#Feeling bad about posting but I shouldn't just give up
I'm mostly just gonna copy paste my real time conversation with @hotasfahrenheit here, with a free added bits of thoughts:
My Stand In episode 2 thoughts
I wish they translated the title song, because it's tonally confusing
I love when the makeup team adds hickeys
I definitely watched some of this second episode, but I do but remember how far I got, so I'm just rewatching all the crazy
I really need this orgasm-sneeze to be the thing that tips Ming off
I need it
Joe, baby, you've known this man for five seconds, please do not tell him where your spare key is
Ming stop being so fucking awkward challenge
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Ugh, Tong is such a dick
Why does anyone hire him? He's always late, he complains about having to do his job and threatens to need weeks off if he has to do one (1) thing....
Ming: "I'm feeling jealous, so I'm gonna be petty about it and hurt Joe's feelings"
Joe: "yeah, I should've expected this"
Ming: are you bisexual (accusatory) or banging the makeup guy?
Joe: I have friends???
(Mia: Listen Ming doesn't have friends so he doesn't understand what those are
Me: oh, that's very clear. Gee, I wonder why that is 🤣)
I love that Ming dresses exclusively in $500 shirts 🤣
Wait, is this girl supposed to be set up with Ming 🤣 He's such a bitch 😆 I love him (forgot to tell with Mia about his slutty little rich asshole silk robe, but bless him and the slutty little rich asshole robe)
(Mia: Ming doesn't know how to function as a person but he does know how to look like a rich bitch)
Joe translating his anger at Ming by being hard on his trainees... Oh baby, no
He's really just "I'm asking for a friend"ed 🤣🤣🤣
Oh, I love this girl actually
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Joe with the sex puns, lmao
Ming smiling and then immediately suppressing it is so sad actually
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Get therapy, my dude
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Also, the work bathroom hook up cut with the training session was *chefs kiss* (the way this built tension and also narrative, and like, showed Joe's inner thoughts? Incredible.)
(Mia: Pepzi, our queen) FOR REALZ
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He knows Joe's coffee prep
This is so domestic? (This makes me feel crazy, actually. And Joe's genuine awe at being seen in this small way breaks my fucking hearrrt)
Joe. Baby. Again, it has been five minutes and three orgasms, you cannot invite him to move in
He's being so nice to the stunt men today 😂
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The way he said Joe's name while staring at Sol like "okay bitch, watch this" killed me
He knew Joe would go to him and he wanted Sol to know real bad
Sol is ready to Fite
Listen, I knew he made him sleep on the floor OF HIS OWN HOUSE, bit it's still deeply funny to me
And then, he's just staring at him while he sleeps waiting for him to wake up so he can give him the bitchiest look known to man
Ming: *is jealous AF*
Joe: you jealous bro?
Ming: No, who would even like you?
Joe: *is the world's saddest puppy*
"sit ups break my back, live breaks my heart". Baby, no.
Lovesick Joe= drill Sergeant
Post orgasm Joe = kindergarten teacher
Sad Joe = bad poet who can't do a sit up
(Mia and I had a conversation about how sometimes, very drunk people want to be on the floor in a blanket, and she is very correct)
Did Ming go home and make himself the same ramen Joe made for him? (Because he was jealous and bitchy and ran away after making the boy he likes Dad on purpose)
Okay, considering Ming is in love with his sister's boyfriend, they actually have a really sweet sibling dynamic, and she is actually The Best.
Why can't we go to a movie and eat fondue? Why did Thailand get movies so much better than we do? Let me watch a movie in a bed or eat fondue while I watch my favorite blorbos.
But also, he clearly just needs like, so much therapy
Like, his thought process is "I love him, no one else can have him, I'm gonna kidnap him". Which is .. Not Normal People Thoughts
"even if I could be happy, I shouldn't be"
Sol: " I will flirt by kicking his ass and hoping he kicks mine back"
Oh shit, Joe really just fucking knocked him out 🤣
Ming having a crisis hearing Joe talk about what love is, and then that little smile when Joe said he wanted then to be a couple... (Joe's like, pathological inability to let himself experience emotions is... Several Problems)
This man is insane
Listen, if I'm supposed to hate Ming, they shouldn't have had Up play him
Rip curry
It's the ramen of suppressed feelings again
Look, is Ming:
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They're so cute that it's actually a crime that I know Ming is a whole red flag parade
The way Joe did the cutest little "please, tell me, please please please, I wanna hear you say the things we both know (you jealous baby)" and Ming was like "yeah okay, I will hum a quiet affirmative and we will never speak of it again" was so fucking cute. I am prepared to cry and scream and have my feelings hurt, but gosh do they do this well.
Okay, I have like, real actual thoughts about this, but also I do not. I am obsessed and too deep in it right now to words, but AAAHHHHHHH
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asleepinawell · 2 years
think it says something that I've used my "tumblr stuff" tag more than my "the fuckening of tumblr" tag lately and the stuff that's gone in the latter has mostly been minor annoyances/bugs tumblr has fixed or will fix (and the ball shaving ads). hopefully there isn't a twitter exodus to here because then I'll get to use that tag for reasons other than tumblr executives' poor decisions
(I exclude independent artists and the like from the above because they're the ones really getting fucked over by social media bullshit and furthermore I'd be thrilled to have them here)
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canongf-archive · 3 years
last night, i had a dream where my f/o looked at me, then kissed two other people in the same game, like, passionately. and i woke up kinda heart-broken about it. in my own hcs he and i are still getting to know each other? and to see that was like, kinda sad. cuz he's a real good and sweet bean. it rubbed me the wrong way and i have a lil sour taste in my mouth. as the resident queen of self shipping on tumblr (i dub thee), how can I like, make myself feel better about this??
resident QUEEN??? what an HONOR!!!!!  i am going to put a crown on specifically to respond to this message and hopefully i will live up to my newfound title !!!!! 💗
in all seriousness!!!  anon, i am so sorry. i think dreams like that are so hard because! it’s one thing to see your F/O kiss someone in canon or in fan art, when you know that you can retreat into your own head where you still have control and where things are safe for you. but dreams like that! they take away the control! they make things not safe! and that’s really upsetting! 
i am a big advocate for just. feeling what you’re feeling, to the fullest extent. you’re experiencing these emotions for a reason and i think there is a healing property in allowing these emotions to run their course so that you can come out the other side, rather than trying to force them down or ignore them. if you’re sad, let yourself be sad! wrap your arms around yourself, put on some sad music, have a good cry if you need one, and then when you’ve given it its time, pick yourself up and dust yourself off. 
remind yourself that this dream doesn’t mean anything. this wasn’t any kind of sign or message towards your relationship with him, it was only a nightmare. your brain being mean and playing a cruel trick. it holds no weight. you’re awake now, and he’s crazy about you. he can’t even think about kissing a mouth that isn’t yours. change your music playlist to something happier and romantic. draw the two of you together. write about your relationship. map out your headcanons. create a moodboard. revisit his source content. override all those thoughts that that bad dream put into your head until that sour taste in your mouth is replaced with something sweeter.
and know that with each passing minute, you’ll feel better and better about things. dreams can have a real significant effect on us! but they aren’t tangible, so they don’t usually last very long in our minds. this dream feels real right now, but with a little time it’ll grow fuzzier and fuzzier in your head until you can’t even remember how bothered by it you felt.
it’s gonna be okay, friend. just be patient with your recovery time, look after yourself, and give yourself grace as you process it all !!! 💗💗💗
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blueprint-han · 3 years
#ive been thinking about that rb#and tbh after my studies and other responsibilities started kicking in#i realoswd the true meaning of the phrase “go outside and touch some grass”#because i was so indulged in creating the perfect version of myself on Tumblr that has no flaws and no downsides#and whenever i failed it used to bring me down to the point when one of my close friends blocked me i committed self harm#now i realise how much of an impact I'm letting this site make on me- i forgot that this was just an online site and i literally did not owe#them my mental health. i really shouldn't have given them the ability to reduce me into such a drastic state... i should've stopped myself#from becoming a mess when i had the chance- but now that I've had time to think. I've realised just hoe invested im in this site.#I've forgotten my own value and I've been chasing this perfect version of me that everybody liked which could never be achieved because#everyone's expectations of me varied...#so now im not gonna give a fuck#this is my blog and if i post smth i post smth and ppl who don't like it are very much free to unfollow or even block me since I'm way past#the point where it affected me :) of course i will still be careful to make sure my words will not lead to the downfall of someone else but#I'm done feeling extremely guilty when i see a vague callout post directed at me and feeling like shit for not being able to hold up to#someone's fucked up expectations of me. this is my blog. and I'm gonna do what i desire with it and if u have a problem u can leave#i wont mind because i am over that point where i used to sit and cry and loathe over the fact that someone i was close to blocked me#same goes for me#im gonna start blocking snd unfolloing more freely now because someone taught me that- i should've unfollowed and even blocked them instead#of caring extremely of their mental state and how theyd feel bad when they didnt bother#anyways sorry for this ill be deleteing this soon just needed to put this out there#dawn.txt#dawn.personal#self harm tw#tbd
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fernshawart · 2 years
Do you want to write a good disabled character?
I've been seeing the topic of disabled characters being thrown around for a while now, especially when it comes to good or bad writing. Usually, the topic is what you shouldn't do. There are a lot of great posts explaining this, and I don't want to repeat what has already been said dozen of times. Instead, today, I would like to give you exemples of what I, as a disabled person, consider to be great writing, and give you further analysis on why do these characters work !
Toph from ATLA
Toph is a blind little girl who feels like she struggles to find her place in the world as her parents prevent her from doing anything but very simple activities as they fear she might get hurt
First of all, Toph is strong. Like, really strong. She's a champion who has won multiple prizes, she loves fighting, and she even became aang's mentor. She's not a cliché of a poor little girl who can't do anything on her own, and we love that.
The relationship with her parents is rather realistic and a good source of conflict for her character. Depending on the disability, family can get either overwhelmingly protective or deny you're struggling completely. Toph is in the first case, and her trying to prove to others and herself that she can do things on her own is excellent for character growth.
Her disability does define her. We have to stop demonizing the fact that yes, some people are disabled. Toph is blind, it's part of her character and she wouldn't be the same without that trait. While characters that aren't defined by their disabilities are a GREAT representation, sometimes it's really nice to see a character whose disability is an inherent part of themselves, especially when they don't care/are proud of it like Toph. Toph has no problem making jokes about it, even mocking people who forget it.
Her bending doesn't magically cure her disability. Too often in fiction, some characters are met with a cure that gets rid of all of their problems. That is not the case for Toph. Her bending does help her quite a lot, but she can't read, draw, she's completely lost when she's flying ... Everything isn't just solved by flipping a switch.
Edward from FMA/FMAB
Edward is an amputee whose goal is to find a solution to help his little brother recover his lost body and recover his own lost arm and leg that he lost after an accident.
While Edward's goal is directly linked with his disability, it doesn't define him completely. Edward mostly feels guilty towards his brother for his mistake, and seems to think more about his safety rather than recovering his own limbs. It's interesting to state since too often, disabled characters tend to have for only goal to "fix themselves"
Slowly throughout the manga/anime, his goals get more and more different, diverging completely from what he used to have in mind. This drives him even further away than him just trying to find a cure.
When you think of Edward, the first word you have in mind probably isn't disabled, despite it being shown in the first episode of both series. This character has a full personality, background, job, ideology and thoughts. He's not just "the disabled one"
Yet, with that in mind, Edward's disability is still a very important part of his life. His automails may malfunction. He needs them to be repaired rather often. The process to get them onto your body is extremely painful and you can see everything around it is very time consuming.
Eda from the Owl House
While Eda's curse isn't exactly like any other real disability (if you can find a way for my chronic pains to turn me into a harpy sign me up), her writing does have many, many similarities to chronic illnesses.
Eda is a women in her mid forties who slowly learns how to live as a criminal witch with two children to take care of and a curse that slowly grows more powerful with time
Eda's curse is something she deeply hates and desperately tries to get rid of, but it isn't something about her that's constantly shoved in our face. It does have consequences, but getting rid of this curse clearly isn't Eda's main goal during the series.
However, with that in mind, the curse does take a huge part of her life. She has to take a medication for it, with huge consequences if she forgets it, she slowly grows weaker until she's completely unable to perform something she used to be so good at (that thing being magic), the presence of the curse has a huge impact on her mental health ...
Another important thing is that this curse doesn't affect just her, but the ones she loves as well. Being unable to talk about her problem makes it difficult for her to form bonds with others, one of the main instances of that being with Raine, her ex-partner. The fact that she hides her pain and distress makes it even worse for everyone and she feels like she can't really ask for help.
Another really important thing that links her to real-life disabilities is that her mother is desperate to find a cure, even going to find quacks who pretend that they can help. At this point, eda doesn't think she can be cured, or at least not by any regular means, and feels distressed to see her mother repeatedly saying that she found a cure. This is something that happens a lot with disabled people and can be a great source of interpersonal conflicts.
Finally, Eda accepting her curse and taking it as a part of herself is a really healthy way to portray acceptation. She's not cured. She doesn't gain the magic she lost back. However, she does gain confidence and happiness with it
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
can't afford to lose you any longer
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includes: lucifer x gn!reader (they/them pronouns used), mammon & lucifer, diavolo & lucifer, micheal & lucifer
wc: 2.3k | rated t | m.list | cross posted on ao3
a/n: requested by @asterinquinn, who asked for obey me angst where you and lucifer are together and while he's away you get attacked and end up hurt/dead. i hope you enjoy!! title from hot tea by half*alive
warnings: angst (with a happy ending), hurt/comfort, lesson 16 spoilers, hospitals, attempted physical assault (non-graphic), coma
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“do you really have to go?” you ask, and lucifer sighs, scrubbing his hand through his hair.
“we’ve been over this, mc, of course i do. diavolo asked me to do this task, so it has to be done.”
you laugh, a bitter thing. “of course. diavolo asked you, so you’ll do it right away. after all, you’d do anything for him.” lucifer’s gaze shutters and your face softens, regret washing over it. “i’m sorry,” you say. “that wasn’t fair. i just hate having you gone. it leaves me feel like i’m missing a limb.”
“i don’t like leaving either,” he says, pulling you into his arms. “but this should be the last trip for a while.”
“good.” you sigh, looking heavenward. “i feel like you’ve been out of the devildom a lot more than you’ve been in it, these last few months.”
“sure seems that way,” he agrees, with a small, rueful smile. “but really, this should tie everything up. and i’ll hurry back, i promise.”
“you better!” wrapping your arms around him, you give him a hug. “come back to me soon, mister. if you don’t i’ll go talk to diavolo myself!”
“i will, my dear,” he says, ducking down for a quick kiss. already, he’s shuffling his schedule in his mind to the most efficient order, hoping to lessen the time spent away. on this trip, he was being sent to the angel realm to handle some diplomacy thing. why diavolo didn't do it himself, or send another ambassador, lucifer didn’t know (well, he did know, it was because he was the only man with the right skillset for this job), but he just knew he had to honor his promise to him that was made back when he first fell.
diavolo felt bad about it, at least, so it wasn’t like lucifer was just being sent away all of the time, but still, he missed spending his days and nights with you.
“i’ve got to get going now,” he murmurs, pulling away. “i love you.”
“love you too,” you say with a small smile. “hurry back.”
lucifer checks his watch, concern swirling inside of him. you were supposed to call him earlier but you hadn’t, nor had you returned any of his texts or calls. it was unlike you to do such a thing, and he was this close to calling one of his brothers to ask them to check up on you. the only reason he hadn’t is that he kept telling himself you’d respond any moment. you were never one to just disappear off the map.
“what’s the matter, lucifer?” micheal asks, ever intuitive. “you seem worried.”
“i’m sorry,” lucifer apologizes. “i was supposed to receive a call earlier but it never came. it shouldn't have leaked into our meeting though, please forgive me.”
“and they haven’t been picking up or responding to your texts since then, have they?” micheal surmises, disregarding the rest of his statement, and lucifer nods, long since used to his uncanny ability to do things like that. “well then, go on,” he continues. “get in touch with someone who can get in touch with them. worry isn’t a good look on you.”
decorum would usually dictate he decline, return his attention to the matters at hand, but… it was you, and he couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing.
“thank you,” he says, rising. stepping into the hall, he clicks on mammon’s contact, holding his phone to his ear. it rings several times, but just as he thinks it’s going to go to voicemail, his younger brother picks up.
“lucifer!” mammon says. “oh thank god. i was just about to call ya!” mammon’s voice is loud, nervous. something is definitely wrong. why would mammon be calling him?
“what’s the matter?” lucifer asks, a bad feeling unfurling in his chest.
“it’s about mc,” mammon says, grave. “they got into an accident, and are in the hospital. i was gonna call ya sooner but satan said i should wait ‘till the doctor told us what was goin’ on.”
“what? mammon, what happened? are they okay?”
mammon hesitates. “they’re not in any immediate danger,” he hedges, and lucifer growls. “okay, okay. they’re in a coma, caused by the exertion of magical energy-”
“magical energy?” lucifer exclaims, but mammon barrels on.
“-but it’s estimated they’re not in any danger,” mammon continues, “we just don’t know when they’ll wake up yet. ‘pparently some lower-level dirtbags got brave due to your absence and decided to ‘purify the devildom once more.’” lucifer could hear the disgust in his voice.
“my absence? purification?” lucifer echoes thinly. “why didn’t then evoke the pact?”
“i couldn’t tell ya,” mammon says. “mc didn’t call on any of the rest of us either. running theory is that everything happened way too quickly and the magical energy they exerted was subconscious.”
“i see,” lucifer replies, swallowing. “so they’re in the hospital?”
“yeah, and we’re all with them. obviously, they won't let us all into the room, so right now, solomon and asmo are with them.”
“i’m coming back.” lucifer’s tone didn’t allow for any arguments, and surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, mammon didn’t give him any.
“good,” mammon says fiercely. “you need to be here.” with that he hung up, leaving lucifer reeling. you were attacked. and it was his fault. if he had been at the devildom, it would have staved off any thought of something like this from happening and he likely would have been with you. he could have jumped in and saved you. why didn’t you summon him?
diavolo be damned, he was coming back to you. you were in a coma, and he was in a completely different realm.
“i’m sorry, there’s been an emergency,” lucifer says, quickly gathering his things back in the meeting room. “i need to return at once.”
“go,” micheal allows, nodding his head. lucifer wasn’t going to wait for his permission or anything, but knowing he was indulging him on this at least solved one of his problems. “reach out to me once the situation has been resolved but, of course, there is no haste.”
“thank you. it was a pleasure meeting with you, as always,” lucifer says, and micheal smiles.
“i feel much the same, old friend. do let me know when everything turns out okay.”
lucifer spares no time returning to the devildom, heading straight to the hospital. he’s been steadily in contact with mammon, who is waiting form him in the hospital waiting room. he jumps to his feet the moment he sees lucifer.
“any changes?” lucifer asks quickly, desperately.
mammon shakes his head. “no, still the same.”
lucifer doesn’t know whether to be relieved or not. on one hand, the situation isn’t getting any worse, but on the other…
“i need to see them,” he says and mammon nods.
“follow me.” mammon leads him through the hospital, familiar with the way. the waiting room nearest to your room is completely filled with his brothers, the angels, and surprisingly, diavolo and barbatos. lucifer, however, aside from nodding to them, ignores everyone, following mammon to your room.
simeon and belphie shuffle out as he and mammon enter, but lucifer can’t pay them any mind, instead completely focused on you. you’re laying on the bed, deathly still apart from the minute rise and fall of your chest. the image is haunting. he’s already been the cause of your death once, and had mostly managed to put the sight of you bleeding out out of his mind, but this seemed so much worse.
falling to his knees, lucifer clasps your hand. it’s cooler than normal.
“they’re okay?” lucifer asks, voice catching. “besides all of this, i mean?”
“yes,” mammon replies, taking the seat set up on the other side of your bed. “the magic they exerted stopped everyone completely. solomon sensed the disturbance when it hit, as apparently it was incredibly powerful and traced it back to them. they were already unconscious by the time we found them.
“so how did you know what happened?”
“the would-be attackers woke up a while ago. we got them to talk,” mammon says darkly. “and they’ve been taken care of, along with the rest of their group. rest assured belphie and satan are ensuring all groups like theirs are exterminated.”
“good. what about mc?” lucifer stroked the side of your face, but your eyelids didn’t even twitch. “when will they wake up?”
mammon shrugs, biting his lip. “no one knows. the doctors aren’t equipped to deal with something like this at all, and even solomon’s pretty stumped. he thinks that because the spell was so large and uncontained it not only also hit them but also depleted them of all of their magical energy. he says we probably just have to wait for their reserves to fill once more.”
“but he doesn’t know how long it will take?”
they fall into silence and lucifer just looks at you. never before had he seen you so still and he hates it. you deserve to look bright and cheery; you deserved to look alive.
lucifer’s eyes burn and he swallows. mammon, thankfully, doesn’t say a thing.
days passed, and it was much the same. there were tiny changes in your state, mostly good, but it was moving so slow that it seemed it would take years before you would wake. lucifer spent every day by your side, disregarding his duties. thankfully, his brothers stepped up, understanding, and diavolo had given him nothing but compassion and time.
(“i am sorry” diavolo had said, gaze heavy. “if i had known-”
“you didn’t,” lucifer had responded, “and that’s all there is to it.”
“i’m still sorry.”)
it was night, and he was in the room alone. mammon had managed to get everyone to go home for the night, leaving you and him alone. lucifer didn’t sleep. lucifer wished he could do something to help. solomon, satan, and him had been researching, as much as possible, but nothing had ever happened quite like this before, so there weren’t many texts that seemed promising. usually humans died if they exerted as much magic as you had. satan theorized it was only all of the extra energy from the pacts that had prevented that.
running his thumb along the back of your hand, lucifer wished he could do something. if only he could give you all of his energy. he had already done it when you protected yourself, albeit unknowingly, and-
why couldn’t he do that?
it had never been done before, but no one had ever had a pact with him before either. the pact was a two way street.
gathering all of his energy and emotions, lucifer took your other hand, so he was holding both of them, focused on your pact, and pushed. it felt weird, and wrong, but he didn’t give up. if you could draw energy from him while you were awake, then he should be able to give you some now.
slowly, he felt the energy shifting, settling. the strain had his eyes falling shut, but when he felt you move slightly, his eyes snapped open. your eyes were rolling around behind your eyelids and your breathing was coming faster. the heart-rate monitor sped up, and lucifer pushed harder.
your eyes opened, and lucifer slumped, relief so overpowering he felt like he could pass out. you blinked hazily and lucifer squeezed your hand.
“mc,” he breathed, and slowly, your eyes focused on him.
“lucifer?” you asked, throat raw from unuse. “where am i? what happened?”
pressing the ‘call nurse’ button on the side of the bed, lucifer pressed his forehead to yours. “you’re in the hospital. you’ve- you’ve been in a coma for the last several days. don’t try to move too much.”
“what?” you stared into his eyes. “i…”
“shh,” lucifer chided gently. “i’m just glad you’re awake now. i was so worried.”
“oh,” you say, still out of it. honestly, he’d be concerned if you weren’t. “it was those demons, wasn’t it? i remember not knowing what to do, then… nothing.”
“they didn’t lay a single hand on you,” lucifer swore, and you slumped back onto the bed a little, relieved. “and they’ve been taken care of already.”
“but if that happened, weren’t you in the celestial realm?”
“silly human,” lucifer said, his heart splintering further. how could you think he’d stay there when you were in danger, let alone a magically induced coma! “of course i came back here for you. dropped everything to come see you with my own eyes, make sure you were okay.”
you smiled, faintly, and the sight of it stole his breath from his chest. lucifer had been so scared he was never going to get to see you smile again. “knew you would,” you said. “you love me.”
“that i do,” he replied softly, as the nurse finally came in. “that i do, my dear.”
“stay,” you said, as you registered the nurse, who gasped. lucifer ignored her in favor of drinking you in, replaying your voice.
“as if i’d leave. you’re stuck with me, i’m afraid.” and he was afraid. so afraid. but you were awake, and alive, and seemed okay. maybe it was all going to be alright.
as if you could read his mind, your eyes filled with warmth, overflowing into tears that dripped down your face. lucifer wiped them away gently. “i’m so glad,” you whispered. “i’m so glad i’m stuck with you. lucifer.”
“mc,” he said, and it felt like things were finally clicking back into their rightful place. it felt like coming home.
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leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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squirrelwithatophat · 2 years
Did you know that there are whipping posts in the Kirkwall Gallows?
They’re rather easy for players to miss. You can see them in the background during The Last Straw (Act 3), and as early as Act 1 (and continuing into Act 2), Circle mages can be heard complaining, “Don’t talk to me. The templars will give me thirty lashes if they see me speaking to a civilian.” During the quest A Noble Agenda (Act 3), a woman reports seeing a mage cousin “whipped, half-starving” while pleading for mercy from a literal “death squad.”
In-universe, however, the whippings in the Gallows appear to be common knowledge. During Repentance (Act 2), we can see a whipping post (the exact same model observed in the Gallows later on) being used for sexual roleplay in the Harimann Estate in Hightown.
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Lord Harimann: Now, you be the naughty apprentice, and I’ll be the Templar torturer.
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It’s Played For Laughs here of course, but it really says something that citizens of Kirkwall know about Templar abuses in the Gallows and just how awful conditions are there — including the use of whipping posts. This isn’t even the only instance in the game of random NPCs referring to the severity of the repression and the rampant cruelty.
For example…
During The Destruction of Lothering (Prologue):
Hawke: I heard someone call this fortress the Gallows. Is it a prison?
Guardsman Wright: Used to be, back in the Imperial days. They kept slaves here until the rebellion. Now the templars run it and use it to lock up their mages. Guess not much has changed.
Outside Lirene’s shop, during Tranquility (Act 1):
Refugee: Hey! We heard you in there. Asking about the healer. We know what happens to mages in this town. And it ain't gonna happen to him.
Speaking to the sister of a Templar during Enemies Among Us (Act 1):
Macha: Keran was always so devout, so idealistic. He was so proud when the templars accepted him. I pleaded with him not to join the Order, but he wouldn't listen. You hear dark rumors about the templars and Knight-Commander Meredith. And now my brother is gone.
Hawke: (“Are templars so bad here?”) In Lothering, some templars died protecting villagers. I never heard any dark rumors.
Macha: And those are the stories my Keran adored. But it is not like that here, serah. There is a growing darkness in the order. They prowl the streets in packs. Hunting. And now, they say their duties put them above us, that they have the right to... take people from their homes. It is frightening.
Hawke: (“Tell me about Meredith”) What do people say about Knight-Commander Meredith?
Macha: Oh, she has many admirers. They laud the service she does in keeping the mages in check. But others say she is terribly fierce and utterly without pity. That she sees demons everywhere. It is dangerous even to whisper such things.
During Wayward Son (Act 1):
Feynriel: Look, I know it's different in other kingdoms, but here... no one helps Circle mages. Anything the templars don't like, you get the brand.
During Underground Railroad (Act 2):
Hawke: Helping apostates is dangerous. If the templars caught you...
Mistress Selby: One of my sisters is a mage. A gentle child, so generous. She was made Tranquil last year. Templars claimed she was a danger. Now... it's like she's not there. That shouldn't be forced on anyone.
In Sundermount (Act 3), if Feynriel escapes to Tevinter:
Arianni: I hear the templars have grown more abusive of the mages in Kirkwall. I'm glad Feynriel is no longer subject to their whims.
By the Docks, any Act:
Unnamed Woman: I feel sorry for the mages sometimes, you know? What a terrible thing, to be used by everyone.
Knight-Captain Cullen even admits that the common folk suspect them and have become hostile towards the Templars. There’s this exchange in Act 1:
Hawke: The templars defend us all.
Cullen: That's a surprisingly unpopular viewpoint. It used to be that templars were welcomed wherever they went—for defending people from dark magics. Now the townsfolk are as likely to slam their doors as offer us a bed. The image of the poor, chained apprentice is a powerful one. And one the mages are more than willing to exploit.
Then there’s the codex for the Mage Underground (available in Dissent, Act 2), written by Cullen:
Every Circle in Thedas suffers from individual mages who rebel and attempt to flee… Until now, I have never served anywhere that the populace does not fully cooperate in hunting these rebels. Here in Kirkwall, citizens actually help rebel mages escape.
In World of Thedas vol. 2 (p. 173), from a note dated 9:25 (set between Acts 2-3) from a mage of the Hossberg Circle in the far away Anderfels: 
I have heard that in the Kirkwall Gallows, mages are locked in their cells with barely room to stretch, let alone exercise.  I can promise you that any mage of the Anderfels would be stark raving mad after a week of such treatment... No wonder Kirkwall has such trouble with blood mages.
Even relative newcomers recognize the situation right away. For example, when speaking to Grand Cleric Elthina in the Chantry (Act 1):
Hawke: Why are Circle mages here kept in a Tevinter prison?
Elthina: Ah. So soon you take an interest in our problems. The short answer is, it was a building. A large one. Should it have sat empty? The Chantry found a use for what was once a horror. It is the nature of men to move on and forget the past. Even your Blight will be a distant memory in our lifetimes.
Isabela: “Once a horror?” Yes, I'm sure it's filled with flowers and sunshine and happiness now.
Even Fenris, who supports Meredith’s policies, immediately notices (first entry into the Gallows, Act 1 or 2):
Fenris: I've... heard about the Circle of Magi outside of the Imperium, but I've never been in one. This seems more like a prison. I wonder if it's more effective than the Circle I know.
Given all this, it’s hard to believe that the people in power in Kirkwall don’t know (or at the very least suspect) what’s going on — more likely, they simply just don’t care.
Or perhaps they think it’s acceptable. As Cassandra says of the Seekers of Truth in Inquisition, “We knew what was happening at Kirkwall, where the mage rebellion began. We looked into reports of Knight-Commander Meredith’s harsh treatment of her charges years earlier. But we found so many shocking cases of magical corruption, it was decided her actions were justified.”
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hii, can i request a camillo x reader (headcannon or imagine its up to u) where he does sth to anger them and they refuse to kiss him? similar to ur isa hc where reader refuses to kiss her. and cami tried to make it up to the reader and reader is stubborn but its rlly fluffy? thank you in advance <3 !!
``camilo making it up to you``
notes: sorry i didn't post yesterday! my train crashed into a car so i got home really late. anyway, enjoy!! :)
warnings: none except one curse word
-camilo had gone too far this time. you were busy painting a mural commissioned by one of your clients when your mischievous boyfriend decided to give you a bit of a scare
-he transformed into a larger version of himself, making his way to your distracted figure.
-and at your most vulnerable moment he hovered over your body and gave a loud shout, making your heart jump and your arm flinch
-the product of this tasteful prank were three things: camilo laughing his ass off, you frozen in shock, and your mural that now had a lovely bold stroke of yellow over almost the entire bottom half of the piece.
-it was an understatement to say you were upset. you had worked hours upon hours to get that piece where it was.
-irritation and anger bubbled up inside of you, finally deciding you were fed up with camilo's antics.
-meanwhile, camilo was in the type of mood where he was too light-hearted and happy to see anything serious in the moment. he saw the state of your painting and, sure, he felt bad, but he didn't seem to exactly grasp the weight of your anger.
-instead, he let his laugh fade away and said, "i'm sorry about your painting, amor. i just couldn't help it, it was so perfect!"
-you didn't respond, taking a deep breath before you felt like you'd explode. cleaning off your dirty paintbrush and setting it out to dry, you ignored the curly-headed boy and turned to go home and change your clothes.
-ignoring him was something he couldn't miss
-he'd watch you walk off for a second, in a confused state of mind before jogging to catch up with you.
-"hello? did you hear me?"
-still no response
-when you didn't answer him and confirmed that he was being ignored he'd feel a little guiltier, placing a hand on your shoulder to slow you down.
-"i'm sorry, mi vida, i didn't mean to ruin your work," he apologized, his brows knit together in worry.
-when he leaned forward to give you a kiss as an apology you dodged his lips, keeping your face forward as you kept walking home.
-it was a good thing you avoided his gaze because he looked like a kicked puppy after that, his shoulders dropping as he watched you get into your house without a word.
-now he was really panicking. he turned right around and ran back to casita where he found dolores, isabela, and mirabel all sitting together in the kitchen (probably stealing a few snacks without julieta's knowledge).
-when mirabel spotted him she gave him a wave, holding out an arepa for him.
-"mami is out in town giving people their food," she explained, her mouth evidently full.
-"we can only have a few more, though. if she catches us we won't be allowed in the kitchen at all," isa snickered, wiping her mouth with her arm once she was finished.
-you could imagine the surprise on the womens' faces when they saw camilo, the one who would always somehow manage to snag seconds, shake his head and reject the offer.
-"are you sick?" dolores asked, half teasingly and the other half worriedly.
-"i messed up," camilo admitted. he continued to go on a long rant about how he ruined the mural and how you were ignoring everything about him.
-his family looked at each other as though they weren't surprised, but when camilo asked for help they knew they shouldn't deny.
-it was the next day, now. you were glad that camilo had decided to let you cool off for the rest of that day because you didn't know what you would've done if he had come back.
-as you were getting ready to fix and hopefully finish more of your work, mirabel showed up at your front door.
-"hola, (y/n)! do you wanna hang out today?" she asked cheerfully.
-"ah, lo siento, mirabel," you sighed. "i'd love to, pero no puedo. i really want to finish this painting as soon as i can."
-your friend was stubborn, though. "just meet me at sundown in the field across the bridge, okay? that'll be more than enough time to do some work. besides, you need to catch a break!"
-you reluctantly agreed to her proposal, hesitantly making your way to the meeting spot at her dictated time.
-instead of seeing mirabel, however, you saw your boyfriend.
-he was standing beside a blanket, some flowers, and a basket of food for the both of you to share.
-it didn't take a genius to understand what he was trying to do.
-because of this, you turned on your heel and started to leave.
-"wait!" he pleaded. "please. just stay with me, okay? i want to make it up to you."
-he gingerly held your hand and led you to the blanket. you hated to admit it, but you were starting to give in.
-"i know you've been working on that piece for weeks and that it was my fault it got ruined, so i wanted to set this up to help you relax," he said sheepishly, sitting down next to you. "i, um... also convinced your client to set the deadline back by a few days."
-what he didn't tell you was the amount of time he spent into bothering your client into agreeing to the deadline change. the cost for him being helping her with her business she ran for three days in return.
-now, he usually hated doing full-blown chores and responsibilities. but for you, he could make an exception.
-but somehow you still wouldn't budge. you didn't know why but you were feeling stubborn, simply giving him a hardened stare and he nervously met your gaze.
-at this point he was starting to give up.
-"i'm sorry, (y/n). i don't know what else i can do to make it up to you," he murmured, pulling his knees close to his chest.
-you should forgive him. you knew that.
-but that last sentence he said was what really made you break, letting out a sigh as you turned your body to look at him.
-"i forgive you. i'm sorry i stayed mad," you answered.
-when he heard you respond to him a feeling of relief shot through his chest, his charming smile making a return as he lunged forward and knocked you back into a hug.
-"finally! does this mean i can kiss you, now?" he asked you, burying his face into your neck.
-he loved the feeling of your body jolting with laughter, pulling you into a kiss when he heard the words, "yes, you may."
-"good, because you have no idea how hard it's been without you!"
-you raised a brow and let out a giggle when he kissed your cheek. "milo, it was one day?" you reasoned, staring right back into his eyes.
-he only clicked his tongue and shook his head. "one day too long, you mean!"
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He’s one of the good ones
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Nurse Reader
Warnings: Curse words, one (1) dirty joke, mentioned boss-employee relationship, objectification, brief description of a fight, stab wound, light spoilers for the movie, Bruce is actually a sweetheart 🥰
A/N: The prequel is now posted 😊 This will hurt 😊
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“Wait, wait, wait...I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. Not only are you working for him, but you’re also sleeping with him? What the hell, girl?” Your friend asked, looking pointingly at you. 
“I’m in a relationship with him.” You corrected, giving her a small glare. “But yeah, that’s the gist of it.” 
“Are you insane?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Look, I know the last guy was a loser, but even he was a better choice than Bruce fucking Wayne. He’s a broody loner, holed up in that tower. I’m pretty sure a wall is more entertaining than him. I never said anything about it when you said you got a job with him, but now I gotta say something. What on Earth are you planning on doing with him? You have nothing in common and your personalities are completely different. Did you even think about the future?”
“Also, really, sleeping with your employer? How many times have you seen that having a happy ending?” She paused. “Although I’m pretty sure he has a lot of happy endings right now.” She laughed at her own joke. 
“You had to go there?” You glared at her. 
“Oh, lighten up.” There was a moment of silence as she stared at you. “Well, are you gonna start talking?” Your first response was an eye-roll.
“You are right, we have little in common, he is reclusive and he doesn't have friends. But he treats me better than any of my exes ever did and he doesn't object to me going out, having fun or meeting friends, even if he doesn’t join. He is kind, smart and surprisingly funny, so he’s more entertaining than a wall. What I feel when I’m with him...I have never felt like that before. There is no second guessing or doubts. I...he’s one of the good ones, you know?” You met her eyes as you stopped describing the man you were now seeing. 
“Oh God...you’re really in love with him, aren’t you?” Your friend commented as she watched a small smile tug at your lips as you described Bruce Wayne. 
“I am.” Your smile deepened. Your friend raised her glass and you clinked it. 
“To you, for finally falling in love. Even though I still think it’s a bad idea. But I’m not going to stand in love’s way.” She smiled. 
“So tell me, more about him and how you met.” 
You didn’t tell her the whole story. The story you told to your friends and family is that he saved you from getting mugged. But in reality you both saved each other. Kind of. 
It was raining again. It shouldn't have surprised you, this was Gotham for Christ's sake...yet you still went out without an umbrella. To your defense, you didn't plan on staying out as long as you did. You just went to meet with your now ex to break-up with him. That was over quickly, but then you met a friend and decided to grab lunch...and then coffee and then drinks. So now it was 3 am and you were walking down the street completely drenched after 2 minutes in the rain that dulled the shine of your yellow sweater.
"Hello, Sunshine." The man, sitting on the sidewalk slurred. He had a long night as well. You gave him a curt nod before passing him. You found that if you just briefly acknowledge them, they tend to leave you alone. Unfortunately for you, sometimes you were wrong, just like in this case. But usually you have an umbrella with you...
"Come on, Sunshine, don't be rude. At least say hello." He caught up with you. Your hands balled up under your arms, as you were trying to hold back a shiver from the wind on your damp skin.
"Hey, I'm talking to you." He grabbed your elbow, pulling you towards him. You yelped in surprise, your eyes the size of saucers.
"Let me go." You finally managed to let out, as the shock let its grip of you go.
"Why don't we have some fun. I promise, you won't regret it." The man smirked when you started trashing in his grasp. Your body tensed up and you kicked at his shins and he released you, cursing you out. You started running, the man right on your heels. He was gaining on you and you whimpered as the idea of what might happen next creeped up on you.
*THUMP* was heard and you looked back, to see the man lying on the ground. Another man was standing above him. He briefly met your eyes, nodding, before the drunk man got up, taking a knife from his belt, swinging at your savior. Your instincts told you to run, but you decided to stay and try to help. The two men were engrossed in the fight and you were just trying to spot an opening. Unfortunately when you found it, your savior was the one that got startled and the drunk man managed to stab him in the shoulder. 
There was fortune in misfortune, as even though your savior was just stabbed, you were still close enough to the drunk that you managed to get behind him and put him in a chokehold, holding him until he stopped trashing. 
"Hey...thank you. And I’m sorry." You stepped to your savior, offering your hand. He looked at you and you finally registered who was kneeling in-front of you. 
Bruce Wayne.
He took your hand and you pulled yourself out of your daze, pulling him on his feet. He stared at your bright yellow sweater, before meeting your eyes again.
"Are you alright?" He asked after a few moments of silence. His voice matched the broodiness he exuded.
"Yeah. Yes. Um, I guess I'm a bit shocked about everything that just happened.” You paused, waiting for a response. "It's just I didn't know you actually go out. No one has seen you in years." You continued when the elusive man refused to speak. He kept his gaze on you. You swallowed down everything that you wanted to add.
"Just...thank you. There's not many people that would help in this city." You smiled at him, your face lighting back up again. Bruce looked at your hand that was still holding his and you quickly let go. He brought it over his wound and nodded at you. He wanted to leave, but you touched his un-hurt shoulder, stopping him. 
“My place is just down the block. I have medical supplies at home and I can stich you up. I promise it won’t leave a scar.” You smiled at him. 
“You don’t have to.” He gently shook his head. 
“I want to. It’s the least I can do, since I’m the reason why you got stabbed.” You sheepishly said.
When Bruce entered your apartment, you quickly made him change into dry clothes and made him tea to warm up, before really patching him up. He left pretty much the next second, but stopped by a week later with the clothes and an offer for a job. 
Bruce was out when you returned, which was weird, since you didn’t notice the bat signal in the sky. But you figured that either you missed it, or Bruce just decided to check some thing out. Saying hello to Alfred, you made your way to the “bat cave” with your book The Midnight Library and propped up on one of the chairs, waiting for your boyfriend / boss to come back. 
You were startled awake as the entrance to the “bat cave” opened and Bruce returned. 
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He ignored you, taking his mask off and pulling his contacts out. Stretching, you made your way to him, your arms embracing him and kissing the back of his neck. 
“Sorry I was out so long. You should go to sleep, I’m fine, just a couple of bruises.” Bruce commented as he rewound the footage. 
“It’s fine. What happened?” You sighed as you looked through his shoulder and gasped as you saw the murdered mayor. Bruce turned to face you, blocking your view. 
“I don’t want you to see this. Please, go upstairs and I will join you shortly. I just want to review what happened.” He caressed your face, before kissing you softly. 
“He lies still.” You said after you parted. Bruce nodded and leaned his forehead on yours. Your hands traced the black paint he used to fill in the eye holes once his mask was on. 
“You go through more of my make-up remover than I do. I should really get a raise.” You smiled at him, making it bigger once he smiled back at you. 
“I think we can work something up. I can be persuaded.” Bruce chuckled. 
This was the Bruce you loved. This was the man no one saw. Which was equally heart-breaking and heart-warming.
Thank you for reading! 😊🙏
The GIFs are not mine, they belong to the amazing creators 😊
I think I might do a second part to this...at some point 😊 I saw the new Batman movie this week and I was pleasantly surprised! I really loved the movie, so much so, I will go see it again this week 😁
Also I am reading this book right now and I am so pumped up about it, can't wait to finish it! 😊💙
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m-jelly · 2 years
hello…this is my first time writing on anyone’s tumblr page tbh so idk if i’m doing this right :/ anyway, i just wanna let you know that you’re my favourite author ever and i just love your stories so so so much! i literally cannot go a day wo reading smtg of yours. i’d literally re-read everything. and i hope it’s not too much to ask but could you please write a story of insecure postwar levi (i know you’ve wrote this before but they’re just so good i need more!) but like i need smtg from his pov just like him looking at you and idk..feeling like he’s not good enough for you? and maybe could you please add in levi being clingy at the end and just the FLUFFIEST FLUFF because i love that shit. thank you so much in advance, i hope you have a great day ahead <3 <3
Hiii! Welcome! Yes, you're asking correctly. Thank you for sending me a request Anon! <3 Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like the fluffy drabble and some smut. I do love making it all for you lot. You want fluff? YOU WANT FLUFF? I'LL GIVE YOU FLUFF! You know I love the fluff. Post-war Levi here we goooo.
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Inside the mind of your husband
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: married life, love, doubt, Levi's thoughts, post-war Levi, insecure Levi, clingy Levi, cute, fluff, romance, you give him so much love, canon world.
Concept: You and Levi have been married for a while, but now the war is over he's back in your arms and doesn't look like how he used to. His thoughts run through his head now you're back together and things aren't nice in his head. You give him comfort and love him, but one day they are very bad. An insight into post-war Levi's thoughts.
Post-War Levi below, so spoilers
She's so beautiful, just look at her now. That dress is so fitting for her body. I'd love to be that dress, just be wrapped around her body for the rest of my life.
Who am I kidding? Someone like her shouldn't be with a man like me. I'm barely a man these days. I'm missing two fingers on one hand. I used to use those fingers on her to bring her pleasure. I'm not a man.
He dragged his eyes away from you as he sat in his wheelchair by the pond in yours and his garden. He looked into the water as you carried on gardening.
Just look at yourself. Look at that fucking face of yours. You weren't good looking before, but now you're a monster. You killed so many people and what do you have to show for it? Well, at least you finally look like the monster you are.
Do you really think someone like you could keep a woman like her? She'll be sick of you soon, you ugly piece of shit. She's beautiful and perfect, but you are trash. You're just like your uncle. You killed, you were selfish, but you survived, unlike Kenny. Kenny had no one left to love him. So, your wife is bound to leave you.
Levi pulled his eyes away from the water and looked at his clenched fists.
Breathe. These are just nasty thoughts. She loves you. She's married to you and she's doing everything she can for you. She looks after you. She gives you so many kisses and cuddles. Just breathe.
Levi let out a long sigh, then put his head in his hands as he felt tired. He tuned into the birds singing, the little waterfall in the pond. He jumped a little when he felt something on his head.
He lifted his head, then locked eyes with you.
Look at that smile. Look at how beautiful she is. She's my wife, she really is my wife. How did I get so lucky?
You lightly played with his hair. "Cute."
He frowned. "What did you do?"
You kissed him and hummed. "I gave you a flower crown."
He blushed, then reached up and touched the crown.
She's so fucking cute. She made a flower crown! She must love me. She must adore me.
Really? It's made out of pity.
You kissed Levi on the lips breaking his thoughts. "You're trapped in that handsome head of yours. What's going on?"
Don't tell her about us in here. She'll be freaked out by you. She'll hate you. You're disgusting.
You wiped Levi's tears away. "Hey, hey, hey." You knelt up and hugged him. "It's alright, you're alright. I'm right here."
She pities you! She's only staying because she feels sorry for your disgusting body and face.
Levi cracked as he clung to you. "I'm disgusting."
You gasped, then cupped his face. "No, you're not. You're not disgusting. You're my handsome and wonderful husband. I love you so fucking much." You kissed him a little longer. "Who told you all this?"
Don't do it. Don't tell her about what's going on. She'll just leave!
Levi clenched up. "My head."
Now you've done it. Say goodbye.
You cupped his face, then kissed his head all over. "Well, your head is telling lies." You sat on his lap, then hugged his head to your chest. "Let me guess. It's saying you're ugly, weak, a monster, unlovable, selfish and a piece of shit."
Levi lifted his head. "How did you know?"
You smiled at him. "I too have a dark voice in my head."
"You do?"
You nodded as you played with his hair. "I hear it a lot. It tells me I don't deserve you. It says I'm not good enough. I don't make you happy. I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm stupid." You sighed. "It lies to you. It's called your inner bully and it plagues many people. Once you get it, it will never disappear, but you can make the voice fade away."
You cupped Levi's face. "You have to tell yourself good things. For one bad thing said about you, say one good thing. So, if it says you're ugly, you just say I have the softest and sexiest raven hair in the world."
Levi hummed a laugh. "I don't."
You nibbled his ear making him giggle. "You do. I love your hair. I love your handsome face. I love how you smell. I love how you touch me. I fucking love your hands and body."
He ran a hand up the inside of your thigh. "Even though I'm missing two fingers?"
You nodded. "Yes. I will miss those fingers because a part of me was very familiar with them. However..." You picked up his left hand and kissed his fingers. "These two are just as talented. Your tongue is incredible. Don't get me started on the things you can do with your dick."
"Even with my bad knee?"
You giggled. "What bad knee? It disappears in the bedroom."
He blushed, then hummed a laugh. "You're right."
You let out a long sigh. "You're just as handsome as the day I fell in love with you."
"You're sweet."
You thought a little. "Let me put it another way. Would you stop loving me if I got more scars and stretch marks?"
He gasped in horror at you thinking he would. "Never! I would never! I love all your scar and stretch marks. I like how they're shiny like scales and they feel so nice under my fingers."
You traced the long scar on his cheek. "Do you understand what I'm getting at?"
"Yeah, yeah I get it now."
"Not a single scar will stop me from loving you the way you are. My love for you is not measurable. It has no bounds." You showed him your wedding ring. "In sickness and in health. I'm never leaving you because I love you. I love you so much. My heart beats only for you. When I look at you, I'm home and happy. I think you're so handsome and I'm lucky to have you as my husband. I want the future we dreamed of together. I want the teashop, the dancing together, the snuggling, the lovemaking, and the sweet little children who get the honour of having you as their dad."
Levi smiled, then hugged you tightly. "I want it all. I want it all too. When your bad voice talks, you tell me and I'll chase it away."
"Same to you Levi."
He sighed and closed his eyes as he hugged you with a smile on his face. "I love you so much. My sweet bratty wife."
You squeezed him. "You're stuck with me for life Levi, deal with it."
He pressed his face against your boobs. "Oh, poooor me."
You giggled. "Love the sarcasm, honey." You patted his head. "Now you rest on my pillows, okay?"
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still-we-rise · 3 years
"It's not about racism, people just don't want to see the same person win"
Lemme break something down to you
Lewis had to learn martial arts from the age of six because he was racially abused and wanted a way to defend himself.
Still a child, (8 I think?) he picked up karting and as soon as he appeared on track, a group of adults was saying from the start that he's not going to achieve anything, that he should give up and stop showing there. Lewis was still a very young boy when for the first time he heard from his father the words "Be careful what you're doing, they're watching your every step" (paraphrasing)
So after winning his karting championship, he felt like he wasn't allowed to celebrate on track. He sang "We are the champions" in the car with his dad. From the youngest age he knew that expressing any kind of emotion can be turned against him.
2007 was the first year a black man raced in Formula 1. F1 races are being hosted from 1950.
In 2007, Lewis' first year in Formula 1, he was racially abused at Chinese Grand Prix, by Spanish fans (and that's sadly the only information I've got, I couldn't find any details)
In 2008, at the Circuit de Catalunya, several fans wore blackface.
In 2008 as well, a page named "burst Hamilton's tyre" was created, encouraging fans to "leave nails on the track for Hamilton to run over".
Those were his first two years in Formula 1. Extremely warm welcome, don't you think? Surprisingly enough, Lewis was the only one receiving awful treatment and insults. I wonder why?
Lewis was always open about the racial abuse he experienced from the youngest age, and spoke up about it way before the 'We race as one' campaign and BLM.
In 2020, when he finally gathered the courage to loudly speak up about his rights and the rights of other people and actively support BLM and campaign against racism, he was called a clown who brings unnecessary politics to the sport (let me pass over calling human rights politics). Jackie Steward felt the need to loudly criticize Lewis, saying that there is no racism in Formula 1 and if you're good enough, you will be accepted. The same Jackie Stewart was called the most racist and hostile driver Willy T Ribbs has ever dealt with. Mario Andretti sided with Stewart as well, saying that Lewis created a problem that doesn't exist. Obviously, they are both white.
In Formula 1, there are two big allies to LGBTQ+ community that loudly speak up about the topic - Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton. Only one of them is widely criticized for it and accused of doing it for 'woke points' and - once again - bringing politics into the sport. I will let you guess by yourself.
After Silverstone 2021 crash, Lewis was denied the right to celebrate his victory. He received racial abuse so severe, Instagram and Facebook needed to step in. Additionally, (if I remember the numbers correctly) 20 000 posts on Reddit had to be taken down and 6 000 got banned. Several teams aired pointless statements that they do not condone racism and racial abuse. There shouldn't be the need to release those statements, as it should be something normal and obvious.
In 2021, Lewis is the only driver being booed on every track, during every session and regardless of his result. At Spa and Zandvoort the booing got so bad he couldn't hear the questions the interviewer asked him.
He's always the one being blamed for every incident that happens, no matter what statement the FIA releases.
Recently, Bernie Ecclestone said that Lewis should retire in honour of Michael Schumacher and prevent himself from beating his record "out of respect".
Now I want you to take a look back and think of any driver who received similar treatment.
I want you to take a look back and think of anyone in F1 being criticized and insulted for every move he makes.
I want you to take a look back and think of any driver who needed fourteen years in the sport to develop enough courage to express how they really feel and what they stand for.
Do you really think people don't want to see the same person win? Or maybe you just hate seeing a successful black man beating every record in the whitest sport on earth?
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Hi!! I am absolutely OBSESSED with your blog I love your works so much!
Could I possibly request headcanons/short descriptions (idk what they're called) of Bakugou and Todoroki calling their s/o "clingy" or making them feel they're annoying and then regretting it when their s/o starts ignoring them to give them space and asking forgiveness?
Note: Aw thank you so much that's so sweet of you! I'm sorry for the delay in answering this I just didn't have inspiration before today. Also, these focused more on their reaction/apology than them actually being rude so lemme know if you want a separate post for that.
Warnings: n/a
Characters involved: Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours, reader is a student in 1A
Bakugo Katsuki
He wanted some space, right? He was the one who had shrugged off your hand and told you to stop being so damn clingy when he was trying to get work done, right? Then why did he feel so bad about it?
Bakugo wasn't really one for affection or remorse. He didn't think twice before letting loose a string of insults and words that would often hurt a person and sometimes felt pleasure by the offended looks he received because of it.
But he had come to realise early on that it was different with you. That he preferred your smiles over frustrated little frowns at being unable to dish an insult back at him.
Bakugo really hadn't meant to hurt you, he had just been frustrated with the pile of work he had to get done because of yet another outbreak during class. That, however, didn't warrant the harsh words he had spit your way.
"You're so clingy, do you not have anything else to do outside of annoying me?"
The recollection made his frown deepen as the blond walked towards the couch where you were sipping tea with Momo.
"Move, ponytail, I need a minute."
Usually, you would have bothered to at least send the other person an apologetic smile, but today you chose to remain silent and pretend he didn't exist. Just like you had throughout the entire day.
Your silence only worsened his frustration as Bakugo sat in Momo's place, watching how you turned forward the second your friend was replaced but never saying anything.
It was only when he had remained silent long enough for it to seem awkward that Bakugo spoke again, this time with his voice sounding a lot softer than it usually did.
"Look I was angry, okay?"
"When are you not?"
The retaliation wasn't exactly what he had expected, but it was better than your silence because that meant you were willing to talk through things.
"I shouldn't have been so rude, especially not to you. I'm sorry, won't do it again."
You turned to him as he spoke, seeming indifferent even when your tight frown finally began to vanish.
"And if you don't have an 'again'?"
This time Bakugo couldn't conceal his emotions fast enough, showing just how hurt he was at the idea of you leaving him, especially for something so small.
But his pain turned to determination in the blink of an eye, because Bakugo Katsuki was hellbent on keeping you as his even if it meant doing uncharacteristic things.
"How do you want me to make it up to you?"
It was then that you finally caved, accepting that his apology wasn't just another one forced out of him due to other people.
You took your time responding, only speaking when you were turned towards him with a hand hesitantly resting beside his on the bit of couch between the two of you.
"Next time you don't want me around, don't open the door and let me sit beside you in the first place."
Bakugo scoffed at your words, but chose to refrain from calling you an idiot or explaining how he did want you around, he just couldn't help but be distracted when you were in the same room as him.
Instead, he chose to intertwine your hands and change the conversation to something you liked.
Bakugo would never admit it, but he swore his smile widened tenfold once you finally smiled and seemed happy around him again. The gesture was enough to have him make a mental promise, one to never hurt you again.
Even if it was accidental.
A headcanon for this scenario (because I just had to):
Kirishima told Denki Bakugo was a manly man for apologising and that he would always apologise to his s/o, which led to an argument amongst the boys about whether or not people should apologise.
Mineta strictly believes you shouldn't because you seem weak. Sero strictly believes that is one of the many reasons why he doesn't have a partner.
Izuku and Iida began a calculative rant about when you should and shouldn't apologise which led to various arguments.
They asked for Aizawa's opinion the next day, who was far too tired for the group of eager teenage boys lowkey asking him for dating advice. (Izuku also asked All Might).
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto didn't understand why you were being this way.
It had been hours since 1-A had left for class that day yet you hadn't once spoken to him throughout that entire time. You hadn't even looked his way, a feat that he had previously considered impossible since you sat to his right.
It was only when Yamada began talking about English proverbs and how they worked that Shoto finally began to mull over his previous actions, wondering just what had compelled you to be his way.
And then, it clicked. A realisation so profound Shoto couldn't help but whip his head to the side and stare at your side profile as he silently tried to convey how apologetic he was.
He had given you his 'cold shoulder' as Midoriya call it.
Shoto really hadn't meant to tell you he had no time for your clinginess, which, in hindsight, was an awful thing to say to someone you were with. He had just been so busy training his left side and focusing on making concentrated bursts of fire that he couldn't help but snap when you approached him on the dorm rooftop.
If he was being honest, Shoto had actually been terrified that he would accidentally burn you and you would be scarred for life like him. The mere thought of it was enough to have him snap and do the first thing he could think of to make you go away, even if he unknowingly hurt you in the process.
Shoto wanted to apologise, he really did. So much so that he found himself secretly tearing a bit of his last page and writing you a note to convey his remorse as soon as possible.
You froze up the instant his folded paper hit your desk, making Shoto wonder whether you would actually read it or just toss it away in your anger.
He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when you finally reached for the paper and placed it on your notebook to secretly read it, but his relief was short-lived as Shoto watched you scribble something on the note, fold it up, and return it to him.
I can't apologise enough for my rudeness yesterday, will you please let me make it up to you? We can go get soba after school.
His eyes skimmed over his apology before quickly lowering to read your response.
Fine. But it's not a date, I'm still angry.
Seeing Shoto genuinely smile was a rare sight, especially in the middle of a class when all of their phones had been put away. Perhaps that was why Yamada couldn't help but look between the two of you and wonder just what had caused both of you to have a complete turn-around in your moods.
In the end, when he saw no sign of any broken rules, he couldn't help but simply sigh and turn back to the board behind him, muttering words that made him seem far older than he was.
"Teenagers, I swear."
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urzombiegf · 2 years
sapnap being rly needy and needing ur voice on discord while he jacks off and u control his movements yeah vdbwnfjjwnfkvks
urzombiegf back in business !!! >:) alsoo srry for no sex or orgasm in this !! i started to get distracted and got rlly excited abt posting -~- but ill do a second part if ppl ask !!
cw: joi (jerk off instructions), vibrator mentioned, mommy kink, nicknames (baby, good boy, love), e-sex, afab reader.
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you leaned back in your chair, fixing your headset calmly—a quiet ticking time bomb ready to go off any minute in the vc. sapnap muted, trying to compose himself as he fixed his sweats to hide the hard on he already had.
he shouldn't have gotten that excited over you teasing him to call you mommy, but he couldn't help it! your soft chuckle snapped him out of his trance, “ya’ need any help over there baby?” you asked teasingly. you didn't mean it that way, he didn't think so, but he couldn't help but get even redder.
“uh- um no im fine, chillin’ perfectly” he laughed awkwardly, now rushing for his water to calm down his breathing. your humming and typing being the only thing he could hear clearly.
you stared at his discord icon from the other side of the screen, typing away on your essay for a college class you could care less about. his breathing was heavy and you couldn't help but tease him a bit more, “wow sap, does calling me mommy really get you that bad?” but you didn't expect the muffled whine to ring out through your headphones.
a moment of silence passed as you both processed what just happened, the shock of it didn't stop you from responding. “sap are you hard?” you asked, trying to bite back a smirk as you could hear the shuffling and feel the shyness radiating from him. “love, i asked you a question” you reminded.
“um- yeah, sorry i shouldn't have gotten like that-” he almost started to ramble before you cut him off with a demand.
“take off your pants,” you ordered, sapnap felt a sense of familiarity with the order—only usually he was telling you to do this. “and turn on your camera.” you added smugly, making the already flustered man even redder.
he obeyed still, tugging off his pants and boxers hastily. turning on the webcam that had been gifted to him by george, he almost felt a sense of shame mixed within the desire knowing that the same camera used for his streams was capturing his leaky cock.
his hands stilled at his side, waiting for another order as he fidgeted. “rub the tip lightly with your thumb.” you said, the smirk now even more obvious in your voice as if it wasn't before. he whimpered at the tone, obeying your command as he rubbed lightly.
“spread your legs baby” your voice seemed to float all around him as he shyly opened them, giving you a better view of everything. his thumb still moving in fast circles, his little whines fueling your already inflated ego. “thats my good boy”
he shivered at the rasp in your voice, putting more pressure on himself—trying to get more pleasure. “mommy please, please let me jerk off- i fuck- need to, mommy ill do anything” his voice cracked and whined, his hips bucking up into air.
you hummed, a smug smile forming on your face as you tapped your fingers against your mouse. “why don't you go get that vibrator you love to use on me, and maybe ill think about it baby.”
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killerbananas · 2 years
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Caught Masturbating
Dialogue or thoughts of various AOT characters as they catch you getting off without them.
🔞 mdni | masterlist | varied readers
Characters [all 18+]: Annie, Armin, Bertholdt, Connie, Eld, Eren, Erwin, Gunther, Hange, Historia, Jean, Kenny, Levi, Marcel, Marco, Miche, Mikasa, Moblit, Nanaba, Petra, Pieck, Porco, Reiner, Sasha, Yelena, Ymir, Zeke
Warnings: smut; masturbation, fingering/hand job, oral, Dom/sub tones, degradation/humiliation, tiny bit of blasphemy, dubcon, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Daddy 1x, spanking, orgasm control, sensory deprivation
Key: "Dialogue." // 'Thought.'
AN: This is an old work of mine previously posted on tumblr.
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Punishes you
Annie | "You wanted to get caught. Didn't you? Well, I'm here now. So what will you do next, hm?"
Erwin | "And here I was going to let you ride my face tonight. Now you'll have to earn it."
Gunther | "Mm, very naughty of you. Didn't you want to be good for me? You really forced my hand here. Beg me a bit and I might let you pick your punishment, but you better make it fit the crime or I won't be so nice a second time."
Kenny | "Sweet thing, couldn't wait for Daddy? Look so needy all spread and wet. Shame it has to be this way. Ass up. Count loud so the neighbors can hear you or you don't come."
Levi | "Tsk, couldn't even keep it in your pants? Fucking brat. Don't get shy now. In fact, slap your clit three times or I'll make sure you don't get to sit for a week. Don't play with me."
Miche | "Oh, didn't even see me there? Then put your hands up and you're going to watch me come without being able to do a thing about it. Maybe you'll think before being so disrespectful next time."
Porco | "Woah, hands off what's mine, slut."
Yelena | "Make some room or I'll make it for you, brat. You were so busy getting yourself off, you didn't even know I was there. We need to figure out how to teach you some self-awareness. Maybe the flogger in the right spot at the right time will get it across better."
Ymir | "Oh, my bad girl. It's going to take a while to make this rule stick, huh? On your knees. Now."
Zeke | "You heathen. Come here before you make a mess. Ah, no. Crawl."
Joins you for mutual masturbation
Connie | "Hey! You're having all the fun without me. How about we watch each other?"
Eren | "Oh shit. Wha-hey, you got started without me? I'm hurt. I'll forgive you if you make some room for me, help me out."
Jean | "Fuck, you look amazing. Mind if I join you?"
Marcel | "Honey? You're up? Wha-oh. Wake me up next time. C'mere. Fuck you're so wet."
Marco | "Ah, woah. You know, we're usually better as a team. Think there's some room for me there with you?"
Pieck | "How about we see how long you can keep your hands to yourself if I lay next to you."
Petra | "I think this would be a good couple's activity. Scoot over."
Zeke | "You need some help there? Give me your hand and I'll guide you."
Watches you secretly
Annie | 'I should probably leave, but what's the harm when they look so focused?'
Armin | 'That's it. Spread your legs. Please, just a little mo-ah. To be those fingers...'
Bertholdt | 'Oh man, I shouldn't do this. It's wrong. Just turn around right now and... I didn't know they liked that. They look so beautiful. Maybe just a minute won't hurt.'
Eld | 'I wonder what they'd do if I stepped out. Would they be more likely to call me a pervert or give me a taste? Maybe both.'
Eren | 'Is that... it is. They look so into it. D-did they just say my name? Fuck, that's hot. I didn't know they were so vocal.'
Marcel | 'I don't think today could get any better.'
Miche | 'Shit. I hope they didn't hear my zipper. Then again, maybe it's better if they do.'
Reiner | 'I feel so guilty, but if they didn't want to be seen, maybe they shouldn't have made so much noise. Do they want to be watched?'
Watches you openly
Kenny | "Oh, fuck. What a goddamn sight this is. No, no, continue. You seem awful busy and I'm awful interested in a show tonight."
Eld | "I thought you liked spreading your legs. Seemed you were enjoying it a whole lot a moment ago. How about this... You do exactly what you were just doing and I'm going to watch those hands of yours. Then, after you catch your breath, you're going to watch me take you apart with mine."
Erwin | "Go slow for me, pet. You're so lewd and you blush so pretty. Can't end this too soon."
Hange | "Show me what you like. I wanna see you make your toes curl. Y'know, for science."
Levi | "Are you close already? Hands up. Stop whining or I'll have to stuff that insolent mouth of yours."
Mikasa | "Go on. Let me see you. Don't be shy. You're dripping like some kind of indulgent dessert."
Nanaba | "Hey there. Yeah, surprise, hah. What started all this, hmm? Miss me, sweetheart?"
Porco | "Keep going. You wanted to come so bad, then let's see it. But I bet you can't without my help. You know you come ten times harder when I get you off, but you seem so determined. Poor thing."
Sasha | "You look good enough to eat, baby. Show me how wet you are."
Blushes, asking if you need a hand or mouth
Armin | "I know you seem to be doing fine on your own, but do you trust me? I want to try something. Close your eyes. Is it snug? Can you see through it? Perfect. Lean back and enjoy yourself."
Bertholdt | "Don't be embarrassed, angel. I know, that's rich coming from me, but I mean it. Why don't you sit on my lap? Give me your hand and help me help you."
Mikasa | "If you want, I could just lay between your legs and give you a hand. What do you say?"
Historia | "Oh! I didn't realize you were home. Wait! Don't get up. Could I have a taste, please?"
Marco | "You seem a bit bothered. Want me to do that thing you like with my tongue?"
Moblit | "No, I'm not insulted. In fact, I'm enamored, if I can be honest. Can I try?"
Petra | "You look like you've got things, erm, handled, but could I, I mean, would you mind if I showed you a little trick that really does it for me? I bet you'll like it."
Reiner | "Wow. Sorry. I-uh, thought this room was empty. I'll just g--what? Are you sure?" [5 minutes later.] "C-can I join you? You look so fucking good. It'd be an honor to taste you. Please?"
Sasha | "Please? I'm starving! It's torture watching you and not playing."
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Thanks so much for reading! If you enjoyed this format and wanna see more, please smash the heart and tell me in the comments or tags of a reblog 💖
Taglist: @antoxsmith @bakidose @butwestillrememberyourname @casuallyck @chaotic-nick @eyesucket @pockcock @theinariakuma
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chuuyrr · 2 years
Hi! Can I request scarlet witch!reader transport everyone in jjk universe to tokrev universe because she misses Mikey? The toman boys are happy to see her again but gojo and the other student are confused because they don't see any curse spirit, then they realize its reader power. Thank you!
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader returns to toman
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): possible jjk & tokyo revengers spoilers
consider this request as the part two of scarlet bb fushiguro joins toman post :) thank you so so much for requesting and for being patient, i haven't written any requests in a short while—it warms my heart to be able to write a jjk x tokyorev request again <3
(p.s. the ones i previously slash recently posted are drafts i worked on bit by bit since school started, i'd write parts by parts whenever i get breaks and stuff, and speaking of tokyo revengers—my very tr series entitled venom is currently on-hold, i still got writer's block for it am so sorry 🧍‍♀️)
requests are open for a short time only :D
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it's been a long time since you traveled. you absolutely missed toman, especially mikey. ever since you told gojo, megumi, and his friends about the gang and uniform you were wearing, they forbade you from going back—giving a light scolding about how dangerous universe traveling is, how you are still inexperienced, and how gangs are bad—but we both know that's not stopping you. you spent the next few months practicing your chaos magic behind gojo's back, and once you had gotten the hang of it, you were able to return with one attempt this time—except you accidentally brought company.
you appeared in an abandoned lot. a dispute between two gangs had just finished, leaving unconscious and battered men scattered everywhere. paying no mind to your surroundings, you bolted towards a short-blond-haired boy and cried, "mikey! mikey!"
"..[name]?" you heard him utter your name.
mikey perked up at the sound of your voice. after turning around, his gang charisma subsided. with a gasp escaping his lips, he ran towards you, meeting you in the middle of the lot to hoist and toss you in the air before embracing you.
"[name]-chan! it really is you!" mikey beamed with joy.
it didn't take long for the other members of the tokyo manji gang to trail after mikey to see you. in an instant, you were smothered with tight embraces and headpats. the founding members, takemichi included, really missed you. if anything, they were incredibly happy to see you. it's been so long since they last saw you.
"what took you so long?" mikey's face contorted into a pout as he took you from draken's arms.
you explained, "my daddy won't let me use my traveling powers."
"i mean, it's quite understandable. if i had a child that has wiggly-woos magic and traveling powers, i would forbid them too." mitsuya chuckled softly.
takemichi asked, ruffling your hair. "does your dad at least know you're here?"
your pupils dilated at the mention of your father. no, it's not that you didn't tell him. you didn't even have plans to tell him about coming back to toman. you could feel his energy, his presence in this very world, along with several more people. you brought them along with you. well, fuc—"[name]? [name]!" mikey shook you as he and the rest of the boys stared at you in concern.
"are you okay? shit, is it because of the dimension traveling?" draken panicked in concern.
"no, you don't understand!" you suddenly cried out to them. "i didn't come here alone."
"huh, what do you mean firecracker?" baji raised a brow at you in confusion before looking around the lot. "there's no else here, well aside from these jackasses." he uttered the last part of his sentence as quiet as possible.
"my daddy's here! even my gumi-nii and his friends. uncle nanami too!" you gasped softly as you cupped your face in your hands. "i accidentally brought them with me. they shouldn't be here.."
"hey, calm down." kazutora rubbed shapes on your back. "it's going to be okay, yeah?"
"we'll help you find them." pah-chin grinned at you.
your eyes lit up with hope, "really? you guys will?"
"of course, we will. so, cheer up, okay?" mikey smiled at you, pinching your mochi-like cheek, causing you to giggle. "think of it as an adventure with us. you'll get to ride motorcycles!"
"okay, but who is taking [name] with them?"
with that, the founding members of toman fought all over again over who you would be riding with like last time. thirty minutes had already gone by and they were still arguing, so you decided to step in and randomly pick a person you'd do with, and you chose mikey, mostly because you miss him the most.
unlike before, toman bought you a helmet and it was mitsuya and draken who convinced mikey and the rest to buy you one for your safety. it was the same color as your chaos magic, scarlet. after mikey helped you put it on, you got on his CB250T and with that, you and the rest left to search for your family.
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the jujutsu sorcerers of the tokyo school were incredibly confused as to why everything was weird. all of a sudden, there was no more cursed energy. gojo yanked down his blindfold to take a better look at his surroundings. something was very wrong. they were no longer in the school; they were somewhere in shibuya, and speaking of shibuya, it looked different.
"this isn't a domain expansion, is it?" megumi looked at his gojo-sensei.
gojo shook his head, brows furrowing. "no, it's not. i don't feel or see any cursed energy, unless my six eyes stopped working."
"uh, guys?" everyone's heads turned towards yuji who suddenly became pale.
maki raised a brow. "what is it?"
"the year of my phone says it is 2008.." yuji swallowed thickly before showing each and everyone the date being displayed on the screen of his phone.
"we traveled back in time?!" nobara screamed only to get her mouth clasped by a hand—specifically by maki's hand.
the dark green haired woman whispered yell, glancing at the people passing by. "shhh! you'll attract us unwanted attention. panda is attracting enough attention already."
"no wonder things looks different." nanami rubbed his temples as he shook his head. "but how is this possible? this can't be a cursed technique or domain expansion, is it?"
"what if.. what if it was [name]'s doing?" gojo hypothesized, crystalline blue eyes widening as the thought of you crossed his mind.
"huh, but didn't you leave [name] to fushiguro's sister?" nobara blinked in confusion.
"i did leave [name], but what if she used her dimension traveling powers again and brought us with her?" gojo's hands now closed into fists. "what if this isn't our world?"
"then, that could explain the lack of cursed energy and spirits." nanami exclaimed.
"we should find [name]. she's the only one who can bring us back." panda said as toge nodded, muttering "salmon" affirmatively.
"how are we going to find her though?" nobara's face faltered into a frown.
"maybe she's at the musashi temple. remember when she told us about this biker gang she became a part of? [name] she met them there and it's where they hold gang meetings." megumi pointed out.
"we better get going. that shouldn't be far from where we are." gojo nodded his head.
all of them made their way towards the temple, and they couldn't help but stare in awe of their surroundings. they still couldn't believe they were back in the year of 2008. things have certainly changed since then, from trends to gadgets. it was a very nostalgic trip.
by the time they arrived at the temple, a horde of motorcycles came speeding at them, causing gojo and the rest to halt. as hundreds of men came for them, they spotted you with a scarlet helmet, riding a motorcycle accompanied by a blonde boy they weren't familiar with. gojo was the first one to recover from shock and ran towards you. his eyes widened when he saw the guy with you carrying you in his arms. although the blonde boy was about his students' age, something about his aura alarmed gojo.
when you opened your mouth to speak, you were taken from mikey's arms. your eyes widened to see gojo, your dad, now holding you firmly in his arms and nanami, along with the first year and second year students, surrounding you in a protective stance.
"oi, the hell are you doing with [name]?" the first division captain, baji, scowled at the four who stole you from them.
"how did he manage to take [name] from mikey that fast?" takemichi gulped.
gojo readied his technique and yanked down his blindfond. "don't worry, kikufuku. i got you, we got you."
"wait, no—you don't understand!" you panicked, your eyes dilating.
"i say we beat the crap out of these guys." draken cracked his knuckles, eyes hardening into a glare, assuming your dad, brother, and his friends were affiliated with the gang they had just pummeled.
"hand us, [name]." it didn't take long for mikey to go into 'toman leader' mode.
"i said stop it!"
as you screamed, a shockwave of your immense red power dispelled and scattered across the abandoned parking lot as everyone was held in place and prevented from tearing each other's faces off.
"don't hurt mikey and his friends!" you cried out to gojo, who was frozen in place by your red psionics. "they're the gang i told you about. they're nice people!"
mikey and the rest of toman's gaze softened at the sight of you defending them. "[name].."
once everyone had settled down, you released them from your chaos magic. as you made your way towards mikey, you hugged him by the waist, burying your face in his abdomen. the short blonde boy sighed and ruffled your hair, eyes still cautiously gazing at the confused and surprised looks of the jujutsu sorcerers.
"so, you're the gang that my baby told us about.." gojo began, blinking profusely.
mitsuya quipped, evidently confused. "baby?"
"that's my daddy." you lifted your head up to them as you explained briefly, pointing at the tall, white-haired man with your index finger.
"that's your dad?!" a series of gasps and surprised looks elicited from the tokyo manji gang in unison.
you took the initiative to explain to gojo and everyone about the tokyo manji gang once again. they were given reassurance that mikey's gang had done nothing wrong to you and that they were good people. sure, they beat up other gangs, but they look after each other like family. you also reminded mikey and the others about the existence of jujutsu sorcerers and how your family and brother's friends were sorcerers. as soon as you explained everything, you brought them all together and got them to reconcile.
"we're sorry for trying to fight you." draken bowed and so did the rest of the gang. "we didn't know that you were [name]'s dad."
"it's alright, kiddo." gojo managed a laugh. he still couldn't shrug off the fact that this tall blonde boy with a dragon tattoo embedded on his head was as tall as him.
"daddy, can i stay with toman for a little longer? pleaaase." you clung onto gojo's pant leg and gave him the puppy eyes as you pleaded. "i promise i'll take us back home later."
"oh, alright." gojo sighed in defeat. the limitless sorcerer picked you up from the ground and approached mikey.
pulling down his blindfold once again, he looked at the blonde and each and everyone else straight in the eye. "i'm leaving my baby in your hands for a little while. please, don't get [name] into such acts of violence."
"we won't." mikey took you from your father's arms, nodding determinedly. "we'd never let [name] get hurt."
"yeah, [name]'s a part of toman now. if anything, she's under our utmost protection now." pah-chin grinned.
it didn't take long for gojo and everyone to warm up to the tokyo manji gang when they saw the way you were treated like a younger sibling. it was very clear that these boys had grown fond of you, especially mikey, whom gojo had a bad first impression of. the short-blonde boy loved you to bits. from the way he would carry you, feed you dorayaki, and ruffle your hair lovingly, but most of all, it was your bright and happy smile that convinced them.
this world wasn't too shabby at all. it's no wonder you returned. maybe universe traveling isn't so bad after all, but they still found it weird how this world lacked cursed energy and spirits.
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starglitterz · 3 years
cynosure. (viii)
─── chapter 8 ! ~ this is how to be a heartbreaker.
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summary; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet’s cynosure?
a/n: HI I MISSED CYNOSURE SM I JUST TOOK AGES TO WRITE THIS BC OF IRL STUFF AKJWDKJSD BUT IM BACK NOW YEAHHHH aLSO this is quite a long chapter, so strap in for a rollercoaster ride >:) !!!!
as always, reading order is; 1 2 3 4
warnings; angst, hate comments, threatening
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@.kunikuzushi's latest video is #15 on trending; XIAO AND Y/N AREN'T AS PERFECT AS YOU THINK - HERE'S WHY!
without wasting time on clickbait rubbish, let's get right into the video. we all know the internet's current favourite 'it-couple', aka xiao and y/n from genshin impact's liyue third generation. however, i'm here to tell you why they are the most awful and toxic pairing to exist in the streamer fandom, and i've literally been shipped with tartaglia. speaking of which, go check out my other video on why his views have been declining recently! but anyways, before we delve into the deeper stuff, don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click on the bell to get notified whenever i post new videos - you wouldn't want to miss any, would you?
well, now that that's over... i'll start off by saying to please not send hate to any parties involved in this video. kidding! i genuinely could not care less whether you do or don't. as long as you don't say it's from me, you're in the clear, and that's just because i seriously don't want to get demonetised again.
i'd also like to mention that i'm a pretty diehard fan of xiao. that's a lie, i'd never heard of him before he was hired by genshin. but! i did some digging, with some assistance from my talented friend who prefers to be known only as 'the crimson witch', and found his past life. if you're unfamiliar with streamer terms, that's just slang for a persona a streamer used to play before they either retired or signed up to a company. i doubt any of you know who xiao used to be, as it's considered bad taste to doxx a streamer's previous character, but fun fact; i don't give a [####]! ah [####], now i've got to cut that out so i can still get ad revenue.
xiao's former life was as none other than part of the five famed yakshas! this is basically his tragic backstory, which then led to him signing up for genshin and being catapulted into worldwide fame and fortune; jeez xiao, save some main character moments for the rest of us! he used to go by alatus, and in case you don't know what happened to the yakshas, here's a quick summary. while they were famous for creating content as a group, one of the girls was accused of having a relationship, and the internet went wild. i'm talking mass unsubscribing, hate comments, dislike bombing - and not just on her account, on all five of their accounts and their shared account. things only got more heated when a respected updates channel, guess who? if you guessed yours truly, you're absolutely right! if you guessed anyone else... why are you even here? anyway, i posted a huge video about it, which actually kickstarted my career, and well, basically ruined theirs.
the entire internet hopped on a giant bandwagon of hating on them until finally, the group could no longer tolerate it, and the five yakshas were disbanded. nobody knew what had become of each of them, at least until now! i've solved the grand mystery of who xiao is, and now i'll get into why he shouldn't be with y/n.
first off, i pity xiao, okay? i made that video for clout and it actually worked, i didn't expect the yakshas to dissolve because of it. and so i want what's best for xiao, because he deserves some happiness after such a terrible sobstory. therefore, i believe that he shouldn't be with y/n at all! how long have we known her? only around a couple months, which as confirmed by venti's interview, is the same amount of time xiao's known her. yet in that short duration, y/n's been proven countless times to be a terrific flirt, constantly buttering up others in collabs with stupid pick-up lines and flirty expressions. honestly, the second-hand embarrassment i get from some of her videos is almost overwhelming. xiao, meanwhile, is the polar opposite; he's quiet, reserved, and barely does collaborations. y/n is hanging onto genshin impact by the skin of her teeth with the collabs, while xiao can hold his own in terms of content. at least his is watchable and doesn't make me want to bang my head against the wall.
xiao deserves better, because even if he's mooning after y/n, she doesn't even bother giving him a second glance. she treats him the same way she treats everyone else, like objects - another reason why you shouldn't support her. xiao is probably pretending to like her, which is understandable considering how many views their collabs get. human fall flat, valorant, gartic phone with the entire third gen, it's all great business sense, really. people are suckers for the grumpy boy sunshine girl trope, and they know that and make the best use of it. it's just a ploy to get more money from you, both from ads and superchat donations.
overall, xiao and y/n suck together, mainly because of how their relationship is obviously being faked for views. however, it seems like xiao might actually be catching feelings, which is also horrible because he deserves someone more caring and loving than the playful and childish y/n. especially after his backstory, that boy must have severe trust issues, so it's better for him to be saved from this before things get messed up and he ends up heartbroken.
that's it from me, scaramouche, hope you enjoyed the video!
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phone call !
outgoing call to y/n at 6.14 p.m.
xiao: y/n, are you with hu tao and yanfei now? are you safe?
y/n: hi xiao... yeah i'm with them at the mall. i'm waiting for them outside wanwen bookhouse, and then we're going to xinyue kiosk for dinner before heading home.
xiao: thank the archons, i was so scared for you. i was seriously contemplating driving out to help you somehow but i had no clue how. i was worried my presence might... exacerbate the situation.
y/n: aw xiao, thanks for being so caring. it's fine though, i'm still in one piece!
xiao: but that's the problem, y/n. it isn't fine.
y/n: what are you talking about?
xiao: it isn't fine that you were threatened with a knife outside a grocery store! by one of my fans, which makes it worse!
y/n: xiao, i told you it's okay. things like this happen when you're famous.
xiao: that doesn't make it right and you know it. this wouldn't even have happened if i didn't interact with you.
y/n: xiao, you can't blame yourself for your fans' actions. you don't control them, they're functional humans who make their own choices.
xiao: either way, the fact remains that you nearly got hurt because of me.
y/n: how is it because of you?!
xiao: my fans got jealous because i've been spending so much time with you, so they nearly attacked you! the blame can't fall on anyone else for that besides me.
y/n: and what about the fan? isn't it their fault?
xiao: yes, obviously it is. but we don't know who it is and i doubt we ever will. as an influencer, this is exactly why i'm supposed to stay away from problems like these.
y/n: problems like these? and what do you mean by that, xiao?
xiao: this entire thing between us!
y/n: you're saying all the time we spent together was just 'a problem' to you?
xiao: no! i mean- yes, but not in that way.
y/n: in what other way could that mean, xiao?
xiao: i mean that i enjoyed hanging out with you! i like you, y/n. a lot more than i should considering our jobs.
y/n: well i like you too, xiao! so who cares about that?! our fans, the good ones at least, will be over the moon if we become official.
xiao: and what about the bad ones? whatever happened today to you could happen ten times worse and next time you might not be so lucky.
y/n: that's a risk i'm willing to take.
xiao: i don't want you to be at risk! i can't let it happen again.
y/n: let what happen again?
xiao: nothing. look, y/n, i'm really sorry, but we've got to end this.
y/n: xiao, come on-
xiao: no. i need you to be safe and okay, even if that means distancing myself from you. i can't lose another person i care about.
y/n: by doing this, you're already losing me. please, xiao, just try to-
xiao: i'm sorry, y/n. it's for the best. i'm cancelling the collab we were supposed to have next week, and i'm not going to be interacting with you on social media or real life. at least not until this entire mess is sorted out, i can't endanger you further.
y/n: we can make this work, xiao, please.
xiao: goodbye, y/n.
call cut at 6.37 p.m.
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a/n; scaramouche is so fun to write for gn JKDAKWJDKJAS,,, also angst moment 😍HAHAHA i promised angst and here is the delivery, i hope u all enjoyed it! i, personally, am absolutely DEVASTATED over the end of xiaoyn 😞 but i'd love to hear yalls theories for what will happen next, especially since we've still got a ton of chapters left LOL ok anyways im too tired to write more for this a/n except im sorry for the long wait between chapters ! school is kicking my ass 😭 but ily all take care mwah !
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