#I mean this happened A LOT in Sister Claire
invisiblerambler · 3 months
Carmy doesn't deserve to be left and Sydney doesn't deserve to leave
None of the relationship between the two of them is about what one or the other deserves.
Fundamentally they have never interacted in a way that could be that transactional.
Thinking about this in terms of what Carmy or Syd deserves is such a flattening of both of their characters.
No one (mostly) deserves to have bad things happen to them, and despite all his many many bad coping mechanisms and lash-outs Carmy doesn't deserve to be abandoned again.
He will not recover if Syd leaves him. Do you think he's going to treat anyone better by her deepening his most fundamental trauma wound?
There is whether he realizes it or not a part of Carmy that thinks Syd was sent by Michael to carry out what he could not.
In a more immediate sense he believes this about Claire. I know her character is forced and awkward, but there is an element of realism to the way that Carmy had to regress back into past versions of himself in that environment.
Carm tells Sydney his sister doesn't think he's a genius, but more than that none of his family see him for who he was in New York or Napa or Cophenhagen. They understand he is extremely talented but that doesn't cancel out the fact that they also knew him as a snot-nosed kid.
Carmy feels like he has to complete something by dating Claire. Mikey forced him to come back to Chicago be a part of the restaurant he never wanted Carm to be a part of, but if he has to be here he might as well be with the girl Michael wanted him to be with. Fundamentally Mikey just wanted Carm to be happy fulfilled and safe but Carm doesn't understand Claire was just the stand in for that.
ANYWAYS back to Sydney, Sydney represents the evolved version of that idea. It has always felt like this subtext that Carmy wishes she could have met Mikey and some part of him feels incomplete because of that, but I think he also wants to believe Mikey sent Sydney, not to save him because she is not his babysitter, but like I said to carry out what Mikey couldn't. A true partner in all senses of the word, and I think Richie eventually warming up to Syd is in a way Mikey approving of her by proxy.
Back to the point I was making 5 paragraphs ago, Carmy will not get better or be encouraged to get better if one of the people he is the most emotionally intimate with in his whole life leaves him.
Yes, Syd is fair to demand more out of Carmy and to require better treatment and boundaries and all of the things that would make it a healthy partnership. But that doesn't mean Carm deserves to be dealt a mortal emotional wound in the process. Yes this is a TV show and these people aren't real, but if we start treating life like a chess game like this...
Sydney does not actually need to leave in order for Carm to realize what he needs to realize. He already learned that lesson with Mikey, and by showing that Carm can learn that lesson before the relationship is fully beyond the point of repair (obviously because of death in Mikey's case) is the most profound growth the show could give him.
No he will not be all the way there, he has a lot of work he needs to do, but one of his biggest problems is the way he refuses to let anyone be excellent alongside him. The ultimate growth for him is realizing that greatness doesn't mean anything when you're alone. Jess echoes this when she says she's around great people when she's not at work.
So much of this show is about the way that ambitious and creative people fundamentally cannot survive when they are cut off from everyone else. Carmy is the antithesis of the tortured creative genius because at every point where he cuts everyone else off he fails. That's why I don't think the review can be a pan, because even with him cutting off Syd at every turn she is still the bones of that restaurant.
So Carm does not deserve to be dealt more emotional trauma. Syd deserves to be happy in whatever way that looks like.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 7 months
So i decided to rewatch static shock and now i have Ideas(tm)
Amity and dakota are neighboring and/or sister cities, and virgil and danny are the same age or one is only a few years older than the other.
A few things about dakota's location:
It has miles of waterfront on its east side to Lake Dakota, which has ocean access. The lake has a golden gate sized bridge over it, but the other side is never shown. An extremely large artificial lake from a dammed up river that leads to the atlantic makes the most sense to me. A fictional Great Lake is also entirely possible. Either option probably still limits Dakota to east of (or connected to?) the mississippi, especially when combined with the point below.
Its implied to be close enough to gotham for virgil to signal batman in the sky, and to quickly fly over. There's still plenty of room for reinterpretation, though.
Its large enough to have 'miles' of waterfront, and to have stadiums hosting major sports events, so its safely larger than amity park.
I was looking at a map and thought it would be great if dakota was between or encompassed toledo and detroit (i got the impression it was an expy of chicago or detroit anyways), with lake eerie and lake st clair on its east. Lake st clair would be renamed dakota lake and lake erie is the lake eerie that danny and his dad visit. Amity park is in ohio instead of illinois (which is fanon anyways).
(Also, hilariously, dakota has a poorer neighborhood called the fenton projects. Do with that what you will.)
So basically, dakota is the closest "big city" to amity park, so theres a lot of cross travel. Both cities get their vigilantes at the same time and bond over the mutual weirdness, and team phantom and team shock are close allies that constantly fly over to help each other out.
OR, one of the origin stories happened 2-5 years after the other, and whichever one is younger goes to the other for vigilante advise and training.
The chemical that caused the big bang is some form of ecto, and all the bang babies are liminal. In this idea, i imagined team phantom closer to batman's age instead of static's. The (adult) team is investigating ecto-shipments in dakota when or shortly after the big bang event happens, connect alva to vlad and/or the giw, and discover a conspiracy to deliberately create liminals 'for science' (ie the chemicals were purposefully placed at the docks and a gang war deliberately incited).
Team phantom set up a bang baby outreach program at the community center with virgil's dad and quickly identify virgil as static. They train virgil (and eventually richie) and cover their patrols under the excuse that the two are extremely involved in the outreach program (which they are - static recommends the program to all of his rogues).
Danny's team is able to help the various bang babies develop and control their powers, has the resources to help anyone who doesnt want to be associated with ebon's gang, and has a way to safely subdue and contain the bang babies that refuse any help and continue to be a danger to others. And they can show up in a mask if they want to hide their identity while learning to control their powers (not that it would actually stop the team from being able to identify them). The team is also monitoring the bang baby population to make sure the giw or anyone else arent disappearing them.
The team would also take great offense to how the cure was ethically handled at the end of the series, especially if retconning the bang babies as liminals means that 'curing' them would actually hurt them.
Anyways, more danny phantom x static shock crossovers, please.
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Not there yet
No, I don't think that anything that Carmy -or Syd- does/do has a romantic connotation for them at this point. They are not there yet. All the things and hints we see, like the look on his face when she came back in Braciole and his "original" way of saying he was sorry by offering a partnership, how he tried to make plans with her outside work when they still didn't have the permits and had to leave early, how he always tries to stir the conversation to a more personal tone, how he always tries to make sure she's OK even when he's not (except when Claire interfered for a brief period of time), how he cares about her opinion most of all, even though his own sister is right there and is his business partner too, all he said under the table and how he said it, he talking about "their" chaos menu and putting so much work into those drawings when he should have been with Claire, IDK, making out or catching up, etc. Finding comfort in thinking about her during a nasty panic attack, forgetting to solve the walk-in handle issue but not forgetting to order a custom-made designer jacket for her, never giving her her notebook back and holding on to it as if it was something precious he will forever cherish, all of that, happens at a subconscious, even unconscious level. We, the viewers get to see the big picture and interpret the deeper meaning of it all, and not even all the viewers do that, as some would just prefer -or are only be capable of- seeing the superficial aspects of these symbolisms, not going any further or deeper than that. But Carmen certainly doesn't see all of that or even understand it at this point in time. He's not there yet. Whilst I do think that after the panic attack, he is starting to see the tip of the iceberg, he's definitely not ready yet to really grasp the entirety of what's going on, of where exactly he's standing -on the verge of what exactly he's standing- because he is still too focused on his own trauma and his mourning, etc. Syd doesn't help either, TBH. And neither did Claire with her insistence, to which Carmy eventually caved. So, no, we are not there yet. I won't even get started on Syd, because her case is even way more complex than Carmy's. There's no trauma or mourning or environmental causes in her case. It's all her, her very nature. Her arc is a lot more "sophisticated" and therefore will take a lot longer to progress I think, except that a deep crisis breaks her down completely, and I hope it doesn't come to that. I guess Carmy will need to step up eventually, but like I said, he's not there yet and neither is Syd. So basically I need S3 more than I need oxygen right now to figure these characters out, but so far they haven't figured themselves or each other out either yet. That's my point.
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Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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blood-darkened-moon · 4 months
Rockfort Island is Alfred's ironic hell:
-Alfred rules the island like a tyrannical king, surrounded by subjects...except he is a puppet king with no real power beyond what the actual rulers give him and doesn't have Alexia at his side.
His situation isn’t really his fault, it’s mainly Alexia’s. Alfred has few options since Alexia’s cryostasis chamber is located in the Antarctic Base, an Umbrella facility. He can’t move her somewhere else, so he has to keep her safe there for 15 years. That means Alfred has no choice but to cooperate with Spencer and the rest of Umbrella. He was 12 when he had to take over the facilities, far too young. In order for this to be possible at all, he certainly had to agree to unfavorable conditions. Going too far out on a limb later is not a good idea either, considering what happened to James Marcus or his grandfather Edward. Not drawing too much attention to himself and his facilities is much better for Alexia’s safety than Alfred trying to challenge the balance of power in Umbrella. His hands are somewhat tied here, thanks to Alexia. Alfred could certainly abandon his beloved sister and build a better life for himself, but he would rather die than do that. That’s not an option for him.
Alfred’s position on Rockfort Island probably gives him access to a lot of top-secret information, including information that could be very damaging to Umbrella. Regardless of whether Alfred is popular in the company or not, he seems to enjoy a great deal of trust. So, his position doesn’t seem to be all that bad.
Alfred also has a dissociative identity disorder, which is obviously not being treated, and he seems to be paranoid to a certain extent. His mental state is worrisome, to say the least. You should also keep that in mind.
Considering the overall situation, I think Alfred is actually doing a pretty good job. Besides, if Wesker hadn’t attacked Rockfort Island and Claire hadn’t been there, Alexia could have succeeded with her plan. Then Alfred’s suffering would have paid off.
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callsign-bunnie · 8 months
First of all OW
Second now all I can think about is an Spn/CoD crossover, what are your HC’s bunnie the people want to know!
Have a great day
Hmmm, so funnily enough, I've not thought of it that much. I'm not really a "these characters meet other characters" kind of gal when I do crossovers, HOWEVER, (warning: I HAVE NOT WATCHED PAST 13 AND I DON'T CARE TO. GABRIEL DYING WAS MY FINAL STRAW SO THAT EPISODE WAS THE LAST I EVER WATCHED)
Ghost flirts with Dean, Dean is not the player he once was because Ghost is way too young for him
For the record, Price is not and is his type, I am sure you can see where I'm going with this
Oh god, it's just hitting me that I've never actually talked about my SPN opinions on this blog so I have no idea what live fire I might be throwing myself in front of. Whatever, moving on
I'll match the characters up how I think they would go, being -Ghost and Gabriel (hear me out. Both use humor to cope, both were "forsaken" by their fathers, both had asshole siblings. Gabriel was a lot more serious in the later seasons after being traumatized, and I think he'd end up relating a lot more to Ghost and both would enjoy the dark humor the other can provide. Gabriel would LOVE that goldfish joke) -Farah would love Claire and adopt her as a younger sister (Speaking of! Claire is around Gaz's age :D) -Gaz would probably love Jack, I'm just saying -Valeria definitely heavily enjoyed Ruby's "I'm awesome" speech and would one hundred percent "girl boss" with her -I have opinions but I think Dean and Soap, but I think Dean would see himself in Soap and Soap wouldn't like how Dean treated Castiel. -Rudy and Castiel, I don't think I have to elaborate, here. (For the record, Rudy is also not getting along with Dean.) -Alex and Benny, for no other reason than they're both from around the same area and I think both would appreciate finally having another southerner around (that isn't Graves.) -AU Michael and Makarov, don't fight me on this one, you know I'm right. -I'm going to also say Dean and Alejandro, for obvious reasons -Sam and Price, both due to being closer in age and also because I think Price is secretly very nerdy -Laswell and Jody, but... I mean, that was obvious. They don't actually bond over being mother figures, Jody ends up bonding more with Price over that, it's more just... everything in their lives being so unsure because of their careers, even when Jody was just a cop. -I think Lucifer would fucking love Graves, but I don't think Graves would even like Lucifer. I think Lucifer would just be way too much for Graves, and Graves would very likely call him pathetic for being unable to keep a handle on hell and for whining all the damn time. (Also for being caught so easily and so frequently.)
I'm considering this more as Sam, Dean, and CO universe hopped to COD, so I'm just saying... no one is impressed by them, and then vice versa.
COD characters are not going to be intimidated by a bunch of civilians chasing monsters and the SPN characters don't consider war that scary when they've faced the apocalypse 80 bazillion times
There is also the age gap to take into consideration, I mean Gaz and Soap can't be older than thirty and I don't actually consider many of the characters even hitting the 35 mark.
I am also considering this as COD exists as a game franchise in SPN world, and SPN exists as a TV show in COD world, so they do know about each other.
So, I'm just saying, Dean is getting snide remarks from a few corners for his treatment of a few people. Gabriel and Castiel, especially, all points considered. I don't think Ghost, Soap, Gaz, or Rudy are letting it slide in any direction
Price doesn't care enough to stop them
Alejandro is just annoyed that even MORE people are in his base, and these ones happen to be civilians from another universe.
Despite getting along with them, however, neither Dean or Sam are allowed near Rudy. Hey, Alejandro's seen the show, he knows most of both of their shticks is flirting and fucking, he's good. (Cas is the one he has to watch out for, but he's unsuspecting because there's no way that nerd has a chance. Rudy is too loyal to his husband, but Cas definitely has a chance.)
Valeria is actively plotting how to use demons in her quest for power. You know she is already forming that alliance with Rowena
She doesn't like Lucifer enough.
Farah has already offered Claire and Alex (SPN) a home in Urzikstan, Alex (COD) has said he's unsure that'll work out.
Benny is just not allowed around anyone without respective partner there. I mean, look at him... you'd be worried too. I'd be worried. We'd all be worried.
Anyway, I'm very anxious to post this just because, again, I have no idea what I'm subjecting myself to. All I'm saying is, if you disagree with me... um... I didn't watch 14 or 15, so that's what I'm blaming that on. (Gabriel was my favorite character, do not be mean to him or Benny.)
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rhaenella · 9 months
You & Me - Rhys Montrose x Reader - Part 21
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Part 20 | Part 22
Summary: What happens when reader assassin is tasked with killing the possible future mayor of London; Rhys Montrose. Politician by day, Eat the Rich Killer by night. But he isn’t the only person wearing different masks. 
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Violence, murder, immoral sociopathic behaviour, mentions of alcoholism, drug abuse and neglect, smut
Word count: 4.9k
A/N: at the end.
Song: Sinnerman – Nina Simone
The loud buzzing of a phone roused you from your sleep. The first thing you noticed was how the sheets were comfortably tucked in around you, Rhys’ side of the bed regrettably empty and cold. He must have already gotten up before tucking you back in, likely downstairs having breakfast or sipping his signature morning coffee. He always desired a rather specific Italian blend in the morning, whereas you were more than happy with a nice, simple cuppa.
Your phone buzzed again and you rolled over, grabbing the device and sitting back against the headboard, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with a yawn.
It was still quite early. Meaning you didn’t get much sleep. Last night, after you and Rhys had returned to the Hintze Hall, it had taken a few more hours before you’d been allowed to leave. Security finding a dead man inside Attenborough Studio had definitely slowed things down a bit. But just as you’d expected, the police had found and apprehended the woman Fernsby was seen with earlier during the night, and had then swiftly cleared everyone else. 
Unfortunately, you hadn’t been able to take the back exit again, that part of the museum entirely sectioned off by the police. You had no other choice but to go through the front gates and face the press. When you exited the museum, you’d been almost blinded by a sea of photographers. It was your first real encounter with the British press—tabloids, journalists, everyone was there, and they’d roared at the sight of the two of you.
It had been… a lot. But Rhys had kept you close as you’d tried to make your way to the car, ignoring the deafening shouts for attention. Once you’d slid into the backseat of his town car, the driver had sped off and you’d let out a quiet sigh of relief, flashing Rhys a tense smile, “Can you imagine that made me more nervous than murdering someone?”
He’d looked at you apologetically, pulling you into his side, unable to have you anywhere but near him. Thankfully, you’d made it to his house without any more hiccups, Rhys squeezing your hand as he’d wordlessly guided you into the privacy of his home.
You pulled the sheets closer around your naked body, unlocking your phone. 
234 unread messages. 
You blinked. Jesus…
You quickly surmised that most, if not all of them, were about your public outing with Rhys last night. And that the majority of the texts were actually from the groupchat with your sisters. 
You scrolled down the chat, chuckling at all of their hysterical messages. They ranged from a meticulous assessment of your dress to forwarding at least twelve articles detailing your exploits around the museum, to a discussion on how “fucking hot” it was that Rhys had loaned you his jacket at the end of the night. You snorted. Ofcourse they would get excited over that. Probably not over the reason why you had to wear his jacket, though. But they didn’t need to know about that. 
Next, you opened Claire’s texts, which were quite similar to those of your sisters. Except she’d also decided to scold you on how you could have possibly gone out on this very public date without telling her about it beforehand.
Well, I hadn’t exactly planned on it either, Claire.
The three of them also commented on the death of Daniel Fernsby, asking whether you had seen or heard anything, although those few messages paled in comparison to their animated gossip on The Couple That Stole London’s Spotlight, according to The Sun.
Even though the press had finally figured out your identity, you didn’t feel that familiar spike in nerves at seeing so many articles and pictures of yourself just out there in the open. Perhaps it was because, as last night had demonstrated, you’d been able to carry out your job like always, unbeknownst to the public. In spite of them having followed you around like a hawk all night, you’d managed just fine. Ofcourse the storm had also helped to cover your tracks nicely.
But it was more than that. The photos of you and Rhys, standing together, overlooking the crowd… it looked exactly like the picture Rhys had so clearly painted all those weeks ago: It’s you and me. Standing side by side on top of the bloody world. 
You smiled at the memory, a surge of feeling and power shooting through you. Rhys had been right. It didn’t just look like that, it felt like that as well. He’d produced such a clearcut image of how he envisioned his future, and so far he was on a straight course to realise it. Perhaps for the first time, you could say you actually shared that vision. 
Soft music carried up the stairs, reminding you that this magnificent man was just down the stairs. It didn’t take much more than that to finally force yourself out of bed. 
You put on your panties and found one of Rhys’ sweaters lying around, mindlessly throwing it on. It was his ultra-soft, maroon coloured sweater, decidedly way too big on you, the end barely skimming your mid-thigh.
You made your way downstairs, noting Rhys standing behind the stove upon entering the kitchen, busily scrambling some eggs. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of simple pyjama bottoms. A true sight for sore eyes… He glanced up then, a pleased glimmer in his eye as it was his turn to appreciate your choice of clothing. Or lack thereof.
“Good morning, darling.”
“Good morning, indeed,” you replied, eyes sliding over his bare chest. 
Rhys chuckled lightly, gesturing for you to take a seat on one of the bar stools. “Just in time for breakfast,” he said, turning off the stove.
You sat down, putting your phone on the counter. Rhys filled up two plates and set one in front of you, along with a steaming cup of tea.
“Hm, lucky me,” you smiled. 
He easily returned it, pouring himself a second cup of coffee. 
The whole scene felt entirely mundane. So… normal. A seemingly regular morning routine. As if you were just any other couple, having breakfast together before the long workday ahead. You grabbed a fork and knife, about to dig in before the radio’s seven-thirty news cycle bursted your little fantasy.
CEO of Fernsby’s Pharmaceuticals, Daniel Fernsby, was found dead at a Sotheby’s auction in the Natural History Museum in London last night. The Met police confirm Fernsby suffered a heart attack and died of natural causes. Even though Fernsby, 46, was in good shape and had up to date not shown any prior indications of heart disease, the Met are confident to rule out death under suspicious circumstances. “At this point we are inclined to close the investigation,” the force’s spokesperson added.
Next, Prime Minister Sunak has announced—
“You were right,” Rhys said, impressed, dipping down to kiss your forehead before taking a seat on the stool beside you. “They don’t suspect a bloody thing.”
You took a bite of your breakfast, hiding your smile. “Told you so.”
Rhys hummed in agreement, but gave a slight shrug. “Yes. But you might want to give some credit where it’s due.”
“Excuse me?”
At your raised brow, he elaborated further, an amused smile playing on his lips.
“I was the one that insisted you needed a date for this job.”
“Oh my god… Please don’t belittle your sense of humility for me,” you said, rolling your eyes.
Rhys grinned. “Am I wrong, though? Fernsby is barely a footnote in today’s news. But have you seen who are on the front page of every newspaper?” he asked, waving a hand between you. “The couple that stole London’s spotlight.”
You let out a laugh despite yourself. “Yeah, I saw that… I believe my sisters sent me every single article out there.”
“I find the headline quite apropos, don’t you think? People are more focused on us than on the tragedy that transpired last night,” he went on, obviously trying to make a point.
You shook your head at him, but you knew deep down that he was right. It had been the perfect distraction. Not that you were ever going to admit that to his smug face. 
Your phone buzzed for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning and you peered over your half-eaten breakfast to read the latest incoming text. Initially expecting it to be another from your sisters or Claire, you were a little surprised to see that it was from Ms. Edwards.
>>> Nicely done as always. And might I say, what a surprisingly splendid date you had. Good for you.
“Seems the boss is happy as well,” you said, showing Rhys the text.
“Ah,” he exclaimed, his face lighting up. “And she agrees with my assessment.”
You shot him a look. “Would you stop?”
“I don’t think so, darling,” he beamed, holding up a finger. “You should always use the public’s opinion to your own advantage. Which actually brings me to a proposal I want to make you.”
“Oh?” you looked at him, skeptic. “And what might that be?”
Rhys pushed his plate and cup to the side before fully turning to you, clasping his hands together, suddenly all serious.
“I have a meeting at Comic Relief’s offices in Whitechapel this morning,” he said. “To discuss details on their fundraiser in two weeks, where I will be making an appearance. And I would like for you to join me.”
You studied him with a shrewd look before answering. “Because it makes you look good or because you actually want me to come with you?”
“It’s never a bad idea to remind people of the good we can do for this city.”
There it was again. That notion of we. But you weren’t so easily charmed, all too aware of the conversational tricks he used in politics on a day to day. 
“That’s a non-answer, Rhys.”
He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “Right… Force of habit, I’m afraid.”
You looked at each other for a long moment before Rhys continued, correctly sensing that you needed more from him.
“Because I actually want you to come,” he answered, sincere.
It wasn’t the sympathy card he played to convince you to come with him this time. He meant it. 
“You may not want to admit that last night was a strategic win for us, but you cannot deny how good we looked up there. It’s where we belong. Together.”
Standing side by side on top of the bloody world, your mind finished automatically for the second time that morning. You couldn’t help but feel yourself slowly getting swayed.
“You don’t need me to win these elections,” you countered, stubborn.
His hand found your thigh. He rubbed the exposed skin there, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. 
“I know,” Rhys said. “But I want you by my side.”
The confession was simple but brutally honest, and it left you breathless. 
He knew that he didn’t need anyone else. Yet, he chose you to share that stage with him, to share his dream. Opening the door to his soul and inviting you in after not allowing anyone else even a peek inside.
You leaned in without thinking about it, your lips grazing his with a smile. 
“You and me, huh?” you asked, a slight uptake in your pulse.
Rhys pulled you to him, pressing a soft kiss to your mouth, slow and deliberate, like he wanted to get it right. His arms were warm around you, and you relaxed into him, letting yourself get lost in the kiss and the feeling of his strong muscled chest beneath your fingertips. 
“Yes,” he murmured against your lips. “For all of it.”
You don’t remember who deepened the kiss. But before you knew it, Rhys was backing you into the kitchen island, lifting you on top of it in one smooth motion. Not that you minded it. No, you revelled in the firm brush of mouths that instantly lit up nerve endings throughout your entire body.
His warm hands slipped underneath your—his—sweater, pulling you closer to the edge of the counter. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you softly scratched the morning stubble he had yet to shave off. Rhys made a wanton sound, gripping your thighs before locking his lips with yours in another searing kiss.
You tangled your hands into his hair, pulling on his curled strands as you moved your hips eagerly against his own.
“Tell me a secret,” Rhys said in between kisses. “You’ve wanted to do this ever since your first night here, did you not?”
He was blatantly referring to the moment right after you’d allowed Rhys to see you—the real you. After you’d told him of your deepest and darkest fears and desires. Now, being in the exact same spot, hearing him repeat those words in a colossally different setting… 
Well, fuck him.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you realised you’d had a similar response at the time, linking him to improper thoughts. Rhys was impossible at times. And insatiable. But so were you.
“Would you believe me if I said no?”
He chuckled, moving his hand higher and higher underneath the sweater you still wore, delicately brushing your pebbled nipple with his thumb. You bit your lip to bite back the moan threatening to escape, unconsciously leaning further into his touch. 
Rhys smirked. “No. I definitely do not.”
You tried to ignore the feeling of his hands all over you, light fingertips dancing along your panty’s seam, confirming his suspicions at the wetness he found there. 
Your eyes fluttered, inhaling shakily. “I’d say that’s more of a you-problem...”
Rhys smiled dangerously, his hand curling around your throat. 
“Don’t tempt me,” he whispered, trailing his lips over the shell of your ear. “Do you remember the promise I made you?”
One day I will make you beg for it.
You shivered. How could you ever forget something you secretly longed for? Your nails dug into the bare skin of his biceps, feeling the slick between your thighs intensify. He was in control, and you gladly let him, loving his dominant side. But that didn’t mean you would make it easy for him.
“Try me,” you dared.
He instantly tightened his grip on your throat, forcing you to meet his eye. “Oh, I will.”
Rhys smiled at the hitch in your breath, anticipation curling low in your belly. There was no doubt he liked playing. Especially this little game with you. It was exciting, testing the waters, seeing how far either of you were willing to go. 
But as quickly as your desire had escalated, as abruptly Rhys broke it up, stepping back.
You blinked, your arms falling limply to your side, neither of you moving. Rhys looked at you with a knowing smirk, your puffy lips and wild eyes betraying the lust coursing through you. Was he seriously…?
“Come with me today. Be an angel. And you’ll get your reward.”
And there was your answer.
You could only stare at him, chest heaving. The man was always working an angle. And such a tease. Apparently it didn’t matter that withholding you from your pleasure meant he would abstain from his own as well.
“Unbelievable…” you eventually murmured. “Why are you always trying to bribe me with an orgasm?”
His answering laugh rang through the air. “Because it’s a win-win situation,” he winked.
The meeting at Comic Relief turned out to be more than a just regular sit-down to discuss the logistics of the fundraiser. Rather, you and Rhys were led through the many corridors of the building, Rhys shaking nearly every employee’s hand before you were showed their exhibit on the charity’s many different projects throughout the years. 
Luckily for you, no one seemed exceedingly taken by surprise about your presence. They either didn’t care or they were simply informed of it by Rhys’ team beforehand. The second option was as likely as the first. It wouldn’t be the first time for Rhys to prematurely assume your attendance alongside him.
“Red Nose Day is our annual fundraiser night, as you may know. It’s become somewhat of a tradition. Filled with challenges and performances, broadcasted on live television, all in the hopes of raising that extra bit of money for those living really tough lives,” your host Sarah explained, pointing to various photographs capturing the highlights of previous editions. “Here, in 2015, Dermet O’Leary took on a 24-hour dance challenge—he raised one million pounds! The same year, Stephen Hawking transformed into a super-size robot, attacking David Walliams on his tv show Little Britain. It was hilarious! Oh, and here—”
You were only half listening to Sarah who kept going on and on about the impressive history of Comic Relief’s work when you stopped in front of a picture of former Prime Minister Cameron, sporting one of the famous red noses. He was posing in front of number ten with a group of sick children, all broad smiles, holding a big cheque with that year’s raised amount. 
Perhaps that could be Rhys in a couple of years… 
Feeling his presence beside you, you didn’t need to look at him to know he’d had the same thought as you. Rhys hadn’t told you explicitly that Downing Street was his goal, but it’d become quite obvious to you in recent weeks. There was simply no way that his far-reaching ambitions would stop after becoming mayor of London. 
And you had no doubt that he would win these elections. Nothing and no one was in his way to stop him. Not even his rival Atkinson, the one who had initially conspired with Lockwood to take Rhys out. He’d failed. And now Atkinson wasn’t just behind in the polls, he also had to deal with Rhys being fully aware of his willingness to resort to less ethical ways of getting what he wanted. He no longer had the advantage of a surprise attack. Or really the possibility of any attack with so much media attention centred around both of them. 
Thus, it was one-nil. In Rhys’ favour.
“Do you know how much money was raised at last year’s Red Nose Day?” 
Sarah’s question shook you out of those thoughts, and you glanced at her with a blank expression. No, you didn’t. But ofcourse Rhys did.
“42 million pounds.” 
“42,790,147 pounds actually,” Sarah corrected, proud.
“Ah, even better,” Rhys smiled, leaning towards her. “Let’s try and double it this year, shall we?”
Sarah seemed a professional. But even so, the flirtatious lilt in her answering smile was obvious. It was a little too friendly as she was surely unable to resist Rhys’ natural charm. You bit the inside of your cheek, amused, when she nodded curtly and cleared her throat before finishing the remainder of her tour.
You left the exhibition behind, and Sarah guided you through another long corridor, lined with doors upon doors leading to many different offices and boardrooms. Sadly, she still wouldn’t cease her never-ending rambling.
“This is our 38th consecutive year,” she said, glancing back over her shoulder. “Ofcourse Richard Curtis, Comic Relief’s co-founder, will be there, as well as many other celebrities. We’ve a couple of great live performances lined up. Have you received our playbook for the night, yet? The BBC was supposed to send it over.”
“Yes,” Rhys affirmed. “I was notified that David Tennant would introduce me on stage.”
“That’s correct. After his introduction you’ll have five minutes to give your speech,” Sarah explained. “I have to inform you that the time slots are very strict, so if your speech lasts any longer than those five minutes, they’ll cut you off. I’m telling you now, because last year the same thing happened to Idris Elba, and he was not prepared for it. The stage director literally cut his mic and turned off the lights. Wouldn’t want the same thing happening to you.”
“Understood,” Rhys said, ever patient. 
“Wonderful,” she said, turning to the both of you as you neared the lifts that would take you back down to the lobby. Finally.
“Then that will be all for today. Unless you have any more questions…?”
“No, I think you covered all of it,” he replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Sarah didn’t seem to pick up on it. “Great! I will make sure that if there’s any changes in schedule, your office will be apprised ASAP.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that.”
She shook both your hands, her eyes not so subtly lingering on Rhys as the lift doors closed in front of you.
“Jesus,” you groaned, once the lift started moving. “I thought she would never stop talking.”
Rhys laughed. “Me neither. But on the bright side, I’ve acquired plenty of facts to write a good speech.”
“Did you seriously catch all of that? Because I may have nodded off a few times.”
He hummed, looking to you with a wry smile. “It’s part of the job.”
Ever patient, indeed. You definitely lacked that skill in situations such as these. Stalking your target, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike on the other hand… Not an issue.
“So, what’s next on the schedule?” 
“I was supposed to go back to the office,” he muttered, glancing at his watch. “But it seems we’re already nearing lunchtime.”
“Wonder whose fault that is,” you said, dry.
Rhys let out another laugh. “Come now, let’s make the best of it. Fancy some fish and chips?”
You tilted your head at him. “You wanna go on a lunch date… at the chippy…?”
“Why not? We’re commoners, aren’t we?” he shot back, not at all trying to disguise his smirk.
Now it was your turn to laugh. 
“Sure,” you chuckled. “We’re very normal people, indeed.”
The lift dinged, indicating you had reached the ground floor. When the doors opened, you followed Rhys into the lobby to where his team was waiting. His campaign manager, Lukas, quickly got up when he saw you, turning to Rhys with a slightly nervous look.
“What is it?” Rhys asked, alarmed, all playfulness gone.
“Press caught wind of your meeting somehow,” Lukas gestured towards the window. “They’re all here. BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, South London, Sun, Daily Mail, etcetera, etcetera…”
You squinted through the tall, partially blinded, windows. There was a mob of at least thirty stationed outside the entrance, waiting for Rhys to emerge from inside. Rhys had warned you beforehand that there might be some photographers present, “Half a dozen, at most,” he’d said. But this far exceeded that. Your stomach turned a little, thinking back to last night’s hectic escape. 
“Damnit,” Rhys sighed. “Can’t say that I’m surprised, though. They can figure out everything these days.”
Nervous or not, you bit back a smile. The double meaning wasn’t lost on you. Although none of his people seemed to catch on. They spent so much time with Rhys, working for him, following his orders, yet no one had been able to work out their boss’ extracurricular activities.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Montrose. I don’t know how it happened…”
“It’s not your fault, Luke,” Rhys reassured his tense head of staff. 
He was probably under a lot of pressure, trying to make sure the campaign ran smoothly, eliminating unwanted surprises such as this as much as possible. 
“I just checked with the front desk, there’s an underground parking garage,” Reggie said, walking up to Rhys. “We can bring the car down and leave unnoticed.”
Rhys nodded to his head of security, but he didn’t seem convinced. You could see the gears turning in his head as he weighed his options. He wasn’t usually the type to leave around back to avoid the press at all cost. When you arrived at the museum last night, taking the back entrance, you knew that was solely to accommodate you. But you also knew he couldn’t keep doing that. Besides, you would never ask that of him. 
You’d decided to stick by him, and that ultimately included facing the vultures as well.
He looked at you, reading all of those thoughts in your eyes. The corner of his mouth quirked up, and he sent you a grateful look before addressing his team once more.
“No, we’ll take the main exit,” Rhys decided. “They know we’re here, and the news will only be negatively influenced if I sneak out the back and choose to not answer their questions. We cannot afford a sliver of bad publicity.”
Lukas nodded along to his boss’ decision, rummaging in his bag to find his phone. “Okay, I’ll call Cynthia to—”
“That’ll take too long,” Rhys interrupted. “I’ll manage without her.”
“But… She handles press… She needs to know about this,” Lukas stammered. “We need to know if there’s anything to know before you go out and—”
“Lukas, I said I’ll manage it. You can inform Cynthia later, or during. This won’t take long,” Rhys said, his tone final.
Lukas pressed his lips together, adjusting the strap of his messenger bag. “Yes, sir.”
“Good. Now,” Rhys turned to Reggie. “I want you to keep Y/N away from them. Wait by the car.”
“Yes, sir,” Reggie parroted.
And with that, his team set to work, grabbing all of their things, preparing to go out there. 
Rhys straightened his tie. “How do I look?”
“Mayor-worthy,” you smiled.
“That’s what I like to hear.”
Rhys pecked your lips before you were pulled apart and ushered outside by his team. As soon as the automated doors opened, the mob turned around, cameras and microphones held at the ready. Reggie successfully kept you to the side and out of their claws as Rhys walked up to the press, calmly facing them as the first questions were fired at him.
“Mr. Montrose—”
“Over here please!”
“Sir! Is it true what Mr. Atkinson implied at—”
“How will you participate in this year’s Red Nose Day?”
“—respond to Daniel Fernsby’s untimely passing last night?”
Rhys raised a hand, silencing all of them at once.
“Let’s do this one at a time, yes?” he suggested with a laugh, immediately controlling the mob as they quieted down and consented to his proposal. He tipped his head to one of the reporters. “Sandy, I’ll start with your question, since we’re standing in front of Comic Relief’s London office.”
“Thank you, Mr. Montrose. My question was: what role will you play in this year’s Red Nose Day?”
“I hate to disappoint you, but it won’t be any singing or dancing,” he quipped, gaining a few chuckles from the crowd. “No, but all jokes aside, Comic Relief approached me a while back to make a speech at their fundraiser. Mainly because we are fighting for the same cause.”
“Which is?” Sandy asked.
“To help support those who are struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis. Which, contrary to popular belief, is no longer a working class problem, but is now also affecting the middle classes as well.”
The next question came from a young man holding a BBC mic. “Doesn’t your rival Marcus Atkinson share that opinion also?” 
Rhys shook his head. “We don’t see eye to eye on how to effectively tackle the many issues such as homelessness, mental health problems, and food poverty… The last showing a worrying increase among children. But I suppose we’ll have to wait until our next debate to find out for sure.”
He continued answering their questions with ease, carefully dodging the reporter that had shouted a question about Fernsby early on. It went smoothly, one question at a time, just as Rhys had demanded—until a wave of incoming calls and texts disturbed the impromptu press interview. 
Silence befell the crowd as everyone picked up their phone, eyes gradually widening at the messages they’d received. Shocked whispers started to fill the silence, but no one dared to speak up yet, most frantically tapping away on their phones. You frowned at the journalists, one of them firmly instructing his camera guy to keep rolling.
All the while, Rhys stood at the forefront, masking his puzzled expression from the cameras. But to you, it was evident he had no clue what was happening either. 
Rhys waited for the press to regroup, exercising that commemorable patience once more. Your gazes briefly locked, and you were able to read the silent question in his eyes as well as he’d read you minutes before: what on earth was going on?
“Fuck,” Lukas grumbled from where he stood beside you, scrolling through his phone. “We should’ve waited for Cynthia…”
Your frown deepened, trying to read the tiny letters of the news article on his phone. “Why? What happened?”
Lukas moved to open his mouth but he was cut off by a booming question from one of the reporters.
“Mr. Montrose would you care to comment on the latest breaking news?”
Rhys wasn’t put off by any of this in the slightest, and simply inclined his head with a smile. “If you’ll be so kind as to inform me of what that news is, then ofcourse.”
The moment those words left his lips, a frenzy ensued. Microphones and recorders were shoved into his face, cameramen fighting for the best angle to capture Rhys’ reaction to whatever news had just surfaced. It wasn’t any news, that much was clear. The same reporter confirmed it not even a second later with an answering statement that made your heart jump in your chest.
“The disappearance of Tom Lockwood, sir.”
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this peaceful little chapter because shit is about to hit the fan… 
Tags: @artaxerxesthegreat
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tonysbed · 2 years
Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Summary:Chris half Sister and one of her friends are beginning to visit regularly your home.It was all fine until you notice a change in his Sisters friend towards your husband..
Warnings:Made up half sister(Claire),Crying, body dysmorphia,Crying,Mention of Cheating,Mention of Blood,Mention of Sex,Pregnancy,Lemme know if I missed smth
A/n:Wrote this in one hour and didn’t proofread so..yeah
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It started slowly.Chloe was just being a little friendly. And you know Chris,he is to polite to get that.
Over the weeks she got more touchy with him and it annoyed the crap out of you.His half sister, Claire, wasn’t a help either,cause you somehow knew it was all on her.
She never really was the biggest fan of you,but kind of accepted you,so you thought.
Chris was a lot more home recently because he took himself a little time off to be there for you and your unborn baby.
It made your blood boil to see Chloe being all over your husband,and to your dissatisfaction,he didn’t even put her in his place.You started to go quiet and didn’t even talk much to him anymore.
When he got to bed in the night,you were already sleeping.He thought it was just the pregnancy that sucked your energy and didn’t bother waking you.
The final straw happened on the famous family events at Lisa’s house.His family loved those events and so did you,since they all made you feel so comfortable.
The whole evening Chris talked with Chloe,which made you even more insecure and sad.You were overstimulated by all those people around you and needed him,which he didn’t noticed.
Scott on the other hand noticed something was going on with you and pulled you into his old bedroom.He sat you down on the bed.
“Y/n.Please be honest,What’s going on with you and Chris?”You looked at him”Nothing.Everything is okay”
Scott scoffed”It’s not.I saw the panic in your eyes a few seconds ago,the way your leg bounced and the way you scratched your hand.You always do that when you get nervous or overstimulated.Please darling,tell me what’s going on?”
You stood up”I’m okay Scott.I’m just not feeling the best because of the little Evans here.She’s causing me a little trouble”,”She?”You smiled while rubbing your growing bump”Just a feeling.But now,if you excuse me,I’ll be going back to the rest”Before scott could protest,you were out the door.
Lisa watched you with a concerned look.She sat in her armchair,looking at you”You okay hun?”You nodded and looked around.Chris was not sitting on the couch anymore and neither was Chloe.”Where is chris?”
Lisa shrugged”I was in the kitchen,Why?”You smiled. “Oh..Just wondering”
It wasn’t typical for him to just vanish.He didn’t even notice you were gone.Your thoughts were interrupted by a running miles.He ran straight into your arms.His mom sat up”Hey,Miles,baby what’s wrong?”Just now you noticed he was crying.
“I don’t want you to Leave auntie Y/n”He was clinging to your shirt like his life depended on it”I won’t,What makes you think that?”
He looked up”Because Uncle Chris has a new Girlfriend and that means you leave.That’s what she said”Your mouth slightly opened,your throat went try.
“His new Girlfriend?”You tried to keep your voice steady”Auntie Claire’s friend,Chloe”Your mind was racing.You didn’t notice Lisa and Miles Mom standing up and Scott entering the room with Claire.
You stared blankly at the wall on the opposite side of you while holding miles.’That was the end’You thought.It was all over now.
You handed miles to scott”I’m leaving”Carly stopped you”Y/n please no”Tears finally escaped your eyes.
“I’m going now.Let me go Carly.”When she didn’t and now Scott was also starting to touch you,you just bursted out”Get off me!GET OFF ME!STOP IT!”
Chris was already on his way inside the house after putting Chloe finally in her place.He couldn’t believe what she did.He needed to talk to you.
When he entered the living room,he saw you,crying on the floor,screaming to his siblings and mother to not touch you.He slowly went over to you and kneeled in front of you”Baby?Hey,Whats going on?”
You just scrambled backwards and sat against the couch.Sobs escaped you”Don’t touch me.Leave me alone,Asshole”The last word was muttered but he heard it.His heart broke in million pieces.
He took out his phone and called the last person who he knew,you wouldn’t push away.
Everyone sat in the kitchen.Except Miles,who was with you.Lisa threw Chloe and Claire out,telling them to never come back.
Chris opened the door and your brother just flew past him.As soon as you saw him,you went into his arms.
“Hey..What happened Little one?”Sebastian was hugging you close”He-“Your Sobs stopped you.Sebastian looked at miles”Uncle Chris kissed auntie Claire’s Friend,Chloe”He sniffed,wiping his remaining tears.
Sebastian tensed,let you go and rushed to the Kitchen.He spotted Chris and pushed him against the cabinets”You fucking bastard.I told you,I will kill you if you hurt her.”
By now your brother was holding Chris by the throat. “Who do you even think you are huh?She is fucking pregnant with your child,and you whore around?Is that how you fucking repay her for the things she did for you?!”Chris couldn’t breathe.
He looked at your shaking statue in the doorway”I didn’t-“Your brother wasn’t having that and punched Chris right trough the face.
Chris was laying in the floor,with a bloody nose”Is that what you’ve been doing when you weren’t with Y/n?Do you even know how she felt?Where were you Christopher?You promised.God Why did I even trust you?!”
With that,He came towards you,Took your stuff and you and got you out in his car.
He didn’t listen what Scott was saying,neither were you at this point.You just wanted to go home.
You spend the night at Sebastian’s house,which was a needed break.You laid on your brothers chest,finally at peace”I’ll never let him hurt you”Was the last thing you heard before falling asleep.
Over the night,Chris tried to text,call and even E-mail you.You just ignored it.You needed a break and definitely couldn’t deal with Chris now…
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Part two
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ovaryacted · 9 days
Chris has been through so much, man. It makes me so sad. There's a bit near the end in RE6 where Jake Muller says he wants to talk to Chris about what happened with Wesker after this whole mess is over, and Chris says he'll tell Jake whatever Jake wants to know, "I just hope you're ready to hear it", and honestly, I really hope he and Jake got a chance to talk, because like. I feel like they could get along? Maybe not like, as friends, but at least they could work well together. Maybe Jake and Jill, too. Idk, just... Jake's a good guy, y'know? And Sherry looks like she's gonna be a promising agent- it'd be nice if she got to interact with Chris (and Claire, and Leon) more.
Just... I know next generation stuff can be tricky to pull off, but with how much this fight has worn on him, it'd be nice if Chris (and the others) got some fresh help, y'know? Like, I know according to Shadows of Rose, Chris is still fighting B.O.W.s by the time he's fucking 64, but STILL. Poor guy deserves some kind of break, or a vacation, or SOMETHING. (They all do, tbh.)
Omg anon yes, Chris has been through so much, like sooo fucking much, and I think a lot of people brush off his trauma cause he's sexy when he was rlly going through it. I mean, he had temporary amnesia at some point, lost his way and forgot about himself, and not to mention a lot of that trauma started in childhood with his parents and he had to step up to take care of his sister Claire (from what I remember anyway).
That whole thing with Jake too, I get why he would be apprehensive to talk to Jake given he's Wesker's son and all that jazz, but I hope there was an instance where they spoke and rehashed that conversation.
I still can't believe like theoretically speaking, most of the og crew minus Jill because of the virus and stuff, they're old, like old old. They got my man ready to retire and collect his benefits and his pension, but no they still want him fighting these bioweapons and for what. It's saddening truly. Like, will they ever fully stop the creation of bioweapons? Who knows. I just know that in Leon's case considering they're still holding Sherry's life over his head, they're going to work that man to the bone until he dies. And after he dies they're going to wipe his existence, maybe, and Chris has gone rogue from the BSAA anyway, so who knows. Free my bbys fr, they deserve some fruity drinks with mini umbrellas and sun on a tropical island.
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sizzlinbaconpeach · 1 year
What do you think of Jill wearing more feminine outfits next to Carlos? I've never seen pictures of she in a dress with Chris. which means outside of work Chris has never seen her in a dress
Here's the Jill and Carlos picture the Asker is referring to:
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I want to start by saying that I can see how (especially) in the RE3Remake, Jill and Carlos do make quite a cute pairing. I feel like the remake did a much better job of making their relationship more 'shippy' and I liked Carlos a lot. I can totally understand if someone wants to ship Carlos and Jill.
I personally didn't see much romance between them in the OG RE3, but I understand that there are some slightly different paths with that game as well. Like you may get the above picture or a different one. I also know this can happen in the OG:
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I'm glad Jill and Carlos have some respite after everything in RE3! Lord knows they both need it.
But I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Valenfield and they are my main RE ship.
Also, my sister and I joke that the poster Jill has on her apartment wall in the remake is of Chris (handsome dark haired biker dude who appears to have some military influences - we know Chris has a leather biker jacket and is ex-military. It might be a bit of a stretch but it also made us go 'Hmmm...') Source:
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I could also go as far as to speculate (but should I? XD) that Jill (we don't actually see the persons face) is wearing one of Chris' shirts in the RE3Remake post-credits. Or at least it looks very much like Jill wearing a green shirt with a punching bag in the background (Chris has always been associated with the color green and punching boulders). But if you want to headcanon that it's Jill and Carlos I guess you could do that, too. (I think some people speculate it might be Rebecca as well, but I'm going with Jill)
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Yes, Jill is definitely a woman who would wear cute feminine outfits if she wanted to. I have seen those pictures of Jill and Carlos at the end of RE3. It's always kind of fun when Capcom does things like that so you can determine for yourself what it means (like all these other points I've brought up, too).
But to come back to your initial point, I think there is definitely a chance Chris and Jill have seen each other in casual clothes over the many years they have known each other, which by Death Island will be about 20 years.
For example, you can read some entries from Jill's diary as bonus material in RE3 (the original), to which she mentions Chris in 3 out of the 4 entries. One entry even has her going over to Chris' apartment in the middle of the night. So did Chris see her in her pajamas? Maybe. Or maybe Jill wore her ugliest sweats and a huge trench coat. Maybe she suited up in her STARS uniform before going over? Maybe she did wear a really freaking cute outfit? Who knows. But what we do know is that she went over to his apartment in the middle of the night. My thought is that she went over in normal casual clothes.
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There have been multiple subtle hints about how close Chris and Jill are in the series. Chris even writes to Jill that Claire may reach out to her about his whereabouts in his letter, found in the STARS office in RE2Remake. And that's why I like their ship so much, they have a lot of history together and care about each other deeply (whether you see them as romantic or not).
They are 2 of the original 11 founders of the BSAA. The BSAA rubs shoulders with some big government organizations and the like. Perhaps there has been a gala or fancy fundraiser or meet and greet with these organizations, which would mean Chris and Jill would attend in some formal wear. I'm not saying it happened, but it is within the realm of possibility.
And also, in RE5, Jill only tears off her cloak to reveal her skintight battlesuit once she's in front of Chris (And rips it open :O). Okaaayyy?? Girl has been missing her man for almost 3 years! Like... hmmmm.... lol. (No, honestly, I'm only joking, that whole ordeal breaks my heart for both of them - how traumatic it must be!)
So in short, I guess there is a chance that Chris and Jill have never seen each other in casual cute clothes, but their history and apparent connections (within canon) would more logically point to the fact that they have.
But Jill and Carlos are cute, too. Just not my favorite and first RE ship :)
I'm not here to start any shipping wars or anything. Just enjoying my current obsession :P
(Also, sorry if I sound ignorant, is there a cultural aspect that makes seeing someone in their casual clothes much more significant? I know RE is Japanese, so is it a big deal in Japanese culture? To our Western traditions, we usually place significance on seeing someone dressed up nicely)
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crehador · 9 months
parting thoughts on watashi no oshi wa akuyaku reijou
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FUCKING DELIGHTFUL well. for the most part
i will say it clearly has its strengths and weaknesses, or at least aspects i enjoyed more and aspects i enjoyed less. whenever the focus is actually on claire and rae = brilliant, flawless, hilarious, adorable, more of this please forever and always
the middle arc was just not that compelling to me. i do think it was necessary, as it clearly was part of the plot of the game, but it just wasn't executed in a terribly interesting way to me? i guess the issue is it failed to get me invested in the side characters, so even if they drop a sister fucking bomb it's sorta like well who give a shit
like the political intrigue was not that intriguing. is the thing. but it also wasn't the worst thing ever, it was just meh in an otherwise very enjoyable series
i liked the manaria arc a lot more because even with a new character 'in the way' the focus was still very much on claire and rae and the development of their relationship
though! one thing that iirc happened in that middle arc that really surprised me, in a good way, is claire is shown to be in some ways... very not great? like it's possible i'm giving the writing too much credit here, but the moments when claire is overtly racist and/or classist are very grimace-worthy and imo very important to have
because it reminds you that, yeah, she is literally supposed to be a villainess. and while we can hope to see her learn and grow in rae's company, it makes sense that she wouldn't be some perfect angel, or even necessarily a good person, to start with
anyway the confession was cute and the finale was a very solid ep imo, but i do feel like the confession could've been even stronger. the most compelling part of rae's feelings and character arc to me is her insistence that she's happy as long as claire's happy, even if that means seeing claire with someone else
and while i do believe that rae genuinely believed that, it was an important part of her development to realize she's not actually okay with that. so i sort of wish that had been more a part of the confession, like a declaration to claire of "this is what i thought i would be okay with and i am very Not okay with that"
i don't think it was necessary to make that explicit to claire's face, since rae did have that revelation herself, but selfishly i would've rather seen more of an emphasis on it since it was my favorite part lol
with that cliffhanger i do wonder if we'll get an s2... but even s1 alone was pretty damn satisfying, and when it's funny it's so funny
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unclaire-stories · 2 months
Welcome to Unclaire Stories
Hi there! My name is Claire. I am a queer trans woman, a lover of fantasy and romance, and most importantly, a writer. I've been writing since I was 11, and I like to think I've gotten rather good at it over the past decade. Maybe even good enough to finally start sharing it with the world. Today I want to talk about my plans for my writing, including what I am working on right now, what my style is, and what motivated me to finally start sharing it.
Let's start with the content. If you like any of the following things, my writing is for you:
Epic fantasy with in-depth worldbuilding and intricate magic systems
Queer-led stories with strong themes of identity, love, and community
Subversion and inversion of classic fantasy tropes
Anti-authority, anti-colonial, and anti-capitalist social and political commentary
I plan on publishing a number of major stories alongside anything else random I decide is good enough for public consumption. Everything I write will be published on my Patreon and Substack. Most of what I write will also be freely available on Tumblr, Ao3, and any other writing platforms I expand to. I plan to keep the amount of premium content to a minimum; paid writing will be primarily extras like bonus scenes, lore essays, and short stories along with one major project that will be a premium exclusive.
While this list is subject to change, here are quick summaries of the major projects I plan on publishing:
Apotheosis (FREE - Epic Fantasy). Two hundred years ago, the nations of the world came together to rise up and kill their tyrannical God, seizing the power of divinity for the people. They then created a representative democracy to democratically elect a series of God-Presidents to wield that power. It didn't go well. Apotheosis follows train-hopping anarchist and reluctant insurgent leader Serapha, torn between her ideals and her community, and the newly-elected God-President Mathias, who must come to terms with the deep flaws of a system he placed all his faith in, as they begin to unravel the secrets of the Republic from opposite ends and uncover the truth of what really happened two centuries ago.
Spirits of the Stone Empire (FREE - Fantasy/Romance). Nyasta wanted nothing more than to live her life in peace and to fulfill her role as a spiritual leader to her people. Instead, she found herself drafted into the legions of an empire that still believes her to be a man. Forced to conceal her identity for fear of execution, she marches to war, only to find herself captured by the forces of a supposed foe that she has a lot more in common with than she ever expected.
Songs of the Storm (PAID - Epic Fantasy). A sprawling epic that follows a diverse cast of characters spanning a continent as the world begins a descent into an apocalypse of both mortal and supernatural origin. As war and violence engulfs the land, the peoples of the world must overcome the scars of the past and the wounds of the present in time to present a united front against the coming storm that, given the chance, would obliterate any living thing in it's path. Songs follows a number of characters, the most important of whom are the following five: Shaasa, a young woman and prophet, on a desperate mission to warn the world about what is coming; Tolos, a prince fighting tooth and nail alongside his father to halt the inevitable approach of a devastating war with the nation that once ruled theirs; Allasia, a princess, sister of Tolos, who begins to manifest strange and unpredictable magical powers; Kilan, a scholar whose life is turned upside down after being framed for a brutal assassination; and finally Dol'Illesav, a warlord with the ability to speak to the souls of inanimate objects, who finds herself fighting a dark, malicious force for control of her own mind.
These three main projects are all plotted out as full novels, but will be published on a chapter-by-chapter basis as they are written. This means it's very likely I will from time to time go back to revise the story or fix plot holes. I have a number of other minor projects I will work on from time to time, such as a romance story about a witch falling in love with a former witch hunter-turned-freelance monster hunter, a non-fantasy romance novel about two women in a punk band falling for each other, and a more lighthearted high fantasy serial about three students at the world's greatest magic university.
Not all of these projects will come to fruition quickly. Which ones I do and don't write will depend a lot on you. I plan on writing the first chapter for all of the above projects and a few more on top of that, but which ones get sequels will depend on which ones people like or not. The only 2 projects I've already made my mind up about writing in full are Songs of the Storm and Apotheosis.
If you've made it to the end, I just want to say thank you! I'm really excited to start sharing my worlds and stories with you, and I hope you enjoy them! If you want to support me, you can find all my platforms on my linktree. First up on the schedule are the first chapter and prologue for Songs of the Storm and Apotheosis as well as chapter one of Spirits. All of those will be posted here on Tumblr, even Songs (although the next chapters will be on patreon only).
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acidh2otoby · 1 year
Like Starting Over
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Claire Redfield x Male!Reader
Warnings: Angst, injury
Won 7th place from this post.
If Claire didn't worry about you being a BSAA soldier, the hospital warnings definitely did. Most of the time you got injured and ended up in the hospital wing they were not too terrible but often require stitches, but this time felt different.
Claire ran past soldiers and scientists to get to you as fast as she possibly could, fearing the worst. When she got there, most doctors were busy with other things but went up to the receptionist to get answers.
"Hi, my name's Claire Redfield. I'm Chris Redfield's sister, but is a (Y/N) (Y/L/N) here by any chance?" Claire asked, breathing heavily from the running and trying to fix her hair a little.
"Ah, Claire, good to see you. Um, yes, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is here but he's undergoing a surgery at the moment." The receptionist said, checking over all the current occupants in the wing.
"Surgery? For what? Why?" Claire asked, her thoughts jumbling into worry.
"Reports say he was in too close of proximity to an explosion that left him unconscious and missing a leg, they brought him here as soon as they could." The receptionist explained, seeing how panicked Claire was.
"Will he be okay? Is he gonna make it?" Claire asked, her thoughts still all mixed together.
"As far as I'm aware, he'll be fine. They stopped the bleeding while they were transporting him shortly after his accident and immediately brought him here." The receptionist told her, understanding that she was scared and stressed.
"Um, here's my phone number, could you please give me a call when he's allowed visitors?" Claire asked, quickly writing down her phone number and giving it to the receptionist.
"Of course, thank you for stopping in." The receptionist said, taking Claire's scrap of paper before Claire left.
She knew Chris was busy and had only one other friend that she knew wasn't occupied with something else, Leon Kennedy. Claire went to Leon about everything, especially when it came to you because having her brother tell her how a guys mind works is a lot weirder than having a guy friend.
Claire texted Leon that she was gonna stop by for a bit, she needed to get this information off her chest or it was gonna eat her alive. She waited for a response from Leon to start making her way to his apartment, once she saw his text, she left.
The drive wasn't long and neither was getting to his apartment but her mind still ran through everything possible about all the bad things that could happen to you, the worst thing coming up is you dying.
Claire knocked on the door and waited for Leon to open it, to which he did very shortly after the knock.
"Hey, how's it been?" Leon asked, stepping aside so Claire could enter the room.
"Something happened." Claire said, taking her jacket off and hanging it up.
"With work or something else?" Leon asked, closing the door and locking it.
"Something else. It's about (Y/N)..." Claire trailed off the thoughts she was thinking before starting to now get to her.
"Did he break up with you?" Leon asked, walking up to Claire.
"No..." Claire muttered, shaking her head.
"Did he hit you?" Leon asked, trying to figure out if he needed to make someone disappear.
"No..." Claire said and tried to continue before Leon kept going.
"I swear if he..." Leon was cut off.
"He didn't hurt me in any way! Christ, Leon! Just let me finish!" Claire yelled, causing Leon to fall silent a little.
"Right, I'm sorry." Leon said, nodding.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I just... (Y/N) is in the hospital right now getting surgery after his mission." Claire said, walking past Leon to sit on the couch.
"Do you know what happened?" Leon asked, sitting down next to Claire.
"He apparently got too close to an explosive of some kind and lost his leg, he's been unconscious since then." Claire explained, staring at the floor.
"Jesus... When did they say his surgery would be done?" Leon asked, hoping this wouldn't end anything between the couple.
"They didn't say, I just told the receptionist to give me a call when the doctors were allowing visitors." Claire said, shrugging a little.
Leon nodded, he began to grow worried too. You and Leon were both orphans together and basically became brothers, it was impossible to separate you two. You both were roughly the same age and you followed Leon's steps into becoming a cop and asking to be positioned in Raccoon City when the incident happened and you met Claire.
You and Claire got separated from Leon and worked together to get out alive, eventually helping Sherry Birkin and practically adopting her for the short amount of time. You stayed with Leon for a little bit until you decided to go look for Claire, ultimately leading you to joining the BSAA alongside Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine.
You were roommates with Leon for a short time until you moved in with Claire, buying your guys' own house and going with the flow of things. Claire's job was not as demanding as yours but you still worried about her safety whenever she was away.
After roughly two years of living together, you both decided to try and be a normal couple and you were planning on marrying her after this current mission, the ring you were gonna propose to her with was hidden in your stuff. You were also in a small process of cleaning out one of the rooms you two weren't using to create a nursery for a future baby.
Leon knew all about this too, you had told him, shown him the ring you bought, you had taken pictures and screenshots of things you were looking at for some baby stuff. Leon had asked you that should you and Claire have a baby what he wanted, you said that you didn't care because you would love having a daughter or son or maybe both at some point.
"I just..." Claire began again, pulling Leon from his thoughts. Her voice is now shaky and her body is shaking. "I don't know what to do. I'm scared."
Leon pulled Claire into a hug, letting her cry into his chest. They sat like this for what felt like a long time until Claire's phone rang, Claire immediately jumped up and answered it, wiping her eyes and clearing her throat.
"Hello?" Claire answered, gently placing her phone next to her ear.
"Hi, is this Claire Redfield?" A lady asked, it wasn't the receptionist from before so she assumed the two must've switched shifts.
"Yes, I'm Claire. Is (Y/N) okay?" Claire asked, her hands shaking a little.
"Yes, he's doing good. He's been out of surgery for about an hour and the doctors have made sure he's stable and healthy. He was awake when the doctors left but he could be sleeping right now but you can now visit him." The lady said, she sounded happy.
"Thank you, thank you so much. I'll be up in a bit." Claire said, hanging up.
"So, is he okay?" Leon asked, Claire now realized that he jump up almost as fast as she did.
"He's okay." Claire said, tears getting in her eyes but they were happy this time.
Claire hugged Leon again, smiling and crying a little. Leon pulled away and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Go ahead and see him, I'll probably visit tomorrow." Leon said, ruffling Claire's hair a little.
Claire giggled a little before hurrily putting on her coat and leaving, yelling a quick "Bye" before shutting the door. Leon chuckled a little and shook his head.
Claire did her best to not go over any speed limits but wanted to get to you as fast as she could, she almost didn't even turn her car off when she got back to the base. She quickly ran back down to the wing, asked the receptionist what room you were in, and set off to find it.
When Claire got to your room, she found you, Chris, and Piers having a conversation. She didn't know what but honestly didn't care, her main care went towards you being awake and responsive. She knocked on the door, causing the three boys to look at her and smile. Claire watched your eyes light up upon seeing her, making her heart melt a little.
Chris glanced at Piers before they both nodded and left, saying their goodbyes to the two of you. Claire made her way to one of the chairs relatively close to you, before she sat down, she hugged you. She sat down after breaking the hug but ran her fingers through your hair, making you sigh and close your eyes.
"How do you feel?" Claire asked, moving some of your hair from your eyes.
"Better now that you're here." You replied, smiling at her.
She chuckled a little before she moved her hand to hold yours. "Truth?" She asked, wanting to know if you were lying.
"Mostly, just tired is all." You said, shrugging a little.
"Really? Nothing else? No pain?" Claire asked, looking at you with a little confusion.
"No, why? Do you want me to be in pain?" You asked, jokingly looking at her in shock.
"No, it's just... Every time I've visited you when you had to come here, you were never in that much pain. Now here you are, missing a leg and you're still chatting and being the best you that you can be." Claire said, shrugging a little.
"I'm just that awesome." You joked, smirking at her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes before gently patting your shoulder. "Wanna see it?" You asked, almost forgetting why you're here.
"What? Your leg?" Claire asked, glancing down towards the end of your bed.
"Yeah, it's honestly a lot better than I thought it was gonna be." You said, sitting up a little and shifting before moving the blankets to show Claire what was left of your leg.
Your right leg was missing from the knee down but you had bandages completely wrapped around your thigh, some bandages having very faint red spots on them.
"That is a lot better than I thought." Claire said, staring at stub leg.
"They said that most of the damage was my foot and that there was almost no skin on it and it lead up to around my knee but was just scratched up on my thigh, they had to cut my foot off from the knee down so no more damages or infections could latch onto me before I even got here." You explained, remembering clearly what Chris and Piers had just told you.
"This is best case scenario, right?" Claire asked, looking back at you.
"Yeah, the explosive was on a trip wire and I didn't see it, had I been a little more to my right, I probably wouldn't have come back." You said, knowing that the trap was practically unavoidable.
"Can you move your leg still?" Claire asked, seeing that you hadn't moved it yet.
"Yes, but my doctors recommend that I don't until they think it's healed up enough too. They're also getting me a prosthetic so I'll be able to walk around again." You explained, slightly tapping your finger on your thigh.
Claire smiled and nodded, helping you get tucked back into the blankets. She stayed with you the whole day and you had a few more visitors, Chris and Piers came back, Jill stopped by to chat for a bit, and a few doctors came in to check on you. Eventually, you two fell asleep and hoped for the best tomorrow morning.
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
previous anon about Carlos should have been in here: there is a few things about RE2R that I wish wasn't left out was Chris having anything to acknowledge why he didn't tell Claire himself he'll be "taking time off" and she had to hear it in the midst of the world ending from Marvin (in OG2 we find a file saying can't tell Claire I'm being watched and she would want to come with me to guard my back... does that get addressed in OG code veronica? i don't remember much all I remember is Chris "I always keep my promises"... hi call back in Village Mia in the cells says something like "you promised you would keep us safe") and Jill already being there and suffering/tying up loose ends (she had a planned time to leave its on her calendar and suffering is the pills on her bedside table and that letter "barely eating/ barely sleeping") the only people she had with her is Carlos and Tyrell and they were ubcs
the only form of "jealousy" i want to see from Chris when it comes to Carlos is none (maybe a little angst about Carlos did something Chris didn't which is get to Jill in time). Chris is in a horrible situation with Jill AND more importantly Claire who we barely get to see him interact with (he couldn't even try to reach for her when they were in neighbouring cells?) and then we throw in Carlos? who went through so much helping Jill (does Carlos know that giving the "vaccine" to Jill is what made Wesker want her- that her blood had the t virus specifically modified for the Nemesis and the vaccine?)
i enjoyed the film... the one time i watched. it any time I rewatch my enjoyment will be because i am watching it with my sister (after her first time watching it obviously) and we start making fun of it
(next and only time I want to see Leon again is when he is getting dragged by a horse. watch trick riding then watch that motobike scene in vendetta as to why)
Welcome back! There was a lot in the first paragraph, so I spent the day rereading and poking at what events you're talking about. I know after reading the rest of this ask that there's something I need to state.
I don't know what train of canon these movies are going for post-RE2 Remake (2019). Vendetta dropped in 2017 the same year as RE7 and as far as we know follows the canon timeline of all the games prior aka RE0-RE6. But after this? Infinite Darkness and Death Island? Entirely up in the air. With all the changes they're shifting to make things more realistic they could be going from the remakes, but Infinite Darkness dropped before the RE4 Remake and takes place after those events. Other than hard dates for what movie or game happens when, I'm genuinely adverse even considering touching which canon trail the movies and animated series are following from 2021 forward. The best I can do is say the original games are one canon, the remakes are another, and they're not supposed to be interchangeable, but Capcom is trying to shove them into one box for???? reasons??? (Money. The reason is money.)
I always try to compare them as separate trails just to see what the remakes try to pull from the original games based on inspiration and improvements. One of the most notable changes they make for the remakes is how important information is delivered to the player.
In the original games they make you read a lot. There are tons of documents and files sprinkled all over the area, in desks, behind paintings, on the ground, in lockers, on doors, in windows, in safes, under chairs, on the stairs, buy my wares, it's all over the place! And it's overwhelming! Especially because you don't even need half of the information you find to progress. It's good for people who want to know lore, but if you're a seasoned player, you can filter out the lore from the "this has a hint or keycode I need to unlock the next area". So you won't read what you don't care to read meaning character beats like Chris' notes can be skipped with no consequence other than losing some of the story. By having a different character voice this information to the player, you can't skip it. You are getting vital information that helps enrich the backstory and the nuance of the characters and the world around you in those same bites of time.
The best example of this is the changes they did for Luis from Resident Evil 4. In the original, you learn all of his information, his backstory, his motives, everything about him through a fuck ton of notes and letters that are very easy to skip or miss. From a storytelling perspective, there's no value in that. If you miss most of this information, he's just some guy the entire time, who's kinda sexist, and gives you bullets and healing items. In the remake, he's telling you and showing you who he is through his actions. You the player get to see his motivations and character through cut scenes with Ada and Leon with minimal sleuthing with a couple pictures and a singular journal you find that may or may not relate to him. And the last edges of the truth come out in just a couple documents in his lab before the final boss fight. It's not through this 20 page lore dump that's supposed to inspire sympathy at the end of the game. This change worked because everyone wants to fuck Luis now.
So it's small, but I do appreciate Marvin being the one to tell Claire about Chris. It highlights that Chris trusted Marvin adding a little more sadness to his death because maybe they were friends. It let's the audience know that Chris talks about Claire at work enough that Marvin knows how important she is therefore telling the player Chris cares about her a lot. It also lets Claire and the player receive this information very painlessly because not everyone is a completionist who needs to play the game 50 times and wring everything out of it.
As for Chris being in a bad situation with Claire and Jill, I really don't think that's the case. I know Chris drops the ball sometimes, but it's not on purpose, and it's never out of malicious intent. He tries, and he beats himself up when he fails. He's his own biggest critic because he's lost so many people, and it hurts him to see others doing what stupid shit he does, because he doesn't want them to get hurt. He wants the people he cares about to be better than him.
Chris did blame himself for not being there for Claire in Raccoon City, and he apologized to her in Code Veronica. As for not holding Claire's hand through the bars, I don't know how he would've done that.
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Look at Jill's hand and how she grasps one of the bars of the cell. The gaps are very narrow, and Chris has huge arms. Maybe Claire could squeeze a limb through, but she'd have to bend her arm very awkwardly for Chris to make that reassuring contact unless they both sat on the floor. I know he very much did want to hold her hand, and I do blame the directors for not giving us a single Redfield hug. But I don't think it was a matter of Chris not wanting to make sure she's okay. He does love Claire. This movie was terrible about showing that kind of care between literally everyone in the cast.
As for Chris being on bad terms with Jill, I can't say that's true either. This movie takes place 6 years after Wesker is finally dead. Presumably that means this is Jill's first year back on the field since her traumatic event. Chris isn't going to leave her on radio silence after all they've been through together. She's not Leon. I like to believe Chris was there for her through a lot of her recovery and probably endorsed her return to the BSAA because she wanted to come back. It's a small moment, but when Chris first approaches her in the shooting range, Jill tells him not to worry about her and passes him a water bottle. There's an understanding here. Their friendship isn't gone nor diminished, but Jill is putting herself under a lot of pressure, and Chris doesn't know how to take that weight from her shoulders. That's why their conversation deteriorated the way it did.
As for Carlos, I think he'd have mixed feelings on knowing him helping Jill survive was a boon for Wesker, but I don't think he'd beat himself up for it. At the time, there were only two options which were save Jill or let Jill die. He's no scientist that could synthesize an alternate cure, and he cares about Jill as deeply as she cares about him. In any variation of the events of 1998, he wouldn't have let her die if he had the power to prevent it. He also knows if their roles were reversed, she would do the same for him. Yes, it's awful that Wesker manipulated Jill for a fact of her body she had no control over, but I'm sure Jill and Carlos would've had a long talk about not playing the blame game if the conversation came up between them. Capcom had to get rid of Carlos (and Sheva) because he actually has decent communication skills, and that doesn't work for their half-assed written angst dynamics.
Also don't get me started on RE7 and RE8 because I have a bazillion words about the Winters family and Chris. Like...too many...
But I'm happy you're having fun making fun of the film! I'll be doing that myself during my rewatches as I write out my rewrite with Carlos.
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cosmicoceanfic · 1 year
Claireverse, Goodbye Stranger
Dean gets in the car and looks behind him. He sees Crowley, holding onto Meg, sees the both of them staring at him, and makes one of those lightning decisions, the one where it’s not really a decision, it just kinda happens.
Dean slams the car into reverse. In surprise, Crowley releases Meg, who takes a few skittering steps back. The back of the Impala plows into Crowley, sending him flying. Meg gapes at him.
“GET IN THE FUCKING CAR,” Dean roars. Meg doesn’t have to be told twice, jumping into the shotgun seat. Dean takes off like a shot, gripping the steering wheel, trying to breathe even. They drive in silence for the first five minutes or so, Meg staring at him as he white knuckles the wheel.
“Where’s Feathers?” She finally asks.
“It’s.” Dean takes a deep breath. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know?”
“I don’t know means I don’t fucking know, Meg.” He takes another breath. “The angels… did something to him. He beat me half to death, he snapped out of it, he took off.”
They’re quiet again.
“Why did you do that? Back there?”
“I don’t know. I think. I think I owe you one, maybe.”
Meg squints at him. “Elaborate.”
“I, uh. You kept an eye on Cas. When he was nutso. And I… I think I owe you one. For that.”
“You do.”
“So I am… paying you back. I’m not doing it again, though, so you should stay the fuck away from Crowley.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna be a problem.”
“Didn’t think it would.”
Meg takes a deep, steeling breath.
“Thanks,” she says, very grudgingly. “Or whatever.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sure.”
They fall silent.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Dean says abruptly. “By which I mean I just saved your ass from Short Dark and Cranky back there, so I get to ask you something.” Meg doesn’t say anything, just glowers, but she doesn’t bite him or anything, so he takes it that he’s good to go. “What’s the deal with you and Cas?”
“And what deal might you be referring to?”
“Oh, fuck you, don’t make me beg.”
“I dunno. Maybe I like the sound of you begging.”
Dean grits his teeth. “Look, do you have the warm fuzzies for him or not?”
“Why? Are you jealous?”
Dean scowls. “No. No. No, I’m not, I just want to know. He’s my friend, I’m looking out for him, something you’d know, if you had friends.”
Meg looks out the windshield.
“What can I say? I find myself rather fond of the little tree topper.”
“Fond how?”
“I’m not going to corrupt his angelic virtue, if that’s what you’re so worried about. I have no interest in popping that particular cherry.”
“Then what do you want with him?”
“Well, perhaps I enjoy his company. I don’t call him just when I need something, you know.”
“I don’t do that,” Dean snaps. “And you don’t call him, anyway.”
“Don’t you?” Meg stretches her legs out, resting her feet on the dash. “He’s always so happy to bleed for the Winchesters, but are the Winchesters so happy to bleed for him?”
Dean grits his teeth. “Meg, get your fucking feet off my dashboard before I break them off.” Meg rolls her eyes but complies. “You know, Claire and I were settled. We had our own apartment, we were stable. And he didn’t come to see me once. He came to see Claire which, don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for! But he only came to see me when he needed help. So you wanna talk about me only calling him when he needs something, sister, it is a two way street.”
Meg tilts her head back. “You wanna know what I think?”
“I think that you are fundamentally broken.”
“Meg, I am seven seconds from kicking your ass out on the side of the road-“
“But I think so is Castiel. And so is Moose. And so I am, too, maybe. And I think we all behave in strange, fucked up, fundamentally broken little ways, and none of us know how to communicate with each other.”
Dean sniffs. “Since when do you get profound?”
“I was tortured for a long time, Ken Doll. I had a lot of time to think.” Meg sighs. “I don’t know what to tell you, Winchester. All I can tell you is that I like being around him. I like the way he sees me. You say I don’t have friends, but I think I have one. I think I have Clarence. And if I get my hands on whatever angel fucked him around in his brainpan, I’ll skin them. That’s what you would do, isn’t it?”
Dean tightens his grip on the wheel. “Yeah. Well.”
“Am I permitted to interrogate your intentions now?”
“No, you are not.” Dean looks at her. “So what are you gonna do?”
“I’m going to ground. Somewhere far away. I’m getting my hair how I like it and I’m burying myself so deep the Little Prince of Hell will never find me.”
Dean grits his teeth. He can’t believe he’s doing this.
“Okay,” he says. “Well, we’re making a pit stop, before you fuck off.”
Meg folds her arms. “You know, if you wanted to kill me yourself, I have to tell you, I can absolutely take you.”
“Believe me, I’d love nothing more, but.” Dean thinks of the look on Cas’ face, staring down at him. The horror in his eyes as he healed Dean’s broken face. “I’m doing somebody a solid.”
Meg barely says a word the entire time Dean is buying the phone, eyeing him suspiciously. When they get outside the phone store, Dean programs his number into it, and programs the new phone’s number into his. He shoves the phone at Meg.
“Here,” he says. “Take it.”
Meg does so, slowly. “Why?”
“Listen-“ Dean steels himself. “I don’t know where Cas is or what he’s doing. But, uh. He’s gonna. He’s gonna wanna know you’re okay. So I am… I am leaving an avenue open for him.”
Meg sizes him up.
“Thanks,” she finally says.
“Hey, I’m not doing this for you, Bitch Barbie. I’m doing this cause maybe. Maybe I owe Cas one, too.”
Meg slides the phone into her pocket. “Well. Guess I’ll see you around.”
“Ideally, no.”
“Mm.” Meg stretches. “Later, bitch nuggets.”
Meg strides off, leaving Dean leaning against the Impala. He rubs his eyes, taking a deep breath. He’s got to go home. Brief Sam. Come up with a story for Claire about Cas. Take a long, long nap.
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I used to read sister claire about 5-10 years (I read it avidly 10 years ago but I stopped and I MIGHT have revisited it briefly but I can't remember) ago and yesterday I got the idea that I should check in on it, because it's probably finished by now after so many years, right? The archive stopped at the last chapter of book 3 I think so I figured that was the end when I was reading.. but then I found out it continued and when I got to the last page it was posted yesterday?! But I was confused because I read 8ish years worth of comic in.. a few hours at most? And there were characters that popped in out of nowhere. Like the myra or whatever that character was called, I have NO idea what that is and they don't explain it AT ALL. And the part where they explain why everyone at the mercy abbey was so mean to claire, it was very interesting... but they basically don't explain it at all? They just say that rosie and marie were shards? I can't remember if this is adressed earlier, however I do remember reading some of these missing moments or whatever back in the day, and that it was explored in those stories so I understood somewhat what happened but itfelt extremely vague in the comic itself? And then this whole thing with Margie and Magpie, I read the missing moments stories about Magpie but not the ones with Margie and Magpie, so when Magpie just comes in from nowhere and starts hanging around Margie I just don't get ANY explaination. This comic literallt can't be released as a stand alone comic. I feel like Yamino got tired of drawing and just let Ash write stories instead ? I really like this world and the story, I wish it got the treatment it deserved
Wow, welcome back! I congratulate you on your perseverance in the reread.
You are correct; a lot is explained in the Missing Moments. It is a source of frustration for many. I'm sorry you had this disappointing experience.
—Mod Marie 🌸
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Okay, maybe this shouldve been my first post, but time is a construct, life is flexible and I'll do what i like.
So hi! This is my writblr intro!!
Name: Q, yes like james bond, no I'm not a tech genius, although if you ask i will show you my pretty python turtle pictures
Pronouns: all, they/them is the default if you're not sure :). But I cannot stress this enough, all pronouns does not mean "it's okay to just use she/her" like yeah, I do, but it would be nice to have some variety/sometimes it's nice to feel like I'm being accepted for using all pronouns rather than people taking the easy route.
WIP Poetry:
Growing pains - explores growing up as a young carer, becoming disabled myself/learning about my disabilities, struggling with ab*se and general teenage angst
WIP(s) Novels:
A Woman's Work - the story of three generations of women in the same family, Claire in 1974, her mother Bunny in 1948, and Bunny's mother Alice in 1925. Each one has a secret, and every secret has a price. It explores themes of family, exclusion, isolation, love, and what it means to make sacrifices. Some of the storylines are loosely based off of things that actually happened to my own family (specifically Alice's story).
Chess - Set in alternate universe 1880's london, a cast of six main characters all share their perspectives, as the underground magic rebellion society named "Chess" prepares to launch an attack on the people making it illegal for them to exist, with the daughter of the prime minister, 18 year old Cleopatra Kent, as their linchpin. This book has a diverse cast of characters and a lot of explosions and action ( a hugely self indulgent project)
Tomorrow's coming anyway - a cute, fluffy lesbian romance about a non-binary teen called Xyla, who gets stuck in a time loop with their crush (and older sister's best friend) Hannah. Together they must figure out how to break out of the time loop, while Xyla grapples with their feelings for Hannah.
I'd love to get to know all of you guys and tell you more about my books so if theres anything you want to know about them, drop me an ask/comment and I'll be sure to get back to you about it!!
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