#It's not focused on the main timeline after the first chapters too!
deluluzai · 11 months
Am I the only one constantly sad about the fact that Kunikida's and Dazai's partnership isn't focused on enough instead it's abt Dazai and his ex partner, Chuuya or Fyodor and so on?
Like, yeah this doesn't have to be in the ship sense but I've seen so many ppl in this fandom summarise Dazai's and Kunikida's relationship that Dazai is a smart, silly, perfect character who does what he wants, and Kunikida is the annoying, stuck up, fun-ruiner who hates Dazai with a burning passion, unlike Soukoku.
We need more Kunikida appreciation, and more Kunikidazai acknowledgement bc yeah Dazai's past is focused on a lot, but ppl seem to forget his current partner who Dazai also means a lot too :((((
Anyway I'm rambling sorry ppl I'm sleep deprived
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shycoconutt · 5 months
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The Fallout
pairings: gojo satoru x reader (gojo pov)
synopsis: your best friend, gojo satoru, comes back from a mission to find out that nanami kento has resigned from being a sorcerer and has left you.
content: (2.5 k), SFW, comfort, fluff, and whole lot of angst. ex-boyfriend? nanami, best friend gojo, and brother geto. contains jjk anime spoilers.
a/n: and here we have the ripple effect series! this is the aftermath of this fic. i’m going to continuing writing this story over time so strap in y’all! staying away from chapters as we'll be jumping around the timeline.
Although he would never be quick to admit it, Gojo Satoru loves being home. Even with all of the memories that flood his mind as he walks through familiar spaces — hallways, classrooms, the gymnasium, the sparing field, the courtyard — many are all too painful to think about for too long, but he can’t help but indulge in the familiarity. Satoru is not quite sure if he has ‘loved-ones’, but the people that are close to him, those that could potentially fill that void, he knows are here at Jujutsu Tech.
On his way home from a week-long mission, Satoru knew who to look for first, as he owed two specific sorcerers a very happy graduation. He didn’t know how exactly he was going to go about it at first. Obviously he would try to give Nanami a hug, no wait, maybe he will leap into his arms and shower his face with kisses. No, he wouldn’t be able to get that far before Nanami shoves him off. Maybe he shouldn’t scare him off, as it was highly likely that Nanami would become his right-hand man.
You, on the other hand, were a little different. Satoru couldn’t help but think about you every moment he was gone, as he couldn’t shake the guilt of him, your best friend, not being there for your graduation ceremony. The moment the mission paperwork was placed on his desk, he cursed the higher-ups for being so careless. The smile you gave him in reassurance that you understood only made him feel worse.
Making his way inside the main building, Satoru can’t help but notice the lack of cursed energy around. He feels you somewhere in the distance, in your dorm maybe? Are you alone?
He feels the familiar cursed energy of another quickly approaching, and turns to give Yaga a quick wave and a smile as he turns around the corner. Although Satoru’s eyes are currently covered in white wrapping, his six eyes allow him to see Yaga’s puzzled expression clearly.
“Gojo,” Yaga approaches him quickly, and Satoru begins to worry that he’s going to be sent out on a mission just as quickly as he returned, “you’re back, good.”
“What is it?” Satoru is worried, but his tone doesn’t reveal it, “You sound more serious than usual, I didn’t know that was possible.”
Satoru notices the way Yaga nervously pushes up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and how his eyes are focused on the wood floor beneath their feet. Whatever this is, it’s not good.
“Some… events have transpired since you’ve been gone,” he starts, “have you heard the news?”
“I-uh.. no, I haven’t.” What on earth could this be about now? Satoru’s eyes widened slightly, a terrible thought crossing his mind, “Everyone is okay right?”
“Everyone is safe, Satoru, don’t worry about that.”
Satoru notices how he replaces the word okay with safe.
“I’m surprised she didn’t contact you,” Yaga begins, “I’m afraid I have some news about what transpired after graduation.”
Satoru stays silent, letting him continue.
Scratching the back of his head, Yaga lets out a deep sigh before speaking, “Nanami Kento has resigned. He is no longer a sorcerer and has vowed to not use any cursed energy any longer. He had a meeting with me before the ceremony, said that he would graduate, but his time with us would end there. He’s going to return to… normal life. We were told to not try and contact him, which includes you, Gojo.”
Instinctually, Satoru unravels the wrapping around his eyes, needing to be able to see everything, to absorb all the information. This couldn’t be.
He first looks for Nanami. No, he’s not here on campus, he’s somewhere else, he’s in… Kabutocho?
His eyes shift to you, pinpointing you more directly than he did before. Yes, you’re here. In your room, on your bed, in the fetal position, alone.
Satoru feels a familiar pang in his chest. His grip tightens around the white fabric in his grasp, threatening to stain red.
Him. Yaga. In the hallway. A decision made without him, without considering what he’d have to say. What he could’ve done to make it better. How he could’ve helped. How he could have made him stay. Why didn’t he stay?
“I’m sorry, Gojo, but it was his decision, and he has the right to have the final say over his own life.” Yaga’s words are softer, trying to calm him down.
“To hell he does!”
Satoru slowly makes his way to your room, taking his time to gather his thoughts, not exactly sure what he plans to say to you. He tries to think back to before, the days and weeks after Suguru left. That situation was much different, so many layers, so many people affected by the loss. Although it’s hard to imagine, if anyone was hurt more than himself by Suguru's actions, it was you.
It was so much worse for you.
Suguru Geto, in an act of self righteousness, slaughtered his own parents, who were your own parents. A brother and sister who once shared the same home, the same beliefs and sentiments, the same blood, only to have one betray the other in one of the worst ways imaginable.
You tried to stop him, but you were weak then. When they found you, you were sprawled out on the floor unconscious in a pool of your parents blood. All of your limbs were broken, and you had severe head trauma. The only reason why you were still alive was because you were a sorcerer. Suguru would have finished the job otherwise.
When Satoru heard the news, and confronted Suguru on the street that day, all he had to say about the state he left you in had Satoru reeling.
“She’s a damn fool.”
Shoko spent days healing you, and you were in recovery for weeks. Satoru would visit, but no words would be exchanged. You already knew what the other was thinking. From then on, Satoru vowed to always take care of you, but he didn’t anticipate how close you two would become in the process.
Maybe it was a trauma bond, maybe it was just growing up, either way, he cherishes your friendship completely. You were like Suguru in so many ways, all of the good ones at least.
That’s probably why he was so quick to notice the way Nanami would look at you, the way he would act around you. How every word spoken to you was underlined with want. Much like the way he himself would act around Suguru.
So why? Why the hell would he leave you too?
Finally, he makes it to your door. Not sensing any movement, he figures it’s best to let himself in quietly.
It’s midday, but the room is so dark. Your curtains are drawn and the lights are off. Just a small sliver of light makes its way through, the line resting over your body on the bed in the corner of your room and up the wall of posters. Your eyes are closed, but Satoru’s gut tells him you’re not sleeping.
He steps closer, letting the door close behind him with a faint click. That’s when your eyes quickly snap open to find Satoru at the end of your bed.
Your eyes are bloodshot. There are black smudges over your eyelids, makeup probably. Your hair is a mess. And you're wearing… a dress?
Oh. Oh darling. It’s been days.
Satoru can’t help the way his head tilts to the side when he meets your gaze.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he speaks softly, trying his best not to let his despair for you seep through.
That’s when he sees it, the accumulation of the past three days, and maybe even a bit of your past, boils and bubbles out of you.
“Toru,” your nickname for him falls from your mouth in a gasp, then you start to sob. He watches as you curl into yourself more, gripping your sheets tighter to your chest.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Satoru moves around the bed and leans over you, fingers brushing the hair from your face to get a better look, “shhhhhhhhhh, hey, shhhhh, it’s alright, it’s going to be okay.”
His heart breaks for you. This world, being a sorcerer, is often so cruel. He just doesn’t understand why it always has to be you on the receiving end.
Satoru watches as you look up to meet his concerned stare, and he can’t help but notice how similar you two look. It’s not specifically your features that remind him of Suguru, it’s how you try so hard to hide your emotions behind your usual calm facade. When his eyes meet yours, he can tell how hard you're trying to shove your pain back inside you. For who’s sake? He’s still unsure.
Satoru was too dumb, too caught up in ensuring he became ‘the greatest’ to notice how far Suguru had fallen from grace. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again.
He doesn’t wait for you to explain. Kneeling down on the floor of your bedside, he rests his head on the mattress, face inches from yours. His fingers play with the ends of your hair as he looks in your eyes.
“Yaga told me what happened,” he starts, “I wish you would have called me, but I understand why you didn’t. I just got back not too long ago, I was expecting to find you two together.”
Finally, you speak again.
“Did he… did he say anything to you about leaving?” Your eyes leave Satoru’s as you ask this, probably afraid of what you might hear. Gojo smiles internally at the way you begin to fiddle with the end of his sleeve.
“No,” Satoru’s tone is unwavering, “he never said anything to me about leaving. I’m led to believe that this is a decision he made in his mind not too long ago.”
Satoru and Nanami were not close, per se. But Satoru knows him to be a good man, and he would have never strung you along like this if he knew he was leaving from the jump.
At least, that’s what he hopes.
He watches as your body relaxes a little, sinking deeper into your mattress. He knows that you’re probably not ready to talk about everything just yet, and that’s more than okay. What wasn’t okay was that state you’re in right now.
“I know this is the last thing you want to do, but how about I take you to the showers?” His hand comes up from the ends of your hair to cradle the top of your head.
“Do I really smell that bad?” you fake pout. Your lips curl up just enough to relieve just a little of Satoru’s worries.
“Ha, no, I just think it would make you feel better.”
“Hm, yeah okay.”
Satoru gives you space as you rise up from bed, walking to your drawers to pull out some new clothes to wear. He notices how you dig far down into the drawer, obviously looking for something specific. His heart sinks when you pull out a familiar pair of large black sweatpants and a white t-shirt.
How strange that we still find comfort in those who have hurt us the most.
Satoru walks with you to the communal showers, leading you just a step ahead with his hands in his pockets. His head hurts a little from having his blindfold off for so long, but he doesn’t want to put it on just yet. Maybe it’s his way of letting you know that you have the floor to be vulnerable with him, to look him in the eyes and know you have his undivided attention.
Satoru hears you softly clear your throat before speaking.
“What are you going to do now?” you ask timidly.
Please don’t leave me yet. That’s what Satoru knows you really mean.
He thinks for a moment.
“Well since I just got back, I think I’ll have a quick shower as well, get this curse stench off of me. Then, I'm going to take Megumi and Tsumiki out to dinner since I haven’t seen them in a week. Probably check up on their place too, restock the fridge and whatnot.”
Satoru watches as you shift in your stance a little, hugging your fresh clothes to your chest.
“Of course, they will want to see you. If you’re up for it.”
Your face lights up, just a little. Good.
The kids, especially Megumi, are absolutely smitten with you. Ever since Satoru told you that he became the benefactor of two young kids, one to be sold off to the Zenin, you asked him if you could tag along to visit them.
Saying yes was the best thing he’d ever done, because he quickly realized that he’s kind of a terrible parental figure. He handles the finances and the fun, you take care of everything else. You help them with their homework, brush their hair, pick out their clothes, cuddle them, read them stories, teach them how to cook, and so much more. Although you both are relatively young yourselves, you’re like their parents.
Heck, after this, Satoru thinks it might be best to get you out of living at Jujutsu High. He’ll buy a house for you and the kids, so you can all be together. Yeah, it might be weird in the future if you bring a romantic interest home, but you can cross that bridge when you get there.
“Yeah, I want to see them. It will help take my mind off things.”
“Then it’s settled,” Satoru playfully claps his hands together, “we’ll hit the showers, change, and head out of here.”
Satoru turns on his heels, but before he starts to walk away, he feels you grab him by the elbow. Turning his head back at you with a confused look, your eyes are shield by the hair fallen in front of your face. In one swift movement, you’re hugging him from behind, one arm wrapped around his torso, holding him close.
“Thank you, ‘Toru,” you mumble into the fabric of his jacket.
Satoru places his hand over yours.
“I’ll always be here for you, sweets.”
Both of you walk together in matching sweats, owned by the man who once was the only thing you had in common, towards the apartment. It is late afternoon, the sun now behind the mountains to the west. It’s warm with a light breeze in the air. If circumstances weren’t as they were, you’d be so happy right now.
The silence was nice, comforting. You look over to watch Satoru’s hair ruffle in the breeze, getting a whiff of his sickly, sugary-scented vanilla shampoo.
It crosses your mind for a moment how thankful you are that he’s here with you right now. Without him, you’d still be rotting in bed, picturing the back of Nanami’s head as he walked away from you in the courtyard that day.
Your heart lurches a little. You bring your hand up to your chest, clutching the fabric there.
As if on cue, you feel Satoru’s arm sling over your shoulders, holding you closer to him as you walk side by side.
Right, Satoru’s here and you’re content.
Content is all you need.
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creators-lounge · 1 year
✏️ Creators' Content ✏️
This post is for anyone who is curious about our server members' content, and to share a lot of suggestions for people to check! 💕
Since Tumblr is a website that mostly depends on reblogs, everyone is welcomed to reblog to give these amazing creators a well deserved boost!
Remember to also encourage other content creators as well, you may make someone's day with a silly reblog or comment!
Note: This post might be edited depending on the members' information, comic updates, projects updates, etc, so check the original post instead of reblogs.
Note 2: This is a private server for plenty of reasons, we do not accept requests nor petitions to join, so we would be grateful if you do not put that pressure on our mods or on our members. Sorry in advance, and hope you still enjoy all of our artworks! You may check our QnA for a better explanation if you'd like, too.
v Members' Comics Section v
ALIVE by @tatatale
> First Chapter
A L I V E is not an AU as such, but a buch of characters from different AUs and timelines who decided that they'll form an AU. So it's technically an AU, but no. Enjoy.
Bovid-20 by @hansama
> First Chapter
Bovid-20 is a (very short) suspense mystery comic that tells the story of a home invasion in the middle of a lock-down. You are the main character of the story.
Bitty Problems by @theskeletongames
> First Chapter
A comic featuring bitties with Sanses, primarily focusing on Underfell Sans and his bitty
Delivery! by @anovainspace
> Comics
Three out!codes from collapsing alternative universes came together to one void, all just wanting to obtain access to the multiverse for their end goal; therefore, they created an alibi to not create suspicion for wandering around different places. Setting up a pen paling system for others to contact each other through mail and delivering said mail. 
Don't Forget by @zirkkun
> First Chapter
“Don’t forget us. We’re with you in the dark.” After years of abandonment, the Undertale multiverse has been mysteriously shrouded in darkness. there only remains one survivor by the name of Ink… but despite a faint hope from everyone who died that everything can return to normal, he’s forgotten all the pieces to restore the multiverse back to what it once was.
Flicker of a Neon Soul by @harmonytre
> First Chapter
Since the beginning of time, monsters have had colored souls. Only the royal family's soul could change color. That is, until two young skeletons find their colors.
How to greet a new pal by @theskeletongames
> First Chapter
A crossover comic with Sans falling into Underfell.
Idoltale by @nekojaf
> First Chapter
Idol and her friends go on a big multiverse adventure after a new and strange Force threatens their universes.
Impostortale by @s3-izures
> Masterpost
Armed with an obsession for masks and semi-immortality, a shapeshifter roams the multiverse in search of roles to fill, missions to complete, and shenanigans to commit.
Non-Lethal AU by @s3-izures
> Masterlist
A certain Destroyer has been found... except this one doesn't seem to be destroying anything so far. In fact, he seems like a bit of a wimp, doesn't he?
Paper Crane by @little-noko
> First Chapter
Where timelines and lives ends, in the void are countless shattered souls struggling to remain alive and come back to the living world they came from. A being without a name gather them to form a single entity, with nowhere to go, they found themselves traveling endlessly to make sense of who they are and why they are here.
Prismtale by @harmonytre
> First Chapter
Havana, Sans, Scarf Mouse, Bob, Monster Kid, Fuku Fire, and Ficus Licker are thrust into an adventure they'll never forget. Will they find a way home? How will they deal with their new powers? Who on earth is PC?
Save!tale by @mumder
> First Chapter
Sans is stuck in a ruthless loop of genocide runs. Except after the 678th reset, he for some reason awakens with all his memories, including one that haunts him - the image of a star. This fixation slowly drives him insane, as he becomes obsessed with becoming the epitome of determination.
Spitetale by @nosebleed-inglishera
> First Chapter
After several genocidal routes, everyone in the Underground started to remember, causing monstersto fearing for the next time they get killed again. Will Frisk take the choice to finally save everyone and fix their mistakes?
Timetale by @allesiathehedge
> Prologue
Seven hundred years after they were sealed underground, monsterkind still hopes that they would one day return to the surface. Not only does Sans have to worry about finding a solution to destroy the barrier on behalf of the King, but he also has to face a ghost of a past that he sorely wanted to keep buried. Will Sans be able to make peace with himself, his duties, and his failed love? Only time will tell...
Underlust Reimagine by @zirkkun
> First Chapter
An Underlust AU that takes a spin on the original concept to present a thematically similar story, but with some slightly different aspects that have led some of the characters to take different roles.
Under/Source by @slylock-syl
> First Chapter
After a virus wielding hacker threatens to cause chaos throughout other universes, Necros takes it upon himself to track them down and protect anyone he can along the way.
Underwizard by @susartwork
> Prologue
Humans began hunting monsters to gain great magical powers from their souls. After a huge massacre, seven human wizards decide to seal the monsters underground with a magic spell. Hundreds of years later a human child appears, determined to free all the monsters and save them from a new threat.
Unitale by @toky502
> First Chapter
Unitale (An alternate tale) is a comic of an alternative and altered version of many other stories from other undertale au's together, is just an alternate tale more.
Various comics by @wr-n
> Masterpost
> Eldritch AU
> Dust comics
Dust Comic is a comic following the Bad Sanses as they look for a way to cure Dust of his lethal dose of Determination and LV.
Members Projects and WIPs
Blocking Sans by @samess-moon (Twitter)
Damaged tale by @6nimus9
Damaged tale is an Alternate Timeline of Undertale that takes place in a frozen post-genocide timeline where only o̸n̵e̷ ̵c̸h̷a̷r̷a̶c̵t̷e̸r̸ remains, basing its concept in how consequences can strike back.
Encantale by @codeyspace
The Human vs Monster war ended a millenium ago. Monsters trapped in the underground with hope and magic. What should've led to their extinction was instead replaced by something... enchanting.
Escort Mission by Yoki-Doki (DeviantArt)
Way before the events of Undertale, even before the war between humans and monsters, a little girl lost her way in the monster kingdom. This is the quest to help her return home.
Flowerfield AU / Ask Sunflower by @asksunflower / @tatatale
This is an ask blog about a silly guy who acts like a cat and a goat king, but is actually a skeleton. He likes flowers and tea, and sometimes things happen.
Herb by @omero-megane (Twitter)
LAU by @nixensibrat
Lonertale by @blvdcharms
Lonertale is an AU revolving around a medieval, single-most pacifist timeline where war between humans and monster is post-poned up until the main cast of characters are young adults. Follow Asriel and his friends as they go on to protect monsterkind.
Storyteller by @cursedmuii (Twitter)
“I exist based on the will of stories. I have no place to return, no name, or age, but I am called Storyteller... Come here with me, I can take you everywhere with the stories I tell… only you listen to them.”
Strays AU by @stoukadraws
“Give me your hopes and dreams, and I shall grant you true salvation.” An unknown human falls into Mt. Ebott, and begins their journey through the Underground...But something is off. Will they discover what’s truly going on behind the scenes?
Undereats by @sui-imi (Twitter)
A food delivery service that works with restaurants across the multiverse. It's run by a Gaster called Exec. They work together with - and are located in - Commercetale, an AU where trades and sales empower monster magic.
Underforgotten by @nezu-tan
Undergut by @theartist-june (Tw. Gore)
Undergut is an AU where hunger makes for desperate times. It’s not that there is no food… it’s that food could barely sustain, could barely satisfy. Magic is not enough. We need more… more…! Will you be able to survive the hunger?
UnderREM by @socksandbuttons (And @/ohlookanothercartoontofallinto)
Dreamtale with dreams and the cast of Undertale.
Underrewind by @wishingstarinajar
A comic and fanfiction/short stories are currently in the works to tell the story about Rewind, the main protagonist of this AU.
Undervalue by @6nimus9
Monsters, instead of getting trapped down by a magic barrier, are trapped directly by humans, who after winning the war started by greed have decided to take advantage of the monsters’ ability to create precious stones and gems of different values.
Wickedtale by @alch3mic (AO3) (Read Tw's.)
WICKEDTALE is a reader insert fairytale inspired Undertale AU set in the twisted Ebott City. As one of its many unfortunate inhabitants, do you have what it takes to survive in such a wretched town surrounded by secrets and misery? Well, luckily for you there seems to be a certain skeleton in your life who will go to any lengths to assure your happy ending together.
Great artist you should check anyway!!
@bloowe-blu - @lazzlady - @minaruzi- @normalayasstuff - @sanssupremacy - @shenzcorner
Other fandoms content!
@galaxii-star (Multifandom) - RazzyPossum (FNAF) - @jadenskyfare
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hiya lovely, do you have any wisdom for someone struggling to study? I've been out of school for 3 years due to illness (in my formative learning years) and now I'm gearing up for university with absolutely no study skills, low energy and a whole lot of insecurity around it. I have always been intelligent enough to learn quickly but there's a barrier I'm just not getting through, possibly due to the latent effects of the damage.
I have high expectations for myself and I want to model myself off of your brand! Thank you very kindly in advance <3
Hi love! It sounds like you're in a difficult situation, especially for someone in their teens. My heart goes out to you for overcoming this and going after a university degree. This ambition and dedication takes a considerable amount of mental fortitude and strength, so please remember that. I'm flattered by your kind words <3
Here are some of my study tips to help you maintain your stamina and focus:
When in doubt, make everything into an itemized list (topics, timelines, organizing by subtopic, key facts/people/dates surrounding a significant event, concept, theory, or ideology, cause and effect, problem and solution, etc.)
Use real-life analogies and applications as often as possible to retain information (e.g. to remember acronyms, propositions through the "box" metaphor, etc.)
Reframe long-winded information into an ongoing narrative. Humans are better at retelling stories than retaining/regurgitating a laundry list of facts or statistics
Organize your study sessions to each focus on one main topic, concept, or chapter
Create a timeline for all your assignments. Plan in advance to work on projects in milestones rather than all at once
Utilize time-blocking to pace yourself through the information (e.g. devote 30 minutes to one task or an hour to studying a specific concept; take a fully unplugged break before resuming work or another study session). Use a countdown timer if you think it would be helpful for you – everyone is different
Prioritize rest, even if it sounds counterintuitive at first. You're most productive and focused when your mind is well-rested enough to achieve and maintain peak performance. Efficiency is more important than time spent on a task – the former is what makes all of the difference (and leads to a more well-rounded, fulfilling life, too)
Discover motivating playlists that keep you on task. I love the ones for ADHD from Jason Lewis - Mind Amend on YouTube (I'm listening to one now, lol). Coffee or caffeinated tea can also help your energy to power through a study session, just don't overdo it
Focus on one task, page, or concept at a time. Don't let the entirety of a project or the volume of your overall workload overwhelm you. Just focus & prioritize what's in front of you. Take one step closer to your goals every day. Perfectionism is the most stifling barrier to progress and long-term success. Remember that
You got this! Hope this helps xx
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freusan · 9 days
I'm new to the zaregoto series, i just watched the anime and got obsessed with Jun and i want to see more of her, i head that theres a LN with her as a protagonist, can i read it without reading the other volumes? If yes then whats the name of this LN?
Hey, I love Aikawa Jun too! The LN series you're talking about is called the Saikyou Series (Strongest Series). It's wonderful. It's one of my favorite parts of the Zaregoto Series. I mean my profile picture is from it, even. The art Take has done for it is stunning.
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But no, you shouldn't read it before reading Zaregoto. The biggest reason being that it's set years after the main series itself and requires a lot of context for her. If you really care about her character, I wouldn't recommend it until after the Zaregoto Series because a lot of the meaningful moments with her won't be as impactful. Another reason you can't really read it is that it's mostly untranslated. However, what has been translated can be found on @mirroredtranslations ! Please go read Zaregoto, Jun is very much involved in it and it's one of the reasons I've come to love her so much. She's also featured in other spin-offs like the Ningen Series (Human Series) which has a few manga that adapt parts of it (Ningen Shiken and Ningen Knock) Official English translations for the series as a whole are mostly missing but fans have translated some of it: You can find Zaregoto volumes 1-9 translated in English on here (make sure you're starting from Vol 1, the site shows Vol 4 first) Some of Saikyou Series on here And if you're curious about the few Ningen Series LNs which don't feature Jun but are fan translated: Vol 1, Vol 3 chapter 3, Vol 7 Ningen Series manga: Shiken and Knock The Ningen Series is all over the timeline and focuses on the Zerozaki family in the Zaregoto universe, but Knock features Jun in her teenage years. So Knock is more of a prequel, but still requires context from Zaregoto proper.
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Very long answer but I hope it helps!
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malt-rants-and-stuff · 8 months
MALT today I was maladaptively daydreaming (as one does) about kghr fantasy AUs and I was thinking... an assassin AU would be neat. But why would one of them be an assassin and how would they actually meet.
This thought process leads to -> what if hirano became Kagi's body guard but all along he's supposed to assassinate him in the end -> wait a minute.. betrayal... I've seen the name of a similar concept somewhere... -> Knight's betrayal??? -> WAIT A MINUTE WASN'T THERE A MALT AU CALLED KNIGHT'S BETRAYAL AU
okay first of all, that sounds like such a fun au and the timeline between all of your thoughts is hilarious lol
second of all, don't think I've ever actually fully explained what's up with knights betrayal on here oops. that's on me haha I'm used to just letting people guess what my brainwaves mean. I'll try my best to explain!! continuing under the cut :)
okay so the basic break down of knight's betrayal is that kagiura, a child of a famous and well-respected family of knights, spends his days guarding the third prince of his empire (niibashi) after war has broken out on the eastern half of the continent. he was sent there by his family a year prior to keep him away from the harsh realities of battle and has stayed there until now.
hirano, on the other hand, is a different story. having grown up working for a lesser known noble's household and being drafted at an early age, hirano is a talented swordsman forced to retreat from the front lines after being mortally wounded and losing his left eye. he is given a choice by his captain afterwards: either retire early and be taken back to his old household, or work as an inside man to send information back and forth from the battlefield to the palace. stubborn and not willing to return to his old life, he chooses the latter.
this all leads up to their first ever meeting, when hirano walks into the palace where niibashi lives and delivers a message to his staff while kagiura is standing guard by the prince's side. there isn't much to say about this meeting, since afterwards kagi leaves with niibashi while hirano is taken to the medical wing to receive proper treatment for his eye and other wounds he gained while traveling. then they dont see each other for at least another month and a half ^.^
my main thing with KB is that i want it to be short but feel large, so the story takes place over a large span of time and is only about 20-30ish chapters give-or-take? lots of it is still drafts and things probably will change so i wouldn't get attached to that figure but yeah. it is just generally an excuse to write kagihira as two people who seem to be similar but are from such wildly different backgrounds and hold such different views of the world that it leads to them misunderstanding a lot about their relationships and conversations haha. also gay ass knights.
then, of course, there is the betrayal that comes along with knight's betrayal. Obviously. i will say that the politics are a huge part of the story, but kagiura "unreliable narrator who has been sheltered by his family and never been made to see real battle" akira isn't really focused on all of that. he is aiming for his strangers to lovers mysterious bad-boy with golden heart romance and is not about to let things like "lineage" and "suspicious behaviors" get in the way of that. unfortunately for him, hirano has not gotten the memo and will use every opportunity to sniff out strange faces and rumors that hold a little too much weight.
there's plenty of other things too, like sasamiya bakery romance and shirahama starting a great revolt. there's a side story i wrote ages ago that i have to resist spoiling centered around hanzawa the bookkeeper and tashiro the informant. kuresawa and his girlfriend are acting out romeo and juliet across the continent. poor bodyguard ogasawara is trying and failing to keep archivist eimi from lighting things on fire in the name of her sacred tomes. makimura gets arrested for slandering the emperor. everyone is having a bit of fun :>
the exciting thing about KB's story that has me frothing at the mouth though is that it is in the very end a Tragedy. not in a "everyone is going to die" way necessarily, but everything happens for a reason. everything has consequences. everything.
i'm so excited just getting to talk about it tbh! its been such a silly little thing in my mind for the longest time so its awesome to get to share a bit of it :)))
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melishade · 8 months
Number 41?
This ask game
Main AOP timeline, after chapter 52 before chapter 56.
Hanji's thoughts began to wander in regards to that fight. The fight that Kiyomi had requested, and the fight both Optimus and Megatron agreed to. They remember how epic the fight was, but they also remembered how brutal it was. But they couldn't get that image out of their head. The way that Megatron got so angry after that one punch that he sunk his claws into Optimus' arm and drew energon...blood. His blood. Optimus' blood staining the ground was a sight they thought they were never see. They couldn't help but scream in shock. And then Optimus nearly cut open Megatron's chest with his own sword.
They should have been so fascinated with a sight like that: two powerful titans fight, but all they felt was fear. Fear that they could get hurt. Fear they could...die.
"I think that was the first time we've seen them bleed," Hanji finally spoke up, causing Levi to turn his attention to them. He noticed how nervous they were as they shoved their papers to the side.
"We've seen Prime and Buckethead get hurt," Levi reminded, "What Annie tried to do in Stohess, her cutting off Buckethead's armor."
"Yes, but those were bruises!" Hanji exclaimed, "Against a weaker opponent! Levi this is the first time I've seen Optimus bleeding! This is the first time I've seen Optimus' blood spill."
Levi remembered hearing Hanji's panicked scream before he jumped into the fray to get them to stop fighting. He remembered feeling that sense of panic too. A second too late, they might have killed each other.
"I've never seen something like that before, and it worries me," Hanji confessed, "Part of me...never thought that something like that would happen. I-!...nothing on this world can actually hurt them, but what if something can?! What if something with the energon and the titans can?!"
Hanji grabbed Levi by his shoulder's. "Levi, Optimus always said he was going to protect us, but...who's going to protect him if he gets hurt? They're mortal...they can actually fucking die."
Levi didn't say a word before he placed a hand on Hanji's head. "I don't know. Hanji I can't give you an answer you want to hear, but we'll figure it out."
Hanji didn't like the answer. They hated the answer. It didn't bring them satisfaction, but it was a realistic answer. They sighed in defeat. "Okay."
When Optimus had returned, sporting a new scar on his upper right arm, the sickening feeling in Hanji's gut returned. They wanted to protect Optimus. They had to. There wasn't anyone else.
(I kind of focused on other characters immediate reaction to the fight, but not really Hanji's and Levi's perspective and how terrified they might have been. Optimus is their friend and also their ace in the hole. They can't lose him. Okay, 17 and 33 have been asked, everything else is free game and vote in the pilot poll. You have one more day left.)
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akane-kurokawa · 8 months
Finally read the first chapter of the Spica novel (translated by a great team posted by the incredible @aihoshiino) and I absolutely loved it!
First, Ai perspective is so soooo great here. We usually get perspectives of her from others, even in the two short stories, while we see a lot of bare Ai, it’s always from a group members perspective. This was really special for showing Ai’s interpretations of the other characters and their relationships.
Her neurodivergent coding is a strong as ever too, especially in her feeling of alienation from ‘normal’ people. It’s heartbreaking the way bullying and mistreatment is normalized to her, to the point where someone paying attention and caring is genuinely shocking. Speaking of which…
ICHIGO! Ichigo was perfect in this, a good president, manager, and guardian in one. I loved his reasoning for being in the industry as well as her personal values he shared with Ai. I think she really took them to heart too, even as she is immortalized as the greatest liar, that ‘shred of sincerity’ was always there and (imo) is what drew people to her the most. Unlike the other idols, who primarily wanted individual fame, Ai wants to share a genuine love with everyone.
The relationship between idols and fans; and Ai specifically with her fans, has always been one the most interesting aspects of the series for me. Most often, Oshi no Ko focuses on the negative aspect of being an idol, Ai has to travel disguised for her safety, she’s labeled a whore for seeing a former classmate, she’s objectified and dehumanized at a developing age by people unaware and indifferent to her own needs and wants.
But that’s not all there is to being an idol, and that’s not all it was for Ai either. The joy Ai got from the impact her presence had on her fans is significant, enough to pull her out of a spiraling depression caused by the bullying. Ai is someone who’s touched so many people’s lives, like Gorou and Sarina, and strived to do so.
It’s especially interesting in light of where we currently are in the manga, where the present voice of the film is that the idol industry is the root of Ai’s suffering, when I think she never felt that way at all. Of course she did suffer in the industry, but that wasn’t her main takeaway or even something I think she gave much significance to at all.
I won’t go on another tangent about the significance of the twins’ complicated perspectives of their mother’s fame today though, they weren’t even in this chapter.
In summary, a great read. I’ll have to check the pictures to see if we know who these new group members were (and also try and figure out the timeline of these group members. 7 after 3 months?? Didn’t they start with 5?)
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naughtygirl286 · 5 months
Tumblr media
So we finally went to see the next chapter of the MonsterVerse GodzillaxKong: The New Empire. I was super excited to go see this because as a Godzilla fan I have been enjoying this series. Also yes there was plenty of collectable goodies for this movie which of course you can see here.
So as for the movie itself I would say I pretty much loved it I thought it was great myself. I loved all the monster action and all the smashing and crashing. You can tell how these movies evolved from the 2014 Godzilla to now being in the 2014 movie it was very I'd say human centric and as they went on the monsters pretty much took center stage. I feel that the human involvement in this movie was very minimal and were there when they needed to be. and that Warner Bros was all "they want monsters we'll give them monsters!" because I feel this was like 85% monster action!
Now with the story I do feel much like the previous Godzilla vs Kong that the story is focused more on Kong then Godzilla. Kong is the main character in this movie and does get the most screen time. but as for the story itself if kinda is telling two at the same time a Kong Story and a Godzilla story and going back and forth until the 2 meet up again. I don't know the timeline of this I don't remember if they mention anything but I think it does take place shortly after the previous movie maybe a year or 2?
Your basic story is this Kong is living in the Hollow Earth while Godzilla is above. Kong is still lonely believing he is the last of his kind until he finds a hidden underground area with many like himself but it is ruled by a ruthlessly despotic ape known only as "The Skar King" Kong of course comes into conflict with him and gets the upper hand for the moment until the Skar King unleashes his ultimate weapon a kiju named Shimo who has a devastating ice attack causing Kong to retreat and seek help from the only one who can match Shimo's power the King of the Monsters Godzilla! after a short scuffle Godzilla agrees to Help Kong and the Monster action goes into full swing!
Now I like I said I love this movie I thought it was every exciting and very fun and delved more into the mythology of the characters of Godzilla and Kong I loved how they introduced some more new monsters like The Skar King and the little minikong Suko who was a real bastard when you meet him but of course became a friend of Kong's as Kong earned his trust. I also love the return of Mothra as well. The animation and character work for this movie was impressive too especially with Kong and the other ape characters as well as Godzilla who seemed to have a greater sense of motion in this movie as you can see him both running and jumping.
Also like I said the monster action is amazing Ken Watanabe's character Dr. Ishiro Serizawa said it best in the first movie of this series back in 2014 "Let them Fight" and this movie takes that to heart and lets them fight! the fight in Egypt is alot of fun but its pretty much not until they get to Rio and then everything goes crazy! but it is so much fun to watch and I would say it is very satisfying all the smashing and crashing and buildings going flying as the monsters tear everything apart.
but in the end this is just an amazingly fun movie. There is plenty of action and its exciting and goes deeper into the lore and I feel it is having lots of fun expanding on this world and this universe. One thing with these movies is I would like to see more classic characters appear like Anguirus and maybe Gigan but I also like how they are creating newer monster for these movies too. I'm just enjoying everything in these movies and loving it all! but yeah if you are enjoying the MonsterVerse as much as I am then I would highly recommend this one.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 7 months
Heya! How are you and how are things going? What's the first thing you have to do before you start writing? Like do you have any rituals or do you need to set up notes, character plans ect?
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask!
First, I have to be listening to music, with lyrics. I dunno why but it helps with focus most of the time. Currently I'm listening to a lot of romance songs for the different relationships in my series The Secret Portal, and I have some paper beside me so I can write down the song and the relationship it reminds me of. Helps a bit with mindset, especially since I'm in my first romantic relationship.
I definitely do have a lot of notes to set up. I also need to have a game plan for the session, a goal to reach. Oh, and my water.
Unless I write during a free point in the day, my main session is after a shower and maybe some more before bed after dinner. I guess you can call that a ritual since my mindset has to be right to get any work done.
More specifics of my multi-day process under the cut just in case you're curious for a long-term process. I'm pretty sure you meant session by session, hence the above, but just in case:
I have a lot of different character notes or plot notes up at all times. To focus on my writing process for The Secret Portal Part Two, I have a general outline up just to easily keep track of what chapter is what and chapter ideas coming up from a bird's eye perspective. I also have another document that expands on the outline as I try to set up a more cohesive structure and scenes to happen in the chapter itself. I also try to figure out the order or the timeline.
As I plan each chapter, I look at the extended notes I have for it and try to plan out more details or a sequence of events. For example, the last chapter I wrote for Part Two was an extended family Christmas gathering from my character Ash's perspective. Going in, I knew there was going to be a lot of family members in a small house and at some point Ash would get so overstimulated from all the thoughts (she's a telepath) and relieve herself to her room where she'd take comfort in these telepathic probe devices.
When it came time to fully plan out the scene, I first focused on setting up a little family tree. Then I figured out what would ignite Ash getting overstimulated. I pulled up my character sheet on Ash and figured out how to line up all the things that bother her for the perfect breaking point. I also tried to figure out the details: as in, why now? Why is it just now that the thoughts were too much? What specifically will happen to make her go to her room? When she uses the probes, what will she see?
To figure out what events Ash would see was a little difficult. I have a series-long brainstorming document I consult frequently. TSP is planned to be a five book series, so it's important to plan ahead. I try to see where I am and judge what I need to develop now for later. I eventually realized there was a significant hole so I decided to patch it with a little vision.
After that, I'm usually ready to write the scene. I just have to be sure to plan first, otherwise I find myself approaching the scene awkwardly. Sometimes I will refine the details as I write-- realize that not everything worked, so I cut an idea or change something. Sometimes I'll leave myself a note to repair the scene in revisions if I understand that it's weak/I forgot something if I'm not in the mood for fixing it now. Sometimes I will fix it.
TSP Part One is in the later stages of revisions. I have a list of things to revise next time I read through it, as well as some behind the scenes details to work on. Usually I'll pick one to focus on, but may get some other stuff done on the way. For example, I'm currently reading through to add in some character ticks since I found myself repeating/some characters had the same physical reaction to some things. As I'm reading it, though, I am making minor revisions in dialogue or narration to make it more fitting of the character in question. Sometimes I'll notice an awkward transition and fix it. Maybe I'll add in more details. Maybe I'll change something (e.g., Lexi's hairstyle, Alium's lack of stairs, etc.) as I go and press "pause" on the focus of the read-through so I can quickly get it out of the way.
Sometimes I'll do behind the scenes work, though I'm usually not that consistent with that. If I'm busy doing something else I've been designing bedrooms for my characters to a) help with descriptions later down the road and b) get more into their mindset. Just don't tell my professors I'm doing this.
So I hope you've gathered, if you've read this far, that the writing process isn't very linear for me. I jump around at will depending on what my brain is telling me to do. I got stuck on the opening scene for the next chapter of TSP Pt2 so I've been revising Part One and doing behind the scenes work. I also have beta readers going in the background.
Again, thanks for the ask and if you read this far double thank you!
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claudiajcregg · 7 months
Tell Other People About Your WIPs
make a list of all your WIPs with a brief description of each and then people can ask you questions about them and then tag other people.
Tagged by both @onekisstotakewithme and @miabicicletta 💜💜💜 Thank you, guys <3 I don't know who to tag that hasn't been tagged already. Interested? Tag, you're it! :) (Please do know that there are no set sections. Pick whatever you want. I went the deranged route.)
I have an outdated WIP list, and many others unaccounted for. This is just a selection of stuff I could see myself posting or editing/retooling to write something new. I love talking about my WIPs, about as much as I hate being perceived because they are not remotely interesting. (I also love knowing which ones people are interested in! I have an incentive to work on them!) (Instead of snippets, part of my feedback loop is sending actual rough drafts to get a sense of whether it's worth working on more.)
Multichapters, different levels of completion.
S5 Pregnancy AU. My main WIP. Can you believe I’ve had this idea for a year… almost to the day? I’ve been stuck since November bc I don’t know how I want this one to end, beyond a birth. (As I’ve mentioned in the past, I feel like this has legs to become a fluffy universe. I have ideas! Timelines!) Gist of it: CJ gets pregnant circa Zooey's kidnapping. How does it change S5? It's less angsty than you think.
Campaign bars, aka campaign conversations sometimes happened at bars in the 1998 campaign. Fun stuff. I need to pick it right back.
What Once Was Ours or the IM AU (2021), aka IM ends with a breakup. Not a WIP. Not a UFO. A secret third thing. (“Finished” but not edited, and I’m doubtful people would be interested. Probably bc of some bittersweet ~memories~ attached to it. I mean, I shared a third of it to discord and people couldn’t care less, at least after a while. Now, better IM AUs are being posted these days; I'm not in a rush.) 33 chapters. 150k words. I do reread it every once in a while, and I cannot put it down. But its 'age' takes me aback. If things had been different, I'd have posted this in H2 2021/Q1 2022 (or even the planned Q2-3 2021). But alas.
The “Almost Ready, question mark” Category
Another SVD prompt meme claim: what if CJ has the crush first. The thing is, I tend to write her as having a relatively obvious crush on him at first until something makes her wise up. So this is just some ridiculous, post-first-meeting thoughts. Most of it was written in one sitting! It kinda fits with something in the campaign bars fic, too.
Post birth, hospital story: A couple of hours after their bb girl is born. Pure fluff. Recently reworked it to make it less wordy. Still failed, but it’s better focused now.
Many ficlets – the few I did post on Tumblr that haven’t been posted to the story I’m collecting them in, plus a couple more. I'm thinking the ice skating one, Jan 22, a few post-eps I wrote last year, etc.
Ambitious Projects I don't think are happening right away (or ever), but probably have a detailed outline somewhere
(I put this up instead of last, because the next category has faves, but it's also a long one.)
Danny is back a bit earlier on s7. Toby leaks (or tries to leak? I always wavered) the shuttle to him, as he and CJ are getting closer.
Simon lives. How does his relationship with CJ evolve post-honeymoon phase? What is it like when Danny returns?
You’ve got mail AU. This outline had two ways the climax could go. I had fun.
Epistolary collab (?) fic. Probably an X + 1 fic. The only one with nothing written; don’t rule out writing it individually at some point.
And because this is so long already (but not as long as it could be)… A few more under the cut – more "I just want to make sure I like them" and "this meme reminded me I meant to pick those back up." And they are still not all. (How do you summarize seven years of writing?? I've only posted 20-something of them, lol.)
“Almost Ready (but I feel like I want to make changes to them) (might just redo them altogether)”
Haunted by the Notion, 2007 edition. My beta Ruth suggested this when she edited the other story, and I wrote it around then. It’s another Christmas dinner at Filomena, and, eight years later, things are different. I feel like it hits expected beats, and is just missing some oomph. Maybe. (As much as I do like it, half tempted to make it 2009. Or later.)
Heaven’s here…: A interrupted proposal. I’ve written many proposals over the years, and I love toying with different ideas and setups. Danny takes the lead here, but I’ve been intrigued by the idea of having CJ do the final twist.
5 to 6 am 'me' time. Another story inspired by last year’s rewatch that I wrote right at the start of it (so Jan 2023?). It has five short parts with five different years of what CJ describes in the pilot as her “me time.” This is one when I think one per year would be fun, but I don’t want to repeat myself.
One bed, “sexy” edition. An AU to a sort of AU (one of the drabbles from this summer) and… it's what it says on the tin. The world does not need to read my attempts at smut. If I didn’t put it in the previous category, it’s because I am not sure that I want to post it. (All the previous attempts are locked somewhere; unfortunately, someone loves this one and noticed when I tried to do that, lol.)
First baby kick: I remember writing this while in grad school (so, late 2017? First half of 2018) but I lost it, along other fic, when my laptop had to be reset because I used Bear to write back then, but didn’t have sync across devices. I rewrote it, and I feel like it's not the same, but still. It's sweet! Includes: Danny talking to the baby, domestic fluff, and… baby kicks!
“This meme reminded me they exist and I love them, so don't be surprised if they are posted before anything in a previous category”
(Lbr, if I added something about them in this post at all, it’s because they sparked some memory.)
Mosaic broken hearts: CJ, circa S4, jealousy. Prompted by a former fandom friend, back in my productive era (first half of 2021; before that friend just ghosted me.)
I can’t believe I captured your heart (pancake breakfast, three words and eight letters). For a while there, I edited it so much but then I fell off. iirc, it was part of some morning-related prompts I saw around that I tried to fulfill in 2018? 2019? And they had like internal progression. But this one was the best of the 3-4, and I kept tweaking it.
Green light of forgiveness (IM-ish) — there are many other IM/IM-Tomorrow snippets I’ve written over the years. I’m not sure if this one makes much sense, but I liked it enough.
Distance — I recall liking this one! Might have to bump it up. CJ is in Africa, Danny is at the Farm and sulking because they left off on some sort of argument. There is some Danny-Abbey friendship goodness here. I even have a second file that is “Distance - shorter version (it’s not)”
Danny writes fiction, shows it to CJ during her pregnancy and she’s into it. Technically written. I would probably try to take another stab at it. Third time might be the charm?
San Andreo phone call/fallout from ID. I just had the idea of CJ reaching out once things calm down. This is one of those fics I’ve written a version of every year or so, but I think there was one I liked quite a bit.
Terrible taste in men — a run-in with an OC ex of CJ. It was so dumb.
Fka Impatience - actually beta’d three years ago (by that fandom friend I've mentioned twice before… actually, three times) and “done”. I just think I’d change so much about it these days. It started being something else but ended up being a CJ-Toby friendship story in which they have lunch and catch up. But I would want to rewrite most of it now, and not just because it’s from like… 2019 (but finished in 2021).
I forgot this one initially! he's passing by, rare as the comet in my sky - 2? 3? times CJ thinks she sees Danny somewhere, and one time she does. (Which tried to work in the 'I remember shunning you' line.) I even wrote some sort of sequel later! Probably useless.
I said I would post a lightning round with fics that are either also done but not ready for me to mention them, or just… not done at all. The length of this post and how much I've spent on it is embarrassing. To give a general overview: in line with the nonsense I've been mentioning, includes phone calls at the end of S7, also a few friendship-focused fics around that time, too; present-day stuff; anniversaries; Hollis fundraisers; weddings; many ficlets, introspective thoughts, a “yes day” fic that's super sweet but needs better dares, the third memoir idea (the original one!!!!) that I had three years ago… And those are mostly the ones I had preselected, lol.
If you're interested, I can screenshoot this part in the notes app if you message me!
Anyway, this is embarrassing, and the worst part is that it's not all. fml.
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vampryoteuthis · 1 year
Hey do you have any akatsuki stories you’d recommend? Or just enstars stories in general? I’m still new to the game but I’d like to understand the characters more :3
I’m super flattered you’d ask me!! My reputation as the Akatsuki Guy continues to precede me huh… I also want to say I have a friend who is working on an akatsuki story masterlist right now, which will go into more depth than I might.
well! this got much longer than i expected! using the read more feature to spare all of you.
In general, for any era of enstars stories, I’d recommend switching between event stories and gacha stories, especially for any reminisce stories. The reminisce stories have some of the best plot driven writing in enstars, but almost all of them deal with heavy topics and are pretty darn long (Meteor Impact is currently the longest enstars story outside of the SS finals at 54 chapters!). This goes for any unit that’s from (!) era.
Also, when I say (!) era and (!!) era, I’m referring to the game the story is from. Anything from (!) era is from Ensemble Stars Basic, and anything from (!!) era is from Ensemble Stars Music. The timeline of Basic takes place a year prior to Music, and the units Alkaloid and Crazy:B are not present in any Basic stories (you probably already knew that but it never hurts to overexplain!) As for the aforementioned reminisce stories, as they’d have you believe, these stories take place prior to the events of Basic by a year. All of these stories, with the exception of Obbligato, were written during Basic’s game run. These are the stories that The War(tm) (which you may have heard of) takes place in.
ok now for the actual story recommendations… all of the (!) era stories can be found on the Wayback Machine (they used to be on the enstars wikia until they were taken off in August 2021), and (!!) era stories may be fan translated, but all will be officially translated in the English app (someday).
Please keep in mind these are all just recommendations! Read whatever you’d like at whatever pace.
For (!) era, I recommend reading the main story first. Akatsuki is pretty relevant in it, and it gives you a pretty good idea of their character at the start of the game. The main story is also covered in the anime, but it doesn’t give the most comprehensive takes on some characters. Think of it as watching an abridged movie version of a book.
After that, I recommend reading the event story Tanabata, which is a pretty early on (chronologically) story featuring both akatsuki and ra*bits, then read the event story Quarrel Festival which is an event story I’ve read at least five times at this point, and features akatsuki and fine. These are both pretty good stories for understanding akatsuki after the events of the main story (these stories take place in the summer, while the main story takes place in the spring).
After that I really really recommend reading the Underdoctor gacha story because it’s very cute and fun and you probably need a break after Quarrel Festival. Then you should read the Hanafuda gacha story and the Cats and Camelia event story. These are both pretty light reads too which is nice!
Ok did you have fun reading light and easy to understand content? Because the next couple stories will not be that in the slightest. Repayfes is super important, because it’s (chronologically) the last story before (!!)’s story. Akatsuki is infamously not the main characters of this story - It’s primarily an UNDEAD and 2wink focused story. Nevertheless, it’s still important to read, especially for reading Crossroad, which is what DEADMANZ (the band that’s mentioned in Repayment Fes) is from. I could get a phd on this story it drives me absolutely crazy. Really good story for all 3 akatsukis but it primarily features Keito and Kuro. After that, buckle in, we’re reading Meteor Impact. This is like the big bad enstars story everyone talks about that changed their lives. It’s good, yes, but I’m begging you, dear reader, please read it for akatsuki’s moments too, and not just Chiaki and Kanata - they’re the featured 5 stars, yes, but this is an incredibly important story for akatsuki as well, not just ryuseitai and MaM.
Speaking of MaM I hope you like Madara because I’m making you read Shinsengumi next. Long time friends of mine know how much I love my little darling boy Madara Mikejima so you bet I love this story. It’s also a really good Kuro story so you bet I love it even more. Epic win. This story is not a reminisce story, so you’re finally free. It’s kinda heavy content wise Kuro talks about his mom and Madara does some mind game bullshit with multiple people but I HIGHLY recommend this one. Trust me
There’s also a song that goes with this one!
Ok and last but not least for (!) event stories, I recommend the Cinderella event. This one is a pretty fun read compared to whatever the hell Shinsengumi is. Kuro breaks a window. Keito wears a dress. Stellar content. I also think you should read the Four Beasts of Fistfighting gacha because it’s very important to understanding the Dragon King B1 which - wow! - is first mentioned in the Main Story! It’s like one big circle huh? Crazy
These aren’t every single akatsuki story, as well! Feel free to pick and choose gacha stories that feature any of the akatsuki members in them. I have some personal favorites, but they don’t really add any Lore context you’d be missing. Comic World and Onigashima are two of my favorites of these.
Ok that’s it for (!) content! This is already waaaay way too long so I’m so sorry.
For (!!) content, I recommend first reading the Music Main Story. Akatsuki isn’t a main character in this one, but they do have some important updates on what each character is up to and how akatsuki is doing as a unit after Kuro + Keito have graduated.
Now, this is where some stuff gets hard. Every story in the Japanese version of Enstars Music will eventually be translated, but engstars is about two years behind, meaning this post may be outdated soon! If there’s a story on here that looks cool and you don’t see it on engstars, know it’ll be there eventually! You can also look for fan translations online. Many translators do not like their translations being included in master lists, so I will not be linking to any direct translations in this post out of respect.
My number one recommendation for a music akatsuki story is Blade and Fist (also known as Unification by Force). It’s currently available to read on the English version, as it was Kuro’s center event. If you’re not an akatsuki fan after reading the over a dozen stories I suggested, this is gonna do it for you. It’s such a good story I highly highly highly recommend it!
I also recommend Spy the Mission (no souma in this one but keito + kuro are very prominent in it) and Vagabond (all of akatsuki is in this), for stories currently out in engstars. It also never hurts to browse idol stories of the three - the idol stories tend to be a lot more lighthearted and less plot relevant, and have the idols interacting with each other! Very very cute and fun. I recommend this for any idols you like, honestly!
Well, you made it. You read my entire word soup about akatsuki stories. Congrats. Did I mention it took doctors 20 years to realize I was autistic.
If you have any other questions please ask me!! Keep in mind this isn’t a comprehensive list at all - All of akatsuki have tons of other stories they’re in, these are just some of the most “important” ones!
have a wonderful night my dear sweet anonymous asker
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soov-archived · 2 years
WR⩇NG R⩇⩇M! 1O. d-day
warnings & an! 2.4k words. mentions of anxiety + the written part SUCKS. i decided to let ive perform satuday 14th in this timeline too :) link to the playlist again if you like to read bigger chapters while listening to music <3
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MAY 14TH, 2022
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After a month of announcements and changes in the original schedule, Kpop Flex began its activities, and you might've seen multiple idols you admired walking around backstage.
The trip to Frankfurt was successful if you excluded the bickering between the self-proclaimed ‘Sunghoon Hate Club’ and Sunghoon himself. Not to mention the exhausting feeling of staying seated for seventeen hours. The journey to the stadium was similarly great, again, if you excluded the fact that the twelve of you did not have time to stop by your hotel.
Rehearsals were fine. ‘Just fine’, you'd say. Enhypen went first and did the mic test, followed by VOON. Finally, after long and unnecessary checkups, you thought you would have the ‘Dope’ cover final rehearsal. However, one of your managers informed you that you would not; the festival's organization expected both groups to keep up the suspense they created.
Partly, you were glad. You thought that if they let you do the dry run for the song, you'd mess up some moves like Enhypen did just for the main setlist. The number of fans starting to pile up inside the stadium made your stomach drop, enhancing your apprehension. Even with almost four years of performing and a world tour recently finished, you still felt the same anxiousness you felt when you debuted.
On other hand, you were disappointed. You wouldn't get the last chance to convince yourself that one week of training was enough time to get the choreography. An overbearing weight was set on your shoulders, particularly due to the official title of main dancer you held.
By that time, you found yourself seated on a leather couch in VOON's assigned dressing room. Every inch of your brain seemed to be torn apart brutally with the seven-hour jetlag. Your outfit itched, your makeup felt heavy on your skin, and the boots you wore squeezed your feet mercilessly. If there was any supernatural force responsible to dictate your life, it hated you.
Bouncing your leg up and down, you knit your eyebrows together in anxiousness. You trapped your bottom lip between your teeth while loud cheers passed through the door as staff members came and went.
You were too immersed in your negative thoughts to notice that seven new people entered the place. A gentle tap on your forearm made you quickly turn your head to a smiley person.
“Hi!” Jungwon chirped, a hand close to his chest waving shortly. He pointed to the free space on the couch as he raised his eyebrows. “Is anyone there?”
“Oh, uh, hi.” You replied in a daze. Looking where he motioned to and shaking your head, you denied, “No, no. You can sit here if you want.”
He obliged, and you scooted to the left to give him more room (though there was enough space for two other people to sit in between you). Your eyes traveled to your members quietly, taking note of other familiar voices.
Sora sat on a makeup chair, fanning herself with her script. A young woman calmly applied a peach blush on her plump cheeks. Sunoo and the black-haired singer chatted while occasionally stealing annoyed glances at Sunghoon. The cut on her head — as Jake said — was minuscule, and healed significantly.
A cameraman filmed Eunjoo showing Heeseung some locking moves, her specialty, as he stared at her with gleeful eyes. You thought the editor would definitely write something along the lines ‘Cool Senior Eunjoo’ or ‘Best Sister’ for the caption. The 02z (including April) watched the two and giggled enthusiastically, stopping whenever the lens focused on them.
Mingyu and Riki were hidden in a corner sharing a pack of chips, and probably gossiping or talking about animes — a thing they developed only when they saw one another in person. The boy caught your gaze and smiled widely.
“Seems like everyone went for people their age.” Jungwon spoke airly from beside you, observing many scenes develop before him and turning to you. “We weren't too invasive, were we?”
“No, no! I think Joo even said something about visiting you all.” For another time, you shook your head, pessimistic feelings about the show still clouding your mind. A camera started recording your interaction, and you almost considered faking a grin.
You took some seconds to admire his clothes and distract yourself. He styled black skinny pants with a pair of boots of the same color. A loose tie and his denim jacket with golden stripes closed the outfit.
“I like your clothes.” You commented truthfully, careful not to overstep the public boundaries your company set up for you. One thing is a bunch of paparazzi and fans seeing you in real life, the other is a video. There's no coming back once the content is released.
It was easy to Jungwon notice how you seemed bothered and tired. Sometimes, his weird ability to read people was enabled, and he got to raise everyone's spirits effortlessly. He thought giving you a motivational speech wouldn't help, so he decided to keep with his cheerful demeanor, hoping it'd rub off on you.
“Thanks. They're pretty cool, aren't they?” He grinned, slightly pulling the edges of his shirt to the front to get a better look at it.
You mumbled an ‘Mhm’ in confirmation, a tad annoyed by the cameras. “If you had a hat you'd look like a modern cowboy.”
He laughed at that, the sight of his dimples greeting you. “A modern cowboy?” His cheeks went up, covering his dark irises. “Well, you're looking like an emo straight from 2010 today.”
“Excuse you?” Gasping dramatically, you rolled your eyes at him. You ignored the object filming you for a while, forcing your concerned musings to tone down. After taking a good look at your attire, you sighed. “Yeah... Now that you said it, I think the chains and those pointy bracelets give it away.”
“At least you look like a cool emo, you are a real rockstar.” He consoled. A dumb idea to cheer you up crossed his mind, making him mimic a professional camera with raised hands. “Let me be your paparazzo. C'mon, quick! Strike a pose!”
Jungwon's playful attitude made you giggle softly. Posing with rock horns and an air guitar, you observed him crouch down to get different angles in his so-called photos.
“Look here, rockstar Y/n!” He lifted an arm, the other still making the form of a camera. “When will your next album be released? Your fans are dying to know!”
“You're asking too much, mister. That's a top-secret info.” You jested, acting like flashes were blinding you, preoccupation long gone. “I can only say that the title track is related to medicine.”
“You're joking,” Jungwon spoke incredulously, raising his head from behind his hands. You nodded to the sides, and he smiled mischievously at that. “You wouldn't mind telling me the real name of the song, would you?”
“Yes, I would.” Chuckling, you slowly pushed his palms down to stop him from clicking his tongue and making camera noises, his eyes squinted. “Joo would kill me, and my managers too.”
He hummed and sat back down on the couch, dissatisfied with your answer. The man that got your jokes on film laughed under his breath and walked away. The scene probably wouldn't be aired due to how close you seemed to be, even though you still didn't know much about each other (or you about Jungwon).
After that, you realized that the presentation might be ready to start at any moment. “What time is it?” You asked.
“Uh– It's twenty past seven.” He checked his phone, turning it to you in the process.
Jungwon's lock screen elicited a small chuckle from you before you could start to overthink again. A picture of a white, unbothered fluffy dog laying on top of a hoodie came into your view.
You moved your gaze to Jungwon in awe. “Is it yours?”
“Hm?” Frowning, he turned his phone back to himself. His confused face soon turned into a gleeful one when he picked up on your question. “Oh, yeah! This is Maeumi. He lives with my parents and sister. They adopted him some months ago, but he already thinks I'm his father or something.”
“He's adorable.” You commented, imitating his expression.
The boy giggled as a way to thank you. “And you have a cat at your dorms? Shoyo, right?”
“Yep, he's Mingyu's cat. She got him when we moved in together.” Your eyes went to your colleague, who was in a surprisingly calm discussion with the other maknae. “He gets all sad when we don't give him enough head pats and attention.”
Maintaining your focus on Mingyu, you asked Jungwon for a favor. “Talking about cats, remember two days ago when we made that video call, and you hypnotized me with your eyes? The Puss In Boots eyes.”
“Yeah... Wait– I didn't do ‘Puss In Boots’ eyes!” He huffed. “I only do that to get what I want!”
“That's– Oh my God, that is literally the same thing, Won!” You harmlessly argued back. “I need you to do it for me. Just one time.”
Yang expected you to wait for his answer, but you were already standing up and making your way through the sea of people. “Y/n, hold up!” He followed you, dodging the staff until he reached the corner of the room. “I didn't agree yet!”
His shouting was of no use. You were already tapping a young man's shoulder, who he recognized as one of your managers.
“Hi, Jihoon-nim!” Mustering your most innocent smile, you bowed slightly to him and Enhypen's manager, Taejin, on his right. “What's up?”
“The festival is up, Y/n.” Jihoon put his clipboard under his arm with a bored face. “What do you need?”
“Oh, yes! I wanna go see IVE for a little. Y'know, catch up with Wonyoung and Hyunseo, things like that.”
Jihoon eyed the confused teen behind you, suspecting your plans. He took a good look at both of you before putting his free hand on his hip. “And why should I let you go?”
“That's your cue!” Whispering indiscreetly, you nudged your friend towards your manager.
At that moment Yang wished he could have teleportation powers to vanish from there; he would be ashamed of his actions forever. But even then, he clasped his palms and did the best pout and ‘Puss In Boots’ eyes he could — for you.
“What are you doing?” Jihoon drew his eyebrows together. The question was mostly to you, and not Jungwon.
“Don't you feel like letting me see IVE? Look at these sparkly, beautiful eyes. Would you let poor Jungwonie down?”
Said ‘Jungwonie’ stopped a smile from appearing on his face, his stomach filling up with fireworks. Did you really think he had sparkly and beautiful eyes? Did you like them or were you just acting? Were his ears pink from your compliment? His imaginative pondering got interrupted hastily by your boss.
“I- Yes. Aren't you the one asking to go see your friends? What does Jungwon have to do with this?” He inquired, not paying mind to Taejin's snort and the boy's pleading gaze.
You were quick to mirror Jungwon's stance, pouting and batting your eyelashes as if you were begging your parents to let you sleep at your friend's house. “Please, Jihoon-nim!”
The manager sighed apologetically. “Sorry, kiddo. They're going up in a bit, but I'll see if you can meet them after the show, alright?”
“Worth the shot,” you shrugged in comprehension. “Thank you anyways. C'mon, Wonie.”
As the red-headed teen waddled close to you, Taejin shook his head in disbelief.
“He must like her a lot.” He pointed out.
“What do you mean by that?” Jihoon puzzled, writing down some reminders on his clipboard.
“Jungwon wouldn't do a skit like that if a random person asked him to.” Taejin clarified. “Even if it was his members asking, I don't think he would do it so easily.”
In understanding, Jihoon nodded.
⠀ ⠀ ✶
“You got this.” You kept repeating that to yourself to give you more confidence, pacing around backstage. IVE was almost finishing their last track, Eleven, meaning that Enhypen would soon begin their performance.
“Are you okay, noona?” Someone rested their hand on your shoulder. You turned to see Ni-Ki examining every single inch of your face with an evident worried look.
“Yeah, I am,” you waved him off bashfully. “Just getting ready for the show. I think the adrenaline is starting to kick in.”
“That's great!” He beamed, adjusting his earpiece while tapping your collarbone lightly with his fingertips. “We're gonna be amazing in our solo, hm? Now let's go with the others.”
Riki's personality was something intriguing. You noticed he was undoubtedly intense and diligent for his age, however, he had his moments of childishness.
Balancing these two sides should be hard for someone who already had so much on their plate — you knew that seeing that you two shared the same group position. You decided to stick with him if he let you, and try to give him a helping hand in the areas you had experience. If you could ease at least a small fraction of the weight he carried, you'd still be proud of yourself and Riki.
He guided you to Jungwon and Eunjoo, the leaders finishing their talk as you two came closer.
“Gather around, guys!” Jungwon spoke loudly, and the other eight came along.
“Second time in the year that we do this with other people.” Jay whistled, putting his hand in the middle of the group.
Sora let a couple of hands pile up on top of Sunghoon's to not touch his. “When was the first again?”
“Legend of K-pop with TXT and the Weverse Con,” Heeseung answered, shooting a glance at Jake because his dirty palm was brushing against his fingers.
April bumped her hip with Sora's. “We saw them at the Weverse Con! We were there too.”
“Ah, yes... I forgot.” The younger girl coughed awkwardly to the side.
“You're going up in one minute!” A staff member yelled.
“So... Does ‘EnVoon fighting’ sounds good?” Jungwon questioned, glancing around to gather the answers.
“Sounds great.”
“On the count of three?” He chimed again.
“Just do it already!” Sunghoon whined in despair.
“Geez,” Jungwon muttered, the group pushing their hands down. “Okay... 3, 2, 1–“
“EnVoon, fighting!”
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ yang jungwon, the leader of enhypen, keeps using his senior’s dance room to practice even after his manager calls him out. what is he going to do when the said senior finds out that he's not only doing it on purpose, but also trying to win her heart?
⠀ ⠀ pairing idol!yjw & f!idol!reader
⠀ ⠀ © soov, 2O22.
REi'S N⩇TES ⠀ HIIIII 😋😋 one week to write this and it still sucks . Sobbing 😞‼️ maybe i'll edit it later :| Pls dont be mad at me or riki....... lawl life goes on !!!! hahahah .. 😁
TAGLiST 1 ( CLOSED! ) @fadedluvv @hiqhkey @wony-graps @4hysgf @mfbookishbitch-vhae @raimbows4u @ahnneyong @drunkjazed @ssseob @777wonz @kange3939 @byhsng @i-yeseo @riverkee @luvdokja @kittyeji @she-is-dreaming @luveuly @zeraaax @eunbiland @ineedcoffeeandtherapy @ch0ijiung @mxristars @itznotshy @jaxavance @mitsukifilms @4vonly @jovibaes @hykai @sunoik @kkalechip @boowoowho @jeongintwt @chukiez
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Unnamed GN! MC x Mammon Fake Fic
Ship is kind of a side pairing? It's definitely there but it focuses on evenryone
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Yes okay this is 3 years late.....
Sequel to Chapter 7 - Love Made Me Do it - human childhood friends Au
Okay I wasn't planning a sequel so I need to figure out the timeline first and set up the...story? I dunno, hang on;
Ages by the time all the brothers are permanently living in the 'House of Lamentation';
Lucifer - 29 Mammon & MC - 27 Levi - 26 Asmo - 25 Beel & Belphie - 22 Lilith - 21 Satan - 18
This is also gonna focus on the entire family more than just on mc x mammon
After he turns 18, Mammon lives with Lucifer at his apartment and though they are constantly arguing it's not that bad? If anything it reminds them both of when they were younger before the others came along.
They're both constantly visiting their younger siblings at their foster home and Mammon is still constantly running around causing trouble with MC (this is way before they get their shit together and figure out they're dating).
MC takes a gap year before starting college and Mammon opts out of it altogether, despite Lucifer's insistent screaming, because the structure and process of school was hard enough goddamnit! They both do lots of small, part time jobs during the year (with scams peppered in). By the end of the yr Levi has turned 18 and moves in with Mammon (19) & Lucifer (21).
MC (19) leaves for college and Lucifer has to practically tear Mammon away from them. Mammon mopes around the house for a while after that despite constantly calling and face-timing MC and even Lucifer feels bad enough that he stops nagging Mammon to find a real job (for a week) and moves on to nagging Levi instead.
Asmo moves in by the end of the year when he turns 18 (and by now this little two bedroom apartment has 4 residents) but leaves almost immediately to uni to study to be a fashion designer
Mammon and MC rent out a small shitty one bedroom mattress-on-the-floor-those-stains-on-the-floor-look-suspiciously-like-blood apartment. MC goes to college to become a professional photographer and when their assignments call for it they use Mammon as a muse/model. while Mammon's juggling many part time jobs, this is the foot in the door he needs to start getting small professional modelling gigs that slower grow bigger and more frequent until its earning him a more or less steady income.
Levi helps some online friend with a software issue and this spirals towards him doing software/hardware repair from the apartment he shares with Lucifer (who obviously works for Diavolo - like in the human realm in canon, Diavolo owns a series of popular hotels and Lucifer is in charge of the first/biggest/main one).
Beel goes to college with a sports scholarship while still debating what to do (his ideal dream would be one of those jobs on the food network where you travel around the world eating food but he also doesn't want to be away from his family for too long, specially Belphie). He ends up, through college football, falling into sports physiotherapy and he comes back to Lucifer's every weekend.
Belphie takes a three year break before deciding what to do - mostly he just sleeps during the break & if anyone asks his life plan is to become someone's sugar baby. He does eventually end up going to college for astronomy. He sleeps through all his classes but graduates top of the class. He ends up working as an astronomer but his end goal is to retire as soon as possible and sell feet pics on the internet.
Lilith majors in herpetology with a focus in snakes, she does a minor in women's studies. She ends up in a love triangle in college - dates a guy - breaks up with him after a huge fight but they still hold a candle for each other - he starts dating a girl - Lilith accidentally seduces said girl by showing off her pet snake and buying her a slice of apple pie from a very popular/expensive/exclusive cafe called The Garden which is almost impossible to get into (Luckily her eldest brother's childhood friend/ex/current close friend is the head baker). At this point everyone likes each other but Lilith's never seen her ex's new girlfriend or her current crush's boyfriend and so on and so on. But when her ex gets badly sick & hospitalised Lilith ends up deciding to go visit him and bring a whole apple pie (his favourite) from the cafe. Of course she then meets his girlfriend/her current crush and lots of things are cleared up. When he gets better they all end up sitting down and talking and eventually over time they end up in a relationship together. Lilith does occasionally live with her brothers during college but afterwards the three of them move in together away from the city to a quaint little cottage with a lovely garden (the boyfriend is also dating some guy named Steve but he doesn't live with them). At some point in the future the girlfriend has two kids and I'm sure they live long, happy lives and nothing bad happens. Lilith runs a reptile rescue (specialising in snakes) and jokingly calls them her demon children.
Satan's that person who changes his major at least 5 times - usually depending on what the person in the book he's reading does. In the end he majors in library science and becomes a librarian.
That's the overall setup and what happens to them.
At a point where Lucifer's making the most money he can and none of the others (except Levi) are living with him but are in and out of the (now larger) apartment in groups of twos and threes, he ends up buying a very old very run down mansion where a family of 7 & their servant once lived and died after they were murdered (with only one survivor).
He says none of this to the others. He doesn't even tell them he's buying a house until he does so. During their next family only dinner (MC included because they were part of the family long before they got together with Mammon) Lucifer tells them all he bought a mansion with a large garden, and that any of them that wishes to live there can - free of charge as long as they're willing to split up the food and electricity bills. But that it's a bit rundown and that he wants their help to renovate it. Everyone is of course very excited.
Which leads to them (- lilith who had prior commitments & lives the furthest from everyone), on the next weekend, standing outside the most definitely haunted house they've ever seen. The trees in the front are bare of any leaves and blackened as if burned. Crows litter the branches staring down at them with beady eyes, cawing. It's early morning but the whole area is dark and bats circle the top of the house. The gate is a tall spindly thing that creaks in the wind. There's no other house anywhere close to it and they had to travel down a long narrow twisting road, surrounded on either side by a dense forest of tall thin trees, covered in mist to get to the house. The forest circles the house and the large back garden, now overgrown and full of weeds, almost blends in with the forest.
The eight of them stand in a row in front of the house, 7 of them wearing looks of horror while Lucifer smiles serenely.
"What the fuck" someone quiety mutters though none of them can tell which one it was
Lucifer then proceeds to tell them, quiet happily, the story behind the house before picking up a large box of tools and going inside. The others slowly shuffle after him until it's just Mammon & MC standing there.
Mammon, horrified but also strangely resigned: we're going to die here aren't we
MC, deciding there's nothing to do for it so they might as well roll with the punches, cheerful: Nope. You're going to die here. I'm going to get framed for murder and *then* killed via staged suicide
They pick up their box and move towards the house. Mammon scrambles after them.
This could have two endings.
One is they renovate everything. Bit by bit for one reason or another everyone (minus lilith) trickles back in and end up living in the house. They have family dinners with Lilith and all the in-laws (MC, Diavolo, Simeon who's technically an ex but everyone loves him so he still comes over, Solomon who's in an open relationship with Asmo, Lilith's partners, Luke because he's Simeon's kid AND everyone decided that means he's their kid too/their little brother) at least once or twice a month. They do have family and friend dinners once a month. At the family dinners Lilith's boyfriend/husband gravitates towards the other in-laws after realising how batshit crazy Lilith's family is only to then slowly realise 'no everyone's a freak here'. This ending comes slowly, it is not so much an ending as it is us no longer following their story as they continue through the ups and downs of life.
The second ending is this:
All that happens in the first ending still happens here, but there's also more to it all. And so we retrace our steps a bit;
The eight work together, sometimes joined by Lilith and the other dateables & undateables to renovate the entire house. They accidentally break through the floor and find a catacomb/labyrinth. the wind moves through it in such a way it sounds like howls of many creatures. They also find a crypt down there with an old book chained to it. Having watched Evil Dead they quickly make their way upstairs and seal up the hole.
MC's room has a whole ass tree in it and they refuse to let anyone chop it down.
Levi's has a wide stone closet built into the wall itself that they turn into a huge tank for Henry 2.0
Lucifer's deadass has a skeleton locked in a cage in it.
Mammon, immediately doing a U-turn and marching out of the room: MOTHERFUCKIN FUCK FUCK I'M OUT
MC, already follwing after him: I'll get him back don't worry
Levi, from behind the door - refusing to come inside: I-is it real?
Lucifer, already marching towards it: doesn't matter we'll be taking it down either way
In the end, they don't take it down. Mammon, Levi & Asmo refuse to touch it. Satan refuses to help Lucifer on his own room. Belphie can't be bothered to. Lucifer & MC are running around supervising and there's always something more urgent that comes up that takes it off their mind. Lilith thinks it gives the room character & forbids Beel from taking it down unless Lucifer expressly asks him to. Lucifer forgets & by the time he remembers the skeleton (now dubbed Roger) has become a fixture.
MC swears they can hear a voice calling from the attic, asking to be let out, each time they go to sleep at night - though of course no one's up there.
There's a dark reddish brown mark at the bottom of the staircase, just a little away from the front doors that none of them can get rid of no matter what they do
The house is probably haunted (or there's a gas leak no one's identified yet) but they learn to live with it, the way humans eventually learn to live with everything.
Beel goes to get a snack in the middle of the night and the fridge is always full of empty containers covered in a writing that blurs in front of his eyes. He cleans it out, closes the fridge, pats its door fondly and thanks it, taking whatever is needed to make a sandwich. He knows when he checks tomorrow that no containers will be left on the countertop and will easily dismiss it as the imaginings of a half wake, hungry mind.
No matter how much they clean out and empty the attic, someone keeps pilling blankets and pillows there until Belphie says fuck it and makes it his main napping spot
Lucifer's pens keep rearranging, Satan's bookmarks keep moving between pages, someone keeps going through Levi's stuff, Asmo's products run out faster, Mammon's room gets messy even if he cleaned it and then spent the rest of his time in MC's room, MC finds photos with the brothers they can never remember taking. Lilith's room (which she uses whenever she visits) is the only that always remains untouched.
But these things happen sporadically enough that they can just live with it and anyway all of them aren't living there (yet).
Lucifer, Levi & Asmo are the permanent residents along with Lucifer's three new dogs.
Mammon finally earns enough to buy the car he's always wanted but he doesn’t want to keep it at their apartment building so he ends up moving it to the garage in Lucifer's house, which means he & MC end up moving there (they mostly share a room at night despite having two separate rooms)
Beel wanted to move back with his family and so Belphie was pulled along.
Satan swore up and down that he was only moving here becaue of the large home library and truly nothing else.
Lilith continues to live at her own place with her partners.
The part of the first ending happens here. We once again stop following their story as they continue to live their lives.
And then we take a step. Through a door that wasn't there before, held open by a creature as old as time playing the part of a butler for a prince. We take a step over the threshold and across the universe.
To another house much like the one we left and yet - and yet - much different.
Where a family - loud and bright - lives - as they should - loudly and brightly.
Where an eldest, always working, ever busy, doesn't take care for how he arranges his pens as long as they're always on hand.
Where a second, always running, ever in a hurry, doesn't bother where his clothes land when taken off.
Where a third, serves as a general in world that has long since removed itself from the choking, tearing, searing hold of War and is now free to do with his time whatever he wills with no job to distract him from his real interests
Where a fourth who can live his entire life without needing sleep uses a bit of that time to read through books at a pace too rapid for a human to ever keep up with
Where a fifth will shed of his human skin every couple months to moisturise and groom his true body, so much larger than a human's would ever be
Where a sixth's ravenous impossible appetite empties whatever is lain in front of him
Where a seventh has made a home in what once was a cage
Where a human never stops trying to capture every moment of this new fantastical world
Where a sister's room remains closed and forever unused.
Where the pure magic in the air is strong enough that sometimes things just...bleed through the fabric of the universe
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brightbeautifulthings · 7 months
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Dreamcatcher by Stephen King
"SSDD: Sometimes it's just what you say. And sometimes you believe in nothing but the darkness. And then how do you go along?"
Year Read: 2005, 2023
Rating: 4/5
Thoughts: Against all logic, I still love this book. I read it for the first time in high school after instantly falling in love with the movie, and it was one of those books I practically memorized and internalized so hard that I don't even realize some of my thinking comes from here (until I'm rereading and going omg that's where that idea came from). It isn't just nostalgia that makes me love it though. As you probably know from my reviews, I went through a breakup, a summer depression, and a hideous book slump (the latter two from which I'm still clawing my way free). I was a little afraid to reread this, fearing it wouldn't hold up and that would only make the slump worse, but I flew through this like I was still a teenager, devouring books at a time when all of them are still new and wonderful. It might be the easiest reading I've done all year, and I was happy to sink back into King's world with my old Derry friends.
Objectively, I know this is not King's best. It's brutally gory, scatological, and full of some downright repulsive body horror. Had I not already internalized King's aliens at a young age and accepted them as perfectly fine, I might have been way more put off by his unnecessarily gross biology. (Although one need only look at the chest-bursting Xenomorphs to know this is practically standard for the genre. I don't think there's anything in here worse than that, and they're about on par for truly awful ways to die.) I'm not even typically a fan of alien novels, so this already beats the odds.
Assuming you can get past the gore, or that you're as desensitized to it as I am, it's also extremely ableist in its characterization of Douglas Cavell ("Duddits", affectionately), a character with Down's Syndrome who is also the magical key to defeating a race of aliens. King frequently falls into this unfortunate trope of giving his minority characters super special (and often stereotypical) magical powers, and Duddits has the added advantage of Incorruptible Pureness even in the face of bullying, cancer, and gut-eating aliens. There are also frequent slurs, "retard" being the most frequent, and it's used even by the main characters. It forces readers into the awkward position of being grateful to even see a disabled character portrayed positively, while recognizing that the characterization comes with its own issues.
Yet, I find myself returning to my original thesis: Despite its very real and present problems, I adore this book, and it's really the characters that make or break it. I fell in love with Duddits, Jonesy, Henry, Beaver, and Pete at first sight, and their friendship is at the heart of the novel. King does characters and childhood friendships so well, and Dreamcatcher's live and breathe off the page every bit as much as the Loser's Club from IT. I love them in the flashbacks and the present timeline, and their love and loyalty to each other effortlessly carry the story.
Despite its hefty page-count (nearly 700), the pace never lagged for me either, and I never found myself getting bogged down in the minutiae of the history or world-building the way I sometimes do with King. It's fairly well-focused on character development and moving the plot forward, and the only times my interest waned were in Kurtz's chapters. He's a fairly banal villain alongside Mr. Gray, and I would always rather spend my time with the boys and their odd, Shining-like power. I'd forgotten a lot of the differences between the book and movie lore, aside from the very obvious differences in the endings, so that was a fun comparison as well. I think it works without getting too in-depth about why the aliens work the way they do (but I've also been hugely spoiled by Mira Grant's deep dives into supernatural biology). All in all, this is still one of my favorite King novels, and I won't be hesitant to read it again when I want to visit my friends.
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los-ninos-tortugas · 1 year
RoTTMNT x Star Trek: Voyager, ideas and premise, let's talk!
So let's talk a little bit about a Donnie-centric crossover with Voyager. There will be a fic for this eventually but it probably won't be for a little while since I'm still in the brainstorming phase for this and focused on finishing "Adventurer's Journal" and updating "Nobody Invited You." But anywhosies,
I really just wanna combine two things I really really (two really's!) love. So how does Donnie get to the starship Voyager? Portal shenanigans of course,
"In hindsight, maybe asking Leo and Mikey to test their portal abilities at the same time to see if it was like "plugging two power-strips together" was a bad idea."
Now he doesn't land on the ship right away, that would be too easy. Donnie lands on some sort of desert planet, it's not too important. What's important is that he still thinks he's on Earth, and he activates his panic button and sets off to find some shelter while he waits for his brothers to come rescue him. I like to believe that the panic buttons have a pretty wide radius (Donnie's protective paranoia for the win) and, on a planet with no other signals to interfere with his, the distress signal is picked up by none other than our favorite lost starship.
The Voyager crew finds Donnie, passed out and dehydrated in the sand and picks him up.
Continuity wise, Donnie gets picked up post S6: E16 "Collective," not like, directly after. The amount of time since then is gonna be somewhat nebulous, but I want the other Borg children, namely, Icheb, to be on the ship at the time. (Edit: I’ve since decided that Donnie arrives earlier in the timeline than this. I’m not sure exactly when yet but definitely sooner than “Collective”)
I'm not gonna get too deep into Donnie's reaction when he wakes up in Sickbay, since when I finally get around to writing this fic that's probably gonna be most of the first chapter, just know that he's initially pretty freaked out to wake up surrounded by uniformed humans in a very high-tech, very medical setting, without his battle-shell.
But anyway, following the initial freakout, and finding out that he's in the future, things get pretty episodic, this is gonna be somewhat light on plot with the through-line of everyone just trying to get home one way or another. Angst is gonna be pretty light as well, mostly it'll just be concerning feelings of homesickness, restlessness, and not knowing how to actually deal with having adult supervision for once in his life. Otherwise it's fun times in space babeeyyyyy and character interactions.
I think I want Ensign Wildman (literally the only person outside of the main crew with parenting experience on the ship, or, well, the only one we really see, I know other people on the ship have kids but I don't care about them) to step up and volunteer to be Donnie's primary guardian while he's living on the ship. Is this mostly because I want Donnie and Naomi to hang out together? Yeah. Do I care? Nah, it's my AU and I get to say what happens.
That's all I have so far. I'll figure out more as I go along.
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