#Fic: Burden
thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
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Chapter 13 | Chapter 15
Chapter 14: Hell Hath No Fury
TW: depictions of fear and loss, depictions of violence, blood, Dark Munin (aka Daunt), worried Dream, Hell, Lucifer, then some happier reunion type stuff, lots of feels this chapter, some immortal lovers bickering, fluff.
"Your people know you too well, Lord Morpheus," you said with a light smile as you stood with the now-white book in your hands.
"So it would seem," he huffed the grumpy expression on his face one you loved.
Everything was perfect one moment and then the next… A loud howl echoed through the tall shelves of Lucienne's library. Silver frost followed in its wake as visions of Sirius defending you and The Forest for all those years played in your mind. Then gold erupted in the room, and fire overtook the shelves and the books before it spiraled through the air into your eyes.
Sirius stood his ground, growling and biting at the many ashen hands that reached for him. Limbs of his attackers flew in every direction, but as mighty as your companion was, there were too many of them. You could feel their fingers tearing at his fur, pulling clumps of it out as they dragged him. You could feel every drop of his blood hitting the forest floor. He was afraid. He was calling out for you. "My lady! Munin!"
You felt a pained sound bubble up from your throat as the book you held fell from your shaking hands as you lifted one to your chest where the old wound now burned. "Munin!"
Morpheus, you thought, desperately lifting your head, hoping to free yourself of the horrid vision of your companions' pain. The tears that rolled down your cheeks burned hotter than you'd ever felt as your hand shot out, trying to steady your aching body on the solid wood of the library table. Your skin peeled away, and the usually painless transformation of your form was now a thing of torment. The table groaned beneath your sharp talons as Sirius' voice continued to call for you. His desperate plea to you made your heart ache, but when his voice was silenced by a muzzle being tightly around his mouth, you could have sworn you’d died again. Now their cruel words were all you could hear, and the violence of their hands was all you could feel. "No," you pleaded. Take me. Leave him! Just take me!
The sounds of the library warred against the screaming and laughter filling your head until everything exploded into fear, anger… Into darkness. "NO!"
A wave of mist washed over you as every bone in your body snapped and bent to make way for your quick and violent shift to your raven form. The stench of foul blood followed you as you flew up, crashing through the stained glass window. Forcing the doorway to The Forest to open to you as you clumsily flew. Darkness wreathed your realm. Storm clouds cracked with thunder and lightning.
Your body began to change again, shifting mid-air and sending you falling, plummeting to the twisted earth below. The trees around you screamed as you climbed from the crater filled with molten feathers and burning golden blood. Their roots twisted, and mist consumed everything as the realm around you cried out. "GONE! GONE!" The earth quaked beneath your feet. "THE STAR IS GONE!"
"Munin!" Morpheus' voice was drowned out in a sea of voices, all screaming as you run through the thick woods.
"SIRIUS!" You called out, desperate and afraid. A sob tore through your throat at the silence, the empty feeling that answered you. "SIRIUS!"
Blood and fur lined the path forward as smoke and embers shifted in the distant breeze. "MUNIN!"
The Forest floor was scorched with a large Pentagon, your companion's blood, his fur in the center, was all that remained there. Numbness filled your being as you fell to your knees, shaking hands and clawing at the dying grass to clutch onto the patch of white fur. "No…" The tears rolled down your cheeks as you cradled the small piece of your companion to your chest and sobbed. "Sirius…"
Footsteps echoed in the air alongside your wails and the grieving of the trees. "Munin."
"STOLEN!" The trees' voices echoed. "Stolen. Stolen." 
Your sobs stopped, and all sound stopped with them. Trembling, you looked up at your lover, clad in black. "They dare steal from me?" You asked a question not truly meant for him. "They dare scorch my forest and take from me that which is most dear?" The mist and darkness helped you rise to your feet, and the screams and tormented voices echoed all through your realm. "I will lay waste to every Lord… Every demon that had any part in this!" Every moment of pain, anguish, and anger filled your lungs, and you uttered a vow, "Hell will be empty when I am through."
Days had passed since Munin's companion had been stolen from her realm, and Morpheus' fear for her grew with each one. She did not eat or sleep and did not utter a single word not pertaining to getting Sirius back. He understood her pain more than most; only then the roles had been reversed. He'd been the one trapped and forced to watch Jessamy die trying to save him. Dream would not let Munin die, not just because he could not bear the loss of his love again, but because he knew it was not what Sirius would want.
The wolf had spent few years within Dream's realm, and though the two had not grown close in that short time, Dream respected the wolf greatly. He envied him, envied all the years he'd gotten to spend beside Daunt, healing wounds born of his own hands, wounds that should have been his responsibility to mend. Sirius had not liked him, few of his beloved's companions had, but the white wolf was dearer to Munin than anything. He was the last living piece of her life, as Daunt and Dream would not see him perish at the hands of Lucifer.
Lucienne pulled every book from the library that might hold a way not only for them to enter Hell lawfully but also to be free to leave it. Everyone lent their eyes to the cause, even his stubborn and rebellious nightmare. While everyone scrolled through old tome and spell books, Munin stood as still as a statue staring out the stained glass window. She'd stopped crying, but the pain of her companion's absence was visible to all that beheld her.
Her long, vibrant white hair that was usually pinned away from her face in intricate braids now looked tattered and dull, the braids she'd worn that day were loose from her pulling, and dirt and dried blood was still caked into the longest stands. Her clothes hadn't changed either, still covered in the dirt and grime that she'd knelt in as she wept. Her fingertips were slowly engulfed with black as the days passed, and her eyes no longer held their swirling shine of moonlight but instead the darkest memories of any that still dared to look into them.
She seemed more like Daunt had in the days he'd aided Desire in her torment, and it broke his heart. Even more heartbreaking a thought was she seemed like Daunt had in the short glimpses of her he got while she witnessed away. Cold. Angry. Wrong. Dream stared at her, silently vowing that he would not allow her kindness and gentle heart to fade.
"I've not found anything useful in this pile," Lucienne said with a tired sigh as she set the last book on top of all the rest.
Matthew picked at the pages in front of him with a sigh. "Same here. A whole lot of nothing."
Munin's dark fingers twitched, highlighting the dull stands of white fur she still clung to. Dream ground his teeth together so hard the sound echoed through The Dreaming. "We keep searching. There must be a way."
"This is a waste of time." Her voice did not even sound as it should.
"Oh, come on, Daunty, I thought you enjoyed a bit of readin'." The Corinthian tossed his book onto the table, earning him a swift glare from Lucienne, who reached over and lovingly checked the book.
"Now is not the time for reading and debates." She turned, looking at Dream with those dark eyes. "You can send me there."
His back straightened as he stepped himself for the battle. "I cannot return to Hell without being ensnared by Lucifer."
She did not relent. "You cannot go, but that does not mean you cannot send me."
"I will not."
"There would be no way for you to return."
Munin glanced at the fur. "I would make one."
He feared for her safety above all, but a part of him also feared what she would become with such bloodshed. Her promise in the burnt glen that day echoed in his mind, shining back at him through her eyes. "I will not risk your life, my love."
"Then you'd prefer Sirius to pay the price for this… This endless hunt for what does not exist?" Her breath hovered in the air around her as everything grew colder. "If he dies, then I will die with him. I cannot bear it. I will not."
Without fear or hesitation, he moved, striding across the library to her side. Dream took her hands in his and kissed them. "It will not come to that. We will find a way."
He caught a glimpse of something flash in her eyes but quickly forgot it once she melted into his touch, pressing her forehead to his lips. "He is the only thing left of who I was. I fear if he… I do not wish to lose that part of myself again."
The warm material of his cloak enveloped her as he kissed her head. "My love, everything shall be alright. I swear it."
If he had been paying close enough attention, he would have noticed how her fingers tightened in his coat, how Munin seemed to cling to that embrace longer than usual. If Dream of The Endless had really thought about it, he would have realized his lady love was saying goodbye.
The Downpour of rain brought back a familiar and lonesome feeling as you stared out at it in the dark night of the human realm. You'd slipped away from The Dreaming and your beloved Endless the first chance you had. They'd sacrificed days to your hunt and already lost their sovereign once. You could not risk Morpheus' life. You would not. The world needed him, and so did his people. You were also needed and loved, but you'd already taken the necessary precautions before coming here.
In the quite likely, event you'd not return to The Forest, Hector was instructed to contact Dream through Kat. He would resume control of your realm until a time when, if, you could return. Kat had been most displaced with your plan, but she'd understood. Sirius was more important than anything. He had guarded you and The Forest day and night for over a century, and you had promised that you would protect him. You'd not break such a vow, not to him.
So, there you stood outside the tall apartment building watching the rain. You'd been waiting for some time, though you hardly minded. If this witch could help you get to Hell, you'd wait for days. The flash of her white coat and blue umbrella pulled you into moving. You crossed the street in a puff of mist and stood at the base of the stairs leading up to the building. "Johanna Constantine?"
The witch turned, her dark eyes swirling with death, pain, and regrets. Her brows pulled together. "Depends. Who's asking?"
"I need to get to Hell." She looked curious at your blatant admission. "I was told you could help me."
"Have we met before?" She questioned. "You seem familiar."
"We've met many times, though none you would recall."
Her head tilted slightly, and her eyes narrowed more. "You an angel or something?"
Shaking your head, you took a step toward her. "Nothing so sacred, I assure you."
"A demon looking for a way back home?”
"A goddess," you finally said. "One in need of your help."
Constantine considered your request for a minute before she sighed, opening the door. "Jesus fuck." She eventually nodded you inside. "Come on then, let's make this quick."
It was an awkward elevator ride, to say the least. You wanted to be curious about the new things your eyes beheld. It had been so long since you'd truly explored the human realm. Much had changed in your time away. But, you could not afford distractions, not when Sirius needed you.
Shoving the apartment door open, you watched Constantine shed her coat and throw it haphazardly to the side. The mess was too much; piles of books, pillows, and random objects lay strewn about her apartment. How does anyone find anything in this place? You wondered. The witch seemed more than acquainted with her things as she effortlessly found a pile and began shuffling through papers. "You have a unique home."
She laughed, glancing up from her pile. "You're more polite about the mess than the last god I had here. Right fucking twat he was. Maybe you know him, the god of dreams."
You tensed. "Yes, he and I are… Intimately acquainted."
Johanna Constantine looked like she'd just heard the best thing in the world as her lips curved into a wide grin. "Well, well, old sandy pants found himself a lover. I have to say I'm surprised, given just how annoying he was when I had to deal with him."
That guilt you'd been trying so hard not to feel grew in your chest as you tried to change the subject, "How long is this going to take?"
"Not long," she replied, her eyes sparkling with curiosity at your quick shift. "Just have to find the right book. Wouldn't want you getting sent to the wrong place now, would we?"
"I suppose not."
"Why didn't he just send you?" She inquired, looking through another pile.
You sighed. "It's a dangerous trip."
"That it is," she agreed. "He must care about your safety a great deal."
Your eyes stung with held-back tears as you admitted, "He does."
Thankfully the witch seemed to lose her curiosity, shifting her attention to her search instead. The piles in her living room proved useless, so she moved to another room down a long hallway, instructing you to wait there. You waited, body humming with impatience and thinly restrained rage. The more time passed without Sirius safely beside you, the worse you felt. It was as though darkness and hatred had torn its way out of the deepest parts of you. Consuming all, it touched with a singular and desperate need to feel the blood of those that had done this on your skin. Kill them. A dark voice, yours and not, whispered. Kill them all.
You listened to Constantines' door open before turning to look at the nightmare that had followed you. "You shouldn't be here," you told him as he entered the dark apartment. 
His shades reflected the mess of your surroundings as he took in the space with a smirk. "What's the matter, Daunty? Scared I'll get all stabby?"
Under different circumstances, you would offer the nightmare a chuckle, but here standing in the witch's apartment, you felt nothing but impatience. "Given all that happened last time you roamed The Waking World, I'd say I have reason to be."
"Don't worry," he assured you. "I haven't come lookin for eyes to snag."
"Then why are you here?"
"Because I have eyes, and unlike everyone else, I know what you're planning," he answered. "Why you're here of all places."
You ground your teeth together, hands closing into fists at your side as frost began to line the windows. "If you think you can stop me-"
The Corinthians' brows furrowed as he shook his head. "Stop you? I'm coming with you."
"Constantine's gonna send you to Hell, and she'll be sending me right alongside you." The nightmare stepped forward, carefully extending his hands to take your own, not flinching at the cold that spread up his fingertips. "I ain't gonna let you die again."
You held onto his hands, the black that stained your fingertips contrasting against his white sleeves. "And what does Dream think of your absence?"
Corinthian tried his best to control the smug upturn of his lips as he answered, but, of course, failed miserably, "He doesn't even know I'm gone yet."
"Corinthian," you chided. "You've only been back a few weeks and you're already breaking the rules."
"I'm not breaking any rules this time," he replied. "I'm simply fulfilling the duties of my function."
You sighed. "And how are you doing that? Last I checked, we were awake, and no one is in need of a nightmare."
"My new function ain't just giving out bad dreams." He tilted his head down slightly.
"A nightmare that doesn't give nightmares?"
He shook his head. "I still give nightmares. But I've got something above that now." 
"And that is?"
"Keeping you safe."
"What?" Your voice nearly cracked as the weight of his words settled in your mind. 
"I told you his irony was poetic."
For a moment, you couldn't help but feel the guilt for going behind your lover's back, for doing the very thing he'd feared and risking your life. But Sirius was gone, stolen by The Morningstar, and you would not waste another moment trying to find a safer way. Not while his life hung in the balance. Not while your promise to protect him lay broken at your feet. You rested your head against the nightmare and let loose a few of the tears you'd kept at bay from the start. "Thank you."
The Corinthian pat you back with a wet chuckle. "As much as I loathe to admit it, the one you should be thanking is Dream."
"I will," you said. "But you're here now, willing to risk your life to come with me, and that… It's worth a thank you."
"Well," he chuckled. "You know me. I'm always lookin for a good life-threatening experience. Besides, I like the new mutt too much to just leave it all on you."
As she returned, the witches' footsteps echoed down the hallway, pausing with the book in her hand. She studied The Corinthian with a vague look of caution. "Who's this?"
The nightmare tipped his hat and smiled widely. "Names Corinthian."
"Like that serial killer?"
"Ah, good, you've heard of me."
Her eyes shifted to yours with a raised brow. "He's joking, right?"
"Afraid not." You sighed. "But don't worry, he won't hurt you."
The Corinthian shrugged, tucking his hands into his pant pockets. "I'm on a new diet."
Johanna shook her head and started moving furniture. "Jesus fuck. Your lot are always so troublesome." The woman drew a pentagram with different symbols than the ones you'd seen used by demons. "Alright, it's fairly simple. You just stand in the center while I recite the incantation. I warn you, though," she looked up, the warning clear in her eyes before she even spoke it. "It's a one-way trip. I can get you in, but the way out will be entirely up to you."
You looked at The Corinthian. "Last chance to go back to The Dreaming."
He linked your arms, tugging you close. "And miss all the fun? Not a chance, Daunty."
The two of you stepped inside the center together and held on tightly as Johanna recited the words in her book. Ash and embers lifted from the lines on the floor, and the two of you felt a sudden drop. It was as if the floor beneath you had simply vanished as you moved from the mortal plane into a desolate nothingness. Mountains and a chill colder than anything you'd felt surrounded you.
Hell. It was as you'd remembered from the very few times you'd found yourself here, but this time you had a purpose. This time you had power. With the nightmare beside you, the two of you trailed behind the line of damned souls until you reached the arch of twisted bodies and burnt flesh. Squaterbloat, the demon charged with guarding the gate, stood on the other side, his massive figure moving through the dust. “There’s one at the door. At the gate of damnation. Is thief, thug, or whore? There’s one at the door. And there’s room for one more till the end of creation.”
“This is the one and only chance I will give you,” your voice was but echoes of the demon’s darkest memories. “Open the gate and step aside.”
He chuckled, opening his mouth to speak the insults that demons knew best, but you waved your hand before even a sound could escape. Mist engulfed Squaterbloat, blinding him with memories that made his long-dead and decrepit heart beat once more. Demons belonged in hell, their dead bodies blending with the ash and dead trees. They did not feel anything but hunger, a longing for their pain to be spread across the world until all knew their suffering.
Pain was a thing demons did not fear so easily, but the memories of what they loved… the things they could no longer have or feel. That was true pain. With deep guttural wails, Squaterbloat collapsed to his knees, holding his chest with his hand. “Make it stop!”
You pressed a hand to the gate, slowly closing your fingers and watching the gate crumble like long, withered roots. Stepping inside with The Corinthian close behind you, the two of you walked forward, leaving the gatekeeper to suffer. Hell could not keep you out, and mercy was something you’d long abandoned the thought of. Lucifer would beg you, just as Squaterbloat and all the demons that stood between you and Sirius would.
There was no turning back now.
Most would find the road to Lucifer’s palace to be difficult to find and even more difficult to tread, but you’d been here before. You’d memorized this path just in case you found yourself trapped here again. Waves of demons, either sent to stop you or simply with the bad luck of having been tasked to march the road, met the blade of the nightmare. His body moved faster than you’d expected. The gleam of his knife catching in the fiery glow of the sky was all you could see. His smile was wide as he dug his blade into a demon's throat, putrid blood gushing as he ripped it free. The remaining demon tried to turn and flee - not a heroic lot his kind - but was stopped by dark roots winding around his legs and stabbing through his body until he was impaled upon the tree-like structure, begging you to kill him.
This pattern continued all up the path until you stood at the gates of Lucifer’s palace. Blood oozed from the stone doorways as they opened to you. Lucifer knew you were here. They likely had from the start, but they didn’t know that you would not be playing games or participating in a challenge for your companion. No. You would get what you came for, or Hell would need to find a new sovereign.
The shimmering black steps echoed with yours and The Corinthian’s footsteps, each pronounced one holding the echoes of your anger. When you finally stood in front of the open room where lit braziers of roaring flames illuminated the two black wings of the devil, it all came flooding back. Every ounce of pain Sirius had felt, all his pleas for your help, every moment. Golden hair glistened in the light as Lucifer turned, a smile on their lips. “Hello, Daunt.”
Silver flashed off to the side, a movement so quick you’d barely caught it. The Corinthian caught it first, sliding from the shadows to block the blow of Mazikeen’s blade with his own. Teeth bared, and a light chuckle echoed off the walls. “You must be Mazikeen.”
The scarred-faced warrior growled, ripping her blade away from his and whirling around to try and strike me again. The Corinthian laughed now, easily blocking every blow she tried to land. Lucifer held up their hand, and the demon paused. “Now, now, Mazikeen. Let us greet our guests properly.”
“They are not guests!” She replied. “They are intruders!”
“Intruders?” You questioned, eyes bearing into her own, digging up every memory of her mother and the pain that they held. “How ironic coming from those that came into my realm uninvited.”
Tears stung the demon's eyes as she forced herself to look away from you. Lucifer stepped down from their perch on the balcony with a tense smile. “Has something happened, Daunt?”
Stepping up alongside them, you shook your head. “Do not try to fool me. Give back what was stolen, and I may spare your pathetic kingdom.”
“The mutt,” they replied, feigning remembrance. “Ah yes, I’d forgotten about that little gift a few of my demons had given me. Don’t worry. The creature still lives.” They gestured to the balcony, and with a tight chest and no breathing, you moved, looking down into a pit of demons gathered around a fighting ring. Sirius was in the center, slow and weak but fighting off every demon that came toward him with bared teeth and loud snarls that sent you a burning feeling. “My demons have had quite the time with him.”
You ground your teeth together, turning to glare down at them. “Release him. Now.”
“Oh, if only it were that simple.” They laughed. “You know our laws. A challenge must be completed.”
“A challenge.” You nodded. “Very well, Lucifer Morningstar. I challenge you.”
“And I accept this challenge.” Their attire changed in a blink, black sleek leather and a greatsword resting between their hands. “Ever since I heard of your survival, I’ve wanted to see just how powerful you’d grown.”
"And see you shall. Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar, what would you give to see The Silver City again?" You asked, mist sliding past your tongue. "To see your family before it was torn apart and you were cast out?"
Lucifer's eyes began to gloss over with frost, frozen onto your face, almost as if they could see the memory beginning to take shape in your eyes. They fought against the strong current of your power, lifting the great sword and swinging it down where you once stood. The blade met nothing but mist as you appeared behind them. "You dare-"
"You moved against me. Time and time again, you have tried to kill me, to take my realm for yourself. Tried and failed." The mist grew around you, swirling with the echoes of heaven as Lucifer swung wildly, each blow catching nothing. "You have invaded my home for the last time. You have stolen from me for the last time. Now, I will have my retribution."
"I only wanted The Dreaming. If you would have simply stood aside-"
"ENOUGH!" It wasn't your voice that echoed off the walls of Hell's palace.
"Father," Lucifer breathed out, disbelief and bitterness coating their tongue. A dark root shot out, impaling them as they once had impaled you. The sword clattered to the ground as they fell to their knees, and frost finally overtook their eyes, locking them onto you.
You sighed, moving to stand over them, lifting your hands to their face. "Give me what was stolen, and perhaps I shall leave you with a memory as a gift. Refuse, and I shall plague your realm and all within it with their most haunted memories."
"I'd listen to her," the nightmare warned. "Having her haunt you isn't exactly a good time."
Lucifer shook with effort as they finally managed to pull the dagger from their belt and drive it into your side. Grinding your teeth together, you let the wound burn, refusing to give them even a single sound of pain. Your fingers curled into claws, digging into their head and puncturing their skin. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the nightmare and the daughter of Lilith face off once again, death shrouding them like a cloak. In the devil's eyes, you saw a spark, one tiny glint of worry as they, too, noticed the battle between their most trusted demon and Dream's most fearsome nightmare rage.
"Give him back to me," you whispered. "Do this and end the bloodshed."
"You've killed thousands of my demons-"
"And I will kill thousands more," you answered coldly. "Mazikeen will be the next to fall."
Lucifer pulled the knife from your side with a hot, tempered breath, and you let their head go. Blades stopped clashing, the two loyal warriors standing still to watch both of you. With a shaking hand, Lucifer touched their scaled wing, a single tear spilling from their eye as they realized the memory you'd shown them was just that. Their wings were still scaled, no longer the lovely feathers white. They were still Lucifer Morningstar. The devil. "Take your mutt and go."
"My liege-" Mazikeen began to protest, but the devil had made up their mind.
You could see their memories, a crown of gagged thorns that was filled with more pain than most, but buried beneath it, all tiny flowers still bloomed. Your hatred for them burned hot inside your chest. All the pain they'd caused flashed before your eyes, and yet, despite the voices shouting at you to kill them… To take your vengeance, you could not bring yourself to do it. The mist began to settle.
“You live because I allow it,” you sneered, pulling the root from their gut. “And that shall change if you ever enter my realm again.” Plucking the small flower, the brightest of the dim memories, from its thorned crown, you dropped it onto the ground in front of you, now a glass orb containing the memory of the once beloved child of God. “I leave you this memory not out of kindness but so you shall forever remember just how far you have fallen, Samiel.”
Their face contorted slightly at the sound of their true name, more tears slipping down their cheeks as you turned from them toward the balcony. The Corinthian tipped his hat to Mazikeen as she knelt beside her sovereign. "Til next time, demon."
Mazikeen's hiss echoed as you descended a stairway of mist into the center of the fighting pit where Sirius now lay. The demons had stopped their attacks after Lucifer had accepted defeat, but that would not spare them from you. Mist engulfed every demon that had touched your beloved wolf, burning and rotting their bodies and minds as you took Sirius into your arms.
His injuries were many, but your companion would live without any further improvements to his life. With The Corinthian close behind, you walked the path of dead demons and slipped out of the destroyed gate, walking past a new batch of damned souls and into the desolate plane of Hell. You willed a portal to your realm into being and passed through to your room. Laying Sirius on your bed, you let your tears fall onto his dirty fur, the pain and torturous fear of his absence now finally over. The Corinthian set a comforting hand on your back as you held the white wolf to your chest and sobbed into him.
You tended to his injuries and thanked the nightmare for his aid before he returned to The Dreaming. Morpheus would be angry with you. It was a fact you'd been well aware of and yet one that you now dreaded. His ire was unpredictable, and in the past, it likely would have been the end of all you'd built. However, you did not know how he would react, something that perhaps frightened you more than the alternative. 
Sirius stirred softly, his glowing blue eye blinking open to settling upon your face. For a moment, it seemed as though the stoic wolf had intended to just greet you normally, but then a harsh sob erupted from him, and he began to whimper. You curled yourself around him, stroking his now clean fur and whispering soft words to him as he cried. "My lady… Munin," he cried out. "I was so afraid."
"It's alright now," you reassured him, kissing his head. "Oh, my star! I'm so sorry!"
“I fought as hard as I was able,” he tried to explain further as you quickly shushed him.
“All that matters is you’re here now, with me, where you belong.” You cried quietly. “I never wish to be without you again, Sirius. Not ever.”
The two of you lay in the large bed, snuggled close as Sirus whispered. “Never.”
Dream didn’t come until the next day when Sirius healed, and you rejoined your realm. Your mighty wolf sat beside a large fountain, being showered in attention by the children. The tall figure clad in black approached you slowly as the children began braiding flowers into Sirius’ fur. “My lady,” he said stiffly.
“My lord,” you replied. “Is it time for my scolding already?”
Dream’s brow quirked slightly. “Are you in need of one?”
You held his gaze, searching his eyes for that familiar dark, brooding anger. “You don’t have to pretend you’re not upset with me. I misled you. I left… I went against your wishes.”
With a soft breath, he turned away, looking at the wolf and the children. “I was angry. Very angry.”
“But you aren’t now?” You pressed cautiously.
“Lucienne made a valid point that made me… reconsider the situation.” He admitted. “If I had been in your position if it had been Jessamy… or Matthew or Lucienne or you… I would not have waited either.” His lips tugged up into a smile. “Besides, you seemed to know what you were getting into.”
You smiled, too, the guilt and the nervousness washing away. “I’m afraid The Corinthian has a part to play in that. He did follow after me to fulfill his function.”
Morpheus nodded. “I am glad he’s at least taking that duty seriously.”
“Thank you,” you whispered to him.
“I am glad you were not hurt,” he replied, reaching out to take hold of your hand. “And I am glad to see your beloved companion alive and well.”
The two of you stood, hand in hand, side by side, watching the children with a loving gaze. You wondered if this was what the future held for you and him. Watching children, perhaps your own, from afar enjoying moments of bliss. Unbeknownst to you, Dream of the Endless was thinking the same thought, hoping that one day both of you would be blessed with children of your own. Cosmic terrors to fill both your days with the purest form of love a being could experience.
As you walked the neatly cobbled streets of your people’s growing town, you could see the top of the unique and entirely inspired home peeking out from the small glen. Gently leading him toward the two trees and the marvelous odd home nestled behind them, you said,  "There's someone I want you to meet. I think the two of you will get along quite well.”
Dream slowed, his eyes scanning the two faces of the trees before he drew in a sharp breath and stopped entirely. Hector tended to the small garden he'd been planting with focused brows and beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. You called out his name, drawing his attention to you instantly. His friendly smile was as wide and beaming as it always was until his gaze shifted to Dream. 
His features darkened slightly as he stood. "My lady Munin."
"I wanted to show my companion your home," you said.
"He's quite familiar with it." Your brows furrowed slightly. Hector looked at Dream rather coldly. "I didn't think I'd be seeing you again."
Dream straightened his back and clapped his hands behind him. "Nor I you, spirit."
His starlit eyes shifted, the memories swirling in them and bringing your mind the recollection of the scene you had also been present for. Your eyes widened slightly, and with a soft breath, you glanced between the two of them. "Oh…"
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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mochiajclayne · 2 months
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He got it bad since Punk Hazard like why are you smiling at the mere idea of Luffy taking advantage of you. HJSDGHGHDGD.
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rawrsatthetree · 10 months
Tired: Tav that’s good for Astarion cause they play therapist and give him support and space to heal
Wired: Tav that’s good for Astarion cause they’re such a disaster he has to get his shit together cause gods above one of them needs to be a functional adult
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glorysbox · 11 months
breeding w di Leon ??????????😩😩
leon x afab!reader
wc: 1.8k
tags: explicitly 18+, breeding obvs, pregnancy mention, reader has breasts
“I’m getting old.” Leon mutters, pausing momentarily to sip at his mug full of coffee that you’d brewed for him a few moments earlier. You raise an eyebrow at this; head turning ever so slightly to meet his gaze. It’s been a few weeks since he’d been on the mission to Alcatraz. There’s been a personality shift that’s come over him in this time—at first, you just chalked it up to self-reflection from a near death experience.
Maybe there’s something else to it.
“You keep saying that,” you note, attention back on the kitchen counter as you prepare breakfast for the both of you. “You’re not.”
“I am. You can’t deny it. And you know, well…” he sighs, setting the mug down. “I’ve been thinking about some things. About us.”
This gets your attention. You turn fully to face him now.
He stands, advancing towards you, trapping you in between his body and the counter behind you. Leon’s lips are on yours nearly immediately—and while you appreciate the gesture and the taste of hazelnut coffee creamer that lingers in his mouth, you’re feeling a bit…
Your nerves quickly shift into a feeling of something else, the sensation of Leon’s hands squeezing on your waist quickening your heartbeat—that familiar aching between your thighs reddening your face at his touch. His eyes are on you as you part, examining the pretty slopes and curves of your face—but your nerves quickly shift back to that feeling of uncertainty.
“I love you,” he starts, hands furthering up your torso. One hand runs over the curve of your stomach, shifting back to the fat of your hip. “And I’ve been thinking about just how good you’d look pregnant.”
Your breath comes out in slight pants at the feeling of his hands tracing over the contour of your body. Leon leans in, placing feather-light kisses over the soft skin of your neck—the feeling of his lips and the prickle of his stubble admittedly making your knees weak. He smells good, like home; like aftershave and cologne from the night before when he’d fallen asleep with his arms around you.
His hands snake up the long shirt that you’re wearing—one of his that you’d fished from his dresser ages ago—traveling from your waist up to cup your breasts. His tongue runs over the shell of your ear, warm breath fanning over the sensitive feel of your skin. You shudder.
“Think about it. Me, you, a family…” Leon’s tone is hushed as he speaks in your ear, thumb toying at the sensitive peaks of your nipple. You feel him smile as he places a kiss on your temple, something you can hardly focus on from the feel of his hand caressing your breasts. “Don’t you want that?”
“I—” Your breath hitches at the feeling of deft fingertips running along the now sodden cotton of your panties, thighs shifting and molding around the shape of his hand between your thighs. “I… yes, of course. I mean, I’ve thought about it, but…”
“But?” He questions, tugging the wet fabric aside enough for his fingers to drag along your sticky folds. Leon’s breath fans on your neck, his cock stiff against the inside of your thigh. It’s thick and hard and throbbing and has your walls clenching around nothing—needy from just the idea of him being inside of you.
“But…” Your voice is low, teetering out pathetically at the feeling of the pad of his thumb toying with your clit. His movements are slow and methodical, circling—almost too much while simultaneously being not enough. “Your job, and…”
The way your bottom lip catches in your teeth makes him want to kiss you—and fill you with his cum—all the more. It’s been plaguing his thoughts ever since Alcatraz.
“We can work that out,” he mumbles, finger hovering around your entrance, collecting the arousal that seeps from you in anticipation. Your nails dig into the muscle of his forearm, head hanging low at the feeling of the digit threatening to breach inside of you. It’s too much. But not enough. “Work’s been slowing down. Doubt that they’d want to keep an old man like me out on the field too long anyway.”
You go to speak—you want to scold him for calling himself old, even though it’s undeniably true—but you’re cut off by the sound of your own whine at the feeling of his finger pushing its way inside of you.
He only goes as far as the first knuckle… but the gasp that falls from your lips coupled with a low moan has him a bit too eager to hear more from you. Leon inserts a second finger, the pad of his thumb pressing a fleeting amount of pressure on the sensitive bud of your clit. He’s patient as he finger-fucks you, scissoring you open with methodical movements that have your knees weak and your face hot.
You’re too busy whining his name to realize the way he’s looking at you.
Too needy to notice the way his cock throbs at the feeling of your wetness around his fingers; too drunk on his touch to see the way that his blue eyes are trained so intently on the sight of his fingers slipping out of you and pushing their way back inside. He slides his fingers out of you, marveling at the strings of sticky arousal that cling to them.
“So,” he pauses momentarily—brings his fingers to his tongue—and wraps his lips around them. “Did I convince you?”
You nod.
It’s not long before you feel the coldness of his fingers—wet from you and from his own mouth—hooking along the lace hem of your underwear to tug them down. The cotton pools at your ankles.
“You’re fucking me on the counter?” The question falls from your lips breathlessly; the feeling of his hand squeezing at the fat of your ass eliciting more noise from you than you’d be willing to admit.
“Sure am,” he mutters, the ghost of a smirk on his lips as he pulls the fabric of his pants down just enough to free his cock. “Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of time to make up for this. I intend on—“
He hoists you up properly, arm keeping you suspended in the air, eyes on the slick sticky mess that’s littered your thighs. Instinctively, you wrap your legs around his waist. The head of his cock prods at your entrance—leaking precum enough to leave you wondering if he’d left a sticky stain on the cotton of his gray boxers.
“—stuffing you full of cum everyday until I see a positive test.”
Something tells you that he plans to make good on his promise.
He slides into you slowly; the pace agonizing as his cock stretches and splits you open—your walls shaping around his size, nails digging further into the skin of his arm. You shudder at the sound of his voice in your ear; low and needy and whiny for the feeling of the warmth of your walls instinctively gripping around his shaft.
“Leon,” he audibly groans at the sound of his name from your lips—how breathless and pretty and needy you sound for him. “Please, I—“
His fingers leave indents in the skin of your ass, his hips pressing into you so agonizingly slow to the point where you’re beginning to ache from the feeling of needing him so desperately.
“Come on,” Leon buries himself to the hilt—reveling at the feeling of the softness of your body against his. The granite edge of the counter digs at your back; a non-issue considering the fact that you’re struggling to keep your composure at the feeling of Leon balls deep inside of you. “You can take it.”
You nod.
Crescent moon shaped indentations are left on the muscle of his back, red and angry—unnoticed by the feeling of him plunging into you; his hips flush against yours with each slip of his cock inside of you. Sticky strings of arousal begin to line down his thighs—the creamy ring pooling at the base of his cock fueling the pathetic whimpers that slip from your and his lips.
Leon roughly fucks into you, pace unforgiving as your insides uncontrollably quiver and squeeze around him. You pray that no one can hear the both of you through the opened window of your kitchen—the sound of his balls slapping against your skin entirely too loud—coupled with the noisy moans that seep from your lips and the low grunts that seep from his. You can hardly tell the color of his eyes; his pupils blown so wide that you’d mistake them for brown if you weren’t aware they were blue.
He leans forward—hips still snapping against your own—and presses his lips against your own. It’s uncoordinated. It’s needy. It’s wet and sloppy as he struggles to focus on the fact that he’s supposed to be kissing you when you feel so good and tight and wet and warm around him.
He greedily tongues at your lips and greedily ruts into your pussy, movements bordering on feral at the feeling of you and the thought of stuffing you with his cum. The pretty noises that fall from your mouth drive him forward, lips still on your own as he swallows every semblance of a mewl that you make from the feeling of his cock dragging along your walls.
Leon pulls away for a moment—lips reattaching to your neck, trailing to your throat, savoring the taste of your skin. He’s losing himself. Losing himself to the overwhelming urge to put a baby in you; to the idea of your body softening and breasts swelling and hips widening—to the idea of just how perfect you’d look with his kid in you.
You squeal at the feeling of the pad of his thumb on your clit, thighs clenching and trembling and shaking around his waist—nails digging further into the meat of his back as his relentless pace falters and rhythm stutters towards sloppiness. Leon coaxes you further towards your orgasm, motion of his thumbs pulling an orgasm from your swollen, throbbing clit; the pulsating of your walls pulling him deeper into you and effectively milking his cock.
The sight of you—back arching, legs trembling, jaw slack, body spasming—it’s too much. His cock twitches, his hips sputter; his grip on you borders on pain—and you can’t do anything but take it. You feel it before you realize it. You feel the slight quiver of his body against yours. You feel his lips on your throat, tongue pressing on the rapid pulsing of the vein on your neck. You feel the warm, sticky ropes of his cum that he’d stuffed in you with no shame.
He places slow kisses along your jawline—cock still stuffed in you, plugging his cum inside—and again, you feel the ghost of a smile on his lips.
“Mm.” Leon’s voice is barely audible as he mutters in your ear. “S’ not enough. Let me give you some more.”
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farshootergotme · 2 months
Dick going back to his parents graves after every traumatizing event because they're the only ones that can listen without getting hurt.
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eiraeths · 2 months
medicated ghost who self isolates when he can’t get meds. thinks he’s a horrible person to be around and he could never do that to the people he cares for. calls himself a burden. he never gives them the chance to care in the first place. never lets anyone decide how much of his baggage is too much to carry.
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adastraetretro · 5 months
"Does it hurt?"
"I'll be okay."
"That isn't what I asked."
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crystallizsch · 5 months
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thinking about jamil traveling alone for the first time but for some reason you’re still constantly on his mind
(i’ve been thinking about this and i just needed to get this out of my system and omg this was just supposed to be shorter but it ended up wayyy longer than intended)
(this is also an attempt at another x reader and it was proofread only by myself. some things might read awkward so go easy on me, i barely write 😔😔😔)
(kind of like a future au??? and can be read as romantic/(queer)platonic??)
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Jamil had been planning this trip for months.
He had always wanted to travel to a new place by himself where he didn’t have to worry about anything or anyone else. Just himself and his own enjoyment.
Jamil planned on maximizing this whole trip. Reading everything about the place and making sure to see all the things that he would want to see while he was there.
However, you made sure to let him know that he should let himself loose and enjoy his trip naturally. It was supposed to be a fun, stress-free trip after all. Planning it out entirely defeats the purpose of that.
He needed to embrace a little bit of unexpectedness. You said it was “all part of the fun”. If he knew everything there was to expect, what would be the point in visiting?
Jamil saw what you were saying and admitted defeat. He gave you the benefit of the doubt and decided to have flexible and “loose” plans, as you suggested.
Meanwhile, Kalim had already thrown a whole “goodbye” party for him. Thank goodness that Kalim had gradually learned over the years to be more aware of Jamil’s wishes. They simply compromised on a small and humble party (even though Jamil would have preferred not to have one in the first place).
You came with Jamil to drop him off at the station where he was heading. You both exchanged your usual banter, and you wished him safe travels and for him to have fun especially.
You thought you imagined it, but before he was about to leave, he looked like he was about to say something else. And he definitely was about to. You'd never know what it was though.
Instead, Jamil simply bid you farewell.
As Jamil was walking away, you playfully shouted after him to not forget about you. It was only a joke (for the most part).
Jamil didn’t look back, but you know he rolled his eyes in exasperation. And he certainly did, which was followed by a soft smile on his face that you wouldn't get to see.
Once he reached his destination, Jamil took in the new sights. He breathed in fresh air, his chest feeling lighter and more relaxed.
It felt wonderful that, in this place, he was just another face in the crowd. Nobody knows him. And he knows nobody. Everything was new and unfamiliar and he reveled in that feeling. You were right, it was better to experience these things firsthand as being there felt like a fresh start. Even though he knew that this anonymity would only be temporary.
One of the first things Jamil made sure was to keep his phone out of the equation. He needed to experience everything naturally without having the need to document what he saw as well as the stress of other people contacting him.
Jamil might have partially failed on the latter. He had to have his phone open for emergencies for certain people. Unfortunately, some worries and responsibilities can’t really fully leave him.
Jamil first visited an antique clothing store. It was a charming and unique place filled with different kinds of wear, displays of jewelry and trinkets, and of course, the touristy souvenirs. Those were noticeably out of place, but it was to be expected.
Having experience and knowledge about his own job of being aware of what is around Scalding Sands, Jamil was delighted to know that the majority of the products in this store, at least, seemed to be of genuine quality.
Jamil may have to come back to this place. He thought you would really like that little trinket he saw through the window.
As Jamil strolled through, he was surrounded by a vibrant mix of sounds and colors adorning the streets. Individuals, families, tourists, and locals bustled about. There were even street entertainers as well as vendors who tried to sell him their wares, which was always amusing to say the least.
A catchy melody caught Jamil's attention, and he spotted a breakdancer performing on the street. He thought to himself that he might try out the routine for fun, and he'd ask what you would think. You'd enjoy the performance too, wouldn't you?
Jamil was exploring when he unexpectedly stumbled upon some festivities. It appeared to be the festival he had read about that he hadn't planned on participating in until later. Since he stumbled upon it now, he figured he might as well just check it out.
As Jamil looked around, he noticed a dance circle filled with people of all ages. Friends, families, and couples were all dancing together. He felt compelled to join in. It was as if the lively music and the enchanting atmosphere were inviting him personally, and he found himself dancing amongst the people.
The band played with much fervor, and the people were equally as energetic. Jamil was having fun. He caught himself laughing despite himself, his body swaying to the beat and in sync with the other dancers.
No one was here to judge him. No one to evaluate his front, or tell him to keep up an image. Jamil could easily just be himself. And after everything, he could easily choose to fade back into the background.
As soon as the energy died down for him, he looked back at the crowd. It still held the same energy when he went in, but he was personally spent.
Jamil wondered. If you were there, he might have enjoyed it more with you. That thought slipped through his mind, and immediately went away as it came.
The following days were a bit more mellow but still enriching. Jamil wanted to build up to an exciting finish but it seemed like the enjoyment peaked within the first few days.
The cuisine being served there was particularly fascinating. Jamil entered a restaurant, the aroma of delicious food enticing him in. He ordered dishes at a surprisingly decent price for the amazing quality they were being served. Seeing the way the dishes looked reminded him of how he had been getting better at making his own dishes more presentable. It still wasn't perfect; he could still learn more. He could actually take some inspiration from these dishes.
Jamil planned on researching more of the local cuisine once he returned. Then, he could try some rendition of his own and see what you think, as well as hoping that he could do these dishes justice.
This isn't good.
Jamil felt... lonely?
He shouldn’t be feeling this way. What happened to enjoying this trip by himself?
Against everything Jamil told himself not to, he opened his phone and checked his messages, the majority of which were from people who inquired about his trip. This simply soured his mood. If Jamil had his phone ringing for them, he wouldn't have had a break. Why did he even open up his phone for this?
Oh, he knew why.
Your name specifically caught his eye with a preview of your message. He decided to open it up and he saw texts from you telling him to be safe and to have fun, which were basically the same things that you both exchanged when he left.
In the most recent text, you jokingly asked for him to send pictures, fully expecting that he wouldn’t. Admittedly, you were wondering what he was up to. You had really wanted to come with him but knew he really needed his trip for himself.
You felt a bit selfish sending that text because you knew Jamil shouldn't really be worrying about updating you or anyone else about what he was up to.
You didn't know that as soon as Jamil read that message, he briefly considered humoring you. He thought that perhaps he could take only a few photos here and there just to satisfy you. And then explain what else he had seen and experienced so far.
Jamil started to draft a message to send to you. He’s sure that you’d enjoy hearing all about it, plus it’ll be nice to have someone to share this experience with—
He paused at the thought. He saw that typed all he wanted to share at the moment, his finger hovering over the send button.
Wait a minute. No, no. What was he doing? Jamil quickly erased everything he typed out and shoved his phone back in his bag.
This experience was for him and himself only, at least for now. You’ll just have to wait once he returns from his trip.
If Jamil was to be honest with himself, he had actually initially planned this whole trip with you in mind.
Throughout those months of planning, there was never a moment when he wasn't going back and forth with himself whether or not to include you in the trip.
You didn't know about this, of course. If he did manage to plan this whole trip with both of you, it would have been a surprise leading up to it.
But you yourself drilled into him how wonderful it was that he was finally able to go on a trip by himself. This was his very first opportunity to travel by himself and he doesn't know how long he will have that opportunity again. Perhaps it was your sentiments that finally convinced him that this trip was supposed to be for himself alone.
But deep in his heart, Jamil still felt something missing. He felt some kind of regret and longing that now he could not shake off.
As Jamil brooded to himself, he found himself standing in front of the antique store again. Once again, Jamil caught a glimpse of the trinket he had been eyeing the very first day he had been there.
When you told him to not forget about you, you didn’t mean for him to take it so literally.
Jamil shrugged at the call-out, attempting to look unbothered. He had souvenirs for his family too, so it wasn’t like you were the only person he had on his mind.
But you just know he was embarrassed knowing that most of the souvenirs were meant for you. It was funny but really sweet. You assured him that you’d just return the favor next time.
Jamil really didn’t need you to, but perhaps it’ll also be payback enough for you occupying his mind while he was supposed to be away focusing on himself.
Maybe next time it'll be easier if Jamil would just bring you along.
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ghost-proofbaby · 28 days
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never love an anchor (e.m. x reader)
"On some level, I think I always understood that a ship could never really love an anchor."
warnings: severe hurt/brief comfort, suicidal ideations, severely depressed reader. again: detailed recount of suicidal ideations. dead dove: do not eat.
wc: 5.8k+
an: i cannot emphasize this enough - this fic deals with a severely depressed, and blatantly suicidal reader. it is extremely heavy. it is extremely triggering. it is extremely self-indulgent. the romance aspect is ambiguous and the comfort aspect at the end is brief. this is a genuine, and sincerely personal piece of writing. it is an outline of how suicidal ideations may present themselves to some people. of these 5k words, 4k is deeply littered with reader's ideations without sugar coating. please, please, please do not read this unless you're in the state of mind to read it. you've surely heard it before but i'll say it just to be sure: it is a permanent solution for temporary feelings. and, just in case no one has told you, i'm glad you're alive. if you're reading this, i'm glad that you're alive. you're enough.
if you find yourself feeling like reader, i urge that you find resources such as those linked. hotlines, therapists, friends, your doctor, your family - please. i do not wish these emotions upon anyone, and they should never be taken lightly.
that being said, here are my guts from a very vulnerable moment, spilled out across the page. please handle them with care if you choose to read.
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Technically speaking, the pressure that the human body is capable of handling almost seems infinite. When introduced slowly, and time is given to adjust, there is no pinpointed amount of pressure that dooms the human body. Like a crab in slow boiling water, your body should be theoretically able to handle a steady increase, bit by bit, and never truly notice. 
So why does it currently feel like you’re dying?
The pressure was never an overnight thing. It was a conglomeration you’d gathered, piece by piece, collecting little souvenirs of all the responsibilities you can’t currently remember if you’d ever agreed to along the way. It hadn’t been sudden, it hadn’t been with lack of adjusting, it hadn’t been a pressure suddenly unloaded upon you all at once – you’d done this, brick by brick, all with your own two hands. 
Keeping up with friends, keeping up with work, keeping up with expectations. Always trying to run ahead of the curve, always trying to be better. You should be fine. You shouldn’t even notice. You shouldn’t be sobbing on your bathroom floor, clutching the edge of your porcelain tub, every single breath a labor of survival. 
It feels like every bone in your body is splintering. It feels like the world has cracked open your ribs, one by one, just for show. You don’t feel poetic like the movies, you don’t feel like a valuable lesson learned in the books. You feel as though you’ve become nothing more than some crude display in a contemporary art gallery, and you were the one to hang yourself on the wall. 
Needles prickle across your skin with another heaving sob, as if you can feel the push pins you’ve used to spread yourself out for consumption. 
We still on for tonight? 
The text from Eddie glares at you from your phone discarded on the floor mere inches away. You’re lucky the screen hadn’t broken when you’d thrown it down on the ground on your way to the toilet, dry heaving through all your tears. 
He wasn’t a part of the issue. If anything, he was part of the solution. 
A shining clean slate, pristine whites and a scratch-free surface for you to press your cheek to when it all got a bit much. An abyss of freedom and openness for when the world was all a bit smothering. An anchor to cling to, a rope to tie around your wrists to keep from floating too far. The willow tree in a graveyard to rest your back against, the caress of a warm sun even if only momentarily as you stared out across headstones of all the pieces of you that you can never get back. Every version of you that has long since buried, a few even with newly churned dirt resting upon them. Something soft, something sacred, to rest your hands upon. 
Why does he still let you rest your bloodied and dirtied palms on his shoulders? Did he ever agree to that to begin with? 
You can’t remember. Or maybe your brain is simply refusing to recall. 
I hate to cancel, but I’m sick. I don’t think I can come out tonight :-( 
What? Is everything okay? Are you okay? Do I need to bring you anything? 
Please don’t.
The please is what gives you away. You should have forgone it, should have offered him a lighthearted response instead. 
But there is a pit in the bottom of your stomach, and seeing all the question marks across his text only made it more terminal. Only gave it more reason to swallow you whole. Only gave it more reason to grow and to tangle up and to restrict each stuttering breath of yours that you can’t seem to steady. 
Another buzz comes from your phone, but you don’t look to read it. You resort to resting your forehead against the lip of your toilet, all attempts at a deep breath futile as you finally taste the salt across your lips. 
Were you too much? Were you not enough? Was it possible to be an odd juxtaposition of both? 
A harrowing thought crosses your mind, and you know if Eddie could read minds across the intricate webbing that connects cell phones, he’d grab you by your shoulders. Maybe shake you until you see sense, or maybe cling to you until the thought has faded into nothingness. As if he could squeeze you hard enough to press together all the splinters that are left of your bones, forming a new body – a better body. One that can handle the pressure. One that isn’t imploding upon itself. A more durable mind, a more capable suit of skin to occupy. 
Does it even matter anymore? Would it even matter if I simply vanished? 
Would it be so bad to let the pit finally consume you? To just give in, to let it erase you from existence. To finally wave your white flag and let the awfulness inside of you finally win the battle, erasing you from existence and leaving behind an empty space in the world that could be filled with someone better.
Someone who could be a better friend. Someone who could be a harder worker. Someone who wasn’t choked up on their bathroom floor, beginning to contemplate if the painful gasps were even worth it. 
Were you worth it? Were you worth the air in your lungs? Or could it better serve someone who could handle all the pressure? 
And it wasn’t even that much pressure to begin with, if you pick it apart thread by thread. It was the natural weight of the human experience, and you were still crumbling. 
There was a full bottle of ibuprofen in the cabinet. There was a busy street not far from your home. There was a bathtub that could easily be filled with water – you’d never been good at holding your breath, unless someone counted the last few months, in which that seemed to be all you were good at. 
There was even a bridge, 5.27 miles away from your house exactly. You could already envision the patch of grass you could park your car at, feel the drop in temperature as you stood and overlooked the tame waves of a man-made lake.
Maybe your feet didn’t even have to leave the pavement. Maybe it would be enough to just stand in the silence and see the jump with your own two eyes. 
You felt like nothing more than a ghost of yourself, yes, but maybe. Maybe, just maybe, there would still be a broken shard within you that could stir awake at it all. Maybe if you got up off the bathroom floor and set yourself into motion, it would open its eyes just in time to scream no. 
Ghosts don’t just appear. They were a vibrant soul once – they were somebody once. 
But it’s hard to imagine that you ever were. When it gets like this, it’s hard to push through all the tumultuous thoughts and loathly emotions to remember that. A version of you vibrant, a version of you that might have been worthy, if only for a moment. 
A version of you that wasn’t insulting to compare to others. That was capable of progress, of earning your blip of existence. 
You don’t want the bottle of ibuprofen. You don’t want the busy street. You don’t want the overflowing tub. You don’t even want the calm of the bridge. You just want it to stop. 
There’s a knock on your front door that echoes through the entire apartment. You dread that you already know who it is, but you can’t get up to answer. 
You can’t move from this very spot. You’re terrified of what will happen when you do. 
Will your bones collapse into ash upon the floor? Will you make one wrong move, and in a fit of pressure, make a terribly permanent decision for what feels like a terribly permanent feeling? 
Maybe you were born with the pit in your stomach. Maybe you were born with that black hole inside of you. Cursed to always be yearning, always be a juxtaposition, always be a ghost of what could have become. 
You think you hear the click of your front door opening. You think you hear heavy footsteps across the hardwood floors. You think, you think, you think. That’s the issue. 
The tears are still coming and going in erratic tides. The salt is drying out your lips, your cheeks, the corners of your eyes. You’d thought you’d been incapable of any more emotions like this, but your tear ducts have managed to prove you wrong. 
Does it even matter anymore?
You’d left the bathroom door wide open. 
Were you worth it?
You’d been home alone – past tense.
A more durable mind, a more capable suit of skin to occupy.
A soft gasp of your name has you microscopically lifting your head from the toilet seat. You know what the scene looks like; it looks like nothing more than the excuse you’d used. You look as though you’re ill, like you’ve been spilling your guts across the bathroom floor all night. 
If you had been, would it all feel a little less heavy? 
“Hey, Eds.” 
You’re tired. You’re exhausted. Your voice is nothing more than a drag of a whisper as you look up at your anchor standing in the doorway, his face painted with concern. 
Maybe you were an anchor – maybe being an anchor wasn’t a good thing. After all, what use does an anchor have beyond weighing down the ship? 
“Jesus,” he mutters as he rushes to your side, falling to his knees carelessly as his hand flies out to brush back tendrils of your hair, “You look like shit.”
You felt like shit. 
Selfishly, you lean into his touch, desperate for comfort. Desperate for those caring palms to soothe the ache you’d carried since birth. Desperate to hear him tell you that you’re wrong – hands to promise you that you’re worthy, fingers to wrap around your bones rather than these burning ropes. You’re bloodied and raw, fully on display, and you just want to be okay. 
You don’t want the bridge. You want Eddie. You want him to magically make it okay, and that’s unfair. 
You’re not his weight to carry, not his burden to shoulder. 
After far too long of a silence, one in which he sits patiently in with you, all you can really reply is a broken, “Yeah.” 
Immediately, he knows something is wrong. Because of course he does. 
Because he’s a good friend. He’s a good person. He has the right words more often than not, and his hands were always formed to heal rather than injure. Create rather than destroy. Those warm palms are made to hold the space he’s earned in the grand scheme of the Universe, and it almost makes you nauseous as the jealousy spreads. 
He’s good. 
And you’re simply rotten.
You used to lie to yourself and say it was simply one rotted bit amongst plenty of good, but tonight, it all seemingly comes to clarity. You can’t dig out the bad, cleanse yourself of the rot, because it’s all decay. 
You don’t have to let the pit consume you – it already has. You were born with it, and it had swallowed you whole from the first cry that had ever left your lips. 
He makes himself a bit more comfortable, and you almost feel bad for reducing him to nothing more than the bathroom floor, “You wanna talk about what’s really wrong?” 
“I’m sick.” 
“This isn’t just some stomach bug.”
Your throat begins to tighten again, and suddenly, his gentle touch across the crown of your head burns. Your eyes water ferociously, and your chest caves into itself.
You can’t make a better body or a more sound mind out of the mess you’ve become. You can’t pull gold from tarnished rubble. 
Confessing to him will only be handing over something heavy, something terrible, that he shouldn’t have to struggle with as well. But not offering him a sliver of the truth almost feels more dishonoring. 
“Do you ever feel like a waste of space?” you croak, leaning back, finally accepting that the small space of the toilet that had been cooling your face has gone warm. Another thing you’ve ruined, in hindsight, “Like, this world is filled with great people, and I just… I just, I’m taking up the space- I’m wasting the space-” 
You can’t get out the proper words. You don’t know how.
How do you say you want to cease to exist when you’re not really sure if that’s the truth? You’re miserable, and you’re selfish, and you’re not entirely sure your feet would have ever left the pavement if you had driven yourself to the bridge. You’d be too scared to do it.  
Too scared to miss the day that science announces it’s found a cure to all your rot, a miracle drug to erase the pit, a way to reverse all the damage you’ve been comprised of your whole life. 
His brows furrow and his hand stops all the calming movements, “What? Are you- are you saying you feel like a waste of space?”
It feels silly to admit it to other people. To try and describe how it all feels. Like a child trying to convince their parents the Boogeyman is real, you have to make him see that you’re right. You have evidence, you have proof, and it’s not just a feeling. 
“I don’t feel like I’m a waste of space,” you finally correct, both yourself and him, “I know I’m a waste of space.” 
“Eddie, don’t-”
“No,” he cuts you off. And somehow, in only a way that he’s capable of, it’s not offensive, “You’re not. I’m not going to sit here and listen to my favorite person claim they’re wasting space-”
“I am!” It’s your turn in the cycle of interruption. You pull away from him entirely, chest heaving with the weight presenting itself once more, tears starting to fall all over again. You can’t even distinguish where the old tears stop and the new ones begin, “I really am. All I seem to do lately is just exist. And that’s such a- such a- that’s such a waste. I can’t read any of the things I should enjoy these days, I can’t even write. All of the words feel like they just come out wrong. I’m letting everyone down left and right, I’m never living up to whatever pedestal you’ve put me on. I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life. I don’t even know where I’ll be in a year from now – I can’t even see that far in the future.”
Heaves become sobs, and the crumbling has begun once more. A cycle of breaking, a cycle of demolition. Even leaving behind the rubble feels like a crime. A waste of space. 
“I don’t think I’m a good person,” you manage to spit out between all your visceral reactions, “Every year, I tell myself the same thing – I’ll be better, I’ll be kinder, I’ll be worth it. And every year, I fail.” 
Can he see it? All the fractures and splinters and pits and metaphors? 
Can he smell it? All the rot and the destruction and hopelessness?
Can he feel it? All the pressure? 
Through your sniffles, you press your back to the tub, knees to your chin as you wrap your arms around your legs, desperately trying to shrivel up. To take up less space. To waste less space.
“I used to think I could make up for it,” you whisper, “I could offer people things that made them forget I’m… so useless. But I don’t think I’m even capable of that anymore.”
If he’s about to respond, it’s drowned out by your cries. You press your eyes hard into your kneecaps, until you see stars, and you try to swallow down all the embarrassment. Try to stop all the hurt from spilling out, to stop all your guts from painting the bathroom walls. 
He could simply sit there, let you wallow in your misery alone. Sit and stare as the artwork finally serves its purpose to the visitors of the gallery. Maybe jot down some commentary on how with your bones all spread out like this, the point the artist was attempting to make becomes oh so clear. 
And yet, he doesn’t. 
You know it’s his arms that are wrapping around you, pulling you from the chill of the tub and into the warmth of his chest.  And you let yourself smother within the fabric of his shirt the same exact way in which you’ve convinced yourself you smother everyone around you, let yourself breathe in drugstore cologne and his last cigarette rather than think about all the thoughts that had been spiraling you into dismay over the last twenty four hours – over the last twenty four years. 
He’d probably been smoking while waiting on your call tonight. Probably riddled with anxiety, if the shake of his hands pressing into your back are anything to go off of. An anxiety and waiting game that wouldn’t have to exist if you didn’t exist.
The thought makes you cry harder. 
If a ghost dies, can it even still return back as itself? Can it still find it within itself to haunt empty hallways, and watch the ones it once loved find peace?
“You’re not useless,” it sounds as though Eddie might be crying as well, if not just a little choked up, “You’re not- I swear- You’re not useless, okay? Never have been, never will be.”
His murmured words are nice, but they fuel an unimaginable guilt. It was supposed to be a nice night. A night of movie marathons and midnight coffee, of trying to remind yourself why you still stick around. A moment of incomparable joy and sweet reprieve as your stomach ached from laughter, your cheeks swelling with an infallible grin that Eddie always seems to pull out of you.
There’s no smiling, no giggling, right now. Just his favorite band shirt from the show you two had attended a few years before, soaking with a fast-growing stain from all your tears. 
When you don’t answer him, only manage to wrap your selfish arms around his waist, he continues, “How long have you felt this way, sweetheart?”
And if you hadn’t already been shattered previously, that would have finally broken you. 
You can’t pinpoint when it started. You can’t clear the smoke of memories and find an exact moment that you can point to and say, there. That’s where the hurt starts — that’s where the rot starts. 
“I don’t know.”
In your mind, it’s a wail. Loud and ferocious, efforts of all it has taken to withstand the pressure of your undoing screamed out loud. 
But on this quiet bathroom floor, it can’t even be considered a whisper. Nothing more than the spoken words lingering from a ghost who can’t give up the haunt. An echo of a memory, an echo of the piece in you that can’t let go, not yet.
Not of existing, and not of him. Your fists hold him so firmly against you, you’re scared that you’re going to bruise him. Hurt him just from the sheer effort of trying to show that you love him. 
The only way you know how to love – a violent dog who will always bite the kindest hands. Leaving behind bloodied knuckles even if you hadn’t so much as snipped this time. 
You take a sharp breath, aware of the levity of the words you’re about to say, “I don’t want to exist anymore, but I wouldn’t even make it off the bridge if I tried.”
It’s not about the bridge anymore. In all likelihood, it wouldn’t be the bridge you turn to. There’s a grand metaphor somewhere in the admittance, but your mind is just too tired to try and paint a prettier picture of it for him. 
Because exist is just a placeholder. And there’s a bigger, scarier word that should stand in its place. 
He starts to break the hold, and you nearly sob out again just at that. Losing the warmth of his chest and arms strike pain somewhere deep within you, just north of the pit that’s devoured all that’s left of you. 
“Bridge?” Phrased as a clarifying question, but when you see his face, it’s clear he knows. There are no good words left to say about it, “Sweetheart, no.”
There are worse reactions to be had. More scenarios that end in slamming doors or deafening silent treatments. Realizations that you’re right and it’s not worth it – defense mechanisms that involve them leaving first. 
“I couldn’t do it, even if I want-” 
Even if I wanted to. The words you can’t speak, dying on your tongue. 
Do you want to? Where does the pain begin? And where could it end?
“You really don’t see it, do you?” he laughs humorlessly, his hands still gripping your biceps in a death hold, “You… you just…” 
He doesn’t know what to say, and you don’t blame him. You knew this was heavy; you knew this isn’t the type of bomb to drop on someone you love. 
But if you didn’t, where would the bomb have gone? You’re not equipped to detonate it. You’re not equipped to survive the explosion. You wouldn’t want to survive that explosion. 
“I’m sorry,” your words pour out, beginning to shake beneath his palms, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” 
Dry, cracked lips feel as though they nearly split from the apologies. More violence, more devastation, more of what you always knew you were. You can see it in his eyes – you’re dragging him down with you, right down to the bottom of the ocean. You’re being an anchor. 
He’s all stutters and harsh breaths, panic filling the space with your own as his eyes search yours, “Don’t apologize. You don’t have to apologize. Just-”
He cuts off and is pulling you close again. Slamming your bones into his, wrapping up around you as if he might be able to keep you safe from the world. From your own mind. 
“I don’t need apologies,” another squeeze of your closer to him, another attempt to pull you away from the dangers that lie within, “I don’t- I just… Can I help? How do I make it better? Just say the word. I’ll do it.” 
It’s not your job. That’s not your job. 
You don’t realize you’ve said the words out loud until he’s squeezing you so tightly that you now can’t breathe. Until all you are is him. All his old t-shirts he’s lent to you that hang in your closet, all the nights spent with tangled legs as you sit across from each other on your couch, all the phone calls in which he refused to be the first one to hang up. Cologne that is too cheap to be able to cling so ferociously as it does to all your surroundings, chain-smoked cigarettes you always chastise him for because they’re gonna kill you one day, the smoke of his latest blunt resting in an ashtray as his head finds home in your lap. 
All the inside jokes. All the hugs. All the simple texts, if for nothing more than to just check in on each other. The broken reminders of having someone out there that cares. That loves you. 
How can such rotten hands pull such love from others? How have you yet to infect him? 
“I know it’s not my job,” he finally says, and you know for a fact he’s crying along with you before the first of his tears have wet the crown of your head, “It’s never been a job. You’re not a job. Okay? Get that through your head. There’s- Fuck, there’s plenty of things I wanna drill in that pretty little head of yours right now, but I know I can’t, so just get that.”
He’s trying. A little trill of his tongue that falls a bit flat when he refers to your pretty little head, a brief squeeze of your shoulders as he tries to relax a little. He wants to make you feel better. He wants to make it better. 
But he’s still holding you like he’s terrified. You did that – you instilled that fear. 
“I’m a mess,” you whisper in bitter realization, ash on your tongue as you process what you’ve done. You’ve already apologized, but you’re seconds away from doing so again, “I’m- I’m a mess, and I’m dragging you into it, and I’m sor-”
“Stop being sorry.” Definitive words, no room for argument. The smallest of shifts as things click into place. He isn’t budging – he isn’t letting go, “Do you remember when I first met you?” 
You can’t tell if the question is meant to have a point, or if it’s meant to be a distraction. You let it grow into the latter.
“Yeah,” you breathe out against him, melting into his chest, trying to focus on his voice rather than the ones in your head, “But tell me about it anyway?” 
“Two years ago. Technically, two years and seven months,” he starts in the same voice he used to take on during Hellfire sessions, before the members had scattered from coast to coast and his D&D club only became a rarity when the stars aligned. There’s still a crack to his voice from his tears, but that doesn’t stop him, “We were in some cursed fucking diner we don’t even go to anymore, in the dead of the night, and all the servers knew your name and order,” he paints the picture with a humor that should feel out of place, but it settles some of your breathing. Omitting all the vivid details, opting for triggering the memory with words you’d just get. You can feel the stick of the plastic beneath your thighs, you can smell the grease of the kitchen. You can see the cloudy night out of the oversized windows. He’s a natural born storyteller in the most subtle of ways, always knowing his audience, “You were sitting all alone in that booth, and all of Hellfire had just left. Gareth had just told us how he was going to college in California – did you know that?” 
“I didn’t.” 
“Well, he did,” his chin presses against the top of your head, a huff of a laugh escaping him, “Dropped the bomb it was our last summer as a club probably. We were happy for him, though. Real fucking happy. Got milkshakes to celebrate and made plans to get drunk off our asses the next night to keep the party going. It was dumb, and I’m getting off track, but…” 
Baited breath, you’re waiting for him to continue. No thoughts of the bridge. No thoughts of your failures. Living in a small memory with him on the floor of your bathroom. 
“Anyways, you were sitting there all alone, with a plate of fries and ranch.” 
“Oh, God,” your nose scrunches and you try to pull away, suddenly remembering how embarrassing this memory ends for you. It suddenly didn’t seem like the best way for him to make you feel better by any means, “No, I remember how this story ends, and-”
“I’m not done,” he locks his arms around you, and you can feel the whisper of a smile as it brushes against your temple, “Obviously you know where I’m going with this, but I’m not done, sweetheart. Because all the other guys had just left, and I’m sitting there, realizing the only other customer was some random person over across the diner, scribbling away in some notebook. Thought you looked cute when you were all focused like that, y’know? But then you were so focused that it became distracted, and you spilled that ranch all over yours-” 
“Please, stop.”
You’re laughing through the words, weakly, the air of desperation in the word please being far different from earlier in the night. No bridges, no failures. 
“I was probably being a weirdo, trying to run over and help you or whatever the fuck I was trying to do. I probably made it worse, right?” 
You’re there, remembering a version of Eddie that was a stranger, taking napkins to the knees of your jeans and smearing the ranch rather than really helping you clean it up. “Yeah, just a little bit.” 
“Sorry for that, by the way,” he airily apologizes before continuing, “But I just remember thinking about how focused you were on that notebook. And how you laughed with the waiter. And how you were just… lost in your own little world. And how you were so cute. You were so nice. The type of person I wanted in my life. Took one look at you with that ranch all over your lap and thought, huh. I want to get to know that person.” 
“Nice? I was not nice, I was-” you cut off, heart all but stopping as you recognize the point of it all. It wasn’t meant to just be a distraction. He was making a point. “I was a… a mess that day.” 
He pulls away again, and this time, it’s a little easier. The world has put a pause on its ending and you can handle the weight of his arms lightening for a few seconds, just so he can get a good look at your face. 
“You were a mess the day that I met you, and I still wanted you in my life,” he says each word deliberately, not breaking eye contact. Fear has broken through to determination. “And even if you’re still a mess today, I still want you. Nothing changes. You get that?” 
No bridges.
No failures.
The weight of it all had been heavy. The type of sorrow you thought was never meant to be carried by more than your own two hands. But he had taken it in his palms, lifted it from you entirely, even if it would only be temporary. One day you’d have to endure the pain again, get to the root of the problem. Figure out if all your ailments had been something wired into you since birth, or things you’d picked up along your way. But for now, you could breathe again. You could hear the drumming of your heart in your ears, and you could hear every single one of both yours and Eddie’s breaths in the silence, and that was enough. 
“I don’t want to die,” you finally quietly admit. Saying one of the bigger, scarier words. The thing you’d been too afraid to let slip off your tongue originally. “I just- sometimes it all gets a bit loud, you know? And I know you said don’t apologize, but I am sorry that I scared you. And I’m sorry that you have to take the bad to also get that little bit of the good with me.” 
His hand leaves one of your arms for the first time since he’d first wrapped you up, and it finds its way to cradle the side of your head. Holding you as if you’re porcelain still. You know that won’t go away, not tonight. “I’d rather have your bad days than have nothing at all,” he chokes up once more, and you can see tears threatening to welt in his eyes, “You get that, too. Alright? You’re worth it. Bad, good, funny, sad – give it to me. I’m asking for it. Just don’t… don’t leave me with the nothing.”
You’re worth it. 
He’s found a worth in you attached to nothing at all. He’s sitting here with you, on the bathroom floor, and his perception of you has nothing to do with what you can only offer. 
It just has to do with you. He sees you, and he’s decided you’re worth it. Even now.
He smiles softly, as if he can see the realization dawning upon you, “You wanna get up off the floor now? We can go sit on your couch or bed or something.” 
You’re quick to shake your head. Your knees are partially digging into his thighs, your breaths are matching his. 
“Okay,” his face falls slightly, but not entirely. Not entirely, “That’s okay. Do you want me…. Do you want me to go?” 
Another shake of your head. But this time, you need to offer more than just the motion of your head, especially when you can feel tears returning as your throat tightens up, “No. No, just- Stay with me? Please?” 
Your hands reach out without you even processing it, gripping his wrists, desperate and clinging and still verging on the edge of violent. The thought of being alone is terrifying, but the thought of having to watch him walk out of this room is even more petrifying. 
He doesn’t even flinch as you sink your claws in. His smile only returns, and he shuffles to pull you both to hold your backs up against the wall across from the toilet, “Of course. I’ll stay, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere – wouldn’t even dream of it.” 
His words shake just a little less than they had when he’d first entered the room. 
He can’t fix it all magically. That isn’t his job, isn’t his role, isn’t his choice. But he can sit here with you, on the floor of the bathroom, endlessly patient and tragically caring as he urges you to lay down. He stretches his legs out and pats his lap once before hovering his hands over your shoulder, guiding you until your temple is flush with his thigh. 
He can choose to not hesitate as his fingers immediately push through the baby hairs by your temple, a soft hum in the back of his throat that sounds exactly as you feel.
Hesitantly content. Just for now. It’s enough. 
The storm is receding. As hours pass by, and noises of uncertainty become more confident hums of a song you faintly recognize, it all settles. He stays. You stay. The storm passes for the time being, and the hole tempers itself for just the night. 
It’s enough for now. You’ll worry more tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that. You’ll talk more about why you feel this way, and he’ll offer better solutions. The weight won’t simply be passed into his waiting hands and forgotten – one day, you’ll find a way to lighten it through dissipation rather than through catastrophe. 
One day, the seas will calm, and you’ll find yourself the ship rather than the anchor. 
And the captain can be the boy who sits on the floor with you through the sadness, content to wait out the storms with you until you find the worth he sees in you.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
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Chapter 8: The Mist Waits
Chapter 7 | Chapter 9
I finished earlier than I thought I would, so enjoy the early chapter release y'all!
TW: Violence, confrontations, The Fates, Desire, blood, Dark Daunt, cliffhanger
Rose Walker was having an odd day. So much had happened in such a short time, and the girl wasn’t sure whether the appropriate response would be to cry in joy or to scream in frustration. She had family left, a Great Grandmother that seemed to want the same things that she did. Jed back home and safe, and them to all be a family once again. Now she had the resources to start truly looking for her brother and, hopefully, to bring him home once and for all.
“I’ll just get Lyta. Be right back,” Rose said in answer to one of the new people added to her odd little circle.
“Rose,” a voice called out to her, soft and young.
She stopped walking for a moment, quietly questioning whether the voice was in her head or actually coming from within the home. “Rosebud,” another voice said, maternal and warm.
“Rose Walker,” a third replied, cold and older.
She felt afraid and uncertain for a moment as her feet carried her forward to the closest door, the only logical place one could whisper to her from. Once she opened the door, she was greeted by three figures clothed in black.
“Hello, Rosie,” the youngest said. 
The second smiled. “Come in, my butterfly.”
“You are at a crossroads, Rose Walker.”
She tilted her head slightly. “How do you know my name? Who are you?”
“Names, names, names,” the eldest among them said, waving her question away.
The youngest smiled sweetly. “Each name is but a single aspect of the whole.”
“Be satisfied by the trinity you have, love. You wouldn’t want to meet us as The Kindly Ones.”
“We can only caution you, sister.” The youngest looked darker. “We can’t protect you.”
A chill ran up Rose’s spine as she asked, “Protect me from…”
A maternal laugh echoed around her. “From life, my posy.”
“And the things that hover beyond life.”
“Thrashing themselves against it,” the eldest finished.
“Beware dreams,” the youngest whispered. “And houses. And trees.”
The cold voice sighed. “You ask the wrong question.”
“Had you asked the right one, we could have warned you against The Corinthian and the ghost of mist that haunts his steps.” The warm voice said.
“Told you about Jed,” the young voice continued.
“And about Morpheus.”
The light turned on, and the figures vanished before Rose’s eyes, almost as if they’d never been there… and maybe they hadn’t.
He stood in the center of the throne room, staring at the steps that Daunt had stood on. Dream had spent every free moment searching for The Forest, to no avail. The realm had either vanished entirely or closed itself off from him, as Daunt had after that day in Fiddler’s Green. Sadly, he was more inclined to believe the latter to be true. His head spun with the sheer number of concerns plaguing him, awaiting to be addressed. Dream of the Endless felt like he had back in the Burgess basement, only somehow worse. He felt he was being pulled in every direction, forced to split his focus between dire events, and feared no matter what he did, one or more would slip through the cracks and result in yet another loss for him to bear.
“My lord,” Lucienne’s soft voice called him from the dark corners of his mind as she approached with a book. “Forgive me for intruding, but I have the volume you requested.”
“Yes,” he sighed, taking the heavy leatherbound book from her hand and moving to sit on the bottom step of the stairs, hoping the vision of her bloodstained gown would fade from memory if he was not looking at them. “I assume it holds nothing of use as all the others.”
His librarian nodded solemnly. “I’m afraid so.”
“Jed Walker is still in the realm of the living, but I cannot find him.”
“No. Nor I, my lord.” She answered.
“All humans are connected to The Dreaming.” He shook his head. “They spend a third of their life here. Breaking that connection would require knowledge. And power.”
“Then it may interest you to know that the last nightmare Jed Walker had before he disappeared was of Gault.”
“You think she severed him from The Dreaming?”
Lucienne nodded. “I do.”
“Why?” He questioned.
“Because he’s not just any child, is he?” She replied. “He’s Rose Walker’s brother. She is the Vortex.”
Quiet footsteps echoed in the empty throne room as a dark figure walked toward them. “Excuse me. I am Rose Walker. What do you know about my brother Jed?”
Lucienne turned to Dream with wide eyes and an open mouth. Daunt’s words echoed in his ears. Sight alone will not tell you her secrets. He stood and smiled. “You are welcome here, Rose Walker.”
She looked around for a moment before asking, “Who are you?”
“You have somehow dreamed your way into an audience with Lord Morpheus. The King of Dreams,” Lucienne answered sternly. “And now you must go.”
His librarian sighed. “She shouldn’t be here.”
He tilted his head slightly. “No, but I should like her to stay.
Rose Walker was indeed the vortex. Dream could feel it swirling around her. Power and mystery and something else, something that felt familiar. Lucienne’s apprehensive demeanor did not shift while Rose stood in his realm. He could not blame her. After all, a Vortex was a volatile and uncertain thing. Matthew agreed to watch over her in the Waking World, and as Rose Walker returned to her bed, Lucienne gave Dream a look. “Are you certain this is wise, my lord?”
“Gault must be found one way or another,” he answered carefully. “Leave Rose Walker to me, Lucienne. In the meantime, continue your search of the library for anything that may lead us to The Forest.”
The Corinthian enjoyed tea. He enjoyed the smell of the soft floral notes and earthiness and found the taste to be almost comforting. Though he’d never allow himself to linger on why he enjoyed such things, a lingering nagging voice in the back of his mind told him repeatedly. It reminds you of her. This was, of course, a voice he smothered when he was able. Instead, he smiled beside Unity, listening to her so easily give up the information he needed. It was inconvenient that Rose Walker had returned to America, but The Corinthian didn’t mind much.
If she was the key to his permanent freedom, he’d go to the ends of the earth to find her. Daunt’s white form stood before him, bathed in the light from the window, but that light did not touch her. Instead, she dampened it with her presence alone. “What do you fear more, I wonder? Not finding your vortex in time or having her deny you as all others have.”
As he walked out of the old home, he clenched his jaw at her presence beside him. “Answer me, nightmare.” She insisted. “Answer me, betrayer.”
“I’m not scared of anything,” he spat at her. “Not some fuckin kid, not Dream, and certainly not you.”
Laughter echoed around him as the sky grew dark with storm clouds. He turned to face her, to find her gone once again, but before he could even breathe, he felt her cold hand wrap around his neck. Long nails bit into his skin as she leaned in closely and whispered. “You should fear me, dear Corinthian.”
He tore himself away from her, searching for the white maiden in the open streets. “Mine will be the last face you see.”
“My lord,” Lucienne called out as she approached with confident steps. “May I help?”
Hunched over the table, he glanced up at her. “Is this everything we have on Rose Walker?”
She nodded. “And Jes Walker. But I shouldn’t think there’s anything in those you don’t already know. Except perhaps-”
“Except perhaps why she was able to wander into my throne room.” Dream sighed. “What do you think? Why did Gault target her brother and not her?”
“Did you read about Unity Kincaid?” She asked, turning away from him to fetch another book. “The day you were imprisoned, there were people all over the world who fell asleep and could not wake up. Unity Kincaid is the sole survivor of what they called the “sleepy sickness.” The day you returned, she woke up.” She set the book down in front of him. “Rose Walker is her great-granddaughter.”
He hummed. “Which would seem to suggest that my absence caused the birth of a vortex.”
“Is that not a possibility?”
“Vortexes are naturally occurring phenomena,” he stated with a smile. “No one knows why they happen. Not even I know. But I do know they are not caused or created. They simply happen.”
Lucienne’s eyes narrowed as she thought about his words. “Then this is all a coincidence? And not an imminent threat?”
Dream sighed. “My instinct says no, but tonight, when Rose Walker sleeps, I shall see it more clearly. May I?”
Lucienne held up a hand to stop him. “There is something else, my lord.”
“What is it?” He asked, reading the way her face tightened as she spoke.
“I know every book in this library,” she began, turning away from him and retrieving something from a nearby shelf. “I know this library and these books and… yet…” she returned, holding a pale book in her hands and offering it to him with a saddened face. “Somehow, this one has been hidden from me for eons. It should not be possible.”
“And yet it is,” he said, gently running his hands along the white bindings, glistening with jeweled leaves of green. On the first page, The Great Tree was illustrated in deep tones of brown and emerald, surrounded by the smaller trees covered in mist. It was almost as if he could feel the leaves beneath his fingertips and the cold mist caressing his skin. It was almost as if this book was alive.
Lucienne looked at the beautiful thing with fondness and apprehension warring in her eyes. “I’ve tried to read it, but it’s… Incoherent.”
“How so?”
“Most of the pages are blank. There appear to be remnants of words written on some, and other pages or paragraphs are perfectly legible. The words, however, make little sense given all that is missing.” She shook her head and sighed. “Only the illustrations remain intact.”
As Dream flipped through the pages, studying the little words scribed here, he stopped at another picture. Daunt, or rather a drawing of her, white amidst a sea of dark colors. His heart felt heavy in his chest the longer he looked. “This will not tell us where she is.”
Lucienne’s soft eyes met his as she spoke, “No, my lord, it won’t. But…"
“What is it, Lucienne?”
“One of the illustrations seems to depict what happened to her… What kept her from reaching you the day she left.” He handed the book to her instantly. If there was a way to learn what befell her on his behalf, he had to see it. He had to know.
The librarian quickly flipped through the pages before holding the book back to him with downcast eyes. There on the red-stained page were three words… Daunts last words. “My dear Corinthian.” The image showed her standing on a bridge, holding his nightmares cheek as The Corinthian pushed his blade into her chest.
Dream drew in a deep breath as The Dreaming rippled with the rage that filled his heart. “The Corinthian…”
Lucienne bowed her head lower. “It is my fault. I should not have given her his location nor asked her to seek him out.”
“No.” He breathed out, tears welling as his finger glided across the worn page. “The fault lies with me. She would not have been vulnerable had I failed my duty to retrieve the nightmare.”
“My lord…” she whispered. “If this image is corrected, then… is Daunt not… dead?”
“No.” Dream looked up at her, meeting her wet eyes with his own. “Death told me she’d not been called to The Forest for Daunt. Daunt herself told us she was lost.”
Lucienne shook her head. “My lord, that… vision… that apparition spoke in naught but riddles. If it was truly Daunt, then she is not in her right mind.”
“Perhaps she is not,” Dream replied solemnly. “But the fact still stands that she lives. She lives, and I will find her if it is the last thing I do in this existence.”
That night he accompanied Rose in her dreams to search for Jed Walker and Gault. That night he had the chance to examine the vortex up close. Dream had expected Rose Walker to be impressive, but the way she adapted to her newfound abilities as a Vortex was surprising, even to him. She found her way through the dreams of those closest to her, following his advice and asking questions, seemingly wanting to learn from him. Most impressive was her ability to stay focused through each dream, never losing sight of her purpose within them and never seeking to abuse the power she held. 
She led him to Gault with ease, and once his nightmare was back within his grasp, he ensured she would not be free to defy him again. He did not regret his harsh punishment of the shapeshifter, but he did feel an unpleasant knot form in his stomach after his less-than-kind treatment of Lucienne after the fact. Still, he moved forward. Too much demanded his attention to focus on keeping his realm safe. The notion of that seemed simple enough until a crack appeared in the stained glass window above his throne, and the entire palace shook violently around him. After that, all he could do was watch in horror as the cracks grew before his very eyes.
“Loosh? You in here?” The pumpkin head made a quiet noise of apprehension. “Sorry, boss, I was just looking for Lucienne. See ya.”
“Wait.” He ordered. “Why were you looking for Lucienne?”
“Oh, well, we just had some minor seismic activity and a little, you know, damage I wanted to report.”
“Then why not report it to me?” He asked.
“Uh, because you’re busy?” Mervyn offered. “While you were away, Lucienne started taking care of that stuff, so I figured why bother you when-”
A dark feeling curled around him, nearly squeezing all the air as he said, “Mervyn if The Dreaming has been damaged in any way, I will be the one to address it.”
The floor shook, and the cracks spread throughout the windows and up the stone walls. “Oh, for crying out loud. Do you want me to fix that for you? Or will it just keep happening?”
“It will not keep happening because I will find the cause of the disturbance, and I will eliminate it. Thank you, Mervyn.”
“Uh, you’re welcome,” the handyman replied before turning and hurrying in the opposite direction. 
Dream returned his eyes to the glass as it continued to crack. He would not watch his realm crumble again. The halls shook around him as he made his way to the library with hopes Lucienne would be able to provide him with some information on these tremors. “Lucienne?”
She stood off to the side, re-shelving books with a slightly pensive face. “My lord.”
“I have come to return these.” He handed her the books, their eyes meeting in an awkward stare. “And to assess the extent of the damage from the recent disturbances.” She said nothing, merely watching him as he bent down and picked up a stack of fallen books. “Have you any idea as to what caused them?”
“I assumed it was you, sir,” she said almost coldly.
“Making further improvements to the realm… now that you’re back.” She clarified as she brushed past him.
Dream sighed quietly. “Lucienne, when we last spoke, I did not mean to imply that your efforts beyond the library are without value.”
“Oh?” She questioned, clearly frustrated.
“I merely wish to relieve you of responsibilities with which, had I been here, you would never have been burdened.”
“I see.”
“And in that time, did you experience any… similar seismic disturbances?” he inquired offhandedly, looking at the book he still awkwardly held, only peeking up at her.
I did not.”
“Have you any… theory as to their origin?” He pressed cautiously.
At last, Lucienne set down the stack of books she held and turned to him. “Speaking strictly as a librarian? I do. But you won’t like it.”
“Go on.”
“I know you’re waiting to see if the vortex will lead you to The Corinthian and Fiddler’s Green. The way she led you to Gualt.”
“She may yet still.”
She scoffed. “Yes, but while you’re waiting, she’s putting cracks in the foundation.”
“Rose Walker has visited this realm before and done no damage,” he pointed out. “This is something else, something new.”
“Perhaps, but if there is something new in The Dreaming and you did not create it, how did it get here?” She asked. “This is the vortex. I assure you.”
As soon as he could, Dream found Rose Walker’s dreams and watched her closely as the landscape marred with cracks and the house he’d not built appeared before him. Lyta Hall was indeed pregnant; by the look of it, she and her dead husband had somehow managed to find a way inside his realm in secret. He would be furious. How could he have been so blind? How could he have allowed a vortex to cause such chaos just to aid him in mending his own troubles?
Matthew cawed beside him. “So, what do you think?”
“Tell Lucienne she was right about the source of the tremors.” Dream ordered. “And that I am taking care of it.”
The raven took to the skies quickly as he moved forward, entering the house with ease and staring down the spirit that had found its way here. He knew, without Dream having to say a single word, the spirit knew that his time here was up.
Lyta and Rose entered, laughing with one another. “Hector, look who’s here.”
Both women slowed as they looked at him. Lytas face was drained of the happiness that had been there moments ago, while Rose looked confused. “Lyta, you remember I told you about Lord Morpheus, the King of Dreams?”
“What do you want?”
“He wants us to leave,” the spirit answered.
Rose looked at her dead friend and then back to him. “Why?”
“Because a ghost cannot escape his fate by hiding in The Dreaming. Nor can a living human being escape her grief here.” He shook his head. “Do you not see the damage your presence has done to this realm? I cannot allow you to stay.”
“Is there anything we can do?”
“You belong with the dead,” Dream answered. “You must go to the place appointed for you. I’m sorry, but you must say your goodbyes now.”
Lyta exhaled a shaking breath and shook her head. “No. I’m not losing you again.”
The spirit approached her with a sad smile. “I love you so much.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” the woman insisted, pressing a kiss to her lover’s lips. “Get out of our house!”
A soft chill stilled the harsh words on his tongue as mist swept across the floor. Dream turned to look at her lithe figure standing in the room with them. Daunt did not acknowledge him or Rose or even Lyta, only the spirit once named Hector. She raised a pale hand, covered in frost and frozen vines, toward him as she whispered, “Come.”
“Hector!” Lyta cried out, taking hold of the spirit’s arm as he began to turn toward the specter.
“She’s here for me.”
“You can’t go with her. You can’t go!” Lyta cried. “I can’t… not again.”
“What is lost will always be found.” Her words were cold, carrying the chill of the mist and frost. Dreams’ heart stuttered at the sound of it. 
“Daunt,” he whispered her name like a desperate prayer, a plea to her. Hear me... Look at me.
Her head turned in his direction, and even from behind the veil that shrouded her face, he could feel her eyes. He almost dropped to his knees then and there in the crumbling dream Lyta Hall, and her dead husband had built, but she turned away from him and once again beckoned the spirit to her.
Hector spared Lyta a look before pressing a kiss to her lips and cradling her round belly in his hands. “Tell the baby I love them. Never let them forget just how much I love them.”
With a weak sob, she nodded. “I won’t, not ever.” She sobbed as she cupped his cheeks. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” the spirit whispered. “Goodbye.”
He turned and lifted his palm into Daunts. A wave of mist and distant wolf howls echoed all around them. Dream took a half step forward at the familiar sounds of The Forest’s call - of Daunt’s call. The spirit let the mist wash over him with a content sigh before he vanished from sight. Rose held her friend closely but never looked away from Daunt as she remained.
“Child born of death and dreams,” Daunt said, her voice echoing like ocean waves. “Evil will seek it out to steal its power.”
“No!” Lyta shouted, turning her head toward the white figure. She shook her head, holding her stomach tighter. “No.”
Rose rubbed her arms. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep them safe.” She looked at Dream desperately. “Right, Dream?”
He was frozen for a moment, still looking at her, before he nodded stiffly and looked at Lyta. “So long as I live, no harm shall befall your child. Not in the Waking World and not in dreams.”
The woman didn’t look convinced, but after a moment, she nodded and eased into Rose’s arms. 
“We are running out of time,” Daunt said to him.
“Then help me,” he pleaded. “Open your realm and let me in.”
She tilted her head. “Only you hold the power to do so, Dream of The Endless.”
“What do you mean?”
“My realm was never closed to you,” she answered.
Dream sighed, stepping closer to her. “I do not understand.”
Daunt lifted a frozen hand to his face, her thin fingers traced over his eyes. “You do not need to understand. You only need to see.”
Mist slid through his fingers and smoother gently across his cheek. Gone again from him, the crumbling dream was all that remained. The two looked sad when he turned back to Lyta Hall and Rose Walker. Sad for him. Lytas’ eyes held an understanding beneath her deep anger and loss. Rose spoke, “Who was she?”
“An immortal being,” Dream answered simply. “One that is not your concern.”
“You care for her.”
A painful longing exploded within him as he turned away from them and said, “This dream is over.”
When he finished repairing the damage to his realm, he sought Lucienne out. Matthew would have already delivered his message, but Dream owed his librarian an apology. “Lucienne?”
“My lord. There’s something I must tell you,” she said as she hurried out from around the corner.
“And I will listen. But, first, you must let me tell you that… you were right.” He said softly, noticing immediately how her eyes looked up at him with light and hope renewed inside them. “The vortex was responsible for the damage to our realm, and I was… wrong to risk our safety in the hope that she would locate the missing Arcana.”
“You were not entirely wrong, sir. She’s found them both.”
“What? The Corinthian and Fiddler’s Green? Where? How do you know?”
“Fiddler’s Green told me.” She looked over to the shelves at the man… at Fiddler’s Green as he emerged from behind the racks.
He bowed. “Apologies, lord, for having left.”
“Why?” He asked, desperate to understand what he’d done wrong. “Why did you leave? I trusted you. You were the heart of The Dreaming.”
“No, sir. You were the heart of The Dreaming. And you were gone. I was curious. And it turns out that life as a human contains substance I never even imagined when I was here.” He sounded so vibrant. “Which is why I’ve returned because… he’s murdering them.”
“The Corinthian?” It wasn’t shocking to learn of his nightmare’s recklessness.
Fiddler’s Green nodded, face twisting in disgust. “He appears to have built up a cult of worshipers who kill for pleasure, endangering the Waking World and the life of a friend called Rose Walker.”
“The Corinthian has found Rose Walker?”
Lucienne shook her head. “Can you imagine the damage he could do with someone like Rose?”
“You must tell me where they are.”
The Corinthian stood at the podium, delivering a confident and proud speech inspiring the room of pathetic and deluded humans to imagine their atrocities. Dream stood in the aisle, watching his creation with ill-tempered rage swimming in his chest. The nightmare noticed him quickly but did not stop his speech until he’d finished. Always doing things on his own terms, Dream thought silently, for a brief moment admiring the determination he had forged. But was it not that determination that led him to plunge that knife into Daunt’s chest? To betray the one he called friend?
“You disappoint me, Corinthian,” Dream said through tight lips. “You and these humans you’ve inspired and created… disappoint me.”
His words visibly struck his creation as he bared his teeth. “I’ve done my best to be what you made me.”
“No,” he replied with a slight chuckle as he walked toward the stage. “You’ve done your worst, which was in so many ways what I had hoped. You were my masterpiece. A dark mirror made to reflect everything humanity will not confront.”
“That’s what I am,” The Nightmare nodded, straightening his back as he turned to face his creator. “That’s what I’ve done.”
“No. Look at you, walking this Earth for over a century infecting others with your joy of death, but what have you given them? What have you wrought?” His anger began to seep into his words. “Nothing. Just something else for people to be afraid of. That is all.”
The Corinthian scoffed, cocking his head ever so slightly. “So what now? You send me back into their dreams?” He pulled a knife from his jacket, a knife not unlike the one he’d used on Daunt, and shook his head. “Cause I won’t go willingly.”
“A knife against a dream?” His voice was dark wind and shadow as he stepped towards his creation slowly.
“You don’t think dreams can die? Let’s find out.” The Corinthian insisted.
Dream held his hand out, drawing upon his power. “Enough.” The sand moved at his feet as The Corinthian stabbed his knife into his outstretched hand. The pain startled him back and to his knees as he looked down at the wound. “How?”
“I’ve got Rose Walker getting stronger every second while you get weaker,” The nightmare said with a wide grin. “She’s taking your place at the center of The Dreaming. She’s bringing the walls down between the sleepers’ minds, and now they’re all dreaming the same dream. A dream that I inspired.”
“It’s already happening. There’s nothing you can do. She’s asleep and dreaming.”
“Then she’s not beyond my reach.”
The Corinthian shrugged. “Oh, I think she is. Now that she knows you’re planning to kill her.”
Dream pushed himself into the horrific visions molding together just as she and her brother turned towards him. “You need to wake up!”
“Don’t listen to him, Rosebud. You’re the one with the power now, not him. This is your dream.”
“It’s his dream for your world,” Dream corrected.
The Corinthian smiled at Rose. “Then let’s make it yours. Whatever you want, Rose. A blank canvas!”
The dreams of her brother and the other humans vanished, and Rose’s eyes went wide with fear. “Where’s Jed?”
“Jed’s fine. He’s upstairs, asleep, he’s right next to you. This dream is yours now. The Dreaming is yours now!”
“The Dreaming is yours? Is that what he told you?” Dream demanded coldly.
Rose looked up at him, confusion evident in her eyes. “He told me you were gonna kill me.”
“Did he tell you why? When a vortex brings down the walls between dreams, she creates a single volatile dream that will collapse in upon itself, and take the waking world with it. Your world. Everything and everyone will die.”
The Corinthian bent down to Rose’s ear. “Don’t believe him, Rosie.”
“It’s happened before. I failed in my duty, an entire universe was lost.”
“He can’t kill you if you kill him first.”
“Killing me may save your life, but it won’t save the lives of those you love.”
“I’m tryin’ to keep you alive here!” The nightmare growled, the playful mask he bore slipping at last.
“I’m trying to keep your world alive,” Dream argued.
The Corinthian growled, “You have to choose one of us, Rose!”
“Enough!” She shouted above their noise, waves of power rolling off her and amplifying her voice. Rose Walker looked to The Corinthian. “If I’m as powerful as you say I am, then I will find my own way. In the meantime, the walls go back up.” She lifted her hand, willing the walls between the dreams to return.
A loud groaning sound echoed all around them as the mist began to overtake the room. Rose drifted back closer to Dream as everything around them changed. “What is this? What’s happening?”
Trees, gnarled and dripping with blood, surrounded them as dark figures moved in the woods, and all manner of noises surrounded them. The tree roots wound around The Corinthian’s limbs as The Nightmare tried to take a step back from the figure in white that now stood at the treeline. “Daunt.”
Dream wanted to reach out to her, to speak to her, anything, but Daunt was not herself. Her blood-covered form was no more than mist and bitter frost. Instead, Dream took hold of Rose’s arm and pulled her behind him. “At last,” Daunt said softly, but her voice sounded anything but. “You have come to see the damage caused by your hands.”
The roots of the trees began to squeeze the nightmare tightly. He groaned as his bones began to creak beneath the wood. “This is still your dream Rose.”
The figure in white turned her head, and ice crept along Dream’s form under her gaze. “No.”
Rose shivered from behind him and quickly uttered the words she’d heard him say, “This dream is over.”
“NO!” Daunt screamed, lunging forward as the dream vanished.
Standing back in the hotel, his nightmare breathed a relieved breath and stood once again as Dream looked down at his now-healed hand. His nightmare removed the dark shades that shielded the rows of teeth from view. That anger that filled him became unbearable as he looked over at the nightmare with watering eyes. “She trusted you, loved you, and you betrayed her.”
The Corinthian sneered. “You, of all people, have no right to judge me, Dream. After all, you drove her away in the first place! If you think I’m going back to The Dreaming with you-”
The floorboards beneath their feet began to tremble and crack. Mist filled the room as tall trees tore through the floors, and The Forest started to bleed into the Waking World. The Corinthian looked around him with stoic features as roots quickly began overtaking everything in the room. Standing in the crowd, Daunt breathed heavily, the veil gone, revealing her bleeding chest and wide eyes. “You do not get to leave me again, Corinthian.”
“Daunty,” the nightmare said softly. Roots twined around him as she walked up the stage and past Dream to stand in front of his rouge creation, the creation that had betrayed her.
“Have you any idea what it was like?” She demanded. “Knowing all this time that it was you that plunged the blade into my heart. That you… my friend… would doom me to this.”
For the first time, Dream could see the sorrow and pain in the nightmares eyes as he looked up at Daunt. “I’m sorry.”
A sob escaped her throat as everything in the room grew colder. “LIAR!”
The roots stabbed through The Corinthian in various places, digging deep into his body. He took it all with a sheer grit of his teeth, never looking away from Daunt as she stepped closer to him, a blade… the blade poised in her hands and pressed against The Corinthian’s chest. “Do it.” He told her. “I deserve it.”
Dream moved closer to her, ignoring the way it stung his skin. “Daunt…”
“No,” The Corinthian told him. “Do it, Daunty. Finish me.”
 “Was it worth it?” She demanded, her gaze shifting to the humans that sat in the crowded room. “Was all this worth it?”
“The only thing I regret is what I did to you,” The Corinthian said carefully.
“Regret?” She questioned, deathly quiet. “You do not know regret… not nearly enough to satisfy me.”
“Daunt,” Dream called out, hoping to pull her from the darkness that echoed in her words.
The blade flashed in the dim light as she drove it through The Corinthians ribs, twisting it as she knelt down, leaning her head closer to the nightmare and listening to his pained noises. “Look into my eyes, betrayer. Look and see what you wrought.”
He seemed to shake the longer he met Daunt’s gaze, the stoic features of his face twisting into pain and sorrow. The trees closest to her caught fire, and the sounds of fear and screaming. “Daunt…”
“You did this!” She screamed, tearing the blade from his ribs and stabbing him again.
The Corinthian bowed his head, pulling the blade from his flesh and holding it out to her. “Please.”
A sharp and pained scream echoed around Dream as Daunt fell back slightly, holding her chest as the wound began to bleed once more. She sobbed quietly, holding her hands to blood and crying as she looked to The Corinthian. “I trusted you…”
“I didn’t mean for this,” he whispered. “I didn’t…”
Daunt wept, “I cannot kill you, dear Corinthian. No matter how much you deserve it. Our fates are sealed, yours and mine.”
The Corinthian’s lips quivered as he looked back up at Dream. “Finish it, Dream.”
His voice was low, nearly hoarse, as he spoke, “I brought you into this world to serve humanity. Not to feed upon it.”
“I do it to taste what it’s like to be human.” The Corinthian admitted. “You don’t care about humanity, none of them. You can’t even bring yourself to care about her. You only care about yourself and your realm and your rules.”
“I contain the entire collective unconscious. Without my rules, it would consume me. Humanity would be consumed.”
“Or you might actually feel something. I am not the problem, Dream.”
With a look to Daunt, whose form slowly began to be overtaken with frost, he replied, “You are right. This was my fault, not yours. I had so much hope for you, but I created you poorly then. So I must uncreate you now.”
The sand swirled, glowing red as it ate away at his masterpiece. Daunt lifted her hand to his cheek, and he looked down at her as the last remnants of him faded. The Corinthian smiled at her, a soft smile, one he’d never known the nightmare to show before now. “Yours is the last face I will see.”
Daunt held the tiny skull of his nightmare in her bloodstained hand, standing slowly and turning to face him. More blood streamed down her cheeks as she cried tears of red. She placed the skull in his hand, and she whispered before he could even utter a word. “Find us, Dream. Please.”
And just as suddenly as she’d appeared, Daunt was gone again from his sight. His hand curled around the skull as he turned to the crowd of his creation’s flawed inspiration and shook his head. “And you… who call yourselves collectors, until now you have sustained fantasies in which you are the victims, comforting daydreams in which you are always right. But no more. The dream is over. I have taken it away. For this is my judgment upon you, that you shall know from this moment on exactly how craven and selfish and monstrous you are. That you shall feel the pain of those you have slaughtered. And the grief of those that mourn them still, and you shall carry that pain and grief and guilt with you until the end of time.”
They all rose from their seats and walked, dazed, out of the room. Dream looked around him at the lack of trees, mist, and all Daunt had brought with her. He closed his eyes and silently swore he would find her.
Rose Walker was not only the vortex but the child with the blood of an Endless. A child born of his sibling’s games. As soon as Dream had laid eyes on the dark heart she’d pulled from her chest and given to Unity Kincaid, he knew it. With a swiftness powered by his rage alone, Dream entered his gallery and grabbed the heart on the wall. “Desire. I stand in my gallery, and I hold your sigil. Talk to me.”
The faint image of his sibling’s wide red grin shinned from within the stone. “Why, sweet Dream. This is a surprise. Almost an event, I might say.”
“Good. I’m coming through,” he bit out through clenched teeth.
“You are?” They questioned, a slight pitch of fear entering their voice before they chuckled. “But of course. You know you’re always welcome in my chambers.”
The glossy red of Desire’s realm was hideous. He’d forgotten how much he detested the vivid color and how pungent the sickeningly sweet smell of summer peaches was. Dream took slow, deliberate steps closer to his sibling, who lounged in a chair in their gallery. “Lovely to see you,” they purred. “Can I get you anything you desire?”
“I desire nothing from you save some answers,” he replied tensely.
“Ooh, is this a test?”
“Unity Kincaid should’ve been the vortex of this era. But someone took advantage of my imprisonment and fathered a child with her, knowing full well that it would become the vortex, and I would be forced to kill it.”
Desire’s smile widened. “Was I really that obvious?”
“No,” Dream answered, circling them. “You covered your tracks remarkably well.”
“Well, that’s high praise coming from you.”
“What did you truly intend? That I should spill family blood? With all that would entail?”
They laughed. “This time, it almost worked.”
It was no secret that he and Desire loathed one another, but Dream hadn’t thought they would stoop to such drastic whims to see him dead. With a scoff, he shook his head. “My sibling, we of the Endless are the servants of the living, not their masters. We exist only because they know deep in their hearts that we exist. We do not manipulate them. If anything, they manipulate us.” Standing behind them now, his voice lowered, threatening and dark. “And you and Despair, and even poor Deliruim would do well to remember that.” He pulled their head back by their light hair and looked deep into the golden eyes that now flared with anger and fear. “Mess with me or mine again, and I shall forget you are family. Do you believe yourself strong enough to stand against me? Against Death? Against Destiny?”
“No,” they said in a trembling tone.
“Remember that next time you’re inspired to interfere in my affairs,” he whispered to them as his eyes trailed away from their golden irises to the red bitemarks that marred their hand. His hands tightened in their hair. “Where did you get those marks?”
“Is it not obvious, big brother?” They sneered with a smile. “Our lovely Mistake sends her regards.”
“What have you done with her?”
Desire’s smile widened. “So predictable, big brother.”
Anger laced deep into his voice. “What did you do?”
“I merely gave her what she always wanted.” Their golden eyes flared. “An end to her pitiful excuse of an existence.”
“You would dare to raise a hand against her?”
Desire scoffed. “She is no Endless. She is a Mistake. One that refused to see reason.”
“Where is she?”
“Right where I left her,” they answered. “In that pathetic little forest of hers with that stupid mutt.”
“How did you find it?”
Desire’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, you still haven’t been to see her? How sad. From what I hear, she doesn’t have much time left.”
Dream released their hair, practically throwing them forward as he turned and strode back down the hall he’d arrived in. “If Daunt dies, I will be back for your head.”
“Give her my best,” they called after him. “She looked rather ill when I last saw her.”
Daunt was alive, he reminded himself. She was alive, and he would find her. He would not lose her again.
It had been weeks since he’d finished his business with the Vortex and Desire. Months and still, there had been nothing to help him find her. He scoured every book and dream, desperately searching every corner he could reach for her to no avail. The ember of hope he’d held all this time slowly began to dwindle as the days passed… as he grew closer and closer to facing the horrible reality that he’d failed her.
Matthew had followed him to Fiddler’s Green, as the bird was known to do now that he was no longer shadowing Rose Walker, making comments on his incredibly sullen behavior, but Dream didn’t care enough to answer him. Instead, as he stood among the green fields and the flowers and the memories of their moonlit dances and conversations, Dream cared about nothing else but her. He wanted to see her again, to hold her in his arms and to beg for her forgiveness… to tell her, the real her, that he loved her and that he had for quite some time.
He stared out at the peaceful meadow for a moment longer before turning to leave. There was nothing for him here. Or was there? He halted almost instantly at the sight of white standing in the trees in front of him. The white stag stood between two large trees, watching Dream. Matthew looked over to where his master was staring and quietly asked, “What’s that thing?”
“A creature I thought had long abandoned this realm,” Dream answered as the stag turned away and began walking into the forest. Something inside him forced his feet to move, to follow the creature into the dark woods.
“Oh! So we’re following the weird lookin thing?” Matthew cawed loudly, taking to the sky to fly after them.
The trees grew closer and closer together, and darkness began to make it difficult to follow the creature forward. Mist rolled over Dream’s boots, and a chill seared his skin, forcing him to halt. This was not Fiddlers Green. This was nothing of his realm. “The Forest.”
A few steps ahead of him, the stag looked back and huffed, its breath visible in the frozen air, before it continued forward, stepping over the gnarled roots. Dream moved, too, a newfound desperation in his steps as they emerged from the thick trees into a small glen of frozen moss. Death and blood hung in the air all around them. The hollow resembled that which he’d seen in the short dream Daunt had influenced.
The stag took a half-step forward, a small frozen twig snapping beneath one of its hoofs. The sound echoed far louder than it should have, filling the silence with it. A heartbeat passed before a black shadow lunged out of the trees and dug its claws into the stag’s back, clawing and biting until the poor creature collapsed and its blood coated the white ground. Dream stood perfectly still as the beast tore into the stag’s flesh and devoured the steaming meat.
“Holy shit,” Matthew breathed from a branch beside Dream. The beast’s head turned, revealing two grey eyes locking onto Dream. It turned, claws clutching the stag’s body tightly, and let out a loud screech. Blood and spit coated its sharp teeth as its foul breath wafted to Dream’s nose.
The beast gave little to no warning before it pounced, claws tearing out of the carcass and slicing through the air as it made its way toward him, ready and willing to take the killing blow. White shot out through the forest, slamming into the black creature and forcing it onto the other side of the clearing. Growls and barks echoed through the trees before suddenly all grew silent. Matthew flew down from his perch, hopping toward the stag cautiously. “Where the fuck are we?”
Before Dream could answer the birds’ quiet question, the white blur returned. It leaped from nowhere and pinned Matthew to the snowy ground by a wing. The bloodstained teeth of the white wolf, marred with scars both old and new, chomped as he raised his head to look up at Dream. One eye was blue, crystal, and starry, while the other was faded gray and scarred. “What manner of demon are you?”
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saetoshi · 8 months
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dittoverse. (・・;)ゞ
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¿?: a series of fics revolving around the evolution sae and the reader’s relationship because i can’t bring myself to write an extremely long fic.
¡!: sae pov, high school au, strangers to lovers, loserboy!sae, popular!reader, au where sae doesn’t go to spain and therefore doesn’t fall out with rin but he still is standoffish, fics posted out of order most likely, modifications to the length of the series are up for discussion w myself
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invisible string
cool with you
fairy of shampoo
lavender haze
snow on the beach
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sleepwalkersqueen · 8 months
Ao3 fearless mofos like:
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In Ishval, Riza stopped counting birthdays. 
Instead she counted bullets, bodies. Scribbled the numbers on her field reports and turned them in, crisply folded. She became familiar with the space between heartbeats, the squeeze of the trigger, the wet sound of a bullet finding its mark. She grew accustomed to the tang of spent gunpowder and the bruising kick of a rifle butt against her shoulder. Through the grime of her scope, she watched orange tongues of flame roar against city streets and cloudless sky, her level crosshairs hovering over the broad-shouldered silhouette that commanded them. Her father’s ink sank deep into her blood, a poison, slow and fatal. Still, the Hawk’s Eye carried out her duties with mechanical precision. 
- Hourglass
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springtyme · 1 year
𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫 ♡
You were seven years old when you first met the Roy kids on a sunny summer day at a New England country club. You were eight that next summer when Roman, rather matter of factly, had declared the two of you best friends. Those following summers you had shared are some of the happiest memories from your childhood. But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and you and Roman lost contact after your eighth summer. Years later, after the carefree summers with your old childhood friend has become nothing but memories, Roman Roy comes crashing back into your life. 
Roman Roy x f!reader || Series playlist || Main masterlist
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Chapter 1 Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Chapter 2 I Am The Greatest Motherfucker That You’re Ever Gonna Meet
More chapters to come
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youngyoo-apologist · 6 months
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Regressor OG!Cale and Regressor!Kim Roksoo based off of that one Skip and Loafer panel
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