#I guess this is why I’m not a writer
leviadraws · 2 years
This ask has spoilers about SDRA2's epilogue, so you can not answer it if you didn't saw it already.
I wanted to ask you about what you thought about the person who ended transplanted into Akane/Sora's body at the end of the Killing Game and who appears at the game's epilogue.
Hey, that's fine - I've watched though the game a couple of times already.I'm hoping on the third attempt I can get through chapter 6 without becoming a blubbering mess this time
As always, just my opinion, so apologies in advance if I’m totally off base. I get kinda scared when people ask me my opinion because I’m like so new to this fandom so I like know nothing other than what I’ve watched ;w;
Post game spoiler talk under the cut
I was always under the impression that it was Yuuki, even tho Linuj says it’s a mystery in Sora’s character sheet and yet kinda implies it’s Yuuki in his sheet.
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Linuj kinda says that it is yuuki who leaves, that both forms of him in chapter 6 are still him like he’s a file that was copied.
I do believe that mikado altered the killing game participants memories/personalities while they were in the simulation beyond just resetting them, just because he needed to make 15 people of different ages believe they were all in their school lives in the present day (mainly kokoro and shinji, who depending on when present day is, would’ve been waaay different to how they actually experienced it) But for yuuki, who’s been in a coma since before another 1 there wouldn’t be an awful lot to alter other than maybe filling in some knowledge of what mikado wants them to believe is present day.
So I’d like to think it’s his original personality tbh, the whole series is centred around him, and even though he survives his ending is hardly a happy one. He’s lost his family, his friends, his entire body, he’s been kidnapped, dragged around like a rag doll and emotional tortured in order to bring back someone who has no connection to him other than luck.
Someone who didn’t want to be brought back too, I’ve always found it almost funny that Utsuro and Akane try to redeem themselves in death and in turn they end up causing the cycle of events to start again. But that’s my personal dislike of redemption through death and not related to what you’re asking haha.
So yeah, I think it’s yuuki, stuck in a body that will forever remind him of all he’s lost, probably suffering mental health issues after all that trauma, and has only Yoruko left as a friend. Man that got depressing, now I’m sad - guess it’s time to pretend nothing bad happened again :’D
Link to character sheet referenced: thank you kindly to the op for their translation
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
Me, about long, well written, reminiscent-of-Crimson-Rivers-and-Just-Lovers-and-AHB-in-popularity, Rosekiller centric fics:
“It’s not a want, it’s a need”
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writeouswriter · 10 months
I think the best love story is the one that’s not trying to be a love story, it just is
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happy74827 · 2 months
You ever just revisit your old fics (which unfortunately are public to the world) and you want to delete it so bad because it’s just painful to glance at, but at the same time, you know someone out there is emotionally attached to that fic and you just don’t have the heart to rip that away from them.
The true pain of a writer.
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favesgrave · 5 months
why does crystallized act like nya can’t do anything without her powers
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pizzaqueen · 8 months
But whyyyyyyy do I have to be so self conscious about the kind of fic I enjoy writing??? 😫
It can’t just be me who gets like this right? I live for fluff but sometimes I’m embarrassed that it’s all I write ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Okay that tag is meant to say romance but I’m on mobile and I do not want to write them all again 🙄)
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yumiayumu · 3 months
natla is not perfect, not the best if i’m being honest. it’s just okay (better than the movie) and this is me without my puritan glasses on. casts were good, i especially like how dallas nailed zuko’s awkwardness lol, and i appreciate their dedication to do their own stunts. vfx and costumes were great. the writing tho… this is the reason why i stopped watching live actions in general. i’m aware that adapting a book or a cartoon is hard and it doesn’t have to be 100% accurate but if you’re gonna add or remove stuff at least make it make sense and ties the whole story together.
the only reason i want a season 2 is because of my girl TOPH 😤
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eldritch-thrumming · 4 months
whatever i guess there’s discourse going on in the fandom abt who’s doing “fan” correctly, so ill just say i’m the only person on this earth who loves and understands anything deeply and meaningfully and everyone else is a poser. everything i say abt my faves is objectively correct and everything i say as a hater is also objectively correct. i have the best opinions and characterizations. i am the king of fandom.
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doctorweebmd · 8 months
I was thinking about this the other day and wondering why it’s become so much less fun to write for BNHA and I think it’s because… I’ve written too much?
Like being a one-off author was fine and fun and novel and people were so cool and supportive, but now I’ve got multiple long fics and people have started treating me like someone that “creates content” rather than someone who is writing for fun. And I’ve shot myself in the foot by continuing to write long-fic and putting my heart and soul into them and it’s like never enough, people just expect more and more and more and I want to keep giving and keep doing better but no matter what I write it’s just not ENOUGH
And like… this started a little after I finished Zero Sum Game but like… people have started forming “opinions” that they share openly about “me” - I can’t stand going into fandom space and seeing people say they can’t read anything I write, or they don’t like me as an author, openly ranking my works, saying xyz is overrated or mention me by name in shipping discourse or send me hate mail or update requests or just straight up telling me they’re not going to read what I write anymore… and these people don’t know me!!! I’m just an empty space to them!!! Just a machine that pumps out thousands on thousands of words to just look at an forget about instantly!!!!!!!!
Where do people get off honestly. Is it like this everywhere or is it just BNHA? Is it because it’s so popular that the community has broken down completely? Sincerely what the fuck how can anyone treat writers like this…
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cheeto-flavoured-pasta · 11 months
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bleue-flora · 7 months
Evidently I have a type…
LITTLE SPOILER WARNING!: Season 2, episode 5 of Loki and dsmp finale I guess?…
WTF!.. apparently all the mastermind, manipulators, agents of chaos, green villain boys bullied and over shadowed by blond dudes just want the simpler times with their friends back and don’t want to be alone… *sobs*
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badolmen · 6 months
Hate scifi-fantasy magic/energy dichotomies where they talk all about balance but use genocide one side or the other to achieve it. Buddy breaking the scale doesn’t make it balanced. What the fuck do you mean the dark ones are all evil? They have an evil ideology? Okay yeah I see where that can be taken as evil but - NO it’s not balance if the only thing left is the light! You’re telling me there’s never been an evil light user? Oh there has? Then why the fuck has there never been good dark users??? (Answer: author doesn’t care about representing balance they just want easily coded good guys and bad guys).
#ra speaks#personal#writing#yes. this is about Star Wars. but also a ton of other series do this to varying degrees#like hmmm I don’t think genocide is the key to balancing the universe. as a concept that’s kinda sus for a writer to focus on.#again I don’t understand why the Jedi didn’t expect Anakin to be/become a dark side user?#‘he’ll bring balance to the force’ + ‘the Sith are all but extinct’ = okay so he’s gonna revive the sith. that’s what I’m getting from this#especially in EP I like. they really all thought the sith were extinct. only after that does ‘balance’ become ‘destroy tbe sith’#like ? that’s not how balance works. you’re space monks haven’t you like. had philosophical discussions abt this great prophecy?#and like it’s so dumb why write a dichotomy hinging on balance and have one sides code be ‘lol yeah we’re selfish bastards’#while the others is like ‘we must be selfless and disconnected to the point of self destruction and alienation’#like those are both extreme interpretations but also. why is the sith code much more easily interpreted to that extreme.#‘oh they just intrinsically evil -‘ well that defeats the point of having a balance. there’s no coexistence with that.#I guess my point is. yeah Anakin obviously joined the dark side and yeah the genocide of the Jedi wasn’t out of left field I mean.#we go from 2-3 Sith vs thousands of Jedi to a neat little 2:2 (sheev and Vader. Luke and Leia)#<- I’m talking about canon and narrative ratios. obv we know more Jedi survived I’m just taking the og trilogy in isolation.
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dandelionfairyyy · 8 months
Because I am a fair player, I say on oath now, that I will write these two fics @halsteadlover and I were talking about.
Unless she says she wants to write at least one of them. It would be just fair, don’t you think?
Anyways… with this you have proof that I have to write it.
For playing unfair on you.
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yourqueenb · 6 months
Thank you for your answer, and thank you for putting so much thought into that 💞💞💞 mal and nia are my main LIs and at first I was really glad that at least two members of the party stayed with each other and mb even got closer but I can see how it would be annoying and/or sad for people who romance one of them exclusively. I think that I mostly just want to see eeal bonds between our party bc idk it just feels a bit hollow? In the first book they were just thrown together by chance but a whole year has passed and without MC there to hold them together it just shows how much less there is with exception of some banter and general sympathy towards one another. I also think that excluding Threep and other non-romancable characters from the main friend group makes most of the dynamic in choices hollow bc lmao all these people are here to try and fuck us and no one cares about each other beyond that. I don't really like TRR or TF but I feel like friendship was so much richer in previous books, like those two series, OH and TE - and in PM they managed to create a poly route where I could feel solid platonic bonds between people other than MC and LIs (Sloane and Hayden, Steve and Hayden or Damien and Nadia). Or mb I'm just a bit underwhelmed with the current plot course in blades lmao (sorry for rambling around the same three thoughts I just can't seem to gather my thoughts on this whole thing together 🫡)
I’m so sorry, I meant to respond to this sooner. But no, I completely get what you’re saying! You made some good points.
Even though all of these characters were kind of thrown together in book 1, personally I did feel like they were more like a family by the end of it. And I think that’s one of the reasons why everyone loved Blades so much. However, I do understand why the bonds aren’t as tight in this book. It makes sense for there to be some distance between everyone after what happened to MC and the apparent strife it caused. But I feel like they haven’t done enough to fully bring the group back together again and reform those poignant emotional bonds.
As you basically said with the exception of some banter and general sympathy towards one another, pretty much all of the focus is on each member’s relationship with MC alone. And even those relationships are very one sided with each person relying on MC for support, but not giving much in return. When the main cast is tied together by genuine relationships with each other rather than simply all waiting for their turns in MC’s bed, it’s really great to see and makes for a better book overall. That’s why the Pend Pals are still my personal favorite friend group to this day.
I will say that I actually don’t feel like the relationship dynamics in Blades specifically are hollow because everyone’s trying to sleep with MC though. And maybe that’s because I’m only romancing Mal (and flirting with Aerin on the side). But yeah, I think it’s because the writers have really been ignoring the opportunities to capitalize off of emotional beats (which I’ve said a few times before) rather than the characters just not having more to their relationships at all
#choices bolas#choices blades#blades of light and shadow#choices stories you play#playchoices#like basically all of the ingredients and the recipe are there#but the writers are skipping over important steps to finish faster#and we all know that makes for a disappointing meal#also I wouldn’t be hurt if our friends had gotten closer while MC was gone and leaned on each other for support#regardless of who it was and who I’m romancing#it’s more so that I’m hurt because Mal’s been so distant already#and then on top of that he’s running this orphanage with Nia#which is a huge thing considering his background#and idk I guess I just thought that that was something he’d want to include MC in if you’re romancing him#and that it would be a little harder for him to move forward with it without her#yet he up and does this within a year of MC being gone after mere weeks of searching#but I guess the thought process was just life is short so you shouldn’t wait#since he thought she was dead and all#but it still hurts#so that’s why I think it would be even more hurtful for me personally if Mal was the one who knew Nia’s secret and kept it from everyone#especially after the ‘you slept through it’ comment#but yeah anyway I started typing up my response to this shortly after responding to your first ask#and then never got back to it 🤦🏽‍♀️#mostly because I didn’t know if I was gonna type a novel again and I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down and do that lol#so it’s been sitting partially finished in my drafts for a minute 😭#but I’m glad it didn’t get crazy long again#choices#choices app#choices ask
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krimsonwings · 8 months
I hope that, in light of his increased popularity because of the movie, that Miguel O’Hara shows up in more Spider-Man media. Like, outside of the Spider-verse movie trilogy.
I see him a lot in his white suit on random merch, usually in the background, but amongst Peter and Miles. Sometimes with Gwen and Anya too.
Marvel has had no problem de-aging characters for media purposes before. Peter has been aged up n down all over the place, and even Tony Stark has been de-aged for a cartoon before, so it’d be cool to see a younger Miguel heroing alongside Miles n Peter.
I could see a teen Miguel getting trapped in the past due to some plot-related future shenanigans. The implication of how he obtained his spider half would be more horrific since he’s younger, but that can be alluded to and left to fanfiction if needed. (But is important to his character and shouldn’t be removed or diluted!)
I just wanna see a teen Miguel having some fun with Peter n Miles (while still being our favorite sarcastic ass).
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I’m at the point in life where I would genuinely rather watch the “badly written” media in question than listen to one single video complaining about BAD WRITING
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