mikesoup · 6 months
mike-soup --> mikesoup
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vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
Yoko Headcanons Pt 2
Yoko’s parents are an extremely wealthy and notorious vampire coven from Japan. They put plenty of expectations on Yoko throughout her childhood to be perfect and uphold their family’s image.
Yoko knew she was gay from a very young age but knew her parents would never approve. She played the perfect daughter but really she was sneaking girls home, partying, generally prioritizing her own happiness once she was old enough to understand what makes her happy.
Yoko’s parents had no idea what she was up to until she was caught. She was sent to Nevermore to reform.
She did NOT reform.
Yoko flirts shamelessly, with anyone. Even Wednesday occasionally (though playfully) up until she realizes Enid has a crush, then she tries to befriend Wednesday in order to make sure she’s good for Enid.
Wednesday and Yoko actually become decent friends and bond over their in depth knowledge of old horror media.
Yoko LOVES Wednesday’s books she’s basically the number one fan after page one.
Yoko: Is your girlfriend done with chapter twenty nine yet Enid i cannot wait this long
Enid: Yoko its three am STOP TEXTING ME
Yoko and Wednesday are an awesome sarcastic duo.
Thing Enid Yoko and Wednesday have horror movie nights in which the gfs cuddle and our favorite man and Yoko criticize outfits, set design, camera angles, how realistic the blood is, and so on.
Enid is terrified so she’s mostly hiding in Wednesday’s chest while scrolling through her phone and Wednesday holds Enid the whole time and Wednesday will occasionally comment on Thing and Yoko’s conversation if she has something to add.
Wednesday: It’s not that easy to hold a severed head. They’re quite heavy.
Yoko has a lot of trouble focusing and finding interest in school, so Enid helps with homework and classwork because Yoko’s parents will kill her if her grades don’t remain perfect.
Yoko is very confident and charming when it comes to flirting with someone she has no interest in romantically pursuing. Which is basically ever girl ever.
Yoko gets very nervous and flustered when she actually likes someone. She can trip over her words (very unlike her) or just completely brain fart.
Divina: Yoko, are you listening
Yoko, who was just staring and thinking about how pretty Divina is: wha?-I mean yes absolutely.
I raise you demiromantic Yoko.
I raise you Yoko who has a hard time expressing herself emotionally because her parents didn’t allow it.
I raise you Yoko being absolutely smitten with Divina out of all people and hates herself for it because love scares her.
I raise you Divina not wanting anything with Yoko to be public because Yoko gets around and she’s not ashamed of it, and Divina is worried about her image/what people would think/her parents finding out.
I raise you Yoko for the first time in a long time realizing she wants someone forever and that terrifies her so she never makes anything official.
I raise you them both learning how to work through their fears and vulnerabilities together. Yoko teachers Divina how to prioritize her happiness instead of doing whatever her parents want and being unhappy. Divina teachers Yoko how to open up, helps her stay organized and on track in school, teaches Yoko how to keep herself organized with little neat schedules and notes.
Yoko’s love language is very physical.
I raise you Enid being the best friend possible and supporting her best friend despite Yoko hiding her relationship with Divina for some time.
I raise you Wednesday telling Yoko to get her shit together when she’s flirting with other girls because shes scared of committing to Divina.
Finally I raise you Yoko and Enid being the worst possible pair of lesbian best friends ever.
Yoko: Divina can step on my throat and id thank her
Enid: Wednesday is so pretty id let her run me over twice
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atiianeishaunted · 4 days
some canon stfuf about the sonder cast bwaa :33 you can have ur own hcs btw id love to see them <3 but!! yeah,, i feel liek infodumping a teensy bit hrgfrhfh mainly cuz im not in an art mood 2day sigh doesnt include everyone bc this is only stuff i can think of off the top of my head atm but :3
lance: canonically bisexual, might be a trans man (havent decided? its honestly up 2 the audience, could go either way), was a huge moviestarplanet player when he was a kid, would probably play dress to impress methinks, for the LONGEST time was convinced something was going on between allura and keith and was insanely jealous and bitter, has the worst gaydar ever TRUST, figured out he was bisexual while playing msp but it only got worse when he met keith and hes really pissed about it
keith: gay as hell but hasnt exactly processed or accepted it (just knows hes scared of women) (for many reasons), transgender (will respond to anything besides feminine pronouns n such), most likely did his own piercings dont ask how or why, allura is the only woman thus far hes comfortable with because she reminds him of a certain someone, allura and him r huge gossips, jack of all trades but really does not know what hes good at like he doesnt know a thing about himself (one time lance challenged him to try out his sniper bc they got into an argument and keith was surprisingly good at it, he was evidently more confused than lance somehow?) (think that one family guy audio where s liek "how r u doing that" "i dunno ;;; O_O"), if you ask him ANYTHING about himself he will most likely just say "yeah i dont rememebr" or "I dont know", often talks very old school and "retro" (in lance's words), surprisingly a decent cook/baker, not as good as hunk of course but can keep up, despite this it was revealed in a conversation with hunk that keith was eating glass among other inedible things while going crazy in the desert (his feral era <3), can diy explosives among other things and no one acknowledges it because it scares them, this boy is very autistic, audhd in fact, im right and you all know it allura: lesbian but doesnt realize it just yet, would probably love the idea of neo/xenopronouns she'd find them whimsical, surprisingly prefers moths over butterflies (mainly after a talk she and keith had one night), huge gossip and loves romance but not in a "i need to date a man" way but "i want to play cupid" (think mabel from gravity falls) (she did have a phase of being boy crazy but that quickly went away when she was brought out of stasis), she loves dressing up but mainly dresses down and more casually because she doesnt go out as much thanks to altea going kaput and all that, she adores gardening and likes to make dyes and such from her flowers, huge diy queen (TRUSTT) she can sew and all that, probably real crafty, keith and allura are close friends and both extremely out of touch with normal human people, she frequently asks him for advice due to their closeness and they just make eachother worse /aff, unironically used wicked in a sentence and was very proud of it (lance almost threw keith out of an airlock for this one), not the best cook but tries her best and is fairly confident with her skills (vicecore if you play alchemy stars) (keith almost banned her from the kitchen) (they agreed on supervised kitchen hours)
pidge: aroace and agender, literally a chronically online cosplayer tech nerd, probably has been cancelled multiple times to the point where matthew had to take every piece of tech they had in the house, has doxxed people before, obsessed with vocaloid and anime, wants to get piercings really bad but their parents wont let them, uses any pronouns and if you ask for their gender they will change their answer everytime or answer with something silly like "the void", their favorite person is Hunk but beyond that prefers robots and tech as their companions, keith is their favorite victim of pranks (save him), the only one who isnt scared of keith even a little bit, evil scientist coded, too smart for their own good, not very socially smart and misses social cues but doesnt really care, very picky about the food they consume, iconic 13-14 year old who is a bit too excited at the prospect of having an excuse to build weapons
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ilovedthestars · 11 months
i've gotten to a place where I am starting to feel like i'm interested in Being Out as Aro/Ace but i'm also realizing how much that's just...harder than Being Out as Gay was.
rambling under the cut, because it got long.
i'm sure part of this is still my internal hangups about not being sure, not being able to define my experiences as neatly as I'd like to, etc, but i feel like it also just...comes up less. like, i'm not gonna sit down everyone in my life and do an official Coming Out conversation. i didn't really do that the first time around, except kind of very awkwardly with my parents (blurted it out in the middle of a family activity and then hid in my room for the rest of the evening) (they were fine and i'd knew they'd be fine but it was still terrifying and also painfully awkward). i've always been the "i want to just bring this up casually and have it not be a big deal" kind of person when it comes to coming out.
and like, when i was IDing as...i keep wanting to say "queer" because that was mostly the label i used, but I was using it to mostly mean gay/lesbian, and it's not like i'm not queer anymore, so if i seem awkward about calling myself gay for clarity's sake that's why. when i was IDing as gay it was easy to just be like, haha, yeah, girls are so pretty, when it came up in discussion with fellow gay people. omg, she's gorgeous, i'm so gay, etc. those little social rituals sometimes felt shallow, but they were already in place, and there were ways for me to be like, hey, i see you, me too, and have that little queer joy bonding moment with someone else.
(sidebar: in retrospect, maybe the reason I never wanted coming out to be a Big Deal is that sexuality and romance have......never been a big deal to me. i didn't have the big dramatic crushes or a secret girlfriend or anything. i was just like, hey, girls are pretty, and assumed that would eventually translate into the desire for a relationship somewhere down the line. so far it hasn't, and i'm starting to think it might never. hence the internal crisis and the slowly accepting that i'm somewhere in the vicinity of aro/ace.)
but anyway, for coming out as aspec, those little rituals just...aren't there. the closest i've stumbled upon is listening to a friend talk about an actor's bone structure and going "i'm too ace for this," but that's a declaration I don't know if I feel comfortable making to anyone but a close friend right now. the fact that I'm not particulary GNC in my presentation and I don't think i read as "visibly queer" doesn't really help the feeling that, in conversations with a group of queer people, I'm not sure if I'm being seen as one of them.
like, it's not even the idea of coming out to people who don't know what aro/ace means that bothers me. (although thank god I never went thru all the drama of coming out to my extended family as gay, because walking that back would be awkward.) for most of those people I honestly don't care that much. i can just be like, nah, not really interested in relationships, and move on. it's the fact that I want to be part of queer spaces, and belong in them. and i feel like I don't fit into them the same as i did before.
it's a weird kind of invisibility.
this is mostly in my own head, I think. I haven't had any direct experience with aphobia, and it's not that i expect that kind of reaction. i just...want that laughter and little bonding moment with people. maybe that's it--not having met a fellow aspec IRL, that i'm aware of. i haven't had the "hey, I see you, me too."
I have been able to have that in online spaces. (a lot of you reading this have been a part of that. you know who you are, and i am so, so grateful for you.) but i'd like to be able to have it in the queer spaces i'm a part of in my offline life as well.
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imzsuzsis-blog · 4 months
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I was lying on my back on the bed and staring at the ceiling, Loki isn't here with his class somewhere abroad and inside I'm worried to death that he might be cheating on me with another boy who is even better and younger than me.
"No, no, and I wouldn't want to, I'm not in the mood."
I yawned a lot, but these wave-like things that didn't let me sleep at night are now frozen below, I don't know what they were, but they disturbed my sleep, I thought I was shipwrecked somewhere on an uninhabited island, it was terrifying.
,,Are you okay?"
"No, not Martin, I had a terrible night's sleep, there was some rippling shit in my stomach and I couldn't poop properly."
"If you give it to me like you did at the party in Amsterdam..."
"Well, I'm really pregnant, if we count correctly, Amada is 18 weeks old."
"This, this is nonsense, you are a boy!!! You know what I'd rather go and think again about what you say."
"It's true, just look at me, these are my favorite pajama pants and I can hardly pull them up over my stomach!!! You can take a look.”
He reached out with his palm and smiled, I bit my lip because that's why I gave up everything I love, alcohol, drugs or cigarettes... But instead I eat yogurt with goose fat or something on its own, or bread. Yes, how did I get out with a ruse, they didn't know I had my cell phone, so when they weren't paying attention, I first called Loki asking him to call my parents, that they, the police, so I was only there for two days without food and thirst, but unfortunately the mafia doesn't work like that, so I'm still in danger and I'm exhausted there is nothing I can do about them.
"Lando? It doesn't matter if you're expecting a boy, these are strong."
"You're stupid, I wanted a girl, but the gender will be revealed today or anytime in the next few weeks, well, hi... Someday."
"Hi, mate, if Ibiza isn't then we'll meet at the race."
I took a deep breath, went back, sat down in the armchair and burst into tears, many things played out in me, now suddenly the partying was pushed back somewhere in the many place, rather the fear which made me cry, I saw that Loki was calling and I picked up crying, his voice was also good for me.
"You're here, you'll be fine in front of the clinic, hi, I love you."
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My phone rang again, but now there was no call ID, I think it's a bank, should I buy something or go to an event that doesn't really excite me, but I still picked up something. It was Neil about yesterday's game, he said that I successfully left my formula one ticket and some data and that I managed to leave him with ultrasound recordings and gynecological things, he said that if my girlfriend is pregnant, don't screw me up, but I shouldn't leave her stuff all over the world because it's going on.
"I don't have a girlfriend, I'm gay... He left one of my friends, and his girlfriend is pregnant."
"I think it's bound to have something with your name on it, sorry, but I'm not a motorsport expert, but a certain Lando Norris is written on it."
"It's fine, I'm fine, but few people there know that I'm a trans male, I'm also intersex, I'm even pregnant and I'm going to see my gynecologist today, those papers are important."
I realized it was all a lot of bullshit without saying thank you, but I was also hungry, so I went out to the mini kitchen of my rented flat in London. And I opened the fridge, there was nothing I'm eating right now, so based on the smell I took out a cucumber, egg and Nutella, I quickly fried the egg together with the cucumber and put the Nutella on top and there were also some hotdog buns, I ate that with it, it was also very tasty . When they dropped noneme, as usual, letters and such like, my daily savior was also among them, I looked through everything, nothing is missing, that's all that was written there, he also has something like this, only he won't leave it because his wife would kill him. I laughed at the fix and a lot of newspapers, because I was there at the final, it wasn't exciting, but they also let me onto the field as a guest, which was a great pleasure.
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Suddenly, my cell phone rang again, but now I got a message.
"You bastard took a selfie with a football player with my cell phone???"
It was Zhou who was very angry, I didn't even know whose cell phone was in my hand, I just picked it up and left when my name was said on the loudspeaker.
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't notice who it was."
"That's not enough. You can't beat me in the next race."
I watched the big ones, I hope he was just stupid with this.
"I hope you're joking?"
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"Shh, I have to go!!!!"
I looked up at the clock on the wall while eating the sixth biscuit, I started running after my unpacked clothes, although I didn't even remember where I put the fix, in the bedroom, but I don't know where.
"Fuck, where did I put it? Wow!!!”
I squealed when it turned out that I hadn't even unpacked anything from my suitcase. Everything in it was so messed up that I couldn't pull out a dirty top unless I made an even bigger mess, so I spread everything out on the bed and kept looking for what I had. It doesn't matter, a t-shirt with a print on it, a plain pullover with a hood, one and that's the point, my first pregnant jeans after a long time, socks and the only shoes I brought with me, but now they're small, I can buy new ones, a jacket will be good inside out, a baseball cap, to be safe, an umbrella is three or more years old, but it will do for my car plus jewelry.
"Pride month..."
I took the package from the trunk of my car that I received, I don't know who it was, but it was a cute little gift of cookies, flags, stickers, t-shirts, make-up, everything that stimulates the eyes and mouth. I tried the lip gloss right away, it was a lovely color and it looked good on my lips, the mini flags on the mirror I know I have to take it off when I get home, but until then, who the hell cares, it's just a flag, I threw the rest away and started laughing when I put on the music cheered up.
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I just heard someone blaring very bad music from his car, I guessed who it was and slapped my forehead with my palm. Because I knew June pride and parade is very much not me... I went there and he got out of the carriage like a lady and the pregnant guy almost fell on his stomach right in front of us.
"Lando, I've always known that your taste in music is crap, but how so?"
He looked at me seriously and continued standing girlishly.
"I don't believe we're going to fight over this?"
,,No! I love this music and I was almost late because everyone was calling me!!!"
He turned angrily and walked into the door. I ran after him and caught him and slapped him.
"I was reading the fucking newspaper and I read that two fucking teachers got together on a damn road in Oslo!!!! Fuck Loki, it was written that you are one of them!!!!! Fuck you!!! Tell me!!!!”
"It was just a performance for the class on a stage, it wasn't a real kiss, I didn't get along with him, especially since he is the singing teacher and he has a girlfriend, and the two of them put together the whole performance for the class, that the teachers are people like them, or you. Come on, my pregnant good man, let me give you an apologetic kiss."
"I won't accept the sorry kiss now!!! This is not about the fucking show, but about what's on the internet about you and about another one who is even more correct and younger than me. It's spreading on the internet that you smeared in a gay nightclub, fuck it, this is cheating, I wouldn't have thought of that, fuck it !!!!!”
I looked at you when you showed me the video and shook my head and gave it back to you with tears in my eyes and hugged you.
"Yes, it's me on it, but it's a recording from last year and I'm on it with my previous boyfriend, I don't know who uploaded it, but it's an illegal recording."
He started beating my chest and had a panic attack, I kissed his hair to calm him down and stroked his back around and around, he was shaking silently again and was on the verge of fainting.
"Nana, calm down, my little one, last year was really a rough breakup, even during the relationship, the boy verbally abused me and even beat me. They are happy that it's over."
"Lando… Loki again?"
I looked back and nodded sadly.
"Fuck me Lando, it's okay, it's just a stupid girl asking you to be jealous and break up, but you are a strong couple."
"No, we are not, leave us alone, that's what this year's recording says!!!!"
"Baby, it's not."
I bent down to him because he was already sitting but he was still shaking but he was vomiting, I started to wipe the tears from his face but he couldn't take it anymore and he passed out in front of our eyes.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Joining Fukase with the pride month submissions! But I'll just be specific to one tl since I have way more of these than I thought I did. (getting mems while writing kinfessions moments)
Happy pride to My aroace me and my bisexual queerplatonic partner Collei!
And my lovely Bisexual friends Fischl and Bennett who probably still to this day cannot figure out that they like eachother /teasing
To my Lesbian single mother Lisa, and her life partner Jean (whos sexuality I do not remember. And yes I did still say Lisa was single. Idk what their relationship was but it wasnt romantic dating or a qpr?? Lisa always considered herself single at least so that is what I will repeat.)
To my pansexual father figure Kaeya, and my demisexual uncle figure Diluc.
To all of Bennetts Poly Gay Dads.
To Colleis never-married-but-definitely-divorced dads aromantic bisexual Cyno and "I don't know I just like people sometimes" Tighnari.
To Collei's "Yes we're gay. No we're not dating. Stop asking" Uncles Alhaitham and Kaveh.
To my sapphic almost kinda sorta sister figures Noelle, Rosaria, and Nonbinary transfem Sucrose.
To my aroace Lesbian aunt Alice. (She would never let me call her an "aunt figure" like I do everyone else in my family pfft). And her "I dont care as long as they like explosions" daughter Klee (who I think probably grew up to ID as aro or demi? but the bomb quote is funnier)
To my "gender doesnt exist but I guess you can say Im a boy" kinda cousin/kinda sibling figure Albedo.
To Amber and Eula, most stable couple in the entirety of the Knights of Favonius.
To trans man Mika who was always so scared to say solidly that he was a binary trans man because "what if he changes his mind" even though he hadnt for the 15 years he had id'd as trans and all of us who supported him anyway.
To Aether, who when asked could only say "hm. Queer. Yeah. Queer." and Paimon who had no idea what that ment and he responded "yeah thats the point." with a goofy grin.
And finally. To my bio parents. Who after years of hounding Varka for information about you both, was able to tell me you were both queer. He didnt remember specific ID's, Said he never asked for specifics at all really. But he said he remembered you both had been in same sex relationships before getting married. And that you both shared clothes indescriminently between eachother and that dad loved to wear skirts when he could find a good excuse to do so..
I hope you're all out there. Safe and having a lovely pride this year. And every year to come after. I miss you all, more than you could ever know.
~Razor Minci 🕯♟ (Source Genshin Impact. Please leave the last name out of tags, thank you)
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loop-deloo · 2 years
15 Questions | 15 People
rules: answer the questions & then tag 15 people
thanks @deadgayfurrywizardsinthe70s​ for the tag :) sorry it took me a second
are you named after anyone? my gov name is after liv from law&order svu which i cant even be mad about but i dont think the name suits me. the name i actually go by was sort of made up by my older sister when she was 1 so no. 
when was the last time you cried? honestly no idea, i don’t cry enough, im working on it.
do you have kids? no and im currently in a crisis about whether i want them. i told a close friend the other day that i think id love it if it were an accident but seeing as im a greyace lesbian... one of my siblings/friends is going to have to take one for the team and kick the bucket in a fiery crash so i can raise the kid with good morals
do you use sarcasm a lot? yeah, i feel like an average amount (maybe slightly above average)
what’s the first thing you notice about people? tendency to help/give others the benefit of the doubt, also how they move/sit/walk, mannerisms and the like
what’s your eye colour? unclear... sometimes fairly dark brown sometimes verging on hazel
scary movies or happy endings? depends. i do like a happy ending but scary movies really do it for me when i need to feel things without... emotions?
any special talents? packing, i can fit anything in a suitcase. also weirdly good at twister which i discovered last night.
where were you born? hospital
what are your hobbies? sometimes art stuff and writing, reading, anything to do with fic, cooking
do you have any pets? ive since moved out but my parents have two dogs that i still consider mine and i love them more than anything (the sweetest great dane and a really bitchy bernie doodle)
which sports do you play / have you played? field hockey, running/high jump, swimming, and briefly water polo but that was all at school. i did karate for like 13 years. i pick things up here and there and im currently getting into climbing which is very very cool
how tall are you? 168cm / 5’6”
favourite subject at school? bio for a long time but english by the end
dream job? i would love to be a therapist, especially working at a school or for a non-profit or something. also maybe obgyn or a nurse but med school is ridiculous. in a dream world where no problems exist, id own a bookshop thats a coffee shop by day and a bar by night and i would live upstairs. we would have live music every night. it would be gay and once a week we’d hold knitting workshops.
i don’t know who to tag and i think the game is waning anyway. but if anyone has been itching to do it, this is your sign! take it and run.
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musicoftheheart · 3 months
4-8 for pride asks?
hiya! thank you <3
4. Are you "out" to your family and friends?
this is a... complicated question. ill start with gender, because thats nice and easy: no. i was out as genderfluid to one person, a couple years ago, but we lost contact a long time ago so we arent in each others lives and i dont count it. other than her, i havent told anyone-
actually, technically i told my university? but only for accomodation purposes, and im not at uni yet so im not counting it either (ha ha im totally not avoiding reality)
as for my sexuality... kind of? im out to my friend(s? thats up in the air atm) as queer, because thats the simplest way i can put it. my closest friend is cishet and isnt a huge ally (i will be making better friends when i go to uni, dw) so i try not to talk too much about lgbtq+ stuff in depth because he just wont care enough to listen. if i was still close with the girl who knew i was genderfluid then id explain abrosexuality to her, but im not so...
im not out to my sister at all and will be cutting contact entirely when i move out. i came out to my parents as bisexual (now an outdated label for me) years ago, and they conveniently "forgot" less than a month later, so i just... dont bother
i was outed to my brothers by my now ex gf though but theyre both super supportive!! one of them keeps trying to set me up w his coworker which is really funny (and its not even in the 'oh youre both gay you should date' kind of way, he actually thinks we'd be nice together so its really sweet)
5. Are you "out" publicly?
i never explicitly came out as anything to most people i know, but i dont hide it either. ive got they/she pronouns listed in my personal instagram (because thats the closest thing to reality i feel comfortable sharing atm) and openly discuss queer parts of my life to people like coworkers (which was scary af the first time) and ex-teachers, such as when i had a girlfriend, going to pride, writing queer love songs/changing existing songs to be queer, etc.
6. (If you're out) do you wish you came out sooner? Later? Or was it the right time?
i wish id never said anything to my parents at least, because we never had a good relationship to begin with and after i came out it just... got worse. i wish id managed to avoid being outed to my brothers so that i could tell them myself, too, because theyre two of my favourite people in my life even though i rarely see them since they both moved out and my relationship with them both is such a big deal for me, so the fact i had that moment ripped away from me hurts. otherwise, im okay with how the rest of my coming out has gone
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
actually, no! my eldest brother - when he spoke to me about the fact someone had outed me to him - confided that he was bisexual, so he understood some of what i was feeling, and assured me it was okay. growing up in the household that we did, having him say things like that - having him show me that if someone like him (who i really look up to, though it makes me icky to admit because ew emotions) can be queer and still be the strong, loveable, kind person he is - it meant a lot to me, as someone who sometimes thought of themselves as broken and monsterous because i wasnt hetero
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender:
spin the wheel!! watch where it goes!! where will it stop? who the fuck knows!!
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I forking loved your last Will Byers x Male reader! Thank you so much! I seriously can’t get enough of this idea XD. Could you plz do more headcannons possibly about what school life is like (but no Homophobia like just pretend there is no such thing as it? I really hate hearing about it🥲), how they deal with there size difference as couples and how you think they would have met? (With the same trope, Will Byers x Big! Scary! Himbo! Male reader with demon powers) 😁😘 Thx!
A/N - Send more requests, it means I don’t have to think of original ideas lol. This applies to everybody, btw.
>Cali favourites power couple. Angelina actually didn’t pick on Will because of you. She only saw you as the terrifying, hunk of meat that is Will Byers boyfriend.
>The rest of her friend group try to stay away from Will, mainly worried that he would something to you and you’d react violently.
>Actually is why they started walking away from El in Episode 1 after they destroyed her diorama. He still told you when you got to Cali the next day.
>Angela regretted it at the Rink’O’Mania. Because El slammed a roller skate into her face. It was well deserved tho-
>Mainly cause you told her to stand up for herself, and use violence if only deemed necessary. You totally weren’t quoting your parents/guardian.
>But, before all this, no one kind of believed him when he said he had a boyfriend as cool as you.
>Part of the reason he started to get bullied again.
>Then he brought you to school cause a storm had once stopped all the airplanes from going where they needed to go.
>Everyone starred at you as you walked into the school. Especially the girls. And I’m sorry for all the Gays, but manny were attracted to you.
>On the plus side(?), a few guys were attracted to you.
>The first person that came up to was oddly enough, Angela.
>”Hi! Are you new to this school? I can give you a tour if so.” Her voice was so annoying, in a very sad and pathetic attempt to sound soft and sweet.
>”Im only here for the day, cause my boyfriend Will and his sister, Jane go here.”
>”Byers?” Her faces dropped. ‘Cute and sweet’ facade gone and only judgement left.
>You almost punched her, cause she called Will a loser.
>El saw you and ran up to you, making sure you didn’t get yourself arrested.
>”Y/N! I thought you were going back to Hawkins today?”
>”Mrs. Byers says that all flights are still delayed. Until Thursday, so I figured I would come and surprise Will. By the way, I’m staying until next weekend.”
>El pulled you away, having successfully distracted you. She took you to Will, who was on the art classroom.
>When he saw you, he looked very surprised.
>After that, when people saw they still stared but minded their business better.
>You have gotten in trouble for being on school property. Mainly cause they thought you were like 27.
>Didn’t help your case when you told them you dating a student of the school. Will and Johnathan struggled to tell the cops that you were hardly 16.
>Imma just say it was lucky that you hadn’t forgotten your ID, cause I bet you usually do.
>No one knows of your Demon powers, because if they did, you would probably be put on death row.
>The school kinda gave up telling you to not come into school property during Wills lunch time, you always forgot anyway.
>Argyle thinks you’re ‘tubular.’ You asked Will what that meant and he couldn’t even help you there, he too, had never heard that word.
>Besides Angela being a bitch, everyone else is pretty cool about you and some even attracted to you.<3
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will1 · 2 years
MY FRIEND ASKED ME 4 MY LGBT TF2 HCS!!! i wrote a bunch of paragraphs 4 the guy and thought i might as well post em here 2 lol. never done a hc post but why not. ALSO i am sorry if these r bad takes plz have mercy on me scout- unfortunately has alot of internelized homophobia so he acts like,,, super duper straight and masc 2 appear as hetero to both his brothers and the other mercs. chases women and LOVES WOMEN BOOB WOMEN to keep this up, but after seeing how litereally everyone else is gay and realizing that it is NOT BAD!!! he chooses LOVE WINS, so in short bi becuz he is BI HIMSELF ((also ive heard alot of trans hcs and i like that idea, either for him being ftm or mtf later down the line   pyro- genderfluid?? more like,,, genger GASOLINE, fire burn fire. probably has like a gay autistic who loves fire flag saved on their phone. uses all pronouns and has multiple neo pronouns but in the same way they r nonbinary in general?? i thinks, id ont know if hes r ace or if they have jst not found someone they have a crush on, in the same way i think shed get really silly crushes on people like shawn mendes or something. also pan and does not care about gender at all  engineer!!!- ppl think that he is straight, these people are WRONG!!!  i think he'd b bi without the urself way!! maybe influenced by pyro and has tried he/them pronousn b4, hot single dad looking for other dads  demoman- OUUUGH he is  silly 2 me, absoloutely wild with gender presentation and i would htink he absoloutely would show up to bars wearing makeup and painting his nails or wearing skirts ((hehahe scottish) and ROCKING IT. uses any pronouns even tho he still prefers he/him. pan sexual and when drunk or sober flirts with any attractive person in the vicinity. does not depend on who it is  soldier- LOVES MEN((and also zhanna)), GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS LESBIANS (saw something about people asking him(usa) for his(usas) pronouns and he just screams america at them, usa/usas LOL)  sphee- like demoman in the way i think he gets manicures and wears really lavish dresses. definetely wiill sleep witj anyone no matter gender, win 4 all sluts ever /j spy would wear those damn expensive I just killed my husband robez….  snipaoer-  DEFINETELY demisexual, scared of litreally any relationship ever and if u touch him he will explode and migt start crying LOL,  has never really thought about his sexuality cause that means actually acknowledging the idea that anyone besides his poor parents will ever love him and THAT IS NOT A THING??? duh :/, simply exists in a state of completely unlabeled and 2 scared to thing any harder about it lol, meeting spy is the most emotional damge that life has implanted onto him the last 2 accidently just became backstory headcanons instead of lgbt ones, oops  heavy!!!- like sniper never really thought about it,, all hes ever seen has been straight people so he never evn rlly thought that being gay was like... a option. also never really had many real life crushes on people as a kid and thought the guy celebs were a bit prettier then the womenz, did not think about this either. meeting medic was like a whole new thing 4 him cause 1, first person hes ever been emotionally attached 2 very much besides his family. and 2, its a guy. was  confusing 4 him to figure out at such a late age but didnt scare him 2 much, and also his whole family was like YIPPEE!!!!! our lovely misha finally has a date thank god. they r all so supportive and love hearing about medic whenever heavy sends letters. heavy writes about him alot, his mom alwas asks when they r gonna have a grandson and heavy is like,, ma??? were gay, and his families all like, ADOPT A KID ,, heavy is not sure about medic being a dad LOL ((sorruy this became a heavymedic hcs instead of just heavy hcs, but i feel like medic is important to his lbgt-ness)) MEDIC.0- saving the one im least sure about 4 last- apparently he had a wife in the past but i think this was just to please his parents and 2 appear straight cuz this weirdo is a RAGING homosexual. poor wife had it rough and thought he was cheating the whole time, sad loveless marriage for both of em. in his teen years he was a part of alot of lgbt and punk groups in germany bcuz it is funny 2 imagine him with his hair all spiked or somethign eagain medic prob did not protest as a 20-something cuz he didnt wanna lose his medical liscense, doesnt matter cuz he did anyways LOL. but now that he is old he absoloutely loves it and litearlly does wahtever he wants, i think he likes to look nice, as in wear sweaters and button ups and nice shoes and slacks when he is not working. he is like a gay mr rogers
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
ok im tired as hell and its too gotdamn warm for me to actually sleep so im gonna list off some of my omori thoughts til i pass out
i got the good ending bc i was following a guide bc i Cannot stand full screan surprises n the guide was good but the one (1) thing it doesnt remind u to do daily is water Basils plants. so. im doing all of that again now
i love the fucking characters in the game theyre all so neat n alive. i keep wanting to say im attached to someone specific but im having a hard time picking favorites theyre all so Good
theres a lot like a Lot of instances where Kel is hinted at being the lesser sibling and just the least important out of his friend group and its only really stated in an obvious kinda way once n like. he seems totally fine most of the time and he doesnt seem down often or for long at all in unrelated moments but for these he doesnt seem to even acknowledge it. and of course the others dont seem to think of him as less important which is Good but does he like. have a problem with this. i wanna say hes hiding it but i dont Know bc hes fucking good at it. i might make a whole post on this later actually
seeing Hero cry hurt more than i thought it would and seeing him jump right back to smiling seconds later every time made it Worse. its the older sibling thing
one detail i really like is that while some of the scenes are meant to be funny to the audience, Hero's fear of spiders isnt usually made fun of (the only time i can remember is when Mari apparently snuck bugs into his desk to see his reaction lmao). otherwise hes taken seriously and the others try to push him to overcome it someday, not Now but its something he should work on himself. and the bit w Kel removing a spider from their room, all while saying what hes doing exactly and reassuring Hero that the spider was gone, was a sweet thing to see compared to all the other media where siblings would throw it at the other or something yknow its just nice
Aubrey Good. thats the post
i dont even know where to fuckin begin with Basil (affectionate) this kid has Problems
seriously theres so much shit going on w these kids thats left unsaid but is worked into the environments or even just what they Dont say its genuinely incredible. beautiful characterization and worldbuilding
the real world sections of omori feel less like im playing as Sunny and more like im guiding this child in a gentle but assertive manner to Do Shit. like ok kiddo brush ur teeth and then we're gonna go outside today. yes its good for u trust me ive been there anyway ur buddy is at the door, go have fun!! oh btw i found some parents who will literally pay u to help their kids with homework. yes ur doing that. its free money dude cmon
cant believe omori lets me live my true dream job (organizing things in short bursts for money)
on that note the music that plays for the tool organizing and the flyswatting jobs might be my favorite track in the game and i have no idea why. its like the audio equivalent of the word blorbo
i wish there was a fucking therapist in this town bc god knows id drag em all there
my brother came in during one of the endgame parts n thought Sunny was a girl when Basil was teasing him abt his crush on Aubrey n went "aw yeah you cant escape the gay even here" (not in a derogatory way) n it took me so off guard i forgot to correct him. hes right tho actually
"when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie thats omori" is the funniest joke that couldve ever come out of this game i want to personally thank whoever did that
showing all the different ways the kids reacted to grief and trauma and acknowledging that some were more harmful to themself or others and thats just how people work sometimes n they all make amends n agree to support each other in the end and begin to heal despite it all. h
also the moment that i realized the dream world was in fact a dream world made by Sunny and. everything it represents. his desires. his fears. dude
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incorrectgreekgods · 4 years
My Friend’s Opinions On Various Greek Gods From Greek Mythology
Let me preface this by saying- I’m the one into mythology. My friends are going off of a two month unit three years ago and whatever mythology they’ve read/absorbed from modern media. None of this is taken to be offensive, and it is all based off of Ancient Greek Mythology and not hellenic polytheism. 
Now! Here are five of my friend’s impressions:
Zeus - whore Poseidon - water Hades - meanie Persephone - gets caught by meanie Demeter - no fuckign idea Hera - i think she's a mommy? Hestia - also no fucking idea Athena - big brains Hermes - hehe that's my bestie Apollo - golden hourrrr Artemis - baddie asf Hephaestus - big muscle blacksmith Aphrodite - pretty Ares - meanier meanie Dionysus - naked drunkard
Zeus - needs to keep it in his pants Poseidon - water guy Hades - vibes=immaculate minus him being like a killer Persephone - she’s chill funny Demeter - idk this man Hera - a little jelly of her mans but she’s chill Hestia - idk this girl Athena - thriving Hermes - speedy man with funny shoes Apollo - bow and arrow guy i think Artemis - baddie Hephaestus - who is this man Aphrodite - pretty one i think Ares - needs anger management Dionysus - drunk uncle
Sasha (who popped off???)
Zeus ⁃god sky, lightning, etc. ⁃sleeps with literally anything that breathes ⁃Terrible husband to Hera but they somehow make it work ⁃Last son to be barfed up by Kronos ⁃Leader of the gods (but like super bad at his job because the gods are always fighting?)
Poseidon ⁃Water ⁃Likes his angry, drunk cyclops children ⁃Sleeps with a lot of things too but is overshadowed by Zeus
Hades ⁃Death ⁃Hella depressed ⁃Honestly a pretty chill dude until her abducts women ⁃Husband to persephone ⁃The third wheel of him, Zeus, and Poseidon
Persephone ⁃Purple, flowers ⁃Demeter’s daughter ⁃Hot as fuck ⁃Pretty chill after being kidnapped ⁃Married Hades - lil bit of a shady situation but whatever they seem happy
Demeter ⁃Agriculture, growing ⁃Carries a scythe around and honestly that’s so badass ⁃“What sort of women doesn’t have an axe?” vibes ⁃idk what else I mean got super mad when her daughter was abducted but Id be concerned if she wasn’t
Hera ⁃Marriage, family ⁃Kinda ironic seeing as her husband is cheating on her 24/7 ⁃But also their marriage has stayed together so maybe she does have the secret to making a successful partnership ⁃Anyways she is jealous of zeus ⁃OH also she turns the lovers of his she catches into animals which sucks for the lovers but DAMN I love her
Hestia ⁃hearth, home ⁃SO sweet ⁃Nobody on Olympus deserves her ⁃Poseidon tried to marry her which in my opinion was a terrible idea
Athena ⁃Wisdom, strategy, cunning, war ⁃Thriving hard ⁃Big brain moment ⁃Um owl? ⁃Makes fun of other gods while they make fun of her but she always wins
Hermes ⁃Traveling, messages (LMAO originally I wrote massages and now I can totally see it) ⁃Sneaky little shit ⁃Has little shoes with wings and two snakes ⁃Makes stupid mistakes but manages to get out of punishment ⁃Gay ⁃Gay for Apollo  
Apollo ⁃Sun, music, arts ⁃Muses (I think he’s slept with all of them right?) ⁃Would 100% be the most followed person on Insta just for his golden hour shots ⁃Pan ⁃Gay for Hermes
Artemis ⁃Hunting, forrest, femininity ⁃Fucking awesome ⁃Sleeps with all her huntresses but it just hits different than Zeus ⁃Bow and arrow and other cool stuff to kill people  
Hephaestus ⁃Forge, metal work, armory, blacksmith ⁃Chucked from mount Olympus when he was a baby ⁃Serious daddy and mommy issues ⁃Loves Aphrodite but she is just not on the same level
Aphrodite ⁃Love, beauty ⁃Doesn’t seem to give two shits about anyone but she’s honestly thriving ⁃She and ares are in a thing but she’s definitely owning that relationship
Ares ⁃War ⁃Stupid? idk he seems to loose every war he starts ⁃Loves of Aphrodite but he knows he’s about to lose her
Dionysus ⁃Drunk all the time ⁃Um I literally have no idea what he does other than party and get drunk ⁃Respect for his lack of goals in life
Zeus - wanna lightning bolt your small dick off Poseidon - cool water guy who made Odysseus’ life bad lol TEAM POSEIDON Hades - underworld dude with a weird ass dog. kidnapped then married Persephone. Reminds me of creepy old men on the internet your parents warn you about.   Persephone - fucking hot and should be more appreciative that hades wants her that badly (jealousy) Demeter - seriously please hack my face off w your scythe my agricultural top Hera - milf. that’s all. AND WAY TOO GOOD FOR SMALL DICK MAN Hestia - hearth? Huh? Athena - baddest bitch around. intelligent, owl, blood kink, probably. Hermes - mailman with shoe game. GAY Apollo - music, the sun, def part of the lgbtq+ community. Artemis - BADDEST BITCH AROUND. Huntress, cool weapons, and i would pay so much money to have her rail me dominatrix style ( bring the bow please) Hephaestus - blacksmith right? simps for Aphrodite (as he should). mommy AND daddy issues. Aphrodite - beauty, love, hot asf Ares - war, and has serious anger issues. I’ll give you my therapists card babe Dionysus - drunk all the time, reminds me of moms who have the wine glasses that say “it’s moms turn to wine”.
Zeus - shitty husband, couldn’t keep it in his pants Poseidon - water guy, hate this mf cause of Medusa, def least fav god Hades - underworld ruler, people who like him think their quirky (Ik cause it used to be me) Persephone - so hot, pls rail me, sry she got stockholm syndrome but like I would be flattered if anyone cared enough to kidnap me Demeter - top, grain mf, could fuck me with her scythe Hera - could top me, needed a good divorce lawyer Hestia - goddess of hearth? Don’t rly know much abt her but like I think she’s the oldest of her siblings Athena - smart one, owl bitch, also a whore for war Hermes - idk remember much, mischief, wings? Apollo - bisexual disaster, music bitch Artemis - hunter, could shoot me with her bow and I would say thank you Hephaestus - no thoughts at all, wait is this the guy who was with Pandora? Idk but like I think he was a blacksmith Aphrodite - hot Ares - war, a little over the top Dionysus - drunk, alcohol addiction rivals isadora’s
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
hi,, could i request a matchup?? OK sorry if this is in the wrong uh area i've never requested anything or anything like that before 😅 also i love all your works they are so good 💪💪💪 ok back to the thing--i use he/it pronouns and am....way too gay im 5' 3" and kind of on the smaller side, but i get told a lot people thing id be taller idk why lol
i have shaggy like golden-dirty blond hair (dyed/and my roots are starting to grow in) that usually a complete mess and i have very choppy bangs, my eyes are hazel and i have olive skin and i always seem to have bruises and cuts on me--as well as light freckles on my face and shoulders, i love rainy weather and cold weather although i get cold easy and like collecting things and cinnamon raisin bagels
i kind of dress like a trashy punk/skater, or like jay and silent bob (who i love) im obsessed with slashers and big men in general, i am the shy->obnoxiously extroverted person and have ADHD,,, i don't know how much im supposed to write im sorry if this is too long 🥲 i also listen to old punk and like 80's--00's hip hop and am hypermobile 👍 again sorry if this is too long--i am addicted to sugar and sometimes forget too eat ,, i am an insomniac and binge shows and movies (which i'm obsessed with movies)--ok im gonna stop it now before this gets super long
THANK YOU ❤️ i love your works and everything so make sure you're staying hydrated and rested and happy !!! 👍👍
I paired you up with...
♡Brahms Heelshire♡
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The way this man would be always plating kisses on every cut or bruise you get. He would even draw smiley faces on the bruises so they look more pretty just to make you smile. 
Good fucking thing you love rainy days and cold weather cause that's all you will get if you live with brahms. He would never allow you to light up the fireplaces but he would lend you his sweaters or always wrap a blanket around you if he sees you're getting too cold. 
The more I read your description the more it makes sense to pair you with brahms. Like you he too enjoys collecting things, especially your stuff so yeah there's that. His room inside the wall is full of things he has acquired over the years either by stealing them from his nannies or by asking his parents to buy them for him. 
He would love your whole aesthetic and vibe so much cause he's used to either old fuckers who are boring as fuck  or really bland people who don't do much around. He needs someone energetic and full of life to make him feel less dead inside you know? He would love to listen to everything you want to talk about or to do fun inside activities together. He hates to get bored so you're like the perfect partner in crime. 
Brahms strictness with rules would be really helpful with the whole skipping meals things, he would remind you to always eat or would convince you to eat with him. I don't  know how good he could do to you about the sugar addiction but at least he would never let you starve so that's a win to me. 
This horny wall troll is always fuckin up his sleep schedule or he's following the rules so precisely he would force you into have a sleep schedule too. Either way he's always doing everything together so whatever he's feeling would have an effect on you too, that means he would either keep you company or help you to fall asleep with him.
This matchup made me think about this song:
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fumingspice · 4 years
All The Things She Said
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Pairing: Lana Winters x Reader
Request:  student x teacher au fic with lana, billie or cordelia?
Note: Added in a little sparkle with a soulmate AU. Those who are lucky enough to have a soulmate are assigned a necklace with a small pendant. No one knows where they come from or how they’re decided; they just appear and will match your soulmate’s identically. Also, yes the reader is eighteen, and yes there will probably be a part two.
Requests are open!
Your routine was like clock-work; every morning without fail. 5am you would get out of bed and go on a run. There was no reason, really. You weren't someone who was that interested in athletics, it was just a way to clear your mind and wake up your mind and body before going to school and having the energy sucked out of you.
You adored the way the sky looked this early in the morning as you ran through the country park. The heat gave you an extra kick of gratification as you watched the sky dance in colours of orange and pink, painting everything in shades of gold. The sun crept through the mountain like liquid glory and you couldn't get enough of it.
Realising the time, you made your way back to your neighbourhood, waving at neighbours you often saw at this time of morning.
You saw many of the same people on morning runs that you eventually learned by name while running past them, shouting a greeting and waving as you sped past them. This morning, you noticed that the home a few lots down from your own had been purchased; the new inhabitents were outside, speaking with a contractor.
As you ran, you noticed the woman watching you. Breaking your glance, you made a mental note to introduce yourself later.
The shower couldn't come soon enough as you lathered the cool water on your body. Cold showers after a run provided that little extra adrenaline rush that you needed to get you through the day, and boy would you need it today.
After months of persuasion, you had finally given in to skipping the end of school and heading to a gay bar with your friends Emmett and Heather. Being the model student you were, you had declined the offer time and time again; but after catching your boyfriend with another girl and the subsequent break up of one of the most liked couples in school, you decided that now would be the best time for it.
The school day rushed in and at 12pm on the dot, you and Emmett made your way to Heather's car, where she sat impatiently tapping her foot.
"You two took your sweet time," the blonde muttered, pulling on a pair of sunglasses and revving up the engine.
The plan was simple; Heather's parents were out of town for the week so the three of you planned to stay over. Today would be spent getting ready and having a few drinks before hitting the bar in order for you to have a "drink in celebration" for breaking up with your ex-boyfriend.
The bar was lively, and you could smell the mixture of cheap cigarettes, alcohol and weed and hear the music from the street behind. Emmett compared the similarity of the three of you strutting to the bar to the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus.
Heather nudged you yet again, her elbow hitting a nerve in your ribs and making you bounce.
"Will you quit that?" you snapped, realising your fourth cocktail was making you slightly irritable.
Heather glared at you and pulled you over to whisper in your ear. "The brunette at seven o'clock has looked from her phone to you at least four times," she hissed, releasing you and nodding her head in the direction.
You nodded in understanding and gestured for her to tell you what to do. Picking chicks up at a bar wasn't exactly something you were accustomed to, after all.
"Go up to the bar and order something-" she looked at your outift, "-I don't know. Some business casual-sounding drink. Like an Old Fashioned or something. Make a joke about how much you've drank and if she's warm then ask if she's here with someone. Then go in for the kill and Emmett and I will be your wing-people when you break your seal."
"Break my what?"
Heather practically shoved you off your chair.
You shrugged and walked towards the bar, standing close to the brunette, but not close enough so that she knew what you were up to. The bartender approached and you smiled at her.
"Hey, could I get an Old Fashioned pl-"
"And get me another piña colada while you're making your move!" Heather called, acting more drunk than she was in an effort to hint off to the lady. You glared at her, and in return, for some added effect she lent into full view of the lady, shot her a cheesy grin and gave her a thumbs up.
You spun on your heel to see if the lady had noticed, and to your dismay she had. She looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
At least she didn't look disappointed.
"Was that for me?" She chuckled, taking a tip from her class. You grinned as casually as possible, looking down at your hands. You finished off your order and paid, waiting for Heather to get her drink to no avail.
"You know what, yeah I think it was for you actually," you replied. Keeping it cool was the buzz phrase Heather had been using all day. "I'm sorry but my friend claimed that she had seen you checking me out a few times and was pretty insistant that I come over and talk to you."
You sat in the stool, leaving one between you.
The lady chuckled. "It's fine," she said, taking another sip. "I'd be grateful for the company."
"You're alone? You're more than welcome to sit with my friends and I," you offered.
You cut off immediately by Heather collecting her drink, standing between you and muttering, "don't you fucking dare," into your ear before walking over to the woman and leaning over her shoulder.
"Now, you see, Ms- I'm sorry what's your name? Jesus, Y/N! When you flirt it's basic manners to ask for a name," Heather muttered.
"It's Lana," she replied, smiling at you.
Lana. A pretty name.
"Awh, that's a lovely name actually, I wish my parents liked me enough to call me something like that. Anyways, enough about me. So, anyways, my good friend Y/N here just got two-timed by a piece of human trash that she's way hotter than and everyone warned her against dating but hey- you know our Y/N, she's balls-ier than a dodgey testical. So, all I'm really gonna say is we came here because we really want to get her laid so she doesn't need to feel like she got the short end of the bargain so, you know-"
At this stage Heather was trying to communicate through a series of dramatic gestures. Emmett strod over, took Heather by the shoulders and apologised to Lana before walking your drunk friend back to your table.
You were both a little shell-shocked and you feared that Heather's drunken rant had ruined any sembelance of a chance that you had with getting anywhere with this.
"I- I'm so sorry. She doesn't get out much," you said. Lana's smile returned as she waved it off.
"Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot younger than twenty-one?" she asked. You couldn't tell if she was being genuine or if she was trying to hint that she thought you were younger than your ID said.
You nodded. "All the time," you say, it's not like that's a lie. "How old are you? If you're not offended by my asking."
"I'm twenty-nine. I hit the big three-oh in November," she replied. Lana reached into her bag and pulled out a box of Newport cigarettes. "I'm sorry, I've had a long day and I'm dying for a smoke. Care to join me?"
You sat still for a moment before excepting the offer. The club was absolutely packed and you could barely follow Lana through to the balcony without getting separated from her. She noticed and turned around, taking your hand and keeping you close so that you didn't get lost in the crowd.
Lana lent over the metal fence, cupping her hand over her lighter. You watched how her cheeks sucked in, defining her cheekbones and her jawline. You mirrored her position against the fence.
"Hard day at the office?" You asked, declining the cigarette she offered you. "Thanks but I don't smoke."
Lana smiled down at her cigarette. "I like a smart girl. Stay away from these for as long as possible," she took a long draw. "And to answer your question; I moved into a new house today only to find out that none of the plumbing was actually installed and contractor has no idea why."
"My house was like that too; turns out the pipes are just in really weird places," you replied. You turned to face in the opposite direction, laying your elbows onto the bar and watching the crowd. "What do you do? Career wise?"
Lana blew out a puff. "I'm a teacher. French and English Literature."
Ah great; a French student trying to hit on a French teacher. This was gonna be a fun story to tell the group.
"You're kidding? I'm studying French," you replied. 
Lana laughed. "Damn, Y/N. This just has to be written in the stars," she replied, you could sent the well-meant underlying sarcasm in her voice. "You think I have that chance?" You ask, your eyes dart down to her hand. Her ring finger, although bare had an imprint on it as if she had only recently removed a ring. She noticed you looking and brought her hand into a fist.
"Don't look at me like that, Y/N. We're getting divorced," she said. She bit her lip and looked down into the woods beneath. 
You felt slightly guilty. "Oh, I'm sorry." Lana shook her head in response.
"I'm in a gay bar for Christ's sake. We definetly weren't compatiable," she chuckled, reaching for another draw of her cigarette. She turned around, some noise in the background catching her attention. Her sleeve dropped a little bit, revealing two bruises at the side of her wrist that she had clearly tried to cover with foundation. Lana turned back around and you dropped your eyes before you noticed, unaware if it was your place to ask.
"If I'm honest, I don't really like bars. I know this really nice café a few places down. Do you wanna come with me?" You asked. Lana's head cocked slightly, her eyes scanned you as if they were looking for some alterier motive. "I'm not trying to get laid, Lana. I just don't like clubs and I don't think you do either."
Lana's shoulders relaxed, as if trying to decide. "Sure," she nodded. "I'd love to."
You walked back in through the bar, telling Emmett what you were doing. He made you promise to turn on your location and to call him to pick you up when you were ready to leave.
"It's nice that you have friends to watch your back," Lana said as you walked down the street. The air was now cold, nipping at your cheeks and nose. Lana slid her arm through yours after asking if it was okay to do so.
The café in question was small; dimly lit, decorated with plants. It was warm inside and the candles lit everything in orange. It was peaceful. You heard Lana sigh with relaxation as you asked her what she'd like to drink.
Two lattes later, you and Lana lay on the same old, green, springless couch. You giggled and talked for what could have been hours.
Lana noticed your Soul Necklace. “I have one too,” she said, touching the stone delicately. “I’ve never worn it though.”
She told you stories from high school and college while you sat and listened to her in some new form of fascination. You could listen to her talk forever. Your head rested on her shoulder, and hers rested on your head. There was an echo of peace which bounced around the both of you.
Eventually there came a moment when you had finally plucked up enough courage in a moment of silence between you to lift her chin with your finger and close in for a kiss. It was short and sweet, but you could still rellish the feeling of her lips kissing back against yours in a gentle passion.
She waited on you while Emmett drove back to get you, with an extremely drunk Heather in the backseat. 
"Are you free tomorrow night?" Lana asked before she walked away. You nodded. "Would you like to maybe go out? On a date?"
Her final question was asked with a shyness that you found adorable, and giving her a kiss on the cheek as
The next day you went to school in a good mood. Your run was better than ever. Your breakfast was tastier. The sky was more beautiful. You couldn't contain your giggles as Heather drove you and Emmett to school.
"I cannot believe you've landed yourself a date with a teacher," Emmett said as the three with you walked to your French class. You practically danced down the corridor with happiness. The three of you were slightly late to class.
You pushed the door open harder than you intended, making it crash against the wall with a loud bang. You muttered an apology while your friends laughed at you and the teacher settled them down, chuckling under her breath.
That it until she looked up at you.
And you looked up at her.
Lana muttered a profanity under her breath as she realised that she had asked one of her students on a date.
taglist: @its-soph-xx​
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t4t-lumpygrab · 2 years
LSP for the character headcanons, please!! :o)
LSP!! MY BELOVED!! thank you for sending this ty so much... LSP... blorba from my shows.
-I think that I hc her to have a difficult relationship with her parents… semi cannon but not really bc the writers retconned her parents to go from being very abrasive and yelling at her to being super nice and concerned for her. I feel a bit :/ about removing LSP having a compelling reason for running away from home, as it feeds into her wider characterisation as a character who shouldn’t be taken seriously by making a huge part of her character (her living situation) into a joke about the capricious nature of teenage girls that she’d run away and be over dramatic for no reason, in favour of a compelling character arc about the effects of living in a household she suffers in. (In contrast, Marceline’s issues with her family are presented with humour, but also as genuine traumas. Like the fry song takes a similar overreaction joke and turns it into a deeper expression of her father’s lack of attention and love for her.) 
So I kind of imagine that her parents were quite controlling of her self expression and criticised her a lot. I think LSP’s exaggerated confidence and the callous way she treats people makes sense if she had this sort of upbringing. Like she pretends she’s better than she feels she is as a coping mechanism to make it harder to insult and hurt her, and she treats people cruelly because she’s been made to feel like she doesn’t really matter so her actions don’t really have an affect on people. That and she has massive social deficit from being in a household where she doesn't get to express herself or interact normally with her parents.
-I have a lot of thoughts on trans LSP. I think that LSP realised she was trans around 13 or so bc of dysphoria due to puberty, but that she spent age 12 dealing with very rough identity issues. I can see her really throwing herself into trying to be a boy and like… forcing herself to date Melissa when she really wants to BE her and just feeling awful about it all. I think she ided as gay initially and definitely took all the "am I gay?" "am I trans?" online quizzes and lied on all the questions to get "you are cishet" as an answer.
-I think LSP… is a furry. Like she gives off that “roleplayed warrior cats one too many times” vibe. (also lol the lsp birthing stick picture I'm obsessed) Has one of those 2000s sparkle wolf ocs. Would 100% wear those lil fursuit paw things if she could get some that fit her hands. 
-we are going deep into Charlie LSP daydream universe but I like to think she and Lg2 were online friends for a bit when she was 14 bc they both posted terrible quality vent fanart in whatever the Ooo equivalent of Deviantart is. Lg2 would occasionally drop v worrying things about their family situation in the middle of their my little pony discussion or whatever, and LSP would be 14 and not know how to respond beyond “ZOMG CANNIBALISM!! o.O” or something like that. She figures out years later after being with lg3 that this was in fact lg2 and feels very sad about it, and wishes she had done more to help them somehow.
-more trans LSP headcannons. So… I like to thing that lumpy people do have sexual dimorphisms that we don’t pick up on bc simplified art style. And that’s part of the reason why LSP prefers to live in Ooo, where people don’t know about her species so she’s not immediately recognisable as a trans girl. Specifically… her voice is deeper than Melissa’s and she has bigger hands, also the thickness of her fur and size plus sharpness of her teeth is bc trans. Plus we see that her dad has facial hair a different colour to his fur, so she has to deal with that too. Plus Melissa has white coloured eyes, as does her mother in her original appearance while Brad and her dad have black eyes, so having inverted sclera is another amab trait among lumpy people. She’s pretty upset about all this, especially her eyes and hands which can’t ever be changed.
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akihiko-sanada · 4 years
Ok first of all, bro,,, B R O, bro ilysm being able to infodump like this means so much to me for real. And second of all, this is gonna be very bullet point-e since I can't string a coherent sentence together to save my life. LET'S BEGIN:
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Tropes and dichotomies
Yukichie has a bunch of romantic tropes, including but not limited to:
-Beautiful and popular genius falls for airhead jock outcast.
-Childhood best friends to lovers.
-Two girls fall in love but one girl's close minded parents (yukikos) disapprove and kick her out so she suddenly moves in with chie (this definitely happened i'm sure of it).
Now the dichotomies:
Fire and ice: I feel like I don't even have to explain why this is romantic so I'm just gonna jump straight into the evidence: Yukiko is the teammate with Agi and Chie is the one with Bufu, one of Yukiko’s themes is called “Snowflakes” and there's also the twin dragons special move.
Sun and moon: Might be a stretch but I really do think that Yukiko is the moon, silent, beautiful and graceful while Chie is the sun, energetic, bright and hot to the touch.
Shadow Chie reveals that Chie developed an inferiority complex from constantly comparing herself to Yukiko (not surprising but aw :(), and part of this is her not feeling worthy of Yukiko and her company, bUT MEANWHILE YUKIKO HAS THE OPPOSITE PROBLEM WHERE SHE RELIES TOO MUCH ON CHIE,,, like shadow Yukiko literally says says to Chie “Chies my prince, she's a strong prince, or at least she was”, she hoped and relied on Chie to save her from having to take over the inn and having to stay in Inaba,,,,. ALSO WHEN SHADOW YUKIKO'S HEALTH IS LOW SHE SUMMONS A PRINCE SHADOW WTF, WTF WTF WTF, SHE STRAIGHT UP SUMMONS HER PRINCE, CHIE, WHEN SHE’S MOST VULNERABLE????? HELP???
And speaking of shadows, Chie is pretty calm when it comes to rescuing people from the TV world except for Yukiko, she goes absolutely APESHIT, says "You don't know SHIT about how I feel! Yukiko might DIE from this, for crying out loud! I'm going, and that's that!" before running HEADFIRST INTO A MONSTER INFESTED PALACE WITHOUT A PERSONA OF HER OWN,, TRUE LOVE RIGHT THERE BABY. She also almost single handedly beats up a whole ass police station for even suggesting that Yukiko was involved in the murders.
Color theory
I'm a huge rwby fan so colors is definitely gonna have its own section IFSFNS. Anyways, in color theory, colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are considered complementary colors, and guess what the most used example for this? Green and red! Green and red always pop out when they're next to each other, and color is very important in p4 (for various reasons but a big example is how all the students at school wear dull colors except for the investigation team, they're just full on power rangers), so id like to think that making Yukiko’s and Chie’s colors the prime example of complementary colors was something intentional made to remind you of how well they work together.
Also: Chie “wow yukiko red looks really good on you” yukiko, twirling her hair “haha thanks do you mind if i wear it for the rest of my life-”. Also side note I’m 100% sure that Rio’s favourite color is red because it reminds her of Hamuko <3.
Comphet and obliviousness
It's very obvious that like, everyone’s in the investigation team suffers from comphet, especially considering their reaction to Kanji coming out (which is, something), but I'm only gonna talk about yukichies; first of all this whole scene screams of comphet, no one just gushes about their friend THAT much:
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Also, Chie disapproves of all of Yukiko's suitors cause she's subconsciously jealous, Chie is 100% a baby lesbian cause shes literally like: “haha im not a lesbian, I just cut my hair short and mostly hang out with guys because then I’ll be more masculine and men like girls so-aw shit”.
Also, Inaba is a breeding ground for comphet because it's a rural town in the middle of nowhere in a town where most of the popuñation is old so,,,yeah,,,.Yukiko feels like her only option in life is to take over the Amagi inn and follow in her family's footsteps, which would in turn be like rotting away in Inaba, so I like to think that the Amagi inn is some sort of metaphor for how being yourself is key even though it can disappoint your parents by making you stray from the path they paved for you, but that’s still an important step to take to become a better person and being true to yourself. Now that isn't very different from coming out now is it?
Official art and others
-Yukiko’s and Chie’s designs inspired Tomoe Tachibana and Maria Torres from Trauma Team and they’re hella gay
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-Yukiko and Chie are next to each other or side eyeing each other when the other isn't looking in 99% of the official art they're in, I wonder why that is-. Also if  you look through Chie’s gallery 90% of her photos include Yukiko and vice versa.
-Everyone in Inaba knows that Chie and Yukiko are practically dating cause some bullies literally threaten Chie with hurting Yukiko saying stuff like “that precious Yukiko-san of yours” and “So don't you care about what happens to your loved ones” LIKE HELLO???
-Chies social link? oh you mean the yukichie social link right? No but seriously like Chies social link revolves around Yukiko NANFFGGW
-Yukiko’s theme in p4u is “princess Amagi” and shadow Yukiko calls Chie her prince, coincidence? ABSOLUTELY NOT. 
Fun headcanons and random stuff
-Chie definitely short circuited for a full ten seconds when she saw Yukiko in a yukata for the first time
-I'm sure that when the investigation team meets up like 20 years after p4 they'll be like “wait Yukiko you've been living with Chie for years?? did you get married?” Yukiko and Chie who haven't even started dating officially “no?? what are you talking about- WAIT.”
-Yukiko and Chie: *adopt three cats and a dog and call them their children*, also yukichie “we’re just really good friends :)))”
-Yukiko and Chie definitely made out with each other a couple of times using the excuse of “were practising for when we have boyfriends”
In conclusion, yukiko and chie have the type of love where they've known each other for so long and care for each other so deeply and passionately that they don't need to search for a significant other because deep down they've always known they were each others. They've always pictured the other in their life from beginning to end but have yet to put together that they want to be in each others life romantically because of comphet and just, never really seeing each other as an option because they've just always been friends, nothing more nothing less. Thank you for coming to my ted talk I hope I gave you yukichie brainrot <3
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