#I hope I caught and corrected them all here but it was really frustrating when I saw the ones in the puzzle post and couldn't fix them
weekly Layton puzzle #16
click here for the puzzle
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You did it!
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The symbols on the right are created by cutting the letters on the left in half vertically and swapping over their right and left sides.
Overlapping them a little is key.
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leclsrc · 1 year
wait and see ✴︎ cl16
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genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst barely, other drivers appear
word count: 2.5k
The grid recounts the evolution, nature, and many ups and downs of your and Charles' vague relationship.
auds here... req'd, this was p fun to write i hope u guys like it! :) short bec if it was any longer it wouldnt have been as nice to read i think? anyway... i love u guys. title from this.
Lando takes a seat. “Is this the thingy for…? Yeah? Okay. What am I supposed to do again?”
“Just describe the two of them.”
“Easy. She was always pissing him off.” He rubs his chin, lost in thought. “But… in a good way?”
“I told you a hundred times I didn’t want this to be the soundbite you published.” Charles chases after you, his footsteps quickening like a lost puppy as you wrestle your way into the media pen. “A hundred times, and you said okay, and you still published it. Che succede?”
You turn, crossing your arms over your torso. “Look. I said yes, but when I looked it over, nothing else you said was really worth it. It was all just repetitions of the same PR bullshit that makes you look good on camera.”
He rakes a hand through his hair, exhaling with frustration, watching his biting comment on Iñaki rack up hundreds of thousands of views. “This was not a good idea!” He repeats, the same sentiment he’s been telling you in the half-hour he’s known of this video’s publicity.
“But it happened.” You adjust your mic and gesture to Lando, who’s awkwardly waiting for the cameras to roll so you can start the post-FP2 interview and he can talk about his shit car. “I’m busy, so deal with it. Your fans will appreciate you not riding Ferrari’s dick all the time.”
Charles opens his mouth to argue, but shuts it, shoving his way back outside and into the motorhome so he can cooperate in damage control. He doesn’t admit it—to you, to Carlos, to anyone—but the PR that comes of it is more good than it is bad in the end. He doesn’t admit it because it means admitting you’re right, and God if that’s the last thing he’ll ever do.
“They were always butting heads,” George says, laughing as he soaks in the memories of it. “Always fighting over something. Anything. Whatever there was that could be disagreed on—they’d be disagreeing.”
It started harmlessly enough. Seb walked in with two swatches of color—a blue and a purple—and addressed the room with a light tone, asking what color would best suit the tablecloths at his wedding. And then, as it always did with you and Charles, chaos ensued.
“Blue suits green better.” You wave the blue in his face. “You’re busy thinking of red all the time so you don’t understand color theory.”
“It’s not about coordination! It’s about creating a highlight!” He gestures with his hands, aggressively gesticulating to try and get his point across. “Highlight!”
“Oh, bullshit! Blue!”
“Are you crazy?!”
Across the room, Seb and George watch in mild horror at the two figures caught in a needlessly intense argument over colors at a wedding that isn’t even theirs.
An AlphaTauri engineer comes in to refill his coffee for the third time, finds the two of you still fighting and is genuinely stupefied. He turns to the two onlookers, asks, “Bridezilla, huh? Happened to me once, too. I swear the grooms always try to weasel their way in to seem more involved but their choices never make sense.”
“Oh, no. They, uh, they’re not together.” George clarifies quickly.
“They’re not?!” The engineer and Seb ask at the same time.
They all watch the argument, bemused, but secretly they all wonder just how correct George is.
“We have a saying in Spanish. Del amor al odio hay un paso. Neither of them will understand it—it’s in Spanish, obviously—but I think that applies to them. One minute you think they hate each other, and the next…” Carlos lets himself taper into silence, smiling softly.
Being around Charles feels like karmic retribution, a constant eternal push and pull. But it makes the both of you better, even if neither of you admit it in the end. You can’t really grasp why, or how it started—it might take ages if you do so much as try—but you’re content with letting things happen the way they do.
Or maybe you’re not. “You ruined my fucking broadcast, dickhead!”
You toss your earpiece at his chest, body welling up with annoyance. Your segment was being casted live until Charles insisted he take up your airtime to do whatever-the-fuck, you honestly don’t care. And yeah, sure, he’s way more relevant, but the less airtime you get, the less easily you get the exposure you need.
“It happened one time.” He sounds amused, and it patronizes you, sets you on fire. He clutches your earpiece to his chest and hands it back to you.
“Fuck you.” You tug it toward yourself, and suddenly you’re closer, noses almost touching. You step back, but it’s not enough. “You have no idea how much that mattered to me.”
His eyes flit toward your lips, your bodies melting together. “If it really did…” he says, inhaling, “you would’ve just ignored me.” And damn, he’s right.
Charles does not like you. He just knows you well. But then one might argue—isn’t that the same thing?
“They have trouble not calling the shots, is the thing,” Lewis offers. “So put them in a team, in a room together, and boom.”
“…We didn’t agree on this script.” You underline the problematic lines and toss it onto Charles’ lap from where you stand in front of the sofa. “You want your fans to hate you?”
“The questions were clumsy. I asked you to reword them, but you didn’t.”
“You didn’t ask, to be clear. You demanded.” You click your tongue.
Lewis is in the middle of posting on Roscoe’s Instagram account and manually making typos, but he looks up, interest piqued by the increasingly heated conversation.
“I asked,” Charles insists stubbornly. “Plus, this is a Ferrari segment. You get hired to write on Ferrari, you follow Ferrari.” He points to the yellow logo on his shirt. Ferrari, he mouths. Lewis stifles a chuckle at the sarcastic exchange.
“Jesus.” You reread the script. “Fine. I’ll reword this and this.”
“And that.” He points, tapping the paper.
“Only if you edit this and this. Oh, God, and this.”
“Fine. Wait, that?”
“Are you serious? It’s the corniest statement ever. Edit that or I edit nothing.”
“Okay, bossy.”
Lewis exits Instagram in favor of texting Seb to ask if you two are dating. The response he receives is equally unhelpful: Nobody knows mate.
“You know, for all the disagreeing they did, they actually agreed on so much of the same stuff. If they stopped fighting for two seconds they would agree on most things.” Alex muses. “But they never did, so. Or maybe a few times.”
Media is a tricky thing. It’s either on your side, or it isn’t.
And this weekend, Charles has drawn the short straw, subjected to bouts of backhanded journalists and tweets for his strategy during quali. You know this especially well—you’re media, for Christ’s sake—and you’ve seen your colleagues hound Charles for how he chose to tackle the session.
Alex is in the middle of a FaceTime call with Lily when he hears it. “Wait—I think they’re talking,” he says to his girlfriend when he hears you approach him, carefully maneuvering himself into optimal eavesdropping position.
“Is this the right thing to do?” Lily’s voice comes through like static.
“I know it’s wrong,” Alex confesses. “But—”
“No, I meant I can’t hear properly. Move the phone closer, you dick.”
So he does, and the two of them listen intently to your talk. You go first, a few shuffling footsteps and an adjustment of your media pass, then. “Will’s been all over you today.”
“Yeah,” comes Charles’ voice, tired if anything. “I, uh… I just hope I can understand where I went wrong and, uh. Well, uh.”
“No, I…” There’s heavy silence. “I think you did the right thing. You didn’t get pole, but it was a good strategy. Better than what was being proposed, anyway. I think that would’ve landed you at the back of the grid, to be honest.”
You both laugh. “Thanks,” he croaks.
“You did great. Don’t, um… don’t let them tell you otherwise. I’m proud of you.”
Alex never tells anybody what he heard. But it inspires many long-winded conversations with Lily about the nature of your relationship. Each time, though, they never arrive to a solid answer.
“Hey, listen. I always knew something was there with those two. They had the kind of dynamic you only find once in, like, a million instances.” Daniel says firmly. “But I also kept thinking… poor Charlotte.”
You’re half-sure Pierre was the one who bought you all shots. Or a quarter-sure. Okay, you’re not sure at all. Your mind’s cloudy, your inhibitions lowered, tongue loose and laugh contagious. Around the table everyone is laughing, some others have gotten up to dance, but you, Daniel, Lewis, and Charles are all conversing about work, albeit while drunk.
“Is… tequila… plant-based?” Lewis grimaces as he throws another shot back and you all laugh mindlessly.
“Danny,” you say, tapping his shoulder. “Any plans once you’re out of the paddock next season?”
“Ah,” he hums. “Self-discovery and a shit ton of shrooms.”
You all cheers to the epiphany, shots once again entering your system. “And a party again tomorrow!” Daniel adds half-jokingly, much to your delight. Charles, right beside you, throws an arm over your shoulder as he laughs. You’re unfazed.
Daniel’s gaze lingers on his arm a little too long, especially because your own hand reaches upward to wrap around his wrist, to make sure he doesn’t pull away. But you’re both drunk, he reasons. And plus, you can’t usually stand each other’s guts.
“I’ll pass, mate, if it happens,” Charles says, his tone clearly inebriated.
“You’re no fun,” you say lightly, laughing and turning to him. Your eyes are on the other’s, dark, lips almost touching as if you’ve forgotten Daniel and Lewis are even around (though the latter is as good as dead, honestly.)
“Invite Charlotte instead,” Daniel says with a smile, to try and test your reactions. “How long, now? Three months?”
You clear your throat, looking away with a faux smile.
“Oh. We’re not doing so well, to be honest.” Charles smiles, tight-lipped. He hopes Daniel doesn’t ask why. He can’t think of a lie quickly enough to cover how Charlotte told him I love you, Charles, but this is over. I hope you end up with her someday.
Seb takes some time to think about it. “Those two always fought. Everyone said that, didn’t they? All the time, disagreeing.” He hums. “I could tell very early, though, that they were also the only two who could truly understand the other. Figuratively, obviously—but as a result, also literally.”
“When you understand someone that well, inside and out, you end up understanding everything they say.” Seb smiles. “That was them, I think.”
“It’s impossible to transcribe your interviews,” Will says to Charles. It’s that hour on the paddock where everyone’s waiting for the pre-race bustle to start, so small talk is what’s keeping them busy.
You’re reviewing a few clips from practice on your phone and Seb is chipping into the conversation, which has moved from Mick’s future to F1 into Sky Sports into this.
“What do you mean?” Charles asks.
“You’re always sliding in and out of your three languages!” The Englishman laughs. “I have to consult a native speaker of both Italian and French each time. And you’re always going I, I, I, or we, we, we… but hey, the fans dig it, innit?”
“I think I sound perfectly understandable.” Charles smiles. You’re still busy, unfocused on the conversation at present.
“Like, okay. Look at this.” Will retrieves his phone, opens his voice memos app, and plays one of the audio recordings there. It’s a scratchy one of Charles describing his quali session, and sure enough, even if he’s speaking straight English, the adrenaline and exhaustion have him sounding totally indecipherable.
We—we had gasjdhfhs and I, I, I… I think we need to rejshdhs and thijsjsh about the hsfhdh, yeah? And, and, uh, we ajhshajs. And
Will closes it. “Sebastian, can you tell me that said?”
He shrugs, amused. “Sorry, Charles. I genuinely can’t.”
“See?!” Will makes a voila motion. “Nobody understands this.”
“He said we had good traction and I think we need to recalibrate and think about the boxing strategy, yeah? And we need that mindset.” You’re still going over your phone, busy and not 100% invested. “You two just aren’t listening.”
Charles doesn’t take his eyes off you, or the smile off his face, the whole hour.
Pierre comes last, clearing his throat. He’s ready. He knows exactly what to say, so he says it. “Those two are fucking soulmates.”
It’s three-thirty when somebody knocks on your hotel room.
But your body still feels like it’s five in the evening, your brain’s stuck at two in the afternoon, and your sleep schedule thinks it’s nine in the morning, so you’re not asleep but instead rewriting notes from the weekend prior.
You’re horribly disoriented when you grab your pepper spray and unlatch the door, and even more disoriented when you see Charles on the other side of it.
“Am I crazy?” He asks, breathless, like he’s been waiting for you all his life. Maybe he has.
“You’re at my hotel room at three a.m., so… a bit.” You rub sleepiness and jetlag out of your eyes. “Charles, what’s going on?”
“I love you.” There it is. “It sounds so stupid. But I love you. And it’s almost—I can’t bear it. I woke up this morning? You, on my mind. Lights go off after a race? You. I go to sleep? You. It’s always you. And I know, I know it’s—I know, with Charlotte, and—but it’s true. I, I, I—I think about you every minute. And usually this happens accidentally. Nous sommes tous des idiots quand il s’agit d’amour... moi y compris.
“But this was… I knew I was falling in love and I let it happen. And so I thought, why keep waiting? Why let it drag on and on and fight over and over when I can just come and tell you how much I—and maybe, hopefully, see if you feel the same?”
He pants, tired from his clearly rambled and unplanned confession.
“I love you, too,” you say, struck. Oh God.
“Can I kiss you, then?”
“It’s may,” you breathe. “May I kiss you.”
“You may,” he whispers.
“Right now?”
“So now.”
“It’s now or next Tuesday,” he jokes.
“Now is… the best. Now would do.”
“Now would do.” So you cross the threshold and let him scoop you into his arms so he can well and truly kiss you.
“Is that all?” The interviewer asks Pierre. “Just… those words? We need a bit more for the article on this event.”
“Oh, yeah.” He gets up, straightens his tie. “Don’t worry. You’ll hear the rest during my best man speech.”
Del amor al odio hay un paso – From love to hate, there is one step.
Nous sommes tous des idiots quand il s'agit d'amour... moi y compris – We are all fools in love... me included.
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boredmadamoiselle · 1 year
Much Ado About Nothing
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Synopsis: When rumors about Charles cheating on you spread across the world and he can't find you anywhere, Charles thinks he has lost you. But has he?
Warnings: A little smut. Rumors of cheating. Fluff. Angst. English isn't my first language, it probably contains some mistakes. I tried my best but if you want to correct or help me, you are welcome.
Author's note: Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is always appreciated and is important for me. If you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to write them and I will take into consideration. 
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Cancun, Mexico
It was 10am and after returning from his morning run and his usual work out with Andrea, Charles was on his way to breakfast. 
While waiting for the elevator, he checked his phone and ignoring the numerous notifications coming from his social medias, he directly opened the chat with you.
He hadn't had much time to check his phone that morning but as soon as he had woken up and like so many times when you were away from each other, he had texted you wishing you a good day. By that time and given the time zone, he knew you must have been awake already but to his surprise, Charles found out that you hadn’t answered him yet. You hadn't even visualized his texts, Charles noticed. It was weird, sure, but you must have been working, he thought. 
As he was entering the dining room of the hotel, he put his phone away. The room was crowded with people eating their breakfast. He crossed the room and took a seat at one of the vacant tables, while people around him had recognized him and followed his every single move. Since it was nothing new to him, he didn’t pay attention to them. He was a F1 driver, so he was used to people looking at him and talking about him pretty much all the time. In the end, it was part of the job.
Even though he was eating his breakfast, he could still feel their eyes on him while they whispered. They were more insistent than usual, he had to admit. Even though it could be frustrating sometimes, it was something he could handle and in the end, it was worth it. He ignored everyone and focused on his food; he was starving after all the physical activity he had done before. 
He kept eating until hearing someone say your name caught his attention. He immediately stopped eating. Why someone was talking about you, his girlfriend? Although the voices weren't very close, Charles tried to focus on them and hear what they were saying. 
“How can he act as if nothing had happened, as if he had done nothing?”
“Y/n deserves better! Poor girl, she must be heartbroken”
“Such a disappointment!”
“What did you expect? Men are all the same!”
“Do you really think he did such a thing? Especially under the eyes of all?”
The more Charles listened, the more confused he was, so he stopped listening. He couldn't understand anyway. What were they talking about? Did what? He didn't understand any of this. 
He was picking his phone hoping to get some answers when a voice behind him called him. 
“Charles! Here you are!” Charles turned around and saw Carlos. Charles noticed he looked pretty nervous and that made Charles agitated. What the hell was happening? At the same time, he was relieved to see his teammate who seemed to have more answers than Charles did, so maybe Carlos could explain to him what was going on. 
He went to Carlos and without giving him time to speak, he asked the Spanish driver for an explanation. Carlos knew instantly that his friend had no idea what was happening. 
“Yeah, that’s why I’m here. The others and I have been trying to contact you for hours. Haven’t you checked your phone today yet?”, the driver asked. Charles noticed he was whispering as if he didn't want to be heard, so he did the same even though he had no reason to do it and surely, nothing to hide. Or did he?
“I was about to when you walked in. Why?”, he asked, curious to have some answers.
Noticing that everyone was staring at them, Carlos took Charles by the arm and dragged him away from the room to go to a more private place. 
“Come with me.”
Charles followed his friend, even though the whole situation was getting on Charles's nerves. Why all this mystery? What did Carlos have to tell him that couldn't be said in front of everyone? But above all, what did the others think they knew that he didn’t know yet? Charles was looking forward to some answers. 
When they were away from indiscreet eyes and ears, Charles hoped Carlos was ready to speak but he just pulled out his phone and showed his screen to Charles. 
“Do you recognize it?”
Charles looked at the picture Carlos was showing him. There was a table apparently set for two in a restaurant at night overlooking the sea. Of course Charles recognized the place, it was the same restaurant where he had dined the night before. He himself had posted a story by tagging the place. But still he didn't understand what it had to do with whatever was going on. Why was Carlos showing him that picture? Charles was starting to lose his patience. 
“Yeah, I went for dinner there last night. Why?” 
“Ok, I'll make it short. Apparently, a girl, who was at the same restaurant while you were there too, must have seen you and tagged you in her Instagram stories…”
Charles looked at his friend thinking he was crazy and didn't let him finish. “Carlos, we are Formula 1 drivers. People recognize us and ask us to take pictures with them or tag us all the time. A girl had seen me and tagged me in a story? So what? I don’t think it’s a problem”, Charles sighed. 
“It isn’t a problem, of course it isn’t. You didn’t let me finish talking. The problem is what she wrote on the story.”
He picked up the phone from Charles's hands, quickly searched for something and as soon as he found it, he returned it to his teammate. “Here, look”, he said pointing to something on his screen. It was another photograph taken inside the restaurant, this time from another perspective. Charles looked better at the picture. He noticed it was a screenshot of an Instagram story probably posted by the girl Carlos mentioned before. He took a quick look at the name and had absolutely no idea who she was. There was also the location tag and then someone had written “date” followed by a white heart and his tag. 
Charles was more confused than ever. Date? Why had the girl written something like that? Not only he didn't know her, but he hadn't even seen her the night before, much less gone out with her. Yes, he had gone to that restaurant and dined there but with his friends. But whoever had seen those stories didn’t know that and they could think that... It was all true. Oh no, Charles thought terrified. It couldn’t be. 
Carlos' next words confirmed his fears. “As you can imagine, the story has gone viral. Now many people think that you had a date night with her and that you have…”
“Cheated on Y/n”, Charles ended the sentence.
Carlos just nodded. Saying those words was enough to make him feel sick and suddenly he felt the need to throw up. Charles loved you too much to do such a thing to you. But now the entire world thought he had betrayed you, putting you in a difficult position and maybe… 
“Oh my God. Y/n!”
In that instant, Charles realized that if the pictures had gone viral and the rumors had spread, it meant that they had probably reached you too. And maybe they made you doubt him. Was that the reason why you hadn’t answered him yet? 
He needed to explain to you that everything was just a big misunderstanding, that he loved you and you only. He immediately took his phone from his pocket, hoping to find a message from you but nothing had changed since he last checked. There were no missed messages or calls. 
Given the six-hour difference, you must have been awake a long time ago. Even though you were very busy with work those days, you always found a moment for him, even just when it came to say good morning to him. Even if that silence from you wasn’t at all like you, Charles tried to stay calm and think straight. Without thinking further, he dialed your number and called you. Again and again. Hearing your voice would have calmed him down and if you had answered him, it must have been a good sign, it meant you still wanted to talk to him. But unfortunately, you were unreachable at that moment. He tried again and again but nothing. You didn’t answer him. 
“Fuck!”, he screamed as he tried to contact you again. Apparently, your phone was off. But why? During the day, even when you were working, you always kept it on. Unless the whole situation had led you to switch it off, Charles thought. It was understandable given you must have gotten thousands of messages and calls in the last few hours asking you about the rumors. Minus the fact that you didn't want to talk to him, Charles thought. Was that? Were you actually ignoring him? Were you furious with him and didn’t want to talk to him? If that was true, it meant that you had believed the rumors. No, it couldn’t be. There had to be another reason.
Hours before, Charles de Gaulle Airport
With your face resting on the window and looking outside, you were waiting for the jet to take off. Seeing the cloudy sky, you were looking forward to enjoying the warm Mexican sun while drinking margaritas at the beach. Most of all, you couldn’t wait to hug your boyfriend. Fortunately, you still had a few days to spend together before Charles’ duties and the Mexican Grand Prix absorbed him. 
You hadn’t seen him since he had left for Austin after his birthday, a week ago and as originally it wasn’t scheduled you went to Mexico, another week would have had to pass before you saw him. The more the races moved away from Europe, the harder it became for you to accompany Charles and support him. As much as you really wanted to, you had a job, deadlines to respect and other responsibilities to face. Recently the work had increased, and several paperwork had been waiting for you in the office. Therefore, you stayed home. However, motivated by the fact you terribly missed Charles and you wanted to see him, you had worked hard for the last weeks and carried out much of the work. So, without saying anything to your boyfriend, you had decided to join him in Mexico and work from… well, from the beach. 
As you imagined the face your boyfriend would have made when he would have seen you, the jet was finally ready to take off. You checked the time and doing a quick calculation, you realized you would have arrived for lunch, and it wouldn't have been long from the moment Charles woke up to your arrival, so you had plenty of time to arrive without him suspecting anything. You checked your phone one last time before turning it off. 
When the jet was several meters above the ground and after admiring the view for a few moments, you got ready to rest. A long flight waited for you but it was worth it, and you wanted to arrive already fresh and rested so that you could enjoy the time you had with Charles. 
With the lights all out and the window down, it took you a few seconds to fall asleep, unaware of what was about to happen on the other side of the world. 
Cancun, Mexico
The whole situation was driving Charles insane. He had tried to call you repeatedly but you still didn't answer him. He had also asked the other drivers and their girlfriends to call you because maybe you would have answered them, at least. But it hadn't worked and that freaked out Charles even more. 
Your parents, friends and co-workers didn’t know where you were or didn’t want to tell Charles the truth. He didn't know what or who to believe. Apparently, you weren't in the office and had taken a few days off. You weren’t even in your shared apartment. He had sent Lorenzo – because even Arthur wasn’t answering him – to check. That wasn’t a good sign, Charles thought. 
Under the gaze of the other drivers, he paced up and down the room while he thought about what to do. The more he thought about it, the more he came to the same conclusion every time: there was only one thing he could do. 
He went to the closet; took the few clothes he had placed inside and threw them inside the suitcase without bothering to put them in order. He had no time to waste. 
“What are you doing now?”, a confused Pierre asked. 
“Can't you see? Packing. I'm going home”, Charles just said. 
“You… what?”, the drivers exclaimed in unison. They were visibly panicked. 
“Are you out of your mind? And the race?”, Carlos asked. 
“Y/n is more important than racing, than anything.” Charles didn’t hesitate to answer, and everyone fell silent at those words. Charles had never believed so much in those words as in that moment. From an early age, racing had been everything to him, his dream. He lived to race and win. But then, one day you came into his world, and everything changed. You had given a new meaning to his life. You stole his heart and he won yours. Now he couldn't accept the idea of losing you. He had to see you and talk to you. 
He looked at Max and had an idea. “Max, can I take your jet, please?”, he questioned his friend.
Charles still had a few days left before the Grand Prix and he could also skip his media duties and if Max lent him his jet, he had plenty of time to get home and back in time. It was crazy, Charles knew it, but he didn't care, for you it was worth it. For you he would also have missed the race if it were necessary.
“I’d like to, but…” Max seemed visibly in trouble like he didn't know quite what to say. “It won’t be possible, Charles. I lent it to a friend, sorry. And sincerely I don't think it's a good idea", he continued.
“Thanks for the help, mate”, Charles replied more sarcastically than he had intended. He knew it wasn’t Max’ fault and that he was saying it for Charles’ own good. 
Without Max’ help, he could still do it. He would have rented another jet or taken a regular plane. 
“Charles, Max is right. Try to be reasonable or at least wait a little longer before doing anything”, Pierre said. 
“If I wait, I’ll lose her.” Charles took the last things and closed his suitcase. He was ready to go but Max’ words stopped him from leaving the room. “It won’t happen. Think about it. What if she tries to contact you and you don't answer her because you are flying? That could even make things worse. You need to be patient and wait for her to contact you. In the meantime, you could send your brothers to find her.” 
Charles sighed. Max was right too, he had to stay lucid. Maybe you just needed some time to think. Even if he didn’t want to, he could wait a few more hours. 
“Okay, but if I don't hear from her soon, I'm leaving tomorrow anyway and you couldn't stop me”, Charles said after an eternity, and he really meant those words. 
He put the bag on the ground and went to sit on the bed with the other drivers. He picked up the phone and as he contacted Lorenzo to ask him to look for you, he didn’t see the complicit glance his friends exchanged. 
A few hours later, Cancun International Airport
After a long journey, you had finally landed in Mexico and now you were in the car with Arthur on your way to the hotel, the same one where Charles and most of the drivers were staying. 
Just before landing, you had freshened up a bit and changed. Instead of the comfy and warm outfit you had worn throughout the trip, you had opted for a top, a pair of white linen trousers and gold sandals. An outfit that was more suited to Mexican temperatures. In fact, it was a beautiful day; the sun was shining high in the sky and it was definitely hot, more than you had thought. You had already put on your swimsuit underneath and you couldn't wait to enjoy the day with Charles. 
“We should warn the others that we have arrived”, you said as you saw Arthur turning on his phone. You did the same. As you waited for your phone to finally turn on, your attention was drawn to the incessant sound of notifications arriving on Arthur's phone. It seemed to go crazy. Intrigued by it, you looked at Arthur and saw his eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly he seemed worried. 
“What’s up?”, you immediately asked. 
He tried to assume a calmer expression. “Don’t panic but apparently Charles called me several times in the last hours. And Lorenzo too”, he said showing to you his phone.  
“Oh no! Do you think he found out about the surprise?” Maybe one of the drivers had said a word too many, you thought. But if he knew, then why call Arthur so many times? It doesn’t make sense, you were thinking when your phone turned on and you noticed a series of missed calls and meaningless messages from your boyfriend. You quickly scrolled and read his texts. He was telling you not to believe anything, meanwhile another one was saying that he did nothing. You were confused. Don’t believe what? What didn’t he do? You showed them to Arthur. Something definitely must have happened. But what? You were starting to panic and Arthur could see that. You hated not knowing.
“Okay, let me call Lorenzo to see what’s happening. Surely, he knows something”, he said. You nodded trying to stay calm and understand what was going on. 
Charles was in his room lying on the bed while he was impatiently waiting for your message or your call, anything that could tell him you were fine. Every minute that passed without hearing from you was a torture. Where were you? 
He checked his phone for the hundredth time in the last hour but still nothing. He put it on the cabinet and sighed.
His gaze fell on the suitcase. It was tempting to stay in that room. The more Charles looked at the suitcase, the more he wanted to take it and get into the first taxi to the airport. 
He could have gone out for a walk, got some fresh air but he had no desire to face people's scolding looks and hear the nonsense they had to say about you. The last thing he needed was to get any angrier, so it was best for him to stay in his room. 
He was about to fall asleep when his phone rang bringing him back to reality. He jumped out of bed and immediately checked to see who was calling him hoping it was you. His face darkened when he saw the name on the screen. Arthur. Not the name he had hoped for but he still accepted the call, at least his brother was finally calling him and maybe he could have helped him. 
“Arthur! Finally! I've tried to talk to you several times. Where have you been?” Before Arthur could answer, Charles kept talking. “Nevermind! I can't explain to you now but something happened. I just need to know if you have seen or talked to Y/n recently.” 
Inside him, Charles prayed that the answer was yes. 
After what seemed like an eternity to Charles, Arthur finally spoke.“Yeah, I know everything. She’s fine, Charles.”
Those words were a sigh of relief for him. 
“Oh, thank God. Where is she? I need to talk to her as soon as possible.” 
“Don’t worry, big bro. She’s closer than you think. And open the door. See you later.”
“What the hell?”, Charles exclaimed. Incredulous, he looked at his cell phone. He couldn't believe, his brother had hung up on his face and that only made his mood worse. Arthur must have gone crazy, his words didn't make any sense. Charles thought about what he had said. She’s closer than you think. And open the door. See you later. What did he mean? 
He was about to call Arthur again to ask for an explanation when someone knocked on the door. Who the hell was that now?, Charles thought. 
He put the phone back in his pocket and went to open the door. 
As he went from confusion to surprise, Arthur’s words played on repeat on his mind. Even if he couldn't believe his eyes, now their talk made sense because you were there in front of him. Beautiful as always. And smiling at him as if you wanted to reassure him. At that momen, Charles knew that everything was ok between you. 
Your heart filled with love and happiness at the sight of him. He was visibly surprised but you could see how exhausted he was too, even though it was still relatively early and he must have only been awake for a few hours. 
Wordlessly, your bodies met in a tight hug, your arms always feeling like a safe place to him. Charles could feel that weight hanging over him in the last hours became lighter with every second that passed. 
As much as Charles wanted to stay in your arms, he knew he had to face the subject with you sooner or later. What if you didn't know anything yet? After all, if you had just arrived, it meant that you had been on a plane until recently without any internet connection. 
Reluctantly, he broke away from your arms and invited you to enter the room. 
“Mon ange! You can't imagine how happy I am to see you. But how? Why didn't you tell me anything? And I thought you couldn’t because of work”, Charles said all in one breath sitting on the bed and pulling you along with you to make you sit on his lap.
“Thanks to Max.” You saw him frown. “I missed you and wanted to be here with you... You know, to support you, so I moved forward with my work and decided to surprise you. Max was kind enough to lend me the jet and I can work remotely”, you continued never stop looking at him.
Suddenly everything was clearer in Charles's eyes. Many of his questions were answered, like why you hadn't returned his calls. “You are therefore the friend to whom Max would have lent the jet”, he said. 
You nodded and smiled. “Guilty, your honor.” 
At that moment Charles loved you even more. He sighed. There were so many things he wanted to do with you but he had to talk to you first and warn you about what had happened. The more time passed, the more Charles thought you knew nothing. As much as he didn't want to broach the subject, the sooner he did, the better it was.
“C’est magnifique, mon ange, and I can’t wait to spend some time with you. But I need to tell you something before”, he started to say without ever taking his eyes off you. The last thing he wanted was to hurt you. “I swear there is nothing real but a girl…” 
“Charles, I know everything, about the girl and the stories she posted, just as I already know that none of it is true”, you said taking his hands into yours. 
At those words he breathed a sigh of relief. “So, you're not angry?”, he asked almost in a whisper as he feared your answer. 
You couldn't help but laugh. “Of course not. Why should I be? If anything, I’m angry with that girl, even if I imagine, indeed I hope, that she didn't do it on purpose. And sure I got scared seeing all those missed calls and texts from you and I don't like people talking about us without knowing, but I never thought for one second that you did what they said. For me, in fact, it wasn't even worth talking about. I know who you are and I love you, Charles Leclerc.”
He could really breathe a sigh of relief. You could only imagine how worried he must have been for the past few hours. He had feared losing you but you were stronger than anything and it took more than that to make you question him and his love and loyalty for you. Despite this and the fact you loved him, however, you wanted to tease him a little. 
“Thinking about it, though, I'm actually a little angry with you”, you teased him, letting go of his hands and trying to hold a straight face so that he knew you were serious. 
Already missing your touch, Charles immediately stiffened and panicked at your words. He could swear his heart had stopped beating for a moment. 
“Why? What have I done?”, he said wondering what could have been.
As much you were enjoying making him grovel a bit too much, you were dying to turn around and kiss him and tell him you weren't mad at all. “I've been here for... how long? 10 minutes? And you still haven't kissed me”, you told him without looking at him. 
You were about to burst out laughing, unable to resist when Charles took your face in his hands and pulled you towards him. His lips pressed against yours, it felt like the whole world stopped. Nothing mattered anymore. It was just you and him. Against everyone and everything. 
"Let me fix it then", he whispered between kisses, your forehead leaned onto his. 
After that, things escalated pretty quickly and instead of spending all day at the beach, you ended up spending all day together in bed away from everything and everyone. You had to make up for lost time and the rumors had already stolen too much time. 
A few hours later, you and Charles finally left your room to go to dinner and it was your turn to post an Instagram story to silence all the rumors. It seemed right to you. That story had to end the same way it began.
You were at the restaurant waiting for your food and while Charles was distracted on his phone, you took a picture of him. The sky behind him seemed to be on fire while the blue of his linen shirt matched his tan perfectly. He looked too good for you not to photograph him. 
You looked at the picture you had taken and happy with the result, you started to think what you could possibly write on it. Only one thing best expressed the message you wanted to give at that moment to the entire world. 
Even though, you were hesitant that it might have been a bit too much and that others might have thought you were possessive, you ended up posting the story anyway. Fuck them and what they think, you thought as the story was loading. They had talked way too much already. Now it was your turn to speak. 
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You glanced at Charles waiting for his reaction. As you saw him raising his eyebrows and then smirking, you knew he was looking at the picture. 
You weren’t the possessive type but Charles liked when you acted like that and the same was for you. 
When he glanced at you, you blushed a little and looked away. He approached you and showed his phone to you. You didn’t need to look at the screen to know what it was. You already knew. 
“What would I be, chérie?”, he whispered into your ear. You closed your legs as just the sound of his voice was making you wet already. Each time you were surprised to discover the effect this man had on you. But there were two of you playing that game. 
You turned to look at him, your face a few feet from his and your lips almost touching. You got close to his ear and put an hand on his thigh, gently stroking it. “Mine. And if I wasn't clear enough, I can show you later if you want”, you whispered and then kissed him. 
Your hand began to move upwards slowly, you could feel his hardened bulge. Your mouth watered at the mere contact. 
“Y/n...”, he moaned as you lightly stroke your fingers over his bulge a few times.
A wicked smile appeared on your face. “Uhm? Something is wrong?”, you teased him.
“Yeah, actually, I'm not that hungry”, Charles whispered as he tried to contain himself from moaning. 
“Too bad because I'm starving instead”, you joked and stopped rubbing him. You were hungry but not for food.
But Charles wasn't ready to give up.  “How about we ask for room service and while we wait for the food to arrive, you show me what you were talking about earlier?”
Ten minutes later you were back in your room, kneeling on the floor while sucking him off and showing him he was yours. 
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magpies-gold · 6 months
I got really bogged down this weekend on my writing. This is always the thing that wrecked me about NaNoWriMo: 50k words is juuust enough so that I hit the self-doubt super hard.
It’s where I have enough of the world and the characters down so that I can see them clearly enough to recognize where they’re held together with chewing gum and hope. It’s where I can see the road ahead but also I’m on the edge of the first really big gaps that I just have to put 2x4’s over as a makeshift bridge and fill them in correctly later. The piece I need for that is stashed somewhere near the end of the book. It’s when I find spots in the story where the wiring isn’t hooked up yet and the lights are out so I kinda know three or four ways to get from point A to point B and I can’t see which one’s correct so I just have to kinda write them all (the correct answer has a chance at being a Frankenstein’s monster mishmash of all of them!)
It’s nice that my mom’s been reading the mess as I work on it because it means that I have someone to call and say “It’s trash but it’s still trash with potential, yeah?” and talk my way back to having the confidence to continue. Thanks, mom.
Reminder to Self.
First drafts are The Stupidest Version. The characters get spontaneous amnesia. They know things that they shouldn’t. They try to ad lib instead of sticking to the script. The equipment you ordered for the set months ago isn’t here yet so you’re making do with an old fridge and some cardboard as a stand in but it’s really obviously just a fridge that says “warp core” on it in Sharpie. No one can keep a straight face around it. This is all going to get rewritten from scratch in a few months.
It’s the vomit draft. Sometimes (often) you get caught yammering for three hours about one of the character’s childhood and the camera was running the whole time. The characters can’t quite remember their lines or motivations so they repeat themselves five times in five different ways over five different scenes before someone yells “We got it already! Shut up!” You all explore the basement and the sub-basement before realizing that you don’t even need the -house- that you’re in, but you found a key down there that’ll help elsewhere and so it was worth the detour. Two characters don’t jive naturally yet so you either take them out for coffee or hand them nerf bats and engage with -that- for 2k words, coming out the other side all the wiser but with 2k words that will not make the cut. That’s fine. It still needs doing.
And it’s a sketch. I did a drawing earlier today where I drew, erased, and redrew a creature in the background no less than twenty times (at one point just covering the canvas in question marks out of frustration) before I finally figured out what I was doing. Same diff, but writing takes longer. It’s going to have construction lines and eraser marks all over the place, but later I can pick out the good lines and go from there.
Anyone who suggests that writing is anything but barely controlled chaos is, in my opinion, slightly bonkers. It’s herding cats that can phase through walls and travel in time, and in the meanwhile, all you have is a butterfly net with a hole in it.
And sometimes you just need a good pep talk to remind you that yes, it’s supposed to look this janky. Keep going.
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hunterscabin · 1 year
Birthday Pie
Request: Can you write a fic where she falls down the stairs please? Like really clumsy, can hunt like a badass but still falls over her own two feet? - Anonymous
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Reader
Warnings: Small injury; angsty Dean; fluffy Dean; fluffy Sam; the gang’s all here!
Word Count: 1.2k 
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request, Nonnie! I had a hard time wrapping this one up, so my apologies for the disgustingly saccharine, after school special ending. 
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The drive back to the bunker was spent in silence, save for the frustrated grunts and sighs Dean let out every few minutes. It had been a long day. Breaking up the vamp nest hadn’t gone as planned with the leader fleeing before you were able to get the answers you needed. Dean was always agitated after an unsuccessful hunt, but he was never this theatrical with his disappointment. You had a feeling it had something to do with the fact that it was also his birthday. 
“At least this hunt was close to home,” you said, trying to infuse some positivity, “We’ll be back at the bunker in no time!” 
Dean scoffed at your platitude. 
“We’ll be able to track them down again,” you assured, “and we know they won’t be feeding for a while.” 
You could almost feel Dean gritting his teeth.
“We killed over half the nest!”
“You killed over half the nest,” Sam corrected, “you were great today, Y/N.” 
He turned to face you, but his smile quickly faded when he saw your somber expression. You were clearly trying to lift Dean’s spirits, and he wouldn’t even acknowledge you. Sam turned to his brother and cleared his throat, hoping to send the message that Dean needed to cool it. Dean ignored Sam and kept his angry gaze fixed on the road. 
“I made pie.” you whispered earnestly. 
Your last attempt at finding a silver lining struck a chord, and you saw a smile tug at Dean’s lips. His face hardened when your eyes met in the rear view mirror, but the second he thought you weren’t looking anymore, he allowed the smirk to slide back on his face. 
Dean’s birthday pie balanced precariously in the palm of your right hand, the scent of sweet crust and tart cherries wafting over you as you made your way downstairs. You had baked the pie before leaving that morning, hiding it in the sitting area near the front door to ensure that Dean wouldn’t eat the entire thing before dinner. His gift was tucked under your left arm, making the descent more difficult than it needed to be. You could have taken two trips, but the boys were eager to eat. 
Lost in thought over where the fugitive vamp leader could have retreated, your foot missed a step and sent you tumbling. When you moved your left hand to steady the wobbling dessert, Dean’s gift fell out from under your arm; a small sacrifice to save Dean’s precious pie. You were able to regain your balance by supporting your elbow on the railing. Satisfied that you had sufficiently steadied yourself, you let out a sigh of relief and continued making your way to the kitchen. The instant you lifted your foot and felt resistance, you knew you were doomed. In your initial stumble, the sock of one foot became caught under the other, and you were now stuck beneath yourself.  
Your entire body toppled forward. Unless you let go of the pie to free your hands, you were going to fall flat on your face. In a last ditch effort to save the dessert, you lofted it over the railing to the floor below. For a moment, it looked as though you may have made the right decision, but at the last second, the pie flopped forward and landed upside down on the cold tile. You reached the bottom of the stairs with a loud thud. 
Hearing the commotion, Sam and Dean came running from the kitchen. While the sight of your twisted limbs would have sent anyone else rushing to your aid, the boys had seen you like this enough times before to know that you were fine. You were an extremely skilled and agile hunter, but navigating your own two feet had always proven difficult. In day-to-day life, you were an absolute klutz. 
Sam let out a soft chuckle as he stepped forward. “You okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You mumbled, your ego hurting more than anything else. 
As Sam moved to help you up, everyone’s eyes fell on the upside down dessert.
“It was an accident, Dean, I swear.” You scrambled to stand, not realizing you had injured your ankle in the fall. As soon as you were upright, the pain hit you and you winced, teetering forward.  
“Y/N!” Sam caught you before you fell on top of the pie. He helped you sit back down and propped you up against the wall. 
Dean still hadn’t said a word, and was looking at you, expressionless, from the other side of the hallway. 
“I’m sorry I ruined your birthday,” you apologized, your eyes casting down to the floor. 
Dean let out a loud sigh before turning around and walking toward the kitchen. 
“Do you think he’s mad?“ 
"It’s just a pie, Y/N. He’ll get over it.” Sam sat down and leaned up against the wall next to you. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, almost inaudibly. 
“Y/N/N, look at me.” You lifted your eyes to meet your Sma’s. They were filled with sympathy and kindness. 
“It’s been a long day. You know how cranky he gets after a bad hunt. If he’s mad, it’s not because of you.” Sam wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You knew he was right, but you couldn’t help the tears forming in your eyes. 
To your surprise, Dean returned with a towel of ice. He sat next to you on the bottom step and placed the ice on your already swollen ankle. One of the tears you’d been holding back escaped and rolled down your cheek. 
“Does it hurt that bad?” Dean questioned, knowing your usually high tolerance for pain. 
“No,” you said to the floor, unable to look at him, “I thought you were mad at me." 
"I’m not mad at you, sweetheart,” Dean confirmed, cracking his first real smile of the day, “You made me pie!" 
When you still didn’t look at him, Dean sat down next to you. 
"Look, I know I’ve been a crab ass all day.” You and Sam stared at Dean, both of you surprised by his admission. “We don’t get to celebrate things like a normal family. I knew I wasn’t gonna get a party or balloons, but I hoped I’d at least get vengeance for the people those vamps have been killing." 
"I’m sorry today wasn’t what you wanted it to be." 
"You don’t need to apologize, Y/N/N.” Dean pressed a kiss to your temple before leaning forward. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out three forks. He handed one to you and one to Sam. 
“What are these for?” Sam inquired. 
“Pie.” Dean stated as if Sam’s was the dumbest question he’d ever heard. 
“You’re going to eat the pie off the floor?” You looked up at Dean in disbelief. 
Dean crouched down next to his dilapidated dessert. He lifted the baking tin and drove his fork right into the center of the bottom of the pie. A look of ecstasy washed over his face as he shoved the piece into his mouth. 
You and Sam flashed each other a look of “Why not” and crawled toward the pie. Careful to avoid the parts that had touched the floor, you took a big scoop.
“This is really good, Y/N,” Dean praised, wiping away the cherry syrup at the corners of his mouth.
The three of you sat on the floor, picking at the pie until you were too full to continue.
Dean leaned against the staircase banister and let out a satisfied chuckle. 
“Turned out to be a pretty good birthday after all."
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shina913 · 1 year
Percussions | MYG
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Pairing: MYG x Fem!Reader
Rating: Rated-R; 🔞 NSFW
Genre: Mafia!AU; Assassin!AU; angst
Summary: Min Yoongi, a former CIA explosives expert, now works as a hired hitman. You contact him to enlist his help in exacting revenge on a family of mobsters who murdered your family years ago. Complications arise when Yoongi finds a personal connection to your case.
Warnings: depictions of violence, namely: a bomb explosion, fist fight, mentions of blood, a gun aimed at close-range; cussing; thoughts of revenge
Word count: 2.1K+
⚠️ Please bear in mind that this is a work of fiction. Still, I'm trying my best to avoid being too explicit about the crime and violence included here. Please proceed with caution! If there is any warning that I've failed to list, please tell me so and I will correct it right away. Thank you!
A/N: This was initially something I had in mind based on this Anon ask but I don't know if it really fulfills it. It sort of turned into something else.
Anyway, I don't know what I want this to be yet. I guess I'm testing the waters as this is the first time I'm trying to write in this type of genre/au. Thanks to @internetjunkdrawer and @itdoesntmatterwhy for looking this over and for pushing me to add nuance to this story. I’m including you in here, too @yoongukie-ff for the overall encouragement 🥹
I hope it's good enough!
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Ten years ago, Captain Min Yoongi and Colonel Kwang Chunghee were explosives specialists working for the CIA. After months of planning, they were finally ready to carry out their mission to take down a notorious drug kingpin.
However, while waiting for the car transporting their target, they were surprised to see a young girl in the backseat with him – his daughter. Yoongi instantly knew that this would complicate things and expressed his frustration with the recon team for overlooking this crucial detail.
Yoongi suggests to Kwang that they abort the mission to spare the innocent child. He points out that they have another window of opportunity tomorrow since they have the target's daily routine memorized. Kwang insists that they see it through. "We've watched this guy for months. It's now or never, Min! We need this guy dead, or it's our asses on the line.”
Yoongi hesitates, standing his ground and refusing to harm any innocents.
"As your superior, you need to proceed with the mission, Captain!" Kwang barks at him.
"But what about the girl?" Yoongi argues.
"Fuck the girl!" Kwang yells, ignoring Yoongi's pleas. "She is collateral damage. Now, I repeat, you will proceed with the mission. That's a fucking order!"
Reluctantly, Yoongi obeys. The explosion itself goes without a hitch, but it kills the child in the process.
Yoongi is devastated by the child's wrongful death but brushes it aside. It's all part of the job.
As he walks back toward their vehicle, Kwang ambushes Yoongi by slamming him against a sharp corner of the truck, where he sustains injuries to his face.
“Don’t you dare fucking go against my orders again, Min! I taught you everything I know–and you dare question my authority?” He shouts.
Yoongi, angered by the unprovoked attack, tries to fight back but Kwang pulls his gun on him. He instinctively puts his hands up, his right eye blinded by the blood dripping into it. Must be an orbital fracture.
“Are you going to kill me too, Colonel?”
Kwang smirks. “You’re a specialist, captain. You deserve worse.” He kicks Yoongi in the stomach, making him lose his balance. He points his gun at him again. “I’ll tell the Major General that you tried your best but made a tactical mistake so I had to finish the job for you.”
In his anger, Yoongi makes a grab for the gun. Kwang is caught off-guard, lost in his ego trip, and is outmaneuvered easily.
Yoongi attacks Kwang savagely. “You like watching them die, don’t you? You sick fuck!” He continues to beat him to a pulp. “That’s not what we stand for!”
“Admit it,” Kwang laughs, “You like it, too.”
“My job is not who I am, Colonel. I just happen to be good at it. But you?” He shook his head. “You need to be stopped!”
Yoongi finally backs off and leaves Kwang bloodied and bruised. He takes the first flight out to return home. Upon his arrival, he resigned and reported Kwang's actions to their superiors and the ethics committee. Kwang was subsequently discharged from service.
Yoongi is still troubled by memories of his last mission, despite his efforts to move on. The thought of the child's death continues to haunt him and he feels guilty for what happened. Kwang's words have also left a deep impact on him and he struggles to forget them. He knows he did the right thing by reporting Kwang's actions, but sometimes wonders if he could have done something differently during the mission. 
Going into his assignment, he knew difficult decisions would have to be made. All he wanted was to serve his country and protect innocent lives, even if that meant sacrificing a few bad ones.
Perhaps the end did justify the means.
Years later, Yoongi lives a solitary life.
He works as a freelance hitman. Some days, he is still haunted by the ghosts of his past. He doesn’t enjoy what he does for a living but the fact was, he was very good at it. Even with an honorable discharge, the pension was shit.
He found an untapped market for his skills and it’s proved to be very lucrative.
Desperate people contact him through an encrypted, closed-circuit online system that caters to assassins and mafia lords. Yoongi specializes in “tailoring” his explosions; building and planting bombs that blow up only the intended target while leaving innocent bystanders unharmed.
But he only takes the cases that interest him.
He fires up his laptop and logs into his personal server, entering a code to access it. It had been months since he last checked his messages. He was losing interest in the business and slowly starting to back away from it.
There were a handful of notes waiting for him, including a few from the same person. The latest one had just come through minutes ago, reading: "Please. Free me from this."
He practically knows your screen name by heart based on your previous online exchanges. He was intrigued by your initial posting and responded to gain some basic information. During his independent investigation, he discovered that not only was there an emotional connection between you and the targets, but their known associates made him mark the job as a red flag. He decided to skip your next few messages and instead moved on to another job that seemed simpler.
Now that he's back, he could clearly see how persistent you still were.
While pondering what to do next, he switches to another open tab on his screen, which shows the current funds he has amassed.
Nine figures. That is above and beyond any amount he has ever had in his possession. He should be content with it. He could cash out and disappear. All he has to do is shut his laptop down and run the self-destruct 'eraser' installed in it to wipe it clean but that was too easy.
The messages you sent to him were desperate and frantic…because you were.
They say you’re the best. Name your price.
I want them dead.
I’m ready to give you all of my money, just help me.
One thing about Yoongi is that, although he is practical and realistic, he’s unafraid to push the envelope. Part of that is due to his ego, and the fact that he is good at what he does. His colleagues in the military said so, and all of his clients in the criminal underworld say the same.
His eyes fixate on the "call" icon on the screen. His cursor hovers over it, hesitating. He never calls any of his clients unless there is a problem with the job or payment, both of which are rare occurrences. He prides himself on always getting the job done and receiving prompt payments.
"What the heck," he says to himself. He’s bored, and he could do the job with one hand tied behind his back. Besides, the money could pad his wallet a bit more.
Finally, he clicks on the call icon. He waits as the line trills on the other end.
After two rings, you answer. “Hello?”
Surprised by the sound of your voice, which is soft and calm, he takes a moment to respond. It’s the opposite of the agitated tone in your most recent message.
“Are you there?” You ask softly, increasing the volume in your encrypted app.
“I’m here,” he finally says. “I just saw your messages.” He lied. He had seen your messages before. He just chose to ignore them in hopes that you’d move on but you just wouldn’t let up.
“I apologize for calling you late at night.”
“No problem at all. It’s not like I sleep these days anyway,” you reply. “Does this mean that you’re picking up my contract?”
He pauses again before answering as if considering his words. Perhaps he thinks you'll take the hint if he's more straightforward. "I don't think I'm the right person to do this for you," he finally says.
You almost whine, "Why not? I think you're exactly the person who can get the job done for me."
He smirks. "And you believe that blowing these people up is the key to your revenge? Why not go to court?"
"The courts are on their payroll," you deadpan.
He pokes his tongue against his cheek and tries to offer an alternative. “I know some other guys. Trained snipers—“
“No,” you say curtly. “Bullets,” you sigh, “...can be imprecise. I’ve waited too long and put up too much money just to miss. I want insurance. I want them to suffer as I suffered.”
This wasn’t a new sentiment for Yoongi. He’s picked up contracts ranging from business squabbles to someone who just wanted to intimidate a rival. It was all very cut and dry.
He wasn’t much for personal vendettas. Too messy.
“I hear you can control your explosions.” You say. “They say that you can shape your charges, create shells to restrict the range—“
“That’s an oversimplification of a very complex and intricate process.” He interjects.
You smile into the phone. It seems you struck a nerve. “Explain it to me then,” you coax him.
“People don’t usually want to hear all that. They don’t care for the details.” Nobody wanted to listen to him wax poetic about different types of detonation cords.
“But I want to hear it. Plus…I like the sound of your voice,” you say smoothly.
“Hm,” he chuckles. “Flattery won’t make me reveal my trade secrets to clients.”
Confidence growing, you say, “Oh, I’m your client now?”
His screen quietly pings with your exact coordinates. He could very well hang up at this moment to let you know that he wasn’t interested in the job. And yet, there was something about you that made him want to stay on the line.
Yoongi leans his head back. He has amassed more than enough money from previous contracts to buy a generous plot of land in the middle of nowhere and retire there. Completely disappear. The urge to quit has been coming up more often. 
But today, he would resist that urge again. Deciding to play coy, he says, “Give me some more time to think about it. I’ll call you back.”
“When?” You ask eagerly.
"I'll send you a message on the server an hour in advance so you can expect it," he says.
As he prepares to hang up, in an act of desperation, you blurt out, "That's not good enough! I need something more reassuring. Is it the money? Do you want more money? I have it!"
"It's not the money—"
"I can help you!"
"And how do you propose to do that?"
"We can work together."
He scoffs. You really are desperate. "I don't need a partner." He always works his contacts solo. He doesn't want to babysit anyone, much less split the paycheck.
"I have an 'in'."
"What do you mean, you have an 'in'?"
Now he's interested. You smile to yourself.
Your target is the most powerful family in the city. Breaking into their inner circle won't be easy, as they have deep, intricate connections. Even the most calculated assassins wouldn't dare cross that line.
But you've spent more than half of your life preparing for this, investing countless hours in planning and scheming. All you need now is a triggerman, and not just any triggerman—you want somebody who can annihilate your enemies.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," you tease him, holding back your pocket aces until he calls your wager.
"Listen," he says impatiently, "I don't have time for games."
"You think I'm playing a game?" you laugh humorlessly. "This is so much bigger than that. These people made the mistake of letting me live. I'll make them regret it."
Your agitation continues to build up. You've been in contact with him for nearly a month now, not counting the time he was offline. He was the only one who responded to messages after revealing your intended target. You don't want him to ghost you again - you're so close! You need him. You soften your tone and push your luck again. "Please. Is there anything I can do to seal this deal? Maybe we can meet?"
"I don't meet," he cuts you off, his finger absently grazing the scar over his eye. He glances at the timer on his screen and sees that he's been on the phone with you for nearly two minutes. He makes a mental note to reconfigure his network scrambler once he ends this call. "And I'm already breaking my rules by calling you," he says wryly, but you're still not about to let him off the hook.
"So why then? Why even call me? Why string me along?"
After a few beats, he says, “I was curious to find out what you sounded like.”
Yoongi was never one to back down from a challenge. One last job, he thought. And maybe, once he’s eliminated these targets, he could have some of that peace and freedom that you yearned for.
“Turns out, I like your voice, too.”
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Main Fic Masterlist
Thank you so much for reading!
If you loved it, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn’t like it so much, I would still like to hear about it. Help me become a better writer! 💜
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
crosshair blurb? aight bet. he accidentally dropped his best scope for his rifle during a hasty mission. still in said mission, his shots are all mere millimeters off and it is frustrating the shit out of him. f jedi reader uses force to help him correct his shots so he doesn't lose his cool and think he's the worst sniper ever?
this was such a cool prompt, thank you!!
words: 758
clone troopers masterlist
So far, the mission wasn’t going well. Ambushed by a battalion of Super Battle Droids, you and Clone Force 99 were struggling to keep the swarm of enemies at bay for the first time ever (or at least, since you started working with them). 
In particular, Crosshair seemed to be having a tough day. Wrecker had accidentally stepped on his favorite rifle scope while you were loading up the Marauder, and now he had to use one that they had found in the depths of the ship’s storage closet. Obviously it was still working, because he was able to take out droids from his perch up and farther away from the action, but you could tell that he wasn’t happy about the situation. 
Crosshair liked things to be routine, that much you knew. He always shot the exact same spot on every droid, no matter whether he had to or not. Now, as you waved and twirled your lightsaber through the throng of oncoming Separatist forces, you noticed that a lot of his shots this time had been just a few inches in another direction, whether that be up, down, or to either side. 
You could tell that he was annoyed about it too, because his tone of voice was terse and sharp as he responded to the orders Hunter gave. Usually a little bit of battlefield teasing from his brothers didn’t really bother the sniper, and he had even started to accept a playful jab from you here and there, but this time you could tell he was growing more and more frustrated. To you it didn’t really matter, because the shots were still making it to their target and ultimately killing the droids, but you knew that the events of the day were starting to pile up for Crosshair, so you decided to try and help him out. 
“Crosshair,” you said, connecting to his private comm channel. “I’m going to push farther ahead of everyone, can you cover me?” 
“Yes General,” was his response, and you threw a thumbs up to him from behind your back. He was obviously too stubborn to accept your help outright, so you were twisting it, making it seem like he was helping you when in reality it was the other way around. 
You swung your lightsaber out to one side, a few moments later three shots followed, taking out the three droids that were approaching from the other. You gently tapped into the Force, guiding the bolts to exactly that spot you knew he preferred to kill droids with, hoping he didn’t notice the way the hand not holding your lightsaber twitched for a moment as you did this. 
You took a few more steps forward, and this time focused your lightsaber on the droids coming from the opposite direction. It was clear that Crosshair had caught onto the pattern, and the two of you worked in perfect sync. You swung and slashed, he shot from above, and with a little help from the Force, his shots were now perfect every time. 
It only took a few more minutes (and one well-placed boulder, courtesy of Wrecker) to take out the rest of the Separatist forces, and soon you had achieved your mission, the destruction of a strategic outpost in the middle of the Outer Rim. And best of all, some of Crosshair’s bad mood seemed to have disintegrated. 
If asked, you would never admit to helping him. Not only would that damage his pride, but you had a sneaky little crush on the sniper, and if someone was particularly persistent in knowing the reason behind your actions, the truth about your un-Jedi like feelings could come out.  
Before you could file onto the ship with the rest of the squad, Crosshair reached out and grabbed your hand, stopping you in your tracks. “I know what you did out there,” he said quietly. 
You paused, not ready to admit to anything just yet. “And what did I do out there?” you responded, wanting him to tell you himself what he thought he knew. 
“You asked me to help so that I could get used to using the other scope,” he drawled. “And it worked, so I’m thanking you.” 
Fighting the urge to smile widely (because he had only half the truth at this point), you, you nodded at him. “It was nothing,” you said. “But I’m glad I was able to help.” 
There were some situations in which it was best to lie in, and this was definitely one of them.
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starsofmilos · 9 months
The Villain and the Vigilante
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Synopsis: Enemies to lovers. That's it.
Ahhh hello everybody! I've been really missing writing and came up with this piece in my head for a while so I finally put it on paper. I hope yall like it.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, small amount of smut, violence, kidnapping, mentions of trauma,
“You know we’re probably gonna die here right?”
“We won’t.” Adrian muttered out fiddling with the ties around his wrist.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because I still haven’t caught you so I refuse to die before I do that. I still have to finish getting rid of all the criminals in Evergreen. I still have shit to do so I’m not dying here and I’d be a terrible hero or Vigilante to let you die here too.”
You chuckled giving him a small look. “Aren’t you trying to kill me anyways too?”
“I was never trying to kill you. Just catch you. Yeah you’re a villain but even I knew you were just misguided. I just hated how cocky you were but if this experience has taught me anything. It’s that you’re not that bad and from what I’ve seen..it’s understandable why you’re the way you are.”
“I was just doing what you do.”
“I know but breaking way more laws. Maybe when you get out we could team up again.”
“Teaming up is what got us in this mess Adrian.”
“Don’t say my name and no it’s not. Your stupid past did.”
You flinched at his words mustering a glare. “Fuck you. I didn’t ask for this okay? Why does it matter anyways? We’re both gonna die.”
“We’re not.”
“Fine you may not die but I know I will. They only wanted me anyways.”
“Not true. Took us both for a reason and you won’t. I’m not letting you.”
“And why is that?”
“You know why.”
“Say it. Out loud Vigilante.”
Adrian glared you down shaking his head as he huffed fiddling with the ties again.
“Say it!”
“Fuck off.” You bit your lip growing frustrated as you looked away. Adrian sighed seeing the small amount of fear and despair in your eyes.
“Because a small part of me cares about you okay? I care about you and I…” Adrian struggled for a moment before shaking his head.
“I love you.” Adrian bit out after you insulted him. “I love you so I’m gonna get us out of this so I can hate fuck you then treat you like a fucking princess so neither of us can die.”
You looked at him in shock by his words not expecting him to say that.
“Okay…we’ll get out of here.”
Adrian smirked a bit before struggling with his ties. “Yes we will.”
“I still can’t believe we ended up in this mess.”
*Three days ago..*
It was always a chase between Adrian and you. It was kinda ironic if you were gonna be truthful about it.
You both had the same beliefs but you took things to the more extreme. Adrian was kinda jealous of how cool you were.
Also in all the time he had been trying to catch you to in his own words, ‘bring you to Justice,’ it never really worked out for him.
You’d always manage to escape and you had a fun time making fun of him for it too. Today was no exception.
“Aww poor Vigilante! What you can’t keep up!” You mockingly pouted at him as Adrian glared behind his visor.
“Oh fuck off. You know what you did back there was fucked up. You set a building on fire!”
“Correction I set an animal testing building on fire and released all the animals first.”
“You could’ve just killed the people who were doing the testing! You have to be stopped!”
“If I killed just the people it wouldn’t send a message. Someone would just go to replace them. Setting there lab on fire now that will say something.”
“So arson?”
“Yes arson. It’s quite funny how you argue with me when I just do what you do. Fight for Justice.”
“You break the law.”
“So do you when you kill people!” You groaned out walking away. Adrian sighed before beginning to chase after you.
Thus your annual chase began.
You laughed as Adrian chased you through the alleyways. Jumping through an open window on a nearby building. You gasped as you were yanked back into a pair of big strong arms.
"Got you..Try getting out of my grip now!" Adrian cheered as you squirmed in his arms. "Always gonna catch you dummy." He whispered in your ear.
A small shiver went down your back from how he pressed himself against your back making sure you didn't move.
"And I'm always gonna escape!" You raised your leg back using it as a distraction to lift your arm elbowing his rib.
"Fuck! I swear I'm gonna fucking catch you!" Adrian yelled out wheezing as you moved running away.
"In your dreams Adrian!"
"Stop using my real fucking name!"
The funny thing was Adrian and you had been old acquaintances. You met through work. Both of you worked at Fennel Fields before you quit.
The first time you met Vigilante it had been quite obvious to you who it was.
Adrian Chase, the cute dorky guy, the one you had a crush on for the longest. He was the reason you stood at the job as long as you did.
He was also the reason you got fired though. The manger had insulted him and you couldn't hold back from physically and verbally tearing into him.
"BYE ADRIAN!!" You laughed running away. Adrian growled angrily feeling himself grow heated a bit seeing your laugh.
He admired your form as you ran from him. Sighing to himself, he let you go for now. It totally wasn’t cause he wanted to see you again.
The next day, Adrian got up with a sigh feeling his ribs throb in slight pain. He got dressed heading out.
Adrian was ready to go in to meet the team and complain about you again. Even if you were pretty and had a pretty laugh and pretty hair...
"You guys can't imagine the shit she put me through last night-"
"I know it's unbelievable huh?" Adrian stopped dead in his tracks hearing your voice. You gave him a sheep smile as his snapped towards you.
"What the actual fuck is she doing here?!" He growled out reaching for his gun.
"I told you guys he wouldn't be happy." You mumbled out raising your hands in surrender as he glared you down. He threw his mask off looking to Emilia for answers.
"Chase before you decide to say anything-" You tried to calm him quieting once you saw his glare. Man did he hate you.
Adrian felt himself tense up seeing the small look in your eyes. He totally didn't think about seeing you with the same look pinned underneath him crying out as he thrusted-
"You shut up." He bit out sitting down. Emilia sighed.
"Okay so some explaining Vigilante. Obviously you know who she is and she knows who you are. We've recruited her for the next mission. Waller's orders." Harcourt gave him a small smile as Adrian sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Look I know you don't wanna work with me, but I agreed to help. This mission interested me especially because.." You grew quiet again growing nervous.
"I'll tell him. This is hilarious." Christopher laughed sitting down. "She's working directly with you as your partner."
Adrian's head snapped up as he scoffed shaking his head. "No. No fucking way. I come in here all the time to complain about her and you guys want me to work with her!"
"Yes they do. You're being a bit of an ass. I don't wanna work with you any less, but I'm not throwing a tantrum about it!"
"Oh fuck off!"
"Fuck you Adrian!"
"I said fuck off not fuck you! And don't say my fucking name!"
"Same difference you big baby! And why?! I know who you are any way! Don't want me call out for you Adrian!"
"I'm not a fucking baby! If anyone is a baby here it's you! You're the one who always doing illegal shit!" Adrian clenched his fist trying not to think about you saying his name.
"Funny coming from the guy who's wanted for mass murder!" You sat up getting bit closer to his face.
"Okay enough!!" Emilia called out sighing. "Stop already jesus christ this is gonna be hard. Look it's only for four days so bare with her and you stop pushing his buttons! She stays with you. You're the only one I trust to make sure she doesn't go out of control."
You groaned at her words. "I agreed to work with all of you first of all so why don't I get to be alone?"
"After that arson stunt you pulled, you stay with Adrian." You nodded sighing as Adrian sighed as well.
It how you ended up at his place later that night.
"I still don't understand how this happened." Adrian muttered out as you struggled in your ties.
"I wish I could tell you..."
"Well why don't you?...I wanna know why you froze back there."
"I didn't freeze-"
"Yes you did. The second you saw the old man, its what caused you to freeze." You stood quiet ignoring him.
"Hey..I just wanna help..please.."
"You know you're one of the only people I trust Adrian..I don't wanna talk about it.."
"He's someone who scares me..It’s why he wants to kill me..He's the only one who scares me.."
"Did he hurt you?.." You stood quiet again struggling your ties. "Did he hurt you?" Adrian called out a bit louder this time.
"Yes..yes he did.." Adrian went quiet nodding.
"Okay...then we're getting out of here..and I'm killing him."
"No ifs ands or buts...I am fucking killing him especially for the mark he left on you today."
*Three days ago..*
You were forced to spend the night with Adrian. You smiled as he walked into the living room. It wouldn't hurt to try to be friendly.
You grew a bit heated admiring his shirtless form stopping once he looked towards you.
"Couch okay?...I know you're stuck here but I could give you my bed if you want.."
"Couch is fine. I got it. Thanks.."
Adrian hummed as he made some tea. "Sorry I don't wanna go to your place."
"Yeah..it's okay..I wouldn't have minded though..also I promise now that I know where you live I won't be going to bother you as much." You got up stretching stopping once you saw the bruise on his ribs.
You must’ve left that on him from the other night. You didn’t think it was that hard of a hit. He didn’t say anything-
“You better not. Last I need is my sworn rival popping up out of nowhere.” He teased a bit pouring himself and you a mug.
“Oh chamomile tea..my favorite..and yeah not like I wanna see you anyway.” You bit back gratefully accepting the mug.
“I remember your favorite from when we worked together at the restaurant. You’d come into work everyday with a foam cup of this shit. Tried it and found out I liked it too. I like it like this though. Not ungodly sweet with honey like you.”
You glared at him sipping the tea. “Mock my tastes why don’t you! The tea like this is good I just like you know flavor?”
“Sure sure if that’s what you call it sweetheart.” Adrian sighed finishing his mug giving you a sarcastic grin.
“God you’re an ass.” You set your mug down walking away. You had no idea this was Adrian trying to be nice. He remembered after all this time your favorite..
“Only towards you.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel special?” You huffed getting settled on the couch.
“Depends how you take it.” He shrugged sitting across from you. “Now we’re gonna talk about the case real quick. How are you involved in it? Sounds like a normal butterfly mission to me.”
“It’s not..” You mumbled out fiddling with your hands. “And I’m not at liberty to say.”
“Why not? I feel like I have a right to know.” Adrian raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t have to know why I’m involved just know I’m helping you guys.”
“Okay fine. I think it would be crucial to know though.”
“Jesus Christ do you ever stop pushing?” You bit out. You didn’t wanna talk about it. You didn’t want him to know.
“I’m just trying to know why I’m stuck with you!?”
“Fuck off. Right now Adrian.”
“Why should I?” You glared sitting up.
“I mean it back off. I’m not going to tell you. All you need to know is that I’m helping and that’s it.”
“Fine be that way. Here I was trying to be nice.”
“Be nice? You were being a complete ass. God I can’t wait till this is over and I go back to running away from you.”
“Me too! I can’t wait to have ugly filth out of my house!” Adrian yelled out storming away. You groaned angrily covering yourself.
“Do you really think I’m ugly?..” Adrian stopped fiddling with his ties at your question.
“I literally just admitted that I love you.”
“That’s not the same thing. You can still love something and it could be ugly. Three nights ago you said you wanted ugly filth out of your apartment. I know you meant me so do you really think I’m ugly?..”
“God you’re so stupid..no Y/N I don’t. You drive me fucking insane. In the little things you do. To be quite frank you’re one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen..now help me think of a way out of here. I meant it. We’re getting out so I can hate fuck you and love you till the day I die.”
*Two days ago*
The next morning, you ignored Adrian as he awoke going into the kitchen. He took a small glance part of him feeling a small bit of guilt for the way he yelled at you the night before.
“You want pancakes?” He asked thinking that maybe this would be a good chance to reconcile.
“Fuck your pancakes mrs buttersworth stupid looking bitch.” He thought wrong.
“How is that even an insult?!”
“It’s an insult to me you dick.”
He groaned. “Fuck you. I was trying to be nice and apologize but god I can’t wait now till you’re fucking gone.”
“Neither can I! None of this matters. I’ll be back for the mission tonight.” You grabbed your keys and bag about to walk out. Only to be stopped by Adrian stopping you.
“I can’t let you do that. Harcourt said you were under my care. That’s why you spent the night here.”
“Oh yeah and you think you could keep me from running out of here. You wouldn’t be able to catch me. You never can.” You taunted him shoving him to the side.
Adrian sighed gripping your waist to pull you back locking the door.
“You know you’re technically keeping me here against my will. That’s a crime Vigilante.”
“My direct orders were to keep you here. Look…you want me to apologize fine I will. I’m sorry that you’re being such a big crybaby-“
“Fuck you! Fuck you! What the fuck is your problem with me!? You’re always tearing into me!!”
“So are you!! Just this morning you yelled some stupid bullshit!” Adrian sighed again as you grew angrier.
What was his problem with you? You thought he would’ve loved working with you. You weren’t even sure how you guys got this way.
“I know you hate my guts! That’s fine! I tried to be nice and work with you but you’re such a dick! I even said yesterday when they assigned us that I know you don’t wanna work with me but let’s try to get along!!”
“How can I when you’re just so!!”
“What!? What am I!?”
“You’re infuriating! You do what you want! You don’t follow the law! And you don’t have any morals!”
“I do! Why do you think I only go after bad people!?”
Adrian stood silent trying so hard not to kiss you. He wanted to tell you the real reason why he hated you.
It was cause of the way you made him feel. He’s loved you since you both met at Fennel Fields when you worked there.
He didn’t want to risk you being hurt it’s why he was always chasing you. He wanted you so badly. But with the way you were glaring at him he didn’t think that would happen anytime soon.
“I know you only go after bad people. I know you do-“
“Then what is your honest problem with me! What is it!?”
“God would you just shut up for one minute!!” He sighed out gripping his face. “Okay look..I don’t hate you..I honestly don’t even know how we got to this point..let’s let it go..okay?..I’m sorry alright..while you have to stay here we should try..you were right..let’s try to get along for two more days.”
You stood silent. It freaked out Adrian. He was ready to do whatever it took. He didn’t mean to make you so worked up. He could’ve been nicer.
“Fine.” You finally spoke out. “Fine..but I really do need to go somewhere may I please go?”
“I still can’t let you. Harcourt said for us to stay put until the mission.”
“Dude you don’t get it. I really do have somewhere to be. Please Adrian.”
“I’ll go with you then.”
“That’s not necessary-“
“It is to me.” He spoke out grabbing his sweater. You sighed sliding your shoes on glaring at him a bit.
"No it's not..I said I'd stay but that doesn't mean I will listen to you! I have a life outside of doing what I do."
"And you think I don't!" Adrian snapped at you. "Look I'm honestly sorry for how mean I have been but Harcourt really wanted me and you to be together at all times. You can go but I am going with you. Don't argue."
"Fine you win. You can come but no questions. Not one."
"Deal..you won't even know I'm there." Adrian agreed following you out. He was almost like a shadow. The car ride was silent the whole way through.
"Hospital? You're not hurt?.." Adrian looked you over just in case. Had you been hiding an injury from him?
You couldn't be hurt-
"No. I'm fine. I just have something to do and didn't I say no questions." Adrian raised his hands in defense.
"Fuck me for being worried."
"You have no reason to be. I'm not hurt." You reassured him not really knowing why you were. Adrian didn't really care...right?
He nodded following you out the car. You walked to the front office. The nurse smiled seeing you.
"Y/N nice to see you today darling. I see you brought a friend this time."
She knew you by name? Adrian was confused as he stood beside you.
"I guess you could say that." She smiled handing you both visitor passes.
"Alright then can I get your friends name?"
"Adrian. He's just gonna stand outside."
"Okay but you know he'll still need a visitor pass." You nodded as she handed one to you and Adrian.
"Go on ahead through."
Adrian was silent as he followed you. The visitor pass he was given had your last name on it. What was going on?..
"Okay just wait here outside please." You sighed pleading with Adrian. "I know you said we can't separate but please stay right out here I'm not gonna go anywhere just give me twenty minutes."
"Uh yeah yeah..go ahead I'll wait here." Adrian didn't argue with you. It kinda surprised you but he seemed to be understanding. It's like he could tell you weren't lying.
You smiled walking inside. Sighing a bit, you shut the door seeing her laying in bed.
"Hey Olive.."
Adrian glanced at his watch it had been about twenty minutes since you had gone in. He was growing worried.
"Oh my god your visitor pass! You must be here with Y/N!" Adrian glanced up seeing an older nurse. "Are you her boyfriend? A lot of us nurses here have been pushing her to ask out this guy she keeps talking to Olive about."
"Uh..I'm sorry but I'm not-"
"Adrian right? She complains about you to Olive! I'm so glad you're here come on in!"
Adrian tried to stop her but he was dragged into the room. You sat there wide eyed as Adrian awkwardly stood in front of you. The nurse smiled at you.
"You should've let your friend in sweetie! I just came to check on Olive and saw him outside."
You scoffed a bit as Adrian looked anywhere besides you. "I see you're still reading to Olive that's good okay I'll leave you three be now."
The nurse smiled walking out. Adrian rubbed the back of his neck as he took a small glance at you.
"Well since you're here. Have a seat." You placed a marker in the book putting it to the side. "This is Olive, Olive this is Adrian. One I told you about."
Adrian glanced at the unconscious women in the bed. "Who is she?.."
"Sorry should've mentioned it. This is my sister. She's been in a coma now for three years."
"Three years?..that's when you quit-"
"At fennel fields. Yes. You probably would've loved Olive. She was an activist like me."
Adrian connected the dots quickly. Why you became a bit bitter and got extreme and why you disappeared off the grid.
"So how did this happen to her?"
"She was brutally attacked. Messed up her head so now she's in a coma. I do have the option to pull the plug but I don't have the heart to do it to be quite frank with you."
Adrian nodded staring at you then the book in your lap. "Sorry. I visit her everyday for at least an hour. I read her favorite series. Percy Jackson.."
"I love the Percy Jackson series."
"So did she and I..She...She was super cool Adrian.." Adrian nodded as you fiddled with your hands.
"Okay...I know you said no questions but I have a lot of questions."
"I understand that so go ahead ask away." You fiddled with the book as he spoke.
"How did she end up like this?"
"My sister was a activist. She had made a lot of enemies in her job. People hated her. She did things the right away. Not like you or me who kill. She took them to court and made sure to find everything she could so they were locked away for life..."
Adrian listened intently. He was so surprised by all of this. He had no idea that you even had a family. The way you made it sound back then was that there was no one.
"Why didn't you ever-"
"Mention her? She asked me not too. Said she didn't want the groups or people she went after to target me..Funny if she could see me now-"
"She'd be proud. You're doing what she fought for. You may be extreme but they're paying for what they've done. Now who exactly did that to her?"
"A bad group. I don't know who they were but they were more dangerous than any other group she went after. I told her to be careful but...they found me..kept me and tortured me for three days to get her to stop and because it was me she did. And then she..I think you could figure out the rest."
Adrian nodded, "So they hurt you?.." He clenched his fist silently swearing he'd find these bastards.
"Yes..and they did this to her..made me watch.." You grew a bit teary eyed looking away to blink it gone.
"I see..and you never found them."
"No..I couldn't...this is why I left though and became well as you call me..a villain...a bad person."
"You're not."
"Had I known..I wouldn't have-"
"Don't take back your words now Adrian. It's fine..I know why you said what you said." Adrian felt guilt rise in his throat. It burned.
"We should head back now.."
"Adrian I want out..I'm scared.."
"I know I know..just calm down okay. I already promised we're getting out of here."
"You don't get it..They made me watch them hurt her and now they're probably gonna hurt you and I can't-"
"Neither can I. I will do anything to make sure you are safe and sound and believe me I get it. They hurt Olive and you don't wanna watch me get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt either."
You sighed growing a bit anxious. "Please baby...calm down..It's gonna be okay..I promise sweetheart.."
"You've never called me sweet names like that before."
"I should've sooner..I promise baby..we're gonna get out of here."
Adrian reassured you. "I'm just waiting for the opportunity. Can you tell me why you froze now? Any bit of information will help."
You grunted glaring at him a bit. "Cause I got scared! It was them..the ones who..I got scared once I saw that stupid ugly face that tortured me.. and Olive-"
"I didn't know that was them..Now I know why you got scared...but with me here you've got nothing to be scared of. Nothing. I'm not letting anything bad happen to you. So the next time you see him don't freeze...I'm gonna be right there."
Adrian sighed as you sniffled. He wanted nothing more than to comfort you, but right now he couldn't.
"I'm right here okay..just calm down.."
*One Day Ago*
Things between Adrian and you had gotten better. They weren't good, but they also weren't bad.
He stopped being so snappy at you. He seemed different. It was almost like he cared. You didn’t know how to feel about it.
You sighed as you struggled to get comfy on the couch. Adrian walked out seeing you groan.
“You good?” He laughed a bit getting a glass of water.
“I miss my bed..I wanna go home..” You sighed out. Adrian felt bad seeing you pout a bit.
“Hey it’s only two more days and you go home and we never bother each other again.”
You laughed a bit nodding. “Until our next chase.”
“Until our next chase.” He agreed with you. He walked to you. “Do you want my bed for tonight?”
“No no! I’m okay. Just complaining to complain. You get some rest.” You tried to reassure him. Adrian took a close look at your face. You tended as he leaned in.
“You have bags under your eyes. You haven’t been sleeping good.” He whispered out. You froze feeling his breath fan against your lips.
“I’m good.” You finally managed to get out trying to reassure him once more. Adrian shook his head.
“Nope not buying it. Come on. Go to my bed.”
“Adrian I can’t take your bed-“
“You can and you will. Now go.” You sighed shaking your head turning over.
“I’m fine.” Adrian grew frustrated shaking his head as he laughed.
“Fine you wanna do this the hard way!” You gasped as you were lifted off the couch. He threw you over his shoulder as you fought against him.
“Chase! If you don’t let me go right now!!”
“You’re getting rest cause you need it!!” He snapped as he tossed you on his bed. You grew flustered sitting up to glare at him.
“Adrian Chase!!” He smiled as you yelled walking out towards the couch. You ran out racing to the couch. Adrian stopped you as you both wrestled.
“Im trying to be nice!!”
“Screw your being nice!!” You snapped yelping as he picked you up again holding you back.
“Screw you for not accepting my niceness!!” He threw you back to his bed. He huffed walking out. You grabbed him shoving him down on his bed.
“Stay!” He grabbed your arm pulling you down with him. You tensed as you landed on top of him. He flipped you both over pinning you to the bed.
“No! You!” He growled out. You wanted to kiss him. He looked so beautiful as he panted on top of you.
You smirked. “Fine both!” You wrapped your legs keeping him locked against you. “We’ll share the bed!”
Adrian groaned too tired to fight you. “Fine!” He snapped out laying next to you. You scoffed turning so your back was to him.
“You suck.” You sighed.
“You swallow.” Adrian also sighed. You scoffed turning to face him.
“How would you know?” Adrian smirked now.
“Cause spitters are quitters and in the time I’ve known you Y/N you’re no quitter.” He mockingly smiled pulling you close. You struggled a bit before laying against him.
“I hate you.”
“Yup ditto now get some sleep.” He sighed out. You grumbled before shutting your eyes.
Adrian admired your sleeping form. “Why can’t you be like this all the time?” He moved some of your hair out of your face pulling you in closer.
You leaned into his touch in your sleep. He smiled before falling asleep as well.
The night went great until around three am. You awoke with a start. Someone had been banging on the door.
You sat up shaking Adrian awake. “Adrian! Adrian!” He opened his eyes jumping as he heard the knocking too.
“My guns are under the bed.” He got up quickly with you. You grabbed one of his pistols loading it. He looked hearing the front door being kicked in. “Hide!”
You nodded following his lead. You hid in his closet as he moved behind the door. A man walked into the room.
Adrian kicked him down quietly taking him out. You came out of the closet following him down the hallway.
There were several men. “Where’s the fucking girl!?” One of them yelled out. That voice..
It sounded familiar?
“Boss we’re looking! Our intel said she was staying in this home with the Vigilante!” Another man yelled out. Adrian glanced at you.
They were looking for you.
The man groaned. Adrian decided to make his presence known shooting a man down. You gripped the gun popping up with him.
“I’m right here asshole so stop destroying his apartment!” You snapped out. Adrian stood by you cautiously.
The man who spoke first smirked looking at you. “Wonderful..it’s so good to see you again.”
Adrian tilted his head confused. He tensed up seeing you begin to shake. “You still with me?” Adrian whispered out to you.
The man smiled pulling his gun out. “Get the girl.” Adrian seemed confused before feeling a presence behind him. He didn’t notice one of the men.
“Shit!” He cursed. You stood frozen. It was like you were stuck. The man walked to you taking the gun as he caressed your cheek.
“Y/N!!” Adrian yelled out for you struggling against the two men holding him. “Don’t touch her you son of a bitch!!”
Adrian’s yell seemed to break you out of your trance. Tears were running down your cheeks. “Adrian!!” You yelled out before gasping as you were pistol whipped leaving you unconscious.
The man smiled picking you up. “Take him too. She seems to care about him.” Adrian was hit in the back of the head knocking him out.
*Two Hours Later*
Adrian awoke with a gasp as water was thrown on his face. His suit was sitting inches away from him. He struggled before realizing he was tied up.
“Well well well..so you’re the infamous Vigilante I’ve heard so much about.” Adrian glared at the man pulling at his restraints again.
“No use. You won’t be getting out. Don’t worry though I have plans for you and the girl.”
“Good luck with that. The girl is tougher than me. She’ll get out. She’s probably managed to leave by now! I know for a fact she wouldn’t stay for me!” Adrian glared as the man laughed.
He tensed up hearing your yell. His eyes widened in shock as you cried out loudly in pain. Adrian looked at the man before growing angry.
“What the fuck are you doing to her!!??” He roared out pulling more at his restraints. The man smirked as you cried out again.
“Stop! Stop! Stop hurting her!” Adrian yelled out. He growled as he tried to pull free.
The man walked towards Adrian pulling his head by his hair. “And who are you to give me orders Vigilante? Besides weren’t you the one always trying to capture her-“
“Fuck you!! You know nothing! Now stop hurting her! Stop!”
“Why should I? Give me one good reason to stop?” The man laughed dropping Adrian’s head. “She’ll be joining you soon.”
“Don’t hurt her! Stop! You can hurt me instead!” Adrian yelled out. The man looked at Adrian in surprise.
“Really you would endure that torture for her?” The man scoffed not taking Adrian seriously. Adrian glared at him.
“You have no idea the lengths I would go too for her.” He snapped out. “Now stop hurting her!”
The man smirked. “Bring the girl in!!” He yelled out. Two men came in. They threw you harshly on the floor. You were twitching as you laid on the floor shackled up.
Adrian glared at the men before softening his gaze towards you. “Y/N hold on for me okay!”
You whimpered as you were kicked again. “DON’T FUCKING TOUCH HER!!!” Adrian roared out. The men all laughed before walking out.
“It seems hopeless..” You mumbled out. Adrian sighed at your words.
“It’s not. We’re getting out now. I wanted to give you time to rest. Do you think you could reach the shoe of my suit on the floor over there?”
You winced sitting up gripping your side. Adrian gave you a reassuring look. “I know I know..it hurts. Just keep moving for me. Please Y/N.” You nodded crawling to his shoes.
“Okay bottom of my right shoes is a fake. If you pull it off I have a knife in there. Can you get it?”
“Yes. I can do this.” You mumbled out.
“Yes you can. Come on now honey.” You grabbed the knife crawling to him. You winced again stopping for a moment before forcing yourself to move.
Adrian smiled widely as you managed to cut one of his hands free. He took the knife undoing the rest of his ties. You fell to the floor before him.
“I got you..” He caressed your head grabbing his suit. He found his lock picking set undoing your shackles. You winced loudly as he helped you up cradling you. “Here sit.” He put you in the chair getting his suit on.
“Wear my helmet. I wanna protect your head.” You shook trying to fight him. “No arguments. Okay?”
He put his helmet on your head before picking you up again. “Just hold onto me.”
Adrian ran out cradling your body close. He cursed hearing some of the men yell at him. He bursted into a random room. He placed you gently down.
“Don’t move.” He caressed your arm. He gripped his knife hiding behind the door. The men ran in yelling as Adrian grabbed one of them from behind slicing his throat open.
He stole that man’s gun shooting down the other man. He took that man’s gun too. He put them in his suit running to you again.
“You okay?” He whispered out.
“Yes..” You softly replied as he lifted you again. “Just keep with me okay?” You nodded at his words. His helmet felt nice. It smelled like him.
“That throat cut was sloppy.”
“Oh shut up.” Adrian huffed a laugh running with you. He held you close shooting at more men. He stopped seeing the boss down the hall.
“What the fuck!!” He yelled out pulling out his own gun. Adrian kissed the helmet that you wore gripping you tightly.
“Don’t be scared. I’m right here.” He reassure you. You nodded as he set you down making you stand behind him.
“Hello you piece of shit.” Adrian yelled out. The man looked in shock.
“How the-“ The boss cried out as Adrian shot his hand.
“That’s for laying a fucking finger on my girl!” The boss looked at Adrian in shock trying to shoot his gun. You stole one of Adrian’s guns shooting his arm before he could fire.
“Don’t hurt him!!” You snapped out before wincing in pain. Adrian approached the man. He punched him harshly. You stood back watching Adrian wreak havoc.
The man who haunted your dreams. The man who hurt your sister in front of you. The man who said he’d always find you to finish the job…
Was now crying from pain as Adrian relentlessly beat him.
The man choked a bit gasping as Adrian began to strangle him. “You piece of shit! Motherfucker! Scaring and hurting her! Making her freeze!! You’re nothing! Your garbage!” Adrian yelled out before finally snapping the man’s neck. He panted heavily standing up to spit on the man.
You dropped the gun limping towards Adrian. You crashed into his arms as he turned to face you. He caught you.
“Hey no!” He tried stopping you as you removed the helmet.
“Fuck you Chase!” You yelled out dropping the helmet. “He was my kill! My kill! You had no right to take that from me-“
Adrian groaned out leaning down and kissing you deeply. You gasped in shock. He gripped your waist tightly pulling back to pant.
“Do you ever shut up?” He teased. Before you could protest he kissed you again.
“He hurt you. He made you cry. You never deserve to cry. You hear me? I will burn down any mother fucker who makes a single tear fall from your beautiful eyes.” Adrian rasped out.
You stared in shock. He picked his helmet back up. “I’m not apologizing for killing him. And I know by the look on your face. You’re glad I did.” He placed his helmet back on you again.
You stood quiet as he picked you up. You gripped him tightly as he walked out still holding you. The team had made it right as you both walked out.
“You’re late than ever.” Adrian yelled out. He got into the van. He basically glared whenever any of them tried to touch you.
“Chase don’t you want her wounds checked out!” Emilia yelled out in frustration. “I do! But I want her checked out in private! Not in front of everyone here!” He snapped out.
You stayed silent resting your head on his chest. His helmet sat beside you both.
He kept you close whispering soft reassurances. “You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna go home.”
You looked up at him. “I don’t wanna go anywhere where you aren’t.” His eyes widened in shock at your words.
“I always loved our chases cause I got to see you. Please don’t leave me..” You whispered out.
“I won’t. I’ll follow you so long as you have me.” He reassured you gripping you.
“I love you..”
“Same..” He mumbled out laughing as you glared at him.
“Don’t be a dick.”
“I’m kidding..I love you too.” He kissed you lightly. You both turned hearing Chris laugh out.
“I fucking told you Adebayo!!”
“Fuck man!!” She cursed handing Chris twenty bucks.
Adrian and you chuckled as you both sat in silence. Neither of you were truly bad people after all.
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pendarling · 9 months
Sluggish Talking
Whumper cleaned their knife and set them down next to a row of other sleek metals. Their eyes scanned the table satisfied with their day’s work.
“Mhmm…” A low whimpering noise alerted them to Whumpee finally arousing from their sleep. Their hands were bound to chains as they sat up against a wall. Their brain had been numb for several days; a side effect of one of their experiments that went a little overboard.
Whumper turned on their stool, it creaked as they examined them struggle to keep their head. “Yes, I know it hurts, it’ll wear off eventually.” Whumper stood and sauntered slow over to them. “It’s just a few more hours and we’ll get you something to eat after, how about it?”
Without letting them finish, they caught the sounds of frustrated incoherent mumbling. Which would usually be another one of Whumpee’s classic comebacks. Their refusal to obey was what got them here, if they hadn’t been so insistent on being difficult then Whumper would’ve never used these tactics.
They knelt down and lifted Whumpee’s chin to get a better look at their hazy eyes. They laughed at the situation, Whumper wasn’t a scientist by any means and acquiring medical products to synthesize feelings of relaxation wasn’t their best trait. They’d have to admit perhaps getting someone else to do it should’ve been the only correct option, but that would be a hassle.
They wiped drool away from Whumpee’s mouth and chuckled deeply when they began to groan. Their brows furrowing only slightly at the action.
“I have it under control, I swear I do.” They moved Whumpee’s hair to the side, “Then we can get back to our usual routine. Just hang on and be good for me, hm?” They smiled with an auspicious thought.
“Mmmm…” Whumpee shook their head; the small movements they could manage spoke volumes. Everything felt light and airy, but their eyelids couldn’t hold up any longer than now. Whatever Whumper used on them was powerful enough to keep them from fighting back and pushing needles or knives for the past week. It made their blood boil, being so pathetic and especially greatly in need of help now was what was really ruining their well-built reputation.
After months of keeping Whumper on their toes with every sly attack and angry glare, it was only natural that Whumpee would cause trouble for their attacker. They had to though, if any signs of weakness were shown, Whumper would only exploit and mock them. They bit their lip and pushed their thoughts aside, if they could, they would punch Whumper right then, but all Whumpee found themselves doing was crying in pain and hoping their words were good enough.
“Huhmm aaa…” They still fought back the drugs in their system to speak and maintain eye contact. A terrible task that only worsened their conditions. They knew they were vulnerable, but without a fight, Whumpee would be defeated.
Whumper tapped their cheek lightly with a sporty grin, “Bit excited to talk to me, huh? Just wait until this is over.” They walked out with Whumpee staring at the shadow of their captor moving out of sight again.
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beaker1636 · 6 months
Stress Relief - Vinny Smut Request
Request: You blow them in the studio while the guys are out during whatever. You two do your best not to get caught, the danger just makes you two even hornier. You barely make it before the rest of the guys show up. Back home he's ready for more fuck whatever else you two have to do. Pure filth really though everything consensual from degradation to choking slapping/spanking.
AN: I hope this fills what you wanted, I feel like I maybe went overboard with the whore thing but when I think degradation that is where my mind goes... and I lowkey love being called a whore (TMI). I definitely had Vinny get kind of rough and demanding with this but is that really a bad thing? Hope you enjoy and if not let me know and I'll try it again because there was a second place I thought about taking this!
“Vin, that still isn’t correct. Why don’t we all go take a break for lunch, take an hour, and then come back with a refreshed mind,” Chris says, knowing that right now the drummer is so overwhelmed that he won’t be able to do it correctly no matter how many times they try.
“I think I am going to stay and practice, I know I can get this right it might just take me a little bit,” Vin says, making the others all groan. 
Chris knows there is no way that they will talk him out of it, you on the other hand… maybe you can get him to relax some and relieve some of his stress.  He decides to send you a quick message begging you to come and talk some sense into your boyfriend.
Which is why you are pulling into the parking lot of the studio about 10 minutes later, barging your way inside the studio ready to do whatever it takes to get him to calm the fuck down.
Chris promised you that nobody would step back in until 1 meaning you have around 30 minutes to make him settle the fuck down, and you have a feeling that you know what Chris wants you to do though he would never ask you to actually do it.  But he did stress that you need to relieve Vinny's stress so you are going to do what you need to so you can hopefully keep him from getting chewed out for screwing up.
You step into the room and notice Vin look up from his drumset, looking at you curiously from where he sits, clearly he wasn’t expecting you to show up here.
“Why are you here? You usually know better than to interrupt me at work,” he says, looking at you with a rather cold look on his face.  
You are instantly annoyed, just because he is in a bad mood does not mean he gets to be an asshole towards you.  You are not going to deal with this if this is how he is going to be.
“I was told my boyfriend was uptight and kept fucking up, was asked to come relax him.  So you can let me do this the easy way, or you can piss me off and I can leave.  I don’t really feel like dealing with your attitude right now,” you say just as coldly, rolling your eyes at his frustrated look.
“You really think you can help me? Right now all you are doing is stressing me out more. Fuck y/n, I really need to practice this before Chris stops being nice about it and rips me a new asshole for wasting recording time,” Vinny sighs, glancing away from you with.  Honestly he feels bad that he snapped at you now. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be snapping at you.  I just hate coming in here and feeling like an idiot.”
“Let me help you relax, relieve your stress Vin.  Please, that is what I am here for,” you say softly, grabbing his hand trying to pull him away from his seat so you can move him towards the couch, a more comfortable chair for him while you do this.  He does so with a sigh, taking the seat where you led him so that you could work his jeans and underwear down his thighs.
“Are we really doing this here? What if one of them comes back early?” He asks you, watching you kneel before him on the floor as you begin to stroke him, feeling him harden more and more beneath your touch.
“Chris promised nobody would come in until 1 so as long as you don’t take forever to finish we will be fine,” you say softly, now looking up at him through your lashes, hoping that he can put the risk of getting caught behind him.
He lets out a breathy gasp when you take him in your mouth, leaning back in the cushions as you slowly begin to suck on the head of his cock, finally giving in and letting you do what you do best.
“Fuck, are you going to be a good whore for me? Suck my cock and make me cum in your mouth,” he says softly, knowing that the more he talks to you like that the more you will get into what you are doing.  You absolutely love it when he calls you degrading names, a kink you had no clue you had until he randomly did it one day.
He slowly reaches down to pull some of your hair out of your face as you continue to work him, now bobbing your head to take more of him, leaving trails of your tongue along his length as you go, pulling out your tricks that you know gets him going the most.
“You look so good with my cock in your mouth, so pretty like this,” he groans, using the hand that is in your hair to pull you further down on him, hitting the back of your throat.
He can’t help the gasp that leaves his mouth when you gag around him, him holding you there for a moment before he lets you ease up. Loving the way your eyes are watering now, good thing you didn’t wear any makeup today huh?
“Can I fuck your mouth? Think you could handle that for me?” He asks you, meeting your eyes and giving you a slight smile when you pull away, giving him room to stand up.
“That’s my good whore, letting me use you for what I need,” he sighs, easing himself into your mouth again.
He gives you a few shallow thrusts before he beings doing exactly what he needs, thrusting harshly into your mouth and throat, feeling you swallow around him as he goes.  He knows you’ll be annoyed later when your throat hurts but maybe everyone is right, he really does need to let off some steam and maybe he'll play better.
One of his hands finds the back of your head, holding you in place as he continues his thrusts, finding himself getting closer and closer the more he fucks himself in your throat.  You reach up, using a hand to play with his balls as you continue to let him takes what he needs.  
“Fuck, am I allowed to-” he asks you, feeling himself get close.
You nod the best you can with the grip he has on the back of your hair, which he knows is your way of saying you are okay with swallowing him.  He gives a few more rough thrusts into your throat before he spills himself in your throat and stills for a moment, before slowly slipping himself out of your mouth.  
Suddenly you both hear someone at the door and he rushes to pull his pants back up before sitting on the couch, pulling you down next to him right as the door opens.  Ryan and Rick walk in, greeting you softly as they do so.
A few moments later Chris and Justin walk back in too, Chris giving you a look like he is asking if you somehow helped Vin, happy when you give him a small nod.
“Okay Vin, you ready to get back in there and get your frustrations out on the drums?” Chris asks him.  Chris praying that whatever you did worked and it will go better.
“I think I found an outlet for that, but yeah, lets give it another go,” Vin says, winking at you. You blush when they all turn towards you with knowing looks on their faces.
���What, Chris told me to get him calmed down in whatever way I can…” you say softly, your face flushing at the fact that they all figured out what you did to chill him out. You just hope that it worked, because you don’t want Chris to be too hard on Vin.  Chris can be a real jerk when things are not perfect when he is trying to record/write things, you know how intense he can get.
“I don’t even want to know, okay Vin we are going to be rolling in a minute,” Chris says, hitting a couple buttons and you now watch your boyfriend start his track.
You can tell that he must have done it right because when he finishes the song he has a huge grin on his face, and everyone else looks relieved.  It must have gone correctly, you aren’t sure how any of this works but the way they are all responding it must have been alright.
“Shit, you must be magic with your mouth if it changed how he played that well,” Ryan jokes, glancing at you, which makes you flush bright red.
“That is my cue to leave, I’ll see you all later,” you say, damn near rushing out the front door towards your car.  You may be fine joking slightly with them, and you know Ryan was joking with you but it still embarrassed you to be called out so plainly in front of them all.
You head home, distracted by your own thoughts.  Honestly, you didn’t leave because you we’re embarrassed at being called out, even though you were.  More so, blowing Vin puts you in the mood, you love when you can be of service to him.  Especially when he takes what he wants without regard, fuck you love it when he uses you.
You hop in the shower, trying to relax yourself some and chill out but it didn’t help you at all.  You still felt rather needy when you got out, saying fuck it you dry off and go to lay down on your bed.  You know he won’t be home until late, as he always is while they record and by that time you will be tired.  So you can just quickly take care of yourself, yeah he always tells you not to but it isn’t like he would find out.
You spend a few minutes finding a video that seems alluring for your tastes quick, slipping your headphones in as you always do.  Yeah nobody is here to hear it but it still makes you anxious thinking that someone might hear and know you are watching porn so it helps you.  You then lean your phone against something on your bedside table so that your hands are free.
You slowly start with teasing one of your nipples, using light touches like he always does when he wants to make you needy.  You watch the video on the screen, wishing that it was you that was currently getting railed but you can make due.
You slowly run a hand down your torso, moving towards where you need to be touched the most.  Reaching a hand into your folds you start to tease your clit for a few moments before slipping two fingers inside yourself, starting to work them inside of you. Continuing to thrust your own fingers into yourself, bringing yourself closer to the edge.  Throwing your head back you close your eyes as you get close, right at that edge when you suddenly feel a hand shoving yours away from you.
You open your eyes just in time to notice Vinny sitting by your waist on the bed, glaring at you before he reaches his own hand between your thighs.  Now teasing your clit as he watches your face closely.
“You couldn’t wait for me? Such a needy whore that you can’t wait even a couple hours?” he asks you, eyes watching you as you shift.  You are so needy that you don’t even need him to touch you, you just rock your hips towards his fingers, making them brush against your clit.
“Please Vin, I-I was so close,” you whine, begging him to finish you off.  All you need his a couple of his fingers inside of you, he doesn’t even have to do that much at this point as needy as you are.
“You want it that bad I want you to actually beg, if you want my cock you can do at least that hmmm?” He asks you, now shifting away from you so he can take his own clothing off before moving to watch you closely, hoping that you listen and do what he has asked of you.
“Vin, please baby, please I need you inside of me, fuck me, please?” You aren’t embarrassed at this point, you are so desperate that all you want is him. “Fuck, use me like the whore I am, please.”
“On your hands and knees for me then baby,” he groans softly, watching you obediently move into the position that he asked you to. 
He moves so that he is behind you, admiring the view of your ass before he gives it a stinging slap, making you lightly whine. That alone let him know that you enjoyed it and didn’t mind it, so he does it again… and again, until your ass is a pretty shade of pink and you are a mess on the mattress beneath him.
Without warning he suddenly thrusts inside of you, both of you groaning at the feeling for a couple shallow thrusts before he gets hasher and hasher with you.  
“Fuck, that’s a good whore, taking my cock so good,” he grunts out between thrusts.
Grabbing a handful of your hair pushes your face down into the mattress, wanting to keep you pinned underneath him.  Loving the sight of you laying there helpless beneath him, taking him so well.
“I’m getting close, play with your clit for me baby.  Need you to cum,” he says, grabbing one of your hands to move it underneath you towards your own thighs. 
You do as he asks, rubbing it for a few moments before you abruptly cum around him with a loud moan, shuddering as you start to slowly go limp, him giving a few more harsh thrusts before he finishes inside of you, slowly coming down from his own high.
He slowly pulls out of you before stepping in the bathroom, bringing you a washcloth so that you can clean your thighs of the mess he has created between them. When you hand it back to him he sets it on your bedside table before moving to lay next to you, pulling you close to him so that you are nestled in his side.
“You did so well baby, taking me so well.  Do you need anything?” he asks you, brushing damp hair from your face. “I think I’ll order some takeout for dinner so that we can just relax.”
“Thank you, that would be nice.  You got done early… I didn’t expect you home already.” You say, shifting so that you can see his face as you talk.  Sometimes you like to just sit and watch him, that may sound weird but it is relaxing.
“I can tell you didn’t expect me home so early, you know if you asked I would have made sure to take care of you the second I got home,” he teases, fingers leaving ticklish touches along your waist.
“Usually when recording that is super late when I am already tired,” you whine, not trying to guilt him out but just being honest.
“We decided to be done for today, relaxing for the day before we have to get back to work tomorrow,” he says. “Okay, takeout is on its way which means we need to get somewhat dressed.  Want to go watch a movie? Cuddle up after we eat?”
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ancientskewers · 2 months
Is there a reason cinnamon is the only scav that cares about arti? Or were they like: hmmm yes I shall befriend the demon that wiped out 80% of the population.
Well here's my theory that I came up with in the shower.
(oh boy here we go)
Cinnamon was getting back to their shelter as the cycle was 5 ticks away from ending, it noticed a red slugcat running away from scavs with their pups, one got skewered and the other drowned. Just another day cinnamon thought, but a few cycles later it saw the corpses of those scavs. And cinnamon realized the carnage to come. Cinnamon found themself withing LTTMs structure where it lied and waited for the next few cycles. Eventually they came back and found what had happened.
The reason cinnamon is the only one that cares about arti is because they are the only scav that knows what happened. To the other scabs arti was a sadist who attacked without reason. But cinnamon knows. He knows everything that occured.
So is my goofy little theory correct or did I just throw one of the most insane ideas at you at 1000 mph that your gonna make it canon?
holy moly you guys are really interested in cinnamons lore huh
you are somewhat caught up lol probably majority actually
they were one of the scavengers of the toll patrol that arti ran away from with her pups . while the others chased them down , he was the only one that didnt want to engage . he was only expecting the scavengers to atleast scare them off , but seeing one them impale an infant without a clear conscience was something that hasnt left his mind since
he couldnt process what he saw , like at all . cinnamon was somewhat , different than most scavengers . he liked pearls , but not as much to kill somebody for it . if somebody were to steal one , he'd probably chase them down until to give it back ; not necessarily have the gut to kill somebody for it .
cinnamon tried to isolate themselves from tolls after a few cycles since the ideal of a child getting killed was not a very pleasant thing to remember--- especially since slugpups are not like most creatures or animals . once you lose them , theyre gone for GOOD .
cinnamon met arti again after witnessing his tribe get killed , and they were the only ones that got away . he remembered that slugcat--- the color , the eyes , the appearance in general . he knew what was coming . the scavengers bit first , and artificer was coming to bite back harder . cinnamon was loyal , very faithful and trust worthy even to the elites .
theyve met the third time during the battle of the chieftain , as it made their call for other scavengers to sabotage arti during the battle . he knew he stood no chance towards the beast and so he backed down too . shes nobody to mess with , especially with the obvious wrath in her eyes . he was there when she killed their king--- and he was there when they saw her slaughter his kind once more
arti noticed him for a while , and he recognized them from the first time theyve met at the toll--- she couldve killed him there , yet something stopped her from doing so.
cinnamon understood , as actions spoke louder than words . arti is somebody who was struggling . he saw the anguish , and sadness through her eyes . cinnamon couldnt forgive her for what shes done , but he wanted to show that he cared . he understood her frustration and hate , and he couldnt bare to just keep her living with the same anguish . which is why cinnamon is so loyal to her , he wants her to recover as much as she can so atleast she has some hope that somebodys actually there--- even though sometimes she wants him dead
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“Do you want to get dinner sometime“ Expanded - a Chenford Fanfic
Because I loved that scene in 5x08 but it was a little jarring and confusing to go from Tim saying it wasn’t about him to it being 100% about him 1 second later. Plus I just wanted to make it a little more Chenford centric and sappy. (No lines were removed but many were added).
“Hey we need to talk,” Lucy says, joining Tim by the flower beds outside of the station.
“Let me guess, Chris wants to buy a house in Chatsworth.”
“No,” Lucy counters but before she can correct him, he pushes on.
“This clearly isn’t working out. I don’t know why you won’t just admit it. Is it guilt? Is it because of what Rosalind did to him?”
“Oh, like I’m the only one that stayed too long when things aren’t working. You dated a lifeguard. You don’t even like going to the beach.”
“This isn’t about me,” Tim interrupts, fueled by the frustration that comes from unrequited feelings. Lucy tries to cut him off but he persists, “It’s not.”
“If it’s not about you then why do you care so much?” She spits back. He’s temporarily stunned into silence as he pulls back a bit and blinks to clear his head.
“You know why,” he finally offers and his tone has softened.
“I don’t actually,” Lucy rebuts “You continue to chastise me about staying in a dead-end relationship when you would still be in one too, if Ashley hadn’t pulled the plug for you.”
“You’re right,” Tim admits and Lucy’s fire starts to dissipate, “I stayed with Ashley far past when I knew it wasn’t going to work out, because it was easy and safe. But I wasn’t happy and when she ended it, instead of sadness I felt relief. I don’t want you to make my same mistakes. You can be braver than I was.” He pauses, waiting for Lucy to jump in but when she just continues to stare at him with big open eyes he continues.
“You asked me why I care. I care because I care about you. I want you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I thought you were happy with him, but it’s obvious now you’re not and you deserve to be happy, Lucy.” He knows he should stop before he says too much but every emotion he’s grappled with since that undercover kiss is now coursing through his veins, pushing him forward.
“You deserve the world and the opportunity to find someone who will give it to you. I just don’t want to see you throw that away by staying in a safe relationship because you’re scared.”
“Of course I’m scared,” Lucy counters, “Because as long as I’m in a relationship I have an excuse not to consider other options but as soon as that’s over I’m free to make that decision, and it’s terrifying because if we do this and it doesn’t work I’ll have ruined the most important relationship in my life.”
Tim freezes then, completely caught off guard. Although he had been heavily implying that he could be the one to make her happy, only in his wildest dreams had he thought she could feel the same way. Yet, here she was not only confirming that he is the most important person in her life but also that them being together was a real option. They could choose that. Choose each other. Choose happiness.
Lucy must have read his silence as hesitation because she starts to backtrack.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have,”
“You’re right,” he quickly interrupts.
“So let’s just get this over with now so I can break up with Chris without being scared of what comes next,” Lucy proposes, “we should just keep going the way we have been, right? It’s not worth the risk.”
“Unless it is?” He offers, fuelled by new hope. 
Lucy looks back at him questioning. He hesitates before clarifying. He takes a couple deep breaths and allows himself to really take her in, summoning all the courage he wished he had had earlier and that he had been asking her to have not a minute ago.
“Do you want to get dinner sometime,” he finally asks.
“Yes” she replies immediately and he can’t help but beam.
“Yeah?” He confirms. It stills seems too good to be true.
“Yeah,” she confirms then quickly hesitates, “no, um.”
“Okay,” he falters.
“No, no, it’s just, um, not yet,” Lucy clarifies, “ I owe it to Chris to end things the right way with him.”
Tim just nods unable to hide his disappointment, despite knowing she’s right.
“Ask me again, later. After,” she quickly adds.
Tim smiles, “Deal.”
And it’s by far the best deal he’s ever made. He can’t wait to fulfill it
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
tw: abuse.
don’t hesitate to delete this. i understand the sensitivity of the topic.
i’m still a minor and i’m sorry i didn’t know where i could get advice from. my dad and i had a fight because i jokingly told him he should quit smoking (i could remember telling him this statement since i was five but he never did) because he’s old and we are having financial difficulties. we can’t afford risking his health and his destructive habits won’t help. he got mad and thought i’m being a b*tch just because he didn’t gave my full allowance that week but he can buy a pack for his cigs (which is tbh partly the case of my frustration but most of all, piled up resentment why our family struggle because he coped through gambling and smoking but most of all was the fact that he keeps me in a situation of why must loving him had to be this hard)
now, in an asian household culture, they really held respect in eldest highest regard even if they don’t make any sense anymore (to me at the very least). it didn’t get better that i’ve always been strong-headed with my opinions, i will argue my point to bits to my parents as attempts to be the adults i needed them to be and they didn’t like my approach because i have the tendency to be blunt, i present the faults as instincts in hopes to figure the solution. they didn’t like that very much, maybe because of my unfiltered delivery as well. as a result, i’ve been told i’m too arrogant and a know-it-all, selfish and uncaring. i’m afraid that what if they are right? i value fairness and i believe respect should go both ways. he wanted to raise his hand and i dared him to hit me like he used to. all just to prove him that my outburst was beyond materialistic stuff such as my allowance he could barely provide. he couldn’t but he was screaming at my face, telling me to talk. telling me how ungrateful i was, telling me to speak up and i said no. i begged that we do it once he calm down. and i can’t do this any longer. i was drained. but he was shouting and telling me to speak up. even my mom back him up and how did I become so heartless.
i love my dad. he loves us in ways he knew best. i wanted to apologize but i don’t know what i should apologise for, not at least in the way he would like to. because i don’t think i’m wrong. i want to apologise, perhaps because i could have approach it better, i’ve tried. but should i even apologise? i would leave this house if i could. basically, how can i resolve the conflict if he thinks i’m attacking him? how can i say sorry when i don’t think i’m wrong. he won’t even apologise for what he did to me. i’m their daughter, not just their daughter. i’m a human first, and their kid second.
Hi love! I'm so incredibly sorry that you have to deal with this!! Please know that you deserve better and are dealing with people who do not have the capacity to support you in the ways you deserve.
"i’m their daughter, not just their daughter. i’m a human first, and their kid second." NEVER forget this!! You're absolutely correct.
I'm not a therapist by any means but have dealt with similar dynamics, so I'm linking a few resources below and a direct link to a great book on the topic, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents:
Hope some of this resonates and that you can leave this unhealthy environment soon, surround yourself with loving individuals, and get a therapist to help you build the fulfilling life you deserve.
Sending love xx
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natasha-in-space · 10 months
The Beginning of the End
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Chapter 1 of A Wilted Daffodil.
Rika/cmc Chaewon Lee;
Grief is felt differently by everyone. It can be debilitating and overwhelming, to the point where you have no idea how you're supposed to keep on living without the one you lost. Chaewon is no stranger to grieving families and loved ones. Unfortunately, working as a nurse comes with responsibility of bearing witness to some very tragic events. But, she never thought she'd have to see her own dear friend crushed by a sudden loss nobody has ever seen coming.
TW for: pet loss, grieving.
A Wilted Daffodil: Ch. 1 (you are here!), Ch. 2
Can be read over on AO3
"She got run over, Chaewon, she's dead, and it's all my fault. I knew it. I knew I should've listened to Jumin! Why did I ever think that I knew better what she truly needed? She must've suffered so much... I couldn't do anything, I couldn't save her-!"
A horrible chill ran down Chaewon's spine as she held the phone up to her ear. Rika's voice sounded so utterly broken and anguished that she could feel her breath getting caught in her throat, a heavy lump of dread obstructing her airways and stealing her voice away from her. She felt her entire body freezing up completely as all that she could do in the moment was just stand there, not knowing what to do or what to say. Sally meant everything to Rika. She was so much more than just a beloved dog, and Chaewon didn't need to know her friend for long to understand that. Sally was Rika's loyal companion, her first source of comfort when she needed it most, someone who was by her side long before Chaewon, RFA, or even Jihyun first found their way into her life. To lose someone like that... in such a horrendous and abrupt way nonetheless... Oh, God, she was starting to get really scared for her dear friend now. Who knew what she would do in such a vulnerable state of mind?
She curled her free hand into a tight fist, her fingernails digging into the skin of her palm, until she had to hold herself back from wincing. At the very least, this helped her keep her head above water and not freeze up completely. Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she pushed through the paralyzing unease and spoke up, sounding uncharacteristically stuttery and high-pitched for her usual tone of voice. She would feel embarrassed about it, if not for the horrible situation at hand.
"Rika, listen, just- stay on the phone with me, alright? You're at home currently, correct? I'm coming right over. Just- Hold on for me, okay? I- I'll be right there. It'll be okay. I promise" She muttered hurriedly as she sprinted off from the supply closet she tucked herself into to take this call as fast as her legs could carry her, her heart pounding in her chest with so much force, she was afraid it might just stop beating all together. And, she couldn't allow that. Not right now. Her own words sounded so incredibly stupid. Of course it won't be okay. It won't ever be okay. But, she didn't know what else to say. She needed time to think, and she didn't have that luxury right now. So, she ran.
Everything else was lost in the haze of panic, confusion and frustration. It was probably incredibly reckless and irresponsible of her to just abandon her post at the hospital like this, especially right at the beginning of her night shift, but she barely gave a single damn about any of that right now, however selfish it was on her part. Nothing was more important than getting to Rika's side as fast as humanely possible. Before something bad could happen. Before she would get even more hurt than she already was, in one way or another. Chaewon was always a selfish person, deep down, after all. She accepted that. But Rika... Rika gave so much of herself away to help others, to make others smile, to give them hope for a better future.
Rika was nothing like Chaewon, and that's exactly why she didn't deserve to suffer such a loss alone.
Frankly, it was a miracle she didn't get run over on her way there. Her driving was horribly jerky and borderline dangerous. She won't be at all surprised to find a notification about a fine or two for exceeding the speed limit once this all blows over. Even if she knew, deep down, that it won't. And that was scary to think about. She told herself that she was just panicking, and that's why this harrowing feeling was scratching at her insides like a caged wild animal. The feeling of something going horribly wrong. The feeling of things falling apart and never being the same again.
She ignored it.
Somehow, thanks to pure luck, she made it to Jihyun's secluded place safely and with her car intact. She didn't have time to feel relieved, though. None of it truly mattered once she saw Rika's small trembling frame sitting all alone at the front porch, her head tucked tightly into her knees, almost like she was trying to curl herself up into the tiniest human ball imaginable. It looked painful. Chaewon was sure her back must have hurt from staying in such an unnatural position - how long had she even stayed like that? It broke her heart to see Rika like this. Usually, she'd get greeted by cheerful barking and her friend's soft giggling as she stepped through the front gate to usher her inside for a cup of pomegranate tea. Now, she heard nothing but the heartbreaking sounds of hoarse sobs and labored breathing. It all felt like one big horrible nightmare she would wake up from any minute now. She wished she would wake up. Oh, how she wished for this to he nothing but a cruel trick of the mind.
However, this was reality. And she had no choice but to face it head on.
She rushed to Rika's side, clumsily slumping onto her knees in front of her onto the pavement, her hands stopping just inches from touching her. It didn't matter that her pants were now sullied from damp ground from the rain. It didn't matter that she accidentally grazed her hand against the edge of the wooden door that hung right open - another thing that was horribly out of place. It was as if the entire world has faded from existence, leaving only her suffering friend and the deafening sound of her blood pumping in her head, making it very hard to focus. She was honestly starting to suspect that she was on the verge of a panic attack herself, and she wanted to curse at that realization. Of all the times for her to lose her cool, her mind just had to pick this one.
But... She was scared.
She was always terrible at comforting people. She could treat a nasty-looking physical wound and not bat an eye at the blood and gore, fight off a bully just fine or come to someone's defense with a strong word or two without a second thought, but... such fragile and emotionally driven ordeals? They were always Rika's forte. Or Jihyun's, as much as she hated to admit that. Yet another reason why that man would always be better than her in one way or another. But, this was not the time for her pity party. Rika she needed her right now. And any comfort would still be better than no comfort at all. At least, she hoped so. She didn't rush here for nothing.
Don't overthink it, just do it.
"...Rika? We should-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence.
"She's gone forever now, Chaewon, and it's all my fault! I'm never going to see her again. I didn't even... I didn't even get to give her any proper goodbye! She must have died in so much pain, so scared, feeling so hurt and alone... I can't... I can't handle this. Not without her. Oh, Sally... My Sally..." Rika sobbed, choking on every single painful word crawling up from her raw throat, almost like it was her own words tearing at her trachea, and not the globus sensation that appears during emotionally vexing situations. Some part of Chaewon felt gross that she was applying her medical knowledge even in such in an emotional situation. She felt like it was wrong of her. Still, Rika's breathing was growing more and more ragged with every passing second, and she needed to try and fix that. Or, at least mitigate. She knew this was bad. This was very bad. She never saw Rika like this before. So vulnerable, so... so hurt.
She swallowed shakily, trying to make her voice sound softer. This won't do. She needed to ask. "Does V-"
Once again, she was interrupted. She was starting to think that she won't get anywhere at this rate.
"I thought she would be fine on her own. I thought I was doing the right thing! I swear I- I took my eyes off of her for just a moment... I never imagined- Oh, God, I couldn't do anything! Not a single thing!"
"Rika, please, you need to listen to-"
"I wish- I wish it was me who got hit by that car instead! She was so much more deserving of a chance to live! She was good! Not me! I killed her! I- I hate myself! I hate myself for letting her die-!"
"Rika! Stop it!"
On pure impulse, she darted close and gripped Rika's shoulders tight, as her heart dropped all the way into her stomach at such horrible words. She was panicking. Her hands were trembling. Her hands never trembled like this before. What is she supposed to do? What is she supposed to say? Her voice was breaking, every word slipping off her tongue before she could even process them. She couldn't think straight. This was bad. She never acted rationally when she got like this. She would just make everything worse. "Don't you ever say such things! This is not your fault! These sorts of things happen all the time! Please, you had no play in any of this!"
"How can you even say that!? You weren't there!" Rika shouted back, but it sounded more like a broken wail than an angered scream. It still made Chaewon's heart ache all the same. "You don't know how much she suffered, you don't know what pain she was in! If I had just given her that surgery, none of this would have happened!"
Chaewon tried to calm her racing mind by running a hand through her messy black locks that have gotten damp now from the light rain trickling down on them from above. This wasn't good, she was handling this terribly, as expected. She needed to get herself together, think of something, anything. Screaming and arguing won't get her anywhere. This isn't some debate.
"...Sally wouldn't have wanted to see you blaming yourself like this." She murmured in a more hushed tone, letting out a soft sigh to try and calm her nerves before continuing. "She was loved by you. More than I've ever seen anyone love their pet. And you were loved by her, too. You are still loved by her."
Rika whimpered at that, a tiny little sound that almost made Chaewon start crying herself. Her friend looked like a small helpless child: scared, lost, and confused about losing something she never thought she'd lose. It was heartwrenching to see.
"I don't deserve her love... It all feels so empty. Like a part of me was ripped away, and it hurts. It hurts so much, Chaewon. I thought I was used to the pain, but... but it's too much."
There was a part of her that desired to have a separate conversation with Rika about that. Some part of her that had always known there was so much more to the lighthearted beautiful woman she fell head over heels for a year ago. Some part of her that felt concerned about all the tiny signs she pretended not to notice since Rika never brought them up. Some part of her that longed to be the one to ease Rika's wounded heart. But... Wouldn't that be selfish of her? She just wanted to feel wanted by someone who only ever viewed her as a close friend. It wasn't right of her to be greedy. Especially right now. Rika had Jihyun. She was happy with Jihyun. She was supposed to be happy with Jihyun.
Otherwise... what point was there in her just standing by all this time?
Without even thinking, her fingers gently brushed up against the side of Rika's face, finding her skin to be damp and cold. Like the misery she was suffering from on the inside was slowly twisting and transforming what was on the outside to match its cruel image. It hurt her heart to see.
"Please don't say that..." What else could she possibly say? She couldn't bring Sally back. She couldn't ask her not to cry. She couldn't make it all okay. She felt so frustratingly helpless. If only she could take away even the smallest portion of this pain Rika was feeling and experience it instead, she would've done so without a second thought.
"I hate this... Why did she have to suffer? Why couldn't she just live a peaceful and happy life...? What did she ever do to deserve such a horrible death? Why does God always hurt those that are innocent in such cruel ways!?"
Chaewon was unsure of what to say to that. It didn't even seem like Rika was listening to her at this point. She just breathed out shakily, pulling herself up to sit beside her and carefully rest her chin atop of Rika's head once she knew she wouldn't push her away. If only her embrace could protect her from all the pain in this world.
"She's not in pain anymore... I promise." That was all she could muster up, however clumsy it was. She gently pulled Rika's small trembling frame close in a somewhat awkward embrace. She didn't force her to let go of her knees or lift her head. She just wanted to make her feel that she wasn't alone right now. A small sigh escaped her as she could feel a damp spot slowly forming in her shirt where Rika buried her face in, her entire body wracking with painful sobs. She wished their first embrace wasn't under such heartbreaking circumstances.
"...It wasn't your fault." She whispered.
Perhaps it would be better to just be honest instead of trying to wing it. She carefully caressed Rika's head, finding her usually soft and beautiful golden locks to be tangled and rough to the touch. It made her purse her lips tightly in displeasure.
"Rika... I want to help you. In any way I can. Please... tell me what should I do. I... I don't know. I need you to tell me."
"J-Just stay. Please." Rika's voice was barely audible, but she managed to make out what she was saying nonetheless. She could feel her fingers digging into her shoulders, almost to the point where it became painful. She didn't care. "I'm scared..."
"Don't be. I'm here. I'm right here." She mumbled, pulling her friend close, and just letting her cry. Maybe, there wasn't any need for words right now. She didn't know. She just knew that she wouldn't leave her alone in such a state. "I'll be here for as long as you need me to be."
About an hour had passed before Chaewon could hear the sound of a car screeching to a stop near the entrance to the front of the house, with hurried footsteps following soon after. She wasn't at all surprised to see the tall man with messy mint locks once she lifted her head up from where it loyally remained atop of Rika's for the past hour. A silent moment of sorrow passed between the two, nothing but the sound of Jihyun's ragged breaths and the quiet pitter-patter if rain filling the air.
Looks like she's not the only one who dropped everything to come as soon as possible.
"Is she...?"
"I think she fell asleep." She replied quietly, not even needing to hear the whole question. Rika was probably exhausted, both physically and mentally from the immense stress she had to go through in the past few hours. No wonder she eventually just drifted off to sleep. Perhaps, it was better for her to just not think about anything for a while and sleep.
Jihyun sighed, his hands shaking as he fumbled with the corners of his jacket. In some ironic sense, Chaewon found it comforting to know that she wasn't the only one overwhelmed by this situation. Finally, he spoke up again, carefully sitting down on the same porch she and Rika were nestled upon, his hand carefully brushing a strand of his fiance's hair behind her ear. There was genuine heartache in his eyes, and she had to look away from the scene dejectedly. "I came as soon as I heard. I... Is she okay?"
Chaewon had a feeling that his question had more to it than just expressing concern about his lover's well-being. She tried to brush that bizarre thought away, but it remained there, in the back of her mind, like a parasite slowly digging its claws into her mind.
He seemed to be asking if Rika has done anything. To herself or someone else, she had no idea. But, it alarmed her nonetheless.
She shook her head slightly to avoid disturbing her unconscious friend. "I think so. Aside from... possible raw throat, tense back and possible headache, she should be fine. Physically."
She would have noticed any wounds right away, she was sure of it.
Jihyun breathed a sigh of relief, but without any joy accompanying it. She couldn't blame him for it. "Thank you, Chaewon... I am... ever so grateful she had you by her side when I couldn't be there."
The small grateful smile he gave her made her want to scream. He was being genuine, and that was the most unfair part of it all. Jihyun was a good and caring man. Although, she had more in common with his friend Jumin, rather than the photographer himself. She couldn't possibly hate him even if she tried. And, having these ugly feelings of jealousy and envy gnawing at her from the inside made her feel disgusted with herself. Jihyun considered her a friend, and here she is, getting all worked up over him rightfully caring and worrying over his partner.
Damn it, she's selfish.
In a mix of frustration and hurt, Chaewon bit the inside of her cheek, feeling the light taste of copper on her tongue. Right. She was just a friend. To Jihyun and Rika all the same. A close friend. Nothing more. Jihyun was the one Rika truly relied on. He knew sides of her she was never allowed to see.
The worst part of it all? She was aware that Jihyun was a better match for Rika. He was kind, gentle, artistic, loving. He was everything that Rika valued in a person. Meanwhile, Chaewon was blunt, forceful, and practical. She couldn't ever compete with this man for her heart. Did she even want to do that? It's not like she tried. She just stood back, without doing or saying a thing.
This seemed to be a pattern in her life.
Agh, just look at yourself. Your friend just lost her beloved companion, and you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself over some stupid crush. Get a grip. Chaewon quickly chastised herself as she tried to redirect her attention back to what was truly important right now, rather than her pitiful lovesickness.
"We should... probably carry her in. You should have her take a warm bath once she wakes up. Or give her a warm beverage. She might get sick after staying out in the rain like this." She mumbled quietly while untangling a few of Rika's golden locks to keep her mind on something else. She certainly did not want to picture Jihyun taking care of Rika like that. But... She wasn't one to be petty. At least not outwardly. She could be petty, angry and upset all she wanted once she gets home, where her selfish outbursts won't harm anyone.
Jihyun nodded as he carefully stood up from his spot. "Yes, you're right. I'll keep in contact with you. She might need her friend once she wakes up."
Her friend. She sure hoped that didn't sound too bitter. She didn't want to come off as an asshole. Chaewon made sure to help Jihyun carry Rika back into the house, offering a few more tips out of what little she knew. Of course, those were all health-related. Not much she could advise in when it came to emotions.
That night, after a miserable few hours of drinking her stress away, she slumped onto her bed with a bad feeling that kept her up until early morning. A horrible, nasty, chilling feeling. The same one that she felt back in her car. It never left. It just faded onto the bacround. But, it was there. Demanding to be listened to. The feeling of things would never being the same again. The feeling of something horrible awaiting just around the corner. Something that would change everything forever.
A point of no return. The beginning of the end.
And, just like she did before, she ignored it. She always did.
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contreparry · 4 months
happy friday! for dadwc: Letting them sleep when they should be awake
Absolutely! I really wanted to write some more about Trevelyan's life in Ostwick Circle, so here's something with a young Trevelyan and an apprentice Lydia for @dadrunkwriting!
Little Evie fell asleep.
Her fist was firmly pressed into her chubby cheek as she dozed, her dark hair falling out of the messy, uneven braid the girl insisted on doing herself that morning. Her expression was soft in sleep, a sharp contrast to the solemn face she wore whenever she was awake. Someone ought to wake her up and see if she was feeling well, and tuck her into bed for an afternoon nap if that could be managed. The Enchanters, especially the older ones, didn’t pay attention to the little apprentices. Maybe it was disinterest or self-defense, but Lydia refused to let the Circle turn her into someone so callous that she’d ignore a child in need of care and love. And little Evie, no matter her fancy title and noble heritage, was one of the neediest children Lydia had ever seen.
It just proved to her that nobles were as piss-poor at taking care of children as they were at everything else.
Lydia carefully pushed her own chair in and crept towards the table under the window, the one that looked out over the sea. The girl (only eight, such a wee little thing) slept soundly, heedless of the whispered conversations around her, the rustle of pages being turned, the crackle of starched robes as people walked about, or the rattle and moan of the stormy sea outside. Evie must have had her nightmares again, Lydia thought as she caught sight of the girl's face and noted the dark circles under her eyes, deeper than the shadows cast by the curve of her dark eyelashes. She thought another apprentice (Tersa) said something about it this morning, but she hadn't realized the apprentice she mentioned was Evie until she spied her in the library at her favorite table, the one that looked out over the sea.
Evelyn was a solitary, serious little thing, stubborn and determined and troublesome. The Enchanters, the ones who taught classes, were as frustrated with the girl as they were grudgingly impressed. There was power there, and raw talent, but the girl refused to put effort into cultivating the magic that lay within her. There was no greater sin in Ostwick than a lack of effort, a lack of curiosity. But Lydia knew it wasn't laziness on Evie's part. When she looked over the table, she saw exactly how industrious the girl was this afternoon.
Letters lay scattered across the table's surface: half-written, scratched out, carefully written letters that littered the table like autumn leaves in a garden. Dear Father. Dear Mother. Dear Brother Maxwell. Dear Brother Lawrence. Dear Grandmother. And the messages were... Lydia shut her eyes and breathed in slowly. Deeply. It was hard to control her temper when she read those words, written in a shaking hand that was trying its best: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'll be good, I promise. I'm sorry.
"You're always good, Evie," Lydia mumbled. She gently shook the girl's shoulder, but she did not wake. After a moment Lydia hoisted Evie up until she was draped over her back. No, laziness wasn’t what plagued Evelyn Trevelyan. It was fear- fear and a stubborn hope that, if she suppressed the flow of magic within her, she could return to her home and family. And nothing could fix that save for time and heartbreak. Lydia couldn’t bring herself to crush Evie’s hopes, fragile as they were. So after a moment Lydia scooped up all the letters and stuffed them into the front of her robe before she shuffled off to her study. She had a cot and some blankets there, and she had some books she needed to look over for her practical exam next week. Lydia would study, and she’d let Evie continue to sleep.
“Maxwell…” she heard Evelyn mumble sleepily, and Lydia hadn’t the heart to correct the girl’s dream-addled mistake.
“Go back to sleep,” she whispered, and with a happy sigh Evie followed her direction. Lydia hoisted her further up on her back and continued her long walk to her study.
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riridontneedya · 2 years
What's mine isn't yours ....
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Well! here it is !! After much debate over a title shout out to the absolute babe @notyour-valentine who came up with it! love you lots like jelly tots . Also all the love to the kind @runnning-outof-time who also gave me a fantastic suggestion . Honestly thats why its so late up I went from nothing to spending most the day agonising over my choices hahaha anyway I'm so grateful :) x
Pairing: Tommy x Y/n x Micheal
Summary: Female reader finds herself frustrated with Tommys dismissive behaviour. She sets out to harmlessly achieve a reaction from Tommy with no intention of pursuing these ventures ... however things take a turn when there's a different tone with Micheal
Word count : 3,700
Warnings : Would you like some plot to go with that smut ;) .
A/n: PS! let me know if you'd like a sort of "series" from this .. I can create wee back stories developing more on how each relationship came to be .. if you're interested . I could also make the reader gravitate to your chosen beau or change her tune entirely ! either way let me know & Shout again to the gorgeous lot who helped with the title and support! means the absolute world! Do not hesitate to give me feedback if you wish etc , always happy to hear you guys thoughts and opinions! I really hope you enjoy it xx
Pss: @mrkdvidal1989 loving the honesty haha , here's your wee tag now its completed :) x
The saying goes.. ‘To any action there is always an opposite and equal reaction’ at least according to Newtons theory. Alas y/n was eager to put it to the test tonight. If everything were to go according to plan her actions would solicit the exact reaction she wanted from Tommy. Y/n knew she had to be sly yet subtle .. As Tommy always had a knack for being 10 steps ahead of you. As well as that he seldom rewarded bad behaviour so ,any deliberate frivolous displays of defiance would land her a much longer sentence of silent treatment. This behaviour was not uncommon for Tommy but y/n grew tiresome off his broody spells and lack of communication .. leaving her pining for his attention .. his touch. It had gone on long enough and y/n was ready to play her own games. Y/n gazed over at the numerous articles of clothing littered across the bed. To say she had  nothing to wear would be utterly untrue as to fill the void of his absence Tommy always adorned her with the latest ,lavish Parisian fashions and glittering jewels. She had an absolute abundance of choice.. its was just that none of them had that certain je ne sais quoi .If she wore something far too extravagant Tommy would notice immediately ..have her return home at once and demand she tell him who else she was fucking. As toxic as it may seem she needed him riled up not fuelled with explosive anger. 
Almost ready to settle for a rather lack lustre dress, y/ns eye caught a ribbon peaking from amongst the hoards of clothes. Immediately she yanked onto it revealing her beloved old corset. With all her new garments she had simply forgotten about this.. it was her absolute favourite Tommys too for sometime.. it was perfect. It was simple yet effective not to garish and with the correct accessories it would surely do the trick. Feeling triumphant with her choice in outfit and hair and makeup done accordingly she was ready to make he way to the Garrison. Y/ns heels echoed along the cobbled street as she headed towards the door . With force she pushed the door open expecting it to be filled to the brim with the usual unscrupulous men , with the usual raucous laughter, and the usual billows of smoke homogenising with the unmistakeable aroma of whiskey. In fact it was entirely the opposite ..music gently hummed from the radio, handfuls of entirely normal looking people dotted about quietly engaged in conversation and sipping drinks. However there was a rather subdued John sipping whiskey at the bar. Panic promptly swept over y/n “fuck” she thought to herself had Tommy just magically preempted she’d act up tonight and called the whole thing off or worse had there been bad news for the family. 
Clearing her throat “John” y/n muttered sheepishly. His eyes rapidly shot up in her direction, then began to gloss over her body lingering at her buxom figure. As his eyes loomed over her corset laden bosom he couldn’t help the grin brewing at the corners of his mouth. Fair to say the outfit had the desired effect y/n wanted .. yet again John was quite the easy target. Clearing her throat again, this time louder he promptly snapped his gaze away flashing y/n an apologetic smile. “So ..what’s happening here I thought there was supposed to be party .. but” y/n gestured her hands alluding to the empty bar. “Nothing horribles happened has it John?” Y/n questioned as she made her way behind the bar. “Ey, nout to worry yer pretty head about , there’s some business to attend to first so its been pushed back a couple hours .. didn’t Tommy tell you”. Now what Y/n really wanted to blurt in frustration was “No , because that would require him having to actually talk to me”. But y/n knew better of course he wouldn’t go out of his way for something so menial. Instead with a forced smile she said “Oh dear, I must’ve just forgot”. 
True to Johns word as they chatted away and drank the bar became progressively busier starting to take on its familiar formation. Still very much enraged at Tommy y/n had time to set her plan into action. Having plied John with large amounts of alcohol he was now much more aggressive with his flirting and y/n encouraged this , why …well this is because Tommy had an awful  jealous streak he simply couldn’t conceal . Apart from everyone simply knowing better than to take what was his he still reeled at the slightest attempt of someone encroaching on his territory. Now what better way than to evoke a reaction than have him think he was being outranked by none other than his own brothers. If it appeared that y/n was being showered in attention whilst not actively seeking it yet not putting a stop to it would surely elicit a strong reaction. John continued to flirt making outlandish comments landing a playful laugh from y/n as she swatted him “Johnathan, behave” she mused. “Ugggh no one calls me that, you don’t hear me calling you y/f/n” he grumbled “True” giggled y/n “But I mean there’s nothing stopping you calling me it ,only my father does”. With hazy eyes John peered at y/n over his glass , his hand sloping towards her hand rested on the bar “Does that make me your Daddy then”. Y/n gawped in astonishment recoiling her hand from out of his reach.
Why was she suddenly so repulsed at his advances.. this would be harder than she thought .. with John no longer a viable choice she’d much rather call it a day than mindless flirt with the likes of Finn or Arthur.  Right on queue as if he had a sixth sense Thomas emerged.  “You don’t need anymore people calling you daddy  John , you already have quite the brood of kids”. With a scoff of disgust directed at Tommy ,John knocked back the remainder of his drink and hobbled away from the bar. “Bottle of whiskey and 4 glasses y/n” instructed Tommy as he seated himself at a table with three other men. Y/n let out a hefty sigh and rolled her eyes. There it was the dismissive behaviour the mere acknowledgment of her existence. She doubted he’d even flinch if John where to mount her there and then at the bar. Tommys provocation had once again soured her mood, wanting him out her sight she set the glasses and whiskey on the table with a begrudging thud narrowing her eyes at Tommy. Without giving him a chance to cast a bland remark she spun hot on her heels and sauntered off.
Y/n heard her name being called from the other side of the room. Swirling  around she looked to see who was responsible for calling her . There stood a suited and booted Micheal , fresh back from his travels, the one who this shindig was even for in the first place. His smile was broad and teeth immaculate. “Micheal! welcome back” she beamed , arms akimbo an offering of a hug. Being of similar ages the  pair always were rather close and hugs were nothing out of the norm. However there was a  different undercurrent tonight. It had only been a six months absence , and whilst he was very much handsome to begin with , he somehow became much more swoon worthy. His cologne smelt absolutely decedent to y/n and his eyes… oh how his  eyes were a youthful and vibrant blue, a stark contrast  to Tommys paler ones. Those stony pale blue eyes  that were rid of the youthful folly and vibrancy but instead the eyes of a man who had seen many a things. Y/n cocked her head to one side and admired the man before her as he spoke. With a tender offer of his hand Micheal suggested the pair find a corner to themselves and begin to catch up over a drink. 
“Hey y/n , mind if ask you something” said Michael. Y/ns eyebrow raised “Of course Mike” she smiled“  he edged painfully close to y/n causing her heart to flutter . He began to whisper “If I knew no better y/n , Id think there’s something you’re after from me” y/n felt her breath hitch. There was a wicked gleam in his eyes as he continued to edged even closer . Despite the full blown raucous party surrounding them at the bar y/n was solely fixated on Michaels presence and the atmosphere created between them. He was now perched behind her his hands snaking at her waist , head rested at the crook of her neck. As he gently spoke his lips grazed her neck “Just say the word and I'm all yours ,anytime any place”. Y/n squeezed her eyes shut his silky smooth voice and audacious words made her heart ricochet.  This was supposed to be mindless flirting but instead she found herself warmed to the idea. Just then she felt the pressure of  Michael’s manhood rested taut against her . “Look what you do to me y/n” Micheal purred against her ear further propelling her aching desire. 
Now, a rouge gunshot or two was a very much common theme in the Garrison , in fact the wall just behind the bar often faced the brunt of all the stray bullets , however what was uncommon and quite frankly terrifying was who let off the gun. Everyones mouth hung agape stunned as Tommy placed it back in the holster as if it was nothing. In fairness it was his bar so he could do as he pleased, but him being a man of few words many would wonder what warranted it .. but y/n knew exactly what did she felt it deep in her bones. The gunshot had made both of them initially flinch but once Michael saw Tommy was the culprit he took a wide birth from y/n ,he knew just as much as she. “Is it that kind of night ey Tommy” came Arthurs raspy voice breaking the silence as he withdrew his gun. With this immediately several people took cover from a drunk gun wielding Arthur “Now now put that away Arthur , there will be none of that , nothing to worry about just my wife and I shall be leaving” there was an extra emphasis on the word wife when Tommy spoke and all eyes darted to y/n. Smiling coyly she scrambled to Tommys side. Her eyes quickly flittered to Michael who could only flash her a weak smile. Tommys hand now clamped to the small of her back as he ushered her to the direction of the door. Once outside he strode towards his car and got in . Not one word uttered to y/n. Following suit she opened the passengers side and got in.
There was an ominous silence that polluted the car. Tommy expression was undecipherable, he had a  glassy like stare that remained fixated on the road ahead . Usually such boisterous behaviour  from Tommy would warrant an earful from y/n .. however tonight she remained silent . Unsure where to cast her gaze she simply lent her head on the window  staring out into the murky night , her hands anxiously contorting in her lap. She was eager to return home.  As the car came to halt on the pebbled driveway y/n flung off her seatbelt and proceeded to promptly make her way to the front door. Once inside she immediately began to ascend the stairs , that was until an enormous thud startled her stopping her in her tracks. Once she sourced the noise she saw Tommy stood by the doors of his office ,arms folded tightly against his chest , he had purposefully allowed one of the giant doors to slam creating the god awful thud.  “Im… im going to bed Tommy ..goodnight.” y/n uttered. Staring up at y/n his expression remained the same as that in the car.. icy .. unreadable. Suddenly he let out a rather sarcastic chuckle . Moving from his spot he opened his office door and walked in leaving it ajar behind him. Y/n knew she wouldn’t be going to bed anytime soon.
Sheepishly peering around the door she saw Tommy sat behind his desk , plumes of smoke pummelling from his lit cigarette. His eyes carefully followed y/n as she made her way into the office. He may have simply been sat at his desk but y/ns stomach churned. He exuded power over the room everything from his clothes , his  demeanour and undeterred gaze could strike fear into you, his effortless dismissal of you always only made you want to demand his attention. If you  happened to be one of Gods favourites and fortunate enough to receive it, it would be more valuable than gold itself. “So Micheal hmmm” he scoffed taking a drag from his cigarette. “Usually it's the blokes that are first to do the ditching for a new shiner version … but” he motioned his cigarette toward y/n “ Fair play” .
Fumbling at her words y/n began to defend herself “don’t be ridiculous , is not like that and you know it! Pssh you don’t even acknowledge me half the time and then you come out with that accusation” Tommy raised his eyebrows and leaned forward in his chair. “ Thats where you're wrong dear , I acknowledge everything that belongs too me  and ridiculous  you say , hmm what I find ridiculous is you thinking that Micheal can offer you anything he’s not half the man you think he’s cracked up to be .. but you know what they say about greener grass y/n” Growing frustrated y/n began to snap back at Tommys remarks. “ Belongs to you .. fucking hell Thomas ,wow whatever I'm going to bed I physically cannot with you sometimes . Its clear to see I’m only here when it suits you .. yeah I know how the saying goes…but  from where I'm standing the grass beneath me is fucking dead”. Tommys whiskey glass halted midway to his lips , his grip was firm and his eyes were now engulfed with fury . “You wanna leave.. don’t let me stop ya” he spat.
“Be my fucking guest Y/N” As he flew up from his chair it skidded across the floor flooding the room with a shrill sound that set your teeth on edge . Marching towards the door whiskey glass clutched firmly in one hand he used the other to thrust the door open. Y/n could see that Tommy was teetering more to the explosive anger stage , rather than the pent up sexual anger so she wasted no time storming off in the direction of the door. Much to her surprise before she had a chance to get two feet out the door his free hand came down sharply on her wrist and yanked her back into the office.  There they stood. Y/n pressed  against the wall with Tommy inches from her. The  tension hung around them like a thick smog . Tommys jaw was clenched his shoulders rising and falling with each ragged breathe he took. Y/n looked in adoration at the beautiful disheveled man before her , he was so close she wanted to reach out touch him, taste him. As she leant in to touch her trembling lips against his she was alarmed as Tommys hand came up cupping her mouth, his body now firmly against her . Immediately y/n began to protest but to no avail as all that could be heard were faint muffles.
“Shh shh, now thats a good girl” Her trembling body now pinned beneath him . “Open” he commanded as he removed his hand from her mouth and slopped it around her neck tilting it back. Suspending his whiskey glass he poured the remaining contents into her mouth, letting some of the amber liquid dribble down down her chin and on top  her breasts. “Swallow” he rasped . Gingerly she gulped down the liquid. Tommy eyes now ablaze he quickly discarded the glass , and crashed his lips forcefully into y/ns as she hungrily returned his feverish kiss. Withdrawing from her lips Tommy spun her around pinning her hands above her head. Kicking apart her feet he now contoured himself against y/ns behind letting her feel his growing erection gyrate against her.  A subtle gasp escaped her lips. “Oh so you like that hmm, should’ve known .. who does it better darling ey?me or Micheal” before y/n had a chance to respond he had a fistful of her hair interlocked around his balled fist and was began  to tug “ ah ah don’t fuss now angel , you want to act like a whore then Im gonna fuck you like one.. got it? ”. Tommys words sent an electric charge through y/ns body , she came this far in her pursuit and wanted nothing more than to feel Tommys wrath explode inside her. “You better fucking Anwser me” spat Tommy administering another sharp tug to y/ns hair to garner her attention from her lustful haze. “Yes , yes Tommy” she whimpered. 
“Good girl” he cooed as his coarse hands sauntered underneath her skirt , his fingers grazing delicately against her folds. “Ive barley touched you and you’re already soaking wet quite the needy little whore ey” as his fingers traced circles she could feel herself start to disintegrate. “Im going to fuck the thought of Micheal right out of your head understand ….you're mine and I won’t let you forget it” y/n let out a guttural groan as Tommy hook aside her underwear and began to ease two fingers inside her. It didn’t take long until his pace became unbearable and y/n felt her vision cloud over “you know its bad manners y/n to not speak when spoken too ! I said did you understand” he growled thrusting in another finger propelling them inside her at a rapid rate . Y/ns body began to buckle after the numerous orgasms rippling through her “yes , yes ” she managed to utter barley catching her breathe. Withdrawing his coated fingers he inched them into y/ns mouth to suck clean . Once she had sucked them earnestly he then began to tug at the lacing of y/ns corset unfurling it from her body and her breasts bouncing free. 
“This !” Proclaimed Tommy wielding the corset in y/ns line of vision “I used to fucking love this , but now you’ve gone and been a whore in it , its hardly the same anymore … I'm not gonna give you a chance to pull another little stunt like this .. understand” with that he tossed the corset onto the roaring flames of the fireplace. Y/n gasped attempting to scurry and save it from its fiery demise but not before Tommy stood in her path. “Oh no you don’t on your fucking knees now” he ordered. As if spell bound y/n resisted defiance and dropped willing fully to her knees. Carefully unbuckling him letting his erection spring free she began to run her tongue from the base all the way up  the shaft . This elicited a heft moan from Tommy . Truthfully y/n adored the sound of his groans as she pleasured him it coaxed her to go further and further ladening his member in spit as she gagged on his length. Tommys hands came to either side of y/ns cheeks , he gently cradled them before ramming deeper into her mouth causing her to cough and splutter producing tears down her face. Eyes hooded with pleasure he grinned as he removed himself from her mouth with a gratifying pop. “Such a good girl’, he muttered as he helped her to her feet placing a soft kiss on her cheek . ‘Hands” he commanded ,  unloosening his tie he used them to fasten y/n wrists together . Tommy motioned his he’d to he desk.. y/n knew what was to come next.
Y/n propped her top half over Tommys desk. This hadn’t been the first time he had her face down arse up. Y/n wriggled trying to find a comfortable position as she knew Tommy would show no mercy once he had taken her. She could hear his footsteps approach and eagerly anticipated his touch. Unsuspectedly y/n felt the warmth of Tommy tongue begin to lick stripes at her sex causing her to claw onto the desk. His tongue fixated on her bud  it rotated, flickered and vibrated against it causing her to throb. She so desperately wanted to reach round and press him into her as she rode out her orgasm against his face but that would be impossible as her wrist were bound. He did this purposefully so y/n would be at his mercy as she bucked wildly shaking with distress at the multiple earth shattering orgasms coursed through her.  Satisfied with the distress he had caused and y/ns trembling legs  he lined himself up to her entrance. 
With y/ns slickness he slid in with ease. Tommy moaned with ecstasy as he entered a resounding “fuck” spilling from his lips. His hands fastened at her waist and he began to pummel into her with vigour. The table shook and several trinkets and paper began to tumble off. Y/ns let out screams between pants calling out Tommys name “thats right , let me hear you call my name” his hand striking her arse. Teasingly he withdrew from her then abruptly slammed his length back into . Tommy felt himself getting closer so he picked up his pace for the final push. “Im going to finish inside you , let's see if that adoration he has for you  is still there when you're carrying my child”  Tommy rasped his pace now sluggish , letting out an ungodly groan as he shot into her. Collapsing onto her back the pair both gasped for breathe. Tommy hoisted himself off y/n , his contents running down the inside of her thighs. Combing his hands through his disheveled hair he cleared his throat and rearranged himself back into his trousers. “Clean yourself up’ he said dryly tossing a rag in y/ns general direction . With that he headed out the door letting it slam shut behind him. 
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