#I'd like to thank the academy for absolutely nothing
hischierdevils · 2 years
Ruin The Moment | M.M.
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note: this song reminded me of mitch
summary: you take mitch as your date to a wedding but your ex is there and has questions
warnings: shitty ex, fluff, slight angst
wc: 1.4K
“Congratulations! It was a beautiful ceremony.” Mitch shakes your older brother’s hand before hugging your new sister in law. 
“Thanks, man.” Your older brother pulls you in for a hug. “It’s about time the two of you got together.” He says as he looks at you and Mitch standing next to each other. Mitch matched the color of his tie to your dress and he looked absolutely amazing in his suit.
Mitch had been your best friend since your first day at Blyth Academy. Everyone that knew the two of you had expected you to get together at one point but you never did. Mitch’s first love was always hockey and you didn’t want to pull him away from his dream. 
Cue the shock when you arrived at your brother’s wedding with Mitch as your date. You’re pretty sure your mother had tears in her eyes when she said hello to you. The only person that didn’t seem happy to see the two of you together was the best man, Jake. He also happened to be your ex-boyfriend. 
“Hopefully you’ll be the next bride.” Your new sister in law says as she hugs you. 
You smile at her as you glance over at Mitch. “I think it’s too early for that.” Even as you say it, you know he’s the only man you could ever picture walking down the aisle toward.
“Let’s get a picture of the four of you.” Your mom comes up behind you with her phone, motioning you and Mitch to stand by your brother and his bride. Mitch puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. You place your hand on his chest as you smile at your mom. “You all look so good.” She cries. 
“Mom, it’s their day.” You laugh as you move away from Mitch. His hand catches yours and he intertwines your fingers before you can get too far away from him. “The reception is about to start, let’s go find our seats.” You tell him. 
You and Mitch were sitting at a table with six of your brother and sister in laws single friends since you added him as a plus one at the last minute. Mitch wasted no time in introducing the two of you to everyone at the table and chatting everyone up. 
It’s not until after the first dance when the bridal party sits down do you realize that Jake has a perfect view of you and Mitch from his seat. He obviously watches the two of you during the speeches and even makes a joke during his own about how his friendship with your brother survived dating his sister. 
Your brother looks at Mitch apologetically but Mitch shrugs it off, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “You okay, y/n?” He whispers in your ear. 
“I’m fine.” You assure him before sipping on your champagne. “I’m glad you’re here with me.” 
He smiles and leans over to kiss your forehead. “There’s nowhere I'd rather be.”
After dinner, Mitch leaves you to find a bathroom before making you promise to dance with him. As if you could ever tell him no. As soon as Mitch is out of sight, Jake drops into his empty seat. “Nothing to worry about, huh?” 
You roll your eyes before turning your head to look at him. You’re a little surprised to feel nothing when you look into his green eyes. Blue is a little more your color now. “Mitch and I were just friends when you and I were together.” You explain. 
“Yeah, okay.” Jake huffs. “You ditched me for him anytime he was in town. I don’t know why I stayed so long.”
“You cheated on me.” You remind him through gritted teeth. “What does it matter now anyway?” 
“I just want you to admit that I'm not entirely at fault, y/n.” Jake tries to place his hand on top of yours but you pull away from him. “We were so good when we were good.”
“But we were usually bad.” You say, remembering the arguments, the sleepless nights on the couch. 
“I was jealous of him.” Jake says motioning to Mitch’s name tag at the table. “Clearly for good reason.” 
“You treated me like shi-”
“Excuse me.” Mitch’s voice sounds behind you as you feel a large hand rest on your shoulder. “I’d like to dance with my girl.” 
You allow Mitch to lead you to the dance floor and you eagerly step into his embrace as he holds you for a slow song. “I should’ve known he’d try something.” Mitch murmurs in your ear. 
“It’s fine.” You insist. “I’m fine.” 
“Y/n, if you just told your brother…” 
“They’ve been friends just as long as you and I have.” You tell him. “I don’t want to come between them.” 
Mitch rests his chin on the top of your head as the two of you sway back and forth. “If your brother knew the way Jake treated you he wouldn’t want to be his friend.” You rest your head on his shoulder. Deep down, you’re not so sure that that’s true. Your brother and Jake have always been close. Sometimes you wonder if he knew how awful Jake was to his girlfriends. 
As the night continues and Mitch gets more alcohol inside of him, he starts losing pieces of his outfit. First it’s the suit jacket, and then his tie. On his third trip back from the bathroom he’s missing his belt. 
“Looks like you’re going to have your hands full tonight.” Your sister in law jokes as Mitch attempts to grind on you. “He can’t keep his hands off of you.”
You blush as you wrap your arms around his neck. “He’s affectionate enough without alcohol.” You laugh. Deep down you love how handsy he is, but he doesn’t need to know that right at this moment. 
“You look beautiful tonight, y/n/n.” Mitch whispers in your ear as you dance together. He keeps you close to him all night, spinning you around the dance floor and kissing your forehead or cheeks any chance he gets. 
When you finally decide to call it a night, Mitch holds your hand and skips to your car. “You should drink, I drove.” He tells you as he opens the driver side door for you. 
You laugh and kiss his cheek. “I will drive, yes. Can you get in the car okay?” 
“Yeah, watch!” Mitch happily sprints around your car and opens the passenger door, effectively hitting himself in the face. “Shit.” 
“Oh my god, Mitchy.” You run around the car and place your hands on his face as you inspect him for any blood. “Are you okay?” 
He gives you a dopey grin. “I’m fine now that you’re here.” 
You roll your eyes and help him up. “C’mon let's get you home.” Once he’s safely in the car you get in the driver’s seat. 
As you drive, Mitch sings along with the radio and you fall in love with him even more as he sings your favorite song to you. “You know, this would be a perfect wedding song.” He tells you seriously. 
“Oh yeah?” You laugh as you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. “First dance or walk down the aisle?” 
“First dance for sure.” He smiles at you. “You’d look so good in a wedding dress.” Your heart soars as Mitch continues to talk about what he would do for his hypothetical wedding. 
When you pull into his driveway, he slumps in his seat. “Do you need help?” You ask as you’re already reaching over to undo his seatbelt. 
“No, I'm just not ready for this night to end.” He turns his head toward you and for a moment you think he’s going to kiss you. “Thanks for letting me be your fake date tonight.” 
Reality washes over you as you watch your best friend reach for the door handle. You consider admitting your feelings to him for a moment but decide that it’s not the right time. It never is. “Of course, Mitchy. Thanks for coming with me tonight.”
He reaches over to boop your nose with his finger before he opens the door. “I’ll always be here for you.” He gets out of the car and gives you a little wave. “Good night, y/n.” 
“Good night.” You reply before he shuts the door and starts walking toward his front door. “I love you.” 
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mongpht · 1 year
Rollo Flamme - Student Council President Uniform SSR [translate]
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Noble Bell College - Bell Tower Interior
Rollo: Hmm… it's a bit cool. And sunrise time is getting later and later every day. Hmmm… It's a good time of year. I can spend less time in the classroom listening to silly stories from mindless students. Time to do what I have to do today before everyone wakes up… Besides, I wouldn't want those annoying creeps to find me.
Noble Bell College - Bell Tower Upstairs
Gargoyles: jumping.
Rollo: Yeah, shut up, you two! You bloody gargoyles! It's not nice to jump around like that. Why don't you two behave yourselves?
Gargoyles: * calms down *
Rollo: Yeah, I'll do you on my next day off. I can't bear to abandon what I've started. If you understand, leave already. I have important work to do… Finally. They're really annoying, aren't they? The mere fact that they live through magic is terrifying, and the noise… If I hadn't been watching the bell tower, I wouldn't have noticed those blocks of stone… Isn't that right, Salvation Bell. Hmm… You're very handsome today. How nice it would be if everyone were like you. It rings when it should ring and is silent when it should be silent. Nothing is ever so right and certain.
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Rollo: …Оh. The sun will be up soon. Gotta get everything cleaned up before the ringers come. Let me hear your beautiful sound tonight. Oh, Salvation Bell!
Noble Bell College - Courtyard
Rollo: You won't hear any nasty mages here. Let's take a break….
???: Headman, it's you!
Rollo: Huh?
Vice President: We've been looking for you, Rollo-kaicho*. I can't believe you had lunch here.
Rollo: You--
Vice President: Rollo-caicho, you eat bread for lunch. I didn't know that because I didn't see him in the dining hall.
Rollo: Yes, that's right. Two croissants and 16 grapes. And a cup of coffee with milk. Exactly that much, no more and no less. It's a fixed lunch every day, 365 days a year.
Vice President: What, every day? The same thing every day?
Rollo: If you choose to, you won't be driven by unnecessary desires. It's refreshing and very satisfying. I recommend it to you as well.
Vice President: I can't do that. I'd get bored too quickly.
Rollo: … I'm sorry you don't understand. What's more, you want something from me.
Vice President: Oh, yes. The teacher was just looking for Rollo-kaicho. He wants to know as soon as possible if the book report you recently submitted can be put in the newspaper.
Rollo: A newspaper?… If I take the morning paper, I take the morning edition of the Brilliant Country News.
Vice President: Yeah. It's amazing to be in such a big newspaper! That's what Rollo-caicho is all about. They told me again in class today that kaicho was the only one who passed his Potions test with a perfect grade.
Rollo: Hmm. Not a big deal.
Vice President: You're the very modesty! The other day you even made a hard-to-grow aquatic magic plant bloom. The teacher was very impressed. I have great respect for you. There is no other magician in this academy who knows as much as Rollo-kaicho knows!
Rollo: I see. mumbles Ironic, isn't it?
Vice President: Is something wrong?
Rollo: Don't worry about it. In fact, thank you for talking to me. And for your concern.
Vice President: Don't mention it! But while you're here, may I join you for lunch?
Rollo: … Absolutely not. We're almost done eating. Let's go straight to the teacher. Excuse me, I'll leave you to it. We'll have lunch next time.
Vice President: I see. Then I'll join you another time!
Noble Bell College - Lecture Hall
Rollo: … It's carefree. So carefree… I don't know what I'm thinking. Oh, that's not even the point. Let's go to the staff room.
City of Flowers
Rollo: Good afternoon… Yes, that's right. I need my usual set of forms and envelopes. Yes, one plain white one… Hmmm, I agree with you.Even if some would call it anachronistic*, letters are a good thing. It's not as convenient as emails or phone calls, but the time spent means less careless remarks. What, are there cheaper ones from other manufacturers similar to this kit…? No, let's go with the usual. Changing your writing style in the middle of writing won't help. Everything has to be consistent… Yes, indeed. Thanks for everything. See you later… Good salesman. As a citizen of a town that loves a righteous judge. As a college student, I have to learn from you… This town is easy to live in. The people are nice and the scenery is wonderful. But these beautiful flowers are also held in place by magical power … Flowers …. Magic … Hmm…mmm…mmm…Hahaha…..
Goat: Bleh.
Rollo: Hmm. Is that a goat? What's wrong with you? Are you hungry? Unfortunately, I don't have anything you can eat right now. If you want to be fed, go to the others…..
Goat: Bleh.
Rollo: What? You're after my envelopes? How disgusting… Don't touch it. Don't eat my stuff. Besides, eating paper can make you sick to your stomach. I'm not saying it's bad. Give up the idea… Hey, stop it!
Goat: Bleh.
Rollo: You little goat. If you don't want to let go, here's an idea…! Ha. No, there are people here… If this creature wasn't valued in the city, I'd give him a good shove like that. You're just lucky.
Goat: Bleh.
Rollo: Don't chew on my clothes! The City of Flowers is beautiful, but except that such unhygienic behaviour is unacceptable...
Noble Bell College - Student Board Room
Rollo: "As you can see, I'm doing well, just like before. Take care of yourself." I wonder if I'm being too polite. Well, that's good. That's enough to let my parents know I'm living here without any problems. These people are fans of worry… Since then… very… … …
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Rollo: … …Right. I'll see if I can add a few more additions to the letter. I won't be able to sleep well tonight anyway. I'll work on it to the best of my ability. There's plenty of time.
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kaicho: forefather/elder anachronism: an erroneous, intentional, or conditional attribution of events, phenomena, objects, or persons to another time, epoch relative to the actual chronology.
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briansastro10 · 1 year
Day 8: Meeting the Family 9 Days of Lancaster
The dense forest is filled with towering trees and a mystical ambiance. JAUNE, RUBY, REN, and NORA, our brave adventurers, trek through the foliage, their eyes scanning their surroundings.
Suddenly, they hear rustling in the distance. They stop and turn their heads to see a boy emerge from the underbrush. Ray has striking silver eyes and black hair. He appears disoriented and lost.
Jaune: *whispering to the group* Look! Someone's there!
The group tenses up, ready for anything. Ray looks bewildered as his gaze meets theirs. His initial shock soon gives way to a glimmer of recognition.
Ray: *stuttering* You... you're... you're Here...
Ruby: *curious* Do you know us?
Ray: *excitedly* You're here!!! *wiping his tear* I'm Ray!! I've heard about you from Beacon Academy!
Ren: *astonished* How did you hear about us? We've only just arrived in Anima.
Ray: *smiling* Word travels fast, especially when it's about heroes. I've been hearing stories thousands times.
Nora: *eagerly*  Well, if you've heard about us, then you know we're here to help. Why are you here alone?
Ray: *nervously* I... I got lost. I was on my way to the next town, but I got left behind.
Ruby: *sympathetically* Don't worry, Ray. We'll help you find your way and make sure you reach the next town safely.
Jaune: Absolutely! for now you can Stick with us, and we'll make sure you're well taken care of.
Ray's eyes light up with gratitude and relief. He falls in step with the group, feeling a newfound sense of security.
Ray: *looking at each of them* Thank you all so much. I never thought I'd meet the heroes I've heard so much about. It's an honor to be traveling with you.
Ren: *humble* The honor is ours, Ray. We're here to protect people and make the world a safer place.
They continue their journey through the enchanted forest, now with an additional companion. As they navigate the treacherous terrain together, they share stories and form a bond that will carry them through the trials ahead.
They had a fun journey, Some minors troubles but nothing they cant handle. During the trip, Ray can be seen very close to Ruby. Oddly to everyone notices, Jaune has taken a backseat and became more quite, but content. Unbeknownst to everyone Jaune notices that Ray wanted to talk to him.
The moon shines brightly as JAUNE sits alone on a cliff, gazing at the town in the distance. Ray approaches silently, sensing that Jaune has been wanting to talk.
Jaune: *softly* We're not far away from town. It won't be long until we have to say our goodbyes.
Ray's expression saddens, the weight of impending separation visible on his face.
Ray: (forcing a smile) Yeah, I guess I've been lost this whole time.
Jaune stands up and walks toward Ray, a knowing look in his eyes.
Jaune: *curious* You're not from this time, are you?
Ray can no longer hide the truth, tears streaming down his cheeks as he nods.
Ray: *voice trembling* How did you know?
Jaune: *smiling* I have seven siblings. It's bound to happen for me to notice a family trait. *He gently touches Ray's cheek* You are so much like your mother.
Ray is overwhelmed with emotion, struggling to find the right words. His tears continue to fall.
Ray: *choked up* I... I have so much to ask you... So much to say to you... I wanted to see you... But I...
Jaune embraces Ray tightly, offering comfort and understanding.
Jaune: *whispering* It's okay, you don't have to say. I get it
Ray musters the strength to speak through his tears.
Ray: *sobbing* I need to tell you... I... I want to save you.
Jaune, still holding Ray, speaks with a mix of gratitude and acceptance.
Jaune: *whispering* There's no need for that. You already did. Thank you.
Ray, bewildered, asks the question on his mind.
Ray:*confused* For what?
Jaune gazes into Ray's eyes, filled with love and warmth.
Jaune: *whispering* For coming here. For proving to me that there's still a future to fight for. Whatever happens, let it happen. If that means you'll be there, alive and healthy...
Ray continues to cry, feeling the weight of missing his father.
Jaune cups Ray's face gently, ensuring he feels the depth of his words.
Jaune: *teary-eyed* To see you grow up is all I ever ask for. It'll make it all worth it.
Ray, overwhelmed by emotions, finally speaks from the depths of his heart.
Ray: *choked up* I love you, Dad.
Jaune: *whispering* I love you too, Ray.
They hold each other, their love filling the space between them. As Ray's form begins to fade into a beam of light, Jaune feels a sense of contentment, knowing that there is still a future worth fighting for.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Platonic!Bobbi Morse x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 17 Prompt: "I never said it would be easy."
Summary: Bobbi Morse needs her best friend's help defending their record as the baddest bitches SHIELD's Ops Academy has ever seen.
Word Count: 2,103
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed as I settled into the cocoon of blankets I'd built in my quarters at SHIELD, a bowl of popcorn resting in my lap and my favorite show on my laptop. After running around the world almost dying for a month on a mission, I'd decided to take my first full day back at SHIELD HQ to rest, and absolutely nothing else.
At least, that had been my plan, until my best friend practically broke down my door barging into my room.
"Thank goodness you're back!" she cried, urgency in her tone. I just stared at her, bracing myself for whatever the hell she'd come in here to tell me. "We have a situation."
"Barbara Morse, I just got back from a month long mission-"
"Two new Ops recruits just beat our time on SHIELD's toughest obstacle course."
I stopped mid-sentence, popcorn and show forgotten as I stared at Bobbi and tried to process her words.
"Impossible," I finally decided, scowling. Bobbi nodded sympathetically.
"It should've been. Our record's held for years. But it just got beaten, by two barely-not-teen boys, no less. I don't think I have to tell you we can't let that stand."
"Damn right we can't," I agreed, setting my popcorn aside and throwing the blanket off of my lap. I stood, closing my laptop and going to my closet to change out of the pajama pants I'd been living in ever since I got back. "Give me like five minutes and I'll be ready to go."
"I'll go get the Quinjet ready to take off. Ops academy here we come."
We did our secret handshake that we'd come up with in our first year together at SHIELD academy, then separated to accomplish our missions. I made it out of my room in four minutes, jogging through the hallways to get to Bobbi faster. A few people waved to me and welcomed me back, but I didn't stop to chat. Bobbi and I had a new mission of peak importance to take care of, and we couldn't let anything get in our way.
For a long time, the SHIELD Ops obstacle course had been the end-all be-all of class credibility, outside of actual class rank. Recruits were expected to attempt it in pairs, and only the absolute best could make it through at all, let alone with any kind of speed. Bobbi and I had trained like maniacs until we'd blown the previous record out of the water, going down in history as the two best agents to ever take on one of the academy's hardest challenges. We coasted on that reputation for the rest of our academy career, and people still seemed impressed by it even though we'd left the academy long behind us.
Many had tried to break our record, and none had ever succeeded. One or two people had come close, but on the whole, our record seemed absolutely unbeatable. If two new recruits had come in and done the impossible, then they must've been incredibly impressive agents. And they also had to be stopped and reminded of Bobbi and I's supremacy immediately.
Bobbi brought the Quinjet in for a landing at the Academy not twenty minutes after she'd first burst into my room. The two of us marched through the hallways shoulder to shoulder, heads held high like we owned the place. And after graduating top of our class, we kind of did.
"Alright, let's see just what these two pulled off," I said, Bobbi and I slipping into one of our old classrooms and accessing the records for the obstacle course. I put their replay up on the projector, then went to take a first row seat in the auditorium with Bobbi.
"You should've brought your popcorn with you," she said. I laughed, but the laughter quickly died as the replay began.
These two first year recruits hadn't just managed to beat our record by a tenth of a second or two. They'd blown us out of the water by three whole seconds. Practically an eternity. And even worse, based on the end of the video, they clearly thought they were the hottest shit that SHIELD had ever seen as a result.
I swore loudly in the empty classroom.
"That was insane, Bob! How the hell do you expect us to beat that, especially since we haven't done this course in forever?"
"Hey, I never said it would be easy. But we have to do it, Y/N. We can't let this stand."
I groaned, rolling my eyes up to the ceiling before huffing a big sigh.
"Yeah, you're right. Do you want to do a few practice runs before we get an official timed one?"
"No, I don't. I think we go warm up in the gym, do a couple practice exercises in there, then go outside and crush that obstacle course and show everybody who's boss."
I nodded. "I like that plan. Alright, let's do this."
Thankfully, our favorite training room from our time at the agency was still here, and even better, empty. We did some stretching and warmups, ran through a few of the movements we'd need on the obstacle course, and then headed outside.
The dew of the morning still clung to the grass in the yard of the academy, and recruits ran in tight formation all around. Others trained on some of the smaller obstacle courses, or did pushups and jumping jacks. I elbowed Bobbi and nodded across the yard when I found the recruits who'd broken our record stretching out under a tree, preening like peacocks as their classmates surrounded them.
Bobbi and I shared a grin. They better enjoy it while it lasted.
"Agent Morse! Agent Y/L/N! This is a nice surprise."
Bobbi and I turned to find our absolute favorite instructor staring at the both of us, hands on her hips and a smile on her face. Agent Bailey was five foot nothing, but her strength, attitude, and experience made her seem larger than life. She was by far one of the most respected instructors across all of the SHIELD academies, and she was the only one Bobbi and I had really stayed in touch with. She'd even had us back once or twice to speak to her classes, when we weren't away on a mission.
"Agent Bailey! It's so good to see you!"
"It's good to see you two, too. Now, what brings you both back here? Don't tell me someone else poached you to speak to their class instead of mine?"
"No, don't worry. We would never," I said, giving her a bright smile. Bobbi nodded, then continued.
"We're actually back to reclaim our record on the obstacle course."
Bailey smiled, and clearly this wasn't a surprise to her at all. She started walking towards the start of the course, motioning for us to follow her.
"I figured as much. I wondered how long it would take the two of you to get back here once you heard." She stopped at the beginning of the course, hands on her hips as she surveyed us both. "Good. Those two who broke your record need to be taken down a peg. Their arrogance is going to get them killed, in the field if not here. They're in their first year and already think they're untouchable."
I frowned and glanced over at the tree where we'd spotted the agents in question earlier. They were still stretching, but they'd noticed us now, and were looking in our direction. I gave them a sickly sweet smile before turning back to Bailey.
"I'll time you both and make it official. Don't fail me now, you two."
With that, Bailey turned to take her place as an official administrator for the obstacle course test. I hopped around a little, bouncing on the balls of my feet and shaking out my arms. Then, I turned to Bobbi.
"You ready to do this?"
"Oh yeah. Those punks are never going to forget our names."
We high-fived, then turned to face the obstacle course, crouching a little, ready to launch forward as soon as Baily called start.
"On your marks!"
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a few recruits wandering over to watch us, looking confused. They'd be looking on in awe in a few minutes, if Bobbi and I had anything to say about it.
"Get set!"
I took a deep breath in before letting it out, the distractions fading away. The course ahead and my partner beside me were all that mattered. Laser-like focus and efficiency was the order of the day.
Bobbi and I launched forward into the course, two women on a mission. We worked like a perfect machine, almost reading each others' thoughts as we launched over one obstacle and stopped to help the other right behind us. We didn't hesitate at a single challenge, and every time my muscles felt a little tired or a little upset at what I asked of them, I pushed right through. There was no room for hesitating, or slowing down, or pausing. No room for error.
After dancing through a few portions that tested agility and literally swinging through a few others that tested strength, Bobbi and I reached the final challenge, a massive wall that we had to scale before our run could be deemed complete. We hit it at a dead run, Bobbi launching upwards just ahead of me and holding out a hand to help me reach the first level. I used the momentum and her help to make it to the second level, and we continued steadily, working in perfect sync as we neared the top.
A button to stop the time sat waiting for us at the top, with Agent Bailey standing right behind it. Bobbi and I had to hit the button at the same time, or the clock would keep running. It was the final piece, the final test of how well we could work together and remain in sync even through exhaustion.
I made it to the top, turning back to hold out a hand for Bobbi. I pulled her up while she climbed, and as soon as she made it to stable footing, I turned on my heel and ran for the button. I could feel Bobbi a half step behind me, closing just in time as I reached out my hand.
As one, our hands slammed down on the button, Bobbi's already on top of mine as we made contact. The button lit up to tell us the clock had come to a stop, and we both looked to Bailey with hopeful, expectant looks.
All around us, as the world outside the obstacle course came back into focus, the recruits training in the yard stood staring up at us on the platform. I noticed the two boys at the front of the crowd, watching Bailey with bated breath as intensely as me and Bobbi. A moment later, Bailey raised her arms and shouted:
"We have a new course record!"
Bobbi and I screamed and jumped up and down, immediately wrapping each other in a tight hug. I laughed, a joyous, almost disbelieving laugh, and when we pulled apart Bobbi was absolutely beaming at me.
"Agents Morse and Y/L/N have set a new record by a margin of two point seven seconds."
"HELL YES!" I screamed. Bailey gave us each a small smile, then her face dropped back to her usual no-nonsense baseline.
"Their time and a replay of their run will be posted and available within the hour. Everyone else, back to your exercises! You're not here to stand around all day!"
Slowly, the crowd of recruits started to disperse. The two boys who'd held the record for all of a few hours stared up at us in awe until their instructor came to pull them away. I shot them a wink and a wave.
"Nice work, partner," said Bobbi, smiling as she leaned in and bumped her shoulder against mine. "I guess we've still got it."
"Of course we've still got it. We're the dream team, absolutely unbeatable."
We shared a smile. After a second, Bobbi sighed, stretching out her arms and taking a few steps towards the easy way down from the platform we'd climbed up to.
"So, wasn't it worth it that I dragged you out of bed this morning?"
"Worth it? Yes. Enough to make me stay up and about when I've been in a safe place to relax for the first time in a full month? Hell no."
"Mind if I join you in your relaxing? I'm not due to ship out for another mission until the end of the week."
I smiled. "Sure thing. But I'm not sharing my popcorn."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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limetameta · 2 years
riza flame alchemist au where she doesn't show roy the tattoos but teaches the alchemy to herself lmao
Riza burned her own back while she was in the Academy. Rebecca covered for her with some excuses.
But unlike how Roy burned her back, Riza was so fucking angry at her father that she burned her entire back. Passed out. Was brought back. Continued. Passed out. Waited to heal. Did it again. Passed out. All until she fully cleaned herself of Berthold Hawkeye's touch.
Riza did not reach out to Mustang after her father died. If anything, she didn't even declare her father dead. She just burned the house down when she realised he was dead in his bed.
Riza is deeply traumatized and unwell. But she's got to be one of the best human weapons Amestris has, so, they just stamp approved on her draft.
But she's also super dead inside so every time Kimblee tries getting her attention in Ishval or tries to draw out a reaction he fails miserably because all Riza does is nod and say that sounds nice for you. I'm happy you found some meaning in this violence. *continues eating rations without another word*
Kimblee kind of becomes the only person Riza talks to in Ishval because nobody else wants to approach this clearly unhinged human weapon. Kimblee, on the other hand, treats this as a challenge.
And Riza's just like, that's nice.
Kimblee: You can't be this apathetic to all of these lives. Surely you must feel something? Agony, pride? Anything.
Riza shrugs.
Kimblee is dying on the inside.
Roy's a soldier lmao. When he finds out about Riza being the Flame Alchemist he asks Riza why she didn't tell him... and Riza just tells him that her father didn't entrust Roy with the alchemy. But to her. But she's very happy to see him, Private Mustang. He's in her company. Just a regular soldier, with a lot of passion and resolve. Nothing extraordinary on the field, but he is considered the best to speak to whenever you're doubting yourself or whenever you don't know what to do. They call him the Spark of Hope. And he wants to become Fuhrer one day and change things from the inside.
Kimblee butts heads with him constantly.
Riza meanwhile is looking at Maes' photographs of Gracia and nodding along, that's nice. She really looks cute. I'm happy you have something to live for.
Kimblee's last ditch effort to get Riza to show some passion for this violence they inflict on the world is to give her the philosopher's stone for one mission. Surely that'll help her. It doesn't lmaoo. She just returns it after the mission and says that she didn't like how hot her flames got with it. She should just stick with what she knew she could control. But thanks for the opportunity.
I cannot explain to you how dead inside Riza Hawkeye is.
Kimblee has a conversation about the ph stone with Riza and her perspective changes his opinion slightly on the matter. So he does end up returning it.
Roy presses Riza that with how dangerous the flame alchemy is, she should destroy the notes so this never gets in anyone else's hands.
Riza just gives Roy a thumbs up, turns around, takes off her shirt, and shows off her giant back scar. ''Don't worry about it.''
Roy is ill. Kimblee's absolutely intrigued.
K: Your father seems like an absolute madman. Honestly I'm sorry for how you grew up.
Roy, who was just about to ask Riza how she could destroy Master Hawkeye's research and house like this, falls dead silent, bites his tongue: Yeah... that sure was fucked up, Major Hawkeye. I'm sorry.
And Riza just shrugs. ''It's fine. I just wish I'd smothered him.'' Then. A pause. ''Actually, I'm not sure if I did or didn't. I set the fire while he had a fever, I think.''
Kimblee: Honestly, good for you! / Roy, head in his hands: Major Hawkeye, I worry deeply.
Kimblee. Oh, she is definitely going to breakdown one of these days when she comes back. Mark my words. All of this will finally catch up with her.
Riza finally breaking down when she meets Edward Elric, who had a fucked up father and whose mother died and who had to do heinous things. ''Oh my god he's me.''
Cue canon events except it's more efficient since Riza is the Flame Alchemist.
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blueberry-gills · 9 months
I'm Gillian. Long for Gill, I guess? Uhh She/He! I'm a student at Blueberry Academy out in Unova!
I think I like battling! If you ask me for a match, I'd be happy to oblige! I was in the League Club last year. but uhhh. I just made a fool out of myself there. So now I'm in the Music Club! :D
What else can I put on here? I like hiking. My life goal is to see every type of Alcremie out there. I. Don't know what my goal is after that?
Anyway! Here are my Pokemon! ^^
Sugar (Alcremie) - Sugar's my Alcremie! I caught her my first year. And I've sort of...fallen down an Alcremie Raboot hole, if you couldn't tell ^-^
Spice (Flygon) - I also caught Spice during my first year! He loves flying around, picnics...sandwiches...and causing earthquakes! Kind of a problem :/
Locke (Klefki) - Locke steals my keys and locks me out of my dorm. He's a menace, only satiated by sweets/j. Most of team is, actually...now that I think about it...anyway, he's a darling!
Key (Toxtricity) - Key's one of my first Pokemon! She loves to play her bass organs thingies. I'm learning guitar right now to try and duet with her!
Salt (Garganacl) - Salt's one of my other first Pokemon! I got him and Key at the same time. He's one of those strong, silent types...but I think he likes me! I hope so, anyway. I. I hope.
Pepper (Scovillain) - She either loves me to bits or eats my bedsheets. It depends on the day. I adore her regardless <3
~Other Pokemon I own, just not on my official team!~
Sizzle (Salandit) - I received her from another Trainer on here! She's my hiking buddy, and is an absolute joy!
Baryon (Kingdra) - She likes swimming around in the Coastal Biome and watching video documentaries with me. I think we're both teaching each other how to properly swim, so...
Junebug ("Volcarona") - Uh. I met her after drinking a mocktail! (Thank you Auntie!) Very long story, I'm not sure if I'd explain it all here...Anyway! They're a Volcarona! Not. Not anything else. 👍👍 yeah
Cadmium (Drifloon ✨️) - Like the color, not the metal! I met her on Glaseado Mountain on my birthday. She hasn't stolen my soul yet or anything. Um. She's very cute :)
Pelipper Mail is ON, Magic Anons are OFF, and Musharna Mail and Malice are both ON!
(OOC Stuff under cut!)
Hello! @skrelpson back at it again. This is the blog of like...a half-insert? If such a thing's out there lol. Since this is a Roleplay blog, keep in mind there's a heavy unreality warning for the entire thing!!
Rules .。.:*☆:
No NSFW! If you send any asks in that nature, you'll be blocked.
Magic Anons are off! They'll probably stay off, too. Just not comfy with that 😎👍
Pelipper Mail is on...ish! You can send things in, but if it doesn't jive with what's going on, I'll ignore it. Nothing like...i dunno, wildly offensive? No gore, explicit things, etcetera!
This is a low/drama stakes blog! Gill isn't out to save the world or endanger himself. She just wants to hang out and keep her grades up yknow
Speaking of, if you'd ever want to include me in some sort of RP (again, mainly low-stakes!), feel free to DM me! Just like specify what's going on. My writing RP skills are kinda rusty, but I can make it work! :]
Sapient Pokemon and the like can interact!
Basic DNI critera.
Really sorry if I'm weird with reblogs/communicating! I'm god awful with online interaction, so I like to schedule posts so funny post button doesn't give me anxiety. If I take a bit to reply, it's because I'm working up a good response! >:) ooor I haven't seen it yet that one too
Any ask game I reblog will be permanently open!!! Feel free to send in asks for any of them. Just indicate which one are which, please!! Not just the emoji or whatever ;_;
That's all! Feel free to talk to this little guy about anything. I'm not very good with intro posts sorry ack
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also get playlisted AND TRAINER ID'd (the birthdate is wrong btw!! My bad, I wasn't thinking. She was born in 2007, not 5!)
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jayteacups · 4 months
❤️ 💔 ❗️🍓 🥊 ??
Hi there anon thank you sm for the questions! Since you didn't specify which OC, I'll answer these for both Nüwa and Odelia. As always, this got long so it's going under the 'read more' XD
TW for mentions of parental abuse and parental death
❤️ (heart) - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
Zheng Nüwa: The most important person in her life is probably Levi - the two have a lowkey messy childhood friends to 'it's complicated??????' to lovers dynamic. She is fiercely protective of him just as he is of her, and she would be willing to do just about anything if it meant she could protect him, morals and her own safety be damned. Nüwa doesn't know how to do anything in moderation lmao she is an all or nothing kind of person if you haven't already guessed! XD As well as Levi, she deeply cares about her surviving friends from the Underground - she's already lost Furlan and Isabel and the other friend whose murder she brutally avenged, and she's not planning on losing anyone else. Family is a complex topic for her - it isn't the same as Odelia's situation (see below) but it is still complicated. But, she's also incredibly protective of her remaining blood relatives within the Walls - because there are a couple others left alive, I just haven't yet introduced them yet as I'm still figuring out where I want to do with them. Speaking of family, Odelia is Nüwa's niece (through the lavender marriage that I explained in this ask haha sorry for making you do more reading), and she comes to really care for the girl like her own blood too.
Odelia Kreutz: I'd say her mother (aka Nüwa's sister in law) means quite a lot to Odelia, even if that relationship is rather complicated and soured due to the situation with Odelia's father, but that takes quite some time for her to mature and realise that her mother is also a victim, even if her mother wasn't the ideal parent either. Aside from this, she deeply cares about the girls she befriended at the ballet academy that she attended as a child. They really helped her begin to deconstruct and address what she'd internalised due to her father's abuse and his toxic teachings. She sees herself as indebted to them and wants one day to get in touch with them, because she sadly fell out of contact with them when she ran away to enlist. Her friends in the 104th mean lots to her too - obviously, her budding friendship and eventual romance with Jean is what first comes to my mind, but she's also really good friends with Armin as well - she considers him her best friend. To protect any of them, she's willing to put her own life at risk in battle - but she struggles to come to terms with doing the more morally grey things. I think she'd go through with it at the end - e.g., killing MPs in the Uprising arc, or killing old comrades who turned into Jaegerists - but it would really tear her up on the inside, as she's not a killer at heart.
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
Already answered here!
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
Zheng Nüwa: The day her parents died. She wasn't there to witness it but she knew the gravity of what had happened and how that would change her life, and she was terrified. Her parents were far from perfect, but they did everything they could to keep her healthy and strong and they made sure she had the skills to protect herself. Without them and the influence they had in the Underground, she was absolutely terrified that she was all alone and powerless. This was also after she and Levi were separated, so she had no friends to turn to for help. This separation was because her parents eventually found out that Kenny had switched sides and became an MP, they hated it for many reasons I won't reveal because spoilers, and cut ties with him. To prove himself to the people sceptical of Uri's choice to hire him, he had to do something drastic to declare that he was loyal to the government, and so some of his actions led to the deaths of Nüwa's parents... he didn't murder them by hand but he definitely orchestrated it. But the children had no idea this was the reason their guardians stopped working together, all Levi knows was the Zhengs disappeared all of a sudden, and all Nüwa knows was that one day, parents died when she was out and about, and Levi and Kenny were nowhere to be found so she had to flee to another area in the Underground. (I'll stay quiet as to what she got up to in that gap before their reunion as young adults, but just know a lot of pivotal, terrifying moments happen during that time that also shape who she is today.)
Odelia Kreutz: The scariest moment by far was the first time her father hit her. She was terrified and had no idea that it would happen and didn't know what brought this about. That day, and the abuse that would follow, would go on and shape her motivations for the rest of the story. I've talked more about how her backstory and experience with her father and his religion shapes her motivations here.
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
Already answered here! (It also explains more about Odelia's motivations as a character too! Faith and religion is a complicated topic for her and a key theme for her story.)
🥊 (boxing glove) - Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? Do they fight often? Are they professionally trained or self taught? Do they enjoy fighting or only do so when necessary?
Zheng Nüwa: She strongly prefers to get by through non-combat means, as her strengths lie in her wit, her ability to understand people and manipulate them, and when it comes to protecting herself, she'll have several measures put in place before she has to resort to physically fighting. But getting into a fight is unavoidable, especially back when she grew up and lived Underground for two decades. So she's done a bit of training with her parents, and when she and Levi reunite as young adults, he helps her improve her skills so that she's better at self-defence. Therefore, she's been in some fights - but she's not super strong and fighting is something she usually tries to avoid (unless she's really not thinking straight). In hand-to-hand combat, Nüwa usually defaults to being on the defensive rather than the offensive, until she has an opening to run and try to lose her assailants, because she is fast and agile. But if escape isn't possible, she'll use whatever is in the environment, and she's not afraid to use dirty tricks. For example, she carries brass knuckles with her, to compensate for the fact that her punches aren't particularly strong on their own. Another example is using poison to weaken her opponents in a fight - her parents knew a fair bit about poisons, and so several of her weapons will be laced with some kind of poison. But really, it's always a close call because her skill set isn't really made for brawling, and she'll often survive just by the skin of her teeth.
Odelia Kreutz: I've touched on this here briefly but I'm happy to expand on it here. Odelia grew up in a noble household, and took many dancing classes. She grew to love ballet and her mother ended up enrolling her in a ballet academy that she would attend almost every day, and that ballet background shapes the way she fights as a Survey Corps soldier. She's a lot more flexible and agile than most of her peers, and has really good stamina and training discipline. So these skills translate really well in using ODM gear to fight titans, and also translates well to hand-to-hand combat. Odelia doesn't enjoy the death and carnage that comes with her job nor does she enjoy fighting other people, but she does enjoy the process of training and exercising; she's an athlete at heart haha. It helps that she is a morning person - rare in a cohort of teenagers lmao - so waking up early to start drills is not a problem for her!
Red Emoji OC Asks Game
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starcrossedjedis · 9 months
SARA did I just see you have a MK oc??! TELL ME EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY -🍂
ALVITA you totally saw that right 😁
Mortal Kombat was my absolute comfort film of 2021 and I have watched it an unhinged amount of time 😅
So naturally an OC was spawned 🥰
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Meet Detective Katherine Chen, currently undercover as a small scale drug dealer, because these jobs have a tendency of opening doors within the LAPD - and she has her eyes firmly set on the homicide division.
But even the most meticulus preparation doesn’t account for bad luck and so she's made by another dealer she'd taken in way back in her patrol days.
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Kate makes a narrow escape and even manages to take out one of the drug ring’s most nefarius enforcers. But not before he puts a knife into her, leaving her to bleed out in a dark back alley somewhere in Central City.
When Kate comes to, she finds herself in an ancient Shaolin temple at the end of the world with a strange dragon branding on her torso and a mysterious man with glowing eyes telling her she killed one of Earthrealm’s champions and now has to compete in an ancient tournament called Mortal Kombat.
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She has only a few months left to get battle ready with the help of two other champions and to unlock her Arcana - the ancient power awoken by the dragon mark.
She arrives a few months before the others, training with Liu Kang and Kung Lao - who make no secret of the fact that she probably killed the other champion by dumb luck and that while her martial arts training might have been enough to stun the guys at the academy, it's nowhere near where it needs to be with nothing less than the fate of all mankind at stake.
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The weeks fly by and while her fighting improves greatly, Katherine still hasn't unlocked her Arcana. Much to Raiden's dismay, who likes to remind her that the clock is ticking for Earthrealm. And who suspects that his two best students might be finding it hard to train her with the appropriate urgency.
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And when the others arrive and it turns out that it's not just Katherine who isn't ready for the tournament it soon turns out that a certain monk especially might be pulling his punches...
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So, that's the (I'd say) first act on Katherine 🤗
Her Arcana is the ability to turn the kinetic energy of an attack into a shield (looking like a sort of glowing/fiery force field or throw it back at her opponent like an energy ball/sphere). She unlocks it during the fight in the temple, when she steps between Liu Kang and what would have been a deadly attack and turns it into a shield covering the both of them long enough for Raiden to get them out alive.
Liu Kang is in love with her and has no idea what to do with that, Kung Lao calls her mèimei (little sister) - losing him wrecks her almost as much as it does Liu Kang - and she hates Kano so fucking much she wishes her Arcana was to make people drop dead with a glare. Also, I am pretty sure that she'll gonna get along great with Johnny Cage (I love Karl Urban, sue me) and again, Liu Kang has no idea what to do with that 😁
I am always down to clown if you wanna know more and since it looks like my creative rut is still going nowhere, I am thankful for anything that keeps me working on any of my OCs in any sort of capacity 🤗
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DC Super Hero Girls: Gotham Academy - Senior Year
(It’s badly written but I think it’s okay hehe)
Alfred: Miss Ashton, the sauce you made for the penne is just absolutely exquisite!
Harvey: -I can tell, I took a spoonful
Letrexa: Aw shucks, thanks guys... but uh Alfred, you can just call me Letrexa I- I'm fine with that
Alfred: *clears throat, slightly flustered* Yes, of course. Would you mind me asking how you get the right consistency while maintaining the flavor? It can be a bit tricky at times even though you are doing precisely what is written in this very top-notch cookbook that I own. *shows the enormous vermilion velvet-covered book with elegant bronze decorative bands perfectly attached into the spine that was laid across the marble countertop.*
*Harvey and Letrexa stared intently with their eyes widened.*
Harvey: Wow, that is a book.
Letrexa: *turns back to Alfred's question* Oh um, that's probably just the boiling temperature, try checking the heat if we're talking about the consistency. I'd like to think that in a dish they're all the same but they're made differently. That's why instead of following one thing that applies to the other, why not do the same procedures but use a definite method because they all got their individual process. Take this as an example, for the most part, I only followed your recipe that you told me then I just dumped stuff in that I think it'll taste good with. Though it's important to follow the right amount of proportions when adding the ingredients, trusting your guts adds up a big advantage in defining the flavor you wanna give.
Alfred: *his eyebrows were raised impressed with her aptitude* Duly noted!
Harvey: So what's your next masterpiece? Mines a chocolate mousse - *whispers* don't tell them I already made some but I ate it so I have to start all over again.
Letrexa: *giggles* Heh, don't worry, that would be telling. So it's sort of an um a béchamel but with a bit of a twist, I'm adding a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, this thing has been one of the most long-running favored ingredients in our household. *held up one arm holding a long wine-like bottle*
Alfred: You must have a great mentor to have such a fine skill in cuisine!
Letrexa: *bents her head down avoiding eye contact* Er I wouldn't say "fine skill in cuisine". However I did pick up a thing or two from great moving folks... I see my mom do it all the time and those cooking shows on television. Nothing but some prevalent influential ideals, I guess. -Anyway, don't you think it's a little too much pasta? We still have some tagliatelle and lasagnas over that bowl.
Alfred: Not at all! *his tone was cheerful and ecstatic not long after his brow started to furrow while his voice lowered a bit, slowly changing his aura into a doleful one* Well I uh suppose it is kind of rather too much since there won't be any other guests around. *sighs* ...But it is what he wants at the moment, I cannot argue with that.
*Letrexa and Harvey exchanged perturbed glances, then a moment of silence took over while everyone worked on their own course.*
Harvey: Say Alfred, you've known Bruce longer than we have, so was he always that sad and cryptic?
Alfred: *lets out a deep calm breath* Answering truthfully from my stance... he wasn't always like this, yes at times, but it's hard to differ one's behavior as a young child and as they mature.
Harvey: Hmm 'kay, so Alfie, why don't you tell us more about yourself? Since we're here and guess it's time to get ourselves to know more about each other, right?
Alfred: Now then, what do you two want to know about?
Harvey: Ehhm... hm, maybe about your career? Hobbies..., hidden talents... or anything!
Alfred: Career... let's see. How about my history with the Wayne family? Think I could share a bit of some non-confidential stories.
Harvey: Sure, go ahead
Alfred: How do I start this? *takes a short ambivalent look from afar* Well... as you both have already known I've lived most of my life serving my departed masters who deemed me as if I were a part of their family...
*Tiny hints of smiles lit up their faces*
Alfred: ... and that I've been looking after Master Bruce for almost two decades from now
Letrexa: Hm, must be a living heck- ah! Uh a heck of a ride!
Harvey: Nice save
Alfred: Heh, I presume it is in that case. Going back, there has been some legal dispute after- *beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!*
*The loud chirping of the heat alarm interrupted the conversation*
Alfred: Oh dear! Looks like I got too absorbed in reminiscing! *pulls out the tray in the oven*
Harvey: *to Letrexa* Do you think Wayne acting all this got something to do with Hammerhead?
Letrexa: Maybe... but I don't entirely believe it-
Alfred: Thank goodness they're not all burned!
Harvey: Well that's a relief!
Letrexa: *peers at the bowl in front of her, looking pensive* Hey, uh Alfred, this is a little mortifying to ask this favor, but can we make Bruce's favorite food that you serve to him?
Alfred: Why what a thoughtful idea, Miss Ashton- eh ey- I meant, Letrexa! I'd be glad to help out.
Background redrawn for better quality based on the cameo of the Wayne Manor East kitchen from the episode MultipliciZee.   Alfred Pennyworth and Harvey Dent are canon characters, and they respectfully belong to DC/Warner Bros., as does the DCSHG concept. Letrexa Ashton admittedly belongs to me.   The storyline does not distort any timeline in the DC Super Hero Girls show by default.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
y'know i don't think the fandom talks enough about how everything implies that Claude never had a friend around his age for the first 15-16 years of his life (and even broadening that only had Nader as a friend... if you can call someone who has like 30 years on him a friend that is, more like an uncle figure). imagine Claude seeing Dimitri have so many friends be so dear to him (wit Dimitri being dear to them in return) and just be like "damn i wish that were me :/" :(
Yeah, I don't see that much at all. I think a lot of people forget that his silly and laidback attitude isn't actually as casual as he wants people to see him as. Despite that I imagine he's a lot more lonely than he lets on. As far as "friends" go, for a while at the Academy I'd even say he had no friends for a good long while except maybe Dimitri (which I'm just taking from the DLC because Dimitri refers to him as a friend in that, though it could be one sided at that time because it's still so early into the timeline). And no, I don't consider Hilda an actual friend of his that early on, because her attitude toward Almyrans would realistically put him on guard.
I guess you could technically call Nader a friend with the age gap, since I mean, nowadays irl we have age gaps in friends widening thanks to the internet. Nader though Claude says "did a lot for him" when he was growing up, so it gives off more of family vibes there (though that's still good at least, considering he had nothing else).
Funny enough I saw Joe Z and his chat talking about this... for some reason absolutely none of them except like one person understood the reason he calls himself an outsider. I didn't catch the stream live so I only saw the backlog, but it was crazy how many of these people are Claude fans and didn't have half a clue about something he literally talks about in Houses.
While I'm sure not everyone in Almyra totally hated his guts, the vast majority did and he never who to trust, so I highly doubt he would've been able to truly consider anyone a friend. I'm sure people tried to get close to him and be his "friend" to kill him. Seeing as assassins were always after him, why would he want to trust anyone? Imagine being so stressed about people hating you so much they kept trying to kill you, and he had nobody looking out for him except himself and one man that obviously couldn't be at his side at all times.
Not only does Claude just have no friends, but he probably feels so alienated at GM hearing people talking ill of Almyrans. Even Cyril is still dealing with people hating him just because of where he came from (there's literally even an NPC who suspects him of ill intent just because he's Almyran). Imagine hearing people saying those things and knowing you're the prince of a country everyone around you hates.
I'd say even until around age 18 he had no friends, because getting involved with people at 17 while at school would've been so difficult for him. As long as he hid his identity he could relax a little bit around people who weren't suspicious of him (for entirely different reasons of course, but it still stands that because he wouldn't explain where he came from or anything that some people didn't trust him), so he was able to have some casual friendships at best I'd say, but I'm not sure much more than that.
Even with Byleth, he doesn't consider them a "friend" until later into the first half of the game. If anything I think maybe he might have seen Marianne as the closest thing to a friend prior to that, since they were very similar in some ways and she never expressed hatred for Almyrans or for him not telling anyone anything about him (and she also doesn't like going into detail about herself so I would think he'd feel comfort in that). I feel like his relationships with Leonie, Ignatz and Raphael were more casual, but without anything to connect to with them, I would guess it'd be harder to form a deep connection.
Also, I think it's pretty telling that Nader had to also hide his identity to be in Fodlan safely. That could have just reminded Claude that he has to be on guard even where he is.
I'm kind of sad that Claude didn't end up friends with Rhea tbh, because it's worth noting imo that nothing ever happens to Cyril. People talk shit and all, but nobody hurts him. I think having her protection really helps him, and Rhea would do the same for Claude imo. As it is she doesn't allow that kind of shit in the monastery, and the Church members wouldn't go against her. If they did they'd be breaking rules and they'd be punished, and I'm sure repeat offenders of violent action would just end up exiled or executed depending on the severity of it.
Like, Rhea's protection is really powerful in the sense that nobody is going to cause really extreme problems. Even if Claude's heritage got out somehow and people were bullying him for it, I think she'd put a stop to it. Things would leak everywhere I'm sure, but nobody would be able to take action because of it. At most they'd talk shit and give him dirty looks like with Cyril, but he'd never be in the kind of danger he had to survive through in Almyra. Claude would've really appreciated it and it'd probably change his mind about her a lot sooner.
Other than all that I think he probably is a little close to Dimitri, if only because you see them together during exploration after the mock battle and they do banter like they're on good terms/friends. They also seem to learn about each other as the story goes on and get used to each other, so it's kind of like this... completely background progression of friendship? But it makes sense because Dimitri is one of the only people around who has a very strict approach to anyone being a racist douchbag lol. I think Claude would be happy to hang out with him knowing he wasn't ever being judged and could be whatever or whoever he wanted and just be accepted for that.
I do think that yeah, he probably sees Dimitri though and sees how well he gets along with his classmates and friends and wishes he could know what that's like. Imo the way the GD behaves is like the "fake" version of that? They give off "friend" vibes but it's kinda like when you talk to people online and get total strangers calling you "bestie" and acting like they've been your best friend forever within a week of knowing each other and having similar interests. They come off to me as the type of people who use the term "friend" very loosely in the first half of the game and act buddy buddy really easily and fast, and I don't think Claude would consider that real friendship.
Claude is such a good boy and he deserves so much better and should have friends... I want to hug him. :(
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Previous anon. Honestly nothing made me happier than seeing natsume and mikan well and happy in the spin off manga, just together and happy. Ofc i do miss Hotaru and i hope she managed to get back to the gang bc they are just not complete without her.
I wanted to ask you: do you have any HCs regarding the quartet (yes including Hotaru being back) in their mundane day to day highschool time? How is studying for them, what do they all wanna be when thry graduste? Are any of them going to go to university? How fast are Natsume and Mikan going to be married? Anyone any kids? Maybe a dog or cats?
thanks for the ask <3 yeah my absolute favorite part of the spin off was seeing natsumikan as an official couple! theyre so cute <3 im incapable of thinking of a post-kageki universe where they dont reunite with hotaru.
tsubasa mentions around chapter 73 or 74 that the last couple years of the high school count as university credit but that some students choose to continue college to gain more knowledge. i feel like perhaps hotaru would be in that category. she is very lazy but i think she'd want to refine her skills. if not that, then i could see her easily taking off with a career right out of school since she already has an impressive following. her future is pretty solid.
ruka wants to be a vet and i'm not entirely sure how vet training would work in alice academy? it's a pretty lengthy process in the normal world--about 8 years (4 undergrad, 4 at vet school). if the last 2-3 years of alice academy hs are the equivalent of a typical 4 year university, then ruka would still have to continue the 4 years of vet school to get his credential. in any case, he's pretty passionate about it. he doesn't seem like he puts much effort into school while in elementary school, but i think he'd put his all into vet school because he'll be doing something he really loves.
i can see mikan pursuing a teaching job or maybe nursing--something where she can help people. it would HAVE to be a people-oriented occupation, where she interacts with lots of people and is more hands-on. in either case, she could probably start right away after graduation and since nepotism is real and she's close friends with most of the staff, she's a shoe-in for a teaching position for sure.
i can't imagine natsume having a job he's passionate about. i don't think natsume would ever be passionate about labor, no matter what it is. i've read all kinds of fics, where natsume goes on to be a spy or work in security or what have you, but to be honest i don't think natsume would EVER elect to be in a dangerous field after being a child soldier for so many years. idk cant he be mikan's stay at home husband? cant he have a break? if he must have a job, i'd hate it if he did anything dangerous; i much prefer to imagine him doing something calm and laid-back.
as for the marriage question.... i can see them getting married ASAP. like right away tbh. natsume has a terminal illness after all! but thats not fully relevant to me bc i cant imagine a future where natsume doesnt get "cured" in some way. i just cant. in any case they were 12 when they got engaged so they're the kind of couple that moves fast FOR SURE. they'd get married as soon as it becomes a possibility. i talk about the possibility of nm children here, too.
as for other characters...
idk really. i can see tsubasa and misaki for sure having kids. the other class b characters might have kids but probably not right away. i can see ruka for sure having pets always. maybe natsumikan get a kitty. that would be cute!
i have a lot of hcs actually but i feel like this has gotten pretty long so i'll leave it at that for now. thanks for sending me this ask! i appreciate it ;-; <3
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sparklingpax · 2 years
In Relativity
-I could not, for the life of me, figure out a better title. You get that. Not even sure if that's what I mean and I'm so sorry. But I am also not taking suggestions
-being absolutely serious, a good 90% of this was written during my health class and/or lunch periods in which I wasn't hungry.
-i am so sorry for typos and grammar stuff I probably fucked up, please please try ignore it if you see it, I'll fix it eventually 😳
-this is so incredibly long, I'm realizing. It's like 30+ pages...sorry--
-a few specific details I'd like to point out:
no, this is not 110% accurate to Masterforce canon, tho I tried my darndest. Part of the reason is lack of clear answers about certain questions I have or limited access to sources that would help me figure out details of their pasts more accurately. The other reason is that I'm also actively choosing not to adhere to some details because I was ultimately writing for fun and experimenting with tone and how I perceive these characters so...do not lecture me about something I screwed up, I am literally just vibing ok
This is still set in Masterforce canon, however. This has nothing (I repeat, nothing) to do with any of the marvel stuff/American comic stuff that involved these characters. It's my understanding that the versions of these characters in Masterforce are their own separate entity to the comic stuff, I am trying to stick only to the anime and stuff connected to that. so....yea
It is my headcanon that I will absolutely keep that the Pretenders have in their files/any technical stuff their "full names" (e.g: "Cloudburst"), but refer to each other with their nicknames (going back to that example, "Phoenix"). It's like, they use both names whenever and don't mind either way. Hence......that.
I wanted to write something about Landmine, literally that was it. I guess overall I'd call it semi-Landmine-centric....Idk but I enjoyed it, he's a cool dude 👀
this is in fact, where i finally reveal myself as a person who also Lowkey ships Lander/Diver and also the idea that they have this...very complicated relationship with each other, which is why they've never really gotten together....I hc that they actually do finally get together at some point during the events of Masterforce (which I also, really want to write). Yes, this is very similar to them in my AU except it's not as complicated as the one in canon. If that makes sense 😳 Also, before you come for my head, it is a healthy relationship in the sense that there has never been any malice between them, and no instances of causing the other serious pain in any way. They like each other a lot, but both don't really know...how to go about it. Idk y'all but ykw I know what I mean. 
I tried so hard with terminology here but my dumb ass doesn't know anything about tech or aircrafts or whatever so...deal with it but don't point it out I'll evaporate--
Upon much consideration, I decided to end it somewhere like, before events of masterforce. I'd say a couple years maybe?? Like 15?? (So tha puts us at 2005, which as I'm writing this omg that's my birth year oop--) So just. assume stuff happened and...following will be the other canon stuff....i guess o//o
So...yea, that should be everything I wanted to mention!
Enjoy (? Or don't? ;w;)....I wrote this for fun & I kinda liked it I guess, so here I am sharing it...lmk what you think if you want, please keep it positive, I get so extremely nervous sharing my writing sdjdsjsdj 😳
...um...so...t-thanks 🥰
That’s what Landmine had been told the first day of Cybertronian Military Academy. 
Above all else, a good spark stands for justice, protects all life, and does what’s right. 
It was a phrase taught and repeated every day without fail, quickly memorized well before the end of first semester in that first year.
And when he’d entered Autobot ranks within mere weeks of his graduation amidst the start of the war, it was a phrase shouted to his unit by their commanding officer, only slightly altered this time. 
“Above all else, a good Autobot stands for justice, protects all life, and does what’s right.”
Yes, that was it. Just a slight change. 
But he always wondered if it meant to subconsciously induce very particular thoughts.
‘And if we Autobots do good, then the ones who aren’t us must be doing evil.’ 
To name a few of the supposed many, that was the Decepticons, the rogues, and the subspecies of the planet who didn’t feel inclined to participate in such a “selfish conflict,” as one commentator had put it during a newscast. They were the evil ones, preached the drill sergeants and captains.
The logical conclusion, as it could be surmised. No one said anything about moral. 
As for Landmine himself, he had no problem with “standing for justice,” however vague that was. Considering the lack of any attention, it seemed he was in line with that value, not standing out from the rest and all. 
The case was the same with “protecting all life.” After all, that was a clearer command, and obviously, the noble thing to do. Landmine liked his friends, nature, animals. Of course he’d stand to protect them. 
But for the last one, in the in-betweens to his drills and assignments, throughout all the years of his schooling and the time spent in the trenches of battles, he often wondered what it meant. To “do what’s right.” 
What was a…‘good Autobot’ anyway? 
He could recall the answers he’d received. 
“It means you follow orders,” one older bot spat, laughing. He had then put the ratty cigar back in his mouth and turned away. Clearly, the conversation was over. 
“A good Autobot?” Echoed a solemn youth, shining his shotgun. “Well its in the words you’ve just said! A good Autobot stands for justice, and they protect all–” 
…you get the idea.
“There are none,” was all a small-framed purple bot croaked, taking another sip from his oil can. He’d died on the field, screaming in agony, about one week later. 
And there were more answers, and Landmine still couldn’t figure out his own. But there were more pressing matters in his mind. Firstly, the matter of leaving this dull, doomed unit. 
See, he was a bot who enjoyed adventure, thought himself particularly good in battle. He was known for good one-liners, for his looks, and his sharp shots. This wasn’t the place for him. At the risk of being prideful and conceited, he often thought to himself, that this was no place for him to die. 
It was ugly, style-less, depressing, cold, damp…boring. 
For years, he hoped for more, and finally one day, he got it. 
“Oh yeah? Well you can take your attitude, and shove it up your tailpipe, Xy.” 
“‘Hey’ yourself, you're not part of this, so butt out you aft–” 
“Aft? Excuse me? I’ve a good mind to report you for that kind of slander and harassment!”
“What?! I didn’t slander you!! I'm not even harassing you, I just insulted you, but--but that's subjective, a-and I didn’t say –”
“Shut up, you two! There’s someone knocking.”
Landmine lifted his gaze from the book he was reading when he heard Klint shout for everyone to quiet down. 
As usual, it was another night in his section base–of the hot-head rookie Cinderflame being aggressive towards “two-word” Xy, and then somehow, getting into an argument with the self-important, self-declared “rulebook” of their subunit, Max. 
But the knocking at their door continued, louder this time. Cinderflame started to protest, and was quickly silenced a quick cuff to the back of his head by Max. 
Landmine closed his book very slowly and sat up in his bunk, watching as Klint quietly got up and headed to the door, activating his gun. Meanwhile, everyone else began to tense up, including Landmine. 
It wasn’t unheard of for mutinies to happen, for somebot to snap and go on a killing rampage, or for the enemy to have infiltrated and quietly taken command of a base. Any number of things could be behind the door, as it wasn’t normal to get a knock on the door at this hour of the night. 
But to their relief, the entity behind the door identified itself. 
“14-E, I order you–open up! Right now!”
Klint lowered his gun and sighed, more an annoyed sigh than a relieved one. They all knew who’s voice that was, and Landmine wanted–and was sure he had–no part in whatever was happening. 
‘Racker,’ mouthed Cinderflame in Xy’s direction, who rolled his optics and went back to organizing bullet shells. 
The other “rulebook” bot, except Racker was official, not self-declared. 
“I’ll mark you all for infractions!” He shouted in an attempt at an assertive tone, pounding unceasingly at the door. 
“I’ll mark you with my fist,” muttered Klint, trudging over. As he did so, Cinderflame snickered, then looked to Max, who was trying his best to keep a serious expression. Even he had no respect for the elected section head, but didn’t want to admit that. 
Well, I’m out, thought Landmine as he fell against his berth and opened his book again, hoping to get back to the story, detaching from the group.
He had no such luck, of course. 
The door opened at last with a high-pitched squeal of old metal, and the section head marched in, shouting for them to stand at attention. Below, Cinderflame gave the beginning of a groan, but it was cut short with the sound of someone elbowing him. 
 See, there was no such procedure in the rulebook, Landmine had discovered a while ago. But, there was also no point in raising that argument now. Begrudgingly, the group all followed the order and lined up at the door. 
Marching in stiffly, the grey-plated bot looked them up and down, a sharp look in his eyes. Then, he stated his business. 
Landmine was wanted in the unit Commander’s quarters.
For a moment, he considered it was some sort of elaborate prank, but that thought was quite fleeting. Jokes of that kind weren’t common around this sector, if at all. 
And if Racker was involved, well…
Doubt he knows what a joke is. 
“Well don’t stand there, move your metal hide!”
“Yes, sir!”
He felt side-eyed gazes of pity on him as he left the line. He felt them follow him as he walked out the door closely behind Racker, and into the barren, darkened clearing. But he was far more curious than worried. He could have easily run ahead to those quarters himself. 
Leaving Racker in the dust was quite easy, anyway. 
Racker, expression solemn and blank as ever, stopped at the white door and jerked his helm in the direction of the entrance, then folded his arms and turned forward, as if Landmine was no longer there. 
Go in. Alright. 
Landmine smirked to himself, then reached over and pushed the door open. 
Well. If I’m court-martialed or something, at least I’ll finally be put out of my misery. 
“Good evening, sir,” Landmine said, striding into the room. “You asked for me?” 
He’d never been in a commander’s quarters, and just taking one look at the state of it, he could infer why.
Something to do with the cleanliness of it, the quality of the tools in it…lower-ranking officers certainly had no place here, he could guess.
We belong in our cramped spaces, eating stale oil in our shared, low-rank misery. 
And finally, his optics had fallen on the commander himself, Swipecatch. 
Come to think of it, Landmine was sure he’d only seen the bot once. Or maybe he had a new paintjob? 
I’d like a new paintjob. 
He saluted and straightened his posture before the silver-blue-plated bot finally looked up from a manila-colored folder with messy scrawling and red stamps. It looked like it was important. 
It also looked like a processor-ache to decipher. 
“I did. You’re Landmine, right?” The commander spoke a medium tone, reaching for another paper on the side of the desk and picking up a slim, red pen.
“Yes, sir.”
“You’re a Pretender, are you not?”
"Alright," he murmured, beginning to write something, before glancing back up at the younger bot. “At ease,” he finally added, and Landmine was glad for it.
His gaze was immediately back on the paper as he started to write something into the blank lines. Some more silence followed, broken only by the sound of the pen against the paper, and Landmine watched as he swiftly filled out every blank space, signed his name, then looked back up again. 
“I am told I have such capabilities, sir.” 
“And have you been to training for it?”
“Only at a minimum level, as per my curriculum at the academy, sir.”
“Have you yet attained your third form?”
“I have not been provided any such opportunity up to this point, sir.” 
Swipecatch nodded, seeming to come to some kind of internal conclusion and writing something in the corner of the paper, before stamping the paper and folding it in half. Landmine began to wonder if he was being disciplined. 
“Soldier, you have been requested to join a special dispatch team made only of three other Pretenders like yourself.” 
“Now, I can’t imagine you love this place enough to do this, but you do have the option to decline and remain at your post here, as it will be a very dangerous, long-term assignment, far from Cybertron and even this very sector.
“You four will only be provided one ship and instructions to report to us when asked, as we are not able to provide further resources. You will be sent into space to track Decepticon ships anywhere deemed fit to assign your team.”
He eyed Landmine up and down, who stood motionless, staring unwaveringly at his commander as he waited for him to continue. So he did.  
“Your...commander will be a recent academy graduate, Metalhawk. I am not at liberty to share anything more about him than this.” 
He shifted back in his chair, tapping his pen against the table.
“Since I take your…silence…to be an acceptance of this offer…” he said slowly, holding out the folded paper and letting Landmine take it. “I am giving you this now, so that you may board the next transport ship that comes in tomorrow, at first light.”
Landmine unfolded the paper a bit, catching sight of the orders written in fine print above the uneven writing of his commander. 
Previous commander, actually. 
“This is not a promotion, merely a new assignment that my higher-ups feel you are equipped for. There will also be a training period with your peers starting the moment you are all gathered at your launch site. Do you understand?”
“Fully, sir!”
“Alright, then. Dismissed.” 
“Thank you, sir.”
 He vaguely wondered if the sound the commander made after that was a laugh or a scoff. 
 Landmine saluted again, and left the room, clutching the paper in his digits, which had begun to vibrate with excitement. 
Suddenly, all the years of stale oil and bleak death around him, putting up with various groupings that never seemed to work out–with this doomed unit–seemed worth it. They’d been part of some plan, something Landmine had to go through for a while before this, before…
 Destiny. It has finally called my name. 
“Mighty lucky, aren’t you?” Klint remarked, leaning against the wall and watching Landmine stacking a couple books. 
Landmine simply looked up and grinned.
 “Stay alive,” Xy mumbled from his bunk, not even shifting position to look at the team as they gathered in the center of the space. 
 His inspirational capacities truly sway the spark. 
“Thank you, Xy. I’ll do my best.”
The mech raised a thumbs-up, making no further comment. 
“This is favoritism!”
“It is not. It’s the will of our higher command.”
“Well, don’t you think it’s unfair?”
“Shut your trap!” Max made a fist and took a step towards Cinderflame. “Questioning high command could be treason!”
“Oh shove off, you annoying glitch.”
"I beg your pardon?!"
"Yeah, I said it!" 
Klint groaned, facepalming slowly. Xy, in his bunk, put on some headphones and inched closer to the wall.
As usual, not even an hour after wakeup calls, and the two were at it again. But while Landmine conceded he wouldn't miss the unwarranted noise, he knew he would miss being able to laugh internally at their stupidity. 
Cinderflame kicked at the ground and glared at Landmine, who was closing his bag and picking it up. 
“We have to stay in the scrap," he muttered, "but he gets to be special! He gets to–”  
Knocking at the door quieted the room. 
In the brief silence, Landmine wondered how pompous he'd sound telling Cinderflame that he was, in fact, a special bot. 
He decided it wasn't worth the breath.
"It's time to go!" Came the voice from behind the steel.
Landmine stood tall, strapping the bag to his back and heading outside, without a second look to his scrappy unit, who no doubt would forget his existence quite soon. 
“Landmine?” The gruff, unfamiliar mech asked, looking at the Pretender. 
“That’s me.” Landmine then noticed the markings on the sides of his Autobot insignia, certifying him as a higher-ranking officer. “That’s me, sir,” he revised evenly.  
The officer narrowed his yellow-green optics, almost skeptically. Then he spoke again. “We’re driving a while, two hours at longest. You fueled yet?”
Landmine nodded, feeling his excitement start to build. 
Naturally, the place where any transports or supply ships landed would be miles and miles from any camp, for security reasons. Only superior officers would know supply drop-off locations. One could imagine such things were carefully coordinated long before a ship's arrival.
It was then that Landmine recalled he’d never once been on a supply run.
And, he guessed, he'd never find out what it was like. But he was cool with that.
“Right. Let’s move out, then. And stay close to me.”
That won’t be a problem, sir, Landmine thought, excited for the opportunity to spin his wheels. 
He also thought himself quite proficient in the art of speeding in style.
They both transformed, then sped to the entrance of the barracks. The drive took about an hour, quickly clearing miles of dry, uneven land, until at last, coming upon a ridge, the tip of a large, grey mass could be seen.
He could feel the vibrations of anticipation–of excitement!–growing as the mass became more and more like the shape of a transport ship–his ticket out of this forsaken place. 
Briefly, he began to wonder what the new team was like, what the ship and its resources provided would be, where they'd be assigned first…
Will I see my new commander’s face more than once or twice, whoever it is? 
And at last, they rolled down the sandy-brown rocks and onto the clearing, below the massive overhang of the ship. Landmine could hardly contain himself, and transformed as soon as his wheels came to a smooth halt. 
His superior officer also transformed, drawing up next to him, folding his arms again.
"Well. Off you go." 
He offered a brisk pat on the shoulder pad before trudging off to the left and calling out to one of the smaller mechs in the distance. Landmine reached into the bag strapped to him and fished out the paper before marching up the boarding plate. 
Landmine made it through the security check easily, papers identified, baggage approved, and he found the area in the cargo hold where he was to remain for the duration of the ride. 
“You will not leave this area until we have reached the designated location. We will use force if you cause any trouble. Is that understood?” 
“Yes, sir.”
A cargo hold… 
Well…it was a free ship ride during a war.
Landmine waited for the guard to leave, then walked over and sat down against the wall, well within the space he’d been told to occupy. He held his bag close to his chestplates, wondered if a full power-off would be a good idea, or if the ride would be too short for that. 
It seemed they weren’t going to allow him that information, either. 
 Ah, well, they’ll just have to wake me, then. Who knows if I’ll get a moment’s rest where we’re going anyway? 
 And with a quiet whirring, his systems slowed and he leaned his helm against the wall, slipping into a peaceful powerdown. 
It seemed the guard wouldn’t have to come and wake Landmine after all, as the ship came to a halt at its destination with a large thump that shook the ship down to the nails in the wallplates. 
Landmine was instantly ripped from his powerdown, jolted awake as he was thrown forward and then smacked back against the wall again when the vehicle finally halted. Rubbing his helm rather drowsily, he gave a small pout. 
Whoever’s driving should have their piloting license revoked. 
But he immediately recalled where he was and what he was doing, and the excitement returned, grasping his entire body in its hold. Quickly, he grabbed his bag and scrambled to his feet, waiting for someone to come and let him out. 
Be cool, be calm, you’re acting like a giddy sparkling. 
 Right. Steady motions, smooth words. Just as usual. 
And finally, someone did come. Actually, Landmine realized upon listening closer, there were…two sets of footfalls. He wondered if they were maintenance bots, or maybe a pair of workers come to unload the cargo hold, not permit Landmine to leave yet. 
But he remained still, listening to the footsteps, coming closer and closer until–
“He’s in here. You’re…assuming responsibility before he reaches the camp, sir?” 
It was the same guard from before. But then, the other bot with him spoke. 
 “Of course. You know higher-ups don’t give information about assignments, leading to accidents and the like.”
Odd. Was it one of his new teammates? 
He must be higher-ranking than me to have that guard call him “sir.” Or maybe I’m being moved up a few–no, wait. Swipecatch said this isn’t a promotion. But then, why–
Suddenly, the door opened with a weighty hissing noise, and the yellow light from the halls fell upon Landmine, who’d been getting used to the blue shadows of this cargo area. He immediately turned and saluted, watching as the guard walked in first, looked around, then stepped aside. 
In walked a yellow-plated bot, who took one look around, then put a servo on the shoulder pad of the guard. 
“You can go if you like. I gather you’ve more important things to get to, and I know the way off the ship.”
With a small smile and a salute, the guard turned and headed out the door. 
Landmine watched, somewhat amused, as the yellow mech leaned his head out the doorway, calling a thanks to the guard before turning back to Landmine with an awkward kind of smile. 
He actually thanked that guard. How interesting. 
Landmine returned the smile, a little more confidently. 
“Right. Um,” the bot took a deep breath and walked up to Landmine, offering his servo for a handshake. 
“My name is Metalhawk. I will be your new commander. Your other teammates are already aboard the ship.”
 Optics flitting from the outstretched servo to the earnest, blue optics staring back at him, Landmine was beginning to realize something. 
“I understand any previous commanders you’ve served under might have made a point on formalities, but I’m more interested in forming a good team than being addressed as ‘sir’ and the like. So, if you don’t mind, I hope we’ll get to know one another better with time.”
And that realization, was that this had been the right decision indeed, accepting this mission.
To be fair, anything would have been better than staying to fight in the scrapheap of a place he’d previously been.
With that…team of characters to live or die beside.
But Metalhawk seemed to be normal, perhaps even kind.
Plus, if his intuition wasn’t off, most captains, generals, and commanders were on the older side, but this bot…
He must be good to be a commander this young. 
Landmine took his servo and shook it firmly. 
“Glad to be serving with you, Hawk. I’m Landmine.” 
 At the nickname, Metalhawk gave a little grin, seeming to like it. 
 “Alright then, follow me.”
With a friendly chuckle, he headed for the door and immediately started to describe the other two bots Landmine was soon to meet. As they headed down the halls and out of the ship, he quickly learned that an he'd be in the company of two fliers–including his commander–and one sea-faring bot.
An interesting and even balance of alt-modes.
 “...and this is our ship.”
They stopped, and Landmine found himself before a huge mass of shining, silver and white metal. The daylight bounced off it gorgeously, edging the ship in glittery light. The green-blue windows looked as jewels, without a weathering mark or scratch in sight. 
The softer-toned blue highlights on the side plating of the vessel led his eye to the elegantly-painted Autobot symbol on the front hood. 
They might have been given the one ship only, but by Primus, was it a beauty.
Perhaps those old generals weren't all so selfish. 
It could have been some old prison ship with extra canons strapped to it, after all. 
This guy's lucky to be commander and score a ship like this. Something tells me Swipecatch wouldn't know what this is like, and he's been in the game longer.
He almost chuckled aloud before remembering where he was. 
A platform began to lower from the ship’s underside, which hung a little higher than their helms. Standing on it was a familiar face, and Landmine couldn’t help but perk up and exclaim–
He felt a warmth surge through him. At last, he was seeing a familiar face again.
Someone he'd really thought, he'd never see again.
“‘Lander’?” Metalhawk echoed, taking a step up to the platform. 
The machinery gave a smooth whirring noise and the platform began to rise off the ground and back into the ship. Landmine could only laugh, letting Waverider answer for him. 
“We were arguing once,” the dark-plated mech said, leaning closer to Landmine. He spoke as if telling a weighty secret. “So I started calling him ‘Lander,’ like for his land-based vehicle mode. He retaliated, calling me ‘Diver.’”
“Because you have a water-based alt.”
“‘Diver’ is infinitely more creative, you have to give me that,” Landmine cut in.
“But ‘Lander’ is more direct!” Waverider protested. 
“It’s the most obvious kind of name!”
The three of them shared a laugh. 
That was most of the story, anyway. 
As the three headed down the dimly-lit hallway, Waverider kept talking. He started to tell their commander about their shared academy days, about the classes they took, the things they trained for. 
After a point, he couldn’t quite hear what the mech was talking about, as his mind began to wander.
Landmine recalled in flashes of memory, the moments he'd left out of the story...the days following that ‘argument,’ when they’d made up, and both their ‘insult names’ became somewhat like…pet names.
Calling in the hallways, covertly shifting places during inspections or exercises to stand with one another, sneaking into each other’s dorms, speaking in hushed tones as heat rushed through their systems, as if finally realizing all these feelings which had been for so long already there…
His spark skipped a beat as he gazed at the back of Waverider’s helm.
You never apologized for the way you left.
He tried to push those thoughts away. This wasn’t the time to stir that up. 
But it never matters what the mind wants, the heart will always have its way. Guilt, too. Such a persistent thing, guilt–bent on collection of time spent contemplating the past. 
Sharp like a knife, hidden in shadows of daily happenings, its steely glint appearing every now and then, its blade cutting deep into a wound time has slowly tried to mend. 
Tried to mend. 
But I tried…
Landmine began to wonder again about the truest meaning of “do what’s right” was. If it meant for the other bot or for oneself. If being a “good autobot” carried over into matters of the mind and spark, hidden from the public eye, intimate and…
This is not the time. 
Right. Not the time. 
Rounding the bend, Landmine was surprised to find how quickly they’d made their way to the command center. Considering the direction they’d been going, he guessed it was somewhere near the center of the ship.
Landmine watched as Metalhawk stepped in front of Waverider and reached out to a smooth, blue panel next to the door. 
“In addition to the defaults being set up–which I need to fix–I’m the only one scanned for access right now,” Hawk said with a little smile. The door hissed and started to open. “But by tonight you’ll be scanned to the system as well.”
“And the door will open in seconds, not hours!” 
“Yes, Waverider, it will,” Hawk said, rolling his optics.
Landmine watched as the door finally slid to the side, revealing a polished room with pristine, white floors and walls. Along the sides were blocks of machinery he could only guess was what higher-ups meant when they referred to something as ‘state-of-the-art.’
Except this stuff is state-of-the-art. 
The front of the room had grooves that shaped a large window, wrapping around about half the side walls. Landmine guessed they were retractable for direct visibility during flight. 
We don’t even need the windows open to fly the ship. Magnificent. 
“During your pre-mission training together, you’ll be introduced on a basic level to all the machinery aboard this ship, and I will designate you to certain roles when the need arises.”
Everything sparkled in its modern, symmetrical beauty. It was all new, untouched, and would ideally provide the team with advantages in conflicts to come. At least, far greater than the shabby resources given to camps like the one from which Landmine had just departed. 
Far less could die…
Three helms turned as a red-plated mech rose from behind one of the monitor stations near the back of the room. He clapped his servos together to dust them off and stepped out from the station, waving. 
“That was quick,” Metalhawk commented, looking the walls up and down. It was hard to tell what was manually modified and what had been unchanged, but Landmine decided it was best to simply trust that all the devices in the room would preform well when they were needed.
“Well...this is Cloudburst,” he said, gesturing at the mech. 
Cloudburst gave a big grin. 
“He’s just fixed our door problem, and most of the settings on the ship’s machinery,” the commander continued, looking somewhat pleased. 
"He did!!" Waverider called from the open door. He'd immediately run back to test it out.
A mechanic of sorts, Landmine surmised.
And, after a few minutes of talking passed, he found his hypothesis correct. 
Cloudburst had gone to university for a bit, before the war, but it was cut short. He was lucky enough to be selected for a special team of machinery developers, but then, unfortunate to have been placed in a camp that was quickly overpowered by Decepticon forces.
“And I made my escape before my section was done in,” he said. “In the days following, I made my way to…”
As he was talking, Waverider leaned over to Landmine. 
“Phoenix,” he whispered behind a servo.  
Immediately, he caught on, smirking. 
He watched with some satisfaction through his peripheral as Waverider nodded. 
“Well, I guess it isn’t that exciting, but…that’s about it from me!” Cloudburst finished with a huff and another smile. “So what about you?” 
Landmine felt put on the spot for a moment, then he shrugged. 
“It’s not much compared to your novel of a tale,” he remarked. The others gave a chuckle. He looked to Metalhawk. 
“But first…any chance we have drinks aboard?”
Landmine was incredibly amused to discover the lack of tolerance to high-grade his commander had. 
Of course, he’d never been drinking with a commander before, but he’d expected himself to get drunk first. 
Or…am I drunk, too? 
Truth be told, he was feeling a bit sleepy…and warm. 
Music played faintly from a speaker near the ceiling. Some song from a couple centuries back, the tune registering itself in subconscious memory. He knew the tune, but didn’t know the song. 
As it was, with many things. 
Yawning, Landmine tilted his helm, which was resting in the palm of his hand, and looked to his holopad. It was laid at the edge of the table, screen open with a striking, blue light.  
The sudden blue glow against the dim, pinkish lighting of the room hurt his optics a bit, so he looked away again. 
 Drunk or sober, I think I’m gonna fall over. 
 “Commander?” He gently poked the yellow mech. Metalhawk had his head down at the flat, white tabletop. 
Landmine guessed he was asleep. He took another sip of his drink, then put it down, giggling. 
Perhaps this’ll rouse him…
 “Hawk! Report status, soldier!” He deepened his voice to resemble the barking of a drill sergeant, tapping the yellow-plated mech as he spoke. 
Metalhawk gave a short jolt. 
“Whaz’t?” He slurred, raising his helm sharply, looking around a bit. He seemed to realize Landmine was talking to him and turned his gaze to him, squinting. 
“Hawk, I was wondering–”
“Comman’er here,” he murmured suddenly, yet still quietly, cutting Landmine off. He gave what looked like the very definition of an ‘improper salute’ as he spoke. 
“Yes, soldier?” He deepened his voice again, smirking. Hawk seemed partially unaware it was Landmine speaking to him, as if he was only half-awake.
“I report…I’m reporting for…my absence reports…I’ll go to class t’morrow, sir!!” 
Oh jeez. He’s so out of it– 
Landmine tightened his jaw, trying not to burst into laughter.
He promptly failed after a couple seconds more, but Metalhawk didn’t seem to really notice. And of course, this just made it funnier.
He watched as Metalhawk shook his head, looking rather drowsily at the empty cup sitting in front of him, then back at Landmine. Was he aware enough to want another drink? 
Perhaps he’d suddenly have some of that energy from a couple hours ago if he had that other drink.
The image of his Commander stumbling around and laughing in a mildly uncharacteristic manner returned to his thoughts. Landmine waited in anticipation as Hawk continued to stare at the cup. 
But then, he gave a long exhale and put his head back down, mumbling something else. 
 Landmine concluded with a small chuckle to himself that, Hawk was probably down for the night–for good this time. 
 “We come bearing–”
“Shush! He’ll know we’re here!!”
“He already does, you nut–” 
 He looked to the door as made a hissing noise and opened to reveal Cloudburst and Waverider, having a mild argument. 
 “Oh, you’re back,” He said, raising his glass with a small grin. Waverider set the crate down. “I definitely didn’t hear you coming down the hall.” 
He watched Waverider snap around and issue a light whack to Cloudburst. It was likely in place of a triumphant ‘I told you so.’  
This time, Landmine didn’t let himself laugh out loud. He did allow a quiet chuckle. 
Cloudburst walked over and grabbed a bottle, popping it open and taking a drink.
“You and the boss’re still around, I see!” 
Landmine nodded, moving to take another sip, but he found his cup empty. 
“I’d stay, but I’m so drunk right now, I can’t stand up straight,” he said, taking another swig. Landmine nodded again, reaching over and sliding a bottle of his own out of its slot. 
“Oh you’re drunk,” Waverider agreed shoving him playfully. 
And so are you, Landmine thought. So am I, probably. 
Pouring the bottle’s contents into his cup, he found his gaze fixating on the liquid as it sparkled mid-air. He liked the small sound it made as it refilled the cup. 
He did not wish to heed how many drinks he’d already had, or was giving himself. 
 “Well then, begone with you,” Waverider said. With a smirk, he suddenly reached over and swiped the open bottle from Cloudburst and took a sip. The mech didn’t seem to mind, just watching him with an amused grin.
“See you, Phoenix,” Landmine said, taking his eyes off his glass for a moment. He set his now-half-empty bottle next to Metalhawk’s sleeping figure. 
That was definitely too many drinks, considering the size of his cup.
  “I’ll be here for a while, I think.”
 Cloudburst nodded acknowledgement and made what Landmine classified as: an improper salute: exhibit B. 
“Then–until the morning shines!” He said, almost a little too loudly. “Cloudburst, signing off my duty–I mean–for my duty! I will bring you–”
“Shut up, you lugnut!” Waverider shoved him out of the room, laughing so hard he lost his footing a bit. The two toppled over, landing outside of the room. 
Landmine just watched, sipping at his cup. The door hissed shut on the sight of the two drunken mechs trying to unentangle themselves and stand up again, amidst their giddy, tipsy laughter. 
“Until the morning shines,” he echoed to himself absentmindedly, shifting his cup from side to side. 
The bubbly feeling he’d been harboring the whole evening was, inevitably and suddenly, starting to fade.
There was something starting to well up inside. Something another couple glasses wouldn’t fix, even though he had as much left in the bottle he’d just taken. 
Something rather cold and dark. 
To think I was among the dying in some forsaken frontlines camp. Now, here I am, drunk, with drunken fools. Look at me, one of them. 
He wasn’t feeling so warm anymore. 
Excitement awaits, or is it crueler death? 
Another sip, and he felt a twinge of unease. Or was it nausea? His fuel tanks remained in slight discomfort, but not enough that he’d be inclined to obey its silent will. 
So, he tilted his helm upwards to finish off the glass. Now he was ready to go.
Landmine rose unsteadily, swaying a bit, gripped the tableside. He felt his fuel tanks lurch with the movement, and took a second to breathe slowly.
He glanced at Hawk, still sleeping in his spot. He wondered when Waverider had planned to come back in, looking to the door. But everything had gone quiet. 
Probably went back to his quarters with Phoenix. 
Ah, well. It was about time he stopped drinking for the night, anyway. With a huff, he hauled himself upright and started towards the door. 
Don’t know where mine is…
He figured he’d just go back to the command center. Perhaps no one would mind if he passed out there. 
Three weeks later, the team was almost through with their pre-mission training requirements, with only days to go before they were certified to move out. 
It hadn’t been easy, but Landmine found himself feeling more confident in the mission to come, and in his Pretender abilities, which had until this point, meant next to nothing to him. 
 It was funny to think how the higher-ups had tried to convince every bot that their only purpose was a soldier, who should hold their gun and shoot–the only exception being if they were elite by caste or class, or simply higher-ranked. 
Day after day of military academy–especially after the war really got started–Landmine knew he was no elite. He was trained in how to use his gun, how to survive without proper resources for periods of time, to be a strategist–with the all the smarts a bot might need but would forget when a blade shoved itself against their throat. 
Yet still, only twice had he ever been spoken to about being a Pretender. About fighting as a Pretender and not as simply another Autobot soldier.
Perhaps it was trivial in the bigger picture–after all, dead is dead. 
 4-edge, 3-edge, length sticks, no not those…
Landmine’s optics flicked to the different boxes lined up in the shelf. Some of them had labels, some of those labels had faded to white. 
He’d gone to fetch some repair supplies for Cloudburst. And as usual, the silence invited the chatter of his own thoughts. 
How many were there like himself, with unacknowledged potential–who would likely die in battle, the intricate stories of their lives forced shut in an anticlimactic conclusion. No adventure, no life lived before their time? 
And how odd, he remarked internally, to still have the fortunate and the unfortunate, in the midst of a war–one being fought namely for the end of the class divide in Cybertronian society. 
Will we accomplish anything when we end this, other than the destruction of cities and lives? Be it violent tyranny and oppression, or the will of corrupt and almighty governmental bodies–who below them would come away with anything other than what has always been? 
Head down, staring at the contents of the open box, Landmine felt a familiar ache, a sinking feeling of dread and despair. 
Our lives lie in the hands of others. If we like it or not, if we wage a war for it or not. How fair is that? 
“Lander! Where are you, buddy? We’re doing another simulation soon, but Hawk wants us in the main hall first!” 
He looked up, staring at the wall outside the open door. He felt guilty as silence followed, likely for his own lack of response. But he couldn’t say anything back right now. He gripped the box more tightly and started down the hall. 
Memories began to awaken. Things he wanted to remember that made his chest hurt, reminding him why he also…didn’t want to remember. 
I'm just as bad a spark, aren't I?
He wondered…how fair it was to break someone’s heart, and then, act like nothing had happened at all. 
On the day for liftoff–when training was complete and all certifications to move out had been met–Landmine found himself exiting powerdown before daylight had emerged in the sky. He was not a late-riser by any means, but not usually quite so early either. 
He stared at the faint rays of daylight, reaching through his window and lighting the edge of his room walls.
He thought about the vacuum of space ahead. Something like a smile played at the corners of his mouth. 
I’ll remember this for a while, won’t I? 
The mech paced his room a couple times, rolling his shoulder joints and stretching a little. He'd found many benefits to morning exercises.
Optics ticking to an empty glass bottle lying near the window, his mind drifted back to the evening before. 
To the impromptu speech Metalhawk had made last night over some drinks in the bar room. 
The dimly-lit room carried a quiet murmuring, a laugh here and there. Landmine had come a bit late, taking his seat while Waverider waved a hello and handed him a glass. Cloudburst was, of course, talking. 
After a little while, Landmine glanced over the table and saw that Metalhawk had a distant sort of smile on his faceplate. 
He ran a finger against his rounded glass, gently. Then, as if deciding something, he flicked the edge softly. 
The soft cling caught the attention of their group, quieting them. And, without moving his optics from the sight of the rippling liquid in his cup, he’d begun to speak. 
“As we prepare to liftoff tomorrow, I wanted to…say a few things.” 
He looked now, to each one of them. 
“I…cannot guarantee we will make it back to Cybertron, that we will always have what we need, or that we will…survive this. I don’t know if we’ll succeed or fail in our mission, end up as prisoners of war on some Decepticon ship or not, or die as just a handful more nameless, faceless faction of the Autobot army. But, there is one thing of which, I do ask you to be certain.” 
He smiled a smile that no longer seemed distant, but very much real. Present. 
A look shimmered in his optics that Landmine knew well, yet not of his own experience. 
It was a look that belonged only to those who had somehow, not been tainted at their very core–who had somehow learned to love all things as they were, and to always love. 
Someone, he mused the thought, who had perhaps, not yet learned to hate from the pits of his being. Or maybe…
Made a choice, he'd thought.
“I am your commander in name only. More importantly, however, know I am your teammate, and I will not abandon you at any cost. Our destinies are uncertain–I only hope for many good centuries together. Not as mere soldiers of the Autobot faction, but instead as warriors of Cybertron, and of justice. Though imperfect as all beings are, we have, and always will have, a duty to protect life, and to strive to do good. And that mission, above all others, I do believe we can accomplish.”
Landmine gave a shout of approval and raised his glass high in the air. Nodding, the others raised theirs. They gazed back at Metalhawk, who gave a small chuckle, then raised his own glass. 
“For peace!” He offered the toast. Clinking of glass and overlapping shouts followed.
“For Cybertron!!”
“Let’s get ‘em!!”
Landmine blinked again, realizing he’d begun to stare at that bottle a little too long. 
The memory left him in the silence of his room in the early hours of day. 
Today’s the day. 
He slipped his new blaster to its holster and cast one more look at his room, then headed down to the main room to start course-planning, as a favor for the others on the ship, of course. 
Many years had passed since the Pretenders’ liftoff. Missions had been carried out, ships tracked and ambushed, prisoners transported to warships that arrived quickly after battles. The three weeks of training hadn’t done much to show them what they’d learn firsthand on every mission. 
Many hours were spent behind piles of mission reports and other writeups for record-keeping. No one had been seriously wounded up till this point, just some scratches here and there. 
When it was time to close in on their target, there’d be tense silence in the command room, darkened save for the computer display of what lay outside their ship’s windows. It was the unspoken group decision that pursuing targets would mean windows were closed, for maximum stealth effect in addition to the cloaking technology their ship possessed.
The panel walls were littered with an array of maps and charts (digital or tacked on rather hastily) that either had to do with their ship or the one the team was chasing. All optics and servos were locked to their task, relaying commands and requests between stations, ready for almost anything. 
 And at present, that was kind of the team’s situation…with one slight change. 
 “Phoenix, give me the numbers on our bottom left central thruster. Will it hold?”
 Having tracked their target to a very distant quadrant, the computer didn’t have much information about the area or its conditions. 
 “Ah…we’re at 42% power and dropping. The damage report indicates the shielding was torn off and it’s leaking fuel. The secondary power source cables are damaged as well, so once all the power’s gone, that’s it.” 
“Are the damage control systems online?”
“Negative. We have to go manual,” He pulled up the video feed of their rear camera to show the damage. “We are traveling at full speed in space, so manual repairs are not doable–”
“–without the cost of a life, alright. And if we continue pursuit as we are?” 
“Without repair? The…system says about 20 minutes until it starts sucking power from the other ones, and then we’ll enter float stage, pre-free-fall.”
 So…they were trapped. 
Landmine watched as he ducked his head, dealing a restrained punch to the wall next to him before returning to his command station and furiously typing away at the controls. He cast his eyes back to his own task, repeating to himself that he must stay focused.
“I’m going to try to reroute the power from the damaged thruster to the functional ones and shut off its power. We need to land now, or we’ll be forced to land,” he said quickly, not looking up. 
The tremor in his voice was audible, ambiguously a tone of either urgency or fear. 
 Landmine looked up from his station, where he had been managing their travel course since no one was piloting manually. 
 “Should I analyze the properties of our current sector and any stable landforms?” He offered, already pulling up another screen. 
“Yes, make sure–”
 Suddenly, the vessel jolted downwards and shook with such force that everyone was knocked to their feet. A blaring alarm sounded as the ship shook again, an automated voice announcing in smooth Cybertronian that their back two thrusters were out of power. 
The lights shut off for a second, while the ship swayed unevenly before a loud whirring started up and it moved back up again. 
When it returned to a somewhat stable position, the lights remained flickering, and everyone remained gripping their stations tightly so as to not fall over. 
 Metalhawk straightened and immediately dashed to the front of the ship, smacking a panel on the front computer and grabbing the steering wheel. As he twisted it, he turned back around for a moment. 
 “Lander–something within the current firing range of this ship–we need a landing place now!!”
“We’re abandoning target pursuit?” 
 He felt a small spark of hope as Metalhawk, gave a silent nod in response. He had the feeling most other commanders would have sacrificed themselves and their ship, preaching the nobility of dying for this cause without abandoning the mission.
 “With any luck, one of our last stray shots hit their ship too–which was already on its last leg from the looks of it,” Waverider piped up. “So they won’t be too far ahead, I’ll bet.” 
 “Okay, then,” Landmine switched off his station’s input to the course control and focused his efforts on scanning the nearby planets. “I’ll get something.” 
The ship was vibrating now, but not with its usual even-toned hum. 
It was the kind of uneven vibrating a machine made before it finally gave out and powered down for good.
Meanwhile, all the planets in their current sector weren’t looking too appealing. 
Not many with life or long-term livable conditions…Hm…
“Balance function is starting to–”
As if on cue, the ship began to tilt downwards again, the metallic whirring noise growing louder and louder. A small explosion could be heard before the lights shut off for good and the alarm system abruptly stopped. Everyone was tossed violently to the ground. 
The automated voice struggled to tell the room–
“We lost the third one!!” Cloudburst called over the halting monotone speech from the ship’s speakers. He shook his head picked himself off the ground, then rushed for the door. 
“I’ll shut off the power transfer so it doesn’t fry the rest of the ship and us in it!” The door hissed open and he disappeared down the hall. 
 Then, the sound of…something blowing out, sounded in the room. 
“Oh, sweet fraggin–” Waverider muttered the beginnings of a swear before whipping his gaze to the side to watch as the left half of the ship went completely dark, the computer panels clearly destroyed past functioning point. 
He slammed his station with a balled first. 
“We’re blind on the left side!”
Metalhawk made a noise of frustration and worry, just barely audible above the roaring engine as it struggled to stay active. He was grappling with the somewhat functional manual steering system, trying to keep the ship at a steady angle. 
 “Can we open the–ngh!!” 
He was cut off as the ship as the ship lost control again, throwing him off the wheel and slamming him against the wall and then the floor. As he stumbled to his feet and back to the steering wheel, he gasped as he saw the other side of the ship’s display panels begin to flicker ominously. 
Landmine swallowed, doing his best to quickly surf through all the information presented. 
“We’re almost out of power–we can’t deactivate the panels!”
It was now or never, they needed a place to–
'Sol System Entry 7625 - Life: detected.’ 
Landmine blinked twice at the screen in front of him. He scrolled back to the planet that had read the one positive result among the sea of negative ones. 
It that…?
With a quick tap, the image of a blue orb with wispy, white clouds tracing its edge, floating gently in its place, appeared on his display screen. His optics flicked to the planetary report, intrigued to find that this place had even been previously logged into Autobot travel records. 
‘Atmospheric makeup: Non-toxic. Resource profile: Varied, Non-toxic. Cycle End Date: Undetected. Motion Cycle: Rotation.’ 
He checking one last thing, anticipation building–
Landing conditions: Optimal; follow procedure 41F-52.’
That was it.
“We need to prepare the ship to enter foreign atmosphere!!”
Waverider and Metalhawk snapped their gazes in his direction.
“Yes, I found us a landing spot, you can thank me later. The profiles of the surrounding planets are virtually uninhabitable–this is our only option right now!” 
Waverider exchanged looks with their commander, who gave him a sharp nod. Then, he ran over to Landmine’s screen. After a moment, he chuckled a little. 
When he turned to look at Landmine, a smile had cracked onto his face through the solemn, controlled panic that had been previously. The soft, turquoise light from the only control panels still working in the room bounced off the curves of his face, shimmering off his blue visor. 
 And even though there was such a high chance they’d die in the next few minutes, Landmine found himself frozen, simply staring back.
 No. We can’t die today. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. 
“Hey! Um, a little help here–did we find something?!”
Landmine let out a little laugh and slid back into his seat as Waverider seemed to snap back to seriousness and leaned over to speak for him.
“Hawk, it also checks out as habitable to carbon-based life forms!” He called, gripping the his station as the ship jerked to the side again. “We’ll be fine as long as we land safely!” 
Just then, Cloudburst came rushing into the room. 
“The core engine isn’t looking good, guys! We need to get the ship out of full thrust mode or we’ll overheat, and our power sources will mix and explode!!” 
Oh. Wonderful. 
So, the options had been expanded beyond: 1.) drifting aimlessly, trapped inside a non-functioning ship until energon-depletion or some other cause killed them, or 2.) losing power completely and burning up upon entry to the nearest atmosphere.
Now, they had a third option: sitting and waiting for their ship to simply overheat and explode. 
The reddish mech ran up next to Metalhawk and started pushing buttons on the control panel. 
“Someone needs to prepare the stasis pods and program them to ejection mode, I’ll set an altitude point!” 
“Got it!” Waverider called, jumping up and sprinting out of the room. Landmine started inputting the coordinates of destination to the navigation system–one of the only undamaged things thus far–and deprogramming the space travel controls. 
A couple minutes of silence passed before he flashed a thumb-up in the air.
“We’re ready for atmospheric entry in approximately 40 seconds and counting!” 
“Brace for a drop, everyone!” Metalhawk shouted, planting his feet and gripping the wheel with all the force he could give. 
“Stasis pods are ready to go!” Waverider reentered the room, sliding back into his station.
“Engines to 15%!”
“Everyone get down!!”
There was a loud noise from the engine, then an abrupt silence as it cut down to about 15% power, and then the ship dipped so far downwards that Landmine felt himself grimace. 
Part of him even wondered if this was really procedure, and that they weren’t all about to die now. 
As if we weren’t before, he scoffed at himself. 
He dug his digits into the side of his seat and shut his optics as the ship began to pick up speed. 
The eerie silence endured for what felt like an eternity before the ship moved again, this time to right itself and return to a normal angle. At least, normal enough that Landmine opened his eyes to look around and see that the others were slowly standing up. 
 Metalhawk let out a shuddering breath and pressed a couple buttons with shaking digits before stepping back and regarding his crew. He’d probably switched the ship back to autopilot, so that they could all–
“Everyone to the stasis pods,” he ordered solemnly, quietly. 
No one else spoke a word, ducking their helms and filing out of the room and into the hall. 
Landmine walked out last. 
He cast one last look at the nearly pitch-black command room, catching sight of the last couple working display panels struggling to function before the door hissed shut behind him. 
He felt a twinge of sadness at the idea that they were saying goodbye to this ship so soon. Admittedly, it had been one nice vessel, with a gorgeous design and plenty of capabilities.
Then, there was the stark realization that once they entered stasis, they might not make it back out alive. 
We can’t die today. We won’t.
Since the ship was barely working, the lighting in the halls was…nonexistent. However, they knew exactly where they were going, and walked quietly in the darkness until they reached their destination. 
With a quiet whirring noise, the door slid open. The darkness was abruptly luminated with a soft, greenish glow, emanating from the center of each stasis pod lying in its place. 
There were six of them, more than enough for every member on this team. 
Landmine had been there to help Cloudburst put in the other three.
He walked in and watched as Metalhawk entered his verification to the panel on the wall, deactivating the locks on each one so they hissed and snapped open simultaneously. The greenish glow faded to a blue, as if softening, to invite them in. 
“Whatever the outcome, remember what I said to you all on our liftoff day,” Metalhawk said as evenly as he could, turning and regarding each mech slowly, kindly. He had that smile on his face again, which seemed to ease the tension in the room. 
“If we make it out alive or if this is the day on which Primus welcomes us home, I am honored to have had such a good team of friends. I am honored to die, not for this cause, but surrounded by you.”
"And we're honored to remain with you in this moment, sir."
"It was an honor indeed."
"Frag yeah."
Their commander nodded, then swiveled to gaze down at the stasis pods.
“Then…until we meet again,” he said, soft enough that he almost wasn't audible.
He then walked to the back of the room and took a step into the pod. Cloudburst followed, taking the one next to him.
Landmine stepped towards his pod, then stopped, frozen in place again. 
It wasn’t quite hesitation or fear, but something was stopping him from going forward. He could feel the quaking beneath him, as the ship was no doubt somewhat falling apart, reaching closer and closer to the ground. 
He heard the doors to the other pods seal themselves shut, administering the stasis lock. 
But something was…
He looked to his side and found himself millimeters away from Waverider. His spark skipped a beat. But, he wasn’t afraid. 
He found himself reaching out and gripping Waverider’s servos, firmly, yet gently. He traced his thumb along the palm of his hand, smiling with a deep emotion he couldn’t quite place. 
Waverider’s visor glittered, a smile twisting the corners of his mouth upwards. He let his helm fall against Landmine’s.
He spoke so softly, so gently, in his easy-going way that almost made it seem like he didn't even fear death itself. 
“I want to see you again.”
“Me too.”
“Then see me again!” 
“Alright, I will,” Landmine chuckled, letting go of one hand and bringing it up to caress Waverider’s face for a moment. “I won’t leave you again.” 
“Oh, Lander…”
“I’m sorry for everything, I’m sorry for the things I said back in Academy, I'm sorry for never contacting you, I’m sorry for–”
 The black-plated mech drew away, his hand sliding slowly out of Landmine’s grip. He gave a soft smile and climbed into his pod, still watching him.
Landmine found himself to be shaking, unable to speak as he watched Waverider lean back and close his optics. He didn’t know how to describe this feeling, that seemed to break his facade, to suddenly force him to realize of the gravity of everything happening in this moment. 
The possibility of the unwanted outcome, which no one would mourn, and no one would remember, until long after the war was over. Or perhaps, not even then.  
He watched, motionless, as the glass panel slid over his body, the blue shining off it in wavy lines.
He mouthed something just before the glass fogged over and he could no longer be seen. 
Until we meet again. 
He could still felt the touch on his hand, the weight against his forehead, heard the softly-whispered utterances ringing in the recesses of his mind as he finally forced himself to move. 
Stepping into his own pod, he felt a strange relief wash over him. Perhaps it was closer to sudden resignation, but he wanted to believe it was relief.
A sheet of clear glass moved over his body, another, thicker one sliding over from the side.
It was a very small space, this container. 
He found himself smiling.
Maybe now he could finally say he’d been a good Autobot. 
Had the past been fixed? Had he done anything right or...just? Had he truly strove for the protection of all life, as Hawk had put it? 
Perhaps. Or not. But maybe I did my best. And maybe…that’s good enough. 
And then, the nothingness of stasis wrapped its grip around him, and everything went dark. 
“No, you need a new tie–where’s your sense of style?!” Landmine took a long drink from his glass before shaking his head. “Oh, wait I forgot–you don’t have one.”
“Says the guy in the ugliest jacket I have ever laid eyes on–”
“That's my favorite one, shut up!” 
But the both of them were laughing.
Though tipsy, they hadn’t thought to call it a night yet, especially not on their drinks. So they remained, sitting near the window of a high-rise, fancy restaurant in the middle Manhattan.
It had so happened, Waverider was in the city for a bit, so Landmine decided to take him to one of his favorite restaurants.
It was times like this he was happy to be not just a human, but one with a very decent salary.
The lights of the city twinkled like a sea of stars tied to the ground, canceling out the vast number of stars that both of them knew hung high in the sky…out in space…
“It’s been too long for you, hasn’t it?” 
 Landmine jolted a bit a he heard Waverider’s voice, gaze snapping back to him and away from the city below. He watched him reach out and pick up his glass, tracing the edge of it with a finger. 
“Me too, Lander,” Waverider said, so quietly it could have been to himself, “Me too.” 
Yes, he agreed, internally, looking back out the window.  
It’d been quite literally ages since they’d been able to resume their missions, flying around the galaxy…they’d been in human bodies for so many years, it almost felt like a distant memory–the war, or that they belonged to a whole other world. 
Considering how long they'd been forced to remain on earth so far–as their superiors felt it best to just station the team on earth rather than provide or allow them a means to come back to Cybertron–he was fairly open to that notion. Perhaps it was better it all remained a vague memory, put behind him for good.
Life on earth wasn't perfect, but it had a lot of its own good moments. In some ways, it was better than Cybertron, he'd concluded.
And despite what he knew many of his kind would think, he didn't feel guilty at all for feeling that way.
He remembered the day their stasis pods reactivated, opening his optics to a bright light floating in a crystal blue sky, and realizing he was unharmed, and still alive. 
The flood of hope like no other, that had caused him to remain motionless for quite a while before he finally left his pod. 
But what had felt like such a distant memory wasn’t just the war itself. 
 “Hey,” he said taking another sip of the sparkling white liquid in his glass. “I’ve missed talking to you like this. Just sitting together...”
He watched Waverider lean back to down the rest of his glass before responding. 
“You said it.”
“We should…get together more often,” he found himself saying. The music playing faintly on the speakers stopped for a moment as he spoke. 
He watched Waverider smile, but felt his heart tighten as it registered what kind of smile it was. This was familiar. Quite familiar. 
Another song started to play overhead. Something about romance. 
“I’d…be open to that,” he said at last, looking out the window. Even amidst the medium-level noise of the restaurant, his sudden silence seemed to shout at Landmine. 
Should I not have...?
Landmine sighed and reached out a hand, letting his fingers rest on his friend’s. 
The warm, semi-dim lighting of the restaurant painted the strangers at the tables behind them in orange shadows. The yellow of the overhead lighting shimmered faintly in the depths of Waverider's soft blue eyes. 
He looked out the window again, too, eyes caught by the sight of a skyscraper flashing a bright yellow light in some practiced sequence. 
He found it wonderful and intriguing that even after all these years watching civilization build itself into the modern day, there were still some things he’d never know about daily life. 
Or it might be a broken light. 
Another memory suddenly greeted him. 
The one where he went to check Waverider’s pod first, instinctively, and moment he realized how afraid he’d been when Waverider finally opened his eyes, the glass sliding away immediately, letting him sit up.
 “We’re up first! How wild is that?” He’d said, dropping down to a kneeling position to be eye-level with him. Waverider blinked once, twice, then chuckled. 
“Pretty wild.” He leaned forward and touched foreheads with Landmine. “So, hey.”
“I’m seeing you again. I told you we’d see each other soon…”
“I know…”
Suddenly, the hand beneath his shifted to grip back, pulling him from his memory and into the present again. The smile that he saw across the table was different again, looking happier than before. 
I just don’t know how to tell you...
 “Can I come to your office tomorrow, then?” 
 Landmine smirked, feeling his own playful nature return in full. 
 “Only if you let me pick out your outfit–and you throw out that awful tie!” 
“By the Primes, Lander–”
“No, I'll even buy the stuff for you. It’ll be my treat,” He insisted, starting to laugh. “The people at my office will kick you out if you walk in with that uncoordinated kind of style!” 
“Oh, then you must have experience in that field,” Waverider joked back, motioning at Landmine’s signature burgundy jacket. 
He had the most smug grin on his face.
“My good sir, I’ll have you know that–” 
But he didn’t finish his sentence.
He’d broken off abruptly, just staring at Waverider for a moment. The clamor of people around them seemed to fade out.
Unsure as to whether it was the wine he'd been drinking or something else entirely, he felt like something was...pulling at him, and he found himself leaning closer and closer until…
Another memory flashed through his mind’s eye. It was of his first experience with a kiss. 
Landmine was sitting in his office, typing away at his laptop. He'd been working at a paper company while he looked for a better job, having set his sights on moving to New York.
He was filling out his application for a position as head of sales at an automotive dealer when he felt a tap on the shoulder.
In the reflection of his computer screen, he could see Waverider's figure before he felt him lean over and rest his head on his shoulder.
"Hey," he murmured, grinning. "Shouldn't you be in a meeting?"
His partner didn't respond, instead leaning over and pressing his lips gently against Landmine's cheek. The blonde froze, obviously startled by the gesture.
Then at last, he cleared his throat, looking up at Waverider, who still had a large smile on his face. He was sure he was flushed, but tried to play it cool.
"And you did that…why?”
“It’s a human custom,” Waverider explained, laughing. “Its called kissing. Saw someone in my office do it with their partner, and I've seen it hundreds of times before that, but didn't know what it was."
"And that is?" He watched Waverider draw back a bit, tapping his chin in thought.
"How do I say...well, it's like...it means affection, or that you care for someone.”
"Alright..." Landmine was still confused, however. “But, I mean...is it platonic or romantic?”
Waverider shrugged. Then, leaned over to kiss Landmine's cheek again.
"That's...up to us, I guess..."
Whatever you wanted it to be, a kiss was. 
Well, he didn't know what this kiss was, but...he knew it felt right. It was better than any word he could speak, or gesture he could make.
And after a moment, he and Waverider leaned back, sat back down, quiet again. But, not an uncomfortable silence. 
He watched his companion smile, start to blush. The dimples in his face showed themselves as he smiled back at him. He ruffled his brownish-blonde hair with one hand, starting to giggle a little. 
Landmine knew it wasn’t going to be long before Waverider would have to return to his job, leaving New York again. They’d be lonely again, even if they called and messaged…
But maybe what they had...didn't need some kind of label, or name. A commitment or a friendship or...something deeper than that...whatever this was.
This still felt alright. As it always had. Something told him Waverider felt that, too. 
He and Waverider had since had many long talks about their academy days. Everything had been laid out, brought up, acknowledged and forgiven.
They had come to understand one another so deeply in all their years since coming to Earth, but especially now, as humans in this current time of peace. 
“No matter what you do, or who you’re with," Waverider murmured, beaming, "I’ll always be here for you. I know I've said that before, but...eh, it's worth saying again.” 
"I know."
"I'm glad!" He laughed again.
He was certainly a little drunk, sure but, he was always like this, Landmine thought.
Waverider had always been a relaxed and fun-loving soul.
“Connected sparks...always find their way back together no matter what, don’t they?” Landmine remarked, flicking a fingertip against his plate.
He felt warm, all the way inside himself, not from the meal or the heater, but...from something else.
Waverider blinked in some surprise for a moment, seeming to take in the words, processing them, before the smile returned to his features.
“Yeah...they really do.”
And, suddenly Landmine took notice of the speaker overhead, as it had started playing something else while they spoke. 
It was a song about humanity–something he and the other Pretenders had learned slowly but surely, was quite relative to what they’d known all their lives.
The truth of existence, which Landmine had found and continued to find with every passing day. 
That it's alright, to be as one is–imperfect, yet persevering.
Bringing what one can to the table of life, giving, speaking, loving and experiencing it all. 
That in that imperfection, life itself was good–contrary of course, to what he’d learned in the Cybertronian Military Academy, which had been wrong about many other things as well. 
Life in many forms, which seeks friendships and connections between others, in its funny, social nature.
Nothing quite in idealistic purity, and often happy in that manner of existing.
That, which altogether, made it truly beautiful to be alive, especially on this Earth.
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loveoaths · 2 years
Hi! Can you tell us some super cool character headcanons meme with Maul?
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto? perfect. i know his singing voice is perfect)
i don't know if i'd put super cool and maul in the same sentence, but i can def share some headcanons!
Places Maul shouldn't sleep in but does anyway: he's too uptight to fall asleep anywhere that isn't absolutely secure. he's the type to fall asleep in the pilot's chair of his ship, or curled in a ball on his bed with his back to the wall and a hand curled securely around his saberstaff hilt. maul is weird about spaces, too: he doesn't like being trapped anywhere, but big rooms weird him out. he prefers a smaller space to sleep, because nothing can hide from him, and he has total control of it -- and peace of mind. he did learn to force himself to doze in strange places on missions, though.
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: honestly, i do not think this man sleeps well, at all, ever. he is always some kind of tired, which means he's always at least a little crabby. maul is prone to headaches and migraines; the more sleep-deprived he is, the more likely one pops up. my man is nursing a low grade headache/on his way to a migraine at any given time. he becomes more churlish, irascible, cruel, irrational, and paranoid the longer he goes without rest, as well. this sucks for everyone within a 10 mile radius of him, because we all know that if momma maul ain't happy, nobody's happy.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: honestly i bet he wishes he could do drugs. he can't, he does not have the right mindset for them, but boy oh boy does he wish he could get blasted off his ass and not think for a damn minute. however, that would require him not to be a paranoid motherfucker, and maul don't trust like that, lol. so his preferred methods of relaxing are, like... eating bitter and salty foods, hunting (fresh meat is always a great mood booster), and doing something he's good at. unfortunately for the galaxy at large, everything maul is good at is illegal on every planet, so maul's self-care day usually ends with other people in the hospital or the morgue. moving meditation is also helpful, as is studying something new. he's particularly interested in sith history, the legacies of mandalore and other warrior cultures, reports related to unknown space, and high republic era history. maul is always looking for information that will give him the upper hand, and as future oriented as he tries to be, his very nature compels him to look back into the past (usually at his own failings and misery). more mundane comforts are submerging himself in a body of water when he has the luxury, which is not often, and building trinkets made from the armor, weapons, and, sometimes, bodies of defeated enemies.
Thoughts on his singing voice: i'm going to be indulgent here and say that maul would be a good singer if he had any real desire or inclination to sing, and kept at it. he naturally has great pitch and rhythm, but music has not been a big part of his life. if he hadn't been taken from dathomir as an infant, feral would have asked him to sing to him at night, and maul would have done it (pretending to be annoyed the entire time, but enjoying his brother needing him for something). but since that didn't happen, i'm partial to the idea that singing is something kilindi matako introduced maul to at orsis academy. she wasn't spectacular at it, but he thought it was beautiful because he couldn't remember anyone singing before then. she convinced him to keep at it during their time there together, and he eventually came up with a little song just for her. however, he never got to show it to her before he massacred the academy on his master's orders. he still hums her song sporadically from time to time, years later.
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filminah · 2 years
november nutshell
26/11/22 nonsensical. as of writing this it's 1:18pm, my rooms a mess and i feel gross. this month has been really shit i'm not going to lie but i'll write about it anyways because who knows, it'll probably be a turning point that i'll look back on. there's been friend drama, dropping grades and a confession i stressed over for a year, took slander for and threw my exams away for, that boiled down to absolutely nothing. my efforts and tears meant nothing at all. i guess it's had it's good moments now and then though. like the BBC Share Your Story Tour! that visited my academy which was really unexpected and cool. i feel kind of numb after yesterday to be honest. i don't know what to think anymore. that aside, there's some cool things going on and things to look forward to. in art we're starting an independent project to test how well we work without support, simply being given a list of themes to choose from and interpret however we like. the theme i chose was telling stories. that sends me back to the BBC share your story tour in which the story of BBC Correspondent Navtej Johal really stuck with me. i decided i'll create work based off of not only fairytales and fantasy, fiction and myths, but real stories aswell and hopefully he replies to my email! my final piece for this independent project is what i'm the most stoked for, it'll be a popup book with a handpainted cover. whether it'll tell a story or simply be one spectacular scene i'm not sure yet, but i'm really excited to make something. there's also a trip to london i'll be going to with school! which will be super fun. thinking of all these cool things has really cheered me up, so thank you to the people who read these little posts and like because it makes me want to keep writing these, i'd love to see you in the comments and interact with you more! until next time! Amimi
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amateurmagic · 6 months
For the Pokemon meme- 1, 11 and 22! And also passing along the be sure to stay hydrated train :)
Eeee thanks for the ask!! I haven't done tumblr asks in a while
1) Who was your first starter?
Turtwig!! I was pretty late to the game for Pokemon, but I adore him!! Sadly, I really don't use the line very much bc they're weak/allergic to everything
11) List your top 6 favorite Pokemon
1. Espeon!! I had one in my og Diamond file that just blasted through everything and that's what put it on my radar. I also love its simple and elegant design and I'd love to have one follow me around. I also really like the emphasis on bond and trust in all its dex entries
2. Raichu - it's just so big and looks so nice and soft and pudgy to hold and hug. And also absolutely strong enough to decimate my enemies. It also seems like the least loved member of the Pika-line, (most of its anime appearances are basically Raichu slander lol) but Alolan Raichu is nothing but soft pancake-loving perfection
3. Lucario - bit of a basic choice but i will always love this reliable ace. It was also one of my friend's favorite pokemon who helped get me into Pokemon, so there's the nostalgia points there. And no one can deny that Lucario's movie was, and still is, an absolute banger
4. Ponyta - again with the nostalgia play, but Ponyta was the first pokemon i learned. (I guess separate fun fact is that my first pokemon I learned wasn't Pikachu). I also grew up riding horses and still do, and the little childhood desire of being able to ride and own a literal fire horse has not subsided. It's also got a real cute face
5. Hisuian Arcanine - Kantoian Arcanine has always hovered near the top of my favorites list, but when the Hisuian form came out? Instant top. I love it's design and also it's callback to historic asian guard dogs. Also who could resist a giant fluffy dog to help hunt down your enemies and then lower your heating bill in the winter?
6. Meowscarada - after a lot of internal debate, I've gotta give the last spot to my Scarlet ace. Initially, I actually hated how the final form of our grass cat looked, but it's definitely grown on me (though the puffy sleeves and weird hand-paws are still problem but we're fixing that in fanart wut). And working to develop my ScarVio muse’s Meowscarada’s personality and arc for my slew of fics that hopefully will make it out of google docs one day lol has also endeared it to me. Also Scarvio has been the first mainline Pokemon game to really grab me since XY, so Meowscarada gets points for that too
Honorable mentions (bc that last choice was hard) - Eevee, Buizel, Absol, Torterra and Latios
22) - If you were a gym leader, what would your typing/theme be?
I love that this question says theme, because I've always wondered how Gym Leaders and E4 end up specializing in types. Besides for Misty, I don't remember anyone in canon who wasn't already a gym leader deciding to specialize in only one type (yeah I know Misty becomes a gym leader, but when she battled Ash in like. ep maybe 7, she barely was). Because they must've had mixed teams when they were up and coming trainers, winning leagues and challenging Champions and such. I much prefer some of the mixed teams of the ScarVio teachers in the Academy Ace tournament and then Battle Frontier brains in the anime that have a unifying theme instead. Like an international gym with all final forms of starters would be cool
As for me, it's so basic, but I'd love an Eeveelution gym with Eevee as the ace, maybe with Gmax, even though I haven't finished Shield yet. But if I had to pick a type, I think I'd go Fire-type with Hisuian Arcanine as my ace, along with Ponyta/Rapidash, Hisuian Typhlosian, Delphox, Houndoom, and maybe Salazzle
And yes!! Hydrating is good!! Hydrate or die-drate. Currently doing with tea
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c0pernicus · 7 months
I dont think ive participated in any of this sleepover ask games since they stopped being popular like years ago but since you reblogged one and I saw it I guess i have to participate. So, story about my most recent crush: he is my type to a T (dark hair and eyes, not really handsome but not ugly either imo, not very tall, and out of my league), i teach in the same language academy where he's taking a foreign language course (it sounds a bit weird without context, but we're both in our mid 20s) Nothing is ever going to happen between us, but every thursday i get super giddy cause I know I'll see him, since he tends to peek into my classroom to greet me as he goes and leaves his own class (which isnt smth most people do, but oh well, I'm not here to complain about ppl being unpolite). One of my friends always tells me to flirt with him, but it'd be weird ngl, and even if it wasn't I have 0 experience with relationships and flirting and I'd probs make a fool of myself, still, it's fun to have a lil crush. And it does make going to work a bit easier, even if it's for such a silly reason! Anyway, I hope you're having a good day! And I hope you enjoy the weekend!!
This was genuinely so heartwarming to hear !!!!
I love the idea of a crush for crush sake honestly, just simply enjoying the feelings without ever planning to act on them. It’s so sweet honestly, and just nice, and uplifting :3
Thank u for sharing nonnie<3 if you ever do try to pursue something with him, it sounds like he might have a bit of a crush on you too!!! But I think there’s absolutely no harm in just appreciating him from afar as well
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