#I also wanted to create this meme to explain here what happened to my Twitter account (since I had never said it until now)
kgthesillyclown · 5 months
Me fr when they banned my twitter acc permanently:
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vanteguccir · 4 months
It's noted | Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N is part of the Sturniolo Triplets fandom and makes videos about them on TikTok. After years of creating content, one of her videos seems to catch the attention of none other than Chris.
Warning: None.
Requested?: Yes, from anon.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: I used this tiktoker as an inspiration for the content that the reader creates on this.
PS. 2: I'm thinking of making a tag list for my Sturniolo Triplets x reader, so if you want to be included in it and be tagged on every Sturniolo x reader that I post, comment here please! 🩷
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It was true that the Sturniolo Triplets fandom grew so much in such a short time thanks to the fans themselves, who play a big role in bringing the channel to other people through social media - mainly TikTok. It was also true that, at least 90% of this part of the fandom works with edits of different types of the boys; compilation of parts from a certain video or podcast, edits and even memes.
But there was a small portion that made videos talking about the boys, showing their faces and voices while explaining their content, work and even giving tips on how the triplets themselves could increase their audience or improve their brands.
And Y/N was part of this small portion, having been in the fandom since mid-2021 and not missing any videos of the triplets, she could talk about them for hours on end.
Her biggest hobby was making videos giving ideas for their channel and brands: some brands they could collab with, theme ideas for car videos, topics for podcasts, prints for hoodie sets and t-shirts - both for the triplets' brand and for Fresh Love -, different flavors and themes for Space Camp, and so on.
The girl applied all her love and knowledge to all her videos, editing the backgrounds and explaining her ideas with the smallest details, making them understandable. She had perfect lighting, audio, and set equipment for her work, which made the quality equally good as her content.
Her trademark was her strawberry frappuccino, which she was always drinking every time she turned on her phone camera. Fans joked that her obsession with the drink was like Chris's obsession with Pepsi.
And all that was exactly why fans loved her so much. Y/N had more than 400 thousand followers on her TikTok account and all her videos reached an average of 150 thousand likes, in addition to the many comments saying how smart she was for having those ideas, her kindness in sharing them with the public and even complementing her beauty.
The girl spent hours of her day reading each one of them and interacting with fans as if they were best friends, always being very kind. She laughed her ass off at the comments from people who madly tagged the boys, especially Chris, as it was a well-known fact that he was her favorite - she loved to make that very clear.
Some fans even went so far as to say that if Chris was ever ready to get romantically involved with someone again, they wanted it to be with Y/N. The girl read that type of comment with a huge smile on her face and red cheeks, feeling honored. Although she imagined that the boys would never even notice her, she allowed herself to travel through the world of delusion from time to time.
So it was an understandment to say that she was super surprised when, after waking up on a typical Saturday and picking up her phone for the first time in the day before even getting out of bed - a bad habit of hers -, she saw the notifications in triple the volume of its normal.
She felt dizzy with so much information, trying to find in the midst of so many comments and messages what was really happening.
Finally, after traveling between her TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter for long minutes, she finally found it.
Chris Sturniolo had commented on her last video.
It was Friday, and the triplets had just returned home after finishing recording their new car video that would be posted in a few hours.
Chris was currently lying in his bed, the lights in his room dimmed, and the low noise coming from his phone filling the four walls.
The brunette was just getting ready to take a shower minutes ago, having opened his TikTok and scrolling through his For You for a few minutes, about to take off his clothes used in the filming, when a video of an unknown girl talking about himself caught his attention.
It was very normal to have videos of and about himself on his For You, after all, the hours over the last few years that he spent liking one video or another showed the algorithm that he liked this type of content. Edits and memes of him alone or with his brothers filled his app, and he spent enough time watching, laughing, liking, and, sometimes, reposting some of them.
But it wasn't normal for him to have a completely unknown person talking directly about him, with her face and voice exposed for the world while doing it. And what surprised him most was what she was talking about, that specific video being about different prints and colors that he could use in the next Fresh Love collection.
His blue eyes lingered too long on the girl's face, admiring her features, her sweet voice serving as a melody for his ears.
When Chris dragged his thumb from the right to the left of his screen, entering the girl's profile, he finally noticed her name.
"Y/N." His voice came out in a whisper, enjoying more than necessary how the name slipped off his tongue so easily.
His fingers wandered across the screen, going from one video to another, listening to the ideas carefully - even writing some down on his Notes app -, saving some in a separate folder and browsing the comments, only then realizing that practically all of them were from fans tagging him.
Laughter escaped his lips at some of the jokes the girl made every now and then, while fascination filled his eyes with the effort she put into each idea.
The sound of knocking against his bedroom door startled him, his body jumping as he turned sharply towards the source of it, Matt's head appearing between his door and the frame, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes traveled around the room briefly.
"You've been listening to this girl for so many hours that I thought she was here with you." Matt commented, opening the door wider and approaching Chris.
The youngest of the triplets rolled his eyes, suppressing the urge to lock his phone screen and keep Y/N all to himself, but she was well known in the fandom and her videos were about him and his brothers, the possibility of her content getting to them as quickly as it got to him was huge.
"It's a girl who appeared on my For You today. She makes videos of ideas for our channel and brands, can you believe it?" Chris looked at Matt as he showed his phone screen with Y/N's profile open. His eyes were wide with fascination, and his lips stretched into an enthusiastic smile.
Matt observed him for a few seconds, noticing his body language and the way he spoke about the girl, it was different from all the other times the boy commented about tiktokers or videos others made about them.
"Send me a video of her, I'll take a look later. Now go upstairs, I bought us something to eat."
Another Monday had arrived, and Y/N was looking for strength in her body to get out of bed and face another start of the week.
The thought that in a few hours, she would have a brand new Sturniolo Triplets podcast was what made her tackle her tasks.
Her eyes traveled to the time on her phone and to her notification bar every 10 minutes, as if she was expecting Nick to release the podcast earlier than usual - it was obvious that that wasn't going to happen.
After last Saturday, where she had woken up to a comment from none other than Christopher Sturniolo, her weekend was complete madness.
She spent hours staring at the little comment as her mind tried to process whether she was actually awake or still asleep and in a very good dream.
"loved the idea! it's noted ;)"
"it's noted"? What did that even mean? Did he actually write down her idea for future use? Should she be prepared to wake up some other day and see that he has launched a new collection with something she suggested in one of her videos?
And what made her go crazy the most was that Chris Sturniolo had seen her face, and not only that, he found her attractive enough and her idea creative enough to watch it until the end.
She spent almost the entire previous two days waiting for him to comment again, or even like one of her videos, but that didn't happen. Instead, Y/N received thousands of comments from fans going crazy with her about what happened. At least she had a good laugh with them.
Now, she was in her bedroom, the light from the movie playing on the TV was the only source of illumination. Y/N was lying in her bed, already in her pajamas and with her pre-bed cup of cappuccino on her lap, keeping her legs warm, her eyes on the television, but her mind somewhere else.
The sound of the YouTube notification came from her phone and Y/N had never moved so quickly, her hand taking the device out of her bedside table and unlocking the screen while muting the television, clicking on it with her thumb without even looking at the other notifications.
Her fingers worked on increasing the volume and screen brightness, setting it to the best resolution and getting comfortable on her bed, preparing to stay in that position for the next hour.
The podcast was already at minute 35, and Y/N felt her cheeks hurting from how much she was laughing at the topics brought up by the boys. Nick was especially funny that day, making Chris and Matt laugh at every moment.
In addition to the senseless fights that would arise between the three of them out of nowhere, which made Y/N roll her eyes playfully, already accustomed to their way with each other.
Until her big smile was replaced by an expression of a mixture of fright and surprise.
"Can we take a moment to talk about the intense crush Chris developed this weekend?" Nick interrupted Matt's laughter, taking a sip of his Doctor Pepper.
Chris turned abruptly to his brother, his eyes wide at the comment as he shook his head, almost begging through telepathy for him not to talk about that.
"It's true, Chris spent the weekend obsessing over a fan of ours who makes videos on TikTok with different ideas for our channel." Matt agreed, looking briefly at Nick while his hands moved the microphone support, pressing his lips together as he tried to suppress his laughter at Chris's reaction.
"Yeah, she is super pretty, and her ideas are very interesting. I think I only saw her profile once, but I listened to all her videos through Chris's phone." Nick continued, raising his right hand and directing his palm towards Chris, pretending to cover his figure with it and ignoring his desperate expression. "He literally spent the entire weekend watching her."
"Her name is Y/N. Search for her guys. We might even use one of her ideas on our next podcast." Matt added, his voice coming out low despite his mouth being almost glued to the microphone.
"You guys are horrible, I hate you." Despite the distance, the camera lens that focused on Chris's image captured his red cheeks as he tried to suppress a smile at the thought of the girl who took over his thoughts, rolling his eyes to his brothers.
"Now he will be silent for the next 10 minutes." Nick continued, amusement in his voice as he picked up his Space Camp watermelon lip balm, playing with the object in his hands.
"He's in love Nick, give him some credit." Matt mocked alongside the oldest triplet, a small smile on his face as his eyes watched his brother's reaction.
"Okay, next topic." Chris interrupted loudly, his voice cracking with embarrassment. He raised his arms and moved them from side to side exasperatedly, earning laughter from the other two, before Nick briefly passed his eyes on the document open on his laptop, starting the next topic.
"Oh my God." Y/N whispered, clicking once on the screen and dragging the small ball in the bottom bar to the left, going back a few minutes of the podcast and rewatching that specific part.
The girl repeated that action at least three more times, her brain still processing that Chris Sturniolo had been watching her TikToks all weekend - as if she were some kind of famous artist - and that, apparently, he was developing a mini crush on her as well.
Her heart was beating too fast to be normal as her cheeks burned, a red tinge taking over her skin. Goosebumps ran through her body as her fingers trembled slightly. Her jaw was already hurting from the time she held her mouth open, but no sound escaped from it.
A notification suddenly appearing at the top of the screen caught her eye, her right hand instantly flying to her mouth while her left hand lowered her phone, resting the device on her mattress.
Her eyes were now fixed on the wall in front of her bed, as her mind screamed at herself.
christopherturniolo sent you a direct message.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
Also, again, I'm thinking of making a tag list for my Sturniolo Triplets x reader, so if you want to be included in it and be tagged on every Sturniolo x reader that I post, comment here please! 🩷
Asked tags: @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @p1xieswrld @lovrejoana
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations 3!!!!
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Hi I'm back again but these ones are kinda like straight up opinions. Take what resonates! I'm not a professional, if anything I'm a goofy fella who constantly asks to see peoples charts.
Virgo Midheaven creates a very detailed oriented person with an immaculate image. Everything they put out is out together well, their plans to be successful are insanely planned out, and I've never seen one look messy.
Mercury in your Suns element explain the things best to you.
Asteroid Actor (12238) conjunct Ascendant could mean people don't believe you when you're being honest/your sincerity comes off as fake.
Heavy Aquarius placements may love watching long commentary videos. Especially drama breakdown videos with Leo in the mix. I am a victim of this ✊😔
A lot of squares in a natal chart can make an extremely chill person. Whatever inner tension they have makes them oddly calm and forgiving of other people. Especially Sun squaring Mars and or Jupiter, it kinda feels like a cancellation happens where there should be anger. They also may get picked on a lot.
Moon in 10th and 11th house are popular placements for success. Whatever attention you get, your moon sign will tell you what people love about you. Jupiter also tells the same thing, but a less tame affect. Examples can be Moon in Pisces means that your very intuitive when it comes to your audience, and they vibe with you because of that. Jupiter in Pisces could have people going crazy for your intuitiveness and you could be able to gauge how you get attention the easiest.
The most accurate description of a rising sign I've seen is Virgo Rising having Resting Bitch Face. They also age SO well. The stars really balanced it out for them.
Mars in Libra can make a very passive person in relationships, and the house can talk about the problems. They may not want to speak up/will try to appease their partners. Like if the partner wants a cat and the Libra is deathly allergic, they'd rather get the cat than tell their partner there's an issue.
If you're feeling a little lost and need direction, looking at your Vesta could be a good place to start. Vesta represents your undying flame and your spark, so it can help jump-start your passions. Vesta in 5th can point to taking up more creative hobbies such as writing, acting, drawing, or maybe taking care of kids, 6th means starting with a healthy routine, helping others, or volunteering with animals, 1st is taking care of yourself and your appearance, and making even spicing things up a little. All of this is of course depending on the sign.
Cancer Midheavens are the best at being able to gauge audiences/coworkers reactions to things. Although it may seem strange, they're nice in positions of management. Strict enough to make you listen but nice enough to understand if you can't make deadlines/can sense if you're burnt out.
I feel like I can make a billion posts on Saturn since it's one of my favorite planets, but here's a favorite: I'm not sure who said it (it could've been multiple, if anyone knows who I'm talking about leave their @ in the replies) but your chart ruler in a house can show where you may excel, but also have problems based on what body part it rules. A good example for me is Saturn in 5th Gemini, and I have wrist joint/bone issues caused by excessive drawing and writing. I also get a lot of compliments for my jaw so win/win scenario. Another not me example is your rising being Sagittarius, with Jupiter in 6th house. You could be a joyous person when it comes to taking care of people/yourself, with a stable routine that's a bit too rigorous and you could end up hurting your thighs in some way like pulling your hamstring, or just having really thick thighs and contributing it to your routine. S/o to you for that
Uranus in retrograde can point to bad technology skills. Probably the type of person to go "I hate technology" one minute then continue to giggle at memes on Twitter the next. Especially in Aquarius.
Gemini Midheavens/Mars need to do multiple things at once. So like if you're a writer, you might be your publisher as well or your editor, or even make your own book cover. If you do YouTube you'll be your own editor and script writer. If you're an actor you may act and director, the list can go forever. But doing at least 2 things seems to stop the jumping from project to project some Geminis may feel creatively.
I like describing North Node and Vertex as The path you're drawn to (NN) vs What path you're gonna get dragged down (V). Like you can ignore your north node if you want but vertex will force you to deal with it. Like if you have North Node in 4nd but Vertex in 8th. You could ignore any homebody nature, ignore your roots and any family life, but you will be forced to go through transformations, deaths and rebirths whether you like it or not, or even notice it.
Pisces suns kinda flock together, I've never seen one by themselves.
Oppositions to Mars can tell you what makes you quick to anger even if you're not a hot headed person. Mars Opposite Venus could be that you get upset when people criticize your style, love life or appearance. Mars Opposite Sun could mean you don't like when people criticize you period, and it may be very ego based.
Chiron in 1st house may be sore losers, and they don't like looking stupid, especially with positive planets in 9th house. They may need to learn how to deal with showing a bit of that Chiron side in a healthy way, since the 1st house is the thing people see first.
Your descendant could be the moon sign/element you get the most, especially in love.
Squares/Opposites to Neptune can show what illusions you need to break in order to get closer to your intuitive nature. Neptune Square Pluto could mean you need to go through a full transformation and rebirth. Neptune opposite Mars means you may need to deal with bouts of anger, realigning your passions and directing your energy in the proper direction.
Mars in Scorpio are the calmest mars sign of them all. Nothing really ever phases them to be honest, regardless of the house.
ALRIGHT these ones were deadass just things I've noticed. Might be a week or so till I post another one, but let me know if there's any topics you think I should cover next besides the Chiron one I'm planning. See you next time :)
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Quarter Finals - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
Vote for Shadow the Hedgehog
There seems to be some confusion in the notes. He is Catholic. It may not be explicit, but it can be inferred.
Shadow was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik, and for the early part of his life, lived with Gerald and his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik.
Robotnik is not a made-up name. Google Search results may only bring up pages related to the Robotniks of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, however, it is a rarely used Polish surname. Poland is a historically Catholic nation, and… come on. Maria is the most Catholic name ever. The Robotniks are Catholic. Shadow was created and raised by Catholics.
Now you may be wondering to yourself: Does Catholicism even exist in Sonic? The answer is yes, at least in the Archie comics, where Protestants are explicitly mentioned.
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Couple this with the fact that several characters, including Shadow, have canonically taken the Lord’s name in vain, it is reasonable to infer that Christianity, and therefore Catholicism, exists.
So… while Shadow’s own religious beliefs may not have been explicitly addressed… at minimum:
Catholic is a cultural designation that Shadow will always be allowed to claim based on the family that made him.
Whether he’d actually want to claim that designation is a different conversation, but the other propaganda does a fine job of explaining why it may be appropriate to headcanon him as a practicing Catholic.
Now that we’ve established that Shadow has as much of a right to be in this tournament as anyone else, there’s one very important reason you should vote for him:
It would be funny if he won.
Thank you.
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Essays are done!! Here’s some Shadow propaganda because the propaganda we currently have sucks and I need to fix that. While yes, Shadow being Catholic is a meme, there is more to outside of the simple “fandub said so” and its not quite stated its Catholicism but just how he behaves and his actions. There’s a lot of Sonic content so I will try to keep this brief. Gonna get headcanons out of the way.
Shadow is Chilean and so are Maria and Gerald Robotnik because I fucking say so and they’re Catholic. He definitely had un rosario next to his like. Bed or test tube whatever he slept in. So did Maria btw. Alright let’s move on because I am 100% correct.
Let’s start with some background for Shadow. Shadow was created as a cure for a girl called Maria and he grew to care for her as a sister and loved her deeply. He was artificially created but still holds a soul that is similar to Maria’s. Long story short, Maria is killed protecting Shadow who watches as she’s shot in front of him. He has his memories tampered by Maria’s grandfather, Gerald, who manipulates him into carrying out revenge on the Earth, even if Shadow ends up as collateral.
Shadow struggles with frequent identity crises, even before Maria’s death and always wondered what his purpose was, what he was made to do. Was he a weapon? Was he a cure? He’s the Ultimate Lifeform, but what does that truly mean? ? He’s Shadow, but what more is there to him? He doesn’t know what his purpose is other than what others have prescribed to him, and he guides himself through the will of others (something that he breaks through afterwards but not yet). Shadow at his core is self-sacrificing and constantly punishes himself. This is where you can see some of that good old guilt that everyone has been using as propaganda, but we also see someone who is giving and kind.
He is snarky in the game, especially when interacting with Sonic, but he’s having what is essentially an ongoing mental breakdown but keeps moving because it is his duty to his sister. He doesn’t believe himself important enough to continue on after her and sees it in himself to act out on “Maria’s wishes”. After the revelation that Maria’s final wish for Shadow was for him to make those on Earth happy and to protect them, he immediately sacrifices himself to do so.
Okay, that’s a lot and you’re probably asking “Okay, you mentioned he is a giving person and yeah he has guilt, but that’s not really Catholicism” and yes you would be right! So let’s go into the more important part of being Catholic. The charity, the community, the kindness, etc. Shadow is a very reserved person and has the habit of being a dumb teenager because well. Yeah. Anyways, he definitely has a soft spot for those he cares about and while his whole arc (in my opinion) is about finding the freedom of self-autonomy, it is also Shadow growing as a person and deciding not to save people because others have told him he needs to, but because he wants to. It is born from his soul and its his nature to care for people. It is who he is, and he knows it now. He’s not doing it because he’s a hero or because he is told to do so. Shadow is a very giving person and I think people tend to forget about that especially due to bad writing from the past decade or so. He is also stated to help out at food shelters and volunteers a lot. He is proud and a bit prickly, but he cares so deeply about those he loves. He is stronger with his loved ones and will always do his best to protect them. These are minor, yeah, but you don’t need sweeping and enormous acts to get attention for the good deeds you do. Most of what you apply of Catholicism is done at the personal level, between your friends, family, and community.He also goes to Mass whenever he can and if he can’t he goes to the capilla and also does the sign of the cross whenever he runs by a church. Cutting this off because this is already 740-ish words and I had to send these across multiple asks I am so sorry Catholic mod
I'm pretty sure you've already got plenty of submissions for her so I'll just say she was raised in what is basically a cult (technically a nunnery but let's be real) dedicated to keeping the body of the thing that will kill God behind the rock. One of their prayers is actually "I pray the rock is never rolled away". Harrow is extremely devout as penance for her earlier heretical actions in the tomb as a child (spoiler!) so the Catholic guilt really comes through
imagine being a catholic nun and you meet god, but it turns out he’s a twitch streamer from new zealand who became god because everything got a little bit out of hand. and just before you met him you gave yourself a diy grief-fuelled lobotomy with the help of your best frenemy. imagine how insane you’d be. now multiply that insanity by nine. that’s the fictional love of my life right there.
she meets god. she’s not inspired
she’s number one practitioner of space Catholicism. The locked tomb is chock full of Christian (catholic) imagery themes metaphors etc. just look at her she’s got a bone rosary
They're Catholicism with extra bones. Everyone is a nun. They have what is basically a rosary made from knuckle bones. They technically worship the same God as everyone else, but they're waaaay more focused on The Body in the Tomb (Mary) and we get a moment where we find out that while everyone else prays the equivilent of The Lords Prayer, they're doing the equivilent of Hail Mary. And they paint their faces with skulls.
She thinks leaving dry bread in a drawer is taking care of someone. She's in love with a 10,000 year old corpse (the same one they worship). She spent ALL NIGHT digging with her bare hands to make sure a field had bones every 5 feet so she could fight her girlfriend - I mean, greatest enemy. Spoiler territory: She's been puppeting her parents corpses since she was 8 years old. Instead of grieving her dead girlfriend, she gives herself a lobotomy. She makes soup with bone in it so she can use the bone IN THEIR STOMACH to try and kill them.
The author is/was Catholic and the entire series had heavy Catholic overtones. https://www.tor.com/2020/08/19/gideon-the-ninth-young-pope-and-the-new-pope-are-building-a-queer-catholic-speculative-fiction-canon/ A good breakdown of how it's Catholic
Anti-propaganda (spoilers)
I love the Locked Tomb series but Harrowhark has daddy issues with God, had a childhood crush on God's cryogenic partner, and is in love with God's daughter, not to mention that she's essentially a bone-bender. The religion on her home planet exists in a way that is technically against the will of the canon in-universe God, even. All of this to say, Harrowhark is heretical at minimum if not an outright witch. Terrible Catholic. Burn her.
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vaplord · 11 months
What is Choir? Long story short, Choir started as a dating sim I wanted to create. Then it was made into a fighting game and a multi-story series around late 2022, which is what the series is known today. The lore and world of this story are surprisingly complicated, as each story has different characters and settings, but they are all connected and overlap. The series is in heavy development and will probably be made into a visual novel series in the far future. The story’s name was changed from Novialexi to Choir in 2023.
What’s the purpose of this? This directs you to any Choir media possible; I’ll keep updating this. Note that I will not add any art since all Choir art is on my Toyhouse. This is just Choir-related media organized that’s made easy for you and me.
What are the languages? Most Choir stuff will be posted in English, but miscellaneous things will be posted in Chinese since they serve little to no importance; plus, they are just ramblings that I randomly thought of. Posts in Chinese will be posted on Twitter due to the translation feature provided. It will also have a (CH) mark next to it.
Crossovers These are crossovers between Choir and my favourite media; there isn’t a lore to connect them as they are something I do purely for fun. I produce these more than the actual Choir lore, so I hope you don’t mind.
Rosenrot and Youji Sakiyama (Sweet Pool) 
Shan and Towa (Slow Damage)
Towa meets almost all my OCS
Lore-related These are where the real deal comes in; I don’t need to explain much since these are all canon events that happened in Choir. Note that there might be mistakes made about the order. Otherwise, I will try my best to put them in canon order. 
Nothing yet
Non-lore-related: These are character developments, scenarios, etc. There could also be some explanations for why certain situations happened or why does a certain character behaves their way. 
Nothing yet
Silly These are jokes, memes, and dumb shit I made for my own entertainment. Don’t take anything shown here seriously. 
Choir characters read Omegaverse
Choir posting 1
Luka’s eyepatch
Miscellaneous These are things I don’t know which category they belong to, or I feel like they are too useless to be counted as non-lore-related. They can also be ramblings.
Useless facts about Akira
Did we make it?
Rambling: Choir as the Lychee Hikari Club cast (CH)
Inspirations and early works These are early works archived onto the web of Choir and my ramblings about the inspiration behind certain Choir elements. Any outdated works will also be moved here. Overall, I am just sharing how the Choir has developed throughout the years.
Early Choir 1
Rambling that doesn’t deserve to be here but somehow did 1
Websites These are websites you can visit for more Choir information.
Retrospring (Ask my OCs)
Pinterest (OC mood boards)
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Marketing Execs
When I’m having a particularly bad day and really need to get my mind off something, I have a little trick, and I have Tumblr to thank for it.
I mean, you look at a lot of media by a lot of the big individuals and a lot of what you find is fairly formulaic stuff. Some of it’s good. Some of it’s bad. But all of it is very clearly micromanaged by a bunch of executives looking at a spreadsheet and saying, “This is what The Young People want. This is what will make us money”.
The problem for them is that their whole model’s out of date, and has been since the internet. Once upon a time, they could reinforce the formula through the only way we The Young People ever got to hear about anything new that we might like - radio, TV, magazines. And then the internet came along and you could type something into a search engine and find the official site ... but also a lot of fan-made sites by people who were into it which often pointed to the other things they were into. Yeah, those sites were cringe, often badly coded on Geocities ... but we got a bigger window to the world than most companies wanted us to have, because they wanted to control what consumers thought was cool as much as possible and suddenly people were just ... sharing what random shit they thought was cool, and people were getting into those things rather than just jumping on The Next Big Thing.
Thing is, even when we got into the social media space, The Almighty Algorithm allowed MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter to reinforce the formula. Tumblr, on the other hand ... we’ve called it a lot of things. The Last Wild Frontier of the Internet; the whale carcass that sinks to the abyssopelagic zone of the internet to feed the deep-dwellers there, all kinds of weird analogies. Fact is that it’s just never been that level of profitable. The algorithm attempts never worked here. The format’s wrong for it, and people use it for things that just aren’t profitable in that way. And yeah, we celebrate fandoms, but we also create new ones, beautiful and impermanent as soap bubbles, for the most random fucking shit.
So sometimes, when I’m feeling particularly grumpy and need to start thinking about something else for my sanity, I imagine a marketing team assigned to monitor Tumblr, reporting back to their team lead, and the team lead asks, “...What are they obsessing about this week?” Just because I love the mental image of what happens when the answer is something like, “Sea shanties, The Cask of Amontillado, and this guy who sold substandard copper a couple of milennia ago”. Imagine a marketing department who lives to tick the boxes on a marketing spreadsheet trying to find some way of making bank on something like “Out Of Touch Thursday”. Or trying to figure out what exactly The Young People are trying to say about the viability and direction of the Star Wars franchise in the wake of “Live Slug Reaction” memes.
Seriously, next time you’re depressed or angry, just look at whatever weird and wacky bullshit is on your Tumblr at the moment and imagine someone trying to explain it to a marketing exec. We don’t feel like we have a lot of power in the grand scheme of things, but by the gods we can frustrate people who want to make us little more than a demographic to which to sell shit.
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allthingslinguistic · 3 years
Tumblr media
I’m honoured to have received the Linguistic Society of America’s Language, Linguistics, and the Public Award this year! 
Here is the (lightly edited) text of the acceptance speech which I gave on January 13, 2021 at the virtual awards ceremony. 
Thank you, and thank you all for being here. 
I'd like to say a few words about why we have things like the Linguistics, Language and the Public Award. 
I think most of us agree that we want to live in a world where people know what linguistics is and how it's relevant to their lives.
Where young people know what linguistics is BEFORE they happen to stumble into a linguistics class. Where senior people like administrators, and funding agencies, and governments are like "Oh yeah, linguistics! We want to help you do more of it!" Where you can say "I'm a linguist" at a party (in the future when we go to parties again) and not have someone reply "Wait, what is that?" 
The public engagement that this award recognizes, and which it has recognized for the past several decades -- that's what gets us to the point where people recognize that linguistics is cool before they enter our departments and classrooms, even if they never enter our departments and classrooms. 
But public engagement is also a lot of work -- writing a blog post, pitching an op ed, doing an interview on radio or a podcast, let alone setting up your whole own project -- these take time and effort. And we get tired. 
Especially this year, we're. all. so. tired. 
And one of the most tiring things is how the academic system isn't set up to reward this kind of public engagement work, even though its funding, its new students, its contribution to society in general -- that's all dependent on people communicating between the academy and the world outside it 
So what I want to say is this. You may not be able to change your own incentives, you may not be able to change the fact that the people above you in the system might not recognize your public engagement work. 
But what you can do, is change the incentives for the people coming up behind you. If you're in charge of students, you can make part of the work that they'd need to do for you, that you'd need to assess for them anyway, you could make some part of that re-explaining a core concept in lay terms, adding academic citations to Wikipedia, doing linguistic interviews with their local community and bringing back the findings in a relevant way. 
If you're involved in hiring or tenure and promotion, you can decide to count public engagement work as actual work, you can choose to pick a candidate who writes articles and then also tells people about them over a candidate who has a few more publications but keeps them locked up out of sight in prestigious but closed-access journals. 
If you're giving advice to people who are considering careers in linguistics, you can point to the good that they can do with a linguistics degree outside academia. You can stay in touch with your linguist friends and colleagues and alumni who go into industry so that there isn't just one kind of mentorship and networking that you know how to provide. 
You can even change the incentives of people next to you by recognizing and supporting your peers who are doing public engagement projects -- and to that end, I'd like to thank Lauren Gawne, my collaborator on many of these projects, as well as all of the twitter and tumblr linguists who have been linguisting in public with me for these many years. One of the most rewarding parts of this job is getting to share your memes and jokes and creations, and feeling like introducing people to linguistics isn’t just teaching them about an academic field, it’s bringing them into a community. 
This award is given to me, but it's not created by me. It was set up initially by linguists who were trying to change the incentive system, linguists who I may never even meet, and it’s continued every year by linguists who nominate other linguists for it as a way of trying to change the incentive system, by giving people a line on an academic CV, by making public linguistics more visible, by giving people like me the platform to make a speech like this. But the people who do this incentive shifting work in the background often don't get that sort of flashy recognition that they're advocating for on behalf of others. And this is true of all of the awards tonight, whether we're recognizing students, or community linguistics, or many other things. 
I'm humbled that in a year where we all really had LOTS of other things to think about -- really, SO MANY other things to think about, even just to keep up basic functioning -- people still decided to keep these awards running. People still kept trying to build the future for linguistics that we all want to see, not just when we can finally see each other in person again and hug our friends at a future LSA, but long into the future.
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otherspeciel · 3 years
Otherkin and the public eye
If otherkin are to be understood and respected, they need to be "popular," to a degree. Walmart doesn't have to sell otherkin merch, but more people have to know about them. This post is me just taking about how that could happen.
Just a note:
1. I'm alterhuman/otherkin myself, I’m part of every group mentioned in this post
2. I'm very interested in numbers, trends, optics, etc, and that's what this post is talking about
3. If this is weird or hard to understand, please let me know and I can rephrase/clarify parts that are confusing
4. I’m really bad at terminology, I’m sorry, it’s never clicked with me. I did my best to get everything right, but there might be mistakes.
As a method to spread awareness of otherkin, I propose a flurry of posts on Tiktok and Twitter that will give a desirable image of the community. I say Tiktok because it lets posts be spread to enormous amounts of people in a very short amount of time, and Twitter because of the way communities are formed on that platform, and because movements across two platforms generally do better.
Points I’d like to make:
What should the community look like
What types of posts should be made
1. What should the community look like:
First, I’d like to explain that I’m not interested in censoring/neutering the community. I’m not against the community having an image that in places is unpleasant to outsiders. I just don’t see why the image needs to be unpleasant in ways that aren’t fundamental to the community. To use furries as an example, I’m totally against denying the nsfw aspect of the community. Lots of furries like nsfw, and it’s a part of the fandom that shouldn’t be erased. “Marketing” furries correctly, to me, would not look like denying the 18+ side of the fandom, it would look like making sure that when people see a fursuit for the first time, it’s a pretty fursuit.
Looking at areas where non-otherkin interact with us, I’ve noticed they seem to disagree mostly with the ideas that otherkin are their kintype, that kintypes are involuntary, that otherkin are free to act as their kintype, and that otherkin experience dysphoria. I respect/believe all of those ideas, and in fact I want the community to be more popular so that more people respect/believe them as well.
That being said, I think an image of the community needs to be constructed that is palatable, in the sense that it is easy to understand and spread. If someone says they are otherkin, there should be an idea in people’s minds of what that means, and how they can respect that, and any way that someone’s needs might differ should be simple to address.
Take the transgender community as an example. Though being transgender can be complicated, and there’s lots of room for discussion of that, the idea of the community can be expressed simply as “trans women are women, trans men are men, and nonbinary people are nonbinary.” That doesn’t compromise on any fundamental part of the community, and doesn’t hold the community back by being unclear, hard to understand, etc. There is also a simple understanding of “what to do” when someone is trans, especially on twitter, thanks to threads like this: https://twitter.com/jaysaltx/status/1389683863262310404?s=20.
So, what should the community look like? Here are some superficial things that cause friction:
Not being accepting of ideas surrounding mental illness. Most of the time I see people upset at otherkin it’s because of the way they behave around people with psychosis, dissociative disorders, personality disorders, etc. This could be resolved by explicitly being supportive of people who otherkin are typically thought to harm, and respecting the wishes of people in those communities.
Being super nitpicky/”toxic.” Nine out of ten times I see people who aren't otherkin talking bad about otherkin, it’s because they associate “kinning” with a time on Tumblr where people would get called out/harassed for minor issues, things like friend disagreements or doubles. It would do the community well to be portrayed as a place where if you get something wrong, you are gently corrected/(“educated”) rather than “harassed.”
Liking Danganronpa? I’ve heard people being referred to as “Danganronpa kinnies” like a thousand times, and it’s never positive, so maybe just use other media as an example for fiction kin.
And here are some things that people like about the community:
Being able to label themselves/ find a sense of identity
The way kintypes affect gender
Demi-humanity: catboy/girls, dogboy/girls, vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc
My strategy would be to simply lean away from those things that cause friction, and towards things that people enjoy.
2. Types of posts that could be made:
-Infographics/informational pictures. These get spread everywhere, and, if done right, are easy to understand.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-Flags/twibbons/symbols. People like them
-Slogans? Common phrases? If you notice someone saying something that’s short, clear, and easy to understand, repeat it
-Memes especially are important, think about how well “starter pack” memes were able to create an image of groups of people
Twitter specific:
-Informational threads, so so many of them
-”Otherkin promote yourself” posts (also just good for support in general)
-Hashtags (for art, promotion, or just in general.)
Tiktok specific:
-POVs, memes, normal Tiktok stuff
-Videos centered around common kintypes?
That’s all I have to say for now. If there’s more interest, I’ll go into more detail. Thanks for reading, & I’d be interested to hear what y’all think!
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star-anise · 4 years
I don't know if this is crossing boundaries to ask so feel free to ignore, but do you have any advice for someone with rejection-sensitive dysphoria, an intolerance for ambiguity and a history of social ostracization / access to the In-Group being dependent on Some Unsafe Shit for figuring out where one stands with an online social circle? Like, if one really feels like they're being neglected / put on a shelf, but doesn't know how to address it without receiving platitudes that it's not
(insecurity ask cont.) Really that bad / wasn't intentional / sure they still LIKE one they just kept happening to be busy at the time - etc. Basically figuring a way through the situation if one doesn't want to do what the Anxiety wants, which is cut run and self isolate, but doesn't find the allistic normative reassurance of "oh no we really do want you around sweaty : )" reassuring or helpful in the least.
This is a live topic of discussion in my friend-groups, since my close social circle is like 95% people with a history of being bullied, serious brainweasels* around social shit and rejection, ASD and/or ADHD, and seriously geeky social skills. So my response is not like, “We have a Method! It works! I’m patenting it!” nearly so much as “Um... this is what seems not to have exploded too badly so far.” And I’m answering this publicly rather than privately because other people have useful things to contribute too. 
*(Brainweasel = little nasty thing that eats your brain)
(Like seriously if anyone DOES have A Method I’m all ears because I still do the self-isolation self-destruct way too easily)
Anyway. THE GOOD STUFF (which got really long):
I’ve personally found that it helps to make it really clear to people that if something is wrong, I want to know. I literally say, “My personal definition of Hell is when I think I’m having a happy fun time with a friend who is enjoying themselves, but in reality, I’m annoying them and they secretly resent me for it. Please don’t put me in that situation.”  It’s kind of the opposite of asking for validation--it’s trying to reduce my own emotional hypervigilance, and also shifting the burden of dealing with the problem to the other person. Now, if they find me annoying, they have to do something about it--either spend less time with me, or let me know what’s up.
Asking for things and saying “No is an okay answer!”
Being open about my wants and needs while also letting people know how much I’m willing to compromise. “I don’t know what anybody else is feeling, but for dinner I have a mild preference for pizza,” or “I’m in the kind of mood where I basically want someone to talk to about this creative project for an hour in a really intense, informed, and interested way that also doesn’t step on my creative vision’s toes, or I don’t want to talk about it at all. So unless someone really wants to talk about it, how’s the weather?”
If you can find people who are geeks about feelings and have done a lot of introspection and can be very honest, and basically didn’t think that Twitter thread about asking friends for consent for emotional labour was a bad thing? That’s probably going to help, since when you’re all in the middle of dealing with moderate-to-severe brainweasels that is the kind of wrangling that needs to happen.
Hacking into Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, if you can do it. I’ve had to explain to several people now: DBT is fundamentally about trying to unlearn you from a system of If I Only Behave A Certain Way, Life Will Finally Work Out, to having a more flexible, more adaptive set of skills that you can see in a kind of pro/con fashion and decide which of life’s sucky parts you’d rather deal with because it gets you your preferred set of upsides. The problem is: DBT kind of presents itself as a system of If You Only Behave A Certain Way, Life Will Finally Work Out! So especially for my Autistic friends, doing DBT, while useful, involves considerable arguing with the system, deciding which of it works for you and which of it doesn’t, and hacking it apart and rearranging it in your own idiosyncratic way. This isn’t actually failing to do DBT, it’s using the methods DBT teaches you on DBT itself. 
Finding a therapist who can treat baseline-neurodivergent LGBTQ+ nerds with complex trauma IS difficult, but not impossible. Not every therapist can do it. (I personally am considering giving up finding one in my city, and making use of the temporary relaxation of restrictions on distance practice across jurisdictional boundaries thanks to COVID-19 and phoning up my old therapist a province over.) If you can’t get a personal recommendation, I recommend literally cold-emailing about a half-dozen likely suspects from Psychology Today or Theravive and asking them, “Do you have any training or experience in treating [geeks/adults with complex trauma/queer people/whatever has made therapists act like cats with boots on around you before]?”
To wildly veer back to your original question
Imagine something that someone could do for you that would make you feel warm and loved. Something that would take a minute or less to do. When you’re feeling unloved, say “I’m feeling down, could anyone do [this thing] for me?” That’s literally why I ask people to show me cat pictures--I have times when I feel sad and alone and like the entire world hates me, and that’s a VERY big feeling for anyone to step in and fill, so instead? I ask for cat pics.
This, I should add, required going back into my trauma memories and deprogramming the origin of my Nice Things Are Evil Poison If I Asked The Person To Be Nice To Me brainweasel. Which is part of why I’m so insistent on asking people not to put me in my personal Hell situation.
Like, sometimes with my clients, we literally create a restaurant menu of Things People Could Do If They Wanted To Be Nice To Me, ranging from cheap $5 items like cat pics and memes to $200 bottles of wine that would be getting married and taking out a mortgage together. Sometimes we talk Love Languages just to go through several different sensory modalities. Then, if creating that menu wasn’t scary enough, they start telling their friends what’s on the list. “I really like things with dragons on them” or "I love to know when somebody’s thinking of me even when I’m not there” or “I really wish I had someone to watch movies with”. This reduces the cognitive load if somebody wants to reach out to you but doesn’t know how.
Relatedly: If you’re in a bad mood and doing something to self-regulate, you might consider letting people know what’s going on. People who are merely being civil might interpret “I’m feeling terrible about myself today” as “You are now socially obligated to blow smoke up my ass”; moderating the statement with a positive attempt to make things better, like “I’m focusing on my shoes a lot today because I feel like crap but they make me happy” or “I’m going to go try to shake this awful mood with Netflix” removes that pressure because it’s a problem with a built-in solution, so they’re not socially impolite if they ignore it. If people want to be emotionally closer to you, it opens the door for them to either ask about your problem, or contribute to your solution (”Oooh, I do like those shoes”) (”Have you seen this new series?”).
Okay so
Here’s the other thing
When you’re used to the one being rejected, you can spend SO much energy trying to make relationships work, and when they don’t, you just kind of shut down and fall over
What if (if you scraped together enough spare Cope) you said to yourself, “Whatever is going on--whether it’s them, or me, or whatever--I am not getting my needs met, so I’m going to back away from them a bit and focus on finding something new? They may not be evil or bad, but I’m going to downgrade them on my priority list.”
Like I’m just saying: Think about it. Every once in a while it’s possible it isn’t your fault, but the other person... just isn’t up to being the kind of friend you need right now, and no effort of yours can improve them at this time, so you’re going to let them shape up if they can but start focusing your attention elsewhere.
I realize that’s like the social equivalent of asking a homeless person to dip into their savings and start a business. But, just... sometimes you just need better friends.
Okay, it’s 2am and I’ve run out of ideas. Anyone else?
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dreamautonomy · 3 years
Thank you, thank you for the tag @fanarain. I took my time with this. I swear, I got to find a tag game to share with my followers and those I follow. @dreamautonomy needs more love and activity. 😭
I will answer questions about @dreamautonomy (my main that’s not officially a main) and @defectiveconantoy (my more popular Tumblr).
1. Why did you choose your url? I came up with the name Dream Autonomy waaaaay back in 2008. At the time, I was inspired by Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration (TPD), where he explained that one must go through anxiety and psychological tension to achieve autonomy and true individuality. In my teens, I dreamt of independence and autonomy, to live on my own terms and break away from society’s rat race. I still do to this day.
For my DCMK stuff, I’ve considered the name Conanology, but someone on Twitter took it. I wanted something witty. Then, I stumbled upon that Reddit post with the counterfeit Conan and Ayumi action figures. They looked so ridiculous and badly made it’s almost a joke. The thread’s first comment: perfect as a funny username. Unfortunately, defectiveconan was already taken here, so I settled with defectiveconantoy (also nicknamed by me as DFCT - DeFective Conan Toy) instead.
2. Any side blogs? @relaxwithanime because there’s a lot of relaxing anime, and I want to showcase relaxing anime scenes. @sillydogpictures, which has no posts. I wanted to show pictures of dogs with intentionally or unintentionally silly faces. 🐶
3. How long have you been on tumblr? It’s complicated! I began lurking back in 2010 or 2011 but didn’t create an account until 2014 with the original dreamautonomy, now the defunct @olddreamautonomy. I never used it until mid or late 2020.
I made @defectiveconantoy back in October 2020 because I considered participating in the DCMK Secret Santa event. I eventually decided not to, as I was busy with school and coping with the pandemic. I didn’t need more deadlines then.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Nope! I should make one once I learn how.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? I planned to use @dreamautonomy as a creative blog for posting photography, graphic design, food and travel stuff, motivational stuff, and more. Never happened!
DFCT was made for Detective Conan and Magic Kaito fandom stuff, nothing else.
Stupid me made @defectiveconantoy a completely separate account, even after realizing minutes later that I could have made it a side blog. Oh well! I mostly use Tumblr for fandom stuff nowadays, so I deleted my old Dream account and made a new account as a side blog under @defectiveconantoy. Now, I no longer have to use different apps and browsers for both blogs. Life is good!
6 . Why did you choose your icon/pfp? For Dream, I chose Retsuko from Aggretsuko. That scene wonderfully represents the agony of one’s twenties: working miserable jobs, not being taken seriously, and wishing life was more fulfilling than the average adult life. There she is being “one of us” on a Sunday by lying in bed and scratching her butt. 😂
And for DFCT, how could I not post action Conan from The Fist of Blue Sapphire with the counterfeit action figure’s head replacing the original Conan’s head? 🤣
7. Why did you choose your header? For Dream, because Retsuko’s bouncing her little tail off. For DFCT, because Ran is precious in that scene, all soft and shy.
8. What's your post with the most notes? @defectiveconantoy’s set of GIFs from the Ferris Wheel scene in the Episode ONE special. And that’s my original post. I’ve reblogged even more popular stuff by others.
9. How many mutuals do you have? About a dozen.
10. How many followers do you have? @dreamautonomy: 9 (Most are p*rn bots I’ve reported for spam and blocked. Have no idea WTF I did to attract them.). @defectiveconantoy: 175!! 😁
11. How many people do you follow? 72!
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? I don’t know. I think I only post relevant memes.
Here am I typing this after spending years confusing shitposts with really funny, sometimes offensive memes. I’m still confused about the meaning of a shitpost. I’m not very trend or meme savvy.
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? About 10-20 times a day, usually through my phone app.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Over ten years ago on websites that Tumblr, Twitter, etc. long replaced in popularity. Even then, I’ve usually been a lurker for most of my life and rarely engaged in arguments or debates. Whenever I did, I regret it to this day. I looked stupid (everyone did, actually). What a waste of time!
I wish I hadn’t forgotten about Detective Conan back in 2004. The DCMK Tumblr fandom is chill and AWESOME! I wonder what the fandom was like back in the 2000s.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts? Ehh…it depends. If it’s something most or everyone agrees with, I might reblog it. I don’t know about you, but such posts often bring the rebel in me. If you say, “REBLOG IT,” I say, “Ehh! Nope.” 😋 Anyway, life is short. I’d rather stick to fandom and humor, things that unite people and make them smile.
16. Do you like tag games? Of course! That’s how I get to know everyone. I should initiate tag games and tag all of you.
17. Do you like ask games? YES! I should start ask games as well.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is [tumblr] famous? We interrupt this program to give mad props to that nicely formatted Tumblr logo-fied text. 👌
Aaaanyway, I won’t name names. Some are Tumblr famous for different reasons, and that’s what matters. We all contribute different things while being under the same main fandom, ships, arcs, and adaptations aside.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? No! Why ruin this nice little Tumblr space for drama? It’s not worth having a crush on people you’ve never met face-to-face imo. I’m not repeating my teenage mistakes.
20. Tags: anyone happy to participate! 😁
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3d, 5d and 5n? :)
3d. Rank the endings (for one game of your choice or the true endings of the 3 games)
In terms of all games, I think I would rank 999 ending > VLR ending > ZTD ending.
However, each one of them gave me a different experience so I really enjoy them as a whole package. For example, when I finished VLR, I felt I needed more. The experience had been so intense that I wanted to play ZTD right away. On the other hand, ZTD's true ending made me feel very introspective, even if the writting felt lacking sometimes.
I ranked 999's ending higher because I feel like 999, in general, felt more concise and it had my favourite cast. I loved the epilogue and how the game could simply end there and not even have a sequel. It felt like a complete game by itself. Of course I was a bit desperate with the situation between Akane and Junpei, and how they ended up in separate ways, but it felt fitting.
As for VLR I really enjoyed the plot twist. I felt the true ending was a bit too long, like a never ending ride, but, despite the confusion, I enjoyed the general explanation of it. I also enjoyed the sad tone of the story, and I absolutely loved some of the reflections from the another time (even if not considered as canon).
However, the game asked for more.
And there's where ZTD enters. I had some problems getting used to the cinematics of the game and the characters, and, at the time I played, some things felt weird, like how suddenly it seemed so simple to just shift. As for the ending, I really like how it was put as a moral dilemma, a ZERO TIME DILEMMA, in fact, the situation of shifting (not sure if to think that the shifting until then had been made too easy, or it was purposedly used so that only later they had to face the fact that they doomed their other selves). The ending made me think a lot about how, despite them being alive at the end, despite this seemingly good turn of events, it still felt all like a gamble, as the begining of the game. In the end we didnt' even know the identity of the terrorist, and they still doomed their first ending iteration, for their last iteration (which has the trauma from playing the decision game).
Delta's character is generally a source of memes due to his quotes, but his words still left some marks. His whole plan was convoluted. It's almost like the second nonary game, but here the multiple timelines had to happen in order for this future to come true, and for him and Phi to exist.
I also love the ending theme and it plays very well, complementing this interminable dilemma mood the characters live through. I also love how, in the end, we can interpret Delta as a character portraying the player: "One of Delta's motivations for creating the Decision Game: he can't shift himself, but can read the minds of those who experienced other timelines, and was interested in learning about them. Given that Delta is technically the Player Character, this is probably a meta-narrative commentary on player curiosity" (taken from ZTD TV tropes).
So in the end this was all to say that, despite liking 999's ending better for how solid it seemed to me, the other games' endings also deserve a lot of credit for their worth.
(I didn't know the ranking was for the endings of all games or one in specific so I went with this, but I may try to rank for a specific game later).
5d. Do you consider Another Time to be canon? If so, do you have any theories on ?'s identity
I think at the time I finished ZTD I found that Another Time was not considered canon. Nevertheless I really liked its contents so I like to pick elements from it and incorporate in canon. One of my favourite part of it is Tenmyouji’s thoughts on this plan of jumping to the past and change it. The bikers’ story is one of my favourites there and I felt it was a message about how, despite losing Akane, he found Quark along his journey in this doomed timeline, and how, even if their plan works, this timeline still exists. There is also a possibility that the transporter was hinted with Alice and Clover’s conversation, but not sure if that was the alternative or not.
About ?’s identity, I think my favourite take is the player. Because the player is an irregular identity in the game. To get the Another Time, the player has to achieve certain goals, such as collecting the golden files. The player can play with timelines as much as they want since they can jump through the flowchart freely and they even command Sigma’s action through the game (which can explain the way sometimes he was surprised with his vote during the Nonary Game). And I believe it refers to the player coming from the true ending of ZTD, but this is merely speculation...
Since Delta could be meta commentary about the player, I also liked to think he could be involved in this, but since he can’t shift , it’s much improbable. However I like how there is a link with how the end of ZTD is Carlos pointing the gun at him, which represents a situation of danger that could trigger a shift.
Other than this, I think I haven’t thought much about it. I may have read some theories some time ago, but I don’t remember them now...
5n. Do you have any fanart/fanfic/fangame recommendations?
Fanart is probably what I consume the most. I really love @/keycrash’s works, @/kisschasey’s portraits of Snake, @/caelytrix, the way @/aestheticcannibal portrays Kyle and Dio, @/i0n4 and much more artists. I always try to reblog the amazing works I find from the fandom and sorry for not listing more, nor any work in specific.
Twitter is also a very good media to find a lot of good ZE fanarts. Not all of them are tagged, but generally searching the ZeroEscape tag allows you to find very cool works, along with other tweets and memes.
Now, on fanfiction I can’t really give much recommendations because I haven’t read many. I mainly read some from Zecret Santa event. I remember enjoying the one I got about Tenmyouji and Quark because I really love their wholesome relationship. Link here
There’s also one I once started to read but didn’t finish due to lack of time, but which was VLR’s story told from Phi’s POV and I found the idea extremely interesting although I still haven’t read it. It’s pretty long too. Link here
Now for an idea which concept I feel it’s funny and interesting: I once found one that was a Nonary game in the IKEA. I actually haven’t read it but at the time I thought it was a really funny idea. Link here
I’ve only read the first recommendation, but thought I should leave the other two, as they seem interesting and funny.
Sorry for the long post and the delay in replying. I also apologize for any mistake I made. I’m a bit tired but I really wanted to finish this post.
And thank you for the asks. I really enjoyed the question about Another Time and, although I’m pretty bad at ranking things, I like discussing and going through the games’ content again.
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Saturn Square Uranus & Cryptocurrencies
We have spoken in detail on Saturn Uranus square and I have drawn parallels to Napster of 1999/2000 to crypto’s of current times. Napster which was born and litigated during the last Saturn Square Uranus transit which happens every 22 years, was also litigated in the same transit. I wanted to get very clear on this as there are so many people from our own community misrepresenting for financial reason this information and atleast to my readers I would like to be clear. Full disclosure - this is not financial advice, this is astrological aspects and their interpretation. I personally do not own any crypto currency though I dont have anything against those who do. And no I am not taking the opportunity of kicking the one already down by taking this as opportunity to go “I told you so”. Rather to explain my thinking. I love investing and I am fascinated by the workings of crypto and remain an eternal student of the financial markets as they fascinate me. And I do astrologically strongly believe that digital currency would be one of the big shifts which will come from Uranus in Taurus transit to 2025. Pls make your own financial investment decision, this is not financial advice and these are my personal views - not linked to any affiliated institutions. So having disclosures out of the way, we can get into planetary aspects and why I have been stating this repeatedly.
First thing to understand is that Saturn is the stronger planet and the dispositor of Saturn square Uranus transit which is meant to bring innovation and restrictions. Saturn - the regulations is the stronger. While Uranus in Taurus which is essentially everything and everyone who wants to create financial independence - the whole concept of FIRE, digital currency, independent sources of income, innovation in wealth, innovation in food, shifts in earth - so this planet yes is key and it clearly represents rise of digital currencies. Saturn in Aquarius is structured innovation - they both do have a common ground of innovation but Saturn wants to do it through official channels like digital dollar. While Uranus in Taurus believes thats where the trouble started - centralised structures do not work and they do have a point in an Aquarius world. So I do believe decentralised currency structures would come to life and they would become mainstream along with digital sovereign currencies like dollar, renminbi is already digital now and so forth.
But but but...
So thats where Astrology and past transits I think help give clarity and I am very focused on how this panned out in last Saturn Square Uranus when Napster came into existence and this whole peer to peer file transfer and music being made available online at no cost models started. Napster was killed through litigations but these models did evolve into Apple Music and all such forms of official channel of cheaper access to music online. Uranus was in its own sign Aquarius so the disruption made art (Saturn in Taurus) available to all. So the model did change the world but the thing that inspired the model didn’t make it cause that was not the form it was supposed to exist in and to some extend it was downright unfair to the creatives who made those arts / songs and it was illegal. It was against the Saturn principles. A lot of crypto traders will jump on my case and they do whenever I have a discussion on this cause crypto is traceable even though the miners of cryptocurrencies continues to be found in Iran, in meth raids in UK and ofcourse in China where loss of electricity for few hours resulted in massive drop of bitcoin. China has officially banned crypto - “officially”.
Uranus is in its fall in Taurus. Innovation happens but they are simple versus complex and tough to understand. Uranus in Taurus also has capacity to create a financial crisis due to disruptive financial innovations like a stock market rout due to a crypto issue and we might see if that is indeed the case or not when we experience the second square on 14 June and last square end of the year.
Uranus in Taurus still has inertia, tries to flog the same old technology to make it work for future and many of the cryptos have existed for many years with zero evolution in their technology and they have become like art of a dead artist (Taurus). Cause there are no more to be made, scarcity of it and uniqueness of it (Uranus) is driving its value (Taurus) but Saturn(government, regulations) in Aquarius will never accept anything as norm which is not available to all and cannot be practically used by everyone by the collective (Aquarius). It will accept the ones that can be used by the collective though as I said they both have a common ground - Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus both want innovation but one wants practical one and the one that it can regulate versus being mined through a marijuana raid in a meth farm in West Midlands in UK. Uranus in Taurus is at its fall, innovation comes through too many downfalls and there are some forced innovations and they look like a beautiful Taurus curves being fit into a geeky Aquarius space suit. In fall Uranus becomes a pyramid scheme. One person on twitter exciting another one to buy a “rare” asset - call them NFT or call them crypto we loose the sense of value of things but Taurus always tries to bring in itself the balance back to the real value of an asset through an equally disruptive opposite force. This is forced innovation not a real one. Innovation would be if there was technological advancement linked to it. There are many cryptos which do that but most of the people right now buying these currencies in retail have no knowledge of the tech behind any of these currencies. Though North Node in Gemini has accelerated their learning but in Gemini learning is with the attention of a goldfish, a meme is being used for financial decision making more than picking up a detailed description or an annual report of a company. On top of that a fraudulent Bitcoin astrology chart is doing rounds for many astrologers to claim its “unknown” source of gain all to their predictions. Gemini spreads gossip and its shadow side is internet fibs and thats what is the Webster dictionary’s meaning of a tweet most of the time.
I am not claiming to know it all, just expressing what I see. I have held back for long to go into details of it cause I think everyone has right to choose what they believe in and what they spend their money on and they still do. But I thought I will say my piece before its too late for a few. I hope to be grossly wrong so many innocent don’t loose their savings and we don’t see a stock market route causing many to loose their investments. And I have hoped since I first talked of this Napster parallel in my May 2020 video on the aspect and the fact that all innovations would be judged against ecological soundness e.g. why would a currency claimed to be powered by green energy fall down by 14% due to coal mine flooding shutting down power plants in Xinjiang China.
Why are most of the crypto’s not purchased through dollar directly but through a made up currency with no audits called Tether which has been under multiple investigations and whose market cap went up from $8bn to $60bn without any real assets backing. For the uninitiated Tether is like those coins they issue in video game alleys for our real money which we can then use to buy crypto so we can play those video games. Except here its being called investment so you expect them to hold the money you give them but they don’t and we dont know where that money is going as they aren’t regulated or audited. Majority of cryptos are being bought as such. Again this is not financial advice and you should do you own research.
I apologise for adding financial details in an astrological discourse but when my hairdresser starting talking of hash rates of cryptos I thought it was ok to bring this element in.
I love going to Vegas but the one in United States not the one in Iran or Xinjiang or in a meth farm in UK. Neptune is rampant, choose wisely. I have done my part.
~ Kassandra (thinking of changing my channel name to this let me know what you think)
Why ?
Kassandra was a Trojan priestess of Apollo in Greek mythology cursed to utter true prophecies, but never to be believed.
#bitcoin #cryptocurrency #astrology #horoscope #Saturn #Uranus #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces
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isa-ly · 4 years
TW: mental health, therapy, repression, dissociation
Today’s just one of those days where I’m questioning whether or not I’ve completely lost the ability of functioning like a normal human and kind of feel like the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz. You know, casual Friday. 
I know this is a written blog, but since I am also very much a woman of images and metaphors, I shall once again try and elaborate the issue of today’s post by making it into a well-known, kinda dead and yet very accurate pop culture meme:
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I am not kidding, this is what I look and feel like in most of my therapy sessions. I’m pretty sure Kerstin would agree with me here, as the topic of feeling, or more like my inability of doing so, has been pretty much been the red string winding itself through my mental health journey so far. I mentioned it briefly in the last post, but I figured since today is just one of those pesky overthinking ones, I might just dive in a bit deeper and try to detangle my knotted thoughts into something a bit more coherent.
I’ve talked about this before to some of my closer friends and honestly, every time I tried to explain it, I just felt like an absolute mad psychopath. Don’t get me wrong, I know that I’m not, but it’s kind of hard to get people to understand what it feels like to just ... not feel. Okay, that sounds a little bit too dramatic, let me try and re-phrase it in a way that makes more sense.
I talked all about the metaphorical elephant and it’s even more metaphorical stake last time and this is kind of the extended version of that issue. The Stake Supreme, if you will. Basically, one of the earliest coping mechanisms that I picked up when I was very young, was to simply swallow down any feelings of anger, rage, sadness or hurt and pretend that they just weren’t there. Now, that’s not really something very unusual, as we generally live in a society that doesn’t leave a lot of room to healthily express or work through our emotions with the crushing weight of professional, educational, financial, social and personal pressure constantly weighing on our shoulders. So, again, I’m very well aware that me pretending that my bad feelings don’t exist, does in no way, shape or form make me a special snowflake.
It does, however, make me a very emotionally repressed and mentally inept snowflake. And that’s not really great either.
It took me many therapy sessions to figure out that what I had used as a necessary protection mechanism for all my childhood and young adulthood, had slowly but certainly turned into the root of pretty much all my current mental health issues. And here I was, thinking that mommy and daddy issues were just a try-hard-to-be-relatable brand that pseudo-depressed people on Twitter liked to use to excuse their shitty personalities. Oh no, am I one of them now? Alright, back to the point.
I’m just going to try to explain, both to myself and you, what happens in my head whenever the aforementioned process of ~A Feeling~ occurs. Where normally, I would experience something that elicits an emotion that I then experience and feel, lately (and by that I mean ever since some of the more severe of my mental issues started happening) I instead feel like the actual emotion gets stuck somewhere between having been produced and actually reaching my consciousness. In a way, to get back to that earlier visual, it feels like I’m the Tin Man. The feeling gets dropped into my empty tin chest and while I try my absolute hardest to actually feel it, it just sits there. Not really arriving, not really unfolding, just existing while remaining completely detached from me. And I continue to feel how you would imagine a man made out of tin and air would feel: hollow.
I’m trying really hard not to make another load of self-deprecating jokes here, as sharing and trying to explain this makes me beyond uncomfortable. Instead, I’m just going to keep going because that’s kind of the point of this blog. When I told my therapist what I typed up there just now, she explained to me that this strategy of processing (or lack thereof, actually), is commonly referred to as repression and dissociation. And that with my history of handling emotions (or, once again, lack thereof), it actually made quite a lot of sense for me to struggle with this.
She then went on to explain that one could imagine it like this: Whenever anything triggers an emotion to be formed (which, you know, happens quite a lot, since that’s kind of all that human brains do), my self-taught mechanism is to immediately replace it with a so called ‘non-feeling’. I know, that word seemed strange to me too in the beginning. What it means is that by having constantly invalidated and swallowed down my own feelings of anger and sadness through the course of my youth, I unintentionally created this perfect, well-oiled machine of repression that unquestioningly does its job without me even noticing. In a way, I somehow mastered the art of literally, fully and completely detaching myself from my emotions and simply viewing them as separate entities to my own mind.
Now, while that sounds like a sick villain superpower, I’m gonna be honest: It kind of fucking sucks. Especially on days like these, where old habits resurface and I once again find myself looking at my own emotions as if they were statistics on a computer, knowing that they are there, knowing that they exist within me, but for the life of me not being able to actually feel them.
That’s yet another thing I also learned in therapy. There are miles, literal continents, if not even multiverses, between rationally knowing you should feel something and actually feeling it. I’m not completely insane and oblivious, I very well know that I am capable of having emotions and that they are there and being produced by many funky chemicals working together in my brain. However, simply knowing this on an intellectual level is no where close to satisfactory if you cannot actually feel it too.
It’s like looking at ice cream, knowing that it’s there, seeing it with your own two eyes, remembering and being able to imagine the taste, the texture, the sweetness and yet never really actually being able to eat it. Never really feeling it melt it in your mouth. It remains an idea, a concept, close to smoke in thin air that you can very clearly see, and yet never really grasp.
And that, as you might be able to imagine (or even relate to, if you’ve experienced it before), is just not a lot of fun, to be quite frank. Emotional repression? Yeah, no, that one definitely gets a bad Yelp! review from me. Wouldn’t recommend. Zero stars out of five.
In addition to accidentally failing to process my own emotions (are you proud of me, mum?), there’s also the other half of the problem which is, as my therapist already mentioned, the dissociation. Now, I want to be clear here: While I’ve gotten quite a few medical diagnoses in my time in therapy, the actual condition of dissociation or dissociative disorder, which is actually a personality disorder, is not one that I ever received. The dissociation my therapist talked about, ergo the one I am experiencing, is more situational and linked to the repression. Funnily enough, it is literally happening at the current moment, while I’m writing this post.
Actually, it’s been there for every post I wrote. It is also there during almost every therapy session and whenever I attempt to talk to someone about my problems or feelings. If you ask me how I am and we get talking about my mental health, you can assume that I’ll be dissociating about two minutes into the conversation. Usually, it’s not something that is very noticeable. At least that’s what I like to believe, maybe it’s also super obvious, like my soul leaving my body, and people are simply confused or kind enough not to mention it. Who knows.
My therapist, however, did notice it, as she let me know after a few sessions, when I first tried to describe what dissociating felt like to me. “Oh, yeah, I can tell whenever it happens. I just thought I’d give you your space until you wanted to talk about it”, was what she had said. Oh, Kerstin. You’re a real keeper.
So, what does it feel like to dissociate? (I once again pretend that someone is asking so I don’t feel like I’m talking to myself about myself). It’s a little hard to explain but here’s what I have told some of the friends I have talked to about it before: Imagine from pretty much one second to the other, your entire head is filled with cotton, kind of like you’re really tired and exhausted and everything that you see or hear doesn’t really get through the thick wool that seems to have replaced your brain. Forming thoughts and staying in the moment gets harder with every minute that passes. There’s this weird pull at the back of your neck and the front of your forehead that kind of just wants you to close your eyes and drift away. Far away to somewhere where it’s quiet and cotton-y and there’s no one or nothing else around you.
It’s not just mental, it’s physical. It feels like your brain hit the shut down button without your consent, like it’s slowly closing the blinds as it gets darker and darker and you just want to fall asleep. Speaking seems to become almost painful, thinking coherent thoughts is close to impossible and following what others are saying is a million times harder all of a sudden. It’s like the world has gone out of focus and you’re trying to sharpen the lense again, to no success.
Actually, I think that a lot of people have experienced dissociative symptoms before. Not to play Dr. Freud here, but it happens quite a lot, for example during panic or anxiety attacks. Some of my friends have told me that it felt like they had suddenly left their body and were watching themselves as from across the room. That’s why often dissociating is also described as an out of body experience. Because in a way, it literally is one. 
As my therapist explained to me, and as I experience it too, it’s comparable to your brain throwing a metaphorical fuse because it’s in danger of short circuiting. My dad would be so proud if he saw me making electrician references (yes, he is a trained electrician, okay). Anyway, what I’m trying to say is: Often, when I’m exposed to emotions (and that includes talking or writing about them), my brain will run a little too hot like an old, wary car engine, and before it gets too close to exploding into a fiery death, it simply flips the switch and disconnects itself from the body and the emotions that are happening in it. Just like the repression, this is yet another safety mechanism that my brain came up with in reaction to me never really learning how to correctly process emotions. So, whenever some of those stronger feeling resurface or leak out, it tries to protect me from them by cutting the connection between the both of us.
In almost every way, it feels like I’m being locked out of my own head and can no longer really use my own brain. To someone who’s never felt that before, this might seem a little terrifying. And I agree that, objectively, it is. Knowing that the grey goo behind your skull has the power to shut out what in the ever-loving fuck is considered your conscious self, is a bit worrisome, to say the least. However, to me, it’s something that I have a) gotten very used to by now and b) in the moment don’t actually experience as something scary at all. I’m disconnected, remember?
Which is also why it’s sometimes very, very hard to get grounded again and find the way back into my own head. Like a bird that’s accidentally escaped its cage, proceeding to go fucking rogue in the living room, then crashing into a wall, all while trying to figure out what the fuck is happening while it’s on the verge of blacking out. I’ll often feel so dull and dizzy that all I really want to do is curl up and stare at a wall until eventually, my mind and body connect again and things are back to normal.
To kind of circle back to the whole theme of this post: This whole dissociation thing is very strongly connected to my tendency of emotional repression. It’s somewhat of a vicious cycle, which is why days like the one I’m having right now, can be a little tricky. It starts with me feeling empty and hollow, bim-bam-Tin-Man, and is usually followed with feelings of isolation and depression, since I cannot seem to get joy, satisfaction, or any emotion, really, out of anything. This then often leads to me trying to force some sort of emotion into myself, struggling to dig through my subconscious in hopes of finding something, anything, and eventually becoming even more frustrated. Aha! Frustration! That’s an emotion, right? It’s there! Can you feel it? I think you can, oh wow, there it is! Oh, wait, no ... no, now my head is getting heavy. Everything’s blurry. Is the feeling still there? Maybe. Who cares, just close your eyes now. So sleepy, hm ... floaty float.
Okay, sorry, that just turned into a weird combination of a badly written slam poem and a pretentious high school theater class rendition of some old play no one has ever heard of. I’ll just use the fact that I’m still dissociated as hell as an excuse for now. Wait a minute ... if I’m this spacey and zoned out right now, how am I even managing to write this post? Huh? Isa? Explain yourself!
Well, I haven’t been in therapy for nothing. It’s been over eight months of Kerstin and me figuring all of this out, finally putting a name and label to it and therefore understanding why it’s there and how it works. Which has helped me a great lot in actually handling it. That’s kind of the whole point of therapy after all, isn’t it? Don’t get me wrong: These days where I feel repressed, empty and dissociated, can still be hard and they’re rarely ever fun. They honestly make me want to bash my head against a wall in hopes that that will make it go back to normal.
But since I don’t really favour having a concussion on top of feeling depressed and detached from my body, I have learned to use other counter-measurements to help the process of finding my balance again. Rebuilding that mojo, am I right? This post is already pretty long, so I won’t go into even more detail on all the different methods and mechanisms of bouncing back, but I’ll say this much: I spent a good portion of therapy trying to learn when to push and when to rest whenever I’m feeling dissociated. And yeah, it’s a fine line and I still haven’t fully figured out how to walk it without falling from one extreme into the other.
But take this blog, for example. I know that writing it, actively facing my problems and the very strong, repressed emotions connected to them, will make me dissociate like hell. A few months ago, that would have been reason enough for me to not do it and simply ignore it again. Now, however, after working with my therapist and on myself, I have learned how to push my own limits just far enough in order to, in this case, continue to write even though it feels like my brain is about to burst into a cotton explosion. It’s a give and take, a sort of push and pull I’m playing with my own mind and head. But as time progressed, I figured out the game plan a little better, I learned my own rules and the secret short cuts and cheating methods (because come on, who really plays fair, that’s for boring losers) and the resting time it takes for me to restore my strengths again.
So, today for example, I woke up as Mr. Tin Man, progressed to being a lost, numb and rogue dissociation-bird (man, I really gotta work on my metaphors, this is just getting worse by the minute) and then decided that the best way to counter-act all of it, would be to sit down and write my lovely new blog. Has it helped? A little, yeah. It took my mind off the right things, made some others a bit worse and intense but now, I feel a little more stable and like I managed to talk some sense back into my spiraling, detached brain.
Kerstin, please tell me you’re proud of me. Because as we all know, therapy is about impressing your therapist and not about getting better for your own sake. Pft, who needs that. What do we want? Validation! When do we want it? All the time, because we never got it as a child, so now it’s the only thing we crave in life!
Alright. So, here we are. Since I’m still feeling a little zoned out and dopey, I’m not fully sure if everything I wrote made complete sense. But hey, while this blog is for others to read should they feel like it, it’s still mainly there for me to sort my own racing thoughts before they can spiral out of control. And I think I managed to do that just now. And I know that that feels kind of nice.
Actually, I feel it too.
P.S.: I just had to. A little self-deprecation doesn’t hurt anyone.
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cats the movie was created by the mafia and here's why
so since one (1) person said that they still wanna hear this theory imma post it
first, the reviews of cats are so mixed, it's confusing. im not even sure if everyone is talking about the same movie. lets look at some of the more wild ones:
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but then i found these two:
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both of these reviews (the second one especially) explicitly mention celebrities, which, made me think of a conspiracy theory
i once watched a video (i think it was a shane dawson one) where he discussed how people believe that it could be a possibility that the government uses celebrities and their scandals to distract the population from their wrongdoing and general mishaps. that being said, lets unpack what we know about cats:
-cats themselves (as in the animal) are generally very cute and people find them funny. it is commonly perceived by some that the internet - youtube specifically - is “that place with the cat videos” and people are very entertained by them (think about tik toks, twitter and tumblr threads, vines, and ig accounts) and even interact with cats if they happen to be allergic to them. it is safe to say that the human population has somewhat of an obsession with cats. 
-cats the musical is generally misunderstood by a lot of people. i have never actually seen it but from what i understand its a musical about cats competing to see who will die and theres one good song (memory). the internet has gone about about “what the heck is cats even about” for many years before the movie came out in the form of memes and other random internet jokes.
and now lets address the us government. right now most people agree that its plenty shitty for various reasons. even people in other countries Dont Get It. (im not going to get too into it because chances are if you have an internet connection you've heard about the shit the us government has done recently)
now. onto the movie itself. (hang onto your hats this is where it gets wild)
according to google, cats is a british american film. it is a well known fact that america was originally colonized by the british and we gained our freedom in 1776 (i really hope thats not news to you) but the war didnt end until the british surrendered at yorktown in 1781 and the treaty of paris wasn't signed until 1783. the british were notoriously salty afterwards, continuing to pirate american ships and do other generally annoying things which resulted in the war of 1812. it was not until after the war of 1812 (which officially ended in 1815) that the british recognized america was independent and actually started respecting them. britain and america were also allies and have famously teamed up to stop people from taking over the world (ie ww2 amongst others).
youre probably wondering what the hell this has to do with cats. stick with mw, we’re getting there.
in the weeks after the 2016 election, there were many memes circulating the internet along the lines of this:
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needless to say, it was a wild time for america. 
now, admittedly, britain was Also in the midst of their own wild time because of brexit, but somehow the election results managed to kind of overshadow that (at least in america). 
so lets review some Important Dates:
-june 23, 2016 -> brexit is proposed
-november 8, 2016 -> 2016 election
-march 2017-> britain formally announces leaving the eu
additionally, in 2016 the worlds biggest superpowers were (in order) the us, russia, china, india, and the uk.
now, onto my theory.
the mafia has always notoriously been trying to be stopped by the government for their crime and is a strange organization with a lot of money. the mafia Does still exist although mostly in new england. since 2016 there has been a disconnect between the government and the people due to the staggering amounts that do not support the current president. the mafia may have seen this as an opportunity to overthrow the current government/president and cabinet and place their own person there so that they wouldn't get as much shit from the government. 
this theory does get a little bit complicated regarding the presidents suspected ties to the mafia. however, the mafia is very powerful and i have no doubt that they could have somehow blackmailed trump or implemented false records in order to depict the president falsely. or they could have tricked the president into working with them in order to gain secrets to help them overthrow him. the possibilities are endless. 
so in the time between the 2016 election and when britain formally announced leaving the eu, the mafia probably had some time to scheme a little, thinking up possible ways for them to overthrow the government. 
after britain announced leaving the eu, someone in the government must have realized that it was making britain widely unpopular and they should do something to clean up their image. so they take a peek around and happen to notice that america is royally fucked cause of the president and there are people threatening to move to canada cause of it.
but why is any of this of importance to britain?
well, britain used to be the top world superpower before ww2, but then were beat out by america both after the war and when they announced nsc 68, a plan to make amerias military stronger and provide aid to american allies being threatened by communism. although britain and america stayed allies, it is likely that britain may have been a bit salty about this. and, if they could somehow get rid of trump and weaken the country this may bump the us from the lead world superpower and (if they were lucky) also russia and china who the president was more or less involved with.
low and behold who has the same desires? the mafia.
so the mafia and britain team up to defeat the us government. but how will they do it?
my friends, that is where cats comes in. 
as stated, the government has previously used celebrity scandals to cover up and distract from their own. the mafia and britain would not have wanted to make this seem like anything out of the ordinary, so they decided to implement this form of distraction, but twisted it into grotesque exposure. but they needed a vehicle in which to use this
if you refer to my information on cats from before, american people love cats and cats the musical is a somewhat loved classic that makes little to no sense. additionally, theater fans have recently been calling for screen filmed shows so they dont have to spend lots of money on tickets (see newsies live and bandstand) so in order to pass this off as normal they chose to use cats.
howmst ever, they needed to make the american people not like cats anymore so that they wouldn't be easily distracted by them. how to accomplish this? make the cats in the movie cgi celebrities. 
the celebrity lineup of the movie is quite impressive, containing the following:
james corden, judi dench, jason derulo, idris elba, jennifer husdon, ian mckellan, taylor swift, and rebel wilson. 
these celebrities were all chosen for the type of audience they would draw in so that it would be as vast as possible. (old people, young people, middle aged people, etc).
the mafia paid these celebrities handsomely and coerced them into being in the movie. 
now, lets discuss the timeline. 
the movie itself premiered on december 20th and the mafia and britain would have begun creating it as soon as march of 2017. scripts take up to 12 weeks to write, putting them at june of 2017. pre production takes 10 weeks, putting them at about halfway through september 2017. it takes about an average of 10 weeks to film, putting them at december 2017. and, according to pixar, animating a movie can take between 4 and 7 years, however, the reviews have stated that cats only took about a year to animate the movie, putting it at about december 2018. this would give the mafia about 7 extra months for any needed editing or fixing between when they could have hypothetically started and ended the movie itself because the trailer came out in july of 2019.
they would have wanted to release the movie just before 2020 because that is when the next election takes place and they would need everyone to be immune to propaganda. 
the mafia and britain creating cats explains a lot of things such as:
-why james corden has not gone to see the movie
-why the animation is so horrifying
-why the movie was made in such little time
-why the celebrities in the movie are actually in the movie
-why the budget was able to be so large if it was an epic flop
-peoples general confusion as to why the movie was even made
see, they would have known that even if not a lot of people saw the movie, it would have made headlines just because of how bad it is, terrifying people of both the celebrities in it (remember this includes james corden, a prominent talk show host and taylor swift, one of the top song writers) and of cats themselves.
in conclusion, cats was filmed by the mafia and great britain in an attempt to overthrow the us government.
be careful who you vote for in 2020.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
Book 2 FAQ!
Book 1 FAQ Beginning of Book 2
Dang y’all, 14 chapters done for Book 2! It’s been a little bit of a struggle to hash them out on time BUT I deliver. I’ve asked, y’all keyboard smashed in my inbox...let’s get INTO IT!
4 KIDS?!
Yep. And all 4 of them are full of personality! I guess I dreamt them up to convey all of the unspoken parts of the My Hero universe (canon or not). 
Are the kid’s names in relation to their abilities?
No unfortunately, they’re names are based on their personalities/the major event that happened around the time they were born (no spoilers about it tho! Gotta read book 3 to know why!). Lili Perla is based off of Pearl from Steven Universe and their character type. Iwata El Roca is a nod to Luchador’s names and a character that passed away in the AU to honor them. Tensei Oro is a play on their family position, Tensei was the first born twin and his uncle was the first born, Oro is spanish for ‘gold’ and it’s a play on being first (ya know, because they give gold medals for 1st place!). Hanaka Rosa is a double trope name, Hanaka (Japanese: hana- flower, ka- power) is a nod to the tough girls with flower names in anime and Rosa (spanish: Rose) is a name used in telenovelas as the woman that causes all the romantic tension. I did the whole Japanese first name, Spanish middle name because thats what I want to do when I do have kids.
Why did Mineta have to be in this AU?
I hear you! The thing is that I DREAMT it like this. He’s the slightly incompetent teacher that gets dunked on by the parents. Good news is that he’s single and isn’t as gross in this part of the AU. He’s this AU’s punching bag if you will.
It was weird when you wrote in hate-crime/dorm incident bc I didn’t think about it that way...Why did you decide to explore it?
That part felt important to me to write. Yes the canon shows like actual crimes of different intensities, but not nessatreily hate-crimes done in schools. As you know, being LGBTQA+ in grade school is a terrifying thing to express if don’t want to stand out. The constant fear of peers judging you, bullies hurting you and teachers that seemingly don’t care about you if you come out is enough to silence anybody. Imagine that but in a hero school?! The hate-crime would be a villainous act and the culprit would have to do desperate measures to make sure nobody rats on them to maintain a clean image/record. Plus on the flip side, any ally that stands up for their oppressed peer is hailed the hero but they wouldn’t have to stand up for them if there were real consequences and punishment for the bullies. So in the AU, I wrote it how I’d want such hate-crimes to be handled. Not only justice but also accommodations for the victim.
The Mcdonalds order cracks me up! What is your Mcdonalds order?
I throughly enjoyed the Mcdonalds order part too. It’s a nod to the proposal in Book 1 when they went to Mcdonalds before the peer over. I wrote it to show that the family goes every now and then. My order is: Triple Cheeseburger, Large fries, Large sweet tea, 2 sausage and egg McMuffins & a cone. And yes, there will be a Mcdonalds order for every child because it drives the plot.
Will there be more interactions with the pro heroes from the canon series?
YES! Though old, theres more interactions planned with them. Of course, it’s all in Book 3 (trying not to spoil anything!).
Is it spoiler if you tell us if your kids (or one of them) becomes a villain?
I’ll tell y’all right now....NONE of my kids becomes a villain. It might look like one or two of them might from the way I wrote them but they’re just latina.
Will one of your kids be the next Ingenium?
Yes but I won’t tell you which one. But I can’t wait to reveal it to y'all!
I see all the call-backs to your self insert character’s past...Is it alluding to the conclusion?
I dreamt it as such and I fixed it in writing as a way to come full circle. Notice that Lili didn’t get any of her mom’s past from her mom? It wasn’t until when she confronted her on the couch in chapter 13. Even then, it wasn’t the full story nor did it fill in all the cracks and time skips after her mom’s time at UA. In Book 3, we explore more of the past. The conclusion is yet to be revealed.
How big is that house?!
It’s a little hard to explain? I want to say its big but parts of the house are disproportionate. It’s a two story house with no attic nor basement, 3 bath room, Master bedroom, 2 large bedrooms, office space, guest room, full kitchen, dining room, large living room, three car garage and a decent size backyard. What I’m trying to say that it’s big enough for that chaotic ass family.
Where’s Aizawa?!
Let the mans rest! He’s alive but he’s busy being a grandpa and taking naps. 
Canon villains OwO?
Y’all ate UP the Dabi surrender in Book 1 and his little mention in Book 2. But in this AU (not to spoil anything to anime only and manga dabblers) the League of Villains are still rampant but dispersed. In Book 3 (and part of Book 4) they pop in to drive the plot from a canon storyline. In the series, the rookie Hawks has been seen as a double agent and exposes a corrupt Hero Society. Same concept but in this AU, Hawks has gone missing when he failed to kill Best Jeanist. Here’s where the kids go into play BUT more on that as the plot progresses!
I really want to see art of these OCs! I wanna see how Iida’s genes transferred over to his kids!
I hear y'all! I’ve slid into DM during commission windows and have the means to pay for some line art at least...but with no responses. I’ve got my self insert character done in this post if you wanna check it out plus the artist was super sweet during the whole process. I may commission them again when they got a window of commissions open. But I may do a lineart of the kid’s faces in the near future.
What if....hypothetically....Shinso stayed?
Oh boy, okay so the Shinso stans have BOMBARDED my asks since the last arc of Book 1. So what if Shinso stayed...obviously I wouldn’t have 4 kids, just the one that we were gonna have. We wouldn’t be married and overall just be loveless the more we see our friends get married and start families. The company would still be there but delayed by 5 years or so. Our son would grow up to convince me and Shinso to separate when they get at around High school age. Tenya still wouldn’t have said anything but done the reunited part differently. I would’ve considered cheating but morals would’ve stopped me. Eventually, when our son decides to move out, we’d stay as housemates and basically die alone....aren’t you glad this AU isn’t such a downer?! Luckily things are patched up with my self insert and Shinso, because he comes into play in Book 3!
Eri Nurse! In your AU!
Yup! I’ve actually read some NurseEri! AUs on twitter and Tumblr (btw, some of y’all that like my posts have good taste in fics!) and it manifested in my dreams and created UA Nurse Eri. She shows up a few more times in the AU, so don’t fret if Eri is your fave.
Is it okay if I follow you on a different platform? Do you have another social media that I can follow you on?
You can follow me on Twitter (@oketsusama). It’s my personal twitter that I repost memes and get my news from. So it’s not as poppin as my Tumblr, but at least it’s AU free over there lmao.
What’s you favorite rare pair in the My Hero canon storyline?
Oh! and DON’T hate me, but I stan the Sero x Iida rare pair! There’s crumbs of the pair on twitter and here but the ones that I did read got me in tears. If you haven’t seen this tag on twitter and Tumblr, DO IT! The one on twitter had a lot of angst in it and it got me HOOKED on some of that goofball with their geeky partner energy.
Not a question, but I like your //Palma-sama Speaks in the tags. They’re funny and makes your posts that much more personalized.
I will cry! Thanks for reading that far! I like doing the ‘talking in the tags’ thing to basically point out the callbacks to new readers that stumbled upon that chapter of the AU. 
How long is this AU?!
It’s quite long BUT the ending is marvelous, trust. 
Thanks for reading! That’s all the asks for now, keep asking them! I love reading them. Next is the finale of Book 2! Everything will still come out 2-3 days of each other until further notice. Stay safe, drink water!
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youurelovely · 5 years
Okay. Lots of the podcast recommendations mention Welcome to Night Vale when trying to explain King Falls AM and i just felt like I needed to rant about why these shows are different. NO SPOILERS IM JUST EXPLAINING WHY Y’ALL SHOULD LISTEN TO KFAM!!
WTNV is vague dark poetry with some memes thrown in. And so many of it’s ~mysterious~ aspects are just,,,, never explained or returned to and probably don’t even have an explaination because their purpose is making the town seem even more ~unexplainable~. That’s it, that’s the show. And it is a good podcast that I was Super Invested in for a long time but,,, KFAM is a Lot Different and in so many very good ways!
Really quick: I sincerely loved WTNV and I’m still listening to it whenever it shows up on my feed!! It’s just that you can’t compare WTNV to KFAM and say that it’s fair bc WTNV is a Monster Podcast. By that I mean that it’s so popular that it’s most of the podcasting community. WTNV is most people’s first podcast (it was mine!) and most people will probably always hold WTNV close in their hearts. But comparing podcasts to WTNV is disrespectful because it’s like saying that podcast is just another version WTNV. And guess what??? WTNV didn’t create originality or creativity or the concept of a radio show!!! WTNV did not create the concept of story telling itself!!
Also keep this in mind: I don’t want to discourage anyone from listening to WTNV, it’s a great show and it’s popular for a reason. But this isn’t about why WTNV is really good because there are Many posts about that already and they’re easy to find.
a show with a community of characters that are interesting and all actively affect the show and are all wildly different and you can HEAR THEIR VOICES ALLLL THE TIME IN EVERY EPISODE because it’s not just the hosts (Sammy and Ben).
a show where there are stakes!!! You are constantly trying to find out how something will work itself out!!! You honestly don’t know what’s going to happen.
so funny especially because Sammy&Ben are both Huge Dorks who seem to spend every night trying to fit as many pop culture references into the show as they can!!
great at writing friendships!! There are so many super uplifting friendships in this show and I’m crazy for a good Ride- or - Die friendship.
great at writing romance!! (I’m super picky about romance) The romances are compelling!! Sweet!!! Supportive!!!
phenomenal at writing growth!!! Literally!!! These characters grow and learn from each other and I’ve relistened to almost the whole series (I only have around ten more to go and then I’ve listened to everything at least twice) and seeing where they started and where they are now is just amazingggg.
A L S O ! ! !
If something happens in KFAM and you’re like “what?? I must know more!!” Do not be worried my dear friend because KFAM will talk about it again!! There aren’t any dropped and abandoned mysteries, everything is written for a reason.
Also, the KFAM community is Nothing like the drama in the WTNV community, KFAM is so positive and we’re all just sitting here trading posts about theories, quotes we really liked, and art about our favorite scenes and characters.
The KFAM team has a tumblr and a twitter that they use to talk to the KFAM community with and they’re very nice I recommend checking posts for their comments.
I mentioned earlier that I’m relistening and. I NEVER relisten/reread/rewatch stuff. The only times I have are the chronicles of narnia and Star Trek: the original series. But I relistened to this podcast bc it’s THAT GOOD. I’m also planning on listening to certain episodes even more after finishing the series again so I can develop theories and also just because I genuinely adore lots of these episodes.
If I post this and anyone actually reads it, thanks for sticking around and hopefully you give KFAM a listen bc I love this podcast sm
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