#I’m going to murder and destroy all of your close friends and family
Azriel x f!Reader
One of the series I’m currently working on. Enjoy!
Summary; Reader is Mor’s new friend that she found in the winter court while she was away for business. Y/n has been raised as a princess since her parents wanted to wed her to a noble fae in order to climb the social ranks. When her parents are brutally murdered y/n is left alone without a clue about the harsh reality or the brutality of the world. Mor finds her and takes her back to Velaris afraid of what might happen to her if she was left to live on her own. Will y/n survive the hate she will receive from certain members of the inner circle -including her mate- regarding the way she grew up?
Warnings; angst, mentions of abuse, trauma and death, swearing
Princess Masterlist.
Chapter 13
You woke up the next morning, all the memories of the session with Helion flooding your mind and you blushed at the thought of Azriel kissing your forehead. Claude was slithering around your hands soothing them with its cold whisper.
“Why did he do that?” you asked with a sigh.
Because he cares. Claude whispered and caressed your cheek.
You hummed and closed your eyes again. It felt good to have someone care about you and the fact that it was Azriel the one who did, gave you too much comfort. You knew that the painful days were over, no one was going to fight you and you could finally enjoy your days here and have a semi-peaceful life. You thought about the mating bond, it would be an awful mistake to accept it, everyone could understand that a relationship between you and him would be toxic and it would probably destroy every chance you had to be a part of the night family. It would be so stupid of you to accept someone who treated you so poorly as a mate and even if he gave you the world, you would always feel naïve for giving him a chance.  So, friends it is. Friends. The thought of Aeden resurfaced, and you groaned. You had forgot about him the past days, you didn’t want to believe that he was a part of that but deep down you knew that you were a stranger to him, he would always choose his brother over you, and you couldn’t hold this against him. Everyone had someone else they would choose over you because they grew up with them and you were new here. You let a breathy laugh at the thought. You didn’t have anyone, you were a stranger amongst families and even if you went back to the winter court you wouldn’t have someone to care about you like they do with each other. Your parents’ death now felt both a curse and a blessing, you were truly alone in this world but at least you had your own personality now, or at least you were building one. Was being your own person enough? Was it something that could fill the void in your heart and mind? Would you do all of this again just to be free? You didn’t know but it doesn’t matter because you’ll never have the chance to decide.
You got up and got ready for the day, your hands were itching but the tremor had stopped, and you smiled. If the tremor stopped with one session you couldn’t even imagine what more sessions would do. You could barely hide your excitement as you practically ran to the dining room ready to explore more of Helion’s abilities. Rhysand, Azriel, Helion and Nesta were already in the room sitting around the table, eating fruits and talking.
“Good morning” you chirped and almost shoved Azriel to the ground when you jumped next to his chair and shoved your hands in his face. “Look the tremor stopped!”
Azriel chuckled at your excitement and leaned back to take a look.
“Woah that’s amazing!” he smiled and grabbed your hands to inspect them more.
Nesta and Rhys were gaping at you while Helion smirked.
You glanced at the high lord of the day court and your eyes watered “thank you so much” you said softly.
“I should be the one thanking you, without you and your trust to me I wouldn’t be able to practice on healing burns.” He said with a sad smile.
You had heard about him and Lady Autumn, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he is practicing to help her heal from Beron’s abuse, afterall his power is fire so he surely burns his wife. No, I’m overthinking, she also has fire power so she wouldn’t get burned. You thought but remained nauseous at the thought.
“You should eat before we have another session” Azriel said and pulled back the chair next to him.
You thought about the pain “maybe I shouldn’t, what if I throw up by the pain?”
He thought about it and sighed. “I will have a bowl next to you just in case. You need to be strong so not eating is not an option.”
He was right, so you took a seat next to him and a plate appeared in front of you.
“I will only eat fruits” you said more to yourself but smiled when Azriel hummed and nodded.
Rhysand was watching you like a hawk, he wasn’t blinking as his eyes moved between the two of you and his jaw fell a bit. Nesta was also watching the whole interaction with a confused look. Azriel filled your plate with different kinds of fruit explaining what type of vitamin each one has and why you need to eat it.
“I’m full” you breathed when he tried to shove a piece of apple in your mouth.
“Okay” he replied and ate it with a shrug.
Rhysand looked like he was having a life crisis. “Are you two…?”
Azriel glanced at you with a smile “we’re friends” he said causing you to smile back at him.
“I never expected this” Nesta joined.
You shook your head “that makes two of us”.
“Three” Azriel mumbled.
“Four” Rhys lifted his hand.
“I would say five, but I don’t really know what’s going on” Helion shrugged, and everyone chuckled.
After some walking and stretching with Azriel in order to help with digestion and eliminate the possibility of throwing up during the session you walked into Rhysand’s office.
“Let’s do this” Helion smiled, and you took your usual seat on the desk. Azriel brought the belt and Helion stretched his arms.
Everything repeated but the pain was more bearable now, at least that’s what you thought because you didn’t notice how Azriel’s siphons beamed, and how the sweat broke on his forehead. You didn’t notice the way his hands twitched, and how he teared up. You didn’t know that he found a book with wards and spells to take the pain from someone and of course you didn’t know that most of your pain went to his own hands. Helion knew it though because he was the one who did the spell, and this time he didn’t hold back with his healing powers like he had the previous day. So this time the pain was thousand times stronger.
Helion’s eyes focused on Azriel, his expression challenging like he said, “Can you take it” and Azriel gritted his teeth. Of course he could take it, he could take the pain of the whole world in order to help his princess, even though she would never belong to him, even though she would find someone better than him, more deserving than him and she would start a family…. he would be there, lurking in the shadows and taking all the pain away from her. He had realized how much he loves her last night, he realized everything when his heart turned into mist by the sound of her muffled cries when Helion worked on her hands. He spent the night hurting himself for not treating her right, for destroying every chance he had with her and then he searched for the book with spells and woke Helion up to do it. But you would never know that, he would make sure of that. If you knew… you would probably forgive him for the way he treated you and you might even want to be with him and he couldn’t allow that. You deserved someone better, he would keep himself sane after rejecting the bond just to make sure you found said someone and then he knew he would die with a soft smile on his face.
Helion grabbed your other hand and started working on it, making you furrow your eyebrows because he didn’t take a break. You felt even less pain now and you stopped biting the belt. When he stopped Azriel hurried outside without a word.
“What happened?” you asked Helion, and he shrugged.
“We’re done for today” he informed you.
“It didn’t hurt” you noted and glanced at your red hands.
“You’re healing so it’s going to be less painful” Helion replied but avoided your eyes.
You nodded and exited the office with a quick thank you. You reached Azriel’s room and knocked. Silence. Maybe I should leave. You thought but you worried about him so you softly opened the door and scanned the dark room. Azriel was on the bed, he hadn’t changed his clothes, his eyebrows were furrowed in pain as he breathed heavily.
“Az?” you called and moved closer.
He fainted. Claude informed you.
“Why?” you gasped.
I don’t know.
You quickly grabbed a towel and cleaned the sweat on his forehead. Azriel stirred and you stopped.
“It’s okay” you whispered.
He remained unconscious but he grabbed your hand softly keeping it on top of his heart. You stared at him and tried to pull your hand back but he only squeezed it and pressed it harder on his chest. You couldn’t move, your brain begged you to leave but your body remained frozen in spot. Fuck it. You whispered and lied next to him.
@glitterypirateduck, @zara-aliza08, @mika-no-sekai-blog, @purpleshoelaces , @act1839, @fasoaurore, @pinksmellslikelove, @bunnyredgirl, @lectoracronica, @tuggboatfishin, @sunnysideup000, @blessthepizzaman, @raisinggray, @ssmay123 , @kalulakunundrum, @justasillylittlegoofyguy, @tsunami-of-tears, @just-a-social-casualty-1, @thelov3lybookworm, @saltedcoffeescotch, @justdreamstars, @strangersunghoon , @sosuitcandy , @cat-or-kitten, @ohthemisssery, @starsinyourseyes, @no1massassin, @stained-glass-eyes0708, @vellichor01, @hnyclover, @miraclepirate , @amara-moonlight, @bigcreatorwombatdreamer.
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ninyard · 3 months
omg your hypotheticals about the aaron murder trial are making me THINK! A core part of the defense’s argument has to be that Aaron isn’t a criminal and doesn’t have a murderer disposition. That means he needs witnesses to testify to his character.
Since you established the only witnesses from the Foxes will be Andrew (who’s obviously biased as his twin brother and the one Aaron was protecting) and Neil, it will be up to Neil to give the jury testimony on Aaron being a good person seeing as he spends a lot of time with him but they are not close personal friends. But murder trials are a big deal so they would probably bring in Katelyn and his other friends to also testify to his character, realistically speaking.
However, the comedic potential of Neil being forced to say nice things about Aaron is unmatched. How you do think that would go?
(Sorry for rambling I love your posts about the trial and I’m interested in criminal defense )
OH MAN like
imagine andrew on the stand having to talk about the Good Times with aaron just to defend his character and neither him nor neil talking about the fact that him and aaron actually hardly speak, the only reason they were at nicky's parent's house was to work on repairing their shitty family relationship, they literally had to go to therapy to be able to talk to each other
but also picturing katelyn & aaron's other friends outside the foxes talking about him makes me wanna SOB
katelyn talking about how aaron has been plagued by nightmares every night since the murder. how he barely sleeps, and he cries all the time, and she's spent the last year worried about him because what he did was so against what he would ever do it's literally destroying him from the inside. marissa talking about how good aaron has been for katelyn, how he makes her happy, how gentle he is with her.
keauna talking about how kind hearted aaron is. jonah talking about how aaron has pulled him back from the brink, how supportive he's been to him when he's been in crisis. paolo talking about how aaron has been tutoring him because he feel behind on one of their classes. all of these people neither andrew nor neil have ever even heard of talking about aaron in such a way that couldn't be real. aaron is full of joy? relaxed and outgoing? caring and attentive and empathetic?
idk. none of those people even exist. because we don't know what kind of a life aaron had outside of the foxes. all we know about is the aaron who gets chills each and every time he picks up a raquet, who had to leave practice to have a panic attack when he accidentally picked up a raquet that wasn't his own, a racquet heavier than his own, a racquet he'd only held once before, when it was quickly covered in blood and then shown in court during the worst week of his life.
i love the idea of neil having to talk about aarons character. but i love the idea more of andrew, neil, kevin, and nicky sitting in court while aaron's friends describe a person that simply couldn't be the aaron they know.
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hamlets-ak · 1 year
loving someone doesn’t save them ༊*·˚
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m.list ◦ askbox
synopsis: in which harry appears on your doorstep & asks questions about R.A.B.
It was a tragedy for everyone else, for everyone who only knew him by his last name; but for you, it was like ripping out a part of your heart and then leaving back shattered pieces collided with the weakest glue. No one prepared you for this - he didn’t prepare you. Even the night you last saw him; he gave you a kiss on the lips, a smile, and said: « Goodnight. »
If that sick feeling was a bottle you would've broken it, if it was a wall you would've torn it down, if it was a piece of paper you would've cast it into the fire. But no, your heart was sobbing for days, months, years, and you were doomed to spend the rest of your life with a hole inside your chest that couldn't be filled.
You hated him, mostly because he said he loved you and because you had plans and he gave you his ring as a promise with a kiss and a « don’t worry everything’s going to be fine. » How could you love someone that didn’t prepare you for this? That didn’t tell you to hug him tighter that night or to say that you loved him one last time before he left once and for all. Maybe you didn’t know him as much as you thought and for the rest of your life, you would always have an unanswered question; why didn’t he give you a sign.
After eighteen years you were able to forgive him. But you never forgot about him.
You started a family away from London in the countryside, away from everything and everyone. Your husband - a muggle - didn’t know about your past and you had never opened the door of that haunted house filled with screaming voices of friends and family. Your kids were your priority, two happy little girls that wanted to play in the garden all day under the sun.
However, the sun had abandoned you the last few months and the sky was always veiled, misty with storms and rains. No matter the attempts of the Daily Prophet to reassure you and quieten your concerns, you knew something terrible was about to happen. You had seen it happening before, spreading and destroying everything in its passage. Everyone you loved was dead because of this.
And all of your suspicions came true when on a rainy afternoon thunderous poundings were heard on your door.
Your husband was in town and you were working in your office as your girls were playing in front of the fireplace. It was only natural for you to feel a knot in your stomach and your body instantly freezing.
« Mom, someone’s on the door! »
You left your typewriter aside and got out of your office. The shape of a person was printed on the glass, a man. You weren’t expecting any guests and your husband had car and keys with him.
« Girls, why don’t you go upstairs? », you smiled at them. They both looked at you unsurely with that childish expression of concern and the need to protect their mother.
« Is something wrong, mommy? »
« No, no, love, » your voice came out gently as you held their soft cheeks. « Just go upstairs. » They obeyed your words hesitantly, giving you second glances over the pile of toys gathered on their hugs, and turned to the upper floor.
Once they were out of sight, you ran to your office to get your wand and then back to the entrance. With a quick move, you raised your wand and the door opened wide, letting you point to the person that was standing there.
« Hi, » he said not really paying attention to your wand. It was a young man, a boy not even eighteen years old. « I’m looking for Y/N L/N. » For a moment you stayed there, your blood running cold in your veins, frozen, with your heart skipping beats. It couldn’t be, it was some kind of sick joke.
Your lips separated studying each and every one of his features. Rain was pressing down short black curls, droplets dripping down his half-closed eyes, and trailing lines across his dark skin. He had glasses on, foggy and stained; the same kind of glasses your best friend wore years before he was lost - murdered. But it couldn’t be him. He took them off and wiped the water with his fingers before your gaze met a deep brown, honey set of eyes - Lily Evans’ eyes.
« Harry? », you let your wand drop. He stared at you.
« You know me? »
« Don’t just sit there, come in, » you opened the door wider for him to pass inside, letting the sound of it echo behind you. Your eyes examined him. You hadn't seen him since he was only a baby.
His stare roomed the house as he gave you his jacket, seeing pictures of your children, you, your husband.
« I’m Harry, Harry Potter, » he turned back tenting his arm forward.
« I know, » you smiled at him and shook his hand. You kissed both of his cheeks and gestured to the living room. « I’m Y/N. » Your eyes kept staring at him until you caught the uneasiness in the air, so you took a seat on the armchair. « Can I bring you anything, Harry? »
« No, no, thank you, » he shook his arms sitting on the couch across from you.
« I suppose everyone tells you, you are just like your dad. Except for the eyes, of course. Those are Lily’s. »
« You knew my parents? » You smiled.
« Oh, I didn’t just know them, we were friends - best friends. I have so many stories to tell you. »
« I’d love to hear them all, » Harry said.
« And I also have a photo album. » You haven’t seen that grin and that spark in a pair of eyes for years, and the truth was, you had missed them more than words could possibly describe. « But first, you have to tell me the reason of your visit, Harry Potter. »
His cheerful expression slowly faded, clouds passing by his features. Fingers fumbled in the pocket of his jeans and without losing any time he brought out a necklace, a locket - the locket.
Your eyes exchanged a look between the locket and Harry, fear marked on your face as he offered it to you and you just shook your head pulling back.
« Where did you get this? », you asked not being able to change your gaze away from that devilry.
« Do you recognize this? », Harry questioned. You raised your eyes slowly shaking your head.
« Harry, I don’t know where you found this or what you intend to do, but please stay away from it. »
« What do you mean? »
« Where did you even find it? Did you go to the cave? » Harry furrowed his brows. You realized at that moment, he probably didn’t expect you to know and maybe it was for the best to stop yourself. But you had questions and you were sure the same applied to him. « Is this the one? »
« No, this is the fake one, » Harry said opening it and bringing forward a small piece of parchment. He offered it to you which you took hesitantly. You read it. A slight smile twitched on your lips. The handwriting, the damn handwriting, and that R.A.B. that had always been his way of signing notes or letters. « R.A.B. », Harry spoke. « Regulus Ar- »
« Arcturus Black, » you interrupted him. His eyes looked up at yours that rested on that old parchment. Your fingers traced the surface of the last words he left in this world. You rubbed your sight, a hot sense lurking behind, ready to blur your vision, and pressed your lips together tightly. « Regulus Arcturus Black. » It had been years since the last time you spoke his name out loud. You had forgotten the sound of it. It was nothing more than words in your head, but when said those three words, magically, it took life again.
« The locket belonged to Sirius’ brother, » Harry spoke as you gave him back the note. A mischievous smile slowly appeared on your face that made the boy feel uncomfortable facing someone who knew the person he was trying for months to do an introspection to.
« Is that the reason of your visit? » Harry looked at you with the fullest and deepest stare. He spoke quietly but steadily sure of what he was saying.
« You knew Regulus Black. You knew what he was trying to do. You knew everything. »
« I didn’t know anything, » you replied.
« I don’t believe you, » Harry said. You furrowed your brows and allowed your looks to meet. It was interesting talking to him. He had Lily’s straightforwardness and sharpness, and James’ expressions.
« Why are you here? How did you find me? »
« I found letters of yours in R.A.B.’s room. » With these words the muscle of your jaw clenched. You never imagined that your personal writings would be read by someone other than him. The feeling of anger was boiling under your skin. The only thing that held you back, that didn’t erupt the volcano inside you, was that he was a kid. « Hard to find. They were very well-hidden. »
« And how did you find out my name? », you asked. You always signed with a pseudonym that only a few selected people knew about.
« Professor Lupin helped me with that. » That's when you let a small smile appear on your face again and sat better back on the armchair.
« Professor Lupin? », you chuckled. « The old bastard... »
« I need to know, » Harry said seriously which brought you back to the conversation. « You knew Regulus Black. You knew. »
« I’m afraid you are losing your time here. I knew Regulus, » you told him. « I didn’t know. He didn’t let me know. »
« Why? »
« Because he loved me. » Harry didn’t speak just watched your expression change. He watched the way your jaw muscle broke, that bitter smile on your mouth and your head lightly shaking. You bit your lower lip and shrugged. « Because he knew exactly what he was doing. And because he knew exactly how it was going to end. » None of you spoke after that. « I don’t know anything, Harry, truly. He never prepared me or anyone else for this. »
« I don’t understand why he did that, » his voice cut those few seconds of silence. He shook his head, eyes fixed to the ground, giving to your piercing stare glances every now and then. « I don’t understand him. »
« You know, » you breathed out. « At first I was mad at him - maybe I still am a little - but through the years, I realized that that was his way. Regulus just followed his heart without giving any explanation to anyone. He acted with his senses and his emotions and did the things he considered right. Regulus didn’t care about the price. He could even pay with his life. »
« Sirius told me he was a stupid idiot whose only ambition was to join the Death Eaters. »
« Sirius loved him, Harry. But he didn’t know him at all. Nobody knew him really, I’m afraid. »
« What about you? »
« Barely, » you shrugged sadly. « He didn’t let me know him, he just let me love him. But does it matter now? Loving someone doesn’t save them. »
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livinlikebailey · 5 months
Marauders as things my friend group has said
“Sometimes I forget how many dead people there are.” - Sirius @ Regulus during a family history lesson.
“ I’m gonna bite your toes while you’re sleeping,,, nibble, nibble, nibble” - a drunk Barty @ Evan who is ignoring him.
James: Drops phone on his face. James: claps friends theme song. James: picks phone back up like nothing happened.
“I’m a bi guy, a simple bi guy and I am 99% Lilly Evans and 1% Regulus Black.” - James Potter
“ Why do all the cute ones gotta be Deatheaters?” - Rita @ Bellatrix
“Iron chickens do not have iron testicals” - a very drunk Sirius @ an unfortunately sober Remus.
“I have decided that i am a snack it just no one is hungry” - Peter
Marlene: Climbs on train track bridge Dorcas: “Oh you are so fucking dumb, I look away for 2 seconds”
“No bite, no smile!” - Remus @ James who is trying to take a picture of him too close to the full moon.
“If i was there i’d slap her i don't care if she's 9” - Mary to lily after hearing about the shit her sister was doing to her. “James, I am a pussy.” - Peter to James about the forbidden forest.
“I would be James’ sugar bab- AHH!” - Lily about James to Mary.
“I have to go through all my saves and delete the videos of him because he turned out to be a pedophile… Hey! I had a chance with him” - Remus probably at some point.
“Was that CORPSE? Woop!” - Drunk Remus at a party.
Remus: “ughhhh” Sirius: “what?” Remus: “I hurt and I'm dying.” Sirius: “don't die, that's for kids”
Barty : sits up really quick "guys I just swallowed the nail, it's in my throat." Barty: proceeds to cough up the nail
Pandora: shows Regulus a picture she drew "this is cute" Regulus: "you're cute. wait that didn't go how I wanted it to.”
Sirius: “Do I look like a freaking rat?” Regulus: ….. Sirius: “Don't answer that”
Effie: hears a song playing from james’ room “I used to listen to this song in grade school.” James: “Oh so it's really old then.”
Remus: "sips coffee stressfully"
Barty: "seductively eats toes"
Evan: "for your next random gift I'll get you a screwdriver Barty: "thanks I'm gonna kill myself with it"
Marlene: whining "mom James got me addicted to cocaine" wait I mean Crack cookies" - Marlene @ Effie
Nymphadora: tries to lick cat. Andromeda: "don't lick the kitty." Dora: proceeds to lick cat.
Barty: "school sh**tings" gives thumbs up
Sirius: shows Remus their high heels Remus: "okay whore" smacks hand over mouth "wait i- that wasn't supposed to come out" Sirius: laughs their ass off
James: yells across the store to mom “mom!" Random person at the checkout: looks at James "I am not mom."
“Effie’s a Milf” - Marlene
“I don't have nothing, other than a few std's” -Remus
“You can eat half a mermaid before you're a cannibal” - Pandora to Regulus
“Probably shouldn't be doing it but we’re definitely going to continue anyway” - Remus, Sirius, James and Peter in sync.
very confused Peter: “leprechauns don't play quidditch.”
Marlene: “like weewoo but not weewoo” exasperated and high off her ass
Sirius: “I like aids”
phone falls off bed Marlene in an Australian accent: "crikey my phone"
“I’m hooked up to so many wires i could connect to hbo on my heart monitor” - Lily on pain killers to James
"I don't think I can lick that, can I?" -Sirius playing goat simulator
watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs and it's at the part where the mayor destroys the machine and James says " I hope you see the error of your ways, you glutton!”
(talking about Cameron Monaghan) the murder child from my chemical romance - Sirius
"Fuckin’ Sirius"- Remus while asleep
Sirius "I've got middle fingers and i'm not afraid to use them" Regulus: "do it" Sirius "I’m a little afraid to use them"
Peter while asleep: groans and sits up fast James: "you okay?" Peter "not really." James: "What's wrong?" Peter: "I'm gonna have to use the loo to solve the thing."
Sirius: "So were you born in 2006, 2007?" Narcissa: "i was born in 2004" Regulus: "i don't mean this in a mean way but wow you are old"
Barty: "I'm gonna do a line off your dresser"
Barty: "i have a headache" pauses "and i have 2 more lines to do"
Mary: "I don't have to do acid I have the that back massager that messes with my balance receptor"
Barty: suddenly sits up Regulus: “are you okay” Barty: “i don't know, i'm just gonna go to sleep and try to see what's going on”
Barty: "Why not use a shotgun, it's easier, this is america." (was not in america)
"stop licking the oreos" - Reg @ Barty
"Do i really have to tell you not to mate with the cat"- McGonagall @ the marauders
Remus: “I can feel the brain damage,, and i've got another line”
“Ball licky licky titty croissant” - James trying to learn french from Regulus
“Ooo yay i love being kidnapped!”- Barty probably at some point
“The 3 c's cook, clean, cocktails”- Remus “The 3 b's bake broil blowjobs”- Sirius
“LET ME UPLOAD MY PORN DAMNIT” - Marlene probably
"Dorcas you should be my sugar mommy" - Pandora
"An air whore" Remus
"My skyrim character is Schizophrenic" - James
"I wanna blow up pumpkins, and People!!!!" -Bellatrix
"I can taste it in my eyeballs" - James
"you can't take terrorists to the airport"-Peter
"I'm really bad at swallowing" - Sirius
“you can't fuck a duck, you'd have to seduce it” - Evan
"Hey your boobs are crooked"- Marlene
"i’m sorry, i accused you of taking my grandpa" -Sirius
"im a gay virgin"-Regulus
"duck now motherfucker" Sirius @ James
"i wanna become a rug or everyone does a line of my ashes when i die" - Remus
"you can't be funny while I'm smoking" -Remus @ First year after he walked out the door
"I'm leaving, i don't care that much about being drug free" - Barty
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bimoonphases · 7 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 9 – prompt 9: Draught of the Living Death – word count 660
Draught of Living Death - A potion that places the taker in a state of sleep that makes them seem like they are dead
Sirius didn’t even realise he had been screaming until his voice got hoarse. Draught of Living Death. It had to be it, right? It was so powerful it looked exactly like death, they said. Surely James had somehow taken a Draught of Living Death glass and that was why he was now lying on the carpet by the door, his wand abandoned on the living room table. Lily was very good at Potions, she would know how to brew it. Surely she had taken it too and had just put Harry back in his crib when the effects had hit her. Draught of Living Death. That was it. The effects would soon wear off, and James and Lily would wake up and laugh at the fact they had both fallen on the floor. Because they would wake up. James and Lily would wake up and everything would be well. Something in the back of Sirius’s mind was telling him the cottage was almost destroyed, one wall blown up, but he didn’t listen to it. Something else insisted his godson was upstairs crying with a cut on his forehead, but he shook his head. The Draught of Living Death would soon wear off and Lily would take care of her son and James would repair the wall and they would all laugh about it over mugs of hot cocoa. Yet another thing screamed in his brain that he knew it wasn’t a potion, he knew what had happened, he knew his best friend would never get up from that floor, he knew Lily would never take Harry in her arms again, he knew what had really happened, and worse of all he knew how. He knew who.
Everything, even Harry’s cries, felt muffled as he got up from the stairs, his fingers closing on his wand, trembling with rage. He knew all that. And he knew what he had to do.
“It’s my fault,” he almost had no voice left. “I told you to take him as Secret Keeper instead of me. It was my idea. My fault. But I promise you, Prongs, that rat won’t live to see another day in a world without you and your family.”
A chorus of voices seemed to explode in his head as he stumbled to the door, taking one last look back at the place where his life had ended.
“Please son, don’t.”
Monty’s voice, urging.
“Darling, don’t do it, please.”
Effie’s voice, pleading.
“Padfoot, don’t.”
James’s voice.
“Padfoot, please.”
His best friend’s voice.
“Padfoot, don’t do it.”
The voice his son would never grow up hearing because of him. Sirius took a step back.
“I’m sorry, Prongs,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
“Padfoot, stop!”
Two arms wrapped around him, holding him in a tight grip. Before he realised it, Sirius collapsed back into Remus’s chest.
“Don’t go,” Remus whispered in his ear. “Please.”
“How?” Sirius managed to croak.
“I followed you,” Remus said against his hair. “I’m sorry. I heard everything.”
“I did this. I did it,” Sirius sobbed.
“Peter did,” Remus’s voice broke. “Not you. And killing him now will only make things worse.”
“Worse?” Sirius felt the absurd urge to laugh. “How can it be worse than this?”
“You being locked up for murder. Harry not getting to be placed in your care. You rotting away while he grows up who knows where, maybe even in an abusive family, while our world think you’re nothing more than a Black after all.”
Sirius blinked and it was as if something had turned the sound back on, making Harry’s cries from upstairs echo in the house.
“Harry,” Sirius said.
“He needs you, my love,” Remus pleaded. “He only has you now.”
“Us,” Sirius said forcefully. “He only has us.”
He slipped out of his boyfriend’s arms and ran up the stairs to the nursery. No one, not even Dumbledore, would stop him from raising his godson with the love of his life.
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amandakassis · 11 days
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Masterlist - Dark Desires
Tell me, what is it that your heart desires? When nobody knows, nobody judges, do you long for villains or heroes? I, for one, have a soft spot for the villains 🤭
Here you’ll find all my fanfiction dedicated to some of my favorite morally gray characters or outright villains, such as Aemond Targaryen, Coriolanus Snow, and Eric Coulter 🤍
Ratings: Mature or Explicit 🔞
Stories available on AO3 and (mostly) on Wattpad. Don’t repost on other platforms.
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SERIES | Modern Tales of Bronze and Silver
Modern short stories about Aemond and my original character, Katheryn Royce—the oldest daughter of Daemon. Each time, witness as they meet under new circumstances, navigate Westeros throughout different levels of power within House Targaryen, and deal with the inner wars that the Blacks and Greens wage against each other.
Some things you’ll find here: marriage of convenience, dragons as cats, dark and possessive Aemond, angst and fluff, light or mild smut.
‼️ WARNING: canon-typical targcest
COMPLETED | Bronze, Silver, and Valyrian Steel
Synopsis: When it comes down to matters of the heart, bronze can hold greater value than Valyrian steel.
In modern times, the Targaryens rule the nation of Westeros behind smoke and mirrors. During the patriarch's funeral, both sides of the family are reunited, including prince Aemond and his cousin Katheryn—Daemon's eldest daughter—who share a deep sense of loneliness. As the succession reveals the true colors of its most power-driven members and a murder accusation threatens to destroy their dynasty, the two of them must decide if they'll follow their duties or succumb to the attraction that makes their dragon blood sing.
Main trope: enemies to lovers
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ONGOING | Consequence
Synopsis: Westeros entered the 21st century free of the shadow of the Targaryens. The gods among men no longer ruled, and their dragons were gone, but the family still remained wealthy and clung to some of their centuries-old traditions. After the death of their patriarch, a marriage between the notorious drunk Aegon and Katheryn—Daemon’s oldest daughter—is planned to consolidate an alliance between both sides and avoid bloodshed. However, the young woman ends up setting her eyes on Aemond, the mysterious and disciplined brother, who will truly rule the family’s company in the shadows. On this journey about love and power, Aemond might discover that duty isn't the death of love but a consequence of it.
Main trope: marriage of convenience
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SERIES | The Wicked Universe of Eric and Kate
Three standalone stories about Divergent’s hottest and most complex character, Eric Coulter, and my OFC, Kate Kempton. Every work presents a different universe and the narrative gets a little darker.
Leave a Light On is a twist on the first movie; Bloody Vows is a world filled with ruthless vampires; Wretched and Divine is a mix of Dynasty and Gossip Girl—meaning that you get a high-stakes corporate drama with marriage of convenience and friends to strangers to lovers, all of it being witnessed by high-society and Twitter! Who doesn’t love that?
Looking for a badass OFC going through an existential crisis? Kate’s your girl! Oh, don’t worry, everything is consensual! I’m all for a couple that you can ship without bending your morals (too much)… Or needing to throw them out of the window (just sometimes)!
COMPLETED | Leave a Light On
Synopsis: Allow yourself to accept every single thing about you that makes you gray.
A change in leadership means that Kate, the Dauntless ambassador, is now tasked with working closely with the young and ruthless leader Eric. While everyone around her worries that Kate won't survive him, they forget to consider the dangers lying behind her sweet smile and sharp-witted solutions. After all, she doesn't navigate the city council with only her looks as a weapon.
Political games, a conspiracy on the horizon, and a twisted romance will challenge the fragile balance that keeps Chicago from crumbling. When all is said and done, will there be a future for what is left of humanity?
Main tropes: power imbalance, boss x subordinate, morally gray OFC.
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ONGOING | Bloody Vows | Vampire AU
Synopsis: Over 200 years ago, vampires crawled from the shadows to conquer the human race, which led to the collapse of modern society. In Chicago, the bloodthirsty creatures divided themselves into five factions, and the humans, upon reaching 20 years of age, had to partake in the Choosing Ceremony that decided which faction they would pledge their loyalty to. Blood in exchange for protection against other dangers hidden in the darkness.
Kate Kempton is a human on a mission. Her older sister's mysterious death led to a dangerous resolve. Upon coming of age, she would join Dauntless to find out what really happened three years before. Unfortunately, on Choosing Day, Kate draws the attention of Eric Coulter, the cruel and young faction leader, who had never been intrigued by a human before.
Can she survive the warrior faction and find answers? What will get her killed first, Eric or the secrets buried deep into the faction?
Main tropes: vampires x human, young woman x old vampire, forbidden romance, murder mystery.
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ONGOING | Wretched and Divine | Modern AU
Synopsis: In 2024, Chicago is under the rule of five powerful families. Due to an unexpected reunion, the public eye is set on two of its high-profile citizens: Kate Kempton, a Public Relations Officer set to inherit a pharmaceutical empire, and Eric Coulter, a veteran who becomes the new CEO of Dauntless, a private security giant, after his father’s death.
Initially bound by a marriage of convenience, these former childhood friends have to navigate a web of family secrets and survive the power plays of Chicago’s elite, while fighting for control over their personal lives and trying to understand their growing feelings for each other.
Main tropes: marriage of convenience, corporate romance, friends to strangers to lovers, gossip girl style.
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Coriolanus ‘Coryo’ Snow could only ever belong to Lucy Gray Bair. However, does that mean they should end up together?
ONE-SHOT | Memories Carved Into Snow | No Hunger Games AU
Synopsis: The Hunger Games were never more than an idea on paper, yet the children of the districts struggled. Being born outside of the Capitol was a life sentence of misery—except for Lucy Gray, who found beauty and melodies all around her. The artist enchanted crowds and found her way to the big city, where her path crossed with Coriolanus Snow, a man destined for great things at any cost. Love blossomed, but wickedness had corrupted his heart, and their relationship crumbled. The bird was free of its cage… Or was it? Two years later, a knock on Lucy Gray’s door and a final request from his heart might rewrite their ending. Could rotten things still be worth loving?
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Why I'm a sooo evil but anyway
Gaz with a baby!reader and gaz gets them a babysitter due to a mission and after that mission the Boys get a call that the city is under attack and that city is where baby!reader is at.
And after they saved some citizens gaz sees the babysitter crying holding reader only for gaz to realize reader is dead due to the smoke and all the boys are trying to comfort him while watching this guy breakdown trying his best to revive reader.
and gives up knowing his baby is gone but out of some miracle reader comes back to life crying making gaz cry of happiness but the nurses gotta check readers health atleast the boys are there for him and price is like your good dad.
I bet gaz is the type of father who will ask every father or ask price some father advice but anyway get some sleep because is 10:43pm over here
Stop I’m gonna cry
Readers a baby, reader dies momentarily, death of a child/baby, angst, reader comes back to life, Gaz is a widower
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Gaz was a single father to you after your mother died due to complications during birth
He was so protective of you, you where all he had after the death of his girlfriend
He was called for an important mission, it was short but it couldn’t be missed
So he left you with a family friend
After the mission was over he got a call from the family friend
They where in tears babbling on about how the city was just attacked and he ran to turn on the news
He saw the broadcast of the destroyed city
He ran, shouting to everyone else telling them to “get in the fucking heli”
After 3 torturous hours, he arrived at the base and wasted no time getting in a car
They spent hours saving citizens and people, the only thing on his mind was if you where safe or not
After they saved enough people for it to be manageable he got back in the drivers seat with the rest of the team and sped off
He didn’t care if he got a ticket or was thrown in jail all he wanted was to see if you where ok
When he got there he felt his heart shatter
There you where, being cradled by the family friend as their face was red and swollen under the red and blue lights of the ambulance
A fire had been set off a house down, causing the smoke to drift into his house
He felt his legs move by themselves as he scooped your body up
“Gaz…. I’m. Im so sorry, they just died 2 minutes before you got here” they sobbed out, sitting on the curb head in hands
The rest of the 141 looked on as their hearts dropped
He couldn’t speak, he wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted to murder everyone around him even if they did nothing wrong
He just stared down at your still warm body as he sat down in the middle of the road
He wanted to be woken up in his room with you in your cradle, breathing and sleeping peacefully
He felt tears well in his eyes as they dropped onto the road
He couldn’t hold it anymore
He started screaming and wailing as he clung onto your body, praying you would wake up and laugh like you always did
God he even wanted to hear your cries that used to drive him up the wall
He felt Price come up behind him and put an arm around his shoulder, pulling his head into his chest
“Son. I’m so sorry, it’s gonna be ok…” he comforted Gaz the best he could
It felt like hours before he heard a tiny cough
He felt his heart jump up to his throat as he pulled you back to look at you
He thought he was hallucinating when he saw you move your tiny chubby arms as you coughed
He pulled you back in, lightly hitting your back to help you breathe again
He was overjoyed to have you back
God you even threw up all over his uniform but he didn’t care
He heard those cries that he used to wish would go away again
He couldn’t be happier to hear you cry
“Fuck… I thought I lost you my beautiful child” he whispered as he held you close
The rest of the team all finally breathed a sigh of relief
Gaz stood up as a nurse rushed over to help you
He handed you over to them as Price hugged him, avoiding the baby throw up on Gaz’s shoulder
Soap and Ghost rushed over, all of them where crying as Gaz laughed from the adrenaline of the situation
You where handed back to him as he looked down on you
He felt like he was right back at your birth, the first time he held you was happening all over again
A couple weeks later the rest of the team was over at his house more often than usual to take care of you
Although Gaz was your biological dad, the rest of the team where all of your dads as well
Price was the classic dad
Gaz was the cool younger dad
Ghost was the soft and warm dad
And Soap was the fun dad
They all thought of you as their own honestly
Ok here’s a meme to counter the angst
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Imagine how PISSED the turtles would be if m/c had a close friend in the isekai/sentient bot au. Especially if said friend tried to drag m/c into another fandom over rottmnt.
M/c’s friend better send his prayers because they are FUCKED once their reality is breached by the turtles. Heck, Raph wouldn’t even hold back!
The turtles would probably be so livid they would target m/c’s friend and kill them directly after they kidnap m/c. They would walk through the portal towards m/c, coated in blood…
The moment m/c starts spending just slightly more time with them than the turtles (they consider m/c watching them on tv as ‘spending time with them’) is when all hell breaks loose. They probably would go for the kill while m/c is watching, just to make sure they know that the turtles are their only lovers friends :)
Also, I love your idea on Mikey getting angry when one of his bros says they can hear m/c as well. I doubt he would get far with telling off others and claiming they are lying, considering they can all hear m/c. After a while, he would kinda have to warm up to the idea that they can all hear m/c. He may develop the belief that m/c is some sort of divine being that watches over him and his family… giving small pieces of guidance as they go on…
…Either that or Mikey gets humbled by his bros :/
Either way, m/c‘s only real chance of escape is to destroy any piece of tech near them, break any connection with the show (if it is a sentient bot au, they would have to block the numbers and wipe the phone before destroying it), make a fake identity and change your physical appearance by a lot (m/c would most likely have to have some form of surgery to make distinguishable features disappear), and move to a completely new state/ country…
But even that may not be enough… I mean, DNA is a thing m/c can’t really change, so, depending how much info the turtles have of m/c, their only hope of escape may be to hide in THEIR universe as a mutant… just hope m/c doesn’t become a turtle :/ (that would be kinda funny tho- m/c attempting to mutate themselves to escape and ending up a turtle. Yeah, they wouldn’t be hidden for too long. Oh, the sweet, sweet irony).
And how would m/c’s friend escape? Well… let’s just say that they are the first person the turtles are targeting once they realize m/c has went into hiding… and m/c’s friend knows where they went… looks like m/c may not be so safe anymore after all…
Tw: implied past murder, blood, delusional perhaps- and uh... maybe implied future kidnapping?
“Shh…I’m right here, my divinity, your devotée is right here just for you.” Mikey shushes, rocking you in his arms as his blood-covered body stains your clothing. You stare at the all the blood dripping off their bodies.
Are they the reason why your friend hasn’t been responding to you?
You couldn’t move, too much in shock to even blink. You couldn’t even shed a tear, from horror and fear swallowing your heart.
“They were keeping you away from being taken care of by us! For me to take care of you…” Leo tried to justify, his arms reaching out to caress your face.
Donnie crossed his arms and glanced away, not wanting to witness the sight of his brother coddling the person he was obsessed with. “Keeping you from taking care of yourself..." He mumbled quietly, eyes narrowed as he grips his staff tighter. Grimacing at the blood that pooled around his feet. "They were hurting you...mentally and perhaps even physically."
Raph walks beside Mikey and pats your head, his eyes showing a sympathetic expression. "I know you didn't want to see them...disappear, but we really couldn't stand you being away from us anymore. But don't worry, we'll treat you way better than they ever did."
You could only continue to stare in cold terror.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
In the Midnight Hour Part 7
Guys, guys, I am sooo close to finishing this. And if I didn’t have real adulting I had to do today, I would have finished it tonight. But...that said I am literally in the middle of writing the Vecna finale. So excited y’all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Eddie spent the day lounging around his lair, waiting for Vecna. When Vecna finally arrived, Eddie’s eyes flicked to the monster’s right hand and was pleased with what he saw.
“You were supposed to hunt those jocks,” Vecna snarled.
“I was merely keeping my nightly appointment with Harrington as requested,” Eddie said. “And thought I’d weaken more than just his mind.”
Vecna snarled. “I couldn’t see what was going on.”
Eddie reared his head back in confusion. “That’s never happened before.”
“The Harrington boy is becoming a liability,” Vecna snarled. “I want you to kill him.”
Eddie threw his hands up in the air. “I told you at the beginning of this that there is a line I won’t cross. And killing was one of them. If you wanted a murderer, to pick someone else. Despite what this fucking town thinks, I won’t kill.”
Vecna reached out and grabbed Eddie by the neck, lifting him up. “I am your master. You will do as I say!”
Eddie didn’t even bring his hands up to try and stop him. “Do it. Kill me. I’m already dead. All this was just prolonging the inevitable. Making my friends and family suffer. I never wanted to die, but I sure the hell didn’t want to be brought back as your plaything either.”
Vecna threw him against the wall and Eddie made no move with his wings to slow the decent. He knew that would only anger Vecna further.
“I am almost back to full strength,” Vecna roared, “by the end of the month I will rise up and take back that which was mine.”
Eddie let his body go slack. He knew the only way to deal with bullies and abusers was to let them think you’re too weak to move and unless they were intent on killing you they would get disgusted and leave. Can’t enjoy it if the person is unconscious and couldn’t feel it.
Vecna snarled and vanished.
Eddie sighed in relief. He had learned a lot. Did drinking from Steve make it so his connection to Vecna weakened? Because if it did, this was both really good and very bad.
He had a plan. Or at least something like a plan and he just needed to get to the right person.
Eddie chewed his lip.
He was going to go for the easiest person and hope Vecna didn’t find him out.
His nightly visit to Steve was going to be interesting to say the least. Especially since Steve was already out on the roof waiting for him.
“Hello, Stevie,” Eddie said, landing lightly on the roof next to him. “Waiting for  me again?”
“Didn’t we establish that I’m always waiting for you?” Steve asked with a small smile.
Eddie sat down next to him and looked out over the neighborhood. “What’s on your mind tonight?”
Steve sighed. “I got Robin to talk to my resident little D&D nerds.”
“Couldn’t do it yourself?” Eddie asked.
Steve shook his head. “I’m distancing myself from them because of you.”
Eddie winced. “Because I might be a Vecna haunt?”
“Originally, yeah,” Steve said. “And then I fell out with Dustin. And since they’re always together...”
“It was hard to talk to them?” Eddie finished.
“Yeah,” Steve said drawing his knees to his chest and hugging them. “Anyway, they brought up Kas.”
Eddie’s confusion cleared. “Ah.”
“Yeah, dude,” Steve murmured. “I keep working on this puzzle in my head and I keep feeling like a piece is missing.”
“And what is the puzzle of?” Eddie asked. “What’s the picture on the box?”
Steve sighed. “The Upside Down destroyed and everyone I love safe and sound.”
“That can’t include me,” Eddie said softly.
“Why not?” Steve asked in whine. “Why can’t I have it all for once in my god damned life. Why do I have to keep sacrificing my happiness for everyone else’s?”
“Steve...” Eddie said. “Once you kill Vecna, I’m dead, too. You have to know that.”
Steve closed his eyes and let the tears fall. Eddie wanted nothing more than to hold this boy in his arms and tell him it would be okay. But he couldn’t touch Steve and he couldn’t lie.
“There has to be a way,” Steve croaked through his tears.
“You guys are running out of time,” Eddie said. “I can’t tell you more than that but you can’t wait on a plan that would save me.”
Steve nodded. “They haven’t told me what their plan is. I don’t know it. But the second I’m told, I won’t be able to see anymore.”
Eddie nodded. “Because you can’t be sure about what Vecna can sense or see. I know.”
“You’ll know when that happens.”
Eddie smiled. “Hey, you still smoke?”
Steve looked up and grinned. “You craving a cigarette after all that?”
Eddie shrugged. “Aren’t you?”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me a second.” Steve got up and crawled through his window.
He was back a minute or two later with a pack of Camels and a Zippo lighter.
“I didn’t know you smoked Camels,” Eddie said as he pulled a cigarette from the box.
Steve pulled out a cigarette for himself and lit it. He passed the lighter to Eddie. “I didn’t.”
Eddie lit the cigarette and handed the light back. “Thanks, man.” He took a long drag and blew the smoke out over his head.
Steve smoked silently beside him as the night wore on.
Over head clouds rolled in hiding the stars.
“Uh oh,” Eddie said. “Looks like a storm might be coming in.”
Steve stubbed out his cigarette on the roof and flicked the bud into the garden below. “It been so long since it rained, it’ll be a good thing for the town.”
“I always love it when it rains,” Eddie said still smoking the remains of his cigarette.
“Yeah?” Steve asked. “I always hated it. Because it meant being kept inside with my parents, bored with nothing to do.”
Eddie chuckled and shook his head. “For me it meant being able to hide from the world with a blanket and a book.”
“Maybe I could like it if I had someone to share it with,” Steve muttered mostly to himself.
Eddie closed his eyes and only opened them when the first rain drop hit his eyelashes.
“Go inside, Steve,” he whispered. “It’s about to rain.”
Steve looked up at the darkened skies and nodded. Without thinking about it, he brushed Eddie’s shoulder with his fingers.
Eddie looked up at him and smiled. For inside his head, Vecna screamed in pain.
Eddie began to spend the hours between dusk and midnight at the Motel 6. Tap, tap. Thump, tap. And getting the same taps in response. One night he changed the taps.
Wayne threw open the door to his motel room and rushed out to see Eddie curled up beside the door.
He crouched gently in front of him. He could finally see what Steve meant by wrong. He had assumed that Eddie had been twisted on the inside. But the long black tips of his fingers that extended into claws, the large leather bat wings, the sharp teeth and even the once doe-like eyes now angry and red told a different story.
“Hey, son,” he greeted softly.
“Wayne!” Eddie cried. He covered his face with his hands. “I didn’t mean for you to see me like this.”
“I’m know, sweetheart,” Wayne murmured. “But I had to see you.”
“I don’t know how much is me anymore,” Eddie lamented. “I feel all twisted and angry inside. I hurt people now. Because I have to. To survive. I wish I had stayed dead.”
Wayne fell forward onto his knees. “You’re still my Eddie.”
Eddie began to sob. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You could never,” Wayne said firmly. “Whatever beastie you have in your head, they’re the ones that would be responsible if you ever did.”
“Henry Creel,” he gasped. He feel Vecna getting angry, but Eddie didn’t care anymore. He was going to be dead and with any luck Vecna with him.
“I know, sweetheart,” Wayne said leaning forward. “Steve told me everything.”
Eddie leapt forward, throwing his arms around his uncle. Wayne hesitantly put his arms around his nephew. His hands hovered for a moment before he gave in.
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut against the screaming in his head. “I only have mere seconds before Vecna yanks me back to the Upside Down. But I love you.”
Wayne squeezed him once and then let go, just as Eddie was lifted into the air.
Wayne’s hand went to his mouth as tears streamed down his face as his nephew was forcibly pulled from his sight back to hell.
“Why?” Vecna screamed. “Why does someone touching you hurt me?”
Eddie scrambled away from the monster, pressing up against the wall in terror. “I don’t know!”
Vecna advanced on him. “You know.”
Eddie put his hands up over his face. “I swear I don’t. I thought it was just Steve. Just like you.”  
“You will stay here until you figure it out,” Vecna snarled. “I can’t risk you being touched.”
“How will I eat?” Eddie asked. “And what about Steve?”
Vecna roared, picking Eddie up and tossing him around like a rag doll. Eddie felt his brain rattle around in his head.
“Please...” he managed to rasp.
Vecna tossed him in the direction of the pile of blankets and pillows that he used for a bed. He landed roughly, but at least it was softer than the floor or wall.
“You will feed only on the Harrington boy, and you will see him only when you need to eat,” Vecna sneered.
Eddie nodded weakly.
Once Vecna had vanished. Eddie curled up on his side and sobbed. He didn’t know why anyone touching Eddie caused Vecna pain, but he wanted to go out and be touched by as many people as possible.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12  Part 13
Tag List: @clumsywriter @steddie-there @gregre369 @currently-steddiebrainrot @steddieassheg0es @estrellami-1 @anzelsilver @thequeenrainacorn @savory-babby @chaoticlovingdreamer @grtwdsmwhr  @renaissan-vvitch @panicatthediaz @swimmingbirdrunningrock
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sarawritestories · 1 year
His Nightmare Part 2
Nash Wells x Female Reader
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Her nightmare
His Nightmare Pt 1
His Nightmare Pt 3
Summary: Eobard is keeping Nash's body hostage, Y/N is frustrated with the potential threat about losing another person she cares about, and the one thing she dreads most returns.
Content Warning: Angst, Rage, grief, blood, death, murder, zombies?(it makes sense, i promise). Dark Nightmares, a symptom of a panic attack but is not named. Cliffhanger, no happily ever after yet.
Word Count: 1590
Tags: @eonash @twilightlover2007 @yetanotherwells @achromaticerebus
Y/N was sitting in the cortex as Barry and Cisco were in the pipeline talking to Eobard Thawne, who possessed Nash’s body. She was gnawing on her bottom lip as Frost walked in, “You alright, Y/L/N?”
The younger meta shrugged, “Define okay.” She released a sigh, looking up at Frost, “I was finally feeling as though my life was getting back into place. When Earth-2 was destroyed and not being able to tell anyone that Harry was gone, my family was just wiped out. And the Monitor made it where I couldn’t speak whenever I wanted to bring it up. It was crippling in more ways than one. I felt extremely alone, and Crisis took so much from us. My home was a constant reminder of what I lost, and Nash never questioned that I wanted to stay with him. Never faltered when I had my first nightmare and the numerous ones that followed it. I finally got to this point of feeling like my old self again of being happy with myself and happy in his company.” Slamming her fist against the table in frustration embers sparking from her fingers, causing Frost to jump and take a step back. “And Thawne went and fucking ruined that for me, again!”
Y/N looked at frost orange, consuming her irises in her eyes. “I’m tired of his games. He will not take Nash from me.” With that, she storms out of the cortex, leaving Frost to notice the scorch marks Y/N left on the table.
Storming to the cortex to see Barry and Cisco, arms crossed the evil speedster leaning toward the glass when his eyes glanced up to find Y/N at the end of the hall, her eyes bright orange, “Hello, Sweetheart. You can get closer, I won’t bite, hard.”
“I would suggest keeping your mouth shut before I do so for you in a permanent fashion,” Y/N snapped, being consumed by rage.
Her two best friends turn their expressions, shifting from confused to fear at her glowing eyes. “Oh shit,” Cisco muttered. As she approached the cell, Cisco grabbed her arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “He can’t hurt you, Y/N.”
“He’s right, I can’t hurt you physically,” he gave her a sly wink, “But one swift motion and I can take one more person from you, can’t I, Angel.”
Y/N became blinded by rage at Thawne’s use of Nash’s nickname for and lunged for the cell, Thawne not even flinching as Cisco and Barry held her back. “You, Son of Bitch! Bring him back, you Bastard!”
Thawne laughed as he pushed away from the glass as Y/N pushed her friends away, flames kissing her fingertips. Anger and pain overtaken her senses. She turned back, “Open the doors.”
“Y/N,” Barry slowly approached his partner, “I need you to calm down.” Moving closer, he noticed that her hands were shaking, “I know it hurts, I know you want Nash back. We all do, but that look in your eye, you want to kill Thawne, I’ve been there, I know what that feels like. Killing him will not bring Nash home.”
“Maybe not, but then Thawne can let me have peace finally.” Y/N gritted out through her teeth.
“I know, but Nash and the Council of Wells wouldn’t want that. They wouldn’t want you to kill on their behalf.” Barry cupped her cheek, her eyes slowly going back to her normal eye color, rage slowly dwindling as Cisco closed the door, cutting off Thawne’s view on the moment. Y/N looked at Barry and embraced him. Sobbing in his shoulder, she could feel Cisco wrapping his arms around her from behind, soothing her as she let out the tears she had been holding in all day.
The trio stayed in that position until Y/N sobs turned into soft hiccups, and Cisco led her to the med bay, where he insisted she lay down and get some rest. Not having the strength to fight him, she did what she was told, and she fell into a deep sleep the moment her head hit the pillow.
Y/N startled awake S.T.A.R Labs dark and empty, getting up she walked over to the cortex the sudden metallic stench assaulting her nose, and losing balance from a slippery substance on the floor, causing her to fall. Pain shooting from her head, she lifted her hand to see her hand covered in blood. Looking to her left, her eyes were met with Cisco’s eyes lifeless, and the light snuffed out of them
Y/N scrambled to get up and took a moment to regain her balance and take in the sight of the cortex with a sob, the bloody hand going up to her mouth in shock. Team Flash scattered across the room bloody, bruised, and lifeless. Her friends gone, why had she not been awake? Hands gripped her waist, and her body froze as the warmth of someone’s breath brushed against her ear. “I’m sorry it had to come to this, Sweetheart.” Thawne’s low register caused a shiver down her spine as he gripped her tighter with the assumption that she was going to flee. He pressed her back against his front and gave her a tender kiss on the head. “Now, I can have you all to myself, and no one can stand in my way.”
Y/N did everything she could to keep the bile from crawling up her throat. Swallowing it down, her throat extremely dry, she whispered, “You killed them all, just for me?” she looked at Barry’s body his limbs twisted in every direction, a small trickle of blood poured from his mouth pooling beneath his head, Y/N could hear every drop of blood hitting the floor as if she gained super hearing overnight.
She closed her eyes, and Thawne’s voice drowned the dripping blood.“Well, Barry surely had it coming, and to be fair, I did recruit some help.” At that electricity lit up the room, she opened her eyes and gasped and began wriggling in her captor’s arms, trying to break free as Savitar and Zoom loomed over Iris and Caitlin’s limp bodies.
She managed to turn and face Eobard to find Harry’s face. His lips and skin tinged blue from death, “You could have saved me, Princess.” She looked back to see zombie forms of the Council behind him, “You could have saved all of us. You let him kill us.”
“You abandoned us, Kitten.” H.R. spoke in a lifeless tone that scared the young meta. Getting out of Harry's arms, she created some distance to get her breathing back in order.
“You left me at the hands of Thawne, my body no longer mine to control, and it’s all on you, Angel,” Nash’s voice rang out.
Y/N fell to her knees, not caring that her knees cracked against the concrete or blood stained her dress. She wrapped her arms around her waist and began to rock herself in hopes it would calm her down. But she could feel the approach of the two speedsters grabbing her and lifting her and bringing her back to her feet. Her head hung low, guilt, shame, and grief, overtaking her ability and willingness to fight. The familiar sound of a hand moving rapidly caught her attention, but not enough to look up.
A hand gripped her chin and forced her head up as she was finally met with Eobard Thawne with the face he was born with and not the stolen face of Harrison Wells. A smirk ghosts his lips, “Goodbye, Y/N,” with his parting words, she watched as he shoved his hand through her chest.
Gasping, Y/N sprung from her mattress sweat, glistening her forehead as Barry startled from the chair. “Hey, what happened?” Barry shook off the grogginess as he saw his friend struggling to breathe. He approached her and guided her head, between her legs, “Take deep breaths. Inhale,” she inhaled along with him, “Exhale.” She exhaled, and they did that for a few moments as Y/N’s breathing went back to normal. Barry rubbed soothing circles on her back as the tears stained her cheeks.
“Did you have a nightmare?” She sat up, looking at her friend she nodded. “The same one?”
Y/N shook her head, and her voice came out strained, “Worse, so much worse.” She laid her head on Barry’s shoulder as he just soothed her.
Nash was struggling in his bonds as Thawne began to pace back and forth. “Did you see how mad she was back there? I thought she would have killed me on the spot.” He got down to Nash’s level, “She does like you a ton though doesn’t she. I’ll make sure she has no memory of you when I have her back in my possession”
Anger flooded through Nash as he lunged to head but him but Thawne reacted just in time to avoid the strike. Nash groaned through the gag, his hands and wrist slick with blood from rubbing against the rope to break free. He tried to say, “Don’t you dare touch her!” but it only came out muffled.
Thawne held a hand to his ear, “What was that? Make sure to annunciate, Nash. I might have taken that as your blessing to do as I please with your little angel.” Fury flashed in Nash’s eyes as Thawne walked away with a wave. “I’m sure you will be seeing her soon. They are planning something I can feel it.” The speedster turned and gave him a wink, ”Sweet Dreams, Lover Boy.”
To Be Continued...
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kydrogendragon · 8 months
Febuwhump - "Bite Down on This"
Pairing: Vague Dreamling, Vague Hobrinthian Words: 1279 Warnings: Eye Gouging Ao3 Link Here
“Well? Can you draw it?” The Corinthian huffs in annoyance. The Nightmare glares down at Hob who’s currently seated on the couch of the living room in the house he’s rented, head in his hands. He’s still dressed in his guard attire, the gun given to him still attached at his waist.
When he’d first been led down into the basement of Fawney Rig, it took every ounce of strength he had not to pull the gun on every bastard there. His friend, his Stranger, sat bare as a babe in that damned glass prison. And then he’d looked up at him with eyes wide for his Stranger and looked crushed when Hob turned away. Christ, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to do this.
“Gadling, snap out of it. What did you see?” The Corinthian’s voice melded into triplicate, higher and lower pitches stacked on top of each other.
“I— there was glass. And iron. And he was there, sitting in that bloody thing that was suspended in the air over some sort of fancy markings.” He manages to get out, trying to recall any details of what was on the ground. He hadn’t been allowed to get too close — the symbols were important he was told. But Hob had been able to stare at them for a good long while on his first guard shift. He’d been hoping to go alone, but it doesn’t sound like he’ll be so lucky anytime soon.
“You’re useless,” the Nightmare sighs.
“I’m trying my best here! Sorry for not being a walking dictionary on magic runes!” Hob bites back. What he wanted to do was just go back and murder every son of a bitch in that place and smash down the glass that’s trapping his dear friend, but apparently, that could be bad. When the Corinthian first bothered to explain anything other than saying they were going to break his Stranger out, he’d said there could be other laws at work. Burgess could have bound his friend to him or maybe to the house or even something else. And freeing him would only work if whatever he’s bound to was destroyed as well.
So. Research was needed. Which was how Hob ended up becoming a damn guard for the Burgess family. Took a good six months to finally work himself into a basement shift, and that was only after the Corinthian “took care” of another guard so there would be an opening.
The Corinthian sighs as he unsheathes his knife from the shoulder holsters he wears. Hob looks up at him, warily. “What are you doing?”
“I know a way you can show me those runes you saw.”
“Oh? And it involves that knife, does it?”
The Nightmare grins wide and Hob has no doubt the teeth behind his glasses are smiling too. “Oh indeed. You see, for the small price of one of your eyes, I can see everything that you saw in perfect detail.”
Hob swallows as he eyes the knife in the Corinthian’s hand. “You’re sure?”
“Will it hurt?”
Hob closes his eyes with a groan. He presses his forehead against his clasped hands and takes a few moments to appreciate having both of his eyes before he speaks.
“Fine. Do it.”
The Corinthian’s straddled across Hob’s waist, one hand gripping Hob’s chin like a vice, the other hovering the dagger just above Hob’s right eye. Hob’s hands are bound underneath him.
He hates this. He really, really hates this. He also hates how much the Corinthian is smiling with all three mouths as he leans over Hob. “Alright now, just don’t move. It’ll hurt less if you don’t move.”
“God’s bloody wounds, just get it over with already.”
“Here, bite down on this so you don’t break your damn jaw.” The Corinthian says, pushing a rolled strip of leather into his mouth. He gives the Nightmare a small nod — as best he could, anyways, with his chin being held as tightly as it was. Then, the knife lowers.
There’s a surprising lack of pain at first as the dagger slides between his eyes and its socket. Then it hits. Pain radiates out like a sunburst, fire in his nerves as each part of him fights against the intrusion. He screams into the leather, his body tensing and trying to thrash against the weight on top of him. The Corinthian just tuts as he turns the knife downward.
Hob feels something detach. It’s a feeling that sends a shiver down his spine and makes his animal instincts flinch away. It’s wrong, it hurts, he wants it to stop. There’s blood trailing down his face. He tastes iron on his tongue and he doesn’t know if it’s the blood from his eye or from biting down so hard. Hob breathes through his nose, the panicked breath coming out as staccato puffs of air.
“There’s a good boy, just stay still for a few moments longer,” The Corinthian purrs. The dagger moves again, winding across the other side of his eye socket. He’s pretty sure his eyelids are fucked up at this point, not that he can differentiate the pain by now. His entire face pulses as nerves fire and blood leaks. Distantly, he thinks that they should have put down garbage bags before starting all this.
The knife slides down and does a few circles around the edge of his socket before the Corinthian sets the blade down beside Hob’s head. He’s not sure when his vision faded away, but all he can see is fingers reaching down from the left side of his face and reach into the blind spot of his vision.
A weight is lifted and air rushes through the opening. Hob hisses as the cold breeze settles among the open nerves and flesh and bone. He arches off the couch in pain as the Corinthian just chuckles. Hob’s chin is released and he immediately slams his head back against the cushion of the couch. He screams into the leather.
“Alright. Time to see what you saw.” Hob watches through his single eye as the Corinthian places the bloody orb — God’s Wounds, that’s his eye... That’s really his eye — into the mouth of his left ocular cavity. Teeth surround the gelatinous sphere, the golden brown of his iris staring back at him. Then, the Corinthian bites down.
If he wasn’t going to be sick from the pain, watching his own eye splash into jelly in the Corinthian’s mouth was going to do it. Blood trickles down from his ocular mouth with a small tongue darts out and licks up the spill. The Nightmare tilts his head back and sighs like it was a shot of top-shelf whisky and not Hob’s fucking eye that he just ate.
“Oh Robbie boy, you have lived a delicious life, haven’t you? It’s not often I get to sample such a tasty vintage like you.” He says with a smirk.
“Fuck you,” Hob manages to get out before his body shuts down from the pain.
He wakes up in his bed some time later. Hob reaches his hand up to the right side of his face and feels bandages around the skin. At least that prick had the decency to fix him up. He sighs and looks over at the night stand. The clock claims it’s sometime around five in the morning. He wasn’t due on shift again until three in the afternoon, thankfully.
A note rests beside the clock which Hob reaches out and reads.
Figured out your runes. Just grabbing a few things. We can get him out tonight. Be prepared.
- C
Hob smiles.
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aitchnkay · 1 year
Jiang Gunian Made A Change Part 4
If she was going to remove her brothers from Lotus Pier and hide them from being indoctrinated by the Wen Sect, she could have no better co-conspirator than Wei WuXian. Also, given that the fortune teller had stated said co-conspirator was going to lose everything (everyone) important in his life, she decided it would probably be just as easy for him to hide all his friends away, too. And Jin ZiXuan, seeing as how she still wanted to marry him. The Jin heir was... infuriating, but she was... enamored. 
Wei WuXian embraced the role, immediately sending letters to his friends inviting them to a forbidden nighthunt. As expected, Nie HuaiSang and his minder, Meng Yao, were the first to arrive at the rendezvous point, sabers conspicuously absent, mischievous smiles on the younger’s face. Jin ZiXuan and his retinue were a close second, angrily strutting around the inn even before seeing Jiang YanLi standing behind her brothers. Surprisingly, two Wens showed up the following morning: Wen QiongLin and his elder sister, Wen Qing. “You didn’t see the way he was treated by Wen RuoHan and his sons, ShiJie! If we’re avoiding being indoctrinated, we need to include all our allies,” was Wei WuXian’s defense for inviting the pair. The twin jades arrived last, furious that anyone would plan a nighthunt when doing so would invite Wen RuoHan’s wrath down upon them. No, it wasn’t right, but they needed to keep the peace, right?
“We’re not going nighthunting,” Wei WuXian grinned at their stonier than normal faces. “ShiJie received... information. QishanWen is going to attempt to become overlords of all the Sects. Wen RuoHan wants to proclaim himself Emperor. They’re going to attack Cloud Recesses and do their best to burn it to the ground. With that victory, they’re going to send notices to every largish clan or sect that the heirs and strong junior disciples are required to attend indoctrination at the Nightless City. Our sect leaders will send us because they don’t want to become next. But it won’t work. QishanWen will still attack Lotus Pier. Then the Unclean Realm. The clans will ally against Wen RuoHan, and eventually they will win the war. But at the loss of thousands of lives and hundreds of the smaller sects completely wiped out.”
“So why are we here?” Jin ZiXuan snarled. “Shouldn’t we be home preparing to resist?”
“If you resist, Koi Tower will be attacked and destroyed, too,” Jiang YanLi spoke up, doing her best to sound competent, not scared. “Any clan that resists will be destroyed.”
Jin ZiXuan started turning a brilliant scarlet. “How do you know this? I want to verify it! Tell us who your informant is!”
“And potentially have that informant executed by my uncle?” Wen Qing crossed her arms, looking murderous. “What Jiang Guniang says is consistent with what I’ve overheard. My odious younger cousin is already setting up for that indoctrination while my older cousin is salivating over how he will handle the clans that disobey.” She turned to Wei WuXian. “My brother and I thank you for the invitation, but... I think it’s best that we return to the Nightless City.”
Jiang YanLi shook her head. “Wen Guniang... my informant tells me everyone in this room will be affected by the upcoming war and only a few of us will survive it. Jiang Cheng will. Wei WuXian, Jin ZiXuan,” here she guessed that eventually she would marry the Jin heir, “and I will not. I’m not sure about anyone else, but.... If you uncle finds out you were here? You won’t survive that, I’m sure.”
“Go or don’t go. It’s your choice,” Jiang Cheng interjected, angry at hearing for the first time that his siblings were destined to die in that war. “I have no intention of being anywhere near where my parents or the Wen can find me when the invitation arrives.”
“If you decide to join us,” Wei WuXian handed out talismans. “You can activate this. It will make you imperceptible to every spiritual tracker I know how to avoid. Tell your family you’re going on a long walk or something. Don’t say anything about what we’re going to do, please, either way. Once this talisman is active, it will tell you how to get to us. You can bring people you trust; there are plenty of talismans.”
Lan XiChen hesitantly reached out for a talisman. “What happens next? How do we prevent Cloud Recesses from burning? Or Lotus Pier?”
“We don’t,” Jiang YanLi shook her head. “When we get back, I’ll ask my parents to increase the protections around there. And then we leave with a few disciples. Ones that we think absolutely must be saved should the worse happen.”
“That’s cold,” Jin ZiXuan shot a furious look at her. “Why not stay and fight?”
“Stay and die or leave and hope to survive? Do you really think dying is the better choice?”
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Low Profile Part 18: Revealed
Series masterlist here. Major spoilers in this one, cannot be read as a stand-alone. Please start from the beginning if you aren’t familiar with the series. Enjoy!
A stranger stared back at Hale from the screen. 
His hair was long, thick curls down to his shoulders. He wore makeup— gold, shimmering eyeshadow, eyeliner sharp as a blade, mascara that had run in tear trails down his bruised face. His arms folded in front of him were littered with dark, mottled track marks that peeked from the edges of his rolled-up shirtsleeves. 
“If you’re watching this, future me, I’m sorry. I’m so, so fucking sorry. Uh, your name, if you’ve forgotten that too, is Hale Ellison. Or, it used to be. Maybe you’re better off with a new life altogether. I guess not, ‘cause then you wouldn’t be watching this. But you are. 
And if you’re not me and you’re watching this, assume the worst has happened. And I’m only risking the worst ‘cause it’s gotta get out there. Someone has to stop them. I can feel it slipping away… I wrote it all down, before they can make me forget, it’s all on the drive— just get the code. I’ll remember it if it fucking kills me. Get it, even if you have to torture it out of me. Someone’s gotta make the killing stop.” 
He took a long, shaking breath, wiping his face with his palm and leaving a smear of black behind. 
On the other side of the screen, Hale watched mutely, eyes wide and stricken. Viper eased a warm mug into his hands, but he barely registered its existence. 
“God. I don’t know where to begin. How much they’re gonna make me forget. But uh, I’ve gotta start somewhere. Wayford. 
When I was around eleven, my father committed a mass murder of those who sought to uncover his secrets. The Ellison legacy is built on nothing but blood money, but anyone who dares mention it…” he shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut for a minute and feeling along the crook of his elbow as if to assure himself there was nothing there. 
“Let’s just say, he doesn’t take kindly to any reminders. But yeah. The richest of the rich pay him for all sorts of shit. Got a political candidate that needs to be conveniently sick, injured, even dead?  Want a personal supply of trafficked people at your doorstep to destroy one by one? Need a protest to turn into a bloodbath to prove a point? Human meat for a luxury banquet? Julian Tucker Ellison can get it done in a heartbeat,” he said bitterly, face twisting in disgust. 
“The whole family was in on it, except for me. Decided I was too weak, too soft. But the things I’ve heard… I couldn’t let them go unnoticed. I’ve been collecting evidence since I was sixteen, recording top-secret meetings, uploading bank wires, decrypting files. Made it four years playing off every close call as innocent curiosity, and a fifth working with the mafia to stay better hidden. They like to blame them, anytime an incident goes a bit too public. Turns out the enemy of my enemy is the best asset I’ve got. Strategically invaluable, but don’t trust a thing they say. “ 
Hale’s gaze darted to Viper, then back to the screen, like he was waiting for him to turn it off. Slam the laptop shut before Hale learned too much. But Viper only gave him a solemn nod, raising an eyebrow ever so slightly, and let the video play on. 
“You— I— dammit. I don’t even know where you’re at right now. Who you’re friends with. But currently, I’m closest with two of the mobsters working right under the queen bee. Silas Bevereaux, right hand man and the only person I’ve met who’s more ruthless than good ol’ Julian himself. Head medic as well, knows his way around any and every drug. He’s helped me counteract the effects of— of— of the shit they’ve been giving me. The doctors, if they can be called that, under my father’s instruction. For now at least, I still have the freedom to move around during the day. But at night, I’m theirs. They’ve tried keeping me under a cocktail of hallucinogens, hypnosis, amnestics— anything that’ll make me question reality. Destabilize me enough that no one will trust me even if I do spill the family secrets. Let me out during the day, completely batshit, so everyone knows I’m just the family freak. If not for Silas, it would’ve worked. He’s handy with a gun too, can take out a crowd of 100 in seconds with nothing but a glock. And he will. Beg him for help if you have to, but don’t trust him for a second. 
And Viper. Insists he doesn’t have a last name. Where do I even start?” 
Hale took a tentative sip of his chai, which had begun to grow cold. Guess it wasn’t important enough to the old me that we were lovers, he thought bitterly. Or maybe he’d had too much confidence in himself, that surely he’d never forget his own boyfriend. At the mention of his own name, Viper stiffened next to him. His jaw tensed, he pulled his knife out of his pocket and started toying with it on instinct. 
“Can’t go back, love,” he muttered to Hale. “I warned you.” 
The Hale on the screen sighed brokenly.
“We were friends. Brothers. Lovers, after that. He helped me through the side effects, the withdrawals, the beatings. Plotted revenge with me when I was hurting too much to move. And if you’re watching this, Viper, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Hale slammed the  space bar of the laptop so hard that he was surprised it didn’t break. 
“What the fuck are you?” He snapped to the stranger beside him, the mug slipping from his hands and shattering on the tiled floor. 
“It’s a deepfake, isn’t it? Some sick jab to get back at Silas for being a half-decent human being? Well it’s not gonna fucking work.” 
“We had an agreement, the two of us,” Viper said icily. 
“You believed that if so much pain and pressure and despair could shock your mind into retreating inside itself, the same conditions would be required to bring it back. And maybe, just maybe, I’m fucking sick of you. He’d hate you. You’d hate yourself, if you knew any better.” His voice was laden with vitriol, eyes narrowed to slits. 
“And Silas? He just thought torture doesn’t work, plain and simple. You said it yourself, even if you forgot. He’s ruthless.” 
Hale shook his head. 
“Someone who loved me wouldn’t fucking do this,” he retorted. “You faked it, then, didn’t you? Seduced me into giving you what you needed? Showed your true colors once they brainwashed me into oblivion?” 
“I already said. I loved him, I hate you. ‘Cause you’re the reason he’s not here with me. Whatever they turned you into, it replaced the man I love. And I’ll do anything to you if it means getting him back.”  
“We’re the same fucking person!” Hale cried. “Hurting me hurts the person you loved too, ‘cause we’re one and the fucking same! Get a grip!” 
Viper seized Hale by the shoulders before he could utter another word, throwing him to the ground and landing a brutal kick to his chest. 
“He’s locked up in there somewhere, and you’re not letting him out,” Viper hissed. 
“This was never about the drive, was it?” Hale forced out, ribs throbbing. “This was about taking it all out on me that you weren’t fucking good enough to save me before they did this, wasn’t it? Pretending I’m a whole different person ‘cause then it means I can be your punching bag? You’re fucking sick.” 
Viper just gave a sad smile, edged with smug, unmistakable victory.  
“Oh, Hale. You don’t understand, do you? There is a drive, but it’s been hacked. We already have the code, the files, all the evidence we need about your family. The only thing we still need is you. The real you. Someone’s gotta be able to attest to the horrors of your family firsthand. Someone’s gotta put this all together, and you’re the only one who knows how. And… well, I’ll let you hear yourself say it.” 
He reached up to the laptop again, not bothering to help Hale back onto the couch. 
“Do whatever it takes to get us back. I swear I’ll come back to you, love. I’ll come back, no matter how long it takes. I won’t forget you.” 
The Hale on the screen was earnest, soft, even reverent for the most fleeting of seconds. Amidst the trembling hands that no amount of chemicals managed to erase, the tears he choked back, the terrified glances over his shoulder. 
“And future me, I’m sorry about all of this. Hope you remember it all soon enoguh so it’ll all just be a bad dream. I’ve told Viper to do whatever it takes to get me back, and I mean it. The memories, they’re already slipping away. I’m barely myself. And I’m not gonna let them win. I’m sorry, for what he’s gonna do to you. For what’s already been done. But you’re gonna remember, and you’re gonna understand. I swear it.” 
Taglist: @morning-star-whump @whumpkitty @shameless-dumbass @hurtthemgently @gala1981 @avvail @d-cs @whumpedydump
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bookwormscififan · 7 months
The Amethyst Files, Part 2
Read on AO3!
Part 1
A/N: Just a little exposition chapter, with a little confession and a brief touch on what happened to Chase after the Scarlet Files.
“You never told me you had a brother,” Mad commented as he lay on the grass with Mare, soaking up the moonlight through the canopy of trees. “Or that he knew the vampire that’s come here.”
“I didn’t think he’d be a problem,” Mare replied, resting his head on Mad’s chest and lightly tracing the claim mark on Mad’s neck. “I don’t think he even realises that one’s a vampire.” He pressed his cheek closer into Mad’s chest when Mad started to purr, closing his eyes and letting the rumbles soothe him.
“We’ll figure things out,” Mad said, running his fingers through Mare’s hair to comfort him, his other hand resting on Mare’s back, sliding his fingers up to trace his claim mark as well. “We need to deal with the new vampire first, then we can handle your brother.”
“Alright,” Mare whispered, pulling his knees up so he could curl into Mad’s side, humming softly and twining his fingers into Mad’s, feeling the pressure of Mad’s ring against his own fingers. “Rest first, though.”
“You’re a vampire.” Phantom sat on the edge of the bed, elbows resting on his knees as he ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re a vampire, my brother’s a vampire, I was attacked by a vampire. But, why did you all act differently?”
“Mare’s mate obviously didn’t know you,” Jackie replied, not meeting Phantom’s gaze. “He thought you were going to take him away from him, and his instinct was to stop you. Mare knew you, but he’d changed a lot since you last saw him, so he was nervous.”
“What about you?”
“Me?” Jackie chuckled bitterly, picking at a spot on his jeans. “I’ve had years to learn control. I’ve lived through a lot of trouble and vampiric injustice, and I’m tired of it all. I just want to be able to exist in a place where the people I care about are safe.”
Phantom looked up then, staring at Jackie with a newfound emotion. Jackie was continuing to avoid his gaze, this time from embarrassment not guilt, and Phantom tilted his head as he looked at Jackie’s stance.
“You just met me, why do you care so much about me?” He clasped his hands in his lap, waiting for Jackie to form his response.
“You remind me of someone I knew, a long time ago. A human, who came to my family to find his friend.” Jackie’s voice was soft, sad as he remembered the past. “His friend turned him, and he was never the same after that. One day he left the castle and never came back.” He met Phantom’s eyes, moving closer before crouching in front of him, reaching hesitant hands out to touch his knees.
“I don’t want to lose anyone else,” he continued. “I lost Chase, and it destroyed me. I was there when our eldest vampire was murdered by the townsfolk; I comforted the new leader as he broke down. I don’t want to lose you, too.”
Phantom stared at Jackie, seeing the tears welling in his eyes, and his hand moved before he could think. Jackie flinched when he touched his cheek, using his thumb to brush the tears away from his eyes. Forcing his hand to stop trembling, Phantom offered Jackie a sympathetic smile, feeling his own tears forming.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” he started, clearing his throat when his voice shook. “I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through. You’re too nice to have gone through so much. Thank you for being so willing to help me with Mare, and for protecting me when the other vampire attacked.”
“Mad. His name is Mad,” Jackie whispered, lip trembling and grip tightening on Phantom’s knees.
“Mad. Jackie, I barely know you,” Phantom began, using his hand on Jackie’s cheek to keep him looking up. “I don’t want to be hurt. I don’t want to die, and I know the prejudice around vampires, but for some reason I trust you. Stay with me.”
“As long as you want,” Jackie replied, moving forward to give Phantom a gentle kiss, climbing into his lap when Phantom wrapped his arms around his shoulders and returned the kiss.
“We need to figure out if Phan is living with that vampire,” Mare stated, tracing patterns into Mad’s back as Mad cleaned them in the bathtub. “I don’t want to hurt my brother.”
Mad hummed, squirting shampoo into Mare’s hair and starting to lather it, locking his ankles around Mare’s waist and pulling him closer so he could press kisses to his neck. Shifting slightly to the side, he guided Mare to lean back, scooping handfuls of water to rinse the shampoo.
“You’re going to kill him, aren’t you?” Mare asked suddenly, making Mad pause as he worked his fingers through the tangles in Mare’s hair. “The other vampire. You’re going to kill him like you killed the vampires that abducted me.”
“I kill to protect you,” Mad said simply, returning to untangling his mate’s hair. “As long as the new vampire doesn’t post a threat to your safety, I just want him away from the town.” He finished his work, unhooking his legs and turning around so Mare could repeat the actions to him.
“I’m a vampire now, Mad,” Mare began, running a soapy sponge over Mad’s body. “It won’t be as easy to hurt me. You haven’t killed since the humans wanted to tear down your forest. Maybe we should talk to the newcomer.” He covered Mad’s eyes as he rinsed his hair, making sure not to get soap in them.
“If you want to talk to him, we can talk to him,” Mad answered, letting Mare guide him out of the tub. “When do you want to confront him?” He started to purr as Mare wrapped a towel around them both, drying him off and leading him to the bed.
“We’ll talk to him tomorrow,” Mare wrapped his arms around Mad’s waist, holding him close and hooking his chin over his shoulder. “As soon as the sun goes down.”
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Grayson's True Prodigy (Sevika × POC!Reader) - Ch.10
Next Upload Date: March 7th
Act 2: Chapter Ten - Life in Ionia
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Warnings: Crushes, Flirting, Teasing, Monster Hunting, Killing Monsters, Demons (Mention of murder)
Summary: You’ve left Piltover behind to start a new life in Ionia. One full of adventure and chaos with people who love you… and your mama in the back of your mind.
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You let out a small grunt as you pull yourself over the edge of the cliff. Your family had arrived in Ionia yesterday and you wasted no time getting out into the wilds. The cliffs you decided to scale are the ones bordering the Qaelin Highlands. It was an attempt to feel closer to Grayson in some way. It was a few hours of travel by boat so you left early in the morning. There was nothing like watching the sunrise from the top of the cliff.
You sit down at the edge and look out over the land. If there was one thing Ionia beat other countries in… it was beauty. There is something captivating about the red-leaved oaks and the way the land seemed to beckon you closer. ‘It’s beautiful and deadly.’ You think as you see an ogre stomp through a distant tree line. Monsters are common in Ionia, but they weren’t always hostile to humans. They were initially protectors of the land until a Darkin did something. Now, monsters destroy villages looking for humans to kill and consume. It’s monsters like that which remind you why hunters like Cardin and Orum are needed.
“Hey there, little fae!” You hear Cardin call from below you. You look down to see him and his crew scaling the wall.
“Hey there, monster bait! Watch your feet!” You teasingly call down to him. You hear him laugh and go back to observing the area. Being out here brought you a sense of peace you haven’t felt in years. You were excited to see what the place had in store for you. It was no secret that Ionia brought change to those who allowed it to.
“Did you see that huge ogre to the southeast? What do you think it’s protecting over there?” Leah says as she comes up, “I kinda want to check it out.”
“I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out.” Landen sighs and drops his bag to the ground.
“You’re a monster hunter and you don’t want to find out?” You raise an eyebrow at him, “Shouldn’t you be dying to go over there?”
“Monster hunter in training.” Cardin snorts and sits next to you, “Besides, Landen’s a scout. He doesn’t get in on the action unless one of us screws up.” Leah sits close to you on your other side. You can’t help the small blush that comes to your face as she does. ‘She’s so pretty. I hope she and I can be better friends now that I’m here permanently.’
“And we never screw up.” Leah smirks and rests her arm on your shoulder, “I didn’t spend most of my life studying monsters to fail at killing them. Do you know how embarrassing that would be? My brother wouldn’t let me live it down.”
“It’s also a sweet gig. The ladies are all over you once they find out you hunt monsters for a living.” Landen smiles teasingly.
“If you’re doing it for the women, this is the wrong path, buddy.” Cardin laughs, “The only women I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with are banshees.”
“Don’t forget that nest of harpies.” Leah points out, “I’m still finding feathers in my gear.” The boys wince at her words as they visibly shiver.
“What happened with the harpies?” You raise an eyebrow in interest and exchange a glance with Leah.
“Nothing. Nothing happened with the harpies, Y/n.” Cardin rushes out and stands up, “Who’s ready to go jumping?” You snort as Leah laughs but get up anyway. You grab your bags and head into the forest until you emerge near the edge of a crater lake. You crouch down and take a deep breath before letting your magic go. It pulses through the ground, sending feedback to you about the flora and fauna in the area.
“It’s safe.” You open your eyes and stand up, “Nothing that can hurt us. There aren’t even any water nymphs nearby.”
“Perfect!” Cardin cheers and starts undressing. The rest of you follow and you approach the edge of the cliff. The water is thirty meters down, safe enough to jump into without worrying about injuries.
“Y/n and I will set up the climbing rope.” Leah announces as she grabs your arm, “You boys take a test dive.”
“Fine by me!” Landen grins and nudges Cardin, “Last one to hit the water does the other’s chores for a week.”
“You’re so on!” Cardin accepts as you two grab the gear and turn away. You toss Leah the rope and head over to one of the trees. Placing your hand on it, you let your magic wash over it and you feel it warm.
“It’ll let us tie the rope.” You turn to Leah, “Just be gentle because there’s a bird’s nest in its branches.” You hear distant shouts from the guys, assuming that’s them jumping in.
“I think it’s so cool that you can communicate with nature. That must make so many things easier for you.” Leah grins as you start to wrap the rope around the tree.
“It does, but it took a lot of practice to keep myself from being overwhelmed.” You shrug, tying a knot, “I can hear everything. Not just one tree. If I really let my magic go, I could hear all of Ionia.”
“Woah.” Leah breathes out in shock, “I stand corrected.” She flashes you a smile and you feel your stomach twist. You focus on your task as a blush rises to your face. It takes another minute before the rope is secured and you carry it to the edge of the cliff. Peering over the edge, you see the boys splashing around in the water. With a shake of your head, you toss the rope over and watch it hit the water. You nod in satisfaction and take a few steps back.
“Ready?” Leah throws you a smirk and holds out her hand. You feel something flutter in your chest with her actions.
“Ready.” You grab it with a grin and nod. You take a few more steps back, counting to five before running forward. You leap off of the cliff, feeling weightless for a moment before you drop. A scream leaves your lips as you fall and you vaguely hear one from Leah. You let go of her hand and brace yourself for the water. You find out that it’s pleasantly warm when you’re submerged. You swim up to the top and laugh once you’re clear of the water.
“That was awesome!” Leah cheers as she swims over to you, “We're doing that again!”
“Well look who decides to stop flirt-!” Landen gets cut off as you jump on him, pushing him under the water.
“Sorry, what was that Landen? I can’t hear you because of the- waaaater!” You shout as Cardin lifts you up and tosses you in. You sputter and shake your hair out when you come back up.
“Cardin!” You gasp playfully, “That was unfair!”
“Not as unfair as this!” Leah smiles mischievously and points into the air. You blink and follow her indication before you feel your nerves set in. ‘WHEN WAS SHE ABLE TO CONTROL WATER?!’ You think, staring at the large balls of water above you.
“Uhhh, Leah?” Landen laughs nervously, “What are you gonna do with those?”
“This.” Leah grins as the water balls come falling towards your group.
“LEAH!” You all scream in a panic and cover your face as you’re pelted with water. You all laugh and splash around for a bit longer before you decide to jump off again. Cardin tags along with you and you grin at him as he reaches the top.
“So, you and Leah.” Cardin says casually as you walk to the edge, “You’re into her, huh?”
“What? No. Leah and I are just friends.” You deny but the butterflies in your chest say otherwise.
“It’s alright, I know what you see in her. Tall, dark hair, lean muscles, a monster hunter, and a fiery personality.” Cardin smirks at you, ruffling his black hair on purpose, “Sounds like you got a-” You scoff and shove him off the cliff.
“-TTTTYYYPPPEE! SHIIIIT!” Cardin screams before you hear a loud splash.
“I don’t have a type.” You huff and cross your arms.
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You hum to yourself, swinging the basket back and forth in your hands, as you collect some fruit. The forest around the monastery has a small orchard that the monks had created. It contained all of the fruit that could grow at this elevation and was constantly in need of maintenance. It’s your favorite spot in the monastery to practice your magic and talk with the spirits. In Ionia, there was a small ritual to everything if you didn’t want to upset the land. Picking fruits from a tree required that you replant the seeds from one of the fruits you take. If they’re not planted before they go bad, then a dryad would mark you as tainted and you wouldn’t be able to eat fruits again.
“Hello, sweetie.” You coo at a strawberry bush and gently stroke its leaves, “I’m only taking a few from you today. Just enough to make some jam.” The bush perks up and reveals the ripe berries to you, pushing them close enough so you didn’t have to search for them. You let out a soft chuckle and use your clippers to cut the stems of the berries. Once you have a handful, you thank the plant before moving on to the nectarine tree. It reminds you of Leah since they’re her favorite fruits. ‘I wonder if Leah is doing okay. She came by a few days ago with her mentor to talk to my grandmothers.’ You found yourself crushing on the young hunter and it made you so flustered around her at times. You shake your head and refocus on the tree, but before you can place your hand against it, you hear a throat clear from behind you. You pause and turn to see Elder Abe giving you a kind smile.
“Elder Abe.” You bow to him, “I’m pleased to see you out of bed. Is the wheelchair to your comfort?”
“Ah, nothing feels quite the same anymore, young fae.” Elder Abe chuckles, “I am pleased to see you home, even if it’s without our lion.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t bring her home.” You frown, feeling the grief rising. The days were challenging without mama around. It has only been a few weeks since her funeral and sometimes you find yourself crying out of nowhere. The grief would choke you, forcing you to bend over and gasp for breath as the tears fell. The spirits of the monastery would come to comfort you when you did, whispering stories of mama’s childhood self to make you laugh. Some of them took to following you around the place saying that you made them feel less lonely. It made you happy to hear, so you welcomed their company.
“That was not your fault, young fae. Do not blame yourself for the mistakes that others made. Grayson had a bright light and whoever dared to kill her will get what’s coming to them.” Elder Abe says fiercely before clearing his throat, “I came to get you for Gem. She said that there’s something you might want to see.”
“Something I might want to see?” You tilt your head curiously, “Let’s go then.” You hum and hand your basket off to one of the monks. It broke your heart to see the scarring that covered the Elder’s legs, but he showed them off proudly. You had questioned him about it and he admitted that he felt remorseful for what Lee Sin had gone through. He was even starting to advocate for his return to the monastery so he could continue teaching him.
“Thank you for coming here with me, Elder Abe.” You smile at him as you reach the wall of the archive.
“It was my pleasure.” Elder Abe nods, “Enjoy, young fae. Come tell me what you find?”
“Of course.” You nod before heading down into the archives. Gem was there to greet you when you reached the bottom. She immediately guides you to the back of the room where there are some tables nestled against the wall. Laid across them are a handful of opened scrolls that catch your attention.
“We found these scrolls while looking through some personal items from past Hiranas. It took a bit of time to make out the handwriting, but we believe these were written by Master Iyana. Since you are the new owner of her staff, I thought you might like to look at them. You might be the only one to make sense of the words, as none of us can understand them. It’s not ancient Ionian or any known language, so I’ll leave you to read them.” Gem pats your shoulder before walking away from you. Curiously, you take a seat at the table and tug one of the scrolls closer to you.
‘As the youngest daughter of the Hirana Clan, I was taken care of greatly by all of my siblings. They included me in everything that they could if it wasn’t restricted. Yet, I felt different from my family. Although I have my parents' facial features, that’s where the similarities ended. My hair is a deep green and although my sisters bear a similar skin tone to me, it is a touch deeper than theirs. Another puzzling factor is my profound connection to the spirit realm. I can see spirits without having to invoke my spiritual sight. This has made the monks wonder how I am so close to the spirits and they chose to test me.
I was sent into the First Lands to find an object using my connection to the spirit realm, but I found something else… I found a spirit portal. I was enthusiastically invited in by the fae when they caught wind of my essence. Confused and intrigued, I followed them in, and I can not put the marvel of this realm into words. The things I was shown made everything I questioned about my existence make sense. To whoever reads this, know that the spirit realm is calling to you. This scroll is only legible to those who are like me. I cannot explain it, for it is something you must experience on your own. Go. Go into the wilds and learn about what makes you different.’
You fall back into your chair as you stare at the scroll in shock. ‘Master Iyana… sounds like me.’ A moment passes before you scramble to grab the rest of the scrolls. You immerse yourself into the writing of the previous master, reading about her life and her experiences with the spirit realm. It wasn’t until you got to the last few scrolls that something started to feel strange about this woman. The scrolls detailed her decision to leave the monastery and Ionia behind due to her yearning for adventure. So her middle name became her last name so people wouldn’t immediately recognize her. ‘Daya… Her middle name is… Daya? But that’s…’
“Papa, can you tell me about your family?” You look up from the Piltover House family tree you were trying to fill in, “I just realized that I don’t know much about them… and I know way too much about the upper-class ones.” You sigh.
“Ah, well my family took a bit of a backseat to your mother’s.” Your papa puts down his book and comes over to you, “We aren’t a high family like your mother’s, so it wasn’t as important for you to learn about.”
“Can you tell me? I really want to know now.” You beg him and he gives you a fond smile. He pulls out the chair across from you and takes a seat. You let out an excited squeal and snap the book in front of you shut. You move your chair closer and give all of your attention to him.
“Well, I should start from the beginning… My great-great-great grandmother came to Piltover from another country when it first started to be created. The great Matriarch of the family… Her name was Iyana Daya. From her painting on the wall, I can see many similarities between the two of you. I’ll have to take you to the house someday, but back on track. Grandmother Iyana came to Piltover and ended up settling down and having four children.” Your papa carries on his explanation of the family.
Everything suddenly clicked into place and your hand flew up to the clip in your hair. ‘I’m directly related to Master Iyana?! That means- That means I am a Hirana by blood!’ You gasp and shoot up out of your chair. You run from the table, intent on finding Gem and telling her and your grandmothers of the news.
“Miss Gem!” You shout as you slide around a corner, “Miss Gem-!” You let out a grunt as you collide with someone. You fall to the ground, hearing the other person fall as well as the books they must’ve been holding. Embarrassed, you snap your head up to apologize when you see Leah. You’re unable to stop the blush that covers your face as she looks at you.
“Leah!” You squeak out before shaking your head furiously, “I-I’m so sorry. I thought I was the only one down here.” You ramble as you help her collect the books from the floor. Leah doesn’t say a word as you do but you can see a blush on her face.
“That’s okay.” Leah clears her throat, “I just got clearance to be down here.” She gives an airy laugh that dies out quickly. She brushes her hair behind her ear as she counts the books to make sure they’re all there. ‘I can’t believe I just did that.’ You think, mortified.
“W-What’s the clearance for?” You question with interest. ‘Maybe that’s the reason they came by a few days ago. It has to be for a hunt, but what would they need to research?’
“We’re hunting some kind of demon that uses water as a way to trap its victims. It… might be similar to the demon that… killed my mom.” Leah hesitates, “And if that’s true then it might be the one that cursed me.”
“Cursed… Your water abilities?” You tilt your head. This was the first time you’ve heard about her curse. She’s talked about her mother a bit and how she was consumed by a demon when Leah was a toddler.
“Yeah, those. My father said it’s a curse for living through the attack or something like that.” Leah shrugs, “The Guildmasters disagree with him though.”
“We do have something about water demons in the archives.” You give her a reassuring smile, “Hopefully it’s one of them! Good luck on your hunt.” You wave to her, still wanting to go find Gem. She waves to you as you leave before you hear her call your name. You pause and turn back to her with a questioning glance.
“After my hunt, go on a date with me to the lotus river festival.” Leah says strongly. You blink before giving her a bright smile. ‘She likes me back?! She likes me back!’
“I’d love to.” You step forward and give her a kiss on the cheek, “I’ll see you then.” You giggle at her surprised face and go back to searching for Gem. ‘Today has been an amazing day, mama.’ You smile to yourself.
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The ogre roars in rage as you all scatter away from his hit. You launch yourself up into a tree with the others as it looks around for your group. Your heart is racing in your chest from your narrow escape from the beast. You had been asleep when the trees woke you up, warning you of approaching danger. You woke everyone up and buried your camping equipment in a hurry. You had enough time to anticipate an attack before the ogre came crashing into the small clearing.
“What happened to being the scout!” You hiss at Landen as the ogre locks onto you. It lets out another roar, tearing a boulder out of the ground and hurling it at you. You grab Leah and jump into the tree next to you as you hear the loud cracking of the tree snapping in half. Your girlfriend growls and pulls her katana out of its sheath as she scowls down at the monster. You had decided to go into the wilds on a search for the spirit portal. To your surprise, Cardin and Leah had followed you stating that it was dangerous to go alone. So, it ended up with your small group traveling through the forests on your search. Landen was supposed to be on the lookout for tonight but you found him fast asleep at his post.
“Thanks for falling asleep, Landen!” Leah grins ferally, “I was getting bored!” She leaps from the tree with a yell that has you shaking your head.
“Your girlfriend is feral!” Landen shouts, making Cardin laugh. Your spirit brother has an electrified grin on his face as lightning crackles around him, “Her brother is too!” He shouts before following after his teammate. Landen gives you an exasperated look and you just smirk at him. He’s the only one that didn’t like to jump into the action. You launch yourself off of the branch as Leah lands a blow on the ogre, slicing its ear off when it moves at the last second.
“It’s moving too much!” Leah shouts, “I can’t get a proper hit on it!” She dodges its hand when it tries to rip her off of its shoulder.
“On it!” You respond and throw your hand out, “One immobilized ogre coming up!” Large roots tear their way out of the ground and twine around the monster’s legs. As it goes to take a step, its foot gets caught causing it to fall over. It lets out an angry bellow as you laugh and fly out of its reach, “That’s for the tree!”
“You’re the best!” Cardin cheers as he cleaves off one of its arms. It shrieks in pain, thrashing around in the roots but they only tighten around it.
“Agreed!” Leah cackles as she whirls around and slices at its thick neck, blood spewing from the wound. It weakly swats at her and she flips out of the way as Cardin rushes in. You watch enraptured as they methodically move around and kill the ogre. You grab Landen as the ogre falls limp and lower him to the ground. You hold your hand out and the blood soaks into the ground with the roots growing to cover most of the body. ‘They might want to harvest the teeth to sell, so I’ll leave it above ground for a bit.’ Leah comes over to you and gives you a sweet kiss that makes you blush. You weren’t used to affection in front of the guys yet, especially when they loved to tease you two.
“That was a huge one.” Landen says as he observes the carcass, “Orges only get that big when there's a large source of magic nearby.”
“Then let's go find out what it's been feeding off of.” Cardin sheaths his sword and motions to you. You nod and pull your gear out of the ground before returning the roots to how they were. Leah approaches the ogre and gets to work on taking out its teeth. Powdered ogre teeth were used in some topical medicines or even some weapons. Poor Landen got roped into it while you and Cardin grabbed your things.
“I’m surprised it only took a month for a monster to find us.” Cardin muses as he secures his tent.
“I’m not.” You shrug your backpack on as your fairy form dissolves, “I may have deflected a monster or two during our travels.” Cardin stops and stares at you before pouting.
“They better not have been good ones.” Cardin whines, “You know I love fighting!”
“You and Leah.” You chuckle and head to the others. Leah now has a large bag tossed over her shoulder with what you assume to be the ogre’s teeth. You clench your hand into a fist and the ogre gets pulled under the ground with the roots. You hold your palm out and whisper a small prayer for the ogre's body to nourish the earth.
“You ready?” Cardin asks as you come to a stop next to them. Leah nods and Landen takes his things before you head off in the direction the ogre came from. You let the trees guide you until you could sense powerful energy radiating from in front of you. You’re forced to stop when you hear giggling come from in front of you. Wearily, your group looks around as the giggling sounds again. ‘That sounds familiar.’ You squint into the forest, looking for an indication of something. Suddenly a very familiar butterfly flies past you, making you gasp. It’s very quickly flying away from you and you find yourself chasing it before you can stop yourself.
“Wait!” You cry out, stumbling over the terrain as you keep your eyes trained on it.
“Y/N!” You hear your friends shout from behind you, but you can’t stop. Even though you were aware that you needed to, you couldn’t. Your legs felt like they were moving on their own and that made you nervous. Yet, you could sense that you were getting closer and closer to the magic source you came looking for. You see something shimmer in the air before you when the butterfly vanishes. ‘What?!’ You gasp, but you still can’t stop moving.
The air is heavy with magic and you feel something ripple across your skin as the world around you brightens. You shield your eyes as you finally come to a stop and squint into the light. Your breath is stolen from your lungs as your vision adjusts and you can see your surroundings clearly. The sky was swirling with various shades of blue and purple and everything seemed more vibrant than normal. You take a step forward as you take it all in. Plants and animals that you’ve never seen before, two suns shining in the sky, and the sheer amount of magic in the air left you dumbfounded.
“It’s about time you’ve reincarnated again, Priestess.” A sugary voice says from above you. You look up to see dozens of faeries fluttering above you. Your eyes widen at the display. ‘I’m in the spirit realm… but… how?’
“And it looks like you’ve finally managed to perfect your form!” Another faerie squeaks happily and lands on your shoulder, “Although, you appear quite young.”
“I… what?” You breathe out in shock.
“Oops, I forgot you don’t remember. Silly me!” The faerie giggles, “Don’t worry! We’ll explain everything.” You just stare in disbelief as the faeries continue to speak.
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You stroll through the marketplace with a mild interest in what’s being sold. Your first mission from the monastery was to scope out a Vastayan village that had been claiming to be haunted. So you were walking around and trying to see if you could find anything indicating unrested spirits. The village wasn’t too far from the spirit portal you stumbled into a few months ago, so it could be likely there is an issue. It also made you happier that you killed that ogre, but the information didn’t line up. They spoke of missing crops, waterways getting blocked, items going missing and even a fire breaking out at one point. While those are signs, the energy you were getting from the area was peaceful and not hostile. Since your shocking visit to the spirit realm, you felt the connection to the realm all of the time. It felt like a spark within your chest that crackled with power. You’ve been in Ionia for about six months now, and you couldn’t be happier. You’ve risen within the ranks at the monastery, made friends, figured out who you are, got a girlfriend, and left your life in Piltover behind. You even made regular visits to Sav’ven and his cluster!
So far, you couldn’t sense any unrested spirits but that didn’t mean there weren’t any here. It could be timing or even based. ‘I should probably purchase something to support this village. While Vastaya are widely more accepted here in Ionia, there are still humans who treat them horribly.’ You frown to yourself.
“Excuse me? Um… miss monk?” A childish voice calls to you. You pause and turn to your right where you see a young bear Vastaya and his caretakers. You give them a friendly smile and approach them, clasping your hands behind your back as you do.
“Hello, young one.” You say pleasantly, “What can I do for you?” The young child glances at his caretakers and they gently encourage him to continue. He nervously steps towards you and you crouch down so you’re not standing above him.
“Are you here to kill the Yirlaj? My momma told me that you’re here to get rid of it.” He asks nervously, almost scared for your answer. Your eyes flick up to his parents and back to the young cub.
“No, young one. I am not here to kill the… Yirlaj. I’m here to send it back to sleep.” You soothe him, “Ghosts do not die.”
“The Yirlaj isn’t a ghost! It takes the form of an animal!” The child shouts and stomps his foot, “It’s a God!” He insists right before his father snatches him up. ‘A God? Does this mean he has seen this creature before?’ He hurriedly walks inside the tent with his child as his mother approaches you with a worried look.
“I’m so sorry, miss! My son is troubled after he was attacked by the creature a few months ago. He didn’t mean any disrespect by what he said.” The mother pleads with you, and you place a hand on her shoulder.
“Ma’am.” You say softly, kindly, “I took no offense at all. What your son has said may help me on my mission. Everyone else insists this creature is a spirit, but I haven’t felt any unrest nearby… can you tell me what happened?”
“My son and I went into the forest to gather some mushrooms, but he ran away from me. I lost sight of him and couldn’t find him when I heard a loud, terrifying screech. My son screamed right after that and I raced in his direction. When I found him, he was mumbling to himself about the Yirlaj and white as a sheet. He hasn’t been the same since.” You nod slowly, thinking about what she said. You reach into your satchel and tug out a map of the area.
“Can you mark where you were?” You politely ask her and she nods, marking an area north of the village. You study the area before thanking her and handing her a handful of ruby cowrie shells as payment. Her eyes go wide at the amount of money you handed her.
“I-I can’t take this. All I did was give you information.” The mother stutters and tries to give them back to you. Your eyes soften and you delicately clasp her hand in yours.
“Save it for a rainy day. You may never know what happens within the Lands.” You inform her and she nods. With a smile and a wave goodbye, you head for the forest.
You didn’t want to waste any time figuring out what was going on. A lot of the Vastayas in this village are terrified of whatever is plaguing them. Bringing them some form of clarity is what you are focusing on, and that starts with going to the only place there had been a sighting. Things began to feel off when you got to the entrance of the forest. The energy radiating from the land is sad and depressing and it made your mood drop. You take a moment to still yourself before heading inside. From your first step, the forest rushed to tell you what has happened. You listen to them carefully as they show you flashes of a creature. With a whispered thank you, you trekked to the area marked on your map.
It was an area dense with trees and large boulders that seems perfect for an animal to live. You stop to transform and let your magic pulse through the area. The depressed feeling is even stronger here and it takes your focus so you don’t notice anything approaching you.
You shout in alarm when something rams you in the back and sends you barreling to the ground. You slam into one of the boulders, knocking the breath out of you, and fall to the ground. Groaning in pain, you get up off of the ground and look around you. You could sense the confusion and hostility in the air but you couldn’t see what it was coming from. There’s a flash of a shadow across your vision and you hurl an energy ball in that direction. ‘Why can’t I sense what’s here? There’s no presence of a spirit or an animal.’ You fly up into the air to get a better view and catch a glimpse of something trying to run behind you. You whirl around and summon some vines, willing them to catch whatever is attacking you. Frantic snarling has you flying in that direction and your eyes widen at the creature before you. Large antlers adorn the creature's head, while its face appeared to be of a lion… but its body was that of a dragon. Confused, you watch it struggle a bit more, snapping in your direction before you move closer.
“Hey, there.” You whisper gently, getting low to the ground, “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help you.” It focuses its angry eyes on you but stops struggling in the vines. The energy radiating from it is hostile, frightened, and confused. Your heart clenches when you move closer and it flinches away from you. ‘Something happened to this creature, and that’s what affecting this part of the forest. But, I’ve never seen it or read about it in the archives. Nothing with this description before.’ You chew on your bottom lip before slowly sitting on the ground. The vines fall away from the creature and its first instinct is to pin you down. Its antlers press against your throat as it growls in warning but its reaction makes you relax. ‘It reacted the why I knew it would. Good. That means it was not imprisoned.’ The creature seems confused by your reaction and wearily backs up.
“As I said, I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to know what happened to you… You seem sad.” You mutter but don’t move from your place on the ground.
“I am sad because this land is unfamiliar to me. I do not recognize anything here.” It vocalizes, making your eyes widen, “One moment, I am home. The next, I am here. I have been surviving off of what I can find, but it is not enough for my magic stores.”
“The portal!” You shout and throw yourself into a sitting position. The creature snarls and you raise your hands in surrender, “Sorry. I think I know what you mean. Your home… were the skies painted in blue and purples. Did it contain two suns?” The creature perks up and knocks you over.
“MY HOME! Do you know it?! You’ve seen my home?!” It interrogates you and you nod your head with a laugh.
“I do know it and I can take you there… but first I need to know your name. And, preferably… what you are.” You smile at it.
“My siblings call me Naveen. I am a proud member of the Yirlaj.” The creature boasts, raising its head in pride, “And you… I’ve sensed you before.” It tilts its head curiously. ‘A Yirlaj? That’s something I’ve definitely never read about. We don’t have anything on them in the archive.’
“I’m pleased to meet you, Naveen. I’m Y/n… a… nature fae.” You think about your answer. ‘I think that’s the best thing to call myself until I can speak to the faeries again.’
“Hello, young fae. I felt your magic course through the land. I thought you were going to attack me… My apologies for knocking you out of the air.” Naveen says sheepishly and uses his antlers to pick you up, “You will take me home now?”
“Yes, I will take you home.” You dust off your dress, “But, I’ve never heard of your kind before. Could you tell me about them?” That question seems to make the Yirlaj puff up.
“My kind is a powerful group of shapeshifters. I can change into any form I wish, other than human, although we retain our antlers as they are a sign of our power. Hiding your antlers means that you are ashamed of them.” Naveen wrinkles his nose at that prospect, “We are one of the guardian species of the spirit realm, out of hundreds.” You tilt your head in interest. You don’t know much about how the spirit realm runs on the inside. So, you take this time to find out how the realm runs from a creature that lives there. ‘I need to tell the village their ghost is gone.’ You muse to yourself. Naveen cheerily talks about his pack and you can’t help but smile.
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TOS Chapter 6: Testing Your Skills
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"You've been awfully quiet," Alice said, watching Eleven play with her fingers. "Don't you have anything to say? Or ask?"
"You can control your powers?" El asked after a few seconds of hesitation.
"Most of the time. When I'm not talking about Brenner," Alice said sweetly. She paused before she added, "I could teach you, you know."
"Really?" El asked the same time Mike said, "I don't think it's a good idea."
"Why wouldn't it be a good idea?" Alice scoffed. "El's powers aren't that different from mine. I know how to control mine and I can teach her."
"But Brenner. . ."
"Hold on," Alice cut Mike off. "Do you really think I would teach her the same way he taught me?"
The kids got scared as Alice stood up. "Let me make something abundantly clear to you, little boy. Unlike Henry and Eleven, my powers were established in a different way. How dare you think I would be anything like him. I came here to help save you guys from my brother, not turn into him."
"Can you beat him?"
Alice turned around and glared at Nancy. "Oh you poor little princess," she said with a perfect smile. "I know exactly who you are, Nancy Wheeler."
"And who am I?" She asked, not at all as confident as she tried to be.
"You think you're too good for the 'small-town life'. You want a big career in a big city. You want to make a life for yourself. You think you're too good to settle down, marry a nice boy, and start a family. What you don't realize is that's all you'll ever be. Because guess what, princess, the world eats up pretty girls like you and spits them out."
Nancy opened her mouth to defend herself. She instantly shut it when Alice took a step toward her.
"Think about it," Alice said, dropping her voice so only Nancy could hear her. "I used to be just like you. When we moved here, I thought our new house was a castle and I was a happy little princess. Then everything went to hell. I saw my brother murder my mother right in front of me before he tried to kill me too. The world loves to take innocent little girls, chew them up, and spit them out. The world destroys people like us. And what's worse? Eventually everyone, and I mean everyone, turns their back on you. You are surrounded by people who love and care about you. Some people aren't as lucky as you, Princess. I don't have that. How dare you think after everything I've been through, I would become just like the monster who made me what I am. I would never do to Eleven what Brenner did to me."
Nancy studied her for a second, not really sure what to say. She wiped her hands on her skirt as she looked around at her friends watching them.
"I'm sorry, Alice," she whispered. "You're right. El could learn a lot from you."
                                * * * * *
"Are you sure about this?" El asked. "What if I hurt you?"
"You won't," Alice reassured. "Besides, we've both been through worse. I can handle whatever you have to throw at me."
The two finished walking through the woods until they got to a clearing. Alice walked into the open area and turned toward Eleven.
"This should work," she said.
"I don't know about this. . ."
"Eleven," Alice said sweetly, "I promise, we aren't going to do anything crazy. I just want to see what you can do. I'm gonna put this box right here. I want you to pick it up."
"Okay," she whispered.
Alice watched as she closed her eyes and focused. When Eleven opened her eyes, Alice saw the glint. The same glint that almost got her killed. Alice took a step back, forcing herself to calm down. Instead, she focused on Eleven lifting the box.
She did it with ease.
"Great job, sweetie," Alice said softly. "Let's see how far you can throw it."
She crossed her arms over her chest as Eleven threw it all the way across the meadow. When she turned back toward Alice, she had a fresh stream of blood leaking from her nose.
"Does that happen a lot?" She asked as El wiped her nose with her sleeve.
"Yeah," El said like it wasn't a big deal. "Doesn't it happen to you?"
"No," Alice said simply. "It doesn't. When you control it, your nose doesn't bleed."
"It takes practice," she reassured, "but we'll get you there."
"You really think so?" El asked.
"Of course," Alice shrugged. "Brenner had two ways of training us. I'm completely ignoring one and adapting the other. Trust me, Eleven. I'm going to help you get your powers under control."
The next few exercises they ran went exactly how Brenner would've wanted her to do it.
"Okay," Alice said walking over to Eleven. "I want to try something different. What's something you've always wanted to do but Brenner never let you?"
Alice smiled when El's face lit up. El looked around letting out a soft giggle when she saw a little flower bud close by. She lifted her hand and used her abilities to make the flower bloom.
"I did it!" She giggled as she showed Alice. When she turned toward her, Alice had a proud smile on her face. "What?"
"Your nose isn't bleeding."
El's eyes widened as she reached up and touched her nose. She giggled when she saw that her hand didn't have any blood on it.
"How did I do that?" El asked eagerly.
"Every time Brenner made you use your powers, he pushed you further than you believed you could go," Alice explained. "He also trained you to use your powers for evil. The blood is proof that your body is fighting that kind of darkness. But if you use it for pure and good things, your body doesn't fight it."
Alice stopped talking when she saw the look on El's face. She was staring down at her hands, clearly thinking about what just happened. She walked over and gently put her hand on El's shoulder.
"You don't have to be the weapon Brenner built you to be," she said softly. "He's gone and all of that is over. Now, you can be whatever you want to be."
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