#I think I packed too much into it XD
That feeling when you're SO CLOSE to finishing a fic but you just can't get over that damn hurdle of tying everything together in a way that makes sense and doesn't feel clunky all the while trying to keep characters in-character and not feel like they're acting the way you want them to just to finally finish this story
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I don’t know if anyone here plays it and/or cares, but I have been very slowly building Castle Rysen in the Sims 4 and I think I finally have enough of it done to share a bit (apologies for poor picture quality I was using my phone to take them because I’m too tired to deal with screenshots)
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It has towers too I just forgot to get a picture of them xD I made it on a hill because on the map it appears to be near the mountains.
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Basement with kitchen, this is where the servants quarters will be (and also eventually the unlit side on the left will lead to the holoel chamber)
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Ballroom/dining hall with little study-esque places. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to fill this out more eventually xD
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Next floor has Nia and Esben’s room
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Artham and Arundelle’s room
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and all these empty rooms I haven’t done anything with yet xD
And now the piece de resistance:
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Everything in this room I’ve done since yesterday when the new library kit came out I went absolutely insane with it xD
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lil study nook/more of my walls of books
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kid’s area :)
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aesthetic fireplace bookreading spots
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I headcanon that Castle Rysen has hidden passageways all over it so here’s one in the library that leads to the floor below.
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outside we have a path that leads down to this little wooded area
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and this nice little garden.
That’s all I have so far. If anyone shows any interest I may continue posting pictures. If no one shows any interest I’ll probably delete this so it’s not clogging up the page.
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It just doesn’t feel that satisfying somehow,, In the past you could get several suits for this price qq I love this suit a lot and I got 2 pieces of the demon suit bc I had to pay slightly over to get it to 550 exp(and had no luck with daily deals >>) but ;; welp… bye money, hello beautiful cat girl who I’ve wanted since the second I saw her previewed for cn-! Gotta focus on positives! not the ~20 or smt aud im trying not think about GKAKVKA
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She be like this ^ GODLY!
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
in new apartment by myself 😎✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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And hey, there was a nice couple of creative spaces on the second floor -- a little music studio, complete with stage, and a painting and woodworking room! Alice promptly grabbed an easel to start painting something surreal, while Victor made a bunny sculpture on the woodworking bench and Smiler sang some SimCity Founding songs on the guitar (even earning a few tips along the way). So at least they were able to keep themselves pleasantly occupied for a while -- and Victor even got up to Handiness skill 9 from his sculpture, which was VERY nice. :) However, it quickly became apparent that the thunderstorm was NOT going to abate anytime soon (and in fact was in danger of setting bits of the scenery on fire with some nasty lightning strikes) --
So I did what any annoyed Simmer would do and bought the damn weather control machine and directed Smiler to make it hot and clear skies! It took a few minutes for the weather to fully clear up, but it did eventually become as hot and sunny as I'd hoped it would be when they first arrived. :) And, for whatever reason, just fiddling with the machine brought Smiler's Handiness up to level 8. *shrug* I will take it!
With the weather finally cooperating, all that remained to do was wait for Alice to finish her painting -- a bit of a longer process than I expected, due to people constantly coming in and out of the studio and distracting her. *grumbles* Fortunately Smiler and Victor were not opposed to just hanging out together in a private corner, chatting and flirting. :) But Alice did eventually complete her latest artwork (which, I fully admit, is very surreal) --
And so it was FINALLY picnic time! :) Victor and Alice changed into some hot weather wear to match the new temperature, and Victor set out the spread for everyone. I was briefly annoyed by a thirsty Smiler drinking a plasma pack first before Victor could set out the food, admittedly -- but then I remembered "wait, plasma packs and plasma fruit are both a bit shit at fulfilling thirst -- they probably SHOULD have both." XD So yeah, everyone settled in for snacking and sipping as per their dietary needs. . .
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
I've had this story saved for a while now trying to muster the confidence to post it today is the day! I'm finally jumping straight out of my comfort zone and into new territory wish me luck... Can you tell I'm bad a naming things, title coming soontm... when I think of one.
DISCLAMER: This is my first time writing a reader fic so please be gentle. It is also my first time writing a fic that is pretty much going to be centered around smut. I am also really bad at writing Soap's accent my dyslexic brain freaks out too much, I will strive to improve though XD
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 3.7k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe. Am I doing this right?? CW: This chapter is SFW, but in future it will get spicy so for my own sanity +18 MDNI mentions of sex, descriptions of injuries.
Part 2 Masterlist
Phew, Enjoy <3
“Sergeant MacTavish?” You call into the hallway there are some soldiers waiting, you look up and down to see if anyone reacts to the name. 
“Sergeant John MacTavish?” You call again this time a little louder.
“Here lass!” A man calls hobbling down the hall towards you. Your breath catches in your throat, even being on a base surrounded by plenty of hunky men you had not seen anyone quite like him. His broad shoulders, thick arms and tanned skin. His fluffy mohawk, shining almost bronze in the florescent lights. To top it all off his cheeky grin is sending butterfly's racing in your stomach.
He’s being followed by what seems like an even bigger man trying to help him wobble his way down the hall, his sharp eyes focused on making sure his friend doesn’t topple over. The rest of his face is covered by a balaclava with a skull printed on it. It makes you shiver as they walked towards you. You move to the side of the door letting them in. John finds his way to a chair while the other man stands behind him. You close the door to the room going back over to the desk sitting down and opening his file on the computer. 
“Twisted your ankle during an exercise?” You look past the monitor at him. 
“Aye, I’m fine but LT here insisted I get it checked out.” He replies with a smile on his face thumbing behind at the man looming over him. Christ even his accent is sexy.
“And I’m staying to make sure you do get it checked out properly instead of flirting your way to a few paracetamol and a cold compress.” The man said, his voice was deep, commanding. You could feel heat rush to your cheeks at the mention of flirting, but you push the thought away trying to remain professional. 
“It is good to get it checked even if it is just a sprain.” You move your chair round so you’re sitting in front of him. 
“Do you mind if I take your boot off?”
“I got it lass,” he winked bending down to untie the laces, and pulled the boot off. You could tell by the scrunching of his face and the grunt he made that this was causing him pain. He put his foot back down on the floor his ankle did look swollen. 
“Have you tried ice or a cold compress?” You ask. 
“Aye,” he replies you hear the man behind him sigh.
“What he means by that is he tried for about 5 minutes before he was back on his feet again.” John huffed at being called out. 
“You’ll need to try for longer then that,” you say acknowledging the tall man behind John who now had his arms crossed. You pick the foot up watching John try to hide the pain, you only lift it up a little before decided it was going to need an x-ray. 
“I will book an x-ray for you in the mean time if you go into the ward they will give you an ice pack and a bed.” You explain moving your chair back to the desk so you could book the appointment. 
“Do you want any pain relief?” You ask. 
“Na, I can barely feel it.” He says a cheeky smile on his face. You nod typing the report and waiting for the paper to print out. 
“I can give you some crutches you really should keep your weight off it.” You stand up going to the printer.
“It’s okay love I’ve got my own crutch here.” He says hopping up on his foot and wrapping his arm round the other man. You smile handing the paper to him.
“Give this to the nurse on the ward.” You say rushing in front of them to open the door. 
“Thanks love,” he says beaming at you as he gets lead out by his friend who looks back at you and nods. You close the door to the room taking a breath out. What the hell was that? You find a smile forming on your lips as your heart flutters in your chest. 
Two days later you find yourself as the night nurse. Not that you mind it’s normally the quieter part of the job and there is no one in the ward so you don’t even have to worry about trying to look busy. About an hour into your shift someone comes through the doors. You recognise him immediately as John, from a few days ago with the sprained ankle. He’s hobbling around on crutches now, his friend is not with him ether. 
“Hello sweetheart!” He says his voice full of energy, that ever present smile on his face. 
“Hey, John did you need something?” you ask coming round from behind the nurses station. 
“Yeah actually, I was told to come pick up something…” He trails off. “Now what was it?” 
“Painkillers?” You ask. 
“No it begin with a T I think.” He looks up to the corner of the room like he is trying to think hard about it.
“A tubigrip?” You ask.
“That’s the one lass!” He says snapping his fingers, you can’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm. 
“Sit up on the bed I’ll get you one.” You say turning to the cupboard of supplies. You pick out two sizes then walk back over to John already leaning down to untie his boots. 
“I can do that.” You insist waving his hands away, he sighs but gives in leaning back on the bed. You carefully remove the boot looking back and checking to see how he reacts. He’s ether getting better at hiding it or painkillers have helped. He only winces when you have to pull the boot over his heel.
“What did the doctor say?” You ask. 
“Sprained, I’ve been stuck behind a desk for the last two days.” He makes a pouting face as you pull his sock off. 
“You should sleep with it elevated that will help with the swelling.” You say pulling his trouser leg up. The swelling has definitely improved since you saw it last. 
“I bet with a few more days of rest you’ll be back on your feet like nothing happened.” You smile at him.
“I hope so lass, my unit’s being shipped out at the end of the week.” He says as you pull the tubigrip over his foot and ankle.
“Oh yeah anywhere fun?” You ask. 
“Ah ‘fraid I can’t tell you that love.” He winks, you can't tell if he’s joking or not but you pull his trouser leg back down.
“You can keep your boot on but not too tight, and keep it elevated.” You explain putting his boot back on and loosely tying the laces. 
“What painkillers are you taking?” You ask as he swivels his body round so his feet are hanging off the bed. 
“Paracetamol, oh and the doc said I could take ibuprofen too, but I don’t need it I can barely feel a thing.” You look back at him chuckling, his arms flex as he pushes himself up with the crutches. You feel your cheeks heat up again.
“You should take the ibuprofen at least it will also help with the swelling.” You force out, leaning over him to pick up his sock from the bed. He smells good, must be his aftershave. You hold the sock out for him and he sheepishly takes it out your hand shoving it in his pocket. You move back so he can hop out the ward back to the nurses station. 
“Well it was nice seeing you again…” He trails off like he’s trying to remember your name his eyes squinting. You cover your badge teasing him. He chuckles. 
“LT is the one with the better memory.” He says turning his body to the doors. 
“Ashe.” You reply uncovering your badge.
“Well then Ashe it was nice to see you again.” His smile is infectious and you could have sworn he winked at you. 
“Good luck on your deployment,” You call back as he pushes his way through the doors. 
“I don’t need luck.” He winks at you. Okay that time it was definitely a wink and it made the butterflies come back to your belly. You sit down at the nurses station with a smile on your face and heat in your cheeks.
One week later you get a text out of the blue.
Hey, this Ashe? 
It’s an unknown number you’re tempted to ignore it, but something inside you forces you to answer it. 
Yeah, who’s this?
It’s only seconds later a response comes.
It’s Johnny, with the fucked up ankle. 
Holy shit, you choke on your drink, coughing as the liquid has now gone in your windpipe. You take a few more sips trying to sooth it. How the hell did he get my number? 
How did you get my number?
From a friend of a friend..
You can’t help but chuckle, is this real? Did he make his deployment? You realise you haven’t seen him round the base in a few days, and you would know you’ve been looking. Sometimes without even realising it any time you see a broad tanned soldier hairs stand up on the back of your neck and you crane to look only to be disappointed. His friend with the skull mask, you found out his name was lieutenant Riley. You know you definitely hadn’t seen him. 
Anyway…Want to get coffee? 
Such a simple request has your heart thumping in your chest. 
You reply without thinking, your leg starts to jump under the table nervousness washing over you. Coffee? With me? Why?
How about that coffee place just outside the base, tomorrow 1300?
Your heart is pounding now your throat dry. Is this a date? 
Sure :)
Was the smiley too much, you put your phone down embarrassed. You hear it buzz picking up the courage to look 
See ya there :)
You let out a breath your leg stops jumping. Coffee with Johnny, surely it’s just a friendly thing to say thank you for helping with his ankle. It doesn't matter if it is or not but he’s on your mind for the rest of the day until you go to bed. 
You show up early, the butterfly's have not left your stomach since the moment you woke up. You managed to switch your shift with another nurse so you could be here instead. Coffee sounded like too much especially with your nerves you opted for a tea. You find yourself checking your watch almost every second, your back is to the door each time it opens your heart stops and you turn to look. Jesus calm down woman, it’s just coffee. You try to tell yourself. A few minutes later and a few sips of hot tea, you start to calm. 
“Hey there lass.” You hear the familiar Scottish accent behind you. You turn in your chair to see him. He’s smiling of course he is he sits down in the chair opposite you. His skin looks darker or maybe it’s just the light in the room, his hair looks like it’s been freshly groomed. You get a proper look at his eyes, a beautiful deep blue. You can’t help finding yourself smiling.
“Hey,” You reply. He chuckles almost like he can feel the nervousness radiating off you. 
“What’s your poison?” He asks pointing at your cup. 
“Eh tea.” You reply realising you’ve almost finished it. 
“Typical brits,” he sighs playfully as he gets up. 
“Let me get it, you should rest your ankle.” You say quickly stopping him in his tracks. 
“Don’t worry love it’s been solid for a few days now.” You sigh that’s good at least. He gets up walking over to the counter. You take out a deep breath, your head following him as he orders beaming at the staff his accent cutting through the mumbling of the other patrons. You look back at your tea finishing it off as Johnny comes back with the drinks. He smiles as he sits down putting the tea in front of you. 
“Thank you,” You say warming your hands on the new mug. 
“Ne problem don’t you worry about it, I’m supposed to be treating you,” You feel yourself blushing again as that cheeky look comes back on his face.  
“Why?” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. He chuckles.
“You helped me with my ankle, I wanted to say thank you.” He says as a matter of fact. 
“It’s my job,” you reply shrugging, feeling a rush of embarrassment washing over you. “You could have just caught me on the base.”
“Yeah,” Now his cheeks looked like they were changing to a gorgeous shade of pink. 
“Did you manage to get deployed?” You ask trying to move the subject on. He smiles leaning back in his chair.
“Na, whole thing got cancelled, I spent a few days in London.” He says smiling.
“Was Riley-I mean-lieutenant Riley was he with you?” You blurt out sipping your tea so the word vomit would stop. 
“Simon?” Johnny asked his smile getting bigger. “Oh yeah we spend a lot of time together.”
“Huh, that’s nice you must be a tight unit.” You say calming yourself. So his name was Simon, Simon Riley.
“What about you what have you been up to?” He leans forward sipping his coffee.
“Work, nothing really.” You smile.
“When’s your next leave?” He asks. 
“Two weeks.” He nods like he's thinking about something his lips pressed together. He leans forward on the table more.
“There was another reason I wanted to see you.” He says, his smile disappearing. You hold your breath in anticipation of what he’s going to say next. He takes a breath in for a second looking you in the eyes.
“I really wanted to see you again.” He said, okay that’s not bad. You almost want to laugh at how worked up you got yourself. He just wants to say thank you, he’s buying you coffee because he want’s to be nice. You helped him with his ankle. Now he’s asking if you’re single.
Wait what?    
“Single?” You ask, your brain trying to comprehend what you missed. He nods his smile coming back, at least that puts you at ease. 
“Yeah, I’m single. Are you single?” It seems like the appropriate time to ask him too. His lips are pressed together again like he’s trying to formulate a sentence in his head. 
“It’s complicated,” A cheeky smile forms on his lips as he sips his coffee. 
“What do you mean it’s complicated? Do you have a girlfriend?” You ask frowning at him.
“No.” He replies flatly.
“A boyfriend?” He puts his coffee down. 
“I wanted to see you cos I’ve spent the last week tryin’ te get ya out my head and it’s impossible.” He said leaning forward. You blush at his words. 
“What do you mean it’s complicated though?” Your heart beating faster in your chest you can’t tell if it’s the caffeine from the tea or the words from Johnny’s mouth but it was getting harder to concentrate. 
“I’m married to my work.” He says leaning back. You sigh, this has happened before. ‘I can’t be with you the job is too important’ It’s all too familiar, finding love when every one around you is throwing their lives on the front line is near impossible. 
“I get it,” You say trying not to hide your disappointment. 
“C’mon lass it don’t mean we can’t still be mates.” He says it sounds almost like a plea. You feel sad and drained, you didn’t know what to expect from the meeting but you weren't expecting to feel like you just got dumped by someone you didn’t even date. You look at Johnny his blue eyes look sad, he grips the handle of his coffee mug. 
“It’s okay, you seem like a nice guy but I know how this goes. We’ll talk maybe have sex a few times but sooner or later you’ll move on, or be deployed or I’ll move on or be stationed somewhere else…” You look at Johnny finishing the rest of your tea. And moving to stand up. He reaches out to you trying to get you to stay. 
“C’mon let me at least walk you back to the base.” You can’t help but see the pleading in his eyes his usual smile warms your heart. You go up and place a kiss on his cheek. 
“It’s okay Johnny, I need to go into town anyway.” You smile your hand patting his chest, you can feel the tight muscles under your hand only making it harder to turn away. But you pull your hand off his chest and head for the door.
You make it two weeks having to almost actively avoid Johnny. Since whatever mission he was supposed to be on was cancelled he’d been helping round the base with all kinds of different things. You would bump in to him all the time, your eyes always betraying you and wandering to him whenever he was in your view. He spent a lot of time with Simon, the ‘big scary skull guy’ some of the other nurses would call him. 
“I heard his face was burnt off in a horrible accident.” One of them said one day as we were eating lunch in the mess. Your eyes had barely left Johnny’s face he was sat a few tables ahead of you. He seemed to like the fact you were always watching him. His eyes meeting yours and smiling. Sometimes you would look up and it would Simon's eyes staring you down. His gaze would always send shivers up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck would stand up. The nurses giggling as they spread rumours about him. It was enough to piss you off, making you snap at them about spreading rumours like that.
“We’re not in secondary school anymore! Show some respect.” You snapped leaving the table. You knew you could feel Johnny’s eyes digging into you. 
When you made it home you welcomed the rest. Your small London apartment had been rented out for the few months you had been away, the place was going to need a good clean tomorrow. The thought of sleeping in a bed that had been home to a stranger for 5 months felt icky so you ended up curling up on the sofa turning the TV on for background noise. Your mind turning to Johnny. Wonder what he’s doing? Think he’s still at the base?
Your mind somehow turned to Simon too, thinking back to all the rumours you’d heard. None of them even remotely sounding plausible. Who cares, he has his reasons for the mask, it’s none of my business. Your phone buzzed and you reached over to pick it up. 
Make it home safe? 
It was Johnny, he hadn’t texted you since the coffee date. Well date was the wrong word. 
You hover over the send button wondering if this was a good idea or not. You take a deep breath in and hit send throwing the phone to the other side of the couch going back to watch whatever distraction was on the TV. You don’t even remember falling asleep.
You’re woken by a knock at the door, you look out the window the sun is peaking through the clouds, you check your watch its 10am. There is another knock. You pull yourself off the couch stiff from sleeping in such an awkward position.
“I’m coming.” You call yawning, looking through the peep hole. 
What the fuck? 
You open the door. 
“Johnny?” You ask shocked.
“Hey,” He says, his smile radiating off his face, his hair is a mess he looks like he’s barely slept. You look at him in stunned silence shaking your head. 
“I wasn’t completely honest with you.” He says. “Can I come in? I’ll be quick I promise.” 
“Not really the best opening line if you want to get into someone's flat.” You say.
“Scouts honour.” He says holding up 3 fingers. You roll your eyes and step aside so he can come in. 
“When I said it was complicated, it’s not cos I’m married to the job…” He trails off standing in your kitchen so there is at least a foot distance between you two. 
“I am married, to Simon.” Your mouth falls open at the revelation.
“Simon Riley?” you ask, almost shaking your head in disbelief.
“Yeah,” He shrugs.
“So you’re gay?” You say, but it feels like a question. 
“Yeah, well Bi, both of us. That’s why it’s complicated.” You shake your head not quite understanding. He seemed nervous all of a sudden.
“Well, we both still like women, and, you know-or I guess you don’t know-we experimented threesomes and what not.” He ran his hand through his hair. “There is something different about you, we’ve both been obsessed with you, can’t get you out our heads.” 
“Both?” You ask, your mouth still hanging open. 
“Aye, Simon’s not good with words though, or at least not till he gets to know ya.” He chuckles running his hand through his hair again. You take a deep breath out.  
“What do you want Johnny?” You ask. Is he asking me for sex? A threesome? 
“Have coffee with me and Simon.” He says.
“That’s it coffee?” You ask. 
“Yeah.” He says nodding. 
“You came all the way to my flat to ask me to have coffee with you and Simon?” You fold your arms, you can’t tell if you feel disappointed it’s not sex or annoyed that he’s basically invaded your privacy for something so trivial. He shrugs. You close your eyes for a second thinking about it. You sigh, it’s not like you have anything better to do while you’re on leave, and it is only coffee. You take a big breath in opening your eyes. Johnny’s smiling again, the smile that makes your heart skip a beat and the butterfly's wake up. 
“Okay.” You nod, You don’t get chance to finish your thought cos he’s thrown his arms round you squeezing you. 
“Thank you, thank you.” He says breaking from the hug. Your cheeks are definitely red now after feeling his body pressed against yours. You can’t help smiling. He reaches over for the door handle.
“I’ll text you a time and a place,” you nod as he goes out the door.
“Hey Johnny how did you find my address?” 
“A friend of a friend,” he smiles up at you from the stairs. You shake your head in disbelief. What the hell just happened?   
Next part AO3 link soontm
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simmerianne93 · 4 months
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Hello everyone!!! How are you today???!!!
I'm 3 days late with these poses.... sorry for that... but here they are!!! Finally!!! The winner pack from the last public survey: Portrait poses with triplets!!! and as such it's a free pack for everyone to enjoy, inmediatly...
Thank you so so so so much for participate in the survey! I'll be doing another one soon, so keep an eye in my socials and here for the announce!!
I really love this pack! I know I say that a lot lately haha but I trully love this one.
Back when Growing Together went on sale, a friend of mine give it to me.... I decided to play with a sim called Pilar to test the expansion pack and she fell in love with Don Lothario. I don't hate Don, I actually love him. I read an NSB that redeemed him a few years ago and I started to love him. So I was glad that my lovely Pilar fell in love with him in this save. They woohoo and my game decided to troll me and give me for the first time a pregnancy with triplets... no traits used no on the sims, nor in the lot... It was just a game's choice.
A few days later, when the triplets were beautiful infants, Pilar and Don wished to woohoo again... I was hesitant xD (I have Mccc and WW installed, and I have a % to get a sim pregnant even with the normal woohoo interaction) and every time they were going to Woohoo, I would cancel the action, but after canceling it about 5 or 6 times, I decided to let them be haha and that was a mistake, 'cause they got pregnant again... with triplets.... yeah... no cheats, no traits... it just seems that this Don and my lovely Pilar were too fertiles... hahahaha...
Anyway, I got two triplets in a row, with just two woohoo tries... and that was when I started to think about triplet packs. Actually, that's how my "Infant_poses_01" came to life... and now you have this new posepack, inspired for that unexpected event to "complete" in a way the triplet's journal... haha kind of a "memories" posepack, triplets for all ages from infants to teen/adults.
I hope you all like them as I do, because I'm in love with the way they came out:
What is on it?
12 groupal poses:
4 poses for 5 sims (2 adults and 3 infants; 2 adults and 3 toddlers; 2 adults and 3 kids; and 5 teens/aduts)
4 poses for 4 sims (1 adult and 3 infants; 1 adult and 3 toddlers; 1 adult and 3 kids; and 4 teens/adults)
4 poses for 3 sims (3 infants; 3 toddlers; 3 kids; and 3 teens/adults)
--- What do you need?
Andrew poses player.
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
"Rustic stool" chair from "Jungled Adventure" Gamepack (tho it can be use with some other "stools" from the game like the one from "For rent" Expansionpack)
"The hipster hugger" sofa from Basegame (or any 3sits-sofa, tho it can glitch a little bit depending on wich sofa you choose)
A double bed.
Invisible infant mat replacement  by mcrudd  (OPTIONAL)
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [FREE FOR EVERYONE]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
All my poses overview: Pinterest |  Wix | Tumblr
More in-game preview pics of all my poses: Instagram
My socials: Twitter | BlueSky | Instagram | Tumblr 
Lives and videos: Youtube
I really hope you like them and I will say in advance: Thank you so much for using them.
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galesdevoteewife · 9 months
Gale may not be so typical squishy wizard/scholar?
-My Galeology study note-
Looking at his character sheet in the Deluxe pack gets me thinking, maybe our wizard is not exactly designed to be the typical squishy one...?
[Act2 spoiler warning]
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2 things caught my eyes:
1) Great physical fitness, and good reflexes. (For your reference, Gale & Wyll are the two companions who have the highest Con: 15. I put everyone's sheets at the bottom of the post.)
His Con and Dex are... very high?? I mean, higher than Karlach and Lae'zel...????
Note 1: I suspect it could have something to do with his background as Mystra's chosen, as they are somewhat "transformed" when they agree to become the goddess's chosen. A topic for another day since I haven't quite figured it out yet, for anyone who is interested there's a chapter about it in The Seven Sisters. Also, I have little clues on how much chosen lore credit Larian was taking into account while designing him, or how Mystra's "taking back the given ability" works. Note 2: Again, Mystra's chosen are often sent on missions that involve a lot of traveling according to Elminster's series. Mystra also mentioned that Gale and she used to have adventures together, which leads to an assumption: despite his preference he might be traveling quite a lot until he was cast aside and quarantined himself in his tower. Might be the type of scholar who is very keen on field studies?
Note 3: Can someone undress Elminster to exam my theory please??xD Neh won't work I think all human might share same body model in game
Come to think of it, there was a party banter between Karlach & Gale that went like :
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Karlach: Whoa! Almost slipped there. Gale: You wouldn't be the first, I'd wager. It's been some time since these walkways felt the carpenter's hammer. Karlach: You gonna catch me if I eat a brick? Gale: With my reflexes? I'd catch you before you so much as stubbed a toe.
At first I thought that was a sarcastic joke but, seems like it wasn't? Also this:
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Karlach: Ready to enter the belly of the beast? Gale: It's the stairs I'm dreading. I shall close my eyes, and pretend I'm climbing my own, far superior tower in Waterdeep. Karlach: In that case, welcome home.
...So it seems when I pictured him as a homebody, I should reimagine the concept of home... His has...lots of stairs? Just walking around in the tower could be counted as a workout, sort of thing? Note: I don't think the place he shows in the Act 2 cutscene is his tower. Otherwise, aren't these neighbors pretty much doomed?
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2) Not THAT smart. Well, I love him, so I will speak in his defence: [1] He has a warm(s) digging holes in his brain. [2] Poisonous magical bile running in his blood. Maybe he's just not at his best, makes sense, eh? Wyll mentioned he is nerfed after tadpole too. After all, this man obviously memorized a DICTIONARY:
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Gale: You promised to stay in Waterdeep. 'Promise,' verb, meaning to swear something will or will not be done. Tara the Tressym: And I decided 'will not'. And a good thing, too. You look like you haven't had a good meal in days
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Player: When I said we could be more than friends, you answered 'perhaps'. What does that really mean? Gale: If I recall correctly, the Waterdhavian Dictionary of the Common Tongue of Faerûn defines it as an adverb that conveys the meaning of 'it may be that', or 'possibly'. Gale: Sorry, sometimes I just can't help being quite insufferable. In seriousness, I'm glad you asked that question.
Along with a bunch of you-may-never-need information:
Everything about ceremorphosis? Myconid? Why in the world have him read about Cazador??? And how can he not know the distance between Waterdeep & Baldur's Gate, even Karlach ―who spent a decade, which is likely half of her life in hell― knows better geography than him. Gale either totally ignored the subject or portaled everywhere; distance meant nothing to him?? Uh, but you can't take party banters too seriously; it's buggy. How could a bug bit Karlach in the swamp? It should've been burned into ashes before it even reached her, no?
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Anyway, just rambling some thoughts <3 I would have gone to Harvard if there was a major in Gale...
-DISCLAIMER- Brought to you by a brainrot wife, Galerian missionary. Be warned the article might has (strong) bias because the writer is braindead and she thinks Gale is the most awesome character in the world.
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popironrye · 5 months
The Lost Boys
Leisure Headcanons
💋 David 💋
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Is a skilled fire arm shooter. (Loves the cowboy aesthetic)
Has his own gun hidden in the cave.
Doesn't get the chance too often, but will ride a horse when the chance arises.
Likes wood carving. Mostly non specific whittling into basic shapes or animals. It helps him relax.
Movie nut! When the boys go the Max's store to fool around, David makes sure to tuck a movie or two that catches his eye in his coat. Tends to watch them alone, all the questions from Paul would just grate on his nerves too much.
I imagine David would be like REALLY good at origami for no particular reason. He doesn't even try, just once the boys do it just because and he's just the best at it.
I don't know if vampires can emerge in water in the lost boys lore, but if they can David loves to swim. Chilling in water clears his mind.
💀 Dwayne 💀
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Skater boi! Does a lot of sick tricks, but when you can levitate it's less impressive. XD
Doesn't care for guns, but likes archery. Hammers his own arrow heads. Dwayne and David like to pick a spot in the woods to shoot make shift targets.
A real book worm. Will spend a lot of time just silently reading for hours.
Takes up knitting from time to time. He prefers hand knitted blankets and throws rather then the store ones.
Likes to make jewelry. Made his own necklace.
Enjoys all types of puzzles. Cross word, jigsaw, and brain teasers.
Can sew and offers to sew up holes made in all the clothes the boys decide not to get new ones.
🌿 Paul 🌿
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Can play the guitar.
Also likes to sing, and is pretty good at it. Wanted to start a band, but the other boys weren't up for it.
Has the biggest music collection and is always hogging the tabletop/cassette/cd player.
Amateur photography. Just likes to take photos randomly. Some are really artsy.
Got really into tie dye for a while. Although he might have just been high.
When he wants to relax, Paul really likes to stargaze. Laying outside the cave looking at the sky and hearing the waves of the ocean just makes him feel at peace.
When David isn't using the tv monitor, Paul enjoys quite a few video games. He also likes to take on the arcade and carnival games at the boardwalk.
🪶 Marko 🪶
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Aside from pigeons, Marko will try to domesticate a number of animals to the cave, including stray dogs, cats, deer, badgers, squirrel, foxes, bats, and even a black bear once.
He in fact did NOT domesticate a black bear, but he did wrestle one.
He does his own patchwork on his jacket.
Like David, he likes to sculpt into wood, but he usually carves patterns and landscapes into more grand pieces.
He's also a skilled painter. Mostly he'll paint murals on sections of the cave David says is ok for him to paint on.
He collects sea shells on the beach.
He'll style the others hair. Especially David who he'll cut and dye in the way he likes best.
🔥Pack Activities🔥
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Dart throwing. The bigger the target the better. David and Dwyane are very competitive at this one specifically.
Rollerblading. Put wheels on shoes, what more can you want?
Listening to music. The boys have very wide music tastes and sometimes they cross over and they all like the same stuff. They take turns around the player of their choice to just smoke, drink, and listen to the sounds of the music plays.
Card games. Specifically poker when they're all together. They make things more interesting when they make bets.
And of course motocycle cruising and board walk loitering.
Something that always strikes me with vampires in fiction and indeed with any immortal creature with the high and emotional intelligence of humans. IMMORTALITY IS FUCKING BORING!
I mean, think about it. Imagine you're given all the free time in the world with very little responsibility with no fear of getting sick or tired allowed to do pretty much whatever you want. What would you do? Cause I would go stir crazy. So I came up with these dumb little head canons on how I image the boys specifically would pass the time in their little vampire lives that doesn't revolve around murdering and feeding off of people.
Of course cruising on their bikes come to mind. And there's a couple in the movie we get to see like Dwayne's skateboarding and Marko's fondness for pigeons but I wanted to throw more possibilities out there. :3
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parvulous-writings · 9 months
Oooh, I have a request idea!! How about Gale, Halsin, Astarion and Wyll or Karlach (if that's not too many ;-;) with a modern S/O from our world that makes them try a bunch of food from this dimension. I'd love to see their reaction to trying Soda or other Carbonated Beverages, and naturally seeing everyone's reaction to canned food - especially the kind that stays in the exact shape of the can even after you dump it into a bowl 🤣
Just imagine giving them this bad boy and being like "Bon appetit!" :D
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I like to think they'd be horrified 🥰 Thank you so much !!
Summary: I do love me a little whimsical AU, I can't lie - so this MAY go into the realms of silly, but you know what? It's going to be fun! It also may be a bit all over the place... but you know what I think it fits XD The scenario is kinda the same for all of them - I hope that's okay!
Warnings: Some are a bit shorter/longer than others! Other than that... I don't think there's anything!
Notes:  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Out of everyone, Gale would probably be the most at-ease with you coming from another realm - he finds it absolutely fascinating.
He's asking questions all the time - is there magic in your universe? No?? What do you do, then??
You tell him about technology, and he is hooked. You start talking about electricity and immediately he's taking notes (mental or physical).
"I think I might actually have something you can try, Gale" you pull out of your pack a can of Coke (that somehow had survived the trip), and a tin of cranberry sauce that you had hoped to take home, before being whisked away to the land of Faerun. You offer him the can, and he just stares at it for a moment, observing it.
"And... what is this, exactly?" "It's a drink." "I fail to see how-" click "... Ah"
Isn't sure how the bubbles feel on his tongue - he almost spits out the drink the first mouthful he has. Doesn't mind the taste itself though - he would probably drink it flat, if he had the choice to.
"It's... Nice..." He seems mildly uncertain of this statement. "Though, I think I will stick to wine, and water..."
You telling him you can preserve food in metal near indefinitely? Pure 'teach me' moment. He will want to know EVERY secret on that front.
The tin of sauce confuses him. You tell him that it's sauce and he's eager to taste it - he's always on the look out for new flavours, as the self-declared cook in camp. Fish and potatoes can only keep you going for so long, until your tongue starts craving a new flavour.
When you present the unchanging... thing to him, he has no idea what to make of it. "That's... Not sauce. In fact, I don't even think that's edible - that looks like a health hazard."
He straight up refuses to use it that night, like he will not go near it, nor will he let it near the food.
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Halsin doesn't really talk about you being from another realm all that much - it doesn't overly concern him, now that you've got his trust.
He likes hearing stories of your life -even though you have to explain 90% of what you talk about to him, he's always eagerly listening to whatever you have to say.
Will not touch anything in a can - drink or otherwise.
"I... Do not feel right in trying this... my apologies."
You will not be able to convince him, whatever you try and do, he just... Doesn't want to listen to anything about that. If you keep trying to push him on the subject, he'll probably end up just walking away.
Though he's aware that preserving foods is probably a good idea for the long run, but after having heard the fizz from the can of coke? That's... A no go, for the time being.
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Astarion couldn't care less where you came from - so long as you're not going to stab him in the back, he's fine with you. You could be a crawling claw for all he cares - so long as you don't hurt him he really does not care.
Astarion doesn't typically eat anything other than his usual sanguine meals now that his affliction is out in the camp. This doesn't stop him from making snide comments on the food, though. And he makes especially snide comments when it comes to drinks - which he still partakes in quite happily.
"What do you mean... Fizzy?" His lips draw up slightly in a half-sneer, not being particularly drawn to the idea of... Whatever it was you were offering him. Though, he supposed, because it was you... He'd give it a go.
He manages to keep the beverage in his mouth after a sip, but the face he makes is beyond a grimace - clearly, he was not expecting that many bubbles.
Now when it came to the tinned sauce - or any tinned food for that matter... He'll simply laugh. "Now, I know we're short on supplies, darling, but... I don't think you'll get anyone to eat that." "Let me put it this way... If something like that was for my meal, I'd be running for the hills! ... And probably washing my mouth out with soap..."
"I am so glad I do not have to pretend I'm eating with you... Because that-" He points emphatically to the can-shaped food. "Would not, and will not, be going anywhere near my lips!"
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Wyll is curious about the realm you come from, but doesn't normally pry. He figures that, if you're going to reveal anything about your home land, you'll do it in your own time, when you're comfortable. If you start talking about your home and your life, Wyll will do the same, to show that he's not taking the conversation for granted.
Wyll actually LIKES carbonated beverages. He savours the feel on his tongue - it's like nothing else he's ever had before, and he's instantly wanting more. If you ever do figure out the realm-hopping thing, you'll have to bring him some more - possibly some different brands or flavours for him to try.
"So... These beverages... They can... Taste of flowers, and other delightful things?" Wyll hums pleasantly at this thought. "Well, I know we have... Similar things, here in Faerun, but I am most intrigued on your realms' flavours... As pleasant as it all can be, you can only handle so much of the same..."
Though canned food doesn't.... Really seem appealing to him, he'll still give it a good try! He's down to try any food at least once.
He's not keen on the appearance of the cranberry sauce, but he has some with some turkey you've roasted, and he's in love with the taste. Sure, the appearance could use some work, but beggars can't always be choosers - at least it tasted delicious!
Absolutely LOVES tinned vegetables. He's not sure why - he knows they've got a very different taste and texture to their fresher counterpart, but... There's just something about them that he can't get enough of. Tinned carrots especially.
If you give him the chance - and Gale for once isn't trying to make dinner - Wyll will try and find a way to include tinned foods. He will get everyone to like them, he's certain of it.
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Karlach LOVES hearing anything and everything about your home realm - from the mundane to the even mundane-r. You have a special tub to bathe in, not made from wood? And it has running water, like a river, that you can control?? That's one of the coolest things Karlach has heard of - and she longs for a way to try and bring that kind of plumbing to Faerun.
Karlach isn't fussed on the Coke can you offer her - she'll drink it, for sure, but if there's the option of another drink, then she'll probably opt for that first. Purely for the reason that it's a relatively new sensation compared to the other kinds of fizzy found in drinks across Faerun.
Like, fermentation has a kick, but in comparison, carbonation is a roar, that Karlach needs a little adjusting to - she has the best reaction out of the lot of them, I think.
"Whoo- that's... Hah, that's something, soldier... And how often do you drink this? Once a day? ... Several? Several cans of this a day?" She laughs quietly, shaking her head. "You're braver than me at some things, soldier."
However, when it comes to tinned food... She loves it. She's not even sure why - perhaps it's just the fact that she loves food. You show her the sauce first, and she doesn't even bat an eye at the fact that the sauce had retained the shape of the can. She sniffs at it, before just picking it up and taking a bite.
"A little sharp... But not bad!" Another bite. "You're meant to eat that with meat, Karlach," "Huh? .... Ah, well - still tastes good like this!"
She's not as fond of tinned veggies, but she'll still eat them. Normally dinner will now start with. "Aw, what? Don't we have anymore of that red stuff?"
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
could you write about sevika taking care of a sick reader? i’m immunocompromised and have been sick for like a month now and it’s really taking a toll on my mental health. would love to indulge myself by pretending that sevika is taking care of me hehe! thank you so much, your tumblr is such a safe space ❤️
of course i can <333 i hope this helps you feel a little better baby
men and minors dni
i'm just thinking about how nice and warm her big, calloused palm would be pressed against your forehead while she's checking on you. it's just a habit. she's not checking your temperature or anything, it's just how she shows her care, a big hand to your forehead, gently pushing your hair out of your face, sometimes sweeping down to cup your cheek. (god it'd feel so nice during a headache too.)
she'd be doing tiny little modifications around the house to make life easier for you. a stool in the shower to sit when you get too hot; another one at the counter so you don't have to stand while cooking; tiny trashcans next to your side of the bed and your favorite chair and the couch so you can be outside the bathroom when you're feeling nauseous; and sleeves of saltines everywhere. everywhere.
sevika doesn't get quaesy easily, and bodily fluids don't bother her much. she's always be right by your side while your getting sick (no matter what end it's coming out of, even if it's both) gently rubbing your back and wiping your mouth for you as you groan and gasp for air.
if you guys are in public you can bet your ass sevika's got her pockets loaded with anything and everything you might need.
suddenly feeling hot? sevikas cracking an ice pack for you, wrapping it in her jacket and holding it to your forehead. cold? she's got a heating pack in her back pocket too, hold on...
oh, you're hungry, but you can't keep food down? good thing sevika's brought some oyster crackers. you throw up in the bathroom? sevika's got a mini mouthwash for you.
i'm telling you, babe, she's got you covered.
she would never make you feel bad or shitty about being sick. if you're out and need to go home-- sevika's taking you home right away. if you've got plans but a migraine comes on, sevika's calling to get the food from the resturant you'd had reservations at delivered, then closing the blackout curtains and crawling into bed beside you.
and when you're feeling shitty and betrayed by your body-- sevika's always the person to remind you how incredible you are. how much she loves you, how funny, and resilient, and bright you are, that your laugh is like music, and that to her you glow even when you're mid fever and haven't showered in three days. and even though this speech from her always makes you cry, it's always good tears, and it always makes you feel better.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
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M-may I please get some Maddy Daddy deepthroat or clitwarming treatment? 👉🏻👈🏻🥹🖤 I’m not picky, I just love this character perhaps a bit too much. XD
Sleepy Girl thank you for indulging me~ I hope you like your food, and don't worry I will never tire of your Madara fixation because it fuels me too :))
cw. smut, oral sex, clit warming, female reader, minors DO NOT interact
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A soft hiss of pleasure whistled through your teeth when you felt Madara suck the aching bud of your clit into the hot, wet cavern of his mouth. You pressed your body harder into the wall behind you, hands scrambling for purchase as your nails scratched along the hard surface. Your knees wobbled and your legs threatened to buckle as boiling hot pleasure shot up your spine, pooling into the pit of your stomach as your blood simmered hotly in your veins. Your soused lashes fluttered over your warm cheeks as Madara groaned, the hot pant puffing against the wet seam of your cunt as the taste of your clit lingered in the back of his throat. 
Every hair on the nape of your neck stood up in anticipation as Madara’s large hands curled around your hips, squeezing your searing skin as his thumbs traced along the alluring v-line of your sumptuous body. Your pulse wavered, your heart jumping up in your throat as your lungs pinched. Goosebumps prickled your flesh as you prepared yourself, expecting the lashing of his furious tongue and the press of his teeth to drive you over the edge in a matter of minutes. But to your utter surprise, he didn’t move. He simply warmed the bud of your clit in his mouth, his saliva dripping through your sticky folds as beads of your arousal dripped down your quaking thighs in rivulets.
Your tongue poked out between the seam of your kiss swollen lips as you timidly licked the plump skin, Madara’s dark gaze following the subtle movement as you squirmed above him. You struggled to peel your tongue off the roof of your mouth, head spinning in a daze as stars wavered in your vision, the hot coil in the pit of your stomach clenching tighter. For a brief moment, you tried to wrap your head around why such a simple thing was sending your head into a tizzy. He wasn’t doing anything special; just letting the tightly packed bundle of nerves rest on the cushion of his tongue as the heat of his breath warmed your swollen cunt with each deep breath he took. 
“Madara?” you softly called. 
You tried to pick more words out of your head but it was hard to think when it felt like the space between your ears was stuffed full of cotton. Madara watched you struggle to articulate with lidded eyes, your nose scrunching up and a small pinch forming between your brow in frustration. He knew the question that itched at the back of your skull and lay heavy on the tip of your tongue. It made the corners of his eyes crinkle as his lips twitched up into a smirk as you squirmed above him. Impatience was starting to gnaw at the pit of your stomach like a persistent swarm of insects as you tried to keep still. But it was hard with the alluring warmth of Madara’s mouth pressed so tantalizingly against you. He swallowed the pooling saliva in his mouth, throat bobbing as the soft suction made a salacious moan bubble up the back of your throat. You canted your hips forward, bucking into the friction of his mouth as you chased after the feeling.
You squeaked loudly as Madara pinched the skin of your hip between his fingers, giving it a sharp tug until your flesh started to sting. He pulled back from you with a loud pop, your loud whine at the loss of warmth like music to his ears. He clicked his tongue behind his teeth as he softly tutted with a shake of his head. 
“Be still or I will give you nothing at all” he warned in a firm tone. 
You apologised for your behaviour immediately, your cheeks flaring with heat before you pressed the seam of your lips together into a tight, thin line. Madara could not wipe the smirk off his face as your body continued to twitch, the swollen nub of your clit aching for his attention once more as the pretty pearl glistened like morning dew. His gaze flickered up to your face once more. 
“Are you going to be a good girl and stay still?”
You quickly nodded along to his words. “Yes.”
A soft purr stirred in Madara’s throat, his satisfaction rolling off him in waves as he leaned forward once more. He let go of the hard grip he had on your hips, soothing his fingers along the bruised skin as the tip of his nose nudged apart the silky lips of your creamy folds. 
You moaned sharply as he sucked the bud of your clit back into his warm mouth, nose buried in a thick patch of pubic hair as he drowned himself in the natural scent of your musk. The tips of your fingers started to feel numb as you scrabbled for purchase on the wall behind you once more, legs feeling like the consistency of jelly as you struggled to keep yourself upright. You’re not sure how much longer you can last as you feel Madara’s breath fanning over the drooling seam of your pussy, your stomach clenching and hole fluttering around emptiness. You’re not sure how much time slipped past you as your body pulsed with a burning desire, the fraying ends of your sanity ready to snap at a moment’s notice. Your hands abandoned their purchase on the wall as you delved your fingers through raven black tresses, nails scratching along Madara’s scalp as you gently tugged his hair. He hummed, the vibrations tasting like heaven dancing along your tongue as his name warmed your parched throat. 
“Madara, please” you softly begged. 
Madara’s gaze flicked up to your face as your breathing wavered, chest heaving with exertion as a constellation of tears clung to the corners of your eyes. The look of desperation painted on your face was going to be burned into the back of his mind as the expression buried underneath his skin with razor sharp teeth. His ears pricked forward as you whined once more. But you did as you were told and kept the cant of your hips still, no matter how much your body continued to twitch from the strain. It wasn’t much longer of this torture before Madara decided he had his fill and granted you the mercy you had earned. 
Your ears burned furiously at the sound of gentle sucking, your messy cunt squelching as Madara finally applied pressure to the puffy nub of your clit and every single nerve was suddenly sent into overdrive. You whined his name as the hot coil in your stomach shattered into tiny pieces, veins flooded with white hot euphoria as your slick juices spilled from your core. You were finally given permission to move as Madara dragged your hips closer and you hungrily chased the warm feeling of his mouth. You mewled with bliss at the sound of Madara’s slick lips smacking together, your pussy pulsing as his tongue lapped through your creamy folds and dragged out the last dregs of pleasure lingering in your system. His hair spilled through your fingers as you tugged on the baby hairs lining the nape of his nape, knees buckling when he moaned obscenely into your overstimulated cunt.
Madara let go of your slippery clit with an audible pop, just in time to catch your exhausted body on the way before you could collapse into the floor. He bundled you into his arms, a warm chuckle grazing by the shell of your ear as you held onto him like a lifeline. He was completely endeared by the way you struggled to walk, almost tripping over your own legs like a newborn deer. 
“You’re trembling dear” Madara said, his tone almost bordering on mocking. “Was it that good?”
You hummed in agreement as Madara swiped away the trail of drool that clung to the corners of your lips. You tucked your head into the crook of his neck, words slightly slurred as you purred his name like a contented cat. You were going to have to ask him to do that again.
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greenbergwrites · 3 months
oh wait wait wait hang on one more
temple attendant steve, dressed in wispy white tunics, quietly cleaning and caring for the temple and the supplicants by day, always so sweet and tender for the people coming to beg the god for children or whatever other things they are praying for
and by night getting thoroughly railed by his hungry god
I wrote like 1500 words to this and my computer decided it did not want to work properly anymore. I managed to rewrite what I’d lost and then get to this point before my computer decided to stop working completely. I had to wait to post this at work XD
So. Like. I meant to change the way it ends or at least write more but I don’t know when I’ll get the home computer situation fixed so I figured I’d just throw it up here for your enjoyment.
It is weirdly angsty, Bucky is hardly in it, and it's minor character focused for something that was supposed to be a porn prompt. But I still like it.
Warnings for a famine situation and all that goes with it and mentions of fertility issues.
Also, if anyone can’t tell, I’ve been scouring my inbox all week for goodies. This one’s from 2022 based on this post and then this story.
Alpha Fertility God Bucky, Take #2
Steve was born an Omega runt and we’re not going to enlighten this ‘verse, either, so that’s bad. His birth pack gives him to the temple as a babe and that’s where he grows up.
He could grow up bitter and angry, but he doesn’t. Somehow, he turns out kind.
Each morning, he is the first to greet his Alpha Lord in the temple. The sun’s rays have barely peeked over the horizon when he slips through the columns of the great hall, heading toward a smaller back chamber.
In his teens, the birth rate in the village rose for several years. During that time, the temple saw a boom. The priests received enough money to enlarge the temple and build a new statue of their god, one seated on a huge dais, glittering gold and taking up most of the wall.
Steve does not approach this statue, though he takes the time to pause and bow to it as he walks.
No, the statue he greets every morning is the one that had been there when he’d been given to the temple. It’s in a small chamber now facing the eastern horizon.
Some of the younger attendants call it the morning god for the way its bathed in light each sunrise. 
Steve carries with him a tray, which he sets at the statue’s feet.
The first step in his morning ritual is to kiss the statue on each cheek.
“Good morning, my Lord Alpha,” he murmurs, bending to light the incense. “Did you sleep well?”
Statues do not sleep, of course, but Steve always asks. He hopes that perhaps, somewhere in the great universe, his lord hears a whisper on the wind and knows that someone cares.
The incense burning, Steve picks up a small, decorative bowl filled with perfumed water. Dipping two fingers into it, Steve sets about spread the perfume upon the statue.
When he was a child, he watched the High Priests perform this ceremony to this very statue each morning. Now, they do it to the new statue, but they wait until the doors are open and the village people can witness their dedication.
It is a show performed for the peace of mind of the villagers. This is not a show. It is worship.
“The drought continues,” he says as he works. “Three weeks since the last rain. The farmers worry too much of the food will rot in the fields and we won’t have enough for winter.”
The statue perfumed, he sets down the bowl and opens the last item on the tray: a small cloth tied into a knot. Inside is a small chunk of bread and cheese, the two of items together no bigger than his fist.
“We’re asked to reduce our offerings,” he continues. “I understand. Babes need food and I think you would rather see them eat. But I cannot let you go hungry, so I brought you this. It’s from my breakfast, so no one will will suffer.”
With everything set out, Steve kneels once more, closing his eyes as he leans his cheek against the statue’s knee. He stays there, allowing himself this peace, until the sun warms his back and he hears others in the great hall. Only then does he begin his day.
He began temple life as a cleaner. It is the easiest job for children and the attendants were always good about keeping them away from the statues when they were too young to comprehend. 
He did that job well, but the problem with cleaning is it is a mindless task. It was so easy to listen in on what was being said around him and through that, he heard the pain of the people in the village. What was he to do but offer comfort?
Too many times being caught by the priests and finally, they made it his job. He now helped the villagers with their offerings, listened to their stories, offered whatever comfort he could. 
It was not much in the grand scheme of things, but it mattered. It was a job he could be proud of.
When the great doors opened, the first thing Steve hears is the familiar sound of a wooden cane striking hard earth.
Old Man Erskine is the oldest Omega in the village. Every morning, he makes the trek from his little hut to the temple and leaves a modest offering of dried fruit seeds. They are never for himself; always, he offers in the same of someone he thinks can use an extra prayer.
For the past decade, he’s had trouble with his hip. The walk hurts him but he refused the notion of giving it up or asking another to make the offering in his stead. His only concession seems to be allowing Steve to help him from the great doors to the altar across the room.
“Who is it for today?” Steve asks as they make the trek.
“My granddaughter,” Erskine says, his breathing hard and labored with the effort. “The eldest one. Her sisters have all born children, but she and her mate are still without. She’s a good girl and I know she’d make a good mother. She deserves this.”
Steve smiles, squeezing Erskine’s hand. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a trio of seeds.
“To add to your offering,” he murmurs, tipping the seeds into the Omega’s open palm. “It isn’t much, just from yesterday’s snack. Perhaps with these, my lord will hear your prayer and grant her a blessing.”
Erskine’s own offering is meager, a scant few seeds, but it must be. They are all struggling in these times.
His eyes shine as he lifts his gaze to Steve. With his free hand, he touches his palm to Steve’s cheek.
“Bless you, boy,” he says. “What a joy you are.”
He bends his head, kissing the seeds and whispering a prayer before he flings them at the statue’s feet. As they fly through the air, Steve closes his eyes and adds his own prayer.
When the old man leaves, another takes his place and then another, and another. 
At some point in the morning–and he doesn’t know when–Steve becomes aware of a lurking presence in the shadows of the great hall.
He’s a tall, broad Alpha male dressed all in black, a sword at his hip and his hood pulled low. There is an air of power and confidence surrounding him that Steve has never seen before–not even in the richest of men.
The scent trail he leaves behind is intoxicating, heavy and dominating. It holds an undercurrent of arousal, as if the Alpha is on the cusp of his rut. It might explain why he’s in the temple at all, though he never goes to the altar.
Steve means to talk to him–to ask if he can offer guidance–but he is waylaid at every turn. 
First a new mother coming to thank the god for her easy birth and then a string of new brides hoping to be blessed on their wedding night.
The latest is a young boy, perhaps only eight. He’s too young to present yet, but Steve sees the Alpha in him already. The poor boy worries too much for his family, a weight of responsibility on him that should not be on one so young. The boy’s mother is set to give birth within the month and someone’s filled his head with the horrors of labor. 
Steve doesn’t ask who; he’s afraid that if he knew, he would hunt them down for hurting this innocent.
He kneels with the boy at the statue's feet, stroking his hair.
“I don’t have anything to give,” the boy whispers, watching others lay down their offerings. He turns to Steve, staring up at him with big brown eyes. “I didn’t…I didn’t know I needed anything.”
Steve smiles and kisses his forehead, reaching into his robes to pull out a silver coin.
“Here,” he says. “Give him this and tell him your fears.”
He would’ve used the coin to buy material for a new tunic. Some would call it a sacrifice, giving the coin away, but Steve doesn't see it that way. Alleviating this boy's fears is far more important. 
“It will be a wasted blessing, though, I think,” he muses. “The mother of a boy so strong and good could not fall to the labors of bringing his sister into the world. I’m sure of it.”
“Sister?” The boy looks up at him in surprise. “Do you think?”
Steve hums, carding fingers through his curls.
“Yes,” he says decisively. “Only the most worthy big brothers are given little sisters, and I can’t think of a big brother more worthy than you. In a month, your mother will be fine and you’ll have a sister to look after. You’ll bring them to the temple so I can meet them, won’t you?”
The boy beams. “Yes,” he vows.
Throughout it all, the stranger in black is an ever lingering presence in his periphery. The Alpha walks the edge of the room, a silent, intimidating presence. Watching.
It’s curious that no one has asked him to leave yet, given the fact that he has offered no prayer or trinket or even supplication to the god. This is a sacred space, it isn’t for gawkers. 
Steve has only just decided that if no one else will do it, he will ask the stranger to leave, when he sees the woman.
She’s another of the villagers, though not one that he ever remembers seeing. Her clothes are threadbare and worn, dark bags under her eyes and her hair neglected and unkempt. She’s far too thin, especially for someone with a growing babe in her arms and two small children trailing behind.
It takes such energy to care for the young, but this woman looks like she has nothing left to give. She’s exhausted, on the verge of tears, defeat showing in every line of her body.
Steve, the stranger in black forgotten, approaches her with open hands and an encouraging, sweet smile.
“What blessings do you ask for today?” He asks by way of greeting.
The woman hesitates, looking from the child in her arms to the two hiding behind her skirts. She looks back up at Steve, a little lost.
He understands. Whatever she’s here for, she doesn’t want the children to hear. He beckons another attendant over, bidding them to watch the children while he takes the mother across the room.
They kneel together at the altar, the mother staring at her lap unseeing. Her eyes brim with tears, her knuckles bloodless where she clutches her dress.
“It’s not right,” she murmurs, her voice coarse. “It’s not right to ask what I’ve got to ask.”
Steve touches her hand. “That’s not for us to decide. Go on. He will understand.”
She takes in a ragged breath, shaking her head just once as a tear slips down her cheek. She sighs the sigh of someone too burdened.
“The little one,” she says, “he’s six months next week. His Daddy’s already talking of another. He comes from a big family, you see, and he wants one of his own. I wanted to give him that, once upon a time. I did. But it’s too many mouths, my lord. The field’s aren’t yieldin’ what we need. One of us’ll be dead before winter’s through if we keep going like this.”
She closes her eyes, rocking against her hands.
“It’ll be me,” she whispers. “It’ll be me, ‘cause I won’t see my children starve. I won’t. But if I’m gone, who’ll care for them?”
Steve’s stomach drops. Suddenly, her thin frame makes too much sense.
“When’s the last time you’ve eaten?” He asks softly.
“Doesn’t matter,” she says, cutting him a hard look. “I won’t see my children starve.”
The fire in her dies as quickly as it came. She reaches into her skirts with shaking hands and brings out a tattered cloth. When she unfolds it, it holds only a single slice of apple.
“It’s all I have to give,” she murmurs. She looks to Steve again, but this time, she’s uncertain. “I’ve never offered before. Never needed to–the babes came quickly, one after another. What do I do? Just leave it here?”
Steve swallows roughly.
“What is it, exactly, that you ask for?”
She trembles, her fingers spasming around the cloth. She has the look of a woman who knows that if she speaks the words out loud, she can never take them back. But she knows she has to.
“Make me barren,” she whispers. “I’ve had three, let me have no more. I don’t care if it makes him hate me, I can’t watch them waste away.”
She hesitates, her breathing ragged, before breathing out, “And I don’t want to die.”
Steve gathers her to his chest, squeezing as tightly as he can.
“You won’t,” he whispers. “You won’t, I won’t let you. Wait here, I’ll help.”
He lets go, thrusting himself to his feet and taking off toward the back rooms of the temple. Underneath the main chamber, the kitchens are situated. He runs through the halls until he reaches them, taking up a basket and filling it with anything he can find.
There must be something in his expression because none of the kitchen workers try to stop him, though many give him hard looks that say they will be telling the high priests. He doesn’t care. He will take whatever punishment they dole out, but he will not let a mother or her children starve. 
They have plenty, what is it for if not to help those that serve his lord?
He comes to a halt when he enters the great hall again. The woman still kneels at the altar, but the stranger in black is with her now. He squats in front of her, smoothing down her unkempt hair as she drinks from his waterskin.
Her burden is gone. Life had weighed her down only minutes before, but it’s seemingly disappeared. She stares at the stranger with a dazed expression.
The stranger stands, helping her to her feet. He kisses her knuckles and then her forehead before bidding her back toward her children. 
A shaft of light catches her face and to Steve’s utter bafflement, she no longer looks haggard and worn. Her once sallow skin glows with health, the bruises gone from her eyes and with it, her palpable exhaustion.
Steve starts to go after her, but the stranger intercepts.
“What have you done to her?” He demands, trying and failing to look over the stranger’s shoulder. “Move at once! She needs food before she keels over.”
“Be still, little one,” the stranger soothes, taking Steve by the shoulders. “She is well. She will not starve, I give you my word. I have seen to it.”
Steve looks up at him, confused and a little dazed himself. The stranger’s hood has been removed, the lines of a strikingly handsome face revealed. His scent is overwhelming, crackling like the atmosphere before a lightning strike.
“What did you do to her?” Steve asks again, softer this time.
“I did nothing but take her burden,” the stranger promises, touching his cheek. “She will have nothing more to fear.”
Steve frowns, looking down at the basket in his hands. He tries to peek around the stranger again, but he cannot find the woman.
“Truly, she will be alright?” He asks, scanning the crowds. “She will not starve?”
When he looks back to the stranger, it’s to see a sweet smile spreading across his full lips.
“You care very much, don’t you, little one?” The stranger asks gently.
“Of course,” Steve says, affronted. “These people trust me. They trust my Alpha Lord. What would I be if I took that so lightly?”
“Unremarkable,” the stranger answers, as if the question were not rhetorical. “And unfortunately common. Not many take their service to the gods so seriously.”
Yes, Steve thinks sourly. He knows too well.
He has seen it too often in his short lifetime, not just from other attendants but from the priests as well. His fingers tighten around the basket.
He will need to return it to the kitchens if the mother will not need it, but he can’t seem to find it in him to do it now.
“What brings you to the temple?” He asks instead. “You have been here a long time, but have made no offering. Do you have nothing to give?”
The stranger smiles at him again, strong fingers brushing along Steve’s jaw.
“If I said that I did not,” he murmurs, “would you give to me the way you have given to all the others?”
Oh. Steve blushes, the heat rising in his cheeks quickly.
The stranger has been watching him.
“Yes,” he answers truthfully. “If you tell me what you’d ask of my lord, and if it is not blasphemy, I would help in whatever way I can."
The stranger leans forward, his lips brushing the shell of Steve’s ear.
“That's good,” he murmurs, “because what I desire, little one, is a mate."
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
17 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🦩
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(Ask is in response to this ask post) (Frank walking in on Julie post) (Frank and Julie talk post)
YES YES!! EXACTLY!! :DDDD What I had in mind was it takes a lot of energy to maintain her "friendly form". So when ever she is sick or injured she has trouble maintain her form.. She usually deals with this by hiding away in her home until she recovers and can safely let people see her. She's also really good about keeping people from visiting her while she's ill. Saying she's too sick to be around..
Well one time she was sick for a biiiit longer than usual. Frank wouldn't admit it but he was worried, so he brought her some food and medicine. Only to open the door and see... well, yeah. Her true form. But in the end Frank accepted her for who she really was. And he respected her wishes and kept it all a secret. That was the day they became true best friends.. 🥺
The second one is more of a joke though XDD Just kind of a gag to hint at what's going on inside my Julies head!
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Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked my Octonauts fanart!! :DD
And I LOVE Octonauts! I'm just on break from drawing it right now.. been having some bad experiences with the fandom so I'm taking a step back for a bit.. <:'//
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Oh no no! Not at all! Don't worry- I didn't even realize you had sent more than one! XDD (If they were separate as asks that is-) I don't mind the extra ideas at all! My ask box isn't nearly as full as people think it is.. <XD
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It looks so soft... I want it... 🥺🥺💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
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@blade-liger-4ever (Uncle Iroh art in question)
AAAAA THANK YOU!! :DD I'm glad, he's one of my top favorite characters! Right next to Appa XDD
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Daww, thank you so much!! You're too kind!! :}}} 💞💞
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Aww!! Such a little guy :}}}
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I assume you meant for me to create an original Pokémon, but to be honest I think Furret suits me pretty well! <XDDD
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I don't mind at all! :D Let me go down the list-
Gardevoir♀️ - Gloria
Kricketot♀️- Anastasia
Meowscarada♂️- Midori
Ampharos♀️ - Bonnie
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Me? Give someone else a drawing suggestion? Huh.. well, how about a Dusknoir? Its my favorite Pokémon :))
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@volvoxweeb (Recent post in question)
Indeed it is! I couldn't resist buying the pack when it came to the switch <XDD The call is so pretty... 🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Oh! Thankfully I hardly ever get krilled. I have a slick trick I like to call "closing the game as fast as possible" XDD
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Great idea! I'll make a note of this! :))
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Oooo!! :00 I didn't know Avatar had an official comic series! :DD Thanks for letting me know, and I hope you have a nice day too! :))
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I actually love this dog
63 notes · View notes
partywithoutsmiling · 5 months
Some musing on the Wanderer!Branch AU
(Okay, bit of a chaotic lore dump incoming, as this is probably the first time I am putting it to words)
Okay, important info first:
I headcanon it that Branch- and thus the other Brozone bros- are half-pop half-rock in their herritage; this headcanon is an old one, ever since World Tour dropped, and honestly only supported by the fact that Total Eclipse of the Heart that Branch sung as trolling is considered a Pop Rock song XD But hey, one doesnt need to have many reasons to make headcanons pff
(I have some tentative lore about his parents- and his grandparents- too, and how that would effect Branch and his Bros growing up, but I will leave that for a separated post)
But anyway, with Branch's Pop side being moderated by his Rock side, he would have always felt a bit out of place among his tribe, even he grew up perfectly happy with no tragedy in his life (I know switching Branch's and Poppy's place when it comes to being grey is all the rage right now, but I still feel most are missing all the necessary nuance to really make it work, but lets not get into that pf)
Obviously, that feeling of not fitting it only got hundred fold worse since his PTSD and him being grey, as Pop Trolls doesn't seem to be known for mental health support. Branch eventually leaving is not him going 'Screw you all, I will find someone who appreciates me' (much like Clay did) but more of a 'I am sorry, I won't get in your way anymore, I wont be a burden'
Basically massive amount of self-loathing and severe lack of self-worth. When Branch had his final breakdown and decided to leave, I don't think it would be with the precise goal of finding anyone (yes, part of him hopes he would be able to find his brothers and at least find closure one way or another, no matter how much it terrifies him).
Honestly, Branch probably didn't dare to examine his decision to leave any closely than he needed to, lest it would stand out to him for what it really was- a suicide trip.
This was Branch that doesnt know anything about the wide, outside world; he knows Bergen Town, knows of the old Troll Tree, and now knows the Forest and their Troll Village. But everything else is uncharted territory for him. He knows of the Neverglades, because of a faint memory of John Dory constantly talking about them when he was a baby, but has only a vague sense which way they are (I headcanon they make up for the border of Pop and Rock territories)
His preparation for the trip was abysmal, and so was his plan in general. He just picked a direction- opposite of Bergen Town, away from them- and started walking. When he first encountered the towering high peaks of Classical Territory, he immediatelly recognized that they can't be the Neverglades- very much not fitting the description that he remembered, so he walked past/around them, smack dab into Country territory.
Compared to others, I don't think the Country Trolls would have been very welcoming to him at the beginning; used to hard life, inhospitable land and abundant death, Branch would be an unexpected disturbance; obviously not a Classical Troll, who borders with them the closest but never comes down from the skies, obviously not a Funk Troll, who with their technological advance might as well be myths at this point- and obviously not a Pop Troll, since he doesnt shower them with obnoxious music and doesnt even look the part.
Had he been at his 100%, they would have probably been quite content to send him packing, figuring he was just a Rock Troll going solo career (little insert headcanon: Rock Troll Rite of Passage is going on a Rock Tour, and sometimes the more adventurous Rock Trolls strays into other territories to bother and cause mayhem other trolls. Barb's Rock Tour was her Rite of Passage, and being a freshly fanged Queen, she took it to another level)
But Branch quite helpfully collapsed on their doorstep, half starving and dehydrated, and they weren't so callous as to leave him there for the elements to take care of him.
Naturally, their help hardly came for free, and even if they didn't ask, Branch would have already feel indebted to them for wasting resources on his wellbeing. A Survivalist himself, he easily spotted the tight budget they were running, and felt guilty for being a burden yet again.
To his surprise, when the country trolls found out he was a hard worker, a skilled architect and wiz engineer, they completely turned their wariness around.
It was the start of his 'finding himself' journey, but for the first time, Branch started to feel... appreciated. Yes, these trolls didn't know him- but they looked at him, looked at what he can do, and called him accomplished; they were praising his skills, and called him valuable.
(But some sense of danger remained with him; as far as he believed, 'Branch' was left behind to rot away in his bunker. So when introducing himself, and habit got better of him, he started with "Bra-" but caught himself and finished "-mble"; and that new name, 'Bramble', stuck XD Still a plant name, still close enough that he can learn to repond to it- and honestly, feels like fits him better right now, as he feel all out of sorts)
It was only the first step, maybe, but it was a step toward feeling that he had some worth.
I think, out of all the Tribes, he stays with the Country trolls for the longest; yes, the life there is hard, but that is perhaps why he feels most welcomed there. There are no useless nonsense parties, no senseless dancing- the times when they can finaly wipe their brow and relax is when the community gathers together and they just... talk. Sit around, share food, look at the stars and reminiscence.
It's all very subdued, and even though Branch is the most obvious outsider ever, he feels like one with the community, and that by itself is already healing a deep wound he didnt know he had.
When the country trolls finally start singing on their good day, Branch is rather taken aback (He forgot, that Trolls are Trolls, and Trolls sing)- but the sombre and slow melody and topic of the country speaks to him, and while he doesnt join- and they dont push him to join- he listens, and he appreicates.
It is with Country Trolls that he heals most of his trauma when it comes to music. His Grandma and his Brothers leaving him are still a big guilt that weights him down- and something he wont address for a long time- but Country trolls shows him that music can be wildly different. He still doesnt sing, but when offered to be taught to play a banjo (XD), he probably doesnt refuse- mainly out of fear of insult, but also because for the first time in his life, he wants to actually try.
As time passes, his more curious side comes out- he asks questions, wants to know everything- up to this point, he didn't even know that the Country trolls were country- and to them it was obvious what they were, so why would they need to introduce themselves?
That line of questioning leads to the explanation of the other Tribes existing, and that each Tribes' music is different.
And for the first time in his life, Branch felt something alien to him- burning Wanderlust. (Bit of his Rock herritage showing, eh? Solo Rock tour, Rite of Passage~?) The thirst for knowledge was always there- after all, his bunker had many journals filled to brim with information about what he discovered in the foods, helpful tips for survival and many plans for inventions- but those were always done out of necessity, discovered and noted down so that he could live another say. Never before he had a desire to discover simply for the sake of discovering.
Never before he also actually felt like he had the option to do so; the world has always been an inhospitable wilderness to him, only filled with a small handful of trolls and a town full of monstrous giants. His childhood was filled with memory of a large iron cage, and that trapped feeling didn't change; after all, his Bunker, for all that it offered him safety, was a different type of cage too. The whole Troll Village- Pop Village, as he learned now- was another cage as well. Gilded one, made of ignorance.
And so he knew his time with the country trolls came to an end- and it was because he grew to respect them and appreciate them, that he doesnt disappear in the nigh and haltingly tells them his decision to leave and explore.
Memories of his Brothers' argument echo through his mind as he waits for the inevitable blow up, but.... he is once again surprised when the trolls just accepts this decision and wish him all the best- going as far as to help him pack- properly this time- and wheedling out of him a promise to check in once in a while, whenever he is in the neighbourhood.
Equipped with a non outdated map, he decides to make visit all the other territories one by one, starting from Country and heading right towards Classical, going around in one large circle around Pop Territory- Going to Techno after Classical, and to Rock right after that. Funk is largely a mystery to him- the Country trolls are at this point content to believe they are just a myth- much the same way a unicorn is to us- but Branch wants to keep an open mind.
After all, he himself had no idea other kind of trolls existed, so why dismiss the Funk Troll existence right away?
His travels to Symphonyville proved to be as challenging as was the start of his trip towards Country territory. Being high in the mountains- higher than anywhere Branch ever went- really showed him that walking is easy only when the road is straight and flat.
The air growing colder and thinning, he probably doesn't make the best first impression neither- especially in his dishevelled state, he is once more mistaken for a Rock Troll, and it takes a gargantuan amount of effort to convince anyone that he is simply there to learn music, and not cause any trouble.
Out of all the Tribes, he would stay with the Classical trolls the shortest. They are strict teachers, and their culture is very frigid and traditional- and Branch knows that he would have to wildly change himself to fit among them. Yet looking around, seeing the tall spires of the buildings around him, he finds he doesn't really want to. The grandiose of everything is rather intimidating- but even if he tried his best, he would never fit well among the classical trolls, always limited by something (like his ability to fly)
And realizes that was okay. That was acceptable. And that the classical trolls knew he wasn't a good fit now, and would hardly ever be a good fit ever- but they never expected him to become someone he is not. He asked them to teach him and so teach him they will- but you cant force a white sheep to grow black wool anymore that you can force a black sheep grow white.
The moment they realize Branch is there to learn and not wreck their peace like wandering Rock Trolls tend to do, they definitelly warm up to him more- but it still with the mildest of disapprovals since compared to them, Branch looks like a scrunkly kitten and all of them are just itching to groom him properly XD
Branch himself is amazed at the variety of musical instruments that exists and very quickly finds that he is not a progidy in plaing them all pff. Wind musical instruments are most likely completely beyond him, and after some attempts gives them up for a lost cause. Percussion fairs a bit better; he definitelly has some idea how to keep a beat and a rhythm, but even there he finds playing piano the most comfortable out of them all, with drums being a close second.
It is with string instruments that he trully shines, especially those that he can play with his own hands, without the need to use a pick or a bow; a tentative hint at his connection to music, the vibrations just send shivers down his spine and makes him feel more close to the sound his playing produces. (Guitar and Harp becoming his favourite instruments from the get go).
Getting to Techno was trickier. Them living underwater makes access to their territory rather impossible- unless Branch happens to meet someone willing to cross then bridge between Land and Sea XD
It makes for a rather convenient introduction for minor genres; the land bordering Classical and Rock seems to be as the perfect land for various minor tribes to cohabit in peace.
Are there Techno Opera trolls? Siren like beings, that found their homes on the deck of boats, sailing from and to an island after island? Techno Classical that built their living on the coast line, wanting to be close to both land and sea?
In any case, Branch discovers that even with music it's not so simple as shelving it into labels, and that it is ever growing, ever evolving. He never manages to actually visit Techno Reef, but he doesnt' need to; compared to other trolls, the Techno Trolls are not insular, and quite happily come to the surface or to the coast, both to vibe with the offshoots of their genre, to discover what they came up with, but also to simply make friends and have fun.
It was the first time Branch encountered a large party not unsimilar to that of a Pop Troll one- and yet for all that the party was just as loud and wild as he was used to seeing, the sight of it didnt really fill him with uncontrollable panic. It definitelly helped it was once again more about the music and the beat itself, and about the mood of the partygoers than it was about the singing; it was about experimentation and trying out new things- and yet not every troll was dancing around like maniacs. They had the stage for sure, and large crowd was gathering there- but there were also the fringe areas and corners, where Trolls just sat and chatted and bopped to the beat. Not forced to do anything they didn't want to, simply allowed to have fun in their own way.
He doesnt really interacts with the Techno Trolls that much, beyond when there is a party happening on the surface. Gravitates more towards exploring the Minor Territory, and discovering that it holds more than just Techno Classical/Opera. Not wanting to stray too close to the border with Pop, he nevertheless encounters encounters various offshoots of Pop as well- and the K-Pop gang as well
This definitelly allows him to learnt that even the Trolls Kingdom are not free of corruption and the bounty hunters are not starving for contracts- crime does happen in the troll kingdoms, and when the local police force comes short, the bounty hunters are the next best thing to employ.
Speaking with the K-Pop gang, he learns- with a bit of unease- that there was an old contract unfulfilled, that searched for all the Brozone Brothers, and thanked his lucky stars he can in no way be connected to them. It was considered a cold one, where there was no hope among the communities of it ever being cashed in- but the knowledge someone was looking for them- specifically for the younger of the brothers (Him, Floyd and Clay) made him wonder who could it be.
(Part of him entertained that it could be John Dory)
(Other part dismissed it right away. After all, JD did specifically state 'Goodbye Forever'- why would he make the effort to employ bounty hunters to find three of his brothers, if he was even alive to do so?)
That meetings seems to set of a string of bad luck- at least, that's how he feels. Continuing down to Rock territory- of which he is most wary (after all, he was constantly being confused for one, and expected to cause mayhem and destruction- so what kind of Trolls Rock Trolls were to earn that reputation?
A very specific kind- wild and chaotic.
Compared to other Territories, no-one blinks when he just walks in and continues deeper into the Kingdom; and he can finally see why he was mistaken for a Rock Troll. Muted colours, sharp smiles and even sharper claws, it was like walking into uncanny valley, where nearly every troll wears his face. At that point, unknown to him, his colours are not completely grey and black, so he is sporting some faint hues, and very quickly learns that thanks to the direction he came from, Rock Trolls think he is from an Offshoot genre; either Punk Rock or Pop Rock (though they obviously hope for the former) They reconsider him to Folk Rock when he brings out softer tunes that he plays on a borrowed guitar; and for the first time in a while, Branch is asked to sing.
He panics, obviously- playing musical instrument is one thing, but getting over his trauma from singing is another- and quite swiftly and bluntly refuses, cringing after to wait for the inevitable "You are a Troll, why don't you sing?"
Only... it never comes. There are shrugs, and one "Cool." and then he just gets invited to an Indie Rock show, and that is that.
Completely baffled at this easy acceptance, Branch agrees out of shock, before he can trully think it through- and realizes it's the first time since he left Pop Village (at this point probably nearly two years ago) that he thinks back on its inhabitants and namely Poppy.
He feels rather guilty, for taking this long to really give them a concrete thought. Like yes, he did think of them at the beginning, when he lived with the Country trolls- but that was only in general way, comparing the different livestyles. He never really chose to think about the people he left behind.
Now, no longer blinded with grief, self-loathing and rampart paranoia, he does remember that not all adults in his life went out of their way to activelly fail him. King Peppy, for all that he was unequipped to deal with Branch's issues, tried to check up on him regularly; his Grandmother's friends or those who knew her, made it their goal to be kind, even if Branch tried to avoid them out of reminder what he caused
Hype, Trickie, Boom and Ablaze were old friends- his childhood friends- the ones he made after his brothers left, and the ones he pushed away after he went grey- and yet they still managed to be around, noticing them from a distance, even as he stopped speaking to them.
And then there was, of course, Poppy.
Just starting to mature when he left, it's not quite a crush that he feels for her (not yet anyway), but there is still some sort of appreciation for her- some part of him, that subconsciously aches at the need to be close to her, and feeling just that bit of her warmth and positivity- one that made him wistfully keep all her invitations and listen to the sound of her recorded voice.
For the first time, he wonders how they reacted to his disappearence. Wonders if they miss him- or if they curse him. If they do both- like he felt conflicted towards his brothers, the older he got and the more obvious it became that they are not coming back.
It was that thought- the comparison to his brothers- that pushed him to hesitantly think about returning back to Pop Village; to his bunker, to his old life- to Poppy.
It was a tentative thought really; truthfully, the desire was a half hearted spur of the moment, and not something he would drop everything for. He didn't miss his old life; where he was the village hermit, the outcast, the weird one. Besides, he just arrived in Rock, and he still had a whole adventure ahead of him, trying to find the Funk trolls.
And so, When in Rome, do as the Romans do- and so Branch steeled himself to attend a party, one that he was specifically invited to; after all, he had been at parties before now, within the reach of Techno Reef, it's not like this one is any different
Only it kind of felt like it- yes, the music was harsher, the beat went harder- but the harmonizing of voices reminded him so close of his own tribe that it just left him feeling jittery- and at first, yes, the party made him tense and hardly participate, but as it went on, song after song, he could feel himself slowly relax.
(Besides, there was something about rock music, that send warmth straight to the core of his being; something about it resonated with him more than any other music did, besides Pop- and where before he fought hard to not allow it to do that, perhaps, just this time, he could try the opposite)
(After all, they were underground, where Branch always felt the safest, and the Bergens had no idea other tribes even existed- he could indulge a little)
Of course, fate has a funny way of entertaining itself, and in the second of his indecisiveness, he gets bumped into and trips and falls- or he would, if pair of hands didn't steady him, and familiar voice asked him if he was okay
And Branch suddenly felt altogether three years old, getting fed empty promise and watching his older brother disappear through the entry to his Grandma's pod
And he is now in present, left staring at nearly 15 years older Floyd, his brother clearly living the best life, happily away from Pop Territory (away from Branch)
His name drops from his lips before Branch can stop himself, and that has Floy pause and squint at him- obviously not recognizing him, obviously trying to place him- before something clicks and his eyes widen and he goes pale
Branch most likely punches him- and then finds he cant stop heaving in fury and goes punch him again, not allowing Floyd a word in (honestly, he is not punching very hard, not apart from that first one)
Of course, Floyd is hardly alone, probably in a band, and his band mates are not keen on having their member be attacked by a random troll
Brawl very easily breaks out- honestly nothing new among the Rock Trolls- and ends up with all of them, especially Branch, thrown in a cell for their troubles, much to the protest of Floyd's bandmates, who curses and claims innocence
For the first time in forever, Branch feels hollowed out; yes, he had been hoping for a closure- but honestly, he had expected to find all of his brothers dead; not finding any of them living happily away, their youngest brother not even a blip of concern in their mind.
He certainly never expected it from Floyd, who essentially lived a stone throw away; who clearly was able to cross the distance it took from Bergen town to arrive in Rock troll's territory, just shy away from the Pop one.
------------------------------------------------------------ This is where I will stop the musing for now XD;
Obviously there are more things to add; Barb would make appearance, not yet as a Queen but definitelly in charge of keeping any Rock Trolls in line (she is not called a Princess because the Rock Trolls don't use that title for their heirs) and while Floyd is aware she is the future Queen, that information doesnt get shared)
The discovery of Funk Trolls still awaits as well, as does Branch's return to Lonesome Flats, as he had promised to do
But that's for the next time :)
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stargaze5969 · 10 days
So I got 6 hours of sleep last night because of this idea so APPRECIATE WHAT YA GETTING XD /j
This AU is still in the works, but all the info in this post is set information, send me your ideas in the comments or in asks, I'd be more then happy to hear them! ^^
I didn't get to draw anything for this sadly, but I picture them looking like @eechytooru 's humanizations of the two,
Now, narration mode on-
Warning for one f bomb I guess xD
It's the beginning of a new semester, Fear's a young college teacher in the mathematics faculty. He's been working there for about 3 years. Anxiety is a new teacher and this is her first semester teaching, she's a history teacher in the human science department.
Fear is just finishing up a lecture, when Anxiety barges in holding her material, her coffee and her notes. Her glasses are tilted and her hair's clipped up in it's usual messy style. When she looks up, she sees a full classroom of adults and a startled Fred looking straight at her.
Oh my bad, forgot to mention their human names hehe. Fear is Frederick Fitzgerald, because it's silly but trying to be serious, like him, and Anxiety is Anna-lee Tyson, just cuz I like how that sounds lol. Back to my narration,
She scrambles with her things and apologizes profusely to Mr. Fitzgerald. He urges her not to worry as he was just giving his ending speech and he dismisses the class. Anna awkwardly says goodbye to the students as they are leaving, while Fred starts packing his things. She approaches the front desk and sets her things down. They start up some small talk.
At this point, Fred has seen Anna around campus. He's found her little quirks fascinating; how she always carries too much in her arms, how she presses too hard on her PC's keys, how she supplements her coffee with energy drinks. It makes his stomach twist in a way that's farmiliar to him, but he denies putting any feelings forward to keep things professional. Anna rarely pays attention to her surroundings, she stays in her head much of the time, so this is her first time meeting him.
"I'm sorry again for the interruption," she repeats herself.
"Oh there's no need to apologize, Miss?"
"Tyson, Anna-Lee Tyson," she started to organize her supplies.
"Charmed, Frederick Fitzgerald. I've been interrupted by far worse. Students, other staff, KIDS EVEN!" He continued putting away his personal items.
"Yes, sadly, some single parents have to bring their children to class from lack of available childcare."
"Ugh, childcare should be more accessible to single parent students," she protested.
Fred shock his head in agreement.
"... Do you have any children M. Fitzgerald?"
He was taken aback by this question. Fred is a little ashamed he doesn't have kids at his age. He thinks if he had a partner by now, he probably would have-
Seeing his awkward reaction, she takes back the question:
"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, I-"
Fred laughs it off, "No no, it's OK but... do I look that old to you?"
"No! I mean- of course not!" She assured him, although it seemed more as if she was reassuring herself.
And he laughs some more, "You would probably guess correctly to be frank."
"... Are you daring me to guess your age?"
"Yes, go on," he smiled, amused, and leaned on the desk.
So she tries to guess: "... 40?"
Fred jerked back and put his hand to his chest dramatically.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She apologized once more, shaking her hands nervously.
He chuckles, "No, you weren't too far off! I'm 37."
"Oh! OK, I got close!"
"Ya! May I try guessing your age?"
"Sure, go ahead," she smiled.
To this, he leans back on the desk and strikes a thinking pose dramatically, guessing 25 in a flirtatious manner.
She giggles, "You're kind M. Fitzgerald, but seriously though."
"Ok ok... 32?"
"Oh, so close, I'm 34!"
"Darn!" He says and they both laugh.
He looks at her laugh, it almost turns into a squeak. Something about her makes him feel like he could talk to her for hours and she'd listen. Her nose scrunches and it makes her round glasses tilt upwards; he pushes his own glasses up.
"And I love your smile..." he whispered under his breath mindlessly.
"Oh hm, it was very nice meeting you Ms. Tyson!" He held out his hand to her, quickly responding to avoid suspicion.
"It was!" She agreed, shaking his hand firmly.
After an awkwardly long handshake, which she didn't register as such, he finished packing his things and headed out, wishing her a great start of the semester. She returned the gratitude. Leaving the lecture hall, he held his hand up to his face to hide the glow he felt on his cheeks.
Fuuuuuuck- he doesn't swear much, but this time called for it; she had a strong affect on him and he was going to have a difficult time trying to hide it for the rest of the semester-
And ya that's it! Had to get this scene out of my mind and into the world or it would have consumed me a swear XD
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