her cheek. “Shame, really. Not that you moved in. I just liked exploring those overgrown fields by myself.”
You smiled and shrugged. “Well, you can still come over and explore. I doubt I’ll be able to clean up all of it before the end of the season.” At your words, her eyes lit up and she smiled her gratitude.
“Thanks. You know, you’re actually pretty cool.”
“Am I?” You asked nervously, picking up a bag of parsnip seeds and bringing it to the counter, where Pierre was waiting.
“Yeah. Say, today’s Friday right? Me and my friends usually go to the Saloon and hang out. You should come with!”
You looked up. “Really?”
You shrugged. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to meet some new people.” Abigail grinned, flashing finger guns at you as you exited the store, her words trailing after you:
“See you this evening!”
You were hanging around outside the Stardrop Saloon, waiting for Abigail to arrive. You had done your best to look nice, exchanging your dirty overalls and muddy boots for a sweater and shoes that actually looked clean.
You recognised her wavy purple hair from a distance, and waved at her. She waved back, enthusiastically, and met you at the door before leading you in.
“Seb and Sam usually play pool, and I just sit on the couch, but it’ll be fun to not be third wheeling this time,” she said.
“Seb and Sam?”
Abigail looked at her. “Haven’t you met them?”
You tilted your head. “I don’t think so?”
“Well, I guess you will now.”
The first one to enter was Sam. He had his blond hair pushed back and upwards, and grinned at you. “Whoa, are you the new farmer?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Cool.” He turned to Abigail. “Where’s Seb?”
Abigail shrugged.
Sam sighed. “I’m not so good,” he muttered. Then perked up at your confused look. “At pool, I mean. Maybe if I…”
He proceeded to try some strange trick on the pool table and sent a ball flying.
“Just admit it,” Abigail said. “Seb’s gonna kick your ass. Again.”
Sam gestured at a stick and jerked his head towards you. “Wanna play?”
“Nah… I’m no good.”
“Try it!”
“Just do it,” Abigail cajoled you. You rolled your eyes, lifting up your stick.
“Okay Nike representative,” you muttered, before positioning yourself, and jerking the stick forward.
It missed the ball completely.
You heard a snicker. A new voice. You shot up. “I told you I’m no… what are you doing here?”
Sebastian flicked a strand of hair out of his eyes, quirking an eyebrow. “I could ask you the same thing.”
You scoffed, tossing the stick at him, much to Sam’s disappointment, and went to join Abigail on the couch. Seb was short for Sebastian. How could you not think of that?
“Have you two met?” Abigail asked, looking in between Sebastian and you.
“Yeah, he told me to fuck off at the docks.”
“Objection,” he said in a bored voice, positioning himself at the pool table. “I said no such thing.”
Your hand flew to your chest. “Surely you jest?” You said, mocking his- only slight- use of old man dialect. You watched his brow furrow. About three balls went into their respective holes. Sam squawked with terror as his turn came around.
Abigail watched you both with a strange expression, then turned to you. “Let’s get some food or something.”
“Yeah, sure,” you said, getting up and walking over to the counter. Abigail turned to you, with a weird look on her face that you couldn’t decipher.
“Hey, what did Seb really say at the docks?”
You scoffed. “Nothing. Just said “tHe oCeAn iS bEtTeR enJoYeD aLoNe” after I tried to introduce myself, which pretty much implies he wants me gone, right? And we’d just met. So rude.” You paid for a pizza, balancing it on your hand as you walked back to the arcade area. Abigail trailed after you.
“Hey… he’s just… not very sociable. Like, he’s just like that. You shouldn’t really take him seriously or anything.”
“Sure, whatever,” You said, placing the pizza on a corner table. It had two red plush stools, one of which you flopped down on, with Abigail following suit.
“Whoa,” Sam said. “I love this.”
“Y/N chose it,” Abigail said.
“How’d you know?” Sam asked, picking up a slice.
“Sam, get back over here. You’re just looking for an excuse to not play against me ‘cause you’re losing.”
Sam scurried back, denying Sebastain’s accusations after promptly losing the game about five minutes later. You balanced your chin on your palm, and your elbow on the table, watching them in silence while Abigail took a shot at an arcade game.
More specifically, you intensely stared at Sebastian.
You couldn’t help it. You found him pretty, although if asked you would go to great lengths to deny it. Even to yourself. Yet you still stared, so there was that.
Sebastian caught you staring, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. You scowled, face burning, and turned back to your food. You could still feel his stare burning into you, so you went and joined Abigail at the arcade game to distract yourself.
For an asshole, he was pretty.
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