#GOING TO APOLOGIZE? YOU'RE SO RUDE!'' over like. me saying 'i should probably do an internship for nursing'
reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
i am the only bitch ever to consider rejecting someone because their mom is too nice. only unique experience (please prove me wrong with advice)
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queenothegeeks · 6 months
Awkward creator reader drabbles
This is based off a previous post about the reader being an awkward creator.
(warning, this all based off of chaotic ideas me and a friend had while on call, and this is not beta read, so I apologize for any bad spelling or grammar)
Imagine, just, having tea with Zhongli, and he's just talking about wine or something boring idk, and he notices that you look a little zoned out, like, eyes glazed over, mind clearly elsewhere. While he’s worrying about The Creator not liking him or whatever, you are just trying to figure out how to process being in another world, with all these people that you know everything about, but at the same time, don’t know anything at all. 
When you notice him looking at you weird and not talking anymore, you worry that you may have missed something important. So you just blurt out the first thing that came to mind, to fill the silence. 
“It's kinda funny that you're working under Hu Tao. She’s like, a billion years younger than you. Also, you should cool it on the adventuring, you might throw your back out gramps.”
And then, realizing what you said, you just grab your now lukewarm  (yes, he was talking for that long) cup of tea (or whatever else you want if you don’t drink tea)  and take a long sip, trying to hide your red face. 
(Bonus, you choked on your tea) 
Imagine going to Fontaine, and just gawking at the scenery there. Imagine, in order to find out about where in the timeline you are (and because you want to see some of your favorite characters) you decide to go to the opera house, and see if there's a trial going on, where you can ask Furina or Neuvillette about the wellbeing of Fontaine. Instead, you find a flier for Lyney and Lynette's magic show at a nearby theater. Deciding to go, you pay the ticket master, who looks in slight shock as the creator buys back row seats like a normal person (you were too scared to ask for a better seat while paying, so you just asked for the cheapest one) 
Sitting down, you wait nervously for the show to start, all being completely ignorant of the panic and rumors backstage. 
“The creators here! At our show!?”
“Calm down, it's fine, we don’t even know if it’s true.”
And, just to stir the pot, a tall lady sits next to you. You feel like you should know her from somewhere, she just seems so… familiar. 
Realizing you had been staring for quite a while, you turn your head back to the stage, waiting for the show to start. About midway through the show, you realize who it is you are sitting next to.
The knave, fourth of the Fatui harbingers. 
At the end of the performance, you shift in your seat, suddenly wayyyyyy more self-conscious than you were at the beginning of the show.  Wanting to say everything and nothing at the same time, you decide it's best to shut your mouth for the time being. It’s probably not even her, why worry-
“Excuse my rudeness, would you happen to be the creator?”
She knew you were of course, hence why she chose to sit next to you, instead of the front row seat that was reserved for her, as it always was at one of her children's performances. 
“I.. am… but you can call me y/n! I don’t really like fancy titles or anything! Would you be the Knave? Or do you prefer Arlecchino? ack-wait , sorry. I’ll shut up now, let's start fresh, what do you think of the show?”
You half say-half shout, flailing your hands around, and then shrinking in your seat, trying to become as small as possible. Arlecchino chuckles.
“I think it was a lovely performance, as they always are. My children are very talented, you know.” 
“Y-yeah! They're really great! I have to go! Great meeting you miss-Arlecchino-Knave-ma’am” 
You say as you bolt out of the room, the embarrassment and social awkwardness you naturally possess driving your feet. 
(Bouns, you tripped over your own feet and wanted the floor to swallow you whole) 
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aezuria · 6 months
*ੈ✎ xoxo, gossip girl!
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content: leo valdez x reader, percy jackson x reader, jason grace x reader
╰┈▸ back cover: how would gossip sessions with them go?
warnings: cursing, rude humor??
librarian's annotations: doing this instead of requests um
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god hes probably talking shit more than u
"oh her? yeah she was such a bitch like no way she looked at you like that when i said i was so obviously taken!"
"and her hair? has she ever heard of a brush? like, if you're gonna come at my girlfriend, at least make yourself look better so you don't embarrass yourself. oh wait, you can't!"
probably laying on you as he does this, and starts squeezing you tightly
"because my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world!"
awww that's cute right?
WRONG this man is so quick with his comebacks its actually insane
does NOT think before he speaks
doesnt hold back, even against you (booo why did ur gf privileges not apply to that)
"leo! can you like, move your fat ass off me?" you groan under him as he lays down with his dead weight on top of you.
"like the fat ass you don't have?"
were you silent or SILENCED
everytime you think he wouldnt take it that far?? oh he will go THERE (but he always makes sure u know hes joking)
doesnt want to invoke your wrath so he apologizes IMMEDIATELY
"fix your hair-"
"fix your face- IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO-"
guys. we cant forget abt the OG SASSY MAN
also talking shit a whole lot more than he should
"uh, she needs to get her act together before she can start coming at others; like-" rolls his eyes for EMPHASIS "who does she think she is, talking to you like that?"
damn, who taught this man sass?
bro was BORN with it or smth
even outsasses you sometimes
if you tell him to get like a snack or something and hes in the mood to just lay down with you, he will huff SO loudly
"ugh, fine!"
gets you extra snacks anyway in case you want more (and drinks obviously)
SO SO INVESTED like he has the WHOLE story down
but sometimes mixes up the ppl if its been a while
"wait wait, so the library girl and the jock are dating?"
"the nerd and the library girl are dating, but the jock wanted library girl."
"that makes a lot of sense, actually."
has tea of his OWN because the sea knows everything apparently
"tobias told me-" percy started.
"who the fuck is tobias?"
"the turtle, duh. anyway, he said that this guy always takes girls to the beach on their first date, to make them fall in love with him or something. like, every single girl he's dated."
"...does that count as a manipulation tactic?"
will be on your side no matter what
like if you end it with an "it is what it is"
um??? it is NOT what it is hello?
doesnt look like hes listening but hes paying attention to EVERYTHING
like hes "reading" a book but hes been on the same page for the entire time youve been talking
tries not to laugh at your rather creative insults, but sometimes you get a soft chuckle out of him
you take that as a win
once, you caught him listening through the door as you gossiped with piper over the phone
he was SO embarrassed omg
after that, you made sure to tell him all the tea as soon as you have it
"—and he cheated on her with her SISTER. who's like, three years younger than him! like, what the fuck? that's not even all he did!" you sit up, hands playing with the blanket. you think you see him lean a bit closer, as if wanting to hear more. "she fucked his brother in his room, like, her ex boyfriend's room for revenge! okay, that was a bitch move, but was it deserved?"
jason shrugged. "i'd say no one deserves to be cheated on, but he kinda did deserve it."
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whateveriwant · 11 months
Hey! I love your writing so much, and I was wondering if you could do 141 HCs with an albino GN!reader? Or a reader with tics but not tourettes? Either or!! Have a lovely day!
I'm sorry it took me a little while to get to this, anon! I went with the second option!
Can you say 'twinsies'? Because Ghost definitely can 👯‍♀️
I can totally see Ghost having tics of his own – motor ones specifically, mostly confined to his face, but you wouldn't know it because they're always hidden by his masks
Thus, when he first notices you ticking, he immediately clocks it for what it is and he (almost giddily) thinks to himself 'Finally! Someone who gets me'
Because of this, he quickly becomes your second shadow, following you around everywhere like a little big puppy
Naturally, he'll get incredibly protective over you, especially when it comes to people who stare or make comments under their breath or even outright approach you and ask something rude regarding your tics
If he catches anyone doing anything of the sort, then he goes into scary dog mode real quick: arms crossed over his chest, head cocked to the side, an intimidating silence as he glares with a gaze so menacing it could melt steel
With a man as sharp and attentive as Price, much like Ghost, he takes instant notice of your tics
And as protective as Price is, he'd probably get fairly concerned about you to the point where he even pulls you aside one day to have a little chat
He knows that… tics, he thinks they're called, aren't necessarily indicative of anything health-wise, but he just wants to make sure that you're okay; that there isn't anything he can do for you
Even after assuring him that you're perfectly fine and healthy and good, that doesn't stop him from looking out for you like you're his own flesh and blood
Similar to Ghost, if he sees anyone staring or making snide comments about you, then he's definitely going to step in and shut that down
However, rather than giving them an I'll tear your spine out through your throat look à la Ghost, he'll mutter something in their ear – the specifics of which you're unsure, but it always has them making a swift, shaky-legged departure
While he too notices your tics, Gaz would never ever mention them out of respect for you and your privacy
He would wait for you to be the one to bring it up, should you ever choose to, that is. And if you never do, well, that's a-ok to him. Whatever you're willing to divulge, he'll be there waiting without pressure or judgment
However, if you were to talk to him about it (and thus invite a conversation) then prepare yourself for a barrage of questions
He doesn't ask them meaning to be offensive or intrusive or whatever; he's simply curious. He just wants to get to know you well, and that means knowing what makes you uniquely you
Unlike the other 141 men, if he notices someone bothering you about your tics, he's not going to directly (more like aggressively) confront them over it
Instead he'd harmlessly distract them, drawing their attention onto himself until they've completely forgotten all about their interest in bugging you
This man, bless his heart, would be totally, astoundingly oblivious of your tics even if they punched him in the face
In fact, the closer you become with him, the more he finds himself unconsciously start to mimic them
Kind of like when you like someone and so you start mirroring their movements/patterns of speech? Yeah, it's like that but with your tics
Of course, if you were to say something about it (and especially if you said it made you uncomfortable), he'd immediately apologize, explain how he wasn't even aware he was doing it, and make sure he never does it again
Like with Ghost and Price, if Soap noticed someone being rude towards you, he'd go into guard dog mode, but he is the most feral by far
He'd be all up in their face, furious, practically foaming at the mouth as he yells to "Mind yer own fuckin' business while you've still got workin' legs to mind with!" … only to turn to you afterwards all sunshine and rainbows like he didn't just tear that person a new one 😇
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katesmemes · 7 months
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
"I don't think that blush is your shade."
"I'll probably just stay home."
"This is the first critical rager of the year."
"You know what your doctor said."
"You need socialization."
"Why don't you use my tanning bed?"
"You're in need, babe."
"I'm really sorry you got electrocuted."
"Are you hot for anyone?"
"[Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name]!"
"I don't know who that is."
"He doesn't play sports; he's cerebral."
"This party is gonna be clutch!"
"These things will turn your feet into hamburger helper."
"It's not haunted, just abandoned. Desecrated."
"Well, I heard [Name(s)] do witchcraft over there."
"I've never seen anybody there."
"I think it's really peaceful and quiet."
"I talk to him sometimes."
"I brought this for you."
"It's kinda morbid when I wear it so I wanted you to have it."
"That's really weird, [Name]."
"I just don't think anyone should be forgotten."
"Y'know, I wasn't gonna say anything, they were such a mess, but you look amazing now!"
"Oh my God, [Name], bag your face!"
"How do you know my name?"
"So what exactly happened to her?"
"I can never ever talk about it, for personal and legal reasons, and i also pinky swore, but I guess I can tell you. I trust you."
"I'd be screwed up if I were her, too."
"Hi, sorry, how do we know each other?"
"You're being so dramatic."
"This is not what I expected from you; you have so much potential."
"Lets find somewhere for you to sit for a bit, yeah?"
"I hate parties like this; I don't even know why I came."
"Your hair feels like easter grass."
"You know it's not nice to lead people on."
"I wish I was with you."
"It's okay; everyone does it."
"You should probably get going."
"Did you smash the mirror in the bathroom?"
"Do you know what happens to people who act out?"
"How about an apology?"
"I feel like I may want to apologize for what happened last night."
"Well, I'm glad you're okay."
"Oh, is there pizza left?"
"I think I'm gonna skip the movie."
"I'm just really tired from work."
"Do you know how hard that is on the groin muscles?"
"It doesn't even hurt anymore."
"Do you like this song?"
"We're better off up here in case anyone comes home."
"I haven't said this many words in a row in forever."
"I hate to say it, but you're either crazy, or just goddamned inconsiderate!"
"You're kind of absurd, aren't you?"
"I really don't get your fixation with that one."
"There are plenty of halfway-dece guys who would date you."
"I wanna help you, I really do, but I dunno how."
"It's a waste of time to try and fix a boy; it's better to just accept a guy's flaws."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"What happened to your neck?"
"You don't want to hold my hand?"
"This whole place gives me the creeps, okay?"
"I thought that was a really cool thing to say."
"Don't feel bad about what we did!"
"You saved me."
"Is that a rad new trend or something?"
"I don't play with dolls anymore."
"I'm sure there's some explanation."
"You know I'm usually pretty cool about things, right?"
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"You have no idea how scary this is."
"I actually feel like something's wrong."
"People are so afraid of death because they dunno when it's gonna happen to them."
"I'm not afraid of death anymore."
"I don't wanna die a virgin."
"I want to do it with someone I truly love."
"You're so supportive."
"I love our conversations."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude."
"How about I drive since you're not feeling so good?"
"Your boobs look great by the way."
"This is just too freaking much."
"It's your fault we're screwed."
"You act like you're happy for me, and you care about me, but you're not really happy for me."
"You couldn't let me have this one thing?"
"You knew I liked him and you went after him on purpose!"
"I swear, I would never do that to you!"
"Guys usually only want me for one thing."
"It just was never gonna work out between us."
"I don't have feelings for you like that."
"Do you know how uncool that is?!"
"Uh, you're not making any sense."
"Thank you for being nice to me when no one else was."
"You're the type of person who usually bullies me or looks right through me, but you didn't."
"You actually went out of your way to try to tell people I was part of your family."
"You really actually wanted me to be your sister..."
"You're a great person, [Name]."
"Listen, we're running out of time."
"Make love to me."
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fizzy-blood · 1 month
Coral again 🪸🫡
Tim / Masky nsfw headcanons PLS
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Tim & Masky Headcanons🌲 [NSFW]
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I ACCIDENTALLY HAD THIS POST DELETED TWICE AND I'M GOING INSANE!! Also, you're the first anon I've had that named themselves so congrats on that ^_^ also gn reader/'S/O'. Thank you so much for sending in two asks! I'll post the first one when I can <3 /p
WARNING: NSFW/18+ CONTENT [Breeding kink, spanking/hitting, orgasm denial, mentions of degrading, kinda public sex? Gun violence!!(Yay!!!/s)]
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I'm gonna be honest with y'all... He's kinda vanilla.. Not that there's anything wrong with that ofc... But I know this fandom is full of freaks (ME INCLUDED)
But I do think he has some sort of breeding kink
Idk man but the idea of getting his S/O (you) knocked up just does something to him (even if that's not possible)
I feel like he would have wanted kids at some point in his life and the idea of getting you pregnant probably helps with that... Even if raising a child would be kinda impossible with his current situation...
Now... I'm gonna be honest again... He isn't super big...
It's average size so around 5 inches (12-13 cm for my fellow maple syrup drinkers... Also other non American folks)
But he's definitely got more girth than the average person!
And he's also surprisingly good in bed? Like??
He's very sweet and tries his best to be gentle (but sometimes gets a bit rougher when he's close)
If you want him to be rough or go faster he will... But he'll be asking if you're ok immediately after you both finish! (Aftercare with this man is 🤤 but more on that later)
And I did say he was very sweet so I guess I should just specify that he likes to praise you
It's very sappy for someone who's normally kinda rude to everyone but it's still a great experience!
Though he doesn't really like to shave or trim to often... But if you asked really nicely he'd probably do it a bit more often (I love hairy men 🗣️)
But Masky on the other hand? Ha! He'd spit in your face and tell you to keep quiet while he pounds into you... (... Me next... OMG WHO SAID THAT!?)
But seriously... This guy will barely talk during sex, but when he does it's almost always to degrade you or order you around
And if you don't do as he says there are two punishments
The first one only works if he had any control over you being able to finish up and cum
Aka, orgasm denial!
He'll do what he wants to do and just leave you in whatever state you're in
And if not? If he can't control you like that?
Now, he prefers to use his hand but will use a paddle or some sort of object if he has one nearby
But again, normally uses his hand for it
He'll force you to bend over his knees or lay across his lap so he can do it properly
He also likes making you count how many
And if you mess up? He'll start over and make you count again...
Also... Kinda unrelated but this guy loves fucking you in the middle of the woods for some reason?
Against a tree or on the ground... Doesn't really matter as long as you're outside...
And yes, a hiker did come across it once... The guy almost immediately got shot by Masky
Speaking of getting shot! He almost immediately put the guy to your head with the safety off while he was fucking you. No, he did not apologize!
Over all kind of a lot... Not bad if you're into being used like that though...
After care!!
(Masky doesn't really do aftercare so this is all Tim)
He'll lay with you for a bit before slowly getting up and stretching
After that he'll look down at you and ask if you need water or food or maybe even a bath..
If you feel like you're struggling to walk he'll try to carry around his cabin or your house (depending on where you guys were)
If you have a bath he'll sit next to the tub and talk to you, making sure you're alright and everything
And if you ask him really nicely he might even join you in there!!
After that he'll help you dry off and take you back to bed to sleep (and cuddle)
Aftercare is a 10/10 experience honestly
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AHHH! FINALLY DID IT! (And I actually really liked this one) thank you again for sending in the ask and I hope you enjoyed this ^_^ and again, asks are open
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[Also! Pill/cigarette dividers by @sister-lucifer ]
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jtl-fics · 6 months
In honor of April Fools day I will talk a bit about an AU with my favorite fool - (Redacted) Smith that I will probably never write fully but have thought about a bunch of scenes for.
I call it 2 Fluent Freshmen.
Due to a clerical error at both the school and during the local government's push to digitize their documents Smith is noted down as being 2 years older than he actually is and (perhaps a clerical error or maybe no teacher can say if they've had him in class or not) Smith also has enough credits to graduate. Gran has passed away early and there's nothing for him in Washington other than more anxiety.
Wymack & Dan come to Smith when he is 16 and Smith takes the chance to escape from his family IMMEDIATELY. Sure the Foxes are the worst team and sure there's some drama going on with Kevin Day having joined them after his injury but a full ride scholarship is a full ride scholarship!
Smith is rooming with 2 upperclassmen and his only other fellow freshman - Neil Josten. He is not hiding the fact that he can speak Russian, he is hiding the fact that he is 16. Smith ends up pretty close to Seth and Allison due to sharing a dorm / position respectively and just doing his best not to get to close to crazy Andrew Minyard. He does get a bit close with Neil but it's not something he's trying to do.
He's trying to keep his head down and get through the year.
It's a little hard when he is sat on the couch with the Kathy Ferdinand show. It's a lot harder when Riko Moriyama shows up and doesn't realize he's there and just...sits in Smith's lap?? Smith remains as blank faced as ever and what the fuck is Riko supposed to do? ADMIT HE FUCKED UP?
Do you know how hard it is to intimidate someone when you're sitting in the lap of some dude? The answer is VERY. Kevin can't take him seriously at all, especially after Smith made a comment that Riko's ass was bony.
Riko goes after them the same but Smith doesn't really get that his anger is at Kevin. "Hey, I'm sorry I called your butt bony on national television. That was rude of me. You should try some squats though." and like what the fuck is Riko supposed to say in the face of some dude genuinely apologizing to him.
It buys enough time that no one is grabbed or slammed.
Seth and Allison drag him out to the bar that night and after a few minutes sitting with Allison Smith realizes that he actually does have to pee and oh god someone's trying to assault Seth! Smith calls upon the powers of Gracie Hart and Seth has a black eye and a concussion but he graduates.
Neil wants Smith to come with him to the Thanksgiving because Neil has latched on a bit. Smith ends up going and also ends up going upstairs to go to the bathroom because oh god he cannot handle Nicky's parents hearing him take an anxiety shit. He's making his way to the end of the hall and sees a penny on the ground so he bends over to grab it.
And Drake Spears is unbalanced from missing his swing and falls right out the open window to the ground below where he breaks his neck. Naturally, Andrew is watching this scene unfold from the stairs and just starts to laugh his ass off. Smith turns around after flipping the penny over (it was tails side up and therefore not lucky) unaware of what has happened.
Smith asks if Andrew wants to use the bathroom. Andrew insists that Smith goes on ahead. The Hemmicks keep asking if they saw anyone upstairs and Smith has no idea what they're talking about, Andrew does but plays dumb out of spite. A day later it's wild that Nicky's parents got arrested. Like they seemed so normal, how did they kill someone and dump him in the side garden??
The Winter Banquet happens and well...it's dark. It's dark and Neil has brown hair and brown eyes and Smith has brown hair and brown eyes. Riko is not the best at judging heights so he calls Smith to threaten him and tell him that he's joining the Ravens for a Winter Break training camp. Jean is doing the most anyone has ever done not to laugh right now.
Riko only realizes his mistake when he's finished threatening Smith with his father and Smith ruins it. Smith is elated to have somewhere to stay over winter break. He can't mention he has nowhere to go so he'd thought he'd spend the break homeless. Now here comes Riko Moriyama inviting him to a camp where room and board will be provided?
What a nice guy. To thank him Smith compliments the gains he's noticed on Riko's ass. "The squats are really helping you, or are you doing something else?" he asks.
What the fuck is Riko supposed to do? ADMIT THAT HE FUCKED UP? Tell Smith that he's been doing squats and leg lifts before asking that he hand the tickets back and go get Neil???
Fuck that.
He'll just turn Smith against the Foxes and-
Well Riko kept talking about Smith's dead dad and so Smith may have a slight misunderstanding about the full scope of this training camp. He may think that there is some sort of seance element to it at this point and he's kind of excited at the idea of talking to his dad. "I've never spoken to a dead man before, this will be fun." and it's delivered flatly with no expression.
Riko starts to wonder if maybe Smith is the Butcher's son? Did the Butcher have two sons? He's sweating all the sudden.
It does not help that Smith brings a Ouija board to camp or that his dad was a legit Butcher before he died so Riko's tentative questioning only sends him further into an anxious mess about if Nathan had twins and Riko, due to being kept away from the family business, might just not be aware of it?
Smith has a nice Christmas break.
The last scene I've got dinging around in the noggin is in Binghamton. Smith has been left behind at many a stadium at this point. There's a solid and fast rule.
Neil cannot get on the bus without Smith. They are buddies. This is the buddy system. So when the riot starts and Neil seems to be getting pulled away in the crowd?
Well Smith grabs his hand and pulls him towards the bus, "Buddy system."
The bus starts and they're on their way shortly after. Neil's an anxious wreck but that next morning he wakes up to the news that the Butcher of Baltimore died in an FBI raid the night before as well as his men.
Smith watches the news with Neil, "Wow, that's scary." as he sips some orange juice.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 7 months
Nu carnival dealing with a transphobic family friend/ customer (ftm reader)
Warnings: transphobia. Spicy♦️ for Morvay.
Your boyfriend decides to visit you at your job because he misses you and doesn't get to see you enough. Just a little visit to see how you're doing. He comes in and takes a seat in the corner of the cafe to wait for you to come over when you get a free minute. What he didn't expect to see was what looked like a family friend to be harassing you and actively misgendering you. Not to mention the invasive questions she has the gall to ask you…
Do you not hear the awful things this person is calling you? Girl? She? WIFE!? No no no, why aren't you correcting her? No sooner does the question run through his mind does he notice the tired and worn down look on your face. Like you've been through this a thousand times before and you're just waiting for it to be over again.
Anxiety be damned, he approaches the table as confidently as he could. Back straight but his fingers were laced together.
“Excuse me, you're making him uncomfortable.” His voice was quiet yet firm.
“Oh sweetie, no it's fine I know her mother.” She tried to wave him off, totally dismissing his presence.
“You're being rude. You should apologize to him.” They go back and forth like this for a minute before he gets really upset. So he turns his back to her and faces you directly. “I love you so much and you deserve so much better. When you're done working I'm going to make your favorite meal and we will cuddle until you feel better, okay?” His words are soft and caring. You know he wants nothing more than to take you out of this situation but knows he can't make a scene at your job.
When you get home he will do everything he can to remind you how masculine and perfect you are to him. He feels regret and wishes he could have done more in the moment, but also didn't want to get you in trouble at work or with your family.
It takes him a moment to figure out what he's going to say. He is still cautious about having people know he is in a relationship with you, just for security reasons. So he can't just say “stop calling my boyfriend a girl.”. Ultimately he marches up to the table, stares the woman down, and in no uncertain terms tells her that her behavior is unacceptable.
“He has corrected you twice and you are actively disrespecting him by ignoring his claims.”
“If someone as bigoted as you frequents this establishment I can't imagine how much longer this shop will last.” As if on cue your manager rushes out to see what the fuss is about. Having an incident with the leader of the guards would be terrible for the cafe's reputation. After Edmond explained what happened your manager sided with him and basically gave her an ultimatum.
“Respect my employees or get out.”
She tried for a minute to get other patrons of the store to side with her but anybody who looked at the situation and saw Edmund standing there with his arms crossed knew better than to get involved. Unfortunately, instead of apologizing she simply left the store muttering curse words under her breath.
He is probably the most polite of everyone here. He will ask the table if he can sit with them (of course they say yes because who's going to say no to Father Olivine). His heart breaks when he hears her nonsense tangent about “The great God of Klein made such a beautiful girl but she's wasting it by dressing like a man.”
It's so satisfying watching Olivine preach about how the God of Klein values individuals and makes their hearts perfect. “If his heart is a man's, then who are we to deny the great God of Klein’s judgment?” Everything she says to justify her transphobia he politely and lovingly shuts her down. “Those kinds of ideas are corrupting. Please, I think you should visit the temple and reflect on your own judgments.”
It's amazing watching her excuses be chipped away by someone who genuinely wants the best for people.
He probably won't be quick to swoop in and “save you”. Honestly, he just wanted to hang out in your cafe while you worked. But now his day is ruined because somebody is upsetting his boyfriend, and clearly not respecting you no matter how many times you tried correcting them.
He quietly walks up behind you, his large frame casting a shadow over both you and the woman.
“See. That's what a real man looks like. Sweetie you could never compare so stop pretending.” The sickly sweet tone in her voice, the false compassion and pity left a bitter taste in his mouth.
He puts his hand on your shoulder and squeezes harder than intended. “This is what a real man looks like.” His voice was colder than any tone he's ever used around you before. You could feel the chill in your veins despite not being on the receiving end. You could see she was feeling the same effect you were, but much worse.
She stuttered as she tried to defend her transphobic views. Quincy stayed eerily silent until she was done spewing her bull shit. She took his silence as acceptance and by the end of her justification she gained a shit eating grin.
“If I ever hear you say that nonsense again I'm going to feed you to the bears in the wood territory.” Her face went pale as she realized he was not joking. Slowly she nodded her head, not wanting to make any sudden movements. Topper squeaked angrily at her and without another word Quincy returned to his seat. You could feel the warmth of his hand lingering on your shoulder even after he walked away, and the woman kept sneaking glances at him throughout her visit just to make sure he hadn't gotten up to do anything.
You know he didn't mean that threat seriously…right?
He spent the better part of an hour watching you work before this family friend came in, just enjoying people watching and keeping an eye on you. That was until this family ‘friend’ came and started talking to you. Sitting just far enough away to make it difficult to hear what she was saying. Difficult, but he could still hear the pointed ‘she’s and ’her’s she spat. He didn't really care at first, not until he noticed you getting visibly uncomfortable. Normally he takes great pleasure in watching you squirm but this was different. This made him fume in a way he didn't know he could feel. Now isn't the time to think of his own feelings though, now was the time to make them stop.
He called you away from her table and asked you to make him something really quick. Probably something simple like a sandwich, but something that'll take you just enough time to get back so he can work. The moment you are out of the main dining area and in the kitchen he gets up and gingerly sits across the table from the surprised woman.
“I have something I think you should know~” He said in his normal sing-songy voice, curling his finger so she'll lean over the table for him. Slowly and clearly he whispers something in her ear, making sure she understood every word before leaning back in his seat to marvel at the appalled and horrified look on her face.
By the time you came back only a minute later she was gone and Kuya was back lazing in his seat, a sly smile on his face.
Sweet boy doesn't understand what the person is saying is malicious. It just turns into a back and forth of “darling is a boy” and “no she's a girl.” with both sides escalating until your manager skurries over to make them stop. When she stands up aggressively Blade almost goes into full protection mode.
You and your manager shift your focus from her to him. Blade doesn't stand down until you are holding him back and your manager kicking her out of the store.
When he comes back to his senses all he sees is you hugging him and he is happy as a clam. He doesn't even realize he almost went on a murder spree. Your manager is very tired and lets you go home early with Blade, just so he doesn't have to worry about Blade making another scene.
He hears everything that she's saying to you. Every nasty use of the wrong pronouns just made his fur prickle. His first instinct is to approach and get between you two but you've scolded him before about getting in the way of your job. His ears are pinned back against his head as he stares at the two of you.
He was patient enough to wait for you to be done taking her order. As soon as you leave her table he calls you over. “Are you okay? Why didn't you say anything? Do you need help?” His bombardment of questions hit you like a flood. His eyes were wide as he stared at you, practically staring into your soul. As you two were standing so close he could clearly smell the anxiety wafting off of you. He wanted to get rid of that smell, wanted the woman who caused it to go away, he just wanted to see you smile.
“It's okay Garu. She'll leave soon and I'll be fine.” You gave him a soft smile. His kindness always tugged at your heart.
“But she's upsetting my boyfriend!” He raised his voice a little as he was getting upset again. Not to the point of yelling but definitely to the point where she could hear you. It wasn't intentional but her face went red anyway. You gave him a quick kiss before thanking him and returning to your work.
She didn't bother you the rest of the time.
If you don't try to correct her misgendering you he will be confused but can wait to ask you about it later. However when you correct her and she blatantly starts calling you a girl more. He's on his feet ready to bite at a moment's notice.
“Shut up you hag. He told you he's a boy so now you're just being dumb!”
“Who are you calling dumb you little freak!?”
It does not take long for a full fledged brawl to break out between the two of them. You grab Karu by the arms and try your best to pull them off while other onlookers jump in and try to pull the woman away. Once the two are separated profanities are the only thing you can hear being screamed across the room. Both of them are kicked out of the cafe but she needs stitches and Karu successfully “defended your honor” so at least he's satisfied. You are put on clean up duty for the mess your boyfriend made, but secretly it did make you happy knowing just how far he'll go to make you feel seen.
Her face lit up when she saw Dante staring at you. Dante, the perfect specimen of a man. Smart, strong, handsome, and most importantly powerful. “Oh! Sun lord, don't you think she would make such a good wife!” She points at you, you are clearly upset and uncomfortable and it makes his blood boil.
“Absolutely not.” Her expression immediately fell at his words but she gained a wicked smile when she thought of a response.
“Oh dear, it's because she's so masculine. I keep telling her it's really unattractive and she won't ever find a good-” Dante's hot glare was enough to shut her up for a moment. The way he straightened his back and lifted his chin just to further look down on her gave you goosebumps.
“Let me be clear on one thing. He would make an awful wife, but is an exceptional boyfriend.” The woman was immediately shot down and put in her place. You're relatives that were sitting at the table awkwardly look away like they don't know anyone in this building. It's hard to tell what felt better, the butterflies in your stomach or the sweet taste of justice.
It's very simple actually. The solution to this problem is to buy a cup of coffee, go over to the table, and dump the hot coffee on the a-hole who insisted on misgendering you.
“Oops I didn't see you there. I must be as blind as you are.” And the entire time he maintained eye contact with her just daring her to say something. She, of course, starts screaming and throwing a tantrum. A string of “how dare you!” and “don't you know who I am!” came out with her shrill screeching.
He just shrugged and replied “I don't care who you are but anyone who disrespects my boyfriend like that means nothing to me. Frankly you're worse than scum and should be disgusted with yourself, but I know your type has no self awareness anyway.”
He knows her type, he's dealt with them plenty of times in his world. He hates how she is talking about you, misgendering you and acting like you aren't even there. He's getting mad but he knows better than to make a scene in front of your family. So the next best thing to do is correct her.
He walks up beside you and puts an arm over your shoulder casually. “Oh? There's a pretty girl around here, where?”
She rolls her eyes when she looks at him. “You're leaning on her.”
Eiden looks to you then back to her, his eyes wide in fake bewilderment. “Ma'am are you feeling well? This is my boyfriend. He's very handsome, but pretty is not a word I would use to describe him.”
“Well she was born a girl so she's a girl.”
“Ah, so that explains why you're such a big baby!”
It's hard to hold back your laughter as her face turned bright red. For every other stupid transphobic comment she tried to make Eiden had a witty comment ready to shut her up.
“Well, gender is what's in her pants.”
“I was in his pants last night, so I guess I'm his gender.” Now your face went bright red as you lightly punched him in the arm which only made him laugh. His laugh was contagious, and the look on her face was satisfying.
Even the red hot glare she shot at you after a bit of your laugh slipped out didn't bother you anymore because Eiden was waiting to make her look a fool if she even tried to say something else about you.
He's not normally one to make a big scene so he doesn't move to confront her until after you've gone back to the kitchen to place her tables order.
“Hi, I couldn't help but notice your super cute top! That’s a Devilicious brand shirt right?”
Her face brightened when someone recognized her expensive brand of clothes. “Yes it is! I shop there all the time.” She bragged.
“What shop do you go to?”
“The one in water territory is my favorite, it has the best shirts but not as many shoes.”
“Hmmm good to know. I'm their supplier so I'm going to have them ban you from the store. I don't need bigots tarnishing my brand's name.” The way her face fell from pompous to petrified made Asters chest fill with pride. She scrambled to try and defend herself.
“What do you mean bigot?! I'm a good person.”
“Weren't you just calling that man a girl? He even corrected you.”
“No, no, you don't understand. I know her family and she is a girl.” When you came out you could see the sweat on her brow.
“Well he's my boyfriend and I don't care what his family lets you get away with calling him. Enjoy getting your Devilicious second hand.” He laughed as he walked past you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “See you at home treasure.” And he was gone, leaving her in her booth on the verge of a crisis.
“What did I miss?”
Oh he can feel his blood boiling every time she insults you like that. Not to mention nobody else at the table is even trying to defend you! Unacceptable.
He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, and buries his face into your neck. He's practically spooning you while standing up. “Mmmm when is my husband going to give me the attention I need?” he whines into your ear.
“Babe I'm done in an hour, please be patient.” Embarrassed, you try to wiggle out of his grasp but he doesn't budge. Instead he nudges his head deeper into your neck. You almost squeak when his lips brush against your soft spot.
“But I don't want to wait that long to suck your dick!” He loudly whines so the whole restaurant can hear. The sound that followed was defining. You firmly ushered him back to his table, begging him to behave until you aren't in public. He sighs wistfully but agrees.
His plan worked though. Anytime the jerk tried to misgender you the entire store of eavesdroppers gave her a collective confused look and she was socially forced to correct herself. No matter what she would try to say people are going to believe Morvays very personal claim over hers.
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divinelolita · 1 year
i wanna laugh and i wanna laugh rn😪
its been so long(literally a few days) since i sent smthhh
ill boost u bae dw
mk so the whole band(um seperate fic duh) with a bf who be freakishly nice n shit(i feel like ivd sent this bf dont expose me if i did) like if a band member accidentally hit him in the face he would say sorry and say some dumb shit like "im so sorry i shouldn't have been in the way of your elbow. " like what💀💀
or if someone was trying to confess or smth he'd be like "i really don't want to hurt you but no." maybe even as a band memeber is right next to them
and arguments with this mf is probably hell like if it was a band members fault he would accidentally make them think it wasn't and it was his(sometimes its on purpose but they figure it out later) OFC these r examples use what u want🧍🏾
teehee i have an essay to write but ummmmm that doesn't matter rn 😇 uhh also if it's bad sorry idk what's going on with me
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・He's so confused how you can be nice all the time
・He really does try to be nice but he just snaps sometimes omg 💀
・He wonders when your breaking point is
・Like if he turns around carrying something and wacks your fucking face he's so confused why you're not YELLING at him
"Yeah and then- *WHACK* -OH SHIT M/N I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY?! -"
"No, no Bill I'm fine! It didn't hurt that much."
・He just stares at you with his jaw dropped low, slowly nodding to himself
・Or like if he knocks something over and you apologize for it
(I've done that so many times...)
・Reassures you it's not your problem 🤞
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・nahh you got him FUCKED UP bae.
・He doesn't understand how you can be so nice, I feel like he's a brutally honest mf 💀
・If your in public and somebody is being rude to you and you're just kinda standing there, still staying calm???
・He's just looking at your features trying to find ONE small piece of anger or frustration
・I feel like y'all are couple opposites.
・Like he'd obviously have a soft spot for you 🤗 but he doesn't see the reason to be nice to others when he knows it's not his fault
・Arguments with him oh my god...
・If you keep apologizing and saying it's your fault he eventually sits next to you to comfort you, assuring you everything's okay.
"It's not your fault, M/N. I promise.."
・You'd somehow warm him up a bit, he barley notices himself becoming more kind and carefree.
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・was his color green or blue omg i can't remember
・He's...so confused.
・Like if he accidentally smacks you with his elbow and you aren't crying or cursing
"I'm okay! It just stung for a second haha..!"
・He gets you but he doesn't.
・He just can't see himself being so giddy and happy and nice.
・Anger turns into confusion in arguments, why are you so mad at yourself?
・Loves you so fucking much though, always reminding you that you are amazing and didn't do anything wrong.
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・He understands you so much oh my god, he just loves you even more now.
・He'd also try to keep you from blaming yourself.
・Like if he knocks something over and you apologize.
"Oh shit I'm sorry I should have moved it-"
"No honey you're fine, I should've looked where I was going.."
・Very slightly confused on how you never snap, how you always keep calm
・He wishes he could be like you bae 💔💔
・In arguments he just tries to calm himself and you down, actually sitting down and talking about how you both feel
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mewpangxin · 1 year
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♥️The Queen Of Hearts♥️
TW: Yandere, Manipulation, Graphics Of Violence, Deaths mentioned, Adult themes maybe?, Toxic relationship, Victim Blaming, Psychological horror, etc.
Note: I'd like to say that my Mc is not cheerful, there's a hint of them being bullied in this.
(It's probably obvious TT that English is my second language, hopefully my grammar is okay!)
“Are you ready to begin, my darling?”
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—ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A CURIOUS LITTLE THING, sometimes bolder than normal.
You were admired in a universe which titles 'Wonderland' and met many strange customs in it.
How astonishing to be exploring and talking in fantastical stories! That was until you caught the attention of the monarch himself.
He finds your existence.. peculiar.
“Oh, and who is this lost dear?” His tone has no bite as his gray eyes dilated innocently at you.
Surprisingly, he didn't berate you when you came out mysteriously by an opening portal created by someone's power at his tea parties and being the oh pure soul you were, you asked him upfront whether he would be okay if you’d like to be friends with him. How (ignorant) brave of you.
“Your majesty, forgive them! They didn't know any better about their etiquette and manners!” The advisor of the queen with a clover mark stated.
“Trey, don't. We should hear.. how our queen is going to handle this.” The orange head muttered, his expression was unreadable.
“..That moron is a goner. Sheesh.” The red haired boy chimed in with sympathy.
“They're not dying! Don't be weird, Ace!” His partner who was serving drinks nagged at him.
“The heck are you on, Deuce?!”
“Eh....??” Your lips thinned with anxiety.
Everyone stopped what they were doing almost comically as they prayed at the demise of yours.
What they didn't expect was that a vehement burst of giggles escaped their leader himself.
The attractive royal laughed so much!
That he forgot to compose himself!
His subjects were combusting in the background and the wine-haired male regained his senses.
“Are you bothered by this?” You inquired. A rush of memory from reality washed over to you. What if he despises you? What if he thinks you're a freak?
His brow raised as if scanning your horror.
“How terrible of me. As its ruler, I must apologize for a moment. I am Riddle Rosehearts, a queen of this land you stand. What about you, visitor?”
“Erm.. I can't say, uhh you can call me however you wish, sir..” You bowed with a grin, still waiting for his response. Unlike other 'Alices' he knew, you took your time to remember *ahem* his rules.
You both hit it off and exchanged whimsical ideas on hobbies, traditions and silly stuff that you can chat with. You became enthusiastic when you informed him about your goals, your parents and adventures that you'd often go to. He seemed peaceful and even gave you his tarts too!
“Of course, history from your country is baffling. Then again, our state isn't the same, is it?”
“Mmh, ah, your majesty! Can you teach me how I must conduct my speech in your presence? Are there any books you would recommend to me? I'm a slow learner! I don't want to be rude to you. You have been hospitable. I should repay you.”
“It appears you have problems at your school? Is it affecting your performance during classes?”
Riddle's words may be sweet like sugar and cakes but his intentions weren't out of generosity.
In it there hides a tension that you weren't able to decipher as you nodded obediently, too absorbed with your conversation to comment on his overly protective behavior about your life.
“I just feel like I don't belong there, can't I be with you for an eternity? I could work for you!” It was lighthearted and you were jesting to him.
Riddle distastefully clicked his tongue.
“You dared to farce around with ME.....?!”
You don't mean a word you apprised!
“Your majesty? What.. are you..?”
“Rule 154 # Of The Queen Of Hearts: One must not cancel a request from her majesty.”
“What?! Hold on.. I didn't agree to anything-”
“Or are you deaf in what I'm saying? I'm The Queen Of Hearts and I hereby announce that you will be my-bride-to-be! My words are law!” You weren't that stupid, putting two and two together.
“How..! That's a dictatorship!” Your mouth moved.
“When have I said I was a nice queen?”
His smirk was frigid and it looked more noxious than previous rounds he sent. “I have the impression that you promised to be with me by your own free will. You are not going back on that one pact you spoke of, are you, my crown?”
“Listen! Please, please..! I can't marry you, your majesty! I.. I can't be! That is..” Insane.
“You should beg more then.” He scoffed. No longer upholding his kind image that he feigned.
“That's..! No.. no..! Surely, you're joking!!”
“You can't leave, not unless you can kill me. You don't have the legendary sword either, do you?”
He had eradicated White Queen's goons already.
“The blade that is for slaying Jabberwocky?” Mad Hatter had explained to you of its origins.
“You don't need it.” Riddle remarked venomously.
“You destroyed it....?” You wondered.
That damned weapon he had placed a curse on it with ancient spells that only he can revert.
And? What if you're a destined hero? He will ABSOLUTELY have his happily ever after!
“I could never hurt anyone for..” Your shoulders sagged as your inner panic grew by seconds.
Riddle's expression was cruel as he analyzed.
“Our tale fancies you a lot. Alas —what can it do if you are tender-hearted with your enemies?”
“T-There are other ways to go back to my world!”
And you were correct on that. Riddle remained stoic as he took a sip of his herbal tea tardily.
He brought his cup of liquid onto his saucer.
“Yes. That is if you're competent for it.” He sighed as he finished his sentences. “So? Are you going to challenge me into a duel? A game? Which is it?”
“A duel? A game? With.. you who is a wizard?” He deliberately chose his lines to rile you up.
You weren't going to win if you were hasty.
“I'm not a savage. I allow you to take options. And you did nothing. Can you blame me?”
You would be ethereal if you were to sit on the throne with him. And it was a good opportunity that you were simply gullible. If you were smart, he'd have to break you than what he wanted.
A single drop of tear slid from your hazy eyes.
“I thought.. I thought we were confidants!”
“Throwing tantrums won't make me negate my resolve. It's your fault for being this credulous.”
“Fine.. I'll do it. Let's fight. I'll pick what we WILL do next, you can't cheat or turn to your allies! Most importantly, you can't use magic at all.” You have to set a covenant up, or else he could be sneaky.
“Alright, I will not do that.”
He wasn't a scummy type of man anyway.
“You promise on the sun above us?” You said.
“Yes, I do. If I cannot be faithful, I'll let you have a clue or a hint to help you back to your family.”
“Are you lulling me into false securities?”
“What are you ascribing of me?”
“So you are not?”
“You're getting off track. Shall we start?”
It was quite hilarious that you think you can weasel out of his grasp. You weren't great at these things. It was inevitable for you to end up embarrassing yourself when he's done with you. Should he kiss you? Dress you in a wedding gown? Ah, he's going to prolong your downfall, your face would be adorable to inspect when you realized you could not beat him no matter how hard you initiated.
“I hope you're not a liar, your majesty.” You said vigorously as you eyed him with skepticism.
“If you can defeat me in our bet, I'll tell you the answer you'd be glad to get. However should you fail to do this, you'll become my King Of Hearts as per our unanimity. Do you understand me, Alice?”
Your blood veins turn icy as his threat hangs.
Losing your role will mark your doom.
If you became his significant other..
You will get stuck here!
“You're.. crazy!!” You inhaled a shaky breath.
“That's excursive. Have you decided yet? What will you choose? Croquet? Hide and seek? Whatever you're confident in, I'll approve you a chance.”
❝ Now speak to us your verdict. ❞ 
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You should have seen the warning signs because ol' sweetheart, he's not going to let you run!
He's dead set on having you as his spouse in his kingdom. My, you think he's a rational companion, isn't it? You really are pitiful aren't you, our reader?
Never trust what strangers say!
Especially if it's from The Queen Of Hearts!
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Inspired from damnation twst au by @shiny-jr
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saltygilmores · 3 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 7 (It's Been A While)
Last chapter was posted May 11th. Apologies for the hiatus. The vibes need to be just right to create these things. You can read parts 1-6 and everything else in my pinned post. On the last episode of TWWGG: "After Lorelai (Rory) exits the (Yale) interview, one that was seemingly a success, she immediately turns to Richard to chew him out for springing the interview on her last minute and not giving her time to prepare. That is more than fair coming from Rory, to be quite honest. And I’m glad to see her standing up for herself." Lesss gooo. Lorelai hauls Rory into a cab. They arrive home at night, even though it was blazing sunshine a short distance away at Yale. Rory asks Lorelai if they can not talk about college for 2 days and she agrees and everything that just happened is brushed aside and forgotten. Kidding. After a brave display of defiance towards Richard moments earlier, Rorynow expresses her guilt for not towing the line for Mommy. Mommy was right. Mommy is always right.
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I....you know...forget it.
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I think I should cross off "Lorelai and Rory eat at Luke's without paying" from the Bingo Card. Bringing outside food into his establishment? That's just rude. Luke could probably send Jess to college with all of Rory and Lorelai's unpaid checks and stiffed tips.
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Saying it outloud isn''t going to change their unethical and frankly downright criminal behavior, Lucas. You know this.
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Or at least a bag of Doritos.
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Why hello, my sweet baby darling. I'm ready to Cmhrrrh.
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Oh, Is "studying" what the kids call tonsil hockey these days? Run like the wind Rory! RUNNNN. I just have this good feeling Rory is totally not going to blow this sacred opportunity to have unsupervised makeout time with Jess or anything like that. Never, in the kingdom of The Queen of Blue Balls. Lorelai and Luke watch as Rory runs after Jess to "Study". Wink wink nudge nudge. Then a few seconds later without a shred of irony or realization, Luke tells Lorelai how he told Jess that as long as he lives under his roof he's gotta keep his pants on.
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You're off to a ripping start already.
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Lorelai is being rational? She's not running after them? "It's okay"? She's pulling the "They're teenagers, they can kiss in the dark" shit for Jess and Rory like she did for Dean? I'd say "Fetch me my fainting couch" but I know it's all a big fat farce, Lorelai is full of shit as per uszh, and my fainting couch is in the shop.
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Settle down, Lucas. You're going to have a stroke one of these days. Or steam is going to come out of his ears like in a cartoon. Or he'll snap and go on a killing spree.
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I've never seen two grown adults who weren't in some kind of strict religious sect have such near anyeursms because their adult children want to kiss each other. What are the odds Luke Danes, the varsity athlete, was much sluttier than Jess when he was 18? Probably pretty high. Cross off "Do as I Say Not As I Do" on the Episode Bingo Card.
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Pretty rich coming from Ms "Also Has Run Around All Over Town Looking for Jess and Rory" and "Ms. Run Around All Over Town Looking For a Gumball Machine Bracelet"
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I can rely on Lorelai being insufferable in every episode, but when Luke is insufferable too I pray for the sweet relief of the end credits. I hope in his Cockblocking Quest of Glory, that he trips on something. Or loses his hat.
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Smoking against a gas pump. Living dangerously. I don't blame him for having a bit of a death wish, to be quite honest. Luke should be more concerned that Jess is going to cause an explosion that will level Stars Hollow into a parking lot than him rounding first base. (Where the hell did Luke go, by the way?)
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Whatcha thinkin aboutt?
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That was such a good HUH. *pets his sweet head*
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*gnaws on the drywall* SUCH A GOOD KISS. I have no words. Okay, That’s a lie, I do have words but I ran out of space so I will see you in part 8 for the thrilling conclusion (which is: Rory ruins this precious moment by abandoning Jess and chasing after Dean) Oh god. I just skipped ahead and there's a Lorelai Couch Speech at the end too. Mind if I join you for a cigarette against the gas pumps, Jess?
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Hey, thank you for letting me request again!
Could I get BTAS Jonathan and Harley again with an s/o who needs a mental health day/quality time with them?
Hope you’re well ❤️❤️❤️
Hello, again, Crash! ^^
Thank you for sending in another request and I'm really sorry for how long you had to wait!
I just really haven't been doing good lately.
And since I have been struggling lately, I unfortunately was only able to create just some quick drabbles that probably aren't really good...
Sorry if the outcome is disappointing... I swear I tried...
{BTAS: Jonathan Crane, Harley Quinn when their S/O has a bad day and needs quality time with them}
Settings: Romantic
Genre: Hurt/Comfort,
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Mentions of typical BTAS stuff, crying, a bit of self depricating thoughts in Harley's part if you squint, and Harley also goes all mother mode on Reader and call's herself "ma" once don't judge me, a bit of swearing, that's probably all,
Sidenote: Gender of reader is not specified, but if reader description is leaning more into feminine sense then it's purely unintentional and I apologize!
That should be all,
Hope you can enjoy,
~Jonathan Crane~
When you enter your lonely apartment, all that welcomes you in is silence.
That's nothing surprising though.
Jon did tell you he'd be out tonight, setting his newest Scarecrow plans to motion.
Just like it was the night before.
And the night before.
And the night before...
One would think that when he's changed his profession from university professor to a criminal, he'd have more free time to spend with you.
After all, Jon was his own boss now.
However, that was not really the case...
Jonathan, no matter if a professor or a criminal, still spent a lot of his time dedicated to his work.
There was nothing wrong with that, of course, you didn't mind.
But sometimes, you really wished he'd spend more time home...
For example after today at work you'd really appreciate it.
But there was nothing you could really do.
And so, you dragged yourself to your bedroom, going to get changed, then get in bed.
You didn't have the energy to do anything else.
So, preparing and eating dinner was something you'd skip for once.
And a shower could wait for tomorrow morning too.
You just wanted to sleep and forget about everything that went wrong today.
Rude customers yelling at you.
Almost giving back too much change and causing a shortage at the cashier's till.
Spilling a customer's drink at them.
Slowing down the line at the bus entrance because your pay card refused to cooperate.
You just wanted to forget it all and let go of how devastated today made you feel.
And so, changing to your sleep attire, you get in bed and hug Jon's pillow, hoping that hugging something that'd remind you of Jonathan would ease you and help you sleep.
However, a pillow, whether Jonathan's or not, is not enough of an replacement of the actual man whose closeness and embrace you craved.
And so, instead of being lulled to sleep, you only end up feeling worse and soon enough you burst into tears.
You cry and cry with the little energy you have left, squeezing the life out of the pillow.
And as you cry, you completely lose track of time.
And maybe an hour passed, or maybe it was just a few minutes, but eventually you're silenced when a gentle hand rests on your back.
"Love," Jon said softly, and the moment you hear his voice, you turn around on the bed to face him.
"Jonny," you say quietly through sniffles, relief washing over you upon seeing your lover.
You almost don't want to believe he's finally back.
"Oh my love, what may be the reason for such tears?" Jonathan asks in a gentle voice, cupping your face in his hands as the eyes of his mask lock with yours.
"Have I left you alone for too long, my dear? Is loneliness reason for your sorrow?" Jon continued to ask as you sniffled.
"No..." you shake your head, looking at Jon as your hands rest on his.
"I- I just had a really rough day..." you confess, tears continuing to pour down your face.
"And I... I just..." you try to explain yourself, but that action proves to be way too hard and exhausting.
And so you just give a shaky sigh, trying to compose yourself.
But Jonathan seems to understand what you're trying to say perfectly, and he sighs.
"Is this a common occurrence?" he asks after a moment.
And you debate whether or not to tell the truth.
You'd be lying if you said this is the first time you had to face such day on your own.
But you also don't want to worry Jon or male him feel guilty...
However, when Jon takes off his mask to look at you with a gentle and loving expression, you choose to be honest.
"Yes... this happens often..." you confess, "but I never tell you because I don't want to interfere with your job...".
"Oh, my dearest..." Jon murmurs lowly, his expression growing sorrowful.
"I am so sorry that I am not with you as much as you need... I was so focused on my job that I seem to have been neglecting you..." Jon says lowly as he caresses your face.
"I failed to see how much you need me..." he sighed.
"But that will change, alright?" Jon then added, offering a reassuring and promising smile.
You try to decline though, not wanting for Jon to put his work aside just for you: "No, no, Jon, it's okay, you don't have to-".
But Jonathan shakes his head: "No. Nonsense, my love!".
"I should be a better man and take care of you when you need it," he says.
"I've been putting work above you for too long, but I promise that will change!" He told you, and brought your face close to his, resting his forehead against yours.
"You shall be my number one priority from now on!" Jonathan promised, smiling gently.
"Say, how about we make this weekend ours? Just the two of us, no work, no nothing!" Jon suggested, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't like the sound of that.
"This weekend - and every other time on your day off - will be dedicated to you, we'll do anything you want!" he said with enthusiasm, sounding like he really meant his words.
And you couldn't help but smile a little and nod.
"I like the sound of that..." you say softly, and Jon smiles.
"Good... and that's a promise my dear, every day you're off, I'll put work aside and spend the day with you," Jonathan promised, and then he kissed your forehead softly.
"And if I dare to ever break the promise, you're free to rat me out to Batman," Jon told you, making you chuckle a little.
"Okay," you said through soft chuckles, already feeling a little better.
And Jonathan smiles at you gently, enjoying the sound of your, although tired, chuckles.
"Good... now, how about I go take a shower and then slip in bed with you?" Jonathan suggested, to which you eagerly nodded.
"Please..." you say softly, and Jonathan finds himself smiling again.
"Alright, see you in a few," Jon tells you with a smile, once again going to kiss your forehead and caress your face before he got up and went ahead to take a shower.
"See you in a few..." you muttered right back, finding a smile growing on your face as you realized that tonight you were not going to fall asleep by yourself.
~Harley Quinn~
You feel so selfish.
And you feel so bad for what you did, instantly regretting it.
What was done was done.
And while you did feel really like a shit person, some part of you subconsciously knew that putting yourself first wasn't a bad thing.
And so, you just sat on your couch, staring at your lock screen that was a picture of you and Harley, waiting.
"Harley, I'm- I'm so sorry for calling you up when you're having a girl's night out-" you sobbed into the phone just a couple of minutes ago.
"But I just had such shit day- and I- I just need you," you'd plead into the phone.
And while you felt really bad for interfering with Harley's plans, you really were a mess and needed her to be with you...
And you tried to explain yourself more over the phone, but before you could utter anymore words, Harley cut you off with a "Hold on, sugar, ma's I'm coming right back home now!" and the call was ended.
And so, now you were stuck sobbing softly and waiting for Harley to come home to you.
You waited and sobbed for some time, kinda losing track of time.
But after a few moments or so, the front door opened and Harley stepped inside.
"Harley," You breathed and immediately got up from your seat, running over to hug her.
"Oh, sugar!" Harley called right back, immediately taking ahold of you and hugging you tight.
"I'm- I'm so sorry for ruining your girl night out," you sobbed in Harley's hold, apologizing and apologizing.
"No, no, sugar, it's alright! It's alright!" Harley quickly shushed you, cupping your face and wiping away your tears.
"You didn't ruin anything! You know that I always want you to come to me when you have a problem!" Harley reassured you as she continued to wipe away your tears.
"I- I know," you nodded, sniffling. "But- but it's not that serious- I- I mean- I'm just having a rough day,".
"Oh, sweetcheeks, it's very serious when it's got you crying me a river over here!" Harley disagreed, shaking her head with a frown.
"But what happened? Did anyone hurt you? Should I kill anyone? Who should I kill?" Harley questioned, immediately getting protective.
"No-one... Just lots of things at once... rude customers, breaking several glasses, missing my bus stop,... just so many things..." you explained as you clung to Harley and she sighed.
"Oh my sweet baby, seems like today was really rough on you!" Harley sympathized with you as she cradled you in her arms.
"But that's why I'm here and I'll try to make it all better, yeah?" Harley smiled at you, tilting your face to have you meet her eyes.
And sniffling, you nodded.
"How about we go rest a little now and tomorrow we can spend the day together, hm?" Harley suggested.
"We can..." she thought for a moment.
"We can have ice cream for breakfast, stay in sleepwear all day, and I can make you your favourite for lunch,..." She started suggesting ideas to which you smiled softly.
"I'd- I'd like that..." you murmur softly, making Harley smile.
"Awesome! So come now, let's get you out of your work clothes and jump to bed, m'kay?" Harley smiled bright before she peppered your face with kisses.
"Okay..." you said with a small chuckle as Harley did so.
"Good," Harley nodded, satisfied.
"But before that, one more thing," she paused, "remember, that no matter what happens you can always come to me no matter where I am or what I'm doing, okay? You'll never bother me, you're never going to be a burden, okay?".
And you nodded.
"Okay... I'll keep that in mind..." you muttered, nodding your head.
And Harley smiled.
"Good, let's go to bed now, bunny-boo," Harley told you gently and taking ahold of your hand, she led you to your shared bedroom.
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appocalipse · 2 years
Idk if you're still doing that prompt list but "sick" or scenario 13 with Steve would be 🥹🥹
i wasn't going to do it anymore, but...reading those prompts gave me an idea so i decided to try ♥ i kinda mixed them together
[SICK; Trying not to look but helping them out of their clothes when they’re physically unable to, both of them so close together. ]
"Steve," you had called, worry eating at you. Halfway to the front door, he'd turned and looked at you over his shoulder. And so, even though you knew the answer, even though you hated the answer he would inevitably give you, you'd asked, "Do you have someone to take care of you?"
And that's how, you remind yourself, you ended up where you are now — moments away from helping him out of his clothes.
The thought seems alarming, but there's nothing romantic or sexual about it.
Or at least there shouldn't be.
"Here," you say, touching the hem of his sweater with shaky hands, hoping he doesn't notice your inexplicable uneasiness. "Let me help you."
Steve lets you. He's a much better patient than you are a nurse, you think. But the reason you're here, helping him out of his uncomfortable clothes so he can hopefully catch some sleep is pretty valid: he's broken his right arm, and as if it wasn't bad enough there is also a cut on the left side of his abdomen, just below the ribs, big enough he'd needed 8 stitches to close it.
In his defense, the car crash hadn't been his fault. 
The sweater is gone after what seems like an eternity of careful movements and apologies at every slightest hint that Steve was in pain (although he'd assured you the whole time that it's okay, it's okay, I'm fine), but in the end, you're successful. How the people at the hospital had managed to get those clothes on him so quickly is an absolute mystery to you. 
You breathe a sigh of relief, a small burden lifted from your shoulders. You don't even have to look to know that Steve is beaming. The fact that he is so calm through it all is even more maddening to you.
Next up is his t-shirt. 
The cycle of nervousness starts all over again when your fingers find the hem of his shirt and you start to lift it up, exposing a small sliver of skin, then a bit more...
Steve says your name and it's the first thing he says after many minutes of being silent, so you lift your head to look at him without a second thought. 
"Breathe," he says, certainly not without kindness but with an unmistakable amount of amusement in his tone as well.
He's too close. Almost nose to nose, a hairsbreadth of distance between your face and his.
And yes, as much as it bothers you to admit it, Steve is right — you were holding your breath without realizing it.
He bites his lip to hide a smile. "That's not funny," you chide, though you're trying to contain your own smile.
"You're nervous."
"You had eight stitches and broke an arm."
"It wasn't your fault," you say, because it wasn't, although he probably isn't apologizing for that specifically.
Steve always drives carefully and responsibly, most likely because there's almost always one of the kids in the backseat of his car. The problem that caused the accident was some malfunction in the car, something you hadn't quite understood because all you could really think about since you found out that Steve had crashed the car was him; if he would be okay, if you'd be able to see him, if he'd be in pain. Most of the explanations got lost on the way from your ears to your brain.
"I meant I'm sorry for calling you," says Steve, and for the first time he sounds serious, almost embarrassed. "From the hospital. They tried my parents first, but they-"
"-are idiots," you say, with more contempt than you probably should let on. Then you realize how rude that probably sounded like. "Sorry, I-I shouldn't have said that. They're still your parents and-"
To your surprise, Steve laughs — a low, small chuckle that barely lasts a second, and even so it's enough to make him wince, probably feeling pain. Fortunately, it passes quickly. "No, no, you're right. I was going to say they're out of town as always, but you're right. They are idiots."
You smile.
The feeling that took over you the moment you'd arrived at the hospital to see Steve and realized that he was there, alone, was indescribable. He was alone in there as if he had no family. As if nobody cared about him. 
Maybe it was for the better that his parents didn't show up until now, you think. You're not quite sure what you would have said or done if they had appeared in front of you.
Great. Now there's a lump in your throat. 
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Steve would have shrugged if he wasn't injured, you're sure. "I'm used to taking care of myself, it's no big deal."
"Well, you can forget about that," you say firmly. Because I'm going to take care of you from now on, you hope he understands.
He doesn't say anything. It doesn't seem like he's able to, you realize. But, in his silence, Steve understands; he understands so well that he cannot express his gratitude in words, his affection. He hopes that you will be able to read it in his eyes.
Back to your task, you take a deep breath, looking away from his face to where your hands are gripping the fabric tightly. You help him pull his shirt over his head very slowly, very carefully. 
If Steve feels any pain, he doesn't let it show. It wouldn't be the first time, but you hope it's not the case, hope he's not in pain anymore, that he feels he can be vulnerable in front of you. Everyone needs to be at some point.
There's not much else to look at than Steve's now exposed chest, although you do your best not to stare. The flush creeping up your cheeks betrays you, though, and now there's only one piece of clothing remaining. 
Steve is wearing jeans. You can't sleep in jeans, can you?
"You don't sleep with a shirt on, do you?" you ask, wondering if he'd like something else to wear.
"No," he says. "No pants either."
Your mind freezes for a brief second. Probably not your brightest moment. "Do you want me to- I mean-"
You're far from a doctor, but it doesn't seem like a good idea for him to bend over to take off his own pants when he's had that many stitches.
"Are you asking me if I want you to take my pants off?" Steve is making a huge effort not to smirk, you can tell.
How can he be so relaxed?
Somehow what comes out of your mouth is, "I promise I won't look."
"I don't mind if you do."
A shiver runs down your spine and you feel what can only be described as butterflies in your stomach, something wonderful and unnerving at the same time. Your gaze meets his and you try to sound convincing as you say, with your chin held up, "Stop messing with me, Harrington."
"But I like messing with you."
"Oh my God-" you let out something between a sigh and a small laugh. "I hate you."
"You love me."
And then, it's like your mouth works on its own.
"I do," you find yourself saying.
And, as expected, silence follows. Steve looks shocked. This silence seems to last a lifetime, to stretch out impossibly longer — it's an everlasting torture. You didn't mean to drop the l-bomb on him like this, didn't mean to say the words even though you knew them to be true. He probably did too, but hearing it out loud is a different thing entirely.
Steve's mind is a mess.
Did you mean it as a friend?  he wonders.
Did you mean it as something else?
Did you mean it at all?
Does it change how I feel?
"I love you too."
Unlike you, Steve sounds firm, certain. Like it's a decision. Like he is ready for it to change everything between you two or nothing at all if that's what you want.
"I would do all of this for you too, if you were in my place," he continues…and then he frowns, as if something unpleasant just occurred to him. "Actually, please never be in my place- I don't even want to think about you in pain. Okay?"
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rizykim · 1 year
Soju | Jay Park
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Pairing: Friend!Jay × You
Summery: Jay had been having a crush on you for a while now and he doesn't know when or how he should confess,untill he got to know that you were asked out by someone else which led him into being a heartbroken mess thinking you will accept them and went on drinking soju the whole night till he can't stand straight.
Warning: Fluff, Alcohol consumption and jealousy
Word count: 1K
Note: Instead of 'Y/n' it'll be '___' for you enter your name and this my first time writing oneshot fluff and if you did enjoy please do leave a like and repost if you can,it would help alot!
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"Uh,hello?" You said you were entering the small red street food tent. All the tables were empty, and the sound of light rain outside kept them from being silent in the night.
Ah, you're here; you're the one I was on the phone with, right?" The old lady who was behind the grill of the shop came around and said
Yeah, that's me,the one you called saying Jay was tipsy,but may I ask why you called me to come get him? I'm sorry if I sound rude. It's just that he has more people to be there for him, and you know..." She said it, chuckling nervously.
"Oh, sorry, dear, but your number was the one that caught my attention since it was saved with five hearts, and I thought it might be his girlfriend." The women said this, making the younger girl widen her eyes at them.
'He saved me how?' She asked herself internally but kept going.
"I called you because Jay had drank too much and I had to close the shop, but he wouldn't budge at all,and since he had walked here, I thought it would be too dangerous to let him go all by himself. Sorry for bothering you, dear." The lady said it in an apologetic manner.
"Oh no, no, it's okay. Don't apologize. I was just surprised to get a call asking me to get here to get him. That's all. It's alright." She said, smiling before a little bow, and walked further into the tent to see Jay thrown over a table messily with tons of soju bottles lying near the ground and table. His hair was distorted, his eyes closed, and his cheeks were puffy with a slight tint of pink covering them.
"Did you seriously drink this much, huh?" She said she was trying to get a hold of his torso to get him up.
"Mmph! Who are you? Stop touching me!" He shook off her hands with his eyes still closed and laid back down on the table.
Hey, you've got to get going; you need to rest." She tried to get him again, but he brushed her off.
"No! What's the point of sleeping if I can't see her the next day? It's just useless, I say!" He blabbered,his drunk voice making it sound funny to her as she tried to hold back a laugh.
"What do you mean?" She asked to play along and sat on the opposite side.
"The girl I like..." He started,his stretched arm with his other hand stayed on top of the elbow joint, and his face rested at the very top of it.
"Yeah?" She replied, getting curious.
"I got asked out by some random jerk today, and I don't know if she will say yes or no to him," he said, leaving the girl to furrow her eyes at his statement.
'Is he talking about me?' She asked herself, 'Nah, it's probably someone else. She shook off the thought.
"So? What's wrong with that?" Suddenly he lifted his head up, and his eyes barely opened wide for a second before closing.
"What's-what's wrong with that?! What's wrong with that?" He dramatically emphasized Thankfully, they were the only ones there, and the old lady chuckled at his loud remark while cleaning up everything at her cooking station.
"I had been liking her more than anyone had, and I want to tell her my feelings, but I don't know how to do it all this time. But now it's all useless; she'll choose him and not me. I'll be left here single and heartbroken till eternity." He finished off with a hiccup leaving his mouth.
"Oh yeah? Why do you think she'd choose him?" She asked, leaning on the table with her folded arms.
"Cause...cause...he said he likes him and he-he just is good for her because that idiot is actually a good guy...dumb idiot..." He reached his arm to grab a bottle of soju that had a little more in it, but ___ took it away, making Jay grab an empty one and try to take a sip, but no alcohol was left in the bottle.
Jay looked through his tiny opening of blurred vision but couldn't see properly. "I had an unfinished one. Where did it go?" He looked around but couldn't find it.
Oops, sorry, I drank it," ___ said, hiding it behind her back.
"What? I don't—I don't even know you—and you drank it without my permission? How dare you? It was hard trying to be serious when he was acting so lost.
"You know what?"
"I don't know her name. If I did, I could talk to her maybe." Her words made him feel some hope in him.
"Really?! You would do that?" He was amazed at the stranger's odd kindness.
"Yeah,just tell me her name."
"It's-wait,are you trying to trick me into saying her name so you could ask her out too? Huh! You thought wrong; I won't say it!" He said he tried to stand up but fell back on his chair. ___ quickly went around and helped him up.
"Go away, you creep! I won't tell ___'s name to you ever!" He tried to get away but couldn't since he was having trouble walking and didn't even realize he had already said her name, which also went unnoticed by ___.
Oh, c'mon, Jay, I'm your friend." She tried to convince him.
"No, your not." He protested until ___ rubbed his head, making him fall asleep instantly. Slumping on her shoulder while she tried to hold him properly by his waist.
"Good bye, Halmoni" she mouthed to the old lady who bid her goodbye.
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___ stepped out of her car and went around it,getting the sleeping Jay back to lying his head on her shoulder, and took him to his apartment. It was a real hustle manoeuvring him around from waking him up unintentionally.
After what felt like forever,she reached the floor he was on and got to his door to realize it needed a passcode to open.
"Hey, wake up... Jay, what's your door passcode? Hey Jongseong, do you read me?" She lightly patted the side of his face, and he lazily shifted his face on her shoulder.
"___'s...birth year..." He whispered before going back to sleeping.
'What? Why, my birthda-wait,does he actually like me? Was I the one he was mummbling about?' She questioned herself, looking at Jay. 'But first, let's get him inside; he's so heavy...'
She entered his apartment to be greeted with a beautiful and simple interior that screamed 'rich. She looked around in awe as she stepped to his couch. Flopping him there, I took off his footwear and jacket, keeping them in their proper places.
Okay, now you've got to wake up..." She decided and started to shake his arm.
"Hey,Park Jongseong, wake up. You're at your house. Wake up." ___ still couldn't wake him up, even after so many attempts. Finally, she thought of a great way to wake him up.
JAY, YOUR CLOSET IS ON FIRE QUICK!" She shouted as if it were happening in real time, and as expected, he woke up with a jolt.
"WHAT? WHER-___ what you doing in my house... ___ WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!?" He flinched seeing her presence next to him,kneeling on the ground while he laid on the couch.
"Woah woah easy boy easy..." She laughed at his reaction. "Oh yeah,the old lady at the street food place called me asking to take you home as she thought the person who was saved with five hearts was your girlfriend... If you don't mind...wanna explain if your back to concious?"
"Oh shoot. I'm so sorry. I'll change it." He sat up,trying to go and get his jacket to get his phone from it.
No, no wait..." She stopped him and sat next to him. "Just tell me what that was about and why you drank till you dropped." Jay gulped,trying to decide whether to tell her or not.
"You can't hide it anymore. You saved me in your contacts like that. You said you were drinking because you were heartbroken about how some other guy asked me out, and your door passcode is my birth year."
"Uh...well... Ok, yes, I do like you, but it's alright. I'm sorry, I'll change everything-" Before he could complete his sentence, ___ hugged him.
"You know you're the idiot, because if you told me earlier, I would've seriously been yours by now? You know why?" She came closer to his ear,keeping her hand over his ear. "Because I like you too... hehe."
Jay looked at her with wide eyes,in disbelief of what he just heard: the girl he had been liking for so long was just casually telling him that now.
"Y-you really do?" He asked, to which she nodded her head.
"Then what about that guy?" He asked.
"You mean Jaemin? He wanted my help with how he should confess to the girl he liked."
"So does that mean you would like to be my girlfriend?"
"Yes...I do" She said it, giggling, and hugged him once more. Jay leaped over her, tackling her in a big hug and smiling, "Thank you so much. I love you!" He said his smile never left his face.
"I love you too!" She said that and melted into the warm embrace. Seeping into the beautiful moment they were having. The night went by as they fell asleep like that,waking up in the morning with a smile after finding out the other was still in their arms.
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I dunno if this is good :'D
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cursedzucchini · 2 years
Dc x DP prompt #9 ♪
Lmao i just remembered i wrote snippets of this jazz is psychiatrist in Arkham in au, and Danny just doesn't give a fuck thing. And so y'know why not post them w some new stuff right?
I'm gonna post them as i wrote them, which is not chronologically, so yea
These prompts will have have this ♪ next to them bc I'm extra like that.
Aight now to the prompt!!
"My favorite doctor! how are you doing today Ms Fenton? and is that your brother? That is—"
"Yeah, yeah, shut it, Walmart beatle juice, we get it, you're" the boy sighed, exhaustion obvious on his face as he made quote signs with his fingers "'crazy'. Get over yourself, you're not that special"
The woman, standing next to the teenager, lightly hit his head "Danny!" she reprimanded lightly. Tim guessed this was probably common occurrence for her, but damn, he did not plan on witnessing watching a child sass the Joker and live to tell the tale.
And what was even more surprising, the green haired menace actually looked like he took offense in the supposedly Danny's words “Well aren't you a rude one. If you have to know that character wears very different clothes and is dead. I on the hand-” he dramatically gestured, but was promptly interrupted by the boy. Again.
“Well I'm not so sure about the second part” he grinned at the clown, his weirdly sharp teeth showing. His hand was about to reach his pocket (and holy fuck was that a gun???) before Dr Fenton glared at him and he stiffened. As if realizing they weren't the only one in the room his eyes shifted to Tim, before looking back to Joker “I mean, because you look ugly as fuck. No one alive should be this hard to look at” the teen flipped the older man off, before waving at the doctor and stepping outside the cell.
Doctor Fenton sighed again, looking for a moment at the door where Danny disappeared before turning towards Tim "I apologize for him, he's just going through a difficult phase" she smiled at him as if saying 'younger brothers you know'.
And in fact, Tim did the fuck not know, because in which phase do you make fun of a psychopath who continuously breaks out of Arkham and kills for less.
Joker sitting at his bed when his new therapist apologizes to the vigilante and not him the victim of his brother: h-
Jazz, w nice smile and her hand on the handle of her taser which could and probably did kill a bitch: shut the fuck up (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Tim after he manages to get out of his shock, at his fam: i think Jason got cloned
Jazz later: Danny u can't just bully my patients just because of your misplaced anger, and big fear of clowns
Danny: watch me >:))
Rr: can you even.... Bring him here? Like he's obviously a teen, he shouldn't be meeting w these dangerous criminals...
Jazz: well when tried to stop him, he just stared at them, until they let him
Danny, who let a little bit of his eldritch abomination leak out: yea
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Mayday x Reader Oneshot
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I already put it in the tags, but just in case: SPOILER ALERT FOR TBB SEASON2!!!!
AC: After a misunderstanding with someone requesting this on anon. I decided to write this one now and don't put it in my to-do list first. As a little "apology" because I was pretty rude. Wish I could tag you, but unfortunately you contacted me on anon. Hope you still get to read this 😊
Actually, you don't work for the Empire. You are an independent contractor, a small business mainly for cargo and logistics. When an Imperial officer contacts you, you are reluctant to take on the job. However, you don't want to upset the Empire either. None of your handful of workers is eager to deliver the cargo for the Empire, especially not to Barton-4, the ice-cold lump of a planet. So you take over the delivery yourself. Food, gasoline, energy packs for flashlights and a new generator for environmental sensors are to be delivered. Even the approach to the imperial station is complicated and dangerous. Fierce crosswinds push your cargo shuttle from all sides and make it difficult to land the ship safely. But you make it anyway. With a sigh, you see the clone troopers coming across the landing platform, who should be unloading the goods. You put on your thermal jacket, zip it up to the top and pull the hood of the jacket over your head, then you open the ramp and see the soldiers already coming towards you. Their equipment doesn't look exactly winterized, some of the men are provisionally wrapped in cloth and skins in addition to their armor. The sight makes you frown. One of them addresses you. "Of course, the Empire is sending civilian transport out here". You blink, then say dryly, "I guess the Empire knows they don't have pilots good enough to land in these weather conditions." You hear a rough laugh from under the clone's helmet, shortly after the soldier removes his helmet and you see an unfamiliar image. You clearly have a clone soldier in front of you, but one with long hair and a full beard, something you haven't seen before. He holds out his hand to you. "I'm Commander Mayday, this is Hexx and Veetch." You shake his hand, the others too, and introduce yourself. "Hi, nice to meet you guys" Maydays laughs again, and you can see a cheeky glint in his eyes. "We'll probably get to know each other a little better, whether you like it or not, the weather has been closing in, changes like this happen practically every minute around here. You're not going to get the shuttle out of here anytime soon." You look down the ramp, over which an icy wind blows into the interior of the shuttle. Outside everything is white, it is snowing, a blizzard, you can barely see two meters. "Fantastic," you say with a dry smile, and begin to help the men unload.
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You have your own little area. But at night, the weather still hasn't cleared, and the cold is even more relentless than during the day. A bit unsure, you make your way out of your little cabin and into the main area, where you find the commander. He is sitting at a heat battery, his helmet lying next to him on a dura steel table. When he hears your footsteps, he looks up. You are still wrapped in your thermal jacket, in this outpost nothing works at all, not even the heating system, which is actually essential for survival. A barely noticeable, gentle smile twitches at the corners of his mouth as your eyes meet. "It's not so easy to fall asleep in this cold, especially when you're not used to it. In fact, it's probably better that way, here in this cold they tend to mistake fatigue for hypothermia. Lost some good men that way". You raise your eyebrows in surprise as well as shock and sit with him, close to the heat battery, across from Mayday. "Wait, that's that serious medical condition in which a person's body temperature falls below the usual level as a result of being in severe cold for a long time? Right?" you ask, frowning. Mayday nods. "Mmm, that's right. The body shuts down, you get very tired, but in reality you die instead of falling asleep." "That's terrible! Why don't you get proper care here? They should have given me more heat batteries and a technician to get your heating system back up to speed. Not even your equipment is intact." Mayday sighs softly and shrugs his broad shoulders, his arms folded in front of his chest, a thick wool blanket draped around his shoulder. "Clone soldiers are expendable, we always have been, but since the Republic was replaced by the Empire, it's worse than ever" Your teeth start to chatter even as you try to suppress it, your whole body keeps shivering as it tries to fight the cold that creeps under your skin despite the thermal jacket. Mayday raises his brows and looks at you. "You're not used to the cold, hmm?" "Not even close," you admit, "I've spent most of my life on Tatooine." Mayday laughed softly, "It's an extreme contrast to Barton-4."
He taps the bench he's sitting on next to him and holds out his blanket invitingly. "If we huddle together, we can keep each other warm. I'm happy to share my blanket with you" For a second you consider if the clone has any ulterior motives, but even if he does, it is so cold you don't care, and he is probably just as cold, probably even too cold for ulterior motives. You walk around the table and sit right next to him, close to the heat battery, and let him put the blanket around your shoulders so that the two of you are finally underneath it. You sit so close to each other that no hand's width fits between you. Your pulse is a little faster and you really feel warmer. However, you are not sure if it is the blanket, the heat battery, or the situation. Slowly, you turn your head to look at him. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly, and you can feel the bass in his voice as you sit so close to each other. "Yeah, it's getting better" He smirks. "Told you so"
You talk for a while. Mayday tells you about his experiences in the war and how he and his men have fared since he was stationed on Barton-4. You sympathize and feel your anger at the Empire flare anew. At a certain point, you are leaning against him, and he has an arm around you. It happened automatically and yet your heart is beating fast. You talk until the sun comes up. As you both look out the window and see that the weather has cleared up considerably, you feel no real relief. You have enjoyed Mayday's company very much, and the fact that this togetherness must inevitably end pleases neither of you. Mayday takes you out to your shuttle on the landing platform. As you say goodbye, you begin to feel a certain longing, which is reflecting in his eyes. On impulse, you kiss his wind-chilled cheek. He blinks in surprise, but he finally smiles at you. "We probably won't see each other again too soon," he says a bit wistfully, with a sad smile. You smile and say, "Maybe we will." As you take off in your shuttle, he watches you for a long time until the shuttle is completely out of his sight, and finally turns back to the outpost with a sigh.
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One week later "Commander! An unannounced shuttle is on approach!" Mayday jumps up, puts on his helmet and asks, "Identification?" "It's the cargo shuttle that was here a few days ago, the civilian freighter". Mayday feels his pulse quicken. "Really?" "Yes, sir." Mayday makes his way out onto the landing platform, alone this time. He doesn't want to greet you in the presence of the others, wants a moment to himself. He's as excited as a young Cadet and doesn't really know how to categorize that feeling. All he knows is that he is looking forward to seeing you again. As the ramp to your shuttle opens, he pulls off his helmet and tucks it under his arm. You smile back at him as you walk down the ramp. "Actually, I can't allow you to land here, not without explicit Imperial permission," he says with a wry smile. "And yet you don't seem to want to chase me away," you return, amused. Mayday admits, "I was looking forward to seeing you again." You smile, feeling your face grow warm despite the cold wind. "I take it the Empire still hasn't provided for you properly?" He shakes his head. "We are expendable, still". You cross your arms in front of your chest and say, "Not for me". Behind you comes an astromech and a cargo droid. "I brought you something" Mayday frowns. "This is not an official delivery by the Empire". You shake your head, confirming his statement. "No, a little something from me and my workers. We chipped in and got you a few things. The cargo droid is to help you with transportation and the astromech is an all-rounder, he can fix your heating system. I also brought half a dozen heat batteries, a few more rations, including caf and tea." Mayday strides up the ramp so that you are finally facing each other halfway up. "Thank you." A simple word, but coupled with the soft expression on his face and the warmth in his voice, this word speaks more than a thousand words. You kiss his cheek again, like last time when you parted. "You deserve it, more than that, actually. But I hope this helps you for a while" Suddenly his hands are on your cheeks and his face comes closer. His lips touch yours. It's not urgent, not challenging, it's tender, slow, and intimate as he kisses you. Your heart almost flips over in your chest. As his lips very slowly, languidly break away from yours, you ask softly, "Would you like me to stay maybe a night or two?" Mayday smiles and replies," Please do."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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