#Interrogation Start
universalzones · 11 months
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Whisper is walking through the halls of the Restoration, carrying a fold with a rather thick stack of papers. It'd only been a day since the incident at the newly establish powerplant, though the wolf didn't want to waste much time in finding out what Wave did with the Chaos Emerald as so far neither Storm nor Jet have talked.
Soon enough Whisper made it to the interrogation where Jet was being held, walking in, closing and locking the door behind her. It wasn't fully needed as the hawk's was cuffed to the table, though better safe that sorry. The wolf would walk table, pulling out the chair and taking a seat across from the Rogue leader. She'd set down the folder and opened it up.
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"Jet the Hawk, leader of the Babylon Rogues, and one of the most wanted thief's on Mobius. You've got a long record of crimes and thefts on your record. More recently a powerplant housing a Chaos Emerald which was intended to produce clean, safe, and free energy to people who are already struggling to get by." Was Whisper attempting to guilt trip Jet? Maybe a little, though doubts it'd move the hawk too much. The wolf would also flip though the various pages as she spoke.
"With that said, the Restoration is taking into account your efforts in assisting with the Zeti and helping stop the Metal Virus. Now, if you'd be willing to listen, I can cut you a deal." Whisper was sure Jet knew what she wanted from him, though thought it best to make sure he was willing to play balls.
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"Jeez, this guy has done a lot of bad stuff. How does the Restoration manage to keep track of it all?" Tangle spoke aloud, mainly to herself as she too had a was carrying a file with a thick stack of papers. "Why do I gotta do this interrogation stuff anyway? Everyone knows I'm better at fighting and smashing bots." Then again the lemur did get in a bit of trouble after Lanolin found out about her plan to trip the fire alarm to get everyone to leave.
Soon Tangle was at the door, though would take a moment to amp herself up. "Alright, you got this Tangle. You beat him in a fight, just gotta beat him with your brain power." With that pep-talk to herself the lemur entered the room Storm was in. The albatross was cuffed to the table as well, though also had cuffs connect to the ground and his were way more heave duty give his size. She'd take a seat at the table, setting the folder down, though didn't open it up.
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"So, Storm. You've done a lot of bad stuff, and I mean a LOT. You got this folder here with a bunch of your crimes on it, and there is a lot on it. Though honestly, all that legal stuff isn't my strong suit," Tangle said, pushing the folder to the side. "Your pal Wave stole the emerald and we wanna know who she gave it to. So just spill the beans and we can wrap this up fast." The lemur felt like she was forgetting something, though thankfully after a moment of thinking she remembered.
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"Oh, and the Restoration is willing to shave off some of your jail time if ya talk seeing as you and the other's helped with the whole Zeti issue during the Metal Virus stuff. Thanks for that by the way. I heard you guys were real team players." Tangle was willing to give credit where credit was do.
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regonold · 2 months
Danny has recently joined the young justice team after they discovered amity and how they were under media black out and a group of people were pretending to be government agents were attacking using a law that was never actually passed as an excuse for it
Anyway whilst meeting the justice league he notices how one of the members has a ring on and trying to make small talk starts talk about it and how he has his own ring trinkets just like it
He doesn't get why everyone got so silent after he mentioned how he collects the different colours as a hobby they're practically a dime a donzen in the realms
Not to mention all rhe times clockwork has sent him to some different planet in the past and rings have quite literally floated to him before dropping after getting too close
Sometimes when rings are off looking for someone to weild them they will sense a great emotion and accidentally fly through a natural portal and then being suddenly just absolutely covered in emotions they end up shorting out and just floating through the realms
And danny has found so many of they he just considers them trinkets or clockwork has sent danny to a different time period on difficult planets and a ring has sensed the great emotion and tried to choose him but then it's covered in emotions and blacks out and Danny's just swiped it not think much
Ama be honest i just love the idea of dannys core going it smells of space and i want it
To be clear due to the fact of the infinite realms being infinite sometimes a portal will open near enough to a lantern ring for it to head to wards it thinking it's just someone with great levels of insert required emotion
Like if a portal opened near fright knight and a yellow lantern ring happened to he close by it would go on that guy just radiates fear i want him
But after entering the portal it's no longer in any dimension and it's swamped in emotions of all kinds simply due to the nature of the realms
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
So Danny had tried, he really had. He had moved to Gotham because he knew his parents wouldn’t look for him there. They had never found out he was Phantom but things had reached the point where both he and Jazz decided to go no contact.
But back to his problem. He had worked out with Frostbite that he actually only had one obsession, Space. He had been happy to know that, he had been getting tired of the constant struggle to keep both ghosts and humans safe while also dealing with ghost hunters.
So his move to Gotham was both to avoid his parents but also the reassurance that there were multiple heroes taking care of things. He had enjoyed the peace for the first three months but then he had started to get twitchy. He had tried getting some hobbies but by month six he knew he was out of options. He had especially clued in when he noticed a few classmates avoiding him thinking he was about to snap. Jazz had been resigned when he let her know the news.
So that’s why he was now sitting on a conspicuous roof, wearing a mask made in the Infinite Realms, waiting for a Bat or Bird to show up. He was coming out of retirement after all. Hopefully he would be able to work with the Bats instead of working around them. He really didn’t want to end up on the Rogue list.
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DPx DC AU: Danny learns that he can change his summoning ritual and decides to go chaos mode with it i.e. A viral tiktok trend.
Danny ascends the throne and it's honestly pretty alright as far as new jobs go. He states a few opinions, makes sure no one goes to war and is slowly integrating a community service sentence to Walker's prison. It's not a bad gig, and considering the troves of gold he's now owner of, it doesn't pay too shabby either.
His main problem with the job isn't even his constituents (he likes to think they would vote for him over pariah), it's all these loony death cults! They keep summoning him with Pariah's old cold sign and it's driving him insane- After a very unhelpful smirk by CW, a long study session in GW's library and some help from Ember (she knows drama like no one else) Danny finally has a new summoning ritual.
Of course he swapped out the blood and bone for like, sour gummies and random shit he had in his backpack at the time. A TI-84. And yes, the Latin chant is that one super-fast bit of Rap God preformed to a BTS dance at speed.
But rather than keep this to himself, he gets Sam (who has a thriving plant and protest community following) to record her completing this ritual and Danny being summoned. Why? Cause it was a very specific to Sam skill that they didn't know if people could replicate and it gives Danny some plausible deniability that he tried to make it difficult when CW asks.
Posting it makes it very quickly go viral as people attempt to call it fraudulent but sure enough, Danny is now traveling the world at a moments notice.
Which is great cause it's summer and he's bored in Amity anyway (He's going to change it before he starts university in September, duh), and its even better because the second a lame ass death cult brings him forward to, like, destroy the planet, a slumber party or influencer has already summoned him away. Shit, he even met a few celebrities this way! Plus, turns out that most death cultists aren't able to rap!
Reality hit him pretty hard when he got summoned to an office space that is clearly a base of operations and the summoning spell locked him in. Literally, he has no idea how to get out of this binding spell- Danny definitely hadn't realized that was an option. Taking in the Justice League members in front of him, plus one trench coated menace, Danny groaned for a moment before thinking to ask:
"Wait- Which one of you was able to do Rap God? And the dance? Please tell me someone thought to film that!!"
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potatodotpng · 7 months
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He angy
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purpleshadow-star · 5 months
Underrated moment
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utilitycaster · 7 months
FYI you can sing the past two Critical Role episode titles to the tune of We Didn't Start the Fire if you are so inclined
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ekholocationn · 10 months
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| 11/20
his blood is on your hands. is the regret setting in?
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
Flytrap Dryad!Cabernet that finds R!Reader inside her forest and process to stalk them to find out what nefarious thing this human is up to just to find out they are just studying one of her flowers and decides to pollinate this silly human (before eating them <3).
Next thing R know that they're hanging upside down as Cabernet vines are bullying R's holes and depositing nectar and aphrodisiac inside.
Slime!Kelvin saved Reader before being lovingly made into Cabernet's dinner.
Well... Cabernet isn't one to quit so she will follow this silly little thing and feast upon her when the time comes <3.
(Process to have romantic comedy that ends up with still wanting to eat reader but in a... different... way 🤤🤤🤤)
I actually really love the idea of Cabernet being a Flytrap! Plant Monster. Especially since it fits well with her canon aesthetic and tendency to eat people 😅
Similar to Alraunes, I imagine Cabernet is able to lure the Researcher in with her scent, before using her vines to suddenly grab her by the feet and dangle her upside down to admire you. My, what a cute little human she’s caught! Cabernet cannot wait to “devour” you, but first; she must sweeten you up a bit on the inside before savoring you for much longer…
She’ll have her thick, slimy vines thrusting in and out of your holes as they squirt out warm, heavenly-feeling nectars and aphrodisiacs that make your body feel all tingly inside. Knowing you as a researcher who refuses to pass up on an opportunity for studies, you’d probably yank out your guidebook from your backpack, whimpering and moaning while trying to take notes, as you are being fucked upside down by vines.
Flytrap! Cabernet would be impressed (and also turned on at your determination) and she can’t resist pulling you close to lick at your cheek. She’d do more to you if she could, if not interrupted by Slime! Kelvin suddenly springing out of the bushes and letting out pathetic yells while she pulls you out of Cabernet’s grip.
Despite being scared out of her mind, Slime! Kelvin holds you protectively and pouts at the Flytrap woman. “This one is ours!” Kelvin simply huffs, before holding you tightly to her wet body and sliding away. Never mind the fact that her bold statement only piqued Cabernet’s interest further. Oh, she’s gotta have you now…!
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autism-swagger · 2 months
One aspect of AoS that I thoroughly enjoy is the frequently-looming-in-the-background specter of Daisy's very heavily implied to be awful childhood.
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saccharinosis · 21 days
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Buzzfeed quiz the game
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abbacchiosbelt · 8 months
Jjba Bruno prompt #24 with interrogation :)
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You're already shaking with nerves before you step into Bruno Buccellati's office. You'd only met him a scant few times after your family had come pleading to Passione for protection — and each time had unnerved you. His unnerving gaze seemed to hover on you when you were in his presence. You'd never willingly choose to stand in front of his office's doorstep, but a summons there by Bruno himself had forced your hand. Your family made it more than clear that saying 'no' wasn't a possibility.
Behind you sits some of his crew, their eyes burning into your back as you stand silently, your hand raised to knock. Your muscles refuse to let you move, and a bead of sweat begins to roll down the back of your neck. If you weren't sure your family would be punished for your disobedience, you'd turn tail and run as fast as you could.
Before you can move, the door in front of you swings open. You see Bruno seated behind his desk, and he beckons you forward with the crook of his finger. The question of how the door opened if he was sitting behind his desk was only a fleeting thought. You enter quickly and the door shuts seemingly by itself. Flustered already, you huff out a surprised noise, and you hear a low chuckle across the room.
He was amused by how nervous you were. Heat creeps up your neck as you swallow the verbal jab you wanted to throw at him. You hated Passione, and that extended to the man in front of you. It didn't matter that you'd heard good things about him from nearly everyone in the neighborhood - you refused to trust someone who aligned themselves with the mafia.
You finally come to stand in front of his desk. Though he was seated, it felt as if Bruno towered over you. His presence made the fight or flight instinct in your brain flare to life, and it was all you could do to not reconsider your earlier plan of running away.
"I assumed I wouldn't need to explain why I called you here today." Bruno offers no pleasantries as he immediately begins whatever it was he had planned to say to you. He doesn't give you time to reply, folding his arms on the table as he leans forward and continues to speak. "That blank look on your face when you stood at the door told me I was wrong."
You shift, uncomfortable. How did he know what you looked like when you were standing out there? Before you can question him, he gives you a look that keeps your mouth shut.
"Come here." Bruno gestures to his side of the desk, and you swallow thickly. What did he want? You follow his words, cringing inwardly at how easily you gave in to him. You hadn't even been able to choke out any words. He gives you an expectant look when you round his desk to stand before him. “No, not there, in my lap.”
You grimace, unable to stop yourself, and he smiles. "You really are naive. Your family didn't tell you what kind of deal they made, did they?"
You're pushed by an unknown force into Bruno's lap, awkwardly splayed across his legs. Your heart skitters in your chest, anxiety and fear clawing its way into your nervous system. It was all too much in such a short period of time when you hadn't even known why you were here in the first place.
You're held steady in Bruno's lap even though his arms remain on either side of the chair he sits in, his lips curled into a smile that made your skin crawl. "I suppose I shouldn't keep it from you any longer. When I told your parents of my interest in you, they jumped to find a way to make me happy." He pauses, letting his words sink in. "Today was the day we agreed you'd come into my possession, and in return, they'd get a hefty discount on their future fees."
"Wh-what? What the hell are you talking about?" You finally manage to find your voice, adrenaline surging. "You're lying. Just tell me how much my family owes, and I'll pay it."
Bruno begins to laugh, throwing his head back as if you'd told the funniest joke he'd heard in years. You don't know how to respond, wordlessly sitting on his lap until he finally stops.
"Sorry, sorry." He starts. "It's just, you really have no idea, do you? Your family owes multiple generations of debt. It didn't start with your family, but your parents were more than happy to pay their share by way of... well, you. And I told them I'd consider beginning to chip into their remaining debt if you behaved. I suppose they were too cowardly to tell you what they'd done before sending you to me."
Bruno sneers, as if they were the only ones making poor moralistic choices in the situation.
The pit in your stomach that had been growing before you'd walked into Bruno's office practically feels like a black hole now. You want to hold on to something, to grasp at something tangible, but any movement would put you closer to Bruno than you already were.
"Don't worry about them," Bruno interprets your silence as acceptance, unwilling to consider you'd feel any other way. "We'll make a new family. Together."
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cometblaster2070 · 3 months
evil queen redemption arc in ever after high except it's not a redemption arc; she just kills milton grimm and everyone goes 'yeah this makes up for everything you've ever done cheers' and that's it that's the plot happily ever after and all achieved bye.
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pyrepostings · 3 months
Interrogation setting where whumpee won't stop mouthing off and antagonizing whumper, so they get gagged during the session and only get the chance to talk after.
And of course, if they continue to be a smartass the gag goes back in between sessions too :)
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letthestorieslive · 4 months
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Derek + 11 - scenerygasm, requested by @oldefashioned
(from this ask game, you still can request one too !)
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bitterrobin · 5 months
I see a lot of confusion on why calling Damian Wayne "feral" is racist/problematic, so here's a rundown.
There's a difference between calling your child or your younger sibling "feral" and calling a character like Damian "feral." You know your child/sibling/niece/nephew etc. They're real people, and unless they have a problem with it personally, then there's nothing wrong with calling them feral as a joke. It doesn't (shouldn't) affect their perceptions by other people. It doesn't become a label that follows them.
Damian al Ghul-Wayne is a fictional character. A canonically mixed Arab/Chinese/Jewish White character with a history connected to some of the most prominent Arab comic book characters, who themselves also get insanely mischaracterized.
He's constantly whitewashed. He's been written with racist undertones (the suicide bomber vest). He's had his character development and progress backtracked time and time again by DC. DC treats him weirdly most days and completely shitty in the worst stories.
A good majority of fanon hasn't done any better than DC. You cannot pat yourselves on the back for being more inclusive or mental health aware than DC when you call a mixed Arab/Chinese boy "feral". It's constant. You can come up with various titles and nuances for every Bat-character, for every Robin.
Tim can be smart, a skater, a genius, the one holding everyone together, the little brother, the one who needs love. Jason can be cool, morally "right" or "wrong", unstable, PTSD-stricken, the one who was betrayed, the one with Shakespearean tragedies. Dick can be fun, happy, the first one, the prodigal son, the one with complicated history and the big brother.
You give them room for exploration. Love and care and attention and research. Many headcanons. You either comply with canon or you don't, but there's substance to their character.
What does Damian get? He's feral. He's rabid. He's a gremlin. He can't be reasoned with. He has no self-control, he's impulsive. He's hurt others, and you can't forgive it. Sometimes he's homophobic. Or classist. Or plain mean and rude to your favorite boy. He's always carrying a sword. A psychopath with no regard for another's well-being (usually Tim in a lot of fics). He can't be taught what's right.
I've seen people cry that Damian needs to punished or kicked out or treated the same way he's treated others. He needs to be brutalized or talked down to. He can never grow as a person, because he's mean to Tim or Jason, and you need him to exist as the abuser. His first move is always violent.
Fanon compares him to an animal often; he bites, claws, hisses, growls. Bruce or Dick or Jason or Tim have to wrangle him, tame him, civilize him the white man's way in lieu of his brown mother and grandfather who "clearly" raised him wrong. You don't see the issue with that? The issue with always labeling one of the few major brown characters in Batman comics as the unreasonable animal? That the child of color is always the abuser, the instigator, to older characters?
And even if you don't see him this way, you don't write him this way - then are you giving him the care and attention you give for other Bat characters?
Do you know anything else about him other than his "anger"? Because he isn't always angry. In fact, he's typically well-mannered. Quiet even, when he's not being provoked. DC's writing will always vary but whenever Damian lashes out, he's usually written with a reason to act the way he does.
Are you making him intelligent like he should be? A hard believer in redemption? A neglected and abused child who isn't meek or crying or closes himself within? Are you willing to explore that he's always exhibited the "wrong" kind of trauma responses - lashing out, being snippy, ruining relationships, refusing to admit weakness?
Do you write anything about him without making his mother and grandfather comically abusive and violent? Will you give him the supporting cast/friends he actually has? Can you write his dad/siblings interacting with him without making them white saviors or therapy pets? Can you write him without a ship or his love for animals or being vegetarian overshadowing everything?
Is he a character to you at all other than a glorified plot device with a sharp tongue and the convenience of being violent?
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