#I mean I love them regardless but these headcanon’s for them just hit different
northlight14 · 11 months
Spinaraki but specifically in a they’re both trans and autistic kinda way
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request headcanons of a Hogwarts!Yuu introducing the Magic Shift trio + Jack to Quidditch?
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request! It has been a rather long while since I have last seen any of the Harry Potter movies so I had to do a little bit of research for this one before I could begin. I hope that it turns out good! Enjoy!
TW: Mentions of severe bodily injury
Request: Magic shift team + Jack with Hogwarts!Yuu showing them Quidditch
A/N #2: Headers and dividers made by @blueberry-pride and @cafekitsune
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Actually seemed to be rather interested in the sport, as it seemed pretty similar to magic shift in a way only..... somehow more dangerous
Leona recalled the stories that you had recently told him about the sport, especially when the bludgers are involved and directed at you. So it was someone's main position to keep you from scoring by throwing essentially a massive weighted ball right at someone and just hope you don't get knocked off of your broom to fall dozens of feet below?
And you had seen it happen with it nearly killing a student?
And the game is still played??
Maybe there is a way to replicate the game here
And that is what happened, only there was just so much that could be done, as magic from your world and magic from his works very differently
Regardless, it looked like he actually quite enjoyed himself in the game. The others? Not so much, the man is rather competitive when he wants to be
Perhaps you'll tell him of more stories about the game?
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The most interested in the Seeker position after you told him all about the game
Ruggie is quick and quite the sneaky fellow, able to do what needs to be done
So he could easily see himself getting his hands on the Golden Snitch to be able to call the game a win for his side
Did show some concern for beaters and bludgers, because that bludger looks like it will really hurt if It hits you
.....what do you mean 'you would know'??
Cue a long story about you had gotten hit right in the chest with one, causing you to loose balance on your broom, falling to the ground, and then waking up in the infirmary with four broken ribs, a recovering concussion, and a broken leg
And you still continued to play??
New respect for you
Now onto actually trying the game out
You had managed to fashion together a pretty good replication of a Golden Snitch
And now Ruggie understood why it could take so long for a game to end if you are trying to catch that thing because he was ready to scream
Still managed to catch it, but it took some time
It's now a trophy for him and he tells his grandmother about it...... and about you
Wanna visit home with him? His grandmother will love you!
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Was all for this game the moment you told him of it, like, you could see just how excited he was
You see how he is during magic shift, and this is a more down and dirt and dangerous form of it
He wanted to play it and he wanted to play it now
(Don't tell Vil, if he hears how dangerous this game is, he may come and drag Epel back kicking and screaming)
On your way to the magic shift field to bring up this idea to the other members of the club, you recalled the stories of your own time playing, and the injuries you had sustained, one resulting in you unable to play the game for the remainder of the season given the extent of your legs injuries and the injury to your neck
You still have the scar
He absolutely loves them
As much as he would love to be a chaser, a seeker would suit him rather well, as you begin to explain
He is smaller, no jab at him, meaning he is lighter
Meaning he can go much faster with the right push and can easily slip into places where the Golden Snitch may be
With that explanation, Epel could certainly see what you meant and opted for that position
Vil still found out
But seeing that sheer excitement on Epel's face, the skill he had despite being a rookie to the game, and how well he was avoiding getting nearly slammed with a bludger, he took a seat in the stands. He hadn't really seen him in action during magic shift, and especially in this game and while he couldn't quite see the appeal, Epel was happy and you were keeping him safe
Epel will never thank you enough for this
His family now wants to meet you
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You had actually gained a quidditch injury shortly before coming to this world from your own and it was during one of these trips to the infirmary to check on the status of your healing process when you had told him about the game
What do you mean you tore your shoulder from its socket as well as breaking your foot, and wrist trying to catch the Golden Snitch? Is that where you also got that nasty black eye?
Could see the excitement in your face when you countered with the fact that you still managed to catch the Snitch and win the game
But you still got seriously hurt!
And here you are offering to show him the game here? Granted, you have much of what you need here, but it just sounds so dangerous
GIven that you were still recovering your injuries, the magic shift team played after your detailed explanations of the game, while you sat and watched on the sidelines with Jackl
He could commend the skill that was needed for the game, seeing each player carrying out the actions of their designated title
Jack may not play it, but if you decide to keep going after your injuries heal, he will certainly be here to cheer you on
No, his tail is not wagging
Just.... go back to watching the game
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Thank you so much for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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i-smoke-chapstick · 3 months
Can I just have a small bit of headcanons or a Drabble on your pick of multi Gotham boys and their hands? Like I dunno if this is weird or not but kinda like just a dive down on what their hands feel like, who’s are soft and who’s are rough, who has vein hands, who has calloused hands. Just that kind of stuff please?🙏🤭🥺 (reason being of a specific hand edit I saw on tiktok 💀, also don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t wanna. I completely understand.)
'FLESH, [hand! hcs]
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⋆ Characters ↬ Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz, Jonathan Crane
⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; gotham villains and how they use their hands on reader ;)
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!villains x female reader. Not pure porn but smut. Suggestive. Might be the most vanilla thing i've written? but I love this request so much and I AM A SLUT for these men. Canon typical violence for Victor, Oswald getting a little rough ;)
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♫ “This is just my way of unleashing the feelings deep inside of me.” Flesh by Simon Curtis
I know what you're thinking.
Oswald's hands? Out of every Gotham man I could've chosen???
YES. YES OSWALD'S HANDS. Have you seen this mans HANDS? Whether they are on a knife, or in those red gloves, or if he's leaning forward on them? All predatory like...
Not to mention...the VEINS. In almost every scene I've seen of this man? His hands are VEINY. Skinny bird man is not living up to that penguin stereotype, especially not in the earlier seasons.
God- just the way he stirs the wine glass or glass of brandy. Yeah. He's thinking and wishing it was your thighs he was holding, staring into the golden swirls.
The man has some issues with being nervous during sex, but when he lets loose he lets LOOSE. And he becomes feral, desperate, grinding and PAWING for every part of you he can kiss and hold and worship.
C'mon. We see the way he grips that cane of his. The way he holds the custom made knife. The way he gets his knuckles all bloody from hitting Fish or doing his own dirty work in season 1.
Also...going back to those red gloves of his. Could you imagine? Him making you grind yourself into the palm of his hand, watching you, mesmerized at the feeling of skin on leather.
He just wants to watch you writhe from pleasure. His little true love all needy for him and his hands. Gah.
He's so flustered, by the way, if you tell him you like his hands. He's sputtering, and asking why, but that little cheeky (and villainous mastermind) part of him is making a note to use them even more.
"You-," He says with a bit of an unbelieving smile, brows furrowed, voice wavering before his face turns to a look of complete shock, "You want me to what?"
Don't get him wrong, he's listening intently to your wishes, he just looks like he's seen a ghost at your vulgarity. He's not used to being wanted.
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♫ “You can dominate the game 'cause I'm tough / This spark of black that I seem to love.” Flesh by Simon Curtis
This man might have the most iconic hands out of EVERYONE on this list.
I mean, c'mon now. When you think of leather-clad knuckle-less gloves, who do you think of?
The man, the myth, the legend himself. Victor Zsasz has the hands of a working man and he likes to use them.
These are the same hands he carries his guns in, the same trigger finger that will pump inside you while you mewl around him.
In all seriousness, though, he LOVES his hands too. They are his favorite part of his body. Without his hands, what would he be able to do? He's skilled with them. Pleasuring you with them is no different.
They are slightly calloused from the sharp edges of the guns he holds, but he's learned to use his gloves to protect them. Regardless, the old scars and marks from when he was just a boy playing with a tec-9 still remain.
Also, he canonically wears rings when we first see him in the show. Yeah, he's using that to his advantage.
You'll feel the cold metal as he drags a finger along your spine, watching you shiver. He'll do that lazy side-smirk, breathing heavily as he watches you arch up into him just from a touch.
Don't tell him you love his hands. Please, for the sake of the zsaszettes having to suffer a total EGO trip. He's taking it in stride.
But if you do happen to mention it...he's bragging about it.
Every time he gets complimented on a nice shot, he's bring you up.
I can imagine him holding someone hostage, whether its Jim or someone else. He notices them staring at the gun in his hand, full of fear, and he'll look flattered.
"Oh? Are you staring at my hands? Sorry, I'm taken." He's mentioning, off-hand, to the rando he's kidnapped. It doesn't matter if the hostage is a full on 50 year old man. "My girlfriend says she loves my hands. Y'know, life's work, and all that."
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♫ “This is not the way into my heart, into my head. / Into my brain, into none of the above.” Flesh by Simon Curtis
Okay, maybe i’m just a monster fucker, but HEAR ME OUT!!
Uncut nails behind those talons of his on his costume. On or off.
Sometimes, he’ll be fully clothed, drawing scratch-marks into your skin, lowly humming in pleasure. That little spark of fear in your eyes when he draaaaaags down just right makes him go crazy.
He can’t help it. You’re his armeggedon, his muse, his savior all in one. The remedy to his madness…and you get all worked up from just a touch. It strokes his ego, like Victor, but he’s quieter about it.
Dirt beneath his fingernails, callouses and blisters from working with those damned poisons. He’s suffered a chemical burn or two, and you’ll see the small circle scars on his knuckles.
You’re like his personal test subject. He likes to study you- watch your expressions when he glides his nails down your skin, almost touching you- but not quite.
Surprisingly a tease when he finds out. He’s nonchalant. He won’t let you see the sheer arousal simmering beneath the surface.
But boy, it’s there. His heavy breathing. It affects him just as much as it effects you. The chill down your back, the shivers left in his wake. He takes his time edging playing with you.
You might need to ask him to cut them lowkey because they can be kinda painful when he’s fingering you. Or…if you’re into that little sting of pain while his tongue massages your clit through his mask.
He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, it’s filthy.
“There you go, little mouse. You like it, don’t you?” He pauses, in thought, while you grind for friction like a cat in heat against his finger tips. “I wonder…where I should sink my claws into you next?”
That damned deep voice of his…the subtle curl of his fingers inside you. Before you know it, he’s pumping in and out, trying to elicit the most vulgar reactions from you. He can’t help it. For a man who prides himself on control…he looses it all when he’s with you.
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amerricanartwork · 3 months
So, I'm looking at your arti and gourmand art (absolutely fucken love the two, you draw them so adorable) and I got hit with an Intrusive Thought that I simply must share:
Arti bench pressing Gourm
Firstly, glad you enjoy my Artimand content! I just think they'd make such a funny yet sweet couple, and I love drawing them!
And now I'll address that thought to actually explain a little headcanon I just so happened to be pondering recently along that subject!
It's on the subject of where Arti's greater strength comes from. See, unlike other designs that show Arti as being bigger and seemingly more muscular than the average slugcat, I actually like to imagine her as a little smaller than average (about 2'10", to be exact; average is 3ft.), for both more humor and narrative significance. However, this begs the question of why she's the only slugcat who can dislodge regular spears, which implies she's stronger than average too?
Well, my conclusion was that it was a combination of adrenaline-based strength with the fact, by the time her campaign occurs, she's been in and still remains in very frequent intense combat scenarios, so she gets far more opportunity to train her muscles than even regular carnivorous slugcats. It's especially so if her needing to carry around scavenger corpses to pass through Karma gates is canon and not just a game mechanic.
However, if that were the case it would also mean this extra strength would only exist before she gets with Gourmand. Afterwards, I imagine she loses much of it and reverts to more Hunter levels of strength due to 1. no longer being constantly filled with pure fiery rage and an almost instinctive urge for vengeance, 2. being in a much safer environment where she no longer has to fight troupes of scavs every cycle (I imagine she over time reconciles with them too, but that's something for later), and 3. much of her lost muscle at the time of meeting Gourm being replaced by fat as his eating habits awaken her own bigger appetite.
So long story short, given the big size and weight difference, she might have been able to lift Gourm before becoming his mate if she were that angry and determined enough. But unfortunately, there's no chance of her bench-pressing him after she settles in with him. And I'm sure she'd be at least a little mad about it, too.
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But, of course, Gourm still loves her regardless!
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
Would you write the lin kuei trio turning into neko? And the reader would be responsible for taking care of the three of them until they returned to their natural form
A/N: Random fun fact - my boyfriend's kitten is called "Tomas" because my boyfriend knows I like Smoke from MK, so he let me put it.
TW: sfw, cute, fluff, the Lin Kuei trio can turn into kittens too!
✧ headcanons from neko bi han ✧
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Oh no... The Lin Kuei trio have become cute nekos!
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You really didn't know how to deal with the three ninjas now as nekos, mainly because Bi Han was going to tease poor Tomas even more, his little ears were gray, Bi Han's were black, just like Kuai Liang's and each one would take on a different personality. combinatorial with his current neko form.
Bi Han is like an elegant and skittish black cat, he can transform into a smaller kitten too, but he is still extremely grumpy and likes to knock things over on purpose when he takes on a black kitten form ── he is the type who sees a mug at the end of the table and deliberately knocks it over just to see your reaction, soon transforming back into a humanoid neko and saying that he "didn't realize what he did."
He's really the one who gives the most work out of the entire trio, especially when he realizes that you're paying more attention to his brothers than to him. He will also coo on your lap and scratch and bite you if you don't pet his tail ── regardless of whether he is like neko or totally kitten, he needs your affection and to be spoiled by you.
Tomas is a more fearful and quiet neko, like a Siamese cat ── with white fur and small gray spots. He was scared by the transformation but quickly got used to it, mainly because he kept biting his own fluffy tail. (He will whine and complain when you forbid him from biting him, his big blue eyes will bore into you while he would just go somewhere alone. )
The ninja will also try to play with his older brother when they are both in shape. kitten, but Bi Han will hit him and kick him out of his side (like in those videos of kittens fighting and pawing each other) he will come back meowing and crying at you, saying that his brother was mean to him.
(Bi Han will just turn his face away and go back to pretending nothing happened while he waited for you to pet his head.)
Regardless of whether he is as neko or not, the slavic ninja is extremely sensitive, enjoying playing and having your attention ── He's really not as worried about changing shape and becoming fully human again like his brothers, he has you taking care of him and a warm bed, hot milk and love.
He will stay on top of you while you sleep (please don't complain to him, he knows he is heavy but he will just want you to massage his gray ears while he purrs happily and yawns showing his fangs. He will also turn into a kitten sometimes to go for a walk around and also for you to carry him in your arms.)
Kuai Liang is the calmest of all, he doesn't ask for affection and doesn't want to be taken care of ── but he also won't complain if you pet him. When he turns into a kitten, he will be the orange kitten type, running around and being equally silly.
He is also responsible for taking care of Tomas, sometimes you will see the two of them walking together like kittens, playing with some balls of wool that you left loose, while Bi Han will fight with Liang for being so inelegant (later you will seeing the grandmaster also playing with balls of wool with his brothers is a rare scene where the three are together).
Kuai will also spend most of the time sleeping, you can feel his arms and claws on you during the night while he sleeps again ── if he accidentally hurts you he will apologize and lower his little ears while hiding his face in the sheets.
You'll also have to share a bed with the three of them, so be prepared to stay up all night listening to the three cat men's loud roars.
You will be responsible for taking them out for a walk and stopping Tomas from running away at the first opportunity he sees something that catches his attention. So every time you ask them to transform back into kittens to make it easier for you to take them from one place to another.
You'll see them watching cartoons while you take care of the Lin Kuei appointments in Bi Han's place (he'll just purr and say he can't write down the papers because he's too tired, and he'll still be on your lap while you write everything down, listening to him tell you to do it faster and pay attention to him and his brothers.)
Overall you'll have to be very patient, but it's worth it after seeing the three of them sleeping peacefully with their ears flopping happily.
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𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆.
♡⁠˖ 》 my ao3 profile
♡⁠˖ 》 my janitor a.i pfp
♡⁠˖ 》 my character a.i pfp
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mothzarellaman · 1 year
The Life Series and Eyes (A Headcanon Rambling)
hello traffiblr! Y'all voted to have me rant about the life series and my personal headcanons regarding eyes, so. Here we go!
So let me hit you guys with a quick overview.
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here's a quick reference. While these all depend on the individual, and the series, I'll explain what each general eye color means.
4+ Lives
People with 4+ lives fall into this category. Their eyes are a dark green, bordering on teal. I think it would be interesting if A. eyes act as a sort of weak gradient in terms of 4-1 lives. So, there's a bit more blue. 2. Personal headcanons regarding speakers, and their colors. 3. A sort of parallel to the Boogey eyes. both are very dark. So its harder to tell if they have 4+ lives somehow, or if they're boogey.
3 Lives
A classic. A nice, simple green. While the exact hue varies depending on the person (because of either violent or peaceful behavior/simply what looks good with them), greens have generally bright green eyes.
2 Lives
Similarly to 3, the exact hue depends on behavior of the individual. Someone who's more violent would be closer to an amber, while peace loving players lean towards more of a yellow-green. The eyes are always clearly yellow, though.
1 Life
While the others would go towards a color dependent on behavior, all bets are called off for reds. The hue is purely aesthetic. It is no longer a clue towards general behavior. There's rarely any allowance for personal preferences in reds. All they can see is violence and conquest.
Basically, I reject the idea of boogies having purple eyes or glints for symbolism with watchers. It's far more threatening to me if their normally bright colored eyes are chips of the void. Obviously, characters still have pupils, I just don't include them in my style. I can't decide if Boogies have pure black eyes, or if their eyes are a dried-blood color so dark it only seems reddish in light.
0 Lives / Dead
And finally, we have grey eyes. When it comes to deaths before the final death, the bodies disappear quickly, as soon as the person respawns, I'd wager. But after that final death, their body remains. Their eyes quickly lose all color, and end up as grey. This was chosen just out of design choice, the lifeless look, and also, by incident, Scar's red-life skin. It makes him completely greyscale, so a similar logic applies here.
Character Specific Colors
Here's a quick guide to character specific colors. Again, everyone has a unique one. Do note that most of these are simply what looks good, as I've only had the time to watch Grian's pov, and not anyone elses.
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Ik they don't really... look good and may not fit, but hey, I'm here to rant about design ideas, not actual colors lol. And you will not believe how hard it is to make 16 different palletes unique and at least kinda match the character while having the same main 4 colors. I will address Grian, dw. Boogey and dead eyes are the same color, regardless of character.
3rd Life
Alright, so, from the base rules, nothing changes. It uses the same logic mentioned up above. Green, yellow, red, and grey. There's no real special mentions here that are exclusive to 3L.
Last Life
Similarly to 3L, LL lacks any specific changes to eyes. The only addition are the new eye colors for boogey and 4+.
Double Life
Here, characters share eye colors. What do I mean by this? I mean, their signature eye colors are at a gradient with their soulmate's. So, for example, Pearl and Scott's Green eyes are mixed as a gradient with both are on green. This applies for every life, and every soulbond. It gives people slight clues as to who exactly their soulmate is, but its hard to tell. When scar showed up boasting purple eyes, everyone was confused, to say the least lmao.
Limited Life
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ok i'm definitely the happiest with this one. The idea is that everyone's eyes are functionally, like a clock. I illustrated it really badly, but the idea is cool ok. The idea is that like, idk, every 1/8 of someone's eye represents an hour. Every hour lost from the 'benchmark' turns to the next color. For example, if someone has 24 hours, their eyes are pure green. If they have, say, 18, they only have 1/4 (2/8) of green left, the rest of their eye being green. If they have only an hour left, they only have an 1/8 of an eye red, the rest being grey. The color of their current life slowly recedes in an almost spiral pattern as time goes on. If someone somehow had 24+ hours, same rule would apply to their 4+ life, so to speak. they'd only have a sliver of the dark green, with most of their eye being their 'normal' green.
okay, I know for sure people are questioning why Grian's eyes are neon purple. The reason why is on the simpler side. Watcher. He's the only one out of the players to be an actual watcher. Some people (like Pearl and BigB) definitely have some ties to them, but Grian's the only full blown watcher. (Martyn is tied to the listeners, who are green to me, so his colors are greener despite being prone to violence lmao. And Scott is tied more to the Speakers, who are blueish/cyan to me. Pearl, as Scott's soulmate in DL, has that bluish tint to a degree. )
But, you might ask, how do people not notice??? Well, its because of my Grian design.
This is old and it doesn't quite show my idea well, but alas.
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I've already made reference images for this and I can't find the motive to draw a Grian headshot lmao. The idea is taking the Watcher's face plate. You know the one. The mask. And taking that, and instead of having the Evo symbol, no, it has, guess what. Grian's weird freaking eyes. Yep. Whether this was his attempt at camouflaging himself among non-watchers, or if it was his basically middle finger towards them, refusing to show obvious alliance with them, idk. All I know is he basically vandalized his Watcher mask. Still, you might say, that doesn't explain why is eye color is purple. Well, if you take away his mask, it's either basically a void with purple eyes inside, or probably some sort of void looking crack through his face, as if it isn't actually flesh. He can choose to have 'normal' eyes, but they always remain that Alexandria's Genesis purple, and it messes with his sight. Basically he sees too much. (I'd elaborate in my Watcher/Listener/Speaker post if people wanted 👀)
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musicalmoritz · 23 days
What do you think of Natsuhiko as a character? I personally don't like him all that way, granted it's pretty surface level. While I wouldn't say I hate or despise him, I do find him a tad irritating in the beginning of the series. However later chapters have piqued my interest regarding his character as a whole, and I would also like to ask about his relationship with Sakura. At first glance it seemingly falls into a dynamic like AoiAoi, where the girl shows disinterest while the guy does not stop with his pursuits. Of course now we have more insight on AoiAoi, but this isn't yet the case for Sakuhiko. So by extension, what do you take from their dynamic?
Thank you for this question, Sakura and Natsuhiko are two of my favorites but I haven’t gotten the chance to talk abt them much yet!! (I say “favorites” but they’re 9 and 10th on my character ranking respectively so do with that info what you will lol)
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Starting off with Natsuhiko, I didn’t like him much at first either. In fact, when I first watched the anime, I fucking hated this dude on sight. Like I couldn’t even stand to look at him, he gave me frat boy vibes and I didn’t trust him. When I realized he was going to be a prominent character I dreaded it. I’m not sure when my opinion started to change, maybe around the door arc?? As a Natsunene enjoyer that one’s a favorite of mine lol. Tbh he still annoys me sometimes, he’s just so shady mixed with a personality that’s made to be irritating and it makes me roll my eyes so hard. I feel bad saying that bcuz a lot of my moots LOVE him but fear not, he’s in my top 10 for a reason
As much as I love Sakura and Natsuhiko, it’s hard to say much about either of them with what little info we’ve been giving. I have to laugh at ppl who think the current arc of the manga is going to be the last one because that would likely mean the series would end without either of them ever getting their time to shine (despite all the recent lore that’s been dropped, we still don’t know much about Natsuhiko). However, what we’ve seen of them so far has been super compelling
For Natsuhiko, I like him most when he’s with the Broadcasting Crew. I know he’s almost always with them but I mean specifically when we see the side of his character that acts like a true upperclassman. I like when he’s visibly annoyed with Tsukasa, it shows a different side to his laidback personality. Despite how chill he appears, he seems to have a short temper, it’s just something he keeps inside. I also think him being an ASMRist in the Monster Nursery au is so hilariously on brand. And tbh I could yap forever about what the anime did with the Monster Nursery au!! I can’t remember if Natsuhiko was the undercover researcher in the original au or not but regardless I love the route they took. If I have time I will absolutely write a Sakuhiko fic set in that universe someday bcuz they give me major Spy X Family vibes
I need more details on why he can’t die and how his blood kills people. Is he from an exorcist clan??? Is he part supernatural??? What is his deal??? I’m very interested to learn more about him. He’s always been a suspicious character so I like that we’re starting to get more insight on him
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Now onto Sakuhiko…*dreamy sigh*. I love Sakuhiko so much. They’re one of my top ships for TBHK, at one point they were even my favorite. I do headcanon them as sapphics, with Sakura being a nonbinary lesbian and Natsuhiko being a genderfluid bisexual. I have written a few fics for them on ao3 so if you’re looking for some good sapphic Sakuhiko stuff…🤭
I see where the AoiAoi parallels come from on a surface level but beyond that I feel as though the two ships are quite different! First off, Aoi never shuts Akane down the way Sakura does with Natsuhiko. Sakura hits him every time he tries to make a move on them, a clear sign of rejection coupled with berating him verbally. They make their disinterest abundantly clear, although it’s highly implied that the ship isn’t as one-sided as it appears. There are moments where Sakura looks at Natsuhiko with fondness, and times where they even seem to flirt with him! Natsuhiko himself says that Sakura just has a different way of showing their love for him, very similar to the Minamoto Typical Sadism I write so often lol. It’s not a TBHK couple without a little sadomasochism (not the weird kinky kind just the bullying kind, the majority of them are babies. Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to specify that but this is Tumblr)
Anyways this is very different from how Aoi “rejects” Akane. Every time she turns him away, she does so in a way that will encourage him to keep trying. With a cute smile and a hand to her face, rating his pursuits so he’ll be motivated to try and do better next time. She never gives him less than 2 points (as far as I remember), and she’s not even mean to him until she’s under the potion in chapter 69. I’m pretty sure Aoi would cry at the thought of treating Akane the way Sakura treats Natsuhiko, she’s pretty down bad and dependent on him in certain ways. She shuts down at the thought of Akane ever moving on, so she would never reject him so bluntly and risk losing his approval. Sakura doesn’t seem to care what Natsuhiko thinks of them, they’re a very independent as opposed to Aoi who is more on the dependent side of things. If Sakura were revealed to have been super clingy and emotionally attached to Natsuhiko this whole time, that would be weird writing. But Aoi’s attachment to Akane has been implied since the Confession Tree arc
The differences between Natsuhiko and Akane are so interesting to me because they get compared so often. The biggest thing I notice is the level of respect they have for their partners. Akane is overly obsessive and a yandere at times but he never actually attempts to touch Aoi the way Natsuhiko frequently does with Sakura (not in a perverted way like Hanako but he still makes attempts to take their hand or hold them in a way we never see Akane do with Aoi). The first time we really see Akane being physically aggressive with Aoi was in ch.69, when he was initially trying to forcefully stop her from a suicide attempt. Not saying he handled it right but I try to cut him some slack bcuz it was an insanely tense situation, I myself wouldn’t have handled it perfectly.
After that, he kisses her hand to apologize for saying he hates her (many fans mistake this scene for him ignoring her consent but if we focus on the setup, that wasn’t the situation at all- the kiss was an apology and Aoi’s “don’t touch me” didn’t even get a full speech bubble). At that point she’s blushing and leaning into him, no longer trying to run away. She looks conflicted bcuz it’s a very emotional scene, but she’s clearly calmed down from how she was feeling before. By the time they kiss, she’s fully clinging onto him. After that he’s more causally touchy with her, like holding her hand or helping her get around No.6’s boundary. Aside from official arts we never really see Sakura leaning into or reciprocating Natsuhiko’s touch. They appear to enjoy his company, letting him tag along everywhere they go; but they’re not easily moved by affection the way Aoi is. That doesn’t stop Natsuhiko from being pushy, but I will give him that he knocks it off after Sakura rejects him. I swear I’m not trying to cancel this dude, I’m just saying he has less regard for boundaries the way Akane does
Another thing is reciprocation. During the Clock Keepers arc, Akane tells Nene that he plans to love and support Aoi even if she never loves him back. This means he expects nothing in return for all the love he gives her, all he wants is to make her feel loved. And if she enjoys receiving daily confessions, he’ll gladly make a fool out of himself each time. In the same scene he talks about Aoi’s past with having to put up with creepy guys, which explains why he’s so overprotective and hostile to men who want to pursue her. We see later in the manga he’s not as bothered when he realizes Teru’s feelings for her are genuine. Once he realizes Teru respects Aoi the same way he does, and that he won’t hurt her like he does with Akane, he begins to view Teru as healthy competition. This is much different from the way he treats Yokoo and Satou in ASHK when he catches them spying on Aoi
Also in ASHK, we see Natsuhiko attempt to give Sakura a love potion. I know this was literally in a comedy spin off but it stands out to me because Akane would never do this to Aoi. He respects her too much for that, he would never force her to reciprocate his feelings. Natsuhiko is a far more manipulative character, so it’s not all that surprising to me that he’d be okay with Sakura’s love being fake. He just wants a date with them, he doesn’t seem to care how he gets it. Again, I’m not trying to accuse him of being something he’s not, I want to make that very clear (think of Hanako, he’s known for being a perv but he would never intentionally make Nene upset or uncomfortable. Imo Natsuhiko is similar but in a different way, I wouldn’t call him a perv like Hanako but he’s a bit more possessive than the other characters). I see Sakuhiko as being on the more toxic end of TBHK ships as opposed to AoiAoi which has become more healthy recently. That’s not necessarily a problem with the pairing, just something I don’t see pointed out as often. And keep in mind that the toxicity is mutual, since Sakura knows Natsuhiko can’t die they regularly make attempts on his life and send him out to do dangerous missions. They’ve both got their quirks
One of my favorite things abt the ship is how Natsuhiko seems to know Sakura better than most people. More than Sakura is aware of, probably. I’m thinking specifically of that scene where Mitsuba asked if he could stay with the Broadcasting Crew and Sakura didn’t know how to respond so Natsuhiko answered for them. Sakura cares more deeply for people than they let on, and the only person who seems to recognize that is Natsuhiko. That’s so!! Fucking sweet to me!! They’re a toxic mess but they were made for each other and at the end of the day they’ll stay by each other’s sides. Natsuhiko would watch the world burn if it meant Sakura would look in his direction. Despite the themes of betrayal in his character, he is loyal to a fault when it comes to Sakura. I love that so much
Sometimes I wonder how serious the relationship is tho bcuz like…every time I see it written platonically absolutely nothing changes. Maybe Natsuhiko is there for ulterior motives and he’s just joking abt the flirting. I highly doubt that since TBHK is partially a romance but it’s a cool concept. I also love their ship trope, they remind me of Beast Boy and Raven. Grumpy X Sunshine except they’re both kinda shitty people. Peak
I hope you enjoyed this deep dive, and that I didn’t turn you away from the ship yapping abt their problems lol. To me toxic elements of ships are more things I love about them (within reason) because I love exploring character flaws and how people can overcome those in relationships. Or sometimes I just want to see them be terrible together. The duality of woman.
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Hello! I was the anon who asked about the SAHSR au.
May I request headcanons with Caelus, Dan Heng, March 7th, Welt, Jing Yuan, Sampo, Kafka and Blades reaction to having 2 players in one account? One ABSOLUTELY loves the fighting (and the flirting choices) of the game, while the other is more invested in the lore (ESPECIALLY the garbage can lore). (Ill call em FP and LP respectively).
Both share one main team when they play story mode together but have their own teams when they play independently, they work together like an well-oiled machine when they play together. (FP specializing in fights with equiptment and strategy, while LP aids in lore aspects of quests, and explains lore to FP when theyre confused) The main trio have a special place in their hearts so they lovingly call em "our children"
Id imagine, they'd get petty if one accidentally plays some of the storyline ahead being like " you played ahead...??? Without me?!?!?! JAIL! JAIL FOR 100,000 YEARSS >:o" - LP
Heres some interactions I'd imagine the character may overhear:
Fp: *about sampo's slits of skin* he's just a goofy little guy who just a little fruity, I mean sureeee he's aware of the fourth wall and scams people BUT he's just so silly 😌💕 Lp: Listen, I get it, he's your snookims 🙄 but just because he's dresses fruity DOES NOT make you immune to the cold, ESPECIALLY the Belabog winters.😒
LP: *Blade makes a quote about death* Me too bestie, me too 😔✌️ FP: Jesus christ, LP we've talked about this, this is the exact the reason I can't let you have Blade on your team. LP: I mean to be fair, the difference between me and them is that I got therapy and a solid support system. He's just my darker timeline. FP: ..... Dammit your right..
FP: *Just pulled Kafka* LETS GOOOO!! MOMMY KAFKA HAS COME HOME TO MEEE!!! *barking* LP: *snorts in the background* FP: Oh Shi- * hits themselves with the phone* LP: * laughing hysterically with the sounds of slapping can be heard in the back*
LP: *out of the blue* I miss my hubby :( FP: Who? LP: Screwllium FP: .... The robot??? LP: Yeah :( FP: Why?? Are your old men not enough for you? LP: Besides how cool his design is, and his genuine charm, I have a better chance at romance with a robot then any human-esque being FP: ... if we ever see your cousins again I'm going to beat the living shit out of them for destroying your confidence...
(if it's too much and your not comfy, no pressure to do this, but please just let me know Also, sorry that it's long, I got super excited 😅 and needed to get it out of my head ajdbjdnd, but thank you if you accept my request)
Hi! Thank you for your request! This is a really cool idea; hopefully I've done it justice. I love the interaction examples you've put in your request; they made me laugh! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like the headcanons.
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, March 7th, Welt Yang, Jing Yuan, Sampo, Kafka, Blade
A self-aware au in which two players with very different play styles share an account. What do the characters think of them?
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The first of the “children”. Caelus feels flattered that the players think of him that way but is a bit curious as to why they call him that considering everyone’s respective age…
Loves the banter between the two players. He’s a quietly sarcastic little gremlin so that’s right up his alley.
Has a soft spot for the lore focused player, mostly since they like the garbage can lore and that’s something he feels he and the player can bond over.
But both players hold a special place in his heart since he’s formed a bond with both of them over the course of the game.
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Dan Heng has so many questions. Why are the players calling him their “child”? He’s older than they are. And there’s certainly no biological connection.
Regardless, he knows it’s their way of displaying affection so he’ll take their comments with gratitude, despite their baffling nature.
Has a preference towards the lore invested player, mostly because history and the story behind the story are his interests as well. He feels they can bond over that shared interest.
He also appreciates it when the players find records that get added to the archive. He wouldn’t be able to read as much if they didn’t so he’s very grateful.
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Unlike Dan Heng, March absolutely loves being referred to as one of the players “children”. She thinks it’s a sweet term of affection.
She doesn't like playing favourites but she has a preference towards the player that prefers fighting and flirting. She thinks they’re fun!
Like Caelus, March loves the banter between the players, as long as it doesn’t get too serious; she likes to keep things fun.
She always gets nervous when the story progresses with only one player present. She knows they only play the storyline together, so she gets concerned that something has happened to the other player.
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Welt is concerned about the players sometimes…why is one of the players calling Screwllum their “hubby”? And is the other player talking about him when they talk about the old man?!
But his concern is just his way of displaying his affection for the players.
The contrast between their playing styles may have confused and annoyed him at first but it quickly grows on him and now he can’t imagine any other playing style.
Doesn’t really have a favourite between the players. If he had to choose, he might lean more towards the lore focused player since flirting isn’t really his style. But he cares for the both pretty equally.
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Jing Yuan will argue over who the players are referring to when they talk about the “old men” forever. In his mind, that’s him; if he’s going to be called old, it may as well be in reference to someone showing interest in him…
He’s a general so he has a lot of respect for the players for taking turns when their respective interests and strengths are relevant.
Despite their cohesion, Jing Yuan will sometimes critique the players on their shortfallings. They work well together most of the time, but when one plays ahead, Jing Yuan just shakes his head.
He knows there’s going to be some pettiness to follow the next time both players are on together.
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Sampo doesn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted when the players keep talking about him being “just a goofy little guy who’s just a little fruity”.
He loves the fighting and flirting player; they remind him a lot of himself so he feels like they share a strong connection.
Since he’s the only one with the power to break the fourth wall, he often passes on messages from the other characters. He just has to find ways to work those messages into the story so it doesn’t seem strange.
And the other characters have to repay him somehow. Sampo’s not doing that for free, he’s got his own messages to pass along as well.
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Kafka is subtly honoured that the players feel so positively about her, especially the fighting and flirting player.
When she came home for the first time, she was bombarded by screams as the players celebrated her arrival.
Doesn’t have a favourite between the players but if forced to choose, she would probably say the fighting flirting player.
What can she say? Undying affection is something she can appreciate and that player certainly has that in droves for her.
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Blade is more reserved about his affection for the players. His main way of displaying affection for them is increasing the number of quotes he says about death.
He knows the lore based player likes those quotes and he enjoys hearing the banter between the players after he says something edgy.
He is slightly concerned about them sometimes though. His edginess and depression is fine since he’s just a character. But it’s different for the players and he hopes they’re doing okay.
No preference between the players but he prefers it when they’re both playing together. It leads to less conflict in the future…
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fiveht · 11 months
hello! I love your writing and I think you may be the best porn writer I've ever encountered. I'm just wondering if you'd ever write bottom Remus? not trying to be pushy, just wondering because I'd love to read it. grateful for whatever you want to share with us regardless 🖤
So there's an important distinction that I'd like to make clear, and that's the fact that bottoming (being the receiving partner during penetrative sex) should not be conflated with subbing. Being penetrated doesn't make you submissive. It's a common viewpoint, both in fandom and elsewhere, and I just want to preface this reply with that note. I know that most of us understand that there's a difference, but many people still use "bottom" to refer to both the receiving partner and the submissive partner in casual speech, so I'm just clarifying that I'm separating those concepts here.
I'm very, very picky about the dynamics between my pairings. And I'm not referring to what activities they get up to, but rather to the roles they take on during said activities. This applies to pretty much every pairing I've ever shipped, and I've shipped quite a few of them. I'm probably just rigid and stubborn, but once a pairing is settled in my mind, I really have little interest in straying outside of my own headcanons. This means that I generally read VERY sparingly, but it also means I feel motivated to write my own fics in order to fill the void created by my inflexible preferences. The Adore verse is the product of that.
In the case of Wolfstar, I like Remus as the more dominant partner and Sirius as more submissive, whether it's a formal D/s situation or just the way they happen to behave toward each other in the bedroom. That dynamic is what's important to me, not the specific acts they're performing. I'd totally read about Remus gently but firmly guiding Sirius through fucking him exactly right, calling him a good boy and praising him at every turn. Or, if you're in the mood for a little humiliation kink, maybe berating him for going too fast or not hitting the right angles, being way too eager, mocking him for coming too early for Remus to even think about getting off, making him apologise and make up for it with his mouth.
So, would I write bottom Remus? It could happen! I can't say I've been especially inspired to write it, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility. Would I write sub Remus? Nah, it's just not my thing. If I wrote him bottoming, he would still unquestioningly be the dominant partner.
This was a lot of words for "maybe", wasn't it? Thank you for the ask, and for the kind words. I'll try to keep living up to them. ❤️
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 4 months
Idle musing, would Sabrina be a member of the trauma trios "Parents suck club"? As in, are they aware Roger sucks from early on, or do they only realize it later and not long before her "If I am not being useless I shouldn't exist" Akumatization, followed by him realizing he fucked up and trying to be better?
I'm . . . honestly not sure? Like I can see an argument for both, but on the whole, I lean towards Sabrina not realizing how toxic Roger is, while the Trio do realize, but they get the extent or source wrong.
Cause like. I don’t think Sabrina thinks there's anything wrong until her breakdown. But Chloé and Adrien, they have those breakdowns a little earlier in Aware AU, right? Like, the summer before that school year, when Emilie goes missing, that’s when they both realize things are shit (I think that’s what we're going with?). And at first it might not hit them, or rather, it might not hit Chloé. Chloé's abuse looks very different. But the thing is, ADRIEN'S actually has some similarities. Sabrina is always told to "serve the community". Adrien is always told to "think of the brand". It comes out differently, because Gabriel is neglectful, while Roger isn't, but a lot of the wording could be the same. And once they have that realization, it becomes fairly easy to see Roger through the lens they see their parents through, which would be where the misconception kicks in. Gabriel is neglectful, doling out tiny bits of praise to make Adrien try his best to please him. André tries to alternately buy Chloé's affection, or make his own contractional. Audrey dangles some impossible goal in front of Chloé with the idea that, if she reaches it, she'll finally love her. In fact, I think the thing that would make them realize how toxic the relationship could be, is that a lot of what Roger says sounds like EMILIE.
Emilie wasn’t perfect. And while I headcanon her as better than Gabe, she still kept Adrien lock up. She still kept him away from the world. She was just better at explaining it to Adrien, but the thing is, with some of how Adrien acts? I see Emilie's big thing as guilt trips. Whenever Adrien wanted to go out, or do something, Emilie would make it seem like Adrien wanted to abandon her, or was hurting her feelings, which means Adrien would immediately fall over himself reassuring her. It might not have been wholly on purpose, but I can see that happening. And THAT'S a lot of how Roger reacts to things. Why aren’t you doing this? Why are you acting this way? Don't you want to be a good person?
So, Chloé and Adrien see Roger as a manipulative guilt tripper, while Sabrina thinks they're both losing it. After all, her dad is NOTHING like Gabriel, or André or Audrey, right? But I could see it eventually driving a wedge between Chloé and Sabrina, if Chloé eventually starts insisting that Roger is an awful person, while Sabrina keeps saying he's not. And like, neither are completely wrong, but they don’t have perspective. Especially for the Trauma Trio, they don’t really have experience with "good" parents. Like, they're aware they exist. But their default until proven otherwise is that all parents are manipulative people who only show you affection when they want something from you. And Roger is too close on their own parents on the scale for them to see he's just a guy who learned poor lessons of his own.
Like, again, the big difference between Roger and our other "Parents Who Suck" is that Roger does, genuinely, care for Sabrina. He does love her. It’s just the lessons he's teaching her, which he wholly believes in, that are toxic. Like, serving the community by itself is not a bad lesson, but the extremes Roger takes it to are bad, because they affect him and Sabrina negatively. Someone has taught ROGER these things, and he sees them as normal, but he thinks of them as positive lessons, right? Plus, he's stubborn, so anyone challenging him is seen as an attack, and Roger gets defensive. But regardless of this, Sabrina comes first. It’s why, when Sabrina has her breakdown, Roger would manage to put aside his personal feelings, because "shit, I hurt my kid". Like, what matters to Roger, first and foremost, is Sabrina's happiness and safety. He THOUGHT the whole "service to the community" was making Sabrina happy and keeping her safe. When he realizes it wasn’t, that it was actually making her stressed and miserable, that’s when he starts changing. Like, again, I think he NEEDED to see the negative consequences first hand, because he's a stubborn son of a bitch, but once he does see them, he is open to fixing them.
So . . . I guess I wouldn’t count Sabrina OUT of the Trauma Trio. She definitely has a less than stellar dad, and needs a LOT of therapy. But I also don’t count Roger with the other parents, because even though it’s small, he does have the capacity to change and put Sabrina first. The others don’t have that.
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amporella · 2 years
do you have any fun Style Parenting headcanons?? idk that’s pretty much the only flavor of Style I haven’t seen you cover much of yet 😭
STYLE AS PARENTS... you're right that I haven't talked about them as much as I should!!!! But I really do love them!!! Here are some of my thoughts, though (warning) they are very cliche:
STAN IS A PROTECTIVE FATHER. I mean, this is essentially canon (thank you Follow That Egg) but I really especially mean it when it comes to style and kids. And I really REALLY REALLY especially mean it when it comes to Post-Covid Stan and Kyle's kids. I really do think that Stan holds his family SO dearly (losing it as a child was essentially what caused his life to fall apart in the bad ending), and it is my firm belief that Kyle and parenting those kids are one of the reasons he's so fulfilled in the good ending. His kids are his life and he treats them as such!!!!
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STAN IS BANDIT FROM BLUEY. HEAR ME OUT. Bandit is SO stancore it's ridiculous. He is SUCH a good sport and always so enthused and the whole time he's busting out the moves on Chilli despite constantly entertaining his two kids? EXTREMELY STAN. In one episode he's doing workouts with Bluey and Bingo clinging to his legs and it just checks out as so Stan. CHILLI CAN ALSO BE KYLE... she's so comforting and quippy IT'S JUST VERY HIM!!
Stan is also a Girldad. I KNOW KYLE'S SON EXISTS AND I LOVE HIM DEARLY but Stan being a girldad just hits different.
Kyle is an EXTREMELY active parent in that he will go to every single game AND every single PTA meeting. He is a terror to the poor school board because he shows up EVERY TIME and is very very difficult to push around, especially when it comes to his kids.
In that sense Kyle can go a little too far sometimes and end up becoming overbearing like his mom, which is why it's so good that he has Stan to balance him out!! Kyle's always switching between spoiling his kids (HE JUST LOVES THEM SO MUCH) and trying to be a rule-abiding parent, while Stan's a lot more laid back. If Kyle put away the snacks the kids wanted at the grocery store, Stan would get them and secretly buy them. So the kids really end up spoiled regardless of who's doing it.
Stan is SO playful and he throws those kids around in the most loving way. Play wrestling champion.
Kyle naturally frets about that all the time
OVERALL THEY JUST LOVE THEIR KIDS SO MUCH... HOW MANY MORE TIMES CAN I SAY IT!! They're also one of those couples where having kids makes their relationship stronger rather than the other way around. The style family is WHOLLY domestic and good for them.
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sillystardew · 1 year
Wow, sorry about the lack of posts. Finals week is hitting my life like a grenade. I’m working on a few requests right now, so here are a few short friendship headcanons while people wait :3
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Bachelor/ette friendships
I think canonically the game would take place sometime in the 90s, but the idea of the ASS squad using modern day slang just feels right. Can you imagine the kind of group chats those 3 have made? I know personally from having a trio of friends for most of my life that trios are the most dispositioned for chaos. I’m talking CONSTANT pranks, fake (but ultimately harmless) rumors, and a surprising amount of gossip. They don’t mean anything by it, but these secret group chats have definitely caused a fight or two.
Speaking of gossip, I think Sebastian and Haley would be really good friends if given the opportunity. They refuse to interact with eachother, but they’ve both got the perfect amount of bitchyness to wreak havoc. Maybe it’s for the best that they aren’t friends.
Shane doesn’t realize Emily actually likes spending time with him. The only times they really talk is when she’s on the job and he’s drinking, so he sees it as more of a “She’s bored at her job and would talk to literally anyone” thing. He doesn’t fully get that they’re friends until the clothing therapy thing.
ON THE TOPIC OF SHANE AND EMILY. Technically every bachelor is paired with a bachelorette if you don’t romance either of them, and Shane and Emily are one of those couples. Like… Does this just confirm that Shanes type is crazy people who won’t stop talking to him. Is that it
Maru talks to Harvey about family drama and he tries his absolute best to stay professional about it. He gives little pieces of advice here and there, but ultimately it’s just an internal monologue of “I did not need this deep of a look into Maru’s family..”
Despite that… Harvey is a GOSSIP. I don’t know what inspired this inside me, but him and Maru 100% gossip when the clinic is empty. Can you really blame them? Barely anyone comes in for emergencies, and with such a small town there’s bound to be a few rumors going around every week. He would never gossip about medical information, mind you!
Abigail and Leah HAVE to have talked about art together, right? Sure, they’re into different types of art (with Leahs being much more physical) but in my own experience, connecting with other artists irl is such a fun time regardless of medium. I would love to see some sort of collab piece from them.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
can you do some headcanons on what it would be like to be Jordan and Olivia (all American)’s sister and to be a teen mom and to just be part of the whole vortex friend group? Loved ur Layla headcanons <33 Sorry this is hella specific and worded weird 😭 English is not my first language
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A/N: glad you enjoyed them! + Your English is just fine👌🏾💜 & this ended up being a little more focused on Ada’s relationship with the twins actually and their childhood 😅 + I also was unsure how to end it, which I’m sure you’ll be able to tell once you get to the bottom lol.
WARNINGS: some possible triggering subject matters related to ED are mentioned somewhere down below. + GIF SEARCH IS ALWAYS DONE BY GOOGLE & BELONGS TO: @bakerolivia
・❥・ੈ✩‧₊˚ ・❥ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ・❥・ੈ✩‧₊˚ ・❥ ੈ✩‧
Ada Baker, also know as little Baker would be the baby sibling to the baker twins ofc.
Two years behind to be exact.
Current age as of season 5: 17/18? —Since the writers never have a consistent timeline/time frame— but it’s been brought to my attention due to the one of the episodes that Jordan is 19 so Olivia is also 19.
They’re both born in April, making them Aries babies
Two year old Jordan was not thrilled having another sister, which Laura and Billy found funny considering how close he ended up being to Ada.
Back then? They heavily got on each other’s nerves.
Ada is a cancer (born in late June) and although reserved/Stand off-ish to some, her closest friends and family know just how goofy she is just like the baker’s all can be.
She snorts when she laughs for one.
She’s also the first one to break out into dance moves with their dad Billy once he gets into his two-step routine or soul train moves, regardless of who’s watching, she loves laughing and dancing with that bald headed man.
Quiet yet sweet and temperamental all wrapped in one. First they’re sour, then they’re sweet—is definitely Ada!
The youngest sib is actually the most protective imo—she’ll throw hands for any of her sibs and will insert herself into any of their fights if need be.
Most of the time she’s open to seeing different perspectives but all hats are off when it goes to those that start shit with her big brother and sister.
Jordan and Ada are the fighters whereas Liv is more so on the verbal part, the girl is slick with her words but don’t underestimate—Liv has a mean uppercut and back hand. Have you seen those long arms?!
Was the “chubby” sibling growing up so lots of bullying was going on and kids also liked to pick on her freckles? How dumb! which resulted in fights and a few suspensions or detentions—older baker’s included.
Ada never had a reason to experience body dysmorphia (even when her own grandmother would make shady comments to Laura when they visited her for the weekend) until other kids started making it a big deal. 
She hit puberty early and the immaturity seemed to only increase due to being top heavy and not shaped so thinly like her mother or older sister.
Lots of depression, anger, wearing baggy clothing, and limiting their food intake became a thing during her middle school years and she became the first out of the family to seek therapy.
Billy didn’t think it was necessary, feeling that his daughter should just talk to him, his wife, or her siblings as the answer. It took some convincing and it wasn’t until Billy picked up on some unhealthy habits—like barely eating, purging, fainting from lack of nutrients, and seeing her constantly step on the scale three x a day, did he finally come around.
Then she took up kick-boxing which helped a lot along with her hobby of creating her own coraline inspired dolls and obsession with stop motion animation films.
She wasn’t as athletic as Jordan and she remembered being forced to attend dance classes as a kid with Liv but it ultimately wasn’t her thing.
Ofc sports were encouraged in the baker household and softball was a thing for awhile before kickboxing, “but you’re excellent at softball why would you want to give it up?” Billy asked an eight year old Ada who just shrugged her shoulders in the backseat after a game, “it’s boring daddy and I don’t want to do it anymore.” He was always softhearted for his baby girls so he didn’t pushed it but he became even more excited when Ada picked up kickboxing—not for the reason behind it though!
Ada’s kicks were insane!
“Ada, What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done?” Olivia asked while the siblings decided to do a sibling tag for Liv’s Instagram.
The twins awaited Ada’s answer as she sat in between them and snorted, “probably get pregnant.”
Olivia nodded her head with her lips pushed out, lightly laughing as she returned her attention back to her phone, “Oop.”
“Well that’s all folks.” Jordan gave a two finger salute while Ada shrugged at the camera, a smirk on her lips.
It’s not like she purposely went out and got pregnant at fifteen but it was the first thing that came to mind—although there was probably a small list—she can be straight forward sometimes.
She went to Liv first with this huge secret, wanting her big sis to be there with her while she took the two tests from her Tongan boyfriend, who sneakily stole one from his older sister and bought the other.
“You better not be pranking me, Ada. This is serious.” Liv paced the floor while Ada was in the bathroom, tending to business.
“Why would I joke about this? You saw how much I was shaking when I told you.”
Liv sighed, knowing she was right. She was shocked that Ada even thought this was a possibility, eyes wide and almost gagging at the image of her sister being involved with her annoying jock boyfriend who didn’t even look sixteen.
But she also felt pride that Ada came to her first about this whole ordeal. The baker family was slowly getting better at paying more attention to each other and communicating so this actually means a lot that Ada trusted Liv with this secret.
With Liv reading the two pink lines for her and the second almost screaming: pregnant. she held onto her baby sister who fell into tears over this new change of direction her life was about to unfold.
Laura was told next before Ada’s bf at the time and Laura had the same reaction as liv: wide eyes and mouth agape before she rounded off questions: “how could you be so irresponsible? You’re only a child yourself! We’re making you an appointment first thing tomorrow morning to see how far along you are and your best options!”
Laura was just as upset as Ada but it was evident the girl was scared at the mere fact that she was having a child and that her family would probably disown her. Laura could see it in her child’s low-set damp eyes and with the way Liv was trying to be a mediator, she sighed trying to collect her thoughts, calming down.
Eventually Laura squeezed Ada to her chest, telling her that everything will be figured out and not to speak a word of it to her father until after the appointment.
Jordan found out anyways since her bf blurted it out one night when they ran into each other at this restaurant and Jordan roughed the younger boy up a bit for even “joking” about his sister like that before it was broken up.
Jordan invaded Ada’s privacy, going through her room to get some answers and when he did… he never could keep a secret—he brought it right to their father.
Billy and Jordan were heavily disappointed and said some very hurtful things that Laura immediately stepped in, her mommy bear instincts firing off at the two men in the house. “What’s the matter with you two? This is your daughter, your sister! To think what the both of you said to her was even remotely okay, tells me you don’t respect her as a person and I won’t stand for either of you speaking to her like that!”
Ada gave them both the silent treatment for a month until a sit down was demanded by Laura and Liv.
Apologies were made and life went on but that didn’t mean the wound wasn’t still there.
Ada rarely forgot much.
To be pregnant by your first love changed everything for Ada Baker. To have a bf so supportive, more supportive than her own father and brother meant a lot and she swore she was going to be with this guy forever.
Until he moved back to New Zealand, finding it selfish that her bf’s family just up and left knowing he had a child.
Which made things even harder for Ada. Juggling school—the gossip and the work load, the absence of her bf in raising their child together, simply being a teen mom was extremely hard, the change of her body after birth, she thought about old habits until she looked into the replica of her own hooded eyes that she handed down to her child, reminding Ada that she had to be better for her.
Everyday was a daily struggle but one thing is extremely true: Ada loved her daughter, dearly.
The little girl easily gained the number one spot for “best friend”
She loved having matching outfits with her and socializing with her who easily babbled back before she really learned how to speak.
Although Ada’s teenage years changed because of her daughter, she couldn’t imagine what it would be like without her vocal, smart, and active child.
It got a smidge easier as Ada’s baby got older, allowing her to spend more time with the vortex and her own set of friends. She became less needy but still adored Ada just the same.
There’s no other way to describe a child running up to you to give you the biggest hug after a long day 🥹
Attending high school, homework, work, and tending to a two year old before and after—majority of the time depending what time Ada got off. She was super thankful that Mama Laura stepped in most of the time along with the vortex. Ask her how she does it? Barely.
She gets frustrated with her child’s father since he’s not physically here to help and a FaceTime can only do so much.
I feel like the vortex wouldn’t exclude Ada as much as they got older. They’ve all been friends since childhood and she was always viewed as, “Little Bunny Baker” or simply “Little baker.”
The bunny stood for: Ada’s obsession with bunnies back when she was in elementary school.
The bakers never got into owning a cat or a dog. It was always a hamster or a fish since the family was usually always on the go.
Which resulted in Jordan accidentally k*lling Ada’s pet Bunny, leaving it outside in its cage during a heatwave in the hills while they were heading to the Grand Canyon one summer.
Ada would have done it herself and sure it was her responsibility but being rushed out of the house with a father like billy at the crack of dawn—Billy, Liv, and Ada left for the airport early to catch a morning flight since Laura couldn’t get off work until the afternoon and would be taking the evening flight with Jordan
Ada begged jordan on the phone to do it for her as they made it to the airport and Jordan said he would
Laura double checked with Jordan before they were also rushing out of the house to their car service and Jordan swore he did…
Until they came back and you can guess what was left for Ada there.
That was the last time she ever forgot to do something. Shout-out to childhood trauma!
anyways it wasn’t necessarily anything personal with the vortex, it’s just that she was a little young and they were older and they were the “cooler.” She was just kinda “weird” kid with glasses and freckles who wasn’t into what other kids were into. You know how that goes as the younger sibling…
JJ was probably the only one that didn’t make Ada feel some type of way as a kid. Always the big heart that one and Ada would be lying if she said a teeny crush wasn’t formed—back then!
Layla was sorta nice too, being Olivia’s glamorous best friend and all but Ada didn’t miss how they gossiped about her sometimes when Ada left the room—which resulted in Ada calling Liv out on it.
The screaming matches between those two growing up? It makes complete sense why Ada’s daughter has a set of strong vocal cords on her.
But hey that was all childhood stuff! As they got older, there was no need for the excluding of Ada Baker. She was just as much family as Jordan and Olivia.
If she’s down to party, she’s hitting up JJ and knows how to have a good time but knows her limit. Full on compliments from the long haired blond whenever he see’s her and he may or may not get a dance with her. “C’mon! None of that I don’t dance, crap!” “Okay, JJ! Just keep your hands where I can see them.” “Forsure! I’m a total gentleman, just ask all my lady lovers.” “This is where I leave you.” “Awww c’mon! I’m just giving a reference!”
She wasn’t the closest with asher, even when he dated Liv after Layla. She honestly didn’t approve of the relationship but Liv wasn’t trying to hear that. They actually shared some words here and there but now? They speak to each other much calmer now that he’s having a baby and is full of questions. Ada’s actually befriended Jaimee/Jaymee quite easily and Asher just wanted to get along with everyone that was cool with his gf.
Asher is the one constantly asking questions whereas Jaimee just tends to go with the flow. He’ll even text Ada at odd hours asking questions just to be hit with, “Asher, it’s midnight. Go to bed or I’ll cancel your ass again.” “Okay but before you consider doing that! What does colic mean again?” “Sorry but…Google is free.” “Who needs google when I have the real thing here?” “👋🏽” “hello?”
I’d say she’s probably closest with Jaimee and maybe Patience. They’re usually the two she’s hanging out with while the rest of the vortex maybe busy and if she isn’t dragged to hang with Jordayla (mostly by the request of Layla) and Liv or isn’t hanging out with her daughter or her own group tbh.
How does she feel about jordayla? It wasn’t much of a shock to her (or anyone) that this was a thing. Everyone knew and they failed so horribly to “hide it.”
They were all in each other’s faces like no one else was in the room at the baker’s household
“Well this is disturbing.” Ada mumbled to her mom, popping a zucchini slice in her mouth while she bounced her giggling daughter on one hip. Which earned a shush from Laura and a cackle from Liv.
Overall she may shit-talk the relationship but she’s happy that her brother found true love again after Simone and she definitely drags Jordan for proposing but is all smiles when Layla actually asks her to be a bridesmaid with a gift way down the line.
She’s a spelivia shipper, always rooting for them and she was always fond of Spencer the more he came around…kinda liking the idea that he may have biologically been a brother. Ada wouldn’t have minded another brother and Spencer seemed to become that regardless of blood and she liked how he always looked out for everyone (a gift and a curse!), especially Liv.
With Spencer came coop and just like Asher, Ada also had her ups and downs in their friendship but most of the time they got along and kinda had to since they all lived together.
Ada Baker is ultimately type 4, “the individualist,”(“Fours want to be unique and to experience deep, authentic emotions. Type Fours fear they are flawed and are overly focused on how they are different from other people”) when it comes to the vortex and basically life.
🍋 🐚🍋🐚🍋🐚🍋🐚🍋🐚🍋🐚🍋🐚🍋🐚
Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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dulcewrites · 2 years
okay but let's discuss what meeting alys and elysa who are obviously both women and a couple would mean for alicent (putting the more prevalent 'my son/our husband and the love of our life is dead and we're all mourning' part of their meeting aside for a quick minute lol). i could see the girls not being overly affectionate in her presence but her still sensing a vibe, maybe seeing younger rhaenyra and herself in the looks they exchange and how they act around each other and just being like 'oh'. cause as much as im of the opinion that yes, she is indeed deeply repressed, i don't think she's stupid. i like to think that even tho she does not let herself dwell on it and can't call certain feelings by name, she Does have them at the back of her mind, maybe having thought about it a lot and having come to terms with it throughout those years spent apart/estranged from rhaenyra. personally i headcanon alicent as a lesbian so that would ofc make their experiences very different but basically what im getting at is alicent maybe thinking 'there are other people similar to me out there?' and all three of them maybe feeling some sort of unsaid sense of solidarity:((
Wait… why did this literally make me tear up 😭😭. Especially the “there are people similar to me out there” part. I honestly didn’t even think about this angle but oh I def am now. Specifically since I have the headcanon that alys was the one who sort of hinted to Aemond that maybe those complicated feelings he picked up from his mom (towards Rhaenyra) are for a different reason.
I saw this tweet about that scene between young Alicent and cristion. When he basically own goals himself and admits he was the one who slept with nyra, and how devastated she looked. Like yes it is her best friend (and crush) lying to her, on her mother’s name (nyra why ☹️). Yes it is a princess putting herself in a precarious position before being married and she is the queen. But basically the tweet was how Alicent probably was upset bc she realized Rhaenyra could have feelings for men in a way Alicent can’t (I like this bc I headcanon Alicent as a lesbian and Rhaenyra as bi).
Alys would probably pick up on the energy straight away bc Aemond tells her about Alicent sending terms. Then she sees Rhaenyra spared Alicent’s life. Considering everything that has happened, you don’t do that type of stuff for just anyone. Regardless of how close you may have been as girls. Something else is there.
They wouldn’t be overly affectionate but I’m sure Alicent would be like “why were these non targ girls essentially fine with sharing a husband”. Like not even best of besties do that lmao. But then she sees alys confronting Elysa over something it just… hits her.
I like the idea of her seeing different versions of herself in the girls. She probably sees a lot of her younger herself in Elysa. alys is the first woman she’s ever been with in that way. I would think alys, just by being older, probably knew longer about liking women. So on top of being a young mother now, she’s probably still finding her footing with her sexuality/relationships. Then she probably sees how maybe things could have been in alys. Who despite the bad hand she’s been dealt for so long, still found Aemond and Elysa. She gets to raise her kids with a woman who loves her. Or maybe seeing a bit of Rhaenyra in sense that she got to grow up while Alicent maybe feels like she’s stuck in the same place.
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b1oodandchocolate · 1 year
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In this post:
About the Muse (Dr. Frederick Chilton, NBC Hannibal)
About the Mun (Hi, I’m Casper!)
I’ll Write...
I Won’t Write...
Character Headcanons (HC’s and Canon-Divergent Ideas) 
RP Rules
This is my secondary RP blog! Freddie Lounds (NBC Hannibal) is my main character. You can find my blog for her here, @thegreatestjournalistofalltime​ , on which I would also be thrilled to write with you if you’d like! Both are independent and selective.
I have the link to my RP Queue board on my side navigation, but for mobile users, you can click here to see all the stuff I’m working on.
All dividers used below were made by saradika​. Please go check out her work. It’s all lovely.
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Dr. Frederick Chilton is an arrogant, self-absorbed man who desires nothing more than to be admired and recognized in the world of psychiatry. He had initially attempted to achieve this notoriety as a surgeon, but he lacked the skills necessary and thus switched to a different medical field. He always seems to be in Hannibal's shadow, and it bothers him. So much so that he attempts to imitate the man more than he may even realize.
Like Freddie Lounds, he resorts to shady means to attain his desired status. However, he always seems to fall short, regardless.
Here’s Chilton’s Wiki Bio for more information if you haven’t seen the show ❤️
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Hello, there! My name is Casper. I’m transmasc non-binary (my pronouns are they/them/theirs or he/him/his) and I’m over the age of 30. I’m neurodivergent as fuck, and, despite writing for shady characters, I’m a soft boi  😅 
I’m kind of the stereotypical introvert, so I know I can sometimes come across as standoffish (especially online), but I promise that I’m friendly! I just have a super low threshold for socializing, especially with people I don’t know or don’t know very well yet, which sometimes makes it seem like I don’t want to talk to someone, when the reality is that I just can’t at a given time. Especially since it’s super easy for me to hit “burnout mode.”
Anyway, I’m hoping that I can actually do something of substance with this blog and stick around a while lol. Please don’t be afraid to say hi! Just please keep in mind that I may not be able to respond right away.
Lastly, this is my Ao3, which has been collecting dust and pretty much only has Chilton stuff on it (except for that one Nevada fic) lol: casperlounds on Ao3
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Fluffy stuff
Platonic relationships
Consensual NSFW stuff (please see rules below)
Violent or Dark Themes (please see rules below)
Canon-Compliant OR Canon-Divergent Stuff
RP with Non-Hannibal Characters from Other Shows/Movies
RP with OCs in OR Outside of Hannibal
And more...
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NonCon/Sexual Violence
Various Kinks (please see rules below)
Varying Degrees of Gore (please see rules below)
Burned Chilton (please see character headcanons below)
And more...
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His arrogance and superiority stem from deep-seated feelings of not being good enough (though, is this even really a headcanon? It's implied canon lol).
His father was a surgeon and incredibly tough on him growing up. His mother was a history professor and, though she was more encouraging, she wasn't too much better.
Only child. Didn't have very many friends growing up.
In RP where it's in his history that he was kidnapped by Dolarhyde, Chilton was rescued before the Dragon could maim and burn him. The details can vary based on RP (if it makes sense), but my HC is that he was being tracked and Jack and Will expected that Chilton might become the target instead of Will. This is the one canon-divergent thing I won't budge on because it fucked me up way too badly when I saw it in the show and I have to skip over it any time I do a rewatch. I don't care who was in that chair, that was brutal and nobody deserves that.
Hasn't had a romantic or physical relationship with anyone in a really long time. He gets lonely in his ostentatious house by himself, but he'd never admit it. He's also the kind of person to try to ignore it if he starts developing feelings for someone because he fears rejection.
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Please read these rules before requesting to roleplay.
This blog is 18+ ONLY. Therefore, I will also only write with people over the age of 18. Minors, please DNI.
If you want to RP with me, please PM me and let me know what you had in mind. Please do not post a starter without discussing things with me first. That way, we can also decide who will start things off!
I prefer public RPs, reblogging each other with our responses. HOWEVER, if you’d like to RP privately, please tell me so and I will try to work something out with you. Preferably on Discord.
That said, I cannot do RP in PMs. I tried that once and it was a bad struggle for me. Which is why I suggest Discord.
I will only accept random starters from certain people. If I get comfortable enough, I’ll let you know if I’m OK with your doing that. However, please don’t take this personally! As I stated in the About the Mun section, I’m both neurodivergent and have trouble with social spaces.
That said, if I post an Open Starter that reads “(anyone may reply),” I mean anyone, even non-mutuals. Any Open Starters meant solely for mutuals will be clearly marked to avoid confusion. However, for those who do reply (thank you!), please be aware that I may not get to yours or it may or may not turn into a longer RP.
Please understand that I often struggle with burnout and extreme fatigue, as well as other symptoms stemming from ADHD. Therefore, there will be times when I write more and times that I write less. I also might find it easier to work on one thing over another at a given time, but that doesn't mean I don’t value the partner or the RP I’m not working on. If this doesn't work for you, that’s totally understandable, just please don’t start writing with me if this is something you think will be a problem. That wouldn’t be fair to either of us.
On that same note, please be aware that I will not be writing page-long+ replies. Some of my starters/replies may be longer than others, but I generally write two or three paragraphs. If you’re looking for someone who writes lengthy replies, I’m not your guy. Realistically, I also know I wouldn’t be able to read those lengthy posts, so it wouldn’t be fair to you, either.
Despite not writing ultra lengthy replies, I do put a lot of thought and effort into them. I’ve been made aware that some people have started to use AI generated responses in RP (what a time to be alive). This is a hard no from me. I may take a while to respond, but when I do, I do so to the best of my abilities. I’d hope my partners do the same.
I will only accept “pre-established relationship” OCs (i.e. your character is the romantic interest/mortal enemy/childhood best friend/etc. of my muse) on a case-by-case basis. As with the “romantic chemistry” rule below, if I’m not feeling the connection, or if I don’t think I’ll be a good fit as a partner for it, I will respectfully decline.
If you want to drop or rework/restart a thread or idea that we’re working on together, please let me know!
Please don’t message me asking when I’m going to get to your response. All that does is make me anxious. I’ll likely let you know, myself, when I can get around to it if you’ve been waiting.
Likewise, please don’t spam message me, especially if I haven’t responded. That makes me incredibly anxious and less likely to respond at all.
However, please do message me if you have questions or want to discuss an idea in the RP we’re working on!!!
I will not have exclusive partners for a given character (i.e. a single Hannibal Lecter that I write with and no other Hannibals). There may be people I write with most frequently for a given character, but I won’t exclude other people.
If you aren’t sure if I’ll be comfortable with something, please ask. This includes NSFW themes, dark themes, violence, and gore. I will do the same for you!
As a general rule, I’ll likely not be comfortable with most kinks. You can ask in PMs while we plan our roleplay, but please know that the answer will likely be “no.”
In the event that you want to RP NSFW stuff, please let me know at the start that this is something you'd like to explore. However, also keep in mind that if I’m not feeling the connection, if it it doesn't make sense for our muses after we get into the RP, I won’t force it. Likewise, I’m also aware that sometimes things will gradually, naturally lead to romantic or sexual places, so it’s fine if that happens organically as we go.
Also, please keep in mind, though I don't mind discussing more explicit NSFW stuff regarding characters, I may not want to RP super explicit stuff. Again, case by case and I'd prefer to discuss it first so that we're both comfortable.
This post and all its sections are subject to change or revision. If that happens, I’ll post that I’ve updated it.
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luv-assangiebatch · 1 year
For your last headcanon reblog, I would like to know: 1, 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 18, 30, 31, 34, 47
Thanks =3
OMG thank yooouuu! This should be fun!
1: What does his bedroom look like? Our bedroom is quite lovely! We just got new bedroom furniture that is this pretty light grey color with shiny silver trim, and the headboard to the king sized bed is semi-upholstered with LED lights built in that can flash different colors (they're fun!) Nice new greyish, plush carpet and a window that lets in a lot of light. ♡
5: Cleanliness habits: Well, Assangie isn't exactly messy, he just gets distracted a lot which makes him forget to put things away. There are more important things on his mind than washing dishes or tidying up. He can't stand towels on the floor though, and he will always be sure to hang them up when he's done with them. His personal hygiene was not the greatest when he was feral (lol I mean fair, homeboy was always on the run somewhere) but this has since improved now that he is a little more domesticated and has regular access to such things. However, he sometimes needs to be reminded to take care of himself as he loses track of time often.
6: Eating habits and sample menu: Again, Julian's lack of time and space awareness affects his eating habits and often needs to be reminded he should eat. When he takes the time though, he enjoys a wide range of flavorful foods. He likes spicy food like Indian or Thai, and he also enjoys tex-mex style tacos with some hot sauce or spicy salsa. Usually in the morning he'll enjoy a bowl of cereal with black coffee to get his day started. He's not much of a tea guy. He also likes foods that are quick and convenient to eat. He typically does not like to cook himself, he doesn't have time for that.
12: Favorite book genre: He enjoys anything that engages the mind such as philosophy, psychology, or physics.
13: Sexual orientation: Babe is heterosexual. He does not really care much about what other people do (there are more important things to concern himself with), but it does make him a little uncomfortable if he is hit on by another man. While his personal take on gender and orientation is more old-fashioned, he believes in fairness and privacy for all people, regardless of their gender or sexuality.
16: Biggest and smallest long term goal: Biggest: Eradicating all government and institutional corruption and secrecy. Smallest: Whisking Kitty away to Paris to live happily ever after-- and safe!
18: Favorite beverage: Homeboy does enjoy his Club-Mate!
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30: Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster: Oh no!
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Assangie has very intense and dynamic emotions-- so anything sad is devastating to him. He will typically close himself off from others while he works through his feelings, and has a hard time accepting any help during this time. He does not like to show vulnerability as he has a hard time trusting anyone, so he typically will not accept comfort unless it is from someone he explicitly loves and trusts with his whole heart.
31: Most prized possession: His brilliant, beautiful mind. ♡
34: Thoughts on privacy: Something he is not so private about! "Privacy for the individual, transparency for institutions!"
47: How do they express love?
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Oh my baby!! He does not love easily, but when he does he is ALL in and it is very intense! His dynamic emotions allow him to love very deeply and he is also very loyal. He is highly affectionate, and enjoys expressing his love physically as it feels otherworldly, which he believes true love is. He is also extremely protective of his loved ones and would risk his own life for them. 😭❤️
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