#I'm getting nostalgic af
hotwaterandmilk · 9 months
I've foolishly decided to try collecting some OOP English-language manga volumes this year. I blame Bookwalker for reminding me of so many older titles I now own digitally in Japanese, but don't have in my physical English-language collection.
Doing this sort of thing is always a challenge in terms of sourcing items in decent condition for a reasonable price, but I'd forgotten how much harder it is to get these things here in Australia. Even if I find volumes available online in the US or UK, often the shipping is 3-5 times the cost of the book just to get it here by the shittiest option available.
Still, I'm trying to refine what I own and get rid of things that I'm not passionate about, ensuring my collection is entirely focused on what matters to me. Doing this is part of that whole process, though it's very much a long term thing.
For my own record (and for your amusement I guess) here's what I'm currently tracking down. This is subject to change.
OOP English-language manga I'm currently collecting because I'm a glutton for punishment
Canon by Shiomi Chika, DC-CMX
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 4
Library Wars: Love & War by Kiiro Yumi, VIZ Media
Volume 2
Volume 5
Night of the Beasts by Shiomi Chika, Go! Media Entertainment
Volume 3
Volume 4
Oyayubihime Infinity by Toru Fujieda, DC-CMX
Volume 2
In terms of non-shoujo I'd really love to get the Del-Ray release of ES: Eternal Sabbath because it's easily my favourite work by Soryo though it's a tough one to get. Maybe someday!
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hibernaldream · 19 days
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This was in 2013 when the cardinals in Rome gathered to elect a new Pope. Secondo launched his own campaign to be elected Supreme Pontiff. Sadly, the Vatican ended up choosing Pope Francis instead.
Outside of the lore, this was a marketing campaign to promote Year Zero. You'd get a link to stream the single for free if you elected Secondo and shared it on Facebook.
I adjusted the brightness of the screenshot because I'm old af and couldn't see a thing, but I also wanted to highlight the cool background a bit. You can find the original here.
I've got more of their old homepages from over the years, so I might post them at some point. These are so nostalgic for me; their websites used to be grandiose and beautiful, with Flash animations and lots of swirly elements. Truly a web designer's nightmare, I guess :)
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
Some of My TMNT Hot Takes (PART 2) 🔥
Warning: More Opinions
Part 1 Here
I don’t like that in Mutant Mayhem Donnie is not a “science guy” but instead is more of an anime and pop culture geek. I’m not against him being an anime fan (I love anime too) but I wish we saw more of his science and being a tech genius side instead of him just liking stereotypical “nerdy stuff”. If that makes sense.
I don’t like the Punk Frogs (any version).
The 87 crossover episodes in the 2012 series (as much as I did enjoy them & are great episodes) should not have happened. They leave no real impact or development to 2012’s overarching story and just waste time. These episodes could’ve covered more important things that 202 was desperately lacking like like character exploration and character dynamic development. It was just nostalgic fanservice. The arc in S5 specifically would’ve work better as a movie instead of a 3-4 episode arc in the (most likely non canon) final season.
Shinigami being Mikey’s second love interests ruins her character a bit (for me personally). That was a pointless decision that did NOT need to happen. She would’ve been our first recurring female character to not be a love interest, but nope!
People are allowed to like/ship Donnie x April in ROTTMNT (this is coming from someone who’s not crazy about April being shipped with the Turtles).
I ship Yuichi with 2012 Leo more than Rise Leo (still ship Rise Leoichi, but I just think 2012 Leoichi is way more interesting, plus 2012 Leo deserves a good love interest).
The humans in Mutant Mayhem look ugly af (I know that was probably an intentional design choice but still. It looks bad.)
I hate Raph x Casey (any ver). I’ve stated in part one that I don’t like Raph (any version) being in a romantic relationship with human characters and yes, that meant him with Casey. Not only that but Raph and Casey being a couple ruins their whole dynamic and iconic friendship I love so much. I’m all for friends to lovers but they are a line that should not be crossed. Not every friendship needs to turn romantic.
2012 Karai’s hair looks bad.
Fans often over exaggerate Rise Donnie’s character and badly mischaracterize him in fanfics and fan comics to the point it makes him feel like he’s an entirely different character.
Shinigami should have been revealed to be a villain.
Rise Donnie was just as mean to his brother as fans claim 2012 Raph was to his. Yes, they both do love their families and I’m NOT saying either of them are abus!ce (they’re not), but fans praising Rise Donnie for doing similar things fans criticize/hate 2012 Raph for doing just makes them hypocrites.
Venus does NOT need to be in every iteration of TMNT. It gets kind of annoying when fans keep on saying that she should be in all the other iterations when in truth her presence would not make sense based on the already established canon story. The only (recent) version of TMNT where I think her being included would’ve fit the best and deserved to make her comeback in is ROTTMNT.
The side plot of 2012 Karai being mutated and later getting brainwashed by Shredder was a waste of time and the most boring arc in the series.
2012 April, Donnie and Casey being in a poly relationship does not fix anything with their problematic dynamic and massive flaws with one another. I'm not saying you can't ship all three of them together, you do you! Idc But in reality their relationship would be a train wreck, that's why I personally don't ship 2012 Capriltello.
Renet is probably one of the most powerful allies the Turtles have in the 2012 series.
Rise Donnie would NOT hate 2012 April. He’d go crazy over her psychic powers and want to study them to help her explore them more.
From what I've seen so far, Leo x Usagi seems like the only GOOD ship in the 2003 series (this hot take might change tho).
Raph had the best character arc and development in the 2012 series and changed the most out of the four brothers. Next would be Leo. With Mikey and Donnie have little development (or none at all sadly).
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cultofcreatures · 9 months
My Top 15 Vaporwave Horror Movies
I thought I would put together a list of vaporwave/dreamcore/liminal aesthetic horror movies that I find to feel outside of time and space. That's sort of my vibe here on tumblr, and I also like the mantra of "if there's something you want to see that no one has made yet, make it yourself." These are films that I personally love, and the list not meant to be definitive. Remember also that art is subjective. I hope someone out there finds at least one film they want to add to their watchlist! It's been a minute since I've seen some of them, so let me know if I need to correct something.
15. Mandy (2018)
I wish I could add pictures for all of these entries, but I can still only add 10 pictures to a post blah. It's such a shame because I wanted to show off that gorgeous aesthetics of all these films. Oh well. This is a revenge flick about a cult kidnapping Nick Cage's girlfriend and him losing his marbles about it. Definitely recommend if you're the mood for vibes and/or Nick Cage NickCageing.
TW: violence, blood, fire
14. Come True (2020)
This is a haunting, fantastic vibes movie. It feels so otherworldly. It's about a homeless young person participating in a sleep study to be able to safely get some sleep. It would be an almost perfect film if it weren't for the just garbage ending. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, just skip the last 5 minutes, and take it for what the rest of the film is: beautiful.
13. Braid (2018)
This film follows a couple of young drug dealers on the run from their supplier crashing at a mentally unwell friend's house. The catch is they have to play along with their host's unhinged "game" while they hide out. Not gonna lie, this film is trippy af and definitely not for everyone. I can guarantee that no matter what, it is a ride.
TW: heavy drug use, blood
12. Perfect Blue (1997)
A pop star retires to become a full-time actor, which angers some of her fans. Her sense of reality becomes warped when one obsessive fan begins to stalk her. I don't love some of the turns this movie takes when it comes to mental health, but it's hard to deny this film is classic that has stunning animation.
TW: negative depictions of mental disorders, violence, blood
11. Skinamarink (2022)
This controversial found footage movie is sort of hard to describe because it's so otherworldly. Basically, two kids wake up one night to find their dad and all of their doors and windows are missing. Everything about this nostalgic yet terrifying film is vibes and aesthetic: liminal, vaporwave, voidcore, dreamcore, you name it. It feels like a fever dream, and it's a nightmarish journey you won't soon forget, for better or worse.
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10. Vivarium (2019)
A couple are looking for a home to share. They follow a strange realtor to an even stranger labyrinthine neighborhood that seems to have no escape. If you're into liminal spaces, this film will definitely scratch that itch for you.
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9. Revenge (2017)
This is a r*pe revenge tale that has absolutely beautiful scenery and cinematography. I love the sweeping liminal landscapes and vibrant vaporwave colors. It's a standard plot as far as the genre goes, but it's directed by a woman, so it has a different angle that I find to be superior to most films of the genre.
TW: violence, gore, SA, blood
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8. Don't Worry Darling (2022)
A 1950s housewife begins to suspect that something about her utopian community is not what it seems. This film seems to be a bit controversial, too, for some reason. Whatever the case may be, I adore the liminality and dreamy feel of this film. You really get a sense that this world is outside of time and space.
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7. It Follows (2014)
This film is straight up about a sexually transmitted curse. Jay sleeps with her boyfriend for the first time, and then finds out she must outpace this demon that can take the shape of anyone forever lest it kill her, or she must pass the curse on to someone else. The shots in this film are to die for. Especially for connoisseurs of the liminal, vaporwave, and dreamcore. Highly recommend for the visuals and music alone.
TW: gore, blood
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6. House (1977)
Gorgeous decides to stay with her aunt to hopefully get closer with a group of six of her friends. The girls come to find her aunt's house is more than meets the eye. The visuals and absurdity are what make this movie. It's a classic for a reason.
TW: cartoon gore
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5. Akira (1988)
Tetsuo gains psychic abilities via a secret military project and becomes mad with power. It's up to his friends and a small group of psychics to stop him. This is another classic anime. Its 1980s futuristic mentality really lends itself to the vaporwave atmosphere of the cityscape. I highly recommend this classic if you haven't seen it.
TW: violence, body horror
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4. Censor (2021)
Enid is a serious film censor with a shrouded past that includes her long-missing sister. She watches a film that bears eerie resemblance to her vague childhood memories that begin to take hold of her as tries to piece them together. I don't think I'm totally clear on when this film takes place, which is what I love about it. It has a spooky surreal quality that will both draw you in and unsettle you.
TW: violence, blood
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3. She Dies Tomorrow (2020)
Amy is convinced she is going to die tomorrow. Her friend Jane comes by to comfort her, and then becomes consumed by the thought she will die tomorrow as well. This film is as strange as it is beautiful. It will either leave you in tears or confused af or both.
TW: blood
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2. The Neon Demon (2016)
Jesse is a very young, gifted model who is new in town (probably LA). She quickly signs with an agent and begins getting gigs, breeding the contempt of the established models around her. This is probably one of the most visually appealing films I've ever seen. The music is on point. The low key acting is a vibe. I just adore this film. 10/10, highly recommend.
TW: gore, blood
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1. The Platform (2019)
A man wakes up in a prison that is an indescribable liminal pit where there are a seemingly never-ending number of levels. A platform full of food is lowered through each level once a day, and everyone on the lower levels must fight to survive. This film is just so utterly anticapitalist and gorgeous that I can't help but sing its praises. I think everyone should watch this movie at least once. It is horrifying yet eye-opening. Certainly one of my favorite films of all time.
TW: gore, violence, blood
Thank you for reading my list! Like I said, I wanted to make a list like this because I couldn't find one when I went looking. I hope you found something to add to your watchlist! I tried to include some of the big TWs for these movies, but they're far from complete lists. So please check websites like doesthedogdie.com for more complete TW lists if you have any concerns. Make decisions that are right for you. Thanks again, and have a happy and safe new year! xx
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coffeestainedcamera · 1 month
Wasn't going to see Deadpool 3 bc I'm not up to date on the MCU and don't care to be. But I was at the mall for roach traps bc my landlord sucks, so I wanted escapism. Going to this and getting some top-tier ramen after was some nice short-notice therapy.
Good news: if you were a y2k baby and X-Men were your childhood, it's nostalgic AF. The only modern thing you need to know is that there's a bunch of time-space cops and they had a guy go rogue and try to off a branching timeline. Bc no Wolverine = sorry why do y'all exist again? Sadly, no, Hugh Jackman did not get a musical theater sequence he deserves.
But in general, it really was a hit of nostalgia for me. Like, seeing Deadpool dancing to Bye Bye Bye just really hit both those y2k radio and the "sneakily rented DP 1 at 15" points. There is still a lot of juvenile R-rated humor like defiling a corpse and stabbing below the belt to bubblegum pop. I also may have hyena-laughed at the "Disney won't let us do the marching powder" scene.
Tbh I initially wasn't on board with massively blowing up the scale of the conflict from 1 and 2, but it somehow worked with Deadpool's character devolution/recovery. Like yeah, he resigns himself to being a bit character that just sells merch to teens and college kids with utterly rotten sense of humor. And being a used car salesman (truly the 2nd grossest job after working for my landlord). And that bombed interview in the beginning was painful to watch. But it was sweet to watch him realize that he can still help people, even if he's supposed to just be a murderous clown that's an HR nightmare. And awwww, he helped Logan realize that he can still get a 2nd chance, even if he's supposedly the worst Wolverine.
The direction is... well, it's no Leitch with Domino's finessing in 2. But it's still largely readable, obligatory CGI f-fest of the last half aside. And I was suitably disgusted by Emma Corrin's character and the literal picking of brains. Can Levy go study under Raimi and drop a horror movie? I'd watch it! Anyways, imo the most memorable scene was probably the Honda Odyssey fight (aka incredibly obvious subtext for needing to get a room that the entire room caught). But like, guys, a beige af minivan, really? But ya, somewhere, people are pulling up keyboards and AO3.
Anyways, gonna go relisten to the soundtrack now bc mannnnn, everyone involved with music supervision and clearance here deserves cold pillows and perfect-temp coffee for life. Btw the Stray Kids single only appeared in the background as instrumental (but well, they got to film an MV with Reynolds and Jackman and also got that MCU bag).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
What if…. What if Shanks was ticklish and Buggy was the only person in the world who knows because would you go over and just try and tickle an emperor of the sea? Would you have the balls? I don’t think so. Buggy’s Chopchop ability was the bane of Shanks existence when they were young, but he would insist on being not ticklish at all, even when Buggy’s detached hand was finger walking it’s way up from his arm to his shoulder to his neck and he was already biting his lower lip and shaking because he knew what was coming.
Which also is the problem he’s facing in the current day, because you’d think Haki would help with being ticklish because you can anticipate it coming but it’s even WORSE actually because Buggy can just look at him funny and Shanks is already trembling and giggling because he’s the kind of guy who gets phantom tickles and he knows Buggy well enough to know when he gets the idea.
Buggy is torn between being pleased that he has finally found a weak point and thinking it’s the stupidest thing he ever heard and being mad about it (especially during the time when he’s still in denial about having positive feelings about him as an adult) and between being weirdly… moved? Nostalgic? Trying not to be touched? Because thing is: Shanks only lets him do that. There aren’t many people around who would still dare to try this with Shanks anyways, but let’s say Buggy sees Yasopp just kind of make a grabby motion towards Shanks in jest while they are out drinking and Shanks equally playfully slaps his hand away, which Buggy knows he wouldn’t have done if it was his hand and would have lead to a one sided twenty minute long tickle fight between them when they were younger. Tries real hard not to think about why that pleases him.
I don’t know either I was just struck with the mental image of Buggy with a shit eating grin on his face asking Shanks if he’s suuuuure he’s not ticklish at all? Reaaaally not even a little? While his fingertips lightly draw circles on his neck and Shanks going „NOPE! Ffffhhh. Not, ha-, not at all! Nooooo…“ while visibly holding back laughter. And it’s cute af
This is the sweetest thing ever and I'm dying reading this,,
I love this because I'm sure there are a lot of things Shanks and Buggy did only with each other together when they were kids that feel too personal and intimate to let anybody else do it. Shanks doesn't let other people tickle him, not because of being an emperor, but because that's something Buggy did to him when they were kids and he refuses somebody else to do it. And it's such a simple, stupid thing but,, Imagine these two trying to reconnect. Trying to get along again. And it's hard to be the way they used to be all of a sudden, so it's slow and it takes a lot of time for them to learn about the people they've become without the other. And as you said, Buggy sees the whole thing of Yasopp trying to reach out to Shanks and Shanks not wanting that. There's just this warmth inside of Buggy. Satisfaction. Relief. Whatever this is called. And he hates the feeling of getting soft and weak around Shanks again, but damn, it's just so fucking nice to see him react like that to his own crew, even, when Buggy knows he would never do that to him.
So he tries to prove that theory and after a few more drinks he reaches out to him and places a hand on his hip (trying to play it off like it's nothing and it's not embarrassing at all, when he's actually panicking). And Shanks not only lets him do it but sits closer to him. He places his arm around Buggy's shoulders and keeps laughing at somebody else's joke like nothing happened. He likes his touch and apparently, he keeps wanting more and Buggy hates how much he loves being like this again, even if they've changed. Even if the arm pressing him close it's not the left one like it used to be.
Shanks looks at Buggy smiling, oh so happy and satisfied it makes Buggy go insanely mad. So the clown just rolls his eyes and smirks, and decides to do the thing he always did to piss off Shanks and starts tickling him. His laugh fills the whole place and it's so damn lovely,,, Their crews just ignore them but share knowing looks of "Oh, these two are going to be so damn annoying now if they start getting along again".
And I think that, besides the tickling, there are so many things that they don't let other people do because the other used to do it with them. Like- Buggy let Shanks touch his hair all the time because it felt nice and apparently the redhead loved it, but now he fucking hates it when other people touch it. Shanks doesn't let people tickle him, as you said, but also despises it when somebody drinks from the same bottle/glass as him because he and Buggy used to share bottles of sake in secret back at the Oro Jackson and it brings back old memories. Etc, etc, etc and a thousand things more they did together and refuse to let other people do now.
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duhragonball · 4 months
Dragon Ball AF Lore
Last night I reblogged a thing about Xicor, the imaginary villain of Dragon Ball AF, the imaginary sequel to Dragon Ball GT. There were some cool responses to this, but I didn't want to reblog the entire post all over again, so I thought I'd carry the discussion over here.
@brotoman-exe : #so do they ever explain why Goku cheats on his wife in this set up?#(to be clear Im guessing it was likely a stolen dna Superman 4 thing just having fun)
My understanding was that the West Supreme Kai faked her death and then came back as a bad guy. She somehow obtained a DNA sample from Goku and used it to impregnate herself? The end result being that Xicor is the biological son of Goku and the West Supreme Kai, even though Goku himself had no idea of any of this.
Of course, it's impossible to cite sources on any of this, since I'm talking about made-up details from a made-up show. It's entirely possible that there are other versions of the AF legend where Goku cheated on his wife like a jerk.
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What I always wanted to know was how the West Supreme Kai survived the fight with Kid Buu five million years ago, and why she laid low for so long.
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But now that you've brought up Superman IV, I can't stop thinking about the raw chicken thigh Lex stuffed in that little lockbox. This is my new DBAF personal canon.
@scarabats123: #As someone who wasn't alive in 1994#let me tell you Xicor and AF was THRIVING in the 2000s up into the early 2010s#hell even now some people make nostalgic fanart of it#Everyone knew about Xicor and Evil Goku and that blue bald dude
It really is bizarre how long the AF mythos has persisted. I think Dragon Ball Super was the final nail in the coffin for any true believers that were still left, but by the time DBS came out AF had already established itself as this weird little thing in its own right. It's like Bigfoot. I think everyone knows it's not real and doesn't make a lot of sense, but the idea is too much fun to discard completely.
@mozillavulpix: definitely think there's a lot of information here that's wrong, but I wasn't in the fandom in the 1990s to confirm any of it But the one big thing is...I'm pretty sure 'Dragon Ball AF' was originally supposed to stand for 'April Fools'. Like at one point someone somewhere started the name just because it'd be hilarious to trick people into believing something with a name so obviously-fake if you were paying attention. But when people started believing it they came up with their own theories on what it meant. kanzenshuu also says the rumours probably only started around 2002-2003 https://www.kanzenshuu.com/rumor/dragon-ball-af/
There were some factual errors, but the one that stood out to me was the notion of Toyotaro creating Towa and Mira, since I'd always heard Toriyama created her for Dragon Ball Online. And I've heard of the Goku Black/Xicor parallels before, but I'm pretty sure that's more of a coincidence than anything else.
I also found the 1990s to be a little too early for AF rumors to really get started, so I went back to that Kanzenshuu article you linked to and read it again just to check. This time, I ran across the link to the message board discussion about the "SSJ5 Goku" image that seems to have started it all.
Apparently, this was all discovered back in 2012, but I don't think I ever heard about this until now. Someone found the "AF Goku" image in an issue of the magazine Hobby Consolas, cover dated May 1999.
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It looks like the magazine just published reader-submitted fan art, and this particular one was credited to David Montiel Franco of Alicante, Spain. Forums member Raykugan published this information in February 2012, and then Derek Padula contacted the artist and published his findings on his blog "Dao of Dragon Ball".
David Montiel Franco, as it turns out, has his own blog, af-dragonball.blogspot.com, where he appears to be promoting his Dragon Ball AF fancomics. And apparently, the guy in the image is not Super Saiyan 5 Goku at all, but an OC named Tablos.
So it appears that the true original DBAF was a fanwork created by Franco prior to May 1999. Everyone else was building onto his creation whether they knew it or not. The alternative is that Franco is stealing the credit from the true artist, but that seems like a weird thing to still be holding onto after all these years. I mean, if he wanted clout, you'd think he'd do more self-promotion than this. By now, everyone would have heard of his claims to be the creator of AF. So I think he might be the real deal.
Anyway, it definitely ties DBAF to the year 1999, although I have a feeling the rumors didn't really pick up steam until 2002 or so, as U.S. fans became aware of a sequel series to Z and wondered what might follow after that. There may have been rumors in other countries that got earlier access to GT, and there were surely American fans in the 90's who knew more about GT before it was localized. But at least the concept of AF was around in the 90's, even if it was the tail end of the 90's, and even if it was very obscure.
But that's AF in general, not Xicor. I get the sense that Vintagegeekculture seemed to conflate Tablos with Xicor, and that's probably an understandable mistake to make, since Xicor was probably invented as a response to what was thought to be SSJ5 Goku. So Xicor must have come later, but how much later?
I guess what bugs me is that there ought to be someone who would claim credit for the character, the way Franco claimed to be the artist of the DBAF image. It's kind of fascinating how Xicor is out there and no one's trying to act like it was their idea.
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nazbruhh · 10 months
Ranking Archons from Genshin impact
Nahida- my baby. The fact that people hated her and wanted other God and yet, Nahida didn't give up on people and tried everything to save her people and her nation from disaster. She's the most precious Archon in Genshin. I will protect you at all cost.
Furina- In order to save her nation she literally has to fake her personality and her being an *archon*, which caused her to suffer for 500 years. She was a human, who just wanted peace. She deserved so much better.
Venti- my beloved <3, I loved him ever since I started playing genshin impact. He will always be my most nostalgic and fave character. The only thing I don't like about him is that people only treat him like a *drunkard* and that's literally it. He's drinking as a copium after losing his friend and still use his body for years. My beloved
Zhongli - I'm gonna be honest, he's still very interesting character. But I unfortunately lost interest in him, mostly bc he doesn't do much anymore. Like yeah he cares for his nation but like. I want to see more what he does, instead he just sits and drink tea bruh. I don't hate him at all btw, just lost interest...
Raiden Shogun, Ei - OH BOY WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!? Ok ok ok. Lemme say things straight. I love her design, I love gameplay, I love her story she's very cool and interesting character. BUT OMG THE WAY THEY WROTE HER IN STORY WAS GOD AWFUL. Instead of getting a very cool character, we got * UWUWUW BABY WAIFU WHO LIKES DRINKING DANGO MILK UWUWUWUW 💖💖💖* LET'S NOT FORGET THAT SHE WAS THE REASON THAT HER NATION SUFFERERED. She is also very VERY irresponsible. Instead of leading her nation on her own, she let her puppet rule everything and Ei was just... Sitting on her ass and done NOTHING. Her first story quest was also meaningless af. And the way she became kind and sweet only bc of Traveler's power of friendship is just hilarious. So yeah she's my least favorite archon.
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riririnnnn · 6 months
So, Hiiragi, Niko and Zantetsu lost.
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And we all can correctly predict that it was Zantetsu that was chosen—it was a surprise for me to be honest. I mean, the Nagi trio already had Chigiri with them, so picking up another speed-based player confused me a bit. I have only read that Manga superficially, so I can't say much about Hiiragi but I do think that he was a real good player.
All in all, Niko seemed like a better choice, but I guess we'll get to know why Zantetsu got chosen. Maybe Nagi got nostalgic or something? Lol.
Now, there are 4 members in the Team, and in the match, we'll have Kiyora. Why? Because firstly, Nagi's team was the SECOND team in the second selection to have completed it, so it makes sense that they win again 'cause if they were to lose, then there would make THREE matches in total and that'll delay things, you know.
So now, who is going to be with Kiyora?
An easy prediction is: Karasu, Otoya and Yukimiya.
This prediction makes sense since this trio was the THIRD group to have completed the second selection.
These three already have character developments further in the manga, you know. I think, Kaneshiro-san will use Nagi Spin-off as a chance to showcase other side characters like Hiiragi, low-key, came into the table seemingly out of nowhere.
I can't write ALL the possible teams because, haha, that's HELLA lot, so let's take a small dive individually:
1. Himizu Aiki
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Team: Third with Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya.
Bro looks so fucking rad! I mean, his character is too fucking pretty to just be a side character, so I think he could be with Kiyora because that way he'd be in the limelight. Honestly, I want more of him, he is just too gorgeous.
2. Yuzu Haruhiko
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Team: Third with Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya.
He looks like a cutie patootie! I remember one of my Fanfic's reader said that his hair looks like spring onions and I can't unsee, LMAO.
He had been near the focus in some panels during second selection. He, in fact, had a line too when Aryu was asking players to play against them and everybody was refusing, but Anime cut it out—I got a bit mad since he looked adorably funny in the panel.
He has also been seen hanging out with Hiiragi in the background (I'm not quite sure).
3. Tsunzaki Taiga
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Team: Fourth with Nanase and Hiiragi.
A good design to be honest. I don't remember much of him, but yeah, he has been near the focus of panels too.
4. Endoji Akira
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Team: Fourth with Nanase and Hiiragi.
He was present during the match where Shidou got electrocuted and he had some lines too. Idk why but he just seems like a character too good to be thrown out without any screentime.
5. Saramadara Kairu
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Team: Fifth with Niko and Hiori.
He actually has a fair amount of details like he is a surfer and is considered pretty intimidating looking by his peers. He was against Isagi, Rin and Shidou during the tryouts too. Would love to see more of him.
6. Ishikari Yukio
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Team: Fifth with Niko and Hiori.
Tall af—bro is like 2 metres tall. He was one of those characters about whom something was spoken in the JFU building by Isagi or Kira Idk I don't remember. He had lines too and gave a head pass in a match too.
Looks chill af tho.
7. Nishioka Hajime
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Team: Fifth with Hiori and Niko.
He seems like the most probable option because Aomori's Messi, you know. Bro is low-key a meme material in the Fandom tbh.
It seems like the perfect time to showcase his talent which has been hyped up till now. Further, do you remember that Barou, Naruhaya and Nishioka had teamed up and they lost and then Nishi was chosen? What if the choosing team had Kiyora in it?
So it makes perfect sense for Barou to hold a grudge with Kiyora for choosing someone else over him. To add more spice, what if Kiyora had said some outrageous stuffs to Barou? Makes sense!
You getting me, right?
8. Shiguma Kyohei
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Team: Sixth with Raichi, Gagamaru and Wanima.
He is canonically a reserved person—that additional time with Chigiri + Saramadara + him. A gentle giant. His character design doesn't stand out much tho. Also, mathematically, two person with that much Team number difference seems really taxing, but I can't say much since Kurona had a rank of 4 too and yet he was in the last team.
9. Tanaka Shingen
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Team: Sixth with Raichi, Gagamaru and Wanima.
Appeared in an additional time and in that Blue Lock Bible or something, he was ranked as one of the least appealing boys to girls too.
He seems close to Gagamaru tho.
10. Sokura Tetsu
Team: Seventh with Shidou, Reo, Igarashi and Kurona.
Can't seem to be able to add his pic but he seems rather.. plain looking. That's all. I don't remember him in any panels at all too.
If my mathematics is correct then Niko played like 6-10 matches during second selection. Bro was DONE by the end of it.
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reallyhardy · 10 months
Loren, have you started watching Scott Pilgrim Takes Off!? I'm on episode 5 rn, interested in your thoughts if you have started watching
YES hello!
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i thought it was brilliant! i loved the subversion of expectation (i mean i WOULD deffo have been happy to sit there any just watch The Story I Know yet again, but it was SO exciting when i realised they were doing something different.) i love love LOVED the animation, all the action sequences looked so fantastic, and... i loved the addition of the sparks ✨ i thought it was SO so cute. SPOILERSSSS below:
i thought will forte playing older/even older scott was a fantastic choice (channelling phil tandy miller from the last man on earth for sure)
i also adored the scene with kim and knives bonding through music, and all of knives becoming part of the band... the whole thing with todd and wallace was absolutely nuts...
i thought it was nice expanding on all the exes stories and having ramona go in and make up with (most of) them. the story with roxie was particularly good and had me tearing up! and i was absolutely sobbing by the end of the series haha although i think a lot of it had to do with the nostalgic angle for me and how much i'd loved the movie as a teen hahaha and then having the story come back for a third time in my life in a way that felt kinder and more redemptive was really something.
at first i was sad they didn't get into things like steven being gay but then i realised... ofc with it ending in a similar place 'let's try this' but also really it actually ended chronologically not long after the original story starts... it had me realise oh actually there's still so much possiblity for these characters and their lives. they could still have a lot of those adventures and discoveries that happen in the later comics even if we don't see them, it ends on the hopeful note that lets you know they're all going to try, even in the face of knowing that it Could All Go Wrong as shown by older scott & ramona's story, that there is always hope and they may as well give it a shot. BUT i also thought that part with Ultimate Ramona saying "i'm probably going to struggle with this later, so let me tell you this now, i love you" IDKKK i know to that-timeline scott that's early af but to ultimate ramona it's a real present thing since she's got all of that knowledge and history inside her. ANYWAY MADE ME EMOTIONAL also loved the visual reference to the kiss from the end of ponyo :')
.............ramona RE-BLEACHING and dyeing her hair THAT much was absolutely insane though 🤣 i've seen ppl say 'WITH A DEVELOPER BASE!?' too although I PERSONALLY believe she was maybe. mixing with conditioner. that's the only thing i could think of that would make it even remotely acceptable to bleach it that much (but also its a cartoon so ofc not realistic haha)
also i THOROUGHLY enjoyed the nicholas angel & danny butterman cameos 🤣 i was like wait why are these two security guards english.....? oh wait. oh okay. i see.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
We'll Find Her P3
Media - The Queens Gambit Character - Benny Watts Couple - Benny X Reader Reader - Y/n Watts Rating - Sad AF! Cute AF Word Count - 2687
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I yawned as I came down the stairs looping my belt buckle through the hole as I came down and saw Y/n standing making breakfast as usual, in her cute little blue dress hugging her every curve, making the fake belly very obvious and unavoidable to the eye. As she stepped into the room, I couldn't help but admire how her Y/H/C hair cascaded in natural, beautiful curls. With a rush of affection, I approached her, enveloping her in my arms and showering her graceful, swan-like neck with a series of tender kisses.
"Good morning to you too Benny," She chuckled, "Careful I have a knife," She said as she cut up toast,
"Ummm you telling me you're armed and dangerous my darling?" I chuckled my hands immediately roaming her curves, especially around her hips and her bump. "Maybe daddy might like mommy a little... dangerous,"
"Take your breakfast," she told me,
"Just a little longer," I pouted stroking my hands over her bump, "I must admit... I'm a little nostalgic,"
"...When you were pregnant with Violet," I cooed, "Didn't realize just how much I love how you look pregnant,"
"Oh, do you now?"
"I do, maybe I should have got you pregnant again years ago,"
"Sure Benny," she chuckles dismissively,
"Don't you feel a little nostalgic wearing the bump? Doesn't it remind you of all the beautiful moments when you were pregnant,"
She turns and her blue eyes glare me down, "I don't recall beautiful moments, I remember, bloating, throwing up, screaming, crying, and experiencing the pain of forcing a child out of me with no painkillers."
"I remember the sweet cuddles holding your bump, taking you shopping to pick out cute little baby clothes and shoes, getting to feel little Violet kicking and moving, seeing her little wave the first time we saw her at the ultrasound" I cooed,
"You don't remember me throwing a lamp at you becuase my shoes wouldn't fit, or holding my hair back every morning while I vomited for two hours," she says, "Or how about when I kicked out of bed at three am to get me specifically kfc chicken, McDonald's fries, a Wendy's milkshake and a Seven Eleven soda."
"I do remember but it was all worth it wasn't it when we got our little violet?"
"Of course it was,"
"Plus I remember I just drove around and got a meal at each place and ate the stuff you didn't want, it was fun." I chuckled, "But... I mean it, I'm kinda reminiscing about your being pregnant,"
"Well, we'll have a baby to take care of at the end of this,"
"I know we will, and I'll love it as much as I love you, and Violet."
"I know you will," She smiled giving my lips a soft tender kiss,
I sat on the couch with Catalong in hand, we needed to do some baby-related shopping. I remember going shopping with Y/n when we were making the nursery up for Violet and I remember how cute it was and how much I loved having that time with her. But we couldn't even dream of going out together and leaving Violet home alone, and we couldn't drag her along with us when she's pregnant she'd be tired, and upset, and stressed trying to hide it so it just wasn't worth it.
Instead, I sat on the couch pen between my teeth, cataloge in one hand, Y/n's thigh in the other.
Y/n sat beside me in her little dress with her knitting making the baby some little socks,
Violet sat on the chair doing her school work as they delivered her a pack each week with all the work she had to do, and they'd pick it up when they dropped off the next one. At least till she's okay enough to go back to school but that'll be after the baby comes, she wore a long hoodie dress big enough to hide her bump growing every day. I know she is excited at least for it all to be over and gain some sense of normality, but she had been such a good mom so far, all the vitamins, all the appointments, all the rules. She was doing everything she could to make sure the baby would be okay. All the while doing her work and making plans for college and her future knowing she wouldn't have the baby to hold her back.
"Mom, dad?" she spoke up,
"Yes, sweetheart?" Y/n asked,
"You... your really good parents," she briefly smiled,
Awww my little heart, "We are?" I asked,
"Yeah, you don't have to do this for me, you could be mad at me, or... but you're not, just happy to help. Thank you." she smiled,
"Aww you're welcome sweetheart," I smiled kissing her forehead, "now don't worry your little head, just relax and everything is going to be okay I promise,"
"I love you guys," she said sitting between me and Y/n giving us both a hug,
"We love you too Violet," Y/n smiled,
"I'm gonna grab some juice," She said as she got up and headed to the kitchen,
"How did we raise such an angel?" Y/n cooed,
"Cause you're the best mom in the world," I cooed kissing her,
"Aww and you're the best dad, Benny," she smiled, "Maybe we'll get lucky to raise another angel,"
"I'm sure we will," I smiled, "Now... do we need... a snuz cloud,"
"A what?"
"A Snuz cloud, it's a little cloud it plays lullabies,"
"A mobile?"
"No, it's a little cloud it like straps around the bars of the crib, plays a little sleepy song and smells like lavender," I showed her the picture,
"...Okay it's cute but as soon as the baby has arm strength it's gonna rip that off the crib and have it halfway across the nursery,"
"...Good point," I nodded, "No Snuz cloud."
"You got bottles on the list?"
"Yep I have... the eight pack, I remember we bought the four pack when we had violet and it wasn't enough."
"Do sixteen,"
"Why so many?"
"I can't breastfeed this time can I,"
"...Ohh yeah... I didn't think of that. Alright, sixteen it is," I nodded,
Just then we heard the sound of Violet bolting to the bathroom after something in the fridge caught her nose,
"I'm going," Y/n smiled as she kissed my head before going to help Violet,
As I lay in bed, the soft glow of the moonlight filled the room, casting a gentle shadow on the form of Y/n as she peacefully slept in my arms. A sense of tranquillity enveloped us, but amidst this calm, I suddenly became alert to the sound of small, furtive footsteps. Instantly, my senses sharpened, and I braced myself for whatever was about to unfold. I grabbed my knife from the bedside table and got to my feet, As I made my way through the house, I meticulously checked every room to make sure that everything was in its place. A faint smile crossed my face as I passed by the nursery we had set up. However, a sense of unease washed over me when I noticed that Violet's door was ajar. Instinctively, I hurried over and cautiously peered inside. The soft glow of her nightlight illuminated the room, but Violet was nowhere to be seen. My heart raced as I pushed the door open further, fearing the worst.
No... no no no no!
I hurried down the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest, fully prepared to dial the police hotline. However, as soon as I entered the kitchen, I caught sight of Violet, standing near the sink. A wave of relief washed over me, and I let out a deep, calming sigh.
"Hi sweetheart," I told her as I gasped, kissing her forehead, "Why are you up to late... or early... depending on the sleep you have done,"
"Late," she said, "I can't sleep... it's my stomach,"
"Did you want me to lift the bump? I used to do that for your mom when you were in her tummy that always helped her?"
"No thanks, Dad... I feel like... cramps I guess,"
"Like period cramps?"
"Okay... that... don't panic but that might be a contraction sweetheart,"
"It could!"
"Don't panic, it's okay. Braxton hicks are common this late into pregnancy, like false contractions."
"How can you tell between them?"
"false contractions go away when you eat something, so have a seat I'll cut you up some fruit and while you eat I'll go wake your mother," I told her grabbing some strawberries from the fridge cutting them up and leaving them with her while I went back upstairs, "Y/n? Y/n honey?"
"Ummm no Benny, maybe tomorrow night." She brushed me off,
"Hey!" I protested, "No it's Violet she thinks she's having Braxton hicks,"
"Humm? Coming," Y/n yawned getting out of bed quickly getting dressed and heading down, I got dressed too just in case, And I headed down seeing Violet finishing the strawberries and Y/n shook her head at me. I nodded and grabbed the phone calling up the midwife as fast as I could. "No need to worry we'll be right here every step of the way."
I paced outside the guest room, already prepped for this moment. I felt so so anxious, I wanted Violet to be in a hospital getting the best care possible in case anything was to go wrong just like Y/n was. But... we had to use the midwife for the sake of Violet's reputation, and her future and for passing the baby off as our own. Hearing my daughter scream was like torture, wishing I could help but knowing there was little or nothing I could do. I remembered holding Y/n's hand as she gave birth to Violet and even then it was hellish to know someone I loved so much was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do. But... I know that all I can do is be here, be supportive, offer a hand, a kind word and hope it helps.
Soon enough the door opened to the midwife her bag packed, she saw me and nodded to me having already been briefed on the secrecy and the arrangement made. She slowly left and I took a breath before I headed inside seeing Violet on the bed wrapped up in a blanket, Y/n by her side.
"Hey sweetheart, how you doing?" I cooed coming and sitting on the bed with her stroking her blonde hair from her face,
"Yeah... a lot of pain" I chuckled,
"I have... so much respect for you," She said to Y/n, "How the crap did you do this without painkillers?"
"Strength, willpower, swearing at your father," Y/n laughed,
"A lot of swearing at me," I nodded, "She threw a shoe at me,"
Which made her laugh, but her tone turned sad. "I'm not as strong as you..."
"You had to deal with so much too, just becuase we did it differently doesn't mean it's worth any more or any less. You gave birth to a healthy baby and that is a miracle no matter how it's done." Y/n reassured her,
"Yeah thanks, Mom... and it's over now,"
"It's over now," I smiled "You did so good."
"Thanks, dad," she nodded,
"Did you want to hold your baby?" Y/n asked,
"...No." She answered, "He's not my baby. He's yours" She nodded,
"Are you sure?" I asked,
"I'm sure," She said,
"Okay, we all agree then from this moment on... he's our baby," Y/n asked and we all nodded agreeing to his secret between us,
"He?" I asked,
"He," Y/n nodded,
"Can I... Can I hold him?" I asked already getting teary,
Y/n rolled the little crib over and there lay the sweet little boy with a tuff of blonde hair, I smiled so widely as Y/n and I sat together and I picked up the little boy holding him in my arms and stroking his sweet little head,
"He's perfect,"
"He is isn't he," She cooed playing with his fingers,
"A sweet little baby boy." I cooed, "Ohh shit."
"Benny! Don't swear in front of the baby,"
"Sorry." I gulped, "But still... I painted the nursery lilac."
"Boys can like lilac," Violet shrugged,
"You love Lilac that's why you picked it," Y/n chuckled,
"But I could give him a space bedroom..." I told her,
"No space bedrooms,"
"Fine," I pouted, "Any ideas on names?"
"I had an idea,"
"Well, we named Violet because of the sweet purple baby blanket they gave us in the hospital,"
"I'm named after a blanket?" Violet spoke up,
"We're not creative people," I shrug,
"Maybe we should do that for this little guy too?" Y/n suggested,
I glanced at the blanket he was wrapped up in by the midwife and I rasied an eyebrow to my wife, "Grey? You wanna name him Grey? Or silver? Or gloomy? or dismal? Are you trying to have a goth son? cause that's how we get a goth son."
"An element I highly doubt you'd complain about," She glared tugging my black shirt,
"Touche," I sighed, "But Grey?"
"I was thinking more... Sterling, Like silver."
"Sterling," I muttered, "God damn it I love it. This is just how it happened last time!"
"Seriously?" Violet asked,
"Yeah, we saw your blanket, and said aww how cute such a nice purple lavender colour, I said you really wanna name our daughter lavender and she suggested Violet. Thats it. Stuck. Now I'm not gonna like Sterling has stuck. Sterling Watts... Yep. Sold." I nodded,
"It does suit him," She nodded,
"I think so too, little Sterling," Y/n smiled kissing his head,
"You guys are gonna be great for him, I know you will," Violet smiled.
I sat on the couch bottle in my hand as I let Sterling feed while Y/n finished her shower, I let out a little yawn briefly pulling the bottle from his lips and he let out a little yawn too.
"Awww you're so cute," I cooed kissing his forehead,
"How's he doing?" Y/n asked as she came down with her towel still around her hair but dressed for the day ahead,
"Drinking away, got that glazed over milk drunk look," I chuckled, "Look at him, the lil drunkard, absolutely sloshed on that yummy milk,"
"Aww" She chuckled giving both of me and Sterling a kiss before she went to the door grabbing the mail that had come through the letter box while I had been feeding him,
"Morning," Violet smiled as she came down all ready for the day too,
"Good morning," I smiled,
"Hey baby Sterling," She smiled at him, "Hi Mom,"
"Hey sweetheart," Y/n greeted as she flipped through the mail coming to the living room Violet sat in the chair,
"What's the plan today then?" I asked,
"Pool with Melody and Fisher," Violet nodded,
"Ooohh sounds fun, just be-"
"Careful. I know Dad,"
"Good," I nodded,
"Okay, three for me, Four for Benny." Y/n said as she set her mail on the table and took Sterling from me handing me my letters, "And two for Violet,"
"Ooohh two? lil miss popular" I chuckled opening my own, mostly just tournament info and a bill, all of which I just gathered up as Y/n handed me her which were also just bills,
"I... I got a court date." Violet said,
"What?" I asked very confused,
"A court date, for... for his trial."
The room ran cold,
"You don't have to go," Y/n began,
"Oh no. I'm going." She snapped, "I am going, and I am going to tell them every word of what he did."
"We'll go with you," I told her, "Be by your side, not gonna lie I also wanna go just to make sure the cunt fries."
"Benny." Y/n glared,
"What? he is a cunt."
"But I do wanna go. I need to go."
"If you're sure sweetheart, we'll be with you every moment I promise. And if you want to leave at any point it's okay,"
"Thanks Mom,"
"And I will punch him if they let me close enough to him," I said,
"Thanks Dad,"
"Open the other letter maybe it's some... better news." I tried to cheer her up,
She nodded and opened up the other reading it over and immediately the tone changed, "I- I did it!" Violet smiled, "I got accepted!"
"To where?" Y/n excitedly,
Violet paused a moment before she yelled out with such excitement "Yale!"
Immediately we all erupted into joy giving her hugs and kisses and congratulating her on being accepted,
"We are so proud of you!" I smiled hugging her tight, "We love you Violet, our sweet baby girl,"
"I love you too Dad!" She cooed, "I love you too mom, so so much you've done so much for me I can't even begin to thank you,"
"Hey, we're your parents you never need to thank us for anything sweetheart," Y/n told her, 
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bloogers-boogers · 11 months
Ok so since I can't be anonymous anymore it's time I reveal myself so hello, ur literally my fav artist! Here is the image
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Firstly I want to say that it still baffles me that I'm ur fav artist, I'm super flattered but also very grateful, thank you!! That makes me emotional 😭💖💖
Also, in regard of your ask, these are the three main ships I like! 💕
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I have hc of each one of them, but I feel it would be a long ass text, but I will try to sum them up for you in the shortest way possible!
Kyman: a bickering hate/friendemies/friends/love romance that pretty much begins with the two disliking each other from the start of their friendship bc of their very different opinions and the way to handle things. They are equal! Mentally and physically; they have different reasons to put their skill and intelligence for, which is why they fight a lot. Kyle would use these qualities for good or right while Cartman refuses to use his abilities for the right and rather go for the wrongs. Their strength is basically based on what they find necessary to do. Cartman is seen as weak when it comes to confrontation (mostly with Kyle) but if Kyle were put himself in trouble all that weakness is vanish, he is strong af, he's just lazy and has no need to put it to use unless it's Kyle in danger. When it comes to Kyle however he uses it to correct Cartman or save him, but normally he doesn't feel the need to waste his energy on punching Cartman when he's his usual neutral dumb self (just one punch and he knocks him out).
Also they're very similar in the way they act; Kyle is just more easy to shrug off while being around an actual menace with no shame. The perfect example of the same coin.
A odd pair that throughout the years developed a bond and trust like no other duo to how obsessed they are with each other. Very obsessed. And yeah, conflict feelings, they fall in love and are even more obsessed with the other but more relaxed. Obnoxious but relaxed nonetheless.
Stendy: Their first and childhood love/highschool sweethearts! It's starts as innocent and cute, then the type of careless and "toxic" you'd expect from literal kids; which is why it's hard to expect much seriousness from it. They care for each other a lot! But unfortunately they have lots of breakups until they finally just had enough (I hc Stan ending it for good in six grade!) But the pair falls again throughout middle school but refuse to make any advances besides just enjoying being friends. They find comfort in their company. Highschool changes that after a long period of being good friends, secret pinning and nervous outbursts. Stan confesses again but this time they're both sure of what they want and starts taking their relationship seriously. They decide to put their relationship on hold while going to college and agreed that if the other no longer had any feelings for the other after reuniting again they would just end things peacefully. Ofcourse, theirs some dating here and there but they find their way, again, to each other. They can't help it, they just have that chemistry, the type that's hard to let go. Nostalgic, maybe? Warm and at home feeling. They get together, have a couple of dates and get married immediately. Cartman thinks it's gay tho.
Kenrietta: their relationship is based on rituals and curses! Mostly Kenny's curse~ Henrietta actually starts getting along with Karen after the little girl couldn't stopped looking for her in advice of her new goth phase and ofc looks up to her. So Henrietta just accepted her around, eventually however, Karen would reveal to her about her "guardian angel" which she would eventually just talk endlessly about him. She then told Henrietta it was mysterion and that's were Henrietta would blurt out "the poor kid?" (I hc that the goths know who mysterion is) but yeah, ofc Karen laughs it off guessing Henrietta was just assuming and let's it go. She meets Kenny when the bastard literally crashes inside her window (firework incident, typical main 4 shit) during a ritual with her friends and Karen. He greeted them causally as he walks dizzily to the center of the ritual unaware of whatever thing they were doing. Kenny gets sacrifice during that! And the next day it was like nothing happened until Henrietta and the goths start feeling some weird connection towards Kenny and they assumed it had something to do with the ritual 'that Kenny messed it up for them and ran off from'. After all that, they drag Kenny's ass into their mess (mostly Karen had to convince him) and eventually start hanging out with them thinking their dark stuff was cool. Eventually getting closer to Henrietta, falling in love first and telling her also about his curse. She believed him oddly enough for his surprise! But he was very grateful unlike with his friends who didn't believe him at all. And yeah that's how their thing started. They have their own thing going on outside the other so they're not together most of the time, but their closest friends and family know they're a "thing". They're not possessive or the slightest clingey type, they understand if the other is in need of space and will give it if necessary. They're pacient, very pacient with the other if they're acting "dumb" and will never back off to point out their bullshit if they're being dismissive about it. They have a lot of dark humor too.
Sorry if it's long! But if there's another ship you're interested in me doing just ask! Those are just personally my main ones Cx
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
hi miss L, i have a spiritual/religious question and i don't know anyone else who could answer it.... since i was a kid i've been attracted to tarot, spirituality, mystical explanations of the worlds workings, astrology, all that good stuff. i never used to connect my spirituality to a single higher power, and i never had any issues with this. for a few years i've been wanting more than just a disturbingly accurate tarot spread and i feel compelled towards god. i'm not sure how to word it honestly! i keep getting messages all around me telling me the saint that watches over me, and that god is there too. so here's my issue.
whenever i reach out and pray or do any kind of ritual or reach out specifically to god or a saint, my life immediately starts going haywire. yesterday i set up a small shrine in my room for my dead kitty since i've been feeling better about her passing and i prayed a little. i asked for sign that i was going in the right direction, and hours after i prayed, our sink plumbing got clogged, my cat (living) ran out and had to be caught, my mom dropped a whole bowl of food, and i wasn't able to pick up groceries bc the bank cards wouldnt work. this never happens in my household, we've been joking that we're cursed. this happens everytime i try to reach out to god. the worst time was when my mom lost her job, dad crashed his car, and i kept having panic attacks out of the blue for a week. i freaked out and took everything i said back and bathed in salt water for hours hoping i could cleanse whatever happened to me. it worked and my life was back to normal the next day.
do you have any advice? i would love to put my trust in a higher power as i've never been religious before, but smthn is going wrong somehow.
thank you for reading, i love seeing you on the dash and your music is so soothing and nostalgic. much love!! <3 <3 <3 <3
so sweet, and caring, thankyou u//u...im sorry things have been difficult :< The following message does not in any way endorse the claim that i understand God, that God could ever be understood, or that any one of us should every try to understand the -inner workings- of God ! purely my feelings v v v
i relate to ur background cus i grew up w no religion, my parents didnt talk about any kind of woo-woo stuff, my dads dad was woo-woo AF and my dad haaaaated it so he rejected all of it so i was pree much just a blank slate. but for some reason i was just REALLY obsessed w magical thinking and the like. believed in god spirits nature deities angels demons magic aliens and i was totaly engrossed in ~my secret world~. i was kinda scared of religion tho i viewed it in a bad light since i was learning about it during the george bush post-9/11 era & for some reason my child self was rly interested in consuming critique of america , iraq war / westboro baptist church type stuff , from an outsider's perspective i saw religion as something american people used as justification for committing atrocities & crazy power trips , which, i mean.. anyways
it didnt help me trust God xD but many of my beliefs remained into my teens i just didnt have any outlet for them. so i got into astrology around 15/16, started learning more about tarot & occultish type things, crytstals, all those subjects intrigued me very much. but i felt the same way as you, like, something was still lacking from it, even when i got these super profound tarot readings, or read my birth chart a million times over looking for clues about ~wtf is this stupid life for~ , i never felt safe. never felt assured, never felt i could trust myself or my future. it was an odd period, early 20s. but then kinda same as u, as my knowledge on these topics expanded i started to notice the quality of Holiness a lot more. the more i learned about different religions the more i realized how connected it all was, and how religion connects to "the occult", and magic, light and dark, i find it very hard to put into words. i just started to find myself actually really earnestly believing in God in a way i never thought i could? Like reading the bible & being completely enthralled, i NEVER woulda thought. i started to feel way safer in the world even tho im still not "christian" technicaly. but i believe in jesus now and it makes me feel safe on a cellular level.
i believe the real jesus was wholly non judgemental and loved everyone no matter what, the thing that susses me out about Religious Institutions was always the judgement that can spawn from it. misses the point of everrything in my opinion.
its kinda wild actually cus when i used to be into like, trash reality tv ghost hunting shows, i remember there was one ep where this psychic was talking about how she always prays to jesus for protection before doing a reading or entering a haunted place. that really intrigued me cus i thought jesus and psychic automatically cancelled each other out. i think that moment rly opened up the rabbitehole and it was so mundane like wtf. still rememebr it tho!
sorry im really in a typing mood tonight.. So my next point was gonna be that, just because i started to really believe in god and jesus and really PRAY for protection & guidance, my life did not get easier xD like i would say the past 6 years have been nothing short of a shit show. my life was fucked before that too tho so its hard to compare, but still, its safe to say my shift in perspective actually brought a lot of chaos into mylife. the point of it, i feel, is that i had to dismantle it in order to truly Live in the frequency of trusting God. because this was new to me! i wanted to trust God, i put out the energy of seeking God, and God was like ok hold on tight..
So now i'm here all these years later like, oh yeah God is real and i love him and it's all real. it's CEMENTED into me lol. When i used to say i trust God it still felt like i was asking permission to be able to feel that way. but now i really really do. And messed up stuff will keep happening forever because there needs to be light & dark, there can't b one without the other. But now i have faith in a really personal way that i wld never attempt to transfer onto another like even by talking about these experiences & concepts i still feel like i don't want to prove anything. except that it's worth it to keep trying, i guess :]
and OK this is really just how i feel like take it with a grain of salt , but from what i've gathered, if you believe in energy entities & astral happenings & whatnot, well. it's my opinion that the invisible low frequency parasites that feed on many ppl's dread & fear, when they're attached to u and u begin to raise your vibration, they get very upset and throw a fit. like think of a demon being exorcised, u know, u imagine it having a total fit in a desperate fight for it's life. if ur appeasing the demon and letting it use you then of course it's going to keep things on an even keel, u kno?
taking a salt bath was a good thing to do tho like one of the best things <3 its also good to have crosses or your holy item of choice around the house, light white candles, organize clutter. pray a lot like every time u feel happy and safe or notice something beautiful say thanku to God.. talk to your angels and encourage them i pray a lot specifically to strengthen them, upgrade their armor n shih...i ask them to work for my loved ones, i try to be concentrated on them, visualize them around me all the time, visualize them standing guard outside every door. i feel this kinda stuff increases ur Holy EXP and over time your spiritual armor gets stronger, bad entities move on and things in life start really flow. the trust just has to b there first, and it will be, so long as u allow it <3
it just takes time, and like i said i dont want to prove anything or be The Convincer, but if u were already having feelings to go down this path i recommend not giving up and let God carry u through those tough situations instead of seeing them as an absence of God or God's Wrath. just keep praying cus it can't hurt right, even if it's just a way to occupy your mind with kind thoughts about your friends and family, there's no downside to prayer. its your own journey so u just gotta live it and feel it out ^^ but pls dont feel u are being punished by God or demons or anything else! So many "bad" things that happen end up being neutral or even "good" in the long run. We can never foresee the reasoning behind God's plan ~~~
yeah, this was a long one, wow...i drank a energy drink 12 hours ago i think it made me hyper.. well have a swell evening if ur reading this anon!! o also i liek to listen to psalms before bed to help me feel calm i feel like it helps bring in angels. i think i will do so now, thanks for the Q i hope things improve for u very soon. Good night anon < 3 3 3 PMD 9
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koifly · 5 months
About James' backstory
So as you can tell, I haven't posted the backstory my OC James yet.
But that will change in a few weeks. I'm currently working on it but school and private problems often get in the way of it. I'm not quite sure when it will be finished but I wanted to say that the story will have illustrated parts. I mean I gotta use my 'skills' in a way.
General information about the story:
The story on its own will not have any type of direct connection to the Slenderman. So no Slenderman showing up outside a window or something like that. Although, it will partly play in my AU of the forest in which the Slenderman resides in. The proxies do exist in that universe, as well as some of the other creeps. While working on James' story I'm also working on my own AU of creepypasta so there will definitely be connections.
This may be a surprise but James does NOT have a canon romantic interest, a bit different than the art I post of him with my version of Toby. I personally think that the romance is a bit unnecessary for his story and non of the proxies will be directly involved in his story for now. Maybe a small, subtle appearance or traces of one of them being near James, but no actual conversation.
I will mention this again when I actually post the story but here is the trigger warning list (for now):
-SA, abusive behaviour of authority
-Mention of SH
-Mention of delusions and hallucinations (I'm not sure if this TW is necessary but just in case)
What even is/does James do post-incident?
James is a sort of vengeful spirit. He is going to murder the man that has assaulted him, but not actively. Using psychological torture is his thing, so he will inflict no direct physical harm to the man. James is NOT a serial killer. He does not lure in people, he does not kill innocent people, he does not hurt wandering humans. His first and last murder will be the one that assaulted him. After that he will wander around the forest, like some sort of ghost. People are able to see him, but only how he WANTS to be perceived. I mentioned this in a post earlier, James has two official appearances.
1. Realistic post death corpse. I think the name sums it up pretty well, he just looks pretty disfigured, rotten and torn in that form.
2. Post death spirit. In this second form, he really just looks like how he did when he was alive. He still has blood running down his body, he still has bruises and wounds but in a way, he still looks alive. He doesn't look disfigured nor rotten. The closest non creepypasta character I can compare him too in that form is the final form of Chandramukhi in the first movie 'Chandramukhi' from the year 2005. (Great, nostalgic horror/comedy Tamil movie btw)
Just to make things clear, in no way whatsoever is James mentally well. He has schizophrenia, social anxiety and body dysmorphia. He is extremely sensitive to his surroundings and empathetic towards others. And no, I don't mean empathic in a healthy way but in a way that other's moods and problems directly affect him. He is a soul that will feel the same amount of fear, stress, anger, sadness, whatever feeling you want as the person he is currently spending time with. This causes him to be stressed and/or overwhelmed most of the time. So yes, he is a really nervous person, yet I don't want him to be perceived as some sort of 'soft boy'. James is a 25 years old male who was in university for a psychology major before he was murdered. I'm currently giving him a slight redesign so that his body and physique actually look appropriate to his lifestyle. He is a bharatanatyam dancer, he helps out in his sister's garage and regularly hits the gym. That guy is athletic af and not some damsel in distress just because his bharatanatyam clothes are pretty.
If you have any questions about James and/or my creepypasta AU, my ask box is open:)
(pls excuse any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language)
So uhhh, yeah. I hope I'll finish the story and the illustrations soon. I still have some other art WiP's that I need to finish too but it'll come together.
Have a wonderful day/night:D
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p-receh · 8 months
Ooo wait are your thoughts on the two boboiboy movies?
Wah, Nice one!
I've had nostalgic memories when I rewatched movie 1. Particularly because it was the last entry I followed before I went on hiatus. ... 8 years ago I think?
Whereas I watched the second one during my marathon session this year.
Due to 'my messed-up order of watching' this series, I ended up knowing big spoilers about The movie 2 and I forced to give up my 'anti-spoiler' act before I watched it. Kinda of a bummer for the general view, but you know what? It made the scene more fascinating to watch!
"Oh this is Retak'ka? THE Retak'ka?"
"No wonder why Adudu is so into martial arts now."
"So that's how Ice got his bow eh?"
"Oh Fu-Yes! The debut of Fusion Elementals!!!!"
From a general technical standpoint, they stepped up their game drastically. Of course, it's for movies after all. They went bold for expanding the areas, improving the graphics, increasing action scenes, and also adding more music as well.
At the same time, they also upgrade Boboiboy and Kokotiam gang's power so it's making it a 'bit' op for the sake of spectacle. It's not that bad in a negative way, I understand that because the enemies themselves were hella strong as shit. (the first one used a black hole and the second one used all-in-one power hunger fest that could also destroy the galaxy. Logically the earth's supposed to be gone by now :/).
I loved what they did to the lighting and hue for both movies. it's like watching smash bros ultimate but in the movies(weird reference I know but hope you get the idea :/)
The details! Holy- IT'S SO PRETTY~~~
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Both of them were also establishing the expansion power of elementals and what they can do about it. The first one was the fight with all elementals showcased and the second one was the alternative way of fighting by combining two elementals.
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Alsoooo both finally managed to properly introduce the one and only .... Boboiboy Hatless! :D
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I'd say they had a fair share of hiding it perfectly well. Cleverly teasing the audience to grasp 'Why the hell do they keep hiding his hair with that particular angle?' Because... If I'm not wrong, Boboiboy was one of the characters that falls in the same category with Upin&Ipin: limiting the haircut for animation efficiency during the first production.
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So when his hat does let off, It is always an impeccable scene to watch. That trick never fails to amaze me. (like Professor Layton's hat case :3)
Now I wonder how much screen time his hat is off for the movie 3? I'm sure it takes a lot more than the previous one since his 3rd tier is pure hat off(and dyed hair).
If I want to say from my opinion. Movie 1 has its standout over Movie 2 and vice versa. Both have ups & downs yet they are equivalent to each other. For instance: the timing to add their theme song was a bit out of place in movie 1 so the latter fixed that, whereas the Fang and Ying banter in their language was lacking in movie 2 when the former had this iconic scene (sound on recommend) :]
Oh speaking of Music, my god their theme songs are epi~~~c
I remember how hyped I was when one of my fav local band, D'masiv, created a credits song for Movie 1 AND Galaxy season 1. But heck all movie themes in order are wholesome af!!! 'Masih Disini' - 'Dibawah Langit yang Sama' - 'Fire & Water' are in my repeat playlist recently. So overwhelming that I actually cried? The montage during Fire & Water played was not a sad moment but heck I cried because it's soo touching for no reason.
Oh yeah, I forgot it's a family movie so they have rights to not make any deaths scene. I can understand why yet I'm still disappointed.
I cried. HARD when I saw Tok Kasa collapsed. It portrayed emphatically well and worked for new characters that was introduced a bit short.
Then, not long after that, we got this
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(I guess they didn't want to do another httyd 2 moment. It's too painful for kids to watch)
So... There's my review. Honestly I don't know what goes on for movie 3. It could be anything after season 2. But if I may guess...
It's between father and son now...
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meetmeatthecoda · 1 year
Can you believe it’s been two years since The Terrible Awful? Idk about you, but I still find myself feeling bitter and sad about the treatment of Liz’s character. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they completely f’d up the core relationship of the show 😔
*stares in shock, mouth agape, at the tiny number one in my ask box* It's been 84 years 🥹🥹🥹
HELLO, ANON!!! 😍😍 I'll get to the actual content of your lovely ask in just a sec, but first I just have to say my heart skipped a beat to see that I actually received a Lizzington ask in the year of our lord 2023!! It's been... a long-ass time, but asks were one of my favorite ways to participate in the fandom... so suffice it to say that this is a very welcome throwback. Thank you for taking the time 🥲
ANYWAY enough YAMMERING from CODA bc NO, anon, NO. I CANNOT believe it's been two years since The Terrible Awful. I mean, in some ways it feels like it & in others it most definitely does not, but most of all... I'm just sad so much time has passed & we've gone so long without Lizzington & the fandom has largely moved on... it's a desperately sad, nostalgic, yearning feeling & it sucks 😭 And omg, I too absolutely still feel bitter about how they treated Liz AND the core relationship of the show, you're definitely not alone there, anon!! I think it has something to do with the fact that the show is technically still going (although not for much longer whoop lolz) & I still occasionally see/hear things about the current state & it's pretty laughable. Plus, the impending end of the show (although it ended for us 2 years ago lolol) brings about - at least in me - some bittersweet feelings in a secondhand, disinterested kind of way... well, mostly bitter lmfao 🙃 So yeah, long story short (as if), I 1000% feel you, anon!! The wounds may have healed over with time, but the scars are still there... which sounds dramatic AF for a TV show but... sometimes it do be like that 🫠 Anyway, thank you so much for dropping by to leave this ask, anon!! As sad as it was, I was very happy to see it & know that someone out there still thinks of Lizzington occasionally & still thought enough of me & my stupid blog to send an ask my way!! I hope my commiserating made you feel a tad better & - if it helps at all - know that I'm working hard on a big, new Lizzington fic at the moment... because I'm not ready to let them go yet!! So, thanks again, anon, take care, & much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
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