#I wanna write this as a fic but am kinda unsure
miki3aqors · 1 year
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I wanted to draw Aether in a skirt and then this happened...
with a sessy continuation~ (18+)
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jounosparticles · 1 year
kinda wanna write slow(ish)burn suegiku where one has feelings and the other doesn’t realize this
it could go either way. tetchou just being oblivious to everything jouno says. or the other way around and jouno just initially doesn’t return the feeling but it grows on him. hmmmm
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Hiii! Someone recommended your blog to me!
I love Nico (and yeah F1) and I think that him and Logan Sargeant are very similar. For me Nico is deffo his father figure so... if you want could you write a fic about Nico as a father figure to him?
Thank u❤️
Guiding Lights
Note: First of all, I wanna apologise for making you wait FOREVER. Life has been pretty busy and between work and uni, I kinda forgot about writing stuff. If I am honest, this is on the shorter side of things because I really was unsure of how to write for Logan and such BUT I still hope it brings at least a little bit of joy <3
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In the fast-paced world of motorsports, where the roar of engines and the thrill of competition seem to rule, there also exists a quieter, more intimate side – the bond between mentor and mentee. For Logan Sargeant, a young driver with dreams as big as the racetrack itself, that bond took shape in the form of Nico Rosberg, a former Formula One champion turned mentor and almost, dare he say, a father-like figure.
It was on a crisp autumn day at the racetrack, when Logan, unexpectedly found himself face-to-face with the legendary Nico Rosberg. Having debated whether to go up to the ex-Mercedes driver, for quite a while, Logan found that his nerves were churning in his stomach as he approached the seasoned champion, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.
"Logan Sargeant, right?" Nico called out as Logan neared him. His voice was warm and welcoming as he extended a hand. "I've heard good things about you."
Logan nodded, a sly smile forming on his lips, as he felt a surge of pride at the recognition. "Yes, sir. It's an honour to meet you, Mr. Rosberg."
Nico flashed him a reassuring smile, his blue eyes twinkling with warmth. "Please, call me Nico. Mr.Rosberg always makes me think of my father… Anyway, the pleasure is all mine. I've been following your progress, and I must say, you've got some serious talent."
Upon hearing the praise from the former champion, Logan seemingly beamed with pride "Thank you, Nico. That honestly means a lot coming from you."
Their conversation flowed effortlessly from there, as Nico shared stories of his journey through the ranks of motorsport and offered advice on everything from racing strategy to mental preparation. With each word of wisdom and his willingness to answer whatever question Logan threw his way, Logan felt a newfound sense of confidence, fueled by Nico's unwavering belief in his abilities.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, their bond grew stronger, forged on the foundation of mutual respect and shared passion for racing. Logan felt like Nico became more than just a mentor to him – he became a trusted friend, a confidant, and, in many ways, a father figure. He couldn’t remember when exactly, but at some point, the older driver’s unwavering support extended beyond the confines of the racetrack, as Nico took an active interest in Logan's life both on and off the circuit. He offered guidance and support during the highs and lows of Logan's racing career, lending a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on whenever Logan needed it most.
But it wasn't until a pivotal moment on the racetrack that their bond was truly put to the test. Amid a fierce battle for the lead, Logan struggled to maintain control of his car, his confidence shaken by a series of setbacks.
"Nico, I don't know if I can do this," Logan confessed over the radio, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
But Nico's response was swift and unwavering, filled with the same calm reassurance that had carried Logan through so many challenges before. "You've got this, Logan. Trust in yourself and your abilities, let your instincts guide you."
With Nico's words echoing in his ears, Logan dug deep, finding the courage and determination to push through the obstacles in his path. And as he crossed the finish line, the taste of victory sweet on his lips, he knew that he owed a big part of it to the man who had believed in him when no one else did – his mentor and friend, Nico Rosberg.
As the celebrations came to an end and Logan could still hear the cheers of the crowd ringing in their ears, he couldn't help but smile as he looked at Nico. "Thank you, Nico. I couldn't have done it without you."
The former driver returned his smile, a proud glint in his eyes. "You earned this victory, Logan. I was just along for the ride. But I have a feeling this is just the beginning for you."
And as they embraced, the bond between mentor and mentee stronger than ever, Logan knew that with Nico by his side, there was nothing they couldn't achieve together.
For in the world of motorsports, where speed is king and victory is sweet, the true measure of success lies not in the trophies won or the races conquered, but in the bonds forged along the way – the bonds between mentors and mentees, between friends. And for Logan Sargeant and Nico Rosberg, theirs was a bond that would stand the test of time, guiding them through the twists and turns of the racetrack and beyond.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
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A Free Churro?
T/W: Death, funeral, ooc, bad parent relationships, a bit deep just for a crack fic, reader is depressed. Yuu is his own person and uses he/him pronouns. Fic under the cut
a/n: sorry if this is Y/n centered and not all the characters have a reaction but this is a monologue and to sort of stay true to the actual monologue there really isn't supposed to be any response. Also writing this like super late so sorry if its incoheirent. I could do individual scenarios and go deeper into each of their reaction if this is well recieved
Heres the referance if you wanna listen along both links are the same monologue
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Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *All sitting in the audience of the funeral. Not knowing why they were invited, beside Yuu and Grimm. They all stare at the casket, unsure who it was.*
Y/n: *Walks out and starts the eulogy but first starts to explain why they were late* So I stopped at a drive thru place on the way here, and the girl behind the counter said, “Hiya! Are you having an awesome day?” Not, “How are you doing today?” No. “Are you having an awesome day?” Which is pretty… shitty, because it puts the onus on me to disagree with her, like if I’m not having an “awesome day,” suddenly I’m the negative one.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *All gasp from Y/n's sudden explanation of the interaction between them and the lady behind the counter.*
Y/n: *continues to explain the interactions and how it went down* Usually when people ask how I’m doing, the real answer is "I’m doing shitty", but I can’t say I’m doing shitty because I don’t even have a good reason to be doing shitty. So if I say, “I’m doing shitty,” then they say, “Why? What’s wrong?” And I have to be like, “I don’t know, all of it?” So instead, when people ask how I’m doing, I usually say, “I am doing so great.”
Housewardens, vice housewardens, and the Aduece duo: *Are in shock about knowing Y/n's true feelings*
Y/n: *sighed going on trying to finish the story* But when this girl at the drive thru place asked me if I was having an awesome day, I thought, “Well, today I’m actually allowed to feel shitty.” Today I have a good reason, so I said to her, “Well, my mom died,” and she immediately burst into tears. So now I have to comfort her, which is annoying, and meanwhile, there’s a line of people forming behind me who are all giving me these real judgy looks because I made the Drive thru girl cry. And she’s bawling, and she’s saying, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” and I’m like, “It’s fine. It’s fine.” I mean, it’s not fine but, you know, it’s… fine. And I would like to order a Double Burger Meal, and I’ve kinda got somewhere to be, so maybe less with the crying and more with the frying, huh? And the girl apologizes again and she offers me a free churro with my meal. And as I’m leaving, I think, “I just got a free churro because my mom died.” No one ever tells you that when your mom dies, you get a free churro.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, and the Aduece duo: *At a loss for words, not knowing how to react. Feeling unsure if they should coverse with each other or stay silent. They chose to stay silent*
Y/n: Anyway, I’m sorry, that’s not part of the... *clears their throat trying to think of what to say next* All right. Okay, here we go. Let’s do this. Here I am, Y/n L/n, doing a eulogy, let’s go. *Goes on a monologue explaining the strained relationship between their mother and them.*
Ace: *Whispers to Yuu, Deuce, and Grimm* Never knew Y/n could hate someone so much
Riddle: *Speaks in a hushed voice* Ace, be quiet and listen to Y/n!
Housewardens: *All look at Y/n seeing how much they're struggling. Vil recognizes this to be a monologue.*
Malleus: *Confused as to how someone could hate a parental figure this much.*
Riddle: *Seemed to understand the pain of Y/n hating their mother. The other house wardens just watched, worried.*
Vice housewardens: *All sit patiently, trying to understand Y/n's trailing off. Jamil had the most concern out of the vice housewardens*
Grimm: *Grabs Yuu's hands with his small paw* I'm worried for Y/n*
Yuu: *looks to Grimm with a solemn look* I am too, but let's just listen right now. Might be good for them to get it out.
Y/n: *Sighs and looks at the casket once more reminiscing about when both their parents were alive.* My dad died about ten years ago of injuries he sustained during a duel. When your father dies, you ask yourself a lot of questions. Questions like, “Wait, did you say he died in a duel?” and “Who dies in a duel?”
Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *Look at Y/n confused as to where this story is going. Ace and Deuce were trying not to laugh at the duel part.*
Housewardens and vice housewardens: *Stare at Y/n in disbelief, not knowing they could have such a messed up past. Riddle and Leona understanding the feeling of strained relationships with family*
Y/n: *Chuckled to themselves as they explain the story of their father's duel.* The whole thing was so stupid. Dad spent his entire life writing this book, but he couldn’t get any stores to carry it or any newspapers to review it. Finally, I guess this one newspaper thought he was pretty hilarious, because they ran a review and tore him to shreds. So my father, ever the proud Mary, decided he would not stand for this besmirchment of his honor. He claimed the critic didn’t understand what it meant to be a man, so he demanded satisfaction in the form of pistols at dawn. He wrote the paper this letter, saying anyone who didn’t like his book, he would challenge to a duel, anyone in the world. He’d even pay for airfare to San Francisco and a night in a hotel. Well, eventually this found its way to some kook in Montana, who was as batshit as he was and took him up on the offer. They met at Golden Gate Park and agreed: ten paces, then shoot. But in the middle of the ten paces, Dad turned to ask the guy if he’d actually read the book and what he thought, but, not looking where he was going, tripped over an exposed root and bashed his head on a rock.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *All look at each other, then look back to Y/n. Some of them have a very clear reaction on their face while others had a straight face. They all had a similar thought in their head* 'How can someone leave their kid do fight in a duel'
Y/n: *Sees their friends' reactions, but goes on with their thoughts as it forms the on spot eulogy they are giving. Y/n starts to recall a time where they saw their mom decently okay.* My mom used to hold these glorious parties, they were really something. There were skits and magic acts, and very insensitive vaudeville routines, and the big finale was always a dance my mother did.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *Were all intrigued at the scene. Vil had the most interist since pereforming was something he was well versed in*
Y/n: *Continues to go on seemingly imersed by the memories they had of the parties* She had this beautiful dress that she only brought out for these parties, and she did this incredible number. It was so beautiful and sad. Dad hated the parties. He’d lock himself in the study, and bang on the walls for us to keep it down, but he always came out to see Mom dance. He’d linger in the doorway, scotch in hand, and watch in awe, as this cynical, despicable woman he married… took flight. 
Yuu: *Was the most worried out of the group that was there, wanting to run up and hug Y/n as he seemingly knew where this was going.*
Grimm: *Looked at Yuu and noticed the discomfort he felt and let Yuu hold his paw* It'll be okay, Y/n will be okay.
Aduece duo: *Place a hand on both of Yuu's shoulders, seemingly comforting him. The two of them watch Y/n with sadness in their eyes.*
Y/n: *Their eyes start to water slightly as they take a shaky breath* And as a child who was completely terrified of both my parents, I was always aware that this moment of grace, it meant something. We understood each other in a way. Me and my mom and my dad, as screwed up as we all were, we did understand each other. My mother, she knew what it’s like to feel your entire life like you’re drowning, with the exception of these moments, these very rare, brief instances, in which you suddenly remember… you can swim.
Octavinelle trio: *Seemingly understood what Y/n meant by the drowning metaphore, all three of them were worried. The one who felt the most worry was Azul*
Y/n: *Looks at the casket with teary eyes, knowing this sad but beautiful memory in their head wasn't truly happy* But then again, mostly not. Mostly you’re drowning. She understood that, too. And she recognized that I understood it. And Dad. All three of us were drowning, and we didn’t know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together. And I would like to think that that’s what she meant when we were in the hospital and she said, “I see you.”
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm:
Y/n: *goes on to explain their personal relationships. But then stops realizing they've been going on and on missing the point of where they were going. They take a deep breath.* I’m not gonna stand up here and pretend I ever understood how to please that woman, even though so much of my life has been wasted in vain attempts to figure it out.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *Notice Y/n becoming more sad the further they go on. They all wanted to get up and hug Y/n, but thought it best for them to continue the eulogy*
Y/n: *Chuckles slightly now remembering another moment before their mother died* But I keep going back to that moment in the ICU when she looked at me, and… “I-C-U.”
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *All of them have their eyes widen as they come to a realization. They all stare at Y/n wondering if they caught what they just said*
Y/n: *Speaks slowly as tears well in their eyes. Their voice is soft as they peice everything together* “I… see… you.” Jesus Christ, we were in the intensive care unit. She was just reading a sign. 
Housewardens: *Notice the tears in Y/n's eyes as they all feel bad.*
Y/n: *sighs and looks down, not wanting to face their friends in the room* My mom died and all I got was this free churro.
Grimm and Aduece: *Stare at Y/n, unsure what they should do after the funeral survice with Y/n*
Y/n: *Looks at everyone with eyes glazed with anger and sadness. Their tone was bitter as they point outside the funeral parlor door.* You know the shittiest thing about all of this? Is when that stranger behind the counter gave me that free churro, that small act of kindness showed more compassion than my mother gave me her entire goddamn life. Like, how hard is it to do something nice for a person? This woman at the Drive Thru place didn’t even know me. 
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *Most of them seemingly understood Y/n's frustration. The only two who didn't were Malleus and Floyd, but they listened hoping to understand*
Y/n: *Looks at the casket with tears falling down their eyes. Their town is full of anger as they point at themselves* I’m your son! All I had was you! 
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *Were even more worried as they see Y/n start to cry and hear the desperation in their voice*
Y/n: *Their town shifts to a more happy tone, but its a light happinesss.* I have this friend. And right around when I first met her, her dad died, and I actually went with her to the funeral. And months later, she told me that she didn’t understand why she was still upset, because she never even liked her father.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, and Grimm: *All look at Yuu wanting to know if he knew of Y/n's friend and who she was*
Yuu: *Ignores the stares of the others and just watches Y/n intentivley, trying to memorize every detail so he could help Y/n decompress afterwards*
Y/n: *Smiles sadly, not knowing where to land their gaze* It made sense to me, because I went through the same thing when my dad died. And I’m going through the same thing now.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, and Grimm: *Were all curious, wanting to know more on how Y/n handled their father's death*
Yuu: *Only listened on knowing exactly what Y/n went through when their father died because Y/n told him*
Y/n: *Eyes widen once more, finding a connection between something an their mother's death* You know what it’s like? It’s like that show Becker, you know, with Ted Danson? I watched the entire run of that show, hoping that it would get better, and it never did. It had all the right pieces, but it just—it couldn’t put them together.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, and Grimm: *All have a curious stare at Y/n and Yuu not knowing what Becker was or what Y/n was talking about, but seemingly understanding the sentamet of the connection*
And when it got canceled, I was really bummed out, not because I liked the show, but because I knew it could be so much better, and now it never would be. And that’s what losing a parent is like. It’s like Becker.
Aduece duo *look at Yuu with curious eyes.*
Ace: *Speaks first as his hand is still on Yuu's shoulder* What's Becker?
Yuu: *Doesn't look at the Aduece duo, only focused on Y/n. Speaks in a hushed town* It's a show. I'll explain what it's about to everyone later...
Y/n: *Shudders through the tears trying to finish the connection to the show they just mentioned and the moment going on right now* Suddenly, you realize you’ll never have the good relationship you wanted, and as long as they were alive, even though you’d never admit it, part of you, the stupidest goddamn part of you, was still holding on to that chance. And you didn’t even realize it until that chance went away.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *They all have a sympathetic gaze on Y/n, some trying to understand what Y/n meant.*
Riddle and Yuu: *Seemingly were the only two who understood Y/n's desires for a better relationship witht heir mother*
Y/n: *Looks at the casket with tears in their eyes and a frustrated tone as all their friends watched* My mother is dead...And everything is worse now because now I know I will never have a mother who looks at me from across a room and says, “Y/n L/n, I see you.”
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *All gasped, minus Yuu, at Y/n's statement about their mother's death. They all felt more saddened at what Y/n had admitted to wanting to be seen*
Y/n: *Takes a deep breath as tears still roll down their cheeks* But I guess it’s good to know. It’s good to know that there is nobody looking out for me, that there never was, and there never will be.
Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *They start to feel guilty because they want to be there for Y/n, the way Y/n wants them to be there.*
Y/n: *sighs and wipes their tears away, finally accepting the realization they had* No, it’s good to know that I am the only one that I can depend on. And I know that now, and it’s good. It’s good that I know that. So… it’s good my mother is dead.
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *All shocked but try not to make any noise. They watch and see Y/n trail off trying to end the eulogy. They also feel upset that Y/n feels so alone and that they need to feel independent. Malleus feels the worst because he doesn't understand how Y/n feels.*
Y/n: *ends the eulogy and sighs, walking out of the room not wanting to face anyone*
Housewardens, vice housewardens, Aduece duo, Yuu, and Grimm: *Watches Y/n leave, unsure if they should follow or not.*
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A/n: This is part my Bojack Horseman brainrot so I'm happy this is the first post! Hope it made you sad? idk it made me tear up a bit. This is part of the Free Churro monologue in the Bojack Horseman Episode Free Churro which is Episode 6 Season 5.
Taglist: @nightshade-clown
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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fanficapologist · 5 months
Hello! I just wanted to share with you some thoughts.
The new chapter from Aemond's POV just proves two things about Alys:
1) She is more of a lying manipulative witch than we realised.
2) She absolutely has no emotions. Look at how she delivered her offer to have Maera's aunt's house die. She just has no remorse.
These two points now leads me to think that her encounter with Maera in the main fic was a big lie from which she wanted to gain something.
Then, comes the part about her and Aemond's weird moments... This just brings more depth to Aemond's almost kinky dominance. Like, I never thought he would connect the experience to when Aegon forced him to the brothel. I don't think I ever thought about it like that - I never thought that he was "forced", so this just brings a new perspective.
But I really really have been thinking that his POV just makes me think he's a narcissist, because it just keeps sounding like he wants to only control Maera. There's no warmth or love to it, and I'm kinda worried that it's always been like that with him. If not, then I really wanna know how the transformation occurs from this selfish bitch to "I'm so angry she threw my ledger into the fire, but she demanded I don't get mad, so I will pull my shit together" Aemond.
Like always, though, I am mesmerised by your writing. 💕
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Hello! Let’s have a deep dive 🖤
A couple of POV chapters back we see Aemond’s experience in the brothel briefly as well as his relationship with sex moving forward like when he “uses” (as he phrased it) the maids in the castle.
I’d like to point out as well that in real like Aemond is a walking talking red flag 🚩 he is obsessive, possessive, controlling, jealous and domineering, which are all parts of his canon personality. A few chapters back in ODAM one of the characters mentions that they are unsure if Aemond actually is capable of loving; to which honestly I’m leaving up for speculation.
By today’s standards, do I think Aemond is displaying healthy tendencies? Absolutely not, not by a long shot. Do I think he loves Maera? From what he understands love to be, yes, I think he does. But his idea of affection is incredibly warped from all his trauma.
That’s why I love writing this so much! Nothing is black and white it’s all crazy and complex, just like people in real life 😊
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rush-the-stars · 2 months
If you still accept asks please elaborate on sub wolfwood 🙏 and if you want on that soft free use post but with vash and wolfwood 👀 you have so many great ideas!
anon i have been saving this until after i finished my lil sewing project and answered emails....i would love to elaborate on sub wolfwood and free use with vash and woflwood made me feel CRAAZYYYYYY. reading that i did psychic damage. also thank you!!! i am just blabbing away on this lil blog
cw: subbing, pet play mentioned, caning mentioned, slapping mentioned
okay okay. sub woflwood.
i just see wolfwood as being pretty experienced sexually? he's tried a lot. had his fair share of lovers. i think he's been a dom and a sub at various points. and overall he likes being a service dom or sub. he likes to please or if not please...be used? i think depending on your own experience does he get a lil bratty/mouthy....if you're more experienced, he likes to rile you up. challenges you a little. but i can see if you're a lil less experienced in domming, he may go easier for a bit, until you really find your confidence. and then he gets sorta mouthy. kinda a rope bunny as a sub lol. he wants to be tied up. likes to be roughed up a bit when he is being bratty. pulling his hair...a slap here and there...scratching...maybe a light caning...i don't think he's a huge masochist but i do think he can take a fair amount of pain which can make punishments interesting.
i also do think....maybe unknown to him at first....he would sorta like a touch of pet play. you call him a mutt or talk to him like a dog and he's sorta shocked when he gets so hard so fast. you could maybe escalate to a collar....leashes.....perhaps a muzzle. for some reason i always see that one as something he discovers with a reader lol or its a newer one for him lol
if i had infinite time and energy i would write the long exploratory character study d/s fic of my dreams with him. but alas.
okay now free use with vash and wolfwood 😵‍💫
i am. unwell. thinking about like maybe being close friends with them. and maybe you and wolfwood sometimes sleep together to relieve some stress.....mutual using. sometimes you use him more, sometimes he uses you more.
but wolfwood sees how vash looks at you...you know? i mean, who wouldn't look at you like that?
it's just that wolfwood...trusts vash.
and well. he knows you adore vash, too...and...you'd wanna help him out a little, wouldn't you? vash is so....touch starved? maybe a lil lonely in this way. so he sorta offers you up to vash? and vash at first is unsure and reluctant but. he can't really help himself when it comes to you.
and suddenly vash is babbling about how you feel so good and you're so good for him as wolfwood watches him use you. vash is inhuman...he has a lot of stamina...and you thought wolfwood had a lot....but vash is keyed up. he's pent up.
(wolfwood makes sure vash isn't too rough with you. tells him to ease up if he is....and vash really is a sweetheart beneath all the pent up lust. he does really adore you. maybe a little too much?)
and then it sorta becomes this thing? whenever one of you needs to let off some steam. i think vash would really like being used too.....of course he wants to be helpful smh.
and sometimes wolfwood just tells you to sit pretty and take it while the two of them do as they please. they're never mean about it...in fact, they're quite loving. shower you in praise. they always take care of you—clean you up after. feed you. bathe you.
(you sorta gotta be careful with them though.....they wouldn't be opposed to keeping you, always naked, in bed and waiting for them. vash especially. he feels so bad about it but....well. you'd certainly be safe in his bed all day, wouldn't you? why can't you let them take care of everything?)
its free use but they adore you.....you know
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emzbeez · 3 months
Just like heaven
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Notes-sorry if this is bad I haven’t wrote a fic since my Wattpad days and am kinda rusty please leave any recommendations in my asks:)I’m also trying to keep this gender neutral but there may be time so slip up and mention things that are afab related
Wait!what is this a funeral play some music!
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Could this get any worse?“Not only am I joining a new school after everyone’s settled all my friends are in different classes”You thought before slipping your timetable back into your blazer pocket.“Class 1-c”you muttered to yourself before finally arriving to the right door you take a breath before knocking on the door.“come in”Someone says from the other side of the door most likely the teacher. “Uhm hi I’m the new student?” You say kinda quietly. “Ah yes Y/N L/N correct?Okay then I guess you can introduce yourself!” The teacher says.
“Uhm hello I’m Y/N L/N and my quirk is uh..” You pause you were unsure how to explain your quirk has it was not as heroic as it could be.“my quirk is rituals I’m able to summon the dead and use them as protection or use their quirk for up to 20 minutes” You say getting a few looks from people now interested “okay Y/N thank you, you may now go take your seat in the empty chair at the back next to Hitoshi Shinso ”.You quickly make your way towards your seat wanting the attention off of you as soon as possible. You took your seat and tried to pay attention but the boy you were sat next to caught your eye, Hitoshi Shinso ay I’ll keep that in mind.
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OKAY GUYS HOW DID WE LIKE THAT I KNOW IT WAS SHORT BUT I REALLY WANTED TO START WRITING!!!Again add any thing you wanna see form this story in my asks and as always stay safe!
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Okay, I don't really know how to say this but I started writing a fic inspired by Dead Disco early on-ish? (Like chapter 5-6) I never thought I'd post it but as I've gotten close to finishing it I really wanna post it.
Problem is it's kinda similar to your fics Dead Disco and Simple Math (ghoap x reader, reader runs away at first chapter, reader lives on the run, reader is called 'hare' although im unsure on that) and i feel like i should ask you before i start posting it, I'm already sure on citing you as inspiration but i can call the fic a dead disco au if you want or edit certain part to your liking or if you don't wanna be associated with it i can do that too!
I really don't mean to pester but you're a author I respect and look up to a lot and I don't want disrespect your boundaries or cops your work. If you allow me to post it I'll put the side blog up and send you the link, have a nice day 🥰
I think you certainly should post it if it’s something you’ve worked hard on and want to post, I support you, as long as it’s not a direct copy. If you want to give me a little credit or a tag as inspo that would be really cool of you. Can’t wait to read it! 🩵 I am a little protective of Darling and her character so I would appreciate it if you didn’t call it a dead disco au. I am really honored that dead disco inspired you to start writing something of your own.
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 months
Hello there, I’m in genuine need of more fandom / online friends so like, if you also want more friends, here’s some info about me and maybe we can be friends? <3
My names Jay, I’ve recently picked it for myself (and then realised I could have possibly had an even cooler name Bo which is the shortened of my middle name and now im cursing myself for not realising it sooner and questioning weather or not to do a switch cause idk if Bo or Jay suits me better?!!). I’m 20 and FtM, and I go by he/they pronouns primarily but I also don’t mind if you use any others :)
I’m also Australian so yeah idk if that’s a selling point or not
Oh and I’m labelled as queer, I guess, but dude sexuality is confusing. I’ve recently been going down the aromantic / asexual spiral of questioning but I’m so unsure of everything I really suck at telling the difference between platonic and romantic feelings. I’m also somewhere in the sapphic spectrum I believe. So if you can relate to this mindfuck in any way that would also be rad.
I write fan fic for the Marauders Fandom (sirius is my everything and I’m also a tall sirius truther) and also Stranger Things but primarily Steddie for that tbh.
I’m also in the Good Omens fandom, as well as a few others more casually and don’t write fic for them :) recently I’ve been starting to watch JJK cause my best friend is really into it
My favorite two movies of all time are Rocky Horror Picture Show and Cars. That probably tells you a lot about me to be honest so do with that as you will :)
My favorite musicians are David Bowie at No. 1 (my lord and saviour), Maya Hawke, Hozier, Radiohead (im not a red flag I promise), Conan (I’m seeing him on fri wtf), ooo and I’ll add SOAD cause I’m really into them this month. But it’s ever changing really and there are too many to choose from, I’d say they’re my most listened to though :) I am chronically listening.
Uh I’m gonna spitball some more facts about me this is kinda hard:
I’m the eldest of 4 kids 💀 one of them is 5 years younger than me 💀💀 the other two are 6 years younger 💀💀💀 (I love them sm the annoying shitstarters)
I love to draw and make art but I suck at anatomy and colour theory it makes me want to rip my hair out (and I wanna be a fan artist so bad)
I’m attempting to learn bass but I also cannot commit to learning the bass (I blame my sibling for keeping it in their wardrobe so I forgoet it exists)
I am 90% sure I’m neurodivergent I just cannot really afford to get that diagnosis rn ya know?!
I did ballet & dance most of my life 🤯🤯 (now I’m a bartender and my old ballet teacher is a regular at the sailing club I work and now I look queer and cunty as hell and every time she sees me she just stares in disbelief and fake smiles it’s hilarious)
I still sleep with my childhood teddy :( I love her she is my one thing I would save in a fire. Her name is charlotte and she’s probably 3 years overdue for a bath but I love her
I’m fucking weird about stars - the shape not the astrology - like I love them. I see them and I get very excited and I draw them everywhere (you can probably tell off all my master lists, they all have stars drawn on the title strips 😭) I just really love them they’re so cute. I almost named myself Star actually
I’m a sagittarius. I don’t know what that means but I know it means a lot of things to people so hopefully it’s good things!
My favorite colour is green but more so earthy and cool greens. I love a good scrumptious yummy green, something mossy something sagey. I have a green wall in my room and it’s very nice to look at.
I lived abroad for a little bit as a teen in Vietnam which was amazing and I’m planning to move somewhere abroad again next year hopefully (seriously get me the hell out of SA)
My biggest dream / goal / career choice for most of my life was to be an actor but now I’m just kinda existing with no real drive or purpose in life. But I might pick acting back up now I’m becoming more comfy with myself and my gender :) my dream role is to play Frank from Rocky.
Uuuuuh that’s all I can think of :)
So yes, I hope I have appealed to your interests in one way or another. And if you’d maybe like to be friends please don’t hesitate to send me a message!
Maybe tell me a cool fact about yourself?
Or if you’re too shy to message first you could just add a random comment here or say something in the tags? I’ll message you! <3
Also if you have anymore questions I am trying to be a bit more of an open book, I love when people dive in with the nitty gritty so if you have strange questions I’ll probably be very excited to answer them lmao
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day random people in my phone I hope to befriend <333
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ancha-aus · 2 months
..hi :) Are these "Ask me soemething" privat or will it be on your account for everyone to see? I'm a little bit shy and doing this for the first time hehe..
Because I really wanna know how do you plan your Storys :3
is the Idea just born of one drapple..
Is it just one moment in this story you really wanna write and everything else comes on the way till there
or just based from a ship you wanna read
or you wanted to know what happend when you put all the charakters in a world you create..
(or you wanted to create a world where Nim is a great parent to drream and night..-ah this is ofcourse not a hint that i plan to write to and need a little bit of guidence for the very beginnig. I have many ideas but unsure ..^^")
..äh that was all.. for now ..NO!
Did you make a checklist for everthing to happend (becuase that did i now) or create the world first or decided who will play a role?
Is this not the same like above?... ah.. Better go now.
Thank you^^
They are open and will be visible for everyone as... euh... you can see. hihi.
At least the way i answer them now. but if you ever feel nervous about being seen and stuff you can press a button that is pretty much ask as anon. (also if you want this deleted after you read the answers just let me know okay? I cna always just make a new post with just the answers and without your name or anything :) )
As for your answers? A bit of everything.
For me personally it depends very heavily on what story i make. Ancients and Champions started purely because i wanted to see more fics with SansXNightmareXError. Turns out I tend to write slowburns and I ended up needing a plot of somekind. I picked the stars as antagonists because it fit and it was easy to go from there. Eventually it grew as i got more ideas for characters and lore bits came to me with other ideas.
Remember, that story? I wrote for it for over a year before i even started uploading it. It was my little project that i just kept playing with and changing things with. It may seem like i started with a goal but i didn't. It was a process of "oh this would be fun." or "ooooh I had a great idea for a scene!" how i went from plotpoint to plotpoint? I just kinda... let the characters interact. The more you write a character the better you get to know their like 'voice' and thoughts. It becomes easier.
And well... even a bad story can work as long as you have good characters :) It is why we love fanfiction to begin with. we love the characters.
As for how I go about world building? I build what i need. I know, sounds strange coming from me with my lore and everything. But in the end... the characters only know so much. I create what they would realistically know. Why would i figure out the whole line of government of a neightbouring country? When my characters would never use it or mention it? As for how i do world building. I just do what makes sense to me. I spend some time thinking about it and use that.
That is another thing that may surprise you. I spend a lot of time just thinking and daydreaming about my stories. even more time than i actually spend writing it. This does have as result in know my things rather well. (though i still have a cheat sheet for my BIG fic. just with a few years and numbers in case i forget)
the other way around. Real Age Au. That is just a drabble series. it means i get an idea and just kinda. write. I don't worry about the over arching plot too much. I write a scene i want to write and call it a day.
The main point of all of my writing? I am playing. and I treat it as playing. I am playing with the characters and see how they react and how that progresses. I start a scene to play it out. I make a world and see how the characters react/change.
It is all about having fun and playing. That is why i can keep up with all the stories i have and ideas i have. because i still see it as playing :)
hihi. as for your little last point? :3 Well. You already have the most important part. You have the fact you want Nim to be a great mother to Dream and Nightmare. It means you have three interesting characters with personalities. and you have the main bond between them. a parent who loves her two sons and, as a great mother, would protect them.
That is your main point at the moment. that is your starting building block. That dynamic. and that can give you nim's main goal, being a good parent for her sons.
From there? You jsut start throwing stuff at the idea and see what happens. You have the villagers who are always a great antagonist, espeically if you want to write baby dream and baby nightmare and protective single mother nim.
You have the bigger universe if you want to use adult dream and nightmare.
It all depends on what idea you want to play with. and it is perfectly okay to only want to write for yourself. Hell knows I wrote Ancients and champions for myself and at first dind't even have the plan to post it.
I have finished two more stories which i do plan on posting but i am also writing another one i may never post.
RealAgeAU as a whole is just drabbles. my playing with prompts and ideas.
hihihi sorry. this got long so i will quickly answer the last part.
Did i write a checklist? Nah. at most i wrote tiny bullet points with random ideas.
I cna give you one tip though! to make it easy to keep a going an have an aim. If you want a longer story with multiple arcs and stuff. never finish a storyline before starting a new one.
example: The goal of the group is to find a gem. setting: in the cave of the gem they meet a mysterious stranger that speaks in riddles before disappearing. next: they find the gem.
What now? They foudn the gem? ... well... you set up a new start. a new mystery to explore.
That is how i made my story keep flowing. I tried to introduce or hint at new important characters or aims before i finished up the arc i was writing on.
This may be a bit hard to get down or come easy :) Matter of practising and feeling out what feels right to you :)
I will shut up now but if you have anymore questions i will try to help!
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mooodyblue · 1 year
What about a fic with little!reader watching agent elvis or lilo and Stich and he’s like “it’s Elvie daddy! Elvie!” Or when Stich dresses up as elvis she’s like “daddy..?why is elvie blue”
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i am soooo sorry this took so long!!! i hope you enjoy! 🫶🏼 wanted to give this movie a rewatch before i finished writing which is why it took forever LOL
warnings: time traveler!elvis
wc: 789
nothing could have prepared you for the day you came home to elvis presley looking at the massive pile of squishmallows on your bed, muttering and examining each one closely, even admiring the blue, stitch one dressed as the man himself. “what's this weird blue alien?”
it took nearly an hour for him to convince you that he was indeed, elvis. not an impersonator, not this austin butler that you had shown him on your electronic, rectangle device that he now knows is a cell phone. you cried for an embarrassingly long time and honestly, elvis didn't really know what to do except pat you on the pack. growing up loving and finding comfort in elvis, this was a lot for you to take in, but you began to enjoy your time with him overtime. the both of you were still unsure how elvis made his way to you, but never questioned it.
he learned a lot about you, including your age regression. he thought it was sweet and couldn't wait to actually take care of you, immediately agreeing to become your caretaker.
one day, as he was organizing your plushie collection, he came across that same stitch plush, picking it up and padding over to you with it in his hand. “what is this thing? why's he dressed like me?”
you looked up from the couch, turning to face him. “oh, that's stitch from lilo and stitch. he's an alien.”
he looked at it closer, “stitch, huh?”
then an idea popped up in your head, holding your hands out for it. “gimme.” elvis chuckled and handed it to you. “let's watch it! pleaseeee?”
he looked back at the pile of plushies still on your floor, practically begging to be put back on the bed then back at your puppy dog eyes. finally giving in, he sighed. “alright, fine. but you gotta help pick up your friends from the floor afterwards.”
you clapped happily, pulling his arm to sit him next to you, handing him the remote. “now how do you work this thing…” he muttered, pressing on the buttons till he finally managed to pull up the movie.
the first time he was mentioned in the movie, he couldn't believe it. there was something so comforting to him knowing how people never had never forgotten him after so long and now he's in a disney movie? he grinned at you as you hummed along to heartbreak hotel, kicking your feet on the couch as he draped an arm around your shoulder.
“do you wanna listen to the king?”
elvis chuckled, “my god.” he was almost more into the movie than you were. completely fascinated with lilo teaching stitch how to be elvis.
you gasped as stitch dressed as elvis himself appeared on screen, pointing at the screen and shaking elvis’s arm. “daddy’s blue!”
“who do you think did it better? me or stitch?” elvis asked, raising an eyebrow. “i ain't no blue alien but boy, he can move!”
“hmm…” you looked at elvis and then back at the screen. “i kinda like elvie more….”
he tickled your side, “correct!” he cheered as you let out small giggles.
as the movie went on, he didn't realize how sad it was. “that blue guy is kinda a little shit, ain't he?” he asked to try and get you to cheer up, only to be hit in the shoulder and told to watch his language. of course, it was a disney movie–how sad could it get?
he snaked an arm around you, squeezing your shoulder and placing a kiss to your temple. the situation almost reminded you of elvis, you were always afraid that he'd leave one day. you didn't want to be alone and elvis was truly a huge part of your life now. he noticed you chewing on one of your nails as your eyes got glossy, too focused in your own thoughts and the movie. elvis noticed immediately and used his other hand to take your hand away from your mouth. “baby, daddy ain't goin’ nowhere. i promise.”
you looked up at him, “really?”
“‘course. it's just a movie after all. i’m afraid you're stuck with lil’ old elvie forever.” he smiled.
by the time the ending credits ran, elvis was the only one still watching as you fell asleep on his shoulder, snoring softly. he moved as carefully as he could before shutting off the movie and getting up. he picked you up and brought you to your bed, tucking you in and shaking his head at the array of plushies still on the floor. “you're lucky i love you.” he whispered to you before pressing his lips to your forehead, letting you sleep for the night.
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1ivinqdeadqir1 · 2 years
Your writing is just *chefs kiss* it's so immersive and good!!! Anyway, can you do headcanons of Nacho x reader (Jo & Amber are out of the picture) who's a college/PhD student that works VERY late into the night because they have trouble stopping themselves from working?
"Just 10 more minutes" then it becomes 1 hour lol
And it's kinda unhealthy esp since they have to wake up for morning classes
Idk your rules or if you do headcanons, so if you don't, feel free to write a scenario instead!
Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Varga x Reader 
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Ignacio 'Nacho' Varga x PhD!student reader HCs Request:
A/N: this was so fun to write, I'm going to write a few fics for nacho whilst I have the muse for him, so please send some soft, angsty, or even smutty requests in via the inbox and I'll check them out!!
First off, Nacho finds it cool how you’re a PhD student. When you first met, he asked you a few questions about it
You thought it was pretty strange, you were only at Manuel Varga's store to have the interior of your car fixed up… 
Though Ignacio was nice enough, and you had to admit very handsome 
He admires your dedication, he thinks it’s amazing how you manage to put so much work into something (this is, of course, before you’re dating and before he finds out how excessive work is)
You probably start as friends to begin, though I can imagine he’d ask you out as soon as the time was right. 
"Uh, when you’re free do you wanna go for a drink maybe?" 
You were silent. 
At first, he thought he’d screwed it, because of how quiet you were.
But he couldn’t have been more wrong. 
"I’m sorry- I know it’s- I shouldn’t have asked-"
"I’d love to go for a drink with you, Ignacio…"
A few months later, when you’re properly dating and an established couple, things begin to change. 
you spend more time at his home, staying overnight to keep him company (and for sus reasons… obviously) 
You usually watch movies, though recently you’ve been more and more invested in your work and it’s taking away from the time you have together 
That was a concern for him at first, but you always reassured him and made sure to make it up one way or another 
It was all fine until it started affecting your health. 
Recently, you've been sleeping a maximum of 3 hours.
You’d go to bed at 3 am and wake up at 6 to prepare yourself for your classes 
He’d grown more uneasy, noticing how you began to dissociate yourself and fall asleep wherever you could. 
He’d one time caught you in the bath half asleep, so he quickly helped you out and lay you in bed- only to then find you awake at your computer with a cup of coffee 45 minutes later
Now, we are at the present day... 
 He comes home, tired after another long and exhausting day. He feels like he’s going to pass out, but he doesn’t 
He walks into the small office you’d both set up, it wasn’t anything fancy, just something quaint that’d make it easier to revise 
Nacho sometimes regretted giving you the office, maybe then you’d sleep more
He finds you at the desk, hunched over a book and taking notes
You were so absorbed in your work that you hadn’t even heard him enter
“Baby, it’s 4 am” 
You’d turn and look at him, unsure of what to say- it probably takes you a minute to fully comprehend what he’d just said 
“Yeah, I know… I’ll be in bed soon, just another hour, okay?” 
He’d hum, frown and walk over to hug you from behind your chair, pressing a few sweet kisses to your collarbone and the top of your head. 
“I’m serious, you haven't slept properly in days, mija… “ 
You’d always deny it, but he was right. It was ironic how you’d be training for a doctorate and have your boyfriend school you on when to sleep
“I know… but I promise I won’t be long- look I’ll even set alarm”
He’d say goodnight, run his hands through your hair and then go straight to bed 
At about 6 am he hears an alarm 
he’s a bit freaked out at first, 
Though calms down when he finally recognises where it’s coming from 
He’d walk into the small office and find you lying atop the expensive wooden desk with your arms folded. 
He’d turn off the alarm and pick you up 
He’d then tuck you into your bed, lingering for a moment, his fingers brushing your hair from your face. He loved the feeling of your warmth
He loved to watch as your chest rose and fell at intakes of breath. 
Anything human served as a reminder that this was real and he wasn’t living out some elaborate fantasy 
After turning off all the electronics in the converted office area, he’d head back to bed and crawl beside you
You who are now fast asleep 
IDC what you say nacho is the best cuddler going. 
you wake up at about 12 pm 
At first, you're worried that you’ll miss a class- but then you remember your lecture was cancelled for today, and you breathe for a minute
Nacho is asleep beside you, an arm draped loosely over your body. You smile and shuffle closer to him, 
You trace the pad of your finger slowly from the bridge of his nose to the tip a few times
He’d always found that soothing
After about five minutes he slowly wakes up, opening his eyes to meet yours 
You smile and press a kiss to his lips 
“Buenas Dias, sleepy” he’d say, as you yawn into your hand and nuzzle into the crook of his neck
“Good morning to you, too”
You’d get up to move, but he’d hold you down and pull you closer by your waist
“Stay for a while longer baby… you’ve been working too hard you’re going to make yourself sick”
You’d just sigh and press your lips to his cheek
“I told you I’m fine Ignacio, honestly… you don’t have to worry”
“You’ve been sleeping less, eating less because of it- you’re the smartest person I know, y/n”
You’d just stare at him with your bright eyes, and he’d sigh similarly to how you had earlier 
“What I’m trying to say is I love you, but you need to know that you’re overworking yourself, you don’t need to overwork yourself the way that you do”
You’d just hum, eyes already becoming heavy just from talking, he probably is right 
“Alright… I’ll take it easy.. for you” 
“not just for me, for you, okay?”
You nod, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head. You place your hands on his chest and kiss him quickly
He tries not to smile like a lovesick idiot but he does 
“Now go back to sleep, we can order takeout later if you want- watch that movie you’ve been wanting to see”
“Alright… Goodnight nacho”
“Sleep tight, kiddo”
A/N: I'd die for him.
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spinjitsuburst · 11 months
OH I’m SO here to ask questions!!!!
(Any of what you’ve written)
16. Is there any written scene that you think about a lot?
18. How many chapters do you plan to write ahead before publishing?
22. Will this fic include more angst or more fluff?
Because of my severe Skybound problems. (And some rather horrifying Cm fanart I saw.)
7 What are your plans for Nadakhan?
And maybe along the same lines.
9. Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing?
Pushing it with a lot of questions but if you like answering. I have quite a few of my own.
fic ask game!
16. Is there any written scene that you think about a lot?
Gonna go ahead and answer with a not-Cabinet Man one cuz the other questions are about cabinet man HAJSHDKH
In the Bruiseshipping fic I’m working on I wrote this moment that’s lived rent free in my skull I love gay people
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Cabinet Man questions!
18. How many chapters do you plan to write ahead before publishing?
Quite a lot! I at least want to get through most of the initial Prime Empire stuff, and start planning/writing snippets of other arcs as well. I’ve had this AU bouncing around in my skull for so long (coming up on a year now??) that I really want to put a lot of time and thought into it before I start posting it!
Also I’m. Very shy shdkdhdkdh so I wanna make sure everything’s good for my own sanity
22. Will this fic include more fluff or angst?
I think it’ll be a healthy mix! I myself am a huge angst enjoyer so it will have it’s moments but I like when a fic has those moments balanced well with fluff, character relationship moments, positive character development, etc. Plus not everyone enjoys a ton of angst and I want it to be accessible for people who want silly fun times as well!
7. What are your plans for Nadakhan?
As always:
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On a serious note though, I’m gonna be reworking him a bit so he’s actually. Well written. I hate hate haaaaate the forced marriage plot and think it’s kinda really stupid so his motivations for everything are going to be more “you destroyed my home realm you fucks” as to why he ends up going after the ninja
Also in my opinion he goes from “interesting villain with a compelling backstory” to “one note creep” really fast in the show so HDKDHDKHF he’s getting an overhaul for my own sanity
Me aggressively rewriting Skybound like I can fix it I can FIX it
9. Is there anything in the fic you’re not excited about writing?
A lot actually and most of it is because I still have to plan everything out HAKAHSKSH
My biggest issue right now is figuring out how to balance the seasons that won’t have a ton of changes in their actual events. Like Hands of Time happens pretty much the same as canon and I’m unsure of exactly how to make that interesting without just rewriting everything. I’m having a similar issue with most of the Ice Chapter of Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu and the Oni trilogy. I’ll figure it out but I’m not looking forward to actually trying to write that stuff out haha
There’s enough stuff I AM excited to write that outweighs that though!! It gets me motivated to write even the things that I’m not looking forward to as much
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letstrywritingmaybe · 5 months
I fell asleep so the chapter is only maybe halfway done. I have to write the rest hopefully today but I also kinda don’t wanna… but I have a very sweet commenter who commented on every chapter, so for that reason I will get it done. I was so surprised getting all these notifications at work, they made me smile <3
Also gotta brainstorm for CoAi week cause I’m still not set. Also need to finally write labyrinth for midnights. Speaking of, sorta, I love when people tell me they listen to songs because of me!!!! I got someone to listen to folklore!!! I’m so honored cause that was in the beginning stages of my writing and I just adore song fics. I still say it’s the most CoAi album out of the ones Tay has put out. I love people who comment on “older” fics, I do the same thing! There’s no such thing as commenting too late! Now that I write, I know how much it means, but even as a reader I had to gush and tell the author how much it made me feel! I still go back and reread fics (that I should really bookmark now that I actually use my account… I’ll have to dedicate a day to doing this)
Update: originally in my mind this was slightly softer… but that didn’t pan out. Not that it was very soft to begin with but still
Update 2: watching hockey cause of course I am. But since my team isn’t playing I’m only half paying attention. It makes me want to write my hockey verse *sigh we don’t have time for this
Update 3: somehow got roped into watching the justice league cartoon with the flash and crisis or whatnot and I’m reminded that I never shipped WestAllen they’re too canon ship coded for me to like them and I’m like ugh. But the good news is I’m done with the next chapter of the fake dating fic and have started labyrinth. But I’m still unsure over CoAi week prompts *sigh
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blackypanther9 · 10 months
Hey are you ever gonna do Marvel stuff again?
And are you ever gonna open requests again?
You don't really write stuff like you used to and I think we all really miss that, fanfiction has kinda just become lackluster (not yours I'm talking in general) lately there's barely any fanfiction for anyone except female readers and most people don't write stuff the way u do.
I miss that stuff so much...
I understand this is ur blog and you can write whatever you want and stuff but I just wanted to ask and let you know that we miss it.
Sorry for bothering you. Have a good day.
Hi there!
I am unsure. I DO have some old Marvel Loki x Reader stuff BUT I am barely home to look it over to be honest and usually I am happy that I can kick out at least SOMETHING. I am mentally also not very okay, still in slight depression. I am still just going with the flow of how I am feeling and just write about characters I just feel like to write about. I have more favourite stuff to write about than Marvel and I wrote Marvel for quite a while. On top of all this I am trying very hard to work ahead of many Fanfics I do right now, because we are planning on moving to my cat soon, so I will be offline for a long while soon. It is planned that we will move on Janurary. It is also snowing a lot, so we have to drive to my cat, take care of her and then shove a lot of snow away (it is -6°C here). And in the house I have no internet whatsoever.
My life is not very easy at the moment, I mean I am pretty silent for a while now, because of all of this. I am way more busy than I used to and I just KNOW that it won't change for a while. I have no clue when I will be back online after we moved, I have no clue if I write Marvel soon again, I have no clue when I will feel better again and I have no clue of what might happen 2024.
Sadly my Tumblr blog is not my life. QvQ
I am already looking of what I can do and I am planning to continue two books, that I didn't find all that cringe of my Marvel stuff, but because of lack of time and my mental health, I am slow.
I hope that answered everything. ^^
I am not angry. Sorry I replied so late I didn't get proper sleep this whole week, so f me... TvT
I understand it is frustrating to only see fem!Reader x Male!Character Fanfics. My consolation. TvT I see that with the new William Afton x Reader fics too. There just aren't many that do this whole stuff anymore. Q-Q
So imma leave now. ^^ Bb. Feel free to ask more, if you wanna.
Have a good day/evening. ^^
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bl00dlight · 3 months
Requests I don't write for;
- modern au (I write strictly only within GRRM's canon world)
-HOTD actors (I'm of an age where that feels objectively kinda invasive)
-strong niece oc/reader (oversaturated, bores me.)
-baratheon/tyrell/noble house self insert (oversaturated but i'll do a lannister, just ask.)
-Aemond + Lucerys pairings (yall weird for that. sorry bout it)
-MxM pairings (I'm not a gay man, so I you know, I wouldn't know the first thing about mxm relationships or pairings/ don't feel comfortable writing perspectives I can't accurately depict.)
-OOC (I'm a purist)
-pure tropes, no plot (there are people who can satisfy that urge of yalls better than me.)
-rape/violent sexual assualt that is fetishized. (any rape depictions I write will generally not be that of the glamorized sort. If there is rape, it is not smut. It will be depicted as what it truly is, abuse. And no I won't whitewash it by calling it non-con.)
I will try to get each request, or incorporate the ideas into future one shots. I am most interested in writing OCs and canon Aemond works. I personally prefer characterization over tropes and struggle writing trope-based works. I'm more lore focused (sorry I'm lowkey autistic I can't help it) and don't really know how to write fics that are blank self insert scenarios.
If you wanna request something but are unsure if my ass will write it, feel free to ask!
I do happily write for FxF relationships. As I myself, am half homo.
I would say minors DNI, but I can't stop you and... as someone who was a minor on the internet, I know that means nothing. So just don't bother me if something is uncomfortable in any of my works, I am in my early 20s and write content targeted at people over 18+. Read at your own discretion. I'm not your mother or the police. I do not care. So no, just know that I am expecting to engage with adults and will post as such.
Adding on to that, obviously any requests that ask for me to write 18+ content to do with child characters. I'm like obviously not going to write that shit. I shouldn't have to say that. But just in case someone needs it said. And I'll just delete it if you ask.
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