#Im sure u give amazing gifts!!!!!!
carmyboobear · 2 months
Zorrasucia here 💜
I love that Carmy really listens to what people say. He remembers that Claire wanted her partner to make her dinner, he remembered Sydney saying his chef whites were cool. Hell, Richie's throw away comment about how he was supposed to have fun haunted him the entire season.
He's so thoughtful, the sort of person that gives tailored presents and knows about the likes and dislikes of his entire staff but only mentions it when it's absolutely necessary.
(just another fun and whimsical way he and I are literally the same person - the amount of thought I put into every gift is ~ridiculous~)
hey there!!💙💙
I love that he does that too ;_; God I need to rewatch s2 I completely forgot that Richie’s comment stuck with him like that. He sees and hears everything and it all sticks with him (imo that’s his hypervigilance from trauma but im also projecting)
He’s a mess but he shows up for the ones he loves in beautiful ways <3 he’s so sweet and so thoughtful YES!! He acts so impersonable and closed off at times BUT he’s actually a big sweetheart AND he is humble AND he is scared of receiving affection so he plays it on the down low AND (cue me talking about this for several hours)
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lilystyles · 2 months
blank space.
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part three of style, written by @lilystyles
my masterlist xx & style masterlist
brief description niall throws the party of the century, and harry gives y/n a gift.
warnings! slight age gap, smutty (daddy kink, romantic sex, m!receiving, f!receiving, steamy, dry humping) sexual tension, drugs and alcohol abuse, fratboys. (wordcount: 11k)
fratboy!older!bffsbrother!harry x younger!innocent!reader
* * * * *
Harry Styles, for what felt like the first time ever, was jealous.
It had now become obvious to Harry, that he is definitely a jealous person when he loves someone.
Which had never happened to him until her, he’d never cared enough to be jealous. He couldn’t care less normally, and he never really understood feeling possessive. It used to turn him off so much when someone was possessive over him, he hated the idea of being tied down and suffocated. His ex-girlfriends could and did cheat him and Harry didn’t care, he was young and wanted to have fun. He didn’t blame others for enjoying themselves. He moved on without the bat of an eye, and he never held grudges over it.
Life was about feeling good, having fun, and enjoying yourself. And before Y/n that meant mindless sex, parties, and smoking in pretty girls’ beds. He knew for a lot good girls that his past would be a major turn off, he honestly didn’t remember half the people he’d shagged, but he didn’t care. Life was a bunch of fleeting moments for him.
But lately, his feelings about possessiveness were different. His feelings for Y/n were all-consuming and so strong he didn’t know what to do with himself, he felt like his world was flipped upside down. He didn’t know how to ground himself, he felt like he was floating, and so far from his feet. When it came to Y/n he cared. A lot. Too much.
He found that even the way people were looking, just looking, at her right now was enough to have him clenching the can of beer in his hand. His fist tightly squeezed around it, imagining it was the jugular of whoever was walking in her direction that wasn’t him. And despite the fact he could understand people hitting on her because seriously she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever had the pleasure of knowing, that didn’t matter to him. Y/n owned every inch of him, and he felt like he’d made it clear she was belonged ot him too.
Harry found himself watching her intensely from across the room, eyes locked directly on her pretty little perfect figure. Which was unlike him normally he was off causing mischief and getting incredibly out of his mind drunk and high. Probably get a blowie outside by the pool.
But she was so striking, and he felt like he was in a trance. She stood out from the swarm of people like the brightest star in the sky, her h/c shined under the lights catching his attention immediately when he walked into the room. Y/n just looked so fucking gorgeous, like the embodiment of beauty, and everything Harry loved was embedded in her very being. He couldn’t have ripped his eyes away even if he’d wanted to. 
If he had to describe her in one word right now, he’d say entrancing. She looked…well it took his breath away how beautiful she was. Harry always found Y/n very beautiful but tonight she looked especially scintillating. He wasn’t sure if it was her outfit or the fact his infatuation was growing by the second each day, but wow. 
He wanted her so badly.
Her face was flushed from alcohol and the heat of the room, a soft pink that was similar to the shade of her lips, and a glisten of sweat coated her from the sweltering evening, making her look like an ethereal being that Harry adored. God, she was adorable. He could see her giggling, nose scrunching and all smiley. He couldn’t hear her, but he wished he could. She had the cutest laugh known to man.
And there it was, that itchy jealousy and annoying possessiveness rolling through his veins as he watched her laugh with another boy.
His green piercing eyes fell further down her figure. Her costume was fitting. The little dress she wore was very short, so short that the bottom of her plush ass was almost peeking out of it and Harry’s thoughts turned from wholesome to not-so. He’d never seen her wear that dress before, but if he had anything to do with it she wouldn’t even be wearing one and she’d been in his bed with the flimsy material on the floor. The material of her dress was almost a second skin, the silky white material left very little to the imagination except for where it puffed out at the bottom like a tutu. Her tits were round, the perfectful mouth for him to suckle on, nipples hard and obvious pressing against the satin material.
However, her luscious legs and smooth skin were the stars of the show tonight, Harry had been lucky enough to feel those wrapped around him, so he knew how soft they were. In that dress, her legs looked so long, the sight of her made his blood rush through him faster, almost like he was high. He’d only had one beer, so he didn’t know what had made him so dazed.
Harry wouldn’t be surprised if his prick was hard in his pants, he didn’t have it in him to feel ashamed. It got like that when he smelt her perfume on his clothes after being with her all day. Y/n had an unfathomable power and control over him, that she hadn’t even known she possessed. It didn’t take make much to get him budged up like that anymore, if Y/n crossed his mind then boom, just like that his prick was begging for his fist.
Harry kept watching her protectively. A few guys were leering close by, and he didn’t like it one bit. Instead of looking at the boys, he turned his attention back to the details of her dress. The top of it had puffy short sleeves that made her look adorable, and the neckline showed her perfect tits sitting comfortably and plump. That little necklace of her initial sitting between them, it sparkled under the dim light.
He bit his lip, and the beer in his hands was no longer enough to distract him. He licked his lips and calculated how he’d get her alone with him tonight. For once, Emma was sticking to her like glue. His sister normally found a way to disappear off and get herself sickly drunk, and with some lad. They had that in common, neither ever one to mingle unless it was for a shag or a spliff.
But not right now, no Emma stayed close by her side, talking to Zayn and a guy Harry thinks is called Liam. Harry’s jaw clicked, teeth clenching as he watched Liam’s eyes linger a moment too long at Y/n’s chest. His fist clenched by his side as he tried to breathe.
Shutting his eyes only for one second to remind himself to get his lungs working. 
As he repeated those two words in his mind, the only thing he could that he wanted to go in and out was his prick inside of her perfect sweet pussy. He wanted her pressed nice and close to him, he wanted to hold her, and press his cheek to her head and shut his eyes. Maybe then he’d be able to breathe normally. He certainly couldn’t from over here, and now as stood across the room he realised maybe all those girls sobbing hysterically with ice cream in their dorms over his frat brothers weren’t so crazy, and maybe those idiots who ran through airports weren’t really idiots. Just people madly, stupidly, overboard, in love.
This absolute possessive carnal caveman rage was something Harry hated because he knew it was stupid. But God the thought of anyone even looking at what was his pissed him off beyond the point of sanity. Y/n was a fucking beautiful little thing, she always had been, all innocent and soft, the kind of girl you wanted to scoop up into your arms and take care of.
And he wanted to do just that. He wanted to take care of her and keep all harm from her direction. He didn’t care if he was getting obsessive with his staring, he couldn’t stop. 
He smiled at the little furry feathered halo that sat on her head, wings decorating the soft exposed skin on her back, and glittery cheeks that sparkled like magic under the pale blue lights of the room. She looked ethereal. His real-life angel and she was dressed the part too. Little fluffy white heels decorated her feet that he was sure would look better by his shoulders as he made her melt around him like he had every intention of doing.
He really was the devil for thinking that way. But that’s who he was, and her unforgettable sweet pussy had infiltrated his mind. He smirked silently to himself because he knew despite their total differences and things that got in the way of them, the world had made them for each other. 
Moulding his hand to fit perfectly around hers. Like a sculpture with his clay, the world carved Harry just for her, and Y/n just for him. He was more sure of it than anything in the world.
Even if she didn’t know that yet, he was more than certain.
So Liam could just right fuck right off, that was his angel. Anyway, who comes as a basketball player when you already are one? How lame is that costume? Harry hadn’t worn his football clothes here and called it a costume. Even he wasn’t that bad.
Harry hadn’t tried as hard as Y/n had with his get-up. The only thing to give away his costume was the cheap plastic red horned headband hidden in his curls. He was in a pair of black jeans, and a black t-shirt, nothing special. He didn’t fancy costumes all that much. But he thought that Lucifer likely didn’t give a fuck about his outfit, at least that’s what he’d told Niall when the bloke almost didn’t let him inside due to his very shitty costume.
Y/n hadn’t noticed Harry yet, despite his icy green eyes boring into her skin for the past twenty or so minutes. He’d been lurking in a corner away from her sight. But when Emma left with Zayn to who knows or who cares where, he made his way over quicker than a blink of an eye. Liam noticed him first, and Y/n felt a warmth radiating near her back which made her spine shudder.
Must be Styles. She thought but didn’t turn, waiting for him to speak first.
“Oh hey, Mate.” Said Liam offering a wave. Liam and her had a physics class together and she was complaining to him about the professor and how she was pretty certain she was going to fail the class.
Harry’s chest pressed into her side and she finally turned, smiling up at him. A soft delicate one that made Harry’s lungs finally kick back into working like normal. Heart beating fast, as he thought to himself, oh there you are heart.
Being with Y/n was like realising he’d spent his whole life without oxygen but now he had air.
“Hi.” He said curtly to Liam, moving his eyes to Y/n’s precious ones, and he could feel Liam watching them. She really had no idea how badly every man in this room wanted her. How didn’t she notice the staring? The whispers? How did she seem so calm when she was like a baby lamb in a room full of wolves?
“Can you come and help me with something please, Trouble? Niall asked after us.” He asked leaning down close so his mouth shadowed her ear. He was lying, but he wanted her alone, and Emma wouldn’t notice. She was already incredibly drunk and he knew that because she was already dancing on a table in the dining room.
Y/n nodded squeaking out a soft sure, and she slid her palm around his bicep, thoughtlessly and instinctively. When they went off campus, and spent time together they always held each other close.
His body was so warm and welcoming, she was used to being close to him now. He brought her so much comfort, and Harry felt smug at the way Liam’s face dropped at the sight.
Yeah, suck it, stupid basketball player. He thought. Butterflies fluttering through his tummy at the feel of her hand on his arm.
Y/n hardly had a chance to wave goodbye to Liam before Harry had dragged her away hands melting into her skin. Everything with him felt so natural. Their physicalness was normal now, and she hardly noticed it as much as that first night. It felt routine and safe, and she loved it. He never did that with anyone except her, which made her heart flutter in a strange off-beat rhythm.
Despite having always been a sexual creature, he wasn’t touchy with people he slept with outside the bedroom. He wasn’t the type. But he honestly couldn’t keep his hands off Y/n.
He guided her upstairs leading her into a random room, and shutting the door behind them. It was a fairly clean room, and Y/n soon recognised it was Niall’s. She guessed by the rainbow flag hung up by his posters, and of course, the biggest sign was an Ariana Grande poster. He fancied the pants off her, and would always play her songs in the car. If they went to karaoke which sometimes they did, Niall always without a shadow of a doubt sang Ariana. Despite the fact his throat could not at all easily sing that high-pitched.
She walked over to sit on the edge of the bed, her dress riding up ever so slightly at the movement. Niall had these pale dusty blue sheets and they smelt like citrus and wood on the bed. She never came into his room, or even to the frat house because, well, it’s a frat house.
Harry walked over to her towering over her, cutting her thoughts of their best friend from her mind. His hand moved to touch her cheek, the curve of her skin was searing hot and Harry could feel her melt into his hand.
“Hi, Styles,” She whispered shyly, lips moving as slow as molasses dripping off a spoon. He knew for a fact she tasted just as sweet too.
He smirked down at her, God he wanted to just eat her right up. She was looking up at him all doe-eyed, her little hand creeping underneath his shirt. She was so cute, so fucking adorable. He could feel the gentle caress of her nails against his hip and he felt his skin pimple in goosebumps.
“Hi, Baby.” He replied, moving to sit down beside her. His large, muscled, thigh pressed into hers emitting a warmth she welcomed. Her hands fell into her lap now as she watched him through hooded eyes.
She blushed some more, “What does Niall need our help with in here?”
Harry laughed and it bellowed out, as he placed a soft hand on her knee. Her skin was soft like butter, and he rubbed her knee tenderly. She was perfect, in every sense of the bloody word. 
“Nothing, I just wanted you to myself, Trouble.”
She giggled, and it made Harry’s chest swell. He loved her. He loved her so much. 
“Oh I see,” She said, her hand landing on his. He slowly dragged his hand further up her leg and couldn’t wipe the smile off his face for the life of him.
“You look fucking beautiful, by the way,” He whispered, squeezing her thigh.
She smiled brightly, and she leaned over to smear a quick kiss on his jaw. “Aw, thanks Styles, I went all out because I knew Niall would have my ass if I didn’t dress ‘properly’.”
Harry laughed, tipping his head back. “Well, I’m certainly enjoying you like this. You look…Jesus Y/n, I mean, are you trying to kill me? You really are trouble, aren’t you gorgeous girl?”
She pouted at him leaning in closer, he could smell her perfume and shampoo so heavily now and he was intoxicated by it. Y/n smelt so good, and the scent of her grounded him. He wanted to keep her right here all night, and maybe he would if he was lucky. Y/n didn’t seem to be in a rush to leave their little bubble.
And she knew Emma was very distracted with Zayn, they were still going out. But honestly, Y/n didn’t suspect they’d last much longer, she could already sense her best friend’s restlessness. It wasn’t anything that Y/n judged, but Emma never stayed with a boy longer than a month. She used to think it was a Styles thing, but Harry hadn’t been with anyone else in months, not since that night they shared.
“Am not.” She said, faking petulance. He leaned down close enough that his lips just grazed hers, and she wanted so badly to join their lips. But she didn’t know if that was what he wanted, so she just waited.
“You so are.” He replied.
She leaned into his neck with a sigh, he smelt like always; mint, tobacco, vanilla, and something undeniably Harry. He was intoxicating and the drink she’d had made her blood rush with a want that thumped so intensely. She wanted Harry, so badly, and her control was wilting away with each second that passed.
The devil had a magic spell on the angel.
“Can I kiss you, Trouble?” He asked softly, pushing a strand of loose hair behind her ear. He noticed a pair of dangly pearl earrings and untangled the hair from them.
Y/n was amazed by how soft and gentle he was with her. She’d imagined him to be a lot cooler, icy, and most of the time he played the part brilliantly. Before that night in the kitchen, all Harry had been was a cold-hearted frat boy who she thought was sexy. Because that’s all he pretended to be around her before this.
She hadn’t known hiding underneath the cool exterior was a warmth more scorching than the sun.
She giggled at him, eyes shutting for a second, before open to see him smiling back at her. “Do you even have to ask that? Isn’t it obvious I’m dying to kiss you, Styles?”
He rolled his eyes, smirk growing even bigger. “C’mere.”
She shifted closer swinging both her legs over his lap and scooting so close their chests pressed together. She felt her heart speed up at the thought of their lips becoming one. Harry was the one to lean down and connect their lips together in a soft gentle greeting. She tasted like rum and peaches, and he sighed at the taste. He’d wanted to do that all night, and he was relieved to have finally fulfilled his wish. Her soft hands had found their way onto his cheeks, and his hand landed on her waist to keep her nice and snug against him.
It wasn’t long until the little breathy sounds she was making had him needy for her, his tummy curled in desire. And in a hurry of want, he pulled her onto his lap properly and she squealed quietly. Laughing against her lips, he smiled. Pulling away to whisper, “I missed you, so much.”
She rolled her eyes. “You saw me like an hour ago.”
She saw him before they arrived. Having got ready at Emma’s, he’d seen her before she was dressed and left for the party. He snuck a quick peck on her lips while Emma was in the shower before he left. The sneaking around was getting more bold, and Y/n knew she should tell Emma soon but she just didn’t know how. 
Plus what were they? She could hardly say ‘Hey Em been shagging your brother for a bit.’
Harry shrugged at her words. “I don’t care, I miss you the second you’re gone.”
Her lips landed on his cheek, leaving a kiss print of pink and she giggled, thumb coming up to wipe it off. 
“Oops.” She giggled.
“What, you didn’t miss me, Baby?” He whispered, tone all sultry, it made her stomach curl viciously. He seriously would be the death of her. She should’ve known from the minute she met him it would be.
“Obviously. Now kiss me like you mean all that sap,” She ordered him, and there was no need to tell him twice. He kissed her again, tongue sliding into her mouth to swirl against hers. His lips moulded perfectly into hers as his hands slid up under her dress gliding over the soft skin of her bum. The tiniest underwear she owned covered her and he felt the lace under his palm, which pulled a groan from out of him as Y/n shifted herself against his hips unconsciously. She moaned softly at the feeling of his stiff cock digging into her knickers, one of her hands balling his shirt up in her hand.
He squeezed her ass tightly and pulled back for a breath to leave kisses along her jaw and neck. Nipping at the skin below her ear, he whispered to her softly. “Such a good girl, Y/n.”
She sighed at the feeling, eyes fluttering closed and mouth open slightly. She couldn’t help it, Harry was just so warm, so inviting, that she felt herself melting against his firm chest. She’d been so needy without him, and the pep talk she’d given herself before tonight had gone out the window as soon as she’d seen him.
They hadn’t been together in so long, and she’d gotten herself off this morning but it wasn’t the same without Harry there. She’d been wishing it was him the whole time.
“You’re mouth is criminal, Styles. Could get me to do anything.” She admitted softly finger running along his bottom lip. It was all pink and wet from her mouth, and she briefly remembered the feeling of him sucking on her clit, fighting the urge to stop her eyes from rolling back into her head at the memory.
He looked up quickly, meeting her eyes. 
“Anything?” He asked mischievously. 
She shrugged leaning down to plant a quick kiss against his swollen lips, “Probably.”
He laughed at that and trapped her into another kiss. They were growing more heated and passionate, her hips grazing against him ever so slightly, as gentle moans left her mouth. Harry swallowed each sound and let her use him for friction, the dull ache in his balls subsided a little less when she did it. He honestly thought he could cum his pants from it if she just went a little bit harder, for a little bit longer.
His hands gripped her a bit harder and pushed her more firmly against him, and the feel of her warmth against him grew stronger. He guessed that by now she was probably wet, and the thought made his cock twitch. Her pussy filled his daydreams, and his mouth salivated at the thought.
She whined into his mouth and whispered a swear against him. His large hand rubbed a circle on her bum, and he decided that this must be heaven. A pretty angel with Y/n’s form was here with him, and sitting right up against his stiffy. That was his idea of heaven.
His hands hidden under the dress, smooth skin under his palms, his hand could barely feel any fabric he knew just how tiny the sorry excuse of knickers she was wearing was, and this only riled him up more. She was so fucking hot. Sexiest little thing.
As she began to grow more needy for a release the feel of his rough jeans combined with the thin lace knickers she was wearing rubbing against her clit, she thought she could cum from this. The prickling heat had started to spark up her spine and she moaned at the bulge of his cock pressing into her. He began to kiss down her neck again and along her chest, and she felt her pleasure growing in her tummy.
Suddenly feeling close, she pushed his shoulders down so that he was lying on his back, and he smirked at the way she grew more needy for it. He loved seeing her use him to get herself off, he didn’t mind letting her be in charge every once in a while. She rested her cheek against his shoulder as she moved her hips in long but hard motions. All rough, and desperate, and Harry loved to see her so riled up. God, she was so perfect. They hadn’t properly seen each other since that night after her terrible date with Peter, and he was growing tired of fisting his cock in the shower. It didn’t compare to the real deal.
Not to mention he just missed talking to her and being with her, and even if the only thing to happen tonight was for her to get off on his leg while he kissed her pretty little mouth, he’d be completely happy with that.
With Y/n he would do just about anything because, well, it was with her.
Eventually, she whispered a soft, “I’m close,” in his ear.
Harry shifted his hips to move with hers  “Cum for me angel,” He whispered into her ear. And just as she was about to cum the door swung up and her movements halted. Harry was about to shout a quick ‘fuck off’ because it was probably a drunk person looking for the loo, but the voice that met their ears wasn’t a stranger.
Oh shit.
“Y/n? Is that a- is that a Harry under you?” Asked the drunken voice of Niall. His voice was slightly slurring, and the gasp he’d let out made them know for sure who it was. 
He could see the familiar tattooed arms wrapped around her which made him immediately know it was Harry and underneath the fluffy material of her dress he saw a flash of pink knickers and that mermaid tattoo Niall actually went with him when he got done, caught his attention, as he let out a loud yelp.
Honestly, he’d never date either of them. But the bisexual side of him was slightly aroused. They were hot, and together? God. Just delicious.
Y/n winced and shut her eyes, sitting up, “Uh…no??” 
Harry laughed at her attempt to lie and she hit his chest. “Shh! Shut up, Styles!”
Niall shut the door walking inside further, uncaring of the position they were in, and the fact he could see Harry’s stiffy pressing up into Y/n’s thigh. 
“What the fuck?” He said, and they could hear the betrayal in his tone. Normally Harry told him everyone he slept with and always stayed in the loop, even if it was a simple statement like he hooked up with blah at blah he always told him. And Y/n told him everything too, mostly, or at least he thought she did.
Y/n sat up sliding off Harry who sat up, stiff cock still standing tall, and his balls aching. Sitting beside him, Y/n hung her head, like a child ready for scolding.
“We wanted to tell you, mate,” He started, lifting his hands up to run through his hair and chucking the plastic red horns onto the bed, as he shifted on the bed. 
Niall placed a hand to his chest mouth parted open like a fish. His long sheet turned toga covering very little of his muscled chest as he squeezed the flesh there. 
“I’m like so betrayed bitches, why didn’t you tell me? Did this just happen? Is this new? What on earth is going on?”
Y/n laughed at his bombard of questions, he obviously wasn’t too cross with them which relieved the tightness in her chest. 
She didn’t look at Harry when she spoke, instead playing with her fingers in her lap and fidgeting, “We haven’t told anyone…it’s well, I’m not sure exactly what is, Ni.”
Harry looked up at her statement and rolled his eyes. “I am, I fancy the fuck out of you, Trouble. We just haven’t told anyone because Emma would lose it. Remember when I got with Y/n’s old roommate that redhead I forget her name, and Emma shunned her from the group?”
Niall nodded, mulling things over. “Right, yeah. She wasn’t happy about that. Which is sad, I liked that girl, great tits.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and wanted to laugh, clearly, they didn’t like her that much if they couldn’t remember her name.
Y/n stood up. “Ni, I know you’re in shock and offended we didn’t tell you. Which is so fair, but Em doesn’t know yet, and she will kill me. Seriously murder me, especially if she finds out from someone who isn’t me. So you can’t tell a soul.”
He looked down at her and nodded. “Of course, I won’t tell anyone, just Benny.”
Benny was his cat, a fat ginger tabby, who was an old thing that Y/n found hiding behind his car one afternoon. Turns out he was abandoned, back then he’d been a thin little thing, but now Niall fed him up probably too much.
Y/n hugged him, and Niall’s hands slid down to her waist. “Thank you, mate,”
He just nodded, and let out a breath.
“Okay, I’m gonna grab some spliff from in here,” He rustled around, “then you can get back to it. Just don’t spunk all over my bed kids, and if you need a cum rag still one from next door, Jimbo keeps stealing my spliff so,” He said walking over to his shelf and grabbing a tin box full of weed, and his monkey bong from beside his telly.
He shut the door with a hushed bye, and then Y/n finally looked at Harry to see he was already staring up at her from his seat on the edge of the bed. Still standing up, anxiety fluttering her tummy.
“So you fancy me, huh?” She said teasingly with a smile, her lipstick was smudged and he could taste her peach-flavoured lipgloss on his lips still, he licked them in thought.
They hadn’t really discussed much about their relationship. But she was fairly certain he liked her. And she could tell he got jealous, that was obvious. But the sudden change from being the brooding older brother of her best friend, who constantly treated her like a ghost, and teased her about her behaviour to this. This intense, honest, and obsessed boy. It was like whiplash.
All those years? What had changed him in these few weeks?
She would probably always fancy him even if nothing ever comes from this, a piece of her will always belong to him, does he know that? She always felt like she was more transparent than he was.
But right now, just his eyes were a giveaway of his feelings. 
The normally stoic, and cold, gaze was suddenly soft and molten. Even though only a few minutes before they’d been seconds away from getting off and kissing, now it was a soft cosy little bubble.
She was suddenly overwhelmed with a memory. When she was a kid and she’d go to her grandparent’s house she’d find herself sitting in their attic, which they’d turned a library nook which had a big window seat that caused the carpet to get all sun-soaked around noon and she’d flick through dozens of photo albums of her grandparents. The couple had grown up together as neighbours, and been in love since they were five years old.
Her grandparents were still so in love to this day, and her grandma always said you can tell by someone’s eyes if their feelings are true. Y/n’s grandfather’s eyes never turned hard around his wife, and Y/n always took notice. The strong, tall, soldier, was an absoloute sap for her.
Y/n had always hoped one day, she would find a love timeless and comfortable like theirs. Which is probably why she’d never gotten into many casual things, and was against that, she just always hoped one day Harry’s eyes would be like that but now that it was happening she almost couldn’t believe it.
Can people lie with their eyes like they can with their mouth? Can Harry?
He nodded. “Isn’t that very obvious, gorgeous?”
She sat down next to him, and she could feel the steamy moment blossoming into something more intimate and soft. She shrugged and looked down at the hands on his lap, and said nervously, “I don’t know,”
He pouted and slid his hand onto her knee. “We can’t have that,”
She looked up at him, her confidence melting away. She felt fourteen all over again, watching Harry pine over other girls and crying when she got home that he didn’t fancy her. Trying to dress more maturely and act like the girls he’d fancied the next day only to go unnoticed. Praying the red bikini she bought that was pretty skimpy for fifteen would catch his gaze when they had a pool party, only for him to makeout with some girl in front of her.
She could admit her crush on him was embarrassing to look back on, but when she got older a few years down the track she’d grown to accept it wasn’t supposed to be and decided she wouldn’t try to change to be perfect for him. Because in reality that isn’t what Harry went for anyway.
She couldn’t help but feel fourteen and insecure again. Why did he all of a sudden feel into her? 
“Well, y’cant blame me. You hook up with a lot of girls H, and that’s okay, but you know I’m not very experienced. I just- I like you. I always have. But what makes what we are doing different from Jenny, the redheaded roommate from first year.” She said, and his eyes pinched with a prickle of sadness.
He had no idea Y/n still felt this way, after the past few weeks he was certain she’d always secretly known how much he liked her. He thought his affection for her was so bloody obvious but clearly she’d never picked up on that.
He sighed, “I used to get with a lot of people, Trouble. Used to, I don’t want too anymore. Not after the night we shared.” He started, licking his lips and leaning closer. “And you are different from everyone I’ve ever slept with because I actually want more than that…I love having sex with you, Princess, but I also love talking to you, I love being with you, and you are the most lovely person I have ever met.”
Y/n felt the air disappear from her lungs. “You’re special, and I wish I would’ve done something about it sooner instead of wasting our time.”
She smiled, one that hurt her cheeks. She felt them grow rosy as he continued talking. 
“And fuck, you drive me crazy. But I miss you the minute you leave, and you are the only person I have ever wanted. Even when were kids. I don’t know how you never noticed, Y/n, but it’s probably because I’m such a tit sometimes. I never made things easy on you, and I’m sorry.”
The validation and shock were overwhelming to Y/n. 
Her heart practically stopped.
He’d liked her too? 
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. 
Her heart skipped a few beats in her chest, and she felt herself trying to process his confession. 
He’d liked her too? All this time he’d liked her too? What the fuck.
“I may have always been a total dick, but I’ve always fancied you. Ever since I could remember. If Emma wasn’t an issue I would already have told everyone that I fancy the fuck out of you, including you.” He said, lifting a finger to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, “I would’ve tried to get with you years ago, but the idea of not having you at all was what stopped me.”
He paused, swallowing as he watched her stay silent, and listen. “If I could change the way we started this I would’ve done it properly. Asked you out somewhere nice, worn my best, all of it. But I didn’t expect for us to happen.”
He sighed, “And I didn’t want to have to make you choose between me or her, like I know Em will probably make you, and I’ve been selfish letting myself have you these past few months. But fuck, I just have no control when it comes to you,”
Y/n blinked slowly. Because holy fuck. He liked her back, he always had, and he would’ve been with her sooner if not for the obstacle of her best friend. She couldn’t believe it. She really was sure she must be dreaming and had to stop herself from pinching her skin.
Her lips curved in a smirk, and she put her hand on his hand that was resting on her knee and said. “So, what exactly does that make us, Styles?”
He smiled and for what felt like the first Y/n thought Harry looked nervous. He lifted his free hand to scratch the back of his neck, cheeks dusted in a rosy hue as he tried to get the words out.
“If you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
She giggled and he felt nervous while he waited for her response. 
“Mine?” She asked, liking the way it rolled off her tongue, her long lashes fluttering as she looked up at him.
He nodded once again, and she leaned close nose brushing his, and kissed him. As a soft ‘okay’ slipped past her lips he wrapped his arms around her back and smiled pulling apart from her lips for just a moment. 
Excitement rushed through him, as his heart raced. She was looking right back at him, and he felt blissfully happy.
“Okay?!” He asked, unable to hide his relief and surprise.
She laughed tossing her head back, “Yes, Styles.”
He pulled her into a tight hug and she couldn’t stop smiling against his chest, he smelled so good. When he pulled her back at arm’s length once more he looked at her, eyes scanning the plane of her beautiful face. The dim lighting didn’t offer much but he already had every detail of her face memorised. 
“Y’do know this makes you my girlfriend, right?” He said, once again checking she knew what she’d just agreed to.
She nodded laughing, and sliding her hands up under his shirt by his hips. “Yes, I’m aware, boyfriend.”
This made him kiss her again and her hands moved to his back as he rolled them over, his chest pressing into her as she melted into the plush bed. He kissed her desperately, leaving them both no chance to breathe. As her legs split open for him to rest on top of her, she felt something hard press into her. Not his prick, no it was in his pocket, how come she hadn’t noticed before when she was sitting on him? 
She touched it with her hand, and Harry took notice, pulling back gently as his ragged breath fanned her flushed face. 
“Sorry, Trouble.” He whispered breathily, as he dug around in his pocket, sitting up on his knees as Y/n leaned back on her arms watching him.
In his hand was a little black box, it was velvet and she wondered what on earth he had in there. She frowned, eyebrows pinching confusedly, as she watched him hesitate to open it or explain.
Rather than speaking, he opened the box finding inside a sparkling gold necklace. It glittered under the fairy lights Niall had on his headboard. She squinted sitting up straighter, slightly dizzy from it all.
A soft giggle erupted from her lips, and she felt her smile grow wider. Her dainty hand reached out to graze it.
This boy really was full of surprises. “I just- I thought we’d talk tonight so….”
A little golden H on a chain glittered the box, and she felt eagerness bubble in her tummy. Flowing through her veins, as she smirked at him, and bit her lip, “I thought you were joking when you said all those things.”
That night after he’d picked her up from that horrible blind date, and they’d shared a long night together. She thought his jealousy, and possessiveness was laced into his sexual fantasies. Not real jealousy. Because since when was Harry one to care about anything when it came to girls, other than getting his cock wet?
He only smiled, a wicked look coming across his features, God, he really was so bloody devilishly handsome. 
“I don’t joke about what belongs to me, Y/n,” His voice drawled softly, and her stomach curled. The way he was looking at her was enough to rile her up all over again. 
She moved one of her hands to slide up along his arm, her pink long nails scratching the inked skin softly as she lifted his wrist to her chest and pressed a kiss on his knuckles softly. His breath hitched at the sight of her. 
She was so adorable. 
Y/n gradually brought his palm to her neck, and his fingers gently slid around her throat and she bit her lip. 
“Take this off,” She sighed.
He knew she was referring to her initial around her neck, and his cock twitched. Fuck, for an innocent little angel, she knew his game.
His fingers found the clasp and took the necklace off. It was dainty in his hands and what she did next surprised him. Grabbing the necklace from his palm she sat up a bit more on the bed and slid it around his neck, the chain was still warm from her neck, but he shivered as she touched him anyway.
She clasped it on, and it dangled alongside the cross his mother had given him. It was so dainty, you’d hardly notice it. She liked the idea of her initial constantly hanging there beside the cross. He never took the cross off, not even in the shower. Her finger lined them up perfectly, the cross was slightly longer and she made sure they weren’t tangled.
He leaned down now, almost face to face.
“Now everyone gets t’know what’s mine too, don’t they, Harry?” She whispered and licked her lips at the way the chains dangled down near her forehead.
He smirked down at her, dimples popping. “Yes, Angel, they do.” 
She grabbed the necklace from the box and handed it to him. “Put mine on, Styles.”
He obeyed and put the necklace on, the cool chain made goosebumps pimple her skin. It dipped just above the swell of her tits, and he smiled at the sight. His perfect little angel, marked under his name.
“Gorgeous little thing.” He whispered and put the box on the bedside table.
Y/n grabbed his shoulders bringing him back down, he captured her lips against his and they kissed. It was all tongues, teeth, and a mess of noses bumping each other. A feverish kiss, full of a searing heat that had been waiting to burst for a few weeks now.
Y/n’s soft legs wrapped around him, the heels of her shoes digging into his bum as she pressed her heat closer to his once again stiff prick, as he moved his mouth down along her jaw and neck. Slowly spreading his kisses to her chest, and once he got to the H necklace he smirked to himself. He had to be dreaming.
His hands found the zipper of her dress and began to tug the fluffy sleeves down, which revealed her bare chest. Her nipples hardened as his hands grazed them, rough and calloused fingers teasing her nipples, and he moaned, at the feel of her, before latching his lips around one of them.
His filthy, fast, searing hot tongue glided along her. He looked up to see her reaction and the breathless, blushed face made him jut his hips into the bed. God, he wanted her.
“Naughty lil’ thing,” He whispered, looking up at her as he began to leave marks along her chest. Her hands fell to his hair and tugged on the mess of curls, playing with the hair distractedly. 
“Tiny knickers, no bra, all for who, Baby?” He tsked her, looking up to see her expressions but her eyes had shut, and she was sighing softly. She looked off in her own world.
“You,” She keened, eyes opening only to find that green already staring right back at her.
He smiled at that and planted another kiss on her lips before moving down the bed, shifting so that he was kneeling on the floor as he tugged up the fluffy skirt hem, and put his face between her thighs. Kissing, sucking, and nipping on her soft skin. She moaned at the feeling of him, and the drink she’d had made her loose-lipped and slightly louder than she normally would be in a bedroom at a party hiding from her best mate.
She knew they shouldn’t be doing this, but they were together now, she could hardly leave this conversation without celebrating.
His nose brushed against her knickers, and her hips jolted up in his face. He smirked against her and his big, strong, ring-covered hands pushed her hips flat on the bed as he looked up at her. “That’s right, Trouble, all f’me. Only f’me. Sucha’ good girl.”
One of his hands moved to her knickers and pushed the thin string aside, revealing her gorgeous dripping pussy. His mouth practically watered at the sight, ever since the night he had a chance to taste her it was something that had overtaken his fantasies when he fisted his cock, he loved being between her legs and it was all he could think about most nights before bed.
When he began kissing her clit, she knew it was going to be hard to pull him away. His tongue darted out along into her hole, and he started licking into her desperately, as her legs fell over his shoulders and she let out a soft cry.
“Mm, fuck, Daddy,” She moaned, and her hands fell into his hair as she began to tug on it in gratitude. Her long nails scratched his scalp, and he moaned against her clit causing her legs to squeeze against his head in pleasure.
One of his hands moved up to her thigh and he pushed it backward, giving him a better view of her. With his other hand, he moved his fingers up to her lips and tapped against her bottom lip. She knew he wanted her to suck on them, and did so happily. They muffled her moans as he continued hungrily licking up all the slick dripping out of her needy little pussy.
He could feel her tongue swirling around his fingers and his cock jealously throbbed in his pants. He was happy with how dripping in her saliva his fingers had become and he brought his hand back down to join his tongue. With his middle finger, he slowly started teasing her weeping hole, and she let out a harsh cry. 
“Please,” She begged desperately and tugged on his hair.
He pulled back, lips covered in slick all plump and pink. “I know, Princess, I know,”
And just like that his fingers slipped inside her, filling her up so that she felt nice and snug with him. His lips moved to her clit and he began sucking firmly, this caused her spine to spark with the familiar feeling of her orgasm rising. Her tummy was rolling in waves of pleasure, and her clit was throbbing against his warm wet tongue.
“Daddy, fuck,” She cried, and each breath she let out was a whimper. All desperate, as she clawed his arms and hair, so ready for him to be inside her. So ready to cum. So close.
She felt so fucking good. His mouth was like heaven and she felt the high she’d been chasing for weeks close enough that she could almost taste it. The way he was lapping her pussy up like a hungry feral animal. His fingers were long and thick, but nothing compared to his gorgeous prick. They were curling inside her and she could feel him hitting that spongy spot that made her toes curl. 
He noticed her thighs begin to shake and the especially loud gasp she let out when he hit that spot. Continuing his merciless and hard pace he was certain she’d be coming undone soon. His tongue sped up, growing more sloppy and hungry for her orgasm to melt onto his tongue. His free hand squeezed the soft flesh of her thigh, as it shook uncontrollably underneath. 
The animalistic needy way he was licking into her was almost like a beast and its prey. He’d lost all sense of his surroundings, where he was, and what was happening outside of this room, all his focus was on Y/n. Her sweet, tangy, taste, the sounds of her whimpers which went straight to his throbbing cock, and the feel of her skin under his hands, the slick coating his tongue.
When Y/n came for him, it wasn’t gentle and quiet like they’d planned. No, her hands clawed at the soft cotton bedsheets as her back arched up uncontrollably. A loud long cry of Harry’s name fell from her swollen lips, as her pussy throbbed and waves of pleasure washed over her. Her body shuddered and his tongue hadn’t stopped until he’d licked up all the slick off her, and she pushed his head back with a shiver.
“Sensitive,” She whispered.
He smiled at her. “You’re so fucking beautiful,”
She blushed, and pulled him up closer to her, trapping him in a long loving kiss. She could taste herself on his lips but didn’t have it in herself to care. His hands caressed the curve of her body as she rolled on top of him. 
His firm cock was digging into her hip as she kissed him, in no particular hurry at all, and her hand found its way to his jean button. Popping it open and sliding her small, warm, hand into his briefs. She could feel how hard he was and pulled him out. He sprung up against his tummy, and Y/n began to stroke him softly and slowly. The reddened tip of his cock was drooling in beads of precum.
Her lips still smearing against his, as his tummy curled in desire. The sleeves of her dress had fallen down, and she looked all messy from having cum just a few seconds before. She was so beautiful.
As she moved down the bed. Her legs bracketed his and she rested her cheek on his hip bone, lips pouty as she looked up at him. Her hand was still holding the base of him, as smiled. A shadow of him cast over her innocent looking face.
“You have sucha’ pretty cock, Daddy,” She whispered, eyes mesmerised by the sight. And she wasn’t lying, he really did have such a pretty cock. The prettiest.
“All yours, Princess,” He said softly, and despite the fact his hard massive prick was out, the way he spoke was so tender and gentle.
“Can I suck you off?”
He nodded. “Course y’can, Angel, go ahead.”
She rested between his legs with her bum arched up as she leaned down to swallow him in her mouth. Her saliva dripped down along his shaft, as he watched her take him in her mouth. He hardly fit, so she used her hands too, and each time she dared to go deeper her throat gagged around him. Coughing and spluttering, as she attempted to suck him off.
She tried for a few more minutes, unable to get the fast deep pace she wanted. Harry wanted to laugh at her attempts, she was so adorable trying to fit his huge cock inside her little mouth. He didn’t mind watching her pathetic attempts to deep-throat him.
She pulled off for a second, a string of drool connecting them, “Can y’help me make it fit, Daddy?”
He nodded, hand coming to stroke her cheek, “Just tap my thigh if it’s too much, Baby,”
She nodded before moving back down to wrap her lips around a third of him, she could feel his tip hitting her throat already. Her slick spit had dripped all the way down to his balls and her free hand moved to gently massage them.
He moaned. “Fuck, good girl,”
His hips slowly moved up into her mouth, and she choked on him without pulling away, his pace began to become more regular as she let him fuck her mouth.
“Daddy’s good girl, aren’t you?”
She made a noise his cock, and he just pushed himself deeper, hands moving to hold her hair in a loose ponytail in his fist, “What was that, sweet girl?”
He teased, as she tried to mumble a yes, despite the fact her mouth was stuffed full of him. He laughed sadistically, tossing his head back as he let out a deep rumble of a groan.
His hips speed up desperately as he feels orgasm feels closer. “So fuckin’ good, Y/n, fuck,”
Her hands massaging his balls, and the base of his cock that couldn’t fit, along with her warm, wet, hot, little throat made Harry certain he’d only last a few more minutes. His rhythm grew more sloppy, as he watched Y/n take him. Her eyes were crying with tears from his rough pace, and she was squeezing her thighs together at the noises he was making.
His cock disappearing into her, was enough to have him hissing and whimpering. “Oh, fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me cum, such a good girl f’me.”
He pushed her head down a few more times, listening to the way her mouth made sloppy noises around him, and he let out a deep guttural moan as he felt his cum start to leak out into her throat. His throat rumbled gravelly moans as his hips lifted up into her throat. Holding her head there to take all of his cum, before finally pulling her off. 
She let in some deep ragged breaths, mascara running down her face, and his cum dribbling from her chin. There had been so much of it, that she was almost jealous he hadn’t spilled it inside her. She shut her eyes and let her lungs finally have some air again. She’d gotten dizzy around him.
Her tongue darted out to collect the cum that had split, as she drooped to rest her head against his thigh again. His hands moved to her back and rubbed some soft scratches along her shoulder blades.
“You okay, Trouble?”
She nodded looking up with her glassy eyes, and glossy-coated lips, “Did I do alright, Styles?”
His brows pinched and he shook his head at her question, grabbing her so they were face to face, “You are the most beautiful girl in the world, and your mouth, was made for my cock,”
She sat up and pulled him in for a kiss. A soft one, slow, and comfortable. As he rubbed her exposed skin. She was so warm, silky, and supple under his palms. He wished to stay like this always.
He eventually turned her so that she was on her side, one of his legs between her two plump thighs, and they continued to kiss. His kisses travelled to her shoulder and neck as she played with his hair.
She whispered softly in his hair, which smelt like his shampoo, a chestnut-scented one. “I want you, Harry, please,”
And if Harry thought he’d been really needy before, he was sorely mistaken, because seeing his messy-looking girlfriend begging for him to fuck her, had him only thinking of him stuffing her full until she cums for him, over and over and over. His cock had already hardened once more and he rolled on top of her.
“Okay, my love,” He said softly, as he kissed her forehead, lips meeting again in a kiss.
Her soft hands moved up under his shirt squeezing his hips, soon tugging on the hem until Harry realised she wanted it off. They parted their lips breathlessly as he pulled the shirt up over him, muscles flexing as he threw it somewhere they didn’t care to look. She smirked against the curve of his shoulder as he moved back on top of her, and her hands stroked the rippling muscles of his skin, finding a home on his back. 
They were too desperate to get all their clothes off, but Harry had tugged down the top of her dress, fluffy sleeves hanging on her arms lopsidedly, revealing her beautiful chest which had marks already blooming from his previous bites, and he’d bunched her dress up around her hips. The plumes of the skirt of her dress hid her wet little pussy from them both, but he could feel her. He slipped his hand down between her thighs and shoved the thin string that was her knickers to the side so he could slip his prick inside of her with ease.
He looked up at her. She was biting her lip, eyes shut, a look of complete desire on her face. Waiting for him.
“You okay, Trouble? Ready f’me?” He asked her, the tip of him teasing her. Pressing into her swollen clit as her hips squirmed at the attention of him. She was about ready to cry over how much she wanted it.
“Yes, please, Daddy, want you.” She said in a desperate tone, she almost looked in pain over it. He leaned down to kiss her temple before he slowly guided himself inside her. Inch by inch she felt herself split open for him, a familiar sting washing over her like always because of his absolutely ridiculously large prick.
When he reached the hilt of her and had stuffed her as full as he could he leaned back down, arms hugging her close to him, chests pressing together as his head fell into the crook of her shoulder. Her arms had moved to his back, long nails already digging into his skin. 
“Fuck,” He whispered. As she moaned at the feeling of him. A soft cry, that had his balls aching for release.
She was breathless from the feeling of being full of him. 
When she eventually told him he could move he began to, at a hard but slow pace. Each thrust hit her so hard she let out the loudest noise she ever had. Her pouty lips formed an O shape as she clung to him tightly, trying to stay still despite how sensitive she felt. He was groaning against her shoulder and neck, and the tightness of her pussy had him shaking. She was so warm, and tight, and god. So perfect.
Her mouth was by his arm and she kissed the soft skin, as he began to speed up. The pair of them both getting more and more desperate for their release. She could tell because his thrusts were growing more sloppy, and less calculated. Her hand slid between where they joined, and she began to rub firm lazy circles on her swollen bud. It wasn’t long before she unravelled on his cock, he could feel the way she squeezed him, and soaked his prick, as she cried out his name. 
“M’cumming, H, please,” She didn’t know what exactly it was she was begging for. But he seemed too.
He kissed her lips, a gentle peck, “I know, Baby, let me take care of you,” He whimpered, he was trying to help her through it without cumming himself.
Her nails scratched into his back, harshly, as he hissed in pain and pleasure. She nodded, letting him help her through the intense feeling of her orgasm. His cock was so deep, she felt like she wanted to cry. 
“Thas’ it, m’love, such a pretty little angel, f’me,” He praised as she squirted on his cock.
When the peak of her orgasm subsided, she noticed Harry’s thrusts grow uneven and she helped him by rolling her hips to meet his.
She looked so spent, and her eyes opened to watch him as he came undone, lip caught between her teeth. 
Those eyes are what did it for him. He came, hard, and fast. Hot cum shooting up inside her, as he flopped down with a guttural, deep, moan of her name. Whispering sweet nothings as he let himself fill her up with his release. Balls twitching, while his hot breath raggedly hit her neck.
“S’fuckin’ good,” He said, kissing her lips. “My perfect girl,”
She kissed back tiredly. Just as they were about to kiss even more deeply the shrill sound of Y/n’s phone ringing erupted in the room. Fleetwood Mac was her ringtone and Y/n pulled back to see who it was. 
Incoming call from Em💛🌻 lit up Y/n’s screen and a photo of Emma from primary school was the picture. She looked so cute and ridiculous in it.
Y/n now noticed about five messages from her. And Harry noticed her stiffen, pulling out of her to sit up and, she winced at the feeling. Suddenly empty of him, and wishing he’d stayed a little longer.
Harry tried not to notice the way his cum leaked out of her, but it made his cock twitch, he walked around Niall’s room until he found some tissues. Coming over and gently wiping her up, while Y/n replied to Emma’s text.
Her pussy was sore, and swollen, from pleasure. As he cleaned her up, she flinched. 
He leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Sorry, Trouble, I’ll try n’ be gentle.”
Once he’d gotten her all cleaned up they sat up and fixed her outfit. Pulling the straps back up over her shoulders, and her fluffy tule down, the sticky knickers covered in their cum made their way off her. His rough hands remained soft on her hips as he slid them off.
“What are you doing, Styles?” She asked eyes wide, and doe-eyed. Suddenly all innocent again, like she hadn’t just squirted all over his cock in someone else’s bed.
“Can’t have you all sticky can I? Don’t worry I’ll hold onto them.” He said sliding them into his front pocket. The pale pink lace bunched up in a tiny ball, not sticking out. All tucked away, their filthy little secret.
She blushed a rosy hue and was about to protest but he kissed her and grabbed her hand to sit her up, pulling her by her wrists to stand up with him. Tugging the hem of her dress down so she was covered, as hunted around the room for his own clothes. Quickly tidying himself up and finding the devil horns that Y/n had thrown out of his hair at some point, before stealing one last kiss from her.
It was deep and slow, tongues melting together, as he moaned softly against her, his hands hugging her body nice and close to his. He felt weird having sex and going back downstairs so quickly, he was so used to cuddling with Y/n now, but he was sure she felt okay and he tried to assure her.
 “Go find Em, I’ll find you in a bit, okay? Don’t go anywhere, Trouble,” He said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears and placing one final kiss on her forehead before letting her go.
Her face hurt from smiling so much, and she turned to leave, but just as she was about to open the door she turned back around and ran over to him to quickly place a kiss on his cheek. He smiled at her, god, she was cute.
And watched as she disappeared back outside into the real world, sighing to himself. He took a moment to sit down on the bed, taking in deep breaths as he beat himself up silently. He was partly celebrating in his head because holy shit, Y/n was his girl now, officially, she’d signed her name on the dotted line with the devil, handing over her precious angel soul. His initial hung around her neck, a silent show. 
But he did wish he could’ve told her he loved her. Because god, did he love that girl, his chest physically hurt to be apart from her, it ached. He never felt that way about anyone before. Y/n is home, Y/n is happiness, Y/n is his childhood, and Y/n is his first and only love.
He should tell her. He silently decided to work up the courage soon, when the moment felt right. When neither of them had been drinking.
As Y/n walked down the stairs in search of her decidedly drunken best friend she sighed quietly, hoping the sex she’d just had didn’t wear on her face, praying her cheeks weren’t flushed in a show of how besotten she was for Harry. 
Y/n’s legs were stiff, and her pussy was still coming down from the high Harry had given her before. She was sore, his cock was still too big for her, and as she walked she tried not to let on how much he’d ruined her. 
Finally spotting her best friend with tears standing by the kitchen she rushed over. Emma began to bombard her with questions but Y/n just shrugged saying she bumped into some people from her Pysch class. 
Emma was far too inebriated to notice the stutter and lie and pulled her to the kitchen to do a few shots. By the time they’d done their third Niall pulled them over into an intense game of beer-pong which surprise surprise they both sucked at, resulting in them drinking a lot of stale-tasting beer. After their harsh loss, they floated over to the dancefloor, which was just the living room. Niall was playing some good music tonight, as per usual, and Y/n felt happy as the two girls melted together in a huge mess of limbs and dancing. 
She swayed her hips, ass pressed against Emma who had wrapped her arms around Y/n’s neck and shoulders. They were both very drunk now, the shots they’d done catching up to them, and the intense game of beer-pong Niall had roped them into had Y/n stumbling.
The house music that was playing made her feel even more off her face as she let her eyes flutter shut. Emma’s hands crept over to his hips and Y/n began to grind against her. They always danced pretty sexually together, and Y/n felt safe in her arms, she’d rather shake her ass against her best friend than some random frat guy.
And if she had to settle for the other Styles she didn’t mind, but she would rather be dancing against Harry. Who she’d lost, she didn’t know where he had gone now. But she let those thoughts drift away as Emma spun her around and they melted into a hug.
Singing to the song as it came to an end, Y/n lifted her head to look at Emma’s pretty face.
“I love you,” She slurred, obviously drunk. She also thinks Zayn and her had maybe spliffed up a bit. Because Emma’s eyes were red and she looked more out of it than normal.
Y/n smiled. “Love you too, Em.”
“I’m gonna go find Zayn, will you be okay?” She asked. 
Y/n nodded, “Yeah, go find him. I’ll go see if Niall is anywhere.”
Emma leaned over planting a peck on her lips, which wasn’t unusual for her, and left. Y/n sighed and instead of finding Niall, she found her body continuing to move along to the rhythm of the song. Her eyes shut once more as she raised her hands and danced her heart out.
She sang along to the song and pretended she was off in a magical land on her own. Time felt like it had slowed. As the song drew to the beat drop she felt a pair of hands slide on her hips and she spun around, uncomfortable at the thought of some strange man grabbing her.
But it wasn’t a strange man, no, it was Niall. She laughed. “Nialler!”
Her hands fell to his shoulders and she began to dance with him. Niall was a notorious flirt across campus, he was bisexual and that meant no one was safe from his constant flirting. And even though Niall had a boyfriend, and wow, now technically she did too they danced like two single people ready to leave together.
His hands melted to her hips and she leaned her chest into his. They jumped and swayed and they were both drunk and on a different planet almost. When she felt another pair of hands melt onto her waist and a warm back press into her she turned to look over her shoulder, it was Harry. 
She leaned into his back her bum pressing against his crotch as she felt his hands firmly stay on her hip bones while Niall’s stayed around her waist. Sandwiched between the two very attractive men had her wanting to laugh.
She giggled, and they both did too. Her head fell back to rest against Harry’s shoulder as they continued vibing along with the song. After a few songs, which flew by in the blink of an eye Paddy wandered over and whisked Niall away who left with an eyebrow raise and from the looks of it they were about to go blowie and make up.
As Y/n turned to face her boyfriend she sighed. Her boyfriend. She had one of those! 
She leaned forward to plant a quick peck on his lips. 
“Take me home, Styles?”
So he did.
love u thanks for ur patience more soon - L xxxx
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
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a gift from me to you for the new year, to help give tips that can help u succeed 🫶🏽 a post filled with resources, and advice to help u guys improve in every aspect 💗 i love and appreciate u all and i hope u find it helpful.
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ physical movement and activity
find something that u like and thats fitted for ur needs. for me, all of the workouts that i do come from youtube. a girlblogger that always has a lot of workouts to try is @4theitgirls-workouts. to motivate urself to move ur body i recommend buying something cute to workout in because it always makes me feel good. i rly like to do pilates, so since i enjoy pilates -> i'll wanna do it more.
so dont be afraid to try different things and see what u enjoy the most and stick with that bcuz u dont wanna be forcing urself to do something that u won't enjoy/that won't give u the results that u want. if working out in general isn't rly ur cup of tea at all, thats totally okay! try going for walks or start running. maybe try out for a sport or start a style of dance. the whole point of this category is to get urself moving bcuz its rly rly good for ur physical and ur mental health, and it'll serve u in the long run. another youtuber i rly recommend for pilates workouts is madeline abeid.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ self improvement youtubers that i love and watch regularly
the wizard liz
sammy ingram
hailey gamba
the freezia
₊˚⊹ ᰔ law of assumption
of course if u wanna learn about and practice the law of assumption then u can learn and apply thru my advice, experiences, ideas and more. neville goddard is like, the guru of manifesting and hes written a bunch of books, here are neville goddard's books online for FREE so that that then u can learn and see it HIS way bcuz the thing with manifesting is u gotta figure out how it works for you cuz its your reality.
if u like subliminals this is my favorite subliminal maker on youtube. their subliminals r amazing and i enjoy them bcuz they dont have music layered onto it (i like subliminals that have soothing sounds like rain or water or anything asmr). last but not least my absolute favorite manifesting coach/teacher on the whole internet, sammy ingram - literally the best manifesting guide. she rly simplifies things and her channel is full of helpful advice, success stories, challenges and her perspective on manifesting is brilliant so i rly recommend her.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ mental health
journalling is honestly the best thing that i have ever done for my mental health, the ROI that i get from it is actually incredible so i highly highly recommend it. if ur someone who doesn't rly like to write a lot, use ur notes app or whatever just get the thoughts out of ur mind and onto a piece of paper/notes. i understand that sometimes when ur mental health isn't doing too well and u dont feel motivated rly to do anything (like u feel lethargic and stuff) forcing urself to do things ISNT always the answer. i rly recommend having alternate routines cuz we ask a lot from ourselves sometimes so some days, ask a little less.
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give urself the break that u deserve. when u feel like crying, CRY. even if its for no reason, the body holds onto pent up emotions so when u cry u gotta CRY. with time you'll find the things that help u feel better. for everyone its different. for me, when my mental health is in a slump what helps me is : 1. doing one thing differently (i'll go for a walk maybe) 2. get ready (take a quick shower, or if i dont even have the motivation to do that i'll do a sink shower) 3. drink a cold cup of water and make myself a meal. dont ever have zero days. always give at least 1% or do at least one thing.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ hygiene
hygiene is so instrumental in mental health cuz like i've said before looking good -> feeling good. i make sure to get ready everyday even if im going nowhere. just bcuz the process of getting ready gives me so much momentum. smelling good gives me so much confidence bcuz im the type of person thats rly rly scared of smelling bad. im a hygiene JUNKY so im always buying soaps and fragrances. when u make self care a daily thing it'll feel so natural. dont neglect ur oral health, invest in quality products that are suited for your needs. be meticulous when it comes to ur hygiene cuz a solid routine is lowkey comforting. i rly recommend korean skincare, indian haircare, african body care, and arabic perfumes and fragrances. some of my favorite hygiene based youtube channels are : SARA BEQELE and anna renns world
₊˚⊹ ᰔ school
TAKE. SCHOOL. SERIOUSLY. the feeling that u get when u get a good score on an assignment or test is unmatched. at the end of the day ur responsible for ur education. it's not hot to be a loser. if ur someone who struggles to stay on top of assignments, write down the assignment as soon as its assigned and at the next possible chance do it. as soon as u get home from school. reward urself for good grades and for ur accomplishments cuz ur AMAZING. study effectively instead of excessively.
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pursue excellence always. find ways to motivate urself throughout the school day (for me, i always try and incorporate girliness into school cuz that motivates me) all my pens and pencils and folders are pink and i get myself ready everyday before school. cuz when i FEEL good -> i perform well. if u ever dont wanna study remind urself that studying>failing. advocate for urself, dont be afraid to ask questions cuz ur responsible for ur grade if u need accommodations or longer time to take a test (even if u dont) always set urself up to have the most time possible and the most resources. the resources that u have USE THEM. the goal of studying isn't to "mostly" know the material its to know for SURE. when u can explain something thoroughly, thats when you can know if you've studied enough.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ organization + planning
of course for the new year and for life in general, organization is rly helpful. manage urself mindfully and intentionally. even if ur a messy person, organizing isn't difficult if u do it in a way thats right for you. for me, notion - is literally the best organizational tool. i have an agenda, calendars, school pages, and so much more.
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with notion i rly organized my life on a whole other level. aside from notion, the notes app on ur phone is rly useful, when it comes to organizing ur day to day life, i think its important bcuz it helps u to maximize ur time. for planning out ur year, if u find it difficult to stay "on task" or achieve the goals that u set for urself, try this : dont see the year as 365 days, instead separate the year into 4 quarters (90 days each) and in each of those quarters choose one aspect to focus on and pour into. make sure to log and track ur progress on those goals. the idea to this is breaking things down. break down big goals -> to more digestible goals so that then its more believable for u. remember, your limitless.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ nutrition
if ur someone who has bad nutrition, or unhealthy eating habits in general and u wanna change that my biggest advice would be to NOT BE EXTREME. bcuz i feel like if u go fully extreme so quickly then the change isn't sustainable. take it slow. start off by introducing a fruit into breakfast and having a vegetable at dinner, then eating fruit with ur breakfast and having fruit as a snack, and eating veggies with lunch and dinner. ik it sounds repetitive and overdone but u need to be consuming ur fruits and veggies. if ur not eating it with ur meals then maybe have it in a smoothie if that works for u. take supplements for things that u dont rly incorporate into ur diet, and the key to a good diet is BALANCE. dont deny urself food that u love. life is WAY to short to be scared to eat the burger that u so desperately want. its okay to eat what ppl might consider "junk food" but everything in BALANCE and moderation. keep the 80/20 principal in ur mind. 80% of what u eat should be good for u and 20% of what u eat should be whatever u crave. DRINK WATER, dont go on extreme diets if ur not an adult and haven't consulted a doctor it does u more harm than good.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ informative
learn every single day. even if ur not in school anymore. a way to help learn and sharpen ur mind every single day is picking up a hobby that can help u do so. for me, the hobby i have is reading, reading keeps my brain sharp, it keeps me entertained, and when i read nonfiction it keeps me informed. so the hobby of reading has a high ROI. whenever u get an idea of any sort, ACT on it. u dont have to wait a billion years before acting on an idea. when u get ideas, its for a reason, ur mind is brilliant and imagine how many ideas that u wasted. thats why i recommend having a creative outlet of some sort. for me, my creative outlet is my blog where i can come and talk with you guys 🫶🏽 but ur creative outlet can be ur notes app or ur journal or ur sketchbook. just a way to get the ideas in ur brain -> onto paper.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ stuff i wish i knew
ur never ever tied down to one version of urself, u can always change ur mind/opinion, u can create a new version of urself whenever the heck u want. remember that u have free will and that ur always in control. bcuz it is your life it revolves around you and it is your responsibility. its not something to mess around with. take responsibility for urself, ur actions, ur reactions etc.
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1% of progress is better than 0%, a little is always better than nothing. ur social anxiety or ur fear of being perceived is HOLDING U BACK. forgive urself for ur mistakes, everything that ur embarrassed of in ur past let it go and LET YOURSELF LIVE. become ur own project, ur own muse and if all else fails (which it won't, you'll be fine and everything will work itself out for u even better than u could've ever imagined) love yourself unconditionally.
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serxinns · 4 months
Mocha bunny reader Headcanons!
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A yandere class 1a (plus maybe some teachers) x reader
This fic was inspired by my beloved friend and mom @lady-ashfade and her strawberry bunny reader here
Info: Your quirk was a bunny but you were a mocha bunny your ability was speed, Strength in both arms and legs , amazing sense of smell and have super hearing and sharp claws you have 3 forms your normal form (basically a human form) your rabbit form when ur basically a whole rabbit and a gremlin form when ur half rabbit half bun but is smol
•Your classmates are obsessed and abored with everything you do they instantly fell in love with the 1st sight of you
•They would fight over about who would pet your ears or touch your fur or even your little tail (you bite denki hard for pulling it)
• Izuku would research about bunnies and you and would ask you millions of questions about you and the bunnies Ochako and mina would pinch your cheeks too hard which u had to told them off about but dismissed cause you were too cute at times but if you actually wanted them to back off they'll pout whenever you did something cute in front of bakugo he will either call you carrot muncher or cotton bitch and blushes to look away
•You and kota and also kota's bunny are bestie in when nobody is around you and kotas bunny will talk about EVERYTHING even bunny related stuff how hard it is and what delicious food are there
Kota's rabbit: *Speaks,
Reader in the bunny form: THATS WHAT IM SAYING these people have no respect for bunnies
Kotas rabbit: squeak
Reader: Woah woah that's some strong language you have
there dude don't let your owner hear that
•Kota is like your mom's friend since he knows EVERYTHING about rabbits he makes sure you eat the food you need and make sure to slow you down on treats he even makes izukus job easier don't be surprise if these two team up
•Sato will still make sweets for pastries for you but puts ingredients and stuff you like or ur tolerable with and out bunny like puns on there
•Aizawa is the only person you can trust to be in your bunny form he would invite you to cuddle in his sleeping bag or create a best by him so y'all can sleep and cuddle with each other whenever your classmates are overwhelming you Aizawa will lecture the students whenever they give you a hard time
•Mic will make sure to lower his voice because of your sensitive hearing he will make funny bunny puns at you which you'll groan at but he doesn't care he'll spoil you with gifts and hugs and he's VERY overprotective if anyone talk to you in a mean way their eardrums are about to be broken beyond repair
• Mirko is just in AWE she's so glad there's another person with a rabbit-like quirk so it's easier for her to teach you her skills she'll always give you tips about your abilities and encourage you to use every one of them she also give you tips about being a bunny hybrid
Bonus headcanons
•When your Classmates discover you make little squeaks in your sleep the class was holding their selves BACK from either squealing or screaming they all whisper and yelled at themselves to be quiet some tried pulling out their phone but Iida warned them not to since the flash were alert you awake
•Mirko LOVES to talk about you everywhere from her fans to her coworkers even to the number 1 hero Shes always mentions you she even imagines you working at her agency when you grow up you in a copy of her hero costume she's just dying of cuteness
•Denki and Seek love using cheesy bunny flirts to tease you which makes them giggle every time it gets annoying when they spam text over it (denki)
•You and Tsuyu are besties you both chat about your favorite foods and facts about your quirks y'all exchange baby photos of each other and Tsuyu is just dying when she sees you in a cute outfit ur little ears perk up your cute smiling face showing your little tail she keeps these photos to her self tho
•tokoyami is also a great person to hang out as well the two of you would often hang out at a park he would always get nervous about asking you questions that are bunny related afraid that he'll might say something offensive (poor bb) he even let's you sleep in his dorm room whenever you wanted to et sway from your classmates overbearing nature he would even bring snacks for you
•The bakusquad and dekusquad fight over who gets to baby you more which turns into a war when the other students join in Shoji says he wants a turn with you Momo offers to go shopping with her while Hakagure tries to steal you away and attempts to run off it was chaos in the end Aizawa heard and they all got detention while Aizawa was comforting you putting you in your bunny form while having a proud smirk on his face
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so yes!! battle lust reader! encountering our beloved scara or wandere (you choose!) during an adventure!
reader is basically famous like diluc, absolutely skilled with a spear and hand to hand combat, traversing around sumeru, inazuma, everywhere basically and during a fight against [insert whatever monster reader is up against]
scara/wanderer encounters reader who- was gashed up, injured, struggling to stand, panting heavily and absolutely horny, a secret side of reader only she knows—but ofc scara/wanderer appears
im sure you already know what battle lust means (since childe ofc 🤭)
so being affected with lust and adrenaline, making it sense somehow, reader unknowingly attacks scara/wanderer, it takes awhile to regain reader's senses but once they do, reader was already being fucked relentlessly- because scara had notice her palpating heavy breaths, sweat, flushed face, whimpering, grinning with every strike and hit scara/wanderer lands on her, all during the fight
basically, out of fighting, reader is has a good ass elegant and respected reputation as an adventurer, but scara/wanderer had just- witnessed such a contrast from the infamous adventurer, the reader... 🤭
YOU SEE WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS?1!1?2 I HOPE YOU DOOOO (im kinda hesitant to be very detailed in asks since i have no clue if you like heavy details or not 🥹) ILY I HOPE WE CAN INTERACT MOOOREEEEE!!!!
You were famous, known for your elegant skills and traversing to nation to nation. Though, you had a certain enemy that resides in Snezhnaya, one that you loathe. You never ever want to meet him.
While fighting, you ended up losing all senses to yourself. You were gashed, injured, and panting heavily. You were in a state of battlelust and while wandering through out the trees and greenery, you came across Scaramouche, the sixth of the Fatui harbingers. He notices your state for moment before you attacked him out of no where.
Luckily for him, he was able to dodge your attack. He scoffed and threw and insult at you, apparently wondering why the hell are you attacking him out of now where.
"Tch, what the hell are you trying to do?!"
Despite his insults you attack again, a grin was on your lips. This was out of character for the oh so elegant and well respected adventurer. You continued to attack him until he finally successfully attack you, ending up with you landing on the ground and him hovering on top of you.
You gasped. A lustful look on your face, you grinned, getting up once more and kicking him off his feet. You both continued this for who knows how long. You were in a state of battlelust, and it was visible on your face.
"It's pathetic on how much of a masochist you are. What would you do if everyone knew about the so elegant and well respected adventurer who was actually a freak in sheets?"
That was what you heard when you finally came back to your senses. Damn right, before you were getting fucked, Scara noticed how you whimpered and your flushed face whenever he landed a hit on you. He was weirded out at first but it somehow amused him of how you were still smiling despite your injuries.
Currently right now, you were gasping and whimpering at the feeling of his cock penetrating you.
"Ohh wow, finally back to your senses now huh? Well too bad, I was only getting started with you."
A cocky smirk was tugging on his lips, his hands on your bare hips were starting to hurt. Your breasts were out on full display, bouncing with every thrust Scara did. Your legs were hooked over his shoulders, you were in mating press and damn right, it felt amazing.
Your battlelust was whole different person from you, and he absolutely adored that lust you had in battle, that would give him a reason why to fuck you so senselessly like this, or maybe not but he doesn't give a single fuck. Your panting and whimpering look was already enough for him to know that you were enjoying on what he was doing.
"Ahh..I knew it, you wanted me just as bad as I do don't you? Don't deny it, your body here just wants me so much that it's clenching on me so tight, it's unbelievable.."
He was right, your cunt was squeezing his cock so nicely, taking him in greedily and milking him out. His fingers pinch your nipples, making you squeal and whine. Scara would be so mean, bruising your hips, pinching your nipples until it hurts, degrading and humiliating you, but it's not like you were complaining anyway.
"Who knew that the famous adventurer was such a cock hungry slut? Clenching and squeezing onto this cock like it's their last..Ohh..I wonder what would happen if people found out, would you runaway and come back to me just to get your brains fucked out? Don't be ashamed, it's okay. I don't blame you for wanting my cock this badly, you're my cock hungry slut afterall."
Him and his arrogant personality made you want to punch him, but what can you do? After all, his cock was hitting your sweet spot so nicely that you were spasming around his cock already, cumming and coating his length in your juices. He was taunting you, teasing and humiliating you, shaming you for being such a slut for his cock.
Your eyes were glistening in tears, cheeks flushed and nails clawing at his back. Your clothes were either on the ground or teared apart. Your tits were on display for him, bouncing with every deep thrust he made.
Scara gave a zap to your clit, making you shiver in pleasure as his fingers continuing to rub your nipples and fondle with them, his other fingers down on your clit and occasionally giving zaps to your sensitive nub, making you squirt on all over his abdomen.
"So dirty, squirting all over my cock like a filthy whore."
He scoffed, continuing to pump his cock into your drenched and abused hole. You were a complete drooling and babbling mess, quivering and overstimulated by how many times you came.
It was so good, so so good, your pussy was heavenly to Scaramouche. You were so dumbed out by his cock that you lost count of how many times you even came because of his cock and ministrations. The only thing in your head was him, one that you call your enemy, Scaramouche.
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angelyuji · 5 months
yandere bruce wayne headcanons
yandere bruce wayne x gn!reader
warnings: yandere behavior, gross guy bruce wayne, kidnapping, stalking, power imbalance, rich guy uses his rich guy money to manipulate reader, creepy guy being a creepy guy lol (lmk for anything i might've missed i am half-asleep)
im thinking ill write some actual fanfics for him soon, idk what TO write tho...
he is a creature of the night so u KNOW he’s watching you from a rooftop next to ur apartment
think of the scene in the batman when he’s watching Selina undress and stuff yeah hes a peeper (hes so fine i love bruce)
my man doesn’t have any superpowers BUT hes literally the freaking batman, he has cameras all over gotham so i promise he has eyes on you at all times
he’ll watch over you and make sure ur not gonna get mugged by some loser with a gun or get caught up in a joker/ivy/freeze/whomever scheme
like hes stalking you
he knows everything abt u too with WE and the Batcomputer (lol) he’ll have all ur personal info on file, ur twitter acc, your Instagram, any social media, literally everything on a separate file that is locked behind multiple passwords and eye scans (especially if we’re looking at bruce with kids like he knows they’d open the file and snoop)
if we’re looking at pattinson!batman/early years, he’s probably gonna write abt u in his diary journal (hes just a silly little guy)
he’ll try to give you a job at wayne enterprises to keep an eye on you as bruce (obvi becuz he cant be batman 24/7) (job depends on your experience and degree) (he’ll want u as a personal assistant or something but depending on your area of expertise… you’re probably not gonna accept lol)
if u do accept for a position as assistant/secretary, he’ll have your desk 3 ft away, he’ll be calling u into his office just to talk, basically like sort of training u to be his wife (get coffee, make lunch/get lunch, invite u to be his plus one for galas) all that jazz, he’ll flirt with u but ur gonna be like “oh that’s just brucie wayne being brucie wayne, but once u get comfortable in ur role, he’ll start making moves like hand on the lower back, pressing against u in any situation possible, he’ll never seem creepy (yet) but it’ll make u slightly uncomfortable considering he’s ur boss.
i can think of 2 possibilities that could occur
1. creepiest boss ever. he’ll order u how to dress to be his assistant/how to dress at galas (skimpy dresses, short skirts, tight pants, tight fitting dress shirts that exposes everything, shit like that), he’ll LEER at u like bruce will purposely drop stuff and make u pick it up so he can watch u bend over. like the worst. you’ll get tired of this behavior and quit and bruce will get angry and kidnap u
2. still creepy but not as bad. more like extravagant gifts, vacations, parties. he’ll still flirt and try to have as much physical contact with u as possible but he knows where to draw the line. you wouldn’t quit cuz yk great pay, okay boss. but like his feelings would get too much to contain and he’ll kidnap u in the end anyway
if i had to diagnose the batmans i care abt id sayyyy 1 is Affleck, 2 is bale, and Pattinson is a mix of both. comic batman has so many different writers and each run has a different personality for him saur depends on the writer lmao
u wouldn’t be able to date cuz of yk…….. WE rules………… but he’ll get tired of that taboo/secret relationship bs pretty quickly and just kidnap u
if u don’t accept a position as an assistant/secretary, he gets it but more than likely, his feelings for u will intensify and he’ll end up taking you to keep at wayne manor
before getting into when ur stuck at wayne manor, lets break down bruce’s thoughts abt u
he has put u on a PEDESTAL
ur amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, u. can. do. no. wrong.
in his mind, ur the light to his darkness
alfred totally enables him and if we’re talking dilf bruce, the kids learn from him so they just assume this is what love is, kidnapping and manipulation
you’d adjust to life at wayne manor (not quickly but yk mf is RICH, ur gonna be treated so well once u understand that u cant leave)
bruce wouldn’t torture u but he’d pavlov u for sure
you would only be given comfort and relief when ur around him/good to him
if ur not good, then he’d probably keep u locked up in the batcave or in any of the many empty rooms at the manor
bruce wayne is the most powerful and influential person, ANDD has THE most powerful people on the planet as his best friends… you’re stuck with him babes
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joviepog · 8 months
EEE HI JOVIE again i love love your writing and im so glad youve been enjoying my stuff!! anyway, sweet and simple request-- wilbur and reader having an at home dinner night :)) (if u wanna make it silly tommy could be their "waiter" LMAO)
much love !!
Lovely night
Who: Wilbur x f!reader
Warnings: i dont think there is anything but if there is just let me know!
Pronouns: She / they
Word count: I have no clue
Requests: @poraphia
Anything’s else: I actually liked how this turned out! thanks for the idea lovely requester!
This story is NOT proofread
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Listen to this while you read! <3
Both you and Wilbur aren’t the richest people around. For you, this was absolutely fine. But for Wilbur?
Well, Wilbur is just a bit disappointed about not being able to spoil you as much as he wants. Since you both have met, he’s been obsessed with getting you little gifts and taking you to cute dates. But what he really wants to do is to be able to take you to the fancy restaurant down the street from your guy’s apartment.
He’s told you about this little problem of his and you cant help but giggle every time he mentions it. The conversation always ends with a kiss on the cheek and the same six words. “Wil, i dont need all that!” But lately he wont stop talking about it. He’s been daydreaming about you in a fancy dress and him in a fancy tux. Not the old cheep one he has for all those dumb occasions. No, he wants to be able to give you a bouquet of roses and a ring that means forever. But most of all, he wants to make you happy.
You’ve noticed that this was starting to get to him. Every time you got home he would give you a kiss and a hug -per usual- then he would start talking about this dress he saw on twitter and how beautiful it would look on you. “And that dress would be perfect for that restaurant!” And every time you say that you dont need all that, he looks like a kid being rejected of a puppy.
And so, you set up a plan. While he was gone on tour, you saved up, took cooking classes, and learned how to do your best makeup possible. You called him up one night, “Hi Wil! Are you busy?” There was a slight pause and he spoke quietly, “No, i just have to be quiet.” You gave a soft laugh and spoke quietly. “I just wanted to make sure i have the right day for when your coming back.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Why?” You pouted, “Why? What, I can’t miss my boyfriend?”
He apologized at least 100 times before he woke Joe up. You said hi to Joe and hung up. “I love you Wil. See you soon?” You asked with a smile. “See you soon.” You hung up and silence fell on the room. You had 1 more week. You bought the dress he had mentioned 1,000 times, you made sure Tommy was free, and you made sure the house was clean. You were ready.
“I’m two hours away.” he spoke and you could hear the boys in the back teasing him.
you fake sighed, “I guess i’ll just wait here. all alone, and sad, and-“
he stopped you, “Yeah i’ll try to hurry up.”
“No take your time, darling.”
he sighed, “All i want to do is get home and hug you.”
“Aweeee.” you put another fake eyelash on, “I miss you too baby.”
“Wilbur! The taxy is here!”
you laughed and he scoffed, “I’ll see you soon darling.”
“See you soon.” you hung up and looked at yourself in the mirror. you looked amazing. you hair was fixed, and the dress fit nicely just like wilbur said it would. everything was perfect.
2 hours: Tommy got there with a suit and a tie that was ties badly
1 hour 30 minutes: You and tommy set the table and clean the house. you fail to figure out how to tie tommy’s tie
1 hour: you start dinner and Tommy calls phil to help him tie his tie.
30 mins: you finish up dinner and you get out wilbur’s favorite wine
20 mins: you double check everything for 10 minutes
10 mins: you wake up Tommy from his nap and cehck to make sure you look good.
5 mins: you triple check that you look okay and you serve the food.
1 minute: You light the candles
0 mins: You hear a knock.
“Is that him?!?” you say with a cheerful smile. Tommy smiles, “No it’s the mailman.” he jokes. you roll your eyes and open the door. Wilbur has the biggest smile on his face and he’s holding flowers. You close the door behind you, not wanting to ruin the surprise, and jump into his arms. he gives you small kisses all around your face and neck; your giggling at his touch. he finally lets you go and you were so excited to see his reaction.
His eyes widen at the sight of you in the dress and he begins to ask questions. “YN? Where did you-“ you stopped him and grabbed his arm, interlocking your arm in his. you yelled out to tommy, “Ready!” tommy opens the door and the smell of delicious food swept through the door.
The sight of warm lighting and wine glasses were shows on the small table. Warm jazz music was playing and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Wilbur. His mouth was agape and his eyes completely widened. He turned to look at Tommy, who had his hair slicked back and a napkin on his arm (still holding the door open he cleared his throat.) “Welcome Mr. Gold and Ms. LN. I have your table ready right over there. He nudged his head towards the table and you and Wilbur walked in. Tommy quickly close the door and pulled out the chairs for both you and Wilbur.
Wilbur sat down, still in shock, and looked at his plate. Tommy spoke up, “You see, we already served you food because your girlfriend here, preordered. Wilbur laughed and Tommy grabbed the wine glass. “Tell me when to stop.” He started to pour the wine and Wilbur told him to stop about halfway, you did the same.
“Anything else?” Tommy asked.
“That’ll be all. Thank you.” Tommy winked at you and nodded his head. As he walked away you turned back to Wilbur. “So?” His mouth is still slightly open but soon enough, his cheeky smile appeared back on his face.
“Well, i feel like I’m a bit underdressed.” You both laughed and spent the rest of the night talking while Tommy took photos of both of you.
What a lovely night.
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nkyslover · 9 months
ateez as boyfies.
mar's notes! jus a whole bunch of wholesome fluff, ts my first post in AGES, b nice every1 and enjoy! <3 (this isnt THAT detailed ok, i tried my best<3). I GOT KINDA CARRIED AWAY IN WOOYOUNGS-
hongjoong . . .
he the sweetest man ever!! we luv hongjoong. hes SO perfect. he's like the man who u have an option to either get w, or regret not choosing him fo the rest of yo life. he puts sososo much effort into making u happy bc ur like, the joy in his life, his lil sunshine and he ADORES u, so much. move nights and late night cuddlin is defo his fav thing to do w u, not to mention him bringing gifts whenever he gets to see u !!
seonghwa . . .
yall know, hes literally malewife. as a bf, he would definitely make sure ur okay like allll around the clock. he cooks for u, he'd make sure u guys eat TOGETHER. he'd keep u company all the time ofc, even if he has a tough schedule he still b like "come w me :<" hes tha clingy cute perfect boyfie we all need.
mingi . . .
often he finds himself singing to u, rapping small verses or even some sentences he feels like singing, bc GOD who would even complain hearing song mingi sing? he'd let u dye his hair whatever color u'd want, often go shopping w u and spoiling u and then showing that cute grin on his face whenever he'd make u flustered infront of other people. we heart mingi, honestly.
yunho . . .
ok so hes big man right? hes tall, hes cute, hes like got the most cute and clumsy and loving personality. this man will definitely cuddle u late at night or whenever he'd come back from rehearsals or sumf. he ALWAYS finds a way to make u nervous, for example: hes taller than you so he'd cower over you when hes asking for something or wanting to sprinkle a lil bit of playfulness into the situation. the lesson is that yunho is puuuuurrrrrfect!
jongho . . .
wakes you up by humming small tunes into your ear, if your mad at that u clearly shouldnt even be thinking of that bro. flashes that smile that has you literally KICKING YOUR FEETS. its absolutely atrocious the amount of smiling this man has me actually doing whenever im watching his lil moments or something. he'd defo take loads of couple goals pictures with you, wear matching outfits. "jongho, can we buy matching beanies?" "baby buy them, you know i'll wear it anyways ^^" epitome of baby. ^^
yeosang . . .
HE BRINGS U TO GYM WITH HIM. and he even helps u with the equipment, and when after you guys go to a cute cafe to grab some food, sitting in the corner and discussing your plans together, overall deciding on staying at home all day to just do coupley things ofc. he lets u do his hair, vice verse as he likes to always play with ur hair and run his fingers through it wording "ur hair is so soft :o." no but IMAGINE OK, but i should stop before i get too carried away..
choi san . . .
another malewife. ok so like insert scenario that ur ill, havin bedrest n shi. HE DECIDED TO STAY W U ALLLLL DAY. he doesnt care if he catches the cold off u bc he js wants to b there for u because he cares and loves u sm !! hes the typa bf to surpise u in every way w bracelets, matchin stuff, makeup, and even small gifts. he js wants to see his pretty princess smilin. he also takes u to gym w him ofc, he cant even think abt not bringing u. end of convo bc im gonna get too carried away likewise w yeosangs. :(
wooyoung . . .
idk why ok but he gives off enemies to lovers typa beat. like he would be battling w u at first and then be heads over heels, and when u FINALLY get together after some plan of friends, u realise that hes literally AMAZING. yes he probably is playful, mostly probably teases alot ngl, but thats his way of showin his love. he absolutely adores u, even if u guys are havin a competition, you always get reminded u got the most loving n best boyfie in the whole wide world. ALSO bonus he buys u so many flowers ur garden is HOARDED in the amount of flowers, he gotta clean all of it up w u, giggling when he realises how cute you look when ur mad and pulls u into a kiss, eventually forgetting about the overload of pretty flowers in ur garden.
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luv4divineruler · 1 year
kai anderson x fem!reader headcannons
MOVED TO @spectr3inl0ve
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authors note: this is my first time writing headcannons so naturally it wont be top tier quality! i will try to write for gender neutral readers but atm im still trying to figure out my writing style and get comfortable with it :)
please remember that these are my headcannons i have for kai and may be out of character. i do however try to keep them as realistic to his character as possible as i prefer it that way!
contains ⚠️: kai anderson, slight fluff, kai being cold ig
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kai anderson is not fond of pda, unless he initiates it. this would be when hes trying to make himself look like a good partner so the public perceives him as "an average man" (i will bring up the average man again)
his staged pda may look like: hand holding, swift kisses on the cheek, arm around ur shoulder and maybe around ur waist. he would be more likely to allow u to initiate it as well. he doesnt want to be viewed as clingy or touchy
in private he is tolerant of ur kisses (on his cheek, nose, wherever), hand holding, hugging, clinging to his arm, cuddling, resting ur head on his shoulder, etc. he probably likes it, but he would never let u know that
kai has invested in stocks and a few small properties. that, combined with his job as an app developer and his parents retirement funds allows him to live comfortably. and be able to spoil u.
that being said, his love language is more likely to be gift giving.
when u wake up with kai not being by ur side, sometimes a wad of cash ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars (lucky u ;)) will be left in his place
kai may even be gravious enough to leave a simple note reading,
"*reader*, buy yourself something nice. K.A"
though sometimes he leaves the cash not for ur shopping but for u to buy groceries, household items and things that he needs such as clothes, razors, hair dye, etc. u dont complain as u live in his house for free and he makes sure ur health is at peak condition
dates arent common, but they arent rare either so sometimes he will plan take u on a date on the days he leaves cash for u to spend on urself. on these days, the money would be accompanied by a note reading,
"I'm taking u out to dinner tonight at *place* at *time*. Dress accordingly. If you would like you may buy me something to wear to dinner. K.A"
or something along those lines. If he doesn't leave a note he'll send a text and either way he'll sign with his initials. (will def write more about this so stay tuned)
he would never let u know that he likes (not to be confused with loves) when you buy outfits for him to wear.
he probably had poor hygiene before dating u. u would've had to convince him to take showers everyday and to wash his hair more. he would shower more, but would neglect his hair. when u wash his hair, u notice how he's slightly more vulnerable with u, less hostile.
when kai needs to re-dye his hair, he asks u if u want to do it, otherwise he'd do it himself or get winter (b4 her death) to do it
this isn't original (i read it in an amazing smut but i dont remember the @ 😭) but he doesn't pay attention to conversations or u talking to him while he eats. he's focused on the food in front of him. u use this to ur advantage, getting him to buy u lavish gifts he wouldntve said yes to buying if he wasn't eating.
doesn't really give compliments of assurance, only when ure literally sobbing in his arms or in a dark corner of a room.
"I've tought you to be stronger Angel. You should be secure with who you are. It makes you impenetrable. Untouchable."
he would tell u, as he presses a hard kiss to the top of your head
would definitely have pet names for u. probably animal related like Bunny, Little Lamb (a popular one associated with kai). he would also call u Angel, maybe babe or baby. I don't see him calling u kitten or queen. sorry
when u sleep u have ur back facing him, depending on his mood u could be holding hands or he could have his arms snaked around ur waist. if hes exhausted he may let u cuddle into his chest (idk y but i feel like he'd normally have a problem with that). either way, u always kiss him goodnight, whether that'd be on his lips, cheek, head, nose, or somewhere in between. he usually wouldnt reciprocate it, but if he's feeling generous he will
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soo thats finished, i am definitely going to write some oneshots based on a headcannon or 2
taglist (dm or comment to be added): omg it looks so lonely rn
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the-fo0l · 10 months
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Micheal Scofield dating hcs
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notes: it's criminal crazy kooky insane how little content there is for this show
warnings: gn reader, s1 lore, super soft fluff!!!! also idc if u think its out of charater let me be delulu
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he's so babygirl
a very devoted boyfriend (im pretty sure i say that in all my hcs but its true!!)
just so soft and polite and gentle with you aaaaa
doesn't notice just how hard he's fallen for you until he has to be apart from you a long while
such a gentleman, his intentions towards you are always respectful
before you we're offical he had quite the crush on you
sometimes you could notice that cool, calm, witty demeanor of his becoming more bashful and jittery around you
daydreamed a lot about you and your potential future together. what it'd be like to live with you, to start the day by your side, how you'd show affection, how you'd express diffrent emotions, what you'd talk about, your niche interests and quirks— etc
slightly creepy but he did do a bit of research on you to make sure he hit it off with you as best as he could
always says good night and good morning, over text if not in person
just imagine waking up, still cuddling, but with a little distance so he can properly take in your sleepy morning face
him just gazing at you so lovingly, his gentle smile growing a little bigger seeing you open your eyes, then moving one hand from your waist to caress your cheek and murmur "good morning" with his sultry morning voice
he developed a new-found love for his job when you two started dating cause thanks to it he can properly provide for you
and provide he does
doesn't think you should have to work a day in your life (unless you wanted to)
he'd hate for you to stay at a job you're miserable at
super proud of you for all your accomplishments
when you have to seperate while walking to avoid something in the street, be immediately reaches back to interwine your fingers again
expresses all love languages in some way but 'acts of service' is his main one
amazing at gift giving and romantic gestures
just when you think he can't possibly out-do last year's anniversary/birthday gift he suprises you with something super elaborate and meaningful
absent-mindedly makes origami flowers for you at work. you'll also find them all over your apartment, some hidden, some in plain sight
at some point he started writing messages on them. some with the most loving praise you've ever heard and some w cheesy pickup lines
p.s. he grins ear to ear when he finds out you've got a special box for them all instead of throwing them away
when you're both still a little tired in the morning, or when either of you comes home after a long day, he peppers delicate kisses all over your face, ending with a deeper kiss to your lips
your touch just makes all the headaches of his day-to-day melt away
also takes both your hands and kisses your knuckles while looking at you with all the love and admiration in the world god lord
okay enough with the kissing!
always opens doors for you
compliments you often, and always uses words like stunning or beautiful instead of "hot
loves making you flustered with praise
he's an amazing listener, and he looooves listening to you talk
also, he's quite intense with the eye-contact
he thinks you're the most gorgeos person in the world what can i say
it might seem like he's not paying attention sometimes cause of how lost-in-your-eyes he seems but i assure you he remembers every little thing you say
nods along and hums a little to let you know he's listening
"i remember you said you liked this, so i got it for you" typa guy
you're happy = he's happy
will often sometimes call you to talk about nothing really important, more just for the sake of hearing your voice
and if you're not much of a talker that's fine too, the silent moments you share are never awkward
he's canonically super observant, so if you changed anything about your apperance or if you were in a bad mood he'd notice right away, even if you tried to hide it
great at comfort too, that silky-smooth voice of his knows exactly what to say
he's a very handsome guy (i mean cmon just look at him) so he tends to get hit-on quite a bit
he'd always brushed it off before but ever since he set his sights on you he's been very adamant on very clearly and quickly rejecting others' attempts
when he was making plans to break linc out of prison, a huge amount of his focus went to making sure you were kept safe during the whole process
having you be there from him after news broke and after linc got the death sentence already meant so much to him
so when he trusted you the broad strokes of his plan, and you supported him??? ohmygod this man fell in love with you all over again
yes, he was worried, but he had to tell you, spending days obsessing over prison schematics and getting full body tattoos is rather hard to hide from the love of your life after all
granted, he could have broken up with you and tried to rekindle after he'd escaped, but be fr he could never bring himself to dump you
you never know what may go wrong, and his love for you wasn't exactly a secret, so he took every precaution he could (as in like if someone wanted to harm you cause of your association with him)
he was still super anxious to let go of you
gave you the most passionate and desperate kiss before he went to prison
gets really really homesick for you
calls you whenever he can
would sometimes get teary-eyed from how hard he misses you before falling asleep in his bunk
would lose his mind if something didn't go according to his carefully constructed plan and put you at risk, cause there's not much he can do to control what happens outside foxriver. if t-bag ever found out about you he'd. freak. out.
he's willing to go to great lengths for the people he cares about (it's like the whole plot of the show), so you'd better not play w his beloved
on the rare occasions he has down-time in prison his thoughts always go to you and what you might be up to
he's surrounded by murderers daily and has the gall to be worried about you
sucre would pester him about his love-life a lot. insisting that he recognized yearning in michael's distant expression and saying that no single man could've helped him woo maricruz with that letter (michael writes love letters for you too)
sucre does eventually pull it out of michael and becomes just the biggest supporter of your relationship
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this was kinda messy huh
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Celebrating Your Birthday Headcanons
various genshin, hsr, and cookie run guys x gn!reader (alhaitham, diluc, dottore, kaveh, dan heng, sampo, almond cookie, capsaicin cookie, captain caviar cookie, dark choco cookie)
summary: it's your birthday! how do they celebrate it with you? (author's birthday special post aaaa)
warnings: physical touch, mentions of food, brief mention of dottore's experiments, maybe ooc(?), not proofread, i think that's all but if it's not lmk ill add :)
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never forgets your birthday. always makes sure to finish work before the day so that he can spend the entire day with you.
prepares everything beforehand. when u wake up the whole living room is decorated for you. you have no idea where he stores the decorations in the meantime.
buys you a bunch of things that reminded him of you. also gets you things that he remembers you saying you liked and things that he noticed you staring at in the store windows.
very very sweet on your birthday. gives you lots of hugs and affection. still likes to tease you though.
makes sure nothing comes between you and him on your special day <3
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buys you anything and everything you could ever want ever.
makes your birthday cake himself. it's the best cake you've ever had. he keeps the recipe a secret though.
takes a day off for once so that he can give you all the attention you could ever want from him.
also very affectionate. he wants to show you just how much he appreciates you <3
seeing you so happy with the gifts he gives you makes him glad as well. one of his rare smiles spreads out on his face when he sees how excited you get about your presents from him.
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very eccentric gift giver. the gifts he gives you can vary from a beautiful necklace he saw at a shop to a human heart extracted from one of his test subjects. you appreciate the thought he puts into the gifts, though.
very clingy throughout the day. doesn't want to leave your side at all. wants to show you all the affection. forces a segment to deal with his duties if he has to.
likes to tell you stories to make you smile. whether it's old fairytales or stories from his lifetime, he likes telling you about anything that he thinks will pique your interest.
explains what his thought process was when he chose each of your gifts. whether it be an item that made him think of you or something from his experiments he thought you mind find interesting, he tells you the story behind all of them <3
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spends his entire life savings on gifts for you. also hand-makes gifts after he runs out of mora.
he gets all excited whenever he sees you happy about something he gave you. seeing you happy makes him happy too <33
tries to bake a cake for you, but he accidentally added the wrong ingredient in the mix. and then burned it. you two went out and bought a cake instead.
very very clingy and affectionate too. he doesn't want anything to ruin your special day!
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doesn't know shit about gift giving but he tries his best. gets very conflicted on what to get for you but eventually settles on buying you little trinkets he thinks you might be interested in.
he got you cupcakes instead of an actual birthday cake because the store ran out. it's ok though because they're decorated very cute and they taste amazing.
likes to stargaze with you while you guys eat the cupcakes. likes listening to you talk about random things while you two are looking at the stars together <3
he's very new to romance but he tries his best to be as affectionate and sweet to you as he can on your birthday <33
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bought a bunch of the most random things. says that while they all may be very different items, they each reminded him of you.
bakes you a very extravagant cake. im talking like a three-layer fully decorated with a bunch of little details type of cake. you feel a little bad for eating it considering how much work he put into it, but it tastes amazing.
one of the most affectionate. gives you ALL the attention and affection. gives you little kisses everywhere <3
takes you out to anywhere you might want to go, whether its shopping together or going to a restaurant. he also covers all the fees and payments.
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takes the day off and gets all his work done in advance so that he's able to spend the entire day with you. makes it very clear to the detective agency that he will not accept any cases on that day.
he likes to get you little trinkets that he thinks you'll like. he also makes small little tokens that you can put in your pocket so it's as if you have a piece of him with you wherever you go <3
walnut cookie also gets you gifts :) she gets you things that, according to her dad, seem like they would interest you. her and almond cookie made the cake together <3
the three of you have a family dinner at your favourite restaurant. covers all the payments for you. he wants you to have a good time :)
he's so happy to see you so happy and excited on your birthday. he has an affectionate smile on his face practically the entire day.
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hand-makes most of your gifts, but also buys some things he think you would particularly enjoy. claims that hand-made gifts are more valuable because they're one-of-a-kind :)
attempted making a cake for you. several times. burnt it each time. reluctantly went out to buy a cake instead after the seventh fail.
also one of the most affectionate. he is constantly giving you hugs and kisses throughout the entire day. he wants to make sure that you know how much he appreciates you <33
also takes you out wherever. will do whatever you want with you. he just really likes going on dates with you :)
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gifts you fun little treasures he finds on his voyages <3 whether its a big pearl or a shiny gold necklace, he gives you everything.
also hand-makes a lot of gifts. likes making you little trinkets that are small enough for you to fit in your pocket and remind you of him, even when he's away on a voyage.
takes you out wherever you might want to go. he treats you to a fancy dinner at the end as well <3
he's one of the more affectionate ones too. gives you kisses all over and snuggles up to you a lot throughout the day <33
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makes all of the gifts he gives you. gives you trinkets you would never imagine but are amazed with all the same.
would've made a cake for you, but doesn't know how to bake for shit lol. he's a bit embarrassed when he orders it at the store hehe :)
adores your smile when you open the presents from him <33 also has a small smile on his face the whole day.
does fun little at-home activities with you throughout the day. you guys made a blanket fort, had a pillow fight in said blanket fort, watched movies, and a bunch of other things as well.
new to affection but he tries!! holds your hand as much as possible the entire day. also gives you a bunch of little kisses <3
a/n: we're ignoring the 10 requests in my inbox to write this because ITS MY BIRTHDAY LESGOOO also i would've included more hsr men but i still need to get a grip on most of their personalities lol srry
thanks for stopping by!
want to submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
want to be tagged? let me know!
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
im foing thru a bully!osamu brain rot so imagine samu pissing reader off somehow (like collaterally: i imagine him fucking up and KNOWING he fucked up) n is trying to do some damage control by being the sweetest he's ever been I JUST WANT TO SEE HIM GROVEL
i Imagine him to be piss scared at the prospect of u ever breaking up w him over smth he did jendkd
i am incapable of not writing a happy ending for these two idiots
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words: 805 cw: fem!reader, post-love confession bully!osamu, jealousy, arguing, insecurity, implied breakup, sfw but minors dni always
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honestly, bully!osamu's biggest problem is his jealousy and it's something he still struggles with even after you become official. at first, you kind of deal with it, but as his girlfriend now, you wish he'd trust you enough and get over it.
"i'm tired of having the same argument with you, again and again, samu," you finally said after so much back and forth.
he really did it this time.
you and a classmate were working on a project together worth a big part of your final mark, which obviously meant spending a lot of time together. of course, osamu had a problem with it since it was a guy.
you tried to be understanding—you texted samu every time you were with him and you always did work in the library so you two would never be totally alone. but that wasn't enough for osamu. he still found a way to get upset and grill your partner to the point where he was considering talking to your professor about working with someone else.
when he apologized for it, you, you'll admit you blew up on him a bit.
"it's not just about the stupid project, samu. but thanks soooo much for making that situation harder than it needed to be," you snap, taking him by surprise since you've never raised your voice at him.
"but what's gonna happen in the future? do you just not trust me? i'm sick of feeling guilty about something that it's my fault." after stopping for a moment and catching your breath before sighing. "sometimes i think you're never going to change..."
and osamu doesn't like that. the way the tone of your voice changed just then. panic immediately sets in when you leave the room without looking back at him.
he goes into damage control, but he isn't sure what to do. osamu's never been one to apologize before and if he did, it wasn't in words. he's pretty sure cooking a meal or fucking you won't get him out of this one.
he asks no begs for your forgiveness. it's so stupid, of course, he trusts you. sometimes osamu gets in his own head and doesn't want anyone to have you, but that's immature of him.
osamu gives you some space before he apologizes—holding onto your waist as he tells you how right you are and how he's going to make things right. first, he goes to your project partner and apologizes to him as well (it stings to do so, but osamu knows it's right)
your partner accepts and agrees to continue working with you so neither of your grades is jeopardized. but osamu knows it's not enough.
it starts with breakfast in the morning because hey, he's gifted with amazing cooking skills and he's gonna use them. osamu makes your favorite and serves it to you in bed.
the stern smile on your face tells him that you appreciate the gesture but you're still upset, which he expected.
for the record, miya osamu does not grovel, but he'd be lying if he said your words didn't scare him a little bit. sucking up his pride, osamu kneels next to the bed and takes one of your hands.
"i do trust you, baby," he breathes, choosing his words carefully so as to not upset you.
you pick at the food sitting on the tray. "it doesn't feel like you do sometimes. and it's not just my project partner, but it's our friends. i can see you getting uncomfortable when suna's around and — fuck, samu sometimes i swear you think i'm gonna run off with your brother or something."
ok, that hurt, but he deserves it.
he takes another deep breath. "i will work on it. yer my girlfriend and i trust ya," he says with a steady voice. "and next time i'm bothered by somethin', i'll talk to ya instead of lashin' out."
that perks you up a bit. "and?"
"and...i'll be better about you hangin' out with tsumu and suna. they're yer friends too and i shouldn't be so possessive."
finally, finally you give him a smile, leaning over for a quick kiss. "samu, was that so hard?" you said, running your fingers through his hair. "that's all i want to hear."
for the first time, osamu can breathe easy. the sweetness in your voice is back and you're actually eating his food — a sight he'll never get tired of. "shit, baby, ya had me scared for a second,”
your eyes harden for just a moment. “don’t get too comfortable, samu. changed behavior means more than just an apology.”
and just like that your smile is back, the revolving door of emotion gives osamu whiplash that he’s never experienced before, but he’s more than willing to work on himself if it means you’ll stay.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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cevansbaby-dove · 7 months
One shot.
Chris comes back from a month long of working on a movie set and he gives you gifts...and an extra cute one.
Paring: Chris Evans X Girlfriend Reader
Warnings: None!
Thanks my best friend @nicoline1998enilocin for asking for this idea!
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A month..it's been a whole month since Chris went to Rome for work..and you miss him so badly.
Facetimes and calls and even texts can't replace being his arms but then chris texted you.
Prince Chris: Just landed Princess 💓
Princess Y/N: Can't wait to see you my bf! I miss u so much!
Prince Chris: I miss you too my princess.
An hour later Chris walks into your shared home. "princess you here?" You walk downstairs and run into his arms holding him close as you can. "Aww Princess"
He wraps his arms around you lifting you slightly off the ground.
Dodger barks and jumps up on you two. "Whoa buddy" Chris kneels by his dog and dodger jumps around and barks.
Chris stands up and looks at you. "Aw Princess are you crying?" You wipe away your happy tears. "No..."
he smiles and holds the thing of flowers to you. 'Then these are for you" You take them and say. 'Aw Chris my favorite flowers"
Chris smiles. "I have a few more gifts but i want to save them for later."
You look up at him and wrap your arms around his waist. "Good cus i just want to be with you that is the best gift for me"
Chris kisses you and says. "You'll love the last gift for sure" You giggle. "such a fucking tease prince Evans' "only to my princess"
over the next few days you and chris stay home he works on meetings but always makes time for you.
You and him are on the couch when chris pulls out a box. 'This is your other gift"
You take the box and open it. you see a heart necklace.
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"Chris this looks amazing..you didn't have to" You look at him and he says. "I can't spoil my princess?"
You smile and he puts it on. "yes you can but it must have be not cheap chris" You look at him and he kisses your cheek. "your worth it"
You smile. "I say this so much but I love you" Chris smiles 'I love hearing you say that so i don't mind i love you more"
You and chris go to a Photoshoot he is in and you snap a pic of him.
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Not my pic but i had to use it cus whoever made this made it cute!!
Chris looks at you. "Princess did you take a pic?" You giggle nodding. "what if i did prince Evans?"
He smiles and says to someone. "one sec"
He hops off the stool and wraps his arms around you and kisses you all over your face. "hehe Chris!"
Chris says. "what am i going to do with ya?" You smile. "hmm i can think of many things"
the next day your making breakfast when chris walks in and smiles at you humming a disney song. "morning princess" You jump and place your hand on your chest. "Christ! Evans oh my god i almost shit myself"
He laughs and kisses you. "sorry princess, oh are you free this evening?"
"I think so, why do you ask?" He grabs some coffee. 'I have something for you" You smirk. "Oh? is this cute or dirty?" Chris smiles. 'cute princess"
You nod. "okay yea i'll be free tonight" Chris kisses you once more. "great" he walks into the his office and gets to work.
later that night. Chris says. 'princess come on we'll be late" You walk downstairs in this dress.
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"Wow y/n you look even more like my princess" You smile and takes his hand. "thank you my prince it is too much for where we are going?" he smiles. "no it's perfect'
You two take a drive to a park and chris says. "so after our dinner i have a surprise for you"
You look at him. "Chris you have done so many gifts.." he leans forwards. "Last one i promise" He kisses you.
After dinner you and chris go for a walk and he says. "Close your eyes princess." You blink. "Oh god fine" he holds your hands and leads you to this.
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"Keep them closed princess" You giggle. "Chris come on im getting anxious now" he stands in front of you and gets on one knee.
"Okay open your eyes" You do and you see the sign and gasp and look at chris. "Oh god"
He says. "Y/N L/N i love you, I have loved you sicne we first met two years ago, i love your love for dodger and friends and even our families, You are my girl i am on one knee today to ask you if you'll take this ring and become my queen, y/n Will you marry me?"
You nod unable to speak. He smiles and slips the ring on and stands up and hugs you. You hug him back lightly crying happy tears. He pulls away and says. "Princess hey sh don't worry"
You laugh. "it's happy...tears" he hugs you again. "I love you my queen" You close your eyes taking his scent and embrace in.
Bye now im crying cus this was cuter than i thought it would be!! 🥹
taglist. @nicoline1998enilocin @cutedisneygrl @k-slla @armystay89 @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @katherineswritingsblog
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delcakoo · 10 months
i’m sure most ppl expected this so i’m not gonna make a big deal out of it but!! yes i am going on hiatus for an unspecified amount of time.
it’s honestly quite simple, i’ve just been losing interest in most aspects of kpop aside from the music, which makes writing for it a lot harder than before. i also dealt with a lot of burn out for months and still forced myself to write which only made it worse. lastly, i’m an executive of two clubs at my school this year on top of all my classes, so finding time to write would be even worse than it was before :’) !
YEAh that’s kinda it! for now my works will stay up, moots can dm me for my disc/spotify!! even if we’ve barely spoken pspsps i wanna stalk ur music cmere 🤲 a special shout out to my emoji anons too, you’re all amazing people ilysm, especially those that have been stuck with me for so long <3 (u know who u are!!)
i’ll try and check in here every so often to chat, esp if a new comeback for enha/txt happens!! love u guys and stay safe <3 you may send an ask if u have any questions!
extra stuff i wanna say to moots below! (it’s all word vomits i’m sorry)
RAVEN. MY WIFEY. my BELOVED blr wont let me tag u but you already know i adore u sm playing roblox with u is so fun even if that one banana game was kinda ass!! 💖 thank u for being so so sweet when putting up with me all the time and raising our fav corgi daughter with sm love <3 i hope u get more confidence in ur writing because your fics are always so creative and well written, and in yourself too bc a certain mf thats name starts with J and ends with N is MISSING OUT. 🙄🙄 ok im still gna be annoying u all the time so. bye ig….. smooches
@seongclb katto u deserve an award for putting up with me in dms ilysm 😞 watching the promised neverland together brought me so much joy and i still have a ss of you calling gilda a tractor ok i love u!!!! i would read your fics all day any day u are so talented and ur photography skills are amazing, i hope we get to keep in touch WE SHOULD FIND ANOTHER SHOW TO WATCH TGTHER !!!!! i need to fix your lack of anime knowledge ‼️ PLS KEEP WRITING AS WELL ENHABLR NEEDS U!!!!
@soov reirei my gf i aspire to be as confident and funny as you, you’re literal sunshine and always make my day better even with just one interaction <3 thank u for being so welcoming my first days in walmart enha and raising sushiwon with me!! as well as entertaining me by dying in genshin every 3 seconds <3 (WE NEED TO PLAY AGAIN) oh and KEEP WRITING BB. i will rise from THE DEAD WHEN IT COMES OUT OK U CAN DO THIS ML!!
@haknom kangaroo karaoke keys we may have had only a few convos but they were all so fun like PLAYING BRAWL STARS WAS HILARIOUS we ate the house down in duo showdown idc. and beta reading ur fics was such a treat esp while watching u plan new smaus every other day 🫶 also your music taste is MUWAH gimme some more recs pspsps !!! KEEP WRITING OKKK?!
@kynrki kimmy kimmy kim one of my first ever moots <3 your writing is always such a joy to read and your energy is amazing, thank you for giving me a chance when i was too shy to ask anyone else to be moots LMAO 🫶 plsplss keep writing you’re so gifted and deserve the whole world LOVEE UU
@bitehee cavvy my big sibling :((( i love u sm kshsdknd its been a while but i really hope everything has been well since you moved and you’re still being as cool as ever <3 im gonna replay a pokemon game in ur honor perhaps mystery dungeon 👁️ ? anyway i look up to u and think u are so cool, one of my fav hee stans ever ever!!! remember u have my disc if u ever wanna chat 🫂 !!!
@sunoksunny sunny <3 my other gf. i remember our first vc u had this goofy pfp i cant remember what it was but like u are so easy to talk to and funny?! and PRETTY??? your fits are always stunning and your singing is beautiful ugh the whole package fr… and. we need. to play. genshin!!! I REDOWNLOADED IT FOR U OK WE WILL DISCUSS THIS SOON!! ILY
@slytherinshua ZANNY. u are so easy to talk to we match each others energy so perfectly?!? I HOPE U AND TUALHA CONTINUE BEING THE COOLEST EVER and ur writing is top tier so pls keep going‼️ thank u for being so sweet to me as another one of my very first moots i appreciate u sm <3333
@flwrshee riri !!! we haven’t even been moots for long but i had to add u in here because u need to know that ILYSM. you’re like an adorable energetic little sister that always makes me smile T-T thank you for taking time out of your day to reblog my fics with so much sweet feedback and i wish u the absolute best always!! if u ever need anything pls dm me on disc i would love to chat with u more, and make sure to keep writing bc u have SO much talent!!!!
@wonieleles sia SIA i genuinely miss talking to u sm i NEED to come back to walmart enha :(( we don’t talk much besides our little interactions in the server but each time you make me smile. you’re so so smart and admirable, i hope you keep up the hard work bc i know you’ll go so far and HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE!! you’re so beautiful okay ily 😞🫶
@sultrybaby kel 😭😭😭💖💖 you’ve literally been a day one THANK YOU for always checking in on me even during your ridiculous NONSTOP EXAMS. 💀 another one of my big siblings on here fr you are such a real one and i care for u sm!!! i hope everything has been well for u?! pls feel free to message me for anything okay <3 I LOVE U SM thank u for sticking with me all this time 🫂🫂
i have so many moots so i can’t write smthn for everyone but i love u all okay <3 AGAIN if u wanna keep in touch thru spotify or discord dm me muwah
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fushigurro · 3 months
Can we talk about sub guys (ino and satoru in particular) with the preg. kink o.O
(im obsessed and wanna hear something from u v.v)
omg……. ino with a breeding kink…. i see the Vision
i can definitely see him being into girls who like to take charge. he likes to please and impress, so he's more than willing to try and prove that he's worthy of breeding you by following your lead and doing what you say. oh the things he would do to have you bouncing on his cock, telling him that you want his baby but he's not allowed to cum yet—he has to wait just a little bit longer, until you have one more orgasm… it would be difficult, but he would try so hard
and ngl i also have this thought that he's into actual pregnant women too; his porn search history is probably full of it. he thinks it's both hot and wholesome, so it gives him even more incentive to knock you up. he likes baby bumps and swollen tits, the promise of life and the amazing power that women have to give it. he wants you to milk him for all he's worth; he likes to have that purpose, to have the honor of getting you pregnant. it makes him dizzy with arousal and appreciation.
satoru's ego loves the idea of claiming you like that, even if you're the one taking it from him and allowing him to do it, because really, you're staking a claim on him too. sure, he could pretty much easily take what he wants from anyone at any time, but at the end of the day, that's not fulfilling. it doesn't mean anything.
but by doing this, you're saying he's special enough to create life with, that despite all his flaws he's still worthy enough to be a human instead of just some sort of god; in fact, the flaws are precisely what makes him human. your human. and he wants to indulge in the nature of it, being vulnerable enough to beg for you to let him cum inside and breed you like his mind and body want to. it feels like the ultimate union, so please give it to him. let him gift you with a child. let him have a human purpose. let him have something solid to hold onto, like a family.
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neaxsfiction · 11 months
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR FICS 😭💗💗 COULD YOU DO HEADCANNONS ON MHA CHARACTERS HAVING A CRUSH ON U (if you would like to) (if you would can u do Izuku,Denki,Aizawa,kirishima, maybe Bakugo if you want. You could do a few or choose one character i don’t mind since I know you’ll write something amazing) Thank you!
Ofcs!! I havent written about them a lot so im a bit hesitant but i really like going out of my comfort zone and trying new things! I swear this one brought a huge smile on my face, thank you for your request ❤️
Also sorry this took so so long, it was just pretty huge to write
MHA characters having a crush on you
Izuku Midoriya
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he doesnt have any time for crushes, but it's really obvious he likes you
everyone in the class is teasing you two about being the "perfect hero couple"
covers his pinkish face as he hears those comments (especially when you're around)
he's really shy around you
always flustered too
he's so happy when you two team up
he listens carefully to your plans on getting over hero projects
he's really careful with his words as well, so there will be no misunderstandings between you two
he has his hero notebook that he writes about heroes's techniques and has another notebook dedicated to you, where he writes about every little interaction you two have
tries to keep you away from his business with all might as he knows that the more you know, the more dangerous it is
spends all of his free time with you
manages to ask you out on a date on valentines and completely looses it when you accept
"You look absolutely beautiful today"
bonus; at your first date instead of buying some flowers for you, he handpicked them from somewhere as he thinks it takes more time and dedication to pick them yourself, than go to a flower shop and just buy them
Bakugo Katsuki
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he's clearly the type of person to make fun of his his crush and bully the hell out of them
he enjoys seeing your reactions to his bullying (idk man)
he gets shocked at your aggressiveness when confronting him about it (you ask him to fight but he refused since he wanted to draw a line and not hurt you)
he likes that aggressiveness A LOT
he literally never thought you had any type of anger in you, as you appear chill in front of everyone
when you two have to team up, he lets you do your own thing and doesn't give you orders
gets a bit jealous when he sees you talking with other guys and that's when he realises he has a crush on you
he'll never admit it tho
his friends make fun of him as they've understood everything
you understand his special treatment pretty quickly and start developing a crush on him too
you actually ask him out first, almost sure you're gonna get rejected
"You're lucky I'm in my good days today. When and where?" (I swear he was waiting for that his whole life)
bonus; on the first date he wears clothes you've never seen him wear before, plus he wears a new cologne, he made time to prepare for his first date with you he wants you to know
Shoto Todoroki (bonus)
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he's the type of to not even approach you outside of school periods
literally the only time you two speak is during hero projects at school where he just agrees with whatever you have in mind
what you don't know though, is that he's speaking about you to his close ones like a LOT
his close ones ask him if he likes you and thats the point he understands that he has caught feelings
he's scared of approaching you since the only relationship he's seen up close was his parents's one
however he cannot fight his feelings, and decides to do so
he googles about how to approach your crush and when he gets comfy with Natsuo, asks him as well
comes up with the idea of showing his interest for you by becoming your secret admirer; he leaves gifts on your desk and some handwritten poems he finds online (he made Natsuo write them down so his handwriting won't be recognized)
Natsuo suffered in his hands because he is a perfectionist when it comes to impressing someone
however it's actually pretty obvious who your secret admirer truly is as his gifts are a bit too fancy to be chosen by a random guy in the school
everyone teases you about it, but nobody teases you in front of him
you start approaching him and he doesn't reject your attempts for friendship
he's really awkward but he's cute trying
Tenya Iida (bonus)
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gets flustered when he hears your name
tries to impress you with his book smart guy knowledge
he's friendly with you, almost sweating each time you two speak
in hero school projects he tends to stick around to you a lot
as the class president he knows people are teasing you about him, but let's be honest what can he do about it now?
it's kinda obvious even though he tries to maintain the friendly vibe between you two
he realised he liked you after he caught himself staring at you excessively during class instead of paying attention to it
he makes sure his clothes always look good, he always smells nice and his hair is always neat
this guy doesn't know how to flirt but it's okay, he's cute trying
always fixes glasses when talking to you, as a sign of nervousness
remembers every little thing you've told him about yourself, and blames it on being the class president
"I have to remember every single detail of my classmates, in order to be able to fulfill their all wishes"
you start developing a crush on him too, so when you get friendly with him, he's cool about it and he enjoys every second he can with you
bonus; he won't admit it but you are his first ever crush
Eijiro Kirishima
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he's the type to try to be friendly with you first
fan of friends to lovers trope
he has some confidence around you only because he doesn't want you to know about his feelings for you
however he gets a bit touchy with you, subtly of course so he doesn't cross your boundaries
that includes high fives, fist bumps, head pats and hello and goodbye hugs
when he gets asked from your classmates about if he would consider a relationship with you, he never denies
he always introduces you as one of his best friends (even though he wishes it was more than that)
he's so boyfriend material, and the pics you have together are so cute
he daydreams about you two being in a relationship, however he is always thankful that you two are so close
he's willing to stay friends with you forever than loose you, after confessing
during a class party, you all play truth or dare. of course this results Mina, his other good friend who knows everything to suggest you two kiss
he panics as he doesn't know what to do or how to react (he doesnt wanna loose the game or you over that night) however he tries to stay calm and leave fhe decision to you
his hearts pounds so quickly as you approach him for the kiss and oh my, he was so careful with his hand placement
"I hope you were okay with this and you didn't get uncomfortable"
bonus; when you confess he literally hugs you so tightly and spins you around, he was waiting so long for that moment
Kaminari Denki
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he's also the type to try to be friendly with you
however this one is a bit flirty
compliments your hair or outfit when he has the chance
yes, he uses those cheesy pickup lines too
they make you laugh though, so he continues saying them
"Are you sure you're not tired? You've veen running through my mind all day"
or "I should charge you rent for spending so much time in my mind"
gets flustered when you call his name
practices his quirk even more, so if you two happen to team up, he'll be able to impress you by being strong
he has class photos on his phone so he can stare at your face all day
however that's only when he can't see you irl, he prefers hanging out with you
at some point you start with the playful attitude as well which catches him off guard
however he doesn't mind, he likes that you two have got this close and starts making subtle moves such as being a bit more touchy etc
you seem to enjoy that situation so far and he gets the courage to finally ask you out to the movies
bonus; he's the type to want to pay for your first date but you insisted on splitting things up
Shouta Aizawa
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he's subtle about it, nobody knows but you
he rarely finds himself cryshing on somebody so this is something really special for him
due to the type of his job, he has very little free time so he knows he cannot provide many things for a partner so he doesn't even attempt making a move
however that doesn't stop him from thinking of you in his short time of rest
you're literally the last thing he sees before drifting to sleep
enjoys your company a lot even if he doesn't seem to do so
finds himself reading slowburn romance novels because of you
you've literally made this man loose his brains
your relationship slowly grows from professional to friendly
he's surprised but doesn't complain when you ask him out on a date
gets himself a new cologne for the first date
you end up stargazing which he seems to enjoy a lot even if you two aren't talking all the time
izuku pic , bakugo pic , shoto pic , iida pic , kiri pic , denki pic , aizawa pic
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