#I like to think he is a firm believer in the fact that immortality is a 'good thing'
askblueandviolet · 9 months
Baihe, dear, what do You think of your first training session? And Your new mentor, they are not the best but they aren't the worst, right? :D
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xueyuverse · 22 days
It's ironic to me that part of the fandom insists so much that Hua Cheng's personality revolves around Xie Lian when in fact MXTX created Hua Cheng first and then had to make Xie Lian his ideal type. Like, the truth is that Xie Lian was molded for Hua Cheng. I find this contradiction very funny, I'm sorry.
But they were indeed created for each other.
Hua Cheng has a strong personality, he is firm in his ideals and beliefs, assertive in his opinions, cold in his justice and someone who does not bend the rules just to fit in, he creates a third way instead of adapting to a world that hates him and was cruel to him.
His ideal type would have to be someone as confident as him, who not only does not bend the rules, but also does not get corrupted by difficulties, someone benevolent enough to see people like him with kindness, because only someone faithful in his beliefs would be able to be so different from everything that the world says is right — because the right thing is for you to annihilate people like Hua Cheng, whether they are innocent or not, just because of a supposed curse that they did not ask for.
This meta is based on this excerpt from the afterword that MXTX put in TGCF ↓
When it comes to character designs, the Shou’s were decided on first for the first two novels, but I was torn over the Gong’s for a long time, and needed a run-in period. Hua Cheng, however, was an exception. Inspiration struck and there he was; inspiration struck again, and I blinded one of his eyes.
It was actually the Shou, Xie Lian, who tortured me for up to half a year’s time. When the novel started serializing, I was still torn over him for a long time.
But the most important thing is, by my instincts, someone like Hua Cheng will most definitely love someone like this. So, after a good half a year’s worth of qualms, in the end I still typesetted him: It’s you!
Speaking more about this postscript, I found it interesting how for MXTX, Xie Lian was the most difficult character she has ever played. People tend to think that Xie Lian only has two personality traits: (false, for many) kindness and idiocy. The idiocy may even be right lol, but when you stop to think about it, Xie Lian is a really difficult character to create and, mainly, to develop.
For all the layers he has, he could easily be a snobbish prince, a vengeful and bitter ex-prince, a fallen prince who rises again to reconquer his kingdom and reclaim his throne or a spotless saint who is always intelligent and wise and is above things like sadness, anger, lust, etc.
We know that Xie Lian is none of these things, he was not made for these plots. But if he is none of these things, then what could he be? Honestly, I find it very difficult for anyone to come to the conclusion that your protagonist is a "loser" who failed and has no ambition to rebuild his kingdom and become the new king. It's bold to make your protagonist a poor and extremely unlucky nomad, especially with the princely background that you gave him, we can see from the amount of stories out there about protagonists who lost their kingdoms and then have a path of reconquest that it's difficult not to be tempted to follow that path.
Of course, Xie Lian is a god, something greater than a prince or king, but he is a poor god, known as "the joke of the three kingdoms", he has no wealth and for 800 years he only had 1 believer that he didn't even know existed and he is also known as the "god of plague" and "immortal scrap collector", unconventional titles in the literary world lol
He must experience youthful ignorance, overestimation of his own abilities, have been laughable, been foolish, made mistakes, despaired, felt hatred, gone crazy. But he can’t run, and he can’t hide; everything is what it is. All this was killing me. Not just within the text, but outside the text too. My mediation was useless, and I’ve no energy anymore either, so in order not to be affected, I stopped looking at comments altogether. Since I always habitually vaccinate myself before a serialization begins, speculating on all the worst possible scenarios and preparing myself mentally, by the time serialization started I had already expected how all the negative comments would go down. But after much hesitation, I still thought, why not try all different kinds of characters? I haven’t tried writing a main character like this before.
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Bellatrix Star
A TaliaxDanny idea that came to me.
Damian, Bruce, and the rest of the bats discover the Talia al Ghul they had been fighting against, the one that cloned her own son, had the clone kill him, plant a control device in him when he broke his spine, etc etc was actually not the real Talia al Ghul.
Turned out Ra's had cloned her and killed the original when she discovered his little plans to take over Damain's body and she confronted him about it. Ra's had to make a clone when after tossing a dead Talia into the pits but never returned (he meant to kill her as a warning, as a "you may be my blood but will not hesitate to end you Talia.") It explains so much to Damian when remembers how out of nowhere his mother changed, her training him changed from harsh to deadly, the soft motherly love she would give him when behind closed doors suddenly stopped, the tales she would spin for him about his father no longer whispered to him for bed.
How this was find out?
Well it's hard to ignore the facts that when your foolish grandfather in his quest for immortality summons an eldritch being known as the Ghost King into the Mortal Realm and uses Damian as a sacrifice while his (not) mother watches emotionless.
When the being appeared, plunging the room from green glowing flames and the glow of the Lazarus Pits into darkness before a cosmos exploded to life, its glowing green eyes snapped open in the stars and stared at them all. Making every single one of them feel small, so very small.
It took a single glance around the room before stopping on the al Ghul's. It's eyes widen before a steel and firm look entered them. Just as quick as the cosmos sprang to life, it suddenly swirled away into a ball, putting them all back into the Lazarus room,and reformed in front of them to a more humanish height and body.
When the body, around the height and build of Batman, was done forming it took a step forward and suddenly as one blinked a man stood in front of them. Or rather floated. Snow white hair that flickered and wisped towards a crown made of fire and ice, glowing green eyes that held none of the madness but all of the power the Lazarus Pits could give. His clothing were tailored made that were tastefully a mixture of black and white with some silvers and greens, clothes fit for a King one would say. The cosmos that once engulfed the room had shifted into a cloak that hanged around his body, on one side more than the other (think like how CW wears his only the hood is down).
This, this was no doubt the Ghost King, he stood tall and regal and made everyone in the room feel the need to look down, to bow ones head for even just a moment. Even Ra's had trouble disobeying the urge to do so.
"Well..." the being said, his voice deep but not as gravely as Batman's was "What an interesting way to meet my In-Laws and Step-Son..."
He has said that as he looked towards the al Ghul's. Damian flinched back with a frown of confusion and disbelief while Ra's looked panicked for a second when the words registered into his mind, meanwhile Talia... looked emotionless and barely even twitched.
"What the fu-?" Someone began only to stop when the King lifted his hand and with a snap of his fingers a green portal appeared, it looked almost like the Lazarus Pits but it felt... cleaner? Less angry?
"My Bellatrix, my warrior star. I believe I've been summoned to your home dimension. And judging by the looks of it your father created a barely functioning Mirror of you and planned on using your son as a sacrifice to me." He spoke out towards the portal before holding his hand out.
A hand appeared from the portal, a slender hand and with green and black painted nails manicure to perfection before someone walked through it as they took hold of the Ghost King's offering hand.
Standing in front of them was another Talia, only this one looked a tad older than the one in the room. She wore clothing that matched the King to a T but even then, as always, Talia looked deadly in it. Beautiful but very deadly. From the heels she wore to the crown upon her head, a crown made of not ice and fire but of stars and black jewels. Her eyes were sharp as she stared at everyone in the room, frown on her painted lips, but her eyes lit with a small soft joy when she saw Damian only for them to turn poisonous when they landed on Ra's and the other Talia nearby.
"I should had know you would had created a Mirror of me instead of admitting to my son you killed me Father." Queen Talia spat out. "The least you could had done was not make my Mirror so cheaply, it doesn't even have a proper soul attached to it."
#danny phantom#danny fenton#blue rambles#crossover#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#i forgot Danny and Talia's ship name#Talia was killed when she confronted her father when she found out his plans to take over her son's body#she was tossed in the pits and was meant to return to life but a portal opened up as she was brought back#she landed in Danny's garden and in a Pit Rage attacked any ghost in sight#Danny was called in noticed the Rage and knocked her out before taking her to Frostbite#they find out she is very liminal#like near halfa levels like she just needs something to kill and bring her back at the same time levels.#Talia raged and wept when she woke up#she was told she was in the Infinite Realms and what the Lazarus Pits actually were and that they were going to try to find her a way home#but because the Infinite Realms were well Infinite it was like looking for a needle in haystack#it takes a while and some talks with Jazz but Talia eventuality begins to try to make the most of her life within the Infinite Realms#and the only world is was always connected to#she does eventually fall for Danny though. things happened and Talia can sense her love for Bruce fizzle out and begin to grow for Danny#who never once asked her to change her deadly and swift ways#Danny was the Ghost King now. he understands that sometimes a quick and hard hand needs to be used.he is a fair and just King not a doormat#Danny accidentally called Talia Bellatrix one day. after the female warrior star in the sky. she is deadly and beautiful to him#Talia liked it a lot and well showed him how much she liked it#eventually they date and get married. Talia is in charge of the spy network for the Kingdom encase of anyone gets any bright ideas#Talia loves her new life. the one without her father or Bruce trying to control or changer her. She wishes for Damian though still.#Danny's been on the look out for her world when she told him everything. He wants to meet and learn about his step-son#he hopes he'll like the 'I'm sorry I married your mother without your permission but I would love your blessing.' gifts he had commissioned
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I'm pretty sure i was having a stroke whan i wrote this but eh idc
anyways-, i know for a fact that since merlin is an immortal among the mortal plane he tries not to get too attached to things but him being 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦 and since 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 has a small amount of magic in them he really can't help himself and adopts a dog every now and then
at first he doesn't give them names cuz yk attachment issues AND he really doesn't know how to name it? UNTIL
one day he sees a dog wandering near a pub. At first he just kinda feeds him as he does most of the time he meets stray dogs but this one never left him alone and i mean NEVER
it follows him around literally 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 and at first it was a little annoying but after some time he kinda appreciated the company
Merlin and Leon meet at a pub to catch up with each other and talk about what tthey've been up to (im a very firm believer of the 𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘯'𝘴 𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘭 theory, you can never change my mind about it)
obviously, the dog is still there and Leon is quite amused with the dog and asks what his name was but before Merlin could come up with an excuse on why he didn't name him, a bar fight starts and they accidentally get roped into it
the dog is actually pretty helpful in fighting the random men by biting their kneecaps and what not, but then one of the men kicks the dog effectively injuring it and the dog passes out
when the three of them get out of the fight they head to Merlin's home where they heal the dog until it wakes up with its tail wagging happily at Merlin
He suddenly feels a sense of deja vu and when he realizes why he laughs, Leon's a little concerned and asks why he's laughing, merlin tells the story of how he met Gwaine
Leon chuckles while he pets the dog and jokingly says something along the lines of "well, welcome back Gwaine" and right after that they decide to name him Gwaine
After that whenever Merlin gets a new dog they joke about whose personality it fits closest to their old friends,
time goes by and they run out of names to name the dogs so they just think of the things they miss back then as names, for example: blueberry tarts, silverpine, tourneys, etc. (merlin kept suggesting food and nature as names while leon suggested festivals and places as names)
eventually, Leon suggests the name Albion for a dog 𝘩𝘦 found this time, after running out of kingdoms and estates to use as a name
at some point Albion gets badly injured and i mean 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥, for some reason Merlin doesn't use magic because its been a long time since he did and he kinda didn't trust himself
Leon and Merlin take him to a vet where they meet a dude that looks like Arthur. Well it turns out it is him considering that when he actually makes eye contact with one of them he freezes and and nearly shouts "𝘔𝘌𝘙LIN?! 𝘓𝘌𝘖𝘕??"
they reunite and everything and bla bla bla and then they get emotional and stuff
and then Kilgharrah's voice pops outa nowhere in Merlin's mind ".. 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝘼𝙡𝙗𝙞𝙤𝙣'𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝘼𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣.."
albion, the dog, is just happy to be healed again and just be there, witnessing the wonderful reunion
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yuellii · 1 year
Just with the same three characters, Neuvillette, Zhongli and Pierro if it's alright and thank you <3
dying by the hand of an artful man
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎 of red flags in your relationship
feat. neuvillette, zhongli, pierro ( separately )
notes. gn reader, click on summary above for part one, honestly unsure if knowledge and context of part one will be needed ;; these are really not the best :’) i wasn’t sure how to continue the first part…
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NEUVILLETTE, always too serious, was one to continue carrying on.
Perhaps it was foolish of you to marry a man whom you knew had little to no basic understanding of human emotions—but maybe you were just too kind for even trying. Foolish for even thinking that he would attempt to learn for you, because you believed he was a man that was understanding enough.
But the cold distance felt further to you than ever, especially after you acknowledged such a displacement between his position as a husband and as a judge. In the eyes of the public, he is fierce and firm, like an unwavering flag of justice that stands his ground to bring the guilty to their downfall.
In the eyes of little ones like the Melusines, he is a good leader, one that says hello every morning like a caring father. And yet, this is the side you feel you’ve never met once in this marriage. It was as if you fell in love with Neuvillette, but married only the Chief Justice—a difference you realized too late.
“I’ll be going.” His voice was cold just the same as it was emotionless. You watched as his unwavering gaze never met yours whilst he headed out the door, wondering if it has always been this way.
“Stay safe, Monsieur.” A title that held no meaning, no love. The first time you stopped calling him names of endearment, you had hoped he noticed it. And maybe, you were a little too naive to pray for any kind of reaction. But alas, he still just nodded like it was nothing. You wondered if he loved you at all.
The Chief Justice of Fontaine, in all his stern seriousness, loving someone so emotionally deprived like you. He claimed to, at least; and at the time, you believed him. But now is when the thought crosses you like an arrow to the heart, like the Gods truly cursed you with the reminder of just how inhuman this man you called your husband truly is.
He might’ve misunderstood what love was in the first place.
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ZHONGLI, even more overly protective, kept you locked tight nowadays.
It wasn’t often you could stare out the open window without him being there anymore.
Since your last escape to Lantern Rite, you’ve found the front door locked with something that seemed like adepti magic, and event the windows were shut with no route of escape anymore. Too dangerous, he said. Another Osial could rise again, he always warned.
Maybe it was the fact you were human, and he lives the life of immortality. And, maybe it was the fact he was so particular in the way you aged, and your birthday being today made no exception.
“Another year older,” he smiled so gently at you. You think it made you feel sick. “Age only brings fragility,” he muttered so close to your face, “Like stone that ages with the world, until it’s ground into nothing but sand.”
And there goes his comparisons again—comparison to something more fragile than you were.
“I only wish you’d allow me to protect you more.” And then he inches closer until his lips are on yours, tasting a bitter tea you once found so lovingly sweet. But now the flavor turns to mud on your tongue, and you’re seconds away from spitting him out. He still has the touch of a dignified, refined man. Yet his demand for control over your “safety” showed you less of a husband and more of a parent.
Tomorrow night marks the next Lantern Rite; And you plan on seeing it again. If he wants to keep you locked up here, he’ll have to drag you by the ankles from the Harbor.
You did not consider that was exactly what he’d do.
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PIERRO, who asked if you would die for him, continued his pampering.
With what sanity you had left, you could sense it. Something big would be happening soon, and the death of The Fair Lady only amplified your fear.
“Shh, don’t cry now,” the leader of the Harbingers whispered sweetly into your ear. His voice was a low rumble, one that made you shiver more than reassured. “Look, she’s still with us,” he pointed, little fire moth resting atop his finger. You only continued to shake amidst your tears as you sat curled up on his lap. You were scared, yet your head rest on the chest of the most dangerous man, your husband.
“She died for a noble cause,” he told you. You might’ve been too shaken to realize where he was leading this to go. “For the Tsaritsa,” he continued, “and her everlasting glory and goals.”
Your tears slightly slowed down from your focus on his words; but you fear you may lay awake haunted by his voice again.
“This is how you should plan your death, too.” You tensed. “It should be meaningful, show-stopping…” When he trailed off, his large hand came up to rest against the side of your head, pulling you off his chest so he could see you. The pads of his thumbs swiped at your tear-stained cheeks in such a gentle manner that you were completely fooled by his manufactured love all over again. “…Sacrificial.”
Your face might’ve contorted to fear, because his hand shifted and tightened to clasp sharply at your jaw. “I love you, you know that?” he asked so kindly.
Theres a low chuckle in his throat. “Then tonight, there’ll be a feast. And tomorrow, there’ll be a war.” He smiles at you now with a different kind of love. “And that’s when you can show me that you love me, too, through your glorious self sacrifice on the battlefield.”
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slightlymore · 2 years
i will not vanish | two
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I will not vanish [MASTERLIST] is a companion series/backstory to the ‘soulmates collection’ [doyoung]
demon haechan x fem reader
genre: fantasy, smut, angst!!, comedic and fluff elements, tarot reader haechan
warnings and content: +18, explicit sexual content, oral f, body worshipping, titty sucking, first time penetrative sex for reader, fingering, breeding kink, unprotected and pulling out then protected (?), cum play, dirty talk, biting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, finger sucking, sexual tension, mutual pining, slow burn, tarot readings, fight scenes and use of swords/knives, magic snakes, wounds, swearing
other characters: demon jeno, immortal jaemin, doyoung, selene (oc), archangel mark
words: 17k
soulmates universe equivalent: my soulmate loves wine
note: the terminology used [demon, angel, archangel] has no correlation to the usual religious connotations
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Mark was a peculiar man, you thought.
His eyes were dark as carbon just like his hair. They would pierce into yours as if they could read your mind. Perhaps, he could. He was an Archangel after all. 
But he didn't feel frightening when he approached you that day, gently sitting on the dying grass near you. 
“Are you my guardian Angel?” you finally spoke after his short monologue, explaining who he was. 
Mark chuckled, closing his eyes, and showing white shiny teeth. 
“No, I am not. And Haechan is not your guardian Demon either.” 
He didn’t bother to explain how he knew you were thinking precisely that.
You swallowed. 
“But you can come with me and ask him that yourself.”
When Mark said he knew where Haechan had run to, you had no idea that convincing the University Rector to suddenly let you take a gap year was going to be the most difficult thing to do. 
“What if I promise you that I will get a sick as fuck dissertation on this travel? You’ll get so much fame and so many people will want to come and study here.” 
The woman was slightly swinging back and forth in her huge chair as if unsure. 
“Well, if you write it the same way you speak, I’m not sold.” 
You fought the urge to sigh. “I am the smartest person in Slytherin.” 
“That’s not true. It is, in fact, Kim Doyoun-” 
“Okay, I’m the second smartest person in Slytherin.” You felt your eyebrow twitch. 
“What’s even the topic?” she looked bored. 
“Parallel universes,” you were firm. 
The Rector had to hide a patronizing smile. “Research on parallel universes.” 
Your fist tightened. “I think it’s absurd how we have all sorts of magic, and we can fly and stuff, and we don’t believe in parallel universes and people - no, beings - travelling to them through portals.” 
“What would these beings be?” 
You were unsure. Angels? Demons? Could that actually be the case or were Haechan and his weird friend group pulling the biggest prank in history?
“That would be my my research question, ma’am.” 
You were so convincing that you convinced yourself as well. Or at least, you tried to not think too deeply about it. 
But when you reached the city Mark gave you an appointment in, you fought the urge to run back home.
What were you doing? Were you that stupid and gullible to believe a stranger and follow him around? 
But Haechan has always looked very strange to you as well. His magic wasn’t of your world, and the way both he and Jeno disappeared all of sudden wasn’t normal. You had to find out what the hell was going on. 
“You actually came,” Mark commented, raising his eyes from the phone he was holding. 
The man was sitting at a small round table, in front of a café, a steamy coffee to blur his face.
You sat down as well and looked around.
People were walking by and not giving both of you a single glance.
Of course, you just looked like two normal people having a conversation at a café. You had no idea why you felt like an undercover spy instead. 
“So, where is he?” 
You meant Haechan. 
Mark leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms on his chest. He looked so confident that it was making you feel anxious as if you somehow fell into his trap. 
“He’s right here,” he tilted his head towards the entrance of the coffee shop. 
You looked at it, snapping your head. Some employees were inside but none of them looked like Haechan. 
“Not here here. In the Universe he is right now this place is not a café but a tarot shop. That’s where you’ll go.” 
“A tarot shop?” 
Mark nodded. 
“And he’s there.” 
He nodded again. 
“How do I reach him?” 
Mark extended one hand on the table. You looked at his fingers. The palm was facing up and he had one faint scar in the middle of it. 
“Touch me,” he whispered. 
You had no idea what you expected to happen as you leaned forward and slowly brushed your fingertips with his. But you expected it to be something. 
Yet nothing happened.
No electricity, no headache, no vision, no portal transportation. Just you and that strange man holding hands. 
For a second you thought he was some type of creep, and you gathered all the magic you could feel ready to blow him the fuck away. But then his eyes became completely white, no iris and no pupils, and you gasped.
In a second his eyes came back to their usual very dark brown and he smiled. 
“Tomorrow, come back here. Have a good night's sleep, that’s crucial. You’ll find him inside.”
“Why are you doing this?” you asked quickly before he could get up. 
“I thought you wanted to know where he is.” 
You cleared your throat. “I’m just generally curious about him and you and this situation. From an Academic point of view. I’ll write a paper.” 
Mark nodded as if not believing one single word. “You’re useful to me.” 
“You’ll bother him a lot.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. You wanted to ask more questions but just like the first time he spoke to you, you blinked and he was gone. 
That morning you woke up after a good night's sleep, completely unaware you were in a different Universe with the task of finding a man called Haechan. 
 Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno were in silence at the round table. The first had a concentrated face as if he were completely in his head. The second looked bored and the third was simply waiting. 
“I know,” the Demon finally broke the silence. “Kimchi jjigae.” 
Jaemin’s mouth opened while his eyes closed. “Unbelievable.” 
Jeno looked like about to attack at any time. “Were you thinking about what to have for dinner this whole damn time? I thought we were on a mission.” 
Haechan eyed the other’s veiny fists. “Chill out. I figured out the plan in the first three seconds and then I wondered about food for the rest of the time. Who do you think I am? I thought by now you would have known I am a genius. Olay, you-” he indicated to Jeno, “Selene. And you-” he said to Jaemin, “Doyoung.” 
“I have to pretend to be Doyoung and romance Jeno, who's pretending to be Selene?” Jaemin asked, confused. 
“I regret every waking hour that I helped you survive,” Jeno didn’t look amused. 
Haechan sighed. “Jaemin, I did say you don’t have to think when I am around, but I didn’t mean you don’t have to use your brain at all.”
Jaemin leaned back in his chair with a smirk as if acting dumb has been his plan all along.
“I have to take care of Selene and Jaemin will take care of Doyoung. To push them together,” Jeno guessed.
Haechan nodded.
“And what will you do?” Jaemin asked. 
“I’ll be the glue,” Haechan answered. “Selene is gullible as hell in this Universe. I was thinking something like giving her a Tarot reading. Telling her a man is coming and describing him exactly like Doyoung.” 
He chuckled as if he was about to prank someone and the other two sighed. 
“It’s going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy.” 
 Haechan watched Jeno trip on his own feet and scratched his eyebrow. “Okay, maybe it’s going to be more so difficult difficult lemon difficult.” 
“I don’t know why I have to pretend to be a girl. I can be her friend even if I’m a man,” Jeno was mad, hands on his hips and long black hair in his face. 
“Stressy depressy lemon zesty,” Jaemin commented from his chair after having a good laugh. 
“I need you to be her only friend, my dude. Every single person in her life it’s going to be just you.” 
“That’s fucking crazy. I feel sorry for Selene,” Jaemin sighed. 
Jeno, or the woman who looked like someone related to Jeno, sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. “This is going to take a long time.”
“Consider this a vacation. Let’s take it easy. Where are we rushing? We have eternity. My book-” Haechan patted an old tome resting on his desk, “says wine business. There’s no way in hell she’s into the alcohol business right now. I stalked. She’s in her last year of university.” 
“You’re a stalker?” 
“I’m a Demon. That's basically the same thing."
"I am a Demon, and I am not a stalker," Woman-Jeno lifted one eyebrow. 
Haechan felt weird seeing him like that. "Did you really have to make yourself this sexy? What if Doyoung falls in love with you instead of Selene? No. What if one of us falls in love with y-" 
Woman-Jeno disappeared to show a very angry Man-Jeno about to whoop Haechan's ass. 
 The day felt quite cold and you shivered after opening the front door.
Was it already sweater weather? The song played in your head as you turned around to run the stairs and grab something warmer from your closet. It would be nice for someone to hold both of your hands in the holes of their sweater, you thought with a melancholic smile.
But there was no one.
After wearing a clean hoodie you noticed the corner of a red and gold scarf, hidden under piles of hats and gloves. You’ve never seen it before and you wondered if your grandma put it there when she announced she was cleaning her closet. Perhaps a nice scarf was needed that morning, you realized. You grabbed it and felt it between your fingertips. It was very good quality and almost pristine.
Why did your grandma give it away? Then you shrugged and put it on.
Running the stairs again your fingers brushed over the “HC” embroidered on the bottom and you made a mental note to search the brand online. 
It was the first day of work after graduating from university and the only company that accepted your CV has been this shady wine company. They barely had any information online but the contract seemed legit. Your task was managing the social media accounts so it made sense for them to not have anything prior if they hired you. Ideally, you wanted to do something more artistic. Like doing art for some weird brand or- 
you stopped in place. A tarot shop?
You looked around as if checking if others were curious about the place as you suddenly got too but there was no one around.
Weird, you thought. It was a Monday morning after all. 
Your eyes darted towards the shop’s glass windows again. It was closed and the lights were turned off. Your reflection looked spectral and you blinked seeing how your lipstick was a little bit smudged on your chin.
 Haechan inhaled suddenly, eyes on the outside of their fake Tarot shop. Behind the glass, you were trying to look inside. It was closed so you thought no one could see you while you were touching up on your makeup in the reflection. 
Jeno and Jaemin looked at Haechan first then in the direction he was staring at since they felt him freeze up. 
Jeno’s eyes widened at the sight. 
Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows confused. “What’s up with you guys? Do you know her?”
Haechan stood up in a second, knocking down the crystal ball from the desk with a shattering sound but Jeno’s iron fist stopped him by grabbing his forearm. 
Haechan’s eyes were incendiary. “Let go.” 
“I said-” 
“What are you going to do huh? Talk to her? Say what? You’re a Demon and you just talked in another universe a few days ago which felt like years? She doesn’t remember you.” Jeno scolded him but his expression relaxed as Haechan looked up, exchanging a look with him. He looked devastated. 
Haechan shook his head with a tired chuckle. “No, you’re right.” He sat back down and rested his head in his palm, pretending to be busy looking in his book. The crystal ball turned intact on his desk as if it never fell. 
“Jeno, it’s okay. I said you’re right. I’m not going to do anything stupid-” 
“No, dumbass. Look!” Jeno lightly hit his shoulder.
You adjusted the big red and yellow scarf around your neck in the window's reflection. Haechan could see the bright “HC” letters on the bottom of it as you walked away. 
 Haechan had to fight the urge to search for you. The Y/N you were in this universe wasn’t like the Slytherin he grew to-
To what?
Haechan wasn’t in love. He couldn’t be.
He was a Demon.
Whatever he felt in that Universe almost disappeared during the travel, proof that it was the human flesh he wore to be attracted to you and not his real self. 
But you were wearing the scarf he left behind. That was impossible unless that version of you was the Slytherin.
But humans can’t travel. 
Haechan shook his head. He opened his book and sighed. In a few months, he’d give a tarot reading to both Doyoung and Selene.
Time flies when you’re pretending to be human. 
The cards were neatly piled up and he smiled. Just a simple tool and it makes people lose their minds. He grabbed them and shuffled, pulling a card for himself.
The Tower.
He furrowed his eyebrows and suddenly exhaled like a dog sensing danger, eyes trained on the entrance. He turned all of the candles off while turning invisible. 
“Is anyone there?” your voice could be heard before Haechan could see your face peeking through the crack of the door. He could feel you coming.
“Hello? I saw the lights on and thought it was open. Are you already closing?” you asked again.
You stepped in cautiously and looked around with tight eyes, unable to see much. 
Haechan turned on one candle on the desk. “Who are you?” he asked. 
You muffled a scream with your palms. Your wide eyes looked around again but Haechan was still invisible. 
“I-” you tried to speak. “I am Y/N. I was interested in getting a reading.” 
Haechan chuckled silently. You didn’t look like you wanted the reading anymore. 
He turned on the rest of the candles and the room warmed up while he appeared from the shadows, this time gently to not scare you any further.
“Welcome. You can sit down here,” he indicated in front of himself. 
You exhaled and blinked, eying him from head to toe.
 When you decided to finally enter that Tarot shop after walking in front of it for weeks you didn’t expect to be met by a very handsome young man. 
The place has been creepy for a moment but then it became so cosy that you felt at ease on the chair, staring at the way the man’s fingers were expertly shuffling the cards. It almost put you to sleep.
His hands were delicate but manly, with a single ring adorning them, and a silver watch on his wrist.
You thought he looked too modern for being in a Tarot Shop. 
“Can you please blow on these?” he asked. 
“Huh?” you lifted your head to look him in the eyes. They were very warm but with a piercing darkness you didn’t like, as if something bad would happen if you stared too much into them. 
“Oh, sure,” you did as you were told, hoping you didn’t have bad breath. 
The man shuffled again and spread them in front of you. 
“I’ll let you choose,” he said.
His voice was melodic like a snake playing with its prey. 
You looked at the back of the dark red cards then exchanged a look again. “I didn’t say what my question is.” 
“I know without you telling me.” 
That amused you and the seed of wanting to prove him wrong got the best of you. “Really?”
The man nodded with a little cunning smile. 
“What is it then?”
He leaned back in the chair and pushed back his hair. He definitely didn’t look like he knew what he was doing. Was his grandma - the actual tarot reader - in the toilet? 
“Will I ever find someone to hold my hands in the holes of their sweater?” he whispered. 
Your heart dropped. 
“How do you know that?” 
The man’s eyes twinkled. “It’s my job.” 
You suddenly didn’t feel safe anymore but not in a bad way. You looked down at the cards and you chose one, turning it.
It was the Page of Swords, or at least that was written on it. The image was of a young boy holding, well, a sword. 
You looked up at the man for an explanation. 
“You’re asking a good question. It also means that you might find a lover in some kind of mentor or a studying field.” 
“I’m done studying. I’m working now.” 
“We’re never done learning.” 
That sounded like something an old grandpa would say and the mixed signals that the young man was giving, both young and millennials years old, were throwing you off. 
“So, I’ll find a lover in a teacher?” you were weirded out. 
“Maybe. Or you’ll find a lover while you research something.” 
“Like what?” 
“I don’t know. Is there something on your mind that you want to research?” 
“I wanted to research this place,” you started then ended with a lower voice, realizing how that could sound to him.
You weren’t trying to hit on him, although he looked- well he was the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. If you could have a lover to hold your hands in the holes of his sweater you’d definitely imagine him like the young tarot reader in front of you. 
“Well, maybe you’ll find your lover like this.” 
His expression didn’t give you any information on what he was thinking. 
You looked back down at the card and pulled another one. It was Strength.
You couldn’t tell what that could mean regarding everything else. On it, a woman was grabbing a lion with the symbol of infinity on her head. She didn’t look afraid or tired. She looked at peace. 
“Is that my lover?”
“The Lion?” 
You nodded. 
“That’s an enemy,” he explained. 
“What? I don’t have enemies.”
The Tarot man’s eyes were flickering like the candles in front of him. “You have a task,” he whispered.
He looked like he was in a trance and for a moment it spooked you. The young man looked surprised. But then he looked at you. “Give me your hand.” 
His tone was calm but intense and you didn’t even think of not doing as he said. 
You noticed your fingers were trembling a little as you put your palm on top of his. His skin felt soft but firm, just like what you imagined a man’s touch would be like. 
Nothing happened for a second but then the man screamed and got on his feet, holding his wrist with the other hand. 
You got up as well, the incriminating palm to your mouth, watching in horror the way his fingers were turning charcoal black. 
“What the fuck is going on? This is not a funny trick!” you accused him. 
The young man didn’t pay any attention to you, his soft brown curls becoming jet black and straight in his eyes, the veins on his back popping as his mouth was open in a silent scream. 
“I will- I will write a complaint!” you added, sure it was some kind of elaborate joke. “It is not okay to bring it this far!” 
But then the man fell to his knees and on his side with a thud. 
You ran around the table and crouched down, the sweat suddenly accumulated on your forehead making your eyes burn. Or maybe they were tears? 
“Hey?” you whimpered, afraid to touch him a second time. “This is not funny, please stop,” you tried again and the drops that fell on his arm were tears, this time you were sure. They burned his shirt and blackened his skin. You put your palm on your mouth and slid back until hitting the desk with your blades. 
With a loud thud the front door opened and a tall man appeared in front of you with the angriest expression you’ve ever seen on a human. 
“What have you done?” 
 “I think you should sit down and have a cup of tea,” the young man you learned was called Jaemin addressed the tall and scary young man who interrogated you for what felt like while years while the Tarot man was lying unconscious on the couch. You were occupying the other one, right in the front with Jaemin, who kept pouring you tea although you didn’t want any anymore. The scary man never stopped pacing the room and you wondered when the floor would cave in. 
“Don’t piss me off,” Jeno replied. 
Jaemin rolled his eyes and although you were feeling sick to your stomach at the situation, his energy was very calming and healing, so you let the corner of your mouth turn up for a moment when he locked eyes with you. 
“Maybe if you sit down, you can think better. I don’t think you’re able to do two things at the same time.” 
“You think this is a time to joke.” 
“I just got possessed by Haechan’s spirit while it left his body, I don’t know what to tell you.” 
That was the first time they said the Tarot man’s name and you understood they were talking about him because they both stared at his unconscious face - Jaemin with actual worry that he was trying to hide with jokes and Jeno with love that he was trying to hide with anger.
You didn’t like the way Jaemin said that his spirit left his body.
They also said going to a hospital is not going to help so you stopped insisting. And when you asked who or what they were they didn’t reply. 
Finally, when you asked what happened to Haechan, Jaemin made sure to assure you that you didn’t do anything wrong while Jeno was firm on the fact that Haechan would be awake if you never placed a foot in that shop in the first place.
You also regretted coming. 
“Do you have any- adulterer adult to resolve this? Like a parent or a teacher?” you tried again with a timid voice. Jeno sighed as if annoyed to hear your voice while Jaemin poured some tea for himself and faced you like some sort of kindergarten teacher. 
“That’s him.” 
You took a few seconds to process. 
“He-,” for some reason you felt too shy to pronounce his name, “is your parent?” 
Jeno groaned again as if that would be his biggest nightmare and Jaemin laughed. “Not like that, but yes. For how weird it might seem, Haechan is the chaotic parental figure. If there’s something someone should know it’s usually him. If he didn’t foresee this happening, then we’re against-”
“Another parental figure,” Jeno interrupted. 
Jaemin’s jovial expression dropped. The gaze he exchanged with Jeno was so intense and full of information that your intestines twirled on themselves. 
“Why attack now?” Jaemin asked. You had no idea what was going on. 
“He found a weakness,” Jeno replied and looked at you. His eyes weren’t kind. 
“I am a weakness? For whom?” you were starting to get mad yourself.
That Tarot dude scared you to death, the other dudes interrogated you, keeping you there, blaming you for whatever happened, without wanting to explain anything, and now they accused you of something else too? 
“Don’t answer that,” Haechan cawed. 
Jeno moved so fast near the couch that for a moment you thought he teleported.
Maybe he did. 
“Fuck man, I thought you were gone for good.” 
“You would have liked to see me gone,” Haechan tried to cackle but groaned in pain instead.
Jaemin moved just as quickly and brought Haechan a glass of water. “Can you lift yourself? How are you feeling?” 
“Oh,” his eyes were still closed, and he chuckled, “I feel like I’ve been to hell.”
The other men didn’t laugh with him and from their expression, it was as if Haechan literally descended into Hell in the past hour. 
When he opened his eyes, his pupils were fixed on you, and you noticed how black they were. His burned hands were still black fading towards the middle of his forearms. You thought he’d leave prints on the glass, but he didn’t. 
“Well, I didn’t expect that to happen,” he commented after finishing it. He let the others help him to sit up and when he extended his head back as if the movement caused him great pain you saw the lettering of a silver tattoo on his neck. You had no idea if he had it before. You slowly turned your head to the side to be able to see what was written but Haechan put a palm on it. 
“Nosy,” he simply said. 
You straightened your back, embarrassed. 
“I think she needs to know,” Jaemin said suddenly. 
They were talking about you as if you weren’t there. “What do I need to know?” 
They ignored you. “I just need to stay away from her,” Haechan opened his eyes and stared at his burned hands with disgust. 
“And will you?” Jeno wasn’t impressed. 
“Are you joking? After the literal Hell I’ve been through? Of course, I will.” 
You didn’t understand anything of what was being said but you somehow felt hurt. 
“Okay, I am going home.” 
“No, you’re not going anywhere,” Haechan stopped you in your tracks. 
“Haechan,” Jeno’s voice was a low warning. 
“I can’t let her roam around. Who knows what’s going to happen?” he explained extending his thin fingers. 
“You can’t keep her near you. You’re Superman and she’s Kryptonite!” Jaemin added. 
“I am a person, and I can hear you talk!” you raised your voice, and all the candles went off. 
Jeno’s eyebrows were furrowed when he turned them on in the same instant. 
“Was that you?” Haechan asked after a moment of silence. His tone was grave.
You gulped and stepped back. “No.” 
They all exchanged a look as if to check if some of them did that instead, and then they looked at you again like some sort of Fates about to decide on your destiny. 
“Get her,” Haechan spoke and in the same instant Jeno’s hands were on your arms, materializing in front of you. 
Panic washed over you as you tried to escape but he was too strong. “Let me go! What are you doing? Back off!” you screamed. 
Jeno’s body flew across the room, landing on the desk and crashing it. Jaemin stepped towards you, but you raised one arm and he got hung against the wall as if an invisible snake kept him in the air by the throat. 
You turned around, trying to find a way to run towards the door by avoiding Jeno who was already on his feet and, if possible, even angrier than before. But someone’s shadow obscured your face and you realized you were mere centimetres from Haechan. You didn’t bother to understand how he moved so quickly to be there, but one thing you knew, your touch for him was deadly so just one little-
your body was frozen. You tried to speak but you couldn’t move, not even the tip of your tongue. 
“Now,” Haechan sounded exhausted. “There’s no need to be this aggressive. We don’t want to hurt you. Although I see you have no issues hurting us.” 
His eyes were even darker than before, accentuated by the black eye circles. He looked like someone who actually just returned from Hell. 
“You’re going to get all the information you want but you need to be a good girl and stay here. Is this clear?” 
As if he was giving you a choice. 
“I’ll take it as a yes although you can’t move. Nice to see you again, miss Slytherin.”
 You couldn’t remember when or how you fell asleep, if you did at all, or if they knocked you out instead. 
But you woke up in a big white bed and you realized you were wearing soft orange pyjamas with sunflowers on. The shame and anger washed over you at the thought of any of those disgusting men undressing you while you were forcefully unconscious last night. 
“I can sense you’re awake,” a voice you grew to find annoying could be heard behind the door. The room was spacious and airy. It was probably some guest room because it didn’t fit any of the dudes’ personalities. 
“Can I come in? I have breakfast.” 
“As if I have any choices to make,” you mumbled. 
The door opened and Haechan walked in with a tray. “You can choose what to eat for breakfast.” 
“Kidnapping, assault and battery, psychological abuse, conspiracy-” 
“But I also have flaws.”
“Hey hey hey, no one did anything sexual,” he interrupted drawing the line at that. 
“You changed me of my clothes into this!” you indicated your body. “While I was unconscious! Hell knows what you did to me!” 
Haechan sighed and put the tray on the nightstand. Then he snapped his fingers, and you were back in your clothes.
They were dusty and sweaty. 
“No one undressed you and no one did anything to you.” 
You were still looking down at your body as if not believing you were awake. 
Haechan snapped his fingers again and you were wearing a different set of clothes. Then another one.
Then a dress with heels.
Then a fur suit. 
“Okay okay okay! I get it!” 
Haechan snapped them again and you were back in your fuzzy pyjamas. 
“Also, there was no assault, no psychological abuse, no conspiracy.” 
“You did kidnap me though.” 
Haechan thought about it for a moment turning his head to the side. “I did yes. It’s either kidnapping or me letting you go, but becoming your stalker. Choose.” 
“I don’t understand why this is necessary.” 
“Listen, I don’t want you here either, but I don’t trust you after what you did to me and-” 
“I didn’t do anything!”
“You sent me to Hell.” 
“You went there on your own!”
“How do I know you’re conspiring with Mark or not?” 
“Who the fuck is Mark? You’re so worked up over a dude named Mark?” 
Haechan closed his mouth and after a moment his whole body started to shake. You realized he was laughing.
“I’ve never realized how simple his name was. Doesn’t sound like a villain at all.” 
“Well, because maybe he’s the good one and you’re the villain.” 
Haechan’s smile disappeared and with it all the warmth in the room.
When he walked in he looked like a normal young man, a boy even. His hair was back to his soft brown curls and his hands weren’t burned up to the elbows anymore.
For a second you forgot what he was capable of or what he did the previous night.
Now he was showing you a little piece of that and you felt your spine shake. 
“You’re right. Maybe I am. That’s what everyone says anyway.” Haechan turned around and left the room without adding anything else. 
You stared at the breakfast tray feeling a weird sensation of guilt. 
 The bedroom door was unlocked, you discovered, after taking a shower and debating whether you should trust the food Haechan brought you. But your growling stomach didn’t care so you had to trust that he still needed you alive, and if he had to kill you, he’d do it more interestingly. 
You walked towards the corridor slowly, following the string of groans coming from what seemed like some sort of living room. It was almost identical to the room in the shop, and you realized you were probably on the second floor of the same building. 
The groans kept going and when you peeked from the corner you were met with Jeno’s bloodshot eyes. 
“I will kill you.” 
You jumped in place. 
“Now now, let’s calm down. It’s not her fault,” Jaemin talked with his kindergarten teacher’s voice and you noticed he was medicating wounds that made Jeno groan like that.
Then you noticed that Jeno was shirtless. 
“What happened?” 
“I went to see your grandma to make sure she’s not worried about you.” 
You were surprised they’d do that.
“But the little grandma was a fucking wolf in disguise,” he added. 
Jaemin chuckled. “Literally.” 
You walked around to see wolf bites on Jeno’s back. “Oh my god.” 
“Yep, a hellhound,” Jaemin explained. 
“My grandma is a hellhound?” you felt your head pulsate. 
“Of course, she’s not your grandma. You have no grandma because you’re not from this Universe,” Haechan appeared on the stairs.
He was addressing you but he didn’t look at your face once. “It was one of Mark’s henchmen tasked to make you believe you’ve been living a normal life here since birth.” 
Haechan walked around Jeno as well and winced. “Why are they not healing?” 
“Well, he’s a fucking dog from fucking underground and I’m an angel. My powers are limited.” 
“You’re a Demon now. Stop using that word,” Haechan sat on the couch and exhaled as if exhausted. You wondered what he has been up to. 
You felt just as exhausted, as if you started to watch a tv show in the middle of the season and you lost very important information. “What the hell are you all talking about? At this point, I think I’m due an explanation.”
 Jaemin finished taking care of Jeno’s wide shoulders by the time Haechan finished his tale. You were sitting on the couch, the cup of coffee you were offered still intact and cold on the small table in front of you. Your muscles were stiff and your body paralyzed. This time, it wasn’t because of any of the dark powers those individuals possessed, it was just horror keeping you in place.
Haechan started from the beginning, recounting the time when he was an Angel (no, not the way you imagine, he scolded you when you asked about wings and halos), then he mentioned his departure from the City (that’s a story for another time, he cut it short when you asked what exactly happened), then he casually mentioned how he lived in this Hell Prison for millennials (time doesn’t exist, he rolled his eyes at the way you eyed him like he was some prehistoric grandpa), and finally, he recounted the way this dude, Kim Doyoung, came to his rescue and they signed a contract (contract with the Devil, you commented, and Haechan ignored you) to make him fall in love with his woman, Selene, in all lives possible. 
“Well, and what does that have to do with me?” you asked. 
“We met in another Universe while I was doing my little task and you’re from there.” 
“How is that possible? I have no memory of it.” 
“That’s what we’re trying to understand as well,” Jeno got up from his chair and grabbed a silky button-down, groaning a little when he lifted one arm to wear it. 
“Do you have any proof of this?” you lifted your chin, surprised you still had a voice to ask questions.
Haechan’s eyes analyzed your features and your courage went missing. 
“Your scarf,” he simply said. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked towards the entrance where your coat and scarf were neatly hanging. 
Then you understood. 
“HC,” you exhaled and got on your feet to go and grab it. The letters were there on the edge of the red and gold woven material. “This is yours?” 
Haechan didn’t confirm nor denied. 
“Why do I have it?” you looked at him then at the others. Jaemin and Jeno avoided your gaze. “Were we close friends?” 
Jeno cleared his throat and mumbled something about work, heading towards the entrance. Jaemin scratched his forehead and just backed away into the kitchen. 
“Haechan?” you hesitated. For some reason, you felt like you had to use “sir” or “mister” when addressing him although you looked roughly the same age. 
The young man bit his lower lip then finally let his gaze fall on the scarf and then your face. “We were acquaintances. Same University. We talked before, that’s it.” 
Your voice was a whisper but Haechan’s demonic ears were very sensitive. “Then why am I your weakness?”
He got up and passed his hands on the dark jeans. 
“Never said you were,” he tried to walk past you but you took a step to the side and blocked him. Your hands, holding the scarf, almost touched his arm and he winced, putting distance between you two. 
“Sorry,” you realized.
The fact your touch was deadly to him was making you feel upset. 
His story had many holes and you still had too many questions.
Maybe the reading was right. Maybe you did have a task, some research to do.
But was Haechan the lover holding the cup with you, or was he the enemy, the lion, in that story? 
“Is this Mark person my lover then?” 
Haechan’s eyes became black. He seemed irritated. “How would I know that?” 
“Well, I clearly have no memories so you’re my only source of information.” 
“Since you’re here to kill me and I can smell his magic all over you, then yes, I guess you two fuck. And maybe you’ve been fucking the whole time and I had no idea,” he replied in a low voice before heading down the stairs. “If you have any more questions don’t ask them.” 
“Then what about you?” you raised your voice so he could hear you from downstairs. “Are you my lover?” 
Haechan stopped and you watched his back. 
“Whatever happened in that Universe doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” he answered then disappeared from your sight. 
 The place was quiet, safe for a low metallic noise coming from the kitchen. You walked towards the noise expecting someone cooking but instead you were met with Jeno’s dark eyes, shining only when the reflection of the knife he was sharpening would hit his irises. They shifted towards you to give you a single glance. He looked like a butcher. 
“Are your wounds better?” you tried to be friendly with that grumpy man. 
Jeno sighed. “Yes, thank you.” 
You adjusted your posture. He was being an okay person?
You remained both quiet for a few moments, safe from the knife sound. 
“If you need to say something, just say it,” he lifted one perfect eyebrow. 
In the mess of it all, you’ve never realized how good looking everyone was.
Truly angels.
Or demons.
You inhaled and shifted the weight from one foot to the other. 
“Has there been something between me and-” you hesitated, “Haechan?” 
The man listened and remained quiet for a moment. He got a sense of deja-vu. 
 “Oh, we– don’t talk much.” 
Jeno looked at you from the corner of his eyes. “Why is that?” 
You shrugged. Then you shivered. Apparently, having nude shoulders wasn’t only offensive for the Headmistress but also inconvenient for the autumn cold. 
“He stopped talking to me all of sudden.” 
“Maybe it’s for the better.” 
You looked at Jeno’s chiselled jaw. “Why do you say that?” 
“Haechan,” he started, “is not a great man. You should avoid him.” 
“Because he’s a Demon?” you mumbled.
 “I don’t know,” Jeno simply said. “It’s not important.” 
“It is important to me. I have no memories. If you want me to stay here, you need to trust me.” 
“Thing is-” Jeno threw the knife across the room. Its blade hit the poster and hung on the other wall exactly in the middle. The man walked towards it and grabbed it, feeling it with his thumb as if not completely satisfied. “-we don’t,” he finished. 
“It is not my fault I have a deadly touch.” 
“Maybe you’re a spy,” he commented, lifting one leg and putting the foot on the table. His combat boots were huge and the knife slid perfectly inside. 
“I am not a spy! I don’t have any memories.” 
“If you want to prove yourself, be quiet, and stay away from Haechan. That’s it.” 
You hated him.
You hated everyone.
Maybe that Mark dude was right. Maybe he was the hero and everyone here was the enemy.
Maybe you were conspiring against them.
Maybe Mark was your lover.
Maybe you were the spy.
Maybe maybe maybe. 
Deep in thought, you didn’t notice Haechan behind your back checking whether Jeno was ready. 
“We’re going in five,” his low but melodic voice announced, and you jumped in place. 
He was dressed for some kind of hunt too, you noticed - or assassination.
Haechan wasn’t carrying any swords or knives but the shadows curling around his legs told you he didn’t need any physical weapon to kill someone. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To catch a little bird,” Haechan replied, his back muscles flexing as he warmed up his wrists. Jeno was jacked, but you’ve never noticed how to fit Haechan was as well. 
“I’m coming with you,” you crossed your arms on your chest, faking confidence. If they were going to meet Mark, you needed to be there as well. Maybe seeing him would make you gain your memories back or make you understand something about that crazy situation.
If what they were saying was true, you weren’t of that universe, you didn’t have a home or a sweet grandma.
You had nothing to lose. 
“No, you’re not.” 
“I have magical powers,” you reminded them, the thing still surreal to you. You had no clear idea of how to use them. 
Haechan chuckled. 
“Mark would probably want to see me,” you tried again. 
Haechan’s jaw clenched. His eyes were as sharp as Jeno’s knives when he looked at you, like two dark cuts in that perfectly spectral face.
“This could be a trap,” Jeno’s voice was grave. 
“What kind of trap can this be if I don’t even know where you’re going?” you scoffed. 
“She has a point,” Haechan shrugged.
You hated how they always talked about you as if you weren’t there. 
“Listen, you’re a Demon,” you suddenly said to him. It sounded like an accusation although you didn’t mean it to be. “The Demon. Lucifer Demon.” you added. 
“What’s your point? Don’t waste our time.” 
“Are you really not capable of– I don’t know, entering my mind and seeing if I am actually conspiring with this Mark dude or not?” 
“You’d have a mental block anyway. Mark came in contact with you and sent you here. That is for sure, even if you don’t remember it. The reason why you’d accept to do that-” he interrupted himself, “that’s what we don’t know. And that’s why we don’t trust you.” 
“What if I was just trying to find you?” you tried.
Haechan’s eyes shone but he shook his head. “Impossible.” 
“Why? If I understood everything correctly, you guys suddenly left my home Universe. Maybe I wanted to find you again.” 
Haechan’s mind went back to the last words you told him.
“It’s all your fault. If you knew all of this from the start, you should have just let me go.”
“I don’t think you’d do that,” he simply said and turned around. 
You felt powerless. 
“Haechan, please. Let me come with you,” you whispered. 
The Demon stopped in his tracks and exhaled as if annoyed. Then with a snap of his fingers, you got covered in firm black combat clothes. They were so heavy that you almost fell backwards. 
“Just keep up with us if you don’t want to be left behind,” he mumbled, descending the stairs. 
Jeno grunted and followed him. 
“So, she is a weakness after all, deadly touch or not,” you could hear Jeno comment. 
“Shut up.” 
 Holding Jeno’s hand to travel the space-time wasn’t as unpleasant as you initially thought. No falling and no head spinning. Just close your eyes and open them to a different place. 
The unpleasant thing was his reaction though.
Jeno let go of your hand as soon as he could. You could almost see the way he had to force himself to not clean it on his pants. 
You wondered if given other circumstances Haechan would have been the one holding it for you. 
Your eyes darted to his fingers wrapped in something that reminded you of a sword but it was made of pure shadow instead. Then your pupils focused on the surroundings. It looked like an abandoned warehouse, nothing majestic and Archangel-like.
What if they couldn’t find Mark there?
“But you did find me,” a melodious voice whispered behind you. You screamed and turned around. Haechan tried to move between you two, but Mark was quicker. 
One palm cupped your face and the other one slid on your waist. His lips felt warm and soft on yours, slightly ajar to make them fit almost perfectly together. 
“Hello, my love. Thank you for bringing them to me,” he smiled. 
You didn’t have time to process anything.
Mark - or whomever the person in front of you was - disappeared from your sight, harshly knocked down by Haechan’s thighs, tightly pressing on his throat. 
“If you fucking dare to touch her again I will kill you.” 
The view was impressionable, and you realized you were shaking.
On the surface they were just two young men, one on his back and Haechan knee on his throat, eyes hidden by the black straight hair you understood by now was his real appearance, and the tattoo on his neck finally fully visible - Donghyuck. 
But it was their energy that you could feel, like two black holes about to meet and merge in the most explosive event in history. 
“Unleashing your full powers on me, Haechannie? I haven’t seen you like that in so long.” Mark’s clear and calm voice echoed in the warehouse.
Jeno took a step, and you felt his hand lightly push you behind him.
He looked tense. 
“And who do we have here? Commander Jeno Lee went to the dark side?” 
Mark’s carbon eyes moved from Haechan to the other man. Jeno’s expression didn’t change but you saw the way his forearm’s veins looked more prominent. 
Haechan groaned, pushing his knee further into Mark’s throat. “Enough talking. You sent her to kill me, yes or no?” 
Mark didn’t look bothered although a choking sound came from his mouth, as if he was letting Haechan do that.
In fact, he grinned, with perfect white teeth, and appeared in a different spot of the warehouse, at a good distance.
Jeno’s arm snaked around you as if he was afraid Mark would take you with him and Haechan just slowly got up on his feet, as if he also let Mark do that. 
“Y/N, darling, did I send you to kill Haechan?” Mark looked at you and you eyed his lips, moving slowly around the letters of your name, the same lips that kissed you just moments ago. 
Haechan’s gaze was heavy, staring at every glance you and Mark exchanged as if he could read into that. 
“I didn’t. You chose to come here and kill him yourself, right?” Mark answered for you.
And what you saw next made you gulp and want to lean on someone, but Jeno took a step away, as if he saw that fragment of memory too and didn’t want to be close to you anymore.
 “A tarot shop?” 
Mark nodded. 
“And he’s there.” 
He nodded again. 
“How do I reach him?” 
Mark extended one hand on the table. You looked at his fingers. The palm was facing up and he had one faint scar in the middle of it. 
“Touch me,” he whispered.
 “Enough,” Haechan’s voice was loud and deep.
You looked at him and his eyes were bloodshot with hidden rage. 
“Unfortunately, I can’t get your memories back because you were the one erasing them but I can show you mine,” Mark spoke to you. “If you don’t remember me at least I hope you can sense what we,” he stopped as if a bit embarrassed, “shared together in the past, my love.” 
You felt your throat close. Mark was standing there, chiselled face and perfect posture, his wide eyes looking angelic and the light shining from his essence as he extended his hand towards you calling to you. 
Then you looked at Haechan, shadows slowly creeping around his feet and his eyes, sending shivers down your spine. 
“You tricked us the whole time,” Jeno growled but Haechan stopped him with a hand on his chest. 
“Stop it. Don’t humiliate yourself.” 
“You pretended all of that time. You make me sick,” Jeno didn’t stop. 
His rage was burning so you took a step back. You had no idea what to think.
Mark appeared near you, but you didn’t know if you should feel any safer. 
If what Mark was saying was true, he was your lover and for some reason you forgot, you decided to find Haechan and kill him, thus explaining your killing touch. A
nd from Jeno and Haechan’s reaction you must have become their friend while working in incognito and now they felt betrayed. 
It all made sense. It all clicked together.
But for some reason you felt sick. 
“Mark,” you whispered, slowly turning towards the Archangel. The tattoo of a pair of wings was shining on his arms in the same ink as the name on his neck. 
“Yes?” he grabbed your hands with both of his and you let him do that, staring at the perfect nails for a moment. 
“If you’re a good angel, why do you collaborate with hellhounds?” you simply asked, your fingers grabbing his palms tightly and making him wince in pain. 
“Now!” you yelled. 
Haechan appeared behind his back and grabbing his throat they disappeared together from your sight. 
Your knees felt wobble and you sunk on them. Whatever magic trick you’ve done to Mark it took all energy from your body. 
“Where are they?” you wondered. “You need to follow.” 
Jeno took a few steps forward, eyes staring away as if ready to see them appear back anytime soon. “Haechan would kill me if I leave you alone and vulnerable. He can handle it alone.” 
A cold sensation wrapped you. “They’re going to kill each other.” 
“That’s the goal, yes.” 
“Why? Why do they hate each other that much?” 
“That’s a tale Haechan has to tell. I’m not sure of the reasoning myself,” he replied then turned to face you, eyeing you sitting down on the freezing and dusty warehouse floor. “Why did you help us?” 
“I didn’t help you.” 
“You didn’t go with Mark.”
“I don’t trust him. And no, I don’t trust you two either. I don’t trust anyone. I will not trust any of you. I helped myself.”
Jeno’s inquisitory gaze danced on you and his jaw flinched as if thinking whether that was another trick of yours or not. 
“I got involved in something that has nothing to do with me,” you continued, a burning rage finally warming your body. “And that dude Mark is lying.” 
“How do you know?” 
You gulped, staring at your shaking hands, resting on your knees. “I don’t know. I can feel it.” 
“You’re a Slytherin,” Haechan’s rough voice made you jump in place. “You people can sense lies.” 
He appeared a few steps away from where he disappeared. 
“Are you okay?” you couldn’t help but ask, swiftly getting on your feet. 
Haechan walked the distance and grabbed Jeno’s hand. The latter’s eyes unfocused as if he was downloading information then he nodded and disappeared. 
“Don’t ask me questions as if you care,” his breath was heavy, and he unclasped the hard outwear to reveal the white t-shirt he was wearing underneath.
He lifted it.
Silver shadows were tangled around his torso, on his skin, and he groaned as if they were painful.
You didn’t notice when Jaemin came around, his hands on your back making you yelp. 
“Take her home. I can’t touch her,” was the last thing Haechan said before you saw the darkness. 
 When you opened your eyes you were on the couch of that same apartment, familiar voices discussing in the background.
For a moment you wondered if everything you’ve been through has been a dream and if those voices were your family you couldn’t exactly remember because of the hazy of the dream.
But when you opened your eyes, reality crashed back on you. 
“...lost him after that. Sent a few of them to Hell,” Jeno was narrating, sitting tall on a chair with crossed arms on his chest. 
Haechan was mirroring him, sitting backwards on another chair, a tired Jaemin working on something on the Demon’s back.
The silver strips. 
“Thank you, man,” Haechan murmured and Jaemin winked at him. 
“What were they?” you asked, sitting up and feeling your head heavy. 
Jaemin grabbed the strips he presumably took from Haechan’s body and sighed. “Angelic snakes or some weird stuff like that.” 
You grimaced as Jaemin went outside to probably get rid of them. 
“Why that face? You’re a Slytherin. Snakes are your thing,” Jeno commented. 
You understood by now that everything they said made no sense to you. 
“Where is Mark?” you asked instead. 
The two men exchanged a look. “He escaped,” Haechan was the one to reply. 
You took in the information. 
“I guess you’re delighted I didn’t kill your lover,” he added. 
“He is not my lover,” you replied back, still unsure of the dynamics. Haechan’s gaze was grave, and you felt unable to look away. Jeno sensed you two would get into a serious talk and wisely decided to walk outside the room in silence. The air felt thick and heavy afterwards. 
“Can you just-,” you started, “can you do what Mark did? Show me some of your memories?” 
Haechan looked away and grabbed his t-shirt, wearing it quickly. “What memories?” he asked.
“Of us.”
“None of them are exciting,” he replied as if wanting to end the conversation there. 
You stood on your feet and walked the distance towards the chair Jeno abandoned. 
“You said we were acquaintances. Mere colleagues in University. Yet you reacted like my betrayal, or whatever the hell I supposedly did to you, could almost kill you.” Haechan scoffed. “I didn’t react that dramatically.” 
You didn’t say anything else, your gaze connected with his in a silent order as you sat down in front of him. 
The young man sighed and you didn’t see him anymore.
You saw yourself in a uniform, a loose green tie around your neck. You were in Haechan’s body, staring at his memories from his point of view. Haechan jolted at the sudden foot hitting his ankle. 
“If you don’t stop being so fucking creepy to women I’ll make you stop with my own hands,” you said.
Then the scene changed. Haechan swiftly put one hand on your nape and the other on your mouth in a mortal clasp. "That’s not something the whole campus needs to know, now, what do you think?" His whisper was so close that you smelled the sweet chewing gum on his tongue.
Then another day, you were writing in his hand because he took away your voice. “Oh my God, stop or people are going to think you’re into me,” he giggled teasingly. You let his hand suddenly fall and looked around scandalized. You could see the way you were flustered.
Then another. You were leaning on a wall, with Haechan in front of you. “Are you nervous?” he asked genuinely, gaze dropping to your chest as if he could actually see your heart through your flesh. You inhaled scandalized and covered your breasts with your arms.
Then other scenes, going quickly.
A peck in a corridor, then a full-blown kiss.
The feeling of his lips.
His hands on you.
His deep voice.
“So are you into demons? That’s why you’re into me?”
His thumb circling your back.
You sitting in his lap. His body pressed against you. A room filled with water, both wet, making out, his mouth on your bare breasts, your moans, his fingers inside of you, you palm swiftly around his-
“Okay enough!” you got on your feet. 
You were panting and you could feel your body on fire. You brought a hand to your throat as if it could help you swallow the sudden lump.
You walked away from him, taking a few steps, but then you stopped, unsure of what to do with yourself. 
“It’s okay. Don’t panic,” Haechan’s low voice was surprisingly sweet. 
You eyed him for a moment. He didn’t look bothered like you, safe for the shining eyes and the nervous fingers pulling at a single thread of his shirt. 
“How do I know this is the truth?” your voice was a whisper. 
When you asked him to show you his memories you somehow didn’t expect you two to have been that… intimate. 
“You said you know when people lie. What do you think? You think I’m lying?” 
Your rational side was screaming at you to say yes, to run away from Haechan and his shadows, but your gut was pushing you towards him instead.
You didn’t know whom to trust. 
“I don’t know.” 
“I don’t know if you’re lying either,” he replied. “I don’t trust you. And now you know why your betrayal,” he paused as if unsure of what words to use, “was so surprising.” 
“I don’t trust myself either,” you sat on the couch, away from him. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m a spy or not. I don’t know if I originally decided to kill you or not. I don’t know if I’ve always lied to you even when we-” you interrupted yourself and gulped, the flashes of his mouth on you making you dizzy. “So you’re doing well. Don’t trust me. Because I don’t know anything.”
The silence felt heavy and you could see the same inner fight inside of Haechan as well. 
“Why did you stay with us?” Haechan looked young and vulnerable in his chair.
He looked the most human you’ve ever seen him. 
“Do I have a choice?” 
“You could have gone with him.” 
“I don’t even know him.” 
“Do you know me?” 
You bit your lip. “Somehow I think I do.” 
Haechan’s eyes felt almost warm and the setting sun made his skin lit up like honey.
How could Demons look like that?
You had no idea how you were looking at him but he suddenly sat up and turned around, one hand in his fluffy - and now back to brown - curls. “Ah, you’re fucking with my brain,” he mumbled. 
You closed your eyes and sighed. “I am not.” 
Haechan chuckled dryly. “For being a hag of a dark entity you’d think I would be more capable of not being manipulated. The human world always messes up with me,” he added the last phrase quietly, almost to himself only. 
“I am not manipulating you. Since I’ve met you, in this world,” you precised, “I’ve done nothing but be truthful with you. I have no memories so of course I have no idea of my previous intentions and I don’t know if I am here now to look for you because I love you and you abandoned me or to kill you. Maybe both.” 
Haechan’s eyes lit up at your words and he looked at you over his shoulder first.
Then he walked the distance so quickly that you inhaled and took small steps behind until hitting the couch with your calves. 
“I will be delusional for a moment and believe Mark looked for you after I,” he gulped, “left, and you were angry at me enough to start working with him and come and kill me.” His voice was an intimidating whisper and you couldn’t help but feel the tension in all of your muscles. He has never been this close.
You could feel his warm breath on your face and the scent of his cologne. Your thigh muscles started to shake and you didn’t know if it was because of the effort of staying away from him, fear, anger, or-
“Would that make sense?” he continued. If he noticed your reaction his face didn’t communicate it. 
“Why not?” 
“Would your love turn into hate this quickly? Or maybe there wasn’t any love there in the first place and all of this time you’ve just been fucking that son of a bitch while playing me. Which one makes more sense?” 
“You want me to hate you so badly,” you lifted your chin. Your thigh muscle stopped shaking and you leaned in.
Haechan flinched but he didn’t move away. 
“You want me to look you in the eyes and scream that I hate you and I want you dead because it would make things for you easier, right? Why aren’t you honest with yourself?” 
Haechan inhaled then scoffed. “You want honesty? What do you want me to say? That I’m happy to see you? That I hoped you actually came to find me? That it kills me to not be able to touch you because I might go to hell while that jerk can kiss you? That I might go insane anytime soon and actually touch you even if that means I’d go to the damned hell and take this whole shitty world with me? Fuck,” he turned around and you could only stare at his back getting farther away as he walked towards his chair, his shoulder blades moving up and down following his heavy breath. 
You put a hand to your chest, feeling your own breath just as quickly. 
“You already know about my touch. What else would have I prepared for your downfall? Nothing. I have nothing on you. You can trust me now.” 
“You destabilize me. I am on a mission. I have a task and you’re here and all I think about is you. This is what you have on me.” 
“This is also why you left, right? Your grand mission. Much more important than anything else. Much more important than me.” 
Haechan didn’t say anything. 
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone.” 
“You can’t go anywhere,” he turned around. 
“I’m not welcome here.” 
“He’ll get to you.” 
“Let him come.” 
His name took you both by surprise. 
“What do you want me to do then? Lock myself in a room forever so I don’t bother you and your task? I can’t be here, I can’t go away. What do you want me to do?” 
“Just stay here. I’m not a piss boy. I can handle your presence,” he finally murmured. “And you can come in now,” he said louder. 
Jeno and Jaemin awkwardly entered the living room. 
“Thank God, I was starving and the fridge is on the other side of this fucking house.” 
 You didn’t sleep much at night.
The conversation you had with Haechan kept replying in your head.
His words, his feelings, his eyes, the scenes he played out for you. 
You felt exhausted.
So much happened in the past couple of days that you felt like a brand new person. 
You learned a lot but you didn’t gain any memories. They were tales told to you but you couldn’t find them in your brain or heart.
Was Haechan truly the one he said he was? Was Mark setting you up? Why did he pretend he was your lover then? Why did he kiss you? So many questions and infinite possibilities.
What if Haechan was right? What if you’ve always been on Mark’s side and you tricked him? But what if you actually fell in love? Or what if you were just looking for him? What if Mark was tricking you all? 
You huffed and rolled on one side. Why didn’t Haechan bring you with him? Why did he leave you? You exhaled. You rolled on the other side. 
“Stop huffing and moving. I can’t fall asleep.” 
You opened your eyes in shock. 
“What?” you thought. 
“I said-” 
You sat up. “Why are you in my brain?” 
Haechan’s roll of eyes could be almost heard through the walls. “We’ve done this before. It’s called talking telepathically.” 
“How is this possible?” 
“I’m a Demon.” 
“And me?” 
“I don’t know. Technically you shouldn’t be able to reply back. Mark must have given you some sick powers while you two were fucking.” 
You let yourself fall down on the pillows and crossed your arms on your chest. 
“Again with this story. We’re not fucking.” 
“You wouldn’t know that.”
“I’m not a cheater,” you were growing irritated. 
“We have never dated. I wouldn’t blame you for it.”
“The thought pisses me off.” 
Haechan didn’t reply but you could sense he was amused and pleased. You didn’t like that he infiltrated your head but a heaviness in your chest disappeared after seeing him in a good mood. 
“How did you get into my head?” you asked again. 
“You don’t have any blocks. Thought you did.” 
“Does it mean you can look and see if I am lying or not?” 
“I’d need to touch you for that.” 
“Can Jeno do it?” 
“I thought he was also a Demon with your same powers.” 
“He’s capable of doing it. But I will not allow it.” 
“Why not?” 
Haechan hesitated. “It’s very invasive.” 
“Is it dangerous for me?”
“I’m not letting Jeno Lee see the depths of you.” 
“Alright,” you thought. “I will try to fall asleep so your demonic ass and your superhuman hearing can also rest.” 
You expected Haechan to chuckle or at least reply with a grunt but whatever mind connection there was it disappeared. 
You sighed and turned around again, fluffing the pillow with one hand. But the moment you closed your eyes you heard his voice in your head, low and warm but clear.
“I am sorry for abandoning you.” 
You opened your eyes. 
Haechan continued. “I thought I was making the right choice. You said you didn’t want to do anything with me anymore. I thought we were over.” 
You didn’t know what to reply to. 
“If I don’t complete this fucking important mission as you call it, I will vanish.” 
“Why can’t both things coexist?” you asked. 
“You’re human,” he simply said. “I thought you’d live a good life without me. I erased your memories. I don’t understand-” he interrupted himself and you didn’t know why. You felt a sudden lump in your throat and you didn’t know if it were you or you were just sensing his emotions. “-I don’t understand how you got here. This is why I don’t believe you came to look for me. Because you couldn’t have remembered me in the first place.” 
You felt tears prickle your eyes. 
“This is the moment to tell me the truth, please, Y/N. Maybe you enjoy torturing me but it’s too late to keep playing. Just tell me the truth.” 
“I swear-” you started, “I have no idea. I wish I could tell you.”
No thought came from Haechan for a moment then he said a single “Alright.” 
“In the warehouse,” you started. “Right before Mark appeared, I had a thought.” 
Haechan waited. 
“I thought what if we can’t find him there. And the first thing he said-” 
“But you found me,” Haechan completed the thought for you. “I don’t know if he can read your mind or whatever Archangels ended up being able to master all of this time I’ve been away. But it could also mean you might have a connection with him.” 
“What kind of connection?” 
“The spell you have on yourself. Your deadly touch. He obviously put that on you. I don’t know if by force or if you accepted it willingly. But it might explain things.” 
“Do you think he can- listen now?” 
“Doesn’t that scare you?” 
“He can listen either way. And if you keep thinking about me maybe it will piss him off.” 
You lifted one eyebrow, the flirty reply to your serious concern making you scoff. 
Haechan didn’t say anything else but you could still sense his presence. It was weirdly comforting and it lulled you to sleep. 
 In the morning you discovered Jeno and Jaemin were on their missions to bring the famous Doyoung and Selene together. You didn’t even know them, but they were kind of pissing you off. The fact they needed a Demon to bring them together instead of actually working on it themselves was also ridiculous. 
Haechan was downstairs, sitting down at his Tarot desk and staring into a glass globe. 
“Are you actually spying on them? Like a stalker?” 
The young man chuckled as you walked behind his back. 
“That can’t be legal,” you added and sat down on the other chair in front of him.
Haechan lifted his eyes under his soft fringe and a mischievous twinkle sparkled in them. 
“I am an evil Demon,” he reminded you. 
You took a sip out of your coffee and sighed. “Well, I guess this is the least evil thing you’ve done off of your list of crimes.” 
Haechan passed one hand on the ball and the images disappeared. 
“Does that thing really work or is it your demonic power?” 
“Just my demonic power,” he smiled. 
“The tarots too?” 
Haechan looked at the pile of cards with fondness. “Yeah. They’re just paper.”
“So did you choose the cards on purpose for me to pick?” you felt amused but betrayed. 
“Actually,” he was still staring at the cards, “I didn’t.” 
You looked at them too. “May I?” you asked and Haechan gave you a single nod. 
The cards were luscious in your hands and felt expensive. You stared at the images on them. 
“You said I had a task.” 
Haechan’s eyes were on your fingers, unsuccessfully trying to shuffle them. 
“I could feel that. Everything I said during the reading is true. You have a task and I wanted to see what it was about in your head, but-” 
Your mind went back to his scream and the way he plopped on the floor as he touched your hand. 
“Do you still think I am here to kill you and that I work with Mark?” 
Haechan shrugged. “At this point I don’t know if I care.” 
That stung your heart. 
“What happens when you’re done with this Universe?” 
“I move to another. And another. And another.” 
You took a card from the pile and turned it towards you. Two of cups. 
Haechan’s eyes fell on it too. 
“And what about me? Are you going to take me with you so you’re not living in fear of me randomly attacking you or will you bring me back to my old Universe and erase my memories the way you did it once?” 
The card had two people on it, both with a cup in their hands. Above them was a lion with angel wings. Below it was a caduceus - the medical symbol with two snakes.  
“I still don’t know,” was Haechan’s answer. 
“What does this card mean?” you lifted your gaze to realize Haechan was already looking at you, chin resting on his fingers. The sun was shining brightly, the last rays of the sun for that year, and his eyes looked like fudge. If you didn’t know better you’d think he was about to lean in and kiss you. 
“Union,” he started. “Attraction. Love.”
You gulped and broke eye contact to stare at the card again. 
“Longing for someone,” he continued. “Healing broken ties. Being drawn to someone.” 
You felt difficulty breathing. 
“Discovering a feeling is mutual,” he finished in a whisper. 
You dared to look up again and regretted it. The sensation of him caressing you with his mind crept into your body. 
“Don’t do this.” 
“I’m not doing anything,” he replied. 
“You’re doing something right now. My body feels-” you interrupted yourself feeling very ashamed. 
Haechan smiled. “That’s called being turned on.” 
“Well, stop turning me on with your demonic powers then.” 
“That’s just human,” he explained. 
You wanted to get up and run away but your knees felt weak. But if you stayed there you were afraid you would end up touching him. His hand was on the desk, mere centimetres away from you. 
“I am dangerous for you. Please go away,” you almost mewled. 
“Mark really has a hidden sense of humour,” Haechan exhaled, stretching his arms back and sliding his chair away from the table. It looked as if it took him a huge amount of effort to do that. 
“He doesn’t want me dead. He wants to torture me,” he added, eyes staring at the ceiling. 
“Can I ask what he is for you?” You felt better to have Haechan at a healthy distance and the air started to flow normally in your lungs. 
“I don’t even know,” the Demon murmured. “We used to be friends. Then he betrayed me. In his perspective, I betrayed him, so I am not sure of the current dynamics.” 
You remained quiet.
Haechan’s adam’s apple moved up and down in his throat and you realized you were staring at his silky skin when his gaze connected with yours instead. 
“I don’t think I could ever have any desire to kill you,” you found yourself murmuring. 
The young man’s lips stretched in a little smile. His dark and lazy expression felt like burning your face and at that point you had no idea if it was his demon powers or just human emotion as he said. 
“I am glad,” he replied. 
“I really wish you could trust me. I can help you.” 
Haechan got up, the tarot cards still spread in front of him. He dragged his fingers on top of them when a card flipped out. It was the Knight of Swords. 
“How?” he asked although his furrowed eyebrows gave him the air of already knowing the answer. 
You got up as well. “I can spy for you.” 
He shook his head before you could finish. 
“No. I can’t bear the thought of you with him.” 
You closed your mouth. His silver tattoo was slowly appearing on his neck and the way his hair darkened all of a sudden gave you the impression that he was losing control. 
You really wished you could touch him. 
“Aren’t you curious as to why I am here? How I got here? In another universe? Why I am still me and not my counterpart?” 
“Yes, but you will not do anything about it. I’ll take care of it.” 
“Haechan,” you took a few steps towards him. The man turned around. 
“Stop saying my name like that,” he sounded pained. 
His back was right in front of you, wide in his black t-shirt. You didn’t notice the tattoo he had on it, peeking a bit from under his collar to his nape. You wondered how the design looked like and why he concealed it before - what that meant for him. 
“I can almost feel your gaze on me,” he whispered. 
“What happened when I touched you? Was it painful? Was it really hell?” 
Haechan didn’t reply for a few moments, and you bit your lower lips. Perhaps you shouldn’t have asked. 
“You don’t have to know,” he turned around slowly. His scent engulfed you in the movement and you felt your throat close.
Maybe you looked at each other for too long. Or maybe you were imperceptibly getting too close, but he inhaled. 
“We can’t,” he added with the same tone. You didn’t know what expression you had on to make him say that, but you knew what he was talking about. 
“I know,” you whispered. “I know,” you repeated, rubbing your knuckles on one temple. But you couldn’t move away. “Fuck.” 
You turned back your seat and exhaled. 
Haechan was motionless in the same spot. 
“What does the Knight of Swords mean?” you asked, eyeing the flipped card. You desperately needed to think about something else. 
The young man turned around the chair and sat on it with his chin resting on his folded arms. 
“Action,” he simply replied. 
You smiled. “That’s it?” 
Haechan’s expression relaxed. He hummed. “Do I look like an actual Tarot Reader to you?” 
You chuckled. “To be honest, not at all. When I first arrived here I was expecting some old lady or something.” 
Before you could add something else an older lady was sitting in Haechan’s place and you suppressed a little scream.
“Oh my God. Can you actually do that?” you put one hand to your mouth.
The lady chuckled slowly. “Cool, huh?”
“Okay okay, go back, please. This is creeping me out.”
Haechan’s features appeared back on the woman’s face, and he was there again. You looked at each other for a longer moment and you forced yourself too look away.
“Is there any fun reading I can get? I’m sick of future and predictions.”
Haechan hummed. “There is one.”
You stared at his ring then at his wristwatch, not wanting to risk looking him in the eyes again.
“What is it?”
“Would you be interested in knowing your sexual energy?”
You rolled your eyes with a scoff. “You’re going to make it all up on the spot, aren’t you?”
Haechan’s little smirk was daring. “Try it out and don’t blame me if it’s too accurate.”
You exhaled and stared down at the spread.
You grabbed a random card and turned it around.
“Chariot is self-restraint. Quiet alone time. Might indicate edging or masturbation.” 
You gulped. “You can’t possibly know all that from a card, can you?” 
Haechan chuckled and shrugged. 
“Do you want another card?” 
You inhaled and bit your lower lip. You wanted to prove him wrong. With a decisive movement you flipped another card and watched the way Haechan stared at it. It was the Devil. You lifted your chin. 
“Now don’t tell me I’m into chains and stuff because it’s drawn on it.” 
Haechan’s eyes shone under his eyelashes. “No. This is Temptation. You want something very badly although you know it’s bad for you. It’s about wants, desires, lust, carnality, senses, pleasure and all things erotic-”
“Alright!” you stopped him. 
Haechan licked his lower lip as if enjoying himself way too much. “The object of desire can be some kind of forbidden love, or-” he stopped. 
You waited. 
“It’s the Devil card. Maybe you really desire, I don’t know, some kind of Demon,” he concluded and you huffed when you realized where he was going with that. You grabbed the card and threw it at him. He caught it with his perfect teeth and laughed. 
“You’re playing with me right now.” 
“I am being truthful. Pick another card.” 
You inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm your nerves. The last card was the Queen of Wands. It looked innocuous and you wondered what story Haechan will make about it. 
“Mmm,” he hummed pleased. He grabbed it and turned it towards you, keeping it in front of his face. “Making me blush,” he murmured. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What does it mean?” 
“This is someone who is shy.” 
“I am not shy,” you tried to argue although your knees were starting to shake. 
“Then,” he thought about it for a moment, “modest. Takes a while to relax.” 
You gulped. His eyes looked feline and his voice sounded lower and smoother. 
“The virginity card,” he continued.
You opened your mouth to speak but you stopped. Haechan waited. 
“I have-,” you started then stopped again. “I don’t know if-” 
Your eyes searched for his as if he could have any information. Haechan’s cheeks bloomed with a very faint shade of red that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t that close to him. 
“Last time I personally checked you were still a virgin, if that’s what you wanted to know,” he gave you the answer. “It doesn’t matter though. This card talks about wanting something pure, not necessarily the literal meaning. The sensation of doing it for the first time. Being taken care of,” he added. 
“Have we never-” you tried to speak again but couldn’t finish. 
“Virginity is a construct, it doesn’t exist.” 
You closed your eyes for a moment. “I know I know. Just- I just want to know what-” 
“We never had penetrative sex, no,” he concluded.
You wanted to hide at the choice of words. He chuckled. 
“Next card?” he offered. 
“I don’t think I want to do this anymore,” you rubbed your cheeks with the back of your hand to cool them down. But the little smile on his face and the intimate moment made you enjoy his company and you didn’t want it to end. So you flipped yet another one. 
Nine of wands. 
Your gazes met again after staring at the piece of paper. 
His lips looked plump when they moved to speak. The sun setting made the room dark and the few candles just accentuated Haechan’s jaw and the shadows on his chiselled face. 
“It means - keep going,” he murmured, “don’t stop, again, I can’t take this anymore, please.” 
The air felt heavy and you desperately wanted to walk away and get a breath of fresh air, but for some reason your brain was telling you the only way to breathe properly was by kissing Haechan’s lips. 
The sound that escaped his mouth was almost a plea, as you got up and placed both of your palms on the desk right in front of him. He lifted his face to see you. His eyes were begging and you didn’t know what for. 
“Tell me to stop,” you whispered. “Tell me to stop and I will,” you leaned down and Haechan’s soft fringe moved gently under your shaky breath. 
He gulped and the view of his desperate expression made you almost whine. “I don’t think I can take this anymore, please just-” 
You couldn’t finish the phrase. Haechan’s lips on yours felt better than you could have ever imagined and his hands grabbing at each side of your face, pulling you towards him made you melt in his touch. For a moment or many, you couldn’t think. You weren’t brain anymore or conscience. You were just lips and skin, just lungs to breathe in his scent. 
But then he wasn’t there anymore. The abrupt separation made you exhale and you opened your eyes. 
But Haechan didn’t disappear. He was in front of you, eyes wide open and shining, surprised as you.
You were probably mirroring his expression. “Are you okay?” you tried to speak. 
You lifted one hand to place it on his face as if not believing he was there, and he closed his eyes, letting his head rest better in it. “I am okay,” he whispered. Then he placed his own hand on top of yours, sliding his face to kiss your palm. Then he kissed it again. And again. Then he pulled you closer, getting up so fast you didn’t make sense of how he made you sit on the desk getting so close that the only thing you could do was wrap your arms around his neck and let him guide the kiss the way he wished. It was only when he started to adventure on your jaw instead, going around it to reach the soft spot under your ear that you managed to breathe out.
“What about-” your fingers dug into his shirt, gathering the material underneath them, “the curse? The touch?” 
Haechan ignored you, peppering wet kisses all over your throat, making your breath quiver and your legs tighten around his hips. 
Your hands moved from his hard shoulders to his hair, finally sliding your fingers into the thickness of it, feeling how soft it was. Every touch on your skin felt like burning and you didn’t know if it was good or bad but it felt so nice you didn’t want him to stop. 
“Haechan,” you moaned when he slid his thumbs on top of your bust, pulling down your shirt for a moment and the bra with it. His hands went to your spine, supporting you and pushing his face against your breasts, making you throw your head back. The view made him grunt and he came back to the base of your throat, sucking on the tender skin until it stung, and wetting the spots with his tongue. That tongue then slid into your mouth again, both whining into each other’s mouths, too hungry for touch to let yourselves breathe properly. 
“You look like you’re in pain. Are you sure you’re okay?” you managed to talk again as he rested his forehead on yours for a moment. 
“I am in pain because I feel like I’m going to cum in my fucking pants any moment now,” his eyes twinkled and your thighs twitched under his fingertips, gently going up and down on top of your jeans. “I don’t know why I am still here and not getting tortured somewhere underground right now but I want to make the most of it if perhaps I need to go soon.” 
The implication of that made your skin shiver. You didn’t know if you wanted to know what the most of it meant. 
“Are you scared?” he murmured against your ear. “You can tell me to stop and I will,” he repeated the same thing you told him. But just like him, you remained quiet. 
“Please take care of me,” you only whispered and Haechan’s eyes never got that dark, not even when he saw Mark. 
He could have snapped his fingers and gotten rid of your clothes, but instead he took his time, slowly sliding his fingers underneath your soft sweater, feeling the warm skin of your stomach, fondling your body until getting it off completely, all while his tongue never stopped swirling with yours.
The circles he drew on your back going to unclasp your bra could have been some ancient language that only expressed love because you couldn’t have imagined that kind of touch to mean anything else.
And when the fabric of the clothes touched the ground and you were naked in his arms he finally let your lips go, breathing heavily against them, and slid his t-shirt off by the collar, piling the indument on top of yours. His chest against you made you whine and grab at his toned body.
He was hot at the touch and his scent made you nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck to get more, while his quick but delicate hands reached the button of your jeans. 
“Lift your hips for me, baby,” he murmured against the crown of your head and you did as he asked, supporting yourself on his shoulders.
He pulled at your bottoms, sliding them down your thighs, his gaze never leaving yours for a moment.
Your chest brushed against his nose and he reached down, peppering kisses all over your cleavage. You mewled when he let go to get rid of your jeans and you inhaled deeply, holding tight on the edge of the desk when he dropped on his knees to free your ankles off the fabric and started to gently kiss them. He came up your legs, accompanying his soft trails with his hands, feeling your body until reaching the softness of your thighs.
You imperceptibly tightened them and his eyes darted towards you. It was a silent command and you felt like covering your face with your hands as you opened wider for him. 
“Good girl,” his breath was hot and the sound of his voice vibrated along your skin getting you goosebumps. Your body was flinching at every touch and the closer he got the faster your chest rose and fell, until you couldn’t take it anymore and just moaned his name, pushing your hips against his face. You heard him chuckle and he didn’t waste any time. The feeling of his tongue on your clothed clit made you gasp and you pushed his hair off his forehead. 
“Can I mess up your hair?” you murmured.
“You can do whatever you want to me,” he replied, his husky voice travelling down your core and making your spine curve. 
You got it now. Everything Haechan showed you from his memories was true. The heaviness of his feelings, the desire, the fear, the passion, it was all real. 
You couldn’t imagine not being his lover. While you were there, spread for him and at his mercy, you couldn’t imagine not being on his side, not falling in love with him. 
The little tug at your panties made you focus your thoughts back on him.
“Are you perhaps getting bored, gorgeous?” he clicked his tongue. 
You felt like laughing and shaking your head. 
“I’m just thinking-” you started but the way your panties were slowly descending down your thighs and knees while Haechan wasn’t touching them made you interrupt yourself. 
“Yeah?” he kissed the inner thigh and you shivered, the thought of him seeing every centimetre of you from his position making you unable to focus anymore. 
“I was thinking that I am sure of it,” you repeated. 
Haechan’s soft and plump lips made their way further between your legs and you closed your eyes for a moment all breathy. 
“Sure of what, darling?” 
“That you’re my lover and I am definitely not here to kill you,” you explained with a certain difficulty. 
Haechan stopped right above your sweet spot and you had to bite your lower lip, the anticipation making you lose your mind. 
“A little kiss made you sure of it?” his eyes were dark but amused. 
He looked breathtaking. 
“You know it’s not just because of a little kiss.” 
Haechan’s breath was hot and tingly on your sensitivity. “I know,” he replied and didn’t give you any time to adjust as he gave you a slow and deep lick on your clit making you gasp loudly. 
He hummed pleased at the reaction and he repeated it, again and again until he was satisfied with the sounds you were making. Then he went lower, dipping his tongue inside of you, making you grab at his hair. 
“Oh my God,” you whimpered and you heard the buzz of his laugh at your word choice. 
Your thighs got closer as he increased the speed and you noticed the red tint of his ears pressed against your skin.
It made your chest bloom with affection and it just increased the shivers on your spine as he kitty licked and sucked on you, the hums against you sounding more and more hungry.
His hands felt wide on your ass as he pulled you even closer to his mouth and you had to support yourself on his shoulders. 
“Please,” you started to chant at the way he flicked his tongue. 
His jaw flinched and the moment he directed his gaze on you, two deep cuts under his messy hair, your whole body trembled in his arms.
He lifted his hands and you intertwined your fingers with his as with a last suck you came against his tongue. His name was on your lips like a mantra, laced with swears that to Haechan’s ears sounded like the most divine compliments. His warm mouth was still on you when your breath started to slow down and the little licks he’d give your pulsating pussy made your whole body jolt in spasms. 
“Enough, please,” you mewled at the overstimulation and Haechan listened, peppering kisses on your stomach instead, going up to gently bite the underside of your breasts, sucking on the spot, before giving your hard nipples a cheeky lick. 
You hummed, brain still mush from the high, but body already reacting to Haechan’s touch. He didn’t stop this time, letting you feel his wet and hot tongue, sucking on one bud then another, diligently.
Your legs wrapped around his waist and you let him slowly push you on the desk until your back was resting on top of the Tarot spread. With the corner of your eyes you saw the Devil card and you wondered if it was alright for you to get fucked on it. 
As if reading your mind Haechan murmured against your neck. “As much as I’d love to take you on this same desk you need to be loved properly on my bed instead.” 
His voice was so husky and deep that you felt yourself getting wet again and the way the stubble on his chin felt rubbing against your throat just stirred you even more. 
“I am not against you taking me on this desk,” you slid your palms on his face and brought it to yours, kissing him slowly. 
“That’s going to be for the next time, when I can bend you over it,” he replied against your lips and before you could realize it, your back hit a mattress instead and Haechan’s weight on top of you felt overwhelmingly good. His scent was all around you, his pillows, his room, the sheets you had to grab onto as you felt his delicate fingers dipping inside of you. 
The wet sound felt even dirtier in the dim lights of his bedroom, the deep silence interrupted only by the slow pumping and his mouth on your chest. 
His name came back on your lips and you found yourself spread even more for him to reach deeper inside of you. Like a switch, he found your sweetest spot and your body seized up, curling your toes in the air. 
“There it is. I didn’t forget it,” his amused whisper lingered on your lips, mixed with his moaned name. He curled his fingers so deliciously, hitting the same spot repeatedly as fast as your quick breath. 
“I am going to cum, I am going to-” your quickening voice announces and Haechan hummed deeply. 
“Yeah? Cum for me again, baby, let go.” 
“Fuck,” you dug your nails into his body and the last thing you saw was his veiny forearm stilling between your legs as you pushed your head into the pillows. 
“Good good girl,” Haechan’s voice brought you back from the radio silence your brain threw you in. “You need to relax a bit so I can get my hand back,” he added with a light chuckle and you realized his fingers were still buried deep inside of you as you clenched around them. 
You tried to catch your breath and focus your gaze on him. Not once in your life you’ve felt that inebriated. 
And when you felt his wet fingers on your lips you just opened your mouth and sucked on them slowly with a hum, letting your tongue on the underside of them. 
Haechan inhaled. “I know you’re so fucking dirty. I just want to discover it little by little,” he leaned against your ear, sliding his fingers off your mouth. You let them go with a plop and gulped as he dragged that wet hand on his lower stomach, putting a little show for you as he reached his cock and lazily stroked it. He groaned softly and the small fuck that escaped your mouth at the view made him lean back down, resting his wide hand near your pillow and making you watch the way he aligned himself to your needy pussy and softly pushed inside. 
You pressed your face against his forearm at the sensation, grabbing at his bicep and he exhaled. 
“God,” he murmured, “you’re perfect.” 
You whined again, feeling stretched and full and he searched for your eyes after stopping moving. “Are you okay?” 
He rubbed your face with one hand and kissed your cheek, then your temple. You let out a faint yes and wrapped his neck with your arms, pulling him into a deep kiss. You felt him growing inside of you a bit more and the thought of feeling him all made you clench. 
“You can move,” you whispered against his lips and he gave you another small kiss before gently pushing his hips forward. The first thrust was smooth and it made you open your mouth to breathe better, the second made you curl your toes and the third, deeper, made you roll your eyes back. 
“Demon or not you’re going to make me nut so fucking quickly,” Haechan’s voice was breathy. 
“You can cum wherever you want to,” you entangled your fingers in his hair. The man rubbed his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You can’t say stuff like that to me or I’ll break you,” he replied and as a demonstration his hips snapped and you gasped at the way he managed to bottom out. 
“Does it hurt?” he murmured and you shook your head unable to speak. “Does it feel good?” he tried with a little smirk and you nodded, wrapping your legs tightly around his hips. 
“Fuck, baby,” Haechan thrust once, then twice, until the wet sound got drowned by the skin-slapping sound of his hips against your ass.
Haechan’s bed started to creak and he pushed one hand on the headboard above your head, giving you a better view of his body moving inside of you. 
“Shit shit shit,” you grabbed at the sheets, pulling and twirling. Haechan grabbed them and held them on each side of your head, intertwining his fingers with you to let you squeeze as hard as you wanted to. His mouth was so close to yours but you were both unable to kiss. You’ve never thought of how hot a whining man could sound and the thought of you being responsible for those sounds made your head even dizzier. 
“I want you to cum inside of me, please,” you begged and Haechan moaned harshly against your neck. 
“Ah shit I can’t-” he choked on his breath and rose to his knees, pulling out frantically and releasing on your stomach. 
The view knocked the breath out of your lungs. His messy hair partially hiding his lustful eyes, his chest, his veiny hand still stroking his cock, his plump abused lips still letting small groans escape. 
His cum was hot on your skin and you desperately wanted it inside of you. 
“Give me a second if you don’t want my child,” he exhaled, a lingering amusement on his now relaxed expression. 
“What are you trying to do?” you asked, the thought stirring something in you. 
“Contraception,” he lifted one eyebrow. 
“And if I want the child?” you smiled. 
“Don’t mess with me,” he leaned down, giving you a quick peck. Whatever demonic magic he did was done already because he didn’t miss any more time. His cock felt heavy on your lower stomach, and when he started to rub it between your folds, his tip pushing against your clit, your arms flew back around his neck. The slick made him slide back in so easily that you could just gasp. 
“Hmm, yeah, you’re taking me so well.” 
The praise went to your fucked up head and you could just throw your head back and moan his name again.
The pace was so fast and his thrust so deep that you could feel him inside your gut. Haechan messily kissed your lips and face, murmuring low shhs and nothingness in your ears, laced with curses with his husky needy voice.
His body was hot, caging you underneath him and you felt so full and so safe, you felt loved and desired. 
The emotion that bloomed in your chest imitated the feeling nesting in your stomach, about to burst.
You wanted to tell him many things but you couldn’t find any good words, so you just pulled him tightly and brushed your lips together, chanting his name. 
“Cum for me again, baby,” he grunted and you spasmed in his arms as he pushed you into the mattress again and again until your shaky moans and eyes rolled back in your head making him still inside of you, feeling you rhythmically pulsating around him.
The sounds he made as he released inside of you were the most erotic thing you’ve ever heard in your life. 
 You jolted in your sleep, feeling around you and finding the bed empty but warm. 
“I’m still here,” Haechan murmured, his shadow getting closer. The bed dipped as he laid down and you inhaled his scent as he slid under the covers to pull you to his chest. 
“I thought-” you started but then stopped, the image of Haechan screaming on the ground after your touch still haunting you. 
“I didn’t go anywhere. I am fine,” he added. His arms felt strong around your shoulders and his gentle hands slowly rubbing your head and back were lulling you back to sleep. 
“Jeno said it’s possible that the curse lifted after we touched the first time. Single usage.” 
You lifted your head, resting your chin on his chest. You couldn’t clearly see his features but his eyes were shining in the dark. 
“You’re saying that we could have touched all of this time and we just didn’t?” 
Haechan’s soft chuckle warmed your face. “Mark humour I guess.” 
You rested your head back on him, listening to his calming heartbeat. 
“Are the guys back?” 
Haechan hummed. “It’s Christmas. Selene will arrive soon. I expect Doyoung to come by in the night of the New Year.” 
You nuzzled your head further into him and Haechan turned to the side, resting his face on top of your head. The little peck he left warmed you all up. 
“I want to come with you wherever you go,” you whispered.
Haechan didn’t comment. 
“Promise me,” you tried to lift your head to see his eyes again but a sudden light invaded your irises. 
You wanted to scream and ask what was going on, but Haechan was on his feet already with you behind his back. You put your hands on his back to balance yourself. 
“Oh fuck,” he exhaled and turned around. “Hold onto me tight! Never let go!” was the last thing you heard him say as the floor opened and swallowed you both. 
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meyobe · 1 year
Would the brothers give up their immortality to be with M/c ?
Literally none of this is proofread so forgive for any errors
TW: my own opinions
Lucifer: No
I am a firm believer that he wouldn’t no matter how badly so probably would. Disregarding his plead to Día, he just has too much to lose. As much as he cares for mc and not wanting to let them go he just can’t. For one he would never leave his brother, he still feels guilty for them after the fall. He needs to stick around to make sure they are ok. For two I don’t think he’s fully prepared be this kind of vulnerable. I think that he is envious of M/c for being human and wants them to appreciate what he can’t. ( Think of it as the relationship Rosalie and Bella had before she turned into a vampire) And for third, he doesn’t think he deserve such satisfaction.I do see him being a family man. He’d want the full experience. He can only dream of this though his family to too much as it so it’s all out of reach.
M/c: if you could would you want to become mortal? I mean being immortal has to get boring right?
Lucifer: No, i could never be so weak.
His words are laced with venom but you this eyes slightly squinting tell you a what he really thinks.
Mammon: Yes
This is pretty simple to answer. He would give up everything to start a life with you, a real one not a pretend one. He dreams of being human and starting a family with you. Getting married, having kids, growing old together he’s dreamt it all. All his life he’s felt like he never really fit in. Always looking for someone’s validation. And being human means he can let go of his sin. He wouldn’t have to steal from those he’s loves. This is the one thing no one can take from him. The best part is he would never have to live without you. I think that he cries over the fact that your so reckless with your life. He knows how easy human life is to destroy and he wishes he could feel that adrenaline. He doesn’t care what his brothers will say. Yes he will miss them and feel sad but he’s doing this because it’s a new chapter for you and him.
M/c: would you ever want to be mortal?
Mammon: ya know I would. Surprising? Even The Great Mammon wants to be a human.
Before you can say anything he rams on about how he really wouldn’t though because then he’d lose all his cool powers and such. As he continues you can see the tears fall out his eyes but he doesn’t acknowledge it.
Leviathan: No
Maybe someone can counter this but this is my opinion!!!!! For starter i think I should mention that he only views himself higher than humans because of his power/magic. So he wouldn’t let go of that. If he’s human he has nothing that separates him from anyone. He likes the idea of at least being scary to humans. He’s nothing without his sin. As much as he wants to let his sin go he’s too scared to see what will happen without it. I also don’t see him being a family man or anything. I think that he’d think it’s pointless. He has pity for humans( this doesn’t excluded M/c) he knows that dying is all a human life leads to. He knows how weak and unimportant he’ll become and he won’t have it. At least being immortal has a few perks. Another reason is he’s scared of dying and what/ if anything happened after death. He also has to stay alive because of all the anime season coming out. (That may sound like a jokes but it isn’t. I don’t think he could just up and leave his passion behind)
M/c “ if given the chance would you want to be a human?
Leviathan “ pffft No? Why would I want to give up everything I worked on? Like my ruri- Chan collection.
What he said was a bit hurtful but made sense. There was no hidden emotion he meant what he said.
Satan: No
Again you could disagree. He’s still considered young even in his demon age. (19-21) Though there’s nothing really keeping him to stay a demon he just isn’t ready to give up the only part of him his ever known. There still so much more he needs to know and experience. Compared to his other brothers he’s barley lived. Being human to he means that he’s just starting from the beginning. He’s the smart one, the one you go to for advice. If he’s human he’ll be nothing. He’s inferior to everyone and everything. He likes that when he walks into a room people and scared and uncomfortable. He never wants to be perceived as “weak”. It’s also not that he’s scared of death he knows what he’ll be faced with. And if he did have a family with you (50/50 chance) he couldn’t live knowing he’ll live them in a world alone one day.He’s just not ready to let go of his life now.
M/c “ do you ever imagine being a human?”
Satan “ As much as the thought interests me I don’t think it’s meant for me after all I need to make Lucifer’s life hell.”
He was straightforward with nothing to hide.
Asmodeus : No
He could never see himself getting old and “nasty”. He’s beautiful and he knows it. Yes he thinks that he’s be beautiful as a human but that will ruin one day. He can’t even imagine himself with a zit on his nose. What makes you think he could deal with wrinkles? He likes who he is. He’s confident with himself. He would never want to let that go. He’s also sacred of how fragile he’ll be. He’s seen a nose bleed happen to M/c because the air is too dry or getting a nasty paper cut. I think he can be pretty clumsy but being a demon means they don’t bruise/hurt that easily. Though he wishes he could humble himself to understand that bruising and getting old is nothing to be embarrassed or scared about. But he also knows that he was destined to live forever young. This leads me I to family. He won’t ever have kids. Too much work and money and not for him. Same thing is marriage you can’t hold him down. His nature is to be wild. So human life has nothing for him.
Mc “ Asmo what do you think you’d be like if you were human?”
Asmo “ Oh dear I’ve never thought of it because I would never want to. I prefer to stay young and beautiful forever “
Beelzebub: No
IK IK most of you think yes but hear me out. He’s not ready to leave his family. They all just started getting along together and he can’t miss that. He was the family protector and still is. If he isn’t around how can he protect his family. He knows very well that his brothers can protect themselves but his so paranoid because of what happens to Lilith. He won’t let anything and anyone hurt his family. If he’s human he can’t do anything for them. As much as he wants a family and to grow old he thinks it’s selfish of him. He wants nothing more than to be with m/c but if being human with m/c means losing his family and m/c one day he won’t. Being a demon means helping his family and being m/c until their last day. He wants to but he knows he can’t. He won’t feel guilty for his decision though.
Mc “ do you ever think about what kind of human you’d be”
Beel “ Sometimes but then I reminded myself that I’d miss my family too much. “
It was pretty simple what he thought. He just continues to stuff his face
with food.
Belphegor : Yes
He’s been around human the longest so he pretty much knows everything and he’s more than willing to become one. He knows how lucky m/c is to even be a human. He’s spent centuries sleeping and he’s sick of it. He wants to be more. He wants to be able to go do normal things without getting tired. He just so frustrated with himself that he cries. He knows he’s missing out of core memories with his family. Though he isn’t a family man he would want to get married and grow old. He isn’t scared of aging or dying. He’d just live in the moment. He would care about what his brothers think though. He won’t be easy for him to leave them but he knows this is what he was meant to do. He knows Lilith would want him to do this.
Mc “ Belphie do you ever think about being human?”
Belphie “ more than you’d ever know.”
His answer was simple and short but you can see a tear fall slowing out of the corner of his eyes while he hides his face.
A/n: this took me like 2 hours to write💀
I’ve had this thought in my head for 2 month now.
This is MY own work 🙏🙏
Wrote on 06/07/23
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catchyhuh · 1 year
If you'd be willing to share: Thoughts on Fujiko x Lupin?
WILLING? I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR A MEDICAL EXCUSE TO DO SO now you want thoughts or you want thoughts because i’m passionate about these bitches and their dynamic.
but first thing's first look at this :)
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for starters, i’m a firm believer that fujiko does love him. it’s just that, like i’ve said before, she doesn’t express it normally? people love the “aloof cool guy who’s only sort of soft with his love interest” trope all the time and she’s just the girl version of that!! i’m sick of people insisting they want mean girlfriends and then blanching when they see lupin blushing over a woman being sarcastic with him. get it together guys!!
the reality is that if you really look at their relationship throughout the series, lupin is rarely, if ever, actually upset by her frequent betrayal. it’s not… totally manipulation if you know it's coming and seem to expect it every time. clearly, lupin has a particular fondness for people who understand he’s somehow a genius AND stupid as hell and get giddy over expensive rocks. and speaking of jesus christ give jigen a break lupy he’s gonna burst a blood vessel if he finds out you gave fujiko the third insanely valuable cursed artifact of the month. what do you MEAN it’s possessed you. AGAIN??
fujiko just. is weird about things. you know? she just gets silly with it. it makes sense: if you've used affection as nothing more than a tool for most of your life, you'd show sincere love differently. if fujiko didn’t really love lupin, why would she come back to him? why would she turn to him, SINCERELY turn to him, when she could get help from any other pitiful little man trailing her heels? oh god mamo remember mamo? fujiko gave up immortality bc he couldn’t come along with her. she gave up living in her prime forever all because it wouldn’t be the same without her weird little boyfriend. amour!
i can refute any claim a Hater makes. any and all. “fujiko is selfish” points you to the other characters “lupin only likes her for her looks” well it’s obviously a factor i mean look at her. but when doing dirty work for other hot babes has threatened his life even barely he taps out and calls out the woman like "wtf i couldve died" and yet he continues to fawn over fujiko, ESPECIALLY when she does some cool murder shit. he met fujiko’s ancestor in that elusiveness of the fog special or w/e it was called and specifically said “she even has her toughness heart emoji" or some shit! “fujiko is materialistic” points you to the other characters “fujiko wasn’t bothered by the thought of lupin dying in alcatraz connection” neither was goemon they know he fakes this shit all the time. and in fact when they really DID think lupin was dead in missed by a dollar it took fujiko a whole second to break out of her shock that lupin was alive and she immediately laughed and hugged him so tight he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel! “lupin’s just stupid when it comes to her” points you to the other ch
i keep saying i’m gonna make a compilation of all the times they actually express love as the average joe gets it but. not today. nay
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New longform fic in the works!
Hello hello, I've been dead to the world for a while now, but I'm back now!!
I've recently been working on a SVSSS/MDZS crossover, with my dearest son Mo Xuanyu as our MC! The premise goes as follows;
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Mo Xuanyu has heard of a cultivation sect far away from all of the clan's politics, called Cang Qiong- the stronghold between the demon realm and the human realm! He's willing to live on the border between realities if it means he can get away from his own personal hell on earth that Mo Village has become. Only, he'll be leaving behind his fiancé... But then, what happens when the clans follow him to Cang Qiong?
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As always, I'm soft hearted so there won't be too much angst, but there will definitely be enough hurt/comfort to go around!!
I still can't think of a name for it though 🤔
Anyway, the relationship tags for this fic have already been all figured out!! They're below the cut with some technical aspects rambling because this fic is my hyperfixation right now and i cant be normal about it;
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Main Ship;
Mo Xuanyu/Nie Huaisang (I miiiight work in Jiang Cheng, because I know that Nie Huaisang/Jiang Cheng is popular i think? We'll see when we get there)
Background Ships;
Shen Jiu/Mu Qingfang/Yue Qingyuan
Shen Yuan/Luo Binghe/Liu Qingge (I'm a firm believer in polyamorous immortals you can't fight me on this)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
Familial/Friend Ships;
Mo Xuanyu & Various Peak Lords as family :))
Mo Xuanyu & Wei Wuxian bonding probably?
Mo Xuanyu & Luo Binghe
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Technical Aspects;
Finding a good timeline for this fic is hell, I want everyone to know that!!! For SVSSS, the timeline is set a few years past the canon ending of the story, and for MDZS it's set in the very first year after the end of their story.
It's also very far from being canon on either end of the crossover, because (just to state the obvious) Mo Xuanyu is still alive, and so is Shen Jiu! I just really wanted to write a fic that I'd like to read myself, so I'm shoving in as many of my favourite parts from other fics as I can.
I also have an outline written that is. 700 words long right now!! I've only written the prologue!! what am i doing!!!! Though tbf I am on draft four already and im slowly going crazy :)
Also I usually try to write a "prologue" introducing the premise for long form fics and I try to keep it short, so like 1000 words?? but I just kept going and brought it up to 1800 this time T_T The actual chapters will be AT LEAST 2000, but with the way its going right now it'll probably end up longer.
Side note in relation to that, I'm thinking this fic will be like ,,, 7-10 chapters? I'm still in the early stages, but that's my estimation!!
There is also some planned angst between Mo Xuanyu and Nie Huaisang because well, Huaisang did try to manipulate him into killing himself, so. yknow. I personally am not excited for it because I hate writing my skrunklies fighting :((
I also wanted to work in Tianlang-jun and Zhuzhi-lang somewhere, which will probably happen when the whole MDZS crew shows up! Idk I'm not that far in my outline yet ( ╥ω╥ )
Anyway!!!! Credit to this fic by Jenrose!!! It's what gave me the MDZS autism and what inspired this fic a little, despite the fact that there's nearly zero similarities lol
Thanks for reading all that,
signing off, Yin ! ☆⌒(>。<)
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Asking questions is a big deal
I don't want Crowley to be kicked out of Heaven for anything other than what we already know
Because I think being kicked out for just asking questions and being around people who do bad things is reason enough. It's something that when you hear it sounds crazy, it sounds like "there's no way someone would do that just because of these two things."
But it happens. People being defined as bad or wrong just because of little things is something that happens. Many types of discrimination are based on that, people have been defined as bad just because of a physical characteristic, a million times in history.
And I know it's said that he wasn't as good as he likes to think he was, but that doesn't mean he did anything. Maybe he was just inclined to do it.
I'm a firm believer in the fact that a person's actions are strongly influenced by where they are, and especially by society's response when they need help.
Crowley needed help with his questions, help understanding the plan, help giving options. He didn't get help, he got a lifelong punishment, with his immortal life
This is something that forces you to do things that maybe you wouldn't do if conditions were different, or maybe you would have done it anyway. But you deserved the chance
There are people who are condemned as evil for things that they would never have chosen and that could have been fixed if society had cared about it
And I think a representation of that would be good
I am not against the other option, but I feel that the other story is a story that has been told many times, and in a better way than this one.
The story I am referring to is used, it usually attempts to excuse the crimes. And that's something I don't agree with, and I don't think it's often seen as much.
A crime done in conditions of choice and a crime done because it was your only choice are both crimes, they are not equal, they should not be taken as equal. But they are both crimes
I would also like to add that asking questions and being around the wrong people is enough to take someone down. The way I see heaven is as an authoritarian system, and when you have a system that is based on the idea of obedience and following the rules based on the fact that there are rules and that is your job, asking questions is such a strong form of rebellion.
When you have these situations you usually have three groups, the group in power that you want to go against (the higher ranks of heaven), the group that is rebelling in an aggressive way (future demons), and the people in the middle (the angels who are just following orders and doing their job).
The people in the middle are the key in this case, because there are a LOT of them and if you have them on your team, you will probably win.
The people in power don't need to convince this middle group to stay with them, because they already are. They just need to make sure they have no reason to leave.
And the group that is against wants the middle group, but they have one thing against it, when you are rebelling you tend to use methods that are seen as extreme and violent, this will provoke rejection. For this reason, the middle group does not usually join the extremists even if they agree with the cause, because they do not want to be defined as extremists and violent. Sometimes they define the arguments of the extremist group as invalid just because they are the arguments of the group, and if these arguments were given in another context, they would agree.
Now, place someone who is just asking questions. Someone who is not violent, and is not an extremist. He's just... asking questions. Questions that make you think about the overall situation. Questions that make you want change.
This is an effective way to engage the middle group, it's an effective way to get them to notice that even if they are not in favor of the extremist group's methods, they are in favor of their arguments.
And this is something much more dangerous than the rebellion itself, because the rebellion can be extinguished in the effective way exemplified so correctly in this situation: by throwing them overboard and punishing them for all eternity.
But questions are not so easy if you accept that the person asking them stays in the group, they will always be asking questions, they will always be questioning authority, they will always be implanting doubt. And that will always be attracting more people, it will always be making more people question things.
So the most practical thing you can do, is to throw overboard the questioners as well. You need to nip everything in the bud, because if you don't, rebellions will always be popping up. There will always end up being a group that believes change is needed, and that dares to take action.
And you don't want that constant battle, because with each time it happens, your authority goes down.
For it to happen twice makes it look like there's some kind of institutional problem
So if you want to maintain an image of power, what you must do is cut off ALL possible causes of rebellion, even the subtle ones, even the ones that at first glance seem harmless.
I'm against the idea of hell, especially because we see it as a place where they don't enjoy being. They tell you they rebel because they are evil, but they don't enjoy being evil. They are not happy in hell, they don't enjoy being there. They work writing things down when they can't spell, they have a job punishing those who failed god, and that job is their punishment for failing god.
They were given no options, they were kicked out of their job and told there would be a final war.
A war where the options are to lose, and be punished to agony for all eternity. Without ever having a chance of redemption
Or win, and be able to continue in the current situation. Which is equally horrible, because they never had the opportunity to create a system that would benefit them. Because they were taken out of a comfortable life and condemned to do the dirty work of those who took them out.
At no time did they have the opportunity to choose the right option, why would they choose it? They were defined as evil and it was made clear that they would NEVER have a chance to be anything else. Of course they are going to do every crime possible, there is nothing to stop them, and furthermore, there is nothing to motivate them to do anything different. It doesn't matter if they do something good or bad, they are always going to be in horrible conditions.
And the worst part is that they never escaped heaven, they are still under their control, the only difference is that now they have an illusion that it was their decision. But no, a new scale was simply created.
Heaven's top officials in control
Angels working for them
Demons doing the dirty work
Demons are not free. But everyone act as if they are, which, in my opinion, is even worse
Taking someone out for just asking questions, taking all this into account, I would say it's something that fits very well with the line of action they have
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bylerspookie · 1 year
Certain lyrics that stand out to me in Mike’s Spotify playlist
(I might do this with the whole stranger things playlist)
Smalltown Boy
this whole song is just…help?? firstly, it’s a song about a queer boy, secondly, there’s references to the music video in the series (on top of that, those references are in shot with Mike) and thirdly, it’s the very first song on Mike’s playlist, it has to mean something.
the lyrics and repetition of “cry, boy, cry” might be referencing the cure (boys don’t cry, will also has a poster of this in his room)
and “run away” as well - the theme of “running away” is used SO much in this playlist it’s insane
Always Something There to Remind Me
I think the use of “girl” is important to this song, it may be about El, but also Will
they both “haunt” him in a way. firstly, in season 2, he might feel “haunted” (might also be a reference to the song “still haunting me”, which is used later on in the playlist) because El is supposedly dead, but he still believes that she is alive, it’s actually sort of similar to the hopper/el situation, but when will was supposedly dead, mike didn’t let that stop him, soooo…
secondly, Will is literally possessed, we even see the mindflayer specifically use Will to spy on Mike
thirdly, the lyrics “I was BORN to love her, and I will never be FREE”, it means that he feels like he is “supposed” to love her, it’s a nod to heteronormativity and internalised homophobia.
She Blinded Me With Science
there’s quite a lot to this, if you want to know more, go watch @lesbianmindflayer ‘s YouTube video on it.
I think this means that “she” (El, or even society) “blinded me” (brainwashed) “with science” (with heteronormativity, and the fact that homophobes like to say “but being straight is natural” and “it’s just science” to defend their homophobia)
I Ran (So Far Away)
yet another reference to running
“auburn hair and tawny eyes”
this might be a bit of a reach but Max is the only person with auburn hair, and Will has “tawny” eyes. It might be important to note that Max’s eyes are… screwed up. And that Will’s eyes turned from green to brown when he was possessed in season 2.
“a cloud appears above your head” this makes me think if the last scene in season 4, you know, the mushroom cloud.
“a beam of light comes shining down on you” this is so obviously about Will oh my god, in Mike’s point of view Will is almost always illuminated with sunlight, especially in the cabin scene, which happens just before the cloud scene.
“reached out a hand to touch your face
you’re slowly disappearing from my view”
this reminds me of the scene in season 2 when Mike “senses” Eleven, she sort of “disappears”, ykwim?
“reached out a hand to try again
I’m floating in a beam of light with you”
this is definitely about Will, in season 2 when Mike reaches his hand out to grab Will’s in a loose grip, in season 4 when Mike reaches his hand out to grab Will’s shoulder in a firm grip - he’s “reaching out to try again”
now, this is a very sad theory, a stretch, but not impossible, but it might also be a foreshadow to Mike getting Vecna’d, and possibly dying or at least near to death (he probably won’t die, he has a very high chance of getting Vecna’d, but I think he’ll survive because he’s immortal obviously gays defeat Verna or whatever and Robin will descend from the heavens but also because I firmly believe that he’ll leave Hawkins - smalltown boy/should I stay or should I go theory is real guys)
but listen LISTEN
“a cloud appears above your head” idk but I’m pretty sure Vecna makes you see things when you get Vecna’d or something idk but I also think byler standing in the centre of the last scene means something guys
“reached out a hand to touch your face
you’re slowly disappearing from my view”
this reminds me of the lumax scene, imagine Mike on the verge of death, reaching to hold Will’s face while he’s gradually disappearing from his view because he’s either closing his eyes or because he can’t see anything
“I’m floating in a beam of light with you” hell, “floating”??? Mike it isn’t looking very good for you.
lmaooo but anyways that is a little bit of a stretch and I just put it there to scare some of you
I’ll make a part 2 soon I’m tired it’s 10:00 pm
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're doing well. Got any other meta about LMK Sun Wukong, the Brotherhood, or of the Stableboys duo, Ao Lie and Wukong? Have a great week, eat your fruits and sleep early regularly. Thank you for your LMK posts!
hey! tbh my week has been shit :) but i’ll have you know that the best place to find stableboys meta is from the account Dr. Chalk on Twitter. literally get my heart ripped out every time (also their art is fire).
[I ended up having a lot to say about SWK under the cut lol]
As for some delectable Sun Wukong meta/headcanons, I’ll have you know that I am a firm believer of this immortal monkey having such shit survival/preservation skills for himself bc of his 7-fold immortality that he will pull suicidal/heroic feats as the “easier solution” (see s3 where this monkey thought it would be a brilliant idea to place the Samadhi Fire INSIDE himself (even when that is like one of his greatest weaknesses as the JTTW book details) as an easy way to ensure none of MK and his friends would get hurt and he could (probably) spare LBD’s host)
Also, notice how the s4 special revealed to us that Sun Wukong feared death so much he went ahead to finding ways to ensure he never dies. Ever. (Not to mention that this fear stemmed from the fear of failing the people he cared about and that since he was the strongest in FFM and their king, if he died, they would be defenseless bc that is literally what happened when Wukong first left to train under Master Subodhi). But now, Wukong has lived for a very long time (longer than he even thought possible). And he is t i r e d (i will NEVER forget that quick cut to Wukong’s face as he said “focusing on the fact that I am an immortal being, who will never die!”)
Although, my theory is that his suicidal tendicies isn’t because he is that suicidal (or maybe not cognizant if it) but because he knows that even with experiencing something super brutal (such as the Samadhi Fire or drowning in Sandy’s sub), better him than anyone else. Like a “I don’t intend to die, but so be it” that I think really concerns me (in a “I wanna study you under a microscope but also give you cocoa” way)
honestly, it doesn’t help that Tripitaka found himself in such dire situations where Wukong would need to save him from, and some of them were suicidal but you kind of brushed it off bc “he is the Monkey King, immortal 7 times over, and crossed his own name out of the underworld” (and I know we definitely did since everything would work out in the end but like…..come on!), so that kind of life risking behavior was met with positive reinforcement so like….I would not put it past Wukong to unintentionally throw himself into these circumstances in order to help or fix an issue (especially if it concerns MK 👀 he will not hesitate and my heart cannot take it T^T)
but yeah
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pellaaearien · 2 years
In shorthand — a lost art, shorthand — he jots down anything and everything he can think of.
“Dreaming” = realm?
Sister = pale horseman. HER gift!
Two other sisters (NOT horsemen?)
Stories (eating?)
What was in those dreams?
At this last, he puts down the pen. What was in those dreams? Now that he knows his friend was actually present for them, he tries to recall details, but they remain frustratingly elusive.
The dreams were kinder. That much he knows. They’d replayed 1989. 1889 had ended happily. They all had. He thinks about how Dream had very uncharacteristically stumbled over his words as he tried to explain. Weakened… Dreaming in disarray…
Escaped from a century of confinement, and he’d come to Hob for comfort. Fucking Christ. Hob can’t do this.
He lowers his head until it touches the cold formica countertop. It feels good. His brain has been working so much overtime today, he feels feverish.
Never mind that Hob would have provided whatever Dream needed, gladly, with his full faculties. Imprisonment or no. He’d helped Dream. That’s all that matters, in the end.
The problem is, however (and the jury was still out on whether or not Dream understood this), if you gave Hob an inch he would take a mile. Or want to, anyway. And after a hundred and thirty years of famine, Dream had just laid out a feast.
Did he expect Hob not to fall on it like a starving man?
Oh my goodness :) One of my favourite parts :) Of course, Nonnie, I'd love to talk about this!
So first and foremost: we've spent a lot of time in Dream's head so far in this fic. Now we're finally getting some Hob POV, and I wanted to make it clear where he stood. Dream also dropped some pretty bonkers information on him during their conversation, and I started from the point of HOW do you even begin to go about processing something like that? When you've gotten nothing but nothing for six hundred years and suddenly not only do you have a name, but also an apology for the thing you've been beating yourself up over for the past 133 years, plus some information about WHAT your friend is, his powers, his family, your immortality... It's a lot, is what I'm getting at. And I'm a firm believer that Hob, who has lived for a LONG time and has a lot of memories bouncing around up in his old noggin, writes things down. Especially things he needs to work through. (He's a dedicated bujo enthusiast.) BUT, it took six hundred years to get to this point, and he's determined to prove he can be trusted, so he's going to be cautious, hence the shorthand. I must admit that writing that list was a lot of fun, trying to extrapolate what Hob would feel were the most pertinent points, how he would couch them. It delights me how unhinged it looks out of context.
The rest of the passage is more of a meditation on Hob's character as I see it. Hob and Dream are, in fact, the exact same side of the coin. One of the many reasons that Dream is repressed is because he's gone through the entirety of his existence being left behind. Sometimes justifiably! But the lesson he's taken from it is that he should no longer seek companionship. His love is a burden that wilts the ones he bestows it on. He must learn to do without.
(But a relationship is actually his greatest desire, as Night reveals in this heartbreaking exchange):
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"But what if I were to make you a perfect little dreamworld, here in Night's realm? With a partner to love you and kiss you and make you feel less scared? A relationship. You always wanted one of them."
Hob has also spent the entirety of his existence being left behind. He has a much healthier outlook on it, as a whole, because such is the nature of his particular immortality. He lives life to the fullest, and that means people. Like Dream, he has a bottomless well of love in his heart, but unlike Dream, he bestows it freely. Others' lives are so fleeting; why wouldn't he grasp every opportunity by the horns?
The flip side of that, of course, is a deluge of loss. He can never stay. People age, and he doesn't. He has to move on, or they do. He can never fully be himself (something else he and Dream have in common!) Even if he could be open, lay it all out for someone, trust them with the truth, that also has an inherent expiry date.
The one exception to this is Dream. Dream was there at the beginning. He knows everything. Hob doesn't have to pretend he doesn't know the exact timbre of Middle English, he can reference something specific about the eras he's lived in without needing to hedge how he came by the information. Dream also knows Hob. He's been there through all the ups and downs, and Hob has told him more than he's been able to tell literally anyone else. Hob goes through life holding the immense weight of his own life. He's got no one he can talk to about it, except Dream. (Kind of like the way Dream carries the weight of his responsibilities with no one who can relate? Perhaps!)
All of this to say, the defining trait of Hob is greed. There is never enough for him. He will always be craving more experiences, more love, more life, more, more, more. This is a man who looked Dream in the eye after a century of misery and told him "I've got so much to live for!" Hob will never, ever, be satisfied. And he holds himself back, just like Dream does, because it is simply too much for everyday life.
Does he love Dream? Naturally. But honestly, the romantic aspect of it is a byproduct of this is my person. The only person who knows him. The only person who he can be himself around. And just as he was resigning himself to have to do without the most important person in his life, he comes back. And that enforced separation is crumbling, from Dream's side. And Hob is greedy. He wants more. He'll be whatever Dream needs, if it means more of Dream. More, more more.
There's a saying my friends and I have adopted for dreamling, which is "Too much, together." Once they finally manage to work their way through all the barriers they've put up to make it possible to actually interact with other people, and the misunderstandings that it causes, once they finally recognize that in each other, then it's game over.
They've just got to get there first.
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fyodior · 2 years
This fyodor thought has been plaguing me for some days so now I've been sitting here trying to put it into words for like an hour, so enjoyyyyy <3
So we know that he wants to rid the world of ability users because they're sinners and all that jazz, but what if that's only part of his real plan? What if there's another hidden motive to it and that is getting rid of your ability??? Not in the sense that he wants to kill you (because he could easily do that if he ever wanted to, and ofc he doesn't want to). He wants to find a way to completely nullify your ability or permanently separate you from it while keeping you alive. And that's why he got so involved with dazai and shibusawa in the first place! Because their abilities are exactly what he's looking for to help you!
But why would he want to get rid of your ability? Can't he just leave it where it is? Well picture this: what if your ability was harmful to you? Imagine you have a very powerful ability which comes with some heavy consequences. Like maybe you're virtually immortal and you can only die of old age, but any kind of pain you feel is enhanced by a lot so even a simple cut feels like you got stabbed. Or maybe you can heal any wound and cure any illness on other people at the cost of your own health. Something like this that has great power but also great drawbacks and that causes you lots of pain, which is why he wants to get rid of it.
Now I'm a firm believer that he wouldn't get in a relationship just for the sake of it (cause he's got no time for that) or just to obtain something from the other person (cause he can do that in other shady ways). I think he'd probably get in a relationship with someone only if they were someone who's grown up with him and that he's gotten attached to because of that. So picture the two of you as children, his ability makes him accidentally kill other people while your own ability makes you suffer physically/mentally and this all makes him start to loathe abilities in general. You've been a precious friend to him since your childhood days and it's always pained him to see you suffer because you were born with an ability that you never wanted, so he wants to do everything he can to help you and protect you. And this all is what's behind his plan to find 'the book'!
TLDR: you two met as children and got close and grew up together in the misfortune that your abilities brought to you. He hated to see you (his only friend) suffer because of your ability so he wanted to find a way to nullify it completely and get rid of other ability users in general. Growing up you realize your feelings for each other and in the meantime he begins with his plan to find 'the book' to make you two live a happy life together without the burden of your abilities <333
- 💍
OH MY GOD THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD????? LIKE SUCH A GOOD IDEA??????????? you gotta write this queen this would be an amazing fic
like this gives such an amazing and well thought out motivation for why he is the way he is that actually allows for sympathy from the reader/watcher instead of he’s just evil and thinks its sinful lmfao
and the fact that he’d hurt everyone just to save you is just………. bitch💀💀💀💀 SUPERIOR TROPE
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enightshade89 · 2 years
For the alternate OC asks, I went with Daybreakers because I remember it the best lol. I have to give Mississipi another watch though because that film was fantastic
So for Wendy:
Charles Bromley (Sam Neill)
Edward Dalton (Ethan Hawke)
thank you! :)
Wendy McCoy x Charles Bromley (Sam Neill):
This choice is very interesting! Ignoring the fact that he isn't around when Wendy's story takes place; I honestly don't really see it working out as Wendy is a firm believer in the human condition and Bromley prefers to stay turned for immortality, but what makes this relationship intriguing to me is that I could definitely see Bromley act as like a dark seducing figure towards Wendy as he tries to convince her that she should give into becoming a vampire so he that he can keep her safe and they can be together forever. What Wendy wants most is stability and family so Bromley would want to play into that and do whatever he could to be the only one who would give it to her. The lengths he would go to do so. Hunting down his own daughter so that they could be a complete "proper" family. Wendy would be horrified if she heard what he had done and saw for herself that his own child was feeding on herself after she was turned by force and would flee him entirely. Believing that if he could do such a thing to someone so close to him, he would absolutely do it to her. Bromley would still try to convince her that he only wants what's best for her out of his love for her, but she would still resist him of course although his words would nag at her in the back of her mind later on and she would honestly give it some consideration before ultimately deciding not to go through with it. So, unless Bromley decides to keep her prisoner against her will thinking it's for her own good in a Dracula esq. Beauty and The Beast situation, i could see them as a forbidden star-crossed lover's type scenario that doesn't end happily for them.
Wendy McCoy x Edward Dalton (Ethan Hawke):
Not gonna lie this would be a cute alternative! In my AU Wendy does develop a great friendship with Edward over their shared experiences losing their younger brothers and the two of them just genuinely being passionate about what they do and believe in. If that were to turn romantic, I could see them building a bond that makes them both stronger for it. They would be able to confide in each other much faster than Wendy does with Elvis. Edward would talk about how empty it was to feel frozen in place, helpless with no real possible purpose while being a vamp, and Wendy would open up a bit easier about how she felt the same after the situation with her dad happened when she started drinking. They would be connected at the hip. Wendy would show off her favorite bands and tease Ed about his when he reveals them. Deep conversations late at night that Wendy would actively look forward to and would purposely decrease her travel distances for because he keeps her grounded and she loves hearing his thoughts. They would have each other's backs in frightful situations and Ed would feel all the more appreciated to have found her after he had gotten his second chance at life. Feeling more alive with her than he had ever remembered before and more willing to share that with her for rest of whatever time he has.
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justjessame · 3 months
Light Through the Darkness: Chapter 22
Mystic Falls, VA October 3, 1864
For three days Stefan had raged. The house was a bloody mess, first from the ill-fated stag party, then from the days he'd spent raging about losing Abigail. Damon took heart that he seemed to believe him when he swore that he'd been asleep upstairs, and had heard and seen nothing.
Damon had had the foresight to rid Abigail's room of any belongings she had left after her planned flight from home. Her shoes, books, vanity set, and other odds and ends were gone. He made sure of it. Only the stack of notes were left. He felt sure that Abigail would have left those behind if she'd fled on her own.
When they had entered her room, Stefan particularly excited, the next morning. Seeing her bed, remade and empty, he'd rushed through the house, certain she was awake and readying herself for him. Delusional didn't begin to cover his brother. Room to room, stepping lightly over the drained bodies of his party favors from the prior night, he alternated between screaming her name and calling to her as a long lost lover might.
Damon followed, seemingly checking each room, and calling out for Abigail as well. He was waiting for the inevitable suggestion. Stefan to say they should go door to door, but it didn't come until the next night. They stalked through the town, checking every house, every storefront, every church, and tomb. Damon would have laughed, at his knowing Stefan's mind so well, had he not seen the fervor of obsession still raging in his eyes.
"Her house," Stefan offered, this very morning. "We haven't gone there, and it's the only place left."
Damon nodded his agreement. "You're right, brother, we haven't. Are you sure she'd bother going there? It's not like it has happy memories." He asked, curious why he'd finally focused his attention there.
His brother let out a hot breath. "No, but she was planning on moving there. Father, promised to allow it." He growled low and dark. "Perhaps she's retreated there to consider the future?"
Always back to his hatred for their father. "Then let's go." He stood up. "We'll check the house, and if she's there, we'll bring her back." He kept eye contact with his insane little brother. "And if she isn't you'll need to think of new places. Because after her house, nowhere in Mystic Falls has been left unchecked." He let the facts settle, and Stefan rose to his feet.
"Then we find out where she was planning on traveling to." He said with firm resignation. "I'll find her if I have to transverse the globe, brother."
Damon's stomach wrenched. Had he been this obsessed with Katherine? Seeing his hands clench around Abigail's throat and then him lightly tossing her body on top of the moldering remains of his ancestor he realized the truth. What had set him free? Her death? According to Emily Bennett, Katherine wasn't dead, she was simply on hold. Out of sight out of mind should be fixing Stefan. Why wasn't it?
As they walked, slowly since it was broad daylight and they were trying to look like regular people on this strange stretch of road, Damon contemplated the difference between his obsession with Katherine and Stefan's with Abigail.
He often bragged that Katherine didn't have to compel him to drink her blood, that he chose to. That was true, as was the fact that he'd killed for her. Not just the attempt on Abigail, but he'd helped her with ruses against multiple victims. He'd told himself they were teaching exercises, for when he'd be her immortal partner, but looking back were they? He'd been so obsessed that he'd promised Emily that he would protect her descendants.
While he was focused on Abigail's plight right now, would that obsession return once he knew she was safe? If he watched the fervor disappear from Stefan's eyes, would he return to making it his life's mission to find her and make her whole again? He'd killed someone he loved for her. He hadn't known it wouldn't be permanent, that by some miracle of nature she'd survive. He had nearly made it a cycle of eternal torture by entombing her. This was the result of his obsessive love for Katherine.
Abigail's house loomed ahead of them. In the brilliance of the morning, the white of the outside was nearly blinding. Columns rose from the porch to the roof and its opulence was humbling. The only color that broke against the white was the deepest black. The front door, the frames of the windows, and shutters were all dark as a night without stars or moonlight. They stepped onto the porch and Stefan pulled out the key that Damon had made sure turned up in their father's desk drawer.
He slipped it into the door and turned the lock. The door swung open on quiet hinges, and they stood waiting. "Abigail?" Stefan asked, his voice loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to be considered yelling. "Are you in there Abigail?"
There were no sounds from within. The brothers on the porch couldn't even hear the sound of breathing. Damon smiled and offered a silent thank you to Emily for that hidden spell effect. For any vampire or human who came to this house, without going room to room, it was empty. Stefan tried to cross the threshold and was blocked. "Dammit. I haven't been invited." He glanced at his brother.
"No," Damon answered the silent question. "I haven't been here before either." He stepped forward and faked the same issue. "See? No invitation. Without Abigail we can't enter."
Stefan stepped away from the door, which thankfully hadn't opened so far that they couldn't reclose it. He walked the perimeter of the house and realized that there were no signs anyone had come or gone from the house in months. It was being kept up, but not as though being lived in. Another false lead.
Growling deep in his throat, Stefan vowed that somehow, someday he would find Abigail Morgan. And she would become his bride.
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