#I still sometimes think “wow I wish I was a man instead”
a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
now that her girlfriend has wings again, imagining Charlie makes very good use of them, and in ways so sappy everyone else at the hotel wishes they'd just be doing normal weird stuff instead
Charlie: "Vaggie, you know what?"
Vaggie: "What sweetie?"
Charlie: "Sometimes I look out at hell and I just think WOW, I sure WISH I could see something soft and fluffy instead!"
Vaggie: "Really."
Charlie: "Yeah!! Something light... and downy... maaaaybe with the consistency of a feather pillow mixed with the universe's best hug... posssssibly scented like that one deodorant I mentioned liking once and you've mysteriously been wearing ever since..."
Vaggie: (rolls eyes) (smiles)
Vaggie: (summons her wings and drapes one comically over Charlie's entire head) "Like this, babe?"
Charlie: (muffled) (ecstatic) "I LOVE YOU SO MUFF!"
Angel Dust: "Sickening. If you gays keep this up, I'm gonna puke."
Vaggie: "What happened to your non-existent gag reflex?"
Angel Dust: "Your relationship's a bit too long-term even for it, toots. You need to put a ring on it, so's you two can start hatin' each other like a normal fuckin' couple."
Vaggie: (panicking) (dying) "VAYA! Shh- shhh!!!!
Angel Dust: "Oh fuck-"
Charlie: (still muffled) "Did he just say put a WING on it??
Vaggie: "Uh..."
Angel Dust: "Sure did, Charlie horse."
Charlie: (still under vaggie's wing) "She's already doing that though?"
Vaggie: (glaring) (spear out) "... you, are the luckiest damn man in hell."
Angel Dust: "Don't I know it, with a body like this~"
Charlie: (staying snuggled) (yet concerned) "Angel Dust, do we need to get you some glasses???"
Angel Dust: "Naw, but I might need help writin' a will after this."
Vaggie: (sloooooowly... puts away the spear)
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
AU of Gotham! Tim Drake! Danny where he doesn’t know the universe he was reincarnated into.
“Robin!” Batman barked. Tim sighed, loudly. Batman twitched.
“What is it, B?”
“Drills. Again.”
Tim rolled his eyes but moved to obey. Speaking to B these days was like speaking to a rather boorish caveman. Simple grunts and single word sentences. It didn't use to be like this but B was loosing his grip on his humanity and it’s Tim’s job to bring it back.
It’s hilarious because he’s the least human of them all. It was odd, juggling his duties as Danny Gotham, his responsibilities as Tim, and his workload as Bruce’s shiny new Robin. Somehow he made it work.
Yeah, sometimes B’s hands are heavy when they’re training. Sometimes he forgets Danny’s name (or at least his human name) and calls for Jason instead. Sometimes, he smells more like booze and less like Bruce.
Danny could handle it. Even if his core quivers with grief. He wished he didn’t have to, but he could and will handle whatever he needs to for his Knight to regain himself. But fuck, that doesn’t mean taking his self destructive habits lying down. He might be Tim right now, but as far as Batman knew, Tim was here on the orders of
Oh, a neutral grunt! I see we’ve upgraded to grunts instead of arm flapping! Holy detective, Batman! Aren’t I glad I learned to speak cave man? Wow! Tim mocked, in his head.
“You’re heading to bed when I’m done with this set,” Tim said.
“This case isn’t done,” Batman growled. Ancients, it was like speaking to a large chihuahua-toddler hybrid. All the barking, all the growling, and all the petulance of a child makes the entirety of how his Knight acted on a good day these days.
“That wasn’t a suggestion,” Tim shot back, sore arms and legs and everything working through the set. Thank the ancients for his healing, or else Tim might actually be dying.
“You don’t give me orders, Robin.”
“No, but Gotham does.” He would know, considering Tim was Gotham.
The head full of greasy- ew, take a shower, B!- hair swiveled towards him.
“You have a direct line to Gotham?”
Tim settled into the final forms of the night. “Gotham sent me. I thought we went over this.”
A beat of silence.
Batman returned to clacking away at the computer. Tim finished his set in relative peace. He moved to the cool down stretches while Batman sulked in front of his computer like a five year old.
“I’m done.” He said, crossing his arms.
“That means you’re done, too.”
“I’m not tired.”
Tim rolled his eyes so hard, he thinks he saw the light. Oh, wait, that’s just Bruce’s last brain cell dying.
“You’re heading to bed. Good luck finding actual crime tomorrow, if you stay up.”
Batman stilled, because he knows Gotham would back Tim up on the threat. Considering the time sensitivity of some of these cases, Gotham’s anger is not something he could risk.
Tim patted himself on the back for effectively playing the good cop and the bad cop on his own. Except ACAB for life because they’re vigilantes and the GCPD as a whole (with exceptions) sucks ass.
He watched as Batman- as Bruce- reluctantly powered down the Bat-Computer. As he stood up, Tim wrinkled his nose.
“Never mind. You take a shower first. I’ll text Alfred.”
“Not necessary.”
“Okay, then you can explain to Gotham why you’re traipsing through his city looking a starved rat and smelling like you took a joy ride in Killer Croc’s excrement. Oh, wait.” Tim snapped, just about done being patient today. Tim whipped out his phone, texting Alfred with one hand and pointing towards the staircase with the other.
“Shower above ground, you weird little mole rat. No cave water for you.”
Bruce makes a weird offended grunt.
“I literally don’t care if you have to walk up to your room to shower in your boxers, B. Most of Gotham’s people don’t have access to a shower, let alone a million dollar bathroom. Fucking use your actual bathroom instead of hosing off.”
And with that, Batman and Bruce Wayne moved to the tune of a pre-teen, who was also, unknowingly to him, the spirit of his City.
“Go home.”
Tim smiled sweetly. Bruce paled. The scary, Gotham loved child patted Bruce’s hand as he sat beside Bruce’s bed.
“Sleep, before I make you.”
Bruce slammed his eyelids shut, anything to not look at Tim’s malicious looking eyes, and allowed himself- nay, forced himself- to rest for the first time in weeks since Jason died.
As Bruce’s dumb self drifted off to dreamland, Tim muttered, “Wuss.”
He settled himself into the chair, napping lightly to make sure Bruce doesn’t sneak out to work when he’s gone.
Alfred snapped a quick picture.
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p0rnd3aler · 1 year
Sanemi x reader
CW: smut, penetrative sex, reader has a pussy and tits, handjob, Sanemi an asshole, drunk sex, enemies to lovers kind of?, there’s a slap somewhere in there but not during the sex
Word Count: 5,609
Yeah I wish I had a reason for doing this one.
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You met Sanemi for the first time after becoming Mitsuri’s Tsuguko. Since you were always literally living with her, you saw Obanai coming over a lot. You didn’t mind the boy, and he didn’t mind you either, actually reacting rather warmly to your presence due to the sheer fact you were Mitsuri’s Tsuguko. He liked to think of you as his and Mitsuri’s sort of love child, as weird as that may seem.
However, since Obanai and Sanemi were so close, you would sometimes see the rather brutish boy while living in the Love Mansion while Obanai was visiting Mitsuri.
These sightings, however, were typically awkward, and you chalk that up to your first meeting.
You were at the hot springs enjoying yourself, when a sudden gust of wind had decided your clothes deserved a dip in the water as well. You looked at the pitiful clothing as it sunk to the bottom, a subtle “well fuck,” leaving your mouth as you dipped below the water to grab it. Shortly after, you head back to the Love Mansion, in nothing but your towel, to ask Mitsuri if she has an extra kimono you can borrow. Once you get there, you ask one of the hinoto in the mansion where Mitsuri is, and they inform you she had left to go eat with Obanai.
Well fuck x2.
You decide Mitsuri wouldn’t mind if you just borrowed one of her kimonos for the evening, in fact she always loves when you borrow her things, so she would probably be ecstatic about it. You head into her room, still wrapped in your towel mind you, and start looking for something to borrow. However, while shuffling through her clothes, you hear her door open behind you, and a low sound. Almost like a gulp? That definitely wasn’t Mitsuri.
Well fuck x3.
You turn your head and see a man, with wild white hair. He’s covered in scars. Jesus, he’s ripped. Somehow his chest is more exposed than yours AND Mitsuri’s. Wow his lashes are so long. Is he blushing?
“Hello, can I help you?” You utter, suddenly conscious of your lack of clothing as you try to be as normal as possible about the petrifying situation.
The man is absolutely red, eyes stuck on your face and not daring to go any lower out of sheer humiliation in his part.
“Is this,” he clears his throat so loudly it sounds like it must’ve hurt “Isn’t this Mitsuri’s room?”
You’re starting to blush, embarrassment finally overtaking the initial shock, still trying to make the situation seem less weird as you respond “Oh yeah it is, but she’s out eating with Obanai. Did you need something specific?” You turn completely towards him and take a step forward “I could pass a message to her if you wa-“
He puts his hands up and interrupts you, averting his gaze to the ground, the wall, anywhere but you
“No no, it’s fine, I was just looking for Obanai anyway. Thanks.”
Sanemi quickly excuses himself and leaves the mansion shortly after. Heading to town, face red and petrified. All he wanted was to ask his friend when they were supposed to go eat, instead he got an eye full of some random girl’s ass AND he got stood up by his friend. He’s so pissed. And embarrassed. And kind of turned on. But mostly pissed. And embarrassed. When he finally finds Obanai and Mitsuri they look shocked. Then they remember they were supposed to be eating WITH him. Mitsuri immediately gasps at the realization and starts apologizing “Oh my God! I’m so sorry! We were so caught up in our conversation we completely forgot!” Obanai pipes in “Yeah, we’re sorry man- wait why are you so red”
Sanemi is so pissed.
He is so pissed but the mortification of what he just experienced is overshadowing his anger so he just gruffs out “It’s fuckin fine I’m fine,” and the three continue their meal like they normally would.
Ever since that fated day you two are EXTREMELY awkward around each other. Though you don’t see each other every day, it’s still often enough for you both to be consistently reminded of your first encounter. Even after learning each others’ names, and engaging in “small talk” (AKA you talking while he wishes he could teleport to anywhere but here) while Mitsuri and Obanai are off canoodling in the background, you are still stiff with the haunting memories of your first meeting together. It stresses Sanemi the fuck out, and his outlet for stress? Taking it out on you. Which wasn’t odd, but he was usually tamer around girls. Not nice, but tamer. With you? He was worse than usual. He was very snappy, and always completely cold and indifferent, and nobody knew why. Obanai and Mitsuri picked up on it, which led to Obanai asking him what was up one day, as the two boys were hanging out alone. After agonizing about it for a couple of minutes Sanemi came clean with Obanai, who laughed his ass off at how stupid the two of you were. Seriously. He also IMMEDIATELY told Mitsuri, who giggled and said “awe, oh nooo, no wonder they turn so red around each other, I thought they were in love.”
You weren’t.
After your first meeting with him, and him being rude to you every time after that, you could care less about his weird ass. You didn’t even care about how you could see his tight abs contract whenever he was training, or how his long lashes shaded his eyes when he looked down in thought. Nope. Not even when his chest heaved after a hard days work, sweat dripping and glistening on every detail of his scarred skin. None of that mattered.
The same way how he NEVER thought about the curve of your ass, or how your damp hair stuck to your breasts, or how your glossy lips pouted whenever he would snap at you. He NEVER considered what it would be like to touch that warm space between your legs and make you tremble for him.
Yeah you were both down bad.
It was driving Obanai crazy. Mitsuri loved it, she thought your guys’ little awkward courtship was adorable. Obanai hated it. He just wanted you two to fuck and get it over with already. “Maybe it’ll get Sanemi to wind the fuck down a bit.” He said.
So they decided to give y’all a little push. It was a team effort for them.
Obanai invited you and Sanemi to go out drinking with him and Mitsuri. Sanemi took some coaxing, but you were excited to see your two best friends and the guy you wanted to fuck, so you eagerly said yes. While you were getting ready you noticed Mitsuri doting on you extra hard, even going as far as doing your makeup and hair for you.
“What’s the point in me wearing makeup? We’re just going drinking” you ask, looking at the ground as she put eyeliner on you
“I’m wearing makeup too, I don’t wanna be the only girl all dressed up! Plus you’re so pretty! It’d be such a shame to not emphasize your features” she gushed over you a bit more, making sure to fluff your breasts a bit before grabbing your hand and skipping out of her room together. She made SURE your tits were out just as much as hers and although you were a bit confused by her sudden attention to detail, you felt pretty damn cute. Sanemi felt the same way, feeling his dick twitch at the sight of your pretty face and your tits nearly spilling out of your kimono.
The walk to the bar felt sooooo long, each time you would try to talk to him he couldn’t help but see your tits bounce with each step in his peripheral vision, so he opted to not look at you at all. Answering everything with short “yeah”s and “mhm”s. You couldn’t help but feel suddenly self conscious. You started getting down on yourself, ‘is he so unattracted to me that even makeup doesn’t help?’ And you suddenly felt like a clown for putting in so much effort just to be ignored. Meanwhile he was trying his best to coax his brain to think of traumatic events just so he doesn’t bust in his pants in front of you, God, and his best friend.
A couple feet in front of you two Obanai and Mitsuri are gossiping about you both.
“Why aren’t they talking?” The Love Hashira was frantic
“Babe, they’re idiots” he got his cheek pinched for that, quickly uttering “it’s trueee! But things will work themselves out! They just need this one little push.”
Mitsuri anxiously glances back, trying not to be obvious. When she sees the look on sanemi’s face, and the way you’re anxiously fiddling with the belt of your kimono, both of you blushing like virgins? She starts smirking. Turning forward and lacing her arm with Obanai before leaning over and whispering “You were righhhtttttt!”
“I knowwwwww!” He whispered back.
They were so in love it made you guys wanna puke. In an endearing way. It was like watching your parents kiss as a child, and it gave both you and Sanemi a slightly less awkward feeling.
“God, those two were made for each other.”
You think out loud
Sanemi nods and almost smiles, wearing a lopsided grin “They’re so in love it makes me sick.”
You laugh at his joke, making the couple in front of you look at each other with wide eyes, and making the poor man next to you almost buckle at the knees.
“Awww no way…maybe just a little” you reply with just a little bit of snark, which makes Sanemi warm up to you a little bit more. Not that you, or anybody else would ever know that, because he’s hell bent on staying emotionally constipated for the rest of his days. But deep down, underneath the constipated surface, he genuinely likes you. He was just VERY sexually frustrated. And an asshole. Plus his last crush died. He’s a little traumatized be patient.
You guys finally got to the bar, and immediately ordered some sake. They forced you and Sanemi to sit next to each other, making you both blush and fidget awkwardly. Once the drinking started, you and Sanemi started to loosen up a bit. Not with each other, though, you both just started talking to mitsuri and Obanai. Suddenly you got too excited, talking to the Love Hashira about something funny you remembered, and lost your balance slightly, bumping into Sanemi. With a little liquid courage in him, he was brave enough to steady you with both of his hands uttering a gentle but gruff
“Are you alright?”
“Mhm,” you look up at him with your flushed face, your glossy eyes gazing up at him through your pretty lashes and reply with a small “Thank you.” He feels his dick throb in his pants and panics. He quickly pushes you off of his body and steadies you back on your seat before ripping his hands from your body as if you were scalding hot. He’s stressed as hell with both of his hands on his knees mumbling “Don’t fucking mention it,” albeit, a little more aggressively than he meant it, he’s just so fucking frustrated, and he doesn’t know what to do. He wants you so bad but he doesn’t know how to initiate anything romantic, so he just suffers in his own little sexually frustrated hell. And you DO NOT make it easy on him. However, you slump a little at his attitude, wondering why he always has to treat you this way. Mitsuri notices how sad you look and before your drunk girl tears can start she ushers you to the bathroom. She grabs your hand and forces you to skip all the way there with her, making your mood brighten just a bit.
Whilst in your own little girl bubble together, she looks at you and says
You raise an eyebrow at her “Sooo…what?”
She suddenly stopped walking and grabbed both of your hands, swinging you in front of her gently before whispering to you
“What’s up with you and Sanemi?”
You start to pout “is it that obvious?”
“YES!” She says a little too loudly, earning looks from a couple drinkers who are still close enough to hear you “you both turn so red and get so awkward around each other!”
“I wish!” You admit, the alcohol erasing all caution about your crush on him “He totally hates me…”
“Not from what Obanai tells me!” She says in a bright little whisper, “Cheer up. He’s got a rough personality, but he does like you. We can both tell.” You try not to roll your eyes at your sweet, sweet friend, but you can’t help but feel like she’s just trying to spare your feelings. You give her a little smile and say “Okay, okay. Thank you.” She nods, hands you her hair comb, and says “Go cool off a bit in the bathroom, fix your hair a little, and come back out when you feel as pretty as you look tonight.”
You can’t help but hug her sweet ass. You both have a little drunk girl hug moment, giggling and doting on each other, before you both finally let go. Mitsuri skipping back to the table, and you entering the bathroom to fix yourself up again. You splash a little cool water on your face, which helps you sober up just the tiniest bit, smooth down your hair a bit, and after a couple of minutes of deep breathing, you head back out there, getting back to the table, just to see Mitsuri and Obanai getting ready to leave.
“Hey, where are you guys going?”
Obanai looks at you and looks back at Mitsuri, her being mostly carried by him and barely conscious.
“She’s had a little too much to drink, so I’m just gonna take her back to my place so I can keep an eye on her,” he hoists her up in his grip a bit, “…make sure she doesn’t choke on her own puke.”
You nod hesitantly, not because you doubt Iguro, you know he would never do anything bad to Mitsuri, you just didn’t know where this left you and Sanemi.
“Sanemi, d’you mind walking her home?” Obanai speaks, gesturing to you with a slight jerk of his head. Sanemi sputters “Wha? No way, she’s a Tsuguko she can walk herse-“
“Don’t. Be. An ass. Just walk the poor girl home.” Obanai snips at him, before hoisting Mitsuri up on his back, and piggybacking her out of there.
Sanemi grumbles and drags his hands dramatically down his face in exasperation. You can’t help but feel awkward and kind of hesitant about walking home with him. You both sit there in silence for a couple of minutes.
“Hey, don’t worry about walking me home, I’ll just tell them that you did. Don’t worry about it.”
He sighs dramatically in response “Shut the fuck up. Let’s go.” He stands up straight, tosses some money on the table, and grabs your hand roughly before walking towards the exit. As rough as his grip is, you can’t help but blush because this is the most physical contact you guys have had with each other. Most of the walk back was spent with you both silently blushing, and holding hands, painfully wishing that the other wouldn’t bring it up.
“Sanemi, you’re going kind of fast, I can’t keep up.”
“Shut up. You’re fucking fine.”
His grip on your hand tightens. You frown softly to yourself the rest of the way back. The speed of his pace evidence enough that he would rather be anywhere but here, anywhere except next to you. It sucks wanting to be with him. You start to think bitterly to yourself.
Once you both get back, he walks you towards the door to the mansion, stops slightly right of it, and roughly tugs you from behind him to shove you towards the door.
“There. You’re home for fucks sake.”
He turns to leave, but you’re fed the fuck up at this point. Even when he’s drunk he’s still an asshole.
“Why do you always have to be such a dick?”
He immediately stops, pivoting around and stomping towards you, making you back up until your back hits the wall. He slams both of his hands on the wall behind you, trapping you between them.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
You glare up at him “Why the FUCK are you such a DICK all the time?”
He scoffs with his brows raised, and starts to mock you “Oh, what, somebody doesn’t blow smoke up your ass about how hot you are for once and suddenly your whole night’s ruined?” The way his speech is slightly slurred is the only telltale sign he’s just as drunk as you.
You make a bewildered face at him.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Is-is this about that one time?”
He also makes a bewildered face at you.
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m talkin about that time when you walked in on me!”
His whole face turns red and he finally moves his arms off the wall in favor of covering his face with his hands and screaming into them.
You watch on with indifference, if not slight confusion. Eyebrow raised at him as he’s doubled over screaming by himself.
“I think you’re the worst thing that’s happened to me since I became a demon slayer”
You interrupt his meltdown with your own little outburst, honestly you just wanted to hurt his feelings too for once. However, this causes him to straighten up slowly, and inhale before removing his hands from his face.
“Oh yeah? What a privileged life you live, to have some guy who doesn’t want you be the worst thing that’s happened to you. Do you know what everyone else here has BEEN through?” He starts slowly stalking towards you, making you back up to the wall again. “Seems like we’ve all earned our places here except you, doesn’t it?” He stops about half of a foot in front of you “You think I’m the worst thing that’s happened to YOU? You dumb fucking bitch. You’re fucking delusional. Just you wait. Being here will-“
It all happened so fast.
Your palm stung from smacking him, he suddenly went silent, then he looked at you. Cheek bright red and stinging.
Then, he was grabbing your ass and kissing you. It was so, so desperate, too. As soon as his lips came into contact with yours, his palms grabbing handfuls of your ass, he groaned. You kissed back immediately, of course, your hands taking purchase in his hair and grabbing at the roots gently. He parted from you, panting for a second as he moved to suck on your bottom lip. His hands pulled you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you into the Love mansion. He stumbled drunkenly down the hall towards the rooms, you parting from him and quickly whispering a
Once he gets to your bedroom door. Then he slides it open, steps inside, and immediately slams it it shut. He lowers both of you to the ground, himself on top of you. He removes his right hand from your ass and places it on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb gently. He stops kissing you just to speak with your lips still touching
“Fuck…wanted you for so long,”
He’s rutting his rock hard dick against your pussy, your kimono exposing you panties and leaving very little separating you from him. He starts feverishly kissing you again. He bites your bottom lip then runs his tongue across it, pulling away to give little kisses to it as his horny little apology for being rough with it. Runs his tongue along the roof of your mouth, just to lick the inside of your teeth and make you shiver. His left thumb sneaks under your panties, and starts rubbing at your pussy. He rubs at your slit, and accidentally touches your clit making you jump. He stops moving and pulls his tongue out of your mouth to look down at you, going back and rubbing the same spot, making you whine soooo sweetly for him. He leans down and sucks at your neck, rubbing your clit again, this time a little rougher, making you moan and your hips do a little jerk against his touch. You feel him smirking as he switches to suck on the other side of your neck
“Right there?” He huffs out, his voice is so low and raspy in your ear, as he rubs another little circle in your clit, making you moan once again as your panties start to dampen his hard cock. He groans at your reaction
“Ohhhh yeah…it’s right there isn’t it baby…your pussy’s slobbering all over my dick, it must feel so good” at this point he’s rubbing it mercilessly, and you’re panting and grinding against his touch letting out a breathy
“Yes baby, right there baby,” and god if your breathy little voice doesn’t send him over the edge. He leans back on his heels and hooks both hands into your panties before roughly tugging them down your legs, looking down with his face bright red and his eyes glossy and desperate for you. His eyes watch as your pussy drips down your ass and onto the floor, and he whimpers at the sight.
He whimpered.
You can’t help but spread your legs for him, and the sight of you doing that before him makes him wonder what he ever did that made the Universe think he deserved this. He groans as he looms over you, the sight of him like this makes all your blood rush to your pussy.
His hairs disheveled, his shirt baggy and showing his buff, heaving chest. His mouth open and panting, his eyes pitiful and screaming “I’m sorry I just wanna put it in you so bad” the sight of him reduced to this alone is enough to make you cum. He kisses you again, leaning on one hand and using the other to thumb at your nipple. You both moan into each others mouths once he touches it, and he stops kissing you so he can start sucking hickies onto your chest. The feeling of his rough lips against your tender skin making you moan. You place your hands on the back of his head, a silent plea to not stop, as you start rubbing your wet pussy against his clothed dick. He groans pitifully against his mouthful of your tit and you feel his dick throb against you. You can’t help but let your jaw slack at everything going on right now. You continue grinding against him and his pops off of your tit, leaving a huge mark on it, and he starts licking at your nipple, tweaking the other with his hand. You moan and jump at the sensation, and he looks up at you with those pitiful eyes again, half lidded as he takes your nipple into his mouth and starts sucking on it, groaning into your skin when he feels how wet you get on his dick after he does that. You grip his hair at the root and pull him off your nipple with a loud and wet pop, and he lets out a guttural groan at the sensation. Your tits covered in his spit and hickies, and his toned body heaving against yours as he pants.
“Sanemi…” you reach your hand under the waistband of his pants and grab his painfully hard dick, forcing a broken moan out of him
“I need you so bad.” You whine back at him. He nods breathlessly, and you start pushing his shirt off his shoulders. Watching his large pecs and the harsh lines of his abs twitch with excitement as he pulls his dick out, making you raise your brows in aroused shock.
He’s so thick, his cock so heavy that even though he’s the hardest he’s ever been in his life, it’s still weighed down by his sheer girth. His dick starts weeping precum and it drips down to your clit perfectly. Before he can do anything you lean up and grab it, drooling down onto his dick and jerking it as you look up at him, rest your chin against his abs as he looks down at you. God the face he’s making is so fucking hot, his lips are slightly colored from your lipstick rubbing off on him, and he just looks so utterly pitiful as he lets out a string of broken moans and sobs, the sight of your pretty face looking up at him as you jerk off his dick reduces him to a little puddle of desperation, and he quickly cums at the sight in front of him, shooting ropes onto your chest and grunting out a loud
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck-k yes please,” he wheezes in desperation as you start jerking him faster, overstimulating him “pleaseeee, yes pleeeassee fu-uck fuck yes, ohhhhh, oh God” his eyes start rolling back as he puts one hand on the back of your head, and the other on your cheek
“Let me put it in. Please, need to be inside you”
He starts leaning you back down, positioning himself over you, resting on one elbow with his hand behind your head, and placing his other hand over the one you have still holding his cock before he starts pushing the tip inside of you. He tightens his grip on your hand as he teases his head in and out of your hole, forcing some high pitched moans out of you, and getting a couple of throaty groans out of him as well. Your pussy sucks his whole tip inside, and you both whimper pitifully. He takes his hand off of yours and rests it next to your head, stroking your hair lightly as he starts slowly humping his dick into you. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, letting out a little desperate “mhm” for every inch that he sinks deeper into you. When he finally gets balls deep, you feel his entire length twitch, as he whimpers a little choked-out-high-pitched “fuck” and takes in shaky breath. You’ve been panting and moaning, desperate since he started fucking himself into you, and the feeling of his fat balls resting and twitching against your ass has your head spinning and your pussy squeezing him even tighter.
He starts with a slow drag out of your pussy, his whole body trembling with need but he’s trying so, so hard to be gentle with you because he knows once he loses himself in this he’s not gonna stop. And he slowly slides himself back to the very hilt. He doesn’t wanna hurt you, but he’s been waiting for you for so long and you feel “fuck you’re so tight and fucking wet oh my god.” He tilts his head up and his eyes flutter open and look down at you, he swallows hard. The thumb on the hand he still has on the back of your head starts stroking your hair, the hand that was next to you now stroking your cheek as he looks down at you so deep and vulnerable, his cheeks still flushed as he starts grinding with his dick still buried inside you, rubbing against your g spot and cervix as his base rubbed your clit so sweetly
“Fuuuuuuuck Sanemi, oh god” you keen underneath him, you bring one hand up to his face as you start stroking his cheek gently too, your other hand gripping harshly at his pants. You’re both moaning and panting while maintaining eye contact, and you can’t help but feel your heart flutter at the intimacy and vulnerability of it all.
“Is…is this okay?” He asks you, all breathy and raspy. His voice goes straight to your pussy and you whine a shaky
You wrap your legs around his waist and try to pull him impossibly deeper
“I’ve wanted you for a long time too”
You say, and god your voice is oh so sweet and light with arousal.
“Really?” His cheeks get redder, he starts grinding harder against you as his thumb that was stroking your cheek goes lower to start rubbing your clit
“Ah! Yes! Wanted you so bad!”
He smiles down at you and god he looks so soft, so beautiful, fuck. The way he’s rubbing your clit makes it burn with pleasure and you start bubbling little praises for him
“So good”, “so big”, “you’re so pretty, nemi”
He’s blushing and he stops grinding into you just to start pulling out and and thrusting into you, slow and soft, his abs flexing as his chest rubs against yours. He shifts and and accidentally changes the angle of his hips, so when he starts thrusting directly into your g-spot and your pussy clamps down as you squeal with pleasure, he stops, worried that he’s hurt you
“Oh fuck, ‘r you okay?”
“Yes please, please, please don’t stop. Fuck. Right there keep going please baby”
He just looks at you, eyes half lidded and pussy drunk as he nods and starts thrusting harder into you, right into that little soft spot inside you. Your pussy drooling around his cock so much it drips down to his balls and makes a disgusting squelching sound everytime he buries himself into you.
He groans, deep and raspy at the sound
He starts rubbing your clit faster, looking down at you with his sweet, red, and fucked out face
“Cum on it…” he’s panting, his voice raspy from being so loud “…wanna see the look in your eyes as you fall apart. For me.” He starts picking up his pace, your tits bouncing with each thrust and your drawn out moans punctuated by his rhythm. You feel the heat flooding in your pussy and your cheeks, placing both hands on his shoulders to ground yourself,
“Nemi, Nemi,” you let out a wet sob “gonna cummmm” he lets out a depraved moan that pushes you over the edge he feels your pussy squeezing and squirting all over him. You scream as your toes curl and your legs tighten around his waist. He gasps and whimpers out
“Yesss…please, fuck, oh god…” he’s still humping himself into you, getting more and more desperate for his own release, the after shocks of your orgasm making your pussy squeeze the life out of him and he whimpers
“I’m ‘bout to cum…please…please…let me do it inside” he starts rubbing your clit faster, overstimulating you in hopes you’ll let him claim you like this. Your legs shake around him, hands still on his face as you nod “do it, baby, empty it as deep as you can. Want it so bad” he lets out the saddest, hottest broken sob as he empties himself balls deep in side of you. His whole body’s shaking and he’s moaning and whimpering as he grinds himself as deep as possible and fucks his cum deeper into you while he comes down from his high. He finally collapses, and you both are panting, sticky, and completely spent after you first time together. He brings his arms around your waist and rolls off of you, subsequently pulling your body on top of his instead, and moving one of his hands to your head to rub it gently. You’re both still catching your breath, as he finally speaks
“I…I’m bad with words.”
You lift your head off his chest to look at him, he’s looking at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact for now.
He continues “But…I’ve liked you. A long time. ’m sorry I didn’t say anything before,” he takes a hand off you momentarily to vaguely gesture to you, “,this. But I hope that you still…i don’t know…” he trails off, starting to feel embarrassed by the vulnerability and not comfortable enough with the feelings to express the properly.
“I like you too.”
He finally looks at you following your response, and he sits up a little, with him leaning back on one elbow to look at you and you leaning forward on your elbows to look at him.
“I know we both have our…rough spots but,” you continue and place one hand over his
“maybe we could work on them? Together?”
In a rare, soft moment with him he laces his fingers with yours and nods. You both smile sweetly at each other, in the beginnings of a puppy love together, and sit in silence for a bit
“Sorry I slapped you, by the way.”
He snorts and ruffles your hair, you giggle and try to swat his hand away.
“It’s whatever, you’re lucky it was hot.”
The next day, as Obanai is bringing Mitsuri back, they’re walking down the hall to her room when your door opens up, and out emerges the two of you. Covered in fucking hickies with your hair a mess smiling like fools. Obanai immediately has to slap a hand over Mitsuri’s mouth as she starts to guffaw at the state of you two, Obanai at a loss words.
“I…can’t deal with this right now,” and he continues dragging a chortling Mitsuri back to her room so they can gossip about what the hell they just saw.
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soulaires · 9 months
hiii can I request for grumpy!reader x sunshine!kenji hcs plz I love that man so much 😩 and that trope is such a 🤌
also can I be 🪸anon?!?!?!
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pairings: grumpy!reader x sunshine!kenji kishimoto.
warnings: absolutely shitty pick up lines and horrible attempt at flirting. also sexual innuendos lol
summary: kenji and his intimidating gf
notes: I need this man so bad I’m not even joking. Also yes you can be my coral anon 🫶(you guys can claim any emoji you guys wishes) also kenji is orange while you are purple.
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you absolutely hated kenji when you first met him.
he was obnoxiously loud, very annoying, doesn’t read the room, and sarcastic. way too sarcastic.
although his little sarcasm comments really can make you break a character
while you hated him at first sight, you absolutely caught his attention when you arrived at omega point.
he was stars truck that he mad it a goal to impress you, to notice him and maybe, maybe you can possibly like him back.
when in training, he’s really trying so hard to impress you
you noticed him once with a comment saying “nice work, kishimoto.” and he absolutely froze at that moment
he had it imprinted on his mind, treasure the moment on his heart, and blush at the moment every time he remembers it.
he actually like the way you played hard to get, or at least that were you doing instead of genuinely hating his ass
he says random pickup line at you.
and will always try to insert his flirty comments.
are you a map? ‘cause I just got lost in your eyes, princess.
hey, I think I have a low iron cause every time I get up too fast I always end up falling for you.
no pen, no paper…but you still draw my attention.
the sunflowers would mistake you for the sun, all turning to look at you.
hey, what’s the month date today again?
It’s may now. may I finally be yours?
hey, Princess. Do you know the word of the day?
the what???
word of the day. it’s ‘legs’ so, why don’t we go home and spread the word?
no pickup lines today?
nah, don’t have any pick up lines cause I’m not tryna be picked up I’m trynna be pinned down. he smirks
It’s stupid, really.
but sometimes you find yourself blushing and a small smile coming at your lips
and of course, it won’t get unnoticed by him. he always feel proud at himself and a smug smirk is displaying his face
and, you sometimes tease him by flirting back.
“hey, how’s my favorite girl doing?” Kenji said as he enters the gym.
“your favorite girl is doing okay. how about her favorite boy, hmm?” you replied, as your eyes are still focused on the lifts. With the lack of reply, you look at him and there he was, standing frozenly as his cheeks painted tomato red.
“that was smooth.” He finally said after a solid minutes.
“wanna see if my lips are too?” you replied with a smirk.
“Watch out, sweetheart. You kinda sound like you’re flirting when we argue.” Kenji suddenly said as you guys argue over something stupid, again. You only roll your eyes as a response that make him chuckle.
“Whoa, watch at that attitude, princess, yeah?” he said after he whistled.
“attitude isn’t the only reason my eyes roll back.” you countered with a smirk, staring directly at his eyes.
“relationship are 50/50, you are a catch, so am I.”
“yeah right, a relationship is 50/50 you give me your last name while I scream your first.”
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when you finally smile at him openly he gets caught off guard like
wow??? you are so beautiful??
He still continues to win you over even when he already has!
he calls you sunshine ironically because you are actually just the grumpy black cat gf
I don’t need protection.
yeah, believe me she doesn’t .
he calls you sweetheart, princess, pretty girl, baby and ma’am
you who glares while kenji just grins
he loves the way you laughed at his stupid jokes
you are laughing. I told a joke and you are laughing. I LOVE YOU.
kenji who looks at you first when he makes sarcastic comments / jokes to see if you are laughing.
My girl not allowed to watch IT cause i'm the only clown she needs in her life
LOVES LOVES the way you glare at everyone but smiles only at him.
like he is your only exception make him wanna just marry you right there
gets jealous when you suddenly a lot less grumpy in warners presence
he scrutinizing the fuck out of him FOR REAL
he will never admit that he's jealous of warner for his pride and ego cus he know warner only doing it to get on too him
but he will pout and will sass you
he will play pranks on someone who flirt with you using his ability to be invisible
It really gets handy
anddd aaron warner is always the victim of it
I mean yes, Warner can sense him BUT not when someone is really keeping him distracted
EHEM juliette EHEM
can't keep his laugh whenever warner come out annoyed at him bc of the pranks
“Remind me again, what did you even like about kishimoto?” Warner asks while kenji just huffed.
you, who is reading a book blatantly says without looking up, “his personality.” you feel someone’s pair of eyes on you
Warner raised his eyebrows, surprised. “Really now?”
“Fuck you mean by that?” Kenji interpreted while warner look at him with disgust on his eyes.
“yeah, i was surprised too.” you replied which cause your boyfriend to gasp dramatically and warner who chuckled.
Kenji grabbed at his chest dramatically, “wow. Betrayed by my own girl?” You laughed at him while you gave him a kiss on his temple while Warner rolled his eyes and left. Kenji who still annoyed at warner ignored it while he sassyingly left.
he ignored you for a solid 1 hour and then he comes at you asking for cuddles
he peppered some kisses on your face and calls it "skincare"
he puts flowers onto your hair
you always dig holes into someone just by glaring, and he'd bend down gently and lean over to whisper, “why don't we like them?”
he follows you like a puppy
whenever you stand up to go somewhere HE FOLLOWS.
he worships the ground you walk on
he sees you a gift from God
he loves to be babied by you
but will never admit it
at the end, he is your sunshine to your cloudy mood.
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simcardiac-arrested · 2 years
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BOO!!!!! sillyguy jumpscare
“looks like a raver ancient built him” - my friend
“i am SUCH a fan of how you make all of your fanocs annoying himbos with unnecessary swag” - my other friend
“he’s fresh sans” - like, two people
so — he’s finally here!!! the Basketball!!!! be warned INSANE and MINDBLOWING loredrop below‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ as well as some general trivia about NWB + some more silly doodles
The Ancients, dissatisfied with the very prominent lack of results the Iterator project was bringing, began having doubts. Perhaps they had gone about this the wrong way? After all, the jellyfish that doesn’t try is the one that doesn’t get caught in the net. It seemed they had made their design of the Iterators inherently flawed — they tried too hard to solve the Problem, over and over and over again.
It was time for something new. An alternative.
And so, the idea for the Anti-Iterator project was brought into the world — a whole generation of Iterators that didn’t try. Some called it redundant, some pointless. But it convinced plenty, certainly enough to make that idea a reality, and the plan came into fruition.
No Way Back was the first created; his name was given to him to signify a turning point, a new era of Iterators. One that would bring with it change and, hopefully, finally, a solution.
so anyway NWB did absolutely nothing except talk excessively about the ancients’ fashion and sometimes ask them for their drip clothes for his collection and also make cringefail music. the project was discontinued immediately
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- makes the shittiest sounding music possible, sincerely believes it’s peak art. if you don’t think the same way he’ll say You dont get it. You just dont
- fan of fashion, art & history, but in a normal way (unlike pebbles). really wishes he could have a whole wardrobe of clothes like his creators, but they’re all gone now </3 and even back then when they were all still alive they. did not like giving him stuff (they did not like him)
- one of them did give him the nikeys though
- most of his creators deemed him useless and didn’t particularly care for him. however, some of them (usually the kids) liked talking with NWB, and he enjoyed interacting with them too. he kind of misses the ancients even if they were asses
- is an enigma to his local group: he barely sends messages, and when he does it’s wildly off topic, and literally NEVER about work related stuff. occasionally he’ll drop his “bangers” in the groupchat and ask for opinions. unfortunately most of the iterators ignore him because they find him annoying (and useless as well. very ancientcore of them)
- kind of incomprehensible. he just says things
- doesn’t really have a god complex so he’s generally friendly, open-minded and easy going, but if you’re mean to him he’ll go Wow. Not cool, man. and he’ll probably give you a lecture like a 90s PSA
- calls himself a DJ. doesn’t even have a proper DJ name. probably doesn’t even know what a club is
- fan of nature, enjoyer of life. has no friends and no purpose but doesn’t let it get to him. at least he can make the equivalent of cbat 2 and force every iterator in the world to listen to it
- he’s stupid but he’s also really smart because. supercomputer. however he chooses to not use his brain and instead be silly. he thinks it’s funnier that way
- sometimes sends his music to other iterators besides his local group’s. they also ignore him
- you really can’t tell when he’s being ironic or not, and whether he’s really THAT dumb or if he’s just trolling. one thing for sure — he loves to mess with the stuck-up iterators from his local group if they decide to bother him
- if the ancients had any equivalent of the 80s, he would’ve been a very very big fan of it
- loves animals too. would call slugcat “little dude”
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leave your thoughts in the COMMENTS below!!! remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and listen to DJNWB on SPOTIFY (suddenly becomes normal) if you have any questions feel free to ask and i will answer. i love this guy he’s my everything
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fanartka · 7 months
I love so many different ships with Strange and each relationship develops so differently. I like Clea Strange because she is always Strange's equal, she is not a damsel in distress, but in the same way studies magic and fighting and can take on the responsibilities of protecting her world or Earth.
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I don’t know in which country what the habits are, but here in Ukraine, on March 8th, men usually congratulate women something like “you are such gentle and beautiful flowers, thank you for decorating our lives so much, inspiring us so much, take care of us. We wish you to always remain so beautiful, we wish you to find true female happiness (this means finding a man and getting married successfully), etc. " Then they give us a frying pan or some household item, as if this is exactly the one thing that every woman dreams of, flower and sometimes husbands take the responsibility of cooking on this day. Wow.
Of course, this is not done out of malice. None of them, or almost no one, I’m sure, wants to somehow offend a woman with such behavior, but just think about this.
March 8 is the day of women’s solidarity in the struggle for equal rights, for the right to be not only a muse and “hearth keeper,” but also for the right to simply be human. for the right that women, those who literally create and raise humanity, throughout the history of mankind, did not have, except for small historical moments of relaxation in some societies, and then very weak ones. And in many countries they still don’t. And it’s incredibly wild and painful.
This is the right to be not only a flower and decoration of a man’s life, but also to decide your own destiny. And all we hear in this day is "be kind as spring, be gentle as flower, here's a pan, isn't it everything you wish?"
I am so happy to live in a time when I can live my own life and earn my own living. My father could not marry me off against my will, and, knowing his character, he would have done so if he had the opportunity. I have the right to manage my property and have received an education. Such simple joys of a free person that many women did not even dare to dream about a hundred years ago.
I would like to thank all the women who made this possible for us, suffragettes, feminists, who demanded equal pay, demanded to reduce the working day from 16 to 10 hours, demanded voting rights. They were beaten and thrown into prison, barbarically force-fed when they went on hunger strike. Society hounded and mocked them, just google the caricatures of those years.
The most offensive thing is that women themselves were part of the bullying society, those who were taught to be obedient and comfortable and who taught this to their daughters, spreading from century to century the ideology of second-classness, which is very destructive for women. And even now in many countries, when terrible stories happen like a father and his sons trying to kill their daughter because she married whoever she wanted, the mother supports the killers, and not her own child, because the shame is on the woman. Always on the woman, no matter what they do to her. Being raped is a shame, being childless is a shame, giving birth out of wedlock is a shame. She left her husband who beats her - it’s a shame. She wore pants instead of a dress with a corset - well, you get the idea.
So many unfortunate broken flowers throughout history.
And just imagine how much faster humanity could develop if not only one half of humanity were allowed to create and learn! Look at the fandom artists and writers, most of them are girls. Now remove all the girls from the list of all fandom artists, leaving only the guys, and you will understand what humanity has been deprived of for thousands of years. Guys, your work is also wonderful, I have nothing against you. But I just see how many artists there are women, it’s just 70 or 80 percent, at least of those whose work I see on social networks or on Pinterest. We had frightening losses that we did not even notice, and many beautiful drawings and many wonderful stories withered and decayed in home notebooks and albums in attics, because women were not published. Only children's books, that's all you're good for.
I like living in this time.
I like to see how younger couples around me are gradually getting used to the fact that household responsibilities are not only the woman’s business, but also the man’s. And really, how weird it was. When a man worked at work and a woman at home, this could still be dealt with. But when both work, to think that after work a woman should bring groceries, cook food, clean, do homework with the children while the man rests after work - this is nonsense! But our women have lived like this for almost a hundred years, and many still live by this ingrained habit and teach their daughters this, “otherwise the husband will leave for another, a better and more comfortable housewife.” When will this end?!
I see many film studios, including Marvel, trying to be on trend and in line with the spirit of the times, but doing it so ineptly and without the slightest understanding that it causes more frustration than gratitude.
It’s the same as if you asked for bread in a store, but they covered it with cream and glitter, wrapped it in pink packaging and didn’t let you carry it yourself, otherwise it would suddenly be too heavy and you wouldn’t be able to handle it. And we just need simple, honestly earned bread.
Often in films they try to show a strong female character as some kind of Mary-Sue, an imba, a standard Superman, but in a skirt. And to emphasize this, such heroines are shown as almost super-cool, emotionless robots against the backdrop of stupid, weak men.
But this is not what we would like to see, not what women and humanity need.
I can't speak for all women, but I think we don't want to be the strongest males. We want to be able to become as strong as our character will allow, if we want to. We don't want to be stronger than anyone, we don't need to surround ourselves with weaklings to feel strong. We want an equal partner who will never say something like "I'm a man, so I'm in charge. You're a woman, so submit and don't talk back."
It's scary to think how many women still live in a world where they are forbidden to live their lives the way they want; where they are tortured and no one, not family, not the state, will protect them, because this is “the norm and traditions.”
So on the holiday of March 8, I wish all women that they live in a world where their equal rights with men will become such a common thing that they will never think that it could be otherwise. and men, knowing that a woman can divorce and leave him if he offends her, will become less aggressive and more understanding. I’m not saying that all men are like this, but, unfortunately, very often practice shows that as soon as a woman becomes dependent on a man, for example, while caring for a baby, husbands begin to take advantage of this and behave... as they should not there would be.
So, congratulations with March 8, girls. Remember the millennia that we lived without rights. Appreciate the rights we have now. Help those who still don’t have them. And be happy living your life the way you want.
P.S. I may make mistakes in English, I will be grateful if you point them out to me if you notice them.
Also feel free to write anything, share a thought or story if you wish.
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Hi! Your writing makes my giddy. It looks like requests are open, so if you wouldn’t mind, how about the Bad Batch (maybe plus Rex and Gregor) and if they had a significant other who is muscular, just totally jacked. SFW and gender neutral, please. Even if you don’t write it, I wish you happy days!
Strong Significant Other
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All Bad Batch Boys + Rex and Gregor X GN!Reader
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As the request asks ♥️
Warnings: none, mentions of muscular gender neutral reader. Fluff and a little mention of competitiveness.
A/N: thank you for the kind words and sorry for the wait! They’re a little short as my mind doesn’t like to work atm 😒 but enjoy ♥️
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Echo 💪
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Echo didn’t think much of it first. Obviously he saw how well-built you were especially around the arm area but it wasn’t until he witnessed you carry two heavy crates with weaponary that made his skin tingle excitedly.
He was in awe and before you got in a relationship he would admire your strength in silent admiration. He is not at all threatened that you are probably stronger than him as he adores you all the same.
Tech 💪
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Tech acknowledges your strength almost immediately and sees it as a tactical tool for missions in the future. However, when things start to form between the two of you he treats you no different.
Don’t be shocked if he asks for your hand in replacement of Wrecker when it comes to heavy repairs on his ship as he loves speaking to you of them all. And at the same time, you can help rip out ship components he needs whilst you listen to him babble about whatever he desires.
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Obsessed. In both a good and bad way.
When you first joined the squad he had a horrible feeling he was going to be replaced when he saw how defined your muscles were. He stayed silent for once and watched your strength in action on the battle field but when he discovers you’re not as strong as he is, he’s a little smug.
There was slight competitiveness when it came between the two of you which he started (of course) by asking if you could lift this or watch him lift that and so on. But, you mutually bonded because of it! His pride in his muscles is still at the top and he really likes having a strong partner too. It makes gym a lot more exciting too.
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When he first laid his eyes on the muscles in your calves and thighs, his head nearly explodes. You had both been dating for a while but for some reason it has only taken a few months to fully notice how jacked you were… and he loves it!
You were both sparring and he was a little surprised when you knocked him on his rear a good few too many times that he had reached out to grab your leg to pull you down but instead grabbed shear muscle.
“Oh, wow! Work out much?” He chuckles warmly to which you shrug playfully.
“Just a bit.”
Crosshair 💪
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Now this guy is a little more complicated. He acts unbothered by your strength and defined features but he is a little jealous. He knew he was always on the leaner and slim side - still muscular but clearly not as much as you were.
He always had a snappy remark about anyone he meets but with you? No. He is in awe and when he’s scoping ahead and keeping targets off your back, he sometimes gets distracted when he sees you rip a clankers head clean off without as much as a grunt. He would smirk and nod his head approvingly. “That’s my cyare.”
Rex 💪
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Truthfully, Rex did not notice how jacked you were until one day he is walking by one of the gyms on Kamino when he spots you through the window, lifting weights that he knew he definitely could not lift himself. His eyes widen in quiet surprise and he observed you for a moment too long because when you caught him staring, his cheeks caught aflame and he scampers off as if he was on a man on an important mission. But, he was very impressed with what he saw.
When the two of you get together eventually, you like to tease him about that day you caught him gawping at you to which he only replies; ‘can you blame me? You looked incredible’.
Gregor 💪
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This handsome man is strictly infatuated with your body. Not only your face but your physique would send his mind whirling and sometimes he would act like an excitable pup when he sees you do something impressive.
Although he can do a lot of stuff himself, he would be his cheeky self and ask if you could ‘lift’ something for him but that’s just to see you at work and admire your strength.
He always reminds you on how lucky, amazed and bewildered by how incredible you look. On your low days, he is always there to give you lots of love and attention and would offer a massage if you’re ever feeling tense. To be fair, this man could not take his eyes and hands off of you.
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dufferpuffer · 22 days
Albus CoS: Hm... I don't have many DADA teacher options this year... I can't ask the Ministry to supply someone, they suck - and I can't ask the Governors to pick someone, they're headed by Malfoy...
Well, I suppose could spin Gilderoy into a good learning experience for Harry: After his burst of fame last year I worry he might grow a big head, like I did after my first year. I can't teach him that lesson... it must be scared out of him early so it doesn't fester.
Gilderoy makes Severus look exceptionally good, which is necessary. It will teach Harry which adults he can trust, since he struggled with that so much last year... I wish he would trust me but I can't force that. I must give him space and try to foster it slowly. Besides, it's for the best if I don't start to care for the boy on a personal level. That has never ended well.
I'll keep my distance, but make sure to tell him he can share anything with me, that he is a good boy I support - and that help will always come to him if he asks for it. To talk to the teachers he trusts. To know that he is supported even if I am not here. That should do. He wishes to be a little independent... but last time I let that independence truly flourish in a boy it went quite badly. This time I will put more pressure upon relying on others.
-- He comes back to the school to find out Harry didn't seek any adult help - planned to get Minerva's help but TURNED TO GILDEROY INSTEAD, Went off on his own to face certain death WITH GILDEROY AS A PRISONER All because he had a feeling 'he was the only one who could' Then, right after this traumatic experience, still covered in blood and slime - he wants to go and do something cheeky to Lucius Malfoy - a man that outranks Albus in most ways -- Albus outwardly: "Well I'm glad it all went well in the end. Now don't take too long and forget about the feast, alright?"
Albus inwardly: Holy shit this kid is so fucking cool. How does he do it? How does he defy every expectation I have? How does he do the opposite of what I think is best and thoroughly prove me wrong? FUCK he's cool. He's like me :^) But BETTER than me. WOW. He doesn't even have that big a head about it. Astounding.
...He really needs a role model who can show him love, he isn't learning this 'please for gods sake trust adults sometimes' lesson - I gotta take the risk and go find Remus for next year...
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 months
FOP: A New Wish e16?, 18-22
well would you lookit that, new episodes. thanks internet for telling me...since i don't watch cable live...but man, we are starting the wonky releasing aren't we? e17 was e16, but now e16 is 2 episodes after e17?? the more things change, the more they stay the same eh? lol
Episode 16: Lost and Founder's Day
yeah like i said, wonky episode ordering. i know they sometimes air out of production order, but this? this is also a full 22 min episode?? nice. i guess that's why it's so out of order...wouldn't have that problem if you didn't split 22 min eps into 11 min ones, just saying...
huh, and description is saying that Dale is the new Crocker...yeah, i can easily see that...it's the plot of s2 of the Santa Clauses
so story time proper now
oh right the Dimmadome hat, because Doug founded the town, du how'd i forget that.
aww Dev is still glasses-less. but lol smart watch that can't tell time, classic
pfffft the mentioning of Poof and Cosmo's slip of the tongue, that's great. nice that they acknowledge that Cosmo had him. but wait, did they just admit that they left him alone for 10,000 years while on vacation? it hasn't been 10,000 years...but still, you left your son at boarding school this entire time??? guys
oh hey recurring wish characters, just chilling in the wild, not drawing any attention for weirdness...why'd Mark have to hide in the past again
pfft Dimm n' Out Burgers
Doug got gold in 1953...the original series was like mid 90s...???
oh Hazel's gonna wish for others, now we're pulling Live Action plots...but also Wishmas...but also standard, and was that the standard kid hurray that FNaF uses??
dawww Dev :( i mean i know we knew the statute wasn't gonna be good, but poor Dev. and wow laying on the Poof referencing heavy; if i hadn't been spoiled that he's returning it wouldn't be a surprise because that is not foreshadowing, that's a neon sign
and hat montage...ok...at least it's not a musical number i guess...and it is a nice commercial break spot, because *double length episode*
heh snarky Dev. but also daww protecting Hazel
and dawww 3rd act breakup?? Dev hunny
but now we have terminator founders' day statues. this is getting crazy again, and i love it
ha! callback to the "oh great the wand not working noise". also callback to Cosmo was right
pfft "Dill Pickle Dimmadome". just a dumb joke, or Rugrats shoutout, you decide!
huh just now realizing that the non-Roman Dimmadome was French, very obviously a French trapper, so...are the Dimmadomes also Canadian?
dawwww Hazel be nice to Dev! he did save you
HEY! Poof is back! yes, yes, he's Peri now; very grown up, not a questionable foreign slur, i know. and he's Dev's fairy????? ok i did not see that how he came back; i expected him in an episode or two. but how interesting that the spoiled rich kid who's parents don't love him gets the purple fairy...again...
well, i guess i can see why this was produced as e16, but aired after e18 since that's sort of a big plot point
Episode 18: Work Her Magic
so chronologically this should be before Lost and Founder's Day...lets see is that matters. because this series does have some ongoing continuity to it...
synopsis has the standard plot of kid thinks parent is overworking so wants to spend time with them. doesn't sound like Add-a-Dad, so that's good
adult Hazel design? huh
heh the puppet replacement is back...and having an existential crisis??? O.o this show man...i love it
hey design for Antony
interesting montage
wait what was the name of the building??? E-Lidder+Acey Publishing. oh, ok, it went by so fast i thought it was E-Leddy, as in similar to Mr Turner's boss at the pencil pushed factory office thing. idt there's a connection, carry on
there's no Un-Wish Island for Hazel, but instead a cosmic void...filled with neon glitter...Mad Muse Mythos??? O.o
ah well, the ending was good enough. this was a low magic, personal growth episode, which is always grade a good. but you know...i feel like there could be a wish uprising in the future, just like Un-Wish Island...oh and no, idt this being aired out of order in comparison to Lost and Founders Day matters at all
Episode 19: Crock to the Future
so many pun titles, i am loving it. but Crocker is back??? did he get demoted to janitor after his affair with Vicky (heh yes i will never forget the worst part of Odder, and neither will any of you so it will never happen again)(also this is NOT the Odder timeline so i know there's no correlation...other than the cosmic multiverse deciding to punish him for eth actions in an alternate reality lol). but...since the internet spoiled that there's an adult AJ, this is sort of a missed opportunity to have it be adult Kevin...not that i want Kev to be a carbon copy of Crocker, but still. would help narrow the timeline more (gimme adult Chloe! gimme proof there's no Sparky!!), seeing as Poof is grown and present, so we know it's not a Channel Chasers timeline...
anywhos, actual episode!
AJ!!! Anthony James Junior is AJ's full name??? and he's into Paranormal Science/ uh...that doesn't really track, but AJ!?
but also, claiming that the experts said a ghost containment unit was impossible...so this is not the same universe as DP, since that is confirmed as possible. i know it wasn't really a connected universe before, but confirmation that they are separate is nice...though i say that and watch as Jack and Maddie end up in a background shot coming up lol
wow their paranormal detector works
AJ!! "remember him from the original series?" lol but yeah this has got to be 20 years in the future minimum...
hey there's Mark and his ship on that mural!
IT'S CROCKER!!!!!! and he looks so OLD! zomr i love it, he looks so much like Dolores and Albert. and he still has the FaIrYgOdPaReNtS!!
huh we acknowledge that Crocker was their godkid, nice
Wanda, why would you think Crocker covering eth building in a net is impossible? he afforded to do that back on a teacher's salary, he can certainly do that on a janitor's
Timmy name drop!
so Crocker does this every year...AJ knows his old teacher works for him. neat!
well this was actually a very fun cameo episode! i highly approve!! shame Kev didn't show up to pick Crocker up at the end, and it'd mimic how Denzel was with Dolores, but better since Kev isn't fairy crazy...i liked Kev lol
Episode 20: Battle of the Dimmsonian
description says Dev and Hazel magic battle. so...it's Remy Rides Again
oooo Dev's the wishy-washy wisher, that's neat. it goes to show that even he doesn't know what eh wants or needs
waitwiatwait "remember episode 13 when i was horse and you were a cowboy hat" e13 of NW was Stany Danky and was there cowboy wear in that? e13 of the original series was Christmas Everyday and...no i think it was only Maria that was a cowboy there. hm.....
oh are they going to follow the "fairy godparents can't out other fairy godkids" rule??
Brindle Folk people lived in Dimmadelphia before settlement huh? ad they have a lot of antlers...and a spirit named Viozalia...and that looks like a portal....otter-deer fae nice (i see what you meant saying i had a lot to work with in these new episodes lol)
hey that looks like a ghost portal...fae spirit...yeah that tracks...heh called her a demi-god wow. wrath of the underworld? what is this show?? i love it!!
hehe Viozalia tricking Dev into giving her the staff; classic fae.
"what to do if your kid tries to start the ghost apocalypse" that is actually a thing that they though could happen/has happened before?? also ghost apocalypse, and child possession, this is amazing
the family reveal was fun lol
dawww Dev not knowing how friendships work
hehe Ghostbusters references all around
that was actually a really good episode. very enjoyable, plot progressive, character progressive, very spoopy. A+ team
Episode 21: Patty Possum's Party Playground
is that a FNaF reference??? and did they forget that they already have Mikey Mozzarella's?? and description says Hazel wishes eth animatronics to life...it is FNaF holy crap!!!
Patty Possum looks like a female Mikey Mozzarella...
and if Winn watched her show in daycare, it's at least a 5 year old franchise
man i love Ski-Ball
Patty invited the children onto the stage to be her new posse...she's gonna try to keep them isn't she...
ah another instance of Cosmo and Wanda being idiots and loosing their wands the most stupid way because if they didn't there'd be no plot
haha yup there it is, she's keeping those children. time to survive until 6 am kids
wait what was the tunnel graffiti?? Miss you Mom...with 25 tick marks and a skeleton, oh...i thought it was something cooler. carry on
ok i am so into this musical number. the background music is actually going good this ep
dawww lesson of the week time; friends are friends even when they are apart
oh no the possum is stealing not-Timmy to stuff him into a suit to be the new turtle or something! lol
ok, so this was fun. didn't go as dark as the other spoopy episodes, but it was still fun, and filled with fodder.
Episode 22: A Date to Remember
this one's description sounds like a Lovestruck light...but hey more returning characters!
oh actually it seems like it's got some Apartnership mixed in too actually...huh...neat
hey, Cosmo's referencing their first date from "Floating with You" from School's Out: The Musical. you guys did your homework a bunch
wait she made that wish...oh geeze Hazel Marty McFlyed herself...oh wait no, not time traveling, but basically yeah
heehee 2d versions of stuff that happened, love it
what happened to Cupid?? O.o this character is like, 100% different than the original. are we saying that Cupid isn't a person but an office/title now? so this isn't the same Cupid?? redoing Father Time was since since he wasn't a highly established character, but Cupid was, and since we had April Fool reffs it's not like you guys never saw OG Cupid
all the sports jokes are going over my head. i don't sport ball.
but you know, the message that love isn't just a point game, and that Angela still had free will to choose despite the game saying otherwise, that's great.
so other than the confusing character...it was ok
Episode 23: Lost in Fairy World
the kids get lost and fairies have to find them before Jorgen finds out? is it now illegal to bring your godkids to Fairy World?? i mean, tat should've been a rule from the start, but why now?
heehee family brunch of candy. and Dev's first Fairy World exposure, nice. but you know what, this is actually really cute and clever setup giving Peri to Dev. Dev's an only child with an absent father (and no mother in sight), so he gets a single godparent. BUT he also happens to also get 2 grand-godparents and a godsister/aunt in the form of Hazel. Dev gets the big loving family he wants so badly. meanwhile, Hazel started this by loosing her brother's friendship when he moved away, and feeling distant from her parents; well she got herself 2 more godparents for the attention, and now has a godbrother and godnefew/goduncle and godcousin/brother (i know technically it works one way but the dynamics of the personal interactions feel the other so just role with it). she's gotten back her family she thought she lost. this was really good story telling here.
anywhos, Fairy World!! oooo map...with several locations....ooooooooooooo
Cosmo and Wanda being over bearing parents to Peri is great. and Peri saying Dev's his first godkid...eh...i guess he's technically right since we only saw him assigned to Dolores in Fairly Old Parent before...
ok we're going on a world tour! first stop: Star Dome. it's...a wand garden? i feel like we established wand production in the past but i can't recall when... second stop: Rainbow Highway. not much to it third stop: Dollfins. it's...dolphins, but dolls...wut? this seems silly fourth stop: Wings n' Thangs. it's a factory...mk...well since Norm did have wings stapled onto his back i guess wing manufacturing is a thing
Jorgen seems stupider than he used to be...i blame the sweater vest
the kids unwished themselves? wait what?? THAT'S the Hocus Poconos?? Wish storage...Unwish Island...the glitter void where the puppet went...is that this place??? I...hu...and there is an Un-wish dragon. i...hm...
pfft ok i'll give the dragon the meta joke, that was funny
and i guess this new system does make sense, seeing as Timmy got Un-Wish Island because his Wish Storage was over willed, so dumping the unwishes in a designated area with something to destroy them does make sense. now i'm hoping there's a rebel Gary here and we go Mad Max with a smattering of other unwishes lol
pffft Fredanator head, nice. i guess it's cameo time....holy crap that was a skeletal snake!Vicky in a milkshake glass O.o show!! i love you
wait ate a godkid again?? O.o!!!!
lol Dev learning no lessons. he's trying guys, he's learning...slowly lol
ok not a bad episode. very much a cameo game. still loving this show, looking forward to next week's crop.
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lizhly-writes · 7 months
hi there. this is absolutely not what i meant to post buuuuuut i didn't finish what i actually wanted to post, so have this (which I also didn't finish) instead. haaaappy late valentine's day.
“...I don’t know why you want to hear this kind of thing.”
“But you’ll tell me anyway, right?”
“I’d rather not.”
“Yes, fine, whatever.”
Yang Haoran honestly wished that he had a less accurate recollection of how his first ten kisses went, primarily because saying that he remembered exactly how his first ten kisses went made it seem like he was the kind of person who sentimentally and obsessively kept count of every time someone locked lips with him.
It was, he felt, an inaccurate representation of how he was as a person. After all, it was easy to remember your first ten kisses if 1) they were all with the same person 2) they happened pretty much all at once.
...Well, in any case, his first kiss had gone like this: he had been studying in his room, the very picture of a dutiful high school student. At some point, Jiang Mingxi had walked in.
"Hi, Mingxi," Yang Haoran said. "Hey, do you know if --"
"Kiss me," Jiang Mingxi demanded.
"Seriously?" Chen Lihua said, in a way that would probably break her fans' public perception of her if they ever saw it. Her image was pure, sweet, wholesome -- there wasn't really much room for maniacal gleefulness.
"Seriously," Yang Haoran said dryly.
Chen Lihua leaned in, eyes bright, chin propped on her hands, the very picture of an eager gossip. "She really just said that?"
"It was the first thing she said to me all day."
"Wow. No lead in, no build up, no mood. Aren't you supposed to have some kind of romantic atmosphere for this? Ah, wait, you two were already engaged at that point, right? So were you already in a relationship or --"
"That would make sense, wouldn’t it."
Yang Haoran blinked. He blinked again.
But no matter how hard he blinked, Jiang Mingxi was still standing in his doorway, the echo of her words still lingering in the air. Arms crossed, jaw tensed, expression belligerent. She look like she was ready to kick his ass. She did not look like she wanted to kiss him.
And yet.
He marked his place in his workbook and closed it, since clearly nothing was going to get done with Jiang Mingxi occupying his attention like this. "I didn't know you were interested in this kind of thing.”
They were going to get married. That was a fact. That was also years in the future. Any romance in their relationship was hypothetical at best. Their current relationship could be accurately described as "childhood friends mostly because their parents were friends and kept pushing them together".
The most romantic thing Jiang Mingxi had ever told him was that his face looked "okay, I guess".
Yang Haoran thought about it. The obvious answer occurred to him near-instantly. "Did you lose a bet or something?" he said cheerily.
"No," Jiang Mingxi growled. "Why would you think I lost a -- am I not allowed to be interested on my own?"
"Interested in... kissing," Yang Haoran said skeptically. “You think about kissing people?” Jiang Mingxi had, to him, always seemed like she was gearing up to be one of those strong independent women who didn’t need men. Even that seemed like an understatement. Jiang Mingxi rarely showed interest in anyone at all, man or not.
“Who’s people, I think about kissing you,” Jiang Mingxi snapped, and then immediately looked like she regretted saying anything out loud at all. She was starting to turn red. On other people, this might have been cute. On Jiang Mingxi, it could be cute, but also probably meant she was going to commit violence sometime soon.
“... Me, in particular?” Yang Haoran ventured. “Regularly?”
I think and not I was thinking. The first implied a pattern; that Jiang Mingxi considered kissing him more than once --- that she apparently thought about it often enough that she had to bring it up with him outside her mind to excise it.
He was feeling...some kind of way about this.
Jiang Mingxi crossed her arms. "You're my fiance, am I supposed to be kissing anyone other than you?"
...Oh, well, now he was feeling back to normal about this.
Yang Haoran propped his chin up on one hand. "So you're saying it really could have been anyone, but I'm actually your only real option because I’m your fiance."
"That’s not--” Jiang Mingxi made a frustrated noise. “Why are you saying it like that. Why are you making it sound so bad.”
“I’m not making it sound bad.”
“You made it sound bad,” Chen Lihua said.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” Yang Haoran said.
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blasphemecel · 1 year
Portgas D. Ace — Kind Of, Maybe
PAIRING: Portgas D. Ace/Reader WORD COUNT: 4.1k TYPE: Friends to Lovers, Fluff & Humor, a little Pining, Modern AU WARNING(S): Drunken shenanigans at one point, Reader is a dangerous driver (inspired by my friend who has almost done in almost all of us), A few NSFW jokes
It’s not often that Ace is the more sensible one or the less idiotic one. After he came back from a trip overseas, however, you were unfortunately the only one who was available to pick him up from the airport. He’s never been in your car before, but he has heard Sabo’s horror stories about your driving. Sabo banned Luffy from driving with you when he alarmingly claimed it sounded like fun, but he never banned Ace from being your passenger, and sometimes Ace wonders if Sabo even cares about him.
Yes, he’s a grown ass man and Sabo can’t ban him from anything, and yes he’s being melodramatic, but those are just semantics.
He’s spacing out contemplating this grave danger he’s in, not paying attention to you until your voice brings him out from his stupor. You still have one hand around the wheel while you’re holding up your phone with the other. “Yeah man, that’s my order. Hey, Ace, what flavor of pizza do you want?”
“Eyes on the road!” he cries, realizing you’ve turned to look at him.
“Eyes on the road, I don’t think that’s a flavor. Oh, wait, he’s talking about me,” you say, looking ahead again. “Ok, you can make it a veggie then.”
“You know I don’t like that one,” he says, glaring at you. You’ve gotta be doing it on purpose.
You roll your eyes in annoyance. “He’s such a diva. Change the veggie to a barbecue. Ok, thanks. Love you.”
“Why are you telling the pizza person you love them?”
“I have no idea,” you say, throwing your phone to the backseat.
“You’re a very dangerous person, you know that?” asks Ace.
With a flick of your hand, you dismiss his concerns and take a turn. Through a suspicious squint, Ace vaguely recalls these streets, but they don’t lead to his and his brothers’ house.
“You’re going in the wrong direction.”
“I thought we’re going to my house,” you say.
“Why would we be going there?”
“To eat, moron.”
Ace doesn’t even remember agreeing to this — probably because you didn’t bother asking him if he wants any — but he sighs and gives in without a word since you already ordered for him, too, and it’s not like he would’ve denied your invitation in the first place. Instead he chooses to change the subject.
“Does your car have a name?” he blurts out.
“You seem like the kinda douche who’d have a car named Becky or something.”
“Shut up,” you say, reaching out to punch him in the shoulder, but try to concentrate on driving again before he starts wailing about his ‘safety’ and how you guys are going to ‘die.’ “If my car had a name, it’d be something cool like Orgasmtron-3000.”
He snorts at you, eyes crinkling at your stupidity. “Pfft. That’s lame and you know it.”
“You wouldn’t get it,” you declare with a flippant hand gesture before you turn up your nose like a snob. Ace really wishes you’d watch the damn road, but the scenery becomes more familiar the longer the drive goes on. Somehow the two of you are still intact by the time you pull up near your apartment complex.
He’s only ever swung by your place for late night parties and his memories of those times are foggy at best. Now, it’ll be different: 1. Both of you will be sober, and 2. The other borderline alcoholics won’t be there to keep you company. The thought makes him a little nervous suddenly, even though he knows it’s silly. It’s just you. And he survived the ride so it’s a tad too late to be stressed.
“Soo, how was your trip?” you ask once you’ve both made it inside the elevator.
“Fun at times, not so fun at others,” he tells you, pressing the button for the floor you live on since he’s closer. “You know how it is.”
“Wow, you’re so descriptive.”
“Aw, like you really wanna listen to all that.”
This is unlike him since Ace loves chewing your ears off with his stories, though you suppose he’s not inebriated enough to start telling you about the time he and Sabo pissed in a pond and got arrested. Which is something you’ve heard about around fifteen times at your get-togethers.
You smile your usual sharp and evil little grin, inching closer to him, his nose hovering near yours, breath mingling. “What if I do?”
Ace tilts his head to the side, not understanding what you’re getting at. “I don’t know? I’d tell you, I guess.”
The elevator doors open and you back away from him like nothing had happened, face slacking, leading the way to your apartment. He follows in your stead and you two spend some time catching up for a few minutes until the pizza arrives. You act like you’ve forgotten you ordered it already, which doesn’t surprise him, but Ace would also rather give himself a noogie than miss out on free food.
Your return is cause for celebration enough, so he cheers and you bow while balancing the two boxes in your hands.
“You even got the biggest ones,” he points out with a genuine sense of wonder, like you’ve made him the happiest man alive by buying some shit full of grease. You place them on the table, re-taking your spot next to him on the couch.
“What can I say? My riches precede me.” Not to mention you had a discount on that, but you’re not about to tell him lest your delusions of luxury shatter.
“Not to be that guy, but that’s… not how you use that word.”
At his response, you scoff. “Go to Italy once and you start thinking you’re all fancy.”
“You’re an idiot,” he says, nudging you in the ribs and laughing at your expense once more. Your scowling only gets more intense, but then he stops when an idea crosses his mind. He reaches for another slice and then he brings it up to your face like he’s trying to tempt a horse with carrots. “Try some of mine. It’s really good.”
“Sure,” you concede, parting your mouth, about to take a bite. If you’re generous (which you’d insist you are, usually), you might even share yours.
At this moment Ace falls asleep with his head landing on your shoulder. Both of his pizza slices end up on your shirt and one of his arms dangles around your waist. Your eye twitches as visions of washing these new stains enter your mind. For a second you contemplate kicking him out to get robbed or something, but you end up letting him doze on you anyway.
You’re laying down on your towel and Ace invited himself to sit on it, too, in front of you under the parasol. It’s cramped and you don’t have enough space to stretch your legs without exposing them to the harsh sun. Besides, you’d overdramatized how you burned your soles when you guys were settling down earlier. “Why’d you even wanna go to the beach? You can’t even swim.”
“I told you already!” You can imagine the dumb expression he’s making with ease, even though you can only see him rubbing the back of his head. “I wanted to go boating with you. And then I forgot to take the boat…”
Ignoring how idiotic that is, you say, “I think you just like having an excuse to be shirtless.”
Ace clicks his tongue, your remark reminding him of something. “They actually still do that dresscode thing at restaurants, can you believe that?”
You can believe that considering he got kicked out on your birthday a few years ago for showing up in just an unbuttoned shirt, a ridiculous cowboy hat and crocs. Then you had to sneak him in through the bathroom window. Sometimes your genius mind astounds you.
“No, that’s totally a shock,” you say in the most genuine tone you can muster. A thought crosses your mind, and that never ends in anything good, but regardless you proceed.
You grace Ace with a light kick to the back, and he turns around with a small frown on his lips. “Why am I your foot scrubber all of a sudden?”
“Ace, I’m bored,” you tell him. “I wanna bury you in the sand.”
He pushes your legs away from him to fry on the scorching sands, which makes you glare at him, and then he protests, “No way! Not if I bury you first.”
Your instinctual reaction is to sit up and try to put him in a chokehold, which leads him to mumble something about you being a raging sociopath under his breath, but he wrestles out of your hold without too much trouble. What ensues next is a series of swats and pushing at each other as well as incoherent screams about who’s going to be a ‘sandy loser.’ Many bystanders stare incredulously at your childish display.
At one point, Ace manages to get you to lie back down. Not restraining your wrists or anything is definitely an unwise move, but he manages to lose his balance somehow and he tumbles over you, finding his chest pressed against yours, faces dangerously close together. Again, he gets this sort of sheepish nervousness in this proximity, even though it’s not unusual for you to touch each other. Something about this is different though, with his lips almost ghosting over yours. A queasy feeling torments his stomach.
Everything stills, and Ace swallows dryly before he clenches his fists by your sides. Alright, this is the moment. He lowers his eyelids, mentally preparing himself to give you a quick peck, but you interrupt his plans of romance by rolling over and flipping your positions so you’re straddling him now.
The sand feels unbearably hot on his back. Whatever mood he was in before is surely ruined now and you let out an evil laugh of triumph before you pour some over his abdomen, too.
“Wait, ouch, it burns,” he pleads, but you ignore him and continue with your task of burying him. “Seriously, you’re vicious!”
“Shut up. I won.”
Ace pushes you off, but you slip away and bolt towards the water. When you throw a glance over your shoulder and realize he’s following you, you don’t make it past the shallows. After one step in, he backs away with exaggerated fright. “It’s cold.”
“It’s so hot this, it's so cold that,” you say, crossing your arms and shifting your weight to one hip. “You’re such a baby.” Then, unprovoked, you splash him by swiping your leg across the water and laugh to yourself as if it’s really funny.
Ace stands upright and shivers like a hideous wet animal as a result. Still, your douchebaggery is the only motivation he needs to resolve to waddle in and try to get revenge on you while you walk sideways like a crab in your attempt at avoiding him.
Noticing your refusal to go any deeper, Ace halts with a smile. “Aw, you don’t want me to drown,” he says.
“Come on, what do you think I am-”
He takes the opportunity to pull you forward by the arms into himself and you both fall down, with him on his ass and you on your knees, almost bumping your head into his nose before you adjust yourself. You deadpan,
“What, so now we’re gonna sit here and play like toddlers?”
As if this wasn’t what you were doing before, anyway.
“Well, it’s easier to do this now,” he says, splashing you in the face. A seaweed ends up on your forehead and Ace almost dies laughing while you spit out water and rub your eye.
“Remember what you said about me not wanting you to drown?”
“I don’t care anymore!”
With this declaration, Ace can only dart out of the water in a panic and run back to the parasol before you really lunge and kill him.
When Ace sees he has a text from you, he makes the mistake of smiling. It must mean you’re planning some outing since that’s usually why you message him, but then he unlocks his phone and swipes to your contact, and his grin falls immediately, replaced by a look of puzzlement.
butt-head Do you take it up the ass
Beavis ??????????
butt-head Lol Sorry wrong chat
Beavis who tf are u texting that
butt-head Nunya
Beavis never heard of him
butt-head Nunya Business 😎😎😎😎
Beavis seriously doesn’t ring a bell
butt-head Dude
 Idiot do u know a guy named nunya business
sabo-kins You can’t be serious?
Idiot is he rich or something
sabo-kins ACE?????????
Idiot i mean his last name is business
You’re having the time of your life, surrounded by several friends on the island seat while you pre-game even though there isn’t even a game. In other words, you’re piss drunk and everyone’s laughing up a storm at your story. Thatch almost chokes on his own spit when you finish off with, “And then he told Sabo, ‘I mean, his last name is Business.’”
Ace, sitting to your left, narrows his eyes at you in suspicion over the lid of his glass. “So, what, you mean to tell me Nunya Business doesn’t-” and then before he can finish his sentence, once he hears himself aloud, he stops talking and blinks in amazement. “Wow, I can’t believe I fell for that.”
“Me neither,” you howl, slapping your knee even though it’s not that funny.
“C’mon, you’re an asshole,” he says, butting into your side, though at the cost of almost falling off his bar stool. Ace swings an arm over your shoulder and brings you closer while you squint your eyes at him like he’s blurry. He kind of is, from your point of view.
“That’s not what Nunya said last night.”
He barks out a fake laugh at that, then immediately turns serious, returning your squinting. “Stop. I won’t fall for it again.”
“Whateverrr,” you slur, throwing an arm around his waist, too.
“Like, I totally won’t.”
“Hahahaha,” you say, not really laughing, but the corners of your mouth quirk up regardless. Then you nudge him like he nudged you when you ordered pizza that one time. “What’s Nunya Business to you, anyway?”
“It’s really not funny. I thought you were cheatin’ on me,” he whines, resting his head on your shoulder.
You’re too far gone to question why he’s suddenly decided you’re dating, so you place your head on his. “I’d never do that! It was the good old wrong chat maneuver.”
“What’s wrong with them?” Marco mutters, downing another shot of whiskey, while Thatch shrugs as if to say ‘just the regular idiocy.’
“You know,” he starts, then he shoots upright, knocking you away from him, leaving you to rub your forehead. With more determination this time, he starts over and raises his index finger high in the air. “You know, I’d- I’d get a tattoo of your name.”
You’re sure he didn’t plan to say that and just made it up on the spot and you’re also pretty sure he doesn’t mean it. Still, you’ll entertain the notion as if he’s being genuine instead of drunken gibberish. “Hmm.” Then you poke him on the biceps before you start squeezing it, rubbing your chin while deep in thought. “I don’t want that, though. You couldn’t even spell yours right.”
“It’s not meant to be my name,” he says. “I told you like, a million times. After you called me Asce once in front of everyone, remember? And the lady taking our reservations thought my name was Asce…”
“Aceeeeeeeeeee…” you cry again.
“[Y/nnnnnnnn]…” Ace spreads his arms then, trying to hug you.
“‘m sorry.” You pucker your lips like in a cartoon, trying to land one big gross kiss to his forehead.
In a fit of narcolepsy, Ace’s eyes flutter shut and he falls over the counter while you suddenly hurl over his shoulder before you start coughing, gagging on your own vomit. In a way, his abrupt nap saved him since at least his face didn’t meet this fate. And, okay, maybe you both had too much to drink just this once.
Marco jams a thumb in your direction and sighs as if to say ‘See? Idiots.’
You wake up with a throbbing headache, though at least you find you’re in your bed, which means you made it home without getting run over or something. Your phone blares, apparently in need of your attention, and you lean over to retrieve it.
Beavis we need to talk about last night
Uh oh. Your memories of whatever transpired yesterday are vague at best, but you don’t recall a situation when someone said this to you after a night of drinking that ended up well. You try to mask your ignorance with a neutral reply.
butt-head What about it
Beavis i cant believe u let me think nunya was a real person for a week straight?!?!?!
Oh, wait, yeah. You were telling that story to Marco and Thatch at the bar. You send a voice message of your obnoxious laughter for a minute straight in response.
You can’t believe Luffy has your ass playing Hide and Seek right now.
Sabo and Ace are busy until tomorrow morning and apparently he doesn’t enjoy being left alone for so long, so Ace asked you to do him a ‘small’ favor and keep him company until tomorrow morning. You like Luffy well enough to accept, and now here you are.
Though you expected he would’ve busted your ass by now. A part of you wishes he would since your limbs are all growing numb the longer you hold this position. You can hear speaking from outside, though with your position it’s all too muffled to make out. Then footsteps near Ace’s room, where you’re hiding, and you think finally Luffy is going to find you.
The door opens then shuts again, which you find kind of odd, and then something outside rustles. Maybe Luffy is checking if you’re under the bed? You can imagine him doing so.
After a while of nothing, the closet door opens.
It’s not Luffy you come face-to-face with, but Ace. His eyes widen in surprise as do yours while you stare at each other.
“Uh,” he starts while you pretend you don’t notice that he’s almost naked.
“I can explain,” you say.
“Nah. Luffy told me you guys are playing.”
He backs away and you shuffle around until you make it out of the cramped space while Ace nonchalantly leans over to rummage for pajamas. Something crosses your mind then. “I thought you’re coming back tomorrow?”
“Oh, uh… My thing ended early,” he tells you, slipping a t-shirt over his head and adjusting it. He totally didn’t bail to see you since he knew you’d be here. That’d be stupid.
You seem to catch onto this, though, because you grin and lower your eyelids at him, looking smug. Inching closer with crossed arms, you ask, “Did it now?”
“Depends on what you’re gonna do about it,” he chances, deciding to play your game.
How you’re about to continue, he’s not sure, but you jostle when you feel a tap on your shoulder. “Found you,” Luffy says, unimpressed.
“Don’t sneak up on me like that.” You level him with your trademark glare.
“You’re not very good at this game,” he says.
“What? You were looking for me for forever!”
“Touchy about Hide and Seek, aren’t you?” Ace asks with a laugh, in slight disbelief of your immaturity.
“Shut up, no one’s talking to you, bedhead.”
“Bedhead?! You like my hair and you know it.”
“I mean,” Luffy continues as if you and Ace aren’t having another unnecessary argument, “you’re just standing here in plain sight.”
“I so wasn’t!” With finality, you turn towards Ace. “Anyway, now that you’re here, I guess I can go home, right?”
“I mean, you can stay, too.”
“Like I wanna sleep on the couch.”
“Wait,” he says, and he wants to offer for you to share the bed with him or something, but instead what comes out of his mouth at the last second is, “you didn’t drive Luffy anywhere, right?”
You stare at him like you find him stupid and incredulous. “No?”
“Okay ‘cause Sabo banned it.”
With a roll of your eyes, you step out of the room, and then you notice Ace is trailing after you. “What do you want?”
“Nothing, geez.”
“Ok, but Sabo is so dramatic. I’m very good at driving.”
Ace assesses you with a disbelieving look.
“Fuck you.”
“Have a safe drive home.”
“Seriously, I’m so serious right now, fuck you.”
“Wait, I didn’t mean it like that,” Ace says, holding up your jacket for you so you can slide your arms inside. “But maybe you need it,” he adds when you’re on the brink of letting it go, sounding amused.
Instead of saying goodbye like a normal person, you hold up your hand and tell him to talk to it.
Your car pulls up into view and for the first time, Ace is grateful. The feeling doesn’t last for longer than fifteen seconds, though, because you roll down the window and announce, “Orgasmtron-3000 and I are in the house tonight.”
He sighs and walks over with reasonable embarrassment (even though there’s no one else around to witness this), opening the passenger seat door before he sits down next to you. He slams the door closed, you don’t start up the car, and instead you tap your hands against the steering wheel. Then you give the abandoned gas station a look-over. “How’d you end up here, anyway?”
“Got lost,” he mumbles.
“Verbose as usual, Ace.”
“Verbose,” he repeats in a snotty tone, failing to imitate your voice.
For the first time, you ignore this. He raises an eyebrow when you don’t take the opportunity to start some entirely avoidable fight, and instead you evaluate him for a little before you smile. With your eyebrows furrowed, though, you appear kind of sinister rather than playful.
“Uh-huh, what?” you snarl, trying to sound like a caveman to imply he’s a dunce.
Now Ace is pouting at you since he’s not all that good at glaring, not like you are, and then you remember what it was you were trying to do, or maybe you just get the nerve now. You settle your hand on his exposed knee since he’s wearing one of his hideous pairs of shorts with designs on them and say,
“We’re alone right now.”
Like an idiot, he looks around and nods and ignores the goosebumps which break out at the unexpected contact. “Yeah, we are.”
“I wanna kiss you, ok?”His cheeks redden and burn and Ace stares at you like you gave him a jumpscare. He averts his line of sight and, “Then… Then what’s stopping you?”
You shrug. “Nothing now, I guess.”
You unbuckle your seatbelt to get the slightest bit closer to him and he kind of just waits for you to make a move, like he’s scared you’re going to change your mind if you detect even a twitch from him. With your free hand you trace his nape and he leans in, tilting his head until your lips meet half-way even though it’s not the most comfortable within the confines of your car.
Ace grabs you by the waist and tries to pull you closer. You comply, jumping into his lap, and you’re kind of aggressive and harsh with the way you move now like Ace had imagined you’d be whenever he’d think about this before. Your nerves are on fire as if you’ve been waiting to feel his silken lips and the tickle of his breath under your nose for too long. And you have.
You move on from his mouth to his jaw, peppering him with little kisses while he turns to give you one on the temple, tightening his hold against your waist. Then you lick down his neck, all his hairs standing alert. When you find a spot you think will be easy to hide, you suck on the skin near his collarbone and Ace lets out a sigh, surprised to feel so sensitive there.
After you part, you take a moment to hold each other’s gazes. He loosens his grip on you and breaks eye contact.
“I, ya know,” he says, an admission of some sort. Though maybe he doesn’t need to say anything, it feels good to acknowledge it for once even if it’s scary, even if he doesn’t know why exactly you wanted to smush faces with him. Or maybe he doesn’t need to say anything because you’ve always been kind of together, haven’t you?
Your eyes turn to crescents and you give him your malicious, toothy grin. “I ya know you too.”
Ace sulks, shoulders slumping at your remark. “You’re still a jerk, though.”
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basicallyaturtle · 3 months
I have, I think, a strange connection to parasocialness, not a unique one, there are probably a TON of people that feel this exact way but I've never seen it expressed and possibly others will see this and go OH YEAH TOTALLY
So the prototypical parasocial behavior is indicated basically either by A, feeling like someone is your friend who as no idea who you are, both because in 1 performing as a public person, especially an entertainer
(side note what if instead of youtuber or tiktok creator or any specifics, and in lieu of calling it content creation, because gross, or artist, because that's a broader term than is applicable, we called them intertainers for internet entertainers? this is totally not just because I keep misspelling entertainer)
there is incentive to come off as genuine in a way that invites parasocialness not because that's the goal, it's just easier to make an audience that way, and also because 2, if you are an intertainer for long enough, you end up sharing quite a lot of yourself (personal stories, preferences opinions etc) that makes it seem like you are putting your whole self on the internet, when really you are not
or B, feeling like you know enough about a person to conclude who they are, what they're like, that kind of thing, which is mostly due to the same causes as behavior A.
I feel like I emotionally do B a lot, not purposefully, mostly subconsciously and when I find myself feeling that way, or seeking to be that way, by looking up personal information about youtubers or getting invested in a relationship that is partially public (just to mean people know that it exists, not that it is a Public Relationship) or something like that, I take a moment to remind myself that it is not productive or healthy to do that, even if the intertainer in question wanted to know all of their fans, it is just logistically impossible once you get above like 40 people, so stop that. Sometimes I still indulge a little, like letting myself look up one or two things, but only if it's like something they've talked about and are fine with the public knowing, but I am careful about it, and on general principle I just try to not engage in this behavior for intertainers.
However, I find myself on occasion extremely consciously aware that I do not know said intertainer, and they know me even less, and seeing how they interact with other intertainers and think something to the extent of 'man it would be cool to get to know these people more, they seem like a fun group to hang out with' This is one step removed from the parasocial behavior mentioned above, because it is basically going yeah I see them parasocially, it might be neat to be actually just social with them. Like, I find myself thinking that it would be cool to like accidentally stumble upon one of these people and form a friendship with them. This does happen, especially within the intertainer space, where you can be a fan of someone and then end up collaborating with them and becoming friends, but it is definitely not the norm, especially when one of the people (me) is not an intertainer. This also isn't really in the way of oh man I'm such a huge fan and if I met them that would be craaazy, just these people seem like a fun group to hang out with, wish I could get to know them better.
Now this is still extremely parasocial, I still look at the facades that intertainers put up and think wow what a cool person wish I could know more about them and get acquainted with them. I think this is even more nefarious (meaning like, it can infiltrate the mind without one noticing not that the people that feel this are nefarious), since as detailed, I see it as one step removed from the prototypical parasocial behavior even though it's like still really presumptive of the nature of how people present themselves online. It's also, for me at least, harder to write off. Like I know it's parasocial, but unlike with the other behavior where I go stop being like that, it's not healthy, and then stop, I find it difficult to get rid of this latter feeling. Like if an intertainer says they're going to a convention I think oh that would be the perfect opportunity to bump into them. I immediately say to myself no that's a bad idea and kind of stalkerish, and I've never even gone to a con and there's none ever near me so that's not even like something I'd do, but the thought of wanting to do that, and that it could work lingers in my mind in a way the other kind of stuff doesn't, possible because I don't want to see it as parasocial, and it feels more disconnected from the idea, despite it still being so. In that case, strangely, if I was just a huge fan and wanted to meet them, then that would be a normal thing to do at a con, and I am being MORE parasocial by having this idea that I could 'accidentally' meet them and befriend them.
I also specifically have this thought of 'oh I'd be super causual about it' Like if I saw a person I was a fan of on the street I would just be like oh shit it's you love your work because that seems like the thing to do, not freak out. Or if I coincidentally (and I actually mean coincidentally here, not like the 'accidental' of the other thought) were to like move in close to someone I was a fan of, ti would be cool to see them around, and it would be neat to try to get to know them more. and this is a particular weird part to me.
Wanting to get to know, or even befriend, neighbors is a normal thing to do. I would like to become friends with neighbors, so I have people that live near me I am friends with, and also just because having friends is nice. I don't do that now with neighbors because I'm a shut in grad student but that's besides the point at the moment.
If I was neighbors with an intertainer that I enjoyed, and I wanted to become friends, or at least acquainted, with them, then that would be parasocial, because even in recognizing I do not know very much about them, I would still be entering the sphere of communication on uneven ground because I would know way more about them than they knew me, the same issue as before. I think even if I tried to like forget about their work entirely, or create like a distinction between the intertainer and the person, the parasociality would still creep in inevitably. And if I just pretended to not know about it to them specifically, like ask what they do and be all coy like oh I don't really use youtube or whatever, then that would be worse in a way due to the deception, and on examining what would happen if it became known that I did know their work, they would feel a little scandalized, rightfully. Also if I got to know them, then tried to interact with them as a fan of their work, then it would be overly familiar, like it would be unfair to any other fan that I got to do this. I sometimes also feel this way when I interact publicly with irl friends that have, not a following, but people that they don't know that enjoy their work, like I'm being overly familiar with them in this public setting, that's kind of strange even though we are actually friends because it looks like I'm being insanely parasocial or that it's unfair that this person can talk to you like this but people they don't' know can't. (This also verges on the 'you can be jokingly rude to friends but try doing that on anon asks and you're just a dick because yeah you don't know that person or 'egg discourse' where constantly badgering a public person about their gender identity is different from nudging at a close friend in a jocular manner, both of which are kind of landmines and I don't want to touch anymore because that's not really what this is about for me)
That is all also more of an emotional feeling than one I think is actually based on some truth, and may be a reflection of how I would feel if I learned that someone 'got' to do that that wasn't me (I am also aware that that sounds kind of deranged, but I mean that I would feel this in a kind of knee jerk response, not to say that that isn't my feeling, but I recognize that it is unreasonable)
I also would be more motivated to get to know an intertainer that I share a neighborhood with than a generic neighbor, which is certainly parasocial, but could also partly due to the fact that a generic neighbor also includes plenty of people I just wouldn't get along with, so in having them be an intertainer I know, I would at least know that I would get along with them-- Accept it I wouldn't! I just caught that as I was typing actually. just because I like an intertainer's material does not mean I would necessarily get along with them, and is even less indicative of how they would find my personality, so in saying that I am still being parasocial.
I don't know what I would do in that situation of I'm being honest, realistically continue to be a shut in and just know I have someone I 'know' online as a neighbor, but just thinking about it happening, or 'fantasizing' (not that per se, but just kind of thinking it'd be neat if that happened, maybe idealizing) about it is still parasocial.
Actually I had an opportunity to do this kind of. There's a youtuber who made videos about going to undergrad where I am currently doing my PhD, and he's involved with some of the programs that the department at a lab attached to the university does, so he's around, though not on campus, at that lab, for a few weeks in the summer, and what I do, while not related to that subject, is tangentially connected, just because they're both ultimately about nuclei and shit. I have a friends who is a fan of his, as am I somewhat, and he joined the program, not to meet the guy, but because his research is in that subject so it made sense, but in getting to meet him, my friend was telling me about how nervous he was to meet and first, and it was really awesome to get to work with him. And I couldn't not think that if I met him I simply would not be like that. There was a vague sense of superiority that I knew was unfounded, but I thought like pfft I would just be casual and could become friends with him. I didn't end up going to the lab most of the summer, so I never met him, and I never felt inclined to go there just to meet him, but I had this sense of my friend is being weird I would be so normal. But as with the convention thing, it is arguably more parasocial to try to play it cool and get to know them more rather than just be a fan, though different in this case, because my friend was basically working with him, and while he was initially like woah guy I'm a fan of he wasn't like actually off putting or like being a super fan obsessive kind of guy anything. But yeah all my feelings surrounding that situation were actually stranger, I think, than just being a fan.
This is also more complex on tumblr I think, since a lot of blogs are just like things the person finds interesting, and often there really isn't that facade, at least not in a purposeful way. Sending asking, directly reblogging and tagging posts, likes being visible, it kind of leans into the feeling of yeah this is a person you can be friends with if you just try hard enough. Sometimes this is true! people make mutuals in this way, they follow each other, then come to know each other better, sharing other contacts, dming, @'ing, you can become actual online friends with people on tumblr in a way that I think is harder on any other platform (though I'm only on youtube and tumblr so if there's other social media platforms like that then my b, I saw that post where someone was dating on quora so I guess anything is possible). There's more to this as well, like being mutuals on tumblr can also just be a blog thing, not necessarily a friend thing, or you can have friends that only follow you or you only follow them because either blog does not have stuff on it actually interesting to the other. Anyway, all that to say, it's really easy to be parasocial on tumblr, and also easier to actually be friends on tumblr, but that's a side thing, I'm mostly interested in parasociality as a youtube phenomenon, which is where I experience it.
All that also to say that thoughtcrime isn't really a thing and if I'm not being a creep or doing anything harmful or anything like that then like who cares, but I find categorizing which thoughts are useful/productive and which are harmful/unproductive and other categories and try to cultivate a mindscape that is healthy to the best of my ability (though mental illness definitely does not help with that) and I noticed a strange pattern of parasociality that I haven't heard before, and maybe has been left behind in the popular conception of it, or else discussions of it are happening and I just haven't seen it, or that I'm the only one to feel exactly this way (that seems unlikely though given the number of people that are)
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adrikazu · 1 year
— c/w: farm life, cats, cat scratches, star gazing
Tumblr media
8:19 PM
working on a farm wasn’t the easiest of tasks. the rising sun would cast down his rays onto all that existed, and bring light into the casual day. crops were to be picked and animals were to be cared for, the life was peaceful at least.
you couldn’t remember how long it’s been, since you’ve been here with the only person you could imagine being here with. osamu miya, he was the kindest man you’ve met. even when you two were younger, he still treated you with grand respect and teased you for the unimportant things, to remind you of the comfort in your relationship.
when things got hard, he was always present to help guide you in directions you weren’t aware of, and helped with distractions. maybe you didn’t deserve osamu.
“y/n, check on the cats will ya? quietly this time.” he chuckled, and your face reddened. “i couldn’t help it! they climbed up my back and sat on my shoulders last time! it hurt!!” you argued, and although you sounded mad, the sheepish smile that sat on your lips told a different story.
but you complied, and made your way to the specific spot where your cats would rest. osamu always asked you to check on the cats every night before heading inside, to be sure they were alright and to know if they needed anything.
infront of the fields of crops, there was a patch of grass that was cleared, solely because they liked the way the sun hit the spot. you clicked your tongue a few times and quickly their attention were on you. but you checked the time, and you had a little bit of time to sit with them.
you grunted, but you sat down next to them on the grass, and you looked up. living out away from the cities and on a farm, granted you a great view of the stars. but sometimes, it was difficult to gawk at when you two had to return inside to clean up.
“wow..” you lost track of time a little bit. but the footsteps behind you pulled you away.
“hey?” osamu greeted you.
you jumped. “hey!!” he let out a short laugh. “what’re you still doing out here?”
you pointed upwards. “i don’t think i’ve ever gotten the chance to appreciate how pretty the sky is. especially out here …”
osamu miya sat down beside you on the grass; the cats flicking their tails at his presence.
the comfortable silence with osamu was addicting, you wished you could sit here for hours on end, without a care in the world with him. under this pleasant sky.
“do you think one day a star will crash down on us?” you said, jokingly. he chuckled.
“if it comes falling i hope it falls on you instead of me.” you furrowed your eyebrows and frowned.
“i thought you loved me, how could you do this?”you say jokingly. you turn to him, getting comfy on the grass.
“i was hoping you’d be my meat shield.” he cackles out loud and then looks at you. “you serious!?”
you lay on your side, still laughing, and he does the same. the sky above you, the stars whether they were falling or not, all you two could do was stare at each other.
“ya know, you’re—“
and to your dismay, the cats started to claw at your back. the same way as osamu warned you not to, you whined and gasped, sitting up and trying to pull them off.
osamu miya starts laughing, probably just as loud as you winced in pain from the scratch marks.
you smack him, him putting his hands up in defense, still laughing.
at this point, it’s around the time to go back inside and finally get ready to sleep. but it was difficult to, especially when you two were messing around outside under the sky with theoretical falling stars.
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Leverage, 1x02 The Homecoming Job
Oh we’re starting with a hurt vet instead. Wow, vets in the reserves don’t get medical treatment? I’m going to learn about 5 different social injustices every episode, aren’t I?
“Can’t people just be here to help?” *doctor kicks him out*
Sophie’s bad acting gives me life. “Peggy killed her first husband” see THAT I believed. And she’s still the only one trying to go legit/non grift career…
Yeah, muscle guy is right. Stop telling each other what you did with your money. I'm annoyed by the lack of mistrust.
Parker’s black beret is hot
Hardison is down for Nate’s plan! He’s so excited it’s so cute.
They have pension plans and dental ❤️ how are they gonna fund this though?
Oh wow they’re down for it just because they can help the little guy. Maybe I should be less cynical.
Love Nate swiping the dip on this asshole’s jacket just to mess with him - oh no there was a read for that. Love how in synch they already are.
What’s Sophie gonna do if one day she can’t pull the Seductive card?
Okay, muscle guy beating up the Castleman guys in the hallway was hot. I’m starting to understand.
“A man only looks a woman in the eye when he’s lying to her.” No one disagrees with her. Maybe this show is a bit cynical. About certain people.
Comparing past jobs: “I actually hurt people, so…” lol
Sticking it to corrupt congressmen is the ultimate wish fulfillment.
Parker/Money is my Bad Romance for this show.
Love the whiteboard for exposition purposes. Sometimes I need a picture, ya know?
For someone who (allegedly) hasn't done full cons before Nate is pretty good at characters. He and Sophie must've worked together before, they're too good as a team.
They're all in gray at the end <3
"Is this stolen?" "Not anymore."
"One more..." Please tell me that becomes a running gag. (Also meta for binging shows. But I think this show came out before that phenomena?)
The Dad energy they're all starting to have with Nate is so lovely.
I'm smiling so much.
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gremlin-bot · 2 years
Lance through a Kyrptonian Heart
I blame @precarious-hermit for this. @dpxdcshipweek
Ao3 link: here
Edward Lancer loved Amity Park, even with the daily ghost attacks, but by the Ancients does he miss his hometown. Smallville was a distant memory for him, the farms and the town’s sweetheart family. He hasn’t seen Clark in a long time. One would think childhood friends would keep in better touch but alas, being a teacher and journalist tends to take over one’s life. 
Growing up in Smallville was nice. He remembers long summer days spent at the Kent's farm helping Clark out here and there with chores. The easy ones, at least, seeing as his family was one of the few that did own or help on a farm. Daring the inhuman boy to eat metal and different unusual things, as little kids do. Trying to help Clark with blending in with humans. Letting him learn by example and sometimes telling him, no, we can't eat the can we put the beans in. 
Edward still chuckles at those memories. Growing up with an alien as a best friend was surprisingly helpful in his daily life. He just wishes that Danny Fenton would tell him, or some adult about his new found inhumanness, it would be easier on the boy. He's getting away from himself now. He's supposed to relax on his vacation to Metropolis, not think about the problems of his students.
The drive to the city was long but worth it to see and actually catch up with his childhood best friend. He's supposed to stay in the man's spare room. He's glad that Clark offered, the hotels were just too expensive for his budget. He hopes that Lois doesn't mind, last he knew, her and Clark had a kid and were happily married.
He’s very happy for them, for Clark. Thinking about Clark's relationship with Lois hurts a bit, an old, familiar ache of want and longing that comes from a long standing crush from childhood. He could never really get over his best friend, and he's fine with that. He accepted that he will always be too much of a coward to tell Clark how he feels.
Edward sighs as he finally turns into a parking spot of a lot next to the coffee shop they agreed to meet at. He takes slow deep breaths to settle himself. It was just past noon and the sun was shining nicely in the summer sky. A perfect day for a meeting of old friends.
A bell jingles as he opens the door. The bittersweet smell of coffee and pastries fills the space. The shop had a comfortable homey style that he enjoyed. He must have got here right after the lunch rush, as there was barely a line. Gettinghis coffee was a quick affair. Finding a place to sit so he could call Clark, however, took a bit longer. He ended up in a small two person booth on the back wall. Before he had even finished his phone out of his pocket, Clark opened the doors to the shop. 
Clark skips getting coffee completely and heads straight to Edward, a bright smile on his face that seems like it was only for him and oh did that do things to his heart. Taking a small moment to prepare himself, he stands to greet the man that his cowardice would never let him have.
"Clark, It feels like forever since we saw each in person!" Edward is proud to say his voice didn't betray him in this moment.
"Yeah, it has!" Clark forgoes a handshake, instead, he crushes Edward in a too-strong hug. Edward has to tap the man to remind him that he isn't made of steel. It only lasted less than a minute, but it had Edward melting."How have you been?"
"I've been good." He gestures for Clark to take a seat before he sits himself. "I have an interesting student that I'm keeping an eye on. He seems to develop a similar thing to what you had as a kid. Otherwise the same old life." The look on Clark's face was worth the questions he would get later. 
"Oh wow. We'll have to talk about that later."
"I assumed so. How about you? I haven't heard from you in ages."
"Well, work has been good. A lot of new stories are coming up about certain companies I'm not allowed to say the name of at the moment. I've been a bit lonely since the divorce but it was for the best, you know?”
Edward almost choked on his coffee. "The divorce?" The hope that bloomed in his chest was a sick thing, but was there nonetheless. 
"Yeah. Lois and I got a divorce. She realized something about herself, hell I realized something about myself, and we decided to go our separate ways.” Clark chuckles a bit before continuing on. "We've been separated for 6-ish months now, still friends and all that, and I get Jon every other week. You'll probably see him before Lois picks him up."
"Oh, okay. How are you holding up with all of… that?" Edward can't begin to unravel how he feels about this whole thing. He feels bad that his friend went through this, but on the other hand he can't help but hope that he has a chance.
"I was bad the first couple months or so, but I did some searching and revaluated myself and our relationship. It was for the best. I got to meet her girlfriend last weekend. She is really nice, even made cookies for Jon and I." Clark beams a small smile at the memorie
"I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end. You should probably get something to eat. It's your lunch break, right?" Edward raises an eyebrow at the man across from him, causing said man to chuckle as he leaves to order his food.
Edward is relieved that his best friend is doing alright with his divorce, and even more so that Clark may not be so straight himself. After all it wasn't just Lois that realized something about herself, though It's best not to get his hopes up too high. There may be a chance, but he always  was a coward.
It doesn't take long for Clark to come back to the table with a nice looking sandwich, but he doesn't sit down. He looks a little sad, actually. 
"I just got a call from work, they want me back early to look over a story. I am so sorry."
"It's okay, Clark. I'll just-" Edward didn't get to finish his sentence as Clark shoved a set of keys towards him. 
"Here is a set of keys to my apartment. I already sent you the address and stuff. I’ve got to go, see you in an hour or two. I've got some things to tell you." Clark didn't wait for Edward to fully take the keys before he was out of sight. Well, this certainly gave Edward time to himself to let the whole conversation set in, at least.
Having time to himself was a bad idea. He kept on analyzing what Clark said over and over again. He's getting away from himself. A dangerous thought of actually telling the other man his feelings is plaguing his mind. He’s a coward and always has been, but maybe, just maybe he doesn't have to be about this anymore, and isn't that a striking thought. Edward Lancer actually admitting his feelings. His sister would be proud. He'll wait till Clark gets back, see what he has to say. Edward is still a coward after all, even with this bout of bravery. He just has to wait an hour or so.
Being in Clark's apartment without him was slightly strange but not the worst. He's using the new space as a distraction and time waster. It wasn't very effective, but it worked enough. 
He could tell which bedroom he would be staying in, a cozy light blue theme room with a queen sized bed. Setting up his things had taken under half an hour. He's going to need more things to distract himself with. He wandered around a bit finding where the bathroom is and what he thinks is Clark and Jon's rooms. He ended up in the living room fifteen minutes later.
He sits down on the couch, huffing. Deciding to turn on the TV as he waits, live coverage of Superman defeating some robot plays on the screen. Waiting is the worst when you are expecting something, and the news  wasn’t exactly helping.
It wasn't long after the news coverage ended that Clark burst into his apartment. Hair windswept and tie rumpled, a bit of blue peeking out from under his white button up. The smell wafting off of him is smoky with a hint of something metallic.Strange, but not something he could bring up with the man at the moment. It would take a lot of explaining of ectoplasm and Amity Park. Honestly? It’s not worth it, unless Clark ever decided to visit. He was getting distracted again, this really isn't like him at all.
"Oh good, you've settled in!" Clark said slightly out of breath. Now that was very unusual.
"Clark, are you okay? You're out of breath. Did you get caught up in the fight with Superman…" a slow realization crawls on Edwards face. "Oh Paradise Lost, you are Superman." 
Clark had the decency to look sheepish as he answered. "I was going to tell you, tonight. After the original thing I needed to tell you, but yes I'm Superman."
"I know too many inhuman superheroes. Go change out of your suit, and then let’s talk, please." Edward runs his hand down his face as he hears the wind whip around Clark as he moves about the apartment.
Clark is back to the living room in sweatpants and a t-shirt by the time Edward's hand drops from his face. He really shouldn't be surprised, the man had a heart of gold. It was one of the reasons Edward fell for him in the first place.
"Thank you. Now what was the thing more important than your secret identity that you had to tell me?" Edward will not get his hopes up, but the feeling in his chest says he is a liar.
"Well, it's best if I start at the beginning. Mainly for my sake rather than yours. I have no doubt that you would understand but uh, yeah." Clark's hand is rubbing the back of his neck in that nervous habit he never did kick. "Like I said at the coffee shop, Lois and I got a divorce. Turns out that she figured out that she's a lesbian. I'm happy for her! Really! But it caused me to look at our relationship, and myself, in a new light. It spiraled into my own realization, one that had me look back at our relationship." Clark took a deep breath, looking at Edward with caring eyes. Edward' heart was pounding in his chest. Hope that he had denied didn’t seem so foolish anymore.
"Edward Lancer, I think I've been in love with you since the summer before you moved out of Smallville." Clark's small unsure smile melted what was left of him.
"That's good, because I think I have been too!" Edward walks from his spot on the couch to where Clark had been standing, too far away for too long. Embracing the other in a tender hug. Light laughter bubbling up from both men.
"Can I kiss you?" Clark asks, ever the gentleman.
"I've been waiting to hear that for too long. Yes, please." 
Edward starts to lean in, meeting Clark halfway. The kiss is soft and tender, everything Edward has ever wanted and more. He hopes that Clark feels the same.
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darby-draws · 6 months
@marscats37 when did they realize they may or may not have a thing™ for each other ? (and who realized first ?)
Thanks for asking this Mars! It's a bit long, covers a lot of their history. (But it could have been longer!! I've edited it down perfectly of course.)
Gabriel and Felipe have a tricky past of being in a bit of a Will They Won't They situation. They've actually known each other for a while. (They met like 5 years before "current timeline" so thats probably 6 years before they are like actively Dating™)
Gabriel: 20, (not even he should have been at the club age. Wow.) Works at a laundromat, usually at odd hours. Not much confidence in himself, even if he seems put together don't trust him he's only 20 and faking it. I think his narcolepsy is making him fall asleep inconveniently pretty frequently at this era. (<- and that embarrasses him even though he can't help it) Coping badly with that. Felipe: 22. Works for his dad's pool business cleaning pools in the summer, but has the sidegig of being an unemployed sk8r boi. A simple man, please, no need to make relationships complicated! (<-doesn't know he knocked someone up a year ago.)
Felipe is actually the first of the core General Menace friend group that Gabe meets. They never really hung out or spent much time together directly. Felipe would loiter around Gabe's work sometimes and they liked seeing each other! (<- this is when Felipe thinks they could and should have A Thing™ together. Wishful thinking... His friends notice this and tease him for having the hots for Laundromat Boy.) They Almost hookup once in this early era. Unfortunately due to circumstances of Gabriel's narcolepsy and his easy-to-embarrass attitude, they don't hook up, because he fell asleep instead and then was, embarrassed. It's like, fine, no biggie? BUt he's in a weird headspace and he kinda brushes away the thought of potentially hooking up again. He's been goin through a lot lately, maybe this isn't the right time, etc etc. They both think "okay, so that's not happening..." (Unfortunate, but also they were really young its probably for the best)
Next time they get close to having A Thing™ together, is at the start "current" canon timeline. General Menace, the band that Gabriel is in has just formed. He's gained a bit of confidence over the years, so he invites Felipe to one of their shows. They can hang out after! ("hang out"? 👀 thinks Felipe) Yeah hang out. With the band. Unfortunately due to circumstances: Gabriel spending all his energy drumming, Sammy getting introduced to Felipe and hitting it off, and Gabe spending a little too much time with his roommate and ex Eve, they both think "this probably isn't happening, again". Sammy is very affectionate, like Felipe is. And Felipe likes things to be simple, no fuss. So since Gabe is not as direct with feelings, and Sammy literally Sat in His Lap. After JUST Meeting. There was an easy answer to where his attention was going tonight. WHOOPS~! Gabe immediately knows he should have been more direct he messed that up didn't he... But doesn't wanna cause drama with the band or his friends, if Sammy and Felipe like each other, hey mannnn that's great! Awesome! 😬 (<- This is his realization that they could have had A Thing™ going. But they don't so he's being brave with his feelings.) (He saw that they had chemistry together and feels like it would be Bad and Selfish of him to bring up his Own desires. But literally if he said something right away, Felipe woulda been right there with him, Sammy wouldn't have gotten so attached, etc. It would've been great! But! Don't tell him that, he didn't knowwww!!!)
On Sammy and Felipe's side of things, Sammy is super eager, clingy and in the happy honeymoon phase, and while Felipe is having lots of fun with this, he also thinks, hey we were just hooking up right, we weren't Dating™ right? so he does still keep his flirty attitude towards Gabriel. WHich is FINe says Sammy, who said that they aren't dating so of course he can still flirt with other people (<- didn't realize it would be within his own friend group)
Gabriel and Felipe hookup a few months after Sammy and Felipe started hooking up. (In a hotel room, with Sammy sleeping in the next bed over shh shh its fine.) It's fun, and Gabriel's finally like, opening up about his wants and desires! (FINALLY.) Felipe's directness and his own openness with wanting Gabe makes Gabe comfortable to get into that discussion. They start out casual too, just like with Sammy, no need to put much pressure on what this relationship is yet, just having fun with it!
They start getting more serious slowly over time, just hanging out more and getting comfier together. Felipe introduces Gabriel to his other friend group, and invites him to that groups Big Annual Camping Get Together, which is probably a pretty big turning point in the relationship. (His friends are surprised: "You're still into Laundromat Boy?!? WHOA!") At the same time, Sammy and Felipe have been weaning off their hookups together, they're on good terms and they really don't want it to get messy with complicated emotions. Sammy's happy for Gabe n Felipe, honest! (No matter how he phrases this he never sounds genuine, sometimes on purpose for comedic value because he knows he's clingy... but, really, he loves his friends, I promise. 🥺)
Over some time, the friend groups dynamic changes a bit. Sammy and Felipe become roommates together, Eve and Steph start dating and are talking about moving in together too. It gets Gabe thinking. "Hey... Why am I still living with my ex, and not my boyfriend now. Whoag. My boyfriend... 💞💖💘" And this starts the era of them like, ACTUALLY Dating, Living Together, etc etc.
It took idk six long years for them to explore some things, figure themselves out and mature, and finally get to this point. But they're finally getting things where they want!!! And I think that's awesome! 👍
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