#academic rivals to lovers prompts
heavenlyraindrops · 5 months
Academic Rivals to Lovers prompts
Constantly fighting each other for the top spot on leaderboards
entering the same academic competitions
heated arguments during class debates full of tension
Fighting over the same book that they need in the library
fighting over the same secluded spot to relax/ study in
studying in the library reading until super late, they’re the only people left, seated deliberately far away from each other as they lose track of time. And then they get locked in cause the librarian/ caretaker locked up the place for the night forgetting to check if there was anyone left inside.
when the bickering and fighting in classes get so bad that the teacher yells at them and makes them clean out the classroom together after class as punishment
secretly admiring each other for their intelligence/ grades
forced to tutor someone together by the teacher
A is lacking a subject B is good at, teacher makes B tutor A (or vice versa)
glaring at each other or bumping into each other on purpose in the hallways
Ends up joining the same club, too passionate about it to leave
alternatively, they’re both on the debate team and get in heated arguments during practice
forced to take the same route back home after school
stuck on a group project together and end up carrying the team
alternatively, fighting for leadership/ control within the group
alternatively (again), paired together (instead of a group) and fighting with each other over details and nitpicking each other’s work
forced to sit next to each other in class/ be lab partners for the rest of the term
forced to correct/ grade/ review or look at each other’s work
taking a class test next to each other, A is struggling with a question, B surprisingly helps them
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So the world is full of problems and being a naive 12 yo, Dani thinks she can fix those problems.
So she follows the best example.
Red hood
And she becomes a crime boss.
And she’s far better than anyone would think. Discreetly taking over various mafias around the world.
Eventually, the anti ecto acts are put in place worldwide.
So Dani (17) and Jazz (21)move to the only place that has citizens that would willingly lie to the government. Danny is in the ghost zone, attempting to evacuate all ghosts on earth dnd then get to work trying to dismantle the AEA. A process that could take over a year or so.
So Dani moves most of her forces to Gotham.
In my mind, Dani’s mobster name is Fantasma btw and her henchmen/loyal workers are called the Draugur.
But Gotham is cursed and over run with violent ghosts, and because Jazz has collage (transferred from Central Collage) and has to keep a job she can’t handle the ghosts.
So Dani is now moonlighting as the vigilante Wraith.
And Jazz is making her go to school during the day (Gotham academy)
While she’s in Gotham, Fantasma catches the attention of the bats because they’re not going to miss what is obviously a big player with a reputation coming into Gotham.
So they send a bat to go undercover
Damian is like 17 and has just transitioned out of Robin (you can decide whos Robin in his place) and is now (what we vigilante you what him to be, but I’m using Nocturne in this post)
For his first solo mission, he goes undercover as a henchman in the Draugurs. (He wears a mask so he doesn’t get discovered at a Wayne/bat). The only information the bats have is that Fantasma is around his age.
Unsurprisingly, he’s really good at undercover work.
He (undercover name is Crow) quickly makes his way up the ranks.
And he eventually meets the boss Fantasma and becomes her right hand.
And eventually begins to fall for her.
At the same time, he’s trying to catch the new antihero Wraith, who is a very flirty pain in the butt. He’s also been assigned to be the partner of a new student in his class, Danielle, who is incredibly ditzy and clumsy. But she’s not stupid, Damian knows better than to assume that. Especially when she scores highly than him on their geography test.
Basically an entire love hexagon AU including
- henchmen x boss
- vigilante x vigilante/antihero
- academic rivals AU
Relationship guide
Fantasma x Crow- boss that trust her second hand with her life despite not know in his real name. Henchman that is slowly catching feelings and becoming very guilty for lying to her
Nocturne x Wraith- vigilante is getting increasingly irritated by the new Antihero, who thinks the vigilante is hot and flirts with him the entire time they’re together
Dani x Damian- klutzy, clumsy, and popular student ends up having a rivalry with perfect, cold, and outcast over grades and tests. They hate each other.
I love this prompt, and there’s so much I could add to this.
Any thoughts? Would love to hear them!! :))
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urfriendlywriter · 2 years
Academic Rivals to Lovers:
(feel free to use! tag me when yall writee ;] requested by @field-mouse-queen and @indiansapphic )
"i don't agree with you!" "nobody asked you to."
arguments in hushed tones during lectures!!!!
^ "with this level of knowledge, i can probably-" "even with that level of whatever, you're still 5 feet 2." "HEY-"
sitting together to trash talk a professor you both mutually dislike
when they always sit at your spot in library, just so they could see you pissed off
"Are you reading?" "Are you blind?" "Heh, apparently you're. You're reading the book upside down, you moron."
"you like me now or what?" "i've learnt to bear your presence" *mimics them* "i've learnt to bear your presence"
being forced to work on a project together
"You're so stupid." "Yeah, I know."
"Why did you hurt yourself?" "None of your-" "Yeah, then fuck you. My bad for caring."
"hey-" "can you please not rub it in my face and leave?." "i just wanted to ask if you were okay.. "
attempting to comfort them when they're upset
"why do you care, [name]?" ".. you really don't know?"
"never have i ever liked my rival?" you search the room for their eyes, the glass is ALREADY RAISED TO THEIR LIPS.
"that mouth of yours does nothing but talk dumb shit?" "you wanna know what else it does?"
there's tension between them, sitting close while studying, arms grazing, pulling away of hands at the slightest touch :)
^ flustered, one asks, "what-? you're not interested in biomolecules?" the other whispers, "no, but i seem to be interested in you..," they come closer, "what have you done to me?"
"you know, love, I've always liked to win," they pause, "and I'd like to win one more thing--you."
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stop-ur-losing-me · 1 year
my favorite lovers tropes
academic rivals to lovers (IS SO GOOD, plus when theyre forced to work together)
the "why didn't you answer my letters??" followed by "you wrote me letters???" HEARTWRENCHING
fake dating (enough said)
the 'you need to learn how to dance so im gonna teach you and oh gosh why r we this close?' (honestly one of my all time favs)
the two enemies dancing together at a masquerade dance (yes, just yes)
the screamed love confession during an argument "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" (best thing ever)
one bed trope (enough said)
the 'i hate everyone but you' couple (yesssss)
one losing their mind if the other is hurt or captured (cough percabeth cough)
the bodyguard/princess trope I REPEAT THE BODYGUARD/PRINCESS TROPE
the 'we were flirting and everyone else knows we were flirting but we're in denial bout it' (this trope)
additionally, the 'everyone thinks we're dating but we r not/ in denial bout it' (BEST TROPE EVER)
the hero falling for the villain (honestly one of the best ones out there)
lovers to enemies (SO ANGSTY)
there's more i'll add when i can :)
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academic rivals prompt/scenario list pt. 2
[they end up at the same SAT test center] "why are you here?"
"same reason you are."
"clearly not because i'm here to ace this test. you're here for, what, comic relief?"
"the only comic thing about this is the look on your face when i get a better score."
(they end up with the same score)
"how much did you study?"
"not a lot."
"yeah me neither."
(both get hundreds)
person a: (comes over to b in a trench coat and sunglasses) good day.
person b: (reading a newspaper inconspicuously) good day.
person a: i'm here to talk business.
person b: i certainly hope you're not here to bore me.
person a: enough of that. do you know how much c got on the midterm?
person b: (looks left then right to make sure no one's listening) 89.
person a: damn!
person b: yeah. (shrugs, goes back to newspaper) so i won.
person a: i'll have you know --
teacher: guys -- what -- what are you two doing? this is economics not theatre.
"you're looking at a again."
b starts, looking at their friend. "i most certainly was not -- "
"you always are. on wednesday you couldn't take your eyes off them."
"i didn't even see them on wednesday."
"it's fine, i can't blame you, they looked hot in red."
"they were wearing blue -- " realizing they're caught, sighs. "whatever. i still hate them."
part. 1
part. 3
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me-writes-prompts · 1 year
-:(Dark) academia rivals to lovers:-
By @me-writes-prompts
"Did you say library? I'm coming." "No, you're not. You're only coming to flirt with the librarian." "You know me so well, darling."
Borrowing the other's favorite pen, but not giving it back because they liked to write with it so much they ended up using all the ink.
One of them plays the piano in the music room alone, the other can't help but pause in their tracks to listen to it.
Taking a stroll to the garden/park at night, and seeing the other one doing the same.
^^"What are you doing here?" "Reading." "How are you reading? It's so dark." "Exactly. I'm walking as you are."
"Give me back my notes." "Sorry, I turned them in as my assignment."
They end up being partners for a project/or end up in a study session together.
"I absolutely cannot tolerate your presence." "No one asked you to. By the way, your blazer has a stain on the back."
"Are you okay? That must've hurt." "And, why do you of all people care?"
"Idiot." "Git." "Dumbass." "Dumbwit."
^^Their professor finally loses their calm and shouts at them to shut up.
Locking eyes across a classroom and knowing exactly what the other is thinking.
Skipping classes individually but ending up choosing the same place to go to.
Writing poems for each other, and leaving them in the other’s books. (This may or may not be inspired from “dead poets society” :))
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rivenantiqnerd · 7 months
Academic Rivals To Lovers Prompts
Holding hands during a moment of high tension, ex. getting final results (especially if B is surprised, like gjfmdnxn)
2. Congratulating the other on getting a higher score instead of being spiteful (and then realizing it and wondering why)
3. Asking each other how they’re so smart/got that grade and actually listening to their response
4. Working in a project together, ofc, and being surprised when they work well as a team
5. ^“Working with you is so much easier than working against you.”
6. Talking about their plans for the future - academically (but then maybe about their plans for other things?)
7. Being really, really sad when one drops out of a competition or shared class (this happened to me but especially if they can’t figure out why - they should be happy the competition’s gone, right?)
8. Getting each other’s phone numbers - for notes. Of course (But why is B’s heart beating so quickly?)
9. Both secretly liking each other but not knowing the feeling is reciprocated so they keep up the act
(based on a true story)
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celestialwrites · 1 year
academic rivals to lovers dialogue prompts ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
@celestialwrites for more<3
♡ “what the hell are you doing?” “isn’t it obvious? beating you, duh.”
♡ “i’m sorry, who got the highest grade then?” “i did.”
♡ “you know the only reason they bothered to join the debate team was to be close to you right?”
♡ “i fell in love with you that day you beat me in a spelling bee in second grade.”
♡ “[last name/nickname] you still gonna have that stupid grin on your face when i get the highest mark?”
♡ “n-3^07-!” “what does that mean?” “flip your [calculator/phone]”
♡ “fuck you.” “aw [nickname], is this just because i beat you on the math final? i’m truly wounded.”
♡ “maybe we could study…together..?” “TOGETHER? are you serious?” “completely and utterly serious.”
♡ “if only math could sway the ladies.” “it swayed you, didn’t it?”
♡ “please just for one second turn your beautiful brain off and kiss me.”
♡ “who hurt you?” “you. in the second grade when you beat me on that spelling bee.” “are you serious?” “partly.”
♡ “rot in hell.” “i will, once i finish studying for this exam.”
♡ “i love [subject], but i may just love you more.”
♡ “i give up.” “what?” “you win. take the place as valedictorian.” “what! why?” “because i love you.”
♡ “hello, my fellow co-valedictorian.” “co, WHAT?”
Tumblr media
requests are open<3
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miakate-writes · 5 months
academic rivals who make out between classes for “morale” reasons
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liv-333 · 5 months
Meet cute prompts
╭──╯ . . . . .˚ʚ♡ɞ˚. . . . . ╰──╮
Book store - The shorter character is standing on their tallest tiptoes, desperately trying to reach a book on the top shelf when the handsome taller character effortlessly reaches up and hands it to the shorter character who's glaring up at the taller one, "I didn't need your help" Short says pugnaciously, "I wanted to help" Tall grins feigning innocence.
restaurant - The cool, rich character is out with their family celebrating something at the new, prestigious, acclaimed restaurant where the pretty nerd from their school is assigned as their server, it's safe to say that server earned a generous tip that night.
School - The quiet outgoing character rushes down the hallway in fears of being late for class, they pull out their phone to double check the room number and as they do the collide into the dark, brooding character, "Watch where you're going" They say with a rude tone as they quickly pick up the books they dropped and walk off, but not before shooting a glare at the quiet one, "You forgot your book" quiet shouts out, when the brooding character ignores them. The quiet character makes it their mission to return the book to the Brooding character. (This can be for high school or college/uni)
Library - Character B is reading the book Character A desperately needs for school, "That's my book" A says moodily, "Can't see your name on it" A replies with a shit eating grin before continuing their sentence, "But I'd like to know your name' they add delicately
Cinema - Both A and B go to the cinema alone to watch some random movie neither had seen the prequel/s to, A spots B googling the plot of the first film, at some point they notice B staring over their shoulder, "Do you mind?" A asks softly, "So what happened in the first film?" B asks sounding genuinely confused.
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pendarling · 2 years
█▓▒▒░░░I Got Into An Arranged Marriage With My Enemy/Rival░░░▒▒▓█
Both Character A and B come from wealthy rival families and they decide to end the dispute with their marriage
Character A’s family member gets them with Character B unknowing that they hate each other
“Honey, what happened to that sweet person we brought you, hm?” “I’m not going to marry them!”
Going on a date together because their parents forced them. Then actually enjoying it.
One of the characters is secretly excited and the other one is not
Character A who keeps reiterating how much they hate Character B
^^^ Seeing Character B visibly become dejected and then feeling bad about it afterwards
Denying that they like each other and then both of them getting protective of their future spouse
“At least you’re not marrying a stranger.”
Character B jokingly bringing gifts, calling them babe, trying to hold their hand etc… Character A getting mad at how flustered they’ve become
Their friends finding out they’re getting married and getting a good laugh at it too. Some of them even made bets on it
“Stop acting like we’re a couple. We’re not!” “you literally set us up for this date tonight”
Getting mistaken as a couple in public, but the stranger isn’t too far away from the truth
All of their arguments being labelled as “Lover’s Quarrel”
Defeat from Character A as they finally come to terms with the reality of it happening. Character B who wasn’t prepared for the change of attitude and finds it unexpected.
“Fine… I’ll hold your hand. So annoying” (secretly excited)
Both sides faking it to impress their families and some time later actually falling in love with them.
^^^ Fake smiles and kisses that seem too real at times and even doing it when no one is looking!!! AAAAHHHH
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kuzure-collapse · 2 years
childhood rivals to lovers prompts
because it took me until high school to realize that the annoying boy i knew in 7th grade might've liked me
being the top of their classes but only having eyes to compete with each other
being nerds and doing homework together after school but only to compare answers and smugly correct each other
X finds out Y's favorite color and starts wearing more of it, Y secretly likes it
having insulting nicknames that only THEY can use on the other
neither of them know how the beef started, could be that X already liked Y and didn't know what to do with feelings + Y being friends with kids that liked to argue with X
they end up hanging together bc of mutual friends and Y ends up enjoying this group more than their old friends
or X is friends with Y's sibling so they end up encountering at Y's house unexpectedly
maybe teachers note the rivalry and seat them together/pair them for projects. the class likes to watch their back-and-forth
"you look dumb with your hair up like that" "fix your chapped lips" "short" "weak" other immature digs at each other
losing contact as they end up at different high schools and eventually go to different colleges, maybe out of town
both were too stubborn to get each other's contacts, or didn't have ways to personally contact each other after middle school
neither said anything at middle school graduation, last they'll ever see each other
maybe one cries, or X randomly hugs Y before running away, maybe a small picture together taken by their parents who don't know about the rivalry
cut to college, they return to their hometown during a school break. maybe the breaks happen to line up
see each other in passing on a crowded bus/train, almost don't recognize each other
"was X this attractive?" sort of thoughts. maybe one notices and the other doesn't, or both make awkward eye contact for a split second before looking away
maybe they end up visiting the old bakery/cafe they always went to as kids and see each other on line, or X is working register as a summer job
brush it off bc maybe they've been thinking about their crush for so long that they're hallucinating the scenarios they made up
do they keep feigning ignorance? at this point, haven't there been too many coincidences?
one decides to take a chance and calls out to the other with the old insulting nickname
it works and they respond in kind with a smile
"It's been almost a decade now"
"you look different"
taking a closer look and seeing how the other has developed. the awkward baggy clothes have been replaced with better fitting stylish clothes.
the baby fat is gone but the smile's undoubtedly the same
noticing the changes they made in appearance and remembering the old insults they threw. maybe one did change their hairstyle and looks way too attractive, maybe one got muscular and is much stronger than the other
even better with height differences, especially if the one who used to be shorter grew way taller
or the shorter one stayed short and the other grew substantially
making snarky but lighthearted remarks mentioning inside "jokes" from the past
"still got chapped lips?" "still looking at my lips?" even better if one knows about the other's crush
one has the courage to ask for the other's contact info, finally arrange something close to a date (they never specify)
reminisce about old times, maybe meet up in the old playground/cafe/bakery near the middle school
realize they get along well as adults, talk about high school and college and where they're going in life
sad if one is going abroad, or if their careers are so separated that they probably won't have time to see each other a lot
maybe they secretly kept mementos of each other. if not that graduation picture, then the mean doodle Y drew in X's notebook, or the post-it X left in the book Y lent them, or the hat that Y never gave back, or the pen that X stole from Y's bag, etc.
"are you with anyone?" "no, you?" "me neither"
"i used to like you when we were kids" "used to? what about now?"
or "what am i supposed to do with an expired crush" to be sassier
meeting again is stirring up old feelings
happy end, they get together and have a strong long distance relationship or smth
sad end, they part ways for the final time
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academic rivals but its put together, my whole thing is smart, egotisitcal rival x messy, chaotic, still manages to come out on top riva;l
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urfriendlywriter · 2 years
comforting dialogues between rivals turning lovers
(feel free to use<3 requested by @steamorii11 ! THE 8TH and the 11TH ONE OMGG, YALL TAG ME WHEN U WRITE :') )
"do you want to talk about it?" "no.." "okay." "no, but, i wish you'll stay." A silently sits back down near B, "I will."
"You're nervous, [name]" "how do you know that?" "I notice a lot of things about you, love" and what does that MEANN
"I'll walk with you-" "NO?" *silence* and a sigh of relief, while A takes B's hands pulling them, "Thank you, please do."
"i feel--feel weird around you."
^ "like how?" when A asks, their voice so soft, lost, mindless. B looks away, not being able to look at them, they say, "it's--it feels safe."
OKAY, but when they feel sad and you offer company, and they accept without any hesitation whatsoever !!! *BANGS MY HEAD*
you had a mental breakdown but you didn't know they were right outside your door, so pretending to be fine won't work now. right?
^ "You're being hard on yourself." "says who???" "[name].. I'm serious" while they LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE, and you turn away, hiding a blush, "what's with you." and they REPLY, "You're what's up with me, [name]"
accidentally crying infront of them and they exactly know the right thing to say
"i promise I'll be by your side whenever you need me" >>>>
"You're not my boyfriend, why do you keep saying--romantic a-and caring things??" "so.. you think I'm romantic and caring :)) ✧♡ " IM GONNA KMSNSNSN
they bust through your door, "Movies or Shopping??" "uhm. what r u doing-" they throw their hands up, "hanging with ya, tryna get your mind off things. *they pause, looking at you smiling* and its working, wooho!"
"hey! can you stop being a meanie??" *mimics them* "hey, can you stop being a meanie?" "super mature of you, wow."
"happiness suits you." "so does stealing your spot in the class, heh" "well, okay, *laughs* whatever mine is yours anyways." (IM SENSING SIMPING)
"Do you trust me?"
hands interviewing with each other's while walking together
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hayatheauthor · 2 years
Arab/Desi Writing Prompts Part One
Listen, I was bored and wanted to play with words so here's a little something. Use it as you will, but MAYBE leave a little credit if you do use it.
"Wait- wait, you're telling me you've been flirting with me this entire time?!"
He let out an exasperated sigh at the question. 
"Obviously. What do you think Qalbi means?" 
His voice strained as he pronounced the word, but this time it didn't seem like an insult. 
No. Ya Allah, no. 
"I thought you meant Kalbi!" 
"What, like a dog?" 
His nose wrinkled distastefully as he spat the title, but you were too shell-shocked to reply with your usual sarcastic quips. 
The man before you was rude and audacious and spiteful enough to refer to his academic competitor as a dog because you beat him during the first term. Yet he wasn't any of those things at all. 
You were just stupid enough to judge him based off of your poor hearing. 
Qalbi. My heart. 
Suddenly, you couldn't breathe. 
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academic rivals prompt list pt. 1
person a creeping up behind person b to lean over their shoulder to see their test score then person b detecting their presence and whirling around to hit them in the face with their calculator
alternatively, person a sees the test score and crows with laughter "HA I GOT .5 POINTS MORE THAN YOU" (also probably gets hit in the head with a calculator)
dead silence as they sit next to each other in class, not making eye contact, looking all business like.
person a: well well well.
person b: indeed
*le dramatic silence*
person a: did you study?
person b: oh not that much i just stayed up for 24 hours straight then summoned the spirit of heisenberg using voodoo dark arts to explain the uncertainty principle to me
person a: amateur i've been up for two days straight surviving on caffeine alone studying the material and the author of our textbook is tied up in my basement so i can ask him questions
person c doing better than both a and b on a test
a and b glaring at c
person a: they die.
person b: i have a shovel i'll bury the body
also, alternatively, person c starts making fun of b.
person a: *death glare* only i make fun of b. take a step back before i break your legs.
a and b go to study at the same library, not expecting to see each other, and then when they do they glare at each other from afar and sit on opposite ends of the table
and then they start stealing glances at each other
a loves hates the way b's brow scrunches up when they're confused, how they push up their glasses, how they sip their coffee
b loves hates it when a runs a hand through their hair in frustration, licks their finger to flip the page of a book, draws absentmindedly on their own hand to relax
when university acceptances come out, both of them get so stressed and open the application portals together, hugging each other and sobbing and then when they both get in they kiss in triumph and then when they come to, they jump back, blinking
*le sexual tension silence*
"that never happened"
*awkward handshake*
"good job"
also, imagine person a checking their dream school application portal and not getting in.
b sees the look on a's face change and realizes.
they go over to them and wordlessly hug them, letting them cry into their shoulder
one of a and b's teachers being their literal parent
teacher: a, apologize for calling b an underachiever.
a: *grudgingly* sorry b
teacher: now b, apologize for calling a....what did you call them again?
b: *mutters* i called them thomson's model of the atom because it was incorrect and useless
teacher: yes. that. *sigh* apologize.
b: sorry a
teacher: now hug it out
a and b making disgusted faces
teacher: hug it out.
a and b: *awkward hug*
(the teacher is invited to their wedding)
part. 2
part. 3
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