#I need to stop forgetting this app exists
phaniephan · 1 year
Some ship exchange stuff here I forgot to post
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ardentpoop · 10 months
i havent eaten prior to 3 PM for the past 7 days
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auraworkshop · 5 months
Hi Aura, I'm also one of those peoples who WOKE UP IN THE VOID using your sub. I'm so grateful to you <3
I have been in this community for preety long and never seen any blogger doing this except riri and you! I always used to I wish I could also take advantage when little manifested for people as I wasn't there on the time when she did so.
But a GENUINE THANKS to you for manifesting the void for people !
Thankyou for giving us an upgraded and effortless way to enter the void.
You are the only blogger here who really wants to help people I swear, everyone else here are just taking ADVANTAGE of those who are desperate to change their lives.
They just repeat those old same posts over and over about motivation, persisting ENDLESSLY, doing this and that ... And I know that half of the people of the void community are LYING about their so called success stories :)
But I know you are gonna bring a huge change in this community soon enough,
Your approach to move this community forward is like watering the dull flowers to make them bloom again🌷!!
Btw, My void experience was truly horrible, I literally felt like I almost died, ☠️ the symptoms were so INTENSE like seriously!! But when I got in, it was peaceful, silent, black and something space like uk...
I manifested 150+ pages of my desires ofcourse I'm ain't gonna list all of em but I'll list the main thinggs here :
🎀Looking like wonyoung ( face )
🎀Body structure like Jennie
🎀Hairs like lisaa LOL
🎀Doe eyes
🎀Lucky girl syndrome
🎀Manifested back my dead granny
🎀A cat
🎀Living near wonyoung
🎀Life app
🎀1 million dollars to be credited to my bank account every 24 hours
🎀Caring, chiil and cool parents
🎀Knowing every language
🎀Not being clumsy
🎀Never having children's
🎀Increased my age ( only 2 years ☠️ )
🎀Voice like Ariana
🎀My crush
🎀Desired wardrobe
🎀Loyal friends
🎀Forgetting about my life before void ( I seriously don't remember anything)
🎀No need to go to poop again
🎀The ability to fly and stop time
THANKYOU FOR EXISTING <3, I'm gonna deactivate now and live my dream life !!
Love ya, mwahh ♡
Congratulations buddy ! I know It can be frustrating when people keep saying the same things over and over again and not actually taking any concrete action. I truly believe in helping people in a genuine and meaningful way, not just repeating empty motivational jargon. I'm so glad to hear that you are now finally living your dream life :) Let's keep supporting each other and bringing much-needed changes to the void community 🤍
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k-hotchoisan · 9 months
toothbrush (Seonghwa x fem!reader)
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Baby, you don’t have to rush, you can leave your toothbrush at my place.
We don’t have to keep it hush, you can leave your toothbrush at my place.
He’s in love with you, but he doesn’t know how to tell you, so he asks you to leave your toothbrush at his place.
Genre/Warnings: friends to lovers, confessions, fluff, unprotected sex, night before sex, morning sex, cream pies
Word count: 5.5k
A/n: this mf song has been stuck in my head so I gotta write this to get it out of my system.
A little something for ✨ 200 followers ✨
thank you for the support 🩷 words cannot express how grateful I am for every like, reblog and reply!
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You didn’t mean to but there you were again, being irritated and crying from another heartbreak from a relationship that wasn’t even a relationship. It sucked because he seemed like a really nice guy, good even, well, if you squinted hard enough I guess. But still, it didn’t change the fact that it gutted you.
You lie on your friend’s lap, wiping your wet eyes while she snatches your phone to block that scum’s contact number.
“You need to stop doing this to yourself”, she scolds, and you’ve heard it many times from her but love makes you an absolute dumbass.
Seonghwa walks over, his arms folded, evident he heard your sniffling from across the room. You glance at him, tears still watering your eyes because you know he’s about to give you another earful. But the moment he sees you vulnerable like that, he can’t bring himself to do it, and he’s sure you’ve heard a million times, especially from him. He simply sighs and puts an outstretched arm to get you to sit up.
You remain silent as you take his hand gingerly and he pulls you up. He kneels down to your eye level. “I’ll bring you to supper okay? Forget about that son of a bitch.”
You still wear a pout on your face as you sigh and lean forward a little. For a spilt second, Seonghwa is taken aback and pulls back immediately, thinking you were about to kiss him, and his ears grow red very quickly, unnoticed by you, but definitely caught by your friend, who turns away and snickers at the ridiculousness of it all.
Seonghwa immediately stands up and looks away, walking back to whatever he was doing. You slap your cheeks gently before leaving to wash your face in Seonghwa’s bathroom.
The three of you spend the evening playing horrible matches of Super Smash Bros, before your friend decides to leave early, only leaving you and Seonghwa with each other. You excuse yourself to the washroom to freshen up before your supper appointment with Seonghwa and he nods as he attempts to switch off the console.
Just then, your phone lights up and that catches Seonghwa’s attention. He at first decides to merely glance over to check if it was your friend who messaged you, but irritation and annoyance bleeds into his system the moment he sees the Instagram direct message notification, from that exact guy who ghosted you, asking you if you had him blocked on the app the both of you were messaging on.
The fucking audacity of him. Seonghwa could only furrow his eyebrows in complete frustration as he doesn’t want to invade your privacy, even though you gave him your password in case of drinking emergencies. Instead, he simply opts to swipe the notification away, as if it never existed. That barely keeps him satisfied, because he wishes he could just send a “go fuck yourself” to him before blocking him on Instagram as well.
You come back and Seonghwa is standing up, taking his essentials in his pretty hands as he hands you your phone.
You thank him as you receive your phone from him. “Remember to block him”, Seonghwa reminds you out of the blue, only leaving you confused since you did block him already. You don’t question it nonetheless, and go to grab your wallet from your bag.
By then it was almost 11pm, and the both of you settle on a local Vietnamese restaurant for some nice Pho. Seonghwa helps you order the food before you could even iterate yours. You scrunch your eyebrows in curiosity at him.
“Didn’t know you were so nice,” you tease as you receive the utensils from him on instinct. He rolls his eyes. “I’m always nice. You’ve just been accustomed to it.”
“Of course you are. My Park Seonghwa is always the nicest”, you hum, and Seonghwa freezes in his place, his noodles in midair, hanging by the chopsticks he’s suddenly grasping so hard. There it is again, the slow tinting of his ears, that you thought you missed for a spilt second.
Seonghwa obviously opts not to say anything back, letting the words sink as he slurps the noodles. He notices your mood had significantly lightened up the moment you indulged yourself in the meal, and he internally sighs in relief. He lets you run your mouth as he listens intently, just wanting to hear your voice and opinions, at the same getting lost in the gaze of your twinkling eyes. He loved that part of you so much for some reason. It was so addictive to indulge in, and Seonghwa knows, it’s never gonna be enough for him. He hasn’t gotten to a certain point yet, and he’s sort of afraid to because;
One, he doesn’t want to get caught;
Two, he knows if he starts, he’s never going back. A fucking rabbit hole that constantly coos him to step into.
“No dates recently? You ask, as you munch on the meat.”
Seonghwa shakes his head. “Not interested.”
You pull your lips thin, offhandedly thinking his standards must be high.
“Oh right. I need to head to the convenience store to grab some stuff”, you say, reminding yourself aloud. “Shall we?”
Seonghwa nods as you stand up quickly, shocking Seonghwa as you block him from leaving first, as you tunnel to the cashier to pay for the meal. He barely registers what’s going on and the second he does, it’s already too late and he rushes over to you, frustrated that you paid the bill when it was him who suggested the meal.
You roll your eyes playfully at him. “It’s fine Seonghwa. Take it as thanks for making me feel better”, you say patting his cheeks lightly before sliding your card back into your wallet. You and Seonghwa thank the staff before heading to your next destination.
The door rings as he pushes the door open for you and lets you go in first. You immediately head for the toiletries section and Seonghwa spilts to the snacks section.
He’s done picking out his snacks, arms full of chips and cup ramen, as he dumps the small load into the basket. He picks it up and decides to look for you.
And you were there, at the same section. Seonghwa’s curious at what you’re so intently looking at and why you were at the toiletries section to begin with. He assumes at first that you needed sanitary items but as he nears you, he sees that you’re looking at—
“Toothbrushes?” He asks as he leans in closer to take a look.
You nod. “Yeah. About time I get a new one.”
“Get the pair one.” Seonghwa suggests, his hands overlapping and covering yours as he reaches out for the twin pair beside the one you were looking at.
“For what? You need one too?” You ask, turning to face him.
“No”, was all he replies. You raise an eyebrow in confusion, waiting for him to continue.
“Soooo, why should I get the twin pack?” You ask again, tilting your head at him. Seonghwa can’t seem to meet your gaze.
And you realise, once again, his ears are slowly turning into a pretty shade of red. But it still doesn’t make sense. The blush creeps to his cheeks slightly, barely noticeable if it wasn’t for the fluorescent lights beating down on the both of you, and the silence only grows more heavier. You hear a small inhales taken by Seonghwa.
“So you can leave one at my place”, he finally responds, his eyes darting from the toothbrushes to your eyes.
Your words are stuck in your throat, completely taken aback. You blink at him.
“Your place?” You reiterate, already slowly tugging the pack.
Seonghwa cuts the eye contact, and he hastily pulls the pack from under your hands and dumps it into the basket. It’s fucking evident—he’s fucking blushing even though he’s keeping a straight face. Nothing is still adding up in your head—like where that even came from, what that even meant.
“Hwa”, you sounded, your hands curling around his arm to get his attention. He flinches slightly at your contact. “What do you mean by that? I don’t stay over-“
“You should stay over tonight since you don’t have anything on tomorrow. It’s late”, he cuts. He’s barely calm as his back is facing you, and he feels himself shaking from the ballsy words that left his mouth. He was so fucking relieved that the only people in store was the both of you. But what made him vocalise those thoughts? He doesn’t know as well. But since he already pushed the suggestion to even leave a fucking toothbrush at his place, he may as well go all out.
A hell lot of thoughts were running through your mind. The reason of asking you to stay over solely because “it’s late”, you both knew it was a fucking lie. But the question still stands—since when?
Then he suddenly backtracks. “I can sleep on the couch. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” That only strengthens your resolve for some reason, only wondering how this impromptu conversation will evolve from here.
“Sure, I’ll crash at your place.”
And Seonghwa doesn’t reply, because he’s struggling to cover his red ass face as he quickens his pace to the cashier, leaving you still stumped behind him. But being the guy Park Seonghwa is, he turns behind and ushers you to follow him, causing a small smile to dance on your lips as you almost skip to his side.
Thank fuck the route back was like a five minutes walk because the both of you don’t say a word—just Seonghwa holding the plastic bag as you tail him, sneaking glances at him as he covers his lips with the back of his palm.
“You’re blushing a hell lot, Park Seonghwa”, you point out, intentionally nearing his face. His palm flattens on his cheek, and then lowers to his neck and he sighs. “I know”, he replies, finally able to crack a small smile the moment his eyes meet yours. He can’t help it. Deep inside, he’s still bewildered that you agreed to stay over.
Seonghwa dumps his stuff on the dining table and starts digging for your toothbrush, knowing you are gonna ask for it the moment you remove your shoes. Before you could even ask, he whips the toiletry out right into your hands.
“Thanks bro”, you say, taking the item from him. And from the corner of your eye, you see a pout form on his face, and that only elicits a small chuckle from you as you tear open the packaging to take one out.
“Do you have spare towels?” You ask.
“I’ll grab some for you, and a shirt too”, Seonghwa replies as he leaves the vicinity, a little too quickly, as he snatches one of the toothbrushes already in your hand.
A few minutes pass and Seonghwa emerges from the bathroom and gestures for you to go in when you’re ready. “It’s on the sink. Be careful okay? Call out my name if you need anything.”
You nod as you disappear into the bathroom.
And then Seonghwa’s composure completely dissipates the moment you close the door. Red flushes his neck and ears again as he sits on the couch, covering his face with both palms. Fuck, he can’t believe this is happening. He’s not expecting anything obviously because he doesn’t know how you feel about him, and he doesn’t want to push it. But undoubtedly, the thought of you being in the same vicinity as him, is sending him into a spiral.
“Fuck me”, he sighs, leaning back into the couch, his face under his arm, feeling his blush not going away.
You leave the bathroom after fifteen, agonising minutes, and Seonghwa is relieved he lent you his boxers because he wouldn’t know what he would have done if you came out just in his shirt and your underwear.
“I’m done. I’m going into the room first. You don’t have to sleep on the couch. I’m fine with sharing a bed with you”, you tell him before disappearing with your phone. Seonghwa’s thoughts grow hazy because the situation is just escalating and his mind is slowly creeping into areas where he had promised not to seep into. Maybe it was the comfort he gave you because he always looked out for you ever since the both of you grew close and that you knew he would never hurt you, but it’s reaching a fever pitch at this point and he doesn’t know how much more he can take because his crush on you is that fucking bad.
He emerges from the bathroom, his hair wet and dripping, in the cutest matching silk grey pyjamas you finally see him wear in real life since you’ve only seen once through discord. Fuck he’s so adorable, like he’s totally prepared for bed already. He climbs into bed, his gaze never leaving yours as he drinks the look of you in his clothes. It was almost dream-like in his eyes.
“I finally get to see you in those cute pjs”, you tease. “Maybe I should get a set too.”
Seonghwa snuggles to a comfortable position, since the bed isn’t too big, and you feel his knee bump onto yours. You turn to face him, and he feels himself melt under your gaze.
“Park Seonghwa,” you call out, snapping him out of his little day dream, and he straightens his back in attention. “What’s up with you?”
Seonghwa doesn’t answer, and it’s evident he’s getting nervous. His hand reaches out to caress your cheek and you shut your eyes as you feel the tips of his fingers brush against your skin.
“It’s you. It’s always been you”, Seonghwa suddenly confesses, removing his hands from your face.
Your heart bursts into thousands of butterflies at his response. You don’t know how you never noticed it, but now that he’s mentioned it, you realise the soft spots he seemed to have for you, which you brushed off his actions as how he’s always been with other people, now more evident as it floats to the surface.
For a moment, you don’t know how to feel because it was all so sudden. But the more Seonghwa’s sinks into your brain, the more you feel yourself falling—fast. And now the both of you are staring at each other in the dark, on the same bed, sharing the silence between the both of you.
“I think it would devastate me if you didn’t like me back”, Seonghwa breaks the silence, as a small laugh escapes his lips. “But it’s fine. I don’t-“
Your hands cup the male’s lips, and his eyes widen in surprise, wondering if he said anything wrong.
“Seonghwa. Stop talking.”
His heart races, bracing for a rejection, only to feel a pair of hands cup his cheek as you lean in and press your lips against his.
Seonghwa feels himself falling apart as his hands snake to the side of your head, his lips parting, desperate to taste all of you as he closes the distance between the both of you. He becomes more aggressive as every second passed, craving for every part of you. The smell of his body soap on you engulfs him entirely and can’t help but turn into mush against your lips.
As he pulls back and drinks the sight of you heaving softly and eyes hooded, he moves above you, his hands trailing up and down your body as he dives in for another hungry kiss. He’s still not processing it—the fact that he confessed to you at the heat of the moment, the fact that you kissed him and the fact that he’s above you right now.
His thumb brushes against the corner of your lips and you part your lips—something he doesn’t expect—as his thumb slides down past your lips as you stick your tongue out shyly and he’s aroused by the whole scene.
“Could I-?” He asks, trying to keep his cool. You take his hand and lick his thumb, sending electricity right to Seonghwa’s dick, which is hardening very quickly above you.
“Please do. Anything, if it’s with you”, you sigh, your arousal burning you up. Seonghwa’s heart skips a beat as he pulls his shirt off and your breathe quickens at how scrumptious his body looks. Fuck, his tits look amazing. You absentmindedly reach out to feel them and boy, did they feel so good. Seonghwa’s face contorts into one of pleasure as a whimper escapes his lips. Your eyes flicker to meet his and a small smile appears on your lips. You don’t realise what he’s doing until his hands snake under your oversized tee and he cups your tits in return, causing you to squeal in pleasure as he pinches your nipples tenderly. “That feels good, Hwa”, you whimper, trying to hide your shyness. He takes it as a signal to lift the shirt up and over your head, your bare chest fully exposed to him now. His breath hitches because never in a million years would he have thought it would be right before him like that. He still cannot fathom it.
He cups your tits as he goes down and sucks on your nipple, causing you to arch your back in reaction as a cry leaves your body. Your fingers tug on his hair gently and this time, he whimpers. His eyes slowly open as he soaks in the view of you, face contorted with pleasure as he sucks and kisses your tits. He can’t get enough.
His hands soon leave your chest, giving you a moment to catch your breath, but you realise it’s because he’s palming his crotch—his dick just erected and pushing against his silk pants, which were starting to get stained from his precum.
“Come here”, you gesture, and he moves in closer, his gaze never leaving yours, wanting to immerse himself with you. You have him leaning against the pillows that were propped up, and you move in for another gentle, open mouthed kiss. He immediately reciprocates, sighing into your mouth lovingly as he cups your cheek while he palms his clothed erection.
You straddle him, and your pussy is just above his erection. A little bit of teasing wouldn’t hurt, you think as you grind up his clothed dick. Seonghwa stares down at your pussy as the wetness continues to pool and leak through your clothes with heavy breaths. The friction from the layers is making him whine. It’s not enough. Seonghwa wants more. But oh gods, did it feel so good. He stops you when he can’t take it anymore.
“Please, y/n. Need to be in you”, he begs, squeezing your thighs. “It’s not enough.”
You pull back and tug on his waistbands, pulling off both his pants and his boxers, staring at the string of wetness between his cockhead and his undergarment. His cock twitches at the contact and more precum oozes from his tip.
Seonghwa is definitely feeling shy but the horniness is just overpowering him at this point.
And you were not gonna let it go just yet.
You give him small strokes and he fucks into your hand, and whines. You never knew Seonghwa to be the greedy type but from the way he’s begging—twitching and whining to be fucked—it definitely gave you a new perspective.
“Are you ready?” You ask, stroking his jaw.
He nods a little too quickly, his gaze locking onto yours as you position his cockhead to your entrance and sink down.
It was a fucking treat—watching Seonghwa’s face contort into absolute euphoria, eyebrows scrunching together, more whimpers and whines escaping his lips alongside your name.
Your cunt finally swallows his cock whole and Seonghwa’s hand trembles slightly as he lets himself soak in the warmth of your pussy.
Your fingers go around his jaw as you lift his chin up to face you.
“You’re not gonna cum yet right?”
His eyes look so glazed as he shakes his head frantically. You lean in and kiss his jaw. “I’m gonna start moving”, you mutter, loud enough so that he could hear, and he nods.
You lift your hips off and slam down, the pleasure buzzing through the both of you as you begin bouncing on his cock. Seonghwa fights the urge to shut his eyes as his fingers grip your thighs.
“Mm, so good. So fucking good, y/n. Fuck. More, please.” He begs. “You feel so fucking amazing.”
On the other hand, you felt as euphoric as well, his cock hitting you in all right places. You lean in to rest your head on Seonghwa’s shoulders as you do your best to fuck into Seonghwa’s cock. The sounds were so pornographic—squelching and wet skin slapping non stop—only keeping the momentum going.
You were starting to lose grip on reality as well, the only thing that settled in your mind was the feeling of Seonghwa’s cock just being shoved deep in you. Soon enough, his hands move to your ass, lifting it before pushing it down, loving how your cunt just devours his cock whole like that. He doesn’t forget to pull you in and stick soft kisses against your neck and temples every time you lower yourself on his dick, exacerbating the tickling that flushed in your cunt. Your mind slowly melts into mush every time Seonghwa’s melodic moans burn straight into your ear.
Your hands cup both sides of his face as you tilt his head to face you. His eyes were half-lidded, and his lips parted, and he’s trying to regulate his breathing as his eyes focus on yours. You hear your heart hammer in your ears. You never realised how fucking gorgeous he actually looks.
“You put Aphrodite to shame, you know?” You suddenly break the silence. Seonghwa grows red again. He attempts to look away but your hands aren’t letting him. “You’re so fucking pretty.” And he hardens right beneath you, his neck fully flushing red now.
You turn to nip and kiss his neck this time, and his breath gets caught in his throat, now small sobs leaving him. The orgasmic feeling begins chasing you as you feel yourself squeeze around him, and undoubtedly, Seonghwa feels it too, judging by how erratically he’s rutting into you.
“Fuck, Hwa, I’m cumming”, you crack, as you sink so fucking deep into his cock, feeling his cockhead just dragging along your cunt, that his fingers are leaving light imprints on your thighs.
“So fucking deep-“ he pants, just before his face seeps into another realm of pleasure when your orgasm bursts in waves and you are clawing his arms, barely keeping it together as the pleasure washes over you. Your eyes are rolled back, eyebrows scrunched as only Seonghwa’s name leaves your lips over and over.
Seonghwa’s hands curl around your jaw as he brings your lips to his, kissing you hard through your orgasm, and your mouth hangs open, still fucked out from the pleasure. You’re pretty sure you creamed so much on his cock at this point, but you were too much in euphoria to care.
In between wet kisses, he winces, “I’m cumming too”. Without much of a warning, his cock twitches in you, and he shoots ropes of hot cum right into your hole as he groans into your neck, right at your fucking ear. His grip moves to your hair as he tugs gently as he empties himself in you.
As the high dies down, the only sounds in the room were you and Seonghwa’s pants. You were the first to break the tension with a soft laugh.
“Oh god Seonghwa, I think I’m in love with you.”
Seonghwa blinks, not expecting those words to leave your mouth. He wants to grab you and kiss you so hard till you fight for air but he holds back, kissing the shell of your ear before whispering, “you don’t know how long I’ve been in love with you.” You pull back, covering your ear, your turn to blush.
You lift yourself off him, feeling his cum leak out of you as you wince. Seonghwa is fighting every nerve in his body to look away but his gaze stays glued onto the way his cum oozes out of you, his heartbeat turning up a notch.
You head to the bathroom to clean up and so does Seonghwa. He washes his hands and combs through your hair with a hairbrush delicately, and you realise you’re falling way too fucking hard for him.
He takes your hand and leads you back to the bed, where he pulls the covers open for you to climb in as you snuggle into his warmth.
The warmth of the sun kisses against your skin as you stir awake. Seonghwa faces you, his hair tussled against the pillow and his lashes splay prettily on his face. You can’t help but stroke his face gently, smiling to yourself.
Seonghwa’s eyes flutter open and he soaks the figure of you looking at him fondly. He definitely blushes but you could tell he was more confident and it shows at the way he presses a soft kiss onto your palm.
“Morning, Angel”, he greets. Your heart flutters at the pet name.
“Good morning Hwa”, you reply, this time it was you feeling shy.
“So, have I upgraded from a “bro” already?”he asks, poking your cheek.
You roll your eyes, wondering how he even remembered that. “Yeah, yeah. I don’t think I could be with anyone else but you.”
Seonghwa’s grin spread wide as he covers his face with the covers. You separate yourself from him and he follows your movements as you leave the bed to wash up.
Seonghwa stares at you speechless as you pull your panties from your ass with your thumbs right in front of you as you leave for the bathroom, and his breath is knocked out of him when he remembers that that you left his boxers somewhere on the bed, and that you slept in with his shirt and your panties. He wets his lips as he decides to get out and follow you.
He enters the small bathroom and admires the way his shirt hangs off your shoulders and the way you’re just leaning into the mirror as you brush your teeth. He walks over and intentionally bumps into you playfully, and you frown at him, mouth still covered in foamed toothpaste. He takes his toothbrush from the holder, presses a small amount of toothpaste onto his toothbrush.
There was something strangely calming about just standing together, side by side, brushing teeth. The cute moment definitely did last, until Seonghwa’s gaze wanders down to your ass.
And suddenly his dick is hard against his pyjama pants, and you were too caught up on washing your face and checking the mirror to notice it.
Seonghwa continues to stare at you as you wash the toothbrush and fit it in the holder, and the thought of you and your toothbrush being a permanent part of his household, sent his brain into a frenzy. You were his, undoubtedly.
He finishes up his teeth brushing duties, letting his toothbrush sit opposite yours. You don’t realise he’s behind you until you a feel a pair of strong arms snake around your waist, causing you to squeal.
“Babe, what-“ and your question is cut short when begins pepper kisses on the nape of your neck, sending electricity down your spine as you shiver.
In between hungry kisses, his gaze pins you from the reflection in the mirror and you freeze. “I’m sorry Angel, but seeing you look that first thing in the morning… I can’t help myself.”
And you feel his erection just pressing between your legs. You turn your face to side, your lips pressed to his ear as you whisper softly, “then help yourself, Seonghwa.” It sends goosebumps down Seonghwa, and for a spilt second, his eyes look crazed at your invitation.
He doesn’t even bother to pull your panties off, he only pulls it to the side, and the cold air hits your exposed cunt as you wince. Seonghwa pushes his fingers past your lips and then plunges it into your heat as your grip on the sink tightens, feeling the pressure of his fingers digging into you so well.
Seonghwa doesn’t wait—he can’t wait. He fucking needs you, and he needs you now. He pulls quickly after determining that your pussy stretched enough (no thanks to yesterday’s session) he lets his pants and boxers drop to his ankles, exposing his thick and heated cock, which was sleeked with precum as he pumps himself.
Seonghwa then drags you slightly backwards and positions himself his cock dives into you, and your back arches as you gasp. Fuck, you don’t remember his cock was this thick even though the both of you just fucked the night before. You feel so fucking full just by Seonghwa’s dick pressing against every area of your nerves. He doesn’t give you any more time to adjust as he starts fucking you, making sure each slap against your cunt was heard loud and fucking clear within the constraints of the bathroom. Your moans are choked in your throat as Seonghwa’s hand pushes your chin up to look right at the mirror before the both of you. Your hair is a in mess from the bed hair, your lips coated in your spit from the arousal and your eyes are half-lidded from the endless amount of pleasure Seonghwa was fucking into you.
“Look at you, so fucked out, yet so beautiful. All mine. All fucking mine”, he hums into your ears and you can’t help but squeeze his cock in response to how he’s making you feel. You don’t know where the sudden possessiveness came from, but it’s not like you didn’t mind. You would submit yourself perfectly to him.
“So good, babe. Fuuuuck”, you draw out your moans. You don’t know how much longer you could hold yourself up when he’s fucking into you so hard like that. Every time he pushes in, it was a dopamine rush in your cunt. He was about to fuck you dumb and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Such a good Angel, creaming for me like this”, he praises as he looks at his cock when he pulls out, full of your arousal just leaking off his cock, before shoving his cock in again, pushing more moans and cries out of you.
“Hwa, please, I’m close. Gonna cum”, you pant, feeling your cunt spazzing around his dick. He definitely feels it too because he grabs your chin to face him as he devours you in a hungry kiss, trying to keep the momentum.
“You can let go, Angel. You can do it for me”, he says, stroking the sides of your face, and by some kind of miracle of timing, your orgasm washes over you, your cunt fluttering, which makes Seonghwa groan in bliss as he feels his cock being squeezed perfectly.
He leans into you, pushing you further down against the sink, as he begins to rut into you. “Cumming. Fuck”, he barely responds, engulfed in his own realm of pleasure as he ruts in a couple more times before his cock empties out in you, so much that some seeps out of your sore cunt, trickling down your thighs and some straight up dripping onto the bathroom floor.
Seonghwa takes a minute to gather himself as he pulls out gingerly, wincing at the sensitivity. He straightens you up, and pulls you into his arms as he presses another kiss onto your forehead. He steps out of his soiled clothing and helps you out of yours, as the both of you go on to shower together.
“What the heck got into you?” You ask, as you help him lather the soap on his broad back which you forced yourself not to excessively gawk at.
“You just looked too good. Like I said, I couldn’t help it.” And he’s so glad that he’s not facing you right now.
You laugh, pressing against his sides playfully, making him squeal as he faces you in surprise.
“I get that you’re embarrassed but you know it’s okay to look at me right?” You say, poking his chest—also definitely something you wanted to explore. Seonghwa pouts at you, and then his face relaxes.
“Y/n. I like you. No, I’m actually fucking in love with you”, he suddenly says, which only makes you cock an eyebrow.
“About fucking time you said it”, you reply, rubbing your arms up with more body wash. You look up at him with mischievous expression. “My toothbrush isn’t going anywhere, babe”, you tease, giving him a small peck on his lips before blasting him with the shower head.
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sparklingself · 14 days
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daily reflections #1
Are you trying too hard? I fear I've been struggling with this. I've noticed some things come so easy to me, but the things that I really really want I struggle with. The desire is so big, it feels so big, it's hard to detach from the physical realisation part. I get anxious and feel like all of my happiness depends on getting and I try so hard to get, that I forget to be. This is what over-complication looks like.
This is what Neville tells us in "The Power of Awareness" chapter 14:
Your journey from one state of consciousness to another is a psychological one; so to make the journey, you must employ the psychological equivalent of "Least Action" and the psychological equivalent is mere assumption.
Least Action means minimum effort (minimum amount of energy * minimum amount of time). This is a concept which you see in all physics - states are occupied through minimum effort. I don't like to "prove" LOA through science, but I think it's an analogy you might appreciate. Particles and larger phenomena strive for minimum effort. And so should you.
It is mere assumption which you should focus on. Your attention on the assumption is all you need, nothing else. Your desire already exists, because creation is finished. You're not conjuring up anything new, you're not changing your world for that matter, you're changing your assumptions.
For the Lord seeth not as a man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
Your outward appearances might be telling you one thing, however it is but the tiniest facet of reality. Looking on the heart means looking at your assumptions. And that is what determines what you physically experience.
Everything comes down to this present moment. Your assumptions are your present moment, your past, your future - everything is in this present moment. It is everything. Forget anything else and focus on this present moment.
Be still (least action) and know that you are that which you desire to be.
It is time to be. Stop daydreaming (thinking ABOUT not thinking OF) about the potential future and start being. So, say "yes" to yourself. Say "yes" to the state. Be still and know it is done.
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:2-3 
I know the Bible app posted this today, because it's Sunday, but this ties in well with the art of assumption. You have assumed. Now it's time to rest. Remember, least action, minimum effort. Know it is done. And the world has no choice but to conform now.
It is not complicated. Just choose a scene that makes you happy and feel it. Feel it to truly be yours in this present moment.
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piaduarte · 2 months
Q & A
persisting, the 4D and letting go
Not so long ago I became stuck in a loop of wanting and waiting. Weeks passed by like minutes, and I was desperate to "get" what I "wanted"-- real desperate, I tell you. But one way or another, loops end. They do. Even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment, they always pass, and your higher self shines through. These are a couple of questions I had while at my lowest, and my answer to them now. Hope this post may be useful to someone!!
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"How do I persist even if I don't see anything?"
"You just persist" is what I've been told time and time again. "Yeah, but how?" is what I shot back. And silence followed. Paraphrasing, there's this quote by Einstein I've seen around here saying that, it's when you sit with yourself in the silence you're so desperate to fill up, when you stop looking for answers, that's when you get them. It doesn't matter how many times people here tell you to persist (to decide, to know it's yours) if, when you close the app, you forget everything and go right back to the old story. Why keep entretaining a story that you don't like? It's like if you're watching a really bad movie -- you can just turn it off.
You are able to persist. It's not something supernatural that only a handful of people can do. Everyone persists in something. You are persisting in the old story, for example. "B-But... Why??? Why is my subconscious doing this to me? I want to change!! I do!". This is so silly. Why are you mad at your subconscious? There's no 'good' or 'bad' (or 'ugly') story, that's just something you add the meaning to later. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference.
In the end, it all comes down to choosing. Just one final choice (do I even need to tell you that you're the creator of all? You must know by now). When you choose -- when you accept that you have it in the 4D once you imagine it, that's who you are. And once you've chosen, you cannot just give it up. You don't need proof in the 3D when the 4D is the only reality that should matter right now. Accept that you have it and move on. Creation is finished.
"And how do I convince myself it's set in stone?"
Close your eyes right now and imagine whatever it is that you "want". You can see it. You've just experienced it within, you can't deny that. That being said, you now know creation is finished. It's done. Done. Done. Done.
The 4D is the only true reality. It's the blueprint, nothing would exist in your 3D if it wasn't for it, your old assumptions, thoughts and ideas. For you. All you need and want already exists within you. Your desires are not separate from you, so you can experience them within; your mind is not separate from you, so you can change your old patterns; your 3D is not separate from you, so you can control it! You are the 3D and the 4D, just -- different, in another form.
The 3D is not real; it is a reflection of your mind! It may feel real, look real... But just because you see from it, not beyond it; the body is experiencing the 3D, but it's when you start to look at it from the 4D that you can understand that and take it in. All you need is the 4D. And, within, you've already experienced your desire, and you don't need anything else in order to experience materialization. It is set in stone if you decide it is -- so choose.
"I want to experience 'x' now. What do I do everyday in order to get it?"
No. There's no "getting". There's no "in order to". There's no "want". From the moment you get involved in the imaginal act, creation is finished, and 'x' is already experienced. Therefore, it's done. If you're not focusing on the end, but rather on the "I want", you're in a state of lack. Shift your state. Why not? It's not hard; you're in a state now. But I get it. You want the -- 'real' experience in the 3D? You want everyone on here to stop talking in riddles and tell you what to do, because random people on the internet have more power over you than... you? Aren't you tired of chasing? Of trying? Maybe not -- enough.
But seriously, if you "want" "it" "now", persist in the knowing and go to sleep. Tell yourself it's done and it's done. Persist in the old story and that's what you "get". Persisit in the new one, and your reality shifts. After all, "nothing changes if nothing changes". Don't allow any other thought to distract you from the end. Just -- don't. Thoughts come and go, and doubts will come as well; observe them and let them go. The end will materialize in the 3D because it has already materialized in the 4D. The inner man is your true you, so be him. Be unbothered by the neutral 3D and focus on living as the inner man.
"Is this fail-proof? How do I know I'm not just wishing my life away?"
It's real if you assume it is! Now get off this app and do something! Because, who's going to do it for you? Be the inner man and continue being! It will happen! Trust yourself. Trust. Why not?
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x afab!reader
genre fluff, platonic for yujin
warnings mentions of food, blood & periods (obvi)
notes hi !! thank you for liking my works and for requesting ! i hope you enjoy this one <3
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— zhang hao
he gives you all the space you need
unless you specifically ask for smth
sometimes, you don’t even have to ask for smth
bcuz hao already knows what you need, he just does 👍
altho it seems like he doesn’t do much to help you
he actually does help
like doing the chores and cooking; doesn’t necessarily help w your period but still helps !
tucks you into bed and pulls the blanket over for you
holds you in his arms while tracing circles on your hand to distract you from the cramps 🫠
“does it still hurt?”
— sung hanbin
so hecking sweet 😤
he’s always there for you
just ask him to come over and he’d instantly drop everything that he’s doing just to be there for you
you need a hug? his arms are open. you have cramps? he has a heating pad ready for you
isn’t grossed out if it accidentally leaks ☹️
tells you he loves you everyday
forehead kisses 🔛🔝
so attentive to you and the only thing that matters to him is you
“i hope you know how much i love you.”
— seok matthew
prepared like his life depended on it (it did)
acts of service master ‼️
sets up a period tracker app for you
marks his calendars and stuff
pre-bought pads and things you like
heats up heating pads for you and does the chores
also cleans the sheets if you accidentally leak 💔
insists on doing everything for you
“i can get that, sit back down.”
— shen ricky
when you’re on your period
movies and cuddles are essential
you get to pick the movie too !
even if the movie isn’t interesting to him, he still watches it 🫶
ricky wants you to always be comfortable
you usually end up falling asleep in his arms
he tries to make sure you don’t fall off throughout the night but he always doesn’t get enough sleep bcuz of this
he doesn’t mind tho bcuz it’s you 🫵
“it’ll be better by tomorrow.”
— park gunwook
honestly, i feel like he’d forget periods exist
and then he sees you, curled up into a ball on the floor
he feels rlly bad for not doing his research on periods beforehand
checks up on you so much, asking if you need anything
“gunwook, can you help me buy pads?”
and he goes to buy them straight away !
only downside is that he has no idea what kind he’s supposed to buy 😭
there’s so many choices and he probably inspects every single one of them
like, which one has the most benefits and is worth the money 😐
“what do you mean these are diapers and not pads?”
— kim taerae
i see him clinging to you
cuz he doesn’t want you to feel the pain alone
and if you cry, he cries
he might not have a uterus but 😭
he feels your pain and shares it
if he could, he would take all of your pain and give it to himself
doesn’t leave your side and cuddles you 24/7
like he only gets up if you ask him to get smth
he gets the thing you need and instantly gets back into bed with you
def sings you to sleep 😔
“i’m sorry you have to go through this.”
— kim gyuvin
he 100% asks so many questions
and then complains how you’re always nagging at him 😭
“so.. is it like-” “can you stop?”
and you get so annoyed that you give him the silent treatment for a while
he feels a bit lonely cause you’re ignoring him so he apologises 🤝
but he does help you alot
like he buys you pads and snacks
he’s just a bit irritating during this time
“i got the stuff that you like, can you talk to me now? please?”
— kim jiwoong
at your service
gives you massages
your shoulders, back, head; you name it, he massages all of them
and just alot of cuddles and touches
esp the ones where he rubs your stomach whenever you have cramps 💔
always manages to make you feel good about yourself even with the painful cramps
it’s like your periods weren’t even there in the first place 🫢
“you’re so pretty..”
— han yujin
straight up ignores you 😐
well not exactly but its because he’s scared
scared of doing smth wrong and making you hate him for it
so instead of having that risk of messing smth up, he checks up on you from time to time
through text..
‘hi, how are you?’ ‘i have blood gushing out my lower bottom, thanks for asking.’
sends you memes in effort to cheer you up 🤞
it makes you laugh a little bit
he doesn’t know exactly what to do but he tries and that’s all that matters
‘why did the chicken cross the road?’
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© keiwook
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byfulcrums · 2 months
Fuck it. Invincible Tumblr
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Wake up to see the aliens attacking again. God fucking damn it.
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Imagine how the aliens feel after seeing you
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Get better insults. You won't be insulting anyone that way
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Nahhh. Don't need to. You already humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your entire existence is an insult
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☪️ superherofan Follow
i forget that superheroes have social media and regularly use it.... invincible has Tumblr holy shit
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
☪️ superherofan Follow
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🌙 artemislover Follow
Can't believe I have to say this, but can you guys please stop making Omni-Man x Immortal theories?!?!
Ik you think the idea of them having been romantically involved is funny, but c'mon, people
It is true that there should be more openly queer superheroes, but the fact that there are people who genuinely believe they fucked is wild...
Besides, we have to stop following the lives of superheroes that closely. They deserve to get some privacy too! They're still people
Also, didn't Omni-Man once mention his wife?? And son?? Shipping him w a man when he's clearly straight and in an established relationship is stupid
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
These are all great points but they've definitely fucked
🌙 artemislover Follow
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Godddddd. My parents just do not know what privacy is, PLEASE STOP HAVING SEX WHEN I MIGHT BE HOME... please you're killing me
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Wait, shit, wrong blog...
🌭 hotdog Follow
shocking revelation: invincible has parents
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
??? Of course I have parents. Where'd you think I came from?
🌭 hotdog Follow
Honestly i thought you were from mars
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
from MARS????
#i'm not martian??? i don't even look martian #do i look martian?
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💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🚫 ohgodpleaseno Follow
really? How do you know?
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
Okay quick storytime
My friends and I wanted to go to see this band live for a LONG time, so we saved up money for years until we could finally afford it, right?
Well, the day we finally get to see them live, I look up and I see Atom Eve, just. Flying there. Above the crowd
She was singing, apparently very loudly and she looked like she was having sm fun. She saw me and waved!!! Atom Eve!!!! Waved at me!!!!!!!
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Yeah. Check my Insta, there's a link to this blog!
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
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🤖 officialrobot Follow
Today, Monster Girl told me to download this app and create a blog — I did not think it was necessary, but she insisted.
I decided to listen to her. She was very persuasive.
I will be sharing things about my day, as she has told me to do. Expect to hear from me after this.
👀 eyaseyaseays Follow
you really think we're gonna believe you're the real Robot?? C'mon.
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
Dude, RP exists. Let people live their lives in peace
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
This is so funny
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
That's... The real monster girl. Replying to a fake Robot post...
Dude I think he's real
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🎉 partyshitter Follow
The new Guardians are a fucking shit show. Are we seriously meant to believe they're going to protect us? Really??
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Oh Id like to see YOU almost get killed every single fucking day without one fucking break only for asholes like you to shit on us like that. We almost die every single day!!! Were the ones geting our hands dirty not you
🤖 officialrobot Follow
I'd* assholes* We're*
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your supposed to be with me in this one
🤖 officialrobot Follow
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☪️ somanykates Follow
The Immortal kinda... 👀
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
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💥 explosionsbaby Follow
I cant believe she cheated on me... what a bitch
🧬 atomevesss Follow
☪️ somanykates Follow
We're going to have a fucking talk, Rex.
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
🍐 shrinkshrek Follow
You had this one coming buddy
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
The fact that Miles Morales canonically reads JJK, though...
🔫 shootmeplease Follow
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Why is everyone always surprised when I like something? I don't get it
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
I cannot have just found out you're still alive through Tumblr...
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Seriously though. Are you okay now? I know you're not mentally, after the whole Chicago thing w your dad, but at least physically?
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
I'll survive, I guess
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
INVINCIBLE?? It is such a relief to see you're still here after the whole Chicago ordeal Mr Invincible
📸 definitelyinsanebaby Follow
Yeah maybe don't remind him of that rn??
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
#I AM SO SO SO SORRY #omg i hope you're doing good mr invincible :(((
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604to647 · 7 months
Safest with You - Ch. 3 (The Drycleaner)
3.2K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: You listen to a sign from the universe and it leads you to Din.
Warnings: Some pining and then more fluff 💕 although Reader is a bit of menace as she straight up ogles Din like a piece of meat 😂, brief mention of female masturbation, reader is described as shorter than Din, first use of pet name “Pretty Bird”.
A/N: The series is slow but sometimes falling in love be like that. I pinned a series masterlist, so you can always jump to the smutty one shots that happen later in the timeline when these two are in an established relationship if you need a fix. The fact that Din boxes is 100% attributed to @djarinsbeskar's Boxer!Din AU which was the very first Din fic AU I ever read on Tumblr and remains one of my favourites and one I revisit often; making Din a former boxer/owner of a boxing gym is my small but humble homage to Rachel's genius. Also from that same AU is this piece of art from one of my favourite artists, @kate-komics that I think about often also. Thank you both for the inspiration!
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“He bought you books?!?”
“Well, technically, he bought us all books.”
The whole table laughs; your friends were delighted when you handed out the books, but they’re entralled at the background story that comes with.
“And he didn’t leave you his number or anything?”
“No! Told the cashier he didn’t want to want me to feel ‘obligated’.”
“It’s okay, babe.  We’ll find him,” nods Katie, whipping out her phone. 
Bea starts typing on her phone as well, “Right.  He said his name is Din?  How do you spell that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Is it short for something?”
“I don’t know.”
“How old is he?”
“I don’t know.  40s?  He’s greying,” you picture Din’s soft curls and bury your face in your hands, “it looks so fucking good on him.” 
“Where does he work?”
“I don’t know.  Not downtown.”
“Well, what does he do?”
“I don’t know.”
“Babe. What do you know?”
“I know his coffee order is Ice Quad Expresso in a Venti cup with extra ice and six shots.”
“Ok, so we know he probably has a heart condition.”
Everyone bursts out laughing.  Your friends have good reason to be so enthusiastic – it’s been ages since someone has caught your eye.  You don’t date a lot, and that’s always been your preference.  You have a picky temperament to begin with, but the truth is, you’re happy and at peace with the way your life is now after years of hard work.  There simply hasn’t been room or a need for a partner, and your friends don’t push you to date (except Jen who always reminds you that there’s a guy at her firm she wants to set you up with, but even that’s more in good fun than anything).  But right now, you look flushed and besotted over this stranger; positively smitten.  They love it for you.
After a few minutes, no one has found anything on social media, any dating apps or Google – admittedly, there wasn’t much (anything?) to go on, but you’ve seen these girls work internet detective miracles before.
Oh well. 
You sigh, “I need to get drunk and forget him.  Or painfully obsess over every detail I can remember.”
And you all cheers to that.
A week later on the Saturday, you’re out running errands, and you find yourself standing in front of your drycleaner which has unexpectedly closed.  A handwritten sign in the window reads: “Emergency Closure.  Reopening to be announced.”
The drycleaner’s is supposed to be your first stop of the day and you don’t really feel like carting your dirty clothes with you to run the rest of your errands.  Moreover, you’ll need a few of the items in the coming weeks.  You take out your phone to look up other drycleaners in the area when something in your mind clicks: Peli’s Drycleaning on 14th.  You search it and see it actually exists, and has a pretty good rating to boot.  But, it’s sort of out of your way, not really in the same area you’re in at all.
You shouldn’t go.
Should you go?
And what if you do?  Do you… ask about Din?  That’s weird. 
But you’ve been thinking about him non-stop all week: daydreaming about his soft smile during your work commute, remembering the flex of his strong hand covering yours as you answer emails, getting lost in thoughts of his big brown eyes while out walking the dog.  You flush at the memory of touching yourself in bed while recalling his deep and rich voice.  Every attempt to forget your handsome Quad Ice over the past week has utterly failed.
Eff it. What are the chances that you unexpectedly need a new drycleaner, and it happens to be the only thing tangentially related to Din that you know? Maybe the universe is trying to help you out.
Before you can characteristically overthink it, you flag down a cab and give the driver the address you looked up; your heart pounds the entire ride over.
When you step into drycleaner’s, a little bell above the door jingles to signal your arrival, and a short woman with a huge amount of curly dark hair appears from the back.  You think she might be Peli, but you can’t be sure; she gives you a huge smile and gestures to take in your clothes.  Finding her to be super friendly and chatty, the two of you make easy small talk as she neatly lists out your items by hand on her notepad.  When she gets to the coffee stained skirt, she lets out a low whistle, “Oof.  Been there, done that!” she quips.  You decide this is probably the best opening you’ll get, “Actually, that coffee stain is probably why I’m here.  Someone saw it and recommended your place.”  Peli raises her eyebrow as you press on, “His name is Din, he said he’s a friend of the owner?”
This gets her attention; the woman stops what she’s doing and studies you with great interest.  Her face breaks out into an impossibly wide smile and she exclaims loudly, “Din sent you, eh?  And he said we were friends?”  she lets out a deep belly laugh, “Babysat him when he was a kid, but yep we’re friends. Ha!  Hi, I’m Peli!”  She shakes your hand as you introduce yourself. “He said to mention his name and you would try harder not to lose my clothes,” you joke. 
“That scamp!” chortles Peli, “Don’t worry!  We’ll take good care of you!  You know… because of Din.” She rolls her eyes good naturedly.
“Of course.  Because of Din,” you grin back, “So…does he send a lot of… people who need drycleaning, your way?”
“Nope!  You’re the first!  And honestly, now that I think about it, why hasn’t he been sending me more business?”
You figure it’s now or never, “Do you know where I could find him?”
If possible, Peli brightens even more at your question, “Oh yeah, for sure!  At this time of day, he’ll be at his gym.  It’s about 2 blocks that way,” she points in the direction for you, “can’t miss it!  Big sign that says ‘Mando’s Gym’.”
Peli finishes taking down your information for the clothes and lets you know when everything can be ready.  You give her an enthusiastic thanks; when opening the door to leave, you have a moment of hesitation, but looking back, you find Peli already pointing in the direction of the gym.  You give her a smiling nod and head that way.
Peli was right.  You can’t miss the sign; it sits atop of a standalone three story building that’s set further back on its lot.  The front area of the lot looks like it might have once been a driveway of sorts, but is now used as a parking lot; a handful of parked cars lets you know the gym is fairly busy today.  The front of the building has giant windows that look like garage doors and makes you think that the building might have once been a mechanic repair shop; from the little of what you can see inside, you think the gym occupies the first floor of the building and possibly the second.  The big set of garage door windows are separated in the middle by an entry way that you walk through, slightly nervous.  Once inside, you see a reception but currently no one behind the small desk; instead, you peek around the partition wall behind the desk and see that the space opens up to a clean, spacious room that has about 8-10 people working out on various machines and punching bags lining the walls, all leading to a larger group of people clustering near the boxing ring centered at the back of the room.
You’re making your way towards the back, scanning over the group looking for Din when you spot him, right in the middle of the ring.  He’s got his gloved hands up, blocking part of his head, but you can still tell it’s him; when you hear him shouting encouraging words to his sparring partner, his familiar voice sends a shiver up your spine.  He’s wearing a sweat drenched grey t-shirt and his hair is messy and wet from his work out, but he looks even better than you remember.
Actually, he looks fucking delicious.  From this angle you can see the cut of his jawline and how it tightens as his grunts and pants.  His arms are flexed from his forearms up to his biceps, and are so muscular they’re straining hard against his shirt sleeves.  You must be straight up ogling him because you don’t even realize when Din notices you; you’re too busy looking at his legs and admiring how his thighs fill out his navy blue shorts so snugly.  You only look up when those same legs start walking in your direction and come to a stop at the edge of the ring.  Din is leaning towards you against the rope with a heart-stopping smile, “It’s you.”
“Yes, it’s me,” you grin, repeating back his words to you from the bookstore.
Din thinks he must be dreaming, or maybe he’s been knocked in the head one too many times today.  He had just paused the fight to show Jimmy the new combination again, when he looked over to see the prettiest sight.  You, standing in his gym, soft and dainty, with a wide eye expression on your face.  You’re looking in his direction, but when you don’t make eye contact with him immediately, Din allows himself the smug thought that you might be liking what you see and puffs his chest out a little before making his way over to you.
Now you’re looking at him with that same pretty smile that he hasn’t been able to get out of his head for the last week, and he can’t wait to talk to you again, “Are you okay to wait for 5 minutes?  We’re just finishing up this training session.”
You nod agreeably, “Sure, I can wait.”  There’s a bench running along the right side of the ring where you take a seat to better enjoy the show.  You’ve never seen boxing up close before, so you don’t know what to expect, but you find yourself mesmerized by everything Din is doing in the ring.  All his movements are intentional and graceful; he’s in total control of every motion he makes: ducking, blocking, punching.  His muscles are all flexed and his shirt stretches tight, barely containing them as if Din himself is an extension of the explosive power harnessed in his fists.  The legs that you were drooling over earlier are quick and agile; it’s true you don’t know his age but his sparring partner looks to be in his mid-20s and Din is having no problem out maneuvering him.
As he circles the other fighter, you think you spy some ink on a flash of some exposed skin and the idea of exploring what’s underneath Din’s shirt has you swallowing hard.  In short, you can’t take your eyes off of him. 
The 5 minutes is action packed and over before you know it.  In one continuous smooth motion, Din ducks under the rope, jumps down and grabs a fresh towel from a stack on the other end of the bench you’re sitting on before sliding over to sit next to you.  He looks at you almost bashfully as he towels off his hair and wipes the sweat from his brow and neck.  You think you could get used to seeing him like this: cheeks pink from exercise, bright eyes glued to yours and a grin so wide it reveals a deep dimple in his right cheek that you’re discovering for the first time.  He’s taking your breath away and you haven’t even been back in his presence for more than 10 minutes.
“What brings you to this part of town today, pretty bird?”
If anyone else had bestowed a pet name on you so soon after having met, you would have immediately gotten the ick, but the endearment rolling off Din’s tongue sounds so natural and sweet, it has you melting, “Some handsome guy bought me a thick stack of books and then made it nearly impossible for me to thank him.  Tracked him down to this gym.”
“Handsome guy, eh?”
“Yep.  Real handsome.  And sweet.  You know anyone around here like that?” you tease.
Handsome.  You think he’s handsome. Din thinks his heart is in danger of no longer fitting in his chest.  He holds his hand up to his brow, as if to shield his eyes from the light, and mines looking around gym in an exaggerated manner, “Nope.  Just a bunch of smelly, sweaty ruffians.  Owner’s a handsome guy though, maybe you’re looking for him,” he says, eyes twinkling.
“You own this gym?”
“Sure do.  Used to be my dad’s.”
“Well, he would be proud of you and what you’ve done here, Din.  It looks great.”  You mean it, and you look around the gym with a renewed sense of awe now that you know Din is the one responsible for its operations.
Din’s not sure how you knew the exact thing to say to make his heart swell, but he knows without a doubt that you’re being genuine and he is reminded again of your kind nature. 
You look back to see Din looking at you with a soft expression and before you let yourself get lost in his eyes, you force yourself to pull it together, “Oh Din!  I can’t believe I didn’t say this right away: Thank you!! Thank you for the books.  It was so incredibly unexpected and sweet!  My friends also say thank you – a few of the books you bought were for them.”
“You’re very welcome.  Have you enjoyed the books?”
You’re warmed by how thoughtful Din is, and you let him know the books are turning out to be great and you and your friends can’t believe how long you’ll have to wait for the next instalment to come out.
“Do you have plans to read tonight, or would you happen to be free?”
Even though you had been hoping that Din would ask you out, your heart leaps into your throat now that it’s happening.  “I think I should be!  If I finish up this list of errands I’m supposed to get to today, that is.  Giving Peli my drycleaning was only the first item,” you lament. 
“Peli!  Is that how you found me?  Clever girl.”
You beam at Din’s praise.  You realize you haven’t explained how you knew where he was, “As luck would have it, my regular drycleaner was unexpectedly closed.  Nearly derailed my whole errand day until I remembered you mentioning you had a friend who ran a drycleaning business.  Something else I need to thank you for.”
“I’m glad I could help.  Well, if you have a bunch of errands you have to finish before you can go out with me tonight, I’m going to scoot you out of here right now so you don’t cancel. Scoot!”  Din adds a silly shooing motion with his hands as he says this, so you know he’s not seriously trying to get rid of you.  You giggle, but nod, eager to get on with your tasks so that your date with Din might come sooner.
Din asks you if you need a ride, but you tell him you’ll be fine and jokingly scoff, “Hey!  I don’t want you putting off your work and then backing out either, mister.”
“Not a chance,” grins Din.
As you walk together towards the front of the gym, Din lets you know how much he’s been thinking about you,  “I’m really glad you came to here today.  I was about to camp out everyday at the coffeeshop in the morning and then that bookstore in the afternoon until I found you again.”
“Who would have looked after the gym if you did that?”
Din looks around at the gym; some of the boxers and staff that had been watching the two of you look away quickly and pretend to busy themselves to avoid being caught staring.  “Shoot.  This place probably would have burned down.  Looks like you just saved the gym.”
You can’t help but giggle again and Din feels a growing sense of pride in being able to make you laugh.  “How about tonight I take you out to dinner as a thank you?”
Giving him an incredulous look, you answer, “I should be taking you out to dinner to thank you.”
“I don’t think so, pretty bird.”
The pet name shoots straight to your core again. 
Din stretches himself up to his full height and looks down at you with mock stern expression, cocking his eyebrow.
You can’t say you’re at all intimidated even though he towers over you; you’ve long since felt that Din’s company spelled safety.  But to play along, you counter by looking up at him with your biggest pleading eyes.  Din is instantly disarmed and knows in this moment that he will never be able to refuse you anything.
He suggests a compromise, “How about we go for dinner and fight about the check there?”
“Ok.  But just so you know, I’m not used to losing,” you challenge playfully.
“Me neither.” Din tilts his head slightly to draw your attention to the wall you’re standing next to.  It’s the other side of the divider wall you rounded when you came in, and you see that it’s covered with awards, certificates, and articles lauding Din’s boxing accomplishments.
Amazed, you skim over the honours and achievements, “This is you?  Wow – you’re incredible Din!  …9 times weight division champion? Oh man, now I don’t know if I can take you.”
“I bet you could,” from the look on Din’s face, you’re sure that the double meaning is meant as a tease, but you can’t help squirming a little.
Blushing, you relent, “Ok, you can pay for dinner.  But I still have to thank you for the books.”
Din is finding your persistence on this point to be adorable, “Your ‘thanks’ is enough.  No need to feel like you owe me; it was a gift.”
“I know.  I just have an outrageous sense of reciprocity.  I really do want to find a way to thank you somehow.”  You reach up and put your hand on Din’s shoulder to hold yourself steady as you lift up onto your toes and kiss him on the cheek.  Despite having just gone who knows how many rounds in the ring, he smells incredible and you can’t help but linger your lips on his cheek.  You exhale softly and hold Din’s gaze as you slowly lower down to your normal height.
Din looks as affected as you feel, “Remind me to buy you some more books.”
Both of you laugh, now giddy about the prospect of seeing each other again in a few hours.  You exchange numbers and Din promises to text you later with the address of the restaurant he’ll meet you at tonight.
Heading down the street, heart aflutter and fingers trembling with excitement, you take out your phone and text the group chat: I found him.
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alexlwrites · 3 months
From my notes app: we can't be friends
This is heavily inspired by Ariana Grande's new music video so please go watch it. Anyway happy birthday yoongles sometimes i wish i could forget you so i could stop comparing normal men to you. All the love, my dude.
On the corner of a surgery room, a few doctors studied your box of belongings: a guitar pick, a half-empty bottle of perfume, scraps of paper and a white t-shirt. They lined up years and years of memory and scanned each of them, the room fading in front of you as each object went under the red light.
It didn’t take long for the first memory to appear, bright and shiny as the day you lived it: White cotton sheets covering your body, his beating heart all you could hear as you rested your head on his chest, long flushed fingers intertwined with yours. The whole world was encapsulated in that room and nothing else mattered as you and Yoongi breathed each other in a moment of quiet suspension, avoiding even blinking as to not miss a single moment of peace, mapping the shapes and planes of his face and swearing to never forget it.
Ultimately, that was the problem.
Lights flicked and suddenly you were in his studio as he bashfully showed you some unfinished tracked, callused fingers picking at his guitar strings as you held your breath until the melody finished. You clapped enthusiastically, stealing an embarrassed smile from your boyfriend. Even now, that song haunted you in dreams and followed you around your apartment. Every so often you’d catch yourself humming it and crumble to the ground as your weaponized amygdala worked against you, notes turning into a silent cry of pain.
The doctors moved into the scraps of paper, straightening them out. The surgery room faded once more as you were transported into another memory, brief recollections of all the moments he left behind notes with scribbled thoughts he could never say out loud, didn’t know how to, but still wanted you to know: how much he loved you, dimension and intensity, and how he carried your memory into every song he wrote and performed. Those papers carried the only evidence of all the music he made for you and for you only. The world could listen to them all, but never claim it.
“Please” you sobbed, shaking as the doctors rushed to restrain you “please let me keep that one. Just that one. He made it for me, I can’t forget it, please, please.”
But as you begged to keep that one moment in your heart, the machine moved on, projecting the one thing that drove you into this office and got you signing those documents. The reason why you need surgery and he didn’t - after all, he had no problem forgetting you.
“Maybe we can still be friends” he had said, as if that was all you were before. As if everything you lived together could be erased to the point where you could sit by each other and feel no urge to hold his hand. As if your existence in his life could be reduced to something else, washed out. As if one day he could wake up and be clean of you. 
He could, you came to find out. The problem was you couldn’t.
“Please” you begged, but by then you didn’t even know what you were begging for. That was just all you knew how to do these past months - begging him to stay, then begging for the radio to stop playing him, begging the TV to stop showing him, begging every corner of your life to stop being so thoroughly stained by his presence in it. 
Begging to forget. Begging to remember. Begging to forget again when your heart shatters and pierces you from the inside out. You couldn’t handle it anymore, being the sole vessel of all these memories, carrier of a whole universe of moments only you seemed to care about. You couldn’t take it anymore, so please, please…
The lights flicker. One of the doctors hands you a guitar pick but you don’t play, so you’re not sure what they want you to do with that. Then he gives you a little pile of scribbled paper, but the words don’t make much sense to you. You crumble them and shove them in your back pocket, where they will be destroyed by the machine once you do your laundry.
In the hospital reception, there’s an idol on the TV. He plays a song about his first love and you listen to it for a couple seconds before leaving. Every so often, you catch yourself humming the melody and smiling.
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woojungz · 5 months
park seeun x fem!reader 🌼🪁
❝ one shot
𓂃𓈒 helping your best friend (to whom you have a miserable crush on) buy valentines gifts for someone else was probably the worst decision you've ever made. but that's what besties are for, right?
word count: 4.4k
author's note: typed out the initial plot on my notes app at 3am, got dizzy, then passed out. i thought when im gonna begin to fully write this out it's gonna be like a 1k word count kinda thing, but then boom… 4k. i really need to get used to writing longer fics, i find that i get very impatient and that i want to get it all done quickly! (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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it’s monday again, your most dreaded day of the week. especially now in particular, thank god your classes were over, but the walk through the halls were a pain. not only were the valentine's day decorations already set up, but the student body was buzzing with all these talks about love, relationships, and couples.
you didn’t want to call yourself a hopeless romantic, but you couldn’t really toss away the sliver of thought that one day you’ll finally be able to understand all the fuss about valentines. so far, your advances when it comes to romantic matters weren't smoothly sailing. it’s just that… you’ve hit a rock when it comes to getting past the best friend level, as you call it.
and when you stop in front of his open locker door, you begin to recount the memories of your friendship and how all this one-sided romantic bullshit needs to come to an end once you graduate. thankfully though, you’re in your last year of high school, hoping to move to the far end of the city and forget about your silly crush.
you’re startled when he slams his locker door close, snapping you out of your thoughts. speak of the devil… you like to joke around that your neck might grow sore from the way you always have to look up at him.
“oh, y/n! perfect. i’ve actually been thinking about you earlier, wanna ask you about something.” his words melt into a chuckle as you nod in response. park seeun… the guy you have a silly little crush on. and of course you’re not gonna start having a session in your mind and ramble off about how dreamy and cool he is that you’ve developed feelings. enough of that corny nonsense. whatever it is, aside from the fondness you’ve developed with him being your best friend, you’re not really sure what’s drawn you in to want something more.
but hold on, what was he saying again? he’s been thinking of you earlier, and wants to ask you about something?
well… you were previously trashing on the cringiness of valentines and all but of course you can’t deny it—does he secretly have feelings for you and wants to ask you out on a date… for valentines?!
really, y/n. if those floating little angel and devil that hover on your shoulders do exist, they’d probably already smacked your head hard you’re gonna knock over.
let’s be real. it’s probably gonna be some dumb question that’s bound to piss you off.
“hm, what is it you wanna ask?” you reply, watching him sling his bag over his shoulder as you trailed beside him through the halls.
“i think it’s better if we talk about it somewhere by the bleachers.” his brow raises a bit, a grin tugging by his lips that you were so familiar with. he looks so charming right now, but you’re bringing those thoughts to the grave because for sure he’s never gonna let it go if you stroke his ego the slightest bit.
your lips parted at his response, raising your gaze back it him. “why at the bleachers though, can’t we just talk about it at some corner here?”
seeun begins looking around, seemingly in deep thought. “i wanna talk about it with you alone.”
oh. never in your life would you think that the same plot you’ve been witnessing in countless romance movies is finally gonna happen to you. there’s just no way he’s not gonna ask you on a date once you get to the bleachers by the football field. and add to that… he’s so serious right now you kinda miss the usual banter the two of you engage in everytime you’re together.
it’s just all clicking together too well… so you do your best in trying to suppress a squeal from your throat, ignoring the hammering beat of your heart in your chest. no way you’re gonna ruin the greatest moment that’s gonna happen in like what, five minutes? so you tune out the background noise as you wordlessly follow seeun to your destination, thinking of the perfect response to say when he asks you out on a date for valentines.
“oh… i don’t think i have any schedules past 3pm. i’d gladly go on a date with you!” well yeah dumbass… you guys have the same schedule that day so he knows what time you’re done. and what’s up with that last sentence, you sound too excited. that’ll totally not do...
“really seeun? i’ve been waiting…” gosh you sound like you’re utterly in love with him. well, if you don’t mind seeun making fun of how you’ve probably been crushing on him since forever, then go ahead. i’m just gonna leave a warning, you’re probably never gonna hear the end of it.
“you’re so sweet seeun, of course i’ll go with you.” the way you’ve managed to think of a worse response than the first two is honestly quite impressive.
argh… this kinda stuff is unexpectedly too hard, and you’ve got your stagnant love life to blame.
only when you hear the crackle of the grass beneath your shoes do you realize you finally reached the football field. seeun suddenly begins to run swiftly towards the bleachers as you follow suit. what do you expect from someone who self proclaims as your school’s messi.
you’re out of breath, laughing as you finally caught up to him. he doesn’t even look fazed from running, his hair a bit tousled by the wind. “so what is it then seeun… better make sure whatever it is you’re asking me is worth it. we had to walk all the way to the other side of the school building for this!” you tease, hoping to shake away the subtle nervousness inside you.
“alright then, i’m not gonna waste time anymore.” he stands closer to you now, hands in his pockets as you hold your breath.
“i need your help, i’m buying valentines gifts for someone else.”
and just like that, your fantasy was absolutely shattered.
“huh.” you snort, a frown immediately falling over your face. “why me…”
you look to the side, masking your disappointment with irritation. so he’s got a girlfriend now? how come you never saw him with someone else.
“well, wouldn’t you know what are the best gifts to get girls, since… you’re a girl yourself?”
you don’t know if your brows could get any more narrow than they already are. “park seeun logic i guess.”
“come on y/n! i never ask you for favors anyway.” he begs, hands together in a pleading pose.
“honestly i never expected you were the kinda guy to do all this romantic nonsense for valentines… thought your head was only full of bullshit.”
“what’d you say?!”
“full of bullshit. want me to spell it out for you?” you cock an eyebrow at him, but the way a giggle is starting to bubble up in his throat is suspicious. seeun suddenly holds out his arms, like he’s gonna tickle you once he gets his hands on you. “hey, hey—stop that or i’m not helping you out!”
your voice echoes throughout the field, starting a playful chase with seeun, running around in tiring circles over and over. you’re yelling as he catches up to you in no time, gripping onto your bag hung over your frame. you have his legs to blame, with the way every step of his is double the distance of yours.
and as you catch your breath, panting, you settled down on the grass with seeun claiming the spot beside you. you fish out your water bottle from your bag, along with a piece of paper and pen.
“don’t lose this alright.” you mumble, his attention towards you as he watches you scribble notes on the paper.
by a minute you hand it over to him, the tips of his fingers touching yours in the exchange, mentally slapping yourself from noticing the miniscule detail. got to move on from your silly crush right now, unfortunately.
he blinks at the inked words: flowers, chocolate, necklace, and… movie tickets
“i knew i could count on you! thanks by the way.”
“if it goes well for you then you have to order me chicken alright!” you were already starting to think of distancing yourself from him right after valentines, thinking it was the right move as he’s probably gonna spend most of his time with whoever his girlfriend is anyway. talk about a pity party while chowing down fried chicken.
“of course.”
you spare him a short glance at the reply before turning your head somewhere by the horizon. “i think i gotta go, the sun is gonna set in a moment.” standing up, you stuffed your water bottle back in your bag and dusted your clothes from the grass. you were about to walk away without a goodbye, but seeun was quick to catch your wrist.
“—wait, wait. one more thing.”
“what is it now.” you pulled your hand from his grip, preparing yourself for another one of his takes.
“can you accompany me tomorrow when i buy all this stuff?” he waves the now crumpled piece of paper, eliciting a huff from you.
“fine, whatever seeun. don’t need to act like i got a choice since you’re probably gonna drag me with you anyway!” you joke around with him, making the both of you laugh in unison. your eyes catch his one last time this afternoon, turning around to walk away from the field, his gaze never leaving your figure until you were just a blur in the distance.
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it’s the day after you got indirectly rejected, yet you’re spending it with seeun.
“so, which flowers do you think are the best around here?” you watch as he points to a bunch of displayed bouquets on a shelf, awaiting your answer.
“i don’t know seeun… how about you ask the florist over there instead? they’re experts in this sort of thing.”
he looks back at you with his lips in a straight line, his hand sneaking around your wrist. “i wouldn’t be asking you to come with me here if i wouldn’t trust your opinion you know.”
to be fair, he has a bit of a point right now. you shake free from his grip, taking a step towards the shelf. “alright whatever, move aside and i’ll take a look.”
you inspect the rows on display, until a particular one catches your attention. seeun’s gaze never left you, and he swears he could almost see a spark within your eyes as you saw the bouquet.
“this one looks cute,” you pointed to your favorite one, seeun inching closer to you. “and the bouquet wrapping’s your favorite color too, isn’t it?”
you nod, eyes flickering to him. “yeah… but wait seeun, wouldn’t it be better if you buy one in their favorite color instead? feel like it’ll be a bit more personal—”
“nope, nope. i trust your choice so i’m getting that one.” he’s rushing over to the florist, huffing as you watch him make the purchase. he better not blame you if this backfires because of his stubborness!
you’re about to give him a rant about the whole scenario until you realize that he’d probably not listen to you since he’s so hardheaded, so you just remain silent. but as you’re walking with seeun on the way to the candy shop, you can’t help but notice everyone else looking at the both of you while passing by.
“what a sweet couple the two of you are!” you’re startled when an old lady suddenly blurts out as you walk by her on the sidewalk, shock riddled all over your face. you turn towards seeun, waiting for him to clarify that the two of you were indeed not a couple.
i mean, if you look at it from another perspective, some guy holding a bouquet of flowers along with a girl would definitely look like a couple. but seeun only laughs, leaving dead air in between every single one of you.
“oh, we’re just friends!” you chuckle, watching as seeun remains wordless, only releasing another laugh.
“what a shame, you look really good together,” the old lady adds, making you sheepishly smile at her.
seeun nods, initiating the two of you go on as he bids goodbye to the old lady. honestly, you were expecting him to quickly deny the allegation of being a couple, bracing yourself as he’d probably throw in a playful insult. something about how he’s never gonna be in a relationship with someone as crazy as you or whatever.
but it never came, and it made you even wonder why he was only laughing as the small talk ensued a while ago.
maybe he’s just busy thinking, right? you figured that must be the reason as he leads, approaching the candy shop nearby. yeah… he’s probably just thinking of all the sweets he might buy as you get there.
a little bell rings as you go through the door, eyes lighting up at the amount of candies and chocolates displayed all around.
seeun beckons you over to a display by the counter, wanting to choose from the selection of special chocolate bars the shop has prepared for valentines.
and he’s off again in his own little world, staring intently as you choose from the display. noticing the way you were beginning to pout subtly, even stepping closer to inspect the chocolates. “woah, this one has different flavors together. i’ll try this one soon once i get to come back some other time.”
seeun doesn’t wait a second to ask the cashier so he could purchase the one you were ogling on the display, teasingly waving the chocolate in front of you once he’s paid for it.
“hey park seeun! you know people have different tastes right, what if they don’t enjoy those flavors?” you strike a conversation as the two of you begin strolling by the sidewalk.
seeun scoffs, the bouquet and paper bags rustling with every step of his. “oh don’t worry about that, i’m sure they’ll like this. you know them very well anyway.”
“huh?! the hell does that even mean.” you send him a peeved look, trying to catch up to him as he starts speeding up his pace. “are you trying to say they’re in the same class as me?”
he continues to ignore you as he starts another playful chase by the street, not missing the grin tugging on his lips.
“hey! park seeun, stop being so cryptic. is that why you keep coming to our classroom?!”
your shouts faded into giggles as he turned a corner, suddenly knocking yourself on his back when you managed to catch up to him. “we’re already here by the way,”
at least you’re finally halfway done with this whole fiasco seeun invited you in. you can’t deny the growing sullen mood you’re feeling in your heart. there’s probably already a stormy cloud floating above your head and raining on you, except you’re not in some silly cartoon.
you begin to follow seeun inside the jewelry shop, the sparkle of displayed accessories were a blur as your mind kept running with countless thoughts.
all this time you were under the notion that seeun kept showing up at your classroom because he wants to hang out. you didn’t want to admit it, but the only conclusion that you could arrive on was that he’s probably just spending time with you because his girlfriend is in the same class as yours. you mentally facepalm yourself at how oblivious you’ve been all this time.
you snap out of it when he starts dangling a necklace in front of you, attention flickering towards the heart shaped pendant he laid over his palm. "this one's a bit cool isn't it? and it opens up so you could put a photo or something."
"hm, it's perfect if you wanna put a couple photo inside the locket!” you beam, meeting his gaze.
and he lets out a scoff, the same one he does whenever he's about to spew some nonsense.
"or... they could just put a photo of me! y'know, so they could look at it whenever they miss me or something."
he laughs at the way your expression fell, lips almost in a straight line as you glare it him. "i've honestly never met someone so full of themself like you."
"guess that probably means this ones the best choice out of all, gotcha!” you only scrunch your nose at him, feigning an eye twitch before he turns around to pay for the necklace.
you're honestly quite confused on how he could have you sinking into a sullen mood and have you reeling in irritation the next second.
park seeun you're such a mystery...
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you were startled and greatly embarrassed when seeun’s voice blared throughout the hall of the cinema, earning a few sharp glares here and there. add to that… he was calling you by your name, walking towards him with your head hung low in shame.
“seeun! have some decorum, will you?” you kept your voice to a volume, landing a harsh slap on his arm. he hissed, rubbing the impact of your hit.
“yeah, yeah whatever. kinda your fault you’re standing too far away from me.” you acted as if you were gonna playfully smack him again, flailing his arms in front of him in defense. “i know you’re probably tired by now since we’ve been walking around since morning, but i’m sure you’ll love this one.”
he cheekily grins before pointing to the poster stuck on the wall, and seeun swears he’s seeing the same glint in your eyes again. “wasn’t this the movie you were spamming me about days ago?”
“yeah but—” you take a step forward before getting interrupted by seeun.
“great! then i’ll go ahead and buy tickets for this now, seems like a fun movie for a date, don’t you think?”
he’s quick to rush towards the counter, the squeak of his shoes fading away as you remain slumped in front of the movie poster. the same movie you’d always talk to him about, to the point of gushing over it, even. seeun knew how much you loved that movie series after begging him to watch it with you every time he’s over at your house.
when you found out about the news that it’s getting a new movie in theaters around this time of the month, you wasted no time in getting tickets for the two of you in advance, planning to invite him for a movie hang out right after valentines—having expected that seeun will share the same sentiments as you, that valentines was pure bullshit and that he’d rather spend a day with his best friend than all that lovey-dovey nonsense.
guess not anymore. as you follow him out of the cinema, you couldn’t care less about what he was babbling about, his voice a mere blur as you hear it. sinking into this miserable reverie of having to probably drop your fixation towards your favorite movie series, because now it just reminds you of him. how he inadvertently rejected you.
“are you okay y/n? you’ve been out of it ever since we started walking to the bus stop.”
curse seeun and his hyper aware self, always sensitive to your moods and such. making it even harder for you to move on, as you call it.
but he was met with silence, trudging along to your unusually faster pace tonight. he’s your best friend after all, so he pushes, even poking his finger repeatedly on your shoulder to get you to talk.
you’ve had enough of dealing with him today, wanting to hear the end of it. and so you dig your heel on the concrete, meeting his eyes with a glare as you raised your voice. “would you quit it!?”
thank god there was no one else around, only the chirp of the crickets and your heavy breathing. “alright, alright geez… it’s just, if you’re not feeling okay, then i don’t wanna leave you going home by yourself.”
he gently presses the back of his hand to your forehead, to which you harshly swatted away. the bus conveniently neared the two of you, immediately rushing to step into the vehicle once it came into a halt. seeun’s eyes never left your figure until you disappear in his sight, taking a seat on the opposite side of the bus that's further away from him.
and he watches the bus leave into the distance, unaware of the heartbreak you carried all the way home.
you were honestly surprised that no tears threatened to well up as you rode the bus home, until you slammed your bedroom door shut did it all come flooding in.
seeun and his stupid—his stupid attitude, stupid obliviousness, stupid… stupid everything!
you also blame yourself for choosing to spend the whole day with him, at this point it’s like you're begging your heart to get shattered to pieces. you bury yourself in the sheets to comfort yourself, seemingly making it worse as you recognize hints of seeun’s familiar cologne on your blanket, making you burst to tears even more.
you even start to wonder if you’d done any crimes your past life that led to all your current predicament: at the end of the day, he’s got this collection of gifts that you like, except… he’s not gonna give it to you. and knowing seeun, he’s probably gonna force you to come with him as well to help with his valentines surprise, and you have to plaster on a stiff, fake smile and pretend everything else is alright only your end.
and about those movie tickets… you’d probably just set a bonfire to throw it in and watch your hard earned money burn into ashes, pretending your heartbreak’s also fading away with it.
talk about brutal. you scoff, stuffing your face impossibly closer to your pillows, crying yourself to sleep.
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you surprisingly felt numb when you woke up to the sun streaming through your blinds, immediately unlocking your phone to a dozen missed alarms and… calls.
you couldn’t even care less about missing class today. despite the way you cried your heart out last night, the wound still felt fresh as you read a bunch of notifications that came from seeun.
it was a bit difficult to read from your puffy, half-awake eyes, but you managed to see his messages asking why you’re late, begging you to come today. all because he’s apparently gonna give you the coupons to that fried chicken place he promised.
you groaned, rolling over to the other side of the bed, contemplating. fuck fried chicken honestly, if it means having seeun witness your horrible state right now, you’re out of there.
unfortunately, you always manage to amaze yourself at your audacity to go against your thoughts, letting your feelings lead your decisions instead of being rational.
thankfully seeun’s nowhere to be found as you attended the rest of your afternoon classes, hoping no one would notice the remnants of a breakdown from your eyes.
pft… and why would you even be looking for him anyway. starting today, you’d wanna avoid him as much as possible, so you’d successfully move on, right?
but as you clutched your bag tight, walking through the halls as class was dismissed, it just made you even more bitter seeing the couples around you be all over each other. you wonder why you even bothered to come in late when you'd wanna just skip today's classes because valentines irks you to the core.
you didn’t even care anymore as you pushed through the crowd of people, along with a blur of reds and pinks from the littered valentines decorations all around, almost making you wanna throw up from cringe.
but you yelp when you suddenly got yanked at a random corner of the hall, ready to kick your ‘kidnapper’ into oblivion until you look up, craning your neck far too much until you realize it’s seeun.
and you don't miss the sight of the bouquet of flowers and gifts he's holding behind him.
"really seeun? i'm not gonna be helping you with handing it to them. you're on your own now by the way. i know you can do it." you say, face completely deadpanned.
“wait—” he firmly grasps onto your bag once you turned in an attempt to leave. “if this is about the fried chicken, i don’t care anymore. just keep it, i’m going home.”
“y/n i think you’ve got it all wrong.”
he doesn’t let go of your bag, trying to free yourself from his hold, fuming.
“yeah, it’s so wrong trying to shove to my face that you finally got yourself your own love life! i know we banter all the time but i also have my limits.” he watches as you raise your voice at him, a hurt expression falling over your face, one that he doesn’t like.
"just because we're best friends doesn't mean you can ask me for help with this kinda stuff! because what if... what if i..." what if i actually have feelings for you? you choke on your words, preventing yourself from blurting out an unwanted confession.
seeun's hold on your bag turns weak, his eyes softening. "what if you what, y/n? you've been acting weird since yesterday and i'm honestly getting a bit worried. tell me what's wrong then, so i can help you feel better."
"it's not something you could help with." you turn your gaze at the lockers, anywhere but focusing him.
“y/n if you just listen to me for a second then we’ll—” he attempts to calm you down, until you interrupt.
“you just don’t get it because you’re a guy!”
he takes a deep breath before grabbing your shoulder with his free hand, shaking your frame with every word he lets go. “all these gifts are for you y/n. it’s my valentines surprise for you!”
you take a step back, mouth parted in confusion.
“is this some kind of sick joke?”
“god… do i even have to spell it out. i like you, more than friends… or best friends! l-i-k-e y-o-u. got that?”
he lets out all of his thoughts, desperate that you get the message, rendering you speechless.
"i'm not really that good with words but... i've had feelings for the longest. i hope these gifts could make you realize how i feel?"
“me too seeun, it's a bit embarrassing to admit that i like you as well... i just, got a bit confused since you were talking about it as if you’re giving it to some other person. i'm sorry about what happened yesterday.” you look away from him, focusing on the floor instead.
“you know i got you always, right y/n? besides, why’d i give it to someone else when i got gifts that are personally your favorites?”
he finally got his point across as you let out a huff, rolling your eyes as you let him stare down at you with that beady gaze of his, feeling his fingers ghost towards your neck as he laces a necklace around it.
“well, what can you say about it? did i do good in trying to find out what gifts you’re gonna like huh?” you roll your eyes once again, snatching the chocolate and bouquet of flowers from him. you wordlessly linked your arm with his, starting to wander through the halls, biting your lip to keep yourself from smiling. you swear he’s never gonna let it go if he sees you show the littlest bit of enthusiasm over his gift.
as you step outside the field of the school once again, you manage to break the silence, looking up at him. “oh. but i… i did buy us tickets for the movie as well. it was supposed to be a surprise.”
“you’re so bad at surprises y/n, you know that?” he flicks your forehead, earning a glare.
“coming from you?!”
“yeah, well… you seemed to be happy with it from the way you were avoiding my eyes once i handed—hey, hey— wait y/n i’m just kidding, don’t hit me with the bouquet! y/n! @#%@&”
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batterygarden · 2 years
More Aki bf headcannons
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prev aki hcs & m.list
cw: gn!reader sfw but no minors on my page pls
If you’re ever overwhelmed.. Aki is your list maker. He always does it without you noticing—he’ll be like “okay can you repeat all the things you have to get done today one more time…” then he’s ripping a page off his cutesy little fridge notepad when you’re finished talking and it has all of your goals written in a bulleted list. He’ll go through it with you one more time to see which things he can help with. 
Your appointment maker too. And he’ll go to the doctor with you if you’re nervous, holding your hand when you’re talking to people (No matter the appointment or procedure you will force this man to stay in the room; there is no boundaries there) 
He’ll be sitting there clarifying your symptoms for you when the doctor misinterprets things. 
He loves looking at you. This should go without saying—he thinks you’re beautiful and he loves you, but he watches you like it’s his job. 
He doesn’t need entertainment, he doesn’t need something to keep him busy while you’re doing other things—it’s enough for him to just observe you, studying your every movement with a look of content concentration on his face.
He’s just so interested in how you do things—mostly mundane, everyday tasks. He’s conscious of the fact that he can’t view you objectively anymore when the grip of a pencil between your fingers seems endearing and the way you wiggle your arms into shirt sleeves in the morning captivates him more than any movie could. Your careful movements while cooking, the faces you make when you brush your teeth, the way you pick fuzz off clothes—Aki is the one to study it all. 
He’s certain he could fill a library with all the little details he’s noticed, and if one already existed he knows he’d spend every waking minute inside, studying more. 
Aki is the man to claim to not want any pets till you come home with one someday. He’d be sooo grumpy towards you that evening, holding the little furry baby in his arms and staring at it like a mother stares at her newborn child before pausing to glare at you like “I did not okay this >:(“ 
Of course he becomes an instant helicopter dad, taking a billion pictures of the animal, documenting its growth, buying it endless toys and treats.
He ends up spoiling this lil guy way more than you too. 
“He can have a little whipped cream you fucking dictator!” 
He sneezes so loudly probably and you always side eye him and he’s like “sorry for sneezing??? Do you want an apology??” 
He’s a lawfully evil notes app user. Fucking breaking it out when no one’s looking and writing about a questionable thing someone did to talk to you about it later. He takes general notes on people too, writing their birthdays so he doesn’t forget and casually jotting down gift ideas when someone mentions their interests. He’s well within his rights to do all this but to you it feels unfair—like he’s always bringing extra study materials to tests you have to go in blind for. 
“No one’s stopping you from taking notes too. It’s honestly really helpful.” “I’m not gonna stoop to analyzing strangers on my phone, weirdo!” 
Is annoyed at the fact you don’t know how to pirate things. “A torte?” “A torrent!” He looks at you like you just asked a kindergarten level math question. “You need to know this, it’s important. So once you’ve found a magnet link..” 
he treats you like a fucking baby if you’re ever under the influence and he’s not. 
He’ll buckle you in while driving—holding no trust for your drunk brain. 
“Aki noo I can buckle myself!” He glares at you for a second then continues to do it for you but more slowly. 
When you remember that your sober self left a pomegranate in the fridge, you have immediate intentions to cut into that thing but the knife is out of your hand before you can even blink. 
Aki shakes his head while he slices it for you on a cutting board, muttering under his breath about saving money on hospital bills.
Social gatherings with Aki are great, but your favorite part is always getting back home so you can deconstruct the evening. Aki is a grade A gossip I swear, he will bring up all the points you were thinking and more. He LIVES for your cozy nights in pajamas, discussing your friends’ relationship drama and your coworker’s affair. 
He is such a considerate person to live with. He often wakes up before you for work but he’s always tip-toeing around in the mornings not to wake you, shutting cabinets so quietly and taking out pans all slow and careful. He’ll usually leave some of whatever breakfast he made in a Tupperware for you when you finally do awaken, making note of it on his handy fridge sticky notes, always with an added “have a good day, pretty” and a messy lil heart. 
This man has mild anxiety I say!! Especially with sleeping, he can’t do it the same if he isn’t touching you—he needs to know you’re safe and okay next to him.
He also appreciates your frequent texts about nothing in particular for this reason, it keeps him reassured that everything’s okay. 
Speaking of texting, Aki acts like the little memes and videos you send are dumb and his sense of humor is above them, but he secretly finds you SO hilarious. 
Like he chuckles when he’s by himself just thinking of some of the stupid things you’ve sent him. 
One time he saved a reaction pic you sent, never telling you how funny he found it, and sent it to Denji when it worked perfectly in their text conversation like 3 months later. Only the meme was so old by that point that it made him look out of touch :/ 
You remind him of it every time you show him a tweet or something and he doesn’t laugh or react, saying he’ll probably save it and send it to people later in secret. 
If there’s errors no there isn’t <3
I was also given a request for these geared towards shy reader,, hopefully I post that tmrw
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virusinfected-memes · 2 years
75 starters. CW: blood mention, cussing, death. Starters come from various text posts floating around Tumblr. The only thing changed for this post was adding capitalization and punctuation. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed! 
“All I do is drink water and be stupid.”
“All I do is rotate three outfits and talk shit and have panic attacks.”
“All I want these days is to hike through a mossy forest filled with heavy fog and get lost for a while.”
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for the those two guys who died in the Blair Witch house? Who broke into HER home, trespassed on HER land, and messed with HER stick bundles? I don’t!”
“Baby girl, you are strange and off-putting.”
“Can necromancers heal depression?”
“Did I need it? No. Did I buy it? Yes.”
“Don’t forget that what you see isn’t all there is.”
“Do you ever wanna bond with someone so bad you’re like, “Damn, I wish we were knights on a dangerous quest...”?”
“Do you think the world could suddenly end on a night as quiet as this?”
“Fuck yeah, I’m an influencer! My content is clownery, I promote stupidity, and I’m sponsored by the circus.”
“Have people in horror movies never seen a horror movie?”
“Holy shit... I’M the demon living in my house?”
“Hot tip: bury yourself in the forest to recharge, never come back, and become a local cryptid.”
“Humans are really good at remembering each other’s bad decisions.”
“I am one percent human and ninety-nine percent tired.”
“I don’t really feel like existing today.”
“I do this really cute thing where I shut down and hate everybody.”
“I feel like I’m in the Sims where it takes five hours to make pasta and then you have to immediately go to bed.”
“If I can’t hand my lover a cup of coffee and kiss their forehead while they’re working, then what even is the point?”
“If my son is stealing pies off window sills, it’s because I taught him to do that, bitch.”
“If you aren’t someone the church wanted dead three hundred years ago, are you really living?”
“If your computer has malware... that’s me in there. If you take care of me like a little Tamagotchi pet, I will leave and give you a secret present in your files.”
“I hate those really vivid dreams that you’re still emotionally attached to after you wake up. You’re stuck, feeling for something that technically doesn’t exist.”
“I’m giving up personhood to become a full-time abstract concept.”
“I’m like a shitty anime dating sim. If I talk to six people, I have to immediately go to bed. If I go grocery shopping, that’s half my HP.”
“I’m off to kill the most powerful man in the world.”
“In the 90s, computers would scream every time you went online. That was foreshadowing.”
“I procrastinate so much now that if I ever became a vampire I will literally put things off for centuries.”
“I think I want my next piercing to be through my heart with a wooden stake.”
“I think my dark under eye circles are adding to the aesthetic, actually.”
“I think the far healthier app to have in middle school was the DSi camera, not Tik Tok.”
“It’s okay to be obsessed and in love with me.”
“I was born in the wrong generation. Take me back to the paleoarchean era. I want to be insentient. I want to be bacteria.”
“Little known fact: once you’re older and you’re no longer in school, time stops being real. Did that thing happen one year ago? Two? Five? A few months ago? Who knows.”
“Maybe if we all just collectively start decorating now, we can... force it to be Halloween.”
“Me? Tired? Sleepy? Yes, constantly.”
“My blood is glow stick juice. That’s why all my bones crack when I move.”
“My body is less of a temple and more of a rotting 19th century mansion rumored to be haunted by several wicked and vengeful spirits.”
“My body is my temple. Ancient and crumbling. Probably cursed.”
“My hobbies include laying in bed in my underwear while I listen to music and hate myself.”
“My kink is closing doors so that I’m in complete solitude.”
“My superpower is going into a book store and immediately forgetting the name of every book I’ve ever wanted to read.”
“Not all your life decisions have to be smart. Some can be purely for cinematic value.”
“Nothing should go back to normal. Normal wasn’t working.”
“Not really a fan of this ‘being a person’ thing.”
“People keep saying “go big or go home” as if going home doesn’t sound like the best idea ever. Hell yeah, I wanna go home, and I’m gonna take a nap when I get there.”
“People who suggest getting breakfast together as a hangout plan are the kind of people you want to hang onto.”
“Pray for me. Nothing’s wrong, I just want more power.”
“Protect me from what I want.”
“Pro tip: instead of having feelings, try being dead inside. Everything is still horrible, but you will not care at all.”
“Remember, you can disappear into the woods whenever you want. You’re an adult.”
“Reminder: you can start over at any time. Your day is not ruined. Your world is not over. Take a deep breath. Start over.”
“Rest in peace to everyone killed by the gods for their hubris, but I’m different. And better. Maybe even better than the gods.”
“Sexting? Nah, I’m into spexting. Spooky texting. Ever seen a ghost? Hit me up.”
“Something all children covet is the generic black t-shirt with white skull worn by cartoon teenagers.”
“Sometimes a girly just needs to mask her declining mental state by calling herself a girlboss and that’s okay.”
“Sorry, bro, I can’t hang out today. I used up all my mana.”
“Sorry I tried to drink your blood. I think you’re cute.”
“The internet is awesome, but you can’t download love.”
“The only reason I still have depression is because I can’t take my brain out and blow on it like a DS cartridge.”
“The older you get, the more you appreciate just chilling at home doing nothing.”
“The world is just generally better when you’ve recently eaten a sandwich.”
“The worst part about kissing a perfect ten is the cold feeling your lips get from touching the mirror.”
“Very sexy of me to be isolating myself and rotting into the floor.”
“Well, the horrors may be beyond YOUR comprehension, but I understand them perfectly.”
“What does your soul look like?”
“What ever happened to personality? I want decorative towels that aren’t boring! I want NOVELTY! I want people to come over to my house and look at my trinkets, and immediately think “this lady is a wacko” and also “her stuff is haunted!””
“When fat Pikachu finally returns, I know he will single-handedly save our economy.”
“Yeah, I could have cracked the Zodiac cipher before those guys did. I just didn’t want to.”
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”
“You can’t keep dancing with the devil and wonder why you’re still in Hell.”
“You know what I would be if I was in a video game? That dead body you find at the beginning with like ten gold.”
“You think too much. You’ll make yourself ill if you keep that up.”
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aphrodite1288 · 8 months
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Omg I love this side of Kyungsoo 😆 It was 2am in Korea when he shared this story. And maybe he's a lil tipsy ! I love him for celebrating his Freedom and departure savagely. He slayed!
Ps: To dumb Akgaes Dandanies whom I hate so much, don't Mistake Ksoo's dislike to SM to him hating his members!!!
Stop hating on the members! He clearly loves them and doesn't blame or condemn them for anything?! the fuck is wrong with y'all bashing them like They have any link to his beef with SM?? The X app is full of Dandans being psycho haters attacking Exo and ExoL like hungry wolves. The other members are also going through their own shit and sabotage from SM and you saw it with Chanyeol and CBX and Jongdae! Why are you only saying SM was bad to Ksoo only and that they were favoring other members over him??! Bitch where?
Sehun sang like 15 lines in all Exo songs since debut, has no solo album 0 reality shows or Variety attendance, 0 Sechan promotions from SM.
Jongdae was being canceled, threatened with Death him and his daughters and went on hiatus for 3years because he decided to have a family and SM didn't even support him or sued the fans who boycotted him or sent him death threats.
Suho, who works so hard on his albums and musicals, and has 0 promotions from SM, no appreciation, 0 variety/reality shows attendance!
Chanyeol who paid with his own money to print and promote his albums with Sehun ?? He said he wants a unit and make an album with Sehun he said he has the lyrics and composed everything himself he just needed the funds for making MVs and printing albums and promoting his debut and comebacks, SM said "Your unit your problem"??? Or the fact that SM was the one that spread that 10 gfs scandal and ruined him few months before going to military because he was being a Rebel! And there's notbing worse than going on military hiatus with a scandal , because once your back people will forget you by choice and with time also! And SM didn't even take any legal measures to protect him like they did with all their idols in that shithole pink company!
Or Jongin and Baekhyun &, Ksoo whom are called the money makers of SM who got overworked by SM, with no rest They put them in show after show after show after project after schedule, going from filming directly to another filming with no rest or a proper meal or sleep, and make them debut 4 times in units and a whole other band (SuperM)?
And Please don't get me started on Minseok/Xiumin, that Man as if he doesn't even exist to SM. He's the most underrated most mistreated member of all times NOT ONLY from his company but sadly from HIS OWN FANS who give 0 fucks about what he does, his albums and projects, I dare anyone here to tell me three songs from his album. And because he's not supported by his own fans that SM refuses to "Waste money" on him promoting him which is sad it's how business works, if you can't produce you can't consume. Like that he'll never have anything even if he begs for it, SM would say "No! We can't give you an album because have you seen your last album it barely got us any revenue 0 profit sorry" . In companies if you can't sell you can't ask for solo projects! Not even a birthday party for your own self with your fans. And if you wanna promote yourself you gotta pay for your Promotions like how Sechan did with their albums.
Sad but facts.
Anyway Ksoo has cute Toes UWU
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noirvette · 1 year
[band smau]
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prev. | next.
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Kenny had managed to regain control of his account roughly a day after it had been hacked. Quickly posting a message on his account after Twitter support had done their job and handed back access to him. The hacker was gone and the question of "what was the point of all that" weighed heavy on your mind.
"Why hack Kenny?" You wondered, thinking about possible information he may have. Kenny didn't use the account too often, usually using it only for learning about various pop star drama or just to like and retweet things, he rarely used it to give updates on himself, in fact most updates were about you if anything.
If it was information on you that the hacker wanted, you were sure it would've just been easier to hack your account, you had changed all your passwords though immediately after Kenny being hacked and since the password was so long you ended up writing it down on your notebook to not forget until you actually remembered it.
Shaking your head and throwing yourself back into the topic at hand with the band; what venue is the best option for the concert in South Park.
"I'm telling you! The one they just remodeled is going to be by far the best venue for us! It's bigger and it has the space we need." Nichole expresses with enthusiasm.
"I don't know, I mean sure the space is nice but are we really going to draw that big of a crowd?" asked Stan.
"Stan. Bro. You saw the fans on twitter AND instagram when we announced free concert in South Park, you didn't stop to think that maybe the word, oh I don't know, FREE? causes people to most likely show up in gigantic numbers?" Clyde raises his voice, giving you a look of "Is this guy for real right now?".
Stan sighs and looks over at Kyle. Kyle had been surprisingly silent through most this conversation much like yourself, except he was glued attentively to his phone.
"Kyle?" Stan asks, eyebrow raised.
"..Huh? Ha, oh what?" Kyle looks up to see four pair of eyes looking at him with a range of different emotions.
He sets his phone down and sighs, "Sorry guys, I've just had a rough last day."
"All good! No worries." You chirp and Kyle gives you a thankful smile in return.
"Right, sorry, I was thinking we just do an open venue? You know the one right kinda in the center of town?" Kyle rhetorically asks, "It's open and that way we don't have to cap a number limit of how many guests."
After a few murmurs of agreement and nods from everyone else, Stan pulls up Kyle's laptop to reach out to the venue owners, whereas Kyle goes back on his phone. You take a peek as he turns it on, he opens the imessaging app and suddenly you notice the stress that piles on top of Kyle.
"Kyle?" You gently ask
He quickly turns his phone off and looks at you, "What's up Y/n?"
"You doing okay?"
"Uh, yeah! Never better." He gives you that awkward white man tight closed smile and you return his smile with a look that tells him you don't believe him.
He sighs and turns his phone back on, showing you the messages he's been receiving as well as his responses.
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You frown in confusion and hand his phone back to him, "Who is this?"
"No clue, I have genuinely no clue at who this could be. I've tried calling the number as you read, and it keeps referring me to this pizzeria place, I asked what's with the prank texts and they informed it the number is a landline phone and it can't text." Kyle sighs in annoyance.
You take a peak at the others, who are still trying to figure out how to write a business email to the venue owners. Kyle turns his phone off again and shrugs, "You know I think I'm just going to have to ignore it.
He gets up and heads over to the others, grabbing his laptop gently from Stan's grasp and taking over the business email writing. You stare at him for a little while longer, taking note of the dark eye bags and sunken eyes that he's seemed to have suddenly.
You're not sure what's about to happen, but the recent events that have started going on in your life all points to a negative direction and you're not sure when it'll, but you feel, no, you know, that the impending doom about to burst.
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TAGLIST: @captivq @kimiesstuff @bwljules @the-cooler-kira @1one1person1 @kenny-the-ken @neenieweenie @n0tangeliccc @revzxn @mirophobic @gonefiishiing @musiclovebot @bootsieboo @bonez4brainz @4xbei77 @1996kj @sweetadonisbutbetter @scinclaitnoir @okarigold
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stormyrainyday · 18 days
if you haven't read one lifetime too short by luminvies and moonsteps on AO3 and you're a haikaveh angst enjoyer you need to go read it idc that it's 100k words you won't feel it now go shoo
snippets (and spoilers!) below the keep reading tab
“That sucks, Al-Haitham,” Kaveh says. “That fucking sucks. I’m just supposed to go along with things because that’s the way they are, and I can’t do anything about it.”
“You can do something,” Al-Haitham says gently. “You can be angry about it, for as long as it takes, as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else, and then you move on. You bury your grief and you move onto the next plot and you leave it behind.”
“But why?” Kaveh is staring at his hands. “Why should all of this grief be mine? Why do I have to carry this burden alone, when it seems that even my mother has been able to find peace with it? Why am I the only one still stuck in the past? Why me, Al-Haitham? I try to forget my shadow, and it circles back and finds me again. I try to seek forgiveness, and instead every day I find myself repenting. It’s endless. It’s endless, Al-Haitham.”
And it’s—well, it’s fine, because it has to be. There’s nothing to be done about it. Al-Haitham can’t cancel his exams, and he can’t magically teleport to Port Ormos just because he has the urge to get coffee with Kaveh on a random Tuesday afternoon. They have texting. Al-Haitham has Kaveh pinned to the top of his messaging app. It’s fine.
my best friend and i live half the world away from each other and i'm kaveh in this case because it's me that left but that didn't stop me from imploding when i read this
But perhaps time is the culprit for their distance. They took two separate paths, and it’s only natural that Kaveh’s life would take him in a different direction than Al-Haitham’s own static existence.
And he can be okay with that. He can be all right with a text-based relationship, since most other people have the same thing. If Al-Haitham refused to be able to adapt to Kaveh’s turbulent life, then that would just make him obstinate.
And it’s fine. Different people have different priorities.
For Kaveh, there is the Palace of Alcazarzaray. There is Kimiya. There is Parisa.
For Al-Haitham, there has always only been Kaveh.
Four more years pass, just like that.
this is genuinely my worst nightmare. i cannot think of one single thing on this planet that would devastate me more than this.
it has a happy ending trust but these. these ruined me. for DAYS. i was bawling my eyes out at 2 am consistently
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