#I hate anits
batcavescolony · 1 year
Jason *dying his hair black*: you know I started dying my hair before Robin.
Dick: yeah why?
Jason: their's like five red heads in Gotham and I knew as a kid for a fact that one was Ivy and one was Riddler. Then I became Robin to find out the other was Batgirl/Barbra and finally Kate Batman's cousin who's now Batwoman-
Dick: Yeah Red Heads in Gotham are either heroes or villains
Jason: -yeah so I didn't want to draw attention to myself.
Dick: ...Jay?
Jason: what?
Dick: I don't think it worked you've been a hero, villain and now anti-hero.
Jason: ...
Jason *slams down color brush*: FUCK
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a-deck-of-cards · 1 year
yj98/yj19 incorrect quotes pt. 2 !
previous - pt. 1
Anita: *holds up bottle* Is this wine or perfume?
Bart: *chugs bottle*
Bart: It’s perfume.
Kon: Hold on, I’m having those. . . headaches with pictures.
Naomi: . . . What?
Tim: He’s having an idea.
Kon: *playing with Tim’s hair* You’re so cute and pretty.
Tim: I could use kryptonite to kill you.
Kon: I know.
Jinny: There is SNOW! Falling from the SKY! *wave hands in texan*
Naomi: See, I would be more worried if you started floating up but you do you.
Bart: The most important thing about any relationship, whether romantic, platonic or familial is that you got to be in cahoots.
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sfaira · 8 months
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Hektor doodles before I disappear for a week of skiing
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a-v-j · 2 years
If the ship children still look like sans, maybe turn them into papyruses!
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Queen is so underated, like she knew miles was being hunted and wasn't supposed to leave, but when she saw him about to go and could've stopped him she didnt
She did what the other Spiderman's should've done and let him go, miles is literally a 15 yr old child that doesn't want to loose his family
Miguel is a total dick for making miles feel like a selfish mistake
I understand that a lot of ppl love Miguel bc he's hot, but that doesn't mean we should just ignore how he treated miles
Also I don't get why he told miles when his dad would die, like you could've avoided the whole chase thing if you hadn't told the little dude
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
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I made this bad comic and it’s too unfunny for general audiences but I thought you might get some mild amusement out of it.
(My response: fkldsjfalkfjakfjdaf love~!)
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boujeeceo · 1 year
So close to just giving up on day jobs and going back to camming 🙄
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goldleaf-blog · 2 years
I hate abortion. It’s wrong, demonic  and it’s nothing more than an excuse for murdering babies and normalizing child sacrifice. I’m not against women’s rights, I’m against child murder.
If a women can’t take responsible they should keep their legs close. If a women can’t raise a child they should give it up for adoption. If a women a victim of rape give that baby a chance to live, it’s not the baby’s fault that baby is innocent. “My body my choice” It’s not your body that you decided to choose, It’s the baby’s body and you have decided it’s life is not worth living. “But life begins at birth” Life begins at conception.
If we decide as a society that babies in the womb are not worth saving what do you think will happen next? Kill babies when their out of the womb? kill children only a few months old? Kill children and teenagers because they are a nuisance? Kill the Elderly? Kill the disabled? Let people kill themselves freely because it’s their choice and that we shouldn’t help them get better? Kill people who have different viewpoints and opinions?
Answer me this. Where does this end? How far will we go? Is it ok to accept madness as our reality and just dismiss it as a person’s personal choice? No.
Human life is sacred and it is a gift and it should be treasured and protected. No matter the age, gender or color. God made people for a reason. He created babies for a reason. There is a new soul for every conception and with that soul there is life. We shouldn’t throw that away because we want to preserved our own prosperity and our own selfish desires. Everyone deserves the right to live.
I have poured my soul into this piece because I am upset with the injustice that is happening across the world. I do not expect pro choices to change their minds, if they are fully confident and fully trusting in their ideals then let there be no human argument against them. Instead pray for them.  But I will leave you here with three bible verses from the King James Version.
1. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light an light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah Chapter 5 v.20
2. “For you created me inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm Chapter 139 v.13 and 14
3. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” Jeremiah Chapter 1 v.5
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stoutlandchild · 1 year
I’m trying so hard to contain my hatred of the writing of Pokemon Insurgence but it is Very Hard.
(And to some extent the gameplay but that’s mostly cause the gameplay feels strangely unbalanced...dont know enough about games to talk about that though)
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2-dsimp · 3 months
Nokka being a influencer, handsome buff gym one at that, probably means he has thirsty fans in his comments/dms.
I'm not much of a jealous type, but if my husband/my man had people trying to hit him up, especially after seeing the ring on his finger or knowing he is married/taken, I'm blocking them from his social media.
I'm leaving love bites, scratches, lipstick stains, everything possible all over him just so people know he is taken.
I speak of this as if I'm also not a major crybaby and would sob and pout if I see anyone in person try to pick him up/flirt or tries to subtly even touch his muscles lol
But yeah, I would be jealous, angry and crying if anyone even tried to flirt with Nokka despite him being married to his darling.
『Featuring your yandere husband finding out about your jealousy』
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Cw: Wifey reader! Suggestive 🔞
At first Nokka would be somewhat confused at your behavior until he sees you fuming at the comments underneath his workout videos. Of which he doesn’t really bother checking unless it’s to answer genuine questions about his workout regime.
He’d look over your shoulder peeking at what the hell was upsetting his wife only to stumble upon thirst comments that he never peeped at before. Since he was mainly focused on getting his workout routine done.
Nonetheless your husband had a shit eating grin from finding out how his cute wife got so worked up over him. And would basically spoil you with presents that you ranted about wanting to have.
Amazon packages would be randomly delivered to y’all’s home periodically. Namely, when you’re acting out on your possessiveness for him. As if to reward you for taking pride of being his wife. And claiming him as yours.
He’d also hand you his phone and straight up tell you to get rid of “the spam” clogging up his notifications. As he nonchalantly manhandles you into his lap as he switches on the tv to the sports network.
Nokka would always demand that you handle his phone, wether to send a text, check his phone logs for him, or to take a nude picture for his camera roll gallery collection tilted “my wife”
As much as he find your jealousy over him down right attractive. He hates any indication of you doubting his loyalty to his dearest wife. So at times he’ll be sure to remind you that you’re his wife and that he’s your husband.
“Whose dick does this belong to? Speak up wife I anit finna ask ya again! And You better scream it loud for me… Uh huh that’s right baby all this is yours, and don’t you ever fuckin forget that.”
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dorkynerd23 · 1 year
The Nuzi Hate Is Ridiculous And Just Saddening/Defending Nuzi.
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Alright, so...let me just start off saying that this'll be the last time I'm going to discuss anything drama related, especially what goes on in the Murder Drones Community. Honestly, at least over here on Tumblr, the fandom isn't that bad and awful and is not that much of a trainwreck as it is over on the toxic bird site, but this is something that just NEEDS to be discussed in general. This situation and just the insane amount of drama and fighting that's been happening with the MD fandom lately has honestly been tiring and has taken a toll on me. it honestly has, if I'm gonna be honest, it's been draining and I just don't wanna talk and deal with this anymore. I just wanna move on from this situation and continue obsessing over and watching my favorite robot show and not deal with any of this unnecessary and childish drama anymore!
Anyways, for those who don't know, there's been a lot of arguing and fighting in the Murder Drones fandom as of lately, at least on over on Twitter, but it's been happening over on things like Tik Tok, even YouTube and it isn't uncommon exactly, but it is something that's gotten worse in as the show continues to grow in popularity. The main discussion and arguments when it comes to shipping in the Murder Drones fandom are between Envy (N X V) and Nuzi (N X Uzi) there's other ships in the fandom people like, but Envy and Nuzi are two of the most popular ones and the ones who are often the topics when it comes to shipping wars. I've already discussed and talked about the craziness and drama that's been happening with the fandom with some fans harassing and going after the VA's, people getting on them for their opinions, trying to switch things around to fulfill their egos, ect. But, the main thing I'm going to be talking about with today's topic is Nuzi and the amount of unnecessary hate it's gotten and how I think it's unfair, because it's seriously gotten worse and worse. And if you don't know what the ship Nuzi is and aren't very familiar with the ship or MD itself as a whole, basically, Nuzi is the pairing between Serial Designation N and Uzi Doorman from Murder Drones, who are two of our main characters in the show. Now, people have been shipping these two since the pilot and have enjoyed their interactions and at first in the beginning of the show it seems the show was hinting at the two being just good friends but as time went on, the show started to develop and explore the two and things started to change and the show has started hinting at both N and Uzi starting an eventual romance down the line and hinting at some romantic tension going between them. Now with Uzi, it seems she's definitely starting to fall in love with N and gaining feelings for him, but she seems to downside her crush on him and it's pretty one-sided since meanwhile with N and his side of things, he seems clueless and isn't aware of Uzi's feelings and it seems that he only sees Uzi as a friend and nothing more beyond that and the show hasn't hinted on how N feels about Uzi right now..of course, it's too early to tell for where the relationship between these two will go and it's too early to have N and Uzi fall in love and start an relationship but there is potential and room for them to start a relationship eventually, there's room to dive more into their dynamic and relationship and potential to have a good romance between the two.
Now, as I've stated..Nuzi has gotten an extreme amount of hate lately, some misinformation and rumors have been spread around in the fandom to the point it's caused people to start attacking others who are fans/love the ship and started going after and harassing fans who make fanart of the two, anits and especially diehard shippers of both Envy and Thuzi, (but it's mostly Envy shippers) keep on throwing around and saying the excuses on how Nuzi is a "P*oship" and how N is an adult and Uzi is a minor and how they're siblings, or say how, "Uzi has a crush on Thad!" "N has a crush on V and even admitted it!!" And they'll just use EVERY excuse in the book..they'll turn shit around and do whatever they can to make people feel bad and shitty for simply even adoring and liking Nuzi and finding it cute, hell it's even gotten to the point where some fans started going after others for liking other ships in the fandom like Vizzy/Pink Lemonade, and just any ships involving WD X DD. I'm not kidding, I've seen fans and others argue that Nuzi wouldn't work out because both N and Uzi are different robot species and how on N has killed and slaughtered Uzi's people. Apparently because both N and Uzi can't make a good pairing because they're apparently, "boring and uninteresting" and one is a WD and the other is a DD, but because both V and N are DD's and because they knew each other in the past that automatically means something..? Seriously?? I'm not joking when I say some of these fans are downright ridiculous and childish, they'll do whatever they can to stop people from liking ships like Nuzi and shame people for even enjoying it and make childish hate posts on said ship constantly, and it's overall just so hurtful and ridiculous, Dude. And it's people like them that make this fandom look awful and downright toxic, it's people like them that make others think that everyone in the fandom is like this when that's far from the truth!
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I'm honestly really sick and tired of how this fandom mistreats and bullies other people just for simply liking different ships, people have stated that they feel hurt and feel like they can't like certain ships without them being attacked and shitted on, they feel like they can't like something they enjoy without others dragging them down and being hated on. It's ridiculous how some of these fans see Nuzi as the most awful and horrendous ever made and it needs to be forgotten forever. It's ridiculous and laughable how some of these people point out and rant on how much they hate Nuzi, only to make it the only thing they talk about and mention 24/7, some of these people literally just whine and complain about how they're not a fan of said ship. I mean, it's totally fine and okay to not like certain ships and you don't have to love and enjoy the same things as others do, but you don't need to make hate posts all the time and bash others for finding comfort and liking the ship they like, you don't need to make rants 24/7 on how you despite said ship..it just makes you look so damn childish and just unbearable, like okay..you're not a fan of certain ships, okay? JUST MOVE ON!! WE GET IT, just stop harassing and making us feel like shit and horrible people, stop making us feel terrible for loving Nuzi, just move on and just don't interact with us if it bothers some of you so damn much. I mean, it's gotten so bad that some have left the MD fandom because of the toxicity and childish behavior from some of these fans. Just please stop and be nice to one another, it's not right how some of you will harass and do whatever you can to make people feel shitty for enjoying what they love and trying to paint them out as these awful individuals. Like seriously, I just cannot stand shipping wars and I really despise them, shipping wars are such a waste of time and are just an excuse to harass and cause unnecessary drama and it just results with people getting hurt. And I've said this many times before and I'm gonna say it again, shipping shouldn't be the ONLY thing to focus on when watching and getting into any piece of media. There's much more to love and look forward to, there's more to appreciate and shows have more to offer than just ships, SHIPPING AIN'T EVERYTHING.
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One more thing I'm gonna add and talk about before we finish up is that..I don't even understand and get the hate Nuzi has received, I mean I'm fine and totally alright with people seeing them as friends and respect their opinions. But, what's with some of these people just disliking and harassing people for seeing the two more than just friends and wanting them to be something more? I've seen people argue and say that it's either too cliche and just call both Uzi and N, Starco 2.0. And it's just ridiculous how some of these fans and antis act whenever there's moments with Uzi and N together or when the show is hinting at a possibility of the two being an item someday. Is this seriously how these toxic fans are gonna act whenever Nuzi have any moments together?? Whether it's romantic or not? It just seems the idea of Uzi and N being something more just burns these fans up inside and just frustrates them to the core. Nuzi ISN'T what you guys think it is and it's more than that, nothing is being rushed and forced and nothing is being written poorly between them either, and they AREN'T another Starco. Also, Nuzi isn't just here for fanservice, these moments we've gotten with Uzi and N were already planned out and worked on, MD has been in the works and in production since about 2020, wayyy before the show even came out and before the fandom was even a thing. Uzi and N were already planned and hinted at being something more and having something special between them, they were always meant to have something deeper and important and the show seems to be going the route in wanting to develop further into Uzi and N's dynamic and their relationship as a whole. The scenes we've gotten for Uzi and N have always been planned out and if Nuzi happens and becomes a thing in the series, it's because Liam wants it to be and planned it that way, NOT BECAUSE OF FANSERVICE!! It's fine if you're not a fan of the pairing and just don't find any interest in it, you can love and like what you want. But please stop acting like it's a big deal and something to get angry about, because it's not..it's not worth it. It's not worth throwing tantrums and acting over the top about, just move on and ignore.
Anyways, this is all I've wanted to talk about when it comes to this Nuzi hate and the drama that surrounds the ship when it comes to the fandom, I've just wanted to give my thoughts. Also, everyone in the Murder Drones Community, just PLEASE be nice and kind to one another and respect each other's opinions. ♥️ You guys are better than this and getting into arguments and shipping wars aren't worth it and are just plain silly, doing any of this just results in people being hurt and affected, getting into shipping wars aren't worth it and they're are better things to do. Please, be nice to each other and if you aren't a fan of certain ships in the show then that's fine and alright. Just move on and scroll away and respect other's feelings and opinions, you don't have to like a ship that's popular or what many seem to like! Just don't be a dick and treat others like crap and make hate posts just because you're not a fan of said ship, just please move on and keep moving forward! Plain and simple, just ignore and move on with your day, mistreating and hurting others just isn't worth it.
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Okay, I'm also a little on the confused train. I vote third party and independent in my local elections when their policies (as they often are) are better than the local democrats. I vote for some local democrats when they, as in my community they happen to be, black activists who organized the entire of the blm movement in my city and then moved to campaigning for city council and stuff. I participate in mutual aid, I use my free time to bake bread for, and then deliver the bread and naltrexone to unhoused encampments. I advocate for every school in my area to teach actual native history. I distribute land back and esims for gaza pamphlets all over my city. I volunteer at soup kitchens a couple times a month, ect. I "donate" monthly "rent" to the tribes on whos land i live. I am currently at the least protest voting uncommitted in my states primary.
But like, I do bump up against... I don't want to vote for Biden. But if Trump wins, he's states he's going to put his everything into not only the genocide in Palestine, but hella racist internal policies beyond what we already have, stripping voting rights, stripping any existing social safety nets, removing anit hate crime protections, ect
So like. Yes. I am thinking about how indigenous communities would be impacted, at least in the short term. Among many others.
My final vote isn't decided yet
Do you really think it will prevent harm to vulnerable people to risk another trump term?
Not trying to be an asshole, asking you bc I respect you
*scare quotes are to imply that I think that language is shallow and not useful but I don't know what else to say
Please don't block me I'm being completely sincere about being deeply empathetic to your anger and share in it, but also confused and scared about the right course of action and the reasoning behind it
My opinions stem from my own organizing and activism.
I think it's going over a lot of heads that the same way we organize for landback or BLM and leave zines around to have progress in dismantling those, we ALSO need to be organizing behind 3rd party candidates to dismantle the 2 party system.
Like how helpful would it be to Any of those causes if someone said that instead of organizing for landback or donating or helping houseless people you should just vote for Biden?
That'd be ridiculous. Biden doesn't have any intention of significantly helping with any of those things and he's no substitute for the activism that's being done or still needed right?
So why are we as organizers accepting this logic when it comes to one of the most powerful positions in the world?
Why are we settling and saying he's the "realistic" choice and accepting it when we Know there are other options and avenues because we've Already worked in them?
I don't understand this and if You could shed some light I would in All Honesty appreciate it.
It's ACTUALLY confusing as hell to me that people I respect and work with and see as peers and comrades think that harm reduction is the best way to vote. It's confusing that instead of advocating for other avenues and educating people about other options or working for 3rd party campaigns or leaving educational zines around throughout election cycles and campaigns..... They say they're just gonna vote for Biden.
Yeah Trump sucks. I'd never deny that. I'd never deny he's dangerous. I just Also don't see how Blue Fascism is different from Red Fascism. It's all fascism and idk why we think Blue Fascism is an acceptable trade off when we literally Do Not have to keep making this trade.
The fact so many of us regularly feel like we don't have a choice is a testament to democracy already being dead, you know? Idk what we're saying 'yeah but the other fascists could be worse so let's just keep our heads down' as leftists.
I'm gonna be very real here, my concern is the future of humanity at this point. Point blank. White supremacy is an evil ideology that has harmed every person it touches while also making sure they help perpetuate it. In the last 5 years I've watched Nazis come back, several genocides, climate change and the death of winter, and police kill a man trying to protect a forest. Our president is more concerned with his campaign than the people he's killing or the families he's exploiting to do it.
Someone is going to have to risk something in order to stop a machine this big from killing all of us. The earth my child is going to inherit is going to be unrecognizable to me. She'll be lucky if she's never a climate refugee, just as it's Only luck that she's here in the first place after the USA tried to kill off the native Americans.
My concern is Everyone. And I know it seems backwards as hell to risk something so awful, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices to have something better.
I'd give anything to save my daughter from the future she's currently on track to inherit. And that doesn't mean that I don't love her. It's a testament to how much worse I genuinely believe things will get if we continue down this path accepting anything As Long As It's Not As Awful As It Could Be.
We would lie down and Vote to have robot dogs surveil our neighborhoods for immigrants and drag queens at this point "as long as it's not trump" and doesn't that terrify you more than he does?
It terrifies me.
There's no way that's harm reduction when we are NOT being harmed that way right now. That's Increasing the harm. A harm guarantee that you were tricked you into signing under threat of something worse.
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aphverse-confessions · 4 months
This is relevant to Jason specifically.
so I remember being in a anit aarmau community on Google plus and it was mostly just fans that talked about stuff they liked or didn't like of jess's videos. something theories, fanart, writing, sometimes criticism of jess's stuff.
Be it reasons people have now or it being annoying that it took over other ships constantly. maybe a few other things idk.
Now here's the kicker, I don't think anyone in the group harassed anyone that liked aarmau or Jess and Jason as far as my memory goes.
However, someone on the aarmau fan side didn't like that our group existed or that we weren't really fans of the ship and the fact some of the other members posted criticism essays of her series. (in our little community, not to Jess herself mind you.)
those Aarmau people went to Jason, linked our little community group and then he sent more aarmau people after it. like a harassment of children going after other children. (Don't know how many of us were ones but I assume so anyways.)
I don't think any of us liked that so one of the mods decided that if Jason was gonna be like that and play dirty so would we.
then I come on one morning and most of them pretend to be a cult worshiping Jason and had this furby pfp for the group and themselves. with the first sacrifice being garoth on a plate plat.
that whole cult thing was mostly to scare Jason to leave us alone and maybe whoever else was trying to harass our group. anyone who didn't want to partake in that can wait a month and it'd be normal.
that's mostly what I have. unsure if that scare tactic worked on him though. Jason just hates children not liking aarmau is what I got out of this basically.
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honestlyobsessed · 6 months
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Isn't it funny that the 'titan trappers' are literally just Anit-furries?
Bc at first I was like "ohmegosh their basically furries" and then I thought about how they hate titans and then I was like, "ohmegosh it's a Metaphor."
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tanglepelt · 2 years
Run ghost run 2
Link to A03
This chapter contains experiments and vivisections. I personally don't think its extreme or very graphic, but everyone sees thing differently. So, proceed with caution.
Constantine felt a pulse of magic throughout the air. Death magic, from the infinite realm. The one that housed all realities and afterlife’s no matter the belief. All life and death would eventually cross through the realm. Very few make it as residents.
 King Pariah the previous had been known for destroying planets and races for fun. He had been sealed centuries ago. The day he was released was the same day he lost his crown. The new ruler was unknown, now within three months of gaining said crown a war was brewing.
 “Bloody hell” Constantine muttered to himself. He was going to need a drink or two after this. This was either a desperate attempt to stop a war or a taunt. He’d need to meet up with JLD to see what they could do.
 Danny’s eyes opened. They were heavy and it was a fight to keep them open. Maybe it would have been better to keep them shut.
 Arms and legs strapped in place with glowing green cuffs keeping him in place. Around his waist and chest some sort of tight strap. Still in his human form. With the chill on his arms, it was probably a metal table. Transforming wasn’t working, he couldn’t phase, go invisible, absolutely nothing was warning. His heart race begins to race, panic starting to creep in. Trying to call out, unable to speak. Pain running down his neck whenever he tried. Yet he couldn’t feel anything holding his head or neck down.
 Looking around the room it looked like some lab or operating room. The back of the room was lined with machines and gadgets. Screens filling every inch of the wall directly in front of him. Directly above him was a light attached to the ceiling, several adjustable monitors were surrounding it.
 It was not his parents’ labs. No glowing green portals so not the fruit loops either. Purely white, only one glaringly obvious choice. Guys in white, it makes sense their lab would be white. He was right the GIW just has no self-control. It couldn’t have even been 24 hours since the warning.
 With a click the light above turned on. Causing in him to squint and turn away.
 A jolting shock went through him. It was as if he was back in the portal as it turned on. He let out a scream of pain. The scream sending the same pain down his neck as when he had tried to talk.
 “Mads I hit the ghost with newly improved minified ecto-stoppo-power-o-fier” Jack yelled out to Maddie “make sure it can't use its powers to try and escape. We only have an hour or two.”
 Since when did GIW and his parents ever work together.
 “It’s already trying to trick us with that scream, don’t bother spook. Not wanting to hear your excuse and try and trick us we injected you with anit-ecto-talko venom. While we aren’t silly enough to believe any claims of pain we don’t want to have to hear our boys voice from your mouth. Forcing any sound should send an electric wave through your throat in theory it will stop you.”
 A cart was pushed up next to him, metal hitting against each other. Likely medical tools and equipment. His dad pulled several machines from the back to where he was strapped down.
 “It’s a good thing we needed to up the ecto scanners at home” she looked down at him as she continued “If it weren’t for that attack Technus did we never would of noticed all the unapproved security settings. Messing with our computers stealing our tech. You’ve also stolen specimens from us only for them to come back and destroy our city. The worst thing you did was stealing the form of our son to mock us and prevent yourself from being detected. We know you’re not our baby boy. His face won’t protect you.”
 “There is only two thing we wish we could get you to answer. When did he die, and why you steal him from us. He would never have come back as a ghost. He hates ecto scum as much as we do, always running away from you things.”
 Him being scared of his rouges. That’s new, he just thought they were annoying. Technus being indirectly the cause of his parents finding out fits the bill. He should have listened to Jazz she had been concerned that random objects in the house had been attacking him. She wanted tucker to check it out. It hadn’t been high on his priority list.
 They put a machine over him. A flash of light, then the monitor above him showing a  picture of his skeleton. Most of been an x-ray machine. “The scans show a perfect human anatomy. It’s just so fascinating.” Maddie was writing in a notepad while speaking “The question is why it looks so real. There are not noticeable flaws all the bones seem to be there. Even the tiny ones, its just proof it took our boys body.”
 So, Danny was a grave robber now. Great, even more bad press.
 “As much as it will pain me, we should open it up. Its phantom after all. Danny would understand how important our research is”
 No, he would not. He would like to say as much.
  “Your right sweetums”
 “Let's see what makes it tick. We still have an hour left before the GIW yank control. It’s too bad we couldn’t keep it. Letting jazzicans see a former shell of her little brother wasn’t something we could risk. Just better to turn it over”
 They were going to open him up. He needed his guts if he ever wanted to be an organ donor. Both his parents started to connect him up to various machines. No IV or any numbing agents only recording equipment.
 His mom grabbed a scalpel and began,
 Pain flooded him. He could feel bits of him move and feel the cold air. It was an awful sensation. Any sound leaving him only causing his throat to burn. Straining against the restraints, trying to pull away. He was stuck in place. Whether he was out of energy or the lack of blood he couldn’t fight anymore. No one in his family was a medical doctor how would he know why his vison was fading. He kept trying to call out. He just needed them to stop.
 “it’s me” a light quiet whisper, more burning. One final word managed to escape before the burning was to much “STOP.”
 With a sigh of disappointment Maddie spoke “This study is getting us nowhere. Everything seems to be in order, blood veins the muscle even the ribs are all correct. Nothing points to any inhuman features. I see no point in continuing. The GIW can take over from here” she finished what she was writing and clipped her pen in the rings of the journal. At least they bothered to close him back up.
 When Jack and Maddie left the room. Agent K and O entered the room soon after the two were gone. He could feel the effects of the ecto-stoppo was wearing off. His core slowly hummed to life. Temperature in him and the room slowly getting lower.
 “I’m surprised they stopped so soon. They had another hour or so before we planned to intervene and begin our experiment” Agent O stated walking towards Danny “well no matter officially they were never here. Working them would make our agency a laughingstock. Getting approval to get you open would have taken far too long so there was no harm in letting them have their fun. We at least will get their notes and they get all the blame should it backfire.”
 Agent k took over from their “don’t bother trying to escape. Even with your powers those cuffs won’t allow you to phase through them.”
 “One thing I can’t figure out is the pathetic attempt at stopping us yesterday. Gathering up a fake governing body and threatening a war” he chuckled “as if they would care about you. That not how you things function and we already know it”
 “We know freakshow was able to control you. When we figure out what aspect of that stone caused it, we will never have to worry about any retaliation. You’ll just be weapons on standby.”
 “Unfortunately for us we’ll have to let you heal up just a bit to measure your rate of healing. So today we’ll keep it light to not de stabilize you yet.” Agent O injected something into his arm “Blood blossoms do affect you lot, but what happens when they’re ejected directly into you?”
 It felt like he was having his dna ripped apart and put back over and over. Even as the cuffs and straps were removed, and someone was grabbing him he couldn’t move. His core kept dying and coming back. Being on the table was the better option.
 It was new agent who had come in to collect him. Some girl with blonde hair. Decked out in the standard white suit. Why not add girls in white to the mix. If he didn’t know any better, he thought he saw a look of disgust. But he knew anyone with the GIW were the ones with no feelings. It was probably just the pain messing with him.
 “So, these are the non-sentient beings I’ve been hearing about. He looks pretty human.”
 “They disguise and mimic as humans. This is why we keep their existence on the need to know. We can’t risk any involvement from the league. They could take one look without reading the evidence and proclaim we are wrong. Don’t let it fool you it can’t feel any pain. It just doesn’t like its powers being messed with. Once they are under our control, we won’t have any issues. Only one town is even aware of them. We can thank the Fenton’s for that. Any Info in and out of that town is handled by us.”
 “We can go over the specific later. For now, we should get it to its new room.”
 The so-called room was a cell. It was completely empty except the lone ceiling light which was turned off. New white power suppressing cuffs replaced the thick ones from the table on his already cut up and raw wrists. The cell had poor accommodations and awful service he’d rate it 0 out ten stars he wouldn’t even recommend it for the fruit loop.
 The blood blossom in his blood were prevalent to him. It would be a struggle to escape even without the cuffs, he would have to do it. It was only a matter of time before they got cocky and made a mistake.
 Time passed by slowly. Light came into the room as the door opened. Expecting twiddle dee and twiddle Dum to come and mock him some more, he was surprised to see the girl. It was maybe Agent P he thinks; he was busy worrying about not dying again the to recall her name. The set of keys that locked him up being held in her hand.
 “Come to mock the ghost.”
 “Not particularly” she came closer, as he went back as much as the small space allowed. If she got anywhere near his face he’d bite, Danny had been called feral multiple times before.
 She spoke softly “I'm not going to hurt you” She took a second rethinking whatever she was going to say. “Nothing I could say will make you believe me, just let me unlock your cuffs and help you get out.”
 “Unlock them if you want. Be warned I may bite.” He didn’t trust her. But maybe he could use whatever trick this was to his advantage. The minute the keys turned he transformed and went invisible. He was so going to pass out the minute he was human again, it just had to be enough.
 He decided to leave her with advice “Don’t believe a word they say. If you want to help delete the files they get or have on me. If it gets out your all screwed. Personally, I’d recommend running.”
 Not a single security system went off as he flew away.
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@alcorbearson @dragora7747 @keimiwolf @saltyladynightmare @ekatkit @thegatorsgoose @mmmhyperfixation @mirellacoco @apointlessbox x @ver-444 @awkwardmaiden @justgray15777
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smowyashe · 19 days
I hate the fact that I was so ready to go into navy cadets and seriously consider a military path, preferably navy diver, then seeing one post about anit-millitary people and just fucking breaking
i know that soldiers kill people
i know that they cause destruction
but do you know what would happen if the stopped defending us?
do you know what would've happened if we didn't have an army back in WW1 and WW2
life is shit
people are shit
there are also plenty of people in the military who have never killed anyone
working in humanitarian aid, office jobs, psychologists and doctors and cooks, even musicians
before hating on someone for doing their job and protecting thier country no matter what, do some fucking research
ik there are shitty soldiers
*cough cough* russia *cough cough*
but that doesn't mean there arent good soldiers too, people who joined the military to protect, to serve, to have a purpose
i dont want to join the military because of cod, sure i like the game, but i want to join the military because i want to serve and protect
i want to be like that lovely small arms and seamanship specialist i talked to a few times
i want to be like that strict but soft woman in the airforce who advocates for indigenous health and inclusion
i want to be like that goofy and loveable humanitarian aid soldier who helped people during floods
i want to be known as the small navy diver with a big heart
who never gave up
who never left anyone behind
who challenged beliefs
who inspired others
like they inspired me
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