#I still feel like it could be better but I rather publish it now and think about how to improve it after
neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Mr. Gaiman,
As an accomplished author with several books under his belt, how do you know that a story is a dud for lack of a better word? I have a million ideas bouncing around inside my head at all times, and while I consider them good ideas worth pursuing, how am I sure they will make a good story?
I ask this because I have been dwelling on something one of my professors said last semester. He held a seminar on poetry and got to the topic of fiction writing, where he stated that he had just recently finished a story he had rewritten several times over the course of multiple years. Now I myself write as a hobby with a faint imagining that someone might see it in the future, and I have written a dud or two, where the plot was poorly formed and the ideas behind it just had a flaw somewhere in the base concept. Perhaps this is my youth and amateurity speaking, but I was under the impression that given enough time and care, any story could recover from that stage so long as it had not been completed yet. Ideas would need to be reworked, concepts retooled, characters redrawn, but the very basic idea could still survive in a different format.
My professor disagreed, stating that he has destroyed 400-500 page novels that he has written before upon realizing said fatal flaw. He stated that the story was in a state that it could not recover from, and that many authors encounter ideas that seem good at the time, but stink later on to such a degree that the basic premise must be thrown out. This seems like a tremendous loss of work to me. As writing is an art form, it feels somewhat similar to destroying practice sketches and 'meh' oil paintings that showcase the artist's progress. An idea that stinks today might be able to work from a different angle later on in my opinion.
I suppose after rambling my question is now this: are some ideas and concepts just not worth pursuing? Are some story concepts flawed from the get-go and impossible to save, and is there a way to tell that before writing the whole thing? Is it even possible to waste that time as you're getting in practice for the next tale?This isn't something I ever really thought about before being told in sure tones that this is how things work by someone with a degree is this, so I figured I'd ask the professional author for a second opinion. Apologies for the length of the message, especially if this is one you've received before.
I have things that have stalled and a few stories that, when they were done, went to the box in the attic rather than to anyone who could publish them (there's a whole novel there I wrote when I was 21). But mostly because I was writing serial comics, failure was not an option, and if something did fail it had done it in public for everyone to see. And I learned that some things I thought were failures had actually worked really well.
Some people are afraid of failure. Some people are afraid of success, which can also be a good reason for junking books and never showing them to anyone. As long as you pronounce them irretrievably flawed and show them to nobody, you will never be judged for them or have to deal with either success or failure.
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inkskinned · 2 years
something that stuck with me once, way back in middle school when i was still learning how to write - my teacher said "writing shock and tragedy is easy, it's humor that's the hardest."
i have been up and down the halls of academia. i have the fancy degree and the experience in publishing. i think i paved most of my own road with the little bricks of sorrow i had stored inside of me. i know i did it mostly with works that are blisteringly lonely. i know why we write like that. it's lifesaving.
but yeah, i mean. i also know how much people think that "sad" media is the same thing as "good" media. our human desire to connect is so hard-pressed that we immediately latch onto any broken themes. the bullied kids and the tales of inspiration. people keep saying things like "glass onion" and "everything everywhere" weren't actually good. because, you know, they're. happy. or happy-ish. happy enough. and we only value art if it's grimdark-adjacent.
do you know - people still consistently whine at me that my writing would be so good if i just capitalized things. i used to flinch. i get kind of a weird, vindictive little rush these days - i get to say thank you for the comment! i have chronic pain and this is how i conserve my hands so i can write more during the day :) grammar isn't real anyway! and now they're trapped in the room with me, you know? i get to pull out my map and show them how grammar is not the same thing as good writing.
writers have this thing. we scratch at our insides, constantly, prying our lives apart into splinters. prying the splinters apart into atoms. when we combust something into poetry, we control it. it cannot hurt us if it exists outside of us rather than burning a hole through the bottom of our lungs. it's not a wonder to me that so much of what i make comes out like a death gasp. i spent a long time at the bottom. i keep going back, too. when you're down there for so long, the only thing you can exhale is fumes.
but humor is hard. humor needs timing; which i can't promise in a paragraph. i can kind-of force it through careful spacing, but i have no idea how fast you're reading these things. humor needs a somewhat awareness of your audience, when really - anybody could be looking. humor needs us to understand what the joke is, why it's a joke, and to think - ha! that is funny. in tragedy, everyone understands the metaphor of a kicked puppy. in humor, you need to introduce them to the concept of a dog.
and forget about positivity. forget about anything not made for adults explicitly. every time i see a well-made children's media piece, i feel fucking horrible for the creators. most of the time, people see children's media as being sort of "not worth" applause, even though i'm pretty sure they have to work twice as hard. i have no idea how hard it must be to not be able to have your character just say. "well, fuck." something about a message of peace or friendship or caring - for some reason, that makes the media not for adults. like, okay. i'm pretty sure my father actually, out of all of us, could use a good book on how to control his temper and talk about his feelings.
but whatever. i write a short story about my ocd, and how it's fucking killing me. it gets an award. it gets published. i write a short story about my ocd, and how i'm overcoming it, and how my days are getting lighter and starting to flourish. i keep getting ghosted. no response. it just is lacking... something.
is this it, forever? you can be an artist, okay. but the trade off is that the things you make - if they're happy? if they're joyful? people will say it's stupid and pandering. you bite your nails off. you file your teeth. you hear something inside of you breaking.
the other day in a writing group, someone i'd thought of as a friend said: "you write so much better these days! i love what you make when you'd rather be dead."
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unofficial-underfell · 7 months
Hey guys, I've been thinking about making this post for a long time and I think its finally time I do so. After realizing that some of my last work was done over a year ago, I don't think I can really ignore it anymore. While I haven't quite thrown in the towel on this quite yet, it's pretty evident to me and I'm sure to everyone who still follows this blog that my fervor for the project has drastically decreased. And has been kind of dead for a while. The comic has not been a priority to me, or posting online much at all actually. I did some soul searching and found that I'd started relying on outside approval for my art instead of doing art for the sake of wanting to tell a story and express myself throughout my work. I have limited energy and depression and sometimes it feels like i get such little progress done even though it takes all of my energy. While I'm trying to go to the gym more and build better habits my energy levels and mood still have a lot to be desired, and I'd rather use the limited energy I have to work on something I'm more passionate about.
I've been trying to grow my skills and absorb more stories and I've moved around a lot and started to listen to what I really felt, and I found that a lot of the art I want to focus on deals with heavier and more mature topics. I do love this story, and all of the characters and I feel like I could make a really clever subversion of what is expected from an Underfell comic. But I feel like in these uncertain times with the world and with all of the stuff going on right now, I'd like to use my energy to work on stories that hit closer to the things that I feel are important. So that's why I've not been posting much.
I'm working on a book, and I've actually got quite a lot of progress done on it, but because of all the horror stories online about people stealing author's original works, I'm kind of holding off on publishing any chapters before I can copyright the first draft of the novel. So my online activity will still be pretty scarce for a bit, though I'll still post occasionally on my @cosmicpixel01 account. I'll try better to not be so radio silent though lol. Even if that means I'll post something boring about my dog or books I'm reading just so everyone knows I'm still alive.
I don't want to call it quits on the story. But I also feel like you guys have been kept waiting to see what happens for a really long time, and that makes me feel so guilty. I will try to finish up the pages I have in the works, and I'm probably going to switch to a different format that is some drawings, some writing to finish the story. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to finish it the way I intended for you guys, even with all of the support and kind words and even the fanart that I've kept in a folder on my desktop. I am letting a lot of you down, but I feel like the radio silence is probably more irresponsible than just going out and saying something. And I'm sorry I've kept you all waiting for a not-so-happy update on the blog.
I hope that some of you will continue to follow me for some of my other exploits and see whatever other things I have going on, but I understand that you all followed me for Undertale so I don't want you to feel any sort of guilt if you decide not to. I'm just happy you all supported me for so long.
I'll try to work on this blog again soon, and if anyone has any questions, my asks are open, though I'll probably keep the asks private. Until then I hope everyone stays safe out there. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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pinksturniolo · 6 months
Biggest Fan: Part Two
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Summary: The one in which a fan gets rear ended in a car accident by none other than Christopher Sturniolo during her stay in Los Angeles.
A/N: This is my first series I will be publishing on here! There will most likely be 3 or 4 parts. I hope you like it and I’m really excited to share with you all. :)
Content Warnings: smut, oral receiving/giving, fingering, penetration, slight degradation, swearing, brief mentions of blood, head injuries, mentions of a car accident. mentions of a panic attack
word count: 5,287 😳
I was inspired by this song:
‎ 𐮙ღ✰☾✿ღ𐮙
You were having a panic attack.
You tried to calm down in the 5 minutes it took Matt to drive to their house, but your thoughts continued to race, and your hands became shakier the more your head continued to throb with pain. Your wet sneakers squeaked against the floor as they led you into the house, having a seat at their kitchen table. You were starting to get tunnel vision, your breaths getting more rapid by the second. You’ve had panic attacks before, but this was the first time in a long time it’s occurred and the fact that you were inside the home of your favorite Youtubers did not help. Nick and Matt announced they were going to shower, being that you all got drenched in the rain, both of them giving you hesitant looks. “Chris, go find the first aid kit. We’ll be right back.” he instructed, giving you one last look before they both disappeared to their rooms.
Chris sat next to you, hovering his hand over your shoulder, unsure if he should touch you or not. “Hey, you okay?” he asked softly, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Yeah... I just feel really lightheaded all of a sudden. I think I need to lie down.” You responded, dropping your head into your arms on the table, closing your eyes. You tried taking deep breaths to calm your pounding heart.
Chris jumped up. “Of course, you can lie down in my room while I go look for the first aid kit.” He said, making you lift your head to look at him in surprise. “Oh no, I meant like on the couch. I don’t want to invade your privacy...” You laughed nervously. He shook his head, a smile forming on his face. “I’m the one who invited you here, I promise I don’t care. Besides, I’d rather my bed get wet than the couch. I can always wash the sheets tomorrow.” He said, reminding you that were still in your wet clothes, now including his hoodie which also had a bloody sleeve. You let out another nervous laugh. “Right…”
“Come on.” Chris said, motioning for you to follow him downstairs. Once you got to his room, he switched the light on and patted the bed, inviting you to sit down. You did slowly, your arms shaking as you perched on the edge. He was still standing, looking down at you. Now that he could see you in better lighting, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were. You had plush, pink lips and warm brown eyes, giving him the most innocent look that tugged at his heart strings. Water droplets were falling from the long dark hair that framed your face, dark red nails gripping the side of his bed. There was no doubt he was extremely attracted to you.
He noticed your leg bouncing in nervousness, your black converse making a small damp spot on his carpet. “Do you want to take your shoes off? I can put them in the garage so they can dry a little bit.” He spoke. His stare was making you even more nervous and you were grateful he broke the silence. “Oh yeah, sorry I-“ you started to say when he suddenly crouched down, carefully taking your left ankle in his hands and slipping off your shoe, then doing the same with the right one. Your eyes widened, butterflies again swarming your stomach at the light touch. You watched as he stood back up, both your shoes in his hand as he crossed the room to his dresser, grabbing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He came back over, setting the clothes next to you on the bed. He smiled sweetly at you, seeming to ignore the fact that he just removed your shoes for you. “You can change into these while I go look for that kit, okay?” he says, making his way towards the door. “Uh… thank you…” You say meekly. “No problem, sweetheart. Be right back.” He responds, looking at you once more with a smirk before he closes the door, noticing the obvious look of fluster on your face, your jaw slightly dropping.
Sweetheart? Did he really just say that? If your heart could beat any faster, it would explode out of your chest. Was he flirting with you?
So far, he had insisted that you come to his house, willingly brought you to his room, gave you his clothes, touched your face in the car earlier, took off your shoes and called you sweetheart. Not to mention the longing stare he was giving you earlier. You know that any girl would kill to be in your place. But you wanted nothing more than to leave the minute you got here.
Would you have the chance to sleep with him if you stayed? You weren’t the type to throw yourself at any guy, even if it was Christopher Sturniolo himself. Let’s just admit it, even if you were that type, you didn’t have the guts to act upon your desires. You were way too shy. Not to mention, you’re just a fan. Who’s to say he even found you attractive? What if he was just taking pity on you? What if he-
These are the thoughts running through your head as you sit on the black sheets of his bed, your hair, clothes and socks completely soaked from the rain that was currently pouring down outside. The cut on your forehead from the accident burns as you reach up to touch it. You wince, blood dripping onto your fingertips as you look down at your hand. Your stomach starts to turn in on itself, a wave of nausea starting to set in. You decide this was a bad idea to come here and are about to bolt out of the room but before you can stand up, Chris comes through the door, a clean towel in his hand and some more items in his other hand, a look of panic on his face once he makes eye contact with you.
“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out or something.” He speaks.
You let out a small laugh, smoothing your palms on the top of your thighs to try to calm your nerves down.
“I’m fine, this is just… a lot. I feel like I’m intruding.” You reply, looking hesitantly around his room.
This whole night has been surreal, and you still have no idea how you ended up in this situation. Chris sits next to you, handing you the towel to dry yourself off. He raises his eyebrows in surprise, a smile on his face again. “I literally rear ended you in a car accident and you think you’re intruding?” he says, shaking his head. “Stop worrying about intruding and let’s focus on the real issue here. That cut on your head is still bleeding. I couldn’t find the first aid kit, but I brought another clean towel and some bandages.” He then brings the smaller towel he brought with him to your face, gently wiping the blood clean that had trickled down from your forehead. Your breath slightly hitches, and you clutch the other towel to you, avoiding eye contact with him.
“Is this okay?” he asks, pausing his movements. “Yes.” You say after a few seconds. He continues cleaning your face and putting some pressure on the cut while you use the towel he gave you to dry your thighs and legs. Once he finishes, he places the bandage on the wound and you can’t help but stare at him, a cute look of concentration on his face. Your nerves slightly go away and your heart rate slows down, Chris’ presence bringing a sense of calmness to you. The silence is comfortable instead of awkward. You no longer feel like you want to run to the nearest exit. “All good.” He says, pulling away from you. “Thank you again. I wouldn’t have pegged you as the nursing type.” You joke, a playful smile on your face. He scoffs, his eyes narrowing at you. “You’re funny. There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” He then glances at the clothes he had set next to you earlier.
“You don’t want to change? I know they’ll probably be a little big on you but if you stay in your wet clothes, you might catch a cold. And I would know, seeing as I have great nursing skills and all.” He adds, making you laugh. “I’m gonna take a shower in Nick’s room so I can get dry as well. I have a shower over there in my bathroom, I don’t mind if you use it.” He says and you open your mouth to protest but before you can talk, he holds up his hands and cuts you off. “I promise it’s fine. You can lock the door behind me and take as long as you need to. I swear. I just want you to be more comfortable.” He said, a serious look on his face. You roll your eyes and take a deep breath, knowing that Chris is just as stubborn as you are and won’t take no for an answer in this situation. “Okay, okay. I’ll call my friend and see if she can come get me once I’m done.” If she’s even up at this time.
“Deal.” He nods and smiles as he seems to be satisfied with your answer, standing up and grabbing some clothes to take with him. He walks toward his door, giving you another reassuring smile. Before he can walk out, you speak again. “Thank you, Chris. Honestly. I really do appreciate how nice you’ve been tonight.” He can’t help the way his heart skips a small beat at the sound of you saying his name and the genuine smile on your face. “You’re welcome.” He responds, winking at you and closing the door with a soft click.
‎ 𐮙ღ✰☾✿ღ𐮙
You took a hot shower, careful not to get the bandage on your head wet, changing into his clothes and placing a dry towel on the spot on his bed you were sitting in earlier. You already felt ten times better now that you were dry and clean. You gathered your wet clothes, placing them into a neat pile on his bathroom floor. Then you grabbed your phone, checking the time. 2:30 am.
You silently prayed your friend Isabel would answer as you called her. You really didn’t want Matt to have to drive you back to your hotel and you also didn’t want to overstay your welcome.
Ring ring ring.
She didn’t answer. You tried 2 more times and called your other friend that came with you.
Still no answer. Fuck.
You sighed, sending them a text to call you as soon as they could. You set your phone back down on Chris’ nightstand, looking around his room again. It was slightly messy but not as much as you would have thought. There were little knickknacks here and there, pieces of his personality throughout the room. It smelled like his cologne and was still slightly warm from the shower you took. Chris knocked on the door, interrupting you creepily observing his room.
You walked over and opened it for him, a cheeky smile already on his face. His hair was slightly wet from the shower, grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips and a white tank top on.  He looked insanely good.
You stopped yourself from staring any longer and moved aside so he could walk in. The way he called you sweetheart earlier replays in your head.
“Feel better now?” he asks, looking you up and down. “My clothes look good on you.”
You clear your throat, ignoring his comment despite the immediate swarm of butterflies it gives you. “I called both of my friends I’m staying with, but they didn’t answer. I was going to try again in a few minutes.”  You said, self consciously covering your chest with your arms as you realized you did not have a bra on and the air was now cold from the door being opened, letting all the shower steam out.
Chris walks past you, plopping down on his bed, leaning back on one of his elbows with his legs spread. “Okay… well either way I don’t mind if you have to stay. Matt and Nick already passed out after harassing me to make sure you were okay, and Matt has no problem driving you home later on.” He responds. You just look at him, unsure what to say. Considering the events of tonight and how many times Chris has made it clear he doesn’t find it weird you being here, you’re ready to just agree with him from now on. Your body and mind feel exhausted at this point, and you don’t really have it in you to argue anymore.
He’s still staring at you, waiting for your response when you finally take a seat next to him, tucking your legs underneath you. “Alright then, guess I’m stuck here for the time being.” You say and Chris tries to hide his excitement. “I do have a good question for you though.” You add, putting your chin in your hand and giving him a playfully stern look. He raises his eyebrows, curious as to what you’re going to say next. “Shoot.” He answers. “What the hell were you doing when you hit me?” You ask and he immediately throws his head back, laughing. You can’t help but laugh too, the sound like music to your ears.
“Matt had agreed to let me drive home from Taco Bell and I swear I was doing great. Next thing I know, I’m choosing the next song to play on aux, and I look away for one second and there you are, appearing out of nowhere. Actually, now that I think about it, I think it was your fault that I hit you.” He says, smirking at you. You give him a deadpan look which makes him laugh again. “Yeah okay buddy. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” You respond back, relaxing against his pillow.
He seems to mirror your comfortable position and lays on his side across from you, still leaning on his elbow, placing his head on his fist. “I haven’t even asked your name yet. What is it?” He said. “Y/N.” You answer. “Y/N.” He repeats with a smile. “Pretty name.” You feel a blush creep across your face which only makes his smile widen.
‎ 𐮙ღ✰☾✿ღ𐮙
For the next hour, you and Chris talk. The conversation flows easily between you two. He asks about college and what you’re currently studying, your hometown, and how long you will be in LA. He genuinely seems interested in what you have to say, and to your pleasant surprise, he’s just as funny in real life as he is on camera. Not to mention, just as gorgeous. As corny as it seems, you can’t help but get lost in his dreamy blue eyes. The way his hair falls in his face and how strong his arms look in his tank top. And his voice. God, you could talk to him for hours. You couldn’t help but wonder how he was in bed, if he talked you through it, if he was rough, or if he was into praising.
Unbeknownst to you, Chris is admiring you as well. He listens to you when you answer his questions with ease and he appreciated the fact you didn’t ask him too many personal questions about his life. He loved the way your lips move when you talked, how your eyes lit up when you mentioned your friends and family. He couldn’t help but notice your alluring figure even in his baggy clothes and he definitely noticed that you weren’t wearing a bra. He wondered when or if he would ever get a view of your plush thighs again, how good your lips would feel against his, if you were flexible enough to let him hold your ankles by your head when he was deep inside you. He felt the slight tension earlier when he removed your shoes for you and to be quite honest, it took every ounce of strength in him not to touch himself in the shower.
A loud rumble of thunder outside broke you and Chris’ current debate on the best flavor of ice cream. You glanced at the time on your phone. 3:45 am. You looked at him with sleepy eyes, fatigue starting to set in. He also looked tired, the whites in his eyes slightly red. “I don’t think your friends are coming anytime soon…” he said softly, scooting onto the other side of the bed next to you, getting underneath the blanket. Suddenly you felt hot, your heart rate picking up a little. Surely he didn’t expect you to sleep in here with him?
“Yeah I figured as much. I’ll just get some rest, I’m pretty exhausted.” You said, getting up to go to the living room, your intentions to sleep on the couch. But before you could leave, he grabbed your wrist. “Where are you going?” He asked, a puppy dog look in his eyes. Your eyes widened, glancing at his grip on your wrist. “Um… The couch?” You replied with confusion in your voice. He simply shook his head, dropping your wrist and patting the spot you were just in. “It’s fine. Just sleep in here.” He said, opening the blanket for you to get under.
 You hesitated for a while until he said, “I don’t wanna hear any excuses that you’re intruding or suggestions of me going to the couch instead cause there’s no way you’re gonna kick me out of my own bed.” He said, earning a scoff from you. You got back onto the bed, laying down next to him, ensuring there was as much space as possible between the two of you. “Has anyone ever told you how stubborn you are?” You said, closing your eyes since you could barely keep them open anymore. He chuckled, his voice raspy with fatigue when he replied, “Anything to get you in bed next to me, princess.”
Your eyes shot open at his response, and when you made eye contact with him, his expression was unreadable, any hint of joking gone from his features. You were unsure what to say or if you had even heard him correctly.
Never in a million years would you have ever thought you would hear Chris Sturniolo call you a pet name. It drove you crazy.
He started to feel bad as you stared at him blankly, worried that he crossed a line.
“Am I making you uncomfortable? I swear that’s not my intention. If you feel weird, I can go-“ he said and you started to shake your head.
“Chris. I’m not uncomfortable at all… It just makes me nervous when you say things like that.” You admitted. He smirked and then clapped suddenly which made you jump. You burst into laughter once you realized what he did. The lights had turned off. “Oh my god. Of course you have clap on, clap off lights.” You said, still trying to control your laughter. He laughed with you, closing his eyes and getting more comfortable in the bed. “Don’t make fun of me.”
You turned away from him, letting your eyes close as well, ready to let the sleep take over your body. But for the second time around today, you still found yourself not being able to. This time, it was because you couldn’t stop thinking about Chris’ voice calling you princess and sweetheart, the way his touch felt on your face and how the simple act of him taking off your shoes turned you on. You squeezed your thighs together, starting to feel a throb from your salacious thoughts.
You heard Chris toss and turn a couple times, knowing he hadn’t fallen asleep either. The sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. And you knew tension wouldn’t be that thick unless the other person was having the same thoughts. You were in a bed with the guy you had an embarrassingly huge crush on. You thought. Who knows when you will have this chance again? Obviously, the universe had set a fucking huge opportunity in your lap, and you would be an idiot if you didn’t take advantage.
 You knew if anything was going to happen, you would have to be the one to make the first move.
You’re not sure where this sudden wave of confidence came over you as you spoke out loud after what had felt like an eternity. “Chris… were you flirting with me earlier?” You ask, your heart beating so hard you could hear it in your ears.
“What do you think, Y/N.” He simply replied, his voice raspy.
The thunder echoed again outside, rain still beating down. The early morning hours made the room a dark, midnight blue color, some light seeping in from the street, the scent of his strong cologne still in the air.
You turned towards him, and his eyes were already on you, his expression dark, sending a small shiver through you, butterflies gathering in your stomach for the thousandth time tonight. He stared into your eyes and then your lips and back to your eyes again. You moved closer to him, letting out a shaky breath. You slowly placed a hesitant hand to his chest. His heart was racing.
You bit your lip, staring at his. A few more inches and they would connect with yours. You looked into his eyes again, searching for some sort of approval.
“If at any time, you want to stop or you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and I’ll stop. Understand?” he said quietly, placing a hand on your waist, pulling you closer. You nodded, moving your hand on his chest, to his face, your lips now brushing, sending sparks through your body. “I need words, princess.” He whispered. “Yes.” You breathed, your lips finally connecting.
The tension that had been building the whole night seemed to snap and burn the moment you kissed. His lips molded with yours perfectly, and you slid your hand into his hair, the deeper the kiss got, both of you moaning from the passion that had been ignited. You already felt wetness between your thighs, knowing how much of a mess you were beginning to make in his sweatpants. His tongue slipped into your mouth, only making your stomach do somersaults and he gripped your hips tighter, pulling your leg around his waist. You pulled on his hair slightly, making him groan into your mouth. He then traced kisses down your jaw and onto your neck as you leaned your head back for easier access. He sucked and licked and bit his way all over your neck, leaving little love bites in his trail. He held you even tighter to him as you kept your leg wrapped around him, and you suddenly felt how hard and big he was through his sweatpants, making you lust for more.
This had gotten hot and heavy fast, the passion and chemistry from both you of pouring out, small moans and whimpers filling the room. He continued the assault on your neck until you couldn’t take it anymore, your wetness growing by the second and your fingers in his hair gripping for dear life. At this moment, all your nerves had disappeared, your need to feel him even closer becoming your main priority.
“Chris.” You exhaled with a shaky breath, moving your hands to grip his broad shoulders. He moaned against your neck, trailing his plump lips back to yours. “Say my name again.” He whispered against you, his breathing hard. “Chris… I need you.” You replied, letting your hands smooth down his chest and then dip down to go under his shirt, feeling his stomach flex against your fingertips. He hummed and took your bottom lip in between his teeth, biting very softly. “How do you need me, sweetheart?” he asked, teasing you and looking into your eyes. “Show me.” He demanded.
You took his hand and moved it to where you needed him most, dipping into your sweats. You weren’t wearing any underwear, he discovered, as his fingers slicked through your folds. “Fuck… you’re soaked.” He breathed, circling a finger around your entrance, making you moan loudly as he moved it back up, making slow, small circles around your clit. “Please, Chris.” You whined, feeling the neediest you ever have. “Please what? Hm? You want me to make you feel good?” He said, now putting his hands under your shirt and grabbing your breasts, thumbs flicking across your nipples. “Yes. Please. Yes.” Was all you could manage, your hands gripping his shirt, lifting it up so he could take it off. He removed his hands from your breasts, slipping his shirt over his head quickly and then moving so he could hover over you. He lifted your shirt now, helping you remove it, leaning down to leave wet kisses down your chest and stomach, making you squirm, stopping near the top of your sweatpants.
He looked up at you, his blue eyes almost black with lust, his lips swollen and red, his hair wild. The sight almost made you moan aloud. “Can I take these off?” he asked sweetly, his hands around your hips, ready to pull your pants off once you gave him the approval. You nodded and he squeezed your hips roughly. “Words, please. I’m not gonna tell you again, mama.” He says, giving you a stern look.
“Yes. Take them off already.” You say in a rush. He smirks at your neediness, pulling the sweats he gave you down your legs and off your body, discarding them somewhere on the floor. His large hands splay across your thighs, spreading you open for him, and he groans at the sight of your arousal glistening in the dim light of the room, leaning down to place kisses along the insides of your thighs, sucking and leaving more hickeys on your body.
“Remember what I said, princess? If you want to stop, just tell me.” He says, still holding your legs open for him. “Yes, Chris.” You respond.
“Good girl.” He says, then taking a finger and slowly pushing it into you.
You lay your head back, closing your eyes, your heart racing and fingernails digging into his bed sheets. The pleasure from just his finger alone is enough to elicit a fire through your body as he fucks it in and out of you for a few moments before adding another finger, making your back arch slightly. “Fuuuckk…” You moan quietly, your teeth biting down hard into your bottom lip. He’s in a trance watching your slick arousal coat his fingers, the wet sounds and your sweet moans like music to his ears. His dick twitches painfully in his pants as he wants nothing more than to know what you feel like around him, crying out his name while he stretches you out.
But he wants to take his time with you. He’s been enamored by you since he first laid eyes on you and wants to give you everything you deserve. He lays down on his stomach now, strong arms wrapping around your thighs, keeping you wide open, and he looks up at you seeing your blissful expression and eyes screwed shut. “Y/N. Look at me. I wanna see your face when I make you cum.” He rasps, pulling you even closer, his breath fanning against your aching cunt.
Your heart races and face redden at his words, bringing your head up to look at him and propping yourself up on your elbows. He keeps eye contact with you as he places his flat, wet tongue on your clit with pressure, making you cry out. He then makes circles and sucks on it, and you can’t help but let your eyes roll back in your head. He drags his tongue down to your entrance, thrusting it in a few times, making your toes curl and your back arch. “Oh God, don’t stop.” You moan as he alternates between sucking on your clit and fucking you with his tongue. He grips you tighter, keeping you in place as you fall apart from his mouth on you.
You feel a delicious warmth spread through you, a tight coil forming in your abdomen. You lay back down, your hands fisting in his hair as you grip tightly and pull, earning a deep moan from him which reverberates through you. Your moans and cries get louder and more desperate as you feel the coil threaten to burst, tingles down your spine. He adds two fingers back inside of you, thrusting at a fast pace and brushing that spongy spot when he curls them, his warm tongue circling your clit.
“Chris… fuuuck. Chris, please.” You say his name over and over again like a chant, your legs locking around his back. “I know mama, let go. Cum for me.” He responds, knowing you’re close. He can’t help but thrust down into the mattress, trying to release the tension in his crotch. He almost cums in his pants from seeing how much pleasure he’s giving you. “You look so pretty like this. I can’t wait to feel you around my dick. Fuck, you’re so needy, making a mess all over my hand. Cum for me sweetheart.” He coos.
The coil snaps and warmth floods your body from his words as you throw your head back and cry out his name. Your legs shake as he coaxes you through your climax, only letting go of you until you’re done riding out your high, your breathing come out in short, rapid puffs. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” he praises, coming up to kiss you and you taste yourself on his tongue. You reach your hand down to palm his erection which makes him moan against your mouth. “I need you so bad.” he says, pulling his sweats off and reaching into his nightstand for a condom. The thought of him inside you excites you all over again and with the sheer force of the orgasm he just gave you, you can only imagine what it would feel like.
A sharp knock on his door interrupts your moment of bliss and Chris silently curses next to you. “You got to be kidding me.” he says standing up and pulling his sweats back on. He gives you an apologetic glance as you cover yourself up under his blanket. “One second.” He says, going to the door and cracking it open an inch. “What.” He hisses at the person on the other side. You think you hear Matt’s voice in a hushed tone, him and Chris exchanging a few words you can’t make out. Then he shuts the door, locking it again and walks over to you. He looks a little awkward, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“Your friend is here to pick you up.” He finally says. You now realize it’s early morning, the sun barely starting to come up, the room now a light blue and you grab your phone from his nightstand.
5:00 am.
4 missed calls.
5 text messages.
The most recent one from your friend Isabel – Okay, you’re not answering. I’m getting worried. I’m on my way.
Convenient timing. You think, your head falling back in frustration as Chris grabs the clothes he gave you earlier from the floor and hands them to you to get dressed.
a/n: ahhh what a cliffhanger 😅 i would love any and all feedback!! let me know your thoughts pls :) there will be one more part to this out later this week, but let me know how yall like it! do we like the use of y/n? i wasn’t sure if i should use it or not i just couldn’t come up with a good name 😂 lmk :)
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nubisaureus · 1 year
getting up in the middle of the night
how they react when you wake up in the middle of the night because you forgot to take your make-up off
character(s): Kuroo, Akaashi (both timeskip)
pairing(s): fem!reader x mentioned Haikyuu characters
contents: established relationship, acts of service, domestic fluff, living together
a/n: can you tell im starting to simp for Kuroo? ffs i published a 4,3k Kuroo smut one shot on ao3, this man has got me on a chokehold recently. Not proofread!
Enjoy! <3
The night had been rowdy. You two had been guests on a wedding, which had been very fun: giving that it had been on a work day, you two were pooped, so you had both collapsed into bed in your formal clothes.
It was around 2 AM when that had happened, but after a few hours you got woken up by an unpleasant sensation, which felt a lot like your face falling off because of your make-up.
You noticed you were still wearing your wedding attire, and sighed.
Kuroo was peacefully sleeping next to you, shifting uncomfortably in his suit: it looked like his tie was rather uncomfortable, so you pondered whether to turn him around and undo it. It would probably wake him up, and you didn't want to do such a thing, giving he had work tomorrow and you didn't.
Fortunately though, Kuroo did most of the work himself: he instinctively searched for your body in his sleep, pulling you in his embrace. You were now facing him, so you decided to remove his tie: you sneaked your hands on his neck, doing your best to undo the knot in the darkness of your bedroom.
A low hum startled you.
«What are you doing, little one?» he asked, his voice still raspy from the sleep.
«Undoing your tie, Tetsu.»
«Huh?» you ignored him, finally managing to undo his tie, and unbuttoned his shirt a bit, letting him breathe.
«Oh, it feels nice..» he had no idea what he was saying, you reckoned: his voice was that of a half-asleep man.
«Now I need to do something, Tetsu. I'll be right back.»
He whined, hugging you closer and rubbing his face in the crook of your neck.
«Where do you wanna go at this time at night???» he sounded like a kid, making you smile.
«Taking my make-up off and putting my pajamas on, that's all. I'll be back in five minutes.» he inhaled your scent, laying a gentle kiss on your neck.
«Promise?» if you could see in the dark, you'd see he was making puppy eyes.
«Promise.» he released you, and you went about your business, finally washing all the make-up off and putting on your comfy pajamas.
When you came back, you found Kuroo naked except for his boxers.
He peeled the sheets off, inviting you in.
«It wouldn't be nice of me to cuddle you in those dirty outside clothes now would it? Thought my skin would be a lot better.» his mischievous smile glimmered in the dim light of the bedside lamp, and you smiled, jumping in bed beside him.
He cradled you in his arms, making you rest your head on his muscular chest, and you kissed it, as he kissed your head.
«Goodnight, love.»
Akaashi came home late that night, finding you sound asleep in your bed. He knew you had a celebration with your volleyball team, and since it was after practice, he wasn't surprised he found you still in your make-up, your outfit all over the place.
He sighed. «Oh, y/n, you should take better care of yourself.»
As he saw your phone near your head, the picture was clear in his head: you had laid down on the bed, waiting for him to come home, but had fallen asleep in the meantime, too tired to stay up.
He smiled tenderly, setting down the folder with the new manga drawings he'd been revising with Tenma, deciding he wouldn't let you go to sleep like that.
He took the phone away from you, putting it to charge on the bedside table, turned on the bedside lamp, and then decided to focus on you.
He turned you around and unclasped your jeans, carefully sliding them off your legs, trying his best not to wake you up.
As he did though, you started moving around.
«Mh..» you moaned in your sleep, trying to assume your previous position, the result being tangling yourself in the jeans, while a resigned Akaashi decided to wake you up.
«Y/n.» he gently called, slowly rocking you back and forth to wake you in the least traumatizing way possible.
«Huh?» you opened one eye, only to see your face reflected in your boyfriend's glasses.
«Keiji..» you mumbled, trying to reach him, only to wobble because of the jeans.
«What the..?» he sighed, instructing you to lay on your back, and when you did, you felt the weird sensation in your legs disappear.
«What are you doing..?» sleep was still tugging at your eyelids, but you did your best to stay awake.
«You fell asleep in your clothes, love. I'm just taking them off.» he said, but you couldn't quite understand, too sleepy.
«Wait, clothes off? Do you want to..?» your sleepy comment made him giggle.
He kissed your forehead, making you sit up.
«No, love. I'm just making sure you don't go to sleep in your clothes.»
You nodded, humming something he couldn't quite hear.
«Arms up.» you obeyed, and the chilly air of the night caressed your skin, and soon enough you were warm again, enveloped in his scent.
Then the room went silent.
«Keiji..?» you murmured, patting on the bed to look for him.
You heard footsteps.
«I'm here. Hang on.» you felt something fresh and damp being rubbed on your face, and from the scent you could tell it was a make-up wipe.
«A make-up wipe..?»
«Yes. I definitely can't wash your face, but it's better than nothing.»
«Thank you, Keiji.» you said, curling on the bed to snuggle your pillow.
«I'll get to bed soon, okay?» you nodded, smiling in your sleep, which made Keiji smile too.
He got in his pajamas and soon enough was in bed beside you.
As soon as you felt his presence you instinctively snuggled against him, murmuring something in your sleep.
He kissed your shoulder, wishing you goodnight.
a/n: ok but like im melting at my own writing why cant i get a man like akaashi in my life plssssssssss
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
I've been seeing posts about some replies from AL on Twitter tonight, and wanted to share some of my thoughts. For those who might've missed it, Anna replied to the below thread--not once, but twice--despite not being tagged or mentioned anywhere in it:
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The fanart above is based on an Ineffable Husbands AU fic that is currently published on AO3 and has nothing to do with Michael other than using his face for the character, which makes AL randomly leaving those inane comments an obvious bid for attention, as she would've had to be stalking fan accounts to find that tweet. To make matters worse, however, someone in the comments on one of the replies sent her a link to the fanfic in question. Particularly egregious is the fact that the person who sent the link was not the author, and the author is now (quite understandably) pissed off and upset about this.
I know there have been multiple discussions about this in the past, but apparently it needs to be repeated: It is absolutely NOT acceptable to send fanfic to creators/creator-barely-adjacent people, especially without the author's knowledge or permission.
Yes, we know Michael enjoys GO fanfic. Yes, we know he has read and likely written GO fanfic and probably RPF. That still does not make it okay to send him fics--at all, for any reason, but most significantly because if anyone knows where/how to find fics if he wants to read them, it's Michael. Also worth noting is that Anna is not Michael. Anna could dislike or be entirely disgusted by GO fanfic or AUs...in which case she could have commented on the photo edit as a way of making fun of it, thereby potentially setting the creator up for ridicule and/or harassment.
It's also distressing to see people in the comments on Twitter encouraging this behavior/cheering AL on while seemingly not caring one jot about the actual creator's feelings (especially when I know that several of the comments are fan artists themselves). I had honestly thought fans knew better than that by now, but it seems not, and to say that all of this is infuriating is an understatement...
EDIT: It's been brought to my attention that it was the person who created the Professor Fell AU/made the photo edits who was upset at Anna's comments, not the fic author (who linked their own fic, rather than someone else's). My apologies for any confusion...
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softgreengrass · 2 years
Sun to Me
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Wednesday Addams x reader
Summary: Wednesday isn't a great girlfriend.
Words: 2.0k
Warnings: none, implied f!reader, reader referred to as girlfriend
Author's Note: angst sorry not sorry. inspired by sun to me by zach bryan,, first fic i've published so any feedback is appreciated!
Pt. 2
When you first met Wednesday, you were absolutely terrified of her. But she had taken an interest in you, from the very beginning, and soon you found yourself laughing at her morbid jokes and thinking about her every night before you fell asleep.
Wednesday would never admit it, but when she couldn’t sleep, her mind would wander to far-off places. She saw your smile, your hand in hers, and she saw a love like her parents had. 
Now, half a year later, you feel like you know more about Wednesday than you ever wanted to. You know every last quirk, every microexpression she lets grace her face. You know exactly the way she lights up when she sees you, even if to others it looks like a regular glare. Wednesday lets you sleep in her bed; she lets you braid her hair; she lets you lounge about during her writing time. It’s normal stuff, but it isn’t, because it’s Wednesday. Hell, seeing her smile is rarer than Halley’s Comet, let alone getting into her personal space.
Wednesday doesn’t know why she’s so enthralled by you, but she is. You’re patient with her, even when you probably shouldn’t be, and you jump at the chance to take care of her. It feels good.
“Thank god that’s over,” you say, flopping face-down onto her bed. Thing jumps out from under the covers, scurrying away.
The history exam you’ve just completed was the last one on your schedule — you’re free. For a week of break, anyways. Wednesday had helped you study for it (you flipped through a textbook while she rattled off every piece of evidence she had collected for her newest investigation).
“How did it go?” she asks, standing up from her chair and popping a piece of black licorice into her mouth.
“Bad,” you say, voice muffled. “But it’s over.”
She hums.
“How were yours?” You roll over, watching as she walks over to the bulletin board pinned full of documents and sticky notes.
That was Wednesday. Always too smart for her own good. “What do you want to do tonight? No homework,” you grin.
“I need to go to Jericho High School,” she says plainly, staring at the board.
Your face falls, even though at this point it shouldn’t. It’s a common occurrence: Wednesday too caught up in her hyperfixation to make time for you or your feelings. You shouldn’t be surprised anymore. You swallow, making sure your voice stays level. “What are you gonna find there?”
She looks over her shoulder, eyes flashing annoyance. “I don’t know. That’s the point of going.”
The thing is, you can’t blame her. She told you, again and again, that you shouldn’t devote your time or energy to her. For the first few weeks of your relationship, she was a broken record: “this is a bad idea,” “you shouldn’t care about me,” “you’d be better off alone.” You, enamored with her jet-black hair and the dusting of freckles across her nose, had taken it as a challenge.
More and more, you found yourself regretting that.
Then Wednesday says your name, tentatively, and your gaze snaps to her.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes out, the words unnatural in her stony voice. “Was that insensitive?”
You shake your head, putting on a smile. You’re still Wednesday Addams’ girlfriend. You get her heart, at the end of the day. “It’s okay.”
“I’m hoping to find something that points me to the culprit.”
You nod, wishing for her to just drop it. You’d rather move on, figure out plans with one of your friends instead.
“Would you like to do something tomorrow?” Her eyes are hesitant, but genuine, and just like that your heart melts again.
“There’s an art gallery opening a couple towns over,” you blurt, too excited to let this opportunity pass. “We could… drive over and see it?”
She’s turned back to the board. “How long would that take?”
You ignore the slight sting in your heart. “I don’t know, it depends on how long we spend there. We could make a whole day out of it.”
“I told Eugene I’d help him prepare the hives for the next harvest,” she says blankly. “That won’t work.”
It kills you that she can’t concentrate on you for more than a few seconds at a time. Especially since you know that if you were to ignore her in the same way, even just for an hour, she would shut down and close herself off. “Can you at least look at me?”
There’s emotion bubbling up inside of you, emotion that you don’t want to express right now, but she’s facing you.
“I’m working on being more delicate, you know that,” Wednesday says, her voice tight. You know her defenses are up.
“It’s not that,” you scoff, blinking back stubborn tears. “You never try. Do you know how many things I’ve compromised on for you?”
Her eyes flick around the room, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“The movies, for one,” you say, shuddering at the thought of the true-crime documentaries you’re plagued to watch nearly every night. “The no-touching. The no-compliments. The not-telling-anyone-about-us?”
“You agreed to all of that.”
“Exactly!” you cry. “That’s my point! What have you agreed to?”
Wednesday hates the feeling creeping up her chest. The burning feeling in her throat, the cold dread in the pit of her stomach. That she’s hurting someone she cares about without even realizing it. Again. She wants desperately to make it right, to understand exactly what you want her to do, but the moment you raise your voice, her reflexes kick in. 
“I agreed to being your girlfriend!” she says, louder than she meant to.
Your heart sinks into your stomach. She isn’t even trying to understand. “That was that big of a sacrifice for you, huh?”
Wednesday licks her lips nervously, hating the look in your eyes, hating how hurt you are and how angry she is. Now, the thought of a relationship like her parents’ is distant and sickening. She can’t imagine having the patience to communicate with someone for so many years — all she can think about is how much easier it would be to do it all alone.
But then her eyes find yours, desperate and heartbroken and filled with tears, and she wants to tear her hair out.
“I’m not enough for you, I know that,” you say quietly, and Wednesday’s heart twists in a way it never has before. “But I… I just thought you would try.”
She calls your name, reaches out a hand, but you’ve already left her dorm. You rush down the hallway, hoping she leaves you alone and chases after you all at once. The tears are hot down your cheeks, and the lump in your throat just won’t leave. You had trusted Wednesday with your heart. You had given it to her, even though your mom knew and your best friend knew and you knew that you shouldn’t have.
Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you, your mom would say, whenever you asked her questions about love far too big for a six-year-old. She would tell you that your heart was a treasure, and that someday you’d find someone who bettered you in every single way.
You had known, you had always known that that wasn’t Wednesday. But she kissed you, she opened up to you, she looked at you in ways that said you were the most special person in the world. And for a while, you were. You were the only one who got to know Wednesday Addams. But you had invested too much, and she never changed: the same inexplicable mystery that had drawn you to her was now pulling you apart from the inside out. She wasn’t built for the kind of relationship that you needed, even if she could make your day just by meeting your eyes.
You find your way to your room through tear-blurred vision, thanking the stars above that your roommate had left early to spend break with her parents.
You collapse onto your bed, sobbing. You feel silly, stupid, used, thinking about every sacrifice you’ve made for her and how little she’s done in return. How unfair it is: she’s trying, you know she’s trying, but trying to Wednesday is the bare minimum to you, and you can’t change what you need.
You cry until your head pounds and your throat is raw, and even then you can’t stop picturing her dark eyes and scarce, golden smiles. You hear your mother’s voice in your head. Your heart clenches.
Eventually, you fall into a restless sleep, thoughts racing and palms sweating. You want more than anything to go to Wednesday’s room to rant about all of your emotions, knowing she’s only half-listening, and to persuade her to cuddle with you in bed, to hold her tight.
Nausea comes and goes in waves.
You don’t want to answer the knock at your door, except it comes from low down on the ground, and you’d never turn Thing away.
He’s holding an envelope between his second and third fingers.
An envelope, with your name scrawled across it in messy cursive. Thing drops it and takes a small bow, hurrying down the hall. You pick it up and shut the door with a sniff, wiping your nose. You’ve never been so grateful for deserted hallways.
You rip it open on your bed, entirely unprepared for the rush of emotion that hits you when you smell Wednesday’s typewriter ink.
I can’t say things to your face, but you need to know them, so I’ve decided to write them.  If I am a black dahlia, you are a sunflower. You are the sweetest of the sunflowers; you are the sun to me. I loathe myself for every moment I have spent upsetting you. I know that I am selfish, and that you are selfless, and that I hurt you even when I’m not trying to. Sorry isn’t enough of a word.
For my entire life, I believed love was nothing but a weakness to be exploited. I thought people like you, who love and give endlessly into this world, were oblivious to the reality of the world. But then I met you, and you cared for someone who least deserved it. The time of day was more than I deserved, and you gave me so much more than that. You have parted the clouds, you have brought sunlight into my life, you have brought me more joy and peace than I care to admit. And to repay you, I hurt you.
You are the sweetest of the sunflowers, and I will never again let myself forget it. I vow to do my utmost to provide you with everything you desire, if you allow me. I’m sorry, my love.
Wednesday nearly jumps when Thing returns, asking him how you looked and if you took the letter. She waits, bouncing her leg, tapping her fingers, thinking about why time travel hasn’t been invented yet. Her mouth is dry, her heart hammering against her ribs. She’s never been so anxious before.
 She barely remembers to smooth out her hair before answering the knock that eventually comes at her door.
“Hi,” you mumble, holding the letter in your hands.
“Hi,” she breathes.
“Do I get another chance?” she asks in a rush. You don’t think you’ve ever heard her this forward.
“I’m out of patience,” you say, and she nods quickly, blinking red-rimmed eyes.
A younger version of you would be reeling at the sight of such blatant emotion on her face.
“Can I hug you?”
Her eyebrows lift, eyes widening ever so slightly.
You can’t stand being mad at her.
Her arms wrap around you tightly, holding you close, her face buried into the crook of your neck. You take a deep breath.
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zepskies · 2 years
Never Say Goodbye - Part 3
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 4,500 Warnings: Language, fluff.
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Part 3: Contact
As it turned out, your life started to get better after you missed that shift at the coffee shop.
Oh, you still got fired. But the experience of nearly getting splattered on the pavement by an oncoming truck gave you some unexpected clarity about your life.
Mainly, you needed to stop wasting it. You were tired of jobs that would pay your bills but not bring you closer to your career. And frivolous thoughts of coffee shop boys and…the hope of running into your soulmate.
Maybe one day, you could dare to hope, but from now on, you wouldn’t let it rule your thoughts. You wouldn’t hope too hard either.
It could save you from the disappointment of never hearing anyone’s thoughts but your own.
So you decided to check the University of South Dakota’s career board for jobs, and you discovered an opening in the history department! A research assistant for one of your favorite professors, who was writing their dissertation on the strange, superstitious, and sometimes down-right disgusting social practices of the Ancient Greeks (including bottling up the sweat of their best athletes, because they thought their musky body oils contained magical properties).
Since you were already majoring in history, you were a shoe-in for the job. And working directly with your professor gave you a great resource for future classes.
Four years later, you had earned your bachelor’s degree in History. You even decided to further your education when you were able to get a scholarship for graduate school.
Now you were just one semester away from finishing your master’s. You still worked in the history department, but you had been able to upgrade—to Executive Secretary to the Dean of Ancient Studies.
It sounded fancy, but really, you were a glorified slave. Or at least, your boss seemed to think so.
“I need you to cancel my meeting at two,” said Dr. Birch. She breezed into your tiny office without knocking, startling you from where you were hunched over your laptop.
“Good morning!” came your reflexive greeting, though it was a bit too loud and sharp. You internally winced at yourself and relaxed your posture, like a bird unruffling its feathers. “Cancel your meeting with Dr. Wells?”
Dr. Wells was a nice man, and an important one. He was the Head Dean of the entire History department. Technically, he was above Dr. Birch. It wasn’t a good look to blow him off, but you weren’t about to say so.
“Yes, I have an important lunch, and I already know it’s going to go overtime. Gary will understand,” she replied. She was looking at her phone rather than at you. For all she cared, you were just a calendar with hands.
Dr. Helen Birch was a brilliant woman. She’d published no less than five books, had won awards for her peer-reviewed articles, and she had been your academic advisor all through graduate school.
She could also rival Meryl Streep for “bitchy-ass boss” in The Devil Wears Prada.
“I also need you to grade the final exams for one of my classes,” she said. “Greek Studies this time.”
You held back a sigh. Again? I’ll never finish my own finals at this rate.
But what you said was, “Sure, I can do that. And I’ll email Dr. Wells to reschedule.”
“Yes, make sure it’s not on Thursday,” she said, brushing a finger through her thin blonde hair. “I have to leave early to get my roots touched up before I go away this weekend.”
“That’s fun,” you chatted while you revised Dr. Birch’s calendar on your computer (and sent an apology email to Dr. Wells). “Where to?”
“Oh, I have this tedious conference in Chicago. But then my boyfriend is taking me skiing in Breckenridge.” She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I simply can’t wait. This semester has been a drain on my psyche, and just terrible for my migraines.”
With the email sent, you took a little breath and gathered some courage as you got up from your desk and gathered a handful of papers you had stapled together. It was a rough draft of your thesis, which was only a bit worse for wear (including a suspect coffee stain that you didn’t remember accidentally putting there).
“Actually, I was going to ask you if you got my email about my thesis. I just wanted to go over some of the feedback you gave me on the draft,” you said, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
Dr. Birch raised a brow. “What of it?”
“Well.” You showed her the front page, which was covered in red ink. “Mainly the part where you crossed out the first three pages and commented, ‘Missing the point.’”
She nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid I have nothing to add about that.”
Well, that didn’t exactly help you. The first three pages was your entire introduction to your thesis, “TV & Film: The Modern-Day Mythology of the Masses.”
You must’ve had a pitiful, lost look on your face, because Dr. Birch finally took pity on you. She sighed.
“You are a creative girl. I’ll give you that, but your degree is not in cinematography. You are a historian,” she said. “And while the ‘Well of Souls’ in Raiders of the Lost Ark may be based on a real historical place in Jerusalem, that does not mean Indiana Jones can, or should be described as a ‘religious experience.’”
My ten-year-old self would bed to differ, you wanted to retort, but you kept your mouth shut and lowered your eyes. Dr. Birch nodded to herself and was about to leave your office, until she stopped short and gave you her Amex card.
“Oh. And get me a coffee, would you, dear?”      
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The moment your day ended and you were able to get into your car, you let out a long sigh of relief. While you waited for your car to warm up, you massaged your hand, aching from grading papers for Dr. Birch’s class.
You rubbed your hands together, this time to warm them as the frigid air draining from the car still bit into your skin. A shudder tingled through your body, and not in a pleasant way. Honest to God, I hate the winter.
On reflex, you toyed with the silver ring on your right hand—your mom’s ring. It usually comforted you, but today, remembering her made your heart heavy. Because today was the anniversary. 
You still remembered that snowy day when you were fourteen, could picture it so clearly, like a scene painted on glass.
With one last sigh, you fished out your phone to call your dad. It rang for a few seconds (it always took him an eternity to answer his phone, and it drove you crazy).
“Hey, Dad,” you said.
“Hey. Just got off work?”
“Yeah, I’m headed back to Sioux Falls. Want to meet at home and go together, or do you just want to meet me at the cemetery?”
The other line was silent for a moment. Longer than you would’ve liked.
“You’re coming, right?” you pressed.
“Look, I’m gonna have to work late tonight,” Jack said. “Don’t wait up for me.”
“Really?” Your voice was terse. “It’s one day a year, Dad. You can’t even manage that?”
“I told you I’m working a case.” He sounded annoyed. You didn’t care.
You were pissed.
“Whatever,” you dismissed. But then, you realized you weren’t willing to let it go just yet. “You know, I just find it interesting. On her birthday, Christmas, today, somehow you just can’t be bothered to visit your wife.”
“Hey, drop it, all right?” your dad snapped back.
“Sure. It’s none of my business, I guess.”
“I don’t need your sarcasm either.”
You silently fumed, but you weren’t willing to hang up the phone first. You didn’t want to look petty, and apparently, neither did he. You both could be stubborn like that, sitting in a tense stretch of silence instead of just…
Instead of just, I don’t know what, you could admit, if only to yourself. Eventually, his voice reached your ears.
“I’ll go when I can,” he said.
And you really did hang up this time.
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What should’ve been an hour drive back into your hometown took almost two with the traffic.
Oh yeah, you still lived at home with your dad. It wasn’t ideal, especially with a long-ass commute every day. But unfortunately, being a full-time student with a part-time job didn’t give you the budget to have your own life.   
At least you had your car—a dark blue Camaro your uncle had restored and gifted you for your twenty-first birthday. You didn’t talk to your Uncle Bobby as much as you would like. Between work and school and taking care of the house for you and your dad, you didn’t have much free time on your hands. You did see Bobby around town sometimes, and occasionally shared a beer with him when your demanding schedule allowed.
Your dad had never liked it, you hanging around your uncle. So you didn’t tell him.
That seemed to work out better for both of you.
In fact…
You reached for your phone again and found your uncle’s number.
“Stop badgering me, Rufus. I’m busy.”
Your lips curved into a grin. “Uncle Bobby?”
“Oh. Hi, darlin’. Sorry, thought you were some riff raff that keeps spammin’ me.”
“What did Rufus do now?” you asked.
“He knows,” Bobby said. The surly edge to his voice made you smile in amusement.
“What’re you doing later? Up for a beer?”
“Usually I’d take you up on that, but I’ve got some people coming in pretty soon.”
You scoffed. “You have people? What people?”
“You’re not the only number in my cell, you know,” he said dryly.
“What, you mean Rufus?” you teased.
“All right, now you’re just runnin’ up my minutes,” he said. “If you really want that beer, you’re welcome to swing by, if you want. I’ve got a stocked fridge full of cold ones.”
You laughed, then you considered his offer. Did you really want to go home and deal with your dad (whenever he bothered to come home)?
“Well, I’m going to the cemetery first, but I could maybe swing by after,” you replied.
“Right, that’s today, ain’t it?” Bobby said. “Give your mom my respects.”
A more genuine smile grew on your lips. “Thanks. Will do.”
You hung up with him just as you got to the cemetery. It was hard not to feel melancholy here, especially in the winter. All the graves were lightly dusted with snow, and it felt like the world came to a quiet stillness here.
You bundled up with your scarf and gloves as you braced yourself for the cold, stepping out of the car. On your way in, you heard the rumble of a car going by. It was loud enough to make you turn your head and see a flash of black speeding away.
You shook your head. People drive like maniacs nowadays.
You were about to continue on your way towards your mom’s grave, when you finally heard it.
Say goodbyeee…never say goodbye-y-aaayy. Holdin’ on we gotta try, holdin’ on to never sayyy goodbyeee.~
Someone was warbling a Bon Jovi song in your mind, and it certainly wasn’t you.
But you did come to a dead stop in your path. Your eyes widened as shock claimed your heart and your brain. Soon enough though, your heart warmed as you became aware of something new. It was like a low hum at first, reverberating inside your chest.
You and me and my old friends, hopin’ it would neeever end. Say goodbye—
The singing continued, but all you could focus on was the thrumming in your skull, the thread of connection you could sense and feel inexplicably. You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt warmth trickling down your cold cheeks. Sniffling, you wiped your tears with the back of your hand and smiled tremulously.
You were finally feeling your soulmate.
Which meant, he was close by…and with that realization came an important question:
What the hell do I do now?
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They were in South Dakota again.
Dean knew coming back here was…potentially dangerous. He hadn’t heard his soulmate’s thoughts in four years, since the last time he was in this state.
Truth be told, he hadn’t wanted to come here. After the last hunt though, he could use some R&R at Bobby’s for a couple of days.
This time Dean had his brother with him, albeit the circumstances weren’t…great. Their dad was missing, and Sam had lost his girlfriend in the process of trying to find him.
Sometimes, Dean really regretted going to find his brother at Stanford. Part of him thought, if he hadn’t hooked Sam into coming with him to try and find John, maybe Jessica Moore would still be alive.
A more selfish part of him (one he wouldn’t name) was glad to have Sam with him. Dean was actually having fun hunting with him. And maybe, Dean was having to get to know him again too.
“You think Bobby will have any intel on Dad?” Sam asked from the passenger seat of the Impala. They were about five minutes away from Singer Salvage, the old man’s tow business (and his house).
“Doubt it,” Dean replied, changing the radio station once Bon Jovi turned to REO Speedwagon. He could get down with some pop rock from Jovi, but REO was pushing it.
“Then why are we here?” Sam turned to him with a frown. “We just ganked a poltergeist in our old house and…we saw Mom. You think we should be wasting time right now?”
Dean’s lips pursed. Leaving their old house behind in Lawrence, Kansas was exactly why he needed a minute before jumping into the next case. As much as he wanted to find John, Dean just…he needed a minute to breathe.
Revisiting those old (painful) memories wasn’t easy for him. He wasn’t sure that Sam completely got that.
“Bobby’s got a stack of lore books to Kingdom Come. Who knows, he might have a way to help us find Dad,” he said.
Sam shot him an unimpressed look. “And if he doesn’t?”
Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He got why Sam was so fired up. Really. The fact that the kid was having weird…premonition dreams about the near future was concerning. And he wanted to find the thing that killed Jess, that killed their mom, but this was clearly going to be a marathon. Not a sprint.
“In the meantime, we crack open a couple beers,” Dean said, “get one or two of free nights on actual beds, and then we’re on our way to the next gig. How’s that sound?”
Sam let out a sigh through his nose and faced the road ahead. They both knew he wasn’t happy. Dean couldn’t exactly blame him.
When they finally got to Bobby’s, the old man greeted them with a casual wave, beckoning them inside. He offered them the contents of his fridge—a few beers and a frozen lasagna defrosting in the fridge. Dean scoped it out while Sam dropped off his bag in the upstairs guest room.
“That for us?” Dean pointed to the lasagna with a grin. “Didn’t know we merited the red-carpet treatment.”
“’Cause it’s not just for you,” Bobby said dryly, then he hesitated. “...My niece might be swingin’ by later.”
Dean raised his brows in curiosity. “Didn’t know you had a niece.”
Or any family, for that matter. He knew the old man had a wife, once upon a time, but he assumed she’d passed away. No kids. Bobby had never talked about having an extended family. He didn’t have pictures on the walls, and the shelves only had books and locked boxes.
Bobby took a long sip of his beer after opening a bottle each for himself and Dean. He had one ready on the counter for Sam, who came into the kitchen looking tired. The kid hadn’t been sleeping well for the past few weeks, to say the least. Dean handed him the beer.
“I don’t see her much,” Bobby conceded.
“Why’s that?” Dean asked.
It took a moment for the other man to answer. Eventually, he was honest. “Well, she's grown. Going to school, got a job. But you could say I had a fallin’ out with her dad, a while back.”
“You have a brother?” Sam said.
“Brother-in-law,” Bobby corrected. He didn’t say anything more about it though. Sam and Dean shared a look that said they agreed: There’s something off there, but I’m not gonna pry.
“You still see her though?” Dean asked.
“Every now and then,” Bobby said, sipping at his beer again. “It’s a small town.”
That kind of pissed Dean off. Bobby was a good guy. He’d watched Sam and Dean a lot when they were kids, their dad on a hunt. He’d made sure they had decent food to eat, good movies to watch, and even played catch with Dean a time or two.
So what kind of assholes did Bobby have for family, that they couldn’t be bothered to check in on the old man every now and then? They must’ve been off living their lives, in their own little world. Must be nice.
Dean brought the bottle of Heineken to his lips, only to realize it was empty. Couldn’t have that, could we?
He went to the fridge and opened the cap, only to jump as the beer fizzed and leaked over his hands.
Damn it!
Bobby sighed. “And I just mopped the damn floor.”
“All right, Martha Stewart. Keep your slippers on,” Dean teased. “Sam, get me a paper towel.”
Bobby tried to get by him to get the mop, but beer was still dripping down Dean’s arm.
“Would you move to the sink, already?”
Sam finally cracked a small grin as Dean rolled his eyes. “Fine. Jesus. You’d think Miss America was comin’ into town.”
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Damn it.
You heard him again. And this time, you could hear his voice, so you knew the thought belonged to a him. The voice was pleasantly deep, and annoyed. You actually felt his irritation and were able to recognize that the emotion didn’t belong to you.
Excitement bubbled in your throat, almost making it hard to breathe as you drove your car down the road. You had been too worked up to go see your mom, and technically you were supposed to head to your Uncle Bobby’s house, but this was too important.
You needed to figure out how to talk to him—your soulmate.
So you pulled over on the side of the road, and even turned the radio off. Okay, now what?
You didn’t know what you were supposed to do. They taught about this subject in school, sure, but that had been years ago! You’d spent the past six years filling your head with college and work and learning how to be an adult.
Okay, just breathe. You calmed down a bit with some deep breaths, and you closed your eyes. When you first heard your soulmate’s singing in your head, you remembered feeling warmth spread through your body, emanating from your chest. Then in your mind, you’d noticed a…a thread, of what could only be described as energy.
You felt it now. You could almost visualize it with your eyes closed. In your imagination, it was bright and beckoning. You focused on it, and it grew brighter, thrumming and soft.
You thought of what you wanted to say, and you tried it—sending your thoughts and your will through the connection.
Having a rough day?
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Dean was still wiping beer off the floor in Bobby’s kitchen when he heard your voice ring through his mind.
Having a rough day?
His entire body tensed, and he paused with a ball of wet paper towel in his hand. Sam had taken the mop from Bobby and was about to finish off the floor, until he noticed Dean blanking.
“Dean?” he asked.
It shook Dean out of his shock, enough for him to look up at his brother. “Hmm?”
“What’s up? You were staring off into space.”
Dean feigned innocence. “Nothing.”
Sam’s brow rose, but he didn’t press the issue and went back to mopping. Dean took the opportunity to toss the wet paper towel in the garbage.
“I’m gonna hop in the shower,” he said, and made his swift exit to the bathroom upstairs, so quickly that he didn’t see Bobby watching Dean curiously from the living room.
“Don’t use up all the hot water!” Sam called after him.
Once again, Dean found himself locking the bathroom door and staring at himself in the mirror. His green eyes were conflicted as he tried to calm down. Maybe his heart was starting to beat a tick faster. Maybe a trickle of nervous sweat was making its way down his spine. Maybe he didn’t know what the hell to do.
His dad’s warning was still clear as a bell in his mind.
“Unless you’re prepared to hang up your gun, and stop hunting, don’t open that door.”
Dean knew why John had said it, and even agreed with him…at least, logically he did. His life was complicated, and insane, and bloody. How could he put someone else through what he went through? What he still went through every day? It wasn’t right.
But his chest was aching. He rubbed at it absently.
He could feel your worry again, he realized. You were anxious, probably waiting for him to respond. Dean could feel you. Having a rough day? you’d asked him.
So as usual, he made an impulsive choice.
You could say that, he carefully replied. He remembered the way your voice sounded, smooth and pleasant in his mind, and he couldn’t help smiling a little. But not for long, I’m thinkin’.
Your relief hit him in a slow, but powerful wave. It almost made him feel guilty for taking so long to answer.
Well, it’s not every day you hear someone else in your head. Maybe you’re going crazy.
She was teasing him. You were teasing him.
It brought an incredulous smile to Dean’s face. You’re one to talk. Maybe you’re just talkin’ to yourself right now.
Hmm. I don’t usually warble to Bon Jovi, but maybe you’re right.  
A beat of surprise, another to remember what he and Sam had been listening to in the car earlier, and then embarrassment prickled at the back of his neck.
You heard that, huh? he asked wryly.
Maybe, you giggled. It was a cute sound, and it cut through some of his embarrassment. He wasn’t used to being put back a step by women. He was good at reading people’s body language, and usually it didn’t take him more than one look to figure out what a woman thought about him, and what they wanted to do with him.
So the fact that he couldn’t see you was a challenge. With that realization, a slow smile spread across his face. He was game for a challenge.
Well, I’m likin’ your voice so far, he said. Think I could get you to sing for me?
He felt you pause, a flutter of warmth through a tendril of shyness. I’ll leave the performing to you, Romeo.   
Come on, it’s only fair.
Who said life is fair?
Dean sobered a bit at that. Ain’t that the truth.
Hmm, so you were having a rough day.
Make it a week, he said.
Yeah, I know the feeling…I wasn’t having a good day today either.
Dean sensed your melancholy and didn’t like the feeling. Well, now you’re talkin’ to me. So it should be smooth sailin’ from now on.
He could feel you brighten at that. It made warmth bloom once again inside his chest, especially because he sensed you were smiling—a bit shy, but genuine.  
…What’s your name? he asked.
It took you a beat, but eventually you gave him your name. It wasn’t what he expected, but he liked it. Your name rolled through his thoughts, and he tested on his tongue.
What’s yours? you asked predictably. Somehow, Dean didn’t anticipate the follow-up.
Suddenly he realized exactly what he was doing: he was talking to you. (Something he’d told himself he wasn’t going to do.) Not to mention, he’d been locked in the bathroom for about ten minutes and hadn’t even showered yet. Pretty soon either Sam or Bobby was going to come knocking to see what the hell he was doing, so he might as well shower for real.
He answered you as he turned on the showerhead and started undressing. I’ll make a deal with you…if you can guess what I do for a living, I’ll come by and introduce myself in person.
Dean felt your shock, so he let you think as he stepped into the shower. Eventually you came back, annoyance coloring your emotions and your voice.
That’s stupid.
Dean smiled. Aw, come on. It’ll be fun.
For you!
Don’t you know, sometimes the best things in life come after some delayed gratification.
You paused for a moment, in which Dean didn’t know if you were in shock again, or just pissed. Maybe a combination of both.
Great, I got a comedian, you deadpanned. …You’re not a comedian, are you?
Sweetheart, I’m hilarious, Dean replied. But no. Good guess, though.
He sensed the equivalent of you rolling your eyes.
Just then, Sam knocked on the bathroom door.
“Hey, you better not use up all the hot water!”
“Twenty minutes of peace, Sammy. That’s all I ask,” Dean shot back. Sam made a sound of annoyance, but he went away, leaving Dean almost alone with his thoughts.
Look, I gotta go, he said regretfully. But I expect you to have some guesses cooked up by the time I get back from work.
You were still annoyed, but you begrudgingly agreed to his terms.
Fine. Just…don’t wander too far off. I can’t win the game if I can’t hear you.
Dean sensed your underlying worry, and your fear. You were afraid he was going to leave.
His heart softened. As a result, he ended up promising things he didn’t know if he meant.
Don’t worry. I’m not leaving town until you win, he said.
He felt your warm smile, along with your excitement.
Goodnight, sweetheart. We’ll talk soon.
He hung onto the feeling of your presence for a few seconds longer, before he let go of the connection. For now.
Dean caught himself smiling, but it quickly turned to a frown.
“Nobody should be waiting on men like us to come home bloody.”
When he once again remembered his dad’s warnings, that new warmth in his heart chilled, and it sunk like a stone. He leaned against the cool bathroom wall and pressed his forehead against the tile, while lukewarm water beat the side of his face and body.
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AN: Oh, Dean. What're we gonna do with you? lol
I hope you enjoyed Part 3! I promise they'll finally meet soon lol. What did you think of their first conversation?
To keep reading: Part 4
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829 notes · View notes
onas-batlle · 7 months
sacred new beginnings
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pairing: lucy bronze x ona batlle
warnings: none
synopsis: after finding out that ona hasn’t gone on a proper date in years, lucy offers to take her out on a couple of purely platonic dates. just to get the anxiety out of the way, of course. why else?
a/n: i know people voted for this fic to remain an x reader, but i couldn’t bring myself to not make this about lucy & ona, so I edited it a bit! unsure if i will publish an x reader version of this because i’m not really bothered, but we shall see 😊 i also have no idea if there is a lake for fishing in barcelona, so suspend your belief for a bit please!
Ao3 Link
There’s no time to feel more out of the loop than when one’s circle of friends discusses their romantic escapades, and that was exactly how Ona felt as the number of dates she had been on recently was a big, fat zero. Being basically married to her job did not allow for many dating opportunities, and truthfully, once the Spaniard finally slowed down enough to even think about finding some romance - the lasting kind, not that friends with benefits type - the extent of her fame quickly quashed those chances. She found the increased attention rather overwhelming and quite frankly scary, and women only wanting her for her celebrity meant that a genuine relationship was not in the cards at the present.
Come to think of it, she wasn’t even sure she really wanted to play the dating game; the horror stories heard from teammates often causing her to recoil in her chair – Bruna’s about a date bringing their mother along and then having an allergic reaction to the shrimp still fresh in her mind. The last time she had even attempted a romance had been with Felicitas Rauch, and that had ended before it had really even began. She’d been basically celibate since then, and apparently, this was borderline unheard of, if the yell of Mapi León was anything to go by.
“What do you mean you haven’t dated in years?” Mapi questioned, the drinking of her coffee abandoned as she turned to gape at Ona.
“I don’t know, just haven’t really gotten around to it,” she shrugged, cheeks turning hot as she noticed the eyes of most of her club team on her. A certain pair of sparkling hazel eyes trained on her made her flush even darker, if possible, and she averted her eyes as quickly as she could. Despite her obvious discomfort, Mapi pressed on. “Not a single date or nothing?”
“Eh, had a fling with Feli for like a month before it kind of- “
“That was over a year ago, amiga. And from what I heard, you didn’t even go on a proper date,” Patri butted in, and Alexia smacked the back of her head as she regarded the Spanish fullback’s embarrassment at that statement.
Seeing the slightly pitying looks from her teammates, Ona went to speak, but before she could scramble together a sentence to alleviate the embarrassment, Lucy chimed in. “What’s keepin’ you from datin’ now?”
Ona paused, mulling over the reasons in her head before settling on an answer. “I guess I’m kind of nervous about dating again. I don’t even know if I can still flirt.”
A poor reason, admittedly, but better than revealing to her team about her anxiety around her sky-rocketing fame post-World Cup. At least she could attribute that excuse to everyone else’s constant anecdotes about bad experiences within the dating realm.
“Everyone is a bit awkward at least once, chiqui. There’s no reason to be nervous,” Alexia said soothingly, shooting a glare at Mapi who snickered a little at the fullback’s answer. After fixing Mapi with her own pointed look, Ona let out a sigh.
“I know, but I can’t help but feel that way, sabes?” That was met with an understanding silence from her team before Lucy slammed her hand on the table and shot up out of her seat.
“I can do it!” she boomed, a smug smirk on her face.
“¿Qué?” came the response from around the table, everyone furrowing their brows at what Lucy just said. Seeing the confused faces of her teammates, she slowly sat down again and cleared her throat before beginning to explain her genius plan.
“Think about it, Ona hasn’t gone on a date in ages, right? And she’s nervous about the awkwardness that will come along with it. If she goes out on a couple of fake dates with me, and I make it as horrific as possible, then she can get those bad date experiences out of the way, and get used to going on dates again! What do you say?”
With that, Lucy mimed an explosion with her fist and glanced around the table to garner people’s reactions. Mapi was nodding in agreement, Alexia’s brow was furrowed in contemplation, and Cata just looked thoroughly confused. Flicking her eyes towards Lucy, Ona saw the Lioness staring at her expectantly.
Truthfully, it was lowkey an awful idea, but Ona supposed that it would help her get the ‘back on the dating scene’ jitters out of the way and would allow her to spend some time with Lucy, who she shamefully had nursed a small crush on for a while now.
“Okay?!” came someone else’s shout, but Ona was too focused on Lucy’s determined pump of the fist to locate where the protest came from.
“That was easy,” Lucy spoke into the Spaniard’s ear as she gathered her into a crushing hug, and grinned at Ona once she let go. “I will see you on Wednesday for Bad Date #1.”
There was nothing she could do but nod.
It was only when Ona was sat on the boat that the regret came rushing in, narrowing her eyes at Lucy who was fiddling with the fishing poles a few metres away. It was not a secret that she had a strong dislike for fishing, the smell of the bait, the unstable feeling of floating on water in a boat the size of a tin can, and the gleam of the fishhooks bringing her back to the disastrous fishing trips with her father and older brother.
Many days were spent in a small fishing boat, with her father’s disappointed sighs being the soundtrack to her disgust at the dead fish that surrounded her, and a lurching stomach created by the movement of the water below. She supposed this is why Lucy chose it for Bad Date #1.
“Chin up, darling. Let’s get ready to catch some big fish!” Lucy thrust a fishing rod at Ona, shocking her out of her memories and with a little bit of grumbling, the younger woman begrudgingly took it, Lucy’s face lighting up in a smile at her behaviour.
Following her lead, Ona attempted to bait her hook with a particularly fat mealworm that still wriggled between her fingers. Maybe it was poor timing, but a small movement from Lucy caused the boat to shift suddenly, and Ona’s hand got caught on the sharp point of the fishhook. She let out a hiss of pain and went to go suck the wound, forgetting that she was clutching a slimy worm in her hand until she was practically eyeball to eyeball with it. Not exactly expecting to be so up close and personal with a mealworm, Ona let out an almighty scream and tossed it away.
To her horror, instead of plopping harmlessly into the water, it found it’s way to Lucy’s lap. The older woman’s scream echoed around as well, and Ona had to stifle a grin as Lucy turned to narrow her eyes suspiciously at the Spaniard.
“Having trouble with your bait?” Lucy questioned and held up the worm Ona had sent flying in her direction, the initial shock having worn off and leaving behind an expression of amusement.
“I hate you Lucia Roberta,” Ona grumbled, swatting away the mealworm that Lucy had now started dangling in her face.
The older woman just laughed and dropped the bait back into the bucket, deciding that teasing Ona in the middle of a bloody lake was not a good idea. “Oh, you don’t really. Plus this hasn’t been too awkward now, has it?”
“I suppose not. I feel too sick to be awkward.” Ona did look a bit pale, and she quickly sucked in a breath and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to force her breakfast to stay down in her stomach where it belonged.
“Just try and focus on the fish, not the boat swaying.” Lucy advised, placing a warm hand on Ona’s shoulder. If she had been anywhere other than a small boat swaying in some water, Ona would have blushed, but she currently found herself rather preoccupied.
“Lucy, I don’t think you understand that the smell of the fish is also making me feel very sick,” she gritted out, clenching the seat she was sitting on with a white-knuckled grip.
“Look, I have some spare plastic bags if you need one, okay? Here, I’ll rebait your hook and we will try again.”
Ona opened her eyes and nodded grimly, accepting the plastic bag Lucy had in her outstretched hand and the newly baited rod. Once both of them had finally settled, casted their lines and were waiting for a bite, they began to chat a bit about Ona’s life with United in Manchester, and Lucy’s experience in Barcelona before Ona had come home and rejoined the team. Slowly the Catalan felt herself beginning to feel less ill, her teammate and friend doing a great job at distracting her from the situation that the Lioness herself had put them in.
After a half hour or so, they were interrupted by a tug on Ona’s line, and the Spaniard looked at Lucy with wide eyes. “What do I do?”
“Reel it in?” Lucy responded, grinning a little at Ona’s alarm.
“Mierda, it’s very strong!” Ona spoke as her muscles flexed, trying incredibly hard to reel the fish in. But the stupid thing absolutely refused to budge, the fish at the end of the line fighting for it’s life to remain in the water. A particularly strong tug made Ona almost fly into the water, and pleaded with her eyes for Lucy to give her a hand.
“Here, let me try.” With that, Lucy abandoned her line, and shuffled closer to Ona, the Spanish woman suddenly finding her senses overwhelmed with everything Lucy.
The press of her warm shoulder against Ona’s, the positively intoxicating perfume that she had on, and the fact that she was close enough that Ona could see the small sun spot close to her right eye had the Catalan so captivated that when the English woman said something to her, Ona jumped in shock and accidentally dropped the rod that she was holding.
The both of them watched as the rod got tugged away by the fish who was no doubt celebrating being free, before it eventually came to a stop a few metres away and floated, still, on top of the water.
“Lo siento,” Ona grimaced, biting her lip in embarrassment. She half expected Lucy to growl at her, but instead the other woman’s face split open in a wide grin, and she let out a laugh.
“That was one of funniest things I think I’ve seen in my entire fishing career.”
Ona glared playfully at the English defender before picking up a paddle. “We should go retrieve it, no?”
Lucy nodded and picked up the other paddle, the two of them slowly steering their boat towards Ona’s rod. Soon they were almost close enough to reach it, but suddenly Ona stopped her movements and frowned at something in the water just ahead of them. Lucy turned to look quizzically at her fellow defender, and nudged Ona in the side when she saw the slightly worried expression her face.
“Lucia… is that.. a shark?” Ona squeaked out, pointing at a grey shape that lurked in the distance.
Lucy squinted, trying to gauge what it was, but Ona had already begun to panic a bit, despite the fact that sharks were most likely not residing in a random lake in Barcelona.
“I don’t think-” Lucy managed to squeeze out but Ona had already snatched the rod out of the water and was now frantically moving her paddle as quickly as possible.
“I don’t care! Row, please Lucy,” the smaller woman begged, sending Lucy such a look of genuine fear that the Lioness just bit back a smile and placed her own paddle into the water to guide them back to shore.
Once they two of them had made it safely back onto land with Ona looking slightly green with fear and motion sickness (“Lucy, I’m not kidding it was a shark!”), the Spanish fullback took a few steps on shaky legs before collapsing into Lucy’s side, who wrapped her arm around the other woman’s waist to prevent her from falling over.
“Not a very successful trip, huh?” the English woman spoke, gesturing to their very empty cooler where the fish they caught was supposed to go.
“No, but at least we were not eaten,” Ona replied before checking her watch and looking back hopefully at Lucy. “I have 3 hours before my brother will be over, so would you want to go out for something to eat?”
“Well, considering the fact that we are currently fishless, and I don’t want to starve, I will accept.” With that, the pair made their way back to Lucy’s car, equipment in hand and chattering the entire way.
“What have you got planned for Bad Date #2? Might be hard to beat this.”
“Just wait and see, Ona. Wait and see…”
As soon as Ona stepped foot in the mini golf course and made eye contact with the tacky pirate ship that resided in a murky fake pond, she let out a groan and immediately turned on her heel. Lucy was quick to grab the smaller woman by the shoulders, however, and strong armed her towards the counter, the Lioness wiggling her eyebrows at Ona in amusement.
Saying that Ona hated mini golf was an understatement. She could stomach regular golf from all of the times that her friends had dragged her down to the nearest course, but to shrink the clubs and add on a bunch of screaming children made the experience almost unbearable. Plus, it was hard. No wonder Lucy chose this as a bad date destination.
“Can’t believe you brought me to a mini golf course of all places!” Ona complained, glaring daggers at the brightly colour obstacles scattered about everywhere.
“It’s only mini golf, Ona. The only people who are gonna witness this are like ten,” Lucy laughed while paying at the counter and motioning for the Spanish woman to select a ball colour.
“Well ten year olds can be very mean,” she retorted back, selecting a bright green one and pretending to throw it at her as the English woman pretended to collapse to the floor, wounded. With a yellow ball in hand, Lucy steered her towards the first hole and gestured for the younger woman to go first. “Aye, c’mon. Let’s see if you’re as good at mini golf as you are at football.”
After flipping her the bird and earning a very scandalised gasp from a nearby mother, Ona lined her body up to hit the ball and… missed. Lucy let out a bark of laughter from behind her and Ona turned to shoot her a glare, feeling the heat of embarrassment crawl up her neck as she puffed in annoyance at the English woman’s smirk.
“Forget being a World Cup winner, we’ve got a future mini golf world champion on our hands.”
“Why would they make golf, which is already hard by the way, even smaller?” Ona replied, disgruntled. Lucy, bemused but unsympathetic to her complaints just grinned before yelling “Swing again!”
To Ona’s credit, she did. But unfortunately, her club flew out of her grip and hurtled a few metres away, spinning just clear of a small child who toddled around another hole. Turning back to Lucy, the Catalan saw her bent double in laughter, unable to keep it in after watching Ona fling her club into the air. Seeing Lucy smile caused the corners of Ona’s mouth to turn up slightly, but she quickly tampered down the fondness that had begun to sneak its way into her heart.
“Ha, ha, very funny,” Ona deadpanned while she collected her club, wincing apologetically at the parent of the toddler she almost took out and traipsing back to Lucy who had managed to compose herself.
“How about I give you a hand, aye? So you don’t accidentally maim any more children.”
“I’ll have you know that I didn’t actually hit him,” Ona responded, blowing a rather childish raspberry at Lucy, “but I’ll take you up on your offer.”
She wasn’t too sure what the Lioness had meant by giving her a hand, but as Lucy dropped her own club to the ground and made her way towards Ona, the Spaniard eyed her cautiously. Wrapping her arms around Ona, Lucy let out a huff of laughter as the smaller woman tensed at the unexpected physical contact.
“Here, hold the club like this.” Lucy’s breath tickled the back of Ona’s neck as her warm hands grasped the smaller woman’s and left her slightly breathless, cheeks heating up for what felt like the thousandth time that day. Slowly Ona allowed herself to relax, opening herself up to the other woman’s guidance and moved where Lucy wanted her to stand. She felt herself almost mourn the loss of the fullback’s warmth as she released Ona from her hold, the slight autumn breeze making the lack of her body heat more apparent. Ona could blame her flushed cheeks on the cold, of course, but a feeling stirring in her gut begged to differ.
Shaking herself from those traitorous thoughts, Ona steadied herself to hopefully hit the ball accurately this time, Lucy’s cheers making its way into Ona’s ears.
“Don’t swing as hard as before. Give it a light tap,” came the encouraging advice from the defender, and Ona took a final breath in, not unlike one she’d take before a rare occasion when she would have to convert a penalty kick.
Ona heard the whoosh of the club through the air as she swung before she felt it make hard impact against something solid.
Clearly, she had overestimated the distance Lucy had put between the two of them, and instead of softly hitting the ball like she was advised to, Ona had swung the club back as far as she could, and had ended up smacking Lucy hard in the shin.
“Ow, fuck!” Lucy groaned, clutching her leg. “My legs are literally my money-makers, Ona, and you know my knee is hanging on by a string.”
“¡Dios mío, Luce! Are you alright?” Ona rushed towards her in horror, praying that she hadn’t given the Englishwoman an injury that could cause a premature retirement or one that would leave her benched for months. As the Spaniard bent over to peer at Lucy’s face, Ona could see that it had lit up into a shit-eating grin, the contact not as bad as she had originally thought.
“Ay, don’t scare me like that, idiota!” Ona growled, smacking Lucy on the shoulder as her thundering heart began to slow again.
“For a world-class athlete you sure are clumsy. Almost as bad as Less!” Lucy chuckled as she straightened up, before gesturing for Ona to take a fourth attempt at the ball. “Don’t worry about me, just focus and swing gently.”
“Missing the ball three times, accidentally throwing the club away, and now hurting you will definitely win for worst date ever,” Ona muttered as she went to take the shot, yet again. Her comment was met with a wry smile from Lucy. “That’s what we’re here for, no?”
For the next few hours, the both of them made their way from hole to hole, with Lucy expertly navigating the ball past the obstacles and Ona bumbling her way through them. It was positively infuriating how good Lucy was at everything, but every time she sunk the golf ball into the hole and shot a cocky smirk the Spaniard’s way, Ona’s insides turned to mush. Her own skill only improved marginally, but the more mistakes that were made, the more she and Lucy were able to relax into some comfortable teasing. Somehow, even when faced with the activity of her nightmares, Ona felt as though she was able to get into her stride and even start to enjoy herself a touch.
They were now down to the final hole, and while Lucy had given Ona a very thorough and obvious beating, the Catalan was determined to at least win one round. Whether it be pure, stupid luck, or what Ona will say later was complete and utter skill, the ball rolled into the hole after one single hit. Lucy didn’t care how it happened. All she cared about was that the other woman had actually just gotten a hole in one.
“You fucking did it!” she yelled into Ona’s face, as surprised as every single human being on the course that she had managed to pull that off. Everyone else had, after all, been witness to her poor attempts to golf for the past few hours.
“Sí, I did!” Ona shouted back, but the only thing she could focus on, even in the wake of her own sporting brilliance, was the cheeky sense of pride and fondness that was painted on Lucy’s excited features.
Not dissimilar to how she has done on the pitch, Ona hurled herself at her, Lucy tossing her club to the side in anticipation and catching the Spaniard with an unexpected passion. Tightly gripping her t-shirt, Ona could feel the other fullback’s rippling muscles under her fingertips, and as she gazed into Lucy’s elated face, she had to take a nervous swallow.
Lucy spun Ona’s body around, almost whirling into, but narrowly avoiding a treasure chest that had been bolted into the ground, and the only thing Ona found herself wanting to do was kiss her. So she did.
Even though the Spanish defender had just spent the past few hours humiliating herself in front of Lucy in the worst way possible, the English woman kissed Ona back with a similar joy, warm hands finding their home on the backs of Ona’s thighs. Lucy’s lips were as soft as Ona had always envisioned them to be, and a part of her soul seemed to sigh with contentment at the contact.
For a moment it was like it was only the two of them in the world, the screams of kids, chatter of people, and tweets of birds fading into the background. All Ona could register was the grip Lucy had on her thighs, the way their bodies fit together perfectly - almost like two pieces of a puzzle, and the way Lucy’s tongue teased the seam of her lips, making her head spin deliciously.
Soon they both had to draw back from the kiss, air becoming a necessity, and Ona leant her forehead against Lucy’s with a smile. After a few beats, the Lioness buried her face into her neck, and Ona felt Lucy’s mouth curve into a grin.
“My champion.”
Those two simple words had Ona’s heart beating a million times faster, and Lucy laughed at the feeling, but as she mindlessly walked them backwards, she lost her footing and sent the both of them stumbling gracelessly right into the man-made lake smack bang in the middle of the mini golf course.
The two of them let out a pair of matching god-awful shrieks at the sudden feeling of icy water, but they soon dissolved into peals of laughter at the utter absurdity of what just happened. Blind to the judging stares of the public around them, Lucy sent a small splash Ona’s way, which soon became a fierce splash battle as the Spanish woman - not one to lose a fight - sent tidal wave after tidal wave straight into Lucy’s face.
“Oi, you got that in my bloody mouth!” she groused playfully, and attempted to tackle Ona to the ground, the pair still floundering in the dirty lake. Unluckily, or luckily in the case of everyone else, a disgruntled staff member hauled the both of them rather unceremoniously out of the water and escorted them to Lucy’s car. Turns out Pablo did not care that Ona had won a World Cup before, and slapped the both of them with lifetime bans. If Ona celebrated the fact that she could never be dragged back to play mini golf again, then that was no one’s business but hers.
Despite being sopping wet in the middle of a carpark, Lucy in Ona’s eyes looked positively radiant. Droplets of water shone on her eyelashes, and her shirt clung to her body, showcasing every curve and harsh ridge of her musculature. There was no denying that she was mouth-wateringly attractive, nose ring glinting in the sun and lips turned up in a cocky smirk. Her eyes had also started to carry out their own appraisal of Ona’s shorter figure, and she shifted awkwardly from foot to foot at the way Lucy’s hazel eyes seemed to pierce into her soul. Her intense gaze made Ona feel as if the Lioness could peer into the very depths of her psyche, and quite frankly, that kind of intimacy scared her a little.
“What a, how do you say? What a freaking disaster,” Ona spoke, a timid attempt to break the heightening tension between the two of them.
“Guess I delivered on my promise on a second horrific date,” came the response, but they both knew that was far from the truth. The older woman’s dimpling smile and shining eyes undid all of her efforts to make that a bad date, and in a rare moment of honesty, Ona allowed herself to accept, if only for a moment, that she was falling in love with Lucy Bronze.
Following her small hum of agreement, they both fell silent again, just taking in each other’s presence. Ona tried to dull the burst of emotion that had welled up in her, but Lucy’s hand cupping her jaw and brushing away a stray smear of mud caused the Catalan’s breath to hitch and sent her efforts flying out of the window. Heart pounding unbearably fast, Ona broke away from her grasp and heard Lucy let out a sigh. “Gotta get you home now. It’s bloody cold.”
Ona nodded at her words and they both slipped into Lucy’s car, Ona apologising profusely for drenching and muddying the English woman’s car seat. The ride back was nice, the conversation light-hearted and easy, however it was impossible to deny the suffocating tension hanging in the air between them. As they pulled up to Ona’s house, Lucy turned to face her, and Ona noticed her gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“Guess you’re ready to go out and date new people now, huh?” Lucy spoke, a tinge of sadness lacing her words despite the small smile she shot Ona’s way. The Spanish fullback sent back a half-hearted grin back. “I guess so.”
The car was silent for a second. “I think I should be getting inside. I’ve got a meeting tomorrow.”
The only thing Lucy could do was say a quick “see you later” before Ona clambered out of the car and made her way to her front door. Pausing, Ona turned back to look at the car and caught a glimpse of Lucy staring at her with an unreadable expression on her face. It was only after she had let herself in that Ona finally heard Lucy’s car pull away from her house, and she finally allowed herself to collapse against the door, countless thoughts running through her head.
She was well and truly fucked.
It had been two weeks since her mini golf ‘date’ with Lucy, and Ona was just about to embark on her first proper date in literal years. As she stared at her own reflection in the mirror, Ona couldn’t help but mourn the fact that her feelings towards the English fullback were likely to remain unresolved. Things between her and Lucy had been rather stilted after that day, the only words exchanged being as mundane as asking for the time or to pass the salt. Truthfully Ona felt kind of hurt at Lucy’s indifference, but in all fairness, she hadn’t exactly tried to talk about that kiss either and instead had opted to ignore her, so it wasn’t fair to put the blame on Lucy. Maybe Ona was just doomed to be alone forever.
Shooting a glance at the clock and seeing that it was time to go, Ona swiftly brushed her hands once more over her outfit, checked her makeup, and grabbed her keys before heading out to the restaurant.
The girl Ona was going on a date with, Elena, was a friend of Alexia’s girlfriend, and her captain was adamant that this was a match made in heaven. Smart, funny, and a passionate Real Madrid hater, Alexia had also mentioned that Elena was accustomed to hanging around with footballers, so Ona didn’t have to worry that she was trying to date her for her five minutes of fame which was something that Alexia too has had some experience with.
The initial part of the date was nice, Ona thought, both of them just getting the small talk out of the way and getting to know each other, the two of them bonding over their shared love of a musical artist. The food was adequate as well, and much to Ona’s relief, Elena did not have an allergic reaction to the shrimp, nor did she bring her mother along like Bruna’s horror date. Things only took a turn when Elena hit her with a completely unexpected question.
“Who is she?” Elena spoke, “The girl you’re in love with.” Her query caught Ona incredibly off guard, and the only thing she could get out was an awkward stammered denial, which she knew was thoroughly unconvincing to even the most gullible of people. The expression on the other woman’s face wasn’t angry however, instead a soft look of sympathy painting her face as she placed a hand over the footballer’s.
A beat passed before Ona hung her head and decided to spill her guts to her date. “She’s my teammate at Barcelona and I’m pretty sure I ruined it because I’m so awkward. We kissed and then I ignored her the day afterwards which means that she definitely hates me, and not only have I lost my chance with her but I’ve also lost her as my friend, and now we are going to lose all of our games and then the Champions League because I think that if I have to go on the pitch with her again I will throw up. She even made me have fun mini golfing and everyone on Earth knows that mini golf es el deporte del diablo and that I absolutely despise it with my entire being... except for when I was playing it with her.”
Elena thoughtfully listened to Ona small spiel before offering her a gentle smile.
“I know I don’t know her, or the extent of your situation, but something tells me that she won’t be opposed to your affections. My advice? Go find her. Tell her how you feel. The worst thing she could do is reject you, and from the little that I’ve heard, she definitely won’t do that.”
“You really think so?” Ona said, feeling a little hopeful at her words.
“I do.”
Ona sat there awkwardly until Elena laughed and motioned for her to get up. “What are you still doing here? Go!”
“Sí, now!”
Taking in a shuddering breathe, Ona strengthened her resolve and stood from her seat, slightly more invigorated. “Okay, I will. And I’m sorry for running out on you like this.”
“Ay, not the worst date I’ve been on. Good luck out there,” she grinned, and Ona felt a sense of overwhelming appreciation for the woman across from her. Maybe in another life they could have become something, but right now, all she wanted was Lucy.
“Gracias. Truly,” Ona responded before slapping several bills down on the table. “Dinner is on me by the way.” And then she was hightailing it out of the restaurant.
Ona found herself pounding on Lucy’s door before she had even registered that she had no idea what she was even going to say to her. A wave of doubt passed through the Spaniard as she wrung her hands on the doorstep, and thoughts of escaping to the comfort of her own home to down a tub of ice cream were getting increasingly more enticing. Those plans were short-lived however, because the door swung open and revealed Lucy who stared at her, her hazel eyes wide in surprise.
She wanted to smack herself for that stupid opener, but Ona refrained from doing so as she could have sworn that she saw a corner of the defender’s mouth tilt upwards. Maybe all was not lost.
“Hola,” Lucy responded, and was quiet after that, silently telling Ona that the ball was in her court.
“You look well.” Nice one.
Lucy smiled properly at that one and decided to put Ona out of her misery a little. “You’re all dressed up. Hot date tonight?”
Ona didn’t miss the way Lucy’s grin became slightly strained at her words and felt a surge of confidence fill her heart, so she decide to take the plunge.
“Sort of. I- Look, Lucia, I’m sorry for how I treated you after our… kiss. I messed up and ignored you for like a week after, so now you probably hate me, and I can not blame you. I know we said that the dates were not real and for me to get over my nerves, but then I couldn’t help but start to pretend that this was real.” Lucy stayed silent, her expression unreadable, but her eyes were shining with something that made Ona’s stomach flutter, and she took that as a sign to keep going.
“The girl I was just out with, Elena, noticed something was off immediately, and so I told her that I love you. Because I do. And if I’m not wrong, then I think you like me too. If you do have feelings for me, I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner and spared us from all of this pain, because I’ve been stuck in this hole of sadness for the past couple of weeks. So por favor, just tell me that I haven’t missed my chance.”
“I love you too.”
Lucy’s response was quick, her words confident, and to Ona in that moment, she was sure that Lucy was the most beautiful person in the world. The small fly-away hairs that escaped from her bun, the freckles that were dotted across her skin, the stray eyelash that rested on the apple of her cheek, all made a rush of fondness spread throughout Ona’s chest.
With that admission, she tentatively reached out to rest a hand on Lucy’s jaw, and she leaned into Ona’s touch as her arms circled around the smaller woman’s waist.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Lucy breathed. Ona gave her a quick nod.
“I asked you to go on those fake dates hoping that you would give me a proper chance afterwards. I’ve liked you for a long time, you know?” she confessed, leaning in to brush her nose against Ona’s skin.
“You could’ve just said something instead of subjecting me to sharks and mini golf,” came Ona’s reply, but her tone held nothing but fond amusement.
“I still don’t think that was a shark,” Lucy, eyes crinkling in laughter as she thought back to Ona’s panicked paddling at the lake.
“I’m telling you, I saw a fin!” the younger woman protested, but there was no real fight in it, Ona long having accepted that she may have overreacted a touch. That didn’t mean she wanted to give Lucy the satisfaction of being right, though.
“So, how does Elena rank on the scale of bad dates. You must be an expert after both of ours, so gimme a number from one to ten. Spare no gory details,” Lucy smirked, her hands creeping up to place themselves firmly on Ona’s face, lips within a hair’s breadth away from the Spaniard’s.
“I think that was the worst date I’ve ever been on, because it wasn’t with you.” And hearing those words, Lucy kissed her.
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nostalgiccrystalic · 9 months
Can you write pen15 characters and their first kiss with the reader
Sure!! Im so sorry that this took so long to write, but i had school and christmas + new years eve preparations. I wrote it as a one shot (it also includes them already having a crush on you, because I never wrote anything similar and it's my first ever " x reader" that im publishing). I included Maya, Anna, Sam, Brandt, and Alex, I wanted to write for Dustin and Shuji but I completely didnt have an idea how to write it with them (but if I do I will also publish it someday).
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You, Maya and Anna were friends since the beginning of seventh grade, so it's not really a long time, but you two quickly learned that you have crushes on each other. Anna was torn apart between you two, because you both kept telling her about eachother, she was silent, but eventually she revealed to you both at the same time that you two are crazy for eachother, and you definitely should be together. You started dating a couple of days before the big dance that everyone was so obsessed about, you two were once again separately telling Anna that you really wanted to kiss eachother at the dance. Well, Anna obviously kept her mouth shut about the kiss in front of you two, so that you could surprise eachother with it.
After the fight that Anna and Maya went through, you didnt left Maya for one second at the dance, so she wouldnt feel lonely and abandoned, and also you still wanted to accomplish your goal. When the music became less jumpy, and more romantic, you quickly pulled Maya on the dancefloor, and started slow dancing with her, hoping it would light up her mood a little. It was really awkward because it was your both first times dancing with someone like that. Halfway through the song, you started to lean in closer to Mayas face, you saw that she was kinda taken aback by that, but she didnt backed away from you. You took it as a perfect moment to kiss her, and you did.
You did it rather quickly and as a little peck, because of the embarassment that has taken over you. But it didnt stop Maya from also kissing you, she did it a lot better than you have imagined, she was slow and careful to not hurt you with her braces, after the kiss that felt like forever, she looked you in the eyes.
- You have no idea how much time I practiced this kiss on Anna's bed knob... - she said after a while and you both started to laugh at her comment, that made her smile goofily. You both now had a silly memory of your first kiss, and after Maya and Anna made up, you both told her about it with details.
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You were friends with Anna and Maya since you were like 8 years old, so going into seventh grade with them, meant a lot to you. But what was more important to you was Anna. You were crushing on her a long time before seventh grade. Naturally, you started to get jealous when Brendan started to look at Anna during your school band practices, and when he started to pass her cute little notes. You didnt like it, you hated it. You told yourself that you had to do something, before Brendan asks Anna out. You were thinking really hard, and during final practice before the show, you got an idea. You will kiss Anna after the show.
You told Sam and Maya about it, they started to crack silly little jokes in front of Anna, but luckily she didnt really understand what they were talking about so you were safe. During Anna's opening solo, you looked a bit dreamy at her, that's what Sam and Maya will probably make fun of later but you didnt really care about it. After the show, you hurriedly jumped off the stage and went straight to Anna, she was talking with her dad, but when he saw you he immediately went somewhere else telling Anna that "he has to talk to someone". When he left, and you two were alone (well, not really because it was like half of your school in there), you looked up at Anna (she was taller than you, at least in this particular situation), and you kissed her tenderly but also really long on her lips, she started kissing you back, so right now you were sure that Brendan didnt stand a chance with you. After the kiss, she looked at you and smiled widely.
- I thought that I had to make my first move, but you finally did it. -
You smiled too, and took Anna by her hand, going straight to Maya and Sam to tell them that you're together now.
All of this happening in front of Brendan, who was now mad at himself that he didnt thought about doing something similar as you did.
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You and Sam weren't really close with eachother, but that didnt stop you two from feeling something for one another.
You were almost always paired up with eachother for projects in different classes, so you were kinda forced to talk and spend time at yours or his house.
One time, while sitting in your garden and discussing something for your physics project, you two developed a strange conversation in the process.
- Do you have like, an eye on someone Y/N? - Sam asked while dribbling something in his notebook.
You were kinda taken aback by that, and you didnt really thought before saying your answer.
- Yeah, I do... - you told while looking down at a pile of dirt.
Sam got visibly surprised with your answer, but not visible to you, because you were looking down.
- Well, who is it? Is it someone that I know? - he got interested in your answer, and he was mentally chanting to himself, that you will call out his name.
When you were just about to lie to him, that he didnt know this person, you suddenly heard a car honking in front of your house, it was Sam's mom. You two said goodbye to eachother, but you saw Sam's cute smile while he was waving to you, driving away with his mom. After you closed the door, you sprinted to your room, and thought about something slightly absurd. Does Sam like you too? You were left alone with this thought for the night. The next day, you wanted to look extra pretty for Sam, you knew that it was dumb, because he probably wasnt talking about you, but you had nothing to lose. So you put on some light makeup, with the help of your mom, because she was better at putting it than you. After your mom drove you to school, you went to your first lesson, and you sat at your assigned seat, next to Sam.
- Hi, Sam - you said while looking at him, smiling lightly.
- Whoa, Hi Y/N, you look pretty today, I mean you always look pretty but today you look like... extra pretty - he got visibly embarassed, and Maya who was sitting before you and was laughing at Sam's attempt to compliment you, didnt help him out. You just smiled at him and directed your attention at your teacher, who was just about to start the lesson.
After some classes, you had some time for lunch, so you entered the cafeteria as always, and you saw Sam waving at you to come sit by him. It was weird for you that he was sitting afar from his friends.
You sat next to him.
- Why are you sitting alone? - you asked him, visibly confused.
- Oh, I just wanted to talk with you... - he looked at you, and got closer to you.
You were looking at eachother for what felt like eternity, but finally Sam kissed you by surprise. He kissed you really long, and kinda messily, probably because he didnt thought about it before actually doing it. After he backed away from you, he just looked at you, scared that you will run away from him.
- You know, yesterday I was talking about you, Sam... - you looked at him and smiled.
He smiled too, and took your hand in his.
- So are we like, boyfriend and girlfriend now?
- I guess so... - you both smiled and went to sit with Sam's friends who were howling at you both mockingly.
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You and Brandt were like totally opposite, he was one of the most popular guys in school, and you were just a normal student, almost invisible to others, but not to him. He secretly liked you, and behind every rude comment about you, in the back of his mind he thought about your pretty features, how you're so nice to everyone that are nice to you, and how you always replied to his rude comments with such creativity. So, when it came to the big dance, he decided that he will kiss you that night, and then he will see if you like him back, if not, then he can find another girl in a blink of an eye (at least, that's how he thought so). You were a loner, you didnt really had any close friends in school, of course you talked with some of them like for example; Sam, Gabe and even Dustin if he wasnt an ass to you, but you didnt had any close relationships with anyone, you were once again just there, just someone, not really outstanding.
You still wanted to look pretty, you picked your best outfit, you asked your mom to do your hair and help you with your makeup, maybe someone would dance with you? Of course you didnt want to exaggerate your look, so you kept it simple, just added some things that you normally wouldnt (like light lipstick, or colorful eyeshadow).
Your mom drove you to school, and told you to have fun. Brandt was standing in front of school with his friends, and Heather's "gang", you quickly walked past them, not paying attention to things they were saying (just Heather and her band gossiping about your outfit, but who are they to judge?). When you finally walked inside the school, and the hall that the dance was taking place, you were kinda impressed by how the place looks, and how everyone is dressed up (for example Brendan's new look), but you decided to just have fun and not really look at anyone else. You were chatting with anyone that wanted to talk to you, you had a great conversation with Sam, Gabe and Jafeer. After talking with them, you kinda stood under the wall next to the table with drinks and snacks, then you saw Brandt going up to you with his friends, but they stood a little far away from you. You looked at Brandt, who had his infamous smirk on his face.
- Nice look, wanna dance? - he asked with his bored tone in his voice, you were surprised that he didnt insult you in anyway. That made you think he was making fun of you, but his face right now was deadly serious.
- Is this some kind of trap? We'll go dance and one of your friends will pour something on me? - you asked cracking up a smile, but you were kinda nervous that you guessed it right, and he would make a fool of you as soon as you'll go dance with him.
- Promise it's not... - he said smiling a bit, it wasnt his smirk, it was a normal, sweet smile, you never saw him smiling like that and you thought that he was being serious. So you went to dance with him, as soon as you both stood on the dancefloor, the jumpy and fun music faded, and now the more slow and romantic one played in the background. Brandt took your hands and put them on the back of his neck, his arms went to your back, his grip was strong but also careful to not hurt you. You both started sway to the music, you desperately tried to avoid Brandt's gaze, but it was nearly impossible cause he was kinda burning a hole in you with his eyes.
- You know, I really like you Y/N... - He said while looking into your eyes, you were kinda confused by his words, but then he went straight for your lips with his, and started to kiss you really strongly and passionately. You didnt know what to do, you wanted to kiss him back but he was way more invented in it than you, so you just kinda stood there in shock, he finally backed away from your face, but still held you.
- You want to be my girlfriend? - he asked and looked at you, you didnt feel it but he was nervous that you will tell him "no". But luckily to him you didnt.
- Sure - you nodded lightly, and smiled.
You wouldnt thought this morning that you will suddenly be with Brandt, but now you were, and you liked it.
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You and Heather were once inseparable, that was until she started dating Alex. Their relationship was rather awkward, because Heather was really jealous and posessive of Alex, their relationship was on and off. You stopped talking with Heather, because she also started accusing you of trying to steal her boyfriend (which was really dumb, because you rarely spoke with him). But anyway, after cutting off contacts with Heather, you started to notice something weird. Alex was always by your side, I mean like literally. He was always sitting close to you (not like directly next to you, but close enough for you to notice it). He was always looking at your direction (not saying he was looking directly at you, because you never caught him doing that, but it was still weird). Sometimes you thought that he was telling Brandt or Dustin about you, because they were whispering to eachother while you were walking past them, or when you were looking at them occasionally in class.
You always got that weird gut feeling while looking or thinking about Alex, that's when you realized you started to develop feelings for him. It was really infuriating for you, you felt uncomfortable in your own body while getting that feeling. You finally decided to talk to Alex of your assumptions (not that you love him, but you wanted to confront him about his sneaky glances at you and gosipping about you with his dumb friends). So you did, you lured him to janitors closet, and you stood before the door, so he wouldnt try to escape. You looked at him, and saw that he was kinda scared, I guess you couldnt really blame him, you would be scared too if someone locked you up with them in janitors closet.
- Alex, why are you like staring at me all the time? - you looked at him seriously, he looked at you with his big eyes.
- I dont know what are you talking about? - he started to get visibly nervous, something that you never thought you will see, because he was always calm and he sometimes looked really bored.
- I dont know if you are lying to me right now, or if im going crazy, because I always see you next to me, I always see you looking in my direction and I see you whispering to Brandt or Dustin while you're looking at me! - After you said this, a long silence came afterwards, you were looking directly into Alex's eyes, and almost as you were hypnotized you started to kiss him, which he almost immediately returned back, you were both kissing eachother messily, as if someone would pull one of you away from eachother. And that's how it all started with Alex And you, Heather wasnt pleased by that, but, who cares?
I hope that you liked it! I tried to write gender neutral reader (which was easy to do with Maya and Anna), but with the guys i kinda forgot about it, but you can still imagine reader as a male or a female.
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .005
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NOTE: Sorry Johnny fans </3 I promise he’s getting more content in the next chapter (he still has a little crumb in this chapter to set up for next chapter, don't worry!)
Rejoice for Kenshi fans though because he FINALLY gets some spotlight here.
This should be the longest chapter so far, over 7k words! Enjoy!
Also! It’s time for yet another poll! As usual, AO3 people please let me know your thoughts on Rain! As usual, thoughts and such will be taken for about a week after this is published, AKA when the tumblr poll ends.
It’s now been about two weeks since you’ve started to train the four, but you’ve already seen great improvement.
“Keep your balance Kung Lao! Don’t lean too far forward.” You corrected as you watched the man spar with Johnny Cage, keeping a careful eye on their technique. You crossed your arms as you scrutinized the two men, trying to keep track of the flaws they each exhibited. “Johnny, stop trying to look flashy! Technique first, please.”
You watched as the men tried to implement what you told them…one of them better than the other. You sighed as you watched Johnny Cage try to go for a risky kick which allowed Kung Lao to duck under it and quickly sweep the actor off his feet. 
“Good job, you two.” You praised as you saw Johnny Cage yield, hands help up in surrender from his position on the ground. Johnny Cage sighed as he got himself up, dusting himself off. You watched as Kung Lao shone with pride as he walked off to the side to join the rest of you. “Raiden, Kenshi, if you please.” You instructed, gesturing for the two to fight.
You watched them begin to spar, yet your mind drifted off slightly, thinking back to the progress the group has made.
From your experience, you noticed that Kung Lao and Raiden were the stand out pupils. Kung Lao was naturally gifted, and you recognized the marks of good training Madam Bo had implemented into him. He took criticism well, which was a slight surprise to you due to the self-confident attitude he had. 
Raiden, although not as quick to catch on, was rather determined and put in far more hours than the others. Not to mention, he was rather perceptive to the tips you gave him. You had a soft spot for him, which you supposed was a bit unfair since you spent a lot of time training him in the middle of the night.
Much like how you had your daily ritual with mornings with Liu Kang, now you had a daily plan to train Raiden at night. It just happened naturally. You, with your restlessness, and Raiden’s overeagerness to train, it was just a natural occurrence after that night.
You felt slightly guilty that it could be considered that you were showing some bias towards the man, but then again, if the others ever approached you it’s not like you would turn them down. 
You snapped back to reality as you continued to watch the two spar. You watched silently as the duo fought, only really speaking to give criticisms here and there. Ultimately, you watched as Kenshi came out on top. You surmised his experience in the Yakuza was still giving him some leverage over the farmer boy. 
You wondered just how long that would last. 
“You’re all dismissed.” You informed them. As usual, they dispersed. All, except for one. You blinked as you turned your head to look at Kung Lao who had taken off his hat and looked wistfully at him. You observed for a few more moments, before walking over. “What are you thinking about?” You inquired as you walked over to his side.
“I have an…idea.” Kung Lao said as he tilted his hat, the same hat he had thrown at Sub Zero during the exam. You raised an eyebrow, having a feeling on where this was leading. You hummed in acknowledgement, gesturing for him to go on. “I was thinking I could turn my hat into a razor, lethal bladed weapon.”
“I can see the vision.” You encouraged him, the little voice in your head, for once, agreeing with you to send him down this path. You had a feeling, from watching him, that he had been missing something from his fighting style. You watched with a bit of pride as Kung Lao beamed at you. “Care to elaborate?”
“Well, I was planning on basing it on a chakram.” He explained, tracing the edge of the hat as if to indicate where the blade would go. You nodded, having a memory of the hat he used to have. You wondered if he had always made his own hat previously, or if it was something passed down to him. “Maybe I could even add some additional blades to the hat to make it more effective.”
“Hmm…” You held out your hand, and he handed his hat to you. You traced the edge of the hat, making a mental note of it. “Have you trained at all with any sort of throwing weapons?” You inquired, looking up from the hat to look at Kung Lao with a raised eyebrow. 
“No.” He admitted, but his lack of inexperience didn’t seem to deter him. You watched as he looked down to his hands, clenching and unclenching them. “But when I threw my hat at Sub Zero and then threw that chakram, it felt…right.” 
“Do you know of anyone who can help you achieve this goal? Any blacksmiths?” You continued to ask. You watched as Kung Lao gave you an awkward smile coupled with a shrug. You raised an eyebrow at him, slightly entertained by his enthusiasm despite his incomplete plan. “Do you have another hat?” You watched him pause. 
“I do, why?” You held back a chuckle as you carefully took the hat into your hands.
“I hope you weren’t too attached to this one, then..” You said, watching as Kung Lao slowly processed your words. You grinned. “I’ll see if I can get some arrangements to get that idea come to life, plus I’ll talk to the monks about having you train on throwing weapons.” You told him, feeling good about yourself as you saw the enthusiasm grow within the man.
“I will!” The man said, bowing excitedly as he said your name. “I promise I will not let your efforts go to waste.”
“Good. I expect a lot out of you, Kung Lao.” You said, and you noted with amusement as he seemed to glow at the high expectations. Still smiling you turned around and walked off, ideas buzzing in your head as you did. You hummed as you traced the edge of the hat, imagining how it would look in due time.
“I see you have Kung Lao’s hat with you.”
Looking over from your shoulder, you watched as Liu Kang approached you. He was on time, as usual. He had a smile on his face, yet there was a knowing look in his eye as he approached. You smiled at him as you held up the hat you had held in your hands. You had just been idly messing with it, flipping and twirling it around in your hands, thinking of how it would feel with more weight on it. 
“I do.” You said as you turned to present the hat to the fire god. He took it gingerly from your hands, inspecting it as you did before. “I actually have a request on his behalf.” You said as you leaned back on the railing, resting against it. “I was wondering if you knew any blacksmiths so we could create a blade on his hat.” You gestured to the edge of the hat. “He also thought of adding more blades, but I thought it’d be best to try and test it with one blade first.”
“I see your progress on training is boding well, then.” Liu Kang remarked as he inspected the hat. You nodded, smiling proudly. His fingers traced the edge of the hat, and you observed the expression on the fire god’s face. It was wistful, and in his eyes you could sense what seemed to be…nostalgia? 
What could possibly cause him to feel nostalgic?
“I can contact a blacksmith to get this arranged, but it will be a lengthy process.” He warned. “It may even take almost until the day of the champion test for this to fully come to fruition since we would have to go back and forth between prototypes and designs.”
“He seemed pretty enthused about the whole thing, I think the wait would be worth it.” You encouraged, nodding as you thought back to the bright smile the farmer boy had when you had encouraged the idea. “Plus…” You began, looking off to the side as you recalled the memories of Kung Lao in your previous life, and how he wielded a razor hat. “It feels like he has been missing something from his fighting style.”
“I see.” Liu Kang said, after staring at you with an unreadable look. You swallowed, wondering what that had all been about. Never once could you interpret that look he gave you, you just knew he always did it after vaguely referring to the memories you’ve gleaned. “I will help aid you, then. Do you have any of his designs to give for reference?”
“Ah, I forgot to ask.” You muttered, smacking your head. “I’ll go ask for them the next time I see them.” You said, sighing. You were planning on taking a few days break from training the men. You had not had a break in a bit, and you remembered Madam Bo reprimanding that you do so when you had last asked her for advice on training the men.
“Just remember my lessons.” She had told you. “You were a good student and will be a good teacher, but you will become a poor one if you do not rest. Don’t forget all those times I caught you training in the middle of the night.” The old lady had then given you a pointed look, one that seared into your memory. 
You were suddenly thankful in that moment that you had not mentioned how you had also been assisting Raiden by mentoring him at night.
Maybe you should also tell him to take this same advice.
You were planning on going to the Lin Kuei temple to ask Smoke for a favor, you supposed that you could always drop by the Wu Shi before you went. You contemplated your schedule, crossing your arms. You didn’t realize how obvious your planning face must have been until you saw the concerned look on Liu Kang’s face towards you.
“Is there something wrong, Liu Kang?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Are you certain you are not overworking yourself?” Liu Kang said, and you heard especially how concerned he must have been as he said your name. You blinked before waving your hand dismissively. “I am serious, I know you have been up late training Raiden.” You were stunned for a moment.
“How did you-” You began, before realization washed over you. “Right, God of fire.” You muttered, sighing. He nodded, and you felt slight guilt as the man continued to look at you. “I’m fine, I go there because I can’t sleep anyways, and it allows me to still be productive.” You said, shrugging.
“I’ll take you on your word.” Liu Kang replied, but you sensed the slight hesitancy in his voice. You couldn’t help but wonder why he was looking at you with such worry. Well, you actually knew, but you didn't want to think about...that. Even as his face shifted into one meant to comfort you, you could still see a glimmer of concern within his glowing eyes. “But just know you can always confide in me if you have any worries.”
“I appreciate it, Liu Kang.” You said, feeling a mixture of comfort and guilt. Comfort in knowing that the protector of Earthrealm cared about you in a sincere way, but guilt at knowing that you had been avoiding doing so despite knowing this. 
“If you ever need more time for a break, just let me know.” Liu Kang insisted, his hands now idly turning the hat. The way his hands moved the hat seemed almost like second nature. “You may be in charge of Earthrealm’s champions, but you are first and foremost, a dear friend to me.”
You felt warmth in your heart.
“Alright, I will.”
“Thank you for letting me pick these up on such short notice.” You said, walking down the hallways of the Wu Shi with Kung Lao, the papers full of the design ideas for his hat in your hands. It was early morning, and you were thankful that Kung Lao was an early riser due to his past as a farmhand. You noted with amusement how the hat he donned now was an exact replica of the hat you took.
“Of course, anything for the one helping me achieve my razor hat dreams.” Kung Lao replied, a joyful note in his tone as he walked by your side, seeming all too pleased. “I’m a bit surprised you arrived early today, I thought the monks said you were taking a bit of a break?”
“I am.” You confirmed, folding the papers to make sure that you could carry them carefully in your hands. “But I have plans to visit the Lin Kuei today, so I wanted to make sure to get these first since I’m already heading out today.” You told him, sighing as you remembered where the Lin Kuei was located. 
In the snow.
“The Lin Kuei?” Kung Lao questioned, raising his eyebrows curiously. A small smile appeared on his face as he chuckled. He crossed his arms, a common habit of his. “You’ll have to thank Bi-Han for me for inspiring my hat while you’re there.” 
“I think it would be better suited to thank him yourself.” You told him, imagining the unimpressed look on Bi-Han’s face already. “Maybe you can thank him and show it off once you get it, that’d leave a lasting impression on him. I doubt he’d think much of it if I were just to say it for you.” You suggested, glancing over to the farmer. 
“That is a brilliant idea!” The man said, an enthusiastic gleam in his eye. You matched the wide grin on his face. If there was anything you’ve learned from teaching this group, their enthusiasm and smiles were infectious. “I’ll do just that when I see him next.”
“Good, in the meantime, I expect you to keep up with the training the monks are giving you, especially the ones focused on throwing weapons.” You said, your teaching side shining through once more. “It would be a waste to create such a hat only for you to not be able to wield it properly.”
“I will.” Kung Lao promised, your name rolling off his tongue easily. “I will not let you down.”
“I’m sure you won’t.” You said, bidding him farewell. You watched as he walked away, only to be distracted by a familiar figure out in the courtyard. It only made sense that both of the farmers would be early risers. You sighed as you walked over, crossing your arms as you snuck up on him.
“Already training, Raiden?” You inquired, making the man jump. You held back a chuckle, remembering the same way he had jumped when you had first encountered him training by himself. You watched as he quickly bowed to you, and you returned the gesture. 
“I am, there’s been a combination I’ve had trouble with.” The man replied, gesturing to the dummy. He looked at you for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I thought the monks said you’re on break for a few days?”
“I am, I just came to pick up some papers.” You informed him, waving around the folded sheets of paper in your hands. You watched as the farmer eyed it curiously, eyebrows rising. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so up and early training already.” You said, furrowing your own eyebrows as you frowned. “You know, there’s a thing called over training.”
You knew if Madam Bo were here, you knew she’d scold you for not practicing what you preached.
“I know, but I have been struggling and…” 
“And the body needs rest.” You cut Raiden off, feeling a bit guilty for doing so, but you needed him to understand the importance of rest. You held up a hand, making sure he got the memo. “Go back inside and rest until the monks train you.” You instructed, putting on your stern tone. 
“Alright.” Raiden said, dipping his head in an almost guilty manner. You felt a twinge of guilt, but you knew it was better for him to learn this lesson now, rather than later. 
“Good. And I expect you to not overwork yourself either while I’m gone.” You continued, sending him a soft smile, trying to cheer him up. “So no practicing at night until I’m back, okay?” You saw him open his mouth to protest, and you sent him a small glare. “Consider it an assignment, okay?”
“I will do my best to honor this agreement.” Raiden said, nodding. You smiled, looking at his face and nodded in approval. “I will rest now.” You watched as he turned to leave, before hesitating and looking back with a shy smile. “Thank you for looking out for me.”
“Any time, Raiden.”
“You been giving the farmer boys special treatment?”
You turned, the smile dropping off your face as an eyebrow raised to look at Johnny Cage. He looked less composed than the other two, but nevertheless still awake. He probably just woke up. He strode over as he pointed to the papers in your hands and towards where the Raiden had gone.
“Just saw you with Kung Lao with those papers, then you were talking with Raiden.” The actor paused, his face turning into a thoughtful one as he scratched his cheek. “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be on break?” He asked the question everyone seemed to be asking you today. 
“Important papers.” You explained, holding up the folded up pieces of paper. “And I was just telling Raiden to take a break, he’s always working. As for the break, yes, but I needed to pick up these papers before I left.”
“Huh, that makes sense.” Johnny conceded, nodding thoughtfully before shrugging. “So when are you going to spend extra time helping me?” He asked, sending you a playful grin. “Still need your word that you’ll take a part in one of my movies.” 
“We can discuss that after my break.” You told him, letting out a small chuckle. You weren’t certain if you were going to go help Johnny with his movies yet, but you were still curious on what Johnny was going to try and say to convince you. “You look like you need some food, go eat.” You encouraged, gesturing to the dining hall. “I need to get going.”
“Alright, I’ll keep you on your word. See you, teach!”
What an interesting nickname.
The Lin Kuei temple was located in a cold region.
It made sense since the grandmaster’s family had long trained in cyromancy, but that did not make you resent the constant snowstorms any less.
You trekked on, donned the form of a snow leopard so the cold would not freeze you to death. Not to mention, travel felt much faster in this form due to the snow that lay upon the land. The wind tried to batter you around, but you stayed resilient.
You often told yourself you would visit more often if the walk out was not as irritating. 
Reaching the temple, you strode up to the gates. The Lin Kuei guards peered at you curiously, and gracefully you took a step, transforming back into your usual form. You allowed the coat of the leopard to remain on your exposed skin on your arms and legs to battle the cold since you were still outside. How these guards could bear being out here in the cold for so long, you could never understand.
“I’m here to see the grandmaster.” You told them, your breath coming out in icy puffs. It was partially true, but they did not need to know that. You let out a sigh as you grew out a collar of fur to bury your face in. It was only a few mere moments, but you could tell your face must be flushed from the cold.
It didn’t take long for the guards to recognize you, and you nodded to them gratefully as they let you in. 
Once inside, you let out a breath of relief as the much warmer air inside welcomed you. You transformed fully back, the fur on your skin no longer necessary. You shook off the last bits of snow, huffing as you tried to prevent it from soaking in your clothes. You looked down to brush off any remaining bits of the powdery snow that had gotten on you.
“I was not aware you were going to visit.” A voice spoke, and you glanced up to see Kuai Liang approaching, a faint look of surprise on his face. You smiled at him, glad to see the younger brother during your visit.
“It was a bit compulsive.” You explained, rubbing your cheeks to return your flushed face to normal. You watched as Kuai Liang looked you up and down, probably to see if any remaining snow remained on you. “Am I not a welcome visitor?” You teased, holding back a soft laugh.
“You are always welcome here.” Scorpion replied a bit more seriously despite the teasing tone, a warm note in his voice. You took a moment to recover from his sincerity. “Were you here just to visit, or do you have business here?” 
“As much as I would like to say I’m here purely for pleasure, I do have some favors to ask of your brothers.” You informed him, placing a hand on your hip. “But afterwards, I am welcome to stick around before I depart, I just want to get my business done first.”
“That would be pleasant.” The yellow clad ninja agreed. He paused for a moment before gesturing to the hallways. “Would you like me to accompany you to find Tomas? Or to brother’s office?” He offered, and you hummed in deliberation. 
“If you could accompany me to Bi-Han’s office first, that’d be preferable.” You requested, deciding to tackle the conversation with the grandmaster first. A sense of uncertainty hit you, remembering the unresolved matter you two had never discussed. Your hands fidgeted with each other as you thought, reflecting your nerves.
You hadn’t gone out of your way to talk with him about it, and Bi-Han seemed to always sweep the conflicts you two had under the rug.
“Of course.” You saw Kuai Liang glance down at your hands, yet there was no judgement that you could see. He simply nodded and allowed you to join his side. Even without touching, you could feel a comforting warmth from the pyromancer. It was much preferable to the freezing chill of the snow outside, it reminded you of the same way Liu Kang’s warmth soothed you during cold rainy days. 
Was that just a pyromancer gift?
“Has training with the champions boded well?” Scorpion inquired, striking up conversation. It was odd, having him initiate, but it was a welcome change. You smiled at the man, looking over the man. 
“It’s actually been great.” You informed him, feeling pride for yourself for being able to say that. You had never envisioned yourself a teacher before this, but the joy you got from seeing others flourish from your teachings made you feel excellent.
It reminded you of the man who reminded you of Madam Bo so much. You didn’t remember much of him other than a warm fondness and a longing for his approval.
You hoped one day you could unravel the mystery of the man who meant so much to you.
“I told you that you would be an excellent teacher.” Kuai Liang said, a tone of pride in his tone without any smugness. You saw him smile at you, and his smile alone felt like high praise. You knew that no one in the Lin Kuei gave praise that they did not mean. “Has the actor proven to be difficult?”
“Johnny? He’s actually been fine.” You said, chuckling at the memory of the superstar working hard. “He may complain here and there, and sometimes try to be too flashy, but he has a good work ethic.” You praised the man, knowing that you could never tell the actor this, lest his ego grow twice its size. “I think you all would loathe training him.”
“You have a duty I do not envy.” Scorpion admitted. You sucked in a breath as the two of you arrived at the grand doors of Bi-Han’s office. You glanced over to the yellow clad man, who gave you an encouraging nod. You closed your eyes, steeling yourself for a moment before you opened the doors to enter.
Stepping in, you took a moment to admire the organized manner which the office was. You could spot the remains of the influence of the old grandmaster lingering in this office despite it also feeling distinctly Sub Zero. You eyes wandered around before they landed on the current grandmaster himself, who stared at you with an intense look.
“What are you doing here? What task did Liu Kang send you here for?” Bi-Han asked, his gruff voice echoing through the office. Despite his words, you sensed no outright hostility towards you. You could feel a slight disdain in his voice when he mentioned the fire god’s name, to which you were uncertain why that was. You strode up to the desk, and you felt the tension rise as you did.
“Can’t I stop by to say hello?” You inquired, testing the waters. You watched as Bi-Han kept his intense stare on you, unwavering. You pursed your lips, knowing very well that he did not believe that sentiment. “Believe it or not, I am actually here by my own volition, not Liu Kang’s.” You admitted, and you watched as Sub Zero’s gaze soften just a touch. His jaw relaxed.
“For what purpose?” He inquired, still a hint of suspicion in his tone, though he seemed a bit more relaxed knowing you were not here on behalf of the fire god. 
“I wanted to ask for your permission to ask Tomas to help train the champions I’ve been responsible for training. I thought having him duel them for a day would help test them.” You told him, not beating around the bush this time. Bi-Han’s lips pursed as he narrowed his gaze slightly. You heard him exhale, and you wondered why he was still so tense.
“And you sought my blessing for such a minor task?” The grandmaster huffed, the tone in his voice making it clear that he thought it ridiculous that you came all this way for just that. You held back a scoff, simply opting to keep your calm gaze on the man. “Was that all you came here to ask for?”
“No.” You said, crossing your arms as you closed your eyes, remembering the events that had gone down in Johnny Cage’s manor. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened at Johnny’s mansion. What was up with all of that? You know I can defend myself, there was no need to be hostile.”
You felt the temperature drop in the room a bit. Goosebumps crawled up your arm, and you held back an instinctual shiver. 
“The actor was being foolish and arrogant.” Bi-Han huffed, contempt filling his tone at the memory of Johnny. You watched as a small snarl curled at his lips. “You would have let the man off with a glare, he needed a proper warning to put him in his place.” He explained, but you did not feel satisfied.
“That’s a rather stupid excuse to fight someone.” You pointed out, and Bi-Han’s nostrils flared at the insult. You stared at him with the same glare he gave you. “You’re telling me you had the urge to humble an actor for being egotistical?” You inquired, feeling like there was more to the conversation.
“It was the principle of the situation.” He insisted, shaking his head dismissively, as if trying to move past the conversation. He fixed you with another glare before waving you off. “Don’t you have to ask Tomas for your favor?” Bi-Han’s voice dropped to a growl upon mentioning his adopted brother.
“Yes, I do.” You confirmed, nodding, seeing as how the two of you were not going anywhere past this point about the conversation about the actor. You sighed, shaking your head. If there was one thing you learned from your years of knowing Bi-Han, it’s that you both were stubborn to a fault. Still, this conversation felt better than trying to move past the conversation entirely. “Let’s spar next time I come here, it’s been a while.”
If there was one thing you knew, it’s that the two of you could always duel out the frustration. Perhaps not the healthiest way to deal with issues, but it was better than butt heads relentlessly.
You watched as Bi-Han nodded approvingly. The two of you were fierce competitors during spars, with your drive for competition and his lust for fighting strong opponents. The tension in the room relaxed a bit, and you cracked a small smile.
“Prepare your bandages next time, I’ll have to patch you up next time then.” You said, a tone of confidence in your voice. You heard the man scoff at your trash talk, and you turned and began to walk out of the room with a sense of satisfaction. As you opened the door, you turned back, sending the grandmaster one last look.
“I still think you fighting the actor was crass of you but, I appreciate you trying to defend me if that was the point of your stupid squabble.” You admitted, tearing your gaze away from the cyromancer. “Next time you’ll see though, that I could easily do it myself.”
You shut the door, leaving Bi-Han to stare at where you had been mere moments ago. HIs jaw tightened as he looked down at his desk, a sigh leaving his lips.
“I know.”
It didn’t take long for you and Kuai Liang to find Tomas.
Much like you, Smoke often found himself aiding those in training, and you watched with interest as he instructed a younger generation of Lin Kuei. You crossed your arms, silently waiting for the lesson to end. You stayed back with Scorpion, waiting patiently. Luckily, you seemed to have caught the tail end of the current lesson, watching as the man soon dismissed the group for a break.
Turning around, you were not surprised to see the look of surprise on his face as he spotted you and Kuai Liang.
“I was not aware you would be visiting.” Tomas said, yet despite his unpreparedness for your arrival, he gave you a warm smile. You returned the gesture, nodding. He looked between Kuai Liang and you, raising an eyebrow. “Was there something you needed from me? Or were you here just to say hello?”
“I was just here to help find you.” Kuai Liang said. He glanced at you before nodding his head. “I’ll leave you to your conversation.” The pyromancer said, before walking off, letting the two of you have privacy. 
“I’m assuming that you’re here to say more than hello?” Tomas inquired, crossing his arms, His eyebrow raised as he gave you an expectant look. Your grin grew and you mimicked his actions, crossing your arms as well and raising your eyebrows. 
“Is it so strange for me to come all this way just to say hello, Tomas?” You asked, a light teasing tone in your voice. You were met with a look that told you that he did not believe you, yet there was a slight playful look in his eye. You returned the look with a laugh. “You’re right.” You admitted, rolling your eyes. “I’m here to ask a favor from you.”
“A favor?” Smoke inquired, his curiosity growing. He leaned towards you slightly, his head tilting. “What possible favor could you ask from me?”
“I was wondering if you’d be interested in aiding me in training the champions one day.” You said, getting to the point. The Czech man seemed surprised at your offer. “They stale from training with only each other during my teachings, so I thought bringing someone with a much different fighting style would help.”
“I’m not against the offer, but why me?” Smoke said, a note of disbelief in his voice. His face scanned your face, as if searching for an answer “Would Kuai Liang or Bi-Han not be better options?” 
“The way you move is unpredictable compared to them.” You explained, recalling his fighting style. “It would help them learn how to do better defense against an opponent who likes to attack from angles they aren’t ready yet.” You paused before sending him a look. “Plus, are you doubting my judgement on who’d be best?”
“No, not at all.” Tomas admitted, sending you a slightly sheepish look as he smiled at you. He seemed to take in your words, nodding slowly. “I’m just surprised.” He said, shrugging. He considered your offer, before nodding. “I wouldn’t mind helping you.” He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, predicting what he was about to say. 
“I already discussed this with both Bi-Han and Lord Liu Kang, they’re fine with this arrangement.” 
“Wow, you were really prepared for this.” Smoke said, stunned for a moment that you had already discussed the plans with the others. “Alright, I’ll help you.” He agreed, and you sent him a big grin. You placed a hand on your hip as you reached for his shoulder, squeezing it gratefully. 
“Thank you, Tomas, you have no idea how much this means to me.” You said letting out a sigh of relief. It felt like your worries washed away. You felt your smile grow as Smoke sent you a look that you couldn’t quite identify, but it filled you with warmth. You let out a chuckle as your grin turned a tad bit mischievous. “I’d hate for my students to miss out on a chance to duel the King of Smoke.” You teased, and you watched as Smoke coughed into his fist.
“Let it go! I said that one time.” Tomas groaned, a bit of embarrassment in his voice as you reminded him of the nickname he had used one time before the two of you had dueled. He pulled at his face with a hand, playful distress on his face. You sent him a look that told him that you were not going to let it go anytime soon. “What would it take for you to stop using that nickname?”
“Nothing can ever change my mind.” You teased, chuckling at his embarrassment. “Why would I let such valuable teasing material go?” You pointed out, and you squeezed his shoulder to emphasize your point. The Lin Kuei member looked at you before rolling his eyes before sighing. 
“One day I’ll get you to change your mind.” Tomas promised, saying your name with such conviction you almost believed him. You couldn’t help the laughter that left your lips. He stared at you with a look you weren’t certain what to call it, but it made you feel happy. 
“Tough luck, Tomas.” You said cockily, dropping your hand from his shoulder. You were surprised as he caught it, squeezing it with both of his hands. 
“I mean it.” He said, his voice teasing. Yet, there was something there that made it feel a bit more serious than a joke. Nevertheless, you leaned forward with a challenging look in your eye. You watched as his expression changed slightly as he looked at you, opening his mouth to speak. You found yourself attracted to the movement in the background, and you cleared your throat, interrupting whatever he was about to say. “Looks like your class is back.”
“Ah.” He said, dropping your hand quickly as if it were on fire. You wondered briefly whether the final squeeze he gave it was on purpose or not. He looked at them, beckoning them in before looking at you. “Since I’m helping you out, would you also like to assist me?” He offered, and you couldn’t help the excitement that surged through you.
“Of course.”
It was late at night when you made your way to the Wu Shi academy. 
At first, you were planning on going back directly to the Fire Temple after spending the day at the Lin Kuei temple, but your footsteps drew you back to the academy.
Between visiting the Lin Kuei on business and being back here, you figured you were doing a shitty job of taking a break. You could practically hear Madam Bo scolding you. You stared at the entrance for a few moments, before sighing.
You were just going to check if Raiden was awake, and send him to bed. That’s all. 
You watched in, making sure to be stealthy as usual. Not only to keep the peace, but you figured that if Raiden had been training behind your back, you could give him a good scare as punishment for not listening to you. 
That and well, it was a bit funny to see the man jump.
Much to your displeasure, you heard the familiar sound of a dummy being beat up…rather frustratedly too. Sighing, you shook your head as you lurked in the shadows as you made your way to the courtyard. Yet, what was waiting for you was a sight you were not prepared for. 
It was Kenshi Takahashi there, swinging his sword adamantly at a dummy. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you crept closer, keeping to the shadows as you did. Unlike Raiden, the man did not seem to be practicing any forms. Although his strikes were precise, they were done without much direction and thought. This seemed more instinctual than training.
You watched as he grunted, huffing as he gripped the sword as he knocked over the dummy. You saw pain, anger, and the like on his face clear as day. Unsatisfied, you watched as he righted the dummy. You observed for a few more minutes.
Interestingly enough, you watched as time went on, he tensed up. Kenshi seemed to mystify himself why he was doing so. He looked around for a moment, seeming to sense something. He had glanced at you for a moment, not realizing you were there at first, before doing a double take.
“Have you always been there, watching me?” Kenshi asked, an intense stare at you. You held up your hands to show you meant no harm. He narrowed his eyes. “Aren’t you supposed to be on break?” He inquired, much like everyone else did. His tone was accusatory, and you sensed he was in a bad mood.
“I only arrived a few minutes ago. I heard the commotion and decided to check it out, I thought it was Raiden, I was surprised to see it was you.” You said, defending yourself. You crossed your arms as you leaned back on the pillar you always seemed to gravitate towards. “I am on break, but I came here to make sure Raiden wasn’t training late at night since I told him not to for a while.” You paused. “You have good senses to notice something was off.”
“Raiden trains late at night?” Kenshi inquired, mystified, before shaking his head dismissively and sighing. “Being in the yakuza instills that instinct in you. A useful skill, even if I hated being there.” He said, sheathing his sword before facing you. “Sorry for being so short with you, I wasn’t prepared for my instructor to sneak up on me.”
“No need to apologize.” You said, waving off his apology. “I was being a bit weird standing here.” You said, shrugging before sending Kenshi a concerned look. “I might be overstepping here, but you seemed distressed.” You pointed out. You watched as Kenshi grimaced and glanced away. “Did you want to talk about it? It might do you some better than slicing that poor dummy into wood chips. I promise no judgement.”
The dummy seemed to be on its last legs. Funny how Kenshi just happened to choose the one that Raiden always seemed to use. Regardless, you gestured to the spot next to you, taking a seat on the ground.
The swordsman seemed to contemplate for a moment, his face shifting before he walked over and sat beside you. He rested on the pillar, turning his gaze to the stars like you did.
“I dreamt I was still stuck with the yakuza.” He said, after a few minutes of tense silence. You tore your gaze away from the stars to look at the man. He seemed haunted as he confessed this. His fingers tapped idly on the sheath of his sword. “The things I did while under their control, it haunts me.”
“How bad are the yakuza?” You inquired lightly, not all too familiar with the group, only knowing the basics of what Liu Kang had told you. 
“They’re a horrible group. I hope you, or anyone you know, never encounter them.” Kenshi said. Although he did not elaborate too much on them, the resentment that carried in his voice told you enough of what you needed to know. 
“I see.” You said, pursing your lips. You watched him for a few more minutes. “Well, you aren’t with them anymore.” You pointed out, curling up your legs to squeeze them to your chest. Your arms wrapped around them, as if giving yourself a hug. “Lingering on the past won’t help.” You said, knowing how hypocritical you were being. 
“Easier said than done.”
“It always is, isn’t it?”
There were a few moments of silence, before you heard Kenshi agree. 
“You never relished in the power the yakuza gave you, correct?” You asked, looking over to the swordsman once more. You saw him think, before shaking his head. “Then why feel guilt for things you were forced to do?” You continued, trying to guide his thoughts.
“That doesn’t change how horrible the deeds I did were.” The ex-yakuza member pointed out. You reluctantly agreed, some deeds, no matter how guilty the person felt, were dirty deeds still. “My family is still stuck in their grasp, and I’m here.”
“You’re bettering yourself for them, trying to go back unprepared is worse.” You countered. You paused before continuing. “I may not fully understand the extent of your guilt, nor the pain you carry, but I do understand that you are truly sorry.” You searched Kenshi’s face, noting the pain he carried. “It’ll take time, but learning to forgive yourself is what I think is truly best.”
The silence stretched between you two, but it was not uncomfortable. It settled in gently, like a slow realization. You knew he could not change his mindset in one mere conversation, but you knew that the words you told him were still comforting at the very least.
“How about we change the topic, get your mind off of that nasty nightmare of yours?” You offered, feeling happy when the look on his face didn’t seem to disagree with your line of thought. “How has it been, training with Johnny Cage?” You watched with slight amusement as Kenshi rolled his eyes at the actor’s name.
“He’s been irritating.”
“Now that’s something we can both agree on.” You jested, even though you didn’t quite think that low of Johnny Cage. You felt satisfaction as a tiny smile appeared on Kenshi’s face.
Helping people felt great.
part six
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goober1475 · 2 months
An Odyssey in Time (pt.1)
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On a boiling night in late June I woke up in a cold sweat and sporting a parched throat. Water, I needed some water. Reaching for the metal flask I swore in frustration when I found it empty. I would have to get up at...01:03 A.M. in the morning...in the dark, to get water. Great.
Sauntering into the kitchen with a sleepy look on my face, I moved to turn on the countertop lights. Flickering, buzzing and then growing silent, a warm glow which barely shed light on a quarter of the room illuminated my face. A gaunt pale visage stared back at me from my window. After surveying my appearance for a moment, I moved to the fridge.
Knowing the heat I wouldn't be able to sleep for a while, so I searched for a snack like a blind mole. Focaccia and hummus would do.
After refilling my bottle and taking a sip I cringed in disgust.Although fresh, the water tasted rancid. Even my dehydrated organs churned in discomfort. I had consistently forgotten to wash my water bottle, causing the contents itself to go bad. Screwing my face up in displeasure, I poured the water out and let the bottle soak in some soapy water for a while.
I busied my hands while waiting by refilling the water filter, watching the liquid slowly drip into the second compartment.
Leaning back on the counter, I barely registered the pain digging into my hip caused by a corner of the work top. Staring at the water dripping and focusing on the gentle hum of the lights, I closed my eyes in thought.
Exams for the year were finished, projects complete, extracurriculars over and all but one of my papers for the year published.
For some unexplainable reason it still felt like I hadn't done enough. I had started slacking with my art, was that it? It didn't feel like it. Oh well. It was only the end of my first year in University and considering everyone else I had done rather well.
There was a sinfully pleasurable feeling to learning. It was as if I was Eve accepting the apple of knowledge from Lucifer. His deceptive promises and great praises luring me further and further away from others. The act of displaying my prowess in a multitude of areas felt better than any alcohol. The congratulations I received from my professors after winning an academic prize or reading my own work in a journal could be beaten by no high. I was sure of this. The water had stopped dripping from the filter's first compartment.
Slowly walking back to my room, I precariously balanced my snack and water bottle with one hand an opened my bedroom door with the other. I stumbled over my latest paper strewn over the floor. I hoped to have it published in a medieval journal but was yet to proofread.
Might as well reread it now.
I gathered the papers together and sidled over to my already cramped desk. A half finished set of watercolours, stacks of paper and a few piles of books were neatly stacked in any available spaces. Settling down into my chair, I started to work through the essay.
It was on King Baldwin IV and his ruling of Jerusalem, discussing whether or not his rule was successful or not.
It was 02:00 A.M. by the time I had finished reading and I fell back onto my bed exhausted. I stayed on top of the covers and basked in the momentary cool breeze coming from my window as I drifted off.
Dreams of crusades and beautiful walled cities dominated my dreams. I was a knight and was travelling to Jerusalem on a dirt road. A great battle was to take place and I had been called to fight.
Sword secured at my hip, I quietly surveyed the landscape. A warm blue sky inhabited by a swelteringly hot sun which burned the back of my exposed neck contained not a cloud. Great hills as barren as the sky above loomed over me. The only manmade object was a sign pointing my way. My horse trudged on and I gave her a pat in sympathy. she snorted unimpressed.
The great city finally came into view, its presence seemed to swallow up the previously intimidating land in its shadow. it truly looked like the seat of God.
I woke up before reaching the gates but had gotten close enough to catch sight of a figure swathed in pure whites robes watching me from the battlements. Just as I bowed my head in respect to the person who looked too holy to be human, the edges of my vision blurred. A bright sun creeped in through my eyelids as I creased my brow in frustration.
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duckiemimi · 4 months
i wonder if gege's biggest problem (likely bc of the push to prolong jjk) is that they just threw out the original storyline the second the gojo vs sukuna fights started. i mean, there were definitely problems with the ever expanding cast and spreading them all too thin still, but (as someone who's only loosely been following the leaks since a little after gojo's death) the entire story feels so meaningless now 😭 the build up for everything gojo wanted holds no meaning and i get that gege hates gojo for overshadowing the other characters but like⎯excuse my lack of knowledge about manga culture⎯gojo's been the main character ever since megumi was taken over. yuji's been sidelined for so long and even yuta⎯who's ridiculously powerful and the only special grade in his generation, i believe⎯not making a difference just leaves the story falling flat.
(also: i've never understood the whole push for gojo to be front and center just bc he's the most popular. the mc is *rarely* the most popular character in a manga⎯bakugou (and even sometimes todoroki) overshadowed deku so much in bnha but the story still managed to center deku as the main character. i think people give gege a little too much credit for this⎯it just feels like bad writing or an attempt at fanservice when they write gojo like *this* when they're clearly sick of him.)
(also x2: literally none of the characters have a purpose anymore and sukuna's just screwing around so there's no one with a strong enough narrative left.)
(also x3: shoko deserved better. but that's a whole other rant.)
i think that's possible actually, considering how well-anticipated (and prematurely hyped up) the gojo vs. sukuna battle was! and it was a long and drawn out battle, too, so i have a feeling that was done out of request from publishing (or a third party) rather than something gege actually wanted to linger on!
the culling games to me read like an exploration in worldbuilding. remember when kenjaku started talking to and dealing with world leaders and when the US army (failed to) intervene at one point? it seemed like gege was playing with the boundaries of the jjk universe and while it was messy and convoluted at times, it was still pretty enjoyable for me! it felt like a writer who still wanted to write. it's a shame that gege took on more than he could chew, because there were so many aspects that could've been built upon, even if it would've been inconsequential to the ending message of jjk.
this arc...felt like something owed. to who, i could only guess, but it doesn't read like something he was excited to write. ever since gojo got unsealed (another well-anticipated scene), things have become rather stale. and that's probably why we have an influx of polarizing scenes—to get us to keep reading. gojo being brought up constantly (even after his death) also seems like a request or a push from publishing (or a third party). like you said, it feels like fanservice. (which is so demeaning to a creator, especially if it's put above all else.) i think he's too tired (and now he's sick) to actually attempt to properly tie everything he wrote together, let alone do anything about characterization! which is just such a shame :')
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liesmyth · 6 months
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anon! I see you! same for the other anon I got 3 weeks ago and left on read — I was trying to decide how to phrase this.
I'm not publishing these in full because I'd rather talk about cool fandom theories I like instead of singling out specific takes I don't agree with.
The one thing I really feel like saying publicly re: TLT fandom discourse is that I think we could all benefit from, like, taking a step back from invoking Tamsyn when it comes to discussing theories or interpretations. I think the tone of the discourse and the fandom as a whole would be a lot healthier if we just agreed that we're getting a lil' bit silly with it, which is 100% what Tamsyn wanted when she started writing, anyway.
There are many fandom posts that EYE would find very compelling if they were presented as "This is a cool idea I had and the lenses through which I choose to engage with this story and these characters..." but often take the tone of "This is CLEARLY what the author means to do, listen up..." — with the implications that people who see things differently are getting a bad grade in lockedtomb reading, and then it stops being fun and it starts getting pretty hostile pretty quick.
I think a lot about Tamsyn's quote "I am writing for my younger self and it would be disgusting of me to try to teach her anything." That's the spirit in which I think it's most fun to engage with her writing. She's an excellent author and her books have a lot going on and many angles you can look at... but they aren't flawless, and she can't have accounted for all the theories the fandom is coming up with. I think we should stop trying to look at these books as though they are That Serious, and give ourselves more credit that maybe we're coming up with stuff the creator never considered, and that doesn't mean your stuff is less valid, but it does mean you shouldn't flex on other fans because you see it and they don't. From everything we know about Tamsyn, she'd probably be the first to say "It's not that deep, unless you want it to be."
For comparison, I've been in ASOIAF fandom for 15 years and we haven't had new material for almost as long and silly theories and renewed interpretations are flourishing every month, and nobody gives a fig about what GRRM was really trying to say because maybe the author's intention isn't the ultimate value of a work, and the author is dead anyway.
IDK. I think we should all get a little sillier with it. I've been guilty of some Not Silly in the past, though hopefully not much, but ultimately I'm here to have fun and so are most people. Especially since TLT is still ongoing, and many interpretations WILL get debunked, we're probably just better off now putting less stock on authorial backing to avoid disappointment later on, and to have more fun as a fandom during the #alectopause.
ANYWAY my askbox is always open specifically to get silly with it. I haven't hornyposted about lyctor sex in a while
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
IMAGINE: Yandere!Twst cast, dreaming of the MC, before they ended up Twst, and even though they searched for them, they couldn't quite find them... now that they've found them.. they can't seem to let you go.. how would they feel when they've learned that there are more competitors for your love.
A/N: I'm gonna call this the dreaming of you au! I have some plans for it.. I had to split this in part, because of tumblr's fucking word limit.
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He couldn’t recall when the dreams had first started, it was quite suffocating.. Looking back, he was tired of the same dream over and over again, yet it changed.. Slowly, he watched you growing up along with him, it was as if his dreams mirrored your own life.. And at one point, he believed that these vivid dreams held some meaning, there had to be a reason why he’d keep seeing the same person over and over again… At one point, he even started to believe that you were his.. Someone meant for him.. And as he grew older, he couldn’t help but search for you, wanting to validate his thoughts and imagination, which has gotten rather out of hand over the past few years. 
He didn’t even consider that others would have taken interest in you as well, ‘did they see you in their dreams as well?’.. The thought would have driven him wild, had he not been patient thus far, he might have truly lost himself then and there.. However, if he had waited this long, then it wouldn’t have been difficult to wait a bit longer.. After all.. He knew you a lot better than you know yourself.. He just needs you to realize.. That you’re his.. and he is yours…
YANDERE!IDIA, He recalls losing sleep, scrolling through the internet, scattering sources, trying to trace your whereabouts, all to no avail.. he remembered your name, that he heard you say once or twice in his dreams, you'd rarely speak to him... how he wished he could approach you in these vivid daydreams.. but your voice played through his head on loop, like a broken record repeating the same tune over and over again, as he recites the dream he had that particular day... You couldn't imagine his shock when he saw you, for the very first time.. he couldn't help but grow jealous when he inquired about how others had seen you beforehand, maybe he should have taken an interest in the so called magicless perfect beforehand, but how could he think of others, while his mind was so incredibly crowded with thoughts of you..
YANDERE!KALIM, Kalim had been a sweetheart from young, he couldn’t have ever guessed that there may have been an underlying meaning to his dreams.. Until he took notice of its repeating nature, he’d have the same dream over and over again, it was quite tedious.. aggravating even.. However, Kalim was known to be patient, unlike his peers. He was always calm, however one shouldn’t confuse his patience as him being dimwitted, sure Kalim wasn’t the brightest in the box, but he wasn’t an utter buffoon, he knew when something was wrong.. well most of the time.. He questioned the dreams, and the day he did.. He dreamt of something different, still his dreams centered around you as always.. And it was quite consistent, soon the old books on dreams and astrology became quite boring to the young child, he picked up a story book.. an odd story book indeed, he never knew this sort of book was in publishing, none the less it was quite conveniently placed near him, and in its contents Kalim came to learn of an odd concept.. dreaming of your soulmate, and dreaming of someone who was born just for him.. The concept seemed quite outdated and far fetched, but he couldn’t help but believe it! Kalim had always been such a hopeless romantic in such scenarios.. One could argue this is how he was raised, or maybe the book had blurred his thoughts.. Yet, when he first laid eyes on you.. he was sure you were meant to be his!.. Anyone who said otherwise, was but an inconvenience.. Just like anyone who gets in his way.. 
YANDERE!JAMIL, Jamil had been serving Kalim for the longest time, truly he couldn’t catch a break.. not when he was so.. ridiculously annoying.. even during slumber he couldn’t catch a break, ever since you appeared!, truly at first he resented you more than anything, another pestering source of annoyance, ruining his day and mood, yet he was lucky to have never been able to face you, at least then he could loathe you secretly and remain at peace within himself.. But he began despising his dreams for that same reason, fairly soon.. You were.. brilliant. A change to his day to day life, really.. He couldn’t quite recall how he fell for you, just that he had fallen for you.. Around this time Kalim kept blabbering on and on about a certain person he kept meeting in his daydreams, Jamil was too concerned about himself to spare a single care to his words, until he had heard about an unexpected book he had read.. The contents of which interested him quite lots’... ‘Soulmates, that’s ridiculous..!’ He thought, closing the book and refusing to look back, he couldn't delude himself further, he was above thinking of such childish things, and believing the contents of such ludicrous things. Yet he met you, here on the very school grounds.. He didn’t know how to react, maybe the contents of the book weren't as far fetched as he had predicted, maybe the two of you were predestined…
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior and or confirmation.
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hymnserendipity · 27 days
Bonten Kakucho, interrogation room
No gender mentioned
You don't remember much, you were heading the publish company building when someone grabbed you and put a bag on you head, so you couldn't see. You were too scared to talk, even to think, and when the man throw you on the grey floor of a dark room and take of the bag you could see his scar, and his smirk before he go away and close the door without any explanations.
One hour passed, and Kakucho was casually passing by the interrogation room when he heard you sniff, he knew better than put his nose there, especially when Ran or Sanzu were there but the other executives were getting ready for a meeting so it shouldnt be anyone in that room. He open the door, and close it behind his back.
"Who are you?" he asks, staring at you with those dead eyes that seemed to be predicting your move. "I'm not in the mood to be sparing someone, better answer" he says in a threatening tone. "Yn"
“Y/n…” Kakucho repeated your name, finding that it was very much unfamiliar yet rather new to him. He has never heard a name like yours and it was…odd.
He took a few more steps towards you, standing right before you as he took a look at you. Your height, appearance, body, all of it. “Where do you come from, hm?” he asks, tilting his head to the side, studying your face.
"I... Sir... I don't know why am i here... Someone forced me to come in this room..." Kakucho smirked, knowing that you’ve been forced onto coming here. He wondered who was the one who did it, who kidnapped you, and for what purpose? “Someone forced you here?” he said, raising an eyebrow at you and at the same time, he placed both of his hands in his black slacks, crossing his arms together. “And why would they do that?”
"I don't know." Kakucho sighed, taking a few steps behind as he began circling around you. It made him rather amused how clueless you are, he found it almost laughable. “Well, you definitely aren’t here willingly now, are you?” he teased, as he finished his small circle and is now standing before you, towering you with his height. Kakucho couldn’t help but snicker when he saw how you look at him, it was as if you’re a lost and scared little puppy. He found it…interesting.
He lifted up his hand and began tilting your chin up with his thumb and index finger, having you look up at him with his towering figure standing before you.
"Please don't hurt me" His smirk only widened, it was almost impossible for him to take you seriously with how adorable you sound. “Don’t hurt you?” he repeated back at you. “Why would I do that now?” he asks, raising an eyebrow “I was never going to hurt you”
"Oh... Thanks" Kakucho had to fight the urge to let out a laugh when you said that. It was so cute, almost like something that a child would say. But he kept it professional. He nodded and said “It’s no problem at all” he assured you. He removed his finger from your chin and placed it back in his pants. "Why am i here? Kakucho’s smile faded away a bit when he noticed your sad face. He wondered what went through your head. He knew you didn’t know why you were here, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit bad. “That, I do not know” he said in all honesty.
"Could you go and ask? A man with a scar on his face took me here." Kakucho let out a scoff at the mention of Takeomi. His eyes darkened when you mentioned that bastard, but he tried to keep his composure. “Ah, that’s who took you here” he said in displeasure. “Do you know why?”
"I was about to go to work... I dunno" Kakucho thought about it. A part of him finds it strange that Takeomi would kidnap you and bring you here. “Work? What work?” he tilts his head to the side in curiosity. “What do you do for work?”
"I'm an autor, i was going at the publishing company to give them my last work." “Your last work, huh?” he said, as he began to walk a few circles again, with his hands still in his pants “And what type of books do you write?” Kakucho’s eyes widen slightly when you opened your backpack and showed him a couple of books which he assumed that they were yours. “Ah…you’ve written all of these?” he questioned you. The amount of books piqued his interest by so much. He looked at the cover page and read the title. “Poetry, horror stories, and fantasy novel…” he said, mumbling out quietly. He was very much interested.
“You have an interesting taste for writing” he said to you, as he handed you back the book he was looking at earlier. His eyes then trailed towards your backpack with the other books in it. “May I see the other ones?”
"Sure" Kakucho couldn’t help but smile a little as you gave your agreement for him to see your other works. He looked back at your backpack and began to look through the other books you had inside of it; he was curious to see what else you were capable of writing.
"I'm about to do a meet and greet tomorrow... I'll sign copies of my works.... Maybe that's why that man took me here?" Kakucho continued to listen to your words and thought for a few seconds about why Takeomi took you here. He had an idea to why, but he needed to confirm it. “A meeting to sign some copies?”
Suddenly, an idea came up in his head and his eye widened. "I'm just an autor, i don't know why he took me here... I'm scared." Kakucho’s expression became a bit soft when you said you were scared. It almost made him want to pat you on the head just to calm you down.
“I’m sure that you’re here for a reason,” Kakucho tried to assure you. “but I’m certain that you’ll be okay and that nothing bad will happen” he says to you, even though he was lying right through his teeth. He let out a small sigh as he began to think about the reasons why Takeomi took you here in the first place. It was definitely not something about your literary works and that much he was certain of, which is why it was so confusing to him. He then looked at you again, you still looked scared and confused, and he felt a pang in his heart. A part of him wanted to assure you and tell you everything is going to be okay, another part of him wanted to just throw you into the interrogation room and let you be tortured. He tried to push those negative thoughts of his away, he would do that to people if they were traitors. He knew you weren’t. “Hey…” Kakucho started, his tone having a hint of gentleness in it. He took a few steps towards you, “Do you trust me?” he asked you suddenly.
"Hmmm i... I... I think" His eyes widen at the fact that you were hesitant with your answer. “You think?” he repeated. “You don’t trust me, hm?” he asked, as he now stands before you, looking down at your height.
"I think i can trust you." A smirk appeared back on his lips, even though he’s still slightly irritated about the fact that you said “think” rather than a definite yes. “You think you can trust me?” he repeated once more “that’s not really reassuring, y’know,”
"Hm" Sanzu watched as you began to stare at the ground, it was evident to him that you were in distress. “Hey, look at me” he said in a demanding tone, as he placed his index and middle finger under your chin once more, lifting your head up to make you look at him. You only knew him since...what? Twenty minutes? But still he disnt hurt you. Kakucho can’t help but want to laugh at how cute you were. He leaned his face down slightly to meet your eye-level. “You don’t have to be scared now, I’m not going to hurt you” he assures, now using a more soft and gentler tone, “okay? Do you understand?”
“So now you trust me?” he teased you, as he laced his fingers with yours. "Yes" Kakucho chuckled, satisfied with your answer. “Good..” he mumbled. His eye darted down to your fingers laced with his. They were small…and soft, so different from his hands. He began to feel the need to squeeze your hand. He couldn’t help but to do so, as he began to squeeze your hand lightly, as if he was holding onto you for dear life.
"What now???" Kakucho thought about it, trying to think about what he should do next with you. He looked at you, then looked at his hand laced together with yours—his eyes then widened in realization. “Follow me,” he said to you, as he tugged your hand, signaling you to follow him. He began to lead you down the hallway, having his large hand hold yours. The two of you walked down the halls of the building until you both came to a halt as you reached a certain door. Kakucho stopped right in front of the door, he looked at you, then at the door, and back at you. “Wait here,” he commanded you, letting go of your hand and walking up to the door and unlocked it, he entered inside and closed the door behind him, leaving you to stand alone outside. He left you in the hallway by yourself, and then it was dead silent. You were forced to stand by yourself outside of the room, not knowing what kind of things were happening or were taking place inside of it. After minutes or so, the door to the room opened up and Kakucho poked his head out. “You can come here, now.” Kakucho kept the door open for you as he stood aside for you to come inside, as you entered the room, he quickly stepped inside and locked the door behind him. Once the door was locked, he looked at you, his expression having a bit of a more sinister look in his eyes. He gestured for you to come over, sitting on a chair next to other people... You see the man that kidnapped you. “Come here” the men in the middle, Mikey, a short guy with white hair said. There were faces of several people who you didn’t know, except for Takeomi and you were a little afraid of him.
Meanwhile, Kakucho sat calmly on his chair as he observed the scene in front of him, watching you look around the room until your eyes landed on him. He noticed that you were clearly scared and frozen. His eyes scanned your whole face as he watched you stand against the door like a frightened and scared little bunny. He was the only one in the room who had that look of pity on his face as he eyed you. The others were all looking at you with a displeased expression. He knew that they were all looking down at you because they thought you were nothing but a threat to them. He could see from the corner of his eye that Mikey was staring at you with an intense look on his face.
"W-what...why am i here?" Kakucho’s eyes didn’t leave you, he continued to observe how you were standing nervously and frightened. “You’re here, because we have a few things to ask you” Kokonoi said to you.
Takeomi, who was standing with the others, took a few steps towards you. He also had a displeased look on his face, and it was clear that he was angry at you. “You don’t remember why you’re here?” he asks you, his tone was sharp and cold.Takeomi saw your attempt at moving back but couldn’t because of the door. A smirk appeared on his lips. “You’re trapped” he said, laughing. “You’re not going anywhere.” Kakucho watched as Takeomi inched closer to you, while the others just watched as well. He felt a pang of anger in his heart as he saw how frightened you looked as Takeomi was getting too close to you. His fingers began to twitch in annoyance.
"I'm...i'm...here because you took me here."
“That’s right” he said, he had a sadistic look on his face. “We took you here.” Mikey was staring at you intensely, his piercing cold gaze on you. As your eyes met with his, you could tell that he was analyzing your whole being just by the look on his face. Kakucho continued to sit silently on his chair as he watched the interaction between you and Mikey. Out of all of the executives in the room, Mikey was clearly the one that was the most threatening out of all of them. Kakucho didn’t like nor enjoy seeing how Takeomi forced you to kneel in front of everyone. He felt his fingers twitch again as he watched you try to fight back with powerless punches. But it was futile, you were outnumbered.The other executives in the room did nothing to stop it, it was almost as they enjoyed seeing you resist against Takeomi. Kakucho’s hands were gripping the arms of the chair tightly and his knuckles were turning white. "What have i done to be here?" Kakucho watched as you looked at the other executives. Your eyes were pleading as you darted your gaze at Ran, and Rindou, Sanzu asking them what you had done to be in this situation.The other executives didn’t answer your question. They were all too focused on the scene in front of them, and some of them had a sadistic smile on their face. Rindou, in particular, had a smirk on his lips as he looked down at you.
Takeomi was the one to speak first. "We took you here because of your recent book" he says to you, his tone still firm. "You wrote about an organization that is similar to ours, the publishing company only have the scratch of it." he accused you. Kakucho took note of how your eyes had widened upon hearing what the reason was. His eyes narrowed as he continued to observe and watch you. The other executives in the room were staring at you as well, eyeing you like a hawk.
"I... It was just fantasy..." Takeomi chuckled bitterly. "Just fantasy, huh?" he asked "Do you really think it was just fantasy?"
The other executives began to scoff and mock you. "Just a fantasy, she says" Sanzu said with a snicker.
"I saw a bunch of tv shows about criminal organizations and wrote a book..." Takeomi laughed again "Oh, so a bunch of TV shows about criminal organizations were your inspiration to write that book?" he spoke, mockingly "Is that your excuse?"
The others began to laugh and mock you, clearly not believing your words. Kakucho continued to sit quietly on his chair, watching as you were getting bombarded by the other executives. Some of them were mocking you, while others were giving you looks of disgust upon hearing your words.
While the executives continued to laugh and mock you, Kakucho stayed quiet as he looked at you from across the room. He immediately directed his attention to Mikey as he saw the latter stand up and begin to approach you. The other executives stopped laughing and mocking you as they all went silent when Mikey stepped closer to your figure.
"I... I will destroy it of you want..." Mikey stopped right in front of you, his eyes staring into yours intensely, as if he was trying to look into your soul. The silence in the room was deafening as Mikey looked at you.
"You'll destroy it?" Mikey asked, "You'll destroy the book, right?"
"Yes sir... Please don't hurt me." Mikey continues to stare down at you with a cold gaze. He continued to watch your figure kneeling on the ground in front of him.
"And you'll never write another book like it again, correct?" he asks, his tone demanding. "Yes..." "Yes, what?" Mikey's tone grew colder and more stern, he wanted to hear you say the correct answer. The other executives were watching from behind as they stood silently, waiting to hear your response. "Y-yes sir" Mikey stared at you for a few moments, as he observed you kneeled in front of him. He was analyzing your figure, trying to see if you were being honest or not.
A sinister smile appeared on Mikey's face as he heard your words. "Good" he said, his voice low and quiet. Takeomi and the others began to scoff in the background, hearing your response to Mikey's question. They were seemingly satisfied with your answer, and Mikey himself seemed somewhat satisfied as well. Kakucho continued to sit on his chair as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. His eyes were carefully observing you as you were still on the ground in front of Mikey.
"There are plenty of books like mine.. why mine?" Mikey pondered over your question for a moment, as if he was thinking of an answer. The others behind him also seemed a little curious to hear his answer to your question.
"Because yours became popular" Mikey said, simply. Takeomi and the other executives behind him began to speak amongst themselves, but it was hard to hear what they were saying as their voices were quiet.
Kakucho, on the other hand, stared at you from where he was sitting, observing your reaction to the answer as well. The room was again filled with silence, and the only sound heard was the quiet murmurs of the executives behind Mikey. As for Mikey, he continued to look at you, as if he was waiting for you to ask something else or say something more. Takeomi, who was behind you, watched as you stood up from your kneeling position on the floor. As you took your backpack, the others began to wonder what you were doing.
Kakucho observed you silently from where he was sitting, his eyes fixated on your every move. You hand Mikey an usb pen. "This is the final script, the only copy." The others in the room seemed surprised to see you have the full copy of your book.
Mikey looked at the manuscript in his hand before speaking up. "And you say this is the only copy?" he asks, his tone still cold and serious. "Yes"
"And you're not lying to me?" Mikey asks you again, wanting to make sure of your words. The other executives behind Mikey watched silently as he continued to question you.
Kakuco could see your nervousness and anxiety as you were being questioned by Mikey. "No, sir." Mikey continued to look at you, his gaze intense as he watched your reaction. He was silently analyzing you, as if he was trying to see through your words.
After a moment, Mikey spoke again. "I see" he said, his tone still serious. The driver that Mikey had in his hands was dropped to the ground with a soft thud. The other executives watched as he did so, seemingly in agreement with his action. Kakucho watched silently, feeling a pang of pity for you. The room was again filled with a tense silence, as everyone waited for Mikey's next move or words.
Kakucho continued to sit quietly in his chair, still watching you closely.
"Can i go now?" Mikey looked at you. His expression was still cold and serious, as he considered your question.
He was silent for a moment before speaking. "You want to leave?" Mikey asked, his tone still lacking any emotion. The other executives in the room also seemed to be waiting for Mikey's decision on whether he would allow you to leave or not.
Kakucho stayed quiet as he too waited for Mikey's answer and Mikey's cold and intense gaze continued to stay fixated on you as he pondered his decision. After a moment of silence, he finally say:
"You can leave" Mikey, finally answering your question.
"Thanks." Mikey knew you would not go against them, and watched as you thanked him for allowing you to leave. The other executives behind him also watched silently, observing the entire scene in front of him. As you left the room, Mikey and the other executives watched silently as you walked out the door.
You went out, trembling.
Thanks to my 21 readers!
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