devotedtosadpoetry · 10 months
with each submission the weight is lifted little by little….
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cockworkangels · 5 months
job interview tomorrow first thing in the morning :|
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lavenderteacat · 5 months
whyyyyyyy does job posting specifically ask for non-supervisor recommendations. why would you do that. WHY
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jetfx · 1 year
just remembered I have homework to do before bed lmao....
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a-little-unsteddie · 10 months
stuck in your throat || a/b/o
hi so today is @lexirosewrites’s birthday today and like,, idk three or so weeks ago she followed me (hi lexi <3 happy birthday <3 hope today has been fun <3) and to celebrate both of those things i started writing an omegaverse fic, and i wanted it done by today but it is grew a mind of its’ own and now it’s much bigger than i thought it’d be so instead of the full fic, have a snippet <3
again, happy birthday lexi <3
“Hello?” Steve answered, having learned to not open the call with who was answering without knowing who was calling from one too many scam calls
“Is this Steve Harrington?” A soft feminine voice asked, taking Steve by surprise.
“May I ask who’s calling?” Steve asked, not willing to concede his identity until he knew it wasn’t someone looking to sell him ‘Alpha Pills’ or something just as ridiculous.
“Of course! My name is Chrissy Cunningham, you sent in an application for being a full time nanny and tutor?” She responded with a cheerful voice. “I can’t <i>really</i> go much more in depth without an NDA being signed.”
Recognition zapped through Steve’s body and he sat up in his seat. “Oh! Yes, I’m Steve. Um. I’d be happy to sign an NDA, just may I ask why?”
“Yes, you may! My client is a big fan of privacy and only agreed to hire someone if they were under an NDA for the protection of their pup.” aaand all of Steve’s anxiety surrounding the NDA pretty much melted away. Sure, maybe it was a bit much to do, and sure, now he was dying with curiosity to know just <i>who</i> he had ended up applying to, but the knowledge that the NDA was for the protection of the pup soothed any anxiety Steve had originally felt about signing an NDA. In fact, it kind of made his omega perk up. He shook off the feeling, focusing on Chrissy.
“That’s actually really relieving to hear,” Steve said with a laugh. “When or where can I sign the NDA?” he questioned, wondering when Robin would be home so he could tell her.
“Well, first, you and I will do a preliminary interview, just like any other job interview. Then, if all goes well, I’ll send you an email containing the NDA for you to review and sign,” Chrissy explained clearly and cheerfully. “After you sign the NDA, my client will perform an in-person interview and then we’ll go from there.”
“That all seems pretty straight forward so far,” Steve replied, standing from where he had been lounging on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, where he and Robin had put up a magnetic whiteboard calendar to fill with each of their schedules and plans. He grabbed the blue marker, his color, and prepared to jot down when they’d have the interview.
“Perfect! Happy to hear it,” Chrissy said with an audible smile.
“When will the interview with you be?” Steve asked, biting his lip as he stared at the calendar, which had sparsely been marked with his blue marker, even since starting this job hunt. Robin’s plans were in red, and was much more abundant due to having three part time jobs.
“Well, as soon as possible, really. If you’re available now, we could take care of it right away.” the woman responded, sounding like she was walking into another room.
“Oh!” Steve exclaimed, recapping the marker and returning it to the pen holder. “Yes, of course. I’m available now.”
“Perfect!” Chrissy’s voice sounded from Steve’s phone as the omega walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. “So, starting off pretty easy here, what made you apply for this position?”
Steve thought back and grimaced at the reminder that it was Robin who had submitted his application to this particular job. He wasn’t about to admit that, though, and quickly found a more appropriate response.
“Well, I love taking care of pups, and I just got my teacher’s license a month ago,” Steve explained, which wasn’t a lie, so he figured it was probably as good of an answer as any. “I also saw that this job traveled, and my best friend thought that it’d be good for me.”
“Yes, that was going to be part of this conversation, too. So, you’re obviously alright with the traveling, then?” Chrissy asked and Steve heard what he thought could be pen scratching as she wrote notes. He swallowed thickly, suddenly anxious about what she was writing. He decided to ignore his anxiety, even as his scent soured around him with it.
“Oh, yes, traveling is more than okay,” Steve agreed immediately, “but it’s more important to me that I’ll be taking care of a pup, if I’m honest.”
This statement seemed to pique Chrissy’s attention, as the writing stopped for a moment. “Why is that?” she eventually asked.
Steve winced, wondering if he should be up front about it or not. If Robin were here, she would insist that he was honest. He decided on a half-truth.
“I’ve always wanted pups, and a lot of them,” Steve admitted, fidgeting with a loose piece of thread on the couch. He switched which arm was holding the phone, as he had started to get a little sore from holding it up for so long. “But I don’t have a partner, so I can’t really have my own right now. I discovered through babysitting for one of my neighbors that I have a knack for taking care of pups.”
The scratching noise was back as Chrissy listened to his responses. Steve was nervous he wasn’t doing well, but figured that it wasn’t going bad if she wasn’t suddenly calling the interview short.
“Your resume says that you’re good in high stress situations,” Chrissy said after a couple seconds of silence as she wrote down whatever notes she was taking. Steve briefly wondered if he should be doing the same thing. “I’m going to give you an example scenario, and you’re going to tell me how you’d respond.”
“Sounds simple enough,” Steve agreed, trying not to let his voice betray how anxious he was.
“For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say the pup’s name is Rosie,” she informed him before she continued to describe the scenario. “You’re taking Rosie to the park, when suddenly there is a crowd of people surrounding you and you lose sight of her. What do you do?”
Steve thought the scenario was odd, but not ‘out there’ enough to alarm him. He thought about his answer for a moment before replying.
“I would try to follow her scent, first, because that will usually lead me to any pup I’ve babysat. If that doesn’t work, I will call out for her. If the situation is bad enough, I would contact the authorities, and either you or Rosie’s father.” he paused for a second before continuing, trying to make sure he covered all of his bases. “But honestly? If Rosie is small enough, I would have rather carried her once I saw the crowd, or hold her hand, for the reason of lowering my chances of separation.”
Silence that’s only broken up by the scratching of pen against paper followed, and Steve was suddenly anxious that he answered incorrectly. He answered what he would do if it were his own pup, but what if that wasn’t right? What if he wasn’t cut out for this job?
“Alright, next scenario,” Chrissy said, moving swiftly onto the next one without commenting on his answer; Steve didn’t know if he preferred her not acknowledging it or if he would prefer to be told his answer was shitty up front. The next few scenarios were just as oddly specific, but Steve answered them exactly as he did the first one. He tried to not overthink his answers too much because between each one there would be a stretch of time that Chrissy used to presumably write his answers down.
“One last question and then we should be good to move forward.” Chrissy said a good twenty minutes of questions later. “When would you be available to start working?”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, surprised that he was seemingly, maybe being offered the job. “Um—immediately. I would need time to pack, but other than that, I’m free.”
“Wonderful,” Chrissy said cheerfully. “Alright, now it’s your turn. Do you have any questions for me?”
Steve hummed, trying to go through his usual list of questions he asked during interviews that hadn't already been answered and came up empty. “Not at the moment, but I’ll make sure to write any I think of down, if I do.”
“Perfect! So, I will consult with my client, and I have a few other applicants that are interested, but so far, you are my top pick, but I don’t make the decisions,” Chrissy laughed, as if Steve was in on the joke. He laughed with her, not knowing what else he should have done. So, maybe not a job offer, but it sounded promising anyway. “I will be in contact in a few days, three at most.”
“Sounds good, thank you so much for considering me, Chrissy,” he responded with a smile, hoping to leave one last good impression.
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theblue6ook · 7 months
Shit Interview
Summary: Y/N bombs her interview at Wayne Enterprises and has no idea what she’s going to do now. [B (23) & Y/N (21)] [Eventual slow burn with Bruce]
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
a/n: Well hello there. If you liked this story, it’s a part of my “Out of My League” series. There will be more to come ;)
“Get the FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!” Y/N pushes past the rows of people cluttering the sidewalks, smooshed together much like the buildings surrounding them. Each person moving at their own time and own pace… as you can see that is just not quick enough.
Her legs burned as she power-walked down 5th Avenue, moving with as much power as she could muster in her borrowed heels and wrinkled pencil skirt. The checkered blazer she was previously wearing is now bunched up in her left arm as she dodges pedestrians, businessmen, and the occasional soccer mom. Her watch is peeking at her from underneath the bunched blazer and she swears at the time: 11:32 a.m. Of course, out of all the days my car could have died, it was today.
She sighed, this was not how her morning was supposed to go. Y/N had a schedule planned down to the last minute until her beat-up Volkswagen Bus decided to play dead. Everything was planned, she thought, everything was ready.
9 a.m.: wake up and scrounge for breakfast
10 a.m.: borrow some old work clothes from Carrie’s closet to look presentable
10:30 a.m.: leave the apartment in my trashcan on wheels
10:55 a.m.: arrive 25 minutes early and go over notes
11:20 a.m.: get this interview going and pray for a job
11:50 a.m.: grab some flowers and head to the hospital with (hopefully) good news
Everything was perfect. So where did it all go wrong? Well, she was ready to leave at 10:30 a.m. and when she got in her beat-up bus… click, click, click. Dead battery with no time to replace it and no one to jump it. Could this get any worse? 
[Oh it definitely can!] 
Y/N looks up from her watch and sees Wayne Enterprises coming into view. Once she gets close enough she throws herself up the concrete steps and swings through the revolving door, checking her watch. It’s only 11:35 a.m., she would still have 15 minutes left of her interview. Not great that I’m late, but not hopeless, she thinks. She approaches the front desk and silently hopes this receptionist will take pity on her. 
Throwing her blazer on and pulling at her pencil skirt, she sheepishly says, “Hello. I have an interview with Mr.Collins, my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N.” 
The receptionist, a small woman about her age smiles and looks back at her computer, “M’kay. Let me see what I have here.” She types out Y/N’s name and scrolls through and stops when she clicks her tongue. “Oh honey, your appointment started twenty minutes ago.”
“Actually it was fifteen,” Y/N admits, “and I also called to let you know I was having issues with my car.”
“We ask each of our interviewees to arrive five minutes early… Mr.Collins will consider it twenty minutes late,” she gestured with her pen. “I’m sorry, but late attendees are not allowed to interview, it’s policy.” 
“I called though-”
“Honestly, it does not matter-”
“I just walked all the way here from the west side,” Y/N began to grow frustrated.
The receptionist sighed and gave a sympathetic look, “There are other opportunities at Wayne Enterprises. I feel for you. I want to let you up, but I can’t. Why don’t you check out some of the other opportunities here on the website? There are thousands of jobs here, you’re bound to find something.”
She steps back from the desk, heels dragging with her. She wants to say something. She can feel it on the tip of her tongue, I have looked at the website. I have submitted applications. Why would I be here in the first place if I hadn’t? She refrains, feeling frustrated and embarrassed, pulling herself past the desk and out the door. Carrie is going to ask how the interview went, she groans, squeezing the back of her hands against her eyes. Clutching at her tote she decides to trudge towards Dorthie’s Flower Shop anyways.
There on the corner of Nottingham and Meadow sits Dorthie’s Flower Shop. Y/N sighs, here is my fortress of solitude. The same store she busted her ass in, more than a few times. The same store she put her blood, sweat, and tears into for four years. The same people she sobbed to when her dad kicked her out. Nothing changes here, except for the flowers.
She grows slower as she walks across Meadow Street. By the time she approaches the green barred door her feet feel heavy and drag. Could it be the blistering pain from commuting in cheap heels? No. It’s the fact that John… sweet, old John Garret sits inside alone and waiting. John Garret is one of the kindest… most intrusive person Y/N has ever met. The man and his late wife Dorthie practically raised her. She didn’t want to unload her day on him, not after everything he’s done for her. He would only worry, Y/N’s doing enough of that herself.  
Stepping back from the doors, she decides to skip the flowers. It’s not like I really needed them anyway, she thinks. As she starts walking past, Y/N makes the mistake of glancing in the window… and there is John glancing up right at her. He grins brightly at her and shrugs his hand. 
Come in, she sees him mouthing. 
I really shouldn’t, she mouths back. Then he gives her that look. If she doesn’t go in he’s definitely coming outside, she bites her lip. Holding up one finger she mouths, maybe just for a minute. She nervously trips up the concrete step to get to the green doorway. That is not a good sign, she thinks. She pulls the door open with sweaty hands and hears a familiar ding! 
“Well hi there, sweetie,” John messes with his phone for a moment before setting it on the counter, giving her his full attention. “Aren’t you all dressed up?”
She leans against the “Build Your Own Bouquet” table and picks at the old green paint chips that stuck to her hand, that door really needs to be repainted. “Job interview.”
“Doesn’t sound like it went too well?” 
“Just stressful,” she forced a smile. “I came to get some flowers for Carrie.”
John raised his eyebrow but didn’t feel like playing chicken with Y/N. “How’s the poor girl’s treatment going?”
“Umm,” she muttered picking at her pencil skirt. Another topic I don’t have the energy to discuss. “It’s been hard, but she seems like she’s doing better,”
That was a big fib. Y/N almost felt bad for it, but it hasn’t been that long since John lost Dorthie and truthfully she doesn’t think he can take another hit. A year ago they all lost dear Dorthie Garrett. Five months ago they found out Carrie had colon cancer. Four months ago she started treatments. It has been an emotional bitch and all they can do is hope. In Y/N’s experience, hope just isn’t enough, but she’s trying… for Carrie.
John walked past the counter and put his hands on her shoulders, “Y/N, this is good news. Carrie is a tough girl. She will power through. She has to.” She sighed, stepping back from him and running her hands through her hair.
“Y/N, you can talk to me. I won’t break if something is going on. I just want to make sure you girls are okay.”
Turning away from him, she aimlessly wandered down a row of flowers. She toyed with the stray petals littering the shelving. “What kind of flowers says I just blew my latest job interview, but please, for the love of God, don’t die on me?” 
“John, I am at my wits end!” She whipped around to look at him, “Carrie can’t work right now, not that I would let her if she tried, and I can’t find a job for shit.”
“Y/N. You know you always have a place here.” He stated it softly, but his eyes were firm. 
Her eyes were starting to burn with frustration, “I would never put you in that position-”
“Oh my- you’ve been this stubborn since you were a little girl,” he rolled his eyes, “I know you’re reluctant to help, but I have never been reluctant to help you.”
“John-” her voice died in her throat as soon as she heard that familiar door chime. She almost took the opportunity to turn away and walk out but stopped when she noticed John had smiled. He smiled big.
“Y/N, meet the man singlehandedly keeping my business going,” He walked past her and shook the gentleman's hand. “Mr. Alfred Pennyworth.”
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itsuki-minamy · 3 months
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Saruhiko Fushimi sometimes referred to himself, somewhat self-deprecatingly, as a middle manager.
He regards Reisi Munakata and Seri Awashima as his superiors, coordinates the special forces members on the scene, and sometimes acts as a supporter of both parties.
Both Munakata and Awashima had some quirks, but they were basically competent and understanding superiors, and the members of "Scepter 4" diligently and faithfully followed young Fushimi's orders.
It is inevitable that he will work in that position.
Fushimi knew each member of "Scepter 4" well, including their characteristics, temperament, and current health status, to the point of being able to laugh bitterly.
During the "Homura" era and before, he did not like to be in groups, but now, although he still clicks his tongue and has an apathetic demeanor, he has become an excellent facilitator.
From Fushimi's perspective, human resource management was similar to a card game. Choosing which people to assign which jobs is very similar to choosing which cards to play in a card game.
Fushimi was able to keep track of each employee's employment status using a highly confidential application that he had developed independently and which was now officially adopted throughout "Scepter 4" with Munakata's approval.
Of course, the application can be opened on PDA, etc., but Fushimi, who wanted to check multiple windows, often checked various documents on his PC when he returned to his base.
He also today ably read the reports presented by each member of the special working group.
A certain person has posted information about Strain sightings during the search, along with an accompanying photo. The person who came to court to obtain an order had submitted a report on the current situation.
Although they all differ in degree, their points are clear and their sentences easy to read.
Basically, although he rarely said it, Fushimi highly valued each member of "Scepter 4". He did not mention Akiyama, Benzai and Kamo, but Enomoto, Fuse, Goto and Hidaka were considered to have enough strength as they had unique skills and perspectives, and were patient and dedicated to their work.
In the game, there is only one person, Andy Domyoji, besides Joker or Wild Card. That day he also received a call from Domyoji.
[There's a weird guy, so I'm going to chase him.]
Fushimi let out a groan.
When he looked at the time, it was midnight. That was about half a day ago. For some reason, the message had been uploaded to the expense request folder, so it took Fushimi a while to review it.
Since then, a series of short messages have continued.
[It's really dangerous, so I'm going on a business trip to the north.]
He had no idea what he was talking about.
Fushimi made a tsukkomi that is uncharacteristic of him.
"Public servants should not act on his intuition!"
He slammed his fist on the desk.
"At least write down where you're going! No, first of all, don't go on a business trip without asking your boss for permission! That's too free! Also, don't use emojis in report emails!"
Domyoji always put a bright spot at the end of his sentences. He tried to contact him, but was dissuaded by the following text message:
[Oh, no. If I ever meet the culprit, I'm afraid I'll break my tongue. I will send you a separate report.]
At that moment, Awashima appeared, patted Fushimi on the shoulder as if to show her respect, and placed a postcard on the table in front of him.
"It just arrived via express delivery."
After saying that, she left.
It shows a man tied with a rope in the snow and Andy Domyoji next to him with a dazzling smile on his face and making a peace sign.
On the back of the postcard, the details of what happened are spelled out in small print.
Fushimi couldn't contain himself and screamed.
"Don't send me a postcard with the report about the arrest of the criminal!"
By the way, the captured man was Strain, who had committed a serious crime that "Scepter 4" had been chasing for the past six months. That's why Andy Domyoji is a wild card.
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questwithambition · 2 years
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Weekly update - 16/10/22
All job applications have been submitted and things are not quite as busy and overwhelming, although still lots to do. But busy in a good way, getting lots of uni work done, many many dance classes, brunch with my sister, and appreciating autumn on my morning walk to campus. I also had time to bake today - made the most delicious brownies 😁 (I also created a new Instagram account and may end up posting stuff like this over there - but will wait and see if it sticks…)
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jaylleoo14 · 10 months
TW: BOTMM is a short drabble leading up to Keratoconus Entrapment. Although nothing explicit happens in this drabble be wary that the following will contain such themes/mentions (along with Keratoconus Entrapment): Horror/dark themes, deaths/murders, butchering/gore, unsettling descriptions, kidnapping, gen violence, blackmailing, alcohol, partying, corruption, morphed views of artistic expression, manipulation and gaslighting. All characters are aged up, you have been warned 
This idea sparked while I was listening to an audio and I was like "hmm, i like how ominous and spooky this can be." then suddenly boom, Jade Leech has spawned. So hear me out okay WAIT IM ACTUALLY KINDA SCARED RN BECAUSE SO MUCH IS BEING ENVISIONED IN MY MIND😭🙏 :') Okay but as the ideas kept on racking and stacking on top of each other I started to get a little "oh wow, this is actually starting to sound kinda good tho-" (im envisioning an uncanny Jade rn and i'm scared-)
Have you heard?
Heard of what?
The Mushroom Man who lives down Rocker Lane.
I. From paints to charcoal, to clay to wood. Then to pencil and pen, then back to your roots of finger painting on cardboard.
You've always had this sort of love for drawing. Since you were little you can recall your mother had always talked about how you were such an artistic child. A crafty one at that. Your dad was always telling his friends that his child was always so expressive and imaginative whenever the topic was brought up. Continuing on keeping up with art along your adolescence, to middle school, to then high school, you felt like you knew what you wanted to do. That being why you decided to go pursue an art major.
The university you are going to attend, University of Arts in Atlantica, was where you'd be heading on over next. Its a funny feeling in your stomach really, moving out and all and going to meet new people as you drift away from your old ones. The feelings welt up inside you slowly, feeling a sad weight bringing you down. You'd be staying in a co-ed dorm, at least then you'd be able to hopefully meet new people and make more friends. That's one of the main things you were looking forward to. It's time to look on the positive side here, and as you make your daily affirmations to yourself you bring out your phone to go to your notes app to remind yourself of the good things that happened and what to look forward to.
I saw a man helping his old relative (not sure) down a street earlier. That was really nice.
I saw some black cats cuddling with each other near the grass yesterday
the weather is nice today, it's not too windy and the sun is out high
I was able to pack another box of my stuff, I should go reward myself now
I was able to send in my resume for a job application nearby. I should also reward myself because I did a good job at tending to it.
Oh, that's right. You recently did submit a job application. You submitted it to a bakery oddly enough.
Art comes in many different shapes and forms, and you personally had another interest. That being the culinary arts. For at least once in your life you wanted to experience the working life of a culinary student, and although pursuing it as a career plan wasn't your solid choice - it was one of the options. And thankfully enough, the man there who skimmed through your resume seemed rather gentle about your chances. Hopefully you get the job, I mean you have plenty of experience before as well with handling and decorating foods. That was the main thing you were interested in. Sure you do enjoy baking, but it was the expression of being able to decorate cakes and pastries there that you were more eager to do.
Trey was the person who introduced himself first, claiming that his family owned the business. After the whole process of submission for your intended new job, something blue catches your eye. A natural call of curiosity causes you to divert your eyes a little away from Trey- who was finishing up the bases of what's to expect- and see a tall man through the window of the kitchen door. He had teal short hair, a longer black length of hair tucked behind his ear and his eyes looked rather sharp and lifted from the side. If for just a moment of observation, Trey caught where your eyes were distracted at.
"Oh, well it's still business hours, you know. He's another employee working here as well. If you get the job you'll see him more frequently." He says it so casually, but you would really hope you do get the job. Fiddling your fingers a little, you show a bit of anxiousness but you keep it professional. "What are the chances of me getting hired? I'm really eager to get this position."
A thoughtful look is splayed on his face, his glasses framing them well. "Well your past work seems promising. It doesn't look professional enough for it to display but I'm sure with enough practice it may work. Just wondering though, you're an art student, yes? Do you think you'd manage the hours alongside your classes?"
His words were a little hard for you to hear but you greatly needed it, a set reminder that you really still are an inexperienced culinary artist if anything. However you proceed to give him a determined answer. "Yes, I'll manage. I will uphold my duties responsibly, please consider taking me."
"They seem eager, don't you agree Trey?" Both your attention is turned and directed on the voice who spoke from behind, the teal haired man coming forward. He had a black plain apron on with the logo of a clover on his right chest, a white chef shirt on as the sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. “Eagerness and experience are two separate things. I’ll consider it, don't worry.” 
Not knowing what to say, the teal haired man turns his attention onto you. You both meet each other's eyes and his lips curve more upward to be more inviting and polite. “Oh how rude of me, where are my manners? You can address me as Jade Leech.” He goes over to shake your hand as a formal greeting, and ever since then things have been going alright. Would you look at that, you got the job! And you’ve already moved in, meeting friendly people from all over with wild stories to tell. “Ugh, such an extroverted thing to do. I could never.” Idia’s voice is made metallic through your phone as you tell him about how you plan on going to this frat party to welcome the new incoming people. It was a new time of your life, why not let loose and meet new people? “Your reasoning still stinks. Imagine all the sweaty smelly bodies you’d bump into there. Not only that but eee! So many loud normies! My HP would already max out by the time I get there, definitely not.” 
“Look, I’ll be back soon okay? I want to try and enjoy this night before anything real happens like classes and work.” Bringing your coat on, you sling over a fanny pack over your torso with all the required things for what you can expect at this frat party. “If you don't let me know that you came home safely I’ll be adding modifications into that device of yours.” A simple reassurance is all it takes for him to hang up and with some worn converse shoes you slip out of your room. 
Here's to a new school life. Surrounded by other lively participants of party go-ers, you hold a drink of alcohol in your cup. Everyone seems to have a good time, the music is blasting, the people are dancing and enjoying their time, and you have crazy party go-ers here climbing the roofs and pulling crazy stunts. It's quite the impression really. Taking a step outside all the way to where the cars are parked from the frat house, you take a deep breath and catch yourself a breather. Idia was right for the most part, and for this to be your first time at a frat party it was definitely overwhelming. However one thing for sure was that you were able to meet new people and enjoy your time there, just needed a little break is all. 
Little did you know though, that nearby deep in hidden trees and bushes laid a beaten up person. Most likely dead. No, definitely dead. For Jade Leech is always one to ensure that the deal is done. Frat parties, loud music, drunken party go-ers, it was all the perfect set up for him to strike and take advantage of. Who would know if just a person or two went missing? Especially ones who come by themselves. He’s got an eye for people you could say, with the way his eyes are arched up so meticulously. The location was just too good to miss out as well. Here it’s a little more isolated with vegetation growing around, the house being more secluded due to its bigger land. Blood is soaked into the dirt, his smile content that the earth is gaining some nutrition. 
Oh, what a surprise. He sees a familiar figure in the distance leaning up against one of the cars on the dirt path. It’s you. He could strike, but it would cause trouble. You aren’t his target. At least not yet. He can play a patient game, and a patient game he will play. The future awaits many things for the two of you, so until then, enjoy your fresh new life and your new job. You clock in the day following tomorrow, where Jade will surely start to learn more about you. And as much as he will learn about you, you my dear reader, will surely start to learn about him much more than what ordinary people see and know about him behind closed, faux smiled, bloodied doors.
I hope this reaches the right audience, but to all my dark/horror/yandere enthusiasts
Literally the only thing i was fixated on when I was writing this, I was like "oml yes Jade with them nice buff baker arms anfisdifbfiubwif Trey you arent gonna be alone in this✊🤞." I practically melted just thinking about it while writing this ^^;
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mar1ssaway · 4 months
29 May 2024
Low Carb Peanut Butter Cup x2 [120]
1/2 Coffee with Almond & equal [4]
Canned Tuna and Sauce [216]
C4 Explosive Energy Drinks [7]
Chicken Skewers [214]
Super Greens [30]
Total: 591
Burned: 0
Net: 591.
I loaded myself up with an intense energy drink today to do an application for a new position at work. I know that an application for a new job will send my anxiety crazy. It's also probably not the right time to change jobs but I can't help but to try making everything perfect. I had bad news when writing it & had a tearful anxiety attack. My amazing fiancé stayed up with me, late, until I was relaxed & I played guitar with him. Another day tomorrow. I hope theres no bad news & Ive submitted my application.
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supportstudies · 5 months
100 Days of Productivity (46/100)
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April 13th 2024
been a silly goose but I’m back on the grind gang. I am so back. anyways had a wonderful day yesterday with my besties @kiwi-mochipanda and joy who is tumblrless. we did so many fun things for joys bday and got kbqq which was banger and I destroyed that beef brisket like my life depended on it. we also went to the fancy shmancy mall and we all got cute shoes!! today was also wonderful (minus work I had to leave early before I had a meltdown bc our assistant managers do literally nothing all day and the gm can’t fire him his boss has to ughhh) me and @f0xttr0t went brekkie with jake and I just love being outside and eating food with my dog and bestie shit goes hard yk. Then I went to work which was fine customer wise and I love working at cec it’s just that once again the assistant managers do nothing and we were severely understaffed today. my gm is super nice tho and I called him and told him what happened and he said he’d pay me for the rest of my shift since I basically worked 4 jobs at once. but other that, in the words of ice cube, today was a good day.
🎧 - Crazy Form, ATEEZ
Productivity/Self Care
submitted more library applications!
did laundry!
went out for breakfast
planned for tomorrow
went to work and stood up for myself
had tea time
read (fanfiction counts gang)
did creative writing
See you guys tmrw :3
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gavisuntiedboot · 2 years
You are Everything (Gavi x reader)
28 day writing prompt challenge - prompts are linked here
Day 3: "I love you."
"Amor, turn the lights off and come to bed."
You and Gavi had been dating for several months now. Given the nature of his job, you didn't get to see him often if you weren't at his house. So this evening, like many others, you were at Pablo's apartment to spend the night so that you could have some quality time together. Unfortunately, you were also a university student, which meant that nights at Pablo's were never free from studying or homework. Tonight was no exception. You were sitting on the couch, laptop open in front of you with notes scattered as you tried to figure out your problem set.
"I can't right now, Pablo. I need to finish this."
"Amor, you can finish in the morning. Tomorrow is Sunday. Just get some sleep, and it might be easier to do when you're well rested."
You turned to look at Gavi, eyes tired and body aching. You pulled your glasses off your face. Before you could make a smart comment at him, your eyes began to water, and then you were crying. Gavi's concern was obvious. He got out of bed and came over to you, hugging your form that was shaking with sobs.
"Baby what happened?" He said, softly rubbing circles into your back. You couldn't speak. Sobs wracked your body. You used your remaining strength to stand, and Gavi took the opportunity to wrap his arms around you, embracing you tightly. You continued to cry into his shoulder. He switched off the light, leading both of you to the bed. He laid down with you, keeping you close to his chest. He rubbed circles into your back, placing gentle kisses on your forehead.
"I won't be able to do it Pablo. Not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever. I'm stupid. I don't know why I convinced myself I could do this degree. I'm an idiot and I should drop out." You said softly sniffling against his chest. He separated the two of you slightly, moving one hand up to caress your face.
"Amor don't ever say that about yourself. You are incredibly intelligent and hard working, and you are more than capable of finishing this degree with excellence. I see how much effort you put in. I see the dedication. I see the lack of sleep and sacrificing meals so you can keep studying. I see how you haul your books here every night so I can see you and you can get work done. I'm always in awe of how smart you are. My girl is wonderful and intelligent and sexy. Please don't allow yourself to think anything different. You're amazing."
Your eyes welled up with tears again.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Because I love you. You're my girl."
Your breath caught in your throat. This was the first time either of you had said it. You stared deeply into his eyes, trying to decipher if he meant it in a romantic way or not.
"Pablo you don't even know what love is."
"Yes I do. Love is that feeling I get after every kiss, where my heart swells and I feel like I'm on another planet. It's the way that sometimes I look at you in the morning, with the sun hitting your face, and you're so beautiful it hurts to breathe. Everything in this world reminds me of you: the blue of the sky, the smell of the rain, the feeling of the sun on my skin. Everything makes me think of you, and you're all I want to think of. You are everything. I love you."
You looked up at him with wet eyes.
"Say it again."
"I," he kissed your forehead, "love," another kiss to the cheek, "you." He punctuated the statement with a deep and passionate kiss.
"I love you. I think I will continue loving you till I'm no longer on this Earth. I love you I love you I love you."
"Pablito... I love you too."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: a little short, but hope y'all enjoyed! I am literally falling asleep while typing. On a more personal note, I submitted my application for Grad school today. Clap for me pls. Part 3 of "Just Pretend" taking longer than I thought - sorry for the delay!
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marlo-noni · 5 months
Here's part 2 of my Mandarin learning journey. For part 1, go here.
After I left university in 2003, I started working in an office. I was able to scrape together enough money to travel to China for 6 weeks in 2005.
I was 25 years old when I went to China for the first time in October-November 2005. I was traveling on my own, and I really didn't have much money, so it was the backpacking type of travel.
I started in Hong Kong, in Chungking Mansions. Then stayed with a friend of a friend in Guangzhou. Then I bussed to Yangshuo, Guangxi province; then an overnight train to Kunming, Yunnan province. Then buses to Dali and then Lijiang in Yunnan. Then back to Kunming, and then a 36-hour train ride back to Guangzhou (this was before high-speed rail in China), and then finally back to HK for a final week.
This was before smartphones and social media. It was the era of internet cafes in China - that was the only way you could get online. It was also before the Great Firewall (China banned Google in 2010). I kept in touch with my family and friends through email, long-distance phone cards, and Livejournal. My posts are still up, actually (that's the first one; you can use the navigation arrows to go to the next one).
My only way of looking up Chinese vocab when I was there was my Oxford Chinese-English dictionary, which as you can imagine is extremely limited! So I had lots of experiences where I embarrassed the heck out of myself and/or was simply not able to get my point across or understand what someone was saying to me. But that's also just learning a second language. Your skin gets thicker the more you do it. There were plenty of times where I was speaking to people who didn't know any English (see: literally 99% of the people on the train), so I just had to muddle through.
Being a white foreigner obviously helps - most people were pretty curious and friendly. When I was in Lijiang (where there were a ton of Chinese tour groups and hardly any foreigners), people wanted to take their picture with me.
I could say plenty more about this trip, but this is about my Mandarin learning journey. You can go read my account of it on Livejournal if you like. Keep in mind it's my PoV from 2005.
When I came back to Canada, I worked in the same office for about a year until I got totally sick of it, and then I became a bike courier for 9 months. This is relevant to the story. Being a bike courier affords you a lot of freedom, but it's physically tough and the pay is terrible. So I started applying for office jobs again, and I eventually got hired as a receptionist for a woman who was a notary public and immigration consultant. The reason she hired me is because I could speak Mandarin.
So, I worked as a receptionist/legal assistant at that office from 2007 to 2013 using my shitty Mandarin every day. My boss was from Taiwan and had originally been a paralegal at an immigration lawyer's office, until she started her own notary and immigration consulting practice. She was also a certified Chinese-English translator. So, the whole reason I'm a paralegal today is because this one lady wanted a receptionist who spoke fluent English and also understood some Chinese.
There were some really great things and really terrible things about that job. The good: I got to use Chinese every day, I learned how to be a legal assistant (notaries in my province can handle real estate transactions and prepare Wills and Powers of Attorney, and immigration consultants represent immigrants to Canada and prepare and submit their applications), and I got to do some simple translations because she was also a certified translator. I also gained a very rudimentary ability to read some traditional Chinese. Most of our clients were from the Mainland, though, not Taiwan.
The bad things: the pay was terrible (I started at $12/hour and ended at $18/hour, and by the end I was fully doing paralegal-level work - at my current job, I make about $42/hour now before taxes!), during the 2008 economic crash my boss had to cut my hours to 4 days/week because she lost a bunch of money in the stock market, and my boss was a tyrant. She scolded me a lot, and I'd often get in trouble for reasons that totally mystified me. I'm sure some of it was cultural, but I also think she was just unnecessarily harsh a lot of the time.
I knew someone who worked at a big law firm who tried to get me hired there, but their HR said I needed to get a legal assistant certificate, so I eventually went to school for 8 months full-time to get that, and then I got hired at my current law firm. I've been working at my current law firm since 2013.
The drawback for my Chinese learning at my current firm is that it's a legitimate mid-size law firm. There are about 45 lawyers. So everything has to be super professional, which means even though I speak some Chinese, I can't use my busted-ass Mandarin with clients. I know very little legal terminology, so anytime a lawyer wants someone to interpret, I can't really do that. Plus, it's Vancouver, so there are already some legal assistants at my firm who are actually fluent in Chinese who can do proper interpreting.
So, Chinese went back to being my hobby. That meant that there were ebbs and flows. I remember watching The Legend of Zhen Huan (Empresses in the Palace) in about 2015 when there was a super edited version of it on Netflix, and I got into it enough that I found the original series with English subs on some streaming site like Dramacool/Kissasian/its equivalent and watched the whole thing. After that, I watched the first half of Nirvana in Fire before something else grabbed my attention - eventually I need to watch that entire series! I remember learning a bunch of guzhuang vocabulary from those series that I hadn't heard before, like concubines referring to themselves as 奴婢, and people saying 陛下息怒 when the emperor was angry.
But what really happened is that my Chinese languished for quite a while. In 2017 I started planning a trip to Japan that I'd eventually take in 2019, and I started studying Japanese on Duolingo and then Lingodeer. I also discovered Skritter at that time, and used it to practice kanji, which of course I already had a huge head-start on because of Chinese. And I gotta say, even though Japanese has a very complicated writing system, it is SO MUCH easier to learn than Chinese, at least in my experience.
Then the pandemic hit, and I'm a white girl on Tumblr with an interest in Asian culture and a Netflix subscription, so what happened next was - you guessed it - in early 2021, I watched The Untamed for the first time. And when I finished it, I rewatched it again. And then I fell down that entire rabbit hole.
And as ridiculous as it is, The Untamed is what fully reignited my Chinese learning so that I'm at the point today where I've learned about 2900 Chinese characters, and I can watch Liu Yuning's livestream and understand about 75% of it. But let's leave that for the next part of this long-ass story.
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bijoharvelle · 3 months
today in job application hellscape, one listing wanted me to submit a cover letter, but i also had to check a box to say that i didn't want my application to be read or categorized by AI
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a-little-unsteddie · 8 months
stuck in your throat || 2.2
2.1 || [here] || 2.3 || 2.4
wee here’s the next part! i love robin and steve so much <3 their dynamic is literally the best. hope y’all enjoy <3
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“Steve?” the omega heard Robin shout as she entered the shared apartment. He stood and groaned as pain shot up his body through his knees. He slipped his phone into his back pocket before he made his way to the living room.
“How was work?” he asked, leaning against the wall as Robin shed her outter layer.
“Ugh, I swear, if Diana comes in one more fucking time, I’m gonna climb over the counter and stab her with a spoon,” she seethed, toeing off her converse.
Steve snorted, rolling his eyes, “What’d she ask for this time?” he asked, having heard many tales of Diana’s stupidity.
“She asked me if we served fucking Frosty’s,” she hissed angrily, which only increased Steve’s amusement.
“You’re not We—”
“I know we’re not a fucking Wendy’s,” Robin huffed, stomping towards the kitchen, Steve following behind to listen to the rest of whatever happened. “She knows we’re not a fucking Wendy’s, but her reasoning was that we serve milkshakes, and, really, how different from a milkshake could a Frosty be?”
“Isn’t there a Wendy’s in the foodcourt?” Steve asked, scrunching his nose up in thought.
“Yes, yes, there is,” Robin hissed, “that crotchety woman knows that, too!”
Steve watched fondly as Robin ranted, knowing she needed to get it all out before she could let it go and move on with her day. He was content to wait her out, even as she moved on to rant about a different customer that had annoyed her. Usually the scent of pissed off alpha never failed to cause Steve to feel slightly sick, but something about Robin always put him at ease, even moments like these, where she was practically growling with rage.
Eventually, Robin calmed down enough to move on with her day and heaved a deep sigh.
“I’m sorry, I know you had your interview with Eddie today, so you probably didn’t want to hear about my shitty day.”
“This is one of my favorite rituals, don’t you dare take that from me,” Steve huffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.
“Either way, how did it go?” Robin asked eagerly, pouring some juice into a glass.
“I got the job!” Steve finally exclaimed, causing Robin to let out a sound that wasn’t dissimilar to a squeal, but if Steve were to mention it later, she would deny it.
“Stevie! That’s great!” she cheered, wrapping her arms around Steve and scented him, pressing her scent right against his cheeks so that he could smell just how excited she was for him.
“I know!!” he smiled mischievously, “I also may have gotten you an in for another position they’re hiring for,” he sing-songed, and she pulled back with wide eyes.
“Seriously? You better not be joking, dingus. I have been desperately avoiding thinking about you leaving without me,” she said rapidly, shaking him with every word she spoke.
“I asked Chrissy if there were any other positions open and luckily for us, she’s hiring an assistant and has only received two other applications!” Steve explained, watching as Robin’s grin got wider and wider. She pulled Steve’s face to hers and rubbed their cheeks together, scenting Steve again. Steve hummed as the scent of rain and lilacs filled his nose, unable to stop smiling.
“That’s so fucking lucky,” she said excitedly, pulling away. “Send me what I need to know.”
That night, Robin submitted her application to the job listing, and Steve could only hope that no one more qualified than her would apply, and that the two who already had applied were idiots who didn’t know shit and were unqualified.
By the following evening, Robin was officially hired, and therefore, signed an NDA. Which officially meant that Steve wouldn’t be breaking any rules by telling Robin absolutely everything.
It also meant Robin knew that he had been talking to and about Chrissy as in Cunningham, and Eddie as in Munson.
They were celebrating, obviously.
“You? Are going to be Eddie Munson’s nanny?” Robin asked, taking a sip of the seltzer she had. Steve laughed and nodded, knocking his head back as he took a large drink from his own seltzer.
“I dunno if he liked me, though,” he admitted with a slightly bitter laugh.
“What? From meeting him a total of one time?” she asked, eyebrows raised in expectation. At Steve’s silence, she sighed and continued. “It was a professional setting, maybe he was just uncomfortable with it. He’s always struck me as the type of celebrity to be down to earth and kind of unsettled by his celebrity status. Or, he was taking his pup to meet a stranger that even he hadn’t met yet. He was probably anxious, if he was a good dad.”
Steve gave the alpha a look, to which she just sighed in exasperation and rolled her eyes dramatically.
“Listen, I can be observant if I want to be,” she grumped at him, crossing her arms. “And I know you. You’re impossible to dislike. I tried, remember?”
Steve sighed and nodded gravely, “I do. A foolish endeavor on your part,” he said seriously.
“I know,” Robin agreed, nodding sagely, as if she had learned from the experience, when really it was just high school bullshit. They’ve been friends since Steve’s senior year in high school, when he’d presented as an omega in the middle of the year and subsequently fell to the bottom of the totem pole.
Sometimes, Steve found himself wondering if she had saved his life, back then. He couldn’t imagine being where he was without her.
“We need to pack,” Robin said sternly, as if she wasn’t the entire reason they had gotten distracted from the task originally.
“We do,” he agreed, gesturing to where he’d already finished packing one suitcase of clothing, and another laid open beside it.
They took time throughout the next couple of weeks to plan how they were getting out of their one year lease. They agreed that they’d let one or two of the kids take over their lease, seeing as they were all adults now and looking for their own place to live.
Will had come to mind first, so Steve had made arrangements with him to take over his half of the lease. Robin had decided to let Will decide who would sign her half. After they talked to him, Will told them he’d chosen Dustin to move in with.
Dustin had been thrilled, had been wanting to live on his own for a while now. Steve had witnessed the young beta realize that he’d be living with Will, and it was cute. He was a little flustered, but mostly excited.
Dustin had also pestered him to death about where they were going and just barely accepted that he’d signed an NDA as a reason to not talk about it. Will, of course, already knew, or had a good educated guess at the very least. He looked amused and smug at knowing the information, when Dustin didn’t, and didn’t give anything away. Steve was grateful for that, knowing exactly how the beta pup would’ve reacted.
Steve also knew that Dustin was unlikely to actually give up.
They were meeting with the landlord the following evening, to sign over the lease to both Will and Dustin. The two pups would move in once Steve and Robin left on the 17th of the month, which was rapidly approaching. Much quicker than Steve had anticipated.
Steve startled out of his thoughts as his phone began to incessantly buzz on the bedside table. He grabbed it and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Chrissy’s name lighting up on his phone.
“Hello?” Steve answered, feeling his stomach twist. Robin looked at him in concern, mirroring his expression. Steve mouthed ‘Chrissy’ at her, and her eyes widened in apprehension.
“Steve! Hello! It’s Chrissy,” the woman spoke cheerfully, which alleviated some of his anxiety, but not all of it.
“Hi, Chrissy! What can I do for you?” he asked nervously, picking at the seam on the pair of sweats he was wearing.
“We discussed at some point that we would be responsible for your travel expenses. I was hoping that we could set up a time for the four of us—me, you, Eddie and Robin, that is—to meet and show you the available options.”
All of Steve’s anxiety fled his body, only to be replaced with confusion. “There are multiple options?” he clarified.
“Yes! When would you be available for a meeting to discuss them? I’m calling Robin after this to see her availability as well.” Chrissy explained cheerfully, which did nothing to help his confusion. Options? Plural?
“That won’t be necessary, she’s sitting across from me right now. Let me put you on speaker,” he said, waiting for Chrissy’s confirmation before doing so. “Repeat pretty much everything, Robin can hear you now.”
After she repeated herself, Robin also appeared to be a bit stumped, but relayed her availability nonetheless. Steve did so as well, and they were able to quickly figure out a time that worked for everyone.
“Alright, well, that’s everything today. Do you have any questions for me?” Chrissy asked, as she always did at the end of their calls.
Steve bit his lip, hesitating only a moment before asking, “Will Elodie be joining us?” in a tone of voice that he hoped didn’t betray how much he wanted the pup to be there.
Chrissy made a humming noise as Robin muffled a laugh into one of his shirts. Steve huffed quietly and threw another one of his shirts at her in an attempt to get her to stop laughing at him. So, what if he was already kind if attached to the pup? Was that so bad?
“No, it looks like she’s spending that day with her grandpa, sorry,” Chrissy responded after a few beats of silence.
“That’s fine, I was just curious,” Steve said quickly.
After confirming the day and time of their meeting, the call ended. Steve studiously avoided Robin’s gaze as he focused on getting together some of the smaller items that took up space in his nest.
“Disappointed you won’t be seeing your pup?” Robin teased gently, grinning as Steve flushed red. He whined at her, pouting.
“She’s not my pup! I just wanted to know what to expect,” he sniffed, still not looking at the alpha. Robin hummed disbelievingly, laughing as Steve’s pouting glare only intensified at her teasing.
“Right, okay, sure, I believe that,” she said in a way that let Steve know exactly how much she didn’t believe him. Steve stuck his tongue out at her, and returned to the task at hand, packing away most of his shit.
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skynapple · 3 months
ok, I know my posts have been bad today, here's a little self soothing and optimism for a change
I woke up sick to my stomach this morning with emotions I can't explain.
its a little bit of everything, and it all kinda came crashing down this week, some of it deeply personal and some of it deeply tragic. Some of it from fresh events of this week, and also the culmination of months' worth of things weighing on me.
Every free minute my body just collapses on my bed, i've been waking up in the same clothes I wore the day before, or I just..... cry.
But ahhh like, I'm ok, I will be. I choose to be. I choose joy. I choose hope.
I don't want to be negative without being positive so here's some goals i have:
complete my portfolio by weekend
clean my room
draw 1 things that makes me happy
submit at least 1 job application
organize my finances
reach out to at least 1 friends IRL
meet up with 1 friend this weekend (actually I already planned this one)
get to the gym at least 1 time before the weekend ends
things i'm grateful for:
new friends
especially those who have been here to listen. Even if I don't... always feel comfy venting, the feeling is nice
the good moments I had with my visiting family
that in spite of the family grief with my sister and having to say goodbye to her unborn little one, she's endeavored to be optimistic through her grief in at least knowing she can get pregnant... it was assumed she might not be able to these past 10 years
for good coffee
and new music
and that I've seen my art improve a little lately when I felt so stagnant for years
again i'm choosing hope, and i'm choosing joy
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