#I’ll be fine once the move is finished. but for right now I’m sad. and that’s ok.
girlfriendtanjiro · 2 years
I leave early in the morning to drive back to my college town so I can start grad school on the 17th. There are still a lot of unknowns in this move, which is stressful. But the worst part is that, in this process of moving and saying bye to people, I finally realized that I made friends here, while I was living with my parents. But I realized it too late and never got to spend time with them. And now I’m moving 6+ hours away and might never see any of them again. So here I am, in bed, crying over the fact that I unintentionally robbed myself of the joy I could’ve had the last seven months
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He’s Not A Machine!
main masterlist | supernatural masterlist
summary: when dean collapses from exhaustion, it takes everything in you not to beat the shit outta john
pairing: (stanford era) dean winchester x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 4.0k
warnings: hurt/sad dean, language, john being a terrible father, john being an asshole in general but what else is new
pairing note: reader washes/brushes her hair
author’s note: hiiii me again after many moons of zero contact with this lovely website. sorry for taking so long, hopefully i’ll stay a while this time lol.
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It’d been nearly four weeks of back-to-back hunts. This was the seventh motel you and the two Winchesters had been at this month and you were almost ready to call it a night. 
“I’m gonna wash this wraith stench off of me,” you told Dean. You then added quietly so John—who was sitting at the table and cleaning his guns—wouldn’t hear; “Would you like to join me, handsome?”
“More than anything,” he whispered before he bent down and kissed you. John coughed loudly, and you weren’t sure if it was just a perfectly timed accident or a purposeful guilt trip. It was most likely the latter. “But… I think it’s better if I don’t, sweetheart.”
You smiled sadly with a small nod; “Next time, then,” you assured him. You looked up into his eyes and noticed the tiredness laced with the usual burden he carried. He blinked unusually slowly as if he was trying his damndest to stay awake, and you furrowed your brows. “How about you head to bed, you can shower after you get some sleep.”
“It’s alright, I’m not that tired,” he said.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?” you asked him, barely above a whisper so that John wouldn’t hear.
John didn’t like you. He didn’t really trust your intentions with his son, and he thought you were just a distraction that would end up getting Dean killed if he wasn’t careful. He didn’t like how easily Dean would get ‘all giggly’ when he was near you, and he didn’t like that his son kept his guard down when he was with you.
He didn’t like the matching rings you wore, or that you too often referred to the other as husband or wife when a stranger would ask. You weren’t married, you were his fucking girlfriend and John fully believed you wouldn’t still be together by the time Sam finished his first four years at Stanford. 
“I’m fine,” he replied, matching your quiet tone. “I’ll shower right after you so don’t use up all the hot water, okay?” There was a teasing smirk on his face which made your worries subside temporarily.
“I promise to leave you some,” you said before you kissed him once more.
“Dean are you okay?” you asked, seeing the far-off look in his eyes when you left the bathroom.
“Yeah, I uh…” He rubbed his eyes as he tried to again focus on your face. He looked over at his dad, who raised a brow at his eldest son. “I’m fine, sweetheart.”
You followed his line of sight and pursed your lips when you saw John.
“Dean says he’s fine, drop it Y/n,” he told you.
Against your better judgment, you decided not to ask Dean again. With your hair still wet from the shower, you took the brush from your bag and started fixing it. 
“Aren’t you gonna shower, babe?” you asked Dean, who hadn’t moved an inch.
“Uh, yeah,” he said. He started to kick off his shoes when he tripped and fell straight to the floor, his cheek now pressed against the carpet.
“Dean!?” you exclaimed and hurried over to him. You fell to your knees and took him into your arms, shaking him gently in hopes he’d just wake up. “Dean? Dean, honey, please? J-John he’s not waking up!” You pressed your lips to his temple; “C’mon, Dean!”
John had left his spot on the couch and was now hovering over you, as you looked up at him desperately.
“Is he breathing?”
“Yeah,” you replied, tears slipping down your cheeks. John helped you lay Dean down so he could check his breathing.
“He seems fine,” John deduced. “Is there a wound we missed or something?”
“W-We need to call an ambulance,” you said and rushed to grab your phone off the nightstand.
“Y/n, Dean wouldn’t want us to call the cops,” John replied. He seemed a little too calm for your liking, so you weren’t about to let him call the shots regarding Dean’s wellbeing.
“I don’t care, we’re getting him to the fucking hospital,” you said as you dialed and made your way back to Dean. “Now hide your goddamn guns before the paramedics get here—I need an ambulance at the Rosebud Motel room 302, my husband just collapsed unexpectedly.” You ignored the look John gave you when you called Dean that. The operator asked questions and you answered each one; “Yes, he’s breathing… No, no bleeding… He’s twenty-five… Uhm, I’m not sure…” You pulled the phone from your ear; “Has he had anything to drink yet tonight?”
John was putting away the guns and paused to think before he shrugged; “I dunno, I wasn’t watching.” 
Your eyes widened and your teeth clenched, the fucking audacity. Looking at the table you saw three opened beers so you made an educated guess when you answered the 9-1-1 operator.
“He might’ve had a beer or two, but he’s not a lightweight, he’d never pass out after two beers… Yes, his dad is in the room with me… Yes, I can stay on the line.” You took in a shaky breath as you brought his hand to your lips and kissed his knuckles. 
“Just stay calm, ma’am, help is on the way.”
“I’m trying,” you replied, tears streaming down your cheeks as you kept his hand pressed to your lips. “Th-This isn’t like him, he’s–he’s always okay.”
You bounced your leg anxiously as you sat next to John in the waiting room. As you absentmindedly played with the ring on your right ring finger, you couldn’t help but think of the time when Dean had told you how much you truly meant to him almost three years ago.
* flashback *
“I got you a present.” His smile was adorable as he sat next to you on the couch. He saw your face light up and felt the need to downplay the gift; “It’s nothing much, don’t get too excited.”
“Dean, you could give me a dirty sock and I’d love it,” you teased, placing a quick kiss on his pink lips.
“Well… this is like one teer above ‘dirty sock’, I think.” He smirked and handed you the small velvet box. 
You opened it and your jaw fell open; “Oh my god, Dean!”
“I know how much you like mine,” he said quietly.
“I do like yous,” you took his right hand in yours and kissed the ring on his finger, “I love yours, Dean.”
“Well, this one is exactly like mine.” He smiled. “Except it’s in your size, obviously, so we can… you know… match.” You took the ring out of the box and admired it for a moment. You were about to put it on but he stopped you; “May I do the honors, sweetheart?” he asked. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips as you nodded and he took it from you. He slipped the ring onto your right ring finger before he kissed your hand. 
“I mean this in the most genuine way possible; this is by far the best gift anyone has ever gotten me, Dean! Ever!”
A sheepish blush was forming on his cheeks as he leaned over and kissed your lips; “I love you so much.” He pulled away so he could look at you; “And, I want you to know this isn’t a regular gift.”
“Yeah?” you asked, your smile growing. 
“Yeah,” he replied and kissed you again. When he pulled away again he chickened out a little and didn’t say what he was going to. “You’re twenty-one, which means you can now legally drink in all fifty states.” He stood up, pulling on your hand gently so you would follow him to the kitchen. He took two beers out of the fridge and put them on the table. He used the ring on his finger to easily open one then handed the other to you. “Why don’t you give it a try.”
It took you a few tries but you managed to open the beer using the ring he just gave you; “Okay, now that’s awesome!”
“Happy birthday, sweetheart!” Dean said and you clinked your beers together before you both started drinking them. As he brought the bottle down from his lips, he watched as you kept drinking and smiled to himself. He suddenly felt the courage he felt when he bought the ring and decided to tell you his thoughts; “You know you’re the only girl for me, right?” You nodded with a smile. “I don’t just mean ‘for now’ I mean like forever. That’s the real meaning behind the ring, I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of our lives.”
You couldn’t help the happy tears beginning to sting your eyes as you looked up at him; “Forever?”
* end of flashback *
You were shaken back to cruel reality by the sound of John’s voice beside you; “What’s taking them so long? We’ve gotta get back on the fuckin’ road.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” you scoffed and looked at him. “Dean might be in serious trouble, and you’re thinking about the next hunt!?”
“Dean’s gonna be fine.” He rolled his eyes.
“We don’t know that,” you replied. You again started fiddling with the ring Dean had given to you.
“You know that ring doesn’t make you two husband and wife,” John commented. 
You stood up abruptly, not wanting to say what was running through your head; Yeah, and Dean being so fucking perfect doesn’t make you a good father.
“Dean Smith’s next of kin?” the doctor asked. 
“I’m his wife, this is his dad,” you said. “H-How is he?”
“He’ll be fine,” she replied. “He has a very minor concussion from when his head hit the floor, but he just needs some rest.”
“What happened?” John asked. 
“He fainted from over-exhaustion, he’s gonna be okay.”
“Over-exhaustion?” You furrowed your brows, placing a hand over your chest. “B-But he’s been eating fine? A-And sleeping as much as me, I think?”
“Actually,” John interrupted, “he’s been helping me with research at night, he doesn’t sleep as much as you.” 
Never in your life had you wanted to knee John Winchester in the balls as badly as you wanted to at that moment.
“How many hours a night are you sleeping, hun?” the doctor asked you.
“Like three to five… every other night,” you admitted. “And that’s always been enough! If it wasn’t, Dean could’ve just taken a nap he didn’t have to—fuck.”
“Can we see him?” John asked.
“He’s still asleep but yes, you can go and see him,” she replied.
On the way to Dean’s room, you kept wondering how this all happened—how did Dean get so fucking tied he collapsed!? If he was staying up at night, why didn’t he just sleep in the car? You would’ve happily driven Baby, and it’s not like you hadn’t done that before—Dean’s love language was sharing that fucking car.
“This hasn’t ever happened before, right?” you asked John. 
“Never,” he replied. “Guess Dean’s just not as strong as he used to be.”
“Excuse me?” you seethed and stopped in your tracks, pulling John to a halt as well. “Dean is a fucking hero but he is not a machine, he’s a fucking human being who’s been treated like a soldier since he was six-fucking-years-old!”
“If you wanna say something, fucking say it!” John exclaimed. 
“Oh, I am saying it! How fucking dare you work him so hard that he lands in the fucking emergency room!”
“We all know in this line of work, we have to do what we have to do!”
You slapped him hard across the face and your eyes widened when you realized what you did. 
“Dean is your son,” you said, quickly changing your facial expression back into one of pure rage. “He is your fucking child and you’ve been treating him like shit for far too long. He deserves better, he doesn’t deserve to be so fucking exhausted that he collapses.”
You walked away and into Dean’s room. Seeing him lying in the hospital bed made your heart break as tears welled in your eyes. 
“Oh god,” you mumbled. “Dean.” You quickly pulled up a chair so you could sit next to his bed and patiently wait for him to wake up. John did the same, though he seemed annoyed by the fact Dean was still asleep. 
You weren’t sure how long had passed before John got fed up; “Can you press the button for the nurse so we can ask when he’s supposed to wake up?”
“I think we should just let him sleep, don’t you?” you whispered, not knowing if Dean had been sedated or if he was just resting like normal.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion, I told you to call the damn nurse,” he said, raising his voice which caused Dean to stir awake.
“Hey sweetheart,” Dean said groggily, his eyes half-hooded as he brought your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on your knuckles. He then dropped your hand and rubbed his eyes to wake himself up. “This isn’t the motel,” he realized. He noticed John sitting at the other side of the bed and he sat up a little, trying to somewhat compose himself. “Wh-What happened?”
“I’ll fill you in,” John said. “Y/n, why don’t you go grab us some coffee so I can talk with my son?”
All your instincts told you not to leave the two Winchesters alone but what choice did you have? You didn’t want to start another fight with John, you were tired too, and you didn’t want Dean worrying.
“Yeah, sure,” you said. You took the time to bend down and place a loving kiss on Dean’s forehead, causing him to smile. “No coffee for you though, you need more sleep,” you told him before you left the room. 
About ten minutes later you walked back in and the sight practically made your eyes bulge out of your skull as your jaw flew open. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you asked and placed the two cups to the side. 
“Dad said there’s a hunt,” Dean said matter-of-factly. “I can sleep in the car or something, let’s go.” He started to stand up so you pushed him back down. 
“How fucking dare you!” you exclaimed at John, who stood on the other side of the bed. “How dare you tell him to suit up right now! He is staying here in this hospital, and he is getting some goddamn sleep!”
“That is not your decision,” John replied. “If Dean says he’s fine, then he’s fine.”
“You realize those are the exact words you said to me before your son collapsed, right?” you scoffed. “Dean lay back down now,” you told him as you began taking his boots off. “You are staying here for the night, you understand me?”
“Don’t you boss him around!” John exclaimed. “Dean and I are leaving here now.”
“You can leave if you want to, but Dean is staying put!” you replied, matching his tone. 
“No, he is not!” John yelled. 
You’d never fought with John like this, usually yelling and getting yelled at made your eyes tear up in the most inconvenient way. But this? Dean’s health? You were not about to back down. Not one single tear dared to appear in your eyes as you looked at John with such anger you wanted to slap him across the face… again.
“Why don’t we get a third opinion?” you suggested.
“Yeah, Dean, do you wanna sit here like a pussy or do you wanna go save some fucking lives?” John turned to look at him.
“Don’t answer that,” you said quickly. “I meant, let’s call the nurse and see what they have to say about it.”
Before John could protest, you walked over and pressed the button. It took half a minute—during which you and John stared daggers at each other—but soon the nurse walked in.
“How is everyone?” she asked, noticing the tension in the room.
“Do you think this young man here can leave yet? He’s doing fine and wants to go home,” John said. 
“Let me check his chart,” she replied before doing so. “I would have to no, he should definitely stay here and get some much-needed rest.”
“Is there a doctor—” John started but you stopped him.
“Goddamn it John!” you scoffed. “He is not leaving!” 
“You are not his fucking family!” John shouted, much louder than before. “I am! You aren’t his wife, you aren’t his sister, you aren’t his fucking mother—you are just his current girlfriend, and believe me that’ll fucking change in a heartbeat. You are not in charge of what Dean does, you are not family.” There was a short pause as your eyes brimmed with tears yet you refused to let them fall. John sighed and continued; “I am Dean’s father, I know what’s best for him, and I say he’s packing his things and getting the hell outta here.”
The nurse looked absolutely shocked, her jaw hanging open. The look John gave her made her hurry out of the room.
“Dad,” Dean said, seeing the tears in your eyes. “Dad, you can yell at me all you want, I’m your kid but…” He exhaled shakily as John turned to look at him with a frustrated look. “But you can’t talk to her like that, you just can’t. You might not think of her as family but that’s on you, she is a part of my family, Dad. And yeah, we might not be legally married or whatever but she’s not just my current girlfriend? She basically is my wife, we’re not just… dating?” Dean looked at his father with a sense of desperation, John just had to apologize and you could all drop it. Of course, John, being a stubborn bastard, held his ground and crossed his arms authoritatively. “I-If you aren’t gonna take back what you just said to her y-you can go on this next hunt alone.”
“Excuse me?” John scoffed. 
“You heard me,” Dean replied. “She’s everything to me and I can’t sit idly by while you talk to her like that.”
“So you’re talkin’ back to me now? Like Sammy?” John asked. “Refusing to take orders?”
“This isn’t about me, Dad!” Dean said, his face twisted with guilt. “You know I follow any orders you give, that I’m quick to obey. But you saying Y/n isn’t family? I-I’m sorry but I can’t let that slide, Dad.”
John huffed and abruptly left the room.
“I’m sorry,” you said to Dean the moment John was out of earshot.
“Me too.” Dean smiled sadly as you both wiped your eyes quickly.
“Why don’t we get these jeans off of you so you can be more comfortable?” you suggested patting his shin.
His brows shot up; “Really? Here? Now?”
“Dean, no!” you chuckled, shaking your head. “I meant comfortable so you can go to sleep!”
“Oh…yeah, that makes more sense.” His trademark cocky smile was back and that made your own smile return to your now tear-stained face.
“I’m serious about you staying put, you know.” You nodded toward his pants and he got the message. 
“You can be real stubborn, you know that?” he laughed as he hurried and slipped his pants off. You folded them up and put them on the chair along with his belt. He shrugged off his jacket and you tossed it on top of where the pants sat. 
“Get under the covers,” you said. He rolled his eyes playfully but he obliged nonetheless. 
“Happy?” He smiled when he was comfortable in the bed. 
You nodded; “I love you, Dean.” You leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips, causing his smile to turn more genuine. 
“Hey,” the doctor interrupted as she walked into the room, “Nurse Roberts just told me about the little outburst… everything okay in here?”
“Yeah, just a little misunderstanding is all,” you replied. “But it’s all settled—Dean’s staying the night.”
“That’s good to hear,” she said with a smile. “I’ve gotta be honest I’ve never seen anything like this.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, clearly anxious about her statement.
“I just meant that your husband is very healthy,” she assured you; “I’ve never seen a young, healthy man like him just collapse from over-exhaustion.”
“First time for everything I guess,” Dean laughed nervously.
You glared at him; “Not funny, babe.”
“She’s right,” the doctor backed you up. “Now, whatever you’ve been doing recently that caused you to lose this much sleep, get this stressed you need to quit it right here, right now.”
“It’s our job, we can’t just… quit,” you said. “But I will definitely keep a closer eye on him from now on, make sure he’s getting enough sleep.”
“You can’t put this all on her, you understand me, Mr. Smith?” She looked at Dean before he nodded shyly. “Mrs. Smith you need to fix your own sleeping habits as well — if you both don’t smarten up and take better care of yourselves, you will definitely be right back here before the end of the year. You got that?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Dean said. 
“Good.” She nodded. “Now, I’m gonna give you a small dose of a mild sedative to help you fall asleep, alright?” She said as she made her way over to Dean’s IV bag to give him the sedative. “You ripped this out the second you woke up, didn’t you?” She asked him when she realized the needle was no longer in his arm. “You two, I swear!” She started preparing to simply inject Dean with the sedative but you stopped her.
“Is there maybe like a pill equivalent to what you’re giving him? He doesn’t really like needles,” you said. 
“There is, would you prefer that?” she asked Dean, and he nodded vigorously. “Alright, I’ll go and grab that for you then. Mrs. Smith the chair in the corner folds out into a small bed if you two don’t want to share one.”
“Oh, that’s alright, I’m not tired,” you said. 
She gave you a look; “Seriously? Hun, what did we just talk about?”
“I get that, but I know Dean’s not gonna sleep properly if he doesn’t feel safe.”
“This is a hospital, it’s safe,” she said. 
“Sorry,” you said with a small shrug, and again she sighed.
At that moment, John decided to walk back into the room, making your breath hitch a little before the doctor left to get the meds for Dean. 
“It’s alright, you two get some sleep; I’ll keep watch,” he said as he made his way over to the chair and sat down. 
“You sure, dad? I thought you said there was a job nearby?” Dean asked. 
John looked at you and smiled ever-so-slightly. Maybe it was something you had said to him, maybe John didn’t want you being alone with Dean while he was so weak, or maybe there never was a job and he didn’t have anything better to do than stay with his son. 
For whatever reason, John Winchester sighed and answered; “You’re more important, Dean. Your safety is more important. Now quit whining and get some sleep.”
Dean pulled the covers back, silently asking you to join him in the bed and, of course, you obliged. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips before getting comfortable in his arms.
“I love you, sweetheart,” he said, kissing your temple. 
“I love you more,” you replied, making him let out a soft laugh. 
“You always gotta one-up me, huh?” he chuckled. 
“Uh-huh,” you giggled. His arms tightened around your frame as he tucked your head under his chin. John couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt for treating not only you but his own son so poorly. Every time John saw Dean be this relaxed and happy, you were always the cause. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing.
By the time the doctor got back about seven minutes later, you and Dean were both fast asleep; the latter letting out snores that gently moved your hair with each breath. She smiled a little at the sight and decided to duck back out of the room so as not to wake you two.
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veritasangel · 2 months
Keep me close
ft. Simon Riley pt.2 here
⋆ ˚。⋆ fem pov ୨୧˚ warnings: nsfw content {mdni} ↣ piv, oral (reader giving), cum eating, fingering, cheating? not really (reader is price's wife but it's agreed upon)
↣ John doesn't mind sharing you with one of his best...probably gonna do a part 2 to this or maybe a series?? (@shkretart is the artist for the simon and price art)
wc: 4.3k
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Simon never enjoyed breaks. His body did, sure, but not his mind. Too much time to think about everything, the pain, the bloodshed he’s drowning in. Johnny would go home to see family, Price would head home to his wife and even Gaz had a partner to return to.
They’d all discreetly offered for Simon to join, but he wasn’t one for pity so it always ended with a mumbled, “God no, I’m perfectly fine with my own company, thanks.”
And he thought he was, had convinced himself that was true, but it wasn’t and subconsciously he knew that too. Every night ended with one too many drinks and an almost drunken call to one of the boys, asking one of them to take him in.
It was a few weekends later before he eventually gathered the courage to call Price.
The phone rang once, twice...fuck, maybe he should hang up.
The voice not being Price's caught him off guard momentarily, of course his wife is the one to pick it up.
“Hello? Can you hear me? Simon?”
“Hi, I- Sorry to bother you Mrs Price...Is John there?" he says a little apprehensively.
“Always so formal.” you joke. “I’ll go get him.”
You make your way through the house, before approaching John in the kitchen and mouthing
'It’s Simon…sounds sad.' you frown a little as you hand the phone to your husband.
“Simon? Is everything alright?” John says as he finishes up what he'd been doing in the kitchen.
“Yeah, jus’ checking in….” he trails off, “You uh, you see the football last night?”
“Yeah, was shit.” John says, ignoring the look you're giving him.
You glare at Price to say something more substantial.
He clears his throat, “What did you really wanna talk about?”
A beat of silence.
“...I was maybe wondering if that spare bedroom offer was still available.”
“ ‘Course it is, Si. I’m offended you even have to ask.” Price sighs, shaking his head before adding, “You want a roast tonight?”
Simon lets out a small genuine laugh, “I’ll never say no to your wife’s cooking.”
“Then come over. How long you planning on staying?”
“However, long you’ll have me.” Simon mumbles.
“In that case, may as well pack a suitcase and pick a colour swatch.” Price says, half joking. 
You know he’d honestly let Simon move in if he wanted to, he was basically family and even you adored him, dark humour and stoic mask included.
As expected by Simon, the next few days flew by, as opposed to when he was alone and just trying to get by.
Waking up every morning to a nice breakfast and good company did a lot of good for him. Every now and then he had to remind himself that you were a taken woman.
“Simon!” you beam happily, “I see you’re back from your run.” you smile softly, “I went to the market earlier today so there’s some fresh fruit in the kitchen.”
“Ah, thanks doll, you’re too sweet.” Simon smiles, eyes flittering across the hall before lingering a little too long on your sundress.
God, maybe Soap was right, I do need a partner. Is this how life would be?
He shut his thoughts off, mumbling pleasantries before heading upstairs for a shower.
He also had to control his thoughts when John came up to him one afternoon stating that he had to handle something with family so he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow.
Christ, he trusted him enough to leave him alone with his wife, the woman he keeps wrongfully fantasising about. Oh how he felt like an awful person.
But he refrained, kept reminding himself that he was a trained soldier. He wouldn’t give into such desires, let alone betray someone he calls family.
And so the rest of the day continued as normal, as did dinner.
Simon retired to the living room for the rest of the night, watching TV. Some time later you joined him, sitting maybe a little closer than usual but he brushed it off, only for you to then extend your legs onto his lap and he had to inhale a sharp breath to keep his cool.
His heart raced, and his hand twitched, eyes darting to the smooth skin of your legs resting way too close to his groin. “You alright there, love?” he asks.
“Mhm.” you nod and he can't tell if it's his imagination that he can see his own desire reflected in your eyes.
He couldn't hide the need in his own eyes either. They flickered with want, need. Simon shifted ever so slightly, trying to get comfortable. It was a lost cause, though, his cock had already hardened, the fabric of his pants hardly concealing it.
With great effort, he managed to restrain himself. He had to, after all, he was Price's friend and you were his wife.
“Have you checked your phone this evening?” you ask tenderly as you tilt your head at him.
“No...Why?” He asks curiously, hands already reaching for his phone, seeing a few messages from Price.
2 messages - Cap'n Figured you might need to let loose a little, maybe have someone take care of you for once....if you catch my drift. Oh but for the love of everything, please wrap it!! I don't think I'd ever live down the embarrassment if you got my missus pregnant before I did.
His heart skipped a beat as he read the message.
Smirking, he turned to look at you with a newfound light in his eyes. 'So that's how it was, huh?' Simon thought, his mind whirling. He knew Price well enough to know he'd planned this with you and he couldn't deny that he felt a surge of lust as a result.
"Well, well," Simon uttered. "Looks like Price gave us his blessing." his hand finally reaching out and brushing against your leg, before resting it there, chuckling at the goosebumps that ghosted your skin.
“So you guys planned this, huh? Don’t know whether to feel awkward or take the opportunity with no regrets?” He jokes, chuckling a little.
“It’s not a pity thing, jus’ wanna take care of you too.” you say softly as your eyes meet his.
“Surprised the fucker didn’t want to watch.”
“Oh he did.” you laugh softly, “He just didn’t know how into it you’d be.”
“...Maybe we’ll have to see for next time.” he winks.
"Next time? Getting a bit carried away, aren't we?" you quip.
Simon's palm grazed over your knee, tracing upwards as he leaned closer to you, the air between the two of you thickening with desire. "How do you plan on taking care of me, hmm?" He questioned, his voice low and seductive.
You grinned as you looked at him, your hand sliding up his thigh, stopping just before his crotch. "Well, I have an idea or two," you tilted your head at him, "but I need to know if you're game."
Your finger trailed along the outline of his erection, feeling the throbbing heat underneath the fabric, causing Simon to let out a sharp breath.
After getting the green light from Price, it was as though his brain had shut down, just allowing him to indulge in the moment. "I'm game," he answered, his voice husky, dripping with want. His hand moved on top of yours, guiding it towards his bulge.
"Good," you whispered, moving in as your lips hovered above his. He leaned in and you moved back slightly, just enough so that your lips wouldn't touch.
He chuckles darkly before grabbing your chin and forcing you to keep your gaze on him, "I thought you said you wanted to take care of me, hun." he says, "Don't be a tease." he warns
Simon's resolve wavered for a moment as your lips hung tantalisingly close to his. The game was almost too much to bear. But he wanted you badly, and that want became a demand. "Take care of me," he repeated, his voice gentler this time, pleading almost.
His heart raced as he felt your soft lips against his. The kiss was gentle and tender. As your tongue sought entry, he opened his mouth to allow it in, his own tongue dancing with yours, yielding to your lead. 
His breath hitched as you nibbled on his lower lip. The sensation went straight to his cock, making him shuffle in his seat. A low moan escaped from his lips as he deepened the kiss, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you closer.
The feeling of your palm against his erection through his clothing was almost too much to bear. Simon's grip on you tightened, and he groaned into the kiss. He wanted you, his cock throbbed desperately with need.
It wasn't long before Simon found himself getting carried away. His hand gripped your hip, tugging you closer, grinding his hard-on against your hand, eager for anything that could bring him closer to release.
Simon's body responded to every touch, a soft hiss escaping his throat as your tongue trailed along his jaw. His grip on you turned possessive as you moved down to kiss his neck. He gasped, and his cock twitched, desperate for your attention.
Simon's mind was a blur of lust, and all he could think of was you, your touch. He needed more, and he knew he'd crave you even more once this night was over. Price might just have to share you more often.
His head fell back, giving you full access to his now sensitive flesh, begging for more. His cock was aching so badly and he could feel the precum coating it. He felt as though he was losing control and he wanted nothing more than to feel you enveloping him.
You pull back for a moment as you tug the waistband of his sweatpants down.
His eyes flickered open, catching sight of your intent before he closed them again, basking in the feeling. A shiver ran down his spine as he felt the waistband of his sweatpants being tugged down. His cock sprang free, hard and eager, pre-cum glistening at the tip. It was thicker than John’s and the poor tip just so looked so worked up.
His breath hitched as he felt your warm, soft hand envelop his shaft. His eyes snapped open, meeting yours for a brief moment before closing once more. "God, thank you…” he murmured, his voice thick with arousal.
“I’m not God.”
A soft chuckle escaped from Simon's lips. "Fuck off." He replied, his face flushed. As you continued to stroke him, he leaned back and closed his eyes, fully submitting to your touch.
You smirk as you lean down so you're eye level with his cock, your hand still running up his shaft, brushing the pre over the tip as you lightly blew on it.
A soft moan escaped Simon's lips as you blew on his engorged tip, sending chills coursing through him. His breath hitched, his grip on his chair tightening as his knuckles turned white. "Fuck," he cursed, his head falling back once more.
He wanted more. He wanted to know what it was like to be yours, if only for a moment.
"Please...fuck, please." Simon pleads.
Your attentions had Simon close to begging, and he was hardly the kind of man to do so. Yet, here he was, desperate for your touch, needing you to take him over the edge. His hips bucked subtly, silently asking for more, demanding that you give him what he craved.
His mind raced, thinking about all the ways you could pleasure him. He wanted it all, and he needed it now. Simon liked to believe he was always in control, but right now he wasn’t so sure.
You laugh a little before kissing along his shaft, relishing in the sight of a prominent vein twitching on the underside of his cock.
Simon shivered under your touch, feeling the heat of your lips against his sensitive skin. He bit his lip, an almost inaudible whimper escaping his throat.
This was different, unlike anything he had ever experienced. He felt vulnerable to you, but he didn’t quite mind.
He had to bite his hand to stop him from shooting his cum all over your face when you'd barely even touched him. Fuck it was embarrassing, a grown man acting like a virgin over a few gentle kisses to his cock.
“Please, just– Just let me have you-”
His mind painted vivid pictures of the two of you entangled and sweaty. He wanted to give you the same pleasure you gave him. “Need to fuck you, I can’t fucking last right now.” he babbled.
Simon tried to keep his composure, but the fire inside him raged, threatening to consume him. "I need to be inside you," he panted, his body quivering. "Pleasepleaseplease... I can't- fuck, last like this."
He wasn't a man to beg, especially not for something like this, but he was helpless. Your touch had left him feeling desperate.
You looked at him as you licked along his shaft before finally taking him into your mouth. Simon's eyes widened as you took him into your mouth. His entire world focused on the incredible sensation. His entire body tensed up as your mouth worked him over.
"Fuck..." he moaned, a sheen of sweat across his face, cheeks flushed. His hips bucking slightly, yearning for more. It was almost hard to forget the man was a hardened soldier.
Each bob of your head brought him closer to his release. His moans grew louder, his movements becoming more shaky. He felt needy, desperate, even.
“Can’t cum before I’ve fucked you...” he groans. "...Need to feel you around me," Simon stammered, his voice strained. The need to feel your warmth envelop him was an intense desire. He needed to be completely consumed by you.
Yet, as you continued to focus on his cock, it seemed he was fighting a losing battle. Every trail of your tongue, your lips, your breath, brought him closer to the edge. He bit the inside of his cheek in a futile attempt to quieten himself.
His body tensed as he struggled to maintain control, his restraint quickly depleting. His mind raced as he tried to steady himself and appreciate the moment as best he could.
Simon was fully aware of what was happening, but it was like his body was betraying him, surrendering to the pleasure your mouth provided. His grip on the sofa tightened once again and a bead of sweat rolled down his temple.
The room seemed to fade away, all that existed was the direct connection between his aching cock and your skilled mouth. He was spiralling towards an inevitable conclusion.
Simon's eyes clenched tight, his body tensing as he felt the familiar build-up within him. "God-" he groaned, the sound strained and desperate. He knew he was nearing his limit, the end of his restraint.
A wave of pleasure hit him that he was powerless to resist. With a loud grunt, he let go, his cock twitching as he came, ropes of cum shooting into your waiting mouth.
Pulling away, you smiled as you looked up at him. A shudder ran through Simon's body as he came, groaning in pleasure as his hand intertwined with your free one. He stared down at you, his chest rising and falling heavily as he tried to catch his breath. He smiled weakly, a look of gratitude and appreciation in his lidded eyes.
You had given him a pleasure he never imagined possible, and he would cherish this moment.
Simon's eyes widened at the sensation of your hand returning to work on his sensitive cock. The aftershocks of his orgasm still lingered, leaving him feeling raw and needy.
He groaned, hand moving to grip your wrist as if you were the only t thing able to keep him grounded. He mumbled something incoherent, not even sure what he wanted to say with his mind racing.
Your touch was addictive, and he needed more.
“You wanted to fuck me, didn’t you?” you tease
Simon's breath hitched at your question, his eyes locking with yours. "God, yes." He confessed, the intensity in his gaze unmistakable.
A slow grin spread across his lips as his cock began to harden again. He stood up, pulling you to stand with him as his lips crashed against yours.
He was too caught up to fully undress himself or you for that matter. The kiss deepened and intensified as he pressed you up against the wall, the same wall adorned with photos of you and your husband. Your hands tangled in his hair as his free hand reached up your dress, tugging your underwear down until they pooled at your ankles. The urgency with which he did this was testament to how much he needed you.
You hand fumbled with the unit beside the two of you as you kissed. your hand roaming around the draw before reaching a condom and passing it to Simon who held onto it with one hand.
You deepened the kiss, the two of you practically breathing one another in as his fingers slid between your legs, probing your entrance, his touch both urgent and gentle. When he slipped his middle and ring finger inside, the sound was loud enough to have him grinning into the kiss.
He pulled back slightly, "You’re soaked doll," he breathed, his fingers coated in your wetness. He was aching to fill you, to take you.
"Well, I guess you don’t even need prepping," he drawled as his other hand wandered your body lovingly, despite the heat of the moment. He turned you around, your front against the wall as he leaned in, his lips brushing against your earlobe.
"Tell me you want it.” he said, the words a mixture of question and plea.
"I want this," you confirmed, your voice breathy. The vulnerability in your tone only served to heighten Simon's arousal.
He gritted his teeth, his breathing heavy as he pushed himself into you, slow at first, letting you adjust to his girth. Once fully sheathed, he held you close, his hands roaming your back before coming to rest on your hips.
His eyes closed, a low groan escaping him, "You feel amazing," he muttered as he rested his head on the back of your neck, pausing for a moment to gather himself.
Then slowly he began to move, thrusting in and out of you, setting a rhythm that built with each push. The intensity of the moment drove him wild.
The way you fit around him, the way your walls gripped his cock, it was heaven, and he wanted more. Your moans spurred him on and in this moment everything faded away for Simon. All that existed was the two of you, lost in each other.
Simon's breathing grew heavier, his thrusts becoming wilder, each one an attempt to bury himself deeper within you, to become one with you. The ferocity of his movements belied the tenderness with which he held you, as if you were a precious treasure.
“Fuck, feels like you were made for me.” he groans, “Price’ll have to watch I don’t steal you for myself.”
He chuckles as you clench around him, "You like that thought, hm?" he teases, hand taking both of your wrists in his as he held them behind your back, forcing you to rely on your tiptoes to keep you up against the wall.
His words were laced with a mix of possessiveness and adoration.He wanted to show you the affection and love you deserved, wanted to take care of you and you weren't even his. Simultaneously, he needed you to satisfy the fire within him, the passionate beast that roared to life in your presence.
In that heated embrace, Simon forgot who he was, drowning in the sheer pleasure of being with you. His thoughts blurred, and all that remained was the hunger for you.
Between thrusts, Simon teased, "He's a lucky bastard having you, ain't he? In your pretty little dresses, making his breakfast, cleaning his clothes. Such a good girl for him."
It was a mix of jealousy and admiration. He wanted to claim you for himself, to have you wait on him like that. But he was more than happy to indulge in however much or little you or John allowed him.
As his pace increased, each thrust became more fervent than the last. His thoughts were a jumble of desire. In this moment, the lines between fantasy and reality blurred, and Simon clung to this dream, hoping it would last.
He was lost in the rhythm, in the way you fit around him, in the way you responded to his every touch, in every soft sound that escaped you. There was no going back, no escape, as Simon dove headfirst into the abyss of pleasure that was you.
"He's putting a lot of faith in this condom, hell he's trusting me not to fill you up." Simon whispered in your ear, the words laden with desire. He would never actually commit to that fantasy, but he could dream.
If anything, it fuelled the fire, the knowledge that Price was trusting him to be this intimate with you. His thrusts grew more furious, each one driving him closer.
The moment was electric, and Simon found himself living for each sensation. He was chasing the edge, the precipice where pleasure surrendered to ecstasy. His hips moved with abandon, every muscle tensed, as he sought the ultimate release.
"You're mine tonight," he growled, his words filled with intent. He wanted to etch this memory in your mind, one that would leave you longing for more.
He was determined to leave an enduring mark on your soul. It was a need that had taken hold of him, and there was no going back now.
As the intensity of the moment grew, Simon could feel the pressure building within him. His thrusts grew wilder, more desperate, as he sought the release that awaited. He could sense it, feel it, just beyond his grasp.
His movements became erratic, his body trembling underneath the weight of unrelenting pleasure. A sheen of sweat coated his skin.
His grip on you tightened, holding you as he rode the wave of impending release. "Fuck, I'm gonna come," he warned, his voice thick with need.
He was at the brink of release, a long awaited one that wasn’t a result of his own hand for once. The anticipation and hunger, all leading up to this moment. 
The world around you two dissolved. It was just the two of you, caught in a symphony of lust and pleasure. Their hearts raced in unison, the rhythm of your bodies synchronised. There were no inhibitions, no boundaries, only the ever-mounting tide of ecstasy.
His body tensed, every muscle straining as the climax built. One final thrust sent him over the edge, and he released, his cum filling the condom. His free hand worked over your sensitive clit, willing you to follow behind as you cried his name, gushing around his cock.
The release was explosive, the tension that had been building between you both, finally released. He leaned in, resting against you as he lowered your wrists, arms encircling your front as he clung to you. It was a moment neither would forget, one he would think about for a long time.
The aftershocks of his orgasm rippled through him, his body still connected to yours. He held you close, as if he were afraid to let go.
"That was... something else," Simon managed to mumble, the words breaking through the haze of post-orgasmic euphoria that washed over him. A satisfied grin spread across his face, the look in his eyes a mix of contentment and pride.
He had claimed you in a way he never thought he could, and it was exhilarating. Slowly, he began to pull out, but his hands lingered on you, as if drawn to the warmth of your body.
Despite the quick encounter, Simon knew he had found something that he wanted to explore further. For now, however, he was content to simply bask in the afterglow. He exhaled a deep breath as he pulled out from you.
You took a deep breath, the action drawing Simon's gaze. As you turned around, he watched you lean against the wall, your eyes meeting his. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence between the two of you.
Simon's heartbeat slowed, but his chest still rose and fell rapidly. He stared at you, trying to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. This encounter had changed something between you, there was no doubt about it.
"He's a lucky man." he says resting his forehead on yours.
You let out a small laugh as you brush some hair out of Simon's face.
"And I'm lucky to be married to him."
Simon smiles as he reaches down, pulling your panties back up, along with his sweatpants."I'll have to call him in a bit to say my thanks." he quips, "Buttt, he's not gonna be back until late tomorrow and I wanna' experience fully what it'd be like to be yours." He smirks down at you, his lips hovering dangerously above yours, "You know, if you're game."
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© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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kat651 · 3 months
I just reread your self harm elf posts again and was wondering if you would write something similar but with the reader being the one self harming?
Just thought I’d ask since I myself have struggled with this. If not that’s fine but I figured I’d ask
Love your writing so much btw
Elrond had spent the last hour searching for you. It was strange that you were able to do this to him, make him worried beyond what felt reasonable. Rivendell was a safe place. He knew that. But you always managed to make him panic. Always. 
Finally he decided to check your room. Occasionally you’d go in there during the day just to get some quiet. 
As he opened the door the sight before him caused him to gasp and tears to well up in his eyes. “Meleth, why?” He asked, briskly walking over to you and taking the knife before kneeling in front of you and gently taking your hands. “Why are you hurting yourself?” His eyes were brimmed with tears and his usual strong voice was wavering and choked. 
You didn’t answer and it felt like a punch to the gut for him. Elrond stood before lifting you out of the seat and seating you on your bed. “Don’t move I’ll be right back.” He whispered, kissing your cheek before running off. 
When Elrond returned he had everything he would need to take care of your wounds. He knelt before you and gently began to clean and wrap your wrists. When he finished he rose and sat next to you. “What’s wrong my love? Why are you doing this?”
You looked up at him for a moment before sighing and hiding your face in his chest. “It’s all too much right now. I can’t take it.” You sobbed. 
“I’m here…you don’t have to do this alone.”
You tried to hide it from him. but of course, being the observant person he was, he noticed. 
“Love, what happened to your wrist?” He asked, gently grabbing your hand. 
You looked away refusing to answer and it broke Lindir’s fraigile heart. He gently cupped your face and placed a kiss on your nose. 
You sighed and hugged yourself. 
“Hey… look at me…” he whispered, gently tilting your chin up. “I’m not mad. You know that… right?”
You nodded. 
Lindir put an arm around you and pulled you out of the room. “Do you want to talk about it?”
When he first saw the cuts on your wrists he panicked. “Y/n, what happened? Why would you- are you ok?!” 
For a regal elf lord he sure did panic when it came to you. 
Once he calmed down enough he looked at you with sad eyes. “How long? How long have you been doing this and not telling me?”
Of course you didn’t answer which caused him to worry again. “Is it me? Am I the reason?”
You shook your head and he visibly relaxed. “I- ok…I just… I worry. A lot.”
“I know” you said, leaning against him.
Legolas had caught you red handed. Quite literally. “Y/n!” He yelled in a panic. Which of course caused tears to well in your eyes. 
“I’m sorry!” You sobbed. 
Realizing he had caused you to panic, he slowly wrapped you in his arms. “Darling what’s wrong?” He whispered as he subconsciously inspected your wrists before sliding his bag off his shoulder and digging through it with one hand until he located some bandages. “Talk to me sweetheart.” He whispered as he gently wrapped your arms. 
When he noticed the scars on your wrists he hesitated to say anything at first. He knew all too well that kind of pain. 
After a few days he finally spoke up. “Don’t do it again.” He said, not even looking over. 
“Do what?” You asked confused. 
Haldir grabbed your hand and slid up your shirt sleeve. “This. Don’t do it.”
You pulled away and looked at your hands. 
Haldir sighed. Emotions were hard but he needed to try. He knelt in front of you and gently took your hands. “Look at me…”
You slowly met his gaze and to your surprise there was pain etched in his eyes. “Please don’t hurt yourself. If you want to hurt someone hurt me.”
“What? No!” 
Haldir gently took your face in his hands and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Please don’t do this to yourself. I…” he paused and took a breath. “I love you too much to watch you do this… please, if you’re struggling come talk to me. I’ll listen…”
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
harry leaving bubba for tour
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who missed some boy dad!harry? i hope you like this !
gif credits to @londonharry <3
Harry loved performing and being on the road, it was his favorite part of his job.
However, ever since his son was born going on tour came with something that he absolutely hated: being away from his bubba.
That’s why this time around he opted for residencies on some cities instead of traveling across the US to play shows, that way his wife and baby could be close to him without having to move around and the stuff that came with it. However, residencies were now over and it was time for him to travel to Australia to play the long awaited shows there, and his sadness to leave his loves was evident.
Don’t get him wrong, he was ecstatic to go back to Australia and perform for those crowds he dearly missed, but he just didn’t want to ever leave his baby.
“It’s going to be fine love, It’s just going to be a month and we will FaceTime ever day.” you tried to cheer him up as you stood in your front porch, waiting for his manager to pick him up to head to the airport.
“But I’m going to miss him so much, he’s still little he might forget about me, and I’m going to miss you too.” he dramatically said, nuzzling his head on your shoulder making you wrap your arms around his broad frame.
“He’s almost two, H. He’s not going to forget about you, we’ll be fine baby.” you caressed his hair for a bit, then he moved to pick your son up and place multiple kisses on his face.
“I’m going to miss you like crazy, bubba. Daddy loves you so much, don’t forget about him, okay?” you rolled your eyes with affection as you listened to him, melting at how much he adored your son.
“Love daddy” your little boy said what had become his favorite sentence in the world and you could tell that Harry had little tears threatening to come out, he was his favorite person in the world.
“Love you with my entire heart too, baby.” and he attacked his face with kisses again, making him giggle and squeal.
“You know I’m just a phone call away, right? You just got the say the word and I’ll drop everything and come home.” he turned to look at you, your boy still on his arms and playing with his pearl necklace.
“I know, darling. But we’re going to be okay, you need to focus on delivering your best performance, your fans over there have been waiting for you.” you let him wrap his free arm around your waist and bring you in for a side hug, kissing the crown of your head softly.
“I’m so excited,” he said with a fond look on his face, and your heart melt for him once again, “When this one is a bit older, both of you are coming with me, I can’t wait for that.”
You were interrupted by the sound of his manager’s car approaching your house, and it was time to say goodbye for good.
“I love you so much, okay? Always listen to mummy, eat your veggies and don’t forget to be…?” Harry waited for his baby to give him the reply he had been teaching him
“Kind!” the little boy finished the sentence for him and you both couldn’t help but smile, proud of how you were raising your son.
“Exactly baby, kind. I love you” he kissed your boy one final time and passed him to you, knowing that if he held him for longer he was going to drop everything and never leave your house.
“And I love you, so much.” he grabbed your face and kissed your lips, making butterflies appear on your tummy like the very first time you kissed.
“I love you too, now go make us proud.” with one final peck to your lips and to your son’s forehead, he made his way to his manager car.
He hated leaving both of you, but he would do anything to make you proud.
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @noitsmebecky @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @harrybabyyyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia @itsgigikay @goldensstateofgrace @missmielyhoran @fdl305 @lightsoutstyles
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corpsebasil · 1 year
The Prince’s Whore +18 Part 1
This one is absolutely explicit so do NOT read if you aren’t preparing to mix holy water with your eye drops later.
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You laid on your back, exhausted, staring up at the ceiling of your vast bedroom as your breathing slowly calmed.
Nikolai, the prince of Ravka, laid beside you, looking utterly fucked out and messy, his hair tousled, lips swollen, skin shining with a thin glisten of sweat. You two had just finished after two rounds of sex, and you had rolled off of him after straddling his hips, feeling every perfect inch of him inside you until he shattered beneath your touch.
Nikolai let out a sigh and stood, your eyes tracking his unclothed form as he stalked towards your bathing room. Saints, he had a body. Every inch of the prince was hard muscle, and he was by far your favorite and most attractive customer.
You turned onto your side, tugging the blankets over you, and let out a sleepy noise before closing your eyes. But your eyes snapped open abruptly when you felt him climb back into bed, his hand running along your arm before he made himself comfortable.
You frowned and turned, raising a brow when you found him snuggling into your expensive pillows and sheets, making as if he was going to stay.
“Are we having a sleepover?” You asked, propping your head up on your hand as you stared down at him. His blue eyes opened and he smiled softly, staring at you like this was normal, like he always spent the night.
“You don’t want me to stay?” He asked, mocking you with a sad smile, and you rolled your eyes.
He’d been frustrated when he’d come here. You’d barely had time to greet him before he was tugging up your dress, lifting you and pinning you against the wall. Your cries had been genuine when his hips slammed into you, over and over, and his teeth sank down into your neck to silence his moans.
The second time was slower, more gentle, and you’d been a bit thrown off by the tenderness with which he held you, rocking your bodies together and kissing your neck. Now he was reaching out to play with your fingers and you pulled out of his grip.
“Nik.” You said, voice flat. “Come on.”
“Come on what?”
“We don’t do this. We don’t spend the night. We fuck, then you leave. That’s the deal.”
He groaned, rolling away from you to stare up at the ceiling, his face clouded with an unreadable expression. You waited for a beat, then two, before cursing yourself in your mind and settling back into bed, deciding if he was going to refuse to leave you’d at least go to sleep.
“I need—” he started, then paused. “I don’t have…anyone. Right now. And with all this chaos happening at the palace, with the Summoner…I just need a friend. Can you do that for me, Y/N?”
“We aren’t friends, Nik.” You sighed, rolling back over again to face him. Lord knows how many times you’ve had this discussion. “I’m a prostitute,” you said, pointing at you. “and you’re a paying customer.” A finger towards him. “That’s it. Money. Sex. The end.”
“I haven’t paid you actual money for months.”
You grinned, raising a brow.
“You pay my rent.” You offered. Which he did. He’d bought you a very fancy little apartment, complete with balcony and fireplace, and he often brought you gifts: jewelry, fine clothes, fancy teas and treats from your favorite stores. “I’d argue that’s better.”
His smile was half-hearted as he reached out, once again touching your hand. This time, again your heart’s better judgement, you let him.
“Can we truly not be friends and have these…exchanges?”
You looked down at his hand, watching his thumb trace the back of your own, and sighed.
“Nik, I—”
“Just. Let’s just sleep. And consider it, please.” He smiled again, this time wickedly. “I’ll go down on you, again, if that would help you make your decision faster.”
“You’re insufferable.” You scoffed, but smiled, and as you rolled over and dozed off, you felt his arm move to wrap around your waist, pulling your body against his.
And, for the first time, you let him.
The next morning you awoke and froze, every inch of your body tensed.
Somehow in the night you had turned into him and his arms were wrapped snug around you, one hand tangled in your hair, and your face was in the crook of his shoulder and neck. You could feel his soft breathing against the top of your hair as you slept, the overwhelmingly delicious smell of him deep in your nose.
You stared at his tanned skin, trying to think of a good way to escape, when he stirred, letting out a tired groan against the top of your head. He blinked and then froze too, glancing down at you, and you met his stare with startled eyes.
“Well.” He mumbled, and extracted himself from you, bending over to grab his pants off the floor. “You’re certainly cuddly.”
You scoffed and stood, striding past him with nothing but your skin as you went into the bathroom. Your hair was a mess and you had a flush on your cheeks, but you’d always been a natural beauty, and didn’t care at all about your nakedness in front of Nikolai.
He came up beside you and passed you your toothbrush, the two of you brushing your teeth wordlessly, eyeing each other every few seconds in the mirror. You couldn’t help a nervous smile when he winked, and you wondered if this is what being in a relationship was like. Casual flirtation, combined with the simplicity of mundane tasks.
After, you headed towards the shower, turning on the water and climbing in.
“Lock the door on your way out—” you started, only to snap your head in his direction when he moved casually into the shower with you, turning the heat of the water up a smidge and reaching for your shampoo. “Excuse me—what do you think you’re doing?”
“Washing my hair.” He gave you an innocent look, puppy dog eyes wide, and began to do just that while you gawked at him. First he was sleeping over, now he’s in your shower? “If you take a photo,” he said, “you can ogle me for longer.”
You sputtered, trying to think of what to say, when he turned, passing the shampoo bottle to you. And you stayed staring, pressed against the wall of the shower as far as humanly possible, when he turned his head and raised his brows.
“You’re in my shower.” You pointed out. “My shower. What are you doing, Nik?”
“I’m washing my—”
“You know what I mean.”
He let out a long suffering sigh and stepped towards you, reaching out to grasp your hips in his large, strong hands. You were baffled—the entire morning, night, had been more intimate than anything you’d done with him before. It was unsettling. It was strange. It was—
“Stop overthinking this.” He told you, voice low, and kissed you.
It was soft, not hurried, as his hands slid up your bare back and tugged you into him. You couldn’t help it—when his tongue brushed yours you let out a soft moan, a hand coming up to sink into his wet hair, and he gripped you tighter.
“Make that sound again.” He ordered, and sank down onto his knees, parting your thighs for access.
You were about to protest—the water was running, the floor was slippery but. But. At the first lick against you you squeezed your eyes shut, a sigh tumbling from your lips as your hand clutched his head, the other hand braced against the tile wall for balance. But he didn’t stop. He just kept licking, slowly, refusing to rush his pace or put more pressure when you begged for it.
You felt yourself trembling, tugging at his hair, insistent for the tightness in you to just break. But if anything, your impatient moans only made him slow down.
“Nik,” you pleaded, voice strained as that fire continued to burn between your legs, absolutely unrelenting. “Please.” He licked again, so, so slow, and lingered on that spot, the spot that made your head go weak with pleasure. You could’ve screamed at him. “Please.”
“Please what?” He murmured, moving his tongue away from where you needed him most, and you let out a string of curses.
“Please, Nikolai.” You felt like you could’ve sobbed, wanting to shove his head closer, but he just waited, giving you the smallest, softest lick he had yet. “Nikolai please I need—”
And then he gave it to you, sucking and licking hard, and you broke apart so fast you almost fell to the ground. He caught your legs before you could fall, your hands flying to his shoulders, and the blond bastard only laughed lightly when you gasped for breath. You swatted his shoulder the second your head stopped spinning and he complained noisily.
“You—you—” you started, and then shoved past him on wobbly legs, reaching for the soap. Saints, he was annoying. But that mouth of his.
“For all your whining I think you like me, Y/N.” He told you, planting a kiss on your shoulder before he left the shower, toweling off as you finished washing up.
When you were done and dried off, you found him putting his clothes back on in your room, that amused look still lingering on his face. You stomped past him and snatched up your robe, winding you wet hair back with a clip.
“See you tonight.” He said, by way of goodbye, and kissed you lightly on the mouth.
“What?” You asked. This man had you dazed and confused with almost every sentence that he spoke. Where was this coming from?
“See you.” He said again, grinning, and left your apartment.
You sat down on your bed, staring at the door blankly for a moment. And then you rolled over, groaning loudly into your blankets. That prince, that arrogant son of a bitch, had you wrapped around his finger.
And he knew it.
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
(Remember to like and reblog if you want more content!)
Part 2
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itaehynz · 1 year
love yourself or no one else will. — c.bg ・ ⟢
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╰ pairing: choi beomgyu x afab!reader.
╰ genre: pure angst.
╰ warnings: very little profanity, cheating, crying, betrayal.
╰ summary: the night of your anniversary, the night you wished the best for. you and beomgyu had your ups and downs but you never would have thought it would’ve escalate this far.
part 1 | part 2
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you and beomgyu have been together for two years. there’s been quite a few ups and downs, but nothing you two can’t get through.
there’s been a few ‘oh, she’s just a friend.’ and ‘oh, i’ve known her all my life. she’d never become an obstacle for us.’ on beomgyu’s end but again, nothing you two can’t get through.
beomgyu seems to really love you more than life itself but these days, he seems a bit… off. like there’s something he’s not telling you, something he may be hiding or maybe a surprise! he would never hurt you in anyway, right?
anywho, today’s your two year anniversary with him. you texted him that you’d be working late tonight in order to surprise him and get everything set up for dinner at your shared apartment. he responded with an ‘okay babe, i’ll see you later’ considering he was working.
when he responded to you, you hearted his message putting your phone to the side and starting cooking away. you decided that it would be great help if your best friend would be able to help you get everything ready, but apparently she was busy with something.
‘it’s fine’, you think to yourself. you can do this within a 4-hour time span, beomgyu usually doesn’t come straight home after work anyways so you’re sure it’d be nice if he were to walk in on a beautiful dinner after wearing himself out with a long day’s work.
you continue to cook, yelling for alexa to turn on your playlist. this should help you move quicker.
it’s finished. everything is perfect. there’s a trail of rose petals leading from your front door to your dining room table. there’s a fresh wine bottle sitting atop the beautifully decorated kitchen island, cork waiting to be popped off in celebration. lights dimmed for a sultry mood, and the food. everything looks amazing.
you finally take off your apron and rush to your shared bedroom to dress in your best attire. you put on a beautiful, skin tight silk black dress, something beomgyu has always loved seeing you in.
you sigh in content waiting for beomgyu to walk through that door in his work attire, a suit with the tie that he pulls at all day, trying to make himself more comfortable as he sits behind a desk for hours.
finally, you hear keys jingling at the door. ‘it’s beomgyu.’ you think to yourself with a bright smile painted on your face. you quickly grab the flowers resting on top of your kitchen counter, waiting for beomgyu in front of the door.
you assume he seems to be having a hard time unlocking it as you hear him grunting lightly behind the door. once you finally hear him unlock it, your eyes glisten with delight and love.
until they walk in.
‘they’ as in beomgyu and… your best friend.
your eyes turn from what was delight to pure disgust. beomgyu and your best friend both stop in their tracks, eyes blown out as if they’re deers that were caught in headlights.
“b-baby… i can explai-” beomgyu breathes out, obviously tired from the full on makeout he was once having.
“e-explain what b-beomgyu?” you say, tears brewing in your eyes. you cannot even begin to explain how you’re feeling right now. anger? sadness? distress? probably a mix of all.
“h-how l-long has this b-been going on f-for?” you mumble with tears now streaming down your face. beomgyu and your (old) best friend share a look, one filled with despair and knowingness. you expected something bad to come out of beomgyu’s mouth but you never would’ve thought it would be this bad.
“after our first argument, i went to her and ranted but it escalated into something more. i didn’t expect our relationship to last this long, i’m sorry y/n.” he utters looking down at his feet, disgusted with himself for how long he let the hookup carry on for.
you suddenly feel a turning feeling in your stomach, you think you’re gonna be sick. you feel extremely dumb for not noticing his change of actions and words. the way he’s been cancelling on your dates, claiming “something came up” at work and the way he’s been talking to you, rushing through the conversations as if he had somewhere to be. you guess he did have somewhere to be… with her.
you’re deep in thought before you hear the slight shuffle of your best friend’s feet causing you to look at her with narrowed eyes. making eye contact with her, she seems to have tears brimming her eyes which makes her look away abruptly. you look back over at beomgyu and then her again coming up with a plan, “you know what,” you interject, “you two can eat, i’ll be in the room if you have anything else to say.” you add before turning around and walking back to the shared bedroom.
once you reach your bedroom, you start your plan: gather all of beomgyu’s shit, put it in a suitcase and kick them out once they finish eating.
you don’t know how you’re going to build up the mental strength to do so but you know it’s what you have to do. you can barely look at her or beomgyu without wanting to cry. this is one of the downs you and beomgyu will not be bouncing back from.
you hear beomgyu and your now ex-best friend talking, trying to come up with ways to come back from this situation and have everything go back to normal. you silently scoff, finding it silly how beomgyu thinks he’ll always be able to get what he wants. it’s not happening.
you hear them finally put their plates in the sick just as you finish packing up every single last thing that beomgyu has ever owned. you begin dragging the suitcase out of the room, causing them both to look at you in shock.
“y/n, you’re not serious right?” beomgyu speaks, true sorrow laced in his tone. you look up at him with tears threatening to trickle down once again, fiddling with the suitcase handle. “yes. i am, i don’t want to see either of you ever again.” you say, looking between them both.
beomgyu’s now blinking rapidly, trying to rid away his tears. “y-y/n, p-pleas—please” he sniffles, “i’m r-really s-sorry.” you stare at him, unpleased with the way he’s acting. he’s trying to get what he wants again. your ex-best friend is now looking at you with sad eyes, tears brimming at her eyes.
“LEAVE. both of you,” you yell, voice cracking trying your absolute hardest not to cry in front of them. they both jump at the sound of your voice, beomgyu’s officially given up. he’s still sniffling but he’s not saying anything. instead, he reaches over for the suitcase, hand lightly grazing yours.
he tries resting his hand on yours but you snatch your hand away, looking up at him “go.” you say, voice laced with faux ferocity.
seeming as if they finally got the memo, beomgyu takes the suitcase and walks to the door. your best friend follows suit and waves back at you, knowing this is the last time she’ll ever see you.
“wait,” you say. beomgyu perks up his head quickly, hoping you’ve changed your mind about all of this.
“leave your keys, i don’t want you thinking it’s okay to come back.” you add, leaving beomgyu with no choice but to lower his head once again and placing his keys on the kitchen counter. they both begin walking out the door again, not gaining the strength to look back at you.
once the door slams, your knees give out. you’re on the floor, sobbing profusely. you never would’ve thought things would end this way and that’s not what you were hoping for. especially not on your anniversary. the dress being worn right now, the dress beomgyu apparently loved on you, a dress that you now hate. you’re filled with anger yet sadness at the same time, mad at yourself for not seeing how weird he’s been acting but sad for having things end this way.
now looking back on all of the things that could’ve been or should’ve been if you hadn’t wasted your time on a lost cause also known as your relationship. it was obvious beomgyu had stopped loving you a while ago, but it just hurts you to think about.
if it was so easy for him to hide things from you, why was it so hard for him to let you go? he never loved you. you guess it is true what they say.
love yourself or no one else will.
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2023 TTYUNZ.
╰ author notes: i hope you guys enjoyed this one! just a little something to get you guys by as i get close to finishing “icrtfy” <3!
╰ p. taglist: @boba-beom @bucketofhiros @yeofy @n0-thisispatrick @hyukafied @hyunimylove @luvsoobs @choiwrld @majestyjun @tyunkus @belovedxiao @h00nerz —
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1970sgothfreak · 1 year
Okay before you read this final part I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me while I’ve been on my break, I am going to try and post more content but I got my dream job/apprenticeship but once again thank you so much and enjoy! ☺️
The Forgotten Twin’s birthday Final part
You sat in the alleyway and looked up at the dark stormy sky of Gotham, it had just began to rain so you stood io and began your journey home, on the way back you though of what your mother had said about you going back to the league.
Were…were you really thinking of going back to the league, you would have to leave everything behind…Alfred, Jon,…the boys and your father.
You shook your head and noticed that you weren’t at the manor but had in fact walked to the bat burger place, you had been so focused on something else that you hadn’t realised you were hungry.
You went inside and sat down ordering your regular and pulling out your phone noticing a bunch of texts, opening your phone you decided to read Jon’s texts first
“are you okay?”
“Im so sorry I let it slip please don’t be mad at me!”
“Thank you for sending me your location be safe”
And the final one
“I love you ♥️”
It was short and simple but, it still made you smile and blush before you checked the other messages they were mainly things like:
“Are you okay”
“Dads really upset”
“Come home we need to talk”
“Please come home we’re sorry”
“This is ridiculous” you thought to yourself as you took a bite of your food, noticing a bunch of family’s eating together happily, you felt sad but also envy
Why did those children get what you didn’t?
Why did they have people who actually wanted to spend time with them?
Why weren’t you good enough for them?
Y/n pov
I finished my food, placing the money on the table before leaving and squeezing the water out of my jacket, I thought over the things said and sighed annoyed wondering if they actually were sorry or just sorry that they got caught
I headed back to the manor and entered when I hear the boys talking, I quickly shut the door and snuck around the corner to listen to their conversation, it was…about me..!?
“Bruce you need to calm down”
“Calm down my reputation is going to go down the drain so are the boys if they ever find out what we did to Y/n!”
They really didn’t care, of course I knew that but finally hearing it made me realise it and how much…it actually hurt a bit..?
I pulled out my phone and saw that Jon sent another text
“You get home okay honey..?”
“Yea I did…found out the truth lol”
“Bruce is only trying to apologise so that he and the boys don’t loose their public reputation…I’m thinking of moving back in with my mom”
“But then I won’t be able to see you again…”
“You will! I’ll make sure of it, I’ll even ask my mom right now!”
I exited the chat and pulled up my moms contact before texting her and asking if it was okay for me to bring Jon with me or for him to at least be able to frequently visit, I saw the chat bubbles appear and waited with anticipation to see her reply
“Yes that’s fine, I’ll make sure he’s allowed access to you constantly”
My face light up with a smile once I saw my mothers reply and texted Jon to let him know, he was also excited all that was left to do…was pack up and say goodbye I don’t know what will he harder but…all I know is that I’m getting out of this place and I’m going home and one thing I know for definite is….
I am never coming back.
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jellybean181 · 1 year
Meeting you / Vessel x Reader
Notes: Second last chapter guys. Chapter 5 will be the end and I promise it will be juicy.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
“Are you fucking kidding me Vessel?!” Sophie yells angrily
“You left her behind? While you persued your music career? She cried in her bedroom for days before college when you stopped talking to her.”
Vessel tenses up behind you, his hands tightening against your shoulders.
“And then you drag us out of the crowd to per-sue her again?!” Sophie threw her hands in the air in anger at Vessel as she went off on him.
“I am right here Sophie..” you mumble as you bow your head.
Vessel then steps in front of you, towering over Sophie and glaring down at her.
“I did what I thought was best for her, to have my music career established and have her finish college so that when I found her again, she wouldn’t regret me dragging her along in case things with my career didn’t work out.”
Your heart flutters in your chest, hearing his words of genuineness.
Then all of a sudden all hell breaks loose as Vessel and Sophie start to get into a yelling match, arguing over each other.
Your nerves were completely shot, on the verge of having a panic attack and now chaos that has ensued between the two most important people in your life start making you dizzy. Your vision starts to go blurry as you reach out to try and find something to lean against, you couldn’t control your breathing. You try and center yourself, you didn’t realize the yelling had stopped or hear the concern in Vessel’s voice before everything went black.
“Y/n!” “Y/n, please come back to me love.” As you feel him rub the top of your head.
“Look what you did, probably scared her half to death.”
“Me? You think this is all my fault?”
“It is! You abandoned her!”
You could hear them bickering like two old ladies through your cloudiness. You needed to straighten everything out with Vessel and try to make sense of the unpredictable situation.
You start to slowly open your eyes and notice Vessel crouched down beside the couch, hand still on top of your head. You slowly start to rise off the couch and grip onto Vessels forearm for balance.
“Sophie, Vessel and I need some time alone to talk about everything and try to figure out some things. Okay?”
Sophie looks between the two us and let’s out a big sigh. “Fine, I’ll be out finding the rest of the band.”
Sophie leaves and you and Vessel are finally alone once again to talk and work things out.
“She is quite the friend you have their.”
“She’s just being protective. You weren’t there when the water works happened.” You smiled and laughed a little at the memory.
You notice Vessel’s head go low and you quickly regret blurting out the old memory that you long got over.
“Y/n.. I’m so sorry I left you behind. I only did what I thought was right by you and I never stopped thinking about you. Hoping it wasn’t to late to get you back.”
You take your hands and put them on his face. Lifting his head so that he can look at you.
“It’s okay, I was sad for a time being but I am an adult and I can make my own judgements. No one is perfect. The choices we both made though lead us back to each other. I think that’s better then our paths never crossing again.”
“Thank you y/n, i don’t deserve an angel like you I swear.”
You giggle and smile at his sincerity.
“You need to shower, that black paint is all over my white dress.” You giggle innocently looking down at your dress.
“Mmm, it’s also on your skin. Like I’ve marked you.” Vessel grins
Your legs rub together at the smoothness of his voice and cheeky remark. Vessel takes notice and still bent down in front of you, he rests hand on your knee ever so gently.
“You like the sound of that angel? Marking you? Claiming what I know is already mine?”
His hand slowly moves up your leg and makes his way toward the edge of your dress, his fingers just slipping under your dress.
Your breath hitches in your throat. Worried if you speak now your voice will give out in front of him.
“Please Vessel.” You whisper.
“Use your words angel, be a good girl for me.”
And just like that your hands are on his mask and your lips connect.
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joels-darlin · 1 year
The Hardest Part
Pairings: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, brief mention of alcohol - I think that's it but pls let me know if I missed any!
Summary: Preparations ahead of Pedro leaving to go filming in Europe for a month. (Wow I really suck at summaries)
Word count: 944
Author Note: Just a small Pedro drabble that I knocked up earlier today. Was debating not posting this but I feel it needs to be put out there. Pls any feedback is really appreciated, hope you all enjoy <3
“So...you’ve got enough socks and underwear in there for the month...I threw in some extra just incase ...” you chuckled to yourself rearranging the piles inside the suitcase “...and all your gym stuff is in there as well along with some swim gear” Got to be prepared for every scenario I guess. Looking up across the room you laid eyes on Pedro who stood staring out of the bedroom window, hands in his pockets obviously not hearing a word you had said. 
He was going to Europe for a month filming for an exciting new project. His career was absolutely skyrocketing right now and you were so proud of him, beaming when he told you he got the job 6 months ago.The fact was though It never got any easier. The thought of him leaving broke you with no idea how you were going to cope. The past few days you had spent enjoying each other's company, making sure to keep a smile on your face for his sake. All the tears saved for when you were alone in a bubble bath with a bottle of wine. For him It had always been the hardest part of the job. As thrilled as he was that you were along on this career journey with him there was always the nagging guilt inside, did you deserve a partner who can be around more often instead of him. You never once complained, always taking it in your stride and he was thankful for that.
Making the short walk across the room softly placing a hand on his arm, capturing his attention with a soft “Hey…” forcing him to look up “Im sorry…” he said in a soft tone, those brown eyes locking with yours tears brimming in his lash line “I just…I’m going to miss you so much mi amor” sadness evident in his tone. “Baby” you cooed wrapping your arm around his back and pulling him into an embrace “...I’ll miss you too so much but it’s an exciting opportunity and you need to focus” lifting your hand to his cheek to caress it with your thumb, he knew you were right as always “...enjoy every moment you will be back before you know it” you flashed him a smile, he smiled back only slightly.
“Come here” he said softly, taking your hands and leading you towards the bed. You both lay down - your head on his chest, legs entangled. Grabbing his hand you intertwined your fingers and placed a soft kiss on the back. “See...who am I gonna cuddle when I feel crap since you won’t be there” he said. “Oh I’m sure your co-workers won’t mind” you looked up to him grinning, he chuckled. You watched intently as his eyes landed on your lips, he lent forward connecting them kissing you passionately, enjoying basking in your presence just for a moment. “I love you querida” he whispered, his mind drifting for a brief second to the black box already sitting in the drawer next to your bed - making a note to start plans when he was back from Europe. 
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked his eyes searching yours for a response. “I’ll be fine, don't you worry about me…no doubt work will keep me busy” you replied smiling at him. The words sounded convincing though deep down you could feel the sense of dread in the pit of your stomach. Moving out of his arms to roll off the bed “Come on let’s finish this packing” you said, he obliged getting up from the warm bed and sitting next to the suitcase.
The car pulled up out front grabbing both yours and Pedro’s attention, It was that time. “Okay...so you have everything? erm…suitcase? iPad?” Nervously rattling a few things off the list in your head. He nodded in response, placing all his bags down near the front door. Pedro turned round reaching out towards you for a goodbye hug throwing your body into his warm frame, the tears threatening to fall any minute. You had to be strong. “Have fun...no injuries please and FaceTime, text or call whenever you can...” you said holding him tightly “...oh and-“ you were cut off by his lips smashing against yours kissing you passionately, wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. He moved back leaning his forehead against yours “I love you...so much�� he whispered against your lips before placing a light kiss on the corner of your mouth. “As I love you P” you replied sighing heavily “...now go on the car is here” you chuckled untangling your bodies. Picking up his bags he walked out to the car, you stood in the doorway just watching, giving you a quick wave and smile before getting in. Watching as he disappeared down the road and suddenly was gone.
Closing the door behind you leant against it, breathing heavily. Unsure as to why you were finding it so hard this time, Pedro was often away multiple times throughout the year due to so many amazing projects. The phone buzzing in your pocket caught your attention, you took one look at the screen and broke down. 
P❤️ iMessage
You swiped the screen opening the conversation.
Missing you already cariño xx you smiled through your tears typing a reply.
Miss you too P, Please let me know as soon as you have landed xx
Locking the phone you placed it back in your pocket. Drying your eyes off with your sleeves you head into the kitchen to distract yourself. Boy this was going to be a long month.
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ghostaddicked · 1 year
no one else like you|college au
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Pairing: Yamada Akito x Female Reader (Rosemary)
Word count: 2.5k+
Synopsis: Heading off to CalArts college in Santa Clarita, CA. You’re majoring as a game designer. While trying your best to fit in and find a sense of normal, you make an academic rival; Yamada, a programmer/developer major. While you two get under one another's skin, Yamada thinks you could be much more useful to him as a fake girlfriend.
Other: Yamada aged up to 19―a college freshmen, fake dating, forced proximity, academic rivals, enemies to lovers. possible NSFW in future, not anytime soon!
It's late March, the month you were supposed to be hearing back from the handful of art schools you applied to. It’s nerve wracking, waiting for the letters to come one at a time, your hands shaking as you ripped open the mail, scanning your eyes over the words, trying to find the words “Congratulations” or “We apologize, but”. But what was worse than waiting? Getting accepted into the CalArts. 
Growing up, you always fantasized about getting into such an elite school and when you had gotten the acceptance letter in the mail, you were more than ecstatic. When you told your best friend, Catrina, about the news, hoping the two of you would attend the same college and maybe even live together, soon both of your dreams were crushed when she showed you her mail, “you didn't get in?” The sadness in your voice was apparent, you knew she was disappointed, hell, you were too.
“I’m not going without you,” you handed her back her mail, somewhat crumpled from your anger. Catrina shakes her head and places the mail on her table, folding her arms as she looks you dead in the eye, “Don’t be stupid, Rose. This is once in a lifetime kind of opportunity, and you got a full ride scholarship!”
“I don’t care” You kind of did care, school for free? Who would be stupid enough to give that up?
“Girl, stop lying.” She moved to sit down at the dining table chair, resting one arm on the table and the other resting on her thigh. You walk closer to her, and she starts to speaks“I got accepted into other schools too, so you don’t have to worry!” She gives you a pleading look, trying to convince you to go to CalArts, but you already made up your mind.
“Fine..” You say, as if she was the one to convince you and not the scholarship money, “I’ll go.” Her face lit up, thinking she was the one who convinced you to go, “Great!”
A few months had passed by then, it was late September, the leaves were only just starting to change colors, from a vibrant green, to a faded brown mixed with a tinge of yellow and copper. Although you told Cat you’d attend CalArt, and although you registered, scheduled a move in date and even had a roommate chosen for you, you couldn’t help but still wonder if you made the right decision. How would you survive without your friends? You didn’t know a single soul that would be attending the same college as you, and the thought of making a new friend? Terrifying to say the least. You thought that since you now have a roommate and exchanged numbers you’d become quick friends, or at least had someone to talk to, but they seemed cold, distant and unwelcoming to say the least. She introduced herself as Yukari and informed you that she’ll be moving in the day after you did, and although you were grateful to be left alone the day of your move, knowing you’d be living with a stranger was.. weird.
The day to leave your hometown finally came. It was early in the morning, cold and somewhat foggy from the raining night before. There was a mixture of excitement and fear, assuring that you couldn’t get a wink of sleep, and as soon as your alarm went off, you knew that you couldn’t back out of this life altering experience. You groggily sat up, wiping the crust from your eyes. Once you stood up, you moved across the room to put on some jeans, a white top anda. grey hoodie over it, alongside some comfortable sneakers knowing you'll be on your feet all day. Once finished, you head to the bathroom, standing there across the mirror, staring at your figure, the dark eyebags occupying your face. You yawned as you reached for you toothbrush, lazily brushing your teeth and once finished, you moved towards the kitchen, to see your mother already up making a quick breakfast before you and your parents hop in the car and head down to your soon-to-be-home.
You took a seat and your dinner table, bouncing one leg up and down as you scrolled through your phone, trying to think of anything else but the pit of nervousness boiling in your stomach. As soon as you and your family finished your breakfast, which you hardly ate, you gathered your bags, luggages and any other small necessities and shoved them inside your family's car. You sat behind the passenger's seat your mother occupied, while your father drove. The drive was a little over 4 hours long, you feared your phone would die from being on it, but luckily you took advantage of the silent drive and took a nap. 
You remember dreaming.. About someone? Something, maybe? You don’t remember much, it was a short dream that you seemed to immediately forget as you woke up to your shoulder shaking you, “Rosie,” your mother shakes you, trying to get your attention. You straighten your back, stretching your arms in your cramped space full of your belongings. “Hm?” you hummed out, scanning your surroundings, “oh” you look out the window to see hundreds of students walking around, carrying tubs of their belongings, even some staff helping them, talking to their parents. You see booths set up, cars backing out and parking inside whatever open spaces are available in the parking lot.
As you take in this chaotic site, you remember the words your best friend, Catrina, told you as she gave you one last big hug before saying goodbye to one another, “You’re meant to be there, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” You took a deep breath, trying to calm the anxiety already stirring up inside of you as you open the car door. Your father was already talking to one of the staff members, asking what time is your move-in appointment was and as you begin to inform the two, from the corner of your eye you see someone, a quick flash of your dream takes over your vision. You blink rapidly, trying to clear your vision as you look back to your father and the staff member staring at you blankly, waiting as patiently as they can for an answer. “For.. two pm” you inform them, rubbing your eyes.
What was that? You think to yourself, Maybe it was the lack of sleep.. anxiety, maybe?
As the staff helps you and your parents take your massive amount of belongings up into your empty door, you take in the surroundings. You had the first pick of which bed and which side of the room would be yours, perfect. 
The doorways were aligned perfectly in the middle of the room, giving the left and right side an equal amount of space. Across the room from the door was a large rectangular window with no curtains, only those flimsy window blinds that weren’t bright white anymore. It didn’t take you long to decide, you chose to go to the right side of the dorm. Your bed was lifted up a few inches off the ground, the headboard against the window wall and on the foot side of your bed was your desk, allowing a small gap of space between your chair and your wardrobe against the bedroom door wall. Unfortunately, your dorm does not come attached with a bathroom and shower, which sucked but it could have be worse. It could be in a completely different building, but it wasn’t.
As you get settled, your parents helping you unpack and organize your belongings, it slowly starts to feel like home. The sun was close to setting, that was now around 6 o’clock by time you finished setting up your side of the shared dorm. You stood proud, hands resting on your hips as you faced your already made bed. Your parents seemed proud too, they were finally free of you and no longer had to clean up/take care of you anymore.
After a bit of silence, the reality of the situation sets in, you turn to see your parents gathering up their items, ready to leave. They stood by the door, feeling your eyes on them, you spoke, “Are you leaving already?” You ask, trying not to sound too sad about it. You didn’t like crying in front of anyone, but it was a bit hard now. They nod and walk over to you, each giving a separate hug, your father telling you how proud of you he was as your mother took a step back, giving a nod in agreement. He gave you a quick squeeze before letting go, stepping back a bit, “Vas a hacer grandes cosas, Rosie” Your parents both gave you a small smile, your mother wiping the corner of her eyes as you gave a reassuring smiled back to each of them. They headed outside your door, giving you one last look and a thumbs up before they quietly shut the door behind them, leaving you alone in your dorm room.
It was oddly quiet, comforting almost as you sat down on your computer chair, turning to face your desk, your hands gliding over the smooth light oak wood desk. You weren't sure of what to do now, but your eyes started getting heavier again. The painstaking long day of packing, organizing, unpacking and organizing again without much sleep was taking a toll on you. You yawned and lifted yourself off your chair, grabbing a towel, pajama clothes and items needed to shower. As you grabbed all your belongings and headed outside to the hallway you quickly thought to yourself,
Where the hell is the bathroom?
As you stood out in the hallways with your belongings, you tried to scan all the nearby doors to see if any had a bathroom sign. You began walking down the hallway, barely turning your head left and right to avoid looking lost. It was so late in the day already that most students either left home or locked themselves in their dorms already. You reached the end of the corridor only seeing the exit door and other light oak doors that had whiteboards glued to them with other students named. You closed your eyes and sighed in frustration and turned around to walk down the same hallway once again, maybe you had missed it?
"Hey," A hushed voice called out from behind you, "excuse me!" They spoke a bit louder. You turn around to see a blonde woman standing in front of the exit door. "Hello?" You didn't mean for it to come out as a question, but maybe she thought you were someone else.
"Are you looking for the bathroom?" She asked, giving you a polite smile as she held her hands in front of her lap, head slightly tilted to the side as she looked at your and the belongings in your hand.
"oh, um,, yes I am, why?" You asked her, looking down at your things, seemingly obvious you were trying to shower. She smiled and walked a bit closer to you, but still maintaining a comfortable distance.
"It's on the other end of the hallway," she pointed over your shoulder, following her point, you look over your shoulder realizing the bathroom was next to your dorm the whole time. You sighed deeply, dropping your shoulders in disappointment.
You laugh at yourself and turn back to her, "Thank you.." you tried searching you collared shirt for a name tag.
"Akane, I'm the Resident Advisor, or RA for short!" She smiled brightly at you, her aura bubbly and friendly. You gave her a shy smile in return, "I'm Rosemary.. and thank you, long day" You shrug your shoulders. She nodded, understanding how tired you must be.
"If you have any other questions, let me know! My office is just one floor below, room 300." She gave her another smile before waving goodbye, leaving you alone in the silent, brightly lit hallway.
You walked to the bathroom, setting down your belongings on the counter, first brushing your teeth, staring into the mirror once again. You raised your eyebrows in astonishment, for some reason your eye bags had gotten darker. You felt a bit embarrassed knowing the RA saw you like this. Once done, you hopped in the shower, letting the hot, refreshing water wash away all the sweat and dirt you collected from your hard work today. As you get lost in thought thinking about your classes, roommate and how you'll make friends, you hear two voices enter the bathroom.
"He really was!" A voice exclaimed, the other hushing them. Footsteps followed, echoing in the somewhat empty bathroom.
"Quiet, you're so loud.." Clinking sounds were heard, they must have been placing their belongings on the counter.
"Sorry! But listen, he was so attractive! He had dark long hair, but not too long, ya know? Like.. a medium length I guess, and his eyes were such a pretty blue?!" She shrieked, hands palming the sink.
"Hey! Get off me, you're heavy" Her voice struggled, sounds of grunting as if shoving the entire body weight of their friend off her body. "I can't help it!" the other girl exclaimed, "I'm falling in love!" she giggled and the grunting stop, she stood up straight.
Blue eyes? Dark medium length hair? Although you can't picture the mysterious mans face, the very generic description felt familiar. You thought maybe you saw him as you came inside the building, or maybe the parking lot, but your memory was poor, you don't remember much, let alone faces. Once you decided you were finished with your shower, you turned the knob on the wall stopping the water head from warming you up and reached out to grab your towel hanging outside of the shower.
You stepped out, the two girls eyes you in the mirroring as you stepped towards the counter, trying to avoid their gazes. You had planned on changing in the bathroom, but they didn't seem to want you there, let alone change as they laid their eyes on you. You just quickly gathered your things and speed-walked back to your dorm. Thank goodness you lived here alone.. at least for now. You quickly got dress and dried your hair with your towel. You threw the towel and your dirty clothes into a corner on your side of the dorm, you have yet to acquire a laundry basket, plus you were so drained.
You threw yourself up on your bed, tucking yourself underneath your blankets, you tried taking deep breaths, calming yourself, preparing for your day tomorrow. Instead your mind goes back to the girls in the bathroom. They were rude, you think, why were they just.. staring? It was a bathroom, acting like I wasn't supposed to use that shower or something. You tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, your mind drifting to the mysterious man the girl proclaimed to be in love with,
blue eyes..
dark medium length hair..
blue eye.
dark hair.
You were fast asleep.
133 notes · View notes
barclaysangel · 2 months
A Siren’s Embrace; Chapter 5: Connection of the Sea
Here's chapter 5, y'all! Aaaand the last chapter for now because I haven't finished chapter 6. My brain is all over the place, doing homework, starting my masters program in less than 3 weeks, AND got a new sapphic story idea that involves witches. So...yeah. I'm a mess. Buuuuut, hopefully you guys like this chapter. It's more angsty than the other chapters and once again, I projected so much of myself and my family life into Nika and her family. So things that are said near the end are things that happened in my real life. It's fine, I'll live. But please comment, comments make me feel happy and I hope to one day get back into this story because I do have ideas for further chapters, I just can't figure out a proper ending. I still hope y'all like this story though.
Thank you and enjoy :)
Word count: 2K
Tags: @streets-in-paradise @king-of-wicked
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Nika’s world was falling apart. 
At least that’s what it felt like to her. 
Her world felt like it was slowly dissipating, crumbling, going to turn to dust and vanish at any given moment. She knew her parents loved her, wanted the best for her and all. But if she had to hear about how she needed to get her shit together and figure out what she wanted to do in life one more time, she’s going to explode. 
Whether that be in rage or depression was unclear and would end up being a surprise to Nika and everyone around her. 
She knew she should figure out what the hell she wanted to do. But for fuck’s sake, she just graduated high school. Nika’s going to a community college close by to figure out what she wanted to major in, what she felt connected to because high school certainly didn’t create any connections. But she knows her father would prefer it if she figured it out now and went straight into a university. 
But…she couldn’t. Nika didn’t know what she wanted to do yet, she was barely 18 years old. She just needed some time to figure it out before condemning herself to a path where she would feel complacent or self-loathing. 
Is that really too much to ask? 
“Nika?” Pearl said her name, snapping the human out of her thoughts, a small look of concern in her sea green eyes. “Okay? You are quiet. Sad. Why are you quiet and sad?” 
Nika put on a smile and shook her head. “Sorry, I’m just distracted. I’m okay, you don’t need to worry. I’m not sad.” 
“Yes you are,” Pearl replied quickly as she stared so deeply at Nika, “I can feel it. Your sadness. It is strong. I feel your sadness.”
Is it possible for mermaids to just feel what you’re feeling? She wondered silently. Maybe. There was still so much that Nika didn’t know about humans yet, she wouldn’t entirely be surprised. Sometimes it felt like Pearl was staring so deep into the human’s soul, discovering all of her deepest and darkest secrets. 
It must be an effect that the mermaid has on her, that’s all. 
Nika didn’t say anything for a moment, her mouth opening and then closing before just shaking her head as she looked away. “I’ll be okay. Really. It’s…hard to explain anyway, you really don’t need to worry about it.” 
“I worry,” Pearl said, once again without any hesitation, “you are sad. You are in pain. In here,” She pressed a wet finger to Nika’s chest, right where her heart is, “and in here.” Her finger moved to the center of the human’s forehead. 
She didn’t really know what to say at first, looking away again until the mermaid rested her hand on her shoulder. “Speak to me…please?” 
Something about Pearl was truly persuasive, even when there was no siren song used. There was something gentle about her touch, the look in her eyes, that felt like maybe, just maybe, she could understand. 
“It’s…hard. To talk about. To explain. No one else really understands except my friends but…it’s not fair to burden them with these problems. My parents…they’re tough. Sometimes too tough. I’m their only child and they want the best for me but…it’s too much. It feels like I can’t breathe around them. It…it feels like I’m drowning.” 
Pearl tilted her head slightly. “You are not drowning. I saved you.”
Nika couldn’t help but to smile a little, despite how she was feeling at the moment. “Not drowning literally. Just…feeling. In here and here,” she pointed to her own chest and head, “it feels like I’m drowning and I can’t breathe. It’s too much and they just don’t get it. They don’t see it. I…I don’t think they ever will. I just…I feel so alone here…” 
The human didn’t even know why she was unloading like this in front of Pearl. The mermaid would truly never understand those pressures and there was nothing that could be done. Nothing would change, Nika had accepted it a long time ago. Didn’t make it hurt any less, but it was something she just needed to get over. 
Yet here Pearl was, frowning, looking as if she was upset on Nika’s behalf. Like she had been the one who was wronged. Finally, the mermaid spoke, “I have a gift for you. Stay, please?” The human barely had time to nod before Pearl flung herself into the ocean. 
Maybe you freaked her out. Congrats, stupid, you weirded out a mermaid with your pathetic family issues. She thought to herself and she ran both of her hands over her face and up through her hair, trying to block out the pessimistic voice. 
Nika took a few deep breaths to push back the tears that were threatening to expose themselves in her eyes before the green-eyed mermaid came back, her blue tail swishing in the water, and holding out a rather large conch shell to the human. 
This wasn’t Pearl’s first gift of seashells at all. She had given her many that now reside in Nika’s room, all of which she had claimed to her parents that she found from her recent trips to the beach. But this was certainly the largest one, barely fitting in both of the mermaid’s hands. 
Huh…receiving gifts must be Pearl’s love language.
“Oh, Pearl…it’s beautiful,” Nika said softly before carefully taking the conch shell from her, holding it in her own hands, “you didn’t need to give this to me.”
“I did.” Pearl replied before she pulled herself onto the rock, sitting right beside the human with their shoulders now touching. “Shell is strong. Shiny. Beautiful. You are strong. Shiny. Beautiful. You are my seashell.”
Nika wasn’t quite sure what Pearl meant by the last part, but either way, it made her heart flutter from the compliments. She was sure that this was the mermaid’s way to try and cheer her up and in a way, it worked. 
She really did appreciate the sentiment, even if it was a bit out of the ordinary. 
Oh, what the hell, she was friends with a fucking mermaid. It’s been out of the ordinary for a long time. 
“Thank you. Really. I…I appreciate it,” Nika said with a soft smile as she held the conch close to her, “I’m at my happiest whenever I see you. You just…make me feel better.” 
Her confession caused Pearl to smile more and got a certain glint in her eyes, as if she had decided on something. “I will see you more. I will make you happy.” 
The human didn’t have time to question her on that before she realized how late it was and that she needed to go home soon, promising Pearl that she would try and see her again tomorrow. 
Nika almost wished that she hadn’t gone home when she did arrive, because the questions on her whereabouts were thrown again. 
“I went to the beach. I wanted to get some fresh air, it’s gonna be weird not going to school for a while.” She threw out her excuse to them, thankful that having overprotective parents caused her to be pretty decent when it came to lying. 
“You’ve been going out to the beach so often, Annika” Her mother started to tell her, “you need to be more careful. Maybe you should be staying inside some more, especially with what happened to Erickson recently.” 
Nika knew exactly what her mother was referring to. Erickson was an old and irritating man, someone who often spent his time harassing preteen girls and throwing his beer bottles or other garbage into the ocean. Nika would clean up after him whenever she saw his trash and throw them away properly. She was never fond of him but since they lived close by, she just tried to steer clear from him and pay him no mind. 
It would be a lot easier now since Erickson’s body was found just a couple of days ago on the shores of the beach. Well, rather what was left of him. From what Nika had heard, he had been mauled apart. She had to sneak around to the other side of the beach to see Pearl because of all the caution tape around and trying to investigate the scene. 
“Erickson was a drunk who probably decided to go swimming in the middle of the ocean and got attacked by a shark. Or maybe some other wild animal, who knows,” She told both of her parents with a nonchalant look on her face, “I’m very careful whenever I go, okay? I don’t go too far into the ocean when I go surfing or swimming. Really, I’m not going to die.”
Let’s just forget about the part where you did drown when you went surfing and only survived because of a mermaid, they certainly didn’t need to know about that.
“That doesn’t matter, you need to be more careful. I don’t even know what you do at the beach, you should be doing more exercise so you can lose weight.” Her father told her suddenly, even pointedly staring at her stomach. 
If Nika could scream from the top of her lungs without facing any repercussions, she absolutely would at that very moment. 
If she had a dollar for every fucking time her father or both her parents mentioned her weight in a negative manner, she would’ve skipped town, left Neptune Bay in the rearview mirror, because she’d be a fucking billionare. 
Nika wasn’t skinny. If she thought hard about it, she hadn’t been skinny since she was in kindergarten. She was chubby but she tried to not let it bother her. She tried to own up to her curves and find the beauty within herself, the beauty that Jay and Lucy point out all the time. 
But then her parents’ open their mouths with their opinions and all that self-confidence goes straight down the drain. 
Don’t you see what you’re fucking doing to me? You’re killing me. You’re. Fucking. Killing. Me. I want to hurt myself because of you, don’t you understand that? Just fucking look at me and understand that you make me hate myself!
Despite her boiling emotions, Nika didn’t say a word. She forced a smile like she always did, pretending to let her father’s comments roll down her back, and walked into her room. 
Her self-hatred bubbled inside of her, wanting so badly to cry. To hurt herself. Scratch and punch her stomach like she sometimes did when the words became too much. But this time, Nika held it in. She pulled the conch shell from her bag, holding it close to her chest as if it was a teddy bear, and rocked herself slightly as she sat on her bed. 
Strong. Shiny. Beautiful. That’s what Pearl said I am. Strong. Shiny. Beautiful. Maybe she sees something in me that no one else has seen before and we’ve only known each other for a few weeks. To her, I’m strong and shiny and beautiful. Pearl makes me feel happy and special. 
Nika tried to hang onto those words that the mermaid said to her. She ate less than usual for dinner and was more quiet, faking laughs and conversations to avoid suspicion, but that was all. Just enough for her parents to not get on her case again. 
She kept it all inside until she went to bed, clutching onto her precious pearl necklace and cried her heart out. Nika let her tears soak her pillow, fully prepared to cry herself to sleep like she’s done plenty of times before. 
Although she couldn’t quite fall asleep. She woke up multiple times throughout the knife, experiencing random pains throughout her body, most prominent in the lower half. Nika’s legs twitched against her will, feeling like the inside was twisting and bending. It was worse than the typical soreness she’d feel when her father forced her to go hike with him. 
She didn’t know what the hell was going on. 
Maybe she was experiencing some psychosomatic symptoms of anxiety again, but they were surely different this time. 
Eventually, exhaustion took over and Nika finally fell asleep, hoping for a better day tomorrow. 
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soaringeag1e · 1 year
Escape {61}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Tears, Emotional, Mentions of Getting Sick
Words: 3,325
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist - Patreon
There was a slight chill in the air, but all things considered it was a pretty warm day for being the end of February. 
You took the opportunity to sleep in that morning after Dean got up for work. One, because you don’t usually sleep in and two, the bed was just way too comfortable to leave. But once you were up and about, you took a shower and then did some light cleaning around the house after making yourself a little breakfast and that’s when Dean had texted you. You’re not sure what he was calling you down to the station for but you were kind of hoping it was to grab lunch with him because you were definitely getting hungry again.
As you approached his office you saw that the door was open, so with an excited smile you poked your head in, more than ready to see his gorgeous green eyes. But as you scanned the office, that smile fell. The room was empty with no sign of Dean anywhere in the neatly kept space.
“Y/N?” Whipping your head around you were relieved to see that it was Eddie approaching you and knowing that he should know where to find Dean, that brought your anxiety down a bit. The last thing you wanted to do was roam around a police station looking like a lost puppy. 
“Hey.” you greet, your smile growing back.
“Hi.” he smiles in return, but it almost doesn’t have the same effect that it usually did which had you on slight alert. “Dean’s just finishing up with something, but he’s asked me to show you to another room for him.”
“Oh.” Another room? That was definitely odd but you nod anyway, trusting both of these men more than anyone else. “Okay.” Keeping close, you follow him towards the back of the station where there were many doors. Some of them were offices and others you weren’t quite sure about. But when Eddie reaches for one of the handles you look at the plaque on the outside of the door and your stomach twists.
Interrogation 2
You wanted to ask him why he was bringing you in there but the mixture of panic, anxiety and fear was keeping you speechless. 
He enters first and waits for you to join him, not rushing you as you slowly move into the room. You look from the large mirror to the table with the few chairs sitting around it, rapidly beginning to feel uneasy. Never in your life did you think you would be in one of these rooms and honestly, it was as cold and intimidating as you thought it would be.
“Can I get you some water or something?” he asks, his expression gentle when you look up at him. “Coffee maybe?” This wasn’t right. You could feel it. Something was off and it was starting to really get to you.
“Um…water is fine.”
“Okay.” his smile grows a tad before he reaches for the door. “I’ll be right back.” 
“Eddie?” you catch him before he leaves you, your curiosity getting to be too much to wait any longer. “What’s going on?” That’s when even he can’t keep a straight face. A certain sadness takes over and his eyes avert yours briefly.
“I would tell you, Y/N, but…I know that Dean wants to be the one to explain it to you.” he knows that doesn’t calm you but you understand why he won’t step over Dean. "You understand, right?" Unable to speak because of the rising fear, you just nod. “Okay. I’m going to go grab you that water.”
Dean was grateful that no one else was in the restroom when he burst in there. Not that it would have mattered. He would have still rushed into one of the stalls and emptied his stomach anyway because there was no way for him to hold back his nausea any longer. 
When you agreed to come down to the station Dean instantly felt like throwing up, so how he was able to hold back until now was a miracle. 
It was obvious how this was going to play out. Whether you agreed to the interview or not, just the fact that he has to bring up the case again with you was terrible in itself. You have done so well for yourself in the past two years, moving on from this nightmare being a major accomplishment and now here Dean was, a sledgehammer in hand as he broke down that door again and released the demons that you had locked up. He felt like a terrible person. 
Spitting a few times into the toilet bowl, he remained hunched over for another couple seconds, making sure he was through clearing his system out before wiping his mouth with some toilet paper, throwing it in the bowl and flushing the contents. 
Shuffling towards the sink, he makes sure the water is cold before cupping his hand under the running water, then he quickly tosses the liquid in his mouth before swishing it around in attempts to clean out the disgusting taste from what just happened. He does that a few times until he's decently satisfied with the outcome and then washes his hands.
When he finally gets the courage to leave the wash room he's not expecting to see Eddie standing right outside the door.
"You okay?" Deans eyes glance at the bottle of water in his hands before he runs his hand over his mouth.
"No." Styles hands him the water bottle then. "Is she here?"
"Yeah. She's in two." Dean nods as he looks down the hall.
"What about your girl?" 
"She'll be here in about five minutes."
"Okay." Knowing that he can't avoid this all day, Dean takes a few breaths. "You know what, do you have a mint or some gum or something?"
"Yeah." Styles is quick to reach in his pocket and pull out a strip of gum.
"Thanks." With nothing to say that could help the situation, Eddie just gives his friend a soft grin and pats him on the back before letting him head for the room you were waiting in.
When Deans hand met the door handle he froze. He knew there was no turning back now. The second he sent that text took that option off the table, so he took another minute for himself and then he pushed the door open. You look up from your hands looking as fearful as he expected and he felt terrible knowing that it wasn’t going to get any better.
"Hey." he tries to smile at you before shutting the door behind him. “Thanks for coming in, babe.”
“What’s going on, Dean?” you waste no time in asking and he completely understands. Not that it makes it any easier to start off.
Soaking up every second he can, he moves towards the chair across from you and twists off the top of the water, handing it over before he takes a seat. His tongue runs across his bottom lip followed by his teeth worrying against the fatty tissue. 
“I’ve uh…I’ve had some new evidence come up with your case.”                      
“New evidence?” Confusion was evident and Dean was trying to find a way to explain everything to you as delicately as possible. “What are you talking about?”
“I strongly believe that there was someone working with Paul McConnell.” You seem to take a minute or so to run that sentence through your brain a few times, possibly even having your own conversation in there too.
“Okay? So…what does this have to do with me?”
“I’m hoping you can help us find out who it is.” Your eyes widen a bit and your body begins to hunch in your seat. Dean’s just waiting for you to completely lose it on him at this point, call him crazy and get up to leave the room.
“Wh-what? Why me? Why don’t you ask him? If he said there was then he’d be the one to ask, not me!” Dean leans forward in his seat a little, clasping his hands together.
“You remember about a week ago when I came home and I told you about having to go to the prison to talk to one of the inmates?” You think back a second but then that night comes back to you.
“I went to see Paul.” he confesses and he sees your face pale. It’s like your lungs were sucked of their air as you looked around the room, almost lost. “He was the one I had to make a deal with.” he sees you swallow before finally taking in a decent breath. 
“Okay. I’m still trying to understand why you have me here then?” Dean’s eyes drop to the metal table briefly.
“I went to see Paul this morning.” he pauses and it’s clear that you’re eager for him to continue. “He’s dead, Y/N. Died yesterday in his cell.” Shock quickly took over but he could tell you had mixed emotions about that. “So that’s why you’re here. You may be the only one that can help us find out who this other guy is.” he gives you a minute, letting you take in all the information. Because from the lost look on your face, he’s certain that you’re still stuck on the fact that Paul is dead.
“Hold on.” you tell him, slightly out of breath. “How am I supposed to help? I never knew there was another guy. There was never another person, Dean. Paul was the only guy I ever saw! He was the only one that ever came into that room!” your voice continued to escalate with every sentence you got out, the fear of your past gradually building up as the memories came flooding back.
“We believe that he may have drugged you and the other girls.”
“No.” you shut down instantly, getting up from your chair and pacing the area near the window.
“We think that he probably came in when you were sleeping. Most likely injected you with an anesthetic to keep you out.” You continued to shake your head, not that you didn’t believe him but for the fact that you didn’t want to believe it. 
“No! I was never drugged! I would have felt it if someone stuck me with a needle, Dean!”
“Not if he gave you enough.” he explains calmly, but the knife in his chest continues to be twisted as you get more emotional. “Injecting you with the right amount would keep you drowsy enough that everything that happened while under the drug would feel almost dreamlike. It wouldn’t feel real. If you remembered anything at all.” You looked completely devastated and with good reason. You spent the last two years recovering from what happened to you and now that you’ve made it to a good place in your life, a whole new trauma has risen.
“Fine.” you huff silently. “Let’s say you’re right. That doesn’t help with the fact that I can’t remember. You can sit here all day and tell me your theories but that doesn’t magically make this person appear in my head!”
“I know.”
“Then what do you want me to do!?”
“Why don’t you sit down, honey.” Dean tells you cautiously, standing from his chair and slowly moving around the table.
“I don’t want to sit down! Don’t you treat me like one of your suspects, Dean!” your hands go up and you take a few steps back causing Dean’s stomach to plummet.
“I’m not!” he raises his voice a bit to get you to listen to him. “Listen…I know this is a lot, okay? And I know it’s hard, but I need you to try and calm down just a little.” he's able to place his hands on your arms, thankfully without you pulling away from him. “I don’t need you passing out on me.” he jokes a little, helping you back into your chair. “Here, drink some water.” Pulling the bottle of water closer, he makes sure you pick it up before he moves back to his seat.
“How am I supposed to remember?” you ask with a sadness in your voice, seeming a lot more calm than you were a few seconds ago.
“We have a friend that works with the FBI and she’s trained to do cognitive interviews. It helps in retrieving memories that are suppressed due to trauma.”
“How does it work?”
“It’s just a more in depth interview. She’ll try to get you to remember little details, anything that will help…”
“Put me back there.” you say, making his chest tighten.
“Kind of. Yeah.” Dean notices how your body tenses a bit and then you wrap a hand around one of your wrists. “I’d be with you the whole time.” he adds, hoping that would help a little.
“When would we do it?” He knows that the lack of time will be hard to hear, so he tries to answer carefully.
“Today.” Your eyes widen again and he can see how glossy they’ve become in the last few minutes. “I know it’s sudden, but she happens to be in town and has agreed to do it.” He hates that he’s the reason for your discomfort, but at the same time he wouldn’t want anyone else handling this for him. “I do want you to know though that you don’t have to do this, okay? It’s completely up to you.” You almost seem shocked to hear him say it and he wants to assure you even more that this is your choice, but that’s when the door to the interrogation room opens.
“Dean.” Styles says, dipping his head slightly towards the hall. When Dean gives him a nod and Styles leaves the room, Dean turns back to you.
“I’ll be right back.” When he gets to the door he looks back, heartbroken as you stare down at the table, your grip on your wrist seeming to tighten. “Hi.” he greets the two standing just outside, eyeing the woman as she didn’t look familiar to him.
“Dean, this is Stacy Williams. Stacy…detective Dean Winchester.” Styles introduces the two, letting them shake hands and exchange ‘nice to meet yous’.
“Is our girl in there?” Stacy gestures to the door.
“Yeah. But she hasn’t agreed to it yet. This was all kind of…last minute.”
“I understand. And I’m sorry I can’t stick around longer but I’ve got fires to put out in a few other states so…” When she shrugs the two men nod in understanding.
“Well, we appreciate you hanging around for just a bit longer for this.”
“Yes.” Dean agrees with his partner. “Thank you.”
“Of course! It’s no problem at all.” Seeming legitimately okay with this extra task, that takes one weight off of Dean’s shoulders. But not the heaviest one.
“Okay, I’m gonna,” Tossing his thumb over his shoulder Dean excuses himself with a nod and enters the interrogation room again.
Your head is lower than it was when he left and your eyes almost looked closed from where he stood. Not wanting to disturb you, he cautiously makes his way to the chair he previously took over, his eyes never leaving you as he does. Your grip on your wrist never stopped and knowing that it was a comfort thing, it hurt him even more. The interview hasn’t even started and you’re reliving the pain you went through already. For all he knew you probably felt the ropes around your wrists as if they never left.
“Honey? Listen, you…”
“I can’t.” your voice is beyond fragile. The high pitched cry made it an almost silent reply. To Dean, it sounded even more heartbreaking than when you were in the hospital back when you were first brought in, and that just added more guilt onto his shoulders..
“What?” He asks gently, not sure if he heard you right because of the emotional response and that’s when you look up. Your eyes are red, tears silently spilling down the front of your shirt while your body is shaking just enough for him to notice.
“I can’t.” you say again, your head frantically jolting from side to side. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”
“It’s okay.” 
“I’m so sorry!” Falling into a full on sob, Dean jumps up from his chair and moves around the table. He wastes no time in turning your chair and crouching down in front of you and wrapping his arms around you, hoping it’s comforting enough to calm you down.
“It’s okay.” he repeats a few more times, trying to bring down the sobs and your heavy breathing. 
Of course he’s slightly disappointed in your answer, but as you’re the woman he loves, he’s partly grateful that you turned it down knowing that it would take more of a toll on you than this did.
As Dean stepped out into the hall Eddie and Stacy came out of the adjoining room. Seeing this, Dean knew they probably knew that the interview wasn’t going to happen. 
With regret in his expression he apologizes to Stacy and thanks her again for hanging out for a bit when she definitely didn’t need to. After goodbyes are exchanged, the two men watch her walk away and then Dean lets out a heavy sigh.
“Can you do me a favor?” he finally says, getting Eddie’s attention.
“Of course.”
“Can you go grab my jacket?” Locking eyes, Eddie turns confused. “It’s on the back of my chair.”
“It’s kind of warm outside, you sure you want…”
“It’s not for me.” Dean quickly cuts him off and that’s when Eddie glances at the door that held you inside and he nods faintly.
When Dean reenters the room not long after that, his heart hurts at how drained you are. Still sitting in the metal chair you’re now hunched over and resting your head on your crossed arms. Though the sobs stopped a while ago, tears were still slowly escaping the eyes he loved so much.
“You ready to go home?” You never answered him, but he never needed you to. 
Your eyes slowly lifted to look up at him and he tried to give you a comforting grin before helping you up from your seat. Thankfully Eddie came in a few seconds after that, jacket in hand.
“Thanks, man.”
“Yeah.” Styles nods, feeling the heaviness that took up the room. “You need anything else?” he asks after Dean wraps the jacket around your shoulders and the three of you start for the door.
“No, that’s okay. Thanks.” Even with the declined assistance, Eddie walked the two of you through the precinct and all the way to the car.
“What about my car?” you ask when Dean walks you to the passenger side of his Baby.
“I’ll get it later.” he tells you in a comforting tone, his hand lightly rubbing your back as he helps you into the car.
“Drive safe, okay?” Eddie says to Dean as he walks around the front of the vehicle and then he leans in a bit to look at you. “Get some rest alright?” he doesn’t expect an answer and he doesn’t need one, but seeing as you’re Dean’s fiance that means that you’re also a friend of his and he cares about the both of you.
“Call me if you need anything.” he adds as he looks across the cabin to the driver. When Dean gives him a nod, he steps away from the car and lets them pull out. 
He knows he shouldn’t, but there’s a guilt that weighs on him because this was all his idea in the first place. He knows that he should have just pushed that thought out of his head the second it entered and never looked back. 
But what’s done is done and at least him and Dean wouldn’t be left with any ‘what if’s’. 
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years
King [Steve x Reader]
Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: mob boss!Steve x female!Reader Word Count: 1k
Summary: As an archeologist neck deep in a library for research or out in the wilds of desserts and jungles searching for ancient civilizations, you’re not the type you ever thought would catch the attention of one of the city’s mob bosses. They meant nothing to you, and so you never expected it, and you certainly didn’t know how it happened, and yet you find yourself entering the early domestic stages of a serious relationship with Steve Rogers, king of one of the most powerful mob networks in the country, and he’s made dinner for you, seemingly with no agenda…
Content Warnings: a bit of angst, feminist frustration
Additional Notes: Another day, another short piece for my 2022 Holiday Extravaganza! This one was inspired by King by Florence + the Machine. It really hit me hard when I first heard the single earlier this year, and it’s been clawing its way into this little story for many months in my brain.
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You threw you plate down into the sink, shattering it, taking Steve completely off guard.
You slam one hand down onto the counter, and cover your mouth with the other, hanging your head as tears burn behind your closed eyes.
“Hey,” he says again, more quietly now, coming up behind you. “What’s-?“
“No!” You shout, flinching away when his hands went to rest on your shoulders. “I’m not ready!”
“Not ready for what?”
“Kids!” You turn abruptly to face him. “I’m smart enough to know that my mob boss boyfriend isn’t dropping idle comments about children without intent behind them, and they’ve been stacking up all week!”
“Fine. You’re right. I want kids and I want to have them with you.”
You turn to face him finally, the tears having spilled over. Sad and angry. “I’m just not ready now, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be.”
“How can you say that?”
“It’s all so easy for you! You only have to dump your seed and then wait nine months for a baby to pop out, and then, what? Pat it in the head once or twice a day? Go off and continue doing what you do every day, while I, on the other hand, a pregnancy will change every single moment of my life! Carrying it to popping it out and then watching over the child for the following eighteen years! I won’t even be able to fly on a damn plane in the third trimester of the pregnancy, and if I can’t fly, how am I supposed to remain one of the forefront archeologists in the field when I can’t even get to the field?”
“No! Don’t sweetheart me, Steve! Growing up, I was definitely one of those girls who just wanted to go to college, meet the man of my dreams, be swept into the perfect wedding and marriage and pop out five babies before I was thirty. House with the white picket fence, dinner at six, kiss my husband goodbye every morning, but then I finished college, no marriage. Went to grad school, dove into this field, found something exciting that I’m passionate about and damn good at. Still no man in sight. I turned thirty. I actually went to a conference with a bunch of strangers over my thirtieth birthday weekend - it was kind of an unexpected thing that came up, and I accepted because I was so relieved I wouldn’t have to be around my family and friends turning thirty and still single and alone.”
Steve moved forward, wanting to take you in his arms, but you moved back, and held your hand up.
“I need to finish saying this. It took me so long to untangle myself from the fluffy housewife propaganda I was told was the only thing I should aspire to be, to shove away the silent disappointment from other people’s expectations of what I was supposed to do, and to find things that made my heart sing, made my soul burn with purpose just because I wanted them any no one else. And I was happy before you.”
“Are you unhap–”
“No, I was happy before you, and I’m happy now,” you cut him off quickly. “But it’s unfair how easy it is for men, and it’s not your fault, but it is a reality. For me… you know I can’t half-ass something even if I tried. I won’t do it if I won’t do it well, and I don’t know how to… I don’t even know how to be your girlfriend yet. I know you’re not asking me to just give up my life, but I do know you’d prefer it.”
“I wouldn’t,” he said simply.
You shake your head. “Don’t lie. I overheard you on the phone with Bucky last week say how much easier it would be if I could be the simple housewife type of girlfriend.” The words had been horrifically branded into your brain.
Steve exhaled and put his hands on his hips.
You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to respond.
“Yes. That’s true. I did say it would be easier. I didn’t say it’s what I want though.”
“Didn’t you?”
“I didn’t. As you so aptly noted, I’m always very careful with my words. It would be easier, but I don’t want easy, I want you, and I want you to be happy. The closer we become, the more of a target you are.”
“Oh,” you responded quietly. Steve saw you start to let your guard down, so he stepped forward and brushed his fingers up and down your arm, then grasped your fingers.
“I have been dropping comments about kids and our future because I am ready to talk about it with you. A future with you is what I want, but I was testing the waters trying to get a read on if it’s what you want.” A smirk flitted across his face, and he added, “You have been playing things very close to the chest.”
“Yes,” you huffed, “well, that’s because I’m terrified of falling for you.”
He gently pulled you closer, and you melt against him. “Fall with me then. I’m already at the edge of this terrifying cliff, I’m ready to jump.”
“How can this be terrifying? You’re a mob boss!”
Steve laughed. “That’s nothing compared to handing my heart over to someone else and trusting them not to smash it or throw it away, to literally give them everything – to give you my everything.”
Your chest constricted, breath catching at his words.
His hands moved to the small of your back, securely holding you closer to him. “I mean it. Everything.”
His eyes locked on yours, and you couldn’t look away if you wanted to. The moment stretched out between you – he would wait for you to answer – and your heart seemed to stop, freezing the moment in time.
Then finally you reached up and pulled his lips down to yours, crashing fiercely together. You still had so many questions, but you did at least know you were certain about each other now. You would rule your worlds together.
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And that's day three of the Holiday Extravaganza! Do we want to see more of mob boss!Steve and his reader? (Archeologist because... why the hell not?)
I think I might have something totally out of left field for you lovelies tomorrow, just depends how the muses go...
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My askbox is always open. See you on the flipside for day four of AHE...
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coralinnii · 2 years
Trey Clover (candy witch!Trey x passerby!Reader)
genre: suggestive?, mild horror
note: allusion to manipulation, hypnotism, and addiction, similarity to aphrodisiacs?
summary: The man from the pastry shop near you was so sweet, always offering endless sweets on your way to work. This was a man who was as sweet and pure as sugar, right?
series index
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Your family were the type to always warn of the dangers of overindulgence, especially in sweets and other addictive treats.
“It’s bad for you!” They would warn constantly.
But you couldn’t stop your sweet tooth as you love the feel of the sugary treat melting in your mouth, your senses drowning in the joy of sugar and chocolate. Which is why you take the route to work that was 8 mins longer for two particular reasons. Firstly, there was an amazing pastry shop that would be a crime to pass by. Secondly…
“Welcome back”
The cute pastry shop owner.
“Hey, Trey” you giggled as the owner recognized you. The familiarity between you two makes you feel warm inside. “Anything new today?”
“Actually, yes” Trey proved by pulling a cupcake unlike any of those on display. “I’m trying something new to give a subtle aftertaste. Care to taste test?”
As if he needed to ask as you reach out to the new treat. It looked like a typical cupcake with a fluffy body and sweet toppings. It was simple but charming because of it. It reminded you of the patissier, you mused.
You took a bite and was… oddly plain. It was still sweet and soft which fit your sweet tooth but there wasn’t anything special you could distinguish from the bite.
“It’s…not bad” you tried to smile but you failed to find more positive words to say. It was bland, but you couldn’t say that to him.
Trey wore an unreadable smile which worried you. You didn’t want him to feel upset over his failed test so you wanted to cheer him up.
“It’s really not bad! It’s still good!”
Maybe you were getting to him, as you saw one side of his lips curled into a smile…or was it a smirk?
“That’s disappointing” Trey said, tilting his head in hopes to downplay his sadness as a joke “I made a couple of them but I guess I’ll just toss them out if they’re no good”
“N-No!” You reached out to him, your heart can’t handle seeing this teddy bear of a man be sad
“I’ll take it! Like I said, they’re good!”
Ah, there he goes with that awkward smile of his that looks too much like a smirk. He should work on that, you thought.
Now, you were in your office with a small bag with some cupcakes on your desk. Your coworkers teased you for your soft spot for the bespectacled shop owner but you stood by your decision and childishly forbade them from taking any of the treats, which meant you made it your goal to finish them on your own.
But it wasn’t so bad, the cupcakes were never bad. In fact, as you continue to take bite after bite of them, the treat started to grow on you. Trey did mention that he was testing a new subtle aftertaste in the cupcakes so maybe you were starting to taste the new addictive flavour. You couldn’t describe the taste or even the texture of the cupcake anymore as you started craving more and more of the unknown ingredient.
Your coworkers who teased you at first started to get worried after you finished off the last of the cupcakes. You became more irritable and jittery in your seat, tapping your fingers and kept glancing at the clock, almost as though you were sending threats towards the clock for not moving faster. They asked if you were alright and you waved their worries off. You were fine…just hungry…so hungry.
Not just hungry, though. You were craving for something. Your body was wrecking you apart, weeping for that mysterious taste in that cupcake. You desired it, needed it. And you need it now.
Which is why you rush out from your work once the day is done. You couldn’t care less if you ignored your coworkers or even your boss as you ran as fast as you could to that pastry shop.
You needed to find Trey.
And when you did, you unhesitatingly pinned him against the display case, hands clawing at his apron as you let out haggard breaths. It was lucky that no one else was there to see what would be a misleading situation.
As though Trey knew to do that.
“What’s wrong?” Trey asked you carefully, not moving from his position “You don’t look so good”
“I…I need it, Trey” you begged, tears watering the edges of your eyes as your body started to burn like an addict in withdrawal. Maybe that’s what you were.
“What do you need, though?” Trey leaned closer to you, his gold-coloured eyes almost glowing as they peer into your own. “You have to tell me, sweets”
That’s when you realised it. It was Trey. His breath, his body…hell even his touch reminded you of the feeling you got from the cupcake.
Him. Him. You needed him!
Without hesitation, you pushed yourself closer to the patissier and locked your lips onto his own. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and neck, trapping him against you as you selfishly indulged in the tall man.
You were lucky that Trey was a kind man, reciprocating your touch by wrapping his strong arms around you as you started to rest your body onto his, pressing the both of you further onto the display glass.
Not that you noticed anyway in your addicted haze. In fact, you couldn’t register the curl of Trey’s mouth even as you swipe your tongue across those lips to chase the taste of him.
He was just so addictive, like sugar.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
How about some super protective Eddie conversations?👀😏
Hiii babes!! So idk why my mind went to like the “be careful!” Type of overprotective but the 😏 emoji makes me think you want some other type of protective 😂 so naturally I gave you a mix!! Enjoy my love!!💖
*Eddie doesn’t like it when you’re around people he doesn’t know…and also he doesn’t like it when you use knives*
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“Baby where are you?” “I am…at the…what’s it called? The hideaway? The hide a hole?…that’s not right…” “the hideout?” “Yes! You’ve heard of it?” “Yeah baby we’ve been there a few times…who’s there with you?” “Uh well…I came by myself because Robin was supposed to meet me here but…hi…no thanks I’m good…yup really…uh huh…nice…nope I’m good..really… thanks tho…” “who the fuck is that talking to you?” “No clue…Uhm but yeah…Robin isn’t here so I’m just here alone.” “I’m coming to get you. Don’t move.” “You know where I’m at?” “Jesus…yes baby I know where you’re at so just sit at the bar and don’t move and don’t talk to anyone.” “So bossy…oh hi again…yes I promise I’m fine…nope just…yeah my boyfriend is coming to get me…uh huh…yeah he’s on his way…my number? Yeah no…not happening…Eddie? Sorry what were you saying?” “Do not talk to anyone else okay? I’m almost there.” “Ignoring people is rude Edward.” “I don’t give a shit if it’s rude don’t talk to anyone else.” “Fine I’ll see you when you get here.” “Don’t hang up princess I want to make sure you’re okay until I get there.” “Okay…oh did I tell you I was supposed to meet Robin at the hideaway and she just never showed.” “Nope you didn’t tell me that baby…”
“I can do it myself Eddie.” “Remember what happened last time? You cut your finger and needed stitches so yeah…no more knives for you baby.” “That was a steak knife…this is a butter knife…” “what’s your point? With you a butter knife is just as deadly as a steak knife.” “You’re so annoying.” “Better to be safe than have you crying and bleeding all over the kitchen…again.” “Fine but can you at least put butter on both pieces of toast? That one…looks a little sad and butter-less.” “Sure baby…want jam on both or just one?” “Both please.”
“What did he say?” “Nothing Eddie it’s fine.” “It’s not fine if you’re upset baby now…what did he say?” “He just called me a bitch but it’s fine…happens all the time.” “You need a new job sweetheart…was it the dude over there by the pool tables?” “We’ve talked about this and the pay is too good for me to leave right now. Is what dude the one by the pool tables?” “The one who called you a bitch.” “Eddie…” “what? It’s just a question.” “I can’t have any issues tonight.” “There won’t be any issue princess…promise.” “You always say that right before you go and cause trouble.” “Me? Cause trouble? Never.” “I swear Eddie I just want to finish my shift and then go home and cuddle while watching a shitty movie in bed.” “You don’t have to worry baby I’m gonna go have a smoke okay?” “Okay…Eddie…that’s not the way…to the patio…oh fuck…”
“Absolutely not.” “Why?” “Why? Because it’s an accident waiting to happen.” “Max is going to teach me the basics she said once I get the balance thing down skateboarding isn’t that hard…” “yeah…no.” “Come on Eddie it looks so fun and cool.” “I can just picture you falling and breaking a wrist or an ankle and I’d rather just avoid all that.” “What if I wear like knee pads and those elbow pad things?” “Baby…” “and a helmet? And you can watch me to make sure I’m safe.” “Fine…but if you get hurt then no more skateboarding you understand?” “Got it.”
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