#I’d say sooner but I’m going so slow rn
yallwildinrn · 11 months
Snake in the Grass: Chapter 1
For @ckhalloween23's catch-all prompt: An Empty Grave
This is a horror fic I've been working on since May or June. Given my current pace, it probably won't be out until the latter half of next year, butttt since I have this first chapter done (and I wanted it to be done in time for Halloween of this year), I figured I'd go ahead and post this as a preview and a treat! Well, treat for you guys and me haha.
Content warning for alcohol, bars, and general spookiness.
Pool balls whizz & clack against one another, but the sound is mostly drowned out. The bar, while not packed, is bustling with life, as is typical for a Friday evening; the sounds of yelling, laughter, and glasses clinking fill the already cramped space. It’s the victory cry of men who have been itching for the work week to finally, finally, end.
Dim, warm lights mask dirty floors and mysterious stains of unknown origin that seem to infect any and every upholstered seat. The single TV crammed into the back corner behind the bar top has caught the attention of several men, all shouting and celebrating – or complaining – at every pitch of the game with gnashing teeth. The bartender scrambles to sling out drink after drink of who-knows-what for the night’s customers.
Johnny himself is seated at a round, wooden table shoved near the back of the room. It’s almost uncomfortably close to the billiards tables, and each shrill hit against the pool balls becomes harder to ignore as the night wears on. He’s got some good distraction, though.
He lounges in his chair with a Coors in hand, surrounded by his friends. Bobby sits at his right, sipping his bourbon, while counterclockwise from there are Jimmy, Dutch, and Tommy. It’s tight, mostly because they had to steal a seat for Jimmy, but Johnny doesn’t mind. Not a damn bit.
He takes a long, slow sip from his drink. He still can’t believe they graduated from West Valley six whole years ago, and yet here they are, still thick as thieves. It’s not the same as it was back in high school (images of late-night, high-speed rides on their Hondas and getting plastered on the beach come to mind), but given how damn busy they all are, it’s an impressive amount of effort to keep traditions & meet-ups alive – like these monthly get-togethers at the bar, for example.
Johnny half-listens to a light-hearted argument between Tommy & Jimmy about baseball players he doesn’t give a shit about. Dutch, caught in the middle, has decided to antagonize the two of them by playing devil’s advocate for both sides. Things are getting heated, but it’s nothing Johnny finds worth worrying about. A nudge to Johnny’s arm snatches his attention away, and he turns to see Bobby with an expectant gaze and a soft, tipsy smile on his lips. Johnny reciprocates the smile without even thinking; he can thank the fact that he’s at least a few drinks in for that.
Bobby’s eyes sparkle as he leans towards Johnny. His cheeks are flushed, and his breath is rich and yeasty, laced with just a hint of sweetness. He smirks at Johnny and says, “I’ve been meaning to ask. How’s your back doing, old man?”
Anddd there it is. Johnny rolls his eyes good-naturedly as he answers, “Well, I’m no longer bed-ridden, so there’s that. I think I’ll be good to go back in a week or two once Dr. Gates gives me the green-light. I’m not supposed to see her for another two weeks, but if I feel better before then, I’m gonna see if she can squeeze me in, see if I can get back to work sooner.”
Bobby raises his brows in a look of mock shock, but it’s accompanied by a wry smile. “Did I just hear Johnny Lawrence say he’s trying to get back to work sooner? Thought you had worker’s comp to fall back on?”
“I do,” Johnny explains, snatching the neck of his Coors. The glass is smothered with wet drops of condensation that leave watery rings on the tabletop. “Just turns out that worker’s comp isn’t nearly as good as a roofing job. Pays the bills, but man.”
Johnny shakes his head and takes a swig of his beer. The icy cold liquid feels like a blessing, and he sighs as the bottle leaves his lips.
Bobby shrugs a little awkwardly. He tries to reassure Johnny as best he can by reminding him, “Hey, at least you’re getting comp this time.”
Johnny frowns harshly and shuts his eyes for a moment like he’s trying to will away a headache. He sets his beer down with a soft thunk, and the moisture clinging to the glass is already dripping back onto the table. He glares at a nearby wall and mutters, “Don’t remind me.”
“I’m just saying,” Bobby starts with a warm smile, swishing the alcohol in his glass with one hand. “Not working under the table has its perks.”
Another round of loud cheers fills the room. Sounds like someone finally hit the damn ball. “Yeah, but the government also takes half my damn paycheck. Jimmy still hasn’t helped me figure out how to deduct all my taxes yet,” Johnny says, loudly pulling Jimmy into the conversation.
Jimmy turns away from his own conversation with Tommy & Dutch. He leans onto an elbow and smiles at Johnny, but it’s certainly not genuine; if anything, there’s a bite to it. He answers, “Just because I’m an accountant doesn’t mean I can magically fix your taxes, Johnny. Become a business, then we can talk.”
Johnny flips him off, earning a round of chuckles around the table as Jimmy rolls his eyes and relaxes back into his seat. Dutch points at Jimmy with his beer bottle and asks the accountant, “Speaking of, have you finally been let out of your cage? First time we’ve seen you in, what? Months?”
Jimmy sighs, and Johnny realizes that the polo Jimmy’s wearing is probably the most casual thing he’s worn out and about in a while. “Tax season is finally over. Thank god for that,” Jimmy trails off, and he takes a long swig from his glass.
Tommy eyes his friends and pipes up, “Too late for another round of shots?”
Another round sounds fucking amazing. Johnny instead answers, “I’d love to, but my wallet says no.”
Bobby chimes in, “My liver also says no. That first round was enough for me.”
Dutch’s face crinkles into disappointment as he boos Bobby from across the table. His chair tips back an almost dangerous amount while he does. He shakes his head and laments, “Ya think you know a guy, but then he goes to priest school and becomes a damn prude.”
Bobby glares at him as his grip tightens on his glass. “It’s called seminary, and I’m becoming a pastor, not a priest.”
Tommy snickers & nudges Dutch, giving him a mischievous look. He points out, “Didn’t say he wasn’t a prude.”
Johnny snorts, earning himself a Bobby-patented glare, which then sends him into a laughing fit. Sometimes it can genuinely be scary to be on the receiving end of that gaze, but most of the time (especially after all these years,) it’s become damn hilarious. There’s another vicious clack of the pool balls; the start of a new game.
“I hate all of you,” Bobby huffs. He crosses his arms and leans back into his chair, dragging his gaze across the figures of his (almost) drunk friends, who are still much more sober than half of the room. “Why do I even hang out with you assholes? What did I do to deserve this?”
Jimmy sips on his glass and looks at Bobby. His lips curl into a wry smile. “Be a prude?”
Johnny thinks he can see a vein bulge in Bobby’s forehead, and he has to stifle another snort. Bobby’s lips pull into a tight, frustrated line across his face. He finishes the last of his bourbon with a small gulp and slaps his palm onto the table so he can push himself out of his chair. “I fucking hate you. All of you. I’m getting another drink.”
He pushes his chair back in with his foot and starts to weave through the maze of people & tables, and Tommy smiles like a Cheshire cat and calls out, “Can you-?”
“No,” Bobby yells back as he crosses the bustling room. Tommy cackles in his seat, and Dutch follows suit, clapping a hand on Tommy’s shoulder and howling beside him. Johnny simply shakes his head and leans onto the table, resting on his forearms.
The wood sticks to his skin. He can only imagine how much dust is trapped under layers of sticky god-knows-what. Probably more than he realizes. It’s kind of gross to think about, but it doesn’t really faze him, especially when everything about this bar fits that bill. Not much about this place is great: the bartender’s a dick, the bowls of pretzels are stale as shit and few & far between, it’s impossible to find a seat without a weird stain on it, and there’s never more than two beers on tap.
That doesn’t mean it’s all bad, though. Johnny never has to worry about them running out of Coors. It’s a pretty good distance between all their places. The prices aren’t half bad, and hell, it doesn’t even come close to gracing their top ten list of “Shittiest Bars This Side of California!” So yeah, really not all bad, at least if you ask him.
Tommy’s hyena-like cackle grabs Johnny’s attention and pulls him back into whatever conversations he’s missed. “No, no,” Tommy starts, smiling wide. “I’m just- can you believe any of us actually graduated?”
Jimmy levies Tommy with a self-satisfied smile. “No, I actually can’t believe any of you guys graduated,” he teases. Tommy rolls his eyes.
Dutch scowls. “Yes, yes, we know. You made an A once and got into a big boy college, keep it in your pants,” He replies gruffly, finishing his statement with a swig.
“That’s not what I meant,” Tommy elaborates dryly while gesturing with his drink. “You’re not wrong, but think about it. Our senior year was such a shitshow.”
Dutch smirks and looks Johnny’s way. “I blame Romeo over here. Had no idea a breakup would lead to all that bullshit with LaRusso.”
Johnny stifles at the comment, and his cheeks flush – now red from more than just the alcohol – as he glares at Dutch. He’s about to bark out a comeback, but Bobby cuts him off when he comes sauntering back, freshly filled glass in hand, and retorts, “Oh please, we’re all to blame. We escalated it when we should’ve just left things alone.”
Bobby slides into his chair a little ungracefully, wood scraping against the floor, while Dutch shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He nods his head down a little sheepishly because… yeah. Bobby’s right, as much Johnny hates to admit it. Back at West Valley, they were all chomping at the bit to put the twerp in his place, but none of that needed to happen or even should have happened. They saw red, and LaRusso got caught in the crossfire. It was like they didn’t even see him. Just a conveniently placed punching bag.
The table’s air stills; the rest of the bar continues to thrum with activity while the atmosphere of their little corner slowly ices over. Johnny purses his lips and sips at his beer. Guilt gnaws his ribcage. Even after all these years, after the apologies and many, many steps to make things right, he’s still stuck with bitter memories that choke him up. He opts to study the many dings & scratches on the table rather than meet any of his friends’ eyes.
Jimmy’s the first to break the tense silence. “You know, if we have anyone to blame, it’s Kreese,” he spits out. It hits Johnny like a jab to the chest. He’s taken aback as Jimmy says this, but the man continues, “He put so much bullshit in our heads! All that punch first, think second nonsense. Like, come on-”
“Wait, wait,” Johnny interrupts while waving his hand to stop Jimmy in his tracks. How can he just say that? “Look, he was a total douchebag – I should fucking know – but we’re the ones who took what he said too far. We were still the ones who fucked with LaRusso. He didn’t tell us to do any of that shit.”
Tommy shifts beside him and stumbles over his words. “Yeah, like- but- Look, okay, you’re right, it’s totally on us for taking shit way too far, but Johnny,” Tommy says, and he turns to Johnny with pleading eyes. “He literally taught us to have no mercy. Literally. That’s not an exaggeration.”
Johnny frowns. “Yeah, but we took it out of context. He obviously meant to not take no for an answer, to- to keep pushing on despite the circumstances,” he explains. Are they seriously saying this shit? Even after all these years? After everything Kreese did for them? For fuck’s sake…
Dutch is next to speak. He throws Johnny an odd look as he adds, “Did we go to the same Cobra Kai? Because the one I went to taught us to do fucking everything to the extreme. Including the no mercy shit. Hell, he even had us do karate to the extreme. All those extra goddamn practices…”
“Yeah, and they were good for us. We needed some discipline!” Johnny snaps back defensively. His blood is starting to boil with every bullshit argument that his friends make.
He starts to bounce his leg. The sounds of laughter pouring out from a nearby table makes him want to snarl. He doesn’t get it, how can his friends just- just pass the blame onto Kreese? The guy at least tried to help them and make them into better people (before his sensei lost his mind, that is.)
Johnny turns to Bobby, who’s worrying his lip and squirming like he’s sitting on an anthill. “Come on,” Johnny says. “Back me up here.”
Bobby looks away from Johnny, jaw tense, but he turns back. He lets out a breath, look Johnny square on with a worrying level of sincerity, and says, “Johnny. Kreese worked us so hard once that you forget it was Ali’s birthday. She broke up with you over that.”
Johnny’s skin buzzes. He’s all too aware of the overpowering noise of the room. Hell, he feels like he can feel the next table over breathing on him. His stomach rolls. “That is not what happened,” Johnny insists with a hard stare. “Practice that day was not that bad. I remember it. It was fine.”
Tommy scoffs, “Then why were you so quick to go out drinking with us?”
Johnny’s more tense than a stretched-out rubber band, and he feels like he’s going to snap like one, too. He scowls and answers, “I forgot because…”
Johnny blinks and turns his gaze down. Sweat collects at the back of his neck while his chest tightens.
“No, I-I forgot because…”
His mouth is a cotton ball. He’s reaching into his mind, searching for the memory, but he just… it’s not right. It’s there, but somehow, it also isn’t. He remembers being brought in for an extra practice with his cobras, Twig being brought in to watch & help, the end of practice, getting ready to leave, and then…
His temples throb as tries harder to remember, but he can’t. There’s a gap, a void where something should be. It’s not like he’s just forgotten the details, god no. He’s actively reaching into his mind, searching and grasping for what should be there, sandwiched between the sparring and the night at the bar, but he just… He can’t. He can’t get there. Every time he thinks he’s brushing against what might be the memory in question, a pulsing throb shakes his skull, and it rattles his train of thought loose.
His eyes dart between his friends. His heart pounds furiously against his vice of a ribcage, and he wipes his sweaty palms against the thighs of his pants. Their faces are a varied array of distress and confusion. Why do they look like that? Are they trying – and failing – to remember, just like him? Shit, why can’t he remember?
A chill threatens to run down his spine. Could he ever remember?
When he was fresh off the breakup with Ali, he would spend hours torturing himself with all the ways he screwed things up; it was his way of trying to nail down exactly what he did wrong. Except… he always left that practice turned night-on-the-town alone. He never touched it, to his knowledge. Is- Is this why? Every time he tried to play the events over in his mind, would he get to this downright anomaly of a gap in his memory, and did it make him feel- well, make him feel like he does now? Sick and shaken?
Is that why he never, never thinks about the inciting incident that led Ali to yell at him and tell him things were done? Did the avoidance become muscle memory at some point so he would never try to recall that night & the memories associated with it?
He knows the answer. He doesn’t like it.
It doesn’t even feel natural. It’s not like he just forgot; no, it’s more like something was ripped out unceremoniously or maybe strangled and hidden in an unreachable corner of his mind. Does it matter what type of wrong it is? He wipes the sweat from his brow; the heat from the crowd of the bar tonight has finally caught up to him, it seems.
His mind circles back. Why can’t he remember? Why is there a gap? How long has it been there? Has- has it always been there? And not just any gap. No, a gap that, when he tries to recall upon what should be there, snaps up & bites him like a cornered animal. His head is throbbing. He fumbles for his beer and takes a long drink.
He looks again to his friends. He can only imagine the expression on his own face given theirs. He takes a chance and says, “Please tell me I-I’m not the only one who…”
Bobby slowly shakes his head, eyebrows knit, but he doesn’t meet Johnny’s gaze. Jimmy and Dutch don’t move; they simply squirm and keep their eyes down. Tommy’s chest is heaving as he sits up straight and looks ahead with a mix of fear and uncertainty. Johnny knows they must be in the same boat as him. They have to be.
Tommy answers with a shaky voice, “Who what?” Johnny almost drops his mouth wide open. Tommy’s asking that even though the man isn’t meeting anyone’s eyes and looks like he wants to run out of the room?
“Who what? What do you mean who what?” Johnny asks incredulously. “Who- who can’t fucking remember what happened that night!”
Tommy’s smiling, but it’s strained. He answers, voice as tight as his lips, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Johnny grips his Coors so hard he thinks it’s going to shatter in his hands. “What do you mean what I’m-? You know exactly what I mean. Look at us! Look at yourself! Something’s not right.”
“Johnny,” Bobby pleads. At some point he rested his forehead in his hands, elbows on the table. “You’re- you’re not wrong, but Christ-”
Johnny turns to face Bobby with an eager gaze. He cuts him off, saying, “You can’t remember, either. It’s not just me. Something’s wrong.”
Bobby sighs through his nose. He’s getting frustrated; it’s a tell Johnny knows well. “No, Johnny,” Bobby says shortly. “I can’t remember. But I don’t want to. God, I just… I think I can speak for all of us when I say let’s just drop it. Please. I don’t want to think about-”
Bobby’s practically pleading, but Johnny doesn’t care. What’s more fucking important: a little bit of discomfort or the fact none of them remember the same exact damn thing?
Johnny cuts him off again and snarls, “About the fact there’s a fucking gap in our memories? The same gap for all of us, I’m willing to bet? One we’ve probably had since that night?”
Bobby shuts his eyes, and Johnny’s not sure if the man is going to cry or punch him, but given their shared history at Cobra Kai, it’s probably the latter. Dutch speaks up next, snapping, “Johnny! Just drop it! Yes, our memories are fucked, big whoop. I don’t care! I don’t want to think about it either! I don’t know about you, but I don’t like trying to remember and feeling my skin try to crawl off my body.”
Johnny drums his fingers against his bottle. He can’t fight the scowl on his lips. “Seriously? You’re just going to ignore this? Just like that?”
Dutch laughs bitterly. “Seems like we’ve been doing that for years, man,” he says with a shake of the head, but he pauses and looks Johnny straight on. “You know what? Hold on, let me ask you something. Let’s say we do talk about this shit. Have a little pow-wow and Agatha Christie our way through this bullshit. What the hell would we even do? Seriously, how in the fuck would you even recommend we- we try to fix this? Please, share with the class!”
Johnny opens his mouth to answer but shuts it tight in that same instant. His cheeks flush again. He genuinely has no idea where to start, actually. He does know that if they work together, they might have a shot, but Dutch writing him off with that cruel smile makes Johnny want to scream.
“Exactly,” Dutch says like the self-assured bastard he is, gesturing at Johnny with his drink in hand. “We can’t do shit, and since we’ve gone this long without thinking about it, why stop now? Sounds like none of us want to think about it, for christ’s sake.”
Johnny’s throat is tight. He can hardly believe what Dutch is saying. What Tommy and Bobby have been fucking saying. His blood pulses under his skin, and he turns to Jimmy, almost begging, “Jimmy. Come on, back me up. We can’t just pretend this never happened.”
Jimmy doesn’t look him in the eye, and it’s enough to make Johnny’s heart sink. The brunette swallows, lips turned downward ever so slightly, and he hesitantly answers, “Look, I-I’m sorry Johnny. I can’t. Why don’t we just… let sleeping dogs lie? All remembering does is hurt, and we can’t do anything about it, so why can’t we just…”
Johnny screws his eyes shut tight and flexes a hand in and out of a fist a few times. He brings his Coors to his lips, takes a healthy gulp, and slams the bottle back onto the table with enough force to make his friends jump a little. He glares at them all. He can hardly believe all the bullshit he’s heard tonight.
“Why can’t I just what? Drop it? Why aren’t you pussies willing to do anything about this?! It’s not right! Something is fucking wrong, and you just want to act like nothing happened!” Johnny says. His voice is starting to raise, and he’s getting the attention of a few nearby patrons, but quite frankly, he doesn’t give a shit. Fuck ‘em. “What is wrong with you guys? Who gives a fuck if it hurts to think about it! Something is wrong, and it sure as hell wasn’t just forgotten. It’s gone. Or- or it’s there and we just can’t reach it but- Who cares! It’s still weird as shit, and you’re all just pretending like nothing fucking happened like a bunch of pussies!”
Bobby attempts to soothe him by saying, “Johnny, please, I don’t think this is as bad as you’re saying.”
Johnny feels his muscles tense, and he swears to god, he might break a tooth from how hard his jaw is clenched. He gets tunnel vision for a moment, only able to focus on the traitorous words that just came out of Bobby’s mouth, and when his vision clears, everything is suddenly too much again – screeching pool balls, wails & shouts from the crowd around them, the way his body is vibrating under his skin. He has to fight against the urge to throw & shatter his beer bottle on the ground (likely only because he’s not done quite with it yet).
He can’t believe that Bobby of all people would say that to him. Talk down to him like that. That simple sentence rubs him raw like coarse sandpaper dragged his skin. It conjures up painful memories of his mom brushing aside his pleas for help and, on occasion, Kreese asking him through a sneer if he’s a loser. And worst of all, Bobby knows this, better than anyone else. He’s been the one to listen to Johnny rant and rage about being brushed off and ignored. He knows how that phrase sets Johnny’s blood alight.
Johnny chugs the rest of his beer in one fell swoop and steps out of his chair so fast & hard it tumbles. He doesn’t even bother picking it up. He bites out, “Fuck this. I’m going home. I don’t give a fuck what you do. Pretend for all I care! Don’t come crying to me when this shit blows up in all of our faces.”
Johnny ignores Bobby’s protests as he begins to chase after the taller man, trying to get Johnny to talk to him or whatever. Johnny can’t talk to him, won’t. He can’t even look at him right now. He grits his teeth as he weaves between people, and the longer Bobby follows, the more certain Johnny becomes that he really might start swinging.
Johnny has to shoulder his way into an open spot and wait for the bartender to slide by, but flashing some cash is all it takes to grab his attention. He feels like his skin is going to vibrate right off his body, and he snaps at some asshole sitting beside him who tells him to watch it.
Bobby catches up to Johnny as he’s trying to pay the bartender, worthless platitudes tumbling out of his mouth, and Johnny hisses through clenched teeth, “If you don’t lay off, I’m gonna knock your teeth out, I swear to god.”
It works as intended. Bobby steps back, startled and wide-eyed. Johnny knows he looks a little wild right now, but he just does not care. He feels like he’s one wrong word or move away from snapping, from saying & doing shit he’s going to regret. He just wants to get out of this fucking bar and away from his shithead friends.
Johnny breathes a small sigh of relief when Bobby accepts defeat and slinks back to the table stuffed in the back of the room. He always was the smartest of the five of them. He knew when it was time to leave things be before it blew up in their faces. Johnny thinks of Daniel, and he feels a little sick, but it’s replaced with another wave of hot, tepid anger again, the same kind that haunted him all through high school.
With his tab paid, Johnny shoves his way out of the bar, other patrons throwing protests, swears, & a few obscene gestures at him, but Johnny makes himself ignore it and pushes on. If he starts to pay attention and care right now, even a little, he’s probably gonna get the cops called on his ass, and he just- he can’t deal with that on top of everything else tonight.
He opens the bar door with a hard shove, and the chill night air washes over him. While the streets are neither silent nor empty, it’s still much better than the bar, and he feels his chest loosen enough that he can breathe again. He stomps over to his Avanti, and halfway through sticking his key into the door’s lock, he decides that he doesn’t have enough beer at home to deal with this night.
17 notes · View notes
whorefordazai · 3 years
hi hi its me!! im just feeling really bad and holding my tears rn. can i get anything with aku/chuu/dazai, whoever u deem more fit! they are my comfort bbys. running away from home, even if its just for a night,maybe going to some rooftop or a drive at night. my situation at home isnt the best and i feel rly caged and anxious bc i don't have friends to go out with when my situation gets overwhelming so i just break down in my room haha. anyways, i hope this is good enough? just some comfort or validating words!! sending hugs to u rai, ilysm. thank u for doing this its basically therapy for me ajsbdhd ❤️🌷
I hope things get better for you bestie, love you <33
“Till forever falls apart”
ft. dazai x gn! reader
genre: fluff, comfort
wc: 1.5k (I think🥲)
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synopsis: running away from home with dazai yup yup !! simply a big fat cliche but it’s my guilty pleasure of fluff 🌝 includes a lot of kisses, hand holding, and comfort 🧍‍♂️
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick the fucking tock.
The clock made no noise, but you imagined it did. After all, that was what usually happened when one planned to sneak out during ungodly hours of the night. Looking at the time, it read 3:54 am.
You couldn’t stay here for one more second.
Swiftly, yet quietly lifting off the covers from your body, you got up from bed, and made your way to the window. It wasn’t sunrise yet. The sky was still dark, the streets peacefully quiet. The street lamp flickered, the airy fog was light against the ground.
It was perfect.
It wasn’t perfectly planned—but knowing Dazai, it wouldn’t go completely wrong. Feeling suffocated and unable to stay home, you had spontaneously called him two hours prior, around 2 am. His disoriented sleepy voice had picked up the call.
“...Hm? Babe? What time is it...” Dazai’s delicate husky voice spoke through the phone.
You could almost imagine him letting out a yawn and stretching out in his futon, brown curls resting against his face, his eyes tearing up from the yawn. You mentally cursed yourself when a smile appeared on your lips from hearing the mere sound of his voice.
You cleared your throat. “Yeah, it’s 2 am. Listen I...” your words stopped before you could continue. You gulped. Would he even be up for this? Would he be up for running away?
Dazai seemed to notice your voice falter. He spoke more hushed this time. “Are you okay? Are you safe? Do you need me to get you?”
You stayed silent for a few seconds before exhaling.
“No...well, yes but no. And...no you don’t need to come get me. I just wanted to hear your voice, Osamu. Thanks—you can go back to sleep now.”
You bit your lip, your finger hovered over the hang up button.
You raised an eyebrow. Dazai’s voice now spoke louder, as if his tone was full of mischief. “Huh?”
“Darling, I wasn’t sleeping anyway. In what universe would Dazai Osamu be sleeping at 2 am? C’mon sweetheart—you know me better than that.” He chuckled.
Your breathe hitched for a second—and then you laughed. It was a quiet airy laugh. He’s right...what was I so worried about?
“Okay then,” you giggled, voice laced with a plan.
“What do say about running away with me at 4 am?”
“Why that is...MARVELOUS!! Running away is what I do best!”
You laughed again, still managing to keep a hushed voice. “Alright—then come pick me up at 4 am will you? 4 am sharp.”
“You got it, babe.” You could almost picture his devilish smirk and golden brown eyes glinting with mischief.
The clock now read 4:01 am. Dazai was definitely here.
You gulped as you opened the window in your room, careful not to make even the tiniest noise.
And there he was.
It was barely noticeable, but you could see Dazai’s figure between the dark shadows in the car. As you both made eye contact, a smile appeared on your lips.
Just to be cheesy, you blew him a kiss, and he dramatically caught—pressing his fingers to his lips.
Getting out of the window was the easy part—actually leaving without anyone noticing was going to be difficult. It would’ve been even more difficult if Dazai wasn’t here to help you.
“Hi.” You smiled, sitting down on the passenger seat next to him.
“Hi.” He smiled back. The two of you looked at each other for a few seconds, before Dazai moved closer and put a hand on your cheek, immediately locking lips with you.
Hands immediately wrapping around his neck, you smiled into the kiss. The butterflies in your stomach exploded when his hand wrapped around your waist, squeezing your hip. When his tongue brushed against your bottom lip, you breathlessly chuckled and pulled back.
“Hurry, let’s get out of here! We can continue this later~” You scratched the back of your neck, cheeks flushed pink.
“Off we go then!” He smirked, eyes looking forward and hands shifting the car gear.
And you were off.
Probably driving around seventy miles per hour, Dazai rolled down the windows and turned on the radio for some music. You grinned, hearing the sound of the breeze down the music.
“This is—why didn’t we do this sooner!?” You laughed, feeling the wind flush against your face. You looked over to Dazai, who had an equally huge smile on his face, his brown curls being swept back by the wind.
“Y/n—we’re about to drive through a tunnel. Peek your head out the car roof! I swear, it’ll feel amazing!” Dazai beamed, sliding open the car roof so that you would be ready.
“Huh?! Are you sure—”
“I’m very fucking sure!!” He laughed.
“OH—okay then!” A smirk appeared on your lips as you stood up and peaked out half your body through the roof.
It was fucking amazing.
The tunnel was brightly lit with yellow lights, the wind was blowing through your hair. In that moment...hell, you couldn’t even explain how you were feeling in this moment.
As the car stopped on a red light, you sat back down in your seat and closed the car roof. Dazai smirked. “That was cool, right?”
“Very fucking cool. Although, next time I’d like to do in your arms.” You smiled. He raised his eyebrows, and grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles.
A sudden chill went through your body as the wind blew colder. You shivered, rubbing your arms up and down. You chuckled to yourself. I must’ve forgotten to grab a hoodie in all this rush…
“Here, put this on.” Dazai chuckled, leaning to the back seat and grabbing a black hoodie. You eyed him carefully, grabbing the hoodie he was handing to you.
Putting it on, you immediately felt a sense of warmth envelope your skin. Shivering once again, you hugged yourself. It smelled exactly like him.
“Thanks, Osamu…” you softly smiled. He glanced your way for a few seconds before nodding. “No problemo!”
“...No, seriously.” You lightly scoffed with a small smile on your face. You put your hand on his.
“Without you...I would’ve still been stuck there. You have no idea how much you’ve helped….”
Your words were stopped when you felt Dazai grab your hand and intertwine your fingers. He turned his head towards you, a smile on his lips. “I know...call me anytime, okay? I wanna see you all the time.”
You pressed a quick kiss on his lips, sitting back in your seat. Your eyes were practically lit up as you rubbed small circles on Dazai’s knuckles.
You felt simply...the only word to describe it was euphoric. The rush in your bones. It was so fucking cliche, running away with your boyfriend at 4 am.
It was so perfectly cliche that you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself.
“We’re here,” Dazai’s voice sang as he slowed down the car to a complete stop. You looked ahead—it was fairly dark, only a few street laps illuminating the building in front of you.
“An abandoned building…?” Your mouth opened, eyes a little wide.
“Yup! Now come on….” Dazai smiled, pulling your hood over your head and squeezing your face. He moved closer and pressed several kisses on your cheeks, nose, and forehead. Practically anywhere he could get access too.
“H-hey! that’s—a lot—of—kisses!!” You managed to say between breaths as he continued to kiss your lips every time you began to talk. Both his hands were squeezing your cheeks like a baby.
He suddenly laughed, the soft grip on your cheeks now turning into a caress. Dazai’s thumb rubbed soft circles against your cheek. He seemed to quiet down, but he was now staring into your eyes
“Uh...are we gonna go inside or…?” You raised an eyebrow, gently tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear. It was soft, just like how you remembered it to be.
“Yeah...let’s go.” He smirked, hands leaving your face and opening his own door to get out of the car. You got out a second after him, feet hitting the soft dirt.
Dazai suddenly clasped your hand in his, pulling you with him as he dashed to the entrance. Your eyes flew open. “W-wait! Dazai, you seem really excited—“
“No time to speak, darling—were on the move!!” He laughed, pulling the both of you up endless stairs. You felt an enabling rush as Dazai ran ahead of you, hands held together. The buzz in your body, the euphoric smile that never left your lips.
“We’re here,” Dazai gasped out, coming to a halt. The breeze gently blew across the huge clearing. You rested your hands on your knees for a second, just to catch your breath.
“We’re...on the roof…?” You bit your lip, suppressing the huge idiotic smile that was about to make its way onto your face. Dazai nodded, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“This is...beautiful.” The roof was dark, it was ghostly quiet. You could only see the city lights from across the railing. Dazai walked to the edge, hand still intertwined with yours.
He leaned against the metal bar, hands gripping the pole with a huge smile on his lips.
God, he looked so beautiful. His brown hair was gently flowing against the breeze, the bridge of his nose seemed to perfectly shape the rest of his face. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you smiled.
“You’re not gonna ask me to jump off the roof with you, hm?” You whispered as a joke. He glanced at you for half a second before wrapping his whole arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest.
“No...not today, darling.”
His eyes seemed glassy, but somehow the clearest you’d ever seen. You blinked a couple times, before finally settling your face back into his shoulder.
“You know,” he mumbled into your hair. “I look at you in a way I thought I could never look at someone.”
You stayed silent, both your hearts beating. He continued.
“I look at you, with love in my eyes. Love I didn’t know was in me...love I didn’t know I was capable of feeling.” He licked his lips with half lidded eyes. “I look at you with the love I thought I had lost.”
You buried your face deeper into his chest. “I love you so much, Dazai.” You whispered. He kissed the top of your head, humming in response.
“I wanna stay like this forever.” You mumbled, eyes suddenly becoming foggy, remembering you had no one back home.
“I know.” He softly whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“I wanna stay with you forever.”
“I know.”
“Just with you, Dazai. No one else.”
“I know.”
“But we can’t...it won’t last forever.”
“...I know.”
He suddenly wrapped his arms around your whole body, hugging you as if you were going to disappear. One of his arms circled your waist, while the other held the back of your head.
“Then we’ll stay like this—till forever falls apart.” You mumbled, inhaling his sweet scent.
He nodded, kissing the tip of your nose. “Till forever falls apart.”
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a/n: a part of this was inspired by the movie perks of being a wallflower, I’m sure you can tell which part :)
tag list: @uwu-monster101 @14th-century-homosexual-spirit @dai-tsukki-desu @i4gumi @cross-crye @starglow-xx @ranposlover @bsdwhore @arimakii @malewifegirlboss @shadyteacup @smadhuman @knjksj0301 @neighborhoodfriendlysimp @rirk-ke @mushroomplantasia @luftdum @pickleisrandom @3-am-depression @its-chuuya-bitch @the-wholesome-ranpo
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240 notes · View notes
mackdaddynate · 4 years
hurt less: cale makar
Note: this is completely self-indulgent, as well as the first thing I’ve finished in over a year so enjoy! And remember to check in on your homies, things are hard rn <3
Warnings: a lot of anxiety
Cale’s key unlocking the front door woke you from your nap. It was dark now, and the crisp autumn air of Denver rushed through the open window behind you.
“Hey babe,” he said, setting his keys on the counter and walking over to the couch to kiss your forehead.
“Hey,” you managed to say. The words came out much softer than you expected.
“Sorry to wake you. Room for one more?” he asked, gesturing to the couch.
You nodded, rubbing your eyes. You sat up only to lay right back down, resting your head in his lap. He absentmindedly began playing with your curls, gently twisting them around his fingers.
“Cale, what time is it?”
“7:30ish, I think.” He double-checked his phone and nodded to confirm. “Feeling okay?”
He would’ve had to have been wildly unobservant to not notice your tossing and turning before falling asleep or the way you found yourself gasping for air in the middle of the night. You were anxious about pretty much everything recently, and it became nearly unbearable at night, when all you wanted to do was sleep and forget. When it happened last night, he just pulled you closer to him, rubbing your back until everything slowed down again. There’s no way he didn’t feel your heart hammering in your chest, but you’d planned to blame it on a nightmare.
You didn’t want to be struggling, but you really didn’t want to interfere with Cale’s shortened off-season. He was supposed to be relaxing, not keeping track of the bags under your eyes that somehow kept getting even puffier.
“Yeah, just tired. Classes have been a lot of work,” you said.
He sighed, so heavily that you could feel his sharp exhale from your spot in his lap.
“You know you can tell me the truth.”
You cursed yourself for forgetting that Cale has always been able to read your emotions like a book. And you usually thought it was sweet that the two of you knew each other so well, but this time you felt more like a burden.
You turned to look at him, and his brows were furrowed. As soon as he looked back at you, your eyes welled with tears. His features immediately softened. He put your hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean- “
“No, you’re right, I should explain myself. I know you’re just worried.”
He nodded as you wiped the first batch of tears away, knowing that there were more where that came from. He was still holding onto your hand, now rubbing little circles with his thumb.
“Sorry, I- I kind of just feel like I’m running on empty but as soon as I try to give myself a break, I’m too stressed to enjoy it. And classes are hard, but I’m more scared that I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. And it’s like I’ve got nothing to look forward to right now and I just wake up so exhausted and it feels like I’m living the same day over and over again.”
You’d been focusing your eyes on the ceiling, tears falling harder now. He brushed them away with his thumb.
“Come here.”
He pulled you into his lap and held you. You wrapped your arms around him, tucking your head into his chest and holding on for dear life. You knew he was going to have your tears all over his sweatshirt, but the only thing you could focus on at the moment was trying to breathe.
“I’m really sorry,” you struggle to say between sobs.
“Just breathe with me for a bit, okay?” He guided you through some inhales and exhales until your breathing was a bit more stable. “Now look at me,” he said, gently tipping your chin up.
“For what it’s worth, you’re the smartest person I know and I’m really proud of you. And I know I won’t fix everything, but I guess I just have to spoil you a little more than usual right now. I want to take care of you, you know? Otherwise I’d kind of be a shitty boyfriend,” he said, tucking a strand of hair that had fallen onto your face behind your ear.
You giggled, “Yeah well, you’re not shitty if I don’t ask for help.” It really was a relief to tell someone, especially your favorite person.
“Tell me sooner next time, yeah? Did you eat today?”
“Mmmm… barely.” You got nauseous when you were anxious, which sucked, but it was cute that he remembered.
“How about a sandwich? And maybe some tea?”
You nodded, “Thanks baby.”
“You gotta let me out first though.” He tapped your shoulder to get you off of him, but not without kissing your forehead first. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Even right now?”
“Even right now,” he said, grinning.
He returned to the couch with your sandwich, tea, and a big glass of water before you knew it. He wrapped his arm around you and inched closer to your side of the couch.
“Cale, I’m super sorry about earlier. Thanks for putting up with me.”
“Hey, don’t apologize. I sort of can’t stay away from you, and you do have a few redeeming qualities.”
“Shut up,” you say, laughing between mouthfuls. After a few more minutes you finish off your food. “Can we watch a movie from bed?”
“Lead the way.”
You head into the other room and immediately flop down on your bed, with Cale immediately doing the same. You curled up next to him, your feet tangled with his and your head on his chest. You got around 20 minutes into the movie before your eyes were drooping. You knew Cale was teasing you, but you didn’t really have the words to stand up for yourself.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you said softly, words heavy with sleep. He laughed at you once again, before giving you a quick peck on the lips.
“God, you’re adorable.”
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not following my own advice
me writing to someone Sep 15: 
sorry that you fell - that's the last thing we need, right? I'm being so careful now but I do dog agility with a young lab cross and sooner or later I'm going to take a big tumble. I try as much as possible to be prepared though, good footwear, avoid slippery surfaces and pay attention to what I'm doing. We have to baby our bones now
baby our bones now - yeah, super important!!
also me Sep 19: 
let me fling myself out of my van, ass first, from over 50cm in the air, onto a concrete floor!!!!!!
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I was IN the cargo area, squatting inside the van & adjusting Olive’s crate. I’ve done this hundreds of times & normally when getting out, the idea is one or both the legs precede the body. This time, my leg caught on something & I looked like this, except with more left leaning (no doubt thinking about the election, ha) & my right hand futilely grabbing at air. 
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my left leg hit first, then my left arm & tailbone, & then yes, I whacked my head like that.  I’m sure it was epic. 
My first aid team came to my rescue. We could tell the arm was shit so we knew I needed to go to the ER
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We just had to decide whether to drive or call an ambo & we decided to drive. It was eerily quiet there & I was seen very quickly. Al got to come in with me. I was wheelchaired because my ass hurt so much, it hurt to walk. 
The xrays confirmed to absolutely nobody’s surprise that I had a fracture. Specifically, I had broken the distal radius. They decided it could just be reduced & casted in the ER & they got me set up with ketamine and propofol. Al got to watch. Apparently the RT had to help push on my shoulder while the dr yanked on my arm so hard that I was getting pulled off the stretcher. 
so the ketamine? It Is awesome. 10/10. I totally see the street drug appeal of this one. Also I’m apparently a lightweight & was out with a small dose. They had brought in extra syringes but didn’t need them (& didn’t give them to me take home, hmmmf). 
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here I am, post reduction, arm in cast & still stoned 
(oh no, stretcher rail down; don’t let the clinical instuctor or the falls prevention committee see!) 
Hey, if you want to weird out staff, remember people’s names & greet them by name when coming out of sedation. I greeted my RT, RN & the Dr all. “Hello first name who only introduced yourself from habit & now is startled to hear the pt say your name. Yes, it is I, your stoned patient with intact short term memory”
So now we wait for it to heal. I saw ortho today. Once reduced, it became more obvious that there are 2 breaks in the radius, which means there is a risk it will move.  They will xray it weekly to monitor. If it stays put, in 3 weeks they can swap out the plaster cast for a lighter fiberglass one. If it moves, we need to discuss surgery to pin it. Surgery when on chemo is tricky - I’d need to potentially stop chemo to get my blood counts up. Bone healing might also take more time; chemo slows all healing.
In the meantime, I’m learning how to do things with one hand. 
& trying to be careful
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
summer sizzle | morning, kevin owens [m]
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[ prompts used ] 
** as stated before, all of these came from some pretty amazing lists I found floating around online. I’ll have to actually sit down at some point and find them all but... for now, credits to anyone who recognizes anything from this prompt as one they may have thought up. The direction I took all of them combined, the unnamed OFC are mine though. **
Only one bed. Oh no! +“There’s only one blanket and two of us-looks like you’ll need to cuddle up closer then.” + morning wood + sex dreams/wet dreams + “Well good morning to you too.” + “I can make you cum harder than that.” + loud sex + “Were you dreaming about me?”-
[ authors notes ]
THIS WAS EASY BUT ALSO NOT. I started this like... last week at some point, but I kept getting stuck, going back to edit or change things and for a few days, I just ignored this one, even though of all the ones I have going rn, it’s the CLOSEST one of my wrestling writing prompt things to actually being finished. BUT. BUT.. It’s done now and honestly, I’m lowkey proud of it, even though I know it’s about to flop most likely. ie pls, I beg of ya’ll don’t let this flop.
[ warnings ]
18+ only. All children get yourselves out of here now. I mean this. There’s morning sex, brief mentions of body fluids and of course, bites / marking. Other than that, this one is surprisingly cute and fluffy.
[ pairing ]
kevin owens x best friend!ofc, one hotel room & one bed trope.
[ tag squad ]
[ tag list | masterlist | about page ] 
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                                         morning ft Kevin Owens + OFC
“We only have one more room.”
“Is it at least a double?” I questioned, biting my lip. The scent of Kevin’s cologne mixed with sweat was enough to call to memory just how fucking angry he got at Seth for no apparent reason back at the arena and I found myself getting wound up all over again… Thighs all drippy and slipping right off of each other. If this room wasn’t a double, it was going to be one long fucking night..
“Holy fuck, we’ll fucking take it. I just need to be out of that SUV. I’m exhausted.” Kevin grumbled sleepily from beside me. He rubbed his face - probably to keep his eyes from closing on their own.
“Okay, we’ll take it.” I plastered on my best tired smile and dug around, finding my ID and passing it through to the night clerk on the other side of the desk. Kevin did the same, moving to stand closer and pressing up against me as he passed his ID through. I just barely caught myself before I whimpered.
For a second, I could almost swear he heard the sound. But he was back to business as usual, breaking my gaze to take his identification back from the clerk, then tucking it away in his wallet. His other hand lingered at my hip and I gulped, keeping my eyes trained on the television set behind the front desk. The news was playing. It wasn’t interesting by any stretch of the imagination, but it did keep me from locking eyes with my best friend Kevin and having him read me like a book at that point in time.
Because I’m at least 99 percent certain that Kevin does not feel the slightest bit attracted to me. And the last thing I want to do is make everything between us awkward as hell. Which trust me, it would be.
He fell in step beside me as we walked down the carpet covered hallway in search of an elevator. The silence was heavy, almost tension filled to a point where I was having a hard time keeping myself together. Kevin spoke up, shattering the silence as we stopped at the door to the elevator and I leaned forward, pressing the up button. His chest brushed my back and I could feel the warmth of his breath next to my ear. “Did you whimper?”
“Huh? No. I might have yawned just now.” I said it quick. A little too quickly. If the look on Kevin’s face was anything to go by, he didn’t believe it. He shook his head and pressed against my back a little more. “No not just now. Down in the lobby. Because see..” he took a shaky breath, it was enough to give me pause for a split second. Was he just a little nervous right now?
He couldn’t be. Kevin Owens just doesn’t do nervous. He simply does not. I pushed the thought out of my mind and he promptly continued, a smirk creeping to play at his lips slow and easy as his eyes fixed on mine in the reflection of the metal doors we stood in front of. 
“I could’ve sworn I heard you whimper, doll.”
The tone of his voice was enough to push me over that fine line between just a little wet to my thighs becoming a dripping and slippery mess. He chuckled quietly and I did my best not to tense up, to continue to at least try behaving as if absolutely nothing was going on.
Fuck me, I’m going to need new panties as soon as we get to this hotel room.
“ Nope, it wasn’t me.” - and saved by the bell, literally. The elevators slid open with a slow lingering creak as the bell dinged quietly. I stepped on and leaned against the wall, almost dangerously close to Kevin’s side and he sort of leaned himself against me yawning and swearing about the drive in and the snowstorm that blew in so heavy we had to stop in the first place and all I could do was try to focus on literally anything but the way his voice drops and gets so fucking deep when he’s half asleep.
How I wonder if he sounds like that in bed.
It was a can of worms I could not afford to open, not on this night.
The few minutes it took for the elevator to reach our floor felt like honest to god hours, the time passing lazily as both of us kept quiet and scrolled through our phones like we’d normally do. That tension though, that tension was building and about to reach a boiling point. I almost couldn’t breathe. And I was practically throbbing each time I could feel his breath against my ear while he leaned casually against me. The elevator finally slowed and then stopped and after picking up my things, I started to slink towards the door.
I could feel his eyes fix on me the exact moment they did. I bit my lip and took a deep breath pausing just outside the elevator doors as he took his time walking out, his bag slung almost carelessly over his shoulder. He gave me a smirk and I just barely managed not whimpering, smirking right back at him. I nodded to the hallway ahead. “Are we going? The sooner we get to our room, Kev.. The sooner we can get to sleep.”
“The sooner you can get warm.” Kevin remarked, his gaze fixing on me. I realized then that I was shivering and cold, no thanks to every single layer of my clothing being drenched by melted snow.
“Yeah… Definitely.” I admit, I got more than a little distracted by the mere thought of a warm shower. And then my mind just didn’t stop.. I was thinking about those thick and rough hands all over my bare skin and I got the most intense shiver I’d probably ever gotten in my entire life racing through my body. I tripped on the carpet a little and grumbled to myself, Kevin reaching out, holding me steady as he stared down at me a few seconds without saying anything. Then he chuckled, shaking his head as he muttered something I couldn’t quite make out. 
We stopped at the door to our hotel room and he slid the keycard through the reader. The light changed to green and he kicked at the door to open it, stepping inside… where the cold air promptly hit us full blast.
“Shit. Fuck.” My eyes settled on the bed situation, taking it in as I tried not to choke on my own tongue. I just thought the night was going to be a long one. The fact that there was only one bed in the room just proved that not only was it going to be a long night for me, but probably, a sleepless one. And not in the way I wished it would be, either. I shivered at both the chill in the air and the realization that I was going to have to share a room with him and somehow, I was going to have to act as if I didn’t want him so bad I could taste it.
“The heat’s turned on but all I feel comin out is cold air. Fuckin heater must be broken.” Kevin mused as he turned his attention away from the heater that ran the length of the wall and followed my gaze.
To the one bed in the room. He coughed, staring at it intently, an almost amused gleam in his eyes as he did so.
 Shit. Tonight really will be a long night. I pushed the thought out as I fixed my gaze on him. “You take the bed. I’m shorter, I can cram myself on that couch.”
“How about no, doll. I’ll make the couch work if anybody does.” Kevin insisted, gazing at me firmly. I swallowed hard when he made his next suggestion.
“Or.. wild idea here. We’re both adults. We could share the bed. For warmth.” Kevin said it so calmly. So calmly that before I even realized it, I was nodding my head in agreement… without even really stopping to consider the fact that lately, I’ve been having some very vivid and very loud, wet dreams about the man. I think it sank in what I’d agreed to about three seconds later and from the second it did, cue internal panic.
“I’m gonna go shower and try to warm up… unless you wanted to go first?” I turned back around to face Kevin and found myself body to body with him. My bright red panties fell onto the carpeted floor, catching his eye. He bit his lip and leaned down, picking them up and holding them out to me a smirk playing at his lips as his eyes met mine. “You dropped something, doll.”
“Y-yeah. I noticed.” I could feel my thighs slip off of each other. The fact that my panties were getting wetter and wetter by the second did nothing to help the fact that I was also soaked and freezing from the snowstorm we’d walked through to come into the building.
If I didn’t know any better… I’d almost be willing to swear that he’s teasing me right now. And that he’s enjoying every fucking second. But that’s nonsense. We’re just friends. I’m overthinking things, overanalyzing every little minute action made right now because I’m exhausted and I know this is going to be a long -read, sexually frustrating, night for me.
That has to be it.
On shaky legs, I hurried into the bathroom, shutting it behind me with a soft thud. I scrambled to tear off the cold,wet clothing and I turned on the faucet with the hot water on full blast. Given the situation I’m in, I probably should be taking a cold shower but… I’m freezing and I wanna boil.
I heard the tv turn on, it sounded like the last bits of a hockey game, and I smiled to myself, gathering my bath products and lowering myself into the tub.As the hot water made contact with my cool skin, I let out a soft hiss, my eyes fluttering shut as I relaxed against the back of the tub. I could’ve easily fallen asleep if it weren’t for the fact that my magpie brain didn’t choose to go back to the whole moment between us just before I got in here and hyper-focus on that… Take it further. Make my imagination really start to go wild.
Just as I was starting to let my hands wander over my own body, softly, squeezing my tits together and gently playing with my nipples, my hips arching a little beneath the water, the door practically flew open.
When I tell you I have never moved my hands away from my body so fast in my entire life… I glanced up, locking eyes with Kevin who was a little red in the face.. He wasn’t really bothering to cover his eyes either.. Then again, to be fair, I wasn’t exactly making an effort to hide my bare ass naked self from his gaze either and any bubbles I did have in the water originally had long since disappeared, so..
“You got a little shampoo, doll.” Kevin was sitting next to the tub, one of those big and rough hands gingerly covering my eyes while he took a cup that he’d grabbed from the counter and rinsed out the shampoo. I swallowed hard but I managed to get in a hint of teasing in the form of the remark “At least I’m not shitfaced like New Years, huh?”
He chuckled quietly, and I glanced up after he moved his hand, noticing that he seemed to be in deep thought. “Everything okay?”
“Totally, doll.” Kevin finally answered, reaching down and taking the wash cloth I’d been about to use on my body from where I’d abandoned it in the favor of a little hands on exploration earlier. He reached across me, grabbing my bodywash. After he got the washcloth all soapy, he bit his lip and half-teased, “If I don’t help ya, you might try to stay in here all damn night and I wanna shower too.”
But there was something in his eyes that had me biting back a whimper. Had me getting wet all over again and god help me, squirming just a little in the tub. He gave a quiet chuckle and leaned in just slightly, his mouth brushing carefully against the shell of my ear. “Lean up a little. I’ll get your back.”
“O-okay.” I managed to stammer. If Kevin had one tenth of a clue just how close I was to grabbing hold of the front of his black tee shirt and pulling his mouth against mine right now, I found myself thinking, he’d probably laugh. He shattered the heavy silence hanging in the air around us when he bit his lip and sat the washcloth down, pressing the back of his hand to my forehead, tilting his head to one side slightly as if he were puzzling something out and then finally asking me with a barely hidden smirk, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I answered, biting my lip and barely managing to keep a whimper at bay when I felt the washcloth making it’s way up and down my back. I know he had to have felt me when I shivered at his touch, there was absolutely no way in hell I could hide that in time.
“You looked like you were in a daze.” Kevin stated. I swear I almost responded with exactly what was on my mind, just so he wouldn’t keep pushing. I almost did. Luckily, common sense prevailed.
I sighed as the warmth of the water hit my body, rinsing away soapy bubbles and with a laugh, I nodded to the towel nearby. “The bath is all yours.” and for a moment, my eyes lingered on his and I licked my lips slowly, taking a gulp as I prepared myself to stand and step out of the tub.
I know what you’re thinking… you’ve obviously seen each other naked before if you’re best friends… And you’d be right, but… Tonight is the first time I’ve shared a hotel room with Kevin Owens since I came to the realization that I was in love with him.
And lately, with my realization, things may or may not have become a little… tense. Awkward. Because my extreme clumsiness really shines through. Two times I’ve fallen in his lap on a flight when trying to sit. Just his breath against my neck if he walks up behind me and whispers something into my ears is enough to send my thighs slipping right off of each other.
And I have to share a hotel room with him… and behave as if nothing is different… all fucking night.
I rose up from the warm water, biting my lip as I reached for the towel dangling from his fingertips. My eyes were locked firmly on his. He stepped closer, making sure the towel actually made it into my hand because in my distracted daze, I’d misjudged where his hand was exactly and it nearly hit the floor. 
If I didn’t know better, I found myself thinking all over again, I’d almost swear he was flirting with me right now. Between my lack of sleep and trying to keep it together as of late, I wanted to say I was at least halfway sure he might be flirting with me, but honestly, I didn’t want to get my hopes up and then make a move and discover that he wasn’t.
I wrapped the fluffy white oversized towel around me and for a second or two, neither of us really… Moved. We were standing there, both of us in a bit of a daze. I swallowed hard, tilting my head slightly, looking up at Kevin. “Are you okay?” I asked after a second or two in which for some reason or another I couldn’t hear anything but blood rushing to my ears as my heart hammered away in my chest.
“Yeah.” he muttered the word quietly, almost thoughtfully. My heart kicked up it’s racing a little as I felt his hand settle gingerly against my hip and he started to move closer. My breath really caught in my throat when I realized that I was moving closer too.
Neither of us were stepping back. My breath was getting shakier with each second that passed and with that came the realization that it was getting harder and harder not to raise my leg to his hip, put my hand on the back of his neck and pull his mouth against mine.
I even found myself toying with what harm exactly that might cause. Could it really be so bad? And he was stepping closer to me too.. Right off the bat, I shoved that line of reasoning out of my head as quickly as possible.
His hand settled softly across my lower back and I blinked a little, dazed. His mouth was moving in closer, about to close the distance between us. The knock on the door from room service Kevin ordered had us both breaking out of our dazes and springing apart. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I bit the insides gently, trying to calm myself as Kevin hurried out of the bathroom and to the door of our hotel room to pick up whatever he’d gotten room service to send up.
By the time he was done doing that, I’d managed to get dressed and I was flopped on the bed, flipping through the tv set. Kevin flopped down beside me and for a good five minutes or so, neither of us said anything.
We both wanted to though, that much was evident in the thick and heavy tension filling the air around us. I almost said something about ten times, but I managed to keep my biggest question internal.
Because every part of me wanted to ask if he’d been about to kiss me. 
We ate in silence, some stupid Hallmark Christmas movie I’d stopped on playing mostly for background. Kevin went to get himself a shower and I took a deep breath as I stood, staring down the bed intently.
,, you can do this. It’s just sharing a bed with your best friend, like all the other times..” was what I tried telling myself as I pulled back the covers, sinking into the soft bed. I’d just gotten as comfortable as I could given the arrangement, when Kevin came back out and settled into bed.
“It’s freezing in here.” I complained quietly. Kevin rolled onto his side and bit his lip, staring at me a second or two before nodding to the space right next to him. “Well, there is only one blanket… And two of us. Body heat means warmth, doll.” he pointed out calmly. After a good second or two of convincing myself that despite knowing this couldn’t be a good idea and it was only going to end in awkwardness in the morning, I moved closer. His arm settled over me and I burrowed down into the cover, getting as close to him as I could possibly get.
I must have been out in seconds, because I don’t remember anything else after that. And that thing I’d been dreading might happen? Oh.. It happened.
 “Oh… mmm… like that, Kevin.” 
I could feel thick fingertips dancing over my bare thighs as I started to wake up. My ass was pressed right against him and I could feel obvious evidence of morning wood when I brushed against him just a little, wiggling around. The sun was shining in through the slit in the curtains and as soon as it hit me what I’d been dreaming about and what exactly I was still doing because of it upon awakening, I wanted the floor to open and swallow me whole.
But before I got the chance to slip out of bed and into the bathroom to get dressed for the remainder of our drive today, Kevin’s mouth was against the shell of my ear as he leaned over me, staring down in a daze.
“You got pretty loud.” Kevin muttered, stifling a yawn. I felt my stomach starting to churn and my mouth opened and closed a time or two. He smirked down at me almost playfully and I swallowed hard. “I did, huh? I’m sorry, I…”
Kevin leaned in closer, his mouth just barely brushing against mine as he asked me, “Were you dreaming about me, doll?”
“Kevin, I…”
“Just answer my question.” his tone was firmer. I won’t even get into just how soaking wet the sound of it had me getting in little under a second, but yeah… He was still leaned in, staring me down expectantly.
“Fuck it.” he chuckled quietly, his mouth closing the distance, my mouth falling open easily to allow his tongue access. My eyes popped open and the shock started to wear off just as I was starting to feel light-headed. I started to deepen the kiss even more despite not being able to breathe, rolling completely on my back so that I wound up beneath him. One of my hands raised, trailing lazily over his scalp and he gave a quiet growl as his teeth scraped against my lips, tugging. I could feel my mouth swelling at the impact of the kiss but I didn’t care.
The kiss broke and we pulled away reluctantly, staring at each other all wide eyed. 
“What… Why..” I stammered. Kevin chuckled, his hand trailing over my sides as he pressed into me just a little more and shook his head. He continued to stare down at me and chuckle as if my startled state really amused him and I managed a pout.
Finally, he broke the silence between us. “Do you not get it? I want you. Have for a while now, just never said anything because I also like keeping the few friends I do have.” he explained quietly, his eyes locking on mine as his hand lowered, moving from my hip to my thigh, rubbing his fingers over bare skin lightly. 
I let it sink in as my heart started to pound a little and that little sliver of hope I held out before grew into a fucking inferno. After a second or two, I raised my hand, letting it catch and come to a stop against the side of his neck and jaw. My legs spread, putting his body between them, a knee resting at either side of his body. He leaned down, licking his lips, a smirk playing at his lips. “You still didn’t answer me.”
“What do you think, Kevin? Was I dreaming about you?” I asked the question quietly, my breath catching in my throat as I managed to rub against him just a little bit. I heard his breath when it caught in his throat and when he grabbed my hips, rubbing me against him two or three more times while lowering his head to mumble against the shell of my ear, “Well, good morning to you too.” in that husky tone, I felt a shiver go through my body and I rose up a little, nipping at his lips, catching him just before he could pull his mouth away from my face. “What exactly was I saying?” I finally managed to ask the question sheepishly. 
All Kevin did was chuckle as his hands worked up and down my body. My legs squeezed his hips, making him stop staring at my tits to look up and meet my gaze. He shrugged. “Let’s just say I bet I can make you cum harder in reality than I did in your dream.”
I really felt my face burn hot when he said it, I realized just how intense my dream the night before must have been. My eyes locked on his and I barely managed to whimper out the words Challenge accepted than he was already tugging at the bottom of the oversized shirt I slept in upwards, tossing it once it was off my body. It settled on the nightstand. I tugged his shirt off, tossing that onto the floor. His fingers hooked in the waistband of my panties, a silent tear rendering that pair utterly useless as he pulled the torn fabric away from my body, tossing it into the floor beside his shirt. I tugged at the pair of gym shorts he’d slept in the night before, managing to catch both shorts waistband and underwear waistband at once and tugged them down. Kevin rose up, slipping off the bed to let them fall to his ankles.
When my eyes locked on the way his cock stood at attention, the thickness of it, I squirmed, getting so wet that my thighs were slipping off of each other with ease now. He lowered himself back down, settling himself between my legs as he spread them open wide, a leg settling over each shoulder as he muttered huskily against my thigh, “And I know exactly where to start.” daring to sink his teeth in just slightly, his lips latching onto a patch of skin on the inside of my thigh, leaving a big mark behind that I knew I was definitely going to feel for a while after this was done. His lips broke contact with my skin to reveal the huge purple bruise already starting to form on my inner thigh. They danced over my skin, moving higher up my thigh, quiet slurps and his little groans against my skin sending goosebumps over the surface of my skin. I whimpered as he continued to trail a path straight to my throbbing cunt with kitten licks and little softer bites.
I’d always thought he might have a thing for biting, for marking a girl up, but having it confirmed for me now was literally making me a drippy wet mess, my juices puddling to the bed beneath us. I tried to prop myself up a little better on my elbows and my breath caught in my throat as I felt his fingers working me open, slipping inside me deep, thrusting and scissoring, little wet sloshes with each move of his fingers inside me. His thumb pressed hard against my clit, rubbing the circular bundle of nerves and I whimpered his name, my fingers on one hand tugging at dark brown hair as I rocked my hips against his fingers and the little licks he was now giving to my folds. His lips locked on each one, sucking and I moaned even louder. He was pleased by that, I could feel the way his mouth curved into that damn smirk. “Kevin, oh- I..” I called out louder, my words tumbling off of each other breathlessly, a needy whine to my voice that couldn’t be mistaken. “C’mon.” I encouraged, rocking my hips a little faster. It only resulted in Kevin managing to find a way to keep me still as he rolled his tongue over my clit, lips latching on. “Keep it up and I’ll suck your clit til you go blind, doll.” he growled out against my throbbing cunt, his tongue greedily licking me clean, almost slurping up every single drop of my juices. 
“Is that a promise?” I managed to gasp, trying again to rock my hips against his mouth and fingers. His lips latched onto my clit and I moaned a little louder, doing everything I could to get more friction, trying to ease the slow and steady throb of my pussy but nothing I tried was working. And Kevin was hell bent on drawing this out. Pushing me until I absolutely couldn’t take it any longer.
“It’s a definite fucking promise.” Kevin mumbled against my pelvic mound as his mouth backed away from my clit long enough to catch on my folds, sucking until I was practically shaking and the puddle forming beneath me was growing. The orgasm was building to an almost blinding intensity and every single time we locked eyes and he thought I might be getting a little too close, he’d slow down all over again, chuckling as he shook his head no at me, that teasing gleam in his eyes. I was tensing, the strain of holding back my own incoming orgasm almost had me shaking all over. 
I pouted when he stopped altogether, raising up to look down at me, slipping dripping fingers between his lips. I could feel myself edging away from the orgasm, but Kevin seemed to have other plans.
His hand lowered, circling his cock as he winked at me and then lowered his gaze, watching as he dragged his cock right between my lower set of lips. I arched away from the bed and he settled on top of me carefully, his hands catching hold of both of mine as he started to bury his cock inside me slowly. Teasing shallow thrusts with the tip only. If I thought I had control of the orgasm threatening to take over?
I quickly learned that I, in fact, did not.
And Kevin seemed to really relish that fact. It shouldn’t have surprised me that he’d get off on being in complete control like this, but somehow, it did. Maybe it was because I alone had a better glimpse into his less confident side as his best friend for so long.
“Gonna make you feel so fuckin good, princess.” he growled next to my ear as he started to fuck into me harder, even slower and deeper drives, burying his cock to the hilt deep inside of my womb. When he started to mutter things softly against my mouth in the French he was fluent in and I barely knew outside of a few phrases, I really started to squirm beneath him, also trying to wiggle my hands free from the grip his hands had on them. Pouting up at him finally, “Kevin, please.. I want to touch you.” 
He ignored my simple request, instead, catching hold of both my hands with one of his and letting the other glide down my body, gripping my hip, guiding it so that I was angled upward ever so slightly. The shift in the position of my hips had me really moaning, loudly enough to be heard over the quiet and drawn out creaks of the bedframe. 
“Does that feel good, doll? Like.. don’t let me crush you or anything.” he muttered the words quietly, a scowl playing at his mouth just a second or two, only to vanish when I did manage to get my hand loose and I gripped his jaw lightly, pulling his mouth down against mine to quietly drawl against it, “You won’t. I like the way you feel on top of me.” I bit my lips, rocking my hips against him just a little faster, a pleading look as I met his gaze and finished, “And inside me, fuck…” 
The orgasm was built to a point now where I ached all over. I could feel tears welling in my eyes at the frustration mounting as I tried to do what he asked and hold off just a little longer. 
He smirked a little, chuckling. “You do, huh? You’re gonna love this then.” he slammed into me all over again, deep enough to strum against my spot a time or two and then just to tease, he pulled himself out just a little before slamming back inside me even deeper. My moans had to be loud enough by now to be heard out in the hallway, but I didn’t care.
At one point, around the fourth time he did this, I caught hold of his face, pulling his mouth against mine just so a long and deep, needy kiss would swallow the fact that I was literally screaming his name. He chuckled, his forehead resting against mine as he stared deep into my eyes, rough lips roaming over my face gently, laying soft kisses against my flesh. “You wanna cum pretty bad right now, huh?”
“Yes. Oh fuck I--” I whimpered, trying to get more friction all over again, only to have Kevin use his hips to pin mine still beneath him. He chuckled, his mouth conquering mine before venturing down the front of my throat, lower, against my breasts. “Almost, doll. Almost.” he muttered calmly, continuing to fuck into me long and slow and deep. “So goddamn tight. Fuck.” he growled quietly, his fingertips digging into my hips now, holding me mostly still against the bed. He knew exactly what he was doing, not letting me move all that much and not letting me cum like I desperately wanted.
“You wanna know how close I am, doll?”
“Hm.” I nodded, my lips against his, our eyes locked on each other. My hands were all over him now, mostly digging into his shoulder blades.
 He chuckled quietly and after nipping hungrily at the outline of my swollen lips yet again, he mumbled into another kiss, “All it would take is you, rockin your hips one more fuckin time.” he shivered as I managed to do just that, only so careful and slow that he growled against my neck and sank his teeth down, latching onto a strip of skin. I did it again and his grip tightened even more. 
His teeth dug against my skin just a little and I whimpered and moaned, eyes fluttering open and closed. 
My own orgasm was dangerously close to ripping me apart beneath him. My breath caught in my throat as he started to bottom out over and over.
 I dug my nails in his skin a little harder and he mumbled against my ear, “Wrap your legs around me. C’mon.” almost breathlessly, the soft smack of our bodies meeting over and over again competing with our pleasurable moans and growls and the noise the bed made every time it struck the wall. I wrapped my legs around him like he asked and the tilt sent him smashing into my spot over and over every single time he fucked into me. My legs squeezed either side of his body tight and then tighter and Kevin muttered quietly, “You wanna cum so bad you’re shaking. Is this anything like you imagined in your dream last night, doll?”
“I, oh.. Right there. Fuck, Kevin!” I cried out, the echo shattering the air between us as he promptly dove his mouth down to mine, swallowing up my cries. “So if I keep it up…” he muttered into the deepening kiss, “You’re gonna cum all over me… Make a real mess of the bed for me… Right?”
“Yes, fuck. Please just let me.” I begged breathlessly as the kiss broke and he pulled away, intently focusing on exactly what he’d been doing before. “C’mon, doll. You’ve been a good girl, fuck… You can let go now.” 
My orgasm shattered through me, making me cling to him as I erratically met his deep drives with my hips, rocking myself against his cock since he had put my legs over his shoulders by this point. I could feel my pussy clinging to his cock, the soft sound of suction and his quiet growls as he continued to plow me, slow and deep. 
“Don’t stop, doll. C’mon.” Kevin urged, lust blown eyes almost blacked out when he looked down at me, hips stuttering against me as he leaned down, his mouth finding mine clumsy and hungry, his lips latching onto my bottom one and his teeth tugging at it. “Fuck, that’s it. Fuck, you’re takin me so well.” he groaned into the kiss closely followed by “Don’t wanna stop, fuck. You feel too fucking good, doll. So tight.. Wet. Fuck..” in a throaty growl against my mouth.
“Don’t stop, Kevin, please. C’mon.” I pleaded, just plain overcome by how good, no how amazing it felt to finally be allowed to get off that I honestly wasn’t thinking and didn’t care to think about anything else but feeling the warmth of his seed when it filled me up. He chuckled and muttered half teasingly against my ear, “As you wish.” which had me smiling softly, because it was a line from my favorite movie and he knew it. 
The harder and deeper he slammed into me, the more I moaned and begged for it. The throbbing of his thick cock deep inside me as his own orgasm shattered through him had me whimpering, desperately slamming my hips against his own erratic movements, trying to drive him inside me as deep as I could get. My toes dug into his shoulders and as he slowed to a stop, his mouth found mine again, his tongue darting between my lips, meeting mine and dominating the kiss. 
I lowered my legs and Kevin fell to the bed beside me, swearing a little, one arm behind his head as the other shot out, pulling me so that I was on top of him, holding me in place.
“I’m fucking starving.” Kevin admitted, just as both of our stomachs growled.
“Me too, but there’s the tiny problem of me, being a little sore to move.” I muttered with a soft laugh against his mouth. He chuckled in response, untucking the arm folded behind his head to lazily reach for his phone on the nightstand as he muttered aloud, “Room service it is then.”
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littlebitoffanfic · 4 years
Career Change
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean Character: Barbossa Relationship: Barbossa/reader Request: *hiding behind Hank the rottweiler* Erm... Hi?!!! If you still do pirates of the Caribbean things, could you please do a super fluffy, cuddly, Barbossa x asexual-panromantic Reader with the reader being younger than him (like in her mid-late 20s) please? Sorry if this is weird, I'm going through some weird shit rn and need huggles..
 Something felt off when you woke up. Not in a bad way, but just not right. Rubbing your eyes with one hand, you reached out to the side of the bed where you expected to find Barbossa, but only found empty sheets. Sitting up, you stretched before getting out of the bed. The floor was cold, and you nearly whined as you stood. The bed had been so nice and warm, but not complete without him there. Glancing out the window, you knew it couldn’t be too late. The moon wasn’t even that high in the sky, but it had been such a long day that you hadn’t been able to keep your eyes open. In fact, you hadn’t even fallen asleep in your bed. You had been curled up in a large armchair while Barbossa poured over a map. You only had to go into the next room to find him, and you were beyond thankful for that. Even though it seemed like a rather calm night, you still didn’t want to venture out into the cold. Pushing the door open, you stepped into the map room that connected the captains quarters. Before your eyes even found Barbossa at his desk, he was looking at you with traces of concern. “Are you alright, love?” He frowned, standing from the map as he ventured around the table to you. You nodded, still feeling a little light headed from just waking up. “Will you be long?” You asked, trying to stifle a yawn but failing in the end. Barbossa chuckled fondly as he glanced towards the maps. You could see he was tired, and he had most likely spent the entire time you had been asleep figuring out the next leg of the journey. He just needed a little push to join you. closing the distance between you both, you wrapped your arms around his torso, closing your eyes as you relieved in the warmth he offered. A soft chuckle left his chest, apparently seeing your affections as unexpected but not unwelcomed as his own arms looped around you. How humorous it was that one of the most feared pirate captains treated you better than many ‘civilised’ men you had ever met. Barbossa had no reason to treat you as well as he did. You were on his ship, so it wasn’t like you could run anywhere. He could argue that his reputation preceded any relationship. He could say he was a pirate, not a prince. And yet, he never did. He treated you like you were his most prized possession, worth more to him than any jewel or gold in the world. The crew knew better than to cross you, but many of them didn’t want to. You were the youngest among them and, for some reason, most had taken a rather protective stance over you. More than just ‘shes the captains woman’. There was a mutual respect there. You didn’t need to lift a finger on the ship, but you did what you could to help them, and they respected and appreciated that. Barbossa had once mentioned how he wasn’t sure how you managed to get a bunch of pirates wrapped around your little finger, making you laugh. “Alright, love. You’ve persuaded me.” He chuckles, reaching up and running his fingers through your hair lovingly. “I didn’t say anything.” You look up, feeling the smile pull at your lips as he unhooks your arms from his waist before going to the desk to blow out the candle he had been working with. “Yah didn’t have to.” Barbossa shoots back to you, and you couldn’t help but smile. The moon light flooded into the room, offering some light as he walks back to you. You grinned widely as you lead the way back to the bedroom. “If I’d have known it would be this easy, I would have came sooner.” You giggle, crawling into bed as Barbossa stripped his outer clothes by moonlight before joining you. You instantly latched onto him, your arm draped over his torso while you hooked your leg over his own. Another chuckle left is lips as he wrapped his arms securely around you, resting his chin on your head. “Why didn’t you come to bed when you bought me through?” you ponder aloud. “Because you cant flutter yer eyelashes at me when you’re asleep.” Barbossa mumbles, making you bite your lower lip to stop a giggle. “You’re a pirate. Surely some girl fluttering her eyelashes at you aren’t your biggest weakness?” you look up at him. Barbossa chuckled. “Never had an issue before you came along.” His eyes roll a little before narrowing at you. “So, you could say I’m your biggest weakness?” you push further, loving the idea. Not because you wanted him to be weak or wanted any power over him. But it was the power that you felt, the power he gave you with such a notion. On the seas, life was hard. Barbossa was a testament to that. He had spent his whole life on the desks of ships, working his way up and earning a hell of a lot of respect from his crew. That didn’t mean things went smoothly. Just beyond the horizon could be a thousand threats, and he had to calculate and be prepared for each so he could lead his crew. “Aye, yah could say that.” He shrugs. “Unless yer working for the east India trading company, then we might have a problem.” His words made you laugh wholeheartedly. “Yes, I need to admit something. After 3 years, I have been deceiving you. I am secretly a spy who’s feeding your location back to my superiors.” You furrow your brow, acting serious. “Yer not much of a spy. They haven’t even caught sight of us yet.” Barbossa shakes his head as he nods to the small window in the room, signalling to the outside world that seemed to almost be forgotten in this room. “Hey! Don’t insult my spy skill.” You puff out your bottom lip in a pout, beginning to pull yourself away from him in protest, but he stops you and pulls you closer so your head in resting on his chest, just above his head. “Yer not much of a spy, but yer a good pirate.” He hums as his fingers run through your hair, calming you. “I might consider a career change for you.” You hum, cuddling closer so you could concentrate on the soothing sound of his heart as your eyes flutter shut again. Barbossa chuckles, but says nothing in return. Because there isn’t anything to say. He was happy and content with you cuddled into his side and the slow rocking of the ship on the sea.
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gingerwritess · 5 years
Hey Theo! I just wanted to asking you could write something with Elliot on a sugar high before bed and maybe Loki and Reader treat putting Elliot to sleep like a mission... and maybe a steamy end???????
actual content?? on this blog ??? it’s more likely than you think ;)
oh my GOSH this was so so hard to write y’all i have had writers block so badly lately so thank you for sticking around!
this has mentions of drinking in it, no drunkenness, just sipping drinks :) ps this didn’t follow the request exactly i’m SORRY but i definitely have elliot on a sugar high in here! + steamy middle, but it works…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You’ve lost your babies.
One of whom is the father of your actual baby, but you’re fairly certain that he was the one who took the candy in the first place.
The giggles coming from the bathroom might be a good hint, so you peek your head in the dark little room to find two silhouettes sitting in the empty bathtub, doubled over with laughter.
More giggles, and you yank the shower curtain aside.
“And just what do you two think you’re doing?”
“Your son started it,” Loki blurts, shoving the bag of candy into Elliot’s lap—who just screeches and throws it right back at him.
“Nuh uh!! Mommy, that’s not true! He brought it to me, he said I could have it!”
The little finger in Loki’s face never wavers as Elliot clambers over Loki’s legs to stand, hastily wiping at the chocolate smeared across his mouth.
“Little silvertongue,” Loki mutters as he pulls himself to his feet. “This was your idea, Elliot, I suggested we invite your mother as well…”
Hands on your hips, you raise an eyebrow at your son. “Is that true?”
Elliot giggles and plants his hands on his hips, too, grinning up at your “strict” gaze.
“What am I going to do with your father?”
“He needs a spanking,” Elliot giggles as you lift him out of the bathtub, smoothing out the red cape on his shoulders. “He’s been real bad.”
Loki lets out a snort. “Don’t get my hopes up, Elliot.”
“Loki.” You smack him in the chest, only to receive a wink in return. “C’mon, you two. We were supposed to be there five minutes ago.”
“I’m still tempted to forbid you from leaving the house dressed like that, Elliot.” Climbing out of the bathtub, Loki heaves a great sigh and tosses Elliot his little foam mjolnir. “As adorable as you look, I’m still insulted.”
Elliot giggles, clambering onto the counter to adjust his feathered helmet in the mirror. “I was you last year, daddy, it’s uncle’s turn. Gotta share, ‘member?”
Clearly Loki still isn’t thrilled with the notion of his son dressing up as his infamous brother…but given the circumstances and Thor’s blatant adoration for his kid, he sighs and waves a hand at Elliot.
“Right as always, my liege.”
Elliot grins from his spot up on the counter, tossing the little hammer from hand to hand. His lips curl, dimples forming in his chubby little cheeks—you know that look. He’s plotting something, isn’t he?
“Kneel, daddy.”
“Excuse me?”
The little boy bursts into a fit of giggles, chucking the foam hammer at Loki—who only gasps and scoops him off the counter with one great big “oh, how dare you,” lugging the mini-god of thunder off to the car amidst many laughing squirms and shrieked protests.
Once you’re at the tower, Loki’s reminded of just how much much he dislikes these social events.
Elliot left the moment you were through the door, zooming off with mjolnir in the air, cape fluttering, yelling for his uncle—leaving Loki a tiny bit sour, his hand still reaching for Elliot’s, who’s practically teleported away.
You take it instead.
“He’ll be back.” You give his hand a squeeze. “Must just be really excited about the prospect of flying.”
“I can fly,” Loki says under his breath, shoulders dropping. “Maybe not in the same way as Thor, but I can.”
Your soothing, reassuring response is cut off by a clinking of metal near your feet—you glance down.
Morgan’s waddled her way in front of you.
“What in all Hel—”
The little girl waves up at the two of you, a great big toothless smile on her face.
Under the gold horned helmet on her head, that is.
“I’m you!”
She pokes Loki in the thigh. “See? Look it, look it, I’m you! Mr. Loki of Ath-gard!”
Either Loki is about to laugh, or the Stark legacy is about to end sooner than expected.
“That’s an amazing costume, Morgan!” You quickly smile and give the horns on her little helmet a playful tug, a hand on Loki’s arm, just in case. “Why’d you want to be Loki? Not your dad or…anything else?”
“I wanted to be somethin’ scary for Halloween,” she explains, reaching into the leather pouch around her waist. “Somethin’ scary ‘n ugly that’ll make people scream! So my dad said I should be Mr. Loki. I like it.”
Finding whatever she was looking for, she grins and pulls out a little blue cube.
“Tesseract,” Loki croaks. “C-clever.”
Keep it together, Lokes; she said she liked it, right?
It’s…adorable, actually, the beaming little brunette swishing the green cape around her, a banana hanging off her hip—
“Wait, what’s the banana for?”
“Mom wouldn’t let me have a knife,” she sighs, lifting the cape for a better look at the banana.
Loki looks like he might throw up.
“What’d’ya think, Mr. Loki?”
Silence, and you nudge him in the arm, praying he’ll focus on the endearing part of the costume.
“It’s…clearly the best costume of the night.”
Oh, thank god.
Morgan lights up and squeals, and you give Loki’s hand another squeeze, silently thanking him for not ruining her spirits.
“It’s better than Elliot’s, too,” she decides, adjusting her helmet before spinning on her heel and bolting away, cape fluttering. “I gotta go show ‘im!!”
“Looks like you’ve got yourself a little admirer,” you remark with a grin, tugging Loki over towards the drinks. “Wonder how much candy she’s had.”
“None, if you can believe that.”
“Tony! Hey, the place looks great!”
You hug the billionaire, much to the chagrin of your husband behind you, tiredly requesting two drinks and downing his in one gulp.
“Stark,” he then smiles, setting down the cup and offering his hand. “Happy…Halloween.”
Nailed it. Look at him go, all social ‘n stuff.
“I haven’t seen Elliot,” Tony says, ignoring Loki’s extended hand and wrapping him in a tight hug. “What’s the little bugger gone as, this year?”
“A complete—buffoon—” Loki grunts and squirms away from the hug.
“He wanted to dress up as Thor.” Smacking Loki in the arm, you sigh and try to find your son, lost amidst a crowd of friends. “It’s really cute, he’s got a little hammer and cape! There he is.”
They follow your point to find Elliot perched on the arm of a couch, eagerly listening to Morgan explain every detail of her costume, from the tip of her horned helmet down to the contents of her little pouch—
The mock-tesseract, spare banana, and a bit of green colour-powder—which she promptly takes a handful of and blows in Elliot’s face.
“Boom! Magic!”
Your little boy is mesmerised.
“Elliot’s pretty calm for already having eaten half a bag of candy,” you point out, nudging Loki with your hip. “Thanks to this bad boy, that is.”
“Uh oh…” Tony grins, giving Loki a friendly punch on the shoulder. “Been naughty, Lokester? Careful…tonight’s the one night mommy and daddy don’t need an excuse for the screams, ‘f y’know what I mean.”
You snort into your drink, but Loki just dryly replies with a monotone “I use a spell, thanks,” and takes another sip.
“Someone needs to get into the spooky spirit,” Tony laughs, nudging you in the arm. “You better chain him up or somethin’, celebrate.”
“Yes, Tony, thank you for the sex advice,” you groan, pushing him away. He just gives a loud whoop and hurries off to go talk to the kids—probably a terrible idea.
Loki’s still quietly leaning against the bar, watching the kids laugh and sipping his drink.
Well…maybe Tony had a point.
He could use a bit of a pick me up. And it’s been a couple days, given Elliot’s recent obsession with space—that’s been requiring you and your hubby to spend your nights cuddled up with your son, illusions upon illusions of the universe sparkling across the ceiling.
Not that you could ever complain.
“So…” you sidle up close to him again and laying a hand on his chest. “Are we going to be needing chains tonight, love?”
Loki quirks an eyebrow. “Maybe something to tie you down, but I don’t think chains will be necessary.”
“Oh. Expecting me to cooperate, hm?”
A smile slowly spreads across his face. “Go ahead,” he murmurs, taking a slow sip and pointedly licking his lips. “Don’t cooperate, see what happens.”
“Maybe I will,” you hum, a hand slipping up to take the drink from his hand and set it aside, turning his face to yours. “Hey.”
He looks at you, eyes tired but twinkling.
“You okay?”
There’s an undeniable dimness to his eyes, but he gives you a small smile and tips his head down to brush his lips against yours.
“Thank you,” he whispers—you frown into his lips.
That’s not an answer.
“What’s on your mind?” You pry again, hands coming to rest on either side of his face.
“Currently…” his kiss deepens, tongue flitting out to flick over your lips. “You, a little…mm, tied up…”
“Save it,” you laugh, twining your arms about his neck and pulling him closer. “There’s children present.”
Breaking apart, your noses bump. “We could leave,” Loki whispers. “Thor has an eye on Elliot, no one would know we’re gone.”
“Ah, yes, there’s got to be a closet in this place that we haven’t already tainted…”
Casting a quick glance around to see if anyone would notice, Loki twines his fingers through yours and pushes off the bar into the small crowd, a tiny, eager grin on his face.
You’ve no choice but to follow, really…not that you wouldn’t.
*cue wii music in the background*
i’d like to take this pure moment to remind you. be a nice person. love people. let people live their own lives. you and Loki totally aren’t making out+ in a closet rn. am i avoiding it? yes. go be nice.
*end scene*
“You still haven’t—ugh, answered me,” you huff, grabbing Loki’s arm when he sets you back on your feet, snagging another kiss. “What’s wrong?”
The little mechanical closet is dark, air heavy and filled with the whirring of computer parts, and Loki tugs you closer, fingers still tight around your hip.
“Nothing.” His lips capture yours again. “Remember the first time I dragged you into a dark closet?”
“Of course, I don’t think I’d forget the knife to my throat. You really liked your death threats, didn’t you?”
“I’m so sorry,” he chuckles, face buried in the curve of your neck. “Thank you for being patient enough to teach me how to properly display my emotions.”
“I think you and closets matured nicely,” you murmur with a grin. “This is a much better option.”
Loki smiles, lips turned against your skin, and his breathless little sighs fall on your ear as he starts kissing you again—warm and open-mouthed along your jaw.
A hand finds its way to the nape of your neck, tugging you closer.
It slowly slips to your back, and the kisses slow to a stop.
His arms wrap around your waist and hold onto you tight.
You can feel his heart thumping rapidly against your chest.
“Loki, what’s the matter?” Carding your fingers through his hair, you quickly hug him back just as tightly. “Talk to me, sweetheart, please.”
“Are you real?”
Muffled against your skin, his voice quivers.
“Yes,” you breathe, holding him closer. “Yes, of course I am—”
“And our son?”
You nod furiously and cradle the back of his head, keeping him tight in your embrace. “Yes, he is, he’s yours and mine and he’s real.”
“Where’s this coming from, snowflake?”
He takes a shuddering breath—your heart drops. What happened?
“Stark,” he mumbles, and you sink to the floor, bringing him down with you in your arms.
“What about him?”
“He deserves this. A wife. A daughter. Family, happiness.”
“So do you,” you whisper, combing your fingers through his hair, over and over and over. “So do you, Loki, you deserve this, too.”
But as expected, Loki shakes his head and clutches at your back. “No, I don’t. Every day I wake, I think this is a dream. Just a fantasy.”
“But it’s not,” you argue, and you push him back by the shoulders to stare into his dim green eyes. “You are more deserving of happiness than anyone I know, and—”
“What have I done to deserve this?” He snaps, and you brush a lock of hair out of his face. “Stark has saved this planet time and time again, one of which was saving your world from my own reign of terror. I brought nothing but destruction to this realm, horror and death and destruction, yet here I am. Living here, with my family, happy.”
He spits the word out with such venom.
What a horrid paradox he lives in—loathing himself, finally finding happiness, only to despise himself so terribly that he won’t let himself enjoy it.
“You listen to me, Loki.” Your mouths meet once more, quick but firm. “So what, you’ve done some bad things. So have I, and so has Tony, so has Thor, and your father, and so has literally every single person in this entire universe.”
“Yes, but—”
“No buts. You have to find a way to forgive yourself. You’re a good person, Loki. Someone I love, and someone our son loves.”
He doesn’t respond, just huddled in front of you staring back into your eyes, desperately trying to believe you.
Stroking a hand along his cheek, you give him a small smile. “I love you, Loki.”
Still nothing—just a quick, teary blink as he stares.
“I love you,” you whisper again, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Then you grab his face in your hands and drag him towards you, pressing quick little smooches across his cheeks and nose and lips and eyes and anywhere you can reach, down his jaw and over the hands he’s pushing you away with, wrought with laughter.
“Stop, stop,” he laughs, a hand on your face to keep your kisses at bay. “Gods, woman, I get it. I love you, too.”
You kiss the palm of his hand.
“I love you.”
Loki rolls his eyes. “I love you, too.”
“No, I love you.”
“I’m not doing this with you,” he laughs, lips puckering when you squish his cheeks in your hands and smush your lips to the corner of his mouth.
“But I loooove you, baby…” your hand slips under his shirt to lay against his heart, and you sling an arm around his neck to drag him into another kiss.
“I—mmf—love you,” Loki grunts—lips too squished and busy to get anything more out. “S-so much—”
His heart beats steadily under your palm.
Pushing him back with a loud smack, you take a deep breath and grin at him.
“Your kisses still knock the air right out of me, snowflake.”
“Well,” he huffs, swiping a hand across his mouth, “you don’t exactly pause for air, darling.”
Air comes second, when it comes to kissing Loki.
“C’mon,” you laugh, pulling yourself to your feet and holding out a hand to him. “Lets go find our baby-Thor before anyone gets suspicious.”
* * * * * * * *
The Halloween party blazes on as the two of you wind your way back to the bar, on the lookout for a hulking blond god and his dark haired mini-me.
But, the sight of the mini-Loki catches your eye first—Morgan’s cackling.
That’s the first bad sign.
The second is the pile of empty candy wrappers her and Elliot are throwing in the air like confetti, littering the floor around them, and the third—the one flashing a neon sign saying I screwed up—is Thor’s guilty grin.
“What did you—”
Your little boy comes barrelling across the floor to crash into your knees, grinning and out of breath.
“Did you know you can make love??”
You all but choke on air. “What?!”
“Uncle Thor said you ‘n daddy made love!! I wanna make some, show me how!” Jumping up and down, Elliot’s screeching, turning heads across the entire room.
Your heart plummets.
“Elliot, shh, please!” You drop to your knees and clap a hand over his mouth, trying to stop the incessant bouncing. “Don’t say that so loudly, shush!!”
Elliot nods furiously, still giggling as he squirms it from under your hand. “I wanna make love!” He whisper-yells, hands in little fists pumping in the air. “I wanna make some love and give it to daddy, what’re the ingred-ents??”
“Thor.” You stand, shoving a finger in the burly god’s chest. “What the hell did you tell him?”
“Well, he asked where you went—”
Loki hits the floor, he’s laughing so hard.
“In all truthfulness, this is your fault,” Thor offers, pointing a finger at Loki. “You always tell me to never lie to your son!”
“Why—hah—why, by Odin’s beard, would you think to tell him that??”
“It’s the truth,” Thor grumbles, popping another chocolate bar in his mouth. “Clearly you two were off trick-or-treating each other, I merely put your thirst into child-friendly terms…”
“That’s enough, Thor, thank you.” You clap a hand over your eyes with a groan—Elliot’s still chanting—albeit quietly—“make! love! make! love! make! love!”
“On that note, we’re leaving.” You swoop Elliot’s giggly self into your arms, only to have him start screeching and practically roll out of your arms.
“Norns, child.” Loki’s eyes go wide. “No yelling, Elliot. Try again.”
The kid’s pumped so full of sugar, he’s practically vibrating in your arms.
“I’m sorry,” he giggles, and you know he means it seriously, though the grinning, chocolate-covered face says otherwise. “Can we please stay a little longer? Please?”
“Fine…” you sigh, dropping him back to the floor—he bolts away, grabbing Morgan by the hand and uh, poof.
You catch the two of them, mini-Loki and mini-Thor, hiding under the candy table a few minutes later.
“Are we going to talk about the fact that Morgan Stark dressed up as you—”
Loki grabs you with one arm around the waist, catching your lips with his and promptly shutting you right up.
“No. No, I don’t think we are.”
* * * * * * * *
Elliot’s still going by the time you do drag him to the car—him taking to whacking everyone around him in the shins with his little mjolnir had been the last straw—and the moment he’s been wrestled into his car seat, the singing begins.
Who knew such little lungs had so much power?
“Did he come up with that one on his own?”
“I assume so,” Loki sighs, head slumped into his hand, watching you drive. “I tried to give him some other options, but he’s a bit too hyper now for another lesson in Norse, don’t you think?”
“Nah, I can do it in Norse, dad!”
There’s a deep breath from the backseat—you brace yourself—followed by a deafening bang and a puff of dark smoke that fills the car from window to window.
You slam on the brakes.
“Elliot! No magic while we’re driving!”
“Sorry!” He shrieks, hands shooting into the air in defence. “Tha’s an accident!!”
“Pull over,” Loki coughs, waving away some of the smoke so you can at least see out the windshield. “I’ll sit with him.”
You do, and Loki goes to sit in the back with Elliot, quickly snatching up his little shaking hands in his own.
“You alright, Elliot?”
“That was an accident,” he whispers again, eyes wide. “Sorry, sorry.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” You twist around to smile at the little boy—hands trembling out in front of him, lip starting to wobble, he looks terrified. “Don’t worry, okay? Dad’s right here, he’s going to help.”
“We just have to be careful,” Loki quietly tells him, smoothing his thumbs over Elliot’s knuckles. “You see how that could’ve been dangerous, yes?”
“Uh-huh. I understand, really.”
Loki gives him a soft smile, squeezing his hands. “Would you sing me more of your song? The lyrics were intriguing, I would love to hear more.”
Elliot sniffs, giving a small shake of his head. “I wroted it myself,” he mumbles. “That’s all the words. Can you sing?”
“O-of course, erm…sure.”
You smile to yourself, starting the car back up.
They’ll be okay.
Loki’s quiet singing certainly helps, sitting in the backseat as you drive, holding Elliot’s hands tight in his. He’s ten times calmer, the sugar high starting to crash, his head lolling back against the car seat as he stares at his father with drooping eyes.
Slow blinks and hushed voices fill the car by the time you’re home. Finishing the quiet song to keep Elliot in his almost-asleep daze, Loki continues singing while you carefully unbuckle the kid, hoisting him into your arms to carry inside, Loki close behind.
“That was a lot easier than I expected,” you whisper, setting Elliot on his bed and getting him some sleep clothes to change into.
“With how much candy he ate, I did expect much, much worse,” Loki agrees, kneeling in front of the half-asleep little boy. “Lift your arms for me, Elliot? Just for a second, then you can go to back sleep.”
The two of you slowly get him changed, holding his head up when it droops and promising to hang his cape by the door when he jerks awake and insists upon it. 
“I’ll hold him, you brush his teeth?” You ask, picking up your son and holding him close. 
Loki smiles, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Of course.”
Elliot’s drooling toothpaste onto your shoulder then entire time, but to hear Loki quietly chuckling behind you as he tries to brush the sleeping kid’s teeth, it’s entirely worth every bit.
“That’s as good as I can do,” he murmurs, brushing a hand along Elliot’s round little cheek. “Let’s get him in bed before he latches onto you for good.”
You give a soft laugh, hugging the boy tighter. “I wouldn’t complain. His hugs rival yours, Lokes, watch out.”
Loki stretches out on the foot of Elliot’s bed, arms crossing behind his head with a content sigh. 
“I mean, personally, I wouldn’t.” He catches your eye with a smile as you lower Elliot to the pillows. “Let you out of my arms, that is.”
“Neither would Elliot, apparently,” you laugh, trying to no avail to pry the little arms from around your neck. “Help, Loki, he’s not…heh, he’s not letting go…”
He sits up with a dramatic huff. “Only one thing to do, then.”
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he gives you a tug and you let out a squeal, toppling onto the bed.
“Loki!” You hiss, hoping to god that didn’t wake Elliot up.
“Shh…I need a hug, too.” Arms winding about your waist and over Elliot, who’s still fast asleep on your chest, Loki nestles into your side with a happy little hum. “Here. Better?”
A hand runs up your thigh, changing you immediately into your sleep clothes without having to actually get up and change. He’s done the same for himself, and you fake a sigh.
“I guess we’re sleeping here again, hm?”
“I won’t complain,” Loki murmurs, a hand rubbing over Elliot’s back. “Want the stars?”
You nod with a small smile, settling back against the pillows, your son on your chest and husband by your side. This is pretty unreal, you decide. Loki was asking the right questions.
It only gets better when Loki waves a hand towards the ceiling, flipping off the lights and covering the room in dim, flickering illusions of the universe, colourful realms swirling in the air among the endless expanse of stars.
“Thanks,” you whisper, pressing a kiss on your fingertips and placing them on Loki’s cheek. “I’d kiss you right now, but I can’t reach you with Elliot on me.”
“Let’s fix that.” Starlight glinting off his cheekbones, he scoots up onto the pillows and cradles your head in his hands, thumb brushing over your bottom lip before melding his lips to yours.
Soft, slow, and Elliot shifts in his sleep, a quiet sigh leaving his lips as he reaches for Loki, tugging him closer for you while he sleeps. 
“That’s better.” A giddy laugh leaves your lips when Loki does, kissing the tip of your nose once for good measure before cuddling back into your side. 
“And what’s so funny, darling?”
“Are you real?” You whisper, grinning down at your two loves, a hand combing through Elliot’s curls. “Are either of you real?”
Loki smiles, the universe swimming in his eyes as he watches you play with Elliot’s hair. “Told you. We live in a dream. This is just a fantasy, isn’t it.”
“It’s not,” you assure him. “Just feels like it, and that’s a million times better.”
“I love you. Both of you.”
Eyes closed and a soft smile playing at his lips, Loki takes your other hand in his and lays it on the top of his head. 
“Real subtle, Loki. I love you.” 
Your fingers tangle in his hair, too.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
feel free to send me ideas!!
if you enjoyed…what if i linked my venmo…haha no i jest…no obligations….just in case….u don’t have to ha ha…….unless… ??
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys @highfuncti0ningfangirl @epicfallenismine @stubby-toe-589331 @fandomnerdsarecool @retrofantasyland @arch-venus25 @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @littleredstarfish @marshyrebelcloud @okie–loki @atterodominatus @stfxlou @pandacookieowo @tonakings @shinisenko @tinchentitri @nildespirandum @thefallenbibliophilequote @vodka-and-some-sass @highfunctioningfangirl19
551 notes · View notes
qjhughes · 4 years
State of grace - okay i’m liking it. It is a good start to the album. This is a very vibey song. Like i really think that this is one of the most… peaceful? songs that i have ever heard. Like it’s so slow and soft and i really like it. (jfc maybe i should say something besides the fact that i really like it. Like we get it <33) 
Treacherous - alright it’s slower than the title would have led me to believe but it’s still really good. Like SHE’S really good and i think that’s just common knowledge at this point. I was just a little late to the party <3 anywho, the song! Very nice! I really do enjoy it! I’m just… not at my best so i cannot deal with putting fully comprehensive sentences together. But listen! My old best friend heather had this album and we listened to certain tracks every single day! So there will definitely be some screaming about quite a few! This album all but changed my perspective on music as a child like!!!!! This album was so important to me back then!!!! As it should have been!!!!
I knew you were trouble - oh baby!!!!!! This was one of those songs that EVERYONE screamed to!!!! I’d go to school and hear these girls screaming this song in homeroom and we’d all just join in!! And we put so much emotion into this song like we had someone that made us think like taylor did!!!!! And we’d pretend like we’d had our hearts broken when we hadn’t and god i wish that i could go back to those days!! Like dude this album was the good old days for me and i wish i could hear these songs for the first time again because jfc that was the life.
22 - dude this song was so fucking fun to scream to and as i am listening to it rn, i promise you that i am yelling it!!!! This song is so fucking fun!!!!!!! She really came out with this song and broke like… everything!!! Like even my mom would scream this in the car when it came on!!!
I almost do - okay so i was dancing and screaming in my room and now i’m just… laying here and like… not having the good vibes. The way that she can switch tracks so fast is amazing tbh. Like this is such a good song but putting it between two bops was kinda… awkward for my dance flow. Although i think it kinda works. I needed a break to breathe. Also like… i really like this song. It’s really nice and cute and the way she’s like… almost </3. 
We are never ever getting back together - oof the way that we really tried to act like we were bad bitches by pretending like some guy wanted us back and we were like…. Haha no <3 those were the good times!!!! God taylor really gave me my entire childhood and i didn’t even fucking realize it kjfhkjadhfkdf. She’s really THAT bitch huh? Anywho, great song!
Stay stay stay - gonna be honest here, the intro sounded like one of those ads that youtube gives you that absolutely makes no sense. Oooohhhhhh i like the repetition going on here!!!! It’s a good song. It’s really vibey and sounds like one of the songs that i could dance to or just get on shuffle and a smile instantly comes to my face, yk?
The last time - alright i’m liking the feature here. It’s not the happiest song, but i’m liking the contrast on the album between the upbeat and the somber songs. Hate to continuously out myself like this, but like… i’ll be crying to this at some point sooner rather than later.
Holy ground - this is really upbeat and i feel like there’s something really nice about it. Like it’s a good song but there’s something about the feeling that it gives me that makes me like it even more than i do just by hearing it. That makes absolutely no sense but oh well <3
Sad beautiful tragic - so this is definitely slower and more sad than the last song. Like i said before, i really like the contrast in the songs. This is a song that i’ll probably cry to but also, i feel like this is one of those songs that i could just sing because it’s pretty and i really like it and not only when i’m sad.
The lucky one - okay i like this song!! It’s nice and it’s like ‘they’ll tell you are, but can YOU say that you are?’ idk i really like it. My thoughts are literally not coherent enough for this and i continue to do it anyway <3 like i’m really here listening to this and just like…. Typing the FIRST things that come into my mind which probably isn’t the best idea but oh well. I really like this song.
Starlight - oh that was a strong start!! No instrumental intro, just straight voice!! I like it!!! It’s really cute and i think that it’s one of those songs that i could just lightly listen to, like i could put it on in the background while i’m doing school work. But like also it’s one of those songs that i could dance to.
Begin again - okay i like how it’s slow and i like the music. It’s really nice. I like the way that it’s like… i can begin again. This is nice. I really like how everything’s like… he didn’t like that, but i do. And i’m doing great. And this is new, but nice. Idk maybe i’m just like… reading it wrong but i really like it, so that’s nice!!!!
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turnaboutimagines · 4 years
Hello, it's been a month and I want to check up on you if that's okay? How are you? I hope you're doing okay. I also want to tell you that you're my favorite writer, and you pushed me into writing again and wanting to make my own imagine blog, although it's for a different fandom. That's just how much I love your writings. You are also very kind and friendly! I adore that part of you, too. I hope you have a good day and stay safe! -minus point anon
Hello!  It’s perfectly okay and I apologize for the novella you’re getting in response, haha.  But it’s been a while so I feel like talking a bit more about it is good.  I hope you’re doing okay, too, minus point anon!  Along with all the other members of the Turnaboutimagines anon family and anyone reading this.  💚
Just gonna put this under a cut for courtesy because I am a Rambler™️.  ( ´▽` )ノ
(RIP to Tumblr desktop users, but there’s a read more glitch rn where the Read More goes in the ask and not your response alksdjfsdlkjf.  It looks fine on mobile.  If anyone knows a workaround please lmk!  I don’t like clogging up people’s dashboards :”D)
Before I get into what’s been going on with me, I just want to say that I’m really happy to hear that you’ve started writing again!!!  :D  That’s fantastic and I really hope you’ve been having a blast with it and that you have a great time with your blog, too.  Writing is one of my favorite things to do, so it always makes me happy to hear I’ve helped get someone else either into writing or back into it.  ;w;  So, thank you for telling me!!!  It made me smile.  Sharing writing is always a bit scary, but it’s very worthwhile. 💙
But I am... getting on.  This year is really one thing after another and my mental health hasn’t been great, I’ve been having some depressive symptoms pop up again and am doing teletherapy.  But we also have a terminal illness in the extending family right now along with an aunt having a severe mental health flare-up.  It’s been pretty stressful.  ;;;  However, I finished my first year of grad school strong (lowest grade was a 98%!), so that’s some silver lining, at least...  :”)  The reason why I vanished about a month ago is that I’ve had severe burnout from writing for my classes and was also just highly stressed by the format switch since I did not have the skillset for learning online.  ;;  I’m only now starting to gather up the energy to be more present online again now that school’s out of the way.
I would like to apologize to the people who sent me messages and wanted to talk in the meantime.  ;w;  I really appreciate your messages and I’d like to respond, but I’ve barely been able to talk with my three friends.  It’s just ;;; even little things are a lot for me right now.  I thought that I’d have a better social battery than this, but I simply do not and it sucks.  I do plan on responding eventually, but it may take me a while.  ;;;;;
My creative battery is still utterly drained and while I wish I was the kind of content creator who could keep feeding you guys new pieces and banging out requests during all this free time I have.  But I’m not.  Writing takes a lot of energy for me and I’m just barely getting on with the essentials right now.  Video games are the one non-draining thing I have right now, so I’ve been playing a lot of ACNH....like a lot.
I don’t know when I’ll be back over here (hopefully sooner rather than later!  I miss it terribly ;;m;;), but I’ll be responding to the other asks in my inbox when I do.  I like to keep this blog pretty streamlined for writing.  :>  Sorry in advance for sitting on some asks for a while.  ( ´▽`;;)
However, for those of you who enjoy Animal Crossing or just want to check in on me from time to time or maybe send conversational asks (that I may be slow responding to, but I’ll do my best!!! (ง'̀-'́)ง), you can find me over on @ad-nayseam!  It’s an AC/personal sideblog attached to this account and I’m going to try and at least reblog or post something over there on a regular basis.
Anyways, this is it for now, pals.  I dunno how long this hiatus will last, but I really do hope to be back as soon as I can get my writing energy back.  This blog is such a joy to run and I love writing for AA.  ;;w;;  Thank you all for reading my content, sending in requests, and being patient with me this year.  It’s really made Turnaboutimagines such a joy to run and I hope to come back with more content for y’all soon!!!  Please stay safe in the meantime and take care.  💚
- Hattie
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rvnjun · 5 years
everything | zhong chenle
requested #1: So I was wondering if you could do a little chenle fluff thingy where he hugs the readers waist? Idk I just had a dream about it and I’m 🥺 you can do whatever you want with it after that tho! requested #2: I’ve have no ideas rnkdkdnsj- but I guess I can go off of how I feel rn ? I have a massive headache and I’m feeling really nauseous so can I get chenle cuddles in his room if you’re not busy pls 👉🏼👈🏼 requested #3: Hihi!! May I get cute chenle hugs where the reader doesn’t wanna let go of him after a cuddle session and he just walks around with them bc he’s best boy and I wanna squish his cheeks bc cheek chub if that isn’t too much, you can ignore this if you want!! ☺️ requested #4: can i please have a chenle request where youre having a rough day and it ends with cuddles? requested #5: May I request a really tired chenle pls 🥺 genre: fluff word count: 1.1k authors note: wowie everyone really wanted chenle, all these reqs came in last night and today so wow. i hope yall dont mind that i combined them all into one super request XD
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Everything. Everything was going wrong today, nothing wanted to go proper for you. Your vision slowly started to blur as tears welled up, you sniffled and wiped your eyes carefully. The day was almost over and you were ready to go home but someone seemed to have other plans for you. “Are you kidding me,” you dejectedly mumbled under your breath. 
The last bus home had already left which left you one of two options, neither pleasing. Walk home or call someone to get you, that's all you could do. Your mind started to race as you thought of who you could call, the obvious answer was Chenle but he was busy preparing for a show the next day and you had already bugged him enough about your day. Sometimes you feel like a nuisance to Chenle so you didn't want to keep that up.
 Crestfallen you started your long journey home, feet already beginning to hurt after no more than 20 steps. Your cheeks burned as the tears continued to fall showing no sign of stopping. “Stupid,, fucking,, day,” your voice cracked as you kicked at the air with every word. To bystanders, you looked like you were losing your mind but you could have cared less. 
Out of your peripheral, you noticed a black van slowing down near you. Honestly, if you were smart you would have realized sooner who it was but you didn't. Your heart started to pound rapidly against your chest even more tears falling due to your fear of what they wanted. 
The car stopped right next to you, causing you to halt in your spot when you noticed a familiar look to it. The door opened and Chenle burst out, wrapping his arms around you. You started to cry harder and hug him back “Why didn't you call and have me get my manager to pick you up?” he asked, feeling slightly hurt that you didn't. 
“I felt like a nuisance and didn’t want to disturb you,” you cried into his warm embrace. He sighed and placed a kiss on top of your forehead. “How did you find me?” you asked feeling curious as to how he knew you missed your bus and how he knew where you'd be. 
“You always text me when you get on the bus but you didn't so I was worried,” he tried to let go of you but you refused. His sweet laugh rang through your ears as he slightly loosened your grip on him and turned around so you were hugging his back. “Come on baby, why don't you come to my house for a bit and we can have a little movie night or something.” The tears started to halt and you smiled, a movie night with Chenle sounded beyond perfect. You hummed in response and followed him into the car, feeling sad that you had to let go of him. 
The ride to his house was silent as he gently rubbed his thumb over the top of your hand, every once and awhile bringing your hand up to place a sweet kiss on it. “You know just how to make my day better,” you said, laughing at thinking how hysterical and stupid you must've looked. Chenle leaned forward and peered at your face, seemingly knowing what you were thinking. 
“You know, I don't understand how someone can always look so perfect?? After all the crying you just did maybe I'd be able to see something wrong but I can't?” he smiled at his own words, fixing your hair a bit. Wanting to poke some fun at him for being cheesy you realize that you couldn't. The tears that had finally stopped started up once more. “Oh no, why are you crying?” he asked with a pout. 
“Because, because of im so happy and I love you,” you cried out, hands waving. “I love you too Y/n,” his voice was gentle as he leaned over and pulled you into his chest the best he could. You wiped your eyes when you arrived at his house. 
You hugged Chenle’s back tightly making him giggle once more, slowly taking off your shoes and jackets and heading to his room. Not once letting go of the warm boy. His back bringing a sense of peace over you, calming the rough waves of today the crashed against your head relentlessly. Just being near Chenle made you feel like you were laying in a meadow with the sun cascading down on your skin leaving behind a warm tingly feeling. 
As you approached his room you finally let go. He opened his door and immediately picked out a random movie, placing it in. You, on the other hand, made your way to his closet and put on one of his shirts. Smiling triumphantly you couldn't help but giggle to yourself.  
As you went to crawl into his bed Chenle placed his hands on your waist, spinning you around so you were facing him. The gesture made butterflies float all through you. “Y/n,,-” he started, eyes wandering all over your face before they landed on your lips, his grip tightened slightly “-I love you so much and I want you to know that you are never a nuisance.,” he ended his sentence with a slow and gentle peck to your lips. The kiss may have been simple but that didn't stop it from being full of love and passion, your mind blanking. Your knees nearly betrayed you but Chenle wrapped his arm around your back, pulling you into his chest and deepening the kiss. When you pulled away your face gave away your obvious flustered mind. 
Chenle smiled softly at you, rubbing his eyes with a big yawn, “Now let's cuddle,” he beamed while grabbing your hand and pulling you down into his bed. He pulled you against his chest, his head nestled into the back of your neck. One of his legs crossed over you making you guys even closer There was barely any space between the both of you. He placed a soft kiss on your neck and sighed. In the darkness of your day, Chenle’s cuddles were heaven. 
“I love you Chenle, and, thank you,” your voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke. He hummed in response, his eyes growing heavier by the second. About to speak up and say more you stopped when you heard his calm breathing. Slightly turned your head a smile grew on your face at the amazing sight. Even sleeping he was still so ethereal looking. “Cute,” you whispered before kissing his nose and turning back to face the TV. “I guess I wasn't the only one with a bad day,” you quietly said to yourself. Soon joining Chenle in a warm and peaceful slumber.
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bisexualterror · 4 years
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(banner not mine, simply copied from @ao3commentoftheday)
so i have a lot of bookmarks saved on google chrome (hmu if you want me to do a writing resources list or a second fic rec), and i thought might as well do a fic rec! i seperated them by fandom’s and i did my very best to tell you why i love the fic, but i think i just rambled lmao
tagging my friends who i think might b interested: @ocfairygodmother​ @phoenixwench​ @leftzonkpsychicland​ @artish-calamity​ 
minor warning, this is a long list~
Vampire Diaries:
Bits of Sunshine is my favorite Vampire Diaries fic, it has a really funny and charming OC and gives you a different perspective of the main characters and it really inspired me with my own TVD fanfic, it’s still on hiatus but it’s nearly 500k makes up for it 
The Bystander offers a unique view to OCs, where the OC is separated from the main plot for the most part but interacts with main characters that eventually pull her in
Crimson Peak is really good if you love a powerful Bonnie Bennett, it explores the magic of Expression more and her family background and OC Bennetts and it offers a interesting plot and a rare pairing of Klaus/Bonnie
The Next Chapter is a Buffy crossover fanfic, it puts Buffy in the Vampire Diaries, and though I still haven’t finished it was pretty good at meshing the two shows and exploring more of an older Buffy ~
My Paper Heart is really good if you’ve been trying to look for f/f in this fandom and haven’t found it, it not only explores the oc’s sexuality but also their supernatural identity
beneath the steady waves of fearless hope and grace is also a really good queer bennett witch oc, the oc wakes up in TVD in the body of her parallel fictional universe self I guess you could say, and it has a lot of angst like whoo boi, prepare yourself, it’s so good! 
Human is pretty good, love their oc, it hasn’t been updates in a very long while but it has 100k+ and it’s 100% worth it if you’re looking for something different
Harry Potter:
Changes Everything is really good at addressing the potential problems in the Wizarding World through the lenses of an OC, and it has Harry getting the family he fucking deserves sooner rather than later, and it goes into amazing detail and depth over the magics of the universe. also, lots of lgbt+ characters~
@nonchalantxfish ‘s Rose Petal Red is so good, like, you want Slytherins being amazing and devious, this is the fic for you! you want ocs galore?? this is for you! you want changes to the plot but with serious consequences?? this one is for YOU! Although it’s on haitus rn, it has a shit ton of words, like 500k+ and it’s 100% worth it~
The Clockwork Locket is so good guys, it’s an Marauder era fic, and it has an amazing mix of humor and mystery and romance and friendship and by the end you’ll be shipping the oc with literally everyone lmao, but overall it’s just really good if you’re looking for a Sirius/OC but still want to read about the mysteries in Hogwarts and the OC has her own plot and storyline. The second installment is still in progress but the first installment is like 270k words
Daphne Greengrass, Side Character is what it says on the tin, it’s about daphne and takes a different approach to the character with humor and wit, it’s very enjoyable, still not finished but it’s at 100k+ words
To Be a Slytherin, pretty sure everyone’s seen this one at one point, it’s a really good oc potter twin fanfic, goes into detail with magic and it’s just really good and has one of the longest word count i’ve ever seen at 1,166,349 
The Observer Effect is a MCU crossover with adult fem!Harry, it hasn’t been updating in a while, but from what I remember it’s super good and funny!
A Holmes in Konoha is super good, an Holmes OC is reincarnated as a orphan in Konoha, it explores the Nara’s more and it’s just so good at meshing investigation, friendship and relationships, action and drama~ 
Deja vu no Justu is a time travel fic, it’s really good, have not caught up to it since it first started but it has 500k+ words written and from what I remember it was very well written, like holy shit that was good writing ~
How to Obtain a Reverse Harem in Naruto by @burntpetal16 is pretty freakin good at making me laugh, it’s a remake of their finished fanfic, Sakura, which is equally as good, it’s about an self-insert OC suddenly waking up as Sakura, and Sakura def does what it says on the tin but also there’s an air of mystery surrounding the OC and how they got in the universe who she was before
The Yondaime’s Assistant is finished at 165k+ words and it’s good, like so good, it’s an OC reincarnated into Naruto fanfic, and it’s different from a lot of other OCs in the fandom because the OC goes into the Genin Corps instead of going out into the field, the writer manages to enthrall you with paperwork basically as the OC saves people from the background, it’s also endgame poly relationship between her, Genma and Kakashi!
After the Rain is a fem!Naruto time-travel fanfic, another fic which i haven’t finished, but from what I remember it was it’s done really well and has a lot of angst and drama and action and it’s just, prepare YOSELF for HEART wrenching ANGST!! also it’s 500k+ words!
The Witcher:
The Sorceress, The Witcher, The Bard and a Girl is what it says on the tin, it’s AU and an established ot3 situation w Yen/Geralt/Jaskier and it’s just,,, family fluff, disgusting domestic with all the drama that comes with three emotionally... complicated people trying to raise a young girl who has powers, starts off in a small town
Lullaby of the Isles is more so the game/book fandom, but it’s so good that I just didn’t care about that small fact, it’s still only four chapters but all together those four chapters have 17k+, and it’s about an OC suddenly waking up as a siren, a boss monster siren to exact, right after the siren had killed someone, and it’s just really good and different
And Yet Here We Are  is a collection of more ot3 fanfic of Yen/Geralt/Jaskier, it’s basically a lot of sexy times, but also some funny situations
to grow in adversity is the only fanfic that on this list i haven’t actually read, but the premise seems interesting enough, it’s about Renfri surviving and it has Jaskier as her baby bro
Better Love is surprise! another ot3 fanfic, only this time, you get to feel the pain of an unestablished relationship, it’s basically just Yen & Jaskier bickering while Yen tries to get Jaskier to fuck Geralt. It’s v horny, with a big hunking side of angst and some fluff. Completed and waiting for me to finish the last two chapter!
Teen Wolf: 
Sonder is @musiciatee​ ‘s OC fanfic, and it’s so good??? like every update I get to read blesses my imaginary crops, cures my depression and makes my skin glow like an goddess. If you’re looking for a good POC OC in this fandom, this is it okay. 
Kerosene Hearts and Matchbox Bodies is an OC fanfic, by @thegalanerd​, it’s being reworked right now, but 100% worth the read, but like, I would recommend any of their fanfics, it’s all very good like HOLY SHET it’s good. 
Red Rover, Red Rover is a pretty damn good OC fic, it’s on hiatus but it has 73 chapters and like nearly 500k words, it’s very dramatic, angsty, slow burn, mysterious, and the OC has their own little drama to deal with outside of the main plot
The Unconventional Life of Abigail McCall is probably one everyone has read by now, but if you haven’t, give it a shot, it made me smile a lot
Doctor Who: 
Three of a Kind, The Stuff of Legends is an male OC Tyler fanfic, and by god it is so good, very angsty, lots of drama, very AU, lowkey domestic, this drama gay OC must be protecccted at all costs
London Born is another Tyler OC, but Rose and her have different dad’s and she’s a character of color and bisexual, it’s just such a good fucking story and a favorite of mine, it’s also very AU and has a lot of original stories that the OC goes on, sometimes by themselves. It’s the first in a series, but this first installment is finished so I’d suggest subscribing to the collection for the second installment~
The Blonde Girl is the first installment of an AU of Rose’s start in the Doctor’s life, starting with them meeting randomly during different parts of their life and it basically slowly weaves Rose into the Doctor’s life/past. It’s really good, haven’t finished it yet, but I liked how they changed/expanded Rose’s character. Once you finish that you’ll want to start Defender of the Earth and The Companion Connection, the other’s I haven’t read yet so I don’t know the order they go in, but they’re all like 100k+ words and the author is still regularly updating their newest installment so enjoy~
Alexander-The Seer and Changer of Time is probably the longest DW OC fic out here, and was only last updated early last, but at a word count of  1477k+, I’m sure we’ll survive. This is another fic I haven’t finished reading, but one I’d high recommend either way. If I’m remembering correctly, don’t like quote me on this, but I believe their OC was non gender conforming.
The Dread of Tomorrow and Yesterday  was sadly cut short before the author finished, but the OC is so amazing and just my hero, and a character of color, will fight everyone and probably win, and just I love this OC so much and even though it probably won’t ever be finished it’s worth the read and it’s at nearly 800k so, enjoy each word~
Sailor Moon:
Rabbit of the Moon, is literally the ONLY fic I’m rec in this fandom, mainly because it’s the only fanfic I’ve ever read in this fandom, but it’s so good, like I was just feeling nolgastic over what was my first anime, but the OC is so...scary and smart and cunning and intense af
Twilight'd is a really good OC, it made me laugh a lot, and it makes you love the characters more than the actual writer made you like them
A Hundred Winks of Sunshine by @tsume-yuki​ is so good, like, I don’t know how to articulate how much I love their SI!Bella, like, I don’t read these types of stories a lot, but, tbh any story made them is just worth taking the risk to read because you won’t be let down. It’s very funny and charming and so good!
How To Lose Your Dragon is not really what it says on the tin, trust me I would never read a fic that would have anyone steal Dany’s dragons, it’s just the dragons like Jon, hmm I wonder why?? kind of fic, and I really love the way the writer writes Dany 
Can beauty come out of ashes is another Dany-centric fanfic, and it’s really good so far, but I’m only on the second chapter so I can’t say much but I like the idea of the Starks and Dany becoming pack. It ignores s7-8, so we already love~
The Scientist is a good Loki/OC fanfic, like it’s so good because the OC doesn’t put up with any shit, and is very smart and it’s just so freakin good and cute and such a fucking slow burn, like get ready for some slow burn
Just An Old Fashioned Love Song by @izhunny​ is such a good Frostiron fic, like, so fucking good, just THE FLUFF~ THE DOMESTICS??? SO GOOD!! ALSO!! ALMOST ALWAYS MAKES ME FREAKING HUNGRY!!! haven’t finished this, but I’d highly recommend it 
Code Blue by @jarvis-is-my-copilot​ likeee, I haven’t finished reading this either, haha sorry, but I really like the OCs and it’s just.....SO....GOOD!!!
The Wooden Puppet is a really good OC fanfic, very different from ur usual OC, love the way the OC interacts with the characters and I love the way it started, it’s hilarious
Archaic Kinds Of Fun is like, all of my dreams and hopes for the Avengers put into one fic with an amazing OC, like did you want the team as a family, or hell even friends??? do you want them to get fuckin therapy??? HERE YOU GO! It hasn’t been updated in a while because the author has been through a tough time, but it’s at 370k+ and it’s just really good. an inspiration to me. Bruce/OC too, which is rare, but like, it’s just so fuckin cute and the OC is super fucking close w Tony too and Loki joins in later in the fic and it adds some comic book characters but, WOO, it’s just...SO GOOD!
Lilies Say Sorry is another Loki/OC fanfic that I liked that didn’t make me concerned over the power dynamics of Loki being a, well god. It’s the first in it’s installment, still haven’t finished the second installment, shocking, I know, it’s almost like I have a habit of doing that. But I’d highly suggest reading this, it’s just so good and the DRAMA!
I Need You is a Tony/Reader, and like, I usually don’t read Reader fics, but holy shit this is so good and the Author doesn’t do Y/N to address the character, but like, it’s just really good at drawing you in and it’s good at putting the character into the movies in a fresh way. It cured my acne. Very regular updates. almost at 400k. 
Caught Hot-Rod Red Handed is a Stony fic, it’s really fucking good at making me laugh so I’d highly suggest reading this if you’re feeling low, but also don’t read this late at night, you’ll wake up ur family and make them think ur laughing in ur sleep
Life In The Fast Lane is a Fast and Furious crossover fanfic, it’s the first installment, but you don’t need to know anything about the movies to be able to read it, it’s Tony/OC, (hahha you can literally see who I favor from my recs), and it’s so good, and the OC is bisexual and I love her and more people need to read because the author writes romance and action so freaking good
ps: please leave a nice review on their fanfics if you do read and enjoy some of these, because just one nice comment can make a fanfic writers day if not week, it lets them know that real people really are reading their stuff, even if it’s just a ‘good chapter’
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session 11 notes (i’ll fix them one day but i’m agro this was tea hate this)
Two minute one shot while dom pees
Adam has a floaty tube
Asyna can't turn into a hippo
Giant seahorse
Jane austen
Elizabethh and darcy my hands are shaking
Dom has 4e books
Dom was pretty out of it last session
It's afternoon
Dom is toasty
In jacob's other campaign a goat bit off his penis so the goat's name is richard byter
"at first the goat was reluctant"
"what a goat"
Last week on dragon heist
We were meandering through the city
"one of you met with an old friend, briefly"
Zoo time
Aerana knows where the zoo is in the sea ward
Raised brick gate w high walls; on top are intricate metal railing spiked stuff
Entrance is v wide, not too many people going in bc it's raining a lot
Apparently the weather is super important and I still don't know why the weather is so important
It is currently raining
Ticket booth in the front
Gold piece per person
Botanic repository
We walk up to the booth covering ourselves w the hoods we have
Velvet rope line but we just navigate through it like in shrek
Adam goes first
Walks in and see smiling figure, human male middle-aged, heavyset, festive outfit, "thank you for visiting - oH how's it going?!" it's volo
He's doing research for his newest obok
Hi jacob's dad
Jacob's gonna go fishing
Volo under impression he would be one of zoological experts but no
They brought monsters in from the isle of chault
Points us off to the exhibit to go
Originally zoo was not a zoo as we think of but like throwing them in a pit and being like look at them think httyd
Now it's closer to what we'd consider a modern day zoo
Lots of foliage
It's a big zoo
Like the San diego zoo
Or disneyland
Dom talks abt his brother's haircut
We can run through it
Can asyna just sprint
Aerana and asyna r gonna run
Adam cel and theo r gonna not run
Most of the zoo taken up by exhibits devoted to the island
Looking in the entryway a lot of ppl r carrying pamphlets n papers and speaking in foreign tongues like tourists or smth ig
Adam casts disguise self to make him look as fancy as everyone else
Has feathered cloak
Three major pathways
Chault exhibits for weird stuff r left
Marine stuff and some chault r forward
To the right r monsters from the interior continent
Adam cel and theo (?) go to the right
Most ppl r in pairs
A lot of biologist-type ppl; ppl who look like they're used to handling animals
First real exhibit on the right is a human woman inside the exhibit throwing down pieces of meat to lions
Is asyna a moon druid ? Yes
How did the human woman get there ? But she doesn’t notice
"does this zoo have dippin dots" - lillian 2020
Perception check, 15
There r ppl selling stuff, sees dejected gnome sitting under a pedal cart w a dingy umbrella and he's grumpy n angry
Adam walks over to him
Selling diff snacks n refreshments
He's mostly selling a fizzle pop
Strawberry flavor, blueberry, butterfly flavor
"are ur fizzle pops made w organic butterflies ? Bc I'm kinda on a diet rn"
Adam says it's disgusting
"I'll have a blueberry thank you"
Cel is gonna try the butterfly one
It's sweet; doesn't taste like blood but does taste almost nutty
So like what I would think pistachio tastes like
Fun size popsicle
Theo gets strawberry
They go to the next exhibit
A really vertical exhibit
Cel is gonna try and ride seahorse asyna but rolls a nat 1 for acrobatics and then a nat 1 for dex save
Smashes head on rim of the pool, bleeding out and unconscious
Healing words from adam
Climbs out of the pool
The water is now red
Three children on the other side of the pool
One of them gets really excited and pees when adam tells them that there's a chemical that turns pool water red
Asyna left the pool when the kid peed
Asyna leads everyone over to the hospital
Adam is gonna try and healing words fix cel
Cel is back to full health
One of the kids is crying scared when she finds out the water is blood
Theo is gonna go get the kids ?
Ok back to the zoo
There's a hippo exhibit
We go check it out
On the way there run into different typical zoo stuff
The younger ppl r around these exhibits
A lot of closed sections bc of weather like "don't worry next winter this animal will be back"
Ringtails that r lemurs ringtail lemurs
Carefully curated trees that r uber high
Hawks and giant eagles
Oops my phone froze
Tap on the glass to say hi to the what now
Theo wants it to come say hi to her
Animal handling check, 10
Can't attract their attention but
The hippos
Asyna has speak with animals LMAO
Basically can't talk to worms
No more tapeworm talk :/
"Theo says hi . This is theo"
"everybody gangsta until they find out jacob thinks barney is a hippo" - dom 2020
Colombian drug lord one time built private zoos and the hippos broke out but now there's a hippo problem in colombia
Pablo escovar
Speak with animals is ten minutes
We're also probably fighting later
We're gonna talk to the hippos
Theo waves
One of them paddles over and tries to sniff
"hm . Can you eat it ?"
"pleaes don't"
 I just remembered seaweed is not a plant it's an algae
This hippo does not have a name
Calls sister sister
"ask about juicy hippo gossip" - adam
"no but if I did I would share it"
Originally zoo was place for research
Anything else to ask hippos before we check out rare animals ?
The hippo floats away and we say bye
To the chault exhibits
Getting late but there r a lot more researchers
First exhibit has a lot of strange, unfamiliar trees
Monkeys w really big fluffy sideburns clustering around overhanging branches bc it's raining
Some of them r taking leaves and using them to keep the rain off
One of the monkeys hops off the branch
The sideburns actually extend into wings and it goes to another branch
"it's like the wizard of oz"
"adam what's the wizard of oz"
Flying monkeys
Adam walks over to a researcher and asks the most must-see
Woman who is probably from chault bc wearing strange woven beret w branches n stuff
Alien to anything they've seen
"I would point you in the direction of the behemoths"
"what are behemoths"
Adam rolls nature check
9, he doesn't know what a behemoth is
She is from chault
Behemoths r considered friends there
Asyna and aerana know where chault is
Everyone else just knows chault is v far away, almost like a nightmare story told to children
Described as a hellscape
"I'd sooner go to chault than-"
Asyna and aerana know chault is a massive island to the sw of the sword coast, home to v tropical, intensely humid climate w lots of rain + some invasions in the past but now things r opening up
We're gonna check out the behemoths
From a distance, this exhibit much larger than others, much more heavily excavated
Not so much walls as railing looking into a deep cavern
All manner of plant life brought in to accommodate the creatures
Huge lizard of some kind
Huge size category
Irl a horse is large
Humans and dwarves are medium
Exhibit says it's a macetail behemoth
Ground trembles w each step of the behemoth
Slow, ponderous
Gigantic armored lizard w tough plating on its back and spikes on the sides of its head w bony, protective coverings all over it
Massive swinging tail protruding bone swinging back and forth as it walks
Looks like that one dinosaur
We would call it an ankylosaurus
Things that go over my head : see description bullet points before this
Tail end of speak with animals
Asyna can turn into dinosaurs
"you look really cool do you have a name"
One of them looks up but doesn't really respond
Doesn't answer
Look for velociraptors
Gonna look at all the exhibits
Spirehorn behemoths
Faces almost look like shields
Alien to us tho
I can't believe that like as dom's explaining these everyone else can like ,, imagine it
Like that's crazy they see pictures inside their heads
Feathered behemoths
Occasionally jump around
Claws and walk around on two legs
Bloodspike behemoth
Stegosaurus, baby and two parents
Asyna can turn into a deinonychus
We have enough time for one more exhibit
We see a creature alone in its pen save for two researchers dropping treats in front of it, other has a pickaxe and is tapping the ground and scooping smth up trailing the creature and brushing it into a bin
Creature reflects rainbow of colors ? I think
Huge snail, has three eyestalks but they kind of droop down and have heavy spikes off each individual one
Cel reads description
Flail snail?
It's a big boi
Described not as a beast but as something that comes from a realm of earth
As it moves it excretes glass
Generally docile but if prodded r really dangerous bc the things it has r more weapons than eyes
Adam asks if it's a petting exhibit
The flail snail is just as slow as a regular snail
"that is the most disgusting magic resistance I've ever seen in my entire life" - jacob 2020
Everything starting to shut down
We realize we should probs skedaddle
Time to find loser boy
Rain has not stopped but has kinda calmed down
Heading straight to the wig shop
Lamps in the trades ward r lit
Brighter than what we've seen recently
Adam peers into the shop
Perception check
6, tries to get water off the window, looks empty
Theo's gonna pick the lock
25, it's a simple lock and theo gets it open easily
Shop is empty
Somewhat eerie for those without darkvision bc the mannequins
Cel will go and investigate the back room, door is locked
Theo tries opening again
23, opens easily
Immediately smells weird powder
A lot of the perfumes for preserving dyes n stuff kept back here
Cel makes a perception check
V organized, neat and tidy
Manhole cover in the back
Sewer system v advanced in waterdeep but also means there's a lot of it
A lot of ppl will build over sewer openings bc cheaper real estate
"sewer access authorized city officials only"
Adam rolls nat20 for boxes
Looking for anything necromancy related, licking things, doing all manners of investigation
Feels a small leather sack, pulls it out, kinda heavy
Opens it up, sees coins that are kind of heavier and thicker; not silver, 5 platinum pieces
Platinum is 10 gp each
Could take the platinums
Scry the money and sack
There are cupboards at the front desk
Necromancy considered suspicious, looked down upon
"ah . It's like watching anime ." - jacob 2020
"no, it's not like watching anime" - dom 2020
The art itself is not a crime but the things that occur in tandem w it r usually crimes
Discussing what to do in character
Cel insight check, 16
Earlier dom mentioned we're aware many ppl in waterdeep use the sewers to traverse unseen in the city; kinda suss the building was built on top of a sewer
Adam is borrowing aerana's warhammer
Adam hits the floor, leaves big dent and a v loud sound
Cel makes strength check w advantage w crowbar
Rolls a 12, can't get it open
Can sort of shift it up
Adam smashes a jar over the floor
Dex check, 5
Cloud of neon yellow sprays out like a cloud of dust and smoke, just the color
Covered in bright yellow dye
Theo tries lockpicking
23, lock is more difficult and takes a little longer, but eventually it opens
Once it's opened, the chains undo themselves and snake out on their own accord
It's just a dark hole
Can see a short drop that leads to a staircase
Adam holds lantern
Cel's just gonna go w adam at the front, pitch dark
Darkvision lets us see to some extent; everything is in grayscale
Lantern beam does help us see a little
Asyna closer to front as well
Leads to a room, 10' x 20'
Descending down short flight of stairs, room totally bare save for a barred door that u can see out of, also locked
Hear faintly some water
Theo rolls 23 for lockpicking
Door opens
Adam investigating room for secret door, tunnel, anything
Investigation check, 10 and 5 for investigation checks
Look around but room is barren
Nothing stashed anywhere, nothing to indicate a secret door or anything
Adam and cel step out, to immediate right extends for 10ish feet before merging into wall
Directly in front is water and like a sewer river flowing to the right
"are there any rats" "make a perception check" "nat 1"
To left, passage curves so hard to see but for at least 40 or so feet the pathway continues
Adam rolls another 5 for investigation check
We eventually get to a small stone bridge
I FORGOT I RESEARCHED THE SEWER SYSTEMS idk if I should bring it up I brought it up
A 15 intelligence check
Waterdeep's sewers are a subject of fascination for the city
You know the passageway like the one ur in often has arteries or iron doors set in them leading to different areas
Also know sometimes due to poor planning or smth some areas without walkways also have access tunnels
There's a bridge ? Nasty water under it
Over the bridge we go
Cel rolls a 22, plenty of damp areas around ,, no light in the passage, walking for a minute or so and w each step just hear a wet squelching noise; we're leaving behind wet, muddy footprints
No sign of recent mud in front of us
10 minutes go by and every once in a while pass side arteries w more sewage flowing in
This part seems relatively well planned
Can only go straight ? No other curvature in the path
Traveling south
"I'm gonna try and get that rat" - adam 2020
Adam picks up the rat for sleight of hand check
"you're able to grab up that rat pretty good" - dom 2020
Adam holds rat out to asyna and tells her to do her thing
"hey buddy"
"uh you have to cast your spell first"
"hey pal how's it going"
"let me go"
"uh we'll let you go if you answer some of our questions"
"don't even"
"no he's saying don't eat him"
"my friend here holding you is gonna take a big chomp of you if you don't answer our questions"
"have you seen anyone"
"don't know"
"I open my mouth"
"I kind of want to squeak" - marguerite 2020
Rat points north
Adam wants a piece of string to tie onto the rat like a leash
Adam is starting to feel short of breath after 10 minutes of walking
"that's either from the powder . Or the key"
Adam doesn't feel indigestion right now just that it's difficult to get air
Adam tries to tie a leash to the rat
Dex check
Rat runs away
We go back the way we came, another 10 minutes, we pass three of those stone bridges
Cel investigation checks the dead end again, adam will give bardic inspiration
"Open sesame" - song
18, nothing there
It's a maze, we'll try naya
Adam takes out sack of platinum
Naya appears, looks around and shudders and bounds away
Following the deer
Naya is guiding back to where we originally where
Moving south again
Looks at passage back again passage then vanishes
Naya was standing on one of the bridges
First artery
It's a passage
We gotta wade through the sewer
Aerana readies weapon
Wading through, halflings get disgusting smth in their boots
Passage goes 20 ft before turning on a diagonal, turn onto passageway then it extends v far into distance
"adam's adding to the sewage right now probably" - jacob 2020
Adam's feeling lightheaded
Cel makes medicine check on adam
Rolls a 6, don't know what's wrong bud
Adam rolls around in the sewer water to get the powder off ??
I guess he is
Adam makes a constitution save, a 3
The yellow stuff is off but adam is smeared in shit
Did I make a good or bad decision
We keep going but adam feels better like fine like nothing's wrong
Oh no adam's gonna die it's like hypothermia where u feel super hot at first then u die
Passageway stretches on for awhile until coming across a rusty ironed door raised so that we'd have to step up to access it
Aerana makes perception check on the door, 20 not a nat
Hears people shouting and what appears to be a cat
Can't tell if the shouting is bad or not
Theo wrings out cape
Go up to the door, realize there's no lock; the entire lock has fallen out bc the door is so rusty
Adam checks door for traps, 12 investigation
Does not appear to be trapped, looks p old
Adam is in middle, cel towards back, aerana at front
About 25' ahead is a wider chamber and a door set into the wall, the areas are lit
We already walked through the rusty door
Massive screeching sound that came from the door when u opened it
Gotta b stealthy
Door to the right is unlocked
Adam opens the door open, looks like a storage room w different crates and sacks; bland
Some water barrels, adam pours it on himself; the rest of us also do it
Moving into room adjacent to passageway; triangle things in the wall has arrow stuff to make it easier to fire from but the room looks abandoned
Deeper in we go
Don't go that far but hit a wider room extending out 40'
Center of the room; at one point looks like there was a wall covering the room but has since collapsed; several ppl looking at us
Far corner opposite to us is an old halfling man in dark robes, clutching wound at chest, long gray braid down back staring at us as if he heard we were coming
In front of him are two smiling skeletons
It's the necromancer
The skeletons r also looking at us
They appear to be guarding him
In front of skeletons are three kenku looking at us
Bingbong is not one of the kenku
"I can explain" - adam
"we came down here and I was covered in shit and" adam casts pyrotechnics centered in between skeletons and kenku
Aerana, 19
Cel, 17
Asyna, 15
Adam, 15
Theo, 9
Holds attack, if kenku move within 5 ft of her she'll attack
Skeletons have bows and shortswords
Kenkus have shortswords
Will hold an action if attacked
Appear to b human skeletons, medium size
Lash out at kenku
One kenku able to parry away an attack, other skeleton slashes another kenku
Attacks kenku closest to her, the one not hit
15, "what are you attacking with" "iiiiiiiii don't knowwwwwwwwwww"
Asyna turns into ape
Runs up to terrified kenku
Swings both times but it gets out of the way and hisses like a cat
Casts pyrotechnics on kenku
One passes, one fails
Failed one is blinded for next turn
Cutting words on the kenku by asyna
Tries to escape, skeleton misses and kenku staggers away and starts feeling way along wall and runs into room west of where we are
Other one
Makes attack on skeleton, half of ribcage slashed but it's still standing
Other other one
Tries to attack ape, misses
Stands up, tries to flee
Hits kenku that tried to get asyna, 5 damage
Has sneak attack, deals 12 damage
Arrow shot into neck, still alive but not for long
13 damage to other kenku
"how do you want to do this"
Kenku drops dead
Skeleton turns smiling to aerana
15 to hit, 6 damage, dead
"how do you want to do this"
Pulls arrow back as far as she can "and I don't know if it's bingbong, but I'm gonna pretend it's bingbong and shoot it right through his eye socket"
"I want to keep bingbong as a pet" - jacob 2020
"kenku are sentient beings, that would be slavery" - dom 2020
Looking around we see the bodies of three other kenku and remains of two other skeletons
The skeletons attack aerana
One hits, 3 damage
Goes into the room to follow the halfling and the kenku
Some kind of exit around
The blinded kenku is in here
Can reach halfling or kenku
Marguerite wants to hug the halfling
Athletics check to do it
Old man screams but asyna can hold him, unable to escape
Kenku still feeling around on the floor
Follows asyna
Gonna cast sleep
Kenku falls asleep
Yells over at the halfling
"can you call off your skeletons please"
Loser boy's turn
I don't remember how to spell losser unless it's losser
Tries to escape asyna's grasp
"he does not escape your grasp"
Asyna rolls another athletics check
17, he does not escape
14 to hit, 16 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Arrow to the skull just goes really far in and the skull falls off as do misc bones
Misses hit
Tries to thrust forward w sword but it drops and contracts, sword slipping through ribcage
19 to hit
8 damage, hits shoulder and arm falls off
Waddles the halfling over to adam
Gives him a little squeeze
baned halfling
And cutting words
No cutting words nvm
Asyna rolls a 25
Can't squirm out
"unhand me there are more of them there are more kenku"
"ok. Bye bye skeleton boy"
22 to hit
12 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Hits him in the smile; teeth knocked out and all of it collapses like a xylophone type noise as the bones hit the floor
Out of combat
Aerana ties up sleeping kenku
Adam casts charm person
Cel is gonna loot
Investigation check, 7
10 gold combined on the kenku; takes
Halfling is charmed to consider adam a dear old friend
Says he just finished work on his new purse; his fanny pack (basically)
Not sure we recognize the material
Adam says he knows who sent the kenku
"you have the stone"
"they stole it from me"
Says he randomly found a nice stone from a rat
Adam puts his hand on loser boy's shoulder and asks if he wants to work from home
Trying to convince loser boy to come with us
The purse is made out of elf skin
Bc it's supple
Adam trying to get a magical weapon out of loser boy
Has a potion that protects from necromancers
Persuasion check, 24
Goes into side closet
Damage resist potion
Aerana kills him
Wow are you ?? Desensitized ?? Are you desensitized or does it help not being able to see anything ever
Adam rummages through loser boy's desk
Investigation check, 15
False bottom to one of the desk drawers w 100 gold inside
Cel investigation checks loser boy, 13
Finds a little wand w a skull tip
Adam is gonna look at the purse
This bag is a faint gold
Adam shakes the kenku awake, wisdom 13 saving throw
Charm person
Making dog noises
"you want to take us to your friends"
"I don't know where they are"
"then let's just go back to your base"
"get back to base ? No one knows where that is"
Adam introduces himself, mentions bingbong
Gets theo and cel's names, mimics sound of a hammer hitting metal when asked his name
His name is bonk now
Asks asyna's name, asyna is still an ape
Big hairy git
Aerana says she'll trade information for her name
Adam swings warhammer into ground to threaten kinda
Adam makes 12 insight check
We don't recognize any of the voices he uses
Asks if we live in a hole
Asks if the house is nice
Copies adam's voice for the house boom
Adam asks if he knows about the puppet
"couldn't tell you if I knew"
Nat20 adam runs insight check across entire conversation
He's lying abt not knowing where his friends are
Adam asks him why he was lying
Hear a voice we've never heard before
But this one in particular is bizarre and warped as if it's through some filter
"do you know what happens when you lie to me"
Anyone w passive perception over 9 hears a bottle break and a door slam in one of the rooms to the south
Cel hits his brain basically
Some of you starting to piece together that smth strange is happening
Pattering of footsteps from room to the south
Session over for the night
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pinkykitten · 6 years
The best date ever
Arthur Curry x female! reader
Warning: curse words
Specifics: fluff, romance, comedy, one-shot, pictures, gifs, race-neutral reader
People: arthur curry, you, diana prince 
Words: 2,620
Requested: By @divaanya Hi!!! So about that sequel to The Old Man's Tale.. 😍😂 I'm not sure if you wanted specifics here or in submissions, so I'll put them here... I was thinking simply about them having that dinner, maybe Arthur picking her up in the morning, showing her around the town, then them eating and talking about her drawings and just fluff...😍😍😍 And I'd love to read anyting you feel like writing about them... And any other aquaman fics you come up with!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Authors Note: srry fam for not posting in a while, ive just been rlly stressed out lately with some personal things like my plate is so full. so pls fam be patient i am still writing just at a slow pace, i need to find a good time to write so im still working that out rn. i hope u guys like this, again srry my peeps! <3<3<3
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“Oh my god,” you shouted as you quickly rose up from your slumber, remembering today was the day. “Crap! I have that date with,” you sigh. “My sexy hunk of a hero.”
At the speed of light you got ready, making sure you looked beautiful and glamorous for this date. 
“Perfect,” you chuckled as you looked at yourself in the mirror, posing and modeling to yourself. 
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All of a sudden you heard a car’s horn beep from outside. You grabbed your things such as your sketchbook, your phone, the same things Arthur had saved. You open the door and there is standing Arthur with a bouquet of flowers. 
“I found these and thought ‘hey they are beautiful’, and then I thought for a while ‘who could I give this to,’ and then I thought of you.” Arthur grinned from ear to ear, his personality seemed to beam and make the world a better place. 
“Awww these are for me? Arthur they are extremely beautiful,” you stand on your tippy toes and give him a peck on his cheek. “Thank you! Let me find a vase for these.”
While you are putting the flowers away, Arthur stares at you from afar. You are truly a beauty. He can’t help but linger longer in looking at your curves, your body. The way the dress hugged you tightly, the curve of your butt. Your legs that to him looked better than even Diana Prince. The way you moved yourself about made Arthur like you more, made him want to understand you and get to know you more. 
“You look really, really, really, pretty today y/n.” 
You turn around, bashful and place the vase on a nearby table, “oh stop you! But thank you, you always look handsome yourself Curry. Whelp are you ready to go?”
“Ready as ready can get sweetheart,” Arthur opened the door for you. “But before we eat, how about I show you the best places around town?”
“I would really like that,” you smile as you take Arthur’s hand that he offered you and go to his car.
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As Arthur’s driving a sweet melody of a tune is playing on the radio, making the morning relaxing. 
“I can’t wait to see where you live! All the stuff you do daily, things that make you happy, stuff like that,” you smile as you wrap your tiny arm around his strong, muscled one. Arthur grins seeing how adorable you are and how interested you look at knowing about his home. 
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(ok but i love this gif because his smile is the bomb and the scrunchie is my life; sometimes i ask myself, how r we the same species?)
He gently holds your small hand and laces his thick fingers with yours. You peer up at him and see he is speaking about something the opposite way. Your heart beats vigorously, you are bashful and try to hear what he is talking about but you just stare at your two hands together, his and yours. They looked perfect as one, this meant something right?
“So what do you think, onto another sight?” Arthur asked, now his focus was on you. You fanned yourself and breathed harshly, “ooh is it me or is it extremely hot in here? Wooo, woah, ok, wow.”
“Y/n, its colder than an igloo in here, how in god’s name are you hot?”
Arthur chuckled, knowing exactly why you were like this. He knew it was about him holding your hand. He felt the way you tensed up when he did that, it made him for some reason happy. Happy to know that you were nervous around him because then you care about how he sees you, you care about his feelings. 
“You look beautiful by the way sweetheart. You know what I don’t think there has ever been a day for you when you didn’t look beautiful.”
You swatted his way as you chuckled while rolling your eyes, “you’re too much Arthur Curry. Do you flirt with all your girls like this?”
“No...just you.”
Your eyes bugged wide open and you tried to change the subject. “What’s that place over there?”
“Oh that, that’s the ice skating rink. Its been there for like forever, its really fun. It may not look much but that’s where people just enjoy each others company, love birds, kids, teenagers, you name it, they go there.”
“That sounds so nice. Lovebirds you say though?” You raise your brow as your arm rests on the center console of the car. Arthur turns his head from the window to you and his head moves closer to yours. In a sultry, raspy, deep voice he says, “yeah many, many lovebirds go there. They dance around each other and sometimes get to touch.” Arthur comes closer and his lips almost go to yours, but then he stops. He smiles, “that means then we should go!” He gets out of the car so quickly you didn’t have a chance to think about what just happened. 
One minute you thought you were going to kiss this hunk of a merman and now he’s wanting to go ice skating, and you don’t even know how to ice skate! Then you realized, he was trying to play hard to get. He flirts and tries to kiss you and then he doesn’t! “Well, two can play it that game!” You thought in your head. 
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“Okay I should of told you this but Arthur...I can’t skate!” Your holding onto Arthur for dear life as you stand on the ice with the skates on.
“Well lets just practice a little, I’m gonna let go-
“No Arthur don’t you let go I swear if you let go I’m gonna punch you in the balls so hard that you’re gonna wish you were a woman, don’t you let go!”
“And when I let go y/n, lets see if you can skate on your own. Okay 1, 2, 3.” Arthur lets you go and pushes you forward to bring speed to you. You slide forward with a shriek as you can’t stop. As you’re about to fall to your death Arthur comes to the rescue and picks you up with ease. “Man, sweetheart I’ve already saved your life twice. I should get a reward.”
Arthur holds your hand as he practically guides you through on the ice. “Yeah you want to see your reward?” You smack his torso and shoulders but unfortunately with your size compared to his you didn’t really do much damage.
“Ouch what was that for?”
“What was that for? Arthur I nearly almost died...again! You pushed me you hot, idiot, jerk, stupid, guy!” You look straight up into his eyes with an angry face. 
“So you think I’m hot?” Arthur comes closer to you. 
You try to slide back but you trip and that makes Arthur strong hands go to your back, near your butt and bring you closer to his body. “I never said a thing like that.”
Arthur’s handsome face gets closer with yours and his body is touching your body, tightly pressed together. “I think you did, I know you did.”
You look away as you put your hands up. His lips go to your ear, “don’t worry y/n, I think I’m hot as well.”
Your face becomes annoyed as you shove his face away from you and roll your eyes. “Haha, good one.” You say sarcastically as his laughter booms loudly. He laughed so hard he had to wipe a tear. “Was it really that funny Arthur?”
Arthur nods, “oh yeah definitely. You should of seen your face!”
“HAHAHAHAHA WELL YOU SHOULD OF FELT YOUR JUNK, CUZ IT WAS GIVING A STANDING OVATION!” You then laugh really hard at your joke and pretend to wipe a tear. You see Arthur’s face as he gives you a death glare. You chuckle some more as he skates towards you. He wraps his hand in yours and you two skate like normal people do, or how the lovebirds do. 
It was actually really romantic. 
“There you go sweetheart, just like that.” You actually were skating correctly, of course holding for dear life onto Arthur, but still you did it. You were skating smoothly, almost perfectly. 
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m doing it!” You smiled up at Arthur, your smile beaming. This made Arthur happy and his heart pound. He couldn’t focus on anything except you, the way you looked up at him. You looked like a goddess, like his whole life revolved around you. Like you were meant to be his, and he was meant to be yours. 
“Arthur, Arthur, Arthur! We’re gonna crash!”
As soon as you said that you and him crashed into the wall. Before your body could hit the cold, harsh ice, Arthur fell on his back but caught you just in time. 
“Oh my! Arthur are you okay?” You felt yourself being carried and laid, on your stomach, on his chest. His eyes were shut, so you shook him and tried to get him to wake up. “Arthur please wake up! Are you okay?”
You were starting to get worried that he hurt himself badly until he woke up. “Did I scare you?”
You smacked his face a couple of times, “Are you serious? Yes you scared me Arthur! I thought you were hurt. C’mon lets go somewhere to eat because I am starving.”
Arthur got up with your help and placed his hand on your hip as you two walked to the car. “Hey, thanks for worrying about me.” Arthur bent down and kissed your cheek, then he walked to his car leaving you all bashful. 
“I swear this boy,” you muttered.
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You two ended up deciding to go to a pizza restaurant. (if u dont like pizza then u r cursed and have sinned because pizza is a gift from god) 
As you walked in the smell was good! It smelled delicious! Your stomach growled at the thought of fresh, hot pizza. 
“Sorry for keeping you waiting. We could of gotten food sooner.” Arthur looked at the menu by the cashier. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder. If no one knew it, it looked as if you two were a couple.
Suddenly Arthur stomach growls. “Well if you were hungry Arthur, we could of gotten some food.”
Arthur puts his hair in a man bun with his light pink scrunchie, you could tell he was embarrassed. “I didn’t want to interrupt you having fun on the ice.”
You stood on your tippy toes and kissed Arthur’s cheek, “thank you, that was really sweet of you.”
After you two bought the pizza, you guys sat at the booth by the window. 
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“This looks so good! I’m starving!”
“Well y/n, bon appetit!”
You ate like you haven’t eaten in years, the pizza was so perfect and so delicious in your mouth. The atmosphere was perfect. Jazz music was playing in the background, there were not too many people there but enough to hear talking. It was gloomy looking outside since it was so cold. You took your coat off and placed it next to you. 
“So I saw your sketchbook, what do you draw?” Arthur asked, taking a gigantic bite out of his Hawaiian pizza. 
“Oh pretty much everything. Yeah, I like to draw animals, settings, but mostly people. I mean I love art but sketching and drawing is my passion, it lets me vent as much as possible. I just think about life when I draw. Think about how I want to better my life, how to better me.” You find yourself getting off the discussion. “Sorry, I’m talking too much aren’t I?”
Arthur placed his hand on yours and smiled, “not at all. Please continue.”
“I wanted to get away from my day to day life. Sometimes doing the same thing over and over, day by day can be such a bore and honestly tiresome. That’s why I needed to come here. I wanted to experience a place like never before, and also encourage myself to draw more.”
“Well I’m glad you made that decision to come here, if you hand’t then I would not have met you.”
“Thank you Arthur.”
“Can I see your drawings?”
You started choking on your piece of pizza, “what? You mean like mine, my drawing as in my own, like mine?”
“I’m pretty sure mine means that.”
You chuckled and scratched the back of your head, “I don’t know Arthur, they’re not that good.”
Arthur gave you a wink, “c’mon y/n, I know they’ll look amazing.”
You pull out your sketchbook from your bag and hand it to him. 
“Wow y/n,” was all he said as he was mesmerized, captivated by your art. “You are incredible y/n, just incredible! I’m speechless with how you draw.”
“Thanks, it feels good to have someone important say such great things about them.”
Arthur almost turns to the page you don’t want him to see. “Um don’t see that drawing.”
Arthur raises his brow, “why not?”
“Because it has something personal on there.” You try to grab it but Arthur is too quick and moves it away from you. “Give it back Arthur!”
“Wait! I want to see what it is.” As he says this he turns the page to show a drawing of him. 
You feel hot and so embarrassed. Your hands become so sweaty and your heart pounds. Will he think your drawing is weird or stupid? 
“Y/n, this is so beautiful. I can’t believe you drew me.” Arthur was baffled at your gift. Just from seeing him in a short time you sketched him out like you knew him for many years. You got each curve and each detail of his face and body. 
“I studied your face long and hard when you picked me up. I had to draw out my hero.” 
Arthur’s smile made you fall more in love with him. “I’m sorry if me drawing you was weird. I can just get rid of it when I go back to my cabin.”
“No! Please y/n, don’t. Please don’t get rid of this amazing drawing. Hel* I wish I could draw you, but not even a dam* drawing would show and describe how beautiful you are, not words not art, nothing. You are so frickin gorgeous and sweet y/n, you really are.” Next thing you knew Arthur got up and sat next to you in the booth. Feeling shy you backed away in the booth but this just made Arthur get extremely closer to you. His wild blue eyes were half lidded as he was overpowered with love and lust for you, and to be honest so were you. Arthur came closer and closer to you until his huge body trapped your tiny, fragile one against the wall. “I so wanna kiss you right now,” breathed out Arthur, rubbing delicately your cheek. 
“I wanna kiss you so bad too,” you said in a whisper, looking directly at Arthur’s plump lips. Without no hesitation Arthur’s lips crashed on yours. You two didn’t care who was watching or who was there. This kiss was needed. Arthur’s tongue slipped in your mouth in one swift movement, but just as quick as it went in it went out. He was teasing you! He was showing you what was to come if you two spent the night in a sexual escapade. You two made out a few more seconds until you and him separated to catch your breaths. He leaned his forehead against yours, “boy am I glad you decided to come here for your vacation.”
You chuckled and touched Arthur’s facial hair, “me too Arthur. Me too.”
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Tag List: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @dreamsofwhiteandblack, @hyehoney, @wtfisalltherandoms, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag) , @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @polyglot-t, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @collectiveyou, @divaanya
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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how does it feel, to have a family?
found the beginning of this in my google drive, so decided to finish it ! we love irondad also peter being The Best friend/brother :) i should be studying rn but im so overwhelmed with everything and writing is truly escapism at its finest
Tony already felt like he knew y/n.
Somewhere, in between Peter’s ramblings of what he ate for breakfast and the latest corner-store robbery, little pieces of them found their way in. That they helped Peter on his english essay and got him an A. Or that they dyed their hair last week, and Peter thought it was super cool that they had the confidence to do something different. Even down to what they talked about over lunch. For the most part, Tony just accepted this like he accepted Peter’s nerdy puns and Star Wars theories, a part of him that just was. Like Ned and MJ, y/n was a support. A friend. That was good, right? Teenagers needed friends, god knows Pete could use more of them outside of the suit. So y/n became a constant, background hum in the anecdotal existence of Peter Parker.
This went on for months. Peter’s trio of friends became four and everything seemed fine. Normal. Until Peter let tidbits of information that set off alarm bells for Tony, the first of which came after a long weekend in the labs. Tag-team parenting was harder than anticipated, he ruminated after realising Peter was not in the car when he should’ve been.
“Peter, why are you making another sandwich? You’ve already got lunch and we’ve got to leave if you’re gonna get to school on time. May’ll have my head if you’re late again.”
“Y/n hasn’t had lunch at all last week and I haven’t seen them eat anything at all since Thursday, I thought I’d try to help,” Peter mumbled, jamming the lid back on the peanut butter jar.
“Yeah, cool, okay, whatever, just get your spider butt down to the car.” That was strange, but it could mean anything. They could’ve forgotten to eat, or simply eaten when Peter wasn’t around- it’s not like they were together 24/7. Regardless, it was really none of Tony’s business what Peter’s friends did, or didn’t do. What was Tony’s business, was getting his spiderling to his education. “Underoos, let’s go!”
The second time was when Peter left his school bag dumped on the floor of the lab, chemistry textbooks and loose papers sprawled out under the workbench. Tony only realised this as he tripped on the strap, bracing himself against the desktop to stop him falling and knocking over a piece of machinery in the process. Grumbling, he knelt down to replace the contents back of the bag, preparing a lecture for Peter about the importance of lab safety and keeping track of his belongings, when he noticed a sheet of paper crumpled into a ball. Curious, he unfolded it, reading its contents under his breath. “Midtown School of Science and Technology… Parents Evening… huh. Wonder if he remembered to show May this.” Shaking his head at the unreliability and overall disorganised-ness of the teen, he set off to go find him.
“Pete, no wonder you’ve lost so many backpacks if you can’t even remember to take it to your room when you get here! How many times do I have to tell you, just because you can just stick yourself to the ceiling doesn’t mean that the rest of us want a concussion-”
“Sorry Mr Stark.”
“Oh, right, so when you’re in trouble it’s back to formalities? ‘Mr Stark’ still almost broke his wrist regardless of what you call me… What are you doing?”
“Texting who? Adult’s talking, doesn’t mean the kid gets to zone out.”
The softness in Peter’s voice suddenly jerked Tony back to the previous time y/n had come up. He remembered it’d had something to do with a sandwich, of worry and not eating. It suddenly struck him that they’d hardly been mentioned at all since; something gone relatively unnoticed in the constant stream of babble from Peter, but was in retrospect was decidedly odd.  He decided to play nice.
“Are they okay?” Tony paused for a second. “I haven’t heard you mention them in a while.”
He regretted it immediately, because Peter shut down. “Yeah, they’re fine. I’m sorry, I won’t leave my bag in the lab again.” He walked out, grabbing the backpack from Tony’s hand on the way out, leaving the older man too stunned to even respond. Something had struck a nerve, and if it was hitting his kid that hard he was determined to find out.
The third time was when Tony went digging.
The phone call had started with no intention of mentioning y/n; he simply wanted to talk to May and ask her about the flyer from Peter’s school. He had meant to bring it up earlier when he confronted him about the backpack, but after the dramatic ‘storm out and sulk somewhere else’ sequence that Peter had pulled, Tony had thought better of it and left the kid to his own devices for the night. Instead, he went straight to May, to at the very least make sure she knew about the flyer and that she was going. She picked up on the third ring.
“Hey, is everything okay?” May sounded, exhausted, like she’d been woken up by her phone. Ignoring the fact, Tony proceeded.
“Did you get the flyer about the parent information evening?”
“No, what parent evening? Pete hasn’t mentioned anything, if that’s what your getting at”. In her apartment, May shifted her quilt and propped herself up on her elbow, intrigued.  
“It’s on the, uh, 6th. Sorry, it’s kind of hard to read since your nephew shoved it down the bottom of his school bag.”
“Shit,” May whispered under her breath. “I’m working a double shift that day. I won’t be finished work until 10, there’s no way I’d be able to make it. No wonder he didn’t say anyth-”
“I’ll go.”
In all honesty, Tony really didn’t know why he said that. Not in doubt of his love for his kid, but in fear of overstepping boundaries. Were they there yet? What would Peter think? He hadn’t asked, maybe he wasn’t comfortable with Tony just showing up to a school function. Too late now.
“Tony, are you still there?”
“What, yeah, May, just multitasking.” “I said, if you’re going to go, there’s something you should know about. You’ll have to talk to Peter about it though, it’s not really my place to say. Just... ask him about y/n, his friend.”
Huh. Y/n. Again. Interesting. “Okay, thanks May. I’ll talk to you again later, have a good night.” “You too Tony, maybe try and sleep at some point.”
“Will do. FRIDAY, end call.” Tony rubbed his hand over his face. There was something going on, but if Peter wasn’t going to talk then he’d never figure it out. “FRIDAY, where is Pete?”
“Mr Parker is currently in his room. Would you like me to alert him to your imminent arrival?”
“Sure, FRI.” Tony hurried to the elevator. He needed to somehow get to the bottom of whatever was going on. There were several possibilities. Y/n and Peter could have had some sort of falling out, a fight. There could’ve been a relationship thrown into the mix, teenage angst and hormones jarring their friendship. Or, as Tony feared, something had happened to y/n, something Peter was trying to fix but, for whatever reason, couldn’t. Before they could get to that, though, he was going to have to talk about the parent night.
Of course, these things never go quite as planned.
No answer.
“Pete, please let me in”
Really, it didn’t matter either way. Tony had every intention of overriding the code.
A sniffle sounded from just behind the door. “I’m fine, Mr Stark.”
“Yeah, and I’m the queen of England.” Tony realised he was handling the situation in the exact opposite way he’d wanted to. “Look, kid, I just wanted to talk about the parent evening at school.”
“I already know May can’t go, it’s fine.” Peter’s voice was barely audible, choked.
“No, see, here’s the thing, I talked with her earlier and we were thinking maybe I could go in her place,” he slid down the door to sit, knees up, shoulder pressed to the doorframe. “I completely understand if that’s too much, or if it’s overstepping the boundaries of what this,” he gestured even though Peter couldn’t see, “Is.” There was a tense, almost awkward, moment of silence, before the door slowly shifted inwards. Tony accepted the olive branch, pulled himself standing and went inside. Looking around, he realised Peter had balled himself up behind the door, head buried in his knees. Tony had never been more thankful that the kid wasn’t looking at him; he was pretty sure he’d done a terrible job of hiding his reaction to the uncharacteristic sight.  
The door was pushed closed with a soft click. Mindful to keep distance, Tony settled himself on the carpet a metre or so away.
The sob that followed broke his heart in two.
“Hey, buddy, hey, can you look at me for a sec?”
Peter’s puppy-brown eyes blinked over his folded forearms. Suddenly, he seemed worlds younger than 15.
“Did you want me to go to the parent night?”
Slow nod.
“Okay. That’s good, great! Can’t wait to hear all about how great my genius kid is…” he realised he was getting off track again when Peter’s face dipped back out of sight.
“You don’t have to, but did you wanna tell me what’s got you so upset? I know something was up earlier…” That was as close as Tony was going to get to apologising for not being softer, sooner. Something must’ve struck the same nerve as earlier in the lab, because Peter’s breathing hitched.
“It’s y/n.”
“I know I asked earlier, but is everything okay between you two?”
As if knocking down a dam wall, Peter launched into a rambled explanation. “May usually goes to both our classes because their parents don’t go. And lately they haven’t had any food to eat at school and they’re getting really skinny and I don’t know what’s goin’ on but I’m worried, ya know? Like I wanna save them like I save people when I’m Spider-Man but I can’t help and I don’t know what to do. May said we can only do what we can but I dunno what that means either, Mr Stark, like do I just deliver groceries to their house as Spider-Man or somethin?”
Taking mental note of how hysterically high Peter’s voice was, Tony made sure to keep his level, barely above a whisper. “Peter, do you think they’re being hurt at home?”
“H-heyyyy, y/n,” Peter stuttered as you swung open your locker. He was leaning against the wall, obviously trying to act casual and making his strange behaviour even more pronounced. You just raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to drop the charade.
“Okay, okay, yeah uh so are you doin’ anything on Friday?”
“Interesting question, but no. You do realise that today is Friday, unless you’re talking about next week, which I’m free too. You know I don’t do anything on Fridays,” you turned to grab your AP psych textbook out of the top shelf of your locker, not realising the bottom of your shirt rode up to the base of your ribcage. When you turned back around, Peter’s eyes were practically bulging out of his head. “What?”
“Oh, uh, nothing. I just… Mr Stark asked if I wanted to have a friend over to the compound for the weekend, since we don’t really have much to work on… and Ned’s busy… and it’d be really super cool there’s a whole theatre room and a bunch of Lego sets and some of the avengers might be there…” Peter trailed off.
“What are you saying?”
“Did you wanna come to the compound for the weekend?”
You laughed. “Peter, it sounds cool and all but I don’t have any clothes or anything on me for a whole weekend. Unless you or Mr Stark knows how to sew jeans from my textbook, than I’m super unprepared.”
“Wait… Aren’t you a similar clothes size as me? I have a bunch of clothes there, you can just borrow mine. Or we could get Happy to swing past your hou-”
“NO. I mean, I, uhm, don’t have a key? So I can’t get into my apartment? So I can’t get my clothes? I guess I left my keys at home?” You trailed off into an awkward laugh, scuffing your sneakers into the cheap linoleum.  
“Okay, cool cool cool. Uh, do you mind wearing your jeans twice? My clothes would just be a little oversized on you, but like does it matter if you have a clean top and something to sleep in?”
“Guess not. Are you sure you want me there?”
“Dude, are you serious? Of course I do! You’re my friend,” Peter hesitated, noticing your hands fumbling with the sleeves of your hoodie. A nervous habit. “It’ll be fun, I promise. I’ll see you after class, yeah?”
“Hey kid. Hey, kid’s friend,” Happy’s greeting was curt, delivered with a glance up at the rear-view mirror as you and Peter a slid across the back seat of the car.
“Hey Happy,” Peter responded. You said nothing, eyes down, practically radiating anxiety. At Happy’s enquiring glance, he shook his head; now was not the time or the place to be asking questions. That’d come later, if it got to that point. Peter wanted to try and make you as comfortable as possible, not freak you out.  
The rest of the car ride was silent. You weren’t asked to speak, and so didn’t; and it almost felt like there was an unspoken agreement between Happy and Peter to just wait. Nothing much happened after, either. You followed Peter to his room, and sat cross-legged on the soft carpet to construct a Lego set. Eight pm rolled around and Tony poked his head round the door. “Hey, Pete, and y/n, yeah? You guys hungry?”
Peter looked at you and you shook your head. You’d already accepted a granola bar off MJ and the banana from Ned’s lunch, you honestly didn’t think you could stomach much more. You weren’t sure if it were even medically possible, but you were pretty certain your stomach had shrunk in the last few months. In staring steadfastly at the lego in your hands, you missed yet another knowing glance over your head; unbeknownst to you, both Peter and Tony’s concern for you had just increased tenfold.  
“Okay, well, we’re ordering pizza anyways, so what do ya want?”
“Uh, I’ll grab a meat-lover's and they’re vegetarian, so I guess a margherita?”
“Cool. Avengers are in the living room, if you wanna hang out there for a bit,” Tony turned and left, asking FRIDAY if she “got all that” as he walked. Peter let the silence hang, almost awkwardly, before asking if you wanted to take Tony’s offer of moving to the living room. You shrugged.
“I don’t mind, whatever’s easiest- whatever you want, I don’t know.”
“I promise you they’re super nice.”
You moved to unfurl you legs, shaking out the numbness as you stood. Your friend moved to follow, albeit in a significantly more athletic fashion, taking the lead as you waited for him to walk slightly ahead before you followed him down the hall. Sure, this wasn’t exactly what you’d expected, but then again could you really expect anything in this place?
The one expectation that was realised was that the Avengers were loud. Arguing over the TV playing something no one was watching, what felt like three conversations going simultaneously. But they were nice, and after a while you felt almost a part of this sitcom-esque, hodgepodge family of heroes. If it were anyone else, it would have felt almost painfully domestic; the mario kart competition, the playful insults around mouthfuls of garlic bread, the throwing of cushions countered by almost subconscious brushes of apology. The unspoken need for safety, for calm, for them to have this escape, was all too obvious. You felt that need, you filled that need with Peter and Ned and MJ and sometimes, it was enough. But this… This was different.
The fun and games went on for a few hours, replaced later in the night with movies and yawns and collapsed bodies under blankets. The quiet was nice, the casual gestures of affection between them all taking you by surprise. Despite giving in to expecting the unexpected, you were still caught off guard when the one-and-only Tony Stark came and took a seat next to you on the floor.  
“So,” he looked at you hard, scrutinising. An involuntary shiver wracked your spine.
“I was talking to Pete. And May. About Midtown’s parent-teacher night,” the pause was anticipatory, waiting for a reaction. The only one he got was you staring even harder at your socked feet, head bowed.
No reaction.
“Hey, look at me. You’re not in trouble, I just think I can help with something.”
This elicited a tilt of your head, a glance through your peripheral. The same trick that worked on Peter worked on you, to some extent.
“I guess Peter already told you May can’t go, and so he wouldn’t be going”
“And I was talking to May, and we agreed that if you were comfortable, I’d be more than happy to act as your parent as well as Peter’s,” at the mention of his name, Peter sidled over to join the conversation.
“Y/n, ya know, I know your home family isn’t the best, but you’re my family. And that- that means my family is your family too. You know May loves you. I love you, Ned and MJ love you. Everyone here loves you too. You don’t even really need to talk for people to see you’re amazing. You deserve all the family in the world.”
You moved your hand to rest on his, a silent thanks that meant more than you could ever put into words.  
“Will you let us be your family?”
“Pete can vouch, I’m amazing at being a humiliating parental figure,” Tony received a playful slap on the arm from Peter in response.
“Shut up, you’re a great da- mentor”
“Huh.” Tony shifted to lean back against the sofa. “I don’t mean this as a one off, either. You need something, you gotta tell someone, kid. Tell Peter, Ned, May, I don’t care who. But if what Peter’s saying is right, and you’re not… Not being treated right, we wanna help. We can help.”
“He’s right. Y/n, none of our families are conventional. I don’t have parents anymore, but I do have May and this whole deal. Tony didn’t have the best relationship with his parents, but he’s made his own family with Pepper and Rhodey and Happy and me.”
You heard a sob, and it took a few seconds for it to sink in that it was you. Peter pulled you into his side and you clung, thanking him and Tony over and over and over again because it was so nice. Too nice. It was unfathomable how any human beings could seem to genuinely care and want to do something and it wasn’t just empty promises it was real-
You weren’t alone. You were with family.
And you knew that you weren’t completely on your own before, of course you did. You went to school every day and saw your friends and it was okay, kinda. But keeping that secret and being okay and making out like the shit at home didn’t affect you? That was hard. But maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t have to do that anymore.   
After what felt like a year of wet, messy crying into Peter’s shirt, Tony stood up, back cracking.
“Alright, that’s enough feelings for tonight. Children need to sleep- spider or otherwise,” he directed at Peter before he could even breathe in protest. He bent down to your level, lowering his voice.
“Y/n, we’ll sort all this out tomorrow, yeah? We can make sure you’re getting enough food, schedule so you’re not at your house too much if you don’t want to be, figure out a system so we know if you’re not safe. It’ll be okay, kiddo. We got ya.”
And for the first time in your life, you felt like you were home.
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
Back again Emma for the sentence starters. Fluff 3. Modern AU obviously. I'm so excited to see what you make of it
ahhh i loved this one and it’s a continuation from the “stalker au” which i’ve been itching to do for a wee while, so thanks for that aoife ;)
(also if this looks odd i’m so sorry the ask format is so weird rn)
part 1 | part 2
“Haveyou seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
“Riza,why is there so much stuff in here?”Roy asked, looking around his living room. All of sudden, there were piles ofboxes cluttering up the space that used to be his own. Apparently, now hisgirlfriend had taken over and moved half of her belongings into his apartment whilehe’d been at work.
He’dbeen joking this morning when he said she would be better just moving in withhim completely rather than returning home to her apartment to sleep only to letherself in either through the night or around six in the morning anyway to waitfor him to wake up. Most of the time, it was by climbing into his bed. Wakingup holding Riza when he had gone to sleep in an empty bed was always a nicesurprise. And while it was incredibly adorable, it wasn’t practical in theslightest and they both knew it.
Notthat Roy never wanted the move to happen, he just didn’t expect to come homeafter work on a Friday night to see all her stuff sitting there. It had been along day at the office, and he had been looking forward to just relaxing on hiscouch, Riza lying against him, as they watched a movie.
Thatdidn’t look like it was going to happen.
Hedumped his briefcase by the door, hitting the floor with an exhausted thud as he loosened his tie around hisneck. He shrugged out of his suit jacket when Riza appeared in the room,looking slightly sheepish.
“Sorry,I’d hoped to have it all out of the way before you came home.”
“It’sfine,” he replied, but he cringed internally at how it sounded. Exhausted, likeit really wasn’t fine, but he was only saying that to placate her.
Rizalooked slightly disappointed and she nodded. “Sorry. Just ignore me, I won’t belong.”
“No,”he interjected. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound so disappointed. It’s been avery long day,” he elaborated, closing the distance between them. He graspedher hands with a smile, pulling her body gently towards her for a kiss. “I wasjoking this morning when I suggested it,” he chuckled. “However, it would be amassive improvement to my current living situation.”
Rizalooked up at him uncertainly, gauging the truth in his words through theexpression on his face, the look in his eyes. He loved it when she studied himlike this, completely sussing him out, and there was no one on this earth whocould do it better.
“Seriously.Now that it’s here I…” he trailed off, blushing slightly, unused to speakingabout such serious things with someone else. He had never had a relationshiplike this. Most ran the course of a few months before the two drifted apart,each losing interest in the other. There had been one-night stands, but boththose types of relationships combined were not nearly as satisfying as what henow shared with Riza. “I’m excited.”
Themost commitment he’d ever shown was to a goldfish he’d owned three years agoand that was only because Hughes had stated Roy was so afraid of committinghimself to another person, he couldn’t even keep a pet.
Itwas three years later, and that goldfish was still alive, thank you very much,Hughes, but the thought of commitment had still scared the hell out of him.
Nowthough, with Riza in front of him, her belongings littered around hisapartment, he didn’t feel scared at all.
Hefelt excited.
Roywas eager for this next step because it involved her. They’d only been together for about six months, but he knew hewanted to spend the rest of his life with her. When he thought of the future hecould picture the house in the suburbs, the white picket fence, the childrenand dogs running riot in the front garden while they either ran around withthem or sat on the front porch, simply observing and thinking about how luckythey had become in life.
Plus,it only made sense Riza would move in. After Dickhead Dan left his mark on herapartment, she still didn’t feel comfortable in there. She returned to herapartment each night – purely because she was to stubborn to admit defeat(something Roy admired her for because if he was in that situation, he would beoutta there) – but Roy could see it affecting her. She was still afraid,that’s why she crept into his bedroom in the middle of the night half the time,too afraid to sleep in her own room, alone, just in case someone was stillwatching.
Ofcourse, Roy readily accepted her company. After spending so much time with heralready he ached when they were apart. It was dramatic, but it was true. Hemissed her so much when she went on holiday with Catalina a month ago to Aerugo.The day after she arrived home they didn’t venture far from his bedroom.
“Maybe we could take a trip there someday?”she had asked, hopeful. Roy had wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pullingher body against his as he kissed the top of her head.
“Your wish is my command, my lady.”
Theywere going there in forty-six days, twelve hours, and fourteen minutes. Notthat he had a countdown app on his phone or anything.
“Areyou really?” Riza asked, biting her lip as she looked around the room. Roy drewher even closer, giving her forehead a quick kiss.
“Ofcourse, I am. Do you think I would lie?” he chuckled, teasing her.
“No,but I know not everyone would appreciate someone moving into their apartment withoutasking –”
“Youbasically live here already,” he interrupted. “It makes sense.” He gave heranother peck, this time on the cheek. “Ever since you stole my first hoodie, I knewyou would be moving in sometime soon.” A smile broke across her face. “Sorry I haven’tbrought it up more. I know how uncomfortable your apartment makes you now, and Irealise I probably should have mentioned it sooner.”
Ahand was placed on his cheek and he leaned into her touch. “You’ve been busy, Iget it. I kind of dropped in at an inconvenient time.”
Heturned his head and kissed her palm. “You are never an inconvenience to me… Well, only when you steal myfavourite hoodie,” he grinned.
Rizashoved him playfully and they laughed together.
“Comeon, let’s get started with all this stuff,” Roy announced.
“No,it’s fine, you get washed up, I’ll –”
“I’mnot leaving you to unpack all by yourself. The more hands, the less time itwill take,” he reasoned with a cheery grin, picking up a box and beginning tolook through the contents. Excitement bubbled in his stomach because Riza was moving in with him.
Hewas ecstatic.
Acouple of hours later they finally moved the majority of Riza’s things. Therewas one box left but it was nearing eight o’clock and they were too exhausted todo anymore.
“Futureproblem?” Roy had asked tiredly, jerking his head towards the box.
“Futureproblem,” Riza agreed, pushing herself up from the floor. She extended a handto him, hauling Roy to his feet.
“I’llget wash up. Do you want to order a takeaway? I really can’t be botheredcooking tonight.”
“I’mglad we’re on the same page,” she smiled, kissing him.
Hepaused at before his bedroom door, turning to his right to begin rifling throughthe neatly folded pile of laundry.
Speakingof stealing his clothes…
“Haveyou seen my hoodie?” Roy asked, pretending to look through the clothes for it. “Theblack one with the raid logo in the middle?” It was his favourite lounge hoodiefrom his favourite console game he played with Havoc and Hughes. And, he knewexactly where it was without having to ask. Riza was wearing it right now
Hewas only an inch or two taller than her, but he always knew when she waswearing his. This one was slightly larger than his usual size – it was big evenon him – so the cuffs were bunched around her wrists. She always favoured theslightly larger clothing, especially his. Roy loved watching her curl her legsunderneath her body and burrow down inside the fabric, just her eyes peeking overthe neckline. It made his heart swell with love to see her so comfortable withhim that she wore his clothes.
Roysmirked but hid it when he turned around to face Riza. “You’re wearing it,aren’t you?” This time he couldn’t hide the smirk.
“So,what if I am?” she challenged haughtily, but there was amusement on her face,her eyes dancing with the challenge.
“Well,”he considered, taking slow steps towards her, mindful of her boxes. “I’ll justhave to take back what’s mine,” he threatened, a wolfish smile on his face.
Rizafluttered her eyelashes. “Come and get it then, Roy,” she purred.
He pouncedon her as Riza laughed.
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kerraelas · 5 years
so i'm in a shit fucking mood rn
to start off, the old manager got let go. he was a cool guy. everybody loved him. he was nice. he was flexible when it came to doing things that helped people work better.
the bartender that brought in a lot of people left too because of one of the owners. again, cool, nice, just overall upbeat and he brought the mood up.
now that they're gone, the atmosphere at that place has gone from a really friendly, joking, everybody-knows-everybody kind of thing to all... i can only describe it as slow and bad. you can just feel that change and.. sadness, i guess.
i get to work yesterday, and none of the servers are their usual smiling and joking selves. they are all just... working. the bar is quieter than you would expect and not many people are socialising with each other. in fact, the bar was the emptiest it's been on a friday night since i started working there.
(the person who hosts with me asked one of the wait staff if he needed a "pick me up high five" to which he responded, "i think we all do.")
i host, yeah? i think i've mentioned that before. i have someone else who hosts with me for a couple days a week, so we have this system. we know how to work with one another and it's been working and fine for about two months or however long it's been since she started.
but i guess it's not how we're supposed to get things done. the owner, who i am confident in assuming is taking over the role of manger for right now, was literally doing our job for us the entire night.
not only that, but he was changing how we do everything. not just one or two things at a time to ease us into changes. no. it was "okay so stop doing this this this this this and this, and do it like this instead."
he didn't like the way we crossed the names off in the waitlist, so he made us do it differently (which was actually the number one way i try to avoid), got kind of subtly mad or annoyed whenever i did it the way i'm used to. i do it that way because any other way screws with how i read things. but he has us do it that way for "what if someone asks 'hey where did you seat so and so' and you could easily look and say 'oh we sat them at x table'." first of all, NO ONE IS GOING TO FUCKING ASK THAT. NOT ONCE HAVE I HAD SOMEONE COME UP TO ME SAYING ANYTHING BUT "i'm meeting someone here" AND THEN THEY GO AND LOOK AROUND. i blame him if i accidentally miss a name on the list.
he hovered around the host stand the entire night, and when i'd try to do something, he would immediately butt in and do it for me. and i should be "cool getting payed to do nothing" but i'm not. i'm not because i came there to work. i planned to work. if i'm not fucking needed there, then let me clock off. he obviously had the whole thing under control.
and what's with this "only bring the kids one crayon roll" thing? from my experience, the children sit on opposite sides and ends of the table. i am going to give however many fucking crayons i want and he can't stop me.
when we see a table have their to go boxes, he wants us to put the table number down next to the next person's name on the wait list so we keep a close eye on that table. i understand doing that, i really do. but almost every. single. time. i do that. another table leaves sooner. so that won't work with his whole "where did you seat so and so" reasoning from earlier. also.. not every person? takes their leftovers home? or has leftovers for that matter?
and now for the holy grail of shit that annoyed me about last night, but first, a question:
if you're in the wait list, waiting to be sat obviously, wouldn't you prefer to be brought immediately to your table when your name is called?
well not here! no. you see, when we see the busser cleaning the tables is when we have to call the person's name. and then they wait at the host stand for however many more minutes until the table is cleared, wiped off, and swept! isn't that fun!
and seriously. the hovering. the doing my job for me. he was treating us like it was our first day or smth, like we hadn't the slightest idea what we were doing.
not to mention that he made me so overwhelmed and frustrated at one point that i had my first full blown anxiety attack i've had at work in the bathroom! the only other time it had even come close was literally my first day working alone. that's all. and it wasn't even near half as bad.
yeah, under new management, a good manager changes things for the better and tries to work with their staff with what they already know/do. a bad manager, however, doesn't let you do anything other than their way.
i've only been here five months, but i'm honestly thinking of quitting if things continue like this. this wasn't part of the plan, but if i need to, i need to.
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