lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 11 - Disagree
@jegulus-microfic June 11, Word count 563
Previous part First part
“So what are we doing today then?” James asked after they’d cleared away the breakfast things. 
“I don’t know, darling. You could take me dancing, I suppose, and then we could promenade,” Sirius snickered. James threw a tea towel at him. 
“I’ll rephrase. Regulus, love. What would you like to do today?” He asked Regulus directly. Regulus got that wicked glint in his eyes that James now knew meant trouble. 
“I don’t know, darling. You could take me dancing, I suppose, and then we could promenade.” James only just resisted rolling his eyes. Deciding to ignore the brothers, he turned to Remus. 
“Any other suggestions?” Remus looked at him thoughtfully. 
“The museum and then pizza?” 
“Sold,” James offered his arm to Remus and Remus happily linked it, as they headed towards the door. 
“Hey!” Regulus and Sirius yelled out together and scrambled to the door after them. 
They spent the rest of the morning and afternoon wandering around the exhibits, Sirius and Regulus pointing different pieces out and expanding on the information given. James came away with his head bursting with knowledge and a souvenir keyring. 
“Where do you want to eat?” He asked them, “Or should we get a takeaway?” 
“I quite liked the idea of pizza,” Regulus said. “But can we get the fancy ones from Antonio’s?” James was about to agree when Sirius butted in.
“What, you don’t want the greasy goodness of Marco’s?” Sirius teased.
“No, Marco’s is for when we’re drunk. Antonio’s is for when we’re actually having dinner,” Regulus argued. 
“Well, who said we weren’t drinking?” Sirius argued back.
“No, Antonio’s,” Regulus continued. 
“I disagree,” Sirius smirked and James guessed he was just trying to rile Regulus up. “We can order Marco’s, then while we wait, if we do a line of shots each, we’ll be ready for when it arrives.” 
James stopped listening to them argue and pulled out his phone. He found the only nearby pizza place called Antonio’s that had more gourmet-looking pizzas and started scrolling through the menu selecting what he wanted. He passed his phone to Remus, who did the same. He then handed it to Regulus, who, with a smug look on his face, selected his choice. 
“Either you tell me what you want or I’m ordering you the cauliflower one.” He warned his brother. Sirius glowered at him.
“You wouldn’t dare,” He tried. 
“5-4-3-2-1,” Regulus counted, dropping a finger down with each number. 
“Wait, wait, wait!” Sirius cried, “I want the one with all the meat and stuffed crust. Please,” He added at the end, not wanting to risk his dinner. 
“Excellent,” James beamed as he clicked the order button. “That should be arriving just as we are,” They hopped on the bus and travelled back to Regulus and Sirius’s.
The pizza was delicious. It was James’s new favourite, and he demanded that they get it every time he came to visit. Regulus had agreed, but only after James had enclosed him in his arms and peppered him with kisses until he said yes. 
They’d just settled in to watch a film when James’s phone rang. 
“JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER!” Effie bellowed down the phone. “YOU HAD BETTER BE ALRIGHT!” There was a scuffle on the line and then Monty’s voice came through. 
“Son, I told you to message her,” James winced and took the phone call out into the hall. 
Next part
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@jegulus-microfic, June 12th - Challenge, G, Word Count - 496
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"Is that a cat?” Peter asks a big smile on his face as him Sirius and Remus walk into their dorm room.
Today was very overwhelming for Regulus. All he wants to do now is cuddle up with his boyfriend and sleep off the day. Though that would be mainly impossible to accomplish without exposing their relationship. So, Regulus decided the best course of action for him to escape from his friends and spend time with his boyfriend would be to shift to his animagus for his visit.
James sits up on his bed after hearing the three of them enter. He faces his friends and watches them enter the dorm, then looks back down to where a silky black cat was curled against his side.
"Uh, yeah." James curses himself internally for sounding so stupid. Duh it was a cat.
Sirius walks closer, "Where did it come from?"
"He uh, came in through the window." James clears his throat and looks down to the cat again. From the way the cat was looking at him, he could tell Regulus was not impressed with his lie. James wasn't either but there was nothing he could do now.
"James, did you just say the window?" Remus asks, looking utterly confused. "Quite the challenge to get from the ground to the top of Gryffindor tower."
"Good climber, I guess."
Ignoring James’ horrible lie, Sirius walks to the foot of James’ bed and reaches out his arms for the cat. “What a cutie. Does he have a name?”
The cat slowly prowls over to Sirius’ outstretched arms. Stepping on James’ leg and digging his claws in a little, a purposeful move. Trying to subtly tell him how annoyed he was.
He winces a little before answering, “Um. No, no name yet.” James watches as the cat jumps up into Sirius’ arms and Sirius cradles the cat.
“Downright shame. What do you think we should name him moony?” Sirius looks around for the other boy. He must have moved closer when Sirius did because he’s right beside him now.
“I don’t know. Peter? Do you have an idea?”
From his own bed, Peter pipes up. “A name for a black cat…? Lemme think. Something cute or scary?”
“Look at this guy,” Sirius raises the cat up into Peter’s face. “He needs something cute.”
“Alright, alright.” Peter surveys the cat for a little longer. “Blackberry?”
“And he does it again!!” Sirius roars, wiggling the cat in his arms. “Blackberry, Blackberry!”
James holds in his laughter. He can tell Regulus hates this, but he plays the cat part really well. Especially when he jumps out of Sirius’ arms and makes his way back into bed with James, curling up in his cat form on his lap.
“I think Blackberry likes you James,” Remus comments, coming to sit on James’ bed, reaching over and petting the creature.
“I think he does too.” James smiles, pulling the feline up to lay against his chest.
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Love (Husk x Reader)
Like Husk said, he lost the ability to love a long time ago….that was until you came into his shitty life.
Word count: 1885
“I lost the ability to love years ago”
A statement Husk never planned on taking back. He experienced love once, he learned the hard way that it never works out. Love is trouble, love is dangerous, love is weakness.
He found it hard to open up and become close enough to even tolerate someone let alone to love.
That was, until he met you.
The day Charlie introduced you to everyone at the hotel he knew you were trouble, you gave him a sinking feeling in his stomach. He just didn’t know exactly what that meant yet.
“Anddd this is the trusted concierge and bartender, Husk”
He groaned, hoping Charlie would’ve skipped over him in the introductions if he acted busy. He turned around to greet you but lost his breath instead. He made eye contact with you then scanned your body, that’s when the pit in his stomach sank. ‘Trouble’ he thought to himself before giving you a short “Hi”
Despite his hostile attitude you smiled sweetly at him. Charlie awkwardly continued the tour and eventually showed you to your room.
Later that evening you decided to socialize a bit and visit the hotel bar. “Hey, Husk right?” you asked as you took a seat at the otherwise empty bar.
Husk just grunted in response before opening a bottle of booze for himself.
“Oh thanks..” you said reaching out for the drink.
Husk gave a half hearted laugh and move the drink away from your hand and to his lips “No no, this is for me”
“Oh,” you said awkwardly “I’ll take the same then if you have another” Husk sighed before grabbing another drink and sliding it to you. “Thanks” you said shortly.
The silence was deafening. You couldn’t stand it anymore “Night Husk” you took your drink and headed back to your room.
Husk finally let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Night Husk” ran through his head over and over again.
A few days later marked the first day you got to participate in one of Charlie’s group activities. She decided to pair everyone up for a scavenger hunt.
You just so happened to be paired with Husk.
“Alright let’s get this over with” Husk didn’t like the idea of being paired with you. It’s not like you did anything to him to make him dislike you, the two of you only had a few brief interactions when you came to the bar. He just couldn’t fight this empty feeling in his stomach he got when he saw you. Talking to you was worse, sometimes he felt like throwing up, so he chose to keep his words few and sentences short.
You didn’t understand why Husk seemed especially short with you. Not that he was especially warm to anyone, but something seemed different with his attitude towards you. You had wondered if it was something you had done.
The silencing was unbearable while the two of you roamed around the third floor of the hotel, looking for the clue you figured Charlie hid somewhere here. You couldn’t take it anymore “Husk, did I do something to you?”
He paused and stiffened at the question. How was he supposed to explain that you haven’t actually done anything. That he just can’t stand being around you. That he just feels weird about you. That he doesn’t know how to act or what to say around you. “I don’t think it’s you” he finally said after what seemed like an eternity of silence “I think that I’m the problem…”
You were visibly confused but he continued “I know that doesn’t make sense and sounds stupid but I’m just stubborn and think the worst of everyone and everything. I’m sorry for taking it out on you.” He was nervously rubbing the back of his neck, not daring to make eye contact with you. Not even daring to breathe, he held his breathe anticipating you to get mad at him. That’s what he would’ve done.
“I get it” you sighed. Your response took Husk off guard, why are you not pissed? “I mean we’re in hell, why wouldn’t you think that. I mean you’d have to be….well Charlie to think otherwise”
“Yeah she’s one crazy bitch huh” he chuckled slightly at your comment. “Damn I wish I wasn’t such an ass”
“Why don’t we start over?” He looked at you like you were the crazy one now “Hi my name is Y/N, what’s yours?” You stuck your hand out to Husk, waiting for him to shake it.
He smirked “Husk” he said meeting your hand.
“Pleasure to meet you Husk” you smiled at him.
“Pleasures all mine” a warm smile replaced his smirk.
Over the next few weeks you and Husk ended up growing closer, to everyone’s surprise.
Husk wouldn’t admit it to anyone but he loved the fact that you two finally became close, dare he say closer than anyone else at the hotel. He loved knowing things about you that no one else knew. Like how you always ordered fancy liquor with friends but secretly preferred shots or funny cocktails instead. Or how you would always stay up until the sun rose on accident when you were alive and human. He couldn’t help but love all these little quirks. Love….he was thinking about that a lot lately.
“Hell to Husky~” you teased waving your hand in front of his face to get his attention.
He growled a bit at you playfully before lining up his shot. You and the gang went to a local bar for some R&R. You told Husk you hadn’t played pool much but thought it couldn’t be too difficult, you then made a bet with him that you could probably beat him. Of course he accepted, wasn’t much of a gamble.
He took his shot and of course made it in the socket of the table easily. You had two balls left, he only had one. During his next turn he’d win. He couldn’t help but smirk “Good game sweetheart”
“Oh it’s not over yet” now you smirked and bent your torso over the table to take your shot. He couldn’t help but look down your shirt, it’s like you wanted him to look. ‘Damn there’s that fucking feeling again’
Despite being on better terms with you, knowing you, and even growing to like you Husk couldn’t help that feeling, that pit in his stomach.
When you finally took your shot Husk couldn’t believe his eyes. You skillfully hit one in but somehow sent the cue ball to the wall at the same time. Making the cue bounce back and hit the last remaining ball into the other socket. “I think that mean I won” you smiled in victory.
Husk was utterly shocked, “How the hell did you do that?”
“You’ve been played” you said as you winked at him.
Husk couldn’t help but laugh at you, “Damn I love you”
You looked at him surprised. ‘What the fuck’ Husk was panicking in his head ‘Why the fuck would I say that?!’
Then it clicked. That sickening feeling. The nervousness. Everything. He didn’t just like you. He fucking loved you.
The panic Husk was feeling was evident on his face now “Dammit Y/N- I didn’t mean-“
Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off “About my reward for winning…” you trailed off as you rounded the table, slowly approaching him “…I know exactly how you’re going to pay up now” Your hand was on his chest now pushing him against the table.
Even though Husk was still going through his initial shock he could help but grow uncomfortable in his pants. “Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?”
The next morning you stirred in your sleep in Husks bed, causing him to wake up.
‘Shit shit shit’ he cursed to himself looking down at your sleeping form. You were slightly under him as he had his wings and tail wrapped around you protectively. He knew he had a little too much to drink last night but he didn’t think he’d do something this stupid. How was he supposed to explain this, how was he supposed to still have a relationship with you after this? It’s not like he could blame it on the alcohol, he remembered everything. Every flirty comment made while you two clumsily found your way back to his room. Every hungry kiss, every lustful praise, every intoxicating touch. He remembered every detail and he never wanted to forget it.
But he didn’t know if you felt the same. He saw how many drinks you had that night….it was one too many for him to be comfortable that you made this decision with no regrets.
He contemplated trying to pick you up and sneak you back into your room. But before he could think it through, your restless stirring turned into waking up slowly.
He half sat up but still looked down at you and you squinted your eyes open at him. “Good morning Husk” you said as you cupped his cheek lovingly.
“Good morning” he mumbled turning away from you.
‘Shit’ you thought to yourself. “Husk are you okay?”
The silence was killing you. He didn’t know what to say. He loved every minute between you two last night, but he didn’t think you’d feel the same. “Y/N I-“ you stared anxiously at him in anticipation “-I will understand if this changes things. If you wanna pretend like this didn’t happen”
Husk was still facing away from you so he was unable to read your face. “Are you kidding me?” You said quietly with a hint of annoyance. Husk turned to face you as he felt you get up from his mattress. “You say you love me then say to forget this happened?! What the fuck is wrong with you Husk?!”
He could see your face now, it was red from anger, no, with tears. You were crying, he made you cry. Husk didn’t know what to say and he coward a bit after you yelled at him, the feathers on his wings ruffled.
You fully turned from him and made your way towards the door before he got up and grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“Let go Husk” you growled, but his grip tightened.
“No, Y/N please listen to me” you stop fighting him so he let go of your wrist. It’s not like you could go anywhere with him practically hovering over you with the height of his wings. “I do. I meant what I said last night. And I meant everything I did last night too…it’s just I never thought that you could like me the same way. I mean look at you, I’m just a dumb-“
Before Husk could continue his confession you cut him off with a sweet but passionate kiss. He was a bit shocked at first but quickly reciprocated and pinned you against his wall with a thud.
Your laughter broke the kiss. “What?” He half groaned half pouted.
“Nothing I just can’t help but love my adorable little kitten” you said as you booped his nose.
“Oh yeah?” He smirked at you “let’s see if you still think I’m adorable in a few minutes”
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reirasheadcanons · 2 days
Featuring: Jealous!Obanai Iguro x reader, fluff/cute headcanons, English isn't my first language so I apologise if I make any mistakes<3
Cw: none, cute headcanons as always.
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note: appropriate for all ages, kinda silly idk, very short(like iguro).
Hope you enjoy!!
Things were way more simple than you thought. Your boyfriend Iguro has been ignoring you for a very long amount of time. That's when you've finally decided to talk to Tengen about it.
"Listen y/n, I believe he's just jealous or something. Honestly, it's in his character to be all quiet and mysterious. Try talking to him about it and solve the problem." You didn't know what to say at all. You couldn't believe Tengen was being mature for one time in his life—and yeah it shocked you—.
You eventually followed his advice.
Later that day, you visited Iguro's training area waiting for him to show up. To your surprise, not only he never did, but also Sanemi took his place. Of course you knew all of that wasn't a coincidence. Your boyfriend was being very childish and you hated that. All those events were just enough for you to get pissed of and return back home.
As you were carefully opening the door, you couldn't help but notice lights coming from your room. Oh no, you thought to yourself, if it was indeed a demon, you were in serious danger.
You slowly moved towards your room and quickly turned off the lights. The creature inside your room looked very puzzled and you surely knew you caught it off guard. Now, it was the perfect time for you to get rid of it.
Without hesitation, you grabbed your katana and rushed with force near your enemy. And that's when you understood your big mistake. The 'intruder' inside your room was not other than Iguro. Thanks to Kaburamaru, you knew the person in front of you was not other than your boyfriend.
"Yoo" that's all Iguro said, while you stood there, puzzled, shocked and really embarrassed. "IGURO ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU ALL DAY LONG AND ALL THIS TIME YOU WERE HERE??" This time you were furious, your eyes were full of tears as you continued talking. "You should have least told me you didn't want to see me. I would have listened to you-"
He moved closer to you, hugging you, making you feel wanted as he for the first time, decided to give you an explanation about everything. "I want you to be around me and I want you stay with me. Everything is my fault alright?" He smiled. You've missed that smile.
"I got jealous. Last week you were hanging out all the time with Rengoku. I don't hate you and I will neve do so. Please forgive me, angel." He again smiled at you, kissing you on the cheek.
"You are being really cute right now." And yeah you both got back to your usual selves.
And that's all for today as well!
See you soon<3
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izzabela · 2 days
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I'm in pain thinking of hurting my pookie...
but if i must....
Seeking Peace [pt.2] - Bi Han, Tomas x fem!reader
in which you go back go bi han after his reflection and redemption
a/n: i think i'll make this an optional pt.2 for the people who liked how the first story ended. this will be fun to write for though- thanks for the request @livingdeadgirly !!!
ship[s]: tomas x reader, bi han x reader (mk1)
warnings: angst for sure, reader is incapable of conceiving, fluffy end, no (y/n) bs, AND ITS LONG
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Ever since Bi Han's appearance at the Shirai Ryu compound, his confession, and his promise, you couldn't help but think about the years that passed, and everything that's changed between you, Bi Han, and Tomas.
As Bi Han had been reaching his absolution, you, Tomas, and Kuai Liang would pay visits to the temple-compound of the Lin Kuei. At first, you stayed away from him, not wanting to let your heart be broken again. But with every visit to his home, every little conversation, gift offering, or some other version of an olive branch, you found yourself opening up to him again.
You'd like to think this started after the sixth visit of Bi Han to the compound. Kuai Liang and Tomas were out on a mission, and Harumi was busy teaching the initiates about katana-wielding. It left you and Bi Han alone in a weird silence. In the entertainment room, green tea steams from intricate ceramic cups in front of you, and the rice cakes you offered remain untouched.
"You look well," Bi Han states, "How are you and my brother? I hear from Madame Bo you are hoping for heirs."
You sigh, playing with your fingers as you open up in rare vulnerability.
"If I am being honest, it hasn't been going well. We had gotten news from the doctor that my body is not capable of conceiving..."
It's quiet, but you feel good being able to talk about your problems. You felt bad for not being able to give Tomas a family of his own, even though he said it was alright. Regardless, it didn't stop the dark thoughts and depressive feelings that rose from your heart and mind. Beating and bogging you down for not being able to provide, not being able to do your part.
Tomas didn't blame you, not one bit. He knows that creating a child is a two person job, and it's the man who determines almost everything about the child. He even asked the doctors to have his sperm counted to see if it was enough to have a child. Surprisingly, Tomas was just fine, it was simply your body not bodying.
"You know Tomas does not blame you," Bi Han stated. "A man who blames his wife for something like this is no man, and Tomas would never do such a thing."
You nodded, agreeing and wiping a single tear that fell from your eye.
"I'm not sure why I'm crying," you laugh weakly, "You're the fourth person to tell me it's not my fault, yet I cannot believe it."
This was out of Bi Han's control. Motherhood, pre-conception, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy, was something he did not know in full depth. He wouldn't dare give you false hope, nor say the wrong thing, especially with a topic as heavy as this.
You rest your hands on the table, finally calming down from the sadness that gripped you for a bit. Bi Han takes this opportunity to hold your hand, resting it over yours and squeezing it tightly.
"Whatever you need darl- uh, my friend. I will listen, offer my presence, anything you need. You can lean on me."
Another memory arose from the depths of your mind. This time, it was when you realized Tomas no longer had your heart.
A couple of months after you and Bi Han were left alone in the compound, you and Tomas decided to pay a visit to the Lin Kuei's temple-compound, which you could now travel freely to. In this particular visit, though, you saw Bi Han in a new light- and there was no way in stopping how brightly it shone in your heart.
You and Tomas were greeted warmly by the assassins, as well as some of the medics and healers. A couple of familiar faces also show up, Madame Bo and Lord Liu Kang, who show you around the new and improved temple.
Various technological advances were achieves with Bi Han's ambition. A mixture of tradition and modernity grace yours and Tomas's gaze, watching how the Lin Kuei train in traditional weapons and firearms. You look up and see Bi Han, overlooking the courtyard where the initiates train.
His air felt... different when you saw him commanding his clan. He looked confident, happy-ish, and proud, the semblance of the man you married before back. At the same time, though, you felt sick. You, who had confidently stated he would never be able to win you back, felt your resolve crumble. It hurt you even more when you realized that, as much as Tomas loved you, you did not love him the same way.
You loved his comfort, not his character. You loved his help, not his heart.
Heartbreakingly, you loved his presence- not his whole self.
You remember the fight you and Tomas had the night after your visit.
"So, after all these years, I never really had you, did I?"
"Dear, please," you beg, "I didn't expect myself to be like this either!"
He sighed and sat at the corner of your shared beds, "I gave you my comfort, offered you my support, held you when you allowed it! Did it mean nothing to you?! Did any of this mean anything o you?!"
You shook your head, "Tomas, listen! You misunderstand me, my dear. Your love has given me a revival I never thought I could achieve. Your love and support made me whole again... but..."
He looked at you, finally understanding what you were about to say, "You never loved me, only my presence."
You sighed, "I didn't want to be alone, and selfishly took you as my own in fear of it. I only realize now of my feelings and actions."
You watched Tomas sit down with his hands burying his face, and his shoulders begin to shake. You couldn't blame him, though, because the woman he loved so much would be leaving.
"Will I truly be alone? Just like how mother and sister left... now you... will I ever be able to have someone by my side?"
You rushed to his side and hugged him, "I believe you will find someone who loves you for you. Someone who will value your entire self, and the love that you embody."
He took you in his arms and you both hugged for the last time, inhaling his scent, tracing your fingers over his hands, muscles, and everything else on him. Your foreheads touch and Tomas cups your cheek, you nuzzling into it and stare into his eyes.
"Please, dear, do not forget me," he pleaded, "Do not forget what I gave to you..."
"How could I?" you told him, "You lifted me up, and I only wish you find someone who will do the same."
You planted a kiss on his forehead, and slip the ring off your finger to hand to him. He accepted it and watched you leave in the night.
When you appeared at the gates of the Lin Kuei base, an assassin on guard alerted Bi Han on your presence and state of being. You were shivering, one hand gripping onto a light fur pelt and the other holding onto a duffle bag. You stood by the fire post that was at the entrance, falling sleep due to the warmth.
You woke up in a bed, surrounded by warm comforters and heavy furs. Your clothes were all laid out, folded neatly, and you heard the door open, revealing Madame Bo. You smiled softly and waved to her, to which she reciprocated and came closer, food and water on a tray. You accepted it graciously, eating it as she watches you.
"You know, darling," she began, "There wasn't a day that went by without Bi Han thinking about you. He truly wanted you by his side when he got through his promises."
So he, too, didn't forget about me... you thought.
Bi Han entered your room in a rush, having slammed the door open. Madame Bo smirked playfully and walked out, waving her hand at you and passing Bi Han, patting his back on the way out.
"Are you, feeling alright?" he asks wearily, "You were out cold by the fire at the entrance. I took you in myself. I hope you didn't find it disturbing."
You shook your head, "I'm fine, dea- er, uh, Bi Han."
He took a deep breath, catching your slip up and poor recovery. He took the opportunity to come close, way past your personal bubble, and sit right next to you on the bed.
"You came back," he said exasperated, "I thought you said you-."
You remember putting a finger over his mouth, shushing him and using your other hand to hold his face. It's slightly cold, but you find it rather warm.
"Time healed my wounds a little quicker than predicted."
As you got comfortable with Bi Han again, you were afraid Tomas, Kuai Liang, Harumi, and the Shirai Ryu would paint a target over your back, but you were wrong to think so low of them. Tomas's heart was (and still is) bigger than that, more mature, and it was in the form of a letter he sent stating how he would always love you, even after all of this.
You remember the closing line of the letter as well- You taught me to love, and I'll never forget it.
At this point, many years had passed since the betrayal, even more since you left Tomas and the Shirai Ryu. Amazingly, the relationship between the clans and brothers improved greatly. The clans worked together to protect Earthrealm, traded information and goods to each other frequently, and even fought in joint missions together.
Bi Han and his brother's healing also went swimmingly. Bi Han remained a little aloof with his brothers, unsure of how they still loved and trusted him after the pain he caused, but over time grew accustomed to their warmth. He was still stubborn, and a bit prideful, but he accepted his brother's criticisms, comments, and most importantly, love. Of course, Bi Han still being Bi Han, it would take eons for him to say "I love you" back to his brothers, but he would say other stuff in its place.
"I cherish you both", or "I understand", even a "thank you, brothers," was said with such softness and tenderness, it still shook the other boys. Even so, they took it with open arms.
Currently, you lay with Bi Han in your shared master room, sleeping peacefully in his arms. Wrapped in his embrace, the slight chill his body had felt warmer than any fire could provide. Your peaceful dreaming was interrupted by the wails of a child, crying in a wooden cradle directly across from the feet of the bed.
You get up to tend to the child, but Bi Han beats you to it, planting a kiss on your head and lulling you back to sleep.
You still couldn't believe you were able to conceive, finally having a child and starting a family you dreamed of since, well, forever. Nonetheless, a healthy baby girl. Seems the doctor back in Japan gave you poor results.
You hear Bi Han humming a children's song, rocking your daughter back and forth in order for you to be able to get more sleep. You watch with tired eyes as Bi Han lightly kisses her head, gently putting her back down in the crib.
You remember telling the news to Tomas and Kuai Liang, and them being so happy for you and Bi Han in creating a family. They visited you with gifts ranging from diapers, to swaddles, even unisex jammies for your baby girl. They respected your distance when you asked for a month before visitation, and as soon as it was up, they were at the door of the Lin Kuei's home, bringing even more gifts.
Tomas had also moved on, dating one of Harumi's friends. From both the letters and visitations, you saw how she loved him, and how he loved her- this time, with the full intention of giving everything to each other. Sometimes, you'd get letters from Kuai Liang with a couple of picture of Tomas and his new lover. The same smile he gave you was back in full force, beaming with pride in all of the pictures his lover was present.
Honestly, sleep was out the window for you, so you get up and join your husband's side and watch over your daughter together. He feels you, wrapping his arms around your shoulder as you wrap your arm around his side.
"Please rest, darling," he pleas, "I have this covered."
You yawn, "It's too late now. Besides, your family is coming over today and I want to get ready a little bit earlier."
Kuai Liang, Harumi, Tomas, and his lover would be coming over to see their niece and discuss clan-related issues. You both take the opportunity of your child's slumber to bathe and get dressed, getting ahead of the game before your daughter woke up.
Just as you finished putting your dress on, your daughter woke again with cries, to which you head back to the crib and take your daughter out, rocking and cooing at her to calm down. As you calm her down, you grab a baby toy and walk to the dining area, shaking the little toy to keep her distracted.
You're lost in the laughs of your baby to not see that Bi Han's entire family is at the table too, way earlier than scheduled. They're talking amongst themselves before turning to you, and Harumi immediately screeches for her niece.
"Oh, look at my darling little baby! Oh, how I've missed you," she praises and coos, gently touching your daughter's puffy cheeks. You laugh and hand Harumi your daughter, joining your husband's side. It seems Bi Han and Kuai Liang were a little too enraptured in their conversation, and you lock eyes with Tomas's, his gaze leaving his sister-in-law's.
He mouths to you, You look happy, my friend. Peaceful even.
You nod and smile, As do you, Tomas. As do you.
guys i literally love Tomas, i can't believe i had to write him in pain.
thank you once again for the request @livingdeadgirly !!! i def took some creative liberties on this, but the initial request is there.
should i write about kuai liang next? or perhaps someone from the earthrealm players team (as johnny puts it)? i have a fic idea using either a laufey or zeph song, i just can't figure out which character
comment to give me some ideas, and i'll see yall in the next fic!
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 day
David Jacobs had never thought much of the bunk house. It was where the boys slept, he knew that much, but he was always glad he had a home to return to at the end of the day, a bed, even if he shared it with Les; he was lucky to get to go back to a sister, parents.
The lodge house, he had concluded from the couple of visits he’d made, was at the best of times, messy. But in the aftermath of the fight. It was chaos.
People and things everywhere, buckets of water and bandages and ripped up shirts, crying, and arguments and blood staining into the wooden floor.
David didn’t know what to do. His own head was aching. His gaze was darkening at the edges. He’d lost track of Les at least ten minutes ago. Crutchie wasn’t here. Jack was gone, god knows where. Splasher wasn’t waking up despite Buttons attempts to make him open his eyes, the gash on the side of his head had been cleaned they best they could and bandaged up but the blood was soaking through and splasher wasn’t waking up. David couldn’t help but look at him and see Les.
To his right, on one of the bunks curled in on himself, Tommy-boy was holding his cross and praying, low mutters under his breath that David couldn’t make out amongst the myriad of voices, Race snapping out instructions, Specs arguing back. A fight between who David couldn’t even tell breaking out in the back of the room and the two, Albert and Finch it looked like upon second glance being shoved apart by Mush. David blinked again. The world swayed.
“Jacobs. You wanna help or are you jus’ gonna stand there.”
“Yes. Yeah. Of course. Sorry. Have you- where’s Les.”
“I dunno. But he’s fine ain’t he.”
“He. Yeah. What can I do.”
“JoJo.” Henry said. “Oscar got a real mean hit in with his knuckles. Jus’ fuckin. Wrap it alright?”
Henry stilled. The world spun.
“You okay Jacobs?”
“I’m fine.”
“They hit you?”
“No. No. ‘cept morris. With one of the bats.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Davey, can you hear me.”
And David could. Wanted to smile at the nickname cause that was kind, a thing that friends did, nicknames were a thing that friends called eachother.
But the world tipped sideways before he could say anything in response.
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fierysplash213 · 2 days
I just love Bakugo.
Idk why, I just do.
So here is another x reader!
Prompt: You just discovered that your husband, Bakugo was badly injured during his no contact mission.
A/N: Another one! I know I’m not that famous on tumblr, this is a small blog after all. But I really appreciate the likes, reblogs, even your comments! So thank you, also to my few followers! I appreciate you guys:) My angst game is weak:(
Alright, sorry to keep you waiting!
His arms
It’s been almost a month since you’ve last seen Katsuki. You couldn’t call or message him as it was a no contact mission. In short, you missed Katsuki.
He said that the mission would not take more than a month. It’s almost a month and he’s not back yet! You were worried sick.
So when you received the phone call that he was badly injured (stabbed in the back multiple times and punched in the stomach), you did not take the information well.
The doctor said that he might not even live.
Your eyes widened in shock, and horror. Was Katsuki going to be okay?
You immediately grabbed your car keys and drove to the hospital he was kept in.
When you saw him, lying on the bed, unconscious, a tear rolled down your cheek.
Then, another. And another. Until you were sobbing, the only thing that was comforting you was the sound of the heart rate monitor.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
You found yourself hugging Katsuki’s unconscious body.
“P-please be okay.” Was all you could stammer out.
Every night, you would pray to the gods that he was okay. Every night, you would cry yourself to sleep.
Other than visiting him at the hospital, you rarely came out of the house. You just didn’t have the energy to.
So when you got a call from the hospital, finding out that he was okay, you grabbed your keys and dashed out of the house.
When you saw him, you ran and hugged him, he returned the hug with his muscular arms that you were very familiar with.
“I missed you so much…” You breathed out
“No need to worry, y/n, I’ll always come back to you.”
You were very happy that night, snuggled up in his arms.
Just a lil’ drabble. Hope u enjoyed:)
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one-idea · 2 days
I have the headcanon that Ace loves the ocean and water and just all of that.
Saying this, I think it leads to some great fic ideas.
- Maybe there was a river in the forest that was free of dangerous animals and he went swimming in it. Maybe once Sabo came along the two of them would swim together, and when Luffy came along he would try his best to join in. Maybe once Sabo died the river fell to the same fate as the treehouse, a place too painful to return to.
- Ace is a devil fruit user, and obviously this means he cannot swim. I think that once this realization set in there would be a lot of panic since he just lost basically a big part of his life. I think this could lead to some really good angst and (forgive me if I’m wrong I have not read Ace’s novel) especially since he is alone with a stranger on some random island.
- I know it’s canon that he’s jumped into the water after Luffy, but I also think that with this headcanon he would do that unprompted. “Omg it’s hot out I’m gonna go swim” “ACE YOU CANT SWIM STOP” “oh no!”
- This bit is a little more self indulgent but I think it would have been really cool and impactful if Ace had a Viking funeral.
Anyways, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or if I got too rambly :D
This bursts but is also so comical.
Ace probably did grow up loving to swim. Him and Sabo having a secret swimming hole is very cute.
(I’ve never been clear. Devil fruit users can’t swim in salt water or all water. Because I just watched Chopper swim around in a swimming pool no problem, so my assumption is that fresh water is alright but salt water will kill them)
With that understanding in mind if the swimming hole was fresh water Luffy could have joined them.
Sabo and Ace got used to having to pull Luffy out of the Sea or Estuaries (where salt and fresh water mix) they both became excellent swimmers. You have to be when you’re constantly doing water rescues for you little brother.
On Sixis Ace probably tried to swim his way out at least once and almost drowned for his efforts (this was before he ate the fruit)
Afterwards he did have to mourn not being able to swim. It was a big part of him. And now who’s going to save Luffy? (Yes his little brother is on a different island but it’s always been his and Sabo’s job, and when Sabo died it fell to him. Taking care of Luffy is so engrained that it’s one of his first concerns)
He likes Deuce but the raft makes him a little nervous because while his new powers are going to power it and get them off this island (theoretically) if the raft brakes he’s relying completely on Deuce to get them both to shore. That’s a lot of trust to put in someone you just meet. Especially for Ace. It’s a big moment in their relationship for him (Deuce does not know this) because if the raft breaks Deuce would struggle to get himself back to shore, let alone Ace (the currents are awful) but he’s promised to do it and Ace believes him.
Once they get off the island Deuce gets put in Ace duty. Ace has always been an amazing swimmer and he often forgets he can’t swim anymore.
It’s a running joke in the Spades that Deuce doesn’t wear a shirt because he has to jump after their captain so often.
Deuce originally got pretty upset with Ace “are you trying to die?” Like he can understand forgetting the first few times but come on! But slowly Ace opens up and tells him about his little brother and their childhood and how much Ace loved swimming. Suddenly Deuce doesn’t mind fetching his captain as much. And if he check each island they visit for a fresh water swimming hole that’s his business.
This continues on the Moby Dick. Ace will jump in after other Devil fruit user and get scolded “Ace you’ve had your fruit of over a year! How do you keep ‘forgetting?’”
Ace: “it’s a force of habit”
This is how people (Thatch, Marco, and the over commanders) find out about Luffy.
When Ace runs into Luffy in Alabasta it’s force of habit to jump in after his kid brother. The crew would be more exasperated if Luffy and Chopper didn’t jump after each other as well. Their devil fruit users often forget that the sea wants them dead.
The idea of a Viking funeral is sick. But I don’t think he’d get on just because it’s the Red Hair Pirates who bury them and they don’t know Ace that well. Deuce probably does a symbolic one when he visits the grave.
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No Place Like Home.
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Hey! We're back!
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Ah. Finally. We were starting to get worried.
*Around the same time as all of this, Mahiru, Izuru, Chiaki and Akane meet up with the rest of the Remnants of Despair on a street not too far away from the outskirts of Tokyo, after getting a message to meet up from Seiko.
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We just went back to Akane's house to check up on Eden and the others. After everything that happened, we needed to know if they were still okay.
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By the way...Mikan...Should you really be here? Aren't the medical staff at the Future Foundation kind of hard-pressed right now?
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While it's true they could use my expertise, I'm not the only capable nurse the Future Foundation have. Besides, with the number of people, we need to take a break every now and then, otherwise we'll collapse ourselves.
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I did actually do my own rounds when I went to visit her and bring her something to eat. Based on my "pearfect analysise" it'll take a few days to get everyone back on their feet.
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Ah, fair enough.
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But are you sure that this is reason enough to pull yourself away from the work?
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Seiko mentioned to me that it was important. Besides, I haven't seen her since we got back to the Future Foundation yesterday morning.
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Yeah, me neither. But she texted me to let me know she was alright.
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Considering she sent the message to all of us...then yes, I imagine it is important.
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Do you think it might have something to do with Nagito? Seiko was the last person to have contact with him before he disappeared, after all.
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...Maybe...I guess I would like some information if that is the case...
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Ryuji, you have the address she sent. Can you lead the way?
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With pleasure. Follow me.
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Hm...This is the address...
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Here? But...we're basically in the middle of nowhere.
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We are quite far removed from the other residences...But we're not THAT far away...
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Based on the way I'm looking at it, where we should be going should be at the top of this hill...
*Ryuji continues to lead the way until the Remnants come across a pathway. Following it up the hill, they eventually find what they're looking for.
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*A gothic mansion stands tall in front of them, silhouetted by the rising sun. The windows are narrow and arched, allowing only faint glimpses of the darkness within. The building's age shows in the cracks in the brick, but it is still well kept despite this.
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What...is this place...?
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This is where Seiko told us to gather? Why here of all places?
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Are we even allowed inside this place? It kind of looks like some old Victorian tourist site.
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Ibuki, this is Japan, not England. We didn't live through the Victorian era.
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You don't know that.
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Mm...Is creepy...
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So are we going in or not? Natsumi doesn't like the look of this place.
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if i think bout ichi going to jiro kasuga's grave and arakawa accompanying him Maybe At Least Once i just might explode
#snap chats#hi everyone. coping with my reality. plus it is fathers day tomorrow#ill save all THAT rambling after The Real Meat alright lemme get that juice out the way#anyway no i was just having an idle thought with fathers day coming up#an i just thought of like. Just-Got-Here ichi wantin to see his Relatively-Recently-Deceased's dad's grave#maybe arakawa wanted to ask ichi to do somethin on X day and ichi visibly is just 😬#obvi he tries to brush it off like Oh Its Nothing Sir Haha :) but arakawa's A Dad.#and grew up with a troubled childhood alright he knows when someones hiding something so he encourages ichi to tell him the truth#such comes The Bean Spillin an ichi's just 'remember how i said my dad died yeah i wanted to visit him that day 👉👈 '#followed up by the obligatory backpedaling But Its Fine I Can Do Another Day ! No Worries ! etc etc#so pleaaasse cut to arakawa making a 'deal' with ichi in that he can go that day but only if he could tag along#ichi's a great kid it's worth visiting the guy who raised him right#im gonna throw up if arakawa just gets a Funny Feeling during their visit yk what i mean#he just feels Especially grateful for jiro and what he did for ichi- doesnt exactly know why maybe ichi really is just that good of a kiddo#im gona make myself throw UP oh my GOD. crying dying etc etc#if you see me write or draw anything after this no you dont#speaking of though Personal Ramble Time i knew i shouldnt have eaten until later this is my karma <- thats not how karma works#i try not to eat in the evening and the time i do unprompted BOOM mother's home. screaming crying yelling#i still had things i wanted to do upstairs too gdi now i gotta wait til monday or like. 2AM ☠️☠️☠️#ok thats all byyyyye im gonna cope with my cringe family situation with projection 👋
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t4tdanvis · 8 months
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if i said i was normal about this idea would. would u believe me
#❄.txt#guess what: im not normal about this idea#vylad wanting to clean up genes wounds but 1 gene wouldnt let him and 2 thatd make everyone really suspicious#itd also make gene suspicious that vylad actually cares about him. which would entirely ruin vylads plan#eventually (like. after about 8 months of visiting and talking) vylad comes in when gene is half asleep#theres blood running down genes face and he has a really bad bloody black eye#vylad fucking Panics and immediately rushes over to help clean him up while asking what happened#gene is just like 'i dont want to talk about it' and vylad just goes 'okay' and continues cleaning up genes wound#they just kind of sit there with vylad hugging gene (after a couple mins of vylad trying to figure out where to hug him where it wont hurt)#after maybe ten minutes gene starts talking about dante#vylad just sits there listening as gene breaks down rambling about how much he misses his brother and how he wishes he could go back#eventually genes just like 'i dont think i can ever make up for what i did. im irredeemable. ive hurt and killed so many people. this is#only karma' and vylad just. sits there. silently. because he feels the exact same way about himself and doesnt know how to respond#after a few minutes he says 'sometimes you cant make up for things. sometimes you just have to move on and do better'#gene responds by falling asleep in vylads arms#a few days later vylad is like 'alright gene were getting you out of here' and has to basically drag gene out a window#'but i-' 'shhhhh. be quiet' 'but-' 'gene. shut up. im saving you whether you like it or not' '... ok'#vylad goes from 'i can fix him (i cannot)' to 'I FIXED HIM 🥳'#well. he hasnt fixed the Trauma and Guilt but that can wait :>#do u guys like the fanfic i dont have the skill to actually write
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voids-cave · 8 months
I just got remembered of Brook best day of my life
#the only one of the leons that is genuinely happy LMFAOOO#well dbd leon ends up being happy but depending on which paths happen he is still not fully happy despite everything being alright now#brook however she's got a wonderful wife she actually did something about her gender and went to therapy like#isnt that awesome.#also isn't it funny how the only leon that is truly happy is the one that actually fully transitioned. funny its like- *gets expldoed*#okay Vex does transition and ends up having a happy ending as well. he finally just. calms down and is able to live normally. it is a littl#bittersweet because he needs to abandon all of his life. except close friends to actually... like not be starving and being used as a weapo#all the time#i know no other leon would be happy with the ending he got. but bro is just so content with just accepting to let go of his humanity#cuz yknow what fuck that. he doesn't need it to be a good person. he doesnt even need it to BE a person and he doesnt need it to be happy#besides Sherry Claire Chris and Hunnigan come to visit him every other time which are the only important ppl in his life pft#vex my favorite representation of my nonhumanity and deals with morality and love n shit#u don't need love. u don't need to be human u don't need to destroy urself to take care of others. you don't need to fit the standards of#society n shit just b happy find ur own peace. u dont need any of these to live a happy life. to be a person and to care about others#anyways i think vex just deciding to be a fucking dawg in tha woods is the silliest ending to an au ive done. but one i like very much
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Miguel O'Hara x Cheated on!fem Reader
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WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. SMUT at the end, bit of angst, fluff, adult situations. Cheating, divorce.
Requested here
Summary: Miguel can't stand watching you being neglected by your husband.
If there was something Miguel hated, was life being too generous upon those that didn't deserve it, not even the slightest. Meaning, a dickhead for a coworker and sadly, your husband.
How could such a guy like him ended up with a sweetheart like you was beyond him, The man was apathetic, little to no charm, rude and an absolute bastard.
"She's uh, my wife." He had said flatly. Your name felt like sandpaper on his tongue as it rolled out of it while introducing you to the rest at a small party at Alchemax.
Miguel had noticed the little stab of hurt crossing your angelic face. He wanted to punch him straight in the face, even some of the other couples had noticed the small tension. But you just stood there, trying to give your best smile. The golden band around your finger and the loving stare your eyes casted on your husband was a clear 'Don't even try it' for him.
But for once, Miguel didn't care.
He didn't exactly know how the crush on you had started. At first he thought that was just him feeling lonely and that his eyes wandered too much. But when you visited, lunch bag in hand, looking for your husband only to give him a bedazzling smile upon seeing him, and he receiving you with a tight-lipped smile, made his heart to break a little more.
"Hey" You were about to kiss him but he just backed away.
"I'm working."
"Alright, alright. See you later?"
He just gave a quick nod and put the lunchbox on his desk. There wasn't love in his goodbye kiss, Miguel noted. Once you were out, he rummaged through its contents while rolling his eyes.
He looked around and spotted Miguel with a mug on his hand.
"Hey, pal." He called and offered him.
"Want some?" Miguel seized him from head to toes but just nodded. It felt the only way that he could have a bit of you at the moment.
"Take whatever you like. Wife always goes overboard with food." Miguel took the small dessert container. It tasted divine. It only matched your own sweetness.
Lucky Bastard.
Oh he was. His eyebrows pressed together as he kept giving away all the food you had so dotingly prepared him.
"Can we talk about this later? You can't just keep visiting me every time you feel so"
"But you keep forgetting lunch at home, can't leave you like-"
"It's fine really, we have vending machines here." Your husband grumbled, but you couldn't help but hold the lunchbox tightly against your arms.
"I see. Sorry." You gave him a small smile, "See you later?"
"Im busy today. Might get a couple hours late. Don't wait for me." 
You just nodded as Miguel jaw tensed.
How dared he?
You left.
You had bumped into him at the supermarket on a weekend. Your cart was full of food, food that would end up in his hands and the rest of the team but never in your husband's mouth.
"Miguel, right?"
He nodded as he pulled some items for himself in his basket.
"Thanks for helping me." you smiled, his heart thumped harder.
"Where is..." He cleared his throat and you looked up at him.
"My husband? Oh, he said he had an extra shift today. Working in Alchemax surely is hard, I mean, I try to make it less... bad for him."
Miguel's mind was sneering, not at you but at the fake pretense of a hard working man the son of a bitch had put up with you. He knew the truth, he knew your husband only went there, did things wrong and half assed, and lately he had been flirting shamelessly with a lab technician from the upper floor.
His hatred for the man only grew, just as his admiration for you. What truly made you marry someone like him? That's the biggest question he had so far.
"I'm kind of nervous, today's our anniversary. I wanna surprise him with something" Your cheeks tinted red.
God you were killing him. He wanted to grab you gently by your shoulders, and say 'I can be better' cause of course he could, he was. You'd never have to settle for less with him.
'I appreciate you' cause he did, unlike the fool you had married. 'You'd never have to beg me' because in truth, he was already at your feet.
But you weren't his. Not yet.
Sighing, Miguel put the lab test equipment away, then headed for the main office to get a couple more samples of a liquid he tried, but stopped dead in his tracks at the sight.
Legs wrapped around a man's waist, as his pants were down at his ankles. The woman shrieked once she noticed Miguel standing there with a frown and disgusted face. Miguel’s anger froze when the man next to her turned to be none but your husband.
The man recoiled to himself upon Miguel glaring holes his way.
His shoulder was poked by none other that the cheating pig.
"Uh, hey. Can we.... Can you, I mean-"
He stumbled on his words, Miguel towered over him, his eyes belittling him. He was bold.
"You saw nothing, yeah?"
And oh so phony. Disgusting.
Miguel just went back to his work.
It was the last straw.
To his surprise you were sitting on a café, puffy and tear crusted eyes staring into nothingness, a phone on your hands. You knew.
He didn't know whether to approach you, or just leave you be. As much as he wanted you, he knew that coming at you in your most vulnerable state would not only make a bad impression oh him, but he didn't want to act like a vulture, looming over your broken heart for him to take.
He approached carefully.
"Are you okay?"
Your eyes avoided him.
"May I sit?"
You nodded with a hiccup and he offered you his handkerchief, fresh hot tears spilled  in the soft fabric. His chest constricting at the sight.
"He cheated on me."
Much to your dismay, he knew. Of course, he wanted to tell you, but knowing how careless your husband acted, it was a matter of time for you to discover the cheating.
"I'm really sorry to hear that."
Shaking your head, you sniffed
"He has been doing this for months. Should've... saw this coming. I mean... I found so many pictures of a woman and... God"
He was pretty sure that he would punch the man next time he'd see him.
"He never came home to our anniversary, but even way before that. He just... I wasn't enough."
He frowned and took your hand softly.
"Stop. Cheating is a personal choice, guapa. You can't blame yourself for other's choices. He decided to do so, to trash away his marriage. It has nothing to do with you."
"Maybe if... I was-"
"No. You're... you're perfect. Puta madre,  you're more than perfect. He's a lucky bastard just to have you. And... If I was him-"
He stopped his words and pursed his lips. You didn't need this. He'd have to be patient. You stared at him gently.
"I'll file for a divorce. He's barely coming home anyways and... that pretty much says on it's own that is over."
Miguel just nodded.
"Might celebrate it." You chuckled after wiping your tears.
"Can I ask you something?"
Again, you nodded.
"I know it's none of my business but, I'm just genuinely curious as to why you'd marry him?"
"Impulsiveness, I guess." you shrugged, your hand resting some inches away from his.
"He just proposed one day out of the blue, we had been dating for six months. Don't... don't look at me like that. I know it was stupid." you groaned.
"It's alright. You thought it was love." His hand inched closer, you nodded.
"We had our problems. A lot, actually. But... instead of speaking things like a fucking adult, he went on cheating."
"Mira, guapa... yo" He trailed off unsure of resisting any longer, his resolution to wait vanishing, "I know that this is a really bad time for you and-"
"Please... don't. Miguel I-"
"Just listen, ok? Please?" His hand finally took yours gently.
"I know this is the least of things you need right now, but... You have no idea how... how perfect you are. I always saw you visiting him, being loving, and he just threw all that away. He lost you. You're way too much for him."
Your body tensed upon sensing where this was going. Of course you weren't ignorant, you'd notice the glances he would give your way, the yearning in his eyes every time you kissed or acted like lovesick fool with your glacial husband.
" Let me show you, how would I treat you, if you were mine."
"Miguel, I don't want to-."
"Let me take you to dinner. If you don't like anything and I mean it, anything, I'll stop and leave you be. Just a dinner. Hell, you could ramble about him for hours and I'd just be happy for you to be there."
You sighed, it was a rather simple choice to say yes or no. There was nothing that actually tied you to your ex husband now. Just a very skewed moral code.
" Just a dinner. "
His heart fluttered and he nodded
"Just a dinner and I'll drop you home."
Miguel helped you out of his car, eyes drinking in your form. He would be lying if he said that he didn't feel jealous of the dress you were wearing, snugging all your curves in the right spots, just a tiny thing to make your own beauty to stand out even more. Gorgeous, flawless, divine and perfect.
You gasped at the location
"Are you sure this is the place? It's quite expensive."
Your concern was endearing, he offered you his arm and guided you inside.
"You're worth it, princesa."
The place seemed like being inspired from an old movie, elegant, classic and of course fancy. Never in your life your ex husband would actually treat you to places like these. His card would explode, he said once. Other places were good, but this was in a whole new level of luxury.
Miguel held the chair for you, and you sat, he followed.
"This place is gorgeous." He chuckled and took your hand to kiss your soft knuckles.
"Just like you."
Time flew, the night had been to your surprise one of the best things that you have experienced. You had tasted things that didn't know existed, Miguel had fed you the dessert, pampering you to no end. The wine was delicious.
As night advanced, his little touches had turned more and more risqué, his fingers would take a taste of your exposed thigh skin, your hands would brush his, fiery and small caresses that sparked a silent yet mutual fire.
Once home you couldn't get your hands out of eachother. He had to be careful to not rip your dress to bits, he needed you. The wet kisses in your neck and his wandering hands all over your heated body the proof of it. When was the last time that someone touched you like this?
Not even him, the man that oathed to love you and be with you through thick and thin. A gentle rub on your clit by expert fingers made you forget about him. Lock his memory in a vault and you'd throw the key somewhere. Your hips would buck against his hand, rolling on waves after waves of pleasure.
"He didn't touch you?" You shook your head as your mouth gaped open.
"When was-"
"Shut up." you moaned breathlessly. An I don't know nor care.
Your body responded so well too him, be the need you tried to sate with your own hands, or the loneliness that had made you so desperate that had you squirming and soaked and he was only using his hands so far. With Miguel, things felt differently. He did things differently. And different was good. So so good.
His hunger for you shown and conveyed in every caress and touch he gave you. He was gentle enough for his desire to permeate your skin. You didn't feel alone. You felt needed. Loved even. There was no turning back once you discarded all the clothes on both ends.
Opposite to what you believed, your heart wasn't flooding with guilt. No.
There were no longer what ifs and what not constantly echoing in your brain. There was no longer that constricting sensation in your chest you always had. No more uncertainty. You were free.
Last night Miguel, whose arms cradled your form to be snuggled in his chest and his thigh hooked on your hip, hoarding you. As if fearful you'd go away, had made you experience a whole new concept of pleasure. Your body soared in bliss, you were glowing, He had given you climax after climax, making every single one of them more shattering and intense than the other.
That's all you wanted really. Feel at ease and blissful. Miguel had given you that and more. More than you actually ever though deserving. It was just a matter of time that you'd finally take him whole.
You wanted him. His kindness, his care, his love, his grumpyness during mornings, the way he cursed in spanish whenever he'd stub his toe in the nightstand. You wanted it all.
Of course you had filed for a divorce as soon as you could, your husband was more than happy to comply. He hadn't been home for a while, Miguel even told you that he had quitted. It was as if the universe was removing him from your life ever since you started with Miguel a couple months ago.
But none of that mattered. Not when he had plopped you down to bed, hands holding a firm grip in your sweaty and smooth skin, hips straddling yours and plowing into you from behind, prone bone position. His hips buried himself deep, hitting that spot over and over. He wasn't gentle, but that's just exactly how you liked it.
Before you could actually reach the stars he flipped you over, your thighs resting ontop of his. He sheathed once more inside. Your phone buzzed.
You growled in annoyance, Miguel sighed. A number you knew all too well. Finally you'd get the news you so needed to hear.
"Y-Yeah?" Miguel smirked as he held your thighs together and pushed in further, his tip kissing your cervix so deliciously you had to bite your lip to suppress a moan. The little baby bump in your abdomen barely noticeable.
"Shit's done. Papers are signed."
There was a bit of rustling and the clinking of glass. By his tone, you knew he was getting drunk, celebrating. Miguel took the phone and put it on speaker.
"Ya know? I'm glad I did. Couldn't stand you, nagging all the time. But I'm a free man now, baby." His gulping, something you secretly hated, could be heard on the other line.
Miguel frowned and spreaded your legs once more.
"You there?" Your ex chuckled, "It's okay if you're crying, won't judge"
So so annoying.
A smirk appeared on your face as Miguel focused the camera on your body. He then turned the video call on. The man's face instantly fell upon watching you bouncing on a cock that surely put his to shame. Spine arching, breast jiggling and mouth spewing the lewdest of moans and needy whimpers he hsd ever heard from you. One tan hand secured you in place, preventing you from squirming too much.
"Sorry, pal." He grunted as he started to ram his hips in abandonment, making your toes curl. Your face and body said it all. The video image shaking at his thrust
"Just like that, bonita?" You choked a sob as he went balls in deep, nodding and begging him for him to not stop.
"She's busy." He hung up the call before the man could say anything and tossed your phone somewhere in the bed.
You felt so good, perfect for him, And now you were all his.
tag list: @primroselovessupernatural
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missmatchablossom · 3 months
summary: you've been helping your neighbor, gojo satoru, out by babysitting megumi. when megumi's catches the flu, gojo relies on you for help.
a.n.: megumi is ~4-5 years old, and is extremely attached to you. a little angsty, mostly fluffy, a sprinkle of smut at the end. cursing, female reader.
The first time Megumi got sick, Gojo panicked. Not the frantic, frenzied sort of panic, but the quiet, desperate kind that he did his best to hide. But you noticed it - the way his fingers trembled, the way he barely looked you in the eye, the way he repeatedly ran his hands through his hair.
It was usually you who made the elevator trip up to Gojo’s high-rise loft to babysit Megumi a couple of days a week. That’s why it took you aback to see him at your door at 11:53 at night, looking stricken as he told you Megumi refused to eat all day and started throwing up. 
You followed him to his place immediately, your heart squeezing at the sight of Megumi bundled up in his bed, his little face scrunched up in discomfort.
“Hey sweetie, you’re not feeling so good?” you cooed, kneeling as you placed your cheek against his warm forehead. He shook his head, though his flushed cheeks and labored breathing were enough confirmation that he was sick.
“He’s running a fever. Probably a cold, but you should take him to the ER just in case,” you told Gojo, watching as his shoulders tensed. He was slightly older than you, but still young to have a child; you could imagine how anxious he was feeling about Megumi’s first ER visit.
“I can come with you,” you offered, watching his shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.
“Please,” he said lowly, looking at you like you were his salvation.
You made quick work changing Megumi out of his sweat-soaked clothes and prepared a small bag of his favorite snacks and toys. You caught a glance at Gojo’s awe-stricken face before you scooped Megumi into your arms and followed Gojo to his car. 
The silence in the car ride was heavy, Gojo’s stress was obvious in the way he gripped the steering wheel so hard his fingertips turned white.
“He’ll be okay. I’ll be here until he is,” you said gently.
His eyes flicked to you for a second before he swallowed roughly. He nodded, murmuring his thanks before you lost him to his thoughts.
Megumi was seen within the hour, the perfect patient as he allowed himself to be examined without a fuss (As long as you held his hand the entire time).
“It’s the stomach flu, pretty common for this time of the year. I’ll send you home with some medications, just be sure to keep him hydrated,” the doctor said.
“Let mom and dad take care of you, alright Megumi? You’ll get better in no time,” she said kindly, patting his head as he nodded sleepily. You looked at Gojo, waiting for him to correct her. But he didn’t.
As soon as she left the room, Gojo sank into the chair, exhaling heavily as he placed his head in his hands. It was strange to see a man so proud and confident to look so…tired. So human.
You stood between his legs, gingerly laying your hand on his shoulder.
“See? Megumi will be just fine,” you said, swiping your thumb back and forth over his skin.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt scared like that,” he admitted, reaching up to cover your hand with his.
“It’s how you know you’re a parent,” you said, moving your hand to cup his cheek.
He finally looked up at you, a mixture of relief, exhaustion, and something else painted in those eyes of his. You watched him wordlessly as he leaned into your touch, his long lashes fanning across his cheeks. 
After a beat, his eyes snapped open, looking downwards as a sleepy Megumi tugged at his pant leg.
“Home now please?” he asked groggily, barely able to keep himself upright.
The two of you laughed as Gojo lifted him into his arms, Megumi settling his head on Gojo’s shoulder. 
“Let’s go home,” he said, wrapping his jacket around Megumi. You could’ve sworn he was looking at you as he said it, though.
Sick Megumi was unexpecedly clingy. The first few times you babysat him, you were taken aback by how quiet and independent he was. Most kids his age demanded constant attention, but he was happy to be left alone with his two dogs. You did find out that shadowpuppets was a surefire way to get him to laugh, though. 
You tried getting Megumi to rest in his bedroom, but as soon as the preschooler realized you weren’t right next to him, he’d get up to wander Gojo’s loft, tearfully calling your name until he found you. That's why you decided to settle down on the leather recliner in the living room, Megumi asleep on your chest with a blanket draped over the two of you. You were immersed in your Kindle before the sound of the front door unlocking dragged you back to reality.
Gojos strolled in, stopping in his tracks when he noticed the two of you. His sharp eyes eyes softened as he approached.
“Welcome home. You’re back early,” you greeted quietly, your heartbeat quickening as Gojo lowered himself to a crouching position so he could sneak a look at Megumi’s face.
His eyes flickered to yours, full of emotion you couldn’t quite place. He swept a few strands out of Megumi’s eyes, studying him like he needed to confirm that he was breathing.
“I may or may not have snuck away,” Gojo mused, eyes full of warmth and mischief.
“Careful, or this one will begin picking up some bad habits,” you teased, rubbing Megumi’s back as he stirred.
“Nah, he’s too much of a goody-two-shoes. Besides, there are more important things than work,” he said fondly, and the way his eyes flowed between the two of you while he talked, it felt like he was talking about you too.
You averted your eyes as you blushed, thankful that Megumi chose that moment to wake up. 
His little fists rubbed against his half-closed eyes, looking between you and Gojo like he was wondering if he was dreaming. 
He reached his hands out towards Gojo, who readily scooped him into his arms.
“Alright, I’ll get going then. I already gave him his meds and a bath so he should be okay for the rest of the night,” you said, gathering your things as you sat up.
You leaned forward to kiss Megumi goodbye, only to be stopped by the tears welling up in his eyes and the grip his hand had on your own.
“Don’t go,” he said, almost making you cry with how sad and adorable he was. 
“Not fair Megumi. You don’t even cry when I leave,” Gojo teased, rubbing his back as you laughed.
“Gojo is home now my love, I’ll see you tomorrow though! I’ll already be here by the time you wake up,” you promised, wiping the tears from his soft cheeks.
Megumi sniffed as he shook his head, reaching his arms out towards you. You took him back into your arms, giggling at Gojo’s feigned hurt expression.
“I’m hurt, Megumi,” he said, making a show of wiping fake tears from his face.
“Oh no, look how sad he is Megumi! Don’t you want to spend some time with him?” you said, inching closer to Gojo, whose arms were outstretched.
Megumi looked at him for a second before shaking his head, burying his face in your neck. 
You laughed even harder at Gojo’s expression, unable to find Megumi anything except utterly adorable. 
“Fine, I get it. I would’ve chosen her too,” Gojo said, throwing you off with the affection in his smile. 
“I can stay untill he falls asleep,” you mouthed to Gojo, hoping he could read your lips. He smiled at you before leaning into your space, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke.
“Or you could stay for dinner. As a friend, not a babysitter,” he whispered, sending shivers down your spine. 
“I couldn’t impose,” you replied, a bit more breathlessly than you intended.
“Nonsense. I’ve been dying to cook you dinner while you sit prettily in that chair,” Gojo said, seemingly pleased at the blush revisiting your cheeks. 
How could I say no to that?
The sun had set long before you were finally able to get Megumi to bed for the night, the moonlight seeping into Gojo’s living room through the enormous windows.
You allowed yourself to sink down onto his couch, the exhaustion from the day wearing on you. Though Megumi’s fever finally broke, he could barely keep his food down today, forcing you to go back and forth bathing him, changing his bedsheets, and cooking different meals to see what he could stomach.
The click of the door being unlocked made you jump, the familiar sight of Gojo making you forget about how tired you were.
He sauntered towards you, looking so enraptured that he didn’t speak a word. 
You froze as you understood why. The usual modest clothes you had on were long forgotten after repeated trips to the bathtub to wash the vomit and sweat off Megumi. The chaos of the day left you in your underclothes -  a thin tank top and cotton shorts - which Gojo seemed to be studying as though he’d never seen them before.
“Welcome home,” you began shyly, sitting up as you attempted to cover yourself with a pillow.
“Sorry about the outfit. Long day,” you continued sheepishly.
Gojo’s eyes finally snapped up to yours, somehow making you feel more naked than ever.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, something unreadable in his tone. 
He changed out of his work attire - taking off his watch, loosening his tie, and stripping off his jacket. Completely normal things to do when you get home. But he captivated your attention, unable to tear your eyes away from him. 
“I can’t believe I’m jealous of a child,” he said to himself as he sat to join you on the couch, looking sinfully handsome with his hair tousled and the top buttons of his shirt undone.
“What do you mean?” you pressed, feeling your self-control begin to slip as you smelled as his cologne wafting towards you.
“Megumi gets to be with you all day. Gets to hug you, hold you, lay his head on your chest. I’m jealous,” he drawled.
You heard it again. That voice in the back of your head begging you to give in to the pull you constantly felt towards Gojo. 
You dared to inch closer, well aware of his gaze roving up and down your body.
“You can do those things,” you said slowly, never breaking eye contact with him. And just like that, he snapped.
He was on you instantly, pinning you to the back of the couch as his lips moved against yours, desperate and demanding. 
You kissed him back with the same fervor, shamelessly roving your hands over the smooth expanse of his chest, until you reached his hair. His silvery locks were just as silky as you expected, and you couldn’t help yourself as you gave them a light tug.
The deep, guttural sound that came out of him sent a wave of pleasure throughout your body. You felt your breath leave you as Gojo laid you on your back, positioning himself between your legs.
“I’ve wanted you since the day I saw you,” he murmured against your ear. His lips began moving from your jaw down your neck, causing you to gasp and squirm as he smiled against you.
“I kept myself on a tight leash for Megumi’s sake,” he started, trailing kisses across your shoulders.
“But you in that outfit? Fuck, I knew it was over for me,” he said, pulling back to admire how flushed and breathless he made you.
You grabbed the edge of his collar, tugging his lips to yours to return the favor. You wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling him even closer to you, his ragged breathing music to your ears.
“Fucking finally,” you said between kisses.
The sound of a thud coming from Megumi’s room caused you both to freeze. You rushed over to check on him, relieved to see he kicked his water bottle off his bed in his sleep. Sighing, you dragged the blanket back over his sleeping form, walking back to where Gojo sat on the couch.
His pupils were blown out, his lips bruised and swollen. 
“Maybe we should continue another time, I don’t wanna wake him up,” you said, surprised at Gojo’s lack of protest. Instead, he tugged you into his lap, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Free your schedule next week. Megumi’s gonna spend a day with Uncle Nanami, and I’m taking you out on a date. And we’re gonna end the night in my bedroom, where you can be as loud as you want.”
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confused-wanderer · 1 month
The villains are utterly confused.
They remember the first robin. They remember how bloodthirsty the little gremlin was, how he appeared out of the darkness with a “HIYA FOLKS” that gave people near heart attacks with PTSD so bad they flinched everytime they walked into a dark corner. They remember his grin, baring few too many teeth with a glint in his eyes whenever the bat wasn’t around to curb him. They remember the death stare, the brooding that made no one doubt this was the Bat’s son. They remember how a punch would land a lot harder than it was supposed to, or the screaming that followed. Oh they remembered him alright.
The second one thank the stars was better. The second robin was giggly. He would hop around town, offering his help to everyone who needed it. Sure he was rough with abusers but hell no one cared about them. Matter of fact, the villains were glad because those assholes deserved no sympathy. They remember his puns, his wonder, his innocence and his spark. They remembered his laughter, his concern - the kind that only comes from one who’s been on the streets. This one was better, and the villains thanked their lucky stars. They remembered him alright.
But now, as the years passed and new characters emerged, the crime city saw the rise of two characters - a sunshine happy nightwing and a ready to kill red hood. And naturally, from their experiences in the past, the villains ended up making an honest mistake that ruined the two vigilantes’ reputation:
The villains assumed the first robin was Red Hood and the other was Nightwing. And BY GOD Gotham has not seen unhinged chaos like this.
Red Hood *drawing his pistol* : Please, reach for your weapon. I’m itching for an excuse for my intrusive thoughts to become extrusive.
Two-Face: You dare mock me little bird?! Well.. I may not have my weapon.. but I have something I know you’d like..
Red Hood: Oh yeah?What’s that?
Two-Face: TAKE THIS! *slams button and coconuts start falling from the sky, all cracking and spilling as they hit the ground*
Red Hood:
Red Hood: .. the fuck was that supposed to do?
Red Hood: The fuck- .. wait did you call me robin?
Two-Face *grins* : Yea.. robin. The first one. Thought I didn’t notice?
Red Hood: The first one? Does this *gestures vaguely to himself and his weapons* seem like something the first robin would do?
Goon 1: I mean.. yeah
Red Hood: What! The first robin was nice!
Goon 2 *guffawing*: I beg your fucking pardon??
Two-Face: .. you took my coin and attached a magnet beneath it so everytime I flipped it it wouldn’t stop spinning. Do you know how long that took me to figure out?? Do you know how insane it drove me?? Joker had to help me out of pity. OUT. OF. PITY.
Red Hood:
Goon 1: ..Also you did steal some of our bones
Red Hood: hedidfuckingwhatnow-
Nightwing: Hey there buddy! You look frostyl!
Dr. Freeze: Aha! You are too late to stop me robin!
Nightwing: .. robin?
Dr. Freeze: why yes! Don’t act coy, I know it’s you there. Now that we’ve got that clear.. I was wondering if you remembered all those years ago when you gave me a source for electricity to power a hospital keeping my Nora?
Dr. Freeze: well you weren’t careful enough and never told me how much I could take from it.. so I used it to power so many of my inventions that came after
Nightwing *remembering when Jason was robin and every damn time he came to visit Wayne Manor his room would always run out power and the countless cold showers in freezing winters he had to take because of it*: .. oh? Well, sorry to break your bubble, but that wasn’t me Elsa.
Dr. Freeze: no? You joke around, make puns and I’m supposed to believe it’s NOT you?. The first one brooded like there was no tomorrow. He pissed me off so bad once I overheard him saying his favourite ice cream flavour and I made sure it wouldn’t be available in Gotham for YEARS. You’re not as bad as the first one. I’d remember if you were him.
Nightwing *firing up his escrima sticks to maximum voltage*: Oh let me jog your memory then :)
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mrsbarnesblog · 5 days
i am not the only one who saw that, right?
masterlist ko-fi ao3
summary: your friends find out that you secretly dating their enemy, but their opinion might completely change when they see Rafe from another point of view
words count: 2.2k
warnings: secret relationship, pogue!reader, attempted assault, mention of blood, soft and protective Rafe
a/n: inbox is open for requests💘
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“You cannot be dating Rafe fucking Cameron, Y/N!” John B exclaimed, burying his hands in his hair and walking all around the place. 
“No, seriously, this is not a good idea.” Sarah looked at you, giving out a nervous laugh. 
You were currently surrounded by your friends, who were all practically yelling at you after they accidentally saw a message from Rafe on your phone. You were one of the pogues; you never hanged out around the kooks, but somehow, when you were visiting Sarah a few months ago, you got into a random conversation with Rafe, and since that moment, the connection between you two has only gotten stronger. 
It was an instant click and as much as you both tried to deny the spark, it was there. As you started going out, secretly from everyone, of course, you decided to keep it private until the right time. 
“Alright, guys, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I knew that this would be your reaction. It just happened, okay?” You rubbed the bridge of your nose, already feeling a headache from the tense situation. All of your friends were standing on the opposite side of you and it felt like they were just attacking you. 
“What were you thinking? You know that he hates people like us, like you. We are pogues, Y/N. How the hell did that even happen?” Kiara was standing with her hands on her hips, as her piercing eyes were studying you. You felt awful looking at Pope, who was the one who always supported you, but he just shook his head and stepped away. 
“I don’t know. It just happened. We talked once when Sarah left, then I accidentally met him a few times in town, and then he texted me. He’s not bad when you know him closer.” You sighed. “Look, I know Rafe was a lot of trouble for us. He did bad things; I know that. But he’s not like that; he’s sweet and caring, and he has never shown any sign of being disrespectful towards me. I just can’t deny my feelings for him.”
“Honey, Rafe is not a good person. He doesn’t care about anything or anyone; he’s evil, selfish and manipulative.” Sarah stepped closer to you, touching your hand. “He’ll play with you, hurt your feelings and just throw you away.”
“And he probably just wants to get into your pants.” JJ grumbled, also taking a defensive position. 
“I haven't even slept with him yet, JJ!” You desperately snapped at him. It felt ridiculous, like all of them turned against you at the same time. Sure, Rafe wasn’t the sweetest person to them before, but they didn’t even give you a chance to say something in your defense. “And you’re wrong too, Sarah. All of Rafe’s actions were just to get people’s attention and appreciation. All it took for me to get on his soft side was to just listen to him and give him some affection. Other people didn’t care enough, including you and your father. He needs someone who he can trust and open up to because he’s hurt.” 
“No, Y/N. If you think that he loves you, then he just got into your head. My brother doesn’t love anyone. It will end badly; I just know that.” 
Tears gathered in your eyes, and a lump in your throat made it difficult to say anything back, so you just stupidly stayed there. You had no strength to fight with all five of them at the same time. You turned around, silently getting back in the car, even though your head was filled with doubt and dark thoughts because of their words. 
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For the next few days, it was tough for all of you. You and the rest of the group were still close, and even though they were completely against your relationship, you still met and hung out. The pit in your heart was still there, no matter how hard you tried to act nonchalant and not let their words get into your head. 
Rafe noticed the change in your behavior—that you were upset with something—but he didn’t put any pressure on you and allowed you to decide for yourself when you wanted to open up. 
Pogues decided to go to some party on the cut near the beach and as much as you tried to refuse, Sarah and Kiara managed to drag you there. You all rarely went to such places, preferring to hang out in your little circle, but apparently everyone wanted to clear their heads and saw it as the best opportunity. 
It was pretty fun with a bunch of people you did not know, some music, and drinks, and you mostly hung out with your friends. Though quickly it got overwhelming and made you want to go home or at least go outside of the house to get some fresh air. As you left your friends and wanted out from the backyard to a part of the beach, you didn’t notice the guy who had been eyeing you the whole evening. 
He came out of nowhere from your back, his arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you off the ground. You yelled at the sudden and unwanted touch, and your heart seemed to drop into your stomach when you realised that it wasn’t just a joke from JJ, who liked to scare you. You started wiggling in his hands to get free, but he was fighting you back, dragging you up when you fell to your knees on the ground. 
It was such a mess trying to scratch and punch him that you almost did not notice his hand coming into contact with your face several times. You screamed again, this time loud enough, until you saw JJ running towards you. The guy behind you pushed you away as soon as he saw someone, and you fell to the ground with a loud huff. 
“That fucking bastard!” JJ was right near you, helping you to get up as tears streamed down your face. He tried to comfort you, checking your body for any injuries, but you pushed his hands away, wrapping your own around yourself in a defensive way.
“Oh my god, Y/N!” You heard Kiara, along with your other friends, calling your name. “What the hell happened?”
“H-he attacked me.” You sniffed, trying to catch your breath and, with shaking hands, reaching to the pocket of your jeans shorts to get out your phone. All of them looked at each other, questioning your actions, until you pressed someone’s contact button and put the phone to your ear. “Can y-you pick me up, p-please?” You sniffed again, now trembling from the adrenaline. 
“Baby? Are you crying? Where are you?” You heard your boyfriend’s concerned voice through the phone, feeling how JJ tensed beside you. 
“I’m on the cut. Near the beach. There’s a party and... Please, Rafe.” 
“I’m coming, angel. Just wait for me, ‘kay?” You heard the sound of the car engine at the other end of the line. Rafe didn’t ask any more questions, and as soon as you mumbled quiet 'mhm’ he ended the call. 
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You all heard him before you saw him. The sound of the tires drifting through the sandy street was loud, drawing attention to the expensive car that was unusual to see at this part of the island. 
Rafe didn’t bother to properly park, turn off the engine or even close the door when he saw you sitting on some old chaise lounge, with his sister and Kie trying to talk to you and your other friends arguing nearby. 
The girls stepped away from you as soon as they saw Rafe running towards you with a furious expression on his face and ready to deal with anyone who made you cry. It looked like he didn’t even care about the pogues, with whom he always had to get into arguments; he was fully focused on your shivering form.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What happened?” He squatted down in front of you, and you started sobbing again. Your hands immediately found their place around his neck, and, before he could even properly look at your face, you pulled him closer to get some sense of comfort from his warmth and smell. Rafe hugged you back, soothingly rubbing your back. His eyes shot towards your friends, who were watching in awe at the interaction. “Which one of you did that?”
“It’s not us, you idiot. Some guy jumped her when she walked outside.” Sarah said, rolling her eyes at her brother. “JJ heard screaming, and when we walked outside, he ran away.” Rafe pulled away, finally taking in your appearance.
Your knees were covered in dried blood mixed with the sand. He gently took your hands to see the palms scratched from you trying to catch yourself before hitting the ground. Rafe’s eyes were burning with fury, showing his side that he rarely revealed in front of you. His hand reached to move your hair from your face, noticing a red, now already turning purplish, bruise covering the side of your cheek.
“Holy shit, sweetheart.” He softly brushed his fingertips along your cheek and you leaned into the touch, closing your eyes. Your bottom lip started quivering and you bit inside your cheek to calm yourself down. “Sh-h im here, okay? You’re safe. Did you see him? What did he look like? Just tell me and I’ll deal with it.” He almost begged, but you only shook your head. JJ suddenly stepped closer, slightly hesitating to actually normally communicate with his longtime enemy,  but he thought that it was the least that he could do for you.
As much as he hated The Kooks King, JJ knew that Rafe was the best option to find the guy who hurt you. 
“Tall, with dark and curly hair. Never seen him before, probably someone new on the island, but I’ll recognize him.” They looked at each other for a moment, and Rafe just simply nodded, turning his attention back to you. 
“I’ll find him, ‘kay? I promise I will.” He gently took both of your hands in his, bringing them to his lips to place a soft kiss on your knuckles. “We should go now. I need to take care of your knees and that bruise, baby. You don’t mind going to Tanneyhill, yeah?”
“Thank you, Rafe.” You whispered, slightly bending forward to ask for a kiss. Rafe smiled at you, his thumbs gently swiped the leftovers of the tears under your eyes, and then he kissed you on your forehead, nose, and gently pecked your lips. 
Your heart flattered at his soft touches and for a second, it felt like you two were in your own little bubble. Rafe's eyes shimmered slightly in the moonlight, and the way he looked at you, soft and caring, made you want to kiss him again and again. You suddenly snapped out of the trance, looking back at your friends, who all had different levels of shock and uncertainty written on their faces. 
“C’mon, pretty girl.” Rafe stood up, lifting you in bridal style without an effort, carefully not to hurt your bleeding knees. He almost walked away, but then sighed, turning back to look at his sister. “You coming home with us or somethin’?”
“Um, no, I’ll be with John B. It seems like I would be third wheeling with you anyway.” She shrugged, not being able to keep a smile when you two met with your eyes. 
Rafe then looked at JJ, thinking his words over. “I appreciate it, Maybank.” 
They exchanged a tight nod, both slightly shocked that for the first time ever, they communicated without biting each other's heads off. You leaned closer to Rafe, comfortably nestling in his protective hands, and looked at your friends, who were still too shocked to say anything. 
“I’ll see you guys later, okay? 
Everyone agreed, saying goodbye to you and asking you to text them when you get there safely. They saw how Rafe made sure to slowly put you into the passenger seat, then circled the car and drove away. An awkward silence fell around them, everyone at a loss for words. 
“Okay, so I am not the only one who saw that, right?” Pope spoke first, looking around the place as if he were trying to find something. “Rafe freaking Cameron just was acting cute and didn’t threaten to do something to us?” His own body physically shrugged at the word ‘cute’.
“I don’t know, dude. We all just probably drank something and it’s messing with our heads.” 
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