#I joined the sinful to regain innocence
frivolous-pastel · 1 year
Dead to the world, though
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Demon Yuichiro Tokito
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Decided to draw me own version of Demon Yuichiro from my Double Demon Siblings Au. In which the entirety of the Kny cannon stays the same, other than the addition of Yuichiro's transformation into a Demon. I used refs from both Muichiro's and Nezuko's official art for the poses. Unfortunately I'm not very good at drawing hands. :/
Name: Yuichiro Tokito
Race: Demon, Formerly Human, and Human again by the help of Tamayo.
Age: 14 same as his twin
Gender: Male
Body: Same Height and weight as Muichiro, can become more muscular and slightly taller when fully demon
Personality: Yuichiro's personality as a demon surprisingly is not too different from his personality as a human. However since his transformation into a demon he's become quieter than before and seems to be thinking about things often as if confused, curious, or trying to remember something. He's also prone to acting aggressively if threatened, scared, angry, or he feels his twin is in immediate danger. However unlike Nezuko he actively avoids others' touch even if he sees them as non threats, and is fairly antisocial by nature, but if you say his name or speak to him he will at least look to acknowledge the presence of whoever is talking to him. Very protective of Muichiro and is always at least within his general area. Is often seen as moody or grumpy by nature, but if you're not someone he sees threatening/rude to him/Mui he'll at least tolerate you. If you're someone he actively likes, then he'll be nicer, less grumpy, and may actually do some friendly gestures towards them.
Nothing about their backstory gets changed up to the point the demon stumbles into their home. Yuichiro was used to treating Amane with distain and treating Muichiro as he does in cannon. The events of that night are forever foggy to Muichiro until he regains them later but the visions of his brother would never fade-
Yuichiro bloodied and lying facedown on the floor. The house a complete mess. Blood smeared everywhere. And in the middle of it all was a man smiling as wickedly as sin. Lifting Yuichiro by the neck and bringing the boy closer to his maw. To devour. Eat. Digest. A scream exited from Muichiro's throat. Enough to wake the dead as the demon reached for him- 
Vision red as blood. Vengeance and justice by hands of the innocent.
When Muichiro came to hours later still early enough in the morning to be dark to the demon's body impaled and smashed gurgling on it's own blood. Numb, tired, and mind mostly a blank as he just follows on autopilot back to the bloody home. Opening the door and finding his brother standing up body covered in blood and feasting on leftover raw deer meat they had stored away. However as he saw his brother Yuichiro snapped. Turning on him and launching at his weary brother. For he was no longer a human.
Yuichiro had joined the ranks of demons.
Muichiro wasn't sure himself what had happened. One moment Yuichiro was clawing and biting at his arms, and the next he's hissing and growling brother was pinned underneath him clawing to get away with Muichiro holding him down from above. And then it happens. Muichiro cries. His tears falling into the open eyes of his brothers stinging him and making him blink back up to Muichiro. His crying face and eye penetrating his eyes and as they say, eyes are windows to the soul. And all at once things seem to calm down. Yuichiro stops doing anything. Only lying there quietly and staring at his tired brother who is just crying, and crying and crying. His tears constantly falling into Yuichiro's own wide open eyes and all over his face. It might've only been ten minutes. It might've been an hour. But sometime he passed out and woken up to Yuichiro just sitting there and staring at him. Giving a couple sounds and poking his forehead over and over with an annoyed look on his face. It was daytime and for some reason all the windows and doors were closed and blocked off not allowing any light in.  Muichiro is confused but didn't forget the events of last night. In fact if it was for the fact that their home was literally torn to shreds and blood stains were everywhere, it would've only been written off as a bad dream. 
Yuichiro was not himself..And yet still acted like himself to an extent. He was still treating him with a scowl on his face and the annoyed jabs he'd usually give. Only he didn't act.. human. After Muichiro woke up he scuttled off to the darkest corner of the house where he curled up under a table as if that would shield himself further from.. something. There's not really much time to take anything in before the door is opened harshly and a complete stranger is invading their home. Muichiro freezes and Yuichiro hisses at the addition of more light suddenly being allowed in. The stranger hums as eyes look around the torn home surveying the damage and then taking in Muichiro sitting there bloodied and wide eyed.
The sudden look of horror on Lady Amane's face is only heightened as Yuichiro hisses and lunges at the woman-
I don't know what they're called but Yuichiro's demon crest are those yellow leaves he's always seen with. The same ones in the artwork linked below-
BLOOD DEMON ARTS AND ABILITIES: His abilities as a demon are similar to Nezuko's as he sleeps to regenerate and regain strength, can manipulate his blood a certain way, and has a similar fighting style using his claws and body to lash out and kick. However his blood doesn't provide flames. Instead his blood has an acid burning effect only lethal to others that hold demonic blood infused by wisteria, as a result allowing Yuichiro to be immune to wisteria poisoning. No one knows why this is but Shinobu has theorized that it might be due to the twin's old lumberjacking lifestyle and Yuichiro being around so much trees (possibly including wisteria trees) that his body had built a strange immunity to it. No one knows if this is true but Muichiro is somewhat glad his brother won't die by poisoning. So while people like Muichiro and Tanjiro wouldn't be affected, Genya in his demon form and full bloodied demons such as Nezuko or Kokushibo will be.
Yuichiro can use his fighting style and acidity techniques in many ways. Kicking and slashing his way in a similar form to Nezuko only more aggressively and a bit more recklessly in the beginning. His blood naturally extends a wisteria scent warding aware most smaller demons and allowing Yuichiro to camouflage himself from other demons and sometimes slayers by blending into flowers or Wisteria trees. Yui's deadliest and most efficient attack, Thanks to the mutation in his blood, Yui can turn his blood into a deadly poison that she can then infuse into his nails by clawing hid body to cover his hands in blood. This poison is full of Wysteria and can be smelt in the air, and can be delivered in poisonous jabs at other demons.
He can also use his blood as acid, throwing droplets at a demon (usually the face) to eat away at their skin and blinding them to give himself an opening. However this is the extent of his use and he cannot heal people the same way Nezuko can.
Also on a very important note, while Yuichiro isn't affected by wisteria he absolutely CAN NOT walk in the sun. Sunlight CAN and WILL still burn/kill him like any other demon. This because while Nezuko never tasted human blood, Yuichiro has. Multiple times Muichiro has donated some of his own blood to his brother along with Tanjiro after finding out the Twin's secret and taking pity on someone in the same situation.
Yuichiro also has more of a habit of biting. His fangs are longer and slightly curved inwards like a snake's so when he bites down, they hook in tearing away more flesh and causing more damage to the enemy.
OTHER DEMON FEATURES: On top of gaining his demon crest in the shape of those golden leaves, Yuichiro also sprouts two extra eyes which allows him to survey his environment more and combat threats better. His left arm is also a greyish-tan color from regenerating it as a demon. This color goes away once he's fully human again. He wears the clothing he wore when he first turned, refusing to part with it for some unknown reason. Muichiro repurposed it into a shirt for Yui when he grew older, and bought him a pair of pants and boots made out of the same anti-demon fabric his own Demon Slayer uniform is made from to help keep his brother safe.
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ravenlking · 2 years
𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐄 finally, i get my own happily ever after. because the words written on your wrist...is my name
gender-neutral warnings: mentions of war and slight ptsd genre: angst + fluff a/n: - blame @faebaex for the sudden lilia brainrot lmao. i should be doing my hw but here i am! - yes, i cameo-d! hehe, be prepared for more of me popping up in the oneshots! :) - pictures don't belong to me, they go to their original owners! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more!
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Thousand of years filled with the bloodshed of the fallen and innocent filled Lilia Vanrouge's nights. It was like an endless repeat to curse him for his sins, the blood that he may never be able to wash off his hands. Everything was a bitter reminder of the wars; the winter snow resembling the ashes of burned-down villages, screams of delighted children were too similar to screams of innocent children being burnt alive...he couldn't help the onslaught of red-stained memories plauging his mind. Tonight was no different as the war-general snapped out of his slumber, sweat drenching his pink-black locks and pillow. He raised a tired hand against his forehead and sighed. It seemed that he wouldn't be getting a good night's sleep again.
Tomorrow was the opening ceremony, the bright red circle on his calendar reminded him. Sebek would be joining them. Lilia chuckled under his breath at the chaos the lime-green first year would bring. It would mark the start of another school year, another year of mischief and mayhem from this mischievous fae.
Lilia turned and tossed around on his bed, trying to regain the lost hours of sleep. He caught sight of his bare wrists and let out another heavy sigh.
Soulmates...a person that fate promised each and every soul. It signifies a happily ever after with someone they were bound to fall in love with, someone to come home to after a long day at work or someone to jump into your arms with a gleeful smile all because they were able to see you again. Yet, Lilia Vanrouge's wrists remained bare of any ebony-black writing. Was this fate's way of punishing him for his sins? The war he led, the soldiers that were never able to get back home...perhaps it was for the best that he never burdens someone else.
Something painful filled his chest. He sat up, groaning and pressing a hand to the wound that never healed, even after centuries. No...it wasn't his wound flaring up again. But perhaps the late night would do him good. He slid the silk sheets off his petite body and his feet found his slippers. He wrapped a lime green robe over him before approaching the balcony belonging to the room of Diasomnia's vice dorm-leader.
The stars were rather beautiful tonight, he mused. He leaned against the barrister, tilting his head up. How many nights has it been since he was able to relax like this?
Something quick, the color of pure snow, flashed across the night sky. Lilia stood at attention, magenta eyes tracking it. A shooting star, symbolizing new dreams and wishes to be granted. Perhaps...it was worth a try? He had nothing to lose anyways. He clasped his hands together, squeezing his eyes shut.
Please, he prayed. Grant me my soulmate, even after all my sins. I promise to love them with all my heart and soul. Whoever you are, this is my confession. As dark as my past has been, I will always find enough light to adore and love them with all the broken pieces my soul is composed of.
He cracked open an eye. The night sky was barren of the shooting star. Whether it heard him or not doesn't matter. Lilia's hands slumped to his sides. It was getting late, he should try sleeping a bit before tomorrow's busy ceremony. He turned on his heel and walked back.
"Your prayer has been heard, Lilia Vanrouge."
The large double doors leading to where the Opening Ceremony was being conducted slammed open, revealing a panting fae with pink-black hair. He fed the premises before judging the distance was far enough. He turned on his heel and quietly teleported somewhere else, popping up somewhere far away. Lilia leaned against one of the trees in the Courtyard, tilting his head back and giving out a bitter chuckle.
One of the first years looked all too similar to one of the younger soldiers that died in the war. Long charcoal black hair with bright purple eyes was all it took to unlock the barricade of memories. Bittersweet memories of battle-hardened Lilia Vanrouge and little Raven King hanging out together after long days on the battlegrounds. Sweet memories were tainted crimson as he fell to his knees, bundling up her charcoal black hair that was stained with her blood.
In the present time, Lilia's eyes were glassy and glazed over, blankly staring at the ground before him. As memory after memory tortured him, his breathing became more labored before it was getting harder to breathe. He didn't notice someone creeping closer towards him in curiosity before noticing his labor breaths. You approached him before shaking his shoulders.
"Mister? Sir, are you okay?!"
"Y-you're dying," Lilia choked out, falling to his knees and crawling closer to his young charge. Raven smiled weakly before coughing roughly, little blood spits dotting the ground around them. Lilia's eyes widened before he brought her head into his lap, stroking her hair softly. He placed a hand on her forehead, mouth opening to chant a healing spell despite the seriousness of the wound before she spoke.
"L-Lilia," Raven choked out. "I-It's okay. S-save...breath...fight on."
"Mister?! Oh my days...sir! Please! Breathe!"
The way Raven smiled at him, even with her face dirtied by the dust storm and splattered with the sword wound, it brought him to tears. He knew he shouldn't have gotten close to a friend, but he couldn't help the way his walls fell upon seeing her childlike happiness.
"D-don't forget me," Raven took a shaky breath. "Live...happy forever, o-okay?"
"Sir, wake up! Wake up!"
His world seemed like it was being shaken. He kept staring into Raven's violet eyes, which were beginning to dim. His own magenta eyes widened as he shook her. Blood. It continued to flow out of her wound.
"Raven! Raven Leonidas King, wake up!" He choked out. "Your general orders you to! Damn it, wake up!!"
Her head lolled to the side as she took her last breath before falling still. A strangled cry filled the air, sounding monstrous in nature. He barely realized the way the shout tore at his throat as he cradled her body, hands glowing lime as he desperately tried to pour his magic into you, trying to bring the dead back to the realm of the living.
Lilia gasped for breath, coughing slightly as he attempted to blink away the tears from his eyes. How humiliating to break down, he was thousands of years old, damn it! He shouldn't be bawling his eyes like some sort of baby. Yet, here he was.
"Erm- hello?"
He turned to face you, a surprised gasp escaping him.
"My dear, I'm so sorry you had to see me in that state." He leaped to his feet before bowing. His cheeks burned at the pure embarrassment he was feeling. "I assure you, I am not always like that."
You awkwardly clasped your hands together.
"Are you okay?" You repeated. You shuffled your feet, looking down. Suddenly, the ground seemed so interesting to you. "It's just- you seemed so sad. So lonely."
Lilia paused, before raising an arm to pat your shoulder. The ebony-black words on his wrist stopped him in his tracks immediately. All his life, his wrists were bare of words. Since when did they appear?!
"Y/N...L/N?" He muttered out in confusion as you snapped your head up.
Awkward silence rang in the air. Lilia stepped forward, hands trembling as he pointed to your wrist.
"M-may I?"
You blinked at him again before shrugging. "No clue what you're looking for, but okay...?"
Lilia tugged the ceremonial robes away from your wrist before he laughed, half in relief while the other half could similar to hysteria. There, written as plain as day, was his name in neat cursive.
Perhaps his prayer had been heard. He thanked any deity that he had been blessed with a soulmate.
"What on earth?" You gaped at the words on your wrist. As far as you knew, you never got a tattoo! You were sure of it! Why was everything happening so weirdly; first you woke up almost being boiled alive by some strange tanuki and now this-
Before you got the chance to speak another word, Lilia fell to his knees, head bowed as he pressed a kiss to your inner wrist. You felt your heart flutter.
"I waited for you my entire life," Lilia looked up into your eyes, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes. "and you were worth every minute."
A soulmate for him...his own soul glowed brightly once more. For once, the crimson-stained memories were pushed aside as he abruptly swept you into a dip, charmingly grinning at you.
"My love, I am Lilia Vanrouge. But for you, I'll be anything you ask for. You could break my heart into tiny little pieces, and I'd still pick them up and put them back in your hands. Because you're worth it. No matter what."
Somewhere in the Opening Ceremony, a young girl with long ebony hair and purple eyes smirked secretively, tucked behind one of the numerous pillars scattered in the room. Her mission, to unite Lilia Vanrouge and yourself, was completed; she had no other reason to stay in this world. Yet, Raven Leonidas King stared around her, a painful tugging in her chest as she met the eyes of the characters she loved. The smirk on her face slowly melted into a sad expression. Her life in the outside realm couldn't even be the happiness she feels in Twisted Wonderland. She had no reason to stay since her duty was completed, but she had no reason to go. In fact, she desperately wanted to cling to the magic of this world she loved oh so much.
The rules dictated it so. She had to leave. Her black wrist watched beeped as her time slowly came to an end. Raven let out a painful sigh before taking one last look at all the characters and the world she loved. Raven reluctantly turned on her feet, disappearing in a wave of purple. Similar to a certain dragon fae's magic, the only thing left of Raven was purple butterflies who slowly flew out of the chamber, leaving no trace of the student.
"Wasn't there supposed to be one more student joining us?"
"I have no clue what you are talking about, dorm leader."
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Koga: But ain’t that a future problem?
Actually, I remember havin’ an argument like that one. I was kinda mad—
I wasn’t exactly happy with it all.
Rei: Quite. At that time you looked at me like an abandoned dog does. Even now just thinking of that makes my chest ache.
I had to help as much as I could.
Koga: Hah, how kind you are, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: I felt guilty, in truth.
Whilst I sulked and turned a blind eye, there was a child being hurt by my actions…
When I saw your eyes filled with loneliness, I finally came to understand.
I was making an innocent child experience the same loneliness I had.
Once I realised, I regretted it immensely.
So in order to atone for my sins, I donned the same clothes as you, and sung the song you wanted me to.
—And that is how UNDEAD came to be.
Koga: Yup. And UNDEAD’s debut performance was a battle, the subjugation of the delinquents.
Shitty Glasses took care of all the paperwork. ‘N since the members had changed, we thought ‘why don’t we change the unit name too?’
I listened t’what others had to say but in the end I chose the name based off of what I wanted.
—which was the name UNDEAD.
So I invited Adonis to join since it didn’t look like he had a place to go, ‘n invited him to do lessons with me.
Then finally you came back from wanderin’ around overseas, ‘n thankfully, become our leader.
For some reason you brought Hakaze-senpai with you, ‘n now we’re the best four member unit ever.
Rei: To tell the truth, I was only planning on helping you for a short period of time.
Leaving the paperwork to Hasumi-kun meant that he decided on me as leader with asking, which was rather troubling…
What on earth was he up to?
Does that count as harrassment? It’s very unusual for Hasumi-kun to do that sort of sly thing.
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Koga: Nahh. Maybe Shitty Glasses was makin’ a place where you’d belong whilst you was staggerin’ around overseas.
He was tiein’ you down to UNDEAD, so that you wouldn’t fade away.
Guess he was prayin’ that you’d find a place t’call home ‘n regain some peace of mind.
Rei: Kukuku. Of course, rotted Hasumi-kun is still a man of religion, and enjoys prayer.
He was weak, back in Deadmanz, and his prayers were not enough to exorcise the demon that was me.
However. Forcing me to become leader using his powers as part of the student council— those prayers were enough to hold me down.
I was at my wits end.
Since UNDEAD is such a comfortable place to be, I did not even feel like trying to escape.
To get back on the topic at hand, this dream seems to be progressing far faster than it did in reality. It’s like rewatching a movie— fast forward, fast forward ♪
This is why I interfered with the past version of myself in order to speed up the process of me returning home.
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Koga: But is interferin’ like that really okay? What if you affect the past?
What if somethin’ that didn’t happen before starts happenin’?
Rei: To tell the truth, this was already happening, even before I began to interfere.
This is the false past. Usually, these delinquents would not have been so much of a problem to reckon with, nor would we be referring to them as ‘vampires’.
Someone else has distorted the true past.
And I have a bone to pick with said someone. That person could potentially be the mastermind behind all of this.
We must predict this mastermind’s next move, and crush them if they attempt to cause harm to us.
That is how we correct the past.
Will you help me, Koga?
Koga: Duh, ‘course I will. Past Sakuma-senpai listened to my request.
No-one woulda blamed ya if you’d ignored the bratty whining of some dog-like kid.
Helpin’ me didn’t benefit you at all.
Yet you still bowed your head in agreement. Instead of ignorin’ a simple-minded brat, you graciously helped out.
Maybe it was because I had such a shitty personality that you couldn’t ignore my beggin’, not that you actually liked me or anythin’.
Still, it made me happy. I imagine that’s what heaven’s like. There’s been so many ups ‘n downs up, and there still is—
But I was happy, bein’ a part of UNDEAD.
This time, it’s your turn, Sakuma-senpai.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
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Red is the color of love
Nina catching them in a silly goofy mood 
Her heartbeat fluttered at the sight. Those damn cheekbones. The way his hair fell in front of his eyes. Lucifer be damned, he was a depiction of a sin. She regained a sense of control steadying her breath, this was most definitely an inappropriate time to have such deceiving thoughts. However unholy they may be she would commit the same sin again if it meant she could have him. Sins were meant to be forbidden, perhaps she'll join them in hell. She never did believe in saints. 
Nina had her head tilted towards the girl as her pulse skipped beats and looked up meeting her gaze.Urgently with furrowed brows she dipped closer in confidence.  "Are you kidding me?" 
 Suddenly her thoughts riverbed in her mind pulling her to the present. "What?"
"Tell me you aren't finding this attractive!" Nina whispered harshly. 
"Well don't tell me you're blind because I know you are not." 
"There is something wrong with you." 
The corners of her mouth twitched as she shrugged unfazed. "Everything. Daddy issue is the first one off the top of my head." 
"Are you two done gossiping?"  Kaz had whipped the blood off onto the body. The girl looked in disappointment. 
She was a blessed saint that is a shadow of darkness where pain is her wisdom and her glory shines upon you. The saints did not rage war for they offered her the balance of her swinging sword, its double edge blade between both worlds. The greatest error of innocence the saints had made was that there was more than one devil, and that she could play the part of a fallen angel. 
Blood streamed from her arms down to her hands dripping onto the floor. She stood her hair patched in sticky bright red. She reached up to her face and a finger drew across her lip smearing blood, the metallic taste reached her tongue. Kaz watched her ember eye’s gleaming in the edges of her lips twisting up into a smirk of victory. Kaz could not tear his eyes away at the saint who had saved them. 
Nina wide eyed, paused discreetly reading the pair before her. Oh, you have got to be kidding. Brekker’s heartbeat was fluttering, practically slowed to an agonizing pulse as the boy stood unmoving watching her.
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luthientinu · 2 years
“We need to stop meeting like this.”- Scarlet Strange One Shot 10- Stephen Strange x Wanda Maximoff
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Written for day 2 of the ScarletStrange shipping week!
Prompt: “We need to stop meeting like this.”
A/N- Here's my submission for Day 2 of the Scarletstrange week. I know I am late. Anyways Enjoy!
Wanda felt numb. Here she was trapped under the rubble of Mount Wundagore unable to die due to her magic powering her on. The gravity of her actions, the sins she had committed hit her like a wrecking ball. The people killed during the mission in Lagos, people she was supposed to save. Unleashing a hex at Westview, callously mind controlling the inhabitants for her own selfishness. Murdering the innocents at Kamar Taj without batting an eye. Almost killing an innocent child. Killing and creating havoc in another universe.
"I would never hurt anyone. I am not a monster’….the realisation she felt when she had become the very same thing she denied she was. The hurt she had inflicted on this little family of three…
 Oh Wanda, What have you done…. she could finally hear her conscience now that the influence of the Darkhold has disappeared leaving her broken and guilt ridden.
  She cried. She cried for her parents, Pietro, Vision, Natasha, Tony, her children and for all the lives she’d taken needlessly
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Guilt was weighing heavily on Stephen’s shoulders. Wanda’s expression just before she destroyed Mount Wundagore haunted him. Behind the Scarlet Witch persona, Stephen saw a broken woman who had lost everything that she held dear. It reminded him how he was after the accident that cost his hands. 
  He really could have approached her after the battle with Thanos and asked her to join him at Kamar-Taj. She could have had a place to heal and train if she wished for it. Heck, he could have approached her after the incident at Westview. Thinking about the possibilities seemed irrelevant now. 
  Stephen held onto the inkling she had survived the ordeal and he hoped with all his heart it was not too late.
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Wanda had uprooted and torn the Darkhold Castle down to the very foundation. Even with the magic aiding him, the task of shifting the rubble was extremely tedious. The sight in front of him broke his heart. 
  “Oh Wanda, we need to stop meeting like this…”
  All hell seemed to break loose when they meet or at the very least see each other. He had seen her bring Thanos down single handedly before he had given the order to fire. When they finally met, it was not in any way peaceful save for the first few minutes.
  She was unconscious and looked extremely worn down. Dried tear tracks painted her face. Her face was hollow and gaunt and looked very much dead except for the faint pulse. Stephen gently lifted her from the rubble and stepped through the portal into the Sanctum.
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Wanda’s eyes flew open and she immediately winced at the sunlight pouring in through a nearby window. Window? She was supposed to be buried under the rubble. Debris is not supposed to feel soft right? She breathed in and out, trying to regain her bearings. She felt extremely sore and painful. She slowly opened her eyes and tried to sit up on the bed…she noticed she had an IV attached to her arm, the fluid steadily dripping down…
  “Hello Wanda.”
  Wanda almost gave herself a whiplash when she turned around towards Stephen’s voice. She opened her mouth…
  “Here, drink some water. Take very slow sips.” Stephen handed her a glass.
  She took the water gratefully, mindful enough to take small sips. The water felt heavenly on her parched throat. 
  Here she was with the man who she had tried to kill a few days or months ago (she lost her sense of time). The guilt hit her and she felt the tears fall uncontrollably.
  “Why am I here Stephen? After everything I’ve done? After all the people I’ve killed…” she whispered hoarsely. “....I am a monster…”
  Stephen sat on a nearby chair and took her hand. Wanda began talking. She poured her heart out and Stephen just listened. His heart ached for this woman who had to go through so much during her short life. Fate had dealt a very unfair deck to Wanda Maximoff. He sincerely hoped from this moment onwards she would have a chance to heal from all her trauma and pain. 
  Once she had told him everything, Stephen began. “You can still have a second chance Wanda…the road may not be easy but I would like to help you with every step if you’d like.”
  “Yes...yes please!” she nodded. Wanda had enough of the pain. She wanted to heal and she would gladly take any help.
  “Take some rest first.”
  Wanda settled back on the pillow. For once she felt a sliver of hope and she was not going to let it go any time sooner…for once she felt she was not waking up to a nightmare.
Previous- One Shot 9
Next- One Shot 11
ScarletStrange Masterlist
Main Masterlist
A/N- I am sorry if this is a bit wonky...I wrote this in the middle of a terrible migraine (still having it) so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. I started with a totally different idea and ended it in a totally different way....yikes I am rambling. Hope I did okay though. Would really love to know what you all think. This posted on Ao3 and on Fanfiction.net too
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ayuuria · 3 years
Yashahime Translation: Animedia Magazine December 2021 Issue
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Welcoming Rion into the Group♪ Princess Quartet, the 4 Angels Inviting A Smile to A Warring World
Seeking the “Kyūyoukon root” needed to defeat Kirinmaru, the Yashahimes enter the barrier of Mt. Musubi. There Moroha meets Kirinmaru’s daughter, Rion, and Setsuna discovers that her mother, Rin, is asleep within the Tree of Ages. Furthermore, with Rion’s guidance, Towa, who has tasted the despair for losing Setsuna, obtains a new weapon, the Zanseiken, and once again makes a declaration of war to Kirinmaru. By continuing onwards, the three princesses learn many things and grow. However, those girls still have an innocent face at the same time. This time, adding in Rion, we look back on the four’s “Angelic Point” which demonstrates their pure appeal, all while wishing for the girls to remain smiling even during turbulent times.
Illustration Description
With Rion joining as a new comrade, the Yashahime gang’s aura has become more brilliant. Even though their world doesn’t have any relation to Christmas, it might be nice for them to exchange gifts with each other.
Character Bios
Moroha Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter. When she puts rouge on her lips, her demonic powers awaken, and she becomes “The Land Destroying Beniyasha”. She found Rion sleeping within Mt. Musubi and woke her up.
Towa Sesshōmaru’s daughter and the older twin. Regarding Setsuna, Towa’s feeling of “wanting to protect her” while fighting alongside her is strong. She uses the demon sword, Kikujyūmonji, which creates a blade from demonic energy.
Rion Kirinmaru’s daughter. She died 600 years ago but her soul was sealed within the barrier of Mt. Musubi. Meeting the Yashahimes, her fate moved significantly.
Setsuna Sesshōmaru’s daughter and the younger twin. She is training to master the new naginata that Tōtōsai crafted her, “Yukari no Tachikiri”, which is suitable for the blood blade she inherited from Sesshōmaru.
Moroha’s Famous True Angel Scene: Her Feelings Toward Her Parents Flash
Moroha finds the figures of Inuyasha and Kagome at the border between this world and the next. Inuyasha and Kagome also take notice and call out her name. Moroha’s yearning for her parents from deep within her heart could be felt through her expression in that moment when her eyes watered……
Towa’s Famous True Angel Scene: She’s Always Honest and Warm
Within her 600 years of isolation, Rion wished to stop her father’s ambition. Towa, who’s moved to tears, empathizes with Rion’s loneliness and hugs her. No matter who it is, Towa will wrap them with great kindness; her existence is truly that of an angel.
Rion’s ‘This Is Where She’s an Angel!’ Her Blipping Cute Ears and Her Hidden Gap!
Rion’s ears are that of a fawn, so that’s a point furries will love. I also think her mysterious appearance is one of her angelic points. She’s mysterious when she’s quiet, but when you get to know her, she shows a young girlish side. She’s also very knowledgeable. Doesn’t it make you go “Love ♡” when a knowledgeable girl suddenly hugs you, appealing her childishness? Just between us, I also did those kinds of scenes slyly (laughs) – Fujita
Setsuna’s Famous True Angel Scenes
Her Sleeping Figure is Truly Angelic With Sesshōmaru cutting down the “Dream Butterfly”, Setsuna regains her sleep. Despite finally being able to rest, if she sleeps for too long, Towa will get worried again.
Her Princess Look is Also on Point! At the entreaty of the commander’s daughter, Princess Aiya, Setsuna becomes her substitute. With her first appearance as a princess with makeup, her prominent beauty is on an angelic level.
Big Angel’s Telling The Role of Rion, Fujita Saki
A Mysterious Girl Who Can Speak Frankly About Kirinmaru!
— With what feelings do you act as the mysterious character, Rion?
Rion isn’t just a demon; she once travelled the world together with Kirinmaru and experienced the battlefield, so I want to place importance on her image of having a stronger heart than a typical girl. Even after meeting Towa and the others, she shoulders many heavy words, so I’m conscious of having to be convincing while young.
However, as she travels, her childishness will become visible and when she’s with her old friend, Riku, her youthfulness also comes out. Thus, having said that, I think it would be great if I can express that Rion’s time stopped as a young girl.
— What part of Rion was unexpected in the main story?
The fact that she didn’t like her father, Kirinmaru. During recording, when I acted in a way of hoping Kirinmaru would save me, the sound director told me “It’s fine to (express) “dislike” here.” (laughs). I had a feeling of even if I was sealed away for 600 years, my father is still my father, so I was surprised to have that thrown aside to such an extent.
— How do you feel about (her) relationship with the Yashahimes?
I gradually got the sense of a team. The first one she met was Moroha, so my impression is that she and Rion get along. It’s like this girl who’s not timid continuously approached this other girl who’s mysterious and difficult to approach and released her. Her connection with Setsuna revolves around “Yukari no Tachikiri”, so I think it will be a little longer before they’re friends.
Towa has relations with Riku, so as Rion, I have this sister-in-law like feeling. When the two of them engender a romantic love, there are many scenes where Rion interjects, and I worry she’s being a little bit of a nuisance (laughs). Though, she does seem to understand a girl’s feelings more or less.
Christmas Q&A For Fujita-san
Q. What kind of Christmas present would you want to give to Rion?
A shōjo manga. Rion hasn’t come in contact with people, so I think she needs to know multi-protagonist like stories. If I gifted her my recommended shōjo manga, I think her heart would swoon. – Fujita
Q. If Towa, Setsuna, Moroha, and Rion were modern era girls of the same age, what kind of Christmas do you think they would have?
Having all of them go into town and do things like eat and shop seems like fun, so I want them to do that. I think I also want Rion to see the Christmas lights. Rion has good reactions, so I think it would be worth having Towa show her around since she’s good at taking care of others. – Fujita
Q. What is your wish to Santa this year, Fujita-san?
I would be happy for something I normally wouldn’t buy, like an order of gourmet food that Santa recommends. However, if something that can’t fit into Santa’s bag is okay, then I want an apartment where all my friends and I can have fun living together (laughs). – Fujita
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lemonhobgoblin · 4 years
Deception: Loki One-Shot
A/N: Promised to make this one-shot like what 2 years ago...better late than never amirite. Imma try to write more probably during the summer when I’m not too busy with college. Cuz I have like 9 stories (at least 15+ ch. each) and another one-shot that I want to finish this year. 
Hope y’all enjoy
Loki x Reader 
Word Count: 1.2K
Warning: Slight NSFW, minor language, and slight fluff 
The sound of muffled heavy rain and the low rumbles of thunder resounded throughout the Avengers base. As the rain pounded against the walls of the base, playing a calming rhythm. The halls, lab, gym, and rooms vacant of anyone to occupy, creating a perfect acoustic. Though faint muffled conversation could be heard. On a nonspecific floor, a commotion ignited within a dimly lit room. Pleading voices interrupting the calm ambiance, countering against the tranquil atmosphere. A dire match transpiring between three heroes and a ruthless demigod prevailing against them.
"Loki please don't do this to me." you urged.
"Brother listen to (Y/n), you'll regret this." Thor tries to reason but to no avail.
"My mind has been made up," Loki spoke with such malice intent.
"Please Loki..." A hushed whined slipping through your lips. Silence took hold for no longer than a couple of seconds as Loki looked down on you, reveling in the success of overpowering the three Avengers, especially you. How weak and hopeless you all looked before Loki, he couldn’t wait to see your face when he throws the last fatal hit against you. 
Too impatient to wait any longer, he broke the stillness, he reached forward towards you slamming down the finishing blow to bring an end to it all.
"No!" Peter shouted across the room. 
Loki drops a Draw Four Card on a pile of cards between the two of you, "Draw four and I choose the color to be blue. Which does not matter because I win," smiled smugly over at you, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"YOU'RE CHEATING!!!" You hollered at Loki, throwing your cards down on the coffee table between the two. All of you were sitting comfortably on the floor around the coffee table. Loki and you were playing a round of Uno, along with Peter and Thor who were watching the intense match, forgoing their own game of Jenga. Watching you lose once again to Loki, losing their minds joking over your loss and how Loki is in big trouble.
All of you were left to yourselves during this stormy weather. While the other Avengers were either on a mission or simply had personal affiliations to take care of on this rainy day. But boredom grabbing a hold on each of you eventually, mostly Peter and you. Leaving you to get the grand idea to enjoy simple games while playing some movies. Getting Thor to easily agree and pestering Loki from his reading to join in on the fun. However, you currently started to regret bringing Loki along to play.
"I most certainly am not, love, " Loki clasping his hands together in front of himself, allowing his head to rest on top. Staring lovingly at his partner in a sort of mocking way.  
"You won like 17 times in a row already, Mr. Loki. I'm pretty sure you are." Peter interjected earning a sideways leer from Loki. In turn, causing Peter to flinch from his gaze.
"Agreed, and this probably isn't the real Loki in front of us. A fake to distract to us" Thor threw a card at Loki, only to hit his head. Cocking his head and pursing his lips in confusion, proving himself wrong.
Loki, slightly annoyed and glared at the two other males, "Very much here and you two are still bitter after I won the first five rounds, true?"
 "True," Peter looking down in defeat.
Loki patting Peters back awkwardly before Peter made the crawl back to his end of the table. "Continue playing your 'Jenga', " Loki said, nearly feeling guilty at crushing Peter's hopes of winning at least one game of Uno. 
You leaned forward capturing Loki's attention. "Confess your sins now cheater."
Loki, leaning forward forgetting his small wave of guilt completely. Regaining his cockiness to prove you wrong. He enjoyed teasing you, watching you get all worked up and pouty; he found it cute.
"Sorry but there is nothing to confess (Y/n)," he said, continuing with his taunting smirk naïve to the accusation you placed on Loki. This earned a frown from you; you weren't buying the innocent act he was playing. You saw right through him, how he cheated you had no clue, but you were going to find out by any means necessary.
"Thor, can you please take Peter to get more snacks," you commanded more than requested, all the while not breaking eye contact with your mischievous lover.
"We still have plenty of popcorn-" Peter said, placing a block on top of the tower, only to stop mid-sentence the moment he made eye contact and saw the murder in your eyes. Thor following suit of Peter when he noticed the abrupt pause in his response.
"I personally feel like we need more snacks as well as drinks, "Thor slowing standing straight up along with Peter and quickly getting out of the room. Once they were out of sight and far away, you got up from your spot and walked around the table smirking, towering over Loki.
"Whatever you plan to do isn't goi-" 
You plopped yourself on Loki's lap, shutting him up. Your legs rested comfortably on either side of Loki, straddling him. Your hands placed at his groin and slowly you pressed against Loki. Taking note of how hard he was already and the shape of it. Not wanting to linger too long, you gradually trailed your palms upwards to his chest feeling him entirely. Your wandering hands coming to an end at his shoulders, settling them around his neck. Bringing yourself and Loki for a passionate kiss, and Loki gladly accepting this unexpected treatment, snaking his hands around your waist, embracing you closer to him, deepening the kiss. Allowing yourself to grind against him, moaning as Loki tongued around inside your mouth.
As much as you enjoyed making out with Loki and vice versa, you had to pull away for air but not without gently biting his lower lip and tugging at it. Releasing his lip, as you pulled away from him, you left a thin connected trail of saliva from each other’s mouth. Loki bringing a hand up, wiping away the trail from your glossy lips before holding your chin up to look at him.
"Was that my punishment, I must say that felt amazing," Loki mused.
"Really? Well so does this, " trailing your hands down to unbutton his pants, slipping a hand in, and pulling out a stack of power cards from his pants and not his dick to Loki's dismay.
"I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! THOR! PETER!"  running out the room with the stack in hand. Leaving a bewildered and aroused Loki behind. Realizing his love used their seduction to bring Loki's guard down. Again.
"Dammit, every time." Sighing, he was dumbfounded, at himself for both getting caught and getting sexually riled when you clearly were just trying to get answers out of him.
Allowing himself to flop back onto the plush rug beneath him, accepting defeat. Yet a small grin present on his face, he shook his head at the ridiculous sequence that played out only seconds ago. All the while knowing he would get back at you for this. Starting with the sizeable conundrum you created in his pants, that he is sure to get you to fix it the moment he has you all to himself. But for now, he was going to let you indulge in your triumph and continue spending his time playing games and watching nonsensical movies with you and the others.  
Because honestly, he loved you and your company, and right now he wanted to savor this simple moment before he lovingly fucks you ruthlessly later tonight. :)
Thank you for reading <3
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Hold Me, I’m Soft ~ Mammon x Reader
This is going to refer to the DevilGram story with Madi the Witch, because it didn’t sit right with me how Mammon got used and laughed at for being sexually assaulted, especially when I related to that in more ways then I’d want to admit, so there it is, a short little fic to give Monnie some love, especially since his birthday will be this week and I will be at the mountains, unable to actually post anything other than a Happy Birthday maybe.
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Ever since she got to the Devildom, Y/N wondered to herself why in the world would the brothers bully Mammon so much, to the point that he’ll break down in tears when nobody is around?
He’s the most gentle of the brothers, yet he’s met with nothing more than taunts and mocking because of his greed. It’s not like he can help it, it’s his Avatar sin, he didn’t choose it. People get annoyed at Beel for eating too much and constantly raiding the fridge, for when he indulges in the pleasure of greed, he’s suddenly the scummy trash brother who’s just a waste of space. The family’s embarrassment.
But why should he be that, when he’s the only one who never gave in to his demonic power from rage? Never tried to attack or kill her and never got in his demon form to lash out at her?
Mammon was the first one to ever call her by her name and even give her nicknames. He was the first one to call her out to the cinema, concerts, shopping, pranking time, board games, card games, and even video games or just some quality time together.
He was the one to taught her how to be an undefeated Blackjack player and how to spot when someone is lying. He was the one to taught her how to flawlessly cheat in games and how to protect herself if something happened.
Even more, he was the one who graciously asked if she wanted to workout with him so she could be stronger and faster if anything were to happen and he wouldn’t be around, just like how it happened long ago, when Levi lost control and almost attacked her.
And, of course, he was the only one who constantly asked her if she was okay, if she was happy, if she needed anything. He would always pamper her whenever he thought she stopped smiling for one split second, or if he thinks she was faking it. He would grab TSL and some comfort food, hot chocolate with marshmallows and would cuddle her all night, playing with her hair.
It really pissed her off, but no matter what she did, and no matter how much she tried to make the others at least tone it down, of course, millennia of habits cannot be so easily tamed.
These were the constant thoughts that plagued Y/N’s mind, yet the white haired man will never know, because she is a girl of few words and many actions.
Today, however, as usual, was the time for some new shenanigans, as Lucifer and Satan must be the escorts of some powerful witch, as per Diavolo’s request, since he literally can’t stand her - And that speaks loads, when it comes to the benevolent Demon Prince.
“Hey, is it really gonna be okay to leave those two by themselves like that?” Mammon asked with a worried expression on his face. “Well, neither of them are saying anything...For now, at least.” Asmo held the same expression as his elder brother. “Yeah, you just KNOW that they’re going to blow up any minute. It’s so exciting!” Levi spoke with a chuckle. “Hey, why is it that you only ever come outta your room at times like this, Levi? I thought you were s’posed to be a shut-in.” Mammon raised his eyebrow at his little brother. “Well, this is Lucifer and Satan. They almost NEVER work together, much less when it’s just the two of them! I mean, if I’d missed an event like this, I’d regret it for the next 800 years.” Levi grinned, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Diavolo was pretty bold to make them work together, if you ask me.” Y/N muttered, crossing her arms and peeking through the door creak.
Saying that, the four of them leaned in the peek better and listen to their conversation.
“Be careful. If Maddi takes a liking to a man, she’ll bring him back home with her.” Lucifer smirked at his younger brother. “As if you need to remind me...I recall how Mammon went home with her that one time. Mammon must have regretted going with her, because by the time he got back, he was on the verge of tears. I remember it like it was yesterday!” Satan shook his head in disbelief, making the girl gasp, covering her mouth with her hands. “HEY! I wasn’t!” Mammon frowned at what he just heard, making Asmo shush him quickly so they won’t be heard. “I don’t even want to THINK about what must’ve happened between those two that night. I can’t understand what possessed Mammon to willingly go home with a woman that dangerous. It’s fortunate she didn’t trick him into making a pact with her while he was there in bed half-asleep.” the blond continued speaking, making the girl bite her lip from the shock and pain in her chest. “But there’s no doubt that Mammon didn’t have a good time, because for a while after he came back he had nightmares, and he’s moan in his sleep. He even stopped spending money left and right...MAMMON, of all demons. Still, Maddi IS attractive. She rivals the succubus who won the Queen Contest in terms of beauty. In fact, Maddi might be even MORE beautiful. I’m a little worried that you’ll end up like Mammon - That as soon as she uses her feminine wiles on you, you’ll fold like a paper airplane.” hearing that, she couldn’t stop herself and she fled the place, going to her room to regain herself, not giving anyone any explanation.
She already made up her mind that, despite being the middle of the day, she will skip both lunch and dinner, so changing in her pyjamas, she got in bed, cuddling the hellhound plushie Mammon got her, and wrapped herself in a tight cocoon with her blanket, not wanting to see the light of the day.
So many thoughts were swirling in her mind, each of them more and more degrading, overpowering one another, guilt taking over her completely.
She prided herself with being a ration person, she really did! She always put ration and logic over hindering emotions...But now...When she can overthink in peace...The ration she held completely dissipated, and here she was, crying her heart out once again.
Why WAS she crying for, anyway?
Was it because she felt Mammon’s pain at having being used like that, against his will, because he’s an innocent and peaceful push-over? 
Was it because she remembered what happened to her, and her heart started aching like crazy, and she began to spiral? 
Was it because she felt plain, ordinary and completely nothing special, when she heard Lucifer saying that Maddi is the most beautiful person in the world and that’s why Mammon was lured in by her?
Or was it the guilt of being affected by jealousy and self-hatred before the pain from what that vile woman did to him?
What the hell was going on through her head, anyway? She heard enough opinions about her and how terrible of a girlfriend she was, why should she even have any hope that Mammon would ever like her? And why the hell was she worrying about that, when she should be worrying about the poor demon?!
She’s really nothing more than a selfish jerk.
As if on cue, she heard the familiar sound of a received message on her D.D.D., and curiosity won over her self-deprecating sulking, and she checked it out, making her heart skip a few beats.
It was Monnie, and he was asking if she was okay and why she left.
Tears started brimming in her eyes, and letting out a few more sobs, she realised that, even thought he doesn’t romantically love her, he will always be her best friend, and she was at least content with that, no matter how selfish she is.
She quickly texted him, asking if it was okay if she came over later, for a sleepover, and of course, he agreed, so the girl put a cardigan over her so it wouldn’t be too obvious she was in her pyjamas - Not that it mattered, anyway - and got some snacks, made some hot chocolate and went to Mammon’s room, finding him in a tanktop and some large pants, playing some game on his phone.
“Took you long enough!” Mammon grinned, making room for her to join him. “What’s with that face? You stormed out of there, so somethin’ must’ve bothered ya. Come on, y’know you can tell me.” he got in a sitting position, looking at her with a concerned look, but was met with silence for a many seconds, in which he feared he must have said something wrong. “I, uh...I guess I got worried about you after what they said...But I didn’t have the best reaction...I needed some time to think things over. It was pretty selfish of me to do that, instead of talking to you first...But I guess I’ve always been pretty selfish, haven’t I?” she chuckled nervously, still standing up, next to the bed. “What the hell are ya on about? Is it about that Maddi thing? Forget it, it happened long ago, it doesn’t bother me anymore.” he shrugged, looking away for a split second, only to look back at her. “I...Don’t think you’re over it.” she bit her lip, looking down, sucking at her teeth to stop herself from sketching any gesture on her face. “What do ya know about that, anyway? Come on, shut up and put the movie on, I ain’t got all day!” he tried to make her stop talking already, but she wasn’t exactly paying attention. “I had a similar experience too and...When I heard what happened, flashes of what happened went in front of my eyes and I started panicking. That’s why I ran away.” she spoke, her eyes glossed and unfocused. “Is that why ya wanted to hang out?” Mammon muttered softly, seeing her slowly nod her head. “I never told anyone...And so, nobody was there to care about me. But you always cared about me...And I wanted to do the same, for once.” she gulped, blinking and putting everything on the nightstand next to his bed. “...Come’re, dummy.” he sighed, tugging on her hand and making her sit on his lap, as was their ritual whenever one of them needed comfort. “Did I upset you, Monnie?” she asked, barely audible, making him put his hands on her shoulders, so she could properly look at him. “What?! Upset me?! ‘Course not! I-I’m happy that you thought of me, okay? It’s just...Yeah, it wasn’t nice, duh, but I’m a demon. I can take many things. But you’re such a frail little human. You’re small, fragile and soft, and since nobody wanted to bother getting to know such a nice gal like you, then I will always be there for you.” he put his hands on her face, trying to reach through to her. “...I was supposed to comfort you...Why did it go the other way around...? I was supposed to make sure you okay, that you’re smiling and that you can manage to get over what happened in the past...I wanted to be the one you can count on, for once...But I’m failing even at that...That’s how much of a selfish jerk I am...You deserve better than me, Monnie.” she hung her head, resting her forehead on his shoulder, not realising her words made him stiff, and tears prickled at his eyes. “Shut up, dummy! You’re a dummy! Dummy! Dummy! Never say things like that okay, got it?! Listen, I-I care about you, okay? I don’t care if you manage to comfort me or not, I just care that you think about me, okay? You’re the only one that gives a damn about me, and I appreciate that, okay? You see part of yourself in me, and I see a part of myself in you, so of course I want to keep you safe.” Mammon sighed, holding the girl close to his chest, playing with her hair, as he always did. “Monnie...Can I tell you something?” she muttered. It was now or never. If he hated her, so be it, but at least he knows. “Of course ya can, dummy. You can tell me anythin’ you want.” he said with an encouraging chuckle. “I...Left because I felt guilty. Because...My first thoughts were creeping with jealousy, instead of worrying about you and what happened, first and foremost. My brain fails me big time. And I feel really bad, ‘cause you deserve much better than some idiot who gets jealous over someone vile like...Her.” she let a few tears fall down her face, but poor Mammon was lost in his own head.
Jealous? Why the hell would she be jealous? What could she be jealous of? What is going on even?
“Why would you be jealous of her? You’re better than she’ll ever be, in every way. What the hell is going on through that head of yours, Y/N?” he frowned, flicking her forehead, unsure of how to react. “You heard how Lucifer and Satan spoke about her...And they are Lucifer and Satan. They spoke only praises about her...A-And I didn’t want her to be around you. Y-You’re my first man, Monnie, please understand what I’m saying.” she hid her face with her hands, her bottom lip quivering from embarrassment and guilt. “O-Oh...Ya like me?! Like...Like-Like me?! For reals?!” his voice became so cheerful and hopeful, and as soon as he saw her nodding, he started laughing very happily, kissing her forehead and taking away her hands from her face, his grin bright and dazzling like the first sunshine of Spring. “Cool, ‘cause I love ya too! I was sure you liked one of my brothers, they ain’t as problematic as me, but you like me, your first man, and I couldn’t be happier!” he started kissing her all over her face, making her blush like a tomato. “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re the best. You’re the only one who has been genuine with me since the very beginning and cared about me. And spending time with you always is always calming and...You always make me happy. I forgot what it’s like to be happy since that happened...But whenever my brain goes stupid and I start overthinking, you always manage to keep me grounded...And I really appreciate you for that.” Y/N spoke out, making Mammon’s eyes water, and with the ordinary greedy impulse he had, he grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, without even realising what in the world happened. “Don’t fluster me like that, Y/N...Actually, do, I love it, but I’m not used to it.” he chuckled nervously, making the girl smile softly. “Can I do anything to make you feel better about...The past?” she asked sheepishly, her hands hanging awkwardly, unsure of what to do with them. “Well...The hot chocolate is going to get cold...And there’s snacks to eat and  movies to binge-watch...” he trailed on, snaking his arms around her waist, making her put hers on his shoulders. “Also...I want to make sure you’re comfortable with me, okay? I dunno what happened to you, but if it’s similar to what happened to me, I want to promise you that I will never do anythin’ you’re not okay with. I pinky promise.” Mammon spoke in a more serious voice, yet just as gentle. “I know, Angel eyes. I trust you the most out of everyone in this world. And I can promise you the same thing.” she managed to give him a proper smile, throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly, feeling the comforting warmth of his body.
That embrace alone felt, for the both of them, like the sole safe home they ever had, and there was nothing that could break this dream-like state they were in. There was no negativity and no bad thought going through their mind, as the warmth and love of the hug was enough to disperse of any pest lingering and purging their sanity.
When they finally got the courage to let go of each other, fearing that they would disappear from this serenity state, they cuddled together in bed, drinking the now room temperature hot chocolate, eating so many snacks that they resembled Beel, and watching TSL on the huge plasma TV on the wall.
“Monnie?” Y/N raised her head to look up at him, love and admiration obvious in her sparkling eyes. “Thank you for existing in my life. I know you go through great lengths to take care of your brothers and make sure they’re happy...And I know you get hurt a lot in the process...But I really appreciate everything you’re doing, both for me and for them. I’m sure they see it too, they’re just too stupidly proud to admit to themselves...As usual.” she chuckled, reaching to hold his hand and intertwine their fingers together. “Thanks, Y/N. You’re the best. I’m really happy you came to talk to me...And I’m really happy you’re here with me. I love you.”
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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[HPMA] Malik Sikander Moodboard
featuring Oscar Isaac as Malik
“I don't want to die a scarless man --  A lonely soul... (Tell me now what to do...) I studied silence to learn the music -- I joined the sinful to regain innocence... Heaven queen, cover me in all that blue! Little boy, such precious joy, is dead to the world...” ~“Dead to the World,” by Nightwish
Malik Sikander is the oldest child of Muggle Studies professor Arif Sikander’s brother, Hamza. He is also the older brother and complete opposite of Fawkes the phoenix’s new Muggle owner, Farid Sikander. 
As shy, gentle, and pacifistic as Farid is, Malik is charismatic, hot-tempered, and confrontational, perfectly willing to debate anyone who contradicts or underestimates him and pick a fight with anyone who messes with his family. And the member of his family he’s most protective of is his younger brother, Farid. Therefore, when Farid is abruptly sent away from the family by their father Hamza, supposedly to “attend military school” closer to their uncle Arif so as to toughen him up more than his regular school did, Malik takes it very badly. As much as he’s always feared for his brother and thought he did need to toughen up so that no one would take advantage of him, Malik also saw Farid as one of his closest confidantes and hated the idea of not being able to protect him, live with him, or even contact him without passing his letters along through their father. Before long, Malik and Hamza’s relationship deteriorated, with Malik rebelling more and more against everything he’d ever been and succumbing to bitterness, anger, and hatred. Malik gave up on his long-held dream of becoming a cop and both distanced himself from his Muslim upbringing and actively disobeyed his father’s house rules, regularly smoking cigarettes and staying out way past curfew with a gang of his biker friends. Even his hobbies of roleplaying and cosplaying weren’t as much fun to work on anymore, without Farid’s unconditional encouragement to pick him back up whenever he got discouraged or stuck. But little does Malik know that Farid was not truly suffering under the ruthless rules of military school, but instead had been forced to live in the Wizarding World away from his family so he wouldn’t tell his mother and siblings about it...and truly, that Hamza wanted Farid back home just as much as Malik did, but was forced to lie and keep him away so as to protect his entire family from magical prosecution. 
tagging @lifeofkaze since you expressed interest in learning more about Reva’s future brother-in-law!! xoxo
#hpma#malik sikander#farid sikander#arif sikander#hamza sikander#aesthetic#moodboard#oh my god okay#I admit I feel kind of bad choosing oscar as malik's face claim when he's not indian let alone muslim#but I'm sorry oscar just looks SO MUCH like how I imagined malik#least of which because oscar is 5'9 while farid's face claim dev patel is 6'2 and that is EXACTLY what kind of height disparity I imagined#smol big brother + tol little brother = adorable#LMAO#but yeah farid is a hufflepuff/ravenclaw hatstall but *this* boy is like a gryffindor/slytherin hatstall#he holds grudges x 1000 and he's super protective of his loved ones to the point he can be really spiteful toward those he dislikes#but at the same time he is a real protector type#it's what makes him want to be a cop even though his dad wanted him to become a lawyer#yet he's also very attuned to social justice#he's aware of how broken the entire police department and law system is being a young irish muslim#so in the beginning he's idealistic to the point he wants to try to fix it#but as he gets older and without farid to temper him he kind of goes off the rails with his anger and bitterness#and starts to see the world itself as broken and corrupted beyond repair#it's really only when the sikander family's bonds begin to be mended after farid fights to tell them the truth that malik slowly cools down#and although he definitely is still very angry at the world and its injustices he starts to see the good of it again#and feels all the more determined to fight for it :)#as a side I also ADORED using nightwish for this -- it was such a surprise listening to it again and hearing my boy in it <3
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huntertales · 3 years
Part Two: Vices And Virtues. (Rock And A Hard Place S09E08)
Episode Summary: Sheriff Jody Mills enlists the help of Y/N and the Winchesters to help investigate multiple kidnappings that belonged to the same chastity group. The three decide to infiltrate the group for themselves. But things go wrong when Y/N and Dean disappear. Sam and Jody must rescue them before it’s too late. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Warning: Descriptions of intimacy Word Count: 5,728.
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A/N: I tried something with this part...don’t know if it’s gonna come out good or totally suck. Obviously you guys know what you’re getting yourself into with the context of this episode. I really didn’t know how to add proper warning that would make sense, so bare with me. Obviously read at your own discretion. I hope you guys enjoy! 
You'd do just about anything for a hunt if it meant an innocent life could be saved from disaster, or worse, death. YAnd you did your fair share of stupid things over the years. Sitting here in an abstinence support group after regaining your virginity was on the top of the list. You sat on one of the fold-out wooden chairs and patiently waited for your first and only meeting of "Abstinence Purifies Us" to begin. It seemed the group was going to be much larger than you realized it was going to be when you saw a crowd of women come into the room designated for things such as this. What you noticed right away when everyone formed a circle to start the meeting was that there was not a single man in sight besides the brothers.
While you continued waiting, you went on thinking about how regaining your virginity at your age would be slightly strange as well, presuming almost all of the group in the group were going to be those who were high school aged to some in their twenties. You were a bit surprised to see a few who appeared to be possibly other than you. Perhaps they were like you, born-again virgins like you who wanted a fresh start in life. You folded your hands in your lap and patiently waited for everyone to join and get started.
“Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Suzy.” The woman sitting at the head of the circle spoke up and introduced herself after spotting a few new faces in the group. “I’d thought we’d begin with a silent prayer for our missing friends.”
You and Sam closed your eyes and lowered your head out of respect for everyone else when they did the same. Dean didn't see much of the point, seeming to be lost in his own personal thoughts when he stared at Suzy to follow her directions. You opened your eyes to check up on Dean, only to see he was being stubborn as usual. You cleared your throat and shot him a warning glare to play along. He quickly did as everyone else, knowing it was better to go along with the part without causing too much suspension. You rolled your eyes before shutting them again for a few more seconds before Suzy concluded the prayer.
“Now,” Suzy finally moved on to the actual beginning of the meeting after getting the formalities out of the way. “Does anyone have anything they’d like to share?”
"I wrote a new piece of verse." A young woman eagerly raised her hand, deciding to go before anyone else could try. She picked up a pink piece of paper and stood up from her seat. "It's called 'Sex is a racket, and God's ball is in your tennis court."
You were expecting to hear all sorts of different things during this meeting, but that one not one of them. You had to cover your hand with your mouth to keep the smile that crossed your face from showing how ridiculous the work sounded. You quickly composed yourself when you caught the disapproving shake of the head from Sam. You wanted to hear what was written, but it seemed Suzy declined the offer, not wanting to hear it today. It seemed she was trying to save the new members from not coming back next time for a bad first experience.
“And we would love to hear that, Tammy—later.” Suzy politely shot down the woman from letting her read to the group. You swore a few people seemed relieved at not being forced to listen to another one of the woman’s works. Tammy's smile slowly fell from her lips at being shot down from her writing she spent working so hard on. She sank down to her seat as Suzy directed her attention to you and the boys. “Why don’t we hear from our new friends? Sam, what brought you here to reclaim your virginity?”
You looked over at the younger Winchester to hear his response. He suddenly appeared to be a deer in headlights  when everyone's eyes landed on him, curious to see what his answer was going to be. He wasn't sure what to say, in all honesty, he decided to go with the truth. "Well, I guess because every woman I've ever had relations with, uh...it...hasn't ended well."
“He’s not lying.” You mumbled to yourself, knowing from personal experience. It seemed your comment didn’t go unnoticed from the man himself. You turned your head to see his infamous bitch face flash in your direction. “What? Sorry, Sammy, but it’s the truth.”
“Thank you for sharing, Sam. Stay strong. Stay pure.” Suzy said. The motto was chanted by everyone else in the group before the next person was up to share. And from the way it seemed to be, you were up next. “What about you, Y/N? What set you on the path away from sin?”
"Well, I guess I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately. I feel at this point in my life I need a fresh start. I haven't liked the way it's turned out since I lost my virginity." You began with your reason why you were here, thinking quick on your feet for a reasonable answer. Sometimes honesty was the best policy. So you went from there. "Funny enough, I gave it up pretty late in life. I was actually a virgin up until I was twenty-seven. Sex wasn't important to me. I was focused on other things. And if I'm being honest...I was scared to give it up to anyone else. It's such an intimate thing for someone to do. Sure, some might think sex is fun, and while they—"
You wanted to say that someone had the right to have sex with whoever they wanted, a natural reaction when it came to your way of thinking. You managed to bite your tongue in time before you could say it, remembering the crowd you were speaking to. "Basically, I wasn't in a rush to lose it. But I knew who I secretly wanted to be my first." 
You turned your head to look over at Dean, a smile creeping across your lips at the honesty even he didn't know about. "It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. We just said our first 'I love yous' to each other and somehow one thing led to another…and we made love in the backseat of his old Chevy.  It was out in the middle of an empty field at night, just the two of us with the radio playing in the background. All of it felt perfect, if I’m being honest.”
You swore you saw a few ladies drift off into personal thought of what it might have been like. A sort of dreamy expression when they saw Dean. He looked like the kind of guy who could charm the pants off anyone. While they were saving themselves for marriage, you saw the wandering eyes, the hidden lust even they couldn't ignore. A little bit of satisfaction came over you knowing he was all yours to keep.
“I realized a lot of bad things feel good in the moment. I had to learn the hard way temptations like mine come with consequences." You went on. "I discovered mine the morning after I gave up my virginity. It turned out Dean was doing something behind my back, something that broke my heart."
"He cheated on you?" Bonnie felt the need to cut in, her pretend sympathetic expression was hidden behind a told-you-so kind of tone.
"Sure. He...cheated on me." You went on with the lie, knowing the truth would sound bonkers to these kinds of people. "Anyway, what trust I thought I had in him disappeared. Lying to me about something like that hurt me. I guess it was God's way of punishing me. But I didn't listen. I ended up doing some other things I regretted."
"This is a safe space, Y/N." Suzy reassured you after falling silent, wanting to act as if you were still guilt ridden to this very day. "Anything you admit today will not be faced with judgement. We're here to help one another. Confession can be a great way to start over." 
"During our breakup, we decided to go our separate ways for a while. Dean dated a nice woman while I stayed single. However, while I tried to be good, I lost myself again to the temptation of sin. One day when I was feeling my lowest and drinking way too much. Sam and I..." The ladies all collectively raised their brows, curious and hanging off your every word about what you were going to say. You let out a sigh, pretending as if you had been holding your breath. "We had sex. I mean, it wasn't like what Dean and I had. It was mindless, rough sex. Our souls weren't in it. Sex always seems like a good idea because it feels good. That is, until you come down from the high and realize what did." 
"And you never did it again?" Bonnie asked you, her little too wide-eyed stare pointed in your direction from what you admitted.
"Oh, no. We hooked up on and off for a year behind Dean's back. And we denied it every time he asked us." You said, adding fuel to the discomfort slowly growing across Bonnie's face the more she heard. "But it made me realize how much I loved my boyfriend. Whenever I slept with someone else, it didn't feel right. And I'm sure he would say the same thing with every chick he brought back from the bars before we started dating. If anything, his biggest sin would be the slew of sloppy one night stands." You turned your head and gave the older Winchester a bright smile as you reached out to grab his hand and embraced with your own. "Right, honey?"
"Thank you for that...interesting share, Y/N." Suzy said. From the looks of it, she was still trying to wrap her head around the details you painted for her and the group. Everyone chanted their slogan to you before moving on to the next person up to share. "And what about you, Dean?"
"Like my loving girlfriend has told you, I have a history of one-night stands. I wasn't a prude. To me, Sex has always felt—I don't know—good, you know? Relationships weren’t for me. It was always too...complicated. It was better to hit it and quit it.” Dean chuckled at the joke that sounded funny to him, but landed on deaf ears. His smile slowly faded as he got more serious to match the tone of the room. “That was until I met Y/N. If there’s one thing I learned while we’ve been together, it’s the thrill of getting to know the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. And I guess like your virginity, you want to give it to someone special. You want to give all of yourself away to this person. For a long time I thought that wasn't for me. Sex has always been about the pleasure. It was fun. You know?”
Dean was trying his best to work with the crowd to try and get them to understand where he was coming from here. But it seemed he lost them again. Nevertheless, he went on with his confession. "But, uh...sometimes all those hookups make you feel bad, you know? You're drunk. You shack up. Then, it's the whole morning thing. You know, 'Hey, that was fun.' And then, 'adios,' you know? Always the 'adios.'
"I got tired of that. I hated filling the void in my heart with something temporary. I guess life kicked me in the pants at some point and made me realize what I really wanted. I wanted Y/N. And I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. And, yeah, we kind of did things backwards...had a few bumps in the road. But isn't that what life is all about?” A few women nodded their head in agreement while the others verbally answered. "If anything, being in a long committed relationship made me appreciate how sex can be something meaningful." 
You had to admit, Dean had you in the first half of what he was saying. He sounded genuine with his words, as if he was putting his heart into this and playing up the role to make a good impression. Until it veered in the direction you should've feared. "Like I said, sex has always been fun. I'm not denying that. And it's even better with a life-long partner. You get to explore their body in an intimate way no one else will ever be able to do. Know what makes them go crazy . Isn’t that what it comes down to, right? 
"There's the touching and the feeling all of each other, knowing exactly where to go that gets them all excited. There’s no fumbling around. You just get straight to the point.” Dean was officially having too much fun at this point when he realized almost everyone was hooked in his words, yourself included. He dropped his voice so it was lower, almost sensual. “My favorite part is being able to trace every inch of her body, touching the places that only I get to see. In the moment it’s just the two of us moving together, pressing and pulling...grinding." 
Dean was and always will be a flirt, it was in his personality. A special skill set of his that you admired even before got together with him. Sometimes all it took was a pretty smile for you to feel swooned. While he might annoy you with that mouth of his most of the time, he also could get you in the mood. And it seemed you weren’t the only one starting to awkwardly shift in your seat from the way he was going on. You scratched the back of your ear as you tried to keep yourself focused and not lulled into a fantasy while he went on. 
“You forget about everything and everyone around you when you hit that perfect spot. All you can think about is reaching the end. And slowly, everything just builds and builds and builds until it all just..." Dean made an explosive noise to sneakily hint at what he was saying, trying to keep it family friendly. Tammy found herself lost in the moment, crushing the paper with her written verse, as if she was trying to calm herself down. 
Dean was and always will be a flirt, it was in his personality. A special skill set of his that you admired even before got together with him. Sometimes all it took was a pretty smile for you to feel swooned. While he might annoy you with that mouth of his most of the time, he also could get you in the mood. And it seemed you weren’t the only one starting to awkwardly shift in your seat from the way he was going on. You scratched the back of your ear as you tried to keep yourself focused and not lulled into a fantasy while he went on. 
“You forget about everything and everyone around you when you hit that perfect spot. All you can think about is reaching the end. And slowly, everything just builds and builds and builds until it all just..." Dean made an explosive noise to sneakily hint at what he was saying, trying to keep it family friendly. Tammy found herself lost in the moment, crushing the paper with her written verse, as if she was trying to calm herself down. 
Sam was starting to hate his brother at the moment. The room shifted to an awkward tone after hearing what kind of filth Dean thought would be appropriate enough to speak about. Simple talk that got even the prudent of virgins fidgeting in their seats. You weren’t saved from his ever present glare when you happened to feel his lingering stare upon you. You guessed it was for the confession you made yourself, and not stopping Dean when you should’ve. You innocently shrugged your shoulders and looked on, never admitting to the fact you were lost in the moment like every other woman here. Sam’s expression changed into his infamous bitchface to his brother, appearing again in the span of a few minutes.
“But the whole thing was just a little too, uh...sticky. And complicated. So, uh, I got my ‘V’ card back so I can do things right.” Dean topped off his confession with a smile and a slap to his knee. “The end.”
After Dean’s explicit confession, the meeting continued on like normal without anything titillating details from the other members. You half-listened to everyone else as they took the opportunity to confess themselves of what almost tempted them this week along with a couple of Bible verses being read aloud to help strengthen the bond to their abstinence before wrapping up things. You helped clean up the chairs and tidy up things, deciding it was the least you could do after your share. 
Luckily the meeting continued on like normal without anything else more...exciting from the other members. You half listened to everyone take the opportunity to confess this week what tempted them and a couple of Bible verses before wrapping up. You helped clean up the chairs and tidy things up, deciding to be a little bit respectful after the share you had. To be honest, you said all of those things out of fun, knowing your sexual history was a tad bit odd compared to most. 
You made your way back over to the boys after all of you did your share to help clean up the place, letting everyone else mingle among one another. Sam didn’t waste a second after getting you and Dean to enough of a deserted spot to share his discomfort felt during the entire meeting because of the both of you. You broke out into a smile even before he could get the words out. 
“So, wee bit of an over share, guys?” Sam sarcastically asked you, still squirming around at the details forever burned in his mind. You let out a chuckle in amusement. “It’s not funny, Y/N.”
“Kind of is, Sammy.” You teased him. 
“I was purifying.” Dean said, going to his defense about the reason why he went so graphic. He found himself losing track of focus when he spotted the consular, Suzy, talking to one of the members. “Hey, she look familiar to you? Swear I know her from somewhere.”
“Pack it up, Casanova. That stupid line might work, but you’re not single anymore.” You reminded him. 
“Oh, sweetheart, there’s no one in this world I want to give up my virginity to again besides you.” Dean laid it on thick with the flirtation when you took his words the wrong way. You rolled your eyes. “Seriously. It’s bugging me. Come on, let’s go find out.”
You felt a tap on your shoulder, delaying you from responding to Dean’s request. You looked over to see it was Bonnie standing there with a too wide of a smile. “I’ll catch up in a second, hun. The girls need to talk.” You joked with Dean, nodding your head to Bonnie. He escaped before he could find out what she wanted to talk to you about. You returned the smile when you glanced back over to her. “Hey.”
“So?” She asked you, curious for you to answer something you had no idea what for. You raised your brows and continued to smile, wondering what the hell she was baiting. “How did you like the meeting? That was quite a share.”
“I loved it. I know, but I feel so comfortable around you guys. This is the first time I’ve ever come clean about this stuff to someone else.” You said. You decided to play along for the hell of it, laying on the act extra thick as you went on. “You know, I couldn't help but think of those who weren't here.”
“Oh. Honor. She's my favorite.” Bonnie said, sadly smiling at the mention of the missing member. Before she could continue this riveting conversation, Bonnie found her attention lingering over to the snack table where she saw one of the women sneaking an extra snack for later. “Would you excuse me?”
“Of course.” You said, stepping out of the way to Bonnie could tend to whatever needed her attention. You thought you might be able to finally sneak away and join Dean, who seemed to be in conversation with Suzy. However you were stopped again by another member. She seemed angry for some reason. “Oh. Hi, there.”
“Her favorite?” She ignored your friendly greeting, too worked up at what she overheard Bonnie say. “She has no idea what kind of girl Honor is.” 
“You don't say. Uh, Tammy, right? The poet?” You asked, remembering her name from the horrible poem verse you were able to avoid. She nodded her head. You looked around to see where Sam was, hoping you might be able to sneak away, only it seemed he had your luck when he was cornered by Bonnie after she squashed whatever pulled her away. You withheld the urge to sigh and turned your attention back to her. “Tammy, why don't don't you tell me what kind of girl Honor is?”
That was the wrong thing to ask. She went on a rampage of what kind of person Honor was. You tried your hardest to sound interested as you nodded your head every once in a while, trying to be polite. This wasn’t the kind of stuff you cared for. Or would help the case. “And I bake real cookies for the bake sale. Honor just brings Oreos!” She went on, making you pretend to be shocked. “I mean, she’s not as innocent as everyone thinks she is.” 
“What do you mean by that?” You asked her, your tone shifting into a more serious one.
“All I’m saying is that she’s going to hell.” Tammy said. “And you would be too if you didn’t confess those things and come here to repurify yourself. I bet you feel so much better.”
“For sure. I mean, I already been to hell twice. Not fun.” You said. You let out a breath of relief when Dean waved his arm up in the air, catching your attention. His face scrunching up in confusion as to why you were still talking to Tammy. “Could you excuse me? My boyfriend needs me.”
“Is that supposed to be like some kind of metaphor…?” Tammy’s expression dropped at hearing what you just said, making her confused. “Oh! Nice talking to you!” 
You politely smiled before turning around and finally headed over to Dean and Suzy, wondering what kind of trouble he was getting himself into during your short time away. You doubt he made a good impression on the woman. But it seemed she wasn’t as quick to judge one from the way she was casually speaking to him, no spouts of words about the damnation he was going to face after death. She seemed the most approachable out of anyone here. Maybe that’s why she was in charge of running the group here. You politely squeezed yourself into the conversation when Suzy spotted you lingering before she smiled, welcoming you right in.
“I hope he’s not bothering you too much.” You playfully joked with the woman. “Dean tends to get a bit excited about these kinds of things. If there’s anything he loves more than me it’s God.” 
“Suzy and I were just talking. I swear I’ve seen her face before. I just can’t put my finger on it.” Dean said. “But we were also discussing the fact that she does private counseling.”
“Really? So everyone in the group dishes to you?” You asked curiously.
“They confide. Abstinence is really rough without support and education. It’s a wonderful thing the both of you decided to go on this journey together.” Suzy said, smiling in a kind of way that was admirable for the clear love you and Dean had for each other. And yet you could see there was almost a sadness behind it, almost envious. “Hey, you know what? I have some great books on the vow that really helped me. I live close. I'll just go grab them.”
“No, that’s okay—“ Dean tried to protest the idea of making Suzy go through all the trouble, wanting more to get back to the motel. You quickly cut him off, making his grip around your waist tighten ever so much. 
“With a kidnapper on the loose? We can go with you.” You suggested. Out of anyone, Suzy seemed like a sweet woman who wasn’t going to bombard you with guilt over your past behavior. Maybe if you got her alone she might be able to tell you something about Honor and the other missing couple. “Let Dean and I walk you home.”
“No, I'll be fine.” Suzy reassured you. 
“Please. It’s the least we could do. Just to be safe.” You told her. When you saw the woman let out a breath, almost as if she was a bit relieved, you smiled. “Just let us pop over to Sam and we’ll be right back.”
Dean dropped his friendly face when he stepped away from Suzy after unwillingly being dragged around town when he wanted nothing more than to go back to the motel with you. You decided to put your efforts on something more important when you had the opportunity than jump into bed the first chance you got. You lost your virginity late in life, you could wait a little while to lose it again. You made your way over to Sam after he wrapped up a conversation with Tammy after he was cornered by the young woman. It seemed she had the same effect on the man from the expression that lingered on his face after she left. 
“Hey, we’re gonna walk Suzy home. See if she might know anything else about the vics.” You told the younger man. “Can you stick around here and possibly talk to the rest of the group? See if you might be able to get anything else out?”
“Yeah, sure.” Sam didn’t seem to buy what you were saying, presuming it was a cheap cover to get out of here and back to the motel. “You know, I’m actually trying to work here. I don’t think it’s fair you two are trying to sneak off.”
“Come on, look. You know if Dean was single he’d be all over Suzy trying to do more than just bring her home.” You said. Sam shrugged at the thought, nodding in agreement. “We’re focused as much as you are on the case. No one’s jumping into bed just yet. We're gonna take Suzy home and see if she might know anything else about the people who went missing." 
Sam agreed with the plan from how it sounded coming from you. He waited a few seconds before he nodded his head, letting you and his brother head out with Suzy back to her apartment. Right as Sam turned around to see who else he might be able to speak to, he jumped slightly in surprise at seeing Tammy standing there, a little too wide of a smile on her face when she caught him alone. He managed to hide the sigh that wanted to come out behind a forced smile. He hoped all of this was going to be worth it in the end. 
+ + +
The walk to Suzy’s apartment wasn’t too far from the church like she said, the time it took to get there was filled with mindless chatter about what she thought of the town and church. She had nothing but positive things to say since moving here a few months ago herself. You continued on with the fake lie about yourself to keep the conversation going, telling her how you and Dean were planning on getting hitched and how this town was a fresh start for you and the boys. The three of you were a close family after your parents passed away, the only part of your story that was true.
Right away she got to work finding those books she mentioned back at the church. You decided to shrug off your jacket, not sure how long you were going to be here, and decided to look around yourself at how she decorated her place. Suzy mentioned there were quite a few books around here specifically for couples. Your offer to help when asked was granted when she mentioned there were some in a cabinet you were standing next to. You opened up the small door and crouched down to see what she had here. You skimmed her vast collection of books out of partial curiosity to see what an abstinence consular enjoyed to read. When you found what you needed, you cradled them in your arms and got back up, only to discover you felt a strange lingering stare on you. You turned around and spotted Dean’s eyes where they shouldn’t be. 
You shot him a warning glare to behave before Suzy caught you. Dean’s smirk when he was caught by you was wiped off his face when you a little too roughly plopped the books down to his hands, Suzy followed suit a few moments later with several more of her own. He muffed a grunt from the several self help books he was forced to carry. You smiled in appreciation and slapped the pile with a little too much force, making him almost lose balance on the books. He struggled to catch them before they could tumble to the ground. 
“Thanks, honey.” You cooed. “You’re so strong.”
“Okay. So,” Suzy seemed content at the eight books Dean was currently holding, hoping it would be enough reading material to get started with. “why don't you guys breeze through these, and I'm gonna head to the little girls' room.”
Suzy excused herself before disappearing to another part of her apartment, leaving you and Dean alone in her living room. Dean wasted no time ditching the books somewhere else as you casually looked around the place, all though you weren't sure yet of what you were looking for. It appeared to be like any other bachelorette home. You wandered around the place, glancing over at framed pictures of her life and examining little knick-knacks decorated around the place. Right as you were about to pick up a snowglobe, your cell phone started ringing, distracting you from your search. You looked at the screen to see that it was Sam, probably to check up on you and Dean. You went to answer the call when you spotted a half-open drawer that caught your attention. You let it ring a few more times before you finally answered it, all while opening the drawer just enough to see what was inside, wondering if it was some sort of junk drawer. Only it was much more. 
You pulled out a few DVDs that weren't blockbuster movies from the cover. More dirty films from the familiar titles you heard of. You let out a quiet chuckle from the discovery you made. Apparently Miss Abstinence was a former adult star. That's why Dean knew who she was. She had a pretty active role in Casa Erotica, her movie was so good you knew the man kept a downloaded file on his computer. A secret porn stash he thought you knew nothing about. You quickly tucked them back away when an idea popped into your head. 
You almost forgot about the call with Sam when you heard his voice from the other line call out your name in a slightly annoyed tone from your delayed response. You closed the drawer with your hip and turned around in your spot so you could casually lean against the dresser. Dean tossed you a confused look from the way you were acting as you finally answered his brother's insensent attempts of getting your attention before he could think the worse. 
You half-listened to what he was saying about the case, something about how this wasn't the work of a dragon, but all you could focus on was the sound of Suzy opening up the bathroom door. You told Sam you'd call him back before ending the call. As Suzy stepped back into the living room, you realized the promise you made to Sam was about to be broken. It could've waited until after the hunt was over, but you figured you waited around long enough for your first time.
“I gotta go.” You said, making sure your tone of voice sounded disappointed at how you were skipping out so soon on her. Suzy seemed worried from the way you were acting from the short time she was away. “Oh, it’s nothing. Sam’s just having a bit of trouble. You know men. Always something.” 
“Are you sure? It sounds serious.” Dean tried to get himself out of here before he could be pulled into the virtues of why keeping his virginity until marriage was for him. “Maybe we both should make sure he’s all right.” 
“That’s okay, honey. He just needs me to pop by the store and pick up some stuff.” You said. The look on Dean’s face was easy to tell he wasn’t buying your lie, despite how it was going to be all for him. He’d find out soon enough. “Thank you for everything, Suzy. I’ll see you at the next meeting.” 
Suzy seemed a bit upset at seeing you go so soon before she could properly go through some helpful techniques that you probably could've used. Dean tossed you daggers from leaving him here to spend God knows how long entertaining the consular. You gave him an adoring smile and waved goodbye to your boyfriend, figuring he would be thanking you for leaving him here after the surprise you had planned for him after he got back to the motel. 
Rewrite Taglist:
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sleepylixie · 4 years
Never gone, my love
Demon-Hunter!Changbin x Demon-Queen!reader  (Fits the Halloween moodies, me thinks)
2.8k words, Fantasy Angst Oneshot.
Warnings: Strong Language, gore, blackmail, murder by decapitation, a healthy dose of violence overall. An obsessive romance? 
A/N: HELLO! Tis me! Before anything, the inspiration for this fic comes entirely from the amazing fic (My love is Come to me) written by @silverlightqueen​- Oof, what a queen! Reading that piece had me lowkey mind blown and itching to give it a spin myself and so, Never gone, my love was born. Guys, no joke, I enjoyed writing this fic so insanely much. I’ve been missing from Tumblr for the sole reason of not having the inspiration or the guts to write and post anything anymore. Recently, I’ve been learning and making changes to that attitude of mine, so HERE WE ARE! I’m here to bug everybody with my fics and writing again!!
ONTO THE FIC!!! Hope y’all like this!
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What is a queen without a king? Unhinged. 
What is a queen with her king? Unleashed.
The silver rings on my fingers glinted wickedly, winks of light reflecting off them from the hellfire blazing outside. Being queen was no mean feat, even if the queen in question was of part- noble blood to start with. Not everybody was happy with Satan’s oldest heir being a daughter- if anything, they expected me to take to my mother’s path and become a low-rung sex fiend, running errands day-to-day, begging for a good fuck. Imagine their horror when I turned out to be my father’s daughter instead, the woman that is begged for. Holding power came to me as naturally as playing the seductress and it was only a matter of centuries before my father and his court relented, finally giving me an ascendancy to my own realm of Hell.
If power is currency, I am a feral tycoon, trading in smiles, sex and savagery. I played the game I wasn’t expected to play and here I sit, on the Fifth circle’s throne, dripping in authority and gemstones.
No, I’m not the type to dress so frivolously every day. It was the coming of All Hallow’s Eve and my subjects were all too happy to enjoy the lines thinning between our world and the mortals’. The air was electric, alive with the sounds of fear, lust, anger…. Sin. It was a symphony to my immortal ears. While my people revelled in their festivities outside my castle, I had my own celebrations well underway.
“I know you’re outside, my love!” I called out, elongated canines flashing against the smirk on my blood-hued lips. “Why don’t you join in the festivities,” I grinned wider, “it’s all for you anyway.”
If I had breath in my lungs, it would have been knocked out of me by the man who stepped into my throne room. Jet black hair, sharp chin and sharp eyes narrowed as he took a step, and another into the chamber. He was dressed like any other of his stature would be- comfortable fighter’s clothing over his muscled physique, harness over his shoulders, thighs and waist with weaponry all over his frame and disdain on his face.
“What is it going to take for you to leave me alone, Y/N.” Seo Changbin wasn’t the type to mince words and oh, how I loved that about him. I let my smile grow further into a snarl, baring teeth. “You know the answer to that too well, my love.” I cooed, allowing myself a flash of satisfaction at the way his jaw gritted in annoyance.
My demon hunter love. Oh, what has that curse done to you.
“Cut the bullshit, Y/N.” His eyes bore hateful holes into my own as he looked me up and down, wrinkling his nose at the sight of my royal regalia. “You know that’s never going to happen. When are you going to stop with your infernal games?”
I clicked my tongue, standing and walking down my throne’s podium, jet black smoke and orange sparks trailing behind my dress.
“You loved these infernal games more than I did, darling. When will you stop depriving yourself of what’s truly yours?” My stilettos clicked against the black marble floor as I made my way closer to where Changbin stood, ramrod straight in front of the double doors. “When hell freezes over.” He snarled back, watching my every movement.
I knew how I looked to him, a vision in debauchery, a shining beacon of temptation dipped in black corseted silk and silvery green gemstones. It is exactly what he hated about me- what he was cursed to hate about me. “I’m sure I can arrange that fairly easily if that’s what you wish, my love.”
My cold, beautiful love. Oh, what has that curse done to you.
He was the strongest, cruelest son of a Hell’s prince, smitten by my power and I, by his strength. We were inseparable, indomitable, bonded by mischief big and small until he was taken away from me.
He sucked in a breath, momentarily thrown off-guard before regaining his bearings. “You’re not strong enough for that, sweetheart,” he spat out the endearment like a curse. “You’d have done that a long time ago if you could.”
I looked him in the eye, unfazed by his argument. My heavily braceleted hand rose, palm first, wreathed in a ball of hellfire. Fire that blazed so hot, it was almost white. I let it burn bright between the both of us, illuminating the previously shadowed chamber around us.
There was an almost disappointed- no, frustrated look in Changbin’s eyes as he took in the utter carnage around him. Body after mortal body lay on the floor of my throne room, all limp, pale and unmoving.
“You- They said it was one dead body!” Changbin spluttered, his angry expression giving way to horror as he took in his vicinity. “This is just the beginning of what I can do. What you could do. You reveled in this debauchery as much as I did, darling.” I responded nonchalantly, allowing the hellfire to light up the chandeliers above us. “I’m sure you remember that one All Hallow’s Eve when we went on a rampage like this.”
“There is nothing fun about MURDERING INNOCENT HUMANS.” Changbin exclaimed and I shrugged, delighted at finally getting a rise out of him. “But you don’t know them. You don’t care about them. What does it matter to you? They’re just more souls for my people to feed on.”
“This is basic human empathy, Y/N!” He snarled at me and oh. There it was. The otherworldly strength that even the curse couldn’t take away from him. It set my nerves aflame, my body singing in it’s presence, it’s familiarity. “There is nothing more abhorrent than the way you keep killing and killing like these people don’t matter.” His voice rose in volume, raspy in it’s pitch. “What will it take for you to understand that I am not. YOURS. There is nothing under this godforsaken world that will let your devilish hands take over me, or the mortals on Earth-”
“What do you care about Mortals?” I screamed back, the fire in my nerves sparking into a wildfire at his words. “You’re NOT MORTAL.YOU’RE LIKE ME. YOU’RE MINE.YOU LIE TO YOURSELF. ”
Silence stretched between us as he stared at me again, stunned by my outburst. But then again, this isn’t something he hasn’t heard before.
The race of demon hunters is an abomination come to life. That coming from a demon princess is the highest order of abhorrence. Even more so because.. My love is the first, and worst of them.
The elders in the first mortal civilization felt the need to find a way for them to bring demons from the thralls of temptation and make them immune to the point where they can slay their kin to protect humankind. I was there. Trapped and in pain because of my childhood innocence , forced to watch as those infernal mites plunged my love into the light that turned him away from me, since time immemorial until now. Forced to watch as he rose from the flames, eyes alight with hatred as he plunged my father’s dagger into my chest.
“Admit it, my love,” I purred, stepping closer to him, leaning closer to his ear. “You miss being mine, as I missed being yours. You missed sitting on that throne, as King. Some part of you misses this.” I turned around and threw my arms out, encompassing the massacre in front of us.
I let out a velvet laugh as I made my way back to my throne. “This was all yours, until you walked away.” Taking my seat, I looked down at where Changbin stood, having moved from the doors to the middle of the room. “All I ask is for you to return to where you belong.”
“Maybe if you die for more than a few hours after I kill you, I’ll consider it.” Changbin snarled at me, looking for all the otherworld like a king without a crown.
I forgot what loss, pain and heartbreak felt like after that day, all those millennia ago. That is, until I found him in my chambers again, bristling with human weaponry and the need to kill me thrumming through his veins. So began our cat-and-mouse game, him wanting to sever his last connection to the Otherworld and me, savoring the sheer frustration I left him. You see, I forgot loss, pain, heartbreak- but I didn’t forget possession. He was mine, for glorious centuries, until he was taken away from me. I vowed to bring my Changbin back again and Satan’s daughter never goes back on her words.
“Or what if hell freezes over?” My pleasant question stopped Changbin short, head cocking to the side in slight confusion. “You see, darling, I might be Satan’s daughter, but I made my way here from the bottom.” I picked at my fingernails, looking like I didn't have a care in the world- which, of course, I didn’t. “ After you left, I gave and took many more favors to get to this fine evening. They call me Hell’s Whore, for all the things I was willing to do that even low-grade scum wouldn’t. You see, the darkness owes me a favor,” The color draining from his face stoked at the ice-cold fire burning in my mind. “And the darkness never fails to deliver.”
“What did you do,” Changbin breathed, his hands going, almost unconsciously, to the knives sheathed at his thighs. I smiled my sweet sinner smile at him, crossing one leg over the other as I leaned back on my throne. “Oh, nothing. Just asked for hell to freeze over Earth on All Hallow’s Eve night if you don’t agree to turn back.”
The curse was very simple. The only way my love would ever come back to me was if he chose to make the Turn himself. It was a clever ploy, because immunity to temptation was rooted into every demon hunter’s veins from the moment they are created. Luckily for me, I wasn’t beyond playing dirty.
“What the fuck?” Changbin exclaimed in rage, his feet carrying him of his own volition up the steps to stand over me in front of my throne. I continued smiling at him, not a hint of remorse on my face as I looked up at him. “You have a few minutes to decide, my love.” I purred, not breaking eye contact. It was that split second of uncertainty that flashed through his face, which urged me to move, pushing him down onto the twin throne that sat beside mine, empty for centuries without it’s true owner.
“And I’d suggest you make yourself comfortable.” I whispered, my lips mere inches from his face. The glare he levelled at me was one for the books, raging wild fury and utter desperation all wound into one.
“Stay where you are, darling, or I’ll butcher these precious mortal bodies one by one.” I grinned as I straightened up, sauntering back down the stairs to nudge my foot against one of the bodies closest to the throne. “I’ll have you know that none of these mortals are dead,” I giggled. “Only unconscious from the fear of the Otherworld. Delicate creatures, these mortals. It’s a wonder why you want to be associated with these weaklings.” A growl ripped out of Changbin’s throat as I stifled another laugh.
“How do I know you’re not bluffing? About the darkness?” Changbin shouted behind me, still rooted to his spot on the podium. I didn’t respond, only humming softly as I picked my way through the many bodies, looking for all the world like I was frolicking in Eden’s Garden. The singing of a blade flying through the air brought me out of my fake reverie, spinning and catching it by the handle just before it pierced my skin.
“Tch. You really didn’t think I’d make it this easy for you to kill me.” You wagged the knife point first at Changbin, who was still on the podium- what a sight he made. He was made for the throne, but his entire form bristled like he was seated on hot coals instead of opulence. “You don’t know if I’m bluffing until Hell actually freezes over, my love.” I responded, just loud enough for him to hear. I pulled up one of the limp bodies I stood amongst, a young girl who barely looked 16.
Changbin’s knife twirled in my fingers as I gripped the handle, moving the blade almost sensuously over the skin of her throat. “Maybe the massacre should start with her.”
It was a soft prick of pleasure that slid through my veins at the look of panic that danced across Changbin’s eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.” He growled. I did nothing but stare him in the eye, allowing the point of his knife to dip slightly into the child’s neck. Drops of ruby blood blossomed at the wound and the scent. Oh, the scent of human blood. What a magnificent feast.
“You have 3 seconds left, my love.” “What-” “Three,” “What the-” “Two,” “No, wait-” “One-”
“What was that, darling?” I cocked my head, pretending like I hadn’t heard him. “I’ll do it.” He sighed in defeat.
Oh. “Do it then,” I urged him, still having the knife pointed edge down into my young victim’s throat.
“You’re a fucking menace, Y/N .”Were the last words I heard before his eyes closed and his body slumped back into the throne, his face deliciously blank.
Did he Turn? The stabs of curiosity danced across my spine as the moments of silence stretched ahead, one, two, ten. And then he stirred. First he sat up, cracking his neck from the awkward position he’d fallen back in. His hand brushed back his hair and then, he opened his eyes. Bright red eyes, twin to my own.
I stared at him in barely veiled disbelief and he stared back, the glow in his eyes fading from neon to ruby. Then he smiled, and I knew. There was only one person in the Otherworld who had that smile of ice and terror. I couldn’t help but throw him a grin of my own, canines bared in an amused snarl of unholy victory. Like he was never gone, my love.
The knife twisted in my hands and went clean through the mortal girl’s throat, twisting away as her head fell off of her body in a shower of blood. But I couldn’t care less about the bloody mess on my arms, shoulders and cheek because I was walking my way back to the twin thrones. Changbin watched my every movement with a predator’s gaze, leaning back onto the throne-his throne, with a sense of stone-cold authority as his ringed fingers tapped the velvet on the arms of the chair. He was made for the throne, my love.
Soon, I stood in front of him, a snap of my fingers bringing forth the cold-iron and obsidian crown that was a male contrast to the feminine tiara that rested on my brow. “My King, my love.” I whispered, setting the crown atop his head. He was meant for a crown, my love.
“My Queen, my love.” Changbin’s smirk sent a jolt of wicked familiarity through my body, a thing of fiendish beauty. He took one of my hands into his own, raising it to press a gentle kiss onto my knuckles, the red eyes never leaving my own. When he tugged at my hand, it was with a sense of belonging that I allowed my body to fall onto his lap, uncaring of anything and anybody else. He nuzzled his nose into my neck, tongue darting out to taste the splatter of mortal blood that had found its way onto my skin. A low groan fought its way out of his mouth at the taste. He was never the type to hold back, my love.
“Oh, how I have missed the taste of human blood.” He rasped against my ear, a shiver making it’s way down my back at the proximity I’d missed so much. “Almost more than I felt the lack of you.” I hummed, placing kisses from his cheekbone to his ear. “Not as much as I missed you, I wager.” I murmured against his skin, nipping softly at his ear. His grip on my waist tightened as I pulled back, smirks mirroring each other. “What would you have me do to prove you wrong, my Queen?” Changbin’s expression was nothing short of vicious excitement as he matched me stare for stare. He was always a fierce one, my love.
“Rule over Earth with me.” His eyebrows raised, almost imperceptibly. “So you’re truly Hell’s Whore?”  I chuckled, capturing his lips with mine for a brief yet passionate kiss. “No, my love. Darkness is mine.”
Changbin laughed, the deep sound ricocheting off the hollow space in me that he had left empty for the past centuries. “For you, my Queen, my Love….gladly.”
It was like he was never gone, my love.
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sannflwrr · 4 years
The Ending Act of Moondance
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credits to @aprilisque for the lovely mood board ily 🥰
Author: sannflwrr
Pairing: Hoseok x You
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: cursing, lots of angst, you are pretty angry lol, a wee bit of sexual tension and aggression, unreciprocated feelings, rockstar!hobi, brief mentions of cocaine, you throw up in the beginning
Summary: Wherein you hate Hoseok, and he only wants you for one thing.
I regain awareness to the muffled yet loud noises behind me. Excitement, anticipation. The dressing room backstage is crowded, filled with all sorts of different professions. A lady sits in front of me — no clue what her name is — adding final adjustments to my face. I look at my reflection. Someone else, far prettier and sexier, stares back. I don’t know who she is. Her cheekbones are accentuated, I realize that this is probably the work of cocaine herself. The revelation that the voices outside cheering, talking loudly, are waiting for me hits. I grab the garbage bin sitting next to the makeup artist, heaving out whatever remnants of that greasy cheeseburger I had for lunch into the can.
The woman leans back out of reflex, then snorts when I’m done. “Never get used to it, do you?”
“No.” I groan. “No, I don't think I will.” I take the kleenex from her, wiping at my mouth. She retouches my lips.
“They made you ending act for a reason though.”
“I suppose.”
Moments later, my phone buzzes. As I turn to look at it, my eyes harden. You look great, the text says. Like always, he adds a moment later. Even has the audacity to add a winky face following. I flip around in my seat, locking eyes onto the sender, not surprised when I find him already looking at me. His eyes trail to my hand which holds the phone, and on instinct, my fingers curl, hard enough to the point where I feel the device might break. He smirks once, looking back at me.
You have nerve, I growl silently to him. The rockstar stares back, challenging my anger. The black haired beauty has always been incredibly complex, twisting my emotions into a furled and irrelevant ball. He’s an aggressive yet passionate artist, with eyes for days. A gorgeous masterpiece, and I hate every bone in his existence.
The hatred for Hoseok wasn’t always there. And perhaps that’s why it is so much stronger than it should be. To the public, his celebrity name is Jay, a sexy badass asian rockstar who doesn’t seem to give two fucks about any of societal standards. Most of his music is aggressive, pouring out his rage onto pages of music, criticizing the way the world works. His work inspires a lot of people, a lot of teenagers especially. At some point, I also used to enjoy listening to his music. But now there’s a huge hole in my chest, and I can’t find it in me to listen to his music anymore.
We were both invited to Moondance, a rock festival. I’m not surprised he was, Jay is just as prominent in the genre as I am. But meaning that we would be in the same venue at the same time, made my insides curl in anger. Several months ago, I would’ve counted the days down until I could see him. Our unique dynamic was not unknown to the public. Wherever his name went, mine was tied to it and vice versa.
We used to be friends.
Used to is what always uncoiled that hot ball of feelings in my stomach. The one that urges me to get up from my seat and punch him in the face. I desire to hurt him, over and over, but another forces me down. I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me. What stings the most is like the chaotic storm he is, Hoseok lays completely oblivious to the harm he has inflicted.
We used to be lovers.
We are different, yet the same. Both of us share the same struggles, yet while his songs are a call of anger to the world, a call for change, mine are about him. I should have seen the signs in the first place. Hoseok’s view has always been much too broad, never lingering on a sole person. Everything else is blurred to the bigger picture. Including me. While my world, had centered around him. Originally my works had been optimistic, happy. Thankful for the people who surrounded me, though most of it was an indirect message towards the dark haired enchanter who had my mind, room, and body occupied. Had, no longer.
We are enemies.
I should have realized he is not the one to fall. Hoseok knows how to fly, he does not fall. While I, a wingless lovesick fool, plummeted to the ground from a mere look from his direction. We used to be inseparable, finding time alone in bathroom stalls, smoldering staring contests in dressing rooms, sharing key cards to hotel rooms, accidentally running into each other at the pools. I used to love every interaction we had. Now, being in a room with him feels claustrophobic. When I pulled my head out of the cloud-like oblivion I had, our so called honeymoon phase — if it was even that — I realized what the mess I was in really looked like.
There was a pattern, I suppose. One that completely passed my eyes. We never really talked over the phone…unless it was for that. He only came over when he was angry. And though Hoseok was always angry in some shape or form, it was never like the pure bliss he had while on stage. He was never truly happy around me, but I was a form of escape. To him, I was never what he was to me. And rather than get heartbroken over it, I got angry instead.
Our fate is cruel. Every time I look his way, when his eyes catch mine, I am reminded of our era together. When I had been innocently hopeful. Completely oblivious to the fact that I fell in love with a heartbreaker. While he touched my soul over and over again, I did not come even close to his. I let him in, and he kept me at a distance.
The sun is setting as my platform rises to the top of the stage. My head is distant and emotional as I begin to perform. Many of my listeners have theorized that maybe all of my recent music is about Jay. Like a friend, they notice how I avoid him wherever I go, unlike before. Through them, I notice how much I have changed since I parted ways with Jung Hoseok. I pour my emotion out, like it was my last stage. I leave my emotions lingering on the stage, my rage, anger, and sadness fueling the life in the crowd. When the lights dim, I’m ushered backstage once again.
I recognize Jay’s manager, which only sends the involuntary shudder down my back when he himself appears moments later. The same makeup artist from before is cheering in one ear about how amazing my performance was, wiping away the dark colors and glitter off of my face. In the other, the dressing room is abuzz, staff running to and fro as they desperately try to quickly wrap up the event. Standing several feet away, at the doorway is Hoseok. I had hoped by now he would leave, maybe his limo would whisk him up and away…out of my world. But he seems pretty insistent on waiting for me. I only know what that means, and I have fallen into this trap many times before. No more. No more.
My own manager moves me as I get up from the chair, and we brush paths for a moment. I hope that maybe he will let me go, and end this madness that is unfolding inside me. I hope that maybe he’ll return what is mine, what he doesn’t even know he has. His lustrous eyes, dark magnetic pools of desire and sin, stare at mine, narrowing slightly. He wants to know what’s going on. He wants me to join him in his limo.
For a moment, I almost give in, which only makes me more furious. I yank my hand out of his grip, eyes hardening into steel. Don't touch me, I find myself hissing, before marching away. The moments between walking from the venue to my ride is painfully slow and blurred. My three words to him continue to ring in my head. Don't touch me. I love you.
When the partition is pulled up between me and the driver, I begin to sob.
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yuzukult · 4 years
under the moonlight ii (m) || junmyeon & reader
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title: under the moonlight ii pairing: junmyeon/suho x reader genre: ceo!reader, hint of soulmate!au, a lil bit of smut but barely notes: enjoy! this is the final part (also second part) of under the moonlight! this is one of my favorites to write, although i did not feel like i did my best on the first part, i tried even harder on this portion. 
will also proofread later, i just am content to be done !!! lmao part one || final
Junmyeon describes his first love as a city— the towering buildings that surround each other, the bustling of traffic, and the abundance of people that populate the sidewalk on an everyday basis. She’s a beauty who’s besieged by people— both friends and family, and a social butterfly without realizing. She kept herself busy as an architect, constantly producing new designs, revising old ones. He says she’s a dream chaser yet loved the simple things about life. It had been one of the things he admired most about her. 
The words he said to her when he decided to let her go was along the lines of: Chanyeol had been the light in her city. Junmyeon considered himself the stars— under the moonlight in the luminous city, you don’t see the stars because the lights are blinding. The beauty of the stars doesn’t do justice in the city.
You think Junmyeon isn’t in the stars. You think he’s been the moonlight all along, the light you see even in the illuminated city. They just weren’t willing to take a chance on something that seemed impossible.
Your memory is hazy on how you got here, but you’re sitting on your desk, skirt hiked up to your stomach with Junmyeon’s head in between your legs. His skin under the moonlight glistens with beauty, and you can’t help but repeatedly tell yourself how lucky you are that you are soulmates with this man. Everything about Junmyeon makes you feel like you’re on cloud 9. Fingers intertwining with his soft brown locks and palm against the foggy glass table, your breath hitches in your throat as he sticks in another finger into your heat.
Pulling away, he grins innocently with his lips glistening with your juices, he makes you think how insane you look compared to him. How could he look so pure after doing the dirtiest thing to you in your office? Anyone who has ever rejected him in this lifetime must feel like he’s the one who got away. As if the sex in the bedroom isn’t enough, he’s bold enough to do it in the office.
Thankfully, Junmyeon isn’t too risky, just risky enough. It’s Friday and everyone on the floor has gone home early, now the time being 6:00pm, it’s just the two of you. It started off innocent— Junmyeon bringing you a cup of tea and some biscuits since you found yourself stuck here for another night with another launch for a new line coming out soon. He’d always been supportive, if not more now, after dating for half a year, and never failed to swoon you.
“You look stressed,” He said, rounding your desk with a mischievous look hanging on his lips.
“Junmyeon... no.”
“You haven’t even been home that often lately, let me help you unwind.”
And after a couple glares, he pouts and immediately has you under his spell.
“Fuck, Junmyeon, just take your goddamn fingers out of me and pull your dick out your pants so you can fuck me on my desk.”
“Weren’t you just shooting daggers at me with your eyes earlier telling me no?” He raises a brow teasing but complies with your instruction anyways, standing in front of you, unbuckling his belt and tugging his zipper down. Demands from you always deserved a comeback response but he never failed to abide by your needs.
“Well, we’re already in too deep anyways so let’s just go all the way.”
Pulling himself out his pants, his eyes are hooded as he presses his forehead against yours while you wrap your legs around his waist, dragging him closer. He looks heavenly like this; hair disheveled with his shirt unbuttoned all the way, exposing his well-built chest, and his tie disappeared somewhere in the room. You’re thankful he’s been heading to the gym with his friends lately because all you want to do is lick his abs, despite how weird you feel about it but Junmyeon doesn’t reject your wants and lets you do it anyway.
He’s pumping himself while his cloudy gaze meets yours, lips parted and swollen. Groaning, you grab him closer with your legs as he stumbles with a chuckle at your eagerness. “Take it easy, baby.”
“Junmyeon, I swear to god if you don’t finish what you started— oh fuck,” he’s tired of your complaining and plunges himself into you sharply, interrupting your nagging. Albeit the fact you’re always debating with him about things, he still loves you nonetheless and drools at the sight of you, especially right now with how your skin glimmers in sweat under the lights of your office.
Junmyeon’s face is nuzzled into your neck, gently biting and sucking on the skin while humming against you as his hips thrust in and out of you harshly. You’re trying to stay quiet, but the way his body moves against yours and how much he stretches you is overwhelming that you’re suddenly thankful Johnny agrees to take an early leave today or else you’d never hear the end of it.
Grabbing your legs from behind him, he unravels you from his body before pushing you down further on the desk, your legs up closer to your frame as he pounds harder. “Shit,” he mutters under his breath. “How are you still so tight? Stop clenching, I might cum too fast.”
“Isn’t that that the point?” You snarled, arms around his neck as you caress his nape. “I have work to get done tonight.”
Lifting your body from the desk with his hands under your thighs, he’s carrying you effortlessly to another part of the room, shoving you against the wall before quickening his pace. Unable to hold back your moans, your hands shift to his shoulder, grasping onto the broadness of it. “I also have work to get done tonight, and it’s to make you cum first.”
He made you release twice after that before letting himself reach his own high.
Outside of the bedroom—except it was in your office today— Junmyeon was a soft boyfriend. He was everything that you had wished Eunwoo was and you didn’t need to mold him to have those qualities, he already had them. You weren’t entirely sure if it was the biological effects of finding out that he’s your soulmate, but you’re glad it’s him.
Straightening your skirt after a sinful session, you look up and see Junmyeon already sprawled on your office chair, trying to catch his breath. “Why are you panting so hard? You said you’ve been working out lately and uh... it’s evident on your body.”
He raises a brow teasingly before letting out a chuckle between his breaths. “I see you’ve been checking me out lately. Just had a big lunch was all.”
“Big lunch?”
“Well you took that guy out from HR to lunch today, and I figured since I wasn’t going to eat with you, I should grab something for myself.”
“... you went alone?” You’re mimicking his expression now with your brows lifted in question.
“... well,” He’s running his fingers through his luscious damp locks from his sweat. “I went with Hana and Johnny.”
Squinting your eyes at your other half, you cross your arms against your chest as he watches you carefully. “What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you lean against the desk that he had just fucked you senseless on moments ago, only for you to regain the authority yet again. “Hana? As in, Lee Hana?”
“What about her?”
“She doesn’t like me.” You frown, shoulders drooping. Junmyeon lets out a light laugh, pushing the chair into your direction before sitting your legs in between his thighs. “So what? Johnny and I like you.”
“She complains about me to you guys. Plus, I think she has a tiny crush on you.” Although you and Junmyeon had been meeting frequently for lunch, it’d always be away from the office. Keeping the relationship a secret between his colleagues was an agreement set in place once you’d officially started dating him, but it was getting a bit difficult once you realized how many girls actually ogled at the sight of him.
Pressing his lips against the back of your hand, he then puts the palm of it to rest on his cheek. “I’m not quite catching on what you’re saying.”
“You don’t know that she likes you? Ugh, Junmyeon—“
“No, I meant that I know she does, and was very persistent about taking me to lunch, so I asked Johnny to join me. So what if she likes me? I have you.”
“She doesn’t know that,” You snarled, eyes darting at him. “She’s going to think you’re available.”
He shakes his head, gifting your palm a kiss. “She can think whatever she wants. I have you and you’re all I need.”
There’s silence in the room for a moment as you’re shuffling through your thoughts before shattering the glass of quietude. “Are you mad that we’re keeping this a secret?”
His eyes search the meaning behind the question in your orbs, observing your expression. “I’m not mad.”
“No, I just... forget sometimes.” He admits, pecking the skin of your thigh gently before leaning back in the seat. “I want to give you a kiss before heading out the office some days and I get the urge but stop midway. Sometimes I want to see your face once you get the flowers I send you on other days and deliver them myself but I know I can’t. But there’s no need to be mad about it.”
A wash of regret cascades over your face as you frown at your significant other. Junmyeon was an embodiment of a gentleman; patiently waiting for you even though your schedule had always been packed, delivering food during those restless hours, cleaning your home so when you got back after days sleeping in the office, you had less responsibilities to tend to... he was actually perfect.
Maybe that was also his flaw. He was too perfect. Was it everyone or just you that seems to be drawn to men who women always sought after?
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“What’s this?” Junmyeon asks, standing beside Johnny in your office with a hand in his slacks’ pocket. His other hand was occupied by his phone, holding up the email invitation to a company banquet. “Why am I suddenly invited to this?”
“And the better question is why am I invited to this?” Johnny adds.
“It’s a company banquet, hence the word company. Everyone in the company is invited, guys. What’s so hard to understand about that?”
Johnny drops his body on the leather couch, plopping his legs on the table as you grimace after the sight. “We’ve never had something like this before. Why suddenly now?”
“Remember that guy I had lunch with from HR last week?”
The two men glance at each other before responding at the same time. “Yeah?”
Leaning against the desk, crossing your arms over your chest, you continue. “He suggested we do something like this. Would be good for... company bonding or something.”
“Don’t we see each other enough?” Johnny snaps, Junmyeon chuckling at his response. “I think what he means is, are you sure that enough people would be of attendance?”
“Well, I invited the top investors to come, too. They’re copied on the email, so hopefully people will see and RSVP?”
Johnny is mute briefly before quietly asking, “Will that guy from that record company we talked about be there?” 
Tapping your finger against your chin, you playfully look around your room, feigning in thought. “Possibly. If you attend, you’d know.” Johnny looks over at Junmyeon with a bright smile glued to his face before waving. “Well, I’m sold. You’re in it alone, brother. Deuces!” Peacing out, Johnny shuts the door behind him as Junmyeon sighs, shaking his head. “And now I’m alone.”
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“You really want to do a whole banquet?” He asks, locking his phone and sliding it back into his pocket. “You’re already so stressed out. Why would you want to arrange a large event like this around the same time span as the launch?”
He’s worried. Junmyeon isn’t mad about the event, he’s concerned about your workload and how you’d be able to juggle between taking care of yourself and dealing with the launch, including the event.
“Come on, you know I have to do something for the people here.”
“No, you don’t. At least, you can do it later, so why now?” You shrug, slouching in your position. “I don’t know. It just feels lately like nothing is enough.”
“Oh baby,” He frowns, making his way to you with his hands cupping your cheeks. “You’re enough. You’re more than enough for me. You’re an amazing boss, and John out there can vouch for that. You don’t need to overwork yourself just to prove something.”
“Doesn’t matter anyways. The invitation is out and already done.”
“Okay, so new problem requires a new solution. Hire a team, or better yet, ask the HR department to plan the banquet. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to do it, just give them a budget and I’m sure they won’t fail you.”
You freeze. The idea of delegating freaked you out a little. Or a lot.
“Junmyeon.” He reiterates the tone after yours, stating your name. “That’s... quite a lot I’m giving up here.”
“Yeah, you’re also giving up your health in the process. You’re still young— yes, and incredibly young at that— but keep in mind that you don’t have a successor in mind. If you’re not healthy, imagine who potentially could sit in your seat and manage the entire company. I can almost 100% guarantee to you that you would not be happy with who they may select.”
You groan frustratedly, standing straight before digging your face into his chest, muffling your own words. “It should be me doing all of this.”
He shakes his head. “You just think that it should be you.”
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Trapped behind your desk, you’ve still managed to take a transient break from all your tasks. Tapping your fingers against the table, and swirled by your contemplations, remorse fills your face at the memory of Junmyeon the other day, speaking genuinely about how he felt as though he couldn’t truly express his love for you publicly. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind.
Quickly typing in a web address, you click on several items into your order before punching in your credit card info. Leaning back after the “order confirmation” pulls up, you grin in content.
“Flowers for Junmyeon?”
Junmyeon’s head peeks from his cubicle at the sound of his name, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Uh, I’m Junmyeon,” He says as he gets up from his seat, walking over to the delivery man. “You sure this is for me? And not from?” Did he make a mistake? He didn’t recall making any orders today.
“Says to Junmyeon and... from...” At the sound of your name escaping from the delivery man’s lips, Junmyeon’s eyes irradiates. “Wait— really?”
“Who is sending you flowers?” Hana approaches from behind, attempting to see over Junmyeon’s shoulder by standing on the tips of her toes. With the note in his hand, he swiftly slides it into his pocket, looking over at the female immaculately. “Uh, secret admirer.”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh come on, oppa. Let me see.”
He shakes his head in response. “I told you, it’s from a secret admirer.”
“Junmyeon! We’re friends here. Let me see!”
“It’s from me.” You stop in the midst of your tracks in the middle of the aisle of cubicles after the delivery man makes an exit. Adjusting the folders and binders in your arms, you hum. “I got Junmyeon the flowers.”
“Do you need help?” Junmyeon steers away from the topic, hands aiming to take some of the items in your hands. “No, I’m okay. Do you like the arrangement I picked out? And did you see the note?”
“Of course I saw the note,” He says, voice quiet. “But let’s talk about that later. We’re at work.”
“I don’t care. Doesn’t affect my work ethic nor yours, so why does it matter to anyone else?”
Hana’s mouth is agape during the conversation, bowing when you recognize her presence. “Hi, boss. Uh, you sent Junmyeon the flowers?”
“Yes, I’m asking him out to the company banquet.”
“Like... as a date?”
You nod at her direction. “As a date.”
“Oh... I was going to ask Junmyeon. Maybe he can decide which of us he wants to take?” She suggests, shoulders shrugging. “No offense, but isn’t it kind of weird if an employee goes with their boss? Don’t know if Junmyeon is uncomfortable...” Her eyes trail at the end of the sentence to read the expression on his face, only to see him with his gaze holding onto yours.
“He’s not uncomfortable, are you, Junmyeon? You can tell me honestly. If not, HR is always down the hall.”
Junmyeon sighs, taking some of the binders from you, regardless of your refusal. “Of course not.” He glances over at Hana with an apologetic look before giving her a half bow. “I’m sorry, Hana. I’m going to excuse myself.”
“Consider who you’re taking, will you?”
Pausing for a moment in silence before taking a glimpse at you, he chews on his bottom lip anxiously. “I’m taking her, I’m sorry. It’s a no brainer for me— always.”
She scoffs. “Is it because she’s the CEO? You’re not feeling pressured, are you? Because if this is a bigger issue than it seems, we should go to HR. She shouldn’t be treating you like this, it isn’t fair—“
“We’re dating.” He finally admits, the red flushing his cheeks. “We’ve been dating a couple months now.”
“You’re fucking dating. What did she threaten you with?”
“Why do you think I have to threaten him in order for him to like me?” You question, genuinely curious. She seemed to have been very persistent with her stance.
She looks at you with a stare that reads ‘is it not obvious’ but you’re honestly uncertain what she’s going to say next. “You’re here hours of the night. You rarely ever go home, reject that guy who keeps coming to ask you out for lunch— don’t think we don’t know— and he finally gave up on you and now you’ve come running to someone else? Don’t you think you seem a little desperate?”
“Desperate for what? I liked her first.”
“But did she ask you out first?”
“Yeah, but—“
“Don’t you feel tricked, Jun oppa?” The nickname she gives him brings heat to your ears but you hold your composure. “Does she even make time for you? Does she even care for you? I mean— you’re even keeping this a secret from everyone, especially your friends.”
You feel so small. Ever since becoming CEO of your own company, you’ve had moments where people talked down on you but never an employee. You’d always tried to establish a good relationship between them and yourself, gaining some level of respect, but for the first time, someone confronted you in this type of manner and you’re unsure how to approach the situation.
“Stop, Hana.” Junmyeon says, interrupting her rant of questions. “My work friends don’t know. My personal life friends? All of them know, she has met them all. I don’t mind that she works so late and so frequently, it doesn’t bother me, but I do worry that it’ll deteriorate her health. Hana, you’re a nice friend and a great person. I know you are, but you speaking about her this way makes me second guess that.”
Fuming, she snags the bouquet of flowers you’ve sent him and slams it into the ground. “How dare you talk to me like that?”
“Hana, please go and cool down. I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.” You advise, trying to grab back your possessions from Junmyeon. “I have a meeting to head to. I’ll catch you later.”
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“Why’d you have to send it during office hours?”
You’re brewing tea in your small, cozy apartment downtown in Seoul, just enough space for yourself. Although a penthouse fit your budget, you knew the home would be too quiet and lonely for you.
“You mentioned how sometimes you forget we’re hiding it from people. I just wanted to do something nice for you. You’re always getting me things and taking care of me.”
Watching you from the couch, he ruffles his end of day hair with remains of gel in it. The top few buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned and his belt is already off, legs laying on the foot rest. “Baby, you already do so much for me. You’re you, keeping me company and making me happy. And didn’t I already tell you that it’s okay we’re hiding it?”
“Okay, but why does it feel like that’s it? That’s all I have to offer you and I’m even making you keep this a secret.”
“I have a job because of you. I’m happy because of you.”
“But that’s not me— that’s my title, Junmyeon. The CEO me gave you a job, not the personal life me. How am I contributing anything to you? Hana makes a point, you know. I should be threatening you with something to date me, or else it wouldn’t make any sense because I have nothing to offer you.”
“Baby...” His voice is softer now albeit his steps are getting closer to you, wrapping his arms around your frame from behind. “You’re enough. Stop thinking you aren’t. You’re such a confident woman, yet at the same time you want to make everyone happy but it’s exhausting you out.”
“Making people happy makes me happy.”
“Be happy that you’re happy.”
“I— I am happy with myself. I achieved my dreams, I even met my soulmate.”
“Then what’s wrong?” His forehead crinkles in confusion.
“I just... want to be enough for you. Money and materialistic items aren’t things that impress you. You were so in love with a girl who had already met her soulmate and let her go when you weren’t ready. I’m afraid I can’t get you to love me up to that par. Everything we have is biological.”
Though your tone is serious, he manages to let out a chuckle. “Is that what you’re worried about? I was in love with you way before knowing any of that stuff. Chanyeol used to have dreams about her yet he still didn’t love her until later. He took his time, but eventually loved her for her. This whole soulmate thing is unpredictable and you know that. You were in that research thing.”
“Research group,” You correct, turning off the gas knob when the kettle sings.
“Research group,” he clarified, bringing your body to face him. “You are my soulmate, period. But before knowing that, you were my boss who I had a major crush on. I stayed those nights in your office and had dinners with you on that annoying wobbly coffee table— which I want to point out, you have enough money to replace— and you still think that way? You let me experience my dreams without even knowing my capabilities, you believed in me when I didn’t. You’ve given me constructive criticism, disagreed with me, and yet still stayed through those heated arguments. Our love languages are different. I’m truly happy what you’ve given me.”
“Are you sure?” 
“More than anything.” He bumps his forehead into yours before leaning in to peck the tip of your nose. “Please trust me.”
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Junmyeon has on a black suit that matches the material of your midnight dark off-the-shoulder dress that lengths down pass your legs. He’s the resemblance of Prince Charming— an asian doppelganger, to say the least. Hair recently dyed brown and slicked back with a new cut, he has a way of effortlessly handsome in the most simplistic way.
“Hey, love.” He has a grin wider than the Cheshire Cat, but is the opposite of the character— heart warm for everyone and tugging on their heartstrings just from his smile. Junmyeon has a way of looking at you as if you’re the heroine to his story when in reality, he’s the one who has saved you.
“Hey,” You say airily; the sight of him dressed so formally has the breath taken out of your lungs. “You look good.”
“Thank you, you look even better.” Arms wide with invitation, you comply and shuffle close to him. “When did you get this lovely dress? I’ve never seen you wear it before.”
“You act like we go to black tie events on a daily basis.”
Pulling you close in his embrace, he puckers his lips. Abiding by his request, you gift him a quick peck. “We don’t, but I wish you wore this for me. You look... ravishing.”
“Yes, that’s what I said. Ravishing. You look great, baby. Come, let’s head out.”
“I—“ Hand wrapped around Junmyeon’s wrist after he turns to exit, he flips back with a curious gaze. “What’s wrong, bubby?”
“What if Hana told everyone by now? I haven’t exactly been in the office for a few days with all the meetings that have been going on... what will they think of me?”
“Of you dating? Nothing, you’re a grown woman. You can date.”
You look at him sternly. “No, I meant of me dating an employee. They’re going to think I’m trying to exploit you or something.”
He sighs, hands on your cheeks as he pushes them together to purse your lips. “I don’t really know what’s going to happen. I have some privilege as a man because no one is going to say anything to me, but I know they’ll make some sly comments at you about it. Regardless, know that those people don’t matter. You’re a successful woman who is respectful and kind toward everyone, and her being bitter shouldn’t effect us.”
You’re internally freaking out. The moment you step into the venue, you’re too scared to even fully absorb and admire the work that the HR department made, watching the gazes of those around you. Despite the fact that the man linking arms with yours was the most beautiful person anyone has ever seen, the eyes of those in the room lock onto your figure. It was hard to tell the difference between their judging stares or if it’s because of your position in the company.
 Right on cue, Junmyeon leans over and whispers in your ear. “They’re looking at you because of how beautiful you are.”
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Johnny is practically prancing on his route toward you, smile stretching from cheek to cheek as he pulls you into his embrace. He sings your name before separating himself from the hug, pinching the tip of your nose. “Shit, you’re gorgeous. Junmyeon is lucky to be by your side or else I would have snagged you by now.” He teases, but you’re rolling your eyes in response.
“I’m still standing here, you know,” Junmyeon eyes the younger male.
“Aw, hyung, are you jealous?”
“Tsk, John Suh—“
“Hyung!” Another voice chimes in, the three of your heads swerving to the sound to meet with the group of people walking in your direction as you turn your gaze to meet with Junmyeon’s. “I forgot to mention, I invited your friends.”
You notice that Junmyeon’s body stiffens. His heart stopped at the sight, but his hand reaches for yours, tightening the grip. 
His first love.
Chanyeol has his hand resting on her lower back as she makes her way through the crowd amongst the rest of Junmyeon’s friend crew. Her beautiful silk dress hangs on her body loosely, tightening and complimenting her curves when needed most. Her captivating looks had your own heart clenching and you realize what you had been up against the entire time.
The stories Junmyeon shares about his first love now has a face to the name, and the acceptance of their moments has disappeared just from looking at her. She was breathtaking to that point that she’s stolen Johnny’s attention as well.
Quickly, Junmyeon melts from being frozen and greet his friends, and you follow in suit. You learn her name, and hearing her repeat yours reminds you that her voice does sound smooth and sweet like honey, and you can’t even hate her because of how kind she is. 
“I heard that you guys found out that you’re soulmates,” She says with a smile, and you could kill for cheekbones like hers. 
“We are,” He responds, tugging on your hand to bring you closer. “We liked each other first then realized that we both have the same markings.”
“Convenient,” She chuckles, turning to glance at Chanyeol who stands by her side. Despite all the denying Chanyeol had went through before, it wasn’t evident now because his eyes were filled with love when they meet with hers. “A lot easier than what I went through with this guy.” She fixated her stare back at Junmyeon, voice filled with genuine as she speaks. “I’m happy you found someone who can make you happy.”
Later on, she meets with you privately as the rest of the gang follows Junmyeon around and they share loud conversations and laughs with each other.
“Hey,” She says, voice soft and gentle. “I just... wanted to thank you.”
“For what?” Perplexity is written on your face as you casually grab two champagne glasses from a server walking by, handing one to her as she takes willingly.
“For... loving Junmyeon. I... loved him before and I couldn’t fully give him what he wanted because of Chanyeol.”
Waving your hand in dismissal, you shake your head in unison. “No, thank you. If... you stayed even though Junmyeon wanted to let you go, I don’t think I would have ever met him. I would’ve never met my own soulmate, and... I don’t think I’d be as happy as I am now.” Almost on sign, Junmyeon’s in mid-laugh across the room, chatting with his friends as his tender gaze meets yours. 
“Well, he’s just as happy, if not more. So, thank you, really. He deserves the world for letting go of someone he loved just for the sake of his best friend’s happiness. He’s a selfless guy.”
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The night is long; you’re constantly talking to investors and potential investors, meeting new and old people as well as trying to keep up with all of your employees that attended. The turn-out is better than expected (well, better than Johnny expected), and you congratulate the HR team on a job well done.
“Ah, thanks, boss... it means a lot to us that you’re saying this.” You scoff, drink in hand before reaching up to pinch the cheek of the younger male.
“Call me noona. You did a great job, Mark, it deserves to be recognized. Keep it up and you’ll see a promotion headed your way.” Mark’s face flushes pink at your actions and words, bowing in appreciation. “Thank you, Noona!”
“Can I snag your noona away from you?” 
“Oh— Hey Hyung! Of course. She’s all yours.” Mark smiles giddily, and you’re unsure if the last sentence is in reference to your relationship, or that he was willing to give your attention back to Junmyeon’s.
“Hey, you tired?” His face is always full of concern when he watches you, but you feel like a princess when he surveils your face for a response with all the attentiveness. You shake your head in response. “No, I’m okay. It’s nice knowing that nobody is giving me a hard time.”
“Speaking of that...” Your furrow your brows in confusion. “I talked to Hana just now.”
“She’s... unhappy, for sure. But more angry that I didn’t even give her a shot. I’ve known her before you and I guess she had been pursuing me since then but I’ve always had my eyes on you.”
Chewing on your bottom lip anxiously, you tap your feet on the ground. “So... now what?”
“Nothing.” He chuckles, hand resting on your lower back as he pulls you near. “Don’t care about what she says. She’s an employee first, an angry girl who has a crush on your boyfriend second. All you should care about is yourself, and how much I love you for being you.”
Everything he says before the phrase falls out the other ear. “You love me?”
“I love you.” Junmyeon grins cheekily, his other hand reaching to rest on your cheek before pulling you into a kiss. “I really do. Please remember that. Everything I experienced before you was so that I could appreciate everything about you when I meet you. I’m glad you got to meet her today, because just as great as she is, she is no comparison to you. You’re more than that, and the crazy part? You’re my soulmate.”
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closer-stars · 4 years
Precious - Seonghwa
Member: Seonghwa Genre: Drama? Thriller? Requested: Yes @s1ardusk Word count: 1.343 for once it’s kinda short Content: a bit of sleep paralysis a bit of fallen angel stuff. sorry seonghwa. Note: idk what prompted this but i ended up revisiting an old interest of mine. did a bit of research again just to make sure i was in the right direction of sorts. all of these are just loosely inspired by books i read growing up also. To add, Sleep Paralysis Sucks. Caz, I am so sorry this went in a totally unexpected direction. @yeochikin thank u for beta-reading this prior to me posting this ><
Seonghwa wakes up, disoriented and surprised from the unexpected slumber. His eyes roam the room, looking for some sign as to what time it is. Instead, he notices something in the corner of the room, still dimly lit from which he assumes is Hongjoong’s laptop. He can’t hear anything from him but the music that still plays from his phone. As he tries to reach for his phone, hidden somewhere in the sheets, he can’t seem to lift a finger, much less drag his hand to where his phone could be. Is this a dream? He asks himself. He tries to will himself into moving his fingers or toes only for this to fall short. What’s going on? His own voice was useless, he couldn’t call Hongjoong for help. His eyes could move but not his own body-- Is this some sort of sick nightmare from the stress? 
With his own body and voice being useless, his eyes and ears have become alert to compensate. He tries to look for something, anything, to get him to wake up. Nothing in their room seems helpful in his current predicament. He could already feel cold sweat run down the back of his neck. He starts to make out a vague figure standing at the corner of his room. Now Seonghwa doesn’t consider himself a believer of the supernatural, much less an avid follower of any faith but this figure that stands in the corner is making him think otherwise. His eyes, wide and unmoving, stare at the being until its shape starts to make sense. A woman? There’s no way a stalker managed to break into their dorm unnoticed now could there? He tries to move again but his muscles just feel like they’re cramping rather than anything.
In under different circumstances, he would’ve found the smile the woman wears beautiful, heavenly even. In this case, it was hell. She wears a smile of pride and glee, she knows he can see her and he can’t do anything. She also knows that his dear roommate is unaware of his predicament which makes this better. The stranger looks around the room, taking in the odd haven. She has never seen a room as small as this, but she supposes it was passable to the two boys. Gray eyes roam the vicinity, her movements made her look like she was gliding across the floor. If this is the man that her family warns their kind of, surely there would be a sign of his bloodline in this room?
His inability to move makes his blood run cold. It’s not until he spots what looked like wings, folded against her back that he realizes what’s going on. His own orbs stay glued to the soot like wings, streaks of red found underneath the feathers, only highlighted by Hongjoong’s laptop. How does his own friend manage to be unaware of the being in the room? Judging by the size, he knew those wings could easily take up space in the living room when outstretched. More questions lay in his mind, none of them only giving birth to more questions rather than answers. What was she looking for? He wants to yell, get her out of their dorms, to wake up. 
“Oh, sweetheart. You are awake.” He hears her voice in his mind. Soft and rich like velvet, anyone could fall for such a voice. It takes strength to tear his eyes from her wings to look at her properly, she was now standing in front of his bed. He doesn’t know if he’ll remember this but he drinks in her appearance like it would heal him of his injuries, like it would wake him up into the reality he knows of. She glows with a translucent like material over her skin, a light that could fool the innocent. Her height could rival that of the models in the most prestigious brands. Her hair, too dark to be considered natural, even real. A shade that could only be achieved with hair dye but why does hers look so natural? She didn’t look human but she carried features that humans have. She reminds him of the beings that loom over the cathedrals he’s seen throughout the tours. That’s when it hits him. 
Was she one of the beings that had willfully chosen their own desires. If she wasn’t one of the Originals, she was definitely a descendant. What was her kind doing here? More importantly, why is she in his room? He’s been told stories of her kind growing up, not once did he think they were rooted in truth.
Her eyes, pale enough to pass as normal, gaze down at the male who seems to now know who-- or rather, what she is. Her smile, sinful as her desires, grows on her lips. She dips down to the eye level of the frozen male as her fingers brush through his raven hair that has fallen over his eyes. Once her finger dips to his chin, she tips his face up to look at him properly. Surely her kind had their eyes on the wrong person? This male had features that bear the same ethereal calmness her kind had but no sign that branded their sin, much less a sign that bears the immunity of the being that had cast their downfall. She looks around once more, looking for any information about this male. It nearly proves futile until she sees a banner that carries his face with his name. “Park Seonghwa? A lovely name to match your face.” She purrs, shooting the male a wink as she brushes through his features. 
“What- what are you doing? Why are you winking?” He wants to ask but it only rings clear in his mind and perhaps hers that she laughs softly, delighted by his fear. It’s been a while since she’s felt that kind of emotion because of her existence. For once, Seonghwa hates how her voice reminds him of honey. She says nothing and approaches their dresser, to resume her search. Before she could do anything, there was a knock on their door. Even if she knew that this Seonghwa’s roommate could not see her, she was not informed of others that live under the same roof. It was better to stay undetected. She takes quick strides to the window, opening it just wide enough for her entire form to slip out. 
“Don’t think this is the last time, precious.” Deft fingers manage to close the window just in time for the door to open. With that, Seonghwa finally manages to regain feeling in his body. 
“Hyung..?” It was San. “The others are asking if you guys want to join game night.” He asks softly, noting the dimly lit room as he opens the door a little wider. He couldn’t help but think that this light was better than what he saw earlier. The younger’s presence being his safety in more ways than one at this point. 
 Hongjoong finally removes his headphones and looks at the time. “Hm, a round couldn’t hurt-- you’re up?” The male shifts his attention to the eldest who struggles to push himself up to a sitting position. He yanks out his earphones, putting them back in its case as he searches for his phone. 
“Huh? Yeah. Weird dream.” Seonghwa mumbles, disoriented still as he rubs his dry eyes. He squints at the bright glare of his phone once he finds it. 10:10 PM. A disgruntled groan slips from his parched lips and he pushes himself to stand up. “I’ll join you guys. I can’t go back to sleep.” 
As the two leave the room first, he looks around for a few moments. A sign that what had transpired was indeed real and not a dream. Just as he is about to approach the dresser, he hears San call for him from the living room. The search will have to wait, he supposes. He shuts the door behind him as he leaves. 
He doesn’t catch the feather that rests on the table.
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terrifictomholland · 5 years
I’ll be your good girl - Tom Holland x reader
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A while ago I read @angelic-holland​s  EIGHTEEN and like...I got the inspiration from her, so really, you should thank her for this hahah
Word count: a whooping 5,1K
Warnings: SMUT! Piercings, and curse words, a single whore made it’s way into this story too, oops. 
Pairing: Tom Holland x female reader.
Without further ado, please do enjoy this smut fest!
You were a good girl, had good grades, had lots of friends and made friends easily, you were somewhat of a teachers pet. But you were never boastful about it, you always helped out whenever you could with tutoring friends who needed a helping hand, or really anyone. Didn't have to be friends, you did it because you wanted to help people. You were that kind of a person, helping, kind, happy. One of your closest friends were Harrison Osterfield. Who in turn, his best friend was the one and only Tom Holland. 
The school's bad boy with arms well on their way of getting more and more tattoos scattered here and there. That chocolate brown hair and matching those eyes making girls fall at his feet. It infuriated you how good-looking he was with that slightly crooked nose of his, that British accent and his voice, not to mention his body. He looked like a goddamned masterpiece carved out of marble and the way he just oozed confidence. Over the years you'd been friends with Haz, you'd hung out with Tom too. Many people would assume that he was an absolute dick because of his looks and his reputation, but he wasn't like that. At least not when you were around to see, sure, he did some of those things. He liked to party and party hard, it wasn't uncommon for Haz and Tom to talk about some of the girls Tom had been with, so you knew that he liked to fool around with them. It wasn't that you were inexperienced, you'd had a boyfriend that lasted for a little over a year, but you'd broken up about 6 months ago because you just drifted apart and he was moving away, set to start at a new college. You had been absolutely devastated and heartbroken when he broke up with you, but deep down you knew that it was for the best.
You managed to get through that rough time with the help of Haz mostly, Tom had joined in too when he could and they were the best company to have while getting over a heartbreak. Their idea of getting over someone was getting drunk and for Haz and Tom, occasionally hooking up with a pretty girl, but that only made you even sadder and it wasn't your thing.  Of course you'd fooled around with a guy here and there, but you never slept with them. But you felt the need to do something. Something reckless and daring for once in your life, so who was better than Tom at that? "Tom!" you called one day as he came by your place to hang out, "What's up my love?" he asked as he placed his feet on the coffee table, fingers tapping away on his iPhone. "I wanna do something spontaneous," you said biting the inside of your cheek watching for his reaction, he halted his movements on the screen, looking up at you. "What'd you have in mind?" "I wanna get a piercing," you bite your lip as you say it, all he does is raise his eyebrow looking at you with those deep brown eyes. "Alright," he shrugs and you perk up, "Really?" "Hell yeah, I'm all for you doing something reckless," he smirked and you blush thinking back on how he often would call you his innocent girl, "Tom," you whine but he just got up and walked over to you, close enough so that you felt his breath on the back of your neck, "A little bit of corruption will do you good love,"  those words making your breath hitch ever so slightly. You shook yourself out of the moment, grabbing his hand, "Let's go!" you call heading for the door.   The two of you arrived at the tattoo parlour who did both tattoos and piercings, it wasn't Tom's first time there judging by the way he greeted the guy behind the counter, "Hey Mike!" he greeted cheerily giving him a bro hug. "Tom! It's been a while!" he said with a grin. He had tattoos all over him and piercings here and there. You were a bit intimidated, but you were here and this was something you'd wanted to do. "It has! Oh, this is my friend Y/N," Tom introduced you and Mike smiled holding his hand out, "Nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Mike," he said kindly as you took his hand, "Likewise," you said with a nervous smile. "So, what're we having done today?" he asked expectantly looking over at Tom who held his hands up, "Don't look at me, I'm here because this one wants a piercing," he chuckled and Mike grinned looking over at you, "Well, what are you thinking of having done?" he asked and you bit your lip, glancing at Tom. "I wanna get my nipples pierced," you spoke quickly and quietly but based on the way Tom choked on thin air, he definitely heard it. MIke's eyebrows raised too, glancing over at Tom but you didn't dare look at him, staring at Mike instead who recovered quickly. "Alright, I can do that," he said, "Do you want me to come with?" Tom asked once he regained himself, "If that's your way of wanting to see the goods, boy, you're shit out of luck," you smirked and as soon as you said that both Tom and Mike started cackling, "Damn," Tom smirked making you giggle as you followed Mike to the back room.  the piercing itself didn't take more than a couple of minutes but the pain it brought on stayed with you for a little longer, but it wasn't unbearable as you walked back out to Tom, seeing him sitting down on a chair flipping through some tattoo books. "You thinking 'bout getting inked?" you wondered startling him slightly and you giggled, "Already done?" he asked and you saw his gaze drop to your chest and you tutted, "My eyes are up here, and yes I am," you said proudly, he chuckled with pink cheeks lifting his gaze up to your eyes, "Can't blame a guy for wanting a peek," he shrugged and you rolled your eyes, "Are you getting anything done?" you changed the subject and he smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know?" he asked saucily and you blushed. "Maybe," "Yeah, I'm gonna get my eyebrow done," he smiled at you when he saw you blush so prettily. "Are you?" you asked surprised and he nodded, "Can I watch?" you asked biting your lip. He chuckled and patted his lap and you blushed all the more now, going over there and sitting down in his lap. "Course you can, it's not like its my dick I'm piercing," he smirked and you swallowed harshly, well...that would be quite the sight wouldn't it? A hot one that's for sure. "I suppose not," you murmur with a blush as Mike walked over to Tom, "We doing the eyebrow today?" he asked already putting on the latex gloves as Tom nodded. He was completely relaxed with you in his lap, joking around with Mike. "How long have you wanted to do this?" you murmured tracing the outline of his tattoo that peeked out from the sleeve of his shirt, "A while now actually," he answered and you nodded, looking up at him feeling something you hadn't felt before. Or rather, you didn't let yourself feel until now. He was Haz's best friend and the bad boy of the school. You'd felt the gradual shift in the way he'd joke around with you, the tiny touches that were too long to be just casual, the looks. Minor things, but they were noticeable nonetheless. "Ready Tom?" Mike asked breaking you out of your thoughts, you gulped seeing the needle so close to his face and you reached over taking his hand. "You can squeeze my hand as hard as you want," you said though you were probably more nervous than he was. "I will, though I'd be more distracted if I could see the goods," he quipped and you laughed smacking his arm gently, "You're not gonna give up on that are you?" "Absolutely not! Do you know the kind of torment I'm in knowing your tits are pierced and I can't see?" "Well then you're gonna have to wait a long time," you grinned and he pouted, wincing slightly as the needle went through his brow. You immediately squeezed his hand tightly and he squeezed back just as hard. "You're gonna look even more like a bad boy now," you grinned and he looked over at you with a serene smile, "Yeah? You like it?" "The piercing or the bad boy?" you countered and he shrugged, "Both," "I do, the piercing makes you look all tough even though you're about as soft as they come," you giggle and he scoffed, "I could rock your world if only you knew how hard I could be," his bold words making you blush furiously and he noticed, of course he fucking did. He noticed everything. "Oh? Someone's into that," he taunted and you squeaked slapping his arm, "Thomas Stanley," you warned and he let out a loud laugh, "Are you denying it?" "Let's pay and head out of here, I want ice cream mr. Baddie," you changed the subject and he laughed heartily, following in your footsteps as you sorted out the payment and you left for ice cream. "Hey Tom?" you asked as you licked the hazelnut ice cream from the cone, feeling his gaze on you, "Yes honey?" "Thank you, for doing this with me," you said softly feeling your cheeks heat up, "Honestly it was really fun," he grinned easily making you feel lighter too, looking up at him and seeing the carefree look on his face, "Plus, it's hot as fuck knowing your nips are pierced and knowing I can't see it. The things you do to me," he said, his gaze turning darker as they dropped to your chest, making you shift slightly, your thighs rubbing together at the intensity of his gaze. "Tom," you breathed out, both hating and loving the effect he had on you. Still you knew, he hadn't even started. If he wanted to, he could have you be a complete mess within minutes. "Don't worry honey," he smirked, "You can always come to me when you want to be reckless again," he finished, pressing his lips to your cheek and you let out a shaky breath. "I might take you up on it," you said as he pulled back. Your faces were mere inches apart and oh how you wanted to close that distance and press your lips against his sinful ones. Full of devious promises to absolutely wreck and ruin you. "I'm hoping that you will," he said, his gaze dropping from your eyes to your lips, licking his own. His fingers coming up to rest on your pulse point, feeling it sky rocket. You'd never wanted anyone as much as you did right now, your whole body thrumming with need and want. "I will," you promised reaching up, pressing a kiss on his cheek, letting your lips linger there for a moment too long, but neither of you minded. You slowly pulled away from him, needing a second to collect yourself, seeing him subtly adjust himself and you wanted to whimper, but you swallowed it down. "Wanna head back?" he asked once you finished your ice cream, you nodded and he offered you his hand which you took, lacing your fingers together. You drove home, the two of you singing along to the music he was blaring through the speakers and laughing.  Suddenly, the familiar intro of You Shook Me All Night Long came on by AC/DC making you grin, hearing Tom burst into song, staring meaningfully at you as he sang, making you once again rub your thighs together subtly at the promise that he could very well shake you all night long if he so well pleased. You saw the smirk on his face from the corner of your eye. You let out a tiny whimper when you felt his hand on your thigh, rubbing it slowly, teasingly through your jeans. You tried to pretend it didn't bother you, but it very much so did. His fingers bravely brushing over your pussy and you shut your eyes, biting your lip as you felt your panties getting absolutely soaked. "I can't wait to shake you all night long," he said huskily, making you open your eyes staring back at his lust filled ones. "How are you so sure I'd let you?" you asked with false confidence and he eyed you up and down, his fingers rubbing you through your jeans causing your toes to curl. "Oh baby," he tutted with a smirk seeing how you were already falling apart. Just as you were about to move over and straddle him over the console, his phone started ringing, breaking you both out of your moment making you whine as he pulled his hand away. You knew the moment was sufficiently ruined, you hated it as he answered the phone, chatting casually with Haz making you roll your eyes. Only Haz would and could have such impeccable timing and ruin your first orgasm in a long time. Tom started driving again, taking you back to your place and you arrived there after just a few minutes. You waited til he hung up with Haz before leaning over, kissing his cheek. "Thank you," you whispered in his ear, feeling brave enough to bite down lightly on his earlobe, licking it before you pulled away with a grin. Two could play the game, "I meant it, anytime you wanna be reckless," he chuckled hoarsely and you giggled, throwing a wink over your shoulder as you got out of the car.                                                  ------ A couple of weeks had gone by since you had your reckless day with Tom, and he'd been stuck on your mind ever since. The two of you hadn't really had any time to see each other because you both had so much homework and revising to do, but it was calming down now, so you sat in your room, biting your lip as you called him. "Hello?" you heard him ask and you smiled to yourself, "Hi Tom, it's me," "Oh hey, what's up?" "Uhm, do you wanna do another reckless thing?" you found yourself asking, suddenly full of nervous butterflies in your stomach, "I knew you couldn't resist," you could practically hear through the phone the way he was gloating, "I could always ask Haz you know," you teased hearing him laugh, "No you won't," he stated confidently and you rubbed your thighs together, "So, are you coming over?" you asked biting the inside of your cheek, you hoped he would. "Yeah, I'll be there in 30," he said, after that you hung up feeling anticipation already surging through you. You knew where this would lead and you knew Tom did too. Now, you spent the next thirty minutes tidying up a bit, putting in a load of laundry, doing the dishes and whatnot, all to keep your mind off of Tom until he arrived. You could hear the knock on the door just as you finished wiping down the counter, so you walked over to the front door seeing Tom there with a smile, "Hi honey," he said giving you a hug that you melted in, "Hey," you said bashfully as he pulled away all too soon for your liking. "How are you?" he asked out of genuine curiosity making you smile as you led him into the kitchen, "I'm good, the revising has been killing me, you?" "Pretty much the same yeah," he chuckled seeing how nervous you were, so he walked over to you, trapping you by the counter. You swallowed glancing up at him as your bodies were flush against one another. "Are you okay honey?" he asked gently, touching your cheek with his hands and you closed your eyes, leaning into the touch, trying to give yourself a moment of privacy under his heated gaze. "I'm fine, I'm just...nervous," you admitted breathing out, "Why're you nervous? It's just me," he asked as he drew his eyebrows together, "Because uhm, the reason I wanted you to come here is because I, uh, I want you to..you know," you trailed off looking at him, trying to motion downward with your head. His lips tugged up in a smile at your innocence, "I know what?" he teased and you moaned in embarrassment hiding your face in the crook of his neck, "Don't make me say it Tom," "Oh but I really want you too love, I can't help you out if you don't tell me," the smugness just rolled off him now and you clenched your jaw, "I..I want you to y'know, go down on me," you said feeling your face burning, "What's that?" he grinned, "Tom please," you pleaded as he pulled your face away from his neck but you refused to look into his eyes, focusing intently on playing with the collar of his shirt. "No love, I wanna hear you say it," "I..I want you to eat me out, please," you huffed, shifting your weight and trying to get some relief by rubbing your thighs together. "You want me to eat that pretty pussy of yours?" you turned crimson hearing him say it so plainly but you nodded, "Now was that so hard to say?" he taunted.  You wound your arms around his neck bringing his face down to yours, smashing your lips together to get him to stop fucking gloating. He let out a surprised moan against your lips, but he put his hands on the back of your thighs lifting you up on the counter and you locked your legs around his waist tightly, opening your mouth when you felt his tongue push against the seam of your lips. You let out a sigh when they met and battled for dominance. "Has anyone ever eaten you out?" he asked breaking the kiss to remove his shirt and you shook your head, "Uhm no," you blushed, "But...your ex?" he trailed off and you swallowed, "He didn't really do that," you said lamely looking up at him, seeing the look of utter disbelief on his face. "What a fucking wanker, I bet you he didn't even make you cum properly," he scoffed and you blushed. He wasn't wrong you thought to yourself. "He didn't did he?" he concluded at your silence and you nodded, "Have you ever gotten yourself off?" he prodded looking intently at you, "Yeah, by myself," you shrugged and he kissed you deeply, "That's hot as hell," he murmured against your lips, running his hands up and down your thighs and you tried getting even closer to him. "Please Tom," you murmured sucking on his bottom lip, biting down on it lightly and he groaned, putting his hand on the back of your head kissing you hurriedly and you moaned against his lips, rocking your hips against his, feeling the way he was already straining against his jeans, rubbing against your pussy deliciously. "Want me to eat this pretty pussy right here? On the counter?" he murmured breaking away from the kiss only to move down to your neck, sucking and biting making you gasp. "N-no, I uhm...laundry machine? Because of the vibrations?" you trailed off shyly and he moved up looking at you with a devious grin, "You've given this some thought haven't you?" "Maybe, can't hurt to try it," you shrugged and he smirked wickedly, "C'mon honey, let's give you what you deserve," he said lifting you up with ease and carrying you over to the laundry machine, your clothes landing on the floor as you made your way over there. "I've waited so fucking long to see your tits now honey," he murmured, reaching behind easily unclasping your bra. Your breath hitching slightly at the cool air that hit your nipples, causing them to harden immediately. He groaned at the sight of the bars you had through them now. You bit your lip leaning into his touch when he cupped them, his thumb brushing over your nipple causing you to let out a sharp moan, "O-oh," you breathed letting your fingers tangle in his hair, "Does it hurt?" he wondered glancing at you, "In the beginning it did, not so much now," you breathed and he leaned forward taking your nipple in his mouth, rolling it around expertly and you gasped loudly arching up into his touch. His mouth on one, the other pinching and rolling your nipple between his fingers. "God that feels good," you moaned softly rocking your hips into his again wanting more. You were soaked and he could feel it. His hand coming down, brushing over your soaked panties, running a single finger along your folds causing you to buck your hips up. "Tom," you whimpered feeling so good already, "What's that honey?" he murmured switching boobs and you threw your head back as his thumb started rubbing your clit, making you choke on air. "P-please Tom, eat my pussy," you moaned, he pulled away from your nipple with a pop and he blew cold air on the hardened bud making you shiver. "Was that so hard to say?" he murmured placing open-mouthed kisses all over your stomach, biting and nipping on your hip bones making you moan. You lifted your hips when he tugged your panties down in a swift pull leaving you completely naked for him to bask in you. You whimpered when you saw him palm himself through his black boxers, that was one of the hottest things you'd ever seen. "You are so fucking beautiful honey," he said in a gravelly voice making you even wetter, "So're you," you smiled shyly, leaning up on your elbows when you saw him drop down on his knees. You sucked in a sharp breath feeling him run his finger along your folds again, easily slipping it inside of you. "You're soaking wet baby," he hummed in appreciation leaning forward and licking your pussy causing you to nearly pass out from how good it felt. "Holy shit," you gasped throwing your head back, putting your legs on his shoulders letting him go to town on you. The way that man could move his tongue had you seeing stars, along with the confident way he finger-fucked you into oblivion all while sucking on your clit, having your legs shaking and toes curling. He looked like a man obsessed and you loved it, your fingers pulling on his hair, never wanting this to end, but you felt your orgasm building rapidly, "O-oh god, I'm so close Tommy," you moaned loudly, just then the washing machine kicked into high gear, sending vibrations through you making you scream out as you came, Tom's fingers hitting your sweet-spot over and over, not relenting until you came down from your high. Your legs couldn't stop shaking once you came down from your high and you let out a whimper seeing Tom pull away from your pussy. His hair was a mess from the way you'd pulled on it and your juices were smeared all over his mouth and his lips were swollen. The image alone nearly sent you over the edge again. He wiped his mouth with a smirk, "How was that baby?" "Oh my god," you panted and he laughed. You bit your lip seeing the way his cock strained against his boxers, "Do you...I mean..Can I..help?" you stumbled over your words, your cheeks pink. "Course you can honey," he grinned and you got off the washing machine, biting your lip as you got on your knees, pulling his boxers down revealing his very pretty cock. You salivated slightly at the sight of him, you dared a glance at him before you leaned forward, licking the underside of his cock hearing him suck in a sharp breath, putting his hands on the washing machine to steady himself. That gave you a boost as you wrapped your lips around his cock, bobbing your head up and down, letting your tongue lick the slit and the pre-cum that had collected at the tip. His hand collected your hair for you, pushing it out of the way for you as you sucked, your hands on his hips. You could tell he wanted to thrust forward so you relaxed your mouth as much as you could, looking up at him with a shaky nod giving him the go ahead. He thrusted forward gently at first and you let out a moan feeling his cock hit the back of your throat, keeping your gaze on him as he fucked your mouth, "F-fuck look at you honey, taking my cock so good," he groaned and you moaned, slipping a hand down to your front, rubbing your clit and your eyes rolled back as he kept thrusting and you rubbed your clit the way you loved. "That's it baby, fuck yourself on your fingers honey," he grunted and you whined against his cock slipping two fingers inside of yourself easily, "That good honey?" he hummed, you nodded as tears spilled down your cheeks, sucking on the head of his cock, swirling your tongue. "S-so good," you moaned feeling that pressure of another orgasm build, "You know what's gonna be even better?" he grunted and you looked at him, "My cock pounding into that pretty pussy of yours," he all but growled and you cried out against his cock cumming a second time in matter of minutes. You could tell he wasn't far behind so you pulled off him with a pop and you pushed your tits together and he caught your drift, eyes blazing with lust as he started titty-fucking you until he came, ropes of cum painting your chest. "Who knew you could be such a naughty girl?" he panted looking so proud of you and you preened under the attention. "I want you to fuck me," you said boldly and he smirked, "Oh honey, I plan too, don't you worry," he said confidently making shivers run down your spine in both delight and anticipation. "Now," you said impatiently, pulling him close to you kissing him hotly, your hand wrapping around his cock teasingly jerking him off to get him hard again. You loved the way he moaned your name and his hands cupping your tits, pinching your already sensitive nipples. You gasped, wrapping your legs around his waist, bringing him close and you both moaned when you ran his cock along your pussy. Your nails digging into his back and he hissed sliding into you, your heat engulfing his cock completely. "Oh fuck," you cursed throwing your head back as best you could as his mouth encircled your nipple, sucking. "Shit," you moaned raising your hips, meeting each thrust as he slid as deep inside of you as possible making you arch your back. "Such a tight pussy," he growled holding your hips, laying you down and he pulled out of you, only to slam back inside causing you to scream out in pleasure, your thighs shaking and burning, but oh how good it felt. He grunted as he rolled his hips, finding your sweet spot and you couldn't do anything more other than moan like a whore. "Look over there," he grunted out, motioning to the side and your breath got caught in your throat seeing the mirror there and you were transfixed, seeing the way he fucked into you, "That's so hot baby," you moaned glancing between the mirror and Tom, seeing the way his cock completely disappeared inside of you. "You are, god damn the way you take my cock so well huh?" he moaned and you did the same, leaning up kissing him hotly, just needing more of him as he fucked you senseless. His words were turning you on even more, pushing you closer to the edge. "Harder Tommy," you begged against his lips crying out against him when his fingers started rubbing your clit, a silent scream escaping you. "Mmh yes!" you moaned, feeling beads of sweat drip down from your temple. You broke the kiss seeing that Tom was in no better shape than you, his hair matted to his face, covered in a thin layer of sweat as his jaw clenched focused on fucking you the best he could. "Cum in me Tommy," you moaned, you could tell he was getting closer too, you felt it in the way he started shaking. You reached your hand down fondling his balls, biting your lip seeing the way he threw his had back and you wasted no time in sucking on his neck feeling your orgasm tear through you like a hurricane, leaving you breathless and taking Tom with you. With a final thrust you felt him still and cum inside of you, making you moan softly, squeezing his cock letting him give you all he had. "I bet you look so pretty full of my cum inside your pussy," he grunted and your eyes rolled back still feeling him inside of you. Part of you didn't want him to slip out of you, but you knew he had too and he did, "Try holding it in, I wanna see my cum inside of you," he demanded and you let out a pitiful moan nodding, trying to keep his cum inside of you when he pulled out. "Look at that," he breathed completely mesmerized. He gave you a wicked smirk, pushing two fingers inside of you easily fucking his cum deeper inside of you than before, his mouth circling your clit and you cried out weakly, you didn't know how much more you could take, but you loved it. You reached up pinching your nipples letting him rip another orgasm from you, his cum for sure seeping out of you. "Well look at you baby girl, you did so good," he praised and you hazily opened your eyes, panting heavily. "Thank you," you breathed and he smiled, lifting you up and he took you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter there as he got the bath running. "How was that?" he asked gently as the two of you got in the tub, his chest pressed against your back and you cuddled up against him. "Incredible," you said with a blush, you couldn't believe the side of you that came out to play when he fucked you like that. "Fuck yeah it was," he laughed running his fingers up and down your sides. "We should do that again, definitely," you concluded and he kissed your neck softly. "Oh we are, that's a promise honey,"
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