#I want to speak German but I don’t want to learn it
cosmictap · 3 months
On a mission to be Mr Worldwide (know how to speak languages that aren’t English)
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alright, followers who speak more Spanish than i do:
what (if anything) is the difference between la manteca and la mantequilla? google is telling me they both just mean “butter”, but no info on if it’s a colloquial thing, or dialect, regional, etc.
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Through sheer happenstance my beloved and I both speak German. They’re significantly more fluent than me, having done a year abroad and double majoring in it. But both of us have stories passed down to us of the hilarious cultural misunderstandings present in learning a new language.
One of my German teachers had also spent a year abroad. He had a good grasp of the language but not the nuance. So when he’d closed on his first apartment and his lady got him a good deal he said, “Oh mein Gott, ich liebe dich!” (“Oh my god, I love you!”)
Now in English I love you is a multi-use term applied to friends, family, and for emphasis that you’re very happy, like someone just got you your first apartment.
In German however that phrasing is very specifically romantic. Not even casually romantic, it’s Serious Love. Parents tell their kids “Ich habe dich gern” or “Ich habe dich lieb” (literally “I have you gladly” or “I have love for you”) rather than “Ich liebe dich.” (This is as it was explained to me, don’t @ me it was public school)
So this woman was horrified and creeped out that this strange man, who she was alone in a room with, had pulled the cultural equivalent of declaring his undying love for her and asking her to have his babies.
He was equally horrified to have made such a faux pas when he realized how upset she was and profusely apologized. She understood better when he explained he was American.
A silly bonus story was that in that class we pranked one of the girls into thinking “Baum” was slang for cool. It just means tree. She’d be like “Das ist so Baum!” (“That is so tree!”) It went on for a few months before the teacher corrected her.
The next story is one of my favorites. My beloved heard from her teacher of a woman who had hosted a German exchange student for a while. At one point the girl came up to the her host mom to ask, “Where can we go buy a rubber? My sister collects them.”
“A rubber? She collects them??”
“Yes, can we buy her one?”
The woman was shocked that her exchange student was asking for a condom. But, she told herself, cultural norms were different, and she knew that German teenagers were given more sexual freedom. So, trepidatious but determined, she drove the girl to a local sex shop.
The girl, in turn, was horrified when they arrived. Most German student learn British English instead of American English and they call erasers rubbers.
The translation error made her host mom think she was asking for condoms when she just wanted a cute eraser and they both ended up embarrassed, surrounded by dildos.
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pepsimaxolotl · 2 years
I might pick up Duolingo again in the new year and aim to do a full year streak
(I broke my last streak and stopped on the 31st of December 2021)
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Visit II
Fridolina Rolfö x Child!Reader
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You go to a Barcelona match
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With Momma and Morsa in Madrid and you in Barcelona, Frido takes you to one of her games. Or, her team’s game because she’s got a little injury that keeps her off the squad for the week so she sits up in the box with you.
It’s not your first time at one of moster Frido’s games but it’s your first time at a Barcelona game. You like the jersey, you decide. It’s blue which is a Not-Wolfsburg colour but it’s also got red and that’s an Arsenal colour. The badge is cool too and you decide that Arsenal can be your English team and Barcelona can be your Spanish team like how Wolfsburg is your German team and Linköping is your Swedish team because that’s where Momma and Morsa first met.
Moster Frido isn’t playing today so you wear an Ingrid jersey instead. She’s starting today and, strangely, so is Mapi. That confuses you a little but you figure with Frido injured that Barcelona don’t have enough defenders to go around.
“It’s nice that Ingrid lets Mapi play with her,” You say as the whistle blows for the first half to begin,” Ingrid’s a good girlfriend.”
Frido laughs. “Don’t ever change, little monster,” She says. You don’t understand what’s funny but you assume it’s an adult thing that you’re still too little to know about.
Barcelona, you think, are much better than Arsenal. Not that Arsenal isn’t good but Barcelona is a lot more organised. They always know where each other are and they’re playing this first half like they actually know how to play football rather than having to settle into it like Arsenal do.
You cheer when Mapi passes the ball off to Ingrid, who weaves through the other team and passes it off to someone else. You don’t really remember much about the Barcelona team from the final against Not-Wolfsburg, not really. You don’t really know the players well but you know you’ll learn.
You’re good at learning. Morsa says it’s a good skill to have.
The person in goal is called Paños and you mark that in your brain because she’s very good. You prefer Zećira obviously but you think v is really good too and you want to watch a few more matches with her.
Barcelona scores while you think about it, some girl with Guijarro on her back.
The crowd goes wild, as does another little girl in the box. She’s wearing a Guijarro jersey like how you’re wearing an Engen one. She goes absolutely crazy. She waves a little flag and jumps up and down in joy.
“That’s little Nat,” Moster Frido says in her ear,” She’s Patri’s cousin.”
“Who’s Patri?”
Frido laughs. “The girl who just scored.”
Little Nat, as moster Frido calls her, keeps cheering and jumping around. You smile at that. That’s how you react when Momma scores.
“Do you want to go say hi?” Frido asks you and you think about it for a moment.
You could go say hi but you just move a bit closer to Frido, suddenly feeling shy. “I don’t speak Spanish,” You whisper to her.
“That’s okay,” She says,” Little Nat speaks some English too. She’s very nice.”
You think about it again but the shy feeling doesn’t go away. “Maybe later.”
“Okay,” Frido says,” Later then.”
You settle more firmly at her side, though your eyes track Little Nat all the way back to her seat. You think, if you were a little braver and you spoke Spanish, you would talk to her. But you’re shy and you don’t speak Spanish so you don’t.
You focus back on the match and watch as Mapi makes a very good save for someone that doesn’t play football. It’s nice that she’s come out to support Ingrid and is on the pitch even though her job is to get tattoos and be a good girlfriend.
Every time you tell Frido that, she laughs and cuddles you nice and close in amusement.
The match ends with a very impressive score line for Barcelona and you cheer like everyone else when it’s over.
Frido takes you down onto the pitch.
Little Nat from earlier is there too, with her parents – though she abandons them to sprint to her cousin who scored the goal earlier.
You end up with Mapi and Ingrid. “Hi, Ingrid! Hi, Mapi!” You chirp, giving them both big hugs.
“Is that my jersey?” Ingrid teases and you nod.
“Uh-huh! It’s so cool! I like Barcelona.”
“That’s great!” Ingrid high fives you and you giggle.
You turn to Mapi. “It’s nice that Ingrid let you play with her. Say thank you, Mapi.”
“Ingrid didn’t let me play with her!” Mapi says,” This is my job! I play football!”
You give her a weird look. “Playing in the park isn’t the same as playing on the pitch,” You tell her,” But you’re a very good girlfriend for helping Ingrid on the pitch today. If you keep practicing really hard then maybe you can join a proper team one day too.”
“Guys!” Mapi complains,” Come on, help me out here! Tell her I’m a footballer!”
Ingrid and Frido are too busy laughing at Mapi’s outrage to help her out.
You’re insistent on your view that Mapi exists to get tattoos and be Ingrid’s girlfriend. There’s no way she’s a footballer and you refuse to accept any other alternative except maybe that her job is feeding the stray cats in the neighbourhood. That could be her job too.
Her cat, Bagheera, is very sweet. You think you might want a cat when you’re older though you think you also want a puppy too. You don’t know if they can live in the same house but you hope so because you like both cats and dogs.
You know Morsa doesn’t want any pets right now but you do so you’ll try to convince her to let you have a pet when you go back to London. That gives you enough time to think of a plan to convince her.
“Hey,” Mapi says,” Did you go and talk to Little Nat during the match? I think you’d really get on with her.”
You shake your head. You spare a glance over your shoulder at her. She’s on her feet now, her cousin having put her down but still keeps holding her hand. She’s staring back at you with a smile and waves.
You wave back to be polite but still feel a little shy and duck to hide behind Frido’s legs.
“Someone's a little shy,” Frido says to Mapi, looking down at you,” But that’s okay. I’m sure they can make friends another time.”
(You never get to make friends with Little Nat as a child but, one day, you make a girlfriend and then a wife of Talia).
“Next time then,” Mapi says,” I’m serious. I think you and Little Nat will be great friends one day.”
You peak out from Frido’s legs.
Little Nat is still looking at you. She waves again and you wave back before you spot someone off to the side.
You gasp and grab Frido’s hand, pulling her with you.
“It’s Caro!”
Caro is standing by the water cooler, drinking from a bottle but she turns at the sound of her name. She spots Frido, who indicates downwards to where you’re dragging her over.
Caro lets a small smile appear on her face and she drops into a crouch right as you barrel into her arms. There’s something about you being older now that puts Caro at ease. She remembers when you were just a tiny baby and how scared she was to drop you.
It’s harder to drop you now and Caro’s much more comfortable. Her arms wrap around your little body and you hug her back so tightly that she’s a little shocked at how much strength is in your tiny body.
“Hi, Caro!” You say, panting from how quickly you go to her side.
“Hello, y/n.”
“You played so good!” You tell her,” Just like at Wolfsburg! You score so much! You’re so cool, Caro!” You chatter on and on about Caro’s two earlier goals.
Caro nods along to you and Frido only pulls you away when you start yawning, completely shattered by your long day in the sun.
“Alright, little monster,” She says,” Say goodbye to Caro then we’ll say bye to Ingrid and Mapi. We need to head home.”
You whine but do as you’re told, giving a hug to Caro before running off to do the same with Ingrid and Mapi.
You’re practically asleep by the time Frido straps you into your car seat. You keep yawning and your head lulls to the side. It’s adorable and Frido snaps a quick picture, sending it off to Pernille and Magda, who she knows are eagerly awaiting an update from her after the game.
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Comfort, Kurt Wagner
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Word Count: 1k~
Disclaimers: nightmares, Kurt speaks with a German accent like he does in the movies.
One thing I have learned about Kurt is that he is a very touchy person. He's not touchy as in moody, no, he's touchy as in he constantly wants to be touching me. There's nothing wrong with it, but it does scare me sometimes when I feel his tail wrap around my leg out of no where or when he randomly teleports behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He's good at unintentionally scaring me, but unfortunately, he also gets scared when I get scared at the same time.
Tonight is a good example of this. Usually, I sleep soundlessly without something disrupting me. However, for some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason until a puff of blue smoke with a man in it appeared in front of me suddenly. Of course, like usual, I screamed in surprise, causing Kurt to accidentally teleport again and land on the floor a few feet away with a thud.
"Kurt!" I scold him, turning on the lamp beside my bed. Turning back toward him, I watch as he quickly stands up with a small stumble. Looking over at me, he smiles. How could this boy still be happy when he nearly hurt himself mere moments ago?
"Hi, lovely," Kurt greets me, walking closer to the bed. His pajamas are wrinkled beyond measure and his hair is pointing in every direction possible. "Have you slept vell?"
Glancing toward the clock, my eyes widen. "It's four am, Kurt," I point out, looking back at him to see his eyes cast away from mine as his smile disappears into thin air. "What are you doing up at this time?"
"I-I know it's early," Kurt admits, his voice low and fragile. Rubbing his arm nervously, Kurt continues pointing his yellow eyes away from me and onto the hardwood floor of my room. "I just had a bad dream, and I knew I-I could come to you," he adds, making me stare at him with concern.
"What'd you have a bad dream about, love?" I ask Kurt, watching him shake his head with his eyes now closed. He’s never one to come running after a dream, so I know something has to be bothering him. Kurt is quiet, yes, but when he comes to me seeking comfort, he's usually open to talking to me. This time seems to be different.
"Kurt," I address him, watching his eyes flash back to me in the moonlight. I hold my arms out toward him, giving him a small smile and nod as I know exactly what he wants. "Come on."
As soon as the last words leave my lips, Kurt immediately pulls back my (f/c) comforter and crawls in, curling up within my arms like a cat. Nuzzled close to my chest, his entire body hides underneath the covers while his hands played the ends of my sweater, his tail having a mind of its own as it wraps around my leg. "I vould prefer it ve shared a room together like Scott and Jean," He shyly confesses, causing me to smile.
"If that's something you want, I don't see why we can't have it," I tell him, watching as he quickly pokes his head out from underneath my (f/c) comforter.
"Is zhat truly something you vould like, dove?" Kurt asks, staring up at me with questioning eyes.
Once again, I smile before moving his dark away from his face. "I would love it, Kurt," I admit, too tired to even feel embarrassed at my confession. "Now, are you going to tell me what your nightmare was?"
In response to my question, Kurt looks away before gently lying his head on the pillow next to mine, a soft sigh falling from his lips. "You vere attacked in your room," he states, "a-and I teleported as fast as I could to get in here, but I couldn't help you in time and I couldn't... I couldn't save you," He shamefully admits, making me hold him closer to me. Kurt's voice gives away his distress, and it pains me to hear it.
"I can't bear to lose you, (Y/n)," He adds on, one of his blue hands rising from underneath the covers to wipe away a fallen tear. However, before he can, I gently swipe my hand against his cheek, making a tiny smile spread across his lips. "I've been zhinking about us moving into zhe same room for a vhile now, but I didn't know if you vould vant zhat too," in my arms, he lightly shrugs. "I vant to be able to protect you vhenever I can, and I guess my vorries got zhe best of me tonight."
Leaning down, I place a kiss to Kurt's forehead before nuzzling my nose against his. "My room is big enough for us both - we can start moving your stuff in the morning?" I suggest, gaining an even bigger smile from Kurt as he leans forward to kiss me.
"That sounds vonderful, dove!" He almost shouts, causing me to laugh as I gently place my hand over his mouth to lower his voice. Noticing his sudden burst of excitement, Kurt grows a little embarrassed, but continues on. "You mean you vouldn't have a problem vith me living vith you?"
I shake my head at his question, still smiling. "Of course not, baby," I assure him before turning on my other side to press my back against his chest. Kurt quickly takes the chance to move his arms around my waist and hold me close, his tail moving to wrap around my stomach at the same time. "Now, go back to sleep. May I remind you that you woke me up at four in the morning?"
"Of course, mein liebling," Kurt murmurs, leaning over and kissing my cheek. Even after he removes his lips from my skin, I still see him leaning above me as he gazes down at me with a soft, almost peaceful expression. "Please, do go to sleep, and I will be here when you awake."
With his words, I close my eyes and fall into slumber shortly afterward, but not before smiling to myself as the thought of falling asleep like this every night brings happy butterflies to my stomach. I'm in the arms of the man I love who holds me close to him with no intent on letting me go - what more can anybody ask for?
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astonmartingf · 6 months
mark webber x rbr race engineer! reader
. . . fuck sebastian vettel and fuck his goddamn race engineer who he can't help but think about all the time. he's bitter, jealous and in misery.
amgf finally i've moved everything 🎉 yay! everybody cheered!! i'm so happy and excited, i'm going home for the week and i'm writing the heck out of that alo fic and doab will be finally over 🫠🫠🫠
death of a bachelor ; masterlist
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With the way the Australian was acting one would say he’s bitter. Fighting the urge to roll his eyes every time you laughed at something Seb said, which wasn’t even that funny. Maybe you were trying to be civil, but Mark wasn’t having any of it. 
Not only was he fighting for his seat in Red Bull, with the addition of a newer and younger driver he was about to be replaced. The team finally made a car competitive enough to race for podiums, but instead of attacking for points he’s left behind the dust of his teammate Sebastian Vettel.
YN who was now assigned to Vettel- are not only starting to form a better relationship, but also score more points. Not that YN nor Vettel was to blame, the sport is already complicated in a way with changes and upgrades, not everything is constant. 
And as much as Webber wanted to work with you, with how things are looking it’ll be better with both of you to do different things. You were Vettel's race engineer, and he stuck as the second driver.
He can’t seem to pinpoint the root of his frustrations, but every time he hears your voice in the background of the team radio, talking and congratulating the fuck out of Sebastian and his pole position, he turns into this miserable monster who wants nothing but to silence you.
This of course hasn’t got unnoticed by the younger German driver who was observant, nosy, and attached to you by the hip. It seemed like wherever you go, Sebastian would follow like a lost puppy on the track. 
Which only irked the driver more, adding to the long list of unexplained frustrations in his head, eating him up. “You know, with how much you’re frowning, it’s shocking it hasn't formed into a unibrow yet.” 
Mark glanced up to see the one and only Sebastian Vettel with a goddamn awful smirk plastered on his face. Clearly he knows what’s up, rolling his eyes as the Australian raised his middle finger in front of the younger driver.
An audible gasp left Sebastian’s mouth, “You shouldn’t do that to me, I can help you know-” teasing the older driver.
Raising his brows Mark pulled Sebastian closer to him, whispering in his ears, “I don’t need your help mate, now go on and annoy someone else.”
“So… I should just go talk with YN then.” 
The mention of your name whips his head back to Sebastian, smirking as if he caught him in action. Pressing his lips into a thin line, Sebastian nods, slowly putting two and two together.
“There is something going on with you two… YN had mentioned you a few times in our conversations.” 
Mark knew better than to react, there’s no way he knows. But the thought of you speaking about him, he couldn’t help his curious nature. Turning around slowly he could hear the German’s stifling laughter. “Spill it.”
“On second thought, I think it’s time for my debrief with YN. I guess you’ll have to figure it out next time.” Shrugging his shoulder, Sebastian walked the other way leaving Mark no time to chase him.
“For fucks sake… Get a grip Webber.”
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The only thing that developed from last year was his relationship with Sebastian, it boosted the morale of the team but more importantly it put him in conversations with YN. From a bystander’s view it’s embarrassing to see his efforts go to vain.
Especially with Sebastian’s new found knowledge, he teased the Australian often. This time he learned not to blame YN, hearing Seb talk about how you’re always busy prepping and forming strategies, as well as the pressure to perform in meetings.
He could barely catch you since you were all over the paddock, nose buried in different papers looking at data, triple checking results for Sebastian. On the way from the small set prepared for the DHL Fastest Lap Award he was shocked to see YN walking beside him.
“Congratulations on your award.” Mark froze, he had not expected this at all. He’d been looking for you, biding his time to form a conversation, yet here you were congratulating him.
“Are you looking for Seb?” Mark spoke without speaking, wincing at his reply- there were definitely better responses but why would he assume you’re looking for Seb after congratulating him.
“You don’t like talking to me much? Seb has been talking a lot about you, you’ve gotten quite close these past year.” Mark stayed silent, waiting for you to say anything more.
“But I’m not here for Seb, I came looking for you actually. You deserve that award, and many more. I guess I’m just proud of you.”
This revelation came as a surprise to Mark. Bewildered, he asked more about your statement. “I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t think I ever hated you Mark, if anything else- you should hate me.”
Brows furrowed in confusion, Mark was lost. But he knew he would get his answers soon, “Why would I hate you?”
Placing your hands deep in your pockets, slouching as the corners of your mouth form to a frown, “I disappointed you Mark. Though, I’m glad to see you winning now. You did it by yourself, and I know you will continue to do better.”
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It all happened too fast. In the corner of the pit wall you stare at the screen as you watch Sebastian overtake Mark, you froze. You wanted nothing more than to run and leave, but at the same time you were stuck in your seat like a deer in headlights.
Hearing the radio beep, Sebastian’s voice was drowning in your train of thoughts and in the background you picked up the voice of Mark speaking to his own engineer. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath before responding to Sebastian.
The whole situation is out of hand, and despite you not agreeing with his actions, you have to focus on your work that needs to be done and prioritized before anything else. Just like you always have.
At the end of the podium celebration you found yourself hiding inside the team garage away from both drivers, knowing fully well you couldn’t take the stress from it all. As much as winning with Sebastian felt good, not only for the team but for your career, it also brought out the worst parts of yourself.
You didn’t know you could be this calculative, greedy, and the hunger from wanting all the wins took a toll on you, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally had you drained. You felt miserable, and worst of all- you felt yourself to blame for what happened. 
All you wanted to do was run away, there was no longer a voice of reason- the sport became unenjoyable for you, and there was no longer hope for you to get back and enjoy the sport like you used to.
Sitting in silence, you jump at the sound of Mark’s voice muffled behind the door. “YN? Can I come in?”
“It’s okay to come in.” Your voice comes out thin, hiding your face in your arms. “Are they looking for me?” Peeking over, you catch Mark kneeling down beside you.
“Nah, they’re just cleaning up. Are you feeling okay? Do you want to talk about it?”
It took you a few years to approach Mark once again, blaming yourself for his past results. As a race engineer it was your responsibility to support and ensure the drivers of their performance. You worked hard behind the screens, drowning yourself in data in the hopes of finding ways to improve.
You sit in silence, slowly relaxing as you lean on Mark’s shoulders, “It’s not your fault you know, not now and definitely not before.” 
“How are you so sure of that?” 
Mark hummed in thought, “Because I spent all those years blaming myself as well, I thought I wasn’t capable of putting out results and when you were with Seb, I can see your genuine happiness whenever he’s winning. Something we never got to experience together, I think it’s unfortunate but it’s definitely not your fault. You should know that, I don’t blame you now.”
You nod to yourself, “You blamed me before? I’m glad to hear that, I was inexperienced and only had myself to blame.”
You feel Mark laugh as his shoulders rise and fall, “I definitely cursed you in my head more times when we were together, but I learned then. And look at us now, we’re definitely better than before.” 
“I’m sorry, Mark. I could’ve done more.” Pressing his lips, Mark nods to himself.
“I understand YN. I wouldn’t lie if I say I’m not flattered that you chose to support me, but don’t ignore Seb for too long.” 
“I’m not ignoring him at all, I just want space to think clearly.” You rise from his shoulders, facing him for the first time. Your eyes puffy from crying.
“And, what did you think about?” Mark asked, wiping the tears rolling from your eyes.
“I’m thinking of quitting after the season.”
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liked by aussiegrit, oscarpiastri, and 648,297 others
yourinstagram it's been a while in the paddock but good luck to our boy oscar <3
view 97,461 comments...
aussiegrit thank you for coming and for the nonstop support love ❤️
sebastianvettel let's meet up soon
yourinstagram sure seb, i miss you and hanna
user1 their boy oscar WOW
user2 why are you casually dropping this????
user3 i'm here from twitter and it's a mess
user4 i just read the webyn thread
user5 we're all here from twt???
oscarpiastri thank you so much for coming to see me!
yourinstagram good luck on your first race! we're proud of you
user6 yn left and came back as MOTHER!!!
user7 this is single handedly making me look forward for the 2023 season in the hopes of seeing mark and yn on the paddock
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
prefacing this by saying I have absolutely no information on this period of history, but Rome was sacked and ultimately destroyed by Germanic tribes.
And naturally, the first thing I thought of upon learning that was Invader!König X Roman Maiden!Reader. Similar to your story, I’m thinking he decides to take the Reader as a trophy of war similar to his comrades. You and plenty of other maidens are tied up, thrown across horseback or across shoulders, and dragged off back to Germania. Depending on how dark you want it, König could wait for his little prize to want his cock, or he could have no patience at all and fuck her as soon as he gets a chance. Of course, he’s still somewhat of a gentleman, he’ll make sure she enjoys it, but like it or not his cock’s going in her.
I think this is an opportunity to lean even further into the barbarian König idea, with varying levels of darkness.
Save me dark barbarian!König... 🖤💋
CW: dark content, noncon groping, noncon cuddling, fear of SA, König's idea of hot sex is problematic to say the least, reader's level of enthusiasm/consent is ambiguous
He doesn’t care about your delicate sensibilities or noble background, he’s here to bring your Empire down and your weak men to their knees. It’s about time someone burned Rome to the ground; no amount of foreign perfume can cover the smell of shit in these streets…
But he won’t say no to gold or jewels, they might some day decorate his future wife's neck and wrists perhaps. Neither will he ride homeward without a slave to keep him warm. He hasn’t had a woman in months, the only thing closest to a cunt has been his calloused fist and he’s grown tired of that, nothing can compare with the real deal so a soft little female is exactly what he needs to keep him company when he and his warriors return North.
Your options are either freezing to death or crawling inside this giant’s cloak when he holds it open for you come nightfall, the voyage to Germania bringing with it the first snow and cold winds straight from Hades. You have no option but to go to this man for some body heat, the low rumble in his chest resembling the pleased purr of some untamed beast as he envelops you in wool and a hungry embrace.
He never speaks to you, only talks with his hands that roam all over your body as you cling to him with clattering teeth. Examining the wideness of your hips, the plumpness of your ass and tits, he serves himself a handful and some pinches as if he’s sampling fruit at the marketplace. Rubs your nipples between the pad of his thumb and pointer until you flinch from pain, mutters something pleased when he sees your skittish reaction. He won’t allow you to pull away however, not when you’re finally here, so back to his arms you go as he crushes you against his chest.
He’s amused at your attempts to both huddle closer and squirm away: why are you being so difficult when clearly, you want this too?
He saw how you looked at him back there when he was drenched in blood, that’s the reason he chose you. You’re sweeter than an apple, didn’t even scream when he swept your hair from your face to have a better look at you, you only eyed him with challenge when he inspected your lips, waistline and hips. A scared female would have avoided his eyes and begged not to be killed or worse, but you only lifted your chin and spat on his face, practically begging to get fucked…
And now you’re acting like you don’t want his cock while at the same time, you continue to stare at him like a deer in heat. If you don’t want him to fuck you then you should stop making him hard, but in truth König is only glad that he chose you out of all women. The ride back home won’t be dull with a fiery fox woman like you, he has to be careful that he doesn’t get bitten and bruised… How his men would laugh in the morning if they found out that the vixen he stole has made him hers, little teeth marks decorating his skin and betraying everyone your claim.
He would only be proud of you if you did that; women are quite adorable when they have some fire in them. But make no mistake, he won’t let you go no matter how hard you act like you hate him… Everyone here knows you want to jump on his cock; had he decided to inspect your pussy too while covered in your husband’s blood, he could’ve bet all his fortune along with his horse that you were already wet for him.
He could take you right now on this cold, hard ground, try to see how long it takes to make you wet and pliant. The only thing really keeping him from doing so are his men, no doubt wanting to see how a Roman lady takes their giant leader's cock. But he’s not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing you naked, let alone watching him fuck you, he'd have to kill them all afterwards...
So he settles for making his naughty little slave warm, and both of you a little breathless. He can find a more discreet place for you tomorrow, order a break or two to ease the heaviness of his sacks, the aching hard ons he’s had ever since he saw you. He has to be careful not to break you, and remember to kiss you on your neck, he heard that that’s the key to make women wet and willing.
You seem so fragile and frail when you fall asleep, finally surrendering to him, your body yielding and molding against his. In the morning, you whimper sweetly when he squeezes your now warm, plush body, and plants kisses on your face, your neck. You have no idea that the warriors are already mocking him for “making you wait so long”, that he has listened to stupid jokes all morning with you securely tucked inside his cloak. You bite him when he tries to come too close, all the brutes around you burst to laughter as he howls from pain.
Not feeling at all sorry for him when he rubs his neck and looks at you with drowsy curiosity, you rise and spit again on the ground as if you had just tasted something vile. He can’t stifle his smile then, your idea of foreplay is much more fun than what he had in mind…
And you aren’t flung over his horse, but actually get to ride it with him, the arm around your middle like iron as he keeps you as close to him as possible. You don’t know that he’s reluctant to take an unwilling woman, and that this preference makes him the laughing stock of the group. Neither do you know that König has already pictured you inside his hut, baking bread and scolding children like the firebrand that you are, giving him a naughty little wrestle and a fistfight every night before bed... Shuddering from want like you do now on his horse as he exposes your breasts to the approaching winter.
You are about to faint as tiny snowflakes land on your nipples, melting instantly as this man starts to fondle your tits. Slumping against his blazing form, you can do nothing but accept your fate as the horse keeps walking and the men around you shout and whistle at the sight of your breasts. The rough barks of your captor quickly end their excitement upon seeing your exposed tits, the whistles stop and the men turn their eyes quickly away from you.
The man behind you is now perfectly content, riding in the crisp morning air while pawing your breast with one hand and holding the reins with the other, his groin grinding against you with the movements of the horse, making it clear that he might soon stop this torture altogether and take you to the nearby woods for a quick fuck…
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engenlvr · 7 days
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pairing: alexia putellas x anneliese hoffmann (oc)
summary: your relationship with a certain blonde captain is complicated especially since all you can do is think about her but every time you try to move forward with her something always pulls you back.
a/n: orange coloured text mean that is german, blue coloured text means that its dutch and red coloured text means spanish. i hate writing games so it will probably be written horribly. the end isn't written the best as i didn't really know how to finish it and sometimes it’s hard to write exactly how you want it to turn out also if there’s any spelling mistakes i’m sorry but enjoy
w/c: 7.3k
playing at barcelona had been a dream of yours since you were a kid despite growing up germany to a german mum and a dutch dad. you immediately fell in love with the club ever since he introduced you to the club at a young age and you always flew out to see them play when you can.
just before the world cup the club had contacted you telling you that they wanted your and before they finished the sentence you blurted out a yes. saying yes was even easier when you knew caroline, ingrid and fridolina from wolfsburg.
despite germany’s early elimination which shocked not only the team but the world especially since we were in the euros final. but watching the rest of the tournament was a learning experience and time to learn your new teammates way of play.
though it was hard to leave wolfsburg as you’ve been there for as long as you could remember. slowly making your way to the first team but barcelona was the right challenge you needed. with your arrival at barcelona the wolfsburg girl’s immediately took you under their wing.
after being at barcelona for a couple of months of being there you fell in love with the atmosphere. being able to play with the worlds best alexia with some other players who were worthy of it. you learned so much.
apart from the girls from wolfsburg you got along with esmee the most as the both of you are dutch. the rest of the team you got along with easily but your friendship with alexia was weird. the two of you got along but it was awkward at least in your eyes.
today was the day barcelona were gonna play eintracht frankfurt in germany and you were over the moon. to be able to speak german again and be at home. but more importantly to see national teammates but especially laura.
the both of you made it through germany’s youth together to the first team she reminded you of your sister that’s why the two of you first bonded.
the four old wolfsburg girl’s walked out one the pitch talking about all the fun the lot of you had on germany. your eyes grazed the field in hopes of finding the familiar blonde you knew. once they did you ran to the girl jumping on her back which caused her to nearly fall.
“anne, missed me?” laura said with a joking tone and placing you down on the grass “of course we don’t even live in the same country anymore”
she looked at you talking in your appearance “how’s spain been treating you? you’ve even got a tan” you went on blabbering about the spanish life and how everything was perfect until alexia called you over telling you it was time to prep for the match “see you soon” pulling the girl in a long hug before making you way back.
“you know you shouldn’t be fraternising with the enemy afterwards sure but before no” alexia told you in her caption voice before walking away.
you told the team how they played just before the lot of you went on the pitch as you knew how the team plays. but despite that the team let a goal slip by none other than laura. over the years whenever the two of you played each other and one of you scored the other did shortly after.
thought that didn’t happen in the first half it happens it soon happened shortly after the second half started. when they were given a free kick which you decided to take and went it. which seemed to fill the team with more energy as as two more goal came from mariona in the fiftieth minute and salma in the sixty seventh.
once the final whistle was blown you went around congratulating the players and spending extra time with your national teammates.
“you just had to score the first goal didn’t you” teasing the girl seeing as your team won in the end “and you just can’t keep copying me. i score and then you score some may say you’re obsessed with me” laughing at her comment and pushing her shoulder away.
“well you know what they say look up to your elders—” laura was about to retaliate when a blonde girl came and placed a hand on your lower back causing you to jump slightly at the placement.
alexia was out for a little bit as her knee was causing her irritation but she could still travel with the team if she wanted to “great goal by the way. i’m happy it’s with us not against us” her eyes looked directly at you forgetting that laura was there completely before walking off to mapi before you could respond. your eyes followed her before looking back at your friend.
your best friend looked at you knowingly "what?” questioning her gaze on you, but she stayed quite “laura what? i don’t like when you look at me like that”
“you like her” her theory caused your eyes to widen while trying to come up with something. Which caused her to think her to think her theory was right “no i don’t i just think that she’s pretty and talented”
“well esmee’s calling me so i got to go” pointing at the girl on the other side of the pitch who wasn’t even looking in your direction “byeee” running to the dutch girl as fast as you could.
“you can’t run away from this” the german girl shouted across the pitch.
it was now christmas break and the girls were hanging out before they all went away doing their own thing for christmas. they all had family to go home to but you couldn’t it would be too much.
when you were little you used to love christmas spending time with your parents and sister. the snow the music and the markets in town. it was also conveniently when your birthday was the day before christmas.
but then the whole thing with your sister happened making you hate your birthday and christmas.
hearing all the plans the girl has made you sad. ingrid and mapi going to norway to experience a scandinavian christmas with snow and then coming back to spend time with mapi’s family.
esmee going back to the netherlands to be with her family.
fridolina going home to sweden to spend time with her boyfriend.
the whole team talked about the plans they had this christmas. you sat there quietly listening but barely taking in the words that were being spoken. how they’d spend time with family their parents, brothers, sister.
“anneliese, you got any special plans this christmas?” you started at the cup of tea in your hands before alexia nudged your shoulder tapping you out of your thoughts.
smiling “nope I’m staying here by myself just need some time away from home”
“alone for christmas” salma said with a sad smile at the thought of her teammate being alone on a day meant to be spent with family and your loved ones.
all the girls who were staying in spain offered to let you stay with them all except one alexia who sat there quietly while you kindly declined the girls despite their persistence.
the night ended soon after with you laying in your bed scrolling through your phone when a message appeared.
no one shouldn’t be alone on christmas
spend it with me and my family
as kind as that is i don’t want to intrude
plus i’m fine being on my own
i won’t have it
join me and my family on christmas eve at least
your not gonna take no for an answer are you
fine but only cause your so persistent
great can’t wait to see you
so there you were sat with alexia’s family as light chatter filled the room. you admired what they had, her close relationship with all her family.
her mum welcomed you as of you were her own, hugging you immediately when went through the door. completely forgetting about her daughter.
you’d forgotten what it was like to be with family on holidays you rarely were.
you and alexia weren’t even that close, not like you were with ingrid, frido and caro. so for the the catalan girl to ask you to spend christmas eve with her family it caught you off guard.
the two of you never spent time outside of of football unless it was team bonding night other than that the two of you were basically strangers.
after being dragged away by alba who talked about anything and everything from her job to saying that the two of you should meet up for dinner one day. as she said and i quote ‘no wonder alexia been hiding you from me she’d know that we’d immediately get along. we have to grab dinner some time’
“i’m going to borrow her for a second” alexia said to her sister and pulled you along with her to the garden “thought you’d want a breather, i know how my sister can be”
she brought you out to the garden area which had a nice outdoor sofa facing the sunset that was currently happening. flowers covering every corner of it making the scene in front of your eyes look like one that should be in a museum.
looking at the girl “no honestly it’s fine she’s so kind we actual lot have planes to get dinner soon” a shocked look was on the girls face “i admire the relationship you have with your sister it’s so pure and cute” it got you thinking about your sister and your relationship with her the two of you should of been like them but instead you weren’t.
“you have any siblings?” the question wasn’t even a hurtful one but it did it cute deep and she didn’t know no one did except for your family “yeah a twin sister actually. we used to be like exactly like you and alba” smiling fondly at the memory.
“if you don’t mind me asking why aren’t you?”
“we just don’t talk anymore” a sad smile painted on your face which alexia took as a sign to drop the topic “well i’m glad you decided to join me today” placing a hand on your shoulder.
“well you were very persistent and i can’t exactly say no to my captain”
she laughed at your comment, you hadn’t been this close to alexia ever and you’ve never really appreciated her beauty. her hazel eyes, her blonde hair which was glowing due to the sun behind her, the dimple that appeared when she smiled.
“you’re so pretty” the words blurted out before you could stop them from coming out, covering your mouth in shock and staring directly at the girl who’s smile seemed to get bigger.
the blonde girl moved closer to you so that your legs were touching “thank you so are you” complimenting you back with a slight giggle.
you saw her eyes flicking between your eye’s and lips whilst yours did the same. the two of you slowly got closer to each other to the point where you could feel her breath on you. just one of you had to move forward and your lips would be touching and alexia was the one to do so.
“anne you didn’t tell me it was your birthday” alba walked through the door just as you’re lips were about to touch. you looked at alexia and saw as her faces fulfilled with shock? hurt? sadness? over the fact you didn’t tell her.
“yeah i guess how’d you know?”
alba waved your phone in the air “well your phone kept ringing so i was going to check who it was and then they sent a happy birthday message so i put it together”
walking to alba you grabbed your phone “well i’m going to call them back real quick” walking further in the garden.
alba walked and sat where you previously were “did you know it was her birthday and don’t think i didn’t see what was happening there you were about to kiss her” she gushed over the scene that was about to unfold in front of her, happy to see the girl happy and in love again “omg your really like her”
“alba” dragging out her name “i don’t know one second she was telling us she was spending christmas alone and then i invited her without even asking mum. and that not like me i like plans, a schedule. i don’t know what’s happening to me, we’re not even that close as you can tell cause i didn’t even know it was her birthday. i feel like shit cause i don’t have anything for her—”
“alexia it’s okay breathe. it’s okay to like her, i get it she’s nice easy to talk to. oh and you know mum called it the second the two of you walked through the doors” her eyes brightened when her sister said that, the thought of her mum liking you “really”
“yeah, so did i” the smile on her face only grew bigger
walking back to the sisters “just had to listen to my parents complain about how it took me too long to answer” attempting to joke as you could tell you not talking alexia about your birthday hurt her “i’ll leave you guy’s alone” alba touched your shoulder with a smile before walking back in “happy birthday”
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i wanted to but i don’t really celebrate it after everything with my sister. it just reminds me of her and i kind of just forgot so i’m so sorry—”
“— it’s fine if just wish i could of got you something and made this day more in your honour” holding your hand and rubbing her thumb on the top of your hand “honestly it’s the most fun i’ve had in forever”
it was true, as bad as it sounded you forget about your sister. for the first time in forever you forgot about the girl and had peace in your mind, you felt guilty but it felt nice.
“let’s go back in”
the german girl started to walk back inside “i actually do have a present for you” her hand grabbed yours spinning up around.
“how you just found out—” alexia’s lips met yours causing you to freeze in shock before reciprocating and wrapping your arms around her neck pulling her closer to you. pulling apart to catch a breath before pecking her lips two more times.
“you just kissed me?” your face full of shock by her public act in front of her family
“i did”
placing another kiss on your lips, never wanting to leave the moment “we should really go back inside” pulling away from the kiss.
the two of you went back inside with rosy cheeks. despite the kiss being in the open only alba and eli managed to see it. the only reason you knew that they saw was that alba was now jumping in excitement and eli was looking at you with an all knowing smile.
so hours later you found yourself having a few too many glasses of alcohol and you were giggling anything that was being said and clinging to the girl who complied putting your head underneath her’s. but with the alcohol you were in no shape to go back home.
"I can just sleep on the sofa" offering not wanting anyone to give up their bed for you.
eli shook her head at your idea "nonsense you and alexia can sleep in her room"
but before you could protest the two of you were pushed in the room. a scheme that was definitely orchestrated by the blonds sister, in hopes for the two of you to kiss again? confess 'feelings'? said feelings that you didn't even know what they meant. whether she had felt the same as you did? the whole situation confused you to much. being in a relationship was a bigger step for you than one might think.
cause of her
alexia's room was filled with her teenage brain pictures of her football idol's, some family photos mainly of her and her dad, old football gear, football trophies which helped make sense to all the awards she was getting now. though you had twenty nine year old alexia in front of you got to see all the younger versions of her.
the two of you laid in her old bed, you wearing one of her old football jersey paired with shorts.
your green eyes looked into her hazel ones as the two of you faced each other "I wish I could of made today more about you and overall more fun. instead you got a day with my family" pushing a piece of your hair behind you ear the main reason being so she could touch you.
be closer to you
"seeing your family be so happy honestly made this the best birthday I've had in years" a smile growing on the girl's face at the thought of you liking her family.
the hand stayed there stroking your face lightly the act so small but it had you feeling things. which got the german girl thinking as to if the girl in front of her had the same feeling. whether her actions were due to the alcohol the catalan girl had or so she could feel some sort of control in her life, she lost control on her leg causing her to be out with injury.
"goodnight, alex"
"goodnight, liese. happy birthday"
christmas eve ( your birthday ) was the first and last time the two of you kissed for a while.
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liked by alexiaputellas, laurafreigang and others
anneliesehoffmann 🎄👙🍽️🍾💋🚗
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laurafreigang who did u ditch me for 😭
> anneliesehoffmann i didn’t ditch u for anyone
> laurafreigang well i know ur not alone
alexiaputellas 💞
liked by anneliesehoffmann
barcalvr i’m so happy to see the girls love u
liked by anneliesehoffmann
esmeebrugts pretty girl
liked by anneliesehoffmann
lynnwilms_ miss uuu
> anneliesehoffmann miss u moreee tell the girls i say hi and that i miss them
> annehofflvr mapi don’t be afraid tell us who’s house this is
user2627 ugh ur soooo
ingrid_engen so happy to be playing with u again
> fridolinarolfo i second that
> graham95 i agree
> anneliesehoffmann well i happy to be playing with my girls again
the thought of being with the alexia scared you. ever since the two of you kissed on your birthday it was all you could think about. you wanted to be able to kiss her whenever you felt like.
but wherever you thought about telling the girl that you wanted to be in a relationship with her all thoughts linked back to her.
the distance between that you put between the two of you was something that alexia felt. the way that every time that two of you would bump into each other outside of work you’d walk the other way or you’d walk past her muttering an excuse as to why you couldn’t sit and chat whenever she tried.
at work the two girls would only talk if they absolutely had to. their conversations only about football never about that night months ago.
what hurt alexia more wasn’t that the fact that you weren’t talking to her, it was the fact that you still saw her sister and not like once since the last you guys met or whenever your calendars aligned. but it was like once a week, at this point her sister was seeing her situationship? the girl she liked? her teammate? yes her teammate, that was the best word to describe their relationship given that they don’t even talk in unless needed.
alexia wanted to talk to you, the way the two of you talked in her mum’s garden. the scene replayed in her head everyday since then replaying the way you looked at her, the way you looked with the sunset making you look like something straight out a painting, the kiss that quite literally captivated her. and it was silly because it was one kiss well maybe like five including the small ones.
the most words you spoke to her was when she returned back on the pitch after her surgery with you simply congratulating her on it and the goal that she scored. plus the words you spoke to her after a little celebratory night out the team had for her return but you couldn’t remember anything ( probably due to the alcohol ) but alexia did she remembered everything.
alba could confirm this, as without a doubt everyday her sister would complain about the situation. that night it seemed as if the of you would take a step further or atleast see what would come with your relationship.
she thought it would lead to a couple dates, heartfelt talks and a few more kisses.
instead she got no dates, the two of you only talking about football when forced forced, you avoiding her and no kisses.
upon the alba’s complaints about how often she would hear her complaints, the girl confided in mapi instead and mapi being mapi she couldn’t keep her mouth shut and told ingrid ( just her thankfully ) about everything.
today was already a big day for you before knowing that it was the champions league final. the last time you were in one despite scoring the two goal which caused wolfsburg to be in the lead, but during the second half barcelona managed to bounce back and score three more. in the end they won your feelings towards the loss then were weird you weren’t as sad as you should of been, maybe it was because you deserved it as she was meant to be her not you.
you stole her dream, the life she deserved to have.
and you losing that final was the price to had to pay.
you sat in your cubby as the dark haired norwegian girl sat next to you “anna, mapi told me something yesterday and i don’t think that i was meant to know but you know how mapi is she can’t keep a secret” turning to the girl in confusion “about you and alexia, you know you’re allowed to feel love? in my years of knowing you not once have you talked about a girl even if someone asked you out you’d decline”
no one knew your reasoning as to why you pushed alexia away “it’s just so much more to it” keeping your response short so you didn’t reveal too much “it makes sense now the looks alexia gave you. you spending christmas with her. all i’m saying is don’t be afraid to let go and let yourself feel their love for you”
“okay, if we win you have to at least give it a go you might not see it but it’s hurting alexia more than you know. but if we lose i’ll let it go and i’ll make sure mapi doesn’t push anything. whatever or whoever is causing you to push alexia away isn’t worth you living your life not being in love and i really would be perfect alexia is mapi’s best friend and ur mine so we could go on double dates”
it was such a simple sentence bit it caused all the emotions that you were feeling to resurface. tears started to build up and fall “oh anne, it will work all out in the end” wiping your tears away and kissing your cheek, you looked over at the blonde who was in the far right corner only to see the girl already looking at you sending you a little smile which you returned.
“okay, now let win this” nodding at the norwegian.
hours later you and the rest of the starting eleven started to walk on the pitch alongside olympique lyonnais. your heart started to beat faster at everything what the day meant to you before it was named as the final for the champions league. you looked at the catalan girl who was at on the bench.
breath anneliese
and the second the whistle was blown you had to put all you emotions aside. the first half wasn't an easy one with both teams proving as to why they were both in the final. lyon had many attempts some of them from corners but thankfully cata was able to save them. we just happened to have the same luck with all of our attempts to be save or have them merely miss the goal.
then half time rolled by and after a motivational team talk given by alexia. the deadlock was broken by you with an assist from keira. the two of you were passing the ball back and forth between each other when you started to run forward to the left side of the net and kicked it into the top right corner.
cheers erupted through the stadium, your teammates running towards you and the subs jumping in joy. they were all looking at you but your eyes were on team captain.
this was the most you’ve looked at her since then. since that night. it was just a glance at each other but it meant so much more to the both of us
it wasn’t until the 90th minute that the alexia came on for keira, claps through the stadium at a club legend coming on.
she showed just why she’s is know as one of the worlds greats. as in the ninety sixth minute claudia kicked the ball towards alexia who finished it off.
you watched as the girl took of her shirts and spun it around ( much like what chloe kelly did in the euros final when she done the winning goal ). you watched as she bowed down to her people, she looked and you completely forgetting about the others around her you were what mattered most and you ran toward her jumping in her arms and holding her face
“you just had to go and show them why they call you la reina” she laughed at your words “i hate when people call me that”
“okay well, my star girl showing the world why she’s the best”
and less than a minute later the final whistle blew and the two of you ran to each other again hugging, the rest of them soon joining the two of you. you began to sob many thought it was due to winning but it wasn’t it was cause of her.
ingrid’s words changed the way you looked at the situation, that maybe she’d would want you to be happy to find love again.
for years you thought that every big game that you lost was due to her, your sister. maybe you winning this game was her telling you that you could forgive yourself. that it wasn’t your fault.
the stadium was now close to empty all the family members and friends on the pitch.
you were gonna tell her.
now or never.
“alex, erm i’m so sorry for the way i’ve treated you pushing you away. only thinking of myself—”
“no please don’t interrupt me or i won’t say it. for years i thought that it was my fault. genny my twin was the one that loved football not me, i only went cause she did. then she got sick and i wanted to quit but she made me continue but she kept getting worse nothing was working the chemo barley did anything then one day she— she just died. i felt like i stole her life. i’m living the one she always wanted to live and i never even wanted it. i thought that every game i lost was punishment, for stealing her life. but today winning this game i think was her way of telling me that it was okay and that i can forgive myself. that i can let myself be loved and feel love. ingrid said that if we win this game i should tell you how i feel and alex i— the first day that we spent together just us was the day i realised that i loved you. the way you are with your family, how much people look up to you, how your simple show. i love everything about you—”
your words stoped the second she placed her hands in your cheeks “liese, i’m so sorry that you’ve been through all that but don’t think for a second that it was your fault that she died okay or that you deserve to the dead one okay. the world works in cruel ways and losing innocent loved ones is part of it unfortunately. i’m glad that you’ve realised it’s not your fault”
for once you didn’t care about anything only the girl in front of you.
the pair of you stayed together till you both spotted you family and went your separate ways. they went on about how proud they are of you, how proud she would be of you. the three of you were talking till your mum spotted ingrid’s mum and went to the norwegian who she grew a friendship with when you played in germany.
you spotted alba who was talking to her sister and you ran to the girl hugging her “i’m so proud of you” the girl whispered happy to see a genuine smile on your face “i see you and my sister have sorted things out” you nodded “good cause i can’t listen to her complaining about you none more” the words cause alexia too hot the girl in the head “hey that was between us”
smiling at alexia your alex “hate to break it to you but i already knew. you told mapi and then mapi told ingrid who had a little talk with me today” she swore under her breath about her best friend
“plus mums gonna be so happy that you found love” the girl blushed looking at you and gently pulling you in her arms “yeah i guess i have”
pretend its you in all the pictures with alexia , in the 5th ur esmee, 7th and 8th ur frido but in the 8th pretend aitaina is a image of her sister
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liked by alexiaputellas, ingrid_engen and others
anneliesehoffmann ive done it big sister
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alexiaputellas for her
> anneliesehoffmann no for them
barca4ever i may seem delusional but i fell like there’s somet between her and alexia
ingrid_engen i told everything would work out in the end plus this win is already better cause we won it together. the wolfsburg gang is back
laurafreigang you deserved this so much anne
annehofflvr i honestly haven’t seen her smile more
marialeonn16 you know ingrid refused to take a picture with me until she took one with u stop stealing my gf
> anneliesehoffmann omg sorry not sorry wolfsburg gang > youu
fridolinarolfo the girl who deserves it most
liked by anneliesehoffmann
lena_oberdorf6 goals in finals just seen to be your thing
> anneliesehoffmann lena it don’t count if we lose 😭
user3565 why are half the pictures you and alexia
esmeebrugts so cute
you and alexia your girlfriend. if that’s what the two of you were. you guys done stuff that couple did, like going on dates, staying at each others place ( meaning you being at her's all the time ) , visiting her family. the two of you were basically a couple but neither one of you have fully asked the other to be their girlfriend.
this summer before the olympics the two of you explored more of barcelona together alexia showing you her home in between games. but for the time off the two of you had before both of you were off to national duty.
you showed her your homes, the first time you've ever done so to somebody you loved. you showed her germany some of your favourite places, some of your sisters favourite places growing up. it was such a small thing but it was so intimate to you, and alex knew that. you opening up about you're sister was such a big act no one really knew about her the fan's didn't only close friend's and family.
you showed her the netherlands the place your family moved after your sister. you're parents had gone away on holiday so that allowed you and alex to stay there.
the two girls were currently out for dinner at a nice restaurant which you went to a lot as a kid. it was a big place with seats in a garden filled with many flowers and plants.
"im happy that you wanted to give this a try” her hand moving a piece of your hair away. she could get used to this you sat beside her, going on little dates, the two of you “i'm happy i did too, so tomorrow i’m thinking maybe we could go to that breakfast place the one me and my family used to—”
“—be me girlfriend?” your sentence halted in shock of the catalans words. they caught the both you you by surprise “i had this whole plan to do it tomorrow after going out to dinner and then a walk through the park but i can’t wait i’ve wanted you to be my girlfriend since we kissed and it’s all i can think about since you said you wanted to give this a try”
“— yeah i’ll be you’re girlfriend” placing a soft kiss on the girls lips. it was different since their last, it held so much more emotion. it was raw and truly showed how you felt for each other. the thought of being someone's girlfriend used to scare to it due until a month ago where that fear turned into excitement. you were waiting till you would be able to call alex your girlfriend.
pretend it’s u in all the photos with alexia and in the 8th pretend that nathalie björn is u in alexia’s spain kit
instagram                                                                                     alexiaputellas and anneliesehoffmann has posted!                               click to view
♫ cigarettes after sex - apocalypse
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liked by anneliesehoffmann , laurafreigang and others
alexiaputellas 💐💞🌺📖🍦📸🦋
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annelisehoffmann i did not agree to that photo
> alexiaputellas don’t worry you look beautiful
ingrid_engen remember what i said before the final we better do that soon
> alexiaputellas you didn’t tell me anything
> ingrid_engen i was talking to anne not you
> alexiaputellas @annelisehoffmann liese ???
> anneliesehoffmann i’ll tell u in a second alex also why are you texting me when your right next to me
laurafreigang omg something happened and u haven’t told me but u told ingrid
> anneliesehoffmann 😝
wosolvr anne is alexia’s spain kit is so cute
albaps9 dinner date when
> alexiaputellas when i’m back just come over
> albaps9 ale i’m talking to anne not you plus i see u all the time
> anneliesehoffmann whenever i’ll cancel plans to see u
annehofflvr their nicknames for each other
> barca4ever i know it’s so cute and how alba’s friends with anneliese
marialeonn16 oh you so done it
user4567 so they’ve deffo met each other’s families
the olympics went neither of the girls way their first games went good germany winning 3-0 to australia and spain winning 2-1 to japan. germany was missing some key players like lena who tore her acl and mcl in a match that didn’t even matter as we had already qualified for the upcoming euros.
we were fine against canada which went to penalties which was 4-2 to us and funnily enough so pain went into penalties as well with a 4-2 win over colombia. then we played usa which seemed to be a problem for us even in the group stages which was a 1-0 win to them.
but for spain it went horrible. they just weren’t playing like they normally do, making silly mistakes which allowed brazil to take advantage of it. alexia wasn’t playing for the majority of the game till the 77th minute, and that was when the team started to play better but despite their sudden elevated energy ( which you said was due to alexia being on the pitch ) it wasn’t enough they still lost.
you were playing spain.
you were playing alexia.
obviously you had thought about having to play alexia but you didn’t think it would happen. the both of you had been dreading the game, it wasn’t just her you were playing a lot of the team played for barcelona.
the both of you starting.
but despite the two of you playing you swore to each other that you wouldn’t let what you feel stop from fully committing to the game.
when the two of you were on the pitch you didn’t know each other in fact the couple decided that they were to hate each other on the pitch.
and they done exactly that.
the second that whistle was blown you both had an aim and that was to get that bronze medal. germany’s motivation was to do this for obi and spains was to prove exactly why they’re the worlds best.
the first half was tough you didn’t really have any chances but spain, they were eager to get a medal and they had chances most hitting the crossbar out just being slightly off target. your defence wasn’t the best in the first half cutting it to close making these chances for spain and you were lucky that none went in the back of the net.
the second half was where the action started ( specifically the sixty fourth minute) to happen it was germanys chance. you were just past the half way mark where you saw gulia in the perfect position so you kicked the ball over to her.
the only person in front of her was cata who pushed gulia to move her from the ball which resulted in the referee giving a penalty immediately.
and you were gonna take it.
maybe it was because you knew how cata played but it still was hard. you always hated playing against your teammates even in friendlies but especially it important games like this one.
you watched spains last penalty shoot out against colombia and they were good. you saw how she played her tells.
you walked up to your spot and you could feel her eyes on you, and off you looked back at her you wouldn’t be able look to fully it would throw you off your game. but like the both of you agreed to use the your love as motivation to beat the other
taking a deep breath. your heard the whistle blow an ran towards the ball putting it in the bottom right corner while me cata went to left. running to where obi was and pointing at her so she knew that all this was for her. you turned around to hug lea who all ready had her hands open for you.
but that goal didn’t mean that germany would win the game can turn around in seconds and spain were known for doing that in the euro qualifiers and in the olympics.
if anything that goal lit a spark in the team more fouls were committed you and alexia committing some on each other.
jenni was a problem she wanted to make this level and get her name on the score sheet, a cross from olga to the center of the box right where jenni was headed toward the girl and luckly ann was there and saved another attempt from her.
and they kept coming spain these opportunities from spain but ann was always there to clean up our mistakes proving just how good she was.
the fully ninety + the seven was done all we had to do was make sure that we didn’t make any mistakes until you did resulting in a penalty to spain you and your teammates were convinced that you barley touched her and that she fell down dramatically as she was in the penalty area and knew that they could get a pently out of it.
you could be the reason that germany lose and as if it was some silly joke alexia was taking it for spain.
your alex.
against berger.
your feeling were conflicted even though you promised her you wouldn’t be. of course you wanted the best for alexia but you wanted, no needed your team to win not just for yourself but for obi for horst for your sister.
the situation was cruel but it was the game.
you were stood next to aitana ready to kick the ball away if it gets blocked and came back to the girls in red. you watch as you’re girlfriend, no alexia kicked the ball in the same direction as you did but this time it being saved.
your ran towards ann to hug her as a thanks for cleaning up your mistakes. surely this was the last action of the game and it was as less than a minute later the whistle was blown.
germany won.
the whole team ran to ann as she was the while reason that we won with all her amazing saves. but while you were all huddled up you saw a alexia was being comforted her teammates and you couldn’t help but feel guilty. but that was the game no matter how great the player is it’s a group sport.
after some time of talking to obi she was like your’s and lea’s child you were her wolfsburg mum and lea was a bayern mum well that was what the fans had been saying. alexia was finally alone sat down waiting for you, you slowly made your way and sat next to her.
the both of you sat silent till alexia broke the silence “i’m happy for you, you deserve it more than anyone i know” she finally looked at you with her hazel eyes, those eyes that you grew to love looking at “i don’t want you to think that you can’t celebrate or be happy around me”
putting her face in your hands, you knew the look that she had on her face. she blamed herself for spain’s loss “alex, it not your fault and no one’s looking at you differently for missing that penalty. you guys had ninety minutes before hand to put a goal in that net okay. you don’t see anyone else blaming themselves as much as you are, they all had chances. so don’t think for a second that missing that penalty erases the ballon d’ors and all the other award that you got. it’s a group sport and as hard as it sound every team needs to lose from time to time it helps show that no matter where your team is ranked you got to make sure you continue to work for it. in the end this will all work out for the better”
you watched as a smile began to rise on the girl’s face “thank you. i really needed that but seriously you were the better team and you played brilliantly today my star girl” repeating the same words you said to her in the champions league final. the day the two of you gave this a go.
the both of you sat there in each other shirts chatting about what you were gonna do what you were back in barcelona, back in her flat which is basically theirs with how often the german girl was sleeping over at alex’s.
no matter the result of a game their love for each other was bigger than what ever happens between them on the pitch. in the end the both of them knew they found the one. whether it was in english, spanish, catalan, german or dutch they knew that in every language that they spoke that they loved each other.
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billskeis · 9 months
heyy! can you do 2010tom x reader fluff where reader asks tom to teach her german but they are ending up doing yk…
ᡣ𐭩 learning german w tom (GONE WRONG!)
“tomtomtom!” “whatwhatwhat baby?” you came running to your boyfriend’s room to see him playing video games on the console. sitting in the gaming chair, he’s manspreading and only had sweatpants on, completely shirtless, and completely vulnerable.
“can you teach me german?” he raises an eyebrow at you
“you want to learn german? what’s this all of a sudden baby?” closing the door behind you, you walk closer to his proximity, “i don’t think it’s fair that we only speak english, i just wanna be closer to you and figured that learning how to communicate with you in your native tongue would be nice..”
tom smiles brightly at you. his heart flutters with the idea of teaching you his language was endearing. he never complained, but tom sometimes had trouble expressing himself the best when it came to english. either he communicated it with his body language which sometimes left you confused or just completely dropped the idea and gave up.
to him, this means a lot.
taking in a deep breath, “okay, let’s get started.. y/n?” you were in a daze at how beautiful your boyfriend was. sitting next to him, you played with a braid twirling in your fingers. “huh—? oh right!” chuckling, he shakes his head in slight disbelief.
you were supposed to be paying attention to his lessons, not his hair.
“we can start of with hair, since you keep touching it ever since i got it done. haar.” giggling, you repeat after him, “haar.” nodding his head in approval, he praises you, “good job baby.” ruffling the top of your head making your own hair messy. you softly swat away his hand playfully.
“hmmm how about, du bist attraktiv?” “awww, danke tom!” “how about that? my pretty princess is learning so quick,” he leaves a quick peck on your cheek as you shy away, “some of the terms sound pretty similar in english, nothing too notable.”
what was notable was the sight that beholds you.
tom’s chest, flat up in your face. you swallow hard, staring. although his body not the most buff, his body was inevitably defined. and holy shit, you almost let your mouth go agape, drooling.
being an observer, tom noted this. smirking, all he could do was just wait for you to say something. “u-uh, did you say something tom?” he shakes his head, “haven’t said a word.. done staring?” “pft, as if..” you definitely were staring and tom wasn’t an idiot.
shifting closer, tom’s figure made its way closer to yours, “this one’s a bit harder, repeat after me okay schatz? ich will..” “ich will,” his arms lift your body onto his, now sitting directly on top of him. your face heats up, but the lesson must go on so, you resist fighting back.
after all, it’s your girlfriend duties to learn german!
“dich so…” his hands snake it’s way under your pjs and under your panties. slow circles on your clit, tom was waiting for you to speak. “d-dich so..”
kisses were left on your neck, they were sloppy and wet as you could feel a cold chilly feeling of air on your neck due to the saliva tom so generously left. “mmhm, good pronunciation babe. sehr.”
you couldn’t speak. tom at this point was finger fucking you, and the way he curled his fingers to hit your g spot left your back arching on him.
in an attempt to run away from the pleasure, you try getting off his lap with the little to no strength you had. obviously, tom won and held onto you strong, pressing his body closer to yours, bare chest flat against your back. “ah ah, we aren’t done yet.. you still have something else to say.”
in the meanwhile you attempted to muster up the courage to finally speak, voice all breathy and only whines being able to leave your lips, tom tugged down his sweats and frees his dick from his boxers. you, fully unaware of this happening as you’re only focused on how tom interchanges from rubbing your clit to fingering you.
“s… s-sehr..!” “hmph, you turn me on too baby,” tom lifts you up and aligns himself, flopping you onto his dick in such a swift motion. you can’t help but shudder at the electricity brought by how his tip just reached and kisses your cervix.
tom guides your hips up and down his length, the shape of your walls already adjusting to him just right, “mein Gott.. you’re already so wet..” “t-tom this is not how i planned to spend our… eveninnngh” unable to speak properly, you drag out the words to the way tom drags his dick in and out your cunt.
“sorry darling, but the way you were looking at me, i couldn’t help myself..” landing a smack on your ass, you and tom fuck each other to each your highs.
it didn’t take long, due to the lack of intimacy you guys had lately due to tom’s music and you working, you were just soo sensitive and tom was horny.
“i-i.. coming!” with a sharp thrust into your pussy, your legs shook with the adding mix of tom rubbing your clit slowly and painfully. shortly after you felt warmth consume your insides, tom had also came and continued to fuck his cum inside you.
slowing down his movements, tom places trails of sweet kisses along the curve of your back. you’re unable to speak, one orgasm already tiring you out. looking behind you, your boyfriend is smiling while breathing heavy. what the fuck man, you thought. tom looks as though he’s ready to go for another round, or maybe ten.
“atta girl.. can you go again?”
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budbuddnbuddy · 9 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt3)
A/n: uhhh not really sure what to say here, but I’m glad my posts are getting the attention similar to what I had when I first picked up writing fanfics and headcaons. Thank all of you so much hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas.
As MC spends more time in the Devildom and makes more pacts with the brothers, they’ll start to have a slightly more evil look to them. Get what I mean? Like how Megan Fox has “evil beauty.” However its not as visible, they’ll still look like your normal boring human first glance.
“The celestials know every language in the human wor-“ *LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER* Sorry but I respectfully hate this headcaon with all my heart, it doesn’t make sense. Sure these guys are immortal powerful beings that have lived for millions and billions of years, but they don’t even keep up with the human world like that and that’s CANON. Also if we’re looking at it through their perspective where as a hundred years is literally just a couple of blinks, humans would be making new languages every second.
They probably know 2-6 MAX, and that’s not me underestimating them that’s me saying that they either don’t have the time or will to care about 7,139 OFFICIAL languages there are in the human world. But enough of that let’s dive into the languages that they can speak.
Lucifer: English, French, Italian. and a little bit of Japanese due to Levi but not enough to be fluent. Mammon: English, Spanish. Levi: English, Korean, Japanese, and sign language. (idk if that counts) Satan: English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, Arabic. Asmodeus: English, French (mainly because he thinks it sounds hot 💀) Beelzebub: English and German. Belphie: English, Spanish, German (because of Beel), Japanese. Diavolo: English,Italian, a bit of Spanish but not enough to be fluent. Barbatos: Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, English, French. Simeon+Luke: English right now but Luke wants to learn Spanish.
Solomon is probably the type of person to wake up at 12:30 in the afternoon whenever possible. Mf probably has an alarm set for that exact time too, and when you ask where he’s been for like half of the day he’ll tilt his head to the side and be like “I was sleeping????”
I feel like we can all come to a sort of mutual understanding of this, but the brothers fan clubs and MC do not mix well together like at all.
“Asmo, get your crazy ass fans under control! They’re fucking insane!”
“Oh they can’t possibly be that bad dear! They’re MY fans after all!”
“I let it slip that we had a date planned for this Saturday and one of them threatened to cut me before calling me a warm toilet seat!”
Asmodeus, Barbatos, and Simeon call you Hon/Honey sometimes.
For all of your RAD classes, every brother except Lucifer shares at least ONE class with you. Also all of the exchange students are in the same Main classes.
Everyone is a tad bit insane about you, just a little bit, a sprinkle if you will. No I am not explaining this.
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ninyard · 6 months
The monsters and their ability to pick up languages is so interesting to me so here’s some random HCs about monsters + languages that are definitely not original at all:
- Neil learned French in Europe before him and Mary found their way to French-speaking Canada. He essentially had to semi-adopt the language discrepancies while he was there, and even though his fluency is in French from France, sometimes he messes up and pronounces things weirdly or differently (and Kevin frequently makes fun of him for it)
- Kevin has some rusty Japanese that he was forced to learn growing up. He can understand it pretty well, and can somewhat speak it to a lower level, but he can’t read or write it. He’s not fluent, and probably couldn’t hold a conversation with a native speaker, but he could understand his Japanese counterparts in the Nest when he needed to.
- In turn Kevin isn’t able to order in Japanese at a restaurant, but he could explain the rules of Exy to someone fairly coherently if he had to.
- This isn’t an original thought by any means but Neil and Kevin definitely speak in French when they’re by themselves just to make sure they don’t lose it.
- They sometimes make calls to each other on the court in French, and because of this, most of the team picks up very basic calls in French. None of them can actually speak it, but Andrew picks up a little more than the rest, having spent so much time with Kevin. Again, couldn’t hold a conversation, but every now and again he recognises certain words in their conversations.
- Neil is like a walking version of those White Guy Speaks Chinese And Stuns Waitress (he can understand her?!?) polyglot youTube videos. It becomes more of a hobby for him once he’s settled and the FBI are off his back, but the foxes are constantly shocked by how many languages he can speak. He is fluent in English, French, and German of course, with some conversational Spanish, but he can pretty much have a basic interaction in most of the languages of countries he’d been in. His Dutch is the worst, because he could never quite grasp the proper pronunciation of things, but one time he speaks to a waiter in Italian and Andrew can’t believe it.
- (RIP Neil Josten, you would’ve loved duolingo)
- When he goes to the Olympics he’s like a kid in a candy store. It’s like a subconscious bingo game for him to speak to someone from every country at least once.
- Aaron loves listening to music in German. He would definitely drag Nicky to a rave if they ever found themselves in Berlin.
- Katelyn asks him whenever they have their kid if he wants to raise them bilingual, but he decides not to because he only really learned German for Nicky and his brother, and doesn’t really speak it at all after he graduates.
- Neil and Nicky study Spanish together sometimes. It helps Nicky stay close to his roots now that his immediate family is pretty much out of the picture. It means way more to him than Neil even knows.
- Another unoriginal one but Andrew and Neil definitely do learn sign language in the future. I could talk about this one forever.
- When Kevin gets frustrated, he finds it hard to speak ANY language. He messes up words in English, forgets how to say things, and occasionally is the butt of the joke when he combines a French and English word accidentally.
- Kevin watches anime when nobody is around. He thinks dubbed anime is a crime.
- Andrew thinks he’s pretty good at German until he tries to have a conversation with Erik and realises wow native speakers talk a lot faster than we do. You wouldn’t know, because even if he just understands half of a sentence, he can usually piece together what is being said 90% of the time, and he would never admit out loud that he needs Erik to slow down when he’s talking so he can understand him.
- He is, however, REALLY good at accents. He has a talent for speaking gibberish but sounding as if he’s speaking fluent French. It drives Kevin up the wall when he does it, but he also hates when he can’t understand what Kevin and Neil are saying to each other.
And Bonus:
- Jeremy is really bad at accents. He is initially frustrated by Jean and his French, but once he understands that it is Jean’s first language (that the Moriyama’s took from him), he makes an effort to try and learn. He’s just really, really bad at it. Jean cringes every time he tries, because he speaks with a heavy American accent. Jean is not pretentious about his language, but he is, at the end of the day, French. So when Jeremy says bonjour in that hideous so-Cal accent, it’s in part endearing that he’s trying, but mostly like nails on a chalkboard.
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altbite · 2 years
MW2 x Russian Speaking! Reader *Headcanons*
Summary: Reader who can speak Russian (don’t have to be Russian necessarily) and mw2 characters reaction to finding out. 
Characters involved: Price, Soap, Ghost, Gaz, Konig, Alejandro
You had kept the fact you could speak Russian a secret, not intentionally though. You just didn’t speak it outside of your family. 141 found out before Konig and Alejandro did as you met them later on.
Price: When Price found out you could speak Russian, he was impressed. Both that you could and that you managed to keep it hidden from him. He is usually a know-it-all man when it comes to his recruits. Clearly he missed this. He used this information to send you out on missions that involved Russians, from gathering Russian intel to being a translator. He also started watching Russian war movies and made you sit and translate it for him. Or if he was watching any tv and there was someone speaking Russian, he would pause it and call you over to translate. You usually complained about the pronunciation and wrong grammar instead. 
Ghost: Ghost found out at the same time as Soap. You were on the phone to your family and they walked by and overheard you speaking. They both stood there, jaw dropped until you noticed and hung up. Ghost gave you shit for it, probably because there were missions where it could've been helpful. But he thought it was pretty cool nonetheless. Did the same thing as Price when it came to TV.
Soap: Soap was shook. He grabbed you and sat you down and forced you to teach him curse words. Of course it would be curse words. The man was a child. You did not teach him curse words just to annoy him. He eventually just asked you on how to say random ass things in your language. Varied from saying shit about members to how to say he’s the coolest dude ever. You did this on missions mostly, on the way to or back from them. It kept you guys entertained and busy from thinking about anything bad.
Gaz: Gaz was sweet when it came to finding out. He was like “That’s so cool wtf”. He didn’t nag you about it like Soap or Price. This made you choose him when it came to teaching curse words. Soap was not impressed when he found out Gaz could curse in Russian and tried to convince him to teach him one word at least. Soap begged on his hands and knees to you and Gaz and Ghost took a photo of it. Gaz picked up Russian a lot better than you expected.
Konig: This man was highly excited when he found out. Nothing really screamed Russian about you, so to have another person who spoke a different language was fun. You two sat together and taught each other your language. He would point at objects and ask you what the word for them would be. He started to mix German and Russian together when speaking to you. It was funny but it also helped you both learn and understand what was being said. It also scared half the recruits when they saw you talking because of how angry both languages sound. especially together.
Alejandro: The minute this man found out, he was wooed. He was in love. Okay, maybe not literally just yet. You would compliment this man in Russian but it sounded like you were pissed at him. This turned him on more?? Ghost and Soap stood there, watching you two, waiting for you to stop. When he would curse out enemies, you followed in Russian and then fist bumped. 
Bonus Alejandro + Konig:
If you and one of them could understand each other in each others language, you would talk to them in Russian and they would reply in theirs. It confused everyone because they didn’t understand what language you were speaking or whether or not you actually understood each other. It was the same in English. You would speak in Russian and they would reply in English or vice versa, so what anyone understood was just a one side of the conversation. It was fun to see the looks you received from recruits or even strangers passing by
Thank you for reading! I want to make a konig x russian speaking!reader and develop it more there so i might. Also i see you anon ;3
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Never felt so...
John Egan X Reader
Summary: John's letter to his girlfriend...
Warning: Sad/ talk about death/ kissing./ crying/
Word count: 800 words.
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Dear Y/n,
My darling I miss you so much, I’ve been in this camp for so long now, I’ve lost track of time. Recently, I’ve been thinking about my life a lot. That German officer said something that got stuck in my mind. He said that you’re going to remember the last time you’ve never felt so, and he got cut off by a gun shot. I’ve been thinking about the time I never felt so loved in my life. A moment comes to my mind, it was the night before I got shipped away. We danced together all night and the way you looked at me is still stuck in my mind. I think about it constantly. That’s the night I knew that all the love songs were about you. It’s true what they say: Distance makes you love harder. Because I love you so much. You will forever be my always. When I think about that night, I know that I’ve never felt so loved.
Yours, Bucky.
His cheeks were hurting from smiling this much. Dancing with her was the best thing in the hole world. She was beautiful, like art. Her laugh filled his ears, it was the best sound he ever heard. ‘’I’ll miss you so much’’ she whispered in his ear. He trapped her in a hug as they looked around the room, they were the last one, the band were the only people left in the room. ‘’Why are you whispering, darling?’’ he asked her. ‘’Because I’m afraid that if I speak too loudly, you’ll forget what I said. You tend to listen more when I whisper’’ she smiles. John smiled even more. ‘’John, like breathing, loving you is the most natural feeling I’ve ever known. You’re my person’’ she said against his lips. When their lips touched, it felt like home. Their soul found their home. John Egan never loved anyone more than he loved her, and he’d never felt so loved before.
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Dear Y/n,
I just had another moment thinking about the quote from the German prick. It was when I learned that Buck ‘died’ in that moment, in that red cabin in London, I’ve never felt so low. You know what he means to me, but to learn that he went down was a punch to the stomach. We thought we were invincible, so to know that he went down was like watching the superhero lose a fight. So that’s the moment where, I’ve never felt so low. I love you my dear.
Yours, Bucky.
All alone in that telephone box, breathing the pain away. His brain couldn’t understand what just happened. How could Gale Cleven go down? It wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. It was a trick to get him back on the base. Buck was alive, he was going to be waiting for him at the base. His brain couldn’t function properly, John didn’t want to believe the fact that his best friend was dead. He was in pure denial, he can’t die. Bucky felt like he was being punched in the stomach, he was out of breath. All of his happy thoughts with his friend went through his mind. He couldn’t be dead, but is he was the Germans were going to regret it. He never felt so low before.
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Dear Y/n,
I’m sorry that this paper is filled with tears. I’m so alone. I never felt so alone. I don’t even know if this letter will come to you. I’m currently in a German prison, I got captured and I’m alone in my cell. I’m alone. I’m going crazy, I’ve been gone for far too long, I forgot the sound of your voice. I’m crying because I’m tired, because I miss you, because my best friend is dead and I’m crying because I’m alone. I don’t know who I’m going to be when I come home, but I’m not going to be the man you knew. All alone, in this cell, I don’t know how long I can hold on, I’ll fight for you; to get back to you. But it’s so hard… I’ve never felt so alone…
He’d been crying for a while. The letter was in his coat pocket, he wanted to send it to her, but he didn’t know when. Looking around, he noticed the drawings on the walls. All the men that were there before him had draw on the wall, so he decided to do the same, he took out his pocketknife and started to draw on the wall. He drew two people hugging each other, he drew inside one of the people. For him, it was Y/n and him. When he finished, he looked at his art, crying again. He’d never felt so…
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
May I request Vil, Azul, Trey, and Jade with a Gn! yuu who’s first language isn’t english, so they struggle speaking and struggle with the assignments.
Vil, Azul, Trey, and Jade with Yuu that has a different native language
Warning(s): cussing, fish mafia doing fish mafia things, not edited
A/N: ty for requesting! i hope you like it!
Vil Schoenheit
I personally hc that Vil's native language is German so he understands some of your struggles
he went through the same thing when he was first learningWhich I’m sure was when he was very little
But anyway, he’ll sometimes offer tips on how to pronounce things correctly and remember some grammar things that can get tricky.
If you ask he’ll usually help translate assignments or help you understand them,
You’ll probably have small language study sessions with both Vill and Rook
Heck maybe you’ll learn both French and German if you don’t already
Overall, he's a willing tutor if you ask and p good one at that! Also prob the most helpful out of all these guys
But warning, he is ruthless and incredibly strict if you make it a normal tutoring session.
Good luck!!
Azul Ashengrotto
Get ready to be exploited bb <3
he's like a mini Crowley
Any whooo
As soon as he found out you were having trouble he swooped in and offered you a deal
he'll help you with assignments and learning the language
and you help him reach a wider customer base!
Your basically his free employee.
Btw there is like a 50/50 chance that he either is genuinely helping you or using the twisted wonderland version of google translate.
But there is a small chance that he just so happens to have been wanting to learn your native language
In that situation then you’ll just be helping each other
you tutor his abt your native tongue
and he helps you understand assignments and any words your having trouble with.
Overall, not a terrible experience, tho he is taking advantage of you there’s not much of a downside other then you having to translate the whole menu.
Trey Clover
Another one that would be happy to help
except you don't have to make a contract with him for that help.
He will help you the best he can but it's not much
I can see him kinda knowing one other language, but just enough to get basic info across
but that's about it
whether that's the same as your native language or not, he'll do his best to assist you in understanding some assignments.
He tries to make it fun too, like for every correct answer your able to get, he’ll make you your favorite baked good
If you don’t like baked good, then he’ll use his unique magic on it
Trey will also be very curious abt your culture and see if or how different it is from his.
Overall, prob the most pleasant experience, not rly the most helpful but at least he got the spirit.
Jade Leech
Your basically his free entertainment
this mischievous little bitch will intentionally give you the wrong translations of things
and fuck up your grammar with the power of gaslighting.
Buuut if he were to want to genuinely help you,,,
he would take advantage of the situation to tell you all abt
Every. Single. Type of fungi.
For every new dish you try of his is an assignment he’ll help you with.
Overall, good luck! In school and I’m eating those dishes.
You will need it.
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anon-402 · 7 months
Roier's Interview (Eng Translation)
TN: The small font is for everytime they speak English.
Cucurucho: I have a few questions for you–
Roier: But I don't know English!
Missa: Alright. (To Roier) He says he has some questions for you. I can translate for you.
Roier: Oh, okay. He's going to be my translator. (With broken English) He- He- going to- to- 'traductation'.
Missa: Yeah, I will be the interpreter, okay? So ask anything to him and I will say it in Spanish.
Roier: Work harder, Alfonso!
*Missa hurting sounds*
Cucurucho: What is your biggest accomplishment on the island?
Roier: What did he say?
Missa: How big is your dick.
Roier: Fuck, well– soft, I think two. And hard, three. *Richas hits him* What is it? Why are you punching me?
Missa: He said he didn’t accomplish anything. He’s a loser in this game.
Roier: Hey, what does that mean, pendejo?! What did you say?
Missa: Eh– that you want to do bigger things but that you’re running into some–
Roier: And what does that have to do with the size of my penis?!
Missa: Ah. Right. Wait. (To Cucurucho) Can you repeat the question, please?
Cucurucho: What is your biggest accomplishment on the island?
Roier: My best companion?
Missa: Uh– yes.
Roier: My best companion… is… is, uh– me. My loneliness. *Cucurucho looks at Missa* Why is he looking at you like that?
Missa: Oh, sorry. (To Cucurucho) He just said that the best thing he’s done is himself.
Roier: I– what.
Missa: (laughs) He’s alone in this city.
Roier: Cucurucho, dude, you spoke Spanish before, what happened?
Missa: Wait, wait. *Hits Roier to shut him up* He just told me that the best thing he has accomplish is being alone but being like, uh, eh– is enough for him. You don’t need anyone.
Roier: Bro, I’m paying you money, why you don’t know how to speak English?
Missa: *Ignores him* He realized that he didn’t need anyone. The accomplishment that he have done is being happy with himself.
Roier: *High pitch voice* I don’t know what he said but he’s lying!
Missa: *Keeps struggling with English*
Roier: *Tries speaking English*Fernanfloo, I’m German. Hi I’m German. Vegetta777–
Cucurucho: Good.
Missa: (To Roier) He said dick. That’s how you say dick.
Cucurucho: What is your happiest memory on the island?
Missa: Says what’s your favorite memory card.
Roier: My favorite memory card? I had one for the PS2 to play the ‘Urugata’ *Crash Bandicoot sounds*– I liked that one a lot. I also had the Spyro one. *Looks at Missa* Said that. The Spyro and the ‘Urugata’.
Missa: The best memory of his is him being happy next to Bobby. But he’s dead.
Roier: WHAT?! Bobby?! What did you say?!
Missa: No, no, no. I said boobs. I said you liked boobs.
Roier: Oh, yes. *Looks at Cucurucho happily and nodding* Yes, yes.
Missa: So he treasures all those memories with himself, so he learned to be happy with himself, missing the old times but doesn’t want to be here again.
Cucurucho: Good.
Roier: What.
Missa: He said god. Like–
Roier: Ahhh, god, god. Like.
Missa: Game of Thrones.
Roier: Like how kids say ‘that’s so god’.
Missa: Yeah, that’s so god. Uh-huh.
Roier: Okay. So what?
Cucurucho: Have you ever felt like the protagonist of the story? If yes, when. If no, why?
Missa: He said if you ever felt like a dick– or– can you repeat?
*Cucurucho repeats himself*
Missa: Okay. He said if you ever felt like– *laughs*
Roier: The porn?
Missa: Yes. That if you ever had found– that if you have ever enter a bathroom while someone is shitting on the island.
Roier: Yes. Several times.
Missa: Several times. Okay, let me tell him. *Turns to Cucurucho* He’s been trying to be happy with himself so he’s being working on his own story. Uhm– at least he’s the protagonist of his own story, so–
Roier: Hey, I didn’t talk that long, bro!
Missa: He saw Cellbit in the bathroom.
*They get distracted by an admin flying around*
Cucurucho: If there’s something in your story that must stay, that is important, what is or what would it be?
*Missa asks to repeat the question*
Roier: What did he say, dude?
Missa: If you had a comic you liked so much that you wanted to keep.
Roier: Well, in Spain I saw a comic of Halo2 that I wanted to buy but at the end I didn’t, because I said, maybe I will buy it but never read it, y’know? Average dumbass moment where you buy something but never read it because you’re too lazy. So. I didn’t buy it, but I really did like it. That one of Halo2. In a store that Polispol took us to. That store was good.
Missa: That happens to me too. I will tell him. (To Cucurucho) Halo2.
Roier: Great.
Cucurucho: Good.
*Missa laughs*
Roier: Good. *Starts looking around* So what? Is this Coppel–
Missa: ‘Two’? ‘Two’ is two.
Roier: ‘Two’? You. No, ‘two’ is you, dude. ‘You’.
Missa: Halo2. Your halo.
Roier: You jerk off to– (TN: to jerk off, ‘jalar’, sounds like halo)
Missa: I wanna see your halo–
Roier: Cucurucho, what’s up?
Cucurucho: If you were to be recognized for something you did, what would it be? Would it be something good or bad?
Roier: Badboyhalo?
Missa: Yes. He said if you were recognized on the street, would like to be mistaken for Badboyhalo?
Roier: Fuck no. Said that to him.
Missa: He says that–
Roier: Say ‘Nelson’ (TN: a really slangy way to say ‘no’ in Mexico and the internet)
*Missa.exe not working*
Roier: Nelson. Nao. Nao.
Missa: *Asks if this counts for his answers as well*
Roier: Nao. Badboy? Nao.
Missa: (To Roier) Maybe this is serious and we’re fucking up his operation…
Roier: No, dude. *Looks at Cucurucho* Or is it true?
Missa: I don’t know, I don’t know.
Roier: He looks too happy, I don’t think he’s angry.
Cucurucho: Would you be more motivated into completing something with a premium to be received at the end?
Missa: Says if you’re willing to pay for Youtube Premium.
Roier: No– Well, yes. Quackity doesn’t want to but I do. I pay it. When I see videos *Gets distracted by the Cucurucho award and starts breaking it*
Missa: Roier, you motherfucker–
Roier: *Sits down again after stealing it* When I see videos and make reactions there’s no ads. Well– except one time. I was watching the ‘Amigos’ (TN: LuisitoComunica reference) going to Brazil, and I wasn’t on my Youtube account so there were some ads.
Missa: While you were watching–
Roier: Yes. But only one time and I do pay it.
Missa: (To Cucurucho) Yeah, he would like to be recognized as a person, important for the server. So yes. He would like to be rewarded by that.
Roier: Exactly. Yes.
*They get distracted by the bubbles and the lag*
Cucurucho: If there was a future out of the island, who would you take with you to continue your journey?
Roier: What?
Missa: A future item? *Cucurucho repeats the question* a feature? Ah, a future.
Roier: A token. [TN: Token, ‘ficha’, sounds like feature]
Missa: A future, ohhhhh. Okay. (To Roier) If you had a token– pogs [TN: Pog, ‘tazo’, is another word for Token]
Roier: Pogs to play?
Missa: If you had some pogs, would you like them to be of Pokemon or…?
Roier: Oh, you know which ones were really good? The WWE ones with Randy Orton were so fucking good, and they sounded like– *Pogs clashing sounds* And the ones with Mucha Lucha were good too. And the Pokemon ones.
Missa: You remember the Medabots ones? The metallic ones.
Roier: Yesyesyes. I only had like five because I didn’t have money. But yes.
Missa: One time as a kid, I was like six, and I had a collection and I was in a serious match and they fucked me up. They took all of them.
Roier: *Laughs* They took everything?
Missa: Bro, I was in a town, in a really far away town in Sinaloa. And– *Laughs* And I fucked up *Roier laughs* I lost everything. It was–
*Cucurucho laughs*
Roier: Hey, bro, he’s laughing at you. What the fuck? You’re gonna let him?
Missa: They already took the pogs.
Roier: Dude, why’re you laughing at the pogs? You don’t have anything. You don’t even have hair. Fucker.
*Everyone gets quiet*
Missa: Anyway, if the server had a feature, what would you like to have that could help you in your mission?
Roier: I need a good internet without lag.
Missa: *Laughs* You’re the only fucker who has internet problems.
Roier: That’s why I want them to give it to me. They have a ton of money, look where they are. They have a mansion ‘gameplay funny moments’.  
Missa: That’s true. (To Cucurucho) He says he’s okay with anything. He didn’t need anything, That’s okay. Thank you so much for being so kind and to help us all to be better in this server.
Roier: Yeah.
Cucurucho: Good.
*Awkward silent moment*
Cucurucho: *unintelligible* a huge nomination, what message would you give your supporters?
Missa: That’s a good one. (To Roier) If you had a big Venom– Something like that.
Roier: A Venom?  
Missa: Yes. How would you name it.
Roier: If I had a big Venom… The Chirawaso or– *Missa laughs* I don’t know. I never had one. I’ve never touched one.
Missa: But if you had one right here, what would you tell it?
Roier: How– How handsome. *Notices how his backpack disappeared* Hey, they took my backpack! They’re undressing me here! Fuck, they’re taking my things.
*Cucurucho laughs*
Roier: You little fucker. You were the one who took it. You don’t know we are both from Sinaloa, dude. [TN: Famous Mexican state for having really high crime rate] At any time we can disappear you, dude.
*Missa starts singing ‘Pena Tras Pena’ from El Recordo de Cruz* [TN: Famous Mexican band from Sinaloa]
Roier: *Starts throwing Mexican insults that are really hard for me to translate to English*
Cucurucho: Good.
Roier: *Gets distracted by the missing backpack again*
Cucurucho: What advice would you give others into continuing pursuing goals? What is the first and more important step?
Missa: Okay. If you were playing soccer and you scored a goal, with who would you celebrate with? Messi or Ronaldo?
Roier: With Messi.
Missa: *Laughs* This guy…
Roier: Why ‘This guy’?! You’re Team Cristiano Ronaldo??? You’re from the Goat– No, the Goat is Messi. Now is Messi, pendejo.
Missa: Of course.
Roier: Bro, I’m feeling so awkward. Why are they asking? *Gets up*
Missa: Sit the fuck down. That chair is a fucking Herman Miller–
Roier: This fucking chair– My coccyx is already hurting–
*Cucurucho gives Roier a book with an actual translation to his question*
Roier: Pendejo, you didn’t translate it correctly!
Missa: No, that’s an extra question!
Roier: Oh, okay. What advice would I give? To keep doing it.
*Missa gets all wet cat and starts apologizing for not doing rp and not answering seriously*
Roier: I would tell them to follow their dreams, and to keep searching their goals. In any time you’re going to make it. And if you don’t make it, that’s because you haven’t arrived to the end. I know you can do it. Fucker.
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