#I turned her light off down there but she had a nightlight
luanneclatterbuck · 5 months
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First night of Iggy sleeping downstairs went well, but only because she’s the best doggy ever in the world ever. Going up without her wrecked me but I think she was relieved she didn’t need to do the stairs. She was on this bed at the bottom of the stairs when I came back down this morning and I didn’t hear her at all during the night. New normal, etc.
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rainylana · 1 month
“I don’t like the way I look.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
requested by anonymous
summary: your insecurities of your postpartum body finally come out.
warnings: postpartum, insecurities about the readers body, lots of tears, language, angst, eddie cries. i’m not a mother nor have i ever been pregnant, so i hope i did this justice.
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You were one of those people who were extremely confident in their looks. You knew you were hot. You had hair girls were jealous of, and a figure, too. You had beautiful green eyes that looked gold in the sun. Pale skin that made your jaw line sharp and features prominent.
Eddie liked having you that way. He loved your confidence and everything about you. However the day you had your baby, it all changed. The nine months of pregnancy went by smoothly. You’d obviously put on an enormous amount of baby weight, but you had assumed you’d drop it once the baby was born. You weren’t, and no matter how little food you ate or how much exercise you did, you couldn’t get it off. Besides, you didn’t have time to really put in the work for dieting, not healthily, anyways. Not with a baby.
You loved your daughter. There was no question in that, but you couldn’t admit it to yourself, or anyone, that you now hated how you looked. You had a pouch in your belly that you’d never had before, the skin on your sides had turned to love handles, your legs still stolen. You cried yourself to sleep so many times during the night, watching your daughter sleep. Little Patricia Munson. Patty.
You were good at hiding it. Eddie had no suspicion of your struggles. Nobody did. Only you and the mirror.
Motherhood suited you. To Eddie and your friends, you were glowing. You were so good with your baby. You knew how to get her to calm down, to sleep peacefully through the night. Having a child was a new kind of love you never thought one person was capable of feeling. Eddie loved watching you with her, the way you held her and sang to her. He was absolutely mesmerized when you breastfed her.
You looked like you could do it all with a crown on top of your head, and nobody knew just how badly you were feeling.
Tonight was a particularly bad night and you had no idea why. You were sat in the rocking chair of Patty’s nursery, holding her in your arms and softly patting her. She’d been asleep for quiet some time, but you weren’t ready to put her down. It was almost one in the morning, and you knew Eddie would wake up soon and wonder where you were.
The room was dark, besides the Winnie the Pooh nightlight that illuminated an orange glow around the room, plastic stars stuck up on the ceiling for extra light.
You were humming lightly, your finger sweeping over her swirl of dark hair. She was only seven weeks old, and every day she looked more and more like Eddie. You didn’t think it was exactly fair, considering you were the one who carried her for nine months, but you couldn’t deny how cute it was having a mini Eddie in your arms.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, your voice breaking mid hum at the disapproving picture you received. Your face used to be so slim. And though it hadn’t changed dramatically as the rest of your body, you missed it what everything used to look like. You knew you should love your body, considering what it did to make little Patty, but you feared what Eddie thought of you now.
Sex with him hadn’t faltered or was forgotten. On the contrary. It had done nothing but flourish since you had your baby, but have the time you had to force yourself to cum, thinking nothing about the pleasure and only if he was judging you the way you judged yourself.
Soon enough, you heard the bed squeak in the other room and his feet hit the floor. You sniffled, wiping your stray tear quickly before he could find you.
His head of dark curls, white shirt and boxers decorating his body came wondering in the room, smiling sleepily when he quietly came over to you. You smiled up at him, puckering your lips for a kiss. He kissed you, then bent down to give his baby girl a soft kiss on the forehead. He tapped her little nose and grinned, chuckling softly.
You knew what he was thinking. I can’t believe she’s mine. You smiled, too.
He stifled a yawn and brought over the other rocking chair and sat in front of you, leaning back so he could get comfortable. “I’ll sit with her for awhile, darlin’. Why don’t you go to bed?”
“No.” You shook your head, smiling at him briefly. “I can’t sleep, anyways.”
Eddie thought this was when you were the most beautiful, holding his baby. You were both his babies. “I can’t believe she’s ours sometimes.” He admitted tiredly, trying to wake himself up. “I never thought I could love someone so small so much.”
“I know.” You nodded. “It’s scary sometimes.”
It was. Loving someone so much. You knew your life would be over if anything were to ever happen to her.
“I’d do anything for her.” Eddie said, his curls a pillow between his head and the wood of the rocking chair as he lay back comfortably watching the two of you.
“I know.” You said once again, full of emotion. You didn’t want to cry, but hearing Eddie talk about how much he loved her got you emotional, especially because you wondered if he loved you as much as he used to. “Me too.” A lone tear escaped your eye, rolling down your cheek and dropping onto your bare knee. It was so quick you hoped he hadn’t noticed it. You were wrong.
“Hey,” Eddie perked up. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” You sighed heavily. “I’m alright.”
“But you’re cryin’, angel.” He frowned, sitting up in his seat to lean over closer. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” You gave a firm nod, but your voice broke, betraying what you had just said.
He gave you a look before glancing down at your daughter. “I think you’re tired, honey. Why don’t you-”
“I’m not tired.” You said firmly, looking up to him with glassy eyes. “I just want to be alone.”
He chalked it up to your hormones being out of control and nodded, offering a quiet ‘alright’ as he shut the nursery door behind him. You squeezed your eyes shut and let out a hushed sob, bringing Patty closer to your chest. You laid your head against her’s, giving her a crying kiss. She barely even stirred.
You weren’t as quiet as you thought you were, because Eddie was back within seconds, coming to squat down beside you and gently take the baby from your arms. He shushed her softly and placed her down in her crib before turning back to find you missing.
He found you outside on the porch, sobbing like you had a broken heart, arms crossed and holding your body like you’d break at any second. It was starting to sprinkle, but you didn’t care. You knew if you woke up Patty this late it would take you forever to get her back to sleep.
“Baby,” Eddie said sadly, coming up behind you. “What’s got you so upset?” He didn’t touch you, a hand only ghosting the fabric that covered your back.
“I’m fine.” You said through sobs, the air cold and bitter against your skin. You only had on a long t-shirt, but the trailer court had all turned in for the night. “Go back to bed.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Not without you.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes, wishing he could leave your pity party for you and you only. He wouldn’t understand how you were feeling, and worst off, maybe your fears were true. You didn’t want to know the truth. Did he still find you attractive? Did he still enjoy sex? Did he still love you as much even though you weren’t skinny?
“Eddie, please,” You turned around, tears running down your face, red and blotchy. “Go back to bed.”
He stared at you, frowning and brows knitted in concern. “You know I can’t do that. We made a promise, remember?”
Damn it. He always threw down that card.
After vecna, you both were broken shells of what you once used to be. Everyone was. You made him promise you he wouldn’t shut down. He had to talk when his heart was aching, and in return, you promised the same. You promised to talk when your heart ached, and right now, it was.
You sighed, nodding softly. You did remember, but that didn’t make it any easier to talk about. You quickly turned around to hide your fresh set of tears, biting your tongue. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“It might make you feel better.” He moved to stand directly beside you, leaning against the wood railing that was growing damp from the light rain. “Please, honey. Talk to me.”
You sniffled and looked away from his stare. “I’m scared of what you’ll say. I don’t know if I want the answer.”
“Answer to what?” He said confused. “Baby- just tell me, okay? I promise whatever it is, it’ll work itself out.”
But would it? Would you ever be as beautiful as you used to be? Would you ever be skinny, never have to worry about what you ate? That’s all you thought of now, worrying about what you put in your mouth. You were petrified of gaining more weight.
“I don’t like the way I look.” You finally said crying, looking over at him. “There, okay? I don’t like the way I look. I look in the mirror and I’m just disgusted with what I see.”
His eyes were wide. You had shocked him. His brows were creased and he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
“I love Patty.” You sobbed. “But I hate what being pregnant did to me and I feel so guilty for feeling that way. I’m not beautiful anymore and I miss it.” Your voice broke deeply, crackling like tv static that couldn’t get a proper signal. “I don’t feel pretty for you and I’m scared that you think it too.”
“Okay, wait,” He’d heard enough, speaking quickly as he straightened himself taller. “I don’t- y/n, you’re talkin’ crazy.”
“Am I?” You retorted. “Because the mirror doesn’t lie, Eddie.” You stood your ground. You were right and Eddie wasn’t going to sweet talk you out of the truth. Facts were facts. “I’m not beautiful anymore and you know it. Stop lying to me!”
“Y/n, what the hell-” He backed away. “You’re putting words in my mouth. I’ve never said anything like that to you ever. Where is all of this coming from?” He shook his head in absolute disbelief, trying to be calm and rational to understand where you were coming from. A part of him wondered if it was just a hormonal, postpartum outburst, but your tears and attitude told him otherwise.
“You didn’t!” You snapped. “But you don’t have to. I know. I look at myself in the mirror every day and wonder if you’re attracted to me anymore. I don’t look like how I used to.” You were bawling, snot leaking from your nose and eyes bloodshot red. Your hair was starting to get wet from the rain.
“Why the fuck does that matter?” Eddie argued back, his sense of cool becoming too hard to handle. He couldn’t stand to hear you talk so negatively about yourself. “You are you and it doesn’t matter what you look like. You just had a baby, sweetheart. You’re obviously not going to loose all the weight overnight. You’re being too hard on yourself.” He tried to speak soothingly to calm your cries, his hands holding your elbows, head dipping down like he was speaking to a child.
“And even if you don’t,” He continued. “I’m going to love you just the way you are because you’re the mother of my child.” His hands went up to your shoulders. “You gave me the greatest gift of my life, darlin’,” To your surprise, his eyes teared up.
“Please,” He pulled you in to hold you. “Don’t think like that, baby, please. I can’t bear to hear you talk like that.” His voice broke, a guilt sinking into your heart that made you feel foolish.
“I’m sorry.” You rushed, wrapping your hands around his back. “I’m sorry.” You found yourself saying, desperate to keep him from crying.
You realized then, how wrong you were. Because if he thought the things you thought of yourself, he wouldn’t be out here in the rain with you, holding you close, crying, over what you had said. You realized then, just how much he loved you.
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s4toryuu · 5 months
12:37 am — gojo satoru; sashisu
gojo satoru refuses to drink his medicine…
reblog to help gojo get better
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out of everything you could call satoru, you think dramatic takes the top spot. so when you wake up in the middle of the night, you listen out for what could possibly have waken you up.
“koff! koff! UGH!” you recognized gojo’s voice from the dorm building behind yours.
oh my fucking god. you sighed. that morning, that idiot had to get sent to his dorm because he kept coughing every time yaga spoke. he sneezed and sniffled, so you assumed that he was actually ill and didn’t just decide to up his antics for no reason. besides, he was a little quieter than usual today.
you got up to put on a jacket and practically stomped to gojo’s dorm, where you were met with his open door and geto standing against the door frame.
“satoru, I told you the medicine wouldn’t be as effective later on.” geto sighed. you noticed his socks. they were pastel with characters on them. you ignored it to yell at who probably gave it to him.
“gojo! if you’re gonna cough just cough! you don’t have to yell after!” you said before sliding one of gojo’s slippers. there that idiot was, laying down faced up with arms stiff on his side and his comforter raised up to his chin. “are you playing dead?”
gojo groaned. “guys.” he sniffled. “I think this is it for me. suguru, I always loved you. y/n, I did steal your marshmallows last movie night. shoko—where’s shoko?” he looked up, illness suddenly voided for a second until shoko appears behind you. her dorm is a couple doors from yours after all. the snow-haired drama queen’s head fell back on his pillow and his sickness returned.
“eh, what?” she muttered to him before stepping inside. gojo started coughing again.
“are you contagious?” you asked before shifting away from gojo’s bed. geto took the medicine he got from gojo’s counter and placed it on the latter’s nightstand.
shoko walked over and sat on his bed. she placed her hand on gojo’s forehead before snickering. “you’re burning up. you really are gonna die.” she laughed.
you all chuckled, except gojo who whined again. “can’t you use reverse cursed technique on me shoookooo…”
“nope. I’ve only done it on physical injuries. why won’t you just drink the medicine?” she took the plastic little spoon and wiggled it to gojo’s face for emphasis.
gojo screwed his eyes shut and shook his head like a child. “don’t wanna.” if it wasn’t 12:37am on a school night you might’ve found it adorable.
“you might really die, satoru.” geto shot from the foot of gojo’s bed. he definitely woke up from his coughing and subsequent yelling, seeing as geto’s room is right next to gojo’s.
the next morning after your first class, the three of you gathered in the cafeteria and geto stirred up a plan.
“he’s probably not drinking it because he thinks it’s bitter.” you conclude.
suguru sipped on his tea. “ah, I know. that’s why I got the honey flavor version.”
“how are we gonna force him to drink it? it’s not like we can force feed it to him.” shoko shook her lollipop. you were just glad it wasn’t a cigarette.
“he’ll just turn on his infinity. I think we have to ambush him.” you laughed at the image.
“geto, summon a cursed spirit to hold him down.” shoko joked.
the cold breeze practically slapped you while walking to the dorms. geto was sure your victim was still asleep. he had the spare key when you thought to take off your shoes for maximum stealth. the two followed.
geto stood in front of the door to block the light while you and shoko slithered in. it was dark except for the nightlight by satoru’s night stand. you could make out the important things. the untouched medicine, and gojo sprawled over his bed under his sheets. he faced the left side cuddling a pillow. tissues filled the trash can dragged by his bed and some on the floor. poor kid.
geto tiptoed to the other side of the bed where satoru was faced while shoko prepared the poison. you got in position across geto and stifled a laugh at shoko trying to break the seal as quiet as possible. she tiptoed next to you and nodded to geto.
“satoru” geto called out. “satoru, wake up.”
“sugu…” gojo whined. he didn’t open his eyes. geto gestured for the syrup-filled spoon. shoko handed it to him promptly and again, you stifled a laugh at your plan.
“satoru-kun. aaah,” geto opened his mouth. geto using “-kun” was too funny.
surprisingly, satoru opened his mouth slightly too. what the hell? this wasn’t even part of the plan. suguru took the spoon to satoru’s mouth.
shit, it would probably just spill out with the way he was faced, you realized. you lunged to push satoru’s shoulder to the right so that he would face up. you decided him choking on it was better than it spilling. because that way it would at least get in his mouth.
gojo woke up. he made eye contact with you and immediately tried to get up. he moved his hand to push yours off but you held his shoulders down with your weight and geto got all the syrup in.
“MMGHFHG!” gojo yelled with his mouth closed. he struggled against you, and you gave it 5 seconds before his strength took over and even less before he activated infinity.
“geto!” you called and he took over your hold on sicko’s shoulders.
gojo started kicking, and you straddled his shins.
“swallow!” geto exclaimed as gojo tried to push his hands off. shit, this wouldn’t work.
“geto! get on!” you yelled and geto straddled gojo’s stomach.
“swallow it!” suguru grabbed gojo’s arms and held them against the bed by his head.
“HHNGNGGHH!” satoru shook his head.
“satoru! it’s honey flavored!” geto argued.
shoko laughed and you heard her camera shutter. she stood far enough to snap a picture and you realized what it looked like. you were straddling gojo’s calves while suguru was straddling gojo’s, uh… lower stomach with his hands pinned by his head.
then, as if on queue, the door opened. your heads snapped to the door and you saw your sweet (to you, at least) junior nanami for about .7 seconds before the door closed again.
you flew off of gojo’s calves. “nanami! wait!”
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this ended with a lot more stsg than I thought lol
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fandomwritingbit · 7 months
William Afton x fem reader
A/N: This is a second stab at the babysitter trope because it’s just delightfully filthy, it’s not at all connected to the go I had before (which you can find - here). Also this is my first time writing somnophilia so I hope it’s good. 
Synop: Reader is a regular babysitter for William, one night she stays the night as he is working a late shift. He comes home annoyed and the sight of her asleep is just too tempting.
Warnings: smut, non/dub con, somnophilia, age gap, inappropriate relationship.
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You pull the duvet cover up over one of the children you’re babysitting, her voice catching your attention with its whiny tone. “I can’t believe you’re making us go to bed this early.” 
You smile at her and shake your head. “Lizzie, it’s half nine on a school night. You know the rules.” She pouts looking at you with pleading eyes. You know that she just wants to stay up and spend some time with you, it’s not surprising, with two brothers it’s no wonder she wants some time with another girl. She looks up to you and as sweet as it is, you know better than to delay her bed time. 
“Pleease, y/n.” She tries again and you chuckle as you turn on her nightlight then her big light off, coming back over to prop her pillows up. 
“Nope.” You say through a grin, “Now lie down if you want tucking in.” She does, though her dissatisfied expression doesn’t shift. And so, bringing the duvet up under her chin you tuck it tight at her sides, just how she likes, knowing that despite the whinging she’ll be asleep in 10 minutes tops. You stand up and head for her door, stopping just before you leave, “Night night, Lizzie. Remember the quicker you get to sleep the sooner we can make breakfast in the morning.” The little lass smiles and you notice the sleepiness of it even in the low light of the room. 
Elizabeth is asleep before you can gather your stuff and lock up downstairs, just as you thought. So you go about checking on Evan asleep in his room as of an hour or so ago, happy to find him still settled. They’re good kids, never any trouble really. You’ve babysat for the Afton kids many times, as a local young lass with a liking for extra pocket money it was a handy job. You would pick the two youngest up from school, take them home and cook dinner, help with homework, all the good stuff. Their dad worked long shifts at his restaurant, so usually you’d stay and put the children to bed, getting yourself home once he’d come back. But tonight was different, Mr Afton had told you he won’t be back til the middle of the night and offered you to spend the night in the spare room; which you took him up on. 
The room is probably the smallest one in the house, not that you mind, it is a double bed with an end table and a chest of drawers. You put your bag on top of it, taking out your wash bag and heading to the bathroom, where you then ready yourself for bed. As it’s only one night you didn’t bring any pjs, only your clothes for the morning, so you strip down to your panties, take off your bra and keep the shirt you’ve been wearing today on, thinking that that should be good enough to sleep in. Yes, it’s revealing but if you need to tend to the kids you can always put your trousers back on. 
You don’t notice your discarded bra, abandoned on the bathroom floor.
Once in bed you set your alarm for seven in the morning, knowing you’ll have to help Mr Afton with the school run tomorrow. Again you don’t mind and you’re paid well for your time. And you like Mr Afton. God, how can you not? Such a handsome bloke, lean and sharp. Smart as anything too, you’ve listened to him talk on the phone, all business, shrewd and confident. Yeah, you like him alright. 
William gets home in the early hours, some time after 3am and the happy silence of his home isn’t enough to quell his silent anger. An incident at the restaurant has left him with paperwork up to his nose and a tonne of wasted stock, and with rent and utility on the way he was stressed to all hell. Even after staying nearly all night, there was still some much to do when he went back in tomorrow afternoon, and lord knows Henry won’t be helping much. 
He moves through his house as quiet as he can, careful not to wake anyone up even with his terrible mood. Poking his head in on his children, he smiles in satisfaction at your work. You’re such a good little lass, looking after them so well, you’re more than worth what he pays you. Honestly, the kids love you, even Michael isn’t annoyed by your presence and he couldn’t ask for a prettier thing to be milling around his house. He chuckles at that thought, you’re a damned tease even if you don’t realise it. What with all your tight jeans and shirts that pull away when you bend down, it’s hard for him not to look at you, but so far that’s all he’s done. That and a bit of harmless flirting. 
He pops into the bathroom to wash his face, hoping that will help clear away the stress of the day, except he doesn’t make it as far as the sink. Stopping still at the sight of your bra left on the floor. It’s a surprise to say the least, you’ve never struck him as the black lacy type, least of all when looking after his kids. And especially so given you’re not a careless individual. He grins as he picks it up, rubbing his thumb over the peak of the cup where your nipple would harden at such an action. The image goes straight to his cock, he’d wager you are much too inexperienced to wear such an article.
It would be a shame to just leave it there all night, so he keeps it in his clasp as he leaves the room, a naughty idea crossing his mind. 
But as he passes the spare room that he notices you’ve left the door cracked open. He’s not delusional, he knows it’ll be to hear the kids if they need you, but a very persuasive part of him wonders if you could have left it open for him. After leaving your bra in the bathroom it doesn’t seem outlandish, rather like you’ve left him a trail to follow and he wouldn’t dream of denying that invitation. 
The light from the hall cuts through the room as he cracks it open, his eyes quickly finding your sleeping frame laid on the bed and an almost sinister smirk creeps across his face. Such a lovely girl just laid there, having no clue that he was taking in the sight of you. Whether you did do this on purpose or not is irrelevant to him, there is only so much teasing a man can take.
He stands there in the doorway for a moment listening to the tickly feeling in his chest of doing something he knows he shouldn’t, his silhouette casting a large shadow into the room. It’s a familiar feeling but one that just never dulls. 
Still careful to be silent, William slowly enters the room, reaching behind himself to close the door, the room remaining dimly lit due to a lamppost outside the window. His hands move automatically to the buttons of his shirt, still unsure of what he was going to do even as he took it off, dropping it down to the floor. His belt was harder to take off without the suspect clinking noise but he manages it and his trousers follow suit. Standing over you there with his cock rock hard behind his boxers, he feels like some all powerful monster and it’s just delicious. 
The bed dips as he gets in beside you, lifting the duvet up and scooching in until his chest is pressed against your back, your warmth utterly intoxicating. You stir, a soft sleepy moan leaving your lips that makes his dick twitch. This is wrong in so many ways but he doesn't care, especially when his cold hand finds your leg, tracing up to the soft skin of your thigh and groaning when he feels the fabric of your panties. Though he skims over them for now, eager to feel more of you. It’s so easy for him to reach up under that shirt, trailing up over your stomach whilst softly grinding his stiffness into your behind, the knowledge of no bra making precum coat the tip of his cock. 
A cold hand grabs your breast, gently squeezing your flesh before taking your nipple between his fingers and tugging it lightly, it hardens instantly which makes him grin wolfishly. You again stir, arching your back into him, your behind rubbing against his erection. Your body subconsciously leans into the touch so he can’t help but give you what you want, largely because it’s what he needs.
So he shifts position, lifting your leg forwards to gain access to the part of you that was calling for him. He traces over your clothed pussy, brushing over your clit a few times and feeling your body tense with the slight stimulation.  
“Is that what you like, sweetheart huh?” He whispers, his breath spreading goosebumps along your skin, it doesn’t wake you but it’s close to. The throbbing of his cock makes him want you to notice. From there he slides his fingers under the fabric, immediately finding your core slick and gooey, he glides them through your folds, gradually becoming more risky with how he grinds his hips into you. The stimulation makes you moan, your eyes fluttering open and body instinctively trying to pull away, but he holds you firm, his other arms sliding under you to clamp over your mouth, disguising the sounds that tear from your throat. 
He shushes you repeatedly, his voice low in your ear, “Shush, sweetheart. It’s alright.” You’re ravaged by confusion, unable to tell if this was real, the fingers coated in your slick teasing your entrance and rubbing your clit felt achingly so, but how could this happen- it couldn't possibly be happening. 
You groan something into his hand and he briefly pulls it away enough to hear you, prompting you to say it again with a hum. Your brows are knitted as you speak, still trying to pull yourself away from him and the growing feeling building in your core. “...Mr Afton?” He grins into the back of your neck when you say his name like that.
“Yes, lovely.” 
You moan as his fingers find a perfect rhythm on your clit rubbing it vigorously and making the coil in your stomach tighter by the minute. “What… what are you doing?” It’s hard to speak, you’re so shocked that he’s doing this, that you’re living through it right now and that it feels so good. 
He doesn’t answer you, just chuckles into your skin, you aren’t riving away from him anymore but rather grabbing at the quilt now sticking to your sweaty skin, unable to decide if you want all this to stop or if you need him to continue. Your lower stomach is riddled with knots that are just begging to snap, the sensation completely overwhelming. You’re moaning pathetically, causing him to shush you again, you sound so good right now he’s dying to relieve himself somehow and just rubbing against you isn’t enough anymore, not when he knows how sweet and wet you are for him. And just, just as you’re screwing your eyes up ready to slam into your climax he stops, leaving your pussy twitching on the brink of your end. 
“Mr Aftonnn.” You whine, devastated that ecstasy was ripped from your tongue and desperate to feel it again. He moves behind you, pulling down his boxers enough to let his cock out, hissing as he strokes himself. You feel him pressing against your behind, then the stickiness of his precum smearing on your skin. 
“You gonna let me fuck that sweet little pussy?” The sound of his voice is so insanely dirty it has your head spinning, you nod, not remembering that he can’t see you. “Huh?” He prompts again, sliding his cock between your legs, the head notching against your entrance in such a way that it almost makes you jump.  
“Yes. Please.” You manage your voice hazy with tiredness and arousal, he doesn’t wait a moment, pressing himself inside the size of him stretching you to accommodate him. You whimper before he even gets to the hilt, your hands balled up in the sheets. 
He groans, sniggering slightly at how good you feel around him and unable to resist he starts fucking you. It’s an earth-shatteringly slow pace that has his tip pressing flush into your sweet spot, each time feeling like he was stealing the air from your lungs. The bed creaks with the movement, though he only just notices over the pretty sounds you’re making. You can’t help it, your orgasm is raising its head almost immediately and you want it so bad that you’re begging incoherently, grabbing at his hand which has found itself squeezing your breasts. And despite trying to keep the noise down his pace grows faster and more needy, the lewd sound of your wet cunt taking him in becoming more frequent. He’s muttering the dirtiest of things in your ear, mixed in with praise for how good you feel and how well you’re doing.  And it’s too much. Shuddering you hit your climax hard, muscles tensing as your wall clamp down around him and fluttering in the most perfect way. 
He grunts, fucking you more selfishly as your tightness begs him to cum. His pace wavers before he does shoving himself as deep as possible as he bursts inside you, filling you up without thinking. You gasp a little, still reeling from your orgasm but still aware enough to feel the sensation of his cum leaking out of you as he pulls out, leaving your cunt twitching. 
“Such a good girl.” 
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redroomreflections · 2 months
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader
3/5 (even though we know it's more than likely this will be longer)
Summary: Natasha Romanoff and Reader reluctantly team up for a couples retreat mission. Despite initial resistance, they find themselves drawn together by unexpected circumstances and shared experiences.
Word Count: 3.8k words
Natasha's eyes fluttered open, her body drenched in a hot sweat. A dull ache pulsed through her left shoulder as she instinctively reached out to the headboard for support. Rubbing her shoulder, she squinted at the dim glow of the old alarm clock resting on the nightstand between the double beds. The numbers indicated it was just 11 pm—she hadn't been asleep for long.
As Natasha tried to shake off the grogginess of sleep, she realized something felt off. The hot sweat clinging to her skin and the soreness in her shoulder give her an uneasy feeling. She leaned over in bed, adjusting her eyes to the nightlight to see your covers were thrown back with no sight of you at all. Interesting. She figured you couldn’t have gone too far. You didn’t need a babysitter or someone watching over your shoulder. You’re a skilled spy just as she is. There was no need for her to worry. 
With a sigh, Natasha swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up, running a hand through her damp hair. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep easily now, not with that nagging feeling gnawing at her mind. She decided to get up, maybe a glass of water or a short walk around the building would help clear her head.
But as she stood, her gaze fell on the window. Her curiosity got the best of her as she moved closer to the window. She noticed a small figure seated by the poolside, an unusual sight considering it was late at night and the pool area was closed. Squinting, Natasha observed an even smaller flicker of light coming from the person's lips—a cigarette. It’s you. How long had you been down there?
The peacefulness of the night enveloped you as you sat by the pool, the soft glow of the pool lights casting eerie shadows that distorted the shapes of the surroundings. With one hand propped on your knee, you idly kicked your toes into the water, feeling the gentle waves ripple beneath your feet. The pull of the cigarette between your lips offered a momentary calm as your mind wandered.
Thoughts swirled in your head—about the mission, about your time as an Avenger, about the mysterious meaning of life's purpose.
"Couldn't sleep?" Natasha's voice broke the silence as she approached, her footsteps barely audible except for the faint shuffle of her flip-flops against the damp concrete.
"Nah, I don't usually," You replied, exhaling a stream of smoke into the night air as you took another puff of the cigarette. Tilting your head back, you watched as the smoke dispersed in the wind.
"Did I wake you when I left?" You asked. You pressed the cigarette into the concrete before twirling it in your hands. 
“No,” Natasha said. 
"Good," You nodded, acknowledging Natasha's unspoken disapproval at the sight and smell of the cigarette. "Don't worry, I threw the pack away," you reassured her, hoping to alleviate any concerns she might have about your habits. 
Natasha offered a small, understanding smile. "Thanks," she said softly, appreciating the gesture. Despite her reservations about the habit, she knew you were making an effort, and that meant a lot to her. At least she knew she could trust you to be professional about this mission. 
“I’ve been on missions before,” You confessed quietly. 
"I know," Natasha replied, her tone gentle yet firm. "But that doesn't mean it's easy every time. We all have our ways of coping." 
“Why are you being so cool all of a sudden?” You turned to her with suspicious eyes. “Less than eight hours ago you practically hated my guts. You’ve barely even looked my way the past three months.”
Natasha sighed, her expression softening. "I know, and I'm sorry," she admitted, meeting your gaze with honesty. "Sometimes it takes a wake-up call to realize we need to set aside differences and support each other. We're a team, after all." She paused, searching for the right words. "I guess I just realized that life's too short for grudges, especially in our line of work."
“Grudges are what fuel me,” You shrugged. “I have a few people on my list that certainly deserve that.” 
Natasha nodded, understanding the sentiment. "I get it," she replied. 
Natasha settled herself beside you, maintaining a comfortable distance, yet close enough to feel the subtle ripples of the water as she dipped her feet in. There was a quiet understanding between you, as neither of you had anything left to say. 
“My favorite position is cowgirl,” You suddenly said. “Not for me for the other person.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow at the unexpected comment, her expression a mix of surprise and amusement. She chuckled softly before replying, "Well, that's certainly... a candid confession." She shook her head with a playful grin. "I'll remember that, though I'm not sure it's pertinent to our current situation."
“It is,” You glanced over at her. “We’ll probably be one of the only lesbian couples. Which means weird fetishizations and probing questions. Maybe even a game of truth or drink. Adults at resorts are unhinged.” 
"You might have a point there," She conceded. “Give me the rundown on the dossier.”
You took a deep breath before launching into the details of the dossier. "Alright," you begin, "Shady Corners, as the name suggests, is a high-end resort nestled just outside of Miami in the Bay Harbor Islands. It’s owned by, Ilanka and Maxim Belinsky, it's known for catering to the elite, offering luxurious amenities and discreet services."
You leaned in closer, your voice lowering as you delved into the more clandestine aspects. "There’s a darker side to Shady Corners which is the entire reason for us. Rumors about the Belinskys' involvement in illicit activities, from money laundering to connections with underground cartels."
"Apparently," you continue, "guests have reported strange occurrences in the resort's secluded corners—mysterious meetings, people disappearing, and several break-ins, all hushed up by the Belinskys themselves. Couples keep checking in since it’s such a popular destination with a history behind it."
Natasha listened intently, her eyes narrowing as she took in the information. "Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us," she remarked. 
“Indeed we do,” You sighed. “We should get some sleep.” 
“I’m fine with staying here a little while longer.” 
You nodded in understanding. "Alright," you replied. 
Hour 12 
A few short hours later, you found yourselves back on the road, with you taking the wheel this time. Natasha's unease was noticeable as you bobbed and weaved through the traffic, your driving style more assertive than she was used to. With each swift maneuver to pass SUVs and trailers, Natasha's grip tightened on the door handle, her knuckles turning white with tension. 
You couldn't help but notice her discomfort, and though you tried to reassure her that you had everything under control, her nerves seemed to get the better of her. 
“Do you understand speed limits?” She tersely asked as you stepped on the pedal a bit harder. 
You glanced over at Natasha, noticing the edge in her tone as she asked about speed limits. Despite her brevity, you couldn't help but feel amusement at her concern. "Of course I do," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant as you stepped on the pedal a bit harder. "But sometimes, you just gotta keep up with the flow of traffic, you know?" 
Natasha's grip on the door handle tightened even more, and she shot you a disapproving look. "That's not an excuse to break the law," she retorted, her voice filled with frustration. "We have to be responsible drivers, especially on long trips like this."
You rolled your eyes, feeling a bit annoyed by her lecturing. "Relax, Natasha," You said "We'll get there in one piece, I promise." 
“I would like to live to see thirty,” Natasha commented, tightening her seatbelt around her midsection. 
“No way you’re being truthful about your age right now,” You flicked on your indicator, laying on the horn for the driver in front of you as they moved at a turtle’s pace. 
You could sense Natasha's annoyance as she defended her age, her frown deepening. "I'm twenty-nine," She stated firmly. "Do I need to show you a birth certificate to confirm that? What makes you think I'm older?"
You shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk playing on your lips. "Relax, Natasha," You teased. "I was just saying, you seem a bit uptight for someone your age. But hey, maybe that's just part of your charm." 
Natasha rolled her eyes, unamused by your comment. "Gee, thanks," she muttered sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest. It was clear she wasn't in the mood for jokes. “I’m far from uptight.”
You furrowed your brow, considering her words for a moment. "Well, since you're so sure, let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we?" you challenged. 
"Remember when we missed that turnoff and you practically had a meltdown?" you began, counting off on your fingers. "Or how about when I accidentally spilled coffee on the map and you acted like it was the end of the world? It is crazy that we’re using a map anyway when there’s a perfectly good GPS right here on the dashboard. Unless you’re testing me. I thought you trusted that I was a good spy."
“Trust is a strong word,” Natasha shook her head. “What’s that training like anyway? Coming through a government agency.” 
"It's... intense," You replied, your tone guarded as you skirted around the topic. "But it's nothing like the Red Room if that's what you're thinking."
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, not wanting to delve too deep into your past. The memories of your training were still fresh in your mind, and you preferred not to think about them. "Let's just say it involves a lot of rigorous training and a fair share of close calls," you added cryptically, hoping to steer the conversation away from your own experiences.
“A close enough call to have a four-inch scar on your back?” Natasha tilted her head. 
You paused for a moment, caught off guard by Natasha's astute observation. "Well, you've got quite the eye for detail," you replied with a forced chuckle, trying to deflect her question. You shifted in your seat, a hint of discomfort creeping into your expression. "Unless you’re also ready to discuss the scars you have too?” 
“Touche’,” Natasha sighed. 
You raised an eyebrow, shifting the focus of the conversation with a swift change of topic. "So are you and Rogers a thing?" you asked, a sly grin spreading across your face. If there was going to be anyone in the hot seat, it needed to be her. It was about time you made the Black Widow uncomfortable.
Natasha's expression remained neutral. She paused for a moment, considering her response carefully before replying, "Steve and I have a professional relationship, nothing more."
You pressed on, determined to push her buttons. "Sure, sure," you teased, leaning in slightly. "But I've seen the way you two look at each other. There's definitely something more there."
Natasha's facade faltered for just a moment, a little bit of frustration crossing her features before she quickly regained her composure. "Believe what you want," she replied coolly, her tone leaving no room for further discussion on the matter. 
“Come on, it’s okay to say you’ve tapped that,” You egged her on. “Stop being so prissy for a second. It’s unbecoming.” 
Natasha's jaw tensed as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes at your persistence. "I don't see how my personal life is any of your business," she replied sharply, her tone tinged with irritation. "And I certainly don't appreciate your crude insinuations."
You could sense her growing frustration, but you pressed on, determined to get a rise out of her. "Oh, come on, lighten up," you teased, leaning in closer. "It's not like anyone would blame you for going for the Captain. He's like the poster boy for good looks and heroism."
Natasha's gaze narrowed, her patience wearing thin. "I suggest you drop it before you say something you'll regret," she warned, her voice low and measured. It was clear she had reached her limit. 
“Ohh, I’m shaking in my boots,” You rolled your eyes. “At first the pressure was on me. Be more like Natasha. Take notes from Natasha. Ask Natasha for help. We can't even hold a simple conversation.” 
Natasha's jaw tightened at your sarcastic remark, her frustration is evident in her expression. "I never asked for you to be like me," she retorted, her tone clipped. "And if you're feeling pressured, that's on you, not me."
You could sense the tension between you escalating, and you knew you had hit a nerve. But instead of backing down, you continued to push, fueled by a mix of defiance and annoyance. "Oh, please," you scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Don't act like you haven't enjoyed being put on that pedestal. It's not like you haven't reveled in being everyone's golden girl."
Natasha's eyes flashed with annoyance, her patience wearing thin. "That's enough," she stated firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. "I won't be dragged into your petty games. If you have a problem with me, say it to my face instead of hiding behind snide remarks." 
“I don’t have a problem with you,” You began. “It’s the simple fact that you’re committed to this whole mean girl serious chick schtick. You’ve insulted me fifteen times this morning without holding your breath or thinking about it. I simply want to know what’s up. So I’m asking? Last night we were cool. This morning it’s giving me an entirely new personality.”
“So, to get back at me you imply that I’m sleeping with my teammate?”
The accusation hung in the air, heavy with tension, as Natasha processed your words. 
"Implying? No," You retorted. "I merely observed a dynamic between teammates. If you took it as an insult, that's on you."
“I think you’re jealous,” Natasha commented. 
Your response was swift, fueled by a mixture of frustration and defiance. "Jealous?" you echoed incredulously, a flash of indignation in your eyes. "Of what, exactly?" Natasha's comment caught you off guard, the accusation striking a nerve. "I'm not jealous," you countered, your voice tinged with irritation. "I just don't appreciate being undermined and belittled at every turn."
There was a tense silence between you, the air thick with unspoken tension. Natasha's expression remained impassive, but there was a glimmer of challenge in her eyes, daring you to continue the confrontation.
“Jealous of that fact that I was welcomed into the group based on merit and skills alone,” Natasha gloated. “I didn’t need my government daddy to put a word in for me.” 
Natasha's words stung, hitting a nerve deep within you. You clenched your jaw, struggling to maintain your composure in the face of her taunting.
"Merit and skills alone, huh?" you replied through gritted teeth, your tone laced with bitterness. "Funny, considering the lengths you've gone to to prove yourself at every turn."
But you swallowed your pride, forcing yourself to remain calm despite the urge to lash out. With a tight-lipped smile, you met Natasha's gaze head-on, refusing to let her see how deeply her words had wounded you.
"Congratulations," You replied tersely, your voice cold and clipped. "I'm glad you're so proud of yourself. Now let's focus on the task at hand, shall we?"
The silence went on for a few seconds longer before you scrunched your nose. 
“And government Daddy?” You frowned. “Who the hell do you think is my dad?”
Natasha's expression remained impassive, her gaze steady as she delivered her next words with a calculated calmness. "I don't know," she replied evenly, "but I wouldn't be surprised if it's someone like Ross."
The mention of Ross's name sent a chill down your spine, stirring up memories of past encounters and the uneasy alliance you had with him. Despite your best efforts to distance yourself from him, his shadow seemed to loom over you like a specter, a constant reminder of the ties that bound you to the government.
“Holy Fuck,” You clenched your fists, struggling to contain the anger bubbling within you. "Ross?" you scoffed, your tone dripping with disdain. "He's nothing but a manipulative bureaucrat with his own agenda. I have no ties to him, and I certainly don't need him to vouch for me."
“Why is his name riddled all over your file then?” 
You felt a knot form in your stomach at Natasha's question, a sinking feeling settling in as you grappled with how much she knew about your past. "I... I don't know," you replied, your voice strained with uncertainty. "Maybe it's just... paperwork. I've had dealings with him in the past, but that doesn't mean he's my... my father."
Despite your attempt to brush off the implications, Natasha's piercing gaze bore into you, her scrutiny unrelenting. "You can't just dismiss it like that," she insisted, her tone firm. "There's a reason his name keeps popping up in your file."
You shook your head firmly, dispelling any notion of familial ties between you and Ross. "No, not because we're related," you asserted, your voice resolute. "I've made it clear before—I have no familial connection to Ross."
Natasha regarded you with a scrutinizing gaze, her expression unreadable. "Then why is his name so intertwined with your file?" she pressed, her tone insistent.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for Natasha's reaction to your explanation. "Spectra was deeply connected with the CIA," you began, your voice steady despite the lingering frustration. "Ross helped me out with some intel. Nothing more. Nothing less."
Natasha regarded you with a thoughtful expression, her gaze probing as she considered your words. "Is that all it was?" she asked, her tone cautious. "Or was it part of a larger plan to spy on the Avengers?"
You shook your head, the weight of Natasha's suspicion weighing heavily on you. "No," you replied firmly, meeting her gaze head-on. "I would never betray the team like that. Ross may have his own agenda, but I'm not a pawn in his game."
As Natasha continued to scrutinize you, a glimmer of realization crossed her features. "So what's the deal?" she asked, her voice softening slightly as she searched your eyes for the truth. "You're not exactly the type to strike up a deal with Ross without a good reason."
"It's complicated," You admitted. "But after Spectra's downfall, I was left vulnerable. Ross and Tony offered me protection, a way to defect from the shadows and start fresh."
Natasha's brow furrowed in understanding, though there was a hint of skepticism in her expression. "And what do they get out of it?" she pressed, her tone cautious.
You sighed heavily, knowing that Natasha wouldn't let up until she had all the answers. "Information," you confessed, the weight of your betrayal heavy on your conscience. "About Spectra.” 
There was a moment of silence as Natasha processed your words, the gravity of your situation settling over you like a suffocating blanket. 
“You’re an informant?” Natasha breathed. She knew it. She couldn’t believe this. 
You nodded solemnly, meeting Natasha's gaze with a heavy heart. "Yes," you admitted, the weight of your confession hanging in the air like a dark cloud. "I'm an informant."
Natasha's breath caught in her throat, her disbelief palpable as she struggled to come to terms with the revelation. "I knew it," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“Thank you, Kim Possible for knowing it all,” You rolled your eyes. 
“Who’s Kim Possible?” 
“And you’re still telling me you’re under thirty,” You mumbled. You rolled your eyes at Natasha's response, unable to resist a sarcastic retort
You couldn't help but chuckle at her bewilderment. "She's a fictional character from an old cartoon," you explained. "Always saving the day and solving mysteries. Thought you might appreciate the comparison."
“So, you gained immunity for your crimes then in exchange for information?” Natasha deduced. 
“Something like that,” You shrugged. “I’m an Avenger though because of my skills. I could have gone into a witness protection program or something.” 
There was a moment of silence as Natasha absorbed your words, the weight of your choices hanging heavily in the air between you. "I understand," she replied finally, her tone softening with understanding. 
“Do you? Because it seems like you want to use my past against me every chance you get,” You eased up on the accelerator. “I was a teen when I became a pawn for Spectra. They weren’t the cleanest government agency. None of them are. You may have involuntarily joined the Red Room but it’s not like I had much of a choice either. I was a poor kid from Jersey with no money or family. I did what I had to do to survive.” 
“I do understand,” Natasha nodded. 
“Look can we make a deal,” You sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day. “Can we just be cordial? We don’t have to be friends. I’m not expecting us to have sleepovers and braid each other's hair. I would simply like to make this work so that we get what we need out of this mission.” 
Natasha regarded you for a moment, her expression thoughtful as she considered your proposal. After a moment of silence, she nodded slowly. "Agreed," she replied, her voice firm. "Cordial it is."
You offered her a small nod of gratitude, relieved to have reached a truce, however tentative it may be. She reached into the backseat, grabbing something you couldn't see before you realized it was the magazine from yesterday. 
“What is your favorite type of nonsexual physical intimacy and are you satisfied with the frequency you receive it?” 
You blinked in surprise at Natasha's unexpected question, taken aback by its intimacy. For a moment, you were at a loss for words, unsure how to respond to such a personal inquiry.
Clearing your throat, you composed yourself before replying, "Um, well, I guess my favorite type of nonsexual physical intimacy would be... hugs? I suppose?" You offered a hesitant smile, feeling a bit awkward under Natasha's scrutinizing gaze. "I’m not really comfortable with a lot of physical touch. For personal reasons. And as for the frequency... I guess it's alright. I don't really think about it much."
Natasha nodded, her expression unreadable as she tucked the magazine back into its place. "Good to know," she remarked casually, as if she hadn't just asked you one of the most personal questions imaginable.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, feeling a bit exposed by the exchange. But despite the awkwardness, you couldn't help but appreciate Natasha's attempt at breaking down the walls between you, even if it was in her own unconventional way. With a small nod of acknowledgment, you turned your attention back to the road ahead of you.
------> part 4
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cats-and-anime-789 · 2 years
Humans are space orcs:
Running from the monsters in the dark:
The crew had settled down in the crew quarters and human-Mary was standing by the lights. After she turned them off, Mary quickly dashed towards her bunk and dove under the covers.
“Go Mary go! It’s gonna get ya!” Human-Jack jeered.
Mary smacked him with a pillow in retaliation. “Shut up, everyone runs from the monster.”
“Monsters? Is there an intruder on the ship?” Cariph (a Small Furred species from the planet Orion) was getting ready to hit the emergency alarm.
“What? Oh no, no. Cariph there are no intruders. It’s just a…a myth or superstition.” Mary looked to the other humans for help, and Jack took over the explanation.
“Basically when humans are little, we all believed that there are monsters that can only get you in the dark. When you turn off the light, you have to run as fast as you can to get to your bed because it can protect you.”
“How can a bed protect you from a living being?” Cariph wondered.
“Well I mean those are the rules, the monsters can’t touch you once you are under the covers. And besides the monsters aren’t real, we just get a feeling that something is there, waiting in the dark to get us.”
“But wait… you said only small humans experience this, so why did Mary run?”
“Well… uh adult humans can get the feeling too. That something is there watching and waiting for you to let your guard down. You can tell yourself that it isn’t real, that it isn’t there, but your hair will still stand up, and your deeper consciousness is saying ‘something is there, something is there. Run.’”. The room descended into an eerie quiet as the rest of the crew digested this terrifying belief of humans.
“Well thanks man, I totally didn’t need to sleep tonight.” Human-Casey grumbled at Jack, causing the rest of the humans to laugh.
“Do you need a nightlight, Casey?”
“You know what, sure.”
“Oh I got some fairy lights” Mary offered. Her and Casey proceed to put these “fairy lights” up around the crew beds. After the room was alight with the small twinkling lights that according to Casey “protect us because the monsters cannot be touched by light, less they disappear.” The humans all went to sleep. The rest of the crew was left wondering why all the humans had the same experience. They wondered if something really was waiting in the dark, and the humans merely convinced themselves that it was fake. After all what would willingly hunt humans?
(Author’s note: Hope anyone who sees this enjoys!)
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toasttt11 · 4 months
never grow up
Tumblr media
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger
A five year old Quinn walked into the hospital room while his little brothers were waiting outside with their grandmother. He saw him mom in the hospital bed looking tired but extremely happy and smiled bigger when her oldest came in, and his father was holding a pink bundle smiling down at it.
Quinn walked over to his mom leaning up and kissing her cheek, “Hi mama.”
“Hi Quinny you want to meet your little sister?” Ellen smiled brushing a hand over his hair, smiling at his enthusiastic nod, knowing her sweet boy have been very excited to meet his sister.
Jim walked over as Quinn sat in the chair, Jim leaned down gently setting his daughter into Quinn’s arm.
Quinn softly gasped seeing his baby sister look so cute he slowly brushed a finger over her soft cheeks, before her little hand went to her face and her tiny fingers wrapped around Quinn’s finger.
Quinn smiled widely at his baby sister, “I’ll always protect i promise.” Quinn smiled at her holding his finger and knew he was already wrapped around her finger.
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
A three year old Carter slowly sliding of her bed, quietly opening her bedroom door and tiptoeing down the hallway to Jack’s door, she gently opened the door sliding into his room.
The whole house silent as her family is all sleeping, but she wanted to be with her brother.
Carter gently lifted up the corner of Jack’s comforter and pulled herself up into his bed and sliding right into his side.
Jack woke up slowly feeling something move next to him, and he looked over and saw through the strips of moonlight coming through, a tiny body with brown curls and he smiled wrapping an arm around his sister.
Jacks hands curling around her curls as he felt his little sister relax againt him and fall back asleep , he pulled the blanket up more around her before falling back asleep.
Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreamin'
A six year old Luke was watching a hockey game with his five year old sister sleeping with her head on his lap, as their mom was in her office and their dad and brothers were at a game.
Carter slowly moved around making Luke look down seeing her still sleeping but moving around and her eyes fluttering, her nose scrunched.
Luke gently put his hand into her curls gently rubbing her head making Carter slowly relaxed and fall back to a more peaceful sleep.
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
Carter whimpered seeing the shapes move around on her dark walls, the wind howling outside and she whimpered again before throwing her blanket off running out of her bed into the room next to hers, Quinn. She quickly pulled the door handle running into her room.
A eight year old Quinn looked up from his book that he was reading in bed, before he had to got to sleep, and he saw his almost three year old sister biting her lip and shaking as she busted into the room.
Quinn quickly jumped out of bed rushing to his little sister, he kneeled down in front of her pulling her into a hug rubbing her back.
“What’s wrong Reesie?” Quinn frowned feeling how much his sister is shaking, he kissed the top of her head.
“Dark.” Carter whimper out hiding her face in Quinn’s chest.
Quinn slowly nodded understanding what’s wrong, He picked her up still holding her in a hug and setting her on his hip, he walked over to his desk digging in the top drawer looking for something, before he found what he was looking for.
He walked them out of his room back into her room, he clicked on the main light before waking to the outlet and plugging in the nightlight he grabbed. He turned it own making stars shine across the whole ceiling.
“Hey Reesie, look!” Quinn cooed making Carters head slowly move from where she was hiding in his chest and smiled at the stars, blue and purple stars filled her ceiling.
“Woah!” Carter gasped seeing how pretty they all are.
Quinn slowly walked back with Carter still sitting on his hip but focused on the stars and clicked off the main light and breathed out a sigh of relief seeing Carter not notice.
He slowly walked them to her bed and set her down onto the bed, he kneeled down on the floor by her bed covering her up with her blankets seeing her tired eyes watching him, “That use to be my stars, i use to have to sleep with them too.”
“You did?” Carter gasped not thinking her big brother would be afraid of anything.
“Mhm, but i learned that the stars protect you when you’re scared. If you’re ever scared just look at the stars.” Quinn leaned down kissing her on the forehead slowly humming until she feel back to sleep.
To you, everything's funny
Carter who was six was making a grunt looking down at her dinner plates seeing the peas, she hates peas.
Jack who was nine was sitting across the table from her and as she put the food in mouth he gently tapped her leg making her look up at Jack who scrunched his nose and made a pea come out from both sides of his nose, Carter laughed forgetting the food in her mouth making it fly across the table and hit Luke who was sitting next to Jack.

The table paused before Carter was laughing so hard she was leaning out of her chair and not quick after Jack was wheezing trying to catch his breath as he laughed so hard and Quinn tried so hard not to look at the mashed potatoes that splatted all over Luke’s face but the when he saw them he couldn’t help but bust out laughing just as hard as his siblings.
Luke was trying to be annoyed but when he saw his face in the reflection in the mirror in the dinning room he couldn’t help but break out laughing as well.
You got nothing to regret
Carter who had just turned six was playing outside hockey a 1v1 with her seven years old brother, Luke was behind her trying to get the puck she had in her hands when suddenly she went to move and her stick went up and it flung right into Luke’s nose, Carter quickly dropped the stick turning seeing Luke holding his nose in pain and his eyes teary.
Carter eyes widened with worry, “MOM! MOM!” Carter screamed towards the house having her hands on Luke’s arms as his nose started to bleed heavily.
Ellen rushed our hearing Carter scream, Quinn was quick to follow behind her, they saw Carter holding Luke and Luke holding him face.
Ellen quickly ran to Luke making Carter’s hands drop from Luke’s arms, “What happened!” Ellen gently demanded as she gently lifted Luke’s hands wincing seeing all the blood but his nose was still very much straight and looked like it was just a very bad bloody nose.
“I accidentally hit with the end of my stick when we were playing.” Carter tearfully and hurriedly explained.
“Quinn go get toilet paper.” Ellen asked her eldest who nodded now realizing that it must just be bloody nose.
“Is he going to be okay?” Carter softly asked holding Luke’s hand tightly.
“He’ll be okay, it’s just a bloody nose.” Ellen soothed her daughter worries as Quinn walked out with a toilet paper roll handing it to his mother.
“I’m sorry.” Carter regrettably whispered to Luke as they walked back into the house and Ellen was holding toilet paper on Luke’s nose to stop the bleeding.
“It’s okay Reeses pieces.” Luke whispered back, it didn’t even hurt that bad but it was uncomfortable with all the blood but he knew his sister didn’t do it on purpose.
I'd give all I have honey
If you could stay like that
A recently just turned six Quinn snuck out of his bed in the middle of the night. He tiptoed out of his room and down the hallway towards Carter’s room he quietly opened her door and walked to her crib seeing her eyes fluttering open and shut, he leaned into the crib gently picking her.
Quinn picked up the blanket hanging over the back of the rocking chair before sitting in the chair with Carter in his arms, he covered himself and Carter with the blanket.
Carter cooed making Quinn attention immediately go to her, Quinn saw his baby sister staring up at him and he gave her his finger and she wrapped her little fingers around it.
Quinn slowly rocked the both of them back to sleep and he hep Carter all night long until Ellen came into Carters room the next morning and found her oldest and youngest fast asleep in the rocking chair.
Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
“Mom!” Carter groaned frustrated sitting on her bedroom in frustration, it was the first day of first grade tomorrow and she couldn’t figure out an outfit.
“Reesie?” Ellen responded out in concern walking down the hallway to Carter’s bedroom seeing Carter sitting on the floor looking frustrated, Ellen walked over kneeling down in front of her and gently rubbed Carter’s back, “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find an outfit.” Carter huffed out.
“Would you like some help?” Ellen softly questioned still enjoying the days where her children need her help, especially since her youngest seems to want to do everything on her and is always very independent.
Carter titled her head before slowly nodding, Ellen smiled and looked at the clothes all around them and saw a grey and black plaid skirt and then looked and saw a black long sleeve with ruffles, she help them up to Carter, “What about this? With your black headband?” Ellen smiled at her.
Carter nodded happily a smile now forming on her face as she hugged her mother, “Thank you.”
“Anytime Ressie, Anytime.” Ellen closed her eyes savoring the hug.
Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
An eleven year old Carter rubbed her eyes as she quietly walked into the kitchen in the middle of the night wanting cold water, she blinked seeing her dad sitting at the dinning room table, “Dad?”
Carter soft voice got Jim’s attention who turned around seeing his daughter standing there, “Hey bug.” Jim softly smiled at her patting the seat next to him.
“Are those the cookies mom made? Carter cocked an eyebrow at her father as she sat next to him seeing him have cookies and milk in front of him.
“I won’t tell, if you want.” Jim mischievously smiled holding a cookie out to his daughter.
Carter looked at the cookie knowing they are really good because her mom made them before grabbing the cookie and taking a bite out of it, “Deal.”
Carter happily grinned as she munched on the cookies with her dad.
I won't let nobody hurt you
Quinn turned around just seeing as his sister was smashed into the boards after the whistle was already blown, and before anyone even knew it, Quinn had his gloves dropped and he was on top of the Calgary Flames player tackling him to the ice and not stopping hitting him until Quinn was dragged off him.
Quinn knew his mouth was running but he didn’t care he shrugged off the referee and took his penalty seeing his sister not on the bench, the second the period ended Quinn had jumped out of the box skating across the ice hurrying down the tunnel to the medical room, he bursted in seeing the doctors holding a light to Carter’s head checking for concussion.
“Is she alright?” Quinn hurriedly questioned, gently grabbing her hand.
“She’s okay, i would like her not to play the rest of the game as they was a very bad hit to the head, she doesn’t have a concussion but for safety i suggest she doesn’t.” The doctor kindly instructed Quinn before leaving the room.
Quinn pulled her into a hug pressing a soft kiss to her head.
Won't let no one break your heart
And no one will desert you
Quinn frowned as Carter denied the FaceTime something she never does and then she texted “sorry can’t talk now” Quinn frowned deeper having feeling like Carter has been off lately.
He quickly got up and packed a bag and getting into his car, he had three days off from work and decided to drive the five hours to his little sister.
Quinn drove the five hours to Regina and walked up into her apartment building, he took the elevator to her floor. He knocked on her door waiting for her to open the door.
A fifteen year old Carter looked up from her couch and got up walking to the door, she opened it and was shocked to she her brother, “Quinny?” Carter softly questioned feeling her eyes fill with tears.
“Ressie.” Quinn softly smiled at his baby sister, she lunged forward pulling him into a hug.
Carter let out a shaky breath as she felt comfort from her big brother, she didn’t realize how alone she would feel in a new city all alone.
Just try to never grow up
Never grow up
Carter got off the plane from Sweden after staying there for almost a year only really doing school and playing hockey, she turned 16 there, she did end up growing a good few inches while she was away and she knew she put on a lot of good muscle, and a lot of her baby fat on her face went away. Carter saw Quinn waiting for her and she quickly walked over to him a smile, “Hey big brother.”
“Can you stop growing please.” Quinn questioned wirh a wide smile pulling her sister in a long overdo hug, her now only being three inches shorter than him.
Quinn drove her to their parents houses were the rest of their family was waiting for them.
Carter laughed as she was covered in confetti from Jack and Luke as she walked into the house and she saw the welcome home banner.
“This is not fair.” Jack pouted seeing how tall his sister got and how his younger siblings are way too tall.
Luke pulled Carter into a tight hug swaying back and forth. Jack pushed Luke off her and pulled Carter into a tight hug, “No more growing ok.”
“Ok.” Carter fondly rolled her eyes at her brother.
Ellen pulled her youngest in a tight hug pressing kisses to her face having missed her so much, “Oh my love you got even more beautiful.” Ellen smiled softly holding her daughter’s face in her hands. Of course the family had facetime while Carter was away but it was hard to tell how much she grew up from a screen.
Jim rested his chin on his daughter’s head holding her a long hug.
Don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
Luke walked into the living room seeing his three siblings cuddled up together so he walked over to the couch towards them.
Luke layed down in between Jack and Carter resting his head on Jacks thigh and gently grabbing Carter’s hand gaining a squeeze in return. Quinn was cuddled against Carter.
The four siblings cuddled together on the couch for a long time just listening to the pouring rain and thunder outside until they all fell fast asleep, just like they always did when they were younger.
Jim and Ellen walked down to the basement that was usally always loud but was completely silent and they saw all their kids cuddled up together. Ellen and Jim smiled, Ellen took a picture of her kids as Jim grabbed the other blankets on the back of the couch covering Luke with one and Quinn with the other.
And no one's ever burned you
Nothing's ever left you scarred
Carter was on her roller skates in the front driveway of her house playing with her brothers, when she slipped and her knee slid roughly across the asphalt. Carter gasped seeing the blood starting to run down her leg and could feel the tears running down her face rapidly. Quinn saw her fall and quickly dropped his stick and skated to her, Carter who was only four.
“Sshh, Your okay Ressie.” Quinn softly cooed bending down in front of her and wrapping her in his arms, “Jack can you go get mom.” Quinn calmly demanded his brother not taking his eyes off his sister, Jack quickly nodded and skated towards the house.
Luke sat on the other side of Carter holding her hand looking at her in worry. Ellen came out with Jack seeing her daughter crying sitting in the floor and her boys comforting her, “Oh honey, what happened?” Ellen brushed her baby hairs that fell out of her ponytail.
“I slipped.” Carter soflty hiccuped being more frustrated at falling than being hurt, and crying because she was so overwhelmed.
“Ok, why don’t we go inside so we can clean your boo-boo up yeah?” Ellen softly talked to her daughter, Carter slowly nodded and looked up at her big brother with her big wide eyes that were filled with tears.
Quinn picked up his sister bridal style and carried her into the house. Jack made sure to pick up of Carter’s hockey stick off the driveway, and Luke kept a hold on Carter’s hand the whole time.
And even though you want to
Just try to never grow up
“Bye Quinny! Bye Jacky! Bye Lukey! Bye Mom and Dad!” A recently turned five year old Carter smiled widely waving at her family as she happily skipped into her first day of school.
“Does she have to grow up.” Quinn frowned unhappy his baby sister seems to never stop growing.
“Can’t she just stay little.” Jack pouted hating seeing her grow up.
Ellen and Jim shared fond looks having thought the same things many times with all their kids.
Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
Carter who had just turned 14 looked around the room she grew up in, the dark green shiplap that her mom picked out years ago and Carter never got rid of it having always loved it , the wall full of her old hockey’s sticks, the bulletin board above her desk filled with photos of friends and family, her bay window that has way to many pillows and throw blankets, the star nightlight that Carter could never get rid of.
Carter looked around seeing a now empty room having packed everything up and loaded it onto the moving van to their new house in Michigan.
Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home
Carter was sitting at the dinner table working on her spelling for her kindergarten class but perked up hearing the sound of the car in the driveway and it turning off. Carter hurriedly dropped her pencil and scurried across the house to the front door.
She heard the key in the door unlocking it and the door opening it, Carter smiled running right into her dad’s legs.
“Dad! Your home!” Carter grinned up at her dad, Jim tiredly smiled down at his youngest kid, “Hello Bug.” He picked her setting her on his hip as he held her with one hand and the other grabbing his bag.
Carter wrapped her small arms around his neck, “I missed you.” Carter leaned her head on his shoulder.
“I missed you too Bug.” Jim kissed the top of her head.
Remember the footsteps, remember the words said
Carter pulled the cover over her head trying to block out all the noise in the morning and go back to sleep not wanting to be awake this early.
Carter groaned frustrated hearing all her brothers and their friends stomping around in the morning. She could hear all of their loud voices traveling through out the house and she knew she wasn’t getting anymore sleep this morning.
And all your brother's favorite songs
Carter groaned hearing Jack playing another country song on the speaker as they were all out on the boat and Jack grabbed the speaker first.
Jack and Trevor sung to the music dramatically jumping around the boat together.
Carter just shook her head feeling the headache forming but knew she misses these kinds of moments in the season so she put up with listening to him sing his favorite songs.
I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone
Carter was sitting in her new bedroom in their new Michigan house that they moved into a few months ago. She opened the email from the WHL and knew exactly what it would be, either the acceptance or rejection. Carter had applied for the WHL, when they were still living in Canada and now knew if she was accepted she would be moving away from her family.
Carter let out a breath as she realizes she got accepted into the Hockey League she’s been dreaming of and the first player to ever get accepted a year early something her brothers didn’t even get approved to do.
Carter proudly smiled to herself as she got accepted to one of her dreams, but frowned when she remembered that the only close team to Quinn only had one draft pick this year, and all the other teams are at least two hours away from Vancouver, Carter knew it was going to end up with her being all alone.
So here I am in my new apartment
In a big city, they just dropped me off
It's so much colder than I thought it would be
So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on
Carter looked around her new bedroom in her little apartment in Regina, Canada. She looked at how little things she really did bring with her from home, she frowned feeling the chilly breeze and seeing nothing but dark in her room. She looked through her suitcase and found the nightlight she brought, the one she has had for ten years.
She plugged in and slowly relaxed seeing the stars fill the ceilings, something she’s always slept with ever since Quinn gave it to her.
She put on a hoodie she stole from Jack and got under her comforter trying to warm as she slowly fell asleep all alone in her new apartment.
Wish I'd never grown up
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werelosingdaylight · 1 year
One day
Shuntaro Chishiya x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY| One day you would start your family.
Adm Note: Last post for the night! Honestly, this could be written better, but I will fix it when I wake up in the morning. I love all of your guys, Goodnight! <3
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You didn’t miss the way his eyes burned into your figure as you calmed down the fussing toddler, your niece was staying with you while her father was out of town for work. She had been an angel for most of her stay but whenever it came time for her nap, she would throw a fit; all her energy was exploding at the seems, and if you could bottle it to sell you would be rich.
You ran your fingers through your nieces messy curls of hair, gently pulling apart knots in her hair, Chishiya watched with a look of longing in his eyes; you knew he would be an amazing father from how he acted with your niece.
There was only one problem; you didn’t want to have kids.
It was a conversation you two have had before, and you have said for years that you didn’t want to have children, not because you hated them; in fact it was the opposite, you adored your four year old niece. You just didn’t want to have them.
After softly tucking in your niece and pressing a kiss to her forehead, you made your way out of the room, turning off the lights until the room lit up with a gentle blue glow from her nightlight.
Chishiya was silently following you too the kitchen, where he then spoke “You’re good with her.” causing you to turn and face him.
“I know I said I don’t want to have kids but what do you think about adopting?” You didn’t want to have kids, but you wouldn’t be opposed to having kids. You didn’t want to put yourself through the pain of pregnancy and childbirth.
“It would not matter to me if we adopted or fostered kids, they would be our children and I would love them just the same.” He answered, having walked to you while talking and moved to wrap his arms over your waist.
“One day.” You answered against his lips.
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starry-hughes · 6 months
baking (quinn hughes)
day 18 of star’s ficmas
quinn hughes x mom!reader - daisy’s au
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Before Christmas, on the 21st, Quinn was in Dallas. He hated when he had to be on road trips right before the holidays. You and your one and a half year old daughter were at home in Vancouver. Quinn played on the 23rd and then the three of you would fly to Michigan.
Quinn was exhausted from the whole roadtrip, he missed you and Daisy. It was the night of the 22nd, almost midnight when he arrived home. Two years ago, if you would have asked him what he was missing for Christmas, he didn’t know what to say. That was before you came along and before the two of you started hooking up, before you got pregnant and before Daisy came along.
Daisy was a baby for her first Christmas so this year, she was running around, yanking ornaments off the tree and crying whenever she saw Mall Santa.
Quinn was traveling home after the game in Dallas. It was late and he was tired. He still had to come home and pack for Michigan and all he wanted was to curl into the bed with you and Daisy.
He wasn’t expecting anyone to be awake when he got home, it was late. He unlocked the door and saw the Christmas lights on and giggling from the kitchen. He saw packed suitcases by the door, you had packed everything for him.
“I think it’s someone’s bedtime,” Quinn broke out into a smile as he entered the kitchen. Daisy was in her pajamas and wide awake. “Daddy!” she screeched and jumped off her stool ran over to him. “Hi baby,” he said and picked her up. Quinn carried her over to you, he kissed you softly. “Welcome home, Daisy couldn’t sleep,” you said.
Quinn looked at the counter, seeing rolled out cookie dough with cookie cutters. “Making cookies?” he looked at Daisy. “Santa! At gamma’s!”
“That’s right baby, Santa knows you’re at grandma’s this Christmas,” you smiled. Quinn let Daisy down on the floor after she was wriggling in his arms. “Daddy help!”
Quinn happily put on the pink apron Daisy brought over for him. The three of you worked on cookies, using the cookie cutters and putting them into the oven. You taught her how to crack eggs open and Quinn was helping her whisk in the flour gently. Daisy was getting tired, she had left her little stool and begged for you to hold her. “Baby, do you want to decorate cookies?” you asked.
“We can package them up and she can decorate them at the game or on the flight tomorrow,” Quinn suggested. Quinn pulled the cookies out to cool and Daisy had fallen asleep on your shoulder. Quinn turned on her nightlight in her bedroom and you placed her into bed and tucked her in. Her mini Christmas tree sat on her dresser all lit up, along with the small menorah.
It was super late now, but you wanted the kitchen clean. “Quinn honey you can sleep, I know you’re tired.” He shook his head. “I want to be in bed with you so let me help.” You packed up the cookies and decorating items for Daisy. You finished up everything and Quinn said he would be in the bedroom right after you, he was finishing up drying one of the cookie sheets. “Hey,” he called, pulling you into him, he had put down the drying towel, “I love you. Merry Christmas.”
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harlowcomehome · 6 months
Can’t sleep:
A Hazel and Jade fic.
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“Are you going to bed soon?” You asked as you started to undress, tossing your phone down on the hotel bed.
“Hold that phone up, I’m trying to see something” Jack cheekily responded, smirking tongue to cheek. As he held the phone up to his face. His glasses slid down his nose.
“Jackman- where are our children?” You gasped, earning a laugh from Jack that shook the phone.
“They are brushing their teeth and then they’ll come say goodnight to you. Let me see” he smirked.
It was perfect timing when both of the girls came running into the bedroom.
“Is that mommy?” Jade giggled as she and Hazel climbed onto the bed beside Jack.
Jack handed the phone over to the girls, it had only been a few hours but you missed them dearly.
“When are you coming back? Will you be here for Christmas?” Jade sighed, holding the phone as best as she could, only showing one eyeball and an ear.
“Christmas isn’t for another few weeks” Jack chuckled, knowing she was eager to open her gifts.
“Let me hold that” Hazel huffed, clearly ready for bed as she held the phone at a better angle to get her and Jade in view.
“I’m only going to be gone for a few days but I know you two will have fun with Daddy” you smiled, trying your best not to seem anxious.
Jack was obviously a capable parent, but you had pretty much taken on the role of primary caretaker in your family and took it very seriously.
“Daddy said we can go to the zoo tomorrow!” That was always Hazels favorite place to go.
“We gets to see animals!” Jade giggled as you talked to the both of them about it.
Eventually, the girls were exhausted and it was time for bed, you had prolonged the call for as long as possible. Jack was yawning in the background, so you knew it was time for bed.
“I’ll call you back?” Jack yawned once more and you nodded knowing not to count on it.
Jack had successfully got both Hazel and Jade to lie down in their rooms, quietly making his way back to the bedroom.
“Come on Lucky” he whispered, getting Lucky's attention as he hopped out of his dog bed and followed Jack to the bedroom.
Lucky curled up into the dog bed you had in the bedroom for him, while Jack climbed into bed patting the sheets for his phone.
He had turned the light off, the room slightly illuminated by the small nightlight in the master bathroom. He FaceTimed you, pulling the blankets up to his chin.
“Hi handsome” you smiled, eyeing over his features. He had small indentions on his nose from his glasses, his eyes were slightly red from exhaustion.
“Mmmm hi” he mumbled, fighting to keep both eyes open as he shifted around in bed.
“Retainer” you sternly reminded him.
He wagged a finger at you, grateful that you remembered knowing he wouldn’t have. He rummaged through the drawer beside the bed and quickly put it in his mouth.
“I love you so much” his speech slurred a little, mainly from exhaustion but also with a retainer-related lisp.
“I love you baby daddy” you whispered making him chuckle.
“You know mmm- I have a love-hate with that” he smiled, opening one eye to see your face.
“Are we sleeping on FaceTime?” You asked realizing his shoulders were already relaxing as he repositioned you on the pillow beside him.
“No snore strip huh? I guess I’ll let it slide” you teased knowing he was already halfway to dream-land.
Jack unlike you could fall asleep in a matter of minutes, some would argue even seconds.
You admired him for a moment as he started to loudly snore.
You plugged your phone in and whispered I love yous, something you had always done before you started to toss and turn in bed.
You had just started to fall asleep when you heard a commotion on the other line, it sounded like something had fallen, and a loud crash echoed the house. You would have convinced yourself you were dreaming if Lucky hadn’t started to bark.
Jack's eyes shot open, grabbing his phone and instinctively ending the phone call to check out what was going on.
He had grabbed the Louisville slugger he kept on the wall for “decoration” and made his way to the kitchen.
You continuously called his phone, and after getting his voicemail for a third time you started to pace around your hotel room. You were worried, thinking maybe calling wasn’t the best choice, thinking maybe if his sound being on blew his cover.
Jack saw that the kitchen light was on, wondering who could be in there, he cautiously took a step forward, trying to be as silent as possible.
Lucky bolted out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.
“Lucky! Shhh” A small voice came from the ground, and Jack recognized immediately that it was Jade as she started to giggle.
He set the bat down gently, not wanting to scare her as he turned the corner.
Jade was sat in the middle of the kitchen floor, surrounded by pots and pans. Her face and hands were covered in cream cheese frosting that Lucky was now licking off of her.
“Jade! You scared me!” Jack noticed immediately the frosting that was stuck in her hair and all over her face.
“I was hungry and I couldn’t sleep” Her eyes started to water, worried that Jack would be angry with her.
“Where did you even find this?”
“The cabinet” she mumbled quietly.
“Bug, come get me next time. You could’ve got seriously hurt” he started to pick up the pans and pots from the floor and placed them on the counter.
“You’re not anggy?”
“No but you know you shouldn’t have been eating this, especially at this time of night.” Jack picked the half-eaten frosting up and set it on the counter too.
“Why do you sound different?” Jade couldn’t focus on anything Jack was saying.
He ignored her question, remembering you had originally been on FaceTime and were likely freaking out. He reached for his phone and snapped a quick picture of Jade before FaceTiming you.
“Jack- baby- is everything- oh?” You stifled a giggle as Jade waved to you. She was still sitting on the floor covered in frosting.
Jack flipped the camera over to himself, “Yeah… everything is fine. I’m going to start the shower and have her wash up and go back to bed.”
You wanted to laugh, but you knew deep down Jack was exhausted.
“Hazel slept through the whole thing” he smirked, as he and Jade walked over to the bathroom.
“I’m kind of surprised you didn’t too” you teased.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
bad dreams ii
Summary: Tara was so used to you coming to save her from the nightmares and fear. Now it seemed it was time for her to return the favour.
Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, set after Scream VI (extremely vague spoilers) Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader (bad dreams?)
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Tara woke with a start. Her eyes flew open and air rushed back into her lungs like she had been drowning for a century. But she immediately squeezed her eyes shut again when the lights finally blinded her, shooting a pain through her brain.
"Fuck," she mumbled before rubbing her eyes, trying to ease the sleepiness and headache at the same time.
Once she eased her eyes open again, she pushed herself into a sitting position and took in her surroundings. Every single light and lamp in the room was turned on, including the nightlights that were plugged into each outlet. A safety bar was locked against the window in two separate places. The door to the room was open and she could see the hallway light was on as well.
"Baby?” She asked as she reached out to your side of the bed.
It was cold and empty.
“Baby?” She called again, a little louder. There was no sound of movement, no indication of where you had gone.
With a shaky exhale, she pushed the covers down her legs and planted her feet on the ground. She silently thanked you for buying the rug to keep her feet warm during the colder months. Not that it mattered much when she stepped onto the cold wooden floor a moment later, but it still made it a little more bearable.
With more hesitation than she was comfortable with, she peeked her head through the doorway and into the hall. Every light was on, which she had been aware of, but there was still no one to be seen. Sam was out with her boy toy so the only ones who should have been present were you and her.
Which meant you were missing.
She took in a few deep, slow breaths, trying to build up the courage to step out into the hall. It took too long, and her own hesitance brought tears of frustration to the brim of her eyes, but she finally forced herself to walk down the hall and into the living room.
Those tears spilled over when she saw you sitting against the far wall, eyes wide and watching every entrance and exit of the apartment.
You still had a few stitches above your eye and peeking out from the collar of your shirt. Thankfully the infection had eased, for the most part, but the wounds still looked agitated. It was clear you were in pain by the way you sat stiffly and grimaced with every other breath.
The wooden baseball bat you had brought all those weeks ago - now stained with blood - rested in your lap as your hands gripped the handle so tightly your bruised knuckles paled. Your eyes flickered back and forth between every window, door, and hallway; looking, but not seeing anything. And it broke Tara’s heart.
“Baby?” She said softly, hoping to not startle you out of your anxiety-driven vigilance. It didn’t really matter, you still flinched anyway.
“Doors are locked,” you said in a scratchy voice.
“I know,” she said as she took slow, deliberate steps over to you. “Thank you for locking them.”
“Phones are off,” you continued, not really looking at her. She finally got close enough to sit down beside you, being careful not to jostle you.
“That’s smart,” she said, keeping her eyes on your face. You looked utterly exhausted.
“Is this what you went through in Woodsboro?” You asked, finally turning to look at her even just for a moment.
She hated hearing the name Woodsboro. Hated all the feelings it evoked within her, all the aches it forced back into her skin and heart. Nothing good came from Woodsboro, and nothing good came from talking about it. So she wanted to tell you that no, it wasn’t, because Woodsboro didn’t matter.
But it did matter, and after the destruction and violence you had been thrust into, you deserved to know. You deserved to know that yes, it is what she went through in Woodsboro. Much like you, she had been stabbed and attacked and used as in Ghostface’s sadistic game. Now you both wore the scars like badges of survival in a game you had never wanted to be a part of.
“It is,” Tara finally said softly. You nodded subconsciously and looked back around the room.
“It sucks,” you said, causing both you and Tara to let out nervous chuckles.
“Yeah it does,” she agreed. “We probably need… so much therapy.”
Your nervous chuckle turned into a watery laugh that died off into slight hyperventilation before fading into nothing more than the occasional sniffle. The colour was slowly returning to your knuckles and, even though the colour was bruised, at least it meant you were easing up.
“Why are you awake?” You asked. Tara shifted a bit before leaning into your side; you quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulder to hold her close.
“I’m always awake at-” she looked at her watch; 2:36am “-2:30 in the morning.”
“It’s not 2:30,” you answered with a small smile.
“I had a bad dream,” she said with a shrug. Her fingers brushed lightly over the bandage still covering your hip. “Why are you awake?”
“I had a bad dream,” you said.
“Wanna talk about it?” Tara asked.
You stayed silent, which was about what she had expected. But you pulled her closer anyway, inhaling sharply when she pressed against another wound, but you didn’t let go. Your fingers ceaselessly rubbed patterns on her shoulder, so much so that she thought you were going to rub the skin off.
“My mom said she could teach us some self defense,” you said, changing the subject. Tara wasn’t going to argue. “Made sure to let me know we probably could’ve avoided getting stabbed.”
“Yeah, I’d like to see her take down Ghostface,” Tara grumbled, and you chuckled in return.
She liked your mom, she really did. The woman was an ex-marine and impressive as hell. But she was also cocky; not just confident, full on cocky. That in itself had its ups and downs, but in this situation? That was the last thing she wanted to hear.
“I told her yes,” you said after a moment’s silence. “It’s not like it would hurt anything.”
“Besides my pride,” Tara said. “Your mom has been looking for an excuse to kick my ass for months.”
“It’s with love,” you said, turning your head to look at Tara once again. There was the beginning of a sparkle that was starting to return. “She wouldn’t waste her time if she didn’t like you.”
“That explains so much about you,” she said with a shake of her head.
“You love it,” you said with your own smile.
“I do,” she whispered before leaning up to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
She didn’t want to push it with you, not now. After the attack in the theatre, you had been distant. It was understandable, of course, you had been brutalised by all accounts. But she had missed touching you, and kissing you, and having you near. If all she could get was one quick kiss, she would be happy.
When you leaned down again, chasing her for another kiss, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. You still tasted vaguely of copper and coffee, but it was you. The kiss was rushed, clumsy, almost like some teenagers finally getting a moment alone. But it was also filled with an urgency, a desperation that only came from living through a life-or-death situation.
“I love you, Tara,” you whispered against her lips.
“I love you too,” she answered. You pressed another quick kiss to her lips before pulling back and holding her close once again.
“Remember when I said you and Sam are danger magnets?” You asked. You were back to looking all around the room.
“I’m revising my statement,” you said with a nod.
“To what?” Tara asked, pulling back just enough to see the expressions on your face.
“You’re not danger magnets,” you said. “You are the danger.”
“Shut up,” Tara said as she pushed against your shoulder.
“Not sure I can sleep in the same bed as a murderer,” you continued even though she could see the smile on your face.
“You’re such a dick.”
“You love me,” you said quickly.
“Do I?” She asked.
“I got stabbed five times for you,” you said. “Plus a bullet, so you better love me.”
“I took over a dozen,” she said with a curl of her lip. “You might need to up your game.”
“We definitely need therapy,” you mumbled, but your smile stayed.
“Yeah we do,” Tara agreed, but wrapped her arms around your waist and held you closer anyway.
It would be a long, grueling journey to healing. But if you were going to be there with her through it all, it would be worth it. After all, you were both Survivors. And Survivors stuck together.
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perfectsunlight · 10 months
(𝟔𝟖) - 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: none
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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minjeong had always been scared of the dark.
ever since she was a child, the absence of light would send shivers down her spine and fill her mind with wild imaginations of lurking monsters and unseen dangers. 
she always kept a small nightlight by her bed, which emitted a soft, warm glow to ease her anxiety during the night. she also tried to distract herself by reading books or watching light-hearted shows before bedtime. however, on some nights, the fear was just too overwhelming.
it was ironic. for someone who was the stillness of night personified, she was terrified of it.
the young girl curled into her blanket as you slept beside her, unknowing of the state of turmoil she was in. you had come over for a sleepover, and your best friend felt embarrassed of her nightlight. as a result, she decided to leave it off for your arrival.
as the night settled in, minjeong's anxiety began to build. she tried to act as if everything was fine, attempting to keep her fear hidden from you. but you could sense that something was amiss. 
you knew her well enough to recognize the signs of her distress.
"hey," you said gently, breaking the silence that had fallen between you. "is everything okay?"
she hesitated for a moment, then finally admitted, "i'm just a bit scared of the dark. it's silly, i know."
you smiled reassuringly. "it's not silly at all. we all have our fears."
minjeong's eyes softened as she appreciated your understanding. she mustered the courage to turn on her bedside lamp but kept it dim. the soft glow created a small haven in the darkness.
the hues of yellow flickered in front of your faces as both of you sat up against the headboard. the room around you seemed to transform with the gentle illumination of the bedside lamp. shadows danced on the walls, creating whimsical shapes that seemed to mimic the creatures of minjeong's fearful imagination. yet, in the warm embrace of the soft light, those shapes lost their menacing edge and took on a playful charm.
as you sat there together, the ambiance was cozy and intimate. the gentle hum of the night outside seemed to draw you closer, like a secret shared between friends. minjeong's breathing slowed as she felt the comforting presence of a trusted companion beside her.
"do you remember that time we went stargazing?" you asked, trying to shift her focus away from her fears.
a smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she nodded. "yeah, that was a magical night. the sky was so clear, and we could see countless stars."
"it was," you agreed. "remember how we tried to find constellations, and we ended up creating our own imaginary ones?"
minjeong giggled softly, the sound like a delicate melody in the quiet room. "yeah. i do."
you noticed her becoming more relaxed and leaned back against the headboard, taking in the sight of your friend finding solace in the soft glow of the lamp. the way her eyes sparkled with a mix of emotions, the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, and the way she absentmindedly played with the edge of her blanket—all these small details became etched in your memory.
“why aren’t you scared of the dark?” minjeong whispered, absentmindedly twirling the ends of her blanket in between her fingertips. 
you gave her a small ghost of a smile and scooted a little closer to her before replying. “remember when you called me the sun?”
the girl next to you nodded lightly, “yeah. what about it?” her irises intertwined with the shadows dancing across her face from the soft glow of her light.
“well,” your hands moved behind your head as you leaned against the headboard in a more relaxed position. “the sun is a star, too. right?”
“yeah. but what does that have to do with anything?” minjeong asked, brows furrowed in confusion still. she called you the sun for numerous reasons, but because you were a giant ball of flaming gas was not one of them.
without skipping a beat, you reached over and placed a hand on top of your best friend’s. your eyes met hers in the dark, and for a moment the darkness didn’t seem as scary anymore once she heard the words you said after.
“why would a star be afraid of the dark?”
minjeong's lava lamp, a prized possession in her dimly lit bedroom, cast mesmerizing ripples of blue and green across the walls, creating a soft ambiance. the gentle, undulating light seemed to dance across the ceiling in an organized pattern. her lithe form was ensconced against the comfort of her mattress, a sanctuary of solace amidst the storm of her thoughts. ning and aeri had been playing a game together in the living room, and behind her closed door she could hear the muffled debate going on about ningning apparently cheating at blackjack.
you came over to see jimin, and the two of you had stayed locked away in the leader’s room for god knows how long and doing god knows what. to be honest, the girl didn’t know what to do. 
she knew you knew everything. so what was she supposed to do now?
apologies were meaningless in this situation. kim minjeong could never atone for the sins of betrayal she had committed. you were someone she once considered a sister. what was she supposed to say to you now that she had destroyed everything?
she clutched a crumpled tissue, her fingers finding a source of tactile comfort as she stared at the ceiling, lost in the labyrinth of her regrets. 
unsaid apologies hung in the air, heavy and hollow, as meaningless echoes in the face of her transgressions. a simple "i'm sorry" could never mend the fractures she had inflicted upon bonds that were once unbreakable. 
she had been the architect of her own downfall, and the weight of her betrayal bore down on her like a crushing weight.
perhaps that was her fate now? to suffer? the thought gnawed at her conscience as she lay there, mind a chaotic whirlwind of guilt and self-condemnation. she couldn't escape the gravity of her actions, the pain she had caused, and the trust she had shattered.
you. jimin. everyone. 
had she ruined everything for good? you and jimin ended up together in the end, so was anything really even worth it from the beginning?
perhaps that was your fate? to be with yu jimin–to always be with yu jimin.
as the sounds outside of her room dwindled, minjeong's internal struggle intensified. she knew she couldn't hide forever. sooner or later, she would have to face the consequences of her choices, even if it meant confronting you, the person she had wronged the most.
hours seemed to pass in that dimly lit room, the lava lamp casting its soothing yet eerie glow, mirroring the dichotomy of minjeong's emotions. it wasn't just about apologies anymore; it was about finding a way to rebuild what she had destroyed, if that was even possible.
or at the very least, salvage what is left of the damage she had made.
she didn’t know how long she had been laying there for, but all she did know was that it was already 4 in the morning.
with a heavy sigh, minjeong finally pushed herself up from the mattress, her movements slow and deliberate. she wiped her nose with her sleeve as she stood and walked over to her door.
with cautious steps, minjeong tiptoed out of her room, the plush carpet absorbing the sound of her movement. it was usually this quiet at this hour in the aespa dorm.
as she entered the kitchen, the cool tiles sent a shiver up her spine, contrasting with the warmth of her thoughts. she filled the glass with water from the tap, the gentle flow creating a soft ambiance that seemed out of place in the weighty atmosphere.
leaning against the counter, minjeong took a sip of the water, the cool liquid momentarily soothing her parched throat. her eyes wandered around the kitchen, taking in the familiar surroundings—the neatly organized cabinets, the subtle gleam of stainless steel appliances, the faint aroma of the lemon scented cleaning product ningning definitely used a little too much of.
her gaze fell upon the clock on the wall. the digital numbers displayed the relentless passage of time: 4:15 am. it was a reminder of how much had transpired during the night, and how much was left to unravel.
minjeong's mind swirled with conflicted emotions, the turmoil refusing to subside. she knew that facing you was inevitable, and she also knew that it was the right thing to do. 
what she didn’t know was how soon it was going to be.
“oh. you’re awake.”
minjeong’s head slowly turned as she faced the sound of your hushed voice. there you were, hair down and in jimin’s clothes. and if she wasn’t mistaken, there was definitely something on your neck, but maybe she was seeing things in the dim light.
you gave the other girl a tight lipped smile before you spoke again. “i just came to get some water. don’t mind me.”
minjeong's heart raced as her gaze locked onto you, the flood of emotions intensifying in the presence of the person she had wronged so deeply. the silence hung in the air, heavy with unspoken words and lingering tension.
you filled your own glass with water, the soft gurgle of the tap creating a momentary distraction from the charged atmosphere. your fingers wrapped around the glass, and you leaned against the counter, facing minjeong. the faint glow of the kitchen light painted your features with a mix of shadows and highlights, emphasizing the complexity of the situation.
minjeong found herself at a loss for words, her mind racing to find something, anything to break the silence. but what could she say? how could she begin to address the betrayal that had fractured your relationship?
"i'm sorry," the words escaped minjeong's lips before she could stop them, her voice barely above a whisper. it was a feeble attempt, a mere fraction of the remorse she felt, but it was a start.
your eyes held hers, and for a moment, minjeong thought she saw a flicker of something in your expression—perhaps surprise, or maybe a hint of vulnerability. but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by a guarded mask that you wore so well.
you took a sip of water, your gaze leaving minjeong's to look at the soft glow of the light from her room. “are you still scared of the dark?” you whispered softly.
minjeong's heart skipped a beat at your question. it wasn't the response she had expected, and it caught her off guard. she took a moment to collect herself before replying, her voice barely audible.
"yeah," she admitted, her fingers nervously tracing the rim of her glass. "i guess some things never really change."
there was a pause, the silence in the room heavy with unspoken emotions. the weight of the past hung in the air, a feeling of deja vu as the two of you bathed in the moonlight from the kitchen window.
"not you though," she said, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and a subtle firmness. minjeong didn’t know what to say, but she needed to start somewhere. “you never changed.”
a half smile was all you could give her before you lowered your gaze to your own glass. “you did though.” 
your words hung in the air, heavy with implication. minjeong felt a pang in her chest, a mixture of guilt and regret swirling within her. she looked down at her hands, her fingers tracing the condensation on the glass of water. how could she explain the choices she had made, the path she had walked down that led her to this point?
"i know," she whispered, her voice barely audible. the aespa member gently tapped her fingers against the glass in her hands. 
a beat of silence passed before it was broken by you.
“i loved you before i loved jimin, minjeong.”
tears welled up in minjeong's eyes as the weight of your words hit her full force. she knew the truth in what you were saying. you weren’t talking about romantic feelings. you were not talking about some crush or any of that sort.
you were telling her that you were someone she considered a soulmate. and right now, kim minjeong did not feel worthy of such a title.
"i didn’t know," minjeong's voice was low, her fingers gripping the glass tighter. “i didn’t know that.”
you leaned against the counter, your gaze still fixed on her. the idol’s hair covered her face as she looked down, and for a moment you realized you had never seen her this upset. the only other time you’d seen her even close to being like this was when a certain choreographer chewed her out for messing up during a monthly evaluation.
“i don’t hate you.” the softness of your voice reached her ears and the other girl felt her heart stop beating for a few moments. minjeong thought she was hallucinating for a moment before you continued. “i don’t think we can fix things, sure. but i don’t hate you.”
the weight of your words seemed to echo in the room, a somber reminder of the deep connection that once existed between you and minjeong. as she gripped the glass tightly, her fingers trembling, you could sense the turmoil within her—the struggle of staring at you.
the struggle of staring into the sun.
minjeong was supposed to live in the darkness of her mistakes. she would always be the moon, always finding herself amongst the other darker parts of herself. the only light she would ever receive would be from the stars around her. 
you were always going to be the brightest star in the sky. and minjoeng would always be the lower planet only seen in the absence of light.
the aespa member stayed like that, staring at the floor in front of her for more than a few minutes. you finished your glass of water at that time and moved to put it in the sink gently. what was the other girl supposed to say to that?
did she want you to hate her? you should hate her, if she was you, she’d definitely hate herself forever.
but you weren’t minjeong. and minjeong wasn’t you.
just as you were about to cross the threshold into the hallway, minjeong's voice pierced the air, stopping you in your tracks. her words hung heavy, the raw desperation in her tone cutting through the quiet like a blade. the jagged rise and fall of her chest was a visible manifestation of her inner turmoil, her grip on the glass and the counter a testament to her emotional anchor.
your head turned slightly, and your eyes met the floor beneath her feet. the tension in the room was palpable, an invisible thread connecting you even as you stood on opposite ends of the kitchen. the air seemed charged, the weight of unspoken words and unaddressed emotions hanging heavily between you.
"why don’t you hate me?" minjeong's voice trembled, the words a plea tinged with confusion. she needed to understand, to grasp the reason behind your reluctance to give in to anger and resentment. her gaze remained fixed on the floor, as if avoiding eye contact could shield her from the weight of her own actions.
in response, you exhaled softly, the sound a mix of resignation and understanding. your voice was a whisper, a fragile thread woven with a profound truth that echoed through the quiet space. 
"i can't hate one of my own."
the words lingered in the air, carrying a depth of emotion that transcended the conversation. you weren't just talking about friendship, but something deeper. and even in the midst of betrayal, the love still remained, battered and bruised but not gone.
the love you had for your once best friend would never be gone. not now, or ever.
with one last glance over your shoulder, your form disappearing down the hallway, the room was once again engulfed in silence. minjeong's tears, held back for so long, finally spilled over, the glass in her hand trembling as her eyes squeezed shut. in that moment, the weight of her actions, the consequences of her choices, crashed down upon her with an intensity that left her reeling.
it was a truth that had been spoken before, one that held significance then and now. the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together, and minjeong understood, perhaps for the first time, the depth of your words.
and as she stood there, the echoes of your footsteps fading into the distance, a new sense of clarity emerged. it was a clarity that transcended the pain and the regrets, revealing a truth that had always been present, obscured only by the turbulence of the situation.
for minjeong wasn't meant to be the moon, a distant and unattainable entity. as a matter of fact, she never was the moon.
minjeong was a star, just like you.
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ ┊ ☪︎⋆ ⊹ ┊ . ˚ ✧
you and jimin met as trainees before she debuted, and you two never felt more in love. however, once she breaks up with you before her debut, you completely leave SM entertainment under the notion of needing a fresh start. you eventually debuted a few years later in le sserafim, where you met huh yunjin and have slowly started developing feelings for the idol. much to karina's dismay, she hates to see you have moved on, but deep in your own heart, you still can't help but feel as if maybe she has forgotten about you.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @captivq , @wonyoluvr , @yunalvrrr , @spritin , @babycubchae , @vnschldd , @sserafimez , @chaersly , @rosiehrs , @baldd , @bwljules , @jenaissantesworld , @jennasluma , @dream-chasers-things , @lcv3lies , @elyds , @archerheejin , @vnschldd , @skisk1 , @cfvgbhndun-new-blog , @silantryoo , @phamminji , @bzeus28 , @writingficsblog , @strangegirlcode , @uzumakioden , @noiacha , @sserabey , @archerheejin , @pindoris , @yourstrulytrissmerigold , @jisooftme , @yacii , @ddrummie , @justalittledissociation
[ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 ]
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waffles-art-writing · 9 months
You… Me…? - Simon Ghost Riley X Female Assassin Reader - PART II
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Summary: (PART ONE - READ FIRST) It’s been a few months since Simon started staying with you. He’s been there for you through what seems to be possibly the worse few months you’ve had to endure in a long while. There’s soft touches, calling words, tears and laughter shared.
Proofread: HA! Barely….
Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x Female!Assassin!Reader with a child. ((I may write a part 3))
WordCount: 6k
Age Rating: 16+ Preferably
Codename: You pick, not mentioned really.
KEY: Y/N - Your Name, L/N - Last Name.
Warning/Info: Soft!Ghost, Female!Reader, Reader has a daughter. FLUFFY SO FLUFFY, Angst… I think… Domestic Life. Panic Attacks, Emotions, If I’m missing something. Tell me.
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It’s been about 6 months since Ghost’s first night at yours after the mission. Emilia basically said “move in!” Within the first day of being around the poor soul. I mean… he seemed to enjoy the ‘sleepover’ if you could even call it that. It ended up with this large tank of a man, sitting Criss cross applesauce on a couch cushion on the floor.
Watching Disney movie after Disney movie before he had to go home to actually go get a bag to stay overnight. She wasn’t too happy about that, however she was still understanding when Simon needed some time to himself. You were very proud of her when she said “that’s alright! Kinda like me at school, when it’s all loud and stuff!”. Your heart melted when she gave him her soft toy as some company just in case he got lonely while driving.
Even that night when Emilia passed out, a bowl of popcorn in her lap. Half eaten. Head flopped to the side onto your leg while her feet were on Simon’s knee. You ended up taking her to bed while Simon cleaned up, meeting you in your room with a bottle of water and more painkillers for your heavily bruised ribs.
That night, all of you slept like a rock. Even Ghost, surprisingly. Even if he woke up way before everyone, and only got a max of four hours of sleep. But if you were being honest, that’s probably the best you’ve ever seen him. Actually a little more than a walking corpse, but it still made your heart ache when you saw him avoid looking in all the mirrors. Yet, you understood. Hell, you avoid them if you don’t have a shirt on. But that’s easily covered, but your face is almost on full display constantly…
A scream rips through the quiet air of the apartment, gut wrenching and heart pulling. You bolt upright, the firm arm that was once wrapped around your waist is gone, the covers kicked off. Door already slammed open, sobbing echoes down the hallway and the deep hum of an attempt to soothe the sobs. You jump out of bed, beelining for your daughter's room, the small dim light of the nightlight lighting your way.
The wailing wind outside howls, the rumbling growl of the thunder in the distance almost shakes the home, the lightning flashing through the window from behind the curtains. The chilled air slipped in through the single layer windows.
Your daughter Emilia sobs, hands gripping the dark shirt of the man who is cradling her against his chest. His chin resting on the crown of her head, her hair a little messy from her tossing and turning through the night. You rush forward, sitting next to the two, your hand coming to rest on her back, her eyes welled with tears, rimmed with red as she peeks over at you. “Mama…” She whines, her small hands reaching out to you, your heart cries for your daughter. You scoop her up, holding her close as she buries her face into your shoulder, her arms wrapped around your neck. Simon sits next to you, keeping a large hand on Emilia’s back. His once plain expression showing worry, his dark eyes tracing your face.
“You’re okay sweetheart, don’t worry.” You soothe her, rocking slightly as you pull her closer. Simon stands from his seat, placing a quick kiss on the crown of your head and Emilia’s mumbling something about getting a warm drink. You nod, smiling up at the large man.
Emilia’s sobs quiet down, your eyes flicking to the side. The small clock on the bedside table lighting up with a dull pink, neon number’s reading 04:45. You sigh through your nose quietly, pressing your cheek into the top of your daughter's head.
Simon comes back, knocking on the door lightly. A small cup of warm milk - something Emilia normally has before bed - his large hand dwarfing the small mug. You stand from your spot, holding Emilia close, her legs wrapping around your waist. “Thank you…” you quietly thank him, nudging Emilia slightly for her to look up. Her teary eyes locked in on the small cat mug she picked out at a fair a few months ago.
Simon hands her the small cup, his spare hand moving to push the young girl’s messy hair out of her face. “You are one brave kid, Emilia.” Simon states, voice quiet. She smiles as she sips on the warm milk, eyes still rimmed with red.
You make your way back to your room, sitting on the bed. Emilia in your lap with her mug securely in her hands. Simon shuts the door quietly, climbing onto the bed next to the two of you. Simon leans against the headboard, stifling a yawn as he looks over to the alarm clock. He’s been actually sleeping ever since staying a few nights at yours, yet when this happens he won’t be able to sleep for the rest of the night.
After some time, light chatter, storytelling and tucking Emilia in between the two of you. She’s out cold, your hand on her back, her face smushed into Simon’s arm that's acting as her pillow. “She’s out…” Simon whispers, his eyes looking over Emilia’s features. You can see his eyes just over Emilia’s head, a small smile on your face as you nod your head. “No surprise.” You hum, hand rubbing up and down your daughters back. Simon's free hand coming up to lay across yours, he can feel your hand shaking ever so slightly.
He glances over to you, brows furrowed. “Y/N?” He whispers, his hand linking with yours properly. Thumb rubbing against the back of your hand. You sigh quietly, closing your eyes. “Just… Her crying or waking up from a nightmare always scares me… it rattles me.” You whisper, voice barely making a sound. Simon sits up, carefully moving his arm from out of underneath Emilia’s head. He scoops the young girl up, placing her where he was once laying down. Pulling you over slightly, placing himself behind you, arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. His nose nudging the back of your neck, leaving a small kiss, littering them across the back of your shoulders.
“It will forever scare you, she is your daughter.” He mumbles, his breath fanning across your skin. “She is your flesh and blood, her pain is your pain. Her cries will forever hit you in the heart, make you feel the same pain she is feeling.” He states, you sigh. Leaning into him, turning your head to look at him. “Thank you Simon… for everything.” You whisper, he presses his forehead against yours. Eyes closing with a heavy breath. “Don’t mention it, now sleep. You need it.” He states, leaving a small kiss on your lips. You smile, a light blush spreading across your cheeks. Still not used to getting this sort of affection after so long of being on your own.
Today was not anyone’s day, well in your house it wasn’t. Last night Emilia had another scary dream, three nights in a row now. First time you thought it was just the bad weather outside, Simon even agreed with you. The second night, you thought it was probably just the fact she was a little antsy because of the spelling bee that was the next morning. But last night, there was no plausible explanation as to why she would be scared, nervous or anxious about anything. You even called Simon about it, to see if you were just being over dramatic or not. He said you weren't, and suggested for you to take the day to do something to get your mind off it.
So… Today was the day you were taking her to a playdate with a friend, you would go out and do some shopping for Christmas in a few months, which to your dismay was quickly turning into a few weeks.
Which leads you to where you are now, standing in an aisle of the store, with the one god damn shopping cart with a stiff and squeaky wheel. To add to your agitation, there was a baby crying on the far side of the store, which you swear sounded like it was coming from right next to you.
Starbucks fucked up your order, you played it off like it was nothing but on the inside, you were cursing them out like it was a boxing match with verbal insults. Your car was low on petrol, so you had to dig around for spare cash to be able to just buy the fuel without breaking into your savings… which doesn’t have a lot in it to begin with… and to just add the sweet ol’ cherry of making your day even worse….
You got your period.
So with this whole mixing pot of shit, you are now staring down boxes of fake Christmas trees. With one question in mind. Snow or not to Snow? Yes it’s winter, it’s snowing outside, yes you could get a fake tree, with fake snow. Sounds stupid. But this year is the very first year you’ll be spending Christmas with a new person. Simon. He’s luckily not being deployed these holidays, which you were happy about. Because Emilia practically begged for him to join you guys, he was unsure at the start. Still a little hesitant now, but is still going to come.
All years before this one you had just a small christmas tree, tucked away in the corner. Half the time you went to another family member’s place, but this year they are going on a family trip… which you can’t attend due to limited money…. PERFECT family am I right… fuck them.
But you wanted to make it memorable no matter what, so here you are.
You pick up the box with the tree that has built in lights. “Fuck the snow, fuck the lights. I ain’t untangling them. Fuck this, why am I here. I wanna be sick.” You mumble, trying to put the box in the cart but it’s not fitting in. You push it, tug it, shove it. Eventually hitting it with a frustrated shout.
Your chest tightens, throat closing up as you crouch down. You grip at your hair, tears stinging your eyes as you just feel so…
“Hey, Hey, Hey… Y/N, look at me.” A voice cuts through your rushing thoughts, hands on your shoulders.
Your head snaps up, blurry vision as you try to focus on the person in front of you.
“Look at me Love, you’re okay. Just breathe… look at me.”
“Yes, it’s me. Just breathe, I need you to breathe. You’re hyperventilating. Just focus on your breathing for me.” He says, kneeling in front of you. Making sure you’re looking at him, his face mask being a good substitute for the balaclava. A black cap accompanies it.
You suck in a breath, it hurts, not as much as just before. But it still does, your throat still feels tight. Palms sweating, eyes stinging. It feels like your whole body is just wound tight, like a coil. Almost like a snake ready to strike, it was bound to happen. You close your eyes, listening to Simon talk, he’s guiding you through this battle, a battle of emotions.
Simon happened to need to get a few last minute things before he came around to yours tonight, aka buy all the things he knows you’ll probably want. He knew just by the sound of your voice over the phone that something was up, more than just Emilia’s sleeping problem. It was when he just happened to spot a blanket, one that you’ve been eyeing for a while. A big cosy weighted one to go on the couch, while he was looking at it he heard your shout of frustration. He immediately recognised it, he was rounding the corner into the aisle when he saw you crouch down. Tears spilling over onto your cheeks, he knew you were frustrated…
But god, he didn’t realise it had gotten this bad.
“Y/N, look at me darling. Talk to me, what do you see? Tell me.” He instructs, waiting for your answer to the question, may sound silly but it is a good way to get anyone who is having a panic attack, PTSD episode or simply just overwhelmed to calm their breathing and rushing thoughts.
“I see… Y-You.. I see you, and the stupid fucking shopping cart.” You huff out the end of your sentence, Simon letting out a light chuckle. “Squeaky wheel?” You simply nod at his query, letting out a huff of air as you wipe your eyes. Next thing you know, is your body being hoisted up from under your arms, you look up at the large lieutenant. “Now, what else do you need other than… whatever the fuck is in your cart?” He asks, peering into the shopping cart.
Apart from the box of the christmas tree, there’s a roll of wrapping paper, a box of some new Christmas decorations. A lot of colours mashed into one cart, and there lays the list, sitting on top of your side bag. Three things ticked off the unnervingly large list. Simon picks up the list, stepping back over to you, glancing up to look around to see if he can spot any signage to give a clue as to where he could find the items.
“I have no clue how I’m going to handle this, I am not in the mood to be here at all.” You sigh, wrapping your arms around yourself, a cramp biting its way through the painkiller you took before you left the house. Simon’s large hand cups your cheek, making you look up at him. “Hey, I’m here. We will do this together, or we can come back another time.” His voice rumbles, sending a shiver down your spine. You simply nod, lips pulling into a thin line. “Thank you…” Simon shakes his head, thumb rubbing against your cheek. “Quit thanking me, alright?” He states, pulling you into his side.
“Now, should we start with the new clothes for Emilia?” His voice held a happier tone to it, only ever so slightly.
“Simon you really didn’t have to, I could’ve paid for it.”
“Simon…. Please at least let me pay you back somehow.”
You sit there with a pout, creased brows and hands motion in a ‘huh??’ Expression. He just paid for the whole Christmas shopping, he even went back in after you loaded up the car with a bag in hand. Keeping it away from you so you can’t see into it, which you didn't push to look into but still it caught your curiosity.
“Now I feel guilty… that was a lot of money.” You state, looking down as you pick at the stitching of your jacket. Simon is driving, he walked to the store because he doesn’t own a car. Well he did, but swapped out for a bike so he has an excuse to not leave his flat as often. Which is why you are the one mainly driving everywhere. “Don’t feel guilty, your payment to me is just being happy.” He states, making your cheeks warm at his words.
*He what? Nah surely I heard him wrong, right? What does he mean by that, that can’t be a payment. I may seem happy but I’m just putting on an act… well I was… still am… I think?*
“God you’re cheesy” you mumble with a small laugh, Simon chuckles as he starts the car.
The muffled steps of running breaks your calm, you place your book down and look towards the front door. The jingle of keys and the opening of the door sounds out, Simon holds the door open as Emilia runs inside. Cheeks rosy from the chilled air, and by the sounds of it, running down the walkway outside to get to the apartment.
“MAMA! Look what Papa got me!” Your heart stops, blood chilling as you stare wide eyed at your young daughter. She’s distracted by kicking off her boots by the door and throwing her jacket onto the hook to notice both the adults that are present freeze.
Everything seems to go in slow motion, your eyes moving up to meet Simon. He just managed to close the door when your daughter called him the title of Father. Your heart is thumping loudly in your ears, hands shaking as you move to sit up right. Simon just stares back at you, face neutral as usual but still his eyes are flooding with emotion. He places the bag down on the ground, toeing his boots off mindlessly.
You’re snatched from your trance by your daughter jumping onto the couch with a small box in her hands. You shake your head lightly, your mind still in a mess as you try still your shaky hands. “What did Simon get you Pumpkin?” You ask, trying to ignore the fact she just called your…. Boyfriend? No… you haven’t agreed on that… Your situationship… her father. You’ll talk to the man in question later, when Emilia is either asleep or occupied watching the TV.
Simon just stands by the door, heart beating so loudly he thought it might as well have broken through his ribs and be on a speaker for the world to hear. His chest is tight, it's warm but still it hurts. Almost suffocating, he’s touched by the name but still, there’s that nagging. Tugging, almost ripping, feeling clawing at his thoughts.
*No, I can’t… She’s just young, she doesn’t understand what it means. Just ignore it, push it aside like you always do. Like leaving for a mission, drown these stupid fucking feelings and forget about them… like you always do, so easily… like always… so easily…*
His body was moving on its own, placing the items he got in the kitchen and putting them away. Muscle memory, he swallows thickly as the words race around his mind again. ‘Fucking stop it, Simon…’ he curses to himself. He leans on the countertop, glancing up to spot you smiling. Emilia smiling back up at you, joyful as always. You are practically glowing in his eyes, not just you.
No, both of you.
Both you and your daughter are like the sun, shining so brightly and warming in his cold and dark life it makes it almost impossible for him to slink back into the darkness. To drown himself in Jack Daniels while sitting slumped back at his flat, that's cold and dark… practically empty and dusty. He’s barely stepped foot in it when he returns after the few missions he’s been on since that one with you 6 months ago. God, he can’t even stand staying there because of how just… miserable it makes him feel when he isn’t with you and your daughter. You have managed to light up all the dark and dingy cracks in his life in the span of mere months, hell he practically survives off your presence when he’s not at base.
If he was to actually pay attention to what his body says when he leaves for a mission, he will realise it is sad, in pain. He would find it difficult to leave you and Emilia if he didn’t push the emotions aside and just got on with it….
You meet his eyes, smiling at him. That goddamn smile… the same one your daughter has and willingly gives… yet he can tell yours is from years of pain and hardship but finally, your light is shining through and it's not only affecting him in good ways but also you.
It’s been a few weeks since your daughter called Simon “Papa.” That night you were planning on talking to Simon, but you didn’t end up getting the chance. You passed out on the couch with Emilia, the painkillers for your cramps make you drowsy, so in turn. You were out cold when it was bedtime for your daughter. Simon ended up carrying both of you to your respective beds, you were out like a light, just like your daughter. “Like Mother, Like Daughter” he quietly joked when he saw you both asleep.
You tried to talk to him throughout the few weeks but things just kept getting in the way, or you forgot about it, or even he was at base for work.
Then the worst thing you could think of could happen just before Christmas, the flu. Emilia is curled up on the couch, breathing heavily in her sleep. You’re quietly picking up the dirty tissues from around the couch, carefully picking one up that’s clasped in her hand. You knew something was up, she woke up yesterday with a headache, feeling warm. You suspected it was just a cold, so you let her stay home. Today was supposed to be the last day of school, she was so excited for it as she would’ve gotten to have a shared lunch.
You dump the dirty tissues into the bin, grabbing some cleaner and a rag. Wiping down all the surfaces to try keep the flu off most surfaces, if you were honest with yourself. Your efforts are working but not as much as you wished. You’ve been fighting a head cold all morning, chugging water and a few pills to hopefully clear up your sinuses, to no avail.
You tip the bowl of half eaten soup down the drain, rinsing it out before placing it in the dishwasher. You lean on the counter, rubbing your temples. Groaning quietly as you feel like your head is a bag of sand, the ticking of the clock on the wall sounding ungodly to your ears. Loud and irritating. Then an ear piercing knock hit the door, it sounds deafening to you, yet you know it was a gentle knock.
You make your way to the door, opening it and cringing away from the light. “You might wanna go back to Base… Emilia has the Flu and I have… whatever the fuck I have.” You grumble, noticing it’s Simon. “Yeah right, like I’m going to leave you alone after being gone for nearly a week.” He states, pushing the door open more and nudging you to the side. His hand immediately pressed against your forehead.
His hand is cold against your forehead, you start leaning into it as it soothes the throbbing. “You’re burning up, fucking hell. Go sit down.” He instructs, you wave him off, grumbling something he doesn’t catch.
“Y/N… go sit down.” He grunts, leaving the bag of things on the counter. You flip him off, ignoring his gaze and words as you go about folding laundry that’s on the table. “I’m fine, it’s nothing I can’t handle.” You pause, feeling yourself waver, the world starts to spin. The feelings of your stomach knotting fills you, your throat burns. You drop the shirt and sprint to the bathroom, sliding down on your knees, leaning on the toilet bowl.
Simon is right behind you, holding your hair out of your face, hand rubbing your back soothingly. Tears burn your eyes. You hate being sick, because you end up crying. You don’t know why, but you’ve always done it, it’s not like it hurts or anything. You just don’t like it, it’s just a wave of emotion that hits you as well as vomiting up whatever is in your stomachs. Your hands clench the edges of the porcelain surface, gagging as your shoulders shake.
“Breathe, Y/N you need to breathe.”
The timbre of Simon's voice cuts through your rushing head, you didn’t even notice that you’re breathing quickly. Almost hyperventilating. Of course you are, why wouldn’t you be? You’re fucking crying.
“Love, breathe. Focus on me, not anything else, just me.” He says, voice soft but still commanding.
‘You can turn a civilian into a lieutenant but never turn a lieutenant into a civilian.’ Or something, you aren’t sure you just know whatever Price once said is about a soldier never losing their commanding voice even if in a civilian uniform.
You sit back, a damp cloth being placed in your hand. You wipe your mouth, tilting your head up at the ceiling with closed eyes as you flush the toilet, the taste of stomach acid tainting the back of your throat, coating your tongue.
That alone almost sends you into another gagging mess.
“That’s it, breathe. You’re okay…” you simply nod as you listen to Simon. Tears still staining your cheeks, you blink your eyes open.
The sound of running water fills the room, the sound of a plastic lid being flipped open breaks through the rushing water. You glance over, the tub being filled with water, Hot? Warm? Cold? You don’t know, you just know you see Simon rustling around with a bag of sorts along with what looks like a soap bottle.
Epsom Salts. Salts to relax your body and give you an energy boost, allegedly.
“What are you doing?” You mumble, shifting to lean onto the side of the bathtub. Hand dipping into the water, it’s hot but not too hot. It’s nice.
“Running you a bath, gotta get you to relax and give you energy.” Simon's voice rumbles, sending a calm wash through you. You just hum, pressing your forehead into the cold porcelain on the edge.
Hands run across your back, slipping around to your front pulling you gently to look up at Simon.
“Get undressed and get in, I’ll be back okay?” He states, helping you stand to sit on the toilet, flicking the lid down. You give him a thumbs up, yawning as you drag your shirt over your head.
You hear hushed voices from outside the door, a small whine of protest and a breathy chuckle.
“Well your mum needs to rest, she’s not feeling too well. Like you.” Simon’s voice mumbles, soft and low to not break the quiet air too much. He scoops Emilia up in his arms, keeping her snug in the cocoon of a blanket. “Can I see Mama?” She sniffles, her stuffy nose making it harder to breathe. “I’m sure she won’t mind, but you’re off to bed straight after. Deal?” “Deal!” Simon smiles down at her, his arms holding her close.
He quietly walks towards the bathroom, pushing the door open. He notices the lights are off and a few candles are lit, smelling lavender. “Love?” The man asks, peering around the door. “You can come in.” You chuckle lightly, leaning onto your arms on the side of the tub. Simon steps in, crouching down next to you with Emilia, she’s already reaching out to you.
Her hands resting on your cheeks, something she’s always done, especially when one of you is sick. You have no clue where she picked it up from, she would normally press her forehead against yours but you’ve warned her about doing it if one of you is sick. She’s a smart kid.
“Hey sweetie.” You smile, placing a hand over hers. “Are you okay? Papa said you’re sick, like me.” She asks, you can see tears starting to well in her eyes. Heart swelling with emotions, still noticing she called Simon papa again. “Aww. Pumpkin, it’s just a tummy bug. That’s all, I’ll be healthy as a horse in no time. But, we’ll both get better quicker if we both rest.” You state, brushing your fingers through her hair. Trying to tame her wild hair.
“So… Simon is gonna take you to bed, alright? I know it’s a bit early, but it’s to help us both get better okay?” Emilia nods her head, quickly pulling away to cough into her elbow. It sounds painful, both you and Simon grimace a little at her strained lungs.
“Sleep well my darling.” You smile, running a thumb over her cheek. “Night Night Mama.” She smiles, sniffling. Turning back to hide in the blanket, tucking herself deep in Simon’s arms.
You sit there in the hot water, focusing on your breathing. The scent of the candles wafting through the air, the warmth of the water relaxing your muscles. You smile gently to yourself, honestly surprised, A little flustered, but mainly grateful for Simon and what he has done. Yet you’re a little nervous that he may get sick himself, and if you know him well enough he will just brush it off and continue to go about life as he normally does.
You’re beyond happy that Emilia has taken a shine to him, as if she wouldn’t. But you’re a little bit surprised? Maybe… that Simon has so easily been able to slip into almost a domesticated world without being overwhelmed by all of it. Sure he has his days, everyone does, especially people like him. You’re happy he’s your boyfriend - wait, no. You haven’t figured that out yet. Friend with benefits? No that sounds harsh and crude, really good friend that you’re happy to share a bed with and let him kiss you occasionally? No, the title is too long. Situationship? Maybe, you’ll ask him about it. Especially since Emilia called him Papa again, something you have yet to tick off your mental list of shit to talk to her about.
Simon shuts Emilia’s door quietly, walking back towards the bathroom. Knocking on the doorframe, hearing you mumble a quiet ‘come in’. He steps into the tiled room, coming to crouch down next to you. Knees almost clicking, causing him to hide a grimace.
“How’re you feeling?” His voice rumbles, quiet to not cause any headache to ensue. You shrug, leaning on your arms again on the edge of the bath, bubbles popping quietly on the surface of the water. “Better… calm. A little tired but still awake enough to talk to you.” You smile, your cheek pressed against your arm.
“Good. I just want you to relax, you’ve had a shitty week. You both have.” He vaguely motions in the direction of Emilia’s room. He notices how your eyebrows are set, furrowed gently, barely noticeable. You’re thinking.
“What’s on yer’ mind?” He asks, adjusting to sit on the floor properly.
You nod your head, leaning back a little. You notice his eyes aren’t leaving your face. He’s trying to figure out what you mean, you sigh, sinking lower into the water, below the dying bubbles.
“It's about what Emilia said…” your voice trails off, Simon tilts his head, throat going dry. He knows what you are talking about, he’s just anxious? Uneasy, feeling unwell almost.
“Is it because she called me her father?” He asks quietly, watching you look over at him. Nodding, your lips pulled into a thin line.
“Yeah, I want to say I’m sorry. I should be telling her you aren’t her father and that you and I… we aren't officially together, what are we? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Are we a situationship? Friends with benefits? What do-” you ramble, brain going a million miles a minute. Almost making you breathless, chest tight with trying to figure out what you two are.
“What do you want us to be?” Your words die in your throat when you hear him ask the question, you look at him. Tracing his features with your eyes, his scars, ruffled hair from wearing a hat all day. His stubbled jaw, which is clenched, you can see it.
“… I don’t know…”
Simon nods his head, he had a feeling you would be unsure.
He’s even unsure on what he wants you to be to him, he wants you in his life and Emilia. His fingers twitch to move, to hold you close. He sighs, looking down at the tiled floor, shifting in his spot as he looks back up at you. He sees your eyes unfocused, he knows that look. Always the same, no matter what. You’re thinking.
“I want you to be in my life Simon, I want you to be in my daughter's life…” you pause briefly. “You have become such a big part of it in such a short time. You understand the struggles I go through, even though you aren’t a parent. But you understand that this is hard, and you’ve been there for me for the entire time you’ve been here…” you state, looking at him.
“I want you here Simon… I want you to be a part of this family. Only if you want to.”
Simon’s world slows, your words repeating themselves like a record. His chest tightens, muscles constrict and relax. His eyes dart between yours, to your lips then back to your eyes. The same eyes he’s seen tears in, creased at the edges from laughter or blown out in the dark room to see him as much as they could.
“I want to.”
Your lips part, looking at him. “I-… Uh.. I don’t want to force you into something you don’t want-” “I want to be with you Y/N. I want to be able to call being with you, home. come back to this apartment and see both you and Emilia.” He cuts you off, knowing you would try to spill all the regret you may have towards the matter.
His hand tilts your chin up to look at him, his eyes soft. Fingers gentle against your skin as he moves his hand to where your shoulder and neck meet.
“I would do anything to call you mine, to say that I have someone at home waiting. I want to be able to be here for you, help you through all the shit you have on. I don’t care if I have to stay up late, making sure Emilia is sleeping while you try to sleep yourself.” He pauses, smiling gently.
“I want to be here for you to lean on me, to cry to me if you need, scream at me cause you’re frustrated, punch me because you’re angry. I want to be here to laugh at some silly joke Emilia comes home with from school, or help her with school projects… granted I’m not the most artistic person out there…” you chuckle at his words, leaning into his hand.
“I want to call you mine… and I want to be yours if you would give me the honour of allowing me to be.” His voice is firm, but soft and earnest.
You nod your head, biting your lip as a tear falls down your cheek. “Of course…” you sniffle, laughing to yourself for how silly you must look. “God I must look pathetic.” You mumble, Simon just shakes his head, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek.
“You don’t look pathetic… You are as stunning as always… despite the bed hair.” He teases lightly, you just laugh. Grasping his wrist, leaning into his hand.
“You’re an asshole…” he just shrugs, leaning in. “But you like it, cause that means you can be an asshole back…” he muses, you just sigh, shaking your head. “Yeah yeah. Whatever you say Lieutenant.” A sly smile spreads across your lips, it quickly dies as Simon closes the gap between you.
His lips are firm, passionate, confident but also gentle and loving. You can feel the emotion behind the kiss, his hand cupping your cheek, his other hand dipping into the water. Sliding down your back as you lift your arms, wrapping them around his shoulders. He chuckles against your lips, mumbling “Don’t drag me in there, Love.” You smile, pulling back to look at him. “I’m not that cruel.” You smirk, running a hand through his short cut hair, nails scratching his scalp lightly, a shiver running down his back.
You scoop up some bubbles in your free hand, blowing them into his face. His once raised brows drop, the small smirk gone. He flutters his eyes open, staring at you.
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TAGLIST: @grandnuttrash @thesnailus (Idk if this worked)
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mistydeyes · 10 months
never grow up
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summary: Your husband's early death leaves you trying to put back the pieces together with your children. Yet at every milestone and after years of their passing, you're still reminded that they aren't here. Highkey inspired by Never Grow Up (TS Version), this song would literally always make me cry and I still listen to it on my drive back to college.
pairing: 141 x fem!Reader (continuation with the mum from my previous fic)
warnings: major character death, angst, swearing, alcoholism
a/n: just gotta keep this angst train going I GUESS but what happens when they die instead of you?
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Your little hand's wrapped around my finger And it's so quiet in the world tonight Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreamin' So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
"Let's get you to bed," you said as your little twins walked out of the bathroom. This routine felt foreign to you as Johnny had always helped you get them ready. "C'mon let's get those teeth brushed," you said gently as you led your children upstairs. After a few minutes, Johnny had finished the dishes and he smiled to himself as he joined into the small bathroom. "Alright now let's show Daddie how we brush," you exclaimed and Johnny watched as you all danced around the room, toothbrushes in hand. He loved the rhythmic sound of your footsteps dancing around as you tried to make the nightly routine fun. "All done!" your daughter exclaimed as she stood there proudly. Your son joined next to her and they showed off their matching pajamas. "Can't tell you two apart," he joked as the whole home was filled with giggles.
That thought was in the past as he had been gone for two weeks and you struggled every day. The world had lost its color and everything was more quiet than you remembered. You'd drive down different streets to avoid your husband's memory and even changed your entire routine but the grief is still there. You had taken off an indeterminate amount of time from work and no one blamed you. This was the first time putting your children to bed as your sister had been helping you out for the last few weeks. As you tucked the twins in, your son reached out and held your hand tightly.
"Mammy, I can't sleep," he whispered and your heart broke. His hand was wrapped around your finger and he looked at you with tears in his eyes. "I can stay for a while," you quietly said as you tried to lie down in your son's small bed. Your son cuddled up to you as he cried into your arm. "Why did Daddie go away?" he wailed as you shakily patted his back. You took a moment to answer as you tried to blink away tears of your own. "He was going somewhere we couldn't but trust me he's having lots of fun" you whispered as the tears began to fall freely, "he's probably watching a football game, you know how much he loves those." Your son sniffled for a few moments and you could feel your arm become soaked with the little one's tears.
"Are you gonna go too, Mammy?" you son asked shakily. "I'll be here when you wake up, trust me," you said reassuringly before your son rolled over and cried to sleep. You continued to draw reassuring circles on his back as you held your sobs in. You stayed like that until you could see his eyelids flutter and the room was filled with rhythmic breathing. You kissed your son and daughter on the forehead as you quietly left the room. You made sure to turn the nightlight on before exiting into the dark hallway. You closed the door to the bedroom quietly and headed downstairs. No matter how long it had been, you couldn't sleep in your bed as you would always wake up expecting his smiling face to be there.
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At fourteen, there's just so much you can't do And you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots
"Alright enjoy the movie, love" you said as you dropped your daughter off to the cinema. After days of fighting, you had allowed her to go and meet some friends. Your daughter knew it was a difficult time so she tried to be understanding but eventually, it all exploded. Your son had moved out and naturally, you and your daughter were at odds. Words had been said and you both regretted them. If Simon were here, he would have taken the situation over and somehow you would have come to an agreement. But he wasn't and you were left to deal with it alone.
"Thanks, Mum," she said curtly before she went to exit the door. You stopped her before she opened it. "I'm sorry," you began to say as her back faced you, "Rose, it's not fair that you have to stay home because of it." You refused to say his death but you both knew today was the anniversary of his passing. Even turned away, you could tell your daughter was still upset. Your daughter let a few tears fall before she turned to you. "I'm sorry too, Mum," she said as she embraced you. You shared a quiet moment before your daughter heard her friends call to her. "I'll have Imogen's mum drop me off later," she said before you could object. "I already asked so you don't have to worry," she whispered before kissing your cheek and walking away.
When you went home, you poured the same bottle of Bourbon you had kept all these years. You were conservative with it and portioned two out, always one for you and one for him. You shakily poured the heavy bottle into the crystal glasses you had been given on your wedding day. You closed your eyes as you tried to remember his voice. "Simon look!" you exclaimed and he turned to look at you. He blocked the mid-afternoon light as he leant down on the couch. "John got us lowball classes so we can enjoy some good ol' Southern bourbon together," you remarked and twirled the glasses in your hand. "I thought you hated the stuff, love" he replied as he took them to be washed. "I could learn to love it for my new husband," you joked before he kissed you on the cheek. You tried to remember what he were wearing but your memory failed you. When you opened your eyes, part of you expected to see him there but instead in front of you were two glasses filled with the brown liquid. You choked down the brown solution as you painfully swallowed his memory and the strong liquor.
When your daughter returned home, she took the other glass and poured it out into the sink. She put the ornate bottled bourbon away and threw out the other cheap bourbon you had bought on your way home. Just another failed attempt of enjoying your late husband's favorite alcohol. "I'm home, Mum, let's get you to bed," she whispered as she gently shook your arm. You hugged her goodnight before you ascended the stairs to the empty bedroom. As you shut the door, your daughter could've sworn she heard you cry.
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Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home Remember the footsteps, remember the words said
"Alright Ives, it's time to go to bed," you called as you entered your daughter's bedroom. The room was barren except for a few objects, the rest were sitting downstairs in cardboard boxes taking up the dining room. Your daughter was finishing up packing her remaining things when she turned to you. "We have a long day tomorrow," you said as you moved the box to the hallway. You looked around the room and frowned slightly at the emptiness. "I couldn't get the stars off," Ivy said quietly and you looked up to see glow-in-the-dark stars plastered to the ceiling. The stars had been up there since she was young, a purchase you had made when your daughter, at 5 years old, expressed interest in space. "Dad must've super glued it or something," she laughed sadly as she joined your eyes to the ceiling. You remembered when Kyle offered to put them up, haphazardly hanging off a ladder as he glued the small stars. "He loved this house, probably never wanted us to leave," you replied and hugged her goodnight.
You took one last look at the room before closing the door gently and retreating to the bedroom. You walked around the cardboard box and slowly made your way through the hallway. You navigated with the glow of the soft lights, avoiding looking at the photographs that depicted your late husband. You couldn't look at the happy gaze of him on your wedding day or when you had first brought Ivy home. In the glare of the overhead lights, they attempted to call for your attention. The last photo before your bedroom was his military portrait, sent to you by parcel from the Special Air Service. You couldn't pass this one idly by as the light switch sat next to it. Your husband looked so proud in his formal uniform and you let your hand gently glide along the frame.
As you entered your bedroom, you laid out your clothes out for the next morning. It wasn't anything special just some simple shorts and a shirt. Despite that, you knew Kyle would still say you were the most beautiful woman on earth. You settled on the simple attire as you were moving your daughter into uni and knew the day would be filled with a long drive and an even longer time transporting all of her things. You used to put your clothes out every morning and Kyle would always place his next to yours. The room was relatively untouched since he died, with only a few new pictures of you and your daughter sitting on the dresser. You half-heartedly walked to the bathroom and went through the motions of your evening routine before sinking underneath the cold sheets.
As you closed your eyes to sleep, you could remember Kyle coming home when your daughter was still young. Kyle would always arrive late at night and would always be silent when he came home. However, you and your daughter would always be up waiting for him. "Shhh I think he's coming," you whispered as you saw the driveway's floodlights turn on. As Kyle turned the knob, he saw you and your daughter sitting on the steps. "Welcome home!" you both announced as you went to hug him. "Loves, what are you doing awake?" he asked but he knew the answer. "It's a tradition, no matter how late," you said as you kissed his cheek. "Now let's get you unpacked," Ivy said as she struggled to take his duffle upstairs.
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So here I am in my new apartment In a big city, they just dropped me off It's so much colder than I thought it would be
"And that's the last box," you said as you placed the cardboard box on your son's counter. After a whole day of moving, you had finally finished getting everything out of the moving truck. Your son was on his own now, having moved to London and was starting a new job that Monday. He navigated the busy streets with the truck and you both felt accomplished as you looked at the wide space. The air was cold as you begun the day and now small snow crystals coated the flat's window.
"He would've loved this place," you said as you put your head on your son's shoulders. The flat was fit for a young adult, with a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a nice living room. "Did I ever tell you how bad his first assignment was?" you joked and your son laughed. When you first met John, you hated the small barracks he found himself in when he was his son's age. Part of you was glad your son hadn't joined the military, John always regretted the long months away from home. "He would have thought this was great but he would've taken over the unpacking," he replied and you smiled at your husband's memory. He was right after all, you always had a vision on how to turn a house into a home and John would always follow with the heavy lifting. "I guess he would have," you replied sadly and your son saw a few tears fall. You stood like that for a few moments before you saw yourself out with a promise to call sometime that week.
As you arrived to the empty home, you gently hung your coat on the rack. You were now officially an empty nester as your youngest was gone. You smiled sadly as you looked on the calendar as to when your eldest and his family would be visiting again. As you counted down the days, you remembered when you were pregnant and decorating your youngest son's nursery. "John, no put that over there," you directed as you sat in a chair with your enlarged belly. "I don't think the baby is going to care, sweetheart," he replied as he moved the framed map to the other side of the nursery. You had insisted on hanging vintage maps and travel posters, even purchasing a mobile with hanging clouds and a plane. You hoped your son would travel the world some day. "I'll care though," you said as he nailed the picture in. John sat next to you as you smiled at him. "You'd think I'd know a thing or two after two kids," he joked and placed a hand on your stomach. Almost immediately, the baby kicked as he held his hand there softly. "He agrees with my design choices," you joked and the room filled with laughter. While you did accomplish some destinations with your children on shared travel bucket list, it never was the same. The worn postcards from your travels as a young adult sat in the same box it always had. You grabbed them from the shelf, blowing off some accumulated dust. As you looked at your delicate handwriting and depiction of your travels, you felt some tears pierce your eyes. At the bottom of the pile, lay your only postcard you received from John. A postcard from Amsterdam with the writing reading "To my favorite traveler, here's one place I went to before you. Love, John"
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Sunshine follows with Sunfall PT.8
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Warnings: Talks of birth and pregnancy, alcohol(whiskey), suggestive content, lots of timeskips.
Series Masterlist
Today is Judith's birthday!!!
It's October 27th, Judith's seventh birthday.
Seven years ago, you went into labor at 1:23AM and finally delivered her at 3:07AM.
You silently made your way into her room, flicking off the projector nightlight. You turn towards her small bed, smiling to yourself as you sit on the side, leaning behind her. You smoothed your hand over her dark hair. "Judy Jayne," you sang her nickname softly. "Time to wake up, birthday girl."
She stirred, pouting since she's not a morning person, but a smile grew on her face when she opened her eyes and looked at you, excited because of her birthday.
"Good morning!" You grinned.
"Good morning, Mommy." Her voice wasn't as upbeat as yours, but that was just the morning grogginess.
You hummed a soft tune to her and smoothed down her hair one last time before helping her out of bed, not caring about tidying the orange sheets. The two of you walked into the kitchen, and you helped her up onto the elevated seats that go to the breakfast bar. You then put a plate in front of her, French toast strips with some orange slices, and sausage.
"Thank you, Mommy!" She squeals, watching you put syrup and powdered sugar on her cut-up French toast.
"You are so very welcome." You rounded the counter and kissed her head. "I have some gifts."
"Really?!" Judith asked excitedly, acting as if she didn't get gifts every year on her birthday.
"Yes." You laughed slightly, walking into the living room, only to come back with some gifts in your arms. Periwinkle scurried into the kitchen after you, almost as if he wanted to see Judith's gifts as well.
You placed a Hello Kitty stuffed animal on the bar, watching as Judith smiled widely. Then you placed a bracelet making kit down.
"Thank you, Mommy!" Judith thanked you again, reaching her arms out for a hug.
You wrapped your arms around her smaller body. "Of course, my girl!"
"Hurry up and eat! We're gonna have a big party with all of your uncles, grandpa, and all your friends, remember?"
Judith nodded and quickly went back to her breakfast, eyeing her gifts with a smile as she ate.
Your keys jiggled in door to your apartment, opening up easily. Judith sang loudly to herself as she carried a gift bag over to the couch. You yourself carried a two more.
You locked the front door behind the two of you, placing two bigger bags on the floor next to the couch. You walked over to the archway to the kitchen, going to turn on the light, but you jump as soon as your eyes land on a large body. "Oh my God!"
The person laughed, causing Judith to run in, instantly hearing the sound of her father's laughter. "Daddy!"
"Hey, Sunshine." He groaned a little as he bent to pick her up. Her little arms and legs went around him as she clung to him. "Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you, Daddy!" She smiled.
"I made the two of you dinner." He looked at you. "Hopefully, you guys aren't too full from your party."
You smiled and shook your head. "Don't worry."
Jason nodded and looked back at the girl in his arms. "It's your favorite."
"Chicken Alfred!" Both Jason and you laugh from her mispronunciation of 'Chicken Alfredo'.
Jason carried her back into the living room to set her down, and you took it upon yourself to plate the alfred he had in a tupperware container. It's still warm.
You grab three plates and three forks, one of them being a children's fork.
Just as you're pouring some drinks, Jason comes back into the kitchen. "Actually, I have a little something for you and I.... you know, to celebrate the fact that we made a life."
"Oh no." You laughed a little, wondering what Jason could have brought.
He stands next to you, reaching into the bag he brought as it sits on the counter. He looks at you and raises his eyebrows, smirking before pulling out what he had. An expensive bottle of whiskey.
"I don't know if you drink or not... but..."
You roll your eyes and smile, picking up Judith's plate and drink. "Go grab some whiskey glasses."
And with that, you walk back into the living room.
You could indulge tonight.
After Judith went to bed, Jason and you stood in the kitchen, talking about anything really.
The two of you had drinks in your hands, both of you honestly a little tipsy.
"There's a dollhouse in my car that I need help with getting out." You tell him about one of Judith's gifts and he offers to help you out with it tomorrow night, meaning he'll come back soon.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, no longer awkward for some reason. Maybe it's the alcohol?
"Remember when you outgrew your clothes and had to wear mine until we bought you some more?" Jason asks, chuckling as he holds his glass to his lips.
You laugh and nod. "Yeah, I was so big."
Jason looks at you wistfully, speaking with a newfound softness in his voice. "You were really cute with the belly."
You stare back at him and smile slightly. "Thank you. Thank you for Judith."
Jason's gaze is so intense. He was hanging on to every word you spoke, listening to you like you're guiding him to the garden of Eden. "No. Thank you for actually making and birthing her."
He was so close that you could smell the familiar scent that used to linger around your shared home, the scent you used to smell when you'd hug and cuddle up to him.
Tobacco, gunpowder, leather, something earthy, something sweet, and a spritz of a generic men's cologne.
But something was different.
He also smelled like your home. Fresh linen and lavender. Something so small, yet so big to you.
Maybe it's the familiarity. Maybe it's just him. But somehow, you ended up pressed against the counter, kissing him for the first time in years.
A part of you wanted to slap yourself for kissing the man who left you and your daughter for an entire year, yet another part of you could burst out crying from how much you've missed this. When Jason and you split, pieces of your hearts died. Now, it feels as if you are both healing each other.
He had set down his whiskey glass, now running his hands up and down your torso as the intensity grew with the passage kiss. Your arms made their way around his neck and you put your fingers in his hair, tugging on the dark strands.
Jason broke away from the kiss so that he could trail more down to your neck, getting a mixture of both of your spit onto your skin.
"Relax, we're not trying to make another kid." You pant, making Jason chuckle.
He trailed his kisses back up your neck, to your jaw, to your chin, but not to your lips.
The two of you looked into each other's eyes, sensing the yearning and desperation.
You both knew how this night would end.
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Taglist: @keira324 @dakotali @22nranjan @skepvids @harpy-space @godknows-shetried @mirrorball-6 @macncheese69420666 @parkjammys @yyxy27 @burningkidanchor @elleclairez @amecchii @chickennugghon @marvelworldlover @oakexists @p0tterhead934 @makhaia @cassini-among-the-stars @tsukishimarawr @flowestallen @attackonnat @90s-belladonna @sucker4seresin @riahpickle-blog
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mymelodymia · 8 months
Nightmares morgan stark x stark!reader x Dad!Tony stark
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Summary: morgan has a nightmare and comes to you about it, and you both talk about her troubles
EXTREME WARNING: morgan crying 😢😭😤
Morgan screamed as she woke up from her nightmare, sitting up. The only light in the room being her small arc reactor nightlight plugged into the wall. She whimpered as she slid down the side of her bed, running down the hallway to your room.
"Y/nNn?" She whimpered, you, being the only light sleeper in the house, was the only one who woke up from her scream, you were standing up walking towards the door. You were about to go see what happened but before you could even reach the doorknob, she was there in front of you. With tear stains on her cheeks.
You kneeled down to touch her face before pulling her close, she sobbed into your chest.
You couldn't help but let a few tears loose yourself as you watched your beloved little sister, be so fragile. Rubbing her back with one hand, playing with the ends of her long hair with the other, you held her close.
She continued sobbing for what felt like hours, but in reality was only ten minutes.
When she eventually calmed down, you asked her what happened. "Mo, baby what happened? What made you so upset?"
"I hAd a NiGhTmArE" she whimpered out. "You wanna talk about it?" You asked her, cupping her cheek.
"They-the bad guys hurt daddy, and you and me, and then they took you and then they took me away too and-" you stopped her ranting by placing the tip of your finger over her mouth as she started crying again.
You helped her calm down, and then you had a plan. "You know, if anyone ever tried to hurt you or to take you away from me. You know what I'd do?" She shook her head sadly at you
"I'd use my superpowers to protect you" you said in a raspy voice "but...you dont have superpowers"
"Yes i certainly do! I have tickle powers and i can tickle anyone to death if i wanted to" she flinched as you pinched her side, creating a small tickle.
"And luckily, you're just as ticklish as me." You said with an evil smirk on your face. You pushed the door closed with your hand, not taking your eyes off of hers (they're probably so beautiful)
She screamed as you began tickling her, your fingers digging into her ribs, moving up >:)
She tried to squirm out of your grip, unsuccessfully given that you, being 18 at the time, and her only being 4.
You moved up to her armpits and she squealed so loud, you dug your knees into the carpet in order to stay still. You put her hands over your shoulders and held her to your chest as you started working on her hips.
She arched her back and screamed as loud as she could.
You grabbed her back and picked her up holding her stomach to your mouth, you blew the biggest raspberry you could.
Her laughter turned silent for a moment. Before returning to deep belly laughter. You blew another raspberry in her neck and she screeched in your ear (ow)
"Hey mo, where does it tickle the most? Here" you asked as you blew a quick raspberry in her neck "or here" you said blowing a quick one on her belly.
You gave her a moment to answer "my tummy"
"Okay good now i know where to focus." You barly gave her time to process this before you blew a giant raspberry on her stomach.
After a few more minutes of this torture, you let her go. You both snuck through the hall and brought her mattress into your room so she could sleep in there.
Even though you definitely just sat in her bed cuddling with her. "Mo...baby, why didn't you go to mommy or daddy? Their room is right next to yours."
"Because i dont think daddy likes me anymore..." you looked at her, shocked "why would you think that darling"
"Because he hasn't been spending time with me, and he'd rather just hang out with you, and he hasn't been giving me any attention lately" you felt pretty bad for her given that you had been through the same feeling (iron man 2)
"Sweetheart, just because daddy isn't paying attention to you doesn't mean he doesn't care, he loves you more then anything. and plus, he hasn't seen me in five whole years. He hasn't seen me in a long time and he missed me."
"But how do you know that"
"Because i felt that way once too. More then once actually (peter) we'll talk about it tomorrow, but for now...you need to go to sleep" you said turning off your light.
The next morning you confronted tony about morgan. "Hey dad.." you greeted, he was making pancakes but he was still on making the batter.
"Morgan had a nightmare last night and i helped her through it. But then, she said that she thought you didn't care about her."
"What? Why would she think that?" He said as he stopped mixing the batter.
"She thinks you dont care about her because you haven't been spending time with her. I'll go get her." Tony sighed, feeling he had failed. He continued to mix the pancake batter.
You went to your room and gently woke her up. You walked back downstairs with her hand in yours. The second tony saw her he took her in his arms.
"Oh Maguna, i am so sorry baby" you felt proud that he had become a better father, especially with Morgan. When he first had you he was young and stupid, he had no experience, but now he did. And all you wanted was for morgan to know her family loved her.
"I will always love you baby. Sometimes im just buzy, know what. After breakfast why dont we all go catch a movie, or go to the beach. Anything you ask" you loved he was pampering her like he did you.
"Yeah, dad has a hard job, and now, hes old and burned out. Heheh" tony chuckled at this, you both always made jokes about tonys age, you couldn't remember a time when you didn't make fun of him for being "old"
"But dad will always make time for us. But sometimes hes buzy, but you always have me and mamuh." She nodded, and turned to tony.
"Yes baby girl"
"Can we go to the park?" You and tony laughed at this, he did say anything she wanted. "Sure sweetheart, now come help daddy make some pancakes" he said picking her up, setting her down on the counter. "Yaay"
A/N: i miss morgan so fucking much bro. And some of my tags are not working so...sorry 😕
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover
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