#I could die and be told I was sinful for trying to help the wrong people or something... so damn me; I don't recant and I don't repent
medicinemane · 7 months
#also; I don't say it cause I don't want to be rude or be shitting on anyone's religion; but if you're praying for me... don't#If I'm more candid than I usually am; I don't like it; I don't believe; I don't want it; and it makes me uncomfortable#I let people cause it helps them and they want to; but it sure as fuck doesn't help me and I don't like it#I don't come out and say it this bluntly cause I don't want to be an asshole; but that's the honest truth#it ends up (in this specific case; with me; not talking about praying in general) being a hell of a lot more about you than about me#and I don't normally care about that; but like if you're trying to help then I feel like maybe that's a bit backwards#know I'd think it was backwards if something I was doing was more to help me feel better than the person I wanted to help#like I'm not gonna get mad; it's your business; but I don't like it#and I've tried to gently tell people I don't like it; do it diplomatically as possible; cause I know people get weird about praying#get nasty frankly; like there's no denying people get mean about people praying#(though I gotta be honest; I do kinda get it; you might not get how it is with people always being so damn pushy about it)#but I try not to be the person getting nasty about it... but I don't like it#and not to shit on that anon; but you come to me and you tell me to go get help but that you'll pray#didn't ask for your prayers and this is honestly the exact reason I don't like people praying for me#either actually offer me a hand in some way or leave me to deal with it myself#I don't believe in your god; any one's god really; question of what happens after death doesn't interest me#all I know is there's a lot of work to be done in there here and now and whatever answer there is after... doesn't change it#I could die and be told I was sinful for trying to help the wrong people or something... so damn me; I don't recant and I don't repent#so I don't really care about your god or what they think of me; they can like me if they want and they can hate me if they want#I don't need you interceding on my behalf; sometimes things go good for me and sometimes they go shit#if the good things were because someone prayed then that's mighty nice and all; but if that's what it takes I'd rather learn to stand#like; playing those publisher clearing house sweepstakes; I'm obviously hoping for luck; but I'm not gonna fucking pray for that#plus for me personally; prayer always feels real damn selfish so much of the time; don't ask for anything for me#I'm not even fully against it; once or twice I've prayed for someone cause it's what they wanted... doubt it helped#but I'll do what I'm asked when I can muster it and respect their beliefs#so now; and hopefully without being too mean about it; I'm asking you to respect mine#stop praying for me#lend me an actual hand; or since you probably can't do that (know I can't many of the places I'd like to)#feel free to offer a kind word instead and I'll say think you kindly#but you're not a brother keeper; I'm not your responsibility; let me fester and die; or thrive with my bitter soul; or whatever will come
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Even when Nana was wrong for having a family and a son when she knew AFO would target them in the future, my heart aches for her.
She must have been so alone...
Before her, all the other vestiges had no family. No really. Being an OFA user means you must give every bit of you to defeat AFO. You live for it, you die for it, on your own. I wonder how was the man Nana fell in love for... Was he kind to her? Did he make her laugh? Made her forget her burdens?
Did she try to push him away? Maybe he insisted on being with her... Maybe he loved her and she couldn't help but love him back... Maybe they were friends. Maybe they didn't plan to have a son but it happened anyway and it went downhill from there on...
I wonder if adult Kotaro looks a bit like him. She was not "mom material". She tried anyway. She did her best. Until she realized that her best would not be enough.
I did the maths. Nana gave Kotaro in adoption some time before she found Toshinori. What if it happened the same year? She told Toshinori that all her family was dead. Imagine the pain she felt when she said it. She couldn't be a mother or a lover while AFO was alive. She could not have a family. She couldn't even kill AFO and now so so many years after, she's crying because she died and couldn't go back to her son.
Kotaro didn't even know how she died.
Imagine the pain of listening to your grandkids claiming happily that they want to be heroes like you! Your son kept the picture of you two! He did not forget you! He thought of you!
Then you open a door and watch Kotaro hit your grandson, claiming you were a demon that hurt her own family to save others. He carried that pic like a curse. He passed down the wound you left him to his son. They all died and the boy? He grew up to become one of the biggest villains alive. He fell into AFO's hands. Everything you fought to prevent, it happened because you weren't strong enough to kill AFO.
Nana didn't make the right decisions, but c'mon. She didn't deserve any of it. She's responsible for what happened to Kotaro, she's not a good mom, she has many flaws, she allowed Toshinori to stay with her after abandoning Kotaro, she made many many mistakes. Yes to all of that.
Yet, she was only human. She had only one friend. She lost her lover, her child, then had to watch her legacy destroy itself.
AFO made hell on Earth for Nana even after she was dead. Just because she accepted to fight in secret the greatest evil alive, it doesn't mean that she deserved to suffer so much and to be treated with so much cruelty. She tried to save them all, but she failed.
Now she dies a second time after realizing that she was the villain of her son's story.
Does anyone want to go like that?
Does a hero dream of dying a demon?
Does a mother hope of being hated by her child?
Is it such a sin to be human and make mistakes, when you're supposed to be an all mighty god?
Wasn't she a victim of AFO too?
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intrinsicepiphany · 7 months
Okay tumblr lets talk theories again.
(my brain rot + knowledge of religion has me all up in Hazbin Hotel right now.)
Today I want to talk Biology! Mostly because I made the poor choice of going to Twitter's chaggie tag and looking at the comments...
So can we discuss Why do so many people keep trying to apply HUMAN biology to the Half-Demon Nephillim daughter of an Arch-Angel?!
Okay I'll start at the begining and work my way to the reasons why if Charlie really wants a kid with Vaggie both of them being assigned female at creation probably isn't going to matter.
Let's start with Lucifer!
So as far as has been shown in the show Lucifer is an original Archangel even down to his lovely 6 red wings. This makes him one of the most powerful beings in heaven.
(If we go by bible text he was actually a favorite until his dreams of free will led him astray and depending on the text he merely has to admit he was wrong and ask for forgiveness to return)
Now looking at everything after this fall he has never lost his Angelic Abilities. His default powers are still angelic gold.
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We do see he also has a Full Demon form when he is pissed. Interestingly enough his crown also doubles as a halo in this form. Also note for later just how much Charlie resembles him in both forms.
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This suggest that at root biology Lucifer is still an archangel with demon traits. This combination is most likely what makes him the strongest being in hell by a long shot. The only reason others even have power is purely because he doesnt care enough to flex his power and has no desire to actually rule.
Now on to Lilith!
What do we know about Lilith?
Well we know she was a created human not born.
She was Adam's equal
And she left and got with Lucifer before the fall.
So here is the deal... I dont think Lilith can be classified as a sinner. She didnt die to end up in hell and in fact she fell before hell was really a thing. she helped create it after all. (Plus you know Charlie exsists)
So what IS Lilith? I think Lilith as one of a few Actual Demons. And if we have to classify her she'd be closer to a Sin. I actually think of Lilith as the Sin of Pride in Hazbin Hotel not Lucifer. We are even told that She created pentagram city and developed hell while lucifer kept to his workshop in depression.
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Now let's talk about this scene for a second. Lilith fell from heaven/earth Alive and possibly even immortal since human kind was immortal before Eve took the apple.
Lilith gains power from her fall into hell. She develops demon like attributes and seems to have musical based magic. She also seems to retain or get immortality. So what does this fall mean? It means that Lilith was NOT HUMAN by the time Charlie was born.
So what does this mean for Charlie?
Well for one Charlie is NOT just some Hellborn. She is by Definition a Nephilim but she is not half-human. She would most likely be considered a Half-Demon, Half-Angel Nephilim.
This would explain her expansive (if never used) power base. The official power ranking has her tied with Lilith with only Lucifer being more powerful. Which makes complete sense. She is the Heir to the entire thing after all. (I actually think this is why Alastor couldnt make a deal for her soul and settled for a favor instead)
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She also inheirited Angelic powers from her father. As seen by the fact that her default magic is gold. Which means she has angel blood in her veins. Lets be honest i wouldnt be surprised if she ended up bleeding gold in the future.
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In fact she seems to have inherited most of her abilities from dear old dad.
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Im pretty sure that just by shear ability and magic if Charlie wanted a kid she could probably create/magic one into exsistance no matter who her partner was.
But lets review Vaggie just for fun! Because I have thoughts
What do we actually know about Vaggie?
Well we know she is an angel. I say is because I dont think Lute or Adam actually have the power to cast an angel out of heaven AND she gets her wings back. This would mean she is not actually a sinner she would be closer to a fallen angel like lucifer.
We know she speaks Spanish and seems to be of Hispanic nature. BUT! Do we know if she was ever really human?!
We know Adam claims to have named her Vaggie. This could suggest three things
1) exorcist take on a new name when they join. But if this was true why wouldnt she leave this name behind and return to her human name once in hell? It would have kept her secret better and you'd figure she would want to leave behind the negative feelings that would come with her exorcist name.
2) Adam in his self-centered ways misheard her real name (maybe something like Aggie from Agatha or Maggie) and thought she said Vaggie or actively chose to misinterpret her name and she never cared to correct him. BUT Once more why would she not just return to her real name once with Charlie in hell?
Or 3) And this one is the real kicker. Vaggie is a Heaven-born Angel.
If the answer is 3 than it would imply that she was never human which brings her closer to lucifers biology.
Some other interesting things to consider about this last theory. Lute and Vaggie resemble each other a great deal. In fact, all the exorcist seem to have a similar body type. (I mean you could argue its the uniform but even without the uniform the resembalance between lute and vaggie is uncanny) and if I remember correctly at one point the exterminators are refered to as sister? I mean this could mean sisters-in-arms BUT What if ALL exorcist were heaven-born?
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If they were never human this could explain both their ability and their desire to slay sinners. Much like Sera they wouldn't have any sympathy for the dammed because they wouldn't have any possible family that could end up down there. They would also have Very little connection to or concern for former humans. After all like Adam said they had their chance and they screwed up.
So in the end what does this all mean?
Well I actually already kind of said it
1) Fandom really needs to stop applying human biology to Charlie. She is a half demon half archangel Nephilim with incredible magic.
If charlie wants a kid she can probably magic one up no matter the obsticles please stop asking artist and writers how it is possible for her and vaggie to have a kid/get pregnant if they are both women - the answer is Charlie Magic.
2) all 4 of the above have the potential to be way stronger than they have been shown in the show.
3) Charlie is a potential BadAss and is just too nice to go full tactical nuke - this will be covered in my next ted talk.
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kennyswurvegurl · 9 months
Thinking about Carlos and trust. How his trustfulness isn't portrayed as being naive or stupid. How it's just as big of a part of his character as his kindness, quips, and good intentions. How that word is often repeated by him in the beginning of the game.
With the environment he grew up in (being a child soldier and all), trust would have to be super important, drilled into his head from a young age. Being able to trust and be trusted by your allies keeps you alive in the field. He trusts his comrades, who fight alongside him. He trusts Umbrella, who saved his life and bought his freedom. He trusts Jill, a woman he just met who very clearly and openly despises who he represents, even if he doesn't trust her word on Umbrella's evil. Not yet at least.
He also appears to value transparency as a part of this, becoming audibly upset when his "search and rescue" mission becomes "find and detain." This is where he sees the curtains start to peel back a little, and we get some small insight into what makes him tick. His main goal on this assignment is to help people, evacuate the innocents. He's happy as long as people make it out alive. He's rebellious against the idea of turning Dr. Bard over to the company to die for this reason. Sure, he takes it in stride when Jill acts verbally hostile towards him (continuing to joke around and assist her without hesitation), but when deception and injustice come into the mix? That makes him angry. It makes me wish we got to see a verbal confrontation between him and Nicholai, the murderous traitor. For now, it's enough to observe that he's willing to risk harm to make sure he won't get away at the end of the game.
When he watches Dr. Bard's confession, he's confronted with the undeniable proof he's been fighting for the wrong side due to his misplaced trust. He's been a fool, unknowingly part of a cover-up. He's understandably pissed, physically lashing out on the nearest object in the room. His anger may even be directed at himself (at least in part, the majority is for Umbrella) for being so blind. He realizes Jill had no reason to put her trust in him, yet she did anyway, even growing to care about him. She told him the truth about the outbreak at the very start, but he didn't believe her. He might even view this as a form of betrayal towards her. In the end, he fights tooth and nail to try and make things right, to repent for the sins of his employers. He wants to truly deserve the trust and care he had been given by someone who had every reason to write him off and turn away. Most importantly, he wants to do what he thought he was doing in the first place, save lives.
End Note: Everything said here could also apply to an analysis on loyalty as well. He starts loyal to Umbrella, but quickly shifts towards Jill and her cause. I would talk further on this, but Capcom has yet to release Carlos from the basement so I don't have much to work off of in terms of post-Umbrella characterization. We just know that's he's very pissed and vengeful towards them. I am once again asking for a Carlos-focused spin-off set between 3 and 4. Please.
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van1llam1lkk · 1 year
♱ Growing Desire
[ sfw | TW ; Religious imagery, Implied Stalking, Cult themes, Manipulation, As well as some General Yandere content but it's very tame, Female Yandere x Gender Neutral Reader. ]
I wanted this to be more possessive Cause she's the conquest horsemen,, but oh well
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This is... A new emotion for Misaki. She wasn't the type to become so easily infatuated with people. Maybe Mother, but if comparing her to you was an unjust statement as you'd basically be lower than scum in that situation.
She lived the entirety of her twenty four years in the Seraphic Faith, an organization created a couple thousand years ago. However, the public eye had just dumbed it down to a terrorist group because of an incident in the 1930's that the government just can't get over for whatever reason.
Her job was simple, keep the public image as clean as possible, manage her section of the organization, and recruit new members.
And doing the same things every day can grow repetitive, and tiresome.
So was it really that strange everytime her memory sometimes grows fuzzy thinking of when this obsession of hers started? It was just supposed to be a routine check up of her section nothing more nothing less.
She absentmindedly observed the people, writing down notes of anything that seems like it needed to be improved or just little things she noticed. Because she was so engrossed in her work she bumped right into you, it makes her cringe in thought with how cheesy it was.
Frustration bubbled up inside of her but the moment she locked eyes with you did it all die down, she almost would've stumbled over her words if she wasn't trying to keep up appearances.
In a strange sense she wanted to keep you, she had no real reason as to why that was one of the first things she thought when looking at you.
You weren't special or unique, being easily comparable to everyone else in this godforsaken Cult.
She couldn't put her finger on it— but maybe it was because of how stupid, and docile you seemed in that moment, or maybe it was just how Naive you were.
In the end it doesn't really matter, because from the moment you looked up at her with those pretty eyes she was enchanted. From the way you carried yourself, moved, the sound of your voice— Why was it all so mesmerizing?
She didn't even realize it at the time, that she was becoming obsessed over you from that one little conversation. Thoughts of you lingered after that meeting, although she told herself it was just animalistic desires masquerading itself as something deceitful and disgusting— love.
Her obsession with you rapidly became more consuming: prayers blended into thoughts of you; time that should've been spent working on reports she were replaced by fantasies of what you might be doing right then.
At each gathering, she searched the crowds with her eyes, searching for you in hopes of a glimpse at your beauty instead of taking her rightful place among her sisters. As the sermon was delivered, her thoughts were far away - dreaming of a way to see you again.
She didn't even notice it bleeding into how she treated others, especially those close to you. Sprinkling in little threats to friends she deemed unworthy of your attention, having someone she specifically payed to send some rather unkind messages towards anyone who dare even thought about coveting after you. If they can't even handle a little harassment what makes them think they can be with you?
It felt wrong to desire after you this much, it made her stomach churn, and throat burn. She was supposed to be devoted to one person only, and that was Mother. Stressing about it did little to help her, often just ending with her digging her nails into the flesh of her palms till it drew blood while doubled over a trash can.
Because she just couldn't bear the thought that her, someone who was supposed to be pure was growing gluttonous, Lustful,
She couldn't have that could she? But if it was true that she was growing dirty. How come every time she thought of you, did the thought of The Gracious Mother come up? Maybe— Maybe you'd been sent from Heaven just for her. Why else would she feel so violently ill trying to ignore her growing fixation on you? To act like you don't exist?
So in the end, when your friends drift away, When family become uneasy in your company, When you get the feeling someone is watching you even when alone. And you start growing paranoid of the littlest of things, Is it really odd that the one who gives you comfort is Misaki?
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violetlunette · 7 months
Runaway Chapter 4: Poison_Part 2
Summary: Lilia tries to speak with Malleus about everything. But will Malleus listen?
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Notes: *I had to split this as Tumblr no long takes long posts *Twst spoilers for Chapter/Book 7
For a moment, Lilia looked as if he had been struck. He stumbled back a step. His heart stopped as, for a second, the world lost sound and color.
There was a beat before Lilia was able to snap back to reality.
Once he did, his ruby gaze dropped, shame and guilt sitting on each shoulder.
“I…” He swallowed as his throat grew thick before forcing the words out. “I had to.” He lifted a hand to rub some feeling back into his arm, which had gone numb.
Lilia knew this talk was coming, but he didn’t think it would be so soon.
“...You were already against humans as it was back then. You blamed them for everything you lost and thought they were just verminous savages that destroyed everything they touched,” he explained as if to justify himself. He couldn’t lift his head to look at the other, and his body slumped forward as he thought of his son. His son, who had gone and... “I didn’t want you to hate Silver for something he was innocent of.” 
Malleus’ lips pulled back to reveal his fangs.
“His father killed my mother,” he growled, his voice rumbling. Against the stone, his hand curled into fists. Lilia’s head shot up.
“His father killed my mother--” Malleus repeated, lashing an arm out and interrupting the other before he could speak. Lilia had to leap away to avoid the attack. “--invaded our territory, attacked our people--And yet you raised his child?!”
B O O M!
As his temper flared, the storm outside grew stronger. The light of its lightning filled the room with white, illuminating Malleus’ fury and Lilia’s shock and guilt.
At first, Lilia stepped back, but then he stepped forward, a fire in his chest.
“Malleus, calm down! Silver had nothing to do with any of that!” he yelled to be heard over the bellow of the storm and the screech of the wind, which rattled the windows. The flame spread throughout the rest of Lilia’s body, giving him the strength to stand up for his son. His.
“Silver never did anything!” he told the other. “You can’t hold him accountable for things that happened before he was even born!”
“He still carries his blood,” Malleus hissed, his tone cracking like fire. “How could you--”
“He was a freaking baby lying alone in a cursed castle! If I hadn’t, he would have died!”
“What, Malleus?!” Lilia challenged. He stepped forward. Malleus stepped back, away from the window. “That’s what?! He was a child, a baby! A baby who never did anything wrong!”
Indeed, Silver never committed any sin. He was a sweet, loving child who did his best to help those around him and was kind to even the cruelest soul. Silver was passionate and only desired the strength to care for others. He didn't deserve the blame of others. To be held accountable for the wrongs of his fathers, to suffer--
Lilia tried to calm his temper, but it was hard. 
He felt like he had to fight for Silver, but at the same time, he knew that fighting wasn’t what anyone needed.
After all, Malleus was suffering as well.
Malleus had just learned two horrible truths that Lilia always knew would break the young prince. 
He had realized his life came at the cost of another's life span, someone he cared for enough to blot over and nearly die at his phantom's hands. On top of that, the dragon learned that a child he loved was descended from the ones who stole everything from him.
What Malleus needed wasn't an enemy right now. He needed a friend, someone to care for him.
Lilia took a breath.
“I know you’re angry at me, and you have every right to be,” he emphasized. “But I never wanted to hurt you.” He reached out again, trying to let his love reach the child he spent so long trying to hatch. Malleus dodged the touch.
Malleus didn’t want to accept anything from the bat right now. He was angry. He was upset. More than that, he was hurt.
“You lied to me.” Lilia betrayed him. Malleus and his family. He deceived Malleus all this time, even though the dragon trusted him more than anything. All for that human.
He turned and walked away from Lilia until he was standing before the fireplace.
The flames cricked and cackled as they flickered, their light creating tall shadows from the grate that loomed over the two like witnesses to a crime.
Lilia followed Malleus, trying to reason with him. When he spoke, his tone was desperate.
“I did it for you.” Malleus scoffed, causing the other to droop. “And for myself,” he admitted.
“Before your father died, he left a dream that humans and fae could live together in peace. I tried to share that dream, but... Lilia's eyes dropped as he lifted a hand to rub a stiff neck. “ As I said, you hated humans. And I worried that one day that hatred would grow and history would repeat itself.
“But that changed when you met Silver.” Despite everything, Lilia smiled softly at the memory.
Malleus had been surprised to see his guardian holding a human baby that day. He was distasteful at the sight, but as soon as Lilia shoved Silver into his arms, the fierce dragon instantly softened to mush. That was the first time Lilia had hope that Malleus could change.
“Despite just meeting Silver and your prejudices, you instantly began to worry for him. You came by just to see how he was and how he was growing. You made sure he was eating alright, praised him as he learned to walk and fight, and taught him to use his magic.” He lifted his head and beamed, a soft chuckle dancing from his lips.
“You even came to a college full of humans,” he hummed. “All because you found you were able to care for one.”
Malleus’ face scrunched as he fought back tears. The memory of the other brought up feelings of love and care for the human babe, but they were quickly burned by his anger and pain.
“But it was all a lie,” he said, rejecting the feeling Lilia tried to offer.
“You misled me. Had I known the truth, known who he was, I never—I never--” Malleus choked back a sob as his body quaked, unable to hold in his emotions.
“Never would have cared for him?” Lilia finished for him, his face cool and his voice hard as stone. He folded his arms across his chest and stood to his full height. Despite it not being as impressive as the other’s, it had the desired effect.
“I know. I knew that if you knew the truth, you never would have even given that child a chance.” Lilia lifted a hand to his head, his mind beginning to spin from stress. He closed his eyes to combat the oncoming migraine.
“What do you want, Malleus? Do you want to kill Silver for something his father did?!” But hadn’t Lilia been the same? Hadn’t he played with the idea of killing the boy to get revenge for all that was lost?
At his words, Malleus’ skin lost its color as his jaw clenched.
The dragon fell silent and turned away, staring intently at the flame as the fire inside him ate away.
The pain bubbled and boiled inside him until his body felt like a pot about to boil over. It was so intense that Malleus worried he would blot over again.
Instead, Malleus did much worse.
“I wish you never found him,” he said, the words cracking like his heart. His hair hid his wet eyes. “I wish you had never brought him into our lives.” Each word was like a drip of poison.
A part of him felt this was a lie. Another part meant every word.
If Lilia hadn’t brought Silver into his life—had Lilia not allowed him to care for that human—then his heart wouldn’t be aching the way it was.
He wouldn’t be in so much pain.
The silence that fell was thick. Even the rumbling of the storm outside couldn’t pierce it.
Neither move. Neither spoke. Neither looked at the other.
Finally, the world shattered like glass.
“Well—” Lilia said, voice shaking with emotion, his lips curling in a sneer. “Then perhaps it’s a good thing Silver’s gone.”
There was a clack of heels as Lilia turned away, then the groan of the door, followed by a SLAM!
Then there was nothing.
Krrr, krrk, fssh...
Malleus never turned away from the flickering flames before him. His brow wrinkled as he fought back the tears, which made his eyes shine like glass.
Outside, lightning clashed. Thunder roared. The wind screeched as it raked past the window like claws.
Finally, the world became too much for him.
Malleus’ face collapsed into his hands as his emotions came pouring out.
~To be continued...~
Next ->
So. Nice talk, huh? I mean, Lilia didn't get hit by lightning, so that's something...
Anyway, we catch up with our runaway next time, so stay tuned!
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dedahblog · 6 months
Ichigo and Rukia in Memories in The Rain are two frustrating idiots
You just can't take them seriously.
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For the first time, since his mother's death, Ichigo forgot about the upcoming anniversarry of his ultimate trauma.
You can pretty much guess by that simple fact how meeting Rukia brought joy to his life and "changed his world"
When she asked him why he became sad, he answered "nothing " and he could had stopped there. However, this is drama queen Ichigo we're talking about.
He had to add loudly "I see ... it's soon " keeping the suspense for Rukia (and us). He made her aware that something was indeed wrong.
Basically, "I'm acting as If I'm shutting myself off from you but not really I want you to know that something is really bothering me"
let's move on
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Then later, Ichigo could have stopped at just informing Rukia what it was the anniversary of his mother's death but he had to add that she was killed dramatically under the moonlight.
Ichigo basically gave Rukia the greenlight to talk about his personal life. But when she pushed her luck and wanted to know more, he denied everything.
Local tsundere teen sending mixed signals to 200 year old emotionally constipated clueless as hell ghost.
Wonder what will happen
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She was so worried that she eavesdropped on Tatsuki and Orihim's little chat at class. A behaviour that was totally unusual coming from her.
She couldn't hold back her worry when Ichigo told her he was taking his shinigami job off. She even revealed she had been stalking watching him all day long.
However, when Ichigo asked her, why she followed him to the cemetery, she said she was only there for her shinigami duties ...
Of course it is, why would anyone think of any other reason ...
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Then Rukia came out as insensitive telling him maybe a hollow killed her.
Ichigo was pissed off mostly (I think) out of frustration that people were finding excuses instead of blaming him.
Their conversations ended shortly on a tense conclusion : Ichigo saw the girl he wanted to save the day the mother died, fell on his knees baring his heart to Rukia admitting his sin
When you think about it, there is no reason for Ichigo not to avoid talking to Rukia after so much tension, yet...
He slightly smiled greeting her and genuinely asked her if she wanted to continue where they left off
This proves something extremely important which is how lonely Ichigo was and how much he was yearning for someone to support him mentally
and he chose that person to be Rukia....
The person he met one month ago !!!
over any one of his friends, classmates family members. ??
(what's wrong with him ?!!)
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And his prediction were correct
Rukia who knows about loneliness more than anyone. She tried to try to help Ichigo the best she could.
However, she could only offer him what she herself yearned for the most : not be alone
They both longed for someone they can trust and who won't give up on them.
Ichigo didn't feel surprised by her thoughtful words. It was like he was expecting her to say what he needed the most despite her previous bluntness
When Rukia promised she will be there for him as long as it takes, all Ichigo said was "yeah"...
Kubo being Kubo knows what he's doing, knows how those loser are being soft for each other and will die before admitting it
He basically self inserted himself/ the readers in Kon's place " stop acting so cool. I can't keep up with you guys!"
Remember when kubo was enjoying himself creating this manga and slandering Rukia and Ichigo ? Good times good times
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I guess panels speak for themselves.
Rukia was begging Ichigo to stay alive, screaming at him to stop fighting, being so happy he survived and used all what remained of her power to heal him.
Yet when he thanked her for healing him, she acted as if it was nothing...
Last round,
it turns out Ichigo is the honest one between the two
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Ichigo told Rukia he had to go and eventually had an emotional conversation with his father where he confessed his frustrations
Yet he isn't even bothered that Rukia was listening (without his consent )to his private talk.
That's because he wants her to be there
When Rukia offered to be there for him, he really embraced that offer. He wants her to know about every messed up part of him because he knows she would never give up on him.
Also I guess he doesn't mind Rukia being a shameless stalker
( that was the second time you're stalking him the same day Rukia wth !! At least be more subtle or feel a bit ashamed)
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isleofdarkness · 6 months
Alright, so, the Romanovs
AKA none of those children deserved to die. Were it not part of my canon I wouldn't include Anastasia because the victims were real people, but I did kind of use Rasputin so I guess I should. Just know that these are fictional versions of real people, real children, who were brutally and senselessly murdered for the sins of their parents and that I'm not writing about the actual Romanovs. I'm writing about the Disney characters who have the names of the Romanovs and fixing what Disney broke to try and do the real story justice. The point of stories about the family Romanov is to honour their memories, tell cautionary tales about the brutality of war and the innocents who suffer for it, and to not let their deaths be lost to history when they deserve for public memory to contain records of their actual story, not a simplified, factually incorrect love drama about a girl who never even reach eighteen.
Rant over.
In this version of Anastasia, everything is historically accurate up to the murder. Four beautiful girls born to the Tsar and Tsarina of Russia, much to the upset of the public, who wanted the Tsar to have a male heir to properly ascend to the throne. When a male heir was finally born, it was discovered that the boy had a poorly-understood blood clotting disorder, Haemophilia B, and would be disabled and require lifelong medical attention. Alexei's haemophilia even had the potential to end his life. As this blood clotting disorder was so severely understudied at the time, most of the doctors the Romanovs called to try and cure him of his condition could do nothing to help him, not alleviate his symptoms and certainly not cure his condition.
Until Rasputin.
Rasputin was a con man. He claimed to be a holy man but was openly lustful and gluttonous. He claimed to be magic but was simply rather intelligent and probably had a good gut feeling. Rasputin was bought in to cure Alexei of his haemophilia, which he failed to do. Alexei still very much had haemophilia for his entire fourteen-year life. All Rasputin did was help him by making one of his doctors take him off of a certain medication, something similar to Tylenol, which was a blood thinner and could do nothing but harm to the child. Alexei got better off of that medication, of course, and Rasputin was hailed as a hero when he just had a good hunch. Rasputin worked himself closer to the royal family, specifically the Tsarina, who defended his terrible actions due to the debt she felt he was owed even though, again, the dude didn't do anything other than take Alexei off of a blood thinner.
Some reports say that the ailing state of Russia and the lack of supplies for soldiers was caused by the Tsar himself, that he was greedy and did not wish to spare resources. Other sources say that his was misled by his advisors and told that everything was absolutely wonderful. There is no way to verify which answer is true, with the Tsar dead long ago, but I believe the second version more than the first so that is the one I will use. But Russia was starving, soldiers were being sent onto the front lines of WWI without guns, bullets, or even shoes, and everyone was furious at the Tsar even though he had no idea anything was wrong. The people eventually overthrew the Tsar under the guidance of revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, who imposed a communist regime that didn't help at all. Lenin and his army hid the royal family away in a prison house to try and put them out of sight and out of mind, with a lot of guards to keep them there. (There are records of the girl being sexually abused by the guards and of the guards vandalizing property to further harass the family and, one time, one accidentally fired his gun and nearly killed one of the girls, who was at the window of the house getting some fresh air and he was being foolish with a gun. We aren't gonna get into all that.) Also, at least one of the children (Alexei) developed some extremely worrying, some even say self-harming or suicidal, behaviours in this house, such as the time he used a sled to go down the stairs despite his condition and wounded himself so severely that he nearly died and has to use a wheelchair for the rest of his short life. It's not reported if similar behaviour was recorded in the entire family, but clearly it was so bad in this prison house that a fourteen-year-old boy would rather be severely harmed or killed than live in the monotony (at best) of day-to-day life. These were young people, the oldest (aside from the parents and servants) being twenty-three-year-old Olga. They were probably all going insane.
Eventually, it was decided that the royal family was more trouble than they were worth and the order was sent out to kill all of them, servants included. The family, the servants, and two of their dogs were rounded up and forced into the basement. After a picture was taken to make the public think the Romanovs were fine, the guards opened fire and murdered everyone in the room. Alexei in particular is noted as being hard to kill, likely due to the riches sewn into his clothes creating a bulletproof vest, and he, possibly not the only one in the room, witnessed what happened and froze in fear before he was shot twice in the head. He. Was. Fourteen.
There's more to the story, sure, but this is where my version deviates due to my personal belief that this should never have happened and that innocent children do not deserve to die.
In this fictional version of the story, Olga, the eldest of the five children, knew what was coming. Her parents were in denial, but she heard the guards gossiping about the murder to come and decided to take steps to protect her siblings. Knowing the basement would be a likely murder location, given how hard it would be for them to escape, she spent a few days digging out a couple exit tunnels. The day before the murder attempt, she showed her siblings where all of these exits were and told them what to do if the murder attempt were to happen down there- don't worry about anyone else, everyone needed to focus on getting themselves out. Get out. Don't wait for anyone, just get as far away as possible. Nonna is in Paris, use the riches sewn into your clothes to get to her and tell her what happened.
No matter what happened, she loved them all very much. Their mother and father loved them all very, very much. Never forget that.
The murder attempt happened the very next day. Olga shouted for her siblings to run, snapping them out of their shock, and put herself between the guards and her siblings as they escaped. She was the only royal child who died that day, along with her parents and the servants.
The other four siblings found themselves split up and unable to find each other. Alexei was the first to decide to just go to Paris, having been hit by bullets that, while they hadn't broken skin, had created some severe bleeding under the skin that needed medical attention. He was the first to make it to their grandmother, using some of the treasure that had saved his life (as well as the sympathy he got for being a sickly orphan boy of undetermined origin) to buy his way out of Russie, to Paris. He told his grandmother what had happened, that they'd all been told to find her. Already, he was more than she had hoped for. She'd heard of the slaughter of her son and his family. Even having just one of her beloved grandchildren meant the world to her.
Her grief would be lightened over the next few months, as Tatiana and Maria found their way home. Tatiana knew that Olga had given her life to protect them and her loss was felt painfully, but having three of the five kept the grief from killing their grandmother.
But what of the fourth?
Maria (the grandmother and one of the daughters share a name, so I'll refer to her as Grandmother or Nonna) felt that her beloved Anastasia was alive, but she needed to be careful. Lenin was still looking for the escaped royal children and she couldn't risk leading him to wherever Ana was hiding. She enlisted the help of a former servant boy, one she knew had been close to Anastasia, to reenter Russia, find her, and bring her to Paris. The boy, Dmitri, didn't originally hold out much hope, it having been a year since the murder attempt, but he had been sweet on Anastasia as a child. What could it hurt?
When he met Anya, an escaped orphan girl with retrograde (actually psychogenic, but he knew only one type of amnesia) amnesia. And she just looked like Anastasia. She had the same cornflower blue eyes, the same light reddish-brown hair, the same face. He would say that her two companions, two dogs he certainly knew and who certainly knew him, were what convinced him, but he was convinced the second he saw her. It just had to be her.
Still, he didn't want to bring home someone who wasn't Anastasia, not with how badly it would hurt the survivors, so he spent a few weeks "tutoring" her to pretend to be Anastasia for a reward that didn't exist, trying to bring back her memories. And she copied everything like it was natural, but she still didn't actually remember. Even without the confirmation, he took her back to Paris.
It was the night before the two made it to her grandmother that Anastasia's amnesia finally broke. After a year of nightmares or events she couldn't remember, of screaming voices she couldn't name, of shadowed fragments of memories, she finally remembered something. As Dmitiri recalled his first memory of Anastasia, the parade, and described what had happened from his point of view, something finally snapped in her mind. The black lace holding her life out of reach tore, and she named a detail he hadn't told her.
"And you bowed."
She remembered the poor, dirty boy calling out to her. How he'd run alongside the parade to make sure she saw him. How, when he started to fall behind, he had called her name once more. And he had bowed.
She remembered.
A lot of the memories were still hazy, especially the traumatic ones, but she remembered most of it. She recognized her family.
That was all her family had truly been hoping for.
There was still a long journey ahead of them, a healing journey that took years, but they had the strength to make it together.
And then Rasputin returned.
Gods, they'd thought (hoped) he was dead. They'd heard he was dead, so he should be dead! But no, he was stalking them.
His target was Alexei, Alexei being the only one with a claim to the throne (it only went to males, his sisters could only gain a high monarch title by marrying the ruler of another country.) Rasputin has learned actual magic, he's harassing them so hard that it's not safe for Alexei to be in a room without at least three armed adults with him, and Anastasia is very, very, very tired of this shit.
So, she and her mischievous little brother hatched a master plan.
She and several guards hid in his room while he pretended to sleep, tricking Rasputin into thinking Alexei was alone and vulnerable. It took a few different tries, but Rasputin eventually took the bait.
He conjured a shield spell against the guards's bullets. Which stopped the bullets, sure, but not the force behind them. He went flying into a wall at around 1220 mph (I know not the guns the guards would have been using nor how fast the bullets fired by those guns would have been.)
Nonna heard the commotion, came in, saw Rasputin, and she got so angry at him that she kind of blacked out. The next thing she knew she was standing over his dead body, his skull caved in and her cane covered in blood and stuff, and everyone was staring at her with respect and a little bit of fear. Except for Alexei, who was super excited that she had apparently just beaten a man to death. Ah well, best to roll with the punches. What mattered was that Rasputin was no longer a problem. They went back to living peacefully in Paris.
Until the Great Awakening.
Russia was still very communist and really needed a win after the WWI debacle, so they helped Beast fight off the villains and then fought him when he tried to annex them. He decided that the best way to annex Russia was to do what the people wanted and bring back the royal family (the rumours that they were alive was all that had given Russia hope these past few years.) He would be able to control Alexei, right?
Alexei, as a former disabled child who was now a disabled adult, instantly got to work putting forward ideas to help this overlooked group in Russia's population. He worked with Ana to improve orphanages, then worked on regulating crime by using his money (Tatiana's idea) to pay for community funding, such as free school and free childcare. He kept most of the communist programs, though definitely loosened the rules to help his people, such as free healthcare, free housing, and free food, and worked very hard to bring more jobs into Russia to do something about the poverty problem so that the people wouldn't feel the need to rise up again. And sure, Alexei is relatively soft-spoken, but his diplomatic representative can be any of his sisters. And boy, the Tsar did not raise his girls to be pushovers. Tatiana has nearly physically thrown down with Beast at least fifteen (15) times and Anastasia loves threatening to leave Auradon the second Beast says something she doesn't like. The Russian army is now well-fed, healthy, trained, and armed. That's a fight he won't win, so he doesn't try.
He acts like he's allowing them to fulfil childish desires, but really these four who are half his age are blackmailing him into letting them do what they want.
And Alexei is about to want a particular group home on the Isle, one with a large population of disabled people, to be bought to Auradon from actual medical treatment. This is after an unscripted cellphone documentary (Mordred going around the home just talking about everyone fae saw) was posted anonymously and went viral and oh gods, what the fuck. This place has no medical equipment and no one there has any training but these people need actual medical treatment. He is not happy.
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felixcloud6288 · 4 months
Higurashi: Atonement Chapter 11
I think this chapter more than any other emphasizes the theme I've said Higurashi is about.
Keiichi was a messed up guy before coming to Hinamizawa.
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It's a bit hypocritical of Rena to say Keiichi isn't her friend due to him hiding his past from her when he doesn't know anything from her past either.
The same is true of when Keiichi said the exact same thing to Mion in Abducted by Demons.
I want to give a quick comparison between how Keiichi and Rena's pasts have been presented to us. Part of Rena's past was given to us in Abducted by Demons while part of Keiichi's past was given in Curse Killing. Then the full stories were given in this arc.
In Rena's case, the partial story was given by Ooishi and it emphasized Rena's past cases of violence and psychosis without giving us any reasons why. In Keiichi's case, he was the one telling us the partial story and while we're told about the buildup to his crime, we don't actually get the crime itself.
Rena is very upfront to us that she committed horrible acts in her narration, but Keiichi didn't bring his acts up until Rena confronted him over it.
In many stories, this would be proof that Keiichi is in the wrong because he's trying to keep something from his past a secret while Rena is in the right for admitting to what she's done. But I want to take a different approach based on what their friends said when Keiichi told them everything.
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This is a story about repentance, forgiveness, and second chances.
Keiichi is ashamed of what he's done, and he's trying to be a better person because of it. He doesn't bring it up and he doesn't have to. He's already confessed and atoned and is always trying to be better.
But when Rena openly admits to us what she has done and the person she has been, I think it's a sign she hasn't truly moved on from her past. She doesn't believe she's been forgiven or atoned for what she's done. She didn't try to be a better person; she abandoned her old self and tried to be a new person.
That next part hits us just as hard as that bat hit Mion.
This is the answer arc to Abducted by Demons. But all this time, we've been seeing a story that parallels it rather than seeing the truth of what happened.
But now we get to see the answer to that arc. And it's not just the answer to what actually happened. It's answering what could have been done to stop this.
Rika has said she will die on June 25th in this arc. I'm cheating by looking ahead, but I can argue that it is likely June 24th during this scene (Happy birthday Satoko!!). And I've previously determined that Keiichi killed Mion and Rena on June 24th in Abducted by Demons.
It's a bit of a stretch, but I want to believe that Mion said "Hurry up and feel better!" at the literal same moment in time in these two arcs. And that coincidental overlap is what caused Keiichi to remember his actions in Abducted by Demons.
In Eye Opening, Rika said they should forgive the people who entered the Saiguden because they were sorry for it. And when Shion said only Oyashiro can decide, Rika simply said she's Oyashiro-sama's priestess.
And now we know that Oyashiro really does exist and speaks to Rika. Oyashiro really did want to forgive Keiichi and Shion for their trespass. And Rika did what she could to save Keiichi because he had confessed and could be forgiven.
And just now he confessed his sins from Abducted by Demons. And in response, Rika once again is doing everything she can to save him. And salvation comes from knowing he can be forgiven and understand how he can try to save Rena.
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In Abducted by Demons, Rena considered her failure to help Satoshi a great sin and saving Keiichi was her greatest second chance. To the very end, she tried to save him. And though it took much longer than it should have, her words did reach Keiichi.
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And now that Keiichi has realized what he did, he's realized this is his second chance. He didn't trust in his friends, but now he will never distrust them again. And he will believe that he can reach Rena and stop her from becoming what he became.
And Rika, who has seen her friends make these mistakes over and over, is willing to fight to save this doomed world.
Call me a pro-shipper but I squealed when this happened.
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This arc has been two different perspectives fighting each other to paint the narrative as they head toward a destined tragedy. We already know how this is expected to end: Rena will blow up the school, killing herself and all her classmates.
The "question" perspective has shown us what has led Rena to do this. Meanwhile the "answer" perspective has shown us why she is mistaken. But now the "answer" perspective is no longer about showing us what really happened. It is now focused on stopping the tragedy that is supposed to happen.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
The mroe I think about it the mroe I realize I don't know what exactly I was to do with Adam and the exorcists in the hazbins fallen au
On the one hand, I want to keep it close to canon, on the other hand, I want to show that really nobody is at fault, and it's just a bunch of miscommunication and mistakes
Like, I highly doubt the exorcists had a choice to be exorcists, and it's not like they can just- retire
I just really want to expand on heaven and how it works and is flawed
Cause like I don't think heaven is doing anything out of maliciousness, like, Sera obviously doesn't like doing the exterminations but allows them out of futy and fear of having hell residents destroying heaven and tormenting their victims who amd eit to heaven further
Like, if I was told rapists and murderers were coming to my house, I'd grab a gun to!
The exorcists likely had no choice but to kill, and overtime just, grew into it
Adam.....well, an asshole obviously, but even then, he wouldn't be a real problem if he wasn't put in the position of being the exorcist leader and able to take out his aggression in the dude who stole both his wives. He'd still be a dick but not a threat
Honestly, idk if I want to have him die in the fallen, I feel like there's a lot more that could be done with him. The finale battle is obviously gonna be included I mean- it has to be, but maybe Adam lives in this au
Or, at the very least, comes back as a sinner/fallen angle. That's gonna be difficult to write, though, if I do go with that
Like, I think the biggest reveal in the au is gonna be that heavens rules ARE rigged....but not on purpose, the rules were made when the archangels ruled and it was just left uo to one seraphim to deal with everything
They were written when humanity was starting out, written when they thought humans woukd stay the same- but they don't, they change, they ahve reasons for doing bad things
But the rules are just that, rules. They can't look at someone's past and see that they stole to provide for their family. They just see stole and send them to hell.
The system is rigged, but it's not anybody's fault. It's just a bunch of miscalculations and mistakes
And even though it's not anybodies fault, the actions that have been taken have affected innocent people, intentionally or not, and they need to fix it
So I mean, I'm not sure how ambitious that is of me, but it is what I want to at least TRY to do
I wanna add another more detailed layer rather than just have 'heavens actually bad and hell is actually good'
I mean, maybe the archangels oversaw people's sins and backstorues and stuff and decided where they went, but then they left for some weird reason. Hey, maybe I make them the real villains, and they dip cause the human project wasn't going how they wanted, so I left it to Sera/the rest of heaven and just dipped to go do smth else
Like, nobodies at fault for what your ancestors chose to do. And even then, I mean their angels. They can't really realize their actions caused so much chaos so even then it circles back to no one's really wrong people just fucked uo and made bad mistakes/choices
Cause like, Sera being portrayed as the bad guy rubs me the wrong way nd Emily saying "killing innocent souls" in cnaon also runs me the wrong way. Like, Emily, I love you....but I can guarantee that MOST sinners are not innocent. You might get some who were falsely condemned or have minor crimes and can change, but you also have people like Valentino for fucks sake
Side note I think what she shouldve said was "you are killing, possibly innocent souls" or something similar
I guess the main theme? I wanna go for in my fic/au is 'change' and that people can be wrong without being in the wrong, or being the bad guy
So that is a LONG rant, I honestly didn't mean for it to be this long- it was jsut meant to be like "idk what to do with the murder angles please help me" and turned into a rant.....
Anyways, I'll save the main theme talk for another day
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luescris · 1 year
Listen. Guys. Listen.
As you all may or may not know. I have a massive, huge despise for 2012!Shredder. The rage I feel against him will never die. I am one of his biggest haters.
..... However.
What if I told y'all. That I also have a Oroku Saki redemption au. Not Shredder. But Oroku Saki.
Don't get me wrong. They're both terrible people, one just less so than the other.
But here's the thing. Here's where this all started.
You all remember the episode when Shredder came back again in season 5 right??? How he was not at all himself, very much more of a mellow, depressed "follow instead of lead" kind of person???? And how he quite literally shoved Kavaxas back into hell??????
Hell must have done some real fucking shit to make Shredder rethink his entire life like that. Like no way in hell would he have ever helped the turtles out like that by his own free will before. It's something that I think about daily and I have not been able to get it out of my head because it was SO out of character for him and as much as I hate him and know that I nor the Turtles would never, in a million years, give him a chance of redemption for all the shit he's done...
That part has got me thinking.
Like. Imagine this. Somehow, someway, because of that sudden out of pocket good deed, Oroku Saki is more or less cursed. Cursed to go back to the living, but not as a living, breathing human being. Not exactly a zombie, but not alive either. And he is cursed to watch after the turtles until every single one of his wrongdoings are at least somewhat forgiven and he's able to maybe move on to the next part of life.
So like. One day, the turtles get back from a patrol in a mostly good mood, only to absolutely stop and freeze when seeing they have an unknown visitor sitting on the couch, waiting for them.
Said visitor being Oroku Saki. No burns, no helmets or armor, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, cargo pants, sunglasses and holding a coffee in his hand. And all he does is stare back at the turtles completely and utterly calm.
It takes a minute for something to click, but immediately Leo is on it, moving within the blink of an eye to press his sword against Saki's throat and hissing, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't chop your head off right here, right now."
And Saki, ever so cooly, takes off his glasses and stares right into hate filled glare and goes, "You can't."
He then explains why they can't kill him, and how every time they try he would only bleed and nothing more, making a complete mess of their lair. April of course reads his mind (A bit too forcefully too because She Mad) but is surprised to learn that he was telling the utmost truth.
Saki then tells them that he's cursed to watch over them, and can't do anything else until his sins are attoned for, and none of the turtles know what to do about this entire thing, utterly stumped.
I'm not sure what happens in between them and the time he attempts to apologize after a few days of the turtles begrudgingly letting him stay but more so as a prisoner (at one point the man attempts to apologize but that only makes Leo snap and he runs a sword through him while saying, "You gave me these scars! Gave me this voice! This knee! You killed are father three times! The time for apologies is over!!! Do you understand?!?'' Will probably break down about it later with his brothers but yeah lmao) .
And of course once Karai finds out, she also immediately tries to attack, only to be completely baffled and betrayed when the turtles stop her, and even after they explain she's not only in denial, but filled with hatred, and vows to find a way to kill Saki before storming off.
I'm not sure what bonds there'd be. If any at all. Because this concept is SO odd to me and I could NEVER see the boys wanting ANYTHING to do with Saki in any form. But if anyone has any ideas they may want to add PLEASE say so I would like to hear them gfhfhdhd
Anyway. There's my super weird "Uncle(?) Saki" au. Do with this what you will fhdghxhddh
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chaoticcat32 · 2 years
More Billy x Reader sins, this time he’s a naga 🐍🐍🐍
It’d been a nice day, uneventful mostly. The sun was high in the sky, it was nice and warm, and Billy had the whole thing planned out. He’d woken up late, stretching his arms and tail, until he’d heard his stomach growl. When had he eaten last? Must’ve been a while. A week, at least. He would go out and find something to eat, then. He would fill his stomach and then bask in the sun for the rest of the day, helping him digest his meal. He had a nice sunning rock, big and flat just outside his cave.
The morning started well, he easily picked up the scent of deer not too far from where he was, carefully and quietly tracking them down. Deer were always good, they were big so they made him full for a while, and they were warm, which helped with his cold-blooded nature. Humans were good too, easier to catch, but he couldn’t smell any nearby. The other nagas told him he shouldn’t eat humans, that it was ‘wrong’ and ‘they were just like him’ but he would just scoff. They’re easy to catch, fill him up, and they taste good, so why not eat them? And they were not like him. Humans were weak, and all they’d do is try and hurt him if they found him.
He slithered along the scent trail, the smell getting stronger and stronger, his mouth watering as he neared. Damn, he hadn’t realized just how hungry he was.
That was when it happened.
He heard the metallic snap, then a white hot pain shot through his tail. He quickly whipped around to see what it was, causing even more pain. He saw blood soaking his scales, a sharp metal trap snapped around him, gripping him tight. He tried to wriggle out of it, but he hissed as it just buried itself deeper. The more he struggled, the more he got trapped. But then something else started to dig into him. A rope, a metal rope, was getting tangled up in his arms and wrapped around his chest and tail. He thrashed even more, only getting it more and more tangled around him. Now he wouldn’t even be able to try and pry the trap off.
“H-hey, are you-“
His head whipped over to the voice, eyes landing on a human. He hissed, trying to coil defensively but only managing to pull on the trap and causing it to scrape him more. He winced, but continued baring his fangs at the threat in front of him.
“S-stop, you’re just gonna get hurt more!”
The human started to approach, and Billy let out a low growl mixed with a hiss, the rattle at the end of his tail raised in the air and started shaking. The human flinched a bit.
“Whoa, whoa, hey! Calm down, okay? I just wanna help…”
Billy thrashed more and more as they got closer, hissing in pain when the ropes got tighter and the trap dug into his tail more.
“Hey stop! Stop thrashing around, it's only making it worse!”
“I don’t need your help!” He hissed, venom dripping from his fangs.
“Oh, so he speaks.”
Billy growled.
“If you don’t need my help, I could just leave you here.”
He narrowed his eyes at them and hissed, tail still rattling, but less so.
“Are you going to let me help you?”
He supposed he didn’t really have any other choice, he could let them try and ‘help’. He knew they wouldn’t, though, humans would never help him. If they tried anything he could just bite them anyways, and they’d die quickly. He watched with narrowed eyes and a quiet growl in his throat as they got right up to his tail, where the trap had snapped around it. They hesitated before going into the bag they had with them and pulling out what looked to be a shirt, probably from an extra change of clothes they brought with them.
“Here, this might hurt a little, but if you need to bite something or dig your claws into it, you can use that, okay?”
He took it with a sneer, but agreed to not bite them. Unless he had to, of course. They made one wrong move and they’d be his lunch instead of the deer he’d been tracking. Though with how hungry he was, he might just eat them anyways. He watched as they took either side of the trap in their hands, counting to it quietly.
“Okay, one, two… three!“
Billy cried out and dug his fangs into the soft shirt the human had given them when they pulled apart the trap, seemingly holding it with all their strength.
“Can you… try and slither out?”
They asked through clenched teeth, eyes shut tight as they pulled as hard as they could. Though it hurt, the naga managed to get the portion of his tail that was in the trap out of it. The human sighed, breathing heavily as they let go of it, the trap snapping back closed. Billy watched, then, as they got their bag, pulling out a knife. He hissed, seeing the sharp blade as he was still restrained by the ropes.
“Hey, hey, calm down. I’m just gonna cut these ropes for you, okay?”
The human then took a portion of his tail in their hands, carefully sliding the blade under the metal rope and cutting upwards. It snapped easily, and they got to work in the next one. Pretty soon, they only had to take the rope off, without cutting anymore. Then they moved into his torso. The human began cutting through the metal binding his arms to his chest, quickly yet very carefully slicing them off, allowing the naga to have more movement in his limbs.
“There we go, now was that so bad?” They asked as they took the last bit of wire off of his frame.
He sneered at them, but shook his head as he could now freely move. Well, almost freely. It still hurt like hell to move his tail, particularly the portion that was sliced up by the trap. They looked down when he winced, eyes widening as they saw just how bad the wound was.
“Oh, let me fix that for you, I can wrap it up and clean it.”
Billy looked at them in confusion as they rifled through their bag, seemingly finding what they wanted when they pulled out a little box.
“Always bring a first aid kit with me.” They said.
“What are you doing?” He asked, watching as they put the injured part of his tail in their lap.
“I’m gonna help, okay? This’ll make it heal a lot faster, I promise. It might sting a little, though. Think you can handle it?”
He scoffed at them. What a silly question, why wouldn’t he be able to handle it? He watched as they pulled a dark brown bottle from the box, taking the cap off and pouring the clear liquid over his injury. He inhaled quickly through his teeth. Damn, that did sting. The human quickly took a cloth and wiped away both the blood and the stuff they’d just poured on him. They went back into the box, taking out some thin white cloth wrapped around itself, their hands unraveling it before starting to pull it around his tail. They took something else out then, a little pink thing they placed on where the bandage ended.
“There. All fixed up. It should heal a lot faster now.” They said, gently patting his tail.
Billy looked down at it, contemplating for a bit before looking back at them. They were looking at him a bit nervously, not quite sure what to do now that he was all healed. Then the naga’s stomach growled. He looked down at it and so did the human, their eyes widening a bit.
“Oh! Uh, are you hungry? You can have some of my food…”
They quickly rummaged through their bag again, pulling out a smaller bag and opening it up, pulling what was apparently food out of it. They took half of it and handed it to him, holding it out.
“Here, you can have this.”
Billy looked at it skeptically, eying what they were offering to him.
“Go on, you can take it, it’s okay.”
Billy hesitantly took the thing out of their hand, hiding it up and sniffing at it, flicking his tongue out at it. He wrinkled his nose, holding it away from him. There was no way he was eating that.
“Okay… so you don’t want the sandwich, that’s fine. I Uhh… I have some fruit in here too…”
Billy looked at them like they were stupid.
“Do I look like I eat fruit? Snakes are carnivores.”
The human paled, backing up slightly.
“I-uh I think I’m just gonna go…”
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
His stomach growled once more, and he looked back up at the human. Maybe… maybe he could eat them, he could eat them without killing them and they’d be fine, other nagas did that. Maybe he’d just keep them to fill his stomach until he could track down those deer from earlier, then he could let the human out. But why did he want them to be fine? They were just some shitty human… but they were nice to him. No one’s ever really been nice like that. Humans were supposed to be bad… He’d figure it out later, right now he was starving.
The human yelped as they felt his tail start to snake around their legs, quickly but gently traveling up their body. They looked into his face, fear in their expression clear in their features. They shivered slightly.
“W-what are you doing, I- I…”
“I’m not- I’m not gonna hurt you.”
They must’ve noticed the drool leaking from his lips, because their eyes went wide. He could smell them. They smelled so good, he wanted to see how they tasted. He wouldn’t hurt them though, just… keep them for a bit.
“Please… please don’t…”
“I said I wasn’t gonna hurt you, okay?”
They were wrapped all the way to their neck, arms pinned to their sides and they couldn’t move. He started to open his mouth, and with a snap and pop, his jaw unhinged, allowing it to open much wider. The human whimpered as they saw the maw approach their face, saliva dripping from the fangs and tongue. They cried out as he closed it around their head, shutting his eyes as he took a deep swallow. He sighed through his nose, feeling them enter his throat as more and more of the human was pushed in and swallowed down. They were warm, and they tasted good too. He continued to gulp, uncoiling them and getting them in as fast as he could. Soon enough, only the human’s feet were left outside, and he easily swallowed them down as well, closing his lips and sealing them inside.
He sighed deeply as he felt them slide fully into his snake stomach, giving him a bit of strength to go off and find an actual meal. He could feel them squirming and struggling within him, and he felt… bad. He never felt like this when he’d eaten a human before…
“I- I helped you.”
He could hear the tears and a bit of anger in their voice and God, that made him feel worse.
“I said I wasn’t going to hurt you. I just… I was hungry so…”
“So you ate me. I should’ve known, I was so stupid not to expect this. You’re a snake. I’m just… snake food.”
“You’re not- no, you’re going to be fine. I’m just, I’m going to let you out, I just need to find something else to eat.”
They didn’t say anything else, no matter how much Billy would poke at them, say something to them, none of it worked and it made his chest tighten. He knew they were still alive, he could feel them breathing and he’d seen other nagas have live humans in their stomach for a lot longer. He supposed that eventually they might’ve passed out. From fear, exhaustion, he didn’t know, but it was probably for the best.
It felt weird though, having them in there. Sure, he’d eaten plenty of humans before, but he hadn’t ever eaten anything, let alone a human alive before. It felt odd as they moved about, even unconsciously, and the fact that he could feel their breathing. It was different. Not a bad feeling persay. It even felt kind of… good?
He shook his head and continued his search for the deer, a bit farther away now that he had that little snag. It didn’t take too long to find them though, Billy making sure he was downwind of the small group so as to not scare off his meal. He picked out one in particular, a fairly large buck that would definitely keep him full for a while, though he’d have to take the antlers off. He snuck slowly around a tree, in between bushes, directly behind the grazing animal. His tongue flickered out from between his lips, tasting the air and getting the animal’s scent. His mouth watered, and he crouched down, coiling himself up so he was ready to strike.
The buck leaned down to eat the grass once more and Billy took his opportunity. He leapt out of the bushes with a growl, grabbing onto the deer with his claws and quickly coiling tightly around it. He wrapped his arms around its neck and lunged down with his head, burying his fangs into its throat, delivering a dose of his deadly venom. He then leapt off of it, slithering a few feet away, watching as the animal struggled but eventually gave out, collapsing onto the ground within seconds. All the other deer had fled when they heard and saw the huge predator take down one of the strongest of the group.
He slithered up cautiously, making sure his meal was dead before starting to spit up the human, making room for the deer instead. It was a new experience for him, never really having to spit up prey after it’s been eaten. This isn’t prey, though, he has to remind himself, though it’s a strange thought to him. He managed to start getting the human out, using his stomach muscles to push them back up and he found it was easy after that, instincts taking over and helping to pull them the rest of the way. To say that getting them out of his mouth and throat was uncomfortable would be a bit of an understatement. It was weird, and not the most pleasant thing. He grabbed them in his hands and pulled them out gently, carefully laying them on the grass, still unconscious. He checked them over, tongue flicking and his ears listening for their breathing and heart. They were okay.
He went back over to the deer, looking down at it. He picked it up by the antlers, coiling around its neck and pulling hard on them. It didn’t take a whole lot for him then to give way and a loud crack sounded out. He tossed the broken antlers to the side, blood leaking from where they once were. His meal was ready to be eaten. He wrapped his tail around the buck, starting with its head. He stretched his mouth wide, unhinging his jaw and starting to shove it in, swallowing around his meal. He was used to this, so it didn’t take too long for the deer to make its way into his snake stomach. He sighed in satisfaction, feeling the warm meal fill him up. Then he remembered.
Billy quickly turned around, looking down at the human. He sighed, picking them up in his arms and holding them, one arm behind their knees and the other on their back, just under their neck. The human’s head hung down, as well as their arms, but they were only unconscious, Billy could still feel them breathing. They’d wake up soon. He slithered off, back into the woods, a little tired because of his full stomach and the warmth of the human but he pressed on.
Soon enough, he followed the scent back to his cave, slithering to the back of it and curling up on himself. He placed the human in the center of his coils, checking them over one more time just to make sure. They were still breathing and their heart had a steady beat. It was a little faster than his, but that might just be because they were smaller than him.
Billy lay down on top of his coils, looking down at the human with a contemplative look. Why didn’t he just eat them? Well, he did, but why not just keep them as his meal? Why did he spit them out and eat the deer instead? Maybe he could just… keep them until he got hungry again, then he could have them. But… he didn’t want to do that either. He didn’t want them to… he wanted them to be okay. He guessed that was why he even ate them. Sure he was hungry, but it also kept them safe. He still didn’t know why he did it though. Maybe it was because they weren’t mean.
The naga couldn’t help but feel the warmth from the human slowly seep onto his coils, the deer already having lost its own heat. He sighed, leaning further into his own tail, eyes slowly closing. Wait, no, he couldn’t fall asleep. The human was… they’d still be there, right? He’d feel it if they woke up. Plus he was so full. He was full and warm, both those things separately would make him tired, but combined? He didn’t stand a chance. He felt himself slowly start to drift off, the last thing he saw before closing his eyes one final time being the human, still unconscious in his tail.
Y/n woke with a start, not knowing where they were. They felt something cold against their back, which was weird, but then it moved. They jumped, whipping around to see… a giant snake. A huge fucking snake. Then it hit them. They looked up, seeing the human half the snake-man had and they shrieked, the last thing they remembered being this thing having eaten them. They squirmed as they felt something move again, something that was very clearly inside the snake’s stomach.
They watched as the man woke up from the shriek and the squirming from them, his tail immediately starting to rattle. They squeezed their eyes shut when he did, shaking and just waiting for him to chow down on them again. But nothing happened. They opened their eyes again to see him almost right in front of them, causing them to flinch back. He was looking at them with what looked to be a mixture of confusion and worry.
“Sorry, forgot you were there… you were warm so I kinda fell asleep.”
“Well I- you were still asleep so I just put you there, and then you were warm so…”
“No, no, no… you ate me!”
“Oh. I spit you out though… I didn’t hurt you like I said.”
“But you…”
“I said I wasn’t going to hurt you, you’re okay. I found something else to eat.”
“Yeah, I-I felt that…”
“Oh. It’s a deer. And that must feel weird, sorry.”
“A little. But… I’m just dessert, aren’t I? And I helped you.”
They crossed their arms, angry but also terrified.
“I didn’t hurt you. I wasn’t going to either.”
“Don’t things that get eaten usually… you know…”
“Oh, yeah. Uhh… I didn’t bite you, if I want to actually eat something I have to kill it first, so I usually bite it.”
“I don’t understand…”
He sighs.
“If you’re still alive when I eat you, you’re safe. I can’t digest you. You would already have to be dead. Like the deer, I bit it first.”
Y/n looked to the deer, then back up to him, their body relaxing a slight bit. They weren’t quite sure if they could believe him all the way, but he wasn’t hurting them now, so they tried to be calm.
“Okay, that’s… okay. How’s your tail?”
They were trying to steer the conversation in another direction, but they actually did want to see how he was doing. He looked over at his tail and they did as well, seeing the bandage on it. He tried to move it a bit, wincing and sucking in a quick breath through his teeth.
“Still hurts, but it’s probably better than it would be without you helping.”
“Can I see it?”
“I just want to see how it looks, and change the bandages.”
“Change them?“
“Yeah. You probably bled quite a bit, and we don’t want it to get infected or anything, right? Then we might have to cut it off.”
“What?! Cut it off! There’s nothing wrong its-“
Reader laughed.
“I was just joking. Now let me see it, okay? I’ll fix it up.”
He hesitantly gave them his tail, slowly moving the portion that was injured onto their lap so they could look at it. Y/n took it and started to unwrap the bandages, taking the band-aid off first and setting it aside. Underneath, there was a whole lot of dried blood all over his scales, as well as in and around the wound. It looked like it’d stopped bleeding though, so that was good, and it seemed to be scabbing over quickly.
“Wait, where’s my bag?” They asked.
The snake man picked the bag up and brought it over to them, watching as they dug the first aid kit. They grabbed out the peroxide as well as clean bandages and a cloth to wipe the blood. They also got out that shirt, the one that they gave him last time. It was certainly ruined by now, so it didn’t really matter what else he did to it.
“Here, you can have this again in case you need it.”
He took the shirt with a nod, watching what they were doing with his tail. They looked up at him, making sure he was okay before uncapping the dark brown bottle, starting to pour the contents all over the wound and dried blood. They watched as he dug his claws into their shirt and winced, but didn’t make any moves to stop them. They sighed in relief and continued, taking the clean cloth and using it to wipe both the blood and the peroxide off. After it was properly cleaned and disinfected, they grabbed the bandages, starting to wrap them around his tail.
“That too tight?” They asked, looking up at him.
“It’s fine.” He said.
They finished wrapping it up, sealing it once more with a little pink bandage.
“Sorry, this is the only color I have.”
“I don’t care. It’s small.”
“Alright. Feeling better?”
“Little bit. Uh, thanks, though. For helping me. You didn’t have to.”
They looked up to him, not expecting a thanks from the grumpy snake.
“Oh! It was no problem, I just can’t stand seeing animals in pain… not that you’re an animal, I don't like seeing people hurt either.”
“That’s… good. It’s good it was you, any other humans probably wouldn’t have helped.”
“I dunno, some probably would’ve.”
He sneered a bit, clearly unbelieving of them.
“No they wouldn’t have.”
“O-oh. Well, umm, you’re pretty cool, y’know?”
“You’re cool.”
“Yeah, I mean I guess I would be since I’m cold-blooded-“
They laughed.
“No, no, I mean cool, like you’re a snake… I like snakes. What are you, exactly?”
“Oh. You do? I thought humans hated snakes. And I’m a naga.”
“A naga, huh? And a lot of us actually like snakes. I used to have a pet snake, she was nice. Not as big as you, of course, but I liked having her.”
“A pet snake?!”
“Oh! Wow, that must be weird for you. I mean, like, a regular snake, the animal, not like you.”
“Oh. I didn’t know humans had snakes as pets.”
“Some do. It’s considered more of an unusual pet, a lot wouldn’t.”
“Soo, you said you were cold-blooded, right? That's so cool! I guess you’re more like a reptile then… What other things can you do like a snake? I mean I know how you eat of course…”
“Yeah, uh… I guess I shed like one?”
“Oh, really? Is it like.. all in one go, or is it in pieces, or…?”
“Oh, uhh… all in one go, mostly. We shed once a year. The tail comes off all in one, and then the spots on our upper bodies that need to shed.”
“We? There’s… more of you?”
“Yeah. Three more. There’s my little sister, Max, and then there’s Steve and Eddie. You don’t have to worry about them, though. They’re idiots.”
“Oh, you have a sister?”
“Yeah. You sure ask a lot of questions, don’t you?”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you. It’s just, I mean never in my life did I think I’d find something like you, y’know? You always ready the stories about dragons and princesses and whatnot, but only in fairy tales.”
“I’m not a dragon.”
They laughed.
“You’re not, no. But you’re similar! I mean you’re both reptiles, right?“
“I guess.”
“This is just so cool. To find something like you and then just… have a conversation like we are. It’s so surreal.”
“Yeah? You think I’m cool? I thought you’d be afraid, y’know?”
“Oh, it’s still scary, but not as much. You’re not doing anything mean or hurting me.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Oh, wait. Duh, silly me. I never asked your name. Mine’s y/n.”
“Oh. Uh, Billy.”
“Billy, huh? Nice na-“
They were cut off when a new voice sounded in the cave, Billy quickly grabbing them and shoving them underneath his tail, covering them up with his massive coils.
“Billy, who are you talking to in here?”
“No one, fuck off.”
“Wow, okay. I literally just came in and asked a question.”
“Don’t you ever, I don’t know, announce your presence before just barging in?”
Y/n shifted slightly in the coils, their leg in an uncomfortable position. The coils on top of them were heavy, and a portion of them was crushing their leg.
“What do you have?”
“What the hell do you mean?”
“I just saw your tail move.”
“I just ate, Maxine. What the hell do you think it is?”
“What’s on your tail?”
“There’s nothing on my tail.”
“Really? Because I think I’d have remembered if you had white scales.”
“It’s just something that got stuck to me while I was hunting. Didn’t have a chance to take it off because you just fucking barged in here.”
There was a pause, they assumed the other person that came in was probably his sister, another naga. She was probably assessing the situation, looking at her brother. They held their breath.
“Whatever. You better tell me why you’re acting so weird tomorrow.”
“I’m not acting weird!”
“Yeah, okay.”
The naga waited a few more seconds, making sure his sister was gone before moving his tail off of y/n, causing them to let out a breath of air, quickly breathing in after. They were no longer weighed down by both the heavy coils, and the deer inside of them.
“Oh, are you okay? I wasn’t hurting you, was I?”
“No, no. It’s just… you’re really heavy, especially with the deer.”
“Sorry, that was my sister.”
“I figured as much. It’s okay.”
They continued to just breathe for a bit, now being able to better. They then looked outside, seeing that the sun was going down and it was starting to get a bit dark. They slumped a bit, knowing they had to start heading home. They were tired anyway, was it really that late? Maybe they’d be able to come back tomorrow, and possibly bring him something to eat for breakfast, if he was even hungry. He did have that deer.
“Oh, it’s getting late… I should probably head home. I really hope I wasn’t bothering you.”
They began to get up, making their way towards the entrance when they felt a hand grab their arm. They let out a little squeak, looking back at the naga.
“What is it?”
“You… you can stay here if you want. For the night.”
“Yeah, I mean I know we just slept a bit, but it was only for an hour or two.”
“You want me to stay?”
“Only if you want. You don’t have to… but you’re warm.”
“Oooh, I see. You want your own personal heater.”
“Whatever. You don’t have to stay, it was just a suggestion.”
“I’m joking with you. I’ll stay. Long as you don’t eat me in my sleep or something.”
“What? No, I’m not-“
“It was a joke! I know you’re not.”
Billy slithered over to a corner with what looked to be covered with soft leaves and other things that might make it a comfortable spot. He curled up on top, resting on top of his coils and looking over at them expectantly.
“This is where I usually sleep. Uh… make yourself comfortable I guess.”
“Oh, okay.”
They walked over to the naga, sitting on the edge of the leaf bed. Billy rolled his eyes.
“You can get closer. I don’t bite.” He said with a grin.
“Right, yeah.”
They stepped closer, sitting on the leaves and laying against his coils. They sighed, feeling the coolness of them against their skin, shifting ever so slightly. They jumped a bit when the end of his tail started slowly wrapping around them.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh. Didn’t realize I was doing it. You’re warm.”
“Ah, of course.”
They let him wrap his tail slowly around their body, yelping a bit when he pulled them closer. They knew it didn’t mean anything, or at least it probably didn’t. He was just using them for their warmth, which was fair. He was cold-blooded after all, and they did say that they’d stay for the night. Plus he wasn’t human, so they didn’t even know if human things meant the same. They shook the thoughts out of their head, just focusing on getting comfortable within the snake-man’s coils. He was already asleep, so it wasn’t like they had much else to do. They closed their eyes, letting out a sigh and falling asleep for the second time with the naga.
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becauseimanicequeen · 7 months
DFF Ending Scenarios
Since we’re closing in on the last 2 eps of DFF, I have a couple of scenarios of how I would want this series to end. I’ll be elaborating on them below.
I don’t necessarily think DFF will end in any of these ways, but it’s always fun to speculate... And later see how wrong I was...
1st scenario
My 1st scenario is that the truth about what happened to Non comes out as everyone in the house kills each other off, except White who lives to tell the tale.
And since I feel like we need a twist at the end, it could be that White is related to Keng somehow. In trying to find out what happened to Keng, White (who is the smartest kid here) found Non, helped Non escape from Tee’s uncle (leading the uncle to mysteriously die), and now they’re working together to find out what happened to Keng (even though I think he’s dead).
That could be why White is with Tee, since Tee seems to be sitting on all the answers.
And the reason Non hasn’t reached out to anyone after his escape might be because he doesn’t expect his parents to help him (or they’re already dead), he doesn’t care about the “friends” (because why would he?), he didn’t contact Phee because Phee told him to get lost and die, and he was never really close with his brother (and might think he’s still in England).
How likely is it that this will happen? Not very. But, when it comes to White, I feel like he’s more involved than he seems, so he might have an ulterior motive. But it remains to be seen what that is.
2nd scenario
My 2nd scenario end is that White and Tan/New are working together (without Phee knowing) because White is somehow related to Keng (perhaps a brother) and both of them want to find their family members.
Tan might’ve sensed that he could no longer trust Phee to help him (understandable), so he tried to find someone from Keng’s family to help him and, by doing so, found White.
Or, perhaps White searched for Non’s family to find out if they knew where Keng and Non had gone and, thereby, White found Tan.
Even though White acts innocent and naive, he might go to great lengths to find out what happened to Keng for a similar reason Tan wants to find out what happened to Non. Perhaps Keng was the only family White had, and so, he lost everything when he lost Keng, similar to Tan losing everything.
The only difference between them is that Tan was, from the beginning, going to be the one who did all the “dirty work” to protect White from it, so that White could still claim his innocence later on.
And Tan is also the one who manipulates Phee to continue gathering info from Jin (even though Tan is willing to deal with Phee as soon as he becomes useless to Tan’s plans).
Also, instead of killing off everyone, they spare the key witnesses of what happened to Non and how he was treated (Tee and Fluke) and the person who exposed Keng (Jin, who might’ve been saved by Phee when someone tried to kill him) to serve them up to the police.
As the police do forensics at the house and surrounding area, they find evidence of the drug as well as Non who has been hiding nearby after escaping from Tee’s uncle. He’s badly hurt, but alive.
Tan is then arrested for what he’s done, but he’s content in finally having found his brother and doesn’t mind paying for his actions.
Again, the likelihood of White being more involved than he seems is quite high. But the likelihood of these many characters making it out alive is (hopefully) low. I mean, it’s supposed to be horror.
3rd scenario
My 3rd scenario is that they’re all just hallucinating this whole thing and no one is actually dead. Tan/New and Phee might’ve chained them down (way better than they did with Top who easily came loose) and drugged them to get to the truth.
Tan and Phee might be suggesting scenarios to the group when they’re high, which makes them think that what’s happening is actually true, and they start to confess their sins.
How likely is it that this will happen? Not very. But it is possible since they’ve introduced the drugs.
This isn’t my favorite scenario. Especially not since this is supposed to be horror and an ending like this wouldn’t be as satisfying for me considering the genre.
4th scenario
My 4th scenario is that Fluke kills all the remaining characters and then covers it all up (maybe with the whole curse or cult thing, or nothing at all since he “never” sees or hears anything).
This might've actually been his plan all along (his own revenge plan). Perhaps as a revenge for what they did no Non (since Fluke might've been able to see himself in Non's shoes). I mean, he did seem rather nervous in the car ride there (he even threw up).
And if it comes up that Non is still alive, Fluke, wanting to redeem himself for not helping him before, finds Non and helps him now.
And then (because I'm delulu) it turns out they used to have a thing for each other but Fluke was too afraid the others in the group would find out (and start treating him the way they did Non).
But now, with all the others gone, he can finally be himself and spend the rest of his life trying to make Non forgive him 
How likely is this? Absolutely, ZERO fucking percent. No question about it. But I would LMFAO if it turned out this way 
5th scenario
My 5th scenario is that Non and Phee have been working together all along ever since Phee told him to always tell him the truth. They planned their revenge on the group and the destruction of Tee’s uncle (since Non was already in debt at that point) like a masterful screenplay.
Tan and White might also be in on this (especially if White is Keng’s brother). The plan was just to spook these mofos (or fafos, cuz, you know...) and watch them self-destruct without getting their own hands dirty (well, except Tan drugging them all).
And so, everyone in the group of “friends” dies and the survivors can either blame it on the cult or curse or the drugs, which they could argue everyone was willing to take (and since they have video evidence of the group doing drugs before, this won’t be a surprise).
Or they can have Phee’s dad and the police cover it up (because we all know the authorities are corrupt as fuck).
And then it ends with Non and Phee being victorious over Non’s tormentors and Non spends the rest of his life writing stories that have HIS name on them.
How likely is this? Well, I think some of it is possible. But there are some holes in this scenario.
6th scenario
My 6th scenario is that the only ones surviving the house are Phee and Jin. And, as they leave the chaos of the house, they find Non in hiding nearby, badly injured after he escaped (and killed) Tee’s uncle.
Driven by guilt of what they did to Non, and the relief of finding him alive, Phee and Jin vow to never leave Non again, ending with them living happily ever after as a threesome. And so, my lovely chemistrying trifecta is complete!
I’m delulu here, aren’t I?
7th scenario
My 7th scenario is that Keng is the actual masked person at the house (the one using the crutch, which is different from the one in the hallucinations). Since he was hit by a car, his injuries make sense.
And, so, Keng aimed to kill everyone there but held back when he saw how self-destructive they were. Or, perhaps he just wanted to figure out who made and posted the video to kill that specific person.
Either way, he makes sure every last one of them dies and no one would ever suspect him because, according to the authorities, Keng is already nowhere to be found.
Honestly, the only thing that makes sense here is that Keng might be the masked person at the house considering the crutch and limp and how he was hit by a car. But I doubt he’s still alive (unless he was the one who killed Tee’s uncle).
8th scenario
My 8th scenario is that everyone dies. And then the genre to which this series is connected is fulfilled and the series would live up to its name.
A series promoted as horror that ends with too many people alive and well and living happily ever after is a big failure in my eyes.
9th scenario
The 9th scenario (and the last one because I need to move on) is probably the one I see as the most possible of all my scenarios. Let’s first point out a few things that are key for this to be plausible:
Non escaped from Tee’s uncle and is injured but alive.
There is a masked person at the house, probably Non (since Tan/New saw someone in the 2nd ep that then left without doing anything, probably because Non was surprised seeing his brother there).
Keng is White’s brother and guardian, meaning that White lost everything when Keng disappeared.
So, let’s dive into this.
Non escaped from Tee’s uncle before the events at the house (considering the newspaper article that seems to state that the uncle is dead). Non hasn’t contacted any of the others to tell them he’s okay, because he still believes everyone abandoned him.
He’s been in hiding ever since the escape (perhaps near that house) biding his time and planning his revenge. Perhaps his initial victim was just Por (since Non probably still sees Por as the biggest bully of them all since he stole Non's screenplay) and that’s why he’s hiding near that house.
However, when he saw all of them come back, he decided to go back to the script he wrote. And since there is definitely one masked person different from the others (the one using a cutch and limping), that could be Non.
But, after Por accidentally ran into the stake, killing them might've become too real for Non, and so he decided to observe and scare them rather than kill them (which could explain the bathroom scene with Top as well, because I feel like Non would’ve killed him then and there if his motive was to kill everyone).
On the other side, Tan, Phee, and White are working together to find out what happened to Non (for White, finding out what happened to Non means there’s a big possibility of finding out what happened to Keng).
The reason Phee ratted on Tan was because it makes more sense to the others that the two of them are working together considering they’re going to the same school (White doesn't). And it would let White continue to work under the radar and keep his hands clean.
It might be that White (who always finds things and figures them out, btw), had already gotten close to his target (Tee) before he realized who Tan was.
And the reason White targeted Tee was because he knew Keng had tried to expose Tee’s uncle’s criminal organization before he disappeared (he might’ve found this out from the reporter Keng was in contact with).
But it might not have taken White very long to realize Tan was a cover for Non’s brother when he started hanging out with the group, and then he reached out to Tan so they could work together to find out what happened. And so, this trio was established (even though they're keeping up appearances that they're not too familiar with each other in case the others would overhear).
Since White has a talent for technology, he helped with some vital things. He might’ve traced that video of Non and Keng back to Jin (which could be a reason Phee was so adamant about getting close to Jin again after hurting his feelings, because it's clear that neither he nor Tan knew this before Phee slept with Jin).
White might’ve also been the one who set up the cameras and stuff Phee talked about when he “confessed” to Jin so that they could use that as evidence later on.
Their plan was just to get the others to confess their sins. And if something bad happened, Tan was willing to take the blame because he’d already lost everything (which is why it makes sense that Phee exposed Tee/New after things were getting even more out of hand).
But, whatever happened at the house, they needed to make sure that:
They were drugged and hallucinating.
Phee got close to Jin again (Non’s biggest betrayer).
And that White could be used as a way to get Tee (the one with almost all the answers) to tell the truth.
What they didn’t expect, though, was the actual masked person on site. Tan (who is the least likely to hallucinate since he has the antidote) even saw a masked person in ep 2 for a short moment before they disappeared (probably because Non was surprised to see his brother there).
Also, if Tan were to hallucinate, he would see Non as he is (as we’ve already seen in ep 9) and not some masked person. So, there’s definitely at least one more person around.
What happened to Por and the uncle on the scooter was unexpected for the trio (and it might be why the trio agreed to investigate with the others to find out what was going on at the house), but it still played into their plan, causing the others to go into self-destruction mode.
And since they are in self-destruction mode, the trio just stands by and watches it unfold, sometimes adding stuff to the conversation to steer it in the direction they want.
So, I definitely think that Fluke will be killed (perhaps by Tee) and then Tee will be killed after the trio has gotten all the answers they need from him. But, not until after he finds out that White is Keng’s brother.
(This last part is mainly because I was disappointed that we never got the chance to see Por react to finding out Top was actually the one who broke the camera and that Tee helped him cover it up.)
And, then, lastly is Jin. I’m not sure he will be killed. Instead, there might be a moment at the house when everything has come out in the open and Tan is ready to kill Jin (since he, most likely, sees Jin as Non’s biggest betrayer).
But before he has the opportunity to kill Jin, the masked person enters the house, removes the mask, and it’s revealed that it’s Non, alive but chronically injured (the limp).
As soon as Jin sees Non, he begs Non for forgiveness. Non agrees because he thinks that killing Jin would be too easy of a punishment for what he did.
Phee, being so relieved to see Non alive, drops everything to be by his side, having forgiven him long ago.
Then, the survivors can blame all the deaths on the drugs that made them go bonkers, which they could argue everyone was willing to take (and since they have video evidence of the group doing drugs before, this won’t be a surprise).
Or they can have Phee’s dad and the police cover it up (because we all know the authorities are corrupt as fuck).
Or Tan could be willing to take the blame for it all and doesn’t mind going to prison considering he did what he had to to find out what happened to Non, which he did.
Jin might also go to prison for the video (if the trio + Non decides to turn him in). Or they could let him go so he could move to America.
And then Non gets to write as many stories as he wants, all with HIS name on them.
As I mentioned before, I feel like this could be the most likely one of all my scenarios. If it actually turns out to be this way, though, is doubtful.
For one, the masked person with a limp might be Keng instead (since he was hit by a car) and he might’ve been the one that put up the wire and made sure Por “accidentally” ran into the stake (the latter, perhaps, because Keng wanted to redeem himself for what he did to Non).
And if this is the case, Keng might be nursing Non back to health in a place near the house, since I feel like Non would be affected by his time in the criminal organization on several levels (mentally, emotionally, physically, etc.)
Or, it could be that they’re both taking turns being the masked person in the house (because I don't think the masker person Tan saw on the stairs had a limp).
But other than this, I feel like:
The trio working together makes sense (even though it might be a bit predictable).
That Phee is getting closer to Jin again to get more info also makes sense (especially since he called the other assholes their “friends” and that whole scene just gave me the feeling Phee was manipulating Jin).
That Non is alive makes sense to me because Sammon is one of the writers of this series, and she’s no stranger to faking the deaths of her characters or killing them off (some over and over and over again...).
The possibility that Keng is still alive is possible. And instead of going to the authorities (because they’re corrupt as fuck), Keng killed Tee’s uncle to save Non (again, perhaps to redeem himself) and then nursed him back to health before they went to the house to set in motion another revenge plan.
How likely is it that Phee will dump Jin and go back to Non, though? Probably zero since I feel like most bl creators would rather surrender to the shipping culture than give us the unexpected or something that could be more satisfying to the actual story.
But if I just go off of what I’ve seen in the series so far, I still believe it’s possible that Phee will dump Jin as soon as he sees Non alive. This is based on a feeling I have about these relationships…
The relationship between Phee and Non felt like actual love (especially from Phee’s side since Non is more guarded, probably based on previous experiences) while Phee and Jin’s relationship is more sexual (which is fine by me, btw) and somewhat manipulative (which is not fine by me, btw). Oh, and let's not forget it’s based on a lie!
And my biggest hope here is that Phee will keep his word to Non and forgive him (since he told Non he would forgive Non if Non got lost and died, which he, kind of, did).
But I’m doubtful that everything in this scenario of mine will happen. One or two aspects, maybe… Either way, I can’t wait to find out how this will end.
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Could I request a Nagisa Shiota x reader Au where korosensei is saved and lives in as a human?
Event Masterlist About The Event
Warnings: mentions of death and injuries
Characters involved: Nagisa Shiota (koro sensei) human form
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Nagisa had expected a lot of things after his death.
He had expected an eternity spent in a foreign land akin to the ones others would compare to heaven or hell. He had expected to be reunited with his long-lost lover, or perhaps be forced to watch her from afar as he atoned for his sins.
He had expected punishment and purgatory, but never once considered the idea of rebirth.
As he uncomfortably shuffled on the soft bed he had been placed on, the heavily wounded male couldn't help but groan at the way his body ached as he watched an unfamiliar form race around the room he had been placed in.
"Oh you're awake! Thank god- I thought I lost you there."
Your voice was sweet like honey, with the sound lulling him into a state of comfort he shouldn't have felt when left to a stranger's mercy.
Yet somehow, something about your messy hair and jittery touch as you wiped at the dried blood coating his scarred skin told Nagisa you weren't looking to exploit him for his powers.
His powers.
Nagisa hadn't even bothered to think of the lack of tentacles connected to his body up until now.
The thought had him quickly shuffling your sheets as he attempted to raise his head and sneak a peek at his body, but you were quick to let out a series of complaints and urge him back down.
"Please don't move. I just got your wounds to stop bleeding."
The desperation poorly concealed in your voice was enough for him to give in and yet again collapse onto the bed you had placed him on.
You let out a small smile at his compliance but were quick to return to wiping at the blood and dirt staining his abdomen.
The room remained silent for a moment, with Nagisa trying to find any hints of his location by the thin glimpse of a city he could see through your windows while you focused on redressing wounds he hadn't even realised he possessed.
Your fingers barely ghosted his skin as you worked, almost as if you were scared to touch him more than necessary. The sentiment had him wondering just how much you knew about the situation you had placed yourself in.
Were you a government agent who took pity on the villainous high school teacher and chose to save him before he could perish, or a mere passerby who happened to be at the wrong place at the right time?
And more importantly, why in the world would you ever want to rebel against your government and put yourself in trouble to help a dying stranger?
The round of questions was almost as annoying to think of as their lack of answers. Especially when Nagisa was in no state to do anything about his situation. Not when it hurt to even breathe.
"I- um- this must be very confusing for you, isn't it?"
Your hands came to a stop as you spoke, making him turn away from your half-curtained windows to hear you out.
"Look, I don't know who you are but I couldn't have just let you die out there! I know that must sound so stupid, especially since you could very likely be a bad person who should have died-"
Your gaze finally shuffled away from the blue sheets he lay on to instead lock eyes with him.
"-but here's hoping you don't kill me in my sleep, uh-"
A weak smile tugged on your lips as you offered up your alliance, but it was quickly replaced with a conflicted frown as you wracked your brain for anything to refer to him by.
After all, 'the half-dead man I saved for no reason' wasn't exactly a becoming title.
Perhaps that was why Nagisa chose to spare you the misery and finally speak for the first time since his awakening.
The raspy voice echoing around him was so awfully different yet to the chirpy one he had been used to using in his new body.
It was human, yet somehow, not quite as humane as it should have been. But Nagisa couldn't find it in himself to care, not when he had been blessed with another chance at life.
Blessed by the person worriedly leaning over his half-asleep form.
"You can call me Nagisa."
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onlineproblems · 1 year
ok not to be a mommy issues bitch but i was working on my story that i've been trying to write for like 3 years. and thinking about my mom. and wondering why i feel so much angrier at my mom than my dad, though they both wronged me. in different ways which arent really comparable but neither one more or less than the other.
my dad was distant and never praised me, always had criticism, higher standards for me to meet, and rarely told me he loved me, was the disciplinarian parent who wasn't involved in parenting unless it was to punish us. he's very different now that we're adults and i think he's realized that he won't have a relationship with his kids if he keeps acting that way, because he texts me often to tell me how much he appreciates and loves me. and although he knows i'm a godless atheist liberal, and he always tries to work god bullshit into the conversation, he basically still accepts me.
meanwhile my mom would always talk to me growing up -- about whatever, her frustrations with my dad, emotional stuff, our interests, religion, etc. we didn't get super deep because even when i was a christian i didn't share much with my family, but i was closer with my mom than my dad. i thought of her as more open-minded than my dad, but suddenly it was like a turn-around happened (or i just became more aware) and she was suddenly spouting low-key alt-right anti-vax, homophobic, end times bullshit and it kind of sucker-punched me to hear it from her. if i ever thought i could come out to her, i was quickly disillusioned. she said something like 'god would cause gay people to die sooner so that they wouldn't keep sinning' and i just had no response. she got her counseling license this year; she's a marriage and family therapist. fuck.
she's divorcing my dad which i think is a good thing; their marriage was not happy. he was basically incapable of expressing his emotions and he didn't mistreat her but he definitely didn't treat her right. he has decades of unprocessed trauma and he can't stop watching porn. i discovered it on the family computer when i was 10 years old. he tried to commit suicide five years ago. he locks up his computer and tells his whole church about it for 'accountability' and punishes himself but he can't stop. i don't know what the fuck went wrong with him. my mom won't tell me what happened to him but she's implied that he might have been molested or had something similar happen as a kid. i don't fucking know. how they've been married for 30 years i have no idea.
i have compassion for them both but i hate they way their bullshit has affected me and my brothers. my dad's inability to cope prevented him from taking care of us. my special needs brother went without the care he needed because my dad wouldn't leave his work in rural africa, because he was afraid of living in the us and feeling inadequate. he was an expert in his field there, but in america he was just another guy. i was depressed and suicidal and untreated and my mom probably was too but her ideology didn't allow her to disagree with her husband, so we stayed. and i hate her for that. for never challenging him, for just bending to his will when we all needed help. when my brother needed medical care that wasn't available where we lived.
i feel stunted, my emotional development so behind where i could be if i was allowed to interact with my peers during my formative years, because of my parents. our house had a yard with 8-foot walls around it and i never left there except to go to church. i had to cover my body for 'modesty.' i hated my body. i had an eating disorder. i was afraid of other people. i couldn't make friends. without going into detail, there were times i felt exposed to predatory men when i should have been protected by my parents.
and like....my dad should have taken responsibility, he should have woken the fuck up and cared for us instead of being in his own head all the time. i feel like i should be angrier at him and hate him more. why is my hatred more for my mom? is it because we were closer, so the betrayal feels deeper? is it because he's making a real effort now, actually putting work in to change the behaviors that harmed me, while my mom seems to have no awareness that she caused harm? i mean, she blames everything on my dad and doesn't really take any responsibility. i started cutting in college and she lamented to me last year that she ''really wanted to move back to be with me" but my dad didn't want to come and "she didn't know what cutting was". her excuse was she had never heard of cutting, and her husband said no.
she's had so many missed opportunities to care for and support me. i've been open with her about what i believe in, what i want to do, how i've changed, and her responses seem perfunctory, while my dad actually seems to take an interest in me even if he disagrees with most of my beliefs. i guess i feel like it's more important to me that he's actually trying now even if i don't think he'll ever really change. the effort is what matters to me. i don't think my mom is interested in trying -- it doesn't feel like she is. but i don't know. it just feel wrong to hate her so much more than him. it seems disproportionate.
i've spent time in therapy for most of these experiences so i'm not horribly affected by them anymore, and being an adult and having distance from my parents means it doesn't cause the agony it did when i was a teenager, but as they're divorcing this year it is bringing this sense of 'choosing sides' a bit closer. so a lot of memories are coming back up. in 2021 i spent like 4-5 months processing ptsd from my childhood and now i feel a little residual angst from it.
i'm a functional adult, and i'm pretty happy day-to-day. i know everyone has their own issues and traumas that inform their lives that we just don't see, nobody has it all together, and i try to keep that in mind and be merciful to myself when i feel like i should be...idk better at life. it's pointless to think about what-ifs and i don't, really, but i am pretty bitter and angry about how my parents could have spared me a lot of pain when i was young and had little control over the way my life went. i never want to have kids, for a lot of reasons, but i can't imagine giving birth to a child and not being intentional about the way you care for them, knowing that it's inevitable you'll fuck up, but wanting to be as informed as possible and giving them the best you possibly can because they're basically helpless. you can't be selfish when you're a parent. if you have a kid simply because that's what you're supposed to do, what the fuck are you doing? that's a person. i look at the children i know, or at my younger siblings, and i can't imagine not sacrificing my desires to care for them. abstractly, i don't like kids and i feel awkward around them, but jesus christ. your own child? especially if you chose to have that child? you're just going to sit back and let them suffer, because you don't want to be uncomfortable? don't have a kid if you can't handle it.
sometimes i wonder if i'll ever be normal enough to feel safe by myself, after my experiences with predators that my parents didn't protect me from. if i can leave my house alone and not feel a little bit of panic under the surface. i'm hopeful since i've made progress over the years, but it comes in waves -- grows and fades. i wonder if i'll stop automatically going on the defensive when certain subjects come up. if i'll stop having nightmares about being sent to hell and my mom telling me she was right all along. i wonder if i'll ever be able to feel normal about having a disagreement with someone i care about, without feeling like i'm sinning, like i need to be punished or i need to absolve myself because i'm so used to emotional abuse and neglect from my parents and church and 'god' that it informs my interactions with friends and especially my spouse. creeps in when i'm vulnerable and makes me act horrible when i want to be well-adjusted and healthy.
this be the verse, eh? they fuck you up. they really really do. and this really got away from me but god i just had such an outpouring of thoughts. it was cathartic. and i can't journal so it all goes to tumblr lmao.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for being stubborn?
(OCS again)
So, I (AdultF) was part of a clan on the side of a river. There's an opposing clan that shares part of our land, living directly on an abandoned beaver dam (hell, its their camp) and the land on the other side of the dam is all theirs as well. Due to this arrangement, every dry season our clan falls right into a famine, and they refuse to help or even acknowledge this! They'd rather hoard the spoils they get from the dam.
God gave me a prophecy, involving me and that dam, but it was so vague I couldn't decipher it, so I just ignored it, and without telling anyone too because why would I? I continued my life as usual, until my sibling (C, AdultNB) had 4 children with their wife (O, AdultF). This isn't something new, they already have adult children, but one of them (Cjr, ChildM) is important for this.
One day, Cjr wanted me to take him out of camp. Thing is, it is kind of illegal? Cjr IS too young to be outside, but he was begging me. I figured C'd be okay with it, so I took Cjr out. I wish I had paid more attention, because apparently there was a lynx in our land, and it killed Cjr...
The details of what happened after is not important, so long story short, I managed to not get punished for this. Cjr is LIVID though, and he wanted revenge, so he gets God to set up something where I would be forced to complete what they want me to do, via... Trapping me in a timeloop.
To be frank, I have no idea what a timeloop is, its just what they called it. All I know is that things will repeat again if I take the wrong steps, if I give up, if I die. It'll only stop once I have completed my prophecy.
I still refused to, so I went as long as I could trying to do anything else, and well, they refuse to give me directions on what to do as well, so... It took me so long. Many of those loops I spent trying to hide what I did from C, with various successes. They're frankly the only one I really care about, so why do I have to...? Eventually, I got sick of it and snapped and went to destroy the dam, which was what they wanted me to do. This ended up costing my life.
I woke up in front of two angels, and they told me I've committed a lot of sins, but since I did what they want of me, they're willing to let me into Heaven. But I, again, refused, and ran away, until I found my own place I could rest in.
So, was I really deserving of Hell as they say? AITA?
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