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verstappen-cult · 6 months
Hi, love your writing so much ❤️❤️
So I have a request could you maybe write something about Charles reacting to his girlfriend having an allergic reaction? Like she accidentally eats something (I'm allergic to apples) and he freaked out
“Honey, I’m home!” Charles says, making you giggle and jump off the couch. He’s carrying two bags from your favorite restaurant while his gym bag is in his other hand, but that doesn’t stop you from hugging him and peppering his face with kisses.
“I missed you so much,” You say with a last kiss to his lips. “and I’m starving.”
Charles gives you the bags while he takes off his shoes. “I bought two pieces of that carrot cake you like so much.”
Before you even look at what else is in the bags, you take the dessert out, grabbing a fork in the process. Charles joins you in the kitchen, stealing the first bite of the cake from you.
“I don’t know why you like it so much, it’s gross.” He complains at which you roll your eyes, finally tasting the delicious and sweet cake.
After the second bite you can taste something different, something that’s not been there all the other times you’ve had it. However, you don't think too much about it and keep eating.
“Did you ask them to add something?” You ask after half of the cake has disappeared.
“No?” He answers, mouth full of pasta. “Oh! They said they’re trying a new recipe and has—”
He doesn’t finish his sentence, Charles just snatches the plate out of your hands, causing it to fall onto the floor, making a mess.
“Charles, that’s very rude!”
“I’m so sorry, baby. We need to go to the hospital.” He grabs your hand, rushing to the front door as you look confused at him, not understanding why he’s acting like that all of a sudden.
“Char, what’s happening!”
“You need to lie on your back, I’m gonna call the—”
It takes you a moment to finally understand.
That strange taste in your mouth, why the cake wasn’t like any of the other ones you’ve had before.
Sighing, you squeeze your boyfriend’s hand, forcing him to turn around and stop for a second.
“Baby, I’ll be fine.” But Charles looks like he’s about to throw up, probably feeling so guilty. “I just need my EpiPen, can you get it for me?”
“No! We need to—”
You cup his face, looking straight into his green eyes. “Charlie, you need to calm down or I’m seriously gonna slap you in the face. Now, can you get my EpiPen? It is on my nightst—”
You haven’t finished talking but he’s already sprinting up the stairs, tripping over his own feet. There’s a big commotion upstairs, things falling and Charles cursing as he searches for the medicine you need right now.
You slowly make your way to the couch, breathing in and out, when you hear Charles footsteps approaching.
He hands you the EpiPen and you smile up at him before taking it in your hands, taking your sweatpants off enough to push it against your thigh.
Charles looks away, making a strange sound. “I’m so sorry.” He whispers, looking like a kicked puppy in the middle of the road.
“It’s okay, Char.”
“No, it’s not! I’m gonna sue them,” He starts pacing around the living room, pulling on his hair. “how dare they do this! You could die.”
“I’m not going to die.” You laugh, rubbing the area around the injection for a few seconds. “You need to calm down because this isn’t helping me.”
His expression relaxes, and he sits next to you, grabbing your free hand. “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked.”
“It’s not your fault, Charles. These things happen and they’ve been happening to me all my life.” You rub his palm, leaning to rest your head on his shoulder. “I don’t know how many times this has happened since we’ve been dating, but you still freak out.” He laughs, closing his eyes and finally, finally, relaxing against you. “It’s cute.”
“I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
“I’m allergic to three different things, baby. You need to get used to it.”
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ibupr0fendolll · 2 months
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guess who's back bitchess😛 apologies for my recent inactivity, with school being up my ass about my missing assignments i haven't been left much time to upload something new on here - but as promised, here's some mealsp0 for you all!
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#1; egg whites, full fat cheese and a medium-sized apple
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this is a relatively easy meal to make (and one of my faves) with the perfect balance of fat, carbs and protein if you're looking to incorporate more nutrients into your diet!
• medium-sized apple cut into small slices (you can sprinkle cinnamon on top for flavour) = ~72KCALS
• 3 egg whites = ~51KCALS
• 15g/a tablespoon of full fat soft cheese = ~34KCALS
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#2; rice cake pizza
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• 2 ricecakes = ~70KCALS
• pizza sauce = ~30KCALS PER 60G (it's up to you how much you'd like on each ricecake)
• fat-free mozzarella cheese = ~45KCALS PER 30G (again, you can choose how much you'd like to use)
• pepperoni = ~39KCALS PER 4 SLICES
(note; this is according to the quantity of ingredients you use)
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#3; veggie soup
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super underrated but perfect when you want something warm and comforting!!!
• 1 cup of chicken broth = 14KCALS
• 1 celery stalk, chopped = 6KCALS
• 1 medium carrot, chopped = 25KCALS
• 1 small onion (totally optional, i find that using an onion to make your chicken broth gives it a much more flavourful taste!!!) = 28KCALS
• plz add some seasoning it has negligible calories and will make it taste so much more enjoyable🥲 choose whichever ones you want!
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some of my favourite non-specific/visual mealsp0 because im lazy
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(note; these pictures are all off pinterest, and all credit goes to original creators!!!)
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that's all i have today, hope this helped!! i'll get round to posting the 1000 calorie workout soon, in the meantime let me know what you all want to see next :)
#stayhungry my angels!!! ♡
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korebringerofded · 9 months
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A Spoonful of Sugar-Suguru Geto X F!Reader
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A/N- Yes, this is very self-indulgent. This takes place-season 2 episode 5, before Geto's defection Description- Suguru falls in love with a cute baker (you) while on his way back from a mission, he quickly becomes obsessed with more than just the sweets you make. Words-1600 Warnings-Depression, hopelessness, smut at the end, oral sex, semi-public sex, one use of y/n, sad desperate geto
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A/N- Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated and keep me going. All requests are open and you can find my entire masterlist here.
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The rain was pouring down over the barren street, Suguru had just finished another mission and was making his way to the train station, his tongue coated in a disgusting film of greasy curse residue that traveled down his throat and into the pit of his stomach. The taste would linger for hours, sometimes days. 
It was starting to become unbearable.
Not just the taste of curses, his whole life was becoming unbearable, hazy, like he was in a waking dream.
The never ending missions, the continuously growing pile of his comrades corpses, the loneliness.
Exorcize, absorb, exorcize, absorb.
The same thing day in day out, week after week, month after month, year after year.
Exorcize, absorb, exorcize, absorb. 
“Don't waver, fulfill your duty as a strong jujutsu sorcerer.”
Exorcize, absorb, exorcize, absorb. 
Suguru wasn’t even sure how he even ended up here, he had meant to go to the train station but he had somehow found himself at a colorful entryway to a small bakery.
It was nothing special, not really anyways, bright colors and a neon sign that almost hurt to look at. Despite all that, the whole place had a sweet and inviting smell that seemed to cut through the damp smell of the rain outside.
He wouldn’t have categorized himself as an individual who enjoyed sweets, he preferred his coffee black and given the choice he would have a savory snack over a sugary one. He never really cared much for bakeries unless Satoru was dragging him to one…and something about that sweet and thick scent made the rotten taste in his mouth less noticeable. 
He pushed open the door, the warm air brushing over his cheeks as he looked around. It was clean, bright pinks and blue, the thick smell of coffee and sweets. He was almost surprised when he looked up to see you coming out from the back, a tray of perfectly frosted cupcakes in your hands. 
Suguru couldn’t help it, the curve of your lip, the flutter of your lashes. You were a breath of fresh air, beautiful and warm…all he could do was stare at you, his tired eyes locked on your face like he was trying to put it to memory.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” You asked with a smile and a tilted head.
Suguru didn’t miss the way your eyes lingered on him, looking him up and down the same way he did to you. He watched the way you dusted your hands off on your apron, a small cloud of flour left behind as you did.
“Hm.” Suguru looked over the display case at the endless variety of cakes and pastries with a tired sigh.
“Just two of whatever is most popular, I suppose.” Suguru said with a shrug, his back hunched as he shoved his hands in his pockets. 
“Welll.” You thought about it for a moment, tapping your chin and chewing on your bottom lip for a moment.
“Our coffee is famous in the neighborhood and I like to say my carrot-cake would be world famous if given the chance.” You said with a toothy grin.
“Ha, really now?” Suguru chuckled, taking a seat at the counter, his eyes taking in the curve of your hips, the crinkle of your eyes when you smiled.
Suguru crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair. “Well…alright, a coffee for now, and I will take two slices of your ‘world famous’ carrot cake to-go.” Suguru teased.
You giggled softly as you nodded, moving to pour him a fresh cup of coffee, the wonderful scent filling the room as the steam billowed in clouds over the cup. 
You smiled, reaching to hand him the cream and sugar before to your absolute horror, this very handsome man sipped from his coffee completely black, no cream, no sugar, nothing. It was appalling to you, you had only thought those monsters were a myth.  
“I absolutely cannot allow you to drink your coffee that way!” You huffed, a puff of your cheeks and your hands on your hips as you stared at Suguru with horror written all over your face. 
“Oh, really?” Geto asked, a smirk tugging at his lips as he leaned forward, his elbow resting on the counter as his chin rested in the palm of his hand. “And what about the old ‘the customer is always right’ saying, hm?” 
“Nope, I’m not hearing it. It would pain me to let you ruin my perfect coffee by drinking it like that.” You were having none of it, and you waved him off as you already got to work pouring sugar and cream into his coffee. 
All Suguru could do was watch with widened eyes and a smile tugging at his lips, he was quite amused with this but at the same time watching the way you pouted, the way you scolded him for his cofee. It made his heart ache. 
“Just like…Satoru used to do.” Suguru thought to himself solemnly.
“So, are you going to tell me your name before you harass me for my tastes some more?” Suguru teased, his eyes following you as he sipped on the now sweetened coffee with amusement dancing in his eyes. 
“Hmmm, perhaps.” You teased, a soft blush spreading over your cheeks as he stared down at you. His soft and comforting voice had a strange affect on you and it sent goosebumps dancing down your spine. 
“Y/N.” You said softly.
“Suguru Geto.”
After that first time, that very first hello, not a single thing on earth could have kept Suguru Geto away from you. 
You, who had a toothy smile and bright eyes so full of life, you, who didn’t falter in showing Suguru such a new and sweet brand of stress relief he never thought possible. Everything about you, that place, it all made his problems seem significantly further away. 
And so, week after week, despite the bakery being a train and ten-minute bus ride away, Suguru made the trip as often as he could. If he had a particularly difficult mission, he always found himself at your doorstep, craving a dose of your infectious sweetness to wash away the taste of shit that the rest of the world often left behind. 
You didn’t take away all the misery or erase anything that had happened, it didn’t change the failures or fix the world, you just made it all more tolerable. 
You grew accustomed to his visits, his soft and calm voice, his tired eyes, the way his hands would linger over yours when you two would occasionally brush hands. You couldn’t help but to think about him, his handsome face and his dark eyes filled with a past he had yet to talk about.
That was, until one particular late night. You were working late, prepping inventory and such for the week, the store was closed so to say it was strange to hear a rapid knock at the front door would be an understatement.
What was even more strange was what you found as you approached the door, Suguru was leaned against the doorway in the pouring rain, his eyes puffy and his body soaked down to the bone, his hair damp and dangling in front of his face. 
From just that one look at him, you just…knew something was wrong. Instead of his normal black uniform, pressed and clean, he wore a white t-shirt that looked two sizes too large for him and baggy black pants. 
“I’m…sorry.” He whispered, looking up at you with desperation in his eyes. “I just…I need you.” 
And that was how you ended up in the back room of the shop, legs draped over Suguru’s shoulders as he licked and sucked your puffy clit like it was the only thing he could do.
Your jeans and panties long forgotten somewhere, your shirt and bra pushed up over your tits so Suguru could squeeze and pinch your pretty pink nipples every time his tongue lapped up the slick from your pretty, perfect cunt.
“Ah- fuck, Suguru.” You gasped, back arching off of the table.
Suguru’s fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you closer, his eyes fluttering as his own moans sent low and deep vibrations running through your already soaked pussy as his tongue fucked deep into you, his nose brushing past your clit as Suguru groaned even louder, your taste was something he wanted to commit to memory.
Suguru was fully clothed, his dick painfully hard in his pants, a small wet patch from where he had already come, though he didn’t really care. He relished in your taste, the way your clit twitched and puffed as he dragged his tongue over it. You were the best fucking thing he had ever tasted. 
He was probably (definitely) enjoying this even more than you did.
You had already come countless times, your voice was strained and your chest rose and fell so rapidly you were sure that your heart would burst at any moment. Your thighs trembled and your slick dripped down Suguru’s chin and onto the table he had you pinned down on.
He was like a wild animal, no longer the polite and charming man you first met, his eyes were wild, huge pupils the size of the moon as his tongue lapped over your clit until your eyes rolled back, mouth falling open as an intense heat washed over you yet again, your slick creamy and thick on Suguru’s tongue and he gulped and swallowed down every drop like your taste was the damned elixir of life itself. 
“So fucking good…I am nowhere near done with you, sweetness. I need more.” Suguru grumbled, his eyes dark as he looked up at you from between your thighs.
And who were you to deny a starved man?
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Please do not copy, use my work, or put it through AI without my permission or I'll be really sad about it!
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
I just saw this vid of a soon to be wed couple trying to decide on their wedding cake flavor with this ‘wedding cake tasting’ box that had a large variety with small bites of cake for each of them & I thought this would be such a cute concept with leon!! 💗
-Leon Kennedy x reader
{You and Leon taste test some cake for your wedding}
Ack! This is just too cute!! Hope you enjoy my lovely! 💕
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Leon had the biggest sweet tooth ever, even if he’d never admit it to anyone, you knew. He was the one to always pile the shopping trolly with sweets and cakes, even if you didn’t need them, in fact, you were certain that he prioritised sweets over anything else.
It’s for that exact reason that you don’t let him food shop by himself, you made that mistake once and he returned with snacks only.
“Oh!- try this one” you giggle, reading the ‘carrot cake’ label, and Leon already knows exactly what you’re trying to do. He can see your eyes gleam with mischief.
“Absolutely not,” he says, waving your hand away with his own. “Do you want our guests to be miserable?” He asks, grimacing slightly as you take a bite of the cake.
You shrug, your hand covering your mouth as you let out a laugh watching the way his face contorts with disgust.
“It’s not that bad- it doesn’t taste like carrots” You try and reason with him but to no avail, he’s adamant that carrot cake is just not for him.
In all honesty, Leon doesn’t care about the flavour of cake, as long as it puts a smile on your face and you’re happy then nothing else matters, as long as he gets to call you ‘Mr/s Kennedy’ for the rest of his life then he doesn’t care about the smaller things.
You turn to him, “Can I have a kiss?” You ask, smiling sweetly and he scoffs at you. His hand cupping your jaw gently.
“I’m not tasting the carrot cake,” he says, watching the way you fight the smile that pushes against your lips as you try to frown. Failing horribly.
He kisses the tip of your nose before going to try some of the lemon cake, nodding his head in immediate approval.
“It makes no sense I hope you know that. You’ve never tried it, you might really like it. Then you’ll be like ‘Aw damn why haven’t I tried this before it’s so good’” you tell him, watching as he side-eyes you and the carrot cake.
You can help but giggle at his behaviour. It’s not like he was a picky eater, he was willing to try something new now and then, so it baffles you that he’s being so stubborn over some cake, that is arguably not that bad.
“It’s simple really baby, fruit doesn’t belong on pizza and vegetables don’t belong in cake,” he tells you, and roll your eyes.
“Well you have tomatoes on pizza and that's a fruit” you inform him. And you can tell by the look in his eyes you’ve stumped him, perhaps that’s why he decides to smudge frosting all over your cheek. Sore loser.
You squeal pushing him away as he tries to attack you with more chocolate frosting, your hands wrapping around his wrists as you try to warn him off, whisper shouting at him to ‘behave himself’
He gives in eventually, and you sigh in relief as he sits back down wiping his hands with the napkins he’s hogging, “Oh sweetheart, you messy pup” he smiles at you as you roll your eyes, “You’ve got a little something” he laughs, motioning to your cheek.
You go and grab a napkin but he’s quick to pull them away from your reach. “You’ve had enough sugar for one day,” you tell him, wanting to so desperately wipe that shit-eating grin off his stupidly handsome face.
“Well, can I get just a little more?” He asks, hands against your hips as he pulls you closer to him. Your hands against his shoulders as he leans closer to you. His wet tongue licking a stripe against your cheek, collecting the chocolate frosting from your skin.
You immediately try to push him away, groaning out in disgust as you grimace at the feeling. “Delicious” he whispers finally letting you go as you grab a napkin or two wiping his spit off your cheek.
“God Leon you’re so gross” you whisper, grabbing a piece of carrot cake from behind you.
He rambles on about how you ‘love it’ and before he can even realise what you're doing you shove the slice of cake in his mouth, laughing at the shock that paints his face as he eats it, and Leon slowly comes to the conclusion that he might just like carrot cake.
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shatcey · 4 months
Names in IkeVil
Update! Added new boys.
All combinations of first and last names I find extremely good. They sound catching and are easy to remember. It has always been a challenge for me to remember the names of new characters, but here… I had only one problem. I've always confused William with Victor. To me, all names that start with the same letter (in this case, they sound like they start with the same letter) are very similar. And here not only one letter, but also the first syllable sound the same. You know… that was tough. It's only then I start calling them by pet names (Willy and Vic) I finally start hearing them differently.
There is a pseudoscience that claims that all words or names can be described in a few words that convey the emotions you experience when you hear them. It called phonosemantics. I cannot say that this is real science, because there is no (and cannot be) proof… everything is incredibly personal. But it exists, and I find the concept very fascinating.
But first let's talk about how I hear their names. Random order. Don't look for deep meaning.
🐱Liam Evans. It sounds very soft and sweet to me, like marshmallows. It's very streamlined and even shapeless, but it's still extremely pleasant to hear and easy to remember. It's a good name for an actor.
⏳Jude Jazza. Juicy. That's the first thought. It sways pleasantly in the mouth, I wanna repeat it again and again. To me, it sounds like a sour candy with a sweet core that constantly hits the teeth with an unpleasant, but for some reason attractive sound.
❤️William Rex. A very loud and strong name. It sounds like the name of a political leader or something. But in the end it softened slightly, so the impression changed a bit. Now it feels like a warm blanket. I can't see him as food. A shame…
🦊Harrison Gray. Another strong name. But it sounds softer, more stable… there are no sharp corners in it. It is strong, but soft. I don't know why, but it feels like something with carrot in it. Not juice, maybe cake… I'm sorry, Harry… You're not strawberry milk.
🔫Roger Barel. I don't know why this name feels like a balm that smooths all problems. It's warm and cozy. It's like sitting by the fireplace with a cup of cocoa. Funny… I don't like this guy, but his name makes the most calming impression on me.
🪞Alfons Sylvatica. Very unusual. I see it as something with a lot of spices, like an Indian food, but the taste is constantly changing. I love it. I like the softness of his name, how unique and very odd it sounds… This name is not easy to pronounce, but there is something alluring about it. I really like it.
🍎Elbert Greetia. His name gave the impression of something big but soft. It sounds strong at first, but in the end it sounds like something small and even shy one… For some reason, he reminds me of cotton candy.
⛓️Ellis Twilight. Very soft, very smooth, but somehow cold… For some reason, I see a picture of being outside in the middle of the night (perhaps due of the meaning) in a field of flowers or on the riverbank… perhaps both. It's a summer night, soft and calm, with lots of stars in the sky. It's a little cold, but not enough to feel chills. Compare with food… maybe ice cream. It's incredibly delicious, but if you're not careful all the time, you may catch a cold.
☠️Victor. It feels small (funny, considering the character), but soft, with a lot of cream.
And new boys. But before I start... I always read twins' last name differently - Schatz. By the way, it means "treasure" in German. Why am I doing this? A long time ago… then I tried to come up with a pseudonym for myself, the only name came to mind - Schatze - from a very old movie with Marilyn Monroe. If you know, then you know. It's awkward to explain, but let's just say that she was the only one who got what she wanted. And at the time I thought it must be written - Shatcey. Well, I didn't think this name had German roots. And because of that, I subconsciously think of twins as somehow related to me. Very awkward...
⚔️Nika Schvartz. I hear it as something very chewy and juicy… Why does only cucumber on my mind? Okay, he'll be cucumber.
🛡️Ring Schvartz. Melodious, soft, but not too much. It melts pleasantly in the mouth. I don't know why but it sounds like something with chocolate in it. Maybe a chocolate cake.
🪽Darius Vogel. Like Elbert, he starts with a very big one and ends up with a very small one. But it doesn't seems that he wants to look smaller than he really is. He is more firm, like a spring, which at some point shrinks, but returns to its former shape in no time. With food… Lots of water. Not just juicy food, but a real drink. Juice. Orange juice. Don't ask. Just feels right.
And this is how phonosemantic analysis describes these names*:
Liam Evans. Good, safe, beautiful, rounded, smooth, bright, kind, joyful, simple.
Jude Jazza. Manly, brave, rude, big, strong, mighty, loud.
William Rex. Safe, nice, rounded, beautiful, big, majestic.
Harrison Gray. Manly
Roger Barel. Brave, mighty, courageous, strong, rude, big, loud, majestic, bright.
Alfons Sylvatica. Quiet, weak, frail, dim.
Elbert Greetia. Big, simple, good, beautiful.
Ellis Twillight. Nice, beautiful, safe, big, majestic, rounded.
Victor. There are no pronounced characteristics.
Nika Schvartz. Quiet
Ring Schvartz. Rough, Angular.
Darius Vogel. Bright, Loud, Courageous.
* I haven't found an easy way to get these characteristics in English. There are many articles, but I'm too lazy to read to figure out how to do it myself (and I don't really have time for this). I need a form where I can enter a name and click a button to get the result. But I didn't find anything like this in English. So I used transliteration into my native language, entered it into forms, found the result, translated it back into English (yes, I had time for that!!!). And suddenly I discovered that I probably don't pronounce all the names correctly. The biggest issue was with Greetia. I always pronounce it the way I see it [Gritia], but the translator says it should be [Grisha]. And depending on how it's pronounced, I get different results. Not much different, but still… So I choose the words the way I found it more correct.
I was a little offended because of Alfons, but you cannot change the facts, aren't you? And Victor, as always, is mysterious…
I'm very surprised by Nika's "quiet" characterization… Interesting. I totally agree about Ring. He's like an unpolished diamond. And Darius… wow… I'm starting to think about him a little differently. We'll see.
Take a look for yourself. I think there's a lot in common with the characters. So maybe devs are using this "science" when choosing their names. Or it's just a coincidence… Or this thing really works…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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lucienarcheron · 7 months
Ok but after seeing the Bambi post my brain can only picture Elain drunkingly licking Lucien on the face 😂
But you know it's happened at least once. Drunk Elain is my favorite to picture (and write hehe). I can easily picture them at the end of a fun night and Elain's curled up in Lucien's lap, giggling like crazy about their day. Her mouth is going a million miles a minute and she's squishing Lucien's cheeks as she's talking because she's so excited about god knows what and he is so amused and in love, just letting her go off.
Until the conversation is suddenly about desserts and she's thinking about baking a cake tomorrow and —
Elain gasps suddenly and Lucien's brows go up, "What is it, dove?"
"I don't know if I have all the ingredients to make the frosting I like!"
His lips twitched and leans in to quickly peck her lips. "That's alright, I'll buy whatever you need tomorrow morning."
"But what flavor cake should I go for? I'm thinking chocolate but what about strawberry? Ohhh, what if I make red velvet!" She gasps again. "Lucien!"
"What if I make a Lucien flavored cake?" she asked with a coy smile that was more of a twitchy-drunk smile and Lucien tried so very hard not to laugh.
"And what flavor would I be, dare I ask?"
Her expression was mischievous and before Lucien could stop whatever drunk shenanigan she wanted to do, her tongue darted out and quickly licked his face.
Lucien barely made a noise of objection when Elain squished his face again and rested her forehead to his, staring intensely into his eyes. He blinked rapidly as she said in all seriousness, "Carrot?"
His expression flattened. "How dare you."
She burst into giggles at Lucien's outraged expression and Elain tried to make it up to him by peppering his face with kisses then licked his cheek once more, for good measure. "Cinnamon? Pumpkin Spice? Ohhh — how about caramel?"
"I think you need to stop, dove."
"Apple cranberry?"
"Not the kind of sticky I usually go for."
She ignored him and gasped dramatically again, "Gingersnaps."
Lucien's lips twitched as he gave her a playfully reprimanding look. "It seems I need to remind you exactly what I taste like, my love."
Elain bit her lip, her cheeks already tinted pink from how hammered she was and she hiccuped. "Oh? And what do I need to bake to find your flavor?"
His smirk was roguish as he cupped his mate's face and kissed her lips slowly, reverently earning him a soft whine before Lucien pulled back and said, his voice filled with wicked promise, "No baking required. All you need is your pretty, pretty mouth."
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somewhatdelicious · 9 months
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Carrot cake (Gluten free)
I have been reluctant to make a carrot cake since my husband has always said he doesn't like them. Made in now -10 years later- only to find out it's the CONCEPT he disapproves of, and EATING them is, apparently, fine. So I guess it's my own fault for listening to him in the first place. And now I will definitely make it soon again! It was lovely and moist, and not too sweet :)
Whisk together:
1 1/2 cups brown sugar 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup neutral vegetable oil 4 large eggs 3/4 cup apple sauce vanilla to taste
Mix together, then add to the wet, then mix:
2 1/2 cups gluten free flour ( I used Schär pattisserie) 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 2 tsp five spice powder
Fold in:
4 large carrots, grated ( I used a mixer instead )
Pour into 2 round molds, sprinkle with: 1 Cups coarsely chopped nuts (I went with walnuts)
Bake at 180C for 30-35 minutes
Cream Cheese frosting
Mix together:
450 gr cream cheese, room temp 1/2 cup (113gr) butter, room temp 4 cups confectioner's sugar vanilla to taste a pinch of salt
Spread frosting between layers and on top.
Sprinkle with: 1 Cups coarsely chopped nuts (I went with walnuts)
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Hello! Can I request 24 and 26 for the prompt! Geraskier, please. Hope you feel better soon!
24. Going grocery shopping together
26. Encouraging them to finally buy that thing they definitely deserve to treat themselves to
“Oh good, Frosted Charms are on sale!” Jaskier picks up two boxes of the sugary, brightly colored cereal and tosses them into the cart.
Geralt sighs. “No, they’re not. One box is four crowns. The sign only says they’re two for eight crowns so you think you’re getting a deal.”
“Huh.” Jaskier takes a second look at the sign, sees that his boyfriend is right, and shrugs. “Oh, well, nothing stopping me from getting three boxes, is there?” He grabs a third box, grinning at Geralt. “What’s next on the list?”
“Since when are we following the list?”
Jaskier looks at the cart, which is surprisingly full, given that they only walked into the store to grab a few quick things. “Okay, I’ll follow the list perfectly from here on out.”
Geralt snorts. “Next is bread. You specify in parentheses that you want ‘the good shit.’”
“That’s because I’m making garlic bread to go with dinner. You need decent bread for that.”
“What’s dinner?”
“No idea! Maybe more garlic bread?”
Geralt sighs heavily, but his lips curl up at the corners as he steers the cart around and heads towards the bakery. He doesn’t say a word when Jaskier adds a family-sized pack of peanut butter cups to the cart, because all that witcher training has given him a keen sense for how to spot a losing battle. Jaskier hums to himself as they make their way through the bakery, selecting the most promising-looking loaf of bread before moving on. When he turns around, he finds Geralt eyeing the display of cakes, his gaze lingering on the carrot cake.
Jaskier loathes carrot cake with the burning fire of a thousand hells, especially when it has walnuts and raisins in it, as this one appears to, but Geralt is inexplicably fond of it. But Geralt is looking at the cake with the same wistfulness with which he used to look at Jaskier before they finally got their shit together, so Jaskier will endure the presence of raisins and walnuts in his home if it will make the man he loves happy. He leans around Geralt to snag the carrot cake and place it in the cart.
When he looks up at Geralt, he finds his boyfriend frowning down at him. “You hate carrot cake,” Geralt says.
“I do, as does everyone whose taste buds haven’t been ruined by drinking Lambert’s White Gull. What’s next?”
Geralt doesn’t look at the list, still watching Jaskier in faint bafflement. “Did you mean to get the chocolate mousse cake?”
“No.” Jaskier wonders if it would be overkill to buy two cakes, because that chocolate mousse cake does look good. “You like carrot cake and you were eyeing that cake like it was your long lost love.”
“I don’t need it.” Geralt picks the cake back up.
Jaskier puts a hand on his forearm. “Yes, but do you want it?”
Geralt just blinks at him. The thing about Geralt is that even though he thinks nothing of making sure all the people he loves—Jaskier, Ciri, Yennefer, his brothers, Roach—are happy and comfortable, he rarely extends that same care to himself. When Jaskier met him, the man didn’t even have a boxspring, just a mattress that sat in the middle of his bedroom floor. The most luxurious furnishing in his apartment was Roach’s memory foam cat bed. 
He’s come a long way since then, but sometimes they still run into these moments where Geralt doesn't see the point of treating himself softly. Everything must have a utilitarian purpose. Clothes are for covering his body, not to look or feel good in. Food is to keep him alive, not to enjoy. Sometimes, Jaskier thinks he would have made an excellent medieval monk. He used to think it was a witcher thing, until he met Eskel and Lambert, who have no problem treating themselves to the small luxuries. It seems to be a Geralt thing.
“Darling.” Gently, Jaskier takes the carrot cake out of his hands. “Look in the cart.”
Geralt glances down at the cart. “Okay?”
“How many of those things in there do we need?” When Geralt keeps looking puzzled, Jaskier continues. “I’m fully aware that three boxes of Frosted Charms, peanut butter cups, and garlic bread for dinner aren’t necessities in life, but I’ve had a long week and they make me happy. Just like the nice bottle of wine I’m going to go pick up next will make me happy. Do you begrudge me those little things?”
“No,” Geralt says. “Though Frosted Charms taste like stale piss.”
“Don’t distract me by slandering Frosted Charms.” Jaskier taps him on the nose. “Sometimes, you’re allowed to get things just because you like them, not because they serve a purpose. Look at Roach!”
That earns him an incredulous look. “What about Roach?”
“You got a cat because you wanted a cat to keep you company! She’s not a horse, so you can’t ride her. She’s not a dog, so she can’t guard the house. She’s not a goat that provides milk or a chicken that lays eggs. You got her because you love her and she makes you happy.”
“Are you comparing our cat to a carrot cake?”
Jaskier feels like he’s losing the thread here. “All I’m saying is that carrot cakes aren’t something we need, but you deserve to treat yourself once in a while. Even if your version of treating yourself is disappointment in cake form.”
“You just don’t like it because it has vegetables in it.”
“And I stand by it! Cake should not have vegetables. It’s an insult to Melitele, Lebioda, and also me.”
“Hm.” Geralt’s lips twitched. “If I buy the carrot cake, can we keep shopping? They close in four hours and I’d like to be home by then.”
Jaskier makes a face at him and puts the cake back in the cart. “Come on, what’s next on the list?”
“Meatballs,” Geralt says. “Because I’m not just having garlic bread for dinner, Jask. We’re not twenty anymore.”
“I can live with meatballs,” Jaskier says, looking forward to an evening of meatball-related innuendos that will horrify his boyfriend, but also get him laid, because Geralt secretly likes it when Jaskier is obnoxious.
They start away from the bakery section, Jaskier casting a longing glance over his shoulder at the vastly superior cakes they’re leaving behind.
Geralt stops in his tracks. “You want the chocolate mousse cake, don’t you?”
“Yes, but don’t you think two cakes is a bit ridiculous?”
“Since when does something being ridiculous stop you?”
Geralt knows Jaskier far too well. Dropping a kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek, Jaskier goes back to fetch the chocolate mousse cake. After all, it’s not enough to tell Geralt he should treat himself. It’s only right that Jaskier leads by example.
Also, he just really wants cake.
Domestic/Situation Relationship Prompts
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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lumiconic · 2 years
baking with them
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❥ summary: the holidays have come around which means making sweets!
❥ characters: kamisato ayato ; venti ; bennett ; xingqiu ; thoma ; tighnari
❥ content: fluff, gn reader
❥ note: i lovelovelove gingerbread houses TuT
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… kamisato ayato finds this oddly difficult, his hands that are steady in any other pursuit trembling as he struggles to measure out cups of flour and melt butter without burning himself. you stifle laughter at the mess of dough scattering the otherwise pristine tiled floor of his amazing kitchen and he glares at you, feigning tossing eggs in your direction. the smell of the baking cookies is so delicious in his enormous oven, though, that you both find it wholly worth it. 
… venti sneaks tastes of apple cinnamon tarts with decorations of snowflakes and stars on them as you click your tongue, swiveling desperately to keep him from stealing one entirely, arguing that they’re meant for the knights of favonius as a show of yuletide gratitude. he follows you as you bring the plate to the headquarters, at last snatching one just as you knock on the door and sprinting away with his cape billowing and all you can do is laugh exasperatedly at his antics.
… bennett is fighting for his life trying to get his gingerbread house to stand up for longer than two seconds, dollops of shiny white icing dotted with sugary red marbles crushed by his ceiling crashing onto the foil wrapped plate. he groans, burying his face in his hands, but it turns into laughter when you take a decisive bite of gingerbread door, offering him the other half, and the two of you opt instead to give up and eat the entire house and frosting because why not? 
… xingqiu reads out loud from a cookbook that he claims holds “ancient guhua recipes”, which sound suspiciously sugary for a clan that demanded physical perfection and health. he smiles innocently with the last recipe, an elaborately decorated cake with golden and silver frosting in the shape of crescent moons, incredibly difficult even for you. you retaliate by sneaking carrots into the batter, then laugh maniacally when he discovers them and practically shrieks.
… thoma is delighted when you offer to make gingerbread with him, a favorite treat that reminds him of home, but in the process of cutting out shapes you get carried away. when the sheets come out of the oven, you end up with a gingerbread mansion and an army of tiny cookie men, but he just laughs sheepishly and gets out tubes of icing to decorate them as the kamisato estate and shogunate soldiers, complete with multicolored sprinkle visions. (you eat them head first)
… tighnari listens to you ramble about your favorite peppermint cookies for weeks before he finally relents and goes out to pick fresh mint; when you return home one day, you find him gingerly mixing ingredients in a too small bowl, smears of flour on his face, with an adorably focused and determined expression. you wait eagerly for the end result as he cleans up the kitchen, then proudly presents you with a sheet of cookies even better than what you dreamed of.
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thank you so much for reading, and pls leave a like + reblog + follow if you enjoyed!!
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kamil-a · 1 year
from Alice Archives - Green Book
1. BY PETER: foil-baked fish and mushrooms
Ingredients (2 servings)
Fish fillet - 2 pieces Onion - half Shiitake mushrooms - 2 of them Enoki mushroom - 1 Shimeji mushrooms - 1 pack Butter - about 10g Soy sauce/Ponzu sauce - An Appropriate Amount Salt - a little Pepper - a little
Slice the onion thinly. Cut the mushrooms into bite-sized pieces.
Spread out the aluminum foil and spread the onions across it. Put the fish and mushrooms and butter on top of it. Wrap the foil.
Put about 100cc of water in a frying pan. When steam comes out, put the wrapped foil in the frying pan and put the lid on.
Steam for 5-10 minutes on medium heat.
Add salt and pepper to taste, put on soy sauce or ponzu sauce, and its done!
2. BY BLOOD: tea scones
Ingredients (makes 8 scones):
Cake flour - 200g Baking powder - 1 tablespoon Butter 70g Black tea leaves (earl grey, darjeeling) - 1-2 tablespoons or 1-2 teabags Milk - 100cc Egg - 1 Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons Salt - a little
Mix the cake flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Mix thoroughly.
If the tea leaves are too big, crush it finely. mix with the mixture from 1
Mix the butter, egg, and milk. Little by little combine it with the mixture from step 2. Mix lightly, dont overmix!
Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in the fridge for about 1 hour.
Roll out about 1-2cm thick. Cut to a suitable size or use a cookie cutter.
Put in the oven on 180C for about 10-20 minutes, watching it.
Put on as much jam, cream, and other toppings as you like.
Ingredients (Makes 8 scones):
Cake flour - 200g Baking powder - 1 tablespoon butter - 70g milk - about 80cc coffee - about 20cc sugar 1-2 tablespoons chocolate chips- 50g salt - a little
Mix the cake flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Mix thoroughly.
Mix the milk and the coffee, then mix that with the mixture from step 1.
Mix what you have from step 2 with the butter. Add chocolate chips. Dont overmix, mix it lightly. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in the fridge for about 1 hour.
Roll out about 1-2cm thick. Cut to a suitable size or use a cookie cutter.
Put in the oven on 180C for about 10-20 minutes, watching it. Your bittersweet coffee scones are ready!
4. BY ACE: Rabbit Stew
Ingredients (2 servings):
Meat of a white rabbit similar to Mister Peter - 1/2 rabbit Carrots - 2 White mushrooms - 10 Onion - 1 Dried herbs (bay leaf, basil, rosemary, thyme, etc) - a little Parsley - 2 tablespoons Salt - a little Garlic - 1 piece Red wine - 2 cups Olive oil - a little Pepper - a little Honey - half a tablespoon
Cut the rabbit into easy to eat pieces, submerging it in red wine. Let it rest in the fridge for 1 hour.
Julienne the carrots. Cut the onion, mushrooms, and garlic into thin slices. Dice the parsley.
Put the olive oil in a pan and fry the rabbit until brown. Add and saute the onion halfway through
Add the red wine, carrots, mushrooms, garlic, and dried herbs to the pot from step 3. add salt and pepper and stew on low heat for an hour.
When the meat and vegetables are tender, put them on a plate and sprinkle with parsley.
Add honey to the juice left in the pot and heat for 1-2 minutes
Put on the sauce from 6 and it's ready!
5. BY BORIS: Herb Grilled Salmon
Ingredients (2 servings):
salmon - 2 slices panko crumbs - 1 cup pepper - a little olive oil - 2 tablespoons dried herbs (bay leaf, basil, rosemary, thyme, etc) - a little
Pat the salmon dry, and sprinkle on the pepper and herbs. If the salmon is raw, sprinkle on salt, too.
Mix the panko crumbs and herbs. Put one teaspoon of the olive oil into your mixture to moisten it.
Coat the salmon in the panko crumbs from step two.
Heat up olive oil in a frying pan, then cook on medium heat until golden-brown on both sides.
It's recommended to put on as much lemon juice as you'd like. Enjoy!
6. BY PIERCE: Cheese In Blue Cheese
Ingredients (2 servings)
Your preferred cheese - 1 block Sauce: Blue cheese - 50 g Milk - 100cc Fresh cream (low-fat) - 100cc Pepper - just a bit
Mix blue cheese, milk and fresh cream on your stove. melt blue cheese while stirring
Add cheese and simmer. It will be ready in a reasonable amount of time!
*If you're a person who ISN'T Pierce, it's recommended to put the cheese sauce on spaghetti or gnocchi.
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airyairyaucontraire · 5 months
It's strange how much, when I have time off (e.g. tomorrow is ANZAC Day and I've booked the Friday after as annual leave so I can have a four-day weekend), I feel like "ah, normal life for a bit," because work-day life never really feels like life.
Anyway, this weekend is my mother's 70th birthday and she's having a party (catered ladies' lunch) and she's sad because her sister is sick and can't come but on the other hand her best friend has flown over from Australia for it, and I will spend a chunk of tomorrow baking two large and sumptuous carrot cakes for the occasion.
The best carrot cake recipe I've ever found btw: Carrot Cake III from Allrecipes.com. I make it without the pecans, because my sister's allergic to nuts, and instead of plain cinnamon I use mixed spice (called pudding spice in the UK and pumpkin pie spice in the USA). Otherwise, I just follow the recipe and I really cannot over-emphasise how nice this cake is. My sister and mother request it for their birthday cakes pretty much every year.
It's so moist you can make it a couple of days in advance with no noticeable deterioration (provided you store it wrapped up or in an airtight container, of course). The original recipe is for a 9x13 rectangular pan but it works pretty perfectly if you divide the batter equally between two medium-size round cake pans and then layer the baked cakes with the cream cheese icing, which is my normal method. This time, however, I'm making the rectangular version for ease of cutting and serving to a lot of different people.
And it's easy. You don't actually need an electric mixer, if you have a whisk or an egg-beater and some gumption that's just as good. I speed things up by grating the carrots in a food processor - as well as being quicker, I find this results in tidier grated carrots that don't leak and slop their juice so much. In my experience, three medium-size carrots usually yield three cups of the grated stuff, and I would recommend using a grater or food processor disc with smaller holes - thinner strands of carrot give you a better-textured cake.
And as you may know if you know me, I like carrot cake to be a simple and honest CARROT cake, and this one is. There is no secret, sneaky fruit involved.* Carrot it says and carrot it is and carrot it ever shall be.
I once made this with heirloom purple carrots as an experiment. It looked simply disgusting and tasted exactly the same.
*I don't mind if you want a carrot and pineapple cake! I just think you should call it a carrot and pineapple cake. Stuff you if you put sultanas or raisins in it though.
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the-lost-kemetic · 2 years
Winter Solstice Recipes
With the winter solstice fast approaching, I thought I would share some of my favorite recipes to make! Some of them were originally found on websites, but I changed them up to suit my own needs just a bit!
Quick note before we begin: this will most likely be my last post until the New Year, as I will be with family for the most part. I will still reblog and like content, but there will be no original content from me. Thank you for your understanding!
Warm Winter Soup
2 tablespoons of butter or margarine
2 onions, chopped
2 carrots, shredded
1 tomato, diced
2 potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 cups of chicken broth (any broth works)
1 teaspoon of salt and pepper (or to taste)
1 tablespoon of dried parsley
1/2 tablespoon of dried thyme
1/2 tablespoon of dried rosemary
Juice if 1 orange or 1/2 cup of orange juice
2 cups of milk
1 bay leaf
In a large pot over medium heat, melt the butter or margarine and sauté the onions for 5-10 minutes.
Add the carrots, potatoes, broth, tomatoes, salt, and pepper. Stir well.
Add the orange juice, parsley, thyme, rosemary, and bay leaf.
Reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove the bay leaf.
Purée the soup in a blender or food processor. Alternatively, use a hand blender.
Stir in the milk, mixing well, and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Yuletide Cider
1 gallon apple cider
2 cups lemon juice
½ cup honey
½ cup sugar
2 oranges
1 apple, peeled and diced (honey crisp is recommended, but any is useful!)
2 tablespoons ginger or to tastes
2 tablespoons nutmeg or to taste
2 teaspoons chamomile or to taste
2 cinnamon sticks (optional!)
Pour in apple cider, lemon juice, honey, and sugar in a large pot on medium heat, while mixing carefully. Stir until the honey and sugar dissolve.
Cut the oranges into slices and put them in the pot.
Add the diced apple.
Add the ginger, nutmeg, and chamomile.
Allow to simmer for about 2-4 hours.
Pour into a cup and add the cinnamon sticks.
Orange Chamomile Pound Cake
1½ cup unsalted butter
6 chamomile tea bags OR 1½ cup of chamomile
8oz cream cheese
2½ cups sugar
1½ teaspoons finely grated orange zest
¼ cup honey
6 large eggs
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons salt
3 cups cake flower
For the glaze
3oz hot water
1 chamomile tea bag or ¼ cup of chamomile
1¼ cup of confectioner sugar
Pinch of salt
½ tablespoon honey
½ tablespoon freshly squeezed citrus juice (lemon, orange, lime, etc.)
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
Place in a heavy bottomed sauce pan over medium heat. Gently melt the butter, and then add the chamomile. Cover with lid, remove from the heat, and let steep for 30 minutes.
Remove lid and set pot over medium heat to gently melt any hardened butter. Once melted, cover with the lid again, remove from the heat, and let steep for another 30 minutes. Squeeze out as much liquid from the tea as possible.
Transfer to an airtight container and let chill in the fridge until solid. Preferably overnight.
Preheat oven to 325°F. Butter and flour a 16 cup angel food cake pan. Tap out any excess flour and set aside.
In the bowl of a standard mixer, beat together butter, cream, sugar, honey, and orange zest at medium speed until light and fluffy. Ensure the mixing is thorough!
Add in eggs one at a time, ensuring each egg is thoroughly incorporated before adding the next. Add orange juice, vanilla extract, and salt. Mix until well blended.
Using a sturdy spatula, fold in cake flour until just combined.
Pour batter into the angel food cake pan. Smooth and level the top over.
Bake for 80-90 minutes, rotating midway through baking, until a toothpick or knife inserted in the middle comes out clean and the top of the cake is golden brown. Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes.
For the glaze:
Steep chamomile in freshly boiled hot water for 8 minutes. Strain out tea, squeezing as much liquid as possible.
In medium bowl, combine all the glaze ingredients (powdered sugar, salt, honey, citrus juice, vanilla extract, and tea). Stir until smooth. If it ends up being too thick, add more chamomile tea.
Drizzle glaze over cooled pound cake as desired.
Happy Yule everyone!
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heystephen · 7 months
so im trying to eat healthier but im so so bad at it so i got rolled oats bc i was like if i can make the recipe itll be fun and people say it tastes like cake if you do it right. so im making a carrot cake overnight oats... thing but i didnt have shredded carrots plus im morally opposed to them so i used carrot juice instead. one fourth cup carrot juice, one fourth cup milk to half cup oats + brown sugar and cinnamon. only after putting it in the fridge did i see that each cup of juice is equivalent to 4 cups of carrots. so i just put basically one entire cup of carrots into my carrot cake overnight oats. i hate carrots. i only like carrot cake because of the mellow molasses flavor with the cream cheese. neither of which i have. im gonna add raisins but. send help if it doesnt taste good tomorrow im never eating healthy again its all or nothing are oats even worth it or is it a tiktok scam bc my uncle has been eating oats for a decade and hes still got a beer belly and is also in jail, both of which i am choosing to attribute to oats and not beer and fraud, respectively. also! everyone was wrong oats dont taste like cake i made chocolate oats and it fucking sucked although that was more because of the terrible chocolate mix packet i used than the oats, but the oat texture was BAD! so tomorrow i will either get my shit rocked or Get My Shit Rocked. anyway
this was such an Experience to read. im so fucking fascinated. i think you severely overdid it with the carrot juice but the plus side is that you will have good eye sight i think
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shadowthief78 · 1 year
Going for Dim Sum w/BLLK
I just finished eating i’m so full rn
Just some hcs while i digest.
ISAGI: Good boi, keeps refilling your teacup. Accidentally burns his tongue on xiao long tang bao and whimpers about it. Pretty adventurous, willing to try most stuff, really likes the siu mai and egg tarts (like literally everyone else inthe world does) (egg tart haters dni w/author [lol]).
BACHIRA: Tries to eat at least one of everything even after you warn him that’s a terrible idea. Passes out halfway through one of those huge lotus-leaf-wrapped glutinous rice boiled dumplings and only revives after you dribble half a cup of the degreasing, digestive tea into his mouth with his spoon.
CHIGIRI: Keeps slipping food onto your plate when you aren’t looking. Likes sipping the soup out of the xiao long tang dumplings with the ginger and vinegar. Looks super elegant while doing it as well.
KUNIGAMI: Mouth consistently full of cha sau bao. Eats heartily and keeps reamarking on how well you’ve chosen the dishes. “Here, try this”-es you a lot, like you’re not the one who’s got the most experience.
RIN: Keeps trying to puzzle out what the dishes mean based on their meanings in Kanji. Unfortunately, since kanji and Chinese don’t always match, it leads to some weird questions for you. That’s “beef noodles,” not “beef face” (牛肉面) (yes i know that’s technically not rlly dim sum just let me turn brain off ok?).
REO: Foots the bill. Insists on ordering way too much, probably gets some expensive abalone thing you’ve never tried before. Visibly preens when you refil his teacup or puts food on his plate. Making friends with all the waitresses pushing the carts full of food around by the end.
NAGI: Asks for congee or something since it’s simple and he doesn’t know what he likes (trying new things is a hassle...). Eventually gets entranced with peeling the steamed bao and nibbling on the outsides (aka you hand-feeding him the peels). Asks for dessert soup and pouts when he discovers ginko nut is bitter.
BAROU: Keeps trying to outhost you, the host. You can’t eat all this food. Barou, stop, that’s enough! Have another siu mai or something and let other people have a taste, okay?
KURONA: Munch munch munch. Doesn’t talk much but always chewing when you look over. Gives you the thumbs-up whenever he finds something he likes. Particularly enamored with those super-crispy fried yam balls with mincemeat in the filling.
HIORI: Asks questions about everything and always responds with something along the lines of, “Ah, that’s cool!” Likes the crystal shrimp dumplings (ha gao) the best.
ZANTETSU: Tries to claim the skins of chee cheong fan are something like the remains of silkmaking until you stare at him for too long. No, they’re like a giant steamed rice noodle...
IGARASHI: Distracted by the people rolling out, filling, and pinching dumplings shut in the kitchen.
GAGAMARU: No, he cannot try and carve the Peking duck himself. That’s the waiter’s job. Stares too long at the lobsters and fish in the tanks. No, you will *not* be organizing an aquatic jailbreak of any sort today. Does he want to order something else, or...? Uncanny knack for figuring out what food is in which cart by smell alone.
NANASE: Woah, look at all this new food! So exicitng! Cheeks stuffed all the time, looks adorable while doing it, would probably eat a gravel dumpling if you asked him to. (But it really is all super good, don’t worry about him!)
YUKIMIYA: Tries to communicate in gestures to the staff. Resorts to just smiling a lot. Ends up finishing most of the carrot cake even though he’s not super fond of the yammy taste.
NIKO: Looks like he’s not doing much then when you look back, two full steamer baskets are empty. Salted egg custard supremacy.
KAISER: Tries to get you to feed him by claiming he can’t use chopsticks. You flag down the waitress and ask her for a fork. He gets the only fork they have, a tiny plastic one with a cartoon lion on it, meant for toddlers, and a matching teaspoon + plate. Visibly crestfallen.
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xxchthonicreaturexx · 2 years
Low key gonna blow your inbox up but I just love your writing sm. How do you think the boys would be with someone who loves to cook/bake? :)
Awww thanks darlin :) <3
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Darry Curtis
Honestly helps him so much. Like- considering the gang is almost always leeching off the food in the house and he's usually working or taking care of the boys, you cooking helps him so much.
Also double points if the boy's like your cooking too. Gives him time to relax and not hear anyone complain about he cooked the damn food.
Definitely the type of boyfriend that would come up behind you and hug you from behind while you mixed something or cut up some veggies. Also a worrywart if you happen to cut your finger or burn yourself on a pan or something. May yell at you to be more careful because he can't afford a hospital visit over some sliced carrots.
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Sodapop Curtis
He thinks it's kinda cute. Definitely the type to ask you to cook some random ass box of brownies he found at 2 am. Little midnight baking dates. Definitely to spend time with you though and not because someone usually calls dibs on the bowl before him.
Oh yeah, he automatically dibs licking the bowl and spoon. He doesnt care about the raw eggs. Fight. Him.
Brags about you nonstop. Like you could walk into the DX for a quick visit and he'd be bragging to this old lady about how good your cookies are compared to anyone else's. Sorry grandma.
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Ponyboy Curtis
You remind him of his mom. Kinda wholesome and kinda sad. A good amount of memories he has with his mom is standing on a chair as a young kid and helping her mix some stuff for dinner.
He'd probably be the one that preaches constantly about the recipe. "YoU cAnT gUeSs! UsE tHe MeAsUrInG cUpS." A huge gremlin about following the recipe precisely. He helps you but you might have to kick him out so he'll shut up about how you didn't put enough salt into the batter.
He's kinda a 7/10. Helpful if you're precise and he loves to help you out with making food, but sucks if you know your stuff and go off taste. because you don't need no damn measuring cups.
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Steve Randle
Ughhhh such a pain. Kick him out. He like- he'll offer help but will literally just make everything ten times messier and worse on you if you accept his offer. Like he sucks in the kitchen with a passion. He always compliments your cooking though. Compliments to the chef.
Begs you to bake him cake and pastries and encourages you to cook constantly. This dudes always hungry but like he usually cleans his plate. Biggest motivation right here. Probably has competitions with Soda over who has the better lunch for work. He usually wins lol
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Twobit Matthews
Will ask if you can research how to make homemade beer just for the hell of it. He's actually not as big of an alcoholic as he's told to be, but he does wonder if he could create some homemade beer because honestly? Free and he won't have to use a fake ID.
Other than that he's pretty chill about it. He thinks it's cool you can cook. Probably asks you to make him and his little sister dinner sometimes whenever his mom and stepdad are out. I headcannon him as someone that burns absolutely everything. Somehow almost burned the house down by trying to make warm milk for his sister when she was much younger. He's probably too scared to offer his help for the sake of not wanting to mess up any of your cooking, but he usually lingers around while you cook and watches what you do.
Also is not afraid to pick you up and distract you from your food though if he's excited about something.
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Dallas Winston
Pain in the ass 2.0 He's worse than Randle.
"Doll, why cook when I live above a bar?" He definitely doesn't have a great diet. Mfer lives at DQ whenever he's not at Buck's or the Curtis house. His diet consists of Dairy Queen, random ass bar food that Buck finds to give people, sometimes meals at the Dingo if he's not too busy flirting or causing trouble, and stolen ice cream from kids off the street.
"You're just wasting money on all those ingredients. We have plenty of good food all around us." Probably doesn't even own a fridge. Probably the type that has a mini fridge but it's not even plugged in and he just puts sodas or alcohol in there and constantly complains it's broken even though he doesn't think once to look at the plug.
Lol anyways, after you feed him a few good healthy, non leeched, meals, he'll probably shut up more. Still doesn't quite understand, but he gets it a bit more once he tastes the stuff.
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Johnny Cade
Honestly probably the only one that actually can cook. He doesn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but after watching a few times he's somehow a natural? Like the best one out them all to help you cook because he may even be a better cook than you without trying (no offense.)
He doesn't spend a lot of time at home and or good reason, so it's safe to say he probably doesn't get decent meals a lot unless it's from the Curtis house, but I think that's why he's so good with it? Like- he's so grateful for homemade food because it's rare that he gets it that he just subconsciously is super good at making it. Does that even make sense?
Anyways, like I said the BEST to help with cooking and baking. Even draws cute little hearts and stars with icing when you guys make cake <3
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Tim Shepard
Similar to Darry but less open about it. It helps him, it really does, especially with Curly who eats like a horse, but he won't be as sweet or verbally thankful about it. He'll offer to help if he has time, and would hit the backside of Curly's head if he ever made a negative comment about the food, but that's pretty rare so 🤷
Will ask you however, if you can wear nothing but an apron. You'll have to smack him for such a bad flirt.
He'd actually be super soft though if you made him breakfast in bed one day. Like, he'd gently tell you he doesn't deserve you and has you sit so he can share the food.
"Good shit."
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Curly Shepard
Like I said previously, he eats like a horse. I don't care how lean and scrawny he seems, he can outeat a neighborhood. But it's okay, he runs it off lol
"Geez guys, slower than usual today because my doll made this bomb ass pasta tonight, ya dig? Almost ate the whole goddamn thing."
Goes on this mini rant about how he'll miss your cooking at the reformatory.
Definitely begs you to leave school with him at lunch time because he doesnt want that shitty cafeteria food now that he has his own personal chef.
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