#It will also be super awkward if the aliens turn out to look exactly like E.T.
When we meet aliens it's gonna be hard to explain the huge landfill with E.T. videogames.
Like, imagine we visit another planet, and they have a fucking mountain full of destroyed and hated media all about interacting with us.
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themotherofblood · 2 years
Stucky x Reader
Part 2 of Sukoon Mila
In my world, Agents of Shield is canon!!!
Warning for this chapter. Mentions of anxiety and torture. Y/n is super angsty man!!
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Trauma, it does things to people. Doesn’t matter how one has suffered it gives them something or completely take something away. Some cling to forms of affection, some can’t sleep on beds and some just can’t sleep entirely. Sleep. It was a battlefield, every night the same prep of skincare routines and essential oils only so that you may find quiet in your head for a few hours.
It was a lot easier with Bucky around. He had a fuck ton of scars of his own. You somehow felt ashamed to share yours since they felt so minuscule in nature, compared to what he had gone through. You wished everyday you would understand what kind of demons tortured him. From going to therapy sessions with him to reading up on possible triggers and how to overcome them. In order to hide your own pain. You both would lay awake often at night with Steve passed out next to either of you. It was most the times you sandwiched in between them, or Steve in between the two of you but either way, the pieces fit perfectly . Thirty toes and thirty fingers that collectively held a lamp in a raging storm, each of them taking turns to shield each other. Well until they left
You didn’t know how long you sat on the floor of your bedroom, holding your head in your hands. You were breathing, you looked calm. But the storm within you would put Thor’s abilities to shame. He just came back, just like that. You were furious that he could just leave when he wants and come back when he wants with no adherence to consequences for who he or they might hurt in the process. The better part of you wanted chug a few Advils down your throat and walk out there cold and bitchy and get whatever this alien scuffle is and be over with it, the gooey part of you though wanted to run up to him and kiss every part of his perfect face, drag him into a shower like you always did after a mission and completely forget about the last two years. But you couldn’t do it, you can’t do it. You can’t forget. Everytime you look in the mirror. You know you are not the little in love assistant anymore.
Rubbing at your eyes, you knew exactly what you had to do. You looked around your room. With half burned incense in the air and the soft gleam of your lamp, you pushed yourself off the carpet. Walking towards your vanity, you looked at yourself, brushing out the tangled pieces in your hair.
“Breathe, just breathe.” An internal mantra that kept you on your feet, as you decided to walk back into that conference room. It felt weird making this walk again, you had done it many times before. This very corridor held memories that both you and Steve had shared
From the first awkward, pubescent interactions of
“Hi Captain.” your young hopeful voice would acknowledge him and his meek
“Hello Y/n.” Would ablaze your body with euphoria.
To being; slowly backed up against the cool grey walls, to steal secret kisses before mission briefings, or sitting slumped against its walls, drunk and cackling about how funny Mark 42 would look if it had a blue tutu on. The times when this corridor felt frustratingly long, as the two of you tried to not tear each other’s clothes off. You also remember the walk you made down this hall, when Tony told you that they weren’t coming back.
You rubbed your hands up and down your arms as you hugged yourself while walking. Trying to make yourself small, or atleast feel like you weren’t so raw, so exposed. Once you were in the room, you simply walked over to the armchair that you always sat on and plopped yourself down. With a few more seconds of internal coaxing you finally looked up and good god did the rest of them look like shit. Sam was leaning on the countertop of the kitchen sporting one of his ever so soft smiles. Natasha was sitting on one of the bar stools looking at you with that same look and then there was Steve, standing over the analysis projection as poised and commanding as ever. He didn’t say anything, he simply looked at Natasha and sighed.
“He’s after the stones. This we know.” your voice almost wavering
“What’s the plan?”
Bruce began to fill the team in on everything that happened on Asgard, his interaction with Thanos. What he believed their plan was. They wanted Vision. Vision believed that Wanda could destroy the stone, to which Wanda looked absolutely torn. You wanted to comfort her, hold her and tell her it was going to be okay but you just couldn’t bring yourself to care. Rodhey brought over a cup of tea for you, which you were now nursing and relishing the warmth in your hands. The team continued to disagree and talk over one another and it all sounded muffled to you.
“Thor is dead, Tony is gone, Peter is gone. Whoever that Bleecker Street Wizard was is also gone!” Your voice began to rise
“For all we know they already have the Time Stone.” you yelled, looking manic
“So what we need right now is to get rid of that Stone,” you pointed to Vision’s head. Then you turned to Bruce
“You made him! Now save him!”
You needed Vision to be okay, you needed these people to be okay. Sure a small part of you hates them at this very moment but they are your family and you just needed everybody to be okay!
“We don’t trade lives.” Steve shot down Vision’s idea of self sacrifice again.
Others couldn’t figure out what they were to do about the mind stone until Steve spoke up again.
“I might know a place” he looked around the room
Your hands hold the mug tighter as the words ring into your ears, Wakanda. Rhodey’s eyes immediately shoot to you and you silently plead with your eyes for him to not say anything about it at all. Though Steve noticed, he always notices you.
Steve had been in Wakanda for a week. He remembers holding Bucky’s hand as they brain mapped him, as his lover turned to ice in a capsule. The nights he’d sit in the lab next to his unconscious lover, staring at the photo of his other lover that he kept in his pocket watch. He prayed everyday while he tried to fix what was done to Buck, that Y/n was safe. Even with his difference with Tony, he knew that man would give his life for that girl. His brain was scrambled from the mess he had created, and in that week he wanted nothing more than to pick up his burner phone and call her. She would have yelled at him, told him how disappointed she was. But she would have also told him how to fix this, and told him to come home. Had he heard her say that, he would have caved; the world be damned.
He stayed there until Natasha came for him, he felt like a dagger had been plunged through his heart while his whole body was set on fire. Nobody had ever seen Steve Rogers cry other than his partners but as the Quinjet flew past the Wakandan barrier, Steve silently sobbed. His grief had transformed to rage, the once golden boy had only one set goal in his mind. Destroy Hydra for good.
“You don’t have to go with us.”
Rhodhey knew better than to ask you to come with them to Wakanda
“You can run analytics, pr.”
“Ross” you shoved his shoulder at the mention of him.
The both of you were sitting outside on a bench looking over the water, your head rested on his shoulder and a blanket wrapped around you, just admiring the night sky. How is it the something so serene, so beautiful was going to be the very cause of your extinction .
“They saved me, I can’t just not go.” you sighed
“Call it in Roh, I’ll be out here for a little longer.”
He knew you needed some time alone, he knew because he often woke up late at night, watching you sit in this very spot looking up at the sky. He knew you weren’t okay, but he also knew you were doing your best with what you had. With a squeeze to your shoulder he walked back into the campus. Leaving you outside with your thoughts. Where was Bucky? You hadn’t said it out loud yet but you were confused by why he wasn’t with the group. You knew he wasn’t dead because Steve seemed relaxed. There was one thing you would bet your life on, and that was Steve Rogers would break if anything ever happened to James Buchanan Barnes. You’d hoped that he was okay, that maybe he would have been the one to reach out to you. A letter or some indication that they were alive, that they were still okay. It was silly but you told yourself small things like, they saw the same moon or the same stars. You also hated yourself for feeling jealous and sobbing, thinking about how they would have been wrapped up around each other at night while you were in bed alone.
Your thoughts came to a halt when you felt someone’s presence behind you, the closer it got; you immediately knew who it was. At this very moment you wanted to get up and walk your ass back inside, but you were just so exhausted of fighting. Fighting yourself, fighting them. You were just tired. He stopped a few feet behind you, you could practically hear the gears turning in Steve’s head. He didn’t know what to say to you, he didn’t even know if you wanted to hear him out. You simply stuck a finger out of your blanket and tapped the spot next to you.
A small amount of warmth spread inside Steve, you still wanted to speak to him. Small step but he was starving and he’d take any scraps he got.
“What happened in Wakanda?” His voice sounded hesitant
“Two years.” You take a deep breath before going on.
“Two years and that’s the first thing you as-“
“How are you then?” He cut you off
“Great, you” you quickly replied
He laughs “Good.”
Silence, usually with the two of you it was comforting but now it just feels dangerous. As if any amp of noise would make you explode. You felt the warmth for his shoulder that grazed yours, it was enough. Enough to hit all those years of bottled up emotions right in your chest. You wanted nothing more than to climb onto his lap and tell him all about what has happened. Touch every part of him, like if he got up now he’d evaporate right in front of your eyes.
“I’m sorry I can’t.” You shot up and went to grab your cup but he caught hold of your hand. Just for a moment his eyes widen at the almost fading surgical scars on your hands. To a normal person’s eyesight they would practically be invisible but he saw them clear as day.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered as he held onto your hand. He was almost afraid to speak above a whisper, he felt like you’d run away if he did. So you obliged, you knew what he wanted and you sat back down.
“Where’s Buck, Steve?” You looked him in the eye this time. You were hoping that he’d say he was in hiding or just didn’t want to come back here
“Wakanda. He is in Wakanda.” That reply made your heart stop
“Why? Was he hurt?” Panic flared in your eyes
“No no, they gave him refuge. Helped him with the programming in his head. He’s fine.” Steve replied quickly in an attempt to calm you down. He noticed changes in you but he was elated that who you really were was still in there. That you still cared.
“How long?” You heart thumped in your ears again, was he under your nose this whole time?
“This entire time, hun.” his eyes briefly show pain before he looks back at you.
He was there with you, this whole time! He was there, you were there and they didn’t tell you. Tony and Rhodes wouldn’t have known, Tony would have destroyed half of Wakanda trying to get to James. Did he come to visit? Did he see what was done to you? You felt betrayed by them and Shuri. If Bucky was in Wakanda it was sure that she treated him. Your time there was hell but they saved you. They had methods that western medicine would never be able to come up with. Did he hear you cry out for them? Hear you scream. If he did see, would he still want you anymore?
You hadn’t felt this way in a long time. You didn’t want to talk about what was done to you. The consequence of Captain America’s girlfriend being unprotected and the opportunities it provided people with.
“Y/n” Steve hands rubbed up and down your shoulders
“Come back, it okay. You are safe.” This wasn’t his first rodeo with your panic attacks, though he wasn’t a witness to how bad they had gotten since his departure
Why was he talking to you like this? It’s not like he has even an inkling of the trauma you’d been put through, but you invited it. Even after all you were out through, being in the arms of this man made you feel the safest you have felt in years.
And for a moment the man who hurt you, his voice faded from your memories
“Discovery requires experimentation…”
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Alright so I’m just gonna explain more about myself and who I am. Just so people don’t judge me before even getting to know me.
I was gonna write more in the description but it wouldn’t let me so I’m continuing here.
I am a very socially awkward bisexual autistic Demi girl who hates the human race in general and loves animals. Humans hurt me, animals heal me. So unless if you’re an alien disguised as a human just like me don’t interact LOL
I tend to get cyber bullied or hated on tumblr, why I am even trying for a third fucking time is beyond me. Guess I wanna show off some of my art even though it’s gonna get shat on. Above in the description is where I listed the reasons I tend to get hate so if you didn’t read that already look at my description before having anything to do with me please. I don’t do “fake” friends. Never again. I’m gonna show off EXACTLY who I am so people don’t find out a simple trait I have and leave me for it.
Here’s some weird things about ME.
One thing I have been embarrassed about but want to announce is I have trichtillomania (a hair pulling disorder). Sorry if the topic may be kind of hard to some but that’s who I am and I’m screaming it loud. It’s a rare disorder but it’s very real and I haven’t found out it had a name until just recently just through reading people’s head canons over a character. After seeing it I looked it up and was relived to discover I wasn’t the only one. People used to call it a habit when I pull so knowing I’m not alone helps. Don’t mock me for it, it’s harder than you think. If you read about it most people would describe it as an itch that needs to be scratched which sums it up perfectly.
I am a farmer so if any of you are farm haters don’t attack me got it? I love animals, farming is a beautiful bond between man and animals. We make sure to give them all the best life possible, life on a farm is better than any wildness (as long as it’s all free ranged, I am against farmers who keep their animals caged up. It’s a disgrace to us real farmers) as they can get worms and die very very young, some animals even struggle to give birth. If not for us being there the babies would die inside their mother and then the mother dies. We feed them and give them water so they don’t have to starve or go thirsty. When there’s an orphan or rejected baby we care for them for without us the poor things would die as they have no mother and they all deserve a chance to live a good life. We are anything BUT animal abusers. We may eat them after a certain point but we are not monsters, we be sure they live their life to the fullest before then. Also don’t hate on me for not being a vegan or vegetarian. I love animals with all my heart and soul but I have to eat meat, as it’s how my body works. Meat contains things that other foods don’t have and as it turns out I have to have a lot of it for reasons I won’t get into. I will give you a hint. It’s a topic related to a scene in Turning Red that made overprotective parents freak out. I need iron. Lots of it. Don’t hate me for eating meat.
I am bisexual, I have a bit of a male lean though simply because I have found I seem to get along better with men rather than other genders. It could be because I’m a tomboy I’m not sure. I have some crushes on some fictional girls though as well but finding my type appear in a character with she/her pronouns is weirdly rare. I like girls like Abigail from Stardew Valley for example. Goth metal aesthetic but they are also kind of goofy, someone I can play video games with and laugh with. Also most girls tend to bully me, I haven’t been bullied by a boy, non binary or anyone else. It could be why I am also more nervous to speak with girls rather than others as a result as well.
I have a super bad anxiety disorder and have to take lots of medication for it to the point I struggle to do much during the day. This is why I can be a bit slow with talking to people or just drawing anything in general. I need to work at my own pace because the pills make me tired but help keep me calm to some degree. If I get super bad I lose control. The doctors described it to my mother as a raincoat, if it pours too much it can’t do anything but a sprinkle of rain is what it’s strong against. I also have been diagnosed with OCD and I think I may have RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria) as I panic whenever someone makes fun of me over almost anything or if someone ever gets angry at me. The smallest argument makes me crumble. Just seeing one troll makes me upset. So I have lots of bad mental problems so if I ever panic please forgive me. I am trying very hard to learn to control it. But this is why I am setting my boundaries right here and now.
Speaking of which, since I am slow and also busy I can’t talk every day all the time so please don’t spam me with messages because I can’t talk all the time. Sometimes I might be gone for months sorry so please don’t pester me into talking to you. It’s not that I’m avoiding you I am just busy but please keep that in mind. Also do NOT try to guilt trip me into talking to you more or drawing free art for you. I used to get taken advantage of all the time when I was younger and was so easy to fool, I’m just over it now. I don’t have time to draw free art, I only ever make art for someone if it’s someone special, like a best friend.
My pronouns are she/they. I’m still not super sure of my gender or pronouns even my sexuality. Don’t harass me for that as well, I am who I am and still learning even if I am 20.
As mentioned I do have some fetishes but this is not a kink blog as I mentioned I like to keep them separate. I have my kink account on deviantart then my regular account. I don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable with my kinks but I also want to be free and have my rights to be myself. If any of you give me a hard time for this as well you will be blocked. I just find chubby people cute. I like to imagine having a teddy bear as a partner, a living pillow who can gently pet my head and tell me everything is ok as I rest my head on a warm soft belly. That’s just me ok? Don’t make fun of me or yell at me for it.
I also hate inc8st ships. Not only is it just gross in general and illegal but as someone who is close to my family seeing any inc*st creeps me out. While Ian never had a Dad but had Barley, I never had friends but had my sister. Also if you even THINK of shipping me and my uggghhh sister for just saying that I will cut you limb from limb you fucking creep.
Porn blogs please don’t follow me. I may have mentioned I had a fetish but belly kink stuff is very different from actual porn (unless the two are combined obviously but I prefer fluff when it comes to that stuff). But I don’t feel comfortable with porn blogs following me so please don’t. I also do not feel comfortable talking about anything sexual as well. Yeah I’m an adult but that doesn’t mean I am seeking out that sort of thing. Part of my sense of humour might be dirty but it’s subtle and dirty humour is different to actual dirty talk or conversations about it. Although the majority of my humour is mostly dark so any dirty humour would be pretty rare from me.
Also don’t hate on me for loving Onward. I literally had someone give me a hard time for liking the movie just this morning as I’m writing this. I understand everyone has different tastes but don’t hate me for loving this movie. You can hate the movie sure but don’t hate ME for loving the movie. Don’t harass me for having opinions.
I also have emetophobia, which is the fear of vomiting. The fear can vary from general vomit or the action of it. I am scared of vomiting myself. Vomit in general grosses me out and makes me cringe but if I feel even the tiniest bit nauseous I have a full on panic attack. I even have to wake up my parents still if I think something is wrong with my stomach at night. Yeah I know, a grown ass person who is so scared of vomiting they need help from others over it. Childish right? Well it’s a REAL phobia you can look it up if you want. But don’t make fun of me for that either, it’s not something I can control. I’m just scared of it. Some folks say it could be linked to the fear of losing control. I guess that could be it but I just can’t stand the feeling to the point I fear it. Like with pregnancy I am more scared of the morning sickness than the actual childbirth. Yeah, it’s that bad. I wish I can get over it so I could have kids without that type of fear but then again I don’t think I would make a good mother as much as I do want kids someday.
If you hate me for any of these things about me above then just fuck off ok? I want to just be myself.
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: this is a thing i cooked up between doing trig exam and ap gov review akdsjfldskfj
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oikawa def listens to indie music just bc he wants to feel unique and the 'iM diFfErENt fRoM oTHeR gUrLs' vibes
meanwhile kunimi eats a kitkat like its pizza just CHOMP
makki caNNOT sleep without a pillow between his thighs LIKE LISTEN he has 2 sisters and they all told him its so comfortable and at first he was like,, ??,, then he tried and now cant sleep without it
bUT MATTSUN LIKES TO SLEEP WITH PILLOWS SURROUNDING HIM bc it makes him feel safe and like there are two body pillows on either side of him and hes kinda trapped in the middle aksjskdk
when kyo was younger, he was really short and although he had other pants, he loved this one pair but they were really long on him and he wore it all the time and the part of the pants that touched the ground is torn in shreds
kindaichi steps on the sofa before sitting LIKE puts one foot on the cushion then the other until hes literally standing on the couch before folding to sit with his knees up to his chest (i do this)
watari sniffs his food before eating it no matter if its something he eats all the time or something new, he still sniffs it either way
yahaba is really particular with his feet and he likes to get a really big tupperware (duh one only meant for his feet) and fill it up with warm almost boiling water and he just soaks them
oikawa has sleep paralysis and he oftens hallucinates about aliens in the corner of his room
kunimi does this thing where he makes weird noises with his mouth like sounds of his mouth opening LIKE when youre tastinf something new and you do that sound with your tongue (I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT AJDKSKKD)
makki bends his knees just to crack his ankles
iwa sneezes a ton but he has those sneezes where theyre quiet that you dont even notice or really loudly that it just echoes throughout the gym
kyo sleeps with one sock on bc his feet gets cold easily but both socks make him feel really hot so only one sock is perfect
for a tall and hunk of a guy, mattsun is a very light walker like his footsteps are very light and if he wants to, it can be practically silent
watari actually hates vegetables ajssksksk he particularly hates zucchini, eggplants, any vegetables that are that shape
kindaichi likes to stick or lean against walls because to him, they feel cold and can decrease his body heat
oikawa stands and places his feet at V position like \/ instead of ll because his sister did ballet and he was taught that was the right way of standing and it was considered graceful
yahaba has a fear of cactuses
mattsun does so badly in the heat because his body temp runs so high and the hot surroundings make him feel so uncomfortable and so he takes a lot of cold showers
iwa cannot swim like he freaks out immediately when his toetips can no longer feel the bottom and he panics with thoughts of drowning
watari has really small feet that he still buys big kids shoes to save money
kyotani considered playing baseball because he thought baseball bats were cool but he got angry and threw tantrum after missing his first pitch
iwa chomps on a whole raw chili while eating ramen akskksks
oikawa actually hates sweets bc when he was younger, he had cavities and iwa showed him a cartoon of cavities eating his teeth and will make him toothless
kindaichi really really likes hugs but hes too awkward to ask them even from his parents
yahaba chomps on mints so he goes through boxes of them in a week
i feel like theres a boy in the team who doesnt brush their teeth everyday and rubs a towel on their teeth to make it look clean and take mints to hide their bad breath
iwaizumi is actually iron deficient so he bruises super super fast and he even developed iron defiency anemia when he was younger bc his parents didnt catch on which caused him to be put on strong medication for months and still takes it now
seijoh four bonding time is watching gordom ramsey shows and yelling and screaming 'YEA! EXACTLY!' as if theyre also cooking genuises
watari used to eat grapes all the time until his mom got worried and told him if he doesnt stop, he will eventually turn into one. he only eats it every few weeks
when he was younger, kunimi cried because he had befriended a chicken on a trip to a farm and his mom took him to eat fried chicken after and he thought it was Chicky (his chicken friend :"))
kyotani used to stick out his tongue when it was raining so he could taste the raindrops. they taste better than bottled water
one time, during a seijoh sleepover, they dared oikawa to wear his sisters old uniform, skirt and all, and it backfired so everyone turned red and couldnt look at him in the face
their pregame ritual is touching each other's shoe tips
they tried doing yoga at yahaba's house before by watching yoga youtube videos but everyone ended up having to go to the chiropractor after (how did makki even turn into the human pretzel?)
the local gym gets so scared when they see the team coming through the doors bc these men are so LOUD like they HYPE EACH OTHER UP SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING AKSKSKDK
also never take them to an all you can eat sushi place. if you do, bring them earlier of the day like 30 mins after opening time so the cooks can cook enough for them without running out of ingredients (even then sometimes they still run out)
oikawa used to eat his mom's roses from her garden because he thought it would make his farts smell good like roses
takahiro is a surprisingly good artist like he draws really cool action fighting scenes in the corner of his papers and stuff
in my work: it's canon that iwa is half filo and his nanay used to dress him up in a barong all the time during halloween bc she wanted him to showcase his heritage
yahaba drinks a lot of milk because he hopes to one day grow strong and bulky like the 3rd years instead of being seen as a pretty boy
kindaichi's mom is a hairstylist and she always scolds him for using a lot of gel bc she's always the one who washes his hair
makki never learned how to do taxes and hes had the government knocking on his door a handful of times (BOKUTO AKKDJSKKS)
kyo has a dog: a chiweenie
there's someone on the team who wears those socks with individual pockets for toes
their pinterest is so different from what they look like for example, mattsun has a board of different flower decorations and arrangements
kunimi throws up during intense horror movies
watari's celeb crush is emma watson
the team alternates from different music genres like from ateez and bts to mxmtoon and beach bunny
they still dont know how to pronounce camila cabello's name
theyre all active in social media but only oikawa is on it 24/7 and in all platforms while the others have insta and snap
mattsun has twins as little siblings and he used to get them mixed up all the time that he used to draw a sharpie dot on the girl's forehead to determine she was his sister
watari hates sitting on the floor bc his butt bone hurts really easily so he can only sit on cushions for long periods of time
the team was supposed to have a party but everyone didnt know what to bring so they proved they shared the same braincell by bringing the same thing: a box of pizza
makki's an old soul and prefers to play records on a record player or watch old movies
kyo is surprisingly good at giving massages because he really pushed hard on those tense muscles
kindaichi knows how to crack necks so everyone goes to him a lot to do it (a friend of mine does this and can i say its terrifying yet so good?)
the only one who has a license is matsukawa and thats because granny needs to go to the doctor a lot and he hates her walking by herself and cabs are expensive
kyotani and yahaba are actually,,, lowkey close,,, not like best friends but theyre nice to each other and they got a stick and poke together (yahaba's was: :) while kyo's was: >:))
watari has a collection of mangas (some bl maybe 👀)
WARNING SAD: mattsun’s future job is a funeral person right? he ends up taking care of granny’s funeral free of charge and he had to take a week off because it was really painful for him
oikawa learned spanish SUPER fast to the point he forgets japanese sometimes but there are moments where he forgets both languages and hes just,,,, ???
makki’s unemployed yea but he rooms with mattsun in exchange of cooking because makki’s surprisingly good at cooking
iwa is practically the nutritionist of the team because he knows everything about proteins, carbs, iron, and needed vitamins so they all go to him to know what to eat and what they need
kunimi has lots and lots of shoes but usually only wears 2
kindaichi has a habit of pretending hes chewing gum even though he doesnt have gum, his mouth just chomps and moves with air akasldfjkf
there was a clown phenomenon in america but in their city, they had a mascots and seijoh 4 went around scaring kids :”(
oikawa never manspreads he gets too insecure to spread out like that akdjfkd
kyotani can easily sleep anywhere like he would be standing and just fall asleep or he sleeps with his eyes open
yahaba’s parents own a restaurant somewhere in the city and he works there sometimes
oikawa screams a lot according to gigi but he’s actually a really quiet guy and not easy to scare
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batmayne · 3 years
𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆? - peter maximoff
author’s note: this is my first Peter fic so I apologize if I mischaracterize him! Also some notes, Peter is 17 in 1973/Days of Future Past (he was born in 1956) and 27 in 1983/Apocalypse. The X Men timeline is mad wonky so I just have Logan waking up sometime in his future when the timeline has been fixed. Reader is referred to with she/her pronouns. I hope y’all enjoy!
genre: slight enemies to lovers, fluff
word count: 1350
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As you watched the pot filled with some strange boiling liquid hurl itself toward you, all you could do was hold your arms up in a feeble defense. Though a mutant yourself, nothing could’ve prepared your powers for the amount of commotion and chaos that was occurring at the moment. Even with three strange men showing up at your door randomly (with one claiming to be a friend of yours in the distant future), you still hadn’t expected to lose your life already, you were only 16 for goodness sake! There was so much more to life than killed by a stray pot containing a sad excuse for food.
A couple of seconds passed and instead of being knocked unconscious, you felt a swift breeze rustle your clothing. Removing your hands from your face, you were met with a smirking Peter Maximoff holding said now empty pot a few inches from your face - much to your disappointment.
Despite only knowing him for several hours, Peter had managed to get on your nerves more than anyone you’d ever met, which was saying something. That being said, he wasn’t exactly too fond of you either, hence why he attempted to spend every minute of your time together trying to get under your skin. He could tell by the look of disapproval on your features that you weren’t in moral agreement with the stacks of stolen merchandise that lined his basement walls. But for the sake of breaking Magneto out of prison you two agreed to get along for the time being, it took a lot of reassurance from Logan though.
At one point he had to pull over on the side of the road because your bickering was distracting him from driving.
“Are you two going to stop flirting long enough for us to reach the Pentagon?”
“Flirting?” Peter questioned incredulously, placing his arms behind his head and slouching further in his seat. “I wouldn’t date her if she was the last woman on this planet.” Instead of responding with a sarcastic remark, you just shoved him and ignored his comment. Crossing your legs and peering out of the window as Logan pulled off the curb, you had asked yourself why that last comment bothered you so much. But what you didn’t know was that Peter would be asking himself a similar question when he stared at you for a couple of seconds too long when making sure the pot and it’s contents didn’t hit your head. Sure, he couldn’t see your face because of your hands and while your body position was rather comical at the moment - he had to admit, you were cute. Not that he would ever say it aloud though.
“Thank you.” You replied quietly, and attempted to shuffle out of the room along with Charles and Erik.
“What?” He called back at you, causing you to stop and let Logan brush pass you into the hallway. “No response this time?” He asked once again, wondering why you didn’t call him stupid or at least have some sort of comeback, but all he got in return was an eye roll.
“Y/N, Peter, I just want to thank you both for helping us, it is greatly appreciated.” Charles and Hank bidded you both farewell, and handed the keys over to Peter. “And Y/N, make sure he gets the car back safely please, and Peter make sure she gets back home safe.”
Peter’s horrid driving skills made you wonder why he wasn’t imprisoned with Erik for being a danger to society, but that wasn’t a surprise to you of course. You thought everything about him was reckless, which was the sole reason you couldn’t see eye to eye. As stated earlier, Peter found you insufferable as well, thinking that you were allergic to fun or something. Despite that, couldn’t deny that the way the afternoon sunlight coated his features made your stomach flutter the slightest bit. What were you even thinking? You were obviously suffering from exhaustion from the days events that were clouding your mind anyway.
“Where do you want me to drop you off at anyway?” Peter asked, breaching your thoughts as he ran another light.
“U-um, the public library is fine.” You stuttered out quickly, now concerned as to why him just glancing in your direction caused you to temporarily lose your usually cool composure.
After about an hour of awkward silence and Aerosmith blasting from the radio, you reached your destination.
“Thanks for the ride, make sure you get it back safely.” You eyed him seriously before waving briskly and closing the door. Before you could even reach the top stair, you heard him call your name and so you turned around.
“Hey Y/N!” He shouted from about 20 feet away, catching the attention of onlookers. “Tell your mom I said hey!” Instead of getting angry you found yourself chuckling quietly before waving again as he sped off down the road.
After phoning a relative via a pay phone to come pick you up (fully expecting to hear an ear full for disappearing for an entire Saturday), you took a seat on a bench outside. Mulling over the intense events of the day, one would expect you to feel relieved that it was over and that you were away from all the craziness, but you instead felt quite the opposite. Growing up in a rather sheltered home, a part of you missed the action and adventure, but another part of you was missing Peter for some reason? Sure, he was aggravating and annoying and you were sure that he felt the same way, but at the same time he was the closest thing you’ve ever had to a friend.
Being a mutant was already difficult enough, and controlling your powers in a high school setting certainly wasn’t a day in the park. Everyone treated you as if you were some sort of alien or simply avoided you, but at least Peter treated you like you were normal? But there was no sense in pondering about that anyway, it wasn’t like you’d ever get to see him again.
Once you had graduated high school and then gone on to higher education all the way up to receiving a masters degree, you were somewhat at a loss with what to do with your life. Having such a unique mutation as your own, you felt that you could be of use other than in a common workplace. Lucky for you, you got a call from a familiar Professor with his own school.
Having been a part of the staff of Xavier’s School for Gifted Individuals for several years now, you had achieved a steady routine, often operating as the school's nurse whenever a student was injured - which happened often.
It had started off as a normal enough day before you heard a rather boisterous explosion from deep within the school’s basement. Before you even had the chance to move or react, you found yourself outside with the rest of the students… in someone’s arms. Supporting your back with one hand and the underside of your knees, there stood an older Peter whose gaze was currently focused on the exploding building in front of you.
“Peter?” You gasped confusedly, still attempting to fathom the events that were occurring around you.
“Hey.” He replied dazedly, looking down at you with a lazy smile.
Hearing a helicopter approach in the distance, he gently set you back onto your feet. Darting around to check on the confused students, you were completely caught off guard by the wave of energy that hit you, effectively knocking you and everyone else out.
Eventually waking up and recovering after all of the commotion occurred a couple of days later, you helped treat Peter for his broken knee, which was a bit awkward. While you obviously weren’t thinking about him every second of the day, you would poke into Charles’ office occasionally and ask if he had heard about his whereabouts.
“What have you been up to these days?” You asked tentatively, not looking up from wrapping his bandages.
“I originally came here to look for my dad, er Magneto, but I think I’ll stick around a little while.” He replied, smiling as he placed his hands behind his head.
“I think I’d like that.”
The Future
Waking up years after the events of time meddling into the future, Logan found himself quite disoriented as he bumbled around the hallways. The first thing that immediately caught his attention was two voices behind a nearby door, opening to reveal an older you and Peter - with intertwined hands.
“You were supposed to be ready thirty minutes ago.” You complained light heartedly, stepping further out into the hallway. “For someone with super speed you sure do take-“ Peter abruptly brought your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it, effectively shutting you up for the time being.
“Aw, babe, you know you’d never get rid of me.” He teased with a smirk, nodding his head slightly in greeting to Logan, while you rolled your eyes and gave him a wave.
Logan found himself giving the slightest smile at the sight of the matching rings on your hands.
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ceilingfan5 · 4 years
Out of This World
congratulations to my 500 followers giveaway winner @terezis, who asked for “alien taako accidentally kidnaps kravitz”
and thanks to everyone who participated!!! 
“Where the hell are you going at this hour?” Kravitz’s roommate Sloane asks, looking up from the egregious snuggling she’s got going on with her girlfriend. On Kravitz’s couch, no less. 
“Didn’t you see that light? I have to go investigate! It could be- It could be any number of things! A meteor, a spatial anomaly, maybe even a-”
“Helicopter?” Sloane’s voice is dryer than the toast he had for dinner. Kravitz doesn’t let it dampen his mood. 
“It could be something truly mysterious, and I can’t abide letting well enough alone.”
“You never can,” she sighs. “Well, be safe out there. Don’t forget your keys.”
“Mhm,” Kravitz says, jamming his feet into mismatched shoes. “Don’t wait up for me.”
“Super won’t, so don’t die or get kidnapped or whatever.”
“I’ll be perfectly fine!” 
And Kravitz, who has no sense of predilection or self-preservation, thunders down the stairs and out into the streets with his fifty dollar flashlight and a passionately misplaced sense of adventure. 
He startles a few street cats, coos at a racoon, trips over trash, and just past the apartment complex, he spots it again. That powerful blue glow. It’s in the wrong direction for some kind of event or party--it’s closer to the farms at the edge of town than it is anything that ought to be blue in the middle of the night. And then, as Kravitz gets closer, he hears a hum, a soft, thrumming, nearly musical hum, and he sees it, he fucking sees it-
A spaceship. 
He cackles in unbridled validated glee and then slaps his hands over his mouth, dropping his fancy flashlight with all the lumens money can buy, reflecting on its way to the ground in three pairs of glowing gold eyes and a mouthful of sharp, sharp teeth. 
Something like a cross between static electricity and cement-hard water from doing a belly flop hits him, and he doesn’t see it anymore. 
  He wakes up in a space so white that it’s blue, searing his eyes with the brightness. His whole body is sore, but in a heavy way that almost feels nice. He blinks slowly, his eyelids sticking like windshield wipers on an old car during the first snow of the season, and something--someone? humanoid appears in his hazy vision. They have four arms and a long, golden brown tail, gilded with a smattering of freckles that reflect in the light like the bottom of a river untouched for centuries, and then, those six frightening, beautiful eyes, staring right into Kravitz’s soul, blinking asymmetrically, and twice. A nictitating membrane. Bafflingly cool. Kravitz tries to sit up and his head protests dramatically, and the figure swears--in English. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, what am I going to- how am I going to explain this- shit, shit, shit- Don’t do that, lay down, stupid adorable creature...” Two of those four hands gently press on his chest and he lays back down, mouth hanging open. 
“Who are you?” he asks, even though he could have opened with any number of questions, perhaps namely what do you want with me? 
“Oh, fuck, is my translator working? That’s a bonus. Oh, ancient skies, what a fucking mess...I can’t believe I- I’m going to be in so much trouble-”
“Because I saw you?”
“Well- yes, and also because I stunned you, and brought you aboard, which, believe it or not, has exacerbated- that’s a weird word, why is your language like this?--It’s made shit so much worse, because I’m dumb as hell and twice as fired. If not executed.” 
“Can I look around?”
“Babe, your listening comprehension isn’t great, is it? I’m gonna be in so much trouble for you even catching a glimpse of this- motherfucker, I should have stuck to cows, cows are classic, can’t go wrong with cows-” The alien, because, that’s- this person has to be an alien, there’s no other way, the set is too expensive and complete, the technology glittering at the edge of his vision is too complex, the makeup team would have to be intense?? The alien wrings two of their hands, and then the other two, fidgeting nervously. They pick grass off of Kravitz in a way that’s almost affectionate, and Kravitz has a hard time compiling all the facts, here.
“What’s your name?”  
“Taako,” Taako says, absolutely miserable. “But you shouldn’t know that. I should put you back--or kill you--but I don’t know if I can, I mean, look at you! Four little limbs and two little eyes! And you’re so curious and...cute.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” Kravitz can’t help it. He’s always wanted to kiss an alien, and, presented with the road to that opportunity, he finds himself taking it with no hesitation. “What can I do to get you to not kill me today?”
“I could wipe your memory, I guess...”
"Not ideal."
"Not ideal, no, it does sort of tangle all your business up there a little." Taako frowns, which is a very strange thing to see a person with six eyes do. His lips are purple and they look...incredibly kissable, even drawn up in a frustrated little bow. Kravitz had probably better focused on not getting lobotomized, but he's as gay as he is a nerd, so he always would have been fucked in a situation like this. 
"Maybe, uh, maybe," he says, casting about for a solution, any solution. "Um, what, why are you here? What's going on with the, the cows?" 
"Well, we're studying your planet, obviously?" Taako walks away from Kravitz, pacing anxiously, and Kravitz takes the chance to sit up. It makes his mouth go dry and his head even more cottony, but he blinks blearily at Taako and smiles a little. "We're trying to learn how things work, how your society works, you know, see if you guys can handle the real shit, see if- You've got these incredible bonds, and I mean, my home sort of has those, but it's not the same, and- it would be real powerful if we could bring that kind of thing home."
"Guess you're not finding those bonds in cows, huh?" Kravitz has his out, and it's a good one. He can't stop grinning. He hopes Taako doesn't think it's a threat display. "Well, if I promise not to tell anyone about you, and you promise not to tell anyone about me, I could tell you some hot Earth facts, anything you want to know?" 
Taako bites his lip, folding both pairs of arms and pausing his pacing, and he looks at Kravitz, incredibly tempted.
"Anything. And if I don't know it, I'll look it up." Kravitz holds up his phone, and the reflection of it glints in Taako’s huge, hungry eyes. He grabs it and turns it on. 
"Oh this is good, this is very, very good. But-" 
"But you wanted to know about bonds, right?" 
"Right. And I promise I'm not trying to pry, but you keep thinking about kissing? And I want to know what that is." 
Kravitz swallow hard, knocked on his ass twofold. Taako can read his thoughts? Taako wants to kiss him???
"I can show you how, if you want," Kravitz says, embarrassed but also thrilled beyond all recognition. "Unless you think you're, you know, poisonous to me, or something-"
"It's probably fine?"
"It's probably fine!!" 
Taako walks over to him, tail flicking anxiously behind him. He's beautiful. Kravitz has finally met an alien, and he's beautiful. 
"We just- with our mouths?" 
"Exactly, just. Do what feels right." 
"Okay, I can, I can do that. And nobody is going to know, nobody will find out, it's fine-" 
Kravitz kisses him and Taako kisses back, sloppy and awkward and wonderful and Kravitz grabs the lapels of his uniform and pulls him closer and Taako makes a happy little trill and all six of his eyes flutter closed. 
They pull back to breathe, Taako panting a little, and he looks at Kravitz and nods. 
"I'm not going to kill you. Or. Scramble you, or whatever." 
"Nice," Kravitz says, grinning like an absolute idiot. "Can I tell you all the cool things I know about Earth?" 
"Maybe one more kiss. Or five. Can I have ten? Ten seems like a good number. Fuck, this is way better than cows!"
"I should hope so!" Kravitz laughs. 
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 09 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Blather)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Wen Chao’s Weird Bird, Redux
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walk away after killing the dire bird, and then Wen Chao, who was standing like 2 feet away, comes to collect its resentful little corpse. He totally heard Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji talking about him.  
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Wen Memorial
Now we visit the Wen memorial, which Wei Wuxian 2.0 won’t remember when he sees it again. Everyone who isn’t a Wen is confused and awkward while the Wens have an impromptu family conference. Agenda: 1. weeping 2. apologizing to ancestors for involuntarily being turned into temporary zombies. 3. getting the fuck out of dodge before it happens again
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This is a burial place, and the non-Wen cultivators are deferential and tentative where before they were bossy. Wei Wuxian’s affect is particularly different from his normal swagger and decisiveness. 
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Look how gently he asks Wen Qing about this place, thinking carefully and making his expression conciliatory before he opens his mouth to speak. 
(more after the cut)
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The others react to this revelation by becoming even more awkward and uncomfortable...
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But Wei Wuxian responds with shock and sympathy, once again showing why he makes friends wherever he goes, and why he is so vulnerable despite his many strengths. There is no “not my problem” setting in Wei Wuxian’s heart.
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It occurs to me, in watching his reaction, that Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a single living blood relation, as far as he or we know, and at this point he has never met a single member of his own clan. Yes yes, he has an adoptive family, and that’s lovely; I’m an adoptive parent myself. But genetic family is also super important, particularly in the ancestor-revering culture we see depicted in The Untamed. 
In any case, this moment of standing before the grave of Wen Qing’s people, with these few remaining members of her family--people who he will later get to know so well--seems to resonate with him.  
Baby Wen 
The scene at the shrine includes our first look at random cute kid massively important character Wen Yuan. 
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Let’s pretend Wen Yuan is a different age from however old he will be at the end of the Sunshot campaign, since the actor did not magically change ages. Here the character is probably two years old. 
Rich Gege Lan Wangji in this scene is wearing the same gorgeous blue color he will be wearing years later when Wen Yuan grabs him and won’t let go. Maybe A-Yuan’s pre-fever memory was super good, and he remembered that Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian belonged together. 
Chicken Hunting
Wei Wuxian seems to be all in on this chicken hunt, making sure Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang join him, but then he circles back to talk privately with Wen Qing and Lan Wangji. This was a ruse to distract Jiang Cheng. 
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Wei Wuxian is very good at manipulating Jiang Cheng and he does it frequently. He takes this ability way, way, way too far when he concocts the whole golden-core plan, which I’ll get into in the relevant episode. But this sibling dynamic is not great in either direction. 
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Incidentally, nobody asks about the giant chain mark on Wei Wuxian’s throat after he and Lan Wangji come back from their time in the woods together. What kind of rep does he have, exactly?
Having cornered Wen Qing, Wei Wuxian starts to question her seriously, but can’t resist an opportunity to flirt with Lan Wangji like an embarrassing dumbass. 
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Lan Wangji’s communication skills continue to improve, as he angrily tells Wei Wuxian "bì zuǐ! “ instead of storming off or shanking him with Bichen. [Chinese vocab OP has learned from watching CDramas: bì zuǐ (shut up),  duì bù qǐ (sorry), nú cái zuì gāi wàn sǐ  (your servant deserves to die for her offense)]
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Wei Wuxian makes a visible effort to drag himself back over the line into propriety.
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While Wei Wuxian apologizes to Lan Wangji with his eyes, Wen Qing wonders what she ever did to deserve being stuck in the middle of this crap.
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Eventually the boys get the whole Wen backstory, and Wen Qing hits the road.  
In what will become a repeating motif, Jiang Cheng asks Wen Qing to forget her family, abandon her clan, and bail on her little brother. 
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What the fuck, dude. You wouldn’t do that to Wei Wuxian and he’s your shige, not your didi. You are on this very road trip out of a sense of concern for him. As a female orphan who is the elder to her male sibling, Wen Qing’s obligation to Wen Ning is enormous even if she didn’t love him to bits. Not to mention she seems to be the clan leader for the Dafan Mountain Wens at this point. Jiang Cheng should understand her, but doesn’t.  
Club Ruohan
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God I’m boring 
 At some point in the episode we stop by Club Ruohan. Yawn. WRH tells Wen Chao he’s a dumbass for targeting Wen Qing’s people, and to get back to his fucking project already. Wen Chao talks about wanting to get “Wei Wuxian” and his homies - he doesn’t namecheck Lan Wangji, the ringbearer Yin Iron having person. Just bird-killer Wei Wuxian. That doesn’t bode well for Lotus Pier.
Wen Ruohan is actually fairly reasonable, for a power-hungry megalomaniac who’s busily corrupting himself with dark energies. Most of the atrocities in the “fuck all of the other clans” campaign were Wen Chao’s idea. 
The gang goes to Qiting and Lan Wangji gets ready to go doorknocking to find out where the next hunk of Iron is. Wei Wuxian stops him and says that his plan is stupid and it sucks. 
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In a truly amazing display of his developing trust in Wei Wuxian, socially awkward Lan Wangji asks WWX for advice on how to proceed. 
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Wei Wuxian’s answer is to go drinking. But...he’s not wrong. And he explains his reasoning to Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji before the grabbing and dragging part. Lan Wangji seems to be getting used to that part. 
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In fact Lan Wangji has already become a lot more comfortable with Wei Wuxian’s extroversion and high spirits than Jiang Cheng is, even though Jiang Cheng isn’t nearly as introverted as Lan Wangji. That’s love for ya.
Tavern Talk
Wei Wuxian slaps a heap of coins down on the table and proceeds to extravagantly order...three jugs of wine. That seems pretty moderate, but they all react like he’s a big spender. 
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Wei Wuxian: No worries, Rich Gege's got me covered 
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Wangxian’s old-married-couple dynamic appears on the scene fully formed, as Wei Wuxian slowly undresses a bottle of wine and Lan Wangji tells him to stop dawdling. 
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Chatting with the guy at the Inn works exactly as well as Wei Wuxian said it would, as he tells them about creepy doings at the old Chang place. 
Lan Wangji’s bag of holding, which was definitely not tucked into his perfectly smooth chest placket a second ago....
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bursts forth like the xenomorph in Alien, startling everyone and causing Lan Wangji a lot of pain and brow furrowing.
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Wei Wuxian leaps over and puts a steadying hand on his shoulder, and tells him to relax and concentrate, in a bit of a role reversal from earlier. Lan Wangji doesn’t shake him off. 
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Once the Yin Iron settles down again, they dash off to investigate the creepy doings, leaving Nie Huaisang behind to meet up with Meng Yao. I’m sure everyone will be glad some day that they created an opportunity for Meng Yao to join them and the new enemy they are about to capture. 
Cheng Compound
At the Cheng compound, the door is shut and there are creepy noises. Time for a talisman! 
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It’s sweet how when anything fucked-up and necromantic happens, these guys immediately look to Wei Wuxian for the right way to deal with it. 
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The outfits here form a nice a nice contrast, with the two clan lineal descendants dressed in near-matching blue with silver crowns, while Wei Wuxian has changed out of his blue and red robes and into his future signature black. The leather hair band is as fancy as he gets - he wears his outsider status pretty proudly, even at this early age. 
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The boys open the doors on a scene so grotesque, even gravity has become meaningless. 
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Lan Wangji: This is horrifying, so extremely untidy
Jiang Cheng: Do I know any of these people? No? Ok, this is fine then
Wei Wuxian: I wonder if I could kill this many people all by myself. That would be epic.
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Dirty Little Secret
Hello I just finished this and I have not edited it and I am never going to reread it lol. It is probably disjointed, OOC, and incomprehensible. Welcome to my super sick and drug-induced It oneshot. Also for the title I was torn between this and ‘truth or dare’
My friends also told me I had to put this joke in the author’s notes: “I’m paying homage to the original It. King was on coke when he wrote it, and I’m on a wild amount of cold medicine and illness”
Summary: Miraculously, they all lived. They killed that damn clown and they lived. Now, Richie just had one last thing to say.
Word Count: 1877 words
[ao3 link]
The sounds of his old friends splashing around in the quarry faded around him. Distantly, as though he wasn’t in his own body, Richie could hear them cracking jokes and laughing at each other, as if the seven of them hadn’t almost just lost their lives.
As if Eddie hadn’t almost--
Richie focused on cleaning his glasses. Without them on, it was blurry and hard to tell, but he thought there was still blood embedded into the new spiderwebbing of cracks left on one of the lenses. It wouldn’t come out. Really, it could be anyone’s blood, he’d lost track of their injuries by this point. 
But Richie knew who’s it could have been. 
Bev had said the Deadlights gave her visions of their deaths, but he hadn’t known just how vivid they could be until he dropped out of them himself. He’d opened his eyes to Eddie being skewered above him, helpless to do anything but scream his name, the Loser’s a chorus of the same. Then, he blinked, and Eddie was above him laughing and cheering his “victory.”
Richie had barely rolled them out of the way in time for one of It’s massive claws to dig deep into the stone where they had been laying. Pennywise made a noise of rage, but Richie hadn’t allowed himself even a moment to think. He’d grabbed Eddie and ran.
And now here they were. They’d killed It, crushed Its heart in their hands, and Derry was safe. They were safe. Eddie was safe. Richie sat on a rock in the dirty quarry water, distantly aware of the splash wars going on while Eddie chopped his hands and told them how unsanitary it was, cleaning themselves in dirty water. Richie knew he was being unusually quiet, and someone was bound to notice soon, but he felt like if he didn’t laugh, he was going to cry.
And for once, Richie was all out of jokes.
Then, the absolute worst thing happened: Richie was dragged into the spotlight.
Apparently, the other six Losers had been recounting the “best moments” of their battle. Richie didn’t remember much, truthfully, aside from running for his life and sniveling like a little kid.
“Hey, Rich,” Beverly called. “What was that whole ‘Truth or Dare’ thing about anyway?”
Richie let out an awkward laugh, plastering a smile onto his face. He’d gotten good at it, over the years, with how much he hated his own act, but now it just felt stiff and misshapen. He waved his hands in the air as he spoke, his glasses flopping around precariously in his grip.
“Oh, you know, just something that damn clown had brought up.”
Bill laughed. “Why would he b-b-bring up Truth or D-Dare?”
Bev swam over and started poking at his sides as she laughed. They were all laughing so much. They were clearly handling the trauma far differently than him.
“Why would It use that?” She teased. “Got something you’re afraid to confess, Trashmouth?”
Richie forced out another laugh, sounding weak to his own ears. More than you know.
Instead, Richie reached for a distraction. “Yeah, how fast it took me to finish with Eddie’s mom--”
“Beep beep, asshole!” Eddie shouted, and Richie’s next laugh felt a little less desperate. Teasing Eddie was familiar and comfortable, and Richie was almost tempted to put his glasses back on to see the adorable way his jaw clenched with annoyance.
“Remember that one time Bill dared Mike to smuggle one of the sheep into his grandfather’s house?” Ben asked, and if Richie wasn’t so gone on Eddie, he could’ve kissed him. Intentionally or not, he’d just saved Richie a whole lot of floundering to keep the attention off where he wanted it least.
The group laughed and Mike shook his head with a grin. “He was so mad,” Mike said. “I thought for sure he’d make me sleep in the barn for that.”
“Or what about the t-t-time Eddie dared Richie to eat that year-old twinkie we f-found in R-R-Richie’s room,” Bill said.
Even Richie had to laugh at that one. “Yeah, where was the concern for my health there, Eddie Spaghetti?”
“Don’t call me that,” Eddie snapped, though there was no heat behind it. “Plus, those things never fucking expire. They’re garbage, but that wouldn’t have hurt you.”
“Oh yeah? It tasted as bad as your mom’s--”
Eddie splashed Richie, sending a wave of nasty quarry water into his mouth and preventing him from finishing his sentence. He sputtered and coughed, laughing as he spit it out, and the weight of everything felt a little less oppressive now that he was laughing with them all.
“Oh!” Bev said, “What about the time Stan dared Bill--”
Richie grinned as he went back to trying to dig the blood out of the cracks in his glasses with his nails. They were short and stubby, so it wasn’t exactly easy, but he managed to make some progress. This time, though, he made sure not to tune his friends out. He listened to each of their stories, letting their laughter wrap around him like a warm, worn, familiar blanket, just like he had always been searching for when they were kids, and slowly felt his shoulders relax. And as they were laughing, the thought occurred to Richie.
What was he so afraid of?
This was Richie’s family. After everything they’d been through, killer alien clowns and all, would his sexuality really be the thing to break them? It’d be a little silly at that point, Richie thought. 
A little silly, and a lot unfair. And who knew how they’d react? He’d seen them all in their underwear, shared blankets and chairs and beds with them, held them close (he wished he could do that now, but he wasn’t brave enough to be so touchy as an adult). What if they accused him of taking advantage of them when they hadn’t known? What if they were disgusted by him? What if they forgot him again, but this time by choice?
Richie was forced out of his thoughts when someone shrieked, and he promptly realized he’d allowed himself to tune everyone out again as he catastrophized. His head shot up at the shriek, his heart pounding in panic. Instead of a psychotic clown or a gruesome murder, Richie caught sight of Ben, who had seemingly heaved Beverly out of the water, tossing Bev as far as he could back into the murky water. She came up sputtering and laughing, arguing that whatever she’d said had definitely happened, no matter what he said.
Bill and Mike were leaning on each other from the force of their laughter. Ben had a sly grin on his face, though the corner of his lip was twisted a little in embarrassment as Bev kept hounding at him. Stan wasn’t outright laughing so much as he was grinning, but that was pretty much the same thing when it came to him. Eddie was laughing so hard that his cheeks had gone pink.
Richie promptly realized that if he didn’t do it now, he was never going to get up the courage to do it again.
“I’m gay,” Richie said loudly, the words echoing uncomfortably across the quarry.
The sounds of splashing and play fighting stopped and Richie heard more than saw everyone turn toward him. He kept his glasses off, eyes focused on his hands. If he had to look at them, see them clearly, he wouldn’t get through this. Every cell in his being was telling him to bury this with a joke, to move on and make a funny and forget the whole thing, but he couldn’t. Not this time. He needed to stop hiding.
“I’m gay,” he said again, quieter this time. “That’s why It brought up ‘Truth or Dare.’ Because I wouldn’t want anyone to pick truth.”
Richie kept his head down, but he heard the others moving through the water. He startled when he felt Bev’s arms wrap around one of his own. Richie looked up and saw his friends (or, really, saw blobs shaped vaguely like his friends) all coming toward him, wrapping themselves around him where he sat.
Ben curled himself around Richie’s knee, right below Bev. On Richie’s other side, Mike, Bill, and Stan all crushed in trying to wrap around him in some way. Mike ended up wrapped around Richie’s leg, which probably looked ridiculous, if only Richie could see, while Bill and Stan curled up around his arm and side. Then, Eddie came up behind Richie, wrapping his arms carefully around Richie’s shoulders and resting his head on Richie’s own (probably taking advantage of being taller than Richie, for the moment).
“We’re proud of you, Rich,” Stan said quietly.
Tears stung at Richie’s eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He sat there for a few minutes, soaking in their warmth and care, closing his eyes and letting peace finally overcome him. The secret, his dirty little secret, had finally been aired. He didn’t need to be scared of it anymore, at least not in this small circle (coming out as a public figure was an entirely different story, and Richie sure as fuck wasn’t ready for that yet). Pennywise’s words, echoing in his head since they were said, finally began to quiet.
“Thank you,” Rich said eventually, his shields formed from humor finally coming back up. He could only handle so much emotional vulnerability without making a joke. “I don’t have my glasses on so I don’t know who you people are, but thank you.”
Richie’s friends laughed, and he could feel Eddie’s chin brushing against his head with the force of Eddie’s eyeroll. Richie himself chuckled a little, blinking to clear the lingering tears from his eyes before they could fall. It was then that he noticed his hands: one clasped tightly between Ben and Beverly’s fingers, and the other resting on one of Eddie’s arms, Stan’s hand resting atop his.
“Oh shit,” he mumbled.
He felt more than saw (seeing as he couldn’t see) Beverly and Mike look up at him.
“I legit can’t find my glasses.”
A chorus of “Are you serious?” met Richie’s ears and he almost laughed again, but it was true. Sometime between the six of them latching onto him, Richie’s glasses had completely vanished.
Richie settled in where he sat as the others went off to find his glasses, diving beneath the water and arguing between themselves. The only person who didn’t move away was Eddie, who shifted from standing behind him to sitting next to him. As he heard Bev laugh, followed by a splash (Richie would bet money she just dunked Ben, the two had been attached at the hip and making heart eyes at each other since they escaped Neibolt), he felt Eddie grab his right hand and interlock their fingers.
There was a distinct lack of cold, wet metal as Eddie squeezed his hand, and Richie swore his heart skipped more than a few beats.
Maybe he wasn’t the only one with a secret, Richie thought as Eddie’s head leaned against his shoulder for a few seconds. And maybe, just maybe, Richie wouldn’t have to go home and face his nightmares alone after this.
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gaymershigh · 3 years
hi! can i request riddle, ace, epel, deuce, and floyd finding out their male s/o is an age regressor to cope with stress? pls make it fluffy!! (also it's ok if you can't do my request !! /genuine)
Despite this being so long in my inbox for so long, I'm actually pretty excited to do this one, anonnie! However, this is a shorter since I don't fully know about age regressing, sorry about that! ಥ_ಥ
Triggers: none
Riddle, Ace, Epel, Deuce and Floyd discovering their male s/o is an age regressor
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He was always the one who gets stressed out from his dorm members so you're probably the one that needs to comfort him if anything but it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to comfort you as well.
But that doesn't mean he automatically knows what to do when he's finds this information about you, though. He has learned several things throughout his garbage childhood but age regression is not one of it.
When Trey said it's been days since you looked drained and tired from what he presumely was because of you studying for the final exam and just prefect duties in general. This got him worried because you're his lover and obviously he doesn't want to see you worried.
When he did check up with you, he was loss for words. There were coloring books everywhere and then there's you connecting dots to finish the drawing of the book.
This is probably the times you are really stressed and of course he wants to help at all cost but he really doesn't know what to do. Of course, with your little explanation, everything gets a little bit easier to handle.
He didn't really have a good parent role models and the only thing that his mother did to him was celebrating his birthdays and sometimes act nice. He's not gonna act like that of course but he might accidentally project what his mother has done to you and if he did, he will be on his knees and apologize.
He'll do research's about things he should do with children/toddler/infant around your age. He wants you to feel fully comfortable on age regressing around him, this could also help him with parenting if you two would ever consider adopting or so.
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Dating Ace won't save you from all the chaos and disasters from this school and he DEFINITELY won't stop from causing any trouble and stressing you out unintentionally.
To be honest, you're a whole different breed of alien if you don't get stressed out at the slightest by your boyfriend and friend's shenanigans. Not only do you have to deal with daily disarray but you also have prefect duties to be doing thanks to that deatbead of a principal.
You always run up to the dorm as soon as you had finish your tasks from headmaster. At the first few times you did it he didn't really give one. You probably want to sleep since it's just tiring but as more day passes by, Ace gets more pissed. You have been lessening your time with him and barely even check your phone.
He gets it, you're tired and all but he's a selfish bastard and wants your love 24/7. So when you kept ending your calls with him very early and he HAD it. So when he barged in to your room, my man went stiff. You were just in the middle of playing with some toys until he interrupted your little session.
"Uh, what are you doing?"
Just by telling him you're age regressing, he already knows what's up and what to do for some reason. He be sprinting to Sam's shop, not caring the weird looks he's getting from buying all these children/toddler type stuff. Does he care? HELL NO! You're his top priority at the current moment and this might be some way to spend time, no?
He'll dote and spoil you to bits. You're so cute, there's no way he could ever say no to your little self! Cuddles? Of course! New toys? Definitely! Headpats? Say no more! He'll love you and treat you like the lovely prince.
He sometimes accidentally forget that you can change to your big self and you'll have to remind him. He once treated you like a baby when you're in your bedroom, thinking you are still in your little self. It was awkward and he wished and beg for you to not speak about it ever again.
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He was probably forced to take care of a baby in his hometown back then. Though, this doesn't mean he's automatically good at taking care of kids. If anything, he's horrible at it. He hadn't learned much from that babysitting experience.
Now, when he discovered that you age regress, those terrible memories of the baby crying up a storm comes back but this is potentially a time for him to enhance his babysitting skills, maybe? He freaking hopes so, he doesn't want to be a lost cause.
He's the one that always gets stressed and always in the lowest from the VDC practice. The burden that Vil keeps throwing on him makes him so worked up, he doesn't even see you getting also a tiny bit stressed from both manager duties and just watching others getting pressured in general.
You've been holding it back for awhile to turn to your little self in worries of getting caught. He finally notices when Ace asked if you're ok because you seemed like you're struggling with something. He got super suspicious when you kept brushing him off.
He thinks that you're just uncomfortable to talk about in public or it's something so private that even talking about it to your friends is a no-no. So when you're in your bedroom, he'll pester about you to spill the beans.
So when you did and explained to him what age regressing, he just let out a simple "oh". He doesn't know what to do other than asking questions on what you like to do. Please be straightforward with your answer because he's garbage at reading hearts and also just looks tragic when taking care of people younger than him.
He forces you that you're going to be little but in little and have to lock the door if you do because you need to let the stress go. He will also ask you if you're little subtly if your signs of being little is not as obvious.
He will learn how to take care of you and buy the things you like by looking at the things you already have or have a lot of quantity. He's not the best at taking care but he's getting better so give him a clap for that.
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No little kid in their right mind would approach him when he's in his middle school days, meaning that he has have not a single interaction with a kid that could be remembered. If anything, they'll run the second he tries to even approach them. Sure, he now has experience with talking to kids but it's so painfully awkward it hurts your soul.
He knows what little space is but only the meaning of it and nothing else. He thought that people only do this because they want to literally go back to old memories which is partly true but that's not enough. You must educate this fool.
Just like Ace, you're not safe from the disasters of the school and your own boyfriend's idiocy. Him being less smart than Ace doesn't help it either. You're the god of patience if you can handle all of the messes both you, your friends and boyfriend have caused. Also again, you're something else if you can handle all the prefect duties from Crowley because he sucks.
You usually have study sessions with him so you can help him get better at history and other subject he sucks at and this could also help you memorise and learn new things as well. Though, you're have been either showing up late or keep coming up with excuses when you just don't attend at all. He's getting really impatient but doesn't want to sound like an asshole so he just deals with it.
You got caught for being little while in call without realizing. He swear he thought he can speak baby/toddler language when he spoke to you when you're still immersed in your little toys.
He ran to your room in Usain Bolt pace to your place, worried sick for you. You were finally back to your original state and explain the situation to avoid any stupid conclusions that he possibly can come up with. He was shocked when he found out this is a way to cope with stress. He asked will it help him too and if he should do it, are you against it or are you all up for it? Your choice.
He googled about how to deal with you when you're little and it miraculously help! Kinda. I mean, he knows what things to but for you and how to kinda get along with your activities. How to dote and actually treat you like your younger self? Eh...not so much but just like Epel, he's learning but not as fast as the purple haired boy. Still, praise him for putting this much effort!
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It's known that he's spectacular with kids. Despite his intimidating height, he knows exactly what do without even making a single kid quiver in fear. He's way more experienced than anyone here and knows how to deal with age regressing people without himself even knowing it.
He does know what age regressing fully is just like Ace. Just say the word and he's lock and loaded with bunch of children activities that you two could do. He makes sure he brings the "fun" ones only according to his taste.
Being the manager for the VDC competition is such a burden, you knew it will be stressful but NOT this bad. From listening to others' worries to knowing the fact that there's nothing you can do at all about Vil's strictness. Watching others being in dilemmas while you're forced to sit back, watching your friends and peers at the lowest shatters your heart.
You feel absolutely useless and you hate it and telling your boyfriend about your problems won't help that much either. If anything, you don't want to annoy Floyd by seeing you in such a downer state so what's the best option? Don't spend too much time to the point of showing your problems until VDC is over! Definitely a good horrendous idea.
You didn't really think this through when he gets annoyed that you're being non-commital and looks like you really want to get out of here. He'll let it slide for a bit, thinking you're not in the mood like him sometimes but when it keeps happening consistently, he's had enough. He wants answers asap.
You should've expected him questioning and being unable to hide things from him. Since you know it's technically useless to hide things from him at this point. Might as well tell the whole thing, in a private place of course. There's no way you can let anyone else hear your little secret.
The only thing he asked is to confirm that you're age regressing. Once you say yes, he immediately goes down to business. You want that dino toy? Purchased. You don't know which playdough set you want? Out of stock. You want a kids meal type of food? All ready and served. He's really doing all this for you and wants to spoil you rotten. In exchange for cuddles and some praises of course!
Like I said before, he doesn't want your activities while being little to be quitet and dull. So he bought every single game that suitable at your little self's age and very fun for him. Get ready, because you're going to have a bomb of a time with him!
You could potentially be taller than him but he's going to pick you up and doing little circles like you're an actual baby. He'll coo you and everything, he makes the experience like you're actually back in childhood which is an amazing job.
Since there's people in your dorm thanks to the boot camp and he really wants you to be fully and all, he's going to let you be in his room so you can be his little self. Ain't no way some dumb boot camp will stop you from having a fun time with Floyd!
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Can you tell that I got a sudden energy boost when writing Floyd's part? Lol~
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ravenadottir · 3 years
If you could switch any of the routes, how would you do it? For example, put Noah in super easy mode by giving him Bobby's route. Or make Gary the Unicorn (Kassam's route).
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((live footage of me thinking about noah having any other route than his own))
so, let’s see...
i would like noah’s playthrough to still have the flavor of his indecision, and plenty of dialogues so i could fall even more in love with him... but you know, less snakey and painful, soooo, i would give him rahim’s route. we get to be with him since day one, but he switches to someone else because of his insecurity, eventually becoming ours again when the right timing is right.
rahim should’ve had noah’s route. hear me out! he’s the one who cannot deal with confrontation. noah still bickers back when he and hope fight, and gives her some hard time when she says she makes more money than him. the only person who truly doesn’t take confrontation is rahim. he actually lets priya go for noah on operation, and i still don’t understand why he wouldn’t say anything, unless he was scared of calling her out. with that being said, he’s not out there at all, handsome, quiet and timid. that’s much more gentleman-y than noah ever was on those first couple of days! priya going after him on “operation nope” would make more sense than noah, because rahim is exactly her type, not book boy! she says she likes guys that can be cheeky and that’s who rahim is, despite of delivering the lines wrong. noah isn’t throwing pick up lines back and forth, and rahim was the one saying he doesn’t want to be friends with her because something else is on the table. and if we’re all playing the same game here, instead of hope, we put lottie on it. cause you know... cuckoo over a guy... and the fights with priya would stay in that realm of making sense. lottie going for priya’s guts would’ve actually been justified!
as for crane boy, i wanted to see something flavorful in than just lottie pining over him while he’s entirely into mc. it’s just very annoying she calls dibs without ever being with him. lucas’s route would fit gary so well, because he’s still unsure of whether he should trust someone or not, after being burned. and it would make sense for him to switch because he’s conflicted. it makes sense for lucas, but not for henrik (that was ooc), so gary could take that part. after mc is back and alone, he realizes the mistake he made and apologizes. it suits him better than henrik, i’ll tell you that. plus, if they made blake convince him? even better! one more for the “naive gary” for the win.
henrik could’ve been a casa amor guy. he’s the kind of boy you either fall in love right away or never give him a second look. imagine this dumbass of a guy trying to get with you in less than three days, while being confused about everything felix says! getting him so desperately trying to get with you being his confident self would’ve been another level! it also doesn’t make sense for him and lucas to come after the girl they’re with. they’re mates! it needed to be something about the frenemies trope and not the little brother-big brother. if we could put henrik on carl’s place, alien boy would’ve been a bombshell: 
carl coming in on day 5, taking henrik’s spot, would have a much richer development. he has a lot to learn about trust and control, and spending more time with us would teach him that. if carl brought someone back from casa amor, it would give sense to what he says later about “ending things before they get serious”. the angst would’ve been far more intense and the compensation of his arc much more satisfying than it is, giving him a full circle of a “awkward and scared” trope and giving us the carl arc we deserved.
rocco can stay put. his arc kind of fits him well and i don’t mind not seeing him again.
lucas could have gary’s route, and i would love to fight marisol over him. bear with me, it will make sense in a bit. lucas being an og boy would actually be cool since he doesn’t make the best first impressions with the guys, only the girls. the friendships would’ve been conditional and i would love to see that! plus, a little of hope’s glances towards him. but back to the marisol thing. she knows this is a place to find love, but also to play a game when it’s needed. once you get the breakfast gate happening, it’s on! marisol would be interested in him because of his looks and background. being so educated, honest, blunt and rude as he is, for once, she would’ve stirred from her usual type, and we could’ve had a little bit of a healthy competition.. imagine the snarky comments but still, the friendship with her being intact if one of us gets the guy. and marisol still being a love interest would only make everything more flavorful. “i thought i was competing for him, but it turns out, i was into you the whole time.”
bobby getting the unicorn route, in casa amor. imagine the players that unlocked him saying “did you know he’s a baker who makes cupcakes for his friends when they’re sad?” it would actually be a unicorn because once you’re on his route, and is sweet just like him, he boops you. PLAYERS POSTING ABOUT THE UNICORN GUY BOOPING THEM. i bet fusebox would’ve fixed that shit already, given he would become quite popular, not only because of his looks (because let’s face it, he’s adorable) but also the things he says and does. plus, if they played the cards right, he would’ve gone down on mc during casa, and OH MY GOD, the stans would lose their shit even more!
kassam would get bobby’s spot, and honestly? he would’ve been a direct competition to mysteryous lucas. he has so much to offer, but after casa amor, all the guys become the same person and that’s honestly a waste! kassam being there since day one would’ve been legitimately the quiet guy. even more so than noah.
elisa coming in from casa amor and staying, instead of shannon. again, hear me out. elisa still being an li it would mean she falls for us after being with a guy, and in this case, noah. elisa being a mean casa girl, but falling for us and having a completely new “enemies to lovers” route? UM, YES! much more interesting than what they gave her. let’s face it, girl was robbed! plus, day 19 is when everything happens, and elisa being jealous of whoever we saved (or brought back) is actually a dream! i still want a cool girl to be jealous of my mc!
shannon coming in later would make much more sense if she foght jo over one of the boys. the betrayal is far superior given they both came in together and were supposed to have each other’s backs. the fight would happen, and because shannon is not with him, it would also be understandable for her to not get the guy involved.
this second part you didn’t ask for, but like, my brain is gonna be scratching if i don’t match them like this:
‘new villa’
‘og boys and girls’
noah + hope become: rahim + lottie (staying together until the end, and it would make sense for lottie to be paranoid about priya and mc)
rahim + marisol become: noah + hope (would split right after hope realized he’s not her type)
gary + hannah become: lucas + hannah (hannah still gets dumped, but lucas is entirely for grabs after day 10)
rocco as rocco // rocco + mc (that could be the obligatory choice until he gets kicked for getting with someone else, and that would interchangeable among the girls depending on who you flirt with)
kassam as bobby kassam + marisol (it looks and feels cursed, but they would’ve mixed and matched once marisol noticed he’s not her type)
carl + gary
‘casa amor’
henrik coming in instead of carl, the other boys as themselves.
elisa being brought by rahim, and blake being brought by either carl or gary. much easier to manipulate, let’s face it.
shannon and jo come together and fight over one of the guys (probably)
‘disaster recoupling’
- jakub would choose lottie
- rahim would choose priya or mc (depending on your participation on operation rattie... or lohim)
- bombshell that stayed (gary or carl) chooses mc, stealing her away or staying in a couple as they were after girls’ choice
- noah chooses hope (and the surprise would be just as big, given hope doesn’t think anything of him because he’s too shy)
- lucas chooses chelsea
- kassam goes for marisol
‘stick or switch’
- jakub stays loyal (despite of bedding someone)(lottie going insane over the fact that he did that, regardless of how she feels disgusted by him)
- rahim stays loyal to priya, or brings blake back, if he’s with mc
- bombshell (gary or carl) brings blake back or stays loyal (depending on operation lohim)
- noah brings elisa (even though he’s not a hundred percent sure, and you can choose him the next recoupling)
- lucas stays loyal to chelsea, regardless
- kassam stays single
- marisol still switches to graham (even on her route)
- chelsea brings elijah back if you stayed single, or stays loyal to lucas if you switch
my brain is tired, i’m going night-night after this one.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Fighting with Aliens”
So I wrote this to address a very interesting difference between humans and aliens because I realized it could potentially cause serious conflict if an outsider would to look on. Has fight scenes in it obviously, and blood, so there is that. I can foresee some of you not liking the outcome, so if you are easily bothered, probably don’t read this one. 
Where was that man! She swore, every morning he was somewhere different. Like what kind of person has a schedule THAT erratic. She wondered how he even survived as a person without structure in his life. But then again, that’s what she was here for, to bring structure, and he very much desperately needed it.
She was determined that by the time she was done, he would have a schedule predictable to the minute.
That was, of course, if she could find him.
She swore that one of these days she was going to have to lojack that man, fit him with some kind of tracking system in his sleep so she could find him every morning.
Unfortunately, right now she was on her own, and was forced to start from the top down starting with the bridge then moving down to the administrative deck. 
She rather hoped he might already be in his office, but when she found nothing she definitely kicked herself for being that stupid. Admiral Vir was NEVER in his office. In fact, he was notorious for avoiding it whenever he could.
Then again, Admiral Vir was notorious for a lot of things, and that was included but not limited to avoiding his office, wearing heelies on the job, making horrible dad jokes, blasting music on the bridge, and eating all the popsicles.
Simon herself was notorious for almost the exact opposite, her perfectly pressed uniform, her ability to be one time down to the minute, her tendency to get stressed when things didn’t go to plan, and her surprisingly frequent inability to understand the Admiral’s jokes.
It made her feel sort of bad considering that Even the little alien doctor Krill seemed to get it, and if there was anyone on the ship that she could understand, it was him. He had a schedule like a rock solid wall of dependability, a mind like a steel trap, and a sense of humor so dry and clever it ALSO went over her head.
She turned the corner brooding her face pulled down into a frown nearly running into a figure rushing in the opposite direction. She had to leap out of the way in surprise as Dr. katie, the dark haired bespectacled attending physician, yelped in shock.
“Dr Katie!”
Dr. katie put a hand over her chest, “Simon, you scared me half to death.”
Simon rubbed the back of her head a bit, “Sorry, um, do you have an idea where the Admiral is?”
“Oh Adam, yes I know where he is. I was actually headed down there right now if you want to join.”
Simon nodded and fell into step beside the tall doctor.
“I can never find him in the morning.”
“Yeah, no that does sound like Adam. If it helps, just head down to krill’s office one of these days, and we should be able to give you administrative access to his tracking system.”
“Wait, you-”
“Yeah sort of a precaution after he kept getting kidnapped so much, plus he has a habit of hiding when he gets stressed, which isn’t so much a problem these days, but in the past it was a real bitch to find him.”
Simon shook her head in near amazement as she followed Dr. Katie down a set of stairs and onto the crew deck.
They walked for a few meters when the sound of metal ringing on metal reached her ears.
She trailed after Dr. katie as they came around the corner into the massive Rec room at the center of the crew deck. She didn’t come here much and so would never have thought to look. She was rather awkward around people and didn’t know how to talk to them in a normal manner outside work related topics.
She had always been horrible talking to people, getting to know them, or bonding with them in general.
Humans weren’t exactly easy to understand.
So she tended to spend most of her time locked away in her office or in her room, or sitting on the bridge where she could work, where things were procedural, and memorizing notes and lists was a strength. When it came to work there were always protocols, measures to get things done, and a strict adherence to he rules. When it came to people,  there was no telling what they were going to do: the Admiral being the prime example.
Generally Admiral Vir was not the kind of person she would like to spend time with. He was extroverted, outgoing, erratic, and high energy, but he was a very empathetic man, and he made up for most of the other things with patience and kindness towards her even when she didn’t allow it for herself.
In return, she had put all her effort into trying to understand him. She had observed, and watched and made lists and taken notes. She knew what he liked and what he didn’t like. She knew what people on the crew were his closest friends, she knew his favorite places to spend time.
She had a detailed profile written up about him in her personal log -- which never occurred to her could be misconstrued as being super super creepy.
Those were the reasons why she knew he was a science fiction nerd, he had a collection of old movies from the information age, he liked a mix of alternative, hard rock, heavy metal, and punk, when he ate his food he insisted on eating the items in order from least favorite to most favorite, he benched 270, and he talked with his family every friday night at six.
Of course that wasn’t exactly a comprehensive list, but just things she knew off the top of her head to better understand the man that she was working for She hoped that the more that she knew one day she would be able to understand him and work well with him without forcing him to hold her hand when it came to running his daily routine.
However, when she stepped into the rec room, she received a shock that she had not expected or really appreciated.
She wasn’t a big fan of surprises.
Yet this was, indeed, a surprise.
The rec room was large and circular inhabiting the very center of the fourth deck. The outer ring contained chairs and tables and TVs and pool tables, all of the sort of recreational things that normal people liked to do in their downtime, but in the center of that there was another large ring, bounded by walls on all sides and with benches looking inward.
Simon hadn’t been sure what that was for when she was first brought aboard the ship, though now she was getting a first hand demonstration as to its use.
Admiral Vir stood in the circle, lightly dressed and wearing hard leather padding on his head, shoulders, chest, arms, and upper legs. In one hand he was holding a metal staff just a little taller than he was.
His knees were bent in a low crouch, and the staff was held at a low forward angle.
On the other side of the ring stood one of the Drev clan members.
Flipping through her mental notes Simon remembered her name as Sunny or Chalan in her native language. She was the Chief weapons officer aboard the ship, was a mechanic, and rather short of a Drev. her and the Admiral tended to spend a lot of time together, and so she assumed that they were close friends.
However the part of this that surprised her tended towards the fact that, she didn’t know that Admiral Vir knew how to use a quarterstaff.
She froze in her place just as one of the watching drev -- a large red one named Cannon pronounced Kanan in his native tongue, slammed a metal spear against the ground to mark the beginning of the round..
Simon yeled in shock and surprise as the two charged at each other with roars, of what seemed to be rage -- though she had never been good at divining emotions.
Metal slammed against metal as the two crashed into each other. Sparks shed out to either side as they exchange a flurry of blows. He struck to the right, she parried to the left, she brought the right side of her spear up to try and catch him off guard, he spun away ducking under and jabbing forward. She blocked the jab to glance off to her right, and kicked out at him with one of her feet.
He dodged to the side and aimed a sheering blow at her head, which she caught last second on the shaft of her spear.
The fury of their fight left Simon reeling in shock and surprise. They didn’t pull their punches, they didn’t aim for the body only. This was full force, full speed, real weapons no holds barred combat!
In the stands Drev cheered them on with great enthusiasm. The humans that were watching had mixed feelings. Ramirez and Maverick were standing with the Drev screaming at Adam to get his head in the game and not be a wuss. Other humans were grimacing and wincing.
Dr. Krill st to the side looking exasperated at the same time he appeared at least sort of worried.
The Celzex onlookers were cheering with the frenzy of the Drev, yelling insults and encouragement to their favorite contender. A few of them were sitting on the shoulders of other enthusiastic, or, in some cases, concerned humans. THe FInnari huddled together around one specific human who looked to be having the time of her life comforting the tiny creatures.
And the Tesraki were nowhere to be seen, probably hiding or run away somewhere to count money.
Adam ducked under a cything blow that would have sent him straight to the emergency room and cut upward quickly, catching Sunny hard on the lower arm. She backed away showing no sign other that the blow had managed to phase her.
From there the fighting only grew more intense. From across the room Simon could hear the swish of the metal as it cythed through the air.
The clattering of steel hitting steel was practically deafening. SHe had no idea how the two of them were still fighting without their hands hurting.
And then Sunny feinted to her left passing into his blind spot where the epatch was.
He turned to face her, but she had already been moving.
A loud THWACK rent the air.
Admiral Vir’s feet left the ground as he was pitched back violently a good three feet before slamming into the ground. The metal rod was jostled from his hands and went clattering across the ring.
The cr4owd had taken to their feet as a chorus of sympathetic noises rose from both sides.
Simon stood in shock for a half moment as Admiral Vir groaned and crawled to his hands and knees.
Sunny approached quarterstaff raised.
Simon raced forward and jumped into the ring, hands held up, “STOP!”
Sunny pulled to a halt looking confused.
The crowd booed.
“What are you doing!” her voice went up a few octaves, not sure what was going on. Why was no one trying to stop this. Admiral Vir sat back on his heels, wiping blood from his mouth and chin, which was dripping down from his nose, “Simon.”
The Drev above her were frowning, “Get out of the ring lieutenant.”
“No, what-”
“You're interrupting a duel, get out of the ring.”
Simon turned in a confused circle, “But-”
Admiral vir stood, holding his nose waving a hand at the Drev, “Timeout guys, she’s not familiar with Drev war practices, so give her a break.”
The Drev backed down a little but still looked a little miffed as Admiral grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the circle, “May I talk to you for a few minutes.” He marched her out of the circle, a hand on her arm, face still bleeding. Katie offered him a gauze pad, which he held to his face as he walked her oer to a table and sat her down.
“Simon, I  may have failed to mention this rule to you, but it is highly improper to intervene in a drev dueling match.”
Simon shook her head still reeling with confusion and horror, “But, Admiral, she hit you! Under section two subsection b of the UNSC manual it describes an act of violence on a UNSC ship as domestic battery.”
He coked an eyebrow, “You think Sunny just committed domestic assault, like punching your wife or husband or something.”
“Well yeah! Since we live on a ship, the UNSC classifies any aggressive action as domestic in nature.”
He sighed, “Simon, I am the leader of a Drev clan, I was adopted by two, which means I am a Drev and I must abide by their customs and rules.” He went to place a hand on her arm, but drew back after a moment knowing that she didn’t like to be touched, “Look, Simon, I know this is hard to understand, but the Drev aren't like us. To be Drev, to be friends with them, to be in a relationship with one if that were the case, means letting go of some preconceived human notions.”
“But hitting each other is not ok! She insisted 
Admiral Vir shook his head in a long suffering sort of way, “Simon, you're looking at this through the scope of being human. If it were a human that hit me, by all means lock them in the brig. Because when humans are aggressive it is attached to anger, or frustration or aggression. But when Drev fight it isn’t attached to emotion, in fact their mating practices require them to duel each other. Drev relationships seen by humans are often violent and aggressive, but it's part of who and what they are. To them something like this is a sign of trust and friendship. You cannot judge them based on human standards any more than they can judge us based on our human ones.”
“But I-”
“Simon, I agreed to this. I walked in here this morning and I said, hey sunny want to beat the tar out of me. To them an offer like that is a good thing, its….. Well it means much more than what it means for humans. Besides, once upon a time I lived in  a Drev village for a few months and was beaten up by pretty much everyone  I Came in contact with. From their language and their culture, I have since gained a much different understanding of fighting. I have a different relationship with it now.”
Simon shook her head, this was difficult to compute. People hitting each other was bad, that was a rule, that was something that was black and white to her. She didn’t understand how this man could consider it a good thing, or even as a sign of friendship. It didn’t make sense in the framework of everything she understood.
He sighed, “Look, how about this, you trust me to know what is right and wrong when it comes to the Drev. Working with them I expect things to be aggressive, I expect them to be violent. Assume that everything they do is a low level of aggressive. A lot of people would look at my friendship with Sunny and think that something is wrong with it based on how it looks from a human perspective, but both of us have made compromises, and it is actually a very healthy thing we have going. Honestly if she pulled her punches and didn’t hit me in the dueling ring I would be offended.
Simon still wasn’t sure about this.
He tapped his fingers on the table, “Ok, this might help, the Drev society is based on a very specific set of rules. You should go talk to Cannon about it. Sunny isn’t going to hit me outside of a duel. To strike someone in anger is considered to be bad as well. As far as outside the ring, Drev are expected to be bossy, pushy, stubborn, and mildly aggressive, so Anything they do that falls within a scale of mild is alright.
He stood, “Now if you'll excuse me. I have a Drev’s Ass to kick.”
Dr. Katie took the gauze from his hand as he clamberted back into the ring, blood still staining his mouth and chin.
Simon watched nervously as sunny spun her staff around.
“Done taking your little break.”
He cracked his neck, “Done taking my break, and to make it even, I’ll start from the ground.”
She snorted and Cannon slammed his spear into the ground once again.
Admiral Vir rolled to the side, picking up his spear on the way as Sunny charged after.
She cut down towards his face, and he caught it on the flat of his spear kicking upwards and catching her in the knee. 
She scrambled back.
He lept to his feet.
The fight went on like this.
Sunny got caught in the face once a shallow cut bleeding orange down her cheek, but instead of growing angry her eyes seemed to brighten with excitement. Admiral Vir took hits on the shoulder and the leg. Sunny got hit in the stomach and chest.
The fight continued, Admiral Vir was thrown to the ground. The Celzex were screaming in delight.
Sunny charged, but the admiral rolled forward thrusting the spear to roll along the ground before him.
Sunny was to late, her foot landed right on the shaft of the spear, and the spear rolled. Her leg slipped out from underneath her and she went crashing to the ground.
Admiral Vir leaped forward spinning the spear behind his back.
The room went quiet.
Admiral Vir Sat stradling Sunny’s chest one end of the quarterstaff to her throat.
He leaned in a little, “Better luck next time.”
The crowd Cheered.
Sunny raised her hands, “Good fight for a puny runt.”
“I could say the same about you he teased, rolling off to the side.”
Simon wasn’t really sure what to make of any of this. She still hadn’t managed to reconcile the fact that hitting wasn’t necessarily a bad thing because when Admiral Vir came out of the circle he was limping and still wiping blood from his face. If she had seen that on the street down on earth she would be very worried about him. She would call the cops.
But he was also smiling walking with Sunny as she limped right along with him. 
The way they looked at each other was…. strange .
She couldn’t place it.
She would need to rework her profile of him just a little. And she would have to rework her profile of the Drev. it seemed as if she was going to have to learn a whole new set of social rules for the different alien species.
She sighed in frustration.
She hadn’t even figured humans out yet and now she was expected to do more.
This was going to be a very long deployment. 
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
So I'm... super late posting this, but I was traveling this weekend and yeah, life. Anyway, this is my submission for Day 3 of RNM Heat Weekend: Alien Biology. It's Isobel helping Michael with some startling changes his body is going through.
This is also on AO3 here!
Isobel didn’t know what she’d done in her pre-pod past life, but she was surely atoning for it.
It started with Michael texting her frantically that he needed to come over and see her. It was the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday in July when he should’ve been working for Sanders. She didn’t have anywhere to be or anything to do, so she’d been reading a magazine in bed and texting non-committal responses to Jake, her newest admirer. Her alien super ESP or whatever was tingling so she knew whatever Michael needed was going to take up the rest of her day. With a frustrated huff, Isobel finally adamantly turned down Jake for a hook-up later that night and told Michael to come over. She might as well get the drama started now so maybe she could text Jake and tell him she’d changed her mind later if she got finished with Michael early.
The middle part was worse than the beginning. After she’d snuck him in the back door and up to her room, she could see that he was properly freaked out. His eyes were wide and wild, his skin was dewy with perspiration, and he couldn’t stop pacing from one end of her room to the other. Isobel down calmly on the end of her bed and waited for him to calm down enough to explain. When he did stop in front of her, he met her eyes and visibly paled. In fact, he looked like he was about to be sick.
“What is it, Michael?” she asked, her tone more demanding than she meant it. He was starting to scare her.
Michael opened and closed his mouth a few times, consonants only half forming before they were cut off while he thought of another word to start with. She glared up at him from the bed, crossing her arms and tapping her freshly manicured nails against the sleeves of her shirt. Michael looked at her expression and she could see his throat move as he swallowed.
“Come on, Michael. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad. And if it is, you know me and Max will have your back. Just spit it out,” she demanded, though her tone was softer than it had been a moment before. She didn’t like the fear on his face.
“I… I don’t know how to start. I just… I…” he began, before collapsing in her desk chair across from her and burying his face in his hands. Isobel could see that they were shaking and she started to sit forward herself. She reached out and laid a hand on his arm, keeping at bay the distaste that the cool, clamminess of his skin rose in her.
“Well, I guess we could try twenty questions, but it might be—” she started, trying to lighten the mood in an effort to make him open up.
“Something is leaking out of my ass!” Michael all, but yelled, hands still covering his face but his words perfectly clear. Isobel stilled completely, unsure that she’d heard him right.
“Uh.. like…like…poo?” she asked tentatively. God, she hoped Michael wasn’t going over here and sitting in her chair while he had uncontrollable diarrhea. He shot her a filthy glare that made her feel like he could read her mind.
“No. Not like poo. Like… It’s clear? And.. and like, kind of sticky? It, uhm, started when… when…” he seemed to lose his nerve, because in the next moment his face was buried in his hands again. “wheniwasmakingoutwithAlex.”
He said the last part in such a rush that Isobel wasn’t sure she understood him.
“What? You were what?”
”I WAS MAKING OUT WITH ALEX,” he said again, louder. He’d said it while shooting up out of his chair to start walking back and forth across her room again. Isobel stared at him, stunned, her mouth hanging open. She didn’t know what she wanted to know more about – his leaking asshole or the fact he was still making out with Alex even after what his father had done to Michael’s hand. She watched him pace while she sorted out which was more important at that moment. Obviously, he was more freaked out about his ass than the Alex thing. She’d get that story out of him later.
“So… so what do you… think it was? Like… Why are you telling me about it?” she finally asked, a little unsure where this was going.
“Well, I guess I was just wondering if you’ve ever experienced anything like this!” he replied, raising his hands in exasperation.
“Uh… you mean had my ass leak when I’ve made out with someone? No. No, I haven’t. Gotten wet while making out with someone? Yeah, sure,” she said, evenly.
“So you think that’s what this was? You think I was “getting wet” for Alex?” he asked, fear lacing his anger as he searched her face for answers she didn’t have. She shrugged, raising her hands up by her shoulders in the universal ‘I don’t know’ gesture.
“This is so out of my realm of expertise, Michael. I mean, I’m a girl. I’m supposed to get wet when I’m turned on. And before you ask me, NO. Max has never, and if there is a creator to this shitty universe, will never tell me that he has been leaking fluid out of his ass,” she said, cutting Michael off when she saw him open his mouth. “I don’t know what to tell you.”
Michael shifted uncomfortably where he stood, hugging his arms around his torso and looking confused and scared.
“Will… will you look?” he asked, quietly.
“WHAT?!” she screeched, looking over at the closed door to her bedroom and praying her parents had the TV downstairs on particularly loud to cover her volume. Both she and Michael stilled, staring towards the door for half a minute waiting to see if anyone called up after Isobel’s exclamation. When nothing sounded, Isobel turned back and met Michael’s eye.
“Please, Is. I just… I don’t know what’s going on and I just… don’t want something to be wrong down there,” he begged. Isobel stared up at him, took in his keyed up nerves and his reddened cheeks as he flushed from embarrassment. This was exactly the kind of situation where an older alien in their lives would have really come in handy. She did not want to look at Michael’s naked ass. She did not want to look at his asshole and possibly see his balls and dick and other things. She did not want to be responsible if she saw something strange and had to tell him about it. But she couldn’t make Max do it. He and Michael weren’t talking after the Rosa thing and Michael’s pride wouldn’t allow him to show this much weakness right then. Pursing her lips together in a grim line, she finally nodded.
“Go into the bathroom and I guess pull down your pants. I’m going to go get some latex gloves from the garage,” she instructed as she stood up and began to turn towards the door. Before she could take a step, she was enveloped in a hug.
“Thank you, Is. Thank you so much,” Michael breathed past her shoulder, his arms flexing and holding her tightly. She hugged him back, patting his shoulder and nearly rocking him to try and comfort him a little. With a sigh, she stepped back and laid a hand on his cheek before giving him a soft smile.
“We’ll figure this out. It’s fine,” she said, not sure she believed herself but knowing Michael needed to hear it. He nodded, expression clouded with doubt, and stepped back and over towards her en suite. She watched him shut the door behind himself before she sighed and went downstairs. When she returned, blue latex gloves covering her hands, she knocked softly at her bathroom door.
“Come in,” Michael’s muffled voice sounded. She opened the bathroom and found him standing in his green Hanes boxer-briefs in front of the mirror. His jeans were in a pile over his shoes next to the shower stall. He looked so out of place and awkward in her clean, obviously femininely dominated bathroom that it made her heart ache a little for him. He gave her a pained smile and when he turned she could see that he did indeed have a set spot the size of a softball on the back of his boxers. She moved to stand behind him, meeting his gaze in the mirror. With a fortifying breath, he hitched his fingers into the back of his underwear and pushed them down under the swell of his ass before bending forward and resting on his forearms across her vanity. Isobel held eye contact with him, trying to keep her own discomfort out of her expression, but the longer she waited to look down the more awkward this was beginning to feel. Swallowing her feelings, she finally glanced down.
It was a butt. Not particularly hairy. Very muscular. Paler than any other part of Michael, but still holding the healthy olive undertone of his skin. His cheeks were still covering his hole, but she could see a faint shiny residue along his crack.
“I’m going to have to touch your butt to look at your… uh… anus,” Isobel finished lamely. This was so out of her depth. She looked at Michael’s face through the mirror and he nodded grimly. Clearing her throat, Isobel reached out with both hands and gingerly pulled apart Michael’s cheeks. It looked… it looked…
Well, it looked exactly like her own thighs after being turned on, but that was definitely an asshole she was staring at and not a vagina. She swiped at some of the viscous liquid with her gloved finger and Michael’s muscles tensed as he jumped at the unexpected touch. A small drop of liquid squeezed past his tightened sphincter and Isobel stared in something between horror and wonder. She rubbed her thumb and the finger she’d gotten wet and noticed that it felt slick like lube, not oil or water. The same as her own body.
“Well, this is fucking weird,” she finally said.
“You fucking think?!” Michael replied through clench teeth.
“Are you hurting at all?” she asked, still rubbing her fingers together. She brought her fingers to her nose and sniffed. It smelled mildly musky, but not unpleasant. She caught Michael watching her in the mirror.
“What?” she asked, caught off guard.
“Well? Does it all look… like it should look back there?” he forced out the question. Isobel glanced back down between his cheeks. It occurred to her in another situation with another man, she might find all of this kind of hot. Not with Michael, but maybe someone else. She made a mental note to see if Jake would bend over for her if she asked.
“It looks like an asshole, Michael. Just… leaking a little. It kind feels like lube. You didn’t… I mean, he didn’t… uhm… finger… you, did he?” she asked, awkwardly. Michael glared at her.
“We hadn’t really gotten that far. We were just making out, like I said,” he answered her, keeping his voice even.
“Well, I don’t fucking know what to tell you! Congratulations? You may never have to waste time or money on anal prep ever again?” she said, whipping her gloves with a snap and throwing them into the garbage can next to her toilet. Michael hitched up his underwear and turned around to face her, his butt against the counter and his folded over his chest.
“Pretty sure he’d still need to stretch me out. I don’t feel loose. I just feel… drippy,” Michael said with some distaste. She patted his shoulder affectionately.
“Welcome to the club. I guess just… monitor it? Maybe it’s a fluke!” she replied with an affectionate smile. Michael grimaced, but nodded. She turned and stepped out of the bathroom, shaking her head and hoping nothing that weird ever happened to her.
The end was her not hearing from Michael for three days despite her texts and calls to try and check in on him. On the fourth day, she drove around and looked for the truck around town. She found it in at the nice, but slightly run down roadside motel just outside of town. Michael was sitting on his open tail bed looking like he’d been wrung out. His cheeks were gaunter than she remembered and the shadows under his eyes were deep. She pulled into the space next to his truck and got out, rounding the corner of the tailgate to look at him.
“Where have you been? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for days! I was worried about you,” she snapped at him angrily. He looked at her, his expression forlorn and kind of glassy. He took another sip from his water bottle before answering.
“I’ve been here. With Alex. For three fucking days. For three days fucking. Jesus,” he said, ending with a humorless laugh that sounded tired and borderline hysterical.
“Okay? And you couldn’t take a break to fucking text me back?” she asked, not getting it.
“This is the first time I could get far enough from the bed to do anything. It was like… like I was in heat or something. Shit, Is. I’m… it was… I can’t even explain it. It was like my body was just taken over by a specific physical need. I am so sore and tired and thirsty and hungry now, but for the last three things the only thing I could think of was… was having sex. It was intense,” he explained, voice drawn. She eyed him suspiciously.
“What?” she asked.
“You heard me. I’m not saying it all again,” he replied, before finishing the last of his bottle. He hopped off the back of the tailgate and almost stumbled. She could see how weak he was.
“Where’s Alex?” she asked, eying the line of closed motel doors.
“Sleeping. Like I should be, but I had to get something to fucking drink. I think I’m going to order a few pizzas and then sleep for another day or two. Fuck, I’m tired,” he repeated. He looked it. She’d never seen Michael look so haggard.
“Okay. Well. Text me back, okay? You scared me,” she replied, trying to stay mad but just feeling pity. Sex for three days sounded wonderful, but she wondered if it really had been. He nodded and walked around the truck and towards the room door directly in front of it. She watched him key himself in and the door shut behind him. She wondered if this was a one-time thing or something that was going to come and go like her monthlies. She chewed on the side of her finger and stared at the closed motel door Michael had disappeared behind. She decided she’d see if they needed anything before she left. When she got closer, close enough to raise her hand to knock, she could already hear the tell-tale sounds of sex on the other side. Feeling a little bad, she tilted her ear towards the inappropriately thin door.
“Jesus, I’m sorry to wake you,” Michael’s muffled voice sounded behind the door.
“Fuck, it’s fine. Just… just go slow,” Alex’s voice replied, sounding as tired as Michael’s had. They moaned together and Isobel jumped back from the door like she’d been burned. Feeling ashamed and guilty, she walked over to the Jeep and jumped in. She drove fast to get away, to go home, to scrub her brain of what she knew about Michael’s past week.
Later, much later, Michael admitted that it only ever happened with Alex. After Alex went into the military, Michael thought it was a one off, but every time he visited Michael went on a sex-binge fueled by need as much as by sex. When he moved back it was more random. He’d never been able to figure out a pattern, but it only happened with Alex or when Alex was around. Max admitted something similar happened to him but without the “leakiness”. She never experienced it. She was beginning to think it was something that happened when you found your person. Something like a mating bond or a biological drive to procreate. She assumed cause Michael was with another male, his body had assigned him a role to mimic being a female. It was all… confusing. She wished she’d known Noah was an alien longer. She wished Caulfield had better files on their actual biology and not the one-sided studies that only proved what the scientists had already agreed was happening. It was unfair. She also wondered if she ever would have an episode like the boys did. Would that be how she knew when she found her person? Was it only for one person or could the person change as your heart changed?
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
okay so is there content that you had planned for the ROs and story in general but then scrapped cause there wasn’t a good place in the story to stick it in? and if so, can you share what it was? 👀 👀 👀
yes, definitely. *rubs hands together* oh man, you done asked THE question today xD I can't wait to get into this 😁
Academics. I almost decided to have classes and grades be a minor part of gameplay, but the more time I spent designing it the more I realized I wanted nothing to do with it 😂 I haven’t really enjoyed academic gameplay in other interactive fiction because I 1) hate having to choose between studying and interacting with awesome characters, 2) have terrible short term memory, and 3) hate school in general!! So instead I just opted to have the MC be really good at school, point blank period so I could focus on social drama and relationships instead! 😆
Physical skills. I spent literal months crafting the catering scene around setting up stats for stamina/endurance, dexterity, and strength instead of just magnetism, confidence, and persuasion. They had their own backstories with the MC’s parents being overly invested sports parents instead and I think the background choices were like... martial arts, gymnastics, and track? But yeah, I ended up scrapping it all because I was spending hours on research about those individual sports so I could integrate them into the MC’s narrative organically but like... when I tried to think of what use they would be in the actual story, I came up blank. Best decision yet, esp since it means a lot less coding!
Skin tone customization. For one, I noticed that a lot of my favorite IFs don’t offer that customization and it hasn’t impacted my experience at all. For two, I originally realized I might as well not implement it since I am striving real hard not to introduce any customization that won’t actually be mentioned in interesting or meaningful ways in-story. I don’t think it’s really all that common for real life friends (esp in high school?) to comment or compliment each other’s skin and like... when it comes from someone who doesn’t share a similar complexion or ethnic background, that type of commentary gets... d i c e y. So then I wanted to be sensitive to that but what’s the pay-off? An RO mentioning how they love your skin tone once? Awkward sentences with the MC referring to their own skin color? Idk, just wasn’t vibing with it. I’m open to revisiting it in beta or something but for now it’s scrapped.
Singing, Rapping, and Gaming as Hobbies/Talents. I feel bad about scrapping these, honestly 😂 They’re great and I really wanted to incorporate them but it just came down to already having a lot of stuff to code. Plus, I know I can write the Hobbies/Talents I stuck with far better. And for Book 2 purposes, as well!
Leo. as @sourandflightypeaches ​​ asked me about a long while ago, I had to scrap an entire RO 😢 His name is Leo, he was the nephew of wealthy west African diplomats residing in Emerson, and I love him dearly! His backstory was largely based on my mother’s childhood and the circumstances she lived through after immigrating to America. and... ok, i’m about to go on one hell of a tangent so buckle up and bear with me if you can 😅
my intention with this story, aside from writing things that I personally enjoy (graphic violence, spooky woods, social drama, romance, conspiracies 😚), is to explore greed, wealth, and how the ways people and families interact with those two things influence young people and who they grow up to be. here i go sounding pretentious af 😝 and here’s where I apply a cut for those who want to preserve a little mystery to the main characters!
With Gabe, we’ve got someone who grew up with very little stability or financial security but who has found unscrupulous methods to gain status and money, with both noble and selfish motivations.
Kile has some of that childhood experience in common with Gabe, having been in the foster care system since infancy, but they lucked out when they were adopted into massive wealth by a caring, loving couple—a couple that uses their wealth and privilege to be far more lenient and protective of Kile than is actually reasonable or responsible.
Jack comes from a prestigious wealthy family on his dad’s side who he loves dearly but there’s no getting around the fact that they love him back as much as they despise his working class mom.
Jessie is a spoiled sweet heiress (being the baby of her family and the only girl) and while she lives blissfully ignorant of the harmful source and impact of her father's income and career, she bears the weight of the expectation to fulfill very traditional gender roles, including her behavior and appearance, but also extending to her career and life plans.
Rain's wealth led to them growing up sheltered and isolated but also extremely accommodated, giving them maximum freedom and opportunity to discover and develop their personal talents and interests. However, they have almost no positive relationship with their parents who have essentially decided to give up on a kid that couldn't be exactly the accessory they tried to mold them to be—both in terms of their identity and personality.
Rupan/Rohan, at their very core, rejects everything about conformity, self-importance, and excessive luxury—which means they have never, ever truly fit in with their peers. Going full non-conformist, however, has resulted in them becoming alienated from much of their family, as well, despite them all loving each other very much. Their history with false friends and betrayals has led them to over-indulge in their vices and reckless behavior to compensate for that isolation. Sometimes, they just get in over their head and many times, they know better. Every time, it's just that the feeling of finally belonging is utterly intoxicating.
Vivian/Vincent has two extremely successful parents who didn't inherit but instead built up their wealth and they aspire to be just like them, to a degree that is well and truly unhealthy. Their mother specifically is an over-achiever and applies mountainous pressure for them to follow in her footsteps, especially academically. Vi is completely capable of achieving what their mom expects of them, but they were already an extremely sensitive perfectionist so this has made them intensely critical of themself. This is a large part of why they are such a rigid, no-nonsense person and that in turn has made them one of the most disliked people among their peers—which is a huge personal failure to them since their father is a very well-liked and socially successful person in town.
And the Emersons are peak privilege: inherent high social status, brains, looks, charisma, athleticism, and massive wealth. They could never have been anything less than extremely popular, just by virtue of their last name and the nature of the town's social dynamics and politics. And they do enjoy that privilege (esp Curt lol). However, it should go without saying that being so high profile, even (or maybe especially) just in the isolated scope of your hometown, isn't always a boon. Their family's and their own perceived failings are widely discussed and privately mocked and/or celebrated. Real friends are scarce while fake ones and snakes are plentiful. Plus their dad is a gigantic dickhead who sees his kids as extensions of his own status and reputation and not much else. Public shortcomings make for an unbearable time at home and the world outside the estate is at once overly accommodating, full of assumptions, and even subtly hostile at times—all unrelated to their own actions or character.
And with the MC, I think the narrative will make it clear there are several ways that story can go. You start off with irresponsible parents that have lost their wealth due to their own mismanagement and material ambitions—how that affects any individual MC should differ based on choices and consequences!
So why bring any of that up when I was supposed to be talking about my cut OC? 😂😂
Leo was going to be the unwelcome recent addition to his uncle’s household, the son of a brother his aunt hates for (petty af) Reasons, and she took that resentment out on him directly by restricting his access to nearly every aspect of the family's wealth. Especially material goods and living conditions. He was basically treated like the help, tasked with playing nanny for his many younger cousins and burdened with doing the homework and providing academic cover for his dumb as rocks cousin in the same grade as you all. To sum it up, he was basically a victim of trafficking at the hands of his own family with his uncle out of town enough to feign ignorance to how bad his wife was treating his nephew and his aunt going out of her way to keep him busy, at home, and isolated. This is sadly a super common form of trafficking in Francophone African cultures (although I don't think most people view it as trafficking. and I’m sure the same is true of other cultures but I don’t want to speak outside of my purview). And like I mentioned above, it’s how my own mom's (and idek how many cousins') child/teenhood went.
It’s a perspective on modern wealth, privilege and greed that I really, really wanted to tell. I am confident in saying it hasn't been explored in interactive fiction yet (though correct me—and direct me 👀—if I'm wrong) and out of all the wealth/greed explorations I came up with, it's the one I have the closest personal ties to and the strongest feelings about. The characters and plans I had for it were detailed and I'm proud of them but at the end of the day... I just couldn't find a place for Leo in the story at large.
Leo was, in fact, the last main character I came up with, when I had already designed and fleshed out the larger story and started crafting the timeline of major events. I think the worst thing I could have done for a story and perspective that I care about this much is shove it into a plot that didn't have room for it at the very base level, regardless of how well the character or his story is written. Shoe-horned characters always stick out. I didn’t want to disservice Leo by having him be the character that did nothing or could be removed from the main plot without affecting it at all, y’know? That’s so much worse than just forgoing the indulgence, imo :((
ugh.... Leooooo 😭 I'm so sorry bb, I failed youuu 😥
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Anon asked: just found your blog and let me just say 10/10! the parenting headcanons*chef's kiss*…. could you please create headcanons on how style 5 would treat their pregnant s/o? thanks!!!!
I’m so glad you liked my blog so much<33and yes don’t the boys as dads make you go soft🥺
Pregnant S/O (Style 5)
Another long post~
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Confused boy™️
Planned or unplanned he’s still surprised and confused when you tell him
Internally, he’s panicking
He doesn’t have any siblings either so he never got to experience pregnancy
He’ll probably think that it’s best to give you space and let you handle it
But oh no that was a big mistake on his part
He very quickly realizes just how much you need him to be there for you (it’s not like he purposely distanced himself, he was just scared that he would interfere in a way)
You tell him it’s no such thing and that’s when Haru will secretly start his little research and reading up on pregnancy
From then on he’s by your side 100% anyone who is giving you dirty looks can f*** off Haru ain’t having none of that. he’s giving them his silent death stares
He’ll be holding your hair back and gently caressing your back on those mornings when you’re over the toilet <3
Rushes by your side faster than he strips off for water when you call out to him or need him for anything
He’s very nervous and awkward when touching your belly it’s like an alien to him
But when you take his hand and slowly bring it to rest on your tummy, he’ll ease
Might say a few words to his baby which just makes you go 😣🥺😍🥰
He’ll mentally prepare himself and will still be internally panicking especially when the time is near
Of course he would never show it to you tho he wants to be there for you and your wall of support he can’t let you know that he’s also panicking
But all his worries suddenly wash away once his child is finally given to him in his arms and he looks onto them with a little smile, but his eyes are absolutely bursting with love❤️
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Aww Makoto is going to be a bit doting on your pregnancy
I mean he was probably still fairly young himself when his own mother was pregnant with twins, but he probably watched his father and how he took care of Mama Tachibana
Folks lemme tell you. Mama and Papa Tachibana raised this man RIGHT
You might think that Makoto would freak out a lot during pregnancy, which is only half right
He’ll be so so so so gentle around you, making sure you eat enough food, get enough sleep, etc.
Will even massage your swollen feat and ankles🥺
He even gives into your cravings haha he just wants you to be as comfortable as possible <3
He loves putting his hand on your belly and talking to his baby, saying sweet things and having conversations, even if the baby isn’t born yet, it’s a way for him to start bonding with his child and an indirect way of letting you know how much he loves and appreciates you and won’t ever leave your side 🥺❤️
He’s very careful and gentle all throughout the 9 months, but he does have his moments when he freaks out a bit
Like when you think th water broke and then when the water ACTUALLY broke
He’s still fully prepared tho, he created a bag with all the essentials waiting by the doorway longgg ago
The whole time he’s telling you what a great job you’re doing and how amazing you are, and so on 😣💘
Once Makoto actually gets to hold his child, the world around him stops and it’s like falling in love all over again but now it’s x2 with you and his own little baby ❤️
Whatta MAN take notes.
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Jumping up and down with excitement when you tell him 😆
Ladies and Gents, he’s got this one in the bag.
Absolutely giving into all your cravings, even offering his own sweets and chocolate from his secret candy stash
Foot rubs, leg rubs, back rubs, he’s ready to do it ALL to make you happy and relaxed
He’s going to his absolute BEST to make himself less burdening on you because usually you have to be the one take care of him
So he’s going to want to take care of the cooking, cleaning, chores, etc.
The cooking turns out to be a disaster...mostly because he adds more of the stuff he thinks is good and doesn’t exactly follow the recipe...
But atleast the cleaning isn’t all so bad 🥺
Totally so patient with you. He’s there when those pregnancy hormones kick in and those emotions are let lose
Cradles your belly when you guys are in bed 🥺
he gets SO excited when he feels the baby kick like SOOOO excited
*goes back to having his little conversations with the baby to feel it kick again*
So yeah Nagisa’s always calling up Rei to fill him up on EVERYTHING
Anywayss when the baby is actually born, all of Nagisa’s excitement will die down to pure softness as he just looks at his little bundle of joy with love with a warm smile❤️
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Rei is actually very happy when you tell him and softly kisses your forehead
Not even a minute passes where he’s now standing and pushing up his glasses, ready to prepare himself for what’s to come
Reads up ALL about pregnancy like EVERYTHING
The cravings, the mood swings, the morning sickness
He’s even read up all potential complications and situations you can be put in
Physically the guy is ALL prepared for when the water breaks at any given moment...like Makoto he’s got a bag ready and everything
Aww he literally goes THE EXTRA mile for you. Like buying for you stuff that isn’t really needed during a pregnancy but great to have nonetheless.
He’s very strict when it comes to how you eat and sleep tho
He just wants what’s best for BOTH the baby and you <3
That means he’s got diets planned out, alternatives for unhealthy cravings, making sure you get a full 7-8 hours of sleep daily.
Sometimes you gotta be the one to tell this man to chill out It’s like he’s the one pregnant
But in all honesty, you really do appreciate it, many men would sadly never go this far to taking care of a pregnant s/o so you are luckyyy 💘
Although Rei did EXTENSIVE amount of research, nothing actually prepared him mentally for when the water actually broke...
All the details aside, when he finally holds his baby in his arms, all of Rei’s research and worries and everything goes completely out the window, because nothing could have ever prepared him for a moment this beautiful ❤️
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You got it...once you tell this shark baby about the pregnancy, he’s crying
But tears of joy as he embraces you and tells you how much he loves you and promises to be the best dad he can for his child ❤️
Protective Matsuoka has entered the chat.
Would let you do ANYTHING that seems even potentially dangerous to you or the unborn child
Takes it upon himself to do everything from cooking and cleaning to preparing baths for you and giving you massages and rubs <3
Also handles anything outside the house too like groceries and shopping <3
“Nah Nah babe, don’t you worry, I got this” *kiss*
Warms your heart ❤️
He lends you his body pillow too
Nights where he’s gently laying his head on your tummy, talking to the baby and telling him a lot about the world outside 🥺
Tells the baby that he’s gonna show them a sight that they’ve never seen
You go heart squeeze 😣
Gets super excited when he feels a kick and omg it’s all just cuteness overload I can’t even explain it🥰
You tell him to stop crying so much or else the baby is gonna catch on
Still in tears when he his little one his born and in his arms, not that you aren’t moved to tears either.
Just a precious moment for him with his precious child and precious s/o, a perfect little family ❤️
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zed-36 · 3 years
@ 18: the questions weren't actually that strict! you could interpret them however you liked :) that said, im curious what you would add to the story? i love reading ur ideas and interpretations of the characters n stuff!
oh no prob, i did enjoy thinking of what i could change without adding anything new (i will talk too much if i dont contain myself) BUT since you have asked...
ill share these ideas as a general change to the series as a whole (WR and Acceleracers- also i will call Acceleracers AC for short if i need to).
There is a lot i feel needs to change- but two major points are lore (and direction of it in the story) and characters.
The lore of the series is all weird due to what changed between WR and AC, but its also too surface level. its for kids, its probably why its not so expansive. but it does leave a lot of confusion to me and while i would have to spend much more time to fully “rebuild” the world, i will give some ideas on what i would see changed.
One, at least making it make sense all the way through. i think Acceleracers had the best ideas but it shouldve been expanded on in WR- WR barely touched on actual Acceleron lore. Overall i would like to see the Accelerons 100% remade from the ground up. i LOVE aliens and alien society but i feel all we know of them is they race. and thats its. and sadly AC wasnt seen through to where we may have seen a bit more. but they need to be redone, with lore also point to exactly why the drones woke up when they did, what their drive is, etc. Why is Gelorum the way she is too, very important lor aside from characters. I wouldnt want the series to become a huge Lore Dump but there are moments where they intended to drop lore and they just. dont really do that, at least not well. Imagining the series with more extensive lore would obviously see it being longer than what it is, which i think makes sense. in the end if i was to properly write out all lore it would be a huge rebuild of 1) the Accelerons as an alien society, in depth 2) the full origins of the Drones/Gelorums (how they ended up where they did, what makes them how they are now and 3) a more cohesive plotting of events that would lead to lore revealed. also developing what “Scrim” and “clyp” were, along with the actual depth of Silencerz and how far back they go has been on my mind a lot. scrim and clyp just vanish from lore but in my headcanon backstory for Gelorum, i mention how those things existed too. if anyone has more specific questions on lore tho i can answer those individually! its just a lot to go over lol.
The characters though, oh god where do i start. not gonna touch on every individual (feel free to ask about someone and how i would rewrite them/change them), but theres a lot i would want to see different.
Theres some good ideas in the series that are just not explored much, or the actions dont feel like they have impacts. And many characters have literally zero backstory to go off of... Everyone needs at least some kinda origin in mind, doesnt have to be said but knowing where they come from is one key detail that i think is nice to drop some times. characters referncing locations, where they went, etc... its little but its good to have. In the WR comics, most of these characters do have origins! but theyre completely forgotten in the movies it seems. it would have been cool it WR tied together some of these ‘really good drivers’ and maybe they were in the same races together or something. there are 35 people and none of them seem to know each other at least not in detail- other than Vert and Alec who are clearly friends. Kurt Wylde was written to have done some “illegal” modifications in a race, what is someone there knew him? what if it brought up tension/suspicions? Things like that, its all part of where they come from and its a shame the movies just dont connect them very well.
I think theres some specific characters i will give examples to ‘rewrtiting’ and most of it is AC focused!
Kurt & Markie..... i love them, really do! but after WR i just did not like where they went. i get it, kinda ironic for Markie to become such an opposite. buuuut it was a bit much to me. first off, i would actually expand on the “crime” and that would 100% change the outcome of the two. the period between WR and AC shouldve gone different and in turn, i think wouldve changed up MM and Teku completely! i want to imagine Kurt is trying to get away from bad habits after WR but, perhaps has a really good deal with someone who had also gotten him into illegal car part business in the past. he is tempted and ropes Markie in with the idea they could do so more secretly but are caught, and while Markie is nervous and young he spills all the beans, but none of that evidence goes to Kurt and he stays silent, managing to get out of it. However instead of Kurt going to Teku and Markie going to MM.... Kurt tries to join Teku in the idea of joining a less rowdy gang, but Vert believes full Kurt let his brother take all the blame- so they dont allow him in. He goes for MM, which takes him easily but this team’s energy really doesnt help him. In turn, Markie leaves jail and Vert is swift to allow Markie into Teku because theyre friends! and it helps keep Markie in a better place, not wanting to get back into bad stuff. The important thing is tho, this switch up wouldnt result in super harcore, asshole Kurt. i feel like instead, he would be in an awkward place of wanting to improve himself but MM’s rebellious attitude coaxes him into worse attitudes. AND... very much an oppurtunity for Gelorum to manipulate him once more, as the accelechargers are much more important to acquire, with multiple, we’d loop back again. in the end though! i could imagine the story would still bring in the same scenario- Markie gets taken by drones, Kurt saves him, they rekindle and Kurt also comes to realize he shouldnt give in to the ways he used to practice.
i think for AC, in order to find more interest in the characters,  a switch up with the teams would be neat. Markie and Kur swapping was always on my mind, but i have thought about Teku!Taro. I think it would’ve been cool to throw in an background guy from WR into MM... like Harrison Lau. some more familiar faces would bring interesting dyanmics considering their backgrounds. and it think it wouldve fleshed out the teams a bit more in places they lacked.
Another thing i think is clear is there is lots of unexplored potential. Like dyanmics i express with Markie, characters like Lani, Karma, Tork, etc... oh there is so much i would add for them. Karma has a weird thing with being mentioned to look like Gelorum, and her prefectionism too but it was never touched on. What if it caused conflict? What if it made her question their morals? Or with Tork- i would honestly just rewrite how he tackles Tone’s death and the resolution, that whole thing in movie was weird and messy and made no sense to me imo. Lanu had something going for her but she felt so disconnected from the WR characters in AC, which is a shame! oh there are so many to go over lol. i hope to tackle some of these loose ends in the fics i have in mind but yeah... there is so much to say about changing these characters!!
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themidnightwriting · 3 years
a nervous confession
pairing : katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
word count : around 2k
genre: fluff
prompt : “what do you want? finally got the guts to profess your undying love for me?” (ua third year)
warnings : the reader being a nervous bean, swearing, and nothing else
“i’m telling you momo, today’s the day! i’m finally gonna tell him”  you gush to one of her closest friends as you pull on your tights, getting ready for school.
“y/n that’s what you said yesterday, and the day before, and many days before that.” momo says unemotionally as she scrolls through her phone.
momo was the type to wake up hours before she needed to on school days, so the typical routine had become momo getting ready in her dorm room and then going to your dorm to make sure you got up on time and looked presentable before heading to class together.
“okay i know i said that those days but i can feel it” you exclaim excitedly when talking to momo. “I can feel it in my boobs.”
“what does that even mean?”
“honestly I’m not sure, whatever, anyway i think i’m gonna tell him on our walk back from class.” you and bakugou had been studying together after class for the past week or two, sometimes kirishima would join but today it was gonna be just the two of you.
“If you do end up confessing i hope it goes well.”  
“i hope so too, honestly this whole crush thing is getting annoying.” you admitted releasing a deep sigh.
“y/n, having feelings for another person is a normal thing, why is it so annoying to you?” momo questioned, finally looking up at you.
“well, for so long i could hang out and talk with him without getting so nervous, it’s just fucking boom boy so why am i always so gahhh” you gush. “i’d say he’s nothing special but that’d be bullshit and i’m sick of this. i just want to tell him so he can turn me down and i can move on with my life.”
you and bakugou become friends in your first year. you were already close with kirishima so when he started bringing bakugou around, you immediately liked him. you found his temper hilarious and honestly admired how confident he was in his abilities. overtime you also grew to appreciate the time the two of you would spend together in each other's dorms. the quiet being something that both of you had become accustomed to when studying. you were always comfortable with each other so that’s why your new found crush on him made you so upset. you just wanted things to go back to the way they were, before you got so blushy and flustered around him.  
“y/n. shouldn’t you be hopeful that this will go well and he’ll reciprocate your same feelings?” as she asked, she stood up and moved towards the door noticing that you were finally dressed and ready to go.
“i mean it would be nice but that wouldn’t be super realistic.” you responded following her out of your dorm room. you assumed that bakugou was too focused on becoming the number one hero to even think about romantic feelings, even if he does spend most nights reading shoujo manga.
“i guess we’ll just have to see then.” momo murmured with a gentle smile. 
“MOMO, Y/N, WHY ARE YOU HERE SO LATE. AS CLASS REPRESENTATIVE I NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU TWO ARE HERE ON TIME” iida shouted at the two of you as you made your way into 3a’s classroom.
“iida. please. we still have like five minutes” you groaned rubbing your temples at his antics. the night before you had stayed up late laying in bed trying to think of the best way to tell a certain angry blonde how you felt. so dealing with iida’s yelling was the last thing you wanted to do.
“oh. well still you should be here faster.” He reprimanded shaking his arms around.
“well I’m soooo sorry not everyone has fucking engines on their legs.” 
“Y/N! don’t be so rude.” momo exclaimed smacking the back of your head. she was usually the one to tell you when you went too far with your back talk. even if you didn’t think you were that bad. 
“OW! WHAT THE HELL.” you continued to yell at momo as she pushed you towards your desk at the front of the classroom. “that shit hurt!”
“HEY EXTRA STOP YELLING” bakugou shouted, turning to see you getting forced towards your desk. just the sight of him made you want the ground to open and swallow you whole.
“oh you’re really one to talk, my favorite walking megaphone.” you tease smirking as you sat down in front of him. sweat beginning to form in your palms as you egged him on. God he’s so pretty. How is he so pretty?
“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME” slamming down his fist on his desk.
“you heard me, want me to say it again.” a joyful tone lacing your words as you continued to push his buttons
“tch… whatever. just shut up.” he grumbled giving up on you, as he turned though, you swore you saw the hint of a smile on his face.
this time of the day probably your second favorite. teasing bakugou and watching him freak out always made you laugh and getting to mess with him before your school day actually started was amazing. you knew that no matter how much you teased him, he wasn’t actually upset about it. you always made sure not to make it too personal. just small jabs at him throughout the day. he never said it but you were pretty sure he liked it too.
“it’s time for class to start so everyone shut up and sit down.” aizawa muttered slowly making his way into the classroom.
you turned around and started to get out your books ready for class to begin.
“that’s all we have for the day, class dismissed.” aizawa announced, taking his stuff and ambling out of the classroom.
“god finally.” you mutter getting up to pack your stuff, then following kiri and bakugou out of the classroom. it was time and you weren’t gonna chicken out. no, not this time. it was time to tell him and accept his answer. at least that was what you told yourself you would do. 
if you were coming up with all of the possible outcomes and there were a few that you were afraid of. the first was that this would ruin the friendship that you worked so hard to build with bakugou. along with the fact that he could just stop talking to you in general and that would be devastating. everyone finding out that he turned you down was also a possibility, and a scary one at that. you were the type to be nervous for social interactions but the thought of losing one of your closest friends over a dumb crush is terrifying. before you could think of more possible ways you could get turned down and alienated, a hand waved in front of your face and snapped you out of your thoughts.  
“yo little dudette,” kiri beamed at you “you okay? you look out of it.”
“um yeah sorry, I’m all good.” you mumbled shaking your while head looking up at your sunshine of a friend's face. you glanced over at bakugou who was looking at you with a confused expression. “guys really i’m all good. i just didn’t sleep a lot last night.”
“don’t worry I get it, just make sure to get more sleep tonight! anyway i gotta head out, i’m helping denki train in like an hour. i’ll see you guys later.” kiri grinned, moving to head towards one of the training centers.
“ciya kiri!” you waved before looking back at bakugou, butterflies erupting in your stomach. “ready to get studying?”
“duh. I’ve been waiting for your dumb ass forever.” he huffed starting towards your dorm.
taunting as you followed him you smirked “oh so you’ve been looking at my ass?”
“suurrre, i totally believe you boom boy.” you mused finally catching up with him as the two of you made your way to the path that led to the 3a dorm building.
Aacomfortable silence filled the air on your way. thankfully even when it got quiet, it was never too awkward. the sun shone through the trees and the weather was pleasant with a light breeze. one thing you had always loved about attending u.a. was how beautiful the campus was. the bright trees that lined the pathways to the dorms almost made you feel like your school wasn’t in the middle of the city. taking a deep breath of the fresh air you turned to bakugou and stopped walking. finally gaining the confidence you need to enunciate your true feelings.
shaking you looked up at his bright vermillion red eyes and spoke “i have something to tell you boom boy.”
“what do you want? finally got the guts to profess your undying love for me or something?” he turned to your stopped figure with a haughty smirk.
your eyes widen in alarm at his response, how did he know? “um yep, that’s exactly what i was gonna do.”
the smirk on his face faltered as he met your eyes “.....what?”
“well i planned on saying it myself but i guess this will do.” you took another breath to calm your nerves once again and continued. “i really like you and not just as a friend. i’ve tried to not think about it and tried to push my feelings away but i just can’t.” you moved to look away but it felt wrong so you looked back into his shocked eyes. “i understand that this’ll be weird for you but i just needed to get this off my chest and hear you tell me that you don’t feel the same so i can just get over it and things can go back to the way they we-” before you could continue your explanation he interrupted you by grabbing you by the shoulders. 
“woah woah dumbass slow down, are you gonna let me speak or are you just gonna keep rambling like an idiot.”
his response shocked you, making you stumble back a little. “wha…? what i wasn’t rambling.”
“um you totally were but that’s not the point, dumbass. so let me get straight. you like me, as in more than just friends?” he muttered the last part, a look that almost seemed hopeful, but you didn’t want to get too ahead of yourself, in his eyes as glanced down at you.
your mouth was dry and you were too afraid to actually say anything so you just nodded.
“tch …  you think it’s gonna ruin our friendship?” Again too nervous to speak, you responded with a small nod. after waiting for your response he continued. “you’re really stupid you know that.”
well that wasn’t what you were expecting, “um what. bakugou if you don't feel the same, you don’t have to be so mean about it.” you pouted, shaking of his hold and turning to walk away from him “i just didn’t want to ruin anything…’
“oi…” he mumbled grabbing your wrist to stop you from leaving “that’s not what i meant, i meant that… well… you’re an idiot for thinking i don’t feel the same.”
before you could process his confession, he pulled you into a tight hug with his head resting in the crook of your neck.
“you need to let me speak before you just move to walk away… idiot.” his hot breath on your neck as you finally moved to return his embrace.
“i’m sorry i was just really nervous” you breathed with a small smile, allowing the weight that had been on your shoulders being lifted.
smirking as your adrenaline wore off, you decided to bring back a topic from earlier “does this mean that sometimes you actually do stare at my ass?”
you could feel his breath hitch as he pulled away from your embrace “WHAT NO… i mean umm… doesn’t matter, we need to go study.” the flustered boy reached for your hand and began to drag you towards the dorms as he worked to avoid your eye contact.
“i think that gave me my answer katsu. whatever, i mean i look at you ass too.” you admitted with a sly smile attempting to peak around to see his reaction.
“tch… whatever just stop.”
AN: gahhh i hope who ever ended up reading this enjoyed it. this was a bit rushed but I just loved the prompt that I found too much to just not write about it and post it. i’ve never posted my writing before so please be kind. also i do have some other stuff that I’m working on if anyone did enjoy this. :) 
p.s. i know the aizawa probably won’t be their teacher when their in their third year but I’m too lazy to find a different teacher
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