#It came and went and was pleasant like a breeze haha
sysig · 2 years
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Solitaire Kings
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Solitaire Kings
2:30 PM: Villainsona
2:30 PM: Law Abiding Citizen
2:30 PM: Handplates - Gaster
2:30 PM: Handplates/Wobbledogs
2:30 PM: Handplates - Gaster
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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krystals-wonderland · 2 months
Port O’Bliss Silver Vignette
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(Card Art Above By Me :)
(For a Port O’Bliss event on discord - not my og idea expect for all writing and art here!)
- A Childhood Memory - Part 1
The sun was beaming in the sky as rays of sunshine shone down on the brightly colored festival. Decorations fluttered in the wind with confetti in the colorful mix. Aromas from many delicious foods inked throughout the air of the festival with music and dancing. It wasn’t too hot thankfully due to the breeze from the ports cool waters blowing through the gentle wind.
“ I wonder what my father would like…?”
Silver ponders over what to get for Lilia as he walks throughout the colorful and decorated but crowded streets of Port O’Bliss. He had finally had a moment to go and get his father a present but what should he get him? Cooking ingredients? Out of the question. Maybe a new shirt… but his father already had so many? Silver continued to walk around aimlessly and rather deep in thought before a voice snaps him out of his thoughts.
The warm voice was happy and cheerful but most important of all it was familiar. He looks over to see Kalim smiling widely along with Cater who was waving his arm at him from across the busy street. Silver then carefully makes his way over to his classmates by weaving his way through the crowd of people wearing brightly colored beads.
“Silver!! What are you doing here? Shopping too?” Kalim says as he gives him a big hug. “Smile for the picture!! We look so adorbs right now!” Then a flash. Cater had taken a picture of all of them before quickly typing up something on his phone. Silver then notices they have a few small, colorful shopping bags dangling from their elbows and one in kalims hand. “ I was just shopping for a present for my fa- I mean Lilia.” Silver says as he gives them both a soft smile to greet them.
“No way us too!” Cater says with excitement. (K) “We should all go together haha!”. And with that Cater and Kalim each take one of Silvers arms and start skipping away with him. To where? Who knows?
(K) “So what do you think he would like?
Silver ponders the question before an idea comes to his head. (S) “Maybe we should get him something to eat? Preferably something containing tomatoes since he does often enjoy tomato juice.”. (C) “Maybe we can find a local specialty or something like that?- Or even something super cute since I know Lils LOVES cute things too~”. Cater then starts to mumble a bit, “maybe even something cammable for my magicam…!”
Silver looks down at the ground since getting something like that feels… too predictable? Generic even? He then uses his hand to quickly cover a bright ray of light that covered his face- Festive shades as a gift maybe? Nope he already had too many of those too… (and funky looking ones at that-)
Suddenly a scent passed through the air, it was a pleasant smell that was oddly familiar. A scent not too strong or sweet, then Silver remembered the exactly what it was.
It was a rather cold moment.
Lilia had a mullet at the time. It was what was trending at the time and he had just cut his long ponytail clean off. They lived peacefully in the quiet little cottage in the woods as a fire crackled warmly in the kitchen. There was something sitting on the counter that Lilia was preparing as Silver came inside from chopping the firewood with their strangely ornate “axe”. It was freezing, bone-chilling winter at the time, Silver was covered completely in snow from his large white hood to his slightly oversized fuzzy boots. His nose was a moist redish pink color from being outside for so long in the icy cold snowfall.
(L): “Silver! You’re inside already? Why you’re cutting the wood faster by the day! I take it that means you’re growing stronger?”
Lilia laughed heartily before he walked over and patted Silvers head as the little boy went on his tippy toes to hang up his snow covered jacket. (L): “Come sit at the table once you take your boots off alright? I have a fun surprise for you!”
Silver gulps as he sees Lilia has been cooking… “food”. He shrugs it off with a sigh as he took off his boots and rushed over to the table. He crawled into a chair and looked over at Lilia. “is it ready yet father?” Silver asked as Lilia looked over that him while smiling “ah not yet only 20 more minutes left, practically the blink of an eye. Hum Hummm~~ ”.
He said it so casually but Silver was just left staring. 20 minutes? Maybe to a long lived fae it’s the blink of an eye but to a small curious child? An eternity. The young Silver then hopped off his chair and poked his head over the counter to take a peep at what his father was making. A large, slightly chipped bowl with some dough was on the counter as well as a mess of white powder and other ingredients. Then something sparkly caught his eye. A neatly written piece of paper written in gold ink, it had browned edges but they only added to the papers charm. Shaking his head Silver then watched Lilia pour a small amount of the mixture into hot oil with his tongue slightly poking out as his eyebrows furrowed a bit. “just a small amount…” Lilia mumbled under his breath before lifting the bowl up and placing it on the wooden countertop with an expression of satisfaction. Lilia looked over at Silver again, this time seeing him over at the counter.
(L): “Watch out Silver, I don’t want any popping oil to hit you soo-“
Lilia scooped Silver up and placed him on the corner of the countertop. It was farther from the little wood stove but still within clear view of what Lilia was doing. It looked reasonable, like a recipe was being followed… for now anyways. Lilia continued to work, cursing whenever a speck of glistening hot oil hit him then quickly trying to cover up his verbal slip-up infront of his young son. The 20 minutes passed by quickly as Silver watched Lilia work diligently. It smelled sweet and warm, like vanilla and even a hint of cinnamon.
-A Childhood Memory - Part 2
Lilia then placed Silver on a tall chair at the table where his little legs dangled off the edge. His father put down a plate of small, fried squares of… dough? Silver looks curiously at the new food but for once he didn’t fear for the worst. Lilia placed one on a small plate infront of him and told Silver to watch closely with a warm smile on his face.
(L) “Alright here we go Silver!~”
Lilia used his magic skillfully to sprinkle white powdered sugar onto the small pastry, making it do small swirls in the air before finally landing into the plate. Silvers eyes sparkled a little, “ Wow.. It looks like the snow falling outside!” Silver said as he giggled a little before Lilia finished placing the powdered sugar on top. Silver then took the small powdered ball of dough and bit into it. It was actually good, like he didn’t have his tastebuds numbed for once! Lilias smile grew even wider as he saw Silver eat it gleefully.
Now what were they called? And that paper-
Silver was snapped back to the present as he heard its name, they were called beignets. “Silverrrr!” Kalim exclaimed as he waved his hand around infront of Silvers face. “You’ve been out of it for quite a while are you okay-cay??” Carter whispered over to Silver. (K): “Were you about to doze off again? I don’t think me and Cater would be able to carry you back by ourselves hahaha!”. Cater and Kalim both laughed before Caters eyes glimmered at the slight of a dessert on a bakery window.
(C) “Wowzers!! Look at those cute little pastries, they even have little Fireflies on them! Let’s go insideee!!~”. Cater and Kalim both excitedly went inside as Silver looked over the pastries. He walked inside after the two extroverts who were excitedly looking around with a childlike wonder. It smelled familiar like that icy cold day but warmer. He smiled slightly before he walked over and joined his 2 friends as they ordered whatever caught their eyes best- or their heart.
It only took 20 minutes due to the long line of other orders but it didn’t feel too long anymore. They soon sat at a small, cute table with their delicious pastries. Cater got the cute one with an Alligator face on it that he was instantly snapping pics of and with non stop. Kalim got one with a small and charming firefly on it. Silver just got a plain one with small green flowers decorating the side of the plate. He slowly took a bite into it, the beignet tasted just the same- well less burnt anyways. A familiar voice then rung out from behind them and the merry band of 2 extroverts smiled at the person behind Silver. (C & K): “Sam!”
(S): “Hi little imps! What a surprise to catch you here, enjoying the beignets?”
(K) “Yeah they are really good! I should ask my personal chef to make these sometime!”
(S): “Glad to hear you like them! It’s actually my family’s famous recipe created by my great grandfather.”
Silver looked at at Sam as he said his great grandfathers name.
(S): “His name was Samuel Facilier.”
That’s the name that was on that recipe paper from his memory. The foggy space on the paper then became icy-crystal clear in his head. By the top of the paper it was neatly signed by that same name, no wonder they tasted the same.
Silver smiled as he realized this moment, like a moment with his childhood. He was surrounded by happiness and smiles from his classmates- no his friends. Silver knew what he would bring back for his father, well the ingredients anyways for Silver to make them. Don’t let Lilia cook.
What a nice warm moment.
~The End~
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(Card Art Above By Me :)
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No one asked for this but I'm bored and I need a distraction from the literal apocalypse outside
Superpowers I think My Faves Would Have
(Also please remember these are just my opinion! If you have different theories pls comment I'd love to see them 😁)
(Bands featured below the cut: Måneskin, The Beatles, and Queen)
Damiano - Flight. Easy. The whole Icarus motif that he is super into? This was a simple choice. Would have giant elaborate sparkly wings just to be that bitch
Victoria - I keep being drawn to super speed. It seems fitting considering she enjoys the party life and is constantly on the go for vacations and holidays even when the band isn't touring. Plus for long trips (whether for touring or travel), transportation would be a breeze.
Thomas - I feel like he would be able to control electricity. He's always reminded me of the human version of pikachu for some reason 🤭 I imagine him waving his hand like he'd be casting a spell and then lightning would just shoot out of his fingertips 😁
Ethan - Mind control. Although I don't think he'd ever use it tbh. He would think it was too dangerous and that so many bad things could happen. Until he found out that he can just make people do good things and just makes everyone be kind to one another and literally creates world peace.
John - What came to my mind was invisibility. And I feel like when he first discovers he can do it, he wouldn't like it because he can't control it that well. I see it acting up when he gets emotional, either too sad or too angry. But once he's able to manage it, he has a ton of fun with it lol
Paul - This was a tricky one, but I decided on telepathy, and my explanation is that I don't have one. He just seems like a person who would either know what you want once he got to know you well enough, or he would just wanna know what people were thinking about him specifically at all times. Somehow I think it's both.
George - Shapeshifting. I don't think I need to explain this one. But I think if he could he would've absolutely just turned into a tree and just lived that way forever. Eternal peace.
Ringo - Ability to control water. Aside from him also being a water sign, I feel like this goes with his whole peace and love mentality. Water can be calm and flowing or it can be rough and destructive. With everything he went through in life, he could've been a hateful person, but he chooses to spread kindness instead. He chose to calm the waters ❤
Freddie - Another tricky one, but I ultimately chose invincibility. I'll be honest, the thought came from him being untouchable in terms of rock royalty, and he would be able to accomplish anything without any difficulty. Plus he was always a very confident person who was proud of who he was and nothing could take that away from him ❤
Brian - This may sound weird (haha, get it? May? No? Just me? 😅), but super stretch. I picture him having powers like Elastigirl from The Incredibles 😁 I guess I relate it to him always being the tallest, plus his hair adding extra height. I think it would be funny if he was in another room and needed something he would just stretch his arm and get it without having to move.
John - Healing. Seems like an obvious one to me. He's such a pleasant person and seems like it's an ability he would want to have anyway. Just always making people smile and spreading happiness. Plus if anyone was injured he could just cure them instantly 😁
Roger - This was the trickiest one, but I'm gonna have to say telekinesis. Could play the drums from across the room, could drive a car while relaxing in the seat as if he were a passenger (I'd like to believe his method would be more effective than any self driving car on the market), and I think he would have a hell of a time tossing random objects at the other members to prank them without lifting a finger 🤭
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otomes-world · 2 years
Siren`s call
The last days I live with stories about mermaids. You might have noticed it already, haha.. I recently found an AU where Rook became a siren. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! AU belongs to @smalltasteofhoney
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You were born and raised in a small town by the sea. Humidity and the smell of salt had become an integral part of your childhood and conscious life. You could say that it concerned not only you, but also all the inhabitants, whose existence was built around the restless elements and its gifts. People went fishing in the mornings in boats, returning in the evenings with a catch and sometimes other treasures in the form of sea shells, unusual fish and long-sunken objects. Those were the moments you loved the most. The fishermen had long known about your hobby, so when they saw your silhouette from afar, they immediately waved their hands in a friendly manner. For them, lost items were not of great value, so almost every evening you returned home with a new piece of collection.
There were days when, due to bad weather or other circumstances, the fishermen did not go to sea. Then you wandered along the coast, enjoying the pleasant breeze and watching as the sun slowly was sinking beyond the horizon, burning in your memory how the sky gradually turned from pink to purple, and then deep blue, like the sea itself.
When you reached your favorite place where you watched the end of the day, you slowed down. Something was wrong. You couldn't tell what it was, but you vaguely thought someone was there. At first, you thought the neighborhood kids were following you and crouching for jumping out with loud laughter and trying to scare you, but this idea was quickly dismissed after you noticed deep furrows in the sand. Leaning down and touching one of these lines with your hand, you noticed with surprise that they were not like those that an animal could leave. At least the ones you were aware of. Also, the animals usually didn't get that close to the water, and the bird's claw marks looked completely different.
Looking up from the sand, you saw behind the stone on which you usually sat, a piece of fin. The fish washed ashore was your first thought, but the closer you came, the less it looked like the truth. Struggling with fear and curiosity at the same time, you carefully peered over the boulder and pressed your hand to your mouth so as not to make any sound.
On the sand lay a mermaid, or a merman, to be more precise. After all, in the fact that you saw a live merfolk, the main emphasis was on race, not gender. Unable to restrain yourself, you began to looking an unusual creature. The stranger lay on his stomach. He had a long blue-gray, scaly tail that ended in fins of the same shade and a forked tail. If you saw them from afar, you'd think they were tulle curtains because of how sheer they were. Short, shoulder-length, golden hair framed a face buried in the sand.
Then your eyes were drawn to the unnatural color of the sand under his chest. Looking closer, you realized that it was blood. Frowning a little and struggling between the desire to leave and help, you got to your feet and hurried home for bandages and a first aid kit. Maybe during this time the creature would wake up and return to the sea, but then you would know that you did everything you could.
You'd never run so fast in your life. Out of breath and hastily trying to catch your breath, you gently lowered yourself beside the stranger. He hasn't come to his senses yet. Careful not to make matters worse, you put him over onto his back, which proved to be more difficult than at first glance. Just as you thought, there was a deep gash in his chest that was still oozing blood. You winced, it looked very painful. You rolled up your sleeves and got to work.You washed the wound with clean water. You were afraid to use sea water, the salt of which could irritate the already torn flesh. Surely, because of this the merman crawled ashore. You didn't have any really good medicines, but you hoped the ones you brought with you would be enough to keep him from dying. You bandaged badly, and once again you was convinced of this, examining your the clumsy work.
However, it allowed you to breath out. Now you'd definitely done all you could. Now it was up to the stranger, who was still unconscious. Sky was starting to get dark, so you took out the shawl you brought with you and covered the merman. You doubted that he needed it, but he was injured, which means that the cold night air clearly would not do him any good. Once again glancing at him, you got up, shook off the adhering sand from your clothes and went home this time for sure.
The next day, you put some food in the basket, a clean bandage with ointment and went to the same place as yesterday. You did not expect to see a merman there, he must have already returned to the sea. You did it more for yourself, to make sure that he was alright. Along the way, you noticed that there was no trace of the furrows, during the night the waves washed away the evidence. Well, it was for the best. You didn't know how other people in your place would react. Obviously, they did not run as fast as they could to help the victim. You could say, the stranger was lucky that it was you who found him.
Approaching the stone, you again first noticed a piece of the tail, which this time looked a little different. It shone in the light. If the merman recovered, then for what reason did he return. You also noted that he tried to lie down as if he had never gone anywhere. It surprised you, but you decided not to show it. Carefully looking down, you saw that this time the expression on his face was much calmer, more peaceful. Since this time, the likelihood that he was just sleeping and was not unconscious, was more, you lightly touched his shoulder.
"I'm sorry," you struggled not to shake him too much, afraid the wound might reopen. "Can you hear me? Do you feel bad?"
At this phrase, the merman slowly opened his eyes - as you thought, he only pretended to be asleep - while you tried to give your face a benevolent expression. While the creature was unconscious, you did not feel fear, but when you met the deep green gaze, you felt uneasy. Suddenly, you thought about how much of an advantage he had even though he was wounded. You got so close to him that running away might have been a futile solution. You wouldn't even be able to get to your feet.
However, despite all your doubts, he beamed at you, lightly touching your hand with his. You smiled back at him, mentally hoping it didn't look forced.
"Thanks to you, I feel like my strenght is returning to me. What did I do to deserve such good luck in the form of your appearance at the most difficult moment in my life?"
His reaction was different from what you had time to come up with. He spoke strangely and long, but there was no threat in his words, so you allowed yourself to relax a little.
"I found you by accident, sir.." You hesitated, not knowing how to address him, but then decided to skip the point. "I'm not very good at first aid. Are you all right? I brought a clean bandage to replace the old one and brought a couple of sandwiches, but I'm not sure if you eat this. Also-.."
Without noticing, you began to speak freely and easily. Embarrassed by your behavior, you stopped and, looking up from the basket, noticed that the merman had been looking at you all this time and listening attentively. You looked back at him, not understanding what was going on. Perhaps he is also seeing a human for the first time?
The protracted staring contest began to unnerve you, and you tried to change your position. At that moment, you noticed that he was still holding your hand. Though you didn't want to seem impolite, you gently took it away and clasped both hands in the lock. This finally brought the stranger out of his thoughts, after which he smiled at you again and hurried to introduce himself.
"Yesterday you not only found, but also saved me, whose name is Rook," he spoke again in beautiful long formulations. "May I know the name of the one who, by the power of kindness, served as a guiding thread that again connected me with the world of the living?"
Deciding that you could say him your name, you also introduced yourself, "Name. Nice to meet you, Sir Rook. May I..." You hesitated, not wanting to be intrusive. "..change your bandage? It looks like you were going back into the water, so the wound might have reopened. But if you're uncomfortable, I can leave everything and you can do it yourself later-..!"
"Let me stay a little longer, basking in your care, Name," you did not have time to finish, the merman again touched your hands, attracting attention. "Also, please, call me just Rook as well."
Looking at him for a few seconds, you exhaled in defeat, reaching for the basket.
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From that day on, you often visited Rook, who, in turn, even after his recovery, continued to sail to you in the evenings. Learning about your hobby, he began to bring you interesting beautiful things from the seabed, much better than those that you had in your collection. You thanked him every time and asked not to take risks once again. Intuition suggested that it was very problematic to raise these things to the surface, but Rook convinced you of the opposite every time.
He was a little strange, mysterious, but you did not feel any danger from him. He always had many stories to tell you while you - from that moment together - watched the sunset. Over time, you did find that you began to spend more time with him than with anyone. As well as stopped going to the pier to meet with the fishermen. You felt that for the first time you had found someone who fully understood you.
So it didn't occur to you that maybe just for a moment, Rook had other plans for you. He always started from afar. About how beautiful the sea was, and how he would like to show you these scenes. About how he could teach you to swim, how he would not let you drown even if the world would come to end. At times like this, you always laughed. You were grateful for his support, but you knew in your mind that you would never be able to see the sea the way Rook sees it. For you, it was talking about a future that won't come, at least not in this lifetime.
In response, he always smiled meaningfully, allowing you to draw your own conclusions.
You trusted him too much to be suspicious when your new friend innocently said that he was into singing and would like to sing to you if you let him. You had no reason to refuse him. Besides, you yourself really wanted to hear him sing, so you gladly agreed.
As you expected, Rook sang very well. You would even say too well. The melody he sang was unlike anything you'd heard before. It was both soothing and mesmerizing, like a fluffy blanket in which you wrap yourself in the cold. You felt your eyelids slowly droop.
You touched your sleepy eyes, trying to drive away the sudden fatigue, while the voice of the Rook was all you heard around you. There was no more the sound of waves crashing against the rocks, the cries of seagulls and the wind. As if the rest of the world suddenly ceased to exist. You felt how the merman, noticing your condition, carefully allowed you to lean on him. It wasn't like you, falling asleep in someone's presence like that, but you were grateful for his borrowed shoulder.
You would have completely immersed yourself in this state, if not for the loud noise that broke through the veil. Opening your eyes sharply, you saw the fishermen running towards you with fear, for you, looking at something or someone next to you. You felt Rook change position just as abruptly as you, grabbing you tighter by the waist and pulling you along. Your mind was still in disarray, so the thought of resisting didn't cross your mind. Just at some point you felt your clothes getting wet and getting heavy.
Blinking, you opened your eyes again and realized that you were lying in your bed, in your house. Your hands touched your throat. You still felt how cold water reached your chin, the taste of salt on your tongue. Suddenly, there was not enough air, from which you took several convulsive breaths. You never thought that someday oxygen would become a luxury.
"Oh, you're awake at last, child," came a voice from close by. You turned your head and saw one of the elderly neighbors sitting next to your bed. “We were scared for you then. It’s good that the fishermen noticed in time how that monster attacked you,” she looked at you with sympathy, and then added, seeing how your face was getting pale even more. "Everything is all right, dear, you're safe now. Would you like a drink?"
Wanting to be alone and gather your scattered thoughts into something whole, you nodded as you watched the old woman get up and walk towards the kitchen. Gradually, the events of that night began to flash in vivid pictures: how Rook offered to sing, how you began to fall asleep, how he tried to drag you away with him. Your eyes watered from the stress you had experienced as awareness finally hit you with all its weight. How you almost died at the hands of a friend.
Since then, you no longer approached the sea, as you stopped leaving the house a few hours before sunset. The fear you had experienced was still strong. You didn't want to take any more risks. Out of the corner of your ear you heard how the fishermen combed the area, but did not find any traces of the merman. Rook was never seen again.
Grabbing your forearms, you tried to convince yourself that it was for the best. Though, the unknown really scare you even more, but you knew one thing for sure. He couldn't reach you on land. This was evidenced by all the meetings that always took place near the water.
All week a neighbor spent the night with you in the house, but this time she had to leave on business. With a heavy heart, you drank warm tea, calming your nerves. It was only one night. Nothing should happen to you, right? However, just in case, you locked the door and double-checked that the windows were closed too. After making sure that you were completely protected, you exhaled and turned off the light, heading to the bedroom. You didn't plan to sleep tonight, preferring to spend time reading a book.
Sitting comfortably in your chair, you took a few more breaths. Nothing would happen, you repeated to yourself again. Opening the book to the first page, you immersed yourself in reading. The story captivated you so much that when you looked up at the clock, you realized that the time had long since passed midnight. It gave you a little confidence that you would survive this night without consequences. Allowing a smile of relief to appear on your face, you looked down at the text again.
It took you a while to notice something was wrong, until suddenly it dawned on you that you could hear Rook's singing again. His voice was much quieter than that night, as was the less effect he had on you. Dropping the book from your hands, which immediately hit the floor with a thud, you covered your ears to drown out the sound. Jumping to your feet, you went to the back room. Locking the door and sliding to the floor, you put your head to your knees. No matter how hard you tried, you continued to hear gentle tune. It was like you couldn't shut it out completely.
As if in mockery, even with the onset of morning, you continued to hear his singing. When you asked the woman, who found you, about it, she looked at you with surprise.
Elder didn't hear anything.
If before that you had difficulty falling asleep, then after what happened you stopped altogether. The newly awakened animal fear completely discouraged you from resting. A calm life became a living hell when you stopped orienting yourself in space and distinguishing the real from the illusion, when you really heard the singing of the Rook and when your tired mind played on your nerves.
You knew you wouldn't last long. That when you stop sleeping you doom yourself to defeat, but you couldn’t help yourself. Every time you closed your eyes, you remembered the freezing sea water, frightened faces, ready to say goodbye to you. Exhausted mentally and physically, you almost became a ghost, sadly eking out its existence.
So when you got to the point where you didn't care and you let sleep get you, you weren't surprised to feel the smell of the salt you'd forgotten grow stronger. You were not surprised to learn that giving up was much easier than it seemed at first glance, when you were just tired of fighting. When, through the veil, inspired by the voice of the Rook or fatigue - you could no longer distinguish practically anything - you felt a warm touch that once calmed you.
He really was lucky that it was you who found him that day. Unfortunately, it didn't work out the same way for you.
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shiny-jr · 4 years
❝ ᴏ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ   ᴜ ᴘ ᴏ ɴ   ᴀ   ᴅ ʀ ᴇ ᴀ ᴍ ❞
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➼ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕦𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕒
It was a dream.
(Y/n) hummed as they skipped along the brick path. This place was beautiful, a sizable garden surrounded by dark woods. Gentle raindrops trickled down from the gray clouds dotting the sky, but they weren’t heavy enough to block out the setting sun’s orange glow it casted on the earth.
Merrily they jumped in the forming puddles, enjoying this illusion in dreamland. With each hop, water splashed upwards. Not caring if their hair got soaked or their raincoat was covered in droplets, they continued to have fun while singing softly all the while, “I’m singin’ in the rain. Just singin’ in the rain~”
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream. 
(Y/n) stopped in their tracks, gaining the feeling of being watched. Looking back, they spotted a figure a few feet behind them. Stopping their fun, they faced the stranger fully with newfound curiosity.
The man blinked, stunning lime green eyes that seemed to glow gazed directly at them. “Hm…?” The stranger had a forbidding appearance, unsmiling and staggeringly tall. From his head were two black curved horns against his jet black hair. His voice slightly deep and he spoke clearly, his words echoing in the empty space around them, “Who are you?”
In the near silence, he could hear their quiet heartbeat. It wasn’t speeding up, it remained at a steady pace. The dripping and flowing water from the fountain sounded, calm and soothing. Right, this was a dream, (Y/n) remembered. There was no real man with horns, this was just a figment of the imagination.
(Y/n) stared back unwaveringly, just as confused as they murmured, “A guy…?” Why would a guy with such a strange feature appear in their dreams?
The man studied them from afar, crossing his arms. His expression remained unchanging, his gaze never leaving their form even as he reached a conclusion. “…You are a child of man.” Still, the question remained, what was a human doing in his dreamland? “How did you get here?” For a moment he appeared a bit irritated that his dreams were ruined by this newcomer. “This is a rare moment when I sleep, and I discover you…”
The young dreamer jumped on the stone edge of a large water fountain, continuing to watch the man from afar. Folding their hands behind their back, they too had many questions. Most importantly, “Who are you?”
For the first time since encountering, the man expressed an emotion: surprise. His eyes widened slightly, silent for a moment before beginning, “Who are… You don’t know who I am? Truly?”
“Should I know who you are?”
A smile crossed his features as he shook his head, “That is… exceedingly rare. Disregard that then. What should I call you?”
“My name is (Y/n).” Offering a smile, they hopped off the water fountain and approached fearlessly. Extending their hand out to him, they continued politely, “It’s nice to meet you,...?”
Astonished that this mere human had the bravery to approach and shake his hand. They really weren’t lying when they said they had no idea who he was. Accepting their hand, he felt their warmth against his cold skin, shaking firmly. “Likewise, what a pleasant encounter… (Y/n)? That’s an unusual name…” When they released their hold on his hand, his arm fell back to his side. The corner of his lips tugged upwards into a smile again, “I’m Mal--... Actually, no. I won’t tell you. Not knowing is for your own benefit. The moment you hear it you’ll feel a frost spread over your skin.”
“Okay… Got it, buddy.” (Y/n) calmly walked back to the water fountain, noticing that the man was following from a distance. “So, if you won’t tell me your name, what the heck am I supposed to call you then?”
“For your ignorance, as an exception, I’ll allow you to call me whatever you like… Though you may come to regret that someday…”
(Y/n) hopped back onto the water fountain, balancing on the edge before facing him again. Able to look him at eye-level now that they stood on this elevated platform. “I’ll think of a nickname eventually. For now I’ll just call you my dream buddy!” Gazing into the blue waters, they stepped in the water fountain. The soles of their rubber boots were submerged, creating small splashes with every hop. They paused once they felt the stare of the young man. Turning to face him, they offered him a hand while inquiring with an eager smile, “Wanna join me, dream buddy?”
“...” He raised an eyebrow before slowly accepting their hand, giving in to that warm smile and child-like twinkle in their eyes. “Very well. I will join you, child of man.”
The two dreamers spent their night together, (Y/n) splashing in the fountain and puddles with hops and jumps, while the mysterious man walked along the water with grace and elegance. After some conversation, he explained that the area they walked in was one he recognized, one from a school of magic he attended. The young human found the man to be strange, but interesting and calming. Even Malleus had to admit, this human he discovered in his dreams had a certain charm to them, they were unafraid of him.
“That’s crazy! There’s no magic in my world. The closest thing we have to magic is electricity and technology, but I’m not sure if that counts.” (Y/n) laughed lightly, entranced when their dream buddy spoke of magic, spells, and potions.
“Is that so?” He hummed, intrigued by their comment. A world without magic, huh?
(Y/n) perked up at the familiar beep, scanning the area for the source of the sound. Their vision grew hazy and everything else, even that strange man, sounded distant. Looking up at him, those gleaming green eyes staring down at them.
“(Y/n)? Is something amiss?”
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.
(Y/n) sat up with a jolt, feeling the loose pajamas on their skin and their bare feet against the warmth of the blanket. Underneath them they felt the familiar softness of their bed. Instinctively their hand reached out, tapping the alarm clock to prevent it from letting out another screeching beep. Yawning as they fell back onto their mattress, left to stare up at the ceiling while muttering,
“What a weird dream…”  
❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂
A few days passed from the night of that dream. That entire day after, they couldn’t help but wonder and look back at it. It felt so real and the scenery was beautiful, and their dream buddy seemed kind. However, after that day, like all dreams, it was forgotten, until nearly a week after.
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem.
(Y/n) found themself in their dreamland, this time in an environment more familiar to them. A giant park that seemed to stretch forever with the towering skyscrapers of the city over the horizon. Like before, the sun was setting causing the sky to turn dark. Green orbs of light floated in the air, making the space appear magical. Humming as they followed the lights, singing softly as they went along, “A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep~” Walking along a bridge that arched over water, a skip in their step as they enjoyed the breeze. “In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep~”
“My, what a lovely voice you have.”
The young dreamer stopped, turning around only to see that same mysterious man standing on the other side of the bridge. Brightening up, they smiled as they recognized those lime green eyes and those black horns. “Hey, my dream buddy! Malmal!”
“Malmal? By Malmal are you possibly referring to me…?”
“Yeah, you said I could refer to you however I like. You know, since I never got the full name. Just Mal, so I came up with Malmal, or I can call you Mal, either or.” (Y/n) stopped in front of him, frowning lightly as they inquired, “Would you like a different name or something?”
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do.
A smile appeared on the man’s face, laughing in disbelief, “Pfft… Haha! There aren’t many who refer to me with such nicknames. You really seem to know no fear. It is fine. I am not opposed to it, I quite like it.”
“Great! It’s settled then!”
“This is the second time I’ve encountered you in my dreams, child of man. Why is that?”
(Y/n) shrugged before admitting, “I have no clue. I honestly thought you were just part of my imagination at first, but it’s kinda obvious that’s not the case anymore. Everything feels so real, and I can actually remember the dream!”
The man’s gaze drifted towards the end of the bridge, overlooking the water and the greenery of the park. Over the trees he could see strange gray rectangle shaped buildings towering high, almost as if they were scraping the sky. “I do not recognize this place. Is this by chance part of your magicless world?”
“Yep, in all it’s magicless glory!”
You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
Much of their time spent together that night, (Y/n) explained their homeworld to their dream buddy. However, their time did not stop there. Every week, the same phenomenon occurred, where their dreams were connected somehow despite the fact they were from two different worlds. Every time it happened, the two met and spent their time together. For so long this went on, and each time Malleus felt more connected to the fearless human that befriended him. Slowly but surely, he began to look forward to the sleep he didn’t need but still desired for a chance at connecting with (Y/n) again.
After three months, (Y/n) fell asleep eager as ever, and awoke in an unfamiliar forest. Sometime before they awoke, their dream buddy, Mal, would stumble upon their location and they’d get to spend another wonderful night together. So, while they waited for him to appear, they pranced around barefoot on the soft green grass, weaving around the pine trees as they sang a song they recalled, “I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream~”
Their dream buddy emerged from the forest, going unnoticed by the human. For a moment he stood off to the side, listening to their lovely voice sing such a pleasant and familiar melody. He watched them dance alone, his lime green eyes following their every movement as a smile curled at his lips.
“You’ll love me at once,”
Once their back was turned, he stepped forward and took their hands in his. Joining their waltz, and finishing the lyric in his low and smoky voice, “The way you did once upon a dream~...”
(Y/n) turned to face the young man, shocked at his sudden arrival. “Mal!” He continued to hold their hand as they visibly relaxed upon seeing it was just their dream buddy. “Nice day, right? Oh, I mean, nice night, huh?”
“Yes, it is a nice night.” Finally pulling his hand away, he inquired softly yet somewhat hopefully, “Are you here you provide me company once again?”
“Yeah! I was wondering where you were, you know. You’ll never guess what happened to me today!”
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do.
After six months of meeting, the strangest event occurred, much stranger than their dreams.
(Y/n) was at a party, a huge gathering at a popular bar. Deciding to take a break from the tight-packed crowds, blasting music, and flashing lights, they snuck away from their friends and found a private area on the balcony of one of the higher-level floors. It was beginning to drizzle, but they continued to watch the sunset without a care as the tiny droplets landed on their hair and their clothes.
Malleus was on one of his nightly strolls, it was peaceful and quiet, with only the chirping of crickets or the occasional hoot of an owl. It was easy to escape the watchful eye of the knights Sebek and Silver, quickly forgetting about them as his mind wandered off to the thought of (Y/n). Usually by now, he’d try to sleep in hopes of seeing them, but the human had mentioned last night that they’d be busy tonight and not have much time for sleep. He wondered what they were doing, who they were with, what were they talking about, where were they, were they smiling at this very moment?
Deep in thought, the fae was unable to think of anyone or anything but (Y/n) for quite some time. He had to wonder, would things be different if they were here in Twisted Wonderland with him? Such a thought made him smile. If that were to happen, he wouldn’t have to sleep to see them only twice or three times a week. He’d get to see them everyday, day or night, awake or asleep. Holding up his staff, he recalled the ancient spell he found in his hours of research. Perhaps, he could get another glimpse of them this way. Underneath his breath he chanted the spell. His pace slowed as he felt vibrations underneath him and in the air, the beating of music distant but he could still hear it and feel it. Lifting his head, he looked around until he spotted a familiar figure.
You’ll love me at once.
(Y/n) tensed upon feeling a gaze on them, fearing it was some drunkard that somehow made their way to the balcony. However, when they turned and saw those familiar lime green eyes and those black horns, they dropped their glass beverage.
The beverage shattered against the floor, the human gaping at the sight of their otherworldly friend before them.
Malleus was pleased the spell worked. He could see them, they could see him. Of course, he wasn’t actually there in their world, but he could sense some of the things around them. The booming music and vibrations, the distant sound of lively chatter. That must’ve all been around (Y/n). Seeing the shock on their face, he chuckled, “Hello, child of man.” Wanting to step forward, to engulf them in his arms, but he couldn’t move a step. He was frozen in place, just mere feet away.
“Mal?” (Y/n) appeared confused, so many questions buzzing in their mind. They too were unable to move forward, but that didn’t stop their questions. “How are you-- How is this-- I-- You’re doing this with your magic?”
“(Y/n)!” Distant voices called. Malleus looked at the source, able to see the hazy figures of multiple people joyfully calling out for his child of man, “What are you doing out here?! Let’s go back in and party!”
Party? (Y/n) skipped their meeting, the times he looked forward to, for a party with those people? He felt the vibrations vanish, and the illusion of his dear dream buddy disappeared as well. Holding his hand up to his jet black hair, he could feel the droplets that remained in his hair from the light rain in their world.
Perhaps it would be best to try a different approach…
The way you did once upon a dream. 
❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.
It took a lot of work to find a spell that could transfer him to an entirely different world, it took the effort of both himself and Lilia to cast the spell. Even then, only one person could enter and he only had limited time to locate and find his dream buddy. Recognizing the park they often wandered in their dreams, the real thing was here just across the street. Looking up at the skyscrapers, he racked his memories for the one (Y/n) pointed to and called home. Finally, he spotted it.
It was a quaint apartment complex compared to the towering buildings lining every walkway. It was the middle of the night, so barely anyone was out. The building was brick and he imagined a few dozen other humans must’ve lived within, judging by the many windows. However, he recalled the important detail (Y/n) mentioned, about a small garden rooftop and their star-gazing spot.
In an instant, he teleported himself to the roof and saw it. A space made of glass with dew drops covering the clear walls, plants lining the wall and off to one-side within the glass room was a swinging bench. There they lay, his sleeping beauty, fast asleep. His green eyes gleamed, he felt his heart pick up speed as he reached for the door knob, silently entering as to not disturb their slumber.
I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.
Upon entering, he could feel the warmth in the room that contrasted to the cold outside. Instantly, large black wings sprouted out from his back. The black feathers of his wings grazed over the green plants, causing thorns to rise up from the soil and suffocate the plant life that once grew there.
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem.
Once he towered over their vulnerable sleeping form, he knelt down beside them. Lime green eyes took in every inch of body, his mind soaking in every detail and angle of their face. They were here, truly right here in front of him, so close that he could just touch them. His pupils dilated as he slowly reached forward, cold fingers lingering over their warm skin and soft hair. The contact serving as evidence that this was no longer just a dream he could long for, this was reality. When they began to stir awake and their eyes fluttered open, he smiled as his dear child of man, his beloved dream buddy.
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do.
“Mal…?” (Y/n) sat up, dazed and confused as they blinked sleepily. Perhaps this was still a part of their dream. “W-What are you doing here…?”
That smile on his lips remained as he picked them up, cradling them in his arms while his wings wrapped around them. The black feathers brushing against her skin, for the first time ever, (Y/n) was frightened of their dream buddy. They shivered when his cold skin touched them and those lime green eyes unwavering as he spoke, “I’m taking you home, back with me where you belong, my sleeping beauty…”
You’ll love me at one, the way you did once upon a dream. 
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harfanfare · 4 years
Aether x Reader || Glaze Lilies
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"This one is delicious too," you said, swallowing another piece of the dish. “Paimon would probably create another stomach for these miracles.”
Aether chuckled softly as he bites off another piece of hot roll filled with traditional Liyue-rich stuffing. “I guess even that is not enough when the competition is the Sticky Honey Roast that Amber offered her.”
You smiled in response.
Late fall in Liyue was a beautiful time of the year.
The city was always full of red and gold colours like towns straight from fairy tales, but in this time, when the leaves have already turned dark orange and the air was carrying an aroma of seasonal seed cookies, Liyue looked even more breathtaking.
You were sure that it was Amber who made it possible for you to go somewhere on Aether's day off from doing… everything. Normally, you would be sitting in some restaurant watching Paimon heartlessly ordering all the dishes from a menu without looking at the number of zeros of each price.
But when Amber heard you mention dates accompanied by beautiful, falling leaves, she blushed as the flame of pure determination appeared in her eyes. In the evening she appeared in front of Paimon and offered her to go out to the city for one day.
Oh, if she only knew how much it will cost her...
"[Name], stay close to me, or I will lose you in this crowd." Aether gripped your hand tighter.
"Getting lost in such a big city would be romantic, wouldn't it?" you giggled.
"Getting lost and being found in the wrong place and time wouldn’t be," he replied. “Every city is much more dangerous when the night comes.”
You turned into another street to finally reach the viewpoint in Liyue.
You could see a lot more from there, but less people could see you. Who would twist their neck to see two little dots on top of a mountain?
"It's going to rain soon," Aether nodded at the clouds, which were moving quickly toward the city. He clicked his tongue. “If we don't want to get wet, we should be getting ready.”
"Oh, isn't that Aether?"
You turned around to see a girl approaching you two.
She was gorgeous—her long blonde hair waved in the breeze as if it existed only to be an effect for them. She had every girl's dream figure, bright, sparkling eyes, and rosy cheeks.
Perfect girl.
And the perfect person to compare yourself with to create a trillion complexes about your body.
She had a very charismatic, attractive aura around her, but the way she behaved towards Aether was slowly starting to bother you. Of course, it might just be some kind of funny, totally wrong prejudice against her, but ...
“[Girl's name]?” Aether muttered, not noticing your pleading gaze saying: ‘let's get out of here.’ “—What are you doing here?”
"I was just passing by," she laughed, her voice soft, pearl-like. “I couldn't go without saying hi, haha!” Then she looked at you and fixed you with a stare. It wasn't a cold look, but it wasn't friendly either. “And who is that?”
"Ah," Aether shook his head, as if only now remembering that he had not come here alone. He put his hand around your waist. “This is my girlfriend, [Name]”
“I didn't know you had a girlfriend! You always have to be so mysterious?” Aether rolled his eyes at her words, even if he smiled slightly. Then she turned to you. “Could I kidnap him for a moment? I need help moving my luggage to my new apartment.”
She grabbed his hand without waiting for your answer, as if it were a rhetorical question. As Aether released his hand from your waist, you felt as if you were left alone in a foreign land.
“I'll be back in a minute!” After these words, he turned to the blonde and at an equal pace, they turned around the corner of some house, behind the wall of which you could see an extremely high pile of boxes.
"It probably won't be a minute," you sighed.
You leaned against the railing and stared at the toes of your shoes, telling yourself that you should have opposed her. Would that be selfish? You've been dreaming about a date with Aether for so long, without third parties, and now that the moment has come, it turns out that someone will take from you your boyfriend anyway.
Five minutes passed... eight minutes... ten... thirteen...
After fourteen minutes, you got up and decided to check how much was already packed. Some of the super-heavy boxes seemed to be gone, but that was up for discussion since there were dozens of them here.
You couldn't find a familiar face in sight. Did... they just leave you here? More likely, they were just carrying some luggage into one of the nearby houses, but you couldn't knock on every door to find them—it would take hours.
You felt yourself slowly breaking down.
You knew you were a little (a little very much) jealous of this girl, but more depressing was the fact that this was going to be yours and Aether’s day. COMMON. Now you thought you were the loneliest person in the universe.
"I'm not going to get upset," you repeated aloud, trying to motivate yourself to leave this place. "I'll go... I’ll go somewhere and have a good time... alone."
With a quick step, as if you didn't want to think about this anymore, you turned back and followed the alleys you and Aether had previously travelled. You came to the food stores that you had only glanced at before, but you didn't have time to taste anything else because you were in a hurry to get to the viewpoint.
It is true that you ordered take-out rolls, but the whole range of different types of food seemed very tempting despite the filling bread.
And the smell of such highly seasoned dishes was tempting—very much.
"Sorry," a young girl approached you after you shoved a piece of meat into your mouth. You swallowed it quickly, almost choking on it. “Would you like to buy some flowers?”
“…Why not?” you replied.
The girl put the money in the pocket of her dress. Instead of putting a flower on your hand, she came closer and gently braided a glaze lily into your hair near right ear.
"Here you are," she replied and looked at you. A smile beamed across her face. “You look really pretty!”
"Thank you," you replied. You noticed that this was the last flower in her basket, and because of that, the ten-year-old girl seemed proud of herself. She walked away, thanking again for the purchase.
I think that one more on the other side and all would be perfect...
You glanced at the setting sun and concluded that you could give Aether a similar lily. Wouldn't that look cute on him? There was still some time before it will get completely dark. Even the rain clouds that had previously seemed to be crossing the sky at an alarming pace now seem to have stopped.
You finished eating and walked briskly towards the Danyu Ruins, hoping to find some pretty lilies on your way.
The silence, or rather the sound of the wind and the leaves rustling against each other, were the only thing that accompanied your footsteps since you left Liyue. It seemed relaxing at first, but now that the skies were a deeper blue than orange, you concluded that a travelling companion would not be a bad idea.
“They're here!” you finally found two lilies that glistened slightly in the dark. You collected them quickly and turned to head back into town.
…You were surprised when you encountered many, many roads, each of them unfamiliar.
"I should have left a trail of breadcrumbs," you joked, though panic had already paralyzed your legs.
Your problems were not diminished by the fact that you heard mad laughter near you. You felt your heart leap into your throat, tears welling up in your eyes as a figure emerged from behind the bushes.
Abyss mage.
You have heard about them from the stories of Aether, who sometimes told you about his adventures when you tried to bandage his wounds with a bandage, herbs, or other medicines.
As soon as your heart was beating, so quickly the magician saw you. He teleported a meter away from you and you started running.
Faster, faster, faster.
Before you ran a hundred meters, a mage appeared before you. You didn't even have time to stop when he waved his hand, and a large ice crystal formed in front of him. Huge and pointed towards you.
Almost as soon as it was launched, a certain force pushed both of you backwards. You felt pain in your left leg, but somehow you didn't fall. Strong arms held you and made you be in a comforting, familiar embrace.
You looked up to see Aether running towards the cliff to finally jump, open his gliding set and take you two away from the icy monster.
You didn't say a word to each other all this time.
As soon as you touched the ground, you stepped out of his embrace, as if feeling that you had abused his closeness too much. Instead, he grabbed your wrist, turned to face him, and initiated a long, passionate kiss.
He didn't pull away until you both were breathless, and your cheeks were burning like hot coals. You couldn't say you were cold anymore.
“Why?” He took a deep breath. However, his voice still trembled. “Why didn't you wait for me? If I did not make it on time—"
“I was waiting for you!” You interrupted him. You bit your lower lip as you tried to contain the tide of frustration. “It's you who disappeared somewhere. You went somewhere with that girl. I already thought you weren't coming back.”
Aether, an intelligent boy, immediately paraphrased your words "I was maybe jealous". At the thought, he smiled apologetically.
"Sorry," he said, scratching his neck. “I accidentally dropped a box on her leg and, oh, it was hard to treat someone who screams in pain before even a finger touches them…”
"Oh," you felt a deep flush of embarrassment coming up to your cheeks. Indeed, the previous redness of the cheeks did not disappear, but now it only preserved their shade for the next minutes. “I'm really sorry. I left you, put you and myself in danger, just to find some stupid flowers...”
For the third time since finding you, Aether hugged you tightly. He planted a kiss on the top of your head. You stood for a few minutes in pleasant silence, cuddling tightly to each other, and finally, you both relaxed completely.
You took the tangled lilies out of your pocket; one was practically worn out, but the other seemed to be in good condition. You dropped the massacred one, and you tried to straighten the petals with your fingers.
"Turn around," you told him.
He did it without batting an eye. You ran your fingers through his hair and braided his plant into a braid.
Out of the corner of your eye, you thought yours, still artfully arranged, flashed a pleasant blue light as Aether examined his looks.
"It suits you," you said. You both decided to go back to Liyue and spend the rest of the night there. You held hands all the way back.
"You too," he replied. "We are complementing each other very nicely now with these flowers ...and also without them," he added with a smile.
"So, you still think getting lost isn't romantic?" You looked at him from under your lashes.
“Still. I wish I could have you with me without any excuse that you will get lost.”
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kass-storycorner · 3 years
*cough* so i really love your work!! i love everything your put out so far however i’m now going to request for angst mwehehrh. Feel free to reject this if you aren’t comfortable!!
archon x albedo but they break up with him because they still haven’t moved on from their past lover that was slaughtered and felt it would be unfair if they stayed with albedo if they still loved someone else? Thankyou!!!
don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry
I'm so sorry that it took this long, I have been working a lot the past month and I've not been well mentally soooo yeah, but I'm glad I finally finished it! I was suprised myself at what I wrote, I only had to write an ending for this so ouch haha
thank you so much for your kind words I’m- ahhh I’m so happy that you love what I shared ( ˙꒳​˙ )
I’m so insecure with my writing so it’s reassuring to hear such kind words!
about the request: ooooOOOH I love this!!! And honestly my mind went directly into thousand different directions to make it even MORE angsty ahaha poor Albedo ( ╥ω╥ )
Genre: Angst, Hurt, no comfort, a bit fluff in between but it's more bittersweet
Rating: SFW
Content Warnings: mention of Khaenri`ah, mention of blood
Word count: 1,811 words
Characters: Albedo, gn!dendro Archon reader
Format: Text
Fic is under the cut!
“-and I think it is best to go separate ways from now on.” Ah, how peculiar. What is this strange feeling in Albedo’s chest? It feels like there is no air in his lungs anymore, an unsettling feeling spreading from his stomach through his whole body. Feverously he searched his mind for a reason for your words. Go separate ways? He heard what you said, but at the same time he did not understand the meaning of your words. Albedo stood there in your shared bedroom, stiff as a board his eyes pierced through you, no longer looking at you. It was as if you weren’t there.
“Albedo?”, your head peaked through the door of his office, sending him a smile. He peaked up from the work on his desk, strands of blond hair falling in front of his eyes. “Ah, (Y/N), hello,” curling his lips into a small smile at your sight. You stepped into the office, walking around the table, and leaning on it right beside him. His eyes were fixed on you. “Busy?” you asked as you brushed the strands of hair back behind his ear. A faint blush crept unto his face; you wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for how close you were to him. Clearing his throat he looked back down on the papers in front of him, answering your question. “Umm, well yes. The next expedition to the Dragonspine and my experiments need to be organised, though the formalities of filling out the forms for Jean is nothing that I am interested in.” He heard you chuckle at his words, wondering what was so funny about them. “I wonder”, you began, leaning down to him, so close the tips of your noses nearly were touching, “if is there something here that might interest you more.” “I supposed, there is,” he said and closed the distance between the two of you with a kiss.
“Albedo?”, your concerned voice pulled him out the pleasant memory that crossed his mind. He had been quite for a while now, it worried you. You weren’t sure how he’d take it, you asking to break off your relationship. It had been quite pleasant so far, the last few months with him. There weren’t any quarrels between the two of you nor reasons for the heartbreak Albedo felt right in this moment. You both were always honest to each other, about who and what each of you were. And because of this honesty each of you valued you had to break his heart. “I-“, his voice was hoarse, it had more emotions in it than he liked it to. “I need to ask you this… why?”. He finally looked at you, his cerulean eyes filled with pain. Ah, the dreadful question you knew he would ask, but you hoped he wouldn’t. There was no use in lying to him now, to not share the true reason for why you’re breaking up with him. Though you secretly wished that you could spare him the truth.
You sat under the shadows of a tree, eyes closed and feeling the warm summer breeze on your skin. “Please, don’t move.” At that you opened your eyes, looking at Albedo sitting across of you with his sketchbook and a pencil in his hands, sketching a portrait of you. “You quick with your hands, I doubt my small movements would change anything that you draw,” you said in a teasing tone, earning a raised brow from him, but no comment. There you were, the two of you. Sitting in the shadow, a comfortable silence surrounding the both of you. You watched the way Albedo furrowed his brows, looking up to you and then down to the paper, for him to sigh in frustration and starting a new sketch. “Somethings wrong?”, it has been the fourth piece of paper he rips out of the book and tosses aside. “I seem not to be able to capture your features correctly, something always is a bit off.” “Let me see,” you lean forward trying to grab one of the sketches he tossed away, but Albedo was quicker to snatch them away. “Don’t,” he says, hiding the pieces of paper behind his back. “Oh, come on, Bedo. I wanna see, I can’t look that bad” you joke, moving closer to him hoping to get a peak at his fifth sketch. Before you could even come close to taking a look he closed the sketchbook, denying you access to it. “No matter how often I try to draw you, it never does you justice”, he sighs, pinching the bride of his nose. You were close enough to him now to lean your head on his shoulder. “You know, it is quite the challenge to get the godly features of me right,” taking his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. “But I’m sure in all of the centuries I’ve lived through you might be the first one to succeed at it.”
You took a deep breath, dreading the answer you were going to give him. There was no way to sugar coat it and you were sure Albedo wouldn’t want to hear a long winded explanation if it wasn’t needed. Like a bandaid that needs to get ripped off you decided to do it as quickly as possible. “I don’t love you. I’m sorry, Albedo.” At your words Albedos heart was shattering into thousand small pieces. He swallowed hard, trying to suppress the tears that were trying to fall from his eyes… still, he had so many questions for you. His mind was racing, but all he could bring out was again the same question as before. “Why?”
“Albedo, please believe me when I say I wish I could. I wish I would love you, the way you deserve it. The way I want to, the way I still love them. You mean a great deal to me, please believe this. The time we spend together was time I enjoyed and that’s why I feel the need to be honest with you now. I hadn’t said anything before because I believed I could open my heart again, open it up for you. However it seems it’s impossible for me and I am so sorry for it. I shouldn’t have led you on like this…”
Blood curling screams were filling the streets of a small city that did not exist anymore. War was always present in Teyvat, there have been the past thousand years without it, but before that? The land was filled with the blood of mortals and god alike, the first ones killing each other in the names of the second ones. The reasons for most of the wars were laughable. One started them out of hurt pride, the other to broaden their territory and a third just out of sheer boredom. Not caring a bit about the humans that were caught in the crossfire of the gods. So when the Archon War began, similar to the ones before but just the scales were so different. There you were, a small deity. The god of the woods as they called you. You never liked the blood shed, it poisoned the earth so that no plant was able to grow. Before you were able to just avoid the wars, this time around you had no choice. And in the middle of this war you met someone astonishing. Until this day you couldn’t say if it was a curse or a blessing that they made their way into your life and your heart. All you know now is just the deep grief that is always there with you since they are gone. In the middle of bloodshed and darkness that the Archon War brought with it you found someone who made you forget the horrors of it, who made the burden of the crown easier when you rose to the position of the Dendro Archon after it - a position you didn't want at first, it falling into your hands by mere coincidence. After that you spend some marvelous years with that one person by your side, but even those who aren't entirely human are mortal, even gods can be killed. With another War that came, they left your side, wanting to protect you, to protect Sumeru. Brutally slaughtered by the hands of an enemy that envied your position, your power. Now all what remains of them is the dry earth. The massive woods of Sumeru turned into deserts, a consequence of your grief. And when the day came for another war, more blood and destruction at Khaenri`ah you decided to leave. To cut all ties with Celestia and give up the seat you never wanted in the first place.
Albedo knew most of this. He knew who you are, he knew of your nature before you made him fall in love with you. You never just told him about your past lover, too much did their loss still hurt and, what you were ashamed of admitting, too much did Albedo resemble them. In the silence of the shared room you finally told him what orginally drew you to him - how much you really wished you were able to love him for himself and while yes, you liked him very much, it was someone else you saw in him when you kissed. Someone else you wished he was. At first you didn't knew it yourself, in the beginning you really believed it was possible for you to find new love... but you still wished most days they were with you. It was time to be honest with him, to speak the truth, no matter how much you hurt him. "Albedo...", you began slowley, your voice drifting to him, but what sounded like a sweet melody just hours before now makes him feel sick. "Don't." he interrupted you. "I thank you for your honesty and for telling me the truth, but I don't need to hear more." With that he left the room, making his way towards his lab on Dragonspine. Not one person in Mondstadt would think of Albedo as a dumb person, everyone says how they are impressed with how smart he his... so why does he feel so stupid right now? He was a fool to believe that he was loveable, that someone saw him for who and what he was, not what they wanted him to be. For now he just wants to be alone again, surround himself with his work and ignore these feelings in his chest. The heartbreak, the betrayel... but also the feeling of relief. Albedo did wonder how much it would've pained you if he ever loses control, but now this is not a concern anymore. And still, as he made his way up Dragonspine he couldn't help the frozen tears coming spilling from his eyes.
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missblissy · 3 years
Glad you're back!! Miss you! I see about your post, can I have some modern AU maybe of Human! Alastor x reader going to an aquarium? Maybe a cute date? Haha thx amazing to have you again
(( QwQ/ It's good to be back! And I would be honored to do that. I had a lot of fun with this. I hope you enjoy!!))
It was hinted with salt filling the air. Misty and warm, the summer sea winds rolled off the coast and into your hair. The Long Island sound was picture perfect, just as you remember in your childhood dreams. You were staying in a quaint little town your familly use to visiting summer after summer when you were a child. And it was the perfect place for you to bring yourself on a long over due vacation. Work had been too much to handle this past year, and now you could spend the next week relaxing on the soft sandy coastal beaches of Long Island. 
However today you had plans to take the ferry across the sound to the aquarium. Sure... you were going by yourself but... So what. You didn’t particularly have many friends, nor a partner in your life. But so what? You were an introvert natrually and a social gathering over five people where never your thing. 
You had just made it to the ferry docks. As always, you were fifteen minutes early. You couldn’t bear to be late, especially since you considered “on-time” to be late. You were sitting on a public bench facing the sound. Dozens of other people have started to gather around the same place as you. You were just about to take one of your favorite books out of our bag when someone approached you.
“Do you mind if I sit?” You saw a man standing before you. He had a pleasant smile. A soft one that just barely met his eyes. You took one second too long to peer at him.
“Uh-...” You tore your gaze from his soft brown hair and to his polished shoes. They were out of style yet he somehow managed to pull it off, “Yea-.. I mean no...! Help yourself.” You tried to return his smile but you were far more awkward about it. This man had some strange sense of fashion. He looked oddly in place, however, he seemed like he was trying to live in a time long since past. 
“Are you waiting for the ferry too?” He asked, making simple conversation to fill the void of silence. 
You glanced at him quickly a second time and made a nervous little laugh. His dark complexion matched his brown eyes hidden behind perfectly circular glasses, “Oh... yes.” You remember you had your ticket in your hand, “It shouldn't be much longer until it arrives,” 
The stranger nodded his head slowly, “Have you ever been on a ferry before?” You nodded your head to his question, “Ah, first time for me. They don’t have ferries where I’m from.” He said with a cool expression.
He seemed chatty for a stranger. Most of the time when strangers tried talking to you, you’d brush them off. But this man was lucky that you thought he was rather... stunning in the looks department. That, and he seemed rather harmless as of right now. So you indulged in his conversation, “Where are you from?” You asked. 
The man paused only slightly then turned himself to face you. He held out his left hand for you to take. You were hesitant but you still reached out, “Alastor,” He said, “I’m from New Orleans. I’m guessing you’re a local?” You wouldn’t have ever guessed that, he didn’t have any kind of southern twang or drawl to his tone.
You shooked his hand but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing a little at his question, “No, no,” You waved your hand a little, “Uh- aha... I’m (Y/N). And I’m not from here, but my family and I use to come here all the time for summer vacations.”
“Well, it’s certainly a lovely place to visit. I’m here for business though so I can’t say I’ve gotten the real experience of it all yet. Today was my day off, however, and I thought I’d go see this aquarium one of my friends keeps telling me to go to. She’s rather annoying about it, truly, spoiled even and quite the nagging little thing. But she is my friend after all and I’d rather not deal with the consequences of not listening to her.” 
There was a moment there went you felt your heart stop for a minute, “That’s... really ironic.” You said slowly.
“Oh? You have a bossy friend too?” He jested with a smile. 
You laughed for a second then shook your head, “No, I mean that it’s ironic that you’re going to the aquarium,” You paused for a second then reached into your bag and pulled out your phone. You showed Alastor and said, “I’m going too.” 
He peered at the e-ticket on your phone, the pushed his glasses up on his nose with a deep laugh, “What a small world!” He laughed, then laughed some more, “How truly ironic indeed!” Then without a second to waste, he faced you once again then asked, “Would you like to go together?”
The question startled you. You didn’t expect that. He was very bold, wasn’t he? You had only just met and he was asking to spend probably what would be the rest of the day with you. You were flustered suddenly, then you were tongue-tied, lastly, you cracked your voice as you answered, “S-Sure! Yea- um--....” You felt your cheeks turn a little pink, “Sorry. It’s just... That was unexpected.” Just as you said that the loud horn of the ferry screamed as it pulled into the docks. 
Alastor stood up while smiling down to you, “Life wouldn’t be life if what you expected happened all the time.” 
He then held out his hand, offering to help you up from the bench. You took a moment, sitting there and taking everything in for what it was. Alastor stood before you, looking as though he was some kind of mathematician, or professor, now that you got a good look at him. His red tie was tucked behind a brown sweater vest that stopped just shy of his belt. His hand was offered to you, while the wind dusted his brown hair around in the breeze. And that smile on his face, it was soft yet firm enough to show that he was pleased to help you up. 
So you decided then... why the hell not? He was right, life wouldn’t be the same if it was exactly like what you expected. You took Alastor’s hand and pulled yourself to your feet. The two of you chatted while boarding the ferry, and then stood beside each other while leaning along the guard rails of the top deck.
The both of you talked about all kinds of things. You found out that Alastor was some kind of internet personality, not really. He had a podcast he ran and owned with some friends of his. It was apparently very popular and well known, though not that well known because you’ve never heard of it before. And to say that didn’t hurt Alastor’s ego a little would have been a lie. Apparently, Alastor also had a strong taste for liquor, because at one point he went to the ferry’s indoor bar and came back with two rum on the rocks.
You told him it was only noon, to which he replied, “It’s five o’clock somewhere,” And laughed before taking a sip of his drink. You decided to have the one he got you and told yourself it’d only be one which Alastor stayed true to. He didn’t wander off for another drink once he finished the one he had. There was another point that you learned that Alastor had the habit of ignoring his phone, to the instance where he got annoyed with it and turned it off. It seemed he only wanted to focus on talking to you and listening to what you had to say.
Alastor and you talked the whole ferry ride, which was just under an hour long. And when you docked, you both walked side by side down the three and a half blocks to the aquarium. It wasn’t a massive place, but it was a good size with a decent amount of animals. You originally came here with the idea of looking for inspiration within sea life. For you were an author, after all, writing stories for a living came with its ups and downs. For instance, right now, your much-needed vacation wasn’t really a vacation. The current book you were working on took place in late century seaside town, much like this one. And you had run into the worse possible writer’s block you’ve ever been in. 
As you and Alastor had finished passing the entry gates and showing your tickets, you wondered why Alastor would want to come here with you. Maybe because he realized how terribly awkward it would be if you continued to cross paths all day. You also thought about how you wouldn't be able to focus on working with him around now. You also didn’t really want to out yourself, or your current story. 
But that would soon be unavoidable. You and Alastor had just made it to the open exhibits of the aquarium. You had stopped on an old wooden bridge to briefly look out at a beautiful koi pond. Alastor leaned over slightly while resting his arms on the bridge railing. He had a soft smile that was barely on his lips, “This one oddly reminds me of home,” He sighed. 
You learned along the railing as well, looking over the swampy like pond. It lily pads all over, with a dark green water filled with dead trees and moss. You couldn’t see them, but you could hear the bullfrogs chirping away. Seeing it gave your a sudden surge of inspiration. Something about it made you get several ideas for your book. You couldn’t let them slip away, so you reached into your bag and grabbed your notebook.
While you became lost in your own world, scribbling down idea after idea, Alastor quietly watched you. It wasn’t in a way that you noticed, because he’d only take a side glance here or there. But after a moment or so, he finally asked, “Forgot something to add to your grocery list?” 
It was meant to be a joke but it went right over your head (Mush to Alastor’s dismay).
“O-oh..” You then laughed weakly, “No... It’s for a story I’m working on.” 
Alastor turned to face you slightly while still leaning on the rail, “Oh, like an author?”
You took a dry swallow then glanced away and shrugged, “Yea,” You didn’t want to egg him on. But of course, he asked anyways. 
“Are you published?” He seemed genuinely interested. Yet there was a reason you wanted to avoid it. Oftentimes when you told people about your books, the general reception wasn't that good. There was a reason you wrote under a pen name. 
However, Alastor wasn’t from around here, and you weren’t on New York Time’s Best Selling List yet, and probably never would be. So there was a chance he wouldn’t know or ever heard of your books. 
So you took the chance and said, “Yeah. I’m the author of Sea Rise.”
“Oooh,” Shit. “That book series about the pirates?” Dammit. 
You felt your cheeks burn as you took in a deep breath and nodded your head, “You’ve heard of them?” You wouldn’t look at him though. You just kept your gaze on some turtle resting on a log. 
“Yeah, never read them,” He gave a slight chuckle, “But the girl I work with-”
“You said her name is Charlie, right?”
“Yes- Well, she reads ‘em. She’s a big fan. I’m under the assumption that it’s about fictional pirates?” 
You took in a small breath then sighed, “Pretty much. It’s... not that amazing or anything. It’s okay.” You noticed that Alastor pushed off the rail and started to walk again, but slower this time.
“Tell me about it.” His words surprised you enough to look at him with a shocked expression. He laughed at you while giving a small wave of his hand, “Only if you want to. I’m sure you can’t talk much about spoilers.”
You blinked, then let out a shaky laugh, “I-I don’t know. It’s... A long story. This is for my fourth installation.”
He hummed with a slight chuckle, “Well it’s a good thing there is a snack bar over there.” He pointed to one not that far away, “And plenty of places to sit too.” 
There was something that flickered around in your chest. You felt butterflies you always wrote about in your stories. You peered at Alastor finding it hard to stare at his face. You glanced up from his shoes and got caught in that tilt in his smirk. Heat ran to your cheeks and spread across your nose, you gave a sharp nod of your head then awkwardly stuttered out, “O-okay!” With maybe a little too much excitement. Who knew that today, of all days... You’d run into someone like him. 
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lyntonier · 3 years
A train to Paris
Carmen Sandiego x Gray Calloway
Summary: Carmen is taking a break away from her work — helping out at the Orphanage and fighting crime — and decides to take a trip back to Paris, a location she quite enjoyed. During her journey she meets a familiar face she believed she would not see again.
A/N: This is set after season 4.
"So Carms, I hear you are off to Paris for the week huh?"
I smile into the phone, listening to Ivy's comment.
"You heard correct. Well, assuming nothing goes wrong, that is".
I had gotten a break from working at the Orphanage with my Madre, so I decided to take myself on a little trip. We had finally met about eleven months ago, and I had been helping around as much as I possibly could without a break. Well, I tell a lie, I had a couple days free from working with Madre, though I used those days to check for any crime around. I guess some habits die hard huh, this was meant to be my new start but I can't seem to leave fighting crime behind. It was my choice to work so much at the Orphanage though.
Madre had had enough and told me to take a week away and go someplace, so where better than Paris? The beauty of the city when the sun goes down and the lights come on again, the food, the art and architecture, the history, it's simply something I cannot forget. It's truly a once in a lifetime thing.
"Wow, I'm so jealous! I wish I could be there with you, it would be so much fun- Zack stop! Leave Julia alone. No- She probably does NOT appreciate that, so quit it... Yes, you, who else?!.......... Sorry Carms, it's Zach trying to flirt with Julia again".
Giggling at Ivy's scolding to her brother, I make a mental note to tease him about that when I next see him. He kept flirting with the poor woman, to which she would politely laugh and make an excuse to leave.
"No worries Ivy, it's alright. I must admit though, I do feel sorry for Julia in some respects".
"I know right! Gosh, he's so oblivious sometimes. I love him anyway though, no matter how much of a douche brain he is".
"It would be nice to be able to meet up with all of you again, it's been a while since I saw all of you properly. You'll have to let me know when you two both have some time off and I'll get hold of Shadowsan and Player, then we can all have a nice catch-up".
I hear Ivy sigh wistfully into the phone, light laughter leaving her lips.
"Honestly Carms, that seems like such a good idea right about now. I'm so tired with work, I got called out five times within the past two days, three of which were last night. I've not had a nice snooze in for ages and I could do with one right about now, haha."
"You do sound quite tired. When do you get off shift?"
"Uuuh, hold on....... Forty-five minutes, then I can go home".
"Well, you should treat yourself to a warm bubble bath and a long rest".
"I think I'll take that one and do just that. Ah- I've got to shoot, Cheif is calling for me. I'll call you tomorrow and we can talk more, yeah?"
"Yes, wouldn't miss it for the world. Tell the others I said hello for me? And I'll work on arranging a girls trip between you and me to somewhere, just let me know where you fancy going".
"Oh you're a star Carm, I'll be looking forward to that then. I'll decide tonight and let you know tomorrow, and I'll pass on your 'hellos' to the others. Talk soon Carm".
I smile into the phone, mildly disappointed that our conversation had to end so soon.
"Talk soon Ivy".
With that, I hear the beep of an ended call as Ivy hangs up the line. A sudden wave of exhaustion washes over me as I move my phone down to my lap, checking the time. It was 1:15 in the morning. Raising my eyebrows, I nod at my phone, surprised at how late it was. I should probably try to get some sleep as I'll be arriving at my stop in about seven hours from now and I would much prefer to not be falling asleep at every given moment.
Setting my phone down next to myself, I grab a blanket out of my carry bag and drape it over my lap, removing my jumper and folding it into four before placing it onto the seat to my left. Reaching up above myself, I pull a cord that turned off the lights in my little train booth, engulfing myself in darkness. The only form of light that I had at this stage was the gentle light from the moon, it would be full soon. Laying down, I place my head onto my jumper and pull my blanket up higher, closing my eyes and relaxing my body.
Right as I began to doze off, I felt a strange feeling of wariness make itself known in my gut, enticing me to sit up and evaluate my surroundings. Within a couple of seconds of having my eyes open, I heard a light tapping on my booth door. Someone was there. Averting my eyes to the glass section of the door, I keep my body motionless as I trace the figure with my eyes and their every possible movement.
If I stayed still then they would not see me and assume I was sleeping and most likely leave.
*tap, tap, tap*
"Excuse me, uh, I know you are awake.. can I come in? My booth has no heating and it's really cold out here".
Or maybe not.
Cautiously eyeing the door, I slowly raise myself from the seats and brace my hand into a fist, ready to fight off a possible threat. Standing tall, I cautiously step my way over to the door before grasping the cool metal handle with one hand and undoing a lock with the other. Twisting the handle, I edge the door open bit by bit.
"Hello... Um.. yes you may".
It was a man, not that much taller than me, and Australian. Or perhaps Kiwi. I couldn't see many of his facial features, other than the fact that he had a man bun and a couple bags with him. I wracked my brain for any vocal recognitions, however, nothing matched.
Standing aside, I made room for the strange man to come inside.
"Cheers mate, sorry 'bout how odd this is. I went to the train staff to ask about the heating and they told me that the booth I chose was meant to be closed, though the person on duty of closing it off didn't get around to it, hence me choosing the unlucky booth. They told me I would have to ask to share booths with somebody else seen as though all others are booked, and I saw your light go out, so I came here. Sorry and cheers again".
The man laughed, rubbing what I assumed was the back of his neck. His explanation seemed pretty truthful and his reasoning honest.
"That's no problem, sorry that you got a faulty booth, that must've sucked".
"Hah, tell me 'bout it" He joked.
Smiling, I close the door and return to my seat, watching as he put his bags in the overhead luggage area, leaving out a blanket of his own. Smart man.
"So, what's your name mate?"
"Carmen. And you?"
I see him whip his head around, before shaking it and laughing lightly.
"I had a friend called Carmen, though I've not seen her in a long time. My name is Grah-Grayson. Grayson".
I raise my eyebrow at his stutter, smirking lightly.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Grah-Grayson" I tease.
"Haha, as to you Carmen".
With that, we both fell silent, just basking in the pleasant atmosphere of the booth with the same idea of sleep on our minds.
Slipping back into my 'bed', I pull my blankets back over myself and close my eyes, listening carefully at everything around me. I hear some stuffing around, something dropping on the floor, followed by a second something, more shuffling, then a satisfied sigh. Peering over my shoulder, I see the outline of a body laying on the seat across from mine.
"Did you just take your shoes off?"
"Hm? Ah yeah mate, can't sleep with shoes on, that's just crazy".
Grah-Grayson laughs at his own statement, finding humour in my question.
I feel my lips draw into a thin line as I shuffle my feet around awkwardly, my shoes very much still on.
Am I crazy?
"G'd'night mate, thanks again for letting me in on such short notice".
"No, no, that's fine. Goodnight".
It felt strange saying goodnight to a stranger, though I had most definitely done stranger.
I feel my eyes shoot open rather rapidly, my heart pounding against my ribcage as I scramble to sit upright, taking in my surroundings eagerly before eyeing the strange man in the booth with me. I check the room once again for anything out of the ordinary, before removing the blanket from my body and standing, striding my way over the door and yanking it open silently and slipping out, closing it behind myself. I needed some fresh air.
Making my way to the end of the train, I open a door that leads to a small balcony attached to the carriage. Immediately the wind hits me, blowing my hair to the side.
Sucking in a deep breath of air, I relax my shoulders and close my eyes. I had a nightmare — rather a memory — that Coach Brunt had broken into my booth and tied me up, much like before, and decided that enough was enough and planned to end things then and there.
A pretty sad nightmare, huh.
I enjoy the breeze a little longer before turning around and opening the door, walking back into the train carriage and back to my booth. Opening the door, I am surprised to see Grah-Grayson awake and sat upright, watching out of the window at the scenery. It was early for him to be awake, it was about five in the morning and the sun had begun rising, casting a gentle glow in the booth.
"Ah, mate, there you are, are you alr-......."
The words leave his mouth as he stares at me in surprise, horror, happiness, sadness and recognition... a mix of everything. Exactly what I was feeling.
Tears fill my eyes as I gaze at the male before me. It couldn't be...
"Black sheep..?."
Grah-Grayson stands up, tears in his own eyes as he stares at me intently.
Stepping forward, I feel my arms raising slightly and before I knew it I was lunging for him, sobs wreaking through my lips as tears flowed heavily from my eyes. Engulfing him in my arms, I feel him do the same with just as much ferocity. I hear sobs come from him too, his chest rising and falling quickly and sharply with each gasp of air.
Before anything could be said, I feel anger suddenly wash over me, leading me to remove my arms from around him and shove him away harshly, placing some distance between us.
A confused whimper leaves his mouth, clearly unintentionally, but before he could say anything I let months worth of hurt, confusion, upset and anger form into words and flow out freely.
"Gray where were you?! W-What did you mean 'don't tell her' that you woke up!! Do you know how long I waited for you to wake up in the hospital, unable to see you or hear from you, not knowing that you had long gone?! Do you- Do you know how long I WAITED fOR YOU? Three months Gray- three months that you were gone and I was waiting for you to wake up so that we could start over, so that I could know you were okay!" The words kept flowing out, no matter how much I tried to stop them. Although I didn't try. I couldn't bring myself to try. I started pacing back and forth as I rambled, making sure the emphasis on certain words came out.
"Carmen, let me explain, I-"
I cut him off, anger still clouding my better judgement.
"NO Gray, you don't get to explain until you hear me!! I searched EVERYWHERE for days, weeks, months for you, thinking that something had happened to you, only to be told by Chief that you had requested to not have your condition or whereabouts revealed to me! Why Gray, why..? If you were angry or upset at me and didn't want to see me, you could have just told me instead of making me worry like that! I spent so many nights awake trying to find out where you were with the help of Player, but nothing!! NOTHING!"
I heave out everything that has been resting on my shoulders, the feeling of relief evident on my shoulders as a weight had been lifted.
"Carmen I was never upset at you, more of I was upset at myself. It was my fault that you had been captured and lured in, I knew what was happening and I could have prevented it, but I didn't. I blamed myself for you being brainwashed and hurt, and for myself being hurt. I was such an idiot and I didn't want to do something that could hurt you again-"
"And yet you did.." I remark with a whisper, adverting my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest, hugging myself and sniffling as I did so.
"I know and I'm sorry... I didn't want to interfere with your life, not after everything that had happened. VILE was caught and disbanded, you had information on your mother, everything was over and you had a fresh start ahead of you and I didn't want to get in the way of that. So, I changed my identity and lived away from the public eye, hidden away where you could not find me. It wasn't just a fresh start for you, it was one for me too... I asked for you to not be told of my departure, even though Cheif strongly suggested against it, the same with that Julia lady. I told them it was my only request, and they allowed it eventually. I now realise that wasn't a good idea and that it hurt you much more than I believed it could or would... I am so sorry Carmen.. I really am so, incredibly sorry.. I can't blame you if you are angry at me, I gue-"
"Of course I'm angry at you!! I finally realised after all of that time that I was in love with you, and I was prepared to tell you, only to find that you were gone! Those three months left in the dark were pure heaven compared to the.. the shitty, crappy, horrible feelings once I found out you were gone!"
I watch as Gray's eyes widen in surprise, as he stutters his next sentence, his face flushed from tears, much like my own.
"C-Carmen.. you- what did you just.. what did you just say?"
"That I realised after all of this time that I was in love with you, so very incredibly in love with you, and that I was prepared to tell you!" I growl.
We both stand there in silence, the cool feeling of my tears drying up on my face present. Sudden realisation dawns upon me at what I had just boldly announced. Smacking my hand over my mouth, I gasp, my eyes widening as the realisation finally sets in completely.
Nothing is said between us as we just stare one another in the eyes, waiting for the other to speak.
"Gray, I-"
I cut myself short as Gray abruptly strides towards me confidently, raising his hands to cup my cheeks as I step back, unsure of what was happening. Staring down into my eyes, Gray smiles gently.
"You always were a cheeky one, sneaking your way into my heart the way you did".
My stomach fills with butterflies at that, a small smile making its way onto my face, accompanied by little giggles. Soon enough, I was laughing uncontrollably into Gray's chest, him onto my shoulder.
The laughter died down soon after, we were just left with warm smiles on our faces.
Moving his hand across my face, his thumb stroking my cheek and his other hand caressed the back of my neck, he looks down at my lips before looking into my eyes.
"May I?"
That one sentence had my stomach doing flips as though I were a schoolgirl who just confessed her undying love to her crush and received the same feelings back, though I guess in some respects I was that schoolgirl, just a little older.
"You may".
With that, Gray leans down, pressing his lips gently against mine and pulling away. I did not feel those fireworks that people would describe a true-loves kiss as, rather I felt complete, safe, happy, joyous, excited, calm, at peace and so many more pleasant things, much better than those so described fireworks.
Leaning in for a second kiss, I met Gray halfway with just as much passion, more ferocity this time, however. Soon though, we had to depart for air, a gentle blush growing over both of our cheeks.
"Carmen, I-"
"Excuse me, are you two alright in there? I could faintly hear you arguing from next door".
Looking behind me, there was an older woman stood in the doorway, a concerned look on her face.
"Yes, we are alright madame, thank you for your concern. Sorry for the noise, everything is sorted now" I explain, turning to face the woman.
"Very well then, there is no need to apologise my dear, as long as you are both okay. Oh, and sorry for interrupting your moment"
The lady giggles cheekily, before making her way back to her booth while rambling on about young love, or something along the lines.
"We should probably close the door, no?"
"Yes, we should. You, mister, have a lot to explain to me, especially what you have been up to since we last saw one another".
I smile as I leave Grays embrace, walking to the door and closing it.
"As do you. We have a while till we reach my destination, so shall we?"
"Hmm... I say sleep and then explain at a later time, on a date perhaps?"
"Friday, 8PM at Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole?" Grey wiggles his eyebrows, a smile on his face as he does so.
Laughter bubbles in my throat as I sniffle, wiping away any tear streams on my face as I nod my head eagerly.
"Call it a date".
A/N: This is my first ever oneshot/story piece that I've done on here and I honestly do not know how good it is, or how bad it is. All I can hope is that it's decent. It was inspired by @wizardsoffthecoast who had mentioned something about this, so here we are. I hope you enjoy it!
(I do apologise for any spelling mistakes!)
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tartagilicious · 3 years
[CN] Flower Language (Victor)
yall that have been waiting for this date may not find this as funny as I do but 😭 I went to finish what I thought was this translation and the video i had been using somehow closed, but when i found what i assumed was the same one again, i was confused because the content was different 😀 i translated most of a completely random date and i have no idea which it was LMAO
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It would be great if Victor were here. I was standing in the garden where the warm wind was lingering, and I suddenly thought so.
A week ago, I came to this small European city in order to get material for a show, and participate in their traditional festival, a “carnival”. Although the celebration is coming to an end, the enthusiasm of the people and the festive atmosphere are not diminished.
I looked at the people gathered under the tree and heard their laughter. Somehow, I suddenly wanted to share everything in front of me with Victor. So, I took out my phone and subconsciously dialed his number.
MC: Hello, Victor, are you busy?
Victor: No. Is something happening?
MC: Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that I’m standing in a very beautiful garden right now. Probably because of the festival, the surroundings are crowded with people, and there are others singing -- can you hear it?
I took the phone and circled it in the air, and when i put it back to my ear, there was not a sound in the receiver.
Victor: I can hear.
MC: Did you know that there is a very special wooden sign hanging on the tree in this garden? It has something to do with “flower language”.
I looked up at the wooden signs swaying on the branches, they made a clear and pleasant sound in the wind.
MC: People can choose the wooden sign painted with the flower language they want, remove it from the branch, and write their name to save it. There are many kinds of flower languages, from wealth, love, to health, career, and so on.
I was babbling, listening to the even breathing in my ears. Victor didn’t speak until I finished speaking, and there was a slight smile peeking out of his lazy voice.
Victor: You hung one up?
MC: Not yet.
Even though I knew he couldn’t see me on the other side of the phone, I shook my head.
MC: There are many things I want, and I haven’t been able to make up my mind for a while.
Victor: Such as?
MC: Such as…
If only you could stand here with me now. I said this silently in my heart.
There was silence in the earpiece for a few seconds, and we seem to have not spoken tacitly, just quietly listening to each other’s breathing. After a long while, I wanted to relax the atmosphere, so I just smiled.
MC: I can’t remember it right now, but my party has to-- actually, rather than using this method, it might be better to tell the omnipotent “Victor Li” directly what I want.
Victor: I will be there on saturday.
MC: Eh?
Victor: Recently, LFG accepted a multinational cooperation project, and I will be coming to Europe tomorrow.
I was stunned. I reacted slowly, my heartbeat speeding up a few beats rapidly.
MC: And so…?
On the other end of the phone, Victor seems to smile slowly.
Victor: And so, what you want, you can think about it before saturday.
On saturday, I arrived at the place scheduled by Victor on time. As soon as I walked up to the street, I saw a familiar figure. I took out the funny mask that I had prepared, and crept close to him from behind, intending to give him a “surprise” after having not seen him for so long.
Victor: I haven’t seen you in a while, but your way of greeting hasn’t improved.
MC: !
The mask on my face was taken off without hesitation or fear. I was stunned and met Victor’s teasing gaze.
MC: ...How can you tell so easily every time?!
Victor: Someone who tries to be sneaky every time is too eye-catching.
Victor walked to my side and took my hand naturally. After sweeping around his eyes, his brows furrowed slightly.
Victor: Are there any events here?
I followed his sight and found that the streets were full of ribbons and balloons, and many people in strange costumes walked slowly through the streets with the parades of floats. The carnival atmosphere permeates the whole city, and my vision is full of bright and gorgeous colours.
MC: Well, today is the last day of the carnival, so it is extremely lively. Many locals and tourists will dress up specially to participate in the celebrations to be held next.
Victor: It turned out to be so.
He nodded thoughtfully.
MC: what’s wrong?
Victor: It’s nothing. It’s just that I passed by a store where there are many clothes to buy and more… it was strange.
MC: What, are you talking about props such as an inflatable dinosaur costume and retro tricycle?
Seeing a stunned look flash across Victor’s face, I couldn’t help but laugh.
MC: Haha, don’t you think this event is particularly creative?~
He let go of my hand, bending his finger and tapped my forehead.
Victor: I just think that this kind of activity will indeed be a subject of interest to dummies.
The familiar and long-lost action made my heart jump. I looked at Victor’s face close at hand and suddenly broke.
MC: Victor, do you remember that on the phone before, you asked me to tell you what I wanted?
He stood in a daze, but seemed to remember it.
Victor: What do you think?
I shook my head and gave him a quick smile.
MC: I have nothing I want, except… do you remember the garden I mentioned to you on the phone? I would love to take a look at the scenery with you.
After getting Victor’s consent, I looked at him and walked to the main road of the small town. As the crowd gradually increased, I saw wide streets slowly appearing in front of me, but before we passed by, I stopped at the stagnant crowd.
MC: What happened?
Victor: Let me ask.
After exchanging a few words with a staff member, Victor walked back.
Victor: They said that it’s for traffic safety, and only people participating in the event can pass through here.
MC: Only people in the event…
The original joyful mood was instantly wiped out like being doused by cold water. Probably because I was too obvious, Victor raised his eyebrows slightly.
Victor: Disappointed?
I nodded honestly, but after half a second, I shook my head again.
MC: Although the place i want to go is on the main road, since we can’t get there, let’s forget it.
Seeing my forced smile, Victor’s face tensed.
Victor: Your frown is almost drooping to the ground.
He looked at me for a moment and just sighed helplessly.
Victor: Wait for me here. Don’t run around.
After speaking, before I could react, he walked away and passed through the crowds. The number of people stuck in the street gradually increased, and many people who had chosen to participate in the celebrations flocked to the main street.
Although I wanted to stay where I was, I was squeezed to the edge of the road and drowned in the endless sea of people. I looked at the surging crowd, and I was a little worried that when Victor came back, he wouldn’t be able to find me so easily.
Just at that moment, a sound of horseshoes suddenly came from the side, so I turned my head to look-- The first thing that catches my eye is a gorgeously dressed dark horse, sporting an arrogant posture and dark eyes.
Gradually looking upward, the man on horseback was dressed equally as gorgeously, with an extraordinary presence, most of which was bathed in golden light.
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The man’s eyes drooped slightly and his gaze was casted towards me. I tried to slightly bloc the dazzling light with my hand, and gradually, the face in front of my eyes also became clearer.
MC: …! Victor?
There was also a hit of surprise in Victor’s eyes when he looked at me. The daylight broke free of the dense leaves and fell on the tips of his hair, giving off a faint flowery scent and softening the look of his visage. Against the backdrop of the surrounding background, he looks like a gentleman and aristocrat from a television drama.
Just when I was about to pass by, Victor pulled the reins abruptly and stopped. I stared at him in a daze, and for a while I couldn’t tell if this was reality or an illusion.
Victor: Why are you here?
With a “click” i accidentally pressed my phone to take a photo.
MC: Me... I was pushed over here by the crowd. There are more and more people, I was worried you wouldn’t find me, so I planned to take a photo to get your attention.
I put the phone back into my pocket as I said this, worried that he would make me hand over the photo I just captured. However, Victor just looked at me for a long while, showing a helpless expression.
Victor: Dummy.
The horse took a few steps to my spot, and he leaned down slightly to reach out his hand towards me.
Victor: Come up.
I looked at Victor, and being beyond my usual cognition, I didn’t react for a while.
MC: Victor… why are you dressed like this?
Seeing my stunned gaze, Victor turned his face away unnaturally.
Victor: I borrowed it from the shop I just passed by. If it seems like i’m attending the celebration, we can easily follow the main street.
MC: I thought you would feel naive doing this…
Victor: well...
He replied very quickly, subsequently, he slighted slightly.
Victor: But since I have promised you that we’ll go out o the garden, I will not feel naive. Besides, are the naive things I’ve done with you far and few?
The horseshoe stepped on the stone road with a clattering sound. The calm wood scent wrapped me and I leaned my back against a generous and warm chest. Although I rarely ride horses, I feel very at ease at this moment.
A beautiful garden appeared in front of us, and I happily said to Victor,
MC: We’ve arrived!
Victor: Slow down.
With the help of Victor, I got off the horse. Maybe it’s because most people have gone to the celebration, but there are not many people here. Sunlight sprinkled from gaps between branches and fell onto a sea of flowers. The wooden sign hanging on the branch made a pleasant sound in the breeze.
Victor walked behind me with a hint of surprise in his eyes.
MC: Isn’t it beautiful?
I put my hands behind my back and looked at him with a smile.
MC: When I came here for the first time, I don’t know why, but I thought of the “sky garden”. So i have this inexplicable sense of intimacy with this place, and I wanted you to see the scenery here.
Victor quietly looked at the scenery in front of him, and after a short while, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.
Victor: Well, it is beautiful. In contrast, there’s a bit more natural beauty.
He looked up again at the wooden sign dancing in the wind on the branch.
Victor: This is the “flower language” you mentioned to me on the phone that day?
MC: Yes, there are some unique types of flower language here, which is quite interesting.
As I said this, I reached out and touched the pattern on the board.
MC: For example, the flower language of Paphiopedilum is “thrifty and frugal” and the flower language of asparagus flowers is “I want to win”...
Victor listened with good interest and teased me as if in a good mood.
Victor: So, you can’t make up your mind between these two things?
MC: Certainly not! Although I really want these things… But this is my final decision!
As soon as I finished speaking, I handed a wooden sign without a name and a pen to Victor.
Victor: What kind of flower is this?
MC: This is a red geranium. Just write your name on it!
Victor: ...It seems that you arranged this for me a long time ago.
He took the wooden sign and asked faintly,
Victor: What is its meaning in the flower language?
MC: This one, haha… I’ll wait for you to find out by yourself.
Victor glanced at me.
Victor: Dummy.
Even so, he still picked up the pen and wrote his name on the wooden sign stroke by stroke. Seeing Victor’s serious expression, a trace of warmth ran across my heart.
I suddenly thought of the meaning behind red geraniums that I found with my mobile phone in this same place a few days ago. At this moment, I seem to understand the meaning better --
“My happiness exists because of you”.
The sunset quietly dyed the sky red. When we were about to walk out of the garden, I suddenly saw a staff member not far away waving colorful flags at us, and I couldn’t help but look towards them.
MC: Are we so lucky that we won big prizes?
Victor: In terms of probability, it is unlikely.
MC: People should always be optimistic!
Victor: Let’s go and have a look.
Victor chuckled lightly, took my hand, and walked forward with me. When we talked to the staff member, we found that we didn’t win any prizes, he just wanted to help us take a photo together. Although it was not the expected outcome, when taking a photo with Victor, my face burst into a smile involuntarily.
Victor: Why are you smiling? It’s not like it’s a grand prize. Are you happy about the reward?
MC: For me, it’s like winning the jackpot!
I looked at us closely in the photo -- Although Victor’s expression is the same as usual, only a slight smile can be seen at the corner of his mouth, but his hand that hangs beside him is firmly gripping mine.
Behind us is the same beautiful sea of flowers.
Victor: You said that your wish is to let me come here with you. Why?
Victor looked at the photo and suddenly after he said this, he pondered for a moment.
MC: Well... It’s because it’s very beautiful here, and I wanted you to see it too.
Victor: Is it just that?
When I met Victor’s deep eyes, I suddenly felt as if all my careful thoughts had nowhere t hide in front of him. Seeing that I didn’t have a way to get around this, I had to decide to confess.
MC: I was standing here, thinking about you for a little bit.
I lifted my eyes secretly and peeked at Victor, wanting to look carefully at his expression. There was no emotion on his face, only those dark eyes watching me seriously.
MC: Although I only miss you a little bit, this kind of little thought often comes up.
It seems that the more this lively and joyous atmosphere grew, the more people can’t help but miss a certain someone. For a moment, I even wanted to go home and return to the place where I knew he was.
MC: Even though I’d already seen the scenery, with you, it somehow seems to be different. It becomes--
Victor: It becomes special.
Victor whispers. He puts a hand on my waist, and soft emotion flows from his dark eyes.
Victor: Isn’t that right?
Looking at my slightly widened eyes, a faint smile crossed the corner of his mouth.
Victor: When did you get such a bad habit of saying half of what you mean and keeping the rest to yourself? If you want to see me, you can speak directly.
I realised that he was talking about when I called him the other day, and I bit my lip.
MC: These words, you know even if I don’t voice them.
Victor: I know, but this is not enough.
I looked at his defatigable eyes and couldn’t help but sigh lightly.
MC: I’m (not) worried that this will interfere with you. Moreover, I also want to establish the image of a “strong and independent woman” in front of you.
I was speaking from the heart, but Victor was amused by my serious expression.
Victor: You actually set such a goal?
The breath that was close at hand intertwined with mine, and I quietly looked at his hanging gaze.
Victor: In contrast, I have no such ambitions.
He stretched his hands over my shoulders, and as he approached slowly, the familiar scent surrounded me. Just when the atmosphere was right, a “pop” sounded untimely something falling from my pocket and onto the ground.
I reacted immediately.
MC: It’s my flower sign!
I was about to pick it up, but Victor was one step ahead of me and picked it up. He looked at the red geranium pattern on the sign and there was a slight curve to his lips.
MC: Uh, this is a flower card I took before, because I thought it looked good…
With some guilty conscience, I wanted to avoid Victor’s gaze. He spread out my hand and placed the wooden sign in my palm.
Victor: It seems that you already have what you want.
He covered my hand with his palm and slowly closed it so I could feel the weight of the wooden sign in my palm.
MC: …!
I looked at Victor’s face in surprise, reminding me of the scene when he was asked to write on the wooden sign just now. A faint colour couldn't help but climb up on my cheeks -- this person really knows everything!
Victor looked at me with interest, and there was a faint smile on his face.
Victor: Why is your face red?
MC:...It’s just the setting sun!
Victor smiled, but didn’t break contact with me, just holding my hand tighter.
Victor: Well, today’s sunset is very nice.
The sun dyed his eyes, but reflected in the depths was me alone. Someone not far away happily sang a local ballad. Although I don’t understand the meaning, I no longer feel the loneliness of being in a foreign land.
Because the person I cherish the most is by my side right now.
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lucys-key · 4 years
Unexpected Encounters (Eren Yeager x Reader)
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Part 1: Long Time, No See
An unexpected encounter one night reunites you with someone you haven't seen in a long time, but have also never quite forgotten about. (College/Modern AU).
Rating: Mature for now, but will probably change to explicit. (18+ only)
Warnings: Some cursing in this part, but otherwise no warnings. Let me know if you find anything else I should tag, though!
A/N: This is kinda something I’ve been writing for fun, haha, so I hope you enjoy!
It was the summer before your first year of college.
A summer that was a whirlwind of planning, buying everything you could think of that you might need, and saying goodbye to old friends.
You were equal parts nervous and excited. You were looking forward to getting away from the people at your high school, four years having been quite enough time with all of them, but you were also sad to be leaving the friends you had made. Anxiety about leaving home for the first time was also beginning to creep up as you got closer to move-in day. Needless to say, it was a stressful time.
You took a deep breath as you looked around your room. There was still so much that needed to be done, but it was such a nice day outside. You couldn’t bring yourself to focus on getting your shit together for school when you were missing out on your last summer before your first stage of adulthood.
Instead of packing, you walked over to the desk in your room where your phone was sitting and called your best friend Sasha. It was unfortunate, but you and Sasha had completely different interests when it came to academics, so when it was time to choose a college, you both ended up choosing rather different schools. Coming to terms with the fact that Sasha was not going to be there for you in-person everyday was perhaps one of the most difficult things about preparing to go off to college.
The line rang three times before Sasha picked up, her muffled greeting indicating that she was snacking on something, as per usual.
“What’s up?” she asked after swallowing her food. “Finished packing?”
You sighed and looked around your room which was a mess of boxes and clothes strewn around the floor that you were trying to decide whether or not to take with you.
“Nope. I’m procrastinating,” you said almost proudly. “This summer has gone by way too fast. I really thought I’d have more time to do everything.”
“Ugh, same,” Sasha groaned as she took another bite of whatever it was she was snacking on. “I take back what I said about wanting to further my education.”
You laughed and said, “I think it’s too late for that. Besides, don’t all freshmen get the unlimited meal plan at your school?”
Sasha squealed and you could feel her joy through the phone.
“YES!” she exclaimed. “And there are four dining halls to choose from. FOUR!”
“I’m happy for you and your culinary college journey,” you replied, feeling like you were really going to miss having your best friend around.
You heard a noise in the background that sounded like Sasha’s father, and sure enough, a second later Sasha said, “I’m happy for me, too, but hey, I gotta go. Fam requires my assistance.”
You nodded even though she couldn’t see you through the phone. “Go assist. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Alrighty, love you,” Sasha said and then hung up.
As you put your phone back down on the desk, you couldn’t help but feel a little sad. You only had a week before it was time to drive for four hours to your new home, and you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You still didn’t want to pack, and Sasha was busy so hanging out with her was also not an option.
Eventually, you sighed and stood up to face the inevitable: you had to pack, or at least organize your things. Before getting started, you walked over to the window next to your bed and looked outside. The sun was beginning to set, and it was still such a nice day. You pulled the window open to let in the warm summer breeze, and you heard the pleasant rustling of the leaves on the tree outside of your room.
After a few hours of packing, dinner, and watching Netflix, the sun had set completely, and you felt exhausted. You went to your dresser to put on an old, oversized t-shirt before going to the bathroom to complete your nighttime routine.
Once you were finished, you got into bed, pulled the covers over you, and soon enough you were fast asleep.
A loud noise.
You stirred in your sleep, not quite waking.
But then you heard another noise, and you sat up and opened your eyes, blinking them a few times to try and process your surroundings better. You looked around your room and didn’t see anything.
You felt a breeze and then realized that you had forgotten to close the window before going to bed. Deciding that the noise had been something from outside, you pushed your bed covers off of yourself to get up and close the window.
Only, as soon as your feet hit the ground and you took a step forward, you tripped over something on the floor and landed right on top of it. You groaned in pain, but before you could look to see what it was you had tripped on, an unfamiliar voice resonated throughout your bedroom.
“Ow, Jean. What the fuck?!”
You immediately froze. That was a person who just spoke. There was a person in your bedroom. A person you didn’t know, at least not by their voice.
After a few seconds, you got yourself together and quickly scrambled away from whoever it was lying on your bedroom floor. You stood up so you were looking down at them.
“Who are you?” you demanded, trying to keep the terrified edge out of your voice. Your eyes still hadn’t adjusted to the dark room so you couldn’t get a good look at their face.
The person moved, presumably to sit up, and then there was a pause.
“What do you mean ‘who am I?’ Who are you?” the stranger demanded back.
You scoffed. “This is my room dumbass. Get out. Now.”
Whoever it was in your room made a noise of confusion, and you walked around your bed to turn on the lamp. It filled your room with a soft light.
When you walked back around to the other side of your bed, the stranger had stood up, but their back was turned to you. All you could see was brown hair tied into a loose, messy bun.
“This isn’t Jean’s room,” they remarked and then whipped around to face you.
“Hey, where the fuck am I?”
You stood still as you finally got a look at the stranger’s face. Although it had been a long time, you’d recognize those bright green eyes anywhere.
“Eren?” you asked in astonishment.
Eren’s eyes widened slightly, and you were more than a little surprised when he said your name in return. You were sure after six years he would’ve forgotten it— forgotten you. You had been nothing more than classmates, after all.
Eren stood for a few seconds, but then his face broke out into a grin.
“Damn. It’s been a long time,” he said your name again, and as he continued to look at you, you were suddenly reminded of how you must have looked. You had only worn an oversized shirt to bed. Thankfully, it covered the upper half of your thighs, but you still felt yourself wishing you had more clothes on, as Eren was completely dressed in black sweats, a grey t-shirt, and sneakers.
As you looked at his face, you couldn’t help but recognize how much he had changed over the last few years. You met him when you were just twelve years old and in junior high. His child-like features had disappeared completely, and he was nothing like the boy you remembered.
For starters, Eren had grown— a lot. His voice was deeper, which was why you weren’t able to recognize it earlier. His facial features were also much more defined, his cheekbones and jawline now standing out. And perhaps the most remarkable thing about Eren’s appearance was the fact that he had chosen to grow his hair out. Your memories of Eren were of a boy with short brown hair and green eyes, though those were still the same, running around as he played with his friends at school.
You only let yourself look at him for a few more seconds before addressing the issue that had woken you in the first place.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, still so very confused about how he managed to make it into your bedroom of all places.
Eren rubbed a hand on the back of his neck looking slightly embarrassed.
“Oh, right,” Eren said and laughed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. I think I must’ve gotten the address confused.”
You almost wanted to roll your eyes in exasperation. What did that even mean? And what was he doing climbing into people’s rooms?
Eren must’ve seen your confusion so he continued his explanation.
“You know Jean, right?” he asked.
Oh yeah, you remembered. He had mentioned his name earlier. It just so happened that after Eren moved away during your second year of junior high—something to do with his dad’s job as a doctor, if you remembered correctly—Jean’s family also moved just across town to your street. You weren’t great friends with him, but you two had gone to the same high school. You also remembered that Eren and Jean used to be close friends before Eren moved away.
“This is my first time back here in a while,” Eren said. “Jean texted me his new address, but I’ve only been here like a day, and clearly haven’t figured everything out.”
Things were starting to make more sense to you, and Eren must have seen you relax slightly because he smiled.
“I don’t normally climb into people’s rooms, by the way,” Eren said, and took his phone out of his pocket to look again at the last text Jean had sent him. “Jean said I’d wake his parents if I went in the front door, so I should use the window since his room is close to the ground.”
Eren frowned and looked behind him at your own window which was still open. “Probably should’ve realized something was wrong when I had to climb a whole ass tree. That was exhausting.”
Despite everything, you found yourself laughing. You couldn’t believe that Eren had climbed all the way up a tree only to end up in your room. You bet he was just as confused as you were when he heard your voice instead of Jean’s.
You walked over to your dresser to take out a pair of shorts to cover yourself, and Eren turned away as you carefully put them on under your shirt.
“Why are you going to Jean’s at…” you started to ask, walking over to your desk to pick up your phone to check the time, “1:30 in the morning?”  
Eren, still standing in the middle of your room, raised his eyebrows and grinned.
“Curious, are we?” he joked, and you felt heat rush to your face.
“Not really,” you managed to say, moving away from your desk to sit on your bed. “Just thought I should know why I was woken up by you at such an hour.”
“Fair enough,” Eren replied.
Since you were sitting on your bed, he moved to lean against your desk which was across from you.
“I’m staying with Armin,” Eren continued, “but Jean and I were planning to see some people tonight before everyone leaves for school in the next few days.”
After junior high, Armin transferred to a private high school, but he still lived in the area. You guessed he and Eren had managed to stay best friends even after Eren moved.
“I see. That sounds fun,” you said, but then added, “Although, I’m not sure why your friends like to hang out so late.”
Eren laughed, showing his perfect teeth. “I take it you’re not a night person, then?”
You looked down, feeling suddenly embarrassed.
“Just not tonight,” you replied.
Eren nodded in understanding. He looked at you for a few moments, and you suddenly felt awkward. He was still standing, and you thought you should invite him to sit or something. Was that weird?
You quickly decided that it wasn’t really weird, and you gestured to the desk chair and said, “You can sit if you want.”
Eren looked at the chair, seeming like he hadn’t even realized it was there.
“Oh, sure,” he said, but seemed conflicted. “Only if you want, though,” he continued. “I know I kind of barged in here, and I don’t want to invade your space or keep you up or anything.”
His politeness made you smile, and you found that you didn’t mind his presence in the least.
“No, it’s fine,” you replied.
Eren smiled too and moved to sit on the chair, his front pressed against the back of it so you could still see his face. Eren rested his arms on the top of the back of the chair and leaned forward.
“So how have you been?” he asked, your name leaving his mouth at the end of the question.
Six years was a long time to recap, so you just said, “Pretty good, although I have been stressed lately, as you can see.” You gestured to the many boxes sitting around the floor of your room.
Eren laughed and nodded.
“Yeah, my room looks similar. I needed to get away, and this seemed like a good escape, but I still have so much shit to do when I get back home,” he sighed.
“How long are you here for?” you asked, trying to keep your tone disinterested.
“Just until tomorrow,” he replied.
You were about to say something, but then Eren’s phone began to ring. He muttered “Sorry,” as he took the phone out of his pocket.
Eren turned his head to face the ground as he answered the phone, trying his best to keep his voice down.
“What do you want, horseface?” you heard him say as a greeting. You almost snorted as you realized horseface had to be Jean.
While Eren was talking, you took out your own phone and began to scroll through it mindlessly, not wanting to seem like you were eavesdropping on his conversation. You almost texted Sasha about what was happening, but then decided to wait.
After about a minute or so, Eren hung up the phone. You turned off your phone and looked up to see an apologetic expression on his face.
“Sorry, but I think I have to go,” Eren said, and he almost looked disappointed.
You also felt slightly disappointed but didn’t want to keep Eren from seeing his friends.
“Okay,” you said, and then looked over to your window. Was he planning to climb back out of it?
Eren followed your gaze and seemed to read your thoughts.
“Uh, would it be alright if I used your front door this time?” he asked, laughing shyly.
“Yeah, of course,” you said, feeling stupid. Of course he didn’t want to climb down a tree.
“Thanks,” Eren replied, obviously grateful, and he stood up from the chair.
You got off of your bed and walked towards your bedroom door. Before you opened it, you turned to Eren and said, “We have to be quiet, though. I don’t want to wake anyone.”
He smiled and nodded in understanding.
“Got it,” he whispered.
You turned the handle of your door slowly and pushed it open. With Eren close behind, you led him through the dark hallway to the stairs.
Unfortunately, your stairs were old and fairly steep, so navigating them in the dark would prove to be fairly difficult. You both made it about half-way down without a sound, but then you put your foot in front of you and accidentally missed the next step.
You felt yourself slipping, but then an arm from behind you wrapped around your waist before you could fall.
“Careful,” Eren warned.
“Thanks,” you said, and found yourself laughing at your clumsiness. In response, Eren laughed too. He still had his arm around you, and he was so close that you could hear the sound right next to your ear.
You breathed in deep as you were also able to take in his scent. He smelled like the outside, like smoke and the tree he had climbed, but there was also something sweet, like vanilla.
You heard Eren whisper your name from behind you and snapped out of your trance.
“Sorry,” you said, and then Eren moved his arm back to his side as you continued to walk down the stairs, paying extra attention to where you placed your feet.
After you successfully made it down without another incident, you walked to your front door and pulled it open. You felt the warm summer air rush over your body as you walked outside with Eren. You shut the door behind you so you could say goodbye without anyone in your house hearing.
You and Eren stood awkwardly for a moment, neither of you knowing how to say goodbye. What were you supposed to say? Everything you came up with in your head sounded embarrassing.
But then Eren smiled and laughed nervously, and you felt the tension disappear as it became clear that you and Eren both felt awkward.
You smiled back at him and asked, “Do you know where you’re going?”
Eren put his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants and nodded. “Yep. Looks like I had gotten the last number of the address wrong.”
You made a sound of understanding and were about to say something like goodbye, but then Eren’s voice cut you off before you could say anything.
“Hey,” he said, “it was really nice to see you.”
You couldn’t really believe the situation you were in. You had thought for sure that you would never see Eren again after he moved, yet here he was, standing outside of your house.
“Yeah, you too,” you said, and watched as the wind moved loose pieces of Eren’s hair around his face.
He smiled at you one last time before turning to walk down the pathway leading from your house to the sidewalk.
Before he got too far, he turned around and yelled, “Lock your window from now on!”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you.
“I will!” you yelled back and waved at him.
Eren waved too, and then you watched him walk down the street for a few moments before going back inside your house.
After shutting your front dooor as quietly as you could, you walked back up to your room and took a deep breath. What were you supposed to do now?
You couldn’t get Eren out of your mind, still in disbelief that he had just been in your room. You had way too much energy to get back into bed. You looked around at the clothes on your floor and decided that it would be the perfect time to organize your things.
There was a sweater by your door with the name of your college on it. You picked it up and pulled it over your head before getting started.
Little did you know that in a few weeks, your life was going to become more intertwined with Eren’s than you could have ever imagined.
Read part 2 here
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igirisuhito · 3 years
Title: Writing down all the things gone wrong Relationship(s): Komaeda Nagito/Matsuda Yasuke Rating: Teen Summary: Upon receiving a gift from Hinata, Komaeda attempts to learn more about a student who once went to Hope's Peak academy. After a strange nightmare, he contemplates the trustworthiness of his memory. Trigger Warnings: Childhood trauma, Religious discussion (I guess?), Doctor/Patient, Medical angst, regular angst, Treatment refusal, Dementia Notes: Happy birthday Komaeda. I hope you like suffering. 
[Ao3 Link]
"Hey uh, do you want this?"
Hinata's hand outstretches towards him, holding a thin paperback book between calloused fingers. It appears to be a school notebook; worn, ragged, really in a complete state of disrepair. The once white cover was now a full grey, bearing smudged writing and barely recognisable symbols. If they were symbols from any other organisation, Komaeda probably wouldn't have recognised them and asked why Hinata thought to insult him with this utter piece of trash.
"I know you like Hope's Peak memorabilia, right? This isn't really memorabilia, per say, but…" As he rambles away to himself, Hinata starts to look more and more awkward. Is he embarrassed? Ah, who wouldn't be humiliated, being seen giving such a thoughtful gift to Komaeda in an act of pity.
Before Hinata can try and make some other excuse, Komaeda reaches out, pale digits barely passing over the messy kanji. "Ry…ko… Oto…'s…"
He has to pause, squinting hard at the words. He wonders if there's a chance he's reading it wrong. "Memory notebook? Like a diary?"
Komaeda takes the notebook into his hands, accepting the gift. However, he can't suppress the grin that crosses his face as he looks back up at Hinata, the desire to tease the other just too tempting to resist. "Oh my Hinata-kun… why are you walking around with a girl's diary?"
"I-I got it from the Monomono machine, okay?!" He flushes bright red, beginning to stammer as he shoves his hands back into his pockets. "I-It could be a guy's!"
Doubtful, Komaeda flicks the crinkled pages open, carefully separating each one with his fingers. The way the ink is washed out on every page reminds him of when you would accidentally put a receipt through the wash, full of barely comprehensible writing and doodles. An overuse of love hearts and sparkles, however, proves his theory correct.
"Even if you didn't get it from somewhere weird... I'm not sure if it's really okay for me to accept this!" Sucking in a deep breath, Komaeda grips his elbows in order to calm himself. "There must be some incredibly bad luck waiting for me! For Hinata-kun to go out of his way to give me something so amazing… haha, I feel a little tingly just thinking about it!"
"Seriously, it's no big deal," it seems as though Hinata's face is just getting hotter, he must be truly embarrassed by how much of a fuss Komaeda is making over it. "Just take it, okay? We had a good time today."
"Well, thank you, Hinata-kun. It makes me unbearably happy that you would give me a gift like this!" Smile stretching impossibly wide, Komaeda holds the notebook close to his chest, careful not to crush it.
"Go home, Komaeda."
With an aggressive nod, he says his farewells, "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow, Hinata-kun."
And with that, Hinata turns away, already running off down the beach. He's sprinting like he's trying to escape something, though it wouldn't surprise Komaeda if he was just trying to run away from any possibility of them speaking again. Unfortunately for Hinata, their time on this island isn't nearly over, and he would have to face Komaeda once again tomorrow in Jabberwock Park.
A soft sigh slips past his lips with the thought. He glances towards the horizon, the glowing sea of orange as waves gently roll up on the shoreline. The sun is setting on another perfect day. A cool breeze plays at the strands of Komaeda's hair, knocking it into his eyes. He brings a hand to his face, tucking the loose white locks behind one ear as he glances back down towards the notebook in his hands.
"Memory notebook, huh?"
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Komaeda sits himself down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, placing his gift from Hinata at his side. It has been an unbearably long day, between spending the morning working to collect resources and the afternoon making sandcastles with Hinata, he was worn to the bone.
He leans down to undo the zips on his boots before kicking them off. As he wiggles his toes, he is overcome by the unpleasant sensation of sand sticking between them. With a groan, he begrudgingly pulls off his socks too, all too aware of the sound of the grains hitting the floorboard as he does. A mess to deal with later.
Quickly dusting off his feet, then brings them up onto the bed with him, laying back on the covers. An ache immediately begins to settle in his muscles, and a yawn forces its way out of his mouth. With the warm heat of the evening, it feels as though he could fall asleep right here and now. As pleasant as that would be, he has yet to properly examine Hinata's gift. He'd been brimming with anxious excitement to look at it the whole walk back to his cabin.
Bringing the notebook up to his side, he lays his head against the pillow and flicks it open. The first page is filled with rushed writing done in black pen, ink that has since been washed away. If he squints hard enough, he can just barely make out the characters, fill in some blanks. This is definitely a notebook once belonging to somebody going to Hope's Peak Academy.
How exciting!
He turns the page. There's a two page spread of nothing but blurry sketches and doodles, and from what he can tell, they're incredibly well done. The artist obviously had quite the knack for reproducing realistic details, honing in on fine points such as the eyes and lips.
Carefully flicking to the next page, he finds more hastily scribbled notes and drawings. It's unusual, the subject is the same in almost every occasion, and with each depiction Komaeda finds himself starting to build a better image of that person in his head.
The ballpoint scribbles illustrate a young Japanese man, bearing long shoulder length hair and meticulously detailed eyelashes. His lips are thin, often turned down in a frown, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. The owner of the diary was very clearly infatuated with him, and he could understand why. The man was naturally gorgeous even with such a pouty face.
And somehow, he felt strikingly familiar.
Komaeda turns through a few more pages, carefully poring over the illegible kanji and fuzzy details. No matter how hard he squints, he just can't understand what the words read, as though the information is purposefully taunting him, hanging just out of reach. With a sigh, he closes the notebook and allows his eyelids to flicker shut.
"How despairing."
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"Your dementia is progressing quickly." Crossing one leg over the other, the doctor spun around in his chair to face Komaeda.
His demeanour was… laid-back. Much too laid back for a doctor. And mean, harsh, unnecessarily cruel. It was clear on his face that he thought Komaeda was the most revolting thing he'd seen all day, and he was probably right.
"Ah, such is fate for someone as worthless as me. Perhaps I really am meant to die." He laughed softly to himself, gazing down at his lap.
"Shut up," the doctor hissed. "Are you taking your medication?"
Komaeda stared out the window, wordless in his thoughts. The sunlight streaming through the glass felt warm on his skin, unlike the chill of metal on the medical bed beneath him. It was a lovely day brimming with hope, a day he would have liked to be out there enjoying.
"It's a nice day isn't it, M̧̩̹̗͕̮̼̆̋͑a̦̮̟̠̓͜ť̇҉̺̙s̪̦̟̋ͤ̽͗͜ŭ̺͉̖̫͍̯̪ͯ̐͠d̷̬̤̹̩̱̫̻̺͊a̵̯͙͖̙̩͇͂͛̓̊-kun?"
"Huh?" The doctor blinked, before looking up from his clipboard and out the window. "What are you talking about? Answer the damn question."
He remained silent, continuing to gaze out the window at the campus below. There were students socialising, exercising, running to class. Blurs of smiling faces amongst a sea of brown, each student filled with a sense of pride. The air is filled with distant laughter and chatter. It's too quiet in the room.
"Why don't you wear the Hope's Peak Uniform?"
There was a loud clatter as the doctor's clipboard hit the floor. Before Komaeda can react, (as if he was going to), he's risen to his feet and practically pounced on the boy. The doctor's pale hands reached for his chest, securing a handful of his sweater. A soft gasp escaped his lips, being pulled forward until he came nose to nose with the doctor, warm erratic breaths coming short and fast on his lips.
His face was difficult to see when he was on the other side of the room, but Komaeda realised that distance was not the issue. Even when he was so close the details were hazy, Komaeda only barely being able to make a deep frown etched beneath his dark bangs. Every time he tried to take in more details, it was as though he were looking too closely at a painting, unable to take in the full image beyond a few brush strokes.
"I knew it. Of course you wouldn't take them." He spit, teeth bared and eyebrows furrowed. "You just think your fucking luck is going to save you, that this is all some big plan for 'hope'."
The doctor let go, allowing Komaeda to slump back into his chair. He looked distressed, unreasonably so to the point of unprofessionalism. The doctor swept back his hair, giving Komaeda a glimpse of glaring blue eyes before he pressed the palms of his hands into his eye sockets.
Komaeda couldn't help but chuckle to himself. And before he knew it, he was laughing. Laughing raucously, in a way that made his whole body shake with dread, his mind spin with despair. His fingers wound their way to his scalp and he gripped and pulled at his hair until he could see the doctor's horrified expression looking back at him.
"Hope?" The word dripped from his mouth like venom. "There is no hope in taking that. The disease is incurable! There's no point in messing with that fact! What hope is there in waking up every day sick as a diseased dog just so I can tack a few extra years of suffering onto my lifespan? Do you want me to suffer, is that it? Does the Ultimate Neurologist truly believe he can play God? That you can cure a terminal illness? It's embarrassing, you truly don't know when to draw the line, to give up on a piece of human garbage like-!"
"What the fuck would you know about God, you demented freak?!"
Komaeda bit his tongue, a sickening grin forming on his face.
"You think some God is going to sweep you away from this? There is no damn God!" The doctor near screams the words. "There's you, me, and a miserable little pile of pills. You're the one who refuses to see an expert, you're the one who insisted on seeing an 'Ultimate', and yet you refuse to do what you've been told. I don't know why I bother, shit, you can rot in that empty skull of yours for all I care."
By the time he was done with his rant, he'd fallen back into his chair, dejected, out of breath. Komaeda didn't miss the flush on his cheeks, the way his nails dug into his thighs. What a brash display of emotion.
"I never knew you felt so strongly about God, Matsuda-kun." Straightening out his sweater, Komaeda shot the other a wide smile. "I guess it makes sense, you are a man of science, after all."
The doctor did not raise his head, remaining in his hunched over position. He was shaking, fists scrunching the fabric of his pants as he tried to regain his composure, probably to stop himself from jumping across the room and choking Komaeda to death. He thought he would have deserved it at this point.
"Do you really not understand how privileged you are? Are you doing this just to mock me, to make me suffer? I shouldn't have expected any less from Komaeda fucking Nagito," his voice trembled and cracked. "Am I the incompetent one? Should I be coming to your dorm every night and forcing the damn things down your throat? I can't fucking listen to you, I can't stand you. Every time you look at me with that stupid fucking grin on your face it feels like you think this is all a joke. What if you do die? What do you think is gonna happen to the people who love and care about you?"
Komaeda opened his mouth to refute him, but quickly snapped it shut again when a scalpel zipped past his head, lodging itself in the wall behind him with a thwunk. The doctor had raised his head, arm poised with another scalpel in hand and eyes filled with deadly intent as he glared at Komaeda.
"Get the fuck out of my office you ugly bastard."
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Komaeda opens his eyes suddenly, silently.
It's no dramatic waking up from a nightmare, no shooting up out of bed with his lungs burning and chest heaving. Just a sudden realisation that he is awake and that he has been dreaming. Perhaps he was kicked out of Matsuda's office, but how would he know? It was just as possible that he'd risen to his feet and beaten him senseless.
It's a familiar name, but not one that belongs to anyone Komaeda knows. "Matsuda-kun. Matsuda… Hope's Peak?"
He mumbles to himself, attempting to make sense of the information thrown at him. They say dreams are pulled from your memories, so why would he have memories from Hope's Peak? Why would he have memories of a person he has never known?
"Matsuda… I called him the Ultimate Neurologist, didn't I?" He asks the question to the darkness of his room. "I wouldn't forget somebody like that, would I?"
Komaeda sits up, pushing his hair back as he brings a hand to his forehead. "Would I?"
Eyes drifting along the covers of his bed, he spots the memory notebook. "I wonder if I should start keeping one too," he chuckles.
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krabstick32 · 4 years
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Pairing: Giyuu x Reader Synopsis: You and Giyuu have a short conversation before the summer starts.
Tags/warnings: I don’t think there are any warnings, this is just fluff
A/N: helloo, here’s another self-indulgent short fluff piece—I thought this one up in the shower and immediately wrote a portion down once I got out. 
Anyway, please enjoy!! <33
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The two of you were sitting comfortably at the water estate’s engawa, savoring the afternoon light and the last vestiges of spring before your missions in the evening.
The weather was pleasant, but the air was already starting to feel a little warm, bringing in the promise of a summer breeze too humid. A few more weeks and your busy days would be filled with hot afternoons, and slightly cooler evenings. But the change was welcome since Summers were slightly easier for you demon-slayers—seeing that day lasted longer than night, preventing demons from roaming too long (that didn’t mean they would stop feeding on humans though).
You push thoughts of demon-hunting away as petals from the nearby cherry blossom tree scatter around the courtyard, some even making its place on your hair. Absently, you feel Giyuu shift under you to brush them away.
“You know,” He starts while you were cradled in between his legs. You hum noncommittally, already half-asleep as you lean against his chest. His heartbeat was like a steady lullaby that nearly lulls you to sleep. “You’re like… the ocean.”
You sit up slightly. His statement was making a mess of your drowsy mind, but you’re able to squint your eyes at him, pushing away the thought that he made a good make-shift bed. “What? Are you calling me big?”
He looks at you weirdly and wraps his arms back around your waist, gently pulling you back against his chest. “What? No, how does that even relate?”
“I dunno, oceans are big. You said I'm like the ocean, so maybe you’re calling me big.”
He nuzzles into the crook of your neck and mumbles a statement he one-hundred percent believed in. “No, you’re perfect.”
“Haha. Smooth.” You snort, but you don’t push him away. (He didn’t speak often, but when he did, it always left you blushing to your head down to your toes. Maybe if he was nice and gave you kisses, you’d admit that you liked his sweet talk). “Now tell me, why am I the ocean?” You pout, peeking up at him as you play with the collar of his white uniform shirt.
“I don’t know,” he says. “You just are.”
It makes sense he thinks. You are like the ocean, and he wonders why it took so long for him to realize it.
You were calm, like the small waves lapping at the shoreline, but you could be lethal, like a raging tsunami washing over an entire village that leaves behind the wreckage. You were soothing, nurturing, and like the water, you were all-encompassing—the warmth of your embrace never fails to fit so well against his body, down to his very core (like two missing puzzle pieces)—almost as if you were water itself. He felt consumed by the love you gave him, and he was willing to surrender all that he was—give you his love, his life, his mind, his body, his soul. 
Everything. Anything for you.
“Any chance you’re going to tell me?”
He wouldn’t. Maybe someday he will, but for now, he’ll leave those words unsaid. He was never much good at words anyway—he preferred saying ‘i love you’ with his actions.
“Maybe as in… No?” You guess. You’ve loved him long enough to understand bits and pieces of his mind, but that didn’t mean it didn’t frustrate you at times
He smiles cryptically, handsomely. A smile he reserved for you. “Maybe.”
In an effort to hide your flushed cheeks, you tackle him playfully. He plays along, letting himself be swept to the floor, but takes you down with him gently, cushioning your fall along the way. His body was warm, and you drape yourself over him, allowing your hair to fall around the sides of his face, like a curtain—a halo of (h/c) curls that hides the sickly-sweet smiles on your faces from the world.
The smile never leaves your face, but your eyes grow fonder. “I love you.” You say, because you felt like you would burst if you didn’t tell him.
“I love you too.” He answers back, and he feels his heart spread warmth all over his body. Giving you anything at this point was too late, because you’d already taken everything and swept him along your waves. 
Giyuu realized that he didn’t mind one bit.
“...You really won’t tell me?” 
He places a kiss square on your lips and you melt, returning what he gave. You push him away though when you realize what he’s doing.
“You’re distracting me.” You stare at him, a blank look masking your rapidly beating heart (but you knew he could hear it—you could hear his too).
He grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners in the cutest way, and you almost forgive him. “Is it working?”
Damn him, it does.
The water estate was filled with the sound of your groan and his rare laughter, echoing through the empty halls, and leaving behind a warm glow that was always present when the two of you were together.
Because while you had his heart, he knew that he had yours too.
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A/N: And when summer came, the two of you went to the nearby beach after a successful mission. You looked very happy to roll your sleeves up to your elbows and wade through the water. Giyuu just watches you from the shoreline, a contented smile taking over his usually impassive look, as he lets the waves lap against his feet.
even if its no longer summer season, I want to write them going to the beach sometime soon (because i wasnt able to go to the beach), but i’ll settle for this one for now uwu 
it’s not my favorite piece and its been sitting in my drafts for like... a long time (◑-◑ ;) and i’m a little sick of seeing it there, so uh... here.
i hope ya’ll still liked it and found it fluffy!!
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silvanable · 4 years
Sweetest Gift : Shingen Takeda
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me before writing this : ah, yes, cute fluff time for my husbando. something i would do for his birthday? baking. i would absolutely bake something for that sexy sweet-tooth fiend.
not to mention i had one way that this was supposed to go and instead i took 3 devours, a u-turn, and then ended up at a different destination. bUT OH WELL.
and i finished it fairly quickly and then went to edit and what do i do? add 5 more pages of my shamelessly simping my heart out haha.
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✒ tags : shingen x oc, fluff, shameless self insert, we got off track and it got long
✒ warnings : n/a
✒ notif crew : @oikame​
✒ word count : 4,429
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Sometimes, just sometimes, she forgot how different her time and this time was. There were things that she desperately missed about the future, but could live without them. That is until it turned out she really needed them… Particularly butter, chocolate, and an electric oven. All the things the petite girl had grown up with and taken for granted until now.
At least she had planned for this early— having that meticulous but mostly anxious drive to prepare for things long before necessary. She was able to gather all her ingredients and learn the necessary skills for the surprise she wanted to bake.
It also helped to have friends in high places though.
If it was not for Masamune and Nobunaga mostly, and a lot of help from everyone else, it might have been impossible. Luckily she had the best time-traveling ninja on her side, as well as the support of all those at Kasuyagama. It was between her and Sasuke’s uncanny knowledge of ingredients and historical markers together, as well as Nobunaga’s influence over foreign trades, that everything fell into place.
Now it was a matter of keeping it all secret. Shingen, after all, was eerily on par with Mistuhide’s tactical and informational gathering abilities. Lying outright was a definite no but without extreme care, he would find out.
Dancing around the topic was not as hard as she expected, then again being evasive or vague on certain things was almost second nature. After all, when one had four other siblings of varying ages, you had to be quick, not-quite-truthful, and convincing when it came to getting or staying out of trouble.
Any time the subject would get too close to becoming an interrogation, she would always change the subject to what Shingen wanted for his birthday. Of course, each time she was answered with another smooth but cheesy line, how he only wanted to spend the day with her. It was a heartwarming thing but she wanted to do more for him, something more than her words or the little bits of artistry she would leave for him to show her affections.
There were a number of things within her arsenal of creativity that she could do but after their trip to the future, she had kept a particular idea close.
Shingen had taken an affinity to the vast array of sweets from the future. Whether he realized it or not, she had been carefully taking notes on what he enjoyed the most. Of course, with the limitation of certain ingredients not being invented or hard to come by in 16th Japan, improvisation was necessary.
Now it only came down to what she was going to make, which at this rate seemed to be every available confection that could come to mind. 
At current, it was truffles, applesauce which was a necessary substitute, and a sinfully hopefully delicious applesauce cake from her Oma’s recipe she could barely remember. At this rate, she might continue her baking spiral and attempt the first edible glitter in the world.
When night came around, the petite girl had rushed off and excused herself to go ‘work’ to finish before tomorrow morning. That was true in part, except that work involved fighting with sugar in the kitchen.
It was probably not the best time to bake but the quiet stillness of the night was an ally. Many people by now would have retired to rest, so it made it easy to move around and do what she needed. Granted, the darkness that stretched over the land also extended into the room the girl needed. Nothing a few quaint candles could not fix nor a nice, warming, bright fire that illuminated all necessary things.
Besides the occasional hum, she was alone with herself and the night. It was far too cold now, being practically December, so there were no nightly sounds from any nocturnal companions. At most, the noises that could be heard were uncontained swears, the crunching of chocolate under a knife, and the occasional hollow ring when she stirred the mixture a little too aggressively.
“I will never call Nobunaga an insufferable asshat behind his back again,” She murmured to herself in the kitchen, “And I will forever worship Masamune’s kitchen skills, he makes it look so easy.” She paused on mixing her ingredients to brush fallen strands of her brown and pink hair from her face, the stubborn few that refused to stay up like she wanted.
She reached off to the side, her hand fumbled across the surface for the sugar. When her fingers reached the edge of the container, she rather haphazardly, pulled it over towards her. A mess she nearly caused when she underestimated the weight and almost sent sugar to dust the floors.
“Oh shit!” Luck would have it no one was around to hear such an unladylike swear to leave her. Equally lucky, she managed to balance the sugar into her arm before she dropped it.
By agreement, Kenshin and Yoshimoto were supposed to distract Shingen for the evening. Sasuke and Yukimura were busy setting things up for the celebration. And she, well she was baking in the growing darkness praying to whatever deity was listening that Shingen would not come looking for her. After all, she had told him she would be busy working and would be done very late because she wanted to spend his birthday with him.
That still did not stop her from stilling every time there was an ominous creak or peculiarly loud howl of the wind. She would pause with a tilt of her head towards the cracked door to listen for the approach of footsteps. Either able to dismiss them being nothing or that the speed and weight of the footfall were not Shingen’s and she would continue.
There were soft voices in the distance this time but too far for her to make out clearly. She shrugged and returned to her mixture. If anything, it would likely be one of the guards who found her in here when they came for a late night snack. She had run into plenty of them like that because they all seemed to have the same thought… which was just their stomach demanding food late in the night.
The bowl was put down with a thud and she turned. Her ingredients all assorted on the counter, just out of reach, with a few measuring tools lying around.
Most of which were left from the evening when she had attempted to make applesauce. It had been a mess, mostly because the help she employed was intent on making a mess rather than cooking. Who was she kidding, she threw the first fistful of sugar. Really she had asked Yukimura and Sasuke for help because it would have taken too long to peel and mash all the apples. That and the fact she hated the texture and taste of applesauce was another big thing, so she needed special guinea pigs to taste test for her before she accidentally poisoned a cake or two.
When the monstrous experiment of a cake was nestled into the oven to cook and the truffles were set aside, it was fairly late into the night.
With a sigh, the petite girl stepped out from the kitchen, and into the cool winter air outside. Brown eyes flitted across the glowing garden, covered in a light layer of powdery snow from the earlier flurry. Her fingers deftly tugged at the collar of her kimono, loosening it and revealing further skin to be greeted by the cold air.
It was a wonder to her how anyone survived before having air conditioning or heaters. Then again, she would not complain after spending so long in a room with a roaring fire. The cold was something she would greet openly but not too much, seeing as she could not get sick until after tomorrow. Still… The snow was tempting to just dive into to cool down.
She took a seat on the edge of the raised walkway, lifting her eyes up to the sky. Stars danced and twinkled, seemingly waving down at her, as clouds lazily breezed across the open sky. The half moon greeted her once again for the night, except this time further in the west, as it descended into the horizon.
That was a sign to how late it was, how low the celestial sphere dipped to signal that sunrise was not far behind its farewell.
The nice was pleasant though. The chill in the air was refreshing and shooed away any sleepiness that had threatened her in the kitchen, enveloped by the warmth of the fire she worked with.
Besides, she could sleep later. There were no rules against a nap in the morning or afternoon before the banquet Kenshin and the others had set up to celebrate Shingen’s birthday. Not sleeping was not entirely uncommon for her either. Staying up late into the night, or dare she say morning, was an old habit that was not entirely her fault. Besides, it was for an important reason she was up right now and she had to use all the time she had to finish her surprise for… well, the man who had stolen her heart completely.
Granted right now, having a break made her realize how much she would have loved to curl into his arms and snuggle against his warm chest. Steal the warmth he radiated to battle the cold she allowed to crawl over her skin.
Her head nodded down, eyes drifted close at the pleasing fantasy. Her body leaned forward and her bare feet caressed over the snow. She jumped up with a start at the sudden damp, frigidness against her skin.
A laugh erupted from her lips as she rubbed her eyes. “Okay, break time is over!” She stretched the wariness out of her bones, not daring to give in to the desire to just hibernate through the pleasant winter season, “Back to the finishing touches!” She turned on her heel, entering the kitchen once more to check on her confections.
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Light began to peek over the horizon. Stars began to fade as the deep sapphire of the sky began to fade and instead bled into luxurious shades of red, orange, and pink.
The girl was quiet as she snuck through the halls, careful where she placed her feet as to not make a sound. Luckily she had memorized which boards would creak and groan under her weight after sneaking around at night so often. She made a point to avoid the creaky betrayers, especially as she began to near her and Shingen’s shared room.
A tray in one hand, she slid open the shoji door, almost painfully slow as to not abruptly wake the sleeping figure in the room with any sound.
Teeth sank into her pink bottom lip, quieting the giggle that threatened to escape her as she crept into the room. She knelt beside the futon, the dark material of her kimono pulled aside as she sat on her knees.
The tray, decorated with the special sweets, tea, and fruit was placed safely to the side.
Brown eyes fell to Shingen’s face, admiring the soft way his lips parted and how his chest rose and fell with each deep breath.
He looked so peaceful and calm, she almost did not want to wake him.
A soft smile found its way onto her lips. A tan hand delicately touched over his forehead and brushed the strands of auburn locks from his handsome features. Her loving gaze trailed over his features, following an invisible line over his lips to his jaw, down his neck, and to the exposed skin of his chest that peeked through his sleeping kimono.
The trace of a scar, even in the dimness of the room, could be seen in contrast over the skin of his chest. Unlike all the other scars his battle-worn body bore, this one was the one she was most grateful for, because it had scared her the most. Yet now it meant only one thing to her, that this beautiful and infuriatingly charming man was alive and breathing still, so she could love and adore him for many more years.
She was overwhelmed by happiness, a spark that ignited in her chest and spread from her heart to her fingers and toes. Surely she was dreaming, to have someone as wonderful as him, and to have such a chance to celebrate his life with him.
Slowly, she bowed her head. Soft lips pressed gently against the side of his temple. Warm eyes fluttered closed as her lips lingered. A small, loving smile graced her lips as she barely pulled away.
“Hey, it’s time to wake up, birthday boy,” She whispered against his skin.
Her grin stretched further over her lips as he let out a low, groggy groan. Then she was greeted by his delightfully smoky eyes. The wariness in them faded the moment those silver hues met her dark ones, brought to life with a light that she wished she could bask in forever.
“I will never tire of waking up to see my goddess’s shining smile,” His voice was rough and deep from sleep. How she adored the way in made her heart leap in her chest, eager to listen and hear more of anything he said, so long as it was towards her.
If possible, she smiled wider and stroked his hair gently. “Good morning to you too.”
The smile Shingen gave her caused a giddy feeling to take her over, a mixture of her eagerness and happiness. She should have been ashamed at how easily he made her feel like a little schoolgirl but she could hardly care with how loving that smile was.
She dipped her head again, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. A fleeting touch she almost rescinded to indulge in him deeper, but she had to behave herself.
“C’mon, sit up now, I want to give you something.” Her petite form shuffled back a bit.
“Oh, something for me?” It was unfair how sinful and tempting his voice was as he shifted up onto his arm to watch her.
The edge of the blanket slid down, further revealing a frame hidden only by a thin layer of cotton. Her eyes raked down the outline of his figure. The lazy, satisfied smirk he offered her shook her back to her senses, somewhat at least. She tore her gaze away.
It was a lot warmer suddenly. How strange.
He caught her cheek with his free hand, gently denying her escape, and forced her gaze back to him. The sultry look, focused solely on her, was enough for her to let out a breath— one she had not realized she was holding. The smoldering heat, she knew now, was what radiated off him and the sinful way his eyes glazed over her features.
 He guided her back down, joining their lips once again. The kiss, unlike before, was far deeper. His lips moved against hers in sensual skillfulness, drawing her further into him. Her hands pressed against his jaw to cup his face. The cool digits trace slowly over his skin as she drowned into him, savouring him.
It was only the need to breathe that caused them to part. Her faced flushed as her chest rose and lungs greedily sucked in air. Their gazes remained fix on each other, Shingen seemingly satisfied with how out of breath he left her. A callous thumb brushed over her lips gently.
“I do hope it’s you.” His hand lowered from her face, following the curve of her shoulder and down her arm until her hand rested in his.
A giggle escaped her as she moved to her knees, reluctantly allowing her fingers to slip from his, as she crawled away to grab the tray she had brought in.
“Well now you’ve spoiled tonight’s present,” She teased, allowing her fingers to curl into his palm, taking in his warmth.
“And what sort of sweetness would you offer otherwise?”
Her heart jumped, his choice of words seemingly all too specific. But surely she was overthinking it, right?
“I wonder what it might be.” The teasing tone and look he cast her made her flush.
How unfair he was, being so astute and observation. Her midnight snacking sampling of the truffles might have been a bad idea but she had been hungry. There was no doubt she had traces of that confection on her lips.
“You’re awful, it was a surprise!” She playful stuck her tongue at him as she shuffled away, “And I was doing so good too!” She returned to his side, “But despite that—” She presented the tray lavished with a surplus of sweets, “—I made you these.”
The way Shingen’s face had lit up with surprise and awe stole her breath. He was truly unfair to be able to make her heart beat like it did and to make her chest swell with giddy excitement.
 Grey eyes flickered up to meet her eyes. Suddenly she felt rather shy under the loving and admirable gaze. The attention and emotions fixed so intently on her made her squeamish. She fidgeted in place, tearing her dark eyes away as she sank into embarrassment, as her face flushed.
“I know it’s not huge but I know how much you loved the sweets, so I wanted to make you some that I grew up around or making. Plus you liked so many of the sweets from the future and I wanted to share that with you—” Was she talking faster, or was that her imagination? “— despite not having everything exactly at our disposal. But just to show you how much I really love you and am so grateful that you’re here so I can make them for you and tell you happy birthday.”
She could still feel his gaze on her while she frantically allowed the words to fall from her mouth. Heat rose up her neck and to her cheeks, dusting the tawny color of her face dusted over with red. 
At this rate, the way he was looking at her was going to cause her to implode on herself. Perhaps a run and dive into the snow would do some good to cool her down but she was afraid it would melt if she went near it now.
As silly as it was, his loving attention was still something that flustered her and it did not help she was confessing her feelings through words— she was only good with those when they were written, not spoken.
His callous hands brushed over her own softer ones as he took the tray from her. Fingers delicately guided her chin up to meet his gaze, one that was so soothing but tempting her further.
“And surely you are a goddess— bestowing me with such a beautiful sight and lovely blessings when I should be giving offers to you.” His lips pressed feather-light kisses from her ear to the corner of her mouth.
She let out a girlish squeal she was not proud of as his lips stole her own.
“It’s your birthday and—mph!—I’m trying to pour my heart out here!” She tried to pull away from his lips, only finding herself distracted with each time she tried to speak. She could not escape though, not unless he wanted her to, and she could not resist the flurry of affections pressed against her lips again and again to silence her protests.
When she did manage to push away, laughter bubbled from her lips, and she was met with a charming smile. How effortlessly he could make her flustered and steal it away with a touch or a kiss. She both hated and loved him for it.
“And you’re doing a wonderful job.” Fingers brushed through her unusually colored hair and lingered to twirl the pink ends around them.
“I’ll just write it in a letter, that’ll be easier than and you would have to listen to me stumble so ungracefully through it.” She covered her face with a nervous laugh.
Shingen pulled her hands away, laying gentle kisses over her knuckles as he grinned. “No, continue, I quite enjoy how cutely flustered you’re getting.” Of course, he would find her stumbling endearing. What a lovable jerk.
She huffed, trying to hide a smile, and pointed to the tray. “Stop teasing and try them!” Her order was more of a childish demand, “I slaved literally all night and you don’t even know what it took to get half of these ingredients!” It might have started out as a scolding but before she had finished, her words were broken by laughter.
“Oh, so this is that ‘very important’ work you had?” Shingen mused, a twinkle in his eyes, “And that trip to Azuchi?”
She did not have to answer, he already knew, that look said he always knew.
“You’re so unfair! I tried so hard to keep it a secret and be subtle!” She whined, “How did you know?”
“Well,” Shingen said carefully as he picked up one of the truffles, “I do now, especially after such a sweet kiss from your lips,” He offered her a smirk, “And Yuki rushed me away from the kitchen last night saying you were busy when I went looking to pull you to bed.” His amused gaze flickered from her to the confection between his fingers.
So much for subtly. She was definitely going to throw her sandals at Yukimura later for that.
Shingen popped the sweet into his mouth, allowing the sweet chocolaty flavor to coat over his tongue as it practically melted in his mouth. A satisfied hum filled the air as he reached for another one of the delightful chocolate bites.
All while the girl wiggled eagerly in her seat, an unspoken question reflected on her face.
“Delicious,” He purred the praise praised.
She sighed in relief. There should not have been anything to worried about to begin with, seeing as it was not hard to please a man who would eat anything so long as it involved sugar. But there was always that underlying anxiousness to whatever she did for him and she had worked so hard, so she only wanted it to be perfect.
A truffled was pressed to her lips, the man responsible smiling sweetly at her.
“Open,” The order was obeyed almost immediately, allowing the tasty morsel to melt into sweetness her mouth.
“It was worth all the trouble,” She mumbled from behind her hand with a smile.
It was not long before the tea and confections had been finished off, leaving the tray empty. Something she took great pride in.
She moved to grab the tray but was stopped by a hand on her wrist. In the next moment, she was pulled into a warm, comforting embrace. There was no protest from her, she only nestled into his chest and wrapped her arms around him in return.
“This was a lovely way to wake up,” Shingen hummed, his voice rumbling through his chest. Her eyes closed to listen to his heart and the soft rumble of his voice, a smile on her lips.
“I’m glad. And there’s plenty left in the kitchen. Just don’t tell Yuki I let you have some already.” She giggled against him.
“Of course not,” Shingen replied, laughter in his voice.
Now with the petite girl trapped in his arms, he fell back into the futon, which had began to cool with the absence of their warm presences.
“Wait—!” She made to protest but he shushed her immediately, lips finding her own to steal whatever complaints or excuse might befall those lips next.
Clearly kissing her into submission was his only choice. So when she broke away from the kiss, his lips immediately sought hers again, pulling her further into his warmth and inviting her to melt into him.
“I’m afraid I’m still quite tired,” The playfulness in his tone suggested otherwise, “And my darling goddess has worked all throughout the night without rest.”
She rolled her eyes. “If this is a guilt trip it won’t work. Nothing you can say will get me to stay. I’ve got more to set up for today still.”
“Oh, but it’s my birthday is it not? I can request you stay here with me and rest a little while longer. You would not deny me of my wishes on my special day, would you?” Even his pout was sensual and charming.
Brown eyes met grey ones as she looked up at him. Her glare was far too cute to be threatening and it spoke volumes to him. Apparently, he was playing the right angle and they knew it would work against her. She would never be so cruel as to deny him.
“It will be your fault if I don’t wake up for the party then—” Her eyes widened and she gave him a wary glance, “—you knew about that already too, right?”
He laughed. The sound filled the room with warmth, despite the cold outside, and vibrated through his chest, enveloping her as she hugged him.
“I did,” He replied, “So will you stay, my darling goddess?”
How could she resist such a sweet request and that roguishly charming smile?
She hid her face in his chest, “You’re so mean.” He was anything but mean, but she had a right to whine against his charm.
Fingers laced in her hair, rubbing soothing circles through the curiously colored locks. “You need your rest, I can’t have you drifting to sleep during the banquet—” A pair of brown eyes peeked up at him, “—Or tonight when I’ll indulge in the rest of my gift.” And promptly those eyes disappeared again.
A low chuckle rumbled through his chest, he could feel the heat radiate from her skin. How cute she was.
She pinched his arm in response.
“Be quiet, I’m trying to sleep,” She scolded, the embarrassed tone only barely muffled by his kimono.
“Of course, you will need it…” He paused as she settled against him, “Because you won’t be resting tonight.” His provocative tone left nothing to her imagination, he knew.
“SHINGEN!” She slapped his arm gently, face flushed red as she glared at him. That glare was anything but meaningful, he knew, because those murky, night eyes betrayed how eager she was for night to fall.
Besides, he truly wanted was her.
She was the sweetest gift after all.
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it-was-summer · 4 years
Dreaming of You (Obey me! Mammon x Reader)
Requested: haha no
Plot: You and Mammon keep having the same romantic dreams with each other and you both are refusing to talk about them.
Word Count: 2,487
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      The air carried the smell of sweet and blissful orange blossoms, carrying the promise of spring with it as well. You let the sweet, spring breeze move through your hair, closing your eyes and relishing in the feel of it all. 
When you opened your eyes you were lying in a meadow surrounded by a multiplied of magnificent flowers. Buttercups, vetches, and dandelions surrounded your body, tickling your face gently sporadically. The sky was a vibrant and cloudless blue, you felt peace wash over you with every breath. 
Your tranquility thrived at the sound of melodic laughter next to you, your laughter following your companion's and the world felt like it slowed when you turned to look at him. 
Dazzling white hair matched with a brilliant smile stood out among the world around him, making him all the more alluring. 
You turned on your side, staring at him for a second before playing with a nearby dandelion with your hand. 
You felt a rush of adrenaline race through your veins as his tan hand took yours away from the flower and brought it to his lips, brushing his lips over your knuckles so delicately you were sure you wouldn't be able to feel it if you weren't aware of the action. Your eyes watched as he brought your hand to cup the side of his face and watching as he turned his head to kiss the palm of your hand after doing so. 
You let out a burst of laughter in your euphoria before whispering his name in a tone as gentle as the breeze in the meadow "Mammon," 
You jolted up with a sharp gasp, a feeling of disappointment and loneliness slithering in as you stare at the empty and dark bedroom around you. Sitting up straighter, you brought your hand up to your face, still feeling the touch of Mammon on it somehow, as if he had touched you when in reality it was nothing but a heavenly dream now lodged into your memory. 
The following morning you ran into Mammon on your way down to the dining room. Your lips itched to spill the dream to your friend, but you could feel your throat tighten with anxiety resulting in you muttering a soft "Hello." instead. 
As you chewed on your breakfast, you came to the presumption that if you did tell Mammon about your dream you would only be greeted with a flustered response, followed by the assurance that what you had dreamed was not possible. As you swallowed you came to terms with not saying anything about it, enjoying the pretense of peace that came with said terms. 
By the afternoon, you wished that Mammon wasn't your close friend. The way he put his arm around your shoulders, as the two of you walked together, sent pleasant shivers down your spine. When he would look up at you and smile had transported you to a spring day and the way he whispered stupid jokes in your ear made you yearn for his lips on your skin. 
It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. 
You drew in a dramatic amount of air through your nose before exhaling in an equally dramatic way through your mouth. You couldn't stop thinking about Mammon, every little thing he did made you desperate for his touch, his gaze, his lips, anything. You were above begging and you sure as hell were not about to beg Mammon to kiss you. Imagine what that would do to his ego, he would never let you live that down. 
Running a hand through your hair, you tried to make your mind go blank as you settled down in the library, alone. 
"Little human, I have been looking all over for you." whispered an optimistic voice in your right ear as tan hands gripped the back of your chair. You let out a cry of shock as Mammon tilted your chair back so he could look at you. 
"Mammon," you grabbed aimlessly at the air in front of you in a poor attempt to steady yourself "I'm going to tip over and it'll be your fault!" 
Mammon let out a brief snicker before simply saying that "The great Mammon would never let that happen!" before he steadied your chair and sat across from you. 
"You look stressed," he said leaning forward and resting his elbows on the desk you both shared. 
"I'm not."
"Oh, you so it is worse than I thought!" 
You gently reached across the table to give his muscular arm a weak slap "I am perfectly fine," you tensed feeling Mammon grab hold of your hand and interlocking it with his own. 
Mammon gazed at the night sky, sprinkled with constellations and promises of adventures. He only pulled his gaze from the sky when he felt your arms wrap around his torso, pulling him into a crushing hug. Mammon didn't even need any time to reciprocate hug, it was just an automatic response. 
Currently, his brain was filled with nothing but you. The way you were burying your face deeper into his chest, the way you eased into his touch, and how your body fit perfectly in his arms. 
You lifted your head from his chest and leaned in, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek, barely pulling away before you went to kiss his lips. 
Mammon woke up with a frustrated sigh, blaming himself for having another dream revolving around you, only taking comfort in the fact that you didn't know what he was dreaming about. He was, unfortunately, incorrect. You had just woke up, heart leaping from your chest over the same dream. 
Mammon ultimately decided that he needed to talk to someone about his recent dilemma. Just not you. He didn't think he could handle you laughing in his face and rejecting him. He could take a lot of things, but not that. 
"I keep dreaming about them,"
"I hate these dreams,"
"No, you don't."
"You don't know what I hate Beel!"
Beelzebub gave Mammon a stoic stare and let out a low hum, not attempting to interact with Mammon's denial any further, instead, he took a small bite out of his custard. Mammon let out a frustrated sigh before muttering a soft "They make me," he paused in a failed attempt to hide his embarrassment "they make me expect things." 
"Don't just say that like it's nothing! Beel, what do I do? What should I say? Do I tell them?"
"Mammon, I think you're overthinking things," 
"Mammon, overthinking?" questioned a new voice in the kitchen. 
Mammon let out a girlish yelp seeing you wander into the kitchen with a delicate smile on your lips. 
You could see the unease in Mammon's handsome face, a look that made your stomach twist with worry. You walked closer cautiously, only to find that Mammon was slowly drawing further away from you. You felt a new sensation pierce your heart and swallowed your pain with a little laugh before grabbing a bottle of water and leaving the kitchen without another sound, ignoring the way Mammon's hand reached for yours on your way out. 
You stood in the cold downpour of summer rain, tilting your head up towards the blackened skies with closed eyes, feeling the heavy raindrops hit your skin. The air smelled of rain and a familiar cologne causing you to let out a long sigh. You only opened your eyes when you no longer felt the embrace of rain, smiling seeing Mammon hovering over you with a black umbrella. "Share with me this small umbrella."
"Who cares if I get wet." 
"I care,"
You didn't say anything after that and quickly grabbed hold of his hand, squeezing it tight as the two of you walked through the downpour. 
The two of you soon appeared in your bedroom in Lamentation, the room filled with short laughs and conversation. Your head was on Mammon's stomach, feeling him breathe beneath you as you closed your eyes in a captivating moment of bliss. 
You opened your eyes once more to a dark room, your heart racing in your chest and your body aching for Mammon. You let out a frustrated groan and rolled out of bed, walking to the kitchen in search of a remedy for your romantic conscience. You frowned seeing the leading man of your dreams already in the kitchen drinking something out if a mug. "Mammon,"  You whispered out, watching as he nearly dropped the mug in his hands. "What are you doing up this late at night?" 
"Uh," he swallowed nervously " It seems that the Sandman doesn’t want to grant me a much-needed visit," he explained lamely before giving you a soft smile. "Why are you awake?" 
"I had a weird dream," you bluntly muttered before opening the fridge and reaching for something that resembled milk. "I'm just grabbing a drink before," 
Mammon cut you off suddenly "What was your dream about?" 
"Nothing in particular,"
"It must have been something,"
"Mammon," you put the milk looking container back in the fridge "Why do you care so much?"
"Just talk to me," he shrugged a little "Maybe it will help me sleep," he said in a lame attempt to convince you to stay with him longer, even if it was to discuss a nightmare. He knew it was greedy of him to try and tempt you into talking to him, but it was always worth a shot. 
You thought about it, staring at the liquid in your cup before shaking your head and giving Mammon a gentle "No," you set the cup on the counter "It was just a silly dream." you argued gently with a small smile. "You're sweet for caring so much, thank you." With that, you grabbed your cup once more and headed back towards your private den of romantic dreams. Mammon bit back a response as he watched you leave and let his pent up expressions of love escape him with a heavy exhale of air. 
"Asmodeus, I told you to drop it." You said as pushed past him on your to the dining room. 
"Desire," He said as he walked in front of you again, stopping you a few doors down from the room. " Desire is my thing! I cannot just 'drop it'! You have to tell me, right now, what you're wanting or I'll find it out myself." he vowed with a hungry grin, excited to see you yearning for something, or someone, so desperately. 
Just as you were about to rebuff Mammon passed the two of you, a frown on his lips at the sight of Asmodeus talking to you. He hid his disdain when the two of you made eye contact and gave the two of you a charming smile. You heard a soft chuckle from Asmo, but when you looked over in his direction he was walking away from the two of you, silently telling you that he knew. 
Birds sang as the sun danced on your skin allowing your thoughts to transcend and leave you peaceful. You stood in a shaded forest with a dirt path, branches hanging down to your level and spots of sunlight scattered through branches and pink, lovely petals. As you ventured down the fair path you spotted Mammon, contrasting with the nature around him once more, in the branches of a cherry tree. He was picking at the pink petals surrounding him when you came into his view.  He motioned for you to come up into the tree and you did just that, sitting next to him on a strong and sturdy branch. 
"You remind me of these blossoms," he whispered as he leaned his head onto your shoulder. 
"You remind me of what comes after the blossoms," you calmly stated before lifting his head so the two of you could see each other. 
"A cherry?" 
You laughed "No, I am saying you have potential." 
Mammon stared at you with tender eyes before settling and nodding in agreement. 
That was the only night that you didn't wake up. You thought waking up to a vacant room was bad, but dreaming the whole moment through only made your emotions for the demon grow. He was always on your mind and when he wasn't on your mind you found yourself craving something...anything. You weren't sure you could live through another one of these fantasies. You were going crazy, you were sure of it. 
You couldn't decide what to think about the dreams either. Were they simply telling you that you wanted to be in love or that you wanted Mammon and you to be in love? You had to talk to him. You just had to get it all out, you were sure and he would call you mean names and remind you that they were just senseless dreams. 
It was after dinner when you pulled Mammon from the hallway into your bedroom. Mammon laughed a little and gave you a flirtatious little smile before seeing the serious look on your face. "Oh, come on. I was just jokin'," You sighed before pulling him over to your bed and forcing him to sit down while you stood in front of him. "Kay, now you are scaring me, what's wrong?" he said, leaning back on his elbows, staring up at your now pacing figure. 
"I," You huffed and stopped your pacing before playing with your hands "It started a few days ago," you began in an embarrassed voice. 
When you finished Mammon stared at you as pale as a ghost. "I know it's stupid and I'm stupid,"
"No!" He suddenly exclaimed before clearing his throat lightly to clear up the desperation in his voice. "I have been meaning to tell that I have been having romantic fantasies of my own," he groaned a little bit as he stood up. "I just don't understand how we had the same dreams."
"I know it is going to sound crazy, but I have been dreaming the same things as you have. The kissing, the stupid nature, and everything!" he revealed as he took a step closer towards you. "I was scared you were going to reject me." 
"Reject you? Mammon, they are just dreams. You don't have to confess anything."
"But I do! Please hear me out I," You didn't give him time to get another word out as you leaned in and kissed his passionately on the lips. 
The kiss was real and perfect. It was everything you had wanted. You were about to pull away when you felt Mammon's hands grab your waist and pull you closer, kissing you harder. 
You pulled away laughing. Mammon frowned hearing your laugh ready to hear a hurtful comment but was pleasantly surprised when a happy "Finally," left your lips. 
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conaionaru · 4 years
Honor and Blood (Ivar the Boneless)
Ragnar Lothbrok
Synopsis: 3 months later, Ragnar Lothbrok returns to Kattegat on a quest.
Warnings:  angst, fluff, unrequited love, badass Vanya, slight violence, cannon divergence (No Margrethe x Ivar), low self-esteem
@youbloodymadgenius @didiintheblog @lol-haha-joke @shannygoatgruff @xbellaxcarolinax @heavenly1927​ @astridbaby​ @queenbeeta​ @thereareendlessopportunities​ @chynagirl13​
I don’t own the gifs. Also, thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. If you want to be tagged please write me<3
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The weather was pleasant for once, and Vanya enjoyed every moment of it. Bathing in the lake or gathering flowers and herbs for both Helga and Aslaug was her favorite pastime. Ivar's overprotectiveness dulled slightly, but he still treated her like she might disappear if he didn't see her at least ten times a day. 
The rest of the time, Hoenir shadowed her instead. The silent wanderer was as quiet as a mouse, which annoyed both Vanya and Brynja, who loved to chatter and felt awkward with his grunts as answers. He was quite witty whenever he spoke, which delighted Vanya. For some reason, Ivar trusted the man and didn't get jealous of him at all.
Right now, Vanya, Brynja, and Hoenir walked the meadow gathering herbs for Aslaug, who wanted to pray to the gods as she had a vision and needed answers. Vanya volunteered to find the required flowers in her steed, as Aros slept better out on the fresh air.
The said three months old laid peacefully in a sling wrapped around Vanya. Aros liked the sun and flowers and giggled whenever he had heard loud sounds. The fact that he was Ivar's son was also obvious as ever since he could roll over, he reached his hands out to crawl, and got frustrated when he couldn't do it. 
The child made both parents very happy, and Aslaug was more than delighted to have a grandson. Which wasn't good for the other Ragnarssons as she kept pestering them for children of their own. "I am telling you, Vanya! She is mending his clothes for him!"
Vanya snickered at Brynja's complaining, Hoenir looked at the other ginger confused. "Aren't you happy you don't have to do it?"
"Well... yes." Brynja frowned and threw her arms up in defeat. "But now he won't stop saying how good of a wife she would make. Father is too old to get married again."
Vanya and Hoenir shared a look and carried on in their walk, silently laughing at the servant, whose father kept courting the neighbor. "Maybe she thinks he doesn't have enough clothes to not walk around shirtless." The Princess offered to which Brynja shook her head and pointed an accusatory finger at them both. 
"You are enjoying this, aren't you? What if she wants me to call her Mother?"
"Ignore her," Hoenir answered, simply earning a deadpan expression from Brynja. She rolled her eyes and turned back around so she wouldn't trip and fall. Her orange dress twirled with her movement, her curls bouncing on her shoulders. 
Vanya chuckled at the display and walked behind her savoring the feel of a gentle breeze on her face, her hair swaying in the wind. "I am surprised Ivar left so easily," Brynja called out, thinking of the Ragnarsson hunting trip. Truth is Bjorn threatened to drag Ivar out of bed while he slept if he refused to go, but it's not like Hoenir and Brynja needed to know that.
"He needed to spend some time with his brothers, anyway. I think they only left to escape the Queen."
"Let's not forget the joy of killing something," Hoenir added, making both gingers look at him confused. He shrugged unapologetically and continued on his way with the two females behind him. 
Brynja watched the broad back of the heathen and leaned closer to Vanya's ear. "Does he sometimes talk of me?"
Vanya raised an eyebrow at the unexpected question and shook her head. "To be fair, he is silent most of the time. Why are you asking?"
"I am just curious. It would be nie if he liked me back. But the Gods sent him here to protect you, not to flirt with me." The twenty-year-old hid her smile behind her bouquet of herbs, but the sparkle in her eye was obvious. She fancied the young Seer. "On the other hand, maybe it is his destiny to put a child in me as well."
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Vanya giggled at her adorable friend and looked down at her with mischief in her steel-blue eyes. "You should ask the Seer."
Brynja glared at the joking Princess and hit her on the arm. "Very funny, Vanya. I will ask the ancient one for marriage advice."
"Are you planning a marriage already? My, my, Brynja, aren't you fast?" 
"Oh, Shush!"
Hoenir stopped in his track and looked down at the blushing redhead who gripped Vanya's hand in support. Both held their breath, waiting for what he had to say only for him to shake his head and point to the way back, silently telling them to return. "I think he heard," Vanya whispered embarrassedly while Brynja, her red face behind her wild hair.”You know it would be easier if you just spoke to him instead of daydreaming.”
“He doesn’t like me back, Vanya.” Brynja protested sadly watching the man walk before them, his tall frame casting a shadow on them, shielding them from the harsh sun rays. “He looks at Sigurd with more passion than at me.”
Vanya sighed and rubbed her friend’s shoulder sadly. The wanderer talked more whenever Sigurd was near, mostly about music. For someone so silent, he enjoyed music, which delighted the Ragnarsson. So they talked together a lot even when neither was with Vanya.
The trio walked the path to Kattegat pleasantly, talking about what they thought Bjorn would find in the Mediterranean or if it even existed, which Brynja didn't believe. "I am telling you, the map is a lie. There can be no such place."
"When we were children, England and Paris were imaginary lands to us too." Hoenir pointed out, making the servant pout and Vanya chuckle. They froze as a large crowd gathered before them around somebody or something.
Vanya stretched her neck, trying to see what all the commotion is about, but to no avail. "What's happening?"
"I don't know but stay behind me," Hoenir ordered his hand on his sword, ready to kill any possible threat. He stopped by one of the bystanders and tapped them on the shoulder. The merchant looked up at the wanderer with a frown, looking ready to complain, but held his tongue when he saw the emotionless Seer before him. "What is going on?"
"He came back. Ragnar is back." The moment the words left, the man's lips Vanya looked at Brynja, who seemed as equally shocked as her. They hurried forward, shouldering past men and women to get a clearer view of what was happening.
"It appears my return is not welcome." The man in the middle of the angry and curious crowd was nothing like Vanya imagined him. Ivar always described him as a tall man with his head held high who screamed power. But the man she sees is dressed in rags and on edge. No wonder when he returned after such a long time, and everybody seems to hate him. "You have obviously all made your mind up about me."
Ragnar walked in front of a row of men, which Vanya just now realized are his and Aslaug's sons. He stopped in front of Sigurd and looked them over. "Who is gonna do it, then? Who is gonna kill me?" The blood in Vanya's veins froze at the nonchalant way Ragnar asked the question. As if he didn't care if he lived anymore like he wanted them to do it.
The Ragnarssons looked at him with hard faces, only Hvitserk seeming put off by the question. "Well, I don' mind." Ragnar continued looking his sons over for a willing killer. "Go ahead. Please." He moved in front of them again, carefree as if he wasn't talking about death at all.
"What about you, Hvitserk?" He stopped on the other end of the row this time, looking his third son in the eyes, Hvitserk's face steeled for the confrontation. "You think you are a man now? Huh? I dare you. Put me out of my misery." Ragnar talked to him softly, but every word that Vanya or Brynja didn't hear, Hoenir provided thanks to his sharp ear. Everyone watched the King of Kattegat talk to Hvitserk, waiting for somebody to act.
Ragnar smiled at his son's lack of response. "Do it. Do it. Do it, do it." He kept repeating, hitting the flaxen-haired boy in the chest after every taunt. "DO IT!" The scream startled both Hvitserk and the people behind him. Vanya flinched at the sudden cry, Aros stirring against her chest and letting out a whine. Vanya tried to calm him before he started crying and disturbed the scene.
"Look at these people!" Ragnar shouted, extending his hand towards the crowd, his blue eyes still trained on his son. "They no longer support me! Look! Why would they? I am your leader, and I just left! What kind of leader does that, huh?"
The bald man moved into the middle of the crow with his arms spread wide and an uneasy smile on his lips. "WHAT KIND OF KING ABANDONS HIS PEOPLE?" He shouted it for all to hear and turned back to his boys, walking towards them, his jaw clenched. He looked at his oldest son with his second wife. "What kind of father abandons his sons?" Ragnar panted softly, waiting for somebody to tell something, but no one dared to open their mouths.
"So who wants to be king?" But again, no answer came, so he turned to the people, drawing his sword. "Oh, you know how this works! If you want to be King, you must kill me." He threw the sheath on the ground and offered the handle of his weapon to the people.
"Take it." But the gray-haired man refused to move, so Ragnar tried again with other people. "No? You? No? What about you? No? No? Anyone?"
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He stabbed the blade on the ground, the sharp edge burying into the dirt, waiting for somebody to draw it and swing it. "WHO WANTS TO BE KING?"
Ragnar walked back to his son, his jaw tense and eyes screaming anger. He went face to face with his oud playing offspring. "What about you, Sigurd? Do you want to be King?" The boy didn't answer, so moving on, Ragnar tried with Ubbe next. "Do you want to be King, Ubbe? Kill me, and you are King. King Ubbe!"
He turned to the people, one hand on Ubbe's shoulder, the other pointing back at him. Ragnar turned towards the son who looked so much like him; a smile spread over his face. He then slapped his cheek, Ubbe head flying back from the contact. Vanya cursed loudly, shocked by the display, glaring at the boy's figures from her spot on the left, her jaw tense and eyes cold as ice.
"What are you waiting for?" Ubbe didn't answer, so Ragnar struck him again, gasps echoing from the people. "Are you afraid? Be a man!" The father went face to face with him, trying to egg him on. But when he got no reaction, he tsked and moved on again.
He chuckled and patted Ivar's head, drawing it back and flexing his fingers like he touched dirt. Vanya's husband watched the man he admired walk off, not even attempting to ask him. Ragnar walked off, seemingly done with the interaction, till Ubbe walked forward, sword in hand looking determined.
Brynja and Vanya held their breaths, waiting for the fight to start, but nothing happened. Murmurs spread over the crowd as Ragnar spread his arms wide, mentioning for Ubbe to make the strike. The brothers looked at each other, unsure what their oldest had in mind. The King slowly walked closer to him, fingers stopping at the handle of his own sword in the ground. But he made another step, leaving it there. He raised his hand up as Ubbe leaned his head back, waiting for another slap that never came.
Instead, Ragnar cupped his cheek and drew him closer, hugging the tall Ragnarsson. When the moment caught up with Ubbe, he dropped the blade and embraced him back, fisting the back of his tunic and buried his head in the crook of his father's neck. Everyone watched the interaction in shock, Brynja cursing under her breath, wanting to see the two fight. So Vanya hit her shoulder, silently scolding the ginger while Hoenir snickered.
They turned their gazes back to the King and the Princes, when Bjorn made his way through the other side of the crowd, looking pissed. He moved in front of the remaining brother, his arms crossed, looking his father up and down. Ubbe stepped back, looking down as Bjorn glared at Ragnar. "Why did you come back?"
Ragnar looked at him, both tense. Meanwhile, Ivar crawled away offended by his father's behavior. The King told his sons he wanted to talk to them in private, Vanya clenched her jaw and pushed her way through the masses, her head held high and murder in her eyes.
She made her way into the middle of the crowd, Brynja, and Hoenir running behind her, shocked by her sudden leave. The sons of Aslaug looked at her confused, Hvitserk trying to pull her back, but she sidestepped him, stalking towards Ragnar with a clenched jaw, patting Aros's back who chewed on her hair. "Ragnar Lothbrok!" She spat out as if the word burned.
Bjorn and Ragnar looked at her as well, the older male's lips lifting up, watching the stranger. The smaller female stopped in front of him, with a babe in her arms. Sigurd and Hvtiserk moved up behind her, the older of the two smiling down at the child that babbled at him happily waving it's little arms around, obvious to his mother's anger.
"And you are?" Ragnar asked, amused, his brows lifting with his head to the side. Vanya ignored the change of atmosphere and hardened her stare.
"Your daughter in law and mother of your grandchild." She spat back, surprising Ragnar, who looked at his sons for confirmation, only to see Hvitserk high five the child over Vanya's shoulder.
He smirked and looked at the boys to see who would claim the girl as theirs. "And who is the lucky one? Hvitserk? Ubbe? Sigurd?"
Vanya scoffed, turning the man's gaze back down to her. "Ivar's." She explained her tongue visibly, trailing from one canine tooth to the other. Ragnar straightened his back, looking over his family, searching for his youngest only to see an empty spot.
"Congratulation, then." He grimaced at her, not understanding why she went up to him in the first place. Brynja tugged at her sleeve, trying to make her retreat, but the Princess stayed put a glare on her face.
"Vanya," Brynja begged desperately, Hoenir pulled her back, his hand on his sword, ready to intervene if things escalated.
"What kind of pathetic man are you?" Vanya asked, shocking everyone. Ubbe's widened, he reached for her only for Bjorn to shake his head at him, the ginger walking closer to the older Viking. "He is the only one who admires you, worships you and defends you against everyone. And yet you ignore him as if he isn't worth even a mention."
Ragnar chuckles at her spat out words, shrugging, his brows up, agitating the ginger even more. Vanya scoffed and looked him up and down with disgust. "I truly don't see what all the fuss is about. You aren't anything special. Just another desperate man with no ounce of nobility left in his body." She hissed hatefully, shocking the Ragnarssons at her harsh words. Her stance and glare reminded them so much of Ivar it was uncanny.
"Not worth a mention or reaction from anybody. You should have stayed where you were." Ragnar looked at her, smirking in a peculiar way as if amused by her hateful comments. When he didn't defend himself, Vanya's hand shot out and slapped Ragnar on the same side he hit Ubbe on. The crack of the contact made everyone gasp and stare at her wide-eyed. She spat upon his feet and snarled at him. "Goodbye, My King."
She turned her back to him and walked towards Hvitserk, her eyes still steel-blue instead of the usual warm sky blue. "Which way did he go?" She requested, raising an eyebrow at him. The Ragnarsson jerked him head backward, signaling that the youngest son went that way. The Saxon nodded in thanks and moved to go after him.
Sigurd reached out to her only for Vanya to jerk her hand away, nearly accidentally hitting him in the face. She walked off, the crowd parting for her as the red sea. Hoenir looked at the King, seizing him up before he followed after her. Aros blew a raspberry towards his uncles, not caring for his mother's sour mood.
Vanya abandoned Hoenir somewhere behind when Ivar was in sight. She walked up the hillside to him and carefully sat down, fixing her blue dress so she wouldn't trip on it. The ginger got comfortable on the grass and looked at her tense husband, his eyes refusing to look at her directly, only seeing her from the corner of his eye.
She took out Aros from the sling and laid him on her lap, the boy instantly turning over and reaching for his father. Ivar reached towards the boy with his left hand and offered the boy one of his fingers, which he wrapped his small hand around, tugging at it cheerfully. Ivar moved the finger up and down, pretending to shake off his son's grip, which Aros found amusing and giggled uncontrollably, wiggling in his mother's lap.
Vanya waited for Ivar to tell her what plagued him at his own pace, patiently sitting there and letting the breeze mess up her hair. After some more silence, Ivar sighed. "He didn't even ask me, just petted me like a dog. As if I wasn't his son too."
Vanya sighed and looked at Ivar sadly, seeing the sad eyes hidden behind the angry mask. "I am the only one who didn't talk of killing him. Everyone hates him, and I was the only one who defended him. They all wanted to kill him if he returned, and then they didn't do anything. Ubbe hugged him!"
Vanya solemnly nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder, trying to silently comfort him while he vented. She licked her lips nervously and closed her eyes, steeling herself for a confession. "I slapped him."
Ivar jumped at that and looked at her confused, shrugging his shoulder so she would lift her head and look at him. Vanya gazed into his eyes sheepishly and nervously smiled at him. "I insulted him, slapped him, and spat in front of him before going after you." Ivar stared at her with his mouth open and eyes wide. "I don't regret it, though. I was defending my husband's honor."
Ivar chuckled and laid his forehead against hers, his eyes closed, silently thanking his wife. "My brave wife. What would I do without you, huh?" He joked, making her smile and chuckle, drawing her head back and kissing his forehead.
Ivar gazed up at her as she smiled brightly, the contagious expression making him smile back.
During dinner, Ivar sat there, brooding, waiting for anyone to talk. He threw his spoon away and glared at his brothers. "So... Father wants to go to England. Why do you not want to go with him?" The other brothers sighed, annoyed with the topic while Aslaug and Vanya watched on, interested in the answer. "Ubbe?" 
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"You know why. Now shut up." The oldest son of Aslaug ordered observing a piece of food instead of looking his brother in the eyes.
"Is it the same for you, Sigurd?" Everyone looked at the said male, intrigued by the possibilities of the answer. "Or are you afraid of being seasick?" Ivar mocked, resting his head on his fist.
"I am not afraid of anything, brother."
"Not even me?" The smile from Sigurd's lips fell as he played with the knife. Hviterk looked at Ivar amused while Margrethe moved to pour him a cup.
"So... Lillemor ( Little mother) what was that out there?" Ubbe questioned, looking at Vanya with a raised eyebrow making the said female sigh and roll her eyes at him, tired with the questions.
"I told you. It was a backbone, something none of you had at that moment." She snapped, taking her cup to her lips and sipping the mead.
"We acted appropriately. Other than you who attacked a man, you don't know." Sigurd jumped in as Margrethe moved away from Ivar, shaking in fear from the Viking's angry eyes as Sigurd's words.
Vanya chuckled and leaned over the table towards him. "You think I don't know who Ragnar Lothbrok is? What he truly is? As if my people didn't live in fear of him, treating him like the devil and praying for his death. As if my father didn't take precautions for when he would return. But he didn't, and instead, I married one of his sons and carried on the Lothbrok bloodline. I may not know him personally, but I know what he is capable of. But I don't fear him!"
Sigurd scoffed as Vanya slammed her cup down, startling the Ragnarssons, Margrethe, and Aros, who sat in Aslaug's lap. "You make him sound as if he was some god. He is no god, just another human with power and wit. Yet you shake in your boots when he stands before you like he will strike you dead with lightning if you look at him the wrong way."
"We were cautious, instead of you who behaved like a child."
Ivar slammed his cup down on the table, angered by Sigurd's words. The ale sloshed from the cup, startling Margrethe, who nearly dropped her jug. He glared at her, hitting her on her thigh to scold her for her carelessness.
"It is wrong to treat her that way." Ubbe warned Ivar while Margrethe moved away to escape him.
"Why are you so polite? She is just a slave. You all just want to have her. You too, Ubbe." Ivar mocked, wiggling his finger at his older brother. Vanya glared at Ivar, her hand clenching around his right wrist.
"Mother." The boy rolled his eyes at her warning. Aslaug tried to hold back a smile at his antics; Aros rested against her chest, sucking on his thumb. Ivar smirked at his little victory, satisfied with the outcome while Vanya frowned next to him.
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The next day, Vanya sat with Aslaug in the room behind the curtain of the Great Hall, mashing herbs in a bowl, careful to do it slowly as the Queen advised. "Keep the speed up and then add the garlic. What does that stand for?"
Vanya ground the herbs in a Mortar with Pestle blowing hair out of her face, trying to remember what Aslaug taught her. "It stands for protection, strength, and healing."
Aslaug nodded proudly, watching her daughter in law work like a Völva. The Queen has been teaching Vanya somethings she knew that could be useful for the babe, Ivar, or herself. She also taught her about visions for when Aros started having them. The last part confused Vanya as Aslaug could teach her grandson herself, but Aslaug insisted on doing it this way.
Aros laid on a fur next to the table, slobbering all over the figure of Fenrir that his father made. The boy loved sucking on the toy and always played with it. No other toy interested the boy, no matter if it made a noise or shined prettily; this, of course, made Ivar very proud.
"Have you been sleeping alright?" Aslaug asked the obvious question, the dark circles under Vanya's eyes a dead giveaway. She shook her head and leaned back, resting her ass on her ankles.
"Aros keeps crying during the night. Nothing I try helps. The Healer says it's nothing, but I think he is in pain. He always looks so upset, but when Ivar talks to him, he stops." Aslaug looked down at the content child and then at her daughter.
"Maybe he just misses his father. He must feel how tense everyone is since Ragnar returned. Maybe he knows something that we don't."
Vanya shook her head and picked up the babe who whined a little bit at being moved but stopped when it saw its mother. He raised one hand towards her hair and twisted it between his fingers, babbling nonsense.
"And what about you?"
"How do you feel about Ragnar's return? Everyone said what they think; you are the only one who has stayed silent. You must have an opinion as well." Vanya questioned the strawberry blonde Queen, who smirked at the question and shook her head.
"I don't know what to think. He has not spoken to me yet. I cannot blame him; we didn't part in a good way." Aslaug explained draining her cup and taking Aros from her so Vanya can finish the ritual.
Vanya took the two stones and hit them against each other until a spark lit the bowl's content up in flames. As soon as the fire started, it ended, leaving behind a cloud of smoke that both women looked into. "What do you see in the smoke?"
"I see...A ship," Vanya started but cut herself off angrily, glaring at the smoke. "And an argument on its way."
Aslaug chuckled, thinking the girl was joking, but when Vanya too Aros from her and left with an apology, the Völva knew she was serious. The Princess stormed off to her hut laying Aros into his bed, fuming angrily. "Why didn't it occur to me earlier. I was so stupid, wasn't I?" She hissed, undressing her babe to wash it with a cloth.
Aros looked up at his mother, confused while she rambled on. "He asked everyone but Ivar. He will ask him next." She spat, throwing the rag away and collapsing on the floor angrily while Aros whine at the cold. "And your father will say yes." She cried at her own stupidity. No matter how much he swore to protect them and stay by their side. He yearned for Ragnar's approval and would gladly go with him if it meant his respect. Vanya couldn't forbid him to go; it would be cruel.
She sobbed on the floor, only picking herself up when Aros's whining got louder. She finished washing him and laid down in bed with him, cradling him close to calm herself down. She sang to him the lullaby her wetnurse sang her so long ago.
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The eerie song sends him to sleep son enough, and Vanya was left alone to her thoughts till Ivar returned. "Is he asleep already?"
Vanya hummed, not looking at him, instead watching the adorable face of her firstborn. Ivar undressed and climbed into bed next to them, careful not to squash the tiny babe. "Did you say yes?"
Ivar froze and looked at her before sighing. That meant he did. She chuckled and gazed into his unsure eyes, smiling sadly. "This is a great opportunity to prove myself to him, to be more than his son in the name. Everybody keeps saying that being the son of Ragnar Lothbrok is enough. But I don't feel that way." He looked at her desperately, hoping she would understand. "I love you and Aros. I always thought that I couldn't have a child or a wife. That I was truly boneless, but you proved me wrong. But I need more. I need to be more than a husband and father."
Vanya nodded and took Ivar's hand in hers, taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts. "If even you couldn't do those things, it doesn't make you any less of a man. Cripple or not, you don't need a wife or a child to prove that you are like your brothers. Lots of men can have sex. Lots of men can have children. Those things are easy. To be a son of Ragnar Lothbrok, and to find greatness... That is hard!"
Ivar looked at her with tears in his eyes, relieved that she understood and supported him. "If you feel like you must go to Wessex to feel whole..." She sighed and let the tears spill over her cheeks as well, her husband crying tearing at her heart. "Then I will wait for you here. We both will! And when you return, we will celebrate with your family because no one will ever underestimate you again!"
Ivar nodded and hugged her, crying together until they fell asleep in each other's arms, Aros sleeping between them.
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