#Here : have some wholesome
mallaacht · 2 years
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Little wooper likes Riona's cape.
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spitinsideme · 6 months
demon girls and their nun lovers !!! wanted to draw them interacting with the demom forms and everuthing, just a bunch of cuties
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varpusvaras · 2 months
The whole base was already in a wild, celebratory frenzy as they got there.
Fox did prefer it that way. He did not wish to draw too much attention to himself. It would be for the best if he handled any and all reunions in a more private setting, and slipping away from everybody was much easier when everyone were busy celebrating their victory.
That plan did vanish the moment he stepped off the bridge and saw Breha standing there, looking directly at him.
Fox looked back. He had learned to read her quite well over the years, but right now, it was rather difficult to tell what was the leading emotion on her face at the moment. Perhaps it was needless for him to even try to decipher any of them. He was going to have to face her and whatever she had for him anyway.
So Fox walked towards her, never looking away, and Breha stood there, her eyes just as much unflichingly looking at him.
Fox stopped a couple of paces in front of her. She didn't say anything yet, just kept looking at him, and Fox knew that whatever it was she was about to say to him, he still had one thing to do regardless.
So he bowed his head and bend his knee.
"I offer you my deepest apology", he said. "For disobeying your word, and for forcing orders upon you, Your Majesty."
He barely got the words out, when Breha was already dropping on her knees as well, and Fox quickly straightened up, just in time to catch her in his arms.
Breha buried her face against his shoulder, not at all caring about anyone around them seeing it all. She was shaking, and Fox wasn't sure if she was crying, or if everything that had happened during the day had finally caught up on her.
It was all certainly cathing up on Fox. He was tired, like he had been running up and down a mountain for the whole day, and his legs and arms were starting to sting in that exact way that always prefaced them going slightly numb and weak for a while.
Still, he held onto Breha, pressing the side of his face on top of her head, and let her take her time.
"I am so, so angry at you", Breha said into Fox's shoulder. Her voice was definitely a little thick, but it didn't sound like she was yet crying. "Do you understand?"
"Yes", Fox said. He held her a little tighter. "I understand."
Bail was talking with Dodonna when they got to the War Room.
Fox looked around a bit. He didn't see Leia there, which he was at the same time a bit disappointed and relieved about. He did want to see her. Breha had told him that she was relatively fine, with few minor surface injuries, and a light headache from a mind probe, but Fox wanted to make sure himself.
But he also owed her an apology as well, and he wasn't sure if he could handle more than one of them at a time.
He didn't wish to interrupt the conversation, but Dodonna noticed him and Breha first, and he quickly tapped Bail on the arm. Bail raised a brow at him.
"What is it?" Fox heard him ask over the noise of the rest of the base, that was very much reaching the Room as well. Bail's head turned around as he followed Dodonna's eyes. "Is something- Fox!"
Fox felt weirdly almost giddy from the way Bail's face lit up as he saw him. Bail rounded the command table and crossed the rest of the room quickly in long strides, and Fox had barely the time to do anything before Bail had wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.
Yes, Fox was definitely tired. He carefully pulled his arms a little more apart from where they were pressed against Bail's body, and he leaned his head against his chest. His arms were definitely a bit more tingly than they had been a moment ago, but not yet numb. His feet were, for the most part, but he could still stand on them, so Fox ignored them for the time being.
For now, he simply closed his eyes and breathed in deep.
"I was so worried", Bail said.
"I know", Fox said. "I'm sorry."
Bail didn't day anything to that. Fox just felt him breathe in a little deeper as well, and his arms tightened ever so slightly around Fox.
They stayed like that for a while, before someone carefully cleared their throat somewhere behind Bail.
"My apologies, Senator Organa, but we need you in the command center."
"Of course." Bail loosened his hold on Fox and leaned away a bit, and that was the moment Fox's legs decided to not let themselves be ignored anymore, and made very clear the fact that leaning most of his weight onto Bail had been the only thing that had kept him upwards still.
His weight shifted forwards as Bail leaned back, and his knees buckled immediately. Bail was very quick to step back towards him and tighten his hold again, so Fox's didn't go crashing down onto the floor. He probably wouldn't have been able to stop his fall himself, as he couldn't feel currently anything below his knees and elbows.
Breha was quick to step in as well, as her hands came to keep Fox upright from his side, and together they managed to keep him somewhat upright still.
"Are you alright?" Breha asked. Fox felt a little guilty for being relieved over the fact that she didn't sound upset at him anymore.
"Yes", he said. He was a little out of breath now, despite the physical support. "I'm just a little tired."
They both knew what that meant. Bail let out a deep sigh.
"I think you are a bit more than a little tired, my love", he said. "I'll be in the command center in a moment. I'm just going to take my husband to our rooms to rest."
"Yes, Sir." Breha pushed him up a little more, so that Bail could more easily let go of him in order to bend down enough to lift Fox's legs on his arms.
"Watch your back", Fox reminded him.
"You watch your back", Bail shot back at him. He got his other arm properly around Fox's back and hoisted him up.
"Both of you watch it", Breha said. She put her hand on Fox's knee and patted it gently, before turning around. "It's better if we take you to our rooms anyway. Leia will hear sooner than later that you are here as well."
"I don't doubt that", Fox said. He leaned his head back against Bail as they started to make their way down the hall. It wasn't thankfully a long way to the lift from the Room, nor would it be from the lift to their quarters, if Fox had understood the layout of the base correctly. This was the first time he had been there in person, after all, so his only frame of reference were the drawings he had seen of the layout, and what Bail and Leia had told him about it. "I'm a bit surprised that she isn't already here."
"She is a bit busy at the moment", Breha said. "She has become quick friends with the pilot that made the final shot. He was the one who saved her from the battle station as well."
"Really?" Fox had not been able to see who he had communicated with, and General Kenobi that been the one to sign the messages between them, so Fox hadn't known who else exactly was there. "I should extend my gratitude to him as well."
"Yes." Breha hummed, thinking for a moment as they walked towards the lift. "You should meet him. His name is Luke Skywalker."
Fox's heart made a couple of extra beats.
He swallowed.
"I really should, then", he said.
They stepped into the lift.
"We should also warn you", Breha said, as the doors closed. "The moment Leia knows that you are here, everyone else is also going to know."
"Who is this 'everyone else' we are talking about?" Fox asked.
There was a strange sense of foreboding creeping up on him, now.
"There were others, too, going in to save Leia from the Death Star, and to sabotage the station", Breha said. "Some of them are here now, too. Including your brother."
This time, Fox's heart left out a couple of beats.
There was only one brother that Breha could refer to with such gravitas as she did now.
"Cody?" Fox managed to ask around the piece in his throat that had suddenly formed there. "Is Cody here?"
Breha breathed in, and nodded, and Fox realised that the day was far from being over for him.
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misc oldish scribbles i found of these two being Sweet <3
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
brushing your teeth with kirishima and bakugou in the morning.
katsuki gagging on his toothbrush while scrubbing his tongue, eijirou and you bursting out laughing because it sounded more like a squeak than a gag.
laughing about it while getting dressed because it sounded like one of those squishy toys that squeak and stick their tongues out when you squish them. telling eiji about it, the both of you reeling on the floor with tears from how hard you’re laughing while kats grumbles and argues in the background.
hiding the smile that’s threatening his features because he loves the sounds of your laughs resonating through the otherwise quiet apartment this early in the morning.
being alone with him on patrol later and randomly laughing in the line for a mid-shift coffee run next to him. him pulling you into a headlock being careful not to actually hurt you as he lightly laughs with you.
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ceilidho · 1 year
to be against dark fics in the military fandom………some of y’all are rly into mental gymnastics lol
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brokenpieces-72 · 5 months
Mothers n Monsters
With Mother's Day coming up I figured I would include some wholesomeness involving the Hybrid 141. The following is inspired by @bluegiragi 's Hybrid au and includes @diejager 's reader character Hunter.
Mother's Day is something you are still new to since it was a holiday your biological parents didn't bother with. When you were in the program some of the other hybrids found mother figures in their retainers and mentors.
When it gets brought up in conversation and you learn more you start to wonder who exactly your mother is. Johnny's mom is definitely in there since she took you in. Hunter, you consider a parent because of how they've taken care of you in many ways, and not just you but the entirety of the 141. The last one you think of is Laswell since she'd been talking to you quite a bit to get information back to the program and keep you safe.
The question is... what do you do for each of them?
You ask Johnny for help with Mother's Day with his mother. Johnny often goes into whatever city is nearby and sends a few souvenirs to his mom, whether it's some trinkets, ingredients or even some alcohol. With it, he writes a letter, and you write one too. When the package arrives his mother smiles seeing the usual letter from her son, saying he's happy and grateful to have someone waiting for him to come home every day. What she isn't expecting is a second letter from you, and the adoption papers fully signed. In the letter, you tell her how happy you are to have a family not just on base but one waiting for you in Scotland. You've written about so many of the things you've done and all the things you're excited to do. You thank he for everything, letting you stay with them during the holidays, the extra clothes, and for becoming your new mother. She smiles reading through both letters, before finally looking inside the care package, seeing more than just knickknacks and the bottle of alcohol. You've left some drawings for her as well, of flowers you'd found and places you'd been.
Hunter is a bit harder. They're the kind of person who will say, "I don't need/want anything". You don't know what to get them so once again, you go around asking for help. Of course, you go to Johnny first, and he's a little confused at first. To his knowledge, Hunter doesn't have kids but when you explain your reasons that Hunter is kind of like a mom, he understands a bit better. Johnny has to think about it as well. He suggests coffee, as does Kyle. It's not a bad idea. You go to Price and ask him, and honestly he isn't sure himself. He settles with your help in the infirmary is probably enough. Next, you ask Simon. He also isn't sure but if he had to guess, probably less work needed to be done in the infirmary. Horangi straight up shrugs, not sure how to answer the question, though he figures that a massage or a few nights off would be a pleasant luxury. Konig did actually plan on getting Hunter something small for Hunter, not necessarily as a Mother's Day gift, but as a small thank you. A couple of chocolates couldn't hurt. You get Alejandro's input and it's one you can agree with, which is ensuring any and all prep work and inventory is completed ahead of time.
Rudolfo gives you a great idea though, the one you ask him for help with. Like Hunter, Rudolfo is human so he knows the drawbacks of being a human among many hybrids. You get one of those mugs, but make a custom label for it, and a bag of Hunter's favourite coffee and tea. For the next few days, you go to the other soldiers in the medbay to ask for their help in getting inventory and prep work done ahead of time, and they show you how to do all of it. When Hunter wakes up on Mother's Day they stretch, get out all of the sleepiness, and head over to the infirmary to get to work. When they get to the coffee machine they find the small gift and a small note. The note says, "Happy Mother's Day Hunter, I've gotten the prep work done in the infirmary the night before so you can have the morning to yourself. Enjoy." Hunter looks at the label on the mug and it says "The Beast".
Finally, there was Laswell, and once again you were a little stumped. You didn't know what she liked. Price is your go-to for this question, and he isn't entirely sure himself. He too, doesn't entirely understand the whole mom perception until you explain it. Not sure what else to suggest, he suggests you ask Laswell yourself.
Laswell comes to see you. These visits have become a bit more regular, to ensure the program has no reason to take you back. When you sit with her and go over the usual questions of, how are you, are you eating well, is everything going well on base, etc, you ask her what she would want for Mother's Day. The question catches her off guard a bit.
"Mother's Day? Spirit I'm not a mother." Laswell clarifies.
"You kind of are." You say. Laswell decides to humour you.
"How?" She asks.
"You always make sure we're okay on base, and have everything we need. You watch over us on missions, you come by to check in with me and make sure I'm okay. You've stood up for me before. When I saw my mother, and told you, you immediately called the program to tell them off for not telling us sooner." You explain. Laswell consider it for a moment and she gives you a smile. She didn't think of it like that, and honestly, she figured it was just part of the job and not much else.
"I think hearing all of that is enough for me." She tells you. "Thank you."
Note: Hey just wanted to chime in and wish y'all a good Mother's Day. I hope you're all doing well, and remember to take care of yourselves.
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dearestaeneas · 1 year
Turn left. Up three slats. Forward for a bit. Hang a right.
Ancient drywall dust speckled the ground at his paws, the wood old and dry and at risk for splintering. It was an absolute playground.
The rat did not know this, but the house had been abandoned for years. On the other side of the wall sat dusty furniture and heavily graffitied wallpaper, empty glass bottles, and general litter. The town had debated knocking it over, putting up a parking lot, but decided against it.
There wasn’t even a shopping mall. What would we need the lot for?
So there the house remained. Abandoned and unloved by humans. The teens who hid in the leaf-filled kitchen to smoke after school did not love the house, with its 3 floors and creaky stairs. The college students who appeared each Thanksgiving night to drink and reminisce, pretending they were anything other than babies in the world did not love the house’s study, home to an elderly desk that no one cared enough to look in. The rats and birds and insects and squirrels did not see the need for the money, or the books, or the gold watch that still, despite it all, ticked.
His little feet pounded ever forward, his little round body squeezing effortlessly upwards between wooden planks.
The little rat, with his round body and busy feet, loved the house. He did not care about the once-expensive looking rugs, or the elegant, but stained, crown molding, and he did not care about the ornate door knobs. The little rat, in no particular order, loved these things about the house:
He loved the still-somewhat-silver silverware that sat in a kitchen drawer for the noise it made when he scurried over them (knives make for a particularly pleasant noise, with their flat edges that slide off of one another).
He loved the bookshelves that lined the walls of most of the rooms, because they made for excellent perches to sit on to survey the floor (not to mention that if one of the books could be knocked over, a page could be taken for a nest with incredible ease).
He loved the plushies left behind in one of the smaller upstairs rooms. There was one that looked like him! Although this was not his favorite (that honor belonged to a little brown bear, who lay on his back, leaving his stomach open for the most wonderful of naps), it pleased him. A mirror had been knocked off the bathroom cabinet and shattered, its shards sparkling on the floor. The little rat tended to avoid that room, knowing simply that the little silver points were bad news, and not needing more information than that. However, he had not come to this conclusion without first exploring the room, for the initial shattering had mimicked the pleasant sounds of the silverware, but times a thousand. He was intrigued by the other little round-bodied rat who looked back at him from one of the shards. He hoped he was not lonely in there.
But the little rat did not love the house for what it contained. Its contents were beneficial and made life interesting and wonderful, but he would have loved the house if it were vacant and cold and bare and boring. The little rat loved the house because it was his home, and because his home loved him.
His home protected him from the rain and the snow and the cold and the heat, his home kept him entertained and safe and happy. He needed nothing and wanted for less.
He wanted to do something nice for his home. But what did he have to offer? He couldn’t fix the leaky roof, or replace a cracked tile, couldn’t put a chair back upright or even change a lightbulb.
Ultimately, he decided the best way he could show his love would simply be to live in his home. His home would understand his limitations, while still seeing that the little rat stayed because he wanted to, and because staying was important to him.
He climbed higher and higher, ascending more and more wooden slats and boards, scurrying from opening to opening, until finally: a break in the wall.
Drywall parted, and the little rat felt himself becoming giddy. He inched forward, his little nose twitching furiously, his little black eyes boggling.
He panted slightly, having climbed all the way up to the second floor. A journey that would take a human seconds had taken him several minutes. He looked out from his little hole in the drywall to see the ancient chandelier at eye level. If he wanted, he could climb all the way to the very top, and look down onto the chandelier. He’d done this several times, and would, inevitably, do it again.
But there was something magical to being eye level with the sparkly glass. He would say nature played a cruel joke on him, leading him to his home and cursing him with his blurred vision, stopping him from admiring the intricate details of the crystal before him, but the simple problem with this is that he didn’t know any better, didn’t know there was a world outside of the outlines and colors he saw. He loved his home for its outlines and colors, for the way that the chandelier caught the light at certain hours of the day. He loved the sparkle of the rainbow that was cast about the entryway.
Nature was not cruel, nature did not punish him or play jokes. It loved him. It loved him the way he loved his home, it protected him and marveled at him and delighted in his joy.
He sat there, squeaking with great contentment as the sun went down and its rays caught the glass, bathing him and the home he loved in color.
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heyitsrink · 6 months
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Fool's Fate but make it Death Metal
Inspired by yet another unhinged RotE discord convo from a while back.
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poisonousquinzel · 10 months
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no they were just literally "be totally platonic do crime" besties for a good section of their appearances together. Harley's not even trying to do crime rn and Ivy's like fighting plant zombies??? the conflict with them in HQ is literally just realistic relationship shit that comes from being as traumatized as they are. that's expected, that's what we want ??? To be shown??? instead of their relationship just being a purely physical Look Kissing Women Aren't They Hot panels and a handful of good moments that're Friends With Benefits coded by DC
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My braincells are once again running race-track style around a Flying Bark Studio production
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sysig · 7 days
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Wander Dr. Doran! Yeahh :) (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Wander#I mean Dr. Doran totally :)#SCII#Helix#ZEX#DAX#The Captain#Of course now that I feel a bit more confident drawing Wander on-model I turn him human - such is the way lol#Aghhh I'm so excited to implement him haha <3#All speculatives I'm just too excited haha I have him all figured out >:3c#First off tho - VUX would fit in perfectly to the BG of WOY imo they're adorable and I think Wander would genuinely love ZEX#Depending on which areas of the fandom you poke around in I think they'd have some ahem overlap to bond over lol#Star-faring romancing it's all very cute and wholesome of course hehe <3#But even outside of that even if it went The Lonely Planet type of way I /still/ think Wander would like him a lot :)#Friendly aliens spreading the message of free love through the galaxy! Sounds about right haha#Also attempting drawing him in the WOY style agh he's so cute I love him sm <3 <3#Okay now back to Dr. Doran lol he was meant to be the focus anyway just - the cutes! I cannot but the cutes you understand#There's more later but the basics of him so far is he tends to take the younger residents at the Institute#I love the cast of doctors but really Wilson was probably the most personable and I feel like I've made my opinions of his competency known#Wander's great with kids! His office is set up to be very inviting and friendly and unintimidating - fits his personality!#Candy and huggables and stim toys - y'know a Therapist's office lol#With a specialization in pediatric therapy but with Wilson cough cough ''missing'' (lol) he can take on a bit extra hehe#Of course he still has his own quirks - Wander's OCD and trichotillomania for example - just in a different context :)#The doctors' brainwashing is so interesting agh the entire concept sets my brain on fire <3#Anyway I am soooo looking forward to their scene together aghhh <3 <3 How to embarrass Zelnick The Worst :3c#Such a shame DAX will be elsewhere lol what will he do with himself in the meanwhile!#Nobody here likes the therapists it's fine that he gets to miss out hehe <3 He was so put out by the warning hehehe I love them ♪
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help this post has infected my brain i can't stop thinking about some journalist ex-colleague of trent's just watching the entirety of richmond's football team + several members of the staff (including ted lasso) scoop him up and sprint across the pitch holding him aloft. this has so much comedic potential. im just picturing so many different like. tableaus. jan maas giving an absolutely stoic trent crimm a piggyback ride. exact same position but it's jamie tartt and trent crimm appears to be pointing directly ahead as tartt cackles and charges. they topple over. dani rojas has elected to carry him bridal style for some reason. sam obinsanya, who was supposed to be one of the reasonable ones, follows his example. one of the players has trent fully sitting on his shoulders somehow and somehow they don't fall. both the participating coaches (ted and beard) simply throw him over their shoulder and book it. for one of them he appears to be laughing loudly for the other his arms are crossed and he is making such a pointed expression of grumpy tolerance (like a cat who has been picked up and is resigned to it but he's not gonna like it!) that it is clearly exaggerated. trent makes exactly one (1) attempt to carry someone else (it's roy) and he actually does fairly well considering but they do end up sprawled on the grass and just. roy flat on his back staring at the sky, trent having half pushed himself up on his elbows, hair a complete mess, laughing. they're all arguing about times. there are fans sitting in on practice who can Just See All This. like. you know how there's like bullshit nothing articles about dumb shit? just. some "article" that's like "richmond appear to be doing wife-carrying races as training for some reason, and even more bafflingly, trent crimm appears to be the wife in question. anyway here's our top twenty photos of this because it is funny and weirdly wholesome." and then it's all over twitter for like three days. trent's ex-wife is texting him like "babe why are you a meme now". keeleys like "good news this is great pr! bad news [sends trent a candid shot of ted scooping him up unexpectedly and trent very obviously blushing]" and trents like "ah." some of the photos are hilariously blurred in motion. they're pretty much all smiling. forget about the realistic "but would they get criticism for not taking practice seriously" shhhh. everyone is enjoying this. it's about the wholesome nature of the whole team playing around and genuinely having fun together and also trent is too. formerly feared respected scary journalist cackling like a little kid while balanced precariously on the shoulders of a premiere league footballer. it's cute. it's also extremely funny. how did anyone find this dork scary
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
how the FUCK are there only 38 dubcon lokius fics???
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theficdealer · 3 months
That's what Tim feels when he comes to. All consuming pain.
His abdomen feels like it's on fire. His head feels like someone is taking an ice pick to it. He can feel his heartbeat in his eyes.
"You have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern corps"
—Summary of Green rings and red things (part 36 of Tim Drake AU’s) by siren_of_the_ocean on ao3
In which Tim Drake gets a green lantern ring instead of a splenectomy and the universe is better for it.
(review+rambling below the line)
This fic is 40k words long and i genuinely forget that every time because all I can think is “it’s too short and I want more.” The concept is fantastic, to my layman eyes and a few google searches it seems like the author actually knows their canon shit (well, that and the fact that they have a reacting to cannon series that has continued to be updated for actual years at this point) and have a fixation on tim drake, which is fantastic because so do i. The ending is a bit…abrupt? It’s not bad, it just hits you out of nowhere and leave you wanting more.
Things I Love About This Fic:
Tim “i will do what i want to do or die trying” drake
Tim vs the JL: The Emotional Beat-Down
Tim: *takes one look at the guardians* there’s somethin’ fishy going on around here
Tim: since i had some downtime, i told the ring to tell me everything. /The other earth lanterns: 👀 / Tim: aaand i’m getting the feeling that’s never occurred to you before
Kyle: He’s the enemy! Run!/ Tim: how about instead i stay and politely ask some questions / Kyle: that is literally the opposite of what i told you to do
Kon: *is alive* /Tim: *is having a mental breakdown* / Kon: is this a good time to mention Bart’s here too? / Bart: got something you want to share with the class, timmy?
Stopping here so I don’t seriously spoil anything too badly. Go read it! Or if Green Lanterns aren’t your thing, this author had literally over a hundred other fics you might enjoy! Other favorites include Into the Deep Dark Night (part 75 of Tim Drake AU’s) in which Tim becomes a Russian water spirit(??) undead entity type deal and lives in the sewers, Bat in a Flash (part 17), where Tim becomes a Flash during an accident with lightning, and The worst year of his life (part 40) in which the justice league, the bats, and a few others react to the red robin (2012) run (also good if, like me, you can’t afford the comics and want to get the gist. They’re currently on issue 29 of 90s yj later on, if you’re interested).
(No this is not an add, i just Love this series
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ssreeder · 4 months
Sorry if you’ve answered this before but do you have any idea of how many chapters into the fire will end up being or how the ending will pan out? (Also I love you and the world you’ve created thanks for being awesome <333)
I have answered this before, but I feel it changes day to day lol… ITF is about ummm halfway? It will absolutely be the largest fic of the three, but it has to be in order to bring this thing to a proper close. I could realistically do a fourth book but fuck it I am sticking to the original plan of three. I have the ending completely planned and most of the epilogue figured out as well… I will admit the only thing I don’t have completely planned out is the nitty-gritty details that tend to unfold as the story happens? So as the battle begins who knows how characters will react or what emotions will come up so I like to keep things loose with that to give the characters room to breathe.
But yeah! I do have an ending and I have all the MAJOR events planned, so any twists & turns along the way are already set in motion :)
(I love you thank you for sending me this ask you’re amazing)
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