#I’ve probably doomed myself to it now
quibbs126 · 6 months
You know I have no idea what I’d do if I got a polyancients request, because three is already a lot to try and incorporate into one design (I’ve gotten one three person request), but how do you incorporate five??? And that’s not to mention trying to combine all the names
Truth be told if I ever get it, I’ll probably just make the fankid look kind of like some of them, and give them a name not really related to most if not all of them, like Flour or something
Though that’s not to say I’m necessarily against doing polyamorous ships, it sounds fun if not challenging, just that this one would be difficult
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mars-ipan · 9 months
btw i was Really Smart in communications today :]
#marzi speaks#i asked a question that stumped our professor and answered his questions well#i didn’t take a spotlight tho. i waited a fair bit or to be called on before answering#it’s weird for me#now that i’m in college i’m realizing just how crazy competitive my high school was#and like. i /knew/ it was competitive. but it was competitive in ways i didn’t even realize#like things were presented to me in a way where if i didn’t know everything i was doomed to fail from the start. i was fucked#i mean hell i wasn’t even top third of my class. 200 something in a class of 600 something people#but now i’m in college and i’m with my peers and i’m realizing like. actually i am pretty damn smart#i never thought i was /dumb./ i just never thought of myself as exceptional either#and i definitely have my struggles. my poly sci class is so fucking boring i Do Not Like It#but i’m realizing now that i’m a lot smarter than i’ve thought i was for the past… what six years? seven? ten?#a long time. essentially#and it feels WEIRD!! god it feels weird#i’m kind of afraid to be percieved as smart??#i think it’s tied to internalized misogyny. bc when i inspect that fear#i realize i don’t want to be reduced to a (sorry for hp reference) hermoine granger type of misogynistic caricature#it’s probably tied to how my mother (very smart) was regularly dismissed or even laughed at for her smarts#idk. when a guy is smart then it’s just cool.#when a girl (or girl-adjacent thing like myself) is smart then oh it’s levioSA not levioSARRRR sorry brainiac oh the WOMAN has an OPINION#stupid WOMEN and their stupid THOUGHTS. who let them think. etc etc#so idk. i’m worried that if i let myself recognize that i’m smart#instead of letting other people make the observation for me#that i’ll be seen as stuck-up. bossy. etc.#but if i don’t acknowledge that i’m smart who the hell will?#i think that a lesson my mother has been teaching me for my whole life is starting to be fully understood in my head#i should call her and talk about it. kinda wanna just talk to my mom in general#ANYWAYS. trying to let myself be proud of my smarts again. in a healthy way this time#without worrying about failure or impressions. because i am smart. i have a lot of ideas and i ask a lot of questions#i don’t need to explain my smartness to anyone. i can just be smart in this way. maybe that’ll get easier as i practice it
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insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
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dovedewdrop · 2 months
Scratch My Back
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Joel Miller x reader
word count: 889
Summary: The tide is pulling you under, just like it has plenty of times before. Your husband helps you communicate.
A/N: I’ve been struggling with my mental health & looking after myself for a long, long time and I was getting myself all psyched up to get a shower but I didn’t end up getting in and decided to write this lil thing that I’ve been thinking about for a while! I hope you enjoy it and if anyone out there is reading this and is struggling too, just know that you are not alone and that if Joel Miller were real, he would scratch your back❤️
Also thank you so much for 100 followers🥹🫶🏻 really brightened up my spirits a lil bit💓
Warnings: No Outbreak. Depiction of poor mental health. Sadness. One big loving man (it’s Joel Miller) (Not a warning but I didn’t want it to seem all doom and gloom😅) No use of Y/N.
To Joel, it was just a Wednesday, your day off. To you, the ceiling was caving in. Before he left for work you were sound asleep, your thoughts at bay, laying still against the sand, he placed a gentle kiss to your temple before rolling out of bed. Now that you were awake your thoughts were thrashing against the cliffs, the mental whiplash you were facing ultimately draining your body of all its energy.
You watch the clock on the bedside table blink from one minute to the next. You thought about all if the things you should probably be doing; showering, tidying the house, preparing that home cooked meal you’d been promising your husband for over a week but all you could do was slip in and out of sleep, that was the safe option, the one that would keep you somewhat sane until he returned. You didn’t want to bother him, didn’t want to text him those three words because you knew he would stop everything for you, everything would be put on hold so that he could soothe you and you didn’t want to add that onto the ever-growing list of things to feel bad about. So you waited.
“Honey?” His voice reverberated off the walls, the sound of his gentle tone floated up the stairs. You didn’t have the energy to shout back, the sound of his boots hitting the wooden steps told you that it wouldn’t be long until he was by your side anyway. He took in the sight of the drawn curtains, the sight of you facing them, still in your t-shirt and underwear and you felt the bed dip behind you, the warmth of his body encompassing yours, his scent filling your scenes. 
“Something happen?” A gentle kiss placed to your shoulder blade, the feeling of his lungs emptying and filling behind your back soothing you. You shook your head, allowing a silence to draw over you both as Joel’s arms wrapped around your waist, tugging you further back into the curve of his body. He was always so patient with you, so tender.
“Scratch my back.”
Scratch my back, a cry for help. A promise made between two lovers. A rule established when you’d first started dating. Joel knew that you struggled with your mental health, you’d opened up to some extent, brushing him off with a ‘I’m having a tough day but I’ll be ok x’ text in the beginning, even then he gave you your space. 
One week in spring however, everything was not okay. He hadn’t heard from you in four days, no text and definitely no phone calls. At first he thought that this was your way of letting him know you were no longer interested and selfishly, he couldn’t let it end that way. So after days of mulling it over and chewing his bottom lip raw, he drove over to your apartment and that’s where he found you, dark circles engulfing your eyes, threatening to swallowing them whole, hair unwashed, apartment flooded in gloom.
He took a bath with you, washed your hair as best he could. The spring air still had a slight chill to it so he’d made sure your new set of pyjamas were on the radiator ready for bed and he laid with you in silence until you turned into his chest and he felt the wet of your tears seep into the fabric of his shirt. 
“You don’t have to talk to me.” He pressed a kiss into your hairline. “I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to talk to me, I mean obviously you can, when you feel comfortable and ready to but there is something I want you to do for me baby,” another soft kiss. Your eyes travelled up his face to finally look him in his eyes, those soft brown eyes that made you fall in love with him in the first place. All you could do was give a small nod, you would do anything he asked. “I want you to come up with a word or a phrase,” he continued, “so that when things get bad and you don’t feel like you can talk about it…” he trailed off, his hands drawing shapes up and down the length of your spine.
“Like a safe word?” He let out a huff of air at that, a small smile adorning his face.
“Yeah, kinda like a safe word, so I know that you’re safe,” his palm came to rest on your cheek, thumb cupping your jaw, “up here,” and his fingers tapped gently on the side of your temple.
“Scratch my back,” It was soft, the way it came out, tears threatening to spill over, “because if you promise to scratch mine, i’ll always scratch yours.” You couldn’t stop the tears from falling then, the last thing you wanted was for Joel to see you like this and to become his burden, but the way he’d shown you such care and compassion made your head feel a little less foggy, you wanted to promise that you could do that in return, that it wouldn’t just be him constantly looking after you.
“Oh sweet angel.” Both of his hands were cupping your cheeks now, pressing a light kiss to your nose and then your lips.
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not-my-final-account · 5 months
Danny is Gotham
PS most of the ghost stuff in this is fannon
Most ghosts had haunts. Technically Danny Phantom had the whole world, but it wasn’t his haunt.
Most cities had ghosts. Technically Gotham had loads of ghosts, but Lady Gotham was fading.
I went incorporeal as the beam of energy flew at me, then laughed “What?” Tucker asked, my hands flew over my key board as I beat the noob who had shot at me in the first place.
“I got shot at in game and disappeared in real life.” I said
“That’s you- Danny Clueless Phantom.” Sam said
“Hey!” I retaliated, but it was affectionate.
I didn’t fully understand this whole ghost thing yet. But I had figured out that ghosts had cores, and haunts, and ‘fraids. Cores were essentially the soul of a ghost and that’s pretty much all I’ve figured out. No one seems to remember that I have no clue how any of this stuff works! I’m still a new ghost.
But anyways, ‘fraids were… the best word I could think of was ghost families or animal packs but ghost, and like it or not Sam and Tucker had been accepted into mine. I wasn’t sure quite how it happened but now I seemed connected to them, and when I was happy with them (and/or we were laughing together) my core hummed happily.
Haunts however, I had none of. Haunts were basically a ghosts house or an area the ghost claims as their own or protects. I dunno if they represent status or anything but being a ghost king without haunt seemed pretty bad.
“Yeah!” Tucker yelled as we got another key.
“Only a trillion more to go.” Sam said sarcastically,
“Five actually.” I said. Suddenly I felt a tug on my core “Guys I gotta go.”
“Bye!” Sam and Tucker called in unison. It made me smile as I powered down the game and then my computer, I gave into the tug and let it pull me to where the summoning was.
I had already transformed into my most regal form on the short journey there, so I didn’t hesitate to grab the edge of the circle. What did worry me though was the screaming that started the second I reached my hand up. I cursed whoever made these things for making you pull yourself up and not just be able to fly out, but I got up due to Sams pull up training.
The second I got out I flew up and hovered above the circle ready for battle. I actually blinked when I saw three kids standing in front of me- well one was standing, the other two were lying on the floor and hugging each other.
“Ehh.” I said as I took in what they were doing. The two on the floor were shaking and in hysterics and the standing up one was staring up at me with wide eyes, I think he’s in shock. I reached out slightly and his mouth fell open and he dropped the book he was holding then passed out.
The books title was ‘ghost summoning’ oh my god I’ve been summoned by idiots. I gave them a growl so they wouldn’t try to do this again and prepared myself to dive back into the summoning circle and into the phantom realm where I could quickly fly back to my house and start playing DOOM again. Then I felt a tug in my core. It wasn’t like a summoning which tugged at my core from the outside, trying to pull me somewhere, this was part of my kingly duties; a ghost was in trouble and/or calling for me.
I flew off towards the ghost without a second thought about the party I had probably ruined just by existing and got there in seconds. I landed atop a hill and wind swept my hair away from my face, a skinny grey ghost who seemed like someone you’d spot it old movies looked at me.
She had straight black flowing down her shoulders, a large light grey hat with a grey peacock feather on it, a grey dress and a shade umbrella, she was clearly old although still beautiful and she moved with grace as she stepped before me and fell to her knees
“King Phantom.” she said, how weak her voice was worried me “I am lady Gotham. However Gotham is no longer the beautiful city I knew it to be, it is not close enough to my home and I fear that it has changed too much for me to be strongly connected to it, my power to protect it is fading. Please my King, I have heard you are strong and kind, protect my city, both from what’s outside and what’s inside.” she begged, she was clearly dignified and her begging meant this was truely important. Well, I did need a haunt.
“Okay.” I agreed, relief flooded her face and something else flooded my, I couldn’t name it if I tried but at least it filled an emptiness that had been resident there for a while.
The Lady Gotham fell to the ground, her body faded rapidly
“Please.” she rasped breathlessly “Take good care of them. Protect my city, protect my knight and his sons.” those were her final words.
“I will.” I said, and upon hearing that she slumped down and let herself fade.
I looked up at the city and went incorporeal and invisible. Good thing it was the school holidays, I think I’d need to spend a few days here and find Lady Gothams knight.
I sat down in a corner. I had found out that here I more or less was the city, not body horror or possession though, in a weird way. But it let me sit here fully visible and still be hidden, the shadows wrapped around me and nothing part of the city- my city would hurt me.
I watched as he fought. He was strong, smart, and had resources. I had read the news papers and this was the Dark Knight, he has multiple side kicks who many believed were his family, and even without my help he blended in with the city and knew it like the back of his hand. The blend wasn’t seamless anymore though, he had noticed something was different but didn’t know quite what. I knew though, I knew I had found Lady Gothams knight.
I let him tie up the criminals and he jumped onto a roof top. I followed him and and let the fog hide me, then I landed and let it fade. “Hello my knight.” I called because he was my knight now. He froze and spun around to face me but didn’t attack
“My name is Batman and I am no ones, if you’re some high ranking government offical I assure you I don’t work for the police either.” Batman said, he glanced at the inches between my feet and the ground “Who are you?” he asked, I hesitated.
What title would be best here? Danny Phantom? Danny Fenton? King Phantom? I thought about Lady Gotham and decided.
“You would know me as Gotham.” I introduced, wow that sounded more cryptic that I meant it to. Batman scoffed and I reached out and told the city to curl around him, to protect him and hide him and power him like it did with Lady Gotham.
He froze then relaxed slightly, his cape blended into the shadows instead of ending, his face became almost fully obscured, his eyes glowed in the dark menacingly, his form became something less human.
“Why reveal yourself to me now Gotham?” he asked, for once there was nothing hostile in his voice.
“Gotham has changed too much in the past years for Lady Gotham to have power anymore, she is too weak to be anywhere but the ghost zone.” I explained “She was the Gotham you knew. She called for me to protect the city and protect you.”
Batman looked wary again, I could understand why he wouldn’t trust me. New leadership could suck (or be evil) and it took a while for them to gain respect, especially if you didn’t know them.
“I’ll protect you in a general sense, but if you ever really need help, like life or death help, call for me.” I said, then I let a wave of fog swallowed me and disappeared.
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strniohoeee · 6 months
Could you write a Matt x fem y/n where she gets overwhelmed with life (or something like that) and she tries to hide it from Matt. She fails miserably and in telling him what’s wrong she has a panic attack, so he has to guide her through it. Like kind of angsty in the beginning but very fluffy in the end? If that’s okay with you?
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is struggling to balance her stressful life without realizing it. Unable to figure out what’s wrong some questions from Matt make her spiral and panic takes place🗣️
Warnings⚠️: None it’s just short 😭
Song for the imagine: Silver Soul- Beach House
(Past tense) Trapped
Prevent (someone) from escaping from a place
Lately my mind has been clouded by this overwhelming feeling of stress. I’m not usually a stressed person, but when I do find myself getting overwhelmed I handle it well.
But right now in this moment I wasn’t sure what was wrong and why I couldn’t control these feelings. I suppose it’s true that stress is a silent killer.
I couldn’t really pinpoint why my mind was racing and I felt this impending doom waiting for me. Like I was on the brink of snapping?
To make matters worse I’ve been distancing myself from Matt and his brothers because I didn’t want to seem like a buzz kill. Constantly plagued by the “what’s wrong” was making me annoyed. Because I simply couldn’t say what was wrong because I didn’t even know.
Matt had come over to my apartment to spend the night with me. I felt horrible because he was so excited and I just wanted peace and quiet, and to go to sleep.
I was being such a bitch, and I tried not to be but it was becoming very hard. My mind was constantly racing and for what? I had no idea….
“Baby are you okay?” Matt asked me, snapping me out of my trance
“Huh what?” I said looking at him
“Well I’ve been talking to you and you haven’t said a thing” he said furrowing his brows at me
“I’m- I’m sorry” I said shaking my head
“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem off” he replied rubbing my arm
“Yes Matt I’m fine” I said sternly kind of brushing his arm off of me
“Oh uhh I’m sorry” he said snatching his hand back
“Listen I’m sorry I’m just not feeling the best today” I said rubbing my forehead
“Would you like to talk about it?” He asked repositioning himself on the couch
“What is there to talk about when I don’t even know what’s going on in my brain” I said frustrated
“I’m not trying to make you upset so we don’t have to talk about” he said looking at me
“I’m sorry, okay, it’s not you I promise. I’m just stressed” I said back to him
“Well baby what are you stressed about?” He asked reading my face for an answer
“Matt I don’t know okay” I said feeling my heart beat quicken
“It’s okay” he said rubbing my knee which caused my anxiety to spike even more
His over analyzing of the situation made my brain go haywire. Anxious thoughts infiltrating my mind.
“I’m just stressed about a lot…..my content, and then my part time job and then also juggling school, and then my mom called me the other day to say that my dog is probably dying, and I have tons of bills and so much stuff to do and such little time” I said my chest rising and falling
“It’s okay to feel that way. You’re young and you’re doing a lot and living on your own isn’t easy” he said tucking my hair behind my ear
“And the warranty is up for my car so I have to call and purchase it again, and my manager has been trying to get a meeting in with me, and I have to fly back home in two weeks”
“and….and…..why does my chest feel like it’s tightening?” I suddenly blurted out the last part
“Y/N, you have to calm down okay. You’re freaking yourself out just breathe” Matt said sitting up
“I can’t breathe and my hearing is going out, my vision seems blurry? Am I going to pass out?? Why can’t I breathe Matt?” I said breathing quickly and erratically
“Listen to me, okay listen to my voice. You’re having a panic attack. You need to focus on your breathing and calm down” he said grabbing my hands and sitting in front of me
“I can’t” I said staring blankly as tears ran down my face
“Yes you can baby” he said
“Why am I crying?” I asked trying to breathe
“You’re having a breakdown, you’re going to be okay just do as I say” he replied back
“Remember when I took you to the cape and we went to that river?” He asked me
“Yes” I said shakily
“Okay now breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth” he said wiping my tears
“Well remember how beautiful it looked, and how vibrant the tree were….we sat down on a rock and you put your feet in the water” he said to me
“Yes I remember” I replied blinking my tears away
“And you tried to count the rocks in the water but you couldn’t” he said
“Yeah there were too many I kept messing up” I said laughing a bit
“And then you just focused on the water running through your feet, and you said that-“ I cut him off
“I said that it felt like silk running along my skin” I replied smiling at him
“Exactly, and you said the wind blowing through your hair made you feel like a main character in a movie” he replied laughing
“Yes I remember” I said laughing
“And do you remember who was there with you?” He asked and to this I furrowed my eyebrows
“Of course Matt, it was you” I said looking at him
“Exactly, I will be with you no matter what. I will always be by your side” he said kissing my knuckles
I had calmed down and my mind had cleared. Finally coming to my senses at what just happened. My body and mind feeling exhausted
“Thank you Matt” I said smiling at him
“Always my love. I’ll always be here for you. You should never let yourself get this way. If you ever feel any amount of stress just tell me I can help you” he said rubbing my cheek with his thumb
“I’m sorry I just don’t want to seem like a burden” I replied looking down
“You’re never a burden. Because when I’m stressed you’re always there to help me and I want you to do the same” he told me
“Okay Matt I will. I promise” I said leaning into his chest after he sat back on the couch
“Listen, you're doing well enough to quit your part time job, and if you ever need any money for anything just let me know okay. I want to help you! I’ll fly with you back home, and I'll go to the dealership to get the warranty package for your car again. Let’s look at your calendar together and schedule the meeting with your manager. And I can help be your study buddy for your courses” he replied rubbing my shoulders
“Thank you Matt I really appreciate it” I said melting into his touch
“This is what I’m here for! To be there for you always” he replied kissing my shoulder
“I love you” I said
“I love you too” he replied back
I looked over my shoulder and he placed a kiss on my lips. A kiss that let me know how loved I was….
The End
Hiiiii I hope you enjoyed this one! I have two stories similar to this on my page, so I tried my best to make it different😭😭 I love yall and I hope you enjoyed this one🥹🖤🖤
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jaydizzel2844 · 8 months
Marie x Jordan Drabble
No. 6
Hanging out with Jordan is always fun, which ever form they take. André never got peoples hang up over the gender thing was, Jordan was cool either way.
But he’ll admit that they’re easier to carry back to campus drunk off their ass when they’re a girl.
Him and Luke were easily able to hold up Jordan between them and with Cate to open doors and shit getting Jordan back to their dorm room was easy.
There was one small hiccup.
“Noooo, I wanna say good night to my beautiful amazing girlfriend with the best ass ever first .” Jordan whined.
“Buddy it’s 3am, she’s asleep you can talk to her in the morning.” Luke tried to reason with them as they got to the courtyard outside side of the dorms.
“Also your obsession with her ass is a little concerning.” Andre added.
The four of them had gone clubbing. It was a last minute plan and it wasn’t meant to be an original four night out but the other three were busy. Sam had an important assignment for his puppeteering class and Marie and Emma already had plans for a roommates movie night.
Andre probably should have realised that that meant Jordan would be fourth wheeling him, Luke and Cate leading to the shapeshifter spending most of the time out at the bar doing shots with the new friends they’d made while the 3 of them were being throuple-y.
But they all had a good night regardless and hopefully Jordan won’t have too bad of a hangover tomorrow.
“No it’s not. And she might not be asleep,” Jordan slurred out. “She was having a movie night, those can go pretty late.”
The look in Jordan’s eyes was too hopeful Andre couldn’t help it.
“Alright I’ll text her.”
“Thank you, thank you thank you. I just want to say good night and that I love her.”
“Whoa what? Is the first time you’re saying the L word?” Cate exclaimed, stopping the 4 of them from going any further.
“Lesbians?” Jordan asked, confused.
“No, love.” Luke explained “fuck you are way too drunk.”
“Oh sorry, yes I love her but I haven’t told her yet. I’m going to do it tonight.” Jordan looked so proud of themselves.
“No you are not,” Cate told them firmly. “Not when you’re too drunk to stand up on your own.”
“She’s right dude,” Andre interrupted. “You got to make shit like that romantic, like recreate your first date or something.”
“I should recreate getting shitfaced at Dusty’s?”
“No,” Luke said with a laugh. “The dinner you two went out for the week after that. At the Korean place off campus. Or do something else romantic. Basically do tell her but not tonight.”
“Ok, can I still tell her good night?” Jordan’s big brown eyes were impossible to say no to.
“If she’s up.” Andre said pulling out his phone.
To Marie🩸
U up?
Jordan wants to say good night
From Marie🩸
Yeah ?
Are they ok?
To Marie🩸
Yep just drunk
We’ll swing by your room in 5
From Marie🩸
Actually I’ll met you at their room
Don’t want to wake Emma
“When did you know you loved her?” Cate asked as they entered the dorm building and headed for the elevator. Getting Jordan to their room was going a lot quicker now that they knew Marie was waiting for them there.
“Um, she was giving me a blowjob..”
“How romantic.” Cate interrupted.
“Fuck off, anyway I switched during it by accident. I thought I majorly fucked up, like totally freaked her out but I didn’t. She just kept going. And I just knew then and there that she wanted all of me, exactly as I am and she makes me feel so happy and good about myself and I’ve never been in love before but I’m pretty sure that this is it.”
“Ok that’s a bit romantic.” Cate admits at they got out of the elevator on Jordan’s floor.
“Thank you.”
Marie was waiting for them at Jordan’s doom in slippers and a hoodie that Cate is pretty sure belongs to Jordan over her pyjamas.
Once Jordan saw her they slipped out of Luke and Andre’s arms and staggered into Marie’s.
“You got it from here or do you need help getting them into bed?” Luke asked.
“No I got it, thanks.” Marie said as she opened the dorm room door while Jordan nuzzled into her neck. “Goodnight”
Drunk Jordan was compliant if a bit cuddly so getting them into their pyjamas and into bed wasn’t too difficult.
“Sorry I didn’t come out tonight, it looks like you had a lot of fun.” Marie said as she helped Jordan sit on the bed so she could untie their shoes.
“Nah, it’s cool. You have fun with Emma?”
“Yep, we watched mean girls and a few other classics that’s she was horrified that I hadn’t seen yet. You?”
“Yep, it was so fun. So many shots, maybe too many.” Jordan got up and wrapped their arms around Marie, one hand sliding down to her ass before stopping. “Do you mind that I do that?”
“What?” Pulling out of Jordan’s arms so she could take their shirt off and replace it with a pyjama top.
“Me putting my hands on your ass, like you’ve joked about it a few times and Andre says I’m obsessed but does it bother you?” Jordan looked so concerned as Marie was undoing their belt.
She smiled to herself. “I don’t mind it, kind of like it to be honest.”
“Really?” They asked with so much relief and hope on their face that Marie couldn’t help but kiss them before getting back to taking their jeans off.
“Yeah, I’m been pretty unwanted all my life but I’m never insecure about you wanting me because you make it so obvious that you do, through ass grabbing.” Marie said with a laugh “you also make it clear that you enjoy spending time with me and are an all round amazing partner. Plus I know I have a great ass, I’d be offended if you didn’t appreciate it.”
Once Jordan was in their bed Marie pulled off her hoodie and slippers and joined them.
“It was really cool to hang out with they guys, even if I was fourth wheeling.” Jordan said cuddling into her side. “They give good advice.”
“Like what?” Marie asked as she started to doze off.
“They said not to tell you that I love you when I’m drunk. I’m gonna do it over dinner, make it romantic.”
Marie was suddenly wide awake while Jordan was out like a light. She just about managed to stop her self from jumping for joy or something equally as embarrassing and likely to wake up her partner.
‘Jordan loves me,’ she thought to herself self as she closed her eyes to go to sleep. ‘And I love them too.’
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savagewildnerness · 2 months
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I’ve never met Sam, but he did photobomb me once!
I wish I wasn’t such a shy, reserved person, as I adored Sam in this play, but it took ALL of my energy to get myself to get a photo with just the incredible Shirley Henderson (even though I’d seen the play probably 10-15 times at this point. I utterly ADORED it & everyone in it.) I am SO scared of being annoying! You do not understand how much it took for me to build myself up to get a photo & autograph from just the ONE human! Gosh, Shirley was insanely great in this play! Like you couldn’t take your eyes off her magnificence! And the emotion in how she sang: I can feel it just as strongly in my heart right now still.
Anyway, I was too scared & incapable of speaking to everyone/too afraid to be annoying to more than one human! So I didn’t get an autograph or photo with Sam or anyone else in the play.
However, I noticed that there is Sam, in the background here!! Teehee! He was SO un-Lestat back then! But the character he played in this play had a tragedy to him. As did all the characters in the play. It was such a yearning play. Sam played a young man who had so much potential (in life & love), yet squandered it till he was doomed to tragedy… and how realistic is that to reality! I feel (& am) that. Everyone tended towards satisfying, resonant, true, beautiful & sorrowful tragedy & there was never any other conclusion. Gosh, I ADORED it! And THE MUSIC! But music with all the resonance folk who are actors first can give it.
Honestly I would give ANYTHING to experience this play, especially incredible Shirley just one more time. It’s in my top 5 plays ever. It’s an awful photo of me, as even on my 15th watch of the play, I had spent the entire 2-3 hours sobbing! It was SO SAD! I cried just as much every single time I watched it.
Also, LOL - you know you’re short when Shirley Henderson crouches for a photo with you!!! Look at us, like wee gnomes, with normal human-sized Sam in the background! 😂😅😂🤣😭💀
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mariacrow · 11 months
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✧ Megatron x reader ✧
After so many battles and pointless chasing, he finally caught you. In just a singular, simple moment of carelessness or perhaps just an accident, you found yourself in his claws. What will happen to you only God knows. Heck, not even God. Your destiny depends on him.
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1st person
female reader
injuries, life saving
abduction, chains, possessiveness
potential enemies to lovers
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I’ve encountered Megatron a couple of times before. He would do his typical monologues. At first he was just calling me an insect but with each following eye to eye he would say different things. Especially after my parents died in the Chicago battle. He would try to taunt me, to manipulate me, trying to find my soft spot, sneak in and rip me apart from inside.
He would say stuff like:
“You’re very brave to look directly into my eyes like that.”
But he didn’t scare me anymore.
“Why aren’t you running away, girl?”
I’d use stealth against him.
“You’re smarter than I thought”…
The day he finally catches me came. My doom day. I was on top of a building when a way taller one next to it got blasted by him. I tried running, giving myself away but the facade crumbled upon me. I felt indescribable pain strike my head as everything went black. Unconscious, I started falling off the building.
Megatron snickered to himself while standing near as he saw me falling. His plan worked.
“Made you come out of your little hiding spot, rodent.” he said, poison dripping from his mouth.
He transformed and flew, getting to me on time. He transformed back the moment he caught me. It was a graceful and satisfying catch to be honest.
He brought me closer to his face, taking a good look at me. He greedily chuckled.
“At last. All mine now.”
I was whimpering and wriggling on the palm of his hand, like a wounded prey, struggling to open my eyes.
“Fear not, little one. I’ll take good care of you.” he said almost sarcastically before transforming back into a jet and heading to the spaceship.
He tied me up. He tied my tiny fragile wrists with freaking alien chains and let me hang in the air like that. I was up. With a headache tho.
He was standing there with his hands behind his back, looking down at the city and nature. We were quite high up. I could feel the breeze swirling around the enormous ship and the higher air pressure which was making my ears pop.
“I considered you a talkative one.” he said
“Well definitely not with you.” I talked back, almost like a brat.
“I would be careful with the choice of words if I were you, girl” he said while slowly turning around and walking towards me. Getting really close to my face.
“I could snap you in half in a blink of an eye if I wanted to.” he growled.
His breath hot, warming up my face. It smelled like diesel. I kinda liked it.
“But I won’t. No.” while tilting his head a little. “No. Not you.”
I decided to be smart and remain quiet. His words were making a huge “?” appear above my head. Does he need me for information that bad…? Is he using me as bait…? Or does he just like me…?
He smiled and snickered at my silence.
“You’re a fast learner. Good.” he turned back around and walked to the cockpit window to look at the mesmerizing view of our planet that he probably found disgusting.
“Why did you bring me here?” I hesitantly asked.
“I saved you! You could’ve died falling off that building!” he said as if I irritated him with my “ungratefulness”. Speaking while turning back around, walking back to me kinda aggressively, almost stomping.
“So weak and fragile you humans.” he snarled.
“Why..? I’m not valuable to you. You already know everything.”
“Oh, you have no idea, little one. You’re of greatest value to me.”
He slid his claw across my torso to my throat, pressing it under my chin, making me lift my head up. He made me swallow thickly but I didn’t break eye contact. I decided stay the brave one he knows.
He smirked and snickered even worse.
“So much courage in such a small, delicate being.”
He was so close to my face, the scent of diesel was stuck in my nose at this point... But I loved it… I loved it a little bit too much…
“You admire me too much to fear me. I can see it in your tiny orbs that I could simply pluck out with my pinky.” he chuckled diabolically as he slid the pinky finger of his other hand from my eye down to my cheek…
That made me shiver and whimper.. His claws are sharper than I thought.
“Such sweet sounds. I could listen to them all day long. My fragile one. You’re staying with me, Y/N.” he snarled.
“For eternity.”
For eternity.
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Dividers belong to @ange1fire 🩶
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mrs-snape5984 · 4 days
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“I was held in chains but now I’m free…”
“Hey, little train! Wait for me! I once was blind but now I see. Have you left a seat for me? Is that such a stretch of the imagination?” (“O Children” by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds)
I feel obligated to set up a trigger warning on this post, since I’m mentioning thoughts of suicidal ideation in my text. If you’re feeling uncomfortable with this topic, please feel free to ignore the following four paragraphs and skip right to my praise for the incredibly talented artist of this comic strip.
As already mentioned in some of my latest posts, I’ve commissioned some of my favourite artists here on tumblr for a special project of mine: My afterlife project.
I’m suffering from multiple autoimmune disorders, which probably have paved the way for this bitch of a disease, ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome), two years ago. Sure, my life already wasn’t the easiest before, but since then, it came to a standstill. More and more, I lost my abilities, my social life, my place in the society…and surely even my participation in my own family. My days are mostly spent in bed all day and night, surrounded only by darkness and solitude.
Patients with severe ME/CFS might die earlier than expected, due to multiple organ failure and - yes, I have to admit, that this reason is, indeed, undeniably relatable (and alluring) to me - suicide. With each passing day, that I’m doomed to “live” with these confines of my personal hell… imprisoned within myself without any chance to escape… death appears to be a welcoming friend, who’s only awaiting to pull me into a tight embrace. For me, it’s like it’s written in the following poem (“Joy in Death”) of Emily Dickinson…it will be good news and maybe even a relief…not just for me.
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I know, I can’t leave, yet… and that I have to stay as long as endurable - at least for my children’s sake - but… yeah, BUT… but, damn, I’m tired. My personal limits are set… my lines are drawn… my responsibilities are cleared and both of my closest friends are informed about my pathetic little wishes (please, play that goddamn song for me!). I’m prepared. But for now, I have to stay…. to fight a little longer… to be a mom, even though my kids only see me for a few minutes each day… a mere shadow of the mother, they used to know. It’s a fucking shame!
For this particular part of my afterlife project, I’ve commissioned my sweet friend @sleepybradipo, who will always be my first choice to draw my vision of the young Severus in his own uniquely tender art style, which I’m so weak for.
In my imagination, I will be able to choose, how my eternal life will look like. Finally, I’ll be with Severus! We’ll meet at the age of 11 years and eventually spend the rest of our lives side by side...growing old together. Severus and Jukes will finally get the life, they’ve always deserved to have. I’ve started to show sections of this existence by Severus’ side in some of my other posts, which belong to this project. It may sound strange and pathetic (obviously), but this is all, that I'm wishing for. I want to come home to him.
For this artwork, I asked @sleepybradipo to make the process of “renewing” visible…almost like some kind of resurrection! Jules is stripping off her old, exhausted self, only to be 11 years old again…happily running towards the 11 years old Severus, who’s waiting for her.
Ivano, at first, I felt guilty for my request for this commission. I’m constantly afraid of becoming a burden to others with my ridiculously morbid thoughts and ideas. But you, my dear friend, made me feel seen with your kindness and compassion. Your understanding of my fantasy and the way, you’ve realised it in this mesmerising piece of art, are absolutely breathtaking! I don’t know, how I could possibly show enough gratitude to express, what your art is doing to my black little heart. It’s like a bandage…a soothing balm… a comforting embrace. Thank you for everything, Ivano.
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
PS: I have to apologise for my repetive use of terms in my writing this time. The lack of coherence might be caused by my current “crashing” condition and a weird cocktail of different medications. I’ll try better next time, but it was important for me, to show this heart-wrenching composition of art as soon as possible. Your work needs to be seen, Ivano!
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Hello! I see that your ask box is open and I’ve had a dumb idea for a bit. How would the first years react to maybe a rowdy fem crush flashing them to get a rise out of them. Like maybe they’re getting scolded by their dorm leaders and crush is behind the dorm leader like boom tiddie. This might be too dumb. I���m both ashamed and not ashamed.
YES this is so funny! Not too dumb at all, I promise. I hope you enjoy!
Fem!Reader, she/her pronouns, NSFW-ish
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Of course you would doom him to even more trouble, waiting until Riddle was smack in the center of a lecture about how Ace has been shirking off on his dorm chores again. He notices the sly smile on your face as you creep up behind the housewarden, but he can't possibly be sure of what it's about until you tug up the hem of your shirt, giving him a flash of your chest without Riddle being any the wiser.
"WOAH-HO!" His eyes bug out of his head, and if he could look any more cartoonish you'd swear that steam would start pouring out of his ears with a train-whistle sound effect. Luckily you've already fixed your shirt back in place by the time Riddle has turned around, shooting you a baffled look to which you simply shrug in response. He turns back to Ace, fuming.
"Are you even listening to me!?!" "Hey, it's not my fault! Blame her for distracting me!" "How can a Heartslabyul student go around blaming everyone else for their own lack of discipline? OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Later, Ace demands you let him rest his head on your boobs as repayment for getting him in trouble and stuck with one of Riddle's signature collars. He makes a big fuss about it, sighing all pathetically while you play with his hair, but really he's not too upset with the outcome from his position.
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The situation may be the same as Ace's for Deuce, but his reaction is basically the polar opposite. When you flash him he freezes up like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide and mouth agape as you can watch in real time how his face gets redder, and redder, and redder.
"Have I made myself clear, Deuce?" "..." "Deuce?" "..! S-Sorry, Housewarden! Yes, Housewarden! Excuse me, Housewarden!" He bolts like a greyhound, all but leaving a smoke outline from where he was once standing. Riddle turns to see you standing oh-so-innocently behind him, quirking an eyebrow at you in a 'now what was that all about?' sort of look. Not like you'd ever tell him.
When Deuce gets to his dorm room he throws himself onto the bed, burying his face in the pillow and trying to decipher why the hell you would do such a thing. Did you know about his crush? Were you making fun of him? He didn't have an answer, but he felt all hot and wound-up and like his uniform pants were just a bit too uncomfortable, which only served to feed the hot flame of embarrassment in the pit of his stomach. How would he even talk to you with a straight face from now on?
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He actually, straight up growls when he sees you lift your shirt and expose yourself to him, and it's probably one of the most embarrassing things that Jack has ever done. As soon as he realizes that sound actually came from him he flushes with heat, ears flattening against his head as he glares down at the floor like he's trying to burn a hole in it.
He immediately exits the conversation Ruggie was having with him mid-sentence, ignoring his upperclassmen's indignant "Hey!" As he storms over, grabs you by the wrist, and hauls you from the room. When he finally drags you to a quiet space for the two of you to talk he still can't quite look at you, fists awkwardly clenched as he stumbles through a reprimand.
"Y-You can't do that kind of thing here. If-If someone else saw they might have- I don't know if they'd- Just don't get in trouble. The boys here are animals." You can't help but notice that he isn't in any way trying to separate himself from that category. He's just as much an animal for you as anyone else here could be.
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He somehow manages to be the most subtle about his reaction than anyone here, but given his company that's not saying much. While Vil is berating him and adjusting his posture and clothes you flash him a quick glimpse of your chest, and his breath noticeably stutters as his eyes grow wide and his cheeks pink. Rook pinpoints the change in expression in an instant, and offers Epel a smug smile as he redirects Vil's attention so the first-year can make a hasty getaway.
"Are ya crazy!?! Pullin' stunts like that with the Housewarden right there? It's like ya wanna kill me!" You and Epel's friendship has always been one of playful back-and-forth, so he's just barely able to hide his own fluster behind some scolding banter so you won't catch on to just how much you've thrown him off his groove. In truth he's screaming on the inside out of confusion and delight, half because he barely believes what just happened and the other half because, well, he did see it with his own eyes.
As embarrassing as it is, it's probably that interaction and that memory that helps Epel muster up the bravery to actually start appealing to you as a romantic interest and not just as friends. After all, you wouldn't have done something like that if you didn't like him even a little bit, right? That's his reasoning, anyway.
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He straight up gasps, like a scandalized Victorian maiden. The tea set he was carrying for Lilia crashes to the floor in a cacophony of porcelain and sugar cubes and cream, and before you can even say a word he's upon you trying to babble out some mixture of scoldings and panic, but it's borderline incomprehensible.
Luckily you'd already fixed your shirt before that happened, so when he inadvertently drew all the attention in the room to the two of you, you were already decent. But you couldn't help but take a little delight in just how pink Sebek had gotten while he was trying to berate you, the sweaty nervousness as he struggled to even look you in the eye properly.
Literally can't sleep that night because every time he closes his eyes all he can see is your teasing smirk, your fingers curled on the hem of your shirt, the quick flash of you exposing your bare breasts to him. It drives him crazy, how one mere human can grab such a stranglehold of his psyche. But what is he supposed to do about it now?
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mariaofdoranelle · 9 months
Look at Us Now - ch. 17
Fic masterlist
Hey! It feels like forever since I last posted, probably because I was kinda handling a crisis at home 😅 the crisis is very much still on, but I’m ~excluding myself from the narrative~ for mental health reasons, which hopefully means I’ll stop skipping classes and write more lol. Anyway. Have fun!
Warnings: language
Words: 2,7k
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Rowan failed her.
He was reminiscing, reflecting on a rocking chair, under the faint light of the beach house’s side porch. Alone. The hammering sound of the rain against the roof was loud, but not as much as Rowan’s thoughts.
His doom was a lot easier to deal with when Aelin was just someone who broke his heart because she didn’t care enough about him.
He rocked his chair a bit harder, his muscles strained. He was too angry at himself to stay still, but too gloomy to have an eruptive reaction.
Rowan got up, pacing around the porch. He couldn’t stop thinking what would’ve happened if he’d done his job right. Maybe they would be together now. Maybe their co-parenting arrangement would’ve stayed friendly. Either way would be better than what it became.
The purely physical affair he had with Aelin was brutally interrupted by his incarceration and the discovery of her pregnancy. After that, they bonded in a way that made him feel like their souls were melting to be forged as one, but it was just another way of not having her.
Aelin was never fully his, and she would never be after what he’d done.
And even if she wanted to take a risk and have him, what if Rowan broke his family all over again?
Three knocks against the doorframe snapped Rowan out of his thoughts, and was all warning his mother gave him before sitting on a rocking chair.
“I brought some hot tea for you to tell me what happened. Come on.”
He complied, knowing he didn’t have the energy to defy Rory Whitethorn right now. Rowan could trust his mom to read his moods like a manual. He sat on the other rocking chair next to hers. “Did I ever tell you you’re too nosy?”
“I’m your mother. If I didn’t pry, I wouldn’t know anything that happened in your life ever since you left for college.”
He let out a quiet chuckle and sipped the chamomile tea she brought. Breathing the rain’s fresh air in, he let it fill his hollow chest. Rowan couldn’t even begin to explain his situation without uttering the words he dreaded the most, something he’d never dared say out loud before.
“I’m in love with Aelin.”
He stilled, bracing himself for the I’ve been telling you that forever or You’re six years too late, but all he got was an unreadable motherly look.
Rory reached for his upper arm, stroked it with her thumb before she said, “That’s a good thing, honey.”
“We were growing closer lately, and I… well, I didn’t have a plan, but—“ Rowan ran a hand through his hair, closed his eyes and let out a pained breath. “She explained today why she asked me to move out of her house. It’s bad, mom.”
“I see…” Rory trailed, his chest caving as she did. This was a bad indicator. The situation was so serious his mother was actually thinking before she opened her mouth. She continued, “I’m assuming you won’t tell me what happened?”
“I’m not sure I can.”
Even if Aelin allowed him to tell Rory about her mental illness, everything that happened between them back then still felt too raw, too intimate.
“That’s okay.” His mother gave him a small, reassuring smile. “Did she forgive you?”
“I—“ Rowan’s mouth hung open for a moment, then he closed it. He was about to say ‘no’, but even though Aelin didn’t say the words, she didn’t look mad or wounded either. “I’m not sure.”
“It was a long time ago, and she doesn’t look upset about it anymore.” His mom’s voice was soft, her touch on his forearm gentle. “This looks a lot like forgiveness to me.”
“Yeah, but that’s beside the point.” His mouth was ajar as he flailed his arms in front of him, struggling to explain that weight in his chest. “I shouldn’t be looking for cues and forgiveness. I shouldn’t have done anything that—“ Rowan rubbed both hands against his face, coming to terms with the fact that it’d take a while until he found the right words. “I don’t even feel like I deserve her forgiveness, to begin with.”
Rory recoiled. “But that’s not your decision.”
The sudden change in his mother’s tone, from soft to firm, snapped Rowan out of his spiral of self-loathing. “What?”
“Honey,” she pursed her lips, that trademark Whitethorn frown on. “Only Aelin can decide whether you deserve her or not. If she thinks you do and wants to try again…” Rory shrugged. “Just take that chance and don’t make the same mistake twice.”
Rowan’s mouth and shoulders went slack. “Am I supposed to forget I deeply wounded the mother of my child?”
Because that’s exactly what happened. Rowan was so scared to hurt Maisie it made him blind to some of Aelin’s needs, and he hurt his family anyway. His throat closed, and he felt as heavy as Aelin’s words on the night that crushed his dreams. That’s what happens, right? It’s impossible for a man to wound the mother exclusively. As if this isn’t bad enough, it leaves a trail of hurt that affects the entire family.
This one was on him.
“That was included in the ‘don’t fuck up again’ part.” Something about his expression made his mother soften. “It’s normal to wallow, but you can’t let that stop your life, Rowan. It’s always the same thing.” Rory sighed, and Rowan felt she was gazing right into his soul with the same green eyes she gave him. “Honey, you’re so full of what-ifs, it’s putting your entire life on hold. Sometimes you gotta be a little bold to get the things you want in life.”
Rowan stared at his mother, dizziness taking over him as his insides sank to the pit of his stomach. The rain was dying down, the gentle wind rustling his hair, but he couldn’t move.
At that moment, Rowan wanted to defend himself. He didn’t have the energy to, but he wanted to say that his mother was wrong, that she didn’t understand. He wanted to get up and scream.
He doesn’t like the way things are now, he never liked the co-parenting arrangement.
He didn’t choose this.
He never chose to wait for things to settle until six years passed by, it just happened.
Rowan is a careful person, that’s part of him. Always weighing his next step, always waiting for the right time.
And while he waited for the timing to be perfect, Aelin got pregnant, moved in with him, birthed his baby, kicked him out, grew to hate him, stopped hating him, and now their daughter is five years old.
He was still gravitating around her, waiting for the right time to do something. Anything. Rowan wasn’t even sure what exactly he was supposed to do, he just knew it involved bringing Aelin back into his life.
Sensing his struggle, Rory sat back and decided to not press on the subject. “This reminds me of your dad, you know?” Her gaze grew distant, a bittersweet smile on her lips. “It’s easier for him when I mess up than when he does. The guilt is always the worst part for him.”
“Sounds like Dad,” Rowan said around a faint chuckle.
Rory wiggled her eyebrows. ”You know what helped him a lot?”
Rowan tensed, and he narrowed his eyes at his mother, trying to decide if he should believe her. “You’re lying.”
“I am! But it got into your stubborn head, didn’t it?”
Rowan chuckled, his gloomy state not strong enough to survive his mother’s antics. “Not now that I know it’s a lie!”
She gave him a small grin, then reached for her son’s hand. “Honey, your father’s mental well-being is called retirement, a grown child, and leaving the big city to a beach house. You can’t have any of that now, so you should consider therapy.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Rowan waved her off. “I’ll think about it.”
“Also, you should really talk to Aelin. You’re not good at reading cues, honey, you got this from your dad as well.”
He gave her a sidelong glance, noticing that she was off her handling-my-son-in-crisis mode, back to her usual self. “Is that so?”
Rory adjusted herself in chair, picking back the long-forgotten mug of tea. “Did I ever tell you your father hired a band when he proposed to me? You have no idea the amount of unsubtle hints I gave him.”
“Mom.” Rowan interrupted, giving her a pointed, knowing look. “I don’t remember saying anything about proposing.”
He had no idea if Aelin would let him get anywhere close to that.
“I know.” Rory’s elbow on his side was as faint as her subtlety. “But keep that in mind.”
He chuckled. “The band or the hints?”
“Both. Especially hints about bands.”
“And what if you want to swim?” He asked, crouched on the floor and eye-to-eye with Maisie, his face as serious as it could be.
“I can’t swim without a grown-up.”
“Any grown-up?”
“No strangers!” She dramatically shook her head. “Just Mommy, Auntie Sellene and Aidan.”
“Maisie.” Rowan’s voice was firm. “Your cousin Aidan isn’t a grown-up.”
“But he’s nine!”
“No, he’s still a kid. And…” He bowed his head, running his palm against his forehead. “I’m forgetting something.”
“Daddy.” She gave him a pointed look. “You’re being a buzzard.”
Rowan bit back a smile. The weight in his chest almost crushed him to pieces the first time Maisie called him that, about a month ago, but he was growing to love hearing the nickname Aelin gave him come from his daughter’s mouth.
“Oh.” He looked back up to her. “And what do we do about the beach animals?”
Maisie crossed her arms. “Leave them alone because it’s their home.”
“Perfect.” He kissed the top of his daughter’s head. “Time for sunscreen.”
“You done, Buzzard?”
Rowan startled, snapping his eyes to the doorway and finding Aelin there. If he wasn’t on his knees already, he would be now.
Her pink bikini made his eyes linger, but was enough to make him train his eyes back to her face, and Rowan thanked Mala she was at least wearing denim shorts. He plastered on a smile, looking at her face. Not her pink bikini and exposed curves. Blonde hair—not the ends hugging her breasts—and blue eyes. He focused on her face.
It was a regular beach attire, but Aelin didn’t need much to take his breath away.
She smiled at her daughter, pointing at the lotion in Rowan’s hand. “Auntie Sellene can’t find Bree’s sunscreen, can you hand yours to them?”
Maisie got the tube from her dad and ran downstairs, a girl on a mission. After a quick peek in the hallway, Aelin closed the door and took a step closer to Rowan, her arms crossed.
“You sure you don’t wanna come?”
Rowan shook his head. “I got a thing.”
“You got a thing… in a city where you have no work, and half the people you know are going to the beach?”
His lips pressed together in a slight grimace. “I’m staying home with the other half.”
“Rowan, are you—“ Aelin took a step closer and lowered her voice before asking, “Are we alright?”
“Yeah.” His voice came higher than intended, then he corrected, “No. Um.” Rowan grimaced. “Actually, can we—“
“Come on, Aelin!” Sellene shouted from downstairs.
He gave her a close-lipped smile. “You should go.”
She took a step back, eyeing him carefully before fully turning around. Rowan’s shoulders dropped in relief when she left. They needed to talk, yes, but Rowan needed to organize his thoughts before they did.
He waited in his room until the rental car drove off the garage, and headed towards his dad’s office. Rowan flinched every time the wooden floor creaked—he didn’t know why, since he wasn’t sneaking, but something about that moment made him want to go unnoticed. It wasn’t his childhood home, but it still had the same smell of baked goods and the same pictures on the wall. Except that now the pictures of Rowan as a kid were side-by-side with Maisie’s.
In one of the frames, he was wearing his daily camouflage uniform, while Aelin wore the hospital staff’s maternity uniform—white pants and a white wrap blouse she absolutely hated, but her blinding smile suggested she wasn’t worried about it at the moment. Rowan remembered it was taken on the day they moved into her house, but he never understood why his mother kept it there. She wasn’t even with them that day, Aelin texted her that one, but maybe she noticed how Aelin’s silly smiles and enormous bump broke his usual serious stance in pictures.
Rowan didn’t miss how she ignored his love confession yesterday.
He glanced at the watch at the end of the hall. It was almost time. He wanted a better way to look at things, but it was a difficult task. What was Rowan supposed to tell her? Hi. Remember when you made me realize the biggest mistake of my life, I confessed my love to you, and you stayed silent? I already have my rejection, I just need the complete humiliation to have some closure.
It could be a dramatic depiction of what he was going to say, but he couldn’t find a better way to put it right now.
Depending on how the conversation went, Rowan could even grovel enough to confess that he didn’t need Aelin to love him back, that was not his issue. If she chose to share her life with him, that’d be more than he could ever ask for.
But would that be what he deserves?
Deserving of her or not, Aelin is the mother of his child, the love of his life. He didn’t expect her forgiveness, but he couldn’t let go of her either.
He opened his dad’s computer and logged into his email to get the link. He opened Zoom two minutes early, but the meeting’s host was already there.
“Hey there!” Yrene cheered from his screen. “I wasn’t expecting your text, but it’s good to see you.”
This session had been canceled for a very long time, since he and Aelin decided to not do therapy during their vacation. However, it came in very handy that Rowan’s mental turmoil started a day before their weekly session was supposed to happen, so he texted Yrene asking if they could meet online.
Rowan tried to smile, but his expression was strained. “Did I crash your plans?”
“Not at all! I was going to lie on the couch and play Subway Surfers for an hour. It’s a good thing you called, since I’m always encouraging people to fight their vices.” Yrene leaned closer to her screen, as if it’d help her see Rowan’s better. “Where’s Aelin?”
He scratched the back of his head, fighting the unease in the bottom of his stomach. “It’s just me today.”
She straightened her posture, squaring her shoulders. “An individual session, then?”
Rowan nodded.
“Good!” Yrene cleared her throat and continued in a serious tone, “I mean, good. What made you take that decision?”
Rowan swallowed, fiddling with his fingers and steeling himself for what he was about to say. For the second time.
“I’m in love with Aelin.”
“Go on.”
He frowned. “You don’t look surprised.”
“I’m really not.” Yrene’s own blunt answer made her grimace. “What I mean is, I’ve been working with families for a long time. It gets easy to tell.”
He looked at Yrene. She looked at him. He was the first one to break, darting a glance at the wall, feigning interest there to ignore the awkwardness of this situation. Rowan wasn’t used to leading conversations, Aelin and Yrene usually did that.
“Okay.” His therapist cleared her throat. “I’ll give you two options, and you’ll choose how we start: you can tell me what happened in your vacation, or we can talk about how you only choose therapy because of your family, never yourself.”
Rowan was halfway into a flinch when he schooled his expression. This wasn’t a difficult choice at all.
“We arrived here last Saturday…”
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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dedenneblogs · 8 months
my billions of hcs for ares, clarrise, + anyone else unfortunate to be related to the god of war:
- Ares looks like one of those cool, old, bearded grandpas on youtube that give life advice but the only thing he’d give you advice on is how to handle a motorcycle or how to start a war.
- expects ALL his children to know how to at least ride a bicycle, extra points if your able to handle a motorbike by 16 (yes he has a points system). One of the many reasons he doesn’t like Clarrise ☹️☹️☹️
- Wanted to get with Aphrodite ever since TTC. halted his plans when his chest hairs (yes you heard that right i shan’t elaborate) signaled to him that Clarrise was extremely gay for Silena. thought for a second to make another move after Silena passed but decided against it.
- was ecstatic to find out clarrise was a lesbian but only because he saw it as a way for her to “toughen up” and “be more of a man,” so still hated gay men+. Clarrise knocked some sense into him, he’s an ally now
- clarrise doesn’t forgive ares, she probably never will. Ares is okay with that yet he tries to be there for her. always
- Ares is an 80s movies nut. like. won’t shut the fuck up about 80s movies, it’s basically the only thing he watches other then monster trucks, history channel at 3am (he calls it his news source), and illegal cage fights he’s recorded over the years. was hyped when Ready Player One came out and forced Clarrise to come with him to see it. Clarrise liked Aech by the end but wasn’t impressed by the representation. Ares of course said he loved it, then watched again only to realize how shit it was. Ruined his day
- All the Arises have at least somewhat of a pig face, but it’s most noticeable in clarrise. Like. just take a pig, give it a human body. BOOM! Ares child
- Silena used to always tell Clarrise how cut she thought her pig face was. It made Clarrise less insecure. Sobs oceans when someone says something positive about her face after Silena dies. Ah…. doomed/toxic yuri
- Ares: RISE UP AND WIN!!! Clarrise and her siblings in unison: AUUGHHHHHHH
- Clarrise keeps in contact with Blackbeard. He’s an absolute w, always asks his little sister if she wants to find buried treasure or whatever the fuck pirates do in the 21st century. One day Percy introduced blackbeard and his crew to One Piece. things went downhill from there.
also side note i’ve already read 4 of percy jackson books from the og series so if blackbeard finds the one peice in chalice of the gods or whatever don’t @ me until i find out for myself
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teecupangel · 3 months
Ad Altaïr Anon
Curse ye Tumblr! Why must you prevent me from showing the image of t-posing Altair moments before being sucked into The Cube!! (it's absolutely not me being a first-time nooby asker who has never sent a link through ask ever nu-uh it's all tumblr)
maybe this link will work instead, I'm slightly better with imgur links at least :v
And yeah that's it! I never put one on my computer myself simply because i once tried to mod minecraft in the olden days and messed up so badly that I figured i should just leave that sort of stuff alone.
But AH, my heart! The future and doomed Desmond giving them that slight control over the grey so maybe this Desmond wouldn't have to die 😭
but also lol oh boy would Altair get lost in the sauce surfing the web! It worse than when he was alive with the apple because now he doesn't have to eat, drink, or sleep so someone has to pry him out of the web every once in a while.
(The only real modding I’ve done in a long time was for Mugen back in those days. To be honest though, my brother helped me add characters and stuff hahaha)
The “Altaïr interrupts Desmond’s game using an ‘ad’” idea and its sorta prequel sorta sequel for those curious
“We need to talk about Altaïr’s internet addiction.”
Desmond stared at Shaun’s solemn expression for a fraction of a second before he turned his attention back to the instant noodles he was having for lunch.
He didn’t really like soggy noodles.
“Desmond, this is serious.” Shaun placed his hands on the table and towered over Desmond who was hunched to make it easier to eat his noodles.
That was a bad move.
Desmond could just as easily headbutt his nose at this distance.
“I’m listening, Shaun.” Desmond replied half-heartedly before eating once more.
He didn’t understand why Shaun wanted to talk to him about Altaïr’s internet addiction. It wasn’t like Desmond could stop the man from scouring every web page available in Wikipedia in his endless pursuit of knowledge.
… not that he would want to anyway.
“Desmond, Altaïr has been using the computer 24/7. We have to keep the AC on just to make sure the computer doesn’t overheat. Together with the electricity needed for the Animus and our other devices, two of which are now fully being used by Ezio and Connor-”
Desmond slowly raised his head so Shaun would have a warning to pull away. It was still a close call, Desmond’s head almost knocking against Shaun’s nose but Shaun stood and crossed his arms while Desmond took a sip of the soup before asking, “Are you… are you trying to talk to me about our upcoming electric bill?”
“Not ‘ours’ but the building we’re ‘piggy backing’ from.” Shaun clarified, “They’ll definitely think something is up when they see the sudden spike.”
“Then isn’t this too late already?” Desmond countered lightly, “The bill’s gonna come sooner or later. Might just be better for us to book it.”
Shaun grimaced but did not deny it.
Desmond sighed before he said, “How about this. I’ll tell Altaïr to find us a new safehouse and take care of the logistics and stuff. That’ll be his punishment for skyrocketing some random business’ electric bill.”
Shaun opened his mouth, most probably to argue, so Desmond asked, “Unless you already have the next safehouse in mind?”
Shaun sighed as he said, “I’ll tell the others about it. You tell Altaïr about his punishment.”
Desmond waved his hand before lowering his head to continue eating while Shaun stormed out of the dining room, most probably to bother Rebecca.
Or complain to her.
Maybe both.
Probably both.
Desmond waited until he could no longer hear Shaun’s footsteps before turning to look at his phone that was lying next to the cup noodles.
“Congrats, Altaïr. You got what you wanted.” Desmond mumbled.
His phone’s screen lit up and showed Altaïr in front of his homescreen, arms crossed as he said, “Not yet. Not until we’ve finally settled in a more secured location.”
“More secured.” Desmond snorted, “Just say the internet is too slow for you here.”
“Hm.” Altaïr didn’t even bother to give him a proper reply.
Nor deny it.
“Well, at least wait until midnight before sending the plan to everyone.” Desmond reminded him, “Otherwise, Shaun’s going to find out this was your plan from the start.”
“I know. I’m not a fool, Desmond.” Altaïr said calmly before adding, “Eat a fruit or have salad after that.”
“I’ll eat an apple, alright.” Desmond rolled his eyes, “Please don’t repeat to me how bad it is for my body to keep eating instant noodles.”
Altaïr sighed, “Fine. I’ll leave you with your pathetic excuse for a meal then.”
“Thanks.” Desmond sarcastically said, watching as the screen of his phone turned off.
And he can finally eat in peace…
… soggy noodles.
Damn it.
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good-beanswrites · 3 months
"Prisoner @oboetemasuka ! Milgramblrgram has judged you guilty for your crimes! It is time to meet your judgement. As the wardens' fang, I take that responsibility upon myself!" (Hits you with some good ole OOA angst 👊) TW for Amane's cult mindset and brief descriptions of the injuries.
“Amane, you must – please – !” Shidou’s voice changed from pleading to an icy calmness. “Kazui, hold her still.” 
Amane struggled from his grasp, but there was no hope of success. Even if her little form stood a chance against Kazui’s strength, even if her uniform wasn’t locking her arms in place, she knew she would not manage to draw up any power with all this pain rocking through her body. Her chest stung so that she could hardly breathe. The throbbing from her right eye made her dizzy.
Through her spinning vision, she could see Fuuta nearby. She was struck with the selfish thought that she wished she couldn't. He looked awful. Shidou had rolled him over so he wasn’t lying facedown in blood, but it still clumped in his hair and over his eyes. His arm was stuck at an odd angle. 
“No,” she gasped. “Stop…” 
It was unclear who she was commanding. Shidou? Fuuta? God? Maybe all at once. 
The room wobbled as a wave of pain washed over her. Shidou’s hands were around her face. Though seeking her eye, he may as well have been covering her mouth with how suffocating it felt. Amane shook her head violently back and forth in an attempt to stop him.
There was the ceiling – then Shidou’s face, far too close – a blood-spattered wall – Fuuta’s ginger hair caked in blood – the ceiling – intense gray eyes – the wall – a broken arm – ceiling – scowling lips – wall – ginger fur caked in blood – ceiling – a screaming mouth – blood-spattered floor – a paw bent the wrong way – ceiling – green eyes filled with fire – 
A hand clamped down on her head to keep her still. Her vision swam. She released a cry of anguish. The others probably thought it was from the pain, but she knew how to bite her tongue through pain. No, this was utter frustration.
Then came a glimmer of hope. An angel.
Mahiru stood over her. Amane only had so many people left in this world who treated her kindly, didn't lead her towards sinfulness... and weren’t beaten to death. With the recent turn of events, Mahiru may be the only one left. 
There was some arguing as Mahiru was told to leave, but she convinced the others to let her stay by Amane’s side. She smiled, though tears streaked down both her cheeks.
“It’s alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
That was it. Mahiru had been sent to save her. Everything would be alright.
Shidou’s tone was as cold as the disinfectant he was applying. “Tell her to hold still.”
Mahiru gave her a gentle nod. “Please, you have to listen to him.”
And just like that, the breath was knocked from her lungs. As quickly as her savior had come, she disappeared. Mahiru had turned against her, for the sake of that damned doctor.
Now Amane had nobody left in the world.
She lashed out one last time before her injuries overtook her completely. Her adrenaline was receding.
“This is for your own good.”
It wasn’t. 
She’d experienced things for her own good. When her mother punished her, she’d repeat the reason for it over and over. When her father brought down his wrath, Amane knew exactly why he was doing so. Her teachers would ask her, when they’d finished giving out their discipline, if she’d learned her lesson. It made sense. It was fair.
There was no lesson here. 
One must work towards holiness. Amane had been working her whole life. She’d fought to learn from each punishment. She tried so hard to be good. But now, there was nothing to learn, nothing to strive for. There was nothing at all. Yuzuriha Kotoko was killing her, Kajiyama Fuuta was leaving her, Kirisaki Shidou was dooming her, Shiina Mahiru was betraying her, and there was absolutely nothing she could do. 
Hopelessness was a trial all on its own.
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badhabitnun · 15 days
Hi, Green!!! I noticed in your bio you said you're a post-hiatus phannie and I'm curious, what got you to start watching them? Do you remember your first impressions?
(Sorry if this has been asked before! I hope you're having a wonderful day and also just wanted to add I lovedddd your phasquerade art, it's hilarious and adorable 💚)
-Ser :)
hi ser!! this is actually my first ask on this blog, so i was really excited to see something in my inbox 🥹 and thank you!! posting art is SCARY but everyone is being so nice… thank you so much for organizing the phasquerade!!!
i am incredibly sorry for the Length of what is to come now. my feelings aren’t easy to sum up + i doth yap
the main reason i started watching them is probably the dapg revival itself, since my friends started watching their new videos together in our server, and i got curious and asked to tag along. before then though i’d also heard of dnp from them, and as a long-time (12 years) tumblr user i have felt their influence without realizing they were the source? i now know where the whiskers and “protip” come from…
before starting to watch dnp myself i remember seeing my friends react to the phouse reveal (i remember i was like “huh wait at their age that might actually be gay”), basically i’m gay, why i quit youtube, and dan and phil tell the truth (i didn’t know what a girl in prague was and i WAS afraid to ask). those made me curious! but not curious enough to sit through the videos themselves. i felt really bad for dan from all that though! he really sounded like he suffered more than jesus from the contents of both BIG and WIQYT 😭 i remember feeling parasocially protective of him. this is all to say my impressions weren’t COMPLETELY fresh when i started watching and especially for dan i already had one
now back to late 2023! i’d made some really massive changes in my life, like actual leap of faith, the course of my life has been altered kinda massive, so youtube become a comfort space for me. enter these two nerds! the first impression i had of both of them together kind of related to where i was in life at the moment: the realization that you can just live with a fellow nerd who loves you and you don’t have to follow the path the adult world expects from you. seeing them act silly and embrace everything they love and be so carefree and happy to be themselves, sharing a domestic life that doesn’t follow what heteronormative society demands… i know this is all obvious to so many people, but i really needed it at the time.
they became a reminder that i could have this life, that i have something to look forward to and my life isn’t over or doomed to be what society wants it yo be. their chemistry is something very pure and very real and especially now that they’re both open about their sexualities you can really feel how connected they are and how much fun they have together. it just makes me so happy to see two people adore each other so much after all these years!! god!!!
as i’ve said before i knew about dan from his yearly videos in the hiatus era, but i knew almost nothing about phil! the first thing that stood out to me was his accent, since i am very bad at recognizing accents BUT i watch plumbella so i was like whoa is he northern!! and that was kind of an instant comfort factor.
phil is an underrated comfort video genius like seriously... i was facing the horrors of being stuck at home for christmas with a thousand thoughts on my mind and his silly videos were like a nice patch of sunshine. i absolutely agree with dan on phil’s kind energy; he is like those nice people who come talk to you and actually try to make you laugh and feel more at ease if they notice you’re feeling shy. he kept me a LOT of company and i genuinely owe him for that. i can also tell he’s incredibly smart and creative even though his videos now are more casual; he definitely does a lot behind the scenes and he’s an excellent storyteller. i’ve later come to learn that he has also repressed a lot of things for the sake of his audience and probably dan as well, he really has a good heart. also, he resonates a lot with the autistic experience, and regardless of the reason that does make me feel happy and seen
as for dan. well! once i actually started watching his videos firsthand, dan felt like looking at a mirror, which has Impacted Me psychologically. a lot. BUT let’s get the silly stuff out of the way first i immediately understood why my friend has a crush on him 😭😭😭 like i get it!!! i can never bully them for having a crush again because i fucking get it he’s hot he knows it he carries it well! fuck!
but more than that… he immediately made me reflect on myself. i can’t get into my impressions on dan from dapg without saying first that i have had a similar journey with depression and homophobia and repressing everything and he forced me to face that i still have a lot of work to do. i didn’t realize that just knowing i’m queer and acting on it doesn’t automatically mean that i accept myself being queer. that is something that only BIG and hearing dan talk about queerness and mental health made me realize. so right after the omg funny hot nun, i had to kind of reconsider my whole life for a bit… and i’m still in the process of doing that…
more than anything, i think what i’ve felt and keep feeling watching both his older and newer videos is “god i’m so glad he’s out” and “god i’m so glad he can make art”. i just feel so proud of him, so happy he can experience life as himself, so happy that he can laugh and joke about being gay so freely, so happy he can make the art he wants and feel accepted, and so happy that he can proudly smile at his audience now, after i first heard of him as someone who was isolated and scared. again, i projected on him a lot, and i knew about his struggles beforehand, so my impressions are mostly sentimental 😭
all in all they’ve helped me immensely and made my life so much better, both as themselves with their comment and through the community they created over the years. i’ve been a lurker for the past couple of months and what made me come forward and make my own blog is the way their kindness and acceptance extends to their audience and vice versa :)
hopefully that answers your questions and i hope this wasn’t too much oversharing!! i feel like my current place in life influences how i see them and relate to them, and they also influenced me a lot and that contributes to how i perceive them, and so on. putting all these thoughts into words in one place and realizing things about myself bit by bit was really interesting; hopefully the formatting won’t kill those who try to read it. i’m sorry. i wrote this in my notes app 🫡
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