#Harvey bullock headcanons
What Gotham Fox Characters Are Like on April Fool's Day (Part 2: Harvey & Jim (again))👻🤡😂
Harvey Bullock is very stressed out due to the enormous amount of work, and he really doesn't want his co-workers to distract him with anything - be it riddles or jokes or fun facts - but he's also a man who can appreciate the idea of the holiday.
"Hey, Jim, have you heard, the Riddler hi-jacked the GCPD's clothing production warehouse. Now all the vests are green." "Uh-huh." "And they had to replace some of our ammunition with water balloons." "Sounds good." "You sure 'bout that, Partner? Have you heard that Barbara's dating Nygma?" "Yes." "They're naming their firstborn after me. "Yes-what?"
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Harvey knowing the stress that can come with April Fool's day, makes sure to explain that something was a prank right away and not to lie about serious topics...unless the "news" is so very obviously a lie that you just have to get it, Jim. "Why would Barbara name her child Harvey? I mean, come on!"
This detective will be very tired at the end of the day and might need distance or a gentle touch depending on what happened during his workshift. Expect to hear the crazy stories on the next day. And the ones after that. There's a lot.
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amomentsescape · 8 months
Oswald, Jonathan, and Harvey when they think you're angry at them please! Love love love your Gotham HCs!!!!!
When They Think You're Angry at Them HC
Gotham! Oswald Cobblepot x Reader, Jonathan Crane x Reader, Harvey Bullock x Reader
A/N: Thank you so much! I love this request idea :)
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Oswald Cobblepot (Part II here)
Oh, this poor man
He is so sensitive when it comes to you
All he wants is to make you happy
So when you come home without even saying a word to him, he immediately panics
Oswald is almost in tears, and he hasn't even talked to you yet
His mind is in a frenzy
"They're gonna break up with me, aren't they?" "There's no way I can do this without them." "Oh my God, please don't leave!"
You've been in the bathroom for about 30 minutes now, having taken a shower and freshening up
The moment you open the door, your senses are flooded
The dining table is decked out with cakes, brownies, and flowers
There are balloons floating all around the ceiling
And name brand jewelry boxes are stacked up to eye level
Before you can even get any words out, Oswald is peeking around the corner looking disheveled
He begins his onslaught of apologies, saying sorry for so many things that you don't even know what he's talking about anymore
When you finally tell him to slow down, his eyes get teary, and he explains how he doesn't want you to leave him
Your heart hurts at his words, and you have to explain to him that you simply felt dirty and wanted to shower before spending time with him
That is literally it
He lets out a huge sigh of relief but is still a bit on edge
It's going to take a couple days of constant affection and verbal reassurance before he's back to his normal self
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Jonathan Crane
Jonathan has felt like you've been a bit distant recently, and he's not sure why
Because of his own insecurities, he begins to pull away
Not because he doesn't want to be with you (it's literally the complete opposite), but he hopes maybe giving you space will make you less angry so you don't want to leave him
It really only takes a couple days before you're at his place asking him what's going on
This poor boy hasn't been eating or sleeping since he decided to give you space
He tries to pretend everything is fine
But you know better
After countless questions, he finally breaks
"You seemed angry with me, and I thought leaving you alone would make you happy again"
You could honestly feel your stomach drop
Once you explain to him that you've just been busy, he believes you but still seems a bit worried
All it takes is a day spent together cuddling and talking about everything for him to feel secure again
Just make sure to keep your eye out for if he starts to pull away again
He doesn't mean to do it, he's just so scared to lose you
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Harvey Bullock
If Harvey thinks you're upset with him, it literally becomes everyone's problem
He thinks you're angry?
Everyone at GCPD knows
He's grumpy with everyone, his patience is basically nonexistent, and all it takes is one wrong look to get him to snap
And most of the time, you aren't even mad at him, he just thinks you are
Despite the hard demeanor he puts on, he really is a bit of a softie
And he can get into his own head a bit
He would never admit it, but you know
But thankfully, it doesn't take a lot to get him back on his feet again
If he comes home to that smiling face and a kiss on the cheek, he's pretty much back to normal
You might not even know he was worried beforehand
He's not very good at talking about his feelings or concerns
So the only way he'll open up is if you pester him about it a bunch
But at the end of the day, he's a pretty simple man
If you tell him you're not upset, he'll believe you
He just has trouble telling you if he thinks you're mad
But you know sometimes
Jim has reached out quite a few times in the past to complain
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milkymooshi · 3 months
Dream Gotham blunt rotation?
Harvey, every adult woman in Gotham (except Isabella bc weirdo :/), Harvey (again), Victor Fries (I think he really needs it tbh, or a wife but yk.)
Nightmare Gotham blunt rotation?
Oswald, Ed, Jim (I fucking hate him), Oswald ( again bc he would realistically be the worst to get high with), Jim (I want this man euthanized).
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gothamitelove · 10 months
yandere gotham Harvey bullock hcs?
when i tell you i am SO HYPED for this one. anon your taste is BEAUTIFUL
yandere!gotham!harvey bullock headcanons:
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this guy is honestly so chill that it's kinda hard to imagine him as a yandere, but. i see the vision. i think he has some potential
where jim gordon is easily the protective type, i see harvey as more of a stalker.
he's concerned with your safety, because of course he is. this is gotham, for crying out loud.
so he keeps an eye on your house. if you work together, he watches you and makes sure nobody gives you any shit
he's kinda hesitant to make the first move, but once you're close enough to be friends, he's around all the time
he likes it best when it's just you two. he finds you fascinating and he wants to find out everything he can about you without interruptions
honestly, he's one of the least likely of these guys to be a yandere. i cannot believe im saying HE is well-adjusted, but compared to the likes of jim fucking gordon he's decent about this
(i am sorry to let you down anon i love harvey just as much as you do)
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Jim Gordon is the bicycle of Gotham i swear you can ship him with nearly everyone
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
Gotham Incorrect Quotes Pt 188
Ed: Wow, this is really fucked up of you guys. You hate gay people.
Harvey: You go fuck your face! No, I don't hate gay people. I hate this gay person!
Harvey: Okay, that sounds bad...
Ed: I'm just gonna let you dig your own grave.
Ed: Do you think it's easy for me to see you with somebody else?
Oswald: You know what- hey, you're the one who rejected me, remember?
Ed: Yeah, because I was mad at you, not because I don't love you!
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charliethedino-12 · 2 years
LGBTQ+ Gotham Headcanons
My gender, pronoun, and sexuality headcanons for Gotham characters.
Harvey Bullock - Cisgender, He/Him, Gay.
The GCPD isn't an accepting or supportive place to work so he sleeps with women to protect himself. He's trying so hard to come off as straight. I mean, he and Scottie were engaged within less than a year of being together. I headcanon Fish as his beard. He wants to kiss Jim so badly.
Oswald Cobblepot - Transgender FTM, He/Him, Gay, and Asexual.
He would be offended and confused if you thought he was straight. Oswald is very open about his identity and will beat the shit out of you for misgendering him. He doesn't care about sex but is fine engaging in it if his partner (Ed) wants to. Gertrude was the most supportive person ever and always gave Oswald unconditional love. When he was younger all he really wanted was to be a boy when he grew up.
Jonathan Crane - Transgender FTM, He/They, Gay, Demromantic and Asexual.
He knew he was a boy from a very young age. Realised he didn't mind using they/them when he was a teenager and started to use both he/him and they/them. He thought he was gay early on because of his lack of interest in girls but started to question if he was aroace when he got older. They realised they were demiromantic when he grew a crush on his best friend at the time.
Harvey Dent - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
I think he has a preference for women but only slightly. Definitely uses his two-headed coin to flirt with people and it actually works more often than not. Knew he was bi from a young age.
Ecco - Cisgender, She/Her, Lesbian.
She and Jeremiah are in a queerplatonic relationship. She could get a girlfriend if she really wanted but isn't interested at the moment. The most dedicated girlfriend you could ever have. Falls hard. Had an 'oh fuck' moment in high school when she realised she was a lesbian.
Sofia Falcone - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Strikes me as someone who isn't focused on romance or sex but could get a boyfriend or girlfriend if she put time and effort into it. I think she has a preference for women.
Lucius Fox - Cisgender, He/Him, Gay.
Acts cool but is probably a gay disaster on the inside. Tries to flirt and is semi-successful when he does. Says he's too busy with work to find a boyfriend and is slightly lonely. Doesn't try to hide his sexuality and has no problem telling people he's gay.
Victor Fries - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
Preference for men. He isn't that open about his sexuality but still acts surprised when no one knows he's bisexual. Is very casual about it. I see him as a very quiet and respectful person when showing his attraction to both men and women and just prefers keeping his feelings to himself.
Nora Fries - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
No real preference for either men or women. Would try and flirt with women but it would be seen as something platonic. She and Victor had matching pride shirts.
Tabitha Galavan - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Preference for women. I like to think the first person she murdered was a homophobe. Could pull any man or woman she wanted and no one can convince me otherwise. She either just kills any person who is homophobic or transphobic in her presence or beats the shit out of them as Oswald does.
Butch Gilzean - Cisgender, He/Him, Straight
Raised with respect. The two most important women in his life, Fish and Tabitha, were bisexual so he is very much an ally. Type of guy to tell somebody off for making an offensive comment, verbally or physically. He, Tabitha and Barbara were in a polyamorous relationship.
Jim Gordon - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
Preference for women. Growing up he had some internalized homophobia but he overcame it as he got older. He falls for any pretty girl who ever so slightly flirts with him. I think he likes men who are either mean with a soft side or just a bit of a bastard(Harvey and Oswald). He and Harvey are both in love with each other but are just too stupid to admit it to one another.
Barbara Kean - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Male preference. Had some internalized homophobia until she killed her parents and became free. Went to an all-girls school where she had a few girlfriends before getting in trouble for dating other women. Probably pegged Jim.
Kristen Kringle - Cisgender, She/Her, Omnisexual, Greyromantic.
Male preference. To me, she only showed sexual attraction towards her boyfriends before Ed, even then I think she and Ed would've been better off as friends. She very rarely experiences romantic attraction but when she does I think she'd be a little awkward about it. Kristen definitely pegged Ed. She and Lee would've been cute together. They're very dear to my heart.
Selina Kyle - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual, Demiromantic.
Female preference. She's had crushes on both Ivy and Bridgit. Acts like she's annoyed by her loved ones but would kill and die for them. She's protective and caring even if she denies it. Has only had romantic feelings for her friends. She has trouble admitting her romantic feelings for people. Barbara and Tabitha are her badass bi mentors.
Fish Mooney - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
No preference. Flirts with everyone. Doesn't tolerate anyone's homophobic bullshit. The biggest eyerolls. The greatest gaydar in all of Gotham city. One look at Oswald and Harvey and she knew they were both lonely little gay men. Harvey's beard.
Edward Nygma - Transgender FTM, Genderfluid, He/She/They, Bisexual.
Preference for women. The king of internalized homophobia. His whole arc in the show was him denying his bisexuality and feelings for Oswald. The Riddler is sick of Ed's compulsory heterosexuality. Hated his female body and started to transition during uni. Ed was comfortable having a male body but didn't understand why he was only sometimes comfortable being seen and referred to as a man. This led to him discovering that he was genderfluid as an adult. Never told anyone until Oswald and only become open about his gender identity after he and the Riddler became whole in s3. The worst at flirting but simultaneously the sweetest.
Alfred Pennyworth - Cisgender, He/Him, Straight
Does his best for Bruce. And I mean does. Biggest ally you'll ever meet. If anybody bullies his boy for who he is be prepared to be slapped the fuck out of. All he wants is for Bruce to be safe and happy and if Alfred has to teach somebody a lesson in respect, so be it.
Ivy Pepper - Cisgender, She/Her, Lesbian.
Disaster lesbian. Had a fat crush on Selina when she was younger, and still does though slightly less. Her feelings have pivoted more towards Bridgit. The original plant lesbian. Oswald is her disaster gay role model. Expert in the language of flowers and gives personalised bouquets to her crushes.
Bridgit Pike - Demigirl, She/They, Lesbian.
Oblivious to people's interest in her. She never really got the chance to explore any romantic interest they had with the women in her life before being burned due to her home life. She doesn't really know how to deal with romantic or sexual feelings. They never really fully felt like a girl and felt that there was something else to them. So the use of they/them and she/her pronouns felt natural to Bridgit.
Jervis Tetch - Cisgender, He/Him, Biromantic, Demisexual.
Male preference. Had a fucking heart attack when he had his first male crush. He had no idea what to do. Felt so guilty about it. He's just kinda pushed his bisexuality down. He started to accept his bisexuality as he got older and fully accepted himself by the time Alice died. I see him as someone who thinks sex is intimate and I think he'd only want to perform sexual acts with a partner who he'd found a real bond with. Thinks he is really romantic but his lack of romantic experience says otherwise.
Alice Tetch - Cisgender, She/Her, Lesbian.
I don't know why I think this, I just do. It's just the impression she gave me. She and Bridgit could've been arson girlfriends. Always knew she was gay just never got the chance to have a girlfriend.
Leslie Thompkins - Cisgender, She/Her, Pansexual.
Growing up, she didn't really understand why gender was a big deal to some people, if somebody was attractive they were attractive, why did it matter? At university, she discovered what the term pansexual meant and realised that it fit her perfectly. Has three types, dark and badass (Jim and Barbara), sweet and adorable (Kristen) or a mix of the two (Ed).
Valerie Vale - Cisgender, She/Her, Bisexual.
Male preference. Flirts with her sources all the time. She and Lee gave me some gay vibes honestly. Nothing is more romantic than teaching your boyfriend's ex how to lock pick when trying to escape from her own home and a crazy man in a tophat.
Jerome Valeska - Cisgender, He/Him, Bisexual.
Chaotic bisexual with no preference. Flirts with almost everybody. Used to bully Jeremiah for being gay (not severely just little comments) and then cried when he had his first male crush when he was little. He's perfectly happy and open with his sexuality now, he was just a homophobic little shit instead of a gay little shit when he was really small. Never been in a real romantic relationship before so he's useless when it comes to real romance.
Jeremiah Valeska - Cisgender, He/Him, Gay.
Disaster gay. Always knew he was gay. Used to watch male guests at the circus from behind the trailers. Jerome made fun of him for it until he had his gay panic and joined him. Can't flirt for shit but tries his best. Touch starved. Kinda lonely. As I've said before he and Ecco are in a queerplatonic relationship.
Bruce Wayne - Transgender FTM, He/Him, Bisexual
Preference for women. Started to transition at the start of s2. Felt wrong being in the body of a girl since he was very little. The only therapist he's been to is a gender therapist from outside of Gotham. He's just a little sweetheart. He does his best to impress his crushes. Overall, he's just doing his best to cope with his romantic feelings for people (Selina). I like the idea of Jim and Lucius being his older queer role models.
Victor Zsasz - Cisgender, He/Him, Pansexual.
He just doesn't care what somebody's gender is. If you're hot you're hot and he's going to flirt with you. Very blunt when admitting his sexual and physical attraction. Difficult to decipher if he's into you or if he wants to annoy the fuck out of you when it comes to his romantic pursuits. Breaks into his crush's houses and does shit like drink all their milk. Clingy.
What do you think of my headcanons, do you agree or disagree? Let me know! :)
I apologize for any mistakes, I'm dyslexic so proofreading is difficult.
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orwells-nightmare · 2 years
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Gotham very silly AU:
After moving to the States, specifically to Gotham, Harvey Bullock grew up in a very multicultural enviroment, full of different emigrants, some irish, like himself, some indian or chinese but mostly latinos. He specially grew with a few brazilian kids.
That meant he can speak a multiple languages at least a bit and sometimes swiches to one unconsciently to Jim great anoyance but also respect (he has to admit that Bullock poliglote hablities are impressive). He also curses a lot in different languages. Not that he also doesn't curse in english but he likes to vary. Also is nice to have options to insult people. Besides the language he absorved a bit of the cultures.
It all culminates in the fantastic day were Jim Gordon is talking about Mario. Now Harvey loves Jim, truly, he is his best pal, but Jim can be hard to follow sometimes and he has no idea who Mario is. Maybe Jim notices it because he asks: "So what do you know about Mario?"
Unfortunally Harvey always has his mind in the gutter and he was also distracted with other things, so when he listens it he just remembers that stupid brazilian play rhyme used by feral 10 year olds. Jim had comented about looking up some of the things Harvey said and maybe he wanted revenge for all Harvey jokes, he sure threatened it enoug. So that was cleary a "que Mario" situation.
Harvey answered confident.
"Que ele te comeu atrás do armário."
Jim looked at him confused and said he didn't knew spanish (yes I'm giving Jim the annoying trait of confunding portuguese and spanish). Harvey realized his mistake and lied about just saying he did not know who Mario was. James explained he was Lee's new bf.
Unfortunally he totaly did his panicked face before lying. Afraid this could be an italian treat or just a small Harvey problem, Jim looked it up on a translator.
The fact Harvey sugested that Mario Falcone was fucking him behind a closet was not what he was expecting. Why behind a closet? Was Harvey sugesting Jim was IN the closet? Was he asking if Mario was HIS bf? Had he noticed something Jim didn't? WAS he in the closet?
So Jim is having a full on sexuality crisis and confronts Harvey who just looks at him in a mix of embarrasement and amusement and explains is just a brazilian joke his friends liked to tease him with as a teen and it just stuck to his subconcious. It's Jim time to get embrassed.
A week later Jim comes out to Harvey as bi.
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Nathaniel Barnes (& Harvey Bullock & Jim Gordon) Defending Homosexuality (Nathaniel Barnes x Male/Nonbinary/Not Cis etc. Reader, but this also has other cool stuff apart from romance like, uhm, him🤭😂)
@honestmrdual asked: So, about Barnes x reader request... How about Barnes and male reader, who insist on making their relationship known to public, at least in the precinct, and Barnes, pretty obviously, being opposed to this idea? Humour, or angst, or both, you can decide! :)
Author's note: Here are all of my thoughts, I hope you like them😊 This is soo much longer than expected
Reader: ambiguously not perceived as a woman (so a man, nonbinary, masculine/very androgynous woman, etc.)
Other featured characters: Harvey Bullock because he's gotta be against homophobia. Also a little mention of Jim & Oswald because they had something going there 😉
Warning: homophobia (not from the love-interest though 🙂), illegal homosexuality
First of all: whether homosexuality's illegal in Gotham or not, Nathaniel Barnes doesn't think of it as a sin. He may be a lawfully good character, thinking that the only line separating him from animals is the law, but he's not stupid: a healthy consensual relationship just isn't immoral, illegal or not. There's not the least bit internalized homophobia in him, and I can imagine that even if homosexuality was illegal, it would mostly go ignored by the police. Though it would be comically tragic for someone to get thrown into a cell next to an actual criminal. One's in for murder while the other just kissed their partner?? Gotham's crazy!
If it was illegal, Barnes would do anything in his power to make sure to help the wrongfully convicted. He starts out small by letting them go free on his own, going home in the evening to assure himself that you're still there in his arms, not in some cell. He knows he's already doing so much but what if it isn't enough?
He loves what you share and is very aware of how quickly things could go wrong, so when you ask him to make your relationship public, he's vehemently against it and very confused. "Did someone hit on you? Do you want to tell them that you're in a relationship? Because you have my full support to make up a partner if you want to."
When you tell him that that isn't the case, he assumes that it's something else. "Are you jealous? You know that I love you. I don't think that anyone at the GCPD wants to be with me." He leans towards you and lowers his voice, "But between us: I wouldn't want to be with any of them even if I didn't have you." He even tries to throw shade at his co-workers despite normally being very professional, "Some can be a little..." You smile at his obvious contrition, "Stupid?" you offer. He purses his lips and makes a vague hand gesture, which makes you laugh. He's really trying not to be mean.
Despite the now light-hearted atmosphere, you bring the conversation back to your request, and he gets serious again. The idea might sound naively dangerous to him but you obviously care about it, so he doesn't dismiss it right away. He wants to know whether there's a smaller problem that he can solve. Do you doubt his love for you? Are you afraid of someone taking him away from you?
If any of these is the case, he makes it one of his missions to prove you wrong. Not that he doesn't make you feel loved any other time. He's very thankful for you. But if it's not enough for you, then it's not enough. Feelings are valid...and so is your safety: he doesn't give in.
"Even just the fact that I'm a known police officer could put you in danger", he stresses, "And I can only think in horror of the hatred that would certainly be directed at us for other reasons."
Things continue as they were, until one day when he overhears some officers make fun of Jim Gordon for being called Penguin's bitch - with lots off ugly terms thrown at Jim - none other than Harvey Bullock, the man Nathaniel would have expected at least some homophobia from, defends his partner and gives them hell for the things they said.
"You got a problem with Jim banging a known criminal? That's fine with me, hell, I'd have a problem with it too if it was true! But you target my buddy because he's with a man? Seriously? Your girlfriend doesn't even know you've been looking at someone else, but you're criticising him for being in a consensual relationship, which, again, isn't even real?! Check your morals, man!"
"Okaay, Bullock, chill, I was just joking around. Besides: it's illegal, you know that, right?"
Harvey raises his eyebrows, "Well it shouldn't be." "Careful there, Bullock. Don't want to get thrown out by the captain, do we?" Harvey huffed, "I think he's got a little more common sense than you think." "You don't seem completely convinced." "Ugh, stop it. Get yourself a life. Maybe I'll ask him sometime."
Except that he doesn't. He has neither the time nor the nerves.
Nathaniel tells you the story, promising to work on it, just way slower than you wished. He waits until he heard the next hateful comment so that he could directly intervene, making his already planned speech later seem more natural.
So it comes that he spends more time outside of his office until one day when he heard Jim again, "Doesn't seem like Oswald if you ask me" followed by "Except that I didn't ask you, you fag-" "LANGUAGE", the commissioner's word gets everyone's attention, "like this is highly inappropriate here, any place really. You are police officers, show some goddamn respect!"
"But he's literally called his bitch in the streets-"
"Are we not in a police precinct?"
"Of course we are, sir, but it's also illegal to-"
"And do you not have a brain, detective?" "Sir, I wasn't trying to say that detective Gordon is seriously a f-"
"You're missing the point: hate speech of any kind isn't tolerated here."
"Got it-"
"-nor should you use it at home." He noticed the silence around him. "Have I made myself clear?"
"Yes, sir."
Wow, that felt good to get off his chest! He still needs to make that speech, which would normally be really easy but he doesn't want to make your relationship public or out himself to be honest. He wants to appear completely distanced from the topic, non-emotional, just rational.
When he asks what your ideas are, he's frustrated that something feeling so right, so wonderful, has to be justified at all. He's nervous about the speech: normally he only stands behind the law, and now he's speaking out against it? He's conflicted.
"Why don't you let someone else speak as well?" you try, knowing that he can take on too much work.
"What?" he asks, not wanting to put that burden onto someone else. You shrug, "Let Gordon say some things, he's the one you always complain about being one step away from being a criminal. And you say that he's got people who look up to him."
"No", he protests, "it has to come from someone who has never misstepped."
You give him an unconvinced look, "You have misstepped."
He takes in a sharp breath at the memory. "You killed a man and I still trust and love you, Nathaniel." He looks a little less sceptic now.
"That speech can come from any cop and it will come from someone who at least once committed a crime. I'm not saying that you should let someone else say everything, just that you might wanna talk about it with some other detectives first. Make it appear natural."
The perfect opportunity would come: the time when the crime incidents skyrocket and the precinct has to clean rooms to make way for prisoners.
"Alright everyone, listen up! We've obviously got too little room for perps, so we're gonna have to prioritize."
He takes a deep breath and thinks back to your impressed look at his practiced speech, "From now on, there are a few deeds we will no longer persecute. Not just because of the current lack of space but because they shouldn't be crimes."
He looks at the officers, most of whom don't look extremely bothered, and starts the list, "Anyone here on grounds of consensual relationships to someone of the same sex is to be set free without any entries."
By the end of the list of other "crimes", a few people are looking at him confused, some even angry but not many more than he expected. One officer raises his voice, "So what about that black-haired guy we got in for kissing another man?"
"He's in for sexual harassment!" Jim Gordon comes to his aid spontaneously. "He'll stay", Nathaniel continues, noting that a few people's sour expressions disappear.
"Finally for those of you still unconvinced, who don't have the brains to think by themseleves: before you arrest someone for any of the things mentioned before, ask yourself: would I rather harm one person or save many? A lot is on the line, we've gotten more bombings in four months than in the last year combined. So be smart."
"I'll drink to that!" Harvey shouts and the resulting laughter lightens the mood.
That that day more people visit the GCPD captain's office or pass by and say their approval. It's the beginning of a new time for the precinct and hopefully eventually for Gotham.
However, that still doesn't mean that he likes the idea of criminals knowing that you mean so much to him.
He'll tell some colleagues about you though. They deserve to know what a wonderful partner one can have as a police officer.
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amomentsescape · 1 year
Harvey Bullock Masterlist
When They Think You're Angry at Them
Drabbles & One Shots
Reader keeps flirting with Harvey during their interrogation.
Interrogation Part Two
Reader and Harvey meet up at a bar as promised, continuing their little game. 
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
🩷🍿 Finnie's 2k Event Masterlist 🍿💚
masterlist of all showings at the cinema (updated soon)
🔞minors dni🔞 • main event post • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block) dividers used by @/fireflygraphics
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🍿 "Now or Never" • Short Fic • Two Face 🍿 "Finders, Keepers" • Short Fic • Cooper Howard 🍿 Character Pairing • Catwoman 🍿 "Roleplaying" • Headcanons • Firefly 🍿 Character Pairing • Poison Ivy 🍿 "Possessive" • Short Fic • Two Face 🍿 "Well-Trained" • Short Fic • Riddler 🍿 "My Girl" • Short Fic • Black Mask 🍿 "Blush" • Short Fic • Black Mask 🍿 "Comforting" • Headcanons • Poison Ivy 🍿 "Only Natural" • Short Fic • Penguin 🍿 "Together" • Short Fic • Victor Zsasz 🍿 "Mine To Use" • Short Fic • Cooper Howard 🍿 "Need" • Short Fic • Scarecrow 🍿 "Ditto" • Short Fic • Riddler 🍿 Character Pairing • Penguin 🍿 "This Will Hurt Me" • Short Fic • Scarecrow 🍿 "Posessive" • Headcanons • Riddler �� "The Grind" • Short Fic • Penguin 🍿 "Just A Fool" • Short Fic • Scarecrow 🍿 "Gentle Touch" • Short Fic • Captain Boomerang 🍿 "Caress" • Short Fic • Penguin 🍿 "Quick Break" • Short Fic • Nick 🍿 "Hungry" • Short Fic • Scriddler 🍿 "Rosy" • Short Fic • Riddler
🍿 "Double Feature" • Short Fic • Scarecrow 🍿 "Dark" • Short Fic • Victor Zsasz 🍿 Character Pairing • Scarecrow 🍿 Character Pairing • Music Meister 🍿 "Exorcise" • Short Fic • Scarecrow 🍿 Character Pairing • Harley Quinn 🍿 "Starlight" • Short Fic • Nick Valentine 🍿 "Hurt/Comfort" • Headcanons • Scarecrow 🍿 "Humiliation" • Headcanons • Riddler 🍿 Moodboard • Scarecrow 🍿 Character Pairing • Mary-Beth Gaskill 🍿 "Obedient" • Short Fic • Riddler 🍿 "Seated" • Short Fic • Mad Hatter 🍿 "A Bit European" • Short Fic • Penguin 🍿 "Crime and Punishment" • Short Fic • Harvey Bullock 🍿 "First Time" • Short Fic • Riddler 🍿 "Only Fear" • Short Fic • Scarecrow 🍿 "The Idea" • Short Fic • Cooper Howard 🍿 Character Pairing • Kent Connolly 🍿 "Softly, Softly" • Short Fic • Riddler 🍿 "Nerves" • Short Fic • Riddler 🍿 "Partner" • Short Fic • Arthur Morgan 🍿 "Voyeurism" • Headcanons • Mad Hatter 🍿 "My Hero" • Short Fic • Maximus 🍿 "Sharing Is Caring" • Short Fic • Cooper Howard
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l0verboyxoxo1111 · 11 months
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 & 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌:
Hello everybody and welcome to my writing blog! :) I wanted to write down here, what are my rules and what will I write for.
What I will write for:
• X reader’s
• Headcanons
• Fluff
• Smut
• Agnst
• all genders of readers
• Kinks (only ones who aren’t harmful)
• Ships
• Fanarts
What I will not write for:
Characters I will write for: * if the character is gay I will not write them as straight.
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Harry Potter | Marauders Era
• James Potter
• Lilly Evans
• Peter Pettigrew
• Remus Lupin
• Severus Snape
• Sirius Black
• Regulus Black
• Narcissa Black
• Bellatrix Black
• Andromeda Black
• Lucius Malfoy
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Harry Potter | Golden Trio Era
• Harry Potter
• Hermione Granger
• Ron Weasley
• Draco Malfoy
• Luna Lovegood
• Neville Longbottom
• Fred Wesley
• George Weasley
• Pansy Parkinson
• Blasie Zabini
• Tom Riddle
• Adult Version Sirius Black
• Adult Version Remus Lupin
• Adult Version Severus Snape
• Also I will write for: Mattheo Riddle, Tom Riddle as brothers ( i will also Write for Tom as young Voldemort) Enzo Lorenzo, Theodore Nott
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• Edward Nyggma
• Oswald Cobbelpot
• Fish Mooney
• Jerome Valeska
• Jeremiah Valeska
• Barbara Kean
• Bruce Wayne
• James Gordon
• Selina Kyle
• Poison Ivy
• Victor Zsasz
• Tabitha Galavan
• Harvey Bullock
• I will also write for DC characters who aren’t from the Series, as: Harley Quinn, The Joker, Roman Sionis Etc.
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• Rachel Green
• Monica Geller
• Phoebe Buffay
• Joey Tribbiani
• Chandler Bing
• Ross Geller
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Hazbin Hotel:
•Angel Dust
• Charlie Morningstar
• Vaggie
• Cherri Bomb
• Sir Pentious
• Husk
•any other character from that fandom
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Helluva Boss:
• Stolas
• Blitzø
• Asmodeus
• Fizzarollie
• Loona
• Millie
• Moxxie
• any other character from this fandom
* you can ask me to add more fandoms, I will add them if I know them <3
That’s all hope you Enjoyed :)
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zer0expektation · 2 years
Gotham characters & their respective disorders/neurodivergencies (canon and headcanon) (& whether or not they'd actually qualify for an insanity plea based on this):
First and foremost: Insanity is a legal term, not a medical one. For this particular post we will determine based on the M'Naghten rule and the Irrisitible Impulse test.
"The "M'Naghten rule" was a standard to be applied by the jury, after hearing medical testimony from prosecution and defense experts. The rule created a presumption of sanity unless the defense proved "at the time of committing the act, the accused was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing or, if he did know it, that he did not know what he was doing was wrong."" "The test is bifurcated into two components, (...). First, a defendant is deemed insane if they were incapable of knowing what they were doing at the time committing the object offense." - "The second component of the test looks to determine if the defendant knew that his or her actions were wrong. Here, even if the defendant knew what he or she was doing, he or she is deemed insane where he or she was incapable of recognizing the wrongfulness of the action committed." "Under the "Irresistible Impulse" test a jury may find a defendant not guilty by reason of insanity where the defendant was laboring under a mental disease or defect that compelled him to commit the object offense." Link
tldr / an easier way to digest: our determining factors will be;
whether or not a character would be "in control" during the time of the crime (if they weren't mentally present, or believed something else entirely was happening because of delusion or psychosis) - ex. Humpty Dumpty (in DC)
whether or not a character would be able to determine the morality of their actions during the time of the crime (ie. they believe they had to/had no other choice because of delusion (believing God is telling them that they have to kill someone) or think that they were "saving" someone(s)/themselves) - ex. (some versions of) Poison Ivy and her belief that the world would be better off without humankind
whether or not they could control a compulsion that would be of cause - ex. Victor Zsasz's compulsion to add more tally marks and thus needing to kill more & having to kill someone if a tally is "incorrectly"/"wrongfully" added (at least in his depictions in both the Arkham games & the Telltale games)
(Please keep in mind that I am not qualified to properly "diagnose" these characters nor am I in any way trained to know anything about actual prosecution laws, I just think the insanity defense & psychology as a whole are interesting.)
Anyways, with all of that in mind:
Bruce Wayne:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (headcanon)
Autism spectrum disorder (headcanon)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (headcanon)
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (semi-canon - it was mentioned that he had some sort of ED through most of s1, which, esp with his autism, would have affected his eating habits for a time)
Five (514-A):
Dyscalculia (headcanon - idk why I just think it makes sense (i also didnt even think about this when deciding, but it really makes his name all that much more tragic lmao))
Selina Kyle:
Willis-Ekbom disorder (aka restless legs syndrome) (headcanon - particularly post-paralysis)
Jim Gordon:
Generalized anxiety disorder (headcanon - I just think the constant itch to be chasing something and "stopping the bad guys" could be related to a near-constant anxiety of not doing enough)
Harvey Bullock:
Alcoholism (canon I think?)
Oswald Cobblepot:
Borderline personality disorder (not canon, but iirc Robin has said that he likes the hc)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - is known for being manipulative and driven by his need for power, and despite being rather impulsive can be relatively predictable and reasoned with - might be able to get an insanity plea anyway seasons 2-4 if not solely because of his power and the corruption in Gotham (but probably on a more real basis in s4 more because he would probably be unshakeable in the insistence that Martin was actually alive despite several witnesses stating that he killed him)
Edward Nygma:
Autistic spectrum disorder (canon)
Otherwise specified dissociative disorder/psychosis (semi-canon - hc osdd type 1)
Substance-induced psychosis (canon - s3 e15)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (usually canon for all versions of the Riddler, but I'm not sure if it's actually canon for Gotham specifically) (+ ocd and autism tend to be comorbid)
Narcissistic personality disorder (semi-canon?)
Dermatillomania (compulsive picking at your own skin) (headcanon - no real reason outside of the fact that I'm autistic (and might have ocd?) and I have this & I like to project onto Ed)
Realistically could qualify for an insanity plea - if he played his cards right / could prove that he was dissociated when committing the crime - probably less likely to get it in s2, but still could if he tried
Butch Gilzean:
Bipolar disorder (canon - hc BP-II (he experiences hypomania rather than mania))
Dissociative fugue (headcanon - particularly after his death)
Realistically would (probably) not qualify for an insanity plea - the only way he could is if hes charged for something from while he was Grundy (he'd really have to play his cards right & get a good lawyer)
Barbara Kean:
Bipolar disorder I (headcanon - overall I think the way she is isn't because of her bipolar, rather that she acts like that because its more freeing and fun - instead during some plot lines (end of s1 & her death and being revived by Ra's and her entire arc post Ra's's death) could be broken down between depressive episodes and manic episodes quite easily)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea
Ivy Pepper:
Depersonalisation disorder (headcanon - I just think that the rapid aging thing in s2 & all of the shit that happened with her parents)
Autism spectrum disorder (headcanon - her being described as "creepy" or unnerving throughout s1, her special interest in plants, her everything in s3)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea
Victor Zsasz:
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (headcanon - i think though in this version his tallies exist as less of a compulsive need, and instead as a self-reminder and physical proof that he can fulfill as promised)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea
Jonathan Crane:
Psychosis (canon)
Panic disorder (headcanon? - i mean it just kind of makes sense esp for this version of the character)
Epilepsy (headcanon)
Realistically would (probably) not qualify for an insanity plea
Bridgit Pike:
Pyromania (canon)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - unless arrested quite quickly post-Indian Hill
Jerome Valeska:
Trichotillomania (compulsive hair-pulling) (headcanon)
Dermatillomania (compulsive skin-picking) (headcanon)
Histrionic personality disorder (headcanon)
Night terrors (headcanon - particularly when he was a kid, then they came back after he was revived)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - could still get it for plot reasons as a "not" Joker character
Jeremiah Valeska:
Exploding head syndrome (headcanon)
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (headcanon)
Antisocial personality disorder (semi-canon i think? - im pretty sure in the show he just says that he's "always been insane" or some shit, but that's not really a thing soo)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - shown to be far too calculating - could still get it for plot reasons as a "not" Joker character
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rewritethisstxry · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my mixed mosh little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of fandoms and characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time.
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Slasher/horror writing blog : @slxsherwriter
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Real person fic
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Alexei Shostakov, Peter Parker, Victor Creed, Deacon Frost, Peter Quinn, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow, Nathan Summers, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Otto Octavius
DC Universe: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry
Stranger Things: James Hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronan Dex, Carson Beckett
Sons of Anarchy: Jackson “Jax” Teller, Harry “Opie” Winston, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Lincoln Potter, Galen O'Shay
The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Negan Smith
What We Do in the Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Guillermo de la Cruz, Laszlo Cravensworth
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield
Ted Lasso: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent
Good Omens: Gabriel, Aziraphale, Crowley
Video Games: Connor RK800, CaptainJonathan Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Sniper
Movies: Finn Brody (Godzilla), Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim), Terry Malone (Black and Blue), Abe Guevara (Point Blank), Bobby O’Neill (The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), Guy Clifton (The Crash), Roy Pulver (Boss Level), Sloan (Into the Ashes) Braxton Wolff (The Accountant), Ethan Sawyer (Those Who Wish Me Dead), Bradley James (Grudge Match), Sam Rossi (Sweet Virginia), Mr. McCarthy (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl), Grady Travis (Fury), Griff (Baby Driver), Adam Frawley (The Town), Buddy (Baby Driver), Clyde Brenek (The Posession), Patrick Sullivan (The Accidental Husband), Harvey Russell (Rampage), Jude Fisher (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding), Luke Vaughn (Heist), Franklin Clay (The Losers), Max (The Resident), Nicomund the Red/Santa Claus (Violent Night), Doug Dennison (Sleepless), Frank Masters (The Equalizer), Hellboy (2019), Alex Baldr (Max Payne), Matt Graver (Sicario), Douglas Hunsiker (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Steve Emmett (Boa vs Python), Joe Braven (Braven), Lee Christmas (The Expendables), Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious)
Musicals: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dewey Finn (School of Rock), Hades (Hadestown)
Tv shows: Ike Evans (Magic City), Jason Crouse (The Good Wife), John Winchester (Supernatural), Mason Baldwin (Elementary), Colton Fisk (The Equalizer), Kevin Tidwell (Life), Declan Murphy (Law & Order: SVU), Eugene McGillicutty (Royal Pains), Chuck Martin (ER), Dickie Flood (Th Practice), Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Tolkien: Boromir, Faramir, Eomer
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 years
Gotham Incorrect Quotes Pt 117
Ed: Do you like my home screen? *turns around phone to show mugshot of Oswald*
Ed: It's of that. *gestures to Oswald*
Harvey: You know, I envy you, Jim. I used to be innocent like you.
Jim: I've killed people.
Oswald: So, I know that you like eating ice cream but you don't like holding the ice cream cause it gets very cold and you're very susceptible to the cold.
Ed: Yeah.
Oswald: So I figured out that this cup is big enough to hold the ice cream so you can enjoy ice cream and not have to worry about dealing with the sensory overload of being cold. *hands him mug w/ ice cream pint in it*
Ed, emotional: I love you.
Oswald: I love you too.
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