#I can't imagine how hard it must be for boys to have to keep it all in and carry the weight of their strength
peppermintmochafem · 9 months
What if... Strong boys? Boys who've always been in charge, made to take charge of situations far too complex and difficult for them to handle and blamed when things fall apart. Boys who responded to that by doing better next time until it's reflexive.
Boys who have trouble understanding that they're safe from that now. Boys who need a little extra reassurance?
...boys who might be crying a little. Sorry 😅
boys who get told how handsome they are when they cry for me. boys who get told how strong and brave they are being for letting me be in control. boys who get to feel as weak as they want under me. boys who get to sit beneath me with nothing to handle on their own, just get to sit there and rest at my feet looking handsome for me. boys who have no decisions of their own to make. boys who I get to remind not to do things on their own, that they arent meant for that, that it is for me to do, for me to take care of. boys I get to watch fall apart for me so perfectly.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 8 months
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James Potter x muggle fem!reader
Summary: After months of dating, James finally tells you he's a wizard.
Genre: Fluff <3 / pt.2 to Enchanted
Warnings: tbh none
6 months later, James is sprawled out on your couch in your small London apartment. He's dressed in your university sweater, which hugs him snugly but he doesn't seem like he minds. You'd switched into his so he doesn't have much of a choice anyway.
He's pretending to really read the book he had found on your dresser but he keeps his eyes trained on how absorbed you seem in the show you're watching.
James sees the title; "Bewitched". He smiles to himself when he sees you try and wiggle your nose like Samantha does and you fall back onto James lap, sighing. 
"D'you think I'd make a good witch?" you ask suddenly and his heart almost collapses. 
He runs a hand in your hair, playing with the strands as he ponders your question, "Mmm, yeah, you would, lovie," he says and chuckles when you sit up and start to ramble. 
"I mean, can you just imagine having magic! I could–I could make all this mess disappear instantly!" you exclaim happily, gesturing to your slightly messy apartment, and then look into his eyes, "wouldn't having magic be fun, Jamie?" 
James frowns. You say it so innocently but he starts to wonder if you could know? It has been months.
He sits up, tilting his head at you. He's been wanting to tell you he's a wizard for a while now, plus James wouldn't admit this out loud yet but he knows he wants to marry you and you deserve to know the truth before he asks you to spend your life with him, don't you? 
"Y/n," he whispers but you interrupt him. 
"And I mean, flying on a broom! How silly! Can't you just imagine it?" 
James smiles, completely endeared, "Yeah, I can," he tucks some hair behind your ear and reaches into the back pocket of his jeans. He pulls out his wallet and you stare at him confused as he holds out a folded old polaroid. He hands it to you.
"What's this?" you ask curiously, crossing your legs.
At first, it looks like a simple picture of a group of boys. There are four of them and they look around sixteen if you had to guess. The tallest has his arms crossed and he's standing in the middle as the boy to his right, a shorter boy with long dark hair, has his arm swung around him. A short, stout boy looks timidly at the camera next to the taller one and next to him, what looks like a young James is happily grinning and holding up a fancy looking broom in triumph. James and the longer-haired boy are dressed in a maroon and yellow sports uniform while the other boys are dressed in simple school uniforms. 
The picture seems relatively normal for a second until it starts to move. James in the picture lifts the broom and the long-haired boy continues to hug the taller one. You gasp, dropping the picture onto the couch and it flutters to the back where you see written, "Prongs, Wormtail, Moony, and Padfoot, Hogwarts 1976."
"What the hell?" you whisper, voice breaking, and you think you must be imagining things. You look up at James, who is staring at you intently. "James? W-why did that polaroid just move?" you ask and James's stare softens. 
He picks up the polaroid and smiles, he shows it to you again. "That's me and my best friends at school," he says but when he looks at you, his smile falters. You look terrified, "Love, it's okay it's just a picture."
"No, it isn't. It's moving!" you say, leaning away from him a little.
James's chest tightens. "I know," he says seriously, "Promise not to panic, okay? But, I'm a wizard." 
He says it so calmly you're silent for a moment until you start to laugh. You laugh so hard tears brim in your eyes and James is concerned.
He holds your cheeks in his hands. "No, Y/n, I mean it. I'm a wizard," he stands and walks to his jean-jacket hanging in the entrance. He pulls out his wand and points it at you.
You look scared again when he mutters an unfamiliar word and suddenly, you feel a drizzle of snow fall over your shoulders and unless your ceiling disappeared and it's snowing in July, you know it has to be James. 
You let out a shriek and cover your mouth as your eyes widen. James lowers his wand and rushes over, the snow disappearing. "It's okay. I promise I won't hurt you, lovie," he pauses and carefully sits next to you. He's relieved when don't scoot away from him, "I couldn't keep this from you anymore. I love you. You deserve to know who I am."
You're looking at him intensely and you pick up the polaroid again, examining it closer. After a moment you look up and narrow your eyes. You press your index on where James is in the picture. "Why are you holding a broom?" you ask simply and James almost laughs. 
"Gryffindor had just won an important Quidditch match, I think."
"Gryff-what won what?"
"Um, my house- um. Quidditch it's a sport. Where you—um, ride a broom."
You look at him and James can't read your expression.
"You can fly on a broom?" you suddenly ask, sounding less nervous now. You look at the picture and then you crack a smile. "You do look cute all dressed up," you put the polaroid near his ear, almost as if you're making sure the boy in the picture is actually James.
Your boyfriend nods and looks at you wearily, biting his lip. He has so much he wants to say. "So, have you always been a witch—" you ask.
"Wizard," he interrupts but you ignore him.
"—or did some creepy troll turn you into one? Oh my, are you the only witch to exist?" you sound almost excited now.
"Wizard," James says and then takes the picture from your hand and holds yours in his. "And no. I'm not. All my friends and family are. You believe me, yeah?"
You think for a moment. "Yeah," you shrug, looking up at the ceiling and then the wand in James's other hand, "you did make it snow, didn't you?" your smile widens and you point at his wand as you say, "Can you make it snow again! Or show me another spell. Please?"
James hesitates but when he sees a small scab on your hand from where you'd cut yourself earlier, he mutters a spell he knows by heart from all the Quidditch tumbles he's had and the wound suddenly disappears. 
Your eyes widen and you hold up your palm awkwardly. You look where the scab had been, mesmerized as you run your fingers over the now, non-existent, wound. 
"I know this is a lot for you to understand now, lovie. But, I want to explain everything. Anything you want to know," he says seriously and you look back up at him. 
You ask question after question, the reality of the situation becoming even more intense as you hear stories from his school and how unfamiliar he had been about "muggles" until he'd met his ex-girlfriend and then, well, you. 
"So, wait, witches and wizards exist and we– muggles? –just don't know?" you say after his little speech and James nods. He's sitting criss-cross in front of you on your couch and he's running his thumb over your hand, hoping his gesture is reassuring. You look confused, "Aren't you gonna get in trouble with the—"
"Ministry of Magic for telling you?" James finishes, understanding what you're trying to ask him.
You nod. 
James shakes his head and looks into your eyes. "No, because I didn't just tell anyone. You aren't some random person on the street, lovie. You're my girlfriend and I love you. I'm glad you know," he kisses your forehead quickly and you lean up to catch his lips. 
"I'm glad I know too," you smile and caress his cheek. It's your way of showing him you don't see him any differently. You turn to the polaroid picture still in your lap and pick it up. "I can't wait to meet more of your wizard friends now," you smile. 
James smirks, a twinkle in his eyes. "You already have, darling," he says. 
You look closer at the picture and your eyes widen, "No way!" you exclaim looking up at James in disbelief as you start to recognize two of the other boys in the picture. "Remy and Siri too?!"
James chuckles and nods. You turn the polaroid over again and look at the names scribbled in ink. "Then what's up with the weird nicknames? Prongs? Is that you?" you deduce from the order. 
James hums and kisses your temple as he pulls you in closer.
"Why Prongs?" you ask, pointing both your index fingers and putting them on your head, "like little devil horns? Or a fork?" you giggle at the last suggestion and James is entirely enchanted by you. 
He looks at you fondly and chuckles, "Like stag antlers, lovie."
"Because I can turn into a stag, if I wanted to," James explains slowly, realizing he'd forgotten to mention that tiny detail.
"You WhAT?!"
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lionhanie · 3 months
leehan as your boyfriend! ♡
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established relationship, PURE fluff, leehan x reader, leehan is IN LOVE with you, also not proofread LOL!!!!!!!
word count: ~800 i think lol
warnings: none
a/n: i can't lie this whole thing was sooo self indulgent i just love him so bad #GUILTY!
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literally does everything in his power to make you smile and feel good... #1 boyfriend in the world i fear!
he must have the ability to read the minds of the people he loves bc he just knows what you need all the time
...or rather than this, all of his opinions and preferences become whatever you like! (without complaint ofc, because he’s okay with anything as long as you’re satisfied)
this makes me think he’s rlly big on quality time because he seems like the type of bf to be content with just. whatever! as long as you’re there ^_^
quite literally only has eyes for you
he doesn’t really *intend* to do this, but it is so difficult for him to focus on anyone else if he has *you* there with him
everyone will always complain when they hangout with just you two bc they will always end up feeling like a third wheel :skull: 
even if you try to tease him for literally adoring you 24/7 he wouldn’t even be flustered or embarrassed. he would just nod and smile in agreeance U_U
he’ll always go out of his way to compliment you too, telling you how cute you look or how good you are at doing something. he gets a little shy every time you compliment him, but he always recovers by turning the praise back to you
even though he isn’t the best texter, i imagine he would put in extra effort to keep you updated throughout the day-- especially if it's hard to spend a lot of time together in person
you're just going about your day at school/work and you hear a notification on your phone... it's leehan sending you like 10 different angles of the new friends he got for his fish tank
or it's one of his selfies that are either 1) blurry, 2) crop out like 80% of his face, 3) at an unnatural selfie angle, or 4) all of the above. regardless, he's still your handsome boyfriend & looks amazing in every pic he sends
unironically i think he would be a DRY texter LMFAO but the way he communicates is kind of endearing. rather than sending messages, he def has a concerningly large album of reaction pics he uses for every possible situation (including ones he made himself using pics of you & the members)
dates with him are SO fun.
again, he doesn't really care too much about what you two do as long as he gets to spend time together... he's just down to try Anything and Everything so you guys never really run out of things to do together
being so eager to try new activities, i can 100% see him suggesting the most obscure data ideas & being so genuinely excited to do it no matter how odd it may seem given the context
cause Boy wdym you think fishing in a river at 12am is a fun idea for a date... it’s not necessarily like you were going to say no .... but also… this isn’t a common date activity, right?
i think he loves staying in with you the most….. sleepover!!! :3
especially after you both had tiring days; spending a night in with each other never fails to recharge you both!
ordering any food you want (he isn’t planning on eating much, so he’d rather get something you’re craving) ((after a couple bites he sits back and watches you eat w/ the biggest grin on his face))
but i think the absolute BEST part of the night is when the two of you are side by side at the bathroom counter doing a Twelve Step Skincare Routine that leehan made himself
and you’re giggling the whole time bc he takes his skincare SERIOUSLY. (that one mf who don’t play about his skincare bye)
i think he’d be super attentive, but silently though
you’d never know he’s constantly keeping track of your reactions to certain things, your different routines, your food preferences, the types of clothes you like
Ok in theory it /sounds/ creepy but he just puts in the effort to observe the way you like to do things so he can help you whenever you need it
IMAGINE you’re running late & you can’t find your phone /again/ and you’re lowkey freaking out because you Need To Leave Now but leehan just steadies you and hands you your phone
and ur kind of in awe ??? i've been looking for this for ten minutes now... How Do you have this …?
he just shrugs and explains “you always leave it underneath the blanket when you make the bed so i figured it might be there again" and motions for you to hurry before you’re late
or maybe you’re feeling under the weather & you ask him to make you a hot drink to help soothe your throat and he comes back with a mug of tea made EXACTLY how you make it for yourself
you're pleasantly surprised upon taking your first sip because …you don’t recall ever telling him how you like your tea? 
then he's sitting there with stars in his eyes and saying “i made it properly, right? :3” (clearly very proud of himself bc he remembered how you like it)
doesn't seem like the type to be too extra when it comes to PDA. if anything, he prefers small and/or secret interactions in public (it feels more intimate if only you guys know what's happening)
head pats. that’s it. he thinks the way you literally melt whenever he pats your head is the most endearing thing ever, so he'll save it /specifically/ when you're out w/ a group of people because he loves seeing you so flustered afterwards
keeping a hand on the small of your back or resting his arm on the back of your chair when you're sitting next to each other
holding your hand in his under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze as the two of you continue to talk with the others at the table
at the end of the day... he just loves you so dearly & couldn't be happier knowing that he can call you his, and you can call him yours :,)
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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aphrogeneias · 8 months
1) We’re having a movie night, just like we’ve always done. Your thigh is touching mine, and my thoughts won’t stop wandering.
this screams eddie omg
best friend!eddie munson x fem!reader + we’re having a movie night, just like we’ve always done. your thigh is touching mine, and my thoughts won’t stop wandering.
warnings: a bit of perv!eddie. a tiny bit. mentions of oral sex (fem receiving) and fingering. i kind of went a little off the prompt? oopsies?
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Eddie can't pay attention.
He should be. Dustin is going to quiz him about this movie’s entire plot, ask him who his favorite characters were, what he thought of the lore. The boy, a senior now, much to his disbelief, had begged him to go see it after watching it himself.
It's not like he's hard to convince. A noble dwarf sent on a quest to save an innocent child from an evil sorceress. His bread and butter. Extra buttery popcorn, chocolate, you. Right beside him, wearing his jacket, feet tucked under yourself as you lean sideways over him, bare knees touching his denim covered thighs.
You're barely touching, but he can't help but let his eyes travel to your thighs, stretching the skirt you are wearing. The hand he keeps diligently on the arm rest flexes, the other grips his drink harder.
This attraction isn't new — it has been here since you started tutoring him on English at the start of his last senior year, and it remained, ever blossoming, every time you were around him — but his wandering thoughts recently grew a mind of their own.
The film’s dialogue and epic soundtrack are only background to his own private fantasy. Eddie can barely touch the popcorn, barely listen to your commentary, as he thinks of what he'd do if you let him do what he couldn't stop thinking about.
Would you let him touch you? Slide a hand over your thigh, feel your skin under his palm. Would it be as soft as he imagined? Softer, maybe. He thinks about what you would do if you let him squeeze you as he wanted, part your thighs with his rough hands, spread you open.
You're sitting in the back, no one would catch you. Would you be quiet as he kneeled at your feet? Would you be quiet if he asked? He'd ask nicely. You'd be good, he knew you would.
Would you bite your lip, taste your own lip gloss the way he dreamed of tasting, as he pulled your panties past your hips, and down your legs? What color would they be? Red, black, white? Cotton or lace? He wanted to taste them. He could practically smell you.
Would you keep quiet as he feasted on you, made out with your pussy like he wanted to? How would you sound keeping those sweet moans back, biting your hand, pouting those lips at him? Would you whimper, would you pull his hair? God, he wanted you to.
He wanted to suck on your clit until your pretty eyes rolled back in your head. Fuck you with his tongue until you cream on his mouth, and squeezed his head between your thighs. Would you let him fuck you with fingers after? Would you feel as tight, as warm, as he dreamed? He knew you would.
A snap of your fingers brings him back to reality. You're still in the same position, he's still staring straight forward, eyes glazed, mind far. His head snaps to the side, meeting your gaze. “Hey. Yeah?”
“Are you listening to me? Where were you, man?”
You're whispering, a smile on your face. Your face is closer, and his eyes wander yet again, this time to your lips. He's still not paying attention — his Levi’s feel tighter, his heart is racing. His mind must be playing a trick on him, because your eyes are also wandering, to his lips and back up.
“I'm here.” His voice falters.
“You sure?” You don't move. Your perfume makes him dizzy, but he doesn't move either.
“I'm all ears, sweetheart.”
You chuckle, “Forget about it.”
It feels like a test. It must be, because you're resting your head against his shoulder, and going quiet again. Something different hangs in the air.
He's still gripping his arm seat. He's still not paying attention.
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hihihi!!!! i loveee the way u write angst!!!! could i please request a reader taking a fatal blow for jason? like some self sacrifice where reader protects jay? ahhh i just imagine the desperation and him running himself ragged to save reader before it ends with comfort!! thanks soso much! i hope u have a great week🩷
Set In Place
Hi, nonnie! Thank you, hope you enjoy! ~1.7k words
Slight miscommunication, but it's in the way they don't know how to talk to each other about feelings.
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You weren't always a vigilante. You never planned on it, never wanted it. But when Jason Todd died you couldn't sit still, couldn't do nothing while the monsters that caused you to lose your best friend, your boyfriend, your first love, ran rampant.
You trained and trained until you were a shell of yourself. Until you and Bruce were both on a warpath that would only end with two more graves.
That was, until Tim came into your lives. Things got better, not much, but better. You learned to smile again, learned to soften your edges when you talked to the growing number of vigilantes patrolling Gotham's streets.
It scared you, sometimes, seeing kids no older than him fly around in the colors he died in. So you worked harder, got better, swore with everything you were and wouldn't be again that there will never be another dead Robin.
And then he came back. Jason– Red Hood, he called himself. It sends your world into a tailspin. You watch him become Gotham's most feared crime lord, you watch him leave all of that behind to become a hero. You watch as he slowly finds his place alongside his family.
You're just not exactly sure of what his place with you is. You patrol with him, you work with him. It's an awkward, unpracticed partnership, and you're sure he feels the same. You've told Bruce you don't want to work with Jason time and time again.
It's not that you don't miss him, don't feel envy at how easily he seemed to fall back into a routine with everyone else, it's just hard.
Hard when you catch him staring.
You know you must be unrecognizable to him, no longer the younger, civilian version of you. Hardened by the horrors of Gotham, scarred and calloused hands where skin used to be soft.
Bruce apparently didn't care about your complaints, because you find yourself on patrol with Red Hood more often than not. It's the same tonight, the two of you paired up to stake out some warehouse expecting a gun shipment for Falcone.
You can't help but watch him from the corner of your eye, he's different too, now. Bigger, sturdier, and willing to kill. A part of you wishes you had the courage to tell him that it doesn't make you hate him. That you miss him, and that nothing can change that part of your heart that's always been his.
You're tugged from your own thoughts when you see the familiar glint of a sniper rifle across the street. Your heart skips a beat and you're moving before you've even really connected that there's a gun.
You slam into Jason, a shot is fired. Pain blooms in your side as you both hit the ground.
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Everything was different when Jason came back. It took a long time to settle, to try to find himself, to try to find his place in a family he doesn't know, a Gotham that's not quite what he remembers.
But he adapted, he carved out a place for himself that's undeniably his. He's really only left with one uncertainty, one place he doesn't know how to fit into.
You. His best friend, his childhood sweetheart, his first love. You're different now, but he is too, and he wants that to be okay.
Jason just doesn't know how to get to okay. He catches you watching him, he wonders what you see now. If you recognize the boy he used to be in what he is now. He can't help but watch you too. You're strong, brave, selfless and so, so beautiful. He's amazed about how much you've accomplished, how many lives you saved.
It's why he keeps telling Bruce to put him on patrol with you. It's worth the looks he gets if it means a chance to talk to you. He's currently trying to figure out the best way to get your attention during this boring stakeout. Should he ask what you've been up to? No, too general. If you're liking the weather? Ha, no. It's Gotham, that's stupid. The weather is bad.
If you have a partner? Oh, he definitely doesn't want to know that answer right now. He'd very much just like to be able to talk to you first.
Did you miss him as much as he missed you? Do you still love him like he still loves you?
He opens his mouth to speak, not having a plan but anything is better than silence, when you slam into him, crashing you both to the ground. The air leaves his lungs when he makes contact with the concrete, instinctively wrapping an arm around your waist and cradling your head to cushion the fall.
"Hey, what–" He starts, voice failing when wetness starts to seep into his gloves. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. You're shot. You're hurt because you saved him.
He's only able to react on the years of skill and training ingrained into his bones. Get you off of him and on the ground. Remove armor. Pressure on the wound. Where's the shooter? His eyes dart, he doesn't see anyone. Doesn't see who did this to you.
"Oracle," he chokes out "They're hurt, gun shot. It's bad. I need- we need an evac." He's tugging off his jacket, more material to slow the blood flow, something to keep you warm.
"Hey," You're reaching up to touch his arm with shaky hands, you sound relieved, "You're okay."
He tears up behind his helmet. It's not fair, not right that you're trying to comfort him when you're bleeding out on some forsaken Gotham rooftop. He vaguely hears the voices coming through the comlink, that help is coming, that he needs to tell them what's going on.
But, he can't respond to them, too focused on you, the way you seem to be getting weaker with each passing second. He's panicking, his breathing is shallow and fast as he tries to keep you alive.
"Why did you do that? Why did you do that?" He asks, trying to keep it together, but it's impossible when all he wants to do is scream and cry and hunt down whoever shot you.
You just offer a frail smile. "Glad you're safe, Jason," You murmur, words getting more slurred and quiet with each passing moment. He checks your pulse. It's getting too slow.
"Stay awake, stay with me," He begs, words fraying as he sobs your name, "please."
Something touches his shoulder, he has his gun pulled and pointed before he bothers to see who it is, face curled into a snarl behind his helmet.
"Woah there, Jason." Nightwing. His hands are raised, "we're going to help them, okay?"
Batman sweeps past him, crouching down at your side to pick you up. Jason launches forward, panicked and unable to think straight as he barks, "Don't touch them!"
Nightwing hauls him back as Batman carries them, his person, to the plane. "No, no, no, please. I need to be there. I need to. It's my fault!"
"I know, I know, it's not your fault, we're going too. C'mon." Nightwing soothes, letting go of him. Jason's on Batman's heels immediately, gaze locked on you, how your eyes keep sliding shut.
"The shooter–" He starts, anger building behind the guilt and panic.
"Spoiler and Robin have it handled." Batman tells him. Jason nods weakly and when Batman carefully sets you down in the plane, he takes your hand. Nightwing starts working over your wound, you barely make a sound in reaction to the pain.
"Stay awake. Don't go." He murmurs, begging, as he squeezes your fingers. He nearly sobs again when you offer him a feeble one in return.
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Everything hurts. Which makes sense, you did get shot. It doesn't really bother you, at least not right now, not when Jason's holding your hand, his fingers resting over the steady beat of your pulse on your wrist.
You're not exactly sure how long you were passed out, but it was long enough that they got you into the medbay in the Batcave, stitched you up, and got you into a bed. Long enough that Jason's fallen asleep in the chair next to your bed, his head resting on top of the sheets by your hip.
You only hesitate for a second before reaching over to brush his hair back with your free hand. He's pretty when he's sleeping, but then again he's always pretty.
His eyes snap open and you draw your hand back. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up, Jason."
He sits up quickly, eyes darting over you, "Don't be. Are you okay? How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" He hasn't let go of your hand.
"I'm okay." You promise, because you are. He didn't get hurt. He's here, and that makes everything okay.
He exhales shakily, studying you, "You shouldn't have done that."
You shrug, "Maybe, but you would have done the same thing." You know it's the truth, even if what's between you isn't the same, he's good. Always so good.
He frowns and runs his thumb over your knuckles, lost in thought, he can’t find the words to refute you, to make you understand what you did was wrong. "Do you– can I get you anything?"
You smile at him, teasing, trying to lighten the look on his face, "What? You gonna be my personal maid till I can get outta bed?"
You're surprised at how earnestly he nods, "Yeah, of course. Whatever you need, just let me know."
You blink at him and take a risk, "Maybe you could keep me company for a while? Not much to do in medbay," You ask tentatively, unable to ignore a real chance at being something– anything– with him.
Warmth blooms in your chest at the way he smiles at your question. It surprises you again, how thrilled your question seems to make him.
If you only knew what he was thinking now, how much he's been trying to find this moment that brings you two back into each other's lives, and the guilt he feels that it took you getting hurt to find it. "I'd like that," he tells you.
You squeeze his hand, and he looks down, as if he forgot he was even holding it. It feels right, familiar, something that used to be found again.
"I'd like that too." You say softly. It makes the two of you grin like two idiots in love.
You'll both figure out you are, eventually, but in this tender moment, it's a sweet solace to have found a place next to each other again.
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onmyyan · 19 days
So I'm imagining a bit of a silly concept, but imagine delivery driver!reader with yanderes Dick and Jason. Like they'll keep ordering from the place reader works in hopes that reader will show up (and she will - your boss got fed up with all the 1 star reviews when anyone other than you shows up) but they act like creeps trying to get you to join in on their movie night or whatever. They totally don't realize they're being creeps, though - this is their darling! They would never scare her! But like reader gets fed up with them "propositioning" her so she has her boss put them on the do not deliver list. The boys are surprised (they knew her boss was sending all those other drivers on purpose! 🙄), but it's nothing a call to Barbara can't fix (she wants to be an Auntie ASAP - platonic yan Barbara, perhaps?)
It starts with a simple delivery to Wayne Manor, one insignificant package set their sights on you, but could you blame them? That smile when you handed Dick the package, the pretty laugh you let out when Jason said something witty, it wasn't their fault you enamored them with a single meeting, and it didn't help when you delivered their second package, about a week after the first, and remember their names, the audacity to do such a thing and not expect them to fall in love.
Anytime someone other than you shows up they're met with the coldest glares, Dick is short with them, no banter no charm, Jason straight up doesn't speak to anyone that isn't you.
They don't start to get creepy until about week three, that's how long their resolve lasts before Dick is inviting you in for a drink, you must be hot in that uniform of yours, why don't you come inside? It's cool in the manor and he's sure your boss wouldn't miss you for a few minutes.
Jason, to his credit, really does try to be casual about his interest, of course it's anything but casual, he pretends to be working on his bike when you come to get his signature, purposely showing off as he takes his time signing, intense blue eyes staring at you with an intensity that made you sweat. He says a pretty girl like you shouldn't have to work so hard, that you should have someone to take care of you, you grit your teeth biting out a smile as you snatch the tablet back as soon as he finishes signing.
It isn't until your latest delivery do you put them on the do not deliver list, as usual they were together when you rang the doorbell, Dick smiles so brightly at you, you'd think you were delivering the stars in a neatly wrapped box. "Hey (y/n)!" He greets you like a long time friend instead of someone you'd only spoken to a handful of times, "You mind bringing that inside?" He asks the question and despite its oddity, you comply bringing the package inside.
Jason closes the door behind you, causing you to jump, when the hell did he get here?
"Good to see you bunny." He was always calling you pet names, far too intimate for your liking, he smirks before taking the box from your hands, his fingers purposely brushing against yours. "You're like a little messenger fairy."
You choose to ignore him, turning to Dick, you hold out the tablet for him to sign. "We'll get to that in a minute- why don't you sit down for a sec?" He sits on the couch patting the spot beside him. "I gotta get back to my route-"
"it's midnight, you guys stop delivering after midnight right?" Jason speaks up causing you to look at him, he looks way too satisfied with himself, catching you in a lie. Feeling trapped you sit on the couch reluctantly. "What's up?" You ask looking between the two, Jason remains standing his beefy arms crossed across his chest. God he made you uneasy.
"we've noticed how hard you've been working lately and since we're friends-" you don't hide the confusion on your face at the proclamation, "-We figured you could use a break." Dick spoke almost as if he was nervous. "Come on bunny, take a load off." Jason finally sat down sandwiching you between the two.
"or- and hear me out on this one, you sign for your package and I leave?" They share a look before Dick is almost sadly signing the tablet. "Well if you ever wanna just chill or something-"
You don't hesitate you leap off the couch and run out the door, heart slamming so hard in your chest you felt the rumble in your throat.
You thought you'd be done with them after putting their names on your company's do not deliver list, and for about a week you are, until they realize what's going on and collectively lose their minds.
Barbara couldn't stand seeing two of her closest friends so down, so unlike themselves, once they explain the situation to her she's quick to act, understanding their... particular intensity when it came to love, and clearly you'd stolen their hearts, she couldn't stand to see them so upset so she quickly devizes a plan to get you back where you belong.
All it takes is hacking into your company's files to find your route and schedule, it's like child's play to her to set up the meeting, she ordered a shit ton of stuff all for you unbeknownst to you of course, all items you'd need for your upcoming vacation, Bruce had a few private islands for situations just like this one, and it be the perfect place for Dick and Jason to break you in. By the time you left the little slice of paradise, you'd be a perfect little darling.
With a smile too pretty for her deeds, she presses confirm on the order and sends a text to the guys.
"Your Darling is approaching with your order."
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daenysx · 22 days
Hey darling, just wondering if i could make a request about modern!aemond? it can be just some drabble about his wife(reader) telling him about her pregnancy, or them finding out their gender💘
hi, i'm a bit self conscious about this but i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting <333
modern!aemond targaryen x pregnant!fem!reader , fluff
aemond started counting down the days since you told him the date of your appointment with the doctor.
he tries to be cool about it because the most important thing for your baby is to be healthy, he didn't really think about gender. he keeps calling the baby 'baby' , nothing specific, and to be honest he doesn't picture a girl or a boy in his arms when he imagines of the moment he finally gets to meet with the baby.
now, though, when you said you can find out about the gender at your appointment, a sudden chill runs through him. it's a funny feeling and no matter how calm he tries to be, he realizes he's excited beyond the words.
he wakes up earlier than you on the day of appointment, gives your cheek and the baby sleepy kisses. your hand goes to stroke his hair when he presses his lips on your belly but he's quick to not fall for your tricks. you always wanna stay in bed longer and somehow convince him to accompany you. this morning, he will not fall for that. he has things to do like finding out the gender of his baby.
you've been craving savory stuff for breakfast lately, and aemond took that as a challenge to find new options for you to eat. he's preparing the eggs when you walk next to him in kitchen, you kiss his cheek soundly before leaving for bathroom. it's all part of a routine and luckily you have more time to spend with him today since he got the day off.
"so, do you have any guesses?" you ask, after both of you settle down for breakfast.
"i feel like it'll be a girl." aemond says as he puts some olives on your plate. he gets some for himself too. "it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, of course. i'll be happy either way."
"i think it's a boy." you smile. a little boy who looks exactly like your husband is one of the nicest dreams. "and, boy or girl, they will definitely have your hair."
aemond laughs at that. you take a sip from your tea. "i get so excited every time they make us listen the baby's heartbeat. it all becomes real. hard to imagine a baby growing in me otherwise."
you look really beautiful pregnant and aemond makes sure you know that. like you really know that. he finds himself staring at the changes he can spot on your body most of the time, especially in the mornings when he wakes up before you. your skin has a new type of glow, your belly grows bigger, and you have a sore back but it's all been okay until now.
the drive to hospital is filled with your favorite songs. aemond has a small smile on his lips and he doesn't try to hide it. his hand finds yours easily, leading the way to the doctor's room. it's like living a moment that has been there before. he thinks he's watching a movie scene, you're the actors, and now the doctor says her lines.
he can only focus on the sound of his baby's heartbeat. the room is silent. aemond doesn't necessarily believe in miracles but surely this must be some kind of a miracle. a part of both of you, alive and has a heartbeat. it's so beautiful. you can't help your tears, let them roll down on your cheek freely.
"are you ready to find out about the gender?" your doctor asks with a smile. again, it's like a movie scene. aemond holds your hand, you give the doctor a tiny nod. she keeps looking at the screen, her eyes squinting just a bit. aemond feels like his heart will stop.
"okay." she says, her finger pointing something on the screen. "here, can you see that? that's your girl, right there."
a girl? it fits right in to every dream aemond has. no, because what can be more beautiful than having a baby girl who looks like you? he imagines her tiny face, chubby cheeks and softness only she can offer, and he's never dramatic but it's enough to die as a happy man.
"it's a girl?" you ask, crying. "aemond."
he kisses your hair. you're happier, more than you thought you would be when you find out. the doctor says she's healthy and everything looks good, which is a huge relief. you give her nods as she talks about what will happen in the next weeks. aemond can remember those parts from the pregnancy book he read before.
the movie scene stops when you're back in car. it's the reality now. you will have a girl. a silver haired baby, maybe, with your eyes. aemond's smile is bigger now and he never lets go of your hand. now that the baby can have name options, it all becomes more- real.
"i can't wait to meet her." you say. aemond agrees. he can't wait to be a girl dad.
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
Drabble Idea: Judge Crane decides to give his obsession a third option. Death, exile, or…….
You know he would use his position in order to get his crush all to himself while Gotham burns.
YES OMG SOME LOVE FOR JUDGE CRANE he's so underrated and I actually lost it when I saw the movies in theaters and he popped up <3 like omg look it's my husband
warnings: coercion, ownership, threats of noncon, yandere vibes
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"You can't be serious," you mumbled, but you knew he was-- Dr. Crane wasn't an especially humorous guy, that whole death by exile bit from earlier notwithstanding.
He still smiled at you, though; "It's your choice."
"Well, it's not much of a choice, is it?" you scoffed.
"It's a better choice than anybody else got," Jonathan shrugged, "if you do choose exile, I'm sure these guys would love to give you a nice send-off-- right, boys?"
You didn't even have the heart to look back at the thugs who had dragged you in here, but you heard them chuckling and mumbling amongst themselves. Crane had made his message clear, and you let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine," you said.
"Fine?" he repeated. "What's that mean, you'll just die?"
"No, I--"
"You know, you said once you'd rather die than marry me, do you remember that?" He laughed. But that was years ago, when your father tried to set you up with him because he was a respected doctor and you were a nice young socialite-- it was more about rebellion than anything else then, but learning about his insanity and criminal activities wasn't exactly changing your mind.
"I was wrong," you admitted, "alright? I'm sorry."
He smiled again, a little more sinister than the last time. "Then you can wait for me with the others... sweetheart."
The huddled mass of the 'arrested' dwindled through the day, executives and politicians dragged up the stairs to meet their fate as determined by Crane; soon it was only half or less left behind, with you simply counting the minutes until you'd be taken-- you couldn't imagine what life would be like with Jonathan, and for now, you tried not to.
He came for you at the end of the day, standing above you and smiling down as you stayed sitting on the ground, leaning against a pillar and waiting for whatever he asked you to do. "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say," he admitted as he stared at you. "Hi honey, I'm home or something?"
"You don't actually sleep here, do you?" you frowned.
"No, no-- I believe in work-life balance," he shook his head; then reached his hand out to help you up. "Come on, let's go home."
Though you hesitated, you took his hand and let him help you to your feet with a wince.
"Are you alright?" he asked, seeing the pain on your face.
"They kinda roughed me up," you admitted quietly, though your breath caught when Jonathan pulled you closer.
"Poor thing," he mumbled, petting your cheek briefly, holding your waist a little tighter. "And having to sit on this hard floor all day-- you must be sore, hm?"
You nodded slightly, though you felt strange talking to him like this-- like it was a normal conversation, and not something you had to do to keep yourself safe. If being with him could really be considered 'safe'...
"I can write you a script if you're in too much pain," he offered, "but I think you just need some rest: somewhere warm, a nice big bed..."
He leaned in closer as he trailed off, taking a deep breath beside your head as he rubbed your back. Though he must have noticed the way you tensed up and nearly pulled away, it didn't deter him.
"I'll be good to you," he promised, "if you just behave. You don't need to be so afraid of me."
But you could hear the excitement in his voice; he liked that you were afraid of him. Finally, he had the power over you that you'd denied him all those years ago. No matter how sweet he promised to be, one way or another, he was going to make you pay for that.
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bandgie · 10 months
Hey I saw your requests were open so I figured I’d shoot my shot. Can I request a fic Where Hyunjin really needs to pee and reader is joking around with him while straddling his lap and he keeps warning her that he needs to go but she thinks he’s kidding and he ends up peeing a bit and he feels kinda shy about it so reader tells him it’s okay to just let go while she’s on his lap. Then she starts grinding on him and he gets turned on and they fuck raw for the first time 😁
a/n: oh you're siicckk I love it
warnings: just read the ask man, MDNI 18+, established relationship, under the influence, fem!reader, dom-ish reader, soft dick hyunjin (lets fucken go), fluff mostly, PIV, no protection, come on you should know me by now!
1.4k words
Maybe drinking wasn't the best idea. You could only imagine the pounding headache that would come in the morning. However, you couldn't manage to care enough as you sat on Hyunjin's warm lap. His hands were lazily placed on your hips, softly rocking them against his crotch.
Another bad idea in getting wasted was that neither you nor Hyunjin had explored each other much. The relationship was still new, but that didn't stop either of you from grinding up against each other late into the night. 
Hyunjin could feel the excitement bubbling in his stomach. The feeling of your plush thighs on his, how your chest was pressed in his face. It sent a thrill down his spine to be this close to you, but there was a familiar pressure in his bladder that ruined the mood.
"Babe," his voice was velvety soft as he spoke. "I gotta piss."
You looked down at your lover. A confused look on your face as you replied, "Now?" He nods, looking at you like a dog who got his bone taken away. "Yes, now."
Rather than getting up, you grab the back of his head and force him between your breasts. He makes a mmf! sound then giggles at your behavior. "Babbeee," he drawls. "I really need to go." His hands tap your ass as an encouragement to get up, but you aren't having it.
"You just don't want to touch me," you pout. The alcohol must be getting to your head. You're not one to deny someone of relieving their bladder. Hyunjin, however, is too drunk to catch onto the playfulness of your tone. "Of course I want to touch you! I'll just go to the bathroom real quick and-"
Hyujin's cut off with a moan as you grind your hips down on him. You rock back and forth, trying to create some friction between the layers of clothes. "You can hold it." It's not a request, but a demand from you. 
He shakes his head, "I really can't. We drank a lot. I'mma piss myself."
This makes you giggle, "Big boys don't pee their pants." You ignore Hyunjin's whines as you lift your hips just enough to remove your skirt. With your white underwear exposed, he can see the small patch of wetness that's accumulated. 
"If you do wanna piss that bad, you can go here," you look down to your bare thighs. Your hands move from the back of his head to the front of his pants. He doesn't protest when you unbuckle his belt, zip down his zipper to pull out his soft cock.
You coo at the sight, grabbing ahold of his dick and running your thumb along the slight. "You really are drunk," you mumble. "Can't even get hard." Hyunjin looks both horrified and aroused. It's your first time seeing his cock, and he's flaccid. You, on the other hand, are beyond ecstatic to see it. 
The warmth of your hand makes his hips jerk upwards. He groans. "Fuck, I'm gonna pee on you."
No matter how many times Hyunjin's warned you, you're still shocked to see a yellow stream emit from his tip. He tried to cover his cock, but you quickly slap his hands away. His piss lands on his jeans, leaking into the material. The warmth seeps onto your thighs, all the way down until your white underwear is stained with a yellow hue.
He moans. Moans when he sees you covered in his pee, his fifth. Hyunjin expects you to jump off his lap and run to the bathroom. He's waiting for your disgusted expression, but he's surprised to see a wide smile on your face. 
You pump his wet cock, drooling. "Fuck it's everywhere. Peed on me like a dog, you're so hot." Some piss leaks from his cock as you stroke him faster. Your underwear sticks to your cunt, but you're certain it's more of his own fluid than yours.
Hyunjin whimpers, "I...You think it's hot?"
The uncertainty in his voice pulls at your heartstrings. Your boyfriend could do anything, and you'd find it endearing. He has you wrapped around his finger, and he doesn't even know it. "I think you're hot," you emphasize. "I need you in me now. I really wanna fuck you."
If Hyunjin was more sober, he would be horrified at the thought of having sex with you like this. He wanted your first time to be romantic. He wanted to take things slow and feel your body on his, completely nude. Still, he can't ignore the delight in how you pull your soaked underwear to the side.
His cock twitches in your hand. After his tinkle, Hyunjin feels himself getting hard in your soft palms. He helps you over his dick with his hands on your waist, slowly lowering you to his length. 
Everything is so easy, so perfect when his tip breaches your walls. There's not an ounce of pain as he fills you up. You shiver and place your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. "Mmm so good," you moan. "Deeper."
Hyunjin complies eagerly, shoving the remaining inches of his cock. It nestles snugly in your cunt, the head kissing your cervix. As much as you would like to bounce on him, you stay sitting fully on his dick. You want to feel how the curve of him hits every spot within you. How your walls tighten and squeeze around his unfamiliar girth.
It's only when you've begun dripping that you move upwards. A few inches of Hyunjin's length slip out before you slide back down. He slides effortlessly in you, stretching you wonderfully. 
Hyunjin can't decide whether he wants to look at your face or where your bodies connect. He loves watching his cock disappear in you as you ride him, but he also loves your fucked out expression. How your mouth hangs open to moan uncontrollably, the way your nose scrunches when he thrusts his hips upwards, how your eyes look into his so dreamily. 
"Fuck," Hyunjin groans. This might not have been the ideal way he wanted to make love, but he'll forever save the image in his mind. Imprint the feeling of your body on his. He'll immortalize this moment in a painting.
Both of you are too tipsy to properly fuck into each other. Your thrusts are sloppy and they don't match. Sometimes you have to stay hovering while he grinds upwards to you. The sounds of his thighs clapping against the back of yours echo in the house.
You throw back your head when he decides to use you to his liking. He bounces you on his cock like a fleshlight, eyes crazed. With your throat exposed to him, he can't help but lean forward to bury his face into your neck. 
Without warning, he bites down. You cry out from the sensation, feeling his teeth pierce your flesh. The saltiness of your skin settles on his tongue and the primal taste makes his hips move rougher.
A warm sensation builds quickly in your stomach, and you find yourself flooding before you can comprehend it. The familiar pale yellow liquid spurt from your cunt, and sprays all over his lower stomach. 
Hyunjin laughs tiredly upon feeling the liquid stream out of you. He pulls his head back and looks down, seeing the mess. "Looks like I wasn't the only one who needed to go."
You babble incoherently, jumble 'sorrys' and 'don't stop.'
He chuckles again and focuses his attention back on your dripping cunt. The extra warmth and wetness only push Hyunjin closer to the edge. His grip tightens on your hips and he drives into you. His balls tense and his cock twitches, and for a moment he thinks about pulling out. 
But the way you're helplessly letting him use you and looking at him so endearing makes it seem as though you might get upset if he pulls out. So he doesn't, and he buries his cock to the base as he cums inside. 
You thought it was impossible for you to feel wetter, but you're proven wrong. Hyunjin's cum shoots itself deep inside to claim you. You feel gravity pull his arousal down and out of your pussy, dripping onto his thighs and the couch. 
Tiredly, you collapse on his chest. His arms wrap around you and pull you close, peppering your neck and cheek with kisses. Both of you find solace in each other's embrace, giggling and giving open mouth kisses carelessly. It doesn't take long for the cum and piss to get uncomfortable.
Both of you decide a thorough shower is much needed... and maybe another round.
a/n: this was pretty fun to write! little secret for ya'll, men can't piss during sex (unless they have a medical condition) so that's why I had him soft to pee. but tbh we need more skz soft penis appreciation. if you're with me say 'i'
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eustasskidagenda · 11 months
Hi, I dunno if it's the case or not, but maybe u have some pegging HCs for Sanji, Kidd, Law & Ace, I'm so obsessed with this kink orz. Tyyy! Anon or not, I don't mind.
Hello! I must admit it was quite challenging to write this, because I never thought about how they would act in this situation. I tried not to detail that much for Kid bc I also have to write an OS with Kid+pegging and I'll develop more of my thoughts in this fic. Anyway, I hope the result will match your expectations, thank you for requesting. ☆
☆Pegging HCs for Sanji, Kid, Law & Ace
CW : g/n reader, MDNI, smut, pegging, Kid is cursing obviously, oral sex (Sanji receiving), rough sex, gentle sex, hair pulling, rimming (Sanji, Law receiving) , fingering (Sanji , Law,  Ace, receiving), slight dirty talk, praises. Let me know if I forgot something
WC : 1,9k
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Well, it's Sanji we're talking about. As long as you don't ask him a threesome with Zoro or to inflict you any kind of pain, he's willing to try and do everything for the sake of making you smile. He doesn't care about what people think and say.
Please, don't go for the biggest size, he has never done that before. He will choose it with you, just to make sure it’s the perfect size. He's likely a little agitated because he's a huge soft boy, but it's fine, he trusts you. 
"Are you sure the door is locked?" 
There's no way for him to be caught.
Sanji is fond of holding your hands, kissing you softly, and looking at you with pure adoration in his eyes, even when he's rough. He expects you to do the same. Take your time to explore his entire body. Kiss his neck, run your fingers through his hair, feel the softness of his hair, and squish on his nipples. That's what causes shivers to run down his spine.
Prepare yourself to hear the most delightful moans and whines when you begin to stroke his cock while rimming and fingering his hole. Sanji is a whiny mess; he just can't control how good it actually feels. His cock is hard, almost painfully hard as he praises you for the good job you're doing. 
If you ask him, he prefers to see your face and eyes, but if you want, he doesn't mind being on all fours or whatever. 
Please let him rest on his back, with his beautiful, strong legs wrapped around your waist. He will ask you to hold his hand, fingers tightly entwined as you start to push the dildo  covered of lube inside him. Imagine him moaning loudly with completely red cheeks as he indulges in a whole world of new sensations. It feels so good, he can't help but start begging for more, harder, and faster. The feeling of your skin against his, your wet kisses, gentle touch, and firm grip on his legs or hips is too much for this poor man. "Plus fort, je t'en prie." (Harder, please) Will come fast and hard.
During the aftercare, you have to keep him back from running into the kitchen to cook something for you. Just hold him tightly and hug/praise him for how good he was. He needs reassurance and to make sure you had a good time too.
And then, he'll run into the kitchen anyway.
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Kid is not against pegging. He's being portrayed as a punk, and punks like nonconformism. So maybe the society is not really open-minded about pegging, but Kid doesn't give a damn. If he wants to do something, then he'll do it. He doesn't believe in gender roles. 
However, Kid cares way too much about his reputation and he knows it could ruin all his notoriety, so he really has to trust you to let you peg him. It will only happen after a certain time in your relationship because Kid is slow to both open-up and offer his trust: he has been betrayed so many times, he's just unable to take his guard off immediately.
You better take the bigger size, he's not a pussy. If you try to choose a normal or less size, he's so pissed off. "You really think I can't take it? Ugh, fuck off, I won’t do it."
It doesn't matter if you're pegging him: he's still the same stubborn hot-headed mess. If you give him an order, he'll get mad. You should use your hands to gently guide him if you need him to spread his legs or roll onto his stomach because words won't work. Like "Kid, please spread your legs" And his only answer is an angry scowl and low grunt. But if you use your hands then… he’ll comply.
And let's say the view is quite interesting, because Kid is named Eust-ass for a reason. His booty is incredibly juicy. It's a gift to see his beautiful body being offered to you. He probably prefers lying on his back because he rarely uses his robotic limb in bed. It's easier to stay still or just breathe if he can remain on his back.
"Ugh, I don't need lube, nor rimming, nor fingering, I'm not a wimp"
He’s a liar. Please use lube.
Kid is the king of low grunts, growls, and shaky breath whenever he fucks you. If you peg him, if it feels too good, maybe you'll hear him moaning. Moans that are really low and husky.  Do not dare make a comment about his moans, or you'll never hear them again.
He likes rough sex, so go ahead and bite him or pull on his hair. He will secretly enjoy it. As he loves leaving marks on your body, he also likes when you do the same. But do not dare to humiliate him by calling him a good pet, slut, or whatever because it is not okay in his book. No one can humiliate him and if you try, the mood is just ruined. Do not try to control his orgasm or whatever. His only answer would be to show you his manicured middle finger.
If you start to praise him for how amazing his ass is or how well he's taking you, he gets totally flustered. If he's lying on his back with his hair spread out around the pillow, you can take a look at his red cheeks in embarrassment. "Shut up."
When he's all flustered and flushed, he's so cute. He's just not used to being praised, so he doesn't know how to react.
Regardless, rest assured that he will enjoy every second of this moment. He feels nervous at the end because he can't help but overthink the idea of being betrayed. Just reassure him and he'll let you rest your head on his chest.
And sure, he'll make sure to fuck you hard later. Whatever you give it to him, he will give it to you harder.
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Well, Law is a little more complicated. Sure, he's not totally against the whole idea, but as Kid, he's really slow to open up, and winning his trust is not an easy task. Of course, he knows where his prostate is. He's not stupid and is perfectly aware of how the anatomy works. He's literally a doctor. But that doesn't change the fact that he's aloof and distrustful. 
The first time you talk about your fantasies of pegging him, it's too sudden and off guard, so the answer is automatically "no." He can't take a decision without taking some time to think about it. After that, he becomes somewhat suspicious. To take things slowly is the best thing you can do. Don't rush him or he won't accept.
The idea will slowly but surely make its way through his mind. Of course, you don't know what's going on in his mind. 
(If you wanna know : he's searching for the perfect dildo without telling you anything.)
One day, you're in bed together and he suddenly shows you the dildo he bought. "Hey, y/n-ya, do you still want to try this thing called pegging?" 
He is secretly hoping that you forget about your fantasies.
When you say 'yes', he thinks he's totally doomed, but it's fine. He's willing to at least try. 
Law is completely flustered if you ask him to lay on his back. He will always turn his head to avoid crossing your gaze. Imagine him with soft red cheeks. And if he is on his stomach or on all fours, maybe he will feel a little more comfortable and relaxed because you can't see his reactions. Despite this, he's also nervous because he's unable to closely observe what you're doing. And this man is so stressed, he likes to have the control all the time. 
"Don't forget the lube y/n-ya.", "you know, even if it's a toy, you have to put a condom on" He can't help but guide you. He must feel in control even in this situation, otherwise, he will overthink and you will never be able to enter even one finger inside him.
Ho honestly wants to 'room, shambles' and disappear while you trace his tattoos with your fingers, pinch his nipples, and leave a trail of hot kiss along his happy trail. Law is always tensed and stressed, so he needs a lot of gentle touch to relax enough. The best thing you can do for him is to suck his cock while fingering him, or even rimming. He's so embarrassed, but it feels good. He can't lie.
When you finally enter him, he doesn't moan or grow, he's all about low, deep, husky breaths. It feels good, the toy is hitting his g-spot with each thrust. The moment you glance at him, he wants to bury his head under the pillow. His hair is messy and he is beautiful, with his eyes flashing of both annoyance and pleasure. 
"Does it feel good to be fucked in the ass?" 
Law.exe has ceased to function.
He's going to end up with his legs wrapped around your waist, pressing his feet against your back to force you to move faster and harder. You can sense his legs shaking with pleasure. If you play with his nipples or stroke his cock, it's over, he won't hold back.
Again, he's so embarrassed with his belly covered in his own semen. He just wants to disappear. And he would never admit he loved every single one from this moment. 
If you want to peg him again, you'll have to take the initiative. 
"Ugh fine, y/n-ya, we can do it again." He'll pretend to be doing a great favor to you (he's a great actor).
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Ace, like Sanji, is willing to try almost anything for you because he's a sweetheart. Actually, the only problem is that he doesn't know what 'pegging' means. His first reaction is to ask Marco what it means, as he doesn't want to look foolish in front of you. As soon as he knows, well... 
"Hey y/n, you want to peg me?" Out of nowhere, in the middle of the dinner. He's impulsive, he can't keep his thoughts to himself, so hey, deal with it.
No matter what you ask, he will do it. But don't choose the biggest size because poor Ace can't figure out how something that big could fit inside his body.
Ace is playful, so what's going to happen is not a big deal for him. He wants to laugh with you while you put your strap on, and will make random comments while you thrust your fingers in and out his ass. "Remember when I burst into flames the first time we fucked? Hope it won't again."
Damn, you hope as well.
He's a cutie with his freckled cheeks completely red.
As your figure looms over his body, he can't help but think you're absolutely beautiful. He feels so lucky to have you by his side and to feel comfortable with you. How could a good thing happen to him? He is not worthy of you. His eyes are filled with pure admiration and love for you. And a spark of amusement, obviously.
Loud moans, he doesn't care if he's being noisy. Hair is totally messy on the pillow. Shaking legs and shaky breaths.
His voice is beautiful and soft as he moans.
If you give it to him harder, his cock will remain painfully hard.
Of course, he is capable of controlling his DF, but the sensations are too unfamiliar and overwhelming." Whoops, I burned the bedsheets" with a cute laugh. That was your favorite bedsheet, but you can't be mad at him, he's so adorable.
Will ask you the permission to cum because he's a good boy. 
And totally willing to be pegged again. 
Ace's goofiness will make Marco know everything. "Marco, I did this thing called 'pegging' and it's amazing. Have you already given this a shot? You should try!"
Poor Marco, leave him alone, he cares about his privacy.
641 notes · View notes
ollie-lolly · 1 year
The Obey me brothers in: "The morning after"
Obey me brothers X gender neutral reader
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing
Started and finished on: the 8th of april 2023
Note: Happy early birthday to my favorite snek boi Leviathan! <3 I love this little shit to bits. Tell me if you want the side characters too! As always reblogs and constructive critism is always appreciated!
word count:489
-Will already be fully dressed by the time you wake up
-That is if you don't wake up by this old ass man's alarm clock
-On the rare occasion that that isn't the case, he'll drink coffee while waiting for you to wake up
-He loves sharing coffee with you in the morning 
-Don't even dare to eat in his bed 
-Will treat you like royalty the morning after, since he can be quite rough during sex
-Will reward you for being his "stress reliever"
-"I was great wasn't i?"
-Needs cuddles
-This man is clingy as fuck
-Morning kisses on your body
-Will make up tons of excuses as to why you two are late to school
-He can't convince anyone cuz he is loud as fuck
-As soon as he wakes up he will try to hide his face in your back when spooning
-I like to imagine that he kinda loses himself when he is having sex. So morning clarity hits this man hard
-He is very insecure, so please assure him that he did well
-Please for the love of god please don't mention what happened the night before during breakfast. He will just shut down
-"Please restart Levi.exe"
-Will read to you in the morning if you like!
-Cuddles with you him and his sneaked in cats in the morning
-While reading the devildom news paper, he'll ask questions on what you did and didn't like from last night
-Will ask you what you would want to try next
-Will carry you to breakfast
-He has this love struck look in his eyes as soon as you wake up
-"Good Morning beautiful"
-Wants to get ready with you
-Shared morning shower is a must
-Shower sex?
-He puts you in front of his vanity mirror and starts brushing and doing your hair
-The amount of crumbs in his bed 
-Will lovingly greet you when you wake up
-Breakfast in bed is guaranteed
-I headcanon him as a service top, just ask and he'll do it!
-Will spoon feed you breakfast if you'll let him
-If you are okay with it. Beel will invite Belphie to enjoy breakfast in bed together
-No doubt about it, you always wake up first
-He will cuddle you to prevent you from leaving
-You have to help him get dressed 
-He will tease you the entire morning during breakfast if you will actually make it
-"Now what did you call me last night? I can't seem to remember"
-Will look around the room to see how many people he can piss off in the shortest amount of time
-"Sorry dear, duty calls"
-He will leave breakfast for you though!
-He uses magic to keep it fresh and warm
-If he actually has the time for once in his goddamn life he will massage you
-He will literally stop in the middle of sex if Diavolo needed him
3K notes · View notes
thesilmarillionblog · 27 days
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭: 𝟕
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: You and Soldier Boy want to create a family and move on from everything, even the Vought, but you also know that he has to face Homelander one last time to keep his vow to Butcher. However, nothing turns out as you had hoped.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: Heavy angst, hurt, memory loss, Soldier Boy acts like an asshole, distant Soldier Boy, reader gets hurt, language, drugs
Word Count: 5277
A/N: English is not my first language.
Chapter Song: 'Will You Remember?" by Sebastian Morawietz. ༊
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4 Months Ago.
You and Ben were alone in the house just after Butcher and the others had finally departed. Finally. Since the two of you had just learned that Homelander was Ben's biological son, you had not spoken to him much, not knowing what to say. You didn't say anything until they left the house since you knew he wouldn't want to talk about this with the others. 
“Ben?” you asked, gently touching his rigid shoulder. You noticed that he looked completely confused and that he was tense from sitting on the couch, which was something you had never seen him like before, so lost and deep in thoughts.
You withdrew your hands from him, fearing that he would get enraged at you for not leaving him alone during that vulnerable moment, but he quickly came back to his senses and softly took your hand into his. 
You waited on foot while he cleared his throat and apologized in a rough voice. Something unsettling began to creep up on you. 
You questioned, unsure of whether he would want you at his side at that precise moment or to push you away, “Do you want to...stay alone for some time?” Everything was a total disaster. “I can leave you alone.”
Ben was the father of Homelander, undoubtably the worst man alive. It was planned, whether consciously or unconsciously, for Ben to murder his own biological son, which you knew Homelander had to die. The path was tough, and it was a dead end. 
“What?” With a harsh voice, Ben pulled you onto his lap and whispered, “Of course not; come here.” He planted a hard kiss on your lips to express his affection for you, and in an instant his words warmed your heart. “You say such silly things sometimes, baby.”
You appeared completely lost and furious for hours. You moved on his lap to properly face him and caressed his full beard, murmuring, “You didn't say much since then”  It was hard to keep your hands to yourself while you were with him, and you could see that Ben felt the same way. “I have no idea what to say at all. It's really awful; of all the things Vought had done to you, it's perhaps the worst—to find out he's your son. I can't believe it.” 
“He's not my son.” He shot back, fully denying the obvious. “I didn't raise him,” he said sharply. “All he is is a lab-produced product. Only a toy, nothing more.” 
You opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off with, “He wouldn't even be here if I hadn't jerked off that day into a cup forty years ago. Fuck it. I should have had fucked into my hand.”
You let out a sigh upon realizing that he had returned to his old attitude and either didn't care or was good at concealing his true feelings. But you knew deep down that he was just not enthusiastic about thinking about Homelander. As he openly said, Ben had not raised Homelander. Vought raised him, trained him like a puppet. Between him and Ben, there was no emotional bond; it was all biological. But you couldn't help but be concerned about Ben and his actual emotions. You pondered if he was now or had ever desired to make a family of his own.
“Are you really okay though?” You said, stroking his neck and beard with your hands. You were momentarily at a loss for words due to the raw and intense way he was looking at you. “It must be too much for you to learn something like this. After all, such time had passed. I can't even imagine it.” 
Although you were unsure of how to help him in such a situation, you still wanted to try and console him somewhat. You felt useless and helpless since Ben always struggled to engage in intimate conversations.
With a sigh, his fingers moved compassionately and desirably along your legs and skirt. “To be honest, I was quite taken aback. I could never have imagined having a son even in my wildest dreams. It's been decades and it’s not very possible for supes to have children which you already know." 
“Yeah,” you said in a whisper, your heart curving with sympathy as you kept touching him tenderly. With remorse, you murmured, “I'm not even sure how or what to say to comfort you in such a situation.” You listened to his heartbeat while placing your hands on his chest, adding, “I feel completely useless right now.”
“Hey,” he said in a displeased tone and with a softhearted smile. “I don't need comfort or crap. You are everything I need since I am a man. I should be the one to console you as I am a man, right?”
“Do you really want to kill him?” you questioned suddenly, observing every expression in his eyes. Your inquiry seemed to surprise him, as if he had just understood that he would almost certainly be the one to murder him.
“Of course.” You were even more upset when he determinedly stated, “I'll keep my word to the others.” As if it were a mission, he was discussing the murder of his biological son. Ben's comments made you feel a little uncomfortable, even if you despised Homelander to the hilt. You weren't sure why. 
“Would you be able to kill him if you didn't make a promise to Butcher, though?”
Without hesitation, he answered, “Yes,” his eyes growing ghastly and disgusted. “I don't give a damn, not in the slightest. He's nothing more than another Vought product. I wouldn't give a fuck about Butcher and my promise to him if I actually cared about him.”
Believing him, you let out a big breath of relief. As he began to kiss you, you attempted to push the agonizing questions to the back of your mind, such as who the mother was and how he would react if he had a son back then, before he was betrayed by his team and Vought.
Being able to let everything go in that sincere and fragile moment of yours would be easier if you cared about him less.
That being said, it was a little uncomfortable and uneasy to think about how uncaring he was to his biological son. You pondered how he would respond or whether he could love your child as much as he loved you if you ever were pregnant. All you wanted was for things to be different, away from Vought.
In between kisses, he remarked, “What are you thinking that much and you're not focusing on me?” His hands on you were urgent and needy. It perplexed and annoyed him to see how uncomfortable you looked.
Muttering, “Nothing but us,” you put your hands on his warm chest and wondered what his reaction would be if you told him you were expecting a child. One day. If a miracle happened. “All I want is for this to end quickly, Ben. I want to be done dealing with Homelander, Vought, and all of them. I hate everything about them.”
“Of course,” he immediately replied in a firm tone as his fingertips softly stroked your back. “I also don't want to do anything for any of them. I'm far too fucking old for such things.”
“So you're accepting that you are an old lazy man?” You chuckled as you teased him, and when he brought up his age, both of your moods changed. His strength and appearance always gave him great confidence. “A total boomer.”
“Say that shit again?” He muttered with a rough voice and a sly smirk as he lifted your skirt a little and spanked your ass.
He stilled your body on his and grinned wickedly as you jumped on his lap, gasping in surprise. “Ow!” you exclaimed. You weren't anticipating a straight-ass-cheek smack from him. “You're an old asshole.” 
“Are you going to give me a kiss with that dirty mouth?” He drew you even closer to his body and said, “Since when did you start swearing like me? Amazingly bold of you to refer to that bad, mighty supe man as old. When did you start acting rudely, huh?”
“I wouldn't dare,” you chuckled and playfully moved in his lap. It made you happy to see that he was now in a good mood. “I don't know why I'm wasting my perfect young years with you, such an old, grumpy man.” You continued to tease him, smiling innocently at him. 
“I suppose you want me to spank your perty ass badly and give you a nice punishment; that's why you're acting like this, don't you?” He spoke harshly as his hands began to linger over your underwear beneath your skirt. 
You teased, “Will you make me say 'thank you, daddy' too?” 
His unexpected and sincere laugh made your heart melt with love and tenderness. Though it was really hard at times, it was amazing how much he had changed in a year and how your relationship progressed. Even though he wasn't the easiest man to talk to, you could see that he was making a great effort and trying his hardest to make it work. 
“Since Butcher and all the other fuckfaces are away from the house for some time,” Ben growled, his face darkening and promising as he began to pull up your skirt. “I think we can have our fun properly.”
You've begun using Temp-V in a few missions that involve a bit of risk. Butcher had given you that stuff two weeks ago. Ben loved taking you without worrying about hurting you in any way and used his strength on you as much as he could, and he liked it very much. Seeing his excitement when you had taken Temp-V made you feel better.
Ben had only fucked you twice when you were on Temp-V. Without that, you felt rapidly tired since he was too energetic for you, and it was difficult to give him what he needed because he was constantly holding back to protect you from getting hurt. 
That short-term drug worked really well, and you could tell Ben enjoyed it a lot since he finished and filled your insides with his cum numerous times, leaving you feeling satisfied in each and every cell. 
There were challenges in being with a supe, but lately, you and Ben were getting along very well. Considering all aspects. 
You lightly kissed him on the lips and placed your finger on his jaw, teasing, “I was thinking about sleeping early.”
He said, “Fuck no, it’s still early,” taking it seriously. It was midnight. “They aren't leaving us alone for a while, so we can't find some time to be alone and spend some more time properly nowadays. Besides, you're still on that Temp-V,” he said, gripping you tightly as though you would escape from him. “We shouldn’t waste it, right?”
You said, “You seem like you don't like me taking me anymore while I'm not on Temp-V,” clearly feeling a little insecure. You had no idea what to do if, for some reason, you couldn't find Temp-V to inject yourself. Everything would be easier if you were a supe, but that's not what you wanted. 
Ben said, “Come on,” and to your surprise, he gave you even softer kisses on the lips as a response. “I only like it because I can't hurt you unintentionally when you're on it.”
“You wouldn't hurt me,” you instantly said. You trusted him with your life. Even if he was unaware of it, he was showing you much concern when you were on Temp-V, and he was careful with you.”
“Never,” he said in a straight-forward and certain tone.
With his fingertips dancing across your back, he said, "I love you," tenderly. He had only said it twice, and you could see he meant it both times. Since he rarely liked to express his feelings so openly, you felt he would never say it again, but he had said it once more. There was nothing more real when Ben told you sweet things.
With one swift motion, he forced you to lie on the couch and gave you a passionate kiss without letting you respond. You believed you could express it back with your actions as your hands quickly drew him in closer and you savored his lips with equal passion. 
You hoped he understood how one word from him could instantly melt your heart. You hoped that one special, private memory of you would stick with you forever. 
“Will you respond to her calls, Butcher?” With her arms folded across her chest, Annie questioned harshly. She was examining every emotion on his face with a suspicious and inquisitive gaze on hers. 
With his hands on his head, he shouted out, “Fuck, what I'm supposed to say?” To set things right for himself and his team, he had to find the right words to say to you. Soldier Boy being free once more wasn't in his plans at all. 
“You need to have given this some thought earlier. From the start, we should have been honest with her. Why would you complicate things that much?” Annie expressed her displeasure. She knew how angry Soldier Boy must be, and it filled her heart with worry and distress. She hoped he had no kind of feelings for you.
“What truth?” With a sour tone, Butcher questioned. “She lost her memory, and we carried out the original plan precisely when we put Soldier Boy to sleep again. They fucking regularly don't change anything. What was I supposed to say? 'Hey, Y/N, you don't recall a thing, but you were fucking Soldier Boy.' Does that sound good enough, Blondie?”
Kimiko and Frenchie stared at Butcher cautiously while Annie grumbled and paced the room. They had to keep what had happened in that room months ago a secret; otherwise, Annie might lose her mind if she found out. Otherwise, they would be all killed. 
As Kimiko thought back to the memories of your asleep and pregnant body in the bed, she felt restless. She would have fought Butcher if she had been wiser that day, but she was aware that he had already slaughtered Neuman. She was being eaten alive by regret, and at that particular moment, she loathed Butcher. But her greatest loathing was for herself. She should have somehow stopped it.
Kimiko hoped that leaving you with Soldier Boy the day before had been the right move. If she was right about Soldier Boy's genuine concern for you, which she thought he had, then maybe you two could work out a solution to all of this and he would take good care of you. By leaving you with Soldier Boy, she enraged Butcher, but Kimiko didn't respond to his insanity or address any of his inquiries.
Annie remarked, “Soldier Boy must have told her everything by now,” as she considered the talks you two must have had. Fearfully, she shook her head. “It's all the result of your meaningless and foolish plans. How in the world are you going to murder both Soldier Boy and Homelander now? If Vicky were with us, maybe we could stand a chance, but you killed her too and ruined everything.”
Butcher just responded, “I'm going to talk to Y/N,” completely unaffected by Annie's worries and complaints. “Maybe she can help with Soldier Boy.”
Annie exclaimed, “Oh my god,” sounding as though she was having a hard time believing what she was hearing. “Are you hoping she'll help you? after learning of the relationship between her and Soldier Boy?”
Butcher cut her off with a cuff, “Relationship of my ass. He wouldn't even flinch if I didn't stop him from killing Ryan. In addition, even though she once loved him, she can no longer recall him. Discussion is over. Just keep your mouth shut and let me fucking handle this.” With a brief scowl, Butcher stated. After saying the last remark, he seemed to be reminding Frenchie and Kimiko of their secret and transgression by looking them in the eye.
At that very moment, Kimiko would definitely feel sick if she weren't a supe.
Soldier Boy replied in a sour voice, “Stop fiddling with your food. Didn't you say that you were hungry?”
You said, “I lost my appetite,” avoiding his intense stare as you sat at the table by yourself and observed him speaking on the phone with Homelander. Every now and again you looked at your own phone to see whether Butcher or anyone else had called. You were on your own and without answers.
Soldier Boy was busy talking to Homelander on the phone when he shot you a displeased look. You thought about finding out a solution about him that worked for you since he was desperate to find Cate, whomever she truly was. You didn't like it when he was being so insistent and obsessed with your previous version. Both of you yearned for understanding, but you lacked empathy and preferred to go your own separate ways.
It would have been simpler if he had simply allowed you to love him once more and let the past go. You were surprised to find that you would find it easy to feel things for him, and you didn't want to lose your distinctive persona by remembering things. Then, what would happen to you? 
While Homelander was telling Soldier Boy things, you observed him sit on the chair at your side. 
In a disgruntled tone, he inquired, “And when do you think you can find her?” Clearly irritated by your dissatisfied look on your face, You hoped she was gone forever or whatever. “It's important. I fucking have no idea.”
You were uneasy at the way he consumed you with his gaze. You wanted to make things different, to persuade him that memories didn't matter if you really loved each other. 
You couldn't help but feel a little satisfied when he violently hung up on Homelander's face. Perhaps Cate had really vanished, really gone. 
He asked, clearly annoyed that you were happy that he was unable to find her and let her toy with your mind, “Why are you so excited about?”
He was staring at you as you pretended to be eating something, saying, “Nothing.” 
“It is not possible for her to disappear out of the blue. I have no doubt that Vought will find her quickly.”
You questioned, “And then what?” His aloof and icy demeanor disappointed you. You couldn't help but feel insecure and offended since he seemed so different from yesterday. You detested how hurt you sounded at the time. “As much as she enjoys it, will you really allow her to rape my mind? How can you possibly be certain that she won't further play with my memories? She can do anything.”
Soldier Boy sent you a cold, hard stare that would instantly shatter your heart. “I won't let anything happen to you or let somebody else make things worse for us than they already are,” he added with determination. Even though you knew that all he wanted was for you to trust him, it was difficult to do so in light of what had transpired. 
“Why is giving me some more time and respecting my choices so  difficult for you?” You pushed the plate out of your line of sight and asked as if you were pleading with him to comprehend. 
Straight away, he replied, “Because I know you'd want me to bring you back and help you to recover,” indicating that he wouldn't be changing his decision. 
“And I'm telling you that I don't want it.”
“Jesus,” he murmured as he took the bottle on the table and started to drink right away. 
You said sharply, trying to persuade him that there was a chance you could get into even more trouble. “Even if I remember everything because of the supe you're trying to find, I won't forgive for not respecting my choices and letting some stranger play with my mind, ignoring all the dangers she might cause,” you said. 
“There's no motive for her to do such a thing, and she wouldn't dare. As far as I know, she works for Homelander; therefore, you shouldn't be concerned about it, okay?”
“It's not okay.” 
“Why you're so fucking stubborn?” How different are you now, Soldier Boy questioned, getting furious. Yes, you were stubborn in the past, but not to the same extent. Even though he tried not to feel irritated, he couldn't help it. 
“I'm not stubborn; I'm just trying to convince the man who loves my past version to be understanding for me a bit.”
“I understand enough. Everything will be well as soon as I locate Cate and heal your lost and confused mind. We'll both heal, you and I.” 
"I'm not sick," you said in a wounded tone as he persisted in acting as though you were a virus that needed to be eradicated. 
He said, rather frustrated, “You don't sound like it,” showing little sign of self-control. His patience was clearly growing thin. 
You didn't answer to him, trying not to notice how harsh he sounded. You were willing to make things right in your own way and were open to the notion of getting to know him again because of how kind and caring he had been yesterday and how he had held you close in the morning as though he genuinely loved you. But he was fixated on the past and so desperate to have your former self that it left you feeling helpless and unwell. As soon as Cate used her abilities on you, you knew he would return to his caring nature. That thought made you sick.
She would take you from him and return you to him. You would return and disappear. Just like he wanted. 
You were in excruciating pain from this thinking; you didn't want to feel that way about a man you had just met, but you couldn't help but feel miserable and wounded. Your fingertips traced the spot where, if it wasn't missing, the ring he'd given you should have been. You felt worthless and abandoned. Once again. 
Soldier Boy continued to drink as he watched your face fall and eventually stated, “I didn't mean that you're... sick or something,” in an affectionate manner. “I only want you to come back. I really miss you, us. At the very least, could you cooperate more?”
"It's hard to," you murmured. "You were different yesterday."
“I genuinely want to look at your side of the matter, but it's difficult. You are not giving me even a small amount of time. You're not aware of what I am feeling. I doubt you even care.” You said in a pained voice. “You are being harsh on me, impatient.”
Soldier Boy stood up and got some weed out of the drawer next to the coach. You silently watched him. He was a really attractive man—incredibly attractive. You could not help but be overcome with awe of him.
He glanced at you and grumbled, “I'm not harsh on you,” while preparing some weed for himself. You hoped you could go back in time to yesterday and act as though you remembered him, only to buy yourself more time and have him express his love for you. That way, you'd be enamored with him to believe everything he told you.
He angrily said, “I thought your behavior wouldn't change even if you lost your memories, but you changed, and it started to bother me,” which just made you feel more puzzled and sadder.
With a cracking voice, you questioned, “How did I change?” and a little smile to let him know you were willing to listen and see if it could be fixed.
You stood up and carefully over to sit by him. Your legs nearly came into contact. You were so far away now, yet it was crazy just how close you were yesterday to sharing such a private moment. As you watched him try to get high with so many drugs, you started thinking of ways to persuade him. It was frustrating the way he disregarded your question, but it was still worth making an attempt.
You managed to maintain eye contact and said, “If you give me enough time and let things develop naturally and let me get to know you once more, I would very much appreciate it.”
His voice was bitter as he pointed out, "There is a chance that you might never get your memories back," as if that were the worst thing that could happen.
“How awful would it be if you truly loved me? I'm here to tell you how eager I am to get to know you again.” You stated, attempting not to let the heavy sensation in your chest overwhelm you. “Would it be pretty romantic if we fell in love with each other again?” It was difficult to get through to him because you were getting turned down repeatedly in spite of your best attempts. You wondered why he was fixated on the earlier version of you and what actions you had taken that made him love you.
“I'm not going to throw away everything we have together,” he firmly replied.
You pressed, “It's not throwing away.”
“What is it then?”
“All I ask is that we let things unfold naturally. I do not want you to force me and abandon me to Cate's mercy. You seem to be throwing away me.”
“It'll only take a fucking minute to get you back. Fuck that,” he exclaimed fiercely, his rage finally taking him over.
Your heart was racing as you tried to get away from him because you were scared. Though you could not understand a word he was saying, you could hear him swearing. Perhaps you were foolish in your attempts to win him around to your way of thinking.
With regret, he looked at you but said nothing.
“I tried my best to believe you, even though I had just recently met you. Despite everything I've heard about you, I'm willing to get to know you, as you can see. But even though you say you love me, you don't even respect my decisions; instead, you just say you're bothered by me,” you continued, trying not to let your voice break into a sob-worthy sigh. “You're saying that you love me, but you don't give a single shit about nothing I say.”
Soldier Boy studied every expression on your face as he gazed at you in uncertainty. When your eyes locked, you realized how miserable it was that you were attempting to persuade him to give you a chance and allow you to be just yourself until your memories returned on their own. The fact that he truly desired you should have made you happy, but it didn't. If the same thing occurred to him, you believed you could accept all of his versions, you could love him over and over.
He was staring at you so coldly that you were afraid to move. You wanted to get near to him, touch him, and feel his hair between your fingers to find out how you felt about him. You also wanted to savor the moment and create new memories.
“Would you be open to getting to know me? To open up yourself to me?” he said in a cruel, suspicious tone. His voice was both menacing and promising.
With a quiet “yes,” your heart filled with a sense of hope.
He let out a “Hmm,” set down the weed in his hands, grabbed you by the hips, and made you sit on his lap with a swift movement. Your hands automatically went toward his powerful shoulders as you gasped in shock, and your eyes widened with surprise.
Your mouth dropped open, but you were at a loss for words. You kept your hands on his shoulders as he studied your face, his darkened eyes portraying a serious look. Though a little afraid to move, you wanted to feel his tense and strong body with a movement of your fingers. But you also wanted to show that you weren't afraid of him and that you meant every word you spoke.
For a little while, your eyes linked, and you said, “What are you doing?” because you were unable to be silent any longer. You were scared; he could smell your fear as much as your excitement.
His hands daringly began to wander over your body. “You told me that you wanted me to get to know you and vice versa, right?” he questioned. Your heart began to speed up even faster as soon as your cheeks reddened. You nodded to him, not daring to make a sound that would make you look foolish.
He stated, “You told me yesterday that you didn't want any sexual interaction,” staring deeply into your lips to the point that you felt your lips becoming dry. His gaze was darker. You tried to move around a little on his lap, but his powerful, rough hands prevented you from moving.
You blushed and whispered, “And you told me the same.”
“Well, I've changed my mind. And why wouldn't I touch you? In the past, after all, we used to bang every day. You let me come inside you several times,” he remarked cockily. His dirty words caused your cheeks to get flushed.
He said with the same attitude, “I miss the times when you let me fuck you raw.” You could feel the heat and desire coursing through his body, so strong you could sense it beneath your fingertips.
“You know I don't remember any of them,” you muttered, trying not to show your shy behavior and act like you were bold. It was quite a normal conversation.
“That's something we can fix, and it would be a good start for you to get to know me. Who knows, maybe I can fuck into our memories inside you.. naturally,” he offered. “Would you do that?”
Soldier Boy closely examined your eyes for any hint of fear, uncertainty, or hesitation. You knew that he would release you as soon as he saw one of them in your eyes. Your timidity began to disappear as you gave it considerable attention. If you could persuade him to give you a little more time, perhaps he would reconsider making you remember items that were in the hands of another Supe. You nibbled on your lip as you gave the suggestion serious thought.
You said, “Let me speak with Butcher and the others first.”
He surprised you once again and responded, “Okay.” He was still analyzing you with the same heart-melting look, which made you feel more at ease and relaxed that he was becoming somewhat better toward you.
“And there is something else,” Soldier Boy confidently remarked, his hands touching softly your back and legs. “You will use Temp-V while I take you. For a full day, it turns you into a temporary supe.”
Again nodding to him, you murmured with a little smile, “Okay.”
Perhaps it would help you recall things more easily, get to know him better, and understand the real nature of your connection. You probably had several sexual encounters with him because you trusted him when he said that you were in a relationship. After all, he was willing to let you speak with Butcher, so perhaps Temp-V was a means of shielding you from his strength.
Next Chapter
A/N: I’m quite nervous about this chapter. I hope you like it. Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated. Remember that they keep me going hehe ^.^
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hype-blue-fixation · 6 months
SFW Alastor Tickle/Fluster Spot Headcannons
Ignore the photos I put them in here while I was sleep deprived and can't convince myself to get rid of them
I was also really proud of the bonus spots at the end ehehehe :>
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Rough Tickle Spots
He loves getting a good, genuine laugh and being tickled breathless. It lets him blow off steam and laugh as hard as he can RIGHT in his ler's face. It's a power move, really.
Ribs - He has 13 pairs, like a deer. And every one of them will get him laughing. The harder you dig and faster you vibrate, the better. Tenderize him.
Crook of Neck - Dig in with your fingertips. He will scrunch up and howl with laughter. The more surface area, the less ticklish it is, so make sure you use the very tips!
Belly - The entire belly is a death spot, but the closer you get to his button, the worse it gets. Dig right in and vibrate for best results.
Knees/Behind Knees - Pinch and squeeze playfully. If done correctly, you will earn yourself a whole army of kicks and giggles.
Not Ticklish Spots
If you go for these places, he will look at you like you're the whole circus.
Thighs/Calves - He's a deer. A prey animal. His one line of defense (running away) must be somewhat protected.
Hips - He will still laugh in a moment of tickle fever, but the tickle itself is very dull.
Butt - Why are you trying to tickle that anyways?
Light Tickle Spots
Light tickles are by far his favorite for relaxing and bonding with others. If played just right, they can send him into lovey-dovey euphoria. Every place is vulnerable, but especially:
Neck - He always covers his neck. The lightest touch (even his own hair brushing against it) can be unbearably ticklish.
Ears/Tail - The softer the touch, the more he shivers and melts. Loves the feeling of them being gently rubbed, twirled, or fiddled with. Crooning or feeling breath on his ears will turn him into warm butter.
Arms/Hands - This is super relaxing for him and reminds him of little sensory games his mama played with him as a boy. It puts him into a lovie, sentimental headspace.
Underarms/Hooves - Since these places are very sensitive and highly guarded, soft touch drives him into euphoric insanity. If done correctly, it can be extremely pleasurable and get overwhelming very quickly.
Belly - Especially with nibbles and licks, he gets flustered beyond belief. His belly button is an absolutely horrendous melt spot that will have him losing all connection to reality the more tender you treat it.
Bonus spots!
Unconventional, but effective!
Tentacles - His tentacles are an extension of himself. When they feel pain, so does he. And if you gently scratch or touch them, he can feel it too. Since they are detached, he can't feel it in any specific place...it's sort of a strange full body experience. It can be very overwhelming, too.
VooDoo Doll - He keeps a Voodoo doll of himself and Rosie has one too. Using a feather or a brush is most effective. Enjoy watching him go into hysteria and grab at intangible forces. He's nothing but a tickle doll in your hand...literally.
Voice/ASMR - Being a Radio Demon, his main sensory is his hearing, and he has a VIVID imagination connected to what he hears. Sometimes just hearing someone's voice (cough cough Rosie) spouting teases, telling him exactly how they want to wreck him, and making tickly promises is enough to make him physically experience everything they're saying. Blindfolding him makes this even more intense.
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harmonysanreads · 6 months
HARMONYYY i just finished the penacony quest and OH MY GOD. the emotional damage wtf... and the murderer 😕 i honestly don’t think anyone could’ve foreseen that
on another note, sunday really does have huge yandere potential !!! (i was swooning the entire time he was on screen im sorry.) he literally isn’t beating the allegations at all. even the other characters comment on how weird it is for him to casually keep a model of the golden hour, because what in the control freak 😭
he seems like he’d play dollhouse with darling. after all, in a place like that, every single aspect of it is under his thumb — literally. having that much control over your circumstances is a reassurance. oh, are the placeholder models crashing? don’t worry dear, he can fix the malfunctions. he can even make them speak more realistically for you. he can give anything to you, even change the layout of the place entirely if you’re bored of it. you want to get back to normal size? well, he can’t quite do that just yet, please understand..
or if he pulls that weird interrogation magic thing on them. darling who just lies through the entire thing, and he uses this to scare them about the death countdown while not mentioning the part that he has the power to really just cancel it in the end. though, the same trick won’t work on them twice. at least the process gets darling to become part of the family in the end.
not to mention the spies he has everywhere. stupid birds watching you in every corner…
idk i just want to hold him and shake him aggressively. out of love, of course.
- 🕯️
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When I tell you I've lost sleep over the thought of just how much more Sunday is probably capable of doing, nonnie.
If he has access to technology and power like this, which are all unrestricted for his personal use moreover, imagine the things he's hiding. And imagine farther the things he had to do to get to where he is today, another dash of spice to the mix. I went back to his scenes and did some thinking. The me-slandering-Sunday is obviously a joke but I really, really hope people just don't focus on the morally-gray and questionable aspects of him and completely disregard his other characteristics now.
If you think about things from his perspective, he really is just trying his best to keep the image of The Family. But the loss of probably the only person he trusted with his heart and the disregard to bring justice to that case from The Family's side, compelled him to put his agenda first (as he himself mentions that he allowed Aventurine to pull that stunt so that it'd lure Gallagher out). What we get from this is, while Sunday is an extremely dedicated member of their faction, he had to learn to be selfish in certain situations to save his and Robin's backs.
The desire to control usually comes from a feeling of helplessness. We can make some speculations based on the current information of why Sunday has these tendencies, I've also seen some people say he has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) but, we can't be sure until his full lore drops. Another thing to note about Sunday is how lonely he probably is, especially at present. The Family is in chaos, the situation of Robin, external forces' traps, the Charmony festival's deadline and he doesn't even have one person he can sit down with and not question their motives. He really must want to rest just as much as the characters around him are suggesting.
So basically, Sunday is a multi-layered character, just like Aventurine. He's definitely a politician, is what I'll say. Even though he is a control freak whose motives are hard to guess, he's still that little boy fighting for his and Robin's shared dream inside.
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Hii I saw ur taking request Soo I wanted to know if you can do One-shot for riddle rosehearts he is ma fav if that is not a problem!
Ofc I can, popular opinion,but he reminds me of Ciel Phantomhive lol.
Genre: Fluff,imagine,just full of love tbh.
Treating a sick Riddle Rosehearts
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It was hard to imagine that your dear boyfriend who always acted tough and in control was now in his bed,face flushed red and sweaty.
A thermometer hanging from his dry lips.
You told him many times,not to overwork himself. To take a break from time to time.
But Riddle was just so stubborn that he would only do what he wanted.
It drove you crazy. But who's now at your hand? Who's wiping his soaked forehead and neck? You.
His worried girlfriend barely resisting the urge to scold him for not listening to her.
"Here,I made you soup." One sympathetic smile on your lips.
The boy coughs a little, raising his upper body just enough for him to be able to eat the dish you made specially just for him.
Riddle pouts as you slick back his wet red hair, the soup filled spoon leaving a pleasant taste in his mouth.
"Thank you,rose." The boy's voice raspy manages to speak, his nick name for you rolling off his tongue effortlessly.
Riddle's face lights up,just now realizing how good the taste of this soup really is.
You giggle quietly at his adorable face,placing a quick kiss on his hot forehead.
"Eat up so I can give you your meds, alright Hun?" He nods,even if the taste of them is horrible, he knows it's necessary to take his medicine in order to get better.
"You know,if you would've listened to me this wouldn't have happened." Of course the urge to say something about the carelessness this boy had for himself finally was fulfilled.
If his head wouldn't feel like blowing off, Riddle would've rolled his eyes. But unfortunately he has to keep it in until he gets better.
Just on cue, the red haired boy sneezes,making you joint back startled.
"Tch." He raises his hand to his nose, wiping away with a tissue his runny ,red nose.
To be honest, Riddle's current appearance reminds you of a bunny. From cute red watery eyes to the way his lips were in a straight line, almost a pout. Even his hands were gripping the blanket so tightly, yeah,a bunny.
If he knew how you were visualizing him right now in your mind... Off with your head. Joking! If he was in his right health you'd most likely get your cheeks pinched and a scowl on his pretty face. Hehe.
After successfully eating the whole bowl of home made soup,you feed the sickly boy the prescribed medication. Riddle's face contorts Into a disgusted expression,his tongue dramatically spilling out like he just had the most disgusting thing for dinner.
You chuckle and pat his leg one last time. His expression now turning to his tired one.
"I'm gonna go now,you should rest." You smile, "To make sure you get back on your feet fast." Even if Riddle can't see you properly,the light making him squint his eyes, he knows your smiling.
That smile that warms his heart when it appears on your carefully sculpted face.
He blinks slowly a few times,a new surge of tiredness washing over him.
Yeah,he should rest. "Thank you my rose."
You hear the boy mumble before drifting off to a most likely uncomfortable sleep. The fever surely must lower,but you doubt this will be like his usual sleep.
His words make your smile grow bigger,happy that Riddle is accepting to be seen vulnerable by you and that he allows you to take care of him.
If he truly didn't want you to be here in times like this,he simply wouldn't allow you to enter his room.
But especially when he's like this are the times that he truly needs you to be around him. So be sure that the dorm leader would never forget the kindness and compassion you showed him,not only as your boyfriend,but as truly a person.
After spending a few seconds watching his sleeping frame,you leave. Reminding yourself that you have other business to do,even if your anxiety will probably eat you up and you'd be unable to focus properly,but it's ok. It's your boyfriend's health after all.
Once the door is closed ,you feel it. Tickling your nose,your face making that expecting expression.
"Hapciu!" A loud sneeze echoes through the hall outside of Riddle's room. Your eyes whiden and a shiver runs down your spine as you wipe a tear from the corner of your eye.
Riddle's so cute ❤️
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aquaticwolfkuri · 16 days
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You HATE Me, But I Hate YOU More: ch.6
“hehe….hahaha….Hahahaha….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Zim laughs, completely impressed by his new and genius EVIL plan. It was just too perfect, so evil, that only someone as great as him could have come up with it, other than Minimoose of course.
The plan? Ruin Dib’s prom night by asking Plotty to go with HIM instead of the Dib-Human. Yes, the plan is very amazing.
“NOW to attend Skool like the good and filthy human that I am!” Zim says, throwing on his disguise before heading out the door. Gir and Minimoose wishing him the best of luck.
Everyone gathered by their lockers, gossiping and conversing about all sorts of things, ranging from rumors, boys, adult magazines, games, and many more stupid human things. Zim cared not for such things, and right now, his target was the ginger haired girl.
Thankfully she wasn’t too hard to spot, so Zim ruthlessly shoved anyone that got in his way.
“Oh, Hello Zim” The girl says, giving him a smile that nearly makes him gag.
“Yes, Hello…PLOTTY.”
“Did you need something? If your looking for Dib, he’s-”
“Z-Zim is not looking for the Dib-human!!!” Zim’s face starts to feel warm, trying NOT to remember his computer’s clearly INCORRECT calculations.
Plotty looks at him, feeling a bit awkward and confused… Zim can see this and quickly changes the subject.
“I was actually looking for YOU.” Zim says.
“Yes. You see… because of my condition, most of the other HUMANS, tend to pick on poor Zim, even making fun of my water allergy…. Now Zim has no one to go to prom with…” Zim says in the most soap opera way possible, even going so far as to fake the tears welling up in his eyes.
“Oh, that’s awful… Of course I’ll go to prom with you Zim” She says, smiling brightly. Delighted, Zim thanked the girl, letting her know just how HAPPY she’d made him before making his way to class, laughing maniacally… but, unfortunately, he bumps into the back of a very familiar black coat. Dib turns around, giving him a very accusing look as he narrows his eyes.
“Zim, what did you do?? What are you planning this time?” 
“Well Dib, if you must know… the Plotty-girl will be going to prom with ME!!” Zim says, laughing again, but instead of Dib wallowing in Sarrow like he had imagined, Dib instead tackles him to the ground, attempting to strangle him.
"Zim, you little piece of shit!!” Dib yelled. Zim screamed and gagged, before finally kicking Dib in the groin, and pushing him off. Dib nearly sheds a tear, but he pushes through the pain and grabs Zim by the leg before he can get up.
“Z-Zim, I hope you know how much I HATE you right now!” He punches him, and Zim pulls his hair, biting into his arm. 
“I hate you MORE Dib!” Zim retorts back. They both continue to kick and fight as the other students gather around them, watching the live wrestling match, and pulling out their phones as they capture footage of the event; even Gaz.
“Zim you-....y….y-yaaaCHOOO!” Sneezing right into the alien’s tunic, Zim screams bloody murder, and thankfully, the principal arrives just in time with the other teachers to stop the fight from escalating, sending them both to the nurse's office.
“Dib… This behavior is completely unacceptable. This is the 4th time this week. You can't keep assaulting Zim just for being different.” The principal says, tired and frustrated. Dib is such a talented student, so gifted in fact, that he’s honestly being held back by being in high Skool and not Membrane Corp… yet his behavior was just out of control.
“It's Zim’s fault! He- Cough cough!”
“LIES! The Dib-human lies!-”
“Enough. Dib, your suspended from Skool for the rest of this week.” The principal says. This was the last thing Dib wanted to hear.
“B-But Principle Morals, Prom is THIS weak! A-And my Dad is going to be pissed if he finds out!” Dib says, trying not to have a meltdown
The principle sighs. “Fine. I’ll allow you to attend prom, but for the rest of the weak, you’ll be suspended from Skool… You can go home now.” The principal says before leaving the nurse's office. Dib falls back against the small bed, and groans.
“Fuck… Dad’s going to be pissed.” Dib groans, removing his glasses before rubbing his eyes, frustrated, and this morning's headache didn’t help. He can hear Zim cackling in delight and it only makes his headache throb.
He already didn’t feel good getting up this morning, and now he had to deal with this??? He never should have gotten out of bed… or maybe he should have exposed Zim sooner. In fact, he should just rip his wig off in the class hall, and force those stupid contact lenses off his eyes; then everyone could finally see what he is! They would HAVE to BELIEVE him! And then, after enduring so much of Zim’s shit, he could finally cut open the damn alien and study his organs to his heart's content.
“That’s right Dib, suffer like the pathetic- “ Dib grabs Zim’s face and sneezes. Zim screams and squirms.
“Fuck you Zim.” Dib grabs his glasses and walks out of the room as Zim continues to scream and squirm. He should have known, he should have fucking known Zim would pull some shit like this. No matter if Dib does something nice or mean, the alien always has to double down and make his life more miserable than it already was.
Dib just can’t ever get a break, he can’t ever just have anything go right! 
“Hey… I heard from the Principale… Dad’s gonna be pissed.”
“Yeah…Cough cough!... Hey Gaz… can we trade place?”
“What? And have me be stuck with Zim? No thanks. Besides, I don’t think there’s anyone else that could capture that guy’s attention more than you.” Gaz explains, but Dib raises a brow at this.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks, but Gaz just shrugs and doesn’t elaborate any further. 
“Anyway, you look terrible. Get plenty of rest once your home…”
“I will…”
Dib returns home after a miserably long walk, only to have his dad reprimand him as soon as he walks through the door, giving him the longest lecture before sending him to his room, and as punishment, he would not be given access to any of his paranormal possessions or TV shows. 
So Dib just lies in bed, letting his slowly forming fever consume him. He hated not having his things or knowing that Zim could be doing who knows what at Skool… and yet, he couldn’t help but feel relieved he wouldn’t have to bother with any of it anymore.
But you know what really pisses him off??? Is that he caught a shitty cold helping Zim out, only to get totally backstabbed! And why would Plotty go with Zim to prom anyway!? 
He just groans and rolls over in bed feeling miserable, feeling too sick to even be pissed anymore. “Cough cough cough! Ugh…. this fucking sucks…”
Later, his dad comes up to his bedroom and brings him a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some water. “Thanks dad…” Dib says, careful not to burn his tongue while eating his bowl of soup, but his dad takes a seat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Son, I know being a teenager can be a difficult thing.”
“Dad, I’m fine.”
“You have so many new hormones inside you, making all sorts of chemical reactions.”
“And sometimes those changes make us see people differently.”
“Dad, where are you going with this?”
“I know you must be so confused and maybe even frustrated. I know you and your little green friend used to be so close as kids, but sometimes things change when we get older.”
“We were never friends, dad.”
“Look son, I will always love you and I’m always proud of you. But bullying Zim is no way to get his attention. Just tell him how you really feel Dib. I know he’ll feel the same way” He say, patting his head before leaving the room, taking the empty soup bowl with him.
Dib nearly chokes, blushing “D-Dad, I don’t have a crush on Zim!!”
“Sure you don’t son…!” He says from downstairs, clearly humoring him.
“W-What the fuck??? Why would Dad think that???” Dib groans, falling back against his bed, coughing into his hands.
This can’t be happening… First Zim asks Plotty to Prom, then he gets suspended from Skool, and now his dad thinks he has a crush on Zim??? And why would his Dad think Zim would like him back??? Zim hates him!
But then he suddenly remembers yesterday when it rained… He thought he had seen Zim blushing… Gaz said something weird too, about him being the only one that could keep Zim’s attention… and then there's Zim’s disdain towards Plotty, like maybe he’s-....???
“No,no,no,no,no,no,no!! Zim is NOT in love with me!! I HATE Zim! And Zim would NEVER fall in love with me! ME of all people! I’m his greatest enemy! I’m a stinking disgusting human for crying out loud!!” Dib shouts, as if he was trying to reason with the universe and convince it that all of this was just some crazy misunderstanding.
“He’s an evil alien invader trying to conquer Earth! He’s loud, annoying, violent, green, and tiny! He’s proof that i’m not crazy…! He’s...the only thing that makes me feel… normal, kind of… I don’t have to hide my paranormal interests around him… UGH! What the fuck am I thinking?” Dib looks out the window, looking towards the stars for some kind of answer. He sighs and lays back down, setting his glasses aside and goes to sleep for the rest of the night.
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